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The GOLDEN LEGEND or LIVES of the SAINTS Compiled by Jacobus de Vora i!e" Archbishop of Ge!oa" #$%& 'irst Editio!

(ublished #)%*

ENGLIS+ED by ,ILLIA- CA.TON" 'irst Editio! #)/0 'rom the Temple Classics Edited by '1S1 ELLIS 'irst issue of this Editio!" #2** 3epri!ted #2$$" #20#




A-ONG the boo4s 5hich afford us a! i!si ht i!to he popular reli ious thou ht of the middle a es" !o!e holds a more importa!t place tha! the Le e!da Aurea or Golde! Le e!d1 The boo4 5as compiled a!d put i!to form about the year #$%& by Jacobus de Vora i!e" Archbishop of Ge!oa" 5ho laid u!der co!tributio! for his purpose the Li6es of the 'athers by S1 Jerome" the Ecclesiastical +istory of Eusebius" a!d other boo4s of a li4e 4i!d7 5hile for the li6es of the sai!ts more !early approachi! his o5! a e he appears to ha6e i!dustriously collected such le e!ds as he could meet 5ith" 5hether i! ma!uscript or ha!ded do5! by oral traditio!1 All perso!s li6i! i! later times ha6e bee! deeply i!debted to the ma! 5ho thus embodied for their be!efit a!d i!structio! a picture of the me!tal attitude of the a e i! 5hich he li6ed1 If the study of it be !ot absolutely esse!tial" it may safely be a6erred that it 5ill be most helpful a!d profitable" to all those 5ho care to realise to themsel6es the faith of their forefathers" a!d i! !o small de ree 5ill it e!able them more fully to u!dersta!d the i!spiratio! of the me! 5hose faith fou!d its e8pressio! i! the lories a!d mysteries of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture1 To those 5ho ca! pace the aisles of a reat cathedral or priory or abbey church" or e6e! tread the humbler sto!es of a! a!cie!t parish church" 5ithout bei! touched 5ith a se!se of re6ere!t 5o!der" the pa es of The Golde! Le e!d 5ill appeal i! 6ai!1 Its perusal 5ill stri4e !o respo!si6e chord i! their hearts1 9ut to those 5ho" 5hate6er may be their creed" !e6er set foot i! those sto!e:5ritte! records of the past 5ithout a feeli! of a5e a!d 6e!eratio!" mi! led 5ith a! ear!est lo! i! to u!dersta!d somethi! of the spirit 5hich breathes forth from them" a!d a desire to 4!o5 5hat it 5as that so 5rou ht i! the mi!ds of their ma4ers as to produce the -usic Gallery at E8eter" the South (orch at Li!col!" the Galilee at Durham" the stai!ed lass at ;or4" the East ,i!do5 at ,ells" a!d a thousa!d other mar6els" to say !othi! of the reater lories that a5ait us i! the ma !ifice!t churches of 'ra!ce" 5hich e6e! after ce!turies of destructio!" !e lect" a!d ill:usa e still impress us 5ith 5o!der a!d admiratio!":the histories of The Golde! Le e!d 5ill be a !e5 re6elatio! of i!estimable 6alue1 The corbels of roof a!d cloister 6aulti! 5hich loo4 do5! o! us 5ith <uai!t a!d te!der beauty" a!d the stra! e a!d sometimes mo!strous or demo!iacal ar oyles of the e8teriors" 5ill ha6e a !e5er a!d fuller mea!i! if 5e allo5 oursel6es thorou hly to e!ter i!to the spirit of the boo4 before us1 ,e shall seem to hear the ma=estic roll of the solem! cha!ts of Ad6e!t a!d the re=oici! s of Christmas" the pe!ite!tial pleadi! s of the Le!te! seaso! a!d the triumphal so! s of Easter" as 5e read the elo<ue!t passa es de6oted to those sacred seaso!s" e6e! thou h the style be such as moder! ears are little accustomed to" a!d therefore may sometimes appear" especially o! a first readi! " as more or less ru ed a!d obscure1 Lo6ers of the pictures<ue ca! scarcely fail to be charmed 5ith such 5o!derful tales as those of the childhood of -oses a!d the history of (o!tius (ilate" 5hich the author fra!4ly sets do5! as








>apocriphum>7 5hile the fol4:lorist 5ill fi!d a rich field to i!terest him i! a territory hitherto but little e8plored1 I! such histories as that of S1 9ra!do! 5e d5ell for a 5hile i! a 6eritable 5o!derla!d1 The li6es of S1 Jerome" S1 -acarius" S1 A!tho!y" a!d S1 -ary of E ypt" a!d other sai!ts of the desert" read li4e the echoes of a!other 5orld" so far remo6ed are they from moder! habits of thou ht" faith" a!d practice7 5hile those of S1 'ra!cis" S1 Domi!ic" a!d S1 Thomas of Ca!terbury bri! before our eyes the life of the middle a es hardly less 6i6idly tha! the tales of the Gesta 3oma!orum or the e6erli6i! creatio!s of Geoffrey Chaucer1 Verily there is a ple!tiful har6est for those 5ho care to reap1 +a6i! read e6ery pa e 6ery carefully si8 times" 5ith u!abated i!terest" i! the course of editi! t5o editio!s" I ca! testify to the attractio! the boo4 has for o!e 5ho lo6es the 5o!drous records of old days1 Thou h it does !ot appear to ha6e bee! amo! the earliest of pri!ted boo4s" the Le e!da Aturea 5as !o soo!er i! type tha! editio! after editio! appeared 5ith surprisi! rapidity1 (robably !o other boo4 5as more fre<ue!tly repri!ted bet5ee! the years #)%* a!d #&0* tha! the compilatio! of Jacobus de Vora i!e1 A!d 5hile almost i!!umerable editio!s appeared i! Lati!" it 5as also tra!slated i!to the 6ul ar to! ue of most of the !atio!s of Europe" usually 5ith alteratio!s a!d additio!s i! accorda!ce 5ith the ha iolo ical prefere!ces of the differe!t !atio!alities1 It is 5ith a! early 're!ch tra!slatio! that 5e are chiefly co!cer!ed" of 5hich Ca8to!>s 6ersio! is a close re!deri! 1 The 're!ch boo4 i! <uestio! is a lar e folio 6olume of four hu!dred a!d forty:three lea6es" pri!ted i! double colum!s" 5ith forty:four li!es to the pa e1 T5o copies of it o!ly are 4!o5! i! this cou!try" o!e i! the 9ritish -useum" a!d the other i! Cambrid e ?!i6ersity Library1 There may of course be copies lur4i! i! forei ! libraries" but I ha6e !ot bee! able to hear of a!y1 It is 5ithout a!y i!dicatio! of place of pri!ti! " date" or pri!ter" a!d u!til <uite lately these particulars had baffled the researches a!d co!=ectures of biblio raphers7 but latterly -r1 31 (roctor of the 9ritish -useum has succeeded i! ide!tifyi! the type as proceedi! from the press of (eter @eyser" a ri6al of A!tho!y Ver!ard at (aris1 It co!tai!s the li6es of ma!y 're!ch sai!ts 5ho are !ot i!cluded i! the 5or4 of Vora i!e" !otably those of S1 Ge!e6ie6e a!d S1 Louis1 Co!6i!ci! proof that this is the boo4 referred to by Ca8to! i! his preface as >a le e!de i! fre!sshe"> is afforded by the fact that 5here the pri!ter has left ross mispri!ts u!corrected i! his te8t" the tra!slator has bli!dly follo5ed him 5ithout a!y attempt to ma4e se!se of them1 The most curious i!sta!ce of this occurs i! the e8pla!atio! of the supposed etymolo y of the !ame of S1 Stephe!1 The 're!ch pri!ter has tur!ed the Old 're!ch 5hich should ha6e read >fames 6e!ues"> Afemmes 6eu6esB i!to >sei!e 6e!ues"> 5hich Ca8to! attempts to tra!slate by >hole come!> A5hole comeB" re ardless of the fact that it has !o mea!i! 5hate6er1 It has rarely bee! attempted to clear the prese!t te8t of obscurities by a!y alteratio!" o! pri!ciple7 but i! this i!sta!ce" for the mea!i! less 5ords >hole come!"> those of >5ido5 5ome!> ha6e bee! substituted i! accorda!ce 5ith the Lati!" 5hich Ca8to! seems !e6er to ha6e troubled himself to refer to1 A ai!" i! the life of S1 Ge!e6ie6e the 're!ch 6ersio! has the typo raphical error of Ca !ame> for >a !a6ire"> 5hich the tra!slator simply re!ders >at !ame"> a!d this i! later editio!s becomes >at !o!e> 5ithout ma4i! a!y better se!se1 This has bee! altered to >by ship> as bei! the ob6ious mea!i! 1 The te8t has bee! ame!ded i! o!e or t5o other i!sta!ces 5here a sli ht alteratio! made a passa e i!telli ible7 but" as I ha6e said" there has bee! !o attempt to clear obscurities e!erally or to i!terfere 5ith the tra!slator>s la! ua e1 The obser6a!t reader ca! scarcely fail to !ote the differe!ce bet5ee! the style of the 9ible histories" 5hich I ta4e it come from the >Le e!d i! E! lish"> 5hich Ca8to! me!tio!s i! his preface" a!d that of the tra!slator>s 5or4" reatly to the ad6a!ta e of the former1 The summary is i! truth do!e 5ith a master>s ha!d1 The life of S1 Thomas of Ca!terbury is a ai! a specime! of 6i orous E! lish clearly 5ritte!" a!d is probably also ta4e! from the >Le e!d i! E! lish1> Thou h Ca8to! spea4s of himself as the tra!slator" a!d 5e ha6e perso!al limpses of him i! the a!ecdotes he relates i! >The Circumcisio! of our Lord" >The +istory of Da6id"> a!d >The Life of S1 Austi!"> it is hardly to be supposed that he could ha6e bee! at the labour of tra!slati! the 5hole boo41 +e appears i!deed to ha6e employed some o!e 5hose 4!o5led e of 're!ch must ha6e bee! co!siderably less tha! that 5e are 5illi! to credit him 5ith" co!sideri! his lo! reside!ce i! 're!ch 'la!ders1 Colour is also i6e! to the su estio! that he a6ailed himself of e8tra!eous help i! the 5or4 of tra!slatio! by his












special assertio! at the e!d of the life of S1 3ochD >5hich lyfe is tra!s: lated oute of laty! i!to E! lysshe by me" ,illiam Ca8to!1> It may be remar4ed as a curious biblio raphical a!d historical coi!cide!ce" that 5hile ,y!4e! de ,orde 5as e! a ed i! pri!ti! the last of the Old E! lish editio!s of The Golde! Le e!d i! Lo!do!" ,illiam Ty!dale 5as busily occupied at Colo !e tryi! to et i!to type the first of the u!!umbered editio!s of the E! lish Ne5 Testame!t1 The old order i6eth place to the !e51 THE GOLDEN LEGEND


T+E holy a!d blessed Doctor S1 Jerome saith this authorityD Do al5ay some ood 5or4" to the e!d that the de6il fi!d thee !ot idle1 A!d the holy Doctor S1 Austi! saith i! the boo4 of the labour of mo!4s that" !o ma! stro! or mi hty to labour ou ht to be idle1 'or 5hich cause" 5he! I had performed a!d accomplished di6ers 5or4s a!d histories tra!slated out of 're!ch i!to E! lish at the re<uest of certai! lords" ladies" a!d e!tleme!" as the story of the 3ecuyel of Troy" the 9oo4 of the Chess" the +istory of Jaso!" the +istory of the -irror of the ,orld" the fiftee! boo4s of the -etamorphoses" i! 5hich be co!tai!ed the 'ables of O6id" a!d the +istory of Godfrey of 9oulo !e i! the Co!<uest of Jerusalem" 5ith other di6ers 5or4s a!d boo4s" I !e !yste 5hat 5or4 to be i! a!d put forth after the said 5or4s tofore made7 a!d forasmuch as idle!ess is so much blamed" as saith S1 9er!ard the mellifluous Doctor" that" she is mother of lies a!d stepdame of 6irtues" a!d that it is she that o6erthro5eth stro! me! i!to si!" <ue!cheth 6irtue" !ourisheth pride" a!d ma4eth the 5ay ready to o to hell1 A!d Joh! Cassiodorus saith that the thou ht of him that is idle" thi!4eth o! !o!e other thi! but o! lic4erous meats a!d 6ia!ds for his belly1 A!d the holy S1 9er!ard" aforesaid" saith i! a! epistleD ,he! the time shall come that it shall beho6e us to re!der a!d i6e accou!t of our idle time" 5hat reaso! may 5e re!der" or 5hat a!s5er shall 5e i6e 5he! i! idle!esse is !o!e e8cuseE A!d (rosper saith that" 5hosoe6er li6eth i! idle!ess" li6eth i! ma!!er of a dumb beast1 A!d because I ha6e see! the authorities that blame a!d despise so much idle!ess" a!d also 4!o5 5ell that it is o!e of the capital a!d deadly si!s" much hateful u!to God" therefore I ha6e co!cluded a!d firmly purposed i! myself !o more to be idle" but 5ill apply myself to labour a!d such occupatio! as I ha6e bee! accustomed to do1 A!d forasmuch as S1 Austi!" aforesaid" saith upo! a psalm that" ood 5or4 ou ht !ot to be do!e for fear of pai!" but for the lo6e of ri hteous!ess" a!d that it be of 6ery a!d so6erei ! fra!chise" a!d because me seemeth to be a so6erei ! 5eal to i!cite a!d e8hort me! a!d 5ome! to 4eep them from sloth a!d idle!ess" a!d to let to be u!derstood to such people as be !ot lettered" the !ati6ities" the li6es" the passio!s" the miracles" a!d the death of the holy sai!ts" a!d also some other !otory deeds a!d acts of times past" I ha6e submised myself to tra!slate i!to E! lish the le e!d of sai!ts 5hich is called Le e!da Aurea i! Lati!" that is to say the Golde! Le e!d1 'or i! li4e 5ise as old is most !oble abo6e all other metals" i! li4e 5ise is this Le e!d holde! most !oble abo6e all other 5or4s1 A ai!st me" here mi ht some perso!s say that" this le e!d hath bee! tra!slated tofore" a!d truth it is1 9ut forasmuch as I had by me a le e!d i! 're!ch" a!other i! Lati!" a!d the third i! E! lish" 5hich 6aried i! ma!y a!d di6ers places" a!d also ma!y histories 5ere comprised i! the other t5o boo4s 5hich 5ere !ot i! the E! lish hoo4" a!d therefore I ha6e 5ritte! o!e out of the said three boo4s" 5hich I ha6e ordered other5ise tha! the said E! lish Ie e!d is" 5hich 5as before made" beseechi! all them that shall see or hear it read" to pardo! me 5here I ha6e erred or made fault" 5hich" if a!y be" is of i !ora!ce a!d a ai!st my 5ill" a!d submit it 5holly of such as ca! a!d may" to correct it" humbly beseechi! them so to do" a!d i! so doi! they shall deser6e a si! ular laud a!d merit" a!d I shall pray for them u!to Almi hty God" that he of his be!i ! race re5ard them" etc1" a!d that it profit to all them that shall read or hear it read" a!d may i!crease i! them 6irtue" a!d e8pel 6ice a!d si!" that by the e8ample of the holy sai!ts they ame!d their li6i! here i! this short life" that by their merits they a!d I may come to e6erlasti! life a!d bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 A!d forasmuch as this said 5or4 5as reat a!d o6er char eable to me to accomplish" I feared me i! the be i!!i! of the tra!slatio! to ha6e co!ti!ued it because of the lo! time of the tra!slatio!" a!d also i! the impri!ti! of the same" a!d i! ma!!er half desperate to ha6e accomplished it" 5as i! purpose to ha6e left it after that I had be u! to tra!slate it" a!d to ha6e laid it apart" !e had it bee! at the i!sta!ce a!d re<uest of the puissa!t" !oble" a!d 6irtuous Earl" my lord ,illiam" Earl of Aru!del" 5hich desired me to proceed a!d co!ti!ue the said 5or4" a!d promised me to ta4e a reaso!able <ua!tity of them 5he! they 5ere achie6ed a!d accomplished" a!d se!t to me a 5orshipful e!tlema!" a ser6a!t of his" !amed Joh! Sta!!ey 5hich solicited me" i! my lord>s !ame" that I should i! !o 5ise lea6e it" but accomplish it"











promisi! that my said lord should duri! my life i6e a!d ra!t to me a yearly fee" that is to 5it" a buc4 i! summer a!d a doe i! 5i!ter" 5ith 5hich fee I hold me 5ell co!te!t1 The! at co!templatio! a!d re6ere!ce of my said lord I ha6e e!dea6oured me to ma4e a! e!d a!d fi!ish this said tra!slatio!" a!d also ha6e impri!ted it i! the most best 5ise that I could or mi ht" a!d prese!t this said boo4 to his ood a!d !oble lordship" as chief causer of the achie6i! of it" prayi! him to ta4e it i! ree of me ,illiam Ca8to!" his poor ser6a!t" a!d that it li4e him to remember my fee1 A!d I shall pray u!to Almi hty God for his lo! life a!d 5elfare" a!d after this short a!d tra!sitory life to come i!to e6erlasti! =oy i! hea6e!7 the 5hich he se!d to him a!d me a!d u!to all them that shall read a!d hear this said boo4" that for the lo6e a!d faith of 5hom all these holy sai!ts ha6e suffered death a!d passio!1 Ame!1 A!d to the e!d each history" life a!d passio! may be shortly fou!d" I ha6e ordered this table follo5i! " 5here a!d i! 5hat leaf he shall fi!d such as shall be desired" a!d ha6e set the !umber of e6ery leaf i! the mar i!D



OF THE ADVENT OF OUR LORD The time of the Ad6e!t or comi! of our Lord i!to this 5orld is hallo5ed i! +oly Church the time of four 5ee4s" i! beto4e!i! of four di6ers comi! s1 The first 5as 5he! he came a!d appeared i! huma! !ature a!d flesh1 The seco!d is i! the heart a!d co!scie!ce1 The third is at death1 The fourth is at the Last Jud me!t1 The last 5ee4 may u!!ethe be accomplishedD for the lory of the sai!ts 5hich shall be i6e! at the last comi! shall !e6er e!d !or fi!ish1 A!d to this si !ifia!ce the first respo!se of the first 5ee4 of Ad6e!t hath four 6erses to rec4o!1 Gloria patri et filio" for o!e" to the report of the four 5ee4s" a!d ho5 it be that there be four comi! s of our Lord" yet the Church ma4eth me!tio! i! especial but of t5ai!" that is to 5it" of that he came i! huma! !ature to the 5orld" a!d of that he cometh to the Jud me!t a!d Doom" as it appeareth i! the office of the Church of this time1 A!d therefore the fasti! s that be i! this time" be of lad!ess a!d of =oy i! o!e part" a!d that other part is i! bitter!ess of heart1 9ecause of the comi! of our Lord i! our !ature huma!" they be of =oy a!d lad!ess1 A!d because of the comi! at the Day of Jud me!t" they be of bitter!ess a!d hea6i!ess1 As touchi! the comi! of our Lord i! our bodily flesh" 5e may co!sider three thi! s of this comi! " that is to 5it" the opportu!ity" the !ecessity a!d the utility1 The opportu!ity of comi! is ta4e! by the reaso! of the ma! that first 5as 6a!<uished i! the la5 of !ature of the default of the 4!o5led e of God" by 5hich he fell i!to e6il errors" a!d therefore he 5as co!strai!ed to cry to GodD Illumi!a oculos meos" that is to say" Lord" i6e li ht to mi!e eyes1 After" came the la5 of God" 5hich hath i6e! comma!dme!t i! 5hich he hath bee! o6ercome of impuissa!ce" as first he hath criedD There is !o!e that fulfilleth but that comma!deth1 'or there he is o!ly tau ht" but !ot deli6ered from si!" !e holpe! by race" a!d therefore he 5as co!strai!ed to cryD There lac4eth !o!e to comma!d" but there is !o!e that accomplished the comma!dme!t1 The! came the So! of God i! time 5he! ma! 5as 6a!<uished of i !ora!ce a!d impuissa!ce1 To that if he had so come tofore" perad6e!ture ma! mi ht say that by his o5! merits he mi ht ha6e bee! sa6ed" a!d thus he had !ot bee! bou!d to yield tha!4s to God1 The seco!d thi! that is sho5! us of this comi! is the !ecessity by reaso! of the time" of 5hich the apostle (aul spea4eth" ad Galatas the fourth chapterD At ubi 6e!it ple!itudo temporis" 5he! the ple!titude or full time of the race of God 5as ordai!ed" the! he se!t his So! that 5as God a!d So! of the 6ir i! a!d 5ife 5hich 5as made sub=ect to the la51 To that" that they be sub=ect to the la5 he bou ht them a ai!" a!d 5ere recei6ed so!s of God by race of adoptio!1 No5 saith S1 Austi! that ma!y dema!d 5hy he came !ot rather1 +e a!s5ered that it 5as because that the ple!titude of time 5as !ot come" 5hich should come by him" that all thi! s 5ere ordai!ed a!d made" a!d after 5he! this ple!titude of time came" he came that of time past hath deli6ered us" to that 5e shall bedeli6ered of time" 5e shall come to him 5hereas !o time passeth" but is perpetuity1 The third thi! that is sho5ed to us of this comi! is the utility a!d profit that cometh for the cause of the hurt a!d sic4!ess e!eral1 'or sith the malady 5as e!eral" the medici!e must be e!eral" 5hereof saith S1 Austi! thatD The! came the reat medici!e" 5he! the reat malady 5as throu h all the 5orld1 ,hereof the holy Church remembereth i! the se6e! a!thems that be su! before the !ati6ity of our Lord" 5here the malady is sho5ed i! di6ers ma!!ers" a!d for each dema!deth remedy of his malady of priso!er out of the priso! that sitteth i! dar4!ess a!d shado5 of death1 'or they that ha6e bee! lo! i! priso! a!d dar4 places may !ot see clearly" but ha6e their eyes dim1 Therefore" after 5e be deli6ered from priso!" it beho6eth that our eyes be made clear a!d our si ht illumi!ed for to see 5hither 5e should o" a!d therefore 5e cry i! the fifth a!themD O Orie!s sple!dor lucis eter!e" 6e!i et illumi!a















sede!tes i! te!ebris et umbra mortis" O Orie!t that art the resple!dour of the eter!al li ht" come a!d illumi!e them that sit i! dar4!ess a!d shado5 of death" a!d if 5e 5ere tau ht" li hted" u!bou!d" a!d bou ht" 5hat should it a6ail to us but if 5e should be sa6edE A!d" therefore" 5e re<uire to be sa6ed" a!d therefore 5e say i! the t5o last a!thems" the si8th a!d the se6e!th7 5he! 5e cryD O 3e8 e!tium" 6e!i et sal6a homi!em <uem de limo formasti" O thou @i! of peoples come a!d sa6e the ma! that thou hast formed of the slime of the earth7 a!d i! the se6e!thD O Emma!uel re8 et le ifer !oster 6e!i ad salua!dum !os" domi!e deus !oster" O Emma!uel that art our @i! " a!d bearer of our la5" our Lord" our God" come a!d sa6e us1 The profit of his comi! is assi !ed of ma!y sai!ts i! ma!y ma!!ers" for Lu4e saith i! the fourth chapter that our Lord 5as se!t a!d came to us for se6e! profits" 5here he saithD The Spirit of our Lord is o! me" 5hich he rehearseth by order7 he 5as se!t for the comfort of the poor" to heal them that 5ere sic4 i! si!" to deli6er them that 5ere i! priso!" to teach them that 5ere u!cu!!i! 1 To for i6e si!s" to buy a ai! all ma!4i!d1 A!d for to i6e re5ard to them that deser6e it1 A!d S1 Austi! putteth here three profits of his comi! a!d saithD I! this 5retched 5orld 5hat abou!deth but to be bor! to labour a!d to die1 These be the mercha!dise of our re io!" a!d to these mercha!dises the !oble mercha!t Jesus desce!ded1 A!d because all mercha!ts i6e a!d ta4e" they i6e that they ha6e a!d ta4e that they ha6e !ot7 Jesu Christ i! this mercha!dise a6e a!d too4" he too4 that 5hich i! this 5orld abou!deth" that is to 5it" to be bor! to labour a!d to die" he a6e a ai! to us to be bor! spiritually" to rise a!d rei ! perdurably1 A!d he himself came to us to ta4e 6illa!ies a!d to i6e to us ho!our" to suffer death a!d to i6e us life" to ta4e po6erty a!d to i6e us lory1 S1 Gre ory putteth four causes of the profit of his comi! D Studeba!t om!es superbi de eadem stirpe pro e!iti" prospera 6itF prFse!tis appetere" ad6ersa de6itare" opprobria fu ere" loriam se<uiD They of the 5orld" i! their pride desce!ded of the same li!ea e" studied to desire the prosperity of this prese!t life" to esche5 the ad6ersities" to flee the reproofs a!d shames a!d to e!sue the lory of the 5orld1 A!d our Lord came i!car!ate amo! them" as4i! a!d see4i! the ad6ersities" despiti! the prosperities" embraci! 6illa!ies" fleei! all 6ai! lory1 A!d he himself 5hich desce!ded from lory" came" a!d he bei! come" tau ht !e5 thi! s" a!d i! sho5i! mar6els suffered ma!y e6ils1 S1 9er!ard putteth other causes" a!d saith that" 5e tra6ail i! this 5orld for three ma!!er of maladies or sic4!ess" for 5e be li htly decei6ed" feeble to do 5ell" a!d frail to resist a ai!st e6il1 If 5e e!te!d to do 5ell 5e fail" it 5e do pai! to resist the e6il" 5e be surmou!ted a!d o6ercome7 a!d for this the comi! of Jesu Christ 5as to us !ecessary1 To that he i!habiteth i! us" by faith he illumi!eth our eyes of the heart" a!d i! abidi! 5ith us he helpeth us i! our malady" a!d i! bei! 5ith us he defe!deth our frailty a ai!st our e!emies1 Of the seco!d comi! 5hich shall be at the last Jud me!t t5o thi! s be to be see!" that is to 5it" that 5hich cometh before the Jud me!t" a!d that 5hich shall be at the Jud me!t1 As for the first" three thi! s shall be tofore the Jud me!t1 'irst" the terrible co!fusio! of si !s a!d to4e!s1 Seco!dly" the malice a!d deceit of A!tichrist" a!d the third" of 6eheme!t a!d mar6ellous operatio! of the fire1 As touchi! the si !s" S1 Lu4e saith i! the t5e!ty:fifth chapterD Eru!t si !a i! sole" lu!a et stellis" etc1 There shall be reat si !s i! the su!" i! the moo!" a!d i! the stars" a!d i! the earth oppressio! of people a! uishous for the co!fusio! of the sou!d of the sea a!d of the 5a6es1 The three first si !s be determi!ed i! the 9oo4 of the Apocalypse i! the si8th chapter1 Sol factus est !i er ta!<uam saccus cilici!usD et lu!a facta est sicut sa! uis" et stellF cecideru!t super terraim1 The! shall be the time that the su! shall be blac4 as a sac4" ross a!d rude" a!d the moo! shall be as blood" a!d the stars shall fall o! the earth1 The su! is said dar4" forasmuch as he is depri6ed of his li ht" as thou h he 5ept for the dyi! of me!1 'or S1 Austi! saith that" the 6e! ea!ce of God shall be so cruel at the day of doom" that the su! shall !ot dare behold it1 Or as for to spea4 of the proper si !ificatio! spiritually to be u!derstood" is that" the So! of Justice" Jesu Christ" shall be the! so dar4 that !o ma! shall dare 4!o5 him1 The hea6e! is here ta4e! for the air" a!d the star =ud e i! reat fear1 The si8th si !" the edifices a!d buildi! s shall fall do5!D a!d i! this si8th day thu!ders a!d tempests full of fire shall ro5 i! the 5est" 5here the su! oeth do5! a ai!st the firmame!t" i! ru!!i! to the east1 The se6e!th si !" the sto!es shall smite a!d hurtle to ether a!d shall clea6e i! four parts" a!d each part shall smite other" !e !o!e1 The ei hth si ! shall be the mo6i! a!d e!eral trembli! of the earth" 5hich shall be so1 The !i!th si !" all the earth shall be e6e! a!d plai!" a!d all the mou!tai!s a!d 6alleys shall be brou ht i!to po5der a!d be all li4e1 The te!th day" the me! shall issue out of the ca6es a!d shall o by the 5ays a!d fields as me! alie!ed a!d out of their 5it" a!d shall !ot co! spea4 o!e to a!other1 The ele6e!th day the bo!es of dead me! shall issue out of their burials a!d places a!d shall hold them upo! their sepulchres" a!d from the su! risi! u!to it o do5!" the sepulchres shall be ope!" to the e!d that the dead bodies may all issue1 The t5elfth si ! all the stars shall fall from the hea6e! a!d shall spread out rays of fire" a!d the! reat <ua!tity shall ro51 I! this t5elfth day it is






said that all the beasts shall come to the field ho5li! " a!d shall !ot eat !e dri!41 The thirtee!th si !" all li6i! shall die" to the e!d that they should arise 5ith the dead bodies1 The fourtee!th day the hea6e! a!d the earth shall bur!1 The fiftee!th day shall be a !e5 hea6e! a!d a !e5 earth" a!d all thi! s a!d all dead me! shall arise1

The seco!d thi! that shall be afore =ud me!t" shall be the folly a!d malice of A!tichrist7 he shall pai! him to decei6e all me! by four ma!!ers1 The first ma!!er shall be by suasio! a!d false e8positio! of Scripture1 'orasmuch as he may" he shall i6e them to u!dersta!d Christ" a!d he shall destroy the la5 of Jesu Christ" a!d shall ordai! his la5 i! alle i! Da6id the (rophet that saithD Co!stitue domi!e le islatorem super eos1 Thus shall he say" that it 5as said for him as he that 5as ordai!ed of God for to set la5 upo! his place" after this that is said i! the scripture of Da!iel" Da!iel 8i1D Dabu!t abomi!atio!em et desolatio!em templi" etc1 A!tichrist a!d his complices shall i6e abomi!atio! a!d desolatio! to the temple of God i! this time" as saith the lossD A!tichrist shall be i! the temple of God" as God" for that he shall destroy the la5 of God1 The seco!d ma!!er shall be by mar6ellous operatio! of miracles" 5hereof saith the apostle S1 (aul i! his seco!d Epistle ad Thessalo!ice!ses i! the seco!d chapter" 5here he saithD Cu=us ad6e!tus erit secu!dum operatio!em Satha!ae i! om!ibus 6erbis et prodi iis me!dacibus1 Of A!tichrist it is said that" the comi! shall be after the operatio! of Sata! i! all his si !s" i! all his mar6els" a!d false Iyi! deeds" 5hereof S1 Joh! ma4eth me!tio! i! the Apocalypse" the thirtee!th chapterD 'ecit si !a ut etiam i !em facerit de celo i! terram desce!dere1 A!tichrist shall ma4e such si !s" that is to say" he shall ma4e such to4e!s that he shall ma4e the fire desce!d from hea6e!1 The loss saith that" li4e as the +oly Ghost desce!ded i! li4e!ess of fire" i! li4e5ise shall A!tichrist i6e the e6il spirit i! li4e!ess of fire1 The third ma!!er that he shall do for to decei6e" shall be i! i6i! of ifts" of 5hich is 5ritte! i! the boo4 of Da!iel the (rophet i! his ele6e!th chapterD Dabit eis potestatem i! multis et terram di6ides ratuitoD A!tichrist shall i6e puissa!ce to his ser6a!ts i! ma!y thi! s" a!d shall depart the earth to them after his 5ill1 The loss saith that" A!tichrist shall i6e ma!y ifts to them that he shall decei6e1 A!d to his disciples he shall di6ide the earth" a!d them that a!d ma4e them thereby to obey him1 The fourth ma!!er for to decei6e them shall be by torme!ts that he shall i6e to them" 5hereof Da!iel saith i! his ei hth chapterD Supra <uod credi potest u!i6erse 6astabit7 !o ma! shall belie6e ho5 he shall destroy a!d torme!t them that 5ill !ot belie6e i! him" for to dra5 them to him by force1 A!d S1 Gre ory saith of himD 3obustos <uippe i!terficiet" et cetera7 he shall slay the reat a!d stro! me!7 5he! he may !ot 5i! !or o6ercome them by heart !e 5ill" he shall o6ercome them by torme!t1 The third thi! that shall o before the =ud me!t shall be the ri ht 6eheme!t fire" the 5hich shall o tofore the face of the =ud e1 A!d God shall se!d this fire for four causes1 'irst for the re!e5i! of the 5orld" for he shall pur e a!d re!e5 the eleme!ts1 A!d" li4e to the form of the delu e it shall be forty cubits hi her tha! all the mou!tai!s" li4e as it is 5ritte! i! the history scholastic7 for the 5or4s of the people may mou!t so hi h1 Seco!dly for the pur atio! of the people7 for the! that fire shall be i!stead of the fire of pur atory to them that the! shall be o! li6e1 Thirdly for to i6e more reater torme!t to them that be dam!ed1 'ourthly for to i6e more clear!ess a!d li ht u!to the sai!ts1 'or after the sayi! of S1 9asilD Our Lord God 5he! shall ma4e the pur atio! of the 5 others should see them1 A!d it ou ht !ot to be belie6ed that 5ithi! that little 6alley all mi ht be e!closed" after that 5hich S1 Jerome saith" but ma!y shall be there" a!d the others there about1 Ne6ertheless" i! a little space of la!d may be me! 5ithout !umber by di6i!e puissa!ce a!d ordi!a!ce" a!d" if it be of !ecessity" the chose! people shall be i! the air for the a ility a!d li ht!ess of their bodies" a!d also i! soul1 A!d the! the =ud e shall dispute a!d repro6e the 5ic4ed me! of the 5or4s of mercy 5hich he ordai!ed to us1 A!d they shall !ot mo5 reply" but shall the! 5eep upo! themsel6es a!d upo! their deeds7 li4e as S1 Joh! Chrysostom saith upo! the ospel of S1 -atthe5" i! sayi! that" the Je5s shall 5eep their life 5he! they shall see their =ud e a!d him that i6eth life to all me!" 5hom they esteemed a!d tro5ed a dead ma!" a!d shall blame themsel6es for his body hurt a!d 5ou!ded by them1 A!d they may !ot de!y their cruelty but shall 5eep i! reat distress1 The pay!ims" 5hich by the 6ai! disputatio!s of the philosophers 5ere decei6ed a!d supposed it to ha6e bee! folly to 5orship God crucified1 The Christia! me!" si!!ers" shall 5eep that ha6e more lo6ed the 5orld tha! God1 The heretics shall 5eep because they holde! false opi!io!s a ai!st the 'aith of Jesu Christ 5hom the! they shall see the so6erei ! =ud e" 5hom the Je5s crucified1 A!d so shall all the li!ea es of the 5orld 5eep" for they shall ha6e !o force !e po5er !e stre! th a ai!st him" !or they may !ot flee before his face" !or they shall ha6e !o time of space to do pe!a!ce for their si!s !or to ma4e satisfactio! of the reat a! uish that they shall ha6e of all thi! sD there shall !othi! abide to them but 5eepi! 1 The seco!d thi! that shall follo5 at the =ud me!t is the differe!ce of the orders1 'or thus" as S1 Gre ory saithD at the day of =ud me!t shall be four thi! s" t5o o! the party repro6ed" a!d t5o o! the party chose!1 The first shall be dam!ed a!d














perished" to 5hom he shall say" Esuri6i et !o! dedistis mihi ma!ducare7 I had hu! er a!d ye ha6e i6e! to me !o meat1 The other shall !ot be =ud ed a!d perish" of 5hom it is 5ritte!" Gui !o! credit =am =udicatus est7 he that belie6eth !ot is !o5 =ud ed1 'or they shall !ot percei6e the 5ords of the =ud e" 5hich 5ould !ot 4eep the 5ords of God1 The other of the party of the ood shall be =ud ed a!d shall rei !" as they to 5hom shall be saidD I ha6e had hu! er a!d ye ha6e i6e! me meat1 The other shall !ot be =ud ed a!d yet shall rei !1 That is to 5it" the perfect me! that shall =ud e others7 !ot that they shall i6e the se!te!ce of the =ud me!t7 for the so6erei ! =ud e shall o!ly i6e the se!te!ce" but they be said =ud es" because they be prese!t appro6i! the =ud me!t1 A!d this assista!ce shall be first to the ho!our of sai!ts1 'or it shall be reat ho!our to them to ha6e their seats a!d sit 5ith the =ud e" li4e as Jesu Christ promised to them" that they should be sitti! upo! t5el6e seats =ud i! the t5el6e li!ea es of Israel1 Seco!dly" to the co!firmatio! of the se!te!ce7 for they shall appro6e the se!te!ce i6e! of the =ud e" as do the assista!ts i! =ud me!t 5hich appro6e the se!te!ce of the =ud e that is ood a!d =ust1 A!d 5ith their ha!ds they set:to their !ames i! 5it!ess7 li4e as Da6id saithD ?t facia!t i! eis =udicium co!scriptum" etc1 To the e!d that they ma4e upo! the dam!ed" =ud me!t 5ritte! 5ith the =ud e1 Thirdly" that shall be to co!dem!atio! of the e6il people 5hom they shall co!dem! by the 5or4s of their ood life1 The third thi! that follo5eth the Jud me!t" that shall be the si !s a!d to4e!s of the passio! of Jesu Christ1 That is to 5it" the cross" the !ails a!d the 5ou!ds1 The 5hich si !s shall be first for to she5 his lorious 6ictory1 A!d by that they shall appear i! the e8celle!ce of his lory" 5hereof saith S1 Joh! Chrysostom that" the cross a!d the 5ou!ds shall be more shi!i! tha! a!y rays of the su!7 !o5 the!" saith he" co!sider ye 5hat the 6irtue is of the cross The su! the! shall be dar4 a!d the moo! shall i6e !o li ht" hereby the! may ye u!dersta!d ho5 much the cross is more shi!i! tha! the moo! a!d more clear tha! the su!1 Seco!dly" for to she5 his mercy" by 5hich he shall sa6e the ood1 Thirdly" for to she5 his =ustice" ho5 =ustly he hath dam!ed them that be e6il" because they ha6e despised so !oble price as his blood" a!d set !ot thereby1 A!d therefore as saith S1 Joh! ChrysostomD he shall say to them hard 5ords by ma!!er of reproofD 'or your sa4e I made myself a ma!" f 5hat ood the! 5e should ha6e do!e1 A!d he shall say to the =ud eD 3i ht true =ud e deme a!d =ud e this si!!er to be mi!e for his trespass" 5hich 5ould be shi!e by race1 +e is thi!e by !ature" he is mi!e by his misery" he is thi!e by the passio!" he is mi!e by mo!itio!1 To thee he hath bee! i!obedie!t" to me he hath bee! obedie!t1 +e hath recei6ed of thee the 6esture of immortality7 of me he hath ta4e! this pe!ible coat 5ith 5hich he is clad1 +e hath left thy 6esture a!d is come to mi!e1 3i ht =ust deemer" =ud e him to be mi!e for to be dam!ed 5ith me1 to God" but from God may !o ma! appeal" for he hath !o!e abo6e him1 Seco!dly" for the crime1 'or all trespass a!d si!s shall be there ope!ly sho5ed" 5hereof saith S1 Jerome thatD I! this day all our deeds shall be sho5ed" li4e as they 5ere 5ritte! i! a table a!d !oted1 Thirdly" for the thi! 5hich may !ot suffer dilatio!1 'or all thi! s that shall be do!e at the =ud me!t shall be do!e i! the t5i!4li! of a! eye1 The! let us pray that 5e may i! this holy time so recei6e him" that at the day of =ud me!t 5e may be recei6ed i!to his e6erlasti! bliss1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Nativity of our Lord Je u !hri t" ,he! the 5orld had e!dured fi6e thousa!d a!d !i!e hu!dred years" after Eusebius the holy sai!t" Octa6ia! the Emperor comma!ded that all the 5orld should be described" so that he mi ht 4!o5 ho5 ma!y cities" ho5 ma!y to5!s" a!d ho5 ma!y perso!s he had i! all the u!i6ersal 5orld1 The! 5as so reat peace i! the earth that all the 5orld 5as obedie!t to him1 A!d therefore our Lord 5ould be bor! i! that time" that it should be 4!o5! that he brou ht peace from hea6e!1 A!d this Emperor comma!ded that e6ery ma! should o i!to the to5!s" cities or 6illa es from 5he!ce they 5ere of" a!d should bri! 5ith him a pe!!y i! ac4!o5led me!t that he 5as sub=ect to the Empire of 3ome1 A!d by so ma!y pe!ce as should be fou!d recei6ed" should be 4!o5! the !umber of the perso!s1 Joseph 5hich the! 5as of the li!ea e of Da6id" a!d d5elled i! NaHareth" 5e!t i!to the city of 9ethlehem" a!d led 5ith him the Vir i! -ary his 5ife1 A!d 5he! they 5ere come thither" because the hostelries 5ere all ta4e! up" they 5ere co!strai!ed to be 5ithout i! a commo! place 5here all people 5e!t1 A!d there 5as a stable for a! ass that he brou ht 5ith him" a!d for a! o81 I! that !i ht our 9lessed Lady a!d -other of God 5as deli6ered of our 9lessed Sa6iour upo! the hay that lay i! the rac41 At 5hich !ati6ity our Lord she5ed ma!y mar6els1 'or because that the 5orld 5as i! so reat peace" the 3oma!s had do!e made a temple 5hich 5as !amed the Temple of (eace" i! 5hich they cou!selled 5ith Apollo to 4!o5 ho5 lo! it should sta!d a!d e!dure1 Apollo a!s5ered to them that" it should sta!d as lo! till a maid had brou ht forth a!d bor!e












a child1 A!d therefore they did do 5rite o! the portal of the TempleD LoI this is the temple of peace that e6er shall e!dure1 'or they supposed 5ell that a maid mi ht !e6er bear 9ethlehem" there may ye fi!d him 5rapt i! clouts1 A!d a!o!" as the a! el had said this" a areas multitude of a! els appeared 5ith him" a!d be a! to si! 1 +o!our" lory a!d health be to God o! hi h" a!d i! the earth peace to me! of ood5ill1 The! said the shepherds" let us o to 9ethlehem a!d see this thi! 1 A!d 5he! they came they fou!d li4e as the a! el had said1 A!d it happed this !i ht that all the sodomites that did si! a ai!st !ature 5ere dead a!d e8ti!ct7 for God hated so much this si!" that he mi ht !ot suffer that !ature huma!" 5hich he had ta4e!" 5ere deli6ered to so reat shame1 ,hereof S1 Austi! saith that" it lac4ed but little that God 5ould !ot become ma! for that si!1 I! this time Octa6ia! made to cut a!d e!lar e the 5ays a!d <uitted the 3oma!s of all the debts that they o5ed to him1 This feast of Nati6ity of our Lord is o!e of the reatest feasts of all the year" a!d for to tell all the miracles that our Lord hath sho5ed" it should co!tai! a 5hole boo47 but at this time I shall lea6e a!d pass o6er sa6e o!e thi! that I ha6e heard o!ce preached of a 5orshipful doctor" that 5hat perso! bei! i! clea! life desire o! this day a boo! of God" as far as it is ri htful a!d ood for him" our Lord at the re6ere!ce of this blessed hi h feast of his Nati6ity 5ill ra!t it to him1 The! let us al5ays ma4e us i! clea! life at this feast that 5e may so please him" that after this short life 5e may come u!to his bliss1 Ame!1 A#d here followeth Hi !ir$u%$i io#"









The day of the circumcisio! of our Lord there be four thi! s that ma4e a!d sho5 it to be holy a!d solem!1 The first is the utas of the Nati6ity1 The seco!d the impositio! of a !e5 !ame beari! health1 The third the effusio! of his precious blood1 The fourth the si !s of the circumcisio!1 As for the first it appeareth" for the utas of sai!ts be solem!" by much more reaso! ou ht it to be of him that is the sai!t of all sai!ts1 No5 it seemeth that the Nati6ity of our Lord ou ht !ot to ha6e !o!e utas1 'or the !ati6ity te!deth to the death1 A!d the decease of sai!ts ha6e their utas because they be bor! of the !ati6ity that stretcheth to life perdurable" for to be after lorified i! body1 A!d by the same 5ay it seemeth that the !ati6ity of the lorious Vir i! -ary a!d of S1 Joh! 9aptist" a!d of the 3esurrectio! of our Lord ou ht !ot to ha6e utas" for the resurrectio! 5as the! do!e1 +ereto 5e ou ht to co!sider" li4e as saith a doctor" that" i! this 5e should fulfil such thi! s as 5e accomplished !ot i! the pri!cipal day that our Lord 5as bor! i!1 Of 5hich of a!cie!t time me! 5ere 5o!t to si! at the -assD Vultum tuum domi!e" etc1 to the ho!our of our Lady S1 -ary1 The other octa6es or utases as of (as4e" ,hitsu!tide" the !ati6ity of our Lady a!d S1 Joh! 9aptist be of de6otio!" as of other sai!ts that me! 5ill ho!our for si! ular cause or affectio!1 A!d they may be said the octa6es of fi uratio!" for they si !ify a!d fi ure the octa6e of the last resurrectio! perpetual" 5hich is the ei hth a e1 A!d as to the seco!d" this day 5as his !ame imposed to him" a!d 5as !amed 5ith the !e5 !ame that the mouth of God !amed1 This is the !ame of 5hich there is !o!e other u!der hea6e! by 5hich 5e may be sa6ed" that is Jesus1 After S1 9er!ardD This is the !ame 5hich i! the mouth is ho!ey" i! the ear melody" a!d i! the heart =oy7 this is the !ame after that he saith" it li hteth a!d shi!eth li4e oil1 ,he! it is preached it feedeth the soul" 5he! it is i! the mi!d of the heart it is s5eet" a!d it a!oi!teth 5he! it is called1 A!d as the e6a! elist saith" he had three !ames" that is to 5it the So! of God" Jesus" a!d Christus1 +e is called the So! of God i!somuch as he is God of God the 'ather7 Christ i!somuch as he is a ma! ta4e! of a perso! di6i!e a!d !ature huma!" a!d Jesus i!asmuch as he is God u!ited to our huma!ity1 A!d of this three ma!!er of !ames" saith S1 9er!ardD ;e that lie i! dust a!d po5der arise out of your sleep a!d a5a4e ye a!d i6e praisi! to God1 Lo here that our Lord shall come u!to your health" he cometh 5ith u!ctio!" he cometh 5ith lory1 Jesus cometh !ot 5ithout health" !or Christ cometh !ot 5ithout u!ctio!" !or the So! of God 5ithout lory1 'or he is our health" our u!ctio! a!d our =oy1 A!d as touchi! this treble !ame7 before his passio!" he 5as !ot perfectly 4!o5!1 As touchi! the first he 5as some5hat 4!o5! by co!=ecti! " as of his e!emies" 5hich said Jesu Christ to be the So! of God1 A!d as to the seco!d" of less or fe5er he 5as 4!o5! for Jesu Christ1 A!d as to the third" 6ocally" for as much as by the 6oice he 5as called Jesus1 9ut as to the reaso! of the !ame" he 5as !ot 4!o5!1 'or Jesus is as much to say as Sa6iour" a!d this u!derstood !ot they1 After the resurrectio!" this treble 5as clarified a!d declared1 The first to the certai!ty" the seco!d to the publicatio!" the third to the reaso! of the !ame1 The first !ame is So! of God1 A!d that these !ames be appropriate to him" Sai!t +ilary i! his boo4 that he made of the Tri!ity saith thusD Vere filium Dei u!i e!itum1 I! di6ers ma!!ers this !ame" So! of God" is 4!o5!" as it is 5it!essed of God1 God the 'ather 5it!esseth it that he is his so!1 Apostles preach it" the reli ious belie6e it" the fie!ds our e!emies co!fess it1 A!d therefore 5e 4!o5 our Lord Jesu Christ i! his ma!!ers" by !ame" by !ature" by !ati6ity" by puissa!ce" a!d by his passio!1 The seco!d !ame is Christus" 5hich is i!terpreted u!ctio!1 'or he 5as a!oi!ted 5ith the oil of lad!ess









before all them that to him 5ere party1 A!d by that he is said a!oi!ted" it is sho5ed that he 5as a prophet" a champio!" a priest a!d a 4i! 1 These four perso!s sometime 5ere 5o!t to be a!oi!ted1 Jesu Christ 5as a prophet teachi! the doctri!e di6i!e" a champio! i! the battle a ai!st the de6il 5hom he o6ercame" a priest i! reco!cili! the huma! li!ea e to God the 'ather" a!d a 4i! i! distributi! a!d re5ardi! e6ery ma!1 Of this seco!d !ame 5e be all !amed" for of this !ame Christ 5e be called christia! me!1 Of 5hich !ame S1 Austi! saith thusD E6ery christia! ma! ou ht to be c puissa!ce or mi ht is to him perdurable" the seco!d" of mi ht of habitatio!" is to him sith the be i!!i! of his co!ceptio!" li4e as the a! el sho5ed" a!d after that he hath puissa!ce of deed a!d 5or41 5as imposed to him of Joseph" because of his passio! that 5as to a ai!st ori i!al si!" the de6il 5ee!ed that he that recei6ed it 5ere a si!!er" a!d had !eed of the remedy of circumcisio!1 A!d for this cause Jesu Christ 5ould that his mother bei! al5ay a 6ir i! should be married" because that by the sacrame!t of matrimo!y his I!car!ati purpose is for to lea6e si! a!d ta4e the ood" the 5hich is sho5ed us by the so! that dispe!ded his ood follily" a!d 5he! he had percei6ed that he had do!e e6il a!d foolishly" he ad6ertised himself a!d saidD I shall depart a!d retur! to my father" a!d shall pray that I may ser6e him" a!d that he may recei6e me to mercy" a!d ma4e me as o!e of his ser6a!ts1 The third is shame of si!" 5hereof saith S1 (aul to them that for their si!s be i! pai! a!d i! torme!tD ,hat fruit ha6e ye fou!der i! those si!s i! your life of 5hich !o5 ye be ashamedE The fourth is dread of the comi! =ud me!t a!d doom" 5hereof Job saithD I ha6e feared a!d doubted God as me! dread the 5a6es of the sea i! their reat ra e a!d tempest1 A!d S1 Jerome saith thusD Si6e comedam si6e bibam" etc1 As oft as I eat or dri!4 or that I do a!y other thi! " al5ay me seemeth that I hear the sou!d a!d the 6oice cryi! D Arise" ye dead me!" a!d come to the doom a!d the =ud me!t1 The fifth is co!tritio!" 5hereof S1 Jerome saithD Gi6e thy 5eepi! a!d bitter!ess of that 5hich thou hast a! ered thy God by thy si!1 The si8th is co!fessio!" 5hereof Da6id saithD Di8i co!fitebor" etc1D I ha6e said a!d purposed i! my heart that I shall co!fess me to God a!d ma4e 4!o5led e of my si!1 The se6e!th is hope of pardo!" for if Judas had had 6ery repe!ta!ce a!d hope" a!d had co!fessed his si!" he had had for i6e!ess a!d pardo!1 The ei hth is satisfactio! a!d sacrifice" a!d the! is the ma! 6erily circumcised" !ot o!ly from the si!" but also from pai!1 ,here the t5o first days be for the sorro5 of si! that hath bee! do!e a!d the 5ill for to ame!d it" the third day 5e should co!fess the e6il that 5e ha6e do!e a!d the ood deeds that 5e ha6e left1 The other four days be oriso!" effusio! of tears" afflictio! of body" a!d alms i6e!1 Or other5ise by these ei ht days may be u!derstood ei ht thi! s" of 5hich the co!siderati the !ati6ity of Jesu Christ that is called the day of circumcisio!" 5e fi!d that Jesu Christ said by the mouth of his sai!tsD No! 6e!i le em sol6ere sed adimplere7 I came !ot" said Jesu Christ" to brea4 the la5" but to fulfil it1 A!d he 5as that day circumcised a!d !amed Jesus" 5hich is as much to say as Sa6iour1 A!d at the circumcisio! must he cut a little of the s4i! at the e!d of the member or yard" a!d that is si !ified a!d she5ed that 5e ou ht to be circumcised" a!d cut a!d ta4e! a5ay from us the si!s a!d e6il 6ices" that is to 5it pride" 5rath" e!6y" co6etous!ess" sloth" lutto!y" a!d lechery" a!d all si!s" a!d pur e us by co!fessio!" by co!tritio!" by satisfactio!" by almsdeeds" a!d by prayers" a!d to i6e for God>s sa4e of the oods that he hath le!t us1 'or 5e ha6e !othi! proper" but Jesu Christ hath le!t to us all that 5e ha6e1 The! it is 5ell reaso! that 5e do i6e for him to the poor of such oods as be his" for 5e be but ser6a!ts" a!d 5e ou ht to i6e to the hu! ry meat" to the thirsty dri!4" to the !a4ed clothi! " 6isit the sic4" a!d tofore all thi! s to lo6e God" a!d after" our !ei hbour as ourself7 a!d despoil ourself from si!" a!d clothe us 5ith ood 5or4s a!d 6irtues" a!d follo5 the comma!dme!t of Jesu Christ1 A!d i! this ma!!er 5e shall fulfil the 5ill of our father Jesu Christ" if 5e bee! so pur ed a!d thus circumcised1 The! let us pray u!to the Lord of hea6e! that saith that he came !ot to brea4 the la5 but to fulfil it" that he i6e us race i! such ma!!er to fulfil the la5 a!d his 5ill i! this 5orld" that 5e may come i!to his holy bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Fea t of the E&i&ha#y of our Lord a#d of the three 'i#( " The 'east of the Epipha!y of our Lord is ador!ed of four miracles" a!d after them it hath four !ames1 O! this day the 4i! s 5orshipped Jesu Christ" a!d S1 Joh! 9aptist baptiHed him1 A!d Jesu Christ cha! ed this day 5ater i!to 5i!e" a!d he fed fi6e thousa!d me! 5ith fi6e loa6es of bread1 ,he! Jesu Christ 5as i! the a e of thirtee! days the three 4i! s came to him the 5ay li4e as the star led them" a!d therefore this day is called Epipha!y" or the thiepha!ye i! commo! la! ua e1 A!d is said of this term epi" 5hich is as much as to say as abo6e" a!d of this term pha!es 5hich is as much to say as apparitio!1 'or the! the star appeared abo6e them i! the air" 5here the same Jesus by the star that 5as see! abo6e them sho5ed him to the 4i! s1 A!d that day t5e!ty:!i!e years passed" that 5as at the e!try of thirty years" for he had t5e!ty:!i!e years a!d thirtee! days" a!d be a! the thirtieth year as saith S1 Lu4e1 Or after this that 9ede saith" he had thirty years complete" as the Church of 3ome holdeth1 A!d the! he 5as baptiHed i! the






flood or ri6er of Jorda!" a!d therefore it is called the thiepha!ie said of Theos" 5hich is as much to say as God" a!d pha!es apparitio!1 'or the! God" that is the Tri!ity" appeared" God the 'ather i! 6oice" God the So! i! flesh huma!" God the +oly Ghost i! li4e!ess of a do6e1 After this" that same day a year" 5he! he 5as thirty:o!e year old a!d thirtee! days" he tur!ed 5ater i!to 5i!e" a!d therefore it is called 9etha!ia" said of beth" that is to say a! house" a!d pha!es" that is apparitio!1 A!d this miracle 5as do!e of the 5i!e i! a! house by 5hich he sho5ed him 6ery God1 A!d this same day a year after that 5as thirty:t5o years" he fed fi6e thousa!d me! 5ith fi6e loa6es" li4e as 9ede saith1 A!d is also su! i! a! hym! 5hich be i!!ethD Illumi!a!s altissimus1 A!d therefore it is called pha ipha!ia" of pha e" that is to say meat1 A!d of this fourth miracle some doubt if it 5ere do!e o! this day" for it is !ot 5ritte! of 9ede e8pressly" a!d because that i! the ospel of S1 Joh! is read that it 5as do!e !i h u!to (as<ue1 Therefore the four apparitio!s 5ere set o! this day1 The first by the star u!to the crib or rac4e7 the seco!d by the 6oice of the 'ather o! flom Jorda!7 the third of the 5ater i!to 5i!e at the house of Archedecly!7 the fourth by the multiplicatio! of fi6e loa6es i! desert1 Of the first apparitio! 5e ma4e solem!ity o! this day pri!cipally" a!d therefore pursue 5e the history such as it is1 ,he! our Lord 5as bor!" the three 4i! s came i!to Jerusalem" of 5hom the !ames be 5ritte! i! +ebre5" that is to 5it Gal alath" -a alath" a!d Tharath1 A!d i! Gree4 Appelius" Amerius" a!d Damascus1 A!d i! Lati! Jaspar" -elchior" a!d 9althasar1 A!d it is to 5it that this !ame -a us hath three si !ificatio!s1 It is said illuser or decei6er" e!cha!ter" a!d 5ise1 They bee! illusers or decei6ers because they decei6ed +erod1 'or they retur!ed !ot by him 5he! they departed from the place 5here they had ho!oured a!d offered to Jesus" but retur!ed by a!other 5ay i!to their cou!try1 -a us also is said e!cha!ter1 A!d hereof be said the e!cha!ters of (haraoh" -a i" 5hich by their malefice made their mar6els by the e!cha!ti! of the craft of the de6il1 A!d S1 Joh! Chrysostom calleth these 4i! s -a os" as 5ic4ed a!d e6il:doers1 'or first they 5ere full of malefices" but after they 5ere co!6erted1 To 5hom God 5ould sho5 his Nati6ity" a!d bri! them to him to the e!d that to si!!ers he 5ould do pardo!1 Item" -a us i! same 5ise1 'or -a us i! +ebre5 is said doctor" i! Gree4" philosopher" a!d i! Lati!" 5ise" 5hereof they be said -a i" that is to say reat i! 5isdom1 A!d these three came i!to Jerusalem 5ith a reat compa!y a!d reat estate1 9ut 5herefore came they to Jerusalem 5he! the child 5as !ot bor! thereE S1 3emi ius assi !eth four reaso!s1 The first reaso! is that" the 4i! s had 4!o5led e of the !ati6ity of the Child that 5as bor! of the Vir i! -ary" but !ot of the place1 A!d because that Jerusalem 5as the most city royal a!d there 5as the see of the so6erei ! priest" they thou ht that so !oble a child" so !obly sho5ed ou ht to be bor! i! the most !oble city that 5as royal1 The seco!d cause 5as" for i! Jerusalem 5ere the doctors a!d the 5ise me! by 5hom they mi ht 4!o5 5here the said child 5as bor!1 The third cause 5as to the e!d that the Je5s should ha6e !o!e e8cusatio!1 'or they mi ht ha6e said that they had 4!o5led e of the place 5here he should be bor!" but the time 4!e5 they !ot" a!d therefore they mi ht say" 5e belie6e it !ot1 A!d the 4i! s sho5ed to them the time" a!d the Je5s sho5ed the place1 The fourth to the doubt of the Je5s a!d their curiosity" for these 4i! s belie6ed o!e o!ly prophet" a!d the Je5s belie6ed !ot ma!y1 They sou ht a stra! e 4i! " a!d the Je5s sou ht !ot their o5! 4i! 1 These 4i! s came from far cou!tries" a!d the Je5s 5ere !ei hbours fast by1 These 4i! s 5ere successors of 9alaam" a!d came at the 6isio! a!d si ht of the star" by the prophecy of their father" 5hich said that a star shall be bor! or spri! out of Jacob" a!d a ma! shall arise of the li!ea e of Israel1 That other cause that mo6eth them to come to Jerusalem putteth S1 Joh! Chrysostom" 5hich saith that there 5ere some that affirmed for truth that" there 5ere reat cler4s that curiously studied to 4!o5 the secrets of hea6e!7 a!d after" they chose t5el6e of them to ta4e heed1 A!d if a!y of them died" his so! or !e8t 4i!sma! shall be set i! his place1 A!d these t5el6e e6ery year asce!ded upo! a mou!tai! 5hich 5as called Victorial" a!d three days they abode there" a!d 5ashed them clea!" a!d prayed our Lord that he 5ould sho5 to them the star that 9alaam had said a!d prophesied before1 No5 it happe!ed o! a time that they 5ere there the day of the Nati6ity of Jesu Christ" a!d a star came o6er them upo! this mou!tai! 5hich had the form of a ri ht fair child" a!d u!der his head 5as a shi!i! cross" 5hich spa4e to these three 4i! s sayi! D Go ye hastily i!to the la!d of Judea" a!d there ye shall fi!d the 4i! that ye see4" 5hich is bor! of a 6ir i!1 A!other cause putteth S1 Austi!7 for it mi ht 5ell be that the a! el of hea6e! appeared to them 5hich saidD the star that ye see is Jesu Christ" o ye a!o! a!d 5orship him1 A!other cause putteth S1 Leo" that by the star 5hich appeared to them" 5hich 5as more resple!de!t a!d shi!i! tha! the other" that it sho5ed the so6erei ! 4i! to be bor! o! the earth1 The! a!o! departed they for to come to that place1 No5 may it be dema!ded ho5" i! so little space of thirtee! days they mi ht come from so far as from the East u!to Jerusalem" 5hich is i! the middle of the 5orld"

















5hich is a reat space a!d a lo! 5ay1 Thereto a!s5ereth S1 3emi ius the doctor" a!d saith that" the child to 5hom they 5e!t" mi ht 5ell ma4e them to o so much 5ay i! that 5hile1 Or after this that S1 Jerome saith" that they came upo! dromedaries" 5hich be beasts that may o as much i! o!e day as a! horse i! three days1 A!d 5he! they came i!to Jerusalem" they dema!ded i! 5hat place the @i! of Je5s 5as bor!1 A!d they dema!ded !ot if he 5as bor!" for they belie6ed it firmly that he 5as bor!1 A!d if a!y had dema!ded of themD ,hereby 4!o5 ye that he is bor!E They 5ould ha6e a!s5eredD ,e ha6e see! his star i! the Orie!t" a!d therefore 5e come to 5orship him1 This is to u!dersta!d" 5e bei! i! the Orie!t sa5 his star that sho5ed that he 5as bor! i! Judea" a!d 5e be come to 5orship him1 A!d therefore saith this doctor 3emi ius" that they co!fessed this child 6ery ma!" 6ery @i! " a!d 6ery God1 Very ma! 5he! they said 5here is he that is bor!E 6ery @i! 5he! they said @i! of Je5s7 6ery God 5he! they said 5e be come to 5orship him1 'or there 5as a comma!dme!t that !o!e should be 5orshipped but God1 A!d thus as saith S1 Joh! ChrysostomD They co!fessed the child 6ery God by 5ord" by deed" a!d by ifts of their treasures that they offered to him1 A!d 5he! +erod had heard this he 5as much troubled" a!d all Jerusalem 5ith him1 +erod 5as troubled for three causes" first" because he dreaded that the Je5s 5ould recei6e the child bor! for their @i! " a!d refuse he 5ould 5orship also him" a!d thou ht that he 5ould o slay him1 A!d it is to 5it that as soo! as they 5ere e!tered i!to Jerusalem" the si ht of the star 5as ta4e! from them a!d for three causesD 'irst" that they should be co!strai!ed to see4 that place of his !ati6ity li4e as they 5ere certified by the appeari! of the star a!d by the prophecy of the place of his birth" a!d so it 5as do!e1 Seco!dly" that they that sou ht the help a!d the 5orld" had deser6ed to lose the aid di6i!e1 The third because that the si !s be i6e! to miscrea!ts" a!d prophecies to them that belie6e 5ell li4e" as the apostle saith1 A!d therefore the si ! 5hich 5as i6e! to the three 4i! s" 5hich yet 5ere pay!ims ou ht !ot to appear to them as lo! as they 5ere 5ith the Je5s1 A!d 5he! they 5ere issued of Jerusalem" the star appeared to them" 5hich 5e!t before them" a!d brou ht them till it came abo6e the place 5here the Child 5as1 A!d ye ou ht to 4!o5 that there be three opi!io!s of this star" 5hich 3emi ius the doctor putteth" sayi! thatD Some say that it 5as the +oly Ghost 5hich appeared to the three 4i! s i! the form of a star" 5hich after appeared upo! the head of Jesu Christ i! the li4e!ess of a do6e1 Others say" li4e to S1 Joh! Chrysostom" that it 5as a! a! el that appeared to the shepherds" a!d after appeared to the 4i! s" but to the shepherds" Je5s" as to them that use reaso! i! form of a reaso!able creature" a!d to the pay!ims as u!reaso!able" that is to say of a star1 Others say more reaso!ably a!d more 6eritably that it 5as a star !e5 created" a!d made of God" the 5hich 5he! he had do!e his office 5as brou ht a ai! i!to the matter 5hereof it 5as first formed1 A!d this star 5as this that 'ul e!tius saithD It differe!ced from the other stars i! three thi! s1 'irst" i! situatio!" for it 5as !ot fi8ed i! the firmame!t" but it hu! i! the air !i h to the earth1 Seco!dly" i! clear!ess" for it 5as shi!i! more tha! the others1 It appeared so that the clear!ess of the su! mi ht !ot hurt !or appale her li ht" but at plai! mid:day it had ri ht reat li ht a!d clear!ess1 Thirdly" i! mo6i! " for it 5e!t al5ay before the 4i! s i! ma!!er of o!e oi! i! the 5ay" !e it had !o!e tur!i! as a circle tur!eth" but i! such ma!!er as a perso! oeth i! the 5ay1 A!d 5he! the 4i! s 5ere issued out of Jerusalem" a!d set i! their 5ay" they sa5 the star 5hereof they had lost the si ht" a!d 5ere reatly e!=oyed1 A!d 5e ou ht to !ote that there be fi6e ma!!ers of stars that these 4i! s sa51 The first is material" the seco!d spiritual" the third i!tellectual" the fourth reaso!able" the fifth substa!tial1 The first" that is material" they sa5 i! the East7 the seco!d" that is spiritual" they sa5 i! heart" a!d that is i! the faith1 'or if this faith had !ot bee! i! their hearts that had li hted them" they had !e6er see! the star material1 They had faith of the huma!ity 5he! they saidD ,here is he that is bor!E a!d of his royal di !ity 5he! they called him @i! of Je5s" a!d of his deity 5he! they said they 5e!t to 5orship him1 The third i!tellectual" 5hich is" that the a! el that they sa5 i! 6isio!" 5he! it 5as by the a! el sho5ed to them that they should !ot retur! by +erod" ho5 be it that after o!e loss it 5as our Lord that 5ar!ed them1 The fourth" that 5as reaso!able" that 5as the Vir i! -ary 5hom they sa5 i! the stable holdi! her child1 The fifth" that is substa!tial" that is to say that he had substa!ce abo6e all other si! ular1 A!d that 5as Jesu Christ 5hom they sa5 i! the crib1 A!d hereof is it said i! the ospel that they e!tered i!to the house a!d fou!d the child 5ith -ary his mother" a!d the! they 5orshipped him1 A!d 5he! they 5ere e!tered i!to the house secretly a!d had fou!d the child" they 4!eeled a!d offered to him these three ifts" that is to 5it old" i!ce!se" a!d myrrh1 A!d this saith S1 Austi!D O i!fa!tia" cui astra subdu!tur" etc1 O i!fa!cy or childhood" to 5hom the stars be sub=ect" to 5hose clothes a! els bo5" the stars i6e 6irtue" the 4i! s =oy" a!d the follo5ers of 5isdom bo5 their 4!ees1 O blessed ti ury or little house" O holy seat of God1 A!d S1 Jerome saithD This is a! hea6e! 5here is !o li ht but the star1 O palace celestial i! 5hich thou d5ellest" !ot as @i! ador!ed 5ith precious sto!es" but i!corporate1 To 5hom" for a soft bed 5as duresse a!d hard crib"








for curtai!s of old a!d sil4" the fume a!d ste!ch of du! " but the star of hea6e! 5as clearly embellished1 I am abashed 5he! I behold these clothes a!d see the hea6e!1 The heart bur!eth me for hete 5he! I see him i! the crib" a poor me!dica!t" a!d o6er him the stars1 I see him ri ht clear" ri ht !oble" a!d ri ht rich1 O ye 4i! s" 5hat do yeE ;e 5orship the child i! a little foul house 5rapped i! foul clouts1 Is he the! !ot GodE ;e offer to him old" a!d 5hereof is he @i! " a!d 5here is his royal hallE ,here is his thro!eE ,here is his court royal" fre<ue!ted a!d used 5ith !oblesE The stable is that !ot his hallE A!d his thro!e the rac4 or cribE They that fre<ue!t this court" is it !ot Joseph a!d -aryE they be as u!5itti! " to the e!d that they become 5ise1 Of 5hom saith +ilary i! his seco!d boo4 that he made of the Tri!ityD The Vir i! hath bor!e a child" but this that she hath childed is of God7 the child is Iyi! i! the rac4" a!d the a! els be heard si! i! a!d praisi! him" the clothes be foul" a!d God is 5orshipped1 The di !ity of his puissa!ce is !ot ta4e! a5ay thou h the humility of his flesh is declared1 Lo" ho5 i! this child Jesus 5ere !ot o!ly the humble a!d small thi! s" but also the rich" a!d the !oble" a!d the hi h thi! s1 A!d hereof saith S1 Jerome upo! the Epistle ad +ebreosD Thou beholdest the rac4 of Jesu Christ7 see also the hea6e!1 Thou seest also the child Iyi! i! the crib" but ta4e heed also ho5 the a! els si! a!d praise God1 +erod is persecuted a!d the 4i! s 5orship the child1 The pharisees 4!e5 him !ot" but the star sho5ed him1 +e is baptiHed of his ser6a!t" but the 6oice of the 'ather is heard abo6e thu!deri! 1 +e is plu! ed i! the 5ater" but the +oly Ghost The desce!ded upo! him i! li4e!ess of a do6e1 A!d of the cause 5herefore these 4i! s offered these ifts" ma!y reaso!s be assi !ed1 O!e of the causes is" as saith 3emi ius the doctor" that the a!cie!t ordi!a!ce 5as that !o ma! should come to God !e to the 4i! 5ith a 6oid ha!d" but that he brou ht him some ift1 A!d they of Chaldea 5ere accustomed to offer such ifts1 They" as Scholastica +istoria saith" came from the e!d of (ersia" from the Chaldea!s 5hereas is the flood of Saba" of 5hich flood the re io! of Saba is !amed1 The seco!d reaso! is of S1 9er!ardD 'or they offered to -ary" the mother of the child" old for to relie6e her po6erty" i!ce!se a ai!st the ste!ch of the stable a!d e6il air" myrrh for to comfort the te!der members of the child a!d to put a5ay 6ermi!1 The third reaso! 5as that they offered old for to pay the tribute" the i!ce!se for to ma4e sacrifice" the myrrh for the sepulture of dead me!1 The fourth for the old si !ifieth dilectio! or lo6e7 the i!ce!se" oriso! or prayer7 the myrrh" of the flesh mortificatio!1 A!d these three thi! s ou ht 5e offer to God1 The fifth because by these three be si !ified three thi! s that be i! Jesu ChristD The precious deity" the soul full of holi!ess" a!d the e!tire flesh all pure a!d 5ithout corruptio!1 A!d these three thi! s be si !ified that 5ere i! the ar4 of -oses1 The rod 5hich flourished" that 5as the flesh of Jesu Christ that rose from death to life7 the tables 5herei! the comma!dme!ts 5ere 5ritte!" that is the soul" 5herei! be all the treasures of sapie!ce a!d scie!ce of odhead1 The ma!!a si !ifieth the odhead" 5hich hath all s5eet!ess of sua6ity1 9y the old 5hich is most precious of all metals is u!derstood the Deity7 by the i!ce!se the soul ri ht de6out" for the i!ce!se si !ifieth de6otio! a!d oriso!7 by the myrrh 5hich preser6eth from corruptio!" is u!derstood the flesh 5hich 5as 5ithout corruptio!1 A!d the 4i! s 5he! they 5ere admo!ished a!d 5ar!ed by re6elatio! i! their sleep that they should !ot retur! by +erod" a!d by a!other 5ay they should retur! i!to their cou!try" lo hear the! ho5 they came a!d 5e!t i! their =our!ey1 'or they came to adore a!d 5orship the @i! of 4i! s i! their proper perso!s" by the star that led them" a!d by the prophet that e!sei !ed a!d tau ht them1 A!d by the 5ar!i! of the a! el retur!ed a!d rested at their death i! Jesu Christ1 Of 5hom the bodies 5ere brou ht to -ila!" 5here as !o5 is the co!6e!t of the friars preachers" a!d !o5 be at Colo !e i! S1 (eter>s Church" 5hich is the Cathedral a!d See of the Archbishop1 The! let us pray u!to Almi hty God that this day sho5ed him to these 4i! s a!d at his baptism" 5here the 6oice of the 'ather 5as heard a!d the +oly Ghost see!" a!d at the feast tur!ed 5ater i!to 5i!e" a!d fed fi6e thousa!d me!" besides 5ome! a!d childre!" 5ith fi6e loa6es a!d t5o fishes" that at the re6ere!ce of this hi h a!d reat feast he for i6e us our trespasses a!d si!s" a!d after this short life 5e may come to his e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth *e&tua(e i%a"







At Septua esima be i!!eth the time of de6iatio! or oi! out of the 5ay" of the 5hole 5orld" 5hich be a! at Adam a!d dured u!to -oses1 A!d i! this time is read the 9oo4 of Ge!esis1 The time of Septua esima represe!teth the time of de6iatio!" that is of tra!s ressio!1 The Se8a esima si !ifieth the time of re6ocatio!1 The Gui!<ua esima si !ifieth the time of remissio!1 The Guadra esima si !ifieth of pe!a!ce a!d satisfactio!1 The Septua esima be i!!eth 5he! the Church si! eth i! the office of the massD Circumdederu!t me" a!d e!dureth u!to the Saturday after Easter:day1 The Septua esima 5as i!stituted for three reaso!s7 li4e as -aster Joh! 9eleth putteth i! the office of the Church1 The first reaso! 5as for





the redemptio!1 'or the holy fathers some time ordai!ed that for the ho!our of the Asce!sio! of Jesu Christ" i! the 5hich our !ature asce!ded i!to hea6e! a!d 5as abo6e the a! els" that this day should be hallo5ed solem!ly" a!d should be 4ept from fasti! " a!d at the be i!!i! of the Church also solem!ly" as the Su!day1 A!d processio! 5as made i! represe!ti! the processio! of the apostles" 5hich they made o! that day" or of the a! els that came to meet him a!d therefore commo!ly the pro6erb 5as that" the Thursday a!d the Su!day 5ere cousi!s" for the! that o!e 5as as solem! as that other1 9ut because that the feasts of sai!ts came" a!d be multiplied" 5hich 5ere rie6ous to hallo5 so ma!y feasts" therefore the feast of the Thursday ceased1 A!d for to recompe!se that" there is a 5ee4 of absti!e!ce ordai!ed li4e to Le!t a!d is called Septua esima1 That other reaso! is for the si !ificatio! of the time" for by this time is si !ified to us the time of de6iatio!" of oi! out of the 5ay of e8ile" a!d of tribulatio! of the huma! li!ea e" from sith Adam u!to the e!d of the 5orld1 ,hich e8ile is hallo5ed upo! the re6olutio! of se6e! days a!d of se6e! thousa!d years" u!derstood by se6e!ty days or by se6e!ty hu!dred years1 'or from the be i!!i! of the 5orld u!to the asce!sio! 5e accou!t si8 hu!dred years" a!d of the rest" that 5e rec4o! it for the se6e!th thousa!d" of 5hich God 4!o5eth o!ly the term1 No5 it is so that Jesu Christ brou ht us out of this e8ile i! the si8th a e" i! hope of perpetual life of all them that be re6ested 5ith the 6esture of i!!oce!ce1 9y baptism 5e be re e!erate" a!d 5he! 5e shall ha6e passed the time of this e8ile" he shall clothe us of double 6esture" that is to 5it of body a!d soul i! lory1 A!d i! the time of de6iatio! a!d of e8ile 5e lea6e the so! of lad!ess" that is alleluia" but the Saturday of Easter 5e si! o!e alleluia" i! e!=oyi! us a!d tha!4i! God of the 6esture perpetual 5hich by hope 5e abide for to reco6er i! the si8th a e1 A!d i! the mass 5e set a tract" i! fi uri! the labour that yet 5e ou ht to do" a!d i! fulfilli! the comma!dme!ts of God1 A!d the double alleluia that 5e si! after Easter" si !ifieth the double 6esture that 5e shall ha6e i! body a!d i! soul1 The third reaso! is for represe!tatio!1 'or the Septua esima represe!teth se6e!ty years i! 5hich the childre! of Israel 5ere i! 9abylo! i! ser6itude1 A!d i! such ma!!er that they cast a5ay a!d left their usa e of so! of lad!ess" sayi! D Guomodo ca!tabimus ca!ticum domi!i" etc1 Thus lea6e 5e the so! of praisi! a!d of lad!ess1 After" lice!ce 5as i6e! to them to retur! i! the time of Se8a esima" a!d they be a! them to =oy" a!d so 5e do the Saturday of Easter1 As i! the year of Se8a esima 5e si! alleluia i! represe!ti! their =oy a!d lad!ess" ho5 5ell i! the retur!i! they had pai! a!d sorro5 to ta4e their thi! s a!d bear 5ith them" therefore 5e si! a!o! after the tract 5hich follo5eth the alleluia1 A!d i! the Saturday after Easter i! 5hich Septua esima is complete" 5e si! double alleluia" i! fi uri! the plai! lad!ess that they had 5he! they 5ere retur!ed i!to their cou!try1 A!d this time thus of the ser6itude of the childre! of Israel represe!teth the time of our pil rima e of the life of this 5orld1 'or thus as they 5ere deli6ered i! the si8tieth year" so 5ere 5e i! the si8th a e1 A!d as they had pai! atheri! a!d assembli! their thi! s for to bear 5ith them" so ha6e 5e i! fulfilli! the comma!dme!ts of God1 A!d li4e as they 5ere i! rest 5he! they came i!to their cou!try" a!d i! lad!ess a!d i! =oy" i! li4e 5ise 5e si! double alleluia" that beto4e!eth double =oy that 5e shall ha6e as 5ell i! body as i! soul1 I! this time the! of e8ile of the Church" full of ma!y tribulatio!s" a!d as thro5! out i!to the deep!ess of desperatio! almost a!d despair" she si heth for sorro5 i! sayi! the office of the massD Circumdederu!t me emitus mortis" etc1" a!d sho5eth ma!y demo!stratio!s that she suffereth" as 5ell as for the misery that she had deser6ed by si!" as for the double pai! that she is ru! i!" a!d as for the trespass to her !ei hbour1 9ut al5ay" for as much as she fall !ot i! despair" is purposed to her i! the Gospel a!d Epistle three ma!!er of remedies1 The first is that if she 5ill issue of these tribulatio!s" that she labour i! the 6i!eyard of her soul i! cutti! a!d pulli! out the 6ices a!d the si!s" a!d after i! a 5ay of this prese!t life" she see4 the 5or4s of pe!a!ce1 A!d after that i! doi! spiritual battle" she defe!d her stro! ly a ai!st the temptatio!s of the e!emy1 A!d if she do these three thi! s she shall ha6e threefold re5ard1 'or i! labouri! God shall i6e her the pe!!y" a!d i! 5ell ru!!i! the priHe" a!d i! 5ell fi hti! the cro5!1 A!d because that Septua esima si !ifieth the time of our capti6ity" the remedy is proposed to us by 5hich 5e may be" deli6ered" i! flyi! the misery by ru!!i! " by 6ictory i! fi hti! " a!d by the pe!!y i! us aye!bye! 1 Of *e+a(e i%a" The Se8a esima be i!!eth 5he! is su! i! the Church" at office of the massD E8sur e domi!e" a!d this e!deth the ,ed!esday after Easter day7 a!d 5as i!stituted for redemptio!" for si !ificatio!" a!d for represe!tatio!1 'or redemptio! it 5as i!stituted1 'or -elchiades the (ope a!d Sil6ester i!stituted that me! should eat t5ice o! the Saturday" to the e!d that they that had fasted the 'riday" 5hich should al5ays be fasted" 5ere !ot rie6ed1 A!d i! rechaet the! of the Saturdays of this time" they ad=ousted a!d













=oi!ed a 5ee4 of the Le!t thereto" a!d called it Se8a esima1 That other reaso! is for si !ificatio!7 for that time si !ifieth the time of 5ido5hood of the Church" a!d the 5aili! of the same for the abse!ce of her spouse 5hich 5as 6a!ished i!to hea6e!1 There be t5o 5i! s i6e! to the Church1 The first is the e8ercitatio! of si8 5or4s of mercy" a!d the fulfilme!t of the te! comma!dme!ts of the la5" for si8ty ma4e si8 sithes te!1 A!d by si8 be u!derstood the si8 5or4s of mercy" a!d by te! the te! comma!dme!ts of the la51 The third reaso! is for represe!tatio!1 'or the Se8a esima represe!teth also the mystery of redemptio!1 'or by te! is u!derstood the ma!" 5hich is the te!th pe!!y 5hich is made a!d formed to that he be the reparatio! of !i!e orders of a! els" or for that he is formed of four <ualities to the body1 A!d to the soul he hath three po5ers" that is to 5it memory" u!dersta!di! " a!d 5ill" 5hich be made that he ser6e the 9lessed Tri!ity" to the e!d that 5e belie6e firmly i! him a!d lo6e him arde!tly" a!d dili e!tly 5e ha6e a!d hold him i! our mi!d1 9y si8 be u!derstood si8 mysteries" by the 5hich the ma! is redeemed by Jesu Christ" the 5hich be the I!car!atio!" the Nati6ity" the (assio!" his desce!sio! i!to hell" his resurrectio!" a!d his asce!sio! i!to hea6e!1 A!d because that the Se8a esima stretcheth u!to the ,ed!esday after Easter" that day is su! D Ve!ite be!edicti" etc1 'or they that fulfil the 5or4s of mercy shall hear i! the e!dD Ve!ite" as Jesu Christ 5it!esseth1 A!d the! shall the door be ope!ed to the spouse" a!d embrace God her spouse1 A!d it is 5ar!ed i! a! epistle" that she should bear patie!tly tribulatio!" as S1 (aul did" i! the abse!ce of her spouse1 A!d i! the ospel that she be al5ays e!te!ti6e to so5 ood 5or4s" a!d that she that had su! as despairedD Circumdederu!t me emitus mortis" !o5 retur! for to dema!d that she be holpe! i! her tribulatio!s" a!d re<uire to be deli6ered i! sayi! E8sur e domi!e ad=u6a" etc1" 5hich is the be i!!i! of the office of the mass1 A!d this doth holy Church i! three ma!!ers1 'or some be i! holy Church that be oppressed of ad6ersity" but they be !ot cast out1 A!d some that be !ot oppressed !e cast out1 A!d some that be oppressed a!d cast out1 A!d because that they may !ot bear ad6ersities" it is to dread a!d reat peril lest the prosperities all to:brea4 them1 ,herefore holy Church crieth that he arise as to the first i! comforti! them" for it seemeth that he sleepeth 5he! he deli6ereth them !ot1 She crieth also as to the seco!d" that he arise i! co!6erti! them from 5hom it seemeth that he tur!eth his face from them i! putti! them from him1 She crieth also as to the third" that he arise i! helpi! them i! prosperity" a!d i! deli6eri! them1 Of ,ui#-ua(e i%a" The Gui!<ua esima dureth from the Su!day i! 5hich is su! i! the Church i! the office of the mass" Esto mihi" etc1 A!d that e!deth o! Easter day" a!d is i!stituted for supplicatio! a!d fulfilli! " for si !ificatio!" a!d for represe!tatio!1 'or fulfilli! a!d accomplishi! because that 5e should fast forty days after the form of Jesu Christ1 A!d there be but thirty:si8 days to fast" but me! fast !ot the Su!days" for the lad!ess a!d the re6ere!ce of the resurrectio!" a!d also for the e!sample of Jesu Christ" 5hich ate t5o times 5ith his disciples o! the day of his resurrectio!" 5he! he e!tered i! 5here his disciples 5ere" a!d the doors or ates shut" a!d they brou ht him part of a roasted fish a!d of a ho!ey:comb1 A!d after that" 5ith his t5o disciples 5hich 5e!t to Emmaus" he ate also" as some say1 A!d therefore be four days put to" for accomplishi! of the Su!days 5hich be !ot fasted1 A!d after because the cler y o before the commo! people" so should they o i! de6otio! a!d holi!ess" therefore they be i! to fast t5o days before" a!d abstai! them from eati! flesh1 A!d thus is o!e 5ee4 put" 5hich is called the Gui!<ua esima" after this that S1 Ambrose saith1 That other reaso! is for the si !ificatio!" for the Gui!<ua esima si !ifieth the time of remissio! a!d of pe!a!ce" i! 5hich the si!s be pardo!ed a!d for i6e!1 The fiftieth year 5as the year of remissio!" for the! the debts 5ere <uitted" a!d the bo!dme! 5ere fra!chised a!d let o free" a!d e6ery o!e came a ai! to his herita e1 9y 5hich is u!derstood that by pe!a!ce our si!s be for i6e!" a!d from the ser6itude a!d bo!da e of our e!emy 5e be deli6ered" a!d so 5e be retur!ed to the ma!sio! of our herita e of hea6e!1 The third reaso! is for represe!tatio!1 'or the Gui!<ua esima represe!teth !ot to us o!ly the time of remissio!" but also the state of the beatitude of hea6e! 5hich is to us represe!ted1 'or i! the fiftieth year ser6a!ts 5ere made free" a!d i! the fiftieth day that the lamb 5as sacrificed the la5 of -oses 5as i6e!1 A!d the fiftieth day after (as4e the +oly Ghost 5as i6e!1 A!d therefore this !ame fifty" represe!teth the beatitude of hea6e!" 5hereas 5as ta4e! the possessio! of liberty" the 4!o5led e of 6erity" a!d perfectio! of charity1 No5 it is to 5it that three thi! s be !ecessary 5hich be co!tai!ed a!d set i! the Epistle a!d i! the Gospel" that is that pe!a!ce" that is to say the 5or4s of pe!a!ce be perfect1 That is to 5it charity" 5hich is purposed i! the Epistle7 a!d the memory of the passio! of Jesu Christ7 a!d faith 5hich is u!derstood by the si ht i6e! to the bli!d ma! 5hich be co!tai!ed i! the ospel1 'or faith ma4eth the 5or4s acceptable to God1 'or 5ithout faith !o ma! may please God" a!d the mi!d of the










passio! of God ma4eth the 5or4s li ht1 ,hereof saith S1 Gre oryD If the passio! of Jesu Christ be 5ell had i! mi!d" there is !othi! but it may be bor!e a!d suffered easily" for the lo6e of God may !ot be idle1 This saith S1 Gre oryD If it 5or4" it is reat" a!d if it refuse" it is !o lo6e1 A!d thus as the Church at the be i!!i! " as despaired" had criedD Circumderu!t me emitus mortis" a!d after retur!i! to him dema!ded to be holpe!" thus !o5 5he! she hath ta4e! affia!ce a!d hope of pardo!" for hope of pe!a!ce she prayeth a!d saithD Esto mihi i! Deum protectorem1 Or she dema!deth four thi! s" that it is to 5it protectio!" co!firmatio!" refu e a!d co!duct1 All the childre! of the Church or they be i! race or they be i! si!" or i! ad6ersity" or i! prosperity1 They that be i! race dema!d for to be co!firmed" they that be i! si! dema!d refu e" they i! ad6ersity dema!d protectio!" that they from their tribulatio!s may be defe!ded" a!d they i! prosperity dema!d co!duct that they may be of God led a!d co!ducted1 A!d thus as it is said Gui!<ua esima termi!eth a!d e!deth at Easter" because that pe!a!ce ma4eth them to rise to !e5 life1 A!d i! si !ificatio! hereof the psalm of -iserere mei Deus" 5hich is the fiftieth psalm a!d the psalm of pe!a!ce" is i! the time of Le!t oft used a!d said1 Of ,uadra(e i%a1 The Guadra esima" 5hich 5e call !o5 i! E! lish Le!t" be i!!eth the Su!day i! 5hich is su! i! the office of the massD I!6oca6it me" etc1 A!d the Church 5hich 5as much troubled tofore by so ma!y tribulatio!s a!d had criedD Circumdederu!t me" a!d after" i! respiri! a!d si hi! had as4ed help i! sayi! D E8sur e domi!i" !o5 she sho5eth that she is heard" 5he! she saithD +e hath called me a!d I ha6e heard1 No5 it is to u!dersta!d that the Guadra esima co!tai!eth forty:t5o days for to accou!t the Su!days1 A!d if they be !ot rec4o!ed there be but thirty:si8 days for to fast" 5hich be the te!th part of the days of the year1 9ut the four days tofore be put to" because the !umber sacred by the Guadra esima be accomplished" the 5hich our sa6iour Jesu Christ hallo5ed by his holy fasti! 1 A!d because 5e fast i! this !umber of forty" there may be assi !ed three reaso!s1 The first reaso! putteth S1 Austi!" 5hich saith that S1 -atthe5 setteth forty e!eratio!s to the e!d" the!" that our Lord by his holy Guadra esima desce!ded to us" 5e should asce!d to him by our Guadra esima1 That other assi !eth the same" sayi! " to that 5e may ha6e the Gui!<ua esima 5e must put to forty te!7 for u!to that" that 5e may come to the blessed lory a!d rest i! hea6e!" it beho6eth us to labour all the time of this prese!t life1 A!d therefore our Lord abode forty days 5ith his disciples after his resurrectio!" a!d after the te!th day" he se!t to them the +oly Ghost1 The third reaso! assi !eth -aster (repositi6us i! the sum of the office of the Church" 5hich saithD The 5orld is di6ided i!to four parts" a!d the year i!to four times" a!d the ma! of four eleme!ts a!d four comple8io!s is composed1 A!d 5e ha6e the !e5 la5 5hich is ordai!ed of four e6a! elists" a!d the te! comma!dme!ts that 5e ha6e bro4e!1 It beho6eth the! that the !umber of te! by the !umber of four be multiplied" that thus 5e ma4e the Guadra esima" that 5e fulfil the comma!dme!ts of the old la5 a!d !e51 Our body" as said is" is composed of four eleme!ts" li4e as they had four seats i! our body1 That is to 5it" the fire 5hich is i! the eyes" the air i! the to! ue a!d ears" the 5ater i! the !atural members !amed e!itals" a!d the earth hath domi!atio! i! the ha!ds a!d other members1 The! i! the eyes is curiosity" i! the to! ue a!d ears is scurrility" i! the !atural members" that is to say e!itals" 6oluptuous!ess" a!d i! the ha!ds a!d other members cruelty1 A!d these four thi! s co!fessed the publica! 5he! he prayed God1 +e held him afar i! co!fessi! his lu8ury 5hich is sti!4i! " li4e thus as he saidD Sire" I dare !ot approach to thee" for I mi ht sti!4 i! thy !ose1 A!d because he durst !ot lift up his eyes he co!fessed curiosity1 A!d i! that he smote himself o! the breast he co!fessed cruelty1 A!d 5he! he saidD Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori" he co!fessed the crime a!d lutto!y 5hich he ou ht to repress1 S1 Gre ory i! his homilies putteth also three reaso!s 5herefore i! absti!e!ce is holde! the !umber of forty1 'or the 6irtue of the te! comma!dme!ts i! the la5" a!d for the accomplishi! of the four boo4s of the e6a! elists1 A!d also i! this 5orld 5e that be i! mortal body be composed of the four eleme!ts" a!d by the 5ill of the mortal body 5e ai!say the comma!dme!ts of God1 Therefore the!" 5e that ha6e disobeyed the comma!dme!ts of God by the desire of the flesh" it is accordi! that the same flesh by four times te! 5e put to pe!a!ce a!d afflictio! from this prese!t day u!to Easter si8 5ee4s comi! " that be forty:t5o days1 If the Su!days be ta4e! a5ay" there abide i! the absti!e!ce but thirty:si8 days1 A!d the year is deme!ed by three hu!dred si8ty a!d fi6e days" 5e i6e the tithe of them to God 5he! 5e fast1 A!d this saith S1 Gre oryD ,herefore 4eep 5e !ot this fasti! i! the time that Jesu Christ fasted" 5hich 5as a!o! after his baptism" but 5e be i! so that 5e co!ti!ue u!til Easter1 +ereof be assi !ed four reaso!s i! the sum of the office of -aster Joh! 9eleth i! the office of the Church1 The first is that 5e 5ill arise 5ith Jesu Christ" for he suffered for us" a!d 5e ou ht to suffer for him1 The seco!d is to that 5e should follo5 the childre! of Israel 5hich first issued out of E ypt" a!d i! this time issued











also out 9abylo!" the 5hich thi! appeareth" for as 5ell that o!e as that other" a!o! as they 5ere retur!ed hallo5ed the solem!ity of Easter1 A!d thus 5e for to e!sue them i! this time" 5e fast to the e!d that" from E ypt a!d from 9abylo!" that is to u!dersta!d from this mortal 5orld i!to the cou!try of our herita e of hea6e!" 5e may e!ter1 The third reaso! is because that i! the pri!temps the heat of the flesh mo6eth a!d boileth" to the e!d that 5e may refrai! us therei!" this time 5e fast1 The fourth is forasmuch as a!o! after our fasti! 5e ou ht to recei6e the 9ody of Jesu Christ" for i! li4e5ise as the childre! of Israel" tofore they had eate! the lamb" they put them i! afflictio! by pe!a!ce i! eati! 5ild lettuce a!d bitter" ri ht so 5e ou ht to 5ithdra5 a!d put us i! afflictio! by pe!a!ce" to the e!d that the more 5orthily 5e may ta4e a!d recei6e the Lamb of life1 Ame!1 The E%)er Day " The fasti! of the Guatretemps" called i! E! lish Ember days" the (ope Cali8tus ordai!ed them1 A!d this fast is 4ept four times i! the year" a!d for di6ers reaso!s1 'or the first time" 5hich is i! -arch" is hot a!d moist1 The seco!d" i! summer" is hot a!d dry1 The third" i! har6est" is cold a!d dry1 The fourth i! 5i!ter is cold a!d moist1 The! let us fast i! -arch 5hich is pri!temps for to repress the heat of the flesh boili! " a!d to <ue!ch lu8ury or to temper it1 I! summer 5e ou ht to fast to the e!d that 5e chastise the bur!i! a!d ardour of a6arice1 I! har6est for to repress the drou ht of pride" a!d i! 5i!ter for to chastise the cold!ess of u!truth a!d of malice1 The seco!d reaso! 5hy 5e fast four times7 for these fasti! s here be i! i! -arch i! the first 5ee4 of the Le!t" to the e!d that 6ices 5a8 dry i! us" for they may !ot all be <ue!ched7 or because that 5e cast them a5ay" a!d the bou hs a!d herbs of 6irtues may ro5 i! us1 A!d i! summer also" i! the ,hitsu! 5ee4" for the! cometh the +oly Ghost" a!d therefore 5e ou ht to be fer6e!t a!d esprised i! the lo6e of the +oly Ghost1 They be fasted also i! September tofore -ichaelmas" a!d these be the third fasti! s" because that i! this time the fruits be athered a!d 5e should re!der to God the fruits of ood 5or4s1 I! December they be also" a!d they be the fourth fasti! s" a!d i! this time the herbs die" a!d 5e ou ht to be mortified to the 5orld1 The third reaso! is for to e!sue the Je5s1 'or the Je5s fasted four times i! the year" that is to 5it" tofore Easter" tofore ,hitsu!side" tofore the setti! of the taber!acle i! the temple i! September" a!d tofore the dedicatio! of the temple i! December1 The fourth reaso! is because the ma! is composed of four eleme!ts touchi! the body" a!d of three 6irtues or po5ers i! his soulD that is to 5it" the u!dersta!di! " the 5ill" a!d the mi!d1 To this the! that this fasti! may attemper i! us four times i! the year" at each time 5e fast three days" to the e!d that the !umber of four may be reported to the body" a!d the !umber of three to the soul1 These be the reaso!s of -aster 9eleth1 The fifth reaso!" as saith Joh! Damasce!usD i! -arch a!d i! pri!temps the blood ro5eth a!d au me!teth" a!d i! summer coler" i! September mela!choly" a!d i! 5i!ter phle m1 The! 5e fast i! -arch for to attemper a!d depress the blood of co!cupisce!ce disordi!ate" for sa! ui!e of his !ature is full of fleshly co!cupisce!ce1 I! summer 5e fast because that coler should be lesse!ed a!d refrai!ed" of 5hich cometh 5rath1 A!d the! is he full !aturally of ire1 I! har6est 5e fast for to refrai! mela!choly1 The mela!cholious ma! !aturally is cold" co6etous a!d hea6y1 I! 5i!ter 5e fast for to dau!t a!d to ma4e feeble the phle m of li ht!ess a!d for etti! " for such is he that is phle matic1 The si8th reaso! is for the pri!temps is li4e!ed to the air" the summer to fire" har6est to the earth" a!d the 5i!ter to 5ater1 The! 5e fast i! -arch to the e!d that the air of pride be attempered to us1 I! summer the fire of co!cupisce!ce a!d of a6arice1 I! September the earth of cold!ess a!d of the dar4!ess of i !ora!ce1 I! 5i!ter the 5ater of li ht!ess a!d i!co!sta!cy1 The se6e!th reaso! is because that -arch is reported to i!fa!cy" summer to youth" September to steadfast a e a!d 6irtuous" a!d 5i!ter to a!cie!ty or old a e1 ,e fast the! i! -arch that 5e may be i! the i!fa!cy of i!!oce!cy1 I! summer for to be you! by 6irtue a!d co!sta!cy1 I! har6est that 5e may be ripe by attempera!ce1 I! 5i!ter that 5e may be a!cie!t a!d old by prude!ce a!d ho!est life" or at least that 5e may be satisfied to God of that 5hich i! these four seaso!s 5e ha6e offe!ded him1 The ei hth reaso! is of -aster ,illiam of Au8erre1 ,e fast" saith he" i! these four times of the year to the e!d that 5e ma4e ame!ds for all that 5e ha6e failed i! all these four times" a!d they be do!e i! three days each time" to the e!d that 5e satisfy i! o!e day that 5hich 5e ha6e failed i! a mo!th7 a!d that 5hich is the fourth day" that is ,ed!esday" is the day i! 5hich our Lord 5as betrayed of Judas7 a!d the 'riday because our Lord 5as crucified7 a!d the Saturday because he lay i! the sepulchre" a!d the apostles 5ere sore of heart a!d i! reat sorro51 The Pa io# of our Lord1






















The passio! of our Lord 5as bitter for the sorro5 that he suffered i! derisio!s despitous a!d of ma!y filths fructuous1 The sorro5 5as cause of fi6e thi! s1 The first" because it 5as shameful" for the place of the -ou!t of Cal6ary" 5hereas malefactors a!d crimi!al perso!s 5ere put to e8ecutio!" a!d he 5as there put to death ri ht foul1 The cross 5as the torme!t of thie6es" a!d if the cross 5as the! of shame a!d of 6illai!y" she is !o5 of lory a!d of ho!our1 ,herefore saith S1 Austi!D Cru8 latro!um <ui erat supplicium" etc1 The cross 5hich 5as the =ustice of thie6es is !o5 become the si ! of lory i! the foreheads or fro!ts of emperors1 A!d if he had such ho!our at his torme!t" 5hat did he to his ser6a!t for the shameful fello5ships that he did to himE 'or he 5as set 5ith malefactors" but the o!e of them 5as co!6erted" 5hich 5as called Dismas" li4e as it said i! the ospel of Nicodemus1 A!d he 5as o! the ri ht side of our Lord" a!d that other o! the left side 5as dam!ed" 5hich 5as called Gesmas1 So that o!e the! he a6e the realm of hea6e!" a!d to that other hell1 ,hereof saith S1 AmbroseD Auctor pietatis i! cruce" etc1 +e saith the author of pity ha! i! o! the cross di6ided offices of pity i! secular erra!ds7 that is to say" the persecutio! to the apostles" peace to his disciples" his body to the Je5s" his spirit to the 'ather" to the Vir i! the messa es of the 5eddi! of the so6erei ! spouse" to the thief paradise" to si!!ers hell" a!d to christia! pe!ite!t he comma!ded the cross1 LoI this is the testame!t that Jesu Christ made ha! i! o! the cross1 Seco!dly" the sorro5 5as caused u!=ustly" for !o!e i!i<uity 5as fou!d i! him1 A!d pri!cipally" u!=ustly they accused him of three thi! s1 The first 5as they said that he defe!ded to pay the tre5a e7 a!d for he said that he 5as a 4i! 7 a!d he said him to be the So! of God1 A!d a ai!st these three accusatio!s 5e say o! the Good 'riday three e8cusatio!s i! the perso! of Jesu Christ 5he! 5e si! D (opule meus" 5here Jesu Christ repro6ed them of three be!efits that he did a!d a6e to them" that is to 5it the deli6era!ce of them from E ypt" the suste!tatio! a!d o6er!a!ce i! the desert" a!d the pla!tatio! of the 6i!e i! a la!d propice1 Li4e as Jesu Christ 5ould sayD Thou I accuses me because that I defe!d to pay thy tre5a e" a!d thou ou htest more to tha!4 me of that I ha6e deli6ered thee from the tre5a e a!d from the ser6itude of (haraoh a!d of E ypt7 thou accusest me that I call myself @i! " a!d thou ou htest better to yield me tha!4i! s of that 5hich I o6er!ed thee i! the desert 5ith meat royal7 thou accusest me of this that I say me to be the So! of God" a!d thou ou htest more to tha!4 me that I ha6e chose! thee to be i! my 6i!eyard" a!d i! a ri ht ood place I ha6e pla!ted thee1 The third cause is because he 5as despised a!d forsa4e! of his frie!ds" 5hich seemed a thi! more tolerable to be suffered of his e!emies tha! of them 5hom he held to be his frie!ds1 A!d al5ay he suffered death for his frie!ds a!d !ei hbours" that is of them of 5hose li!ea e he 5as bor!1 This said he by the mouth of Da6idD Amici mei et pro8imi" etc1D -y frie!ds a!d my !ei hbours ha6e approached a ai!st me a!d so ha6e co!ti!ued1 ,hereof said Job" capitulo 8i817 Noti mei <uasi alie!i recesseru!t a meD -y !ei hbours that 4!e5 me" as stra! ers ha6e left me1 Item" he suffered of them to 5hom he had do!e much ood1 Li4e as S1 Joh! recordeth" Joha!!is 6iii1D I ha6e 5rou ht ma!y ood thi! s to you1 A!d hereto saith S1 9er!ardD O ood Jesus" ho5 s5eetly hast thou co!6ersed 5ith me!" a!d ho5 reat thi! s i! the most abu!da!t 5ise hast thou ra!ted to them1 +o5 hard a!d sharp thi! s hast thou suffered for them" hard 5ords" harder stro4es a!d beati! s" a!d most hard torme!ts of the cross" !e6ertheless they re!der a!d yield to thee co!trary1 The fourth cause is for the te!der!ess of his body1 ,hereof Da6id saith i! fi ure of him i! the seco!d boo4 of @i! sD +e is li4e as that most te!der 5orm of the 5ood1 ,hereof saith S1 9er!ardD O ye Je5s" ye be sto!es" but ye smite a better sto!e" 5hereof resou!deth the sou!d of pity a!d boileth the oil of charity1 A!d S1 Jerome saithD +e is deli6ered to 4!i hts for to be beate!" a!d their beati! s ha6e cruelly 5ou!ded a!d tor! the most precious body" i! 5hose breast the Godhead 5as hid1 The fifth cause 5as because it 5as e!eral" for it 5as o6er all" that is to say o6er all his body" a!d i! all the !atural 5its of his body1 A!d first the sorro5 5as i! his eyes" for he 5ept te!derly as S1 (aul saith i! his Epistle ad +ebreos1 T5ice he asce!ded o! hi h that he mi ht be far heard1 +e cried stro! ly because !o!e should be e8cused1 +e added thereto 5eepi! that 5e should ha6e compassio!" a!d to te!der our hearts" a!d he had 5ept tofore t5o times also1 O!e time 5he! he raised LaHarus" a!d that other time 5he! he approached Jerusalem he 5ept1 The first tears 5ere of lo6e" 5hereof is said i! the GospelD 9ehold ho5 he lo6ed him I The seco!d 5ere of compassio! upo! Jerusalem1 9ut i! this third 5eepi! the tears 5ere of sorro51 Seco!dly" the sorro5 5as i! heari! 5ith his ears the reproofs a!d 6illa!ies that 5as said to him a!d blasphemed1 Jesu Christ i! especial had four thi! s i! 5hich he heard blasphemy a!d reproofs" for he had ri ht e8celle!t !oblesse1 As to the !ature di6i!e" he 5as so! of the @i! " perpetual so6erei !" a!d as to the !ature huma! he 5as bor! of the li!ea e royal1 A!d as to this he 5as also @i! of @i! s a!d Lord of Lords1 +e 5as also so6erei ! truth1 'or he is the 5ay" the life" a!d the truth1 ,hereof he said himselfD Thy 5ord is truth1 The So! of God" that is the 5ord of God the 'ather" he hath also so6erei ! po5er abo6e all other1 'or !o!e may surmou!t him" for all thi! s bee! made by him a!d !ou ht is made 5ithout him1 +e hath also si! ular bou!ty" for there is !o!e ood of himself but God o!ly1 A!d i! these four thi! s here" Jesu Christ had opprobriums a!d blasphemies1 'irst as to his !oblesse" 5hereof is sa perse6ered !ot7 for he










made his <uestio! sayi! D ,hat is truthE 9ut he abode !ot the solutio!" !or he 5as !ot 5orthy to hear it1 S1 Austi! saith that he abode !ot the solutio!" because that so soo! as he had made the <uestio! it came i! his thou ht that the custom 5as of the Je5s that o!e should be deli6ered to them at (as4e1 A!d there fore he 5e!t out a!o! a!d abode !ot the solutio!1 The third cause is after S1 Joh! ChrysostomD 'or the <uestio! 5as so reat" difficulty" that he had !eed of lo! time to ad6ise a!d to discuss it1 A!d he laboured for the deli6era!ce of Jesu Christ" a!d therefore he issued out a!o!1 Ne6ertheless it is read i! the ospel of Nicodemus that Jesu Christ a!s5eredD Veritas de celo est1 A!d (ilate saidD I! earth is !o truth1 A!d Jesus said to himD +o5 may be truth i! earth 5hich i! earth is =ud ed of them that ha6e po5er i! earthE 'ourthly" he suffered blasphemy as to his bou!ty a!d ood!ess1 'or they said that he 5as a ma! si!!er a!d decei6er i! his 5ords" Lu4e 88iii1D +e hath mo6ed the commo! people 5ith his doctri!e" i! be i!!i! from Galilee" hither" a!d hath bro4e! the comma!dme!ts of the la5" for he 4eepeth !ot the Sabbath day" Joha!!is !o!o1 Thirdly" the sorro5 5as i! smelli! of ordure a!d filth1 'or he mi ht smell reat ste!ch o! the mou!t of Cal6ary 5hereas 5ere the bodies of dead me! sti!4i! " 5hereof is said i! Scholastica +istoria that Cal6ary is the bo!e of the head all bare1 A!d because that ma!y 5ere there beheaded" a!d ma!y s4ulls of heads 5ere there sparteled all ope!ly" they said that it 5as the place of Cal6ary1 'ourthly the sorro5 i! tasti! " 5hereof he criedD SitioI I am athirstI There 5as i6e! to him 6i!e ar meddled 5ith myrrh a!d all" to the e!d that he should the soo!er die" a!d the 4eepers mi ht the soo!er depart a!d o the!ce1 'or it is said by 6i!e ar me! die much soo!e1 A!d 5ith this also they a6e to him myrrh for to ha6e the more pai!" for the bitter!ess of the myrrh a!d of the all1 ,hereof saith S1 Austi!D +is purity 5as fulfilled 5ith 6i!e ar i!stead of 5i!e" his s5eet!ess 5ith all7 the i!!oce!t is set for uilty" a!d the life dieth for death1 'ifthly" the sorro5 5as i! touchi! " for i! all the parts of his body he 5as touched a!d 5ou!ded" from the pla!t of his foot u!to the top of his head 5as !o!e 5hole place1 A!d ho5 he suffered sorro5 i! all his !atural 5its S1 9er!ard telleth" that saithD The head that made a! els to tremble is pierced a!d pric4ed 5ith the <uality of sharp thor!s1 The 6isa e 5hich 5as most fair of all other members is fouled by spit" a!d hurt 5ith the thor!s of the Je5s1 The eyes more shi!i! tha! the su! be e8ti!ct i! the death1 The ears hear !ot the so! of the a! els but the assaults of the si!!ers1 The mouth that teacheth a!d e!sei !eth the a! els" is made dri!4 6i!e ar a!d all1 The feet" of 5hom the steps be 5orshipped" be attached 5ith !ails to the cross1 The ha!ds that formed the hea6e!s be stretched o! the cross" a!d !ailed 5ith !ails1 The body is beate!" the side is pierced 5ith a spear" a!d 5hat more may be saidE There abode !othi! sa6e the to! ue for to pray for the si!!ers" a!d for to recomme!d his mother to his disciple1 Seco!dly" his passio! 5as despised of moc4eries a!d derisio!s of the Je5s1 'or four times he 5as moc4ed1 'irst" at the house of A!a!ias 5here he recei6ed spitti! s" buffets a!d bli!dfoldi! " of the Je5s1 ,hereof S1 9er!ard saithD 3i ht s5eet a!d ood Jesus thy desirous 6isa e 5hich a! els desire to see" the Je5s 5ith their spitti! s ha6e defiled" 5ith their ha!ds ha6e smitte!" 5ith a 6eil fortor! they ha6e co6ered" !or they ha6e !ot spared to hurt it 5ith bitter 5ou!ds1 Seco!dly" he 5as moc4ed i! the house of +erod" 5hich reputed him for a fool" a!d alie!ed from his 5it" because he mi ht ha6e of him !o!e a!s5er1 A!d by derisio! he 5as clad 5ith a 5hite 6esture" 5hereof saith S1 9er!ardD Tu es homo" etc1: +e saith thusD Thou art a ma! a!d hast a chaplet of flo5ers" a!d I am God a!d ha6e a chaplet of thor!s1 Thou hast lo6es o! thi!e ha!ds" a!d I ha6e the !ails fi8ed i! my ha!ds1 Thou da!cest i! 5hite 6estures" a!d I God am moc4ed a!d 6ilipe!ded" a!d i! the house of +erod had recei6ed a 5hite 6esture1 Thou da!cest a!d playest 5ith thy feet" a!d I 5ith my feet ha6e laboured i! reat pai!1 Thou liftest up thi!e arms i! =oy" a!d I ha6e stretched them i! reat reproof1 Thou stretchest out thi!e arms across i! caroli! a!d lad!ess" a!d I stretch mi!e i! the cross i! reat opprobrium a!d 6illai!y1 Thou hast thy side a!d thy breast ope! i! si ! of 6ai! lory" a!d I ha6e mi!e ope!ed 5ith a spear1 Ne6ertheless retur! to me a!d I shall recei6e thee1 9ut 5hy a!d 5herefore Jesus i! the time of his passio! before +erod (ilate a!d the Je5s 5as thus still a!d spa4e !ot" there be three reaso!s a!d causes1 The first 5as because they 5ere !ot 5orthy to hear his a!s5er1 The seco!d 5as because E6e si!!ed by spea4i! " a!d Jesus 5ould ma4e satisfactio! by bei! still a!d !ot spea4i! 1 The third is because that all that e6er he a!s5ered" they per6erted it1 Thirdly" Jesus 5as moc4ed i! the house of (ilate1 'or they clad him 5ith a red ma!tle" a!d i! his ha!d they too4 him a reed" a!d set upo! his head a cro5! of thor!s" a!d 4!eeled o! their 4!ees before him sayi! D +ail" @i! of the Je5s1 This cro5! 5as of =o!4es of the sea1 A!d 5e hold a!d say that the blood spra! out of his head1 ,hereof saith S1 9er!ardD Caput illud di6i!um" etc1 The head precious a!d di6i!e 5as pierced 5ith thor!s u!to the brai! of the soul1 There be three opi!io!s i! 5hat place pri!cipally the soul hath her place7 or i! the heart" for the scripture saith" out of the heart come the e6il thou hts7 or i! the blood" because the scripture saith" the soul of e6ery o!e is i! the blood7 or i! the head" because the E6a! elist saithD ,he!














he i!cli!eth his head he re!dered his spirit1 A!d this treble opi!io! it seemeth that the Je5s had 4!o5!" for 5he! they 5ould ma4e the soul issue out of the body" they sou ht it i! the head" 5he! they thrust the thor!s to the brai!1 They sou ht it i! the blood 5he! they ope!ed his 6ei!s i! the feet a!d ha!ds1 A!d they sou ht it i! the heart 5he! they pierced his side1 A ai!st these three illusio!s" o! Good 'riday" before the cross is sho5ed" 5e ma4e three adoratio!s i! sayi! D A ios" O Theos" ;s4yros" etc1" i! ho!ouri! him three times" li4e as he 5as for us moc4ed a!d scor!ed o! the cross1 'ourthly" he 5as scor!ed o! the cross1 The pri!ces of the priests 5ith the old me! a!d masters of the la5" cler4s a!d doctors" said to himD If he be @i! of Israel" let him desce!d from the cross !o5 to the e!d that 5e belie6e i! him1 ,hereof saith S1 9er!ardD I! that Jesus sho5ed the more reat 6irtue of patie!ce" he comma!ded humility" he accomplished obedie!ce" he performed charity1 A!d i! si ! of these four 6irtues the four cor!ers of the cross be ador!ed 5ith precious ems a!d sto!es1 A!d i! the most appare!t place is charity" a!d o! the ri ht side is obedie!ce" a!d o! the left side is patie!ce" a!d be!eath is humility" the root of all 6irtues1 A!d all these thi! s that Jesu Christ suffered" S1 9er!ard athereth to ether sayi! D I shall" said he" as lo! as I shall li6e remember the labours that he had i! preachi! " of the tra6ails that he had i! oi! from o!e place to a!other by la!d" a!d from city to city" of his 5a4i! s i! prayi! " of his temptatio!s i! fasti! " of his 5eepi! s a!d tears i! ha6i! compassio!" of the a5aiti! s o! him i! spea4i! " i! assayi! him a!d tempti! 1 A!d at last of the 6illa!ies of the spitti! s" of the moc4eries" of the opprobriums a!d of the !ails1 Thirdly" his passio! 5as profitable a!d fructuousD the 5hich may be profitable i! three ma!!ers1 That is to 5it i! remissio! of si!" i! ifts of race" a!d i! demo!stratio! of lory1 A!d these three thi! s be sho5ed i! the title of the cross1 The first is Jesus" the seco!d NaHare!us" a!d the third 3e8 Judeorum" for there shall 5e all be 4i! s1 Of the profit spea4eth S1 Austi!" sayi! D Our Lord Jesu Christ hath put a5ay the si!s past" prese!t" a!d to come1 The si!s past i! pardo!i! them7 the prese!t i! 5ithdra5i! me! from them7 them to come i! i6i! race to esche5 the si!s1 ;et the same doctor saith thusD ,e ou ht to praise a!d to tha!4" to lo6e a!d to ho!our him7 for by the death of our Sa6iour a!d 3edeemer 5e be brou ht to life" from corruptio! to i!corruptio!" from e8ile u!to our cou!try" from 5eepi! to =oy 5e be called a ai!1 A!d ho5 5ell the ma!!er of our redemptio! 5as profitable it appeareth by fi6e reaso!s1 That is to 5it" because it 5as ri ht acceptable to appease God" ri ht helpi! to sa6e us" ri ht effectual to dra5 to him the huma! li!ea e" ri ht 5ise to fi ht a ai!st the e!emy of huma! li!ea e" a!d to reco!cile us to God1 'or after this that S1 A!selm saithD There is !othi! more sharp !e more stro! that a ma! may suffer by his proper 5ill" 5ithout it be of God" tha! to suffer death 5ith his o5! proper 5ill for the ho!our of God1 Ne !o ma! may better i6e to God to his ho!our tha! i6e himself to death for him1 A!d this is that the apostle saith ad Ephesios 61 Our Lord hath i6e! himself i! to oblatio! a!d sacrifice for us i! to the odour of s5eet!ess to God the 'ather1 A!d ho5 he 5as sacrificed that 5as i! us appeasi! God" S1 Austi! i! the boo4 of the Tri!ity saith thusD ,hat thi! may be more raciously a!d pleasa!tly recei6ed tha! the flesh of our sacrifice" 5hich 5as made the precious body of our priest1 Therefore four thi! s ou ht to be co!sidered i! all sacrificeD 'irst" him to 5hom it is offered" that 5hich is offered" him that offereth" a!d him for 5ho the offeri! is offered1 +e himself is the moye! of both t5o7 or that is to say God a!d ma!" he 5as himself that did offer" a!d he 5as himself that 5as offered1 A!d the same doctor saith yet of this sacrifice" ho5 5e be to God reco!ciledD Jesu Christ is the priest a!d the sacrifice" he is God a!d also he is the temple" he is the priest by 5hom 5e be reco!ciled" God" to 5hom 5e be reco!ciled" a!d the temple i! 5hom 5e be reco!ciled" the sacrifice of 5hom 5e be reco!ciled1 A!d S1 Austi! saith" co!sideri! them that despise this reco!ciliatio!" a!d set !ou ht thereby" he saith i! the perso! of Jesu Christ i! repro6i! themD ,he! thou 5ert e!emy to my 'ather I ha6e reco!ciled thee7 5he! thou 5ert far I bou ht thee a ai!7 5he! thou 5ert ta4e! I came for to redeem thee7 5he! amo! the mou!tai!s a!d the forests thou 5ert out of the 5ay" I sou ht thee" to the e!d that of the 5ol6es !or of the e6il beasts thou 5ert !ot eate! !or all to:tor!7 I athered thee a!d bare thee i! mi!e arms a!d deli6ered thee to my 'ather1 I laboured" I s5eat" I put mi!e head a ai!st the thor!s" stretched mi!e ha!ds u!to the !ails" ope!ed my side to the spear" ha6e shed my blood" a!d ha6e i6e! o6er my soul a!d life for to =oi! thee to me" a!d thou hast departed thyself from me1 Seco!dly" Jesu Christ 5as ri ht co!6e!able a!d !ecessary for to sa6e us" a!d to heal a!d cure us of our malady a!d sic4!ess" for because of the time a!d of the place a!d of the ma!!er of the time" as it appeareth1 'or Adam 5as made a!d si!!ed i! the mo!th of -arch" a!d o! the 'riday" 5hich is the si8th day of the 5ee4" a!d therefore God i! the mo!th of -arch" a!d o! the 'riday 5ould suffer death" a!d at midday 5hich is the si8th hour1 Seco!dly" for the place of his passio!" the 5hich mi ht be co!sidered i! three ma!!ers1 'or o!e place either it is commo! or especial or si! ular1 The place commo! 5here he suffered 5as the la!d of promise1 The place especial the mou!t of Cal6ary1 The place si! ular the cross1 I! the 5as i! a field about or !i h Damascus1 ,here it is said" i! a place special" he 5as there buried1 'or ri ht i! the place 5here Jesu Christ suffered death" it is said that Adam 5as buried1 +o5 5ell that this is











!ot authe!tic" for S1 Jerome saith that Adam 5as buried i! +ebro!1 A!d also i! the boo4 of Josuah is 5ritte! the 8i61 chapterD I! a place si! ular he 5as decei6ed" that is to 5it i! the tree" !ot i! this o! 5hich Jesus suffered death" but i! a!other tree1 Thirdly" he 5as ri ht co!6e!able because of the curi! " the 5hich by ma!!er 5as semblable to the pre6aricatio! by li4e a!d co!trary1 'or thus as saith S1 Austi! i! the boo4" De doctri!a christia!aD 9y a 5oma! he 5as decei6ed" a!d by a 5oma! he 5as bor! a ma!" a!d the ma! deli6ered the me!1 O!e mortal deli6ered the mortal" a!d the death by his death1 A!d S1 Ambrose saithD Adam 5as of the earth a 6ir i!7 Jesu Christ 5as bor! of the 6ir i!7 Adam 5as made to the ima e of God7 Jesus 5as the ima e of God7 by a 5oma! folly 5as sho5ed7 by a 5oma! 5isdom 5as bor!1 Adam 5as !a4ed7 Jesu Christ !a4ed1 The death came by the tree" the life by the cross1 Adam i! desert" a!d Jesus i! desert" but by the co!trary1 'or after S1 Gre oryD Adam si!!ed by pride" by disobedie!ce a!d by lutto!y" for he co6eted the hi h!ess of God1 'or the serpe!t said to them" ye shall be semblable to God" he bra4e the co6e!a!t of God" a!d desired a!d co6eted the s5eet!ess of the fruit by lutto!y1 A!d because the ma!!er of the Sa6iour ou ht to be by the co!trary" therefore this ma!!er 5as ri ht co!6e!able by the humiliatio!" by the fulfilli! a!d afflictio!" or of the di6i!e 6ole!ty1 A!d hereof saith the apostle ad (hilippe!ses7 +umilia6it se ipsum1 Thirdly" Jesus 5as ri ht profitable to dra5 to him the huma! li!ea e1 'or o!e of the 5orld" his free 5ill sa6ed" mi ht !e6er ha6e dra5! ma!4i!d to his lo6e1 A!d ho5 he dra5eth us to his lo6e S1 9er!ard saithD Abo6e all thi! s O ood Jesu i6e me race to lo6e thee1 A!d by this thi! he dre5 us most to his lo6e1 That is the chalice ood Lord that thou hast dru!4e!" 5hich 5as the 5or4 our of redemptio!1 This chalice is thy passio!" 5hich li htly may appropre our lo6e to thee1 This is that dra5eth most pleasa!tly our de6otio!" a!d =ustly raiseth it" a!d soo!est strai!eth a!d most 6eheme!tly ta4eth our affectio!1 A!d 5here thou lame!test" a!d thereas thou despoilest thee of thy rays !atural" there shi!eth most thy pity7 there is most clear thy charity" a!d there abou!deth most thy race1 A!d ho5 also 5e ou ht to retur! to the affia!ce of him S1 (aul saith" ad 3oma!os 6iii1D +e spared !ot his o5! So!" but for us all he deli6ered him1 Therefore S1 9er!ard saithD ,ho is he that is !ot ra6ished to hope of affia!ce 5hich ta4eth !o!e heed to the dispositio! of his bodyE +e hath his head i!cli!ed to be 4issed" the arms stretched to embrace us" his ha!ds pierced to i6e to us" the side ope! to lo6e us" the feet fi8ed 5ith !ails for to abide 5ith us" a!d the body stretched all for to i6e to us1 'ourthly" he 5as ri ht 5ise a!d 5ell ad6ised for to fi ht a ai!st the e!emy of the huma! li!ea e1 Job 886i1D +is 5isdom hath smitte! the proud ma!" a!d after" may ye !ot ta4e the fie!d 5ith a! hoo4E Jesu Christ hath hid the hoo4 of his di6i!ity u!der the meat of our huma!ity" a!d the fie!d 5ould ta4e the meat of the flesh" a!d 5as ta4e! 5ith the hoo4 of the Godhead1 Of this 5ise ta4i! " saith S1 Austi!" our 3edemptio! is come a!d the decei6er is 6a!<uished1 A!d 5hat did our 3edemptorE +e laid out his bait to our decei6er a!d ad6ersary7 he hath set forth his cross7 a!d 5ithi! he hath set his meat" that is his blood1 'or he 5ould shed his blood !ot as a debtor" a!d therefore" he departed from the debtors1 A!d this debt here the apostle calleth chiro raphe or obli atio!" the 5hich Jesu Christ bare a!d attached it to the Cross1 Of 5hich Sai!t Austi! saithD E6e too4 of the fie!d si! by borro5i! by usury" a!d 5rote a! obli atio!1 She laid it for pled e" a!d the usury is au me!ted" a!d re5 u!to all the rem!a!t of the li!ea e1 The! too4 E6e of the fie!d si!" 5he! a ai!st the comma!dme!t she co!se!ted to him1 She 5rote the obli atio! 5he! she put her ha!d to the tree a ai!st the defe!ce of God1 She deli6ered pled e 5he! she made Adam to co!se!t to the si!" a!d thus the usury re5 a!d au me!ted u!to the remai!der of all the li!ea e1 A ai!st them that rec4 !othi! of this redemptio! Sai!t 9er!ard saith i! the perso! of Jesu ChristD -y people" saith Jesu" 5hat mi ht I ha6e do!e for thee that I ha6e !ot do!e to theeE ,hat cause is there that ye ser6e soo!er the de6il" our ad6ersary" tha! meE 'or he hath !ot created !e hath !ourished you1 9ut this seemeth a little thi! to them that be full of i! ratitude1 I ha6e redeemed you a!d !ot he" a!d for 5hat priceE Not 5ith old !e sil6er" !e of the su!" !e of the moo!" !e 5ith a!y of the a! els" but 5ith my proper blood1 A!d after co!sider" if of ri ht for so ma!y be!efits ye ou ht to choose to ha6e my compa!y1 A!d if ye 5ill all lea6e me" at the least come 5ith me for to 5i! a pe!!y a day1 A!d because they deli6ered Jesu Christ to death" that is to 5it Judas for a6arice" the Je5s for e!6y" a!d (ilate for dread1 A!d therefore it is to see 5hat pai! 5as deli6ered to them of God for this si!1 9ut of the pai! a!d of the birth of Judas thou shalt fi!d i! the le e!d of S1 -atthe5" of the pai! a!d rui! of the Je5s" i! the le e!d of S1 James the Less" a!d of the pai! of (ilate a!d his birth thou shalt fi!d i! o!e apocryphum 5hereas it is said i! this ma!!er1 There 5as a 4i! called Tyrus 5hich 4!e5 car!ally a maid called (ilam" 5hich 5as dau hter of a miller !amed Atus1 A!d of this dau hter he e! e!dered a so!1 She too4 her !ame a!d the !ame of her father" 5hich 5as called Atus" a!d composed thus of their !ames o!e !ame to her so!" a!d !amed him (ilatus1 A!d 5he! he 5as three years old she se!t him to the 4i! 1 A!d the 4i! had a so! of the <uee!" 5hich








seemed to be of the a e of (ilate1 A!d these t5o so!s 5he! they 5ere of a e of discretio!" oft they fou ht to ether" a!d 5ith the sli! they played oft1 A!d the 4i! >s so! also" 5hich 5as le itimate" 5as more !oble" a!d i! all feats he 4!e5 more" a!d more 5as set by because of his birth1 A!d (ilate seei! this 5as mo6ed of e!6y a!d 5rath a!d pri6ily sle5 his brother1 The 5hich thi! the 4i! heard say" a!d 5as much a! ry" a!d dema!ded of his cou!cil 5hat he mi ht do a!d ma4e of this trespass a!d homicide1 The 5hich all 5ith o!e 6oice said that he 5as 5orthy to suffer death1 A!d the 4i! 5ould !ot double the pai! a!d pu!itio!" but because he o5ed to the 3oma!s yearly a tribute" he se!t him i! hosta e to the 3oma!s" as 5ell for to be <uit of the death of his so!" a!d that he should !ot be co!strai!ed to put him to death" as 5ell as for to be <uit of the tribute that he o5ed to 3ome1 A!d this time 5as at 3ome o!e of the so!s of the 4i! of 'ra!ce" 5hich 5as also se!t for tre5a e1 A!d 5he! (ilate sa5 him" he a!o! accompa!ied 5ith him" a!d sa5 that he 5as praised before him for the 5it a!d for the ma!!ers that 5ere i! him1 (ilate sle5 him also1 A!d 5he! the 3oma!s dema!ded 5hat should be do!e i! this matter" they a!s5ered that he 5hich had slai! his brother a!d estra! ed him that 5as i! hosta e" if he mi ht li6e should be yet much profitable to the commo! 5eal" a!d should dau!t the !ec4s of them that 5ere cruel a!d 5ood1 A!d the! said the 3oma!s" that sith he 5as 5orthy to die he should be se!t i!to a! isle of the sea !amed (o!thus" to them that 5ill suffer !o =ud e o6er them" to the e!d that his 5ic4ed!ess may o6ercome a!d =ud e them or else that he suffer of them li4e as he hath deser6ed1 The! 5as (ilate se!t to this cruel people a!d 5ild" 5hich before had slai! their =ud e1 A!d it 5as told to him to 5hat people he 5as se!t" a!d that he should co!sider ho5 his life 5as ha! i! " a!d i! reat =eopardy1 +e 5e!t co!sideri! his life a!d thou ht to 4eep it" a!d did so much that by me!aces a!d promises to torme!t as by ifts" that he subdued them all a!d put them i! sub=ectio!1 A!d because he had 6ictory of this cruel people" he 5as !amed of this Isle of (o!tus" (o!tius (ilate1 A!d 5he! +erod heard his i!i<uities a!d his frauds he had reat =oy thereof1 A!d because he 5as 5ic4ed himself" he 5ould ha6e 5ic4ed 5ith him" a!d se!t for him by messe! ers a!d by promise of ifts that he came to him" a!d a6e him the po5er upo! the realm of JudFa a!d Jerusalem1 A!d 5he! he had assembled a!d athered to ether much mo!ey" he 5e!t to 3ome 5ithout 4!o5i! of +erod" a!d offered ri ht reat sums of mo!ey to the Emperor for to et to himself that 5hich +erod so held1 A!d so he ot it1 A!d for this cause +erod a!d (ilate 5ere e!emies u!to the time of the passio! of Jesu Christ" 5hom (ilate se!t to +erod1 A!other cause of e!mity is assi !ed i! Scholastica +istoriaD There 5as o!e that said himself to be God" a!d had decei6ed ma!y of Galilee" a!d brou ht the people i!to GariHim 5here he said that he 5ould o up to hea6e!1 A!d (ilate came upo! them" a!d 5he! he had 4!o5led e of the deed he sle5 him a!d all his people" because he doubted that he 5ould ha6e decei6ed them of JudFa1 A!d therefore 5ere they e!emies to ether" for +erod rei !ed i! Galilee1 A!d 5he! (ilate had deli6ered Jesu Christ to the Je5s for to be crucified he doubted the Emperor that he should be repro6ed of that 5hich he had =ud ed a! i!!oce!t" a!d se!t a frie!d of his for to e8cuse him1 A!d i! this 5hile Tiberius the Emperor fell i!to a rie6ous malady1 A!d it 5as told to him that there 5as o!e i! Jerusalem that cured all ma!!er maladies1 A!d he 4!e5 !ot that (ilate a!d the Je5s had slai! him1 +e said to Volusia!" 5hich 5as secret 5ith himD Go i!to the parts o6er sea" a!d say to (ilate that he se!d to me the leech or master i! medici!e for to heal me of my malady1 A!d 5he! he 5as come to (ilate a!d had said his messa e" (ilate 5as much abashed" a!d dema!ded fourtee! days of dilatio!" i! 5hich time Volusia! fou!d a! old 5oma! !amed Vero!ica 5hich had bee! familiar a!d de6out 5ith Jesu Christ1 +e dema!ded of her 5here he mi ht fi!d him that he sou ht1 She the! escried a!d saidD alasI Lord God" my Lord" my God 5as he that ye as4 for" 5hom (ilate dam!ed to death" a!d 5hom the Je5s deli6ered to (ilate for e!6y" a!d comma!ded that he should be crucified1 The! he complai!ed him sorro5fully" a!d saidD I am sorry because he may !ot accomplish that 5hich my lord the Emperor hath char ed me1 To 5hom Vero!ica saidD -y lord a!d my master 5he! he 5e!t preachi! " I abse!ted me oft from him" I did do pai!t his ima e" for to ha6e al5ay 5ith me his prese!ce" because that the fi ure of his ima e should i6e me some solace1 A!d thus as I bare a li!e! 4erchief i! my bosom" our Lord met me" a!d dema!ded 5hither I 5e!t" a!d 5he! I told him 5hither I 5e!t a!d the cause" he dema!ded my 4erchief" a!d a!o! he empri!ted his face a!d fi ured it therei!1 A!d if my lord had beholde! the fi ure of Jesu Christ de6outly he should be a!o! uerished a!d healed1 A!d Volusia! as4edD Is there !either old !e sil6er that this fi ure may be bou ht 5ithE She a!s5eredD Nay" but stro! of coura e" de6out a!d of reat affectio!" I shall o 5ith thee a!d shall bear it to the Emperor for to see it" a!d after I shall retur! hither a ai!1 The! 5e!t Volusia! 5ith Vero!ica to 3ome a!d said to the EmperorD Jesus of NaHareth" 5hom thou hast lo! desired" (ilate a!d the Je5s by e!6y a!d 5ith 5ro! " ha6e put to death" a!d ha6e ha! ed him o! the cross1 A!d a matro!" a 5ido5" is come 5ith me 5hich bri! eth the ima e of Jesus" the 5hich if thou 5ith












ood heart a!d de6outly 5ilt behold" a!d ha6e therei! co!templatio!" thou shalt a!o! be 5hole1 A!d 5he! the Emperor had heard this" he did a!o! ma4e ready the 5ay 5ith cloths of sil4" a!d made the ima e of Jesus to be brou ht before him1 A!d a!o! as he had see! it a!d 5orshipped it he 5as all uerished a!d 5hole1 The! he comma!ded that (ilate should be ta4e! a!d brou ht to 3ome1 A!d 5he! the Emperor heard that (ilate 5as come to 3ome" he 5as much 5roth" a!d i!flamed a ai!st him" a!d bade that he should be brou ht tofore him1 (ilate 5are al5ays the arme!t of our Lord 5hich 5as 5ithout seam" 5here5ith he 5as clad 5he! he came before the Emperor1 A!d as soo! as the Emperor sa5 him all his 5rath 5as o!e" a!d the ire out of his heart7 he could !ot say a! e6il 5ord to him1 A!d i! his abse!ce he 5as sore cruel to5ards him" a!d i! his prese!ce he 5as al5ays s5eet" a!d debo!air to him" a!d a6e him lice!ce a!d departed1 A!d a!o! as he 5as departed he 5as as a! ry a!d as sore mo6ed as he 5as before" a!d more because he had !ot sho5ed to him his fury1 The! he made him to be called a ai!" a!d s5are he should be dead1 A!d a!o! as he sa5 him his cruelty 5as all o!e" 5hereof 5as reat mar6el1 No5 5as there o!e by the i!spiratio! of God" or at the persuasio! of some Christia! ma!" caused the Emperor to despoil him of that coat1 A!d a!o! as he had put it off" the Emperor had i! his heart as reat ire a!d fury as he had before" 5herefore the Emperor mar6elled of this coat" a!d it 5as told to him that it 5as the coat of Jesus1 The! the Emperor made (ilate to be set i! priso! till he had cou!selled 5hat he should do 5ith him1 A!d se!te!ce 5as i6e! that he should die a 6illai!>s death1 A!d 5he! (ilate heard the se!te!ce" he too4 a 4!ife a!d sle5 himself1 A!d 5he! the Emperor heard ho5 he 5as dead" he saidD Certai!ly he is dead of a ri ht 6illai!ous death a!d foul" for his o5! proper ha!d hath !ot spared him1 The! his body 5as ta4e! a!d bou!de! to a millsto!e a!d cast i! the ri6er of Tiber for to be su!4e! i! to the bottom1 A!d the ill spirits i! the air be a! to mo6e reat tempests a!d mar6ellous 5a6es i! the 5ater" a!d horrible thu!der a!d li ht!i! 5hereof the people 5as sore afraid a!d i! reat doubt1 A!d therefore the 3oma!s dre5 out the body a!d i! derisio! se!t it to Vie!!e a!d cast it i! to the ri6er !amed 3ho!e1 Vie!!e is as much to say as hell" 5hich is said Gehe!!a" for the! it 5as a cursed place" a!d so there is his body i! the place of maledictio!1 A!d the e6il spirits be as 5ell there as i! other places" a!d made such tempests as they did before" i!somuch that they of that place mi ht !ot suffer it1 A!d therefore they too4 the 6essel 5herei! the body 5as" a!d se!t it for to bury it i! the territory of the city of Lausa!!e1 The 5hich also 5as tempested as the other1 A!d it 5as ta4e! the!ce a!d thro5! i!to a deep pit all e!6iro!ed 5ith mou!tai!s1 I! 5hich place" after the relatio! of some" be see! illusio!s" a!d machi!atio!s of fie!ds be see! ro5 a!d boil1 A!d hitherto is this story called apocryphum read1 They that ha6e read this" let them say a!d belie6e as it shall please them1 Ne6ertheless i! Scholastica Historia is read that (ilate 5as accused before the Emperor Tiberius because he did put to death by 6iole!ce them that 5ere i!!oce!t" by his mi ht7 a!d that mau re the Je5s he did ima es of pay!ims i! the Temple" a!d that the mo!ey put i! corba!am he too4" a!d did 5ithal his profit" a!d 5as pro6ed i! his 6isa e that he made i! his house alleys a!d co!duits for 5ater to ru! i!1 A!d for these thi! s he 5as se!t to Lyo!s i! e8ile for to die amo! the people of 5hom he 5as bor!1 A!d this may be 5ell supposed that this history be true1 'or tofore 5as the edict i6e! that he should be put i! e8ile to Lyo!s" a!d that he 5as e8iled ere Volusia! retur!ed to the Emperor1 9ut 5he! the Emperor heard ho5 he had made our Lord Jesu to die he made him from his e8ile to come to 3ome1 Eusebius a!d 9ede i! their chro!icles say !ot that he 5as impriso!ed a!d put i! e8ile" but because that he fell i! ma!y miseries by despair he sle5 himself 5ith his o5! ha!d1 Here )e(i##eth the Re urre$tio#"



