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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Kathy Rappaport Week of: Nov 18-22 Course/Grade: ELD 2 Unit Name: Reading Strategies for Informational Texts

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Literacy: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases Reading Standards for Informational Text Key Ideas and Details Literacy.RI.8.2 Determine a main idea and its relationship to supporting ideas, provide a summary of the text Craft and Structure Literacy. RI.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. Writing Standards Text Types and Purposes Literacy.W.8.1b Support claims with logical reasoning Literacy.w.8.2.b Develop the topic with well-chosen facts Language Goals Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Phonics Review Think/Pair/Share Discussions Read Aloud Writing down ideas

Essential Question(s): How can I make sense of what I read?

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Continuation of strategies used in the prior week such as pre-reading strategies: defining tier 2 and tier 3 vocab words before reading the text, predicting main ideas, writing down questions students have about the topic; reading strategies: asking questions as they read, rereading for comprehension, looking for main ideas and supporting ideas; post reading strategies: summarizing a section, writing down the main idea of each section and three supporting details, comparing pre-reading predictions with post reading knowledge, answering questions that ask students to recall explicit ideas and infer implicit

Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Some students who do not wish to read aloud in front of the class can participate by pointing at projected text with a pointer, so others can follow along.

ideas. Resources/Materials Teacher: A short informational text about Sinkholes and a special edition of Time for Kids about Jordan. Students: Same

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: Do Now checks for understanding of the previous days lesson. Written assignments and quizzes check for understanding of daily lessons. This Week: Students will fill out reading a phonics worksheet for words that appear frequently in spoken language and some less frequently used vocab words. Students will also fill out worksheets for words that are used in specific domains. In this case, the domain is Sinkholes. Students will also fill out a reading comprehension packet that focuses on identifying and writing main ideas and supporting details. Students will also take a quiz that checks for understanding of vocabulary words, and main ideas. Unit: Reading Strategies for Information Texts

Time allotted MONDAY Learning Target1) 1) Do Now: Students will review how to identify a main idea in a passage. 2) Students will demonstrate an understanding of phonics by matching specific sounds to corresponding letters that produce those sounds in Tier II or frequently used vocabulary words. 3) Students will show that they can brainstorm definitions of technical vocabulary words as a class by having a group discussion. 4) Students will apply understanding of vocabulary by using words appropriately in a CLOZE sentence, by finishing a sentence that contains a vocabulary word in such a way as to show understanding of the definition of that word, and by writing their own sentences using vocabulary words. (sorting verbs from nouns and drawing pictures of some of the words)

Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) Due1) Do Now: Teacher will have a class discussion to review strategies for identifying the main idea. Teacher can remind students of previously considered strategies: a) Read or listen carefully to the text b) Ask yourself What is this section about? c) Look at chapter titles for clues. d) Pretend you are describing what you just read to a friend using only one sentence. 2) Students will practice reading phonics worksheets aloud, and the turn them in. 3) Brainstorming activity Students write down definitions 4) Vocabulary Worksheets Cloze Readings Finish the Sentence Closure: Students will match each vocab word with a synonym

TUESDAY Learning Target1)Do Now: Students will apply their understanding of how to write a complete sentence by fixing sentence fragments on the board. 2) Students will demonstrate an understanding of pre-reading strategies by applying them before they read. a) Students will state everything they know about sinkholes. b) Students will predict what information will be covered about sinkholes after looking at the title photos and chapter headings, and write down these predictions. c) Students will create one question that they would want to learn from reading the text and write it down. 3) Students will demonstrate an understanding of reading comprehension strategies by applying them as they listen to the teacher read and read aloud themselves. a) As students listen to the teacher read a CLOZE reading (the text with some vocabulary words removed) of section one, they will interpret which vocabulary word fits into the blank from a word list. This activity demonstrates comprehension of vocabulary words and of the overall meaning of the section. b) After the CLOZE reading, a student will reread the section and students will demonstrate comprehension by writing down the main idea and also writing down two supporting ideas. c) Students will show that they grasp details from the reading by drawing a picture that shows one of those details.

` Assignment(s) Due5 Minutes 1) Do Now Activity: Teacher will write sentence fragments on the board, and students add/subtract whats needed in order to create complete sentences. Remind students that they cant start a sentence with the words that or because. TEACHER WILL DISTRIBUTE READING HANDOUT TO ALL STUDENTS. 2) Pre-reading Exercises 2 minutes Students will state everything they know about sinkholes. 3 minutes Students will predict one piece of information that they will learn as they read the handout. 3) Reading Exercises 10 minutes Students will listen as teacher reads a CLOZE reading of the section one. Students will pick out the word from a word list that they think fits into each blank and write it down. 5 minutes A student will then re-read the section as it is projected onto the wall while another student uses a pointer to help all students follow along. 10 minutes Student will write down the main idea and supporting ideas in their graphic organizer. Students will draw a picture of a detail from section one. Students will present what they wrote to the class. 20 minutes Repeat for section two.

If Time: Closure: Students will share if their questions (from the pre-reading exercise) have been answered and, if so, identify the answers.

WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will show that they can infer information from a text by answering a question that requires them to read between the lines. Students will show that they can pick out main ideas from the reading by answering a question that requires them to recall main ideas. Students will show they can synthesize information about Sinkholes by pretending to be a reporter and writing a news article about a sinkhole disaster they are covering. THURSDAY Learning TargetStudents will show they can recall vocabulary and main ideas of Sinkhole Science by taking a quiz. Students will show they know how to draw inferences by answering questions about a Jordanian fable included in Time for Kids that requires them to draw inferences from implicit ideas. FRIDAY Learning TargetStudents will show they can compare and contrast information by describing two ways in which they are like a child from the Jordanian culture and two ways in which they are different from that same child. Students will show they can obtain information from a map by answering three questions that pertain to direction, location of cities and adjacent geographical features. Students will show that they can restate basic factual information on a chart by answering questions based on a fact file about Jordan. Students will show they can recall main ideas from Time for Kids by taking a comprehension quiz.

Assignment(s) Due-

Students will complete worksheets on Sinkhole Science. Students will take on the role of a journalist and cover a sinkhole disaster. Students must answer who, what, where, when and why questions to help them organize information into paragraphs. .

Assignment(s) DueStudents will read news articles and a story from a Time for Kids magazine. They must complete worksheets that ask questions about main ideas and also require students to draw inferences about implicit ideas.

Assignment(s) DueStudents will compare their daily lives to a Jordanian students daily life by writing down what is the same about their acitvities and what is different about them. Students will complete a graphic organizer that requires map reading and reading basic factual information from a chart. Students will complete a comprehension quiz.

Post-Teaching Reflections on Lesson

What went well?

What needs to be improved? Why?

Strategies to consider for improving lesson:

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