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Systems of Equations

What is an equation ? What is a one variable first degree equation? What do we mean by first degree? How do we solve a one variable first degree equation?

Two variable first degree equations

A two-variable first degree equation is a statement which contains two variables and is constructed using the equality relation. Ex: 3x + 4y = 12 Do the coordinates of the point A(-4,6) verify this equation ?

What is a System of Equations?

A system of equations is a collection of two or more equations containing one or more variables. 2y = x + 2

2x + y = 5

y = 5x - 7 6x - y = 5

How do we solve a System of Equations in two variables?

In solving a system of equations in two variables, we try to find values for each of the variables that will satisfy every equation in the system. In other words, to find a set of values (x,y) that satisfies both equations. There are different methods to do that.

4 Methods to solve a system of equations

1) 2) 3) 4) Comparison Method Substitution Method Elimination Method Graphical Method

Solving a System of Equations The Comparison Method

Comparison Method
Algebraic method for solving a system of equations Consists of comparing the algebraic expressions representing the same variable in each of the equations Form of the Equation: y=a1x+b1 y=a2x+b2

Steps Required
1. Isolate the same variable in each of the equations 2. Make the two equations equal to each other 3. Solve the equation

4. Substitute this value into EITHER of the systems equations to find the value of the other variable 5. You now have the solution set of the system 6. Verify the solution set by replacing your values into the systems of equations

Example: y=3x-5 y=5x-8

Step 2: 3x-5 = 5x-8

Step 3: 3x-3x-5 = 5x-3x-8 -5+8 = 2x 3 = 2x

3 x 2

Step 4:

3 3 5 5 8 2 2

9 15 5 8 2 2 9 10 15 16 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2

Step 5: Solution set to System:

3 1 ( , ) 2 2

Step 6: Verify
1 3 3 5 2 2 1 9 5 2 2 1 9 10 2 2 2 1 1 2 2

1 3 5 8 2 2 1 15 16 2 2 2 1 1 2 2

Example: y=-4x+5 y=x+10

Example: -2x+y=1 3x+2y=9

Class work and Homework

Math 3000, page 139 activity 3 and number 5 Worksheet on Comparison method

1.Using the Substitution Method

With the substitution method, we solve one of the equations for one variable in terms of the other, and then substitute that into the other equation. This makes sense with an example!!

Example #1:

2y = 8x 3x + y = -21

Step 1: Solve one equation for one variable. 2y = 8x y = 4x

Step 2: Substitute the expression from step one into the other equation. 3x + y = -21 3x + 4x = -21 Step 3: Simplify and solve the equation. 7x = -21 x = -3

2y = 8x 3x + y = -21
Step 4: Substitute back into either original equation to find the value of the other variable. 3x + y = -21 3(-3) + y = -21 -9 + y = -21 y = -12 Solution to the system is (-3, -12).

y = 4x 3x + y = -21
Step 5: Check the solution in both equations.

Solution to the system is (-3,-12).

y = 4x

3x + y = -21 3(-3) + (-12) = -21 -9 + (-12) = -21 -21= -21

-12 = 4(-3)
-12 = -12

Example #2:
x + y = 10 y = -x +10

Step 1: Solve one equation for one variable.

x + y = 10 5x y = 2

Step 2: Substitute the expression from step one into the other equation.

5x - y = 2 5x -(-x +10) = 2

x + y = 10 5x y = 2
Step 3: Simplify and solve the equation.

5x -(-x + 10) = 2 5x + x -10 = 2 6x -10 = 2 6x = 12 x=2

x + y = 10 5x y = 2
Step 4: Substitute back into either original equation to find the value of the other variable.

x + y = 10 2 + y = 10 y=8

Solution to the system is (2,8).

x + y = 10 5x y = 2
Step 5: Check the solution in both equations.

Solution to the system is (2, 8).

x + y =10 2 + 8 =10 10 =10

5x y = 2 5(2) - (8) = 2 10 8 = 2 2=2

1. y 2 x 2

Practice: Solve by substitution:

2 x 3y 10
2. 2a 3b 7 2a b 5

Math 3000 p.137 Activity 2 (on the bottom of the page) Math 3000 p.138 #3 , #4(harder)

Elimination Method
Using operations on both equations in the system to eliminate one of the variables and find the value of the other variable in the solution ordered pair.

How to:
1. Write the 2 equations in the following form: a1x+b1y=c1 a2x+b2y=c2 2. multiply, if necessary, one or both of the equations to form an equivalent system in which the coefficients of the same variable are equal or opposite

3. Find an equation in one variable by adding or subtracting the equations of this new system 4. Solve the resulting equation in order to calculate one of the coordinates of the point of intersection 5. Substitute the value into the other equation in order to find the calue of the other variable

Example: 2n+3m=13 n-2m=-4

Example: 5a+8b=29 3a+6b=21

Example: -3x+2y=5 4x y=10

Class work and homework

Worksheet on Solving Systems of Equations

So many methods!!!!
When do I use which method?

The choice of method you use: Substitution, Comparison or Elimination often depends on the form of the equations that make up the system.

Algebraic Comparison Method

Choose When the same variable is isolated in both equations



When one When no variable is variable is isolated in one isolated equation only

Form of y=a1x+b1 the y=a2x+b2 Equations

a1x+b1y=c Y=a2x+b2

a1x+b1y=c1 a2x+b2y=c2

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