+eretofore 5e ha6e made me!tio! of de6iatio! of the huma! li!ea e" 5hich dureth from Septua esima u!to Easter1 +ereafter 5e shall ma4e me!tio! of the time of reco!ciliatio!1 The resurrectio! of our Lord Jesu Christ 5as the third day after his death1 A!d of this blessed resurrectio! se6e! thi! s be to be co!sidered1 'irst" of the time that he 5as i! the sepulchre" that be three days a!d three !i hts he 5as i! the sepulchre" a!d the third day he arose1 Seco!dly" 5herefore he arose !ot a!o! 5he! he 5as dead" but abode u!to the third day1 Thirdly" ho5 he arose1 'ourthly" 5herefore his resurrectio! tarried !ot u!til the e!eral resurrectio!1 'ifthly" 5herefore he arose1 Si8thly" ho5 ofttimes he appeared i! his resurrectio!1 A!d the se6e!th" ho5 the holy fathers 5hich 5ere e!closed i! a part of hell he deli6ered" a!d 5hat he did" etc1 As to the first poi!t" it ou ht to be 4!o5! that Jesus 5as i! the sepulchre three days a!d three !i hts1 9ut" after S1 Austi!" the first day is ta4e! by sy!echdoche" that is that the last part of the day is ta4e! 5hich dureth from Easter u!to the utas of ,hitsu!tide" li4e as holy








Church hath ordai!ed1 The seco!d day is ta4e! all 5hole1 The third is ta4e! after the first part of the day1 Thus there be three days" a!d e6ery day hath his !i ht oi! before1 A!d after 9ede the order of the day 5as cha! ed" a!d the course ordai!ed" for before" the days 5e!t before a!d the !i hts follo5ed" after the time of the passio! that order 5as cha! ed" for the !i hts o before" a!d this is by mystery1 'or ma! first o6erthre5 i! the day a!d fell i!to the !i ht of si!1 A!d by the passio! a!d resurrectio! of Jesu Christ he came a ai! from the !i ht of si! u!to the day of race1 As touchi! the seco!d co!sideratio!" it ou ht to be 4!o5! that it is accordi! to reaso! that a!o! after his death he ou ht !ot to arise" but ou ht to abide u!to the third day" a!d for fi6e reaso!s1 The first for the si !ificatio! to that that the li ht of his death should cure our double death" a!d therefore o!e day 5hole a!d t5o !i hts" he lay i! the sepulchre" that by the day 5e u!dersta!d the li ht of his death" a!d by the t5o !i hts our double death1 A!d this reaso! assi !eth the loss upo! S1 Lu4e" Luce 6icesimo upo! this te8t1 Oportebat Christum pati" etc1 The seco!d for certai! probatio!1 'or ri ht so as i! the mouth of t5ai! or of three is the 5it!ess established" ri ht so i! three days is pro6ed all deed a!d fait 6eritable1 A!d to the e!d to pro6e that his death 5as 6eritable" he 5ould lie therei! three days1 The third for to sho5 his puissa!ce7 for if he had arise! a!o!" it should seem that he had !ot such mi ht for to i6e him life as he had to raise him1 A!d this reaso! toucheth the Apostle ad Cori!thios 861 Therefore is there first made me!tio! of his death1 Li4e as his death 5as 6erily sho5ed so his 6ery resurrectio! is sho5ed a!d declared1 'ourthly" for to fi ure the restoratio!1 A!d this reaso! assi !eth (etrus 3a6e!e!sisD Jesu Christ 5ould be three days i! his sepulchre i! fi ure" i! be!efit doi! 1 That is to 5it" to restore them that be falle!" to repair them that be i! the earth" a!d to redeem them that 5ere i! hell1 The fifth" for the represe!ti! of treble estate of ri htful me!1 A!d this reaso! assi !eth S1 Gre ory upo! EHechiel sayi! D The si8th day of the 5ee4 Jesus suffered death" the Saturday he lay i! the sepulchre" the Su!day he arose1 The prese!t life is yet to us the si8th day" for i! a! uishes a!d sorro5s 5e be torme!ted1 The Saturday also is that 5e rest us i! our sepulchre" for after the death 5e shall fi!d the rest for our souls1 The Su!day is the ei hth day1 That day 5e shall be free of the death a!d of all sorro5 i! body a!d i! soul i! lory1 The! the si8th day is to us sorro5" the se6e!th rest" a!d the ei hth lory1 As to the third co!sideratio!" ho5 he arose" it appeareth 6erily that he arose mi htily1 'or by his proper mi ht he arose" Joha!!is !o!oD (otestatem habeo" etc1 I ha6e said I ha6e po5er to deli6er my soul a!d I ha6e po5er to resume it a ai!1 That is to say to die 5he! I 5ill1 Seco!dly" he arose =oyously" for he too4 a5ay all misery" all i!firmity" a!d all ser6itude1 ,hereof he saith the ospel of Joh!" Joha!!is 886i1" he saidD ,he! I shall arise a ai! I shall ad6a!ce me a!d o tofore you i!to Galilee" 5here ye shall see me free a!d deli6ered1 Galilee is as much to say as tra!smi ratio!" that is to say dyi! 1 Jesu Christ the!" 5he! he arose" 5e!t before us" for he 5e!t from misery to lory" a!d from corruptio! to i!corruptio!1 ,hereof S1 Leo the (ope saithD After the passio! of Jesu Christ" the bo!ds of death bro4e!" he 5as tra!sported from i!firmity to 6irtue" from mortality to perpetuity" a!d from 6illai!y to lory1 Thirdly" he rose profitably" for he carried 5ith him his prey1 ,hereof saith Jeremy the fourth chapter" Asce!dit leo de cubili" etc1 The lio! is rise! out of his bed1 Jesus asce!ded o! hi h upo! the cross" a!d the robber of the people e!ha!ced himself1 Jesu Christ robbed hell" 5herei! 5as the huma! li!ea e1 As he had saidD Cum e8altatus fuero" etc1 ,he! I shall asce!d o! hi h I shall dra5 to me all mi!e of 5hom hell hath holde! a!d 4ept the souls" 5hich 5ere e!closed i! dar4!ess a!d the bodies i! sepulture1 'ourthly" he arose mar6ellously1 'or he arose 5ithout ope!i! of the sepulchre 5hich abode fast closed1 'or li4e as he issued out of his mother>s belly" a!d to his disciples" the doors closed a!d shut" so he issued out of his sepulchre1 ,hereof is read i! Scholastica +istoria" of a mo!4 of S1 Laure!ce 5ithout the 5alls" i! the year of the I!car!atio! of our Lord o!e thousa!d o!e hu!dred a!d ele6e!" 5hich mar6elled of a irdle 5ith 5hich he 5as irt" that 5ithout u!doi! or ope!i! it 5as cast tofore him1 ,hereof 5he! he sa5 it he mar6elled" a!d he heard a 6oice i! the air sayi! D Thus may Jesu Christ issue out of his sepulchre" a!d the sepulchre all closed1 'ifthly" he arose truly" for he arose i! his proper body" a!d by si8 ma!!ers he sho5ed that he 5as 6erily rise!1 'irst" by the a! el 5hich lied !ot1 Seco!dly" by ma!y a!d ofttimes appeari! 1 Thirdly" by eati! ope!ly a!d by !o art fa!tastic1 'ourthly" by palpatio! of his 6ery body1 'ifthly" by oste!tio! of his 5ou!ds" by 5hich he sho5ed that it 5as the proper body i! 5hich he had 6erily suffered death1 Si8thly" by his prese!ce i! comi! i!to the house" the ates shut" 5he! he e!tered sudde!ly a!d i!6isibly" by 5hich he sho5ed that his body 5as lorified1 Se6e!thly" he arose immortally" for he shall !e6er die" Joha!!is 6i1D Christus resur e!s" etc1 A!d S1 De!is i! a! epistle that he made to Demophilus saith that Jesu Christ after his asce!sio! said to a! holy ma! !amed Carpo" I am all ready yet to suffer for to sa6e ma!7 by 5hich it seemeth that if it 5ere


















!eed" that yet he 5ere ready to suffer death as it is co!tai!ed i! the same epistle1 This holy ma!" Carpo" told to S1 De!is that a pay!im per6erted a Christia! ma! a!d brou ht him out of the faith1 A!d this Carpo too4 such a! er therefore i! his heart that he 5as sic41 A!d this Carpo 5as of so reat holi!ess that as oft as he sa! mass a! hea6e!ly 6isio! appeared to him1 9ut 5he! he should pray for the co!6ersio! of them both daily" he prayed God that both t5ai! mi ht be bur!t i! a fire1 A!d o! a time about mid!i ht he made this prayer u!to God" a!d sudde!ly the house i! 5hich he 5as i!" 5as di6ided i! t5o parts" a!d a ri ht reat fur!ace appeared there1 A!d he loo4ed up a!d beheld the hea6e!" a!d sa5 it ope!" a!d Jesu Christ 5hich 5as e!6iro!ed 5ith a reat multitude of a! els" a!d beside the fur!ace these t5o me! 5ere trembli! for reat dread that they had7 the 5hich me! 5ere bitte! of serpe!ts that issued out of the fur!ace" 5hich dre5 them by force i!to the fur!ace7 a!d also of other me! they 5ere repro6ed a!d 6illai!ed1 A!d this holy ma! Carpo i! beholdi! them had reat deli ht" a!d too4 pleasau!ce i! their pu!itio!7 i! such 5ise that he left the 6isio! of hea6e! a!d set !ot thereby" but 5as a! ry that they fell !ot sudde!ly i!to the fur!ace1 A!d the! as he loo4ed up i!to hea6e!" he sa5 the 6isio! that he had before see!1 A!d Jesu Christ 5hich had pity of these t5o me! arose up out of his thro!e" a!d came u!to them 5ith a reat multitude of a! els" a!d put forth his ha!d a!d deli6ered them1 A!d Jesus said to CarpoD Smite me" from he!ceforth I am ready to suffer for to sa6e ma!1 This e!sample reciteth S1 De!is1 As to the fourth article" 5herefore he abode !ot u!til the e!eral resurrectio!" three reaso!s be assi !ed1 The first for the di !ity of his body" for he 5as deified a!d came from the Deity" a!d therefore it 5as !o reaso! that his body should so lo! lie i! the earth1 ,hereof Da6id saith" No! dabis sa!ctum tuum 6idere corruptio!emD Thou shalt !ot suffer thi!e holy body to see corruptio!1 The seco!d reaso! is for the steadfast!ess of the faith1 'or if he had !ot the! arise!" the faith had perished" me! 5ould !ot ha6e belie6ed that he had bee! 6ery God1 A!d that appeareth 5ell" for i! his passio!" sa6e our Lady" all lost faith1 9ut 5he! they had 4!o5led e of his resurrectio! they reco6ered it a ai!" as saith S1 (aul" Si Christus !o! surre8erit 6a!e est fides !ostraD If Jesu Christ had !ot rise! our faith had bee! 6ai! or !o!e1 The third cause for the e8emplar of our resurrectio!D there should be but fe5 that should belie6e the resurrectio! to come if Jesu Christ had !ot rise!1 A!d this is our e8ample a!d our hope1 A!d therefore say the apostles" Jesu Christ is arise! a!d 5e shall arise" for his resurrectio! is cause of ours1 ,hereof saith S1 Gre oryD Our Lord by e8ample hath sho5ed that he promised i! re5ard" as that 5e should 4!o5 him to ha6e rise!1 Thus i! ourself 5e should ha6e hope of the re5ard of his resurrectio!" a!d 5e ou ht to 4!o5 that Jesu Christ 5ould !ot prolo! his resurrectio! abo6e three days" to the e!d that desperatio! should !ot be i! the 5orld1 As to the fifth article" it is 5herefore he arose1 +e arose for four thi! s much profitable to us7 for his resurrectio! made the =ustificatio! of our si!s1 She e!sei !eth !e5 life of ma!!ers" she e! e!dereth the hope of re5ard" a!d ordai!eth the resurrectio! of all1 Of the first saith S1 (aul ad 3oma!osD Jesu Christ died for our si!s a!d arose for to =ustify us1 Of the seco!dD Li4e as Jesu Christ arose by the lory of the 'ather" 5hich is a !e5 lorious life" so ou ht 5e i! spiritual life to ta4e !e5 ma!!ers1 Of the thirdD 9y his reat mercy God hath raised us i! hope of life by the resurrectio! of Jesu Christ1 Of the fourth it is said to us i! ScriptureD Jesu Christ arose from death" for by ma! is death come to me!" a!d by ma!" that is Jesu Christ" the life is come to me!1 Thus be they the first of dead me!1 Adam of them that died" a!d Jesu Christ of them that be ali6e by his resurrectio!1 A!d thus it appeareth that Jesu Christ had four properties i! his resurrectio!1 The first is" that our resurrectio! is deferred u!to the last resurrectio!" a!d Jesu Christ arose the third day1 As saith the loss upo! this psalmD Ad 6esperum demorabitur fletus" etc1D At e6e!so! time shall be 5eepi! " a!d o! the mor! lad!ess a!d =oy1 The loss saith that the resurrectio! of Jesu Christ is cause sufficie!t of the resurrectio! of souls i! this prese!t time" a!d of the bodies i! time to come1 The seco!d property is" that 5e rise by him" a!d he arose by himself1 ,hereof saith S1 AmbroseD +o5 mi ht he see4 help to raise his body" 5hich raised otherE The third property is" that 5e become dust or ashes" a!d his body mi ht !ot be tur!ed i!to ashes1 The fourth property is" that his resurrectio! is cause sacrame!tal of our resurrectio!1 As touchi! the si8th article" ho5 oft he appeared the day of his resurrectio!1 +e appeared fi6e times1 'irst to -ary -a dale!e" -arci ultimo1 After his resurrectio! he appeared first to -ary -a dale!e" 5hich is fi ure of pe!ite!ts1 A!d for fi6e reaso!s he appeared to her1 'irst" for she lo6ed him most arde!tly1 9ecause she lo6ed so much" God for a6e a!d pardo!ed her ma!y si!s1 Seco!dly" for to sho5 that he died for si!!ers" -atthe5 i81D No! 6e!d 6ocare" etc1D I came !ot for to call ri htful me! but si!!ers to pe!a!ce1 Thirdly" for to 6erify his 5ord" -atthe5 88i1D Ame! dico <uia meretrices" etc1D To the hypocrites a!d pharisees he saith that commo! 5ome! a!d the publica!s should o before them to the 4i! dom of hea6e!1 'ourthly" for because that li4e as a 5oma! 5as messe! er of death" so a 5oma! should be messe! er of life" after the loss1 'ifthly" li4e as si! abou!ded" so should race more abou!d" li4e as the apostle saith ad 3oma!os 61 The seco!d time he appeared to the three -aries 5hich retur!ed from the mo!ume!t" 5he! he said to themD A6ete" God reet you7 a!d the! the! approached him a!d held his feet1 A!d that is the fi ure of



humble prayers1 To 5hom our Lord appeared" as 5ell for the reaso! of the !ature as for the reaso! of the affectio!1 'or they held his feet" 5hich si !ifieth the affectio! of the heart1 Thirdly he appeared to S1 (eter" but 5he! or i! 5hat place it is !ot 4!o5!" but if it 5ere by ad6e!ture 5he! he retur!ed from the mo!ume!t 5ith S1 Joh!1 'or it mi ht 5ell be that S1 (eter i! some place tur!ed from S1 Joh!" 5here God appeared to him" or by ad6e!ture 5he! he 5as alo!e i! the mo!ume!t1 Li4e as it is said i! Scholastica +istoria" or perad6e!ture i! a ca6e or a fosse1 'or it is read i! the histories" 5he! he re!ied a!d forsoo4 our Lord" that he fled i!to a ca6e 5here as the mou!tai! is 5hich is called the mou!tai! of the coc47 or else after that it is said that he 5ept three days co!ti!ually after that he had re!ied God" a!d there Jesus appeared to him a!d comforted him" sayi! D (eter bear the 6irtue of obedie!ce" to 5hom our Lord sho5eth him1 'ourthly he appeared to his disciples 5hich 5e!t to Emaus" 5hich is as much as to say as desire of cou!sel" a!d si !ifieth to 6isit the poor members of Jesu Christ a!d to help them1 As it is said i! the ospelD Go a!d sell all that thou hast" a!d i6e it to poor people1 'ifthly he appeared to his disciples 5hich 5ere to ether i! a place closed1 A!d this si !ifieth reli ious me! that be i! the 5orld 5ith the ates of their fi6e 5its closed1 These fi6e apparitio!s 5ere the day of his resurrectio!1 A!d these fi6e represe!teth the priest i! his mass 5he! he tur!eth him fi6e times to the people1 9ut the third tur!i! is i! sile!ce" 5hich si !ifieth the apparitio! made to S1 (eter" 5hich is !ot 4!o5! 5he! it 5as made !e i! 5hat place1 Si8thly he appeared the ei hth day to his disciples 5he! S1 Thomas 5as there" 5hich had said that he 5ould !ot belie6e it till he had see! the 5ou!ds" the !ails" a!d that he had put his ha!ds i! his side1 The se6e!th time he appeared fishi! " Joha!!is ultimo" a!d that si !ifieth preachers 5hich be fishers of me!1 The ei hth time he appeared to his disciples i! the -ou!t Tabor" -atthe5 ultimo" a!d that si !ifieth them that bee! co!templati6e" for i! the said hill 5as our Lord tra!sfi ured1 The !i!th time he appeared to ele6e! disciples 5here they sat at table" 5hereat he repro6ed their i!credulity a!d hard!ess of heart7 by 5hich 5e u!dersta!d the si!!ers i! the ele6e! !umber of tra!s ressio! set" 5hom our Lord by his mercy sometime 6isiteth1 The te!th time he appeared to his disciples i! the -ou!t of Oli6es by 5hich is si !ified them that be full of mercy a!d that lo6e compassio!" to 5hom our Lord appeareth" 5hich is 'ather of mercy a!d of pity1 'rom this place he asce!ded up i!to hea6e!1 There be three other ma!!er of apparitio!s of 5hich is made me!tio!" 5hich 5ere made the day of the resurrectio!" but they be !ot had i! the te8t of the ospel1 The first 5as that he appeared to S1 James the Less" 5hich is !amed James Alphei" of 5hich thou shalt fi!d i! his le e!d1 The seco!d that he appeared 5as to Joseph" as it is read i! the ospel of Nicodemus1 'or 5he! the Je5s had heard that Joseph had dema!ded the body of Jesus of (ilate" a!d that he had put it i! his mo!ume!t" they 5ere a! ry a!d had i!di !atio! o! him" a!d too4 him a!d put him i! a secret place" 5here dili e!tly they closed him a!d 4ept him" a!d 5ould ha6e slai! him after their sabbath day1 A!d Jesus the !i ht of his resurrectio! e!tered i!to the house 5here he 5as i!" a!d o6erlift up the four cor!ers of the house" a!d 5iped a!d clea!sed his 6isa e a!d 4issed him1 A!d 5ithout brea4i! of a!y loc4 or seal he brou ht him i!to his house i! Arimathea1 The third is after that it is belie6ed he appeared u!to his mother -ary" the lorious Vir i!" a!d ho5 be it that the holy E6a! elists spea4 !othi! thereof" the Church of 3ome appro6eth it1 'or the same day is made statio! at our Lady the ma=or1 A!d if 5e should !ot belie6e because the E6a! elists ma4e !o me!tio! thereof" it should follo5 that after his resurrectio! he appeared !ot to her7 but that ou ht !ot to be belie6ed that such a so! should !ot lea6e his mother 5ithout 6isiti! " a!d do to her so little ho!our1 A!d perad6e!ture the E6a! elists spea4 !o 5ord of her because it appeareth !ot to them but to set 5it!ess of the resurrectio!1 A!d the Vir i! -ary ou ht !ot to be set i! for !o 5it!ess1 'or if the 5ords of stra! e 5ome! 5ere reputed for leasi! s" much more should the mother be because of the lo6e that she had to him that 5as her so!1 A!d thou h the E6a! elists ha6e !ot 5ritte! it" yet they 4!e5 5ell for certai! that it is ri ht that first he should e!ha!ce a!d comfort her that had most pai! a!d sorro5 for his death1 A!d that 5it!esseth S1 Ambrose i! the third boo4 of Vir i!sD Vidit -aria" etc1D -ary sa5 the resurrectio! a!d she belie6ed it perfectly1 -ary -a dale!e sa5 it a!d yet she doubted it1 Of the se6e!th" ho5 Jesu Christ dre5 the holy fathers out of hell" a!d 5hat he made there" the E6a! elist telleth !ot clearly1 Ne6ertheless Sai!t Austi! i! a sermo!" a!d Nicodemus i! his ospels" sho5 it some5hat1 A!d Sai!t Austi! saithD A!o! as Jesu Christ had re!dered the spirit" the soul that 5as u!ited to his Godhead 5as <uic4 a!d li6i! i! the deep!ess of hell desce!ded1 A!d 5he! he 5as at deepest of the dar4!ess" li4e as a robber shi!i! a!d terrible to the tyra!ts of hell" they beheld him a!d be a! to dema!d a!d e!<uireD ,ho is he that is so stro! " so terrible" so clear a!d so shi!i! E The 5orld" 5hich is to us sub=ect" se!t to us !e6er such o!e dead" !e he se!t to us !e6er such ifts i!to hell1 ,ho is he the! that is so co!sta!t that is e!tered i!to the furthest e!d of our parts" a!d he doubteth !ot












o!ly of our torme!ts" but yet he hath u!bou!d them of their bo!ds 5hom 5e held a!d 4eptE A!d they that 5ere 5o!t to 5ail a!d 5eep u!der our torme!ts" assail us !o5 by their health1 A!d !o5 !ot o!ly they fear us" but !o5 threate! a!d me!ace us1 A!d they said to their pri!ceD ,hat pri!ce art thouE All thy lad!ess is perished a!d all thy =oys be co!6erted i!to 5eepi! s1 ,he! thou ha! edst him i! the cross thou 4!e5est !ot 5hat dama e thou shouldst suffer i! hell1 After these cruel 5ords of them of hell" at the comma!dme!t of our Lord all the loc4s" all the bars a!d shutti! s bee! bro4e!" a!d to:frushed1 A!d loI the people of sai!ts that come 4!eeli! tofore him i! cryi! 5ith piteous 6oice" sayi! D Our 3edeemerI Thou art come for to redeem the 5orld" 5e ha6e abided thee e6ery day7 thou art desce!ded i!to hell for us" a!d lea6e us !ot" but that 5e be 5ith thee 5he! thou shalt retur! to thy brethre!1 Lord s5eet God" sho5 that thou hast despoiled hell" a!d bi!d the author of death 5ith his bo!ds" re!der to the 5orld !o5 lad!ess" a!d <ue!ch the pai!s7 a!d for thy pity u!bi!d the caitiffs from ser6itude 5hiles thou art here" a!d assoil the si!!ers 5he! thou desce!dest i!to hell" them of thy party1 This said Sai!t Austi!1 A!d it is read i! the ospel of Nicodemus that Cari!us a!d Leucius" so!s of old Simeo!" arose 5ith Jesu Christ1 A!d they 5ere ad=ured a!d s5or! of A!a!ias" of Caiaphas" of Nicodemus" of Joseph" a!d of Gamaliel" that they should tell a!d say 5hat Jesus did i! hell1 A!d they rehearsed a!d saidD ,he! 5e 5ere 5ith our fathers i! the place of obscurity a!d dar4!ess" sudde!ly it 5as all so li ht a!d clear as the colour of the su!" li4e purple" old" a!d li ht royal" 5hich illumi!ed all the habitatio! upo! us1 A!d a!o! Adam the father of the huma! li!ea e be a! to e!=oy" sayi! D This li ht is the li ht of the creator of the li ht sempiter!al" 5hich promised to se!d to us his li ht perpetual1 A!d Isaiah criedD This is the li ht of God the 'ather" li4e as I said li6i! i! the earthD The people that 5ere i! dar4!ess sa5 a reat li ht1 The! came our 'ather Simeo!" a!d i! =oyi! saidD Glorify ye our Lord" for I recei6ed Christ" a child bor! i! the 5orld" i! to mi!e ha!ds i! the Temple" a!d I 5as co!strai!ed by the +oly Ghost to say" Nu!c 6ideru!t oculi mei salutare tuumD I ha6e !o5 see! 5ith mi!e eye! thi!e health 5hich bri! eth a!d hath made it ready before the face of all thy people1 After" came o!e 5hich seemed to be a! hermit" a!d 5he! 5e dema!ded him 5hat he 5as" he a!s5ered that he 5as Joh! that baptiHed Christ" a!d he that am o!e before him for to ma4e ready his 5ay" a!d sho5ed him 5ith my fi! er 5he! I saidD Ecce a !us Dei" a!d am desce!ded for to sho5 to you that he cometh soo! to 6isit you1 The! said SethD ,he! I came to the ate of (aradise for to pray our Lord to se!d me his a! el" a!d that he 5ould i6e to me of the oil of mercy for to a!oi!t the body of Adam my father" 5hich 5as sic4" the a! el -ichael appeared to me a!d saidD Labour !ot i! prayi! by 5eepi! for t thi! s here" a!o! they 5ere tra!sfi ured a!d 5ere !o more see!1 A!d hereof spea4eth Gre ory Nysse! a!d S1 Austi!" li4e as is fou!d i! some boo4s1 A!o! as Jesu Christ desce!ded i!to hell" the !i ht be a! to 5a8 clear1 A!d a!o! the porter blac4 a!d horrible amo! them i! sile!ce be a! to murmur" sayi! D ,ho is he that is so terrible a!d of clear!ess so shi!i! E Our master recei6ed !e6er !o!e such i!to hell" !e the 5orld cast !e6er !o!e such i!to our ca6er!1 This is a! assailer" a!d !ot debtor" a brea4er a!d destroyer" a!d !o si!!er but a despoiler" 5e see him a =ud e but !o beseecher" he comes for to fi ht a!d !ot to be o6ercome" a caster out a!d !ot here a d5eller1 Here )e(i##eth the Lita#ie . the More a#d the Le The Lita!ies be do!e t5ice i! the year1 The first be do!e o! Sai!t -ar4>s day" a!d that is called the more Lita!y1 A!d the seco!d be do!e o! the three days before the Asce!sio! Day" a!d is called the lesser Lita!y1 A!d Lita!y is as much to say supplicatio! or prayer1 The first Lita!y is !amed i! three ma!!ers1 'irst" it is called the more Lita!y1 seco!dly" the processio! of se6e! orders1 Thirdly" the blac4 cross1 The! this Lita!y is said the more" for three reaso!s1 The first is for him that i!stituted it" that 5as Sai!t Gre ory the (ope" a!d that 5as at 3ome" 5hich is lady a!d head of the 5orld" because that the body of the pri!ce of the apostles is there" a!d the +oly See1 A!d also for the reaso! of the cause 5herefore it 5as i!stituted" a!d that 5as for a ri ht reat a!d rie6ous malady1 'or as the 3oma!s had i! the Le!t li6ed soberly a!d i! co!ti!e!ce" a!d after at Easter had recei6ed their Sa6iour1 After" they disordered them i! eati! " i! dri!4i! " i! plays a!d i! lechery1 A!d therefore our Lord 5as mo6ed a ai!st them" a!d se!t to them a reat pestile!ce" 5hich 5as called the botche of impedimy1 A!d that 5as cruel a!d sudde!" a!d caused people to die i! oi! by the 5ay" i! playi! " i! bei! at table" a!d i! spea4i! o!e 5ith a!other sudde!ly they died1 I! this ma!!er sometime s!eeHi! they died" so that 5he! a!y perso! 5as heard s!eeHi! a!o! they that 5ere by said to himD God help you" or Christ helpD a!d yet e!dureth the custom1 A!d also 5he! he s!eeHeth or apeth" he ma4eth tofore his face the si ! of the cross" a!d blesseth him7











a!d yet e!dureth this custom1 A!d ho5 that pestile!ce be a!" it is fou!d i! the life of S1 Gre ory1 Seco!dly" this Lita!y is said processio! of se6e! orders" because that 5he! they 5ere made" S1 Gre ory ordai!ed them by se6e! ordi!a!ces1 'or i! the first order 5as all the cler y" i! the seco!d 5ere the mo!4s a!d reli ious me!" i! the third 5ere all the !u!s" i! the fourth all the childre!" i! the fifth all the lay people" i! the si8th all the 5ome!" a!d i! the se6e!th all they that 5ere married1 9ut because that !o5 5e may !ot fulfil i! !umber of perso!s" 5e ou ht to fulfil it i! !umber of Lita!ies1 'or it 5ith blac4 clothes1 A!d perad6e!ture for that same cause they co6ered the cross a!d the altars 5ith blessed hairs" a!d thus 5e should ta4e o! us clothi! of pe!a!ce1 There is a!other Lita!y" 5hich is called the lesser Lita!y" the 5hich is made the three days tofore the Asce!sio!1 A!d this i!stituted S1 -amerti!" 9ishop of Vie!!e i! the time of the Emperor Leo" 5hich rei !ed the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d fifty:ei ht tofore the i!stitutio! of the first1 A!d is said the Lita!y the less" the ro atio!s a!d processio!s1 'or it is the lesser Lita!y to the differe!ce of the first" because that this lesser Lita!y 5as i!stituted of a lesser" 5hich 5as a simple 9ishop" i! a lesser place" a!d for lesser malady1 A!d the cause of the i!stitutio! 5as this1 'or the!" at Vie!!e" 5ere reat earth<ua4es of 5hich fell do5! ma!y churches a!d ma!y houses" a!d there 5as heard reat sou!ds a!d reat clamours by !i ht1 A!d the! happed a terrible thi! o! Easter:day" for fire desce!ded from hea6e! that bur!t the 4i! >s palace1 ;et happed more mar6ellous thi! 7 for li4e as the fie!ds had e!tered i!to the ho s" ri ht so by the suffera!ce of God for the si!s of the people" the fie!ds e!tered i!to 5ol6es a!d other 5ild beasts" 5hich e6ery o!e doubted" a!d they 5e!t !ot o!ly by the 5ays !e by the fields" but also by the cities ra! ope!ly" a!d de6oured the childre! a!d old me! a!d 5ome!1 A!d 5he! the 9ishop sa5 that e6ery day happed such sorro5ful ad6e!tures" he comma!ded a!d ordai!ed that the people should fast three days7 a!d he i!stituted the Lita!ies" a!d the! the tribulatio! ceased1 A!d from the!" forth o!" the Church hath ordai!ed a!d co!firmed that this Lita!y should be 4ept a!d obser6ed o6er all1 It is said also 3o atio!s" for the! 5e pray a!d dema!d the suffra es of all the sai!ts" a!d 5e thus ha6e ood cause for to 4eep this ordi!a!ce a!d fast i! these days1 A!d for ma!y reaso!s it is i!stituted1 'irst" because it appeaseth the battles" that commo!ly be i! i! primetime1 Seco!dly" because that the fruits 5hich be the! te!der" that God 5ill multiply1 Thirdly" because that e6ery ma! should mortify i! himself the mo6i! s of his flesh" 5hich i! that time boil1 'ourthly" because that e6ery o!e dispose himself to recei6e the +oly Ghost7 for by fasti! s" by oriso!s" a!d by de6otio! is o!e more able a!d more 5orthy1 9ut" t5o other reaso!s assi !eth -aster ,illiam of Au8erre" because the!" 5he! Jesu Christ 5ould asce!d i!to hea6e! he saidD As4 ye duly a!d ye shall ha6e1 A!d 5e may the more faithfully dema!d 5he! 5e ha6e the promise of God1 Seco!dly" because that holy Church fasteth a!d prayeth that she ha6e but little flesh" that is to ma4e the body lea! by absti!e!ce" a!d to et 5i! s by prayer1 'or prayer is the 5i! of the soul by 5hich she fleeth to hea6e!" to the e!d that she may follo5 Jesu Christ asce!di! up before us to sho5 us the 5ay1 A!d 4!o5 ye that the soul that abou!deth i! ple!ty of flesh" a!d hath but fe5 pe!s a!d feathers" he may !ot 5ell fly1 Thus this Lita!y is called processio!" for the! the Church ma4eth e!eral processio!1 A!d i! this processio! the cross is bor!e" the cloc4s a!d the bells be sou!ded a!d ru! " the ba!!ers be bor!e" a!d i! some churches a dra o! 5ith a reat tail is bor!e1 A!d aid a!d help is dema!ded of all sai!ts1 A!d the cause 5hy the cross is bor!e a!d the bells ru! is for to ma4e the e6il spirits afraid a!d to flee7 for li4e as the 4i! s ha6e i! battles to4e!s a!d si !s: royal" as their trumpets a!d ba!!ers" ri ht so the 4i! of hea6e! perdurable hath his si !s milita!t i! the Church1 +e hath bells for busi!ess a!d for trumps" he hath the cross for ba!!ers1 A!d li4e as a tyra!t a!d a malefactor should much doubt 5he! he shall hear the busi!ess a!d trumps of a mi hty 4i! i! his la!d" a!d shall see his ba!!ers" i! li4e 5ise the e!emies" the e6il spirits that be i! the re io! of the air" doubt much 5he! they hear the trumpets of God 5hich be the bells ru! " a!d 5he! they see the ba!!ers bor!e o! hi h1 A!d this is the cause 5hy the bells be ru! 5he! it thu!dereth" a!d 5he! reat tempests a!d outra es of 5eather happe!" to the e!d that the fie!ds a!d the e6il spirits should be abashed a!d flee" a!d cease of the mo6i! of tempests1 +o5beit also that there is a!other cause there5ith7 that is for to 5ar! the Christia! people" that they put them i! de6otio! a!d i! prayer" for to pray God that the tempest may cease1 There is also the ba!!er of the @i! " that is the cross" 5hich the e!emies dread much a!d doubt1 'or they dread the staff 5ith 5hich they ha6e bee! hurt1 A!d this is the reaso! 5herefore i! some churches i! the time of tempest a!d of thu!der" they set out the cross a ai!st the tempest to the e!d that the 5ic4ed spirits see the ba!!er of the so6erei ! 4i! " a!d for dread thereof they flee1 A!d therefore i! processio! the cross is bor!e" a!d the bells ru! for to chase a!d hu!t a5ay the fie!ds bei! i! the air" a!d to the e!d that they lea6e to tempest us1 The cross is bor!e for to represe!t the 6ictory of the













resurrectio!" a!d of the asce!sio! of Jesu Christ1 'or he asce!ded i!to +ea6e! 5ith all a reat prey1 A!d thus this ba!!er that flyeth i! the air si !ifieth Jesu Christ asce!di! i!to hea6e!1 A!d as the people follo5 the cross" the ba!!ers" a!d the processio!" ri ht so 5he! Jesu Christ styed up i!to hea6e! a reat multitude of sai!ts follo5ed him1 A!d the so! that is su! i! the processio! si !ifieth the so! of a! els a!d the praisi! s that came a ai!st Jesu Christ a!d co!ducted a!d co!6eyed him to hea6e! 5here is reat =oy a!d melody1 I! some churches" a!d i! especial i! them of 'ra!ce" is accustomed to bear a dra o! 5ith a lo! tail filled full of chaff or other thi! 1 The t5o first days it is bor!e before the cross" a!d o! the third day they bear it after the cross" 5ith the tail all 6oid" by 5hich is u!derstood that the first day tofore the la5" or the seco!d u!der the la5" the de6il rei !ed i! the 5orld" a!d o! the third day" of race" by the passio! of Jesu Christ" he 5as put out of his realm1 After i! this processio! si! ularly 5e call the suffra es of all the sai!ts1 A!d 5hy 5e call to the sai!ts di6ers reaso!s be assi !ed heretofore" but yet there be of the e!eral" 5herefore 5e pray the sai!ts1 'irst for our po6erty a!d for the lory of sai!ts" a!d for the re6ere!ce of God1 'or the sai!ts may 5ell 4!o5 the 6o5s a!d the prayers of the supplia!ts1 'or i! the mirror perpetual" that is Jesu Christ" they u!dersta!d ho5 much it appertai!eth to their =oy a!d to our profit1 The! the first reaso! is for our po6erty" a!d for our misery" or for our default 5e ha6e some merit" to the e!d that 5here our merits be !ot sufficie!t the suffra es of sai!ts may a6ail us" or for default that 5e ha6e i! co!templatio! of God" a!d that 5e may see perfectly the li ht so6erei ! that 5e see a!d behold i! his sai!ts" or for the default that 5e ha6e i! lo6i! God" for 5e see that some sho5 more reater affectio! to a sai!t tha! they do to God" a!d such people be imperfect1 The seco!d reaso! is for the lory of sai!ts1 'or God 5ill that 5e call the sai!ts" because that by their suffra es that 5e re<uire" 5e lorify them" a!d the more reatly 5e praise them1 The third reaso! is for the re6ere!ce of God" to the e!d that the si!!ers that ha6e offe!ded God" the 5hich dare !ot approach to God i! their perso!s" they approach him by the frie!ds of God i! dema!di! their suffra es1 A!d i! these Lita!ies 5e ou ht to repeat this so! of a! elsD Sa!cte Deus" sa!cte fortis" sa!cte et immortalis miserere !obis1 Item" Joh! Damasce!e recordeth i! his fourth boo4 that" i! Co!sta!ti!ople" for a tribulatio! that happed there" there 5ere lita!ies made1 It happed that a child amid the people 5as ra6ished to hea6e! a!d this ca!ticle he lear!ed there7 a!d after the! he retur!ed to the people" a!d i! the midst of the people he sa! it" a!d a!o! that tribulatio! ceased1 A!d after at the Cou!cil of Chalcedo! this ca!ticle 5as appro6ed a!d the cause co!cluded1 ,e 4!o5 that it is so that the fie!ds be put out by this ca!ticleD Sa!cte Deus1 Of this ca!ticle a!d praisi! the authority is appro6ed by four reaso!s1 'irst" because that a! a! el tau ht it first1 Seco!dly" because at the prolatio! a!d repetitio! of this ca!ticle" that tribulatio! ceased1 Thirdly" because that the Cou!cil of Chalcedo! appro6ed it1 A!d fourthly" because that the fie!ds a!d e!emies so much dread a!d doubt it1 Here )e(i##eth #e+t the A $e# io# of our Lord" The Asce!sio! of our Lord Jesu Christ 5as the fortieth day after his resurrectio!7 for 5hich to declare" se6e! thi! s be to be co!sidered1 'irst the!" he asce!ded1 Seco!dly" 5hy he asce!ded !ot a!o! after his resurrectio!1 Thirdly" ho5 he asce!ded1 'ourthly" 5hat compa!y asce!ded 5ith him1 'ifthly" by 5hat merit he asce!ded1 Si8thly" 5here he asce!ded" a!d se6e!thly" 5herefore he asce!ded1 As to the first he asce!ded from the mou!t of Oli6es by 9etha!y7 the 5hich mou!tai!" by a!other relatio!" is said the mou!tai! of three li hts1 'or by !i ht o! the side of the 5est it is li hted of the fire that bur!eth i! the Temple" 5hich !e6er is put out !e <ue!ched1 O! the mor!i! it is li ht of the orie!t" for she hath first the rays of the su! before it shi!eth i! the city" a!d also it hath reat abu!da!ce of oil that !ourisheth the li ht" a!d therefore it is said the hill of three li hts1 ?!to this hill Jesu Christ comma!ded his disciples that they should o1 'or o! the day of his Asce!sio! he appeared t5o times" o!e time to ele6e! disciples that ate i! the hall 5here they had supped 5ith him1 All the apostles a!d the disciples a!d also the 5ome!" abode i! that part of Jerusalem 5hich is called -ello" i! the mou!tai! of Sio!" 5here Da6id had made his palace1 A!d there 5as the reat hall arrayed a!d ordai!ed for to sup" 5hereas Jesu Christ comma!ded that they should ma4e ready for to eat the (aschal Lamb" a!d i! this place the ele6e! apostles abode" a!d the other disciples" a!d the 5ome! abode i! di6ers ma!sio!s there about1 A!d 5he! they had eate! i! this hall" our Lord appeared to them a!d repro6ed them of their i!credulity1 A!d 5he! he had eate! 5ith them" a!d had comma!ded them that they should o to the -ou!t of Oli6et o! the side by 9etha!y" he appeared a ai! to them" a!d a!s5ered to them of the dema!ds that they made to him i!discreetly" a!d 5ith his ha!ds lifted he blessed them7 a!d a!o! before them he asce!ded u!to hea6e!1 Of the place of this asce!sio! saith Sulpicius" 9ishop of Jerusalem" a!d it is i! the loss1 'or there 5as











edified a church i! the place 5here 5ere made the si !s of his asce!sio!1 Ne6er sith mi ht be set there a!y pa6eme!t" it could !ot be laid !e set but a!o! it issued out" a!d the sto!es of the marble spra! i!to the 6isa es of them that set it1 A!d that is a si ! that they be sto!es o! 5hich Christ passed upo!" 5hich lie i! the po5der a!d dust" a!d abide for a to4e! a!d si ! certai!1 As to the seco!d poi!t" 5herefore he asce!ded !ot a!o! after his resurrectio!" but abode forty days" that 5as for three reaso!s1 'irst" for the certificatio! of his resurrectio!1 A!d more stro! it 5as to pro6e his resurrectio! tha! his passio!" for from the first u!to the third the passio! mi ht be 5ell pro6ed" but to pro6e the 6ery resurrectio! it re<uired more days" a!d therefore a reater time 5as re<uired bet5ee! the resurrectio! a!d the asce!sio! tha! bet5ee! the passio! a!d resurrectio!1 A!d hereof saith Leo the (ope" i! a sermo! of the asce!sio!D This day the !umber of forty days is complete a!d dispe!sed by ri ht holy ordi!a!ce a!d to the profit of our e!sei !me!t a!d teachi! " to the e!d that i! the space of his prese!ce corporal the faith of teachi! 5as !ecessary1 A!d 5e ou ht to i6e tha!4i! s to the di6i!e dispe!satio! for the tardy crea!ce of holy fathers to us !ecessary7 for they doubted of that 5hich 5e doubt !ot1 Seco!dly" he abode for the co!solatio! of the apostles1 'or the co!solatio!s di6i!e surmou!t the tribulatio!s temporal1 A!d the time of the passio! 5as the time of tribulatio! to the apostles" a!d therefore there ou ht to be more days u!to the asce!sio! tha! for the resurrectio!1 Thirdly" for the mystery of the comparatio!" for to i6e to u!dersta!d that the co!solatio!s di6i!e be compared to tribulatio!s as the day u!to a! hour" a!d the year u!to a day1 A!d that this be true it appeareth by the 5riti! of the prophet IsaiahD I shall preach a year pleasa!t to our Lord" a!d a day of 6e! ea!ce to God1 LoI for o!e day of tribulatio!" he re!dereth a year of co!solatio!1 A!d that is by compariso! as the day to a! hour1 It appeareth by that" that our Lord 5as dead a!d lay i! the sepulchre forty hours" 5hich 5as the time of tribulatio!1 A!d by forty days after his resurrectio! he appeared to his disciples" 5hich 5as the time of co!solatio!1 A!d this saith the lossD 9ecause that he 5as forty hours dead" after" he 5as forty days li6i! ere he asce!ded i! to hea6e!1 As to the third poi!t" ho5 he asce!ded" it appeareth ho5 that he asce!ded mi htily1 'or by his puissa!ce a!d 6irtue saith Isaiah" he asce!ded i!to hea6e!" Isaiah 8liii1 A!d also S1 Joh! saithD No ma! asce!deth i!to hea6e! by his o5! puissa!ce a!d mi ht" but the So! of -a! that is i! hea6e!1 A!d ho5 be it that he asce!ded i! a cloud" he had !o!e !eed" but because that he 5ould sho5 that e6ery creature is ready to ser6e his creator" he asce!ded i! his proper 6irtue1 A!d i! this is the differe!ce" after that Scholastica +istoria saith" of Jesu Christ" of E!och a!d Eli=ah1 'or E!och 5as tra!slated" Eli=ah 5as bor!e" but Jesu Christ by his o5! mi ht is asce!ded i!to hea6e!1 After S1 Gre ory" the first" that is to 5it E!och" 5as e! e!dered of a ma!" a!d he 5as e! e!deri! 1 The seco!d" that is to say Eli=ah" 5as e! e!dered a!d !ot e! e!deri! 1 The third" that is to 5it Jesu Christ" he 5as bor!" !ot e! e!dered of a ma! !e e! e!deri! 1 Seco!dly" he asce!ded ope!ly" for seei! his disciples he asce!dedD 5hereof it is said Joha!!is 86i1" Vado ad eum <ui me misit" etc1D I o to my father" a!d !o!e of you dema!deth 5hither oest thouE the loss saithD I o so ope!ly that !o ma! dema!ded of that they sa5 at the eye1 A!d therefore he 5ould asce!d i! their prese!ce" because they mi ht bear 5it!ess" a!d that they should e!=oy of that they sa5 !ature huma! asce!d to hea6e!" a!d that they should desire to follo5 him1 Thirdly" he asce!ded =oyously" for the a! els si! i! a!d e!=oyi! " he asce!ded i!to hea6e! i! lad!ess1 ,hereof saith S1 Austi!D Adsce!de!te Christo pa6es" etc1D Jesu Christ asce!di! " the hea6e! abashed" the stars mar6elled" the compa!y of hea6e! e!=oyed" the trump sou!ded" a!d all the sie es of the pleasa!t place made melody1 'ourthly" he asce!ded li htly1 ,hereof Da6id saithD +e styed up as a ia!t 5ith a reat paceD a!d much hastily a!d li htly he asce!ded 5he! he passed so reat a space i! a mome!t1 3abbi -oses" 5hich 5as a reat philosopher" rehearseth that e6ery circle" or e6ery hea6e! of each pla!et" hath the thic4!ess a!d the 5ay of fi6e hu!dred years1 That is to say as o!e may o i! a plai! 5ay i! fi6e hu!dred years1 A!d that is the dista!ce bet5ee! hea6e! a!d hea6e!" a!d bet5ee! circle a!d circle" after that 5hich is said so reat1 A!d as there be se6e! hea6e!s" after his sayi! " from the ce!tre of the earth u!to the co!ca6ity of the hea6e! of Satur!" 5hich is the se6e!th 5ay of se6e! thousa!d years7 a!d u!to the co!ca6ity of the ei hth hea6e! se6e! thousa!d a!d se6e! hu!dred years" that is as much space as o!e could o i! plai! 5ay i! se6e! thousa!d a!d se6e! hu!dred years if a ma! mi ht li6e so lo! " a!d that e6ery year be of three hu!dred a!d si8tyfi6e days" a!d the 5ay of e6ery day be of forty miles" a!d e6ery mile be of t5o thousa!d paces or cubits" a!d this said 3abbi -oses" 5hich 5as a reat philosopher7 if it be truth or !o God 4!o5eth" for he that all hath made a!d created i! certai! !umber" i! certai! poise a!d 5ei ht" a!d i! certai! measure" he 4!o5eth all1 The! this leap or spri! i! 5as reat that Jesu Christ made from the earth to hea6e!1 Of this leap" a!d di6ers others leaps of Jesu Christ" S1 Ambrose saithD Jesu Christ came i!to this 5orld to ma4e a leap7 he






















5as 5ith God the 'ather" he came i!to the Vir i! -ary" a!d from the Vir i! -ary i!to the crib or rac41 +e desce!ded i!to flom Jorda!" he asce!ded upo! the cross" he desce!ded i!to his tomb1 'rom the tomb he arose" a!d after asce!ded up i!to hea6e!" a!d sitteth o! the ri ht ha!d of the 'ather1 As to the fourth poi!t" it is 5ith 5hom he asce!ded1 +e asce!ded 5ith a reat prey of me! a!d reat multitude of a! els1 A!d that he asce!ded up 5ith the prey of me!" it appeareth by this that Da6id saithD Asce!disti i! altum" cepisti capti6itatem" etc1D Lord" thou hast asce!ded o! hi h a!d hast ta4e! them that 5ere capti6es empriso!ed" a!d the ser6itude thou hast affra!chised1 A!d also that he asce!ded 5ith a reat multitude of a! els" it appeareth by the i!terro atio!s that the a! els made Lord of the deputatio!s to them be!eath1 ,he! Jesu Christ asce!ded i!to hea6e! as Isaiah recordeth" Isaiah I8iii1D Guis est iste <ui 6e!it de Edom" etc1D ,ho is he that cometh from Edom 5ith his clothes dyed" 5hereas saith the loss that some of the a! els that 4!e5 !ot plai!ly the mystery of the i!car!atio!" of his passio! a!d of his resurrectio!" that sa5 our Lord asce!d 5ith all a reat multitude of a! els a!d of sai!ts by his o5! 6irtue" mar6elled" a!d said to the a! els that accompa!ied himD ,ho is this that cometh from EdomE A!d yet they saidD ,ho is this 4i! of lory" etc1 S1 De!is i! the boo4 of the The +ierarchy of holy a! els i! the se6e!th chapter saithD Thus seemeth it that he said that three <uestio!s 5ere made to the a! els 5he! that Jesus asce!ded1 The first 5ere the first to themsel6es" the seco!d 5ere the pri!cipals to Jesu Christ that asce!ded" the third 5ere the less to the reatest1 Of 5hich they dema!ded amo! themD 5ho is this that cometh from Edom" his clothes dyed of 9osraE This 5ord Edom is as much to say as full of blood" a!d this 5ord 9osra is to say a! uish a!d tribulatio!1 Thus as they 5ould ha6e saidD ,ho is this that cometh from the 5orld full of blood by the si! of the 5orld a!d of malice a ai!st GodE A!d our Lord a!s5eredD I am +e that spea4eth i! =ustice1 A!d S1 De!is saith thus" that he saidD I am he that disputeth =ustice a!d ri hteous!ess of health i! the redemptio! of huma! li!ea e1 +e 5as =ustice" i!asmuch as he that 5as creator brou ht a ai! his creatures from the stra! e =urisdictio!" a!d he 5as ri hteous!ess" i!asmuch as the e!emy 5hich had assailed us he put a!d cast out of the domi!atio! that he had i! the huma! li!ea e1 A!d after this ma4eth S1 De!is a <uestio!D Sith the pri!cipal a! els be !i h to God a!d be 5ithout moye! illumi!ed of God" 5herefore" dema!ded they o!e of the other li4e as that they 5ould ha6e lear!ed each of otherE 9ut he saith" that i6eth this solutio!" that i! that they dema!d each of other" as it sho5eth that they desire to 4!o5" a!d i! that first amo! them they had collatio!" it sho5ed that they durst !ot ad6a!ce them tofore the di6i!e pro ressio!1 A!d for this first" they ou ht to as4 each o!e other" because that perad6e!ture their i!terro atio! 5ere !ot o6er hasty upo! the illumi!atio! that they had recei6ed of God 5ithout moye!1 The seco!d <uestio! is that 5hich the first a!d so6erei ! a! el made to Jesu Christ sayi! D ,hy is thy clothi! red" a!d thy 6estme!ts as trodde! or fulled i! a pressE Our Lord hath his clothi! a!d his body red" all co6ered 5ith blood" because that yet 5he! he asce!ded he had his 5ou!ds i! his body" after this that 9ede saithD +e must 4eep his 5ou!ds i! his body for fi6e reaso!s" a!d he said" thus our Lord 4eepeth his 5ou!ds1 A!d to the day of =ud me!t he shall 4eep them" to the e!d that it co!firm his resurrectio!1 A!d for to pray the 'ather for us" he prese!teth them" to the e!d that the ood see the reat mercy by 5hich he hath redeemed them" a!d that the 5ic4ed people may 4!o5 that ri hteously they be dam!ed" a!d that eter!ally he bears 5ith him the si !s of his lorious 6ictory perpetual1 A!d to this <uestio! a!s5ered our LordD Torcular calca6i" etc1 The press I ha6e tur!ed a!d fouled all alo!e" a!d of all me!1 there 5as !ot o!e that 5ould help me1 The press is the cross" i! the 5hich he 5as pressed i! such 5ise that the blood spra! out1 Thus Jesu Christ called the e!emy the presser" 5hich that thus had 5rapped the huma! li!ea e 5ith cords of si!" a!d <ue!ched him so clea! that he had !othi! spiritual" but that it 5as 5ithout e8pressed" a!d o!ly he sho5ed it i! the Vir i! -ary1 9ut our champio! fou ht so stro! ly" a!d defouled the presser so foul" that he bra4e the bo!ds of si! a!d asce!ded i!to hea6e!1 A!d after this he ope!ed the ta6er! of hea6e! a!d poured out the 5i!e of the +oly Ghost1 The third <uestio! is that 5hich the lesser a! els made to the reater a!d more" i! sayi! D ,ho is this 4i! of loryE They a!s5ered a!d saidD The lord of 6irtues" he is the 4i! of lory1 A!d of this <uestio! of the a! els" a!d of the a!s5er of the other saith S1 Austi!D All the air is hallo5ed i! the compa!y di6i!e" a!d all the tourbe of de6ils flyi! i! the air fled bac45ard 5he! Jesu Christ asce!ded" to 5hom the a! els that 5ere i! the compa!y of God ra! a!d dema!dedD ,ho is this 4i! of loryE A!d they a!s5ered this is he that 5as 5hite a!d coloured as a rose" the 5hich 5as see! 5ithout colour a!d 5ithout beauty7 sic4 i! the tree" stro! i! his despoil7 foul reputed i! his body" 5ell:armed i! the battle7 sti! i! i! his death" fair i! his resurrectio!7 5hite" bor! of the Vir i!" red i! the cross7 pale i! reproof a!d clear i! hea6e!1 As to the fifth" it is for 5hat merit he asce!ded7 a!d 5e ou ht to u!dersta!d that he asce!ded i! treble merit1 ,hereof saith S1 JeromeD Jesu Christ asce!ded i! merit of truth" for that 5hich had he promised by prophets" he fulfilled i! merit of humility a!d debo!airly1 'or li4e as he 5as sacrificed li4e a lamb for the life of the people i! merit of =ustice1 9ut by =ustice a!d !ot o!ly by puissa!ce" but by =ustice a!d by ri ht thou hast deli6ered ma!" a!d I ha6e 5ithholde! of thy puissa!ce"











a!d thy 6irtue shall bri! thee to hea6e!1 This said God the 'ather to the So!1 As to the si8th" that is 5hither he asce!ded" it ou ht to be 4!o5! that he asce!ded abo6e all the hea6e!s" as the apostle saith ad Ephesios <uartoD +e that desce!ded from hea6e!" that is he that asce!ded abo6e all the hea6e!s because he fulfilled all thi! s1 +e said abo6e all the hea6e!s because there be ma!y hea6e!s abo6e 5hich he asce!ded1 There is a hea6e! material" a hea6e! ratio!al" a hea6e! i!tellectual a!d a hea6e! substa!tial1 There be ma!y hea6e!s material1 The hea6e! of the air" 5hich is called Freum7 o!e other called ethereum7 a!other olimpium7 a!other i !eum7 a!other siderum7 a!other crystalli!um7 a!d a!other empyreum7 the hea6e! reaso!able is the ma! =ust" 5hich is said =ust because of the di6i!e habitatio!1 'or li4e as hea6e! is the seat of God as the prophet Isaiah saithD CJlum mihi sedes est1 Our Lord saith that the hea6e! is his seat" ri ht so is the soul of a ri hteous ma!1 Li4e as Solomo! saithD The soul of a ri hteous ma! is the seat of sapie!ce" by reaso! of the holy co!6ersatio!1 'or the sai!ts by holy co!6ersatio! a!d desire d5ell i! hea6e!1 As saith S1 (aulD Our co!6ersatio! is i! hea6e! because of co!ti!ual operatio! i! 6irtue1 'or li4e as the hea6e!s mo6e co!ti!ually 5ithout resti! " i! such ma!!er the sai!ts mo6e al5ays by ood 5or4s1 The hea6e! i!tellectual be the a! els" a!d the a! els be called hea6e! by reaso! of di !ity a!d of their u!dersta!di! 1 ,hereof saith S1 De!is i! the boo4 of di6i!e !ames" i! the fourth chapter1 The di6i!e spirits a!d the a! els be abo6e the creatures 5hich be" a!d li6e abo6e all thi! s that li6e a!d u!dersta!d" a!d 4!o5 abo6e all other 5its a!d reaso!s" a!d more tha! all other thi! s that be i! bei! " they desire 5ell a!d ood of 5hich they bee! participa!t" that is God1 Seco!dly" they be ri ht fair because of their !ature a!d of their lory1 Of 5hich beauty saith S1 De!is i! the boo4 before alle edD The a! el is the ma!ifestatio! of deeds a!d 5ill of God by 5hom they be sho5ed" a!d he is the clear!ess of dar4 li ht" he is a mirror pure a!d ri ht clear 5ithout recei6i! of a!y filth or spot i! him" if it be la5ful to say" he is the beauty a!d the co!formity of the bou!ty of God1 Thirdly" they be ri ht stro! because of their 6irtue a!d mi ht" of 5hich stre! th saith Joh! Damasce!e i! his seco!d boo4" the ei hth chapter" 5here he saithD 'ortes su!t et parati" etc1 The a! els of God be stro! a!d al5ays ready to fulfil the 5ill of God" a!d they be fou!d al5ay a!o! 5here God 5ill ha6e them1 The hea6e! hath three co!ditio!s1 It is ri ht hi h" ri ht fair" a!d ri ht stro! 1 Of the t5o first saith Solomo!" Ecclesiastici 8liii1D The firmame!t is the beauty of the hei ht" a!d the beauty of hea6e! is i! the si ht of lory1 The hea6e! is substa!tial" that is the <uality of the di6i!e e8celle!ce of 5hich Jesu Christ came" a!d after this he asce!ded1 ,hereof Da6id saithD A summo cJlo e ressio e=us" etc1 'rom the hi h a!d so6erei ! hea6e! the So! of God desce!ded a!d asce!ded a ai! u!to the so6erei ! hei ht" the <uality of the di6i!e e8celle!ce1 A!d that he asce!ded abo6e all the hea6e!s material Da6id said it clearly 5hich said" Ele6ata est ma !ifice!tia tua super cJlos" Lord God thy ma !ifice!ce is lift up a!d ele6ate abo6e all the hea6e!s material1 +e asce!ded u!to the hea6e! 5here God the 'ather sitteth" !ot li4e u!to Eli=ah 5hich asce!ded i! a chariot of fire u!to a hi h re io!" from 5he!ce he 5as tra!slated i!to a paradise terrestrial1 +e 5e!t !o further" but Jesu Christ asce!ded i! the hi hest hea6e! that is called cJlum empyreum" 5hich is the proper habitatio! of God" of the a! els" a!d of the sai!ts1 A!d this habitatio! properly appertai!eth to d5ellers" for this hea6e!" abo6e all other hea6e!s" hath e8celle!ce i! di6i!ity" i! priority" i! situatio! a!d circumfere!ce1 A!d therefore it is co!6e!ie!t of Jesu Christ" 5hich all the hea6e!s of i!telli e!ce a!d reaso! surmou!teth i! di6i!ity" i! eter!ity" i! situatio! of immobility" a!d i! circumfere!ce of puissa!ce1 Semblably it is the habitatio! of sai!ts of ood co! ruity1 'or that hea6e! is 5ithout deformity" u!measurable" of perfect li ht" a!d of capacity 5ithout measure7 a!d ri htfully it appertai!eth u!to a! els a!d u!to sai!ts" 5hich 5ere all o!e i! operatio!" immo6able i! dilectio!" shi!i! i! the faith a!d i! 4!o5led e" of reat capacity i! recei6i! the +oly Ghost" it appeareth by this Scripture that saith i! the Ca!ticlesD LoI this is he that cometh leapi! i! the mou!tai!s a!d o6erpassi! the hills1 A!d 5ho that asce!ded abo6e all the hea6e!s of i!telli e!ce" that is to say abo6e the a! els" appeareth by Da6id" that saithD +e asce!ded abo6e the cherubi!" 5hich is as much as to say as the ple!itude of scie!ce" a!d fle5 upo! the pe!s of the 5i!d1 A!d 5ho asce!ded abo6e u!to the hea6e! substa!tial" that is" to the e<uality of God the 'ather" it appeareth by the ospel of -ar4" -arci ultimoD Et Domi!us <uidem" Jesus" etc1 Sith that our Lord had spo4e! to his disciples" he 5as set i! hea6e! o! the ri ht side of God1 ,hereof saith S1 9er!ardD To my Lord Jesus Christ it is said si! ularly" a!d i6e! of my Lord God the 'ather" that he sit o! the ri ht side of his lory i! lory" i! esse!ce co!substa!tial by e!eratio!" semblable of ma=esty a!d !othi! :u!li4e" a!d of eter!ity semblable1 No5 may 5e say that Jesus i! his asce!sio! 5as ri ht hi h of four ma!!ers of hei ht" that is to 5it of place" of remu!eratio!" of re5ard" of 4!o5led e" a!d of 6irtuality or stre! th1 Of the first said the apostle ad EphesiosD +e that desce!ded hither do5!" that is he that asce!ded abo6e all the hea6e!s1 Of the seco!d" ad Ephesios secu!doD +e 5as made obedie!t u!to death1 ,he! S1 Austi! saithD The humility of











clear!ess is the merit" a!d the clear!ess of mee4!ess is the meed or re5ard1 -ee4!ess is the merit of clear!ess" a!d clear!ess is the re5ard of mee4!ess1 Of the third saith Da6idD Adsce!dit super cherubim" +e asce!ded abo6e cherubim" that is abo6e the ple!itude of scie!ce a!d of 4!o5led e1 Of the fourth it appeareth" for as it is 5ritte!D +e asce!ded abo6e Seraphim" 5hich is i!terpreted the stre! th of God1 A!d 5e ou ht to 4!o5 that of his asce!sio! 5e ha6e !i!e fruits profitable1 The first is the habitatio! of the lo6e of God" 5hereof is said i! the ospel" Joha!!is 86i1D Nisi e!im abiero" etc1 9ut if I shall o the +oly Ghost shall !ot come to you7 5here saith S1 Austi!D If ye see4 me by fleshly lo6e ye may !ot comprehe!d the +oly Ghost 5hich is spiritual lo6e1 The seco!d is the more reater 4!o5led e of God" 5hereof saith S1 Joh! i! the ospelD If ye lo6e me 5ell ye shall ha6e reat =oy" for I o to my 'ather" for he is reater tha! I am1 ,here saith S1 Austi!D I shall 5ithdra5 this form of huma!ity i! 5hich my 'ather is more reater tha! I" as to that ye may see God1 The third poi!t is the merit of the faith" of 5hom saith S1 Leo the (ope i! a sermo! of the Asce!sio!D The! be a! the faith more certai! to approach" 5hich teacheth us the So! to be e<ual to the 'ather a!d semblable" a!d as to the body substa!tial of Jesu Christ" of 5hich he is less tha! the 'ather" a!d 5hereof he had !o !eed1 A!d this 6i our is of reat coura e" a!d firm 5ithout doubt" for to belie6e that 5hich is !ot see! at eye" a!d to affi8 the desires that may !ot be beholde!1 A!d S1 Austi! saithD +e asce!ded as a ia!t to ru! i! his 5ay" a!d tarried !ot" but he ra! cryi! by 6oice" by 5ords" by deeds" by death" by life" by desce!di! a!d by asce!di! 7 i! cryi! that 5e should retur! to him by ood heart that 5e may fi!d him1 The fourth is our surety" therefor asce!ded Jesu Christ i!to hea6e! for to be our ad6ocate to God the 'ather1 A!d 5e ou ht to hold us 5ell assured 5he! 5e ha6e such ad6ocate to God the 'ather" a!d this 5it!esseth us S1 Joh!" that saith i! his ca!o!D ,e ha6e ad6ocate to the 'ather" Jesus Christ 5hich is merciful to us for our si!s1 A!d of this surety saith S1 9er!ardD O ma!" saith he" 5e ha6e a sure oi! or a comi! to God the 'ather" 5here the -other is before the So!" to 5hom she sho5eth her breast a!d her paps" a!d the So! sho5eth to the 'ather his side a!d his 5ou!ds1 The! 5e may !ot be put a5ay 5here 5e ha6e so ma!y si !s of lo6e a!d of charity1 The fifth is our di !ity1 A reat di !ity ha6e 5e otte! 5he! our !ature is lift up u!to the ri ht side of the 'ather" 5hereof the a! els of hea6e!" co!sideri! that" defe!ded for to be 5orshipped of ma!" Apocalypsis 8i81 S1 Joh! 5ould ha6e 5orshipped the a! el that spa4e to him" a!d the a! el defe!ded him i! sayi! D 9e5are thee that thou do !ot so" for I am thy brother a!d thy ser6a!t1 ,hereas the loss saith" that i! the old la5 he defe!ded !ot to be 5orshipped of ma!" but after the Asce!sio!" 5he! he sa5 ma! lift up abo6e him1 A!d of this S1 Leo saith i! a sermo! of the Asce!sio!D This day the !ature of our huma!ity hath bee! bor!e abo6e the hei ht of all puissa!ces u!to 5here as God the 'ather sitteth" as that it should seem more mar6ellous 5he! it is see! that it is much far from me!" so much more sho5 they the re6ere!ce a!d the ho!our that they ha6e1 A!d hereof the faith mistrusteth !ot" !e hope slac4eth !ot" !e charity ami!isheth !ot1 The si8th is the stedfast!ess a!d firm!ess of our faith" 5hereof saith S1 (aul ad +ebrFos se8toD To Jesu Christ 5e ru! for refu e" for to 4eep the hope that hath bee! deli6ered to us as a! a!chor 5hich is firm to the soul a!d sure" 5hich leadeth to 5ithi! hea6e!" 5here Jesu Christ before us e!tered1 A!d S1 Leo saith thusD The asce!sio! of Jesu Christ is our mou!ti! a!d lifti! up" a!d 5here the =oy of our head is" there abideth the hope of our body1 The se6e!th is the sho5i! of the 5ay of hea6e!" 5hereof saith -icah the prophetD +e asce!ded to sho5 us the 5ay1 A!d S1 Austi! saithD Thy Sa6iour hath made the 5ay to thee" arise thou a!d o thither" for thou hast that thou i!te!dest" be !ot !o5 slothful1 The ei hth is the ope!i! of the ate of hea6e!7 for li4e as Adam ope!ed the ate of hell" i! li4e5ise Jesu Christ ope!ed the ate of hea6e!" as the Church si! eth7 Lord God Jesu Christ" thou art he that hast o6ercome the pric4 of death" that is the de6il" a!d hast ope!ed the realm of hea6e! to them that belie6e i! thee1 The !i!th is the preparatio! of the !e5 place1 ,hereof Jesus saith i! the Gospel of Joh!D I o for to ma4e ready your place i! hea6e!1 A!d S1Austi! saithD Lord" array that thou hast made ready1 Thou arrayest us Lord to thee" a!d thou arrayest thee to us" 5he! thou ma4est ready the place" to the e!d that to thee i! us" a!d i! thee to us" may be the preparatio! of the place a!d the ma!sio! of the e6erlasti! health1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth of the /le ed Holy Fea t of Pe#te$o t or of the Holy Gho t" The +oly Ghost" as 5it!esseth S1 Lu4e i! the story of the Acts of the Apostles" o! this day 5as se!t to the apostles i! the form a!d li4e!ess of to! ues of fire1 A!d of this se!di! a!d comi! ei ht thi! s be to be co!sidered1 'irst" from 5hom he 5as se!t1 Seco!dly" i! ho5 ma!y ma!!ers he 5as se!t1 Thirdly" i! 5hat time he 5as se!t1 'ourthly" ho5 oft he 5as se!t to the apostles1 'ifthly" i! 5hat 5ise he 5as se!t1 Si8thly" i!to 5hom he 5as se!t1 Se6e!thly" 5herefore he 5as se!t1 As to the first" it is to 5eet that he 5as se!t from the 'ather" a!d from the So! he 5as se!t" a!d he also himself" the +oly Ghost" a6e a!d se!t














himself1 Of the first saith S1 Joh!" Joha!!is 8i61D The +oly Ghost 5hich is said paraclitus" 5hom God the 'ather shall se!d i! my !ame" this is he that shall teach us all1 Of the seco!d saith S1 Joh!D If I o" saith Jesus" I shall se!d him to you1 No5 it is to 5it that the se!di! is compared i! three ma!!ers to the se!der1 'irst" as he that i6eth bei! i! his substa!ce" a!d i! this ma!!er the su! i6eth his rays or beams1 Seco!dly" as i! i6i! 6irtue or stre! th" a!d so is the dart i6e! by the 6irtue a!d stre! th of him that casteth it1 Thirdly" to him that i6eth his =urisdictio! to a!other" a!d thus the messe! er is se!t from him of 5hom he hath the comma!dme!t1 A!d after these three ma!!ers the +oly Ghost may be said to be se!t" for it is saidD se!t of the 'ather a!d of the So! as ha6i! 6irtue a!d authority i! his operatio!" !ot5ithsta!di! himself i6eth a!d se!deth him1 The 5hich thi! seemed to be 6eritable after this that the ospel of Joh! saith" Joha!!is decimo se8to" Cum autem 6e!erit ille Spiritus 6eritatis" etc1D ,he! the spirit of truth shall come" 5hich proceedeth from the 'ather" he shall bear 5it!ess of me that he cometh from me1 No5 saith S1 Leo i! a sermo! of the (e!tecostD The i!commutable deity of the 9lessed Tri!ity is 5ithout a!y cha! i! " o!e i! substa!ce" !ot di6ided i! operatio!" all o!e i! 5ill" li4e i! om!ipote!ce" e<ual i! lory" a!d i! his mercy1 +e hath ta4e! to himself the 5or4 of our redemptio!" that the 'ather be to us merciful" the So! to us profitable" a!d God the +oly Ghost i!flame us1 A!d because that the +oly Ghost is God" therefore he i6eth himself1 A!d that this is true" S1 Ambrose i! the boo4 of the +oly Ghost sayeth thusD The lory of the Di6i!ity is appro6ed by four reaso!s" or for that he is 5ithout si!" or for that he lea6eth the si!s" or for that he is creator a!d !ot creature" or for that he 5orshipped !o!e but he is 5orshipped1 A!d i! that is sho5ed to us that the 9lessed Tri!ity 5as all i6e! to us" for the 'ather hath offered all that he had1 As saith S1 Austi!D +e hath se!t to us his So! i! price of our redemptio!" a!d the +oly Ghost i! si ! of our adoptio!1 Semblably the So! of God hath i6e! himself u!to us1 'or thus saith S1 9er!ardD +e is our pastor" he is our pasture" a!d he is our redemptio!" for he a6e his soul i! price of our redemptio!" his blood i! to dri!4" his flesh i! to meat" a!d his di6i!ity i! to fi!al re5ard1 Semblably the +oly Ghost a6e himself all to us7 li4e as the apostle saithD 9y the +oly Ghost is i6e! the 5ord of sapie!ce to o!e" to a!other of scie!ce7 a!d thus of all races particular is i6e! by the same +oly Ghost1 A!d hereof saith S1 Leo the (opeD The +oly Ghost is the i!spirer of the faith" i6er of Scie!ce" teacher of chastity" a!d cause of all health1 As to the seco!d" he is se!t i! four ma!!ers" that is to 5it" that the +oly Ghost is se!t i! t5o ma!!ers" 6isibly a!d i!6isibly1 As touchi! i!to the hearts pure a!d chaste he desce!ded 6isibly" 5he! by some si ! 6isible he is sho5ed1 Of the se!di! i!6isible saith S1 Joh!" Joha!!is iii1D Spiritus ubi 6ult spirat1 The +oly Ghost 5here he 5ill he i!spireth the hearts" but thou 4!o5est !ot 5he!ce he cometh !or 5hither he 5ill o1 A!d it is !o mar6el" for as S1 9er!ard saith of this 5ord i!6isibleD +e is !ot e!tered by the eyes" for he is !ot coloured" !e by the ears" for he sou!deth !ot" !e by the !ostrils" for he is !ot meddled 5ith the air" !e he e!tereth !ot by the co!duit of the mouth" for he may !ot be s5allo5ed" !e by the feeli! or attouchi! " for he is !ot ma!iable" !e may !ot be ha!dled1 Thou dema!dest the! if he hath sou ht a!y place !atural or huma! by 5hich thou mi htest 4!o5 that he be come i!to thee1 @!o5 thou" saith S1 9er!ard" that of the mo6i! of the heart I ha6e u!derstood by his prese!ce7 a!d by the fleei! of 6ices I ha6e felt the 6irtue of his puissa!ce7 a!d by the discussio! a!d repro6i! of my si!s hidde!" I am amar6elled of the deep!ess of sapie!ce a!d of the ame!dme!t of my ma!!ers ho5 little a!d small that they be1 I ha6e e8perie!ce of the bou!ty of his ma!suetude a!d of the reformatio! a!d re!o6atio! of the spirit of my heart1 I ha6e pierced the thic4!ess a!d the !oble!ess of his beauty" a!d of the re ard a!d co!sideratio! of all these thi! s" I am abashed of the multitude of his reat!ess1 The se!di! 6isible" 5he! it is i! a!y si ! 6isible" it sho5eth1 A!d it is to 5it that i! fi6e si !s 6isible the +oly Ghost is se!t a!d sho5ed1 'irst" i! si ! of a do6e upo! Jesu Christ 5he! he 5as baptiHed" Lu4e iii1D The +oly Ghost desce!ded i! bodily li4e!ess of a do6e upo! him1 Seco!dly" i! li4e!ess of a fair cloud a!d clear upo! Jesu Christ at his tra!sfi uratio!" -atthe5 86ii1D LoI he yet spea4i! a bri ht cloud shado5ed them1 This 5as upo! the -ou!t Tabor 5here Jesu Christ spa4e 5ith S1 (eter" James" a!d Joh!1 A!d thus as he spa4e there desce!ded a clear cloud that co6ered them all" 5hereas the loss saith thusD ,he! Jesu Christ 5as baptiHed" a!d also 5he! he 5as clarified" the mystery of the Tri!ity 5as sho5ed1 The +oly Ghost 5as sho5ed at the baptism i! li4e!ess of a do6e" a!d i! the hill i! the li4e!ess of a clear mou!tai! a!d cloud1 Thirdly" he 5as sho5ed i! li4e!ess of a blo5i! or a blast" as saith S1 Joh!" Joha!!is 6icesimoD +e breathed a!d ble5 o! them a!d saidD Ta4e ye the +oly Ghost i! you7 of 5hom ye for i6e the si!s" they shall be for i6e!" a!d of 5hom ye retai! the si!s" they shall be retai!ed1 'ourthly" i! li4e!ess of fire1 'ifthly" i! li4e!ess of to! ues1 A!d i! these t5o ma!!ers he appeared to us to i6e us to u!dersta!d that the properties of the to! ue a!d of fire he putteth i! the hearts 5he! he desce!deth1 The do6e hath 5aili! for her so! " she hath !o all" she ma4eth her house i! a! hole" or i! a 5all of sto!e1 A!d thus the +oly Ghost" them that he reple!isheth" he ma4eth them to 5ail for their si!s1 ,hereof saith Isaiah the prophet" Isaiah Ii81D ,e all shall roar li4e bears" a!d 5ail li4e do6es" i! thi!4i! humbly a!d bitterly ho5 5e ha6e erred a ai!st the Scripture1












A!d this comforteth us the apostle S1 (aul" ad 3oma!os 6iii1D The +oly Ghost ceaseth !ot to pray for us i! mo6i! us to 5aili! s 5ithout !umber" for our si!s 5hich be 5ithout !umber1 Seco!dly" the do6es be 5ithout all" a!d the +oly Ghost ma4eth them such 5here he desce!deth" for that is his !ature1 ,hereof saith the 5ise ma!" Sapie!tiF 8ii1D O <uam bo!us et sua6is" etc1D O Lord God" ho5 much ood a!d s5eet is this spirit i! us1 Item" i! the same place he is called s5eet" be!i !" a!d huma!" of that he ma4eth us be!i ! a!d huma!" that is to 5it" s5eet i! 5ord" be!i ! i! heart" a!d huma! i! 5or41 Thirdly" the do6es d5ell 5ithi! the holes of 5alls of sto!e" that is to say" i! the 5ou!ds of Jesu Christ he ma4eth them d5ell1 That he fulfilleth 5hereof it is said i! the Ca!tica Ca!ticorum ii1D Arise thou my spouse" my lo6e a!d my do6e" my spouse a!d lo6e" that is a de6out soul" a!d come my do6e for to !ourish small pi eo!s i! the holes of the 5all" that is i! the 5ou!ds of our Lord1 ,hereof S1 Jerome saithD Spiritus oris !ostri" etc1: thus as he 5ould say" the Spirit that is of our mouth" that is Jesu Christ" for he is our mouth1 A!d our flesh ma4eth us say to Christ" I! thi!e umber" that is" i! thy passio!" i! 5hich Jesu Christ 5as obscure" dar4 a!d despised" 5e shall li6e by co!ti!ual memory1 Seco!dly" he 5as sho5ed i! li4e!ess of a cloud1 The cloud is lift up from the earth by 6irtue of the su!" a!d !ourisheth a!d e! e!dereth rai!" a!d refresheth a!d cooleth the air a!d the earth1 Thus the +oly Ghost" them that he reple!isheth he lifteth from the earth for to despise the earthly thi! s" as saith the prophet EHechielD The +oly Ghost hath lift me i!to the air bet5ee! hea6e! a!d earth" a!d hath brou ht me i!to Jerusalem" i! the 6isio! of God1 Seco!dly" he refresheth the earth" that is the hearts" a ai!st the dry!ess of bur!i! of 6ices1 A!d of this 5as said to the Vir i! -ary Spiritus sa!ctus super6e!iet i! te" etc1D The +oly Ghost shall come i! thee" a!d the 6irtue of him that is hi hest shall shado5 thee" a!d from all ardour of 6ices shall cool thee1 A!d the +oly Ghost is called 5ater because that 5ater hath the 6irtue a!d !ature to refresh a!d cool1 ,hereof saith S1 Joh! the E6a! elistD 'rom the +oly Ghost the floods of li6i! 5ater shall ru!1 A!d that same saith he of the +oly Ghost" 5hich the apostles recei6ed" a!d of them that recei6ed him" for the ri6ers ra! throu h all the 5orld upo! them that belie6ed i! God1 Thirdly" he e! e!dereth rai!" the 5hich desce!deth by drops1 A!d this is that Da6id saithD The +oly Ghost shall blo5 a!d ma4e 5aters to flo5" that is to say by the tears comi! from the heart droppi! from the eyes1 'ourthly" he is sho5ed i! li4e!ess of breath" 5hich is a spirit of the heart 5hich is cast out by the mouth" 5hich is li ht" hot" s5eet" a!d !ecessary to breathe 5ith1 Thus the +oly Ghost is li ht to be shed i!to a ma!" he is most s5ift of a!ythi! that is mo6able" as the loss saith upo! this 5ordD 'actus est repe!te de cJlo so!us" etc1 At the comi! of the +oly Ghost he made mo6i! as of thu!der" a!d of 5i!d" 6eheme!t a!d sudde!" a!d fulfilled all the house 5here the apostles sat" 5hich abode him i! reat de6otio!1 'or the race of the +oly Ghost 5rou ht !ot i! his operatio! of space" !e of time" but he had sudde! motio!1 Seco!dly" he is hot for to e!flame the hearts1 ,hereof Jesu Christ saithD I am come to cast fire i! the earth" but this is that bur!eth a!d i!flameth the hearts1 A!d is compared to 5i!d 5hich is hot" 5hereof is said i! the Ca!ticlesD Ve!i auster et perfla hortum meum1 Come 5i!d of the south" a!d blo5 i! my arde!" that is my soul1 Thirdly" he is s5eet for to ma4e s5eet the hearts" a!d therefore he is !amed by the !ame of u!ctio!7 the s5eet u!ctio! of him teacheth us 5hich appertai!eth to our health1 A!d it is !amed by !ame of de5 5hereof si! eth holy ChurchD Et sui roris aspersio!e fecu!det" 5here she prayeth that the aspersio! a!d spri! i! of the de5 ma4e our hearts to ro5 i! 6irtue" a!d also by space of time still a!d calm1 After the stro4e of the fire" desce!ded a s5eet sou!d of air soft a!d small" a!d there 5as our Lord1 'ourthly" it is !ecessary to breathe i! such ma!!er that if it mi ht !ot issue out of the mouth that he mi ht !ot breathe" a!o! the ma! should die1 A!d thus should 5e u!dersta!d of the +oly Ghost" after this that Da6id saithD Auferes spiritum eorum et deficie!t et i! pul6erem" etc1 Lord God as soo! as thou shalt ta4e a5ay their spirit they shall fail1 A!d therefore saith heD Emitte spiritum tuum" etc1 Lord God se!d thy spirit i!to them a!d they shall be created by spiritual life a!d be re!e5ed" for the +oly Ghost is he that i6eth life1 'ourthly" he 5as sho5ed i! the li4e!ess of fire1 'ifthly" i! li4e!ess of to! ues1 A!d the cause for 5hich he appeared i! these t5o ma!!ers I shall hereafter say1 As to the third pri!cipal" i! 5hich time he 5as se!t" he 5as o! the fiftieth day se!t" after Easter" for to i6e to us 4!o5led e that the +oly Ghost came" a!d it is the perfectio! of the la5" the remu!eratio! perdurable" a!d the remissio! of si!s1 It appeareth of the perfectio! of the la5" for from the day that the Lamb 5as sacrificed i! that old la5" the la5 5as deli6ered the fiftieth day after that" as the Church saith" i! fire1 A!d also i! the Ne5 Testame!t" fifty days after Easter" desce!ded the +oly Ghost o! the mou!t of Sio! i! li4e!ess of fire1 Li4e as the la5 5as i6e! i! the hi hest of the mou!t of Si!ai" so the +oly Ghost i! the solier 5here the supper of Jesu Christ a!d of his apostles 5as made1 I! this appeareth that the +oly Ghost is the perfectio! of all the la5" for i! that is the ple!itude of dilectio!1 Seco!dly" the perdurable remu!eratio! is i! the +oly Ghost" 5hereof the loss saith thus" that the fourty days i! 5hich our Lord co!6ersed 5ith his disciples si !ify the holy





church" also the fiftieth day o! 5hich the +oly Ghost 5as i6e!" e8presseth the pe!!y of the last retributio! a!d re5ard perdurable1 Thirdly" of the +oly Ghost is the remissio! of si!s" as saith the loss1 Therefore it 5as i6e! i! the fiftieth day" because i! the fiftieth year 5as the Jubilee" a!d all thi! s pardo!ed" a!d by the +oly Ghost the si!s be pardo!ed1 A!d it follo5eth i! the lossD I! the =ubilee spiritual the priso!ers be deli6ered" the debts be <uitted" the e8iled be repealed a!d called home" the herita es be re!dered" a!d the bo!d me! be re!dered from their ser6itude a!d made free1 a!d the uilty of death be made <uit a!d deli6ered1 ,hereof saith S1 (aulD The la5 of the spirit of life i! Jesu Christ hath deli6ered me from the la5 of si! a!d of death1 After" the debts of si! be left" for charity co6ereth a!d <ue!cheth reat multitude of si!s1 The e8iled me! be called home" a!d the prophet saithD Spiritus tuus bo!us" etc1 Lord thy ood spirit hath brou ht me i!to the ri ht la!d of my cou!try" that is" i!to hea6e!1 The herita e lost is re!dered" 5hereof saith S1 (aulD The +oly Ghost hath i6e! 5it!ess to our Spirit that 5e be the so!s of God1 A!d if 5e be so!s 5e be heirs" 5hich 5ere ser6a!ts to si!" 5e be made free to God" for 5here the +oly Ghost is" there is fra!chise a!d liberty1 As touchi! the fourth" ho5 oft he 5as se!t to the apostles" after that the loss saithD +e 5as i6e! to them by three times" that is to 5it before the passio! of Jesu Christ" after the resurrectio!" a!d after the Asce!sio!1 'irst to do miracles1 Seco!dly to release the si!s" a!d thirdly to co!firm the hearts1 'irst" 5he! he se!t them to preach" a!d to cast fie!ds out of bodies" a!d to heal the sic4 malades" he a6e to them the puissa!ce1 A!d these mar6els did they by the +oly Ghost" !e6ertheless it is !ot co!se<ue!t that 5hosoe6er ha6e the +oly Ghost do miracles1 'or S1 Gre ory saithD The miracles ma4eth !ot a ma! holy" but sho5 him holy" !or also e6ery ma! that doth miracles hath !ot the +oly Ghost1 'or e6il people a6au!t them to ha6e do!e miracles" sayi! D Lord" Lord" say they" ha6e !ot 5e 5ell prophesied i! thy !ameE Thou hast i6e! to us the spirit of prophecy1 God doth miracles by his a! els" by matter amiable that they ha6e" a!d the fie!ds by 6irtues !atural" 5hich be i! thi! s created !aturally" a!d the e!cha!ter" by help of fie!ds1 The ood christia! ma! by =ustice public" the e6il christia! ma! by si !s of =ustice1 Seco!dly" they had the +oly Ghost 5he! he breathed o! them sayi! D Ta4e ye the +oly Ghost i! to you" to 5hom ye loose their si!s they shall be loosed" a!d of 5hom ye retai!" they shall be retai!ed1 Ne6ertheless !o!e sa6e God may for i6e si!s as to the si! that is i! the soul" a!d 5hich is the obli atio! to pai! perdurable" or as to the offe!ce of God" the 5hich is o!ly for i6e! by the i!fusio! of the race of God" a!d by the force a!d 6irtue of co!tritio!1 Ne6ertheless 5e say that the priest assoilleth of si!s" as for that he is i!si!ued" or sho5eth that the si!!er is assoilled of God1 As to that" that the pai! that should be perpetual" he cha! eth i!to temporal of pur atory" a!d also for that the pai! temporal is due" he releaseth part1 Thirdly" the +oly Ghost 5as i6e! to them o! this day" 5he! he co!firmed so their hearts that they dreaded !o torme!t by the 6irtue of the +oly Ghost" 5hich all o6ercometh1 ,hereof saith S1 Austi!D Such is the race of the +oly Ghost that if he fi!d hea6i!ess i! the heart he brea4eth it7 if he fi!d desire of e6il" he destroyeth it7 if he fi!d 6ai! dread" he casteth it out1 A!d S1 Leo the (ope saithD The +oly Ghost 5as hoped of the apostles" !ot for the! first he had i!habited i! them" but because that the hearts to him sacred a!d dedicated" he more should 6isit them" a!d more abu!da!tly by race should abide i! i!creasi! his ifts !ot the! be u!" of 5hich he 5as !ot !e5ly sho5i! his operatio!" for his lar ess passeth all abu!da!ce1 As to the fifth" that is to 5it" ho5 he 5as se!t1 It is to be 4!o5! that he 5as se!t 5ith reat sou!d i! to! ues of fire" the 5hich to! ues appeared sitti! 1 A!d the sou!d 5as sudde! from hea6e!" 6eheme!t a!d shi!i! 1 It 5as sudde! for he had !o !eed of space temporal1 It 5as from hea6e!" for he made them celestial that he reple!ished1 Veheme!t for he a6e dread of lo6e" or for that he too4 a5ay the sorro5 perdurable" 5hich is maledictio!7 or for that that he bare the heart out of car!al lo6e1 Also he 5as reple!ishi! " for he fulfilled all the apostles1 As saith S1 Lu4eD 3epleti su!t om!es Spiritu Sa!cto1 A!d it is to 5eet that there be three si !s of reple!ishi! that 5ere i! the apostles1 The first is that the place 5here he is i6eth !o sou!d" li4e a tu! of 5i!e that is full1 To this purpose spea4eth JobD Shall the o8 cry a!d roar 5he! the rac4e is fullE The o8 shall !ot lo5 !or cry 5he! the crib shall be full" li4e as he 5ould say 5he! the heart is full of race" him ou ht !ot rud e by impatie!ce1 This si ! had the apostles" for i! the tribulatio! that they had" they resou!ded !ot" !e rud ed by impatie!ce" but =oyously 5e!t to the prese!ce of the tyra!ts" to priso!" a!d to torme!ts1 The seco!d si ! is that he may recei6e !o more" else he 5ere !ot full1 I! this ma!!er he that is all filled dema!deth !o more1 I! li4e 5ise the sai!ts that ha6e ple!itude of race" may recei6e !o!e other li<uor of earthly delectatio!7 a!d because they ha6e tasted the s5eet!ess of hea6e!" they ha6e !o!e appetite to the earthly delectatio!s1 ,hereof saith S1 Austi!D ,hoso dri!4eth o!e drop of deli hts of paradise" the 5hich o!e drop is reater tha! all the sea ocea!1 ,hich ou ht to be u!derstood that all the thirst of this 5orld is i! him e8ti!ct1 A!d this si ! had the apostles 5hich 5ould ha6e !o!e of the oods of this 5orld i! proper" but put it all i! commo!1 The third si ! is for to ru! o6er out" as it



















appeareth by a ri6er 5hich ariseth a!d ru!!eth o6er his ba!4s1 As Solomo! saithD ,hich filleth as (hiso! 5isdom1 This flood" or ri6er (hiso!" of his !ature ariseth a!d spri! eth o6er" a!d 5atereth a!d arroseth the la!d about him1 I! li4e 5ise the apostles be a! to spread abroad1 'or after they had recei6ed the +oly Ghost they be a! to spea4 di6ers la! ua es" 5here the loss saith" that that 5as the si ! of ple!itude" for the 6essel full sheddeth o6er" as it appeareth of S1 (eter" for a!o! as he be a! to preach he co!6erted three thousa!d1 Seco!dly" he 5as se!t i! to! ues of fire1 A!d here be three thi! s to be co!sidered1 'irst" for 5hom he 5as se!t co!=oi!tly i! the to! ues of fire1 Seco!dly" 5herefore he 5as se!t i! to! ues of fire more tha! i! a!other eleme!t1 Thirdly" 5herefore he 5as se!t i! to! ues more tha! i! a!other member1 As to the first" for three reaso!s he 5as se!t a!d appeared i! to! ues of fire" to the e!d that their 5ords should i!flame the hearts1 Seco!dly" that they should preach the fiery la5 of God1 Thirdly" that they should 4!o5 that the +oly Ghost" 5hich is fire" spa4e i! them" a!d t by his i!comprehe!sibility1 'or the third" he is said +oly Ghost ha6i! all 6irtue" for he is i!6i!cible" for he hath all stre! th" seei! all thi! s from far1 The third reaso! is ta4e! as to his ma!ifold effect1 A!d this reaso! assi !eth 3aba!us" sayi! that the fire hath four 6irtues or !atures1 It bur!eth" it pur eth" It chauffeth" it li hteth1 I! li4e5ise the +oly Ghost bur!eth the si!s" he pur eth the hearts" he casteth a5ay all cold!ess a!d dread of the hearts" a!d he illumi!eth them that be i !ora!t1 Of the first saith Kachary the prophetD +e broileth a!d bur!eth the hearts as the fire bur!eth the sil6er1 Also Da6id saithD Lord I pray thee" bur! my rei!s a!d my heart" a!d dry them from all si!1 +e pur eth also the hearts after that" as saith IsaiahD ,he! our Lord hath 5ashed a5ay the filthes of the dau hters of Sio!" a!d hath pur ed the blood of Jerusalem from the middle of him i! the spirit of =ud me!t a!d i! the spirit of bur!i! " the! shall they be i! safety a!d surety" a!d 4ept a ai!st all tempest1 A!d the prophet spea4eth of the pur atio! that shall be made at the last" 5he! all shall be pur ed pure a!d clea! that shall o i! to hea6e!1 +e casteth out also all cold!ess a!d pusilla!imity of the hearts" 5hereof the apostle saithD 9e ye fer6e!t i! spirit" that is of heart" the 5hich thi! the +oly Ghost ma4eth 5he! +e espriseth him of his lo6e1 A!d hereof saith S1 Gre oryD The +oly Ghost appeared i! fire for all the hearts 5hich +e reple!ished" a!d 6oided the cold!ess of fire" a!d i!flamed them 5ith desire of the lory perdurable1 +e illumi!ed also the i !ora!t" 5hereof saith the 5ise ma!7 Lord God 5ho shall 4!o5 thy scie!ce" if thou i6e !ot thy sapie!ce a!d se!d to us thi!e +oly Spirit from abo6e" that is he that all e!sei !eth a!d teachethE The fourth reaso! is ta4e! after the !ature of his lo6e1 Lo6e is si !ified by the fire for three causes1 The first cause is for the fire is al5ays mo6i! " so is it of the +oly Ghost7 for them that he reple!isheth he ma4eth them to be i! co!ti!ual mo6i! of ood operatio!1 ,hereof saith S1 Gre oryD The lo6e of God is !e6er idle" as lo! as it is i! the heart of a de6out perso! it fructifieth1 A!d it fructifieth !ot" it is a si ! that it is !ot there1 The seco!d is" for the fire amo! all the other eleme!ts hath but little matter" but stro! 6irtue i! operatio! it hath i! his <uality1 Thus the +oly Ghost" 5hom he reple!isheth" ma4eth them to ha6e but little lo6e to earthly thi! s" a!d reat to spiritual thi! s" i! so much they lo6e !ot 5orldly thi! s more 5orldlily" but spiritually1 S1 9er!ard putteth four ma!!ers of lo6e7 that is to 5it" to lo6e the 5orld fleshly" the spirit fleshly" the flesh spiritually" a!d the spirit spiritually1 The third cause is" for that the fire abasheth a!d mee4eth the thi! s hi h1 +e hath te!ded o! hi h thi! s despercled" to u!ite them" a!d them despercled to bri! to ether1 A!d by these three thi! s be u!derstood three 6irtues of lo6e1 'or as saith S1 De!is i! the boo4 of the !ames di6i!eD The fire hath three 6irtues" for he i!cli!eth the hi h thi! s do5!" he lifteth the thi! s lo5 i! hei ht" he ordai!eth the thi! s e<ual to their ordi!a!ce1 A!d these three thi! s ma4eth the +oly Ghost i! them that he reple!isheth1 'or he i!cli!eth them by humility" he lifteth them up by desire of hi h thi! s" a!d ordai!eth them to ether by u!ity of ma!!ers1 Thirdly" he appeared i! li4e!ess of a to! ue more tha! i! a!other member" a!d for three reaso!s1 The to! ue is the member that is i!flamed of the fire of hell" a!d is of reat difficulty to o6er!" a!d profitable 5he! it is 5ell o6er!ed1 A!d because that the to! ue 5as i!flamed of the fire of hell" she had !eed that the +oly Ghost should come to i!flame it1 As saith S1 JamesD It is the fire of the +oly Ghost" a!d because it is e6il a!d li htly o6er!ed" she hath the more !eed1 'or after that that saith S1 James i! his chro!icleD All !ature of beasts" of birds" a!d of serpe!ts be mastered a!d ruled by ma!" but the to! ue may !ot be mastered1 A!d because it is a member profitable 5he! it is 5ell o6er!ed" therefore he had !eed of the +oly Ghost that should o6er! it1 +e appeared also i! a to! ue" 5hich is much !ecessary1 To preachers he is !ecessary" for he ma4eth them to spea4 fer6e!tly 5ithout dread" a!d therefore he 5as i! that li4e!ess1 As saith S1 9er!ardD The +oly Ghost desce!ded upo! the disciples i! to! ues of fire to the e!d that they should preach a!d spea4 the la5 of the to! ues of fire1 The +oly Ghost also ma4eth them to spea4 a!d preach hardily a!d co!sta!tly" as S1 Lu4e saith i! the Acts of the ApostlesD They 5ere all reple!ished 5ith the +oly Ghost a!d be a! to spea4 5ith hardi!ess the 5ord of God1 +e ma4eth them also to spea4 i! ma!y ma!!ers for the reat a!d di6erse multitude of hearers" a!d therefore it is said they be a! to spea4 5ith di6ers to! ues i! such 5ise as the +oly Ghost admi!istered to them1 +e made them also to preach profitably to the edificatio! of the



people" 5hereof saith IsaiahD The +oly Ghost is desce!ded upo! me" a!d hath a!oi!ted me 5ith his race" 5hereof he hath made my 5ords pleasa!t a!d profitable to the health of creatures1 Thirdly" the to! ues appeared sitti! " i! si !ifyi! that he 5as !ecessary to preside!ts a!d =ud es" for he i6eth authority for to pardo! a!d to for i6e si!s" as saith S1 Joh!D Ta4e ye the +oly Ghost" by 5hom ye shall ta4e a5ay the si!s of them:that 5ill repe!t them1 +e i6eth also 5isdom for to deem a!d =ud e" 5hereof saith IsaiahD shall put" saith God" my spirit upo! them that shall =ud e a!d deem truly1 +e i6eth also debo!airty a!d s5eet!ess for to support a!d mollify the =ud me!t" as it is said" Numeri 8i1D I shall i6e to my people of my spirit that is i! thee" for to support the burde! of my people1 The spirit of -oses 5as the spirit of be!i !ity a!d of s5eet!ess that 5as i! him for to =ud e the people1 -oses 5as most mee4 a!d most debo!air" a!d therefore God deli6ered to him his people for to o6er!1 The +oly Ghost i6eth also ador!me!t of holi!ess for to i!form" as saith the ScriptureD The +oly Ghost hath ador!ed the hea6e!s" that be the hearts 5herei! he desce!deth1 A!d as to the si8th" i!to 5hom he 5as se!t" i!to the apostles that 5ere 6essels clea! a!d pure" a!d disposed to recei6e the +oly Ghost" A!d that for se6e! causes that 5ere i! them1 'irst" they 5ere <uiet a!d peaceable i! heart" a!d this si !ifieth that is su! D Dum complere!tur dies pe!tecostes" etc1 The day of the pe!tecost they 5ere all to ether i! o!e place still assembled1 The day of the pe!tecost is the day of rest" after that Isaiah saithD ?po! 5hom shall my spirit desce!d" but upo! a! humble heart a!d bei! still1 Seco!dly" he 5as heard by dilectio!1 A!d this is that the Scripture saithD Era!t om!es pariter" they 5ere all to ether" for they 5ere all of o!e heart a!d of o!e 5ill1 A!d thus the spirit of ma! i6eth !ot life to the members but that they be to ether7 i! li4e5ise the +oly Ghost i6eth !ot spiritual life but to the members u!ited spiritually1 A!d as the fire <ue!cheth a!d oeth out 5he! the bra!ds be ta4e! a5ay" so the +oly Ghost oeth a5ay 5he! the members by discord be di6ided1 A!d therefore it is su! of the apostles that the +oly Ghost fou!d them all of o!e accord by lo6e a!d by charity" a!d illumi!ed them 5ith clear!ess shi!i! i! them of the di6i!e Deity1 Thirdly" they 5ere i! a secret place7 for they 5ere i! the place 5here Jesu Christ made 5ith them his mau!dy or supper" 5hereof is said" +osea ii1D I shall lead ma!>s soul i!to a solitary place a!d shall spea4 to it i! secret1 'ourthly" they 5ere i! oriso! a!d prayer co!ti!ual" 5hereof is su! D Ora!tibus apostolis deum 6e!isse" etc" 5he! they 5ere i! prayer the! came the +oly Ghost upo! them7 5hich prayer is !ecessary to recei6e the +oly Ghost1 Li4e as the 5ise ma! saithD I ha6e prayed God a!d the +oly Ghost is come i! me1 ,hereof saith Jesu Christ" Joh! 8i61D I shall pray God my 'ather" a!d I shall se!d to you i! my stead the +oly Ghost that shall comfort you1 'ifthly" they 5ere ar!ished 5ith humility a!d mee4!ess" a!d that is" that they 5ere sitti! 5he! the +oly Ghost came1 A!d hereof saith Da6idD Lord God" thou art he that se!dest the fou!tai!s i!to the 6alleys" that is the +oly Ghost 5hich is the fou!tai! of race" 5hich he se!deth i!to the humble hearts1 Si8thly" they 5ere i! peace to ether1 I! that is to be u!derstood that they 5ere i! Jerusalem" 5hich is as much to say as the 6isio! of peace1 A!d that peace is !ecessary to recei6e the +oly Ghost" our Lord sho5ed 5he! he came to them after his resurrectio! sayi! D (a8 6obis" (eace be 5ith you" a!d after saidD Ta4e ye the +oly Ghost1 Se6e!thly" they 5ere lift up i! co!templatio!1 A!d this is to u!dersta!d that they recei6ed the +oly Ghost i! a! hi h place" 5herof saith the lossD ,ho that !o5 desireth the +oly Ghost i! his heart" let him put the house of his flesh u!der his feet by lifti! up his heart by co!templatio!1 A!d as to the se6e!th" 5herefore he 5as se!t7 it is to be !oted" for se6e! causes he 5as se!t" that be u!derstood i! this authorityD (aracletus autem spiritus sa!ctusD <uem mittet pater i! !omi!e meo ille 6os docebit om!ia1 The first cause is for to comfort the sorro5ful 5he! is said" (aracletus" 5hich is as much as to say as comforter" as God saith by IsaiahD The spirit of God upo! me" a!d it follo5eth to the e!d that I should comfort the 5eepers of Sio!" that be the dau hters that sa5 God1 ,hereof saith S1 Gre oryD The +oly Ghost is said comforter to them that he fi!deth 5aili! for their si!s that they ha6e committed" he ma4eth ready hope of pardo! i! lifti! their hearts from afflictio! of sorro51 The seco!d is for to <uic4e! the dead 5he! he saith Spiritus" for the Spirit is he that <uic4e!eth as it is said i! EHechielD ;e bo!es that be dry a!d 5ithout life" I shall se!d i! you my Spirit a!d ye shall li6e1 The third cause is for to sa!ctify a!d ma4e clea! the si!!ers i! this that he saidD Sa!ctus" as it is said" Spirit because he i6eth life1 Also he saith +oly" because he sa!ctifieth a!d ma4eth clea!" a!d it is said pure a!d clea!1 Therefore saith Da6idD The race of the +oly Ghost 5hich is a flood pure a!d clea!si! " he laddeth the city of God" that is holy church" a!d by this flood our Lord hath sa!ctified his taber!acle1 The fourth cause is" he is se!t for to co!firm lo6e amo! them that be i! discord a!d hate" 5hich is !oted i! this 5ord (ater1 +e is said 'ather" because that !aturally he lo6eth us" as saith S1 Joh! i! the ospel" Joha!!is 8iii1D Jesu Christ saithD -y 'ather lo6eth you as his so!s" a!d if ye be his so!s" the! be ye brethre! each to other" a!d bet5ee! brethre! al5ays ou ht to perse6ere lo6e a!d frie!dship1 The fifth cause is for to sa6e the =ust a!d true me!1 I! this that he saithD I! !omi!e meo" that is












Jesus" that is to say" Sa6iour" i! 5hose !ame the 'ather se!t the +oly Ghost to sho5 that he came to sa6e the people1 The si8th cause is for to i!form the i !ora!t i! this that he saithD Ille 6os docebit om!ia1 The +oly Ghost" 5he! he shall come" he shall teach you all thi! s1 As to the se6e!th" that he is i6e! or se!t first i! the be i!!i! of the church by prayer" as thus 5he! he came the apostles prayed God a!d 5ere i! prayer" 5hereof is su! D Ora!tibus apostolis Deum 6e!isse" the apostles prayi! " the +oly Ghost came1 A!d Lu4e iii1" Jesu prayi! the +oly Ghost desce!ded1 Seco!dly" he came by heari! atte!ti6ely a!d de6outly the 5ord of God1 Acts 81D As S1 (eter 5as preachi! " the +oly Ghost desce!ded upo! them1 Thirdly" he came by holy a!d busy operatio!" that is by this that is saidD Impo!eba!t ma!us super eos et accipieba!t spiritum sa!ctum1 The apostles put their ha!ds o! them that belie6ed a!d a!o! they recei6ed the +oly Ghost1 A!d this impositio! of the ha!ds si !ifieth the absolutio! of the priest7 5hich absolutio! i6e us the +oly Ghost1 Ame! Here followeth the Fea t of the Holy *a$ra%e#t1










The reat lar esse a!d be!efits that God hath distributed to Christia! people" i6e to the said people reat di !ity" for there is !o people" !e !e6er 5as so reat a !atio! that their ods had approached so !i h them as our Lord God is u!to us1 The blessed So! of God 5ould ma4e us part!ers u!to his di6i!ity a!d odhead" a!d therefore too4 our !ature to the e!d that ma4i! himself ma!" he 5ould ma4e me! as ods1 A!d all that he too4 of us" he a6e all a ai! to us for our sal6atio!1 +e a6e his proper body a! offeri! u!to God the 'ather o! the altar of the cross" for our reco!ciliatio!" a!d shed his blood i! price a!d 5ashi! our si!s" to the e!d that 5e mi ht be redeemed from the miserable ser6itude 5herei! 5e 5ere" a!d that 5e should be also clea! a!d clea!sed of our si!s1 A!d also to the e!d that this e8celle!t be!efice abide to us i! perpetual memory" he hath u!to de6out hearts a!d faithful i6e! his o5! body i! meat" a!d his precious blood i! dri!4" i! li4e!ess of bread a!d 5i!e1 O precious feast a!d co!6i6e a!d 6erily full of reat 5o!der" the feast healthful a!d reple!ished of all s5eet!ess1 ,hat thi! may be more precious tha! the !oble co!6i6e or feast i! 5hich !ot o!ly the flesh of cal6es !e of o8e! li4e as 5as i6e! i! the old la5 for to taste" but the proper body of Jesu 5hich is 6ery God" is prese!ted for to recei6e a!d assa6our de6outly1 ,hat thi! mi ht be more full of reat admiratio! tha! is this +oly Sacrame!t i! 5hich the bread a!d 5i!e be commi8ed substa!tially i!to the proper body of Jesu1 A!d therefore Jesu Christ there is co!tai!ed u!der the species a!d li4e!ess of bread a!d 5i!e1 +e is eate! a!d recei6ed of the ood a!d true christia! me! but for that he is !ot departed i! pieces !e asu!dered i! his members" but abideth all 5hole a!d e!tire i! e6ery each of his parts1 'or if this holy sacrame!t 5ere di6ided or departed i! a thousa!d parts" i! e6ery part should remai! the proper body of our Lord 5hole a!d e!tire1 No!e other sacrame!t is !ot of so much merit" !or so full of health as this sacrame!t is1 'or by this be pur ed the si!s" the 6irtues be i!creased" a!d the thou hts be e! rassed a!d fulfilled 5ith the abu!da!ce of all ood 6irtues1 +e is i! holy church offered for the li6i! a!d them that be dead" to the e!d that he may profit to all that 5hich is for their sal6atio!" of all them that be ordai!ed a!d i!stituted to co!secrate it1 The s5eet!ess of this holy sacrame!t may !o!e e8press1 9y the 5hich s5eet!ess is spiritually tasted a!d remembered the e8celle!t charity that God sho5ed i! his lorious passio!" a!d to the e!d that it mi ht be the more fer6e!tly impressed i! the hearts of de6out a!d faithful people" of the reat lar esse of his charity 5he! he should depart out of this 5orld a!d o to God his 'ather a!d 5ould eat his paschal lamb 5ith his disciples" the! he i!stituted this holy sacrame!t li4e a memory perdurable of his passio!" as the accomplishme!t of a!cie!t fi ures" a!d of the miracles that 5ere do!e by him" a!d also to the e!d that they that 5ere sorro5ful a!d hea6y for his abse!ce" should thereby ha6e some solace si! ular1 This is a thi! the! ri ht co!6e!ie!t a!d co!6e!able u!to the de6otio! of de6out hearts7 to remember solem!ly the i!stitutio! of so healthful a!d mar6ellous a sacrame!t" to the e!d that the i!effable ma!!er of the ordi!a!ce a!d thou ht di6i!e 6isibly be ho!oured a!d 5orshipped7 a!d that the mi ht a!d puissa!ce of God be lo6ed a!d tha!4ed" 5hich i! this sacrame!t 5or4eth so mar6ellously7 a!d also" of so healthful a!d of so s5eet a!d racious be!efice be i6e! a!d re!dered to God due tha!4i! s a!d races1 A!d ho5 5ell that o! the day of the ce!e or supper i! 5hich this !oble sacrame!t 5as i!stituted is special memory made of this sacrame!t" ho5 be it the surplus of the ser6ice of the same day appertai!eth to the passio! of our Lord" i! the 5hich passio! our mother" holy church" is occupied all that day de6outly1 A!d because this i!stitutio! of so !oble sacrame!t may be hallo5ed more solem!ly" the (ope ?rba! i61" by reat affectio! that he had to this holy sacrame!t" mo6ed of reat de6otio!" he ordai!ed the feast a!d remembra!ce of this holy sacrame!t the first Thursday after the octa6es of (e!tecost" for to be hallo5ed of all ood christia! people" to the e!d that 5e 5ho use throu hout all the year this holy sacrame!t to our sal6atio!" may do our de6oir to this holy i!stitutio! specially i! the time 5he! the +oly Ghost e!sei !ed





a!d teached the hearts of the disciples to 4!o5 the mystery of this holy sacrame!t1 'or i! that time the!" the true faithful disciples be a! to fre<ue!t it" it is read i! the Acts of the Apostles that they 5ere perse6era!t i! the doctri!e of the apostles a!d i! commu!icatio! of the brea4i! of the bread i! de6out oriso!s after the se!di! of the +oly Ghost1 A!d to the e!d that the holy i!stitutio! of this amorous sacrame!t should be the more ho!orably hallo5ed o! the said day" a!d by the utas or octa6es follo5i! " i! stead of distributio! material" that bee! distributed i! cathedral churches" the foresaid (ope ?rba! hath i6e! of his po5er a!d lar ess apostolic" 5a es spiritual a!d pardo!s special u!to all them that shall be perso!ally i! clea! life at the hours diur!al a!d !octur!al of this holy solem!ity" to the e!d that e6ery ood catholic perso! should ha6e the more desire to come to o!e so reat a solem!ity o6erall 5here it shall be hallo5ed1 That is to 5it at mati!s" a! hu!dred days of pardo!" at the mass as much" at the first e6e!so! as much" a!d at the seco!d e6e!so! o! the day also a! hu!dred days7 at the hours of prime" of tierce" of si8t" of !o!e" a!d of compli!e" at e6ery each of these hours forty days1 O! the other days duri! the octa6es for e6ery day to them that shall be at mati!s a!d at mass" at tierce" at si8t" !o!e" e6e!so! a!d compli!e" a! hu!dred days of pardo!1 A!d all these pardo!s of the treasure of the church by the misericord di6i!e" he hath i6e! them a!d i!stituted to e!dure perpetually1 This sacrame!t fi ured our Lord 5he! he se!t ma!!a from hea6e! u!to the old fathers i! desert" 5here they 5ere fed 5ith meat celestial" a!d it is said that the me! had eate! bread of a! els" but al5ay" all they that had eate! thereof" they died i! desert" but this meat that ye !o5 recei6e is the li6i! bread 5hich desce!ded from hea6e!7 that admi!istered the substa!ce of the life eter!al7 a!d therefore 5hosoe6er recei6e this bread here" 5orthily he shall !e6er die eter!ally" for this is the proper body of Jesu Christ1 No5 co!sider here the! 5hich is most e8celle!t a!d most profitable" the bread of the a! els or the proper body of Jesu Christ" 5hich is life perdurable1 The ma!!a aforesaid came from hea6e!" this precious flesh is abo6e the hea6e!7 this ma!!a is celestial7 this flesh here is God the creator of hea6e!s1 The ma!!a 5as 4ept u!to the mor! a!d 5as corrupt7 this bread may feel !o corruptio!1 To them i! desert" abo6esaid" spra! 5ater out of a sto!e" to us is spru! the blood of the amorous Jesu Christ1 The 5ater refresheth them for a! hour" but the precious blood of Jesu Christ 5asheth us perpetually1 The Je5s dra!4 a!d al5ay 5ere athirst" but thou christia! ma!" 5he! thou hast dru!4 of this be6era e here" thou mayst !e6er after ha6e thirst1 That other 5as i6e! to them i! a shado5 a!d umber but this 5as i6e! i! truth1 No5 ye shall u!dersta!d this that 5as i! the shado5" they dra!4 of the 5ater that issued out of the sto!e" this sto!e 5as Jesu Christ a!d yet they pleased !ot al5ay i! their 5or4s to God" a!d therefore died they i! desert1 All those thi! s there 5ere do!e i! fi ure" for to i6e 4!o5led e of thi! s more reat a!d more !otable1 It is much reater thi! of the li ht tha! of the shado57 semblably of 6erity tha! it is of fi ure7 a!d also much reater of the body of our creator a!d ma4er" tha! it is of the ma!!a that came from hea6e!1 Thou shalt dema!d perad6e!tureD ho5 thou affirmest a!d assurest me that I recei6e the body of Jesu Christ 5he! I see a!other thi! 1 ,e ha6e ma!y e8amples by the 5hich 5e may 5ell pro6e that it 5hich thou recei6est is !ot that thi! that !ature hath formed" but it is 5ell that that the be!edictio! hath co!secrated1 The be!edictio! hath reater mi ht tha! !ature" for by be!edictio! ofttimes !ature hath bee! cha! ed1 -oses that held a rod i! his ha!d" 5he! he cast it to the earth it became a serpe!t7 a!o! he too4 it up a!d it tur!ed i!to the !ature of a rod1 Thou seest the! ho5 by the race of the prophet the !ature hath bee! cha! ed t5ice" of the serpe!t a!d of the rod1 The ri6ers of E ypt ra! some time their course !atural" but sudde!ly by the 6ei!s of the fou!tai!s blood be a! to issue" a!d ra! so lo! that the people 5ist !ot for to dri!41 After" at the prayer of the prophet the ri6er of blood ceased" a!d came a ai! to his !ature of 5ater as it 5as before1 The people of the +ebre5s 5as o! a time all e!6iro!ed a!d e!closed of the E yptia!s" bet5ee! the sea a!d them -oses lift up his rod" a!d the! the 5ater departed" a!d assembled u!to the li4e!ess of a 5all" a!d there appeared to them a 5ay for to o o! foot" a!d the flood of Jorda!" i! his proper place" a ai!st his !ature retur!ed a ai!st the hill1 The old fathers that 5ere i! desert" also o! a time had reat thirst7 -oses too4 his rod a!d smote a sto!e" out of the 5hich issued a reat abu!da!ce of 5ater1 Is !ot the race of be!edictio! reat 5hich hath 5rou ht abo6e !ature" 5he! the sto!e i6eth 5ater 5hich he may !ot by !atureE -arah" 5hich 5as a ri6er ri ht bitter" i! such 5ise that the people that had reat thirst mi ht !ot dri!4 it7 -oses put a staff i! the 5ater" a!d sudde!ly by the race of be!edictio! 5hich there 5rou ht" it lost his bitter!ess a!d became s5eet1 Semblably i! the time of Elisha the prophet" o!e of the so!s of the prophets let fall the iro! of his a8e i! the 5ater" the 5hich iro!" after his !ature" sa!4 do5! to the bottom of the 5ater1 The! he came to Elisha prayi! him for his a8e1 Elisha put his bourdo! i! the 5ater" a!d a!o! the iro! be a! to s5im about the 5ater" 5hich is a thi! abo6e !ature" for the 5ei ht of the iro! is hea6ier tha! the li<uor of the 5ater1 9y all these thi! s" a!d by the blessi! of prophets" 5e see clearly ho5 race or be!edictio! hath thus 5rou ht abo6e !ature"












a!d the!" sith that be!edictio! huma!" di6erse times hath thus co!6erted thi! s a ai!st !ature" 5hat shall 5e say of the co!secratio! di6i!e 5here the 5ords of God 5or4E 'or this holy sacrame!t here that thou recei6est is co!secrate of the 5ords of Jesu Christ1 The! if the 5ord of Eli=ah 5as of so reat effect that it made fire to desce!d from hea6e!" of much more 6alue a!d effect is the 5ord of Jesu Christ for to tur! the li4e!ess of eleme!ts1 ;e ha6e read of the 5or4 of the 5orld7 as God said a!d comma!ded so 5as it made7 he comma!ded a!d it 5as made1 A!d the 5ord that made all thi! s of !ou ht" may !ot the same cha! e the thi! s that ha6e bee! made i!to other species a!d li4e!essE It is !ot less to him to create thi! s tha! to cha! e thi! s1 ,e sho5 also the mystery of the i!car!atio! of our ma4er Jesu Christ1 ,as !ot that abo6e !ature that Jesu Christ 5as bor! of the Vir i! -aryE If thou dema!d of the ordi!a!ce of !ature" thou 4!o5est that the 5oma! hath a custom to co!cei6e by the seed of ma!7 but the Vir i! -ary e! e!dered a!d co!cei6ed abo6e the ordi!a!ce of !ature" a!d al5ay remai!ed a 6ir i!1 A!d this holy sacrame!t that 5e !o5 co!secrate" is the proper body of Jesu Christ that 5as bor! of the Vir i!1 ,herefore the! see4est thou of the ordi!a!ce of the precious !ature of Jesu Christ" 5he! he is abo6e all !atureE +e that 5as bor! of the Vir i! is the proper flesh of Jesu Christ" the 5hich 5as crucified a!d buried1 A!d 6erily this proper flesh is i! this sacrame!t1 Our Sa6iour Jesu Christ saithD LoI this is my proper body1 9efore the be!edictio! of the celestial 5ords it is a!other species" but after the co!secratio! it is the proper body of our Lord1 'or as soo! as the co!secratio! is preferred a!d said" the substa!ce of the bread is co!6erted i!to the blessed body of Jesu Christ" a!d i! li4e 5ise of the 5i!e a!d 5ater i! the chalice7 after the 5ords of co!secratio! said" is the 6ery body of our Lord also 5hole i! flesh a!d blood1 All the rem!a!t that is said i! the mass be praisi! s a!d laudi! s to our Lord" a!d also prayers for the church" for the 4i! s" a!d for the people1 9ut 5he! this holy sacrame!t is co!secrate the priest useth !ot his o5! 5ords" but he spea4eth the proper 5ords of Jesu Christ a!d so co!secrateth the sacrame!t1 The 5hich 5ord of Jesu Christ is it by 5hich all thi! 5as made" the hea6e!" the earth" a!d the sea7 the! mayst thou see 5hat a 5or4er is the 5ord of Jesu Christ1 A!d sith that so much mi ht a!d po5er is i! the 5ord of Jesu Christ" that it 5hich !e6er had bee! be a! to be" the! by much more reaso! may he ma4e that that is" to be co!6erted i!to other substa!ce1 A!d thus that 5hich 5as bread before the co!secratio!" is the proper body of Jesu Christ after the co!secratio!1 A!d thus hath our blessed Lord left to us his blessed body for to be ho!oured a!d 5orshipped here i! earth1 A!d by reaso!" methi!4eth" he mi ht do !o less" co!sideri! our u!stable!ess" a!d ho5 pro!e the people ha6e bee! to 5orship false ods a!d idols7 a!d ho5 oft his o5! chose! people the Je5s departed from his la5s a!d too4 to them false ods" !ot5ithsta!di! the reat miracles a!d mar6ellous that he did a!d sho5ed for them" tha! to lea6e his o5! proper body here amo! us daily" to be remembered i! esche5i! of all idolatry for the sal6atio! of our souls" 5hom 5e beseech that 5e may recei6e u!to our perpetual sal6atio!1 Ame!1 The Dedi$atio# of the Te%&le of the !hur$h" The dedicatio! of the church is solem!ly hallo5ed amo! the other feasts of the church" a!d because that it is double church or temple" that is to 5it" material a!d spiritual1 A!d therefore it is to be see! shortly of the dedicatio! of this double temple1 As to the dedicatio! of the temple material1 three thi! s be to be co!sidered1 'irst" 5herefore it is hallo5ed or dedicate1 Seco!dly" ho5 it is hallo5ed1 Thirdly" by 5hom it is hallo5ed1 A!d because that t5o thi! s be i! the church that be hallo5ed" that is the altar a!d the temple" therefore it is first to be see! ho5 the altar is hallo5ed1 The altar is first hallo5ed for three thi! s1 'irst" to ma4e sacrifice to God" as it is said" Ge!esis 6iii1D Noah edified first a! altar to our Lord" a!d too4 of all the birds a!d of all the beasts of the the thou ht" a!d the so! of the 6oice to the preachi! of the 5ord of GodD but i! this" 5hat profiteth the s5eet!ess of the 6oice 5ithout the s5eet!ess of the heartE She brea4eth the 6oice" but the 5ill 4eepeth the co!corda!ce of the 6oice" a!d of ood ma!!ers" so that by e!sample he accord him to his !ei hbour" a!d by his ood 5ill he accord him to God" a!d by obedie!ce to his master7 a!d this is the treble ma!!er of music" 5hich is reported to the treble differe!ce of the office of the church1 'or the office of the church is made i! psalms" i! lesso!s" a!d i! so! 1 The first ma!!er of music is made by touchi! of fi! ers" as i! the psaltery a!d semblable i!strume!tsD the seco!d is the so! as of the 6oice7 a!d that appertai!eth to the lesso!s1 A!d thereof saith the (salmist Si! ye to him i! deporti! your 6oice1 The third" that is by blo5i! " appertai!eth to the so! of a trumpet a!d hereof saith Da6idD (raise ye him i! the sou!d of the trumpet1



















