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Recipe Name: Peach and Strawberry Chicken Salad Total preparation and cooking time 25 minutes altogether Ingredient

List 150g Mesclun leaves 2 punnets fresh strawberries 2 ripe peaches 2 whole avocadoes 1 whole cooked chicken " e#tra virgin Spanish olive oil 1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon honey 1 packet toasted Macadamia nuts Method: Step 1$ 2$ $ '$ 5$ )$ +$ Utensil List 1 large glass bowl small individual bowls 1 Chef!s knife 1 knife " cup tablespoons Chopping board

Instruction %ash the 150g Mesclun leaves unless purchased washed$ %ash the 2 punnets of strawberries and 2 ripe peaches$ Cut the 2 whole avocadoes& remove the seeds and slice the avocado smoothly$ Chop the peaches into thin slices and set aside$ (ull and halve the 2 punnets of strawberries$ *ake 1 whole cooked chicken and shred the flesh& discarding any bones$ *o make the dressing& combine " e#tra virgin Spanish olive oil& 1 tablespoon of honey& 1 tablespoon of wholegrain mustard and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar$ %hisk until a consistent li,uid$ .ather the ingredients and combine in one large glass bowl and sprinkle with toasted Macadamia nuts /as many as you like0$ Mi# and toss to your preferred liking$ 2n3oy4

-$ 1$ 10$

5ction Plan
26'0 26'

7uickly put on hairnet and apron$ %ash hands and prepare a damp paper towel and chopping a board$
Master Chef

26') 26'1 265' 600 610 61+ 620 6 0 6 '

Collect utensils and ingredients and lay out on kitchen bench$ 8egin washing peaches and strawberries$ %ash the Mesclun leaves if not washed already$ (ull and halve the strawberries& chop the peaches and prepare the avocadoes$ Shred the flesh of the chicken and discard any bones$ Concoct the dressing and continually taste test$ Combine the ingredients and toss until well mi#ed& then sprinkle with macadamias$ 9inse and wash the dishes$ Put away the dishes and pack up meal$ Sanitise and dry bench$

Insert photos here

Evaluate your product !ositives recipe selection and photograph Minus" Improvements

The presentation (or this salad is nice $ut it could $e My peach and $etter% The colours are too stra#$erry chicken dark and the vi$rant shapes salad is aesthetically and colours o( the (ruit are appealing% It is plated $uried under dressing% The in an attractive #ay% salad also took on a soggy The recipe selection look (rom the stra#$erries incorporates many and dressing% The positive aspects& stra#$erries #ith the chicken such as displaying did not couple #ell& so I have ade'uate time chosen to #ipe these (rom management and the recipe% The recipe skills% It is suita$le (or selection may have $een too a main meal and even simple and it also could have though it is simple& I made too much salad (or an can e)hi$it everyday appropriate serving si*e% kitchen skills such as
Master Chef

Improvements I could make to (urther enhance my dish #ould $e dousing the dish in less dressing& and take out the stra#$erries as they did nothing (or the meal and proved soggy% Shredding the chicken into longer slices #ould have ena$led the client to taste more chicken along #ith the neigh$ouring ingredients% Something that

chopping up ingredients in sa(e and hygienic #ays%

could $e enhanced in the recipe selection #ould $e picking a more challenging recipe #hich e)hi$ited a versatile array o( skills and kno#ledge%

Master Chef

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