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NLP TECHNIQUES_ FRAMING ------------------------

Framing is one of those NLP techniques that fits in well with other NLP techniques. The framing technique itself is a type of emotional amplifier or de-amplifier, which works by rebuilding (or could be perhaps considered correcting) links in your limbic system between your amygdala and your hippocampus. What makes the framing NLP technique most affective is its simplicity and ability to be applied easily in conjunction with other NLP techniques. Before I explain exactly how to do framing, it is best if you can understand its importance and applications before you go into it. We learn lessons in life from bad memories, and good memories. In effect, memori es can be bad or good, but in reality memories are emotionless highlight reels of past events. No, that s not a typo, I do mean emotionless. Before you rage and throw your Kindle away in anger, please consider this - memo ries and emotions are clearly stored / produced by different parts of the brain. Given that those two parts of the brain are right next to each other, but they are still separate parts of the brain. Th

e hippocampus stores and produces your memories, and your amygdala is responsible for your emotions. Exercise: Right now, recall a memory that has negative emotions attached. Nothin g traumatic! Use something like failing a test or an unsuccessful interview. Got one? Good.

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