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Section One

Pointers to the past History Primary Secondary Bias Artefacts Oral Propaganda Archaeology Prehistory Grid Stratigraphy Carbon 14 Dating Dendrochronology Pollen Anno Domini AD! "ear of o#r lord $ittle Dennis BC Decade Cent#ry %illenni#m Mesolithic Paleolithic %esolithic &eolithic %o#nt Sandel ' %icroliths %iddens Neolithic C(ide )ields $a*y Beds $o#gh G#r +ie,eb#lliagh %egalithic Co#rt Cairns Po#lnabrone &e.grange Corbelling Brittany The Bronze Age Bea/er people Hoards Hill and Premontory )orts D0n Aeng#s Hillfort on 1nis %2r 3edge +ombs Cist Gra,es Didn4t carry o#t cremations Stone Circles )#lacht )iadh Iron Age: The Celts Gree/s and 5omans Hallstatt $6 +7ne +#atha Derbfine +6niste 58 Aos D6na )reemen Sla,es 9rd r8 Brehons Dr#ids Samhain 1mbolc Bealtaine $#ghnasa )il8 Satires Crops : infield Animals : o#tfield Crann2gs 5ingforts So#terrains $iosanna 5athgall ringfort Co; 3ic/lo. Hair Disgrace to be fat Hygiene <e.ellery $o,e of .ar 3omen at .ar Head'h#nting %onoliths Ogham Stones Early Christian Ireland Palladi#s 41= AD Slemish Confessio St; Brigid of -ildare Saint Pachomi#s %onos St; >nda Aran 1slands ?@= AD St; )inian St; Colmcille4s St; )inbarr St; Ciar6n4s Oratories Cell Beehi,e h#ts Scriptori#m 5efectory 1nfirmary School 5o#nd 1nner t#nic O#ter Cas#la +ons#re S/ellig %ichael Boo/ of -ells Boo/ of D#rro. Aell#m Parchment Cathach 1ll#minated %an#scripts Annals 1ona Chronocle Annals of )o#r %asters High Crosses Ardagh and Derrynaflan Chalices Dar/ Ages Colmcille Col#mban#s 1ona Brendan the &a,igator Ancient Rome Romans essay! ' Pompeii %o#nt Aes#,i#s Pliny the "o#nger >Bca,ations Aolcanic ash Gie#seppe )iorelli $iC#id plaster 5om#l#s 5em#s D?E BC 5es P#blica the p#blic B#siness! Se,en -ings +arC#in the Pro#d ' Plebians Patricians >C#ites <#li#s Caesar Gallic 3ars 5oman Calendar 1mportance of army E= $egions of EFG== soldiers commanded by legates .hich .as di,ided into 1= cohorts of G cent#ries G= soldiersF not 1== as the name cent#ry might indicate! AC#ilifer Cent#rion A#Bilaries Army camps became cities )or#m Dom#s 1ns#lae Atri#m Peristyle Hypoca#st C#bic#l#m +riclini#m AC#ad#ct Cloaca %aBim#s +#nica +oga Stola Palla 1entac#l#m +hermopolia Papyr#s scrolls 3aB tablets Abac#s +epidari#m Caldari#m )rigidari#m Strigil Palaesta Colosse#m Circ#s %aBim#s Gladiators %itteH <#g#liaH <#piter apollo Aen#s %ars &ept#ne Sat#rn %erc#ry +he Pantheon a#g#rs PontifeB %aBim#s <es#s of &a*areth Persec#tion at first Catacombs Constantine set christian ch#rch free +heodosi#s ma/es it state religion >ast and 3est Goths H#ns Aandals >ast 5oman >mpire lasted 1=== years more >#ropean Inion ' $a. C#lt#re The "a#n o$ the Middle Ages %edie,al Period %nights essay! Ca,alry Chain %ail Coat of Arms <o#sts +o#rnaments Page SC#ire 1n,estit#re Chi,alry Che,al %otte and Bailey %oat O#ter c#rtain .all Portc#llis Barbican -eep Solar Great Hall +ro#bado#rs Battering rams Siege to.ers Catap#lts )e#dal System +he fief )e#dalism Aassal Ceremony of 1nfe#dation Sc#tage 5easons for decline of /nightsJ Those &ho Prayed Mon' (i$e essay! ' Pope Bishop of 5ome Concla,e Dioceses Cathedral from Cathedra bishop4s throne! 5omanesC#e Gothic )lying B#ttresses Ho. to become a priestJ Peter4s Pence +ithe +he Benedictines Abbot Prior B#rsar Cellarer +he infirmaries Almoner Prime +erce SeBt &one Aespers Compline $a#ds 1mportance of %onasteriesJ

