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EDAE 639 Instructional Design Alexandra Mockler

Learning Assessments
The applied sales training course will be integrated into an orientation program that is currently delivered to new hires within the organization. The following courses will be delivered in a five day face-to-face training session: Strategic Questioning; Handling Objections; Prospecting booking a meeting with the advisor; First meeting with the advisor; Planning for the sales call; Client and Financial Advisor Presentation. The overall goal of the applied sales training program is to properly equip new agents with the sales strategies and tools they need to be effective when prospecting and engaging in meetings with financial advisors. Since many of the courses will be teaching different cognitive strategies, it is critical that the individual learning assessments include an application of the strategy, whether through role-play, observation or role-modeling behaviors. Due to the level of engagement and participation required to execute different role-plays and applications of the strategy, the class size needed will range between 10 20 learners. Most of the sales training courses will teach the learner transferable skills that can be used in different situations. For example, once the learner masters how to conduct strategic questioning, they will easily grasp the consultative selling model to be able to effectively handle objections when they arise. The primary objectives for each course in the applied sales training program are listed below. For the purpose of this assignment, a detailed learning assessment will be illustrated for both Primary Objective #1. Primary Objective #1 Learners will be able to write strategic questions using the suggested criteria and trigger verbs to formulate the questions. Specific Objectives: Learners will be able to (LWBAT): 1. Identify 3-5 benefits of using the consultative questioning skills model with financial advisors and direct clients. 2. Based on the in-class lecture, describe in 3-5 point form sentences what strategic questions ought to be. 3. Given a list of ten questions, identify which questions are closed-ended and which ones are open-ended. 4. Create two questions for the advisor audience; one is based on factual information; the other question will draw out personal view points and feelings. 5. Given a list of randomized trigger verbs, select three verbs to create your own strategic questions. Assessment Instrument: One of the main approaches that will be used in providing strategy instruction will be direct explanation, largely teacher directed. After the learners have received instruction, they will engage in the following activities:

EDAE 639 Instructional Design Alexandra Mockler Depending on the class size, each learner will be placed in a small group and asked to share the benefits of the consultative selling model in addition to describe what makes an excellent strategic question. From a list of 10 questions, each learner will be asked to describe the unique characteristics of each question (for example, is the question closed or opened? Is it fact or feeling based? etc. ) Once the learners have completed the activity and demonstrate have a solid understanding of strategic questions a learning assessment will be conducted whereby each learner will be asked to write out 3 strategic questions ensuring they include different characteristics of an effective question highlighted in the lecture. The leaners will be encouraged to think of real-life scenarios where they faced challenging conversations with financial advisors and could have benefitted from asking strategic questions to gain control of the conversation. Once each person has fully written out their 3 questions, they will take a few minutes and share their questions with other learners in their group. Finally, each person will be asked to share their best strategic question with the entire group/class. As they share their question, other participants in the class will use a thumbs up , thumbs sideways OR thumbs down evaluation system to informally grade the question. If the question receives anything lower than a thumbs up the facilitator will ask the class to help the learner improve their strategic question by providing different suggestions.

Thumbs Up Great Strategic Question!

Thumbs Sideways Youre almost there, whats missing?

Thumbs Down Lets see if we can help you improve your question so its more strategic!

Summary of Assessment Instrument - For this particular learning objective, it is critical that the facilitator arouse motivation since the goal is not only to instill new knowledge but also to engage the learners in behavior change. Purposeful learning comes when the facilitator can illustrate the importance of asking strategic questions and its impact in day to day sales conversations. Through different preliminary activities, the learner is getting a solid understanding of how regular questions are different from strategic questions. The assessment used in this particular case enables the learners to create questions that are relevant to them and their advisors. They are given the opportunity to use the