The temple or the church is hallo5ed for fi6e reaso!s1 The first is" because that the de6il a!d all his po5er be put out" 5hereof S1 Gre ory recou!teth i! his dialo ue" that as a church of the heretic Aria!s 5as yielded to ood christia! me!" a!d they hallo5ed it" a!d had brou ht i! relics of SS1 'abia! a!d Sebastia!" a!d of S1 A atha" all the people 5ere there assembled" a!d they heard sudde!ly a ho cry" a!d ru! hither a!d thither amo! their feet" see4i! the doors of the church" a!d he mi ht !ot be see! of !o ma!" 5hereof the people had reat mar6el1 9ut our Lord sho5ed to them that it 5as the foul spirit that d5elled tofore i! that placeD a!d that !i ht 5as a reat !oise upo! the co6eri! of the church" li4e as they had ru! upo! it" a!d the seco!d !i ht yet a reater !oise" a!d the third !i ht 5as so fearful a!d so horrible a reat !oise" as that the church should ha6e bee! thro5! do5! u!to the fou!dame!t" a!d the! the 5ic4ed spirits departed a!d came !o more there1 The hideous sou!d si !ified that for certai! the fie!d issued by co!strai!t the 5hich he had lo! holde!1 Seco!dly" it is hallo5ed because that they that flee to the church should be safe7 5hereof some churches" after the dedicatio!" be pri6ile ed of pri!ces" that they that be culpable a!d flee to the church that they may be safe1 ,hereof the ca!o! saithD The church defe!deth the culpables from blood that they !e loose life !e member1 A!d therefore Joab fled to the taber!acle a!d too4 the altar1 Thirdly" it is hallo5ed because that the oriso!s be e!ha!ced there1 A!d it is si !ified i! the boo4 of @i! s" the 6iii1 chapter" 5he! the temple 5as dedicated" Solomo! saidD ,hosoe6er shall pray i! this place thou shalt hear him" Lord i! hea6e!" a!d 5he! thou hast heard him thou shalt be to him debo!air1 A!d 5e 5orship God i! the churches to5ards the east for three reaso!s" after that Damasce!e saith i! the fourth boo4" the fifth chapter1 'irst" because that 5e sho5 that 5e re<uire our peace1 Seco!dly" that 5e behold Jesu Christ crucified1 Thirdly" that 5e sho5 that 5e abide him a =ud e to come1 A!d also he saithD God pla!ted paradise i! the house of the east from the 5hich he e8iled ma! because he bra4e his comma!dme!ts7 a!d made him to d5ell tofore paradise to5ard the occide!t" ere he 5e!t a!y other part" a!d therefore 5e loo4 !o5 i! the church to5ard the orie!t1 A!d our Lord crucified beheld to5ard the occide!t" a!d thus loo4 5e 5orshippi! him to5ard the orie!t1 +e 5as bor!e o! hi h" a!d so 5orship him the apostles" a!d so shall he come as they sa5 him oi! to hea6e!1 A!d so 5orship 5e him to5ards the orie!t" i! abidi! till he come1 'ourthly" the church is hallo5ed because that there loui! s a!d prayi! s be i6e! to God" a!d this is do!e at the se6e! times or hours ca!o!ical at mati!s" at prime" at tierce" a!d so at the others1 A!d ho5beit that God is to be praised i! all the hours of the day" but because our i!firmity sufficeth !ot thereto" it is ordai!ed that at these hours 5e praise God specially" because that these hours i! some thi! s be more pri6ile ed tha! the others7 for at mid!i ht 5he! mati!s be su! Jesu Christ 5as bor!" a!d also 5as ta4e! a!d despised of the Je5s7 a!d at the same hour he depoiled hell1 Ta4i! mid!i ht lar ely" that is to say afore day" he arose from death to life" a!d he appeared at the hour of prime" a!d it is said that he shall come i!to the doom at mid!i ht1 ,hereof S1 Jerome saithD I 5ee! that those thi! s that the apostles ha6e said shall be before day1 'or the day of the 6i il of Easter" before mid!i ht it beho6eth !ot to lea6e mati!s" for the people abide the comi! of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! this time shall come" me! ou ht to ha6e surety that all me! ma4e feast that day1 A!d 5e si! at that hour praisi! s because that 5e i6e him tha!4i! s for his !ati6ity" for his ta4i! " a!d of the deli6era!ce of the holy apostles" so that 5e may busily abide his comi! 1 A!d the lauds be ad=ousted to the mati!s because that the morro5tide he dro5!ed the E yptia!s i! the sea" a!d created the 5orld a!d arose1 A!d at this hour let us i6e tha!4i! s to God that 5e be !ot dro5!ed i! the sea of this 5orld 5ith the E yptia!s" a!d that 5e re!der loui! s to God for our creatio! a!d for his resurrectio!1 At the hour of prime Jesu Christ came i!to the temple a!d the people assembled there to him" as Lu4e saith" the 88i1 chapter1 +e 5as at that hour prese!ted to (ilate" a!d at this hour" after he 5as rise!" he appeared first to the 5ome!1 A!d this is the first hour of the day" a!d therefore let us re!der our tha!4i! s to God a!d praisi! " because that 5e may follo5 Jesu Christ" that 5e may yield to him the first fruit of all our 5or4s1 At the hour of tierce Jesu Christ 5as crucified i! the to! ues of the Je5s" a!d 5as bou!d to a sta4e a!d beate! tofore (ilate1 A!d as it is said" the sta4e or pillar that he 5as bou!d to" sho5eth yet his blood1 A!d this same hour 5as the +oly Ghost se!t to the apostles1 I! the si8th hour he 5as !ailed to the cross" a!d dar4!esses 5ere throu hout all the 5orld" so that the su! be5ept the death of his Lord" a!d co6ered him 5ith blac4 i! such 5ise that he a6e !o li ht to them that crucified his Lord1 A!d at this hour 5as he at di!!er the day of his Asce!sio! 5ith his disciples1 At the hour of !o!es Jesu Christ a6e up his spirit" a!d the 4!i ht pierced his side" a!d the compa!y of the apostles had a custom for to assemble the! for to pray" a!d Jesu Christ asce!ded that hour i!to hea6e!1 A!d for these ho!ours praise 5e our Lord at all hours1 At e6e!so! time Jesu Christ made the sacrame!t of his body a!d of his blood to ether7 he 5ashed the feet of his apostles a!d disciples7 he 5as ta4e! do5! off the cross a!d bor!e to the sepulchre7 he ma!ifested a!d sho5ed himself u!to his disciples i! habit of a pil rim" a!d for these thi! s the church i6eth tha!4s to God at this hour1 At compli!e Jesu Christ s5eat 5ater a!d blood" his mo!ume!t 5as deli6ered to be 4ept a!d there he rested1 A!d 5he! he 5as rise!" he sho5ed himself


a!d declared peace to his apostles1 A!d of these thi! s i6e 5e loui! s a!d tha!4s to God1 A!d hereof saith S1 9er!ard ho5 5e ou ht to re!der a!d i6e tha!4i! s to GodD -y brethre!" saith he" 5he! ye sacrifice to God 5ith praisi! s a!d tha!4i! s" =oi! your mi!d to your 5ords" a!d thy tale!t to thy 5it" a!d lad!ess to thy tale!t" a!d demurety to thy lad!ess" a!d humility to thy demurety" a!d to humility free 5ill1 'ifthly" the church is hallo5ed for to admi!ister there the sacrame!ts of the church1 Li4e as o! the table of God" i! 5hich the sacrame!ts be commu!icated a!d admi!istered7 a!d some sacrame!ts be admi!istered a!d i6e! to them that e!ter" as baptism" a!d some be i6e! to them that issue out as is the last u!ctio! or a!!eali! 1 A!d some be i6e! to the abiders a!d d5ellers as is order1 A!d some fi ht a!d fall" to them is i6e! pe!a!ce1 Some other co!trarie!" a!d to them is i6e! hardi!ess of coura e for to e!force them" a!d that is by co!firmatio!1 A!d to other is i6e! meat for to sustai! them" a!d this is for to recei6e the sacred body of Jesu Christ1 A!d sometime is ta4e! a5ay the letti! " that they fall !ot i!to si!" a!d that is by co!=u!ctio! of marria e1 Seco!dly" it is to 5it ho5 she is hallo5ed1 A!d it ou ht first to be 4!o5! of the altar" a!d after of the church1 A!d ma!y thi! s appertai! to the hallo5i! of the altar1 A!d first be made o! the four cor!ers of the altar four crosses of holy 5ater" a!d e!6iro!ed about se6e! times" a!d se6e! times arrosed a!d bespre!t 5ith the holy 5ater stic4 or spri!4ler1 After" the i!ce!se is bur!t o! the altar" a!d after" it is a!oi!ted 5ith chrism a!d the! it is co6ered 5ith blac4 cloth" a!d this represe!teth them that o to the altar1 'or they ou ht first to ha6e charity i! four ma!!ers" that is" they lo6e God" a!d themsel6es" their frie!ds a!d their e!emies1 A!d this si !ifieth the four crosses o! the four cor!ers of the altar1 A!d of these four cor!ers is said i! Ge!esis the 886iii1 chapterD Thou shalt stretch to the orie!t" to the occide!t" to the !orth a!d to the south1 Or by the four crosses that be made i! the four cor!ers be si !ified that Jesu Christ sa6ed by the cross the four parts of the 5orld" or for this" that they si !ify that 5e ou ht to bear the cross of Jesu Christ i! four ma!!ers" that is" i! the heart by thou ht7 i! the mouth by co!fessio!7 i! the body by mortificatio!7 a!d i! the 6isa e by co!ti!ual impressio!1 Seco!dly" to ha6e care a!d o5e to 5atchD a!d this si !ifieth the e!6iro!i! or oi! about the altar1 'or they si! the!D The 5aits of the city ha6e fou!d me1 'or they ou ht ha6e cure a!d 5atch upo! them that be to them committed1 A!d for this cause putteth Gilbert the !e li e!ce of prelates amo! the thi! s disordi!ate1 These be foul thi! s a!d much perilous" that is to 5it" a bli!d archer" a halti! messe! er" a prelate !e li e!t" a doctor !ot co!!i! " a!d a dumb crier" this be a perilous fello5ship1 Or by the se6e! oi! s about of the altar be si !ified se6e! co!sideratio!s that 5e ou ht to ha6e u!to the se6e! 6irtues of the humility of Jesu Christ" a!d to o oft about them1 The first 6irtue is that he that 5as rich be made poor1 The seco!d" that he 5as put i! the rac4 or i! the crib1 The third" that he 5as sub=ect to his pare!ts1 The fourth" that he i!cli!ed his head u!der the po5er of his ser6a!t1 The fifth" that he sustai!ed the disciple" thief a!d traitor1 The si8th" that before a felo!ous =ud e he held his peace a!d spa4e !ot1 The se6e!th" that he prayed piteously for them that crucified him1 Thirdly" they ou ht to ha6e mi!d of the passio! of Jesu Christ" a!d that is si !ified by the spri!4li! a!d casti! of the 5ater" 5hich si !ified se6e! effusio!s of the blood of Jesu Christ1 The first" 5as i! the circumcisio!1 The seco!d" 5as i! the oriso!1 The third" 5he! he 5as beate! at the pillar1 The fourth" 5he! he 5as cro5!ed 5ith thor!s1 The fifth" i! pierci! his ha!ds1 The si8th" i! !aili! his feet" a!d the se6e!th" i! ope!i! of his side1 A!d these arroseme!ts or spri!4li! of blood 5ere made 5ith the spri!4le of humility" a!d of charity 5ithout estimatio!1 A!d the altar is e!6iro!ed se6e! times for to si !ify that the se6e! ifts of the +oly Ghost be i6e! i! the baptism7 or by the se6e! oi! s about be si !ified the se6e! comi! s of Jesu Christ1 The first" 5as from hea6e! i!to the belly of his mother1 The seco!d" from the belly i!to the crib1 The third" from the crib i!to the 5orld1 The fourth" from the 5orld u!to the allo5s of the cross1 The fifth" from the cross u!to the sepulchre1 The si8th" from the sepulchre to hell1 The se6e!th" from hell 5he! he arose a!d asce!ded u!to hea6e!1 'ourthly" they should ha6e arde!t prayer" amorous a!d de6out" a!d this is si !ified by the i!ce!se 5hich is bur!t upo! the altar" a!d the! it hath 6irtue to asce!d by the li ht!ess of the fume" a!d to comfort by his <uality" a!d to co!=oi! by the um" a!d to co!firm by that it is aromatous or 5ell smelli! 1 A!d all i! li4e 5ise is the oriso! or prayer 5hich asce!deth to the mi!d of God7 it comforteth the soul as to the si! past i! as4i! medici!e7 it estrai!eth as to that 5hich is to come for to be5are thereof7 it co!firmeth as to that is prese!t i! etti! defe!ce a!d 4eepi! 1 Or it may be said that de6out oriso! is si !ified by the i!ce!se" that it appertai!eth that it asce!d to God1 A!d hereof saith EcclesiasticusD Oriso! of humility











i6eth to God s5eet sa6our 5he! it issueth out of a heart i!flamed1 A!d the apostle saith much i!ce!se is i6e! to him1 'ifthly" they ou ht to ha6e resple!dor or bri ht!ess of co!scie!ce a!d the odour of ood re!o5!1 A!d this is si !ified by the chrism or cream7 they ou ht to ha6e a pure co!scie!ce so that they mi ht say 5ith the apostleD Our lory is the 5it!ess of our co!scie!ce a!d also is ood re!o5!1 ,hereof the apostle to TimothyD It beho6eth that he ha6e ood 5it!ess of them that be 5ithout7 a!d Chrysostom saith that the cler4s ou ht !ot to ha6e !o filth" !e i! 5ord" !e i! deed" !e i! thou ht" !e i! opi!io!" for they be the 6irtue a!d beauty of the church" a!d if they be e6il they ma4e foul all the church1 Si8thly" they ou ht to ha6e clea!!ess of ood 5or47 5hich is si !ified by the 5hite clothes a!d clea! of 5hich the altar is co6ered1 The usa e of co6erture a!d of 6estme!ts 5ere fou!d for to co6er" for to chauffe" a!d 4eep 5arm" a!d for to array ordi!ately1 A!d the ood 5or4s co6er the !a4ed!ess of the soul" 5hereof the apostle saithD Clothe thee 5ith 5hite 6esture that the co!fusio! of thy !a4ed!ess appear !ot1 They array the soul 5ith ho!esty" 5hereof the apostle saith to the 3oma!sD Clothe you 5ith 6estme!ts of li ht" they e!chauffe a!d i!flame us i! charity1 ,here of it is saidD 9e !ot thy 6estme!ts hot" for it a6aileth little to him that oeth to the altar if he ha6e so6erei ! di !ity a!d a life defamed1 It should be a! horrible thi! to see him i! a hi h seat a!d a lo5 life7 so6erei ! de ree a!d lo5 estate7 a sad 6isa e a!d li ht i! 5or4s7 full of 5ords a!d !othi! of deed7 !oble of authority a!d fleei! coura e1 Seco!dly" it ou ht to be see! ho5 the church is sacred a!d hallo5ed1 A!d to that appertai! ma!y thi! s" for the bishop oeth all about three times" a!d at e6ery time that he cometh to the ate or door he 4!oc4eth 5ith his cross" sayi! D (ri!ces ope! your ates1 A!d the church is 5ashed 5ithi! a!d 5ithout 5ith holy 5ater" a!d a cross of ashes is made o! the pa6eme!t" a!d of sa!d a tra6ers" the a! le from the orie!t u!to that 5hich is a ai!st the occide!t1 A!d the A 9 C is 5ritte! 5ithi! of letters of Gree4 a!d of Lati!1 Crosses be made o! the 5alls of the church" a!d they be a!oi!ted 5ith cream1 A!d it is to 5it that the three first oi! s about si !ify three oi! s about that Jesu Christ made for the hallo5i! of his church1 The first 5as 5he! he came from hea6e! i!to the 5orld1 The seco!d 5as 5he! he desce!ded from the 5orld i!to hell1 The third 5as 5he! he came a ai! from hell a!d asce!ded i!to hea6e!1 Or the three oi! s about sho5 that the church is hallo5ed i! the ho!our of the Tri!ity" or for to si !ify the three estates of them that be to be sa6ed of the church" that be 6ir i!s" co!ti!e!t" a!d married fol47 5hich be si !ified i! the dispositio! of the church material1 Li4e as +u o de Sa!cto Victore sho5eth" for he saithD That the sa!ctuary si !ifieth the order of 6ir i!s" the choir or <uire si !ifieth the co!ti!e!t" a!d the body si !ifieth the order of them that be married1 'or the sa!ctuary is straiter tha! the choir or <uire" a!d the <uire straiter tha! the body" for the order of 6ir i!s is more 5orthy tha! the co!ti!e!ts" a!d the order of the co!ti!e!ts is more 5orthy tha! they that be married1 The seco!d 4!oc4i! at the door si !ifieth the treble ri ht that Jesu Christ hath i! the church" 5herefore it ou ht to be ope!ed to him1 'or it is his by creatio!" a!d s5eet by redemptio! a!d by promise of lorifyi! 1 A!d of this threefold ri ht saith A!selmD Certai!ly" Lord" for so much as thou hast made me" I o5e myself all to thee7 because thou redeemest me" I o5e myself all to thee7 because thou hast promised to me so reat thi! s" I o5e myself u!to thy lo6e7 a!d because thou art reater tha! I" for 5hom thou a6est thyself" a!d to 5hom thou promiseth thyself" I o5e to thee more tha! myself1 A!d this that the bishop crieth thriceD Ope! your ates" etc1" si !ifieth the treble po5er that he hash" i! hea6e!1 i! the 5orld" a!d i! hell1 A!d this that the church is thrice 5ashed 5ithi! a!d 5ithout si !ifieth three causes1 The first is for to put out the de6il" a!d therefore is said i! the blessi! of the 5ater" that it be blessed to chase a5ay all the po5er of the e!emy" the fie!d 5ith his a! els cursed a!d shre5d1 A!d thou ou htest to 4!o5 that this holy 5ater is made of four thi! s" that is" of 5ater" of salt" of 5i!e" a!d of ashes" 5hich thi! s put out the de6il a!d chaseth him a5ay1 9y the 5ater is si !ified the effusio! of tears7 by the 5i!e is si !ified spiritual lad!ess7 a!d by the salt is sho5ed mure discretio!" a!d by the ashes is profou!d humility1 Seco!dly" it is dedicate for to ma4e herself clea! from all earthly thi! s 5hich 5ere corrupt by si!" a!d therefore because it should be clea! from all ordure it is 5ashed 5ith holy 5ater" so that it be clea! a!d pure1 A!d this 5as si !ified i! the old la5" that all should be clea!sed by 5ater1 Thirdly" it is hallo5ed for to ta4e a5ay all maledictio!" for the earth at the be i!!i! 5as cursed 5ith his fruit because ma! 5as decei6ed by fruit" a!d the 5ater 5as !ot cursed1 A!d therefore it is said that our Lord ate fish" but it is !ot fou!d that e6er he ate a!y flesh by !ame sa6e the paschal lamb" a!d that 5as i! e!sample for to accomplish the comma!dme!t of the la51 A!d because that all maledictio! a!d cursi! s should be ta4e! a5ay" is the church 5ashed 5ith holy 5ater1 'ourthly" the A 9 C is 5ritte! i! the pa6eme!t i! Lati! a!d i! Gree4" a!d this si !ifieth the


















commu!io! of that o!e a!d of that other people1 Or it si !ifieth that o!e a!d that other testame!t" or the articles of our faith1 'or the scripture of the letters" Gree4 a!d Lati!" that 5ere made o! the table of the cross" represe!teth the assemble of the faith made by Jesu Christ o! the cross a!d therefore is this cross laid a!d made tra!s6erse from the a! le of the orie!t u!to the a! le of the occide!t" for to si !ify that it that 5as first o! the ri ht side 5as made the left side" a!d that 5hich 5as at the head 5as made at the e!d" a!d thus to the co!trary1 A!d it represe!teth the scripture of that o!e a!d that other testame!t 5hich 5as accomplished by Jesu Christ o! the cross" for he said 5he! he diedD All is accomplished1 A!d the cross is made tra!s6erse because that the o!e 5as cha! ed i!to that other" for all the la5 is i! a roll1 Thirdly" the crosses be pai!ted i! the church" a!d that is for three causes1 The first is to fear the de6ils" for 5he! they see the si ! of the cross there" by 5hich they ha6e bee! put out" they be afeard a!d dare !ot e!ter" for they doubt a!d dread much the si ! of the cross1 A!d hereof saith ChrysostomD I! 5hat place they see the si ! of the cross they shall flee" for they dread the staff of 5hich they ha6e bee! hurt1 Thirdly" it represe!teth the articles of the faith1 'or the pa6eme!t of the church is the fou!dame!t of our faith" the letters that be 5ithi! 5ritte! be articles of our faith" by the 5hich the rude people a!d !e5 be i!troduced" a!d they of the o!e a!d other people 5hich ou ht repute them for ashes a!d for po5der" after this that Abraham saith i! Ge!esisD I shall spea4e to my Lord as I 5ere ashes a!d po5der1 Seco!dly" for to sho5 the si ! of the 6ictory of Jesu Christ" for these crosses be si !s a!d ba!!ers of Jesu Christ a!d of his 6ictory" a!d therefore be there pai!ted the crosses for to sho5 that the place is di6i!e" sub=ect to God1 A!d also it is of custom to emperors a!d to other pri!ces" that 5he! a to5! or city is ta4e! or yielded" for to set up 5ithi! the ba!!ers a!d the e!si !s of the lords" to si !ify that it is sub=ect to them1 Thirdly" for to represe!t the apostles it is used for to set up t5el6e li hts before the cross" for to represe!t the t5el6e apostles" 5hich by the faith of God crucified they illumi!ed all the 5orld" a!d a!oi!ted 5ith cream i! baptism" for oil si !ifieth clea!!ess of co!scie!ce" a!d balm si !ifieth the odour of ood life1 A!d it is to 4!o5 that the church or the temple 5as" as it is said" assailed by three perso!s" by Jeroboam" by Nebuchad!eHHar" a!d by A!tiochus1 'or as it is read i! the boo4 of @i! sD Jeroboam did do ma4e t5o cal6es ilt a!d did do set that o!e i! JudFa" a!d that other i! 9ethel" 5hich is said the house of God1 A!d thus did he by co6etous!ess" a!d therefore it is si !ified that the co6etous!ess of cler4s ma4eth much foul the house of God" the 5hich a6arice rei !eth much i! them" 5hereof S1 Jerome saith" that from the least u!to the reatest they follo5 all a6arice1 A!d S1 9er!ard saith the sameD ,ho 5ilt thou i6e me of these pro6osts that e!te!d !ot more to empty the purse of his sub=ects tha! to ta4e a5ay from them their si!sE The cal6es be their !ephe5s a!d their so!s" 5hich they set i! 9ethel" the house of God1 A!d the church is assailed by Jeroboam after this that it is saidD The Church is assailed 5he! it is edified a!d builded of the a6arice of the usurers a!d thie6es1 ,hereof is read that a! usurer had fou!ded a church" a!d the! he prayed the bishop for to dedicate a!d hallo5 it1 A!d as the bishop a!d his cler4s made the office of the dedicatio! he sa5 the de6il 5hich 5as i! a chair by the altar i! the habit of a bishop" a!d he said to the bishop" ,hy hallo5est thou my churchE Cease ye" for the ri ht thereof appertai!eth to me" because it is made of usury a!d of ra6i!1 A!d the! the bishop a!d his cler4s 5ere sore afraid a!d fled" a!d a!o! the de6il destroyed the church 5ith reat storm a!d reat !oise1 NebuHar:ada! as is read i! the 8861 chapter of the boo4 of @i! s that he bur!t the house of God for he 5as pri!ce of the coo4s" a!d si !ifieth them that ser6e to lutto!y a!d to lu8ury" a!d ma4e of their belly their od1 A!d after this that the apostle saith" that their belly is their od1 A!d +u h of S1 Victore sho5eth ho5 their belly is their od" a!d saithD -e! 5ere 5o!t to ma4e temples to the ods" a!d dress altars" ordai! mi!isters for to ser6e them" to sacrifice beasts a!d to bur! i!ce!se1 9ut !o5 the belly a!d the 4itche! is the temple" the table is the altar" the coo4s be mi!isters" the beasts sacrificed be the flesh sodde! a!d roasted" the i!ce!se is the odour of the sa6our1 The 4i! A!tiochus 5as the most proud ma! a!d the most co6etous" a!d assailed the church of God" as it is read i! the -accabees1 A!d by him be si !ified pride a!d co6etise" 5hich co6et !ot to profit but to ser6e themsel6es" a!d they defoul much the church of God1 Of 5hich co6etous!ess a!d pride S1 9er!ard saithD They o 5orshipfully of the oods of our Lord" a!d yet they i6e him !o 5orship" they o e6ery day as oliards i! habit shi!i! " a!d royal apparel" they bear old o! their bridles" o! their saddles a!d o! their spurs7 their har!ess shi!es more tha! the altars1 A!d thus as the house of God 5as disho!oured by these three" ri ht so 5as it dedicated by other three1 A!d -oses made the first dedicatio!" a!d Solomo! the seco!d" a!d the third Judas -accabeus1 9y the 5hich is si !ified that 5e ou ht to ha6e i! the dedicatio! of the church the humility that 5as i! -oses" the 5isdom a!d discretio! that 5as i! Solomo!" a!d the 6ery co!fessio! of faith that 5as i! Judas -accabeus1 A!d after it appertai!eth to see of the dedicatio! of the temple spiritual" 5hich temple 5e be" that is to 5it" the assembly of ood christia! me!1







A!d this temple is made of li6i! sto!es" as S1 (eter saithD Let us edify 5hilst the sto!es be <uic4" it is said of sto!es polished7 5hereof is su! D the =oi!tures bee! made of polished sto!es7 it is made of s<uare sto!es four cor!ered" that is to say of spiritual sto!es that ha6e four s<uares" that is to 5it" faith" hope" charity a!d ood 5or4s" 5hich be all e<ual as S1 Gre ory saithD As lo! as thou belie6est thou hast hope" a!d lo6est as much as thou belie6est" a!d hopest a!d lo6est to 5or4 i! them1 I! this temple the altar is the heart" a!d upo! this altar three thi! s ou ht to be offered to God1 The first thi! is the fire of lo6e perdurable" li4e as the apostle saith" the fire of dilectio! shall be perdurable a!d shall !e6er fail at the altar of the heart1 The seco!d thi! is the i!ce!se of oriso! a!d prayer 5ell smelli! " as it is said i! (aralipome!o!" Aaro! a!d (hi!eas" bur!t i!ce!se upo! the altar of sacrifices" that is to say 5here 5ere bur!t the thi! s precious a!d 5ell smelli! 1 The third thi! is sacrifice of ri hteous!ess" a!d this is the offeri! of pe!a!ce i! sacrifice of perfect lo6e" a!d i! cal6es of mortifyi! of the flesh" a!d hereof saith Da6idD Thou shalt accept the sacrifice of ri hteous!ess" the oblatio!s a!d holocausts1 This temple spiritual that 5e be" is of God i! the ma!!er as the temple material1 'or first the so6erei ! bishop 5he! he fi!deth the door of the heart shut" he oeth about three times" 5he! he bri! eth to our mi!d the si! of the mouth" of the heart1 a!d of the 5or41 A!d of this treble oi! about saith he" as to the first I ha6e o!e about the city" that is to 5it of the heart1 A!d the seco!d saith IsaiahD Ta4e thy harp" a!d as to the thirdD The commo! 5oma! is for otte!1 Seco!dly" he smiteth three times the door of the heart" 5hich is closed" to the e!d that it should be ope!ed to him1 A!d he smiteth by the stro4e of be!efice" of cou!sel a!d of playi! 1 Of this treble stro4e it is said i! the (ro6erbsD I ha6e stretched out my ha!d" etc1 As to the e6il a!d as to the be!efits i6e! he saithD Thou despisest all my cou!sel" a!d as to cou!sel i!spired" thou despisest my cou!sellors" a!d to the blami! " that is for the plaies to thee i6e!1 Or this treble oi! about is do!e 5he! he mo6eth us to reaso!able 4!o5led e of si!s" a!d to sorro5 for them" to a6e! e a!d blame oursel6es for si!1 Thirdly" he arroseth or 5atereth the temple spiritual three times 5ith 5ater" a!d so oft it ou ht to be 5atered or bespri!4led1 A!d this 5ateri! si !ifieth three ma!!ers of sheddi! of tears1 'or as S1 Gre ory saithD The thou ht of a! holy ma! should be co!fused i! sorro5" i! co!sideri! 5here he 5as" 5here he shall be" a!d 5here he is1 Or he 5as said i! si!7 or he shall be i! =ud me!t7 or he is i! maleurte7 a!d there is 5here is !o =oy1 ,he! he sheddeth the! his tears of the heart" co!sideri! that he 5as i! si!" a!d shall be i! =ud me!t for to i6e a rec4o!i! for si!" the! is this temple 5atered o!ce of 5ater7 a!d 5he! he is co!trite to 5eep for his u!happi!ess a!d maleurte 5here he is" the temple is 5atered the seco!d time1 A!d 5he! he 5eepeth for the =oy 5here he is !ot" he arroseth or 5atereth the temple the third time1 A!d thou ou htest to 4!o5 that 5i!e" salt" a!d ashes be meddled 5ith this 5ater1 'or 5ith the other sacrame!ts 5e ou ht to ha6e 5i!e of spiritual lad!ess" salt of ripe 5isdom" a!d ashes of deep humility1 Or by 5i!e 5ith 5ater is u!derstood the humility of Jesu Christ" that he had i! ta4i! flesh huma!1 The 5i!e 5ith 5ater is the 5ord huma!7 a!d by the salt is u!derstood the holi!ess of his life 5hich is sa6our to all of his reli io!1 9y the ashes is u!derstood his passio!1 A!d of these three thi! s 5e ou ht to 5ater our heart" the 5hich be" the blessi! of his i!car!atio! by 5hich 5e be called to humility" the e!sample of his co!6ersatio! by the 5hich 5e be co!formed to holi!ess" a!d the mystery of his passio! by the 5hich 5e be mo6ed to charity1 'ourthly" i! this temple of the heart spiritual is 5ritte! the A 9 C" or the scripture spiritual1 A!d this scripture is treble" that is to 5it the e6ils of thi! s" the 5it!esses of di6i!e be!efits" a!d the accusatio! of his proper trespasses1 A!d of these three thi! s saith the apostle to the 3oma!sD The people that ha6e la5 do !aturally the thi! s that be of the la51 They that ha6e !o la5 ma4e la5 to themsel6es1 They that sho5 the 5or4 of the la5 5ritte! i! their heart" that is the first" the 5it!ess of their co!scie!ce is the seco!d" a!d he that thi!4eth to accuse himself is the third1 'ifthly" the cross ou ht to be pai!ted i! this church" that is to u!dersta!d that it ou ht to ha6e the sharp!esses of pe!a!ce1 A!d these sharp!esses ou ht to be a!oi!ted a!d ha6e li ht of the fire" for they be !ot o!ly to be suffered i! patie!ce" but 5ith ood 5ill a!d by charity1 A!d hereof saith S1 9er!ardD +e that is threate!ed a!d me!aced 5ith the dread of Jesu Christ he beareth the cross i! patie!ce7 he that profiteth i! hope beareth it ladly a!d 5ith ood 5ill" but he that is perfect i! charity embraceth it arde!tly" a!d much people see our crosses that see !ot our a!oi!ti! s1 A!d he that shall ha6e all these thi! s i! him shall be the temple of God to his ho!our" a!d shall be plai!ly 5orthy that God i!habit a!d d5ell i! him by race" so that he may d5ell i! God by lory" the 5hich he i6e us that li6eth a!d rei !eth God i! hea6e!" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 Here follow the torie of the /i)le"











The Life of Ada% The Su!day of Septua esima be i!!eth the story of the 9ible" i! 5hich is read the le e!d a!d story of Adam 5hich follo5eth1

I! the be i!!i! God made a!d created hea6e! a!d earth1 The earth 5as idle a!d 6oid a!d co6ered 5ith dar4!ess1 A!d the spirit of God 5as bor!e o! the 5aters" a!d God saidD 9e made li ht" a!d a!o! li ht 5as made1 A!d God sa5 that li ht 5as ood" a!d di6ided the li ht from dar4!ess" a!d called the li ht day a!d dar4!ess !i ht1

A!d thus 5as made li ht 5ith hea6e! a!d earth first" a!d e6e! a!d mor!i! 5as made o!e day1 The seco!d day he made the firmame!t" a!d di6ided the 5aters that 5ere u!der the firmame!t from them that 5ere abo6e" a!d called the firmame!t hea6e!1 The third day 5ere made o! the earth herbs a!d fruits i! their 4i!d1 The fourth day God made the su! a!d moo! a!d stars" etc1 The fifth day he made the fishes i! the 5ater a!d birds i! the air1 The si8th day God made the beasts o! the earth" e6ery o!e i! his 4i!d a!d e!der1 A!d God sa5 that all these 5or4s 5ere ood a!d saidD 'aciamus homi!em" etc1 -a4e 5e ma! u!to our similitude a!d ima e1 +ere spa4e the 'ather to the So! a!d +oly Ghost" or else as it 5ere the commo! 6oice of three perso!s" 5he! it 5as said ma4e 5e" a!d to our" i! plural !umber1 -a! 5as made to the ima e of God i! his soul1 +ere it is to be !oted that he made !ot o!ly the soul 5ith the body" but he made both body a!d soul1 As to the body he made male a!d female1 God a6e to ma! the lordship a!d po5er upo! li6i! beasts1 ,he! God had made ma! it is !ot 5ritte!D Et 6idit <uod esset bo!um" <uia i! pro8imo sciebat eum lapsurum1 'or yet he 5as !ot perfect till the 5oma! 5as made" a!d therefore it is readD It is !ot ood the ma! to be alo!e1 Thus i! si8 days 5as hea6e! a!d earth made a!d all the or!atio! of them1 A!d the! he made the se6e!th day o! 5hich he rested" !ot for that he 5as 5eary" but ceased his operatio!" a!d sho5ed the se6e!th day 5hich he blessed1 Thus be shortly sho5ed the e!eratio!s of hea6e! a!d earth" for here be determi!ed the 5or4s of the si8 days a!d the se6e!th day he sa!ctified a!d made holy1 God had pla!ted i! the be i!!i! (aradise a place of desire a!d delices1 A!d ma! 5as made i! the field of Damascus7 he 5as made of the slime of the earth1 (aradise 5as made the third day of creatio!" a!d 5as beset 5ith herbs" pla!ts a!d trees" a!d is a place of most mirth a!d =oy1 I! the midst 5hereof be set t5o trees" that is the tree of life" a!d that other the tree of 4!o5i! ood a!d e6il1 A!d there is a 5ell" 5hich casteth out 5ater for to 5ater the trees a!d herbs of (aradise1 This 5ell is the mother of all 5aters" 5hich 5ell is di6ided i!to four parts1 O!e part is called (hiso!1 This oeth about I!de1 The seco!d is called Gi=o!" other5ise Nilus" a!d that ru!!eth about Ethiopia" the other t5o be called Ti ris a!d Euphrates1 Ti ris ru!!eth to5ards Assyria" a!d Euphrates is called fruitful" 5hich ru!!eth i! Chaldea1 These four floods come a!d spri! out of the same 5ell" a!d depart" a!d yet i! some place some of them meet a ai!1 The! God too4 ma! from the place of his creatio! a!d brou ht him i!to (aradise" for to 5or4 there" !ot to labour !eedily" but i! deli hti! a!d recreati! him" a!d that he should 4eep (aradise1 'or li4e as (aradise should refresh him" so should he labour to ser6e God" a!d there God a6e him a comma!dme!t1 E6ery comma!dme!t sta!deth i! t5o thi! s" i! doi! or forbiddi! 1 I! doi! he comma!ded him to eat of all the trees of (aradise" i! forbiddi! he comma!ded that he should !ot eat of the tree of the 4!o5led e of ood a!d e6il1 This comma!dme!t 5as i6e! to the ma!" a!d by the ma! it 5e!t to the 5oma!1 'or 5he! the 5oma! 5as made it 5as comma!ded to them both" a!d hereto he set a pai!" sayi! D ,hatsoe6er day thou eatest thereof thou shalt die by death1 God saidD It is !ot ood a ma! to be alo!e" ma4e 5e to him a! helper li4e to himself for to bri! forth childre!1 Adam supposed that some helper to him had bee! amo! the beasts 5hich had bee! li4e to him1 Therefore God brou ht to Adam all li6i! beasts of the earth a!d air" i! 5hich be u!derstood them of the 5ater also" 5hich 5ith o!e comma!dme!t all came tofore him1 They 5ere brou ht for t5o causes" o!e 5as because ma! should i6e to each of them a !ame" by 5hich they should 4!o5 that he should domi!ate o6er them" a!d the seco!d cause 5as because Adam should 4!o5 that there 5as !o!e of them li4e to him1 A!d he !amed them i! the +ebre5 to! ue" 5hich 5as o!ly the la! ua e a!d !o!e other at the be i!!i! 1 A!d so !o!e bei! fou!d li4e u!to him" God se!t i! Adam a lust to sleep" 5hich 5as !o dream" but as is supposed i! a! e8tasy or i! a tra!ce7 i! 5hich 5as sho5ed to him the celestial court1 ,herefore 5he! he a5o4e he prophesied of the co!=u!ctio! of Christ to his church" a!d of the flood that










5as to come" a!d of the doom a!d destructio! of the 5orld by fire he 4!e5" 5hich after5ard he told to his childre!1 ,hiles that Adam slept" God too4 o!e of his ribs" both flesh a!d bo!e" a!d made that a 5oma!" a!d set her tofore Adam1 ,hich the! saidD This is !o5 a bo!e of my bo!es a!d flesh of my flesh7 a!d Adam a6e her a !ame li4e as her lord" a!d said she should be called 6ira o" 5hich is as much as to say as made of a ma!" a!d is a !ame ta4e! of a ma!1 A!d a!o!" the !ame i6i! " he prophesied" sayi! D 9ecause she is ta4e! of the side of a ma!" therefore a ma! shall forsa4e a!d lea6e father a!d mother a!d abide a!d be adhere!t u!to his 5ife" a!d they shall be t5o i! o!e flesh7 a!d thou h they be t5o perso!s" yet i! matrimo!y a!d 5edloc4 they be but o!e flesh" a!d i! other thi! s t5ai!1 'or 5hy" !either of them had po5er of his o5! flesh1 They 5ere both !a4ed a!d 5ere !ot ashamed" they felt !othi! of the mo6i! of their flesh" !e to refrai! them as 5e !o5 do" for they stood both i! the state of i!!oce!ce1 The! the serpe!t 5hich 5as hotter tha! a!y beast of the earth a!d !aturally decei6able" for he 5as full of the de6il Lucifer" 5hich 5as de=ect a!d cast out of hea6e!" had reat e!6y to ma! that 5as bodily i! (aradise" a!d 4!e5 5ell" if he mi ht ma4e him to trespass a!d brea4 God>s comma!dme!ts" that he should be cast out also1 ;et he 5as afeard to be ta4e! or espied of the ma!" he 5e!t to the 5oma!" !ot so prude!t a!d more pro!e to slide a!d bo51 A!d i! the form of the serpe!t" for the! the serpe!t 5as erect as a ma!1 9ede saith that he chose a serpe!t ha6i! a maide!>s cheer" for li4e oft apply to li4e" a!d spa4e by the to! ue of the serpe!t to E6e" a!d saidD ,hy comma!ded you God that ye should !ot eat of all the trees of (aradiseE This he said to fi!d occasio! to say that he 5as come for1 The! the 5oma! a!s5ered a!d saidD Ne forte moriamur" lest haply 5e die" 5hich she said doubti! " for li htly she 5as fle8ible to e6ery part1 ,hereu!to a!o! he a!s5eredD Nay i! !o 5ise ye shall die" but God 5ould !ot that ye should be li4e him i! scie!ce" a!d 4!o5i! that 5he! ye eat of this tree ye shall be as ods 4!o5i! ood a!d e6il" he as e!6ious forbade you1 A!d a!o! the 5oma!" elate i! pride a!d 5illi! to be li4e to God" accorded thereto a!d belie6ed him1 The 5oma! sa5 that the tree 5as fair to loo4 o!" a!d clea! a!d s5eet of sa6our" too4 a!d ate thereof" a!d a6e u!to Adam of the same7 happily desiri! him by fair 5ords1 9ut Adam a!o! a reed" for 5he! he sa5 the 5oma! !ot dead he supposed that God had said that they should die to fear them 5ith" a!d the! ate of the fruit forbidde!1 A!d a!o! their si ht 5as ope!ed that they sa5 their !a4ed!ess" a!d the! a!o! they u!derstood that they had trespassed" for a!o! their flesh be a! to mo6e a!d stir to co!cupisce!ce1 'or before that they had eate! of the forbidde! fruit" the mo6i! s 5ere repressed a!d closed as i! you! childre!1 A!d the!" after they had si!!ed" they 5ere ope!ed li4e spri! s of 5ater a!d be a! to mo6e" a!d the! they 5ere e8pert a!d 4!e5 them1 A!d li4e as they 5ere i!obedie!t to their superior" ri ht so their members be a! to mo6e a ai!st their superior" 5hich is reaso!" a!d they felt their first mo6i! i! their pri6y members" a!d thereof they 5ere ashamed1 A!d thus they 4!e5 that they 5ere !a4ed" a!d they too4 fi lea6es a!d se5ed them to ether for to co6er their members i! ma!!er of breeches1 A!d a!o! after" they heard the 6oice of our Lord God 5al4i! " a!d a!o! they hied them1 Our Lord called the ma! a!d saidD Adam" 5here art thouE Calli! him i! blami! him a!d !ot as 4!o5i! 5here he 5as" but as 5ho saidD Adam" see i! 5hat misery thou art1 ,hich a!s5eredD I ha6e hid me" Lord" for I am !a4ed1 Our Lord saidD ,ho told thee that thou 5ert !a4ed" but that thou hast eate! of the tree for bidde!E +e the! !ot mee4ly co!fessi! his trespass" but laid the fault o! his 5ife" a!d o! him as i6er of the 5oma! to him" a!d saidD The 5oma! that thou a6est to me as a fello5" a6e to me of the tree" a!d I ate thereof1 A!d the! our Lord said to the 5oma!D ,hy didst thou soE Neither she accused herself" but laid the si! o! the serpe!t" a!d pri6ily she laid the fault o! the ma4er of him1 The serpe!t 5as !ot dema!ded" for he did it !ot of himself" but the de6il by him1 A!d our Lord" cursi! them" be a! at the serpe!t" 4eepi! a! order a!d co! ruous !umber of curses1 The serpe!t 5as the first a!d si!!ed most" for he si!!ed i! three thi! s1 The 5oma! !e8t a!d si!!ed lese tha! he" but more tha! the ma!" for she si!!ed i! t5o thi! s1 The ma! si!!ed last a!d least" for he si!!ed but i! o!e1 The serpe!t had e!6y" he lied" a!d decei6ed" for these three he had three curses1 9ecause he had e!6y at the e8celle!ce of ma!" it 5as said to himD Thou shalt o a!d creep o! thy breast7 because he lied he is pu!ished i! his mouth" 5he! it 5as saidD Thou shalt eat earth all the days of thy life1 Also he too4 a5ay his 6oice a!d put 6e!om i! his mouth1 A!d because he decei6ed" it 5as saidD I shall put e!mity bet5ee! thee a!d 5oma!" a!d thy seed a!d her seed1 She shall brea4 thy head" etc1 I! t5o thi! s the 5oma! si!!ed" i! pride a!d eati! the fruit1 9ecause she si!!ed i! pride" he mee4ed her" sayi! D Thou shalt be u!der the po5er of ma!" a!d he shall ha6e lordship o6er thee" a!d he shall put thee to afflictio!1 No5 is she sub=ect to a ma! by co!ditio! a!d dread" 5hich before 5as but sub=ect by lo6e7 a!d because she si!!ed i! the fruit" she is pu!ished i! her fruit" 5he! it 5as said to herD Thou shalt bri! forth childre! i! sorro57 i! the pai! of sorro5 sta!deth the curse" but i! bri! i! forth of childre! is a blessi! 1 A!d so" i! pu!ishi! " God for at !ot to













ha6e mercy" 5hich is to be !oted" etc1 A!d because Adam si!!ed but o!ly i! eati! of the fruit" therefore he 5as pu!ished i! see4i! his meat" as it is said to himD Accursed be the earth i! thy 5or4" that is to say for thy 5or4 of thy si!" for 5hich is made that the earth that brou ht forth ood a!d 5holesome fruits ple!teously" from he!ceforth shall bri! forth but seldom" a!d also !o!e 5ithout ma!>s labour" a!d also sometime 5eeds" briars" a!d thor!s shall ro51 A!d he addedD Thereto shalt thou eat herbs of the earth" as 5ho saith thou shalt be li4e a beast or =ume!t1 +e cursed the earth because the trespass 5as of the fruit of the earth a!d !ot of the 5ater1 +e added thereto to him of labourD I! the s5eat of thy cheer thou shalt eat thy bread u!to the time thou retur! a ai! i!to the earth7 that is to say till thou die" for thou art earth" a!d i!to earth thou shalt o a ai!1 The! Adam" 5aili! a!d sorro5i! the misery that 5as to come of his posterity" !amed his 5ife E6e" 5hich is to say" mother of all li6i! fol41 The! God made to Adam a!d E6e t5o leather! coats of the s4i!s of dead beasts" to the e!d that they bare 5ith them the si ! of mortality" a!d saidD Lo" Adam is made as o!e of us" 4!o5i! ood a!d e6il" !o5 lest he put his ha!d a!d ta4e of the tree of life a!d li6e e6er" as 5ho saithD be5are a!d cast him out" lest he ta4e a!d eat of the tree of life1 A!d so he 5as cast out of (aradise" a!d set i! the field of Damascus 5here as he 5as made a!d ta4e! from" for to 5or4 a!d labour there1 A!d our Lord set Cherubim to 4eep (aradise of deli ht 5ith a bur!i! s5ord a!d plia!t" to the e!d that !o!e should e!ter there !e come to the tree of life1 After the! that Adam 5as cast out of (aradise a!d set i! the 5orld" he 4!e5 his 5ife a!d e! e!dered Cai!" the fiftee!th year after he 5as made" a!d his sister Calma!a1 They came out of (aradise 6ir i!s" as -ethodius saith" a!d 5he! Adam 5as made" he 5as made a perfect ma! as a ma! of thirty years of a e 5he! he 5as but o!e day old" a!d he mi ht 5ell ha6e otte! ma!y childre! tofore Cai!" but after a!other fiftee! years 5as Abel bor!" a!d his sister Delbora1 ,he! Adam 5as a! hu!dred a!d thirty years of a e" Cai! sle5 Abel his brother1 Truth it is" after ma!y days Cai! a!d Abel offered sacrifice a!d ifts u!to God1 It is to be belie6ed that Adam tau ht his so!s to offer to God their tithes a!d first fruits1 Cai! offered fruits" for he 5as a plou hma! a!d tiller of earth" a!d Abel offered mil4 a!d the first of the lambs" -oses saith" of the fattest of the floc41 A!d God beheld the ifts of Abel" for he a!d his sacrifices 5ere acceptable to our Lord7 a!d as to Cai! his sacrifices" God beheld them !ot" for they 5ere !ot to him acceptable" he offered 5ithies a!d thor!s1 A!d as some doctors say" fire came from hea6e! a!d li hted the sacrifice of Abel" a!d the ifts of Cai! pleased !ot our Lord" for the sacrifice 5ould !ot beli ht !or bur! clear i! the li ht of God1 ,hereof Cai! had reat e!6y u!to his brother Abel" 5hich arose a ai!st him a!d sle5 him1 A!d our Lord said to himD ,here is Abel thy brotherE +e a!s5ered a!d saidD I 5ot !e6er" am I 4eeper of my brotherE The! our Lord saidD ,hat hast thou do!eE The 6oice of the blood of thy brother crieth to thee from the earth" 5herefore thou art cursed" a!d accursed be the earth that recei6ed the blood of thy brother by his mouth of thy ha!ds1 ,he! thou shalt 5or4 a!d labour the earth it shall bri! forth !o fruit" but thou shalt be fu iti6e" 6a abo!d" a!d 6oid o! the earth1 This Cai! deser6ed 5ell to be cursed" 4!o5i! the pai! of the first trespass of Adam" yet he added thereto murder a!d slau hter of his brother1 The! Cai!" dreadi! that beasts should de6our him" or if he 5e!t forth he should be slai! of the me!" or if he d5elt 5ith them" they 5ould slay him for his si!" dam!ed himself" a!d i! despair saidD -y 5ic4ed!ess is more tha! I ca! deser6e to ha6e for i6e!ess" 5hoso fi!d me shall slay me1 This he said of dread" or else 5ishi! " as 5ho said" 5ould God he 5ould slay me1 The! our Lord saidD Nay !ot so" thou shalt die" but !ot soo!" for 5hosoe6er slayeth Cai! shall be pu!ished se6e! sithes more" for he should deli6er him from dread" from labour a!d misery" a!d added that he should be pu!ished perso!ally se6e!fold more1 This pu!itio! shall e!dure to him i! pai! u!to the se6e!th" Lameth" 5hosome6er shall slay se6e!th Cai! shall loose se6e! 6e! ea!ces1 Some hold that his pai! e!dured u!to the se6e!th e!eratio!" for he committed se6e! si!s1 +e departed !ot truly" he had e!6y to his brother" he 5rou ht uilefully" he sle5 his brother falsely" he de!ied it" he despaired a!d dam!ed" he did !o pe!a!ce1 A!d after he 5e!t i!to the east" fu iti6e a!d 6a abo!d1 Cai! 4!e5 his 5ife 5hich bare E!och" a!d he made a city a!d !amed it E!och after the !ame of his so! E!och1 +ere it sho5eth 5ell that this time 5ere ma!y me!" thou h their e!eratio! be !ot said" 5hom Cai! called to his city" by 5hose help he made it" 5hom he i!duced to theft a!d robbery1 +e 5as the first that 5alled or made cities7 dreadi! them that he hurted" for surety he brou ht his people i!to the to5!s1 The! E!och at Irad" a!d Irad -ehu=ael" a!d he at -ethusael" a!d he at Lameth" 5hich 5as the se6e!th from Adam a!d 5orst" for he brou ht i! first bi amy" a!d by him 5as committed first














adultery" a ai!st the la5 of God a!d of !ature" a!d a ai!st the decree of God1 This Lameth too4 t5o 5i6es" Adah a!d Killa7 of Adah he at Jabal 5hich fou!d first the craft to ma4e folds for shepherds a!d to cha! e their pasture" a!d ordai!ed floc4s of sheep" a!d departed the sheep from the oats after the <uality" the lambs by themsel6es" a!d the older by themsel6es" a!d u!derstood the feedi! of them after the seaso! of the year1 The !ame of his brother 5as Jubal" father of si! ers i! the harp a!d or a!s" !ot of the i!strume!ts" for they 5ere fou!d lo! after" but he 5as the fi!der of music" that is to say of co!so!a!ts of accord" such as shepherds use i! their deli hts a!d sports1 A!d forasmuch as he heard Adam prophesy of t5o =ud me!ts by the fire a!d 5ater" that all thi! s should be destroyed thereby" a!d that his craft !e5 fou!d should !ot perish" he did do 5rite it i! t5o pillars or colum!s" o!e of marble" a!other of clay of the earth" to the e!d that o!e should e!dure a ai!st the 5ater" a!d that other a ai!st the fire1 Josephus saith that the pillar of marble is yet i! the la!d of Syria1 Of Killa he be at Tubal:cai!" 5hich fou!d first the craft of smithery a!d 5or4i! of iro!" a!d made thi! s for 5ar" a!d sculptures a!d ra6i! s i! metal to the pleasure of the eyes" 5hich he so 5or4i! " Tubal" tofore said" had deli ht i! the sou!d of his hammers" of 5hich he made the co!so!a!ts a!d tu!es of accord i! his so! 1 Noema" sister of Tubal:cai!" fou!d first the craft of di6erse te8ture1 Lameth 5as a shooter" a!d used to shoot at 5ild beasts" for !o!e use of the meat of them" but o!ly for to ha6e the s4i!s for their clothi! " a!d li6ed so lo! that he 5as bli!d a!d had a child to lead him1 A!d o! a time by ad6e!ture he sle5 Cai!1 'or Cai! 5as al5ay afeard a!d hid him amo! bushes a!d briars" a!d the child that led Lameth had supposed it had bee! some 5ild beast a!d directed Lameth to shoot thereat" a!d so" 5ee!i! to shoot at a beast" sle5 Cai!1 A!d 5he! he 4!e5 that he had slai! Cai!" he 5ith his bo5 sle5 the child" a!d thus he sle5 them both to his dam!atio!7 therefore as the si! of Cai! 5as pu!ished se6e! sithes" so 5as the si! of Lameth se6e!ty sithes a!d se6e!1 That is to say se6e!tyse6e! souls that came of Lameth 5ere perished i! the delu e a!d Noah>s flood7 also his 5ife did him much sorro5" a!d e6il:e!treated him1 A!d he bei! 5roth said that he suffered that for his double homicide a!d ma!slau hter" yet !e6ertheless he feared him by pai!" sayi! D ,hy 5ill ye slay of meE he shall be more a!d sorer pu!ished that slayeth me" tha! he that sle5 Cai!1 After that Abel 5as slai!" Strabus saith that Adam a6o5ed !o more to ha6e to do 5ith his 5ife" but by a! a! el he bra4e the 6o5" because a so! should be bor! to God1 ;et !e6ertheless Josephus said that 5he! Abel 5as slai! a!d Cai! fled a5ay" Adam thou ht of procreatio! of childre!" a!d so 5he! he 5as o!e hu!dred a!d thirty years old he e! e!dered Seth li4e to his similitude" a!d he to the ima e of God1 This Seth 5as a ood ma!" a!d he at E!os" a!d E!os Cai!a!" a!d Cai!a! be ot -alaleel" a!d -alaleel Jared" a!d Jared E!och" a!d E!och -ethuselah" a!d -ethuselah Lamech" a!d Lamech Noah1 A!d li4e as i! the e!eratio! of Cai! the se6e!th 5as the 5orst" so i! the e!eratio! of Seth the se6e!th 5as the best" that 5as E!och 5hom God too4 a!d brou ht him i!to (aradise" u!to the time that he shall come 5ith Elias for to co!6ert the hearts of the fathers i!to the so!s1 A!d Adam li6ed after he had be otte! Seth ei ht hu!dred years" a!d e! e!dered so!s a!d dau hters1 Some hold opi!io! thirty so!s a!d thirty dau hters" a!d some fifty of that o!e a!d fifty of that other1 ,e fi!d !o certai!ty of them i! the 9ible1 9ut all the days of Adam li6i! here i! earth amou!t to the sum of !i!e hu!dred a!d thirty years1 A!d i! the e!d of his life 5he! he should die" it is said" but of !o!e authority" that he se!t Seth his so! i!to (aradise for to fetch the oil of mercy" 5here he recei6ed certai! rai!s of the fruit of the tree of mercy by a! a! el1 A!d 5he! he came a ai! he fou!d his father Adam yet ali6e a!d told him 5hat he had do!e1 A!d the! Adam lau hed first a!d the! died1 A!d the! he laid the rai!s or 4er!els u!der his father>s to! ue a!d buried him i! the 6ale of +ebro!7 a!d out of his mouth re5 three trees of the three rai!s" of 5hich trees the cross that our Lord suffered his passio! o! 5as made" by 6irtue of 5hich he at 6ery mercy" a!d 5as brou ht out of dar4!ess i!to 6ery li ht of hea6e!1 To the 5hich he bri! us that li6eth a!d rei !eth God" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Here )e(i##eth the Hi tory of Noah" The first Su!day i! Se8a esima1 After that Adam 5as dead" died E6e a!d 5as buried by him1 At the be i!!i! " i! the first a e" the people li6ed lo! 1 Adam li6ed !i!e hu!dred a!d thirty years" a!d -ethuselah li6ed !i!e hu!dred a!d si8ty:!i!e years1 S1 Jerome saith that he died the same year that the flood 5as1 The! Noah 5as the te!th from Adam i! the e!eratio! of Seth" i! 5hom the first a e 5as e!ded1 The se6e!ty i!terpreters say that this first a e









dured t5o thousa!d t5o hu!dred a!d forty:four years1 S1 Jerome saith !ot fully t5o thousa!d" a!d -ethodius full t5o thousa!d" etc1 Noah the! 5as a ma! perfect a!d ri hteous a!d 4ept God>s comma!dme!t1 A!d 5he! he 5as fi6e hu!dred years old" he at Shem" +am" a!d Japhet1 This time me! be a! to multiply o! the earth" a!d the childre! of God" that is to say of Seth" as reli ious" sa5 the dau hters of me!" that is to say of Cai!" a!d 5ere o6ercome by co!cupisce!ce a!d too4 them to their 5i6es1 This time 5as so much si! o! the earth i! the si! of lechery" 5hich 5as misused a ai!st !ature" 5herefore God 5as displeased a!d determi!ed i! his prescie!ce to destroy ma! that he had made" a!d saidD I shall put ma! a5ay that I ha6e made" a!d my spirit shall !ot abide i! ma! for e6er" for he is flesh1 As 5ho said" I shall !ot pu!ish ma! perpetually as I do the de6il" for ma! is frail" a!d yet ere I shall destroy him I shall i6e him space a!d time of repe!ta!ce a!d to ame!d him" if he 5ild1 The time of repe!ta!ce shall be o!e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty years1 The! Noah" ri hteous a!d perfect" 5al4ed 5ith God" that is i! his la5s" a!d the earth 5as corrupt by si! a!d filled1 ,he! God sa5 the earth to be corrupt" a!d that e6ery ma! 5as corrupt by si! upo! the earth" he said to NoahD The e!d of all people is come tofore me e8cept them that shall be sa6ed" a!d the earth is reple!ished 5ith their 5ic4ed!ess1 I shall destroy them 5ith the earth" id est" 5ith the fertility of the earth1 -a4e to thee a! ar4 of tree" he5!" polished" a!d s<uared1 A!d ma4e there di6ers places" a!d lime it 5ith clay a!d pitch 5ithi! a!d 5ithout" that is to 5it 5ith lue 5hich is so fer6e!t" that the timber may !ot be loosed1 A!d thou shalt ma4e it three hu!dred cubits of le! th" fifty i! breadth" a!d thirty of hei ht1 A!d ma4e therei! di6ers disti!ctio!s of places a!d chambers a!d of 5ardrobes1 A!d the ar4 had a door for to e!ter i! a!d come out" a!d a 5i!do5 5as made thereo! 5hich that the +ebre5s say 5as of crystal1 This ar4 5as o! ma4i! " from the be i!!i! that God comma!ded first to ma4e it" o!e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty years1 I! 5hich time Noah oft desired the people to lea6e their si!" a!d ho5 he had spo4e! 5ith God" a!d that he 5as comma!ded to ma4e the ship" for God should destroy them for their si!" but if they left it1 A!d they moc4ed him a!d said that he ra6ed a!d 5as a fool" a!d a6e !o faith to his sayi! a!d co!ti!ued i! their si! a!d 5ic4ed!ess1 The!" 5he! the ar4 5as perfectly made" God bade him to ta4e i!to it of all the beasts of the earth" a!d also of the fo5ls of the air" of each t5o" male a!d female" that they may li6e1 A!d also of all the meats of the earth that be comestible" that they may ser6e a!d feed thee a!d them1 A!d Noah did all that our Lord comma!ded him1 The! said our Lord to NoahD E!ter thou a!d all thy household i!to the ar4" that is to say thou a!d thy 5ife a!d thy three so!s a!d their three 5i6es1 I ha6e see! that thou art ri htful i! this e!eratio!1 Of all beasts that be clea! thou shalt ta4e se6e!" a!d of u!clea! beasts but o!ly t5o1 A!d of the birds se6e! a!d se6e!" male a!d female" that they may be sa6ed o! the face of the earth1 ;et after se6e! days I shall rai! upo! the earth forty days a!d forty !i hts" a!d shall destroy all the substa!ce that I made o! the earth1 A!d Noah did all thi! s that our Lord comma!ded him1 +e 5as si8 hu!dred years old 5he! the flood be a! o! the earth1 A!d the! Noah e!tered i! a!d his so!s" his 5ife" a!d the 5i6es of his so!s" all i!to the ar4 to esche5 the 5aters of the flood1 Of all the beasts a!d the fo5ls" a!d of all that mo6ed a!d had life o! earth" male a!d female" Noah too4 i! to him as our Lord had bidde!1 A!d se6e! days after they 5ere e!tered" the 5ater be a! to i!crease1 The 5ells of the abysms 5ere bro4e!" a!d the cataracts of hea6e! 5ere ope!ed" that is to say the clouds" a!d it rai!ed o! the earth forty days a!d forty !i hts1 A!d the ar4 5as ele6ate a!d bor!e upo! the 5aters o! hei ht abo6e the mou!tai!s a!d hills" for the 5ater 5as ro5! hi her fiftee! cubits abo6e all the mou!tai!s" that it should pur e a!d 5ash the filth of the air1 The! 5as co!sumed all that 5as o! the earth li6i! " ma!" 5oma!" a!d beast a!d birds1 A!d all that e6er bare life" so that !othi! abode upo! the earth" for the 5ater 5as fiftee! cubits abo6e the hi hest mou!tai! of the earth1 A!d 5he! Noah 5as e!tered he shut the door fast 5ithout forth" a!d limed it 5ith lue1 A!d so the 5aters abode ele6ate i! hei ht a! hu!dred a!d fifty days from the day that Noah e!tered i!1 A!d our Lord the! remembered Noah a!d all them that 5ere i! the ar4 5ith him" a!d also o! the beasts a!d fo5ls" a!d ceased the 5aters1 A!d the 5ells a!d cataracts 5ere closed" a!d the rai!s 5ere prohibited" a!d forbidde! to rai! !o more1 The se6e!th mo!th" the t5e!ty:se6e!th day of the mo!th" the ar4 rested o! the hills of Arme!ia1 The te!th mo!th" of the first day of the mo!th" the tops of the hills appeared first1 After these forty days after the lessi! of the 5aters" Noah ope!ed the 5i!do5 a!d desired sore to ha6e tidi! s of ceasi! of the flood1 A!d se!t out a ra6e! for to ha6e tidi! s" a!d 5he! he 5as o!e he retur!ed !o more a ai!" for perad6e!ture she fou!d some dead carrio! of a beast s5immi! o! the 5ater" a!d li hted thereo! to feed her a!d 5as left there1 After this he se!t out a do6e 5hich fle5 out" a!d 5he! she could fi!d !o place to


















rest !e set her foot o!" she retur!ed u!to Noah a!d he too4 her i!1 ;et the! 5ere !ot the tops of the hills bare1 A!d se6e! days after he se!t her out a ai!" 5hich at e6e! retur!ed" beari! a bra!ch of a! oli6e tree" bur eo!i! " i! her mouth1 A!d after other se6e! days he se!t her a ai!" 5hich came !o more a ai!1 The! i! the year of Noah si8 hu!dred a!d o!e" the first day of the mo!th" Noah ope!ed the co6eri! of the ar4 a!d sa5 that the earth 5as dry" but he durst !ot o out" but abode the comma!dme!t of our Lord1 The seco!d mo!th" the t5e!ty:se6e!th day of the mo!th" our Lord said to NoahD Go out of the ar4" thou a!d thy 5ife" thy so!s a!d the 5i6es of thy so!s1 +e comma!ded them to o co!=oi!tly out 5hich dis=oi!tly e!tered" a!d let o out 5ith them all the beasts a!d fo5ls li6i! " a!d all the reptiles" e6ery each after his 4i!d a!d e!der" to 5hom our Lord saidD Gro5 ye a!d multiply upo! the earth1 The! Noah issued out a!d his 5ife" a!d his so!s 5ith their 5i6es" a!d all the beasts" the same day a year after they e!tered i!" e6ery o!e after his e!der1 Noah the! edified a! altar to our Lord a!d too4 of all the beasts that 5ere clea! a!d offered sacrifice u!to our Lord7 a!d our Lord smelled the s5eet!ess of the sacrifice a!d said to NoahD 'rom he!ceforth I shall !ot curse the earth for ma!" for he is pro!e a!d ready to fall from the be i!!i! of his youth1 I shall !o more destroy ma! by such 6e! ea!ce1 A!d the! our Lord blessed them a!d saidD Gro5 ye a!d multiply the earth a!d be ye lords of all the beasts of the earth" of the fo5ls of the air" a!d of the fishes1 I ha6e i6e! all thi! s to you" but eat !o flesh 5ith the blood1 I comma!d you to slay !o ma!" !or to shed !o ma!>s blood1 I ha6e made ma! after mi!e ima e1 ,hosome6er sheddeth his brother>s blood" his blood shall be shed1 Go ye forth a!d ro5 a!d multiply a!d fill the earth1 This said our Lord to Noah a!d his so!sD LoI I ha6e made a co6e!a!t 5ith you a!d 5ith them that shall come after you" that I shall !o more bri! such a flood to slay all people" a!d i! to4e! thereof I ha6e set my rai!bo5 i! the clouds of hea6e!D for 5ho that trespasseth I shall do =ustice other5ise o! him1 Noah li6ed after the flood three hu!dred a!d fifty years1 'rom the time of Adam u!til after Noah>s flood" the time a!d seaso! 5as al5ay ree! a!d tempered7 a!d all that time me! ate !o flesh" for the herbs a!d fruits 5ere the! of reat stre! th a!d effect" they 5ere pure a!d !ourishi! 1 9ut after the flood the earth 5as 5ea4er a!d brou ht !ot forth so ood fruit" 5herefore flesh 5as ordai!ed to be eate!1 A!d the! Noah be a! to labour for his li6elihood 5ith his so!s" a!d be a! to till the earth" to destroy briars a!d thor!s a!d to pla!t 6i!es1 A!d so o! a time Noah had dru!4 so much of the 5i!e that he 5as dru!4" a!d lay a!d slept" a!d his pri6y member lay bare a!d ope!1 +am" his middlest so! espied it" a!d lau hed a!d scor!ed his father" a!d called his brethre! to see" 5hich came bac45ard for to co6er their father" a!d 5ould !ot loo4 o! it" a!d rebu4ed +am of his folly a!d si!1 A!d 5he! Noah 5as co6ered 5ith the ma!tle" a!o! he a5o4e" a!d 5he! he u!derstood ho5 +am his so! had scor!ed him" he cursed him a!d also his so! Ca!aa!" a!d blessed Shem a!d Japhet because they co6ered him1 All the days of Noah 5ere !i!e hu!dred a!d fifty years a!d the! he died1 A!d after his death his so!s dealed all the 5orld bet5ee! them" Shem had all Asia" +am Africa" a!d Japhet all Europe1 Thus 5as it departed1 Asia is the best part a!d is as much as the other t5o" a!d that is i! the east1 Africa is the south part" a!d therei! is Cartha e a!d ma!y rich cou!tries" therei! be blue a!d blac4 me!1 +am had that to his part of Africa1 The third part is Europe 5hich is i! the !orth a!d 5est" therei! is Greece" 3ome a!d Germa!y1 I! Europe rei !eth !o5 most the christia! la5 a!d faith" 5herei! is ma!y a rich realm1 A!d so 5as the 5orld departed to the three so!s of Noah1 Here followeth the Life of A)raha%" The Su!day called Gui!<ua esima is read i! the church the history of the holy patriarch Abraham 5hich 5as the so! of Terah1 This Terah 5as the te!th from Noah i! the e!eratio! of Shem1 Japhet had se6e! so!s a!d +am four so!s1 Out of the e!eratio! of +am Nimrod came" 5hich 5as a 5ic4ed ma! a!d cursed i! his 5or4s" a!d be a! to ma4e the to5er of 9abel 5hich 5as reat a!d hi h1 A!d at the ma4i! of this to5er" God cha! ed the la! ua es" i! such 5ise that !o ma! u!derstood other1 'or tofore the buildi! of that to5er 5as but o!e ma!!er speech i! all the 5orld" a!d there 5ere made se6e!ty:t5o speeches1 The to5er 5as reat" it 5as te! miles about a!d fi6e thousa!d a!d ei hty:four steps of hei ht1 This Nimrod 5as the first ma! that fou!d ma5metry a!d idolatry" 5hich e!dured lo! a!d yet doth1 The! I tur! a ai! to Terah 5hich had three so!s" 5hich 5as Abram" Nahor" a!d +ara!1 Of Nahor came ?s" 9us" a!d 9atuel1 Of ?s came Job" of 9us came 9alaam" a!d of 9atuel 3ebe4ah a!d Laba!1 Of +ara! came Lot a!d t5o dau hters" -elcha a!d Sara1 No5 I shall spea4 of Abram of 5hom our blessed lady came1 +e 5edded Sara" dau hter of his brother +ara!1 Abram 5as e6er faithful a!d true" he 5as si8ty:fi6e years old 5he! his father died" for 5hom he







mour!ed till our Lord comforted him" 5hich said to AbramD Abram" ma4e thee ready a!d o out of thy la!d a!d 4i!dred" a!d also from the house of thy father" a!d come i!to the la!d that I shall sho5 to thee1 I shall ma4e thee ro5 i!to much people7 I shall bless thee a!d ma !ify thy !ame" a!d thou shalt be blessed" a!d I shall bless them that bless thee" a!d curse them that curse thee" a!d i! thee shall be blessed all the 4i!dreds of the earth1 Abram 5as se6e!ty years old 5he! he departed from the la!d of +ara!" a!d he too4 5ith him Sara his 5ife" a!d Lot the so! of his brother" a!d their mei!y" a!d his cattle a!d his substa!ce" a!d came i!to the la!d of Ca!aa!" a!d came i!to the 6ale of Sichem" i! 5hich 5ere ill people 5hich 5ere the people of Ca!aa!1 A!d our Lord said to AbramD I shall i6e to thee this la!d a!d to thi!e heirs1 The! Abram did raise a! altar o! 5hich he did sacrifice" a!d blessed a!d tha!4ed our Lord1 Abram beheld all the la!d to5ard the south" a!d sa5 the beauty thereof" a!d fou!d it li4e as our Lord told him1 9ut he had !ot bee! lo! i! the la!d but that there fell reat hu! er therei!" 5herefore he left that cou!try a!d 5e!t i!to E ypt a!d too4 5ith him Sara his 5ife1 A!d as they 5e!t by the 5ay Abram said to his 5ifeD I fear a!d dread sore that 5he! 5e come to this people" 5hich be la5less" that they shall ta4e thee for thy beauty a!d slay me" because they 5ould use thee1 ,herefore say thou art my sister" a!d I thy brother" a!d she a reed thereto1 A!d 5he! they 5ere come i! to that cou!try the people sa5 that she 5as so fair" a!d a!o! they told the 4i! " 5hich a!o! comma!ded that she should be brou ht i!to his prese!ce1 A!d 5he! she 5as come" God of his ood race so pur6eyed for her" that !o ma! had po5er to use a!y lechery 5ith her !e to do her 6illai!y1 ,herefore the 4i! 5as feared that God 5ould ha6e ta4e! 6e! ea!ce o! him for her" a!d se!t for Abram a!d said to him that he should ta4e his 5ife" a!d that he had e6il do!e to say" that she 5as his sister" a!d so deli6ered her a ai!" a!d a6e him old a!d sil6er" a!d bade that me! should 5orship him i! all his la!d" a!d he should freely at his pleasure depart 5ith all his oods1 The! after this Abram too4 his 5ife Sara a!d 5e!t home a ai!" a!d came u!to 9ethel" a!d set there a! altar of sto!e" a!d there he adored a!d 5orshipped the !ame of God1 +is store a!d beasts be a! to multiply" a!d Lot 5ith his mei!y 5as also there1 A!d their beasts be a! so sore to i!crease a!d multiply" that u!!ethe the cou!try mi ht suffice to their pasture" i! so much that rumour a!d rud i! be a! to sourde a!d arise bet5ee! the herdme! of Abram a!d the herdme! of Lot1 The! Abram said to LotD LoI this cou!try is reat a!d 5ide" I pray thee to choose o! 5hich ha!d thou 5ilt o" a!d ta4e it for thy mei!y a!d thy beasts1 A!d let !o strife be bet5ee! me a!d thee" !e bet5ee! my herdme! !e thy herdme!1 LoI behold all the cou!try is tofore thee" ta4e 5hich thou 5ilt7 if thou o o! the ri ht side" I shall o o! the left side" a!d if thou ta4e the left" I 5ill o o! the ri ht side1 The! Lot beheld the cou!try a!d sa5 a fair plai! to5ard flom Jorda!" 5hich 5as pleasa!t" a!d the flood ra! to5ard Sodom a!d Gomorrah" 5hich 5as li4e a paradise" a!d too4 that part for him1 A!d Abram too4 to5ards the 5est" 5hich 5as beside the people of Ca!aa! at the foot of mou!t -amre1 A!d Lot d5elled i! Sodom1 The people of Sodom 5ere 5orst of all people1 Our Lord said to AbramD Lift up thi!e eyes a!d see directly from the place that thou art !o5 i!" from the !orth to the south" a!d from the east to the 5est1 All this la!d that thou seest I shall i6e thee" a!d to thy seed for e6ermore1 I shall ma4e thy seed as po5der or dust of the earth" 5ho that may !umber the dust of the earth shall !umber thy seed1 Arise therefore a!d 5al4 the la!d i! le! th a!d i! breadth" for I shall i6e it to thee1 Abram mo6ed the! his taber!acle a!d d5elled i! the 6alley of -amre" 5hich is i! +ebro! a!d set there his taber!acle1 It happe!ed soo! after that there 5as a 5ar i! that la!d" that four 4i! s 5arred a ai! other fi6e 4i! s" 5hich 5ere of Sodom" Gomorrah a!d other1 A!d the four 4i! s o6erthre5 the fi6e a!d sle5 them" a!d spoiled a!d too4 all the substa!ce of the cou!try a!d too4 also 5ith them Lot a!d all his oods1 A!d a ma! at a5ay from them a!d came to Abram" a!d told him ho5 that Lot 5as ta4e! a!d led a5ay1 A!d the! a!o! Abram did do ather his people to ether" the !umber of three hu!dred a!d ei htee!1 A!d follo5ed after" a!d departed his people i! t5o parties because they should !ot escape1 A!d Abram smote i! amo! them" a!d sle5 the 4i! s" a!d rescued Lot a!d all his oods" a!d deli6ered the me! of Sodom that 5ere ta4e! a!d the 5ome!1 A!d they of Sodom came a ai!st him" a!d -elchisedech came a!d met 5ith him" a!d offered to him bread a!d 5i!e1 This -elchisedech 5as 4i! a!d priest of Jerusalem a!d all the cou!try" a!d blessed Abram1 A!d there Abram a6e to him the tythes of all he had1 A!d the 4i! of Sodom 5ould that Abram should ha6e had such prey as he too4" but he 5ould !ot ha6e as much as the latchet of a shoe" a!d thus at Abram much lo6e of all the people1 After this our Lord appeared to Abram i! a 6isio! a!d saidD Abram" dread thee !othi! " I am thy protector" a!d thy re5ard a!d meed shall be reat1 Abram a!s5eredD Lord God" 5hat 5ilt thou i6e meE Thou 5ottest 5ell I ha6e !o childre!" a!d sith I ha6e !o!e I 5ill 5ell that EleaHar the so! of my















bailiff be my heir1 Nay" said our Lord" he shall !ot be thi!e heir" but he that shall issue a!d come of thy seed shall be thi!e heir1 Our Lord led him out a!d bade him behold the hea6e!" a!d !umber the stars if thou mayst" a!d said to him" so shall thy offspri! i! a!d seed be1 A!d Abram belie6ed it a!d a6e faith to our Lord>s 5ords" a!d it 5as reputed to him to =ustice1 A!d our Lord said to him" I am the Lord that led thee out of the la!d of ?r of the Chaldees for to i6e to thee this la!d i!to thy possessio!1 A!d Abram saidD Lord" ho5 shall I 4!o5 that I shall possess itE A 6oice said to AbramD Thy seed shall be e8iled i!to E ypt by the space of four hu!dred years" a!d shall be there i! ser6itude" a!d after" I shall bri! them hither a ai! i! the fourth e!eratio!1 Thou shalt abide here u!to thy ood a e" a!d shalt be buried here" a!d o 5ith thy fathers i! peace1 Sara 5as yet 5ithout child" a!d she had a ha!dmaid !amed +a ar" a! E yptia!" a!d she o! a day said to Abram her husba!dD Thou seest I may bear !o child" 5herefore I 5ould thou too4 +a ar my maid" a!d lie by her that thou mi ht et a child 5hich I mi ht 4eep a!d hold for mi!e1 A!d te! year after that Abram had d5elled i! that la!d" he too4 +a ar a!d et her 5ith child" a!d a!o! as she felt herself 5ith child she despised her mistress The! Sara said to AbramD Thou dost e6il1 I a6e thee lice!ce to lie 5ith my ser6a!t" a!d !o5 sith she is co!cei6ed by thee" she hath me i! despite" God =ud e this bet5ee! thee a!d me1 To 5hom Abram a!s5eredD Thi!e ha!dmaid is i! thi!e ha!ds" chastise her as it pleaseth thee1 After this Sara chastised +a ar a!d put her to so reat afflictio! that she 5e!t a5ay7 a!d as she 5e!t a! a! el met 5ith her i! the 5ilder!ess by a 5ell" a!d saidD +a ar" 5he!ce comest a!d 5hither oest thouE She a!s5eredD I flee a5ay from the face of my lady Sara1 To 5hom the a! el said" retur! a ai! a!d submit thee by humble!ess u!to thy lady" a!d I shall multiply thy seed" a!d so much people shall come of it that it ca!!ot be !umbered for multitude1 A!d he said furthermoreD Thou hast co!cei6ed a!d shalt bear a child a!d shalt call him Ishmael1 +e shall be a fierce ma!" he shall be a ai!st all me!" a!d all me! a ai!st him1 The! +a ar retur!ed home a!d ser6ed her lady" a!d soo! after this she 5as deli6ered of Ishmael1 Abram 5as ei hty:si8 years old 5he! Ishmael 5as bor!1 ,he! Abram 5as !i!ety:!i!e years" our Lord appeared to him a!d saidD Abram" loI I am the Lord Almi hty" 5al4 thou before me a!d be perfect" a!d I shall 4eep co6e!a!t bet5ee! me a!d thee a!d shall multiply thy seed reatly1 A!d Abram fell do5! lo5ti! lo5 to the earth a!d tha!4ed him1 The! our Lord said I am" a!d my co6e!a!t I shall 4eep to thee" thou shalt be father of much people1 Thou shalt !o more be called Abram" but Abraham" for I ha6e ordai!ed thee father of much people1 I shall ma4e thee to i!crease most abu!da!tly7 4i! s a!d pri!ces shall come of thee" a!d shall stablish my co6e!a!t bet5ee! me a!d thee" a!d thy seed i! thy e!eratio!s1 I shall i6e to thee a!d to thy seed after thee the la!d of thy pil rima e" all the la!d of Ca!aa!" i!to their possessio! a!d I shall be their God1 ;et said God to AbrahamD A!d thou shalt 4eep thy co6e!a!t to me" a!d thi!e heirs after thee i! their e!eratio!s" a!d this shall be the co6e!a!t that ye shall 4eep a!d thi!e heirs after thee1 E6ery ma!:child a!d male shall be circumcised i! his pri6y member" that it be a to4e! bet5ee! me a!d you1 E6ery child masculi!e that shall be bor! shall be circumcised 5he! he is ei ht days old" a!d I 5ill that this si ! shall be i! your flesh1 A!d see that the me! i! your e!eratio! be circumcised" be i! at thyself a!d thy childre!1 A!d all that d5ell i! thy 4i!dred" 5ho of you that shall !ot be circumcised i! his flesh shall be cast a!d put out for e6er from my people" because he obeyeth !ot my statute a!d ordi!a!ce1 A!d thy 5ife Sara shall be called !o more Sara but she shall be called Sarah" a!d I shall bless her" a!d shall i6e to thee a so! of her" 5hom I shall bless also1 I shall him i!crease i!to !atio!s" a!d 4i! s of peoples shall come of him1 Abraham fell do5! o! his face to5ard the earth a!d lau hed i! his heart" sayi! D -ay it be that a 5oma! of !i!ety years may co!cei6e a!d bear a childE I beseech thee" Lord" that Ishmael may li6e before thee1 Our Lord said to Abraham" Sarah shall bri! forth a so! 5hom thou shalt !ame Isaac" a!d I shall 4eep my co6e!a!t to him for e6ermore" a!d to his heirs after him1 A!d I ha6e heard they re<uest for Ishmael also1 I shall bless him a!d i!crease" a!d shall multiply his seed i!to much people" t5el6e du4es shall come of him1 I shall 4eep my co6e!a!t to Isaac" 5hom Sarah shall bri! forth the !e8t year1 ,he! these 5ords 5ere fi!ished Abraham too4 Ishmael his so! a!d all the me!" small a!d reat" stra! ers a!d other that 5ere i! his house" a!d circumcised them1 Ishmael 5as thirtee! years old 5he! he 5as circumcised" a!d Abraham 5as !i!ety:!i!e years 5he! he himself 5as circumcised1 A!d thus that same day he a!d his so! Ishmael a!d all the me! i! his house" as 5ell as stra! ers" of 5hat de ree they 5ere" recei6ed this !e5 la5 of circumcisio!" 5hereby they 5ere 4!o5! from other people1 After this o! a time" as Abraham sat beside his house i! the 6ale of -amre i! the heat of the day" a!d as he lift up his eyes" he sa5 three you! me! comi! to him" a!d a!o! as he sa5 these three sta!di! by him he ra! to them a!d 5orshipped o!e alo!e7 he sa5 three a!d 5orshipped but o!e1 That beto4e!eth the Tri!ity" a!d prayed them to be harboured 5ith him" a!d too4 5ater a!d 5ashed their feetD a!d prayed them to tarry u!der the tree" a!d he 5ould bri! bread to them for to comfort them1 A!d they bade him do as he had said" he 5e!t a!d


















bade Sarah to ma4e three ashy ca4es a!d se!t his child for a te!der fat calf" 5hich 5as sodde! a!d boiled1 A!d he ser6ed them 5ith butter a!d mil4" a!d the calf" a!d set it tofore them1 +e stood by them" a!d 5he! they had eate! they dema!ded himD ,here is Sarah thy 5ifeE A!d he saidD ;o!der i! the taber!acle1 A!d he said" I shall o a!d come a ai!" a!d Sarah thy 5ife shall ha6e a child1 A!d she stood behi!d the door a!d heard it a!d lau hed" a!d said softly to herselfD +o5 may it be that my lord is so old a!d I also that I should bear Abraham a childE She thou ht it impossible1 The! said our Lord to AbrahamD ,hy lau heth Sarah thy 5ife" sayi! i! scor!" Shall I bear a childE but as I said to thee before" I shall retur! a!d come a ai!" a!d she shall ha6e a child i! that time1 A!d he as4ed Sarah 5hy she smiled i! scor!" a!d she said she smiled !e lau hed !ot" a!d our Lord said" It is !ot so" for thou lau hedst1 ,he! they had rested Abraham co!6eyed them o! the 5ay1 A!d our Lord said to AbrahamD I ha6e !ot hid from thee 5hat I purpose to do1 The cry of Sodom a!d Gomorrah is multiplied a!d their si! is much rie6ous1 I shall desce!d a!d see if the si! be so reat" the ste!ch thereof cometh to hea6e!" I shall ta4e 6e! ea!ce a!d destroy them1 The! Abraham saidD I hope" Lord" thou 5ilt !ot destroy the =ust a!d ri hteous ma! 5ith the 5ic4ed si!!er1 I beseech thee" Lord" to spare them1 Our Lord saidD If there be fifty ood a!d ri hteous me! amo! them" I shall spare them1 A!d Abraham saidD Good Lord" if there be fou!d forty" I pray thee to spare them1 Our Lord saidD If there be forty" I shall spare them" a!d so from forty to thirty a!d from thirty to t5e!ty a!d from t5e!ty to te!" a!d our Lord saidD If there be fou!d te! ood me! amo! them" I shall !ot destroy them1 A!d the! our Lord 5e!t from Abraham" a!d he retur!ed home a ai!1 That same e6e!tide came t5o a! els i!to Sodom" a!d Lot sat at his ate" a!d 5he! he sa5 them he 5e!t a!d 5orshipped them a!d prayed them to come a!d rest i! his house" a!d abide there a!d 5ash their feet1 A!d they saidD Nay" 5e shall abide here i! the street" a!d Lot co!strai!ed them a!d brou ht them i!to his house a!d made a feast to them1 9ut ere they should o to bed" the si!ful a!d cursed people of the to5!" you! a!d old" beset a!d e!6iro!ed Lot>s house" a!d called Lot" a!d saidD ,here be the me! that thou too4est i!to thy house this !i htE 9ri! them forth that 5e may 4!o5 a!d use them1 A!d Lot a!o! shut the door" a!d stood behi!d a!d said to themD O ye my brethre!" I beseech you that ye 5ill !ot do !e commit this 5ic4ed si! o! them1 I ha6e t5o dau hters" 6ir i!s" 5hich yet !e6er 4!e5 ma!1 I shall bri! them out to you" a!d use ye them" but these me! I pray you to spare" they be e!tered u!der the shado5 of my protectio!1 They said a ai! to himD Go forth a!d fetch them7 thou art e!tered amo! us as a stra! er" shalt thou rule a!d =ud e usE ,e shall put thee to more afflictio! tha! them1 Lot 5ithstood them mi htily7 they had almost bro4e! up the doors" but the me! set ha!d to" a!d did help Lot" a!d brou ht him i! a!d did shut fast the doorD a!d smote them that 5ere 5ithout 5ith bli!d!ess that they mi ht !ot see" !e fi!d the door1 The! said the a! els to LotD If thou ha6e here of thy 4i!dred" so!s or dau hters" all them that lo! to thee" lead out of this city" 5e shall destroy this place" for the cry thereof is come to our Lord" 5hich hath se!t us for to destroy them1 Lot 5e!t u!to his 4i!sme! a!d saidD Arise a!d ta4e your childre!" a!d o out of this city" for our Lord shall destroy it1 A!d they supposed that he had ra6ed or =aped1 A!d as soo! as it 5as day the a! els said to LotD Arise" a!d ta4e thy 5ife a!d thy t5o dau hters" a!d o out of this to5! lest ye perish 5ith them1 ;et he dissimuli! " they too4 him by the ha!d a!d his 5ife a!d t5o dau hters" because that God should spare them" a!d led them out of the city1 A!d there they said to himD Sa6e thy soul a!d loo4 !ot behi!d thee lest thou perish also" but sa6e thee i! the mou!tai!1 Lot said to themD I beseech thee" my Lord" forasmuch as thy ser6a!t hath fou!d race before thee" a!d that thou hast sho5ed thy mercy to me" a!d that perad6e!ture I mi ht ta4e harm o! the hill" that I may o i!to the little city hereby a!d may be sa6ed there1 +e said to LotD I ha6e heard thy prayers" a!d for thy sa4e I shall !ot sub6ert this to5! for 5hich thou hast prayed" hie thee a!d sa6e thyself there" for I may do !othi! till thou be therei!1 Therefore that to5! is called Koar1 So Lot 5e!t i! to Koar7 a!d the su! arose" a!d our Lord rai!ed from hea6e! upo! Sodom a!d Gomorrah sulphur a!d fire" a!d sub6erted the cities a!d all the d5ellers of the to5!s about that re io!" a!d all that 5as there ro5i! a!d bur eo!i! 1 Lot>s 5ife tur!ed her a!d loo4ed to5ards the cities" a!d a!o! she 5as tur!ed i!to a statue or ima e of salt" 5hich abideth so u!to this day1 Abraham arose i! the mor!i! early" a!d loo4ed to5ards the cities" a!d sa5 the smo4e asce!di! from the places" li4e as it had bee! the li ht of a fur!ace1 ,hat time our Lord sub6erted these cities he remembered Abraham" a!d deli6ered Lot from the 6e! ea!ce of the cities i! 5hich he d5elled1 The! Lot asce!ded from Koar a!d d5elled i! the mou!tai!" a!d his t5o dau hters 5ith him1 +e dreaded to abide a!y lo! er i! the to5!" but d5elled i! a ca6e" he a!d his t5o dau hters 5ith him1 The! the elder dau hter said to the you! erD Our father is old" a!d there is !o ma! left o! the earth li6i! that may do ha6e ado 5ith us after the ma!!er of the 5orld" come a!d let us ma4e him dru!4 a!d let us sleep 5ith him" that 5e may ha6e some seed of him1 They a6e their father 5i!e to dri!4 that !i ht a!d



made him dru!41 A!d the elder dau hter 5e!t to him" a!d co!cei6ed of him" he !ot 4!o5i! of it1 A!d the seco!d !i ht i! li4e 5ise co!cei6ed the you! er dau hter" a!d Lot 5as !ot 4!o5i! thereof1 They co!cei6ed both of their father1 The more had a so! a!d called him -oab7 he is father of the -oabites u!to this day1 The you! er brou ht forth a!other so! a!d called him Ammo!7 he is father of the Ammo!ites u!to this day1 Abraham departed from the!ce a!d 5e!t south5ard a!d d5elled bet5ee! @adesh a!d Shur" a!d 5e!t a pil rima e to Gerar1 +e said that his 5ife 5as his sister1 Abimelech the 4i! of Gerar se!t for her a!d too4 her1 God came to Abimelech i! his sleep a!d saidD Thou shalt be dead for the 5oma! that thou hast ta4e!" she hath a! husba!d1 Abimelech touched her !ot a!d saidD Lord" 5ilt thou slay a ma! i !ora!t a!d ri htfulE She said that she 5as his sister" i! the simple!ess of my heart a!d clea!!ess of my ha!ds I did this1 A!d God said to himD I 4!o5 5ell that 5ith a simple heart thou didst it" a!d therefore I ha6e 4ept thee from ha6i! to do 5ith her" !o5 yield the 5oma! to her husba!d" a!d he shall pray for thee" he is a prophet a!d thou shalt li6e1 A!d if thou deli6er her !ot" thou shalt die" a!d all they that be i! thy house1 Abimelech arose up the same !i ht a!d called all his ser6a!ts" a!d told them all these 5ords1 All they dreaded sore1 Also Abimelech called Abraham a!d said to himD ,hat hast thou do!e to us" that 5e ha6e trespassed to theeE Thou hast caused me a!d my realm to si! reatly1 Thou hast do!e that thou shouldst !ot ha6e do!e1 ,hat sa5est thou for to do soE Abraham saidD I thou ht that the dread of God 5as !ot i! this place" a!d that ye 5ould slay me for my 5ife7 a!d certai!ly other5ise she is also my sister" the dau hter of my father but !ot of my mother" a!d I ha6e 5edded her1 A!d after that I 5e!t from the house of my father" I said to herD ,heresome6er 5e o say thou art my sister1 The! Abimelech too4 sheep a!d o8e! a!d ser6a!ts a!d maide!s" a!d a6e to Abraham" a!d deli6ered to him Sarah his 5ife" a!d saidD LoI the la!d is here tofore thee" 5heresoe6er thou 5ilt" d5ell a!d abide1 A!d he said to SarahD Lo I I ha6e i6e! to thy brother a thousa!d pieces of sil6er" this shall be to thee a 6eil of shi!e eyes" a!d 5heresome6er thou o" remember that thou 5ert ta4e!1 Abraham prayed for Abimelech a!d his mei!y a!d God healed him" his 5ife a!d all his ser6a!ts" a!d they co!cei6ed1 Our Lord had closed the place of e! e!deri! of all the house of Abimelech for Sarah the 5ife of Abraham1 Our Lord the! 6isited Sarah" a!d she co!cei6ed a!d brou ht forth a so! i! her old a e" tha! same time that God had promised1 Abraham called his so! that she had bor!e" Isaac" a!d 5he! he 5as ei ht days old he circumcised him as God had comma!ded" a!d Abraham 5as the! a! hu!dred years old1 The! said SarahD ,ho 5ould ha6e supposed that I should i6e suc4 to my child" bei! so oldE I lau hed 5he! I heard our Lord say so" a!d all they that shall hear of it may 5ell lau h1 The child re5 a!d 5as 5ea!ed from the pap" a!d Abraham made a reat feast at the day of his 5ea!i! 1 After this" o! a day 5he! Sarah sa5 the so! of +a ar her ha!dmaid play 5ith her so! Isaac" she said to AbrahamD Cast out this ha!dmaid 5ith her so!" the so! of the ha!dmaid shall !ot be heir 5ith my so! Isaac1 Abraham too4 this 5ord hard a!d rie6ously for his so!1 The! said God to himD Let it !ot be hard to thee for thy so! a!d ha!dmaid" 5hatsome6er Sarah say to thee hear her 6oice" for i! Isaac shall thy seed be called1 ;et shall I ma4e the so! of the ha!dmaid ro5 i!to reat people" for he is of thy seed1 Abraham rose early i! the mor!i! " a!d too4 bread a!d a bottle of 5ater" a!d laid it o! her shoulder" a!d a6e to her the child a!d let her o" 5hich" 5he! she 5as departed" erred i! the 5ilder!ess of 9eersheba1 A!d 5he! the 5ater 5as co!sumed that 5as i! the bottle" she left the child u!der a tree that 5as there a!d 5e!t the!ce as far as a bo5 shot a!d sat her do5!" a!d saidD I shall !ot see my so! die" a!d there she 5ept1 Our Lord heard the 6oice of the child" a!d a! a! er called +a ar sayi! " ,hat doest thou" +a arE 9e !ot afeard" our Lord hath heard the 6oice of the child from the place 5hich he is !o5 i!1 Arise a!d ta4e the child a!d hold him by the ha!d" for I shall ma4e him to i!crease i!to much people1 God ope!ed her eyes a!d she sa5 a pit of 5ater" a!d a!o! she 5e!t a!d filled the bottle" a!d a6e the child to dri!4" a!d abode 5ith him" 5hich re5 a!d d5elled i! the 5ilder!ess" a!d became there a you! ma! a!d a! archer" a!d d5elled also i! the desert of (ara!1 A!d his mother too4 to him a 5ife of the la!d of E ypt1 That same time said Abimelech" a!d (hicol the pri!ce of his host" u!to AbrahamD Our Lord is 5ith thee i! all thi! s that thou doest1 S5ear thou by the Lord that thou rie6e !ot me" !e them that shall come after me" !e my 4i!dred" but after the mercy that I ha6e sho5ed to thee" so do to me a!d to my la!d i! 5hich thou hast d5elled as a stra! er1 A!d Abraham said" I shall s5ear1 A!d he blamed Abimelech for the pit of 5ater 5hich his ser6a!ts had ta4e! a5ay by stre! th1 Abimelech a!s5eredD I 4!o5 !ot 5ho hath do!e this thi! " a!d thou toldest me !ot thereof" a!d I !e6er heard thereof till this day1 A!d the! after this they made co6e!a!t to ether" a!d promised each to other to be frie!ds to ether1
















After all these thi! s God tempted Abraham" a!d said to himD Abraham" Abraham1 +e a!s5ered a!d saidD I am here" a!d he said to himD Ta4e thou thi!e o!ly so! that thou lo6est" Isaac" a!d o i!to the la!d of Visio! a!d offer him i! sacrifice to me upo! o!e of the hills that I shall sho5 to thee1 The! Abraham arose i! the !i ht" a!d made ready his ass" a!d too4 5ith him t5o you! me! a!d Isaac his so!1 A!d 5he! they had he5! a!d athered the 5ood to ether to ma4e sacrifice" they 5e!t to the place that God comma!ded him1 The third day after" he lift up his eyes a!d sa5 from afar the place" a!d he said to his childre!D Abide ye here 5ith the ass" I a!d my so! shall o to yo!der place" a!d 5he! 5e ha6e 5orshipped there 5e shall retur! to you1 The! he too4 the 5ood of the sacrifice a!d laid it o! his so! Isaac" a!d he bare i! his ha!ds fire a!d the s5ord1 A!d as they 5e!t both to ether" Isaac said to his fatherD 'ather mi!e1 ,hat 5ilt thou" my so!E said Abraham" a!d he saidD LoI here is fire a!d 5ood" 5here is the sacrifice that shall be offeredE Abraham a!s5eredD -y so!" God shall pro6ide for him a sacrifice 5ell e!ou h1 They 5e!t forth a!d came to the place that God had ordai!ed" a!d there made a! altar" a!d laid the 5ood thereo!" a!d too4 Isaac a!d set him o! the 5ood o! the altar" a!d too4 his s5ord a!d 5ould ha6e offered him up to God1 A!d loI the a! el of God cried to him from hea6e! sayi! D Abraham" Abraham" 5hich a!s5eredD I am here" a!d he said to him1 E8te!d !ot thy ha!d upo! thy child" a!d do !othi! to him" !o5 I 4!o5 that thou dreadest God" a!d hast !ot spared thi!e o!ly so! for me1 Abraham loo4ed behi!d him" a!d sa5 amo! the briars a ram fast by the hor!s" 5hich he too4" a!d offered him i! sacrifice for his so!1 +e called that placeD The Lord seeth1 The a! el called Abraham the seco!d time sayi! D I ha6e s5or! by myself" saith the Lord" because thou hast do!e this thi! " a!d hast !ot spared thi!e o!ly so! for me" I shall bless thee a!d shall multiply thy seed as the stars of hea6e!" a!d li4e the ra6el that is o! the seaside" thy seed shall possess the ates of their e!emies" a!d i! thy seed shall be blessed all the people of the earth" for thou obeyedst to me1 Abraham the! retur!ed to his ser6a!ts" a!d 5e!t i!to 9eersheba a!d d5elled there1 Sarah li6ed a! hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:se6e! years a!d died i! the city of Arba" 5hich is +ebro! i! the la!d of Ca!aa!7 for 5hom Abraham made sorro5 a!d 5ept" a!d bou ht of the childre! of +eth a field" a!d buried her 5orshipfully i! a double spelu!4e1 Abraham 5as a! old ma!" a!d God blessed him i! all his thi! s1 +e said to the eldest a!d upperest ser6a!t i! all his houseD I char e a!d co!=ure thee by the !ame of God of hea6e! a!d of earth that thou suffer !ot my so! Isaac to ta4e !o 5ife of the dau hters of Ca!aa! amo! st 5hom I d5ell" but o i!to the cou!try 5here my 4i!dred is" a!d ta4e of them a 5ife to my so!1 A!d the ser6a!t a!s5eredD If !o 5oma! there 5ill come 5ith me i!to this cou!try" shall I bri! thy so! i!to that cou!try from 5he!ce thou camestE Abraham saidD 9e5are that thou lead !ot my so! thither1 The Lord of hea6e! a!d of earth" that too4 me from the house of my father a!d from the place of my !ati6ity" hath said a!d s5or! to me" sayi! D To thy seed I shall i6e this la!d1 +e shall se!d his a! el tofore thee" a!d thou shalt ta4e there a 5ife for my so!1 If !o 5oma! 5ill come 5ith thee thou shalt !ot be bou!de! by thi!e oath" but i! !o 5ise lead my so! thither1 +is ser6a!t the! s5ore a!d promised to him that he 5ould so do1 +e too4 te! camels of the floc4 of his lord" a!d of all his oods bare 5ith him" a!d 5e!t i! to -esopotamia u!to the to5! of Nahor1 A!d he made the camels to tarry 5ithout the to5! by a pit side at such time as the 5ome! be 5o!t to come out for to dra5 5ater1 A!d there he prayed our Lord" sayi! D Lord God of my lord Abraham" I beseech thee to help me this day" a!d do mercy u!to my lord Abraham1 LoI I sta!d here !i h by the 5ell of 5ater" a!d the dau hters of the d5ellers of this to5! come hither for to dra5 5ater" therefore the maid to 5hom I sayD Set do5! thy pot that I may dri!4" a!d the! she set do5! her pot a!d sayD I 5ill i6e to thee dri!4" a!d to the camels" that I may u!dersta!d thereby that she be the maid that thou hast ordai!ed to thy ser6a!t Isaac" a!d thou sho5est thy mercy to my lord Abraham1 +e had !ot fully fi!ished these 5ords 5ith himself" but that 3ebe4ah" dau hter of 9ethuel" so! of -ilcah 5ife of Nahor" brother of Abraham" came out of the to5!" ha6i! a pot o! her shoulder" 5hich 5as a ri ht fair maid" a!d much beauteous a!d u!4!o5! to the ma!1 She 5e!t do5! to the 5ell a!d filled her pot 5ith 5ater a!d retur!ed1 The ser6a!t of Abraham ra! to her a!d saidD I pray thee to i6e me a little of the 5ater i! thy pot for to dri!41 ,hich saidD Dri!4" my lord" a!d li htly too4 t that ma!" she saidD ;ea" I shall o 5ith him1 The! they let her o" a!d her !urse 5ith her" a!d so she departed" a!d they said to herD Thou art our sister" 5e pray God that thou mayst i!crease i!to a thousa!d thousa!d" a!d that thy seed may possess the ates of their e!emies1 The! 3ebe4ah a!d her maide!s asce!ded upo! the camels" a!d follo5ed the ser6a!t of Abraham 5hich hastily retur!ed u!to his lord1 That same time" 5he! they 5ere come" Isaac 5al4ed by the 5ay 5ithout forth a!d loo4ed up a!d sa5 the camels comi! from far1 3ebe4ah espied him a!d dema!ded of the ser6a!t 5ho that he 5as that came i! the field a ai!st them1 +e a!s5ered a!d saidD That is my lord Isaac" a!d a!o! she too4 her pall or ma!tle








a!d co6ered her1 The ser6a!t a!o! told u!to his lord Isaac all that he had do!e7 5hich recei6ed her a!d led her i!to the taber!acle of Sarah his mother a!d 5edded her" a!d too4 her i! to his 5ife" a!d so much lo6ed her" that the lo6e attempered the sorro5 that he had for his mother1 Abraham after this 5edded a!other 5ife" by 5hom he had di6ers childre!1 Abraham a6e to Isaac all his possessio!s" a!d to his other childre! he a6e mo6able oods" a!d departed the so!s of his co!cubi!es from his so! Isaac 5hilst he yet li6ed1 A!d all the days of the life of Abraham 5ere o!e hu!dred a!d se6e!ty:fi6e years" a!d the! died i! ood mi!d a!d a e" a!d Isaac a!d Ishmael buried him by his 5ife Sarah i! a double spelu!4e1 Here )e(i##eth the life of 0 aa$. with the hi tory of E au a#d of Ja$o). whi$h i read i# the !hur$h the *e$o#d *u#day of Le#t" Isaac 5as forty years old 5he! he 5edded 3ebe4ah a!d she bare him !o childre!1 ,herefore he besou ht our Lord that she mi ht co!cei6e a!d bri! forth fruit1 Our Lord heard his prayer that she co!cei6ed of him a!d had t5ai! so!s at o!ce" 5hich t5o" ere they 5ere bor!" fou ht oft i! their mother>s belly1 'or 5hich cause she prayed God to cou!sel her a!d to i6e her comfort" 5hich appeared a!d said to herD T5o ma!!er people be i! thy belly" a!d t5o ma!!er fol4 shall be di6ided from thy 5omb" people shall o6ercome people" a!d the more shall ser6e the less1 Thus said our Lord to her1 After this" 5he! time came that she should be deli6ered" there 5ere t5ai! to be bor!1 The first that issued 5as rou h from the head to the foot" a!d he 5as !amed Esau1 A!d forth5ith follo5ed that other holdi! the pla!t of his brother>s foot i! his ha!d" a!d he 5as !amed Jacob1 Isaac the father 5as si8ty years old 5he! these childre! 5ere bor!1 A!d after this" 5he! they 5ere ro5! to reaso!able a e" Esau became a plou hma!" a!d a tiller of the earth" a!d a! hu!ter1 A!d Jacob 5as simple a!d d5elled at home 5ith his mother1 Isaac the father lo6ed 5ell Esau" because he ate oft of the 6e!iso! that Esau too4" a!d 3ebe4ah the mother lo6ed Jacob1 Jacob o! a time had made a ood potta e" a!d Esau his brother had bee! a! hu!ti! all day a!d came home sore a! hu! red" a!d fou!d Jacob ha6i! ood potta e" a!d prayed him to i6e him some" for he 5as 5eary a!d much hu! ry1 To 5hom Jacob saidD If thou 5ilt sell to me thy patrimo!y a!d herita e I shall i6e thee some potta e1 A!d Esau a!s5ered" LoI I die for hu! er" 5hat shall a6ail me mi!e i!herita!ce if I die" a!d 5hat shall profit me my patrimo!yE I am co!te!t that thou ta4e it for this potta e1 Jacob the! saidD S5ear that to me thou shalt !e6er claim it" a!d that thou art co!te!t I shall e!=oy it" a!d Esau s5are it" a!d so sold a5ay his patrimo!y" a!d too4 the potta e a!d ate it" a!d 5e!t his 5ay" setti! !othi! thereby that he had sold his patrimo!y1 This aforesaid is to bri! i! my matter of the history that is read" for !o5 follo5eth the le e!d as it is read i! the church1 Isaac be a! to 5a8 old a!d his eyes failed a!d dimmed that he mi ht !ot clearly see1 A!d o! a time he called Esau his oldest so! a!d said to himD So! mi!e" 5hich a!s5eredD 'ather" I am here ready" to 5hom the father saidD 9ehold that I 5a8 old a!d 4!o5 !ot the day that I shall die a!d depart out of this 5orld" 5herefore ta4e shi!e har!ess" thy bo5 a!d <ui6er 5ith tac4les" a!d o forth a! hu!ti! " a!d 5he! thou hast ta4e! a!y 6e!iso!" ma4e to me thereof such ma!!er meat as thou 4!o5est that I am 5o!t to eat" a!d bri! it to me that I may eat it" a!d that my soul may bless thee ere I die1 ,hich all these 5ords 3ebe4ah heard1 A!d Esau 5e!t forth for to accomplish the comma!dme!t of his father" a!d she said the! to JacobD I ha6e heard thy father say to Esau" thy brotherD 9ri! to me of thy 6e!iso!" a!d ma4e thereof meat that I may eat" a!d that I may bless thee tofore our Lord ere I die1 No5 my so!" ta4e heed to my cou!sel" a!d o forth to the floc4" a!d bri! to me t5o the best 4ids that thou ca!st fi!d" a!d I shall ma4e of them meat such as thy father shall ladly eat" 5hich 5he! thou hast brou ht to him a!d hast eate! he may bless thee ere he die1 To 5hom Jacob a!s5eredD 4!o5est thou !ot that my brother is rou h a!d hairy a!d I am smoothE If my father ta4e me to him a!d taste me a!d feel" I dread me that he shall thi!4 that I moc4 him" a!d shall i6e me his curse for the blessi! 1 The mother the! said to himD I! me" said she" be this curse" my so!" !e6ertheless hear me7 o to the floc4 a!d do that I ha6e said to thee1 +e 5e!t a!d fetched the 4ids a!d deli6ered them to his mother" a!d she 5e!t a!d ordai!ed them i!to such meat as she 4!e5 5ell that his father lo6ed" a!d too4 the best clothes that Esau had" a!d did them o! Jacob1 A!d the s4i!s of the 4ids she did about his !ec4 a!d ha!ds there as he 5as bare" a!d deli6ered to him bread a!d the pulme!t that she had boiled1 A!d he 5e!t to his father a!d saidD 'ather mi!e" a!d he a!s5eredD I am here7 5ho art thou" my so!E Jacob saidD I am Esau" thy first be otte! so!" I ha6e do!e as thou comma!dedst me" arise" sit a!d eat of the 6e!iso! of my hu!ti! that thy soul may bless me1 The! said Isaac a ai! to his so!D +o5 mi htest thou" said he" so soo! fi!d a!d ta4e it" my so!E To 5hom he a!s5eredD It 5as the 5ill













of God that such thi! as I desired came soo! to my ha!d1 Isaac said to himD Come hither to me" my so!" that I may touch a!d ha!dle thee" that I may pro6e 5hether thou be my so! Esau or !ot1 +e came to his father" a!d 5he! he had felt him" Isaac saidD The 6oice truly is the 6oice of Jacob" but the ha!ds be the ha!ds of Esau1 A!d he 4!e5 him !ot" for his ha!ds e8pressed the li4e!ess a!d similitude of the more brother1 Therefore blessi! him" he said to himD Thou art the! my so! EsauE +e a!s5ered a!d saidD I am he1 The! said IsaacD 9ri! to me the meat of thi!e hu!ti! " my so!" that my soul may bless thee7 5hich he offered a!d a6e to his father" a!d also 5i!e1 A!d 5he! he had eate! a!d dru!4e! a ood drau ht of the 5i!e" he said to JacobD Come hither to me" my so!" a!d 4iss me7 a!d he 5e!t to him a!d 4issed him1 A!o! as he felt the s5eet sa6our a!d smell of his clothes" blessi! him he saidD LoI the s5eet odour of my so! is as the odour of a field full of flo5ers" 5hom our Lord bless1 God i6e to thee of the de5 of hea6e!" a!d of the fat!ess of the earth" abu!da!ce of 5heat" 5i!e" a!d oil" a!d the people ser6e thee" a!d the tribes 5orship thee1 9e thou lord of thy brethre!" a!d the so!s of thy mother shall bo5 do5! a!d 4!eel to thee1 ,hosome6er curseth thee" be he accursed" a!d 5ho that blesseth thee" 5ith blessi! s be he fulfilled1 ?!!ethe Isaac had fulfilled these 5ords a!d Jacob o!e out" 5he! that Esau came 5ith his meat that he had otte! 5ith hu!ti! " e!tered i!" a!d offered to his father sayi! D Arise" father mi!e" a!d eat of the 6e!iso! that thy so! hath ordai!ed for thee" that thy soul may bless me1 Isaac said to himD ,ho art thouE To 5hom he a!s5ered" I am thy first be otte! so! Esau1 Isaac the! 5as reatly abashed a!d asto!ied" a!d mar6elled more tha! ca! be thou ht credible1 A!d the! he 5as i! a tra!ce" as the master of histories saith" i! 5hich he had 4!o5led e that God 5ould that Jacob should ha6e the blessi! 1 A!d said to EsauD ,ho the! 5as he that ri ht !o5 a little tofore thy comi! brou ht to me 6e!iso!E A!d I ha6e eate! of all that he brou ht to me ere thou camest1 I ha6e blessed him" a!d he shall be blessed1 ,he! Esau heard these 5ords of his father" he cried 5ith a reat cry" a!d 5as sore asto!ied a!d saidD 'ather" I pray thee bless me also1 To 5hom he saidD Thy brother ermai! is come fraudule!tly" a!d hath recei6ed thy blessi! 1 The! said EsauD Certai!ly a!d =ustly may his !ame be called 5ell Jacob" for o! a!other time tofore this he suppla!ted me of my patrimo!y" a!d !o5 seco!dly he hath u!der!ome from me my blessi! 1 A!d yet the! he said to his fatherD +ast thou !ot reser6ed to me o!e blessi! E Isaac a!s5eredD I ha6e ordai!ed him to be thy lord" I ha6e subdued all his brethre! to his ser6itude1 I ha6e stablished him i! 5heat" 5i!e a!d oil1 A!d after this 5hat shall I do to thee" my so!E To 5hom Esau saidD +ast thou !ot" father" yet o!e blessi! E I beseech thee to bless me1 The! 5ith a reat si hi! a!d 5eepi! Isaac mo6ed said to himD I! the fat!ess of the earth a!d i! the de5 of hea6e! shall be thy blessi! " thou shalt li6e i! thy s5ord" a!d shalt ser6e thy brother1 The! 5as Esau 5oe:be o!e" a!d hated Jacob for suppla!ti! him of his blessi! that his father had blessed him 5ith" a!d said i! his heartD The days of sorro5 shall come to my father" for I shall slay my brother Jacob1 This 5as told to 3ebe4ah" 5hich a!o! se!t for Jacob her so!" a!d said to himD LoI Esau thy brother threate!eth to slay thee" therefore !o5 my so! hear my 6oice a!d do as I shall cou!sel1 -a4e thee ready a!d o to my brother i! Ara!" a!d d5ell there 5ith him u!to the time that his a! er a!d fury be o6erpast" a!d his i!di !atio! ceased" a!d that he for et such thi! s that thou hast do!e to him" a!d the! after that I shall se!d for thee" a!d bri! thee hither a ai!1 A!d 3ebe4ah 5e!t to Isaac her husba!d a!d saidD I am 5eary of my life because of the dau hters of +eth" if Jacob ta4e to him a 5ife of that 4i!dred" I 5ill !o lo! er li6e1 Isaac the! called Jacob a!d blessed him a!d comma!ded to him sayi! D I char e thee i! !o 5ise to ta4e a 5ife of the 4i!dred of Ca!aa!" but o a!d 5al4 i!to -esopotamia of Syria" u!to the house of 9ethuel" father of thy mother" a!d ta4e to thee there a 5ife of the dau hters of Laba! thi!e u!cle1 God Almi hty bless thee" a!d ma4e thee ro5 a!d multiply" that thou mayst be i!creased i!to tourbes of people" a!d i6e to thee the blessi! s of Abraham" a!d to thy seed after thee" that thou mayst possess a!d o5! the la!d of thy pil rima e 5hich he ra!ted to thy ra!dsire1 ,he! Isaac had thus said" a!d i6e! him lea6e to o" he departed a!o!" a!d 5e!t i!to -esopotamia of Syria to Laba!" so! of 9ethuel" brother of 3ebe4ah his mother1 Esau seei! that his father had blessed Jacob a!d se!t him i!to -esopotamia of Syria to 5ed a 5ife there" a!d that after his blessi! comma!ded to him sayi! D Ta4e thou !o 5ife of the dau hters of Ca!aa!7 a!d he obeyi! his father 5e!t i!to Syria" pro6i! thereby that his father sa5 !ot ladly the dau hters of Ca!aa!" he 5e!t to Ishmael a!d too4 him a 5ife beside them that he had ta4e! tofore" that 5as -elech" dau hter of Ishmael" so! of Abraham1 The! Jacob departed from 9eersheba a!d 5e!t forth o! his =our!ey to5ard Ara!1 ,he! he came to a certai! place after oi! do5! of the su! a!d 5ould rest there all !i ht" he too4 of the sto!es that 5ere there a!d laid u!der his head a!d slept i! the same place1 A!d there he sa5 i! his sleep a ladder sta!di!
















o! the earth" a!d the upper e!d thereof touched hea6e!" a!d a! els of God asce!di! a!d desce!di! upo! it" a!d our Lord i! the midst of the ladder sayi! to himD I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father" a!d of Isaac7 the la!d o! 5hich thou sleepest I shall i6e to thee a!d to thy seed" a!d thy seed shall be as dust of the earth7 thou shalt spread abroad u!to the east a!d u!to the 5est" a!d !orth a!d south" a!d all the tribes of the earth shall be blessed i! thee a!d i! thy seed1 A!d I shall be thy 4eeper 5heresoe6er thou shalt o" a!d shall bri! thee a ai! i!to this la!d" a!d I shall !ot lea6e till I ha6e accomplished all that I ha6e said1 ,he! Jacob 5as a5a4ed from his sleep a!d dreami! " he saidD Verily God is i! this place" a!d I 5ist !ot of it1 A!d he said dreadi! lyD +o5 terrible is this place" !o!e other thi! is here but the house of God a!d the ate of hea6e!1 The! Jacob arose early a!d too4 the sto!e that lay u!der his head" a!d raised it for 5it!ess" pouri! oil thereo!" a!d called the !ame of the place 9ethel 5hich tofore 5as called LuHa1 A!d there he made a 6o5 to our Lord" sayi! D If God be 5ith me a!d 4eep me i! the 5ay that I 5al4" a!d i6e me bread to eat" a!d clothes to co6er me" a!d I may retur! prosperously i!to the house of my father" the Lord shall be my God" a!d this sto!e that I ha6e raised i! 5it!ess" this shall be called the house of God1 A!d the ood of all thi! s that thou i6est to me" I shall offer to thee the tithes a!d te!th part1 The! Jacob 5e!t forth i!to the east" a!d sa5 a pit i! a field a!d three floc4s of sheep Iyi! by it" for of that pit 5ere the beasts 5atered1 A!d the mouth thereof 5as shut a!d closed 5ith a reat sto!e" for the custom 5as 5he! all the sheep 5ere athered" they rolled a5ay the sto!e" a!d 5he! they had dru!4e! they laid the sto!e a ai! at the pit mouth1 A!d the! he said to the shepherdsD 9rethre!" 5he!ce are yeE ,hich a!s5eredD Of Ara!1 The! he as4i! them saidD @!o5 ye !ot Laba!" so! of NahorE They saidD ,e 4!o5 him 5ell1 +o5 fareth he" said he" is he all 5holeE +e fareth 5ell" said they7 a!d loI 3achel his dau hter cometh there 5ith her floc41 The! said JacobD It is yet far to e6e!" it is yet time that the floc4s be led to dri!4" a!d after be dri6e! to pasture" 5hich a!s5eredD ,e may !ot so do till all the beasts be athered" a!d the! 5e remo6e the sto!e from the mouth of the pit a!d 5ater our beasts1 A!d as they tal4ed" 3achel came 5ith the floc4 of her father" for she 4ept that time the beasts1 A!d 5he! Jacob sa5 her a!d 4!e5 that she 5as his eme>s dau hter" a!d that they 5ere his eme>s sheep" he remo6ed the sto!e from the pit>s mouth" a!d 5he! her sheep had dru!4e!" he 4issed her" a!d 5eepi! he told her that he 5as brother to her father a!d so! of 3ebe4ah1 The! she hied her a!d told it to her father" 5hich 5he! he u!derstood that Jacob" his sister>s so! 5as come" he ra! a ai!st him a!d" embraci! " 4issed him" a!d led him i!to his house1 A!d 5he! he had heard the cause of his =our!ey he saidD Thou art my mouth a!d my flesh1 A!d 5he! he had bee! there the space of a mo!th" he dema!ded Jacob if he 5ould ladly ser6e him because he 5as his cousi!" a!d 5hat hire a!d re5ard he 5ould ha6e1 +e had t5o dau hters" the more 5as !amed Leah" a!d the less 5as called 3achel" but Leah 5as blear:eyed" a!d 3achel 5as fair of 6isa e a!d 5ell:fa6oured" 5hom Jacob lo6ed" a!d saidD I shall ser6e thee for 3achel thy you! er dau hter se6e! years1 Laba! a!s5eredD It is better that I i6e her to thee tha! to a stra! e ma!7 d5ell a!d abide 5ith me" a!d thou shalt ha6e her1 A!d so Jacob ser6ed him for 3achel se6e! years" a!d him thou ht it but a little 5hile" because of the reat lo6e that he had to her1 A!d at the e!d of se6e! years" Jacob said to Laba!D Gi6e to me my 5ife" for the time is come that I should ha6e her1 The! Laba! called all his frie!ds a!d made a feast for the 5eddi! " a!d at !i ht he brou ht i! Leah" the more dau hter" a!d deli6ered to her a! ha!dmaid !amed Kilpah1 The! Jacob" 5ee!i! that it had bee! 3achel" 5e!t to her as the ma!!er is" a!d 5he! the mor!i! came a!d he sa5 that it 5as Leah" he said to Laba! her fatherD ,hat hast thou do!eE +a6e I !ot ser6ed thee for 3achel" 5hy hast thou brou ht Leah to meE Laba! a!s5eredD It is !ot the usa e !e custom of our cou!try to i6e the you! er first to be 5edded" but fulfil a!d ma4e a! e!d of this compleme!t a!d marria e this 5ee4" a!d the! shall I i6e to thee 3achel my dau hter for other se6e! years that thou shalt ser6e to me1 Jacob a reed ladly" a!d 5he! that 5ee4 5as passed" he 5edded 3achel to his 5ife1 To 5hom Laba! her father a6e a! ha!dmaid !amed 9ilhah1 Ne6ertheless 5he! the 5eddi! of the you! er 5as fi!ished" because of the reat lo6e that he had to her" him thou ht that the other se6e! years 5ere but short1 Our Lord sa5 that he despised Leah1 +e let Leah co!cei6e" a!d 3achel her sister abode barre!" 5hich the! Leah bare a so! a!d !amed him 3eube!" sayi! D Our Lord God hath beholde! mi!e humility a!d mee4!ess" !o5 shall mi!e husba!d lo6e me1 She co!cei6ed yet a!d bare a!other so!" a!d saidD 9ecause our Lord sa5 me despised he hath i6e! to me this so!" a!d she called him Simeo!1 She co!cei6ed the third" a!d brou ht forth a!other so!" a!d saidD No5 shall my husba!d be coupled to me" because I ha6e bor! to him three so!s" a!d she called his !ame Le6i1 She co!cei6ed the fourth so! a!d 5as deli6ered of him" a!d saidD No5 I shall 4!o5led e me to our Lord" a!d therefore she !amed him Judah" a!d the! she ceased of beari! of childre!1








3achel" seei! herself barre!" had e!6y to her sister a!d said to Jacob her husba!dD -a4e me 5ith child or else I shall die1 To 5hom Jacob 5as 5roth" a!d a!s5eredD ,hatI 5ee!est thou that I 5ere God a!d hath pri6ed from thee the fruit of thy bellyE The! she said" I ha6e my ser6a!t 9ilhah" o u!to her" a!d let her co!cei6e of thee o! my 4!ees" that I may ha6e of her some so!s1 She a6e 9ilhah u!to her husba!d to 4!o5 her" 5hich 5he! Jacob had 4!o5!" she co!cei6ed a!d bare a so!1 The! said 3achelD Our Lord hath heard my petitio! i6i! to me a so!" a!d she !amed him Da!1 After that 9ilhah co!cei6ed a ai! a!d bare a!other so!" for 5hom 3achel saidD Our Lord hath compared me to my sister a!d I ha6e a6ailed" a!d she !amed him Naphtali1 The! Leah feeli! that she co!cei6ed !o more" she a6e Kilpah her ha!dmaid to her husba!d" 5hich co!cei6ed a!d bare a so! 5hom Leah !amed Gad1 After Kilpah co!cei6ed a!d bare a!other so!" for 5hom Leah saidD This is for my blessed!ess" a!d certai!ly all e!eratio!s shall say that I am blessed7 therefore she called him Asher1 It happed that 3eube! 5e!t out i! har6est time i!to the field" a!d too4 there a ma!dra4e 5hich he brou ht a!d a6e to his mother1 The! 3achel said to her sister LeahD Gi6e me some part of the ma!dra4e of thy so!1 Leah a!s5eredD Is it !ot e!ou h to ta4e from me my husba!d" but that also thou 5ilt ha6e part of the ma!dra4e of my so!E The! said 3achelD +e shall sleep 5ith thee this !i ht for the ma!dra4e of thy so!1 At e6e!" 5he! Jacob came home from the field" Leah 5e!t a ai!st him a!d said to himD Thou shalt this !i ht sleep 5ith me" for I ha6e bou ht thee for the meed of the ma!dra4e of my so!1 +e slept 5ith her that !i ht" a!d our Lord heard her prayers1 She co!cei6ed a!d brou ht forth the fifth so!" a!d she saidD God hath re5arded me because I a6e my ha!dmaid to my husba!d1 She called his !ame Issachar1 ;et Leah co!cei6ed a!d bare the si8th so! a!d saidD God hath e!do5ed me 5ith a ood do5er" yet shall my husba!d abide 5ith me because I ha6e bor!e to him si8 so!s" a!d she called his !ame Kebulo!1 After this she co!cei6ed a!d bare a dau hter !amed Di!ah1 The! our Lord remembered 3achel a!d heard her a!d ope!ed the place of co!ceptio!" 5hich co!cei6ed a!d bare a so!" sayi! D The Lord hath ta4e! a5ay mi!e opprobrium a!d shame" a!d !amed his !ame Joseph" sayi! D I pray God to se!d me a!other1 ,he! Joseph 5as bor!" Jacob said to Laba! his 5i6es> fatherD Gi6e me lea6e to depart that I may o i! to my cou!try a!d my la!d7 i6e to me my 5i6es a!d childre! for 5hom I ha6e ser6ed thee that I may o he!ce1 Thou 4!o5est 5hat ser6ice I ha6e ser6ed thee1 Laba! said to himD I ha6e fou!de! race i! thy si ht7 I 4!o5 it by e8perie!ce that God hath blessed me for thee7 I ha6e ordai!ed the re5ard that I shall i6e to thee1 The! Jacob a!s5eredD Thou 4!o5est ho5 I ha6e ser6ed thee" a!d ho5 much thy possessio! 5as i! my ha!ds1 Th colours1 A!d 5he! he said the co!trary they brou ht forth all 5hite1 God hath ta4e! the substa!ce of your father a!d hath i6e! it to me1 A!d !o5 God hath comma!ded me to depart" 5herefore ma4e you ready a!d let us depart he!ce1 The! a!s5ered 3achel a!d LeahD Shall 5e ha6e !othi! else of our father>s faculty a!d of the herita e of his houseE Shall he repute us as stra! ers" a!d he hath eate! a!d sold our oodsE Sith God hath ta4e! the oods of our father a!d hath i6e! it to us a!d to our childre!" 5herefore all that God comma!ded to thee" do it1 Jacob arose a!d set his childre! a!d his 5i6es upo! his camels" a!d 5e!t his 5ay a!d too4 all his substa!ce" a!d floc4s" a!d all that he had otte! i! -esopotamia a!d 5e!t to5ard his father Isaac i!to the la!d of Ca!aa!1 That time 5as Laba! o!e to shear his sheep" a!d 3achel stole a5ay the idols of her father1 Jacob 5ould !ot let Laba! 4!o5 of his departi! " a!d 5he! he 5as departed 5ith all that lo! ed to him of ri ht" he came to the mou!t of Gilead1 It 5as told to Laba!" the third day after" that Jacob 5as fled a!d o!e" 5ho a!o! too4 his brethre! a!d pursued him by the space of se6e! days a!d o6ertoo4 him i! the mou!t of Gilead1 +e sa5 our Lord i! his sleep sayi! to himD 9e5are that thou spea4 !ot a! rily !e hard 5ords to Jacob1 That time Jacob had set his taber!acle i! the hill" a!d 5he! he came thither 5ith his brethre!" he said to JacobD ,hy hast thou do!e thus to me to ta4e a5ay my dau hters as priso!ers ta4e! by s5ordE ,hy fleddest thou from me a!d 5ouldst !ot let me ha6e 4!o5led e thereofE Thou hast !ot suffered me to 4iss my so!s a!d dau hters" thou hast do!e follily1 No5 may I do thee harm a!d e6il" but the God of thy father said to me yesterdayD 9e5are that thou spea4 !o hard 5ords a ai!st Jacob1 Thou desirest to o to the house of thy father" 5hy hast thou them" a!d retur!ed i!to his cou!try1 Jacob 5e!t forth i! his =our!ey that he had ta4e!1 A! els of God met him" 5hich 5he! he sa5" he saidD These be the castles of God" a!d called that place -aha!aim1 +e se!t messe! ers tofore him to Esau his brother i! the la!d of Seir" i! the la!d of Edom" a!d bade them say thus to EsauD This saith thy brother JacobD I ha6e d5elled 5ith Laba! u!to this day" I ha6e o8e! a!d asses" ser6a!ts both me! a!d 5ome!1 I se!d !o5 a le atio! u!to my lord that I may fi!d race i! his si ht1 These messe! ers retur!ed to Jacob a!d saidD ,e came to Esau thy brother" a!d loI he cometh for to meet thee 5ith four hu!dred me!1 Jacob 5as sore afraid the!" a!d di6ided his compa!y i!to t5ai! turmes" sayi! D If Esau come to that o!e a!d destroy that" that other shall yet be sa6ed1 The! said JacobD O God of my father Abraham" a!d God of my father Isaac" O Lord that saidst to me" retur!











