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This ego is not a very intelligent thing all egos are i ioti! "#$%&

MED'TAT'ON Only love !an (e !o)rageo)s aloneness is yo)r tr)th, yo)r ivinity "*+,& The -)n!tion o- a .aster is to hel/ yo) stan alone0 Me itation is 1)st a strategy to ta2e a3ay yo)r /ersonality, yo)r tho)ghts, yo)r .in , yo)r i entity 3ith the (o y, an leave yo) a(sol)tely alone insi e, 1)st a living -ire0 An on!e yo) have -o)n yo)r living -ire, yo) 3ill 2no3 all the 1oys an all the e!stasies that h).an !ons!io)sness is !a/a(le o- "*+,&0 To (e a is!i/le .eans to learn the is!i/line o- (eing yo)rsel-, o- (eing yo)r tr)e sel- Only those /eo/le 3ho have stoo alone in their (eing, in their !larity, in their light, in their -lo3ering, 3ho have -o)n their o3n s/a!e they !an !all their eternal ho.e 444 those -e3 /eo/le are the e./erors0 This 3hole )niverse is their e./ire0 They on5t nee to !on6)er it7 it is alrea y !on6)ere 0 By 2no3ing yo)rsel-, yo) have !on6)ere it "*++&0 Thro)gh .e itation, yo) get to 2no3 yo)rsel-0 Aloneness is yo)r te./le 3here 8o lives There is nothing .ore (ea)ti-)l, .ore /ea!e-)l an .ore 1oy-)l than (eing alone "*+94*+%&0 Yo) !annot .a2e a solitary .an )nha//y (e!a)se he has learne to live 3ith hi.sel- an (e ha//y 3ith hi.sel-0 Alone he is s)--i!ient )nto hi.sel- All !hil ren are sel- s)--i!ient : that is their (ea)ty7 they are a light )nto the.selves7 they o not (other a(o)t yo)r o/inion o- the. "*%*&0 The solitary is the ele!t (e!a)se he has !hosen his o3n (eing an (y oing so yo) have !hose the (eing o- the 3hole )niverse (e!a)se there is no se/aration0 ;hen yo) !hoose yo)rsel-, yo) have !hosen 8o , an 3hen yo) !hoose 8o , go has !hosen yo) "*%<&0 'n -in ing onesel-, one -in s the .eaning o- li-e, its signi-i!an!e, 1oy an s/len or0 Yo) !an only -in this alone in an e./ty !ons!io)sness 'n the nothingness, a .ira!le ha//ens (e!a)se 3hen there is nothing else -or yo)r !ons!io)sness to (e !ons!io)s o-, the !ons!io)sness t)rns )/on itsel-0 't (e! a !ir!le "*%,&0

