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Working as an Engineer

Written by Mark White on March 25, 2007 - 3 Comments Download audio file (workingasanengineer m!3"

at !ianoforte Mark talks to #on$ a%out a &o% in 'uwait Mark( What kind of &o% in 'uwait) Tony( *h it would %e ahh+well+it could %e a num%er of things+in+ci,il engineering+$ou know+maintenance on the %ase+maintenance on the %ase, $ou know+e,aluating contracts Mark( -re $ou a ci,il engineer) Tony( Well . am not a cil an engineer as in a graduate engineer %ut . am an engineer as far as managing construction !ro&ects, %ut ha,ing a degree as an engineer, no Mark( /ight Tony( 0eah+%ut working in that %ackground+under an engineer, $es . would manage+$ou know+manage the &o%+or whate,er

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