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Article Critique Rachel Hodges Ferris State Universit

ARTICLE CRITIQUE Article Critique The article !"il#ie et al$% &'1() that is *eing critiqued is +Re,roductive health choices -or oung adults .ith sic#le cell disease or trait: rando/i0ed control trial i//ediate ,osttest e--ects$1 This is a research stud -ocused on the re,roductive #no.ledge and choices o- oung ,eo,le .ith sic# cell disease or the sic#le cell trait$ There is li/ited research -indings on this to,ic and *ecause advance/ents in /edicine


have led to children .ith sic#le cell disease living into adulthood% re,roductive health -or this grou, is a issue !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The stud ai/ed to deter/ine i- the intervention that .as develo,ed .as /ore e--ective than the usual care$ Design This research stud used a ,retest2,osttest control grou, design$ This is a t ,e oa true e3,eri/ental design and is considered quantitative research !4ies.iado/ % &'1&)$ The stud /eets the criteria -or a true e3,eri/ental design *ecause the researcher /ani,ulated the e3,eri/ental varia*le% one e3,eri/ental and one control grou, are included% and su*5ects are rando/l assigned to each grou, !4ies.iado/ % &'1&)$ The stud is consistent .ith the ,retest2,osttest control grou, design *ecause a-ter the su*5ects .ere rando/l assigned to grou,s a ,retest .as given to *oth grou,s% the e3,eri/ental treat/ent .as used in the e3,eri/ental grou, and the routine treat/ent .as used in the control grou,% and a ,osttest .as given to *oth grou,s !4ies.iado/ % &'1&)$ This stud did include a h ,othesis$ The researches h ,othesi0ed that the e3,eri/ental grou, that received the CH6ICES intervention .ould re,ort increased re,roductive health #no.ledge% intention% and ,lanned *ehavior changes that .ere


consistent .ith their ,arenting ,lan% .hen co/,ared to the control grou, that received the usual care !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ Methods &7& eligi*le su*5ects .ere recruited -ro/ sic#le cell clinics at the t.o healthcare institutions% co//unit organi0ations% ,u*lic settings% and online net.or#s !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ &(7 su*5ects co/,leted the stud !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The su*5ects .ere 182(9 ears old and had sic#le cell disease or sic#le cell trait !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ :9; o- the sa/,le .as .o/en and <7; .ere A-rican A/erican !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ Using the rando/ digit2*ased Rando/Assign/ent so-t.are ,rogra/% su*5ects .ere assigned to the attention2control usual care e2=oo# or to the CH6ICES treat/ent !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ A ,retest and ,osttest .ere given to *oth grou,s% /easuring sic#le cell re,roductive #no.ledge% intention% and *ehavior !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The CH6ICES treat/ent .as used in the e3,eri/ental grou,$ This treat/ent .as .e*2*ased and included 9> .e* ,ages that incor,orated te3t% gra,hics% and video cli,s !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The ,rogra/ *egins .ith a concrete e3,erience video and then is *ro#en do.n into three sections: re-lective o*servation% a*stract conce,tuali0ation% and active e3,eri/entation !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The educational /aterials .ere at an eighth grade reading level and it too# a,,ro3i/atel an hour and a hal- -or su*5ects to co/,lete the treat/ent !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The control grou, .as treated using the attention2control usual care e2=oo#$ The e2=oo# is also .e*2*ased and is /ade u, o- nine ,ages o- te3t% gra,hics% and ,hotogra,hs !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ It includes sic#le cell education /aterial that is usuall shared .ith ,atients% ,arents% and the co//unit in sic#le cell ,rogra/s !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The e2

ARTICLE CRITIQUE =oo# .as .ritten at an eighth grade level and too# su*5ects roughl ten /inutes to co/,lete !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ Findings It .as -ound that the CH6ICES grou, had signi-icantl higher average #no.ledge scores and ,ro*a*ilit o- re,orting a ,arenting ,lan to avoid sic#le cell disease or sic#le cell trait .hen co/,ared to the e2=oo# grou, !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ Signi-icant change in their intention and ,lanned *ehavior .ere -ound in the CH6ICES grou, !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The e2=oo# grou, did not sho. signi-icant change in their intention% *ut their ,lanned *ehavior di--ered signi-icantl !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ Theory The CH6ICES intervention .as designed *ased on t.o theories$ The content deliver .as guided * ?ol*@s e3,eri/ental learning theor and the content .as guided