=nless yo) 2no3 yo)rsel- as eternal (eings, /art o- the 3hole, yo) 3ill re.ain a-rai o- eath0 The -ear o- eath is si./ly (e!a)se yo) are not a3are o- yo)r eternal so)r!e o- li-e0 On!e the eternity o- yo)r (eing is reali>e , eath (e! a lie "*%?&0 Forget-)lness o- yo)rsel- is the only sin there really is an to re.e.(er yo)rsel- is the only virt)e "*%?&0 ;e re4re.e.(er 3ho 3e are thro)gh .e itation0 B) ha sai that @the .aster5s -)n!tion is to hel/ yo) re.e.(er 3ho yo) are0A Yo) are not /art o- the .)n ane 3orl 7 yo)r ho.e is the ho.e o- the ivine0 Yo) are lost in -orget-)lness "*%+&0 To (e alone is a great o//ort)nity, a (lessing, (e!a)se in yo)r aloneness yo) are (o)n to st).(le )/on yo)rsel- an -or the -irst ti.e re.e.(er 3ho yo) are0 To 2no3 yo) are /art o- the ivine eBisten!e is to (e -ree -ro. eath, -ree -ro. .isery, -ree -ro. anBiety7 -ree -ro. all that has (een a night.are to yo) -or .any, .any lives0 Be!o.e .ore !entere in yo)r ee/ aloneness0 That5s 3hat .e itation isC (e! !entere in one5s o3n aloneness0 That aloneness has to (e so /)re that not even a tho)ght, not even a -eeling ist)r(s it0 The .o.ent yo)r aloneness is !o./lete, yo)r eB/erien!e o- it 3ill (e!o.e yo)r enlighten.ent 3hi!h gro3s -ro. 3ithin "*%9&0 To (e an insi er in this 3orl is to get lost to (e an o)tsi er, never -eeling as i- yo) are a /art o- any3here, is a great eB/erien!e o- trans!en en!e Let yo)r aloneness (e a an!e ;hatsoever eBisten!e has given yo) .)st (e a s)(tle ne!essity -or yo)r so)l, other3ise it 3o)l not have given it "#D*, #D$&0 Sa ness is sa!re (e!a)se it is yo)r o3n0 't ! (e!a)se yo) are alone an it is giving yo) a !hange to go into yo)r aloneness "#D,&0 ;henever yo) are sa , sit (y a tree, the river, or a ro!2 an relaB into the sa ness 3itho)t -ear an yo)r sa ness 3ill trans-or. into 1oy "#D%&0 ;hatsoever yo) are 3ith yo)rsel-, yo) 3ill (e 3ith others Me itation is not !on!entration nor !onte./lation0 't is not thin2ing Me itation is 1)st (eing elighte in yo)r o3n /resen!e, in yo)r o3n (eing, in a totally relaBe state o- !ons!io)sness an not oing anything no a!tion, no tho)ght, no e.otion yo) 1)st are an that is a sheer elight this 1oy

! -ro. no3here an every3here (e!a)se eBisten!e is .a e )/ o- the st)-- !alle 1oy "#*,&0 The East too2 !are o- a /erson 3ho e i!ate his li-e to .e itation (e!a)se the East !a.e to 2no3 that i- even one .an (e!a.e enlightene , his energy is share (y all "##,&0 SEEE'N8 HAFF'NESSC THE ART OF SELF'SHNESS The .ore yo) see2 yo)r ha//iness the .ore yo) 3ill hel/ others to (e ha//y "*+&0 A /erson 3ho is ee/ly intereste in his ha//iness is al3ays intereste in others5 ha//iness also ()t not -or the.0 Dee/ o3n he is intereste in hi.sel-7 that is 3hy he hel/s a ha//y /erson is so ha//y he 3ants to (e le-t alone to (e ha//y 3hy sho)l he (other to go to 3ars to (e 2ille an to 2ill othersG "*9& An )nsel-ish /erson is -r)strate (e!a)se he is @trying to (e )nsel-ish0 He !annot (e )nsel-ish (e!a)se only a sel-ish /erson Hone 3ho is intereste in his o3n ha//inessI is a(le to (e )nsel-ish An )nsel-ish /erson is al3ays in ang)ish0 He has .isse his o3n li-e an 3hen yo) .iss yo)r o3n li-e yo) (e!o.e .)r ero)s, s)i!i al0 ;henever a /erson lives in .isery he 3o)l li2e to estroy Yo) 3o)l li2e to !reate so.e sit)ation in 3hi!h yo) !an (e!o.e estr)!tiveA"*94*%&0 A ha//y /erson (elongs to hi.sel- an )nha//y /erson oes not -eel he (elongs so he !reates a s)(stit)te (elonging (y 1oining an organi>ation or gro)/ "*%&0 Yo) are here -or a short ti.e to en1oy, elight, to (e ha//y, an!e an love7 an o)t o- yo)r love an an!ing, o)r o- yo)r ee/ sel-ishness 3ill start an over-lo3ing o- energy0 Yo) 3ill (e a(le to share it 3ith others0 Love, ' say, is one o- the .ost sel-ish things "#D&0 Love is the only -ree o. -ro. atta!h.ent0 ;hen yo) love everything yo) are atta!he to nothing0 Mi2hail Nai.y The Book of Mirdad0 Love .elts the -ro>en sel-0 The sel- i- li2e an i!e !)(e7 love is li2e the .orning s)n "#%&0 ;henever there is love, the lover an the (elove (oth isa//ear into the love "$#& Love yo)rsel- i..ensely an in that love yo)r ego an /ri e 3ill isa//ears "$#&0 A /erson 3ho has not learne to love hi.sel- -alls in love 3ith his re-le!tion li2e Nar!iss)s He has (e!o.e his o3n o(1e!t o- love this re-le!tion is