i!to thy la!d a!d place of thy !ati6ity" a!d saidst I shall do 5ell to thee" I am the least i! all thy mercies" a!d i! thy truth that thou hast ra!ted to thy ser6a!t" 5ith my staff I ha6e o!e this ri6er of Jorda!" a!d !o5 I retur! 5ith t5o turmes1 I beseech the Lord 4eep me from the ha!ds of my brother Esau" for I fear him reatly lest he come a!d smite do5! the mother 5ith the so!s1 Thou hast said that thou shouldest do 5ell to me a!d shouldest spread my seed li4e u!to the ra6el of the sea" a!d that it may !ot be !umbered for multitude1 The! 5he! he had slept that !i ht" he ordai!ed ifts for to se!d to his brother" oats t5o hu!dred" 4ids t5e!ty" sheep t5o hu!dred" a!d rams t5e!ty7 forty 4i!e a!d t5e!ty bulls" t5e!ty asses a!d te! foals of them1 A!d he se!t by his ser6a!ts all these beasts7 a!d bade them say that Jacob his ser6a!t se!t to him this prese!t a!d that he follo5eth after1 A!d Jacob thou ht to please him 5ith ifts1 The !i ht follo5i! " him thou ht a ma! 5restled 5ith him all that !i ht till the mor!i! " a!d 5he! he sa5 he mi ht !ot o6ercome him" he hurted the si!e5 of his thi h that he halted thereof" a!d said to himD Let me o a!d lea6e me" for it is i! the mor!i! 1 The! Jacob a!s5eredD I shall !ot lea6e thee but if thou bless me1 +e said to himD ,hat is thy !ameE he a!s5eredD Jacob1 The! he saidD Nay" said he" thy !ame shall !o more be called Jacob" but Israel" for if thou hast bee! stro! a ai!st God" ho5 much more shalt thou pre6ail a ai!st me!E The! Jacob said to himD ,hat is thy !ameE tell me1 +e a!s5ered" ,hy dema!dest thou my !ame" 5hich is mar6ellousE A!d he blessed him i! the same place1 Jacob called the !ame of that same place (e!uel" sayi! D I ha6e see! our Lord face to face" a!d my soul is made safe1 A!d a!o! as he 5as past (e!uel the su! arose1 +e halted o! his foot" a!d therefore the childre! of Israel eat !o si!e5s because it dried i! the thi h of Jacob1 The! Jacob lifti! up his eyes sa5 Esau comi! a!d four hu!dred me! 5ith him" a!d di6ided the so!s of Leah a!d of 3achel" a!d of both their ha!dmaide!s" a!d set each ha!dmaid a!d their childre! tofore i! the first place" Leah a!d her so!s i! the seco!d" a!d 3achel a!d Joseph all behi!d1 A!d he oi! tofore 4!eeled do5! to rou!d a!d" 5orshippi! his brother" approached him1 Esau ra! for to meet 5ith his brother" a!d embraced him" strai!i! his !ec4" a!d 5eepi! 4issed him" a!d he loo4ed forth a!d sa5 the 5ome! a!d their childre!" a!d saidD ,hat bee! these a!d to 5hom lo! e! theyE Jacob a!s5eredD They be childre! 5hich God hath i6e! to me thy ser6a!t a!d his ha!dmaide!s" a!d their childre! approached a!d 4!eeled do5!" a!d Leah 5ith her childre! also 5orshipped him" a!d last of all Joseph a!d 3achel 5orshipped him1 The! said EsauD ,hose bee! these turmes 5hich I ha6e metE Jacob a!s5eredD I ha6e se!t them to thee" my lord" u!to the e!d that I may sta!d i! thy race1 Esau saidD I ha6e ma!y myself" 4eep these a!d let them be thi!e1 Nay" said Jacob" I pray thee to ta4e this ift 5hich God hath se!t me that I may fi!d race i! thy si ht" for meseemeth I see thy 6isa e li4e the 6isa e of God7 a!d therefore be thou to me merciful" a!d ta4e this blessi! of me1 ?!!ethe by compelli! he ta4i! it" saidD Let us o to ether" I shall accompa!y thee a!d be fello5 of thy =our!ey1 The! said JacobD Thou 4!o5est 5ell" my lord" that I ha6e you! childre! a!d te!der" a!d sheep a!d o8e!" 5hich" if I o6erlaboured" should die all i! a day" 5herefore please it you" my lord" to o tofore" a!d I shall follo5 as I may 5ith my childre! a!d beasts1 Esau a!s5eredD I pray thee the! let my fello5s abide a!d accompa!y thee" 5hatsoe6er !eed thou ha6e1 Jacob saidD It is !o !eed" I !eed !o more but o!e" that I may sta!d i! thy fa6our" my lord1 A!d Esau retur!ed the! the same 5ay a!d =our!ey that he came i!to Seir1 A!d Jacob came to Succoth a!d builded there a! house" a!d from the!ce he 5e!t i! to Shalem" the to5! of Shechem 5hich is i! the la!d of Ca!aa!" a!d bou ht there a part of a field" i! 5hich he fi8ed his taber!acles" of the so!s of +amor father of Shechem for a! hu!dred lambs1 A!d there he raised a! altar" a!d 5orshipped upo! it the stro! est God of Israel1 It happed that Di!ah" dau hter of Leah" 5e!t out for to see the 5ome! of that re io!" 5hich 5he! Shechem" so! of +amor" pri!ce of that la!d sa5" a!o! lo6ed a!d ra6ished a!d slept 5ith her" oppressi! her by stre! th" a!d 5as assotted o! her i! such 5ise as he 5e!t to his father +amor a!d saidD Gi6e me this damsel i! marria e that she may be my 5ife1 ,hich 5he! Jacob 4!e5" a!d heard ho5 his dau hter 5as ra6ished" his so!s the! bei! abse!t i! occupatio! of feedi! of their beasts i! the field" he held it secret till they retur!ed1 The! +amor 5e!t to spea4 of this matter to Jacob" a!d that time his so!s came from the field a!d heard 5hat 5as happe!ed a!d do!e" a!d 5ere passi! 5roth a!d a! ry because he had so defouled their sister1 The! said +amor to themD Shechem my so! lo6eth your dau hter" i6e her to him i! marria e" a!d let us ally each 5ith other" let our dau hters be i6e! to you" a!d yours to us" a!d d5ell ye 5ith us1 All the cou!try is i! your po5er" e8ercise a!d occupy it" buy a!d sell a!d ta4e ye it1 The! said Shechem to his father a!d brethre!D ,hatsoe6er ye ordai! I 5ill do" a!d 5hat ye dema!d" ifts or do5er" I shall ladly i6e it" so I may ha6e this damsel u!to my 5ife1 The! a!s5ered the so!s of Jacob to Shechem a!d his father i! uile" dissimuli! as they had !ot 4!o5! the ra6ishme!t of their sisterD ,e may !ot do that ye desire" !e i6e our sister to a ma! u!circumcised1 it is a thi! u!la5ful a!d reat si! to














u Lord appeared a ai! to Jacob after that he 5as retur!ed from -esopotamia of Syria" a!d 5as come i!to 9ethel" a!d blessed him sayi! D Thou shalt !o more be called Jacob but Israel shall be thy !ame" a!d called him Israel" a!d said to himD I am God Almi hty" ro5 a!d multiply" fol4s a!d peoples of !atio!s shall come of thee" 4i! s shall come of thy loi!s1 The la!d that I a6e to Abraham a!d Isaac I shall i6e to thee a!d thy seed7 a!d 6a!ished from him1 +e the! raised a sto!e for a remembra!ce i! the place 5here God spa4e to him" a!d a!oi!ted it 5ith oil" calli! the !ame of the place 9ethel1 +e 5e!t the!ce a!d came i! 6eer time u!to the la!d that oeth to Ephrath" i! 5hich place 3achel tra6ailed a!d be a! for cause of childi! to die1 The mid5ife said to her" 9e !ot afeard" for thou shalt ha6e a so!1 A!d the death dra5i! !ear" she !amed him 9e!o!i" 5hich is as much to say as the so! of my sorro51 The father called him 9e!=ami!" that is to say the so! of the ri ht ha!d1 There 3achel died a!d 5as buried i! the 5ay to5ard Ephrath" that is 9ethlehem1 Jacob raised a title upo! her tomb7 this is the title of the mo!ume!t of 3achel u!to this prese!t day1 Jacob 5e!t the!ce a!d came to Isaac his father i!to -amre the city of Arbah" that is +ebro!" i! 5hich d5elled Abraham a!d Isaac1 A!d all the days of Isaac 5ere complete" 5hich 5ere a! hu!dred a!d fourscore years" a!d he co!sumed a!d died i! ood mi!d" a!d Esau a!d Jacob his so!s buried him1 Thus e!deth the history of Isaac a!d his t5o so!s Esau a!d Jacob1 Here )e(i##eth the hi tory of Jo e&h a#d hi )rethre#. whi$h i read the third *u#day i# Le#t"

Joseph 5he! he 5as si8tee! years old be a! to 4eep a!d feed the floc4 5ith his brethre!" he bei! yet a child" a!d 5as accompa!ied 5ith the so!s of 9ilhah a!d Kilpah" 5i6es of his father1 Joseph complai!ed o! his brethre!" a!d accused them to their father of the most e6il si!1 Israel lo6ed Joseph abo6e all his so!s for as much as he had otte so! a lo! time1 All his so!s athered them to ether for to comfort their father a!d assua e his sorro5" but he 5ould ta4e !o comfort" but saidD I shall desce!d to my so! i!to hell for to be5ail him there1 A!d thus" he abidi! i! sorro5" the -idia!ites carried Joseph i!to E ypt" a!d sold him to (otiphar" eu!uch of (haraoh" master of his 4!i hts1 Thus 5as Joseph led i!to E ypt" a!d (otiphar" pri!ce of the host of (haraoh" a! E yptia!" bou ht him of the ha!ds of Ishmaelites1 Our Lord God 5as al5ays 5ith Joseph" a!d he 5as 5ise" ready" a!d prosperous i! all ma!!er of thi! s1 +e d5elled i! his lord>s house a!d pleased so 5ell his lord" that he stood i! his race that he made him upperest a!d abo6e all other" a!d betoo4 him the rule a!d o6er!a!ce of all his house" 5hich 5ell a!d 5isely o6er!ed the household a!d all that he had char e of1 Our Lord blessed the house of E ypt for Joseph>s sa4e" a!d multiplied as 5ell i! beasts as i! fields all his substa!ce1 Joseph 5as fair of 6isa e a!d 5ell fa6oured1 After ma!y days the lady" his master>s 5ife" beheld a!d cast her eyes o! Joseph" a!d said to JosephD Come a!d sleep 5ith me" 5hich a!o! refused that" a!d 5ould !ot atte!d !e liste! to her 5ords" !e 5ould !ot co!se!t to so si!ful a 5or4" a!d said to herD LoI hath !ot my lord deli6ered to me all that he hath i! his houseE a!d he 4!o5eth !ot 5hat he hath" a!d there is !othi! therei! but that it is i! my po5er a!d at my comma!dme!t e8cept thee" 5hich art his 5ife1 +o5 may I do this e6il a!d si! to my lordE Such ma!!er" or semblable 5ords" he said daily to her" a!d the 5oma! 5as the more desirous a!d rie6ous to the you! ma!" a!d he al5ays forsoo4 a!d refused the si!1 It happed o! a day that Joseph e!tered i!to the chamber about certai! !eeds that he had to do" a!d she cau ht him by his ma!tle" a!d held it fast" a!d said to himD Come a!d lie 5ith me" 5ho a!o! 5ould !ot a ree to her" but fled forth out of the doors" a!d left his ma!tle behi!d him i! her ha!d1 A!d 5he! the lady sa5 that she 5as refused" a!d his ma!tle i! her ha!d" she cried a!d called the me! of the house a!d said to themD LoI this +ebre5 is come to my chamber a!d 5ould ha6e e!forced a!d ha6e lai! by me" a!d 5he! I cried" he fled out of the chamber a!d left for haste his ma!tle that I held" behi!d him" a!d i!to 5it!ess of truth she sho5ed to her husba!d the ma!tle 5he! he came home" a!d saidD Thy ser6a!t the +ebre5" 5hom thou hast brou ht i!to this house" is e!tered i!to my chamber for to ha6e lai! by me" a!d 5he! I cried" he left his ma!tle that I held" a!d fled a5ay1 ,he! the lord heard this" a!o! he a6e faith a!d belie6ed his 5ife" a!d bei! sore 5roth" set Joseph i! priso! 5here the priso!ers of the 4i! 5ere 4ept a!d he 5as there fast set i!1 Our Lord God 5as 5ith Joseph" a!d had mercy o! him" a!d made him i! the fa6our a!d race of the chief 4eeper of the priso!" i! so much that he deli6ered to Joseph the 4eepi! of all the priso!ers" a!d 5hat he did 5as do!e" a!d the chief =ailor 5as pleased 5ith all1 Our Lord 5as 5ith him a!d directed all his 5or4s1












After this it fell so that t5o officers of the 4i! >s trespassed u!to their lord" 5herefore he 5as 5roth 5ith them a!d comma!ded them to the priso! 5hereas Joseph 5as1 That o!e of them 5as the butler" a!d that other the ba4er7 a!d the 4eeper betoo4 them to Joseph to 4eep" a!d he ser6ed them1 After a 5hile that they had bee! i! priso! they both sa5 o! o!e !i ht a dream of 5hich they 5ere asto!ied a!d abashed" a!d 5he! Joseph 5as come i! to ser6e them" a!d sa5 them hea6y" he dema!ded them 5hy they 5ere hea6ier tha! they 5ere 5o!t to be" 5hich a!s5eredD ,e ha6e dreamed a!d there is !o!e to i!terpret it to us1 Joseph said to themD Suppose ye that God may !ot i6e me race to i!terpret itE Tell to me 5hat ye sa5 i! your sleep1 The! the butler told first a!d saidD -ethou ht I sa5 a 6i!e had three bra!ches" a!d after they had flo5ered the rapes 5ere ripe" a!d the! I too4 the cup of (haraoh i! my ha!d" a!d too4 the rapes a!d 5ra! out of them 5i!e i!to the cup that I held" a!d prese!ted it to (haraoh to dri!41 Joseph a!s5eredD The three bra!ches be yet three days" after 5hich (haraoh shall remember thy ser6ice a!d shall restore thee i!to thy foremost office a!d ree" for to ser6e him as thou 5ert 5o!t to do1 The! I pray thee to remember me 5he! thou art at thi!e abo6e" a!d be to me so merciful to sue u!to (haraoh that he ta4e me out of this priso!" for I 5as stole! out of the la!d of +ebre5s a!d am i!!oce!tly set here i! priso!1 The! the master ba4er sa5 that he had 5isely i!terpreted the butler>s dream7 he saidD -ethou ht that I had three bas4ets of meat upo! my head" a!d i! that o!e bas4et that 5as hi hest methou ht I bare all the meat of the ba4ehouse a!d birds came a!d ate of it1 Joseph a!s5eredD This is the i!terpretatio! of the dream7 the three bas4ets be three days yet to come" after 5hich (haraoh shall smite off thy head a!d shall ha! thee o! the cross" a!d the birds shall tear thy flesh1 A!d the third day after this (haraoh made a reat feast u!to his childre!" a!d remembered him" amo! the meals" o! the master butler a!d the master ba4er1 +e restored his butler u!to his office" a!d to ser6e him of the cup" a!d that other 5as ha! ed" that the truth of the i!terpreter 5as belie6ed a!d pro6ed1 Not5ithsta!di! the master butler i! his 5ealth for et Joseph his i!terpreter1 T5o years after (haraoh sa5 i! his sleep a dream1 +im thou ht he stood upo! the ri6er" from 5hich he sa5 se6e! o8e! asce!d to the la!d 5hich 5ere fair a!d ri ht fat" a!d 5ere fed i! a fat pasture7 he sa5 other se6e! come out of the ri6er" poor a!d lea!" a!d 5ere fed i! places ple!teous a!d bur eo!i! 1 These de6oured the other that 5ere so fat a!d fair1 +ere5ith he started out of his sleep" a!d after slept a ai!" a!d sa5 a!other dream1 +e sa5 se6e! ears of cor! sta!di! o! o!e stal4" full a!d fair of cor!s" a!d as ma!y other ears 6oid a!d smitte! 5ith drou ht" 5hich de6oured the beauty of the first se6e!1 I! the mor!i! (haraoh a5o4e a!d 5as reatly afeard of these dreams" a!d se!t for all co!=ectors a!d di6i!ers of E ypt" a!d 5ise me!7 a!d 5he! they 5ere athered he told to them his dream" a!d there 5as !o!e that could i!terpret it1 The! at last the master butler" rememberi! Joseph" saidD I 4!o5led e my si!" o! a time the 4i! bei! 5roth 5ith his ser6a!ts" se!t me a!d the master of the ba4ers i!to priso!" 5here 5e i! o!e !i ht dreamed both prodi ies of thi! s comi! 1 A!d there 5as a child of the +ebre5s" ser6a!t to the =ailor" to 5hom 5e told our dreams a!d he e8pou!ded them to us a!d said 5hat should happe!7 I am restored to mi!e office a!d that other is ha! ed o! the cross1 A!o!" by the 4i! >s comma!dme!t" Joseph 5as ta4e! out of priso! a!d sha6ed" bathed" a!d cha! ed his clothes" a!d brou ht tofore (haraoh" to 5hom be saidD I sa5 a dream 5hich I ha6e sho5ed u!to 5ise me!" a!d there is !o!e that ca! tell me the i!terpretatio! thereof1 To 5hom Joseph a!s5eredD God shall a!s5er by me thi! s prosperous to (haraoh1 The! (haraoh told to him his dreams" li4e as is tofore 5ritte!" of the se6e! fat o8e! a!d se6e! lea!" a!d ho5 the lea! de6oured the fat" a!d i! li4e5ise of the ears1 Joseph a!s5eredD The 4i! >s dreams are o!e thi! 5hich God hath sho5ed to (haraoh1 The se6e! fat o8e! a!d the se6e! ears full" beto4e! se6e! years to come of reat ple!ty a!d commodious" a!d the se6e! lea! o8e!" a!d the se6e! 6oid ears smitte! 5ith drou ht" beto4e! se6e! years after them of reat hu! er a!d scarcity1 LoI there shall come first se6e! years of reat fertility a!d ple!ty i! all the la!d of E ypt" after 5hom shall follo5 other se6e! years of so reat sterility" barre!!ess" a!d scarcity" that the abu!da!ce of the first shall be all for otte!1 The reat hu! er of these latter years shall co!sume all the ple!ty of the first years1 The latter dream pertai!eth to the same" because God 5ould that it should be fulfilled1 No5 therefore let the 4i! pro6ide for a ma! that is 5ise a!d 5itty" that may comma!d a!d ordai! pro6osts a!d officers i! all places of the realm" that they ather i!to ar!ers a!d bar!s the fifth part of all the cor! a!d fruits that shall ro5 these first se6e! ple!teous years that be to come" a!d that all this 5heat may be 4ept i! bar!s a!d ar!ers i! to5!s a!d 6illa es" that it may be made ready a ai!st the comi! of the se6e! scarce years that shall oppress by hu! er all E ypt" to the e!d that the people be !ot e!fami!ed1 This cou!sel pleased much to (haraoh a!d to all his mi!isters1 The! (haraoh said to his










ser6a!tsD ,here should 5e fi!d such a" ma! as this is" 5hich is fulfilled 5ith the spirit of GodE A!d the! he said to JosephD 'orasmuch as God hath sho5ed to thee all that thou hast spo4e!" tro5est thou that 5e mi ht fi!d a!y 5iser tha! thou or li4e to thee E Thou shalt be upperest of my house" a!d to the comma!dme!t of thy mouth all people shall obey1 I o!ly shall o tofore thee a!d sit but o!e seat abo6e thee1 ;et said (haraoh to JosephD LoI I ha6e ordai!ed thee abo6e a!d master upo! all the la!d of E ypt1 +e too4 a ri! from his ha!d a!d a6e it i!to his ha!d" a!d clad him 5ith a double stole furred 5ith bise7 a!d a olde! collar he put about his !ec4" a!d made him to asce!d upo! his chair7 the seco!d trumpet cryi! that all me! should 4!eel tofore him" a!d that they should 4!o5 him upperest pro6ost of all the la!d of E ypt1 The! said the 4i! of E ypt to JosephD I am (haraoh" 5ithout thy comma!dme!t shall !o ma! mo6e ha!d !or foot i! all the la!d of E ypt1 +e cha! ed his !ame a!d called him i! the to! ue of E yptD The sa6iour of the 5orld1 +e a6e to him a 5ife !amed Ase!ath" dau hter of (oti:phera" priest of Eliopoleos1 Joseph 5e!t forth the! i!to the la!d of E ypt1 Joseph 5as thirty years old 5he! he stood i! the fa6our a!d race of (haraoh1 A!d he 5e!t rou!d about all the re io! of E ypt1 The ple!teous!ess a!d fertility of the se6e! years came" a!d shea6es a!d shoc4s of cor! 5ere brou ht i! to the bar!s7 all the abu!da!ce of fruits 5as laid i! e6ery to5!1 There 5as so reat ple!ty of 5heat that it mi ht be compared to the ra6el of the sea" a!d the ple!ty thereof e8ceedeth measure1 Joseph had t5o so!s by his 5ife ere the fami!e a!d hu! er came" 5hich Ase!ath the priest>s dau hter brou ht forth" of 5hom he called the !ame of the first -a!asseh" sayi! D God hath made me to for et all my labours" a!d the house of my father hath for otte! me1 +e called the !ame of the seco!d so! Ephraim" sayi! D God hath made me to ro5 i! the la!d of my po6erty1 The! passed the se6e! years of ple!ty a!d fertility that 5ere i! E ypt" a!d the se6e! years of scarcity a!d hu! er be a! to come" 5hich Joseph had spo4e! of tofore" a!d hu! er be a! to 5a8 a!d ro5 i! the u!i6ersal 5orld7 also i! all the la!d of E ypt 5as hu! er a!d scarcity1 A!d 5he! the people hu! ered they cried to (haraoh as4i! meat" to 5hom he a!s5eredD Go ye to Joseph" a!d 5hatsoe6er he saith to you do ye1 Daily re5 a!d i!creased the hu! er i! all the la!d1 The! Joseph ope!ed the bar!s a!d ar!ers" a!d sold cor! to the E yptia!s" for the hu! er oppressed them sore1 All pro6i!ces came i!to E ypt for to buy meat to them" a!d to esche5 the hu! er1 Jacob" father u!to Joseph" heard tell that cor! a!d 6ictuals 5ere sold i! E ypt" a!d said to his so!sD ,hy be ye !e li e!tE I ha6e heard say that cor! is sold i! E ypt7 o ye thither a!d buy for us that is !ecessary a!d beho6eful" that 5e may li6e" a!d co!sume !ot for !eed1 The! the te! brethre! of Joseph desce!ded i!to E ypt for to buy 5heat" a!d 9e!=ami! 5as left at home 5ith the father" because 5hatsoe6er happed to the brethre! i! their =our!ey1 The! they e!tered i!to the la!d of E ypt 5ith other for to buy cor!1 There 5as reat fami!e i! the la!d of Ca!aa!" a!d Joseph 5as pri!ce i! the la!d of E ypt" also by his comma!dme!t 5heat 5as sold u!to the people1 The! 5he! his brethre! 5ere come a!d had adored a!d 5orshipped him" he a!o! 4!e5 them" a!d spa4e to them" as to stra! ers" hard 5ords" dema!di! them sayi! D ,he!ce be yeE bri! 5ith you your you! est brother that I may 4!o5 that ye be !o!e espies a!d that ye may recei6e this brother that I hold i! priso!" a!d the! fortho! 5hat that ye 5ill buy ye shall ha6e lice!ce1 A!d this said" each of them poured out the 5heat" a!d e6ery ma! fou!d his mo!ey bou!de! i! the mouth of e6ery sac41 The! said Jacob their fatherD ;e ha6e made me 5ithout childre!1 Joseph is o!e a!d lost" Simeo! is bou!de! i! priso!" a!d 9e!=ami! ye 5ill ta4e a5ay from me" o! me come all these e6ils1 To 3eube! a!s5eredD Slay my t5o so!s if I bri! him !ot a ai! to thee7 deli6er him to me i! my ha!d" a!d I shall restore him a ai! to thee1 The father saidD -y so! shall !ot o 5ith you" his brother is dead a!d he is left !o5 alo!e" if a!y ad6ersity should hap to him i! the 5ay that ye o i!to" ye shall lead my old hairs 5ith sorro5 to hell1 I! the mea!5hile fami!e a!d hu! er oppressed all the la!d reatly1 A!d 5he! the cor! that they brou ht from E ypt 5as co!sumed" Jacob said to his so!sD 3etur! ye i!to E ypt a!d buy for us some meat" that 5e may li6e1 Judah a!s5eredD That ma! said to us" u!der s5eari! of reat oaths thatD ;e shall !ot see my face !e come i!to my prese!ce but if ye bri! your you! est brother 5ith you1 Therefore if thou 5ilt se!d him 5ith us" 5e shall o to ether a!d shall buy for us that shall be !ecessary" a!d if thou 5ilt !ot 5e shall !ot o1 The ma! said as 5e oft ha6e said to thee" that if 5e bri! him !ot 5e shall !ot see his 6isa e1 Israel said to themD This ha6e ye do!e i!to my misery" that ye told to him that ye had a!other brother1 A!d they a!s5eredD The ma! dema!ded of us by order our pro e!y" if our father li6ed" if 5e had





















a!y brother1 A!d 5e a!s5ered him co!se<ue!tly after that he dema!ded" 5e 5ist !ot 5hat he 5ould say" !e that he said bri! your brother 5ith you1 Se!d the child 5ith us that 5e may o forth a!d li6e" a!d that 5e !e our childre! die !ot for hu! er1 I shall recei6e thy so!" a!d re<uire him of my ha!d1 If I lead him !ot thither a!d bri! him a ai!" I shall be uilty to thee of the si! e6er after1 If there had bee! !o delay of this" 5e had bee! there a!d come a ai! by this time1 The! Israel their father said to themD If it be so !ecessary as ye say" do ye as ye 5ill7 ta4e 5ith you of the best fruits of this la!d i! your 6essels" a!d i6e ye a!d prese!t to that ma! ifts" a little raisi!s" a!d ho!ey" stora8" stacte!" terebi!the" a!d dates" a!d bear 5ith you double mo!ey" a!d also the same mo!ey that ye fou!d i! your sac4s" lest there be a!y error therefore7 a!d ta4e 5ith you 9e!=ami!" your brother1 -y God" that is almi hty" ma4e him pleasa!t u!to you" a!d that ye may retur! i! safety 5ith this your brother a!d him also that he holdeth i! priso!7 I shall be as a ma! barre! there5hiles" 5ithout childre!1 The! the brethre! too4 the ifts a!d double mo!ey a!d 9e!=ami!" a!d 5e!t forth i!to E ypt" a!d came a!d stood tofore Joseph7 5hom 5he! he had see!" a!d 9e!=ami!" he comma!ded to the ste5ard of his house that he should do slay sheep a!d cal6es a!d ma4e a feast" for these brethre! shall di!e 5ith me this day1 +e did as he 5as comma!ded a!d brou ht the me! i!to his lord>s house1 The! 5ere they all afeard a!d said softly to etherD 9ecause of the mo!ey that 5e had i! our sac4s 5e be brou ht i! that he ta4e us 5ith the default" a!d shall by 6iole!ce bri! us a!d our asses i!to ser6itude1 ,herefore they said to the ste5ard of the house" i! the ate of the house ere they e!tered" sayi! D ,e pray thee to hear usD the last time that 5e came to buy 6ictual" 5hich 5he! 5e had bou ht a!d departed" a!d 5ere o! our him from them5ard" for he 5as mo6ed i! all his spirits a!d 5ept o! his brother" a!d 5e!t i!to his bedchamber1 After this he 5ashed his 6isa e a!d came out ma4i! ood cou!te!a!ce a!d comma!ded to set bread o! the board" a!d after that he set his brethre! i! order" each after their a e" a!d ate to ether" a!d Joseph sat a!d ate 5ith the E yptia!s1 'or it 5as !ot la5ful to the E yptia!s to eat 5ith the +ebre5s1 A!d each of them 5ere 5ell ser6ed" but 9e!=ami! had the best part" a!d they ate a!d dra!4 so much that they 5ere dru!4e!1 The! Joseph comma!ded the ste5ard of his house to fill their sac4s 5ith 5heat as much as they mi ht recei6e" a!d the mo!ey of the 5heat put it i! to e6ery ma!>s sac4" a!d ta4e my cup of sil6er" a!d the mo!ey of the you! est" a!d put that i! his sac41 A!d all this 5as do!e1 A!d o! the mor! betimes they 5ere suffered to depart 5ith their asses1 A!d 5he! they 5ere o!e out of the to5! a!d a little o! their 5ay" the! Joseph said to his ste5ardD -a4e thee ready a!d ride after" a!d say to themD ,hy ha6e ye do!e e6il for oodE The cup that my lord is accustomed to dri!4 i!" ye ha6e stole!" ye mi ht !ot do a 5orse thi! 1 +e did as Joseph had comma!ded a!d o6ertoo4 them" a!d said to them all by order li4e as he had char e" 5hich a!s5eredD ,hy saith your lord so" a!d doth to us his ser6a!ts such letti! E The mo!ey that 5e fou!d i! our sac4s 5e brou ht a ai! to thee from the la!d of Ca!aa!" a!d ho5 may it follo5 that 5e should steal a!y old or sil6er from the house of thy lordE Loo4I at 5hom it be fou!d of us all thy ser6a!ts" let him die1 ,hich said to themD 9e it after your se!te!ce" at 5hom that it e6er be fou!d he shall be my ser6a!t a!d the others shall o free a!d be !ot uilty1 The! he hied a!d set do5! all their sac4s" be i!!i! at the oldest u!to the you! est" a!d at last fou!d the cup i! the mouth of the sac4 of 9e!=ami!1 The! they all for sorro5 cut a!d re!t their clothes" a!d laded their asses a ai!" a!d retur!ed all i!to the to5! a ai!1 The! Judah e!tered first 5ith his brethre! u!to Joseph a!d all they to ether fell do5! platte to the rou!d1 To 5hom Joseph saidD ,hy ha6e ye do!e thusE @!o5 !ot ye that there is !o ma! li4e to me i! the scie!ce of 4!o5led eE To 5hom Judah a!s5eredD ,hat shall 5e a!s5er to thee" my lord7 or 5hat shall 5e spea4 or ri htfully desireE God hath fou!d a!d remembered the i!i<uity of us thy ser6a!ts" for 5e be all thy ser6a!ts" yea" 5e a!d he at 5hom the cup 5as fou!d1 Joseph a!s5eredD God forbid that I should so do" 5hosoe6er stole the cup shall be my ser6a!t" a!d o ye your 5ay" for ye shall be free a!d o to your father1 The! Judah approached !ear him a!d spa4e 5ith a hardy cheer to him a!d saidD I beseech thee my lord to hear me thy ser6a!t that I may a!d that thou 5ilt !ot be 5roth to thy ser6a!t1 Thou art !e8t to (haraoh7 my lord" thou dema!dedst first of us thy ser6a!tsD +a6e ye a father or brotherE A!d 5e a!s5ered to thee" my lordD Our father is a! old ma! a!d 5e ha6e a brother a you! child 5hich 5as bor! to him i! his old a e" 5hose brother of the same mother is dead" a!d he is a! o!ly so! 5hom the father lo6eth te!derly1 Thou saidest to us thy ser6a!tsD 9ri! him hither to me that I may see1 ,e told to thee my lord for truthD our father may !ot fore o the child" if he fore o him certai!ly he shall die1 A!d thou saidest to us" thy ser6a!tsD 9ut if ye bri! him 5ith you" ye shall !o more see my 6isa e1 The! 5he! 5e came to our father a!d told him all these thi! s" a!d our father bade us to retur! a!d buy more cor!1 To 5hom 5e saidD ,e may !ot o thither but if our you! est brother o 5ith us" for if he be abse!t 5e dare !ot approach" !e come to the prese!ce of the ma!7 a!d he a!s5ered to usD ;e 4!o5 5ell that my 5ife brou ht to me forth but t5o so!s" that o!e 5e!t out" a!d ye said that of 5ild beasts had de6oured him" a!d yet I heard !e6er of him !e he appeared !ot1 If !o5 ye should ta4e this my so! a!d a!y thi! happe!ed to him i! the 5ay ye should bri! my hoar bair 5ith sorro5 to hell1 Therefore if I should come home to my father a!d bri!



!ot the child 5ith me" sith the soul a!d health of my father depe!deth of this child" a!d see that he is !ot come 5ith us" he shall die a!d 5e thy ser6a!ts should lead his old a e 5ith 5aili! a!d sorro5 to hell1 I myself shall be thy proper ser6a!t 5hich ha6e recei6ed him upo! my faith a!d ha6e promised for him" sayi! to my fatherD If I bri! him !ot a ai! I shall be uilty of the si! to my father e6er after1 I shall abide a!d co!ti!ue thy ser6a!t for the child i! the mi!istry a!d ser6ice of thee my lord1 I may !ot depart" the child bei! abse!t" lest I be 5it!ess of the sorro5 that my father shall ta4e1 ,herefore I beseech thee to suffer this child to o to his father a!d recei6e me i!to thy ser6ice1 Thus said Judah" 5ith much more7 as Josephus" A!ti<uitatum" rehearseth more piteously" a!d saith moreo6er that the cause 5hy he did do hide the cup i! 9e!=ami!>s sac4" 5as to 4!o5 5hether they lo6ed 9e!=ami! or hated him as they did him" 5hat time they sold him to the Ishmaelites1 The! this re<uest made" Joseph mi ht !o lo! er forbear" but comma!ded them that stood by to 5ithdra5 them" a!d 5he! all me! 5ere o!e out sauf he a!d his brethre!" he be a! to say to them 5eepi! D I am Joseph your brother" li6eth yet my fatherE The brethre! 5ere so afeard that they could !ot spea4 !e a!s5er to him1 The! he debo!airly said to them7 Come hither to me7 a!d 5he! they came !ear him he saidD I am Joseph your brother that ye sold i!to E ypt7 be ye !ot afeard !or thi!4 !ot hard u!to you that ye sold me i!to these re io!s1 God hath se!t me tofore you i!to E ypt for your health1 It is t5o years si!ce the fami!e be a!" a!d yet bee! fi6e years to come i! 5hich me! may !ot ear" so5" !e reap1 God hath se!t me tofore you that ye should be reser6ed o! the earth" a!d that ye may ha6e meat to li6e by1 It is !ot by your cou!sel that I 5as se!t hither" but by the 5ill of God" 5hich hath ordai!ed me father of (haraoh" a!d lord of all his house" a!d pri!ce i! all the la!d of E ypt1 +ie you" a!d o to my father" a!d say ye to himD This 5ord se!deth thee thy so! JosephD God hath made me lord of the u!i6ersal la!d of E ypt" come to me lest thou die" a!d thou shalt d5ell i! the la!d of Goshe!1 Thou shalt be !e8t me" thou a!d thy so!s a!d the so!s of thy so!s" a!d I shall feed thy sheep" thy beasts a!d all that thou hast i! possessio!1 ;et rest fi6e year to come of fami!e" therefore come lest thou perish" thy house" a!d all that thou o5est1 LoI your eyes a!d the eyes of my brother 9e!=ami! see that my mouth spea4eth these 5ords to you1 Sho5 ye to my father all my lory a!d all that ye ha6e see! i! E ypt1 +ie ye a!d bri! him to me1 This said" he embraced his brother 9e!=ami! about his !ec4 a!d 5ept upo! each of them1 After this they durst better spea4 to him1 A!o! it 5as told a!d 4!o5! all about i! the 4i! >s hall that Joseph>s brethre! 5ere come1 A!d (haraoh 5as =oyful a!d lad thereof a!d all his household1 A!d (haraoh said to Joseph that he should say to his brethre!D Lade ye your beasts a!d o i!to the a!d of Ca!aa!" a!d bri! from the!ce your father a!d 4i!dred" a!d come to me" a!d I shall i6e you all the oods of E ypt" that ye may eat the marro5 of the earth1 Comma!d ye also that they ta4e carria es of this la!d of E ypt" for the carria e of their childre! a!d 5i6es" a!d say to themD Ta4e your father a!d come as soo! as ye may" a!d lea6e !othi! behi!d you" for all the best thi! s shall be yours1 The so!s of Israel did as they 5ere comma!ded1 To 5hom Joseph a6e carria es after the comma!dme!t of (haraoh" a!d meat to eat by the 5ay1 +e comma!ded to i6e to e6ery each t5o arme!ts1 To 9e!=ami! he a6e three hu!dred pieces of sil6er" 5ith fi6e arme!ts of the best" a!d also he se!t clothi! to his father" addi! to them te! asses 5hich 5ere lade! 5ith all riches of E ypt" a!d as ma!y asses lade! a!d beari! bread a!d 6ictual to spe!d by the 5ay1 A!d thus he let his brethre! depart from him sayi! D 9e ye !ot 5roth i! the 5ay1 The! they thus departi! came i!to the la!d of Ca!aa! to their father" a!d sho5ed all this to their father" a!d saidD Joseph thy so! li6eth a!d he lordeth i! all the la!d of E ypt1 ,he! Jacob heard this he a5o4e as a ma! had bee! a5a4ed sudde!ly out of his sleep" yet !e6ertheless he belie6ed them !ot" a!d they told to him all the order of the matter1 ,he! he sa5 the carria e a!d all that he had se!t" his spirit re6i6ed a!d saidD It sufficeth to me if Joseph my so! yet li6e" I shall o a!d see him ere I die1 The! Israel 5e!t forth 5ith all that he had a!d came to the pit 5here tofore he had s5or! to God7 a!d sle5 there beasts to ma4e sacrifices to the God of Isaac his father1 +e heard God by a 6isio! that same !i ht sayi! to himD Jacob" Jacob" to 5hom he a!s5eredD I am here all ready1 God said to himD I am stro! est God of thy father Isaac" dread thee !ot" but desce!d do5! i!to E ypt1 I shall ma4e thee to ro5 there i!to reat people1 I shall desce!d 5ith thee thither" a!d I shall bri! thee a ai! 5he! thou retur!est1 Joseph soothly shall put his ha!ds upo! thi!e eyes1 Jacob the! arose o! the mor! early" a!d his so!s too4 him 5ith their childre! a!d 5i6es a!d set them o! the carria es that (haraoh had se!t to bri! him a!d all that he had i!to the la!d of Ca!aa!1 A!d so came i!to E ypt 5ith all his pro e!y" so!s a!d childre!" etc1












These be the !ames of the so!s of Israel that e!tered 5ith him i!to E ypt1 The first be otte! 3eube! 5ith his childre! four1 Simeo! 5ith his se6e! so!s1 Le6i 5ith his three so!s1 Judah a!d his so!s three1 Issachar a!d his four so!s1 Kebulo! a!d his so!s three1 These 5ere so!s of Leah that Jacob at i! -esopotamia" a!d Di!ah his dau hter1 All these so!s a!d dau hters 5ere thirty:three1 Gad also e!tered 5ith his childre! se6e!1 Asher 5ith his childre! fi6e a!d of his childre!>s childre! t5o1 These 5ere so!s of Kilpah" i! !umber si8tee!1 The so!s of 3achel 5ere Joseph a!d 9e!=ami!1 Joseph had t5o so!s i! the la!d of E ypt by his 5ife Ase!ath" -a!asseh a!d Ephraim1 The so!s of 9e!=ami! 5ere te!1 All these childre! that came of 3achel 5ere i! !umber fourtee!1 Da! e!tered 5ith o!e so!" a!d Naphtali 5ith four so!s1 These 5ere the childre! of 9ilhah7 they 5ere i! !umber se6e!1 All the souls that 5ere issued of his seed that e!tered i!to E ypt 5ith him" 5ithout the 5i6es of his so!s" 5ere si8ty:si81 The so!s of Joseph that 5ere bor! i! E ypt t5ai!1 Summa of all the souls of the house of Jacob that e!tered i!to E ypt 5ere i! all se6e!ty1 Jacob se!t the! tofore him Judah u!to Joseph" to sho5 to him his comi! 1 A!d he came to Joseph i! Goshe!" a!d a!o! Joseph asce!ded his chariot a!d 5e!t for to meet his father" a!d 5he! he sa5 him" he embraced him mee4ly a!d 5ept1 A!d his father recei6ed him =oyously a!d embraced also him1 The! said the father to JosephD No5 shall I die =oyously because I ha6e see! thy 6isa e1 The! said Joseph to his brethre! a!d to all the house of his fatherD I shall o a!d asce!d to (haraoh a!d shall say to him" that my brethre! a!d the house of my father that 5ere i! the la!d of Ca!aa! be come to me" a!d be me! 4eepi! sheep" a!d ca! the ma!!er 5ell for to 4eep the floc4s of sheep" a!d that they ha6e brou ht 5ith them their beasts" a!d all that e6er they had1 ,he! he shall call you a!d as4 you of 5hat occupatio! ye be" ye shall sayD ,e be shepherds" thy ser6a!ts" from our childhood u!to !o5" a!d our fathers also1 This shall ye say that ye may d5ell i! the la!d of Goshe!" for the E yptia!s ha6e spite u!to herdme! of sheep1 The! Joseph e!tered tofore (haraoh a!d said to himD -y father" my brethre!" their sheep a!d beasts be come from the la!d of Ca!aa!" a!d be i! the la!d of Goshe!1 A!d he brou ht fi6e of his brethre! tofore the 4i! " 5hom he dema!ded of 5hat occupatio! they 5ere of1 They a!s5eredD ,e be 4eepers of sheep" thy ser6a!ts" 5e a!d our fathers" 5e be come to d5ell i! thy la!d" for there is !o rass for the floc4s of sheep of us thy ser6a!ts" the fami!e is so reat i! the la!d of Ca!aa!1 ,e beseech thee that thou comma!d us thy ser6a!ts to d5ell i! the la!d of Goshe!1 The! said the 4i! to JosephD Thy father a!d thy brethre! be come to thee" the la!d of E ypt is at thy comma!dme!t" ma4e thou them to d5ell i! the best place" a!d deli6er to them the la!d of Goshe!1 A!d if thou 4!o5 them for co!!i! " ordai! they to be masters of my beasts1 After this Joseph brou ht his father i!" a!d made him sta!d tofore the 4i! 5hich blessed him" a!d 5as dema!ded of the 4i! ho5 old he 5as1 +e a!s5eredD The days of the pil rima e of my life be a! hu!dred a!d thirty years" small a!d e6il" a!d yet I am !ot come u!to the days of my fathers that they ha6e li6ed1 A!d he blessed the 4i! a!d 5e!t out1 The! Joseph a6e to his father a!d brethre! possessio! i! E ypt i! the best soil of 3ameses li4e as (haraoh had comma!ded" a!d there fed them" i6i! to each of them 6ictual1 I! all the 5orld 5as scarcity of bread" a!d hu! er a!d fami!e oppressed specially a!d most" the la!d of E ypt a!d the la!d of Ca!aa!1 Of 5hich la!ds Joseph at all the mo!ey for selli! of 5heat" a!d brou ht it i!to the 4i! >s treasury1 ,he! all people lac4ed mo!ey" all E ypt came to Joseph sayi! D Gi6e us bread" 5hy die 5e to the lac4i! mo!ey1 To 5hom he a!s5eredD 9ri! to me your beasts a!d I shall i6e you for them 6ictuals" if ye ha6e !o mo!eyD 5hich 5he! they brou ht" he a6e to them 6ictuals a!d food for horses" sheep" o8e! a!d asses" a!d sustai!ed them o!e year for cha! i! of their beasts1 The! came they a ai! the seco!d year a!d saidD ,e hide !ot from thee our lord that our mo!ey is failed a!d also our beasts be o!e" a!d there is !othi! left but our bodies a!d our la!d1 ,hy the! shall 5e die i! thy si htE A!d 5e oursel6es a!d also our la!d shall be thi!e" buy us i!to bo!dship a!d ser6itude of the 4i! " a!d i6e us seed to so5 lest the earth tur! i!to 5ilder!ess1 The! Joseph bou ht all the la!d of E ypt" e6ery ma! selli! his possessio!s for the 6eheme!t hu! er that they had1 +e subdued all u!to (haraoh" a!d all his people from the last terms of E ypt u!to the utterest e!ds of the same" e8cept the la!d lo! i! to the priests" 5hich 5as i6e! to them by the 4i! " to 5hom 5ere i6e! 6ictuals ope!ly out of all the bar!s a!d ar!ers" a!d therefore they 5ere !ot compelled to sell their possessio!s1 The! said Joseph to all the peoplesD Lo" !o5 ye see a!d 4!o5 that (haraoh o5eth a!d is i! possessio! of you a!d of your la!d1 Ta4e to you seed a!d so5 ye the fields that ye may ha6e fruit1 The fifth part thereof ye shall i6e to the 4i! a!d four parts I promise to you to so5" a!d for meat to your ser6a!ts a!d to your childre!1 ,hich a!s5eredD Our health is i! thi!e ha!d" let our lord o!ly behold us a!d 5e shall ladly ser6e the 4i! 1










'rom that time u!to this prese!t day" i! all the la!d of E ypt the fifth part is paid to the 4i! 7 a!d it is holde! for a la5" e8cept the la!d lo! i! to the priests 5hich is free from this co!ditio!1 The! Israel d5elled i! E ypt i! the la!d of Goshe!" a!d 5as i! possessio! thereof1 +e i!creased a!d multiplied reatly" a!d li6ed therei! se6e!tee! years1 A!d all the years of his life 5ere a! hu!dred a!d se6e! a!d forty years1 ,he! he u!derstood that the day of his death approached" he called to him his so! Joseph a!d said to himD If I may fi!d so much race i! thy si ht" do to me so much mercy as thou promise a!d s5ear that thou bury me !ot i! E ypt" but that I may rest 5ith my fathers" a!d ta4e a!d carry me from this la!d" a!d lay me i! the sepulchre of my forefathers1 To 5hom Joseph a!s5eredD I shall do that thou hast comma!ded1 The! said heD S5ear to me" a!d so he s5ore1 A!d the! Israel adored a!d 5orshipped our Lord" a!d tur!ed him to5ards his bed>s head1 The! this do!e" a!o! after it 5as told to Joseph that his father 5as sic4 a!d feeble7 5ho a!o! too4 his so!s -a!asseh a!d Ephraim a!d came to his father1 A!o! it 5as told to the fatherD Lo thy so! Joseph cometh to thee" 5hich the! 5as comforted" a!d sat up i! his bed1 A!d Joseph e!tered i!" a!d Jacob saidD Almi hty God appeared to me i! LuH 5hich is i! the la!d of Ca!aa!" a!d he blessed me a!d saidD I shall i!crease thee a!d multiply thee i!to tourbes of peoples" I shall i6e to thee this la!d a!d to thy seed after thee i! sempiter!al possessio!" therefore thy t5o so!s that be bor! to thee i! this la!d of E ypt tofore I came hither to thee" shall be my so!s Ephraim a!d -a!asseh" they shall be reputed to me as Simeo! a!d 3eube!1 The other that thou shalt et after them shall be thi!e" a!d shall be called i! the !ame of their brethre! i! their possessio!s1 The! he" seei! Joseph>s so!s" said to himD ,ho be these childre!E Joseph a!s5eredD They be my so!s 5hich God hath i6e! to me i! this place1 9ri! them hither" said he" to me that I may bless them1 Israel>s eyes 5ere dimmed a!d mi ht !ot see clearly for reat a e1 +e too4 them to him a!d 4issed them a!d said to JosephD I am !ot defrauded from the si ht of thee" a!d furthermore God hath sho5ed to me thy seed1 The! 5he! Joseph too4 them from his father>s lap" he 5orshipped him 4!eeli! lo5 to the earth" a!d set Ephraim o! his ri ht side" a!d o! the left side of Israel" a!d -a!asseh o! the ri ht side of his father Israel" 5hich too4 his ri ht ha!d a!d laid it o! the head of Ephraim the you! er brother" a!d his left ha!d o! the head of -a!asseh 5hich 5as first bor!1 The! Jacob blessed the so!s of Joseph a!d saidD God" i! 5hose si ht 5al4ed my fathers Abraham a!d Isaac" God that hath fed me from my youth u!to this prese!t day" the a! el that hath 4ept me from all e6il bless these childre!" a!d my !ame be called o! them" a!d the !ames of my fathers Abraham a!d Isaac" a!d ro5 they i!to multitude upo! earth1 The! Joseph seei! that his father set his ri ht ha!d upo! the head of Ephraim the you! er brother too4 it hea6ily" a!d too4 his father>s ha!d a!d 5ould ha6e laid it o! the head of -a!asseh" a!d said to his fatherD Nay father" it is !ot co!6e!ie!t" that ye do" this is the first be otte! so!" set thy ri ht ha!d o! his head1 ,hich re!ied that a!d 5ould !ot do so" but saidD I 5ot" my so!" I 5ot 5hat I do" a!d this so! shall i!crease i!to peoples a!d multiply" but his you! er brother shall be reater tha! he" a!d his seed shall ro5 i!to e!tiles" a!d blessed them" sayi! that same timeD I! thee shall be blessed Israel" a!d shall be saidD God ma4e thee li4e to Ephraim a!d -a!asseh1 A!d he said to Joseph his so!D LoI !o5 I die a!d God shall be 5ith you" a!d shall reduce a!d bri! you a ai! i!to the la!d of your fathers7 a!d I i6e to thee o!e part abo6e thy brethre!" 5hich I at a!d 5o! from the ha!d of the Amorite 5ith my s5ord a!d my bo51 The! Jacob called his so!s tofore him a!d said to themD Gather ye alto ether tofore me" that I may sho5 to you thi! s that be to come" a!d hear your father Israel1 A!d there he told to each of them his co!ditio! si! ularly1 A!d 5he! he had blessed his t5el6e so!s he comma!ded them to bury him 5ith his fathers i! a double spelu!4e 5hich is i! the field of Ephro! the +ittite a ai!st -amre i! the la!d of Ca!aa! 5hich Abraham bou ht1 A!d this said he athered to him his feet a!d died1 ,hich a!o! as Joseph sa5" he fell o! his 6isa e a!d 4issed him1 +e comma!ded to his masters of physic a!d medici!es" 5hich 5ere his ser6a!ts" that they should embalm the body of his father 5ith s5eet spices aromatic7 5hich 5as all do!e" a!d the! 5e!t they sorro5i! him forty days1 The E yptia!s 5ailed him se6e!ty days" a!d 5he! the 5aili! 5as past" Joseph did say to (haraoh ho5 he had s5or! a!d promised to bury him i! the la!d of Ca!aa!1 To 5hom (haraoh saidD Go a!d bury thy father li4e as thou hast s5or!1 ,hich the! too4 his father>s body a!d 5e!t" a!d 5ith him 5ere accompa!ied all the a ed me! of (haraoh>s house" a!d the !oblest me! of birth of all the la!d of E ypt" the house of Joseph 5ith his brethre!" 5ithout the you! childre!" floc4s a!d beasts" 5hich they left i! the la!d of Goshe!1 +e had i! his fello5ship chariots" carts a!d horseme!" a!d 5as a reat tourbe a!d compa!y" a!d came o6er Jorda! 5here as they hallo5ed the e8e<uies by reat 5aili! se6e! days lo! 1 A!d 5he! they of the cou!try sa5 this plai!t a!d sorro5i! they saidD This is a reat sorro5 to the E yptia!s1 A!d that same place is !amed yet the be5aili! of E ypt1 The childre! of Israel did as they















5ere comma!ded" a!d bare him i!to the la!d of Ca!aa!" a!d buried him i! the double spelu!4e 5hich Abraham had bou ht1 The! 5he! Jacob the father 5as buried" Joseph 5ith all his fello5ship retur!ed i!to E ypt1 The! his brethre! after the death of their father spa4e to ether pri6ily" a!d dreadi! that Joseph 5ould a6e! e the 5ro! a!d e6il that they had do!e to him" came to him a!d saidD Thy father comme!ded us ere he died that 5e should say thus to thee7 ,e pray thee that thou 5ilt for et" a!d !ot remember the si! a!d trespass of thy brethre!" !e the malice that they e8ecuted i! thee1 ,e beseech thee that thou 5ilt for i6e to thy father" ser6a!t of God" this 5ic4ed!ess1 ,hich 5he! Joseph heard he 5ept bitterly" a!d his brethre! came to him 4!eeli! lo5 to the rou!d a!d 5orshipped him" a!d said" ,e be thy ser6a!ts1 To 5hom he a!s5eredD 9e ye !othi! afeard !e dread you !ot" 5ee! ye that ye may resist God>s 5illE ;e thou ht to ha6e do!e to me e6il" but God hath tur!ed it i!to ood" a!d hath e8alted me as ye see a!d 4!o5" that he should sa6e much people1 9e ye !othi! afeard" I shall feed you a!d your childre!1 A!d comforted them 5ith fair 5ords" a!d spa4e frie!dly a!d =oyously to them1 A!d he abode a!d d5elled still i! E ypt 5ith all the house of his father" a!d li6ed a! hu!dred a!d te! years" a!d sa5 the so!s of Ephraim i! to the third e!eratio!1 After these thi! s he said to his brethre!D After my death" God shall 6isit you a!d shall do you depart from this la!d u!to the la!d that he promised to Abraham" Isaac" a!d Jacob1 ,he! that time shall come" ta4e my bo!es a!d lead them 5ith you from this place" a!d the! died1 ,hose body 5as embalmed 5ith s5eet spices a!d aromatics a!d laid i! a chest i! E ypt1 Here #e+t followeth the hi tory of Mo e . whi$h i read i# the !hur$h o# Mid1le#t *u#day2

These be the !ames of the childre! of Israel that e!tered i!to E ypt 5ith Jacob" a!d each e!tered 5ith their household a!d mei!y1 3eube!" Simeo!" Le6i" Judah" Issachar" Kebulo!" 9e!=ami!" Da!" Naphtali" Gad" a!d Asher7 they 5ere all i! !umber that e!tered se6e!ty1 Joseph 5as tofore i! E ypt1 A!d 5he! he 5as dead a!d all his brethre! a!d 4i!dred" the childre! of Israel re5 a!d multiplied reatly" a!d filled the earth1 The! 5as there a !e5 4i! upo! E ypt 5hich 4!e5 !othi! of Joseph" a!d said to his peopleD LoI a!d see the people of Israel is reat" a!d stro! er tha! 5e be" come a!d let us 5isely oppress them" lest they multiply a!d i6e us battle a!d fi ht 5ith us a!d dri6e us out of our la!d1 The! he ordai!ed pro6osts a!d masters o6er them to set them a5or4 a!d put them to afflictio! of burde!s1 They builded to (haraoh t5o to5!s" (ithom a!d 3aamses1 +o5 much more they oppressed them" so much the more they i!creased a!d multiplied1 The E yptia!s hated the childre! of Israel a!d put them to afflictio!" scor!i! a!d ha6i! e!6y at them" a!d oppressed bitterly their life 5ith hard a!d sore labours of tile a!d clay" a!d rie6ed all them i! such 5or4s1 The 4i! of E ypt said to the mid5i6es of the +ebre5s" of 5hom that o!e 5as called Shiphrah" a!d that other (uah" a!d comma!dedD ,he! so is that the time of birth is" a!d that ye shall do your office i! helpi! i! the birth of childre!" if it be a ma!child slay him" if it be a maid: child 4eep it a!d let it li6e1 The mid5i6es dreaded God" a!d did !ot as the 4i! comma!ded them" but reser6ed a!d 4ept the me!:childre!1 'or 5hom the 4i! se!t a!d saidD ,hat is the cause that ye reser6ed a!d 4ept the me!:childre!E They a!s5eredD There be of the +ebre5s 5ome! that ca! the craft of mid5i6es as 5ell as 5e" a!d ere 5e come the childre! be bor!1 God did 5ell therefore u!to the mid5i6es" a!d the people re5 a!d 5ere reatly comforted1 A!d because the mid5i6es dreaded God they edified to them houses1 The! (haraoh comma!ded to his people sayi! D ,hatsome6er is bor! of males cast ye i!to the ri6er" a!d 5hat of 5ome! 4eep ye them a!d let ye them li6e1 After this 5as a ma! of the house of Le6i 5e!t out a!d too4 a 5ife of his 4i!dred" 5hich co!cei6ed a!d brou ht forth a so!" a!d he sa5 him ele a!t a!d fair" a!d hid him three mo!ths" a!d 5he! he mi ht !o lo! er hide him" too4 a little crib of rushes a!d 5ic4ers a!d pitched it 5ith lue a!d pitch" a!d put therei! the child" a!d set it o! the ri6er" a!d let it dri6e do5! i! the stream" a!d the sister of the child sta!di! afar" co!sideri! 5hat should fall thereof1 A!d it happed that same time" the dau hter of 4i! (haraoh desce!ded do5! to the ri6er for to 5ash her i! the 5ater" a!d her maide!s 5e!t by the bri!4" 5hich the!" 5he! she sa5 the little crib or fiscelle she se!t o!e of her maide!s to fetch a!d ta4e it up" 5hich so fetched a!d brou ht to her" a!d she sa5 therei! Iyi! a fair child7 a!d she ha6i! pity o! it saidD This is o!e of the childre! of the +ebre5s1 To 5hom a!o! spa4e the sister of the childD ,ilt thou" said she" that I o a!d call thee a 5oma! of the +ebre5s that shall a!d may !ourish this childE She a!s5eredD Go thy 5ay1 The maid 5e!t a!d called his mother" to 5hom (haraoh>s dau hter saidD Ta4e this child a!d !ourish him to me" a!d I shall i6e to thee thy meed a!d re5ard1 The mother too4 her child a!d !ourished it" a!d 5he! it 5as 5ea!ed a!d could o she deli6ered it to the dau hter of 4i! (haraoh" 5hom she recei6ed a!d adopted i!stead of a so! a!d !amed him -oses" sayi! that I too4 him out of the 5ater1 A!d he there re5 a!d 5a8ed a pretty child1 A!d as Josephus" A!ti<uitatum" saithD This dau hter of (haraoh" 5hich









5as !amed Termuthe" lo6ed 5ell -oses a!d reputed him as her so! by adoptio!" a!d o! a day brou ht him to her father" 5ho for his beauty too4 him i! his arms a!d made much of him" a!d set his diadem o! his head" 5herei! 5as his idol1 A!d -oses a!o! too4 it" a!d cast it u!der his feet a!d trod o! it" 5herefore the 4i! 5as 5roth" a!d dema!ded of the reat doctors a!d ma icia!s 5hat should fall of this child1 A!d they 4al4ed o! his !ati6ity a!d saidD This is he that shall destroy thy rei ! a!d put it u!der foot" a!d shall rule a!d o6er! the +ebre5s1 ,herefore the 4i! a!o! decreed that he should be put to death1 9ut others said that -oses did it of childhood a!d ou ht !ot to die therefore" a!d cou!selled to ma4e thereof a proof" a!d so they did1 They set tofore him a platter full of coals bur!i! " a!d a platter full of cherries" a!d bade him eat" a!d he too4 a!d put the hot coals i! his mouth a!d bur!ed his to! ue" 5hich letted his speech e6er after7 a!d thus he escaped the death1 Josephus saith that 5he! (haraoh 5ould ha6e slai! him" Termuthe" his dau hter" pluc4ed him a5ay a!d sa6ed him1 The! o! a time as -oses 5as full ro5!" he 5e!t to his brethre!" a!d sa5 the afflictio! of them a!d a ma! of E ypt smiti! o!e of the +ebre5s" his brethre!1 A!d he loo4ed hither a!d thither a!d sa5 !o ma!1 +e smote the E yptia! a!d sle5 him a!d hid him i! the sa!d1 A!d a!other day he 5e!t out a!d fou!d t5o of the +ebre5s bra5li! a!d fi hti! to ether7 the! he said to him that did 5ro! D ,hy smitest thou thy !ei hbourE 5hich a!s5eredD ,ho hath ordai!ed thee pri!ce a!d =ud e upo! usE 5ilt thou slay me as thou sle5est that other day a! E yptia!E -oses 5as afeard a!d said to himselfD +o5 is this deed 4!o5! a!d made ope!E (haraoh heard hereof a!d sou ht -oses for to slay him" 5hich the! fled from his si ht a!d d5elled i! the la!d of -idia!" a!d sat there by a pit side1 The priest of -idia! had se6e! dau hters 5hich came thither for to dra5 5ater" a!d to fill the 6essels for to i6e dri!4 to the floc4s of the sheep of their father1 The! came o! them the herdme! a!d put them from it1 The! rose -oses a!d defe!ded the maide!s a!d let them 5ater their sheep" 5hich the! retur!ed to their father Jethro1 A!d he said to themD ,hy come ye !o5 earlier tha! ye 5ere 5o!t to doE They said that a ma! of E ypt hath deli6ered us from the ha!d of the herdme!" a!d also he dre5 5ater for us a!d a6e to the sheep dri!41 ,here is he" said he" 5hy left ye the ma! after you> o call him that he may eat some bread 5ith us1 The! -oses s5are that he 5ould d5ell 5ith him1 A!d he too4 Kipporah o!e of his dau hters a!d 5edded her to his 5ife" 5hich co!cei6ed a!d bare him a so! 5hom he called Gershom" sayi! D I 5as a stra! er i! a stra! e la!d1 She brou ht to him forth a!other so! 5hom he !amed EleaHar" sayi! D The God of my father is my helper a!d hath 4ept me from the ha!d of (haraoh1 Lo! time after this died the 4i! of E ypt" a!d the childre! of Israel" 5aili! " made reat sorro5 for the oppressio! of their labour" a!d cried u!to God for help1 Their cry came u!to God of their 5or4s" a!d God heard their 5aili! " a!d remembered the promise he made 5ith Abraham" Isaac" a!d Jacob" a!d our Lord beheld the childre! of Israel a!d 4!e5 them1 -oses fed the sheep of Jethro his 5ife>s father1 ,he! he had brou ht the sheep i!to the i!!ermost part of the desert he came u!to the mou!t of God" Oreb1 Our Lord appeared to him i! flame of fire i! the midst of a bush" a!d he sa5 the fire i! the bush" a!d the bush bur!ed !ot1 The! said -oses" I shall o a!d see this reat 6isio! 5hy the bush bur!eth !ot1 Our Lord the! beholdi! that he 5e!t for to see it" called him" bei! i! the bush" a!d saidD -oses" -oses" 5hich a!s5eredD I am here1 The! said our LordD Approach !o !earer hither5ard1 Ta4e off thy shoo! from thy feet" the place that thou sta!dest o! is holy rou!d1 A!d said alsoD I am God of thy fathers" God of Abraham" a!d God of Isaac" a!d God of Jacob1 -oses the! hid his face" a!d durst !ot loo4 to5ard God1 To 5hom God saidD I ha6e see! the afflictio! of my people i! E ypt" a!d I ha6e heard their cry of the hard!ess that they suffer i! their 5or4s" a!d I 4!o5i! the sorro5 of them am desce!ded to deli6er them from the ha!d of the E yptia!s" a!d shall lead them from this la!d i!to a ood la!d a!d spacious" i!to a la!d that flo5eth mil4 a!d ho!ey" u!to the places of Ca!aa!ites" +ittites" Amorites" (eriHHites" +i6ites a!d Jebusites1 The cry of the childre! of Israel is come to me" I ha6e see! their afflictio!" ho5 they be oppressed of the E yptia!s1 9ut come to me a!d I shall se!d thee u!to (haraoh that thou shalt lead the childre! of Israel out of E ypt1 The! -oses said to himD ,ho am I that shall o to (haraoh a!d lead the childre! out of E yptE To 5hom God saidD I shall be 5ith thee" a!d this shall be the si ! that I se!d thee1 ,he! thou shalt ha6e led out my people of E ypt" thou shalt offer to God upo! this hill1 -oses said u!to GodD LoI if I o to the childre! of Israel a!d say to themD God of your fathers hath se!t me to you7 if they say ,hat is his !ameE 5hat shall I sayE Our Lord said to -osesD E o sum <ui sum1 I am that I am1 +e saidD Thus shalt thou say to the childre! of IsraelD +e that is" se!t me to you" a!d yet shalt thou say to themD The Lord God of your fathers" God of Abraham"


















God of Isaac" a!d God of Jacob" hath appeared to me sayi! D This is my !ame for e6ermore" a!d this is my memorial from e!eratio! to e!eratio!1 Go a!d ather to ether the se!iors a!d a ed me! of Israel" a!d say to themD The Lord God of your fathers hath appeared to me" God of Abraham" God of Isaac" a!d God of Jacob" sayi! D Visiti! I ha6e 6isited you" a!d ha6e see! all that is falle! i! E ypt" a!d I shall lead you out of the afflictio! of E ypt i!to the la!d of Ca!aa!" Ethei" etc" u!to the Ia!d flo5i! mil4 a!d ho!ey" a!d they shall hear thy 6oice1 Thou shalt o a!d ta4e 5ith thee the se!iors of Israel to the 4i! of E ypt" a!d shalt say to himD The Lord God of the +ebre5s hath called us7 5e shall o the =our!ey of three days i! 5ilder!ess that 5e may offer to our Lord God1 9ut I 4!o5 5ell that the 4i! of E ypt shall !ot suffer you to o but by stro! ha!d1 I shall stretch out my ha!d a!d shall smite E ypt i! all my mar6els that I shall do amid amo! them1 After that he shall let you o1 I shall the! i6e my race to this people tofore the E yptia!s" a!d 5he! ye shall o out ye shall !ot depart 6oid" !or 5ith !ou ht" but e6ery 5oma! shall borro5 of her !ei hbour" a!d of her hostess" 6essels of sil6er a!d of old" a!d clothes" a!d them shall ye lay o! your so!s" a!d o! your dau hters" a!d ye shall rob E ypt1 The! -oses a!s5ered a!d saidD They shall !ot belie6e me !e hear my 6oice" but shall sayD God hath !ot appeared to thee1 God said the! to himD ,hat is that thou holdest i! thi!e ha!dE +e a!s5eredD A rod1 Our Lord saidD Cast it o! the rou!d1 +e thre5 it do5! a!d it tur!ed i!to a serpe!t" 5hereof -oses 5as afeard a!d 5ould ha6e fled1 Our Lord said to himD (ut forth thy ha!d a!d hold him by the tail7 he stretched forth hie ha!d a!d held him" a!d it tur!ed a ai! i!to a rod1 To this" that they belie6e thee" that I ha6e appeared to thee1 A!d yet our Lord said to himD (ut thy ha!d i!to thy bosom" 5hich" 5he! he hath put i!" a!d dra5! out a ai!" it 5as li4e a leper>s ha!d1 Our Lord bade him to 5ithdra5 it i!to his bosom a ai!" a!d he dre5 it out a!d it 5as the! li4e that other flesh1 If they hear !ot thee" a!d belie6e by the first si ! a!d to4e!" they shall belie6e thee by the seco!d1 If they belie6e !o!e of the t5o !e hear thy 6oice" the! ta4e 5ater of the ri6er a!d pour o! the dry rou!d" a!d 5hatsoe6er thou ta4est a!d dra5est shall tur! i!to blood1 The! -oses saidD I pray the Lord se!d some other" for I am !ot elo<ue!t" but ha6e a letti! i! my speech1 Our Lord said to himD ,ho made the mouth of a ma!" or 5ho hath made a ma! dumb or deaf" seei! or bli!d" !ot IE Go" therefore" I shall be i! thy mouth a!d shall teach thee 5hat thou shalt say1 The! said -osesD I beseech thee Lord" said he" se!d some other 5hom thou 5ilt1 Our Lord 5as 5roth o! -oses a!d saidD Aaro! thy brother deaco!" I 4!o5 that he is elo<ue!t" loI he shall come a!d meet 5ith thee" a!d seei! thee he shall be lad i! his heart1 Spea4 thou to him a!d put my 5ords i! his mouth" a!d I shall be i! thy mouth a!d i! his mouth" a!d I shall sho5 to you 5hat ye ou ht to do" a!d he shall spea4 for the people" a!d shall be thy mouth" a!d thou shalt be i! such thi! s as pertai! to God1 Ta4e 5ith thee this rod i! thi!e hard" by 5hich thou shalt do si !s a!d mar6els1 The! -oses 5e!t to Jethro his 5ife>s father" a!d said to him" I shall o a!d retur! to my brethre! i!to E ypt" a!d see if they yet li6e1 To 5hom Jethro saidD Go i! God>s !ame a!d place1 The! said our Lord to -osesD Go a!d retur! i!to E ypt" all they be !o5 dead that sou ht for to slay thee1 The! -oses too4 his 5ife a!d his so!s a!d set them upo! a! ass a!d retur!ed i! to E ypt" beari! the rod of God i! his ha!d1 The! our Lord said to Aaro!D Go a ai!st -oses a!d meet 5ith him i! desert7 5hich 5e!t for to meet 5ith him u!to the mou!t of God" a!d there 4issed him1 A!d -oses told u!to Aaro! all that our Lord had said to him for 5hich he se!t him" a!d all the to4e!s a!d si !s that he bade him do1 They came both to ether a!d athered a!d assembled all the se!iors a!d a ed me! of the childre! of Israel1 A!d Aaro! told to them all that God had said to -oses" a!d made the si !s a!d to4e!s tofore the people a!d the people belie6ed it1 They heard 5ell that our Lord had 6isited the childre! of Israel" a!d that he had beholde! the afflictio! of them" 5herefore they fell do5! lo5 to the rou!d a!d 5orshipped our Lord1 After this -oses a!d Aaro! 5e!t u!to (haraoh a!d saidD This saith the Lord God of IsraelD Suffer my people to depart that they may sacrifice to me i! desert1 The! said (haraohD ,ho is that Lord that I may hear his 6oice a!d lea6e IsraelE I 4!o5 !ot that Lord" !or I 5ill !ot lea6e Israel1 They said to himD God of the +ebre5s hath called us that 5e o the =our!ey of three days i! the 5ilder!ess a!d sacrifice u!to our Lord God" lest perad6e!ture pestile!ce or 5ar fall to us1 The 4i! of E ypt said to themD ,hy solicit ye" -oses a!d Aaro!" the people from their 5or4s a!d labourE Go ye u!to your 5or41 (haraoh also saidD The people is much" see ho5 they ro5 a!d multiply" a!d yet much more shall do if they rested from their labour1 Therefore he comma!ded the same day to the prefects a!d masters of their 5or4s sayi! D I! !o 5ise i6e !o more chaff to the people for to ma4e loam a!d clay" but let them o a!d ather stubble" a!d ma4e them to do as much labour as they did tofore" a!d lesse! it !othi! 1 They do !o5 but cryD Let us o a!d ma4e sacrifice to our God" let them be oppressed by labour a!d e8ercised that they atte!d !ot to leasi! s1 The! the prefects a!d masters of their 5or4 said to them that (haraoh had comma!ded to i6e






them !o chaff" but they should o a!d ather such as they mi ht fi!d" a!d that their 5or4 should !ot therefore be mi!ished1 The! the childre! 5ere disperpled for to ather chaff" a!d their masters a5aited o! them a!d bade themD -a4e a! e!d of your 5or4 as ye 5ere 5o!t to do 5he! that chaff 5as deli6ered to you1 A!d thus they 5ere put to more afflictio!" a!d 5ould ma4e them to ma4e as ma!y tiles as they The did tofore1 The! the upperest of the childre! of Israel came to (haraoh a!d complai!ed sayi! D ,hy puttest thou thy ser6a!ts to such afflictio!E +e said to themD ;e be so idle that ye say ye 5ill o a!d sacrifice to your God7 ye shall ha6e !o chaff i6e! to you" yet ye shall 5or4 your customable 5or4 a!d ather your chaff also1 The! the eldest a!d the upperest amo! the +ebre5s 5e!t to -oses a!d Aaro! a!d saidD ,hat ha6e ye do!e E ye ha6e so do!e that ye ha6e made our odour to sti!4 i! the si ht of (haraoh" a!d ha6e e!coura ed him to slay us1 The! -oses cou!selled 5ith our Lord ho5 he should do" a!d saidD Lord" 5hy hast thou se!t me hitherE 'or" sith I ha6e spo4e! to (haraoh i! thy !ame" he hath put thy people to more afflictio! tha! they tofore" a!d thou hast !ot deli6ered them1 Our Lord said to -osesD No5 thou shalt see 5hat I shall do to (haraoh1 9y stro! ha!d he shall let you o" a!d i! a boistous he shall cast you from his la!d1 ;et said our Lord to -osesD I am the Lord God that appeared to Abraham" Isaac" a!d Jacob i! my mi ht" a!d my !ame is Ado!ai" I sho5ed to them !ot that1 I promised a!d made co6e!a!t 5ith them that I should i6e to them the la!d of Ca!aa! i! 5hich they d5elled1 I !o5 ha6e heard the 5aili! a!d the tribulatio!s that the E yptia!s oppress them 5ith" for 5hich I shall deli6er a!d bri! them from the ser6itude of the E yptia!s1 -oses told all these thi! s to the childre! of Israel" a!d they belie6ed him !ot for the a! uish of their spirits that they 5ere i!" a!d hard labour1 The! said our Lord to -osesD Go a!d e!ter i! to (haraoh a!d bid him deli6er my people of Israel out of his la!d1 -oses a!s5eredD +o5 should (haraoh hear me 5he! the childre! of Israel belie6e me !otE The! our Lord said to -oses a!d Aaro! that they both should o to (haraoh a!d i6e him i! comma!dme!t to let the childre! of Israel to depart1 A!d he said to -osesD LoI I ha6e ordai!ed thee to be God of (haraoh" a!d Aaro! thy brother shall be thy prophet1 Thou shalt say to him all that I say to thee" a!d he shall say to (haraoh that he suffer the childre! of Israel to depart from his la!d1 9ut I shall e!hard his heart" a!d shall multiply my si !s a!d to4e!s i! the la!d of E ypt" a!d he shall !ot hear !e belie6e you1 A!d I shall lead the childre! of Israel my people1 A!d shall sho5 mi!e ha!d" a!d such 5o!ders o! E ypt" that E yptia!s shall 4!o5 that I am the Lord1 -oses a!d Aaro! did as our Lord comma!ded them1 -oses 5as ei hty years old 5he! he came a!d stood tofore (haraoh" a!d Aaro! ei hty:three years 5he! they spa4e to (haraoh1 The! 5he! they 5ere tofore (haraoh" Aaro! cast the rod do5! tofore (haraoh" a!d a!o! the rod tur!ed i!to a serpe!t1 The! (haraoh called his ma icia!s a!d =u lers a!d bade them do the same1 A!d they made their 5itchcraft a!d i!6ocatio!s a!d cast do5! their rods" 5hich tur!ed i! li4e5ise i!to serpe!ts" but the rod of Aaro! de6oured their rods1 ;et 5as the heart of (haraoh hard a!d so i!durate that he 5ould !ot do as God bade1 The! said our Lord to -osesD The heart of (haraoh is rie6ed a!d 5ill !ot deli6er my people1 Go to him to:mor! i! the mor!i! a!d he shall come out" a!d thou halt sta!d 5he! he cometh o! the ba!4 of the ri6er" a!d ta4e i! thi!e ha!d the rod that 5as tur!ed i!to the serpe!t" a!d say to himD The Lord God of the +ebre5s se!deth me to thee sayi! D Deli6er my people that they may offer a!d ma4e sacrifice to me i! desert" yet thou hast !o 5ill to hear me1 Therefore our Lord saidD I! this shalt thou 4!o5 that I am the LordD LoI I shall smite 5ith the rod that is i! my ha!d the 5ater of the flood" a!d it shall tur! i!to blood7 the fishes that be i! the 5ater shall die" a!d the E yptia!s shall be put to afflictio! dri!4i! of it1 The! said our Lord to -osesD Say thou to Aaro!D Ta4e this rod a!d stretch thi!e ha!d upo! all the 5aters of E ypt" upo! the floods" ri6ers" po!ds" a!d upo! all the la4es 5here a!y 5ater is" i! that they tur! to blood" that it may be a 6e! ea!ce i! all the la!d of E ypt" as 5ell i! tree! 6essels as i! 6essels of earth a!d sto!e1 -oses a!d Aaro! did as God had comma!ded them" a!d smote the flood 5ith the rod tofore (haraoh a!d his ser6a!ts" 5hich tur!ed i!to blood" a!d the fishes that 5ere i! the ri6er died" a!d the 5ater 5as corrupt1 A!d the E yptia!s mi ht !ot dri!4 the 5ater" a!d all the 5ater of E ypt 5as tur!ed i!to blood1 A!d i! li4e5ise did the e!cha!ters 5ith their 5itchcraft" a!d the heart of (haraoh 5as so i!durate that he 5ould !ot let the people depart as our Lord had comma!ded" but he retur!ed home for this time1 The E yptia!s 5e!t a!d dol6e! pits for 5ater all about by the ri6er" a!d they fou!d !o 5ater to dri!4 but all 5as blood1 A!d this pla ue e!dured se6e! days" a!d 5hatsome6er 5ater the childre! of Israel too4 i! this 5hile 5as fair a!d ood 5ater1 This 5as the first pla ue a!d 6e! ea!ce1 The seco!d 5as that God se!t fro s so ma!y" that all the la!d 5as full" the ri6ers" the houses" chambers" beds" that they 5ere 5oebe o!e" a!d these fro s e!tered i!to their meat1 so ma!y that they co6ered all the la!d of E ypt1 The! (haraoh prayed -oses a!d Aaro! that God 5ould ta4e a5ay these fro s" a!d that he 5ould

















o suffer the people to do sacrifice7 a!d the! -oses as4ed 5he! he 5ould deli6er them if the fro s 5ere 6oided" a!d (haraoh saidD I! the mor!1 A!d the! -oses prayed" a!d they 6oided all1 A!d 5he! (haraoh sa5 that he 5as <uit of them" he 4ept !ot his promise a!d 5ould !ot let them depart1 The third 6e! ea!ce that God se!t to them 5as a reat multitude of hu! ry horse:flies" as ma!y as the dust of the earth" 5hich 5ere o! me!" a!d bit them a!d beasts1 A!d the! e!cha!ters said the! to (haraohD This is the fi! er of God1 ;et 5ould !ot (haraoh let them depart1 The fourth 6e! ea!ce 5as that God se!t all ma!!er 4i!d of flies a!d lice i! such 5ise that the u!i6ersal la!d of E ypt 5as full of all ma!!er flies a!d lice" but i! the la!d of Goshe! 5ere !o!e1 ;et 5as he so i!durate that he 5ould !ot let them o" but 5ould that they should ma4e their sacrifice to God i! that la!d1 9ut -oses 5ould !ot so" but 5ould o three days> =our!ey i! desert" a!d sacrifice to God there1 (haraoh saidD I 5ill that ye o i!to desert" but !ot far" a!d come soo! a ai!" a!d pray ye for me1 A!d -oses prayed for him to our Lord" a!d the flies 6oided that there 5as !ot o!e left1 A!d 5he! they 5ere o!e (haraoh 5ould !ot 4eep his promise1 The! the fifth pla ue 5as that God sho5ed his ha!d upo! the fields a!d upo! the horses> asses" camels" sheep a!d o8e!" a!d 5as a reat pestile!ce o! all the beasts1 A!d God sho5ed a 5o!der miracle bet5ee! the possessio!s of the E yptia!s a!d the possessio!s of his people of Israel" for of the beasts of the childre! of Israel there 5as !ot o!e that perished1 ;et 5as (haraoh so hard:hearted that he 5ould !ot suffer the people to depart1 The si8th pla ue 5as that -oses too4 ashes out of the chim!ey a!d cast o! the la!d1 A!d a!o! all the people of E ypt" as 5ell me! as beasts 5ere full of botches" boils" a!d blai!s a!d 5ou!ds" a!d s5elli! s i! their bladders" i! such 5ise that the e!cha!ters could !e mi ht !ot sta!d for pai! tofore (haraoh1 ;et 5ould !ot (haraoh hear them" !or do as God had comma!ded1 The se6e!th pla ue 5as a hail so reat that there 5as !e6er !o!e li4e tofore" a!d thu!der a!d fire that it destroyed all the rass a!d herbs of E ypt a!d smote do5! all that 5as i! the field" me! a!d beasts1 9ut i! the la!d of Goshe! 5as !o!e heard" !e harm do!e1 ;et 5ould !ot (haraoh deli6er them1 The ei hth our Lord se!t to them locusts" 5hich is a ma!!er reat fly" called i! some place a! adder:bolte" 5hich bit them a!d ate up all the cor! a!d herbs that 5as left" i! such 5ise that the people came to (haraoh a!d desired him to deli6er" sayi! that the la!d perished1 The! (haraoh a6e to the me! lice!ce to o a!d ma4e their sacrifice" a!d lea6e their 5i6es a!d childre! there still" till they came a ai!" but -oses a!d Aaro! said they must o all" 5herefore he 5ould !ot let them depart1 The !i!th pla ue a!d 6e! ea!ce 5as that God se!t so reat dar4!ess upo! all the la!d of E ypt that the dar4!ess 5as so reat a!d horrible that they 5ere palpable" a!d it e!dured three days a!d three !i hts1 ,heresoe6er the childre! of Israel 5e!t it 5as li ht1 The! (haraoh called -oses a!d Aaro! a!d said to themD Go ye a!d ma4e your sacrifice u!to your Lord God" a!d let your sheep a!d beasts o!ly abide1 To 5hom -oses saidD ,e shall ta4e 5ith us such hosties a!d sacrifices as 5e shall offer to our Lord God1 All our floc4s a!d beasts shall o 5ith us" there shall !ot remai! as much as a !ail that shall be !ecessary i! the ho!our of our Lord God" for 5e 4!o5 !ot 5hat 5e shall offer till 5e come to the place1 (haraoh 5as so i!durate a!d hard:hearted that he 5ould !ot let them o" a!d bade -oses that he should !o more come i! his si ht1 'or 5he! thou comest thou shalt die1 -oses a!s5eredD 9e it as thou hast saidD I shall !o more come to thy prese!ce1 A!d the! our Lord said to -osesD There resteth !o5 but o!e pla ue a!d 6e! ea!ce" a!d after that he shall let you o1 9ut first say to all the people that e6ery ma! borro5 of his frie!d" a!d 5oma! of her !ei hbour" 6essels of old a!d sil6er" a!d clothes7 our Lord shall i6e to his people race a!d fa6our to borro5 of the E yptia!s7 a!d the! a6e to them a comma!dme!t ho5 they should depart1 A!d our Lord said to -osesD At mid!i ht I shall e!ter i!to E ypt a!d the first be otte! child a!d heir of all E ypt shall die" from the first be otte! so! of (haraoh that sitteth i! his thro!e u!to the first be otte! so! of the ha!dmaid that sitteth at the mill" a!d all the first:be otte! of the beasts1 There shall be a reat cry a!d clamour i! all the la!d of E ypt i! such 5ise that there 5as !e6er !o!e li4e" !e !e6er shall be after" a!d amo! all the childre! there shall !ot a! hou!d be hurt" !e 5oma!" !e beast" 5hereby ye shall 4!o5 by 5hat miracle God di6ideth the E yptia! a!d Israel1 -oses a!d Aaro! sho5ed all these si !s a!d pla ues tofore (haraoh" a!d his heart 5as so i!durate that he 5ould !ot let them depart1 The! 5he! -oses had said to the childre! ho5 they should do" they departed" a!d ate their paschal lamb" a!d all other ceremo!ies as be e8pressed i! the 9ible" for a la5 to e!dure e6er amo! them" 5hich the childre! of Israel obeyed a!d accomplished" it 5as so that at mid!i ht our Lord smote a!d sle5 e6ery first:be otte! so! throu hout all the la!d of E ypt" be i!!i! at the first so! a!d heir of (haraoh u!to the so! of the caitiff that lay i! priso!" a!d also the first be otte! of the beasts1 (haraoh arose i! the !i ht a!d all his ser6a!ts a!d all E ypt" a!d there 5as a reat clamour a!d sorro5ful !oise a!d cry" for there 5as !ot a house i! all E ypt but there lay therei! o!e that 5as dead1 The! (haraoh did do call -oses a!d Aaro! i! the !i ht" a!d saidD Arise ye a!d o your 5ay from my people" ye a!d the childre! of Israel" as ye say ye 5ill" ta4e your sheep a!d beasts







5ith you li4e as ye desired" a!d at your departi! bless ye me1 The E yptia!s co!strai!ed the childre! to depart a!d o their 5ay hastily" sayi! D ,e all shall die1 The childre! of Israel too4 their meal" a!d put it o! their shoulders as they 5ere comma!ded" a!d borro5ed 6essels of sil6er a!d of old" a!d much clothi! 1 Our Lord a6e to them such fa6our tofore the E yptia!s that the E yptia!s le!t to them all that they desired" a!d they spoiled a!d robbed E ypt1 A!d so the childre! of Israel departed" !i h the !umber of si8 hu!dred thousa!d footme!" besides 5ome! a!d childre! 5hich 5ere i!!umerable" a!d a! hu e reat multitude of beasts of di6ers 4i!ds1 The time that the childre! of Israel had d5elt i! E ypt 5as four hu!dred years1 A!d so they departed out of E ypt" a!d 5e!t !ot the ri ht 5ay by the (hilisti!es" but our Lord led them by the 5ay of desert 5hich is by the 3ed Sea1 A!d the childre! desce!ded out of E ypt armed1 -oses too4 5ith him the bo!es of Joseph for he char ed them so to do 5he! he died1 They 5e!t i! the e8treme e!ds of the 5ilder!ess" a!d our Lord 5e!t tofore them by day i! a colum! of a cloud" a!d by !i ht i! a colum! of fire a!d 5as their leader a!d du4e7 the pillar of the cloud failed !e6er by day" !or the pillar of fire by !i ht tofore the people1 Our Lord said to -oses" I shall ma4e his heart so hard that he shall follo5 a!d pursue you" a!d I shall be lorified i! (haraoh" a!d i! all his host" the E yptia!s shall 4!o5 that I am Lord1 A!d a!o! it 5as told to (haraoh that the childre! of Israel fled" a!d a!o! his heart 5as cha! ed" a!d also the heart of his ser6a!ts" a!d saidD ,hat shall 5e do" shall 5e suffer the childre! to depart a!d !o more to ser6e usE 'orth5ith he too4 his chariot a!d all his people 5ith him1 +e too4 5ith him si8 hu!dred chose! chariots" a!d all the chariots a!d 5ai!s of E ypt" a!d the du4es of all his hosts a!d he pursued the childre! of Israel a!d follo5ed them i! reat pride1 A!d 5he! he approached" that the childre! of Israel sa5 him come" they 5ere sore afraid a!d cried to our Lord God" a!d said to -osesD ,as there !ot sepulchre e!ou h for us i! E ypt but that 5e must !o5 die i! 5ilder!essE Said 5e !ot to theeD Go from us a!d let us ser6e the E yptia!sD It had bee! much better for us to ha6e ser6ed the E yptia!s tha! to die here i! 5ilder!ess1 A!d -oses said to the peopleD 9e ye !ot afraid" sta!d a!d see ye the reat 5o!ders that our Lord shall do for you this day1 The E yptia!s that ye !o5 see" ye shall !e6er see them after this day1 God shall fi ht for you" a!d be ye still1 Our Lord said the! to -osesD ,hat criest thou to meE Say to the childre! of Israel that they o forth1 Ta4e thou a!d raise the rod" a!d stretch thy ha!d The upo! the sea" a!d depart it that the childre! of +istory Israel may o dry throu h the middle of it1 I of -oses shall so i!durate the heart of (haraoh that he shall follo5 you" a!d all the E yptia!s" a!d I shall be lorified i! (haraoh" a!d i! all his host" his carts a!d horseme!1 A!d the E yptia!s shall 4!o5 that I am Lord 5he! I shall so be lorified1 The a! el of God 5e!t tofore the castles of Israel" a!d a!other came after i! the cloud 5hich stood bet5ee! them of E ypt a!d the childre! of Israel1 A!d the cloud 5as dar4 that the host of Israel mi ht !ot come to them of all the !i ht1 The! -oses stretched his ha!d upo! the sea" a!d there came a 5i!d blo5i! i! such 5ise that it 5a8ed dry" a!d the childre! of Israel 5e!t i! throu h the midst of the 3ed Sea all dry foot7 for the 5ater stood up as a 5all o! the ri ht side a!d o! the left side1 The E yptia!s the! pursui! them follo5ed a!d e!tered after them" a!d all the carts" chariots a!d horseme!" throu h the middle of the sea1 A!d the! our Lord beheld that the childre! of Israel 5ere passed o6er a!d 5ere o! the dry la!d" o! that other side1 A!o! tur!ed the 5ater o! them" a!d the 5heels o! their carts tur!ed up so do5!" a!d dro5!ed all the host of (haraoh" a!d sa!4 do5! i!to the deep of the sea1 The! said the E yptia!sD Let us flee Israel7 the Lord fi hteth for them a ai!st us1 A!d our Lord said to -osesD Stretch out shi!e ha!d upo! the sea" a!d let the 5ater retur! upo! the E yptia!s" a!d upo! their chariots a!d horseme!1 A!d so -oses stretched out his ha!d a!d the sea retur!ed i! to his first place1 A!d the! the E yptia!s 5ould ha6e fled" but the 5ater came a!d o6erflo5ed them i! the midst of the flood" a!d it co6ered the chariots a!d horseme!" a!d all the host of (haraoh" a!d there 5as !ot o!e of them1 A!d the childre! of Israel had passed throu h the middle of the dry sea a!d came la!d1 Thus deli6ered our Lord the childre! of Israel from the ha!d of the E yptia!s" a!d they sa5 the E yptia!s Iyi! dead upo! the bri!4s of the sea1 A!d the people the! dreaded our Lord a!d belie6ed i! him" a!d to -oses his ser6a!t1 The! -oses a!d the childre! of Israel sa! this so! to our LordD Ca!temus domi!o ma !ificatus est" Let us si! to our Lord" he is ma !ified" he hath o6erthro5! the horseme! a!d carme! i! the sea1 A!d -iriam the sister of Aaro!" a prophetess" too4 a timpa!e i! her ha!d" a!d all the 5ome! follo5ed her 5ith timpa!es a!d chords" a!d she 5e!t tofore si! i! Ca!temus domi!o1 The! -oses brou ht the childre! of Israel from the sea i!to the desert of Sur" a!d 5al4ed 5ith them three days a!d three !i hts a!d fou!d !o 5ater" a!d came i!to -arah" a!d the 5aters there 5ere so bitter that they mi ht !ot dri!4 thereof1 The! the people rud ed a ai!st -oses" sayi! D ,hat shall 5e dri!4E A!d he cried u!to our Lord 5hich sho5ed to him a tree 5hich he too4 a!d put i!to the 5aters" a!d

















a!o! they 5ere tur!ed i!to s5eet!ess1 There our Lord ordai!ed comma!dme!ts a!d =ud me!ts" a!d there he tempted him sayi! D If thou hearest the 6oice of thy Lord God" a!d that thou do is ri htful before him" a!d obeyest his comma!dme!ts" a!d 4eep his precepts" I shall !ot bri! !o!e of the la! uors !e sorro5s upo! thee that I did i! E ypt1 I am Lord thy sa6iour1 The! the childre! of Israel came i! to Elim" 5here as 5ere t5el6e fou!tai!s of 5ater" a!d se6e!ty palm trees" a!d they abode by the 5aters1 The! from the!ce 5e!t all the multitude of the childre! of Israel i!to the desert of Si!" 5hich is bet5ee! Elim a!d Si!ai" a!d rud ed a ai!st -oses a!d Aaro! i! that 5ilder!ess" a!d saidD ,ould God 5e had d5elled still i! E ypt" 5hereas 5e sat a!d had ple!ty of bread a!d flesh7 5hy ha6e ye brou ht us i!to the desert for to slay all this multitude by hu! erE Our Lord said the! to -osesD I shall rai! read to you from hea6e!" let the people o out a!d ather e6ery day that I may pro6e them 5hether they 5al4 i! my la5 or !ot7 the si8th day let them ather double as much as they athered i! o!e day of the other1 The! said -oses a!d Aaro! to all the childre! of IsraelD At e6e! ye shall 4!o5 that God hath brou ht you from the la!d of E ypt" a!d to:mor! ye shall see the lory of our Lord1 I ha6e 5ell heard your murmur a ai!st our Lord" 5hat ha6e ye mused a ai!st usE ,hat be 5eE a!d yet said -oses7 Our Lord shall i6e you at e6e! flesh for to eat a!d to:mor! bread u!to your fill" for as much as ye ha6e murmured a ai!st him7 5hat be 5eE ;our murmur is !ot a ai!st us but a ai!st our Lord1 As Aaro! spa4e to all the compa!y of the childre! of Israel they beheld to5ards the 5ilder!ess" a!d our Lord spa4e to -oses i! a cloud a!d saidD I ha6e heard the rud i! s of the childre! of Israel7 say to themD At e6e! ye shall eat flesh a!d to:mor! ye shall be filled 5ith bread" a!d ye shall 4!o5 that I am your Lord God1 A!d 5he! the e6e! 5as come there came so ma!y curle5s that it co6ered all their lod i! s" a!d o! the mor! there lay li4e de5 all about i! their circuit1 ,hich 5he! they sa5 a!d came for to ather" it 5as small a!d 5hite li4e to coria!der1 A!d they 5o!dered o! it a!d saidD -ahu!" that is as much to say" 5hat is thisE To 5hom -oses saidD This is the bread that God hath se!t you to eat" a!d God comma!deth that e6ery ma! should ather as much for e6ery head as is the measure of omor" a!d let !othi! be left till o! the mor!1 A!d the si8th day ather ye double so much" that is t5o measures of omor" a!d 4eep that o!e measure for the Sabbath" 5hich God hath sa!ctified a!d comma!ded you to hallo5 it1 ;et some of them bra4e God>s comma!dme!t" a!d athered more tha! they ate a!d 4ept it till o! the mor!" a!d the! it be a! to putrify a!d be full of 5orms1 A!d that they 4ept for the Sabbath day 5as ood a!d putrified !ot1 A!d thus our Lord fed the childre! of Israel forty years i! the desert1 A!d it 5as called -a!!a1 -oses too4 o!e omor thereof a!d put it i! the taber!acle for to be 4ept for a perpetual memory a!d remembra!ce1 The! 5e!t they forth all the multitude of the childre! of Israel" i! the desert of Si! i! their ma!sio!s a!d came to 3ephidim" 5here as they had !o 5ater1 The! all rud i! they said to -oses" Gi6e us 5ater for to dri!41 To 5hom -oses a!s5eredD ,hat rud e ye a ai!st me" 5hy tempt ye our LordE The people thirsted sore for lac4 a!d pe!ury of 5ater sayi! D ,hy hast thou brou ht us out of E ypt for to slay us a!d our childre! a!d beastsE The! -oses cried u!to our Lord sayi! D ,hat shall I do to this peopleE I tro5 5ithi! a 5hile they shall sto!e me to death1 The! our Lord said to -osesD Go before the people a!d ta4e 5ith thee the older me! a!d se!iors of Israel" a!d ta4e the rod that thou smotest 5ith the flood i! thy ha!d" a!d I shall sta!d tofore upo! the sto!e of Oreb" a!d smite thou the sto!e 5ith the rod a!d the 5aters shall come out thereof that the people may dri!41 -oses did so tofore the se!iors of Israel a!d called that place Temptatio!" because of the rud e of the childre! of Israel" a!d saidD Is God 5ith us or !otE The! came Amale4 a!d fou ht a ai!st the childre! of Israel i! 3ephidim1 -oses said the! to JoshuaD Choose to thee me!" a!d o out a!d fi ht a ai!st Amale4 to:morro51 I shall sta!d o! the top of the hill ha6i! the rod of God i! my ha!dD Joshua did as -oses comma!ded him" a!d fou ht a ai!st Amale41 -oses" Aaro!1 a!d +ur" asce!ded i!to the hill" a!d 5he! -oses held up his ha!ds" Israel 5o! a!d o6ercame their e!emies" a!d 5he! he laid them do5! the! Amale4 had the better1 The ha!ds of -oses 5ere hea6y7 Aaro! a!d +ur too4 the! a sto!e a!d put it u!der them" a!d they sustai!ed his ha!ds o! either side" a!d so his ha!ds 5ere !ot 5eary u!til the oi! do5! of the su!1 A!d so Joshua made Amale4 to flee" a!d his people" by stre! th of his s5ord1 Our Lord said to -osesD ,rite this for a remembra!ce i! a boo4 a!d deli6er it to the ears of Joshua7 I shall destroy a!d put a5ay the memory of Amale4 u!der hea6e!1 -oses the! edified a! altar u!to our Lord" a!d called there o! the !ame of our Lord" sayi! D The Lord is mi!e e8altatio!" for this is the ha!d o!ly of God" a!d the battle a!d God shall be a ai!st Amale4 from e!eratio! to e!eratio!1 ,he! Jethro the priest of -idia!" 5hich 5as cousi! of -oses" heard say 5hat our Lord had do!e to -oses a!d to the childre! of Israel his people" he too4 Kipporah the 5ife of -oses" a!d his t5o so!s" Gershom a!d EleaHar a!d came 5ith them to him i!to desert" 5hom -oses recei6ed 5ith 5orship a!d











4issed him1 A!d 5he! they 5ere to ether -oses told him all 5hat our Lord had do!e to (haraoh a!d to the E yptia!s for Israel" a!d all the labour that they e!dured a!d ho5 our Lord had deli6ered them1 Jethro 5as lad for all these thi! s" that God had so sa6ed them from the ha!ds of the E yptia!s" a!d saidD 9lessed be the Lord that hath deli6ered you from the ha!d of the E yptia!s a!d of (haraoh" a!d hath sa6ed his people7 !o5 I 4!o5 that he is a reat Lord abo6e all ods" because they did so proudly a ai!st them1 A!d Jethro offered sacrifices a!d offeri! s to our Lord1 Aaro! a!d all the se!iors of Israel came a!d eat 5ith him tofore our Lord1 The !e8t day -oses sat a!d =ud ed a!d deemed the people from mor!i! u!to e6e!i! " 5hich" 5he! his cousi! sa5" he said to himD ,hat doest thouE ,hy sittest thou alo!e a!d all the people tarry from the mor!i! u!til e6e!i! E To 5hom -oses a!s5eredD The people came to me dema!di! se!te!ce a!d the doom of God7 5he! there is a!y debate or differe!ce amo! them they come to me to =ud e them" a!d to sho5 to them the precepts a!d the la5s of God1 The! said JethroD Thou dost !ot 5ell !or 5isely" for by folly co!sumest thy self" a!d the people 5ith thee7 thou thy mi ht" thou mayst !ot alo!e sustai! it" but hear me a!d do there after" a!d our Lord shall be 5ith thee1 9e thou u!to the people i! those thi! s that appertai! to God" that thou tell to them 5hat they should do" a!d the ceremo!ies a!d rites to 5orship God" a!d the 5ay by 5hich they should o" a!d 5hat 5or4 they shall do1 (ro6ide of all people 5ise me! a!d dreadi! God" i! 5hom is truth" a!d them that hate a6arice a!d co6etise" a!d ordai! of them tribu!es a!d ce!turio!s a!d dea!s that may i! all times =ud e the people1 A!d if there be of a reat char e a!d 5ei ht" let it be referred to thee" a!d let them =ud e the small thi! s7 it shall be the easier to thee to bear the char e 5he! it is so parted1 If thou do so" thou shalt fulfil the comma!dme!t of God" a!d sustai! his precepts" a!d the people shall o home to their places i! peace1 ,hich thi! s 5he! -oses had heard a!d u!derstood" he did all that he had cou!selled him" a!d chose out the stro! est a!d 5isest people of all Israel a!d ordai!ed them pri!ces of the people" tribu!es" ce!turio!s" <ui!<ua e!aries" a!d dea!s" 5hich at all times should =ud e a!d deem the people1 A!d all the reat a!d 5ei hty matters they referred to him" deemi! a!d =ud i! the small causes1 A!d the! his cousi! departed a!d 5e!t i!to his cou!try1 The third mo!th after the childre! of Israel departed out of E ypt" that same day they came i!to the 5ilder!ess of Si!ai" a!d there about the re io! of the mou!t they fi8ed their te!ts1 -oses asce!ded i!to the hill u!to God1 God called him o! the hill a!d saidD This shalt thou say to the house of Jacob a!d to the childre! of Israel1 ;e yoursel6es ha6e see! 5hat I ha6e do!e to the E yptia!s" a!d ho5 I ha6e bor!e you o! the 5i! s of ea les a!d ha6e ta4e! you to me1 If ye therefore hear my 6oice a!d 4eep my co6e!a!t" ye shall be to me i! the rei ! of priesthood a!d holy people1 These be the 5ords that thou shalt say to the childre! of Israel1 -oses came do5! a!d athered all the most of birth" a!d e8pou!ded i! them all the 5ords that our Lord had comma!ded him1 All the people a!s5eredD All that e6er our Lord hath said 5e shall do1 ,he! -oses had sho5ed the people the 5ords of our Lord" our Lord said to himD No5 I shall come to thee i! a cloud that the people may hear me spea4i! to thee" that they belie6e thee e6er after1 -oses 5e!t a!d told this to the people" a!d our Lord bade them to sa!ctify the people this day a!d to: morro5" a!d let them 5ash their clothes" a!d be ready the third day1 The third day our Lord shall desce!d tofore all the people o! the mou!t of Si!ai1 A!d ordai! to the people the mar4s a!d terms i! the circuit1 A!d say to themD 9e5are that ye asce!d !ot o! the hill !e touch the e!ds of it1 ,hosoe6er toucheth the hill shall die by death" there shall !o ha!d touch him" but 5ith sto!es he shall be oppressed a!d 5ith casti! of them o! him he shall be tolbe!7 5hether it be ma! or beast" he shall !ot li6e1 ,he! thou hearest the trump blo5! the! asce!d to the hill1 -oses 5e!t do5! to the people a!d sa!ctified a!d hallo5ed them" a!d 5he! they had 5ashe! their clothes he said to themD 9e ye ready at the third day a!d approach !ot your 5i6es1 ,he! the third day came" a!d the mor!i! 5a8ed clear" they heard thu!der a!d li hte!i! a!d sa5 a reat cloud co6er the mou!t" a!d the cry of the trump 5as so shrill that the people 5ere sore afraid1 ,he! -oses had brou ht them forth u!to the root of the hill they stood there1 All the mou!t of Si!ai smo4ed" for so much as our Lord desce!ded o! it i! fire" a!d the smo4e asce!ded from the hill as it had bee! from a fur!ace1 The mou!t 5as terrible a!d dreadful" a!d the sou!d of the trump re5 a little more a!d co!ti!ued lo! er1 -oses spa4e a!d our Lord a!s5ered him1 Our Lord desce!ded upo! the top of the mou!t of Si!ai" e6e! o! the top of it" a!d called -oses to him" 5hich 5he! he came said to himD Go do5! a!d char e the people that they come !ot to the terms of the hill for to see the Lord" for if they do" much multitude shall perish of them1 The priests that shall come let them be sa!ctified lest they be smitte! do5!1 A!d thou a!d Aaro! shall asce!d the hill1 All the people a!d priests let them !ot pass their bou!ds lest God smite them1 The! -oses desce!ded a!d told to the people all that our Lord hath said1 After this our Lord called -oses a!d saidD I am the Lord God that brou ht you out of E ypt a!d of thraldom1 A!d a6e him the Comma!dme!t first by spea4i! a!d ma!y ceremo!ies as be








rehearsed i! the 9ible" 5hich is !ot re<uisite to be 5ritte! here" but the te! comma!dme!ts e6ery ma! is bou!de! to 4!o51 A!d ere -oses recei6ed them 5ritte!" he 5e!t up i!to the mou!t of Si!ai" a!d fasted there forty days a!d forty !i hts ere he recei6ed them1 I! 5hich time he comma!ded him to ma4e ma!y thi! s" a!d to ordai! the la5s a!d ceremo!ies 5hich !o5 be !ot had i! the !e5 la51 A!d also as doctors say" -oses lear!ed that time all the histories to:fore 5ritte! of the ma4i! of hea6e! a!d earth" of Adam" Noah" Abraham" Isaac" Jacob" a!d of Joseph 5ith his brethre!1 A!d at last deli6ered to him t5o tables of sto!e" both 5ritte! 5ith the ha!d of God 5hich follo51 Here follow the Te# !o%%a#d%e#t of our Law"

The first comma!dme!t that God comma!ded is this1 Thou shalt !ot 5orship !o stra! e !e di6erse ods1 That is to say" thou shalt 5orship !o od but me" a!d thou shalt !ot retai! thi!e hope but i! me" for 5ho that setteth pri!cipally his hope o! a!y creature or faith or belief i! a!y thi! more tha! i! me" si!!eth deadly1 A!d such be they that 5orship idols" a!d ma4e their od of a creature7 5hosoe6er so doth" si!!eth a ai!st this comma!dme!t1 A!d so do they that o6ermuch lo6e their treasures" old or sil6er" or a!y other earthly thi! that be passi! a!d tra!sitory" or set their heart or hope o! a!y thi! by 5hich they for et a!d lea6e God their creator a!d ma4er 5hich hath le!t to them all that they li6e by1 A!d therefore ou ht they to ser6e him 5ith all their oods" a!d abo6e all thi! s to lo6e him a!d 5orship him 5ith all their heart" 5ith all their soul" a!d 5ith all their stre! th" li4e as the first comma!dme!t e!sei !eth a!d teacheth us1 The seco!d comma!dme!t is this" that thou shalt !ot ta4e the !ame of God i! 6ai!" that is to say" thou shalt !ot s5ear by him for !othi! 1 I! this comma!dme!t our Lord comma!deth i! the ospel that thou shalt !ot s5ear by the hea6e! !e by earth !e by other creature1 9ut for ood cause a!d ri htful a ma! may s5ear 5ithout si!" as i! =ud me!t or i! re<uiri! of truth" or 5ithout =ud me!t i! ood a!d !eedful causes1 A!d i! !o!e other ma!!er 5ithout reaso! by the !ame of our Lord a!d for !ou ht1 If he s5ear false 5itti! ly he is fors5or!" a!d that is a ai!st the comma!dme!t a!d si!!eth deadly" for he s5eareth a ai!st his co!scie!ce" a!d that is 5he! he s5eareth by ad6ice a!d by deliberatio!" but a ma! should s5ear truly a!d yet !ot for !ou ht or for a!y 6ai! or ill thi! " !e maliciously1 9ut to s5ear li htly 5ithout hurt or blame is 6e!ial si!" but the custom thereof is perilous a!d may 5ell tur! to deadly si! but if he ta4e heed1 9ut he the! that s5eareth horribly by our Lord" or by a!y of his members" or by his sai!ts i! despite" a!d blasphemeth i! thi! s that be !ot true" or other5ise" he si!!eth deadly" he may ha6e !o reaso! 5hereby he may e8cuse him1 A!d they that most accustom them i! this si! they si! most" etc1 The third comma!dme!t is that thou ha6e mi!d a!d remember that thou hallo5 a!d 4eep holy thy Sabbath day or Su!day1 That is to say" that thou shalt do !o 5or4 !or operatio! o! the Su!day or holy day" but thou shalt rest from all 5orldly labour a!d i!te!d to prayer" a!d to ser6e God thy ma4er" 5hich rested the se6e!th day of the 5or4s that he made i! the si8 days tofore" i! 5hich he made a!d ordai!ed the 5orld1 This comma!dme!t accomplisheth he that 4eepeth to his po5er the peace of his co!scie!ce for to ser6e God more holily1 The! this day that the Je5s called Sabbath is as much to say as rest1 This comma!dme!t may !o ma! 4eep spiritually that is e!cumbered i! his co!scie!ce 5ith deadly si!" such a co!scie!ce ca! !ot be i! rest !e i! peace as lo! as he is i! such a state1 I! the stead of the Sabbath day 5hich 5as straitly 4ept i! the old la5" holy church hath established the Su!day i! the !e5 la51 'or our Lord arose from death to life o! the Su!day" a!d therefore 5e ou ht to 4eep it holily" a!d be i! rest from the 5or4s of the 5ee4 tofore" a!d to cease of the 5or4 of si!" a!d to i!te!d to do hostly 5or4s" a!d to follo5 our Lord beseechi! him of mercy a!d to tha!4 him for his be!efits" for they that brea4 the Su!day a!d the other solem! feasts that be stablished to be hallo5ed i! holy church" they si! deadly" for they do directly a ai!st the comma!dme!t of God aforesaid a!d holy church" but if it be for some !ecessity that holy church admitteth a!d ra!teth1 9ut they si! much more the!" that employ the Su!day a!d the feasts i! si!s" i! lechery" i! oi! to ta6er!s i! the ser6ice time" i! lutto!y a!d dri!4i! dru!4" a!d i! other si!s" outra es a ai!st God1 'or alas for sorro5 I tro5 there is more si! committed o! the Su!day a!d holy days a!d feasts tha! i! the other 5or4 days1 'or the! be they dru!4" fi ht a!d slay" a!d be !ot occupied 6irtuously i! God>s ser6ice as they ou ht to do1 A!d as God comma!deth us to remember a!d ha6e i! mi!d to 4eep a!d hallo5 the holy day" they that so do si! deadly a!d obser6e a!d 4eep !ot this third comma!dme!t1 These three comma!dme!ts be 5ritte! i! the first table a!d appertai! o!ly to God1











The fourth comma!dme!t is that thou shalt ho!our a!d 5orship thy father a!d mother" for thou shalt li6e the lo! er o! earth1 This comma!dme!t admo!isheth us that 5e be 5ell 5are to a! er father a!d mother i! a!y 5ise1 Or 5ho that curseth them or set ha!d o! them i! e6il 5ill" si!!eth deadly1 I! this comma!dme!t is u!derstood the ho!our that 5e should do to our hostly a!d spiritual fathers" that is to them that ha6e the cure of us" to teach a!d chastise us" as be the prelates of the Church" a!d they that ha6e the char e a!d cure of our souls" a!d to 4eep our bodies1 A!d he that 5ill !ot obey to him that hath the cure o6er him 5he! he e!sei !eth a!d teacheth him ood that he is bou!d to do" he si!!eth rie6ously a!d is i!obedie!t" 5hich is deadly si!1 The fifth comma!dme!t is that thou shalt slay !o ma!1 This comma!dme!t 5ill that !o ma! shall slay the other for 6e! ea!ce" !e for his oods" or for a!y other e6il cause" it is deadly si!1 9ut for to slay malefactors i! e8ecuti! of =ustice or for other ood cause" if it be la5ful it may 5ell be do!e1 I! this comma!dme!t is defe!ded the si! of 5rath a!d hate" of ra!cour a!d of ire1 'or as the Scripture saithD ,ho hateth his brother is a! homicide 5he! it is by his 5ill" a!d he si!!eth deadly7 a!d he that beareth a! er i! his heart lo! " for such ire lo! holde! i! the heart is ra!cour a!d hate" 5hich is deadly si!" a!d is a ai!st this comma!dme!t1 A!d yet si!!eth he more that doth or purchaseth shame" 6illa!y or hurt to a!other 5ro! fully" or cou!selleth or helpeth to rie6e a!other for to a6e! e him1 9ut 5rath or a! er li htly past 5ithout 5ill to !oy or rie6e a!y other" is !ot deadly si!1 The si8th comma!dme!t is" thou shalt !ot do adultery" that is to say" thou shalt !ot ha6e fleshly compa!y 5ith a!other ma!>s 5ife1 I! this comma!dme!t it is forbidde! a!d defe!ded all ma!!er si! of the flesh 5hich is called e!erally lechery" 5hich is a ri ht foul si! a!d 6illai!ous1 +o5 be it that there is some bra!ch of it that is !ot deadly si!" as oft mo6i! s of the flesh that may !ot be esche5ed" 5hich me! ou ht to restrai! a!d refrai! as much as they may1 A!d this cometh oft times by outra eous dri!4i! a!d eati! " or by e6il thou ht" or foul touchi! " for i! such thi! s may be reat peril1 A!d i! this comma!dme!t is defe!ded all si! a ai!st !ature" i! 5hat ma!!er it be do!e i! his perso! or other1 The se6e!th comma!dme!t is that thou shalt do !o theft1 This comma!dme!t forbiddeth to ta4e a5ay other me!>s thi! s 5hatsome6er they be" 5ithout reaso!" a ai!st the 5ill of them that o5e or ma4e them1 I! this comma!dme!t is defe!ded ra6i!" usury" robbery a!d deceit" a!d be uili! other for to ha6e their ha6oir or ood1 A!d he that doth a ai!st this comma!dme!t is bou!d to ma4e restitutio! a!d yield a ai! that he hath so otte! or ta4e!" if he 4!o5 to 5hom he ou ht to re!der it1 A!d if he 4!o5 !ot" he is bou!de! to i6e it for God>s sa4e" or do by the cou!sel of holy church1 'or 5ho retai!eth 5ro! fully a!d 5ithout reaso! other me!>s oods a ai!st their 5ill" si!!eth deadly" if he pay !ot 5here as he o5eth" if he 4!o5 5here a!d be i! his po5er a!d hath 5hereof1 A!d if he 4!o5 !ot let him do by the cou!sel of holy church" a!d 5hoso doth !ot so" si!!eth a ai!st this comma!dme!t deadly1 The ei hth comma!dme!t is that thou shalt !ot bear false 5it!ess a ai!st thy !ei hbour1 I! this comma!dme!t is forbidde! that !o ma! shall lie 5itti! ly" for 5hoso lieth doth a ai!st this comma!dme!t1 A!d also that he fors5ear !ot him i! =ud me!t" !e ma4e !o leasi! s to a!!oy !e rie6e a!other" !or he ou ht !ot to missay !e spea4 e6il of others i! i!te!tio! to impair his ood !ame a!d fame" for it is deadly si!1 A ai!st this comma!dme!t do they that say e6il of ood me! behi!d them" a!d bac4bite them" a!d do this 5itti! ly by malice" 5hich is called detractio!1 A!d also they that accuse some of their folly" or hear4e! by ma!!er of adulatio! or flatteri! " 5he! they that me! spea4 of be !ot prese!t1 They that do thus a!d say such 5ords do a ai!st this comma!dme!t" for they be all false 5it!esses1 The !i!th comma!dme!t is that thou shalt !ot desire the 5ife of thy !ei hbour" !or shalt !ot co6et her i! thi!e heart" that is to say" thou shalt !ot co!se!t to si! 5ith her 5ith thy body1 This comma!dme!t defe!deth to desire to ha6e compa!y 5ith all ma!!er 5ome! out of marria e" a!d the e6il si !s that be 5ithout forth ma4e me! for to dra5 them to si!" as the e6il 5ords of such matter" or the foul a!d e6il attouchi! " 4issi! " ha!dli! a!d such other1 A!d the differe!ce bet5ee! this comma!dme!t a!d the si8th aforesaid is that" the si8th comma!dme!t forbiddeth the deed 5ithout forth" a!d this forbiddeth the co!se!ti! 5ithi! forth7 for the co!se!ti! 5ithi! forth to ha6e compa!y 5ith a 5oma! that is !ot his by marria e is deadly si!" after the se!te!ce of the ospel that saithD ,ho that seeth a 5oma! a!d co6eteth her i! his heart" he hath !o5 si!!ed i! his heart a!d deadly1 This is to u!dersta!d of the co!se!ti! e8pressed i! his thou ht1













The te!th comma!dme!t is that thou shalt !ot co6et !othi! that is" or lo! eth to" thy !ei hbour1 This comma!dme!t defe!deth 5ill to ha6e thi! s that belo! to other me! by e6il reaso! or 5ro! fully1 I! this comma!dme!t is defe!ded e!6y of other me!>s 5eal" of other me!>s race or 5elfare1 'or such e!6y cometh of e6il co6etise to ha6e such ood or such race or fortu!e as he seeth i! other1 A!d this co6etise is 5he! the co!se!ti! a!d thou ht be certai!ly o!e" the! it is deadly si!1 A!d if there be a!y e6il mo6i! s 5ithout 5ill a!d co!se!ti! of dama e or hurt of other" this is !ot deadly si!1 If he si! herei! it is but 6e!ial si!1 These be the te! comma!dme!ts of our Lord" of 5hich the three first belo! to God" a!d the se6e! other be ordai!ed for our !ei hbours1 E6ery perso! that hath 5it a!d u!dersta!di! i! himself" a!d a e" is bou!d to 4!o5 them a!d to obey a!d 4eep these te! comma!dme!ts aforesaid or else he si!!eth deadly1 Thus -oses abode i! the hill forty days a!d forty !i hts a!d recei6ed of Almi hty God the tables 5ith the comma!dme!ts 5ritte! 5ith the ha!d of God7 a!d also recei6ed a!d lear!ed ma!y ceremo!ies a!d statutes that God ordai!ed" by 5hich the childre! of Israel should be ruled a!d =ud ed1 A!d 5hiles that -oses 5as thus 5ith our Lord o! the mou!t" the childre! of Israel sa5 that he tarried a!d desce!ded !ot" a!d some of them said that he 5as dead or o!e a5ay" a!d 5ould !ot retur! a ai!" a!d some said !ay7 but i! co!clusio! they athered them to ether a ai!st Aaro!" a!d said to himD -a4e to us some ods that may o tofore us" 5e 4!o5 !ot 5hat is befalle! to -oses1 The! Aaro! saidD Ta4e the old that ha! eth i! the ears of your 5i6es a!d your childre!" a!d bri! it to me1 The people did as he bade" a!d brou ht the old to Aaro!" 5hich he too4 a!d molt it a!d made thereof a calf1 The! they said" These be thy ods" Israel" that brou ht thee out of the la!d of E ypt1 The! the people made a! altar tofore it" a!d made reat =oy a!d mirth" a!d da!ced a!d played tofore the calf" a!d offered a!d made sacrifices thereto1 Our Lord spa4e to -oses" sayi! D Go he!ce a!d desce!d do5!" thy people ha6e si!!ed 5hom thou hast brou ht forth from the la!d of E ypt1 They ha6e soo! forsa4e! a!d left the 5ay 5hich thou hast sho5ed to them1 They ha6e made to them a calf blo5!" a!d they ha6e 5orshipped it" a!d offered sacrifices thereto" sayi! D These be thy ods" Israel" that ha6e brou ht thee out of the la!d of E ypt1 ;et said our Lord to -osesD I see 5ell that this people is of e6il dispositio!" suffer me that I may 5rea4 my 5rath o! them" a!d I shall destroy them1 I shall ma4e thee o6er!or of reat people1 -oses the! prayed our Lord God sayi! D ,hy art thou 5roth" Lord" a ai!st thy people that thou hast brou ht out of the la!d of E ypt i! a reat stre! th a!d a boisterous ha!dE I beseech thee" Lord" let !ot the E yptia!s say that their God hath loc4ed them out for to slay them i! the mou!tai!s1 I pray thee Lord that thy 5rath may assua e" a!d be thou pleased a!d be!i ! upo! the 5ic4ed!ess of thy people1 3emember Abraham" Isaac" a!d Jacob thy ser6a!ts" to 5hom thou promisedst a!d s5aredst by thyself sayi! D I shall multiply your seed as the stars of hea6e!" a!d the u!i6ersal la!d of 5hich I ha6e spo4e! I shall i6e to your seed" a!d ye shall possess a!d ha6e it e6er1 A!d 5ith these 5ords our Lord 5as pleased that he 5ould do !o harm as he had said u!to his people7 a!d -oses retur!ed from the mou!t" beari! t5o tables of sto!e" 5ritte! both 5ith the ha!d of God1 A!d the scripture that 5as i! the tables 5ere the te! comma!dme!ts as fore be 5ritte!1 Joshua heari! the reat !oise of the childre! of Israel said to -osesD I tro5 they fi ht be!eath" 5hich a!s5ered a!d saidD It is !o cry of e8horti! me! to fi ht" !e !oise to compel me to flee" but I hear the !oise of si! i! 1 ,he! he approached to them he sa5 the calf a!d the i!strume!ts of mirth" a!d he 5as so 5roth that he thre5 do5! the tables a!d bra4e them at the foot of the hill" a!d ra! a!d cau ht do5! the calf that they had made" a!d bur!t a!d smote it all to po5der" 5hich he cast i!to 5ater a!d a6e it to dri!4 to the childre! of Israel1 The! said -oses to Aaro!D ,hat hath this people do!e to thee that thou hast made to si! rie6ouslyE To 5hom he a!s5eredD Let !ot my lord ta4e !o!e i!di !atio! at me" thou 4!o5est 5ell that this people is pro!e a!d ready to si!1 They said to meD -a4e us ods that may o tofore us7 5e 4!o5 !ot 5hat is falle! to this -oses that led us out of E ypt1 To 5hom I saidD ,ho of you that hath old i6e it me7 they too4 a!d a6e it to me" a!d I cast it i!to the fire" a!d thereof came out this calf1 A!d the! said -osesD All they that be of God>s part a!d ha6e !ot si!!ed i! this calf let them =oi! to me7 a!d the childre! of Le6i =oi!ed to him" a!d he bade each ma! ta4e a s5ord o! his side a!d ta4e 6e! ea!ce a!d slay e6ery each his brother" frie!d" a!d his !ei hbour that ha6e trespassed1 A!d so the childre! of Le6i 5e!t a!d sle5 thirty three thousa!d of the childre! of Israel1 A!d the! said -osesD ;e ha6e hallo5ed this day your ha!ds u!to our Lord" a!d ye shall be therefore blessed1 The seco!d day -oses spa4e to the people a!d saidD ;e ha6e committed a!d do!e the reatest si! that may be1 I shall asce!d u!to our Lord a ai!" a!d shall pray him for your si!1 The! -oses asce!ded a ai!" a!d recei6ed after5ards t5o tables a ai!" 5hich our Lord bade him ma4e1 A!d therei! our Lord 5rote the comma!dme!ts1 A!d after" our Lord comma!ded him to ma4e a! ar4 a!d a taber!acleD i! 5hich ar4 5as











4ept three thi! s1 'irst the rod 5ith 5hich he did mar6els" a pot full of ma!!a" a!d the t5o tables 5ith comma!dme!ts1 A!d the! after -oses tau ht them the la57 ho5 each ma! should beha6e him a ai!st other a!d 5hat he should do" a!d 5hat he should !ot do" a!d departed them i!to t5el6e tribes" a!d comma!ded that e6ery ma! should bri! a rod i!to the Taber!acle1 A!d -oses 5rote each !ame o! the rod" a!d -oses shut fast the taber!acle1 A!d o! the mor! there 5as fou!d o!e of the rods that bur eo!ed a!d bare lea6es a!d fruit" a!d 5as of a! almo!d tree1 That rod fell to Aaro!1 A!d after this" lo! time" the childre! desired to eat flesh a!d remembered of the flesh that they ate i! E ypt" a!d rud ed a ai!st -oses" a!d 5ould ha6e ordai!ed to them a du4e for to ha6e retur!ed i!to E ypt1 ,herefore -oses 5as so 5oe that he desired of our Lord to deli6er him from this life" because he sa5 them so u!4i!d a ai!st God1 The! God se!t to them so reat ple!ty of curle5s that t5o days a!d o!e !i ht they fle5 so thic4 by the rou!d that they too4 reat !umber" for they fle5 but the hei ht of t5o cubits1 A!d they had so ma!y that they dried them ha! i! o! their taber!acles a!d te!ts1 ;et 5ere they !ot co!te!t" but e6er rud i! " 5herefore God smote them a!d too4 6e! ea!ce o! them by a reat pla ue a!d ma!y died a!d 5ere buried there1 A!d the! from the!ce they 5e!t i!to +aHeroth a!d d5elt1 After this -iriam a!d Aaro!" brother a!d sister of -oses be a! to spea4 a ai!st -oses" because of his 5ife 5hich 5as of Ethiopia" a!d saidD God hath !ot spo4e! o!ly by -oses" hath he !ot also spo4e! to usE ,herefore our Lord 5as 5roth1 -oses 5as the humblest a!d the mee4est ma! that 5as i! all the 5orld1 A!o! the!" our Lord said to him" a!d to Aaro! a!d to -iriamD Go ye three o!ly u!to the taber!acle7 a!d there our Lord said that there 5as !o!e li4e to -oses" to 5hom he had spo4e! mouth to mouth" a!d repro6ed Aaro! a!d -iriam because they spa4e so to -oses" a!d bei! 5roth" departed from them" a!d a!o!" -iriam 5as smitte! a!d made leper a!d 5hite li4e s!o51 A!d 5he! Aaro! beheld her a!d sa5 her smitte! 5ith leprosy" he said to -osesD I beseech the Lord that thou set !ot the si! o! us 5hich 5e ha6e committed follily" a!d let !ot this our sister be as a dead 5oma!" or as bor! out of time a!d cast a5ay from her mother" behold a!d see" half her flesh is de6oured of the leprosy1 The! -oses cried u!to our Lord" sayi! D I beseech thee Lord that thou heal her7 to 5hom our Lord saidD If her father had spit i! her face should she !ot be put to shame a!d rebu4e se6e! daysE Let her depart out of the castles se6e! days" a!d after she shall be called i! a ai!1 So -iriam 5as shut out of the castles se6e! days" a!d the people remo6ed !ot from the place till she 5as called a ai!1 After this our Lord comma!ded -oses to se!d me! i!to the la!d of Ca!aa! that he should i6e them char e for to see a!d co!sider the ood!ess thereof" a!d that of e6ery tribe he should se!d some1 -oses did so as our Lord had comma!ded" 5hich 5e!t i! a!d brou ht of the fruits 5ith them" a!d they brou ht a bra!ch 5ith o!e cluster of rapes as much as t5o me! mi ht bear bet5ee! them upo! a colestaff1 ,he! they had see! the cou!try a!d co!sidered by the space of forty days they retur!ed a!d told the commodities of the la!d" but some said that the people 5ere stro! " a!d ma!y 4i! s a!d ia!ts" i! such 5ise that they said it 5as impre !able a!d that the people 5ere much stro! er tha! they 5ere1 ,herefore the people a!o! 5ere afeard" a!d murmured a ai!st -oses a!d 5ould retur! a ai! i!to E ypt1 The! Joshua a!d Caleb" 5hich 5ere t5o of them that had co!sidered the la!d" said to the peopleD ,hy rud e ye a!d 5herefore be ye afraidE ,e ha6e 5ell see! the cou!try" a!d it is ood to 5i!1 The cou!try flo5eth full of mil4 a!d ho!ey" be !ot rebel a ai!st God" he shall i6e it us" be ye !ot afeard1 The! all the people cried a ai!st them" a!d 5he! they 5ould ha6e ta4e! sto!es a!d sto!ed them" our Lord i! his lory appeared i! a cloud upo! the co6eri! of the taber!acle" a!d said to -osesD This people belie6eth !ot the si !s a!d 5o!ders that I ha6e sho5ed a!d do!e to them1 I shall destroy them all by pestile!ce" a!d I shall ma4e thee a pri!ce upo! people reater a!d stro! er tha! this is1 The! prayed -oses to our Lord for the people" that he 5ould ha6e pity o! them a!d !ot destroy them" but to ha6e mercy o! them after the ma !itude of his mercy1 A!d our Lord at his re<uest for a6e them1 Ne6ertheless our Lord said that all the me! that had see! his ma=esty" a!d the si !s a!d mar6els that he did i! E ypt" a!d i! desert" a!d ha6e tempted him te! times" a!d !ot obeyed u!to his 6oice" shall !ot see !e come i!to the cou!try a!d la!d that I ha6e promised to their fathers" but Joshua a!d Caleb" my ser6a!ts" shall e!ter i!to the la!d" a!d their seed shall possess it1 -oses told all this u!to the childre! a!d they 5ailed a!d sorro5ed reatly therefore1 After this the people remo6ed from the!ce a!d came i!to the desert of Si!7 a!d there -iriam" sister of -oses a!d Aaro!" died" a!d 5as buried i! the same place1 The! the people lac4ed 5ater a!d came a!d rud ed a ai!st -oses" a!d yet 5ished they had abided i! E ypt1 The! -oses a!d Aaro! e!tered i!to the Taber!acle a!d fell do5! to the rou!d lo5" a!d prayed u!to our Lord" sayi! D Lord God" hear the













clamour of thy people" a!d ope! to them thy treasure" a fou!tai! of li6i! 5ater" that they may dri!4 a!d the murmuratio! of them may cease1 Our Lord said to him the!D Ta4e the rod i! thy ha!d" a!d thou a!d Aaro! thy brother" assemble a!d ather the people a!d spea4 ye to the sto!e" a!d it shall i6e out 5ater1 A!d 5he! the 5ater cometh let all the multitude dri!4 a!d their beasts1 -oses the! too4 the rod as our Lord bade" a!d athered all the people tofore the sto!e a!d said to themD +ear ye rebels a!d out of belief7 tro5 ye !ot that 5e may i6e you 5ater out of this sto!eE A!d he lift up his ha!d a!d smote bet5ee! the sto!e" a!d 5ater came a!d flo5ed out i! the most lar est 5ise" i! such 5ise that the people a!d beasts dra!4 their fill1 The! said God to -oses a!d Aaro!D 9ecause ye ha6e !ot belie6ed me a!d sa!ctified my !ame tofore the childre! of Israel" a!d i6e! to me the laud" but ha6e do!e this i! your !ame" ye shall !ot bri! this people i!to the la!d that I shall i6e to them1 A!d therefore this 5ater 5as called the 5ater of co!tradictio!" 5here the childre! rud ed a ai!st God1 A!o! after this" by God>s comma!dme!t" -oses too4 Aaro! upo! the hill" a!d despoiled him of his 6esture" a!d clothed there5ith his so! EleaHar" a!d made him upperest bishop for his father Aaro!1 A!d there Aaro! died i! the top of the hill" a!d -oses desce!ded 5ith EleaHar1 A!d 5he! all the multitude of people sa5 that Aaro! 5as dead" they 5ept a!d 5ailed o! him thirty days i! e6ery tribe a!d family1 After this the people 5e!t about the la!d of Edom" a!d be a! to 5a8 5eary" a!d rud ed a ai!st our Lord a!d -oses" a!d said yetD ,hy hast thou led us out of the la!d of E ypt for to slay us i! this desert a!d 5ilder!essE 9read faileth us" there is !o 5ater" a!d our souls abhor a!d loathe this li ht meat1 'or 5hich cause God se!t amo! them fiery:serpe!ts" 5hich bit a!d 5ou!ded ma!y of them a!d sle5 also1 The! they that 5ere hurt came i!to -oses a!d saidD ,e ha6e si!!ed" for 5e ha6e spo4e! a ai!st our Lord a!d thee7 pray for us u!to God that he deli6er from us these serpe!ts1 The! -oses prayed our Lord for the people1 A!d our Lord said to himD -a4e a serpe!t of brass a!d set it up for a si !" a!d 5hosome6er be hurt" a!d loo4eth thereo! a!d beholdeth it" shall li6e a!d be 5hole1 The! -oses made a serpe!t of brass" a!d set it up for a si !" a!d 5he! they that 5ere hurt beheld it they 5ere made 5hole1 After this 5he! -oses had sho5ed to them all the la5s of our Lord" a!d ceremo!ies" a!d had o6er!ed them forty years" a!d that he 5as a! hu!dred a!d t5e!ty years old" he asce!ded from the fields of -oab upo! the mou!tai! of Nebo i!to the top of (is ah a ai!st Jericho" a!d there our Lord sho5ed to him all the la!d of Gilead u!to Da!" a!d the la!d of promise from that o!e e!d u!to that other1 A!d the! our Lord said to himD This is the la!d that I promised to Abraham" Isaac" a!d Jacob" sayi! D I shall i6e it to thy seed1 No5 thou hast see! it 5ith thi!e eyes" a!d shalt !ot e!ter !e come therei!1 A!d there i! that place died -oses" ser6a!t of our Lord" as God comma!ded" a!d 5as buried i! the 6ale of the la!d of -oab a ai!st 9eth:peor1 A!d yet !e6er ma! 4!e5 his sepulchre u!to this day1 -oses 5as a! hu!dred a!d t5e!ty years old 5he! he died" his eyes !e6er dimmed" !e his teeth 5ere !e6er mo6ed1 The childre! of Israel 5ept a!d mour!ed for him thirty days i! the fields of -oab1 Joshua the so! of Nu! 5as reple!ished 5ith the spirit of 5isdom7 for -oses set o! him his ha!ds" a!d the childre! obeyed him as our Lord had comma!ded to -oses1 A!d there 5as !e6er after a prophet i! Israel li4e u!to -oses" 5hich 4!e5 a!d spa4e to God face to face i! all si !s a!d to4e!s that God did a!d sho5ed by him i! the la!d of E ypt to (haraoh a!d all his ser6a!ts1 GLO**AR3








adderbolt" !1" a dra o!:fly" also the bolt of a crossbo51 ad=ousted" pp1" 'r1 a=outer" to add1 alie!ed" pp1" separated1 aye!bar" !1" redeemer1 bourdo!" !1" a staff1

ca!" 61" to be able1 cheer" !1" the 6isa e1 colestaff" !1" a pole for carryi! a burde! bet5ee! t5o perso!s1 co!" 61" to 4!o51 corba!am" !1" a! offeri! 1 dilatio!" !1" delay1 do ma4e" did do ma4e L cause to be made"


e! rassed" pp1" 'r1 e! raisser" to fatte! or e!rich1 e!sei !ed" 61" 'r1 e!sei !er" to teach1 eurous" ad=1" 't1 heureu8" happy1 flom" !1" a ri6er1 frushed" 61" 'r1 fruisser" to crush or bruise1

oliards" !1" =esters or buffoo!s1 uerished" 61" 'r1 uerir" to heal1 impedimy" !1" disease of the roi!1

