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The Passover Meal
Fr. Mariusz Koch, CFR
Eps. 9
Transcriptionist: J.T.
12Man sings: Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art,
13how great Thou art. O sing it with your whole heart. Then sings my soul,
14my Savior God to thee, how great Thou art, how great Thou art. How great
15Thou art. How great Thou art.
19St. Birgitta of Sweden: Blessed may you be, My Lord Jesus. At the Last
20Supper of material bread, You wonderfully consecrated Your Precious Body
21and charitably bestowed it on Your Apostles in memory of the sacrifices of
22Your Most Worthy Passion.
24Fr. Groeschel: It begins at the Last Supper, where Jesus says, This is My
25Body, this is My Blood, do this in memory of Me.
27Fr. Apostoli: So the Eucharist is that beautiful gift by which Jesus is still
28present among us. Through which His mysteries of His life and death and
29resurrection are actually made present to us.
31Fr. Murphy: And the Eucharist really is the fulfillment of Gods promise of
32love that He would be with us.
34Fr. Sudano: And so in the Eucharist we are able to give God what He
35desires. And also to receive from God what we desire.
37Fr. Groeschel: It means that you and I in the midst of our natural existence
38participate in an absolute miracle. Something like a bolt of lightening comes
39down and brings us not only the presence of God but the presence of Christ,
40as Savior and Redeemer. Its a mystery.

2Chris: The Gospel according to St. Luke. The Feast of Unleavened
3Bread called the Passover was now drawing near and the chief priests and
4the Scribes were looking for some way of doing away with Him because
5they mistrusted the people.
7St. Luke: Then, satan entered into Judas; surname Iscariot, who was
8numbered among the 12. He went to the chief priests and officers of the
9guard to discuss a scheme for handing Jesus over to them. They were
10delighted and agreed to give him money. He accepted and looked for an
11opportunity to betray Him to them without the people knowing. The day of
12Unleavened Bread came around, the day on which the Passover had to be
13sacrificed. And He sent Peter and John saying, Go and make the
14preparations for us to eat Passover. Where do You want us to prepare it?
15they asked. Listen, He said. As you go into the city, you will meet a
16man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house he enters and
17tell the owner of the house, The Master has this to say to you, Where is the
18dining room in which I can eat the Passover with My disciples? The man
19will show You a large Upper Room furnished with couches. Make the
20preparations there. They set off and found everything as He had told them
21and prepared the Passover.
23Chris: The Gospel of the Lord.
25All: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.
27Fr. Koch: I think whats so beautiful about this reading again, were going
28deeper and deeper into an understanding of the Eucharist. But you notice as
29weve been going through these Scriptures how profound almost every one
30of them is and how were almost, we could be on retreat for the next year
31and still not understand totally. But this Gospel I think is very, very helpful
32to us again in understanding of putting the Eucharist in the context of
33Church History. First of all, our relationship with Judaism the foundation
34of our faith of course is Judaism. The expectation, the yearning of Gods
35people, certainly Passover, the beautiful celebration of Passover which is a
36foundation of even our understanding of the Eucharist. When the Jews
37gathered to celebrate the Passover, they remembered but they remembered to
38such an extent that they were present, too. The question thats asked at the
39Passover, you know and the response is, gives you the sense that Im here.
40I am in the Passover. I am experiencing the Passover. And so, our

1understanding of the Mass. When we remember we are present, too.

2Theres only one Mass, you know and we remember it. The other is the
3understanding that there is in the celebration of the Eucharist this
4understanding of a meal again, very important in the Old Testament, as
5well as the New Testament, the nourishment, the gathering together around
6the table. And that concept of a Mass is also very important, that we are
7gathered as children around the table of the Lord. But also you notice very
8close to all of these understandings is the Passion, the preparation for
9Passover is also a preparation for His Sufferings. And so, the Mass is also a
10sacrifice that we are present to as well and that will be made clear I think in
11some of the other readings. But you notice how important it is that we dont
12miss any aspect of that, especially as we grow in our faith, that we
13understand whats happening at the Mass. So, again, another reading brings
14us closer to a deeper understanding of the Eucharist. But your experiences,
15perhaps maybe a moment in your day when one part of the Mass might have
16struck you or something happened at Mass that changed your life. St.
17Francis was at Mass when he heard the Word of God spoken to him so
18powerfully. If you want to be My disciples, give everything to the poor,
19give everything to the poor and come and follow Me. So often hear stories
20of, of a person attending Mass and their whole life changes after that
21because of this great experience of Christ. So, anything that strikes you
22from this reading? Sure.
24Chase: The same thing is how I really took ownership of my faith for the
25first time. Ive been born and raised Catholic, very much in a Catholic
26household but through Catholic schools and everything you, theres a
27difference between that secondhand belief and that firsthand faith where you
28actually, you know, encounter Christ in the Eucharist for the first time. I am
29so grateful for having had that experience. It was simply nothing spectacular
30at a Sunday Mass once with my family where the priest, you know, raised
31the host and the chalice at the Consecration. It was just in that instantaneous
32moment, in that moment where I just knew for the first time, its like scales
33just fall from your eyes where you just see not what looks like, what looks
34like wine but you say with your whole heart for the first time in you life, like
35My God, this is a Real Person that the priest holds in his hand! That this is
36My Lord and My God and I can actually pray to this Person up there on the
37altar with the priest. That was really the first time, at that Mass, I was able
38to take ownership of my faith because it was a first enlightening encounter
39that just set the trajectory for the rest of my high school career, the rest of
40my college career, to simply, you know, live as much as possible for this