the other, the se/arate sel- -ille 3ith egoisti! /ri e the ego lives tho)gh !o./arison to others "$*& Nar!issis. is the greatest o(session o- the .o ern .in "$,&0 Love 2no3s no !o./arison 'n real love there is no se/aration, no other0 The lovers .elt into ea!h other "$*&0 ;HY 'S LOVE SO FA'NF=LG Love is /ain-)l (e!a)se it !reates the 3ay -or (liss0 The .in !an -)n!tion only 3ith the ol 7 3ith the ne3, the .in is )tterly )seless (e!a)se the trans-or.ation is going to (e -ro. the sel- to3ar a state o- no4sel-, the agony is very ee/0 Yo) !annot have e!stasy 3itho)t agony0 '- the gol 3ants to (e /)ri-ie , it has to /ass thro)gh the -ire0 Love is -ire0 To s)--er in love is not to s)--er in vain (e!a)se love ta2es yo) to higher levels o- !ons!io)sness0 To s)--er 3itho)t love is )tterly a 3aste0 The .an 3ho is 3itho)t love is nar!issisti!7 he is !lose The higher love nee s yo) to (e o/en an v)lnera(le0 Yo) have to ro/ yo)r ar.or the !al!)lating .in Yo) have to ta2e ris2s an live angero)sly The other .ight re1e!t yo) h)rt yo) sho3 yo) yo)r )gliness By avoi ing the .irror, yo) are not going to gro3 (ea)ti-)l yo) are not going to gro3 either0 The !hallenge has to (e ta2en One has to go into love Those 3ho try to (y/ass the ste/ o- love 3ill never rea!h 8o Yo) (e!o.e a3are o- yo)r totality only 3hen yo) are /rovo2e (y the /resen!e o- the other "$<&0 ;hen love 2no!2s on the oor, all that is nee e to -all in love is to /)t asi e the ego "$<&0 Love gives yo) the -irst eB/erien!e o- (eing in t)ne 3ith so.ething that is not yo)r ego0 Love gives yo) the lesson that yo) !an -all into har.ony 3ith so.eone 3ho has never (een /art o- yo)r ego "$<& Yo) 3ill not 2no3 yo)rsel- 3itho)t 2no3ing the other (e!a)se the other -)n!tions as a .irror to sho3 yo) 3ho yo) really are an the areas in 3hi!h yo) nee to gro3 "$<&0 Love is the only real thing 3orth oing All else is 1)st a .eans7 love is the en 0 So 3hatsoever the /ain, go into love "$,&0 The 3hole earth has (e!o.e a .a ho)se Everyone is st)!2 3ith their o3n ill)sion o- having a se/arate sel-7 then /eo/le go .a 0 An this .a ness is .eaningless, )n/ro )!tive, )n!reative This is no 3ay to live the -)n a.ental reason -or this .a ness is that /eo/le have -orgotten the lang)age o- love Love nee s inti.a!y0 Only 3hen yo) are inti.ate oes

