Sie sind auf Seite 1von 4

Story IDStory Title (short)

B-01909 Import launch Customer XML

B-01912 Media Gallery Part1 - integrate with existing media
B-01710 File Uploader
B-01699 Content Searchable in Yellow site Part 2
B-01804 Request mySiteID button
B-01703 publication mechanism part 1
B-01423 Integrate with CSA
B-01619 URL for foldering?
B-01321 webtrendstagging integration
B-01908 setup basefarm
B-01910 integrate AdvertiserLounge
B-01430 integrate AdvertiserLounge
B-01394 Click to Call
B-01369 Businesscard with zones serviced and spoken languages
B-01340 Unified Browsing experience.
B-01746 Advertiser multiple headings per page
B-01332 publication sitemap xml


Splitted: integration with existing media : Not clear to integrate [ NOT ENOUGH DATA ]
Need integration with basefarm fileserver. This is technical issue!


Unclear specs
Unclear backlogitem
Technical issue

Open issues [BHO] Status
API to accessofdata
XML and
(FAST?). Need
put data toto know which
basefarm?? Wefields
map. Isunclear
this only for Customer Info
Still questions
construct aboutit.the source of the content? Is this in this story? Do unclear
to access we need to reference existi
Could you specify what's needed in part2? unclear
need Interface for communication with Truvo? unclear
Need to clear out specs: Is 11 part of 12A? Too much information in backlog unclear
item. Is this just part o
Need more information: Interfaces & DataStructure unclear
Is this different URL structure in respect to normal URL?? Please updateunclear backlog
Need Javascript for this. Emakina needs to review information receivedunclear today.
There is no migration to required Java version for deployment. unclear
Connection problems with VPN => Cannot test unclear
VPN problems, need integration with SSO with TRUVO. unclear
Need define URL and parameters to create link to correct page unclear
Need list of possible spoken languages unclear
Update backlog item and need information about interface with LMI for unclear 'add to my Page'
How publish this to FAST? Multiple XML file? Per heading? Per page? unclear
need more information unclear

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