Corr#ption o,er time led to ne. orders being fo#nded Cistercians Carth#sians +rappists Heresy Heretics 1nC#isition )riars Problem of #ned#cated priests %endicant )riars Those &ho (a)o*red: in the Co*ntry %anors Common land Serfs or ,illeins +hree field system Demesne )allo. Obligations Pillory Crime and p#nishment K+o.n air ma/es free4 Those #ho (a)o*red: in the City Charters +oll 3attle and da#b C#rfe. Disease carrying ,ermin Destr#cti,e fires Plag#es and fe,ers St; Anthony4s fire $eprosy $a*ar'ho#ses $eopardsto.n Blac/ death B#bonic Plag#e! from China )lagellants +he G#ilds Apprentice <o#rneyman from french .ord <o#r day! %aster )airs and %ar/ets Ireland in the Middle Ages +he Ai/ings ' D@? to LE= AD $ongphorts D#blin 3eBford 3aterford Cor/ $imeric/ 3ood M#ay Cess Pits Odin +hor +he B#ll $a#dabiliter +he &orman 1n,asion Dermot %ac %#rro#gh sent into eBile by 5ory O4Connor and ret#rns .ith army 5ichard de Clare Strongbo.! %otte and Bailey Castles 1rish fight bac/ Scottish Gallo.glasses K%ore 1rish than the 1rish themsel,es4 Stat#res of -il/enny A Di,ided ch#rch Blac/ Death +he Pale The Renaissance: Its Beginnings )rench .ord meaning rebirth Scholars began to ta/e ne. interest in the Classical .orld H#manists 3hy 1talyJ Physical 5emains $ibraries Gree/ scholars +rade and .ealth Patrons +he %edici )amily +he Platonic Academy $a#rentian $ibrary Cosimo de %edici and grandson $oren*o de %edici the magnificent! Pope $eo N Renaissance &riters %an#scripts Chinese Bloc/ Printing +ohannes ,*ten)erg Printing Press essay! %o,able metal type 1mportance of PrintingJ Ald#s %an#ti#s 3illiam CaBton H#mphrey Po.ell )rancesco Petrarch sonnets abo#t $a#ra &iccolo %achia,elli +he Prince Disideri#s >rasm#s 1n Praise of )olly Aernac#lar and importance ofJ 3illiam Sha/espeare Globe theatre Architect*re- Painting- Sc*lpt*re %edie,al Architect#reJ Aetr#,i#s Polio )ilippo Br#nelleschi dome of the )lorence cathedral #sing corbelling $oren*o Ghiberti Bapistry Doors 5ealistic $ifeli/e Donatello Da,id 5ealism &#de fig#res Perspecti,e )resco Sf#mato Portraits &at#re and landscapes . (eonardo da /inci essay! born near )lorence del Aerrochio Self Portrait Airgin on the 5oc/s $ast S#pper %ilan >ngineer &oteboo/s +an/sF hel Airt#s Michelangelo Bo*narotti essay!. $oren*o the %agnificent +he PietO Da,id +omb of Pope <#li#s 11 Sistine Chapel $ast <#dgement on altar .all of Sistine chapel K+he Di,ine4 +erribilita frightening creati,ity! 5aphael +he School of Athens Paintings of %adonna %aryF the mother of <es#s! Al)recht "0rer essay! Germany 3oodc#ts Poet A#thor of boo/s on topics ranging from military strategy to art Great piece of t#rf Self Portrait +he %adonna of the 5ose Garlands +he Adoration of the +rinity Appointed Chief Painter to the Holy 5oman >mperor %aBimilien Chester Beatty $ibrary Renaissance Science Aristotle Ptolemy +elescopes +he scientific methods of Sir )rancis Bacon &icholas Copernic#s On the 5e,ol#tions of the Hea,enly Spheres delayed p#blication #ntil he .as dying! . ,alileo ,alilei essay! Pisa Pend#l#m )alling obPects +hermometer 1nC#isition 1@@Q Andreas Aesali#s On the )abric of the H#man Body Bodysnatching Ambroise Par( soothing ointments and oils to treat open .o#nds Artificial limbs )ather of %odern S#rgery 3illiam Har,ey On the %otion of the Heart and Blood 5es#lts of the 5enaissanceJ -no.ledge S#pply of Boo/s Aernac#lar Access ed#cation C#lt#ral treas#re Ad,ance in h#man /no.ledge M#estioned pre,io#sly accepted ideas 5eformation

Section T#o
Changes in the E*ropean /ie# o$ the &orld: E1ploration and "isco2ery )lat Portolan charts %appa %#ndi Ptolemy Boo/ called Geography Ainland Sagas %arco Polo4s +ra,els

The Means and the Moti2es Insafe Clin/er B#ilt SC#are 5igged Cara,el B#lt $ateen 5igged $odestone Compass M#adrants Astrolabes -nots Chronometer Spreading Christianity Search for 3ealth and +rade Aoyage for -no.ledge and Disco,ery Port*g*ese E1plorers Henry the &a,igatorF School for &a,igators at Sagres +o the Cape )ernao Gomes Bartholome. Dia* Cape of Good Hope 1ndia +reaty of +ordesillas Aasco da Gama Alfonso de Alb#C#erC#e Spanish E1plorers Christopher Col*m)*s essay! Genoa 1taly Paola +oscanelli ' Port#g#ese go,ernments rePection -ing )erdinand and M#een 1sabella of Spain PintaF &inaF Santa %aria %artin and Aincente Pin*on Sc#r,y +yphoid 11 Oct 14@Q m#tiny