the other /erson (e!o.e a .irror0 ;hen yo) only have seB 3ith so.eone yo) have avoi e the so)l o- that /erson0 Yo) )se the (o y an es!a/e Yo) never (e!a.e inti.ate eno)gh to reveal ea!h other5s original -a!e S)--er love (e!a)se thro)gh the s)--ering ! great e!stasy0 Yes, there is agony yo) 3ill have to ies as an ego, ()t i- yo) ies as an ego, yo) 3ith (e (orn as a B) ha "$?&0 LOVE ;'LL 8'VE YO= THE F'RST FROOF THAT L'FE 'S NOT MEAN'N8LESS0 The /eo/le 3ho say li-e is .eaningless are the /eo/le 3ho have not 2no3n love0 All they are saying is that their li-e has .isse love 000 Let there (e /ain let there (e s)--ering0 8o thro)gh the ar2 night, an yo) 3ill rea!h a (ea)ti-)l s)nrise0 't is only in the 3o.( o- the ar2 night that the s)n evolves "$+&0 Love is the nat)ral /rayer, not i./ose (y any(o y0 Yo) are (orn 3ith it0 Love is the tr)e 8o Love is a evi!e, a .etho to 2ill yo) as a se/arate in ivi )al an to hel/ yo) (e!o.e the in-inite0 Disa//ear as a e3 ro/ an (e!o.e the o!ean ()t yo) 3ill have to /ass thro)gh the oor o- love "$+& Yo) 3ill thin2 yo) are ying, ()t only the ill)sion is ying0 Yo) have (e!o.e in enti-ie 3ith the ill)sion, tr)e, ()t the ill)sion is still an ill)sion0 An only 3hen the ill)sion is gone 3ill yo) (e a(le to see yo) are0 An that revelation (rings yo) to the )lti.ate /ea2 o- 1oy, (liss an !ele(ration "$+&0 THE M'SERY OF THE ;ORLD Yo) !annot get love -ro. so.eone 3ho has not attaine (liss-)lness that is the .isery o- the 3hole 3orl 0 Every(o y is as2ing to (e love an /reten ing to love0 Yo) !annot love (e!a)se yo) on5t 2no3 3hat !ons!io)sness is0 Yo) on5t 2no3 tr)th the eB/erien!e o- the ivine or the -ragran!e o- (ea)ty0 ;hat have yo) got to giveG Yo) are so e./ty, so hollo30 Nothing gro3s in yo)r (eing Yo)r s/ring has not !o.e yet Yo) on5t 2no3 3hat love is (e!a)se yo) have not gone ee/ eno)gh into !ons!io)sness0 Yo) have not eB/erien!e yo)rsel-7 yo) 2no3 nothing o- 3ho yo) are0 Love oes not gro3 in (lin ness, ignoran!e an )n!ons!io)sness0 'n the esert o- ar2ness in 3hi!h yo) are living, there is no /ossi(ility olove ( "<<4<,&0 First yo) have to (e so -)ll o- light an over-lo3ing energy is love "<+&0 elight that yo) are over-lo3ing0 That

Be!o.e .ore an .ore alert an a3are an love 3ill !o.e on its o3n a!!or First BE thysel- an 2no3 thysel-, then love 3ill !o.e as a re3ar "<+&0 Love is 8o "<9&0 8'VE =F 8='LT AND FEEL'N8 =N;ORTHY OF LOVE ' tr)st that 8o 5s love is great eno)gh7 ' !annot ! a sin that !an (e greater than his love ho3 !an 3e ! sins 3hi!h 8o 5s love !annot -orgiveG : Ehayya.0 A=THENT'J LOVE Real, a)thenti! love -eels o(lige to the /erson 3ho has a!!e/te his love0 He !o)l have re1e!te it0 ;hen yo) start giving love 3ith a sense o- ee/ gratit) e to all those 3ho a!!e/t it, yo) 3ill (e s)r/rise that yo) have (e!o.e an e./eror : no longer a (eggar as2ing -or love 3ith a (egging (o3l love (elongs to the 3orl o- e./erors, not (eggars0 An a .an is an e./eror 3hen he is so -)ll o- love that he !an give it 3itho)t any !on itions ",*&0 The .ore love yo) give, the .ore love yo) get ",#&0 ' o not )se the 3or @-rien shi/A (e!a)se that shi/ has ro3ne too .any /eo/le ",<&0 FOR8ET RELAT'ONSH'FS AND LEARN HO; TO RELATE Love relates ()t is not a relationshi/ Relationshi/ .eans so.ething !o./lete, -inishe , !lose -orget relationshi/s an learn ho3 to relate ",,4 ,?&0 On!e yo) are in a relationshi/ yo) start ta2ing ea!h other -or grante that is ins)lting an isres/e!t-)l 'n relationshi/s, (oth /erson (e!o.e (lin to ea!h other ",?4,+&0 'n or inary relationshi/s .ost /eo/le love a /erson (e!a)se the /erson is not availa(le (oth are attra!te to ea!h other (e!a)se they are )n2no3n to ea!h other tr)e love ha//ens only 3hen yo) have a very integrate (eing "?D4?*& love is an a--inity 3ith the inner .ost (eing o- the /erson0 A great /ara oB o- li-e is that 3hat ever yo) get yo) 3ill (e!o.e (ore 3ith an 3hatever yo) o not get yo) 3ill long -or it 000 Most /eo/le are in sear!h o- a -ish na.e atta!h.ent an love is the (ait "*,D4*,*&0 THE THREE D'MENS'ONS OF LOVEC

