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~~ Sd a _ by Y Baz Luhrmann & Craig Pearce smasdpents ‘Aeaued 27.2.0 22. 2 Salmon Amendments: Iesued 2.2.00 33. 3% Blue Anendoents: Issued 34. 3% Pink Amendments: Ieeued 25 25. 3% Green Amendments: Issued 25.2.00 26. 3% yellow amendments: Iesued 7.3.00 17. 3% Goldenrod Amendaente: Taaued 14.3.00 1s. 3% Salmon amendments: Issued 3.4.00 15. 6 Blue Avendmencs: Issued 26.4.0 20. 4 Pink Asendments: Issued 2.6.00 © Sazmark Film Py itd Polisk 25 September, +999 Distribution and disclosure of this material co unauthorised persons oF the copying of this material in eny form is prohibited. e BAZMARK FILM rv uo seneeenr er ‘Telephone (622) 4253 2223 Pax (612) 1353 2800 PEA 448, Fx Stodiet Aura, Dever Ave Meare Pare KEW IEE oy ‘ Melancholic strings. A beautifully hand-written card. Te reade: Twentieth Century Pox presente i DIBGOLVE TO: A second hand-written card, it reads: A Bazmark Film : : DISSOLVE 70: A third hand-written card, It reads: Paris 1299° SUPER OVER: A sepia toned vista of tum of the century Paris. The Eiffel Tower vaulte skyward. In the distance a solitary hill is crowned with a half eonstsucted cathedral. FUSE TOWARDS: The hill and cathedral. A ramshackle little village at the base of the hill now comes into view. SUFER: “Montmartre” ‘PUSH TOWARD: The village roof tops. DISCOVER: An unprepossessing garret. SLOW PUSH: Into the garret window. DWP. CHRIGTIAN’S GARRET. DUSK. The silhouecte of a dichevelled, bearded man slumped over @ typewriter. TRACK ACROSS: Booxs, papers, sketches, old photographs, stzange end exotic furniture, a junkyard of experiences. In Zhe corer. a heavy iron contraption is covered in grimy bedclothes. an incongruous splash of life, as a brightly coloured bird hops inside its gilded cage. SETTLE ON: The bearded man. It is: CHRISTIAN. Head in his bands, Christian's weery eyes stare at the biank page staring back at hin. MACRO SHOT: The words “Moulin Rouge’ are hammered into the sefe white paper. WHIP 70: Christian. Ke hesitates. His aztention is suddenly gaught by che bird ar it flaps ite wings against the cage. ‘Bxpelling a deep breath, Christian types. : DISSOLVE TO: EXTREME CLOSE UP: Words type onto the page. (compnarens 4th Pink Amendments ‘as 81/6/2000 2. 2 COMEENEED: Cemrsrzan v/0 This story is about love. The woman I loved is, she is...she is... Christian breske off. 2 moment “ef anguish. Barely able co form the words, he forces himself to wrice. CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT'D) ‘The woman I loved is dead. CLOSE Om: Christian, staring, lost. SUDDENLY: We see words as Christian continues typing. CHRISTIAN V/O (Corr-D) She was the most beautiful courtesan in all Paris; ‘The screen momentarily fills with heavy, dark eyelashes and the comer of a painted, red mouth. CLOSE oN: Christian mouths the words as he writes. CRISTIAN V/0 (CONT‘D) She sold her love to men. WE SEE: An ocean of top hats tilting skyward to reveal lust filled eyes. CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT‘D) Men who came in their mnsreds to gaze upon her. WE SEE: A flash of electrifying dance CHRISTIAN V/0 (cowrD) Men who happily paid for her love WE SEE: A fine white neck encased in a blinding web of aiamonds . ‘ CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT’D) They ce2led her Satin. The Sparkling Diamone. WE SEE: Words writing ac we hear them in voice-over. CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT’D) She was the star of the Moulin Rouge... The camera foliows Christian‘s gaze out the window, down on to the delapidated Moulin Rouge. We pass slowly over the ‘boarded up facade and the decrepit windmill and through the derelict garden. We pesh on. up the front steps and into the once magnizicent main hall. We slide forward to the stage, and into e shred of red and gold curtain. (ConerranTED) @ch Pink Amendments es 2/6/2000 2 CowrsswUED: (2) . eUDDENLY: 2 TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. NIGHT.” _ A fleshy mustachioed face pokes through a red curtain :nto @ spotlight end bellows: ‘ZIDLER ene _ The Moulin Rouge... CUT TO: The un‘formed brass band cf the Moulin Rouge; just when we think we are in for a night of Offenbach highjinx - SUDDENLY: the mirrors beneath the bendstand spin, the msic soundtrack lurches forward « mméred years into a super sexual fat. funk. SLAM ZOOM: Zidier’s face as he leads a parade of CAN CAN girls onte the floor. ‘ZIDLER (STNGS) If life‘s an awful bare And living‘s just a chore That you do, cause death‘s Wot such fun I’ve just the antidote & 4nd though I mustn't gloat At che moulin Rouge You‘ll have fun! Seratch thac little niggle FOUR WHORES (SING) ooh ZIDLER (SINGS) Give 2 little wiggle You know that we can Because we... FOUR WHORES (SING) % We we we we... ZIDLER (SINGS) Can can Can! FOUR WHORES (SING) We can can can 2IDLER (6INGS) Den‘t say you can‘t can’t can’t... FOUR WHORES (SING) Because we can can can.. ZIDLER (SINGS) You know you can Can Can (ComrrmuED) 4th Pink Amendments as @°1/6/2000 “ 2 ComrrTNED: 7 FOUR WHORES (SING) 22DLER 1szROS) You know you can ean can can can, can... ‘SINT (S=wGs) You can because... WOME FROMAGE (SINGS) We can... CHINA DOLL (SINGS) Don’t say.. ARABIA (SINGS) You can’t... ‘POUR WHORES (SING) Because you can. Zidler leads his troupe down the booths. Together. he and the girls taunt the RICH RAKES that populate the booths. ZIDLER (SINGS) In this pleasure dome You'll feel right at home ‘There's just one tiny peeve You'll never want to leave Because you can can can FOUR WHORES (SING IN PARALLEL) You'll fee] right at home Yeah, yeah, yeah ‘The Rakes answer: RAKES (SING) : We can can can 2IDLER (SINGS) You know you can can can RAKES (SING) Yes we can can can FOUR WHORES (SING IN PARALLEL) Yeah, yesh, yeah 2IDLER (SDWOS) Don'r say you can’t can‘t can’t RAKES (SING) . We can can can (comrneueD} ach Pink Amendments as -@ 1/6/2000 2 ‘ComrrMUED: (2) - SxDLER (Stas) E Cause you can can can can can can can RAKES (SING) Can can can can can can can ‘the bar at the end of the Main Hall, we introduce lormers of the Moulin Rouge. ei a. COCOLISCIOUS BROS. (SING) From black... ‘(WE CHOC/SIAMESE TWDNS/COCO ‘BROS/LA XO KA CHAU No matter where your fancies fall... ZIDLER You‘re free to choose in this dance ball. La Petite Princess dahces the Can Can. ‘the ful? company throw to LE PETOMANE at the bar. ue farte: ‘LE PETOMANE, ‘Th, th, th, th, seema: SCEMES 2a, 23, 2C HAVE BEEN DELETED*+* 3 EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. NIGHT. 4 Zidler and his merry MOULIN BAND enter the mind-blowingly, exotic garden of the Moulin Rouge. They entice super rich, cashed up RAKES zc cone play with them in this seamy playground. ‘The Rakes bay et the girl‘s feet like lustful hounds. ZIDLER (SDNGS) Got some dark desize? Love to play with fire? Ny not let it rip? Live a zittle bit! RAKES (SING) We can Can Can Yes we can can can can (ore) (comrrwuen) ath Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 6. 3 3B (CoerrzRLED: Because we can can can Yes we can can can cen We can Can Can | We can Can can + _ Because we can Can we can Can Can? POUR WHORES (SING) Yes you can Can Can. as 3 i xOIT (sms) You iow you omn‘t can’t can't... FENNILESS POET (sTucs) Why can’t I can Can Can? SUDDENLY: From out of nowhere, a ruff looking SM anpears. ‘backed by two BURLY BOUNCERS. ‘4 (SINGS) Because you can't afford it. TRACK: With the Pemiless Poet Graggea by SM and Bouncers our ince... ‘EXT. MOULIN ROUCE. STREET. NIGHT. an 1--a8 be is violent2y chrow to the ground. we becone aware that the outside world is once again in black and white. ‘TILT UP: to discover zidler. He stands. unaware of the poet’ on che ground. ané pops up an umbrella to ward off the (DIGITAL) rain that begins te fa:1- ZIDLER (STNGS) Outside, it may be raining... Zidler turns and walks nonchalantly back into the colour ané rain-fzee nachanal of the Moulin Rouge. INT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. NIGHT. ZIDLER (sTHas) -but in here it’s entertaining. (comrnan) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 7 3B CONTINUED: 2 : Zidier turns back to the black end white world of squalor below a3 the tragically poor sing up at hin through the gates of Moulin reuge in the (REAL) rain. 3c EXT. STREET. NIGHT. 3c . 3D EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. NIGHT. »> : We return to the bachanal in the gerden. ZIDLER (SDUS) Outside ir may ba boring. But in here nobody's snoring The show must go on. NONI (SINGS) Do you like like like... CHINA DOLL (SINGS) ge ++.Mhat you see see see? ARABIA (SINGS) What you need need need... NOME FROWAGE (SINGS) Is me me me. 7 1 2IDLER (sms) Queside things may be tragic But in here we deal in magic The show is always on. SUDDENLY: The entire company turns to Zidler who out Like a cork, through che top of a windmill. They all sing to the camera in the sky. ENTIRE COMPANY (SINGS) If you love love love to be free free free then che Moulin Rouge is the place to be. Zidler backflips into the Main Hall and up onto the bandstend as the Rakes, now in full abandon, ecrean back. ® 4th Pink Amendments as“® 1/6/2000 : 8. 3B TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. MATH HALL, NIGHT. 3E ALL (SmNC) We can Can Can FOUR WHORES (SING) It goes on, on. on, through the night, night, night. COCO BROS. /SIAMESE TWINS/LE oe PETOMANE/LE CHOC/LA PETITE FRUNCESS/WHOLE TROUPE We don't ask if it’s wrong or right. . ZIDLER (SINGS) Because we can Can Can. ALL (SING) We can Can Can 2IDLER (SINGS) You know we car Can Can ALL (S=NG) We can Can Can ‘ENTIRE COMPANY (SING) Every need, every wish, every dream, Gream, drean It’s the greatest place youve ever seen. ZIDLER (STNGS) Because we can Can Can auL (smNe) Yes we can Can Can We can ean can can can can can ® 2IDLER (SINGS) 2 ‘Ther we all Can Can Can Can Can Can Can! (commen) 4th Pink Amendments as 62/6/2000 9 38 CONEDIUED: SUPER CLOSE: Zidler slowly turns, the sign that reade Moulin Rouge incamating the magic words that appear. IDLER (SINGS) ‘The Can Can! The screen explodes into Can Can chaos as dozens of Sheesh thyooge che wasn Wail of tae oalia Poste afRs 0 thram 3 ° th death= Gefying physical abandon. QUT TO: zidler. Me continues to rouse the crowd as he leaps from the bandstand end cavorts towards the booths. The image cranks dom inte slew motion. We hear Christian's voice-over accompanied by the elickiag of typewriter keys: CHRISTIAN W/O But nothing at the Moulin Rouge was as it seemed. Harold Zidler had a sickness, an PUSH IN: to the light bulbs (SCREEN BURNS WEITE) 3F EET. MOULIN ROUGE. RIGHT. aF FULL OUT: From the lights. ziMler’s sweaty, deliriously happy face as he blubbers like a baby. 2rDuER I can’t help myself. they're 00 besutiful. i PULL BACK: 2idler fondies a string of electric light bulbs. CHRISTIAN W/O Zilder had overspent wildly an the electrification of the Moulin Rouge Griving it to bankruptey. FULL BACK: Behind 2idler, The Moulin lights up like a Curistmes tree. Zidler coos excitedly. ‘ (DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN MALL. NIGHT. PULL OUT: froma light bulb back to 2idler cavorting toward the beoths. CHRISTIAN V/O (CONT‘D) idler had 2 plea, he would convert the Moulin Rouge frome dancehall into a theatre and put his prized possession... CLOSE GN: Zidier: high-octane hard sell, lezns toward camera. 7 (ComrranmeD) 4th Pink’ Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 20. « ‘CONTENUED: 7 2IDLER Satin, the Sarkling Diamond, on stave in @ wild, shocking, Bohemian spectacular called...wait for it: “Spectacular . Spectacular’. FREEZE FRAME: . . i CHRISTIAN {V/0} : eee tte All he needed was an investor. . CLOSE ON: The smell, beady eyes of THE DUKE. . DUXE Shocking. PULL OUT: The Duke is seated nex: to Zidler in one of the aide booths that line the dance-floer. Bobind them etands the Duke's impeccably attired man-servant; WAOGR. ‘2IDLER : The dazzling sete and provocative costumes are being realised by that outrageously creative little monster ‘Toulouse-Lautrec. Bt SCEME 4A HAS BEEN DELETED**+ <8 INT. TOULOUSE LAUTREC’S STUDIO. DAY. a Atop a huge ‘ladder, a bulbous-lippec dwarf, with his shirt : on Ris head is frozen mid brush-stroke as he paints an : alpine vista. Te ie: TOULOUSE =AOTREC. . 4¢ DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. XD HALL. NIGHT. , «es IDLER Ané our new writer is the universes Greatest living poet; Audrey. . 42 INT. TOULOUSE’S LAUTREC'S STUDIO. DAY. wo: an intense, artsy chap in puffy sleeves end velvet hat: : AUUNEY. He reads froma script. . ‘AUDREY : The hille are animated with the guphonioue eympheny of descant.. ©) 4th Pink Amendments as @&1/6/2000 a. 4£ INT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN FALL. NIGHT. aILER * ‘The ladies will quiver with excitement ever our leading man, a Tango-dancing o, —-AP. . INT. TPULOUSE’S APARTMENT sTuDTO. pay. 4H = INT, TOULOUSE’S APARTMENT STUDIO. DAY. Weiré buzzing noises emanate from Satie contraption. musical 42 DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAI HALL. Day. ‘IDLER And you'll roll with laughter at the qmazing stage effects created by the Doctor. 43 DWT. TOULOUSE’S APARTaNT STUDIO. Day. ar ‘The screen fills with an explosion. We push through to discover the blackened face of the Doctor. DOCTOR, Whacever. 47A DED. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. NIGHT. 2mD-ER = tei} you my dear Duke, everything is gozng so well. 478 IW. TOULOUSE’S APARTMENT STUDIO. NIGHT. PULL OUT: The Argentinian, hurling his script, screams. (commneuen) cB) comrIMuED: 4K 0 ONT, MOULD ROUGE. MATH HALL. MIGHT. ax 4th Pink Amendments as-6 1/6/2000 n. ARGENTINIAN The script is shit! I’m going to stick a knife in someone! | ‘The Argentinian makes violently cowards Audrey. SUDDENLY his eyes roll back in his head and he collapses Catching the chords of the electromagnatica machine and FREEZE FRAME: The Argentinian, inches avay from crashing through the floor below. a Chose GN: 2idler: 2IDLER Beouse me, Duke. ‘PUSH IN: on the Dukes lust-¢illed eyes as he peruses the Car Can girls Zidler rockets up to the bandstand and whips the audience up for somk more “Can you can Can Can?* We fast wipe into the bacchanal. CUT: Back to the shocked, flabbergasted Duke. He cannot believe his eyes. ‘The camera rockets away rom the bacchanal through the hal: EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. OARDEN. NIGHT. 5 and magica? garden and up... ; ‘xT. PARIS SKY. NIGHT/DAY. ++.through the sky, and back to the Eiffel Tower. With a final tumtuous chord, the night vista of Paris turns to day. A train cen be seen priling into the station. CERISTIAN V/9 But on the dey I arrived in Paria, I knew othing of Bohenian epectaculars, investors, Dukes, the Can Can or... SUPER FAST PUSH: Toward Montmartre and through the garret window. 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 2/6/2000 nL. 7 (DVT. CHRISTIAN’S GARRET. DAY. A young man, travel case in hand, stands back to camera, staring cuz the window of the now sparsely furnished garret. As che young man turns we realise we are looking at a youthful, clean-shaven Christian, He tums toward a-crusty, id lentlagy who is waiting at the door and pays the wonns fox the room. CHRISTIAN V/O (Comr’D) I had turned my back on my secure bourgeois future to follow my dream. prssauve 70: Christian unpacking his beloved typewriter. F fd cone ‘eo writes (7 OOP) ‘DISSOLVE To: 9, 10, doacee 2030 INT. CHRISTIANS GARRET. DAY. 108 Christian, jacket slung over the chair, winds a clean page of paper into the :ypewriter. Fingers poised over the typewriter keys, Christian stares at the paper for = long moment. BERT: Nothing happens. CHRISTIAN V/O (CONT’D) ‘There was just cne problem... CLOSE GN: Christian staring in horror at the blank page. CHRISTIAN V/0 (CONT'D) I had nothing to write about... SUDDENLY: A thunderous crash of plaster showers Christian an electric generator, closely followed ky a Latin = ooking man, dressed in walking socks and leder hausen, falls through the ceiling, hitting the floor with = thad. - 4th Pink Amendments as 61/6/2000 1. 