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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Annaliese Vander Baan Date 11/9/13 Subject/ Topic/ Theme I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"
It is one o" the bi# impacts in an ecos$stem

Invasive Species



Learners will be able to#

Identi"$ some o" the invasive species o" +ichi#an De"ines -hat invasive species are and -h$ the$ are problematic .no- the di""erent t$pes o" spreadin# and ho- the$ can be prevented

co#nitive% & ' Ap An ( )*

ph$sical development

socio% emotional

&, ' A A,'

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
/0()0(01 1Interactions234r#anisms interact in various -a$s includin# providin# "ood and shelter to one another0 Some interactions are help"ul5 others are harm"ul to the or#anism and other or#anisms0 /0()0(06 1)han#ed (nvironmental (""ects23-hen the environment chan#es, some plants and animals survive to reproduce5 others die or move to ne- locations0 17ote# 8rite as man$ as needed0 Indicate ta9onom$ levels and connections to applicable national or state standards0 I" an objective applies to particular learners -rite the name1s2 o" the learner1s2 to -hom it applies02 *remember, understand, appl$, anal$:e, evaluate, create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

%Students -ill build o"" o" previous ;no-led#e o" -hat ecos$stems are and ho- the$ all interact -ithin each other
Pre-assessment (for learning): Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment activities 1applicable to this lesson2

%<osters on each individual invasive species

Formative (as learning): Summative (of learning2=

%>ave students "ill out the -or;sheet at the end as a revie- "or me to #au#e i" the$ understood the material that -as tau#ht to them0
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation <rovide options "or perception% making information perceptible %7o students -ith visual/audio impairements Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression <rovide options "or ph$sical action% increase options for interaction %Students interact -ith partners to come up -ith the poster to e9plain to the class0 Interact to#ether -ith readin#s0 <rovide options "or e9pression and communication% increase me ium of e!pression Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement <rovide options "or recruitin# interest% choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats %+aterials and in"ormation is relatable to these students because man$ o" them ta;e interest in science and enjo$ learnin# about ecos$stems in +ichi#an0 <rovide options "or sustainin# e""ort and persistence% optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

<rovide options "or lan#ua#e, mathematical e9pressions, and s$mbols% clarify & connect language

%Vocabular$ is clearl$ de"ined in po-erpoints and handouts "or students to loo; at0
<rovide options "or comprehension% activate, apply & highlight

%Students can volunteer to read out loud, also need to read para#raph to a partner and e9plain it3-ithout "luenc$ the$ -ont understand materials0
<rovide options "or e9ecutive "unctions% coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

%Goals are "or students to listen care"ull$ to instructions, to learn the material and to have "un0
<rovide options "or sel"%re#ulation% e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

%Tellin# o" m$ stor$ can be applied to students lives to help them remember and comprehend -hat an invasive species is0 1%19%13

%To ;eep the students en#a#ed so that -a$ the$ -on?t have an$ reason to have outbursts or loose "ocus0

%Student -ill be aided throu#h poster project -ith the handout I have t$ped up "or them0

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

%(lmo overhead projector %)onstruction paper %+ar;ers/pencils %/ive invasive species e9ample %<o-erpoint slidesho%&evie- -or;sheet/@uestions t$ped %Invasive species para#raph handouts %It -ill sta$ the same setup it is in no-0

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. 2 e Plan 2ime Com!onents /otivation 1openin#/ introduction/ en#a#ement2 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. 19=1A2%I -ill tell the stor$ about the time I -as %Students can be en#a#ed -ith their listenin# ;a$a;in# -ith m$ dad and "ound a "lo-erB %I -ill pull out the C"lo-erD and sho- the students %I -ill e9plain "urther in m$ stor$ that the man ;a$a;in# tau#ht us that this -asn?t just a "lo-er, it -as called Cpurple loosestri"eD and it -as an Cinvasive speciesD 19=6A2%'se stor$ de"inition to state -as an invasive species is0 19=6A%9=3E2%Sho- po-erpoint o" the invasive species -ithin +ichi#an0 %I -ill sho- the -a$s that invasive species can travelB1shoe e9ample, carr$in# e9ample3-ood, thro-in# it in trash, releasin# animal into -ild, hitchhi;in#2 19=!E2%<air students up in #roups o" 63each #roup o" 6 -ill eventuall$ be a #roup o" !0 Assi#n each #roup o" 6 an invasive species to read about0 %Give clear directions about the activit$ %Students sta$ seated until I "inish m$ directionsB %Describe that each #roup o" 6 must read the para#raph handout I have assi#ned to them and also pic; up a piece o" construction paper and a pencil/pen to -rite in"ormation do-n0 19=!A2%>ave @uestions that I -ant them to "ind in their para#raph listed on sheet on (lmo projector 19=!A%1E=EE2%Students can then #o -ith their partner to a spot in the room and -or; on "indin# and researchin# about their invasive species %Give rou#hl$ 1A minutes to do this and then have students return to their des;s0 11E=EE%1E=EF2%>ave students come up as a #roup o" !3t-o posters and describe to the class each an interestin# "act about their invasive species0 1rou#hl$ 1E=EF%1E=1E2%A"ter all students have presented material, handout revie- @uestions %>ave students "ill out revie- @uestions so I have an idea o" i" the$ understood the materials tau#ht0 %Students must be en#a#ed in po-erpoint and m$ e9amples0 %Students must -or; -ith their partner to "i#ure out in"ormation about invasive species %Students must present in"ormation to the class about their invasive species so the other students can be Ctau#htD b$ their peers0

3evelo!ment 1the lar#est component or main bod$ o" the lesson2

Closure 1conclusion, culmination, -rap%up2

%Students must use their ;no-led#e o" material tau#ht to "ill out the -or;sheet0


6our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 18rite this a"ter teachin# the lesson, i" $ou had a chance to teach it0 I" $ou did not teach this lesson, "ocus on the process o" preparin# the lesson02 Overall- I feel t at t is lesson went ver( well. I accom!lis ed m( goals of aving m( students being engaged in t e material and also being motivated to learn. 2 e students reall( enjo(ed m( introduction to invasive s!ecies and were engaged in conversation and as*ing man( )uestions after it. I was able to transition smoot l( into m( PowerPoint even t oug t e PowerPoint ad fallen aslee! and I ad to reload it. 2 e students sta(ed )uiet w en t is occurred and I t in* I andled t e situation well b( as*ing t em )uestions and to s are t eir res!onses wit t e class w ile I managed t e !ower!oint. I learned from !revious lessons to stand u! w ile giving t e PowerPoint and use m( tall frame as a wa( of *ee!ing t eir attention. I felt t at I was ver( organi7ed wit e.!ectations of students and t e( didn8t ave as man( )uestions wit w at was e.!ected as t e( ave in t e !ast. 9tudents were !roud of t eir final !osters and were e.cited to !resent t em to t e class. Our s!ecial needs students were engaged wit t eir !artners and told me t e( reall( enjo(ed aving t e o!!ortunit( to draw !ictures on t e !osters.


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