=ape" !1" =est or scoff1 =o!4es of the sea" !"" =u!cus acutus" the reat sea rush1 =ume!t1 !11 a mare 4al4ed" 61" rec4o!ed or calculated1 leasi! s" !1" lies1 loui! s" !1" praisi! s1 Io5ted" pp1" bo5ed" used also for lur4ed1

maleurte" !1" 'r1 malheur" u!happi!ess1 meH!y" !1" compa!y or reti!ue1 more" ad=1" 61" to be able1 moye!" !1" middle" mea!1 reater or elder1 mo6e"


NebuHar : ada!" !1 This !ame mea!s literally i! the +ebre5 A$ @i! s 8861 B >chief of the slayers"> 5hich the E! lish tra!slators follo5i! the Vul ate u!dersta!d as >slayers of me!"> a!d so i!terpret the !ame as >captai! of the uard1> 9ut i! the Septua i!t" NebuHar:ada! is ta4e! to be chief of the slayers of beasts" he!ce the title of >pri!ce of the coo4s1> The 're!ch 6ersio!" from 5hich Ca8to! e!erally tra!slates" reads >car il estoit pri!ce des ueu8"> but here Ca8to! seems to ha6e tur!ed to the ori i!al" 5here Vora i!e" stra! e to say" follo5s the Lati! 6ersio! of the Septua i!t" a!d 5rites > pri!ceps cocorum1> palpatio!" !1" touchi! 1 plaies" !1" 5ou!ds1 primetime or pri!temps" !1" spri! " pri!ce of the coo4s:See NebuHar:ada!1 propice" ad=1" fa6ourable1 pulme!t" !1" potta e1 <uatretemps" !1" Ember days1


rather" ad61" earlier1 rechaet" !1" i! e8cha! e for" i! place of1 re!ommee1 !11 re!o5!1 sie es" !1" seats or thro!es1 sithes" !1" times1 solder1 !11 a! upper chamber1 sparteled" pp1" scattered1 spelu!4e" !1" a ca6e or tomb1 stacte!" !1" myrrh1 stora8" !1" i!ce!se1 styed" 61" rose up" asce!ded1 s5e6e!" !1" a dream1 sy!echdoche" !1" bri! i! to ether1 terebi!th" !1" turpe!ti!e1 ti urye" !1" a small house1 tourbe" !1" a cro5d1 tree tree!" !1" 5ood1 tre5a e" !1" tribute1 turmes" !1" troops" compa!ies1


u!!ethe" ad61" hardly" scarcely1 utas" !1" octa6e1 6eer" !1" spri! :tide1 END OF VOL" 0


The Hi tory of Jo hua


After -oses" Joshua 5as du4e a!d leader of the childre! of Israel" a!d brou ht them i!to the la!d of behest" a!d did ma!y reat battles1 'or 5hom God sho5ed ma!y reat mar6els a!d i! especial o!e7 that 5as that the su! stood still at his re<uest" till he had o6ercome his e!emies" by the space of a day1 A!d our Lord" 5he! he fou ht" se!t do5! such hail:sto!es that sle5 more of his e!emies 5ith the sto!es tha! 5ith ma!>s ha!d1 Joshua 5as a !oble ma! a!d o6er!ed 5ell Israel" a!d di6ided the la!d u!to the t5el6e tribes by lot1 A!d 5he! he 5as a! hu!dred a!d te! years old he died1 A!d di6ers du4es after him =ud ed a!d deemed Israel" of 5hom be !oble histories" as of Jephthah" Gideo!" a!d Sampso!" 5hich I pass o6er u!to the histories of the 4i! s" 5hich is read i! holy church from the first Su!day after Tri!ity Su!day" u!to the first Su!day of Au ust1 A!d i! the mo!th of Au ust is read the 9oo4 of Sapie!ce" a!d i! the mo!th of September be read the histories of Job" of Tobit" a!d of Judith" a!d i! October the history of the -accabees" a!d i! No6ember the boo4 of EHechiel a!d his 6isio!s1 A!d i! December the history of Ad6e!t1 a!d the boo4 of lsaiah u!to Christmas a!d after the feast of Epipha!y u!to Septua esima be read the Epistles of (aul1 A!d this is the rule of the temporal throu h the year" etc1 The Hi tory of *aul1 The first Su!day after Tri!ity Su!day u!to the first Su!day of the mo!th of Au ust is read the 9oo4 of @i! s1 This history ma4eth me!tio! that there 5as a ma! !amed El4a!ah 5hich had t5o 5i6es" that o!e 5as !amed +a!!ah" a!d the !ame of the seco!d (e!i!!ah1 (e!i!!ah had childre! a!d +a!!ah had !o!e but 5as barre!1 The ood ma! at such days as he 5as bou!de!" 5e!t to his city for to ma4e his sacrifice a!d 5orship God1 I! this time +oph!i a!d (hi!eas so!s of Eli7 the reat priest" 5ere priests of our Lord1 This El4a!ah a6e to (e!i!!ah at such times as he offered" to her so!s a!d dau hters" certai! parts" a!d u!to +a!!ah he a6e but o!e part1 (e!i!!ah did much sorro5 a!d reproof to +a!!ah because she had had !o childre!" a!d thus did e6ery year" a!d pro6o4ed her to 5rath" but she 5ept for sorro5 a!d ate !o meat1 To 5hom El4a!ah her husba!d saidD +a!!ah" 5hy 5eepest thouE a!d 5herefore eatest thou !otE ,hy is thi!e heart put to afflictio!E Am I !ot better to thee tha! te! so!sE The! +a!!ah arose after she had eate! a!d dru!4 i! Shilo a!d 5e!t to pray u!to our Lord" ma4i! to him a 6o5 if that she mi ht ha6e a so! she should offer him to our Lord1 Eli that time sat tofore the posts of the house of our Lord1 A!d +a!!ah besou ht a!d prayed our Lord" ma4i! to him a 6o5" if that she mi ht ha6e a so! she should offer him to our Lord1 A!d it 5as so that she prayed so heartily i! her thou ht a!d mi!d" that her lips mo6ed !ot" 5herefore Eli bare her o! ha!d that she 5as dru!41 A!d she saidD Nay" my Lord" I am a sorro5ful 5oma!" I ha6e dru!4e! !o 5i!e !e dri!4 that may cause me to be dru!4e!" but I ha6e made my prayers" a!d cast my soul i! the si ht of Almi hty God1 3epute me !ot as o!e of the dau hters of 9elial" for the prayer that I ha6e made a!d spo4e! yet is of the multitude of the hea6i!ess a!d sorro5 of my heart1 The! Eli the priest said to herD Go i! peace" the God of Israel i6e to thee the petitio! of thy heart for that thou hast prayed him1 A!d she saidD ,ould God that thy ha!dser6a!t mi ht fi!d race i! thy si ht1 A!d so she departed" a!d o! the mor! they 5e!t home a ai! i! to 3amatha1 After this our Lord remembered her" a!d El4a!ah 4!e5 her" a!d she co!cei6ed" a!d at time accustomed brou ht forth a!d bare a fair so! a!d !amed him Samuel for so much as she as4ed him of our Lord1 ,herefore El4a!ah" her husba!d" 5e!t a!d offered a solem! sacrifice a!d his 6o5 accomplished" but +a!!ah asce!ded !ot 5ith him1 She said to her husba!d that she 5ould !ot o till her child 5ere 5ea!ed a!d ta4e! from the pap1 A!d after 5he! Samuel 5as 5ea!ed" a!d 5as a! i!fa!t" the mother too4 him" a!d three cal6es a!d three measures of meal" a!d a bottle of 5i!e" a!d brou ht him u!to the house of our Lord i! Shilo a!d sacrificed that calf a!d offered the child to Eli" a!d told to Eli that she 5as the 5oma! that prayed our Lord for that child1 A!d there +a!!ah 5orshipped our Lord a!d tha!4ed him" a!d there made this psalm 5hich is o!e of the ca!ticlesD E8ulta6it cor meum i! domi!o" et e8altatum est cor!u meum i! deo meo" a!d so forth" all the rem!a!t of that psalm1 A!d the! El4a!ah 5ith his 5ife retur!ed home to his house1 After this our Lord 6isited +a!!ah" a!d she co!cei6ed three so!s" a!d t5o dau hters" 5hich she brou ht forth1 A!d Samuel abode i! the house of our Lord a!d 5as mi!ister i! the si ht of Eli1 9ut the t5o so!s of Eli" +oph!i a!d (hi!eas 5ere childre! of 9elial" !ot 4!o5i! our Lord" but did reat si!s a ai!st the comma!dme!ts of God1 A!d our Lord se!t a prophet to Eli because he corrected !ot his so!s" a!d said he 5ould ta4e the office from him a!d from his house" a!d that there should !ot be a! old ma! i! his house a!d 4i!dred"











but should die ere they came to ma!>s estate" a!d that God should raise a priest that should be faithful a!d after his heart1 Samuel ser6ed a!d mi!istered our Lord i! a surplice before Eli1 A!d o! a time as Eli lay i! his bed his eyes 5ere so dimmed that he mi ht !ot see the la!ter! of God till it 5as <ue!ched a!d put out1 Samuel slept i! the temple of our Lord 5hereas the ar4 of God 5as" a!d our Lord called Samuel" 5hich a!s5eredD I am ready" a!d ra! to Eli a!d saidD I am ready" thou calledst me1 ,hich saidD I called thee !ot my so!" retur! a!d sleep" a!d he retur!ed a!d slept1 A!d our Lord called him the seco!d time" a!d he arose a!d 5e!t to Eli a!d saidD LoI I am here" thou calledst me" 5hich a!s5eredD I called thee !ot" o thy 5ay" a!d sleep1 Samuel 4!e5 !ot the calli! of our Lord yet" !e there 5as !e6er re6elatio! sho5ed him tofore1 A!d our Lord called Samuel the third time" 5hich arose a!d came to Eli a!d saidD I am here" for thou calledst me1 The! Eli u!derstood that our Lord had called him" a!d said to SamuelD Go a!d sleep" a!d if thou be called a ai! thou shalt sayD Spea4" Lord" for thy ser6a!t heareth thee1 Samuel retur!ed a!d slept i! his place" a!d our Lord came a!d called himD SamuelI SamuelI a!d Samuel saidD Say" Lord" 5hat it pleaseth" for thy ser6a!t heareth1 A!d the! our Lord said to SamuelD LoI I ma4e my 5ord to be 4!o5! i! Israel that 5hoso heareth" his ears shall ri! a!d sou!d thereof1 I! that day I shall raise a ai!st Eli all that I ha6e said upo! his house1 I shall be i! a!d accomplish it1 I ha6e i6e! him i! 4!o5led e that I shall =ud e his house for 5ic4ed!ess" forasmuch as he 4!o5eth his so!s to do 5ic4edly" a!d hath !ot corrected them1 Therefore I ha6e s5or! to the house of Eli that the 5ic4ed!ess of his house shall !ot be made clea! 5ith sacrifices !e ifts !e6er1 Samuel slept till o! the mor!" a!d the! he rose a!d ope!ed the doors of the house of our Lord i! his surplice7 a!d Samuel 5as afeard to sho5 this 6isio! u!to Eli1 Eli called him a!d as4ed 5hat our Lord hath said to him a!d char ed him to tell him allD a!d Samuel told to him all that our Lord had said" a!d hid !othi! from him1 A!d he saidD +e is our Lord" 5hat it pleaseth him" let him do1 Samuel re5" a!d our Lord 5as 5ith him i! all his 5or4s1 A!d it 5as 4!o5! to all Israel from Da! to 9eersheba that Samuel 5as the true prophet of our Lord1 After this it 5as so that the (hilisti!es 5arred a ai!st the childre! of Israel" a ai!st 5hom there 5as a battle" a!d the childre! of Israel o6erthro5! a!d put to fli ht1 ,herefore they assembled a ai!" a!d too4 5ith them the ar4 of God 5hich +oph!i a!d (hi!eas" so!s of Eli" bare" a!d 5he! they came 5ith a reat multitude 5ith the ar4" the (hilisti!es 5ere afraid1 Not5ithsta!di! they fou ht a ai!st them ma!ly a!d sle5 thirty thousa!d footme! of the childre! of Israel a!d too4 the ar4 of God1 A!d the t5o so!s of Eli 5ere slai!" +oph!i a!d (hi!eas1 A!d a ma! of the tribe of 9e!=ami! ra! for to tell this u!to Eli 5hich sat abidi! some tidi! s of the battle1 This ma!" as soo! as he e!tered i!to the to5!" told ho5 the field 5as lost" the people slai!" a!d ho5 the ar4 5as ta4e!1 A!d there 5as a reat sorro5 a!d cry1 A!d 5he! Eli heard this cry a!d 5aili! he dema!ded 5hat this !oise 5as a!d mea!t" a!d 5herefore they so sorro5ed1 The! the ma! hied a!d came a!d told to Eli1 Eli 5as at that tide !i!ety:ei ht years old" a!d his eyes 5ere 5a8e! bli!d a!d mi ht !ot see" a!d he saidD I am he that came from the battle" a!d fled this day from the host1 To 5hom Eli saidD ,hat is there do!e my so!E +e a!s5eredD The host of Israel is o6erthro5! a!d fled tofore the (hilisti!es" a!d a reat rui! is made amo! the people" thy t5o so!s be slai! a!d the ar4 of God is ta4e!1 A!d 5he! Eli heard him !ame the ar4 of God he fell do5! bac45ard by the door a!d bra4e his !ec4 a!d there died1 +e 5as a! old ma! a!d had =ud ed Israel forty years1 The! the (hilisti!es too4 the ar4 of God a!d set it i! their temple of Da o! by their od Da o!" i! Ashdod1 O! the mor! the !e8t day early" 5he! they of Ashdod came i!to their temple" they sa5 their od Da o! lie o! the rou!d tofore the ar4 of God upo! his face" a!d the head a!d the t5o ha!ds of Da o! 5ere cut off1 A!d there abode !o more but the tru!4 o!ly i! the place1 A!d God sho5ed ma!y 6e! ea!ces to them of the cou!try as lo! as the ar4 5as 5ith them" for God smote them 5ith sic4!ess i! their secret parts" a!d 5ells boiled i! to5!s a!d fields of that re io!" a!d there re5 amo! them so ma!y mice" that they suffered reat persecutio! a!d co!fusio! i! that city1 The people seei! this 6e! ea!ce a!d pla ue saidD Let !ot the ar4 of the God of Israel abide lo! er 5ith us" for his ha!d is hard o! us a!d o! Da o! our od" a!d se!t for the reat masters a!d o6er!ors of the (hilisti!es" a!d 5he! they 5ere athered they saidD ,hat shall 5e do 5ith the ar4 of the God of IsraelE A!d they a!s5eredD Let it be led all about the cities" a!d so it 5as" a!d a reat 6e! ea!ce a!d death 5as had upo! all the cities" a!d smote e6ery ma! 5ith pla ue from the most to the least7 i! such 5ise that the !ether parts of them putrified a!d rotted off them" a!d that they made to them seats of furs a!d s4i!s to sit soft1 A!d the! they se!t the ar4 of God i!to Achero! a!d 5he! they of Achero! sa5 the ar4" they cried sayi! D They ha6e brou ht the ar4 of the God of Israel to us" for to slay us a!d our people1 They cried that the ar4 should be se!t home a ai!" for much people 5ere dead by the 6e! ea!ce that 5as ta4e! o! them i! their secret parts" a!d a reat ho5li! a!d 5aili! 5as amo! them1 The ar4 5as i! the re io! of the (hilisti!es se6e! mo!ths1 After this they cou!selled 5ith their priests 5hat they













should do 5ith the ar4" a!d it 5as co!cluded it should be se!t home a ai!" but the priests saidD If ye se!d it home" se!d it !ot 6oid" but 5hat ye o5e pay for your trespass a!d si!" a!d the! ye shall be healed a!d cured of your sic4!esses1 A!d so they ordai!ed after the !umber of the fi6e pro6i!ces of the (hilisti!es" fi6e pieces of old a!d fi6e mice of old" a!d led to a 5ai! a!d put i! it t5o 5ild 4i!e" 5hich !e6er bare yo4e" a!d said" Lea6e their cal6es at home a!d ta4e the ar4 a!d set it o! the 5ai!" a!d also the 6essels a!d pieces of old that ye ha6e paid for your trespass" set them at the side of the ar4 a!d let them o 5here they 5ill" a!d thus they se!t the ar4 of God u!to the childre! of Israel1 Samuel the! o6er!ed Israel lo! " a!d 5he! he 5as old he set his so!s =ud es o! Israel" 5hose !ames 5ere Joel a!d Abiah1 A!d these t5o his so!s 5al4ed !ot i! his 5ays" but decli!ed after co6etise a!d too4 ifts a!d per6erted =ustice a!d doom1 The! assembled a!d athered to ether all the reatest of birth of the childre! of Israel" a!d came to Samuel a!d saidD LoI thou art old a!d thy so!s 5al4 !ot i! thy 5ays" 5herefore ordai! to us a 4i! that may =ud e a!d rule us li4e as all other !atio!s ha6e1 This displeased much to Samuel 5he! they said Ordai! o! us a 4i! 1 The! Samuel cou!selled o! this matter 5ith our Lord" to 5hom God saidD +ear the 6oice of the people that spea4 to theeD they ha6e !ot cast o!ly thee a5ay" but me" that I should !ot rei ! o! them" for they do !o5 li4e as they e6er ha6e do!e sith I brou ht them out of E ypt u!to this day7 that is that they ha6e ser6ed false ods a!d stra! e" a!d so do they to thee1 Not5ithsta!di! hear them" a!d tell to them tofore" the ri ht of the 4i! " a!d ho5 he shall oppress them1 Samuel told all this to the people that dema!ded to ha6e a 4i! " a!d saidD This shall be the ri ht of a 4i! that shall rei ! o! you1 +e shall ta4e your so!s a!d ma4e them his me! of 5ar" a!d set them i! his chariots a!d shall ma4e them his carters a!d riders of his horse i! his chariots a!d carts" a!d shall ordai! of them tribu!es a!d ce!turio!s" earers a!d tillers of his fields" a!d mo5ers a!d reapers of his cor!" a!d he shall ma4e them smiths" a!d armourers of har!ess a!d cars" a!d he shall also ta4e your dau hters a!d ma4e them his u! ue!taries" a!d ready at his 5ill a!d pleasure7 he shall also ta4e from you your fields a!d 6i!eyards a!d the best oli6es a!d i6e them to his ser6a!ts" a!d he shall tas4 a!d dime your cor! a!d shea6es" a!d the re!ts of your 6i!eyards he shall 6alue for to i6e to his officers a!d ser6a!ts" a!d shall ta4e from you your ser6a!ts" both me! a!d 5ome!" a!d set them to his 5or4s1 A!d your asses a!d beasts he also shall ta4e to his labour" your floc4s of sheep he shall tas4 a!d ta4e the te!th or 5hat shall please him" a!d ye shall be to him thrall a!d ser6a!ts1 A!d ye shall cry the! 5ishi! to flee from the face of your 4i! " a!d our Lord shall !ot hear you !or deli6er you because ye ha6e as4ed for you a 4i! 1 ;et for all this the people 5ould !ot hear Samuel" but saidD Gi6e to us a 4i! " for a 4i! shall rei ! o! us" a!d 5e shall be as all other people be1 A!d our 4i! shall =ud e us a!d o before us" a!d he shall fi ht our battles for us1 A!d Samuel heard all a!d cou!selled 5ith our Lord1 To 5hom God comma!ded to ordai! to them a 4i! " a!d so he did" for he too4 a ma! of the tribe of 9e!=ami! 5hose !ame 5as Saul" a ood ma! a!d chose!" a!d there 5as !ot a better amo! all the childre! of Israel" a!d he 5as hi her of stature from the shoulder up5ard tha! a!y other of all the people1 A!d Samuel a!oi!ted him 4i! upo! Israel" a!d said to himD Our Lord God hath a!oi!ted thee upo! his herita e a!d ordai!ed thee a pri!ce" a!d thou shalt deli6er his people from the ha!ds of his e!emies that be i! the circuit a!d cou!tries about" a!d so departed from him1 A!d Samuel after this athered the people to ether a!d saidD Our Lord saith that he hath brou ht you from the la!d of E ypt" a!d sa6ed you from the ha!ds of all the 4i! s that 5ere your e!emies a!d pursued you" a!d ye ha6e forsa4e! our Lord God that hath o!ly deli6ered you from all your e6il a!d tribulatio!s" a!d ha6e saidD Ordai! upo! us a 4i! 1 ,herefore !o5 sta!d e6ery each i! his tribe" a!d 5e shall lot 5ho shall be our 4i! 1 A!d the lot fell o! the tribe of 9e!=ami!" a!d i! that tribe the lot fell upo! Saul the so! of @ish1 A!d they sou ht him a!d could !ot fi!d him" a!d it 5as told him that he 5as hid i! his house at home" a!d the people ra! thither a!d fetched him a!d set him amidst all the people1 A!d he 5as hi her tha! a!y of all the people from the shoulder up5ard1 The! Samuel said to the people" No5 ye see a!d behold 5hom our Lord hath chose!" for there is !o!e li4e him of all the people1 A!d the! all the people criedD Vi6at 3e8" li6e the 4i! 1 Samuel 5rote the la5 of the realm to the people i! a boo4" a!d put it tofore our Lord1 Thus 5as Saul made the first 4i! i! Israel" a!d a!o! had much 5ar" for o! all sides me! 5arred o! the childre! of Israel" a!d he defe!ded them" a!d Saul had di6ers battles a!d had 6ictory1 Samuel came o! a time to Saul a!d said God comma!ded him to fi ht a ai!st Amale4 a!d that he should slay a!d destroy ma!" 5oma!" a!d child" o8" co5" camel a!d ass a!d sheep" a!d spare !othi! 1 The! Saul assembled his people a!d had t5o hu!dred thousa!d footme! a!d t5e!ty thousa!d me! of the tribe of















Judah" a!d 5e!t forth a!d fou ht a ai!st Amale4 a!d sle5 them" sauf he sa6ed A a the @i! of Amale4 ali6e" a!d all other he sle5" but he spared the best floc4s of sheep a!d of other beasts" a!d also ood clothes" a!d 5ethers" a!d all that 5as ood he spared" a!d 5hatsome6er 5as foul he destroyed1 A!d this 5as sho5ed to Samuel by our Lord" sayi! D -e forthi!4eth that I ha6e ordai!ed Saul 4i! upo! Israel" for he hath forsa4e! me" a!d !ot fulfilled my comma!dme!ts1 Samuel 5as sorry herefor" a!d 5ailed all the !i ht1 O! the mor! he rose a!d came to Saul" a!d Saul offered sacrifice to our Lord of the pilla e that he had ta4e!1 A!d Samuel dema!ded of Saul 5hat !oise that 5as he heard of sheep a!d beasts" a!d he said that they 5ere of the beasts that the people had brou ht from Amale4 to offer u!to our Lord" a!d the residue 5ere slai!1 They ha6e spared the best a!d fattest for to do sacrifice 5ith u!to thy Lord God1 The! said Samuel to SaulD 3ememberest thou !ot that 5hereas thou 5ert least amo! the tribes of Israel thou 5ert made upperestE A!d our Lord a!oi!ted thee" a!d made thee 4i! 1 A!d he said to theeD Go a!d slay the si!!ers of Amale4 a!d lea6e !o!e ali6e" ma! !e beast7 5hy hast thou !ot obeyed the comma!dme!t of our LordE A!d hast ru! to robbery a!d do!e e6il i! the si ht of GodE A!d the! said Saul to SamuelD I ha6e ta4e! A a " 4i! of the Amale4ites" a!d brou ht him 5ith me" but I ha6e slai! Amale41 The people ha6e ta4e! of the sheep a!d beasts of the best for to offer u!to our Lord God1 A!d the! said SamuelD Tro5est thou that our Lord 5ould rather ha6e sacrifice a!d offeri! s tha! !ot to obey his comma!dme!ts1 9etter is obedie!ce tha! sacrifice" a!d better it is to ta4e heed to do after thy Lord tha! to offer the fat 4id!eys of the 5ethers1 'or it is a si! to 5ithsta!d a!d to repu ! a ai!st his Lord li4e the si! of idolatry1 A!d because thou hast !ot obeyed our Lord" a!d cast a5ay his 5ord" our Lord hath cast thee a5ay that thou shalt !ot be 4i! 1 The! said Saul to SamuelD I ha6e si!!ed for I ha6e !ot obeyed the 5ord of God a!d thy 5ords" but ha6e dreaded the people a!d obeyed to their re<uest" but I pray thee to bear my si! a!d trespass a!d retur! 5ith me that I may 5orship our Lord1 A!d Samuel a!s5ered" I shall !ot retur! 5ith thee1 A!d so Samuel departed" a!d yet ere he departed" he did do slay A a the 4i! 1 A!d Samuel sa5 !e6er Saul after u!to his death11 The! our Lord bade Samuel to o a!d a!oi!t o!e of the so!s of Isai" other5ise called Jesse" to be 4i! of Israel1 A!d so he came i!to 9ethlehem u!to Jesse a!d bade him bri! his so!s tofore him1 This Jesse had ei ht so!s" he brou ht tofore Samuel se6e! of them" a!d Samuel said there 5as !ot he that he 5ould ha6e1 The! he said that there 5as !o more" sa6e o!e 5hich 5as you! est a!d yet a child" a!d 4ept sheep i! the field1 A!d Samuel saidD Se!d for him" for I shall eat !o bread till he come1 A!d so he 5as se!t for a!d brou ht1 +e 5as ruddy a!d fair of 6isa e a!d 5ell fa6oured" a!d Samuel arose" a!d too4 a! hor! 5ith oil a!d a!oi!ted him i! the middle of his brethre!1 A!d forth5ith the spirit of our Lord came directly i! him that same day a!d e6er after The! Samuel departed a!d came i! to 3amah1 A!d the spirit of our Lord 5e!t a5ay from Saul a!d a! e6il spirit oft 6e8ed him1 The! his ser6a!ts said to himD Thou oft art 6e8ed 5ith a! e6il spirit" it 5ere ood to ha6e o!e that could harp" to be 5ith thee 5he! the spirit 6e8eth thee" thou shalt bear it the li hter1 A!d he said to his ser6a!tsD (ro6ide ye to me such o!e1 A!d the! o!e saidD I sa5 o!e of Jesse>s so!s play o! a harp" a fair child a!d stro! " 5ise i! his tal4i! a!d our Lord is 5ith him1 The! Saul se!t messa es to Jesse for Da6id" a!d Jesse se!t Da6id his so! 5ith a prese!t of bread" 5i!e" a!d a 4id" to Saul1 A!d al5ays 5he! the e6il spirit 6e8ed Saul" Da6id harped tofore him a!d a!o! he 5as eased" a!d the e6il spirit 5e!t his 5ay1 After this the (hilisti!es athered them i!to reat hosts to ma4e 5ar a ai!st Saul a!d the childre! of Israel" a!d Saul athered the childre! of Israel to ether a!d came a ai!st them i! the 6ale of Terebi!the1 The (hilisti!es stood upo! the hill o! that other part" a!d the 6alley 5as bet5ee! them1 A!d there came out of the host of the (hilisti!es a reat ia!t !amed Goliath of Gath7 he 5as si8 cubits hi h a!d a palm" a!d a helmet of brass o! his head" a!d 5as clad i! a haber eo!1 The 5ei ht of his haber eo! 5as of fi6e thousa!d she4els of 5ei ht of metal1 +e had boots of brass o! his cal6es" a!d his shoulders 5ere co6ered 5ith plates of brass1 +is lai6e 5as as a reat colestaff" a!d there 5as thereo! si8 she4els of iro!" a!d his s<uire 5e!t tofore him a!d cried a ai!st them of Israel" a!d said they should choose a ma! to fi ht a si! ular battle a ai!st Goliath" a!d if he 5ere o6ercome the (hilisti!es should be ser6a!ts to Israel" a!d if he pre6ailed a!d o6ercame his e!emy" they of Israel should ser6e the (hilisti!es" a!d thus he did cry forty days lo! 1 Saul a!d the childre! of Israel 5ere sore afraid1 Da6id 5as at this time i! 9ethlehem 5ith his father" a!d 4ept sheep" a!d three of his brethre! 5ere i! the host 5ith Saul1 To 5hom Jesse saidD lod i! s of the (hilisti!es" a!d too4 all the pilla e1 Da6id too4 the head of Goliath a!d brou ht it i!to Jerusalem" a!d his arms he brou ht i!to his taber!acle1 A!d Ab!er brou ht Da6id" ha6i! the head of Goliath i! his ha!d" tofore Saul1 A!d Saul dema!ded of











him of 5hat 4i!dred that he 5as" a!d he said that he 5as so! of Jesse of 9ethlehem" a!d forth5ith that same time Jo!atha!" the so! of Saul" lo6ed Da6id as his o5! soul1 Saul the! 5ould !ot i6e him lice!ce to retur! to his father" a!d Jo!atha! a!d he 5ere co!federate a!d s5ore each of them to be true to other" for Jo!atha! a6e his coat that he 5as clad 5ithal" a!d all his other arme!ts" u!to his s5ord a!d spear" u!to Da6id1 A!d Da6id did all that e6er Saul bade him do 5isely a!d prude!tly1 A!d 5he! he retur!ed from the battle" a!d Goliath 5as slai!" the 5ome! came out from e6ery to5! si! i! 5ith choirs a!d timpa!es a ai!st the comi! of Saul 5ith reat =oy a!d lad!ess" sayi! D Saul hath slai! a thousa!d a!d Da6id hath slai! te! thousa!d1 A!d this sayi! displeased much to Saul" 5hich saidD They ha6e i6e! to Da6id te! thousa!d a!d to me o!e thousa!d7 5hat may he more ha6e sa6e the realm" a!d to be 4i! E 'or this cause Saul !e6er lo6ed Da6id after that day" !e !e6er loo4ed o! him frie!dly but e6er sou ht mea!s after5ard to destroy Da6id" for he dreaded that Da6id should be lord 5ith him" a!d put him from him1 A!d Da6id 5as 5ise a!d 4ept him 5ell from him1 A!d after this he 5edded -ichal" dau hter of Saul" a!d Jo!atha! made oft times peace bet5ee! Saul a!d Da6id" yet Saul 4ept !o promise" but e6er lay i! 5ait to slay Da6id1 A!d Jo!atha! 5ar!ed Da6id thereof1 A!d Da6id at him a compa!y of me! of 5ar to the !umber of four hu!dred" a!d 4ept him i! the mou!tai!s1 A!d o! a time Da6id 5as at home 5ith his 5ife -ichal" a!d Saul se!t thither me! of 5ar to slay him i! his house i! the mor!i! 7 a!d 5he! -ichal heard thereof" she said to Da6idD 9ut if thou sa6e thyself this !i ht" to:mor! thou shalt die" a!d she let him out by a 5i!do5 by 5hich he escaped a!d sa6ed himself1 -ichal too4 a! ima e a!d laid i! his bed" a!d a rou h s4i! of a oat o! the head of the ima e" a!d co6ered it 5ith clothes1 A!d o! the mor! Saul se!t spies for Da6id" a!d it 5as a!s5ered to them that he lay sic4 i! his bed1 The! after this se!t Saul messe! ers for to see Da6id" a!d said to themD 9ri! him to me i! his bed that he may be slai!1 A!d 5he! the messe! ers came they fou!d a simulachre or a! ima e i! his bed" a!d oats> s4i!s o! the head1 The! said Saul to -ichal his dau hterD ,hy hast thou moc4ed me so" a!d hast suffered mi!e e!emy to fleeE A!d -ichal a!s5ered to Saul a!d saidD +e said to meD Let me o or I shall slay thee1 Da6id 5e!t to Samuel i! 3ama a!d told him all that Saul had do!e to him1 A!d it 5as told to Saul that Da6id 5as 5ith Samuel" a!d he se!t thither messe! ers to ta4e him1 A!d 5he! they came they fou!d them 5ith the compa!y of prophets" a!d they sat a!d prophesied 5ith them1 A!d he se!t more1 A!d they did also so1 A!d the third time he se!t more messe! ers1 A!d they also prophesied1 A!d the! Saul bei! 5roth as4ed 5here Samuel a!d Da6id 5ere" a!d 5e!t to them" a!d he prophesied 5he! he came also" a!d too4 off his clothes a!d 5as !a4ed all that day a!d !i ht before Samuel1 Da6id the! fled from the!ce a!d came to Jo!atha! a!d complai!ed to him sayi! D ,hat ha6e I offe!ded that thy father see4eth to slay meE Jo!atha! 5as sorry therefore" for he lo6ed 5ell Da6id1 After this Saul e6er sou ht for to slay Da6id1 A!d o! a time Saul 5e!t i!to a ca6e for to ease him" a!d Da6id 5as 5ithi! the ca6e" to 5hom his s<uire saidD No5 hath God brou ht thi!e e!emy i!to thi!e ha!d7 !o5 o a!d slay him1 A!d Da6id saidD God forbid that I should lay a!y ha!d o! him" he is a!oi!ted1 I shall !e6er hurt !e rie6e him" let God do his pleasure1 A!d he 5e!t to Saul a!d cut off a obet of his ma!tle a!d 4ept it1 A!d 5he! Saul 5as o!e out" soo! after issued Da6id out a!d cried to Saul sayi! D LoI Saul" God hath brou ht thee i!to my ha!ds1 I mi ht ha6e slai! thee if I had 5ould" but God forbade that I should lay ha!d o! thee" my lord a!oi!ted of God1 A!d 5hat ha6e I offe!ded that thou see4est to slay meE ,ho art thouE said Saul1 Art thou !ot Da6id my so!E ;es" said Da6id" I am thy ser6a!t" a!d 4!eeled do5! a!d 5orshipped him1 The! said SaulD I ha6e si!!ed" a!d 5ept a!d also saidD Thou art ri htfuller tha! I am" thou hast do!e to me ood e!d I ha6e do!e to thee e6il1 A!d thou hast 5ell sho5ed to me this day that God had brou ht me i!to shi!e ha!d" a!d thou hast !ot slai! me1 God re5ard thee for this" that thou hast do!e to me7 !o5 4!o5 I 5ell that thou shalt rei ! i! Israel1 I pray thee to be frie!dly to my seed" a!d destroy !ot my house" a!d s5ear a!d promise me that thou ta4e !ot a5ay my !ame from the house of my father7 a!d Da6id s5are a!d promised to Saul1 A!d the! Saul departed a!d 5e!t home" a!d Da6id a!d his people 5e!t i! to surer places1 A!o! after this Samuel died" a!d 5as buried i! his house i! 3ama1 A!d all Israel be5ailed him reatly1 The! there 5as a rich ma! i! the mou!t of Carmel that hi ht Nabal" a!d o! a time he sheared a!d clipped his sheep" to 5hom Da6id se!t certai! me!" a!d bade them say that Da6id reeted him 5ell" a!d 5hereas aforetimes his shepherds 4ept his sheep i! desert" he !e6er 5as rie6ous to them" !e they lost !ot so much as a sheep as lo! as they 5ere 5ith us" a!d that he mi ht as4 his ser6a!ts for they could tell" a!d that he 5ould !o5 i! their !eed se!d them 5hat it pleased him1 Nabal a!s5ered to the childre! of Da6idD ,ho is that Da6idE Tro5 ye that I shall se!d the meat that I ha6e made ready for them that shear my sheep a!d se!d it to me! that I 4!o5 !otE The me! retur!ed a!d told to Da6id all that he had











said1 The! said Da6id to his me!D Let e6ery ma! ta4e his s5ord a!d ird him 5ithal" a!d Da6id too4 his s5ord a!d irt him1 A!d Da6id 5e!t a!d four hu!dred me! follo5ed him" a!d he left t5o hu!dred behi!d him1 O!e of the ser6a!ts of Nabal told to Abi ail" Nabal>s 5ife" ho5 that Da6id had se!t messe! ers from the desert u!to his lord" a!d ho5 5roth a!d 5ay5ard he 5as" a!d also he said that those me! 5ere ood e!ou h to them 5he! they 5ere i! desert" !e !e6er perished beast of ours as lo! as they 5ere there1 They 5ere a 5all a!d a shield for us both day a!d !i ht all the time that 5e 4ept our floc4s there" 5herefore co!sider 5hat is to be do!e1 They purpose to do harm to him a!d to ser6a!ts1 A!d she arose a!d too4 5ith her fi6e maide!s 5hich 5e!t afoot by her" a!d she rode upo! a! ass" a!d follo5ed the messe! ers" a!d 5as made 5ife to Da6id1 A!d Da6id also too4 a!other 5ife called Ahi!oam of JeHreel" a!d both t5o 5ere his 5i6es1 After this Saul al5ay sou ht Da6id for to slay him1 A!d the people called Kyphites told to Saul that Da6id 5as hid i! the hill of +achilah 5hich 5as o! the after part of the 5ilder!ess" a!d Saul too4 5ith him three thousa!d chose! me! a!d follo5ed a!d sou ht Da6id1 Da6id 5he! he heard of the comi! of Saul 5e!t i!to the place 5hereas Saul 5as" a!d 5he! he 5as asleep he too4 o!e 5ith him a!d 5e!t i!to the te!t 5here Saul slept" a!d Ab!er 5ith him a!d all his people1 The! said Abishai to Da6idD God hath put thi!e e!emy this day i! thi!e ha!ds" !o5 I shall o a!d smite him throu h 5ith my spear" a!d the! after that 5e shall ha6e !o !eed to dread him1 A!d Da6id said to AbishaiD Slay him !ot7 5ho may e8te!d his ha!d i!to the a!oi!ted 4i! of God a!d be i!!oce!tE A!d Da6id said yet moreD 9y the li6i! God" but if God smite him or the days come that he shall die or perish i! battle" God be merciful to me" as I shall !ot lay my ha!d o! him that is The a!oi!ted of our Lord1 No5 ta4e the spear that sta!deth at his head" a!d the cup of 5ater" a!d let us o1 Da6id too4 the spear a!d the cup a!d departed the!ce a!d there 5as !ot o!e that sa5 them !e a5a4ed" for they slept all1 The! 5he! Da6id 5as o! the hill far from them" Da6id cried to the people a!d to Ab!er" sayi! D Ab!er" shalt !ot thou a!s5erE A!d Ab!er a!s5eredD ,ho art thou that cryest a!d 5a4est the 4i! E A!d Da6id said to Ab!erD Art thou !ot a ma! a!d there is !o!e li4e thee i! IsraelE 5hy hast thou !ot therefore 4ept thy lord the 4i! E There is o!e of the people o!e i! to slay the 4i! thy lord7 by the li6i! Lord it is !ot ood that ye do" but be ye 5orthy to die because ye ha6e !ot 4ept your lord a!oi!ted of our Lord1 No5 loo4 a!d see 5here the 4i! >s spear is" a!d the cup of 5ater that stood at his head1 Saul 4!e5 the 6oice of Da6id a!d saidD Is !ot this thy 6oice" my so! Da6idE A!d Da6id saidD It is my 6oice" my lord 4i! 1 'or 5hat cause dost thou" my lord" pursue me thy ser6a!tE 5hat thi! ha6e I do!e a!d 5hat e6il ha6e I committed 5ith my ha!dE Thou seest 5ell I mi ht ha6e slai! thee if I 5ould7 God =ud e bet5ee! thee a!d me1 A!d Saul saidD I ha6e si!!ed" retur!" my so!7 I shall !e6er hereafter do thee harm !e e6il" for thy soul is precious i! my si ht this day1 It appeareth !o5 that I ha6e do!e follily" a!d am i !ora!t i! ma!y thi! s1 The! said Da6idD LoI here is the spear of the 4i! " let a child come fetch it" our Lord shall re5ard to e6ery ma! after his =ustice a!d faith1 Our Lord hath this day brou ht thee i!to my ha!ds" a!d yet I 5ould !ot lay mi!e ha!d o! him that is a!oi!ted of our Lord1 A!d li4e as thy soul is ma !ified this day i! my si ht" so be my soul ma !ified i! the si ht of God a!d deli6er me from all a! uish1 Saul said the! to Da6idD 9lessed be thou" my so! Da6id1 A!d Da6id 5e!t the! his 5ay" a!d Saul retur!ed home a ai!1 A!d Da6id said i! his heartD Sometime it mi ht hap to me to fall a!d come i!to the ha!ds of Saul" it is better I flee from him a!d sa6e me i! the la!d of the (hilisti!es1 A!d he 5e!t the!ce 5ith si8 hu!dred me! a!d came to Achish 4i! of Gath a!d d5elled there1 A!d 5he! Saul u!derstood that he 5as 5ith Achish he ceased to see4 him1 A!d Achish deli6ered to Da6id a to5! to d5ell i! !amed Ki4la 1







After this the (hilisti!es athered a!d assembled much people a ai!st Israel1 A!d Saul assembled all Israel a!d came u!to Gilboa7 a!d 5he! Saul sa5 alI the host of the (hilisti!es" his heart dreaded a!d fai!ted sore" he cried for to ha6e cou!sel of our Lord1 A!d our Lord a!s5ered him !ot" !e by s5e6e!s !e by priests" !e by prophets1 The! said Saul to his ser6a!tsD 'etch to me a 5oma! ha6i! a phito!" other5ise called a phito!ess or a 5itch1 A!d they said that there 5as such a 5oma! i! E!dor1 Saul the! cha! ed his habit a!d clothi! " a!d did o! other clothi! " a!d 5e!t a!d t5o me! 5ith him" a!d came to the 5oma! by !i ht" a!d made her by her craft to raise Samuel1 A!d Samuel said to SaulD ,hy hast thou put me from my rest" for to ariseE A!d Saul saidD I am coarted thereto" for the (hilisti!es fi ht a ai!st me" a!d God is o!e from me" a!d 5ill !ot hear me" !either by prophets" !e by s5e6e!s1 A!d Samuel saidD ,hat as4est thou of me 5he! God is o!e from thee a!d o!e u!to Da6idE God shall do to thee as he hath said to thee by me" a!d shall cut thy realm from thi!e ha!d" a!d shall i6e it to thy !ei hbour Da6id1 'or thou hast !ot obeyed his 6oice" !e hast !ot do!e his comma!dme!t i! Amale47 therefore thou







shalt lose the battle a!d Israel shall be o6erthro5!1 To:morro5 thou a!d thy childre! shall be 5ith me" a!d our Lord shall suffer the childre! of Israel to fall i! the ha!ds of the (hilisti!es1 A!o! the! Saul fell do5! to the earth1 The 5ords of Samuel made him afeard a!d there 5as !o stre! th i! him" for he had eate! !o bread of all that day" he 5as reatly troubled1 The! the phito!ess desired him to eat" a!d she sle5 a paschal lamb that she had" a!d di hted a!d set it tofore him" a!d bread1 A!d 5he! he had eate! he 5al4ed 5ith his ser6a!ts all that !i ht1 A!d o! the mor! the (hilisti!es assailed Saul a!d them of Israel" a!d fou ht a reat battle" a!d the me! of Israel fled from the face of the (hilisti!es" a!d ma!y of them 5ere slai! i! the mou!t of Gilboa1 The (hilisti!es smote i! a ai!st Saul a!d his so!s" a!d sle5 Jo!atha! a!d Abi!adab" a!d -elchi:shua" so!s of Saul1 A!d all the burde! of the battle 5as tur!ed o! Saul" a!d the archers follo5ed him a!d 5ou!ded him sore1 The! said Saul to his s<uireD (luc4 out thy s5ord a!d slay me" that these me! u!circumcised come !ot a!d" scor!i! " slay me7 a!d his s<uire 5ould !ot for he 5as reatly afeard1 The! Saul too4 his s5ord a!d sle5 himself" 5hich thi! 5he! his s<uire sa5" that is that Saul 5as dead" he too4 his s5ord a!d fell o! it a!d 5as dead 5ith him1 Thus 5as Saul dead" a!d his three so!s a!d his s<uire" a!d all his me! that day to ether1 The! the childre! of Israel that 5ere thereabouts" a!d o! that other side of Jorda!" seei! that the me! of Israel fled" a!d that Saul a!d his three so!s 5ere dead" left their cities a!d fled1 The (hilisti!es came a!d d5elled there7 a!d the !e8t day the (hilisti!es 5e!t for to rifle a!d pilla e them that 5ere dead" a!d they fou!d Saul a!d his three so!s Iyi! i! the hill of Gilboa1 A!d they cut off the head of Saul" a!d robbed him of his armour" a!d se!t it i!to the la!d of the (hilisti!es all about" that it mi ht be sho5ed i! the temple of their idols" a!d u!to the people7 a!d set up his arms i! the temple of Ashtaroth" a!d hu! his body o! the 5all of 9ethsha!1 A!d 5he! the me! that d5elt i! Jabesh:Gilead sa5 5hat the (hilisti!es had do!e u!to Saul" all the stro! est me! of them arose a!d 5e!t all that !i ht a!d too4 do5! the bodies of Saul a!d of his so!s from the 5all of 9ethsha! a!d bur!t them" a!d too4 the bo!es a!d buried them i! the 5ood of Jabesh:Gilead a!d fasted se6e! days1 Thus e!deth the life of Saul 5hich 5as first 4i! upo! Israel" a!d for disobedie!ce of comma!dme!t 5as slai!" a!d his heirs !e6er rei !ed lo! after1 The Hi tory of David God>s


+ere follo5eth ho5 Da6id rei !ed after Saul" a!d o6er!ed Israel1 Shortly ta4e! out of the 9ible" the most historial matters a!d but little touched1 After the death of Saul Da6id retur!ed from the =our!ey that he had a ai!st Amale41 'or 5hilst Da6id had bee! out 5ith Achish the 4i! " they of Amale4 had bee! i! Ki4la a!d ta4e! all that 5as therei! priso!ers" a!d robbed a!d carried a5ay 5ith them the t5o 5i6es of Da6id1 a!d had set fire a!d bur!t the to5!1 A!d 5he! Da6id came a ai! home a!d sa5 the to5! bur!t he pursued after" a!d by the co!6eyi! of o!e of them of Amale4 that 5as left by the 5ay sic4" for to ha6e his life he brou ht Da6id upo! the host of Amale4 5hereas they sat a!d ate a!d dra!41 A!d Da6id smote o! them 5ith his mei!y a!d sle5 do5! all that he fou!d" a!d rescued his 5i6es a!d all the ood that they had ta4e!" a!d too4 much more of them1 A!d 5he! he 5as come to Ki4la " the third day after there came o!e from the host of Saul" a!d told to Da6id ho5 that Israel had lost the battle" a!d ho5 they 5ere fled" a!d ho5 Saul the 4i! a!d Jo!atha! his so! 5ere slai!1 Da6id said to the you! ma! that brou ht these tidi! sD +o5 4!o5est thou that Saul a!d Jo!atha! be deadE A!d he a!s5ered it 5as so by ad6e!ture that I came upo! the mou!t of Gilboa" a!d Saul rested upo! his spear" a!d the horseme! a!d the chariots of the (hilisti!es approached to him5ard" a!d he loo4ed behi!d him a!d sa5 me" a!d called me" a!d said to meD ,ho art thouE A!d I said I am a! Amale4ite" a!d the! he saidD Sta!d upo! me a!d slay me" for I am full of a! uish" a!d yet my soul is i! me1 A!d I the! sta!di! o! him sle5 him" 4!o5i! 5ell that he mi ht !ot li6e after the rui!1 A!d I too4 the diadem from his head" a!d the armylle from his arm" 5hich I ha6e brou ht hither to thee" my lord1 Da6id too4 a!d re!t his 6estme!t" a!d all the me! that 5ere him" a!d 5ailed a!d sorro5ed much the death of Saul a!d Jo!atha! a!d of all the me! of Israel" a!d fasted that day till e6e!1 A!d Da6id said to the you! ma!D Of 5he!ce art thouE A!d he saidD I am the so! of a! Amale4ite1 A!d Da6id said to himD ,hy dreadedst thou !ot to put thy ha!d forth to slay him that is a!oi!ted of GodE Da6id called o!e of his me!" a!d bade him slay him1 A!d he smote him a!d sle5 him1 A!d Da6id saidD Thy blood be o! thy headI thi!e o5! mouth hath spo4e! a ai!st thee" sayi! D I ha6e slai! Saul 5hich 5as 4i! a!oi!ted of our Lord1







Da6id sorro5ed a!d be5ailed much the death of Saul a!d of Jo!atha!1 After this Da6id cou!selled 5ith our Lord a!d dema!ded if he should o i! to o!e of the cities of Judah1 A!d our Lord bade him o" a!d he as4 a!d because God hath said thou shalt rei ! upo! my people a!d be their o6er!or" therefore 5e shall obey thee1 A!d all the se!iors of Israel came a!d did homa e to Da6id i! +ebro!" a!d a!oi!ted him 4i! o6er them1 Da6id 5as thirty years old 5he! he be a! to rei ! a!d he rei !ed forty years1 +e rei !ed i! +ebro! upo! Judah se6e! years a!d si8 mo!ths" a!d i! Jerusalem he rei !ed thirty:three years upo! all Israel a!d Judah1 Da6id the! made him a d5elli! :place i! the hill of Sio! i! Jerusalem A!d after this the (hilisti!es made 5ar a ai!st him but he oft o6erthre5 them" a!d sle5 ma!y of them" a!d made them tributary to him" a!d after brou ht the ar4 of God i! Jerusalem" a!d set it i! his house1 After this yet the (hilisti!es made 5ar a ai! u!to him a!d other 4i! s 5ere aidi! a!d helpi! them a ai!st Da6id" 5hom Da6id o6ercame a!d sle5 a!d put u!der1 A!d o! a time 5he! Joab 5as out 5ith his me! of 5ar Iyi! at a sie e tofore a city" Da6id 5as at home" a!d 5al4ed i! his chamber" a!d as he loo4ed out at a 5i!do5 he sa5 a fair 5oma! 5ash her a!d bai! her i! her chamber" 5hich stood a ai!st his house" a!d dema!ded of his ser6a!ts 5ho she 5as" a!d they said she 5as ?riah>s 5ife1 +e se!t for her a!d lay by her a!d at her 5ith child1 A!d 5he! Da6id u!derstood that she 5as 5ith child" he se!t letters to Joab a!d bade him to se!d home to him ?riah7 a!d Joab se!t ?riah to Da6id" a!d Da6id dema!ded ho5 the host 5as ruled" a!d after bade him o home to his house a!d 5ash his feet1 A!d ?riah 5e!t the!ce" a!d the 4i! se!t to him his dish 5ith meat1 ?riah 5ould !ot o home" but lay before the ate of the 4i! >s house 5ith other ser6a!ts of the 4i! >s1 A!d it 5as told to the 4i! that ?riah 5e!t !ot home" a!d the! Da6id said to ?riahD Thou comest from a far 5ay" 5hy oest thou !ot homeE A!d ?riah said to Da6idD The ar4 of God a!d Israel a!d Judah be i! the pa6ilio!s" a!d my lord Joab a!d the ser6a!ts of thee" my lord" lie o! the rou!d" a!d 5ould ye that I should o to my house a!d eat a!d dri!4" a!d sleep 5ith my 5ifeE 9y thy health a!d by the health of my soul I shall !ot do so1 The! Da6id said to ?riah" Abide here the! this !i ht" a!d to:morro5 I shall deli6er thee1 ?riah abode there that day a!d the !e8t" a!d Da6id made him eat tofore him a!d made him dru!4" yet for all that he 5ould !ot o home" but lay 5ith the ser6a!ts of Da6id1 The! o! the mor! Da6id 5rote a letter to Joab" that he should set ?riah i! the 5ea4est place of the battle a!d 5here most =eopardy 5as" a!d that he should be left there that he mi ht be slai!1 A!d ?riah bare this letter to Joab" a!d it 5as so do!e as Da6id had 5ritte!" a!d ?riah 5as slai! i! the battle1 A!d Joab se!t 5ord to Da6id ho5 they had fou ht" a!d ho5 ?riah 5as slai! a!d dead1 ,he! ?riah>s 5ife heard that her husba!d 5as dead" she mour!ed a!d 5ailed him7 a!d after the mour!i! Da6id se!t for her a!d 5edded her" a!d she bare him a so!1 A!d this that Da6id had committed o! ?riah displeased reatly our Lord1 The! our Lord se!t Natha! the prophet u!to Da6id" 5hich" 5he! he came" said to himD There 5ere t5o me! d5elli! i! a city" that o!e rich a!d that other poor1 The rich ma! had sheep a!d o8e! ri ht ma!y" but the poor ma! had but o!e little sheep" 5hich he bou ht a!d !ourished a!d re5 5ith his childre!" eati! of his bread a!d dri!4i! of his cup" a!d slept i! his bosom1 She 5as to him as a dau hter1 A!d o! a time 5he! a certai! pil rim came to the rich ma!" he" spari! his o5! sheep a!d o8e! to ma4e a feast to the pil rim that 5as come to him" too4 the o!ly sheep of the poor ma! a!d made meat thereof to his uest1 Da6id 5as 5roth a!d said to Natha!D 9y the li6i! God" the ma! that hath so do!e is the child of death" the ma! that hath so do!e shall yield therefor four times double1 The! said Natha! to Da6idD Thou art the same ma! that hath do!e this thi! 1 This said the Lord God of IsraelD I ha6e a!oi!ted thee 4i! upo! Israel" a!d I ha6e 4ept thee from the ha!d of Saul" a!d I ha6e i6e! to thee a! house to 4eep i! thi!e household a!d 5i6es i! thy bosom1 I ha6e i6e! to thee the house of Israel a!d the house of Judah" a!d if these be small thi! s I shall add a! l i6e to thee much more a!d reater1 ,hy hast thou therefore despised the 5ord of God a!d hast do!e e6il i! the si ht of our LordE Thou hast slai! ?riah 5ith a s5ord" a!d his 5ife hast thou ta4e! u!to thy 5ife" a!d thou hast slai! him 5ith the s5ord of the so!s of Ammo!1 Therefore the s5ord shall !ot o from thy house" 5orld 5ithout e!d" forasmuch as thou hast despised me a!d hast ta4e! ?riah>s 5ife u!to thy 5ife1 This said our LordD I shall raise e6il a ai!st thee" a!d shall ta4e thy 5i6es i! thy si ht a!d i6e them to thy !ei hbour" a!d he shall lie 5ith thy 5i6es tofore thi!e eyes1 Thou hast do!e it pri6ily" but I shall ma4e this to be do!e a!d ope! i! the si ht of all Israel1 A!d the! said Da6id to Natha!D (ecca6iI I ha6e si!!ed a ai!st our Lord1 Natha! saidD Our Lord hath ta4e! a5ay thy si!" thou shalt !ot die" but for as much as thou hast made the e!emy to blaspheme the !ame of God" therefore the so! that is bor! to thee shall die by death1 A!d Natha! retur!ed to his











house1 A!d for this si! Da6id made this psalmD -iserere mei deus" 5hich is a psalm of mercy" for Da6id did reat pe!a!ce for these si!s of adultery a!d also of homicide1 'or as I o!ce 5as beyo!d the sea ridi! i! the compa!y of a !oble 4!i ht !amed Sir Joh! Capo!s" a!d 5as also doctor i! both la5s" a!d 5as bor! i! -alyor4e" a!d had bee! 6iceroy a!d o6er!or of Arra o! a!d Catalo!ia" a!d that time cou!sellor u!to the Du4e of 9ur u!dy" Charles" it happed 5e commu!ed of the history of Da6id7 a!d this said !oblema! told me that he had read that Da6id did this pe!a!ce follo5i! for these said si!s1 That he dol6ed him i! the rou!d sta!di! !a4ed u!to the head" so lo! that the 5orms be a! to creep i! his flesh" a!d made a 6erse of this psalm -iserere" a!d the! came out" a!d 5he! he 5as 5hole thereof he 5e!t i! a ai! a!d stood so a ai! as lo! as afore is said a!d made the seco!d 6erse" a!d so as ma!y times he 5as dol6e! i! the earth as be 6erses i! the said psalm of -iserere mei deus" a!d e6ery time 5as abidi! therei! till he felt the 5orms creep i! his flesh1 This 5as a reat pe!a!ce a!d a to4e! of a reat repe!ta!ce" for there be i! the psalm t5e!ty:o!e 6erses" a!d t5e!ty:o!e times he 5as dol6e!1 Thus this !oblema! told me" ridi! bet5ee! the to5! of Ghe!t i! 'la!ders a!d the to5! of 9russels i! 9raba!t1 Therefore God too4 a5ay this si!" a!d for a6e it him" but the so! that she brou ht forth died1 A!d after this 9athsheba" that had bee! ?riah>s 5ife" co!cei6ed a!d brou ht forth a!other so! !amed Solomo!" 5hich 5as 5ell:belo6ed of God" a!d after Da6id" Solomo! 5as 4i! 1




After this Da6id had much 5ar a!d trouble a!d a! er" i! so much that o! a time Am!o!" oldest so! of Da6id" lo6ed Thamar his sister1 This Thamar 5as Absalom>s sister by the mother>s side" a!d Am!o! forced a!d lay by her" a!d 5he! he had do!e his pleasure" he hated her" a!d thre5 her out of his chamber" a!d she complai!ed u!to Absalom1 Da6id 4!e5 hereof" a!d 5as ri ht sorry for it" but he 5ould !ot rebu4e his so! Am!o! for it" for he lo6ed him because he 5as his first be otte! so!1 Absalom hated Am!o! e6er after" a!d 5he! Absalom o! a time did do shear his sheep he prayed all his brethre! to come eat 5ith him" a!d made them a feast li4e a 4i! >s feast1 At 5hich feast he did do slay his brother Am!o!7 a!d a!o! it 5as told to the @i! Da6id that Absalom had slai! all the 4i! >s so!s1 ,herefore the 4i! 5as i! reat hea6i!ess a!d sorro5" but a!o! after it 5as told him that there 5as !o more slai! but Am!o!" a!d the other so!s came home1 A!d Absalom fled i!to Geshur" a!d 5as there three years" a!d durst !ot come home1 A!d after by the moye! of Joab he 5as se!t for" a!d came i!to Jerusalem" but yet he mi ht !ot come i! his father the 4i! >s prese!ce" a!d d5elled there t5o years" a!d mi ht !ot see the @i! his father1 This Absalom 5as the fairest ma! that e6er 5as" for from the sole of his foot u!to his head there 5as !ot a spot7 he had so much hair o! his head that it rie6ed him to bear" 5herefore it 5as shor! off o!ce a year" it 5ei hed t5o hu!dred she4els of ood 5ei ht1 The! 5he! he abode so lo! that he mi ht !ot come to his father>s prese!ce he se!t for Joab to come spea4 5ith him" a!d he 5ould !ot come1 +e se!t a ai! for him a!d he came !ot1 The! Absalom said to his ser6a!tsD @!o5 ye Joab>s field that lieth by my fieldE They said yea1 Go ye" said he" a!d set fire i! the barley that is therei!" a!d bur! it1 A!d Joab>s ser6a!ts came a!d told to Joab that Absalom had set fire o! his cor!1 The! Joab came to Absalom a!d saidD ,hy hast thou set fire o! my cor!I A!d he said" I ha6e se!t t5ice to thee" prayi! thee to come to me that I mi ht se!d thee to the 4i! " a!d that thou shouldst say to him 5hy I came from Geshur7 it had bee! better for me for to ha6e abide! there1 I pray thee that I may come to his prese!ce a!d see his 6isa e" a!d if he remember my 5ic4ed!ess let him slay me1 Joab 5e!t i! to the @i! a!d told to him all these 5ords1 The! 5as Absalom called" a!d e!tered i! to the 4i! " a!d he fell do5! a!d 5orshipped the 4i! " a!d the 4i! 4issed him1 After this Absalom did do ma4e for himself chariots a!d horseme! a!d fifty me! for to o before him" a!d 5al4ed amo! the tribes of Israel7 a!d reeted a!d saluted them" ta4i! them by the ha!d" a!d 4issed them" by 5hich he at to him the hearts of the people7 a!d said to his father that he had a6o5ed to ma4e sacrifice to God i! +ebro!" a!d his father a6e him lea6e1 A!d 5he! he 5as there he athered people to him" a!d made himself 4i! " a!d did do cry that all me! should obey a!d 5ait o! him as 4i! of Israel1 ,he! Da6id heard this he 5as sore abashed a!d 5as fai! to flee out of Jerusalem1 A!d Absalom came 5ith his people a!d e!tered i!to Jerusalem i!to his father>s house" a!d lay by his father>s co!cubi!es" a!d after pursued his father to depose him1 A!d Da6id ordai!ed his people a!d battle a ai!st him" a!d se!t Joab" pri!ce of his host" a ai!st Absalom" a!d di6ided his host i!to three parts" a!d 5ould ha6e o!e 5ith them" but Joab cou!selled that he should !ot o to the battle 5hatsome6er happed" a!d the! Da6id bade them to sa6e his so! Absalom1












A!d they 5e!t forth a!d fou ht" a!d Absalom 5ith his host 5as o6erthro5! a!d put to fli ht1 A!d as Absalom fled upo! his mule he came u!der a! oa4" a!d his hair fle5 about a bou h of the tree a!d held so fast that Absalom hu! by his hair" a!d the mule ra! forth1 There came o!e to Joab a!d told him ho5 that Absalom hu! by his hair o! a bou h of a! oa4" a!d Joab saidD ,hy hast thou !ot slai! himE The ma! saidD God forbid that I should set ha!d o! the 4i! >s so!7 I heard the 4i! sayD 4eep my so! Absalom ali6e a!d slay him !ot1 The! Joab 5e!t a!d too4 three spears" a!d fi8ed them i! the heart of Absalom as he hu! o! the tree by his hair" a!d yet after this te! you! me!" s<uires of Joab" ra! a!d sle5 him1 The! Joab trumped a!d ble5 the retreat" a!d retai!ed the people that they should !ot pursue the people flyi! 1 A!d they too4 the body of Absalom a!d cast it i! a reat pit" a!d laid o! him a reat sto!e1 A!d 5he! Da6id 4!e5 that his so! 5as slai!" he made reat sorro5 a!d saidD O my so! Absalom" my so! Absalom" 5ho shall ra!t to me that I may die for thee" my so! Absalom" Absalom my so!I It 5as told to Joab that the 4i! 5ept a!d sorro5ed the death of his so! Absalom" a!d all their 6ictory 5as tur!ed i!to sorro5 a!d 5aili! " i! so much that the people esche5ed to e!ter i!to the city1 The! Joab e!tered i!to the 4i! a!d saidD Thou hast this day discoura ed the cheer of all thy ser6a!ts because they ha6e sa6ed thy life" a!d the li6es of thy so!s a!d dau hters" of thy 5i6es a!d of thy co!cubi!es" thou lo6est them that hate thee" a!d hatest them that lo6e thee" a!d sho5est 5ell this day that thou settest little by thy du4es a!d ser6a!ts7 a!d truly I 4!o5 !o5 5ell that if Absalom had li6ed a!d all 5e thy ser6a!ts had bee! slai!" thou haddest bee! pleased1 Therefore" arise !o5 a!d come forth a!d satisfy the people7 or else I s5ear to thee by the ood lord that there shall !ot o!e of thy ser6a!ts abide 5ith thee till tomorro5" a!d that shall be 5orse to thee tha! all the harms a!d e6ils that e6er yet fell to thee1 The! Da6id the 4i! arose a!d sat i! the ate" a!d a!o! it 5as sho5! to all the people that the 4i! sat i! the ate1 A!d the! all the people came i! tofore the 4i! " a!d they of Israel that had bee! 5ith Absalom fled i!to their taber!acles" a!d after came a ai! u!to Da6id 5he! they 4!e5 that Absalom 5as dead1 A!d after" o!e Sheba" a cursed ma!" rebelled a!d athered people a ai!st Da6id1 A ai!st 5hom Joab 5ith the host of Da6id pursued" a!d dro6e him u!to a city 5hich he besie ed" a!d by the mea!s of a 5oma! of the same city Sheba>s head 5as smitte! off a!d deli6ered to Joab o6er the 5all" a!d so the city 5as sa6ed" a!d Joab pleased1 After this Da6id called Joab" a!d bade him !umber the people of Israel" a!d so Joab 5al4ed throu h all the tribes of Israel" from Da! to 9eersheba" a!d o6er Jorda! a!d all the cou!try" a!d there 5ere fou!der i! Israel ei ht hu!dred thousa!d stro! me! that 5ere able to fi ht a!d to dra5 s5ord" a!d of the tribe of Judah fifty thousa!d fi hti! me!1 A!d after that the people 5as !umbered" the heart of Da6id 5as smitte! by our Lord a!d 5as hea6y" a!d saidD I ha6e si!!ed reatly i! this deed" but I pray the Lord to ta4e a5ay the 5ic4ed!ess of thy ser6a!t" for I ha6e do!e follily1 Da6id rose o! the mor! early" a!d the 5ord of our Lord came to Gad the prophet sayi! D that he should o to Da6id a!d bid him choose o!e of three thi! s that he should say to him1 ,he! Gad came to Da6id he said that he should choose 5hether he 5ould ha6e se6e! years hu! er i! his la!d" or three mo!ths he should flee his ad6ersaries a!d e!emies" or to ha6e three days pestile!ce1 Of these three God biddeth thee choose 5hich thou 5ilt7 !o5 ad6ise thee a!d co!clude 5hat I shall a!s5er to our Lord1 Da6id said to GadD I am co!strai!ed to a reat thi! " but it is better for me to put me i! the ha!ds of our Lord" for his mercy is much more tha! i! me!" a!d so he chose pestile!ce1 The! our Lord se!t pestile!ce the time co!stitute" a!d there died of the people from Da! to 9eersheba se6e!ty thousa!d me!1 A!d 5he! the a! el e8te!ded his ha!d upo! Jerusalem for to destroy it" our Lord 5as merciful upo! the afflictio!" a!d said to the a! el so smiti! D It sufficeth !o5" 5ithdra5 thy ha!d1 Da6id said to our Lord 5he! he sa5 the a! el smiti! the peopleD I am he that ha6e si!!ed a!d do!e 5ic4edly" 5hat ha6e these sheep do!eE I beseech thee that thy ha!d tur! upo! me a!d upo! the house of my father1 The! came Gad to Da6id a!d bade him ma4e a! altar i! the same place 5here he sa5 the a! el7 a!d he bou ht the place" a!d made the altar" a!d offered sacrifices u!to our Lord" a!d our Lord 5as merciful" a!d the pla ue ceased i! Israel1 Da6id 5as old a!d feeble a!d sa5 that his death approached" a!d ordai!ed that his so! Solomo! should rei ! a!d be 4i! after him1 +o5beit that Ado!i=ah his so! too4 o! him to be 4i! duri! Da6id>s life1 'or 5hich cause 9athsheba a!d Natha! came to Da6id" a!d tofore them he said that Solomo! should be 4i! " a!d ordai!ed that he should be set o! his mule by his prophets Natha!" Kado4 the priest a!d 9e!aiah" a!d brou ht i! to Sio!1 A!d there Kado4 the priest a!d Natha! the prophet a!oi!ted him 4i! upo! Israel a!d ble5 i! a trump a!d saidD Li6e the @i! Solomo!1 A!d from the!ce they brou ht him i!to Jerusalem a!d set him upo! his father>s seat i! his father>s thro!e" a!d Da6id 5orshipped him i! his bed" a!d saidD










9lessed be the Lord God of Israel that hath suffered me to see my so! i! my thro!e a!d seat1 A!d the! Ado!i=ah a!d all they that 5ere 5ith him 5ere afeard" a!d dreadi! Solomo! ra! a5ay" a!d so ceased Ado!i=ah1 The days of Da6id approached fast that he should die" a!d did do call Solomo! before him" a!d there he comma!ded him to 4eep the comma!dme!ts of our Lord a!d 5al4 i! his 5ays" a!d to obser6e his ceremo!ies" his precepts a!d his =ud me!ts" as it is 5ritte! i! the la5 of -oses" a!d saidD Our Lord co!firm thee i! thy rei !" a!d se!d to thee 5isdom to rule it 5ell1 A!d 5he! Da6id had thus cou!selled a!d comma!ded him to do =ustice a!d 4eep God>s la5" he blessed him a!d died" a!d 5as buried 5ith his fathers1 This Da6id 5as a! holy ma! a!d made the holy psalter" 5hich is a! holy boo4 a!d is co!tai!ed therei! the old la5 a!d the !e5 la51 +e 5as a reat prophet" for he prophesied the comi! of Christ" his !ati6ity" his passio!" a!d resurrectio!" a!d also his asce!sio!" a!d 5as reat 5ith God" yet God 5ould !ot suffer him to build a temple for him" for he had shed ma!>s blood1 9ut God said to him" his so! that should rei ! after him should be a ma! peaceable" a!d he should build the temple to God1 A!d 5he! Da6id had rei !ed forty years 4i! of Jerusalem" o6er Judah a!d Israel" he died i! ood mi!d" a!d 5as buried 5ith his fathers i! the city of Da6id1 The Hi tory of *olo%o#" After Da6id" rei !ed Solomo! his so!" 5hich 5as i! the be i!!i! a ood ma! a!d 5al4ed i! the 5ays a!d la5s of God1 A!d all the 4i! s about him made peace 5ith him a!d 5as 4i! co!firmed" obeyed a!d peaceable i! his possessio!" a!d accordi! to his father>s comma!dme!t did =ustice1 'irst o! Joab that had bee! pri!ce of his father>s host" because he sle5 t5o ood me! by treaso! slay him !ot" a!d co!trary said that other 5oma!D Let it !ot be i6e! to me !e to thee" but let it be di6ided1 The 4i! the! a!s5ered a!d saidD Gi6e the li6i! child to this 5oma!" a!d let it !ot be slai!7 this is 6erily the mother1 All Israel heard ho5 5isely the 4i! had i6e! this se!te!ce a!d dreaded him" seei! that the 5isdom of God 5as i! him i! deemi! of ri htful dooms1 After this Solomo! se!t his messe! ers to di6ers 4i! s for cedar trees a!d for 5or4me!" for to ma4e a!d build a temple u!to our Lord1 Solomo! 5as rich a!d lorious" a!d all the realms from the ri6er of the e!ds of the (hilisti!es u!to the e!d of E ypt 5ere accorded 5ith him" a!d offered to him ifts a!d to ser6e him all the days of his life1 Solomo! had daily for the meat of his household thirty measures" !amed chores" of cor!" a!d si8ty of meal" te! fat o8e!" a!d t5e!ty o8e! of pasture a!d a! hu!dred 5ethers" 5ithout 6e!iso! that 5as ta4e!" as harts" oats" bubals" a!d other flyi! fo5ls a!d birds1 +e obtai!ed all the re io! that 5as from Tiphsa u!to AHHa" a!d had peace 5ith all the 4i! s of all the realms that 5ere i! e6ery part rou!d about him1 I! that time Israel a!d Judah d5elled 5ithout fear a!d dread" e6ery each u!der his 6i!e a!d fi tree from Da! u!to 9eersheba1 A!d Solomo! had forty thousa!d rac4s for the horses of his carts" chariots a!d cars" a!d t5el6e thousa!d for horses to ride o!" by 5hich prefects brou ht !ecessary thi! s for the table of 4i! Solomo!" 5ith reat dili e!ce i! their time1 God a6e to Solomo! much 5isdom a!d prude!ce i! his heart" li4e to the ra6el that is i! the sea:side" a!d the sapie!ce a!d 5isdom of Solomo! passed a!d 5e!t tofore the sapie!ce of all them of the Orie!t a!d of E ypt" a!d he 5as the 5isest of all me!" a!d so he 5as !amed1 +e spa4e three thousa!d parables" a!d fi6e thousa!d so! s" a!d disputed upo! all ma!!er trees a!d 6irtue of them" from the cedar that is i! Leba!o! u!to the hyssop that ro5eth o! the 5all" a!d discer!ed the properties of beasts" fo5ls" reptiles a!d fishes" a!d there came people from all re io!s of the 5orld for to hear the 5isdom of Solomo!1 A!d Solomo! se!t letters to +iram" 4i! of Tyre" for to ha6e his me! to cut cedar trees 5ith his ser6a!ts" a!d he 5ould yield to them their hire a!d meed" a!d let him 5it ho5 that he 5ould build a!d edify a temple to our Lord1 A!d +iram se!t to him that he should ha6e all that he desired" a!d se!t to him cedar trees a!d other 5ood1 A!d Solomo! se!t to him cor! i! reat !umber" a!d Solomo! a!d +iram co!federated them to ether i! lo6e a!d frie!dship1 Solomo! chose out 5or4me! of all Israel the !umber of thirty thousa!d me! of 5hom he se!t to Leba!o! te! thousa!d e6ery mo!th" a!d 5he! te! thousa!d 5e!t the others came home" a!d so t5o mo!ths 5ere they at home" a!d Ado!ias 5as o6erseer a!d comma!der o! them1 Solomo! had se6e!ty thousa!d me! that did !othi! but bear sto!e a!d mortar a!d other thi! s to the edifyi! of the temple" a!d 5ere bearers of burde!s o!ly" a!d he had ei hty thousa!d of he5ers of sto!e a!d maso!s i! the mou!tai!" 5ithout the prefects a!d masters" 5hich 5ere three thousa!d three hu!dred that did !othi! but comma!d a!d o6ersee them that 5rou ht1 Solomo! comma!ded the 5or4me! to ma4e s<uare sto!es" reat a!d precious" for to lay i! the fou!dame!t" 5hich the maso!s of Israel a!d maso!s of +iram he5ed" a!d the carpe!ters made ready the timber1 The! be a!













Solomo! the temple to our Lord" i! the fourth year of his rei ! he be a! to build the temple1 The house that he builded had se6e!ty cubits i! le! th" a!d t5e!ty cubits i! breadth" a!d thirty i! hei ht" a!d the porch tofore the temple 5as t5e!ty cubits lo! after the measure of the breadth of the temple" a!d had te! cubits of breadth tofore the face of the temple" a!d for to 5rite the curiosity a!d 5or4 of the temple" a!d the !ecessaries" the tables a!d cost that 5as do!e i! old" sil6er a!d latte!" it passeth my cu!!i! to e8press a!d E! lish them1 ;e that be cler4s may see it i! the Seco!d 9oo4 of @i! s a!d the Seco!d 9oo4 of (aralipome!o!1 It is 5o!der to hear the costs a!d e8pe!ses that 5as made i! that temple" but I pass o6er1 It 5as o! ma4i! se6e! years" a!d his palace 5as thirtee! years ere it 5as fi!ished1 +e made i! the temple a! altar of pure old" a!d a table to set o! the loa6es of propositio! of old" fi6e ca!dlestic4s of old o! the ri ht side a!d fi6e o! the left side" a!d ma!y other thi! s" a!d too4 all the 6essels of old a!d sil6er that his father Da6id had sa!ctified a!d hallo5ed" a!d brou ht them i!to the treasury of the house of our Lord1 After this he assembled all the !oblest a!d reatest of birth of them of Israel" 5ith the pri!ces of the tribes a!d du4es of the families" for to bri! the Ar4 of God from the city of Da6id" Sio!" i!to the temple1 A!d the priests a!d Le6ites too4 the Ar4 a!d bare it a!d all the 6essels of the sa!ctuary that 5ere i! the taber!acle1 @i! Solomo!" 5ith all the multitude of the childre! that 5ere there" 5e!t tofore the Ar4 a!d offered sheep a!d o8e! 5ithout estimatio! a!d !umber1 A!d the priests set the Ar4 i! the house of our Lord i! the oracle of the temple" i! sa!cta sa!ctorum" u!der the 5i! s of cherubim1 I! the ar4 5as !othi! but the t5o tables of -oses of sto!e 5hich -oses had put i!1 A!d the! Solomo! blessed our Lord tofore all the people" a!d tha!4ed him that he had suffered him to ma4e a! house u!to his !ame" a!d besou ht our Lord that he 5hosome6er prayed our Lord for a!y petitio! i! that temple" that he of his mercy 5ould hear him a!d be merciful to him1 A!d our Lord appeared to him 5he! the edifice 5as accomplished perfectly" a!d said to Solomo!D I ha6e heard thy prayer a!d thi!e oratio! that thou hast prayed tofore me1 I ha6e sa!ctified a!d hallo5ed this house that thou hast edified for to put my !ame therei! for e6ermore" a!d my eyes a!d heart shall be thereo! al5ays1 A!d if thou 5al4 before me li4e as thy father 5al4ed i! the simplicity of heart a!d i! e<uity" a!d 5ilt do all that I ha6e comma!ded thee" a!d 4eep my =ud me!ts a!d la5s" I shall set the thro!e of thy rei ! upo! Israel e6ermore" li4e as I ha6e said to thy father Da6id" sayi! D There shall !ot be ta4e! a5ay a ma! of thy e!eratio! from the rei ! a!d seat of Israel1 If ye a6ert a!d tur! from me" ye a!d your so!s" !ot follo5i! !e 4eepi! my comma!dme!ts a!d ceremo!ies that I ha6e sho5ed tofore you" but o a!d 5orship stra! e ods" a!d ho!our them" I shall cast a5ay Israel from the face of the earth that I ha6e i6e! to them" a!d the temple that I ha6e hallo5ed to my !ame" l shall cast it a5ay from my si ht1 A!d it shall be a fable a!d pro6erb" a!d thy house a! e8ample shall be to all people7 e6ery ma! that shall o thereby shall be abashed a!d asto!ied" a!d shall sayD ,hy hath God do!e thus to this la!d a!d to thy houseE A!d they shall a!s5erD 'or they ha6e forsa4e! their Lord God that brou ht them out of the la!d of E ypt" a!d ha6e follo5ed stra! e ods" a!d them adored a!d 5orshipped" a!d therefore God hath brou ht o! them all this e6ilD here may e6ery ma! ta4e e!sample ho5 perilous a!d dreadful it is to brea4 the comma!dme!t of God1 T5e!ty year after that Solomo! had edified the temple of God a!d his house" a!d fi!ished it perfectly" +iram the 4i! of Tyre 5e!t for to see to5!s that Solomo! had i6e! to him" a!d they pleased him !ot1 +iram had se!t to 4i! Solomo! a! hu!dred a!d t5e!ty besa!ts of old" 5hich he had spe!t o! the temple a!d his house" a!d o! the 5all of Jerusalem a!d other to5!s a!d places that he had made1 Solomo! 5as rich a!d lorious that the fame ra!" of his sapie!ce a!d 5isdom a!d of his buildi! a!d dispe!ce i! his house" throu h the 5orld" i! so much that the <uee! of Sheba came from far cou!tries to see him a!d to tempt him i! dema!ds a!d <uestio!s1 A!d she came i!to Jerusalem 5ith much people a!d riches" 5ith camels char ed 5ith aromatics a!d old i!fi!ite1 A!d she came a!d spa4e to 4i! Solomo! all that e6er she had i! her heart1 A!d Solomo! tau ht her i! all that e6er she purposed tofore him1 She could say !othi! but that the 4i! a!s5ered to her" there 5as !othi! hid from him1 The <uee! of Sheba the! seei! all the 5isdom of Solomo!" the house that he had builded" a!d the meat a!d ser6ice of his table" the habitacles of his ser6a!ts" the order of the mi!isters" their clothi! a!d array" his butlers a!d officers" a!d the sacrifices that he offered i! the house of our Lord" 5he! she sa5 all these thi! s" she had !o spirit to a!s5er" but she said to 4i! Solomo!D The 5ord is true that I heard i! my la!d" of thy 5ords a!d thy 5isdom" a!d I belie6ed !ot them that told it to me" u!to the time that I myself came a!d ha6e see! it 5ith mi!e eyes" a!d I ha6e !o5 5ell see! a!d pro6ed that the half 5as !ot told to me1 Thy sapie!ce is more" a!d thy 5or4s also" tha! the tidi! s that I heard1 9lessed be thy ser6a!ts" a!d blessed be these that sta!d al5ays tofore thee a!d hear thy sapie!ce a!d 5isdom" a!d thy Lord God be blessed









5hom thou hast pleased" a!d hath set thee upo! the thro!e of Israel" for so much as God of Israel lo6eth thee a!d hath ordai!ed thee a 4i! for to do ri hteous!ess a!d =ustice1 She a6e the! to the 4i! a! hu!dred a!d t5e!ty besa!ts of old" ma!y aromatics" a!d ems precious1 There 5ere !e6er see! tofore so ma!y aromatics !e so s5eet odours smelli! as the <uee! of Sheba a6e to 4i! Solomo!1

@i! Solomo! a6e to the <uee! of Sheba all that e6er she desired a!d dema!ded of him" a!d after retur!ed i!to her cou!try a!d la!d1 The 5ei ht of pure old that 5as offered e6ery year to Solomo! 5as si8 hu!dred a!d si8ty:si8 tale!ts of old" e8cept that that the mercha!ts offered" a!d all they that sold" a!d all the 4i! s of Arabia a!d du4es of that la!d1 Solomo! made t5o hu!dred shields of the purest old a!d set them i! the house of Leba!o!7 he made him also a thro!e of i6ory 5hich 5as reat a!d 5as clad 5ith old" 5hich had si8 rees or steps" 5hich 5as richly 5rou ht 5ith t5o lio!s of old holdi! the seat abo6e" a!d t5el6e small lio!s sta!di! upo! the steps" o! e6ery each t5ai!" here a!d there1 There 5as !e6er such a 5or4 i! !o realm1 A!d all the 6essels that 4i! Solomo! dra!4 of 5ere of old" a!d the ceili! of the house of Leba!o! i! 5hich his shields of old 5ere i! 5as of the most pure old1 Sil6er 5as of !o price i! the days of 4i! Solomo!" for the !a6y of the 4i! " 5ith the !a6y of +iram 5e!t i! three years o!ce i!to Tarsis a!d brou ht them the!ce old a!d sil6er" teeth of elepha!ts a!d reat riches1 The 4i! Solomo! 5as ma !ified abo6e all the 4i! s of the 5orld i! riches a!d 5isdom" a!d all the 5orld desired to see the cheer a!d 6isa e of Solomo!" a!d to hear his 5isdom that God had i6e! to him1 E6ery ma! brou ht to him ifts" 6essels of old a!d sil6er" clothes a!d armour for 5ar" aromatics" horses a!d mules e6ery year1 Solomo! athered to ether chariots a!d horseme!7 he had a thousa!d four hu!dred chariots a!d cars" a!d t5el6e thousa!d horseme!" a!d 5ere lod ed i! small cities a!d to5!s about Jerusalem by the 4i! 1 There 5as as reat abu!da!ce a!d ple!ty of old a!d sil6er i! those days i! Jerusalem as sto!es or sycamores that ro5 i! the field" a!d horses 5ere brou ht to him from E ypt a!d Chao1 ,hat shall I all day 5rite of the riches" lory a!d ma !ifice!ce of 4i! Solomo!E It 5as so reat that it ca!!ot be e8pressed" for there 5as !e6er !o!e li4e to him" !e !e6er shall !o!e come after him li4e u!to him1 +e made the boo4 of the parables co!tai!i! thirty:o!e chapters" the boo4 of the Ca!ticles" the boo4 of Ecclesiastes" co!tai!i! t5el6e chapters" a!d the boo4 of Sapie!ce co!tai!i! !i!etee! chapters1 This 4i! Solomo! lo6ed o6ermuch 5ome!" a!d specially stra! e 5ome! of other sects7 as 4i! (haraoh>s dau hters a!d ma!y other of the e!tiles" of 5hom God had comma!ded to the childre! of Israel that they should !ot ha6e to do 5ith them" !e they 5ith their dau hters" for God said certai!ly they should tur! your hearts to ser6e their ods1 To such 5ome! Solomo! 5as coupled 5ith most bur!i! lo6e1 +e had se6e! hu!dred 5i6es 5hich 5ere as <uee!s" a!d three hu!dred co!cubi!es" a!d these 5ome! tur!ed his heart1 'or 5he! he 5as old he so doted a!d lo6ed them that they made him ho!our their stra! e ods" a!d 5orshipped Ashtareth" Chemosh a!d -oloch" idols of Kido!ia" of -oabites" a!d Ammo!ites" a!d made to them Taber!acles for to please his 5i6es a!d co!cubi!es" 5herefore God 5as 5roth 5ith him" a!d said to himD 9ecause thou hast !ot obser6ed my precepts a!d my comma!dme!ts that I comma!ded thee" I shall cut thy 4i! dom a!d di6ide it a!d i6e it to thy ser6a!t but !ot i! thy day" I shall !ot do it for lo6e that I had to Da6id thy father7 but from the ha!d of thy so! I shall cut it but !ot all" I shall reser6e to him o!e tribe for Da6id>s lo6e" a!d Jerusalem that I ha6e chose!1 A!d after this di6ers 4i! s became ad6ersaries to Solomo!" a!d 5as !e6er i! peace after1 It is said" but I fi!d it !ot i! the 9ible" that Solomo! repe!ted him much of this si! of idolatry a!d did much pe!a!ce therefor" for he let him be dra5! throu h Jerusalem a!d beat himself 5ith rods a!d scour es" that the blood flo5ed i! the si ht of all the people1 +e rei !ed upo! all Israel i! Jerusalem forty years" a!d died a!d 5as buried 5ith his fathers i! the city of Da6id" a!d 3ehoboam his so! rei !ed after him1 The Hi tory of Reho)oa%"










After Solomo!" rei !ed his so! 3ehoboam1 +e came to Sichem a!d thither came all the people for to ordai! him 4i! 1 Jeroboam a!d all the multitude of Israel spa4e to 3ehoboam" a!d saidD Thy father set o! us a! hard yo4e a!d reat impositio!s" !o5 thou hast !ot so much !eed" therefore less it a!d mi!ish it" a!d ease us of the reat a!d hard burde! a!d 5e shall ser6e thee1 3ehoboam a!s5ered a!d saidD Go ye a!d come a ai! the third day a!d ye shall ha6e a! a!s5er1 ,he! the people 5as departed" 3ehoboam made a cou!sel of the se!iors a!d old me! that had assisted his father Solomo! 5hiles he li6ed" a!d said to themD ,hat say yeE a!d cou!sel me that I may a!s5er to the people" 5hich said to 3ehoboamD If thou 5ilt obey a!d a ree to this people" a!d a ree to their petitio!" a!d spea4 fair a!d frie!dly to them" they




shall ser6e thee al5ays1 9ut 3ehoboam forsoo4 the cou!sel of the old me!" a!d called the you! me! that 5ere of his a e" a!d as4ed of them cou!sel1 A!d the you! me! that had bee! !ourished 5ith him bade him say to the people i! this 5iseD Is !ot my fi! er reater tha! the bac4 of my fatherE If my father hath laid o! you a hea6y burde!" I shall add a!d put more to your burde!7 my father beat you 5ith scour es" a!d I shall beat you 5ith scorpio!s1 The third day after" Jeroboam a!d all the people came to 3ehoboam to ha6e their a!s5er" a!d 3ehoboam left the cou!sel of the old me!" a!d said to them li4e as the you! me! had cou!selled him1 A!d a!o! the people of Israel forsoo4 3ehoboam" a!d of t5el6e tribes" there abode 5ith him !o more but the tribe of Judah a!d 9e!=ami!1 A!d the other te! tribes departed a!d made Jeroboam their 4i! " a!d !e6er retur!ed u!to the house of Da6id after u!to this day1 A!d thus for si! of Solomo!" a!d because 3ehoboam 5ould !ot do after the cou!sel of the old me!" but 5as cou!selled by you! me!" the te! tribes of Israel forsoo4 him" a!d departed from Jerusalem" a!d ser6ed Jeroboam" a!d ordai!ed him 4i! upo! Israel1 A!o! after this" Jeroboam fell to idolatry a!d reat di6isio! 5as e6er after bet5ee! the 4i! s of Judah a!d the 4i! s of Israel1 A!d so rei !ed di6ers 4i! s each after other i! Jerusalem after 3ehoboam" a!d i! Israel after Jeroboam1 A!d here I lea6e all the history a!d ma4e a! e!d of the boo4 of @i! s for this time etc1 'or ye that list to 4!o5 ho5 e6ery 4i! rei !ed after other" ye may fi!d it i! the first chapter of Sai!t -atthe5 5hich is read o! Christmas day i! the mor!i! tofore Te Deum" 5hich is the e!ealo y of our Lady1 Here followeth the Hi tory of Jo). read o# the fir t *u#day of *e&te%)er"

There 5as a ma! i! the la!d of ?H !amed Job" a!d this ma! 5as simple" ri htful a!d dreadi! God" a!d oi! from all e6il1 +e had se6e! so!s a!d three dau hters" a!d his possessio! 5as se6e! thousa!d sheep" three thousa!d camels" fi6e hu!dred yo4e of o8e!" fi6e hu!dred asses" a!d his family a!d household passi! much a!d reat1 +e 5as a reat ma! a!d rich amo! all the me! of the orie!t1 A!d his so!s 5e!t daily each to other house ma4i! reat feasts" e6er each o!e as his day came" a!d they se!t for their three sisters for to eat a!d dri!4 5ith them1 ,he! they had thus feasted each other" Job se!t to them a!d blessed a!d sa!ctified them" a!d risi! e6ery day early" he offered sacrifices for them all" sayi! D Lest my childre! si! a!d bless !ot God i! their hearts1 A!d thus did Job e6ery day1 O! a day 5he! the so!s of God 5ere tofore our Lord" Sata! came a!d 5as amo! them" to 5hom our Lord saidD ,he!ce comest thouE ,hich a!s5ered" I ha6e o!e rou!d about the earth a!d throu h 5al4ed it1 Our Lord said to himD +ast thou !ot co!sidered my ser6a!t Job" that there is !o!e li4e u!to him i! the earth" a ma! simple" ri htful" dreadi! God" a!d oi! from e6ilE To 5hom Sata! a!s5eredD Doth Job dread God idlyE If so 5ere that thou o6erthre5est him" his house a!d all his substa!ce rou!d about" he should soo! forsa4e thee1 Thou hast blessed the 5or4 of his ha!ds" a!d his possessio! is i!creased much i! the earth" but stretch out thy ha!d a little" a!d touch all that he hath i! possessio!" a!d he shall soo! rud e a!d !ot bless thee1 The! said our Lord to Sata!D Lo I all that 5hich he o5!eth a!d hath i! possessio!" I 5ill it be i! thy ha!d a!d po5er" but o! his perso! !e body set !ot thy ha!d1 Sata! departed a!d 5e!t from the face of our Lord1 O! a day as his so!s a!d dau hters ate" a!d dra!4 5i!e" i! the house of the oldest brother" there came a messe! er to Job 5hich saidD The o8e! eared i! the plou h a!d the ass pastured i! the pasture by them" a!d the me! of Sabea ra! o! them" a!d smote thy ser6a!ts" a!d sle5 them 5ith of s5ord" a!d I o!ly escaped for to come a!d to sho5 it to thee1 A!d 5hiles he spa4e came a!other a!d saidD The fire of God fell do5! from hea6e! a!d hath bur!t thy sheep a!d ser6a!ts a!d co!sumed them" a!d I o!ly escaped for to come a!d sho5 it to thee1 A!d yet 5hiles he spa4e came a!other a!d saidD The Chaldees made three hosts a!d ha6e e!6ei led thy camels a!d ta4e! them" a!d ha6e slai! thy ser6a!ts 5ith s5ord" a!d I o!ly escaped for to bri! thee 5ord1 A!d yet he spea4i! a!other e!tered i! a!d saidD Thy so!s a!d dau hters" dri!4i! 5i!e i! the house of thy first be otte! so!" sudde!ly came a 6eheme!t 5i!d from the re io! of desert a!d smote the four cor!ers of the house" 5hich falli! oppressed thy childre!" a!d they be all dead" a!d I o!ly fled for to tell it to thee1 The! Job arose" a!d cut his coat" a!d did do sha6e his head" a!d falli! do5! to the rou!d" 5orshipped a!d adored God" sayi! D I am come out !a4ed from the 5omb of my mother a!d !a4ed shall retur! a ai! thereto1 Our Lord hath i6e! a!d our Lord hath ta4e! a5ay" as it hath pleased our Lord" so it is do!e" the !ame of our Lord be blessed1 I! all these thi! s Job si!!ed !ot 5ith his lips" !e spa4e !othi! follily a ai!st our Lord" but too4 it all patie!tly1 After this it 5as so that o! a certai! day 5he! the childre! of God stood tofore our Lord" Sata! came a!d stood amo! them" a!d God said to himD ,he!ce comest thouE To 5hom Sata! a!s5eredD I ha6e o!e











rou!d the earth" a!d 5al4ed throu h it1 A!d God said to Sata!" +ast thou !ot co!sidered my ser6a!t Job that there is !o ma! li4e him i! the earth" a ma! simple" ri htful" dreadi! God" a!d oi! from e6il" a!d yet retai!i! his i!!oce!cyE Thou hast mo6ed me a ai!st him that I should put him to afflictio! 5ithout cause1 To 5hom Sata! saidD S4i! for s4i!" a!d all that e6er a ma! hath he shall i6e for his soul1 Ne6ertheless" stretch thi!e ha!d a!d touch his mouth a!d his flesh" a!d thou shalt see that he shall !ot bless thee1 The! said God to Sata!D I 5ill 5ell that his body be i! thi!e ha!d" but sa6e his soul a!d his life1 The! Sata! departed from the face of our Lord a!d smote Job 5ith the 5orst blotches a!d blai!s from the pla!t of his foot u!to the top of his head" 5hich 5as made li4e a laHar a!d 5as cast out a!d sat o! the du! hill1 The! came his 5ife to him a!d saidD ;et thou abidest i! thy simple!ess" forsa4e thy God a!d bless him !o more" a!d o die1 The! Job said to herD Thou hast spo4e! li4e a foolish 5oma!7 if 5e ha6e recei6ed a!d ta4e! ood thi! s of the ha!d of our Lord" 5hy shall 5e !ot sustai! a!d suffer e6il thi! sE I! all these thi! s Job si!!ed !ot 5ith his lips1 The! three me! that 5ere frie!ds of Job" heari! 5hat harm 5as happed a!d come to Job" came e6er each o!e from his place to him" that o!e 5as !amed Eliphas the Tema!ite" a!other 9ildad the Shuhite" a!d the third" Kophar Naamathite1 A!d 5he! they sa5 him from far they 4!e5 him !ot" a!d cryi! they 5ept1 They came for to comfort him" a!d 5he! they co!sidered his misery they tare their clothes a!d cast dust o! their heads" a!d sat by him se6e! days a!d se6e! !i hts" a!d !o ma! spa4e to him a 5ord" seei! his sorro51 The! after that Job a!d they tal4ed a!d spa4e to ether of his sorro5 a!d misery" of 5hich S1 Gre ory hath made a reat boo4 calledD The morals of S1 Gre ory" 5hich is a !oble boo4 a!d a reat 5or41 9ut I pass o6er all the matters a!d retur! u!to the e!d" ho5 God restored Job a ai! to prosperity1 It 5as so that 5he! these three frie!ds of Job had bee! lo! 5ith Job" a!d had said ma!y thi! s each of them to Job" a!d Job a ai! to them" our Lord 5as 5roth 5ith these three me! a!d said to themD ;e ha6e !ot spo4e! ri htfully" as my ser6a!t Job hath spo4e!1 Ta4e ye therefore se6e! bulls a!d se6e! 5ethers a!d o to my ser6a!t Job a!d offer ye sacrifice for you1 Job my ser6a!t shall pray for you1 I shall recei6e his prayer a!d shall ta4e his 6isa e1 They 5e!t forth a!d did as our Lord comma!ded them1 A!d our Lord beheld the 6isa e of Job" a!d sa5 his pe!a!ce 5he! he prayed for his frie!ds1 A!d our Lord added to Job double of all that Job had possessed1 All his brethre! came to him" a!d all his sisters" a!d all they that tofore had 4!o5! him" a!d ate 5ith him i! his house" a!d mo6ed their heads upo! him" a!d comforted him upo! all the e6il that God had se!t to him1 A!d each of them a6e him a sheep a!d a old ri! for his ears1 Our Lord blessed more Job i! his last days tha! he did i! the be i!!i! 1 A!d he had the! after fourtee! thousa!d sheep" si8 thousa!d camels" o!e thousa!d yo4e of o8e!" o!e thousa!d asses1 A!d he had se6e! so!s a!d three dau hters1 A!d the first dau hter>s !ame 5as Jemima" the seco!d @eHia" a!d the third @ere!:happuch1 There 5as !o5here fou!d i! the 5orld so fair 5ome! as 5ere the dau hters of Job1 Their father Job a6e to them herita e amo! their brethre!" a!d thus Job by his patie!ce at so much lo6e of God" that he 5as restored double of all his losses1 A!d Job li6ed after" o!e hu!dred a!d forty years" a!d sa5 his so!s a!d the so!s of his so!s u!to the fourth e!eratio!" a!d died a! old ma!" a!d full of days1 Here followeth the hi tory of To)it whi$h i read the third *u#day of *e&te%)er" Tobit of the tribe a!d of the city of Nephthali" 5hich is i! the o6erparts of Galilee upo! Aser" after the 5ay that leadeth me! 5est5ard" ha6i! o! his left side the city of Sepheth" 5as ta4e! i! the days of Salma!aHar" @i! of the Assyria!s" a!d put i! capti6ity" yet he forsoo4 !ot the 5ay of truth" but all that he had or could et he departed daily 5ith his brethre! of his 4i!dred 5hich 5ere priso!ers 5ith him1 A!d ho5 be it that he 5as you! est i! all the tribe of Nephthali yet did he !othi! childishly1 Also 5he! all other 5e!t u!to the olde! cal6es that Jeroboam" @i! of Israel had made" this Tobit o!ly fled the fello5ship of them all" a!d 5e!t to Jerusalem i!to the temple of our Lord1 A!d there he adored a!d 5orshipped the Lord God of Israel" offeri! truly his first fruits a!d tithes i! so much that i! the third year he mi!istered u!to proselytes a!d stra! ers all the tithe1 Such thi! s a!d other li4e to these he obser6ed 5hilst he 5as a child" a!d 5he! he came to a e a!d 5as a ma! he too4 a 5ife !amed A!!a" of his tribe" a!d be at o! her a so!" !ami! after his o5! !ame Tobias" 5hom from his childhood he tau ht to dread God a!d abstai! him from all si!1 The! after 5he! he 5as brou ht by capti6ity 5ith his 5ife a!d his so! i!to the city of Ni!e6eh 5ith all his tribe" a!d 5he! all ate of the meats of the Ge!tiles a!d (ay!ims" this Tobit 4ept his soul clea! a!d 5as !e6er defouled i! the meats of them1 A!d because of remembered our Lord i! all his heart" God a6e him race to be i! the fa6our of Salma!aHar the 4i! 5hich a6e to him po5er to o 5here he 5ould1 +a6i! liberty to do 5hat he 5ould" he 5e!t the! to all










them i! capti6ity a!d a6e to them 5ar!i! s of health1 ,he! he came o! a time i! 3a es" city of the Je5s" he had such ifts as he had bee! ho!oured 5ith of the 4i! " te! besa!ts of sil6er1 A!d 5he! he sa5 o!e Gabael bei! !eedy 5hich 5as of his tribe" he le!t him the said 5ei ht of sil6er upo! his obli atio!1 Lo! time after this 5he! Salma!aHar the 4i! 5as dead" Se!!acherib his so! rei !ed for him" a!d hated" a!d lo6ed !ot" the childre! of Israel1 A!d Tobit 5e!t u!to all his 4i!dred a!d comforted them" a!d di6ided to e6ery each of them as he mi ht of his faculties a!d oods1 +e fed the hu! ry a!d a6e to the !a4ed clothes" a!d dili e!tly he buried the dead me! a!d them that 5ere slai!1 After this 5he! Se!!acherib retur!ed" fleei! the pla ue from the Je5ry" that God had se!t him for his blasphemy" a!d he" bei! 5roth" sle5 ma!y of the childre! of Israel" a!d Tobit al5ays buried the bodies of them" 5hich 5as told to the 4i! " 5hich comma!ded to slay him" a!d too4 a5ay all his substa!ce1 Tobit the! 5ith his 5ife a!d his so! hid him a!d fled a5ay all !a4ed" for ma!y lo6ed him 5ell1 After this" forty:fi6e days" the so!s of the 4i! sle5 the 4i! " a!d the! retur!ed Tobit u!to his house" a!d all his faculties a!d oods 5ere restored to him a ai!1 After this o! a hi h festi6al day of our Lord 5he! that Tobit had a ood di!!er i! his house1 he said to his so!D Go a!d fetch to us some of our tribe dreadi! God" that they may come a!d eat 5ith us1 A!d he 5e!t forth a!d a!o! he retur!ed telli! to his father that o!e of the childre! of Israel 5as slai! a!d lay dead i! the street1 A!d a!o! he leapt out of his house" lea6i! his meat" a!d fasti! came to the body" too4 it a!d bare it i! to his house pri6ily" that he mi ht secretly bury it 5he! the su! 5e!t do5!1 A!d 5he! he had hid the corpse" he ate his meat 5ith 5aili! a!d dread" rememberi! that 5ord that our Lord said by Amos the prophetD The day of your feast shall be tur!ed i!to lame!tatio! a!d 5aili! 1 A!d 5he! the su! 5as o!e do5! he 5e!t a!d buried him1 All his !ei hbours repro6ed a!d chid him" sayi! for this cause they 5ere comma!ded to be slai!" a!d u!!ethe thou escapedst the comma!dme!t of death" a!d yet thou buriest dead me!1 9ut Tobit" more dreadi! God tha! the 4i! " too4 up the bodies of dead me! a!d hid them i! his house" a!d at mid!i ht he buried them1 It happed o! a day after this that 5he! he 5as 5eary of buryi! dead me!" he came home a!d laid him do5! by a 5all a!d slept1 A!d from a s5allo5>s !est abo6e there fell do5! hot du! of them o! his eyes" a!d he 5as thereof bli!d1 This temptatio! suffered God to fall to him" that it should be a! e8ample to them that shall come after him of his patie!ce" li4e as it 5as of holy Job1 'or from his i!fa!cy he dreaded e6er God a!d 4ept his precepts a!d 5as !ot rud i! a ai!st God for his bli!d!ess" but he abode immo6able i! the dread of God" i6i! a!d re!deri! tha!4i! s to God all the days of his life1 'or li4e as Job 5as assailed so 5as Tobit assailed of his 4i!sme!" scor!i! him a!d sayi! to himD ,here is !o5 thy hope a!d re5ard for 5hich thou a6est thy alms a!d madest sepulchresE Tobit blamed them for such 5ords" sayi! to themD I! !o 5ise say ye !ot so" for 5e be the so!s of holy me!" a!d 5e abide that life that God shall i6e to them that !e6er shall cha! e their faith from him1 A!!a his 5ife 5e!t daily to the 5or4 of 5ea6i! " a!d ot by the labour of her ha!ds their li6elihood as much as she mi ht1 ,hereof o! a day she at a 4id a!d brou ht it home1 ,he! Tobit heard the 6oice of the 4id bleati! " he saidD See that it be !ot stole!" yield it a ai! to the o5!er" for it is !ot la5ful for us to eat !e touch a!ythi! that is stole!1 To that his 5ife all a! ry a!s5eredD No5 ma!ifestly a!d ope!ly is thi!e hope made 6ai!" a!d thy alms lost1 A!d thus 5ith such a!d li4e 5ords she chid him1 The! Tobit be a! to si h a!d be a! to pray our Lord 5ith tears sayi! D O Lord" thou art ri htful" a!d all thy dooms be true" a!d all thy 5ays be mercy" truth" a!d ri hteous!ess1 A!d !o5" Lord" remember me" a!d ta4e !o5 !o 6e! ea!ce of my si!s" !e remember !ot my trespasses" !e the si!s of my fathers1 'or 5e ha6e !ot obeyed thy comma!dme!ts" therefore 5e be beta4e! i! to direptio!" capti6ity" death" fables" a!d i!to reproof a!d shame to all !atio!s i! 5hich thou hast dispersed us1 A!d !o5" Lord" reat be thy =ud me!ts" for 5e ha6e !ot do!e accordi! to thy precepts" !e ha6e !ot 5al4ed 5ell tofore thee1 A!d !o5" Lord" do to me after thy 5ill" a!d comma!d my spirit to be recei6ed i! peace" it is more e8pedie!t to me to die tha! to li6e1 The same day it happed that Sara" dau hter of 3a uel i! the city of -edes" that she 5as rebu4ed a!d heard reproof of o!e of the ha!dmaide!s of her father1 'or she had bee! i6e! to se6e! me!" a!d a de6il !amed Asmodeus sle5 them as soo! as they 5ould ha6e o!e to her7 therefore the maid repro6ed her sayi! D ,e shall !e6er see so! !e dau hter of thee o! the earth" thou slayer of thy husba!ds1 ,ilt thou slay me as thou hast slai! se6e! me!E ,ith this 6oice a!d rebu4e she 5e!t up i! the upperest cubicle of the house1 A!d three days a!d three !i hts she ate !ot" !e dra!4 !ot" but 5as co!ti!ually i! prayers beseechi! God for to deli6er her from this reproof a!d shame1 A!d o! the third day" 5he! she had accomplished her prayer" blessi! our Lord she saidD 9lessed be thy !ame" God of our fathers" for 5he! thou art 5roth thou shalt do mercy a!d i! a time of tribulatio! thou for i6est si!s to them that call to thee1













?!to thee" Lord" I co!6ert my 6isa e" a!d u!to thee I address mi!e eyes1 I as4 a!d re<uire thee that thou assoil me from the bo!d of the reproof a!d shame" or certai!ly upo! the earth 4eep me1 Thou 4!o5est 5ell" Lord" that I !e6er desired ma!" but I ha6e 4ept clea! my soul from all co!cupisce!ce1 I !e6er meddled me 5ith players" !e !e6er had part of them that 5al4 i! li ht!ess1 I co!se!ted for to ta4e a! husba!d 5ith thy dread" but I !e6er a6e co!se!t to ta4e o!e 5ith my lust1 Or I 5as u!5orthy to them or haply they 5ere u!5orthy to me" or haply thou hast co!ser6ed a!d 4ept me for some other ma!1 Thy cou!sel is !ot i! ma!>s po5er1 This 4!o5eth e6ery ma! that 5orshippeth thee" for the life of him if it be i! probatio! shall be cro5!ed" a!d if it be i! tribulatio! it shall be deli6ered" a!d if it be i! correctio!" it shall be la5ful to come to mercy1 Thou hast !o!e delectatio! i! our perditio!" for after tempest thou ma4est tra!<uillity" a!d after 5eepi! a!d sheddi! of tears thou bri! est i! e8ultatio! a!d =oy1 Thy !ame" God of Israel be blessed" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 I! that same time 5ere the prayers of them both heard i! the si ht of the lory of the hi h God1 A!d the holy a! el of God" 3aphael" 5as se!t to heal them both1 Of 5hom i! o!e time 5ere the prayers recited i! the si ht of our Lord God1 The! 5he! Tobit supposed his prayers to be heard that he mi ht die" he called to him his so! Tobias" a!d said to himD +ear" my so!" the 5ords of my mouth" a!d set them i! thy heart as a fu!dame!t1 ,he! God shall ta4e a5ay my soul" bury my body" a!d thou shalt 5orship thy mother all the days of her life" thou o5est to remember 5hat a!d ho5 ma!y perils she hath suffered for thee i! her 5omb1 ,he! she shall ha6e accomplished the time of her life" bury her by me1 All the days of thy life ha6e God i! thy mi!d" a!d be5are that thou !e6er co!se!t to si!" !e to disobey !e brea4 the comma!dme!ts of God1 Of thy substa!ce do alms" a!d tur! !e6er thy face from a!y poor ma!" so do that God tur! !ot his face from thee1 As much as thou mayest" be merciful" if thou ha6e much ood i6e abu!da!tly" if thou ha6e but little" yet study to i6e a!d to depart thereof ladly" for thou ma4est to thee thereof ood treasure a!d meed i! the day of !ecessity" for alms deli6ereth a ma! from all si! a!d from death" a!d suffereth !ot his soul to o i! to dar4!ess1 Alms is a reat si4er!ess tofore the hi h God u!to all them that do it1 9e5are" my so!" 4eep thee from all for!icatio!" a!d suffer !ot thyself sa6e 5ith thy 5ife to 4!o5 that si!7 a!d suffer !e6er pride to ha6e domi!atio! i! thy 5it" !e i! thy 5ord" that si! 5as the be i!!i! of all perditio!1 ,hosome6er 5or4 to thee a!y thi! " a!o! yield to him his meed a!d hire" let !e6er the hire of thy ser6a!t !e meed of thy merce!ary remai! i! !o 5ise 5ith thee1 That thou hatest to be do!e to thee of other" see that thou !e6er do to a! other1 Eat thy bread 5ith the hu! ry a!d !eedy" a!d co6er the !a4ed 5ith thy clothes1 Ordai! thy bread a!d 5i!e upo! the sepulture of a ri hteous ma!" but eat it !ot !e dri!4 it 5ith si!!ers1 As4 a!d dema!d cou!sel of a 5ise ma!1 Al5ays a!d i! e6ery time bless God a!d desire of him that he address thy 5ays" a!d let all thy cou!sels abide i! him1 I tell to thee" my so!" that 5he! thou 5ert a little child I le!t to Gabael te! besa!ts of sil6er" d5elli! i! 3a es the city of -edes" upo! a! obli atio!" 5hich I ha6e by me1 A!d therefore spere a!d as4 ho5 thou mayst o to him" a!d thou shalt recei6e of him the said 5ei ht of sil6er a!d restore to him his obli atio!1 Dread thou !ot" my so!7 thou h 5e lead a poor life" 5e shall ha6e much ood if 5e dread God a!d o from si! a!d do 5ell1 The! you! Tobias a!s5ered to his fatherD All that thou hast comma!ded me I shall do" father7 but ho5 I shall et this mo!ey I 5ot !e6er7 he 4!o5eth !ot me" !e I 4!o5 !ot him7 5hat to4e! shall I i6e himE A!d also I 4!o5 !ot the 5ay thither1 The! his father a!s5ered to him a!d saidD I ha6e his obli atio! by me" 5hich 5he! thou she5est him" a!o! he shall pay thee1 9ut o !o5 first a!d see4 for thee some true ma!" that for his hire shall o 5ith thee 5hiles I li6e" that thou mayest recei6e it1 The! Tobias 5e!t forth a!d fou!d a fair you! ma! irt up a!d ready for to 5al4" a!d !ot 4!o5i! that it 5as the a! el of God" saluted him a!d saidD 'rom 5he!ce ha6e 5e thee" ood you! ma!E A!d he a!s5eredD Of the childre! of Israel1 A!d Tobias said to him1 @!o5est thou the 5ay that leadeth o!e i!to the re io! of -edesE To 5hom he a!s5eredD I 4!o5 it 5ell" of all the =our!eys I ha6e oft 5al4ed a!d ha6e d5elled 5ith Gabael our brother 5hich d5elled i! 3a es the city of -edes" 5hich sta!deth i! the hill of Ecbatha!is1 To 5hom Tobias saidD I pray thee tary here a 5hile till I ha6e told this to my father1 The! Tobias 5e!t i! to his father a!d told to him all these thi! s" 5hereo! his father mar6elled a!d prayed him that he should bri! him i!1 The! the a! el came i! a!d saluted the old Tobit a!d saidD Joy be to thee al5ays1 A!d Tobit saidD ,hat =oy shall be to me that sit i! dar4!ess" a!d see !ot the li ht of hea6e!1 To 5hom the you! li! saidD 9e of stro! belief7 it shall !ot be lo! but of God thou shalt be cured a!d healed1 The! said Tobit to himD -ayest thou lead my so! u!to Gabael i! 3a es city of -edes" a!d 5he! thou comest a ai! I shall restore to thee thy meed1 A!d the a! el saidD I shall lead him thither a!d bri! him a ai! to thee1 To 5hom Tobit saidD I pray thee to tell me of 5hat house or of 5hat 4i!dred art thou1 To 5hom 3aphael the a! el saidD Thou !eedest !ot to as4 the 4i!dred of him that shall o 5ith












thy so!" but lest haply I should !ot deli6er him to thee a ai!D I am AHarias so! of reat A!a!ias1 Tobit a!s5eredD Thou art of a reat 4i!dred" but I pray thee be !ot 5roth" thou h I 5ould 4!o5 thy 4i!dred1 The a! el said to himD I shall safely lead thy so! thither" a!d safely bri! him a!d re!der him to thee a ai!1 Tobit the! a!s5ered sayi! D ,ell mote ye 5al4" a!d our Lord be i! your =our!ey" a!d his a! el fello5ship 5ith you1 The!" 5he! all 5as ready that they should ha6e 5ith them by the 5ay" you! Tobias too4 lea6e of his father a!d mother" a!d bade them fare5ell1 ,he! they should depart the mother be a! to 5eep a!d sayD Thou hast ta4e! a5ay a!d se!t from us the staff of our old a e" 5ould God that thil4e mo!ey had !e6er bee! for 5hich thou hast se!t him" our po6erty sufficeth e!ou h to us that 5e mi ht ha6e see! our so!1 Tobit said to herD ,eep !ot" our so! shall come safely a ai! a!d thi!e eyes shall see him1 I belie6e that the ood a! el of God hath fello5ship 5ith him" a!d shall dispose all thi! s that shall be !eedful to him" a!d that he shall retur! a ai! to us 5ith =oy1 ,ith this the mother ceased of her 5eepi! a!d 5as still1 The! you! Tobias 5e!t forth a!d a! hou!d follo5ed him1 A!d the first ma!sio! that they made 5as by the ri6er of Ti ris" a!d Tobias 5e!t out for to 5ash his feet" a!d there came a reat fish for to de6our him" 5hom Tobias feari! cried out 5ith a reat 6oiceD Lord" he cometh o! me" a!d the a! el said to himD Ta4e him by the fi! a!d dra5 him to thee1 A!d so he did a!d dre5 him out of the 5ater to the dry la!d1 The! said the a! el to himD Ope! the fish a!d ta4e to thee the heart" the all" a!d the milt" a!d 4eep them by thee7 they be profitable a!d !ecessary for medici!es1 A!d 5he! he had do!e so he roasted of the fish" a!d too4 it 5ith them for to eat by the 5ay" a!d the rem!a!t they salted" that it mi ht suffice them till they came i!to the city of 3a es1 The! Tobias dema!ded of the a! el a!d saidD I pray thee" AHarias" brother" to tell me 5hereto these be ood that thou hast bidde! me 4eep1 A!d the a! el a!s5ered a!d saidD If thou ta4e a little of his heart a!d put it o! the coals" the smo4e a!d fume thereof dri6eth a5ay all ma!!er 4i!d of de6ils" be it from ma! or from 5oma!" i! such 5ise that he shall !o more come to them1 A!d Tobias saidD ,here 5ilt thou that 5e shall abideE A!d he a!s5ered a!d saidD +ereby is a ma! !amed 3a uel" a ma! !i h to thy 4i!dred a!d tribe" a!d he hath a dau hter !amed Sara" he hath !either so! !e dau hter more tha! her1 Thou shalt o5e all his substa!ce" for thee beho6eth to ta4e her to thy 5ife1 The! Toby a!s5ered a!d saidD I ha6e heard say that she hath bee! i6e! to se6e! me!" a!d they be dead" a!d I ha6e heard that a de6il slayeth them1 I dread therefore that it mi ht hap so to me" a!d I that am a! o!ly so! to my father a!d mother" I should depose their old a e 5ith hea6i!ess a!d sorro5 to hell1 The! 3aphael the a! el said to himD +ear me" a!d I shall sho5 thee 5here5ith thou mayst pre6ail a ai!st that de6il7 these that too4 their 5edloc4 i! such 5ise that they e8clude God from them a!d their mi!d" a!d 5ait but to their lust as a horse a!d mule i! 5hom is !o!e u!dersta!di! " the de6il hath po5er upo! them1 Thou therefore 5he! thou shalt ta4e a 5ife" a!d e!terest i!to her cubicle" be thou co!ti!e!t by the space of three days from her" a!d thou shalt do !othi! but be i! prayers 5ith herD a!d that same !i ht put the heart of the fish o! the fire" a!d that shall put a5ay the de6il1 The seco!d !i ht thou shalt be admitted i! copulatio! of holy patriarchs1 The third !i ht ye shall follo5 the blessi! that so!s may be be otte! of you both" a!d after the third !i ht thou shalt ta4e the 6ir i! 5ith dread of God" more for lo6e of procreatio! of childre! tha! for lust of thy body" that thou mayst follo5 the blessi! of Abraham i! his seed1 The! they 5e!t a!d e!tered i!to 3a uel>s house" a!d 3a uel recei6ed them =oyously" a!d 3a uel" heholdi! 5ell Tobias" said to A!!a his 5ifeD +o5 li4e is this you! ma! u!to my cousi!I A!d 5he! he had so said he as4ed themD ,he!ce be ye" you! me! my brethre!E A!d they saidD Of the tribe of Nephthalim" of the capti6ity of Ni!e6eh1 3a uel said to themD @!o5 ye Tobit my brotherE ,hich saidD ,e 4!o5 him 5ell1 ,he! 3a uel had spo4e! much ood of him" the a! el said to 3a uelD Tobit of 5hom thou dema!dest is father of this you! ma!1 A!d the! 5e!t 3a uel" a!d 5ith 5eepi! eyes 4issed him" a!d 5eepi! upo! his !ec4 saidD The blessi! of God be to thee" my so!" for thou art so! of a blessed a!d ood ma!1 A!d A!!a his 5ife a!d Sara his dau hter 5ept also1 After they had spo4e!" 3a uel comma!ded to slay a 5ether" a!d ma4e ready a feast1 ,he! he the! should bid them sit do5! to di!!er" Tobias saidD I shall !ot eat here this day !e dri!4 but if thou first ra!t to me my petitio!" a!d promise to me to i6e me Sara thy dau hter1 ,hich 5he! 3a uel heard he 5as asto!ied a!d abashed" 4!o5i! 5hat had falle! to se6e! me! that tofore had 5edded her" a!d dreaded lest it mi ht happe! to this you! ma! i! li4e 5ise1 A!d 5he! he held his peace a!d 5ould i6e him !o!e a!s5er the a! el said to himD 9e !ot afeard to i6e thy dau hter to this ma! dreadi! God" for to him thy dau hter is ordai!ed to be his 5ife" therefore !o!e other may ha6e her1 The! said 3a uelD I doubt !ot God hath admitted my prayers a!d tears i! his si ht" a!d I belie6e that therefore he hath made you to come to me that these may be =oi!ed i! o!e 4i!dred after the la5 of -oses" a!d !o5 ha6e !o doubt but I




















shall i6e her to thee1 A!d he ta4i! the ri ht ha!d of his dau hter deli6ered it to Tobias sayi! D God of Abraham" God of Isaac" a!d God of Jacob be 5ith you" a!d he co!=oi! you to ether a!d fulfil his blessi! i! you1 A!d too4 a charter a!d 5rote the co!scriptio! of the 5edloc41 A!d after this they ate" blessi! our Lord God1 3a uel called to him A!!a his 5ife a!d bade her to ma4e ready a!other cubicle1 A!d she brou ht Sara her dau hter therei!" a!d she 5ept" to 5hom her mother saidD 9e thou stro! of heart" my dau hter" our Lord of hea6e! i6e to thee =oy for the hea6i!ess that thou hast suffered1 After they had supped" they led the you! ma! to her1 Tobias remembered the 5ords of the a! el" a!d too4 out of his ba part of the heart of the fish" a!d laid it o! bur!i! coals1 The! 3aphael the a! el too4 the de6il a!d bou!d him i! the upperest desert of E ypt1 The! Tobias e8horted the 6ir i! a!d said to herD Arise" Sara" a!d let us pray to God this day" a!d to:morro5" a!d after to:morro5" for these three !i hts 5e be =oi!ed to God1 A!d after the third !i ht 5e shall be i! our 5edloc41 ,e be soothly the childre! of sai!ts" a!d 5e may !ot so =oi! to ether as people do that 4!o5 !ot God1 The! they both arisi! prayed to ether i!sta!tly that health mi ht be i6e! to them1 Tobias saidD Lord God of our fathers" hea6e! a!d earth" sea" 5ells" a!d floods" a!d all creatures that be i! them" bless thee1 Thou madest Adam of the slime of the earth" a!d a6est to him for a! help E6e" a!d !o5" Lord" thou 4!o5est that for the cause of lechery I ta4e !ot my sister to 5ife" but o!ly for the lo6e of posterity a!d procreatio! of childre!" i! 5hich thy !ame be blessed 5orld 5ithout e!d1 The! said SaraD +a6e mercy o! us" Lord" ha6e mercy" a!d let us 5a8 old both to ether i! health1 A!d after this the coc4s be a! to cro5" at 5hich time 3a uel comma!ded his ser6a!ts to come to him" a!d they to ether 5e!t for to ma4e a!d del6e a sepulchre1 +e saidD Lest haply it happe! to him as it hath happed to the se6e! me! that 5edded her1 ,he! they had made ready the foss a!d pit" 3a uel retur!ed to his 5ife a!d said to herD Se!d o!e of thi!e ha!dmaide!s" a!d let her see if he be dead" that he may be buried ere it be li ht day1 A!d she se!t forth o!e of her ser6a!ts" 5hich e!tered i!to the cubicle a!d fou!d them both safe a!d 5hole" a!d sleepi! to ether" a!d she retur!ed a!d brou ht ood tidi! s1 A!d 3a uel a!d A!!a blessed our Lord God a!d saidD ,e bless thee" Lord God of Israel1 that it hath !ot happed to us as 5e supposed7 thou hast do!e to us thy mercy" a!d thou hast e8cluded from us our e!emy pursui! us" thou hast do!e mercy o! t5o o!ly childre!1 -a4e them" Lord" to bless thee to full" a!d to offer to thee sacrifice of praisi! a!d of their health" that the u!i6ersity of peoples may 4!o5 that thou art God o!ly i! the u!i6ersal earth1 A!o! the! 3a uel comma!ded his ser6a!ts to fill a ai! the pit that they had made ere it 5a8ed li ht" a!d bade his 5ife to ordai! a feast" a!d ma4e all ready that 5ere !ecessary to meat1 +e did do slay t5o fat 4i!e a!d four 5ethers" a!d to ordai! meat for all his !ei hbours a!d frie!ds" a!d 3a uel desired a!d ad=ured Tobias that he should abide 5ith him t5o 5ee4s1 Of all that e6er 3a uel had i! possessio! of oods he a6e half part to Tobias" a!d made to him a 5riti! that the other half part he should ha6e after the death of him a!d his 5ife1 The! Tobias called the a! el to him" 5hich he tro5ed had bee! a ma!" a!d said to himD AHarias" brother" I pray thee to ta4e heed to my 5ords7 if I ma4e myself ser6a!t to thee I shall !ot be 5orthy to satisfy thy pro6ide!ce1 Ne6ertheless I pray thee to ta4e to thee the beasts a!d ser6a!ts a!d o to Gabael i! 3a es the city of -edes" a!d re!der to him his obli atio!" a!d recei6e of them the mo!ey a!d pray him to come to my 5eddi! 1 Thou 4!o5est thyself that my father !umbereth the days of my bei! out" a!d if I tarry more his soul shall be hea6y" a!d certai!ly thou seest ho5 3a uel hath ad=ured me" 5hose desire I may !ot despise1 The! 3aphael" ta4i! four of the ser6a!ts of 3a uel a!d t5o camels" 5e!t to 3a es the city of -edes" a!d there fi!di! Gabael" a6e to him his obli atio! a!d recei6ed all the mo!ey" a!d told to him of Tobias" so! of Tobit" all that 5as do!e" a!d made him come 5ith him to the 5eddi! 1 ,he! the! he e!tered the house of 3a uel" he fou!d Tobias sitti! at meat" a!d came to him a!d 4issed him" a!d Gabael 5ept a!d blessed God sayi! D God of Israel bless thee" for thou art so! of the best ma! a!d =ust" dreadi! God a!d doi! alms" a!d the blessi! be said upo! thy 5ife a!d your pare!ts" a!d that you may see the so!s of your so!s u!to the third a!d fourth e!eratio!" a!d your seed be blessed of the God of Israel" 5hich rei !eth i! secula seculorum1 A!d 5he! all had said Ame!" they 5e!t to the feast1 A!d 5ith the dread of God they e8ercised the feast of their 5eddi! s1 ,hiles that Tobias tarried because of his marria e" his father Tobit be a! to be hea6y sayi! D Tro5est thou 5herefore my so! tarrieth a!d 5hy he is holde! thereE Tro5est thou that Gabael be dead" a!d !o ma! is there that shall i6e him his mo!eyE +e be a! to be sorry a!d hea6y reatly" both he a!d A!!a his 5ife 5ith him" a!d be a! both to 5eep because at the day set he came !ot home1 +is mother therefore 5ept 5ith u!measurable tears" a!d saidD Alas" my so!" 5herefore se!t 5e thee to o this pil rima eE The li ht of our eyes" the staff of our a e" the solace of our life" the hope of our posterity" all these o!ly ha6i! i! thee" 5e ou ht !ot to ha6e let thee o from us1 To 5hom Tobit saidD 9e still a!d trouble thee !ot" our so! is safe e!ou h" the ma! is true a!d faithful e!ou h 5ith 5hom 5e se!t him1 She mi ht i! !o 5ise be comforted" but e6ery day she 5e!t




a!d loo4ed a!d espied the 5ay that he should come if she mi ht see him come from far1 The! 3a uel said to Tobias his so!:i!:la5D Abide here 5ith me" a!d I shall se!d messe! ers of thy health a!d 5elfare to Tobit thy father1 To 5hom Tobias saidD I 4!o5 5ell that my father a!d my mother accompt the days" a!d the spirit is i! reat pai! 5ithi! them1 3a uel prayed him 5ith ma!y 5ords" but Tobias 5ould i! !o 5ise ra!t him1 The! he deli6ered to him Sara his dau hter" a!d half part of all his substa!ce i! ser6a!ts" me! a!d 5ome!" i! beasts" camels" i! 4i!e a!d much mo!ey1 A!d safe a!d =oyful he let him depart from him" sayi! D The a! el of God that is holy be i! your =our!ey" a!d bri! you home 5hole a!d sou!d" a!d that ye may a!d all thi! s 5ell a!d ri htful about your father a!d mother" a!d that mi!e eyes may see your so!s ere I die1 A!d the father a!d mother ta4i! their dau hter 4issed her a!d let her depart" 5ar!i! her to 5orship her husba!d>s father a!d mother" lo6e her husba!d" to rule 5ell the mei!y" to o6er! the house a!d to 4eep herself irreprehe!sible" that is to say" 5ithout reproof1 ,he! they thus retur!ed a!d departed" they came to Charram 5hich is the half 5ay to Ni!e6eh" the thirtee!th day1 The! said the a! el to TobiasD Tobias" brother" thou 4!o5est ho5 thou hast left thy father" if it please thee 5e 5ill o tofore a!d let thy family come softly after" 5ith thy 5ife a!d 5ith thy beasts1 This pleased 5ell to Tobias7 a!d the! said 3aphael to TobiasD Ta4e 5ith thee of the all of the fish" it shall be !ecessary1 Tobias too4 of the all a!d 5e!t forth tofore1 A!!a his mother sat e6ery day by the 5ay i! the top of the hill" from 5he!ce she mi ht see him come from far" a!d 5hilst she sat there a!d loo4ed after his comi! " she sa5 afar a!d 4!e5 her so! comi! " a!d ru!!i! home she told to her husba!d sayi! D LoI thy so! cometh1 3aphael the! said to you! TobiasD A!o! as thou e!terest i! to the house adore thy Lord God" a!d i6i! to him tha!4i! s" o to thy father a!d 4iss him1 A!d a!o! the! a!oi!t his eyes 5ith the all of the fish that thou bearest 5ith thee" thou shalt 5ell 4!o5 that his eyes shall be ope!ed" a!d thy father shall see the li ht of hea6e! a!d shall =oy i! thy si ht1 The! ra! the do that follo5ed him a!d had bee! 5ith him i! the 5ay" a!d came home as a messe! er" fa5!i! a!d ma4i! =oy 5ith his tail1 A!d the bli!d father arose a!d be a! offe!di! his feet to ru! to meet his so!" i6i! to him his ha!d" a!d so ta4i! " 4issed him 5ith his 5ife" a!d be a! to 5eep for =oy1 ,he! the! they had 5orshipped God a!d tha!4ed him" they sat do5! to ether1 The! Tobias ta4i! the all of the fish a!oi!ted his father>s eyes" a!d abode as it had bee! half a! hour" a!d the slime of his eyes be a! to fall a5ay li4e as it had bee! the 5hite of a! e " 5hich Tobias too4 a!d dre5 from his father>s eyes" a!d a!o! he recei6ed si ht1 A!d they lorified God" that is to 5it he a!d his 5ife a!d all they that 4!e5 him1 The! said Tobit the fatherD I bless thee" Lord God of Israel" for thou hast chastised me" a!d thou hast sa6ed me" a!d" loI I see Tobias my so!1 After these se6e! days Sara the 5ife of his so! came a!d e!tered i! 5ith all the family" a!d the beasts 5hole a!d sou!d" camels a!d much mo!ey of his 5ife>s" a!d also the mo!ey that he had recei6ed of Gabael1 A!d he told to his father a!d mother all the be!efits of God that 5as do!e to him by the ma! that led him1 The! came Achiacharus a!d Nasbas" cousi!s of Tobias" =oyi! a!d tha!4i! God of all the oods that God had sho5ed to him1 A!d se6e! days they ate to ether ma4i! feast" a!d 5ere lad 5ith reat =oy1 The! old Tobit call his so! Tobias to him" a!d saidD ,hat may 5e i6e to this holy ma! that cometh 5ith theeE The! Tobias a!s5eri! said to his fatherD 'ather" 5hat meed may 5e i6e to him" or 5hat may be 5orthy to him for his be!efitsE +e led me out a!d hath brou ht me 5hole a ai!" he recei6ed the mo!ey of Gabael7 he did me ha6e my 5ife a!d he put a5ay the de6il from her7 he hath made =oy to my pare!ts" a!d sa6ed myself from de6ouri! of the fish" a!d hath made thee see the li ht of hea6e!" a!d by him 5e be reple!ished 5ith all oods7 5hat may 5e the! 5orthily i6e to himE ,herefore I pray thee" father" that thou pray him if he 6ouchsafe to ta4e the half of all that I ha6e1 The! the father a!d the so! calli! him too4 him apart a!d be a! to pray him that he 5ould 6ouchsafe to ta4e half the part of all the oods that they had brou ht1 The! said he to them pri6ilyD 9less ye God of hea6e! a!d before all li6i! people 4!o5led e ye him" for he hath do!e to you his mercy1 'orsooth to hide the sacrame!t of the 4i! it is ood" but for to sho5 the 5or4s of God a!d to 4!o5led e them it is 5orshipful1 Oratio! a!d prayer is ood" 5ith fasti! a!d alms" a!d more tha! to set up treasures of old1 'or alms deli6ereth from death" a!d it is she that pur eth si!s a!d ma4eth a ma! to fi!d e6erlasti! life1 ,ho that 4!o5led e to him" for he hath sho5ed his ma=esty i!to the si!ful people1 Co!fess ye therefore si!!ers" a!d do ye =ustice tofore our Lord by belie6i! that he shall do to you his mercy" aye soothly" a!d my soul shall be lad i! him1 All ye chose! of God" bless ye him a!d ma4e ye days of lad!ess a!d 4!o5led e ye to him1 Jerusalem city of God" our Lord hath chastised thee i! the 5or4s of his ha!ds" co!fess thou to our Lord i! his ood thi! s a!d bless thou the God of 5orlds that he may re:edify i! thee his taber!acle" a!d that he may call a ai! to thee all priso!ers a!d them that be i! capti6ity a!d that thou =oy i! om!ia secula seculorum1 Thou shalt shi!e 5ith a bri ht li ht" a!d all the e!ds of the earth shall












