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Interactive Design Project

Task 2 - Brief The Game inspired from Dumb ways to die User is moving underwater song: mysterious, relaxing Environment & events coming towards user Mini Games 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Whale passes, creates bubbles - Bursting Bubbles - to clear screen and continue Lost baby seals Call their mother to come fetch them. Jellyfish open jellyfish arms so you pass safely if not you get shock Treasure Chest Take out the jewelry without getting snapped by clams Pearl Clam Move finger to trace pattern on clam to open and get the pearl Jewel Clam Guess the word to unlock the clam Sea dragon Tune the harp to soothe it and make it go away then use jet to escape Piranhas Tap on rock to hide behind it You are a rare tropical fish Close the eel hiding hole with grass so you pass safely Swim through caves Use light from your scales to light up and see

Other ideas for the game 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Mermaids comes towards the player with their tails down, if they hit you, you die Sea weed - open to make a path to get out of reef before beaten by an eel Fisherman's net tear apart the net to get through it or else you will get trapped Puffer fish - tap it many times to make the fish puff up. Jelly fish - jump on top of it for main character to bounce on (jellyfish will act like a trampoline) Instead of piranhas, we make a ghost ship like the old ones and the user enters in the ship and may ghosts appear behind things and you just tap them to explode into bubbles. Whales swimming - tap to make a whale noise and if you compose the right whale noise the shell will sleep and it will open to get the pearl. (Whale noise has a relaxing sound effect) Sea horses - race with other seahorses Dolphin - drag and pass the loops Sea turtles - click on the jellyfish only to be eaten (there will be other objects ie: plastic bags)

Please note, if you do not have a lot of work as a group in this task start working on the game ie: search tutorials, ideas, etc. 2 existing good examples, ie: dump way to die Design Idea + Testing Methods - Roberta Visual Concept Board is going to be done by all of the members BUT will be finalized by Lindsey

Colours (pantones), typography, layout of other apps, character + illustration styles, textures, sound + sound effects, level transitions, underwater creature research, sketches Division of work Concept Developer Lindsey Concept art - ALL Designer/Photoshop Jacq, Christine, Lindsey User Interface Designer Claire Marie Programmer/Developer Rob, Jacq Tester Rob, Jacq Animation Clayton, Rob, Claire Marie 3D department Roberta Sound finding + editing + effects Christine

10 mini games that were chosen

Finalized Storyboard
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Whale passes, creates bubbles - Bursting Bubbles - to clear screen and continue Treasure Chest Take out the jewelry without getting snapped by clams Pearl Clam Tap 1 of the 5 buttons which lights up composing whale noise and opening clam Passing through a cave Close the eel hiding holes with grass so you pass safely Sea weed - open to make a path then widen jellyfish arms to pass Fisherman's net tear apart the net to get through it or else you will get trapped Puffer fish - tap it many times to make the fish puff up. Race with other seahorses, tap to run faster Dolphin tilt to change direction and pass through the loops Sea turtles - click on the jellyfish only to be eaten (there will be other objects ie: plastic bags)

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