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Running Head: Impacts of Technology on Children and Teenagers

Impacts of Technology on Children and Teenagers: A Review of the Literature Roberto Martinez niversity of Te!as at "l #aso

Impacts of Technology

Abstract The use and popularity of technology has continued to increase over the last decade as electronic devices such as cellphones$ tablets$ and laptops$ continue to improve by offering their users new features that allow them to connect and communicate in many different ways with the rest of the world% As technology has become more popular$ especially among today&s younger generations$ different impacts on children and teenagers have emerged as a cause from using technology% This literature review will inform its audience of the positive and negative impacts that technology may have in a child&s development$ a teenager&s social interactions$ and how some of those impacts can be prevented%

Impacts of Technology

Impacts of Technology on Children and Teenagers: A Review of the Literature The twenty'first century is a time period where technology runs the world% "verything from entertainment$ transportation$ and communication$ all of these are for the most part controlled and delivered than(s to technology% In today&s world most of all people&s lifestyles are dependent on technology in order to interact with friends$ family$ co'wor(ers$ or in other words$ with the rest of the world% )ith the improvements that have been achieved than(s to technology$ people are now able to communicate in forms of te!t and video chat with other people around their area and even around the entire globe in a matter of seconds% )riters *ehrman and +hields state on their ,ournal$ -This rapid diffusion of technology is .uite phenomenal$ the spread of Internet access has been described as nine times faster than that of radio$ four times faster than the personal computer$ and three times faster than television/ 0*ehrman 1 +hields$ 2333 p%24% This .uote shows that as technology gets better at connecting people around the globe$ innovations such as the Internet have spread at a faster rate than any other innovation in the past 0*ehrman 1 +hields$ 23334% 5umans are not the only ones who have been greatly impacted by technology6 the professional business world has also been greatly affected by it and now a day technology is a fundamental thing in a business in order to ma(e it grow$ e!pand$ or simply ma(e it more efficient% Many factories have adopted various ways of technologies not only to increase the supply of their products in order to (eep up with customer demand$ but also to (eep trac( of their data such as their wor(ers$ sales$ profits$ incomes$ etc% Technology also allows families to pay their bills through the internet without having to stand in a long waiting line and allows some people to wor( in the commodity of their homes without having to step into the office during the whole day% )ith all of the many uses that technology offers to the public nowadays$ it is very

Impacts of Technology

important that three important .uestions are ta(en into consideration in order to understand both types of impacts$ negative and positive$ that technology can have on today&s society$ specifically on children and teenagers% The .uestions are the following: 5ow does technology affect the development of a child7 5ow does technology affect a teenager&s social life7 5ow can some of these effects be prevented7 This literature review will use research from various sources as well as data gathered from an unscientific survey performed by the researcher in order to answer the previous .uestions% How does technology affect the development of a child? Technology is something that grows at an e!ponential rate ma(ing it very hard to ignore in today&s world which is mostly ran and controlled by technology% As technology also continues to become more popular$ children are starting to welcome technology at a much younger age ma(ing them more dependent of it and e!posing them to various negative effects such as issues in their early development% )riters Clinton and +teyer write on their article$ -*y the time they8re 2 years old$ more than 93: of all American children have an online history% At ;$ more than ;3: regularly interact with a computer or tablet device$ and by < or =$ many (ids regularly play video games/ 0Clinton 1 +teyer$ 23>24% This shows that because children are being born into a world where technology is very popular$ children are coming across technology at an age as early as two years old which could be the reason why as children continue to grow up they also become more dependent of technology 0Clinton 1 +teyer$ 23>24%

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#eople who are now adults and that were born before technology and the Internet became very popular$ most li(ely spent their childhood playing games such as hide and see( and chasing after (ids around their same age6 they also probably did not came across a phone or computer until they were what was then considered to be responsible or old enough to own one of these% C*+ ?ews writer$ Melissa Mc?amara states on her article$ -In the >9=38s$ when my family purchased our first computer$ it was a big$ clun(y machine used only for simple educational games and later$ typing school papers% My parents$ of course$ never touched a computer until they were adults/ 0Mc?amara$ 23394% This statement shows that bac( when technology$ in this case computers$ were not yet very popular$ it was very uncommon to use technology at a young age and as much as it is used today by younger generations 0Mc?amara$ 23394% @ne or two decades later what can be seen instead is a group of (ids of ages that range from si! to ten years old$ all gathered around any place and each one of them with their own device playing the e!act same game at the same time% )riters *ehrman 1 +hields write on their ,ournal$ -concerns have been raised that children who form Aelectronic friendshipsA instead of human friendships might be hindered in developing interpersonal s(ills/ 0*ehrman 1 +hields$ 2333 p%B4% This shows that children who ma(e -electronic friendships/ while playing video games instead of human relationships which re.uire face to face communication and interaction$ are sub,ect to develop interpersonal s(ills$ communication and interaction with other people$ which could affect their social s(ills with the world around them 0*ehrman 1 +hields$ 23334% Another effect that could emerge out of the lac( of appropriate social interactions with (ids around their same ages is depression% Author 5atch writes on her report$ -As children have more of their communication through electronic media$ and less of it face'to'face they begin to feel more lonely and depressed/ 05atch$ 23>>4% This shows that the lac( of social interaction with

