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Lesson Plan Date: 11-08-13 Grade and Period: 12th, 2B

Strengthsof the Class : Lots of energy, very responsive in discussions. This is a double edge sword. I can get a lot of participation and at the same time there can be miniconversations going on everywhere. UniqueNeedsof the Class : From my short time i have had with this class there seems to be very few ELL students, and if there are they seem to be high level. I have noticed I have to be vigilant about checking for comprehension on certain vocabulary words. Subject : U.S. Government . & Citizenship CoreCurriculumStandards : United States Government & Citizenship Standard621003: Students will understand the distribution of power among the national, state, and local governments in the United States federal system, or compound constitutional republic. LessonTopic : Preamble of the Constitution Homework (if any): They should have there homework they were given on Monday. This will be collected as they walk in the door or soon after. Core Content Objectives for the Lesson: Objective62100301 : Determine the relationship between the national government and the states Objective62100302: Analyze the role of local government in the United States federal system, or compound constitutional republic.

Learning Objectives for Students: -SWBAT compare and contrast the ideas presented by their peers regarding the separation of state and federal powers by participating in small group and whole class discussions -SWBAT to analyze the Preamble of the Constitution by completing a graphic organizer and participating in class discussion Language Objectives for Students: -SWBAT to verbalize and contribute to the class discussion by correctly using topic appropriate terminology in their responses

-SWBAT to write down in complete sentences why they chose the topic they did and be able to provide information about it.

Starter: As students walk-in have them grab a half-sheet of paper from one of us or from the front of the room. On this they will write down the three issues they wrote about in their homework and that is it, do not explain why, yet! For students who did not do their homework or do not have it, there will be a list of issues on the smart board for them to choose from. They will choose one issue they feel only the federal government should be in control of, one issue they feel only states should control, then one issue they feel that federal and state powers should combine forces on. Same as above, just write the 3 issues down, but do not explain yet. Class Procedures: Greet students at the door! Hand them or have them grab a half-sheet of paper for the warm up. I will create both a PowerPoint slide that will be projected onto the board, as well as providing oral and written instructions on the board. Can never have enough instructions! Roll will be taken and any attendance issues will be cleared up at this time. Kids will wander in late and be prepared to collect their homework if they have it and a half-sheet for them to join the class. Group Work! Small group discussions: Based off of what they wrote for #1 on their starter (What issue should only the federal government handle?) -group students into groups of 3-4 students. (With such a variety of issues some students may be by themselves in their selection, find other students with the same problem and group them to discuss their differing issues). -In this small groups have students discuss why they chose the issue they did and why. While this is going on, I will move about the groups and contribute, engage and ask questions. (10-12 minutes) For #2 do the exact same thing. Break the students up into states rights groups and again have them discuss the issues they chose and why. (10-12 minutes) (Time permitting) For #3 Come back together as a class and student-led discussion on what powers federal and state governments should work together on and why? (12-15 minutes). (Leaving time for transitions, but not so much things are slowed way down)

Preamble Graphic Organizer Students return to their seats. We will hand out a double sided graphic organizer. Again, student will be place in groups of 3 to 4 (no larger). As a group they will try to finish as much of side 1 as they can. They will create their own definition of 9 words pulled from the Preamble. They will also use these word in a sentence, and find a antonym and synonym. I will move about the group engaging students and checking for understanding of the task at hand. (12-15 minutes). Have the students stay where they are at and turn their paper over for the next activity. The whole class will watch 2 video clips regarding the Preamble to the Constitution. The first is a clip from The Andy Griffith Show about 3 minutes long. -Before the next clip is played it will be explained that they are to follow along with the video and fill in the blanks as they go This video reinforces and simplifies the preamble along with the Bill of Rights. Hopefully will help the students see the Bill of Rights in a different way when real life examples are used. (All video clips and instruction, approx 15 minutes) As a class we will double check the fill in blank answers. As a class we will also discuss any issues they may be unclear. Plans for Assessment: Time permitting we have a small paper based multiple choice and true-false quiz for the students to take. This will cover the issues and topics we just discussed in class.

Homework: No homework besides reviewing the graphic organizer. Plans for Enrichment Ask these students to be a peer teacher and lead and facilitate their groups discussion. Plans for Remediation If I feel a group maybe struggling I will help get them started and keep a close eye on them and frequently checking back with them to make sure progress of some sort is being made.. Also, I may be able install a peer teacher in a group like this to help them along.

Plans for English Language Learners

-Print off the PowerPoint page used in the starter for them to write directly on -Use subtitles for both video clips if available. -I will try to break up the language learners into different groups so they are not in the same group. I think this could help them and their peers, first they are moving a little bit outside of their comfort zone, and secondly the language learner may bring a very unique opinion or observation to a group they may have never worked with.

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