1Person and to grow deeper in devotion to the Sacrament at Mass, going to

2Daily Mass, in Adoration through various prayers and devotionals. So, it is
3a great grace in order to be able to find that. Im so thankful for having had
4that experience and I hope everybody at some point in their lives is able to
5come to that same thing, just to have an open heart in order to encounter
6Christ in the Eucharist.
8Fr. Murphy: At the Passover celebration, a Lamb is slaughtered, life is given
9for the salvation or the protection of others. The Passover Meal is a
10celebration, yes, that the people of Israel were not given over to the angel of
11destruction, the angel of death. But there was one who died; it was the
12Lamb. The Lamb was slaughtered on behalf of the people and the Blood
13was the sign, the Blood of life was the sign that they were marked, they were
14set apart for this salvation, for this protection. Jesus Himself is both the
15Priest Who slaughters the Lamb; He, too, is the Lamb. And in that Sacrifice,
16He is the one with the disciples who makes this offering to the Father so that
17in the gift of Himself, in the shedding of His Blood, the people are protected,
18set apart and preserved, Passover so that they might experience the fullness
19of life. They come to the, the freedom of sin so that they might come into
20the fullness of life.
24St. John Chrysostom: The word sacrifice means to make sacred.
25Christs Blood molds in us a royal image. It does not suffer our nobleness of
26soul to waste away. Moreover, it refreshes the soul and inspires it with great
27virtue. This Blood puts to flight the devils, summons angels and the Lord of
28Angels. This Blood poured forth washed the world and made Heaven open.
29And if you come clean, you come healthfully; but if polluted by evil
30conscience, you come to your destruction, to pain and torment.
32Fr. Koch: We dont always go to Mass feeling ecstatic or having a
33remarkable experience of grace but we can go back to those defining,
34powerful moments and remember them and they help us in our journey of
35faith when things are not that clear or when our emotions may not be totally
36connected to whats happening.
38Marisol: What struck me from that Scripture was that satan was waiting an
39opportunity to attack. Sin begins in the heart and I always want to make
40sure that my heart is pure and whenever I feel any anger or resentment

1stirring up, I make sure to go see a priest and speak to him about it and
2confess it. And once I do and receive absolution, then I find myself that I
3can go to the Eucharist and am strengthened and nourished to go out and
4combat evil and to love my enemies. So, for me, that aspect of that
5Scripture, the Eucharist really strengthens me when I have a pure heart.
9St. Cyril of Alexandria: The devil implanted envy against Christ in the
10leaders of the Jewish synagogue. They thought to murder Jesus at the
11instigation of satan who had implanted his wickedness in them. Satan is the
12inventor of murder, the root of sin and the fountain of all wickedness.
14Fr. Sudano: Theres a saying from Sacred Scripture which most people are
15familiar with that Its the love of money which is the root of all evil and
16here we see that coming into play. We see Judas betrayed Jesus for money.
17But perhaps it wasnt only just for the love of money but also for another
18powerful vice and that is for power. We wonder in our own lives do we
19betray Our Lord by choosing lesser things, things that are more convenient
20or things that are more attractive to us. In fact, sometimes in Confession
21when a person says that they dont go to Church on Sunday but they didnt
22go for because they were playing some sport or some other event, I ask
23them, If the priest was giving out a $100 bill instead of the Holy Eucharist,
24would you be there? Quite often the people say, Oh no, Father, of course,
25I would be, I couldnt go. And then I said, What about $200? I said, what
26about $2,000, would you be there? Everyone has a price. But when we
27know that the Eucharist is priceless, then when it comes to our observance of
28Sunday, that we will be there, we will not be like Judas and not betrayed
29Him for a simple pleasure or for any other thing.
31St. Cyril of Alexandria: It says satan entered Judas, surname Iscariot was
32numbered among the 12. There was a place for satan in the traitor. The
33bitter disease of greed, which Blessed Paul says is the root of all evil, had
34overtaken him. Now, satan is crafty in working evil. Whenever he gains
35possession of anyones soul he does not attack him by means of general
36vice, but rather searches for that particular passion that has power over him
37and by its means makes him his prey.
39Annie: Going to Mass or receiving the Eucharist can become a routine and I
40dont have that experience, that mountaintop experience every time but its