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other (ids such as being involved in e!tracurricular activities or ,ust interactions where they can find themselves around other (ids tal(ing face to face can provo(e feelings of depression and loneliness in present children 05atch$ 23>>4% 5owever$ technology could not only affect children within the social world but also how they thin( and perform tas(s that are given to them% *ecause today&s children are being born in a time where technology is very popular$ children are growing up into a 2CD< technology world where videos$ music$ games$ internet$ etc% can all be carried everywhere inside everyone&s poc(et% As a result$ children are starting to develop what is referred to as multi'tas(ing as children seem to be performing multiple activities all at once while handling any mobile device affecting their concentration and learning s(ills% Author Lister states on her article$ -Technology also appears to be damaging critical reasoning and attention span$ leaving children less s(illed at concentrating on a particular point for a long time% This ma(es it much harder for them to solve longer and more comple! problems/ 0Lister$ 23394% This .uote implies that because technology has allowed children to multi'tas( by performing many different activities all at once$ multi' tas(ing has altered the way children prioritize their tas(s and has also prevented children from focusing and getting one tas( done at a time 0Lister$ 23394% Although technology could be the reason of many negative effects on children development$ it also has shown over the years to be beneficial in other aspects such as in education% The addition and use of technology in classrooms$ computer labs$ and libraries$ has shown to improve learning s(ills on many children across the nation as technology allows them to learn and understand the lecture from other perspective than ,ust the teacher&s words and e!amples% Also$ by implementing technology into a teacher&s class$ it allows children to e!perience the lecture from a more creative angle allowing children to understand more

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effectively sub,ects such as math$ science$ and history% As author Elemmer describes in his report$ I remember learning the names of the various forts and rivers along the @regon Trail by playing that classic computer game% I might not have remembered those names so well if my teacher only presented that information in the form of a lecture% TechnologyF must be used in our schools if we want more of our lessons to have a longer'lasting impact on their lives 0Elemmer$ 233<4% This shows that technology$ if used properly$ could become a very good tool and of great use at schools enhancing the different ways that today&s children are learning by not only ma(ing lectures more creative but also by increasing the time period that children are retaining the information that is being presented to them% Another positive impact that technology could have on children is that the interaction with modern video games could enhance a children&s refle!es and visual s(ills% Gideogames have also given children the possibility to develop great s(ills such as good hand'eye coordination while playing certain games that may become useful for them in the future% As stated by author Lister$ -@ne of the most graphic e!amples of this is a study which found that surgeons who were s(illed at video games were better at (eyhole surgery% This lin( was so strong that it appeared video games were better practice than surgery/ 0Lister$ 23394% This .uote shows that individuals who were s(illed at playing videogames were not only good at these but also at performing certain surgeries because of the s(ills and coordination that they developed as a result of playing videogames 0Lister$ 23394% These sources also show that if technology is implemented in a controlled basis$ not only at home but also at school$ it could help people of all ages to achieve a deeper understanding from the lectures and to also allow their brains to e!ercise other areas of it%

Impacts of Technology

How does technology affect a teenagers social life? Teenagers are also among the groups of people that are affected the most by technology% Technology now a day allows teenagers to post anything online instantly% As a result$ many teenagers have lost what used to be a sense of privacy of their personal lives and information that they are posting on the different social networ(s$ such as Eaceboo( and Twitter% )ith the many features that social networ(s offer to today&s teens$ it is now very simple to post any sort of information$ pictures$ and videos$ in ,ust a matter of seconds and allow everyone to see it without realizing the conse.uences that posting certain things can cause or who they may affect% )riters Clinton and +teyer write in their article$ -Houng people now routinely post and share private$ personal information and opinions on social media platforms without fully considering the potential conse.uences/ 0Clinton 1 +teyer$ 23>24 This .uote demonstrates that because today it may seem very simple to post any type of information on the internet$ many teens are not considering who can see the information that they are posting and what could some people do with it 0Clinton 1 +teyer$ 23>24% It also shows that in today&s world$ especially with all the types of technology that today e!ist$ that teens need to have a high level of responsibility and thin( once or twice about the information that they are posting on the internet and how it could act against them or other individuals in the future before ma(ing it public% The cellphone is one of the most popular devices that today e!ist in the technology mar(et with almost every teen in the nation owning one of these% )ith the many improvements that have been done to cellphones over the years$ and with all of the many capabilities that they have$ today&s teenagers are not only able to te!t and call their friends$ but they can also chec( their social networ( accounts$ e'mails$ among others$ at any given time% As a result$ teenagers are now not only chec(ing these while at school or dinner$ but also while driving on a vehicle which