208 ComPDeED: 203 Christian has leapt to his feet in shock. He doesn't know what to do. SUDDENLY: The door is batteréd open by a bearded dwarf, costumed in a mmn‘s habit. The dwarf/mm flails ill- Christian is interrupted as a head appears through the hole . in the ceiling. It belongs to a willowy-looking chap ina loud striped vest and puffy sleeves: AUDREY THE POET. Audrey calls: How is he? Toulouse suddenly remembers Leder Hauser. ‘TOULOUSE Oh, my goodness. Coming to, Leder Heusen moans. : CHRISTIAN . can I hep? : Christian bends to help but is stopped by a voice from above that sounds like a croas becween Alan Ginsberg and ‘Timothy Leary. ‘THE. DOCTOR Don't touch him! teevenmarren n adth Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 “as. CoMrEwUED: (2) 208 COT 10: The hole in the ceiling. A drunk, fifsyish, mad- : gyed coot has joined Audrey: THE DOCTOR. A bottle slips : from The Doctor‘s hand and crashes ento the head of Leder Hausen, knocking him out again, AUDREY : ‘The narcoleptic Argentinien is once again * unconscious, and therefore the scenario : Will not be finished in time to present : ‘to the investor tomorrow! - SATIE _ He‘s right Towlouse. I still have to : finish the msiz. . ‘TOULOUSE : Worry, worry, worry; please; we'll just find somecne to read the part... AUDREY Well, where in heaven‘s name are we going to find someone to read the role of the young, sensitive, Swiss poet goatherder? MB: SCENE 10C AND 10D RAVE BEEN DELETED** = ONT. ‘TOULOUSE-LAUTREC'S STUDIO. nay. ae CLOSE OW: A flushed Christian tries to sing. CHRISTIAN (S™NGS) Fer lof on this vertiginous promontory yedelodelehahoo! FULL OUT: Christian wearing leder hausen stands high up on a buge mountain set. Toulouse slops paint on an enormous half finished theatrical back-drop of the Swiss Alps. Om the floor, unconscious, is the Latin-locking man who crashed through the ceiling. He is known as: THE UNCONSCIOUS ARGENTINIAN. - teorerreren yo Ath Pink Amendments as @ 2/6/2000 16. 21 cownnmuaD, na : In the comer Satie pounds the piano with one hand and. makes weird electric noises by neving a metal ring up and down a large tuning fork with the other. Christies i5 trying to sing to this accompaniment. rs 0) )Namaring flock. = . - a Rica aod Eee 2 im the centre of the room, Audrey zeads from a script. on bared nr tne poet guatherder's cends into the valley like ous anew, issing Unbridled with joy, ahe runs to the tup Of the mount and sings: : (udrey shouts) Lautrec! Toulouse runs into the middle of the room, and sings: he hills animate with the euphoni is te ‘Symphony of descant. in Audrey, anocher tantrum, turns to the Doctor and Satie. ‘AUDREY STOP, STOP, STOP! ‘That insufferable droning is drowning cut my words, can we plosee just stick toe Little decorative ano? ‘THE DOCTOR Eow about your words making sense then? Audrey; imnedietely defensive. AUDREY ‘ What are you suggesting? Be mem Q from a script) ove SURE NE matey ef detec SE, an would say that about a bili. Audrey is mortally offended. AUDREY Oh really? SATIE It doesn't fiz the msic. What if she - Sings: “The hilis are v:tal intoning the descant’. o sth Pink Amendments as.@ 1/6/2000 17: SonrzMcED: (2) ‘The Doctor is adamant. ax pocTon No, no! ‘The hil? intones the wondrous orchestra ef guffering’. The Unconscious Argentinien, whe has muddanly regcined -eonsciousness, chimes in. ae seas ARGENTINIAN The hills are incarnate with syaphonic melodies Christian can't help himself. He sings: CHRISTIAN (SINGS) The hills are alive with the sound of music? All eyes aze suddenly on Christian. Toulouse is awestruck. rouovse The hilis are alive with the sound of music: it'f tp, -- modem. Se completely, evolutionarily, Bohemianly modera! ‘That's it. Yes. yes, that's it! ‘The Argentinian is in raptures. ARGENT The Bills are alive with the sound of music. I like it! The Doctor intones intensely. ‘ME DocTOR The Rilie are alive with che sound of music. Incredible! Excitedly Satie plays and singe. SATE (SINGS) The hills are alive with the sound of music. It fits perfectly. Christian ventures the next phrase. Incandi ferous! 4th Pink Amendments es @1/6/2000 as. ‘corm: (3) a . Audrey protests. EE AUDREY Impossible. a Toulouse turns excitedly to Andrey. ‘TOULOUSE e ‘You two should write the show together! “ow o"" qai@irey goes dangerously quiet. AUDREY a < bey your pardon? ToOUoUsE Zell be absolutely marvelous, with the Doctor's contraptions and Gatie's ridiculously stupefying mesic, and all these loud words by you, Audray and the technique. AUDREY There wiil be no modern technique, except for mine. B mur ete Audrey screams. AUDREY Bither the boy goes or I do! Audrey pauses, desperately hoping they will ask him to stay. (AUDREY (CONT’D) Do net think I jest! : No response. Pinally Audrey has to act. : AUDREY (CONT’D) Iwill net waste my talents in this laughable free-for-all. As he exits he threarers. AUDREY (Cost? D) Do not expect to see me again! Without missing a beat, Toulouse tums te Christian and : hands him a large glass of absinthe. : ‘TOULOUSE Here's to your first job in Paris (comrmmm) yo ath Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 2. (COMTIED: (4) a Christian is shocked. Satie calls. SATIE Toulouse, Zidler’1) never agree. (to Christian) No offence but have you ever writte: i. enything like this before? ies : CRISTIAN Wo. ‘The Argentinien, with ridiculous machismo. ts ARGENTINIAN I like boy's gor talene. Bim. xo fumy but Phare like talent. derma Toulouse mummura :ntensely. TOULOUSE (coHT‘D) ane bills are alive with the sound of music - Christian we can write the truly Bohemian revolutionary show we've alvays Greamed of. SATZE ‘But how will we convince Zidler? Toulouse exclaims to Christian: ‘TOULOUSE ‘The gizl! CHRISTIAN The girl? Satin 11" the Moulin Rouge . We'll”go to tonight. once Sarin hears your revolutionary Bohenian poetry she'll be astounded and demand you write the show. CLOSE OW: Christiea nervous. CHRISTIAN Bur... Satie, draguing Toulouse aside, whispers agitatedly, SATTE We won’: get a penniless writer near Satin tonight: you know what happened last time. (coumaren) ©) ©) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 20. 22 Comma: (5) ‘TOULOUSE Don't worry, we'll dress him up so he looks rich. :. ‘The Argentinian whispers exciredly. ARGENTINIAN ‘He can wear my suit... ‘TOULOUSE We'll engineer a moment alone between ‘them. he'll speak his poetry for her, and “the bills will be alive with the sound of music’ Satie. Satie, nervously excited, turns to Christian. SATIE Yes, finally revolutionary Bohemian words for Bohenien revolutionary msic. Christian stamers nervously. CuRrsTrax But <'m not sure I can write that sort of ‘TOULOUSE Why not? seemm: SCENE 11A MAS BEEN DELETED**+ 218 DWT, TOULOUSE-LAUTREC'S STUDIO. DAY. CLOSE ON: Christian nervous. CHRISTIAN Ah... I'm not sure I'ma. revolutionary. TOULOUSE You believe in Beauty don't you? strue Bohemian : Christian. CHRISTIAN ARGENTINIAN CHRISTIAN SATIE ‘Truth? 4th Pink Amendments as .@ 1/6/2000 a1. u CONTINUED: ae Love? (CLOSE ow: Christian. ‘then anythiag, eve? More 1» believe in : a - love. Love ia like eaygen, leve is a - many eplendoured thing, love lifte us up : where we belong, al] you need is love. : ‘Toulouse exclaims. Then fool you can‘t us, you're a true Bohenien revolutionary! ARGESTINIAN/THE DOCTOR/SaTTE We can't be fooled! Toulouse pouring glasses of absinthe, proposes a toast. ‘TouLoUsE Here's to the nav weiter of the world's @ fizst Bohemian revolutionary show. Argentinien! T kiss you! . SATIE A show with revolutionary Bohemian mesic. Satie pounds heavy, fuzzy chords on his electromagnetica machine. They all start revolutionary Bohemian dancing as they dress Christian up. : Toulouse sings. TOULOUSE (SINGS) A show where you con bump and grind THE pocTor (szNcs) 4 show that's good for your mind ARGENTINIAN (SINGS) & show where you can twist and shout SUDDENLY: Satie breaks into @ screaming, rock voice. SATIE (SINGS) Let if al nang our : (counmmED) 4th Pink Amendments as. 1/6/2000 22. 1B ComenwED: (2) as t at au (sum) But you wan't foo... SUDDENLY: The msic and Bohentians stop simlcanecusly. They tum to Christian, he proffers the first thing that pops into his mind. CHRISTIAN . ‘The children of the revolution. — owt ™o"" Ghe misic kieks back in as The Bohemians cheer. ALL (Szu3) No you wan't fool the children of the Fevelutien No you won't fool the children of the evolution, ao, ne, no. Similtaneously Christian and the Bohemians Grain their absinthe classes. SUDDENLY! CHRISTIAN AND BOHSMIAN’S POV: A giant green fairy shoots into the universe, its demonic eyes stare down ax it booms PAIRY - 3 am the green fairy absinthe: Ty God. " United in an Absinthe torpor, they all blissfully sing. ALL (S7#3) The hills are alive sith the sound of music. (PRACK: With The Bohemians and Christian as, still singing. they dance our of Toulouse’s studio and onto the fire escape. 12 EXT. TOULOUSE'S APARTMENT BUILDING. NIGHT. az The Bohemians and Christian joyously sing as they dance down the L‘Amour sign. TOULOUSE (SINGS) : A show to open your eyes ARGENTINIAN (6INGS) A show to blow you sky high! SATE (STHGS) : A show with controversy "| DOCTOR/CHRISTIAN (SING) : That will set the world free, yeah! tocmerrren th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/5/2000 2B. ‘CONTENTED! e . Freedom, beauty, truth and love! Yeah freedom, bomuty, truth and love! GREEN FAIRY (SINGS) The hiiis are alive with the sound of music. EXT. CHRISTIAN'S GARRET. WIGHT. ‘The Bohemians and Christian, sing as they dance along the parape: AL (SG) wo you won‘t fool the children of the revolution. Ne you won't fool the children of the Fevelution! BOHEMIANS (SING) No you won't fool the children of the ‘revalution No you won't fool the children of the revolution! With final rousing chorus The Bohemians halt. x GREEN FATRY (SINGS) The hills are alive. see mB: | SCENE 13a, 14 AS BEEN DELETED ++ 25 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. NIGHT. Om the bandstand, Zidler rape demonically to the crowd. ZIDLER (SNCS) 0b you can Can Can Yes you can, Can Can! CUT TO: Christian ané The Bohemians. They joyously continue their sang on the dance floor. BOHEMIANS /CHRISTIAN (SING) Won't fool the children of the zevolution. _ SUT To: Zidler on the bandstand. ZIDLER (TNCs) Yes you can, Can Can! CUT TO: Christian end the Bohemians as they dance towards the booths. teosraerrent 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 2m. a COUNTER WITH: Zidler as he lightly steps dow the mezzanine. ; 2IDLER + _ Can you CAN CAN CAN? As the Bohos are seen passing behind Zidie=, we push toward them, discovering Toulouse scaring some tourists cut of his fea ‘Tuloune glences ercund the hell. He cannot see Zidler in the bosth next to then. jooenp Mission accomplished. We've successful: evaded Zidler. _ ‘Track with Toulouse and Christian to Zidler and The Duke. CLOSE ON: ‘The small, beady eyes of THE DUKE. 2TDLER My deer Duke! DUKE Waer Go I get to meet the girl? PULL OUT: Zidler murmers seductively. ‘200LER After her number, I’ve arranged a special supper. Just you and Mademoiselle Satin: totally alone. DUKe Alone you say? TRACK BACK: To Toulouse. He leans ir to Christian. TOULOUSE (cont ‘d) After her number, I'1] arrange a private meeting. Just you and mademoiselie Satin; totally alone. OSE ON: Christian, nervous. CHRISTIAN ‘Alone? HOLD: 2idler and The Duke, Toulouse and Christian in the one frame. ZIDLER/ TOULOUSE Yes, totally alone... (comrneD) as r) 4th Pink Amendments as--@ 1/6/2000 25. 5 COwRDUED: (2) RANG! High above the crowd a thunderous flash of white ight eqplodes into a trillion sparkling embers. CUT 70: The held four shot. White light flashes on the ‘Bohos, Zidler and The Duke. PUSH IN: Holding only Christian end The Duke. TOPOGRAPHICAL SHOT: Hundreds of top hats illuminated by the “blazing white light. The hats tilt back in unison to gaze ~- “jon the unearthly vision of the jewel encrusted SPARKLING DIAMOND descending on a trepese through the clearing encke. ‘A deep, hot silence fills the hall. ZIBLER AND TOULOUSE JOIN CHRISTIAN AND THE DUKE IN THE ‘Toulouse whispers: ‘TOULOUSE e's her: the Sparkling Diamend... 2idler whispering to The Duke. ‘2XDLER satin. : SATIN: Sadly sings. SATIN (SINGS) The Preach are glad to die for love. ‘They delight in fighting duels, But I prefer 2 man who lives (TRACK IN ON: Christian. SATIN (SDNGS) (CONT‘D) And gives, expensive... Jewels! : SUIDENLY: The orchestra pounds into « ramixnctious, neo- swing dance-sroove. The Top-Mats scream like reucous school boys. SATIN (STNGS) (CONT’D) A kiss on the band may be quite continental SATIN (SINGS) (COMT’D) ‘Bur diamonds are 4 girl's best friend ‘Nervous’ finds himself palming a big franc note into the qutstretched hat of the WICKED-FACED BOY who trails Satin. SATIN (SINGS) (CONT'D) A kiss may be grand (comrzarceD) ® Ath Pink Amendmentis as €,1/6/2000 26. 15 corrneea: (3) as Satin allows TREE PAT FANS to plant kisses an her chaexs. She withdraws, lambasting them with. ‘SATIN (SDHGS) (Cawr’D) But it won't pay the rental Qa dumble flat . or you feed your pussycat, Sets pointe the rat 7ane towards the wicked-Faced Day and his c ion hat. The audience is becoming wilder. SATDN (STNGS) (CoMT’D) Men grow cold as girls grow old And we all lose our charms in the end Satin rubs herself against a group of Top-Hatters like an affectionate feline. SATIN (SINGS) (CONT'D) But square cut or pear shape These rocks don't lose their shape Diamonds are 2 girl's best friend Aided by the TABASCO BROTHERS acrobats, Satin flies up onto @ table then abandons herself to a free fall. The Tabascos gateh her and carry ner high above the crowd. the Top- Matters strain to touch her. the wicked-faced hoy's hat now overflows with cash and sparkling trinkets COT 70: Christian, mouth agape. seemp: SCRWRE 15a, i5B, 15c, 15D mAVE BEN DELETEDS?* DWP. MOULIN ROUGE. MATN HALL. WIGHT. SE Terrified, Christian rises. CHRISTIAN S I should go... Toulouse and The Bohemians pul] him back into his seat. ‘TOULOUSE She's seally very shy, and «@ great lover of poetry. Satin is joined by « chorus of Can Canning acolytes. CUT TO: The cold, beady eyes of The Duke. He watches Satin Cur 70: Satin. She dances up the stairs through a line of rich Rakes, snatching gifts as she goes. : (comrswaeD) 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 2. 265 ComrasuED: CLOSE OM: Christian's stumed expression. He mkes to CHRISTIAN I should really umn..., unpack. ‘Toulouse reassures Christian with a devilish grin. TOULOUSE Don't worry. I'll sally forth and tee shings up: Toulouse raises his cence like a mock sword. It sends a rinks tray, held by o passing waiter, flying inte the lap of The Duke in the adjacent beoth. TOULOUSE (contd) Oa. ob zerribly sorry. Toulouse, snatches a white handkerchief from The Duke's breast pocket and begins maniacally dabbing. ‘The Duke clearly loathes being touched. : 4th Pink Amendments as‘@ 1/6/2009 28. 19E 0 CONFENUED: (2) ase DOE t's all right. Leave me! Don't touch, please! cur 70: The platforn. SATIN (SINGS) There may come a time when a hard boiled employer thinks you're Zidlex mimes pinching Satin‘s bottom ‘ZIDLER (SINGS) awoul nice Satin snatches a diamond gift SATIN (STNGS) but ger that ice or alse no dice, WONT, MOME, ARABIA, CHINA DOLL (SDH3) He's your guy when stocks are high But bevere when ‘start to descend Cause that’s when Jouses, Go back to their . SATIN Te The Duke here Harold? : ‘ 2IDLER Liebchan, would Daddy let you down? SATIN Where is he? Zidler is now looking over Satin's shoulder. In the centre ZIDLER'S POV: Through a blur of audience he can see The Duke being accosted by a madly dabbing Toulouse. CLOSE ON: Zidler's herror stricken fa tcowrzwaeD) ath Pink Amendments as 1/6/2000 23. 