1funny just thinking about it because theres something in it that does

2continually draw me back day after day. Going to a Catholic college, I can
3go to Daily Mass almost every day, try to fit into my schedule somewhere.
4Sometimes, like I dont even feel like going to Mass but theres something
5in me that just is like, I should go to Mass. I want to, even though I dont
6necessarily feel it. I guess that just shows the power that it really truly has
7that continuous to draw you back time after time. Even though it does get
8routine. In some sense, Ive found for me when I really listen and pay
9attention to the words that are being said, its just such a beautiful prayer and
10actually praying with the priest and really uniting, instead of being the
11robotic, answering back. You may look like youre participating but your
12mind is in some other planet. I think its just amazing that through the
13power of the Eucharist that God just continually draws you back, draws you
16Fr. Koch: Ive found as a priest, very often when somebody comes back to
17the faith and Ill ask them, How did you get back here? What brought you
18back to Confession? they just say, I just realize how much I miss the
19Eucharist. They might have had some other very good faith experiences
20that maybe even helped them along in their faith but that one thing, that
21Presence of the Lord in the Eucharist and the celebration of the Eucharist is
22the thing thats lacking and it brings many, many people back to faith.
23Thats why its so important, I think, for young people to have a good
24experience. I sometimes talk to parents who, their children are not
25practicing the faith and I said, Look, if you gave them a good foundation,
26when they begin to search, theyll come back. Its those who have never had
27that experience or never had a foundation and they get lost and then they
28dont know where to go. But that memory, as you said, that memory of
29Mass, even though we may not feel like going to Mass or if youre tired or
30whatever, that kind of brings us back and keeps us, keeps us in the faith.
32Michelle: When Chase was talking about his profound experiences with the
33Eucharist for the 1st time with his family, I started thinking of kind of the
34opposite that. Im like oldest of 6 kids, so when we go to Mass with the
35whole family its kind of crazy. But the worst is like when you get in the
36car after Mass, like everybody starts fighting! And then my mom is like,
37(screaming) Didnt you just receive Jesus?! What are you doing?! (others
38chuckle) I feel like thats and I was thinking about this Gospel before and I
39was thinking about how the Eucharist is like the beginning of the battle for
40us. And how after the Apostles received Jesus, they were severely tempted

1and, you know, almost fell away and left Him and how much we have to be
2on guard that when we are close to Jesus we have to realize that the devil is
3going to try to attack us severely. Sometimes when people come back to the
4Church and they start receiving the Sacraments, it takes a while for them to
5learn that they have to do that repeatedly to build the strength to really stay
6with Jesus constantly. Thats why God is Merciful so that He knows that we
7need, we need that time to grow closer to Him and to stay faithful and He
8forgives us.
12St. Augustine: Passover is celebrated among the ancient people by slaying of
13the lamb and unleavened bread. Well, the slaying of the sheep signifies
14Christ while the unleavened bread stands for the new life, one that is without
15the yeast of stainless. And 50 days after the celebration of Passover, as
16anyone who wants to can find out just by counting, the law was given on
17Mount Sinai, written by the finger of God.
19Therese: When Michelle was talking about leaving the church and getting in
20the car and starting to fight with your siblings, I was thinking about how
21many times do I personally experience Christ in the Eucharist, experience
22Him at Mass and then leave Him in the chapel and go about my daily life?
23What happens in between receiving Christ, His Real Presence in the
24Eucharist and then the rest of life, theres sometimes a disconnect and how
25the whole point is that its sustaining. It doesnt just sustain us, you know,
26in the 4 walls of the chapel. Its supposed to be something that sustains us
27throughout our lives, throughout our trials, throughout our joys. But how
28easy it is just to fall into the mindset of just, okay, Christ is here and then,
29you know, I have to go about my daily life and do my own thing but that
30Christ is supposed to be what sustains us through the next step.
32Sean: The Jewish people, when they celebrated the Passover, that was
33protecting them, they were free. They were protected at that time from
34satan, they were passed over. I know in my life I know need that protection.
35Thats 1, thats one time, that one hour, that one half hour during the day
36that I know, okay, He cant, he cant touch me here and Im going to go out
37armed and, you know, to fight that battle.
39St. Augustine: Christ was sacrificed. He made the passage from death to
40life. The Hebrew pascha, you see, means passage or passing over. The

