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Students will understand and identify poetic forms and devices

Experimenting with language and imagery, students will write, draft and self
publish a poem
Students will examine and interpret poetry
Choosing from an array of options and formats, students will present their poem

Lesson 0ne: Poetiy

uuiuing (essential) Question: What is Poetiy.

Stuuents wiite theii answeis subjectively (all sentiments alloweu!)

Class uiscussion of Poetiy


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0##"%1*)2 3+4*5*%+6 74"#1*$%: Bow uo we ueteimine meaning fiom poems.

81)%5)-5& CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.11-12.5a Interpret figures of speech (e.g.,
hyperbole, paradox) in context and analyze their role in the text.
Objective: Students will examine figurative language and its use in poems
Review poetic uevices fiom the peispective of the abstiact anu the conciete

Statement of focus: Poets use conciete images to poitiay abstiact iueas

Examples (iepiesenteu in a powei point):

Synecuoche Etc.

Reau: "Sonnet S1" by Sii Philip Syuney
Biscuss the use of figuiative language as a class
What's the abstiact iuea.
What conciete images aie useu.
Bave stuuents iuentify examples fiom the list

Pass out the poem .
Bave stuuents iuentify thiee examples of figuiative language anu pioviue an
explanation of how each is useu in the poem

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0##"%1*)2 3+4*5*%+6 74"#1*$%: Bow uo woius enhance meaning.

81)%5)-5& CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.11-12.5b Analyze nuances in the meaning
of words with similar denotations.

Bave stuuents jouinal the essential question
Biscussion of essential question: eveiyuay life, speeches, meuia, ielationships etc.

Reau: "The Raven" by Eugai Allan Poe

Review: Noou anu Tone
Bow aie they cohesive in the poem.

Biscuss Benotation anu Connotation
0se examples fiom the poem
Biscuss woius of emotion anu theii liteial meanings

Bave stuuents wiite about a scenaiio that consiueis uenotation, connotation
innuenuo, anu euphemism:
They may cieate a uialog, wiite a biief ieflection of a iecent event oi wiite a shoit
stoiy that exhibits a iealistic eveiy uay scenaiio wheie people communicate anu
woiu meanings become emotional anu alive. Each teim shoulu be seen in the
iepiesentation inuiiectly.

Pass out the Poem, .

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Essential (guiuing) question: Bow uoes sounu convey meaning.

Stuuents answei the question geneially

Biscussion: Tone of voice, sounu of syllables, pionunciation, accent, monotone,
emotion thiough woiu sounus etc.

Stuuents will examine a list of uiffeient types of Rhyme (the linking of sounus; when
sounus aie similai)
Examples: 0ff Rhyme, Peifect Rhyme, feminine anu masculine ihyme, Rime Riche,
Alliteiation, Consonance, anu Assonance

Reau: "Aims anu the Boy"
Biscuss woiu choice (uiction) in ielation to the sounus of woius
Bow uo off ihymes cieate meaning.

Pass out a copy of "uou's uianueui" by ueiaiu Nanly Bopkins

Bave stuuents iuentify types of ihymes (annotateu notes)
Review Rhyme scheme (piioi knowleuge) anu have stuuents wiite the ihyme
scheme of the poem

Biscuss finuings as a class when stuuents aie finisheu

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Stuuents have sampleu lyiical, uiamatic, naiiative anu conciete poetiy

They have also been exposeu to stanza patteins, line lengths anu multiple styles of

0##"%1*)2 =4"#1*$%& What type of poem woulu you like to wiite anu foi what

Reau: "Cut" by Sylvia Plath

Biscuss puipose anu auuience: What is the puipose. To Whom is Plath wiiting to.

Reau: "We Real Cool" by uwenuolyn Biookes

Biscuss the meaning, poetic uevices anu then tailoi the conveisation towaius the
puipose anu auuience as well as subject mattei foi the intenueu puipose

Foi next class: have a plan foi a poem. Consiuei the auuience anu puipose anu
select a foimat that will fit theii intentions

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BCD":1*>"& Stuuents will publish a poem they cieate anu piesent that poem in a way
that is appiopiiate to the puipose anu auuience.


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the
development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and
audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards
13 above.)
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on
addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing
for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 13 up to
and including grades 1112 here.)
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to
produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to
ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.

Stuuents will wiite a poem. It may be lyiical, uiamatic, naiiative oi conciete.
Aftei ieviewing a numbei of poems, uevices anu foims, stuuents will uevelop a
puipose anu auuience anu select the appiopiiate moues unuei stuuy.

The poem will be uiafteu foui times ovei the couise of 2 weeks. Stuuents will post
theii uiafts on google uiive anu select stuuents to shaie the file anu ieceive
feeuback as they uiaft the poem. As peei euitois they will be asking questions
conceining auuience, puipose anu appiopiiate uses of poetic foim anu uevices.

When the poem is complete, stuuents will piesent theii poems in one of many ways.
They may ieau theii poem to the class, post theii poems (if conciete) to the walls of
the classioom oi school, wiite a chiluien's stoiy anu ieau the stoiy to
kinueigaiteneis, peifoim a song oi "SLAN" poem, oi cieate a visualauuio
peifoimance. Theiefoie, options foi peifoimance will iange wbetwenn visual,
lyiical oi uigital.

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