255 COMPTITED: (2) sooac's haz TEER, foeme “a e's that bloody madman Toulouse doing? He's supposed to be working with Audrey om the script: * Because of theiz choreography, Satin is turned away and camnot see Toulouse. - CUT 10: The Duke's booth. His face distorts with outrage. ‘DOKE oat eilk handkerchie! was a gift from ay mother rouLouSE Bozzy. CUT 70: 2idler. He whispers. ZrDLER In the middle booth, the one Toulouse is waving the hanky at. Aa Batin turns, Toulouse leaps to Christian and plucks a handkerchief from Christian‘s pocket ‘TOULOUSE Excuse me Christian. cease ow: Satin. she strains to spy The Duke through the crowd. CUT TO: Toulouse. He waves the handkerchief at Christian. TOULOUSE (conta) May I borrow? CUT TO: Satin, puzzled. SATIN ‘The one Toulouse is shaking the hanky at, are you sure? Zidler dances around Satin. ZIDLER Give mee peek. Toulouse, having returned to The Duke's booth, is enthusiastically dabbing. He etope, confueed by the cold hard shape beneath The Duke's jacket; ir feels suspiciously ike a gum. Toulouse looks up. He realises he is not @aebbing The Duke. but The Duke's man-1 ‘warner. Warner shakes his head in stesn warning. Toulouse indignantly throws the handkerchief in Warner's face. ‘TOULOUSE You clean him up. tcowrnarent ©) 1) 4th Pink amendments as @ 1/6/2000 30. 1SE CONTINUED: (4) 38E Toulouse leaps onto the dance flooz. CUT TO: Zidler squatting down to join Satin behing the chorus of Can Can girls. Unseen by the audience they talk as they frantically disrobe. ‘IDLER That's him chicken. I hope that demmic little leon didn't frighten him off. GOT TO: “The outraged Duke. Unseen by Zidler, he stalks off; Warner in tow. CUP TO: Satin and Zidler behind the Can Can. girls. SATIN Will he invest? Pi cggioee Pigeon, after a special supper with you, how could be refuse? SATIN What‘s his type? Satin's face suddenly transforms into that of a wilting flower's. SATIN (cont’d) Wilting flower? CLOSE ON: Satin transforms into a bright and bubbly good- time girl. SATIN (cont‘d) Bright and bubbly? CLOSE ON: A haughty demeanour. SATIN (cont‘d) Ox smoldering temptress? gidler; 2 professional appraisal. 2IDLER I'd say smoldering temptress. zidler, a parting thought. 2EDLER (cont'd) We're all rely:ng on you gosling. Remember; a real show, in a real theatre, with a real audience and you'll be Satin, a warm smile. tcomrrenen) ©) €) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 31. SE Comrmwmmp: (5) sr A real actzes: ‘The Can Can chorus part, revealing Satin, apparentiy naked but for a covering of fake diamonds. Zidler in his underwear makes a big show of snatching up his trousers. As Zidler exits the platform, he elmost collides with Toulouse. - ‘Toulouse pops out of frame just in the nick of time. Satin, wagging her finger at the departing Zidler sings. SATIN (SINGS) Cause that's when those louses CUT TO: Toulouse yelling up et Satin from ground level. ‘TOULOUSE Bejeweled vision... Satin unaware of Toulouse continues to sing. SATIN. (SINGS) Go back to their spouses ‘TOULOUSE Amazonian goddess... SATIN (STNGS) Diamonds are a girl's best... Gblivious to Toulouse, Satin catches hold of an enormous diamante bracelet on the end of « trapeze. The Tabasco Brothers swing Satin through the a: : SATIN (SINGS) Diamonds are a girl's best... Diamonds erea girl's best 4 CUT TO: Christian. He is wide-eyed with amazement as the near-naked Satin leaps from the diamante trapeze to land in front of him. SATIN (SINGS) Friend ‘The crowd applauds wiidly as Satin bends to Christian. Christian, staring up into the beautiful blue eyes of ' Satin, has stosped breathing. CLOSE ON: Satin. SATIN I believe you were expecting ne. tenwerranen e 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 185 32. ASE COTTE: (6) CLOSE ON: Christian, éumbstruck. CHRISTIAN Oh... ak, yes. * As the crowd chant, Satin cheekily extends her hant to Christian SATIN zim afzaia it’s lady's choice. Toulouse‘s head suddenly pops up between then. TOULOUSE I mee you've met my Englich friend Ch.. Satin turns sharply to Toulouse. SATIN I'll take care of itt Toulouse leaning close, whispers: ‘TouLousE Hes not just anybody. Satin suiles conspiretorielly. sar = know. Satis turns back to Christian. SATIN (cont‘d) Let's dence. Satin offers her hand ance more to Christian. Toulouse shoves Christian up out of his seat. To wild approval trom the crowd, Satin and Christian take the floor. : CUT TO: Toulouse end Cohorts, amazed. SATIE ‘That seemed to go well. ‘THE pocToR Incredible. ARGENTINIAN Be has the gift with the woman. ‘TOULOUSE I told you. He is a genius. CUT 70: The dance floor. Christian's awkwardness disappears as he finds his feet. The crowd react as Satin and Christian really start to move. Ath Pink amendments as~@ 2/6/2000 33. 18 7 DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. 26 zidler has his eye to a spy-hgle behind the bandstand. 5M helps Zidler back into his clothes. ZXDLER'S POV: Through a blur of crowd, zidiex can see Satin Gancing with her top-hatted parcner. ‘22DLER te * That Duke can move. (ORT. MOULIN ROUGE. .0IN HALL. NIGHT. a7 Satin purrs coquettishly as she dances with Christian. SATIN So wonderful of you to take an interest in our little show Christian can‘t believe his luck. CHRISTIAN Tt sounds very exciting; I'd love to be involved. Satin tries te contain her amasenent. SATIN Really? CHRISTIAN Yes; Christian, suddenly worried he is being too forward. CHRISTIAN (cont'd) Provided you enjoy what I do. Satin, @ meaningful gaze. SATIN Of course Z will. CLOSE CN: Christian blushing. CHRISTIAN Toulouse said we might be able to do it in... private. Satin a saucy smile. SATIN Dia ne? Christian stammers. (comezmuED) ® 4th Pitk Amendments a8 @ 2/6/2000 3a. 17 CoMrrZHUED: ro CHRISTIAN ‘Yes @ private...y'know CLOSE GN: Christian, shy but’ intense. CHRISTIAN (cant‘d) ‘Poetry’ reading. CLOSE GN: Satin, confused. and then she thinks she LM@derstends: the young, rich Duke is too shy te mentica ox. Satin smiles knowingly. sary Ob, a ‘poetry’ reading. I'd love a little ‘poetry’ after supper. OSE OM: Christian amazed. then comes the moment all have been waiting for: as the builds, che Can Can girls kick top hats from men's £ . Man wrizbe ecstatically as their hats sail skyward. ‘air is filled with kicking feet and popping hats. aE SATIN (cant‘d) Meng on to your hat. A tumultuous crescendo of music ac, with a lithe lono- dumbed kick, Satin sends Christian's hat sailing skyward. FOLLOW: The haz as it spins high above the dance-floor. BANG! Christian's hat falls with perfect precision, back on top of his head. We hear: Christian's voice-over. CHRISTIAN (V/0) : That was the night 7 fell in iove. cur To: Satin heid high on « pyzemid of Moulin performers. She launches into her provecstive finale. SATIN (STINGS) Diamonds, diamonds, I den’t mean rhinestones, But diamands are a girl's best.... best friend. With the final show-stopping chord, Satin throws her head and arms skyward: the crowd thunders. SUDDENLY: A foreboding underscore. (comrrreED} 4th Pink Amendments as~@ 2/6/2000 35. 37 CORTTRIED: (2) 7 GOP SHOT: Satin high.above the crowd. Her face is filled wath panic. She gasps desperately for air. Suddenly her eyes roll back and she is crashing to the floor. woments before impact, Le Chocolat catches her in his massive arms the crowd, thinking this is another amazing stunt, cheers wildly. GlOSE cM: satin in Le Chocolat's arms, There is no sign of Tite. Le Chocolat locks urgently to 2idler who is now atop the bandstand. Bidler signals Le Chocolat to get Satin off the floor. Le Chocolat spirits Satin away as the crowd wildly claps: sv]PLEASE MOTE: THERE ARE NO SCENES 18, 19, 20°°° 23 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. CORRIDOR NIGHT. 22 CLOSE OH: Satin's unconscious face. WONT LEGS IN THE AIR, the bitchy lead dancer of the Can Can troupe, comments dryly. NIN Don't know if that Duke’s gona get his money’s worth tonight. MOME FROMAGE, © dunb but good-natured dancer, is concerned. MOME FROMAGE Don't be unkind Wind 4 214 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. DRESSING ROOM. NIGHT. aaa Le Chocolat lays Satin on a tattered chaise longue. The faces of the Can Can girls stare down at her. Suigenty an older wooun: MARIE pushes er wey arough She gizls. MARIE Let me through girls. CLOSE ON: Satin. Her eyes open gently as Marie holds smelling salts under her nos : Satin coughs, then smiles as she mocks herself. © 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 36. 2 22 23 comDnED: aan SarDN Oh these silly costumes. ‘SM pushes his way through the girls. oH Alright you girls, back out front and make those gents thirsty. 4 hisses to Merie. $M (cont'd) Problems? OW: Marie, quickly covering. ORIE Nothing for you to be worrying about. SM looks to Chocolat. me Don't just stand there; frock on for the Hunkadala ! NT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. MIGHT. 22. The crowd continues to chant. cRowD cin! Satin! Zidler, werried, looks to the wings. ‘SM indicates Satin will not be appearing. SLAY ZOOM: Zidler's horrified face. Then, the consummate professional, 2idler pouts like a sad child. ZIDLER You've frightened her away. But I spy some lonely Moulin Rouge dancers who are looking for a partner or two, so if you can Hunk Hunk, you ean ‘The music strikes up and chey dance the Hunkadola. Le Chocolat and the COCOLICIOUS BOYS anc La Petite Princess perform the Hunkadola. TINT. MOULIN ROUGE. MOULIN ROUGE DRESSING ROOM. NIGHT. 23 Marie laces Satin inte a red satin dress. (corre) e 2. With e patron like him and Spectacular Spectacylar, all your dreams could come true: You could be the next Sarah Bernhardt. With almost religious reverence, Satin starca into ane of phe many hand-coloured Sarah Bemhardt posteards that adorn rer. ‘SATIN Oh Marie, could I ever be like the great Sexah? wane You've got the talent; you hook this Duke and you'll be lighting up the great . stages of Europe before you know it. CLOSE ON: Satin. Almost like a prayer, she whispers into the mirror. ‘SATIN I!21 be en actress Marie, and we can fly, fly away from here. SURDEMLY: The door burete open: revealing a panicked 2idler. ZIDLER Ducky, everything alright? Satin, standing tel, radiates lif SATIN Of course marold. idler beans like e proud father. 2IDLER Oh thank goodness, you certainly weaved your magie with that Duke on the dance SATIN How do I look? tie Zidler. 2IDLER My little strawberry. how could he resist fzom gobbling you up? Everything's going 80 weld! 23 © 4th Pink Amendments .as~q ‘1/6/2000 38. 26 ‘EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. NIGHT. 26 The Duke has been cleaned up. He hurries with Warner back through the garden and into the hall. ‘DUKE Find zidler; the girl's waiting for me. As. The Duke wipes irame, the heads of Toulouse, Satie, The itinian ané The Doctor pop up in front of camera. They gaze up towards the towering wood and papier-miché Elephant that stands in the garden. . Toulouse whispers, amazed. TOULOUSE Unbelievable, straight to the elephant. CLOSE GN: The Argentinian awestruck. ARGENTINIAN ‘The boy has talent. GRANE: Up rom the Bchenians, and around the elephant to Look... 24K © EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 24a Through a heart shaped window in the elephant’s head. There, we can see Christian standin: self-consciously in a magical red room upholstered like the inside of a genie’s bottle. 25 INT, MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 25 Christian looks nervously around the room. Satin appears, from behind a screen wearing nothing but a diephanous silk ” gown. SATIN Wnat do you think; poetic enough for you? Christian, transfixed by the vision of this goddess, stamners.. CHRISTIAN Y...yes. Satin glides seductively to a small trolley laid out with caviar and Champagne. SRTIN A little suppex? ternerrenren\ 4th Pink Amendments as ¢ 1/6/2000 38. 28 ComrawUED: 28 f . Christian can hardly speak. CHRISTIAN Rb. ..1' rather jsf get it over and done with. Satin, startled, immediately recovers and drapes herself . alluringly over the chaise longue. She whispers naughtily. a ‘SAT aeons + Vexy well, why don't you come down here and let's get it, ‘over and done with’. ++ CLOSE Gil: Christian, nervous. CHRISTIAN 2'@ prefer to do it standing... Satin, unruffled, rises from the couch. SATIN om, of course. Christian, panicked by Satin‘'s near-naked proximity backs sway. CHRISTIAN You don't have to; stand I moan, sometimes it's quize long, I want you to be comfortable. Satin is momentarily thrown. CHRISTIAN (cont‘d) } t's very modern what I do, it might feel a bit strange at first, but if you're open I think you'll enjoy it. SATIN ; I'm sure I will. 4 Christian suddenly stops, closing his eyes. A moment, Satin is puzzled. SATIN (cont‘d) Is everything alright? CHRISTIAN I'm sorry, I'ma bit nervous... Satin; quietly understanding SATIN Ob (Courrz5cED) ©) 4th Pink Amendments as-€ 1/6/2000 46. 25 CONTINUED: (2) 26 CHRISTIAN It's just sometimes it takes a while for the inspiration; to come. Satin‘s hend drops down out of frame. Christiar's eyes pop open very wide. SATIN Does that inspire you. - . CHRISTIAN Oh... SATIN Let's make love. Satin throws Christian on the bed. Christian can't believe what is happening. SATIN You want to don't you? CLOSE oN: Christien, dumbfounded. CHRISTIAN Ab. ..? Satin moves her lips closer. ‘SATIN e12. the truth, can't you feel the poetry? CHRISTIAN Yes... SATIN Feel it, feel it, feel the poetry. Her lips so close. Christian is melting. CHRISTIAN (cont’d) Oh yes. EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. ‘The Argentinien holds Toulouse by his heel: ‘Toulouse can see into the small elephant window. SATIE How's it going? CLOSE ON: Toulouse amazed. (comramueD! 2s 26 © a7 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 a. 6 : (ComTENUED 26 ‘TOULOUSE We really does have 2 way with the words. INT. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 7 Satin is on top of Christian. SATIN _ Coma on big boy. Christian is in ecstasy. Satin is on top of Christian. wearing his top-hat and holding a riding crop she rides Christian like a horse. SATIN Show me your poetry! CLOSE ON: Christian. Stunned. CHRISTIAN Now? Satin urgentiy. Yes, I need it now. Christian, summoning all his willpower, leaps to his feet. CHRISTIAN Alright. Satin nearly fells off the divan, but covers her bemusement brilliantly. Christian, intensely reciting. CHRISTIAN (cont'd) It's a little bit Sunny this feeling inside CLOSE oN: Satin, stunned. SATIN What? (courrreen) v) @) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 27 coareamD: 27 : CHRISTIAN I'm not one of those who can easily hide. Suddenly Satin realizes that’ ‘poetry’, means poetry. sarIN Qn, poetry... ohhh ‘ Christian stops, unsure if he is doing the right thing. weet fi CHRISTIAN Is this 0.K.? Is this what you want? Satin, thinking she finally understands the game, purrs appreciatively. sarDr Ob; oh yes. CRISTIAN XI don't have much money, but if I did I'd buy a big house where we both could live. Satin begins to groan’ sensuously to the verse. SATIN Yam, yes. ‘CHRISTIAX if Iwas a sculptor, bet then again, no. sarin Sh, oh, ob, wonderful... CHRISTIAN Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show. 7 Satin begins to sway erotically to the verse. SATIN Ch, ok, dan‘; Christian, dumbfounded, stops. SATIN (cont‘d) CHRISTIAN I know it's not mich, But it's the best I can do. Satin is writhing on the divan. a we 28 ath Pink Amendments 2s°@ 1/6/2000 a3. 