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Mack 1 Willie C.

Mack IV Professor Leslie Wolcott ENC 1102 5 November 2013

The Ways of Thoracic Surgery

Introduction: Thoracic Surgery Techniques T oracic s!r"er# is t e combi$atio$ of m!lti%le s!r"ical %ractices all co$tai$e& 'it i$ t e c est area of a !ma$. T e %ractices i$cl!&e car&iovasc!lar( s%i$al( a$& ma$# ot er &isti$ct t#%es of s!r"er#. T ere are several &iffere$t tec $i)!es of "oi$" abo!t ma$# &iffere$t t#%es of s!r"eries from t e 'a# t e# i$sert certai$ ob*ects to !si$" robots to make t e e+ter$al i$cisio$ less a%%are$t. ,cre's are mostl# !se& i$ s%i$al s!r"er# to el% sec!re t e s%i$al cor& i$ a s%ecific locatio$ for eit er re%airs or to s!%%ort a$ot er area of t e bo&# like i$ -. Lee et al. *o!r$al. .obots are !se& i$ mi$imall# i$vasive s!r"er# to &ecrease t e time as 'ell as t e si/e of t e i$cisio$ &o$e. Minimally Invasive Surgery T ere is a 'i&e arra# of !ses for mi$imall# i$vasive s!r"er# a$& still ma$# to be fo!$&. It el%s to alleviate a lot of t e %ai$ after s!r"er# si$ce t e eali$" time is si"$ifica$tl# lesse$e& b# t e smaller i$cisio$. T e s!r"ical tec $i)!e is c!rre$tl# bei$" !se& for ma$# of t e s!r"eries t at co!l& o$l# be &o$e b# a$& ori"i$all#. 0lt o!" t e s!r"er# !ses robots( it still $ee&s to be co$trolle& b# a s!r"ical &octor rat er t a$ bei$" a!tomate&. T e "a% i$ t is tec $i)!e 'o!l& be researc to allo' t e robot be able to co$&!ct t e s!r"er# all b# itself. Tumor Removal

Mack 2 T!mor removal ca$ be &iffic!lt a$& it 'as o$ce o$l# %ossible to "et ri& of eit er b# ra&iatio$ or b# a lo$" s!r"ical o%eratio$. Times ave c a$"e& a$& t e tec $i)!es for elimi$ati$" t e t!mor ave as 'ell. T e mea$s of "etti$" ri& of t e t!mor b# ra&iatio$ $o' is more co$ce$trate& a$& &oes$1t arm t e ot er cells as m!c as it &i& i$ t e %ast. T ere is also mi$imall# i$vasive s!r"er# t at ca$ remove t e t!mor i$ almost alf t e time t at it ori"i$all# took to co$&!ct t e s!r"er#. Spinal Surgery ,%i$al s!r"er# is also al'a#s c a$"i$" 'it t e i$tro&!ctio$ of $e' tec $olo"# a$& t e tec $i)!es a&a%ti$" to t e c!rre$t tec $olo"#. T ere are better 'a#s bei$" &iscovere& to el% re%air t e s%i$al cor& to be !%ri" t s!c as !si$" a scre' or a brace to s!%%ort it. T e c!rre$t tec $i)!es i$volve %laci$" a %e&al scre' i$to t e s%i$al cor& to el% s!%%ort t e str!ct!re. T e e+ter$al tec $i)!e is !si$" a brace ' ic &oes $ot allo' for m!c moveme$t. .obotics ma# el% to solve t is b# %rovi&i$" assista$ce i$ back s!%%ort ' ile $ot restricti$" t e moveme$t of t e bo&#. Conclusion T oracic s!r"er# tec $i)!es ave come a lo$" 'a# from tr#i$" to o%erate 'it o!t k$o'i$" m!c abo!t ' at is "oi$" o$ i$ t e bo&#. 0lt o!" t ere are still some areas left !$e+%lore& like !si$" $a$o tec $olo"# to el% remove t!mors b# traveli$" i$ t e bloo& stream. It 'o!l& be ver# !sef!l to co$&!ct e+%erime$tatio$ o$ t!mors %lace& i$ a$imals. T e !se of $a$o tec $olo"# co!l& be i$serte& !si$" a sim%le $ee&le a$& leave $o scars from t e o%eratio$. T is a&va$ceme$t i$ tec $olo"# 'o!l& si"$ifica$tl# i$crease t e life e+%ecta$c# of ma$# %eo%le across t e "lobe.

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