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Unit 1 Study Guide

1.1 Graph Quadratic Functions in Standard Form

Standard Form: y=ax^2+bx+c Ax^2 is a quadratic term, bx is a linear term, and c is a constant term. The graph of any quadratic function is called a parabola. Parent Function for Quadratic Functions is f(x)=x^2 Axis of Symmetry: x=-b/2a (Divides parabola into mirror images). The intersection point of axis of symmetry and the parabola is called the vertex. The x-coordinate of the vertex is (0,0). To find the y-coordinate of the vertex, we substitute the value x into the equation. The y value of the vertex is maximum if a<0 The y value of the vertex is minimum if a>0


A is positive minimum

A is negative maximum

The y-intercept is c.


Graph y=-1/2x^2+3. Compare the graph with the graph of y=x^2. Step 1: Make a table of values for y=-1/2x^2+3:
x y -4 -5 -2 1 0 3 2 1 4 -5

Step 2: Plot the points from the table. Step 3: Draw a smooth curve through the points Step 4: Draw the axis of symmetry as a dotted line. Step 5: Compare the graphs of y=-1/2x^2+3 and y=x^2. Both graphs gave the same axis of symmetry. However, the graph of y=-1/2x^2+3 opens down and is wider than the graph of y=x^2. Also, its vertex is 3 units higher.


Graph y=2x^2-8x+6 Step 1: Identify the coefficients of the function. The coefficients are a=2, b=-8, and c=6. Because a>0, the parabola opens up. Step 2: Find the vertex. Calculate the x-coordinate. X=-b/2a= (-8)/2(2)=2. Then find the y-coordinate of the vertex. Y=2(2)^2-8(2)+6=-2. So, the vertex is (2,-2). Plot this point. Step 3: Draw the axis of symmetry x=2. Step 4: Identify the y-intercept c, which is 6. Plot the point (0,6). Then reflect this point in the axis of symmetry to plot another point, (4,6). Step 5: Evaluate the function for another value of x, such as x=1. y=2(1)^2-8(1)+6=0. Plot the point (1,)) and its reflection (3,0) in the axis of symmetry. Step 6: Draw a parabola through the plotted points.

Yet Another Example

Tell whether the function y=4x^2+16x-3 has a minimum value or a maximum value. Then find the minimum or maximum value. Because a>0, the function has a minimum value. To find it, calculate the coordinates of the vertex. X=-b/2a=-16/2a=-2 Y=4(-2)^2+16(-2)-3=-19 The minimum value is y=-19. You can check the answer on a graphing calculator.

1.2: Graph the Quadratic Functions in Vertex or Intercept Form

Vertex Form: y=a(x-h)^2+k a is not equal to 0. The vertex is (h,k). Axis of Symmetry: x=h Direction: Depends on a Compare to the graph y=ax^2: translates to the right h units and up k units.


Graph y=-1/4(x+2)^2+5 Step 1: Identify the constants a =-1/4, h=/2, and k=5. Because a<0, the parabola opens down. Step 2: Plot the vertex. (h,k)=(-2,5) and draw the axis of symmetry x=-2. Step 3: Evaluate the function for two values of x. x=0; y=1/4(0+2_^2+5=4 x=2; y=-1/4(2+2)^2+5=1 Plot the points (0,4) and (2,1) and their reflections in the axis of symmetry. Step 4: Draw the parabola through the plotted points.

Intercept Form

Y=a(x-p)(x-q) a is not equal to 0 The x-intercepts are (p,0) and (q,0) The axis of symmetry is x=p+q/2 Direction: Depends on a


Graph y=2(x+3)(x-1) Step 1: Identify the x-intercepts. Because p=-3 and q=1, the xintercepts occur at the points (-3,0) and (1,0). Step 2: Find the coordinates of the vertex. X=p+q/2=-3+1/2=-1 y=2(-1+3)(-1-1)=-8 Step 3: Draw a parabola through the vertex and the points where the x-intercepts occur.