7 CONTINUED: (2) SATIN Oh, oh, obbhbhhh. Christian, closes his eyes and sings with the voice of an CERISTIAN (SINGS) (CONT'D) My gift is my song and this one's for you CLOSE ON: Satin, stilled by the beauty cf Christian's -voice. CHRISTIAN (SINGS) (CONT‘D) And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple but now that it's done Christian sings tc Satin fram the depths of his soul. CHRISTIAN (SINGS) (CONT'D) Hope you don't mind Z hope you don't mind That I put dow in words How wonderful life is when you're in the worl Satin is transfixed by this young man with the voice of an Christian leads her onto the little elephant balcany. EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT BALCONY. NIGHT. With the lights of Paris stretched out before them, Christian sings. CHRISTIAN (SINGS) Sat an the roof and I kicked off the moss Well some of these verses well, they, they've got me quite cross But the sun's been kind while I wrote this song It's for people like you that keep it turned on It is as if Satin is seeing Christian for the first time. CHRISTIAN (SINGS) So excuse me forgetting but these things I do You see I’ve forgotten if they‘re green ox they‘re blue Anyway the thing is what I really mean (nsrel 28 4th Pink Amendments as -@ 1/6/2000 aa. 28 COMTINUED: ae CHRISTIAN (cont '4) : ee Yours are the sweetest eyes Ive’ ever w . seen. : 29 «0 EXT. NIGHT SKY. (VFX). NIGHT. 23 As violins swell to a full orchestral arrangement, Christian and Satin waltz across the sky, past the Ziffel ‘Tower end around a smiling man in the moon. - Abend of heavenly ANGELS join the chorus as Christian's voice soars. CERISTIAN/ANGELS (SING) And you can tell everybody this is your song ~ Te may be quite simple but now that it’s Hu 4 zg E i quite simple but now that it’s rte by ie BF it @) ne 5 f rE Bs t i a & i f i Bs & boop a a & E i 30 ROUGE. ELEPHANT. WIGHT. 30 EXT. Qn top of the elephant, to the romantic underscore of the final bars of misic, The Bohemians excitedly toast each other with a large boctle of absinthe. ‘TOULOUSE Looks like he got the job. 31 WT, MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 31 As the song ends we are back inside the Elephant. Satin is dn Christian's arms. They hold each other's stare. Satin softly murmurs. SATIN 1 don't believe it; I’m in love witha yeousg, handsome talented Duke. CLOSE ON: Christian. A horrible realisation. : ©) (comrronmED) ©) q©) 4th Pink Amendments as @1/6/2000 - 4s. 2. CONTINUED: i CHRISTIAN Duke? sar Not that the title's important. CHRISTIAN I’m not 2 Duke. Satin. seems You're not a Duke? caRIsTIaN I'm a writer. * snrDy A writer? CHRISTIAN Toulouse thought. ‘sarmN Toulouse? Oh no; you're not another of Toulouse's oh-so-talented, charmingly Bohemian, yet tragically impoverished proteges are you? CHRISTIAN You might say that. ct is Satin's worst nightmare. SATIN Qh no; no, no, ne! I'm going to kill him! 32 EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 132 Satie calls to Toulouse. : SATIE How's ix going? ‘TOULOUSE I think there might be a small hitch. 33 DAP, MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 33 CHRISTIAN Audrey left and Toulouse wanted me to audition to write the show. SATIN What about The Duke. (comnrMuED) y 4th Pink Amendments as @ 2/6/2000 as. 33 ‘CoerrnsUED 33 Suddenly there is a knock on the door. 2XDLER (0/8) My dear, exe you decent for The Duke? As the door bangs open, Satin hisses to Christian. SATIN Hide! ‘CRtistiah leaps behind the food trolley as Zidler appears Sm the doorway. zidler mouths frantically to Satin: ‘ZLDER Where have you been? Satin whispers. sarme Waiting. Zidlec, turning to bring The Duke into the room, is the Picture of bonhomie: 2IDLER My dear Duke, allow me to introduce Satin: the Sparkling Diamond and star of he sortncoming Moulin Rouge presentation Satin tums, beaming radiantiy. SATIN Monsieur, how wonderful of you to take time out of your busy schedule to visit ‘The Duke eyes Satin's silk clad form rapaciously. DOK, ‘The pleasure, I fear, will be entirely mine my dear. Zidler Dacks oxt like mmsy not wanting to interrupt 2 Sirer dace ZIDLER I'll leave you two squirrels to get better acquainted. Nearly out the door, 2idler points vigorously at The Duke* back as he mouths silently to Satin: ZIDLER (cont’d) Investment! With a final.. "1 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 a7. 330 CONEINDED: (2) 3 SIDLER (cont‘d) Datta! zidler sts the door and Th Duke and Satin are seemingly DUKE After tonight ‘s pretty exertions Surely must be in need of refreshment... """ file Duke “tums toward the trolley behind which Christian is Riding. Satin desperately stops him with: SATIN ‘Doa't you just love the view. ‘The Duke, perturbed by Satin's strange behaviour resists. poe My dear I'd Like a glass of Champagne! Christian is now crawling on his hands and inees behind the Duke to the balcony door. The Duke mst turn and see him when Satin exclaims sharply. SATIN in's a little bic fumy! ‘The Duke turns back to Satin. DOKE Wher is? Satin, desperately thinking. sarme This feeling. inside. The Duke quizsical lock. Satin. trying to remeber the =, SATIN (cont'd) X'm not one of those who can... Christien, behind the Duke's legs, mouths the words. SATIN (cont’d) Rasily hide. CLOSE ON: The Duke engaged by the words. SATIN (cent 'a) don't have mich mmey but if I did, @ buy a big house where we both could topmennerent Sth Pink amendments as-@ 2/6/2000 33 COMTDUED: (3! 3 Satin desperate. looks at Christian through the Duke’ legs, bursts inte song. I hope you don ana” you don't I hope you don't mind Satin gentiy brings The Duke to his feet. sarmm (sxas) soo + Phat Z put down in wards Bow wonderful life ie now you're in the world A moment of silence, The Duke is transfixed but still Blocking Christian's exit to the balcony. DOK ‘That's very bemutiful. SATIN e's from ‘Spectacular Spectacular, suddenly with you here I finally ‘unflerstood the true meaning of those words: “How wonderful life is now you're in the world.* ‘The Duke is inexplicably moved. DOE What meaning was that my dear? Suddenly Satin is fighting beck tears. SATIN Duke, don't toy with my emotions! You ymow'the effect you have on women! CLOSE ON: The Duke, he doesn‘t but is delighted. CLOSE ON: Christian, eppalied. Satin suddenly pulls The Duke down to the divan. SATIN (conta) Lette make love on top of Satin. DORE ‘The Duke finds hinge: Doon... Christian stands, bur unable to bear the sight of Satin and ‘the Duke on the Givan, doesn't leave. Satin pushes The Duke's face into her breasts while © motioning for Christian to get out. (CosrranuED) ©) th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 4. 33° Comm: (4) 33 Sata ‘You want to make love dan‘ you? Ghrletion is stilt not moving. the Duke struggles up for aiz. DUKE Love? Satin exclaims joyously. SATIN ‘I knew you felt the same way! Pushing The Duke's face back down, Satin emits a strangled soream at Christian which clearly meme “Get out or I'll you.* The Duke, thinking this is a cry of passion, groans ecstatically. : Satin, seeing Christian won't budge, suddenly changes tack. ‘She holds the Duke's face firmly in both hands. SATIN (cont‘d) ‘You're right, we should wait. CLOSE ON: ‘The Duke mystified. Dox Wait? Christian stil: will not go. Satin, with sudden inspiration. SATIN Yes...wait until opening night. ‘This is enough for Christian. He exits through the baleany , door. Satin leaps to her fe : SATIN (cont'd) I don't know what came ever me. tsying to catch up. DIKE But... Satin turas shazply to the Duke. SATIN ‘There’s a power in you that scares me. You should go. ‘The Duke, snapping out of it. (cournmED) ye 33 4 ath Pink Amendments as 61/6/2000 sc. ConrmED: (5) 3 ‘DORE I just got here. SATIN Yes, it‘ll be torturé for us both but we ‘must wait til] opering night. ‘Satin beams love end affection as she pushes The Duke toward che door. - . sarm We'll sec “each other everyday curing zehearsal. Satin, euddenly. SATIN (cont ‘4) ‘You are investing aren't you? CLOSE ON: The Duke trying to contain hie excitement. DOK Te‘s a little bit funny this feeling inside. SATIN How wonderful lite is now you're in the world. Satin chute the door on The Duke. Christian enters. Satin turne angrily on hi sarin Do you have any idea what would happen deca As Satin‘'s egitation grows she starts te cough. sin Stops. She can barely speak. SATIN (contd) Found... Suddenly her knees are buckling and Satin is falling. Christian catehes her. INT. MOULIN ROUGE. ZIDLER‘S OFFICE. NIGHT. 34 idler, in his vast office that overlooks the Moulin Rouse, bends to the brass telescope toat stands by the window. He mirmirs. ‘ aft Pink Amendments as:@ 1/6/2000 si. ‘COMPU: ery ~~ 20LER ad a Let's have © peakaboo. ZIDLER’S POV: In the Elephant window he can see the silhouette of Satin in a man's arms. 200LER (cont'd) ‘Right on target. vty 85“ P. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. “38 CLOSE OW: The Duke stops, horrified by the sight of Satin in Christian's arms. DORE (cont'A} Poul play? Satin regaine consciousness. #1 ‘SATIN « Ob Duke. ‘The Duke, 16 to an different . 3, Jesping now entirely different conclusion, ‘DORE It's a little bit funny this feeling Satin, completely unfazed. smiles radiantly. SATIN : ‘Beautifuily spoken Duke. let me introduce the writer. The Duke looks suspiciously toward Christian. DOKE The writer? sar We were zehearsing. ‘The Duke mockingly. ‘DUKE ‘Do you expect me to believe that scantily led, in the arms of another man, inside an elephant, in the middle of the night. e you were rehearsing? 35 36 37 Ath Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 52. ConremICED: 3s SUDDENLY: Toulouse bursts in. ‘TOULOUSE How's the rehearsai going? 7 ‘The Duke watches goggle-eyed as The Argentinian, ‘The Doctor and Satie charge in. ANGENTINIAN _ Soxzy, got held up. ‘The Doctor offers bis absinthe bottle to the Duke. ‘TE Doctor, Can I offer you a érink? Satie sits at the litcle piano. TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. ZIDLER‘S OFFICE. wicHT. 36 2I0LER'S TELESCOPE POV: In the elephant room, he can suddenly see the silhouettes of six men: one of whom appears to be a quar. CLOSE ON: Zidler, horrified. TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. RLEPRAWr. szaHr. 7 Satin looks adoringly at The Duke. ; spoke Shove words ifully When you zhose 0 beaut: you made me realise we had a lot of work to do before tomorrow. So I called : everyone together for an emergency xenearsal. ‘The Duke is suddenly suspicious again. Done If you'xse rehearsing, where's Zidlex? sara I didn't want to bother Harold. SUDDENLY Zidler enters. Satin beams delightedly. SATIN (cont’d) Harold, you made it. (coma) Oo. 27 ath Pink Amendments as #2/6/2000 3. ComrzeoED: ” 2idler tums desperately to. The Dake. ZIDLER Terribly sorry Duke; > Satin desperately interrupts. SATIN Tes alright Harold, The Duke mows all _Sbout the emergency rehearsal. idler stops. 2IOLER | Bmergency rehearsal? : sar To incorporate The Duke's artistic ideas. tidler trying to catch up. 2IDLER Artistic... I'm sure Audrey would ... Toulouse casually. ‘TouLonse Audrey's left. 2IDRER He's what! Satin laughs mischieveusly. SATIN Harold, the cat's out what's going on but | he doesn't care. 2 Zevest! Oh yes well, invest, you can't blame me for trying’ zo hide, ah... Towlouse prompre: Christian. : ZIDLER Christian away. . DUKE : I'm way ahead of you Zidler! Zidler, ushers The Duke from the zoom. (comrzmuED) ath Pink Amendments ws 61/6/2000 37 comrnwueD: (2) ” 2T0LER Deer Duke why don't we go to my office end peruse the paperwork. DOKE What's the story? 2idier is stopped in his tracks. ‘ZIDLER, ee + Beasy? DOKE m to invest, I'll need to know the story. Zidler, desperately grasping for an idea. ‘ZIDLER the story's abou... 2idler turns te Toulouse. Yes, Well ie: Christian leaps in. CHRISTIAN It's about love. COU TO: Toulouse and Bohemians nodding approvingly. DOXE Lover Christian glances toward satin. 7 cunrstzan About love overcoming al] obstacles. Toulouse interjects ‘TOULOUSE rt‘s set in Switzerland. ‘The Duke is unsure. DUKE Switzerland? -Bidler paints the picture. (comme) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 8. 37 Cowrcane: (3) 7 ‘2IDLER : Exotic Switzerland. Christian taking in the lush Eastern decor of the elephant. Foon, interjects. ia CHRISTIAN India! It‘s set in India. AA look toward Christian. n CHRISTIAN (eant'd) and there’s a Courtesan. : Christien cums to Satin. CHRISTIAN (cont'd) ‘The woe: beautiful Courtesan in all India. When the kingdom that the Courtesan lives in is invaded by an Evil fas mst, seduon the Maharaja so kingdom, but on the night of seduction, she mistakes a is Sitar Player for the Maharaja falls in love with bin, Christimn turns to sacin, hurriedly explaining. a cmustian (cont) a sitar player isn't trying to trick ox anything he just happens to be dressed as the Maharaja because he's oes The Argentinien leaps forward, striking incense Tango poses. ARGENTINIAN : I will play the penniless, tango dancing sitar playe=. He will sing like an angel but dance like the devil. DUKE What happens next? Christien, furiously improvising CHRISTIAN The sitar player and the Courtesan have to hide their love from the evil Maharaja. Satie suddenly intersects. SATIE ‘The penniless sitar player's sitar is magical; it can only speak the truth. ye {ComrrmraD} éth Pink Amendments as @,1/672000 s8. 37 cowrmees: (4) 7 Tevlouse waddles forward. ‘TOULCUSE I will play the Magical sitar. Turning to Satin, Toulouse mimes plucking his own strings. ‘TOULOUSE (cont'd) You are peautiful. To Zidler. 7 : TOULOUSE (conta) You are ugly. To The Duke. TOULOUSE (cont'd) You are an idi... zidler frantically clamps his hand over Toulouse’s mouth. ‘The Duke turns to Christian. DOKE He gives the game away eh? zidler blurrs incongruousiy. ZIDLER Christian desperately improvising. CERISTIAN Yes, the Tantric Can Can, it’s... Zidlex jumps in. __ BEDLER An erotic spectacular scene that captures the thrusting, violent, vibrant, wild Bohemian spizit that thas wnole . Production embodies Duke! CLOSE ON: The Duke. . DUKE What do you mean by that? Zidler is caught out. 2IDLER Well... I mean the show will be a magnificent, opulent, tremendous, stupendous, gurgancuar, bedazzlement; 4 sensual ravishment it will be... (cowrrwuxp) ath vink Amendments as @,1/6/2000 7. 37 EoMrswuED, (8) ‘EXDLER (ccaml’D) (e005) Spectacular, spectacular No words in tha vernacular Can describe this great event You'll be dumb with wonderment Returns are fixed at ten per cent. You must agree that's excellent And on top, of your fee ALL (Sum) You'll be involved artisticslly $o exciting . BONDS / SATIM/CURTESTIAN{ STNG) ‘The audience will stomp and cheer ALL (SING) So delighting ‘BOHOS /SATIN/CHRISTIAN (SING) Zt will run for fitty years ALL (SING) So exciting The audience will stamp and cheer 50 delighting 3t will run for fifty years ALL (EXCEPT TOULOUSE) (STNG) So exciting The audience will stomp and cheer So delighting Te will run for fifty years Toulouse grabs an elephant mask from the wall and puts it on 2idler. TOULOUSE (SINGS) Elephants ‘THE DOCTOR (SINGS) Bohemians ZIDLER (STNGS) Indians Satin coyly te The Duke. SATIN (SINGS) and Courresans Satie an acrobatic trick while still playing the piano. SATIE (SINGS) Acrobats ‘The Argentinian, wearing the bear rug, juggles fruit. (ComerecreD) 7 « w~ th Pink Amendments as ®1/6/2000 ~ 8. 27 COMFZNUED: (6) a7 ARGETINIAN (SINGS) and Juggling beare, ‘TOULOUSE’ (SINGS) Beotic Girls. ‘The Doctor takes a mouthful of absinthe and igniting it from a candle blows « jet of flame into the air. EVERYONE (BUT THE DOCTOR) (SINGS) Fire eaters . ALL (BUT CHRISTIAN AND ARGEYTDIZAN) (5003) Muscle man Batie contertedly plays the pianc with his feet. ALL (80? CHRISTIAN ABD ARGEATINIAN) (STNG) Cantertionisrs ‘he Argentinian shoots Christian with « cork popped from the Champagne bottle. ARGENTINIAN/CHRISTIAN (SING) mncrigue, Danger @ grabs the bottle and jumps into The Duke's arms. rouLouss (smcs) and Romance ALL (SING) Electric lights, machinery 2idler joyously. 