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lying under oath

A witness who lies in court can be charged with perjury if they are caught lying. Pork-barrel legislation helps to fund local projects, dams, military bases, highways, and housing subsidies. Some of the expressed powers in the Constitution include regulating commerce within foreign nations, establishing uniform rules of naturalization, and coining money. The necessary and proper clause is also called the elastic clause. Popular sovereignty dwells on the people, who are the source of all political power. Interstate commerce includes commercial trade, business, and movement of goods or money from one state to another. The 25th amendment establishes succession of the President and was ratified in 1967. A rider usually is irrelevant to a bill and occurs at the end of a session. When a president vetoes, a reason for the action is included when the bill is returned. A standing committee is part of the House of Representatives.

pork-barrel legislation

laws Congress passes to appropriate money for local federal projects

expressed powers

enumerated powers

necessary and proper clause

implies that Congress has powers beyond those expressed in the first 17 clauses a doctrine in political theory that government is created by and subject to the will of the people

Popular Sovereignty

interstate commerce

commerce among states

25th Amendment

when office VP becomes empty, president appoints a replacement


a provision on a subject other than the one covered by a bill


when the president refuses to sign a bill and returns it to Congress

standing committee

a permanent committee

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select committee

temporary committee

A select committee is formed to examine and report on specific bills or issues. Joint committees are formed so that the houses can reach compromise. Cloture is the part of the parliamentary procedure that closes a meeting or debate and calls for an immediate vote on the discussion. The ways and means committee is a permanent committee of the House of Representatives. Appropriation is a congressional responsibility. Lobbying is often used to benefit business-to-business relationships or to create PACs are fund-raising organizations established by corporations, labor unions, or other special-interest groups. Concurrent resolutions require actions of House and Senate. The speaker of the house has many responsibilities in leading meetings and playing essential roles. The Great Compromise allows for equal representation of all states.

joint committee

committee made up of members of both chambers in a bicameral legislature


closes a debate

ways and means committee (House)

committee that has total jurisdiction on tax, tariffs, and revenue-raising bills


approval of government spending


the work lobbyists do to persuade officials to support their views


political actions committees

concurrent resolution

deals with matters where laws arent needed member who runs meetings, appoints members, refers bills, puts up questions to vote, and follows up in succession bicameral legislature with a House of Reps based on population and a Senate with equal representation for all states

speaker of the house

The Great Compromise

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system of government under which the national government and local (state) governments share powers system in which many decisions are made by an external memberstate legislation powers belonging exclusively to the state

Federalism is the shared powers between federal and state government. A confederation is a union of states that has some control over internal affairs, but is controlled by some external legislation. Reserved powers are kept for the states, not the federal government, as stated in the Constitution. Concurrent powers are shared between the national government and the state governments. Every bill must go through judicial review to determine if it is constitutional or not. Conservatives believe they should not rely on government assistance. Liberals support government regulation of the economy. The political parties in the U.S. have fluctuated in their views and opinions throughout American history. On Super Tuesday, many states hold primary elections, conventions, or caucuses. The electoral college collects all of the votes from the state and decides on a vote for the whole state.


Reserved powers

Concurrent powers

powers shared by nation and states governments power of Supreme Court to declare laws and executive actions unconstitutional individuals should be responsible for their own well-being government should be used to remedy injustices of the marketplace group of people with common political goals

Judicial review



Political parties

Super Tuesday

many primaries are held on the same Tuesday early in March created by the Framers as a mean of insulating the government from whims of a less-educated public

Electoral College

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Voting Rights Act of 1965

encourages states to take measures to increase minority representation in Congress provisions within legislation that appropriate money to a specific project if a president doesnt sign a bill a congressional session ends agreement with prosecution to agree to a less serious crime and sentence can only decide issues of the law, not the facts of the case

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 encouraged states to increase the number of minority voters. Earmarks often give money to fundraising events or local projects like building a dam. A pocket veto usually occurs after 10 days without the president signing the bill. Plea bargaining is common for government officials or business leaders tried for serious crimes. Appellate jurisdiction cannot decide a verdict based on the facts of the case, only on the law. Judicial restraint helps to balance the three government braches. A judicial activist usually interprets the law beyond what is meant by it. A writ of certiorari is usually a request from the highest court from a petitioner. The system of checks and balances prevents one branch of the government from overpowering another. The Supremacy clause states all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land.


Pocket veto

Plea bargaining

Appellate jurisdiction

Judicial restraint

when judges are reluctant to overturn acts of legislature

Judicial Activist

judge who has no qualms overturning legislature a legal document used to request the lower court transcripts of a particular case system that allows each branch of the government equal powers

writ of certiorari

Checks and Balances

Supremacy Clause

implies that federal government must prevail over any conflicting state exercise of power

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