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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Important Transportation and Communication Means

Autor de la Unidad
Nombre y apellido Nombre de la Institucin Educativa Ubicacin de la Institucin Educativa Otros datos de la Institucin Educativa Miriam Nieto de Acosta C.E.B.G. Melchor Lasso De La Vega Ave. Francisco Arias Paredes Frente a la Junta Comunal de Alcalde D a!

Descripcin de la Unidad
"his to#ic is a$out the trans#ortation and communication means. "heir classi%ication& histor'& evolution and the use.

Ttulo de la Unidad

Modern and Useful Transportation and Communication

Resumen de la Unidad
"he content and activities (ithin this until e)amines in detail the themes o% trans#ortation and communication& #articularl' the details that students develo# understanding o% trans#ortation and communication. "he unit hel#s students consider di%%erent *ind o% trans#ortation and communication $' e)#loring e)am#les %rom %amiliar and un%amiliar settings. +tudents stud' di%%erent t'#es o% trans#ortation such as, air& (ater and land and di%%erent t'#es o% communication such as, #rint and oral. "he to#ics connect (ith the trans#ortation histor' setting the evolution o% them and mentioning some creators o% them. "he activities integrate all students through role #la's& $rainstorming& readings& -uestions and ans(ers& investigations and coo#erative learning ma*ing creative $ulletin $oards.

Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s

English +u$.ect and +ocial +tudies

8th. Grade


Tiempo necesario apro"imado

/ (ee*s

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial


#undamentos de la unidad Contenidos


#esearc$in% and &ritin% descriptions about t$e most common means o' transportation and communication! (a)in% illustrative c$arts o' t$e types o' transportation and communication! istenin% investi%ations about means o' transportation and communication! Usin% or%ani*ational strate%ies +e!%!, brainstormin%, lists, &ebs and Venn dia%rams- to analy*e readin%s about t$e topic! Solvin% a &ritten test

Valuin% t$e importance o' $avin% modern transportation and communication

$%&eti!os del Aprendi'a&e

Indicadores Logros Identifies different type of transportation and communication Supports evidences of means of transportation and communication Values the advantages of using means of transportation and communication in the community

Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad

Pregunta esencial
How do you make tourism?

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Preguntas de unidad

Do you know the transportation and communication means? Do you know the history of the transportation? Do you know the modern communication? hat is the transportation and communication means? hich are the different types of transportation? hich are the different types of communication?

Preguntas de contenido

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plan de e!aluacin Cronograma de E!aluaciones

Antes de empe'ar el tra%a&o del pro ecto Durante el desarrollo del pro ecto Una !e' completado el pro ecto

(rainstorming )uestions and an*ers E"planationa and Discussions

In!estigations +ritten report +or, c-arts +or,s-eets (ulletin (oards +ritten test

+ritten and $ral presentations +or,s Presentations

transportation readin%!doc



E"ercise o' com m unication and transportation 'or 0t$!

Resumen de E!aluaciones

Brainstorming Questions and answers Explanation and Discussions

Proceso y propsito
!he Group process where all ideas are accepted and recorded a"out the transportation and communications ideas. #$ploration of the nature of answers related with the topic. !he e$planation answers a %uestion. Good e$planations take into account the prior knowledge of the %uestioner and the &intent& of the %uestion. !he e$planations are given "y "oth teachers and students in the classroom. Students are often asked to e$plain the concepts as part of assessing their knowledge. !eachers are asked for e$planations during all phases of instruction. !he class is divided into teams. !eams investigate' gather information' prepare a report' then assem"le to present their findings to the entire class and share it with their classmates. !he group writes a summary of the information. Students make a format in their note"ooks that contain information' classification and illustrations of the communication and transportation. Get in group and do a written practice related with transportation and communication to reinforce the contents.


Written Report C art Wor!s eet

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Bulletin Board Written "est

!he students make in "oards or wall space where information or materials can "e posted to inform' e$cite' guide' or motivate students. !o evidence their improvement a"out the contents.

