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How Big is My Population?

Go to: 1: Counting Big Populations: How do scientists estimate the size of a large population? They take a random sample. 2: Sampling on a grid: To count the dandelions we!ll first create a grid then use the computer!s random num"er generator to tell us which grid s#uares to count$ %e!ll do this &' times "ecause as you!ll see the counts in the different grid s#uares will (ary a lot$ )fter you count &' s#uares you!ll use the a(erage num"er per s#uare to estimate the population of the entire lawn$ How many dandelions are there on the grid? 2 *: Scaling it +p: %hat does it mean that we scaled it up? !nce "e have an estimate #or the average number o# dandelions in the sample s$uare% "e could scale up to the entire la"n by multiplying that number by the total number o# s$uares in the yard. ,: -eeping it .andom: %hy is it important to randomly select segments to count? &ll members o# the population need to have an e$ual chance o# being selected. /: %hen Size Matters: %hat is the simpliest way to determine the appropriate sample size? To graph a running average #rom the samples. 0: Bare Bones Sampling: %hat is the difference "etween measuring a"undance (ersus Presence1a"sence? 'resence ( )etermined in many small areas to be sampled and record "hether the organism "as observed or not. &bsence - &ctual number o# individuals in a given area. 2: Collecting P1) 3ata: Counting Moss$$ How do we estimate sample size? *andomly pick individual points to sample is ho" "e estimate sample si+e. 4: 5mper(ious Surface: How do we estimate imper(ious surface? 67plain$ ,stimating the percentage o# side"alks and paved sur#aces there are. -ith rain they go directly into the

nearest stream% along "ith any dirt% trash% pesticide% oil or other pollutants it might happen to encounter. 8: 9etting :ancy: %hat are the steps for conducting a simple transect? 1. *andomly select a starting point in your area o# interest. 2. .rom that point chose a random direction. /. 0ay out a transect #rom the starting point in the direction you1ve determined% you decided ho" long you must go. 2. )etermine "here along the transect you "ill collect your sample data. . 3ou "ill need to outline the boundaries o# "here you4re sampling. 5o lay out a sampling #rame.

&': Try a Transect:

Summary: 67plain what you learned "y doing this acti(ity 6 learned ho" there are several variables you have to keep in mind "hen sampling. 0ike picking randomly% you do "ant all members o# the population need to have an e$ual chance o# being selected. &nother big thing is making sure you have your graphing and math right and most importantly #ollo"ing the steps #or conducting a simple transect.

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