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Marie -Anglique Savan (Senegal) Sociologist; member of the Commission on Global Governance; Director, Africa Division, UNFPA, New York Karan Singh (India) Diplomat and several times minister, inter alia for education and health; author of several books on the environment, philosophy and political science; Chairman of the Temple of Understanding, a major international interfaith organization Rodolfo Stavenhagen (Mexico) Researcher in political and social science; Professor at the Centre of Sociological Studies, El Colegio de Mexico M yo ng Wo n Su hr (R e p u bli c o f Ko r e a ) Former Minister of Education; Chairman of the Presidential Commission for Educational Reform in Korea (198587) Zhou Nan zhao (China) Educator; Vice-President and Professor, China National Institute for Educational Research.

A l e x a n d r a D r a x l e r, S e c r e t a r y o f t h e C o m m i s s i o n A secretariat will ensure the follow-up to the Commissions work, by publishing the background material and studies looking more closely into aspects of the Commissions deliberations or recommendations, by helping to organize, at the request of governmental or non-governmental authorities, meetings to discuss the findings of the Commission and by taking part in activities that will attempt to put into practice some of the Commissions recommendations. The address will continue to be: UNESCO Education Sector Unit for Education for the Twenty-first Century 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP, France Tel. (33 - 1) 45 68 11 23 Fax (33 - 1) 43 06 52 55 e-mail:

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