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ENG103 RHETHORIC & WRITING (Harb, Mustafa) Page |1

Highly proficient Argument Argument is clear and complex, is maintained consistently throughout the writing, and uses sound logic, claims, evidence, and creativity.

Proficient Argument is generally clear and is maintained throughout the writing, is fairly complex, and uses logic, claims, evidence, and creativity.

Not Yet Proficient Argument is unclear and/or unfocused throughout the writing and lacks complexity, sound logic, claims, evidence, or creativity.

Audience & Purpose

Writing has a clear purpose, shows deep audience-awareness, and addresses audience's needs and expectations effectively; design and media are used to drive the argument.

Writing has a central purpose, shows general audience-awareness, and appropriately addresses audience's needs and expectations; design and media are used adequately.

Writing may lack purpose and audienceawareness, and does not adequately address the audience's needs or expectations; design and media are not used effectively.


Primary and/or secondary sources are selected, integrated, and cited properly, are of high quality and validity, and work to further the overall argument with purpose.

Primary and/or secondary sources are selected, integrated, and cited adequately, are valid, and generally work to further the overall argument.

Primary and/or secondary sources are not properly selected, integrated, or cited, lack in quality or validity, or do not work to further the argument.

ENG103 RHETHORIC & WRITING (Harb, Mustafa) Page |2


Writing shows deep understanding of genre conventions and expert use of appropriate design and media; proper format, style, syntax, and mechanics work together to forward the argument.

Writing shows general understanding of genre conventions, including adequate use of design, media, proper format, style, syntax, and mechanics.

Writing shows lack of understanding of genre conventions, including use of design, media, format, style, syntax, and mechanics.


Writing shows close engagement with the writing process and substantial revisions based on personal reflection and peer and/or instructor feedback.

Writing shows engagement with the writing process and contains some revision based on personal reflection and peer and/or instructor feedback.

Writing shows little to no revisions since the first draft and does not show understanding of revision based on personal reflection and peer and/or instructor feedback.

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