San Sal,ador Holy Sa,io#r! C#baF HispaniolaF <amaica Amerigo Aesp#cciF cartographer Aasco &#ne* de Balboa 3erdinand Magellan essay! Cic#mna,igaed the .orld +rinidadF ConcepcionF AictoriaF SantiagoF San Antonio Sebastian del Cano Con4*est and Colonisation ConC#istadors Hernando Cortes ' %eBico Aztecs essay! ' %onte*#ma +enochtitlan +ried to b#y off Cortes K&e. Spain4 )rancisco Pi*arro Per# 1ncas Atah#alpa Disease >ffects of >Bploration and Colonisation 3ealth Death and Disease Sla,ery 5eligion C#lt#re Diet o$ the Re$ormation Protestant 5eformation 1mmoral Popes AleBander A1 ' <#li#s 11 Pl#aralism and Absenteeism &epotism Simony Selling of 1nd#lgences 1gnorance of the clergy H#manists >rasm#s Printing Patronage Martin (*ther Martin (*ther essay! SaBony Sal,ation by faith alone )aith and Good 3or/s old Christian belief Crisis o,er 1nd#lgences <ohn +et*el @? +heses ' Soon translated and printed Papal B#ll and eBcomm#nication Diet of 3orms 1?Q1 )rederic/ the 3ise Protestants Diet of A#gsb#rg Sal,ation by faith AloneF bible only so#rce of religio#s beliefF Cons#bstantiation instead of +rans#bstantiationF clergy allo.ed to marryF Pope not head of ch#rchF Baptism and >#charist only sacraments Aernac#lar ser,ices Catholics belie,e in se,en sacraments $#ther married Catherine ,on Bora former n#n! Conflict 3ars of 5eligion >nglandF 1relandF Spain and )rance %assacre of H#g#enots Spanish Armada Protestant ConC#est of 1reland +hirty "ears 3ar +ohn Cal2in +ohn Cal2in essay! born in &oyon in &orth )rance Predestination >lect Bible only so#rce of religio#s tr#th One Sacrament : Baptism Aernac#lar ser,ices Ch#rchs not decorated Presbyters Presbyterians KGene,a City of God4 Consistory Discipline )ranceF +he &etherlandsF ScotlandF >ngland and later America <ohn -noB 5enry /III essay! Defender of the )aith G .i,es Catherine of Aragon brothers .ido. +homas Cranmer Anne Boleyn <ane Seymo#r Act of S#premacy Oath of S#premacy Dissol#tion of monasteries Act of Dissol#tion Boo/ of Common Prayer Act of Iniformity By end of >li*abeths reign in 1G=E 5eformation in >ngland completed The Catholic 6Co*nter7 Re$ormation Co*nter Re$ormation essay! ' Pope Pa#l 111 Co#ncil of +rentF QL bishops t#rned #p +he <es#its 1nC#isitions Decrees abo#t beliefs >nded absenteeismF o#tla.ed nepotismF simony and pl#ralism Proper training for priests no more apprenticeships! Catechism to instr#ct the people 1mpactJ 1gnati#s $oyolaF Society of <es#s +he <es#its! Achie,ements of <es#itsJ St; )rancis Na,ier 5oman 1nC#isition Spanish 1nC#isition Sanbenitos A#to da f( The Early T*dors Henry A11 $ord of 1reland +he Pale Gaelic lords R or %ac Anglo &orman Stat#tes of -il/enny +he >arl of -ildare )it*Gerald4s $ord Dep#ty Henry A111 and the )it*Gerald4s Garret Rg )it*Gerald Sil/en +homas )it*Gerald and the destr#ction of the )it*Geralds Sir 3illiam S/effington 5eformation in 1relandJ Archbishop George +he Dissol#tion of the

%onasteries S#rrender and 5egrant $ord of 1reland -ing of 1reland Plantation ' Blac/ 5ent Shired the land M#een %ary $aoisSOffaly Plantation A S#ccess or )ail#reJ Eliza)eth and Ireland The M*nster Plantation essay! %acCarthy family and >arl of Desmond )irst Desmond 5ebellion Second Desmond 5ebellion Pope Gregory N111 Seigniories Inderta/ers Sir 3alter 5aleigh >dm#nd Spenser %#nster Plantation S#ccess or )ail#reJ Plantation o$ 8lster 8lster Plantation essay! ' H#gh O4&eill >arl of +yrone %ag#ire of )ermanagh O4Donnell of Donegal +reaty of %ellifont <ames 1 /ing after death of >li*abeth 1G=E )light of the >arls 1G=D to 5ome left Ilster leaderless Inderta/ers Ser,itors +he 1rish +he $ondon G#ilds Progress of PlantationJ +he conditions of the plantationJ 1mpact of the PlantationJ $and O.nership &ati,e Pop#lation Co#ntryside +o.ns 5eligion C#lt#re The Crom#ellian Plantation 1G41 5ebellion Sir Phelim O4&eill 5ory O4%oore Confederation of -il/enny