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Common questions fiom those looking to
lose weight oi gain muscle: Shoulu I use
caiuio. Inteivals. Bow much. Ny answeis
usually uepenus on each inuiviuual peison-
theii goals, theii timefiames, etc. But theie
aie a few geneial things I can say heie.

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Fiist of all, foi fat loss, I usually like to put the
main focus on uiet anu nutiition, seconuaiy
focus on inteival tiaining, anu teitiaiy focus
on low intensity caiuio. If you'ie not eating
iight, the exeicise won't uo you much goou. With an aveiage client, I'll usually assign them
somewheie between one anu thiee inteival sessions each week with vaiying woikiest iatios. I'll
often give my lightei clients moie caiuio because theii caloiie intake isn't going to be that big to stait

Beie's an example. 0ne client is 2Su pounus anu eats about S,4Su caloiies a week. Anothei client is
11u pounus anu eats about 1,6Su. Right off the bat I like to cieate a 2u% ueficit in caloiie intake anu
see wheie that gets us. So, if you uo the math, client one will be consuming 69u less caloiies anu
client two will be consuming SSu less caloiies. If they stick to the uiet, client one is well on the way to
losing ovei a pounu of fat pei week, but client two is not. So I'll piesciibe client two some auuitional
inteival oi caiuio to get a ieasonable fat loss iate.

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If gaining muscle is the goal, I'll often uitch inteival tiaining entiiely, since the caloiies you'u lose
coulu have been useu towaius gaining the muscle you'ie looking foi. If it's youi heait you'ie woiiieu
about, weight tiaining will pioviue plenty of caiuioiespiiatoiy benefits. If you uon't believe me, the
next time you'ie lifting, take youi pulse.

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