1evangelist made this point when he said, When the hour had come for Jesus
2to Passover from His world to the Father, John 13: 1. So, the Passover is
3celebrated. The Lord rises again. He makes the passage from death to life
4which is the Passover. And 50 days were counted and the Holy Spirit
5comes, the finger of God.
7Fr. Apostoli: The preparations that Jesus told the apostles to make for the
8Last Supper are a reminder that first of all, our carrying out the Eucharist we
9should always do it with great reverence, respect, following the Churchs
10norms, having the linens being cleaned and the vessels that are used be
11properly prepared. But even more so, I think that preparation reminds us
12that in our own hearts we have to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus so that
13the Eucharist never just becomes a routine, something we do casually and
14thoughtlessly. The Lord wants us to receive Him and approach Him with a
15living faith and an ardent love.
19St. Birgitta: O My Lady, O virgin Mary, O Mother of all, may God the
20Father, together with the Son and the Holy Spirit, be eternally praised in His
21incomprehensible majesty for the most sacred cell of Your whole body, in
22which Gods Son so sweetly rested He, Whom the whole army of angels
23praises in heaven and Whom the whole church reverently adores on earth,
24hasten, O Lord, enlighten my darkness, speak to my soul. Show me the path
25and make me follow it. In delay there is a danger but in haste there is
26likewise peril. Therefore, Lord, give ear to my petition and show me the
27way. I come to You, as the sick go to the doctor in search of aid. I long for
28You like the dying. O Lord, give peace to my heart. Amen.
30Male (singing): When Christ shall come He shall move out the nation and
31take me Home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I will bow in humble
32Adoration and there I will proclaim, My God. how great Thou art!
33Would you stand and sing it with me now?
35All: Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee, O Lord how great! How
36great Thou art! How great Thou art! Then sings my soul, My Savior God,
37to Thee, how great Thou art! How great Thou art! Sing How Great Thou
38Art. Then sings my soul, My Savior God to Thee, How great Thou art!
39How great Thou art!

7Pashalni obed
8P. Mariusz Koch, CFR
9Ep. 9
15Moki glas poje: Potem poje moja dua, moj Bog, Zveliar, Tebi, kako
16velik si, kako velik si. O, poj to z vsem svojim srcem. Potem poje moja dua,
17moj Bog, Zveliar, Tebi, kako velik si, kako velik si. Kako velik si. Kako
18velik si.
22Sestra Brigata vedska: Blagoslovljen bodi, moj Gospod Jezus. Pri zadnji
23veerji snovnega kruha si udovito posvetil svojo dragoceno Kri in jo
24ljubee podelil svojim apostolom v spomin na rtve svojega najbolj
25dragocenega trpljenja.
27P. Groeschel: To se zane pri Zadnji veerji, kjer Jezus pravi: To je moje
28telo, to je moja Kri, to delajte v moj spomin.
30P. Apostoli: Tako je Evharistija ta lepi dar, po katerem je Jezus e vedno
31navzo med nami. Po katerem so nam njegove skrivnosti njegovega
32ivljenja in krvi in vstajenja dejansko ponavzoene.
33P. Murphy: In Evharistija je resnino izpolnitev Boje obljube ljubezni, da
34bo z nami.
35P. Sudano: In tako smo v Evharistiji sposobni dati Bogu, kar on eli. In tudi
36prejeti od Boga, kar mi elimo.
37P. Groeschel: To pomeni, da smo vi in jaz sredi naega naravnega obstoja
38udeleeni v absolutnem udeu. Nekaj taknega kot snop bliskov z neba
39pride dol in nam ne prinese samo prisotnosti Boga, ampak prisotnost
40Kristusa kot Odreenika in Odkupitelja. To je skrivnost.