Detalles de la unidad .a%ilidades pre!ias / Pre!iousl /no*ledge

+tudents recogni!e and identi%' some trans#ortation and communication means. "he' understand and use sim#le structure o% sentence to ans(er -uestions #ro#erl'. "he' have some s*ills to listen& to read& to (rite and to s#ea* in English. "he' could *no( cutting and #asting. +tudents develo# their creativit' ma*ing letters& $orders and loo*ing. "he' investigate in%ormation in di%%erent (e$ sites a$out the trans#ortation and communication means.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

#ctivity $
Be%ore to introduce the class& students #artici#ate in a $rainstorming to *no( a$out their voca$ular' related (ith trans#ortation and communication. "he (ords related (ith trans#ortation and communication are (ritten in the $oard %or students un*no(n the (ords.

#ctivity %
Gets in grou# to start a role #la' o% -uestions and ans(er a$out the classi%ication o% the trans#ortation using the (ords o% the $rainstorming related (ith trans#ortation. 7B' land& $' air and $' (ater8. "hen ma*e the same activit' (ith the to#ic o% the communication& using the (ords o% the $rainstorming related (ith the communication and classi%' them. 7B' oral and (ritten8.

#ctivity &
"he students investigate more a$out trans#ortation and communication& means& histor'& evaluation& creators& uses& descri#tion and use o% modern trans#ortation and communication& #ictures. "he students ma*e a (ritten re#ort to discuss in class. "he investigation is discussed in class to collect the most im#ortant in%ormation. "he students ma*e in their note$oo*s a chart (ith the in%ormation o% ever'thing that the' investigated. A!" http://#$%v.m#/1&b$'Be

#ctivity '
"he students read a$out the histor' o% trans#ortation& then the' ma*e a (or*sheet a$out it.

#ctivity (
"he students ela$orate a $ulletin $oard (ith all the in%ormation investigated a$out communication and trans#ortation. "he students do a (ritten test.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Estudiante con necesidades especiales 0o -ispano1 parlantes Estudiante talentoso

ithout speaking or listening( use more pictures' videos or power point to develop the class' to answer or to make %uestions use the computer. ithout writing and reading skills( is necessary keep the oral communication.

5t9s necessar' in English language a##l' the idiomatic e)#ressions to interact (ith %oreign students and use illustrative cards and %lash cards to sho( and e)#lain clearl' an' contents. "he student could $e volunteer to #resent a s#eech or to share (ith their classmate an' e)tra in%ormation a$out the to#ic to motivate them to involucrate more (ith the language. "he teacher could re(ard her:his initiative.


Recursos 0ecesarios para la Unidad

Tecnologa 2 .ard*are 3E4uipo 0ecesario5

C6mara Com#utadora7s8 C6mara digital ;e#roductor de DVD Cone)i4n a 5nternet Disco l6ser 5m#resora +istema de #ro'ecci4n Esc6ner "elevisor VC; C6mara de v deo E-ui#o de v deo con%erencia <tro

Tecnologa 2 6o7t*are 7necesario8

Base de datos:=o.a de c6lculo Diagramador de #u$licaciones Programa de correo electr4nico Enciclo#edia en CD>;<M
Materiales impresos 6uministros Recursos de Internet orksheets #lementos esenciales %ue de"en pedirse u o"tenerse para implementar su unidad. )o incluye art*culos de uso diario comunes a todas las aulas.

Editor de im6genes Buscador ?e$ Multimedia

Desarrollo de #6ginas (e$ Procesador de te)to <tro 11111

htt#,::(((.'outu$>B'AE$CP.(E htt#,::(((.'outu$>DE+-!A%g

$tros Recursos

Visitas de campo' e$perimentos' oradores invitados' mentores' otros estudiantes+clases' miem"ros de la comunidad' padres' etc.

Los #rogramas de 5ntelF Educaci4n son %inanciados #or la Fundaci4n 5ntel ' la Cor#oraci4n 5ntel. Derechos reservados 01223& Cor#oraci4n 5ntel. "odos los derechos reservados. 5ntel& el logo de 5ntel& la iniciativa de 5ntel Educaci4n ' el Programa 5ntel Educar son marcas registradas de 5ntel Cor#oration o de sus su$sidiarias en los Estados Cnidos ' otros #a ses. G<tros nom$res ' marcas #ueden ser reclamadas como la #ro#iedad de terceras #artes.

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