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Dixie State University of Utah Education Department DESERT Field Experience Formal Lesson/Instruction Evaluation-Secondary

Student Joe Woolf Supervisor Student Teaching Video Norm Lister !entor +0$asic The teacher a%%ears to understand and usuall- demonstrates the conce%ts underl-ing the com%onent and successfullim%lements most elements. 1ut ma- not 1e entirel- successful TEAC 1.2 1.3 1.4.2 1.2 1.4.2 Mike Winslow +',roficient The teacher clearlunderstands and demonstrates the conce%ts21eha3iors underl-ing the com%onent and im%lements them well -'Distin.uished School Desert Hills High School "rade 10 1! Lesson Title" ###$asic Musicianshi%#### Su#$ect/DS% %lass ##S&'D ()*)### Date #10 !1 1+# Time #1"!+ ,M#

&'Unaccepta#le The teacher does not -et (')elo* )asic a%%ear to understand and demonstrate the conce%ts underl-ing the com%onent. or makes %oor or ina%%ro%riate choices in how to im%lement them/ //0 0 4not a%%lica1le or not o1ser3ed during this lesson

uses teaching strategies that are sensiti3e to di3ersit- in race. culture. ethnicit-. gender. and learning differences esta1lishes a ci3ic classroom 1ased on caring. res%onsi1ilit-. and res%ect for di3ersit differentiates for indi3idual students with learning differences or needs uses a 3ariet- of instructional strategies to su%%ort and e5%and 'nglish language learners6 communication through s%eaking. listening. reading. and writing encourages students to anal-8e ideas from di3erse %ers%ecti3es

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D!1( Effective ,eda.o.y

designs age a%%ro%riate and coherent lessons where o19ecti3es. instructional strategies. and assessment are aligned introduces lesson : states goal gi3es clear directions : e5%lanations maintains attention. a%%ro%riatel- %aces lesson. : makes smooth transitions uses a%%ro%riate technolog- to enhance instruction : su%%ort student learning engages students in assessing their own %rogress uses multi%le and a%%ro%riate t-%es of assessments to anal-8e student learning and to ad9ust instruction in res%onse to student learning needs asks <uestions to stimulate discussion and higher le3el thinking uses 3aried : creati3e teaching strategies stimulates students to reflect on %rior content knowledge. make connections. : link new conce%ts to familiar conce%ts gi3es closure to lesson 1- restating goals and learning outcomes 1.4. 1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4. 3 1.2 1.4. 1 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1

D!12-Su#$ect !atter
hel%s students understand and use su19ect matter language uses knowledge of su19ect matter to gi3e com%elling lessons that meet the needs of a wide range of students through rich and 3aried details recogni8es students6 misconce%tions and hel%s students create correct schemas demonstrates strong knowledge and confidence in su19ect matter models %ro%er use of written and oral language related to su19ect matter

( + + ( + + + ( ( ; ( ( + ; ; ; ; +

esta1lishes and monitors consistent %rocedures and standards of student 1eha3ior deals %rofessionall- and effecti3el- with ina%%ro%riate 1eha3ior 1uilds student ca%acit- to colla1orate : de3elo%s shared 3alues and e5%ectations for res%ectful interactions demonstrates and maintains ra%%ort with students 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3

D!1--Reflective 4Note" discuss after lesson : make notes on %age ! of form=

willingl- acce%ts and uses feed1ack gi3en through the coaching and mentoring %rocess esta1lishes a%%ro%riate goals to im%ro3e %ractice : continue to learn 4see 1ack of form= reflects on student learning and demonstrates the a1ilit- to transfer what the- learned to new situations uses 3ariet- of data to reflect on : e3aluate the outcomes of teaching and learning 1.4. 1 1.4. 1 1.4. 1 1.2

D!13-Teachin. Dispositions
demonstrates a %rofessional dis%osition 4e/g/. demeanor. a%%earance. %re%ared. %rom%tness. etc/= shows res%ect and care for su%er3isor. mentor and students demonstrates moral and ethical conducts and acts as a role model communicates in wa-s that demonstrate res%ect and caring for and res%onsi3eness to age. gender. ethnicit-. culture. learning and language differences of all students dis%la-s enthusiasm and e5hi1its confidence 1.4. 1 1.3 1.4. 1 1.4. 2 1.4.

7/ >our 7reas of Strength ? felt that ? addressed a su19ect that most of the students reall- care a1out which made the 1ack and forth con3ersations interesting and worthwhile/ The students treat me as their teacher and not 9ust some gu- in3ading their s%ace/ This is a commodit- which ? ha3e earned while interacting with the students/ $/ >our 7reas of Weakness ? felt at times ? was cho%%- and dis con9oined in m- lesson deli3er-/ The 1est words and sentences were hard to come 1-/ While watching the 3ideo. ? wished ? had more than one o%%ortunit- to teach this lesson ? %re%ared. 1ecause ? could see what ? would do different the ne5t time/ &/ 7reas >ou Would Like to ?m%ro3e and How This lesson %lan though 3alid in m- content area was a little foreign to the wa- ? ha3e 1een student teaching so far/ ? ha3e 1een teaching music %erformance classes and these classes are dri3en 1- %erformance as an end %roduct. not written formati3e assessments/ ? would 1e 1etter %re%ared to teach this st-le of lesson if ? were teaching an 7, Theor&lass in m- student teaching/ The im%ro3ements ? would like to see in the e3idence of this lesson. ? feel can onl- 1e reali8ed with more time in front of the students with this st-le of lesson/

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