5orship thee1 Natio!s shall come to thee from far" a!d bri! i! ifts shall 5orship i! thee our Lord" a!d shall ha6e thy la!d i!to sa!ctificatio!1 They shall call i! thee a reat !ame" they shall be cursed that shall despise thee" a!d they all shall be co!dem!ed that blaspheme thee1 9lessed be they that edify thee" thou shalt be =oyful i! thy so!s" for all shall be blessed" a!d shall be athered to ether u!to our Lord1 9lessed be they that lo6e thee a!d that =oy upo! thy peace1 -y soul" bless thou our Lord" for he hath deli6ered Jerusalem his city1 I shall be blessed if there be left of my seed for to see the clear!ess of Jerusalem1 The ates of Jerusalem shall be edified of sapphire a!d emerald" a!d all the circuit of his 5alls of precious sto!e7 all the streets thereof shall be pa6ed 5ith 5hite sto!e a!d clea!7 a!d Alleluia shall be su! by the 5ays thereof1 9lessed be the Lord that hath e8alted it that it may be his 4i! dom i! secula seculorum" Ame!1 A!d thus Tobit fi!ished these 5ords1 A!d Tobit li6ed after he had recei6ed his si ht forty:t5o years" a!d sa5 the so!s of his !ephe5s" that is" the so!s of the so!s of his so! you! Tobias1 A!d 5he! he had li6ed o!e hu!dred a!d t5o years he died" a!d 5as ho!orably buried i! the city of Ni!e6eh1 +e 5as fifty:si8 years old 5he! he lost his si ht" a!d 5he! he 5as si8ty years old he recei6ed his si ht a ai!1 The residue of his life 5as i! =oy" a!d 5ith ood profit of the dread of God he departed i! peace1 I! the hour of his death he called to him Tobias his so!" a!d se6e! of his you! so!s" his !ephe5s" a!d said to themD The destructio! of Ni!e6eh is !i h" the 5ord of God shall !ot pass" a!d our brethre! that be disperpled from the la!d of Israel shall retur! thither a ai!1 All the la!d thereof shall be fulfilled 5ith desert" a!d the house that is bur!t therei! shall be re:edified" a!d thither shall retur! all people dreadi! God1 A!d Ge!tiles shall lea6e their idols a!d shall come i! Jerusalem a!d shall d5ell therei!" a!d all the 4i! s of the earth shall =oy i! her" 5orshippi! the 4i! of Israel1 +ear ye therefore" my so!s" me your father" ser6e ye God i! truth a!d see4 ye that ye do that may be pleasi! to him" a!d comma!d ye to your so!s that they do ri hteous !ess a!d alms" that they may remember God a!d bless him i! all time i! truth a!d i! all their 6irtue1 No5 therefore" my so!s" hear me a!d d5ell ye !o lo! er here" but 5he!soe6er your mother shall die" bury her by me a!d from the! fortho! dress ye your steps that ye o he!ce" I see 5ell that 5ic4ed!ess shall ma4e a! e!d of it1 It 5as so the! after the death of his mother" Tobias 5e!t from Ni!e6eh 5ith his 5ife a!d his so!s" a!d the so!s of his so!s" a!d retur!ed u!to his 5ife>s father a!d mother" 5hom they fou!d i! ood health a!d ood a e" a!d too4 the cure a!d char e of them" a!d 5ere 5ith them u!to their death" a!d closed their eyes1 A!d Tobias recei6ed all the herita e of the house of 3a uel a!d sa5 the so!s of his so!s u!to the fifth e!eratio!1 A!d 5he! he had complished !i!ety:!i!e years he died i! the dread of God" a!d 5ith =oy they buried him1 All his co !atio! a!d all his e!eratio! abode i! ood life a!d i! holy co!6ersatio!" a!d i! such 5ise as they 5ere acceptable as 5ell to God as to me!" a!d to all d5elli! o! the earth1 Here )e(i##eth the tory of Judith whi$h i read the la t *u#day of O$to)er" Arpha8ad" 4i! of the -edes" subdued i!to his empire ma!y peoples a!d edified a mi hty city" 5hich he !amed Ecbata!e" a!d made it 5ith sto!es s<uared" a!d polished them1 The 5alls thereof 5ere of hei ht se6e!ty cubits" a!d breadth thirty cubits" a!d the to5ers thereof of 5ere a! hu!dred cubits hi h1 A!d he lorified himself as he that 5as mi hty i! puissa!ce a!d i! the lory of his host a!d of his chariots1 Nebuchad!eHHar the! i! the t5elfth year of his rei !" 5hich 5as 4i! of the Assyria!s" a!d rei !ed i! the city of Ni!e6eh" fou ht a ai!st Arpha8ad a!d too4 him i! the field" 5hereof Nebuchad!eHHar 5as e8alted a!d e!ha!ced himself" a!d se!t u!to all re io!s about a!d u!to Jerusalem till the -ou!ts of Ethiopia" for to obey a!d hold of him1 ,hich all ai!said him 5ith o!e 5ill" a!d 5ithout 5orship se!t home his messe! ers 6oid" a!d set !ou ht by him1 The! Nebuchad!eHHar" ha6i! them at reat i!di !atio!" s5ore by his rei ! a!d by his thro!e that he 5ould a6e! e him o! them all" a!d thereupo! called all his du4es" pri!ces" a!d me! of 5ar" a!d held a cou!sel i! 5hich 5as decreed that he should subdue all the 5orld u!to his empire1 A!d thereupo! he ordai!ed +olofer!es pri!ce of his 4!i hthood" a!d bade him o forth" a!d i! especial a ai!st them that had despised his empire7 a!d bade him spare !o realm !e to5! but subdue all to him1 The! +olofer!es assembled du4es a!d masters of the stre! th of Nebuchad!eHHar" a!d !umbered o!e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty thousa!d footme!" a!d horseme! shooters t5el6e thousa!d1 A!d tofore them he comma!ded to o a multitude of i!!umerable camels lade! 5ith such thi! s as 5ere !eedful to the host" as 6ictual" old a!d sil6er" much that 5as ta4e! out of the treasury of the 4i! s1 A!d so 5e!t to ma!y realms 5hich he subdued7 a!d occupied a reat part of the orie!t till he came approachi! the la!d of Israel1 A!d 5he! the childre! of Israel heard thereof they dreaded sore lest he should come amo! them i!to Jerusalem a!d destroy the temple" for










Nebuchad!eHHar had comma!ded that he should e8ti!ct all of the ods of the earth" a!d that !o od should be !amed !e 5orshipped but he himself" of all the !atio!s that +olofer!es should subdue1 Eliachim" the! priest i! Israel" 5rote u!to all them i! the mou!tai!s that they should 4eep the strait 5ays of the mou!tai!s" a!d so the childre! of Israel did as the priest had ordai!ed1 The! Eliachim" the priest" 5e!t about all Israel a!d said to themD @!o5 ye that God hath heard your prayers" if ye abide a!d co!ti!ue i! your prayers a!d fasti! s i! the si ht of God1 3emember ye of -oses" the ser6a!t of God" 5hich o6erthre5 Amale4 trusti! i! his stre! th" a!d i! his po5er" i! his host" i! his helmets" i! his chariots" a!d i! his horseme!7 !ot fi hti! 5ith iro! but 5ith prayi! of holy prayers1 I! li4e 5ise shall it be 5ith all the e!emies of Israel if ye perse6ere i! this 5or4 that ye ha6e be u!1 ,ith this e8hortatio! they co!ti!ued prayi! God1 They perse6ered i! the si ht of God" a!d also they that offered to our Lord 5ere clad 5ith sac4cloth" a!d had ashes o! their heads" a!d 5ith all their heart they prayed God to 6isit his people Israel1 It 5as told to +olofer!es pri!ce of the 4!i hthood of the Assyria!s that the childre! of Israel made them ready to resist him" a!d had closed the 5ays of the mou!tai!s" a!d he 5as bur!ed i! o6ermuch fury i! reat ire1 +e called all the pri!ces of -oab a!d du4es of Ammo! a!d said to themD Say ye to me" 5hat people is this that besie e the mou!tai!s" or 5hat or ho5 ma!y cities ha6e theyE A!d 5hat is their 6irtue" a!d 5hat multitude is of themE Or 5ho is 4i! of their 4!i hthoodE The! Achior" du4e of all of them of Ammo!" a!s5eri! saidD If thou of dei !est to hear me I shall tell thee truth of this people that d5elleth i! the mou!tai!s" a!d there shall !ot issue out of my mouth o!e false 5ord1 This people d5elled first i! -esopotamia" a!d 5as of the pro e!y of the Chaldees" but 5ould !ot d5ell there for they 5ould !ot follo5 the ods of their fathers that 5ere i! the la!d of Chaldees" a!d oi! a!d lea6i! the ceremo!ies of their fathers" 5hich 5as i! the multitude of ma!y ods" they ho!oured o!e" God of hea6e!" 5hich comma!ded them to o the!ce that they should d5ell i! Ca!aa!1 The! after 5as there much hu! er" that they desce!ded i!to E ypt" a!d there abode four hu!dred years" a!d multiplied that they mi ht !ot be !umbered1 ,he! the 4i! of E ypt rie6ed them i! his buildi! s" beari! clay tiles" a!d subdued them" they cried to our Lord" a!d he smote the la!d of E ypt 5ith di6ers pla ues1 ,he! they of E ypt had cast them out from them" the pla ues ceased from them a!d the! they 5ould ha6e ta4e! them a ai! a!d 5ould ha6e called them to their ser6ice" a!d they fleei! " their God ope!ed the sea to them that they 5e!t throu h dry:foot" i! 5hich the i!!umerable host of the E yptia!s pursui! them 5ere dro5!ed" that there 5as !ot o!e of them sa6ed for to tell to them that came after them1 They passed thus the 3ed Sea" a!d he fed them 5ith ma!!a forty years" a!d made bitter 5aters s5eet" a!d a6e them 5ater out of a sto!e1 A!d 5heresoe6er this people e!tered 5ithout bo5 or arro5" shield or s5ord" their God fou ht for them" a!d there is !o ma! may pre6ail a ai!st this people but 5he! they departed from the culture a!d ho!or of their God1 A!d as oft as they ha6e departed from their God a!d 5orshipped other stra! e ods" so oft ha6e they bee! o6ercome 5ith their e!emies1 A!d 5he! they repe!t a!d come to the 4!o5led e of their si!" a!d cry their God mercy" they be restored a ai!" a!d their God i6eth to them 6irtue to resist their e!emies1 They ha6e o6erthro5! Ca!a!eum the 4i! " Jebusee" (heresee" E!eum" Etheum a!d Amoreum" a!d all the mi hty me! i! Esebo!" a!d ha6e ta4e! their la!ds a!d cities a!d possess them" a!d shall" as lo! as they please their God1 Their God hated 5ic4ed!ess" for tofore this time 5he! they 5e!t from the la5s that their God a6e to them" he suffered them to be ta4e! of ma!y !atio!s i!to capti6ity" a!d 5ere disperpled1 A!d !o5 late they be come a ai! a!d possess Jerusalem 5herei! is sa!cta sa!ctorum" a!d be come o6er these mou!tai!s 5hereas some of them d5ell1 No5 therefore" my lord" see a!d search if there be a!y 5ic4ed!ess of them i! the si ht of their God" a!d the! let us o to them" for their God shall i6e them i!to thy ha!ds a!d they shall be subdued u!der the yo4e of thy po5er1 A!d 5he! Achior had said thus" all the reat me! about +olofer!es 5ere a! ry a!d had thou ht for to ha6e slai! him" sayi! each to otherD ,ho is this that may ma4e the childre! of Israel resist the 4i! Nebuchad!eHHar a!d his army a!d hostE -e! co5ards a!d 5ithout mi ht a!d 5ithout a!y 5isdom of 5ar1 Therefore that Achior may 4!o5 that he saith !ot true" let us asce!d the mou!tai!s" a!d 5he! the mi hty me! of them be ta4e! let him be slai! 5ith them" that all me! may 4!o5 that Nebuchad!eHHar is od of the earth" a!d that there is !o!e other but he1 The! 5he! they ceased to spea4" +olofer!es ha6i! i!di !atio! said to AchiorD 9ecause thou hast prophesied us of the childre! of Israel sayi! " that their God defe!ded them" I shall sho5 to thee that there is !o od but Nebuchad!eHHar" for 5hom 5e ha6e o6ercome them all a!d slai! them as o!e ma!" the! shalt thou die 5ith them by the s5ord of the Assyria!s" a!d all Israel shall be put i!to rui! a!d perditio!" a!d the! shall be 4!o5! that Nebuchad!eHHar is lord of all the earth" a!d the s5ord of my 4!i hthood shall pass throu h thy sides1

















A!d thou shalt depart he!ce a!d o to them" a!d shalt !ot die u!to the time that I ha6e them a!d thee1 A!d 5he! I ha6e slai! them 5ith my s5ord thou shalt i! li4e 5ise be slai! 5ith li4e 6e! ea!ce1 After this +olofer!es comma!ded his ser6a!ts to ta4e Achior" a!d lead him to 9ethulia a!d to put him i! the ha!ds of them of Israel1 A!d so they too4 Achior a!d asce!ded the mou!tai!s" a ai!st 5hom came out me! of 5ar1 The! the ser6a!ts of +olofer!es tur!ed aside a!d bou!d Achior to a tree ha!ds a!d feet 5ith cords" a!d left him a!d so retur!ed to their lord1 The! the so!s of Israel comi! do5! from 9ethulia loosed a!d u!bou!d him" a!d brou ht him to 9ethulia" a!d he bei! set amid the people 5as dema!ded 5hat he 5as" a!d 5hy he 5as so sore there bou!de!1 A!d he told to them all the matter li4e as it is aforesaid" a!d ho5 +olofer!es had comma!ded him to be deli6ered u!to them of Israel1 The! all the people fell do5! o! to their faces 5orshippi! God" a!d 5ith reat lame!tatio! a!d 5eepi! " 5ith o!e 5ill made their prayers u!to our Lord God of hea6e!" a!d that he 5ould behold the pride of them" a!d to the mee4!ess of them of Israel" a!d ta4e heed to the faces of his hallo5s a!d sho5 to them his race a!d !ot forsa4e them" a!d prayed God to ha6e mercy o! them a!d defe!d them from their e!emies1 A!d o! that other side" +olofer!es comma!ded his hosts to o up a!d assail 9ethulia" a!d so 5e!t up" of footme! o!e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty thousa!d" a!d t5el6e thousa!d horseme!" a!d besie ed the to5!" a!d too4 their 5ater from them" i! so much that they that 5ere i! the to5! 5ere i! reat pe!ury of 5ater" for i! all the to5! 5as !ot 5ater e!ou h for o!e day" a!d such as they had 5as i6e! to the people by measure1 The! all the people you! a!d old came to OHias 5hich 5as their pri!ce" 5ith Charmis a!d Gotho!iel" all 5ith o!e 6oice cryi! D God the Lord deem bet5ee! us a!d thee" for thou hast do!e to us e6il 5hat thou spa4est !ot peaceably 5ith the Assyria!s" for !o5 5e shall be deli6ered i!to the ha!ds of them1 It is better for us to li6e i! capti6ity u!der +olofer!es a!d li6e" tha! to die here for thirst" a!d see our 5i6es a!d childre! die before our eyes1 A!d 5he! they had made this piteous cryi! a!d yelli! " they 5e!t all to their church" a!d there a lo! 5hile prayed a!d cried u!to God 4!o5led i! their si!s a!d 5ic4ed!ess" mee4ly beseechi! him to sho5 his race a!d pity o! them1 The! at last OHias arose up" a!d said to the peopleD Let us abide yet fi6e days" a!d if God se!d us !o rescue !e help us !ot i! that time that 5e may i6e lory to his !ame" else 5e shall do as ye ha6e said1 A!d 5he! that Judith heard thereof" 5hich 5as a 5ido5 a!d a blessed 5oma!" a!d 5as left 5ido5 three years a!d si8 mo!ths1 After that -a!asses her husba!d died" a!o! she 5e!t i!to the o6erest part of her house i! 5hich she made a pri6y bed" 5hich she a!d her ser6a!ts closed" a!d ha6i! o! her body a hair" had fasted all the days of her life sa6e Sabbaths a!d of !e5 moo!s" a!d the feasts of the house of Israel1 She 5as a fair a!d her husba!d had left her much riches" 5ith ple!tiful mei!y" a!d possessio!s of dro6es of o8e! a!d floc4s of sheep" a!d she 5as a famous 5oma! a!d dreaded God reatly1 A!d 5he! she had heard that OHias had said" that the fifth day the city should be i6e! o6er if God helped them !ot" she se!t for the priests Chambris a!d Charmis a!d said to themD ,hat is this 5ord i! 5hich OHias hath co!se!ted that the city should be deli6ered to the Assyria!s if 5ithi! fi6e days there come !o help to usE A!d 5ho be ye that tempt the Lord GodE This 5ord is !ot to stir God to mercy but rather to arouse 5rath a!d 5ood!ess1 ;e ha6e set a time of mercy doi! by God" a!d i! your doom ye ha6e ordai!ed a day to him1 O ood Lord" ho5 patie!t is he" let us as4 him for for i6e!ess 5ith 5eepi! tears7 he shall !ot threate! as a ma!" !e i!flame i! 5rath as a so! of a ma!" therefore mee4 5e our souls to him a!d i! a co!trite spirit a!d mee4ed" ser6e 5e to him" a!d say 5e 5eepi! to God" that after his 5ill he sho5 to us his mercy" a!d as our heart is troubled i! the pride of them" so also of our humble!ess a!d mee4!ess let us be =oyful1 'or 5e ha6e !ot follo5ed the si! of our fathers that forsoo4 their God a!d 5orshipped stra! e ods" 5herefore they 5ere i6e! a!d be ta4e! i!to hideous a!d reat 6e! ea!ce" i!to s5ord" ra6i!" a!d i!to co!fusio! to their e!emies7 5e forsooth 4!o5 !o other od but him1 Abide 5e mee4ly the comfort of him" a!d he shall 4eep us from our e!emies" a!d he shall ma4e all e!tiles that arise a ai!st him" a!d shall ma4e them 5ithout 5orship the Lord our God1 A!d !o5 ye brethre!" ye thee be priests" o! 5hom ha! eth the life of the people of God" pray ye u!to Almi hty God that he ma4e of me steadfast i! the purpose that I ha6e proposed1 ;e shall sta!d at the ate a!d I shall o out 5ith my ha!dmaid1 A!d pray ye the Lord that he steadfast ma4e my soul" a!d do ye !othi! till I come a ai!1 A!d the! Judith 5e!t i!to her oratory" a!d arrayed her 5ith her precious clothi! a!d ador!me!ts" a!d too4 u!to her ha!dmaid certai! 6ictuals such as she mi ht la5fully eat" a!d 5he! she had made her prayers u!to God she departed i! her most !oble array to5ard the ate" 5hereas OHias a!d the priests abode her" a!d 5he! they sa5 her they mar6elled of her beauty1 Not5ithsta!di! they let her o" sayi! D God of our fathers i6e thee race a!d stre! the! all the cou!sel of thi!e heart 5ith his 6irtue a!d lory to Jerusalem" a!d be thy !ame i! the !umber of sai!ts a!d of ri hteous me!1 A!d they all that 5ere there












said D Ame! a!d" fiatI fiatI The! she praisi! God passed throu h the ate" a!d her ha!dmaid 5ith her1 A!d 5he! she came do5! the hill" about the spri! i! of the day" a!o! the spies of the Assyria!s too4 her sayi! D ,he!ce comest thou" or 5hither oest thouE The 5hich a!s5eredD I am a dau hter of the +ebre5s a!d flee from them" 4!o5i! that they shall be ta4e! by you" a!d come to +olofer!es for to tell him their pri6ities" a!d I shall sho5 him by 5hat e!try he may 5i! them" i! such 5ise as o!e ma! of his host shall !ot perish1 A!d the me! that heard these 5ords beheld her 6isa e a!d 5o!dered of her beauty" sayi! to herD Thou hast sa6ed thy life because thou hast fou!de! such cou!sel" come therefore to our Lord" for 5he! thou shalt sta!d i! his si ht he shall accept thee1 A!d they led her to the taber!acle of +olofer!es1 A!d 5he! she came before him a!o! +olofer!es 5as cau ht by his eyes" a!d his tyra!t 4!i hts said to himD ,ho despised the people of Je5s that ha6e so fair 5ome!" that !ot for them of ri ht 5e ou ht a ai!st themE A!d so Judith seei! +olofer!es sitti! i! his ca!ape that 5as of purple" of old" smara dos a!d precious sto!es 5ithi! 5o6e!" a!d 5he! she had see! his face she ho!ored him" falli! do5! herself u!to the earth1 A!d the ser6a!ts of +olofer!es too4 her up" he so comma!di! 1 The! +olofer!es said to herD 9e thou !ot afeard !e dread thee !ot1 I !e6er rie6ed !e !oyed ma! that 5ould ser6e Nebuchad!eHHar1 Thy people soothly" if they had !ot despised me" I had !ot raised my people !e stre! th a ai!st them1 No5 tell to me the cause 5hy thou 5e!test from them" a!d that it hath pleased thee to come to us1 A!d Judith saidD Ta4e the 5ords of thi!e ha!dmaid" a!d if thou follo5 them" a perfect thi! God shall do 5ith thee1 'orsooth Nebuchad!eHHar is the li6i! 4i! of the earth" a!d thou hast his po5er for to chastise all people" for me! o!ly ser6e !ot him" but also the beasts of the field obey to him" his mi ht is 4!o5! o6er all1 A!d the childre! of Israel shall be yielded to thee" for their God is a! ry 5ith them for their 5ic4ed!ess1 They be e!fami!ed a!d lac4 bread a!d 5ater" they be co!strai!ed to eat their horse a!d beasts" a!d to ta4e such holy thi! s as be forbidde! i! their la5" as 5heat" 5i!e" a!d oil" all these thi! s God hath sho5ed to me1 A!d they purpose to 5aste such thi! s as they ou ht !ot touch" a!d therefore a!d for their si!s they shall be put i! the ha!ds of their e!emies" a!d our Lord hath sho5ed me these thi! s to tell thee1 A!d I thi!e ha!dmaid shall 5orship God" a!d shall o out a!d pray him" a!d come i! a!d tell thee 5hat he shall say to me" i! such 5ise that I shall bri! thee throu h the middle of Jerusalem" a!d thou shalt ha6e all the people of Israel u!der thee" as the sheep be u!der the shepherd" i! so much there shall !ot a! hou!d bar4 a ai!st thee1 A!d because these thi! s be said to me by the pro6ide!ce of God" a!d that God is 5roth 5ith them" I am se!t to tell thee these thi! s1 'orsooth" all these 5ords pleased much to +olofer!es" a!d to his people" a!d they mar6elled of the 5isdom of her1 A!d o!e said to a!other1 There is !ot such a 5oma! upo! earth i! si ht" i! fair!ess" a!d i! 5it of 5ords1 A!d +olofer!es said to herD God hath do!e 5ell that he hath se!t thee hither for to let me ha6e 4!o5led e" a!d if thy God do to me these thi! s he shall be my God" a!d thou a!d thy !ame shall be reat i! the house of Nebuchad!eHHar1 The! comma!ded +olofer!es her to o i! 5here his treasure lay" a!d to abide there" a!d to i6e to her meat from his feast" to 5hom she said that she mi ht !ot eat of his meat" but that she hath brou ht meat 5ith her for to eat1 The! +olofer!es saidD ,he! that meat faileth 5hat shall 5e i6e to thee to eatE A!d Judith said that she should !ot spe!d all till God shall do i! my ha!ds those thi! s that I ha6e thou ht1 A!d the ser6a!ts led her i!to his taber!acle" a!d she desired that she mi ht o out i! the !i ht a!d before day to pray" a!d come i! a ai!1 A!d the lord comma!ded his cubiculers that she should o a!d come at her pleasure three days duri! 1 A!d she 5e!t out i!to the 6alley of 9ethulia a!d baptiHed her i! the 5ater of the 5ell1 A!d she stretched her ha!ds up to the God of Israel" prayi! the ood Lord that he 5ould o6er! her 5ay for to deli6er his people7 a!d thus she did u!to the fourth day1 The! +olofer!es made a reat feast" a!d se!t a ma! of his 5hich 5as elded" !amed 9a oas" for to e!treat Judith to lie 5ith his lord" a!d to come eat a!d dri!4 5ith him1 A!d Judith saidD ,hat am I that should ai!say my lord>s desireE I am at his comma!dme!t" 5hatsome6er he 5ill that I do" I shall do" a!d please him all the days of my life1 A!d she rose a!d ador!ed herself 5ith her rich a!d precious clothes" a!d 5e!t i! a!d stood before +olofer!es" a!d +olofer!es> heart 5as pierced 5ith her beauty" a!d he bur!ed i! the lust a!d desire of her" a!d said to herD Sit do5! a!d dri!4 i! =oy" for thou hast fou!d race before me1 Judith saidD I shall dri!4 my lord" for my life is ma !ified this day before all the days of my life1 A!d she ate a!d dra!4 such as her ha!dmaid had ordai!ed for her1 A!d +olofer!es 5as merry a!d dra!4 so much 5i!e that he !e6er dra!4 so much i! o!e day i! all his life" a!d 5as dru!4e!1 A!d at e6e!" 5he! it 5as !i ht" +olofer!es 5e!t i!to his bed" a!d 9a oas brou ht Judith i! to his chamber a!d closed the door1 A!d 5he! Judith 5as alo!e i! the chamber" a!d +olofer!es lay a!d slept i! o6ermuch dru!4e!!ess" Judith said to her ha!dmaid that she should sta!d 5ithout forth before the door of the pri6y chamber a!d 5ait about" a!d Judith stood before the bed prayi! 5ith tears a!d 5ith mo6i! of her lips secretly" sayi! D O Lord God of Israel" co!form me i! this hour to the 5or4s of









my ha!ds" that thou raise up the city of Jerusalem as thou hast promised" a!d that I may perform this that I ha6e thou ht to do1 A!d 5he! she had thus said" she 5e!t to the pillar that 5as at his bed>s head" a!d too4 his s5ord a!d loosed it" a!d of 5he! she had dra5! it out" she too4 his hair i! her ha!d a!d saidD Co!firm me God of Israel i! this hour" a!d smote t5ice i! the !ec4 a!d cut off his head" a!d left the body lie still" a!d too4 the head a!d 5rapped it i! the ca!ape a!d deli6ered it to her maid" a!d bade her to put it i! her scrip" a!d they t5o 5e!t out after their usa e to pray1 A!d they passed the te!ts" a!d oi! about the 6alley came to the ate of the city" a!d Judith said to the 4eepers of the 5allsD Ope! the ates" for God is 5ith us that hath do!e reat 6irtue i! Israel1 A!d a!o! 5he! they heard her call" they called the priests of the city" a!d they came ru!!i! for they had supposed !o more to ha6e see! her" a!d li hti! li hts all 5e!t about her1 She the! e!tered i! a!d stood up i! a hi h place a!d comma!ded sile!ce" a!d saidD (raise ye the Lord God that forsa4eth !ot me! hopi! i! him7 a!d i! me his ha!d5oma!" hath fulfilled his mercy that he promised to the house of Israel" a!d hath slai! i! my ha!d the e!emy of his people this !i ht1 A!d the! she brou ht forth the head of +olofer!es a!d sho5ed It to them sayi! D LoI here the head of +olofer!es" pri!ce of the chi6alry of Assyria!s" a!d loI the ca!ape of him i! 5hich he lay i! his dru!4e!hood" 5here our Lord hath smitte! him by the ha!d of a 5oma!1 'orsooth God li6eth" for his a! el 4ept me he!ce oi! " there abidi! " a!d from the!ce hither retur!i! " a!d the Lord hath !ot suffered me" his ha!d5oma!" to be defouled" but 5ithout pollutio! of si! hath called me a ai! to you =oyi! i! his 6ictory" i! my escapi! a!d i! your deli6era!ce1 @!o5led e ye him all for ood" for his mercy is e6erlasti! " 5orld 5ithout e!d1 A!d all they" ho!ouri! our Lord" said to herD The Lord bless thee i! his 6irtue" for by thee he hath brou ht our e!emies to !au ht1 The! OHias" the pri!ce of the people" said to herD 9lessed be thou of the hi h God before all 5ome! upo! earth" a!d blessed be the Lord that made hea6e! a!d earth" that hath addressed thee i! the 5ou!ds of the head of the pri!ce of our e!emies1 After this Judith bade that the head should be ha! ed up o! the 5alls" a!d at the su! risi! e6ery ma! i! his arms issue out upo! your e!emies" a!d 5he! their spies shall see you" they shall ru! i!to the te!t of their pri!ce" to raise him a!d to ma4e him ready to fi ht" a!d 5he! his lords shall see him dead" they shall be smitte! 5ith so reat dread a!d fear that they shall flee" 5hom ye the! shall pursue" a!d God shall bri! them a!d tread them u!der your feet1 The! Achior seei! the 6irtue of the God of Israel" left his old heathe!>s customs a!d belie6ed i! God" a!d 5as circumcised i! his pri6y members" a!d put himself to the people of Israel" a!d all successio! of his 4i!dred u!to this day1 The! at the spri! i! of the day they hu! the head of +olofer!es o! the 5alls" a!d e6ery ma! too4 his arms a!d 5e!t out 5ith reat !oise" 5hich thi! seei! " the spies ra! to ether to the taber!acle of +olofer!es" a!d came ma4i! !oise for to ma4e him to arise" a!d that he should a5a4e" but !o ma! 5as so hardy to 4!oc4 or e!ter i!to his pri6y chamber1 9ut 5he! the du4es a!d leaders of thousa!ds came" a!d other" they said to the pri6y chamberlai!sD Go a!d a5a4e your lord" for the mice be o!e out of their ca6es a!d be ready to call us to battle1 The! 9a oas his ba5d" 5e!t i!to his pri6y chamber a!d stood before the curtai!" a!d clapped his ha!ds to ether" 5ee!i! he had slept 5ith of Judith1 A!d 5he! he percei6ed !o mo6i! of him" he dre5 the curtai! a!d seei! the dead body of +olofer!es" 5ithout head" Iyi! i! his blood" cried 5ith reat 6oice" 5eepi! a!d re!di! his clothes" a!d 5e!t i! to the taber!acle of Judith a!d fou!d her !ot" a!d started out to the people a!d saidD A 5oma! of the +ebre5s hath made co!fusio! i! the house of Nebuchad!eHHar" she hath slai! +olofer!es" a!d he is dead" a!d she hath his head 5ith her1 A!d 5he! the pri!ces a!d captai!s of the Assyria!s heard this" a!o! they re!t their clothes" a!d i!tolerable dread fell o! them" a!d 5ere sore troubled i! their 5its a!d made a horrible cry i! their te!ts1 A!d 5he! all the host had heard ho5 +olofer!es 5as beheaded" cou!sel a!d mi!d fle5 from them" a!d 5ith reat trembli! for succour be a! to flee" i! such 5ise that !o!e 5ould spea4 5ith other" but 5ith their heads bo5ed do5! fled for to escape from the +ebre5s" 5hom they sa5 armed comi! upo! them" a!d departed fleei! by fields a!d 5ays of hills a!d 6alleys1 A!d the so!s of Israel" seei! them fleei! " follo5ed them" cryi! 5ith trumps a!d shouti! after them" a!d sle5 a!d smote do5! all them that they o6ertoo41 A!d OHias se!t forth u!to all the cities a!d re io!s of Israel" a!d they se!t after all the you! me! a!d 6alia!t to pursue them by s5ord" a!d so they did u!to the uttermost coasts of Israel1 The other me! soothly" that 5ere i! 9ethulia" 5e!t i! to the te!ts of the Assyria!s" a!d too4 all the prey that the Assyria!s had left" a!d 5he! the me! that had pursued them 5ere retur!ed" they too4 all their beasts a!d all the mo6able oods a!d thi! s that they had left" so much that e6ery ma! from the most to the least 5ere made rich by the prey that they too41 The! Joachim the hi h bishop of Jerusalem came u!to 9ethulia" 5ith all the priests" for to see Judith" a!d 5he! she came tofore them all" they blessed her 5ith o!e 6oice" sayi! D Thou lory of Jerusalem" thou lad!ess of Israel" thou the 5orship doi! of our people" thou didst ma!ly"













a!d thi!e heart is comforted because thou lo6edst chastity a!d 4!e5est !o ma! after the death of thy husba!d" a!d therefore the ha!d of God hath comforted thee1 A!d therefore thou shalt be blessed 5orld 5ithout e!d" a!d all the people saidD 'iatI fiatI be it do!e" be it do!e1 Certai!ly the spoils of the Assyria!s 5ere u!!ethe athered a!d assembled to ether i! thirty days" of the people of Israel" but all the proper riches that 5ere appertai!i! to +olofer!es a!d could be fou!d that had bee! his" they 5ere i6e! to Judith as 5ell old" sil6er" ems" clothes" as all other appurte!a!ces to household7 a!d all 5as deli6ered to her of the people" a!d the fol4s" 5ith 5ome! a!d maide!s" =oyed i! ye to the Lord i! cymbals" ma!!erly si! to him a !e5 psalm1 'ully =oy ye" a!d i!5ardly call ye his !ame" a!d so forth1 A!d for this reat miracle a!d 6ictory all the people came to Jerusalem for to i6e laud" ho!our" a!d 5orship u!to our Lord God1 A!d after they 5ere purified they offered sacrifices" 6o5s" a!d behests u!to God" a!d the =oy of this 6ictory 5as solem!ised duri! three mo!ths" a!d after that" each 5e!t home a ai! i!to his o5! city a!d house" a!d Judith retur!ed i!to 9ethulia" a!d 5as made more reat a!d clear to all me! of the la!d of Israel1 She 5as =oi!ed to the 6irtue of chastity" so that she 4!e5 !o ma! all the days of her life after the death of -a!asses" her husba!d" a!d d5elled i! of the house of her husba!d a! hu!dred a!d fi6e years" a!d she left her demoiselle free1 A!d after this she died a!d is buried i! 9ethulia a!d all the people be5ailed her se6e! days1 Duri! her life after this =our!ey 5as !o trouble amo! the Je5s" a!d the day of this 6ictory of the +ebre5s 5as accepted for a feastful day" a!d hallo5ed of the Je5s a!d !umbered amo! their feasts u!to this day1 The Life of *" A#drew After the feasts of our Lord Jesu Christ tofore set i! order follo5 the le e!ds of Sai!ts" a!d first of S1 A!dre51



A!dre5 is e8pou!ded" a!d is as much as to say as fair" or a!s5eri! u!to stre! th" a!d it is said of a!dor" that is as much to say as stre! th7 or A!dre5 is said thus" as a!tipos of a!a" 5hich is to say hi h" a!d of tropos 5hich is co!6ersio!" so that A!dre5 is to say" a ma! hi hly co!6erted" a!d i! hea6e! addressed u!to his ma4er1 +e 5as fair i! his life" a!s5eri! i! 5isdom a!d i! doctri!e" stro! i! pai! a!d co!6erted hi h i! lory1 The priests a!d deaco!s of Achaia 5rote his passio! li4e as they had see! it 5ith their eyes1 A!dre5 a!d some other disciples 5ere called three times of our Lord1 +e called them first i! the 4!o5led i! of him" as 5he! S1 A!dre5 5as 5ith Joh! the 9aptist" his master" a!d a!other disciple7 he heard that Joh! saidD LoI here the Lamb of God7 a!d the! he 5e!t a!o! 5ith a!other disciple" a!d came to Jesu Christ a!d abode 5ith him all that day1 A!d the! S1 A!dre5 fou!d Simo!" his brother" a!d brou ht him to Jesu Christ" a!d the !e8t day follo5i! they 5e!t to their craft of fishi! 1 A!d after this he called them the seco!d time by the sta !e of Ge!!esereth" 5hich is !amed the sea of Galilee1 +e e!tered i!to the ship of Simo! a!d of A!dre5" a!d there 5as ta4e! reat multitude of fish" a!d he called James a!d Joh!" 5hich 5ere i! a!other ship" a!d they follo5ed him" a!d after 5e!t i!to their proper places1 After this he called them from their fishi! " a!d saidD Come" follo5 me" I shall ma4e you fishers of me!1 The! they left their ships a!d !ets" a!d follo5ed him" a!d after this they abode 5ith him" a!d 5e!t !o more to their o5! houses1 A!d ho5beit he called A!dre5 a!d some other to be apostles" of 5hich calli! " -atthe5 saith i! the third chapterD +e called to him them that he 5ould1 A!d after the asce!sio! of our Lord" the apostles 5ere departed" a!d A!dre5 preached i! Scythia a!d -atthe5 i! -ur o!dy1 A!d the me! of this cou!try refused utterly the preachi! of S1 -atthe5" a!d dre5 out his eyes" a!d cast him i! priso! fast bou!de!1 I! the mea!5hile a! a! el" se!t from our Lord" a!d comma!ded him to o to S1 -atthe5 i!to -ur o!dy" a!d he a!s5ered that he 4!e5 !ot the 5ay1 A!d the! the a! el comma!ded him that he should o u!to the seaside" a!d that be should e!ter i!to the first ship that he should fi!d" a!d so he did ladly" i! accomplishi! the comma!dme!t" a!d 5e!t i!to the city by the leadi! of the a! el" a!d had 5i!d propitious1 A!d 5he! he 5as come he fou!d the priso! ope!" 5here S1 -atthe5 5as i!7 a!d 5he! he sa5 him he 5ept sore a!d 5orshipped him7 a!d the! our Lord re!dered a!d a6e a ai! to S1 -atthe5 his t5o eyes a!d his si ht1 A!d the! S1 -atthe5 departed from the!ce a!d came i!to A!tioch" a!d S1 A!dre5 abode i! -ur o!dy" a!d they of the cou!try 5ere 5roth that S1 -atthe5 5as so escaped1 The! too4 they S1 A!dre5 a!d dre5 him throu h the places" his ha!ds bou!de! i! such 5ise that the blood ra! out1 +e prayed for them to Jesu Christ" a!d co!6erted them by his prayer7 a!d from the!ce he came to A!tioch1 This that is said of the bli!di! of S1 -atthe5" I suppose that it is







!ot true" !or that the e6a! elist 5as !ot so i!firm" but that he mi ht et for his si ht that S1 A!dre5 at for him so li htly1 It 5as so that a you! ma! came a!d follo5ed S1 A!dre5" a ai!st the 5ill of all his pare!ts7 a!d o! a time his pare!ts set fire o! the house 5here he 5as 5ith the apostle" a!d 5he! the flame surmou!ted ri ht hi h" the child too4 a brush full of 5ater a!d spri!4led 5ithal the fire" a!d a!o! the fire <ue!ched1 A!d the! his frie!ds a!d pare!ts saidD Our so! is made a! e!cha!ter1 A!d as they 5ould ha6e o!e up by the ladders" they 5ere sudde!ly made bli!d" that they sa5 !ot the ladders" a!d the! o!e of them recried a!d saidD ,herefore e!force ye you a ai!st themE God fi hteth for them a!d ye see it !ot1 Cease ye a!d lea6e off" lest the ire of our Lord fall o! you1 The! ma!y of them that sa5 this belie6ed i! our Lord" a!d the pare!ts died 5ithi! forty days after" a!d 5ere put i! o!e sepulchre1 There 5as a 5oma! 5ith child" =oi!ed i! 5edloc4 5ith a homicide 5ho 5as troubled reatly upo! her deli6era!ce7 a!d at the time of childi! she mi ht !ot be deli6ered1 She bade her sister to o to Dia!a a!d pray to her that she help me1 She 5e!t a!d prayed" a!d Dia!a said to her" 5hich 5as the de6il i! a! idolD ,herefore prayest thou to meE I may !ot help !e profit thee" but o u!to A!dre5 the apostle 5hich may help thee a!d thy sister1 A!d she 5e!t to him" a!d brou ht him to her sister" 5hich tra6ailed i! reat pai!" a!d be a! to perish1 A!d the apostle said to herD 9y ood ri ht thou sufferest this pai!7 thou co!cei6edst i! treachery a!d si!" a!d thou cou!selledst 5ith the de6il1 3epe!t thee" a!d belie6e i! Jesu Christ" a!d thou shalt be a!o! deli6ered of thy child1 A!d 5he! she belie6ed a!d 5as repe!ta!t" she 5as deli6ered of her child" a!d the pai! a!d sorro5 passed a!d ceased1 A! old ma! called Nicholas by !ame" 5e!t u!to the apostle a!d said to himD Sir" I ha6e li6ed fifty years" a!d al5ays i! lechery1 A!d I too4 o! a time a ospel" i! prayi! God that he 5ould i6e me from the! fortho! co!ti!e!ce1 9ut I am accustomed i! this si!" a!d full of e6il delectatio!" i! such 5ise that I shall retur! to this si! accustomed1 O! a time that I 5as i!flamed by lu8ury" I 5e!t to the bordel" a!d for at the ospel upo! me" a!d a!o! the foul 5oma! saidD Go he!ce thou old ma!" for thou art a! a! el of God" touch me !ot" !or come !ot !ear me" for I see mar6el upo! thee1 A!d I 5as abashed of the 5ord of the 5oma!" a!d I remembered that I had the ospel upo! me" 5herefore I beseech thee to pray God for me a!d for my health1 A!d 5he! S1 A!dre5 heard this he be a! to 5eep" a!d prayed from tierce u!to !o!es1 A!d 5he! he arose he 5ould !ot eat" a!d saidD I shall eat !o meat till I 4!o5 5hether our Lord shall ha6e pity of this old ma!1 A!d 5he! he had fasted fi6e days" a 6oice came to S1 A!dre5 a!d said to himD A!dre5" thy re<uest is ra!ted for the old ma!" for li4e as thou hast fasted a!d made thyself lea!" so shall he fast a!d ma4e himself lea! by fasti! s for to be sa6ed1 A!d so he did" for he fasted si8 mo!ths to bread a!d 5ater1 a!d after that he rested i! peace a!d ood 5or4s1 The! came a 6oice that saidD I ha6e otte! Nicholas by thy prayers 5hom I had lost1 A you! christia! ma! said to S1 A!dre5D -y mother sa5 that I 5as fair" a!d re<uired me for to ha6e to do si! 5ith her7 a!d 5he! I 5ould !ot co!se!t to her i! !o ma!!er" she 5e!t to the =ud e" a!d 5ould retur! a!d lay to me the si! of so reat a felo!y1 (ray for me that I die !ot so u!truly7 for 5he! I shall be accused I shall hold my peace a!d spea4 !ot o!e 5ord" a!d ha6e liefer to die tha! to defame a!d sla!der my mother so foully1 Thus came he to =ud me!t" a!d his mother accused him" sayi! that he 5ould ha6e defouled her1 A!d it 5as as4ed of him oft if it 5as so as she said" a!d he a!s5ered !othi! 1 The! said S1 A!dre5 to herD Thou art most cruel of all 5ome!" 5hich for the accomplishme!t of thy lechery 5ilt ma4e thy so! to die1 The! said this 5oma! to the pro6ostD Sir" sith that my so! came" a!d accompa!ied 5ith this ma!" he 5ould ha6e do!e his 5ill 5ith me" but I 5ithstood him that he mi ht !ot1 A!d a!o! the pro6ost a!d =ud e comma!ded that the so! should be put i! a sac4 a!oi!ted 5ith lue" a!d thro5! i!to the ri6er" a!d S1 A!dre5 to be put i! priso! till he had ad6ised him ho5 he mi ht torme!t him1 9ut S1 A!dre5 made his prayer to God" a!d a!o! came a! horrible thu!der" 5hich feared them all" a!d made the earth to tremble stro! ly a!d the 5oma! 5as smitte! 5ith the thu!der u!to the death1 A!d the other prayed the apostle that they mi ht !ot perish" a!d he prayed for them" a!d the tempest ceased1 Thus the! the pro6ost belie6ed i! God" a!d all his mei!y1 After this" as the apostle 5as i! the city of Nice" the citiHe!s said to him that there 5ere se6e! de6ils 5ithout the city" by the hi h5ay" 5hich sle5 all them that passed forthby1 A!d the apostle A!dre5 comma!ded them to come to him" 5hich came i! the li4e!ess of do s" a!d sith he comma!ded them that they should o 5hereas they should !ot rie6e !e do harm to a!y ma!7 a!d a!o! they 6a!ished a5ay1













A!d 5he! the people sa5 this they recei6ed the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! the apostle came to the ate of a!other city there 5as brou ht out a you! ma! dead1 The apostle dema!ded 5hat 5as befalle! him" a!d it 5as told him that se6e! do s came a!d stra! led him1 The! the apostle 5ept a!d saidD O Lord God" I 4!o5 5ell that these 5ere the de6ils that I put out of Nice7 a!d after said to the father of him that 5as deadD ,hat 5ilt thou i6e to me if I raise himE A!d he saidD I ha6e !othi! so dear as him" I shall i6e him to thee1 A!d a!o! the apostle made his prayers u!to almi hty God" a!d raised him from death to life" a!d he 5e!t a!d follo5ed him1 O! a time there 5ere forty me! by !umber" 5hich 5ere comi! by the sea" saili! u!to the apostle" for to recei6e of him the doctri!e of the faith1 A!d the de6il raised a!d mo6ed a reat storm a!d so horrible a torme!t that all they 5ere dro5!ed to ether1 A!d 5he! their bodies 5ere brou ht tofore the apostle" he raised them from death to life a!o!" a!d there they said all that 5as befalle! to them1 A!d therefore it is read i! a! hym! that he re!dered the life to you! me! dro5!ed i! the sea1 A!d the blessed S1 A!dre5" 5hilst he 5as i! Achaia" he reple!ished all the cou!try 5ith churches a!d co!6erted the people to the faith of Jesu Christ a!d i!formed the 5ife of AE eas" 5hich 5as pro6ost a!d =ud e of the to5!" i! the faith" a!d baptiHed her1 A!d 5he! AE eas heard this he came i!to the city of (atras a!d co!strai!ed the christia!s to sacrifice1 A!d S1 A!dre5 came u!to him" a!d saidD It beho6eth thee 5hich hast deser6ed to be a =ud e" to 4!o5 thy =ud e 5hich is i! hea6e!" a!d he so 4!o5!" to 5orship him" a!d so 5orshippi! " 5ithdra5 thy coura e from the false ods1 A!d AE eas saidD Thou art A!dre5 that preachest a false la5" 5hich the pri!ces of 3ome ha6e comma!ded to be destroyed1 To 5hom A!dre5 saidD The pri!ces of 3ome 4!e5 !e6er ho5 the so! of God came a!d tau ht a!d i!formed them that the idols be de6ils" a!d he that teacheth such thi! s a! ereth God" a!d he" so a! ered" departeth from them that he heareth them !ot" a!d therefore be they caitiffs of the de6il a!d be so illused a!d decei6ed that they issue out of the body all !a4ed" a!d bear !othi! 5ith them but si!s1 A!d AE eas said to himD These be the 6a!ities that your Jesus preached" 5hich 5as !ailed o! the allo5s of the cross1 To 5hom A!dre5 saidD +e recei6ed 5ith his a reeme!t the ibbet of the cross" !ot for his culp a!d trespass" but for our redemptio!1 A!d AE eas saidD ,he! he 5as deli6ered of his disciple" ta4e! a!d holde! 5ith the Je5s" a!d crucified by the 4!y hts" ho5 sayst thou that it 5as by his a reeme!tE The! S1 A!dre5 be a! to sho5 by fi6e reaso!s that Jesu Christ recei6ed death by his o5! a reeme!t a!d 5ill" forasmuch as he came tofore his passio!" a!d said to his disciples that it should be" 5he! he saidD ,e shall o up to Jerusalem" a!d the so! of the maid shall be betrayed1 A!d also for that (eter 5ould 5ithdra5 him" he repro6ed him" a!d saidD Go after me" Satha!as1 A!d also for that he sho5ed that he had po5er to suffer death" a!d to rise a ai! 5he! he saidD I ha6e po5er to put a5ay my soul a!d to ta4e it a ai!1 A!d also for that he 4!e5 tofore him that betrayed him" 5he! he a6e him his supper" a!d sho5ed him !ot1 A!d also for that he chose the place 5here he should be ta4e!" for he 4!e5 5ell that the traitor should come1 A!d S1 A!dre5 said that he had bee! at all these thi! s" a!d yet he said more" that the mystery of the cross 5as reat1 To 5hom AE eas saidD It may !ot be said mystery" but torme!t" a!d if thou 5ilt !ot ra!t to my sayi! s" truly I shall ma4e thee pro6e this mystery1 A!d A!dre5 said to himD If I doubted the ibbet of the cross I 5ould !ot preach the lory thereof1 I 5ill that thou hear the mystery" a!d if thou 4!e5 a!d belie6edst o! it thou shouldst be sa6ed1 The! he sho5ed to him the mystery of the cross" a!d assi !ed fi6e reaso!s1 The first is thisD 'orasmuch as the first ma! that deser6ed death 5as because of the tree" i! brea4i! the comma!dme!t of God" the! is it thi! co!6e!able that the seco!d ma! should put a5ay that death" i! sufferi! the same o! the tree1 The seco!d 5as that" he that 5as made of earth !ot corrupted" a!d 5as brea4er of the comma!dme!t" the! 5as it thi! co!6e!able that he that should repel this default" should be bor! of a 6ir i!1 The third7 for so much as Adam had stretched his ha!d disordi!ately to the fruit forbidde!" it 5as thi! co!6e!able that the !e5 Adam should stretch his ha!ds o! the cross1 The fourth7 for so much as Adam had tasted s5eetly the fruit forbidde!" it is therefore reaso! that it be put a5ay by thi! co!trary7 so that Jesu Christ 5as fed 5ith bitter all1 The fifth7 for as much as Jesu Christ a6e to us his immortality" it is thi! reaso!able" that he ta4e our mortality1 'or if Jesu Christ had !ot bee! dead" ma! had !e6er bee! made immortal1 A!d the! said AE easD Tell to thy disciples such 6a!ities" a!d obey thou to me" a!d ma4e sacrifice u!to the Gods almi hty1 A!d the! said S1 A!dre5D I offer e6ery day u!to God Almi hty" a lamb 5ithout spot" a!d after that he is recei6ed of all the people" so li6eth he a!d is all 5hole1 The! dema!ded AE eas ho5 that mi ht be1 A!d A!dre5 saidD Ta4e the form for to be a disciple" a!d thou shalt 4!o5 it 5ell1 I shall dema!d thee" said AE eas" by torme!ts1 The! he bei! all a! ry" comma!ded that he should be e!closed i! priso!" a!d o! the mor! he came to =ud me!t" a!d the blessed S1 A!dre5 u!to the sacrifice of the idols1 A!d AE eas comma!ded to be said




















to himD If thou obey !ot to me" I shall do ha! thee o! the cross" for so much as thou hast praised it1 A!d thus as he me!aced him of ma!y torme!ts S1 A!dre5 said to himD Thi!4 5hat torme!t that is most rie6ous that thou mayst do to me" a!d the more I suffer" the more I shall be a reeable to my 4i! " because I shall be most firm i! the torme!ts a!d pai!1 The! comma!ded AE eas that he should be beate! of t5e!ty:o!e me!" a!d that he should be so beate!" bou!de! by the feet a!d ha!ds u!to the cross" to the e!d that his pai! should e!dure the lo! er1 A!d 5he! he 5as led u!to the cross" there ra! much people thit A!d 5he! he sa5 the cross from far he saluted it" a!d saidD All hail cross 5hich art dedicate i! the body of Jesu Christ" a!d 5ert ador!ed 5ith the members of him" as of precious sto!es1 Tofore that our Lord asce!ded o! thee" thou 5ert the po5er earthly" !o5 thou art the lo6e of hea6e!7 thou shalt recei6e me by my desire1 I come to thee surely a!d ladly so that thou recei6e me ladly as disciple of him that hu! o! thee1 'or I ha6e al5ay 5orshipped thee a!d ha6e desired thee to embrace1 O thou cross 5hich hast recei6ed beauty a!d !oblesse of the members of our Lord" 5hom I ha6e so lo! desired a!d curiously lo6ed" a!d 5hom my coura e hath so much desired a!d co6eted" ta4e me from he!ce" a!d yield me to my master" to the e!d that he may recei6e me by thee1 A!d i! thus sayi! " he despoiled a!d u!clad him" a!d a6e his clothes u!to the butchers1 A!d the! they hu! him o! the cross" li4e as to them 5as comma!ded1 A!d there he li6ed t5o days" a!d preached to t5e!ty thousa!d me! that 5ere there1 The! all the compa!y s5ore the death of AE eas" a!d saidD The holy ma! a!d debo!air ou ht !ot to suffer this1 The! came thither AE eas for to ta4e him do5! off the cross1 A!d 5he! A!dre5 sa5 him he saidD ,herefore art thou come to me" AE easE If it be for pe!a!ce thou shalt ha6e it" a!d if it be for to ta4e me do5!" 4!o5 thou for certai! thou shalt !ot ta4e me hereof ali6e7 for I see !o5 my lord a!d 4i! that abideth for me1 There5ith they 5ould ha6e u!bou!d him" a!d they mi ht i! !o5ise touch him for their arms 5ere by!ome! a!d of !o po5er1 A!d 5he! the holy S1 A!dre5 sa5 that the 5orld 5ould ha6e ta4e! him do5! off the cross he made this oriso! ha! i! o! the cross" as S1 Austi! saith i! the boo4 of pe!a!ceD Sire" suffer me !ot to desce!d from this cross ali6e" for it is time that thou comma!d my body to the earth" for I ha6e bor! lo! the char e" a!d ha6e so much 5atched upo! that 5hich 5as comma!ded to me" a!d ha6e so lo! tra6ailed" that I 5ould !o5 be deli6ered of this obedie!ce" a!d be ta4e! a5ay from this a reeable char e1 I remember that it is much rie6ous" i! proud beari! " i! doubti! " u!steadfast i! !ourishi! " a!d ha6e ladly laboured i! the refrai!i! of them1 Sire" thou 4!o5est ho5 oft the 5orld hath e!te!ded to 5ithdra5 me from the purity of co!templatio!" ho5 oft he hath e!te!ded to a5a4e me from the sleep of my s5eet rest" ho5 much a!d ho5 oft times he hath made me to sorro5" a!d as much as I ha6e had mi ht I ha6e resisted it ri ht debo!airly i! fi hti! a ai!st it" a!d ha6e by thy 5or4 a!d aid surmou!ted itD a!d I re<uire of thee =ust a!d debo!air uerdo! a!d re5ard" a!d that thou comma!d that I o !ot a ai! thereto" but I yield to thee that 5hich thou hast deli6ered me1 Comma!d it to a!other a!d empesh me !o more" but 4eep me i! the resurrectio!" so that I may recei6e the merit of my labour1 Comma!d my body u!to the earth" so that it beho6eth !o more to 5a4e" but let it be stretched freely to thee" 5hich art fou!tai! of =oy !e6er faili! 1 A!d 5he! he had said this" there came from hea6e! a ri ht reat shi!i! li ht" 5hich e!6iro!ed him by the space of half a! hour" i! such 5ise that !o ma! mi ht see him1 A!d 5he! this li ht departed he yielded a!d re!dered there5ith his spirit1 A!d -a8imilla" the 5ife of AE eas" too4 a5ay the body of the apostle" a!d buried it ho!ourably1 A!d ere that AE eas 5as come a ai! to his house" he 5as ra6ished 5ith a de6il by the 5ay" a!d died tofore them all1 A!d it is said that out of the sepulchre of S1 A!dre5 cometh ma!!a li4e u!to meal" a!d oil 5hich hath a ri ht s5eet sa6our a!d odour1 A!d by that is she5ed to the people of the cou!try 5he! there shall be ple!ty of oods1 'or 5he! ther cometh but little of ma!!a" the earth shall bri! forth but little fruit" a!d 5he! it cometh abu!da!tly" the earth bri! eth forth fruit ple!teously1 A!d this mi ht 5ell happe! of old time" for the body of him 5as tra!sported i!to Co!sta!ti!ople1 There 5as a bishop that led a! holy a!d reli ious life" a!d lo6ed S1 A!dre5 by reat de6otio!" a!d 5orshipped him abo6e all other sai!ts" so that i! all his 5or4s he remembered him e6ery day" a!d said certai! prayers i! the ho!our of God a!d S1 A!dre5" i! such 5ise that the e!emy had e!6y o! him" a!d set him for to decei6e him 5ith all his malice" a!d tra!sformed him i!to the form of a ri ht fair 5oma!" a!d came to the palace of the bishop" a!d said that she 5ould be co!fessed to him1 A!d the bishop bade her to o co!fess her to his pe!ite!cer" 5hich had plai! po5er of him1 A!d she se!t him 5ord a ai! that she 5ould !ot re6eal !or sho5 the secrets of her co!fessio! to !o!e but to him" a!d so the bishop comma!ded her to come7 a!d she said to himD Sir" I pray thee that thou ha6e mercy o! me7 I am so as ye see i! the years of my youth" a!d a maid" a!d 5as deliciously !ourished from my i!fa!cy" a!d bor! of royal li!ea e" but I am come alo!e" i! a stra! e habit7 for my father 5hich is a ri ht mi hty 4i! 5ould i6e me to a pri!ce by marria e7 5hereto I a!s5er that I ha6e horror of all beds of marria e" a!d I ha6e







i6e! my 6ir i!ity to Jesu Christ for e6er" a!d therefore I may !ot co!se!t to car!al copulatio!1 A!d i! the e!d he co!strai!ed me so much that I must co!se!t to his 5ill or suffer di6ers torme!ts7 so that I am fled secretly a5ay" a!d had liefer be i! e8ile" tha! to brea4 a!d corrupt my faith to my spouse1 A!d because I hear the praisi! of your ri ht holy life" I am fled u!to you a!d to your uard" i! hope that I may fi!d 5ith you place of rest" 5hereas I may be secret i! co!templatio!" a!d esche5 the e6il perils of this prese!t life" a!d flee the di6erse tribulatio!s of the 5orld1 Of 5hich thi! the bishop mar6elled him reatly" as 5ell for the reat !oblesse of her li!ea e" as for the beauty of her body" for the bur!i! of the reat lo6e of God" a!d for the ho!est fair spea4i! of this 5oma!1 So that the bishop a!s5ered to her" 5ith a mee4 a!d pleasa!t 6oiceD Dau hter" be sure a!d doubt !othi! 7 for he for 5hose lo6e thou hast despised thyself a!d these thi! s" shall i6e to thee the reat thi! 1 I! this time prese!t is little lory or =oy" but it shall be i! time to come1 A!d I 5hich am ser ea!t of the same" offer me to thee" a!d my oods7 a!d choose thee a! house 5here it shall please thee" a!d I 5ill that thou di!e 5ith me this day1 A!d she a!s5ered a!d saidD 'ather" re<uire of me !o such thi! " for by ad6e!ture some e6il suspicio! mi ht come thereof1 A!d also the resple!dour of your ood re!omee mi ht be thereby impaired1 To 5hom the bishop a!s5eredD ,e shall be ma!y to ether" a!d I shall !ot be 5ith you alo!e" a!d therefore there may be !o suspicio! of e6il1 The! they came to the table" a!d 5ere set" that o!e a ai!st that other" a!d the other fol4 here a!d there" a!d the bishop e!te!deth much to her" a!d beheld her al5ay i! the 6isa e" a!d he mar6elled of her reat beauty1 A!d thus as he fi8ed his eyes o! her his coura e 5as hurt" a!d the a!cie!t e!emy" 5he! he sa5 the heart of him" hurt MhimN 5ith a rie6ous dart1 A!d this de6il appercei6ed it a!d be a! to i!crease her beauty more a!d more7 i!somuch that the bishop 5as the! ready for to re<uire her to si! 5he! he mi ht1 The! a pil rim came a!d be a! to smite stro! ly at the ate or door" a!d they 5ould !ot ope! it1 The! he cried a!d 4!oc4ed more stro! ly7 a!d the bishop as4ed of the 5oma! if she 5ould that the pil rim should e!ter1 A!d she said7 -e! should as4 first of him a <uestio!" rie6ous e!ou h" a!d if he could a!s5er thereto" he should be recei6ed" a!d if he could !ot" he should abide 5ithout" a!d !ot come i!" as he that 5ere !ot 5orthy but u!5itti! 1 A!d all a reed to her se!te!ce" a!d e!<uired 5hich of them 5ere sufficie!t to put the <uestio!1 A!d 5he! !o!e 5as fou!d sufficie!t" the bishop saidD No!e of us is so sufficie!t as ye" dame" for ye pass us all i! fair spea4i! " a!d shi!e i! 5isdom more tha! 5e all7 propose ye the <uestio!1 The! she saidD Dema!d ye of him" 5hich is the reatest mar6el that e6er God made i! little space1 A!d the! o!e 5e!t a!d dema!ded the pil rim1 The pil rim a!s5ered to the messe! er that it 5as the di6ersity a!d e8celle!ce of the faces of me!D for amo! all so ma!y me! as ha6e bee! sith the be i!!i! of the 5orld u!to the e!d" t5o me! mi ht !ot be fou!d of 5hom their faces 5ere li4e a!d semblable i! all thi! s1 A!d 5he! the a!s5er 5as heard" all they mar6elled a!d said that this 5as a 6ery a!d ri ht ood a!s5er of the <uestio!1 The! the 5oma! saidD Let the seco!d <uestio! be proposed to him" 5hich shall be more rie6ous to a!s5er to" for to pro6e the better the 5isdom of him" 5hich 5as thisD ,hether the earth is hi her tha! all the hea6e!E A!d 5he! it 5as dema!ded of him the pil rim a!s5eredD I! the hea6e! imperial 5here the body of Jesu Christ is" 5hich is form of our flesh" he is more hi h tha! all the hea6e!1 Of this a!s5er they mar6elled all 5he! the messe! er reported it" a!d praised mar6ellously his 5isdom1 Co!se<ue!tly she said the third <uestio!" 5hich 5as more dar4 a!d rie6ous to assoil1 'or to pro6e the third time his 5isdom" a!d that the! he be 5orthy to be recei6ed at the bishop>s table" dema!d a!d as4 of him7 +o5 much space is from the abysm u!to the same hea6e!1 The! the messe! er dema!ded of the pil rim" a!d he a!s5ered himD Go to him that se!t thee to me a!d as4 of him this thi! " for he 4!o5eth better tha! I" a!d ca! better a!s5er to it" for he hath measured this space 5he! he fell from hea6e! i!to the abysm" a!d I !e6er measured it1 This is !othi! a 5oma! but it is a de6il 5hich hath ta4e! the form of a 5oma!1 A!d 5he! the messe! er heard this" he 5as sore afraid a!d told tofore them all this that he had heard1 A!d 5he! the bishop heard this a!d all other" they 5ere sore afraid1 A!d a!o! forth5ith" the de6il 6a!ished a5ay tofore their eyes1 A!d after" the bishop came a ai! to himself" a!d repro6ed himself bitterly" 5eepi! " repe!ti! a!d re<uiri! pardo! of his si!" a!d se!t a messe! er for to fetch a!d bri! i! the pil rim" but he fou!d him !e6er after1 The! the bishop assembled the people" a!d told to them the ma!!er of this thi! " a!d prayed them that they 5ould all be i! oriso!s a!d prayers" i! such 5ise that our lord 5ould sho5 to some perso! 5ho this pil rim 5as 5hich had deli6ered him from so reat peril1 A!d the! it 5as sho5ed that !i ht to the bishop that it 5as S1 A!dre5 5hich had put him i! the habit of a pil rim for the deli6era!ce of him1 The! be a! the bishop more a!d more to ha6e de6otio! a!d remembra!ce to S1 A!dre5 tha! he had tofore1










The pro6ost of a city had ta4e! a5ay a field from the church of S1 A!dre5" a!d by the prayer of the bishop he 5as falle! i!to a stro! fe6er1 A!d the! he prayed the bishop that he 5ould pray for him" a!d he 5ould a ai! yield the field1 A!d 5he! the bishop had prayed for him" a!d he had his health" he too4 the field a ai!1 The! the bishop put himself to prayer a!d oriso!s" a!d bra4e all the lamps of the church" a!d saidD There shall !o!e of them be li hted till that our Lord hath 6e! ed him o! his e!emy" a!d that the church ha6e reco6ered that 5hich she hath lost1 A!d the! the pro6ost 5as stro! ly torme!ted 5ith fe6ers" a!d se!t to the bishop by messe! ers that he should pray for him" a!d he 5ould yield a ai! his field a!d a!other semblable1 The! the bishop a!s5eredD I ha6e heretofore prayed for him" a!d God heard a!d ra!ted my prayer" a!d 5he! he 5as 5hole" he too4 from me a ai! the field1 A!d the! the pro6ost made him to be bor!e to the bishop" a!d co!strai!ed him for to e!ter i!to the church for to pray1 A!d the bishop e!tered i!to the church" a!d a!o! the pro6ost died" a!d the field 5as re:established u!to the church1 Et sic est fi!is1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Ni$hola the /i ho&" Nicholas is said of Nichos" 5hich is to say 6ictory" a!d of laos" people" so Nicholas is as much as to say as 6ictory of people" that is" 6ictory of si!s" 5hich be foul people1 Or else he is said" 6ictory of people" because he e!sei !ed a!d tau ht much people by his doctri!e to o6ercome 6ices a!d si!s1 Or Nicholas is said of Nichor" that is the resple!dour or shi!i! of the people" for he had i! him thi! s that ma4e shi!i! a!d clear!ess1 After this S1 Ambrose saithD The 5ord of God" 6ery co!fessio!" a!d holy thou ht" ma4e a ma! clea!1 A!d the doctors of Greece 5rite his le e!d" a!d some others say that -ethodius the patriarch 5rote it i! Gree4" a!d Joh! the deaco! tra!slated it i!to Lati! a!d ad=ousted thereto ma!y thi! s1 Nicholas" citiHe! of the city of (atras" 5as bor! of rich a!d holy 4i!" a!d his father 5as Epipha!es a!d his mother Joha!e1 +e 5as be otte! i! the first flo5er of their a e" a!d from that time fortho! they li6ed i! co!ti!e!ce a!d led a! hea6e!ly life1 The! the first day that he 5as 5ashed a!d bai!ed" he addressed him ri ht up i! the baso!" a!d he 5ould !ot ta4e the breast !or the pap but o!ce o! the ,ed!esday a!d o!ce o! the 'riday" a!d i! his you! a e he esche5ed the plays a!d =apes of other you! childre!1 +e used a!d hau!ted ladly holy church7 a!d all that he mi ht u!dersta!d of holy scripture he e8ecuted it i! deed a!d 5or4 after his po5er1 A!d 5he! his father a!d mother 5ere departed out of this life" he be a! to thi!4 ho5 he mi ht distribute his riches" a!d !ot to the praisi! of the 5orld but to the ho!our a!d lory of God1 A!d it 5as so that o!e" his !ei hbour" had the! three dau hters" 6ir i!s" a!d he 5as a !oblema!D but for the po6erty of them to ether" they 5ere co!strai!ed" a!d i! 6ery purpose to aba!do! them to the si! of lechery" so that by the ai! a!d 5i!!i! of their i!famy they mi ht be sustai!ed1 A!d 5he! the holy ma! Nicholas 4!e5 hereof he had reat horror of this 6illai!y" a!d thre5 by !i ht secretly i!to the house of the ma! a mass of old 5rapped i! a cloth1 A!d 5he! the ma! arose i! the mor!i! " he fou!d this mass of old" a!d re!dered to God therefor reat tha!4i! s" a!d there5ith he married his oldest dau hter1 A!d a little 5hile after this holy ser6a!t of God thre5 i! a!other mass of old" 5hich the ma! fou!d" a!d tha!4ed God" a!d purposed to 5a4e" for to 4!o5 him that so had aided him i! his po6erty1 A!d after a fe5 days Nicholas doubled the mass of old" a!d cast it i!to the house of this ma!1 +e a5o4e by the sou!d of the old" a!d follo5ed Nicholas" 5hich fled from him" a!d he said to himD Sir" flee !ot a5ay so but that I may see a!d 4!o5 thee1 The! he ra! after him more hastily" a!d 4!e5 that it 5as Nicholas7 a!d a!o! he 4!eeled do5!" a!d 5ould ha6e 4issed his feet" but the holy ma! 5ould !ot" but re<uired him !ot to tell !or disco6er this thi! as lo! as he li6ed1 After this the bishop of -irea died a!d other bishops assembled for to pur6ey to this church a bishop1 A!d there 5as" amo! the others" a bishop of reat authority" a!d all the electio! 5as i! him1 A!d 5he! he had 5ar!ed all for to be i! fasti! s a!d i! prayers" this bishop heard that !i ht a 6oice 5hich said to him that" at the hour of mati!s" he should ta4e heed to the doors of the church" a!d him that should come first to the church" a!d ha6e the !ame of Nicholas they should sacre him bishop1 A!d he sho5ed this to the other bishops a!d admo!ished them for to be all i! prayers7 a!d he 4ept the doors1 A!d this 5as a mar6ellous thi! " for at the hour of mati!s" li4e as he had bee! se!t from God" Nicholas arose tofore all other1 A!d the bishop too4 him 5he! he 5as come a!d dema!ded of him his !ame1 A!d he" 5hich 5as simple as a do6e" i!cli!ed his head" a!d saidD I ha6e to !ame Nicholas1 The! the bishop said to himD Nicholas" ser6a!t a!d frie!d of God" for your holi!ess ye shall be bishop of this place1 A!d sith they brou ht him to the church" ho5beit that he refused it stro! ly" yet they set him i! the chair1 A!d he










follo5ed" as he did tofore i! all thi! s" i! humility a!d ho!esty of ma!!ers1 +e 5o4e i! prayer a!d made his body lea!" he esche5ed compa!y of 5ome!" he 5as humble i! recei6i! all thi! s" profitable i! spea4i! " =oyous i! admo!ishi! " a!d cruel i! correcti! 1


It is read i! a chro!icle that" the blessed Nicholas 5as at the Cou!cil of Nice7 a!d o! a day"as a ship 5ith mari!ers 5ere i! perishi! o! the sea" they prayed a!d re<uired de6outly Nicholas" ser6a!t of God" sayi! D If those thi! s that 5e ha6e heard of thee said be true" pro6e them !o51 A!d a!o! a ma! appeared i! his li4e!ess" a!d saidD LoI see ye me !otE ye called me" a!d the! he be a! to help them i! their e8ploit of the sea" a!d a!o! the tempest ceased1 A!d 5he! they 5ere come to his church" they 4!e5 him 5ithout a!y ma! to sho5 him to them" a!d yet they had !e6er see! him1 A!d the! they tha!4ed God a!d him of their deli6era!ce1 A!d he bade them to attribute it to the mercy of God" a!d to their belief" a!d !othi! to his merits1 It 5as so o! a time that all the pro6i!ce of S1 Nicolas suffered reat fami!e" i! such 5ise that 6ictual failed1 A!d the! this holy ma! heard say that certai! ships lade! 5ith 5heat 5ere arri6ed i! the ha6e!1 A!d a!o! he 5e!t thither a!d prayed the mari!ers that they 5ould succour the perished at least 5ith a! hu!dred muyes of 5heat of e6ery ship1 A!d they saidD 'ather 5e dare !ot" for it is meted a!d measured" a!d 5e must i6e rec4o!i! thereof i! the ar!ers of the Emperor i! Ale8a!dria1 A!d the holy ma! said to themD Do this that I ha6e said to you" a!d I promise" i! the truth of God" that it shall !ot be lessed or mi!ished 5he! ye shall come to the ar!ers1 A!d 5he! they had deli6ered so much out of e6ery ship" they came i!to Ale8a!dria a!d deli6ered the measure that they had recei6ed1 A!d the! they recou!ted the miracle to the mi!isters of the Emperor" a!d 5orshipped a!d praised stro! ly God a!d his ser6a!t Nicholas1 The! this holy ma! distributed the 5heat to e6ery ma! after that he had !eed" i! such 5ise that it sufficed for t5o years" !ot o!ly for to sell" but also to so51 A!d i! this cou!try the people ser6ed idols a!d 5orshipped the false ima e of the cursed Dia!a1 A!d to the time of this holy ma!" ma!y of them had some customs of the pay!ims" for to sacrifice to Dia!a u!der a sacred tree7 but this ood ma! made them of all the cou!try to cease the! these customs" a!d comma!ded to cut off the tree1 The! the de6il 5as a! ry a!d 5roth a ai!st him" a!d made a! oil that bur!ed" a ai!st !ature" i! 5ater" a!d bur!ed sto!es also1 A!d the! he tra!sformed him i! the uise of a reli ious 5oma!" a!d put him i! a little boat" a!d e!cou!tered pil rims that sailed i! the sea to5ards this holy sai!t" a!d areaso!ed them thus" a!d saidD I 5ould fai! o to this holy ma!" but I may !ot" 5herefore I pray you to bear this oil i!to his church" a!d for the remembra!ce of me" that ye a!oi!t the 5alls of the hall7 a!d a!o! he 6a!ished a5ay1 The! they sa5 a!o! after a!other ship 5ith ho!est perso!s" amo! 5hom there 5as o!e li4e to Nicholas" 5hich spa4e to them softlyD ,hat hath this 5oma! said to you" a!d 5hat hath she brou htE A!d they told to him all by order1 A!d he said to themD This is the e6il a!d foul Dia!a7 a!d to the e!d that ye 4!o5 that I say truth" cast that oil i!to the sea1 A!d 5he! they had cast it" a reat fire cau ht it i! the sea" a!d they sa5 it lo! bur! a ai!st !ature1 The! they came to this holy ma! a!d said to himD Verily thou art he that appeared to us i! the sea a!d deli6eredst us from the sea a!d a5aits of the de6il1 A!d i! this time certai! me! rebelled a ai!st the emperor7 a!d the emperor se!t a ai!st them three pri!ces Nepotia!" ?rsy!" a!d Apolly!1 A!d they came i!to the port Adriatic" for the 5i!d" 5hich 5as co!trary to them7 a!d the blessed Nicholas comma!ded them to di!e 5ith him" for he 5ould 4eep his people from the ra6i! that they made1 A!d 5hilst they 5ere at di!!er" the co!sul" corrupt by mo!ey" had comma!ded three i!!oce!t 4!i hts to be beheaded1 A!d 5he! the blessed Nicholas 4!e5 this" he prayed these three pri!ces that they 5ould much hastily o 5ith him1 A!d 5he! they 5ere come 5here they should be beheaded" he fou!d them o! their 4!ees" a!d bli!dfold" a!d the ri hter bra!dished his s5ord o6er their heads1 The! S1 Nicholas embraced 5ith the lo6e of God" set him hardily a ai!st the ri hter" a!d too4 the s5ord out of his ha!d" a!d thre5 it from him" a!d u!bou!d the i!!oce!ts" a!d led them 5ith him all safe1 A!d a!o! he 5e!t to the =ud me!t to the co!sul" a!d fou!d the ates closed" 5hich a!o! he ope!ed by force1 A!d the co!sul came a!o! a!d saluted himD a!d this holy ma! ha6i! this salutatio! i! despite" said to himD Thou e!emy of God" corrupter of the la5"1 5herefore hast thou co!se!ted to so reat e6il a!d felo!y" ho5 darest thou loo4 o! usE A!d 5he! he had sore chidde! a!d repro6ed him" he repe!ted" a!d at the prayer of the three pri!ces he recei6ed him to pe!a!ce1 After" 5he! the messe! ers of the emperor had recei6ed his be!edictio!" they made their ear ready a!d departed" a!d subdued their e!emies to the empire 5ithout sheddi! of blood a!d sith retur!ed to the emperor" a!d 5ere 5orshipfully recei6ed1 A!d after this it happed that some other i! the emperor>s house had e!6y o! the 5eal of these three pri!ces" a!d accused them to the emperor of hi h treaso!" a!d did so much by















prayer a!d by ifts that they caused the emperor to be so full of ire that he comma!ded them to priso!" a!d 5ithout other dema!d" he comma!ded that they should be slai! that same !i ht1 A!d 5he! they 4!e5 it by their 4eeper" they re!t their clothes a!d 5ept bitterly7 a!d the! Nepotia! remembered him ho5 S1 Nicholas had deli6ered the three i!!oce!ts" a!d admo!ested the others that they should re<uire his aid a!d help1 A!d thus as they prayed S1 Nicholas appeared to them" a!d after appeared to Co!sta!ti!e the emperor" a!d said to himD ,herefore hast thou ta4e! these three pri!ces 5ith so reat 5ro! " a!d hast =ud ed them to death 5ithout trespassE Arise up hastily" a!d comma!d that they be !ot e8ecuted" or I shall pray to God that he mo6e battle a ai!st thee" i! 5hich thou shalt be o6erthro5!" a!d shalt be made meat to beasts1 A!d the emperor dema!dedD ,hat art thou that art e!tered by !i ht i!to my palace a!d durst say to me such 5ordsE A!d he said to himD I am Nicholas bishop of -irea1 A!d i! li4e 5ise he appeared to the pro6ost" a!d feared him" sayi! 5ith a fearful 6oiceD Thou that hast Iost mi!d a!d 5it" 5herefore hast thou co!se!ted to the death of i!!oce!tsE Go forth a!o! a!d do thy part to deli6er them" or else thy body shall rot" a!d be eate! 5ith 5orms" a!d thy mei!y shall be destroyed1 A!d he as4ed himD ,ho art thou that so me!aces meE A!d he a!s5eredD @!o5 thou that I am Nicholas" the bishop of the city of -irea1 The! that o!e a5o4e that other" a!d each told to other their dreams" a!d a!o! se!t for them that 5ere i! priso!" to 5hom the emperor saidD ,hat art ma ic or sorcery ca! ye" that ye ha6e this !i ht by illusio! caused us to ha6e such dreamsE A!d they said that they 5ere !o!e e!cha!ters !e 4!e5 !o 5itchcraft" a!d also that they had !ot deser6ed the se!te!ce of death1 The! the emperor said to themD 4!o5 ye 5ell a ma! !amed NicholasE A!d 5he! they heard spea4 of the !ame of the holy sai!t" they held up their ha!ds to5ards hea6e!" a!d prayed our Lord that by the merits of S1 Nicholas they mi ht be deli6ered of this prese!t peril1 A!d 5he! the emperor had heard of them the life a!d miracles of S1 Nicholas" he said to themD Go ye forth" a!d yield ye tha!4i! s to God" 5hich hath deli6ered you by the prayer of this holy ma!" a!d 5orship ye him7 a!d bear ye to him of your =e5els" a!d pray ye him that he threate! me !o more" but that he pray for me a!d for my realm u!to our Lord1 A!d a 5hile after" the said pri!ces 5e!t u!to the holy ma!" a!d fell do5! o! their 4!ees humbly at his feet" sayi! D Verily thou art the ser ea!t of God" a!d the 6ery 5orshipper a!d lo6er of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! they had all told this said thi! by order" he lift up his ha!ds to hea6e! a!d a6e tha!4i! s a!d praisi! s to God" a!d se!t a ai! the pri!ces" 5ell i!formed" i!to their cou!tries1 A!d 5he! it pleased our Lord to ha6e him depart out this 5orld" he prayed our Lord that he 5ould se!d him his a! els7 a!d i!cli!i! his head he sa5 the a! els come to him" 5hereby he 4!e5 5ell that he should depart" a!d be a! this holy psalmD I! te domi!e spera6i" u!to" i! ma!us tuas" a!d so sayi! D Lord" i!to thi!e ha!ds I comme!d my spirit" he re!dered up his soul a!d died" the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d forty: three" 5ith reat melody su! of the celestial compa!y1 A!d 5he! he 5as buried i! a tomb of marble" a fou!tai! of oil spra! out from the head u!to his feet7 a!d u!to this day holy oil issueth out of his body" 5hich is much a6ailable to the health of sic4!esses of ma!y me!1 A!d after him i! his see succeeded a ma! of ood a!d holy life" 5hich by e!6y 5as put out of his bishopric1 A!d 5he! he 5as out of his see the oil ceased to ru!" a!d 5he! he 5as restored a ai! thereto" the oil ra! a ai!1 Lo! after this the Tur4s destroyed the city of -irea" a!d the! came thither forty: se6e! 4!i hts of 9ari" a!d four mo!4s sho5ed to them the sepulchre of S1 Nicholas1 A!d they ope!ed it a!d fou!d the bo!es s5immi! i! the oil" a!d they bare them a5ay ho!ourably i!to the city of 9ari" i! the year of our Lord te! hu!dred a!d ei htyse6e!1 There 5as a ma! that had borro5ed of a Je5 a sum of mo!ey" a!d s5are upo! the altar of S1 Nicholas that he 5ould re!der a!d pay it a ai! as soo! as he mi ht" a!d a6e !o!e other pled e1 A!d this ma! held this mo!ey so lo! " that the Je5 dema!ded a!d as4ed his mo!ey" a!d he said that he had paid him1 The! the Je5 made him to come tofore the la5 i! =ud me!t" a!d the oath 5as i6e! to the debtor1 A!d he brou ht 5ith him a! hollo5 staff" i! 5hich he had put the mo!ey i! old" a!d he lea!t upo! the staff1 A!d 5he! he should ma4e his oath a!d s5ear" he deli6ered his staff to the Je5 to 4eep a!d hold 5hilst he should s5ear" a!d the! s5are that he had deli6ered to him more tha! he ou ht to him1 A!d 5he! he had made the oath" he dema!ded his staff a ai! of the Je5" a!d he !othi! 4!o5i! of his malice deli6ered it to him1 The! this decei6er 5e!t his 5ay" a!d a!o! after" him list sore to sleep" a!d laid him i! the 5ay" a!d a cart 5ith four 5heels came 5ith reat force a!d sle5 him" a!d bra4e the staff 5ith old that it spread abroad1 A!d 5he! the Je5 heard this" he came thither sore mo6ed" a!d sa5 the fraud" a!d ma!y said to him that he should ta4e to him the old7 a!d he refused it" sayi! " 9ut if he that 5as dead 5ere !ot







raised a ai! to life by the merits of S1 Nicholas" he 5ould !ot recei6e it" a!d if he came a ai! to life" he 5ould recei6e baptism a!d become Christia!1 The! he that 5as dead arose" a!d the Je5 5as christe!ed1 A!other Je5 sa5 the 6irtuous miracles of S1 Nicholas" a!d did do ma4e a! ima e of the sai!t" a!d set it i! his house" a!d comma!ded him that he should 4eep 5ell his house 5he! he 5e!t out" a!d that he should 4eep 5ell all his oods" sayi! to himD Nicholas" loI here be all my oods" I char e thee to 4eep them" a!d if thou 4eep them !ot 5ell" I shall a6e! e me o! thee i! beati! a!d torme!ti! thee1 A!d o! a time" 5he! the Je5 5as out" thie6es came a!d robbed all his oods" a!d left" u!bor!e a5ay" o!ly the ima e1 A!d 5he! the Je5 came home he fou!d him robbed of all his oods1 +e areaso!ed the ima e sayi! these 5ordsD Sir Nicholas" I had set you i! my house for to 4eep my oods from thie6es" 5herefore ha6e ye !ot 4ept themE ;e shall recei6e sorro5 a!d torme!ts" a!d shall ha6e pai! for the thie6es1 I shall a6e! e my loss" a!d refrai! my 5ood!ess i! beati! thee1 A!d the! too4 the Je5 the ima e" a!d beat it" a!d torme!ted it cruelly1 The! happed a reat mar6el" for 5he! the thie6es departed the oods" the holy sai!t" li4e as he had bee! i! his array" appeared to the thie6es" a!d said to themD ,herefore ha6e I bee! beate! so cruelly for you a!d ha6e so ma!y torme!tsE See ho5 my body is he5ed a!d bro4e!7 see ho5 that the red blood ru!!eth do5! by my body7 o ye fast a!d restore it a ai!" or else the ire of God Almi hty shall ma4e you as to be o!e out of his 5it" a!d that all me! shall 4!o5 your felo!y" a!d that each of you shall be ha! ed1 A!d they saidD ,ho art thou that sayest to us such thi! sE A!d he said to themD I am Nicholas the ser6a!t of Jesu Christ" 5hom the Je5 hath so cruelly beate! for his oods that ye bare a5ay1 The! they 5ere afeard" a!d came to the Je5" a!d heard 5hat he had do!e to the ima e" a!d they told him the miracle" a!d deli6ered to him a ai! all his oods1 A!d thus came the thie6es to the 5ay of truth" a!d the Je5 to the 5ay of Jesu Christ1 A ma!" for the lo6e of his so!" that 5e!t to school for to lear!" hallo5ed" e6ery year" the feast of S1 Nicholas much solem!ly1 O! a time it happed that the father had do ma4e ready the di!!er" a!d called ma!y cler4s to this di!!er1 A!d the de6il came to the ate i! the habit of a pil rim for to dema!d almsD a!d the father a!o! comma!ded his so! that he should i6e alms to the pil rim1 +e follo5ed him as he 5e!t for to i6e to him alms" a!d 5he! he came to the <uarfo8 the de6il cau ht the child a!d stra! led him1 A!d 5he! the father heard this he sorro5ed much stro! ly a!d 5ept" a!d bare the body i!to his chamber" a!d be a! to cry for sorro5" a!d sayD 9ri ht s5eet so!" ho5 is it 5ith theeE S1 Nicholas" is this the uerdo! that ye ha6e do!e to me because I ha6e so lo! ser6ed youE A!d as he said these 5ords" a!d other semblable" the child ope!ed his eyes" a!d a5o4e li4e as he had bee! asleep" a!d arose up tofore all" a!d 5as raised from death to life1 A!other !oblema! prayed to S1 Nicholas that he 5ould" by his merits" et of our Lord that he mi ht ha6e a so!" a!d promised that he 5ould bri! his so! to the church" a!d 5ould offer up to him a cup of old1 The! the so! 5as bor! a!d came to a e" a!d the father comma!ded to ma4e a cup" a!d the cup pleased him much" a!d he retai!ed it for himself" a!d did do ma4e a!other of the same 6alue1 A!d they 5e!t saili! i! a ship to5ard the church of S1 Nicholas" a!d 5he! the child 5ould ha6e filled the cup" he fell i!to the 5ater 5ith the cup" a!d a!o! 5as lost" a!d came !o more up1 ;et !e6ertheless the father performed his a6o5" i! 5eepi! much te!derly for his so!7 a!d 5he! he came to the altar of S1 Nicholas he offered the seco!d cup" a!d 5he! he had offered it" it fell do5!" li4e as o!e had cast it u!der the altar1 A!d he too4 it up a!d set it a ai! upo! the altar" a!d the! yet 5as it cast further tha! tofore a!d yet he too4 it up a!d remised it the third time upo! the altar7 a!d it 5as thro5! a ai! further tha! tofore1 Of 5hich thi! all they that 5ere there mar6elled" a!d me! came for to see this thi! 1 A!d a!o!" the child that had falle! i! the sea" came a ai! prestly before them all" a!d brou ht i! his ha!ds the first cup" a!d recou!ted to the people that" a!o! as he 5as falle! i! the sea" the blessed S1 Nicholas came a!d 4ept him that he had !o!e harm1 A!d thus his father 5as lad a!d offered to S1 Nicholas both the t5o cups1 There 5as a!other rich ma! that by the merits of S1 Nicholas had a so!" a!d called himD Deus dedit" God a6e1 A!d this rich ma! did do ma4e a chapel of S1 Nicholas i! his d5elli! place7 a!d did do hallo5 e6ery year the feast of S1 Nicholas1 A!d this ma!or 5as set by the la!d of the A aria!s1 This child 5as ta4e! priso!er" a!d deputed to ser6e the 4i! 1 The year follo5i! " a!d the day that his father held de6outly the feast of S1 Nicholas" the child held a precious cup tofore the 4i! " a!d remembered his prise" the sorro5 of his frie!ds" a!d the =oy that 5as made that day i! the house of his father" a!d be a! for to si h sore hi h1 A!d the 4i! dema!ded him 5hat ailed him a!d the cause of his si hi! 7 a!d he told him e6ery 5ord 5holly1 A!d 5he! the 4i! 4!e5 it he said to himD ,hatsome6er thy Nicholas do or do !ot" thou shalt abide here 5ith us1 A!d sudde!ly there ble5 a much stro! 5i!d" that made all the house to












tremble" a!d the child 5as ra6ished 5ith the cup" a!d 5as set tofore the ate 5here his father held the solem!ity of S1 Nicholas" i! such 5ise that they all demea!ed reat =oy1 A!d some say that this child 5as of Norma!dy" a!d 5e!t o6ersea" a!d 5as ta4e! by the so5da!" 5hich made him oft to be beate! tofore him1 A!d as he 5as beate! o! a S1 Nicholas day" a!d 5as after set i! priso!" he prayed to S1 Nicholas as 5ell for his beati! that he suffered" as for the reat =oy that he 5as 5o!t to ha6e o! that day of S1 Nicholas1 A!d 5he! he had lo! prayed a!d si hed he fell asleep" a!d 5he! he a5o4e he fou!d himself i! the chapel of his father" 5hereas 5as much =oy made for him1 Let us the! pray to this blessed sai!t that he 5ill pray for us to our Lord Jesu Christ 5hich is blessed i! secula seculorum1 Ame!1 Here followeth the !o#$e&tio# of our /le ed Lady" Of the fea t of the !o#$e&tio# of our /le ed Lady"



Maria invenisti graciam apud Dominum. Luca primo capitulo. ,he! the a! el Gabriel had reeted our Lady for to sho5 to her the blessed co!ceptio! of our Lord" for to ta4e from her all doubts a!d dreads" he comforted her i! sayi! the 5ords aforesaidD -ary" thou hast fou!d race at the Lord1 There be four ma!!ers of people" of 5hich the t5o be ood" a!d the t5o be e6il1 'or some there be that see4 !ot God !or his race" as people out of the belief" of 5hom may be said as it is 5ritte!D ,ho that belie6eth !ot o! his Lord God shall die perpetually1 A!d other there be that see4 God a!d his race" but they fi!d it !ot" for they see4 it !ot as they ou ht to do" as co6etous me! that set all their lo6e i! ha6oir a!d i! solace of the 5orld1 Such people be li4e!ed to them that see4 flo5ers i! 5i!terD 5ell see4 they flo5ers i! 5i!ter that see4 God a!d his race i! the co6etise of the 5orld" 5hich is so cold of all 6irtues that it <ue!cheth all the de6otio! of the lo6e of God1 A!d 5ell is called the 5orld 5i!ter i! holy scripture7 for its e6ils a!d 6ices ma4e me! si!!ers a!d cold to ser6e God1 A!d therefore saith the +oly Ghost to the soul that is amorous" Ca!ticorum cap1 ii17 Arise up thou my fair soul" the 5i!ter is past1 Jam e!im hiems tra!siit1 'or thou hast 6a!<uished the temptatio!s of the 5orld 5hich 4ele my lo6e" a!d theref as is said Judith" cap1 861" Tu loria Jerusalem" tu laetitia Israel" tu ho!orifice!tia" etc1D Thou art the lory of Jerusalem" thou art the =oy of Israel" thou art all the ho!our of our people1 Cap1 eodemD Co!fortatum est cor tuum" eo <uod castitatem ama6eris" et post 6irum tuum" alterum !escierisD ideo et ma!us Domi!i co!forta6it te1 et ideo eris be!edicta i! aeter!umD Thou hast 4ept chastity" a!d therefore thou shalt be blessed perma!ably1 Judith 6iii1 Ora pro !obis" <uo!iam mulier sa!cta es" etc1 Item cap1 8i61 9e!edicta es" etc1 It 5as said to Judith the 5ido5" this that 5e may say to our LadyD (ray for us for ye be a! holy 5oma!" ye be a dau hter that is blessed of the so6erei ! God abo6e all the 5ome! that be o! the earth1 Thirdly" she is compared to the star" for she hath d5elled all her life stedfastly i! all 5or4s of 6irtue" 5ithout doi! a!y si!" li4e as the star holdeth him o! the firmame!t 5ithout desce!di! to the earth1 'or as S1 9er!ard saithD If it 5ere dema!ded to all the sai!ts that e6er ha6e bee!D ha6e ye bee! 5ithout si!E E8cept the lorious Vir i! -ary" they mi ht a!s5er this that is 5ritte! Joha!!is" cap1 i1 Si di8erimus <uo!iam !o! pecca6imus" etc1D If 5e say that 5e ha6e do !o si!" 5e decei6e our sel6es" a!d the truth is !ot i! us1 This lorious 6ir i! 5as" i! the 5omb of her mother sa!ctified more plai!ly a!d more specially tha! e6er 5as a!y other" for as saith S1 Thomas A<ui!as i! Compe!dioD There be three ma!!ers of sa!ctificatio!s" the first is commo!" a!d i6e! by the sacrame!ts of the holy church" li4e as by baptism a!d other sacrame!ts" a!d these i6e race but to ta4e a5ay the i!cli!atio! to si! deadly a!d 6e!ially" !ay" a!d this 5as do!e i! the Vir i! -ary" for she 5as hallo5ed a!d co!firmed i! all ood!ess" more tha! e6er 5as a!y creature" li4e as saith S1 Austi!D She did !e6er si! mortal !or 6e!ial1 'or she 5as so much e!lumi!ed by the +oly Ghost 5hich desce!ded i! her" that throu h the co!ceptio! of her blessed so! Jesu Christ" 5hich rested i! her !i!e mo!ths" she 5as so co!firmed i! all 6irtues that there abode i! her !o i!cli!atio! of si!1 A!d therefore the holy church doth her more re6ere!ce a!d ho!our i! ordai!i! to hallo5 the feast of her co!ceptio!" because this feast is commo! to the 4!o5led e of holy church by some miracles" li4e as 5e fi!d readi! i! this ma!!erD








A!selm" Archbishop of Ca!terbury a!d pastor of E! la!d" se!deth reeti! a!d be!edictio! i! our Lord perpetual u!to the bishops that be u!der me" a!d to all them that ha6e remembra!ce of the blessed Vir i! -ary mother of God1

3i ht dear brethre!" ho5 the co!ceptio! of the lorious Vir i! -ary hath bee! sho5ed sometime i! E! la!d" i! 'ra!ce" a!d i! other cou!tries by miracles" I shall rehearse to you1 I! the time that it pleased to God for to correct the people of E! la!d of their e6ils a!d si!s" a!d to co!strai! them to his ser6ice" he a6e 6ictory i! battle to ,illiam" the lorious Du4e of Norma!dy" to 5i! a!d co!<uer the realm of E! la!d1 A!d after that he 5as 4i! of the la!d" a!o! by the help of God" a!d of his prude!ce" he reformed the estates a!d di !ities of holy church i!to better reformatio! tha! it had bee!1 To 5hich the de6il" e!emy u!to all ood 5or4s had e!6y" a!d pai!ed him to empesh a!d let the ood 5or4s" as 5ell by false!ess of his ser6a!ts as by e!cumberi! of his stra! ers1 'or 5he! the Da!es heard say that E! la!d 5as sub=ect u!to the Norma!s" a!o! they made them ready to 5ithsta!d it1 ,he! 4i! ,illiam u!derstood this" a!o! he se!t the Abbot of 3umsey" 5hich 5as !amed +elsi!us" i!to De!mar4 for to 4!o5 the truth1 This Abbot after that he had do!e 5ell a!d dili e!tly the char e of his commissio!" a!d that he 5as retur!ed a reat part of the sea home5ard" a!o! arose a reat tempest o! the sea" i! such 5ise that the cords a!d other habilime!ts of the ship bra4e1 A!d the masters a!d o6er!ors of the ship" a!d all they that 5ere therei!" lost the hope a!d trust to escape the peril of this tempest" a!d all cried de6outly to the lorious Vir i! -ary" 5hich is comfort to the discomforted" a!d hope to the despaired" a!d recomme!ded themsel6es i! the 4eepi! of God1 A!d a!o! they sa5 comi! tofore the ship" upo! the 5ater" a! ho!ourable perso! i! habit of a bishop" 5hich called the said abbot i! the ship" a!d said to himD ,ilt thou escape these perils of the sea" a!d o home 5hole a!d safe i!to thy cou!tryE A!d the abbot a!s5ered" 5eepi! " that he desired that abo6e all other thi! s1 The! said the a! el to himD @!o5 thou that I am se!t hither by our Lady for to say to thee that if thou 5ilt hear me a!d do thereafter" thou shalt escape this peril of the sea1 The abbot promised that ladly he 5ould obey to that he should say1 The! said the a! elD -a4e co6e!a!t to God" a!d to me" that thou shalt do hallo5 the feast of the Co!ceptio! of our Lady" a!d of her creatio!" 5ell a!d solem!ly" a!d that thou shalt o a!d preach it1 A!d the abbot dema!ded i! 5hat time this feast should be 4ept1 The a! el a!s5ered to him" The ei hth day of December1 A!d the abbot dema!ded him 5hat office a!d ser6ice he should ta4e for the ser6ice i! holy church1 A!d the a! el a!s5eredD All the office of the !ati6ity of our Lady" sa6e 5here thou sayest !ati6ity" thou shalt say" co!ceptio!" a!d a!o! after the a! el 6a!ished a5ay a!d the tempest ceased1 A!d the abbot came home safely i!to his cou!try 5ith his compa!y" a!d !otified to all them that he mi ht" that he had heard a!d see!1 A!d" ri hts dear sirs" if ye 5ill arri6e at the port of health" let us hallo5 de6outly the creatio! a!d the co!ceptio! of the mother of our Lord" by 5hom 5e may recei6e the re5ard of her so! i! the lory of paradise celestial1 It is also other5ise declaredD I! the time of Charlema !e" 4i! of 'ra!ce" there 5as a cler4 5hich 5as brother ermai! to the 4i! of +u! ary" 5hich lo6ed heartily the blessed Vir i! -ary a!d 5as 5o!t to say e6ery day mati!s of her" a!d the +ours1 It happed that by cou!sel of his frie!ds he too4 i! marria e a much fair damsel" a!d 5he! he had 5edded her" a!d the priest had i6e! the be!edictio! o! them after the mass" a!o! he remembered that that day he had !ot said his +ours of our Lady" 5herefore he se!t home the bride" his 5ife" a!d the people" to his house" a!d he abode i! the church beside a! altar for to say his +ours7 a!d 5he! he came to this a!themD (ulchra es et decora filia Jerusalem7 that is to sayD Thou art fair a!d racious" dau hter of Jerusalem" a!o! appeared tofore him the lorious Vir i! -ary 5ith t5o a! els o! either side" a!d said to himD I am fair a!d racious" 5herefore lea6est thou me a!d ta4est thou a!other 5ifeE or 5here hast thou see! o!e more fair tha! I amE A!d the cler4 a!s5eredD -adam" thy beauty surmou!teth all the beauty of the 5orld" thou art lift up abo6e the hea6e!s a!d abo6e the a! els7 5hat 5ilt thou that I doE A!d she a!s5ered a!d saidD If thou 5ilt lea6e thy 5ife fleshly" thou shalt ha6e me thi!e espouse i! the realm of hea6e!" a!d if thou 5ilt hallo5 the feast of my co!ceptio!" the ei hth day of December" a!d preach it about that it may be hallo5ed" thou shalt be cro5!ed i! the realm of hea6e!1 A!d a!o! there5ith our 9lessed Lady 6a!ished a5ay1 Let us the! pray to that lorious 6ir i! our Lady Sai!t -ary" that 5e after this short a!d tra!sitory life may be cro5!ed i! hea6e! i! lory celestial" to 5hich God bri! us1 Ame!1 The Live of the *ai#t Ge#tia#. Ful$ia# a#d Vi$tori$e"















Sai!ts 'ulcia! a!d Victorice" of 5hom the solem!ity is hallo5ed" came from the city of 3ome for to preach the faith of Jesu Christ i!to these parts" a!d 5ere i! the city of Theroua!!e a!d preached there the faith1 A!d they repaired by Amie!s" a!d passed by a little 6illa e !amed Gai!s" a!d fou!d there a ood ma! that belie6ed i! God" but he 5as !ot yet baptiHed" a!d 5as !amed Ge!tia!1 A!d he saluted them a!d saidD Sirs" ye be 5elcome" a!d they saidD God sa6e you1 A!d after" he dema!ded themD ,hat see4 yeE A!d they a!s5eredD ,e see4 o!e of our fello5s called Gui!ti!" a!d he saidD AhI fair sirs" he 5as but late beheaded !ot lo! sith" a!d se!te!ce 5as i6e! that" 5here such ma!!er people mi ht be fou!d that preached of God" that they should be slai!" but come ye !ear" a!d eat ye a morsel of bread1 A!d as they 5ere there" a tyra!t that 5as called 3ictius Varus came 5ith ser6a!ts" a!d said to Ge!tia!D Deli6er to us them that be herei!" a!d he saidD I shall !ot do it1 The! he dre5 out his s5ord all !a4ed1 Ge!tia! saidD They ta4e !o!e heed of you1 The tyra!t 3ictius Varus had reat a! er a!d sorro5" a!d made to ta4e Ge!tia!" a!d smote off his head1 A!d after" he made to be ta4e! S1 'ulcia! a!d S1 Victorice" a!d brou ht them to Amie!s" a!d said to them that they should forsa4e their God" 5hom they had made die a! e6il death" a!d they said they 5ould !ot1 The! he did do ta4e broches of iro! a!d put them throu h their ears a!d throu h their !ostrils" a!d after did do smite off their heads1 A!d" by the 5ill a!d po5er of our Lord" they arose up" a!d too4 their heads i! their ha!ds" a!d bare them t5o miles far from the place 5here they had bee! beheaded1 A!d all three 5ere buried to ether i! that to5! 5hich is called Sai!t 'ulcie!1 A reat ra e a!d mad!ess too4 the tyra!t 3ictius Varus" a!d he cried throu h the city of Amie!s" all e!ra edD AlasI alasI alasI !o5 be 5ell the Sai!ts a6e! ed o! me" a!d sith died foul i! his 5ood!ess1 A!d thus 5ere the frie!ds of our Lord a6e! ed o! the tyra!t" a!d by such martyrdom the lorious sai!ts departed out of this life u!to the realm of hea6e!1 The! pray 5e u!to the lorious martyrs S1 'ulcia!" S1 Victorice" a!d S1 Ge!tia!" that they 5ill pray God for us" that by their merits 5e may ha6e pardo! a!d for i6e!ess of our si!s1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of the /le ed Vir(i# Lu$y" Lucy is said of li ht" a!d li ht is beauty i! beholdi! " after that S1 Ambrose saithD The !ature of li ht is such" she is racious i! beholdi! " she spreadeth o6er all 5ithout Iyi! do5!" she passeth i! oi! ri ht 5ithout croo4i! by ri ht lo! li!e7 a!d it is 5ithout dilatio! of tarryi! " a!d therefore it is sho5ed the blessed Lucy hath beauty of 6ir i!ity 5ithout a!y corruptio!7 esse!ce of charity 5ithout disordi!ate lo6e7 ri htful oi! a!d de6otio! to God" 5ithout s<uari! out of the 5ay7 ri ht lo! li!e by co!ti!ual 5or4 5ithout !e li e!ce of slothful tarryi! 1 I! Lucy is said" the 5ay of li ht1 S1 Lucy" the holy 6ir i!" 5as bor! i! Sicily" a!d e8tract a!d e! e!dered of a !oble li!ea e" i! the city of Syracuse1 ,he! she heard of the ood fame a!d re!o5! of S1 A atha or A aas" 5hich 5as published a!d spread all about" a!o! she 5e!t to her sepulchre 5ith her mother 5hich 5as !amed Euthicia" 5hich had a malady" !amed the bloody flu8" by the space of four years" the 5hich !o master i! physic !e sur ery could heal1 A!d 5he! they 5ere at a mass" o!e read a ospel 5hich made me!tio! of a 5oma! 5hich 5as healed of the bloody flu8 by touchi! of the hem of the coat of Jesu Christ1 ,he! S1 Lucy heard this" a!o! she said to her motherD -other" if ye belie6e that this 5hich is read be true" a!d also that S1 A atha hath !o5 prese!tly 5ith her Jesu Christ" a!d also that for his !ame she suffered martyrdom" a!d if ye" 5ith this belief" touch her sepulchre" 5ithout doubt ye shall be a!o! uerished a!d healed1 ?po! this they" after the mass" 5he! the people 5ere departed" they t5ai! fell do5! o! their 4!ees o! the sepulchre of S1 A atha i! prayers" a!d 5eepi! be a! to pray for her help a!d aid1 S1 Lucy i! ma4i! her prayers for her mother fell asleep" a!d she sa5 i! her sleep S1 A atha amo! the a! els" !obly ador!ed a!d arrayed 5ith precious sto!es" 5hich said thus to herD Lucy" my s5eet sister" de6out 6ir i! to God" 5herefore prayest thou to me for thy mother" for such thi! as thou mayest thyself ri ht soo! i6e to herE 'or I tell the for truth" that for thy faith" a!d thy ood" thy mother is safe a!d 5hole1 ,ith these 5ords S1 Lucy a5o4e all afraid" a!d said to her motherD -other" ye be uerished a!d all 5hole7 I pray you for her sa4e by 5hose prayers ye be healed" that ye !e6er ma4e me!tio! to me for to ta4e a! husba!d !e spouse" but all that ood that ye 5ould i6e me 5ith a ma!" I pray you that ye 5ill i6e it to me for to do alms 5ithal that I may come to my sa6iour Jesu Christ1 +er mother a!s5ered to herD 'air dau hter" thy patrimo!y" 5hich I ha6e recei6ed this !i!e years" sith thy father died" I ha6e !othi! ami!ished" but I ha6e multiplied a!d i!creased it7 but abide till I am departed out of this 5orld" a!d the! fortho! do as it shall please thee1 S1 Lucy saidD S5eet mother" hear my cou!selD he is !ot belo6ed of God" that for his lo6e i6eth that 5hich he may !ot use himself" but if thou 5ilt fi!d God debo!air to thee" i6e for him that 5hich thou mayest



















dispe!d" for after thy death thou mayest i! !o 5ise use thy oods1 That 5hich thou i6est 5he! thou shalt die" thou i6est it because thou mayest !ot bear it 5ith thee1 Gi6e the! for God>s sa4e 5hiles thou li6estD a!d as to such ood as thou ou htest to i6e to me 5ith a! husba!d or spouse" be i! to i6e all that to your people for the lo6e of Jesu Christ1 +ereof spa4e al5ay Lucy to her mother" a!d e6ery day they a6e alms of their oods1 A!d 5he! they had almost sold their patrimo!y a!d their =e5els" tidi! s came to the 4!o5led e of her spouse that should ha6e 5edded her" a!d that she 5as promised to" the 5hich he dema!ded hereof the truth of the !urse of S1 Lucy" a!d 5herefore they sold thus their patrimo!y1 She a!s5ered cautelously" a!d said that they did it because that S1 Lucy" 5hich should ha6e bee! his 5ife" had fou!d o!e 5hich had a more fairer a!d !obler herita e tha! his 5as" the 5hich they 5ould buy tofore ere they should assemble by marria e1 The fool belie6ed it" for he u!derstood car!ally this that the !urse had said to him spiritually" a!d helped them to sell their herita e1 9ut 5he! he u!derstood that she a6e all for God>s lo6e" a!d that he felt himself decei6ed" a!o! he complai!ed o! Lucy" a!d made her to come tofore a =ud e !amed (aschasius" 5hich 5as a miscrea!t a!d heathe! ma!1 A!d it 5as because she 5as christia!" a!d that she did a ai!st the la5 of the Emperor" (aschasius blamed her" a!d admo!ested her to 5orship a!d do sacrifice to the idols1 She saidD Sacrifice 5hich pleaseth God is to 6isit the 5ido5s a!d orpha!s" a!d to help them i! their !eedD I ha6e !ot ceased these three years past to ma4e to God such sacrifice" a!d forasmuch as I ha6e !o more of 5hich I may ma4e yet such sacrifice" I offer to him myself" let him do 5ith his offeri! as it pleaseth him1 (aschasius saidD Thou mi htest say these 5ords u!to christia! people" semblable to thee" but to me 5hich 4eep the comma!dme!ts of the emperors" thou sayest them i! 6ai!1 S1 Lucy saidD If thou 5ilt 4eep the la5 of thy lords" I shall 4eep the la5 of God7 thou doubtest to a! er them" a!d I shall 4eep me that I a! er !ot my God7 thou 5ilt please them" a!d I co6et o!ly to please our Lord Jesu Christ1 (aschasius saidD Thou hast dispe!ded thy patrimo!y 5ith the ribalds" a!d therefore thou spea4est as a ribald1 She said1 I ha6e set my patrimo!y i! a sure place7 u!to the corruptio! of my heart !e body" I !e6er a reed !e suffered it1 (aschasius saidD ,ho be they that corrupt the heart a!d the bodyE She saidD ;e be that corrupt the hearts" of 5hom the apostle saidD The e6il 5ords corrupt the ood ma!!ers1 ;e cou!sel the souls to forsa4e their creator a!d to e!sue the de6il i! ma4i! sacrifice to the idols7 the corrupters of the body be they that lo6e the short delectatio!s corporal" a!d despite deli hts spiritual that e!dure for e6er1 (aschasius saidD These 5ords that thou sayest shall fi!ish 5he! thou shalt come to thy pai!s1 She saidD The 5ords of God may !ot e!d !e fi!ish1 (aschasius saidD +o5 the!I art thou GodE She saidD I am the ha!dmaid of God" a!d for so much as I say" they be the 5ords of God" for he saithD ;e be !ot they that spea4 tofore the pri!ces a!d =ud es" but the +oly Ghost spea4eth i! you1 (aschasius saidD A!d therefore the +oly Ghost is i! theeE She saidD The apostle saith that they be the temple of God that li6e chastely" a!d the +oly Ghost d5elleth i! them1 (aschasius saidD I shall do bri! thee to the bordel" 5here thou shalt lose thy chastity" a!d the! the +oly Ghost shall depart from thee1 She saidD The body may ta4e !o corruptio! but if the heart a!d 5ill i6e thereto asse!ti! D for if thou madest me to do sacrifice by my ha!ds" by force" to the idols" a ai!st my 5ill" God shall ta4e it o!ly but as a derisio!" for he =ud eth o!ly of the 5ill a!d co!se!ti! 1 A!d therefore" if thou ma4e my body to be defouled 5ithout mi!e asse!t" a!d a ai!st my 5ill" my chastity shall i!crease double to the merit of the cro5! of lory1 ,hat thi! that thou dost to the body" 5hich is i! thy po5er" that beareth !o pre=udice to the ha!dmaid of Jesu Christ1 The! comma!ded (aschasius that the ribalds of the to5! should come" to 5hom he deli6ered S1 Lucy" sayi! D Call other to you for to defoul her" a!d labour her so much till she be dead1 A!o! the ribalds 5ould ha6e dra5! her from the!ce 5here she 5as" a!d ha6e brou ht her to the bordel" but the +oly Ghost made her so pesa!t a!d hea6y that i! !o 5ise mi ht they mo6e her from the place1 ,herefore ma!y of the ser6a!ts of the =ud e put ha!d to" for to dra5 5ith the other" a!d she abode still1 The! they bou!d cords to her ha!ds a!d feet" a!d all dre5" but she abode al5ay still as a mou!tai!" 5ithout mo6i! 1 ,hereof (aschasius 5as all a! uishous a!d a! ry" a!d did do call his e!cha!ters" 5hich mi ht !e6er mo6e her for all e!cha!tery1 The! (aschasius did do yo4e for her o8e! ma!y" for to dra5 her" a!d yet they mi ht !ot mo6e her from the place1 The! (aschasius dema!ded her for 5hat reaso! mi ht it be that a frail maid mi ht !ot be dra5! !e mo6ed by a thousa!d me!1 She saidD It is the 5or4 of God" a!d if thou settest thereto yet te! thousa!d they should !ot mo6e me1 Of these 5ords the =ud e 5as sore torme!ted A!d S1 Lucy said to himD ,herefore torme!test thou thyself thusE If thou hast pro6ed a!d assayed that I am the temple of God" belie6e it1 If thou hast !ot assayed" lear! to assay1 A!d hereof 5as the =ud e more torme!ted" for he sa5 that she made but her moc4ery 5ith him1 ,herefore he did do ma4e about S1 Lucy a ri ht reat fire" a!d made to be cast o! her pitch" resi!" a!d boili! oil" a!d she abode all still tofore the fire" a!d saidD I ha6e prayed to Jesu Christ that this fire ha6e !o domi!atio! i! me to the e!d that the christia! me! that belie6e i! God ma4e of thee their derisio!1 A!d I ha6e prayed for respite of my martyrdom for to ta4e a5ay from the christia! me! the fear a!d dread to die for the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d to ta4e a5ay from



the miscrea!ts the a6au!ti! of my martyrdom1 The frie!ds of the =ud e sa5 that he 5as co!fused by the 5ords of S1 Lucy" a!d of the dra5i! much reatly torme!ted" a!d therefore they roof a s5ord throu h her throat" a!d yet for all that she died !ot a!o!" but spa4e to the people" sayi! D I a!!ou!ce a!d sho5 to you that holy church shall ha6e peace" for Diocletia! the emperor" 5hich 5as e!emy to holy church is this day put out of his sei !ory" a!d -a8imia!" his fello5" is this day dead1 A!d i! li4e5ise as S1 A atha is patro!ess a!d 4eeper of Cata!ia" i! the same 5ise shall I be committed to be patro!ess of Syracuse" this city1 A!d as she spa4e thus to the people" the ser ea!ts a!d mi!isters of 3ome came for to ta4e (aschasius a!d bri! him to 3ome" because he 5as accused tofore the se!ators of 3ome of that he had robbed the pro6i!ce7 5herefore he recei6ed his se!te!ce of the se!ate" a!d had his head smitte! off1 S1 Lucy !e6er remo6ed from the place 5here she 5as hurt 5ith the s5ord" !e died !ot till the priest came a!d brou ht the blessed body of our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d as soo! as she had recei6ed the blessed sacrame!t she re!dered a!d a6e up her soul to God" tha!4i! a!d praisi! him of all his ood!ess1 I! that same place is a church edified i! the !ame of her" 5hereas ma!y be!efits ha6e bee! i6e! to the ho!our of our Lord Jesu Christ" 5hich is blessed 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 Here followeth the life of *" Ni$a iu " I! that time that the Va!dals 5asted a!d destroyed ma!y cities a!d la!ds" they came to the city of 3heims i! 'ra!ce" i! 5hich city S1 Nicasius 5as archbishop1 +e preached the faith of Jesu Christ a!d comforted the people" a!d admo!ished them to recei6e i! patie!ce the persecutio! of the Va!dals" 5hich had the! destroyed the cou!try a!d la!d all about the city1 A!d as this people called Va!dals approached the city" the fol4 came to the archbishop a!d dema!ded cou!sel if they should yield them or o a!d fi ht for the city1 S1 Nicasius" to 5hom God had sho5ed tofore that the Va!dals came" that all the city should be destroyed" impetered a!d had ra!t of our Lord that this tribulatio! a!d this death should be to the health of the souls of them that to their po5er should be repe!ta!t of their si!s" a!d sith said to themD Let us o surely to the peril of death" a!d let us abide the mercy of God1 I am ready to set my soul for my people7 let us pray for our e!emies" a!d let us desire of their souls li4e as of our o5!1 Thus as he spa4e to the people" S1 Eutropia" his sister" e8horted as much as she mi ht the people to recei6e martyrdom" 5hich 5as ready1 After the oriso!s a!d the e!sei !me!ts that they had made to the people" they issued out a ai!st the Va!dals" a!d S1 Nicasius said to themD If ye 5ill slay my people" slay me first tofore1 A!d after he preached to them the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d tau ht them ho5 they mi ht be sa6ed7 but they 5ould !ot u!dersta!d it1 The! the holy ma! set him to prayer" a!d 5hile he prayed his e!emies smote off his head1 A!d after that the head 5as smitte! off he made a! e!d of his prayer" a!d said i! his to! ue this 6erse of the psalterD Adhesit pa6ime!to" etc1 ,he! S1 Eutropia sa5 her brother martyred" a!d sa5 that !o ma! made her ready to be martyred" but stro6e for her beauty" she ra! to him that had slai! her brother" a!d 5ould ha6e scratched his eyes out of his head7 a!d a!o! she 5as martyred a!d ma!y others 5ith her1 The! the Va!dals sa5 a reat compa!y of chi6alry of hea6e! come for to a6e! e the reat felo!y that they had do!e" a!d heard a reat sou!d i! the church7 a!d they had so reat fear a!d dread that they left all their armours a!d fled1 A!d there appeared a reat li ht a!d clear!ess upo! the bodies" that it 5as see! far by !i ht1 The! came a ai! some bur esses of them that had fled" a!d sa5 the clear!ess" a!d felt a reat odour about the martyrs" a!d buried them about the city" a!d tha!4ed our Lord a!d ser6ed him more perfectly tha! they had do!e tofore1 Let us pray the! to the holy S1 Nicasius a!d to S1 Eutropia that they 5ill et us race of our Lord a!d that they bri! us i!to their compa!y1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Tho%a the A&o tle"








Thomas is as much to say as abysm or double" 5hich i! Gree4 is said didimus7 or else Thomas is said of Thomos" 5hich is said di6isio! or parti! 1 +e 5as abysm or s5allo5 because he deser6ed to pierce the deep!ess of di6i!ity" 5he! at his i!terro atio! Jesu Christ a!s5ered to himD E o sum 6ia" 6eritas et 6itaD I am the 5ay" truth" a!d life1 +e is said double because he 4!e5 Christ i! his resurrectio! i! double 5ise more tha! other 4!e5" for they 4!e5 him but o!ly i! seei! " but Thomas 4!e5 him both seei! a!d feeli! 1 +e is said di6isio! or departi! " for he departed his lo6e from the lo6e of the 5orld" a!d 5as



departed from the other apostles at the resurrectio!1 Or Thomas is said as" appeared a ai!" that is i! the lo6e of God by co!templatio!1 +e had there thi! s i! him of 5hich (rosper saith i! the boo4 of the Soul Co!templati6e" a!d dema!deth 5hat it is for to lo6e !othi! but to co!cei6e the bur!i! of him i! his thou ht" a!d the tale!t of God" a!d the hate of si!" a!d to forsa4e the 5orld1 Or Thomas is as much to say as al5ay oi! i! the lo6e a!d co!templatio! of God1 Or Thomas is as much asD -y God" because he said" 5he! he touched the side of our LordD -y God a!d my Lord1 S1 Thomas" 5he! he 5as i! CFsarea" our Lord appeared to him" a!d saidD The @i! of I!dia" Gu!doferus" hath se!t his pro6ost" Abba!es" for to see4 me! that ca! 5ell the craft of maso!s" a!d I shall se!d thee to him1 A!d S1 Thomas saidD Sir" se!d me o6er all sa6e to them of I!dia1 A!d our Lord said to himD Go thy 5ay thither surely" for I shall be thy 4eeper" a!d 5he! thou hast co!6erted them of I!dia" thou shalt come to me by the cro5! of martyrdom1 A!d Thomas said to himD Thou art my lord" a!d I thy ser6a!t7 thy 5ill be fulfilled1 A!d as the pro6ost 5e!t throu h the mar4et" our Lord said to himD ;ou! ma!" 5hat 5ilt thou buyE a!d he saidD -y lord hath se!t me for to bri! to him some that be lear!ed i! the scie!ce of maso!ry" that they mi ht ma4e for him a palace after the 5or4 of 3ome1 A!d the! our Lord deli6ered to him S1 Thomas the Apostle" a!d told to him that he 5as much e8pert i! that 5or41 A!d they departed a!d sailed till they came i! a city" 5here the 4i! made a 5eddi! of his dau hter" a!d had do cry that all the people should come to this feast of this marria e or else he 5ould be a! ry1 A!d it so happed that the pro6ost a!d Thomas 5e!t thither" a!d a! +ebre5 maid had a pipe i! her ha!d a!d praised e6er each o!e 5ith some laud or praisi! 1 A!d 5he! she sa5 the apostle she 4!e5 that he 5as a! +ebre5 because he ate !ot" but had al5ay his eyes firm to5ard hea6e!1 A!d as the maid sa! tofore him i! +ebre5" she saidD The God of hea6e! is o!e o!ly God" the 5hich created all thi! s a!d fou!ded the seas1 A!d the apostle made her to say these 5ords a ai!1 A!d the butler beheld him" a!d sa5 that Thomas ate !ot !e dra!4 !ot" but al5ay loo4ed up5ard to hea6e!1 A!d he came to the apostle a!d smote him o! the chee47 a!d the apostle said to him" that i! time to come it be pardo!ed to thee" a!d that !o5 a 5ou!d tra!sitory be i6e! to thee" a!d saidD I shall !ot arise from this place till the ha!d that hath smitte! me be eate! 5ith do s1 A!d a!o! after" the butler 5e!t for to fetch 5ater at a 5ell" a!d there a lio! came a!d sle5 him a!d dra!4 his blood" a!d the hou!ds dre5 his body i!to pieces" i! such 5ise that a blac4 do brou ht the ri ht arm i!to the hall i! the middle of the di!!er1 A!d 5he! they sa5 this" all the compa!y 5as abashed" a!d the maid remembered the 5ords" a!d thre5 do5! her pipe or flute" a!d fell do5! at the feet of the apostle1 A!d this 6e! ea!ce blameth S1 Austi! i! his boo4 of 'austius" a!d saith that this 5as set i! of some false prophets" for this thi! mi ht be suspicious u!to ma!y thi! s1 ,hether it be true or !o it appertai!eth !ot to me" but I 5ot 5ell that they should be li4e as our Lord teacheth" 5hich saithD If a!y ma! smiteth thee o! that o!e chee4" sho5 a!d offer to him that other" a!d certai!ly the apostle held 5ithi! his coura e the 5ill of God a!d of dilectio!" a!d 5ithout forth he re<uired e8ample of correctio!1 This saith S1 Austi!1 A!d the!" at the re<uest of the 4i! " the apostle blessed them that 5ere !e5 married" a!d saidD Lord God i6e to these childre! the blessi! of thy ri ht ha!d" a!d set i! their mi!ds the seed of life1 A!d 5he! the apostle 5as o!e" there 5as fou!d" i! the ha!d of the you! ma! that 5as married" a bra!ch of palm full of dates7 a!d 5he! he a!d his 5ife had eate! of the fruit they fell asleep" a!d they had o!e semblable dream1 'or them seemed that a 4i! ador!ed 5ith precious sto!es embraced them" a!d saidD -i!e apostle hath blessed you i! such 5ise that ye shall be parta4ers of the lory perdurable1 The! they a5o4e" a!d told to each other their dream1 A!d the! the apostle came to them a!d saidD -y 4i! hath appeared ri ht !o5 to you" a!d hath brou ht me hither" the doors bei! shut" so that my blessi! may be fruitful upo! you" a!d that ye may ha6e the sure!ess of your flesh" the 5hich is <uee! of all 6irtues a!d fruit of perpetual health" a!d abo6e the a! els> possessio!s of all ood" 6ictory of lechery" lord of the faith" discomfiture of de6ils" a!d surety of =oys perdurable1 Lechery is e! e!dered of corruptio!" a!d of corruptio! cometh pollutio!" a!d of pollutio! cometh si!" a!d of si! is co!fusio! e! e!dered1 A!d he thus sayi! " t5o a! els appeared to them a!d saidD ,e be the t5o a! els deputed for to 4eep you" a!d if ye 4eep 5ell all the admo!estme!ts of the apostle 5e shall offer to God all your desires1 A!d the! the apostle baptiHed them" a!d i!formed them dili e!tly i! the faith1 A!d lo! time after the 5ife" !amed (ela ia" 5as sacred 5ith a 6eil" a!d suffered martyrdom" a!d the husba!d !amed De!is 5as sacred bishop of that city1 A!d after this" the apostle a!d Abba!es came u!to the @i! of I!dia" a!d the 4i! de6ised to the apostle a mar6ellous palace" a!d deli6ered to him reat treasure1 A!d the 4i! 5e!t i!to a!other pro6i!ce" a!d the apostle a6e all the treasure to poor people" a!d the apostle 5as al5ay i! predicatio!s t5o years or thereabout ere the 4i! came" a!d co!6erted much people 5ithout !umber to the faith1 A!d















5he! the 4i! came a!d 4!e5 5hat he had do!e" he put him a!d Abba!es i! the most deepest of his priso!s" a!d purposed fully to slay them a!d bur!1 A!d i! the mea!5hile Gad" brother of the 4i! " died" a!d there 5as made for him a rich sepulchre" a!d the fourth day he that had bee! dead arose from death to life" a!d all me! 5ere abashed a!d fled1 A!d he said to his brotherD This ma! that thou i!te!dest to slay a!d bur! is the frie!d of God" a!d the a! els of God ser6e him" a!d they brou ht me i! to paradise" a!d ha6e sho5ed me a palace of old a!d sil6er a!d of precious sto!es" a!d it is mar6ellously ordai!ed1 A!d 5he! I mar6elled of the reat beauty thereof" they said to meD This is the palace that Thomas hath made for thy brother1 A!d 5he! I said that I 5ould be thereof porter" they said to meD Thy brother is made u!5orthy to ha6e it7 if thou 5ilt d5ell therei!" 5e shall pray God to raise thee so that thou mayst o buy it of thy brother" i! i6i! to him the mo!ey that he supposed he had lost1 A!d 5he! he had said this he ra! to the priso! a!d re<uired of the apostle that he 5ould pardo! his brother that he had do!e to him" a!d the! deli6ered him out of priso!" a!d prayed the apostle that he 5ould ta4e a!d do o! him a precious 6esture1 A!d the apostle said to himD @!o5est thou !ot that they 5hich 5ee! to ha6e po5er i! thi! s celestial set !ou ht i! !othi! fleshly !e earthlyE A!d 5he! the apostle issued out of priso!" the 4i! came a ai!st him a!d fell do5! at his feet" a!d re<uired of him pardo!1 The! the apostle said to himD God hath i6e! to you much reat race 5he! he hath sho5ed to you his secrets7 !o5 belie6e i! Jesu Christ a!d be ye baptiHed" to the e!d that thou be pri!ce i! the realm perdurable1 A!d the! the brother of the 4i! saidD I ha6e see! the palace that thou hast do ma4e to my brother" a!d I am come for to buy it1 A!d the apostle said to himD If it be the 5ill of thy brother it shall be do!e1 A!d the 4i! saidD Sith it pleaseth God" this shall be mi!e" a!d the apostle shall ma4e to thee a!other7 a!d if perad6e!ture he may !ot" this same shall be commo! to thee a!d to me1 A!d the apostle a!s5ered a!d saidD -a!y palaces be there i! hea6e! 5hich be made ready sith the be i!!i! of the 5orld" that be bou ht by price of the faith a!d by alms of your riches" 5hich may 5ell o tofore you to these palaces" but they may !ot follo5 you1 A!d after this" at the e!d of a mo!th" the apostle made to assemble all them of the pro6i!ce" a!d 5he! they 5ere assembled he comma!ded that the feeble a!d sic4 should be set apart by themsel6es1 The! he prayed for them" a!d they that 5ere 5ell e!sei !ed a!d tau ht said Ame!1 A!d forth5ith came a clear li ht from hea6e! 5hich desce!ded upo! them" a!d smote do5! all the people a!d the apostle to the earth7 a!d they supposed they had bee! smitte! 5ith thu!der" a!d so lay by the space of half a! hour1 After" the apostle rose a!d saidD Arise ye up for my lord is come as thu!der" a!d hath healed us7 a!d a!o! they arose all 5hole a!d lorified God a!d the apostle1 The! be a! the apostle to teach them" a!d to sho5 to them the de rees of 6irtue1 The first is that they should belie6e i! God 5hich is o!e esse!ce" a!d treble or three i! perso!s" a!d sho5ed to them e8amples se!sible" ho5 three perso!s be i! o!e esse!ce1 The first e8ample i! a ma! is 5isdom" a!d thereof cometh u!dersta!di! " memory" a!d cu!!i! 1 Cu!!i! is of that thou hast lear!ed the memory or mi!d" a!d retai!est that thou shouldest for et1 A!d the u!dersta!di! is that thou u!dersta!dest this that is tau ht to thee a!d sho5ed1 The seco!d e8ample is that" i! a 6i!e be three thi! s" the stoc4" the leaf" a!d the fruit1 The third e8ample is that three thi! s be i! the head of a ma!" heari! " seei! " a!d tasti! or smelli! 1 The seco!d de ree that they recei6e baptism1 The third" that they 4eep them from for!icatio!1 The fourth" that they 4eep them from a6arice1 The fifth" that they restrai! them from lutto!y1 The si8th" that they 4eep their pe!a!ce1 The se6e!th" that they perse6ere a!d abide i! these thi! s1 The ei hth" that they lo6e hospitality1 The !i!th" that i! thi! s to be do!e they re<uire the 5ill of God" a!d that they re<uire such thi! s by 5or4s1 The te!th" that they esche5 those thi! s that be !ot for to be do!e1 The ele6e!th" that they do charity to their e!emies a!d to their frie!ds1 The t5elfth" that they 4eep charity" a!d do 5or4 by dili e!ce to 4eep these thi! s1 A!d after his predicatio!" forty thousa!d me! 5ere baptiHed" 5ithout 5ome! a!d small childre!1 A!d i!co!ti!e!t he 5e!t i!to the reat I!dia 5here he sho!e by miracles i!!umerable" for he e!lumi!ed a!d made to see Sy!tice" the frie!d of -i do!ia" 5hich 5as 5ife of Carisius" cousi! of the 4i! of I!dia1 A!d -i do!ia said to Sy!ticeD ,ee!est thou that I may see himE The! -i do!ia cha! ed her habit by the cou!sel of Sy!tice" a!d put herself amo! the poor 5ome!" a!d came 5hereas the apostle preached1 A!d he be a! to preach of the maleurte a!d u!happi!ess of this life" a!d said that this life is u!happy" 5retched a!d sub=ect to ad6e!tures" a!d is so slippery a!d fleeti! " that 5he! o!e 5ee!eth to hold it" it fleeth a5ay1 A!d after" he be a! to sho5 to them by four reaso!s that they should ladly hear the 5ord of God" a!d li4e!eth it to four ma!!er of thi! sD first" u!to a colour 5hich li hteth the eye of our u!dersta!di! 7 seco!dly" to a syrup or a pur atio!" for the 5ord of God pur eth our affectio! from all fleshly lo6e7 thirdly" u!to a! emplaister" because it healeth the 5ou!ds of our si!s7 a!d fourthly" u!to meat" because the 5ord of God !ourisheth us" a!d deli hteth i! hea6e!ly lo6e1 A!d i! li4e ma!!er" li4e


















as all these thi! s a6ail !ot to the sic4 ma! but if he ta4e a!d recei6e them" i! li4e 5ise the 5ord of God profiteth !othi! to a la! uishi! sic4 ma!" if he hear it !ot de6outly1 A!d as the apostle thus preached" -i do!ia belie6ed i! God" a!d refused the bed of her husba!d1 The! Carisius did so much that he made the apostle to be set i! priso!1 A!d -i do!ia 5e!t to him a!d as4ed him for i6e!ess" because he 5as set i! priso! for her sa4e1 A!d he comforted her s5eetly" a!d said he 5ould suffer it debo!airly1 A!d the! Carisius prayed the 4i! that he 5ould se!d the <uee! his 5ife>s sister u!to her" for to essay if she mi ht tur! her" a!d call her a ai! from the christia! faith1 A!d the <uee! 5as se!t thither" a!d 5he! she sa5 her" a!d 4!e5 of so ma!y miracles as the apostle did" she saidD They be accursed of God that belie6e !ot i! his 5or4s1 The! the apostle tau ht them shortly that 5ere there" four thi! s7 first" that they should lo6e the church" ho!our a!d 5orship the priests" assemble them ofte! i! prayers" a!d ofte! to hear the 5ord of God1 A!d 5he! the 4i! sa5 the <uee!" he said to herD ,hy hast thou abided there so lo! E A!d she the! a!s5eredD I had supposed that -i do!ia had bee! a fool" but she is ri ht 5ise" for she hath brou ht me to the apostle" 5hich hath made me to 4!o5 the 5ay of truth" a!d they be o6ermuch fools that belie6e !ot the 5ay of truth" that is to say" that they belie6e i! Jesu Christ1 A!d !e6er after 5ould the <uee! lie 5ith the 4i! 1 A!d the! the 4i! 5as abashed" a!d said to his cousi!D ,he! I 5ould ha6e reco6ered thy 5ife I ha6e lost mi!e" a!d my 5ife is 5orse to me tha! thi!e is to thee1 The! the 4i! comma!ded that the apostle should be brou ht tofore him" his ha!ds a!d feet bou!d7 a!d 5as comma!ded that he should reco!cile the 5i6es to their husba!ds1 A!d the! the apostle said to the 4i! " i! sho5i! to him by three e8amples that" as lo! as he should be i! the error of the faith they ou ht !ot to obey them1 That is to 5it" by the e8ample of the 4i! " by e8ample of the to5er" a!d by e8ample of the fou!tai!" a!d said to himD Thou that art 4i! 5ilt ha6e !o ser6ices soiled !e foul" but thou hast clea!ly ser6a!ts a!d !eat chamberers1 A!d 5hat 5ee!est thou God lo6ethE Chastity a!d clea! ser6ices1 Am I the! to blame if I preach to thee to lo6e God a!d his ser6a!ts 5hom he lo6ethE I ha6e made them clea! ser6a!ts to him7 I ha6e fou!ded a to5er7 a!d thou sayst to me that I should destroy it1 Also I ha6e dol6e! i! the deep earth" a!d ha6e brou ht forth a fou!tai! out of the abysm" a!d thou sayst I should stop it1 The! the 4i! 5as a! ry" a!d comma!ded to bri! forth pieces of iro! bur!i! " a!d made to set the apostle o! them all !a4ed" his feet bou!d1 A!d a!o! by the 5ill of our Lord" a fou!tai! of 5ater sourded a!d spra! up" a!d <ue!ched it all1 A!d the! the 4i! " by the cou!sel of his cousi!" made him to be set i! a bur!i! fur!ace" 5hich 5as made so cold that the !e8t day he issued out all safe" 5ithout harm1 A!d the! thereto" he saidD 4i! " thou art !othi! more !oble" !e more mi hty tha! be thy pai!ters" said Carisius to the 4i! D -a4e him to offer sacrifice to o!e of the ods o!ly" i! such 5ise that he fall i! the ire of his God that thus deli6ereth him1 A!d as they co!strai!ed him a!d ho5 despisest thou 6ery God a!d 5orshippest a pai!ti! 5hom thou 5ee!est to be thy GodE Li4e as Carisius hath said to thee" that my God should be a! ry 5he! that I 5orshipped thy od1 A!d if he be a! ered" it should be more to thy od tha! to me" for 5he! thou shouldest 5ee! that I 5orshipped thy God" I should 5orship mi!e1 A!d the 4i! saidD ,hy spea4est thou to me such 5ordsE A!d the! the apostle comma!ded i! +ebre5 the de6il that 5as 5ithi! the idol that" as soo! as he 4!eeled tofore the idol" he should a!o! brea4 it i! pieces1 A!d the apostle 4!eeled a!d saidD LoI see ye that I 5orship" but !ot the idol7 I adore" but !ot the metal7 I 5orship" but !ot the false ima e" but I ho!our a!d 5orship my Lord Jesu Christ i! the !ame of 5hom I comma!d thee" de6il" 5hich art hid 5ithi! this ima e" that thou brea4 this false idol1 A!d a!o! he molt it as 5a81 A!d the! the priests came lo5i! as beasts" a!d the bishop of the temple lift up a lai6e a!d ru! the apostle throu h a!d saidD I shall a6e! e the i!=ury of my od1 A!d the 4i! a!d Carisius fled a5ay" for they sa5 that the people 5ould a6e! e the apostle a!d bur! the bishop all <uic41 A!d the christia! me! bare a5ay the body of the apostle a!d buried it 5orshipfully1 Lo! time after" about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d thirty" the body of the apostle 5as bor!e i!to Edessa" the city 5hich sometime 5as said 3a es" city of -edia7 a!d Ale8a!der the Emperor bare it thither at the re<uest of the Syria!s1 A!d i! this city !o ma! mi ht harbor Je5" !e pay!im" !e tyra!t" that should li6e1 After this Aba ar" 4i! of this city" desired to ha6e a! epistle 5ritte! 5ith the ha!d of our Lord" for if a!y me! mo6ed 5ar a ai!st this city" they too4 a christia! child" a!d set him o! the ate" a!d he should there read the epistle" a!d the same day" 5hat for the 6irtue of the 5riti! of our Sa6iour" as for the merits of the apostle" the e!emies fled or else made peace1 Isidore" i! the boo4 of the Life of the Sai!ts" saith thus of this apostleD Thomas" apostle a!d disciple of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d li4e u!to our Sa6iour" preached the Gospel u!to miscrea!ts" to them of (ersia a!d of -edia" to the +irca!ia!s a!d 9actria!s" a!d he e!teri! i!to the parts of the orie!t" pierced throu h the e!trails of the people1 There deme!ed his predicatio! u!to the title of his passio!" a!d there 5as he pierced 5ith a lai6e a!d so died1 A!d Chrysostom saith that 5he! Thomas came i! to the parts of the three 4i! s 5hich came to 5orship our Lord he baptiHed them" a!d they 5ere made helpers a!d


aiders of our Lord a!d of christia! faith1 (ray 5e the! to this holy apostle" S1 Thomas" that he 5ill be moye! u!to our Lord that 5e may ha6e race of him to ame!d us i! this prese!t life" that 5e may come i!to his e6erlasti! bliss1 Ame!1

Here followeth the Life of *" A#a ta ia" S1 A!astasia 5as dau hter to a e!tlema! of the 3oma!s" but he 5as a pay!im1 +er mother" 5hich 5as christia!" 5as tau ht a!d i!formed i! the faith by S1 Chryso o!y1 The foresaid S1 A!astasia 5as married u!to a pay!im !amed (ublius" but she fei !ed her al5ays to be sic4" i! such 5ise that she came !ot i! his compa!y1 She 5e!t 6isiti! the christia! priso!ers that 5ere i! di6erse priso!s" i! po6erty a!d foul clothi! " a!d she admi!istered to them such thi! s as they !eeded" of her ood1 A!d therefore" her husba!d made her to be straitly 4ept" i a ai! for S1 A!astasia" a!d did do bur! her the year of the i!car!atio! of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d four score" a!d made the others to die by di6ers torme!ts7 amo! 5hom there 5as o!e from 5hom 5as ta4e! much ood" a!d al5ay she saidD At the last ye may !ot ta4e from me Jesu Christ1 Apollo!ia" 5hich 5as a christia! 5oma!" to4e the body of S1 A!astasia" a!d buried it i! her arde!" a!d there did do ma4e a fair church1 Let us pray the! u!to Almi hty God" that by the prayers a!d merits of S1 A!astasia 5e may come u!to his e6erlasti! bliss1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Eu(e#ia"



Eu e!ia" the !oble 6ir i!" 5hich 5as dau hter to (hilip" du4e of Ale8a!dria" 5hich for the emperor of 3ome o6er!ed all the la!d of E ypt1 Eu e!ia issued pri6ily out of her father>s palace 5ith t5o ser6a!ts" a!d she 5e!t i!to a! abbey i! the habit a!d array of a ma!" i! 5hich abbey she Ied so holy a life that at the last she 5as made abbot of the same1 It happed so that !o ma! 4!e5 that she 5as a 5oma!" yet there 5as a lady accused her of adultery tofore the =ud e 5hich 5as her o5! father1 Eu e!ia 5as put i! priso! for to be =ud ed to death1 At the last she said to her father much thi! for to dra5 him to the faith of Jesu Christ1 She re!t her coat a!d sho5ed to him that she 5as a 5oma! a!d dau hter of him that held her i! priso!" a!d so she co!6erted her father u!to the christia! faith1 A!d he 5as after a! holy bishop" a!d at the hour that he sa! his mass he 5as beheaded for the faith of Jesu Christ7 a!d the lady that had falsely accused Eu e!ia 5as bur!t 5ith fire of hell 5ith all her party1 A!d after that" Claudia a!d her childre! came to 3ome" a!d much people 5ere by them co!6erted" a!d ma!y 6ir i!s by Eu e!ia" 5hich Eu e!ia 5as much torme!ted i! di6ers ma!!ers" a!d at the last by the s5ord accomplished her martyrdom" a!d thus made the offeri! of her proper body to our Lord Jesu Christ" <ui est be!edictus i! secula seculorum1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" *te&he# Proto%artyr" Stephe! is as much to say i! Gree4 as cro5!ed" a!d i! +ebre5 e8ample to other for to suffer1 Or Stephe! is as much to say as !obly a!d truly spea4i! " teachi! a!d o6er!i! "or as a frie!d of the 5ido5 5ome!7 a!d he 5as deputed of the apostles to 4eep the 5ido5s1 The! he 5as cro5!ed" for he be a! first to be a martyr" e8ample for the e!sample of his patie!ce a!d ood life" !obly spea4i! for ri ht !oble predicatio!" a!d 5ell o6er!i! for the ood e!sei !me!ts a!d teachi! of 5ido5s1 S1 Stephe! 5as o!e of the se6e! deaco!s i! the mi!istry of the apostles1 for 5he! the !umber re5 of people co!6erted" some be a! to murmur a ai!st the Je5s that 5ere co!6erted because that the 5ido5s a!d 5i6es of them 5ere refused to ser6e or because they 5ere more rie6ed e6ery day tha! the other i! ser6ice1 'or the apostles did this because they should be more ready to preach the 5ord of God1 ,he! the apostles sa5 their reat murmur" they assembled them all to ether" a!d saidD It is !ot ri ht that 5e lea6e the 5ord of God for to admi!ister a!d ser6e at the tables" a!d the loss saith that the feedi! of the soul is better tha! the meat of the body1 A!d co!sider ye fair brethre!" me! of ood re!o5! amo! you" that be reple!ished of the +oly Ghost a!d of 5isdom" 5hat 5e shall establish upo! this 5or4 so that they admi!ister a!d ser6e" a!d 5e shall be i! prayer a!d preachi! 1 A!d this 5ord pleased to them all" a!d they chose se6e! me!" of 5hom the blessed Stephe! 5as the first a!d the master" a!d sith he brou ht them to the apostles" a!d they set their ha!ds upo! them" a!d ordai!ed them1 A!d Stephe!" full of race a!d stre! th made reat demo!stra!ces a!d reat si !s to the people1 The! the Je5s too4 him a!d 5ould surmou!t him i! disputi! " a!d assailed him for to o6ercome him i! three ma!!ers" that 5as by bri! i!
