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is now a day one of the main dangers that today&s teenagers face while driving% It can be very tempting to read what a message says while driving a vehicle and it can appear to be very simple to ,ust pic( up the phone and see what the message reads6 however$ teenagers are not being fully aware of the huge responsibility that they as drivers need to have$ not ,ust for the lives of their passengers but also for the people in other cars around them% Ianielle$ Eanny and Jhalid write on their blog$ -Most cell phones have #IA capabilitiesF 5owever$ teenagers aren&t using it for constructive purposes% +ome teenagers tend to te!t message while driving which can put their life in danger as well as others/ 0Ianielle$ Eanny$ 1 Jhalid$ 23>34 This .uote demonstrates that if cellphones are being used while a teenager is operating in a motor vehicle$ it can then be the cause of many life threatening in,uries$ not only to themselves but also to other drivers and passengers around them 0Ianielle$ Eanny$ 1 Jhalid$ 23>34%

Eigure >%> shows the data obtained in the survey that was performed by the author of this literature review$ where a group of college students ranging from ages >='2> were as(ed$ -5ave you ever been te!ting someone while driving a vehicle7/$ in which <<: answered yes and 2B: answered no% )hat this percentages show is that$ although there e!ist some teenagers who are aware of the dangers that handling a phone may bring while driving a vehicle$ more than half of the students do use a phone while driving%
Figure 1.1

Although there are many negative ways in which technology could affect today&s teens$ technology has also proven to be beneficial in certain circumstances% @ne of these circumstances is to get homewor( or research done% )ith almost every electronic device having access to the Internet$ teenagers are now able to connect and search for information at any time from their device% This is a great advantage as laptops or des(top computers may at some points stop

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wor(ing$ and also because cellphones are simply easier$ lighter$ and more comfortable to carry around% )ith the Internet being as fast and effective at finding information as it is today$ the Internet has become the number one option on searching information for any sub,ect or topic that today e!ists% Kust by simply typing one or two words into any search engine such as Loogle$ Hahoo$ *ing$ etc%$ in less than a second the Internet will provide their users with huge amounts of information regarding a specific topic% As a result$ many Internet users have become very effective at searching and finding information around the internet when it comes to researching a topic% The ?ew Hor( Times writer$ Matt Richtel$ writes on his article$ -Technology use can benefit the brain in some ways$ researchers say% Imaging studies show the brains of Internet users become more efficient at finding information/ 0Richtel$ 23>34 This .uote shows that because today&s Internet users are often coming across large amounts of information$ their brains have adapted and become more efficient at finding specific pieces of information around the Internet 0Richtel$ 23>34%
Eigure >%2 to the left represents the results gathered through the survey that was performed by the author of this literature review$ where a group of college students were as(ed$ -*esides ma(ing phone calls and te!ting$ for what other purposes do you use your phone for7/ which consisted of five different options and chec(ing all that applied for the same group of students$ in which <<: used it for chec(ing social networ(s and loo(ing information on the internet$ M2: from the same group used it for playing gamesDapps$ >33: used it for ta(ing pictures and recording videos$ and ;B: for getting some wor( done%
Figure 1.2

