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AP European History/Neiffer

Know your European Geography!


How closely did you pay attention in World Cultures?

You will need to score an 85% or better to “pass” this quiz... and you can't fail. Get it? :)

Countries Mountains
Albania Alps
Austria Apennines
Belarus Iberian Mountains
Belgium Pyrenees Mountains
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ural Mountains
Croatia Large Bodies of Water
Czech Republic Adriatic Sea
Denmark Aegean Sea
Estonia Atlantic Ocean
Finland Baltic Sea
Germany Black Sea
Greece Caspian Sea
Hungary Mediterranean Sea
Iceland North Sea
Italy Rivers
Kazakhstan Danube R.
Latvia Elbe R.
Lithuania Po R.
Luxembourg Rhine R.
Macedonia Seine R.
Moldova Thames R.
Norway Volga R.
Portugal Peninsulas
Romanic Balkan P.
Russia Crimean P.
Serbia Iberian P.
Slovenia Italian P.
Spain Jutland P.
Sweden Scandinavian P.
The Netherlands
United Kingdom

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