5it!esses" by disputatio!s" a!d by torme!ts1 A!d i! e6ery each o!e of them 5as aid a!d help i6e! to him from hea6e!1 I! the first" the +oly Ghost admi!istered his 5ords" i! the seco!d" the a! elic face that feared the false 5it!esses1 I! the third" he sa5 Jesu Christ ready to help him" 5hich comforted him to his martyrdom1 I! e6ery battle he had three thi! s7 the assault i! battle" the aid i6e!" a!d the 6ictory1 A!d i! ad6isi! a!d beholdi! shortly the history" 5e may 5ell see all these thi! s1 As the blessed Stephe! did ma!y thi! s" a!d preached oft to the people" the Je5s made the first battle to him for to o6ercome him by disputatio!s1 A!d some arose of the sy!a o ue called liberti!es" of a reli io! so !amed of them that 5ere the so!s of them that had bee! i! bo!da e a!d 5ere made free" a!d thus they that first repu !ed a ai!st the faith 5ere of a bo!d a!d thrall li!ea e" a!d also they of Cyre!ia a!d Ale8a!dria" a!d of them that 5ere of Cilicia a!d Asia" all these disputed 5ith Stephe!1 This 5as the first battle" a!d the! he putteth the 6ictory after" a!d they mi ht !ot resist his 5isdom" for the +oly Ghost spa4e i! himD a!d 5he! they sa5 that by this ma!!er they mi ht !ot o6ercome him they retur!ed maliciously1 A!d at the seco!d time because they mi ht o6ercome by false 5it!esses" they brou ht t5o false 5it!esses for to accuse him of four blames" a!d brou ht him to the =ud me!t1 A!d the! the false me! accused him of four thi! s" that 5as of blasphemi! of God i! the la5 of -oses" i! the taber!acle" a!d i! the temple" a!d this 5as the seco!d battle1 A!d the! all they that 5ere i! =ud me!t sa5 the face of S1 Stephe! li4e as the face of a! a! elD a!d this 5as by the help of God" a!d this 5as the 6ictory of the seco!d battle1 'or 5he! the false 5it!esses had all said" the pri!ce of the priests said to himD ,hat sayst thouE The! Stephe! e8cused him by order of all that 5hich the false 5it!esses had said1 A!d first of the blasphemi! of God" sayi! D God that spa4e to our fathers a!d prophets" that is God of lory" a!d praised him i! three thi! s after this 5ord lory" 5hich is e8pou!ded ri ht s5eetly1 The God of lory is i6e! of lory" as it is said i! the boo4 of @i! sD ,hosoe6er shall see my !ame" I shall lorify him1 The God of lory may be said" co!tai!i! lory" as is said i! the (ro6erbs" the ei hth chapterD 3iches a!d lory be 5ith me" the God of lory" to 5hom lory is due1 A!d thus praised he God i! three ma!!ers7 i! that he is lorious" lorifyi! " a!d to be lorified1 A!d after he e8cused him of the blame i! -oses" i! praisi! him much" a!d especially i! three thi! s" that is to 5itD of fer6our of lo6e" for he sle5 the E yptia! that smote the +ebre5" a!d of the miracles that he did i! E ypt or desert" a!d of the familiarity of God" 5he! he spa4e to him ma!y times amiably1 A!d after this he e8cused him of the third blame that 5as i! the la5" i! praisi! the la5 i! three ma!!ers7 first because of the i6er" that 5as God7 the seco!d of the mi!ister" 5hich 5as -oses" that 5as a reat prophet7 a!d the third because of the for it i6eth life perdurable1 A!d after" he pur ed him of the blame of the taber!acle" a!d of the temple" i! praisi! the taber!acle i! four ma!!ers" o!e 5as because he 5as comma!ded of God to ma4e it" a!d 5as sho5ed i! 6isio! it 5as accomplished by -oses" a!d that the ar4 of 5it!ess 5as therei!" a!d he said that the temple succeeded taber!acle1 A!d the blessed Stephe! pur ed him of that 5hich 5as laid to him" of 5hich the Je5s sa5 they mi ht !ot o6ercome him i! that ma!!er1 A!d the! they too4 the third battle a ai!st him" that they should surmou!t him by torme!ts1 A!d 5he! the blessed S1 Stephe! sa5 this" he 5ould 4eep the comma!dme!t of our Lord" a!d e!forced him to them i! three ma!!ers7 that 5as by shame" by dread" a!d by lo6e1 'irst by shame i! blami! the hard!ess of their hearts" a!d said to themD ;e co!trary al5ay the +oly Ghost by your hard heads" a!d hearts !ot piteous1 Li4e as your fathers that persecuted the prophets" a!d sle5 them that sho5ed the comi! of God1 A!d the loss saith that i! three ma!!ers they 5ere malicious1 clothes ta4e! from the altar a!d laid o! them that 5ere sic4" 5ere a medici!e to ma!y1 'or as it is said i! the ei hth chapter of the same boo4" these flo5ers ta4e! upo! the altar of S1 Stephe! 5ere laid o! the eyes of a 5oma! that 5as bli!d" a!d a!o! she had a ai! her si ht1 A!d also said he i! the same boo4 that a ma! that 5as master of a city" a!d 5as !amed -arcial" a!d 5as a pay!im a!d 5ould !ot be co!6erted7 a!d it happed that he 5as stro! ly sic4" a!d his so! i! la5 that 5as a ri ht ood ma!" came i!to the church of S1 Stephe!" a!d too4 the flo5ers" a!d laid them u!der the head of his lord7 a!d a!o!" 5he! he had slept thereupo!" o! the mor!i! he cried that the bishop should be brou ht to him" a!d the bishop 5as !ot i! the to5!" but the priest came to him a!d bade him to belie6e i! God" a!d baptiHed him7 a!d e6er as lo! as he li6ed after he had al5ay i! his mouthD Jesu Christ recei6e my spirit1 A!d yet he 5ist !ot that those 5ords 5ere the 5ords that S1 Stephe! last spa4e1 A!d also he rehearseth a!other miracle i! the same place" that a lady called (etro!ia had bee! sic4 much rie6ously" a!d had sou ht ma!y remedies for to be healed of her malady" but she felt !o heal1 9ut i! the e!d she had cou!sel of a Je5" 5hich a6e to her a ri! 5ith a sto!e" a!d that she should bi!d this ri! 5ith a lace to her bare flesh" a!d by the 6irtue of that sto!e she should be 5hole1 A!d 5he! she sa5 that this helped her !ot" she 5e!t to the church of the protomartyr" a!d prayed the blessed S1 Stephe! for her health" a!d a!o!" 5ithout brea4i! of the lace or of the ri! " the ri! fell do5! to the rou!d" a!d she felt herself a!o! all 5hole1







Item" the same recou!teth a!other miracle" !ot less mar6ellousD that i! CFsarea of Cappadocia" 5as a lady much !oble" of 5hom the husba!d 5as dead" but she had te! childre!" se6e! so!s a!d three dau hters1 A!d o! a time" 5he! they had a! ered their mother" she cursed them" a!d the di6i!e 6e! ea!ce e!sued sudde!ly the maledictio! of the mother" so that all the childre! 5ere smitte! 5ith o!e semblable a!d horrible sic4!ess o! all their members" for 5hich thi! they mi ht !ot d5ell i! the cou!try for shame a!d for the sorro5 that they had" a!d be a! to o follily throu h the 5orld1 A!d i! 5hatsoe6er cou!try they 5e!t" e6er each ma! beheld them1 A!d it happed that t5o of them" that is to 5it a brother a!d a sister came to +ippo" a!d the brother 5as !amed (aul" a!d the sister (alladia1 A!d there they fou!d Austi! the bishop a!d told to him a!d recou!ted 5hat 5as happed1 The! they hau!ted the church of S1 Stephe! by the space of fiftee! days" a!d it 5as tofore Easter" a!d they prayed stro! ly the sai!t for their health1 A!d o! Easter:day 5he! the people 5as prese!t (aul e!tered sudde!ly 5ithi! the cha!cel a!d put him to prayer by reat de6otio!" a!d 5ith reat re6ere!ce tofore the altar" a!d as they that 5ere there abode upo! the e!d of the thi! " he arose up appare!tly all 5hole of his trembli! 1 The! S1 Austi! too4 him a!d sho5ed him to the people" a!d said that o! the mor! he 5ould tell them the case1 A!d as he spa4e to the people the sister 5as there trembli! o! all her members" a!d she arose up a!d e!tered i!to the cha!cel of S1 Stephe!" a!d a!o! she slept" a!d after arose sudde!ly all 5hole" a!d 5as sho5ed to the people as 5as do!e tofore of her brother" a!d the! races a!d tha!4i! s 5ere i6e! to S1 Stephe! for the health of them both1 ,he! Orosius came from Jerusalem he brou ht to S1 Austi! of the relics of S1 Stephe! of 5hom ma!y miracles 5ere sho5ed a!d do!e1 It is to 5it that the blessed S1 Stephe! suffered !ot death o! the day of his feast" but it 5as o! the day that his I!6e!tio! is o!" i! the mo!th of Au ust1 A!d if it be dema!ded 5hy the feast is cha! ed" it shall be said 5he! his I!6e!tio! shall be said1 A!d this may suffice you for this prese!t" for the church 5ill also ordai! the feasts 5hich follo5 the !ati6ity of Jesu Christ" for t5o causes1 The first is to Jesu Christ 5hich is head a!d spouse" to the e!d that the accompa!ies be =oi!ed to him" for Jesu Christ spouse of the church i! this 5orld ad=oi!eth to him three compa!ies" of 5hich compa!ies is said i! the Ca!ticlesD -y 5hite soul a!d ruddy" chose! of thousa!ds1 The 5hite is as to S1 Joh! the E6a! elist" a precious co!fessor" a!d the ruddy or red is as to S1 Stephe! the first martyr" a!d chose! of thousa!ds" is to the 6ir i!al S Joh! compa!y of the i!!oce!ts1 The seco!d reaso! is that the church assembleth also to ether" the ma!!ers of the martyrs" the same by 5ill a!d by 5or4" the seco!d by 5ill a!d !ot by deed" the third by deed a!d !ot by 5ill1 The first 5as the blessed Stephe!" the seco!d 5as i! S1 Joh! the E6a! elist" the third 5as i! sai!ts a!d lorious i!!oce!ts 5hich for God suffered passio!1 A#d #e+t followeth of *" Joh# the Eva#(eli t" Joh! is e8pou!ded the race of God" or he i! 5hom race is" or to 5hom it is i6e! of our Lord" a!d therefore bee! u!derstood four pri6ile es that be i! the blessed S1 Joh!1 The first 5as the !oble lo6e of Jesu Christ" for he lo6ed him more tha! the other a!d sho5ed to him of reater lo6e" a!d therefore he is said the race of God" also as racious God1 A!d to him he 5as more racious tha! to (eter" for he lo6ed him much" but he is lo6e of coura e a!d of si !" a!d this that is of si !s is double1 That o!e is for to sho5 familiarity a!d that other is i! i6i! be!efices1 As to the first he lo6ed that o!e a!d the other e<ually" as to the seco!d he lo6ed more Joh!" a!d as to the third" he lo6ed more (eter1 The seco!d 5as 6ir i!ity 5he! he 5as chose! 6ir i! of God" a!d therefore it is said i! 5hat is that race" for race of 6ir i!ity is i! a 6ir i!" a!d 5he! he 5ould marry he 5as called of God1 The third is the re6elatio! of the secrets of our Lord" therefore it is said to 5hom race is i6e!" for to him 5as i6e! to 4!o5 ma!y secrets a!d profou!d" as of the di6i!ity of the So! of God" a!d of the e!d of the 5orld1 The fourth is the recomme!datio! of the mother of God" 5hich ift of race 5as i6e! of our Lord" for this ift 5as i6e! to him 5he! the mother 5as i6e! to him i!to 4eepi! 1 A!d -iletus" 9ishop of Lie e" 5rote his life" the 5hich Isidore abrid ed a!d set it i! the boo4 of !ati6ities of the life a!d the death of holy fathers1 S1 Joh! the apostle a!d e6a! elist 5as so! of Kebedee" 5hich had married the third sister of our Lady to 5ife" a!d that 5as brother to S1 James of Galicia1 This said Joh! si !ifieth as much as the race of God" a!d 5ell mi ht he ha6e such a !ame" for he had of our Lord four races abo6e the other apostles1 The first is that he 5as belo6ed of our Lord1 The seco!d 5as" that our Lord 4ept to him his 6ir i!ity li4e as S1 Jerome saith" for he 5as at his 5eddi! " a!d he abode a clea! 6ir i!1 The third is that our Lord made him










to ha6e much reat re6elatio! a!d 4!o5led e of his di6i!ity" a!d of the fi!ishi! of the 5orld" li4e as it appeareth i! the be i!!i! s of his e6a! el" a!d i! the Apocalypse1 The fourth race is that our Lord committed to him i! especial the 4eepi! of his s5eet mother1 +e 5as" after the asce!sio! of our Lord" i! Jerusalem 5ith the apostles a!d others" a!d after that they 5ere" by the ordi!a!ce of the +oly Ghost" co!firmed i! the christia! faith by the u!i6ersal 5orld" S1 Joh! came i!to Greece 5here he co!6ersed a!d co!6erted much people a!d fou!ded ma!y churches i! the christia! faith as 5ell by miracles as by doctri!e1 I! this time Domitia! 5as Emperor of 3ome" 5hich made ri ht reat persecutio!s u!to christia! me!" a!d did do ta4e S1 Joh!" a!d did him to be brou ht to 3ome a!d made him to be cast i!to a 6at or a to! full of hot oil i! the prese!ce of the se!ators" of 5hich he issued out" by the help of God" more pure a!d more fair" 5ithout feeli! of a!y more heat or chauffi! " tha! he e!tered i!1 After this that emperor sa5 that he ceased !ot to preach the christia! faith" he se!t him i!to e8ile u!to a! isle called (atmos1 There 5as S1 Joh! alo!e" a!d 5as 6isited of a! els a!d o6er!ed7 there 5rote he by the re6elatio! of our Lord the Apocalypse" 5hich co!tai!ed the secrets of holy church a!d of the 5orld to come1 I! this same year 5as Domitia! the emperor" for his e6ils" put to death" a!d all that he had do!e 5as re6o4ed by the se!ators a!d defeated" a!d thus 5as S1 Joh! brou ht a ai! from his e8ile 5ith reat ho!our i!to Ephesus7 a!d all the people of Ephesus came a ai!st him si! i! a!d sayi! D 9lessed be he that cometh i! the !ame of our Lord1 I! that 5ay he raised a 5oma! 5hich 5as !amed Drusia!a" 5hich had much lo6ed S1 Joh! a!d 5ell 4ept his comma!dme!ts1 A!d her frie!ds brou ht her tofore S1 Joh! all 5eepi! a!d sa6i! to himD LoI here is Drusia!a 5hich much lo6ed thee a!d did thy comma!dme!ts" a!d is dead" a!d desired !othi! so much as thy retur!" a!d that she mi ht see thee tofore her death1 No5 thou art come hither a!d she may !ot see thee1 S1 Joh! had reat pity o! her that 5as dead" a!d of the people that 5ept for her" a!d comma!ded that they should set do5! the bier" a!d u!bi!d a!d ta4e a5ay the clothes from her1 A!d 5he! they had so do!e he said" heari! all" 5ith a loud 6oice" Drusia!a" my Lord God Jesu Christ ariseth thee7 Drusia!a arise" a!d o i!to thy house" a!d ma4e ready for me some refectio!1 A!o! she arose a!d 5e!t i! to her house for to do the comma!dme!t of S1 Joh!" a!d the people made three hours lo! a reat !oise a!d cry" sayi! there is but o!e God" a!d that is he 5hom S1 Joh! preacheth1 It happed o! a!other day that Crato the philosopher made a reat assembly of people i! the midst of the city" for to sho5 to them ho5 they ou ht to despise the 5orld1 A!d he had ordai!ed t5o you! me! brethre! 5hich 5ere much rich" a!d had made them to sell their patrimo!y a!d there5ith to buy precious sto!es" the 5hich these t5o you! me! bra4e i! the prese!ce of the people" for to sho5 ho5 these precious a!d reat riches of the 5orld be soo! destroyed1 That same time S1 Joh! passed by" a!d said to Crato the philosopherD This ma!!er for to despise the 5orld that thou sho5est is 6ai! a!d foolish demo!stra!ce" for it see4eth to ha6e the praisi! of the 5orld" a!d God repro6eth it1 -y ood master Jesu Christ said to a ma! that dema!ded of him ho5 he mi ht come to e6erlasti! life" that he should o a!d sell his oods a!d i6e it" a!d reat dread to lose that 5hich he hath so dear a!d 5ith reat pai! otte! Si8thly" a6au!ti! a!d praisi! " for the riches i6e occasio! to be 6ai! lorious a!d to praise a!d lorify himself1 A!d by this it appeareth that prese!tly is lost the 5eal of humility" 5ithout 5hich the race of God may !ot be had" a!d thus is otte!" for the 5orld to come" pai! a!d torme!t by o6er: reat pride1 Scripture the!" !ature" creature" fortu!e" busi!ess a!d care" a6au!ti! a!d praisi! " ou ht to ma4e us 5ithdra5 for to lo6e riches1 S1 Joh! appro6ed to these t5o me! his doctri!e" 5ith his miracles" to be true1 A!d ye i! the !ame of him did miracles tofore that ye 5ere sorry a!d repe!ted you of that ye had i6e! your riches to poor people1 No5 is that race from you departed a!d ye become mescha!t a!d 5retches" 5hich 5ere i! the faith stro! a!d mi hty1 A!d tofore" the e6il spirits had fear a!d dread of you" a!d by your comma!dme!t they issued out of bodies huma!" !o5 ha6e ye fear a!d dread of them a!d be become their ser6a!ts1 'or 5hoso lo6eth the riches of this 5orld" he is ser6a!t u!to a de6il !amed -ammo!" a!d is bo!d a!d serf i! 4eepi! the riches i! 5hich he setteth his affia!ce1 A!d hereof saith the +oly Ghost by the prophet Da6idD I! ima i!e pertra!sit homo" etc1D Vai!ly is the ma! distroubled 5hich assembleth treasure i! this 5orld" a!d 4!o5eth !ot for 5hom it is" for 5he! he shall die he shall bear !othi! 5ith him" a!d he 5otteth !ot 5ho shall dispe!d it" for !a4ed 5e came upo! the earth a!d all !a4ed shall 5e re:e!ter i!to it1 A!d to a mescha!t ma! it sufficeth !ot 5he! he hath e!ou h" but he is busy day a!d !i ht to et more 5ithout rest1 'or the riches ma4e him fearful to lose that he hath otte!" a!d bri! eth to him ma!y busi!esses a!d e6il rest i! ma4i! 5orldly deli hts1 A!d he" dispur6eyed"













death cometh 5hich ta4eth all from him" a!d beareth !othi! 5ith him sa6e his proper si!s1 ,he! S1 Joh! had said all this there 5as brou ht tofore him a you! ma! dead" 5hich o!ly had bee! i! marria e thirty days1 A!d his mother a!d frie!ds 5ept sore" 5hich tofore S1 Joh! 4!eeled do5! o! their 4!ees" prayi! him that he 5ould raise him to life1 S1 Joh! had reat pity" a!d 5he! he had lo! 5ept he bade to loose a!d u!bi!d the body a!d saidD O Satheus" 5hich 5ert bli!ded 5ith fleshly lo6e" soo! thou hast lost thy soul" a!d because thou 4!e5est !ot thy ma4er Jesu Christ" thou art falle! i !ora!tly i!to the leash of the ri ht e6il fie!ds" 5herefore I 5eep a!d pray that thou mayst be rele6ed from death to life" a!d sho5 thou to these t5ai!" Actius a!d Eu e!ius" 5hat reat lory they ha6e lost a!d 5hat pai! they ha6e deser6ed1 A!o! Satheus rele6ed him i! yieldi! tha!4i! s to S1 Joh!" a!d blamed much the t5o disciples i! sayi! D I sa5 your t5o a! els 5eep a!d the de6ils deme!e =oy of your perditio!" also I sa5 the realm of hea6e! made ready for you a!d full of all deli hts" a!d ye ha6e follily otte! for you the place of hell" dar4 a!d te!ebrous" full of dra o!s a!d of all pai!s" a!d therefore it beho6eth you to pray to the apostle of God that he remise a!d bri! you a ai! to your sal6atio!" li4e as he hath re6i6ed me oodly1 A!d amo! all other pai!s" this Satheus reciteth these that be co!tai!ed i! t5o 6erses follo5i! D Vermes et umbrae, flagellum, frigus et ignis, Dmonis aspectus, scelerum confusio, luctus. that is to sayD 5orms" dar4!ess" scour es" cold" heat" si ht of de6il" co!fusio! of si!s" a!d 5aili! 1 A!o! the! these t5o me! by ri ht reat repe!ta!ce prayed S1 Joh! that he 5ould pray for them" to 5hom S1 Joh! a!s5ered that they should do pe!a!ce thirty days lo! " a!d pray to God that the rods of old a!d the precious sto!es mi ht retur! to their first proper !atures1 After these thirty days they came to S1 Joh! a!d said to himD 'air father" ye ha6e al5ays preached misericord a!d mercy" a!d comma!ded that o!e should pardo! a!other his trespass" 5e be co!trite a!d repe!ta!t of our si!s a!d 5eep 5ith our eyes for this e6il 5orldly co6etise" the 5hich 5e ha6e by them recei6ed" a!d therefore 5e pray you that ye ha6e mercy o! us1 A!d S1 Joh! a!s5eredD Our Lord God 5he! he made me!tio! of the si!!er he said" I 5ill !ot the death of the si!!er" but that he be co!6erted a!d li6e" for reat =oy is i! +ea6e! of a si!!er repe!ta!t1 A!d therefore 4!o5 ye that he hath recei6ed your repe!ta!ce" o ye forth a!d bear the rods a!d sto!es thither 5here ye too4 them" for they be retur!ed to their first !ature1 Thus recei6ed they the race that they had lost" so that after they did reat miracles i! the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d the! after this 5he! the blessed apostle S1 Joh! had preached throu h all Asia" a!d so5! the 5ord of Christ" they that 5orshipped idols mo6ed the people a ai!st S1 Joh!" a!d came a!d dro6e him i!to the temple of Dia!a for to co!strai! him to do sacrifice u!to that idol1 To 5hom S1 Joh! saidD Sith ye belie6e that your oddess Dia!a hath so reat po5er" call ye upo! her a!d re<uire her by her po5er she sub6ert a!d o6erthro5 the Church of Christ" a!d if she so do" I shall do sacrifice to her" a!d if she do it !ot" the! let me pray u!to my God Jesu Christ that he o6erthro5 her temple" a!d if he so do the! belie6e ye i! him1 To this se!te!ce the most part of the people co!se!ted" a!d so they p for I shall yield accou!t for thee to Jesu Christ" a!d truly I shall ladly die for thee li4e as Jesu Christ died for us1 Tur! a ai! my so!" tur! a ai!" Jesu Christ hath se!t me to thee1 A!d 5he! he heard him thus spea4 he abode 5ith a hea6y cheer a!d 5ept" repe!ti! him bitterly" a!d fell do5! to the feet of the apostle" a!d for pe!a!ce 4issed his ha!d1 A!d the apostle fasted a!d prayed to God for him" a!d at for him remissio! of his si!s a!d for i6e!ess" a!d he li6ed so 6irtuously after" that S1 Joh! ordai!ed him to be a bishop1 Also it is read i! the same history that S1 Joh! o! a time e!tered i!to a bath for to 5ash him" a!d there he fou!d Ceri!thus a! heretic" 5hom as soo! as he sa5 he esche5ed" a!d 5e!t out of it sayi! D Let us flee a!d o he!ce lest the bath fall upo! us i! 5hich Ceri!thus the e!emy of truth 5asheth him" a!d as soo! as he 5as out the bath fell do5!1 Cassiodorus saith that a ma! had i6e! to S1 Joh! a partrid e li6i! " a!d he held it i! his ha!d stro4i! a!d playi! 5ith it other5hile for his recreatio!1 A!d o! a time a you! ma! passed by 5ith his fello5ship a!d sa5 him play 5ith his bird" 5hich said to his fello5s" lau hi! D See ho5 the yo!der old ma! playeth 5ith a bird li4e a child1 ,hich S1 Joh! 4!e5 a!o!" by the +oly Ghost" 5hat he had said" a!d called the you! ma! to him a!d dema!ded him 5hat he held i! his ha!d" a!d he said a bo51 ,hat dost thou 5ithalE said S1 Joh!1 A!d the you! ma! saidD ,e shoot birds a!d beasts there5ith" to 5hom the apostle dema!ded ho5 a!d i! 5hat ma!!er1 The! the you! ma! be!t his bo5 a!d held it i! his ha!d be!t" a!d 5he! the apostle said !o more to him he u!be!t his bo5 a ai!1 The! said the apostle to himD ,hy hast thou u!be!t thy bo5E A!d he saidD 9ecause if it should be lo! be!t it should be the 5ea4er











for to shoot 5ith it1 The! said the apostle" So so!" it fareth by ma!4i!d a!d by frailty i! co!templatio!" if it should al5ay be be!t it should be too 5ea4" a!d therefor other5hile it is e8pedie!t to ha6e recreatio!1 The ea le is the bird that flyeth hi hest" a!d most clearly beholdeth the su!" a!d yet by !ecessity of !ature him beho6eth to desce!d lo5" ri ht so 5he! ma!4i!d 5ithdra5eth him a little from co!templatio!" he after putteth himself hi her by a re!e5ed stre! th" a!d he bur!eth the! more fer6e!tly i! hea6e!ly thi! s1 S1 Joh! 5rote his ospels after the other E6a! elists" the year after the asce!sio! of our Lord si8ty:si8" after this that the 6e!erable 9ede saith1 A!d 5he! he 5as re<uired a!d prayed of the bishops of the cou!try of Ephesus to 5rite them" S1 Joh! prayed also to them" that they should fast a!d pray i! their dioceses three days for him to the e!d that he mi ht truly 5rite them1 S1 Jerome saith of this lorious apostle S1 Joh!" that" 5he! he 5as so old" so feeble a!d so u!mi hty that his disciples sustai!ed a!d bare him i! oi! to church" a!d as of times he rested" he said to his disciplesD 'air childre!" lo6e ye to ether" a!d each of you lo6e other1 A!d the! his disciples dema!ded 5hy a!d 5herefore he said to them so oft such 5ords1 +e a!s5ered to them a!d saidD Our Lord had so comma!ded" a!d 5hosome6er accomplished 5ell this comma!dme!t it should suffice him for to be sa6ed1 A!d fi!ally after that he had fou!ded ma!y churches a!d had ordai!ed bishops a!d priests i! them" a!d co!firmed them by his predicatio! i! the christia! faith" the year si8ty:ei ht after the resurrectio! of Jesu Christ" for he 5as thirty:o!e years old 5he! our Lord 5as crucified" a!d li6ed after si8ty:ei ht years" a!d thus 5as all his a e !i!ety:!i!e years1 The! came our Lord 5ith his disciples to him a!d saidD Come my frie!d to me" for it is time that thou come" eat a!d be fed at my table 5ith thy brethre!1 The! S1 Joh! arose up a!d said to our Lord Jesu Christ1 that he had desired it lo! time" a!d be a! to o1 The! said our Lord to himD O! Su!day !e8t comi! thou shalt come to me1 That Su!day the people came all to the church" 5hich 5as fou!ded i! his !ame a!d co!secrate o! that o!e side of Ephesus" a!d from mid!i ht forth he ceased !ot to preach to the people that they should establish them a!d be stedfast i! the christia! faith a!d obeissa!t to the comma!dme!ts of God1 A!d after this he said the mass" a!d houseled a!d commu!ed the peopleD a!d after that the mass 5as fi!ished he bade a!d did do ma4e a pit or a sepulture tofore the altar7 a!d after that he had ta4e! his lea6e a!d comme!ded the people to God" he desce!ded do5! i!to the pit or sepulture tofore the altar" a!d held up his ha!ds to hea6e! a!d saidD S5eet Lord Jesu Christ" I yield me u!to thy desire" a!d tha!4 thee that thou hast 6ouchsafed to call me to thee" if it please thee" recei6e me for to be 5ith my brethre!" 5ith 5hom thou hast summo!ed me" ope! to me the ate of the life perma!able" a!d lead me to the feast of thy 5ell a!d best dressed meats1 Thou art Christ the so! of the li6i! God" 5hich by the comma!dme!t of the father hast sa6ed the 5orld" to thee I re!der a!d yield race a!d tha!4i! s" 5orld 5ithout e!d" thou 4!o5est 5ell that I ha6e desired thee 5ith all my heart1 After that he had made his prayer much amorously a!d piteously" a!o! came upo! him reat clear!ess a!d li ht" a!d so reat bri ht!ess that !o!e mi ht see him" a!d 5he! this li ht a!d bri ht!ess 5as o!e a!d departed" there 5as !othi! fou!d i! the pit or ra6e but ma!!a" 5hich came spri! i! from u!der up5ard" li4e as sa!d i! a fou!tai! or spri! i! 5ell" 5here much people ha6e bee! deli6ered of ma!y diseases a!d sic4!esses by the merits a!d prayers of this lorious sai!t1 Some say a!d affirm that he died 5ithout pai! of death" a!d that he 5as i! that clear!ess bor!e i!to hea6e! body a!d soul" 5hereof God 4!o5eth the certai!ty1 A!d 5e" that be yet here be!eath i! this misery" ou ht to pray de6outly to him that he 5ould impetre a!d et to us the race of our Lord 5hich is blessed i! secula seculorum1 Ame!1 There 5as a 4i! " a holy co!fessor a!d 6ir i!" !amed S1 Ed5ard" 5hich had a special de6otio! u!to S1 Joh! E6a! elist" a!d it happed that this holy 4i! 5as at the hallo5i! of a church dedicate i! the ho!our of God a!d of this holy apostle7 a!d it 5as that S1 Joh! i! li4e!ess of a pil rim came to this 4i! a!d dema!ded his alms i! the !ame of S1 Joh!" a!d the 4i! !ot ha6i! his almo!er by him" !e his chamberlai!" of 5hom he mi ht ha6e some5hat to i6e him" too4 his ri! 5hich he bare o! his fi! er a!d a6e it to the pil rim1 After these ma!y days" it happe!ed t5o pil rims of E! la!d for to be i! the +oly La!d" a!d S1 Joh! appeared to them a!d bade them to bear this ri! to their 4i! a!d to reet him 5ell i! his !ame" a!d to tell him that he a6e it to S1 Joh! i! li4e!ess of a pil rim" a!d that he should ma4e him ready to depart out of this 5orld" for he should !ot lo! abide here but come i!to e6erlasti! bliss" a!d so 6a!ished from them1 A!d a!o! as he 5as o!e they had reat lust to sleep" a!d laid them do5! a!d slept" a!d this 5as i! the +oly La!d" a!d 5he! they a5o4e they loo4ed about them a!d 4!e5 !ot 5here they 5ere1 A!d they sa5 floc4s of sheep a!d shepherds 4eepi! them" to 5hom they 5e!t to 4!o5 the 5ay" a!d to dema!d 5here they 5ere" a!d 5he! they as4ed them they spa4e E! lish a!d said that they 5ere i! E! la!d" i! @e!t o! 9arham Do5!1 A!d the! +istory they tha!4ed God a!d S1 Joh!











for their ood speed" a!d came to this holy 4i! S1 Ed5ard o! Christmas day" a!d deli6ered to him the ri! a!d did their erra!d" 5hereof the 4i! 5as abashed" a!d tha!4ed God a!d the holy sai!t that he had 5ar!i! for to depart1 A!d o! the 6i il of the Epipha!y !e8t after he died a!d departed holily out of this 5orld" a!d is buried i! the Abbey of ,estmi!ster by Lo!do! 5here is yet to this day the same ri! 1

Isidore" i! the boo4 of the life a!d death of holy sai!ts a!d fathers" saith thisD S1 Joh! the E6a! elist tra!sformed a!d tur!ed rods of trees i!to fi!e old" the sto!es a!d ra6el of the sea i!to precious ems a!d ouches" the small bro4e! pieces of ems he reformed i!to their first !ature" he raised a 5ido5 from death" a!d brou ht a ai! the soul a you! ma! i!to his body" he dra!4 6e!om 5ithout hurt or peril" a!d them that had bee! dead by the same he reco6ered i!to the state of life1 Here followeth the Hi tory of the 0##o$e#t " The I!!oce!ts be called i!!oce!ts for three reaso!s1 'irst" by cause a!d reaso! of life" a!d by reaso! of pai!" a!d by reaso! of i!!oce!ce1 9y reaso! of life they be said i!!oce!ts because they had a! i!!oce!t life1 They rie6ed !obody" !either God" by i!obedie!ce" !e their !ei hbours by u!truth" !e by co!cei6i! of a!y si!" a!d therefore it is said i! the psalterD The i!!oce!ts a!d ri hteous ha6e =oi!ed them to me1 The i!!oce!ts by their life a!d ri hteous!ess i! the faith" by reaso! of pai!" for they suffered death i!!oce!tly a!d 5ro! ly" 5hereof Da6id saithD They ha6e shed the blood of i!!oce!ts by reaso! of i!!oce!cy that they had" because that i! this martyrdom they 5ere baptiHed a!d made clea! of the ori i!al si!" of 5hich i!!oce!ce is said i! the psalterD @eep thou i!!oce!cy of baptism a!d see e<uity of ood 5or4s1 +oly church ma4eth feast of the I!!oce!ts 5hich 5ere put to death because of our Lord Jesu Christ1 'or +erod Ascalo!ita for to fi!d a!d put to death our Lord 5hich 5as bor! i! 9ethlehem" he did do slay all the childre! i! 9ethlehem a!d there about" from the a e of t5o years a!d u!der u!to o!e day" u!to the sum of o!e hu!dred a!d forty:four thousa!d childre!1 'or to u!dersta!d 5hich +erod it 5as that so cruelly did do put so ma!y childre! to death" it is to 5it that there 5ere three +erods" a!d all three 5ere cruel tyra!ts" a!d 5ere i! their time of reat fame a!d much re!o5!ed for their reat malice1 The first 5as +erod Ascalo!itaD he rei !ed i! Jerusalem 5he! our Lord 5as bor!1 The seco!d 5as +erod A!tipas" to 5hom (ilate se!t Jesu Christ i! the time of his passio!" a!d he did do smite off S1 Joh! 9aptist>s head1 The third 5as +erod A rippa" 5hich did do smite off S1 James>s head" said i! Galicia" a!d set S1 (eter i! priso!1 9ut !o5 let us come to this first +erod that did do slay the i!!oce!t childre!1 +is father 5as !amed A!tipater as history scholastic saith" a!d 5as 4i! of Idumea a!d pay!im7 he too4 a 5ife 5hich 5as !iece to the 4i! of Arabia" o! 5hom he had three so!s a!d a dau hter" of 5hom that o!e 5as !amed +erod Ascalo!ita1 This +erod ser6ed so 5ell to Julia! the emperor of 3ome that he a6e to him the realm of Jerusalem1 The! lost the Je5s 4i! s of their li!ea e" a!d the! 5as sho5ed the prophecy of the birth of our Lord1 This +erod Ascalo!ita had si8 so!s" A!tipater" Ale8a!der" Aristobulus" Archelaus" +erod A!tipas" a!d (hilip1 Of these childre!" +erod se!t Ale8a!der a!d Aristobulus to school to 3ome" a!d Ale8a!der became a 5ise a!d subtle ad6ocate1 A!d 5he! they 5ere come from school a ai! they be a! to e!ter i!to 5ords a ai!st +erod their father" to 5hom he 5ould lea6e his realm after him" 5herefore their father 5as a! ry 5ith them" a!d put tofore them A!tipater their brother for to come to the realm1 ?po! that" i!co!ti!e!t they treated of the death of their father" 5herefore their father e!chased them a5ay" a!d they 5e!t a ai! to 3ome a!d complai!ed of their father to the emperor1 A!o! after this came the three 4i! s i! to Jerusalem" a!d dema!ded 5here the 4i! of Je5s 5as" that 5as !e5 bor!1 +erod 5he! he heard this" he had reat dread lest a!y 5ere bor! of the true li!ea e of the 4i! s of the Je5s" a!d that he 5ere the 6ery true heir" a!d of 5hom he mi ht be chased out of the realm1 A!d 5he! he had dema!ded of the three 4i! s ho5 they had had 4!o5led e of the !e5 4i! " they a!s5ered by a star bei! i! the air" 5hich 5as !ot !aturally fi8ed i! the hea6e! as the others 5ere1 The! he prayed them that they 5ould retur! to him after that they had 5orshipped a!d see! this !e5 4i! " that he mi ht o after a!d 5orship the child1 This said he fraudule!tly" for he thou ht to slay him1 After that the three 4i! s 5ere o!e 5ithout bri! i! him a!y tidi! s" he thou ht that a!o! he 5ould do slay all the childre! !e5ly bor! i! 9ethlehem a!d thereabouts" amo! 5hom he thou ht to slay Jesu Christ1 9ut his thou ht 5as empeshed a!d let" for the emperor se!t to him a citatio! that he should come to 3ome for to a!s5er to the accusatio! that Aristobulus a!d Ale8a!der" his t5o so!s" had made a ai!st him" a!d therefore he durst !ot put the! the childre! to death" to the e!d that he should !ot be accused of so cruel a deed 5ith















his other trespasses7 so he 5as i! oi! to 3ome a!d abidi! there" a!d i! comi! " more tha! half a year" a!d i! that 5hile Jesus 5as bor!e i!to E ypt1 ,he! +erod came to 3ome the emperor ordai!ed that his so!s should do him ho!our a!d obey him" a!d he should lea6e his realm after his death 5here it best pleased him1 ?po! this" 5he! he 5as come a ai!" a!d felt himself co!firmed of the realm" he 5as more hardy to slay the childre! tha! he had tofore thou ht1 The! he se!t i!to 9ethlehem a!d did do slay all the childre! that 5ere of the a e of t5o years" because it 5as passed more tha! a year that the three 4i! s had told him tidi! s of the 4i! of Je5s !e5:bor!1 9ut 5herefore the! did he do slay the childre! that 5ere but o!e !i ht oldE +ereto S1 Austi! saith that +erod doubted that Jesus" to 5hom the stars ser6ed" mi ht ma4e himself some you! er tha! he 5as1 After this came upo! +erod a ri ht 6e! ea!ce" for li4e as he disse6ered ma!y mothers from their childre!" i! li4e 5ise 5as he disse6ered from his childre!1 It happed that he had suspicio! upo! his t5o so!s" Ale8a!der a!d Aristobulus7 for o!e of his ser6a!ts said to him that Ale8a!der had promised to him reat ifts if he 5ould i6e to his father to dri!4 poiso! or 6e!om" a!d the barber said to the 4i! that he had promised him a reat thi! if" 5he! he made the 4i! >s beard" he 5ould cut his throat" a!d for this cause +erod did do slay them both" a!d ordai!ed i! his testame!t that A!tipater" his so!" should be 4i! after him1 ?po! this A!tipater" his so!" had reat desire to come to the realm" a!d 5as accused that he had made ready 6e!om for to empoiso! his father" for a maid" a ser6a!t" after5ard sho5ed the same 6e!om to the 4i! " 5herefore he did do put his so! A!tipater i! priso!1 ,he! Au ustus" the emperor of 3ome" heard say that +erod ruled thus his childre!" he the! saidD I had liefer be the s5i!e or ho of +erod tha! his so!" for he 5hich is stra! e i! his li6i! spareth his s5i!e" a!d he put to death his so!s1 +erod 5he! he 5as se6e!ty years old he fell i! a rie6ous malady by ri ht 6e! ea!ce of God" for a stro! fe6er too4 him 5ithi! a!d 5ithout7 he had his flesh hot a!d dry chauffed" his feet s5elled a!d became of a pale colour1 The pla!ts of his feet u!der be a! to rot" i! such 5ise that 6ermi! issued out" a!d a ste!ch issued so reat out of his breath a!d of his members 5ithout forth" that !o perso!s mi ht suffer it1 O! that other side he had reat rief a!d a!!oy of the a! er that he had for his so!s1 ,he! the masters a!d physicia!s sa5 that he mi ht !ot be holpe! by !o medici!e" the! they said that this malady 5as a 6e! ea!ce of God" a!d for as much as he heard say that the Je5s 5ere lad of his malady a!d sic4!ess" therefore he did do assemble the most !oble of the Je5s out of the ood to5!s" a!d did do put them i! priso! a!d said to Salome" his sister" a!d to Ale8a!der her husba!dD I 4!o5 5ell that the Je5s shall be lad of my death" but if ye 5ill do my cou!sel a!d obey to me I shall mo5e ha6e reat plai!t a!d 5aili! of ma!y that shall be5eep my death" i! this 5ise that I shall sho5 you1 A!o! as I shall be dead" do ye to be slai! all the !oble Je5s that be i! priso!" a!d thus shall be !o house of the Je5s" but they shall" a ai!st their 5ill" be5eep my death1 A!d he had a custom to eat a! apple last after meat1 O! a time he dema!ded a 4!ife for to pare the apple" a!d o!e deli6ered him a 4!ife" a!d shortly he too4 it" as all despaired" a!d 5ould ha6e slai! himself" but a!o! Aciabus" his !ei hbour" cau ht his ha!d a!d cried loud" that it 5as supposed that the 4i! had died1 A!tipater his so!" 5hich 5as i! priso!" had heard the cry a!d 5ee!ed his father had bee! dead1 +e 5as lad" a!d promised to the 4eepers of the priso! reat ifts for to let him out1 ,he! +erod 4!e5 this by his ser6a!t" he tra6ailed the more rie6ously because his so! 5as more lad of his death tha! of his sic4!ess" a!d a!o! did do slay him" a!d ordai!ed i! his testame!t" Archelaus to be 4i! after him" a!d he li6ed but fi6e days after a!d died i! reat misery of a!!oy1 Salome" his sister" did !ot his comma!dme!t of the Je5s that 5ere i! priso!" but let them o out1 A!d Archelaus became 4i! after +erod his father" 5hich as to stra! ers i! the battle he 5as fortu!ate a!d happy" but as to his o5! people he 5as ri ht u!happy1 The! I retur! a ai!7 after that" Joseph 5as o!e 5ith our Lord i!to E ypt a!d 5as there se6e! years" u!to the death of +erod1 A!d after the prophecy of Isaiah" at the e!teri! of our Lord i!to E ypt" the idols fell do5!" for li4e as at departi! of the childre! out of E ypt" i! e6ery house the oldest so! of the E yptia!s lay o!e dead" i! li4e 5ise at the comi! of our Lord lay do5! the idols i! the temples1 Cassiodorus saith i! the +istory tripartite" i! +ermopoli! of Thebaid there 5as a tree called (ersidis" 5hich is medici!al for all sic4!esses" for if the leaf or ri!d of that tree be bou!d to the !ec4 of the sic4 perso!" it healeth him a!o!" a!d as the blessed Vir i! -ary fled 5ith her so!" that tree bo5ed do5! a!d 5orshipped Jesu Christ1 Also -acrobius saith i! a chro!icle that" a you! so! of +erod 5as !ourished at that time" a!d he 5as slai! amo! the other childre!1 A!d the! 5as fulfilled the prophecy sayi! D The 6oice is heard i! 3ama of reat 5eepi! a!d 5aili! " that the sorro5ful mothers 5ept for the death of their childre!" a!d mi ht !ot be comforted" because they 5ere !ot ali6e1








Here followeth the Life of *" Tho%a . %artyr. of !a#ter)ury. a#d fir t the e+&o itio# of hi #a%e" Thomas is as much to say as abisme or double" or tre!ched a!d he5!" he 5as a! abisme profou!d i! humility" as it appeared i! the hair that he 5ore" a!d i! 5ashi! of the feet of the poor people" double i! prelatio! that 5as i! 5ord a!d i! e!sample" a!d he5! a!d tre!ched i! his passio!1 S1 Thomas the martyr 5as so! to Gilbert 9ec4ett" a bur ess of the city of Lo!do!" a!d 5as bor! i! the place 5here as !o5 sta!deth the church called S1 Thomas of Acre1 A!d this Gilbert 5as a ood de6out ma!" a!d too4 the cross upo! him" a!d 5e!t o! pil rima e i!to the +oly La!d" a!d had a ser6a!t 5ith his 4!ees1 A!d o! a Tri!ity Su!day recei6ed he his di !ity" a!d there 5as at that time the 4i! 5ith ma!y a reat lord a!d si8tee! bishops1 A!d from the!ce 5as se!t the abbot of E6esham to the pope 5ith other cler4s for the pall 5hich he a6e a!d brou ht to him" a!d he full mee4ly recei6ed it1 A!d u!der his habit he 5are the habit of a mo!4" a!d so 5as he u!der 5ithi! forth a mo!4" a!d out5ard a cler4" a!d did reat absti!e!ce ma4i! his body lea! a!d his soul fat1 A!d he used to be 5ell ser6ed at his table" a!d too4 but little refectio! thereof" a!d li6ed holily i! i6i! ood e!sample1 After this" ma!y times the 4i! 5e!t o6er i!to Norma!dy" a!d i! his abse!ce al5ays S1 Thomas had the rule of his so! a!d of the realm" 5hich 5as o6er!ed so 5ell that the 4i! could him reat tha!4s" a!d the! abode lo! i! this realm1 A!d 5he! so 5as that the 4i! did a!y thi! a ai!st the fra!chise a!d liberties of holy church" S1 Thomas 5ould e6er 5ithsta!d it to his po5er1 A!d o! a time 5he! the sees of Lo!do! a!d of ,i!chester 5ere 6aca!t a!d 6oid" the 4i! 4ept them both lo! i! his ha!d for to ha6e the profits of them7 5herefore S1 Thomas 5as hea6y" a!d came to the 4i! a!d desired him to i6e those t5o bishopric4s to some 6irtuous me!1 A!d a!o! the 4i! ra!ted to him his desire a!d ordai!ed o!e master 3o er" bishop of ,i!chester" a!d the Earl of Gloucester>s so!" bishop of Lo!do!" !amed Sir 3obert1 A!d a!o! after S1 Thomas hallo5ed the abbey of 3eadi! " 5hich the first +e!ry fou!ded1 A!d that same year he tra!slated S1 Ed5ard" 4i! a!d co!fessor at ,estmi!ster" 5here he 5as laid i! a rich shri!e1 A!d i! some short time after" by the e!ticeme!t of the de6il" fell reat debate" 6aria!ce" a!d strife" bet5ee! the 4i! a!d S1 Thomas" a!d the 4i! se!t for all the bishops to appear tofore him at ,estmi!ster at a certai! day" at 5hich day they assembled tofore him" 5hom he 5elcomed" a!d after said to them ho5 that the archbishop 5ould destroy his la5" a!d !ot suffer him to e!=oy such thi! s as his predecessors had used tofore him1 ,hereto S1 Thomas a!s5ered that he !e6er i!te!ded to do thi! that should displease the 4i! as far as it touched !ot the fra!chise a!d liberties of holy church1 The! the 4i! rehearsed ho5 he 5ould !ot suffer cler4s that 5ere thie6es to ha6e the e8ecutio! of the la57 to 5hich S1 Thomas said" that he ou ht !ot to e8ecute them" but they lo! eth to the correctio! of holy church" a!d other di6ers poi!ts7 to 5hich S1 Thomas 5ould !ot a ree1 To the 5hich the 4i! saidD No5 I see 5ell that thou 5ouldest foredo the la5s of this la!d 5hich ha6e bee! used i! the days of my predecessors" but it shall !ot lie i! thy po5er" a!d so the 4i! bei! 5roth departed1 The! the bishops all cou!selled S1 Thomas to follo5 the 4i! >s i!te!t" or else the la!d should be i! reat trouble7 a!d i! li4e 5ise the lords temporal that 5ere his frie!ds cou!selled him the same" a!d S1 Thomas saidD I ta4e God to record it 5as !e6er mi!e i!te!t to displease the 4i! " or to ta4e a!y thi! that lo! eth to his ri ht or ho!our1 A!d the! the lords 5ere lad a!d brou ht him to the 4i! to O8e!ford" a!d the 4i! dei !ed !ot to spea4 to him1 A!d the! the 4i! called all the lords spiritual a!d temporal tofore him" a!d said he 5ould ha6e all the la5s of his forefathers there !e5 co!firmed" a!d there they 5ere co!firmed by all the lords spiritual a!d temporal1 A!d after this the 4i! char ed them for to come to him to Clare!do! to his parliame!t at a certai! day assi !ed" o! pai! to ru! i! his i!di !atio!" a!d at that time so departed1 A!d this parliame!t 5as holde! at Clare!do!" the ele6e!th year of the 4i! >s rei !" a!d the year of our Lord ele6e! hu!dred a!d si8ty: four1 At this parliame!t 5ere ma!y lords 5hich all 5ere a ai!st S1 Thomas1 A!d the! the 4i! sitti! i! his parliame!t"i! the prese!ce of all his lords" dema!ded them if they 5ould abide a!d 4eep the la5s that had bee! used i! his forefathers> days1 The! S1 Thomas spa4e for the part of holy church" a!d saidD All old la5s that be ood a!d ri htful" a!d !ot a ai!st our mother holy church" I ra!t 5ith ood 5ill to 4eep them1 A!d the! the 4i! said that he 5ould !ot lea6e o!e poi!t of his la5" a!d 5a8ed 5roth 5ith S1 Thomas1 A!d the! certai! bishops re<uired S1 Thomas to obey to the 4i! >s desire a!d 5ill" a!d S1 Thomas desired respite to 4!o5 the la5s" a!d the! to i6e him a! a!s5er1 A!d 5he! he u!derstood them all" to some he co!se!ted" but ma!y he de!ied a!d 5ould !e6er be a reeable to them" 5herefore the 4i! 5as 5roth a!d said he 5ould hold a!d 4eep them li4e as his predecessors had do!e before him" a!d 5ould !ot mi!ish o!e poi!t of them1 The! S1 Thomas said to the 4i! 5ith full reat sorro5 a!d hea6y cheer" No5" my most dear lord a!d racious 4i! " ha6e pity o! us of holy church" your bedeme!" a!d i6e to us respite for a certai! time1 A!d thus departed each ma!1 A!d S1 Thomas 5e!t to ,i!chester"




















a!d there prayed our Lord de6outly for holy church" a!d to i6e him aid a!d stre! th for to defe!d it" for utterly he determi!ed to abide by the liberties a!d fra!chise" a!d fell do5! o! his 4!ees a!d said" full sore 5eepi! D O ood Lord" I ac4!o5led e that I ha6e offe!ded" a!d for mi!e offe!ce a!d trespass this trouble cometh to holy church" I purpose" ood Lord" to o to 3ome for to be assoiled of mi!e offe!ces7 a!d departed to5ards Ca!terbury1 A!d a!o! the 4i! se!t his officers to his ma!ors a!d despoiled them" because he 5ould !ot obey the 4i! >s statutes1 A!d the 4i! comma!ded to seiHe all his la!ds a!d oods i!to his ha!ds" a!d the! his ser6a!ts departed from him" a!d he 5e!t to the seaside for to ha6e o!e o6er sea" but the 5i!d 5as a ai!st him" a!d so thrice he too4 his ship a!d mi ht !ot pass1 A!d the! he 4!e5 that it 5as !ot our Lord>s 5ill that he should yet depart" a!d retur!ed secretly to Ca!terbury" of 5hose comi! his mei!y made reat =oy1 A!d o! the mor! came the 4i! >s officers for to seiHe all his oods" for the !oise 5as that S1 Thomas had fled the la!d7 5herefore they had despoiled all his ma!ors a!d seiHed them i!to the 4i! >s ha!d1 A!d 5he! they came they fou!d him at Ca!terbury" 5hereof they 5ere sore abashed" a!d retur!ed to the 4i! i!formi! him that he 5as yet at Ca!terbury" a!d a!o! after S1 Thomas came to the 4i! to ,oodstoc4 for to pray him to be better disposed to5ards holy church1 A!d the! said the 4i! to him i! scor!D -ay !ot 5e t5o d5ell both i! this la!dE Art thou so sturdy a!d hard of heartE To 5hom S1 Thomas a!s5eredD Sire" that 5as !e6er my thou ht" but I 5ould fai! please you" a!d do all that you desire so that ye hurt !ot the liberties of holy church" for them 5ill I mai!tai! 5hile I li6e" e6er to my po5er1 ,ith 5hich 5ords the 4i! 5as sore mo6ed" a!d s5ore that he 5ould ha6e them 4ept" a!d especial if a cler4 5ere a thief he should be =ud ed a!d e8ecuted by the 4i! >s la5" a!d by !o spiritual la5" a!d said he 5ould !e6er suffer a cler4 to be his master i! his o5! la!d" a!d char ed S1 Thomas to appear before him at Northampto!" a!d to bri! all the bishops of this la!d 5ith him" a!d so departed1 S1 Thomas besou ht God of help a!d succour" for the bishops 5hich ou ht to be 5ith him 5ere most a ai!st him1 After this S1 Thomas 5e!t to Northampto! 5here the 4i! had the! his reat cou!cil i! the castle 5ith all his lords" a!d 5he! he came tofore the 4i! he saidD I am come to obey your comma!dme!t" but before this time 5as !e6er bishop of Ca!terbury thus e!treated" for I am head of the Church of E! la!d" a!d am to you" Sir @i! " your hostly father" a!d it 5as !e6er God>s la5 that the so! should destroy his father 5hich hath char e of his soul1 A!d by your stri6i! ha6e you made all the bishops that should abide by the ri ht of the church to be a ai!st holy church a!d me" a!d ye 4!o5 5ell that I may !ot fi ht" but am ready to suffer death rather tha! I should co!se!t to lose the ri ht of holy church1 The! said the 4i! " Thou spea4est as a proud cler4" but I shall abate thy pride ere I lea6e thee" for I must rec4o! 5ith thee1 Thou u!dersta!dest 5ell that thou 5ert my cha!cellor ma!y years" a!d o!ce I le!t to thee O&** 5hich thou !e6er yet hast repaid" 5hich I 5ill that thou pay me a ai! or else i!co!ti!e!t thou shalt o to priso!1 A!d the! S1 Thomas a!s5eredD ;e a6e me that O&**" a!d it is !ot fitti! to dema!d that 5hich ye ha6e i6e!1 Not5ithsta!di! he fou!d surety for the said O&** a!d departed for that day1 A!d after this" the !e8t day the 4i! dema!ded O0*"*** that he had surmised o! him to ha6e stole!" he bei! cha!cellor" 5hereupo! he desired day to a!s5er7 at 5hich time he said that 5he! he 5as archbishop he set him free therei! 5ithout a!y claim or debt before ood record" 5herefore he ou ht !ot to a!s5er u!to that dema!d1 A!d the bishops desired S1 Thomas to obey the 4i! but i! !o 5ise he 5ould !ot a ree to such thi! s as should touch a ai!st the liberties of the church1 A!d the! they came to the 4i! " a!d forsoo4 S1 Thomas" a!d a reed to all the 4i! >s desire" a!d the proper ser6a!ts of S1 Thomas fled from him a!d forsoo4 him" a!d the! poor people came a!d accompa!ied him1 A!d o! the !i ht came to him t5o lords a!d told to him that the 4i! >s mei!y had emprised to slay him1 A!d the !e8t !i ht after he departed i! the habit of a brother of Sempri! ham" a!d so che6issed that he 5e!t o6er sea1 A!d i! the mea!5hile certai! bishops 5e!t to 3ome for to complai! o! him to the pope" a!d the 4i! se!t letters to the 4i! of 'ra!ce !ot to recei6e him1 A!d the @i! Louis said that" thou h a ma! 5ere ba!ished a!d had committed there trespasses" yet should he be free i! 'ra!ce1 A!d so after 5he! this holy S1 Thomas came" he recei6ed him 5ell" a!d a6e him lice!ce to abide there a!d do 5hat he 5ould1 I! this mea!5hile the 4i! of E! la!d se!t certai! lords i!to the pope complai!i! o! the Archbishop Thomas" 5hich made rie6ous complai!ts" 5hich 5he! the pope had heard said" he 5ould i6e !o!e a!s5er till that he had heard the Archbishop Thomas spea4" 5hich 5ould hastily come thither1 9ut they 5ould !ot abide his comi! " but departed 5ithout speedi! of their i!te!ts" a!d came i!to E! la!d a ai!1 A!d a!o! after" S Thomas came to 3ome o! S1 -ar4>s day at after!oo!" a!d 5he! his caterer should ha6e bou ht fish for his di!!er because it 5as fasti! day" he could et !o!e for !o mo!ey" a!d came a!d told to his lord S1 Thomas so" a!d he bade him buy such as he could et" a!d the! he bou ht flesh a!d made it ready for their di!!er1 A!d S1 Thomas 5as ser6ed 5ith a capo! roasted" a!d his mei!y 5ith boiled meat1 A!d so it 5as that the pope heard that he 5as come" a!d se!t a cardi!al to 5elcome















him" a!d he fou!d him at his di!!er eati! flesh" 5hich a!o! retur!ed a!d told to the pope ho5 he 5as !ot so perfect a ma! as he had supposed" for co!trary to the rule of the church he eateth this day flesh1 The pope 5ould !ot belie6e him" but se!t a!other cardi!al 5hich for more e6ide!ce too4 the le of the capo! i! his 4erchief a!d affirmed the same" a!d ope!ed his 4erchief tofore the pope" a!d he fou!d the le tur!ed i!to a fish called a carp1 A!d 5he! the pope sa5 it" he said" they 5ere !ot true me! to say such thi! s of this ood bishop1 They said faithfully that it 5as flesh that he ate1 After this S1 Thomas came to the pope a!d did his re6ere!ce a!d obedie!ce" 5hom the pope 5elcomed" a!d after commu!icatio! he dema!ded him 5hat meat he had eate!" a!d he saidD 'lesh as ye ha6e heard tofore" because he could fi!d !o fish a!d 6ery !eed compelled him thereto1 The! the pope u!derstood of the miracle that the capo!>s le 5as tur!ed i!to a carp" a!d of his ood!ess ra!ted to him a!d to all them of the diocese of Ca!terbury lice!ce to eat flesh e6er after o! S1 -ar4>s day 5he! it falleth o! a fish day" a!d pardo! 5ithal" 5hich is 4ept a!d accustomed u!to this day1 A!d the! S1 Thomas i!formed the pope ho5 the 4i! of E! la!d 5ould ha6e him co!se!t to di6ers articles a ai!st the liberties of holy church" a!d 5hat 5ro! s he did to the same" a!d that for to die he 5ould !e6er co!se!t to them1 A!d 5he! the pope had heard him he 5ept for pity" a!d tha!4ed God that he had such a bishop u!der him that had so 5ell defe!ded the liberties of holy church" a!d a!o! 5rote out letters a!d bulls comma!di! all the bishops of Christe!dom to 4eep a!d obser6e the same1 A!d the! S1 Thomas offered to the pope his bishopric up i!to the pope>s ha!d" a!d his mitre 5ith the cross a!d ri! " a!d the pope comma!ded him to 4eep it still" a!d said he 4!e5 !o ma! more able tha! he 5as1 A!d after S1 Thomas said mass tofore the pope i! a 5hite chasuble7 a!d after mass he said to the pope that he 4!e5 by re6elatio! that he should suffer death for the ri ht of holy church" a!d 5he! it should fall that chasuble should be tur!ed from 5hite i!to red1 A!d after he departed from the pope a!d came do5! i!to 'ra!ce u!to the abbey of (o!ti !y" a!d there he had 4!o5led e that 5he! the lords spiritual a!d temporal 5hich had bee! at 3ome 5ere come home a!d had told the 4i! that they mi ht i! !o 5ise ha6e their i!te!t" that the 4i! 5as reatly 5roth" a!d a!o! ba!ished all the 4i!sme! that 5ere lo! i! to S1 Thomas that they should i!co!ti!e!t 6oid his la!d" a!d made them s5ear that they should o to him a!d tell to him that for his sa4e they 5ere e8iled" a!d so they 5e!t o6er sea to him at (o!ti !y a!d he bei! there 5as full sorry for them1 A!d after there 5as a reat chapter i! E! la!d of the mo!4s of Citeau8 a!d there the 4i! desired them to 5rite to (o!ti !y that they should !o lo! er 4eep !e sustai! Thomas the Archbishop" for if they did" he 5ould destroy them of that order bei! i! E! la!d1 A!d" for fear thereof they 5rote so o6er to (o!ti !y that he must depart the!ce 5ith his 4i!sme!" a!d so he did" a!d 5as the! full hea6y" a!d remitted his cause to God1 A!d a!o! after" the 4i! of 'ra!ce se!t to him that he should abide 5here it pleased him" a!d d5ell i! his realm a!d he 5ould pay for the costs of him a!d his 4i!sme!1 A!d he departed a!d 5e!t to Se!s" a!d the abbot brou ht him o! the 5ay1 A!d S1 Thomas told him ho5 he 4!e5 by a 6isio! that he should suffer death a!d martyrdom for the ri ht of the church" a!d prayed him to 4eep it secret duri! his life1 After this the 4i! of E! la!d came i!to 'ra!ce" a!d there told the 4i! ho5 S1 Thomas 5ould destroy his realm" a!d the! there told ho5 he 5ould foredo such la5s as his elders had used tofore him" 5herefore S1 Thomas 5as se!t for" a!d they 5ere brou ht to ether1 A!d the 4i! of 'ra!ce laboured sore for to set them at accord" but it 5ould !ot be" for that o!e 5ould !ot mi!ish his la5s a!d accustoms" a!d S1 Thomas 5ould !ot ra!t that he should do E! la!d a ai!st S1 Thomas" a!d 5as 5roth 5ith him a!d comma!ded him to 6oid his realm 5ith all his 4i!sme!1 A!d the! S1 Thomas 5ist !ot 5hither to o7 but comforted his 4i!sme! as 5ell as he mi ht" a!d purposed to ha6e o!e i! to (ro6e!ce for to ha6e be ed his bread1 A!d as he 5as oi! " the 4i! of 'ra!ce se!t for him a ai!" a!d 5he! he came he cried him mercy a!d said he had offe!ded God a!d him" a!d bade him abide i! his realm 5here he 5ould" a!d he 5ould pay for the dispe!ses of him a!d his 4i!1 A!d i! the mea!5hile the 4i! of E! la!d ordai!ed his so! 4i! " a!d made him to be cro5!ed by the Archbishop of ;or4" a!d other bishops" 5hich 5as a ai!st the statutes of the la!d" for the Archbishop of Ca!terbury should ha6e co!se!ted a!d also ha6e cro5!ed him" 5herefore S1 Thomas at a bull for to do accurse them that so did a ai!st him" a!d also o! them that occupied the oods lo! i! to him1 A!d yet after this the 4i! laboured so much that he accorded the 4i! of E! la!d a!d S1 Thomas 5hich accord e!dured !ot lo! " for the 4i! 6aried from it after5ard1 9ut S1 Thomas" upo! this accord" came home to Ca!terbury" 5here he 5as recei6ed 5orshipfully" a!d se!t for them that had trespassed a ai!st him" a!d by the authority of the pope>s bull ope!ly de!ou!ced them accursed u!to the time they come to ame!dme!t1 A!d 5he! they 4!e5 this they came to him a!d 5ould ha6e made him to assoil them by force7 a!d se!t 5ord o6er to the 4i! ho5 he had do!e" 5hereof the 4i! 5as much 5roth a!d saidD If he had me! i! his la!d that lo6ed him they 5ould !ot suffer such a traitor i! his la!d ali6e1

A!d forth5ith four 4!i hts too4 their cou!sel to ether a!d thou ht they 5ould do to the 4i! a pleasure" a!d emprised to slay S1 Thomas" a!d sudde!ly departed a!d too4 their shippi! to5ards E! la!d1 A!d 5he! the 4i! 4!e5 of their departi! he 5as sorry a!d se!t after them" but they 5ere o! the sea a!d departed ere the messe! ers came" 5herefore the 4i! 5as hea6y a!d sorry1

These be the !ames of the four 4!i htsD Sir 3e i!ald 'itHurse" Sir +u h de -or6ille" Sir ,illiam de Tracy" Sir 3ichard le 9reto!1 O! Christmas day S1 Thomas made a sermo! at Ca!terbury i! his o5! church" a!d 5eepi! " prayed the people to pray for him" for he 4!e5 5ell his time 5as !i h" a!d there e8ecuted the se!te!ce o! them that 5ere a ai!st the ri ht of holy church1 A!d that same day as the 4i! sat at meat all the bread that he ha!dled 5a8ed a!o! mouldy a!d hoar" that !o ma! mi ht eat of it" a!d the bread that they touched !ot 5as fair a!d ood for to eat1 A!d these four 4!i hts aforesaid came to Ca!terbury o! the Tuesday i! Christmas 5ee4 about E6e!so! time" a!d came to S1 Thomas a!d said that the 4i! comma!ded him to ma4e ame!ds for the 5ro! s that he had do!e" a!d also that he should assoil all them that he had accursed a!o!" or else they should slay him1 The! said ThomasD All that I ou ht to do by ri ht" that 5ill I 5ith a ood 5ill do" but as to the se!te!ce that is e8ecuted I may !ot u!do" but that they 5ill submit them to the correctio! of holy church" for it 5as do!e by our holy father the pope a!d !ot by me1 The! said Sir 3e i!aldD 9ut if thou assoil the 4i! a!d all other sta!di! i! the curse" it shall cost thee thy life1 A!d S1 Thomas saidD Thou 4!o5est 5ell e!ou h that the 4i! a!d I 5ere accorded o! -ary -a dale!e day" a!d that this curse should o forth o! them that had offe!ded the church1 The! o!e of the 4!i hts smote him as he 4!eeled before the altar o! the head1 A!d o!e Sir Ed5ard Grim" that 5as his crossier put forth his arm 5ith the cross to bear off the stro4e" a!d the stro4e smote the cross asu!der a!d his arm almost off" 5herefore he fled for fear" a!d so did all the mo!4s" that 5ere that time at compli!e1 A!d the! smote each at him" that they smote off a reat piece of the s4ull of his head" that his brai! fell o! the pa6eme!t1 A!d so they sle5 a!d martyred him" a!d 5ere so cruel that o!e of them bra4e the poi!t of his s5ord a ai!st the pa6eme!t1 A!d thus this holy a!d blessed Archbishop S1 Thomas suffered death i! his o5! church for the ri ht of all holy church1 A!d 5he! he 5as dead they stirred his brai!" a!d after 5e!t i! to his chamber a!d too4 a5ay his oods" a!d his horse out of his stable" a!d too4 a5ay his bulls a!d 5riti! s" a!d deli6ered them to Sir 3obert 9ro4e to bear i!to 'ra!ce to the 4i! 1 A!d as they searched his chamber they fou!d i! a chest t5o shirts of hair made full of reat 4!ots" a!d the! they saidD Certai!ly he 5as a ood ma!7 a!d comi! do5! i!to the church5ard they be a! to dread a!d fear that the rou!d 5ould !ot ha6e bor!e them" a!d 5ere mar6ellously a hast" but they supposed that the earth 5ould ha6e s5allo5ed them all <uic41 A!d the! they 4!e5 that they had do!e amiss1 A!d a!o! it 5as 4!o5! all about" ho5 that he 5as martyred" a!d a!o! after too4 this holy body" a!d u!clothed him" a!d fou!d bishop>s clothi! abo6e" a!d the habit of a mo!4 u!der1 A!d !e8t his flesh he 5ore hard hair" full of 4!ots" 5hich 5as his shirt1 A!d his breech 5as of the same" a!d the 4!ots slic4ed fast 5ithi! the s4i!" a!d all his body full of 5orms7 he suffered reat pai!1 A!d he 5as thus martyred the year of our Lord o!e thousa!d o!e hu!dred a!d se6e!ty:o!e" a!d 5as fifty:three years old1 A!d soo! after tidi! s came to the 4i! ho5 he 5as slai!" 5herefore the 4i! too4 reat sorro5" a!d se!t to 3ome for his absolutio!1 No5 after that S1 Thomas departed from the pope" the pope 5ould daily loo4 upo! the 5hite chasuble that S1 Thomas had said mass i!" a!d the same day that he 5as martyred he sa5 it tur!ed i!to red" 5hereby he 4!e5 5ell that that same day he suffered martyrdom for the ri ht of holy church" a!d comma!ded a mass of re<uiem solem!ly to be su! for his soul1 A!d 5he! the <uire be a! to si! re<uiem" a! a! el o! hi h abo6e be a! the office of a martyrD Letabitur =ustus" a!d the! all the <uire follo5ed si! i! forth the mass of the office of a martyr1 A!d the pope tha!4ed God that it pleased him to sho5 such miracles for his holy martyr" at 5hose tomb by the merits a!d prayers of this holy martyr our blessed Lord hath sho5ed ma!y miracles1 The bli!d ha6e reco6ered their si ht" the dumb their speech" the deaf their heari! " the lame their limbs" a!d the dead their life1 If I should here e8press all the miracles that it hath pleased God to sho5 for this holy sai!t it should co!tai! a 5hole 6olume" therefore at this time" I pass o6er u!to the feast of his tra!slatio!" 5here I propose 5ith the race of God to recite some of them1 The! let us pray to this lorious martyr to be our ad6ocate" that by his petitio! 5e may come to e6erlasti! bliss1 Ame!1











Here followeth the Life of *" *ilve ter" The i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" Sil6ester is said of sile or sol 5hich is li ht" a!d of terra the earth" as 5ho saith the li ht of the earth" that is of the church1 Or Sil6ester is said of sil6as a!d of trahe!s" that is to say he 5as dra5i! 5ild me! a!d hard u!to the faith1 Or as it is said i! lossario" Sil6ester is to say ree!" that is to 5it" ree! i! co!templatio! of hea6e!ly thi! s" a!d a toiler i! labouri! himself7 he 5as umbrous or shado5ous1 That is to say he 5as cold a!d refri ate from all co!cupisce!ce of the flesh" full of bou hs amo! the trees of hea6e!1 Eusebius of CFsarea compiled his le e!d" 5hich the blessed 9lasius i! the cou!sel of se6e!ty bishops recordeth" li4e as it is had i! the decree1 Of the Life of *" *ilve ter" Sil6ester 5as so! of o!e Justa a!d 5as lear!ed a!d tau ht of a priest !amed Cyri!us" 5hich did mar6ellously reat alms a!d made hospitalities1 It happed that he recei6ed a christia! ma! i!to his house !amed Timothy" 5ho !o ma! 5ould recei6e for the persecutio! of tyra!ts" 5herefore the said Timothy suffered death a!d passio! after that year 5hilst he preached =ustly the faith of Jesu Christ1 It 5as so that the prefect Tar<ui!ius supposed that Timothy had had reat ple!ty of riches" 5hich he dema!ded of Sil6ester" threate!i! him to the death but if he deli6ered them to him1 A!d 5he! he fou!d certai!ly that Timothy had !o reat riches" he comma!ded to S1 Sil6ester to ma4e sacrifice to the idols" a!d if he did !ot he 5ould ma4e him suffer di6ers torme!ts1 S1 Sil6ester a!s5eredD 'alse" e6il ma!" thou shalt die this !i ht" a!d shalt ha6e torme!ts that e6er shall e!dure" a!d thou shalt 4!o5" 5hether thou 5ilt or !ot" that he 5hom 5e 5orship is 6ery God1 The! S1 Sil6ester 5as put i! priso!" a!d the pro6ost 5e!t to di!!er1 No5 it happed that as he ate" a bo!e of a fish tur!ed i! his throat a!d stuc4 fast" so that he could !either ha6e it do5! !e up" a!d at mid!i ht died li4e as S1 Sil6ester had said" a!d the! S1 Sil6ester 5as deli6ered out of priso!1 +e 5as so racious that all christia! me! a!d pay!ims lo6ed him" for he 5as fair li4e a! a! el to loo4 o!" a fair spea4er" 5hole of body" holy i! 5or4" ood i! cou!sel" patie!t a!d charitable" a!d firmly established i! the faith1 +e had i! 5riti! the !ames of all the 5ido5s a!d orpha!s that 5ere poor" a!d to them he admi!istered their !ecessity1 +e had a custom to fast all 'ridays a!d Saturdays1 A!d it 5as so that -elchiades" the bishop of 3ome" died" a!d all the people chose S1 Sil6ester for to be the hi h 9ishop of 3ome" 5hich sore a ai!st his 5ill 5as made pope1 +e i!stituted for to be fasted ,ed!esday" 'riday" a!d Saturday" a!d the Thursday for to be hallo5ed as Su!day1 No5 it happed that the Emperor Co!sta!ti!e did do slay all the christia! me! o6er all 5here he could fi!d them" a!d for this cause S1 Sil6ester fled out of the to5! 5ith his cler4s a!d hid him i! a mou!tai!1 A!d for the cruelty of Co!sta!ti!e God se!t him such a sic4!ess that he became laHar a!d measel" a!d by the cou!sel of his physicia!s he ot three thousa!d you! childre! for to ha6e cut their throats" for to ha6e their blood i! a bath all hot" a!d thereby he mi ht be healed of his measelry1 A!d 5he! he should asce!d i!to his chariot for to o to the place 5here he should be bathed" the mothers of the childre! came cryi! a!d brayi! for sorro5 of their childre!" a!d 5he! he u!derstood that they 5ere mothers of the childre!" he had reat pity o! them a!d said to his 4!i hts a!d them that 5ere about himD The di !ity of the empire of 3ome is brou ht forth of the fou!tai! of pity" the 5hich hath stablished by decree that 5ho that slayeth a child i! battle shall ha6e his head smitte! off" the! should it be reat cruelty to us for to do to ours such thi! as 5e defe!d to stra! e !atio!s" for so should cruelty surmou!t us1 It is better that 5e lea6e cruelty a!d that pity surmou!t us" a!d therefore me seemeth better to sa6e the li6es of these i!!oce!ts" tha! by their of death I should ha6e a ai! my health" of the 5hich 5e be !ot yet certai!1 Ne 5e may reco6er !othi! for to slay them" for if so 5ere that I should thereby ha6e health" that should be a cruel health that should be bou ht 5ith the death of so ma!y i!!oce!ts1 The! he comma!ded to re!der a!d deli6er a ai! to the mothers their childre!" a!d a6e to e6ery each of them a ood ift" a!d thus made them retur! to their houses 5ith reat =oy" from 5he!ce they departed 5ith reat sorro5" a!d he himself retur!ed a ai! i! his chariot u!to his palace1 No5 it happed that the !i ht after S1 (eter a!d S1 (aul appeared to this Emperor Co!sta!ti!e" sayi! to himD 9ecause thou hast had horror to shed a!d spill the blood of i!!oce!ts" our Lord Jesu Christ hath had pity o! thee" a!d comma!deth thee to se!d u!to such a mou!tai! 5here Sil6ester is hid 5ith his cler4s" a!d say to him that thou comest for to be baptiHed of him a!d thou shalt be healed of thy malady1 A!d 5he! he 5as a5a4ed he did do call his 4!i hts a!d comma!ded them to o to that mou!tai! a!d bri! the (ope Sil6ester to him courteously a!d fair" for to spea4 5ith him1 ,he! S1 Sil6ester sa5 from far the 4!i hts come to him" he supposed they sou ht him for to be martyred" a!d be a! to say to his cler4s that they should be firm a!d stable i! the faith for to



















suffer martyrdom1 ,he! the 4!i hts came to him they said to him much courteously that Co!sta!ti!e se!t for him" a!d prayed him that he 5ould come a!d spea4 5ith him1 A!d forth5ith he came" a!d 5he! they had i!tersaluted each other" Co!sta!ti!e told to him his 6isio!1 A!d 5he! Sil6ester dema!ded of him 5hat me! they 5ere that so appeared to him" the emperor 5ist !ot !e could !ot !ame them1 S1 Sil6ester ope!ed a boo4 5herei! the ima es of S1 (eter a!d S1 (aul 5ere pourtrayed" a!d dema!ded of him if th bishop1 The se6e!th" that the dime a!d te!th part of the possessio!s should be i6e! to the church1 After this the emperor came to S1 (eter>s church a!d co!fessed mee4ly all his si!s tofore all people" a!d 5hat 5ro! he had do!e to christia! me!" a!d made to di a!d cast out to ma4e the fou!deme!ts for the churches" a!d bare o! his shoulders t5el6e hods or bas4ets full of earth1 ,he! +ele!" the mother of Co!sta!ti!e" d5elli! i! 9etha!y" heard say that the emperor 5as become christia!" she se!t to him a letter" i! 5hich she praised much her so! of this that he had re!ou!ced the false idols" but she blamed him much that he had re!ou!ced the la5 of the Je5s" a!d 5orshipped a ma! crucified1 The! Co!sta!ti!e rema!ded to his mother that she should assemble the reatest masters of the Je5s" a!d he should assemble the reatest masters of the christia! me!" to the e!d that they mi ht dispute a!d 4!o5 5hich 5as the truest la51 The! +ele! assembled t5el6e masters 5hich she brou ht 5ith her" 5hich 5ere the 5isest that they mi ht fi!d i! that la5" a!d S1 Sil6ester a!d his cler4s 5ere of that other party1 The! the emperor ordai!ed t5o pay!ims" e!tiles" to be their =ud es" of 5hom that o!e 5as !amed Crato" a!d that other Ke!ophilus" 5hich 5ere pro6ed 5ise a!d e8pert" a!d they to i6e the se!te!ce" a!d be =ud e of the disputatio!1 The! be a! o!e of the masters of the Je5s for to mai!tai! a!d dispute his la5" a!d S1 Sil6ester a!d his cler4s a!s5ered to his disputatio!" a!d to them all" al5ays co!cludi! them by scripture1 The =ud es 5hich 5ere true a!d =ust" held more of the party of S1 Sil6ester tha! of the Je5s1 The! said o!e of the masters of the Je5s !amed Kambry" I mar6el" said he" that ye be so 5ise a!d i!cli!e you to their 5ords" let us lea6e all these 5ords a!d o 5e to the effect of the deeds1 The! he did do come a cruel bull" a!d said a 5ord i! his ear" a!d a!o! the bull died1 The! the people 5ere all a ai!st Sil6ester1 The! said Sil6ester" belie6e !ot thou that he hath !amed i! the ear the !ame of Jesu Christ" but the !ame of some de6il" 4!o5 ye 6erily it is !o reat stre! th to slay a bull" for a ma!" or a lio!" or a serpe!t may 5ell slay him" but it is reat 6irtue to raise him a ai! to life" the! if he may !ot raise him it is by the de6il1 A!d if he may raise him a ai! to life" I shall belie6e that he is dead by the po5er of God1 A!d 5he! the =ud es heard this" they said to Kambry" that had slai! the bull" that he should raise him a ai!1 The! he a!s5ered that if Syl6ester mi ht raise him i! the !ame of Jesus of Galilee his master" the! he 5ould belie6e i! him" a!d thereto bou!d them all the Je5s that 5ere there1 A!d S1 Sil6ester first made his oriso!s a!d prayers to our Lord" a!d sith came to the bull a!d said to him i! his earD Thou cursed creature that art e!tered i!to this bull a!d hast slai! him" o out i! the !ame of Jesu Christ" i! 5hose !ame I comma!d thee bull" arise thou up a!d o thou 5ith the other beasts debo!airly" a!d a!o! the bull arose a!d 5e!t forth softly1 The! the <uee! a!d the =ud es" 5hich 5ere pay!ims" 5ere co!6erted to the faith1 I! this time it happed that there 5as at 3ome a dra o! i! a pit" 5hich e6ery day sle5 5ith his breath more tha! three hu!dred me!1 The! came the bishops of the idols u!to the emperor a!d said u!to himD O thou most holy emperor" sith the time that thou hast recei6ed christia! faith the dra o! 5hich is i! yo!der fosse or pit slayeth e6ery day 5ith his breath more tha! three hu!dred me!1 The! se!t the emperor for S1 Sil6ester a!d as4ed cou!sel of him of this matter1 S1 Sil6ester a!s5ered that by the mi ht of God he promised to ma4e him cease of his hurt a!d blessure of this people1 The! S Sil6ester put himself to prayer" a!d S1 (eter appeared to him a!d saidD Go surely to the dra o! a!d the t5o priests that be 5ith thee ta4e i! thy compa!y" a!d 5he! thou shalt come to him thou shalt say to him i! this ma!!erD Our Lord Jesu Christ 5hich 5as bor! of the Vir i! -ary" crucified" buried a!d arose" a!d !o5 sitteth o! the ri ht side of the 'ather" this is he that shall come to deem a!d =ud e the li6i! a!d the dead" I comme!d thee Satha!as that thou abide him i! this place till he come1 The! thou shalt bi!d his mouth 5ith a thread" a!d seal it 5ith thy seal " 5herei! is the impri!t of the cross1 The! thou a!d the t5o priests shall come to me 5hole a!d safe" a!d such bread as I shall ma4e ready for you ye shall eat1 Thus as S1 (eter had said" S1 Sil6ester did1 A!d 5he! he came to the pit" he desce!ded do5! o!e hu!dred a!d fifty steps" beari! 5ith him t5o la!ter!s" a!d fou!d the dra o!" a!d said the 5ords that S1 (eter had said to him" a!d bou!d his mouth 5ith the thread" a!d sealed it" a!d after retur!ed" a!d as he came up5ard a ai! he met 5ith t5o e!cha!ters 5hich follo5ed him for to see if he desce!ded" 5hich 5ere almost dead of the ste!ch of the dra o!" 5hom he brou ht 5ith him 5hole a!d sou!d" 5hich a!o! 5ere baptiHed" 5ith a reat multitude of people 5ith them1 Thus 5as the city of 3ome deli6ered from double death" that 5as from the culture a!d 5orshippi! of false idols" a!d from the 6e!om of the dra o!1 At the last 5he! S1 Sil6ester approached to5ards his death" he called to him the cler y a!d admo!ished them to ha6e charity" a!d that





they should dili e!tly o6er! their churches" a!d 4eep their floc4 from the 5ol6es1 A!d after the year of the i!car!atio! of our Lord three hu!dred a!d t5e!ty" he departed out of this 5orld a!d slept i! our Lord" etc1

Here followeth. the Life of *" Paul the fir t Her%it" S1 (aul 5hich 5as the first hermit as S1 Jerome 5riteth" 5as i! the time of Decius a!d Valeria!us" emperors" the year of the i!car!atio! of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d fifty:si81 This holy ma!" S1 (aul" sa5 me! for christia! faith cruelly torme!ted" 5herefore he fled i!to the desert1 Amo! 5hom he sa5 t5o cruelly torme!ted1 The first for that he abode firmly i! his faith" the =ud e did do a!oi!t all his body 5ith ho!ey a!d did do bi!d his ha!ds behi!d him o! his bac4" a!d so did him be set i! the heat of the su! for to be bitte! a!d stu! of flies a!d 5asps7 that other that 5as you! he made him to be i! a ri ht soft bed bet5ee! t5o sheets" amo! flo5ers a!d delectable roses a!d herbs s5eet smelli! " a!d therei! he 5as bou!de! so that he mi ht !ot mo6e him1 After" he made a! harlot" a ribald" come to him alo!e for to touch his members a!d his body" to mo6e to lechery1 'i!ally" 5he! the 6oluptuosity of his flesh surmou!ted him" a!d he mi ht !ot defe!d himself !e his members" he bit off a piece of his to! ue a!d spit it i! her 6isa e" 5hich al5ays e!ticed him to lechery by touchi! a!d by 4issi! s" a!d so he 6oided the temptatio! fleshly" a!d the ribauld also" a!d deser6ed to ha6e laud a!d 6ictory1 I! this time S1 (aul" tofore said" 5as you! " about si8tee! years of a e" a!d d5elt i! Thebaid 5hich is a part of E ypt" 5ith his sister -aurice1 A!d 5he! he sa5 the persecutio!s of christia! me!" he departed a!d became a! hermit so lo! a!d so ma!y years" that he 5as old o!e hu!dred a!d thirtee! years1 I! this time S1 A!tho!y 5as a hermit i! a!other desert a!d 5as the! !i!ety years of a e1 A!d o! a time he thou ht i! himself that i! the 5orld 5as !o!e so ood !e so reat a! hermit as he 5as himself1 +ereupo! came to him a re6elatio! as he slept that" be!eath all" lo5 do5! i! that desert 5as a! hermit better tha! he" a all1 A!d 5hiles they 5ere thus tal4i! a cro5 came flyi! a!d brou ht to them t5o loa6es of bread 7 a!d 5he! the cro5 5as o!e S1 (aul saidD 9e thou lad a!d =oyful" for our Lord is debo!air a!d merciful" he hath se!t us bread for to eat1 It is forty years passed that e6ery day he hath se!t me half a loaf" but !o5 at thy comi! he hath se!t t5o 5hole loa6es" a!d double pro6e!der1 A!d they had <uestio! to ether u!til e6e!so! time 5hich of them both should e!tame or be i! to ta4e of the bread1 At the last the bread departed e6e! bet5ee! their ha!ds" a!d the! they ate" a!d dra!4 of the 5ell or fou!tai!1 After races said they had all that !i ht collatio! to ether1 O! the mor! said S1 (aulD 9rother" it is lo! sith that I 4!e5 that thou d5elledst i! this re io! a!d i! this cou!try" a!d God had promised to me thy compa!y" I shall !o5 shortly die a!d shall o to Jesu Christ for to recei6e the cro5! to me promised" thou art come hither for to bury my body1 ,he! S1 A!tho!y heard that" a!o! he be a! te!derly to 5eep" a!d 5ailed" prayi! that he mi ht die 5ith him a!d o i! his compa!y1 S1 (aul saidD It is !eed yet that thou li6e for thy brethre!" to the e!d that they by the e!sample of thee be made firm a!d tau ht7 5herefore I pray thee retur! to thi!e abbey a!d bri! to me the ma!tle 5hich Atha!asius the bishop a6e to thee for to 5rap i! my body1 The! S1 A!tho!y mar6elled of this" that he 4!e5 of this bishop a!d of this ma!tle" a!d after durst !othi! say" but did to him re6ere!ce" li4e as God had spo4e! to him" a!d 5eepi! 4issed his feet a!d his ha!ds a!d came a ai! to his abbey 5ith reat tra6ail a!d labour" for he had from that o!e part to that other ma!y =our!eys a!d foul 5ay" throu h hayes a!d hed es" 5oods" sto!es" hills a!d 6alleys" a!d S1 A!tho!y of reat a e a!d feeble of fasti! " a!d !ot stro! !e mi hty1 ,he! he 5as come to his abbey" t5o of his disciples" to him most secret" dema!ded of him sayi! D 'air father" 5here ha6e ye bee! so lo! E A!d he a!s5eredD AlasI I" 5retched si!!er" 5hich bear falsely the !ame to be a mo!4" I ha6e see! Eli the prophet" I ha6e see! Joh! the 9aptist i! desert" a!d certes I ha6e see! S1 (aul i! (aradise1 Thus spea4i! a!d beati! his breast he brou ht the ma!tle out of his cell" a!d all stilly 5ithout more 5ords" he 5e!t a ai! the lo! 5ay all alo!e throu h the desert u!to S1 (aul the hermit" ha6i! reat desire to see him" for he 5as afeard lest he should die ere he mi ht come a ai! to him1 It happed i! the seco!d =our!ey" 5here S1 A!tho!y 5e!t throu h the desert the third hour of the day" he sa5 the soul of S1 (aul" shi!i! " asce!d i!to hea6e! amo! a reat compa!y of a! els" of prophets" a!d also of apostles" a!d a!o! he fell do5! to the earth 5eepi! a!d 5aili! " a!d cryi! 5ith a hi h 6oiceD Alas" (aulI 5herefore lea6est thou me so soo!" 5hich ha6e so little see! theeE The! he had so reat desire to see the corpse or body that he passed all the rem!a!t of his 5ay as soo! as a bird flyi! " li4e as he 5as 5o!t to tell a!d rehearse" a!d 5he! he came to the cell of S1 (aul he fou!d that the body 5as ri ht up o! his 4!ees a!d the 6isa e a!d ha!ds addressed to5ards hea6e! a!d supposed he had bee! ali6e a!d had made his prayers" but 5he! he had ad6ised it" he 4!e5 5ell that he 5as passed out of this












5orld1 ,hat 5eepi! s a!d 5hat 5aili! s he made upo! the body it 5ere a piteous thi! to hear7 amo! all other he saidD O holy soul" thy body sho5eth i! death this that thou didst i! thy life1 After this he 5as much abashed ho5 he should bury the body" for he had !o i!strume!t to ma4e his sepulchre7 the! came t5o lio!s 5hich much debo!airly made a pit after the <ua!tity of his body" a!d S1 A!tho!y buried his body therei!1 A!d he too4 5ith him the coat of S1 (aul 5hich 5as made a!d a!d after5ard" for reat re6ere!ce" S1 A!tho!y 5are this coat a!d clad him 5ithal i! reat a!d solem! feasts1 Thus this holy ma! S1 (aul died i! the year of the i!car!atio! of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty:ei ht1 Let us the! pray to him that he impetre a!d et us remissio! of our si!s" that after this life 5e may come to e6erlasti! =oy a!d bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" Re%i(iu . a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" 3emi ius is said of remi" that is to say feedi! " a!d eos" that is earth" as 5ho saith feedi! the earthly people 5ith doctri!e1 Or of eo!" that is a 5restler" for he 5as a pastor a!d a 5restler he fed his floc4 5ith the 5ord of preachi! " 5ith suffra es of prayi! " a!d 5ith e8ample of co!6ersatio!1 There is three ma!!er of armour that is for the defe!ce" the shield" for to fi ht" the s5ord" for his sal6atio! a!d health" the haber eo! a!d helm1 +e 5restled a ai!st the de6il 5ith the shield of faith" 5ith the s5ord of the 5ord of God" a!d 5ith the helmet of hope1 I !atius Archbishop of 3heims 5rote his life1 Of the Life of *" Re%i(iu " 3emi ius" a! holy doctor" a!d co!fessor lorious of our Lord" 5as tofore his birth pro6ided of our Lord" a!d foresee! of a holy hermit1 ,he! the persecutio! of the Va!dals had almost 5asted a!d destroyed !i h all 'ra!ce" there 5as a ma! recluse" holy a!d 6irtuous" 5hich had lost his si ht" 5hich oft prayed to our Lord for peace a!d 5elfare of the church of 'ra!ce1 +e had o! a time a 6isio!" a!d him seemed a! a! el came to him a!d saidD @!o5 thou that the 5oma! that thou 4!o5est !amed Ali!e shall bri! forth a so! that shall be !amed 3emi ius" 5hich shall deli6er all the cou!try from this persecutio!1 A!d 5he! he a5o4e he came to the house of this Ali!e a!d told to her his 6isio!" a!d she 5ould !ot belie6e it because of her a e1 The recluse saidD It shall be so as I ha6e said" a!d 5he! thou hast i6e! thy child suc4" thou shalt i6e to me of thy mil4" to put upo! mi!e eyes" a!d there5ith I shall be 5hole a!d reco6er my si ht a ai!1 A!d li4e as he said all these thi! s happe!ed1 A!d the 5oma! had a child !amed 3emi ius" 5hich 5he! he came to the a e of discretio!" he fled the 5orld" a!d e!tered i!to a reclusa e1 A!d sith after" for the reat re!o5! of his holy life" 5he! he had bee! t5e!ty:t5o years therei! he 5as elect a!d chose! to be Archbishop of 3heims1 +e 5as so debo!air that little birds came a!d ate o! his table a!d too4 meat at his ha!d1 It happed o! a day that he 5as lod ed i! a! house of a ood 5oma! 5hich had but a little 5i!e i! her to!!el or 6essel" a!d S1 3emi ius 5e!t i! to the cellar a!d made the si ! of the cross upo! the to!" a!d prayed a 5hile1 A!o! the to! 5as so full that it leapt o6er" by the merits of the ood sai!t1 No5 it happed that Clodo6ius the 4i! of 'ra!ce" 5hich 5as a pay!im" mi ht !ot be co!6erted for a!y preachi! that his 5ife mi ht do" 5hich 5as a christia! 5oma!" u!to the time that a reat host of Alema!s came i!to 'ra!ce1 The! by the admo!ishme!t of his 5ife he made a 6o5 that if the God that his 5ife 5orshipped 5ould i6e him 6ictory" he 5ould be baptiHed at his retur!i! from the battle1 Thus" as he dema!ded" he 6a!<uished the battle" a!d after came to 3heims to S1 3emi ius a!d prayed him that he 5ould christe! him1 A!d 5he! S1 3emi ius baptiHed him he had !o chrisom ready" the! a do6e desce!ded from hea6e! 5hich brou ht the chrisom i! a! ampull of 5hich the 4i! 5as a!oi!ted a!d this ampull is 4ept i! the church of S1 3emi ius at 3heims" of 5hich the 4i! s of 'ra!ce be a!oi!ted 5he! they be cro5!ed1 S1 3emi ius had a !iece 5hich 5as married to a cler4 !amed Ge!ebaldus" 5hich by de6otio! left his 5ife for to e!ter i!to reli io!1 The! S1 3emi ius sa5 that the see of 3heims 5as o6er reat" a!d ordai!ed a see of a bishopric at Lao! a!d made Ge!ebald first bishop of that place1 ,he! Ge!ebald 5as bishop his 5ife came thither to see him" a!d he remembered of the pri6ily that they 5ere 5o!t to ha6e to ether" a!d lay o! a !i ht 5ith her" a!d e! e!dered o! her a child1 ,he! his 5ife 4!e5 that she 5as reat a!d let him ha6e 4!o5led e thereof" a!d 5he! he 5ist that it 5as a so!" he comma!ded that it should be !amed Thief" because he had e! e!dered it by theft1 After for to <ue!ch the suspicio! a!d the 5ords of the people" he suffered that his 5ife should come to him as she did tofore" a!d a!o! after she co!cei6ed a dau hter" 5hom he comma!ded to !ame a fo8>s 5help" a!d after came to S1 3emi ius a!d co!fessed him of his si!" a!d too4 the stole off his !ec4 a!d 5ould lea6e his bishopric"













but S1 3emi ius" after he had co!fessed him" comforted him" a!d a6e him pe!a!ce" a!d shut him i! a little cell se6e! years lo! " a!d a6e to him bread a!d 5ater" a!d i! the mea!5hile he o6er!ed the church himself1 At the e!d of se6e! years a! a! el came to the priso!" a!d said to him that he had do!e 5ell his pe!a!ce" a!d bade him o out of the priso!1 To 5hom he saidD I may !ot o out" for my lord S1 3emi ius hath closed the door a!d sealed it1 A!d the a! el said to himD @!o5 thou that the door of hea6e! is ope!ed to thee7 I shall ope! this door 5ithout brea4i! of the seal 5hich S1 3emi ius hath sealed1 A!d a!o! the door 5as ope!ed1 The! Ge!ebald fell do5! i! the midst of the door i! ma!!er of a cross" a!d saidD If our Lord Jesu Christ came hither I shall !ot o out but if S1 3emi ius" 5hich shut a!d closed me herei!" come a!d bri! me out1 A!d the! the a! el 5e!t a!o! a!d fetched S1 3emi ius a!d brou ht him to Lao!" a!d he deli6ered him out of priso!" a!d remised him a!d set him a ai! i! his see there" 5here he li6ed after" all the days of his life" holily1 After his death" Thief his so! 5as made bishop after him" 5hich is also a sai!t i! hea6e!" a!d at the last S1 3emi ius" after that God had sho5! ma!y miracles for him" he departed out of this life u!to e6erlasti! =oy the year of the i!car!atio! of our Lord fi6e hu!dred1 Here followeth the Life of *" Hilary" The i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" +ilary is said of =oyous!ess" for he 5as =oyous i! the ser6ice of God1 Or +ilary is said 6irtuous a!d hi h" for he 5as hi h a!d stro! i! scie!ce" a!d 6irtuous i! his life1 Or +ilary is said of hilum" 5hich is to say dar4 matter" for he had i! his dictes reat obscurity a!d profou!d!ess1 Of the Life of *" Hilary" S1 +ilary" 5hich 5as 9ishop of (oictiers" 5as bor! i! the cou!try of Guie!!e1 +e had a 5ife 5edded" a!d a dau hter" a!d 5hereas he 5as i! habit secular he li6ed after the life of a mo!41 +e profited so much i! holy life a!d scie!ces that he 5as chose! Archbishop of (oictiers1 A ma!!er of a! heresy rei !ed i! his cou!try a!d throu h all 'ra!ce" 5hich 5as the sect of the Aria!s" the 5hich he destroyed to his po5er1 Ne6ertheless by the comma!dme!t of the emperor" 5hich 5as of the party of the heretics" by the su estio! of t5o bishops of that sect he 5as e8iled" 5ith 5hich t5o bishops he disputed" a!d o6ercame them1 After5ard" for they mi ht !ot ai!say the truth of the matter" !e could !ot bear !e a!s5er to his elo<ue!ce" so that he 5as co!strai!ed to come a ai! to (oictiers1 A!d as he passed by a! isle of the sea" 5hich 5as full of serpe!ts" he chased them a5ay by the 6irtue of his comma!dme!t" a!d by his si ht o!ly" a!d pi ht a staff i! the middle of the isle a!d a6e to the serpe!ts liberty to come to that staff a!d !ot to pass farther" a!d the serpe!ts obeyed him" 5hich part is !o la!d !o5 but sea1 ,he! S1 +ilary came to (oictiers he met a child dead" bor!e for to be buried" a!d the child 5as !ot baptiHed7 5hich child by 6irtue of his prayer he raised to life" for he lay lo! i! the dust i! prayer" a!d 5he! he arose out of his prayer the child arose from death to life1








S1 +ilary had a dau hter !amed Apia a!d she 5ould ha6e bee! married" but S1 +ilary preached to her so much of the estate of 6ir i!ity that she cha! ed her purpose1 A!d 5he! she 5as co!firmed i! this 5ill a!d purpose S1 +ilary doubted that she should cha! e" a!d prayed our Lord for to ta4e her 5hile she 5as i! ood purpose" a!d a!o! she died" a!d S1 +ilary buried her1 A!d 5he! her mother the 5ife of S1 +ilary sa5 that her dau hter 5as dead" she prayed to her husba!d" that he should impetre a!d et for her li4e as he had do!e for his dau hter1 A!d a!o! as S1 +ilary had made his oriso!" she died" a!d by this ma!!er he se!t tofore him his 5ife a!d his dau hter1 I! this time the pope Leo" 5hich fa6oured heresy" called a cou!sel of bishops" but he se!t !ot for S1 +ilary that he should come thereto" !ot5ithsta!di! S1 +ilary came thither1 ,he! the pope sa5 him come" he comma!ded that !o ma! should arise a ai!st him" !e i6e him !o place1 The! said the pope to himD Thou art +ilary the coc4" a!d !ot the so! of a! he!1 A!d +ilary a!s5eredD I am +ilary a!d !o coc4" but a bishop i! Gallia that is i! 'ra!ce1 The! said the pope" Thou art +ilary Gallus" a!d I am Leo of the (apal See" Jud e1 To 5hom +ilary saidD If thou be Leo yet art thou !ot of the Tribe of Judah1 The! the pope had reat i!di !atio! a!d said to himD Abide thou a little" a!d I shall pay to thee thi!e hire7 a!d S1 +ilary a!s5eredD A!d if thou come !ot a ai! 5ho shall pay me for theeE A!d the pope a!s5eredD I shall come a ai! a!d shall beat do5! thy pride1 The! the pope 5e!t do5! i!to the lo5 chamber for to ease




him" a!d by the co!duit of his !ether part 6oided out all the e!trails of his body" a!d so died sudde!ly1 Thus the! as he abode the pope S1 +ilary fou!d !o place to sit o!" !e !o!e 5ould remo6e to ma4e him place" a!d 5he! he sa5 that" he saidD Domi!i est terra" the earth lo! eth to our Lord" a!d sat do5! upo! the earth" a!d the earth arose up by miracle by the 5ill of our Lord" i! such 5ise that he sat as hi h as the other" a!d a!o! after" 5ord came that the pope 5as dead1 The! S1 +ilary co!firmed all the other bishops that 5ere there i! the faith" a!d so co!firmed" each 5e!t i! to his cou!try1 I! the e!d" 5he! S1 +ilary had impetred of God ma!y miracles to be sho5ed by his prayer" he became sic4" a!d sa5 his death approach1 The! he called to him o!e of his chaplai!s 5hom he much lo6ed a!d said to himD Go thou out a!d bri! to me 5ord 5hat thou hearest1 ,he! he had bee! lo! 5ithout" he came i! a!d told to S1 +ilary that he had heard a reat !oise i! the city7 a!d 5he! it 5as mid!i ht he se!t his chaplai! a ai! to hear4e! as he had do!e tofore7 a!d 5he! he came a ai! i! to the chamber for to tell that he had heard !othi! " a reat clear li ht e!tered i!" that the priest mi ht !ot behold it1 A!d 5he! the li ht departed S1 +ilary died" that 5as the year of race three hu!dred a!d forty" let us pray to him that he pray for us1 Ame! A#d #e+t followeth the 0#ve#tio# of *" Fir%i#" I! the time of the i!6e!tio! of S 'irmi! the martyr" 5as S1 Sa6i!" bishop of Amie!s" a!d sa5 that tofore him i! the time of S1 +o!or" our Lord had do!e ta4e up the bodies of S1 'ulcia!" S1 Victorice" a!d S1 Ge!tia!" a!d thou ht all a! 5hole !i ht upo! the body of S1 'irmi! the martyr1 A!d 5he! it 5as day this holy ma! S1 Sa6i! summo!ed the cler y a!d the people to fast a!d ma4e prayers throu h the city of Amie!s" to the e!d that our Lord 5ould sho5 them the place 5here the body of S1 'irmi! the martyr lay1 A!d o! the third day our Lord se!t such a miracle that he se!t a ray of the su!" 5hich pierced the 5all of the mo!astery o! the same place 5here the body lay1 The! they be a! to di a!d del6e there" a!d 5he! they came !i h the body" there issued out so reat a s5eet!ess out of the pit" that all they that 5ere there 5ee!ed they had bee! i! (aradise1 A!d it seemed that if all the spices of the 5orld had bee! stamped to ether it should !ot ha6e smelled so 5ell !e so s5eet" a!d this s5eet odour spread throu h the city of Amie!s a!d di6ers cities about" that is to 5it Theroua!!e" Cambray a!d Noyo!1 A!d the people of these cities mo6ed them each from his place 5ith ca!dles a!d offeri! s" 5ithout sayer or comma!der" but for the odour that so spread" a!d came u!to this lorious sai!t1 A!d as the body 5as bor!e i! the city of Amie!s" there 5ere sho5ed such miracles that !e6er !o!e 5ere li4e fou!d !e see! tofore of a!y sai!t" for the eleme!ts mo6ed them by the miracle of this sai!t7 the s!o5 that 5as that time reat o! the earth 5as tur!ed i!to po5der a!d dust by the heat that 5as the!" a!d the ice that hu! o! the trees became flo5ers a!d lea6es" a!d the meado5s about Amie!s flo5ered a!d became ree!" a!d the su! 5hich by his !ature should o lo5" that day asce!ded as hi h as she is o! S1 Joh!>s day at !oo! i! the summer1 A!d as me! bare the body of this sai!t the trees i!cli!ed a!d 5orshipped the body" a!d all ma!!er sic4 me!" of 5hat malady they had" they recei6ed health i! the i!6e!tio! of the blessed body of S1 'irmi!1 A!d the bur esses that 5ere i! their o5!s a!d ma!tles had so reat heat that they called their ser6a!ts a!d bo!d me!" of 5hom there 5ere ma!y that day i! Amie!s" a!d affra!chised them for to bear their clothes i!to the city of Amie!s1 Our Lord did do sho5 such miracles" a!d so far se!t the odour that the lord of 9eau e!cy 5hich 5as at a 5i!do5 a!d 5as sic4 of laHary" smelled the odour a!d 5as a!o! uerished a!d 5hole1 A!d he too4 his old a!d came a!d did homa e u!to the body of S1 'irmi! i! the city of Amie!s1 Our Lord hath sho5ed ma!y miracles for this lorious sai!t" a!d much he ou ht to be ho!oured i! this 5orld" a!d the! pray 5e u!to this blessed sai!t" S1 'irmi!" that he pray for us to our Lord that he 5ill pardo! us our si!s" a!d octroy a!d ra!t to us the lory of hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Ma$aria . a#d" fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"










-acarius is said of macha" 5hich is as much to say as e! i!e" a!d of ares" 5hich is to say 6irtue1 Or -acarius is said of macha" that is to say smiti! " a!d of rio" that is to say master" for he 5as i! e!ious a ai!st the fallacy of the de6il" 6irtuous of life" smiti! i! chaste!i! his body" a!d master i! the o6er!a!ce of prelacy1 S1 -acarius 5as i! a desert" a!d e!tered i! to a pit or sepulchre" 5hereas had bee! buried ma!y bodies of pay!ims" for to sleep" a!d he dre5 out o!e of these bodies a!d laid it u!der his head i!stead of a pillo51




The! came thither de6ils for to ma4e him a hast a!d afeard" a!d said o!e to a!otherD Come 5ith me to bathe thee1 A!d the body that lay u!der his head saidD I may !ot come" for I ha6e a pil rim upo! me Iyi! " that I may !ot mo6e1 'or all this S1 -acarius 5as !ot afeard" but he beat the body 5ith his fist" a!d saidD Arise a!d o if thou mayst1 ,he! the de6ils sa5 that they mi ht !ot ma4e him afeard they cried 5ith a reat 6oiceD -acarius" thou hast 6a!<uished a!d o6ercome us t5ice1 O! a time as -acarius 5as !i h his house" the de6il came 5ith a reat scythe o! his !ec4" a!d 5ould ha6e smitte! there5ith S1 -acarius" a!d the de6il said to himD Thou dost to me reat 6iole!ce a!d force for I may !ot pre6ail a ai!st thee1 LoI 5hat thou doest I do" thou fastest a!d I eat !ot" thou 5a4est a!d I !e6er sleep" but there is o!e thi! i! 5hich thou o6ercomest me" a!d -acarius saidD ,hat is thatE To 5hom the de6il saidD That is humility" a!d thy mee4!ess by 5hich I may !ot pre6ail a ai!st thee1 It happed o! a time that a reat temptatio! came upo! S1 -acarius" a!d much tempted him" a!d a!o! he filled a sac4 full of sto!es" a!d laid it o! his !ec4 a!d bare it ma!y =our!eys to ether throu h the desert1 The! a!other hermit met him a!d dema!ded him 5hy he bare so reat a burde!" a!d he a!s5eredD I tra6ail my body because it suffereth !ot me i! peace" a!d thus I 6e8 him that 6e8ed me1 This holy abbot S1 -acarius sa5 passi! tofore him a de6il i! the habit of a ma!" 5hich 5as the clothi! of a herald" all li!e! full of holes" a!d i! e6ery hole hu! a phial" a!d he dema!ded him 5hither he 5e!t1 The de6il a!s5ered him" I o for to i6e dri!4 u!to these hermits" the! dema!ded him" S1 -acarius" 5herefore he bare so ma!y phials1 A!d he a!s5eredD I shall offer to them o!e" a!d if he may !ot dri!4 of that o!e" I shall proffer him a!other" a!d so the third" a!d of all the other" each after other" u!til they may fi!d somethi! pleasa!t to them for to fall i!to temptatio!1 A!d 5he! he came a ai!" S1 -acarius called him" a!d dema!ded him 5hat he had fou!d" a!d he a!s5ered that he had e6il sped" for they 5ere all so holy a!d blessed that they rec4ed !ot of his dri!4" sa6e o!e o!ly 5hich is !amed Theodistus1 The! S1 -acarius arose a!d came to these hermits" a!d fou!d them all i! ood poi!t sa6e him 5hom the de6il had tempted1 The! S1 -acarius did so much by his e8hortatio! that he brou ht him a ai! i! the ri ht 5ay1 A!other time S1 -acarius met the de6il a!d dema!ded him 5he!ce he came" a!d the de6il a!s5eredD I come from 6isiti! thy brethre!" the! said S1 -acariusD +o5 do theyE The de6il a!s5eredD E6il1 A!d he as4ed 5herefore" a!d the de6il saidD 'or they all holy" a!d that 5orst is" there 5as o! that 5as mi!e a!d I ha6e lost him" for he is !o5 made holier tha! the others1 ,he! S1 -acarius heard this he a6e laudi! s a!d tha!4i! s to God1 It happed o! a time S1 -acarius fou!d i! his 5ay the head of a dead ma!" a!d he dema!ded of it 5hose head it 5as" a!d the head a!s5eredD Of a pay!im" a!d -acarius said to himD ,here is thy soulE +e a!s5eredD I! hell7 a!d he dema!ded if it 5ere deep i! hell" a!d he saidD Deeper tha! is from hea6e! to earth1 A!d after he dema!ded if there 5ere a!y be!eath him" a!d he said the Je5s be lo5er tha! he 5as7 he as4ed if there 5ere a!y lo5er or be!eath the Je5s7 to 5hom he said that the false christia! me! be yet lo5er a!d deeper i! hell tha! the Je5s" for as much as they ha6e despited a!d 6illai!ed the blood of Jesu Christ of 5hich they 5ere redeemed" so much the more be they torme!ted1 O! a time S1 -acarius 5e!t i! a desert a!d at the e!d of e6ery mile he set a reed i! the earth for to ha6e 4!o5led e thereby to tur! a ai!" a!d 5e!t forth !i!e days> =our!ey" a!d after" he slept1 A!d the de6il too4 all these reeds a!d bou!d them a!d laid them at his head" 5herefore he had reat labour for to come a ai! i!to his house1 A! hermit 5hich 5as i! desert 5as much tempted for to o a ai! to the 5orld" a!d he thou ht i! his heart that he should do more ood to be amo! the people tha! he should do i! his hermita e1 The! he told all this to S1 -acarius" a!d S1 -acarius said to himD Thus shalt thou say to thy thou hts" that for the lo6e of Jesu Christ I 4eep the 5alls of this cell1 It happed o! a time that S1 -acarius 4illed fly that bit him" a!d 5he! he sa5 the blood of this fly" he repe!ted him" a!d so" repe!ta!t of that" 5ould re6e! e it" a!d a!o! u!clothed him a!d 5e!t !a4ed i! the desert si8 mo!ths" a!d suffered himself to be bitte! of the flies1 After this S1 -acarius 5he! he had lo! li6ed" a!d God had sho5ed ma!y miracles for him" a!d had flo5ered i! ma!y 6irtues" he died a!d re!dered his soul u!to our Lord Jesu Christ" <ui est be!edictus i! secula seculorum1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Feli+. aid 0#&i#$i










'eli8 5as sur!amed I!pi!cis" a!d is said of the place 5here he resteth" or of the poi!telles of reffes1 A reffe is properly called a poi!tel to 5rite i! tables of 5a8" by 5hich he suffered death1 A!d some say that he 5as a schoolmaster a!d tau ht childre!" a!d 5as to them much ri orous1 After he 5as 4!o5! of




the pay!ims" a!d because he co!fessed plai!ly that he 5as christia! a!d belie6ed i! Jesu Christ he 5as deli6ered to be torme!ted i!to the ha!ds of the childre! his scholars" 5hom he had tau ht a!d lear!ed" 5hich scholars sle5 him 5ith their poi!telles" pric4s" a!d reffes" a!d yet the church holdeth him for !o martyr but for a co!fessor1 A!d the pay!ims said to him that he should do sacrifice to the idols" but he ble5 o! them a!d a!o! they fell to the earth1 It is read i! a le e!d that 5he! -a8imus" bishop of Nola" a!d Valeria!" fled the persecutio! of the pay!ims" the bishop 5as torme!ted 5ith hu! er a!d thirst so much that he fell do5! to the rou!d" 5herefore 'eli8 5as se!t of a! a! el to him" a!d he bare !othi! 5ith him for to i6e to him" a!d he sa5 by him a cluster of raisi!s ha! i! o! a tree" 5hich he laid o! his shoulders hastily" a!d bare it 5ith him1 A!d 5he! the bishop 5as dead1 'eli8 5as elected a!d chose! to be bishop1 A!d as he preached o! a time the persecutors sou ht him" a!d he hid him i! the clefts of a bro4e! 5all" a!d i!co!ti!e!t by the 5ill of God came spi!cops a!d made their 5or4 a!d !ets before him that they mi ht !ot fi!d him1 A!d 5he! the tyra!ts could !ot fi!d him they 5e!t their 5ay" a!d he 5e!t the!ce a!d came to the house of a 5ido5" a!d too4 there his refectio! of her three mo!ths" a!d yet he sa5 her !e6er i! the 6isa e1 A!d at last 5he! the peace 5as made he 5e!t him i! to his church a!d there died a!d rested i! our Lord a!d 5as buried by the city i! a place that 5as called (i!cis1 A!d this 'eli8 had a brother 5hich 5as i! li4e5ise !amed 'eli8" a!d 5he! this 'eli8 5as co!strai!ed to adore the idols he saidD ;e be e!emies u!to your ods" for if ye bri! me to them li4e as my brother did" a!d they shall fall to the earth a!d brea41

O! a time this 'eli8 did do labour his arde! 5here he had set coles a!d 5orts for his use" a!d some of his !ei hbours 5ould ha6e stole! a5ay these coles a!d 5orts" a!d hoed i! the arde! all the !i ht a!d di ed" a!d o! the mor!i! S1 'eli8 saluted them" a!d a!o! they co!fessed their si!" a!d he pardo!ed them a!d the! they 5e!t their 5ay1

A!d a little 5hile after the pay!ims came for to ta4e S1 'eli8" a!d a!o! so reat dolour a!d pai! too4 them that they be a! to ho5l as do s1 A!d he said to themD 9elie6e ye i! God a!d say ye that Jesu Christ is 6ery God" a!d do you to be baptiHed" a!d ye shall be 5hole" a!d your pai! shall cease" a!d so they did" a!d a!o! they 5ere all 5hole1 A!d after" the bishop of the idols came to him a!d saidD Sire" as soo! as our God sa5 thee he fled" a!d 5he! I said ,hy fleest thouE he saidD I may !ot suffer the 6irtue of 'eli8" a!d 5he! my God doubteth thee" much more I ou ht to doubt thee" a!d 5he! 'eli8 had co!firmed him i! the faith he baptiHed him1 A!d 'eli8 said to them that adored ApolloD If Apollo be 6ery God" let him say to me 5hat I hold i! my ha!d1 A!d he had i! his ha!d a schedule 5herei! 5as 5ritte! the oriso! of our Lord" that is the (ater!oster1 A!d he mi ht !ot a!s5er" 5herefore the pay!ims 5ere co!6erted to our Lord1 A!d at last 5he! he had su! his mass a!d the peace i6e! to the people" he fell do5! i! prayer upo! the pa6eme!t of the church a!d passed out of this life u!to our Lord1 Here followeth the Life of *" Mar$el a#d the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"