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How can some of these effects be prevented? +ome of the negative impacts on children and teenagers that were previously mentioned can be prevented with the appropriate intervention and advice from their sponsors% *ecause technology can overtime$ become an addiction$ it is very important that today&s children and teenagers are aware of the many dangers that technology may bring along if it is not used in a responsible manner% *log writers$ Ianielle$ Eanny$ and Jhalid 023>34$ suggest to parents on their blog that they limit the time that their teenager spends on the internet$ have some family time where technology is not involved$ discuss with their children and teenagers what they are watching on the internet$ and that they encourage their teenagers to not use the phone while driving a vehicle$ among other suggestions 0Ianielle$ Eanny$ 1 Jhalid$ 23>34% These recommendations$ if practiced$ can help prevent some of the many and different addictions that today technology may cause on today&s children and teenagers 0Ianielle$ Eanny$ 1 Jhalid$ 23>34% It is very important that with the many negative influences that now a day ta(e place through the Internet and the different pieces of technology$ that parents be more aware of the information that their children and teenagers are posting on the different social networ(s and who can have access to it% In addition to that$ it is also important that parents discuss with their children the conversations that they are having through the different social networ(s and ma(e sure that their children are having healthy conversations with the rest of the people% #arents could also have a conversation with their children and teenagers where they discuss$ when is the right time to own certain devices such as a phone or laptop computer$ and when is it o(ay to use it or not% According to writer Jareh(a Ramey 023>24 and his site$ uses of technology$ parents can

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prevent certain negative effects that are cause by technology by giving their children different options as to be part of any physical activities where they are re.uired to use and e!ercise their bodies% *y following this suggestion$ 2>st century parents can help their children to (eep away any health related conditions$ such as obesity$ which may be caused by the long term use of technology such as watching T%G% or playing videogames for long periods of times% )riter Jareh(a Ramey writes on his site$ -#arents should spend more time with their (ids after wor(6 create a strong bond between you and your (ids$ so that they feel free to as( you anything% +o even when they read something on the internet they will consult you/ 0Jareh(a Ramey$ 23>24% This .uote shows that if parents try to improve communication s(ills with their children by spending more .uality time with their children after they get home from wor($ it can ma(e their children feel more comfortable and more open when tal(ing to their parents about any issues that they may be having$ and it could help their parent intervene if greater problems such as cyber bullying emerge 0Jareh(a Ramey$ 23>24% Conclusion Technology has both positive and negative impacts on today&s children and teenagers% Although technology can be the cause of many different addictions and negative impacts$ technology has also shown over the years to be beneficial and to have positive impacts on today&s children and teenagers% If used correctly and with moderation$ technology can turn out to be very beneficial and of great use for everyone who uses it% It is very important that today&s parents strongly encourage their children and teenagers to have face to face communication with other people and friends$ more than through the different social networ(s% As well as educating their (ids on when is it appropriate to use technology and when it is not in order to avoid any addictions or any other negative impacts in their development and their social lives%

Impacts of Technology



*ehrman$ R% 1 +hields$ M% 023334% Children and Computer Technology: Analysis and Recommendations% Children and Computer Technology$ >3 024$ >'M% Retrieved from https:DDwww%princeton%eduDfutureofchildrenDpublicationsD,ournalsDarticleDinde!%!ml7 ,ournalidNC;1articleidN2331sectionidN>B32 Clinton$ C% 1 +teyer$ K% #% 023>2$ May 2>4% C?? @pinion: Is the Internet hurting children7 Retrieved from http:DDwww%cnn%comD23>2D3;D2>DopinionDclinton'steyer'internet'(idsDinde!%html Ianielle$ Eanny and Jhalid% 023>3$ Kuly4% Impacts of media technology on teenagers% Oweb log commentP% Retrieved from http:DDtechnologyandteenagers%blogspot%comD Elemmer$ C% 0233<$ ?ov%2;4% The #ositive Impact of Technology on Teaching and Learning% Retrieved from http:DDedtech2%boisestate%eduDflemmerlD;<>Dsynthesis:23paper%htm 5atch$ J% 023>>$ May4% Ietermining the "ffects of Technology on Children% Retrieved from http:DDdigitalcommons%uri%eduDcgiDviewcontent%cgi7articleN>2>21conte!tNsrhonorsprog Lister$ K% 02339$ Kan% B34% Technology 5as Mi!ed "ffects @n Child Ievelopment$ Research +uggests% Retrieved from http:DDwww%infopac(ets%comDnewsDtechnologyDitD2339D23393>B3QtechnologyQhasQmi!edQeffects QonQchildQdevelopmentQresearchQsuggests%htm Mc?amara$ M% 023394% C*+ ?ews: Teens are wiredFand$ yes$ it&s o(ay% Retrieved from http:DDwww%cbsnews%comD2>33';33M9;Q>M2'>M9=2CM%html7page?umN2 Ramey$ J% 023>2$ ?ov%>B4 "ffects of Technology on Children% Retrieved from http:DDwww%useoftechnology%comDeffects'technology'childrenD Richtel$ M% 023>3$ Kune M4% The ?ew Hor( Times: Attached to Technology and #aying #rice% Retrieved from http:DDwww%nytimes%comD23>3D3MD3<DtechnologyD3<brain%html7pagewantedNall1QrN3

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