*0 li2eC l)st-)l, /hysi!al, /ossessive, see2s (on age, eB/loitative, #0 Man li2eC Non /ossessive, egalitarian, grants -ree o. $0 8o li2eC trans!en s )ality7 no o(1e!t to love7 no relationshi/7 a state o- (eing loving7 -)ll o- love -or the (elove 0 The -irst )ses the other as a .eans0 'n the se!on , the other is no longer a .eans 'n the thir , the other has isa//eare 0

THE FROBLEM ;'TH THE E8O AND LOVE 't is the (on age o- .arriage an relationshi/s that .a2e !o)/les loo2 so sa 0 Love never s)s/e!ts, is never 1ealo)s, never inter-eres in the other5s -ree o.7 never i./oses on the other0 Love gives -ree o. 3hi!h is only /ossi(le 3hen there are @s/a!es in yo)r togethernessA as 8i(ran says "?,&0 The other in the relationshi/ /rovi es a .irror in 3hi!h yo) !an see 3ho yo) really are, yo)r o3n !on-)sion an !haos "+*&0 The /ossi(ility o- love !an only eBist 3hen yo) on5t nee any(o y0 't5s li2e the (an2 3ho 3ill only loan .oney 3hen the /erson oes not nee it "+$&0 Yo) 3orry a(o)t 3hether the other loves yo) (e!a)se yo) are not !ertain a(o)t yo)r o3n love or yo)r o3n 3orth "+,& '- so.e(o y loves yo), yo) a!!e/t it (e!a)se yo) love yo)rsel- 3hen yo) en1oy yo)rsel-, others -in yo) en1oya(le "+?&0

;hen all /ossessiveness, 1ealo)sies an eB/e!tations isa//ear, love oes not isa//ear : yo) isa//ear : the ego isa//ears0 These are sha o3s othe ego K)st as the s)n as never 2no3n anything o- ar2ness, love has never 2no3n anything o- 1ealo)sy0 't is the ego that is 1ealo)s, !o./etitive, -eels h)rt an is in !onstant str)ggle The .ore yo) /ossess, the .ore the ego is strengthene 7 3itho)t /ossessions the ego !annot eBist Kealo)sy /reten s to (e love7 /ossessiveness !reates a .as2 o- love eB!ite.ent, -ever, an /assion are insane, (lin an )n!ons!io)s0 They give yo) the -eeling as i- they are love "+949D&0

