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// Parameterizable Frequency Divider -- Testbench // // Ed Doering // 29 Feb 2004 // module Frequency_Divider_TB; reg Clock; reg Reset; wire Out;

// Instantiate the device Frequency_Divider DUT ( .i_Clock ( Clock ), .i_Reset ( Reset ), .o_Out ( Out ) ); defparam DUT.Divisor = 10; defparam DUT.Bits = 4; // Emulate the master clock oscillator always #5 Clock = ~Clock; // Emulate the power-on reset, and initialize the clock initial begin Clock = 0; Reset = 1; #10 Reset = 0; end // Evaluate the response integer TotalCycles,PreviousCount,TwoPulses; initial begin TotalCycles=0; PreviousCount=0; TwoPulses=0; end always @ (posedge Clock) TotalCycles = TotalCycles+1; always @ (negedge Clock) if (Out == 1) begin TwoPulses = TwoPulses + 1; if (TwoPulses == 2) begin $display("%d clock cycles counted between two successive output pulses", TotalCycles-PreviousCount); $display("%d cycels expected",DUT.Divisor); if (TotalCycles-PreviousCount == DUT.Divisor) $display("CORRECT OPERATION VERIFIED."); else $display("INCORRECT OPERATION DETECTED!!"); #10 $stop; end PreviousCount = TotalCycles; end endmodule

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