3Chris: Iz svetega evangelija po Luku. Blial pa se je praznik nekvaenega
4kruha, ki se imenuje pasha. Vliki duhovniki in pismouki so iskali nain, kako bi ga
5umorili, kajti bali so se ljudstva. Tedaj je el satan v Juda, ki se je imenoval Ikarijot in je
6bil izmed tevila dvanajsterih. Odel je k vlikim duhovnikom in poveljnikom in se z
7njimi domenil, kako bi jim ga izroil. Razveselili so se in se pogodili z njim, da mu dajo
8denarja. Privolil je in iskal prilonost, da bi ga izroil, ko ne bi bilo blizu mnoice.
10Sveti Luka: Priel je dan nekvaenega kruha, ko je bilo treba rtvovati pashalno
11jagnje. Jezus je poslal Petra in Janeza ter jima rekel: Pojdita in nam pripravita pashalno
12jagnje, da bomo jedli. Ona dva sta mu rekla: Kje hoe, da ga pripraviva? Rekel jima
13je: Glejta, ko prideta v mesto, vama bo priel naproti lovek, ki bo nosil vr vode.
14Pojdita za njim v hio, v katero bo el, in recita hinemu gospodarju: Uitelj ti pravi: Kje
15je prostor, kjer bi jedel pashalno jagnje s svojimi uenci? Pokazal vama bo v nadstropju
16veliko opremljeno obednico in tam pripravita. Odla sta in nala, kakor jima je rekel, in
17sta pripravila pashalno jagnje.
19Chris: Kristusov evangelij.
21Vsi: Slava tebi, Gospod Jezus Kristus.
23P. Koch: Mislim, kaj je tako lepega glede tega branja spet, spuamo se
24globlje in globlje v razumevanje evharistije. Toda ko smo li skozi te
25odlomke, ste videli, kako globok je skoraj vsak od njih in da bi skoraj lahko
26bili na duhovnih vajah vse naslednje leto in jih e ne bi do konca razumeli.
27Toda mislim, da nam ta evangelij zelo zelo pomaga k razumevanju, da
28postavimo evharistijo v kontekst cerkvene zgodovine. Najprej, na odnos z
29judovstvom temelj nae vere je seveda judovstvo. Priakovanje,
30hrepenenje Bojega ljudstva, seveda tudi pasha, lepo praznovanje pashe, ki
31je celo temelj naega razumevanja evharistije. Ko so se Judje zbrali, da bi
32praznovali pasho, so se spominjali, toda spominjali so se do te mere, da so
33bili tudi oni navzoi. Vpraanje, ki se zastavlja pri pashi, poznate, in
34odgovor je osmiljajo: Jaz sem tukaj. Jaz sem v prehodu (pashi). Izkuam
35prehod. In tako je tudi z naim razumevanjem mae. Ko se spominjamo,
36smo tudi mi navzoi. Samo ena maa je, to veste, in mi se je spominajmo.
37Druga je razumevanje, da je tukaj, v tem praznovanju Evharistije, to
38razumevanje obeda ponovno, zelo pomembno v Stari zavezi, kakor tudi v
39Novi zavezi, prehranjevanje, zbiranje skupaj okrog mize. In ta pojem mae
40je tudi zelo pomemben, namre da smo zbrani kot otroci okrog Gospodove
41mize. Toda opazite tudi, da je zelo blizu z vsem tem razumevanjem


1Trpljenje, priprava na pasho je tudi priprava na Jezusovo trpljenje. In tako je

2maa tudi rtvovanje, pri katerem smo navzoi tudi mi, in to bo,mislim,
3postalo jasno pri nekaterih drugih odlomkih. Toda vidite, kako pomembno
4je, da ne prezremo nobenega vidika tega, e posebno, ko rastemo v nai veri,
5da razumemo, kaj se dogaja pri mai. Neki drugi odlomek nas vodi blije h
6globljemu razumevanju evharistije. Toda vi morda izkusite trenutek v dnevu,
7ko vas zadene del mae ali pa se pri mai zgodi nekaj, kar je spremenilo vae
8ivljenje. Sveti Frnaiek je bil pri mai, ko je slial Bojo Besedo, ki mu je
9bila tako mono govorjena. e hoete biti moji uenci, dajte vse ubogim,
10dajte vse ubogim in pridite in hodite za menoj. Tako pogosto sliim zgodbe
11o kom, ki gre k mai, in vse njegovo ivljenje se po tem spremeni zaradi te
12velike izkunje Kristusa. Torej, ali je kaj, kar vas zadene ob tem branju?
14Chase: Nekaj taknega se je zgodilo, ko sem svojo vero resnino prvi vzel
15za svojo. Rojen in vzgojen sem bil kot katolian, v veliki meri v katolikem
16domu, pa tudi v katolikih olah in v vsem, razlika je med tem drugotnim
17verjetjem in neposredno vero, ko prvi zares sreate Kristusa v evharistiji.
18Tako hvaleen sem, da imam to izkunjo. Preprosto ni bilo ni
19spektakularnega, z druino sem bil pri nedeljski mai in duhovnik je dvignil
20hostijo in kelih pri posveenju. V tistem trenutku sem nenadoma prvi v
21ivljenju vedel, je, kakor da luskine prvi padejo z vaih oi, ko ne vidite
22samo videza, ko ne vidite samo, da izgleda kot vino, ampak z vsem svojim
23srcem prvi v svojem ivljenju reete nekaj taknega kot: Moj Bog,
24duhovnik dri v svoji roki resnino Osebo! To je moj Gospod in moj Bog in
25jaz lahko skupaj z duhovnikom dejansko molim to Osebo tam na oltarju.
26Takrat sem pri mai prvi mogel vzeti svojo vero za svojo, ker je to bilo
27prvo razsvetljeno sreanje, ki je preprosto zarisalo smer za preostanek moje
28srednjeolske poti, za preostanek moje fakultetne kariere, da sem kolikor je
29le bilo mogoe ivel za to osebo in rasel globlje v pobonosti do zakramenta
30pri mai, hodil k vsakodnevni mai, k adoraciji in si jemal as za razline
31molitve in pobonosti. Tako je velika milost, da moremo to odkriti. Tako
32sem hvaleen, da sem imel to izkunjo in upam, da je vsakdo v nekem
33trenutku svojega ivljenja priti do iste stvari, preprosto, da ima srce odprto,
34da srea Kristusa v Evharistiji.
35P. Murphy: Pri praznovanju pashe se zakolje jagnje, ivljenje je dano za
36odreenje ali varstvo drugih. Pashalni obed je praznovanje dejstva, da
37izraelsko ljudstvo ni bilo prepueno angelu unienja, angelu smrti. Toda
38nekdo je umrl Jagnje. Jagnje je bilo zaklano za ljudstvo in kri je bila
39znamenje, Kri ivljenja je bila znamenje, da so zaznamovani, da so oddeljeni
40za odreenje, za to varstvo. Sam Jezus je tako Duhovnik, ki zakolje Jagnje,