2OLER (STNGS) And all that electricity ALL (SING) So excizing ‘The audience will stomp and cheer So delighting Te will run for £ifcy years So excizing The audience will stamp and cheer $0 delighting Ie will run for fifty years Spectacular. spectacular No words in the vernacular Can describe this great event You'll be dumb with wonderment TOULOUSE (SINGS) Beautifully artistical 4th Pink Amendments as 1/6/2000 so. 37 CoMrgUED: 7) ” ~ hw : CLOSE OW: The Doctor's eyes spinning in his head. ‘THE DocTOR (SINGS) Chemically mystical _ Satie suddenly performs an incredibly dazzling but almost unbearably discordant arpegyio on the piano. i SATIE (SINGS) aaa Musically eclectical The Argentinian triumphantly jumps on top of the pisno ARGENTINIAN (SINGS) Bohemian Spectactioal! AGL (SING) The bills are alive with the sound of music. ALL (STNG) $0 exci ting The audience will stomp and cheer So delighting Ie will mm for fifty years ‘So exciting The audience will stomp and cheer r 50 delighting . Ze will run for fifty years ‘DOKE But what happens in the end? CHRISTIAN (SINGS) The Courtesan and Sitar mam... Are pulled apart by an evil plan SATIN (SINGS) But in the end she hears his song ‘ CHRISTIAN (SINGS) And their love is just roo strong Suedeniy, all eyes aze on The Duke as he half-sings, feelingly to Set. DOKE (SINGS) e's a little bit funy this feeling inside. The number carries on as if nothing has happened. Magically Toulouse and The Bohenians make drapes fall so they look like theatre curtains ALL (SING) So exciting The audience wii stomp and cheer (nore! tcowerdeuED) Cee ee eet ath Pink Amencments as -@ 1/6/2000 60. 37 coupe (8) 7 AL (conta) So delighting ¢ . Te dll mun for fifty years ‘The Argentinian and Satin act out the scene, framed by the Grapes as if they are onstage. ‘The sitar player's secret song Helps them flee the evil one 2idler suddenly launches into en incredibly hamy, intexpretation of The Maharaja. 2IDLER, Zam the evil Maharaja, you will not escape! : ‘A moment of stunned silence, all lock roward Zidler. SATIN Ob Marold, no-one could play him like you A could. Zidler, indignane. ZIDLER No-one's going zo. ALL (STG) So exciting = The audience will stomp end cheer 50.delighting ‘ it will rum for fifty years ‘So exciting We'll make them laugh, we'll make then ery. $0 delighting CLOSE GN: The Duke, very still. DUKE In the end should someone die? All ignore The Dake. ALL (SING) So exciting The audience will stomp and cheer So delights a Zt will run for fifty years! (commen) Ath Pink Amendments as @,1/6/2000 6a. 37 oer: (9) 37 Christian, Satin, Toulouse, The Argentinian, The Docter, Sacie, and Zidler sing as they form the incredible final ‘The mmber peaks into a climactic show stopping finale. BANG! Silence. All eyes are fixed on The Duke. With Perfect, complete stillness, they wait for his response. CLOSE ON: The Duke. He considers. DOKE, Generally, I like it. An explosion of cheers and screams as everyone goes berserk. The Schemians congratulate their new writer. SUPER FAST ZOOM: Out of the elephant to... 37A «EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGHT. 37a” Silbouetted in the blazing windows of the elephant, ‘ qveryone jumps for joy. we hear Christian’s voice-over. cmrstiax v/o Ridler had on inveater and the Bohemians hed 2 show. TOWRLEASE MOTE: THERE ARE MO SCENES 38,30,40,41++* 42 EXT. TOULOUSE LAUTREC'S STUDIO/CHRISTIAN'S GARRET. NIGHT. 42 Toulouse's rooftop studio is ablaze with light. CRANE: the window and past the wil part foulouse, ‘Sokeniane’ Le Chocolat, ‘Le Setonany, Rist Gime Fromage and the Cer Can girls. CRISTIAN V/O (CONT’D) While the celebration party raged upateiza I tried to write... CRANE: Down through the hole in the studio floor and into Christian's garret... 43° INT. CHRISTIAN’S GARRET. NIGHT. 7 aa We see Christian's typewriter abandoned on-the desk. ‘The sheet of paper =n the typewriter has SPECTACULAR SPECTACUUAR written at the top. The rest of the page is - completely blank. 4th Pink amendments as @ 1/6/2000 a. <2 CowrEENOED: : CHRISTIAN V/O (coMT’D) But all I could think about was her. TRACK: Out onto the balcony. CHRISTIAN W/O (CoMrT’D) Hed the Courtesan mistakenly fallen in ove the Penniless player; or. e had it all been an act? 4¢ = EXT. CHRISTIAN'S GARRET. BALCONY. NIGHT. Christian, leaning aginst the “L’Amour sign, looks toward the silhouette of the Moulin Rouge. Me gently serenades the might. cCARIstTrow (smigs) How wonderful life is now you're in the world. 444° DAT. MOULIN ROUGE. ELEPHANT. NIGET. Satin, alone in the little elephant room, tums out the last lamp. She moves toward the Goor but stops. The props used to pitch the show to The Duke still litter the floor. AS she gazes at them, she hears Christian‘s voice in her head. cunreTzaw v/O She mistakes a Penniless Sitar player for the Maharaja and falls in love with him. Lit now only by moonlight, Satin whispers: . sarm I follow the night, can't stand the light As & simple orchestrazior builds, Satin sings as she moves | out onto the elepnant balcony. SATIN (SINGS) When will T begin to live again? 45 = EXT. MOULDN ROUGE. ELEPHANT BALCONY. NICHT. Satin sings to the night. SATIN (SINGS) (cawrD) one day 2/21 Ely away. leave all this to yest . What mare could your love do for me When will love be rhrough with me (tore) (comrpaeD) ae a5 ©) Sth Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 63. 45 comme: as ry ay dread the day when One day She whispers See : SATIN (cont'd) Fly fly away. Satin turns. She is startled; Christian is there. ‘Be is nervous. CHRISTIAN I'm sorry, I just.. wanted to... thank you. For helping me get the job. Satin is cool. SATIN Toulouse is right, you are calented. CLOSE ON: Christian staring back. SATIN I'd better go, big day tomorrow. Satin moves Wait. Satin tums. CHRISTIAN (cont'd) I know before, you thought I was a. Duke, bot Iwas just wondering; was it all... Christian is suddenly looking into Satin’s eyes. CHRISTIAN (cont‘d) “sesan act? at Pink Amendments as 1/6/2000 6. CONTENUED: (2) CLOSE ON: Christian covering his enbarrasement. cust Yeah, of course, I°mean... I knew you eS ee ee me. Satin smiles. SATDR I Gon‘t ‘fail in love’ with anyone. CLOSE ON: Christian taking this in. CLOSE Om: Christian considering this. Satin looks at Christian with efimple honesty. SATIN It's berter than never being able te fly away. CHRISTIAN Bur love is lise oxygen, it’s @ many splendoured thing, love lifts us up wher we belong, all you need is leve. Satin, strong. SaT=N Den't start that again. Christian sings. CHRISTIAN (SINGS) Love, love, love SATIN Please don't do that. Gatin, izvitated, moves amy. Christien, charming, pursues as i , i a ath Pink-amendments as @ 1/6/2000 6s. 45 comrmems: (3) Christian Christian CHRISTIAN (STHG5) Love, love, love. Now I'm getting anczy. CHRISTIAN (SINGS) Love, love, love. SATIN (SDS) You're crazy CHRISTIAN (SINGS) 21 you need is Jove SATIN (2008) A girl has got to eat CHRISTIAN (SNCS) Al! you need is love saTDH (Twas) ‘She'11 end up on the street CHRISTIAN (SINGS) Al2 you need is love SATIN (SINGS) love is just a game CRRISTIAN (SINGS) was nade fer loving you baby fou made for loving me ee were Saq=H (smwcs) oniy way of loving me baby to pay a lovely fee pleads. 5 CHRISTIAN (SINGS) : Just one night, Give me just one right iy SATIN (SINGS) There's no way Cause you can't pay throws himself to his knees. One night in the name of love SATIN (SINGS) You crazy fool Iwon't give in to you 4th Pink Amendments as @&1/6/2000 66. Gulouse’ painting a backdrop as workmen tear the beilding Satie confucting a gaggle of altemate musicians. ‘The Doctor desperately tries to tune the smoking : electromagnatica machine. the Argentinian, Satin and zidler rehearse while Christian : francically makes pencil adjustments to his seript. the : Argentinian declares: EET : Fear not we will conduct our love affair right under the Maharaja’ SUDDENLY: The Argentinian collapses unconscious. A zieier throws up his nands in despair. ‘ ‘he Argentinian suddenly regains consciousness. ARGENTINIAN (cont ’d) ‘ Alright, no em, go back to ight Problem, go your 2I0LER Honestly amigo, this is impossible! ‘he Duke shakes his head and smiles inanely at Satin. Warner sits in the shadows behind him. Satin returns a loving smile TRACK: Past The Duke to see the smile was secretly aimed at christian. ‘The SHOW MUST GO ON plays as the struggling Can Can Girls wipe fame. 50 DWP. CHRISTIAN'S GARRET. NIGHT. oy Satin and Christian lie naked on the floor in a tangle of e — (ConrrzanreD) yo 2Qth Fink Amendments as 1/6/2000 _ a. . ‘They make love. ow sree chance ens ete eee et SOA TNT. TOULOUSE’S STUDIO. wiaET. soa, Toulouse’s studio is littered with champaone bottles and Gther evidence of astousel. Jammed in the little bed "7 ‘Toulouse, ‘tae Dactar, Satie end The Argentinien are fast asleep. ‘The SHOW MUST GO CN plays as we DISSOLVE 70: ‘*ePLEASE MOTE: SCENE $1 MAS BEEN DELETED=** 52 INT. ToULOUSE’s sTupro. wrcHr. 2 Toulouse Grunkenly cooks up a storm in the studio kitchen. Savin, alee drinking. coaches from the sidelinas. Caristian, reading frum typewritven pages. leeps around tiie Foon acting out the scene for them. CHRISTIAN . “Por curing we of my ridiculous obsession with love’, scream the Sicar Player as he throws money at the Courtesan's feet. He is leaving the kingdom forever. Satin, who has been hanging on every word, responds. SATIN Qh no. he's net going to live a life without love? CHRISTIAN Yes, bur suddenly the Magic Sicar. Toulouse calls excitedly while busily dishing up food. ‘TOULOUSE ‘That's my part! CMRISTIAN Who can only speak truth, appears and a; Tovlouse. holding plates cf steaming food, jumps in. ‘TOULOUSE Z know! Magic Sitar who can only speak truth says; “dinner’s ready’. ‘The SHOW MUST GO ON plays as we DISSOLVE TO: (ComrzeweD) ach Pink Amendments as 61/6/2000 2. 32 COMTENOED: so ‘The girls wipe frame with an impressive Tantric Can Can. TOOPLEASE MOTE: THERE IS mo SCENE 53 and S¢ree CO), 5S ERT. CHRISTIAN'S GARRET. Dar. ss Ghristian is typing furiously. On the balcony of the garret “Satin leans on the “L* of the -L:anour* eign. The Moulin Rouge is below, the Sacre Coeur in the distance. Chrictian ips the page from the typewriter. Walking toward Satin, Christian acts out the scene as he reads. CARISTIAN The sitar player takes the Courtesan in hie azne and, joined hy the people of the kingdom, they sing together of Truth, ana, abeve all things, Christian loaks to Satin, but she has turned auay. . CHRISTIAN {cont‘d) Woat’s wrong? oe : Satin amiles sadly. SATIN It's beautiful, bur things don’t end that =~ : way. Our story's not going to end that : wey: : tin leeks away from Christian, out over the lights of 7 Paris. . SATIN (cont ‘d) : On opening night I'm going to cleep with ‘ ‘The Duke... ‘ . CERTSTIAN 1 know that. . ‘SATIN i'm going to sleep with The Duke and the : jealousy will drive you mad whatever you 7 Eeel now will be forgotten. of CHRISTIAN 7 ‘Then. ..2/11 write a song and 1°11 put it G in the show co no matter how bed things geen. no matter what happens, vhenever I hear you sing it. or mum it, or whietle : : it, oz tap at out, . € Christian taps out the tune on the Lamour sion. : (comrneueD) 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 B. (COMEENED: CHRISTIAN (cont‘d) e/11 remind me that... I never knew I could fee like this. It's like I‘ve never sein, the sky before. I want te vanish inside your kiss. ‘The orchestra joins and Christian‘s words seamessly transform into’ sang. CHRISTIAN (sTNaS) aa "Every day I'm loving you more and more Listen to ay heart, can you hear it sing? Telling me to give you everything Sezsons may change, winter to spring, But I love you to the end of tine Come what may Come what may ‘wall Jove you until my dying cay. INT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. DAY. 56 ‘The main ball. covered in scaffolding, is lit by a single work light. Toulouse looks down from painting his backdrop. Satin, Christian and The Argentinian gacher around Satie who ‘creates an ethereal melody by plucking the strings of the pianc. The Duke and Zidler look on. As the Argentinian and Satin now sing... CHRISTIAN (SINGS) Listen to these words when we hear this song We’L2 know what we've known all alang Jealousy and angers suddenly are gone Cause you love me uncil the end of time And came what may. come what may I will love you until ay dying day CUT TO: The Duke watching intensely. Nini, leaning across to the Duke, whispers. ‘SINT TASs ending's silly. Why would the courtesan go for that penniless writer? CLOSE Ot: The Duke. He looks sharply to Nini. Mini, a vicious titter. WINT (cont'd) Whoops. I maan, Sitar player CLOSE ON: The Duke following Nini‘s gaze to Christian. SUPER TIGHT: The Duke. Nini‘s words ring in his ears. yo deh Pink: Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 14. So cewrrzwomD: WONT V/0 (eont‘d) His face darkens. . DISSOLVE TO: S6A EXT. CHRISTIAN'S GARRET. DAY. “7 “Christign and Satin now back on the balcany of Christian‘s gercet, sing together. SATIN/CURISTIAN (SING) Come what may J will love you until my dying day WIDE SHOT: Satin. and Christian kiss in front of the “L’amour” sign. DISSOLVE TO: 37 INT. MOULIN ROUGE. ZIDLER‘s OFFICE. DAY. CLOSE ON: The Duke. Ne smiles through the storm within. DORE (conta) must be her single, her solitary, her only patron. Her enly patron: do I’ make myself clear? 2aDLER As crystal, Duke. The Duke peuses, smiling delicately. DUKE It's not that I'm a jealous man. Suddenly ‘The Duke's mouth contorts into a hideous snarl as he crushes his har. DUKE (coat ct'e just that 1 don't Like other people teuching my things: CLOSE ON: Zidler shocked. He speaks slowly. 2IDLER I completely understand Duke. 58 0 INT. «MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL/STAGE. DAY. CLOSE ON: The Argentinian and Satin kissing onstage. (comrzyuED) 56 56a 87 58 4th Pink Amendments a8 @\1/6/2000 75. so Comrnworn: se ‘The full east reprise: CAST (SING) Come what may come‘wbac may. Christian sits watching, smiling. ‘the Duke warching intently. ALL (smHa) Come what may ‘SATDN/ARGENTINIAN (SING) I will love you AL (SING) Come what may SATIN/ARGENTINIAN (SING) Yes, T will love you SATIN/ARGENTINIAM (STNG) I will jeve you until my dying day A finel cumituous chord. - ‘SUDDENLY All eyes hall. the a cold, hard voice cuts through. DOKE = don't like this ending. turn to The Duke who now stands in the middle of idler is flabbergasted as The Duke continues. DORE (coar‘d) Why shouldn't the Courtesan choose the Mahereje, he is offering a lifetime of security: that’s seal love! ‘The Duke is now speaking directly to Satin. CLOSE oN: DUKE (cont) the Penniless Sitar Player has isfied his lust, he will leave The Courtesan with nothing. I suggest that in the end the Courvesan choose the Maharaja. Caristien barely able restrain himsels. Leaning down irom the stage, Toulouse splutters: tcowrzeep) th Pink amendments as @.1/6/2000 78. se CowrneuED: (2) se ‘TOULOUSE Sorry, that ending doesn'c wphold the Bohenian ideal of rruth, beaut... ‘The Duke's anger @plodes. DOKE I don‘t care about your ridiculous dogma! shouldn't the Courcesan choose The iar A momert of shocked silence. all eyes turn to Christian as he urriediy back tracks. CHRISTIAN (cont'd) CLOSE ON: The Duke. A hardening suspicion. DOKE Oh I see. ‘The Duke turns to Zidier icily. DURE (cont’d) Monsieur tidler, this ending will be zewritten with the Courtesan choosing the Maharaja and without the lover’s secret song. It will be rehearsed in the morning ready for the opaning temerrew night! De I make myself clear? idler is horrified. 