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Search Vasomotor rhinitis--pathophysiological aspects. Authors Anggrd A. Journal Rhinology. 1979 Mar;17 1!"#1-$.

A%%iliation A&stract Vasomotor rhinitis is commonly de%ined as an unspeci%ic hyperracti'ity o% the nasal mucosa. (he symptoms might &e due to increased parasympathetic acti'ity to the nose )ith the release o% 'asosecretory acti'e su&stances. *+perimental data %rom the cat suggest that the postganglionic parasympathetic mediator o% nasal secretion is cholinergic, )hereas the 'ascular responses appears to &e due to a di%%erent mechanism. Apart %rom a rich sympathetic and parasympathetic inner'ation o% the nasal mucosa there are other ner'e %i&res containing su&stance-- S-! and 'asoacti'e intestinal polypeptide V.-!. (he secreto-'asomotor responses can &e in%luenced &y acti'ation o% these %i&res and the atropine resistant 'asodilatation seen %ollo)ing Vidian ner'e stimulation thus may partly &e due to acti'ation and release o% S- and V.-. /urthermore, other 'asoacti'e su&stances released such as e.g. SRS or 0alli1rein may participate in these reactions. -M.2 #3455 6-u&Med - inde+ed %or M*27.8*9 Related :itationsSho) all

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