1je pa tudi Jagnje. In v tej rtvi je on tisti, ki skupaj z uenci daruje to daritev
2Oetu, tako da je v tem, ko on daruje samega sebe, ko je njegova kri prelita,
3ljudstvo zavarovano, oddeljeno in ohranjeno. Zgodi se pasha, tako da morejo
4izkusiti polnost ivljenja. Pridejo do svobode od greha, da bi mogli priti do
5polnosti ivljenja.
9Sv. Janez Zlatousti: Beseda rtev, sacrificium pomeni napraviti sveto,
10sacrum facere. Kristusova kri v nas oblikuje kraljevo podobo. Ne dopua,
11da bi se plemenitost nae due izgubila. Poleg tega osveuje duo in jo
12navdihuje z veliko vrlino. Ta kri preganja hudie, klie k sebi angele in
13Gospoda Angelov. Ta Kri,ki je bila prelita, je oprala svet in je nebesa odprla.
14In e pridete isti, pridete zdravi. Toda e ste zamazani z zlo vestjo, rpidete k
15svojemu unienju, k boleini in trpljenju.
16P. Koch: K mai ne gremo vedno z zanesenim obutkom, tudi nimamo
17vedno opazne izkunje milosti, toda vrnemo se lahko k tem opredeljujoim,
18monim trenutkom in se jih spominjamo in ti trenutki nam pomagajo na
19naem potovanju vere, ko stvari niso tako jasne al ko naa ustva e niso
20isto povezana s tem, kar se dogjaa.
21Marisol: Pri tem odlomku Svetega pisma me je mono zadelo, da satan aka
22na prilonost za napad. Greh se zane v srcu in jaz vedno hoem poskrbeti
23za to, da je moje srce isto, in kadar koli utim, da se v meni prebuja kakna
24jeza ali zamera, zanesljivo grem do duhovnika in govorim z njim in to
25izpovem. In ko enkrat prejmem odvezo, vem, da lahko grem k evharistiji in
26sem okrepljena in nahranjena, da grem ven in se bojujem z zlom in ljubim
27svoje sovranike. Mene ta vidik Svetega pisma, evharistija, resnino krepi,
28ko imam isto srce.
32Sv. Ciril Aleksandrijski. Hudi je zasadil zavist zoper Kristusa v voditeljih
33judovske sinagoge. Premiljevali so o tem, da bi umorili Jezusa. K temu jih
34je spodbadal hudi, ki je vanje vsadil svojo hudobijo. Satan je iznajditelj
35umora, korenina greha in izvir vse hudobije.
36P. Sudano: Je izrek v Svetem pismu, ki ga veina ljudi pozna, in ta
37izrekpravi: Ljubezen do denarja je vir vsega zla, in tukaj pride to v igro.
38Vidimo, da je Juda Jezusa izdal za denar. Toda morda ni bilo samo iz
39ljubezni do denarja, ampak tudi zaradi druge mone pregrehe, in to je
40ljubezen do moi. Spraujemo se, ali v naem ivljenju izdamo naega