Oli,er Crom.ell 5o#ndheads Charles 1 and his Ca,alier forces $anded at 5ingsend D#blin Drogheda 5easons for Cromellian PlantationJ Ad,ent#rers Act of Settlement to KHell or to Connacht4 Sir 3liiam Petty Protestant Ascendancy 1mpact of Crom.ellian PlantationJ Introd*ction to Age o$ Re2ol*tions Absol#tionism Di,ine 5ight of -ings +he >nlightenment <ohn $oc/e Aoltaire %ontesC#ie# Constit#tional %onarchy The American Re2ol*tion American Re2ol*tion essay! ' Col#mb#s4 S#ccessorsJ +he thirteen colonies +he ca#ses of the American 5e,ol#tion +he )rench and 1ndian 3ars +aBation .itho#t 5epresentation Stamp Act M#artering Act K+arred and )eathered4 Sons of $iberty +he Declaratory Act +o.nshend Acts Boston %assacre +he Boston +ea Party +ea Act 1DDE 1ntolerable Acts +he )irst Continental Congress O#tbrea/ of 3ar Battle of $eBington %in#temen General George Gage Pa#l 5e,ere Second Continental Congress Continental Army ,eorge &ashington essay! Commander'in' chief Battle of B#n/er Hill Hessians +homas Paine KCommon Sense4 Declaration of 1ndependence +he American Army +he British Army Aalley )orge ' Battle of Saratoga Battle of "or/to.n General Corn.allis4s Army Inited States of America )ederal Go,ernment Congress President S#preme Co#rt Bill of 5ights )irst %odern Democracy >Bpansion The 3rench Re2ol*tion +he Ancien 5(gime Di,ine 5ight Absol#te %onarchs $o#is NA1 and %arie Antoinette )irst >state Clergy! Second >state nobility and gentry .ho li,ed at palace of Aersailles! &oblesse de la robe &oblesse d4ep(e +hird estate ' Ha#te bo#rgeoisie Sans c#lottes +aille +ithe Gabelle Cor,(e Philosophes %ontesC#ie#F AoltaireF 5o#ssea# 5e,ol#tion 1DL@ >states General Cahiers +he &ational Assembly +ennis Co#rt Oath $o#is S#rrenders )all of the Bastille Comm#ne &ational G#ard #nder %arC#is de $afayette +he Great )ear Tmigr(s +he 5ights of %an $ibertyF >C#alityF )raternity -ing )orced to Paris Constit#tion of 1D@1 Administration of )rance Ci,il Constit#tion of the Clergy )light to Aarennes Postmaster capt#res /ing 3ar O,erthro. of %onarchy Battle of Aalmy >Bec#tion of -ing $o#is 3hy did >#rope declare .ar on )ranceJ Profiteers and rising food prices ' 5obespierre and the reign of terror <acobins Girondins %aBimilien 5obespierre UessayV K1ncorr#ptible4 Committee of P#blic safety 5eign of terror 5e,ol#tionary +rib#nals $a. of S#spects >nemies of the re,ol#tion Abb(s Sieyes $a*are Carnot Conscription 1D@? end of 5e,ol#tion ? %an directory 1D@@ &apoleon Bonaparte >mperor of the )rench Re2ol*tion in Ireland <ames 11 %ary and D#tch Prince 3illiam of Orange +reaty of $imeric/ Penal $a.s $imited la.s of the 1rish Parliament Grattan4s parliament Dissatisfaction Theo)ald &ol$e Tone essay! ' Sam#el &eilson and Henry <oy %cCrac/en Society of Inited 1rishmen Catholic >mancipation 5e,ol#tion alone Secret Oath bo#nd association 1rish 5ep#blic Go,ernment Action %ilitia "eomen Bantry Bay General $a*are Hoche 1D@L 5ebellion S#ppression of Ilster $einster 5ebellion $ord >d.ard )it*Gerald 3eBford 5ebellion )ather <ohn %#rphy Bagenal Har,ey

Sectarian %assacres 5ebellion defeated ho.J +one and the )rench )rench rel#ctance +one capt#red and sentenced to hang C#t his o.n throat +one4s ompactJ 5es#lts of the 1D@L rebellionJ Act of Inion 5obert >mmet 1L=E "o#nd 1relanders 1L4L )enians 1LGD 5eform thro#gh peacef#l means Daniel O4Connell The Agric*lt*ral Re2ol*tion +he three field or open field! system strengths and .ea/nessesJ )allo. Common $and Acts of >nclos#re Charles Aisco#nt K+#rnip4 +o.nshend and the fo#r'fold rotation BarleyF +#rnipF Clo,er and .heat 5obert Ba/e.ell and selecti,e breeding <ethro +#ll and the seed drill and horse'hoe Andre. %ei/le and the thrashing machine Arth#r "o#ng ' 5es#lts of the Agric#lt#ral 5e,ol#tionJ The Ind*strial Re2ol*tion 3hy BritainJ >d.ard <enner4s smallpoB ,acine >Bpanding pop#lation Agric#lt#ral 5e,ol#tion 5a. materials %chinery 1n,estors Colonies Cottage 1nd#stry Clothiers Spinners and Spinsters 3ea,ers <ohn -ay and the )lying Sh#ttle <ames Hargrea,es and the Spinning <enny 5ichard Ar/.right and the .ater frame Sam#el Crompton and the %#le >dm#nd Cart.right and the loom 1ron and steel ind#stry Abraham Darby co/e instead of charcoal <ohn 3il/inson Kiron mad4 Henry Cort p#ddling and rolling Henry Bessemer in,ented the con,ertor Steam >ngine +homas &e.comen <ames 3att &or' in Coal mines essay! ' +rapper H#rrier The Transport Re2ol*tion Transport Re2ol*tion essay! ' Bad 5oads Arth#r "o#ng KBlind4 <ac/ %etcalf +homas +elford <ohn %cAdam Stagecoaches Canals <ames Brondley +he &a,,ies Canal %ania Beginning of 5ail.ays Stoc/ton and Darlington 5ail.ay George Stephenson K5oc/et4 K5ail.ay %ania4 +ra,el by sea Great >astern 1mpact of the ne. +ransportJ &or'ing and (i2ing Conditions &or'ing and li2ing conditions essay! ' )actory .or/ing ho#rsJ 3agesJ 3or/ing ConditionsJ $#ddites Irbanisation Sl#ms Disease 3or/ho#ses Poor $a. Inion A place of last resort Poor $a. Comminssioners 5eformers Ro)ert O#en essay! Cotton %ill Grand &ational +rade Inion Co'operati,es 5eforming the factoriesJ 1LEE )actory Act 1nspectors %ine4s Act Social Changes in Ireland: Tra2el and Transport Stagecoaches Charles Bianconi Canals &e.ry &a,igation 5oyal and Grand Canals 5ail.ay lin/ing D#blin and -ingsto.n D0n $aoghaire! .as first 1rish rail.ay Act of Inion leads to decline in 1nd#stryJ G#inness 1D?@ &orth >ast Shipping The ,reat 3amine The 3amine essay! ' +he Big Ho#se +he $andlords Absentee +enant )armers Cottiers $abo#rers +enants at .ill Ho#singJ Ca#ses of )amineJ 1L=1 pop; : ? mill 1L41 pop; : L;1mill $ac/ of 1nd#strialisation >arly %arriage S#bdi,ision Dependence on potato Cash crops 5elief Schemes 5obert Peel mai*e from America : KPeel4s Brimtone4 K&o one died of star,ation! in 1reland .hile Peel .as Prime %inister4 P#blic 3or/s Board of 3or/s A $etter from S/ibbereen So#p -itchens Pri,ate Charities M#a/ers So#p -itchens Coffin Ships 5es#lts of the )amineJ 1 mill; Died 1 mill; >migrated to mainly America and Britain Bigger farms after famine >migration %any landlords became ban/r#pt 5esponsibility of the )amineJ

Section Three
Nationalism and 8nionism &ationalists Inionists &ationalist ,; 5ep#blican Daniel O4Connell Charles Parnell 1rish 5ep#blican Brotherhood 15B! 3yndham $and Act C*lt*ral Re2i2al Gaelic Athletic AssociationF +h#rlesF &o,ember 1LL4 +he Gaelic $eag#e Do#glas Hyde >oin %ac&eill An Claidheamh Sol#is Patric/ Pearse Anglo'1rish $iterary Society 3B "eats <% SyngeF +he Playboy of the 3estern 3orld Sinn )(in Arth#r Griffith The (a)o*r Mo2ement <ames $ar/in <ames Connolly 1rish +ransport and General 3or/ers Inion 1+G3I! 3illiam %artin %#rphy 1rish Citi*en Army

The Str*ggle $or Sel$9R*le 3illiam GladstoneF British $iberal Party +he parliament Bill 1@11 Herbert AsC#ith <ohn 5edmond +he +hird Home 5#le Bill 1@1Q Sir >d.ard Carson <ames Craig British Conser,ati,e +ory Party The 5ome R*le Crisis :;:<9:;:= Ilsters Solemn $eag#e and Co,enant Ilster Aol#nteer )orce G#n'r#nning $arneF Co; Antrim 1rish Aol#nteer )orce ' >oin %ac&eill Asgard >rs/ine Childers -ing George A B#c/ingham Palace Split in Aol#nteers &ational Aol#nteers The Easter Rising :;:> Sir 5oger Casement Proclamation of the 1rish 5ep#blicW Signatories : +homas Clar/eF <ames ConnollyF >oin CeanntF Padraig PearseF <oseph Pl#n/ettF +homas %acDonaghF S(an %acDiarmada to remember them E C4sF Q P4s and Q %4s! Connolly and the 1rish Citi*en Army ' An Claidheamh Sol#is A#d Castle Doc#ment Blood Sacrifice Strategic B#ildings >aster %onday GPO )o#r Co#rts <acob4s )actory )ailed to ta/e D#blin Castle %artial $a. C#rfe. General %aB.ell Helga %ilitary Co#rts 1? eBec#ted and 5oger Casement also >amonn De Aalera and Co#ntess %ar/ie,ic* .eren4t eBec#ted in the end +hose eBec#ted became %artyrs /ictory $or