2=DLER But... Suddenly Satin’s voice cuts through. SATIN Harold, the poor Duke is being created appallingly. Satin €iaches her most rediant emile ot The Duke. SATIN (cont‘d) tay don't you and T have @ Litele supper and afterwards we can let Monsieur idler know how we would prefer this story to CLOSE ON: The Duke, the anger draining from his face. ath Pink Amendments as 6,1/6/2000 7, 0° CG ie 59 TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. CORRIDOR. MIGMT. - 88 Satin is hurrying toward the‘stairs thar lead dow to her dressing room. Christian appears and drags her into the shadows. * CHRISTIAN a _ I don’t want you to sleep with him. ClosE ON: Satin, gently. SATIN He could destroy everything. Te's for the show...for us. Christian struggles to answer. SATIN (cont'd) You promised. You promised not to be Jealous... ‘There is a kerfuffle at the end of the hall. SATIN (cont'd) I must go. The Duke’s waiting. « getan te close co christian. SATIN (cont‘4) (SINGS) Come what may. CLOSE ON: Christian. A long moment, then, fighting the pair, he meets Satins gaz. CERISTIAN Come what may. Christian abruptly moves off. LOSE on: Sacin. She ig strangely still. She fights the convulsion that builds from within Gasping for aiz, Satin desperately struggles down the steiza toward the sanctuary of her dressing room. As she reaches the bottom of the stairs she begins to cough and cannot stop. Desperately fighting to support herself, Satin stagyers, her legs wizl not hold her. Le Chocolat and La Petite Princess emerge fram a tiny room below the stairs and run to Satin as she collepses to the (cose) 4th Pink Amendments as 61/6/2000 : 78. BOLD: On Satin, unconscious oh the flocr. S*RLEASE MOTE:TRERE ARE WO SCEMES S9A/1 & S9A/2 * 60 INT. MOULIN ROUGE. GOTHIC TOWER. WIGHT. 60 ‘the Gothic Tower is a huge Gothic-styled room. he Duke sits alone at the end of a long table laid out for & magnificent supper.-Very still, he wail DISSOLVE TO: +** PLEASE MOTE: SCENE 61 HAS BEEN DELETED -°* 62 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. NIGHT. 62 The cast, chorus and orchestra weit in the main hall to resume rehearsel. 63 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. ZIDLER'S OFFICE. MIGHT 63 2idler peers through his telescope. ZIDLER'S POV: The Duke waiting alone in the Gothic Tower. €) idler is agitaced ZIDLER Where is she 6¢ "TNT, MOULTN ROUGE. STAR DRESSTNG ROOM. NIGHT. 64 CLOSE GW: A hypodermic syringe ertering a vein. PULLEACE: A DOCTOR is giving Satin an injection. Marie ané ve Chocola: look on. Marie enquires, hopefully. MARIE Do you think she'2l be up and about tonight? DOCTOR Tomorrow morning at the earliest. Zidler bursts into che dressing room. He can anly see Le e Chocolat and Marie, Satin is :ying behiné the screen. (Comrmece) @) ath Pink Amendments -as-@ 1/6/2000 73. 64 commraRTED: “ 2TOLER Where the bloody hell is she! Marie hushes Zidier. He approaches questioningly. Once in the room Zidler can see Satin and the Doctor behind the screen, 2IOLER (cont'd) Oh my goodness! Drawing Marie aside Zidler whispers uryentiy. ZIDLER (cont'd) What's wrong with her. .aRTE She's sick Harold. ‘2IOLER I can see that, but The Duke's waiting: is it serious? ‘The Doctor emerges from behind the screea. zidler. pointedly excluding Le Chocolat, pulls the Doctor aside. ZIDLER (cont'd) How long before she's well? ‘The doctor looks blankly at Zidler. 2IDLER (cont‘d) When's she going to be better? The Doctor speaks slovly. DocTOR Monsieur Zidlex, Madenniselle Satin is dying. ‘| CLOSE oN: zidler. ZIDLER Wha? CLOSE ON: Marie. She crosses herself as she murmurs. YARIE Blessed mother. adler is in shock. 2T0LER My little sparrow, dying? CLOSE ON: Zidler whispers to himself. + 4th Pink Amendments as -@ 1/6/2000 ‘ a0. 64 camrneeD: (2) 6 2IDLER (cont'd) But The Duke... Zidler tums again to the Detter. ‘22DLER (cont'd) Bow long... I mean; how long has she? 8 DocToR Lic... A fer months, maybe less. cuose ou: zidler as this sinks in. zidler, conspiraterially te the Dectoz. ‘| ‘2IDLER Wo one mst know, her position here, you understand. DOCTOR Of course. Zidler turns to Marie, whispering: 2rDLER She men‘t know Marie. The show mst go on. Zidler turns back to the doctor. @) ' . ‘ZIDLER (CONT*D) | Is there something you can do, to get her ‘through tonight? Suddenly su bursts in. x ‘The Duke’s leaving. SLAM: Inco Zidler’s face, It explodes into tears. i PULL OUT: We are in the Gothic Tower. 65 «DWT. GOTKIC TOWER. NIGHT. 65 ZIDLER . She's confessing! ‘The Duke rises as his anger explodes. DUKE Confessing? What kind of fool do you take me for 2idler! ZIDLER She suddenly had a terrible desire to go to a priest and confess her sins. © 4th Pink Amendments as 61/6/2000 ‘ComnTED: 6s ‘The Duke heads for the door. DUKE Pind another backer for your tawdry little show: idler grovels like a true professional. ZIDLER She wanted to be cleansed of ber former chat * Life. she looks upon tonight as her... ‘The Duke is out the door. Zidler; a pathetically desperate plea. ZIDLER (cont'd) ++ her wedding night! CLOSE OM: The Duke. He gives nothing away, but this stops him. DOKE Wedding night? 2idler cautiously approaches The Duke. 2IDLER She’s like a blushing bride...that a great man such as yourself wants her only for himself. Zidler leans close. ZIDLER (cont’é) The thing is dear chap, she says you make her feel like a... Like a... like a virgin. : CLOSE ON: The Duke. The image is appea2ing. : i DUKE E Virgen? Zidler slowly Graws The Duke back into the room. IDLER You know; touched, fer che very first time. ‘The Duke is desperately trying to stop his lips from quivering. (comrawceD) | ©) 4th Pink Amentments as-@ 1/6/2000 a2. «5 CommNUED: (2) es ‘IDLER She says it feels so goog... inside, when you hod her, when you touch her... CLOSE ON: The Duke. He repeats the words like a magic spell. DOKE Like a virgin? Bidler leans close. 2TDLER She's nade it through the wilderness Somehow she made it through ‘Didn't know how lost she was (geatly singing) aril she found you. She was beat, incomplece ‘She'd been bad, she was sad and blue Bur you made her feel Yes, you made her fee] Shiny and new As the chorus explodes, waiters bearing trays laden with foo@ burst into the room. They suggestively serve food as thay sing: WATTERS/ZIDLER (STNG) Like 2 virgin . Touched for the very first time Like @ virgin When your bearts beat, both in time. Zidler dances into the middle of the building number. 2IDLER (SINGS) Gonne give you a1] her love, Her fear is fading fast Seer saving it all for you ‘Cause only love can last. Zidler coyly tums down the sheers of the bed in the comer of the room. The waiters plump up the pillows. ZIDLER (CONT’D) (STWOS) She's so fine and she's thine She'll be yours till the end of time Cause you made her fee] Yes, you made her feel She’ has nothing to aide 2idter plays the coy virgin as the waiters chase him around the roan. (courrzanmeD) * ©) €) 4th Pink Amendments as 1/6/2000 83. 65 CoNTDMED: (3) “s ‘The Duke, fingering the bed sheets, sings with quiet intensity. DORE (SINGS) Feels so good inside ‘DUKE/ZIDLER (SING) When you hold her and you touch her wher you hold her and you touch her ALL (SING) Like a Virgin; Yeah! CLOSE ON: The Duke, deep in his reverie of desize. Suddenly, Satin glides into the room. Stunningly pale, she is like a beauriful bu: delicate, otherworldly vision. CLOSE ON: Satin. With quiet sincerity, she speaks. ath Pink Amendments as.@ 1/6/2000 : COurrzNED: (4) 6s Cc . saTD ‘My Gear Duke, I hope I have not kept you waiting? ‘The Duke smiles like a lustful puppy dog. ‘DOKE Wot at all my dear. Leave us Zidier. _ Zdler backs quietly cut. ZIDLER Take your time, 1/11 keep rehearsals along downstairs. 65A INT. «MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. MIGHT. 65a CLOSE ON: Christian drinks sullenly. ‘The Doctor, the Argentinian, Satie and Toulouse huddle around him’ in 2 booth. ‘Suddenly Nini throws herself into Christian‘’s lap. . xr wn Don't worry Shakespeare, you'll get your endin'; once The Duke gets his end in! he Christian snaps and pushes Nini aside. She crashes to the ground, screaming: want Hey’ Qomieg to che xescus, Tha Aryentinian olucks Bini fom the Hloor. CLOSE GW: The Argentinian. ARGENTINIAN Never f221 in love with a woman who sells herself, it always ends bad. ce" PLEASE NOTE: SCENE 66 IS NOW DELETED <+* €7 DHT. MOULIN ROUGE. GOTHIC TOWER. NIGHT. 6 CLOSE ON: Satiz’s careless laughter. saTDy The boy has a ridiculous obsession with me. = indulge his fantasy because he's talented. We need him, but only until opening night. (Comme) va Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 as. 67 COMETNOED: 7 G fae eve PLEASE NOTE: SCENE 68 MAS BEEW DELETED *** 69 «INT. MOULDY ROUGE. MADN BXLL. NIGHT. 69 The Argentinian leads Nini onto the Floor. Satie and the other musicians play the haunting opening bars of the He ARGENTINIAN : * We bave a dance in the brothels of Buenos Aizes that tells the story of the prostitute... With a flourish, The Argentinian takes Mini into dance position. ARGENTINIAN (cont'd) And the man who falls in love with her. ini and The Argentinian glide into the Tango. The dance is taut, dangerous and sensual. ‘The Argentinian calls above the music. ARGENTINIAN (cont'd) Pirst there is desire. CLOSE OM: Christian watching the dance. ‘The dance becones stronger. ARGENTINIAN (cont'd) ‘Then passicn. There is tension in the dance. Christian stares. ARGENTINIAN (cont'd) z ‘ ‘Then suspicion. ‘The Argentinian casts Nini aside. ARGENTINIAN (cont'd) When love is for the highest bidder, zhere is no trust... Without trust, there is no love... ‘The Argentinian savagely calls. an bh (cowrrzaeceD) éth Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 86. roy 693 (COMED: 69 ARGENTINIAN (cont'd) Jeniousy, yes jealousy, will drive you... INT. MOULIN ROUGE. GOTHIC TOWER. NIGET. 6A CLOSE ON: The Duke speaks slowly and simply. DOKE Do you swear there is nothing between you ce + and the boy? Sacin meets his geze. SATOH A penniless writer...bow can you even imagine it? Satin gently kisses The Duke. NT. MOULIN ROUGE. MADI HALL. wiGHT. 693 ARGENTINIAN seemed! With sudden, vicious violence, The Argentinian mimes stabbing Nini. As Mini slips slowly to the floor, The Argentinian sings: ARGENTINGAN (SINGS) Roxanne, you don’t have to wear thar dress tonight Walk the streets for money, you dan‘t care if it's wrong or if it’s right. As The Argentinian sings, couples get up and repeat the jealousy tengo. ARGENTINIAN (CONT‘D} (SINGS) Roxanne you don’t bave to do your hair tonight Roxanne, you don’t have to sell your body to’ the night. CLOSE ON: Christian as he softly sings. CHRISTIAN (SINGS) His eves upon your face His hand upon your hand His lips caress your skin It’s more then 2 can stand Christian walks through the dancers out toward the garden. tcesrrmameD) 4th Pink Amendments as.@ 1/6/2000 87. 80 CHRISTIAN {COMT’D) (STNO5) “**PLEASE MOTE:SCEMES 70 TO 78 HAVE BEEN DELETED**+ ‘The Duke moves around Satin in an almost imperceptible ‘tango. actress. I can make you a star. ‘The Duke snaps open en exquisite velvet jewel case. CLOSE OW: An extraordinary diamond neck-piece. DUKE (contd) I/1l grant your every wish. CLOSE ON: Satin. Light reflected from the jewels plays across her face. 7 SATIN Oh my goodness. ‘DUKE Accept it as a symbol of this Maharaja‘s Jove for his Courtesan. The Duke tries to fasten the piece around Satin‘s neck. Drawing away, Satin murmrs. SATIN And the ending? CLOSE ON: The Duke. A condescending smile. DUKE Let 2idler keep his fairy tale ending. The Duke begins once again to encase Satin's white neck with the jewe: EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. MIGHT. Christian now in the garden sings up to the Gothic Tower. (comraumen) oon 79 a0 nw w& ©) Ach Pink Amendments as 4 1/6/2000 88. 20 aa does aa ay By heart cry? Feelings I can't fight You'ze free to lesive me But just don‘t deceive me And please believe me when I say I love you. Christian turns end walks towards the exit from the garden ‘TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. GOTHIC TOWER. NIGHT. a2 Satin can see Christian in the garden below. As The Duke Slowly unbuttons her dress, he muzzles her naked shoulders. CLOSE OM: Satin. The word leaps cut. SATIN wet CLOSE ON: The Duke, stunned. SUPER TIGHT: Satin. Almost in a whisper, she sings her inner monelogue SATIN (SINGS) Come what may, I will love you mril my CLOSE ON: The Duke, his face clouding. DUKE Mo? Leoking dow, The Duke sees Christian crossing the garden ‘DOKE (cont ’d) Ie‘s our very own penniless sitar player. SATIN No dear Duke. - DOKE Silence! ‘The Duke speaks with ice-cold horror. DOKE (cont‘d) You made me believe you loved me, Well...I may ax well get what I came for. ‘The Duke rips off the necklace. As he advances toward the terrified Satin, he whispers (cowmmmeD) 0). ©) 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 89. 81 CONTINUED: With ‘sudden violence The Duke throws Satin on the bed. » DUKE (cont’a) (STHOS) = _ May does my beart cry? Feelings I can’t fight. vee SCENES S1AA - 82 HAS BEEN DELETED s+ 83 DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN MALL. WIGHT. Ym the Main Hall the Tango builds. ARGENTINIAN (SINGS) Roxanne, you don‘t have to wear ther dress toni Roxanne, you don’t have to do your hair tanight. ‘The whole Moulin Rouge now savagely dances the dance of ARGENTINIAN (CONT'D) (SINGS) Roxanne, you don‘t have to wear that dress tonight. Roxanne, you don’t have to do your heir tonight. 3A DIT. CHRISTIAN’S GABRET. NIGHT. Christian screams his pain to the night. CHRISTIAN (SINGS) Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can‘t fight Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can't fight Hay? Wey? 83AB INT. MOULIN ROUGE. GOTEIC TOWER. NIGHT. The Duke tears at Satin‘s dress: her struggle feeding The Duke merciless pleasure. 83 83a © a) 4th Pink Amendmente as @ 1/6/2000 90. Mini dances madly ic a circle of men, she is stopped suddenly by the stare of the Argentinian. 83aD DWT. CHRISTTAN’S GARRET. NYGET. _Ghzistian contimues to sing his painful cry. CHRISTIAN (szNG6) Why? S3AZ REP. GOTHIC TOWER. WIGET. Tog Duke viclently throws Sacin’s half-naked body to the S3AP TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. MADY HALL. NIGHT. ‘The Azentinien slashes the air with an invisible knife. 83AG INT. GOTHIC TOWER. NIGHT. Satin shuts her eyes, bracing against The Duke. for the inevitable. S308) DVT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. WIGHT. ‘he phantom knife slashes Nini‘s throat and her body tumbles to the ground. oy ‘DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. GOTHIC TOWER. NIGHT. ‘The Duke, falling towerds Satin. A deafening crescendo. CU: On Satin, her eyes shut tight. A final deafening orchestral stab. ‘Thud! Silence. HOLD ON: The closed eves of Satin. After a momant they cautiously ope: to discover The Duke lying unconscious on the floor. Satin raises hex gaze. Cowering in the shadows is the quivering form of Chocolat. 7 oe" SCENE 85 - S6AA HAVE BEEN DELETED ++" e3ac Poe 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 s1. 96K INT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. NIGHT. 360 TRACK: Glow, silent. The company and Bohos wei: 56B ‘DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. ZIDLER‘’S OFFICE. BALCONY. NIGHT. 968 . ‘TRACK: Slow, silent. ‘ Wo cow" “Wdler sits in his chair: across the way the Gothic Tower is 96C —- ONT/EXP. CHRISTIAN’S GARRET. MIGHT. (QLD 100A) s6c We move toward Christian's Garret through the windmill blade. It slows to show time has moved an.'As we approach Christian in the window, the door burats open. Satin bursts Shrough, collapsing into Christian's ame. SATIN I coulda‘r...2 eouldn’t go through with it, When I saw you there, I felt aitferent, I couldn't pretend and The : Duke. ..he saw...he kney and then : he..-he.. : Satin, unable to continue, begins to ery. She looks up into : Christian’s eyes. ee SATDS (cont ‘d) I love you, Christian. ‘Iz’s okay don‘t have to pretend : =‘s okay. You don’t to : anymore. We're leaving here, tonight. : sara e ++ .bat...the show... 7 CHRISTIAN | I/don‘t care about the show or The Duke | or the Moulin Rouge. We have each ether, _ that's ali that macters. ) sarmN : Yes, as loag as I’m with you. . CHRISTIAN . Chocolat, take mademoiselle-Satin to her 7 dressing room. Help her get what she if aseds, and come back qvicily. No one mst 7 see you, understand? 