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Name: Date: Period:


Description igid, tough, made o! cellulose #hin, co$ering, protects cells

Function Protects and supports the cell Protects the cell, per!orms acti$e transport and passi$e transport, mo$es materials in and out o! the cell, communication

Animal, Plant or Both Plant Both


'elly li(e su)stance Pads and supports Both that contains organelles organelles inside the cell* "o$es )y cyclosis Dense, )all shaped structure, contains DNA #hin co$ering o$er the nucleus &mall dar( area in the nucleus Controls all o! the cell,s acti$ities Both



Co$ers and protects the Both nucleus Produces ri)osome,s Both Both

.n the nucleus, made o! Pro$ides instructions DNA and protein, !or the cells acti$ities, contains genes /gro0th, reproduction1 Clear, tu)ular system o! tunnels throughout the cell &mall spec(s made o! NA* Found in cytoplasm or on the endoplasmic reticulum Location in the cytoplasm, )ean shaped #ransports materials li(e proteins around the cell "a(es proteins




".#OC-OND .A

&upplies energy or A#P !or the cell through cell respiration



using glucose and o7ygen 8AC+OLE Large open storage area, smaller in animal cells :reen structures that contain chlorophyll &mall )ags 0ith tu)es connecting them &mall, round structures, containing en9ymes &mall cylindrical &torage tan( !or !ood, 0ater, 0astes or en9ymes Captures sunlight and uses it to produce !ood through photosynthesis Pac(ages and secrets proteins !or use in and out o! the cell Both



:OL:. BOD%



Digests older cell parts, Both !ood or other o);ects +sed 0ith the spindle apparatus during mitosis Animal


Page <

Cell Organelles Worksheet Use the table above to fill in the chart Complete the !ollo0ing ta)le )y 0riting the name o! the cell part or organelle in the right hand column that matches the structure=!unction in the le!t hand column* A cell part may )e used more than once* &tructure=Function &tores material 0ithin the cell Closely stac(ed, !lattened sacs /plants only1 #he sites o! protein synthesis #ransports materials 0ithin the cell #he region inside the cell e7cept !or the nucleus Organelle that manages or controls all the cell !unctions in a eu(aryotic cell Contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that traps energy !rom sunlight and gi$es plants their green color Digests e7cess or 0orn>out cell parts, !ood particles and in$ading $iruses or )acteria &mall )umps located on portions o! the endoplasmic reticulum Pro$ides temporary storage o! !ood, en9ymes and 0aste products Firm, protecti$e structure that gi$es the cell its shape in plants, !ungi, most )acteria and some protests Produces a usa)le !orm o! energy !or the cell Pac(ages proteins !or transport out o! the cell E$erything inside the cell including the nucleus &ite 0here ri)osomes are made #he mem)rane surrounding the cell Cell Part

Page 6

Pro$ides support !or the cell, has t0o ?su)parts@ Name !or the collection o! DNA in the nucleus o! eu(aryotic cells Consist o! hollo0 tu)es 0hich pro$ide support !or the cell &mall hair>li(e structures used !or mo$ement or sensing things Composed o! a phospholipid )ilayer Longer 0hip>li(e structures used !or mo$ement

Put a chec( in the appropriate column/s1 to indicate 0hether the !ollo0ing organelles are !ound in plant cells, animal cells or )oth* Organelle Cell Wall 8esicle Chloroplast Chromatin Cytoplasm Cytos(eleton Endoplasmic reticulum :olgi apparatus Lysosome "itochondria Nucleolus Nucleus Plasma mem)rane Central $acuole Plant Cells Animal Cells Organelle i)osome 8acuole Plant Cells Animal Cells

Page A

Cell City Analogy .n a !ar a0ay city called :rant City, the main e7port and production product is the steel 0idget* E$eryone in the to0n has something to do 0ith steel 0idget ma(ing and the entire to0n is designed to )uild and e7port 0idgets* #he to0n hall has the instructions !or 0idget ma(ing, 0idgets come in all shapes and si9es and any citi9en o! :rant can get the instructions and )egin ma(ing their o0n 0idgets* Widgets are generally produced in small shops around the city, these small shops can )e )uilt )y the carpenterBs union /0hose headCuarters are in to0n hall1* A!ter the 0idget is constructed, they are placed on special carts 0hich can deli$er the 0idget any0here in the city* .n order !or a 0idget to )e e7ported, the carts ta(e the 0idget to the postal o!!ice, 0here the 0idgets are pac(aged and la)eled !or e7port* &ometimes 0idgets donBt turn out right, and the Dre;ectsD are sent to the scrap yard 0here they are )ro(en do0n !or parts or destroyed altogether* #he to0n po0ers the 0idget shops and carts !rom a hydraulic dam that is in the city* #he entire city is enclosed )y a large 0ooden !ence, only the postal truc(s /and citi9ens 0ith proper passports1 are allo0ed outside the city*

"atch the parts o! the city /underlined1 0ith the parts o! the cell* 2* "itochondria EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

<* i)osomes


6* Nucleus


A* Endoplasmic eticulum


4* :olgi


Page 4


F* Protein


G* Cell "em)rane


5* Lysosomes


3* Nucleolus


HH Create your o0n analogy )elo0 o! the cell using a di!!erent model* &ome ideas might )e: a school, a house, a !actory, or anything you can imagineHH

Page F

AN&WE #-E FOLLOW.N: I+E&#.ON& FO -O"EWO J .n 0hat organelle does cellular respiration ta(e placeK

Name t0o storage organellesK

What is the list o! organelles that ta(e part in protein synthesisK

-o0 is the nucleus in$ol$ed in protein synthesisK

Page G

What organelle is considered a ?!actory@, )ecause it ta(es in ra0 materials and con$erts them to cell products that can )e used )y the cellK

-o0 does the mem)rane o! the cell di!!er !rom the nuclear mem)raneK What ad$antages does this di!!erence ha$e !or the nucleusK

What do ri)osomes doK Are they !ound !reely !loating in the cytoplasmK O are they !ound attached to another organelleK O )oth* E7plain 0hy this occurs*

What does the endoplasmic reticulum doK

What is the di!!erence )et0een rough E and smooth E K What is the E doing that is di!!erent in each caseK

What are lysosomesK What types o! molecules 0ould )e !ound inside a lysosomeK

Why might a lysosome !use 0ith or lin( up 0ith a !ood $acuoleK

Page 5

.n 0hat organelle do molecules mo$e !rom the E to the :olgi )odiesK

What is a centrioleK .n 0hat type o! cell /plant or animal1 is it !oundK What does it do !or the cellK

Page 3

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