Sinn 3?in Da,id $loyd George +homas Ashe Michael Collins essay! Cathal Br#gha Charles B#rgess! )rongoch >amonn de Aalera Absenteeist policy Conscription German plot and Sinn )(in banned 1@1L General >lection DE seats to Sinn )(inF 4D of those elected .ere in prisonH The &ar o$ Independence )irst D6il $incoln <ail 1ndependent 5ep#blic Democratic Programme Sent delegates to see/ 1nternational 5ecognition Aol#nteers led by Dan BreenF S(an +reacy /ill Q 51C constables at Soloheadbeg Irish &ar o$ Independence )egins essay! Aol#nteers renamed 1rish 5ep#blican Army 15A! G#errilla 3arfare Collins &ational $oan of 4??F=== e#ros and De Aalera raised 1;E billion e#ros in America Spy &et.or/ +he sC#ad )lying Col#mns Blac/ and +ans A#Biliaries Attac/ and 5eprisal -e,in Barry KCairo Gang4 Q1 &o,ember 1@Q= ' Bloody S#nday B#rning of the centre of Cor/ 1@Q= Go,ernment of 1reland Act B#rned C#stom Ho#se +r#ce 11 <#ly 1@Q1 The Treaty and Ci2il &ar $loyd George and 3inston Ch#rchill eBperienced negotiators! ,; %ichael CollinsF Arth#r Griffith etc; Plenipotentiaries .ith f#ll to negotiate and sign a treaty Anglo 1rish +reaty -e,in O4Higgins K)reedom to achie,e freedom4 KSigned my o.n death .arrant4 5ichard %#lcahy 5eg#lars 1rreg#lars $iam $ynch +om Barry Sir henry 3ilson << O4Connell Commander in chief of the )ree State Army Shelling of the )o#r Co#rts Cathal Br#gha /illed K%#nster 5ep#blic4 Arth#r Griffith Brain Haemorrage 1Q A#g#st 1@QQ %ichael Collins /illed at B(al na mBlath in 3est Cor/ QQ A#g#st 1@QQ >Bec#tions for possession of a g#n ' >rs/ine Childers eBec#ted for ha,ing a g#n .hich Collins ga,e him $iam $ynch /illed and replaced by )ran/ Ai/en Ceasefire Q4 %ay 1@QE 4F=== /illed 4 Billion e#ros of damage The C*mann na n,aedheal ,o2ernments- :;<<9@< C*mann na n,aedheal essay! ' Sinn )(in ref#se to ta/e seats 3illiam + Cosgra,e 1@QQ Constit#tion Oireachtas D6il Seanad %inisters and Secretaries Act 1@Q4 P#blic Safety Act Garda S8och6na #narmed! Co#rts of <#stice Act District and Circ#it Co#rts High Co#rts S#preme Co#rt 1@QE $and act Agric#lt#ral Credit Corporation S#gar beet factory in Carlo. Shannon hydro'electric station 1@Q4 >d#cation Act Aocational >d#cation Act <oined $eag#e of &ations +he Stat#te of 3estminster 1@E1 Army %#tiny +he Bo#ndary Commission problems 1@Q? Assasination of -e,in O4Higgins >lectoral Amendment Act Split in Sinn )(inF no. )ianna )6il Soldiers of Destiny! and Sinn )(in . 3all o$ C*mann na n,aedhael essay! General >lection 1@EQ 3ianna 3Ail in Po#er :;@<9:;=B 3ianna 3Ail :;@<9=B essay! Dismantling the treaty Oath of Allegiance remo,ed from constit#tion Go,ernor GeneralF <ames O4B#achalla 1@E? introd#ce 1rish passport and harp as emblem B#nreacht na hTireann Constit#tion of 1reland! 1@ED State renamed Tire President Head of State

Do#glas Hype .as the first president +aoiseach Head of State! Constit#tion g#aranteed the f#ndamental rights of the citi*ens 1nfl#ence of the Catholic ch#rch on constit#tion .as ob,io#s +.o paramilitary organisations to contend .ith 15A +he Bl#eshirts ACA )ascist >oin O4D#ffy &ational G#ard Poined .ith C#mann na nGaedheal to form a ne. party )ine Gael 1@EG O4D#ffy and o,er G== follo.ers fight for General )ranco in Spanish Ci,il 3ar S(an $emass loans State o.ned companies 5et#rn of the +reaty Ports Ho#se B#ilding programme Agric#lt#re self s#fficient >conomic 3ar 5ef#sed to pay Ann#ities Coal Cattle Pact &e,ille Chamberlain Anglo1rish agreement Bene,olent &e#tral +he >mergency +he >mergency Po.ers Act Censorship S#pplies 5ationing 5ation Cards Glimmer %an 1rish Shipping set #p Comp#lsory +illage )oot and %o#th disease 1@4= Defence )orces Bill ' $ocal Defence )orce $D)! 1rish Army n#mbers increased Operation Green 1rish British relations deteriorate 3inston Ch#rchill 3hy .as 1rish &e#trality biasedJJ Anti'aircraft g#ns Clann na Poblacta established by S(an %acBride Inter9Party ,o2ernments :;=B9:;C:- D :;C=9:;CE Coalition <ohn A Costello +he 5ep#blic of 1reland Act >aster %onday 1@4@ 1reland Act 1@4? 