Another Example

Write -2(x+5)(x-8) in standard form. Step 1: Write original function: y=-2(x+5)(x-8) Step 2: Multiply using FOIL: =-2(x^2-8x+5x-40) Step 3: Combine like terms: =-2(x^2-3x-40) Step 4: Distributive property: -2x^2+6x+80

1.3: Solve x^2+bx+c=0 by Factoring

Factoring special products: Factoring quadratic expressions often involves trial and error. However, some expressions are easy to factor because they follow special patterns. Difference of Two Squares: a^2-b^2= (a+b)(a-b) Perfect Square Trinomial: a^2+2ab+b^2=(a+b)^2 A^2-2ab+b^2=(a-b)^2


A monomial is an expressions that is either a number, a variable or the product of and or more values. A binomial is the sum of 2 monomials. A trinomial is the sum of 3 monomials. A polynomial is an expressions containing a monomial or a sum of monomials.


Factor the expressions: 1. x^2-9x+20: A: Use the cross method to get (x-5)(x-4) 2. x^2+3x-12: A: Cannot be factored, so prime. 3. x^2-3x-18: A: Use the cross method to get (x-6)(x+3) 4. n^2-3n+9: A: Cannot be factored, so prime. 5. r^2+2r-63: A: Use the cross method to get (r+9)(r-7)

Solving Quadratic Equations

You can use factoring to solve certain quadratic equations. A quadratic equation in one variable can be written in the form ax^2+bx+c=0 where a is not equal to 0. This sib called the standard form of the equation. The solutions of a quadratic equation are called the roots of the equation. If the left side of ax^2+bx+c=0 can be factored, than the equation can be solved using the zero product property. Zero Product Property: If the product of two expressions is zero, then one or both of the expressions equals zero. If A and B are expressions and AB=0, then A=0 and B=0. If (x+5)(x+2)=0, then x+5=0 or x+2=0. That is, x=-5 or x=-2

1. Solve the equation x^2-x-42=0 A: (x-7)(x+6)=0 X-7=0 x+6=0 X=7 x=-6 2. Find the zeros of the function by rewriting the function in intercept form. A: y=x^2+5x-14 0=(x+7)(x-2) X=-7 or x=2

1.4: Solve ax^2+bx+c=0 by Factoring

Factor 5x^2-17x+6 A: (5x-2)(x-3) Factor 3x^2+20x-7 A: (3x-1)(x+7) Factor the expression. If the expression cannot be factored, say PRIME. 7x^2-20x-3 A: (7x+1)(x-3) 5z^2+16z+3 A: (5z+1)(z+3) 4x^2-9x+2 A: (4x-1)(x-2)

More Examples
Factor the expression. 1. 9x^2-64= (3x)^2-8^2 A: = (3x)^2-8^2 =(3x+8)(3x-8)- Difference of two squares 2. 4y^2+20y+25 A: =(2y)^2+2(2y)(5)+5^2 =(2y+5)^2- Perfect square trinomial 3. 36w^2-12w+1 A: =(6w)^2-2(6w)(1)+(1)^2 =(6w-1)^2- Perfect square trinomial NOTE: When factoring an expression, first check to see whether the terms have a common monomial factor.

1.5: Solve Quadratic Equations by Finding Square Roots

A number r is a square root of a number s if s=r^2. Note: A positive number s has 2 square roots. The positive square root of a number is also called the principal square root. The expression ^ns is called a radical. The symbol ^n is a radical sign, and the number s the radical sign is the radicand of the expression.

Properties of Square Roots (a>0, b>0)

Product Property: ab = a x b Example: 18= 9 x 2= 3 2 Quotient Property: a/b = a/ b Example: 2/25= 2/ 25= 2/5 Simplifying Square Roots: You can use the properties above to simplify expressions containing square roots. A square-root expression is simplified if: No radicand has a perfect-square factor other than 1, and No radical in a denominator


Simplify the expression. 1. 80= 16 x 5= 4 5 2. 4/81= 4/ 81= 2/9 3. 27= 9 x 3= 3 3 4. 11/25 = 11/ 25= 11/5 5. 15/4= 15/ 4= 15/2

Rationalizing the Denominator

The expressions a+ b and a- b are called conjugates of each other. Their product is always a rational number.