=ntil yo) 2no3 ho3 to (e )tterly alone an (liss-)l, yo) 3ill never 2no3 3hat love is7 everything else is !o4 e/en en!y, nee iness, slavery "9D&0 Learn the art o- re.oving all that hin ers love Love is the )n er!)rrent oyo)r (eing "9*&0 Love is !, involve.ent, ris2, res/onsi(ility "9#& Love /enetrates to the very !ore o- the /erson, to)!hes the very so)l o- that /erson "9$&0 TRANSFORM'N8 L=ST 'NTO LOVE Love is the lot)s7 l)st is the .) the lot)s arises o)t o- 3itho)t love, no(o y !an trans!en l)st7 yo) !an only re/ress it0 Re/resse , it (e! .ore /oisono)s0 't s/rea s into yo)r 3hole syste.7 it (e! toBi!7 it estroys yo)0 L)st trans-or.e into live, ho3ever, gives yo) a glo3, a ra ian!e0 Yo) start -eeling light, as i- yo) !an -ly0 Yo) start gro3ing 3in s0 ;ith l)st re/resse , on the other han , yo) (e!o.e heavy, as i- yo) are !arrying a 3eight, as i- a (ig ro!2 is hanging aro)n yo)r ne!20 ;ith l)st re/resse , yo) lose all o//ort)nities to -ly in the s2y0 ;ith l)st trans-or.e into love, yo) have /asse the test o- eBisten!e "9+&0 Re/resse seB)al energy .oves yo) to3ar lover states o- (eing7 3hereas, ilove arises o)t o- l)st, yo) start rising to3ar higher (eing i- yo) 3ant to (e!o.e a B) ha "an a3a2ene one&, then on5t (e a-rai o- seB (e!o.e .ore a3are an .ore alert a(o)t it0 Be !are-)l7 it is tre.en o)sly val)a(le energy0 Ma2e it a .e itation an trans-or. it, (y an (y, into love "99&0 SeB is the (eginning, not the en 0 THREE TYFES OF SEL=AL BE'N8SC *0 Those 3ho thin2 seB is the en an lie a li-e o- in )lgen!e #0 Those 3ho are against in )lgen!es7 the o//osite eBtre.e0 Destroying seB, they estroy the.selves an 3ither a3ay0 Both are -oolish attit) es0 $0 Those 3ho are 3iseC They have no theories to i./ose0 They 1)st see2 to )n erstan 0 They see seB as an o//ort)nity to gro3 (eyon it, ()t one has to /ass thro)gh it "9%&0 ;'TH SEL, BE TR=E TO LOVEC

'- yo) live 3ith a .an or an yo) on5t love hi., yo) live in sin0 'yo) are .arrie to so.e(o y an yo) on5t5 love that /erson an yo) still go on living 3ith hi.Mher, .a2ing love to hi. or her, yo) are !o..itting a sin against love0 ;hen yo) are e!i ing against love in -avor o- so!ial !o.-orts, !onvenien!es an -or.alities, it is as 3rong as i- yo) go an ra/e a 3o.an0 ;hen yo) ra/e a it is a !ri.e (e!a)se yo) on5t love the an the oes not love yo)0 B)t the sa.e ha//ens i- yo) are 3ith a an yo) on5t love her0 Then it is a ra/e : so!ially a!!e/te , o!o)rse, ()t it is a ra/e an yo) are going against love "%D&0 '- yo) on5t love yo)r 3i-e, on5t to)!h her, (e!a)se that is tres/assing0 'yo) on5t love a, on5t slee/ 3ith her7 that is going against the la3 olove, an that is the )lti.ate la30 Only 3hen yo) love is everything /er.itte "%#&0 8RO;'N8 ROOTS 'N LOVE 't is /ossi(le i- yo) love a /erson an live the 3hole li-e 3ith hi. or her that a great inti.a!y 3ill gro3 an love 3ill have ee/er an ee/er revelations to .a2e to yo)0 't is not /ossi(le i- yo) go on !hanging /artners very o-ten To gro3 roots, a tree nee s to re.ain in one /la!e0 Then it goes ee/er an (e! stronger "%D&0 '- yo) go on !hanging yo)r or yo)r .an, yo) 3ill (e!o.e ne)roti! "%<&0 'n the East, love is 2ille (e!a)se /eo/le are a-rai to !hange relationshi/s0 'n the ;est, love is 2ille (e!a)se /eo/le are !hanging relationshi/s too o-ten0 Either 3ay, love is 2ille "%*&0 'n the East, they !ling to se!)rity, !o.-ort an -or.ality7 in the ;est they !ling to their ego5s -ree o. an non4 !, ()t love s)--ers (oth 3ays "%*&0 'n ea!h, all 3o.en are re/resente , an in ea!h .an all .en are re/resente ee/ o3n the 6)estion is o- -e.ale an .ale energy0 'nti.a!y is goo , an to re.ain in one ! is (ea)ti-)l, ()t the (asis ne!essity is love "%D&0 ;hen yo) .a2e !onta!t, .a2e it tr)th-)lly0 Don5t hi e -ro. yo)r (elove or yo)r lover : (e tr)e0 Dro/ all .as2s0 Reveal yo)r 3hole heart, (e n) e0 Bet3een t3o lovers there sho)l not (e se!rets or /oliti!s ;hatsoever arises in the heart sho)l (e trans/arent to the lover Thro)gh ea!h other yo) sho)l (e gro3ing to a higher )nity "%$&0 The real orgas. ha//ens insi e 3hen yo)r real an real .an .eet 000 Ea!h .an is hal- .an an hal- (e!a)se hal- o- yo)r (eing

