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Drops due to Other Reason: This is often a difficult one to crack , excess TCH drop

due to other reason could be due to the following reasons: 1. Transcoder synchronization fault, the counter TR !"#CC$%#T gets incre&ented when TR sync fault is reported by the 'T! on any of the ti&eslots within the T(. ). *aulty Transcoder+. ,. TR ' congestion- use the counter T*#R./C$#( 0 TH#R./C$#( counter to check this. 1. 'locked 2interface 3R /T4 and interface proble&s. '5! 3R'/T4 de6ices causing and '5!

+. C7 link proble&s 3link una6ailability, high '.R4. 8. / 9: proble&s 3link failures, high '.R4. 7. 5f / 9: proble&s 3excess T);;8 ti&er expiry4 are not due to trans&ission related issues 3congestion, a6ailability or high '.R due to interference4, gi6e a reset to :<%s on T( that is showing / 9: proble&s4. =. 5nter&ittent digital path 3:594 >uality proble&s on trans&ission networks caused by interference on the trans&ission networks. ?. Caused by usage of features like 'T!@A! power control 3high discrepancy in power control settings in a '!C causing excessi6e C9 load4 or dapti6e Configuration of /ogical Channels. 1;. Bery high load of /ocation %pdating Re>uests within the '!C. 11. / 9: Concentration factor7 set to too high 6alue resulting in / 9: congestion.

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