Form of the denominator

Multiply numerator and denominator by:

A+b A-b

A-b A+b


Simplify: 1. 5/2 A: = 5/ 2 x 2/ 2= 10/2 2. 17/12 A: = 17/ 12= 17/2 3 x 3/ 3= 51/6 3. 18/12 A: = 3/2= 3/ 2 x 2/ 2= 6/2 4. 9/8 A: = 3/ 8 x 8/ 8= 3 8/8= 3 4/4 5. 3/7+ 2 A: = 3/7 + 2 x 7- 2/7- 2= 21-3 2/ 49-7 2 + 7 2 -2= 21-3 2/47 You can use square roots to solve some type of quadratic equations. For example: x^2=9

1.6: Perform Operations with Complex Numbers

Solve x^2=-1 A: x=+/- i Imaginary unit i, defined as i= -1 Note: i^2= -1 The imaginary unit i can be used to write the square root of any negative number. The Square Root of a Negative Number 1. If r is a positive real number, then -r= ir 2. By Property (1), it follows that (i r)^2=-r (i 3)^2= i^2 x 3=-3


Solve 2x^2+11=-37 Step 1: Write original equation: 2x^2+11=-37 Step 2: Subtract 11 from each side: 2x^2=-48 Step 3: Divide each side by 2: x^2=-24 Step 4: Take square root of each side: x= +/- -24 Step 5: Write in terms of i: x= +/-i 24 Step 6: Simplify radical: x= +/-2i 6

Complex Numbers

A complex number written in standard form is a+bi where a and b are real numbers. The number a is the real part of the complex number, and the number bi is the imaginary. If b is not equal to 0, then a+bi is an imaginary number. If a=0, b is not equal to 0, then a+bi is a pure imaginary number. Two complex numbers a+bi and c+di are equal if and only if a=c, b=a Sums and Differences of Complex Numbers: To add or subtract two complex numbers, add or subtract their real parts and their imaginary parts separately. Sum of complex numbers: (a+bi) + (c+di) = (a+c) +(b+d)i Difference of complex numbers: (a+bi) (c+di)= (a-c) +(b-d)i

More Examples!
Write the expression as a complex number un standard form. 1. (8-i) + (5+4i) =(8+5) + (-1+4)i =13+3i 2. (7-6i) (3-6i) =(7-3) + (-6+6)i =4+0i =4 3. 10 (6+7i) +4i =(10-6-7i)+4i =(4-7i)+4i =4+(-7+4)i =4-3i

Complex Numbers

Two complex numbers of the form a+bi and a-bi are called complex conjugates. The product of complex conjugates is always a real number. You can use this fact to write the quotient of two complex numbers in standard form.


Write the quotient 7+5i/1-4i in standard form. Step 1: Multiply numerator and denominator by 1+4i, the complex conjugate of 1-4i: 7+5i/1-4i= 7+5i/1-4i x 1+4i/1+4i Step 2: Multiply using FOIL: 7+28i+5i+20i^2/1+4i-4i-16i^2 Step 3: Simplify and use i^2=1: 7+33i+20(-1)/1-16(-1) Step 4: Simplify: -13+33i/17 Step 5: Write in standard form: -13/17 + 33/17i

Complex Plane

Just as every real number corresponds to a point on the real number line, every complex number corresponds to a point in the complex plane. The complex plane has a horizontal axis called the real axis and a vertical axis the imaginary axis. For example, to plot 3-2i, you would start at the origin, move 3 units to the right, and then move 2 units down.