!a.e -ro. yo)r .other an -ather0 Th)s, to rea!h that inner )nion, yo) 3ill have to -in a o)tsi e 3ho res/on s to yo)r inner (eing0 Then yo)r inner Hin the .anI 3ill a3a2en The o)ter is 1)st a 3ay to the inner, an vi!e versa "%$&0 't is goo that love -ails, (e!a)se the -ail)re o- love is (o)n to ta2e yo) on a ne3 /ilgri.age 't is not love that is !reating the tro)(le, it is the ego K)st 2ee/ yo)r longing ()rning, a-la.e an on5t lose heart0 Yo)r longing is the see o- yo)r s/irit)ality0 Yo)r longing is the (eginning o- the )lti.ate )nion 3ith eBisten!e0 Yo)r lover is 1)st an eB!)se to get there "%+&0 Yo)r longing to (e one is yo)r s/irit)al esire, yo)r very essential, religio)s nat)re0 't is 1)st that yo) are -o!)sing yo)rsel- on the 3rong s/ot0 Yo)r lover is only an eB!)se0 Let yo)r lover (e 1)st an eB/erien!e o- an even greater love : the love -or the 3hole o- eBisten!e0 Let yo)r longing (e a sear!h -or yo)r inner (eing0 The longing is /er-e!t right7 only the o(1e!t o- longing is not right0 That is !reating the s)--ering an the hell0 K)st !hange the o(1e!t an li-e (e!o.e a /ara ise "%%&0 FREEDOM Yo) are (orn a(sol)tely -ree7 yo) si./ly avoi the res/onsi(ility o- -ree o. "*D<&0 The only /rayer sho)l (e to (e !reative that is ho3 yo) /arti!i/ate in the 3hole yo) have to (e a /arti!i/ant, not an o(server0 Jreate yo)rsel-, yo)r !ons!io)sness, yo)r (eing "*D,&0 Free o. involves ris2s, !hoi!e, res/onsi(ility -or .a2ing the 3rong !hoi!e0 ;rong is al3ays easier (e!a)se it is o3nhill7 right is ar )o)s an )/hill0 The higher yo) go, there is the anger o- -alling Free o. is a la er on one en yo) -all (elo3 the ani.als7 on the other en , yo) as!en to heaven an rise a(ove the angels "*D?&0 O)t o- the !haos o- -ree o., stars are (orn 0 Every is!i/line is a s)(tle 2in o- slavery "*D+& Man is a (ri ge (et3een the ani.als an 8o (et3een the !ons!io)s an )n!ons!io)s "*D9&0 THE F=NDAMENTAL SLAVERY

;here there is g)ilt, yo) !annot .ove into love "**?&0 F'VE TR'JES TO JONTROL MANE'ND *0 Eee/ hi. 3ea2 so yo) !an o.inate hi.0 The (est 3ay is to i./rison love0 #0 'gnoran!e an el)sion N easily e!eive an i io!y0 Eee/ the. -ro. love an they (e!o.e )ll0 'n love .an2in /er-or.s at his /ea20 The .ost seB)al /eo/le are the .ost intelligent7 love energy is intelligent0 $0 Fear0 Eee/ .an a3ay -ro. love an he is -ear-)l love estroys -ear0 ;hen yo) are in love, yo) are not a-rai 0 ;hen .an is a-rai , he is al3ays (o3ing an on his 2nees0 <0 Misery0 A .isera(le .an has no sel- 3orth, is sel- !on e.natory an is a rea y vi!ti.0 ,0 Alienation -ro. others0 Do not allo3 inti.a!y an 2ee/ /eo/le se/arate so they !annot (an together0 All -ive tri!2s are .anage thro)gh a ta(oo against love, to)!h an inti.a!y0


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