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English 301, L.


Water, Blogged Peer Review Sheet

To what extent does this post (circle your choices) . . .

1. Co unicate a clear purpose! Tell you clearly what it wants you to thin" or do! # plied, $ut clear %nclear what the author wants e to thin" or do aintaining a

Explicit and clear

&. 'ttend to its di(erse audiences (instructor, peers )ro di))erent a*ors) needs $y de)ining any necessary ter s and $y $log+appropriate, reader+)riendly, error+)ree style and genre+appropriate design! ,ery reader+)riendly style and design %sually reader+)riendly style and design

#ne))ecti(e style or design

3. Build its ethos $y showing so e expertise a$out the su$*ect and citing its sources, including )igures. -e onstrates expertise in content and citations %sually de onstrates expertise in content and citations .eeds to de onstrate expertise in content and citations

/. Build depth in its message $y )ocusing on one (or two) ele ents o) the rhetorical triangle, rather than $y *u ping )ro ele ent to ele ent! 0upport and1or illustrate its clai s with speci)ic exa ples )ro , explanations a$out, or reasoning a$out the picture! 2rgani3e the argu ent and paragraphs logically (e.g., chronological or co parison1contrast)! Consistently supports a single clai with rele(ant e(idence and logical organi3ation %sually supports one or two clai s with rele(ant e(idence and logical organi3ation .eeds to support a clai with rele(ant e(idence and logical organi3ation

4. 0tay attuned to its context $y addressing the re5uire ents o) the assign ent! (e.g., page length, topic, genre, etc.) 'ddresses all re5uire ents with )lair 'ddresses ost o) the re5uire ents .eeds to address the re5uire ents

6ollow up 5uestions7
1. #) this was your $log post, what two things would you wor" to i pro(e )irst! 'ny suggestions )or how! + 8our description is (ery nice, you go into detail so that # can picture you at your wor" tal"ing to this guy. #t was a $it large o) a pre story )or e so # was )eeling li"e # was starting to read into a $oo" i) anything, $ut then you $ro"e it down right a)terward which was o". 9eading the $log ade e thirsty in general so your $rea"down is great. #) any changes it ay $e *ust to si pli)y *ust a tad $it ore. 8our writing co es across as (ery "nowledgea$le o) the su$*ect and ore o) a )ancy write, which is )ine, $ut # thin" she is loo"ing )or a $it si pler )or the $log posting. That is *ust y opinion though. 2therwise great *o$, # li"ed it a lot:

&. 'ddress your peer;s post+write here7 6ro your post write # do not )eel that your $log is too in)or al at all. 'nd your description o) the water was good enough )or understand the essage that was $eing pushed across. e to

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