Absolute Value
Absolute Value of a Complex Number: The absolute value of a complex number z=a+bi, denoted |z|, is a nonnegative real number as |z|= a^2+b^2 This is the distance between z and the origin in the complex plane. Example: Find the absolute value of (a) -4 +3i and (b) -3i a. |-4+3i| a= -4 b=3 |z|= a^2+b^2 = 16+9 25 =5 b. |-3i| a=0 b=-3 |z|= 0^2+-3^2 = 0+9 = 9 =3

1.7: Complete the Square

Solve x^2-8x+16=25 Step 1: Write left side as a binomial squared: (x-4)^2=25 Step 2: Take square roots of each side: x-4= +/-5 Step 3: Solve for x: x=4+/-5 A: 9 and -1 Perfect Squares: In Example 1, the trinomial x^2-8x+16 is a perfect square because it equals (x-4)^2. Sometimes you need to add a term to an expression x^2+bx to make it a square. This process is called completing the square.

For Example

Find the value of c that makes x^2+16x+c a perfect square trinomial. Then write the expression as the square of a binomial. Step 1: Find half the coefficient of x: 16/2=8 Step 2: Square the result of step 1: 8^2=64 Step 3: Replace c with the result of Step 2: x^2+16x+64 The trinomial x^2+16x+c is a perfect square when c=64 Then x^2+16x+64= (x+8)(x+8)=(x+8)^2 The method of completing the square can be used to solve any quadratic equation. When you complete a square as part of solving an equation, you must add the same number to both sides of the equation.


Solve x^2-12x+4=0 by completing the square. Step 1: Write left side in the form x^2+bx: x^2-12x=-4 Step 2: Add (-12/2)^2=(-6)2=36 to each side: x^2-12x+36=-4+36 Step 3: Write left side as a binomial squared: (x-6)^2=32 Step 4: Take square roots of each side: x-6= +/- 32 Step 5: Solve for x: x=6+/- 32 Step 6: Simplify: x=6+/-4 2

Vertex Form Example

Write y=x^2-10x+22 in vertex form. Then identify the vertex. Step 1: Prepare to complete the square: y+ ?=(x^2-10x+?)+22 Step 2: Add 25 to each side: y+25= (x^2-10x+25)+22 Step 3: Write x^2-10x+25 as a binomial squared: y+25= (x5)^2+22 Step 4: Solve for y: y=(x-5)^2-3 The vertex form of the function is y=(x-5)^2-3. The vertex is (5,-3).

1.8: Use the Quadratic Formula and the Discriminant

By completing the square once for the general equation ax^2+bx+c=0, you can develop a formula that gives the solutions of any quadratic equation. The formula for the solutions is called the quadratic formula. The Quadratic Formula: Let a, b, and c be real numbers such that a is not equal to 0. The solutions of the quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 are x=b+/- b^2-4ac/2a

Solve x^2+3x=2 x^2+3x-2=0 A=1 b=3 c=-2 X= -3+/-3^2-4(1)(-2)/2(1) X= -3+/- 9+8/2 X= -3+/- 17/2


In the quadratic formula, the expression b^2-4ac is called the discriminant of the associated equation ax^2+bx+c=0. Discriminant= b^2-4ac You can use the discriminant of a quadratic equation to determine the equations number and type of solutions

Find the discriminant of the quadratic equation and give the number and type of solutions of the equation. 1. x^2-8x+17=0 8+/-64-68 -4 2 imaginary solutions 2. x^2-8x+16=0 64-64 0 One real solution 3. x^2-8x+15=0 64-60 4 2 real solutions

Modeling Launched Objects

The function h=-16t^2+h 0 is used to model the height of a dropped object. For an object that is launched or thrown, an extra term v 0 t must be added to the model to account for the objects initial vertical velocity v 0 (in feet per second). Recall that h is the height (in feet), t is the time in motion (in seconds) and h 0 is the initial height (in feet). Object is dropped h=-16t^2+h 0 Object is launched or thrown h=-16t^2+v o t+ h 0

1.9: Graph and Solve Quadratic Inequalities

A quadratic inequality in two variables can be written in one of the following forms: y< ax^2+bx+c y< or equal to ax^2+bx+c y> ax^2+bx+c y> or equal to ax^2+bx+c The graph of any such inequality consists of all solutions (x,y) of the inequality. Graphing a Quadratic Inequality in Two Variables: To graph a quadratic inequality in one of the forms above, follow these steps: Step 1: Graph the parabola with equation y=ax^2+bx+c. Make the parabola dashed for inequalities with < or > and solid for inequalities with < or equal to or > or equal to. Step 2: Test a point (x,y) inside the parabola to determine whether the point is a solution of the inequality. Step 3: Shade the region inside the parabola if the point from Step 2 is a solution. Shade the region outside the parabola if it is not a solution.

