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Daily Lesson Plan

Day 2 Objectives: TSW: State why the colony of New Netherland became the colony of New York (DOK 1) TSW: Identify why New Jersey se arated from New York (DOK 1) TSW: Define how !ennsyl"ania was fo#nded (DOK1) TSW: Identify life in the $iddle %olonies (DOK 1) TSW: %om are the land in the $iddle %olonies to that of the New &n'land %olonies( (DOK )) Materials: 1. Student *) +e,tbook -The American Nation: Beginnings through 1877. /) Notebook !a er %) 0ritin' 1tensils D) 0hite /oard and $arkers 2. Teacher *) 2oll3*ttendance Sheet /) +eachin' the $iddle %olonies 2#bric %) +e,tbook -The American Nation: Beginnings through 1877. Openin !Set": +eacher will o en the class with brief leasantries( +he st#dents will identify the $iddle %olonies( +he teacher will then e, lain to the st#dents that they will be teachin' each other abo#t the middle colonies( +he teacher will break # the st#dents into 'ro# s of 4 and hand them the r#bric for this acti"ity( *fter lookin' at the $iddles colonies and identifyin' them the st#dents will break off into their 'ro# s and 'et started( Learnin Tas#s !Procedures": *( *fter identifyin' the $iddle colonies the st#dents are se arated into 'ro# s of 4( /( 5i"e each 'ro# their section in the book to teach to the class and disc#ss the r#bric with the entire class( %( Introd#ce to them that each 'ro# m#st create a fi"e67#estion 7#i8 at the end of their lesson( D( 5i"e the st#dents anywhere from 19614 min#tes to read o"er their section and create a set of fi"e 7#estions that will ser"e as their 7#i8 to 'i"e the class( &( *sk each 'ro# to come # and resent their findin's on their

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section: st#dents may #se the romethean board or white board if they choose to for their 7#i8( 2emind st#dents to 'i"e their 7#i8 to the class at the end of their <6= min#te lesson( *fter each 'ro# has resented: disc#ss what were the main ideas introd#ced in this lesson abo#t the $iddle %olonies( *nswers co#ld incl#de: -Disc#ssion abo#t the >#akers and the fo#ndin' of the !ennsyl"ania colony? @ow New York colony was created( Or the mi'ht identify how farms were s#ccessf#l in the $iddle %olonies(. Once yo# are done disc#ssin' 'i"e the st#dents a !o >#i8 on sections 16A: attached below( If the st#dents wo#ld like to know for abo#t life d#rin' the +hirteen %olonies &ra s#''est to them the book Poor Richard's Almanack and Other Writings: By Benjamin Franklin written in 173 !

$losure: %nrich&ent: *sk st#dents to make connections and thinkin' critically abo#t how the life in the $iddle %olonies differs from life in the New &n'land %olonies( Incl#de disc#ssion abo#t the >#akers and the colony of New York bein' set # ( 'ntervention: If st#dents are ha"in' tro#ble with the material: ask them what they c#rrently interested in (+B: s orts: etc) and lace it in the conte,t of the information in that art of the c#rrent o #lar c#lt#re( Su&&ary !$losure": +oday we ha"e learned abo#t the e"ents which led to the fo#ndin' of the $iddle %olonies( 0e disc#ssed the reasons why the colonists set # the colony of New York: how the >#akers and fairness layed a maCor role in !ennsyl"ania and the im act of farms to the colonies( Yo#r homework toni'ht is to read section ) on the -So#thern %olonies. startin' on a'e 11) and be ready to disc#ss the contents in class tomorrow(

Students Teach (ubric %reati"ity oints Or'ani8ation oints >#ality of 7#i8 7#estions oints O"erall knowled'e of the material oints 34




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