7 | 5 (cowrmmen) @) @) Sth Pink Amendments as @,1/6/2000 32. s6c 97a aoa (Cone Dec : s6c CRISTIAN I'll pack and be waiting. INT. MOULIN ROUGE. GOTHIC TOWER. NIGHT. 37 ‘ECU: On the deranged stare of The Duke. He speaks with chilling calm. : DOKE ae "It's the boy. He has bewitched her with words. ‘The Duke is being treated by waiters. 2idler stands Speechless. On the balcony Warner amokes. DUKE (cont‘d) : X want her back, Zidler. Pind her: tell: ‘her: unless she does the show sy way and comes to me when the curtain falls, ‘11 ‘hbave the boy killed. 2idler struggles to comprehend. 2I0LER Killea? CUT TO: The Duke, ‘Ris cold ayes meet zidler’s question. Cor fo: Warner as he eases into the docrway of the xoon. COT TO: The Duke, his stare moves from Zidler and settles on Warner. ‘DUKE Killed. SOT TO: warner. He gives 2 subtle acknowledgement of the anstruction. ‘DNT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. NIGHT. 37a ‘The entire company sleeps as they contime to wait. SCENES 98 - 100A HAVE EEN DELErzp‘++ TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAR DRESSING ROOM. NIGHT. 202 SiOSE ON: Satin’s hands flipping the tops ef hatbaxes filled with trinkets and junk. She snatches at smali pieces of jewellery. Suddenly, zidler is in the mirror. SATIN’sS POV IN THE MIRROR: Zidler sits ir the comer. (comrxauED) ) ©) ath Dink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 93. 201 CONTINUED: ‘ 202. 2IDLER Forgive the intrusion Cherub... Satin is strong. tee sar ‘You'xe wasting your time Harold. Zidler, desperate. os ‘IDLER you don’t understand. ..the Duke's foe oS ‘will Christian: CLOSE OW: Satin. She stops. CLOSE OW: Marie, watching. ‘IDLER (cont‘a) ‘The Duke's insane with jealousy. Unless you do his ending and sleep with him Epegrrov night, he will have Christian CLOSE OW: Satin fighting dow panic. sarin Be can't scare us. ZIDLER He's @ powerful man, you know he can do at. Satin, 2 sudden strength, begins throwing belongings into a bag. ZIDLER (cont’a) Don't be silly, what are you doing? Satin, turns; anger blazing. SATIN I don’t need you anymore. All my life you made me believe that I was caly worth what somecne world pay for me, but. Christian loves me, and love is worth more than diamonds; it’s worth everything. We're going away fram here, é ‘2IOLER : You're dying Satin. You're dying... (coerraren' Ath Pink Amendments as.@ 1/5/2000 94. 101 CONTINUED: (2) os - CLOSE ON: Satin. Fighting down fear, she laughs. SATIN Another trick Harold? ‘2I0LER, Mo my love. i Marie is softiy crying now. "7" * Zidler looks inte Satin‘s eyes. 2IDUER (cont‘d) ‘The Doctor told us. Satin, panic rising, looks to Marie. SATION Marie...2 woRtE We couldn’t tell you; we thought. CLOSE ON: Satin. She tries to fight the choking that rises from within. She is shaking. Hex legs cannot hold her. Marie end Zidler are zhere instantly. They gently lower her ante a chair. Marie administers liquid froma silver vial. CLOSE OW: Satin whispers. ‘SATE +I'm dying. CLOSE ON: Satin. A long momenz, then, strangely calm, she sings almost to herself. — SATIN (smyGS) I was a foo! to believe, A £001 to believe, Ze all ends coday Yes it all ends today. 2idler, kneeling beside Satin, speaks gently. 2IDLER ‘The Duke's 2 dangerous man. Send Christian away; only you can save him. Of course; Satin shakes her head, she is crying now. SATIN Christian leves me: he'll fight for me. ZIDLER Yes; unless he ware to believe you don’t love him. + @th Pink amendments as 1/6/2000 35. 201 CONTINUED: (3) il Use your talent to save him. Satin, erying, looks away. Zider presses on. ‘ZIDLER (cont'd) Burt him to save him. It's the only wey. zidler, strangely vulnerable, almost whispers. ZIDLER (cont'd) The show met go on Satin... for all of us. ORCHESTRAL : wn a BOLD he SATIN/ZIDLER (SING) Today's the day when dreaming ends. “2idier leaves. DISSOLVE TO: 102 «0 TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. BACKSTAGE CORRIDOR. NIGHT. 202 TRACK: With Zidler walking through the backstage corridor , as he softly sings. 7 ZIDLER (sTwGS) Another hero, another mindless crime Behind the curtain in the pantomime Qn and on does anybody know wet we are diving for 202A INT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAGE. NIGHT. 1028 ‘From the backstage area Zidler enters the back of the stage. Seamstresses quietiy sing as they sew the enormous red custein that is draped over the stage. © (comrreD) 4th Pink Amendments ‘as 2/6/2000 96. 203 COMPTNUED: 1020, ‘EIDLER/SEAMSTHESSES (STNG) Whatever happens we leave it all to chance Another heartache another failed romance (Qn and on does anybody know what we are living for? Zidler walks downstage as stagehands struggle to hoist the ~ Mage curtain, Zidler end stagehends chorus: ‘ZIDLER/STAGEHANDS (SING) ‘The show must go on! Outside the dee-is breaking oa the oa stage that bolds our final destiny : ‘he how must go on! ‘ The show mst go on! 103° © INT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAR DRESSING ROOM. DAWN. 203 Satin, now fully reseed, stands in front of the mirror : summoning her strength. : SATIN (SINGS) Inside ay heart is breaking ~ My make-up may be flaking but my snile & still stays on 20¢ = DWT. «MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. DANS. 106 The curtain cortinues to rise as Zidler walks through the . hundreds of chairs that have been installed in the auditorium. + ZIDLER/STAGERANDS (SING) ‘The show must go on! The show must go an! Satin appears castage. She sings to Zidler who now faces her at the back of the audirerium. F have to find the will to carry on ‘TOP SHOT: Satin walks through the auditorium. Zidler and stagehands sing a full choral finale. ZIDLER/STAGEHANDS (SING) Qn with the, on with the, on with the nn show! » SWEEP BACK: Through the main hall and into the... (Conroe) 6th Pink Amendments a4 1/6/2000 306° comrnNCED: 1a f : ***PLEASE MOTE: {HRRE IS MO SCENE 105 AED 106ee+ 207° «EXT. «MOULIN ROUGE. GARDEN. DAO. 107 CRANE UP: Over the garden as Satin walks through. WIDE: The dawn light dramati: breaking over Christian‘ . Garre: as a final reverbersting thores of" volees tiage ance Sree eee F ‘ZIDLER/! - (W/O) (SING) The Show must go en! ‘The Show mst go an! ‘ 108 «TWP. CHRISTIAN'S GARRET. Day. 208 ) Christian has packed ready co leave. CHRISTIAN Satin, what's wrong? PULL Ob: Satin, calm and strong, is in the doorway. SATDY ~~ I'm staying with che Duke. , wh (CLOSE OW: Christian, still. Then suddenly he laughs. CHRISTIAN ‘That‘s not funny Satin. Satin is cold as stone. saTmN He's insane with jealousy; he’s offered me everything. - Christian a rising panic. CHRISTIAN Don't talk like this... SATIN I can never see you again; that’s his ane condition. If you go to the Moulin Rouge, they’ll hurt yeu. I’m sorzy. CHRISTIAN : What are you talking ebout? What abour : last night? : SATIN ~~ I don’t expect you to understand. You don’t belong here. But this is my home: & the Moulin Rouge . (curr) 4th Pink Amendments as 61/6/2000 3B. 108 ComPEwUED: 208 “~ r i: Christian stares at Satin in horror. Her breathing becomes heavy. A weak amile. Satin heads for the door. Christian grabs her violently. CHRISTIAN What's going on? Satin! ~ CLOSE OW: Satin hiding her face. She is sweating. CERISTIAN (cont‘d) ‘There's something wrong... Satin struggles to control her breathing. CHRISTIAN (contd) You’re ‘sick. fell ma the treth: CLOSE Gi: Satin. Gathering the last of hex strength, she tums with cold, dead eyes. ary She truth... The croth is, I am the Hindi Courtesen Christian, and I choose the Mabaraja. Tat‘s how this story ends. Satin is gone. , we POSH IN: ox Christian's distraught face. °°NR: SCENES 108aA,i08a, 11 (109-117 HAVE BEEN BELETED*** 118 ‘INT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. NIGHT. (ACT 1 SET) 18 Zidler, costumed as the Evil vaharaja, triumphantly intenes. ‘ZIDLER/MAEABATA Jealousy has driven him mad. “"NE: SCENE 118A, 116AA, 118am HAD BEEW DELETEp-<* 2IBAC EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. DAMN. FLASHBACK. qupac TOP SHOT: Chri: an screaming up into the rain CHRISTIAN Say Satin... ©) «) ©) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 3. 228AD GT. MOULIN ROUGE. ‘Dawe. 21gaD ‘The Bohos and the Pour Whores of the Apocalypse sieep in the booths. ‘118A EXT. MOULIX ROUGE. DAM. FLASHBACK. . ‘Ligaz a of Christian eaten. He i to” es es Astiboveste Sor jen being | is falling ‘1lBaAF EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. DAY. lisar ‘The windmill blade cuts the screen through the stom. ‘SoM: SCmME i18C NAS BEEN DELETED**+ 28AG INT. CHRISTIANS GARRET. NIGHT. lias ‘Discover Toulouse and the Bohos attending the beaten Christian. iat] Toulouse tends Christian who sits on the side of the ‘TOULOUSE Things are never as they sean. Christian pushes Toulouse away. CARISTIAN ‘Things are as they seen. Toulouse is scung. ‘TOULOUSE You see me as a drunken, vice-ridden gnome, whose caly friends are pimps and the girls of brothels, but I know about art and love, if only because I long for it with every fibre of my being. 2 know she loves yeu Christian, I know it. CERISTIAK (a harsh zejection) Leave me alone Toulovse... Christian screams at Toulouse. CERISTIAN Just lezve! A confused and defeated Toulouse retxeats to the doox. (comrzearo) 4th Pink Amendments as-@ 1/6/2000 200. 2U8A2 CONTINUED: Bold on Christian as we hear in V/0. CHRISTIAN ¥/0 I wanted to shut ut what Toulouse had said. He bad filled’me with doubt and there as only one way to be sure. aeag +. LASAGAEXT/INT. PAWISHOP. DUSK.” FLASHRACK Tega —"" “POSH THROUGH: Christian is handing over his typewriter. “**MBt SCENE 218AH, 11BAT HAS BEEN DELETED*s+ ‘LISAGB INT. CHRISTIANS GARRET. WIGHT. . ligase Christian, a terrifying vision of madness, stares toward the Moulin Rouge. CHRISTIAN V/O I had to know, so T returned to the Moulin Rouge ane last time. 11847 EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. NIGHT. aga Christian walks unsteadily up the long boulevard that leads to the blazing Moulin Rouge. FASTRACK: Past Christian, down the street towards the Moulin Rouge, through the main doors across the flamelit garden. TBAK DWP. MOULIN ROUGE. ONSTAGE. NIGHT. 2eaK ‘The camera, with ever anereasing intensity, the aisle of the Main Hall. Satie lifts his baton.into the, air. Aa explosion on stage reveals Zidler as the Evil Maharaja. He intones: ‘ZIDLER/MAHARAZA She is mine! and the curtain whooshes open to reveal the nightmarish Spectacie of the ful company in their Hind!-: techno-tragi-ballet garb. We find Toulouse, dressed as the Magic Sitar screaming. TOULOUSE (SINGS) I oniy speak the truth: wee: SCENE 118AL HAS BEEN DELErEns++ - @) @) 4th Pink Amendments as.@ 1/6/2000 202. 2288 DIT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAGE. MigRT.(acT 1 SET) * lige CUT 10: The satisfied face of 2ilder/Maharaja. POLL FOCUS: To The Duke in the front row. ‘The msic builds to a maddening intensity. ‘SATIN (SINGS) ereeeeae ae Kiss, hand, diamonds, best friend. Xiss, + grand, diamonds, Gizls, old, men, cold And we all lose our charms in the and. ‘The Chorus reached its diabolically shattering climax. BOLD OW: Satin. The Hindi Gods clasp the diamonds aromd her neck. : ‘The necklace explodes into a trillion spots of light. Satin breathes an almost whisper of simple, pure ‘bearthreak. SATIN (SDNGE) Girls, Best friend... TIBBA INT. MOULDN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. (ACT 1 SET) NIGHT. l1ema The Duke stares coldly as flickering diamond light speckles her face. ~ we @) 4h Fink Jmendments as ¢ 1/6/2000 apae 03. 135m CoNrDenED: ‘DUKE (eameccRs) ‘This story will end my way. Poe gemnificent red curtain ‘falls, throving « shadow across 5 face. 2188B ONT. MOULD ROUGE. CURTAIN Dow. ONSTAGE. MIGHT. 221888 fs “backstage area. A discrientated Satin stands, lost. Applause can be heard as the burries from the ‘Toulouse watches from a distance. 122 Christian emerges from the shadows and makes toward the stage. Cur TO: Warner glimpsing what appears to be Christian darting dom a side corridor. He gives chase. sewn: SCHEMES 116BD - 122A NAVE BEEN DELETED*** INT. MOULIN ROUGE. BACKSTAGE. BOHEMIANS’ DRESSING ROOM. 221 NIGHT. « (v/0) Five minutes to The Wedding scene. ‘SATIE We! shouldn't have agread to do The Duke's ending. ‘The Doctor stares inco a glass of absinthe. ‘THE DOCTOR What choice did we have withour Christian? The Argentinian shakes his head with disgust. ARGENTINIAN I told che boy not to fall in love with a where. CLOSE ON: Toulouse drinks the green liquid. His stare is far away as he makes up his sad clown-like face in the mirror. TOULOUSE Such a wonderful field of daffodils they‘ve planted. ‘(iere) (CoerrnancED} (th Pink Amendoents as@ 1/6/2000 103. 21 compe: Be careful ‘net to trope then, careful net to at's so nice to brush against then as you wilk. Act three, final scene, the Maharaja weds ‘his bride. Cue Tantric Can can. Light floods onto Sus face as extras take to the staje. ‘“**NB: SCENES 123 - ‘(242A RAVE BEEN DELETED*+< 22488 DIT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAR DRESSING ROCK. wIGHT. 12aaB Bere my love... it's just the Wedding Scene now; ; this‘’ll help you through. S°"MB: SCENES 1242 - 126 MAVE BEEM DELETEDS++ 127 DRE. MOULIN ROUGE. CAMERA LEPT WINGS. (ACT 1 SBT ITO ACT 227 SET SCENE CHANGE). 227QA TNT. MOULIN ROUGE. ONSTAGE. WIGHT. (BACK OF ACT 2 SET) 127AA WIPE OUT OF BLACK. Discover Toulouse and The Argentinian walking to the emtrance points along the back of the ser. ‘TOULOUSE I know she still loves him, there’s got to be reason. @) @) ath Pink Amendments. as @ 1/6/2000 104. 1270 corn: 227A ARGENTINIAN ‘Reason. how about one of them is a Duke The Argentinian collapses in i fir of unconscicusness, falling straight into the lotus flower crap. 127AB ONT, MOULIN ROUGE. BELOW STAGE. WIGHT. 12708 Christian halts as The Argentinian crashes into the lotus trep. 127AC DFT. MOULIN ROUGE. ONSTAGE. MIGHT. (BACK OF ACT 2 SET) 127aC A befuddled Toulouse turns and addresses the empty space. ‘TOULOUSE You agree, something is not right... 227AD DWT, MOULDN ROUGE. UNDER STAGE. NIGHT. zap Christian bas dressed in the Aryentinian’s jacket. Lexping from beneath the scaffold, he joins a similarly dressed Group of chorus boys to sneak past Warner. 127AE DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. WOODEN TRUSS. NIGHT. i 2Me Toulouse swigging heavily from the bettie, gabbles his ou 127A DWT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAR DRESSING ROG. NIGHT. 1270 LOSE ON: Satin. Marie. Satin looks up into the mirror. she freezes. It is Christian. Gathering the last ounce of her stredgth, Satin turns. She is calm. Fighting for control, Christian speaks. CHRISTIAN I've come to pay my bill. SATIN You reelly shouldn't be here Christian. Just leave. Satin pushes past him and into the corrider. Christian follows into corridor. CERISTIAN You made me believe that you loved me. Why shouldn't I pay you? (ComraaeD) 4th Pink Amendments as 1/6/2000 227A COerrHUED: 228 = DWT, MOULIN. CAMERA LEPT WINGS. NIGHT. (act 2 ser) 3278 sty Please go. Cs She’s gotta get on the stage! ize Warner bas Zidler in his grip. WARNER ‘The boy's here... zone I told Satin that if Christian came anywhere near her he would be killed. WAR He vary soon will be. GUT_TO: A glass-eyed Toulouse, perched on a lovered wooden truss, Warner storms off. Worried, Zidler enters onto stage. CUT TO: Toulouse. 129 +. killed? INT. MOULIN ROUGS. CORRIDOR TO CAMERA RIGHT WING. WIGHT. 129 Christian grabs hursies toward the stage. arm, screaming at her as she CHRISTIAN You've done your job so very well. Satin stumbles on stairs. 