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In 1969, at the request of the Brazilian Aeronautics Material Department (DIRMA), the company e!

elope air"to"air tar#ets for the Air"$tri%e $qua ron &ase at the $anta 'ruz Air Base( )his pioneerin# pro*ect allo+e the company to acquire s%ills for e!elopin# pro ucts an technical support to the Brazilian Air ,orce for their trainin# missions( -n the other han , it also &rou#ht strate#ic an economic &enefits to the country, +ith the e!elopment of a local supplier( )he pro*ect opene ne+ perspecti!es for the company, +hich in!este in e!elopin# ne+ aerial tar#ets +ith more sophisticate etectin# systems such as the Acoustic )ar#et $ystem( In the mi ./0s the company e!elope 1/mm Roc%et 2aunchers systems, ha!in# currently 6 ifferent types of mo els in its pro uct portfolio an &ein# the main supplier of the Brazilian Air ,orce for this type of pro uct( ,ollo+in# its entrepreneurial spirit, the company e!elope the missile a apter for the A2"345m&raer pro#ram an a &om& an roc%et ispenser(

567I8A5R )-DA9 5quipaer is to ay the sole supplier of aerial tar#ets for #unnery trainin# an the main supplier for 1/mm roc%et launchers to the Brazilian Air ,orce, pro!i in# a &roa ran#e of pro ucts an technical support( )he company +as a+ar e three istinct quality assurance certifications an also implemente in ustry:s &est practice mana#ement controls systems(

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