1Gospoda, tako da izberemo slabe stvari, stvari, ki so bolj prikladne ali

2stvari, ki so nam bolj privlane. Dejansko vasih pri spovedi, ko lovek ree,
3da v nedeljo ni el v cerkev, tega pa ni storil, ker se je ukvarjal z nekim
4portom ali el na neki drugi dogodek, vpraam: e bi vam duhovnik dal
5bankovec za 100 dolarjev namesto evharistije, ali bi bili tam? Pogosto
6ljudje reejo: Oh, ne, pater, seveda, ne bi mogel priti. In potem reem:
7Kaj pa za 200 dolarjev? Prav, pa za 2000 dolarjev, bi bili tukaj? Vsakdo
8ima svojo ceno. Toda e vemo, da je evharistija brez cene, potem bomo
9seveda spotovali nedeljsko zapoved, ne bomo kakor Juda in ne bomo izdali
10Jezusa za preprosto zadovoljstvo ali za kar koli drugega.
12Sv. Ciril Aleksandrijski: Reeno je, da je satan vstopil v Juda, priimek
13Ikarjot je bil natet med dvanajsterimi. V izdajalcu je bil prostor za hudia.
14Grenka bolezen pohlepa, o kateri sveti Pavel pravi, da je korenina vsega
15zla, ga je prevzela. Satan je moan, ko dela zlo. Kadar koli dobi v posest
16duo nekega loveka, tega loveka ne napade s splono pregreho, ampak ie
17tisto posebno strast, ki ima mo nad tem lovekom in tako ga naredi za svoj
20Annie: Hoditi k mai ali prejeti evharistijo lahko postane rutina in jaz nimam
21vsakokrat vrhunske izkunje, toda zabavno je e samo pomisliti na to, ker je
22v evharistiji nekaj, kar me vsak dan priteguje nazaj. Ker hodim na katoliki
23kolid, lahko grem skoraj vsak dan k mai, skuam jo nekje vkljuiti v svoj
24urnik. Vasih ne utim, da bi la k mai, vendar mi nekaj govori: Morala bi
25iti k mai.Hoem, eprav tega ne utim nujno. Mislim, da to samo kae
26mo, ki jo maa resnino ima, namre, da vas stalno znova in znova
27priteguje nazaj. Tudi e zares postane rutina. V nekem smislu vedno najdem
28kaj zase, ko resnino posluam in sem pozorna na besede, ki se izgovarjajo,
29to je tako lepa molitev in dejansko molim z duhovnikom in se resnino
30zdruim z njim, namesto da bi robotsko odgovarjala. Lahko se zdi, kakor da
31sodelujete, toda va um je na nekem drugem planetu. Mislim, daje preprosto
32udovito, da vas Bog po moi evharistije stalno priteguje nazaj in spet nazaj.
33P. Koch: Kot duhovnik vedno znova odkrijem, da kdo pride nazaj k veri in
34jaz ga vpraam: Kako ste prili nazaj sem? Kaj vas je pripeljalo nazaj k
35spovedi? Navadno reejo: Preprosto se zavedam, kako zelo pogream
36evharistijo. Morda so imeli kakne druge zelo dobre verske izkunje, ki so
37jim morda celo pomagale napredovati v njihovi veri, toda ta ena stvar, ta
38prisotnost Gospoda v evharistiji in obhajanje evharistije je stvar, ki jim
39manjka in mnoge, mnoge ljudi pripelje nazaj k veri. Zato je tako pomembno,
40mislim, za mlade ljudi, da imajo dobre izkunje. Vasih se pogovarjam s


1stari, katerih otroci ne prakticirajo vere, in reem jim: Glejte, e ste jim
2dali dobre temelje, bodo takrat, ko bodo zaeli iskati, prili nazaj. Tisti, ki
3niso nikoli imeli te izkunje ali ki nikoli niso imeli temelja, so se izgubili, in
4potem ne vedo, kam naj grejo. Toda spomin, kot ste rekli, ta spomin na
5mao, eprav morda ne utimo, da bi li k mai, ali pa ste utrujeni ali kar
6koli, to nas potem pripelje nazaj in nas dri v veri.
8Michele: Ko je Chase govoril o svojih globokih izkunjah z evharistijo, ki
9jih je prvi imel s svojo druino, sem zaela premiljevati, da je bilo z mano
10prav nasprotno. Sem najstareja od estih otrok, tako da ko smo li k mai z
11vso druino, je bilo to nekaj norega. Toda najslabe je, ko gre v avto po
12mai in se vsi zanejo prerivati! In potem je moja mati zavpila: Ali niste
13pravkar prejeli Jezusa?! Kaj pa ponete?! (drugi se hihitajo) Poutila sem se
14tako in sem e prej premiljevala o tem evangeliju in sem mislila na to, da je
15evharistija za nas nekaken zaetek bitke. In kako so bili apostoli potem, ko
16so prejeli Jezusa, resno skuani in so skoraj odpadli in ga pustili, in kako
17zelo moramo paziti, da ko smo blizu Jezusa, se moramo zavedati, da nas bo
18hudi resno napadel. Vasih, ko ljudje pridejo nazaj v cerkev in zanejo
19prejemati zakramente, traja nekaj asa, da se nauijo, da morajo to poeti
20stalno, da zgradijo mo, da so zares stalno z Jezusom. Zato je Bog usmiljen,
21tako da ve, da mi potrebujemo ta as, da zrastemo v bliini do njega in da
22ostanemo zvesti, in on nam odpua.
26Sv. Avgutin: Pasha se med starim ljudstvom praznuje s klanjem jagnjeta in
27z nekvaenim kruhom. Prav, klanje jagnjet pomeni Kristusa, medtem ko je
28nekvaen kruh za novo ivljenje, ivljenje, ki je brez kvasa, ki je brez
29madea. In petdeset dni po praznovanju Pashe, to lahko ugotovi vsakdo e
30samo tako, da teje, je bila na gori Sinaj dana postava, napisana z Bojim
33Terezija: Ko je Michelle govorila o tem, kako je zapuala cerkev in la v
34avto in se zaela tepst s svojimi brati in sestrami, sem pomislila, kako
35pogosto osebno izkusim Kristusa v evharistiji, izkusim ga pri mai in ga
36potem zapustim v kapeli in odidem v svoje vsakdanje ivljenje. Kaj se zgodi
37med tem, ko sprejmem Kristusa, njegovo resnino navzonost v evharijstiji,
38in preostankom ivljenja, vasih to dvoje ni povezano in poudarek je v tem,
39da nas evharistija vzdruje. Ne samo, da nas vzdruje, veste, kakor tiri stene
40kapele. Morala bi biti nekaj, kar nas podpira v naem ivljenju, v naih


