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Growth and Characterization of nonlinear optical glycine single crystal

M.Selvapandiyan*, J.Arumugam*, B.Priya, E.Nithya Department of Physi s Sri !idya Mandir Arts " S ien e #ollege, $thangarai % &ndia '() *+, E-Mail. gramathu/uil0gmail. om Abstract

Single rystals of organi non linear opti al material, 1-gly ine 2ere gro2n 3y slo2

evaporation te hni4ue from a4ueous solutions of gly ine. 5he 1- phase 2as onfirmed 3y po2der 67D analysis. Presen e of various fun tional fun tionl groups 2as identified 3y 85&7 spe trum analysis. 5he thermal sta3ility and de omposition of the sample have 3een studied 3y thermal analysis. 5he opti al analysis sho2s that $! ut off of 1-gly ine is at *(+nm and it has a a idi transparen y 2indo2. 5he mi rohardness of the gro2n rystals has 3een studied using !i /ers9 mi rohardness tester.

Keywords: #rystal gro2th, non linear opti s 67D, 85&7 and mi rohardness

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