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1: What is symbiosis? What is a good example of a symbiotic relationship? Symbiosis means two or more organisms living together.

. A good example of a symbiotic relationship would be the clown fish and the sea amoeba. The sea amoeba protects the clown fish from getting consumed by larger fish with its stinging tentacles. The clown fish would feed on creatures that goes onto the amoeba and harms the amoeba. It also provides nitrogen for the algae that is inside of the amoeba. 2: List all of the types of interactions between two types of organisms in an ecosystem (give an example of each). Type of Interaction Neutralism Effect on X 0 Effect on Y 0 Example Wolves and Lichens. Wolves do not feed on lichens and lichens do not need wolves to survive. Penicillin and Bacterias. The penicillin releases a toxin, which kills bacteria, but does not affect the penicillin. Tiger and Jackal. The jackal would follow the tiger within a safe distance and feed off of the tigers left overs. The tiger does not gain anything from this. Lion and Cheetah. They feed on the same preys. If the lions kill more preys, it will impact the cheetah and vice versa. Insects and Flowers. As the insect gets food





Predation or Parasitism

from the flower, the flower would get pollinated by the insect. - Praying mantis and Bee. The mantis consumes the bee. - Cow birds and other birds. The cow bird hatches its egg in another birds nest. Once the baby hatches, the other birds would feed it and as it grows, it pushes the other chicks outside of its nest.

3: Ecosystem Feedback Mechanisms Explain how the Wolves/Elk populations in Yellowstone are a great example of a symbiotic relationship and a negative feedback loop. Wolves and Elk populations in Yellowstone are a great example of a symbiotic relationship because as the wolves populations increases, then the elk population decreases. But the less elk in a population would cause there to be less wolves in a population. This will go on which creates a negative feedback loop because the number of elks dictates the numbers of wolves and the number of wolves dictates the numbers of elks. 4: What is the definition of a population? A group of the same species within one ecosystem. 5: Discuss what is happening with the Kudzu Plant in the United States and explain how this is an example of a symbiotic relationship (which?). In 1876, somebody bought a plant called the Kudzu Plant from Japan into the United States. The Kudzu population spread rapidly and covered many parts of the South East of the United States. Since the Kudzu had no predators due to the new environment, it was able to grow without anything to stop it, until now. A bug had adapted to be able to consume the Kudzu, and its called the Kudzu Stink Bug. This is an example of a symbiotic relationship because the Kudzu Stink Bug depends on the Kudzu as a food source.

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