* the theor o- reasoned action !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The e3,eri/ental learning theor is *orro.ed -ro/ educational theorist% Aavid A$ ?ol* !S/ith% &'1')$ The theor is *ased on -our ele/ents including concrete e3,erience% re-lective o*servation% a*stract conce,tuali0ation% and active e3,eri/entation !S/ith% &'1')$ These ele/ents /a#e u, the sections o- the CH6ICES intervention !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ The theor o- reasoned action is a *ehavioral theor that is *orro.ed -ro/ theorists Bartin Fish*ein and Ice# A50en !Universit o- T.ente% &'1()$ This theor suggests that *ehavior is deter/ined * intention to ,er-or/ the *ehavior and that this intention is a -unction o- attitude to.ard the *ehavior and the su*5ective nor/ !Universit o- T.ente% &'1()$ The stud /easures intention and *ehavior in the ,retest and ,osttest *ased on this theor !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$


This research article is credi*le$ The seventeen authors have credentials including ChA% R4% BA% and BS$ The are all research ,ro-essors or research s,ecialists$ The article .as ,u*lished in Nursing Research% .hich is a ,eer revie.ed research 5ournal$ The article re-erenced nu/erous research studies and credi*le sources$ The .riting has little to no gra//atical errors and is qualit $ The research is also qualit $ There are -e. stud li/itations and no *iases$ The CH6ICES intervention and attention2control usual care e2=oo# intervention .ere validated * cognitive intervie. /ethods in a ,revious stud !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ Analysis This stud has the ,otential to contri*ute to evidence2*ased nursing ,ractice$ A large ,ortion o- nursing ,ractice involves education$ This research stud -ocused on re,roductive health #no.ledge% intention% and ,lanned *ehavior$ In order to i/,rove these things% nurses /ust ,rovide education$ The CH6ICES tool% or a si/ilar intervention could *e the *est ,ractice -or this t ,e o- education i- -urther research is done to su,,ort it$ This stud cannot stand alone as evidence -or *est nursing ,ractice$ There is a ,otential -or qualit and sa-et to *e i/,roved through the intervention researched in this stud $ For those .ith sic#le cell disease or sic#le cell trait the res,onsi*ilities o- ,arenthood associated .ith the stress and disru,tion that /a occur ithe have a child .ith the disease or trait are di--icult to co,e .ith !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ Also% .o/en .ith sic#le cell disease are at ris# -or nu/erous ,regnanc co/,lications !"il#ie et al$% &'1()$ Re,roducing is a ris# -or this grou, and can lead to co/,lications$ Cro,er education a*out the ris#s * nurses can i/,rove sa-et $

ARTICLE CRITIQUE Conclusion 6verall% this research stud is qualit and could contri*ute to evidence2*ased ,ractice$ A-ter -urther research is done% the CH6ICES intervention could *e used to i/,rove sa-et and qualit o- nursing education to sic#le cell ,atients$

ARTICLE CRITIQUE Re-erences 4ies.iado/ % R$ B$ !&'1&)$ Foundations of nursing research !:th ed$)$ U,,er Saddle River% 4e. Derse : Cearson Education$ S/ith% B$ ?$ !&'1')$ David A. Kolb on experiential learning. Retrieved -ro/ htt,:EEin-ed$orgE/o*iEdavid2a2#ol*2on2e3,eriential2learningE Universit o- T.ente !&'1()$ Theory of planned behavior/reasoned action. Retrieved -ro/ htt,:EE...$ut.ente$nlEc.Etheorieenover0ichtEtheor ;&'clustersEhealth;& 'co//unicationEtheor F,lannedF*ehavior$docE "il#ie% A$% Gallo% A$% Hao% H$% Bolo#ie% R$% Stahl% C$% Hersh*erger% C$% I Tho/,son% A$ !&'1()$ Re,roductive health choices -or oung adults .ith sic#le cell disease or trait: rando/i0ed control trial i//ediate ,osttest e--ects$ Nursing Research% 6 !9)% (9&2(:1$ doi: 1'$1'<>E44R$'*'1(e(18&a'(1:*


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