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Ashland University Dwight Schar College of Education Lesson Plan Form Candidate Name: !

achael Shoult" # e n e r a l $ n f o % Su&'ect #rade Learner Profile


(ath)(easurement *)!esource !oom Si+ third grade students in the resource room% , &oys- . girls% /ustin- (att- and 0roy have a s1ecific learning disa&ility in math and reading% Provide sim1le written instructions for these three &oys% !ead instructions to /ustin% (elanie has Autism% She is allowed to go the the &rea2 area for 3min when she re4uests a &rea2% Annie is close to grade level in math and re4uires u11er level 1ro&lems% Do not 1air (att and (elanie together in 1artners%

General Information: 0his section is used to identify the su&'ect and grade you teach% $t is also where you will 1lace a descri1tion of the class ma2eu1% $tems such as total num&er of students- num&er of &oys and girls- students with $EPs and the ty1es of learning or &ehavioral issues should &e added- and any other factors that might hel1 you target your lesson to the learners in the class%

0 a r g e t

Common Core or Academic Content Standards 5&'ectives#oals or Essential 6uestions Prior Learning Post Learning

MD.D.8 Solve real world mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons. finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding unknown side length, exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters.

7e can find the 1erimeter of a 1layground

Students can effectively use a grid 8counting the &o+es9 and 2now to la&el the units of measurement% Name different sha1es% Students will &e a&le to find- create- and calculate the 1erimeter

Target: 0his section is used to identify the s1ecific content you 1lan to teach% :ere you ma2e your connections to the standards a11ro1riate to your content area% 0hen you will identify s1ecifically what you e+1ect learners will 2now or &e a&le to do as a result of the lesson% 0his must &e a measurea&le o&'ective% Also list $EP goals that are &eing addressed in this lesson 8if any9% Additionally- you should 1lace this lesson into the

conte+t of their overall study% So- identify what the learners learned to get to your lesson and then where they will go after mastering your lesson%

Ashland University Dwight Schar College of Education Lesson Plan Form

$ntroduction or :oo2 Activities; Procedures


D e l i v e r y

Show this video .+ and encourage the students to sing along% Draw a s4uare on the smart&oard% Call on the students to give lengths for each side% 6uoting the song- model how to solve for the 1erimeter% !e1eat 1rocess for triangle- rhom&us- he+agon% Call on student to draw a sha1e on the &oard and give lengths% :ave the student write out and solve for the 1erimeter on the &oard% Call on other students to hel1 chec2 each others wor2% Pair u1 the students and give them each three flashcards with the sha1es drawn on them% :ave them wor2 together as you wal2 around chec2ing their wor2% (a2e sure the students write down their 1rocess for answering the 1ro&lem% :and out 1layground activity% !ead directions :ave students &egin activity 7al2 around and as2 each student which sha1e they 1ic2ed first and how they are finding the 1erimeter% :ang u1 their wor2 on the &oard :ave students ta2e out 1iece of 1a1er and crayon :ave students draw their own sha1e with lengths and solve Collect 1a1ers as their e+it tic2et out of class% #ive Annie and her 1artner the more difficult sha1es during 1artner time Com1uter !hom&us- s4uare- triangle- he+agon- he1tagon- decagon- 4uadrilateral

Differentiation Learning Conditions Academic Language Used

Delivery: 0his is the action 1lan for your lesson% 0hin2 of this 1art as the scri1t for your 1erformance% First identify how you 1lan to Ahoo2B the learners into your lesson% (a2e this as creative and e+citing as you can% 0hen continue to develo1 your lesson 1lan in the 1rocedures section% 0his should &e develo1ed enough so that anyone could use your 1lan and teach the class% Lastly- thin2 a&out the students who need more

hel1- and the ones who will gras1 the material 4uic2ly% 7hat will you do to enrich the learning for &oth grou1s% :ere you might consider @loomCs 0a+onomy- Learning Styles- 0omlinsonCs 0iering a11roach- and (ulti1le $ntelligences% Also- &e sure to include accommodations for students on $EPs% Learning conditions include any classroom considerations that may a11ly% 0hese might include classroom safety- such as la&oratory 1rocedures or rules for discussion that assure 1hysical and emotional safety of students% Remember that the lesson must move the learners toward the objectives stated above. Academic language refers to &oth the content area voca&ulary 8i%e% 1erimeter- 1hotosynthesis- theme9 and instructional language 8i%e% coo1erative grou1s- analy"e- 1roof9 that you will use in the lesson and e+1ect your students to understand and use %

Ashland University Dwight Schar College of Education Lesson Plan Form

A s s e s s m e n t

Formative Assessment

5&servations E+it tic2et

Summative Assessment

Playground wor2sheet

Assessment: :ow will you 2now if the learners are gras1ing the information as you teach and when you have com1leted the lesson< $dentify the ty1es of formative 8while instruction 1roceeds9 and summative 8when instruction is done9 assessments you will use% Remember that the summative assessment must match the objectives stated above.

( 0echnology a t Lin2s;(edia e r !esources i a l s


Sha1es flashcards with lengths written on them 1layground wor2sheets

Materials: 0his section is your re1ository for all the tools you will need to teach your lesson% 0he first two sections are used for the electronic items you will need- the last is used for handouts- readings- etc% @e sure to include &oth instructional technology and ada1tive technology needed for this lesson%

Ashland University Dwight Schar College of Education Lesson Plan Form

! e f l e c t i o n

Content Delivery 5verall

Reflection: Professional reflection is a focus of Ashland UniversityCs College of Education% :ere is where you are to reflect on your teaching and determine what you did well- what needs im1rovement or modification% 0here is an area to reflect on your delivery of the s1ecific contentan area to discuss the 1rocess you used- and a last one to add anything you feel needs to &e stated%

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