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QUESTION 1-4 Choose the best word to fill in each blanks. 1. My ________________ is an old woman. A. father B. grandmother C. brother

2. Can you please lend me your ____________? A. sharpener B. pencil C. ruler

3. A An __________ is a mammal. A. shark B. octopus C. whale

!. ____________ seeds can be eaten. A. "ose B. #ibiscus C. $unflower


Question 5-7 "eplace the pictures with the phrases gi%en.

&. A. cute cat B. fierce dog C. little puppy

'. A. stick B. an iron rod C. a stone


(. A. walked away B. attacked me C. ran away Question 8-10 $tudy the pictures carefully. )hen pick the best answers.


A. )he boy is helping his mother. B. )he boy is helping his teacher. C. )he boy is carrying the bo+es.


A. Mrs. -eela is buying fish. B. Mrs. -eela is cooking. C. )he butcher is cutting the meat.


A. )he old man is walking at night. B. )he old man is carrying a plastic bag. C. #e is holding an umbrella. __________________________________________________________________

QUESTION 11-1 -ook at the pictures below carefully. )ick / 0 the words with the correct spellings. 11.

1 play badminton with my ______________________. friend / 0 friend /



2eter drinks a ____________ of milk e%ery night. glass / 13. 0 gelas / 0

)he king is wearing a __________________. clown / 0 crown / 0


QUESTION 14-1! Choose the "ost suitable sentence to fill in each blanks. 1!.

A. $leep well3 son. B. )hank you3 son. C. 4ake up early3 son. 1&.

A. 1t5s a banana plant3 son. B. 1t5s a mango tree3 son. C. 6o you want to eat mangoes? 1'.

A. 1 don5t know3 sir. B. Maybe three or four3 sir. C. )here are four3 sir. __________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 17-#5 Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. 1(. #e drinks ____________ glass of milk e%ery night. A. a B. an C. the

1*. My sister want to wash ______________ shoes. A. hers B. she C. her

1,. 7%eryone likes Ali because he is a ___________ boy. A. cle%er B. naughty C. good

2.. 2eter __________ to school e%ery morning. A. walking B. walked


C. walks

21. )he boy is standing ____________ the table. A. under B. on C. in

22. #e goes to school _______ bus. A. by B. with C. on

23. $he did not go to school ____________ she was sick. A. but B. because C. so

2!. )here is __________ water in the pail. A. many B. se%eral C. much

2&. ____________ are you coming to my house? A. 4here B. 4hen C. 4hat


-ook at the pictures and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the passage3 choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

make )his is a library.





4e can /#!0 ________________ all kinds of books here. Ali is also in the library. #e is /#70 _________________ for a book. #e wants to read a book /#80 __________________whales and sharks. )he students must not /#% 0 ___________noise in the library. SECTION E )he librarian 1is watching / 00 ________________ carefully. QUESTION 5 "ead the con%ersation below and answer the 8uestion that follow.

)eacher : 4hat did you eat for breakfast3 Al i? Ali : 1 had ;nasi lemak5 and a glass of orange <uice3 teacher. )eacher : 4hat about you3 Muthu? Muthu : My dad and 1 stopped at a restaurant to ha%e ;roti canai5 and a cup of hot tea each3 teacher. )eacher : "an<it3 what did you eat this morning ? "an<it : 1 only had toast and a glass of milk3 teacher.

)eacher : 9it $eng3 did you ha%e your breakfast ? 9it $eng : =es3 teacher. 1 ate a plate of fried noodles. 1 only drank a glass of plain water. )eacher : 15m happy to hear that all of you took your breakfast before coming to school. 31. )he con%ersation is happening in the ___________. A. house B. canteen C. classroom

32. )hey are talking about taking _____________. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner

33. 4hat did 9it seng eat for breakfast? #e ate _______________________________________________________. 3!. 4here did Muthu ha%e his breakfast? #e had his breakfast __________________________________________. 3&. 4hat should we do before coming to school in the morning ? 4e should all ________________________________________________.



"ead the passage below carefully and answer the 8uestions that -ast $aturday was Chee $eng5s birthday. #e is eight follow. years old now. #e had a grand party in his house. #is friends got together and bought him a cake. )he cake was in the shape of the number ;*5. Many of his friends came for the party. Chee $eng5s mother cooked a lot of food for the party. Chee $eng recei%ed a lot of presents. -ater3 they sang songs and played some indoor games. Chee $eng was really happy 11 on that day. #is parents wished him the best and ga%e him a new bicycle as his birthday present.

3'. #ow old was Chee $eng before his birthday ? A. $i+ B. $e%en C. 7ight

3(. 4here did he hold the party? 1n his ________________. A. house B. classroom C. canteen

3*. 4hat did the birthday cake look like? 1t was in the _________________________________________________. 3,. 4hat did his friends do? )hey sang ___________________________________________________. !.. 4hat did Chee $eng5s parents gi%e him ? )hey ga%e him _______________________________________________.


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_______________ 2n 9amaliah bt A2@

2n $iti >aleha bt #am?ah 2n Ma?nah bt 1dris "a?ali 7nglish )eacher @urikulum 2enyelaras 22@1


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