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Grade Level Meeting for End of Quarter 1. 10-11-2013 Grades: 3.4.

Expectations: PTC 1. Box and Whiskers 2. Grades, MCOMP and MCAP 3. (Common Core) Basal Alignment 4. Behavior

AIMSweb: * Pyramid reports * Guiding teachers through pulling up specic reports, and analyzing the data. How to explain the data to the parents. * Box and Whisker chart (what it means) * Target is 85% rate of being a successful reader. (based on national standard) * Top is higher outlier, bottom is lower outlier * If student is outside the dot on bottom, they are in bottom percentile * Progress Monitoring: When to do, Computer lab, during independent work, during small group/center work. Fit in where and when you can. * When explaining to parents: This is where they fell, and remember this is just the rst year of this new math curriculum... * If they blow the screening, this is where the importance of PROGRESS MONITORING comes in. * Students testing, MCAP and MCOMP - this is one day, one test. What is happening with the student? Do they have test anxiety? It is a start to see where we are, where the student is. PROGRESS MONITORING will help track where that student is going, what else they need. * If students are in the green, they are within the average of the school. If they are in the orange, we are problem solving already - RTI, if they are in the blue, we are problem solving, RTI - how to challenge them more. * Weekend, summer, break comes, we need parents to continue practicing. We!ve taught them, given them the tools. Need partnership to continue practice. * MCAP, MCOMP: This is the rst time we!ve done this, we will have more information in the second quarter... * PROGRESS MONITORING: This year, district expectation - 1 1minute test. (Resource handles their students) - Use professional judgement * Collaboration after 2nd benchmark * If you have a student that you want to send to SST, please have three points of DATA. (Student Support Team) * AIMS progress monitoring: Can be anyone you trust (TA, student teachers, parent volunteers), train and can give test. Paper and pencil option available. Training program, suggested. Rainbow report: * Average to below average, we are considering support RTI.

Jan 14th and 15th, Collaboration: Break down reading scores. Quadrant analysis, problem solving. What intervention can we take? What resources can we implement? How can we break our groups up better, work together? Tier 2 and 3 kids, progress monitoring: (* 6th grade is just MCAP, 2nd only does MCOMP)

Inservice 10-18, Planning/Intervention * Planning - staff focus: can already intervene: but do not know how to use the curriculum to its full potential. How can we use this curriculum for intervention? RTI, centers, practice books... * Staff needs support on Go Math! Planning and use. * Time frame: ??? Help determine what essential questions are, pacing guides...

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