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Richard Allison Kelly Turnbeaugh English 2010 October 2, 2013 Food Additive Report

Food is arguably the greatest advance ent o! the

odern "orld and right!ully so# $! you

"ere to ell so eone in the 1%th century that you could get a &ob any"here "or' one hour then buy a do(en eggs, sac' o! potatoes, and a bag o! rice, they "ould laugh at you#)F1* +e have spent centuries per!ecting sa!e !ood storage and handling practices# $n order to support big etropolitan nutrients and caloric needs, !ood ust be shipped in and re ain !resh on shelves

a"aiting consu ers# +e all have a good idea that preservatives do e,actly that and "hile they ay not be healthy they are a huge bene!it to society, but "hat else "e have added to our !oodFood ascetics have ta'en over our ar'et# $! t"o co panies produce the sa e type o! product

"e choose the one that has the better appearance or the better te,ture# As consu ers "e "ant the best colors and te,tures, giving little thought to the e!!ects o! such things# $n this report $ "ill provide you "ith a description o! "hat is in your !ood and "hy#

E ulsi!iers An e

ulsi!ier is a che ical that stabili(es t"o substances in suspension

"ithout one or the other separating out# Thin' about oil and "ater, an e ulsi!ier prevents this !ro co happening# The ost co on e ulsi!ier is bro inated vegetable oil )./O*# 0ost

only !ound in soda this additive is vegetable oil that has had bro ide bonded to it# $t is only !ound in soda and 1atorade# 2itrus !lavors li'e le on, li e, and grape!ruit drin's and the !lavor co pounds "ould !loat to the top# ./O is banned in

ost co

"ould separate !ro

3apan, $ndia, and countries across Eu# 4o" levels o! bro ide appear to have little e!!ects, but can

build up over ti e# $n very !e" cases bro ide poisoning has occurred and believed to be caused by drin'ing large a ounts o! soda daily# The sy pto s are headaches, !atigue, loss o! coordination, and posibly sores#)http566"""#"eb d#co 6!ood7 recipes6ne"s62013012%6bro inated7vegetable7oil78a *#

O,idi(ers Traditionally !lour "as stored !or "ee's and turned to o,idi(e the !lour# This
process "hitens the !lour and helps better develop the gluten# The !ood industry has co e up "ith a che ical "ay o! getting this done !aster, bro ated !lour# The theory is that the har !ul che ical is ba'ed out and is no danger# .ro ated 1 !lour is banned in 2hina, 2anada, Eu, and 0ultiple countries in A!rica# $n the 9nited :tates it is listed as a possible carcinogenic and the F;A has advocated it should not be used# $n lab ani als bro ated !lour has caused a signi!icant increase in cancer rates but little to no studies have been done on people# )http566"""#dr"eilblog#co 6ho e620126126136avoid7this7co ingredient#ht l* on7bread7

Food 2olorings This is the biggest and

ost consu ed ite s on

y list, they include

.lue<1, .lue<2, Tartra(ine )yello"<=*, Red >0, titaniu che ically

dio,ide )"hite*, and green <= are the

ade dyes# These arti!icial colors are all that re ain on the F;A approved list# The

!ood colorings also have the "orst trac' record# ?ello" nu bers 17> have been banned and lin'ed to cancer# +hile case study@s re ain inconclusive there does appear to be a correlation to !ood colorings and behavioral proble s in children# Each side clai s the others trials are !la"ed Aand all agree !urther testing is needed#

Breservatives This additive "hile being the

bene!it# These additives allo" !ood to sit on shelves in

ost controversial has the biggest a&or etropolitan areas around the

"orld "aiting !or consu ption and "ithout preseratvies they certainly "ould not be as big# .CT and .CA ).utylated hrdro,ytuelne and .utylated Cydro,yanisole* are phenol based !ood preservatives they halt bacterial gro"th in everything !ro salad dressings# There is potato chips and che"ing gu s to

ounting concern over "eather or not they should be considered a e,posure in ani als re ains sa!e the big concern

carcinogenic# +hile it appears that short ter

is the e!!ects o! a constant inta'e over the course o! a li!eti e# E,tended studies sho" that these preservatives are lin'ed to various types o! cancer# :odiu !ound processed eats such as lunch nitrate6nitride is a preservative that is

eat, 2hrist as ha , hotdogs, and bacon# This eat by preventing botulis # The !ear associated aterials#

preservative is a huge bene!it in creating sa!e

"ith nitrate preservatives is "hen it is digested has the potential to create carcinogenic /ita in 2 )citric acid* and sodiu ben(oate are preservatives

ainly !ound in so!t drin's# They

are very "ell researched and both have al ost no 'no"n side e!!ects other than an upset sto ach#) ) This report "as not to try to s"ay opinion but enlighten a rising a"areness o! &ust ho" uch o! these additives "e consu e daily# $t is esti ated that "e consu e ten pounds o! these che icals yearly)http566"""#integratedsupple ents#co 6articles6De"sletter200E0>#pd! *# :o e o! these additives are purely !or astethics and te,ture "hile others actually pose bene!icial properties# At ti es it see s a big co !ort to us that "e have the F;A# They in!or us o! !ood

that needs to be recalled and do a reasonably good &ob o! protecting us# The only !la" "ith the F;A is that they approve additives that "hile they have a sa!e short ter record the real health

conse8uences o!ten ta'e years to co e to light# Other countries tend to loo' at additives "ith ore s'epticis and "e "ould be "ise to do the sa e#

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