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Change of state: Ian had been gifted Apple iPhone 4s by his girlfriend Molly.

Ian does not like Apple and had been an admirer of Samsung galaxy S2, he was waiting for his Blackberry contact to expire so that he could buy a Samsung android phone, but as his girlfriend gifted him Apple iPhone 4s he reached a psychological state of avoidance acceptance conflict. He now wanted to avoid the Apple iPhone 4s and accept the Samsung galaxy S2 phone. As being a marketer we need to change this state of Ian to acceptance acceptance at the least as in being an admirer of Samsung we can pitch in points of similarity and somewhere a satisfactory neutral state where Ian would not believe in avoidance of Apple iPhone 4s. Such an acceptance state is also important as rather being a forced decision from Mollys side it will be an empowerment choice for him to accept even Apple iPhone 4s happily rather than sticking to the perception that Samsung was better. Stated clearly in the case is that phones are pretty identical in terms of functionality as well as price. Hence it is important that the conflict state must be changed.

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