1preizkunjah, v naem veselju. Toda kako preprosto je samo pasti v

2miselnost, prav, Kristus je tukaj, in potem, veste, moram iti v svoje ivljenje
3in dleati svoje lastne stvari, Kristus pa naj bi me potem podpiral pri
4naslednjem koraku.
5Sean: Ko so Judje praznovali pasho, jih je to varovalo, bili so svobodni. V
6tistem asu so bili zavarovani pred satanom, bili so preskoeni. V svojem
7ivljenju vem, kako mono potrebujem to varstvo. To je, v tistem asu, v
8tisti uri, v tiste pol ure v dnevu, ko vem, prav, On ne more, tukaj se me ne
9more dotakniti in ven bom el oboroen, in bom izbojeval to bitko.
10Sv. Avgutin: Kristus je bil rtvovan. Naredil je prehod iz smrti v ivljenje.
11Hebrejska beseda pasha, glejte, pomeni prehod ali mimohod.
12Evangelist je to poudaril, ko je rekel: Jezus, je vedel, da je prila
13njegova ura, ko pojde s tega sveta k Oetu. Tako se praznuje Pasha.
14Gospod spet vstane. Preide iz smrti v ivljenje, kar je pasha. In od tam se
15teje petdeset dni in pride Sveti Duh, ki je Boji prst.
16P. Apostoli: Priprave, ki jih Jezus naroi apostolom, da jih opravijo za
17zadnjo veerjo, nas najprej spomnijo na to, da bi morali evharistijo vedno
18obhajati z velikim spotovanjem, upotevaje cerkvena merila, tako da
19imamo iste prte in da so posode, ki jih uporabljamo, primernno
20pripravljene. Toda e ve, mislim, da nas priprava spominja, da moramo
21pripraviti svoja srca, da sprejmemo Jezusa, tako da evharistija nikoli ne
22postane rutina, nekaj, kar opravimo nakljuno in nepremiljeno. Gospod
23eli, da ga sprejmemo in se mu pribliamo z ivo vero in goreo ljubeznijo.
27Sveta Brigita: O moja Gospa, o devica Marija, o mati vsega, naj bo Bog Oe
28skupaj s Sinom in Svetim Duhom veno slavljen v svojem nedojemljivem
29veliastvu za najsvetejo celico vsega tvojega telesa, v katerem je Bog Sin
30tako milo poival On, ki ga celotna vojska angelov slavi v nebesih in ki ga
31celotna Cerkev spotljivo asti na zemlji. Pohiti, Gospod, razsvetli mojo
32telo, govori moji dui. Pokai mi pot in mi daj, da hodim po njej. V zamudi
33je nevarnost, toda v naglici je prav tako poguba. Zatorej, Gospod, prisluhni
34moji pronji in mi pokai pot. Prihajam k tebi, kakor gre bolnik k zdravniku,
35ko ie pomo. Hrepenim po tebi kakor umirajoi. Gospod, daj mir mojemu
36srcu. Amen.
38Moki glas (poje): Ko bo Kristus priel, bo narod popeljal ven in me vzel
39domov, kakna radost bo napolnila moje srce. Takrat se bom priklonil v


1poninem eenju in tam bom razglaal: Moj Bog, kako velik si Ti! Ali
2boste vstali in zdaj zapeli z mano?
4Vsi: Potem poje moja dua, moj Bog, Zveliar, tebi, O tako velik Gospod!
5Kako velik si! Kako velik si! Potem poje moja dua, moj Bog, Zveliar, tebi,
6kako velik si! Kako velik si! Poj, kako velik si. Potem poje moja dua, moj
7Bog, Zveliar, tebi, kako velik si! Kako velik si!



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