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Student: School Name: Michael Kleber Pfeiffer Burleigh Elementary School Student ID#: @00050137 Subject/Grade: 4th grade, literacy and social studies Telephone: (814) 874-6750

School Address: 235 East l l" Street, Erie, PA 16503 Prepared by: Jennifer Holland, Cooperating Teacher

I am pleased and privileged to be writing this evaluation summary for Michael Kleber. He shared my 4th grade classroom with me as a student teacher for 8 weeks during the fall of 20 13. Michael came more than well prepared for his student teaching experience. He was consistent, compassionate, and reliable in all he did. Michael was responsible for teaching 44 students literacy and social studies - 10 of those students were English language learners, 4 were learning support students, and 1 was an emotional support student, as the classroom is full inclusion. Michael was a strong co-teacher and full teacher in my classroom, and he worked cooperatively with our learning support and ELL staff. When he began his student teaching, it was immediately evident that Michael had a love for teaching and a sincere interest in and concern for the students. He consistently came up with creative lessons that were both engaging and educationally effective, using technology with almost all of the lessons. Michael's excitement during his lessons was contagious! Michael approached any and all aspects of the work involved in teaching the students with eager anticipation. He wrote extremely detailed and well thought out lesson plans, and he was always willing to adjust any parts ofbis lessons that he thought could be improved. He successfully demonstrated an awareness of different learning styles and adequately adjusted assignments to meet the varied needs of the students. Michael also made himself available after school for students who needed extra help. Michael maintained a level of efficiency that was fueled by his obvious work ethic and his professional concern for the students' progress. Michael's classroom management style was firm, fair, and consistent. The resulting classroom environment was one of respect and of a community of learners. Michael developed a wonderful rapport with the students, and they soon learned that he was tough but fair, and that he had a great sense of humor! Michael also experimented with a few different class management techniques. Some worked and some did not, but I truly believe teachers' classroom management changes each new school year. Classroom management is always a work in progress. Michael was still always firm, fair, and consistent which kept the students focused and on-task. Michael was very understanding of having to follow the required curriculum while adding his own flair to it. He did this with great success. Michael also attended our grade level meetings and in-services and fully participated. His initiative and drive were obvious, not only to me, but to other teachers and administrators as well! In closing, wherever Michael is offered a teaching position, I know with all confidence that he will do an outstanding job and become an asset to the school district fortunate enough to receive his acceptance for employment. Respectfully submitted,

~~ Jennifer Holland October 16, 2013

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