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Government Notice No.

63 of 2011


Regulations made by t e !iniste" unde" se#tion $%% &$' o( t e O##u)ational Sa(ety and Healt A#t
1. These regulations may be cited as the Occupational Safety and Health (Fees and Registration) (Amendment) Regulations !11. 2. In these regulationsprincipal regulations means the Occupational Safety and Health (Fees and Registration Regulations 2!!".

#. Regulation # of the principal regulations is amended-

In paragraph (a (i $ in the third column$ %y deleting the figure &#!!' and replacing it %y figure &(!!')

In paragraph (a (ii $ in the third column$ %y deleting the figure &*!!' and replacing it %y figure &#!!')

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In paragraph (h (i $ in the third column$ %y deleting the figure &#!!' and replacing it %y figure &(!!')

In paragraph (h (ii $ in the third column$ %y deleting the figure &.!!' and replacing it %y figure &*!!!')

In paragraph (h (iii $ in the third column$ %y deleting the figure &2!!!' and replacing it %y figure &2(!!')

m In paragraph (h (i/ $ in the third column$ %y deleting the figure &#!!!' and replacing it %y figure &#(!!') n In paragraph (h (/ $ in the third column$ %y deleting the figure &+!!!' and replacing it %y figure &(!!!'.

+. 0hese regulations shall come into operation on * 1pril 2!**.

2ade %y the 2inister on 23 2arch 2!** Payment o( Fees Pu")ose &(' Fo" t e issue o( a (i"e #e"ti(i#ate * e"e t e )"emises is+ &i' u) to ,-%%%"es met"es &ii' abo/e ,-%%%"es met"es Fee Payable Rs $%%% $0%%

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