EDAE 639 Instructional Design Alexandra Mockler information they have been taught and receive real-time feedback from their peers and trainer. This assessment is effective because it allows for the inclusion of everyone and gently evaluates on an individual basis which leaners are grasping the concept and which ones are having a more difficult time. This information will be useful to the sales manager who will continue one-on-one field coaching. Primary Objective #2 Learners will be able to apply the consultative questioning skills model when demonstrating how to effectively respond to an objection. Specific Objectives: Learners will be able to (LWBAT): 1. Based on the in-class instruction, accurately describe the different segments of the consultative selling model and why strategic questions are so important. 2. Describe in your own words what the Confirm skill is and why is it can be such a powerful tool when handling objections. 3. From a role-play scenario, respond to the advisors objection by using strategic questions. Assessment Instrument: In this case, each learner will be engaged in the formal delivery of the consultative selling model. They will be required to discuss each stage of the model and verbally identify within a small group why the confirm skill is so critical to the sales conversation. Each learner will be given a small stack of post-it notes where they will be given 5 minutes to brainstorm advisor objections, writing down as many as they can. After 5 minutes, the trainer will begin to collect all the objections, sticking them on a flip chart paper. The trainer will then select an advisor objection from the flip chart and being to role-play the objection with a volunteer. During the role-play the learner will be asked to focus on two parts of the consultative selling model questioning and confirm. Once the learner has effectively questioned the trainer and is able to use the confirm skill, the role-play will be over and another advisor objection will be selected from the group of post-it notes. This will continue with different learners to ensure this skill is practiced and includes a live demonstration of what the consultative selling model should sound like. Primary Objective #3 Learners will be able to demonstrate how to book the first advisor meeting in less than a 5 minute telephone conversation. Assessment Instrument: Learners will use different cold calling concepts to help book their first advisor meeting. This assessment will be done in the form of a role-play. The goal of the role play is to peak the advisors curiosity enough to book a meeting in less than 5 minutes. Each learner will be paired up to practice the initial phone call. Each person will be given 5 minutes to go through the practice role-play and provide each other with constructive feedback. Each pair will then demonstrate the role-play in front of everyone else and receive feedback on their ability to schedule a meeting.

EDAE 639 Instructional Design Alexandra Mockler Primary Objective #4 Learners will be able to demonstrate new knowledge of different sales tools through the thorough completion of sales related worksheets & forms. This will include the Advisor Profile worksheet and Meeting Plan form. Assessment Instrument: Learners will be paired up to go through the Advisor Profile worksheet. Each learner will take 10-15 minutes to walk through the worksheet in the form of a role-play. The person asking the questions will be the sales agents and the person answering the question will be the advisor. Once the worksheet is done and feedback has been given to the sales agent, the learners will reverse the roles and start again. The trainer will be walking around the room, listening to different role-plays and assessing how the Advisor Profile worksheet is completed; verifying both for content and accuracy. A separate assessment will be conducted with the Meeting Plan form. Each learner will be required to think of a meeting they are hosting in the upcoming weeks. Knowing the details of their meeting, they will be required to complete the form using the information they have acquired in the last few training sessions. Each learner will be given 7-10 minutes to complete the Meeting Plan form and will be asked to debrief by sharing their results in small group. Primary Objective #5 Learners will be able to recite a 10 - 15 minute presentation specific to the needs of the advisor and his practice. Assessment Instrument: Each learner will be given a total of 25 minutes for their advisor presentation. The first 10-15 minutes will be given for delivery of the presentation. The next 10 minutes will include feedback using the Feedback Form (Appendix A). Why these assessments? Overall, I choose mainly informal assessment instruments that will be most practical for the sales agents in acquiring new skills and changing behavior patterns. All of these assessments are based on tasks that the mobile sales agents will need to conduct once they are established in their new role. Adults find motivation in their work when they can make connections and discover relevancy from what they are doing. After having completed the applied sales training program, each learner will be equipped with the knowledge, tools and presentations needed to start prospecting and meeting potential referral sources. These assessments will reinforce positive behavior and make the learner cognizant of areas of development. In addition, the role-plays will force peer engagement, in turn helping members within the group form trusting relationships. Not only is it important that they learn from the training, but meeting new people that are in the same role and developing an alternate support system will also be crucial to their success.

EDAE 639 Instructional Design Alexandra Mockler

Appendix A FEEDBACK FORM Advisor Presentation

Use the following criteria to evaluate each presentation. BC Name:_____________________________
Strongly Disagree 1 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Question The presentation began and ended on time The main goal of the presentation was highlighted in the introduction The presenter used strategic questions The presentation gained and held the audiences interest The presenter came across as confident and knowledgeable The information delivered was useful and presented in an organized manner Appropriate use of presentation aids, slides and handouts were used in the presentation, 3rd party testimonials, statistics The presenter clearly presented the benefits to the advisor (WIIFM) A call to action was present in the presentation The presentation ended on a high note Areas of Development:

8 9 10

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

Areas of Strength:

General Comments:

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