1nd#strial De,elopment A#thority C2ras +ractala Central Statistics Office Ho#se b#ilding $and 5ehabilitation ProPect Dr; &oel )ree %edical Care K%other and Child4 Scheme Social 3elfare Act Health 1ns#rance Scheme Inited &ations I&! membership 15A Acti,ity The (emass Fears :;C;9:;>> )irst Programme for >conomic >Bpansion 1nd#strial >states 1DA Anglo 1rish +rade Agreement British P% Harold 3ilson K>C#ality of Opport#nity4 >#ropean >conomic Comm#nity >>C! +he Ch#rch 5adio +elef8s Tireann 5+>! 5elaBed Censorship Abolished second le,el fees )ree transportaton to school Ini,ersity Grants K%en in mohair s#its4 &orth So#th relations Captain +erence O4&eill 1an Paisley Ireland :;>>9<GG< Ci,il 5ights association 1@D= KArms Crisis4 Charles Ha#ghey and &eil Blaney >>C membership Common Agric#lt#ral Policy $iam Cosgra,e S#nningdale Agreement Dr; Garret )it*Gerald Anglo 1rish Agreement Albert 5eynolds <ohn Br#ton Bertie Ahern Good )riday Agreement +he Celtic +iger Northern Ireland :;<G9:;@; <ames Craig 5ep#blicans 5oyal Ilster Constab#lary 5IC! B Specials KSpecial Po.ers Act4 Segregation Sectarianism Sir Basil Broo/e Orange Order Discrimination Gerrymandering Air 5aid Protection Act Home G#ard Strategic 1mportance Air 5aids Contrib#tion to .ar +he economy Northern Ireland A$ter &orld &ar II )ree second le,el ed#cation )ree medical care 1reland Act +erence O4&eill 5e,; 1an Paisley K+he +ro#bles4 Gerry )ittF <ohn H#me KOne manF One ,ote4 5iots ,iolence 15A DIP 1nternment Bloody S#nday 1@DQ 1E peacef#l demonstrators shot dead Direct 5#le S#nningdale Agreement sharing Conflict intensifies ' %argaret +hatcher Bobby Sands Anglo 1rish Agreement 1@L? +he Peace Process Gerry Adams Do.ning Street Declaration +ony Blair Bill Clinton Omagh Decommissioning Police Ser,ice of &orthern ireland PS&1! &orld &ar I and A$ter +reaty of Aersailles President 3ilson and the 14 point plan $eag#e of &ations K3ar G#ilt4 cla#se Germany to repay L;4 billion e#ros 5hineland demilitarised $imited German Army Germany to gi,e #p all colonies Germany forbidden from #niting .ith A#stria Comm#nism inspired by -arl %arB Socialists )ascism Benito %#ssolini Comm*nism in R*ssia +sar &icholas 11 #p to 1@1D 5e,ol#tion $enin <oseph Stalin K%an of Steel4 Collecti,isation Collecti,es )i,e "ear Plans 5elations .ith others 3ascism in Italy >conomic Problems after 331 %any 1talians lost faith in democracy )ascist Benito %#ssolini Stong leadership Iniform >mployment Blac/shirts Agressi,ely Patriotic +otalitarian System

Opposed to Comm#nism >lectoral $a. Acerbo $a. 1l D#ce OA5A Secret Police +rib#nals for >nemies of the State 5#led by decree Propaganda Censorship Balilla 3anted to ma/e co#ntry economically self s#fficient P#blic .or/s KPropaganda battles4 +he Corporate State Corporations +he $ateran treaty Aatican 1ndependent State "#gosla,ia )i#me Gree/ go,ernment forced to pay compensation o,er Corf# incident 1@EG Abyssinia 5ome Berlin ABis Anti Comintern Pact 1@E@ Pact of Steel .ith Germany The Rise o$ Nazism in ,ermany &a*i Party &o,ember Criminals %ein -ampf +otalitarian State $ebensra#m Anti Semitic Destroy Comm#nism +ear #p +reaty of Aersailles 5eco,er territory 5emo,e g#ilt4 &a*is organised on military lines SA KStorm +roopers4 >rnst 5ohm KBro.nshirts : SA SS #nder Heinrich Himmler >conomic Collapse 3all Street 1@Q@ Inemployment Hated <e.s and blamed them for problems 1@EQ Adolf Hitler r#ns for President against General Hindenb#rg Hindenb#rg ma/es Hitler Chancellor as Hitler had so m#ch s#pport from the people 5eichstag )ire >nabling Act Gestapo &ight of $ong -ni,es 1@E4 : Hindenb#rg dies and Hitler ma/es himself Der )#hrer +hird 5eich <oseph Goebbels Propaganda Hitler "o#th %o,ements $eag#e of German %aidens >conomy G mill; Inemployed .hen Hitler came to in 1@EQ Hardly any #nemployment by 1@E@ Concentration Camps Aol/s.agon peoples car! beetle 1@E@ Anti Semitism &#remb#rg $a.s -rystallnacht : &ight of Bro/en Glass* K+he )inal Sol#tion4 Holoca#st Anne )ran/s &#remb#rg +rials of &a*i .ar criminals $ebensra#m Anschl#ss $#ft.affe 1@EG 5hineland 1@EG 5ome Berlin ABis 1@EG'E@ .eapons testing by s#pporting General )ranco in Spanish Ci,il 3ar Condor $egion 1@EL A#strian &a*is o,erthro. go,; Anschl#ss +he S#detenland C*echoslo,a/ia 1@EL Appeasement &e,ille Chamberlain speech C*ech compromise %#nich Agreement &a*i So,iet Pact Pact of Steel 1solation by ISA 3all Street Crash 1solated 5#ssia The O*t)rea' o$ &orld &ar II ABis Po.ers Blit*/rieg K$ightening .ar4 $#ft.affe KPhoney 3ar4 D#n/ir/ 4==F=== e,ac#ated Paris declared Kopen city4 ' )i,e ne#tral co#ntriesX 1relandF Port#galF SpainF S.eden Y*erland 3inston Ch#rchill K3e shall fight themW;;3e shall ne,er s#rrender speech Battle of Britain KOperation Sealion4 5oyal Air )orce 5A)! 5adar British H#rricanes and Spitfires ,; German St#/a and %esserschmitt Blit* %#ssolini spreads .ar to Africa "#gosla,ia and &; Africa! +he S#e* Canal .here oil came thro#gh ' General > 5ommel >l Alamein ' General %ontgomery defeats 5ommel4s dessert rats4 and their retreat is stopped by General > and his army 1talians o,erthro. %#ssolini Sep 1@4E %#ssolini p#t in in &th; 1taly by Germans 1n,asion of 5#ssia KOperation Barbarossa4 K$ebensra#m4 and to eradicate comm#nism KScorched earth policy4 KGreat Patriotic 3ar4 1@4Q Stalingrad KOperation Bl#e4 5ome Berlin +o/yo ABis Pearl Harbo#r 1@ IS .arships destroyed b#t most important targetW the aircraft carriers .ere at sea %id.ay 1sland ABis Po.ers in retreat %ay 1@4? 5ed Army ta/e Berlin )ran/lin 5oose,elt $end $ease scheme German I boats Battle of the Atlantic Dresden bombing A 1 pilot less aircraft nic/named Kflying bomb4 A Q roc/et Deli,erence Day D'Day! Operation O,erlord General > &ormandy %#lberries Pas de Calais Battle of the b#lge +he Atomic Bomb A'Bomb! -ami/a*e pilots Harry +r#man >nola Gay Hiroshima &agasa/i 1mpact of 3arJJ +otal 3ar &e. balance of KCold 3ar4 Inited &ations I&! set #p in October 1@4? I& constit#tion o,er 1== separate articles! I& aimsJ Sec#rity Co#ncil General Assembly Specialised Agencies 3HOF 3+OF 1%)F )AO The Rise o$ the S*perpo#ers 1@4? S#perpo.ers : ISA and ISS5 Contrasting 1deologies Democracy Capitalism $iberty Comm#nism State o.nership of property >ast 3est &ationalised property 1@G1 Berlin 3all b#iltF 1ron C#rtain! +r#man Doctrine +he %arshall Plan %arshall Aid Comecon Berlin -orea C#ba >ast and 3est Germany ' +he Berlin Airlift &e. De#tschmar/ KOperation Aittles4 &orth Atlantic treaty Organisation &A+O! )ederal 5ep#blic of Germany Conrad Adena#er German Democratic 5ep#blic 3alter Ilbricht &orth -orea So#th -orea &orth in,ades So#th in 1@?= 1nternational army sent by I& Comm#nist leader of China %ao Ze D#ng sends Q==F=== troops to assist &orth -orea IS General Do#glas %acArth#r sac/ed General 5idge.ay Armistice agreed in 1@?E C#ban %issile Crisis 1@?@ )idel Castro o,erthre. Batista Pro American dictator of C#ba! Castro confiscates American ind#stries in C#ba IS sends army to get rid of Comm#nism in C#ba Bay of Pigs <ohn ); -ennedy &i/ita -r#shche, ISS5! s#pports C#ban Dictator %issiles detected by IQ spy planes Compromise Q $etters American missiles in

+#r/ey remo,ed and America promised not to in,ade C#ba so that -r#shche, .ill ta/e his missiles o#t of C#ba +est Ban +reaty D(tente Strategic Arms $imitations tal/s SA$+! 5ichard &iBon and $eonid Bre*hne. 1@DQ %i/hail Gorbache, Glasnost Perestroi/a &icolai Cea#sesc# in 5omania &o,ember 1@L@ Berlin 3all tore do.n and Berlin Inited October 1@@= negotiations in D#blin re#nites >ast and 3est Germany Boris "eltsin ' 1@@1 split of ISS5

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