Graph y> x^2+3x-4 Step 1: Graph y=x^2+3x-4. Because the inequality symbol is >, make the parabola dashed. Step 2: Test a point inside the parabola such as (0,0). y>x^2+3x-4 0> 0^2+3(0)-4 0>-4 (0,0) is a solution of the inequality. Step 3: Shade the region inside the parabola:

Systems of Quadratic Inequalities

Graphing a system of quadratic ineqalities is similar to graphing a system of linear in equalities. First graph each inequality in the system. Then identify the region in the coordinate plane common to all of the graphs. This region is called the graph of the system.


Graph the system of quadratic inequalities. y< or equal to x^2+4 Inequality 1 y> x^2-2x-3 Inequality 2 Step 1: Graph y< or equal to x^2+4. The graph is the red region inside and including the parabola y=-x^2+4. Step 2: Graph y> x^2-2x-3. The graph is the blue region inside (but not including) the parabola y=x^2-2x-3 Step 3: Identify the purple region where the two graphs overlap. This region is the graph of the system.

One-Variable Inequalities

A quadratic inequality in one variable can be written in one of the following forms: ax^2+bx+c<0 ax^2+bx+c< or equal to 0 ax^2+bx+c>0 ax^2+bx+c> or equal to 0 You can solve quadratic inequalities using tables, graphs, or algebraic methods.


Solve x^2+x< or equal to 6 using a table. Step 1: Rewrite the inequality as x^2+x-6< or equal to 0. Step 2: Make a table of values:
-5 -4 6 -3 0 -2 -4 -1 -6 0 -6 1 -4 2 0 3 6 4 14

x^2+x 14 -6

Notice that x^2+x-6< or equal to 0 when the values of x are between -3 and 2, inclusive. The solutions of the inequality is -3< or equal to x< or equal to 2.

Graphing to Solve Inequalities

Another way to solve ax^2+bx+c<0 is to first graph the related function y=ax^2+bx+c. Then, because the inequality symbol is <, identify the x-values for which the graph lies below the x-axis. You can use a similar procedure to solve quadratic inequalities that involve < or equal to, >, or > or equal to.


Solve 2x^2+x-4> or equal to 0 by graphing. The solution consists of the x-values for which the graph of y=2x^2+x-4 lies on or above the x-axis. Find the graphs xintercepts by letting y=0 and using the quadratic formula to solve for x. 0=2x^2+x-4 X=-1+/-1^2-4(2)(-4)/2(2) X=-1+/- 33=4 X is app. 1.19 or -1.69 Sketch a parabola that opens up and has 1.19 and -1.69 as x-intercepts. The graph lies on or above the x-axis to the left of (and including) x=-1.69 and to the right of (and including) x=1.19. The solution of the inequality is app. X< or equal to -1.69 or x> or equal to 1.19


Solve x^2-2x?15 algebraically First, write and solve the equation obtained by replacing > with =. Step 1: Write equation that corresponds to original inequality: x^2-2x=15 Step 2: Write in standard form: x^2-2x-15=0 Step 3: Factor: (x+3)(x-5)=0 Step 4: Zero product property: x=-3 or x=5 The numbers -3 and 5 are the critical x-values of the inequality x^2-2x>15. Plot -3 and 5 on a number line, using open dots because the values do not satisfy the inequality. The critical xvalues partition the number line into three intervals. Test an xvalue in each interval to see if it satisfies the inequality.

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