228AA INT. MOULD ROUGE. MAIN HALL. BACKSTAGE. NIGHT. a2gaa COT 20: Marie alercs su. cor Shristian and Satin at the top of the stairs. CHRISTIAN -+-+S0 why shouldn’t I pay you like =i everybody else? sary : You don‘t have to do this. There’s no point - please Christian. 4th Pink Amendments as.@ 1/6/2000 106. : 229aA CONTINOED: 22800 She backs away from him to behind the backdrop. CUT TO: Glassy-eyed Toulouse perched on the lowered truss. ‘TOULOUSE ~ Rill...? ‘TOULOUSE’S Pov: Satin and Christian round the corner. . Toulouse, moves to warm ther. ‘Or 70: ‘the wooden truss lurching into the air with Toulouse on it. SM.appears, attempting to pull Christian away. a What’s going on? Christian pushes $M away. SM calls for backup. S*°SCENE 129A, 129AB HAVE BEEN DELETED‘e+ 129AC INT. MOULIN ROUGE. ONSTAGE. NIGHT. a2sac ‘The court have assembled for the wedding of Satin and the Mebaraja. | MARAT Open the doors and bring forth my bride. 2a9¢ BT, MOULIN ROUGE. FLY TOWER. WOODEN TRUSS. NIGHT. (ACT 2 128¢ SET). Toulouse, fighting to keep his balance, TOULOUSE’S POV: Warner slowly climbing the stairs. ECU POV: Warne=’s hand drawing his gun. CLOSE ON: Toulouse. TOULOUSE (YECLS) Christian! Christian doesn’t hear. 129CA DNT. MOULIN ROUGE. CAMERA RIGHT. WINGS. NIGHT. 2asca (act 2 SET) Christian moves toward Satin behind the backdrop. (Comes) a) @) 4th Pink Amendments as@ 1/6/2000 7 107, 225CA ComrzumD: 229¢a CHRISTIAN (contd) ++,tell me you doa‘t love me. SM and Stagehand struggle to reach Christian. Warner, gum outstretched is closer. PUSH IN: on Satin terrified. Christian screams like a man possessed. CHRISTIAN Tell me you don’t love me... Warner pushes his gum through the curtain. ***NB: SCENES 225CB AMD 129CC RAVE BEEN DELETED*+= 1298 DFT. MOULIN ROUGE. CAMERA RIGHT. WINGS. NIGHT. (ACT 2 SET) 1298 FOSE DN: on an exasperated 2idlex/Msharaja screaming at a stagehand, 2IDLER/MAHARAIA ‘Sing forth my bride, open the doors! WHIP TO: The stagehand about to pull the rope. PUSH TOWARD: The opening golden doors. BCU: Warner taking aim through the curtain. FOSH INTENSELY FROM BEHIND: Satin and Christian as Christien screams with every ounce of his being. CHRISTIAN +.tell me you don‘r... A blinding explosion of white light, as Christian's words... CERISTIAN (cant ’d) Love me... ++ ecke throughout the Moulin Rouge. Cor 70: Warner. He recoils from the blinding white light. Zidler, sword held high, in shock. cour To: @) «) «) 4th Pink Amendments as ¢ 1/6/2000 108. as cowrneneD: 3295 COP T0:. The Doctor. COT TO: Satie, baton frozen mid-air, staring disbelieving from the pit. COD TO: The Duke squinting, unsure of what he sees. FOSH IN: on the blown out faces of Christian and satin Bleached in burning white light. “ GBRISTIAN’S POV: Through the glare of intense, blinding stage light, the audience stares back. Christian, a iong moment as the reality of where be is settles. z He looks down to the tear-filled eyes of Satin. CHRISTIAN (cont’d) (A simple realisation) You don’t love me..-you don‘t leve me and you never did. Christian looking out into the auditorium meets the gaze of ‘The Duke. A stab of anger returns as ke lifts satin from ‘the ground. Dragging her down stage, he throws her to the floor. Christian announces to The Duka who is seated behind CHRISTIAN (cont‘d) ‘This wonan is yours. CLOSE GN: Christian. Gazing down at the crumpled distraught form of Satin, he throws the mney he still clutches at her. Eis words are a simple cold whisper. have paid ay Gebe- Tous you nothing 3 bave paid my debt. I owe you not! and you are nothing to me. Thank you for ‘ oribe we of my ridioutous obsession with ss love. Christian, turns Ais back on Satin, walks down the steps and into the auditorium. 229BA INT. MOULIN ROUGE. FLY TOWER. WIGHT. (ACT 2 SET) 29m Toulouse’s mffled yelling can be heard, as he blindly struggles to get down from the wooden fly tower. TOULOUSE (MOPFLED) = course; she was trying to Killed. Save you. 4th Pink amendments es @ 1/6/2000 209. 29D DAT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAGE. WIGHT. (ACT 2 SET) azsp Zidler, recowering from his initial confusicn, tries to held the show together. He addresses the sobbing Satin who watches as Christian strides toward the back of the auditoriu. not lie. It is the Penniless Sitar Player. Driven mad by jealousy, he flees BCU: Zidler almos: completely out of character. ZIOLER (conz’d) It is for the best. (he whispers to Satin) The show mst go on, Poppet. Zidler ever so gently eases Satin up to her feet. TRACK WITH: the distraught Christian through the auditorium. ‘2IDLER (cont’ a) and now, my bride, the time has come for you to raise up your voice and speak, in the presence of our Gods, your wedding vows. CLOSE ON: A distraught Satin. Over her shoulder ve can see Christian leaving. CLOSE OW: Satin. 2IDLER (cant‘d) Speak, in the presence of our gods, your wedding vows. ‘ee: SCENE 129DD HAS BEEN DELETED©** 1292 INT. MOULIN ROUGE. FLY TOWER. NIGHT. 129 SUT TO: Towlouse as he falls on the overhead truss. ‘TOULOUSE tian, it’s not what you think... Che: 4th Pink Amendments as 1/6/2000 aa. ~ a zi 229F INT. MOULDN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. STAGE. NIGHT. 229F Zidler nods toward the confused Satie. But before Satie takes the downbeat, Satin tumis toward Christian and her frail voice sings out through the hush. SATIN (SINGS) i Naver knew I could feel like this eee It’s like I’ve never sean the sky before cur to: zidler, confused. 229PA INT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. ADDITORTUM. NIGHT. 129R CLOSE GN: Christian. He keeps walking, fighting not to let the song affect him. 129FB ONT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. STAGE. NIGHT. 1295B) SXTDY (SINGS) (CONT’D) Want to vanish into your kiss Every day, I’m loving you more and more ~ 229FC INT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. AUDITORIUM. NIGHT. l2sFc w Christian has almost reached the door at the back of the auditorium. SATDI (SINGS) (cowrD) iisten to my heart, can you hear ir sing? Come back to me and forgive everything. CLOSE GN: The Duke, horrified. 128FD DIT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. STAGE. WIGET. 129D SATIN (STINGS) (CaNT’D) "love vou co tae ead of tine. 128FE INT. MOULIN ROUGE. MAIN HALL. AUDITORIUM. NIGHT. 229Fe CLOSE GN: Christian. He stops. Satin‘s words hang in the air. Christian slowly tens towsrd Satin. CUT TO: A now disturbed Duke. ©) (comrrzemeD) sens aye @) @) «) 4th Pink Amendments as-¢ 1/6/2000 maa. SFR CONTISIED: a2srE ‘A long, long moment. SUDDENLY Christian joyously sings. Christian moves toward the stage. Christian and Satin sing together. 129FP DWT. MOULIN ROUGE WINGS. NIGHT. (ACT 2 SET) - 129RF Warner reises his gun slovly, attempting to get a clear WARNER'S GUN POV: of Satin and Christian, through the chorus. 25FG INT. MOULIN ROUGE. AUDITORIUM. NIGHT. . 12976 From the auditorium, The Duke frantically signals to Warner” to shoot ***MB:SCEMES 1296, 129H, 1292,130-136 HAVE BEEN DELETED*++ 237° «INT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAGE. wIGET. 437 WARWER‘S POV: Of Christian and Satin together through his gun sight. Suddenly he has a clear shot of Christian. MACRO SHOT: Warner‘s finger squeezing the trigger. SUDDENLY: Toulouse falls from his wooden truss, knocking the gun fram Warner's hand. (ComrnmzeD) W) 4th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 a2. 137 comrnruep: 7 ‘TOULOUSE COT 70: Warmer collapsing to'the floor. ‘Toulouse rolls onto the stage, rumning toward Christian. ‘TOULOUSE {cant‘d) They're trying te kill you! She timed | against you to save you... Zidler, in desperation, calls out. ‘IDLER ‘Silence Magical Sitar! ‘TOULOUSE I am the Magic Sitar and I can only speak the truth! Zidlez, desperate to keep things under control, yells to his guards. . ‘ ‘2ImLER Guards. Seize them! CUT 10: Satie, a heavy, fursy chord from the electromagnetica as the Doctor throws an anarchist‘s benb at the approaching tropps. 5 DOCTOR Vive la vie de revolution boheme! ‘There is anarchy in the streets of the Kingdom. Christian Jeading the revolutionaries, passionately addresses the people. CuRISTIAN People of the Kingdom, rise up and i overthrow the Bvil Maharaja. This story Ee will have a happy ending. COT To: Warner leaping toward his sun onstage. Cor TO: La Petite Princess, seeing the gum, screaming and wunning. SUDDENLY: The unconscious Argentinian bangs through the golden doors, slamning Warner straight in the face. ‘Track with the gun domstage where it halts on the top’ stair, down centre. Everybody freezes. ARGENTINIAN auright, a0 problem, go beck to your work! (coarrzanseD) 4th Pink Amendments as.§ 1/6/2000 13. 137° corrtmD: (2) Immediately the uprising continues. Toulouse sings by . defiantly as the guards approach. ‘TOULOUSE (STINGS) No matter what you day, ARGEITDMAN (SINGS) This show is ending cur way ‘i i IDLER (STHGS) - + The show must go en Satie leaps up fram the nit as he sings. SATIE (SINGS) There‘ll ba no compromise ‘THE DOCTOR (SINGS) No mare living out lies ‘ZIDLER (SINGS) the show mst go an CHRISTIAN (SINGS) Well stand and we’ll fignt CHRISTIAN/SATIN (STIG) Por our opening night " eZDLER (SDNGS) The show met go en The Bchemians fight the guards oft with revolutionary Bohemian choreography. BOHOS/CHRISTIAN (SING) Come on and stand your ground For Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love sarmt (SmNGs) Qne cay I’ll fly away TOULOUSE (SINGS) How wondertul, cuoRDs (SINGS) No you won’t fool the children of the Revolution TOULOUSE (SINGS) How wonderful life is, 7 BOHDS/CHORUS (SING) No you want fool the children of the Revolution 7 (ccsrrneup) ath Pink Amendwents as § 1/6/2000 + aud. ar “carne ay & : (smmcs) » One day I/i1 fly awey FOUR WHORES (SING) Spectacular, Spectacular No words in’ the vernacular (CHORDS (SING) BONDS /( : No you won’t fool the children of the - Revolution ‘TOULOUSE (sigs) Now you're in the warld FOUR WHORES (S1NG) Spectacular, Spectacular No words in the vernacular ‘BONDS/CHORUS (SruG) Wo you wan't fool the children ef the Revolution ‘The thumdexous chords of the Come What finale, the Gownstage Palace disappears and the sky clock flies nce to Yeveal the full company on the Act 1 set in a finale pageant. “~~ CHORDS (SDNGS) » eee Come what may 137A DONT, MOULIN ROUGE. STAGE. NIGHT. (ACT 3 seT) ‘ Ba CHRISTIAN/SATIN (SING) I will love you CHORDS AND BOHOS (szNG) Come what say CHRISTIAN/SATIN (STNG) Yes, I will love you 2IGLER He’s the real Bvil Maharaja. I’m just a oor showman fallen on hard times. He forced me to do it for the mney. Please forgive poor, penniless, lonly me... 238 DIT. MOULIN ROUGE. CAMERA RIGHT. WINGS. MIGRT.(ACT 1 SET) 138 The Duke, in an insane fury of jealousy, runs mniacally down the isle toward the gun. 4th Pink amendments as.@ 1/6/2000- us. 139 DRT. MOULIN ROUGE. STAGE. NIGHT. (ACT 1 SET) ‘All eyes turn to The Duke as, gun out-stretched. he runs wp enstage scresning: ___ DOKE It’s going te end my way, my way! DOKE (cent‘d) wy vay! CLOSE GH: The Duke squeezing the trigger. SUDOENLY: A fist from nowhere meets the Duke's face. he gun sails through the air. It is caught mid air by a flying La Setite Princess and she joins the other Gods in disappoving of this abject of vil in the Heavens. CLOSE OM: ‘The shocked face of The Duke. CUT T0: The owner of the fist. It is zidier. cast (sTNGs) The final, powerful, soaring note nears its conclusian. gas Coriscian kiss and the magnificent vet curtain fzont of The Duke. in ‘HOLD: On The Duke. A moment oc? stunned absolute silence and then an unearthly thunder that, shakes che very foundations ef the building. The Duke slowly turns to be eanfronted by the spectacle of the entire audience on their feet in a tumultuous uncontrollable applause. HOLD GN: The Duke. a9 v) th Pink Amendments as @ 1/6/2000 n6é. 1384 DN, MOULDN ROUGE.” STAGE. BEWIND CURTAIN. NIGHT. 138K Christian turns to Satin and says: $M is about to pull the curtian for curtain call when; bein Satin stops. She is still, pale. Christian is Satins love give vay. Christian lurches ferverd catching ‘The mic breaks off. CHRISTIAN Satin? Disturbed cast menbers tum toward Satin. 1393) DPT. MOULD ROUGE. AUDTTORIUM. NIGHT. 2398 ‘The audience continues to applaud. CLOSE ON: Satin, she is struggling to breathe. Qwistim, belding ber, is starting te panic. satin begins te cough. The convulsions shake her very soul, Christian, urygeatly. CHRISTIAN (cont‘d) Satin? There is blood on Christian's shirt. Satin desperately struggles for breath. SATIN I'm sorry Christian. ‘The cast look on with horror as Christian lowers Satin to the ground. 7 CHRISTIAN What is it? CLOSE ON: Satin. Her breathing momentarily calm. SATIN Some things even love can‘t change. Christian fights a slow, terrible realisation. CHRISTIAN : Wo, no, you'll be alright, I know you will, you're going to be alright. (ComrmaceD) 4th Pink Amendzents as 1/6/2000 17. 1398 ComrTUND: Satin through very faint breath. SATIN I'm so cold, beld’me. ‘Satin surrenders to the warmth of Christian's arms. SATIN (cont'd) 7 ‘Yes, I feel better now... — ov oer Christian strokes Satin's head. Her breathing slows. SATIN (cont’d) wy darling Christian, I always loved you... CHRISTIAN and I love you. Saray You've got to go on, Christian... Christian starts to cry. CHRISTIAN I can't, I can‘t... Satin looks up at Christian with wide, clear eyes. sara ‘You have te... you've got to live. ©) CHRISTIAN Mo... net without you... alweys be you. Promise me, promise . me you'll tell our story. Q CERISTIAN Ho, no... Christian's eyes slowly meet Satin‘s. ox ‘That way love will triumph. It’s like Harold always says... A tiny smile wemms Satin's face as she remenbers. SATIN (cont’d) -+-the show mist go on... 7 Satin‘s eyes grow heavy, her attention drifts away from wy Christian as she whispers; (comme) 4th Pink Amendments as.@ 1/5/2000 ae. 1398 | ComrINED: (2) 8B a SATIN (cont'd) ww 7 «+sthe show must go cx... A final breath. SATIN (cont'd) ++ +90 on... Satin's eyes are peaceful. ——--. All is quier, all is calm. ‘Then, the sound of painful, stifled cries. it is Christian calling through tears. . CHRISTIAN 4 No. Ro. zidler. Satie. ‘The Doctor. ‘The Argentinian. CUT 10: The Duke. All watch in hopeless silence. 4 leaves. Chyistian, refusing to accept.uhat mst be, repents over @) CHRISTIAN (cont‘a) Wo, no, no, Satin, ne. As the camera pulls up and away from the image of Christian /, holding Satin's lifeless form, we caught in the edge of the light, the full cast of this drama; strange, and in this moment, beautiful creatures of this carnival underworld. We become aware of a distant din. It is the muffled applause of the audience. 7 We pass the ‘underlit faces of stage hands high up in the fly tower. Higher still and out into the... 240 EXT. MOULIN ROUGE. NIGHT. 240 Beneath the evar-turning red sails of the Moulin Rouge ‘we @iscover Toulouse sitting staring up at the moon in the cold, winter night. @) (commen) «) ©) 4th Pink amendments as @ 2/6/2000 ; ais. ConrrenoED: 240 CAMERA TURNS: To discover Christian's face. It is now not Shat of the fresh-faced boy, but that of a man having know a CHRISTIAN (V/0) Days, weeks, months; and then one, not so GAMERA TURNS: Toward the typewriter catching these vords being typed. CHRISTIAN (V/O) (cont'd) ‘I walked to my desk, sat down at my FOSHING CLOSER: To the words on the page CHRISTIAN (V/0) (contd) ‘The woman I loved is dead, she was the star of... ‘EXTREME CLOSE UP: The words. é 1 CHRISTIAN (V/0) (cont'd) ‘The sound of the typewriter's carriage being slid across. MACRO PAN: Across the words. f CHRISTIAN (V/0) (conta) I had started to tell our story; ‘The screen is filled with the words. CHRISTIAN (V/o) (cont’d) Thad started... to live... {} €) ©) 4th Pink Amendments as .@ 1/6/2000 ai Comer: =k ; . ‘The typing steps. ‘Then the words : int othe end are typed.

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