-arcel is as much to say as de!yi! to do e6il" or it is said as smiti! the seas" that is to say the ad6ersities of the 5orld" for the 5orld resembleth the sea1 'or li4e as Chrysostom saith upo! -atthe5D Co!ti!ual dread is his co!fuse" a!d al5ays i! the sea is co!ti!ual dread" the ima e of death a!d perpetual disordi!a!ce 5ithout ceasi! 1 Of *" Mar$el" S1 -arcel 5as chief bishop a!d pope of 3ome1 +e 5e!t to chastise a!d repro6e -a8imia! the emperor of this" that he 5as o6er cruel to christia! people1 A!d the emperor had of him so reat despite that he made of the house of a ood 5oma!" of 5hich S1 -arcel had made a church" the said emperor made it a stable for horses" a!d i! the place 5here S1 -arcel had su! mass" the emperor made him to 4eep his horse" i! 5hich ser6ice S1 -arcel 5as all his life after" a!d i! that ser6ice S1 -arcel died holily the year of the i!car!atio! of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d four score a!d se6e!1 Here followeth of *" A#tho#y. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"




A!tho!y is said of A!a" 5hich is as much to say as hi h" a!d te!e!s that is holdi! " 5hich is as much as to say as holdi! hi h thi! s a!d despisi! the 5orld1 +e despised the 5orld a!d saidD It is decei6i! " tra!sitory a!d bitter" a!d Atha!asius 5rote his life1

Of the Life of *" A#tho#y" S1 A!tho!y 5as bor! i! E ypt of ood a!d reli ious father a!d mother" a!d 5he! he 5as but t5e!ty years old" he heard o! a time i! the church read i! the ospel" that saidD If thou 5ilt be perfect o sell all that thou hast a!d i6e it to poor me!7 a!d the! accordi! thereto he sold all that he had" a!d a6e it to the poor people a!d became a! hermit1 +e had o6erma!y temptatio!s of the de6il1 The! o! a time 5he! he had o6ercome the spirit of for!icatio! 5hich tempted him therei! by the 6irtue of his faith" the de6il came to him i! the form of a little child all blac4" a!d fell do5! at his feet a!d co!fessed that he 5as the de6il of for!icatio!" 5hich S1 A!tho!y had desired a!d prayed to see him" for to 4!o5 him that so tempted you! people1 The! said S1 A!tho!yD Sith I ha6e percei6ed that thou art so foul a thi! I shall !e6er doubt thee1 After" he 5e!t i!to a hole or ca6e to hide him" a!d a!o! he fou!d there a reat multitude of de6ils" that so much beat him that his ser6a!t bare him upo! his shoulders i! to his house as he had bee! dead1 ,he! the other hermits 5ere assembled a!d 5ept his death" a!d 5ould ha6e do!e his ser6ice" sudde!ly S1 A!tho!y re6i6ed a!d made his ser6a!t to bear him i!to the pit a ai! 5here the de6ils had so e6il beate! him" a!d be a! to summo! the de6ils a ai!" 5hich had beate! him" to battles1 A!d a!o! they came i! form of di6ers beasts 5ild a!d sa6a e" of 5hom that o!e ho5led" a!other siffled" a!d a!other cried" a!d a!other brayed a!d assailed S1 A!tho!y" that o!e 5ith the hor!s" the others 5ith their teeth" a!d the others 5ith their pa5s a!d o! les" a!d distur!ed" a!d all to:re!t his body that he supposed 5ell to die1 The! came a clear bri ht!ess" a!d all the beasts fled a5ay" a!d S1 A!tho!y u!derstood that i! this reat li ht our Lord came" a!d he said t5iceD ,ho art thouE The ood Jesu a!s5eredD I am here" A!tho!y1 The! said S1 A!tho!yD O ood JesuI 5here hast thou bee! so lo! E 5hy 5ert thou !ot here 5ith me at the be i!!i! to help me a!d to heal my 5ou!dsE The! our Lord saidD I 5as here but I 5ould see a!d abide to see thy battle" a!d because thou hast ma!ly fou ht a!d 5ell mai!tai!ed thy battle" I shall ma4e thy !ame to be spread throu h all the 5orld1 S1 A!tho!y 5as of so reat fer6our a!d bur!i! lo6e to God" that 5he! -a8imus" the emperor" sle5 a!d martyred christia! me!" he follo5ed the martyrs that he mi ht be a martyr 5ith them a!d deser6e it" a!d 5as sorry that martyrdom 5as !ot i6e! to him1 After this" as S1 A!tho!y 5e!t i! desert he fou!d a platter of sil6er i! his 5ay7 the! he thou ht 5he!ce this platter should come" seei! it 5as i! !o 5ay for a!y ma! to pass" a!d also if it had falle! from a!y ma! he should ha6e heard it sou!d i! the falli! 1 The! said he 5ell that the de6il had laid it there for to tempt him" a!d saidD +aI de6il" thou 5ee!est to tempt me a!d decei6e me" but it shall !ot be i! thy po5er1 The! the platter 6a!ished a5ay as a little smo4e1 A!d i! li4e5ise it happed him of a mass of old that he fou!d i! this 5ay" 5hich the de6il had cast for to decei6e him" 5hich he too4 a!d cast it i!to the fire a!d a!o! it 6a!ished a5ay1 After" it happed that S1 A!tho!y o! a time 5as i! prayer" a!d sa5 i! a 6isio! all the 5orld full of s!ares a!d i!s1 The! cried S1 A!tho!y a!d saidD O ood Lord" 5ho may escape from these s!aresE A!d a 6oice said to himD Very humility shall escape them 5ithout more1 ,he! S1 A!tho!y o! a time 5as left i! the air" the de6ils came a ai!st him a!d laid to him all the e6ils that he had do!e from his childhood" tofore the a! els1 The! said the a! elsD Thou ou htest !ot to tell the e6ils that ha6e bee! defeated" but say if thou 4!o5 a!y e6il sith he 5as made a mo!4" the! the de6ils co!tri6ed ma!y e6ils" a!d 5he! they mi ht !ot pro6e them" the a! els bare him hi her tha! tofore" a!d after set him a ai! i! his place1 S1 A!tho!y recordeth of himself that he had see! a ma! so reat a!d so hi h that he 6au!ted himself to be the 6irtue a!d the pro6ide!ce of God" a!d said to meD Dema!d of me 5hat thou 5ilt a!d I shall i6e it to thee1 A!d I spit i! the midst of his 6isa e" a!d a!o! I armed me 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d ra! upo! him" a!d a!o! he 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d after this the de6il appeared to him i! so reat a stature that he touched the hea6e!" a!d 5he! S1 A!tho!y had dema!ded him 5hat he 5as" he a!s5eredD I am the de6il a!d dema!d thee 5hy these mo!4s a!d these cursed christia! me! do me thus much shameE S1 A!tho!y saidD They do it by ood ri ht" for thou dost to them the 5orst thou ca!st" a!d the de6il a!s5eredD I do to them !o!e harm" but they trouble each other" I am destroyed a!d come to !au ht because that Jesu Christ rei !eth o6er all1












A you! ma! passed by S1 A!tho!y a!d his bo5 i! his ha!d" a!d beheld ho5 S1 A!tho!y played 5ith his fello5s" a!d 5as e6il apaid1 The! S1 A!tho!y said to him that he should be!d his bo5" a!d so he did" a!d shot t5o or three shots tofore him" a!d a!o! he u!be!t his bo51 The! dema!ded him S1 A!tho!y 5hy he held !ot his bo5 be!t1 A!d he a!s5ered that it should the! be o6er 5ea4 a!d feeble7 the! said to him S1 A!tho!yD I! li4e5ise play the mo!4s" for to be after more stro! to ser6e God1 A ma! dema!ded of S1 A!tho!y 5hat he mi ht do to please God" a!d he a!s5eredD O6er all 5here thou shalt be or shalt o" ha6e God tofore thi!e eyes" a!d the holy scripture" a!d hold thee i! o!e place all still" a!d 5al4 !ot !e royle !ot about i! the cou!try" do these three thi! s a!d thou shalt be safe1 A! abbot came to S1 A!tho!y for to be cou!selled of him 5hat he mi ht do for to be sa6ed1 S1 A!tho!y a!s5ered to himD +a6e !o!e affia!ce i! the ood that thou hast do!e" !e that thou hast 4ept thy belly a!d thy to! ue 5ell soberly" a!d repe!t thee !ot of pe!a!ce that thou hast do!e I say" for li4e as fishes that ha6e bee! lo! i! the 5ater 5he! they come i! to dry la!d they must die" i! li4e 5ise the mo!4s that o out of their cloister or cells" if they co!6erse lo! 5ith seculars they must !eeds lose their holi!ess a!d lea6e their ood life1 It beho6eth the mo!4s that they be solitary" a!d that they ha6e three battles" that is of heari! " of spea4i! " a!d of seei! " a!d if they ha6e but o!e of these battles" that is of the heart" yet they ha6e o6ermuch1 Some hermits came to S1 A!tho!y for to 6isit him" a!d their abbot 5as 5ith them7 the! said S1 A!tho!y to the hermitsD ;e ha6e a ood 5ise ma! 5ith you" a!d after he said to the abbotD Thou hast fou!de! ood brethre!1 The! a!s5ered the abbotD Truly I ha6e ood brethre!" but there is !o door o! their house" each body may e!ter that 5ill" a!d o i!to the stable a!d u!bi!d the ass of 5ithi!1 A!d this said he because that the brethre! had o6ermuch their mouths ope! to spea4" for a!o! as they ha6e thou ht o! a thi! is it come to the mouth1 The! S1 A!tho!y saidD ;e ou ht to 4!o5 that there be three bodily mo6i! s" that o!e is of !ature" a!other of o6ermuch ple!ty of meats" a!d the third of the de6il1 There 5as a! hermit that had re!ou!ced the 5orld" but !ot perfectly" for he had some5hat proper to himself" 5hom S1 A!tho!y se!t to the mar4et to buy flesh" a!d as he 5as comi! a!d brou ht the flesh" the do s assailed him" a!d all totare him" a!d too4 the flesh from him7 a!d 5he! he came to S1 A!tho!y he told him 5hat 5as happed to him7 a!d the! said S1 A!tho!y to himD Thus as the hou!ds ha6e do!e to thee" so do the de6ils to mo!4s that 4eep mo!ey a!d ha6e some proper to themsel6es1 O! a time as S1 A!tho!y 5as i! the 5ilder!ess i! his prayer a!d 5as 5eary" he said to our Lord" Lord" I ha6e reat desire to be sa6ed" but my thou hts let me1 The! appeared a! a! el to him a!d saidD Do as I do" a!d thou shalt be safe" a!d he 5e!t out a!d sa5 him o!e 5hile labour a!d a!other 5hile pray" do thus a!d thou shalt be sa6ed1 O! a time 5he! the brethre! hermits 5ere assembled tofore S1 A!tho!y" they dema!ded of him of the state of souls 5he! they be departed from the body" a!d the !e8t !i ht after a 6oice called S1 A!tho!y a!d saidD Arise" a!d o out a!d see up o! hi h1 ,he! S1 A!tho!y beheld up5ard o! hi h he sa5 o!e lo! a!d terrible" 5hose head touched the clouds" 5hich 4ept people ha6i! 5i! s that 5ould ha6e fled to hea6e!" a!d this reat ma! retai!ed a!d cau ht some" a!d others he mi ht !ot retai! !e let for they fle5 forth up1 The! he heard a !oise full of =oy" a!d a!other full of sorro5" a!d he u!derstood that this 5as the de6il that retai!ed some souls that 5e!t !ot to hea6e!" a!d the other he mi ht !ot hold !e retai!" 5herefore he made sorro5" a!d for the other he made =oy" a!d so he heard the sorro5 a!d the =oy meddled to ether1 It happed o! a time that S1 A!tho!y laboured 5ith his brethre! the hermits" a!d he sa5 a 6isio! much sorro5ful" a!d therefore he 4!eeled do5! o! his 4!ees a!d prayed our Lord that he 5ould empesh the reat sorro5 that 5as to come1 The! the other hermits dema!ded 5hat thi! it 5as" a!d he said that it 5as a reat sorro5" for I ha6e see! of reat ple!ty of beasts 5hich e!6iro!ed me" 5hich feared all the cou!try" a!d I 5ot 5ell that this is to say that there shall come a reat trouble of me! li4e u!to beasts" that shall defoul the sacrame!ts of holy church1 The! came a 6oice from hea6e! to S1 A!tho!y that said that reat abomi!atio! shall come to mi!e altar1 A!d a!o! after" the heresy of Arius be a!" a!d much












troubled holy church" a!d did ma!y e6ils1 They beat mo!4s a!d other all !a4ed tofore the people" a!d sle5 christia! me! li4e sheep upo! the altars" a!d i! especial o!e 9alachy! did reat persecutio! to 5hom S1 A!tho!y 5rote a letter 5hich saidD I see the ire a!d mal tale!t of our Lord comi! upo! thee if thou suffer !ot the christia!s to li6e i! peace1 The! I comma!d thee that thou do to them !o more 6illai!y or thou shalt ha6e a mischa!ce hastily1 The u!happy ma! recei6ed this letter a!d be a! to moc4 S1 A!tho!y" a!d spit o! it" a!d beat 5ell him that brou ht the letter" a!d se!t a ai! to S1 A!tho!y these 5ordsD If thou hast so reat char e of thy mo!4s come to me a!d I shall i6e to thee my discipli!eD but it happed that the fiftee!th day after he mou!ted upo! a horse o6er debo!air" a!d !e6ertheless 5he! the horse felt him upo! him he bit him o! the le s a!d thi hs that he died o! the third day1 It happed a!other time that the hermits 5ere come to S1 A!tho!y a!d dema!ded of him a collatio!1 The! said S1 A!tho!yD Do ye this that is 5ritte! i! the ospel" if o!e i6e to the other a stro4e o! that o!e chee4 sho5 him that otherE A!d they made a!s5erD ,e may !ot do so7 the! said heD Suffer ye it o!ce debo!airly7 they a!s5eredD ,e may !ot1 The! said S1 A!tho!y to his ser6a!tD Gi6e them to dri!4 ood 5i!e" for these mo!4s be o6er delicious1 'air brethre!" put yoursel6es to prayer" for ye ha6e much reat !eed1 At the last S1 A!tho!y assembled the hermits a!d a6e to them the peace" a!d died a!d departed out of this 5orld holily 5he! he 5as of the a e of a! hu!dred a!d fi6e years1 (ray 5e to him that he pray for us1 Of *" Fa)ia#. a#d the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e fir t" 'abia! is as much to say as ma4i! so6erei ! beatitude or blessed!ess" that is to 5it i! etti! i! three ma!!er 5ises or ma!!ers1 'irst by ri ht a!d reaso! of adoptio! of bei! i! achate" a!d by 6ictory1





Of *" Fa)ia# the Martyr" S1 'abia! 5as a citiHe! a!d bur ess of 3ome" a!d it happed 5he! the pope 5as dead that the people assembled for to choose a!other pope1 A!d S1 'abia! came to the electio! for to 4!o5 5ho should be elect a!d chose! to that di !ity1 A!d a!o! a 5hite do6e desce!ded from hea6e! a!d rested upo! his head" a!d 5he! the people sa5 that they mar6elled much" a!d all they by commo! accord chose him for to be pope1 This holy ma! 'abia!" after 5he! he 5as pope" he ordai!ed throu hout all the cou!tries" se6e! deaco!s" a!d to them se6e! subdeaco!s" for to 5rite the li6es of martyrs1 There 5as a! emperor i! his time !amed (hilip" 5hich 5as much si!ful" a!d came boldly i! the 6i il of Easter i! to the church for to be houseled a!d commu!ed" 5hom the pope dro6e a5ay a!d de!ied to him the commu!io!" u!til he had o!e a!d shri6e! him of his si!s" a!d let him sta!d amo! the seculars1 This holy pope also ordai!ed the chrism i! the church1 The! at the last 5he! he had bee! pope thirtee! years Decius the emperor comma!ded to smite off his head" a!d so he 5as cro5!ed 5ith the cro5! of martyrdom the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d fifty:three1 Of *" *e)a tia#. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" Sebastia! is said of se<ue!s a!d beatitudo" a!d astim a!d a!a" that is to say follo5i! the blessed!ess of the hea6e!ly city" a!d this he at fi6e ma!!er 5ises" after S1 Austi!" that is to say he at by po6erty the 4i! dom" 5ith sorro5 =oy" 5ith labour rest" 5ith trouble lory" a!d 5ith death life1 Or Sebastia!us is said of basto" for by the help of Christ he flourished i! the church" a!d had a custom to comfort the martyrs i! their torme!ts1 Of *" *e)a tia#"





S1 Sebastia! 5as a ma! of reat faith" a ood christia! ma!" a!d 5as bor! i! Narbo!!e" a!d after tau ht a!d e!doctri!ed i! the city of -ila!" a!d 5as so 5ell belo6ed of Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" emperors of 3ome" that they made him master a!d du4e of their mei!y a!d po5er" a!d al5ays 5ould ha6e him i! their prese!ce1 A!d he 5as al5ays 5ith them i! habit of a 4!i ht" a!d 5as irded 5ith a irdle of old abo6e li4e as 5as used1 A!d all this did he !ot for =ollity" !e for cause that he dreaded death" or to die for


the lo6e of Jesu Christ" but he did it for to comfort the christia! me! i! their belief 5he! they 5ere i! distress for to re!y the faith for dread of torme!ti! their body1 It happed that t5o brethre! erma!" 6ery christia! me! a!d !oble of li!ea e !amed -arcus a!d -arcellia!us" 5ere ta4e! a!d co!strai!ed by the emperor for to 5orship a!d do sacrifice u!to the idols" a!d there 5as i6e! to them thirty days to be i! priso! 5ithout to recei6e death for their christia! faith" 5ithi! 5hich time they mi ht cou!sel a!d ad6ise themsel6es 5hether they 5ould do sacrifice to the idols or to lea6e" a!d their frie!ds 5ere suffered i! this time of respite to come to them i! priso!" for to e!treat a!d re6o4e them from their faith for to sa6e their li6es1 The! came their pare!ts a!d frie!ds to them" a!d be a! to sayD ,he!ce cometh this hard!ess of heart that ye despise the old a e of your father a!d mother 5hich be !o5 oldE ;e et u!to them !e5 sorro5s" the reat pai! that they had i! your birth 5as !ot so reat as the sorro5 that they ha6e !o5" a!d the sorro5 that your mother suffereth is !ot to rehearse" 5herefore ri ht dear frie!ds 5e pray you that ye 5ill to these sorro5s put some remedy" a!d depart you a!d lea6e the error of the christia! me!1 A!d a!o!" after these 5ords" their mother came" a!d e!tered i!" i! cryi! a!d teari! the hair of her head a!d i! sho5i! her paps" a!d said all 5eepi! D AlasI I am mecha!t a!d u!happy that lose my t5o so!s that I ha6e i6e! suc4 a!d !ourished so s5eetly7 thou fair so!" thou 5ert s5eet a!d debo!air to me1 A!d to that other she saidD Thou 5ert li4e a!d semblest 5ell thy father1 AlasI to 5hat mischief a!d sorro5 am I deli6ered for you my fair so!s7 I lose my so!s 5hich by their o5! 5ill o for to die1 -y most dear childre!" ha6e ye mercy o! your sorro5ful mother" that am i! so reat misease a!d i! so reat 5eepi! s for you7 O poor caitiff that I am" 5hat shall I do that lose my t5o so!sE a!d to the death I see them o by their free 5ill1 AlasI this is a !e5 ma!!er of death" for to desire the death tofore it come1 The mother had u!!ethe said her complai!t but that their father 5as brou ht bet5ee! t5o ser6a!ts" 5hich at the e!try sho5ed to his so!s dust upo! the po6erty of his hoar head a!d criedD Alas I sorro5ful caitiff come to the death of my t5o so!s" 5hich by their o5! a reeme!t 5ill die1 O my o6er dearest so!s that 5ere the suste!a!ce a!d staff of mi!e old a e" s5eetly !ourished a!d tau ht a!d lear!ed i! scie!ce" 5hat is this ope! foolish!ess a!d ra e that is come o! you a!d causeth you to lo6e a!d desire so the deathE There 5as !e6er such a folly !e ra e see! i! the 5orld1 O ye my frie!ds come forth a!d help me to be5eep my childre!" ye that ha6e hearts of pity" a!d ye old a!d you! " 5eep ye" a!d I 5ill 5eep so much that I see !ot the death of my so!s1 I! the 5hile that the father thus 5ept a!d said" came the t5o 5i6es of these t5o so!s" 5hich bare i! their arms their childre!" 5hich 5eepi! a!d cryi! saidD Say ye !o5 that be our dear husba!ds" i! 5hat 5ard lea6e ye us a!d your childre!I Alas" 5hat shall become of us" our childre!" a!d our oods" that for your sa4e shall be lostE Alas caitiffs that 5e be" 5hat thi! is to us happe!edE ho5 ha6e ye hearts of iro!E i! 5hat ma!!er may ye so be harde!ed" so out of !ature" a!d so cruel" that also despise your father a!d mother a!d refuse all your frie!ds" chase a5ay your 5i6es" a!d re!y a!d forsa4e your childre!" a!d 5ith your 5ill deli6er yoursel6es for to die shamefullyE Of these lame!table 5ords tofore 5ritte!" the t5o said so!s -arcus a!d -arcellia!us 5ere so abashed a!d their hearts mollified" that almost they 5ere retur!ed from the christia! faith" a!d 5ould for the fa6our of their pare!ts a!d frie!ds ha6e do!e sacrifice u!to the idols1 9ut at these 5ords 5as S1 Sebastia! as a 4!i ht7 5he! he sa5 them thus tra6ailed" a!d so amollished a!o! came to them a!d saidD O ri ht !oble 4!i hts of Jesu Christ" 5ise a!d hardy" 5hich be come to the 6ictory a!d !o5 o abac4" a!d for a fe5 bla!dishi! 5ords 6ai! a!d miserable" ye 5ill lose the 6ictory perma!able" lose ye !ot the e6erlasti! life for the bla!dishi! 5ords of 5ome!" be ye e8ample to other christia! me! for to be stro! i! the faith" address ye your hearts abo6e the 5orld" a!d lose ye !ot your cro5! for the 5eepi! s of your 5i6es a!d your childre!1 They that !o5 5eep" certes should this day be lad a!d =oyous if they 4!e5 that ye 4!o51 They 5ee! that there be !o!e other life but this 5hich they see tofore their eyes" 5hich after this shall come to !ou htD if they 4!e5 5hat is that other life 5ithout death a!d 5ithout hea6i!ess" i! 5hich is =oy perma!able a!d e6erlasti! " 5ithout doubt they 5ould haste them for to o 5ith you u!to that life a!d should repute this life as 6ai!1 'or it is full of misery a!d also false" a!d sith the be i!!i! of the 5orld hath decei6ed all his frie!ds a!d co!<uered all them that ha6e affia!ce i! him" for she hath lied i! her promise" yet doth she daily i! this life more harm" for she ma4eth lutto!s" a!d other she ma4eth lecherous" she ma4eth thie6es for to slay" a!d the a! ry cruel" a!d the liars false a!d decei6able7 she putteth discord amo! 5edded a!d married people" a!d debate amo! the peaceable" by the 5orld cometh all malice a!d also felo!y1 This e6il do they that i! this life put their desires a!d 5ee! lo! to li6e therei!" a!d 5he! they that thus ser6e the 5orld ha6e used their life i! doi! this e6il aforesaid" the! i6eth she to them her dau hter" that is the death perpetual7 that is the re5ard that the life of this 5orld i6eth to her ser6a!ts that depart from this 5orld dispur6eyed" a!d bear !othi! 5ith them but their si!s1 After this S1 Sebastia! tur!ed him to their pare!ts a!d frie!ds a!d said























to them i! this ma!!erD O ye my frie!ds" lo" here the life of this 5orld 5hich decei6eth you i! such 5ise that ye discou!sel your frie!ds from the e6erlasti! life" ye distrouble your childre! that they should !ot come to the compa!y of hea6e!" a!d to the ho!our perma!able a!d to the amity of the emperor celestial" by your foolish 5ords a!d your false 5eepi! s7 if they should asse!t to your repeal" they should but a 5hile d5ell 5ith you" a!d after should depart from your compa!y 5here ye should see them i! torme!ts that should !e6er e!d" 5hereas cruel flame de6oureth the souls of miscrea!ts a!d 5orshippers of idols" a!d the dra o!s eat the lips of cursed me!" a!d the serpe!ts destroy them that be e6il7 there 5here is heard !othi! but 5aili! s" 5eepi! s" a!d horrible cries of souls 5hich bur! co!ti!ually i! the fire of hell" a!d e6er shall bur! 5ithout dyi! 1 Suffer ye that your so!s escape these torme!ts" a!d thi!4 ho5 ye may escape a!d let them suffer death for the lo6e of Jesu Christ1 Thi!4 !ot but they" 5he! they shall be thus departed from you" o for to ma4e ready your place a!d your ma!sio! i! hea6e!" 5here ye a!d your childre! may be i! =oy perpetual1 I! this hour a!d time that S1 Sebastia!" that 5as i! habit of a 4!i ht clad 5ith a ma!tle a!d irt 5ith a irdle of old" a!d had said these 5ords" a!o! came a reat li ht" i! the 5hich appeared a you! li! clad 5ith a 5hite ma!tle amo! se6e! a! els" a!d a6e to S1 Sebastia! the peace sayi! D Thou shalt be al5ay 5ith me1 This sa5 the 5ife of Nicostratus !amed Koe i! 5hose house -arcus a!d -arcellia!us 5ere i! priso!" 5hich had bee! mute a!d dumb si8 years by a sic4!ess that she had7 but she had u!derstood that 5hich S1 Sebastia! had said a!d had see! the li ht about him" a!d she fell do5! to his feet" a!d by si !s of her ha!ds made prayers to him1 A!d after 5he! S1 Sebastia! 4!e5 that she had lost her speech" a!o! he said to herD If I be the ser6a!t of Jesu Christ a!d if all that I ha6e said be true" the! I pray him that he 5ill re!der to thee thy speech a ai! that ope!ed the mouth of Kacharias the prophet1 A!d a!o! escried this 5oma! much hi h" a!d saidD The 5ord that thou hast said is 6ery true" a!d blessed be thou a!d the 5ord of thy mouth" a!d blessed be all they that by thee belie6e i! Jesu Christ the so! of God" for I ha6e see! certai!ly se6e! a! els tofore thee holdi! a boo4" i! 5hich 5as 5ritte! all that 5hich thou hast said" a!d cursed be they that belie6e thee !ot1 A!d Nicostratus husba!d of this 5oma!" a!d the father a!d mother" a!d all the frie!ds of -arcellia!us a!d -arcus recei6ed the christia! faith a!d 5ere all baptiHed by (olycarpus the priest u!to the !umber of se6e!ty: ei ht perso!s" me!" 5ome!" a!d childre!1 A!d te! days duri! they abode to ether i! oriso!s a!d prayers" a!d tha!4ed God of his be!efits1 Amo! them 5as Tra!<uilli!us" father u!to the holy martyrs aforesaid" 5hich had ele6e! year duri! " the out i! his feet a!d ha!ds" a!d as soo! as (olycarp had baptiHed him he became as 5hole a!d sou!d i! his feet a!d ha!ds as a child1 After the te! days" A resti! a!d Chromatius" pro6osts of 3ome" made Tra!<uilli!us their father to come tofore them" a!d dema!ded of him ho5 his so!s 5ere ad6ised a!d cou!selled" a!d he a!s5eredD -uch 5ell did ye 5he! ye a6e to them respite" for i! the mea!time they that should ha6e died ha6e fou!d life a!d =oy1 A!d the pro6ost supposed that his so!s had bee! tur!ed" a!d saidD To:mor! I shall see ho5 thy so!s shall ma4e sacrifice to the idols" by 5hom thou a!d they may d5ell i! peace1 A!d Tra!<uilli!us saidD Ge!tle ma!" if thou 5ilt =ustly adore a!d 5or4 about me a!d my so!s thou shalt fi!d that the !ame of christia! me! is of reat 6irtue1 A!d the pro6ost saidD Tra!<uilli!us" art thou 5oodE A!d he a!s5eredD I ha6e bee! out of my 5it" but as soo! as I belie6ed i! Jesu Christ I recei6ed health of body a!d of soul1 The pro6ost saidD I see 5ell that the respite of thy so!s hath brou ht thee i! error1 Tra!<uilli!us saidD @!o5 you of 5hat 5or4s come errorE The pro6ost bade him say" a!d he saidD The first error is to lea6e the 5ay of life a!d o by the 5ay of death for to dispute that me! 5hich be dead for to be ods" a!d to adore their ima es" made of 5ood or of sto!e1 The pro6ost saidD The! they be !o ods that 5e adoreE Tra!<uilli!us saidD It is read i! our boo4s 5hat me! they 5ere that ye adore for ods" ho5 e6il they li6ed" a!d ho5 mecha!tly they died1 Satur!us 5hom ye 5orship for od 5as lord of Crete" a!d ate the flesh of his childre!" ho5E is !ot he o!e of your odsE A!d Jupiter his so!" 5hom ye adore" 5hich sle5 his father" a!d too4 his sister to his 5ife" 5hat e6il 5as thisE ho5 art thou i! reat error that adorest this cursed ma!" a!d sayest to the ima e of sto!eD Thou art my od" a!d to the stoc4 of treeD +elp me1 The pro6ost saidD If there be !o!e but o!e God i!6isible that ye adore" 5herefore the! adore ye Jesu Christ 5hom the Je5s crucifiedE Tra!<uilli!us a!s5eredD If thou 4!e5est of a ri! of old i! 5hich 5ere a precious sto!e" Iyi! i! the mire of a 6alley" thou 5ouldst se!d thy ser6a!ts for to ta4e up this ri! a!d if they mi ht !ot lift it up" thou 5ouldst u!clothe thyself of thy clothes of sil4 a!d do o! a coarse coat a!d 5ouldst help to ta4e up this ri! a!d ma4e a reat feast1 The pro6ost saidD ,herefore hast thou put forth this propositio! !o5E Tra!<uilli!us a!s5eredD 'or to sho5 to thee that 5e adore o!e o!ly God1 The pro6ost saidD ,hat u!dersta!dest thou by this ri! E Tra!<uilli!us said1 the old of the ri! is the body huma!" a!d the precious sto!e si !ifieth the soul 5hich is e!closed i! the body" the body a!d the soul ma4e a ma!" li4e as the old a!d the precious sto!e ma4e a ri! " a!d much more precious is the ma! to Jesu Christ tha! the ri! is to thee1 Thou se!dest thy ser6a!ts for to ta4e up this ri! out of the dirt or mire" a!d they may !ot1 Thus se!t God i!to this 5orld the prophets for to dra5 the huma! li!ea e out of the ordure of si!s" a!d they mi ht !ot do it1












A!d li4e as thou shouldst lea6e thy rich clothes a!d clothe thee 5ith a coarse coat" a!d 5ouldst desce!d i!to the pri6y" a!d put thy ha!ds i!to foul ordure to ta4e up the ri! " ri ht so the ma=esty of God hid the li ht of his di6i!ity by a car!al 6estme!t" 5hich he too4 of our !ature huma!" a!d clad him there5ith a!d desce!ded from hea6e!" a!d came here be!eath i!to the pri6y of this 5orld" a!d put his ha!ds i! the ordure of our miseries i! sufferi! hu! er a!d thirst" a!d too4 us up out of the filth a!d 5ashed us from our si!s by the 5ater of baptism1 A!d thus he 5hich despiseth thee because thou shouldst desce!d i! a foul habit to ta4e up the ri! " thou mi htest 5ell put him to death1 Thus all they that re!y or despise Jesu Christ because he humbled himself for to sa6e ma!" may i! !o 5ise escape from the death of hell1 The pro6ost saidD I see 5ell that these be but fables7 thou hast ta4e! respite for thy so!s" 4!o5est thou !ot 5ell that the emperor our lord is cruel a ai!st christia! me!E Tra!<uilli!us saidD It is folly to doubt more huma! puissa!ce tha! the puissa!ce di6i!e" they that be cruel a ai!st us may 5ell torme!t our bodies but they may !ot ta4e from our heart Jesu Christ1 The! the pro6ost put Tra!<uilli!us i! the ha!ds of the ser ea!ts sayi! D Sho5 to me the medici!e by 5hich thou art healed of thy out" a!d I shall i6e to thee old 5ithout !umber1 Tra!<uilli!us saidD @!o5 thou that much e6il shall come to them that sell a!d buy the race of God" but if thou 5ilt be 5hole of the malady of the out" belie6e i! Jesu Christ a!d thou shalt be 5hole as I am1 The pro6ost saidD 9ri! him to me that hath healed thee1 Tra!<uilli!us 5e!t to (olycarp a!d said to him all this" a!d brou ht him 5ith S1 Sebastia! u!to the pro6ost a!d i!formed him i! the faith" a!d he prayed them that he mi ht ha6e his health" a!d S1 Sebastia! said that he should first re!y his idols a!d i6e him lice!ce to brea4 them" a!d the! he should ha6e his health1 The! Chromatius the pro6ost said that his ser6a!ts should brea4 them 1 S1 Sebastia! saidD They be afeared a!d dare !ot brea4 them" a!d if the fie!ds hurt a!y of them by a!y occasio!" the misbelie6ers 5ould say that they 5ere hurt because they bra4e their ods1 A!d the! (olycarp a!d S1 Sebastia! destroyed more tha! t5o hu!dred idols1 The! said they to the pro6ostD ,hy hast thou !ot recei6ed the health 5hilst 5e bra4e the idolsE Thou 4eepest yet thy misbelief or else 4eepest yet some idols1 The! he sho5ed them a chamber 5hich 5as li ht as had bee! of stars" 5hereupo! his father had dispe!ded t5o hu!dred pods of old" by 5hich he 4!e5 thi! s for to come1 The! said S1 Sebastia!D As lo! as thou 4eepest this 5hole thou mayst !e6er ha6e health" a!d the! he a reed it should be bro4e!1 Tiburtius" his so!" 5hich 5as a !oble you! ma!" said plai!ly that so !oble a 5or4 should !ot be destroyedD +o5 5ell I 5ill !ot be a ai!st my father>s health" this 5ill I 5ell" that there be ordai!ed t5o fur!aces of fire bur!i! " a!d the! I 5ill that ye destroy this 5or4" a!d if my father ha6e his health I shall be co!te!t" a!d if he recei6e !ot his health" the! I 5ill that ye t5o shall be bur!t i! these t5o fur!aces of fire all <uic41 A!d S1 Sebastia! saidD 9e it as thou hast saidD A!d forth5ith they 5e!t a!d bra4e the chamber1 A!d i! the mea!5hile the a! el of our Lord appeared to the pro6ost a!d said his health 5as i6e! to him" a!d a!o! he 5as all 5hole" a!d ra! after him for to ha6e 4issed his feet" but he de!ied him for he had !ot recei6ed baptism1 A!d the! he a!d Tiburtius his so! 5ith o!e thousa!d four hu!dred of their family 5ere baptiHed1 The! Koe 5as ta4e! of the miscrea!ts a!d torme!ted so lo! that she a6e up the spirit1 A!d 5he! Tra!<uilli!us heard that" he came forth a!d saidD AlasI 5hy li6e 5e so lo! E ,ome! o tofore us to the cro5! of martyrdom7 a!d 5ithi! a fe5 days after he 5as sto!ed to death1 A!d Tiburtius 5as comma!ded that he should o barefoot upo! bur!i! coals or else do sacrifice to the idols" a!d the! he made the si ! of the cross upo! the coals a!d 5e!t o! them barefoot" a!d he saidD -e thi!4eth I o upo! rose flo5ers i! the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ1 To 5hom 'abia! the pro6ost saidD It is !ot u!4!o5! to us that your Jesu Christ is a teacher of sorcery1 To 5hom Tiburtius saidD +old thy peace thou cursed 5retch" for thou art !ot 5orthy to !ame so 5orthy" so holy !e so s5eet a !ame1 The! the pro6ost 5as 5roth a!d comma!ded to smite off his head" a!d so he 5as martyred1 A!d the! -arcellia!us a!d -arcus 5ere sore torme!ted a!d bou!d to a pillar" a!d as they 5ere so bou!d they saidD LoI ho5 ood a!d =oyful it is brethre! to d5ell to ether1 To 5hom the pro6ost saidD ;e 5retches" do a5ay your mad!ess a!d deli6er yoursel6es" a!d they saidD ,e 5ere !e6er so 5ell fed" 5e 5ould that thou 5ouldest let us sta!d here till that the spirits should depart out of our bodies1 A!d the! the pro6ost comma!ded that they should be pierced throu h the body 5ith spears" a!d so they fulfilled their martyrdom1 After this S1 Sebastia! 5as acccused to the emperor that he 5as christia!" 5herefore Diocletia!" the emperor of 3ome" made him come tofore him" a!d said to himD I ha6e al5ays lo6ed thee 5ell" a!d ha6e made thee master of my palace7 ho5 the! hast thou bee! christia! pri6ily a ai!st my health" a!d i! despite of our odsE S1 Sebastia! saidD Al5ays I ha6e 5orshipped Jesu Christ for thy health a!d for the state of 3ome" a!d I thi!4 for to pray a!d dema!d help of the idols of sto!e is a reat folly1 ,ith these 5ords Diocletia! 5as much a! ry a!d 5roth" a!d comma!ded him to be led to the field a!d there to be bou!de! to a sta4e for to be shot at1 A!d the archers shot at him till he 5as as full of arro5s as a! urchi! is full of pric4s" a!d thus left him there for dead1 The !i ht after came a christia! 5oma! for to ta4e his body a!d to bury it" but she fou!d him ali6e a!d brou ht him to her house" a!d too4 char e of him till he 5as all 5hole1 -a!y christia! me! came to him 5hich cou!selled



him to 6oid the place" but he 5as comforted a!d stood upo! a step 5here the emperor should pass by" a!d said to himD The bishops of the idols decei6e you e6illy 5hich accuse the christia! me! to be co!trary to the commo! profit of the city" that pray for your estate a!d for the health of 3ome1 Diocletia! saidD Art thou !ot Sebastia! 5hom 5e comma!ded to be shot to death1 A!d S1 Sebastia! saidD Therefore our Lord hath re!dered to me life to the e!d that I should tell you that e6illy a!d cruelly ye do persecutio!s u!to christia! me!1 The! Diocletia! made him to be brou ht i!to priso! i!to his palace" a!d to beat him so sore 5ith sto!es till he died1 A!d the tyra!ts thre5 his body i!to a reat pri6y" because the christia! me! should ma4e !o feast to bury his body" !e of his martyrdom1 9ut S1 Sebastia! appeared after to S1 Lucy" a lorious 5ido5" a!d said to herD I! such a pri6y shalt thou fi!d my body ha! i! at a! hoo4" 5hich is !ot defouled 5ith !o!e ordure" 5he! thou hast 5ashed it thou shalt bury it at the catacombs by the apostles1 A!d the same !i ht she a!d her ser6a!ts accomplished all that Sebastia! had comma!ded her1 +e 5as martyred the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty se6e!1 A!d S1 Gre ory telleth i! the first boo4 of his Dialo ues that a 5oma! of Tusca!y 5hich 5as !e5 5edded 5as prayed for to o 5ith other 5ome! to the dedicatio! of the church of Sebastia!" a!d the !i ht tofore she 5as so mo6ed i! her flesh that she mi ht !ot abstai! from her husba!d" a!d o! the mor!" she ha6i! reater shame of me! tha! of God" 5e!t thither" a!d a!o! as she 5as e!tered i!to the oratory 5here the relics of S1 Sebastia! 5ere" the fie!d too4 her a!d torme!ted her before all the people1 A!d the! the priest too4 the co6erture of the altar a!d co6ered her" a!d the! the de6il assailed the priest1 +er frie!ds led her to the e!cha!ters that they should e!cha!t the fie!d" but as soo! as they be a! the e!cha!tme!t" by the =ud me!t of God a le io! of de6ils e!tered i!to her" that is si8 thousa!d si8 hu!dred a!d si8ty si8" a!d 6e8ed her more sharply tha! tofore" a!d a! holy ma! !amed 'ortu!atus by his prayers healed her1 It is read i! the estes of the Lombards that" i! the time of @i! Gumbert all Italy 5as smitte! 5ith so reat a pestile!ce that u!!ethe they that 5ere ali6e mi ht bury the dead" a!d this pestile!ce 5as most at 3ome a!d (a6ia1 The! the ood a! el 5as see! 6isibly of ma!y" a!d a! e6il a! el follo5i! beari! a staff 5hom he bade smite a!d slay" a!d as ma!y stro4es as he smote a! house" so ma!y dead perso!s 5ere bor!e out of it1 The! at last it 5as she5ed to o!e by God>s race that this pestile!ce should !ot cease till that they had made a! altar to S1 Sebastia! at (a6ia" 5hich the! 5as made i! the church of S1 (eter" a!d a!o! the pestile!ce ceased" a!d thither from 3ome relics of S1 Sebastia! 5ere brou ht1 A!d S1 Ambrose i! his preface saith thusD O Lord" the blood of thy blessed martyr S1 Sebastia! 5as shed for the co!fessio! of thy !ame" he hath sho5ed thy mar6els that they profit i! i!firmity 6irtue" a!d i6eth to our studies profit" a!d to them !ot steadfast to thee it i6eth aid a!d help1 The! let us pray to this holy martyr S1 Sebastia! that he pray u!to our Lord that 5e may be deli6ered from all pestile!ce a!d from sudde! death" a!d so depart ad6isedly he!ce" that 5e may come to e6erlasti! =oy a!d lory i! hea6e!1 A#d #e+t followeth of *" A(#e . a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of her #a%e" A !es is said of a !a a lamb" for she 5as humble a!d debo!air as a lamb" or of a !os i! Gree4" 5hich is to say debo!air a!d piteous" for she 5as debo!air a!d merciful1 Or A !es of a !osce!do" for she 4!e5 the 5ay of truth" a!d after this S1 Austi! saith" truth is opposed a ai!st 6a!ity" false!ess" a!d double!ess" for these three thi! s 5ere ta4e! from her for the truth that she had1 Of *" A(#e "










The blessed 6ir i! S1 A !es 5as much 5ise" a!d 5ell tau ht" as S1 Ambrose 5it!esseth" a!d 5rote her passio!1 She 5as fair of 6isa e" but much fairer i! the christia! faith" she 5as you! of a e" a!d a ed i! 5it" for i! the thirtee!th year of her a e she lost the death that the 5orld i6eth" a!d fou!d life i! Jesu Christ" 5hich 5he! she came from school the so! of the prefect of 3ome" for the emperor" lo6ed her" a!d 5he! his father a!d mother 4!e5 it" they offered to i6e much riches 5ith him if he mi ht ha6e her i! marria e" a!d offered to S1 A !es precious ems a!d =e5els" 5hich she refused to ta4e" 5hereof it happed that the you! ma! 5as arde!tly esprised i! the lo6e of S1 A !es" a!d came a ai! a!d too4 5ith him more precious a!d richer ador!me!ts" made 5ith all ma!!er of precious sto!es" a!d as 5ell by his pare!ts as by himself offered to S1 A !es rich ifts a!d possessio!s" a!d all the deli hts a!d deduits of the 5orld" a!d all to the e!d to ha6e her i! marria e1 9ut S1 A !es a!s5ered to him i! this matterD Go from me thou fardel of si!" !ourishi! of e6ils a!d morsel of death" a!d depart" a!d 4!o5 thou that I am pre6e!ted a!d am lo6ed of a!other lo6er" 5hich hath i6e! to me ma!y better =e5els" 5hich hath fia!ced me by his faith" a!d is much more !oble of li!ea e tha! thou art" a!d of estate1 +e hath clad me 5ith









precious sto!es a!d 5ith =e5els of old" he hath set i! my 6isa e a si ! that I recei6e !o!e other espouse but him" a!d hath sho5ed me o6er: reat treasures 5hich he must i6e me if I abide 5ith him1 I 5ill ha6e !o!e other spouse but him" I 5ill see4 !o!e other" i! !o ma!!er may I lea6e him" 5ith him am I firm a!d faste!ed i! lo6e" 5hich is more !oble" more puissa!t a!d fairer tha! a!y other" 5hose lo6e is much s5eet a!d racious" of 5hom the chamber is !o5 for to recei6e me 5here the 6ir i!s si! merrily1 I am !o5 embraced of him of 5hom the mother is a 6ir i!" a!d his father 4!e5 !e6er 5oma!" to 5hom the a! els ser6e1 The su! a!d the moo! mar6el them of his beauty" 5hose 5or4s !e6er fail" 5hose riches !e6er mi!ish" by 5hose odour dead me! rise a ai! to life" by 5hose touchi! the sic4 me! be comforted" 5hose lo6e is chastity1 To him I ha6e i6e! my faith" to him I ha6e comma!ded my heart7 5he! I lo6e him the! am I chaste" a!d 5he! I touch him the! am I pure a!d clea!" a!d 5he! I ta4e him the! am I a 6ir i!" this is the lo6e of my God1 ,he! the you! ma! had heard all this he 5as despaired" as he that 5as ta4e! i! bli!d lo6e" a!d 5as o6er sore torme!ted" i! so much that he lay do5! sic4 i! his bed for the reat sorro5 that he had1 The! came the physicia!s a!d a!o! 4!e5 his malady" a!d said to his father that he la! uished of car!al lo6e that he had to some 5oma!1 The! the father e!<uired a!d 4!e5 that it 5as this 5oma!" a!d did do spea4 to S1 A !es for his so!" a!d said to her ho5 his so! la! uished for her lo6e1 S1 A !es a!s5ered that i! !o 5ise she 5ould brea4 the faith of her first husba!d1 ?po! that the pro6ost dema!ded 5ho 5as her first husba!d" of 5hom she so much a6au!ted" a!d i! his po5er so much trusted1 The! o!e of her ser6a!ts said she 5as christia!" a!d that she 5as so e!cha!ted that she said Jesu Christ 5as her espouse1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost heard that she 5as christia! the pro6ost 5as much lad because to ha6e po5er o! her" for the! the christia! people 5ere i! the 5ill of the lord" a!d if they 5ould !ot re!y their God a!d their belief all their oods should be forfeited1 ,herefore the! the pro6ost made S1 A !es to come i! =ustice a!d he e8ami!ed her s5eetly" a!d after cruelly by me!aces1 S1 A !es" 5ell comforted" said to himD Do 5hat thou 5ilt" for my purpose shalt thou !e6er cha! e1 A!d 5he! she sa5 him !o5 flatteri! a!d !o5 terribly a! ry she scor!ed him1 A!d the pro6ost said to her" bei! all a! ryD O!e of t5o thi! s thou shalt choose" either do sacrifice to our ods 5ith the 6ir i!s of the oddess Vesta" or o to the bordel to be aba!do!ed to all that thither come" to the reat shame a!d blame of all thy li!ea e1 S1 A !es a!s5eredD If thou 4!e5est 5ho is my God thou 5ouldst !ot say to me such 5ords"but for as much as I 4!o5 the 6irtue of my God" I set !othi! by thy me!aces" for I ha6e his a! el 5hich is 4eeper of my body1 The! the =ud e all ara ed made to ta4e off her clothes" a!d all !a4ed to be led to the bordel1 A!d thus S1 A !es that refused to do sacrifice to the idols" 5as deli6ered !a4ed to o to the bordel" but a!o! as she 5as u!clothed God a6e to her such race that the hairs of her head became so lo! that they co6ered all her body to her feet" so that her body 5as !ot see!1 A!d 5he! S1 A !es e!tered i!to the bordel a!o! she fou!d the a! el of God ready for to defe!d her" a!d e!6iro!ed S1 A !es 5ith a bri ht clear!ess i! such 5ise that !o ma! mi ht see her !e come to her1 The! made she of the bordel her oratory" a!d i! ma4i! her prayers to God she sa5 tofore her a 5hite 6esture" a!d a!o! there5ith she clad her a!d saidD I tha!4 thee Jesu Christ 5hich accou!test me 5ith thy 6ir i!s a!d hast se!t me this 6esture1 All they that e!tered made ho!our a!d re6ere!ce to the reat clear!ess that they sa5 about S1 A !es" a!d came out more de6out a!d more clea! tha! they e!tered1 At last came the so! of the pro6ost 5ith a reat compa!y for to accomplish his foul desires a!d lusts1 A!d 5he! he sa5 his fello5s come out a!d issue all abashed" he moc4ed them a!d called them co5ards1 A!d the! he" all ara ed" e!tered for to accomplish his e6il 5ill1 A!d 5he! he came to the clear!ess" he ad6a!ced him for to ta4e the 6ir i!" a!d a!o! the de6il too4 him by the throat a!d stra! led him that he fell do5! dead1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost heard these tidi! s of his so! he ra! 5eepi! to the bordel" a!d be a! cryi! " to say to S1 A !esD O thou cruel 5oma!" 5hy hast thou sho5ed thy e!cha!tme!t o! my so!E a!d dema!ded of her ho5 his so! 5as dead" a!d by 5hat cause1 To 5hom S1 A !es a!s5eredD +e too4 him i!to his po5er to 5hom he had aba!do!ed his 5ill1 ,hy be !ot all they dead" said he" that e!tered here tofore himE 'or his fello5s sa5 the miracle of the reat clear!ess a!d 5ere afeard a!d 5e!t their 5ay u!hurt" for they did ho!our to my God 5hich hath clad me 5ith this 6estme!t a!d hath 4ept my body" but your 6illai!ous so!" as soo! as he e!tered i!to this house be a! to bray a!d cry" a!d 5he! he 5ould ha6e laid ha!d upo! me" a!o! the de6il sle5 him as thou seest1 If thou mayst raise him" said he" it may 5ell appear that thou hast !ot put him to death1 A!d S1 A !es a!s5eredD +o5 5ell that thy crea!ce is !ot 5orthy to impetre !e et that of our Lord" !e6ertheless because it is time that the 6irtue of God be sho5ed" o ye all out that I may ma4e my prayer to God1 A!d 5he! she 5as o! her prayers the a! el came a!d raised him to life" a!d a!o! he 5e!t out a!d be a! to cry" 5ith a loud 6oice" that the God of christia! me! 5as 6ery God i! hea6e!" a!d i! earth" a!d i! the sea" a!d that the idols 5ere 6ai! that they 5orshipped" 5hich mi ht !ot help them !e !o!e other1







The! the bishops of the idols made a reat discord amo! the people" so that all they criedD Ta4e a5ay this sorceress a!d 5itch that tur!ed me!>s mi!ds a!d alie!eth their 5its1 ,he! the pro6ost sa5 these mar6els he 5ould ladly ha6e deli6ered S1 A !es because she had raised his so!" but he doubted to be ba!ished" a!d set i! his place a lieute!a!t !amed Aspasius for to satisfy the people" a!d because he could !ot deli6er her he departed sorro5fully1 This Aspasius did do ma4e a reat fire amo! all the people a!d did do cast S1 A !es therei!1 A!o! as this 5as do!e the flame departed i! t5o parts" a!d bur!t them that made the discords" a!d she abode all 5hole 5ithout feeli! the fire1 The people 5ee!ed that she had do!e all by e!cha!tme!t1 The! made S1 A !es her oriso! to God tha!4i! him that she 5as escaped from the peril to lose her 6ir i!ity" a!d also from the bur!i! of the flame1 A!d 5he! she had made her oriso! the fire lost all his heat" a!d <ue!ched it1 Aspasius" for the doubta!ce of the people" comma!ded to put a s5ord i! her body" a!d so she 5as martyred1 A!o! came the christia! me! a!d the pare!ts of S1 A !es a!d buried the body" but the heathe! defe!ded it" a!d cast so sto!es at them" that u!!ethe they escaped1 She suffered martyrdom i! the time of Co!sta!ti!e the reat" 5hich be a! to rei ! the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d !i!e1 Amo! them that buried her body 5as o!e Emere!tia!a 5hich had bee! fello5 to S1 A !es" ho5 be it she 5as !ot yet christe!ed" but a! holy 6ir i!" she came also to the sepulchre of S1 A !es" 5hich co!sta!tly repro6ed the e!tiles" a!d of them she 5as sto!ed to death a!d slai!1 A!o! there came a! earth<ua6er" li ht!i! a!d thu!der" that ma!y of the pay!ims perished" so that fortho! the christia! people mi ht surely come to the sepulchre u!hurt" a!d the body of Emere!tia!a 5as buried by the body of S1 A !es1 It happed that 5he! the frie!ds of S1 A !es 5atched at her sepulchre o! a !i ht" they sa5 a reat multitude of 6ir i!s clad i! 6estme!ts of old a!d sil6er" a!d a reat li ht sho!e tofore them" a!d o! the ri ht side 5as a lamb more 5hite tha! s!o5" a!d sa5 also S1 A !es amo! the 6ir i!s 5hich said to her pare!tsD Ta4e heed a!d see that ye be5ail me !o more as dead" but be ye =oyful 5ith me" for 5ith all these 6ir i!s Jesu Christ hath i6e! me most bri htest habitatio! a!d d5elli! " a!d am 5ith him =oi!ed i! hea6e! 5hom i! earth I lo6ed 5ith I my thou ht1 A!d this 5as the ei hth day after her passio!1 A!d because of this 6isio! holy church ma4eth memory of her the ei ht days of the feast after" 5hich is called A !etis secu!do1 Of her 5e read a! e8ample that i! the church of S1 A !es 5as a priest 5hich 5as !amed (aulus a!d al5ays ser6ed i! that church" a!d had ri ht reat temptatio! of his flesh" but because he doubted to a! er our Lord he 4ept him from si!" a!d prayed to the pope that he 5ould i6e him lea6e for to marry1 The pope co!sidered his simple!ess" a!d for his bou!ty he a6e him a ri! i! 5hich 5as a! emerald" a!d comma!ded that he should o to the ima e of S1 A !es 5hich 5as i! his church" a!d pray her that she 5ould be his 5ife1 This simple ma! did so" a!d the ima e put forth her fi! er a!d he set the ri! thereo!" a!d the! she dre5 her fi! er a ai! a!d 4ept the ri! fast1 A!d the! a!o! all his temptatio! car!al 5as <ue!ched a!d ta4e! a5ay from him" a!d yet as it is said the ri! is o! the fi! er of the ima e1 Co!sta!ce the dau hter of Co!sta!ti!e 5as smitte! 5ith a sore a!d foul leprosy1 ,he! she had heard of the 6isio! of S1 A !es" at her tomb sho5ed to her frie!ds" she came to the sepulchre of S1 A !es" a!d 5he! she 5as i! her prayers she fell asleep" a!d she sa5 i! her sleep" S1 A !es sayi! to herD Co!sta!ce" 5or4 co!sta!tly" a!d if thou 5ilt belie6e i! Christ" thou shalt a!o! be deli6ered of thy sic4!ess" 5here5ith she a5o4e a!d fou!d herself perfectly 5hole" a!d a!o! she recei6ed baptism" a!d fou!ded a church upo! the body of the 6ir i! a!d there abode i! her 6ir i!ity" a!d assembled there ma!y 6ir i!s" because of her ood e8ample1 I! a!other place it is read that 5he! the church of S1 A !es 5as 6oid" the pope said to a priest that he 5ould i6e to him a 5ife for to !ourish a!d 4eep" a!d he mea!t to commit the church of S1 A !es to his cure1 A!d he deli6ered to him a ri! a!d bade him to 5ed the ima e" a!d the ima e put forth her fi! er a!d he set o! it a ri! a!d a!o! she closed the fi! er to her ha!d a!d 4ept the ri! " a!d so he espoused her1 Of this 6ir i! saith S1 Ambrose i! the boo4 of 6ir i!sD This 6ir i!" you! me!" old me! a!d childre! praise" there is !o!e more to be praised tha! that may be praised of all1 S1 Ambrose saith i! his preface that this blessed S1 A !es despised the deli hts of !oblesse" a!d deser6ed hea6e!ly di !ity" she left the desires of ma!>s fello5ship" a!d she fou!d the fello5ship of the e6erlasti! @i! 1 A!d she" recei6i! a precious death for the co!fessio! of Jesu Christ" is made co!formable to him e6erlasti! ly" to









rei ! i! =oy i! hea6e!" to the 5hich he bri! us for 5hose lorious !ame a!d faith this lorious 6ir i! S1 A !es suffered martyrdom of death1 Here )e(i##eth the life of *" Vi#$e#t" A#d" fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"

Vi!ce!t is as much to say as bur!i! 6ices" or o6ercomi! bur!i! s a!d 4eepi! 6ictory" for he bur!t a!d destroyed 6ices by mortificatio! of his flesh" he 6a!<uished the bur!i! s of torme!ts by stedfast suffera!ce" he held the 6ictory of the 5orld by despisi! of the same1 +e 6a!<uished three thi! s i! the 5orld" that is to 5it" false errors" foul lo6es" a!d 5orldly dreads" 5hich thi! s he o6ercame by 5isdom" by clea!!ess" a!d by co!sta!cy1 Of 5hom S1 Austi! saith that the martyrdoms of sai!ts ha6e e!sei !ed that the 5orld is o6ercome 5ith all errors" lo6es a!d dreads1 A!d some affirm that S1 Austi! 5rote a!d compiled his passio!" 5hich (rude!tius set ri ht clearly i! 6erses1 Vi!ce!t 5as !oble of li!ea e" but he 5as more !oble by faith a!d reli io!" a!d 5as deaco! to S1 Valeria! bishop1 +e 5as i! his childhood set to study" 5here by di6i!e pro6ide!ce he flo5ered i! double scie!ce most profou!dly" that is to say i! di6i!ity a!d huma!ity7 to 5hom S1 Valeria!" because he 5as empeshed i! his to! ue" committed to him the faits a!d 5or4s of char e" a!d himself e!te!ded to prayer a!d co!templatio!1 A!d by the comma!dme!t of Dacia! the pro6ost" Vi!ce!t a!d Valeria! 5ere dra5! to Vale!ce a!d there cast i! priso!1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost had supposed they had bee! almost perished for hu! er a!d pai!" he comma!ded them to come tofore him1 A!d 5he! he sa5 them 5hole a!d =oyful he" bei! 5roth" be a! to cry much stro! ly a!d saidD ,hat sayest thou Valeria! 5hich u!der the !ame of thy reli io! dost a ai!st the decrees of pri!cesE A!d as the blessed Valeria! a!s5ered li htly" S1 Vi!ce!t said to himD ,orshipful father a!s5er him !ot so 5ith a timorous heart" but put out thy 6oice a!d escry him freely" a!d father" if thou 5ilt comma!d me" I shall o a!s5er to the =ud e1 To 5hom Valeria! saidD 3i ht dear so!" it is lo! si!ce I hare committed to thee the char e of spea4i! " a!d !o5 it beho6eth thee to a!s5er for the faith for 5hich 5e be here1 The! S1 Vi!ce!t tur!ed to the =ud e" a!d said to Dacia!D Thou hast holde! u!to !o5 5ords to re!y our faith" but 4!o5 thou that it is reat felo!y to the 5isdom of christia! me! to blame a!d re!y our christia! faith1 The! Dacia!" bei! 5roth" comma!ded that the bishop should be put i! e8ile" a!d Vi!ce!t as a ma! presumptuous a!d despitous should be put to be torme!ted i! the place !amed eculeus1 A!d it 5as made li4e a cross th5art of 5hich the t5o e!ds 5ere fi8ed i! the earth" a!d that his members should thereo! be bro4e!" for to fear the other1 A!d 5he! he 5as all thus tobro4e!" Dacia! said to himD Say Vi!ce!t !o5 seest thou thy body u!happyE A!d Vi!ce!t smili! said to himD This is all that I ha6e desired1 The! the pro6ost bei! 5roth be a! to say a!d me!ace 5ith ma!y torme!ts" a!d Vi!ce!t said to himD O u!happy ma!" ho5 5ee!est thou to a! er meE the more rie6ously that thou torme!test me" so much more pity shall God ha6e o! me1 Arise up thou u!happy ma! a!d cursed" a!d by thy 5ic4ed spirit thou shalt be 6a!<uished" for thou shalt fi!d me more stro! er by the 6irtue of God to suffer thy torme!ts" tha! thou hast po5er to torme!t me1 The! the pro6ost 5as a! ry a!d be a! to cry" a!d the butchers too4 scour es a!d rods" a!d be a! to smite a!d beat him 5ith rods of iro!1 A!d S1 Vi!ce!t saidD ,hat sayest thou" Dacia!E thou thyself a6e! est me of my torme!ts1 The! the pro6ost 5as 5ood" a!d said to the butchersD ;e 5retches 5hat do ye" 5hy fail a!d 5a8 fai!t your ha!dsE ;e ha6e o6ercome murderers a!d adulterers" so that they could hide !othi! amo! your torme!ts" a!d this Vi!ce!t o!ly shall more surmou!t your torme!ts1 The! the butchers too4 combs of iro!" a!d be a! to comb him o! the sides 5ithi! the flesh" that the blood ra! do5! o6er all his body a!d that the e!trails a!d uts appeared by the =oi!tures of his sides1 A!d Dacia! said to himD Vi!ce!t ha6e pity o! thyself i! such 5ise that thou mayst reco6er thy fair youth" a!d 5i! to spare the torme!ts that be yet to come1 A!d Vi!ce!t said to himD O 6e!omous to! ue of the de6il" I doubt !othi! of thy torme!ts" but I fear sore that thou 5ilt fai! to ha6e mercy o! me" for so much more as I see thee a! ry" so much more am I re=oiced" I 5ill that thou i! !o 5ise mi!ish !e lesse! thy torme!ts" so that thou 4!o5 that thou be 6a!<uished i! all thi! s1 The! 5as he ta4e! out of the torme!t" a!d 5as brou ht i!to a torme!t of fire" a!d he blamed a!d repro6ed the butchers of their lo! tarryi! 1 The! 5ith his ood5ill he mou!ted upo! the ridiro! a!d there 5as roasted" broiled a!d bur!t i! all his members" a!d 5as slic4ed 5ith small !ails of Iro!" a!d pric4ed 5ith bur!i! poi!lers of iro!1 A!d 5he! the blood ra! i!to the fire a!d made 5ou!ds upo! 5ou!ds" the! they cast salt i!to the fire" that it should spar4le a!d spri! i! the 5ou!ds of his body" o! all parts of the 5ou!ds that it should more cruelly bur!" a!d do him more pai! o! his body by the flames" i! such 5ise that the pric4s of iro! mi ht !ot hold o! his members" but o! his e!trails 5hich hu! out of his body" so that he mi ht !ot mo6e him1 A!d for all this he 5as u!mo6able" but he prayed our Lord Jesu Christ 5ith =oi!ed ha!ds up to hea6e!1 A!d 5he! the mi!isters




















had said this to Dacia!" he saidD AlasI 5e be all 6a!<uished7 a!d he li6eth yet" a!d because he may yet li6e lo! er" shut ye him i! a much dar4 priso!" a!d ather to ether all the sharp shells a!d pric4 them i! his feet" a!d let him be stretched o! them 5ithout a!y huma! comfort" a!d 5he! he shall be dead come a!d tell me1 A!d these ri ht cruel mi!isters obeyed him as to their lord ri ht cruel" but the 4i! for 5hom he suffered the pai! so i!huma!" cha! ed to him all this i!to =oy" for the dar4!esses 5ere all chased a5ay out of the priso! by reat li ht" a!d the sharp!ess of the shells 5ere tur!ed i!to soft!ess a!d s5eet!ess of all ma!!er of flo5ers" his feet 5ere u!bou!d" a!d he used the comfort of the ho!our of a! els" a!d li4e as he had o!e o! the flo5ers si! i! 5ith a! els" the s5eet sou!d of the so! " a!d the s5eet!ess a!d odour of the flo5ers" 5hich 5as mar6ellous" 5as smelled out of the priso!1 A!d 5he! the 4eepers had see! throu h the cre6ices of the priso! this that they sa5 5ithi!" they 5ere co!6erted a!d tur!ed to the faith1 A!d 5he! Dacia! heard this he 5as 5ood" a!d saidD ,hat shall 5e do to him moreE 5e be o6ercome1 No5 the! let him be bor!e i!to a ri ht soft bed" 5ith soft clothes" so that he be !ot made more lorious" a!d to the e!d that he die !ot yet" but that he be made stro! a ai!" a!d be 4empt a ai! i! !e5 torme!ts1 A!d 5he! he 5as brou ht i! a soft bed" a!d had therei! rested a 5hile he re!dered a!d a6e up his spirit u!to God i! the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty ei ht u!der Diocletia! a!d -a8imia! Emperors1 A!d 5he! Dacia! heard say that he 5as dead" he 5as much sorro5ful" a!d said that i! that 5ise he 5as also 6a!<uishedD 9ut sith I mi ht !ot o6ercome him li6i! I shall pu!ish him dead" a!d if I may !ot ha6e 6ictory I shall be fulfilled of the pai!1 The! the body of S1 Vi!ce!t 5as cast i! a field for to be de6oured of the beasts a!d fo5ls" by the comma!dme!t of Dacia!" but it 5as 4ept by a! els from touchi! of a!y beasts" a!d after came a ra6e! 5hich dro6e a5ay all other birds a!d fo5ls" reater tha! he 5as" a!d chased a5ay also a 5olf 5ith his bill a!d bea4" a!d the! tur!ed his head to5ards the body as he that mar6elled of the 4eepi! of the a! els1 A!d 5he! Dacia! heard this thi! D I tro5" said he" that I may !ot surmou!t him 5he! he is dead1 The! comma!ded he that he should be cast i!to the sea 5ith a mill sto!e bou!d to his !ec4" to the e!d that he that mi ht !ot be destroyed upo! the earth of beasts" should be de6oured i! the sea of belues a!d reat fishes1 The! the mari!ers that led the body i! to the sea" cast it therei!" but the body 5as soo!er arri6ed ala!d tha! the mari!ers 5ere" a!d 5as fou!d of a lady a!d of some others by the re6elatio! of Jesu Christ" a!d 5as ho!ourably buried of them1 A!d S1 Austi! saith of this holy blessed martyr" S1 Vi!ce!t" that he 6a!<uished so i! 5ords" he 6a!<uished i! pai!s" he 6a!<uished i! co!fessio!" he 6a!<uished i! tribulatio!" he o6ercame the fire" he o6ercame the 5ater" he 6a!<uished death a!d 6a!<uished life1 This Vi!ce!t 5as torme!ted for to d5ell 5ith God" he 5as scour ed for to be i!troduced" he 5as beate! for to be e!stre! the!ed" he bur!t to be pur ed" he 5as ladder of the dread of God tha! of the 5orld" a!d had liefer die to the 5orld tha! to God1 Also S1 Austi! saith i! a!other place that a mar6ellous thi! is set tofore our eyes" that isD a 5ic4ed =ud e" a cruel torme!tor" a!d a martyr !ot o6ercome1 A!d (rude!tius 5rote of cruelty a!d pity" sayi! that Vi!ce!t said to Dacia!D The torme!ts of the priso!" the !ails" the o! les" the strai!i! combs of iro!" 5ith the flames of fire" a!d death 5hich is last e!d of the pai!s" all these be plays a!d =apes to christia! me!1 The! Dacia! said as o6ercomeD 9i!d him a!d dra5 his arms out of their =oi!ts" a!d brea4 ye all the bo!es i! such 5ise that all the members be departed" to the e!d that the breath of him spri! out by the holes of his members so tor!1 A!d the 4!i ht of God lau hed at these thi! s" a!d blamed the bloody ha!ds because they put !ot the hoo4s a!d !ails deeper i! his members1 A!d 5he! he 5as i! the priso! the a! el of God said to himD Arise up !oble martyr" surely arise up" for thou shalt be our fello5" a!d be accompa!ied 5ith sai!ts1 O 4!i ht i!6i!cible" stro! est of all stro! " !o5 these aspre torme!ts a!d cruel" doubt thee !o5 a 6a!<uisher1 A!d (rude!tius saithD Thou art o!ly !oble of the 5orld" thou bearest o!ly the 6ictory of double battle" thou hast deser6ed t5o cro5!s to ether1 (ray 5e the! to him that he impetre race of our Lord Jesu Christ that 5e may deser6e to come u!to his bliss a!d =oy i! hea6e! 5here he rei !eth1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" /a il. /i ho&" A#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"


9asil is said of basis i! Gree4" 5hich is as much to say as a fou!deme!t" a!d leos" that is people" for he 5as fou!deme!t of them that 5ould o to their ma4er1 Or else it is said of basilico a serpe!t" for he o6ercame the serpe!t" e!emy of ma!4i!d1 S1 9asil 5as a 6e!erable bishop a!d a solem! doctor" of 5hom Amphilochius" bishop of Ico!ium 5rote the life1 A!d it 5as sho5ed i! a 6isio! to a! hermit" !amed Effrem ho5 much holy he 5as1 O! a time as the said Effrem 5as i! a tra!ce he sa5 a pillar of fire" 5hose head reached hea6e! a!d a 6oice thereupo! sayi! D Such is 9asil" li4e u!to this pillar that thou seest1 A!d after this the hermit came to the city for to




see at the day of Epipha!y so !oble a ma!" a!d 5he! he sa5 him" he 5as clad 5ith a 5hite 6esture oi! ho!ourably 5ith the cler y" the! the hermit said to himself7 I see 5ell that I ha6e laboured i! 6ai!" a!d for !ou ht" he that is set i! such ho!our may !ot be such as I ha6e see!" 5e that ha6e bor!e the burde! a!d labour of the heat of the day i! reat pai!" 5e had !e6er such thi! " a!d he here 5hich is set i! such ho!our" a!d also thus accompa!ied" is a colum! of fire" !o5 I ha6e reat mar6el 5hat this may be1 A!d S1 9asil that sa5 this i! spirit" made him to be brou ht to him" a!d 5he! he 5as come he sa5 a to! ue of fire spea4i! i! his mouth1 The! said EffremD Truly 9asil is reat" truly 9asil is the pillar of fire" a!d 6erily the +oly Ghost spea4eth i! his mouth1 A!d Effrem said to S1 9asilD Sire" I pray thee that thou impetre of God that I may spea4 Gree4" to 5hom S1 9asil saidD Thou hast dema!ded a hard thi! " !e6ertheless he prayed for him" a!d he spa4e Gree41 A!other hermit sa5 S1 9asil" ho5 he 5e!t i! the habit of a bishop a!d deemed e6illy i! his thou ht" ho5 he deli hted i! this estate i! 6ai! lory" a!d a!o! there came a 6oice that said to himD Thou deli htest thee more i! playi! 5ith a!d ha!dli! thy cat" tha! 9asil doth i! all his array a!d ador!me!ts1 Vale!s the emperor 5hich sustai!ed the Aria! heretics" too4 a5ay a church from the christia! me!" a!d a6e it to the Aria!s" to 5hom S1 9asil saidD O thou emperor" it is 5ritte!D +o!or re is =udicium dili it1 The ho!our of the 4i! re<uireth true =ud me!t" a!d the doom of a 4i! is =ustice" a!d 5herefore the! hast thou comma!ded that the catholic christia! me! be put out of holy churchE A!d the emperor said to himD ;et retur!est thou to say 6illai!y to meE it appertai!eth !ot to thee1 To 5hom S1 9asil saidD It appertai!eth 5ell to me" a!d also to die for =ustice1 The! Demosthe!es" pro6ost of the meats of the emperor" upholder of the Aria!s" spa4e for them" a!d made a! a!s5er corrupted i! la! ua e for to ma4e satisfactio!1 A!d S1 9asil said to himD It appertai!eth to thee to ordai! for the meats of the emperor a!d !ot to e!<uire of the teachi! s di6i!e7 the 5hich" as co!fused" held him still" a!d said !ot1 A!d the emperor said to S1 9asilD No5 o thou forth a!d =ud e thou bet5ee! them" a!d !ot for fa6our !e o6er reat lo6e that thou hast to that o!e party" !e for hate that thou hast to that other1 The! S1 9asil 5e!t to them a!d said tofore the Aria!s a!d to the Catholics that the doors of the church should be shut fast" a!d sealed 5ith the seals of either party" a!d that e6ery o!e should pray to God for his ri ht" a!d that the church should be deli6ered to them at 5hose prayer it should ope!1 A!d thus they accorded1 The Aria!s put them to prayer three days a!d three !i hts" a!d 5he! they came to the doors they ope!ed !ot1 The! S1 9asil ordai!ed a processio!" a!d came to the church" a!d 4!oc4ed a stro4e 5ith his croo4" sayi! D Attollite portas pri!cipes 6estras" etc1" a!d a!o! as he had said the 6erse the doors ope!ed" a!d they e!tered i! a!d a6e laud a!d praisi! s to God" a!d so 5as their church re!dered to them a ai!1 A!d after" the emperor did promise to S1 9asil much ood a!d ho!our if he 5ould co!se!t to him1 A!d S1 9asil said that 5as a dema!d to ma4e to childre!" for they that be fulfilled 5ith di6i!e 5ords 5ill !ot suffer that o!e o!ly syllable of the di6i!e scie!ce be corrupted1 The! the emperor had reat i!di !atio! of him" a!d too4 a pe! for to 5rite the se!te!ce o! him that he should be e8iled" a!d the first pe! bra4e" a!d the seco!d" a!d also the third" a!d his ha!d be a! to tremble for fear7 the! i! reat i!di !atio! he all to:re!t the schedule1 There 5as a! ho!est 5orshipful ma! !amed +eradius 5hich had but o!e dau hter" 5hom he disposed to co!secrate to God" but the fie!d" e!emy to ma!4i!d" i!flamed a!d made o!e of the ser6a!ts of the same to bur! i! the lo6e of this maid1 A!d 5he! he remembered that he 5as but a ser6a!t" him thou ht it !ot possible" that e6er he should attai! to come to his desire of so !oble a 6ir i!1 +e 5e!t to a! e!cha!ter to 5hom he promised reat <ua!tity of mo!ey if he 5ould help him" to 5hom the e!cha!ter a!s5ered that he could !ot do it7 9ut I shall se!d thee to the de6il 5hich is my master a!d lord" a!d if thou do that he shall say to thee" thou shalt ha6e thy desire7 a!d the you! ma! said he 5ould so do1 A!d this e!cha!ter se!t a letter by him to the de6il" this co!tai!i! D -y lord a!d master" because that I must hastily a!d busily dra5 all them that I may from the reli io! of christe!dom" a!d bri! them to thy 5ill" to the e!d that thy party al5ay ro5 a!d multiply" I se!d to thee this you! ma!" esprised i! the lo6e of the maid" a!d dema!deth that his desires may be acomplished" that herei! I ha6e lory a!d ho!our" a!d that from !o5 fortho! I may ather to thee a!d dra5 more1 The! he a6e him his letter" a!d bad him o" a!d at mid!i ht sta!d upo! the tomb of a pay!im" a!d call the de6il" a!d hold up this letter i! the air" a!d a!o! he shall come to thee1 A!d he a!o! 5e!t forth a!d did as he 5as bidde!" a!d held the letter i! the air" a!d forth5ith came the pri!ce of dar4!ess fello5shipped 5ith a reat multitude of fie!ds" a!d 5he! he had read the schedule he said to the you! ma!D ,ilt thou





















belie6e i! me if I accomplish thy desireE A!d he a!s5ered that he 5ould so do1 The! the de6il said to himD 3e!y the! Jesu Christ" 5hich saidD I re!y him1 A!d the de6il said to himD ;e christia! me!" ye be all false a!d u!true" for 5he! ye ha6e to do ye come to me" a!d 5he! ye ha6e that ye dema!d" a!o! after ye re!y me" a!d retur! to your Jesu Christ" a!d he recei6eth you because he is ri ht debo!air7 but if thou 5ilt that I do thy 5ill" ma4e a bo!d of thi!e o5! ha!d5riti! a!d deli6er it to me" a!d let it co!tai! that thou hast forsa4e! Jesu Christ" thy baptism" a!d the professio! of christia! reli io!" a!d that thou be my ser6a!t a!d 5ith me at the =ud me!t to be dam!ed7 a!d a!o! all this he 5rote a!d too4 it to the de6il" a!d put him i! his ser6itude7 a!d a!o! the de6il too4 5ith him fie!ds that ser6ed for for!icatio!" a!d comma!ded them that they should o a!d i!flame the heart of that maid i! the lo6e of that you! ma!1 The 5hich came to her a!d so i!flamed her i! the lo6e of that you! ma! that she fell do5! to the rou!d tofore her father cryi! piteously a!d sayi! D 'ather ha6e pity o! me" for cruelly I am torme!ted for the lo6e of your ser6a!t7 ha6e mercy o! me" a!d sho5 to me your fatherly lo6e that ye o5e to me" that ye i6e to me i! marria e the you! ma! that I desire" a!d if ye do !ot" ye shall see a!o! that I shall die" a!d thereof shall ye a!s5er at the day of doom1 A!d the father 5eepi! saidD AlasI 5retched that I am7 5hat is to me befalle!" God ha6e mercy o! my dau hter that thus ta4eth a5ay my treasure a!d <ue!cheth the li ht of mi!e eyes" I 5ould ha6e i6e! thee to the spouse of hea6e!" a!d 5ee!ed to ha6e sa6ed thee" a!d thou art demeasured i! 5orldly lo6e a!d fleshly1 Abide dau hter a!d tarry that I may marry thee to him that I had purposed" a!d bri! !ot me my last days i! sorro51 A!d she cried a!d saidD 'ather" do as I ha6e said" or a!o! thou shalt see me dead1 A!d so as she 5ept bitterly as out of her 5it" the father i! reat desolatio! of heart mo6ed by the cou!sel of his frie!ds" a!d decei6ed" did her pleasure a!d married her to the you! ma! a!d a6e to her all his substa!ce" sayi! D Go forth my dau hter" 6ery caitiff that thou art" a!d forth she 5e!t a!d too4 him to her husba!d a!d they d5elled to ether1 The husba!d 5e!t !ot to church" !e he blessed him !ot" !e recomme!ded him !ot to God" 5hereof ma!y of the !ei hbours !oted it" a!d said to the 5ifeD This you! ma! that thou hast ta4e! is !ot christe!ed" !e he oeth !ot to the church1 A!d 5he! she heard that she 5as much abashed" a!d for sorro5 fell do5! to the rou!d" a!d 5ith her !ails be a! to scratch her face" a!d beat her breast a!d saidD AlasI most miserable 5retch that I am" 5hereto 5as I bor!E I 5ould I had perished i! my birth1 A!d the! she told her husba!d 5hat she had heard of him1 a!d he a!s5ered that it 5as !othi! so7 the! said sheD If thou 5ilt that I belie6e thee" thou a!d I shall to:mor! o to church" a!d the! shall I 4!o5 if it be true that thou sayest1 The! he yielded him" co!fused" a!d sa5 5ell that he mi ht !ot de!y but it 5as so" a!d told to her all that he had do!e1 A!d 5he! she had heard all the case ho5 he had do!e" she be a! to 5ail a!d to 5eep stro! ly" a!d forth5ith 5e!t to S1 9asil a!d rehearsed to him all that she had heard of her husba!d1 A!d S1 9asil se!t for the husba!d a!d said to himD -y so!" 5ilt thou retur! a ai! to GodE Sire" said he" yea" but I may !ot" for I ha6e bou!d myself to the de6il" a!d re!ied Jesu Christ" a!d thereof I ha6e made a 5riti! of my ha!d a!d deli6ered it to him1 A!d S1 9asil said to himD Thereof !o force7 our Lord is debo!air a!d merciful" a!d shall recei6e thee if thou repe!test thee1 A!d a!o! too4 the you! ma! a!d made the si ! of the cross o! his forehead" a!d shut him i! a chamber three days1 After" he 5e!t to see him" a!d dema!ded sayi! D -y so!" ho5 is it 5ith theeE A!d he a!s5eredD Sire" I am i! reat pai!" a!d i! reat a! uish" i! such 5ays that I may !ot bear the clamours" the terrors" a!d the lapidime!ts that the fie!ds do to me" for they hold i! their ha!ds my 5riti! i! accusi! me" a!d sayi! I came to them a!d !ot they to me1 The! said 9asilD -y so!" be !ot afeard" but put firmly thy belief i! Jesu Christ1 A!d S1 9asil a6e to him a little meat for to comfort him a!d mar4ed him 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d closed him a ai!" a!d he 5e!t a!d prayed for him1 After certai! days passed" he 5e!t a!d 6isited him a ai!" a!d as4ed ho5 it 5as 5ith him" a!d he a!s5ered much better tha! tofore1 I hear their clamours a!d their me!aces" but I see them !ot1 S1 9asil a6e him meat a!d closed the door a!d blessed him" a!d 5e!t a!d prayed God for him" a!d forty days after he retur!ed a!d said to himD -y so!" ho5 is it 5ith theeE +e a!s5eredD +oly father" it is 5ell 5ith me this day for I ha6e see! thee fi ht for me" a!d o6ercome the de6il1 The! he too4 him out" a!d called all the cler y" the reli iouses" a!d the people" a!d 5ar!ed them that they should pray all for him" a!d led the you! ma! by the ha!d to the church1 A!d a!o! the de6il 5ith a reat multitude of fie!ds" 5ithout seei! of a!y ma!" too4 the you! ma! a!d pai!ed them to ta4e him out of the ha!d of S1 9asil1 A!d the you! ma! be a! to cry7 +oly sai!t of God" help me1 A!d the fie!ds e!forced them so reatly that they made S1 9asil to mo6e i! holdi! the you! ma!1 S1 9asil saidD Thou cursed a!d cruel fie!d" sufficeth !ot to thee e!ou h thy perditio! proper" but thou must tempt the creatures of my God for to ha6e them lostE The de6il the! said" heari! ma!y" O 9asil" thou rie6est a!d a!!oyest me much1 The! all the people cried" @yrie eleiso!" a!d S1 9asil said to the de6ilD Our Lord God blame a!d repro6e thee" cursed fie!d1 A!d the de6il said to him" 9asil" thou rie6es a!d a!!oyest me much7 I 5e!t !ot to him" but he came to me" he hath re!ied his God a!d hath co!fessed me to be his lord" loI here i! my ha!d the 5riti! that he a6e to me1 A!d S1 9asil said to himD ,e shall !ot cease to pray


for him u!to the time that thou shalt deli6er his 5riti! 1 A!d thus as S1 9asil prayed holdi! the ha!d of the you! ma!" the schedule 5hich he had made 5as brou ht i! the air i! the si ht of all" a!d 5as laid i! the ha!d of S1 9asil" the 5hich recei6ed it a!d said to the child7 9rother" 4!o5est thou these lettersE A!d he a!s5ered himD I 4!o5 them 5ell" for they 5ere 5ritte! 5ith my ha!d1 The! S1 9asil bra4e them" a!d led the child to the church" a!d so ordai!ed a!d disposed him" that he 5as 5orthy to recei6e the holy sacrame!t a!d after" he bei! e!sei !ed a!d tau ht" deli6ered to him a rule ho5 he should 4eep him" a!d deli6ered him to his 5ife1 Also there 5as a 5oma! that had committed ma!y si!s" the 5hich she all 5rote" a!d at the e!d there 5as o!e more rie6ous tha! the other" 5hich i! the 5riti! she deli6ered to S1 9asil" prayi! him to pray for her" a!d that by his prayers her si!s mi ht be for i6e!1 A!d the! he prayed for her" a!d the 5oma! ope!ed the bill" 5herei! she fou!d all the si!s defaced a!d put out e8cept the rie6ous si!1 A!d she came to S1 9asil a!d saidD Thou holy sai!t of God" ha6e mercy o! me" a!d et me for i6e!ess for this" li4e as thou hast do!e for the other" a!d S1 9asil said to the 5oma!D Lea6e a!d o from me" 5oma!" for I am a ma!" si!ful as thou art" 5hich ha6e !eed of pardo! as much as thou1 A!d as that she 5as busy a!d rie6ous to him" he said to herD Go u!to the holy ma! that is !amed Effrem" a!d dema!d of him that he may et pardo! for thee1 A!d 5he! she came to the holy ma! Effrem" a!d had told to him 5here fore she 5as se!t to him from S1 9asil" he said to herD Go from me" for I am a si!ful ma!" but o a ai! to S1 9asil" a!d it is he that may et thee for i6e!ess for this si! li4e as he did for the other7 a!d haste thee to the e!d that thou mayst fi!d him ali6e1 A!d 5he! she came i!to the city" S1 9asil 5as bor!e to the church for to be buried" a!d she be a! to cry" sayi! D God be =ud e bet5ee! me a!d thee" for thou mayst 5ell appease God for me" a!d thou hast se!t me to a!other" a!d a!o! she thre5 the bill upo! the co6eri! of the bier1 A!d a!o! after she too4 it a ai!" a!d ope!ed it" a!d fou!d it all plai!" a!d out clea! of the bill" a!d the! 5ith others she a6e tha!4i! s to God1 Tofore or S1 9asil died" he bei! i! the malady that he died" he did do come a Je5 to him 5hich 5as much e8pert i! physic" a!d he lo6ed him because he sa5 that he should be co!6erted to the faith1 A!d 5he! he 5as come" he felt his pulse" a!d sa5 that he 5as !i h his e!d" a!d said to his mei!yD -a4e ye ready such thi! as beho6eth for his sepulture" for he shall die a!o!1 ,hich 5ord S1 9asil heard a!d said to himD Thou 5ottest !ot 5hat thou sayest7 a!d the Je5" !amed Joseph" said to himD This day shalt thou die 5he! the su! shall o do5! i! the 5est1 To 5hom S1 9asil said D ,hat shalt thou say if I die !ot this dayE To 5hom Joseph saidD Sire" it is !ot other5ise possible1 The! said S1 9asilD if I li6e u!to the morro5 !oo! 5hat shalt thou doE A!d Joseph saidD If thou li6e u!til the morro5 that hour I shall die7 a!d S1 9asil saidD thou sayst truth" thou shalt die" that is" si! shall die i! thee to the e!d that thou shalt li6e i! Jesu Christ1 A!d Joseph saidD I 5ot 5ell 5hat thou sayest" a!d if thou li6e u!to that time I shall do that thou sayest1 The! S1 9asil said" ho5 5ell that by !ature he should ha6e died a!o! forth5ith" yet he at a!d impetred of God space that he should !ot the! die" a!d li6ed u!to the mor! at !oo!" 5hich thi! seei! " Joseph mar6elled much a!d belie6ed i! Jesu Christ1 S1 9asil the! too4 heart1 a!d o6ercame the feeble!ess of the body" a!d arose out of his bed" a!d 5e!t to the church" a!d 5ith his proper ha!ds baptiHed the Je5" a!d after retur!ed to his bed" a!d a!o! a6e up his spirit" a!d re!dered his soul u!to God about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d se6e!ty1 The! let us pray to him that he et us race of our Lord Jesu Christ" that he 5ill for i6e us all our si!s1 Here followeth the Life of *" Joh# the Al%o#er"











S1 Joh! the Almo!er 5as patriarch of Jerusalem1 +e sa5 o! a time" i! a 6isio!" a much fair maid" 5hich had o! her head a cro5! of oli6e" a!d 5he! he sa5 her he 5as reatly abashed a!d dema!ded her 5hat she 5asE This maid a!s5ered to himD I am -ercy 5hich brou ht from hea6e! the so! of God" if thou 5ilt 5ed me" thou shalt fare the better1 The! he" u!dersta!di! that the oli6e beto4e!eth mercy" be a! that same day to be merciful i! such 5ise that he 5as called Almo!er or ame!er" a!d he called al5ay the poor people his lords1 The! he called his ser6a!ts a!d said to themD Go throu h the city a!d 5rite ye all the !ames of my lords" a!d 5he! he sa5 that they u!derstood !ot his 5ords" he said to themD They be they that ye call poor a!d me!dica!ts" I call them my lords" a!d I say they be my helpers" a!d trust it 5ell that they mo5 help a!d et me the 4i! dom of hea6e!1 A!d because he 5ould stir the people to do alms" he said that 5he! the poor me! 5ere o!ce to ether 5armi! them a ai!st the su!" they be a! to tell 5ho 5ere ood almsme!" a!d them 5ould they praise" a!d blame them that 5ere e6il1 Amo! all other he told this !arratio!1










There 5as sometime a toller !amed (eter i! a city" a!d 5as a much rich ma!" but he 5as !ot piteous" but cruel to poor people" for he 5ould hu!t a!d chase a5ay poor people a!d be ars from his house 5ith i!di !atio! a!d a! er1 Thus 5ould !o poor ma! come to him for alms1 The! 5as there o!e poor ma! said to his fello5sD ,hat 5ill ye i6e me if I et of him a! alms this dayE A!d they made a 5a er 5ith him that he should !ot" 5hich do!e" he 5e!t to this toller>s house a!d stood at the ate" a!d dema!ded alms1 A!d 5he! this rich ma! came a!d sa5 this poor ma! at his ate he 5as much a! ry a!d 5ould ha6e cast some5hat at his head" but he could fi!d !othi! " till at last came o!e of his ser6a!ts beari! a bas4et full of bread of rye" a!d i! a reat a! er" he too4 a rye loaf" a!d thre5 it at his head" as he that mi ht !ot hear the cry of the poor ma!1 A!d he too4 up the loaf a!d ra! to his fello5s a!d said truly that he had recei6ed that loaf of (eter>s o5! ha!d1 A!d the! 5ithi! t5o days after" this rich ma! 5as sic4" a!d li4e for to die" a!d as he lay he 5as ra6ished i! spirit" i! 5hich he sa5 that he 5as set i! =ud me!t" a!d blac4 me! bri! i! forth his 5ic4ed deeds" a!d laid them i! a bala!ce o! that o!e side" a!d o! that other side he sa5 some clothed i! 5hite" mour!i! a!d sorro5ful" but they had !othi! to lea6e a ai!st them i! that other bala!ce" a!d o!e of them saidD Truly 5e ha6e !othi! but a rye Ioaf 5hich he a6e to God a ai!st his 5ill but t5o days o!e1 A!d the! they put that loaf i!to that bala!ce" a!d him seemed the bala!ces 5ere li4e e6e!1 The! they said to himD I!crease a!d multiply this rye loaf" or else thou must be deli6ered to these blac4 moors or fie!ds1 A!d 5he! he a5o4e he said1 AlasI if a rye loaf ha6e so much a6ailed me 5hich I a6e i! despite" ho5 much should it ha6e a6ailed me if I had i6e! all my oods to poor me! 5ith a ood 5ill1 As this rich ma! 5e!t o! a day clothed 5ith his best clothes" a poor shipma! came to him all !a4ed a!d dema!ded of him some clothi! " for the lo6e of God" to co6er him 5ithal" a!d he a!o! despoiled himself" a!d a6e to him his rich clothi! " that he 5are" a!d a!o! the poor ma! sold it7 a!d 5he! he 4!e5 that the poor ma! had sold it" he 5as so sorry that he 5ould eat !o meat" but he saidD AlasI I am !ot 5orthy that the poor ma! thi!4 upo! me1 A!d the !i ht follo5i! 5he! he slept" he sa5 o!e bri hter tha! the su!" ha6i! a cross o! his head 5eari! the same cloth that he had i6e! to the poor ma!" a!d he said to himD ,hy 5eepest thou Tolle!erE A!d 5he! he had told him the cause of his sorro5" he said to himD @!o5est thou this clothE A!d he saidD ;ea" Sire7 a!d the! our Lord saidD I ha6e bee! clothed there5ith sith thou a6est it to me" a!d I tha!4 thee of thy ood 5ill that thou hadst pity of my !a4ed!ess" for 5he! I 5as a cold thou co6eredst me1 A!d 5he! he a5o4e he blessed the poor people" a!d saidD 9y the li6i! GodI if I li6e I 5ill be o!e of his poor me!1 A!d 5he! he had i6e! all his ood to poor me!" he called o!e of his secret me! 5hom he trusted 5ell a!d said to himD I ha6e a secret cou!sel to tell thee" a!d if thou 4eep it !ot secret a!d do as I bid thee" I shall sell thee to the heathe! me!1 A!d he too4 him te! pou!d i! old a!d had him o i!to the holy city" a!d buy some !ecessary 5are" a!d 5he! thou hast so do!e" ta4e me a!d sell me to some christia! ma!" a!d ta4e that mo!ey that thou shalt recei6e for me a!d i6e it to poor people1 A!d the ser6a!t refused it" a!d he saidD Truly if thou sell me !ot" I shall sell thee to the barbaries1 A!d the! he too4 this (eter the tolle!er as he had comma!ded him" 5hich 5as his master" clad i! 6ile clothi! " a!d led him to the mar4et a!d sold him to a! ar e!ter for thirty besa!ts" 5hich he too4 a!d dealt it amo! poor me!1 This (eter the! thus sold 5as bou!d a!d put i!to a 4itche! for to do all foul 5or4s" i! such 5ise that he 5as despised of e6ery ma! of the ser6a!ts1 A!d some oft smote him a!d 4!oc4ed him about the head" a!d called him fool1 Christ appeared oft to him a!d sho5ed him his clothi! a!d the besa!ts a!d comforted him1 A!d the Emperor a!d other people 5ere sorry for (eter the tolle!er1 A!d it happed that !oble me! of Co!sta!ti!ople came u!to the place 5hereas (eter 5as for to 6isit holy places" 5hom the master of (eter bade to di!!er" a!d as they sat a!d ate at their di!!er" (eter ser6ed a!d passed by them" a!d they" beholdi! him" said to each other i! their ears" ho5 li4e is this you! ma! to (eter the tolle!er" a!d as they 5ell sa5 a!d ad6ised him they saidD Verily it is my lord (eter7 I shall arise a!d hold him" a!d 5he! (eter u!derstood that he fled a5ay pri6ily1 There 5as a porter 5hich 5as both deaf a!d dumb" a!d by si !s he ope!ed the ates" a!d (eter bade him by 5ords to ope! the ates7 a!d he a!o! heard him a!d recei6i! speech a!s5ered him" a!d (eter 5e!t his 5ay1 A!d the porter retur!ed i!to the house spea4i! a!d heari! " 5hereof all they mar6elled" to 5hom he saidD +e that 5as i! the 4itche! is o!e out a!d fleeth a5ay" but 4!o5 ye for certai! that he is the ser6a!t of God" for as he spa4e a!d bade me ope! the ate" there issued out of his mouth a flame of fire" 5hich touched my to! ue a!d mi!e ears" a!d a!o! I recei6ed heari! a!d spea4i! 1 A!d a!o! they all 5e!t out a!d ra! after him" but they mi ht !ot fi!d him1 The! all they of the house repe!ted them" a!d did pe!a!ce" because they had so foul e!treated him1 There 5as a mo!4 !amed Vital 5hich 5ould assay if he mi ht raise a!y sla!der a ai!st S1 Joh!1 A!d S1 Joh! came i! to a city a!d 5e!t u!to all the bordels of commo! 5ome! a!d said to each of them by








orderD Gi6e me this !i ht a!d do !o for!icatio!1 The! he e!tered i!to the house of o!e a!d 5as i! a cor!er all the !i ht o! his 4!ees i! prayer a!d prayed for her1 A!d o! the mor! he 5e!t a!d comma!ded to each of them that they should tell it to !o ma!" yet o!e of them ma!ifested his life1 A!d a!o! as S1 Joh! had prayed she be a! to be torme!ted 5ith a de6il" a!d a!o! the other 5ome! said to herD God hath i6e! to thee that that thou hast deser6ed" because she e!tered for to do for!icatio! a!d !ot for !o!e other cause1 A!d 5he! it 5as e6e!" the foresaid mo!4 Vital said tofore them allD I 5ill o thither" for that 5oma! abideth me" the! ma!y blamed him" a!d he a!s5ered a!d saidD Am I !ot a ma! as a!other isE I ha6e a body as other me! ha6e" is God o!ly 5rath 5ith mo!4sE they be me! as other be1 The! some of them said to himD Ta4e to thee a 5ife" a!d cha! e thi!e habit so that thou sca!dal !ot others1 +e fei !i! himself 5roth saidD Verily I shall !ot hear you" 5ho that 5ill be sla!dered let him be sla!dered" a!d let him smite his forehead a ai!st the 5all" be ye ordai!ed to be my =ud es of GodE Go ye a!d ta4e heed of yoursel6es" for ye shall i6e !o!e accou!ts for me7 a!d this he said 5ith a loud 6oice1 A!d the! they complai!ed to S1 Joh! of his o6er!a!ce" but our Lord harded so his heart that he a6e !o crede!ce to their 5ords" but he prayed God that he 5ould sho5 his 5or4s to some creature after his death" a!d that it should !ot tur! to his blame that defamed him1 9y this mea!s he brou ht ma!y for to be co!6erted" a!d set of them ma!y for to be closed i! reli io!1 I! a mor!i! " as he 5e!t from them o!e of these commo! 5ome! met 5ith a ma! that e!tered i! for to do for!icatio!" 5ho a6e to him a buffet a!d saidD Thou 5ic4ed ma!" 5hy ame!dest thou !ot thy 5ic4ed li6i! E A!d he said to himD 9elie6e me ri ht 5ell that thou shalt ha6e such a buffet that all Ale8a!dria shall assemble to 5o!der o! thee1 A!d after that the fie!d came i! li4e!ess of a ma!" a!d a6e him a buffet" a!d said to himD This is the buffet that the abbot Vital promised thee" a!d a!o! he 5as ra6ished 5ith the fie!d" a!d torme!ted so that all the people dre5 to him a!d 5o!dered o! him7 but at the last he 5as repe!ta!t a!d 5as healed by the prayers of S1 Vital1 A!d 5he! the ser6a!t of God 5as !i h his e!d he left i! 5riti! to his disciplesD Jud e ye !e6er before the time7 a!d 5he! he 5as dead the 5ome! co!fessed 5hat he had do!e" a!d all they lorified God" a!d !amely S1 Joh!" sayi! D ,ould God that il4e buffet that he too4 I had ta4e!1 There 5as a poor ma! i! the habit of a pil rim came to S1 Joh! a!d dema!ded alms" a!d he called his dispe!ser a!d bade him to i6e to him si8pe!ce" 5hich he recei6ed" a!d 5e!t his 5ay" a!d cha! ed his clothi! " a!d came to the patriarch a!d as4ed alms" a!d he called his dispe!ser a!d bade him to i6e him si8pe!ce of old" a!d 5he! he had i6e! to him a!d 5as departed" the dispe!ser said to his lordD 'ather" at your re<uest this ma! hath recei6ed t5ice alms this day" a!d hath cha! ed his habit t5ice7 S1 Joh! fei !ed as he had !ot heard it1 A!d the poor ma! cha! ed his clothi! the third time" a!d came a ai! to S1 Joh!" a!d as4ed yet the third time alms" a!d the! the dispe!ser told his lord pri6ily that he 5as the same be ar" to 5hom S1 Joh! saidD Gi6e to him t5el6e besa!ts" lest it be my Lord Jesu Christ that 5ill pro6e me 5hether he mi ht more ta4e or I i6e1 O! a time it happed that o!e (atricius had certai! mo!ey of the church 5hich he 5ould put i! mercha!dise" but the patriarch 5ould i! !o 5ise co!se!t thereto" but 5ould it should be i6e! to poor people" a!d they could !ot accord but departed all 5roth1 A!d after e6e!so! time the patriarch se!t to the archpriest (atricius" sayi! D Sir" the su! is !i h o!e do5!" a!d he heari! that a!o! he 5ept" a!d came to him a!d as4ed for for i6e!ess1 O! a time the !ephe5 of the patriarch suffered 5ro! of a ta6er!er" a!d complai!ed lame!tably to the patriarch a!d could !ot be comforted" a!d the patriarch said to himD ,ho is so hardy that dare say a ai!st thee or ope! his mouth a ai!st theeE 9elie6e me" so!" that I shall this day do for thee such a thi! that all Ale8a!dria shall 5o!der o! it1 A!d 5he! he heard that he 5as 5ell comforted" 5ee!i! that the ta6er!er should ha6e bee! sore beate!1 A!d S1 Joh! seei! that he 5as comforted 4issed his breast a!d saidD So!" if thou be 6erily the !ephe5 of mi!e humility" ma4e thee ready to be scour ed a!d to suffer of e6ery ma! beati! s" chidi! s a!d 5ro! s" for 6ery affi!ity is !ot o!ly of flesh a!d blood" but it is 4!o5! by the stre! th of 6irtueD a!d a!o! he se!t for that ma! a!d made him free of all pe!sio! a!d tribute1 A!d all they that heard this 5o!dered reatly" a!d the! u!derstood they that he had said before" that he 5ould so do that all Ale8a!dria should 5o!der thereof1 The patriarch heari! of the custom that is 5he! the emperor is cro5!ed" there shall come to him the ma4ers of sepultures a!d bri! sto!es of marble of di6ers colours" a!d dema!d the emperor of 5hat sto!es he 5ill ha6e his ra6e made" or of 5hat metal1 S1 Joh! rememberi! this" comma!ded to ma4e his sepulture" but yet he did !ot do ma4e it all but left it imperfect u!to his e!d1 A!d he ordai!ed that at e6ery feast" 5he! he 5as 5ith the cler y" some should come to him a!d sayD Sire" thy mo!ume!t or







sepulture is !ot all made" but imperfect" comma!d that it may be made" for thou 5otest !ot 5hat hour thou shalt die" !e 5he! the thief cometh1 There 5as a rich ma! 5hich sa5 S1 Joh!" ha6i! i! his bed but 6ile clothes a!d !ot rich" for he had i6e! all his oods to poor me!1 +e bou ht for him a much rich co6erture for his bed a!d a6e it to S1 Joh!1 A!d i! a !i ht" as it lay upo! him" he could !ot sleep" for he thou ht three hu!dred of his lords mi ht 5ell ha6e bee! co6ered 5ithal" a!d made all that !i ht lame!tatio! sayi! D Ah Lord" ho5 ma!y be there of my lords !o5 i! the mire" ho5 ma!y i! the rai!" ho5 ma!y so cold that their teeth beat to ether" a!d ho5 ma!y that sleep i! the mar4et place7 a!d said to himself1 A!d thou 5retch de6ourest the reat fishes" a!d restest i! thy chamber 5ith thy 5ic4ed!ess u!der a co6erture of t5e!ty:si8 pou!ds to 5arm thy carrio!1 A!d after he 5ould !e6er be co6ered there5ith" but o! the mor! he did do sell it a!d a6e the mo!ey thereof to poor people1 A!d 5he! the rich ma! sa5 it he bou ht it a ai! a!d too4 it to the blessed S1 Joh! a!d desired him !o more to sell it" but 4eep it for himself1 A!d a!o! after S1 Joh! sold it a ai! a!d a6e the mo!ey of it to poor people1 A!d 5he! the rich ma! 5ist it" yet he bou ht it a ai! a!d brou ht it to S1 Joh! full oodly" a!d said to himD ,e shall see 5ho shall fail of us" or thou i! the selli! or I i! the buyi! 7 a!d thus it 5as oft bou ht a!d sold" the rich ma! seei! 5ell that he mi ht 5ell mi!ish his riches i! this ma!!er 5ithout si!" to the i!te!t to i6e it to poor people1 A!d they both should 5i! i! this ma!!er" that o!e i! sa6i! of their souls" a!d that other i! etti! re5ard1 A!d S1 Joh! 5ould dra5 me! to do alms i! this ma!!er7 he 5as accustomed to tell of S1 Serapio!" 5he! he had i6e! his ma!tle to a poor ma! a!d after met 5ith a!other that had cold" he a6e him his coat" a!d himself sat all !a4ed1 A!d o!e dema!ded of himD 'ather" 5ho hath despoiled theeE A!d he had i! his ha!d the boo4 of the e6a! elists a!d saidD This hath despoiled me1 A!d a!o! he sa5 a!other poor ma!" a!d the! he sold the boo4 of ospels a!d a6e the price thereof to poor me!" a!d 5he! he 5as dema!ded 5here his boo4 of the ospels 5as" he a!s5ered a!d saidD That the ospel comma!deth a!d saithD Go a!d sell all that thou hast" a!d i6e it to the poor" I had this ospel a!d I ha6e sold it li4e as he comma!ded1 O! a time he a6e to a poor ma! fi6e besa!ts" a!d the poor ma! had disdai! thereof a!d be a! to chide a!d despise him i! his 6isa e because he had !o more alms" a!d 5he! his ser6a!ts sa5 that" they 5ould ha6e beate! him" a!d the! the blessed Joh! defe!ded them sayi! D Suffer ye him brethre! a!d let him curse me" loI I ha6e these thirty years blasphemed by my 5or4s Christ" a!d may !ot I bear o!e blame or 6ice of this ma!E A!d he comma!ded that a sac4 of mo!ey full should be brou ht tofore this poor ma!" that he should ta4e as much as he 5ould1 O! a time" after that the ospel 5as read i! the church" the people 5e!t out a!d tal4ed idle tales" a!d this holy patriarch appercei6ed them a!d follo5ed after a!d sat do5! amo! them" a!d said to themD So!s" there as the sheep be" there must be the shepherd also" a!d therefore" either ye must e!ter 5ith me i!to the church or else I must abide 5ith you here" a!d thus he did t5ice a!d thereby he tau ht the people to abide a!d sta!d i! the church1 A!other time there 5as a you! ma! had ra6ished a !u!" a!d the cler4s repro6ed the you! ma! thereof tofore S1 Joh!" a!d said he ou ht to be cursed therefor" because he had lost t5o souls" his o5! a!d the !u!>s1 The! S1 Joh! 5ithstood their se!te!ce sayi! D Not so my so!s" !ot so" I shall sho5 that ye commit t5o si!sD first" ye do a ai!st the comma!dme!t of God 5hich saithD Jud e ye !ot" a!d ye shall !ot be =ud ed1 Seco!dly" ye 5it !ot for certai! 5hether they ha6e si!!ed i!to this day" a!d ha6e !ot bee! pe!ite!t a!d ha6e repe!ted them1 It fell ma!y times that S1 Joh! 5as ra6ished i! his prayers" a!d 5as i! a tra!ce" a!d he 5as heard dispute 5ith our Lord i! these 5ordsD So" ood Lord Jesu Christ" so7 I i! parti! a!d thou i! mi!isteri! " let us see 5ho shall o6ercome1 O! a time 5he! he 5as sic4 a!d 6e8ed 5ith the fe6ers" a!d sa5 that he approached his e!d" he saidD I yield to thee tha!4i! s for thou hast heard my 5retched!ess prayi! thy ood!ess that at my death should be fou!d 5ith me but o!e besa!t or o!e piece of mo!ey" a!d that yet I comma!d to be i6e! to the poor1 A!d the! he yielded his soul u!to Almi hty God1 A!d his 6e!erable body 5as put i! a sepulchre 5here the bodies of t5o bishops 5ere buried" a!d the t5o bodies by miracle a6e room a!d place to the body of S1 Joh!" for they remo6ed each from other a!d left the middle 6oid for his body1















A little time tofore his death there 5as a 5oma! had committed a reat a!d horrible si!" a!d durst !ot be shri6e! thereof !e sho5 it to !o ma!1 S1 Joh! bade her 5rite it a!d seal it" a!d bri! it to him" a!d he 5ould pray for her1 She asse!ted thereto7 she 5rote her si!" a!d dili e!tly closed a!d sealed it a!d deli6ered it to S1 Joh!1 A!d a!o! after S1 Joh! 5a8ed sic4 a!d died" a!d 5he! she heard that he 5as dead she supposed herself co!fused a!d shamed" for she 5ee!ed that he had deli6ered it to some other ma!" a!d she came to his tomb" a!d there 5ept a!d cried much lame!tably" sayi! D AlasI alasI I supposed to ha6e esche5ed my co!fusio! a!d !o5 I am made co!fusio! u!to all others" a!d 5ept bitterly prayi! S1 Joh! that he 5ould sho5 to her 5here he had left her 5riti! 1 A!d sudde!ly S1 Joh! came a!d appeared to her i! the habit of a bishop" o! either side of him a bishop" a!d said to the 5oma!D ,hy troubles thou me so much" a!d these sai!ts 5ith me" a!d sufferest !ot us to ha6e restE Lo" here our clothes be all 5et of thy tears" a!d the! deli6ered to her her scroll a ai!" sealed as it 5as tofore" sayi! to herD See here thy seal" ope! thy 5riti! a!d read it7 5hich a!o! she ope!ed a!d all her si! 5as defaced a!d clea! out" a!d she fou!d therei! 5ritte!D All thy si! is for i6e! a!d put a5ay by the prayer of Joh!" my ser6a!t1 A!d the! she re!dered tha!4i! s to our Lord God a!d to S1 Joh!" a!d the! S1 Joh! 5ith the t5o bishops retur!ed i!to their sepulture1 This holy ma! S1 Joh! flourished i! the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d fi6e" i! the time of (hocas the emperor1 Of the !o#ver io# of *" Paul a#d of the #a%e of $o#ver io#


Co!6ersio! is said of co!6ertor" I am tur!ed" or is as much as to ether tur!ed from si!s a!d e6ils1 +e is !ot co!6erted that shri6eth him to the priest of o!e si! a!d hideth a!other1 It is said co!6ersio!" for S1 (aul this day 5as co!6erted to the faith lea6i! his 6ices1 ,hy he is said (aul" it shall be said after5ard1 Of the !o#ver io# of *" Paul"

The co!6ersio! of S1 (aul 5as made the same year that Christ suffered his passio!" a!d S1 Stephe! 5as sto!ed also" !ot i! the year !atural" but appeari! 1 'or our Lord suffered death the ei hth cale!ds of April" a!d S1 Stephe! suffered death the same year" the third day of Au ust a!d 5as sto!ed1 A!d S1 (aul 5as co!6erted the ei hth cale!ds of 'ebruary1 A!d three reaso!s bee! assi !ed 5herefore the co!6ersio! of S1 (aul is hallo5ed more tha! of other sai!ts1 'irst for the e!sample" because that !o si!!er" 5hatsome6er he be" should despair of pardo! 5he! he seeth him that 5as i! so reat si! to be i! so reat =oy1 Seco!dly for the =oy" for li4e as the church had reat sorro5 i! this persecutio!" so had she reat =oy i! his co!6ersio!1 Thirdly" for the miracle that our Lord sho5ed 5he! of o!e so cruel a persecutor 5as made so true a preacher1 The co!6ersio! of him 5as mar6ellous by reaso! of him that made him" a!d of him that ordai!ed him" a!d of the patie!t that suffered it1 9y reaso! of him that made him to be co!6erted" that 5as Jesu Christ" 5hich sho5ed there his mar6ellous puissa!ce i! that he saidD It is hard for thee to stri6e a ai!st the alle or pric4s7 a!d i! that he cha! ed him so sudde!ly" for a!o! as he 5as cha! ed he saidD Lord 5hat 5ilt thou that I doE ?po! this 5ord saith S1 Austi!D The lambs slai! of the 5ol6es ha6e made of a 5olf a lamb" for he 5as ready for to obey" that tofore 5as 5ood for to persecute1 Seco!dly" he sho5ed his mar6ellous 5isdom1 +is mar6ellous 5isdom 5as i! that he too4 from him the s5elli! of pride i! offeri! to him the i!5ard thi! s of humility a!d !ot the hei ht of ma=esty1 'or he said I am Jesus of NaHareth" a!d he called !ot himself God !e the so! of God" but he said to him" ta4e thi!e i!firmities of huma!ity a!d cast a5ay the s<uames of pride1 Thirdly" he sho5ed his pitiful debo!airty a!d mercy" 5hich is si !ified i! that that he that 5as i! deed a!d i! 5ill to persecute" he co!6erted" ho5 be it he had e6il 5ill" as he that desired all the me!aces a!d threate!i! s" a!d had e6il purpose7 as he that 5e!t to the pri!ce of priests7 as he that had a =oy i! his e6il 5or4s that he led the christia! me! bou!d to Jerusalem1 A!d therefore his =our!ey a!d 6oya e 5as ri ht e6il" a!d yet !e6ertheless by the mercy of God 5as he co!6erted1 Seco!dly the co!6ersio! 5as mar6ellous of him that ordai!ed it" that is of the li ht that he ordai!ed i! his co!6ersio!1 A!d it is said that this li ht 5as dispositi6e" sudde!" a!d celestial" a!d this li ht of hea6e! ad6iro!ed him sudde!ly1 (aul had i! him these 6ices1 The first 5as hardi!ess" 5hich is !oted 5he! it is said that he 5e!t to the pri!ce of the priests" a!d as the loss saith" !ot called" but by his o5! 5ill a!d e!6y that e!ticed him1 The seco!d 5as pride" a!d that is si !ified by that he desired a!d si hed the me!aces a!d threate!i! s1 The third 5as the i!te!t car!al" a!d the u!dersta!di! that he had i! the la5" 5hereof the loss saith upo! that 5ordD I am Jesus" etc1 I God of hea6e! spea4" the 5hich thou supposest to be dead by the co!se!t of the Je5s1 A!d this li ht di6i!e 5as sudde!" it 5as reat" a!d out of measure" for to









thro5 do5! him that 5as hi h a!d proud" i!to the ditch or pit of huma!ity7 it 5as celestial" because it tur!ed a!d cha! ed his fleshly u!dersta!di! i!to celestial" or it may be said that this ordi!a!ce or dispositio! 5as i! three thi! s7 that is to 5it i! the 6oice cryi! " i! the li ht shi!i! " a!d i! the 6irtue of puissa!ce1 Thirdly" it 5as mar6ellous by the 6irtue of the sufferi! of the patie!t" that is of (aul i! 5hom the co!6ersio! 5as made1 'or these three thi! s 5ere made i! him 5ithoutforth mar6ellously" that it is to 5it" that he 5as beate! to the earth" he 5as bli!d a!d fasted three days" a!d 5as smitte! do5! to the rou!d for to be raised1 A!d S1 Austi! saith that he 5as smitte! do5! for to be bli!d" for to be cha! ed" a!d for to be se!t7 he 5as se!t to suffer death for truth1 A!d yet saith S1 Austi!" he that 5as out of the faith 5as hurt for to be made belie6e" the persecutor 5as hurt for to be made a preacher" the so! of perditio! 5as hurt for to be made the 6essel of electio!" a!d 5as made bli!d for to be illumi!ed" a!d this 5as as touchi! his dar4 u!dersta!di! 1 The! i! the three days that he abode thus bli!d" he 5as lear!ed a!d i!formed i! the ospel" for he lear!ed it !e6er of ma! !e by ma!" as he himself 5it!esseth" but by the re6elatio! of Jesu Christ1 A!d S1 Austi! saith thusD I say that S1 (aul 5as the 6ery champio! of Jesu Christ" tau ht of him" redressed of him" crucified 5ith him" a!d lorious i! him1 +e 5as made lea! i! his flesh that his flesh should be disposed to the effect of ood operatio!" a!d from fortho! his body 5as established a!d disposed to all ood1 +e could 5ell suffer hu! er a!d abu!da!ce" a!d 5as i!formed a!d i!structed i! all thi! s" a!d all ad6ersities he ladly suffered1 Chrysostom saithD +e o6ercame torme!tors" tyra!ts" a!d people full of 5ood!ess" li4e as flies7 a!d the death" the torme!ts a!d all the pai!s that mi ht be do!e to him" he cou!ted them but as the play of childre!1 All them he embraced 5ith a ood 5ill" a!d he 5as e!!obled i! himself to be bou!d i! a stro! chai! more tha! to be cro5!ed 5ith a cro5!" a!d recei6ed more ladly stro4es a!d 5ou!ds tha! other ifts1 A!d it is read that i! him 5ere three thi! s a ai!st the three that 5ere i! our foremost father Adam" for Adam erected a!d addressed him a ai!st God our Lord1 a!d i! S1 (aul 5as co!trary for he 5as thro5! do5! to the earth1 I! Adam 5as the ope!i! of his eyes" a!d (aul 5as o! the co!trary made bli!d" a!d Adam ate of the fruit defe!ded" a!d S1 (aul co!trary 5as absti!e!t of co!6e!able meat1 GLO**AR3





achate" !1" purchase ad=ousted" pp1" 'r1 a=outer" added1 ar e!ter" !1"a mo!ey cha! er1 aspre" ad=1" 'r1 apre" cruel1 a5aits" !1" s!ares1 bai!ed" pp1" 'r1 bai !er" bathed1


belues" !1" 5hales" or sea mo!sters1 blessure" !1 A'r1B" a 5ou!d1 bly6e!" pp1 of >belea6e"> remai!ed1 broches" !" poi!ted rods1 bubals" !1" 5ild o8e!1 by!ome!" pp1 of >be!im"> to ta4e a5ay1 caricares" !"" fi s1 cautelously" ad61" craftily1 che6isshed" 61" achie6ed his purpose1 chore Afor >cor>B" !1" a +ebre5 measure of about ei ht bushels1 coarted" pp1" co!strai!ed or coerced1 coles" !1" cabba es colestaff" !1" a pole for carryi! a burde! bet5ee! t5o perso!s1 co!6eyi! " pr1 p1" uida!ce1 deduit" !1 A'r1B" pleasure" comfort deme!e" 61" e8hibit did do ma4e L caused to be made dilectio!" !" lo6e1 dime" !1" a tithe1 direptio!" !1" pilla e1 disperipled" pp1" scattered1



empesh" 61" 'r1 empecher" to hi!der1 fardel1 !11 a burde!1 haber eo!" !1" coat of scale armour1 hallo5s" !1" sai!ts or chose! people1 ha6oir" !1" 5orldly oods1 houseled" 61" admi!istered the eucharist1 impetre" 61" beseech1 =apes" !1" =ests or scoffs1



4ele" 61" cool1 maleurte" !1" misery1 mecha!t" ad=1 A'r1B" 5ic4ed1 mei!y" !1" compa!y or reti!ue1 muyes" !1" 'r1 muids" measures of about fi6e <uarters1

Octroy" V1 A'r1B" to besto51 o! les" !1 A'r1B" cla5s1 ouches" !1" =e5els1 phito!ess" !1" 5itch1 pisci!e" !1" a pool1 pois" !1" 5ei ht1 prestly" ad61" <uic4ly1 prise" !1" capture

<uarfo8" !1" four meeti! 5ays1 rele6ed" 61" 'r1 rele6er" to raise up1 ri hter" !1" e8ecutio!er1 routed" 6"" s!ored1 sacre" 61" 'r1 sacrer" to co!secrate1 siffled" 61" 'r1 siffler" 5histled1 si4er!ess" !1" surety1 smara dos" !1" emeralds" spere" 61" i!<uire or search1 spi!cops" !1" spiders1 s<uames" !1" scales1 sta !e" !1" 'r1 eta! " la4e1 s5e6e!1 !1" a dream1 toller" tolle!er" !1" ta8:farmer1



u! ue!taries" !1" ma4ers of perfumes1 u!!ethe" ad61" scarcely1 urchi!" !1" a hed eho 1 5ood" 5ood!ess" !1" mad" mad!ess1



Here followeth of *" Pauli#e the 4idow



S1 (auli!e 5as a much !oble 5ido5 of 3ome. of 5hom S1 Jerome 5rote the life" a!d saith first thusD If all my members 5ere tur!ed i!to to! ues" a!d all my arteries should resou!d i! huma! 6oice" yet I mi ht !ot 5orthily 5rite the 6irtues of S1 (auli!e1 I ta4e 5it!ess of God a!d of his holy a! els" a!d also of the a! el that 5as 4eeper of this 5oma! that I shall say !othi! for praisi! but that same that I shall say shall be less tha! appertai!eth to her 6irtues1 She 5as bor! amo! the !obles of the se!ators of 3ome" a!d of the li!ea e of the !oble Gre ois" rich of ood a!d puissa!t of sei !ory at 3ome1 She 5as the most humble of all other" for li4e as the su! surmou!teth the clear!ess of the stars" so surmou!ted she the beauty of others by her reat humility1 ,he! her husba!d 5as passed out of this 5orld" she abode lady of all the oods a!d riches1 It happed that" at the ma!dme!t of the Emperor" ma!y bishops came to 3ome" amo! 5hom 5ere there the holy ma! (auli!us" the patriarch of A!tioch" a!d Epipha!ius" bishop of Cyprus" of 5hom she 5as esprised i! ood 6irtues" so that she a6e lar ely of her oods for GodPs sa4e1 +er pare!ts" !e her frie!ds" !e her o5! childre! could !ot tur! her" !e ma4e her to cha! e her purpose" but that she 5ould become the pil rim of Jesu Christ" for the amorous desire that she had to Jesu Christ surmou!ted the lo6e that she had to her



childre!1 O!ly amo! all her childre! she had put her affectio! i! Eustochium her dau hter" 5hom she led 5ith her i! this pil rima e1 She too4 the sea a!d sailed so far that she came i!to the holy la!d of Jerusalem1 O ho5 reat de6otio! she had to 6isit the sepulchre of Jesu Christ a!d the other holy places" a!d ho5 all 5eepi! she 4issed them" there ca! !o ma! rehearse1 All the city of Jerusalem could spea4 of it" a!d yet best of all 4!e5 the Lord for 5hose lo6e she had forsa4e! all thi! s1 She had bee! at 3ome so puissa!t a!d so !oble" that e6ery ma! co6eted to do to her ho!our for her reat re!omee" but she that 5as fou!ded upo! humility sou ht the humble places a!d reli ious" a!d came at the last to 9ethlehem1 A!d 5he! she had de6outly 6isited the place i! 5hich the Vir i! -ary i!fa!ted a!d childed Jesu Christ" she fell i! a 6isio!" a!d as she s5are to me" she sa5 i! that 6isio! the child 5rapped i! poor clouts Iyi! i! the crib or i! the rac4" a!d ho5 the three 4i! s 5orshipped him" ho5 the star came upo! the house" a!d ho5 the shepherds came to see him" a!d ho5 +erod made persecutio! upo! the i!!oce!ts" a!d ho5 Joseph bare the child i!to E ypt1 A!d this 6isio! she said" all i! 5eepi! a!d i! lau hi! " a!d saidD I salute thee 9ethlehem 5herei! he is bor!" that desce!ded from hea6e!" of thee prophesied -icah the fifth chapter" that of thee should be bor! the God that should o6er! the people of Israel" a!d the li!ea e of Da6id should e!dure i! thee u!to the time that the lorious 6ir i! should e!fa!t Jesu Christ7 a!d I 5retched" as u!5orthy to repute me to 4iss the crib i! 5hich our Lord 5ept as a child" a!d the 6ir i! childed" here I shall ta4e my rest a!d my d5elli! " for my Sa6iour chose this place i! 9ethlehem1 She made there her habitatio! 5ith ma!y 6ir i!s that ser6ed God" a!d ho5 5ell that she 5as lady of all" !e6ertheless she 5as the most humble a!d mee4 i! spea4i! " i! habit" a!d i! oi! " i! such 5ise that she seemed ser6a!t of all the other1 She !e6er ate after the death of her husba!d 5ith !o ma!" ho5 ood that he 5as7 she 6isited as it is said tofore" all the holy places a!d the mo!4s of E ypt" amo! 5hom 5ere ma!y of the a!cie!t fathers a!d ma!y holy me!" a!d her seemed that she sa5 Jesu Christ amo! them1 A!d after" she fou!ded i! 9ethlehem a! abbey i! 5hich she assembled 6ir i!s as 5ell of !oble estate as of middle a!d lo5 li!ea e" a!d departed them i! three co! re atio!s" so that they 5ere departed i! 5or4" i! meat" a!d dri!4" but i! sayi! their psalter a!d adori! 5ere they to ether at the hours as it appertai!eth1 A!d she i!duced a!d i!formed all the other i! prayer a!d i! 5or4" by e8ample i6i! " she 5as !e6er idle1 A!d all they 5ere of o!e habit" a!d they had !e sheets !e li!e! cloth but to dry their ha!ds" a!d they mi ht ha6e !o lice!ce to spea4 to me!" a!d they that came late to the hours" she blamed debo!airly or shortly" after that they 5ere" a!d suffered !ot that a!y of them should ha6e a!ythi! sa6e the li6i! a!d clothi! " for to put a5ay a6arice from them1 She appeased them s5eetly that stro6e" a!d also she bra4e a!d mortified amo! the you! maide!s their fleshly desires by co!ti!ual fasti! s" for she had liefer ha6e them ood" sufferi! sorro5 a!d sic4!ess" tha! their heart should be hurt by fleshly 5ill1 A!d she chastised them that 5ere !ice a!d <uai!t" sayi! that such !icety 5as filth of the soul" a!d said also that" 5ord sou!di! to a!y ordure or filth should !e6er issue out of the mouth of a 6ir i!" for by the 5ords out5ard is sho5ed the cou!te!a!ce of the heart 5ithi!" a!d she that so spa4e a!d 5as rebu4ed therefor" if she ame!ded it !ot at the first 5ar!i! " !e at the seco!d" !e at the third" she should be disse6ered from the others i! eati! a!d i! dri!4i! " by 5hich she should be ashamed" a!d thus should be ame!ded by debo!air correctio!" a!d if she 5ould !ot" she should be pu!ished by ri ht reat moderatio!1 She 5as mar6ellous debo!air a!d pitiful to them that 5ere sic4" a!d comforted them a!d ser6ed them ri ht busily" a!d to them lar ely to eat such as they as4ed" but to herself she 5as hard i! her sic4!ess a!d scarce" for she refused to eat flesh" ho5 5ell she a6e it to other" a!d also to dri!4 5i!e1 She 5as oft by them that 5ere sic4" a!d laid the pillo5s ari ht a!d i! poi!t" a!d frotted their feet a!d chauffed 5ater to 5ash them1 A!d her seemed that the less she did to the sic4 i! ser6ice" so much less ser6ice did she to God" a!d deser6ed less merit" a!d therefore she 5as to them pitiful" a!d !othi! to herself1 I! her ri ht reat sic4!esses she 5ould ha6e !o soft bed" but lay upo! the stra5 or upo! the rou!d" a!d too4 but little rest1 'or the most part she 5as i! prayers both by day a!d by !i ht" a!d she 5ept so much that it seemed of her eyes a fou!tai!1 So ma!y tears ra! from them" a!d 5he! 5e said to her oft:times that she should 4eep her eyes from 5eepi! so much" she saidD The 6isa e ou ht to be li4e to be foul because it hath so much bee! made fair a!d ay a ai!st the comma!dme!t of God" a!d the body ou ht to be chastised that hath had so much solace i! this 5orld" a!d the lau hi! s ou ht to be recompe!sed by 5eepi! s" a!d the soft bed a!d the sheets ou ht to be cha! ed i!to the sharp!ess of hair1 I that 5as accustomed to please ma! a!d the 5orld" I desire !o5 to please Jesu Christ1 A!d 5hat shall I say of chastity i! 5hich she 5as e!sample u!to all ladies of time past 5he! she 5as yet secularE 'or she co!6ersed i! such 5ise that they that 5ere e!6ious durst !ot a6ise o! her a!y e6il fame1 She 5as












debo!air a!d courteous u!to all" for she comforted the poor a!d 5ar!ed the rich to do 5ell" but i! lar ess she passed so that !o poor ma! complai!ed of her1 A!d this did she !ot by the reat abu!da!ce that she had of oods" but by her 5ise o6er!a!ce" a!d 5he! I said to her that she should ha6e measure i! doi! alms" after that the apostle saith that" the alms that is do!e to a!other be !ot rie6ous to him that doth it1 9ut she said that for the lo6e of our Lord she did all" a!d that she desired to die" be i! i! such 5ise that she should !ot lea6e o!e pe!!y to her dau hter after her" a!d that she mi ht be 5rapped i! a stra! e sheet 5he! she should die1 A!d at the last she saidD If I should dema!d ou ht" I should fi!d e!ou h that 5ould i6e to me" a!d these be ars" if I a6e to them !ou ht a!d they so departed a!d died for po6erty" of 5hom should God dema!d thisE Oft said she soD They be happy that be merciful" a!d alms <ue!cheth si!s as the 5ater <ue!cheth the fire" but for to do alms it cometh !ot al5ays to perfectio!" for ma!y do alms that abide i! their car!alities" they seem to be ood 5ithout forth1 but 5ithi! they be mortal1 (auli!e 5as !ot such a! o!e" she affeebled her body ri ht sore i! fasti! a!d i! labouri! " that u!!ethe she set her eyes to her meat" 5ithout eati! fish" !e mil4" e s" or 5hite meat" i! 5hich ma!y 5ee! to do reat absti!e!ce 5ithout eati! flesh1 'or our Lord a6e to her a! ad6ersary" the stimulatio! fleshly" by 5hich she held her i! humility 5ithout sa6ouri! a!ythi! of pride for the foiso! of her 6irtues" a!d also that she thou ht !ot to be hi her tha! other 5ome!1 She had al5ays i! her mi!d the holy Scriptures a ai!st the deceptio!s of the fie!d" a!d especially this that -oses saithD God assayeth you if he lo6e you" a!d this that saith Isaiah the prophetD ;e that ha6e bee! at the solace a!d =oys of the 5orld a!d !o5 be 5ithdra5! from them a!d left them" loo4after !o!e other thi! but to suffer tribulatio! upo! tribulatio! a!d 4!o5 ye by tribulatio! is had patie!ce" a!d by patie!ce is had po6erty1 It is said" Job" primo capitulo" 5he! it 5as sho5ed to him the loss of his patrimo!y" he a!s5eredD I issued !a4ed from the belly of my mother" a!d I shall re:e!ter !a4ed a ai! i!to the earth" li4e as God may be pleased so be it do!e" his !ame be praised a!d blessed1 +e lear!ed us that 5e should !ot lo6e the 5orld" for the 5orld shall fi!ish i! her co6etise1 ,he! o!e told her that her childre! 5ere ri ht sic4" she saidD ,ho lo6eth his so! or his dau hter more tha! God is !ot 5orthy to be 5ith God1 A ma!" that seemed to be her frie!d" se!t her 5ord o! a time that she had reat !eed to 4eep 5ell her brai!" for because of the ardour that she had i! 6irtues" she seemed to be out of her 5it" a!d she a!s5eredD I! this 5orld 5e bereputed as fools for the lo6e of Jesu Christ1 A!d our Lord said to his apostlesD The 5orld hateth you" for ye be !ot of the 5orld" if ye 5ere of the 5orld" that is to say of the co!6ersatio! of the 5orld" the 5orld should lo6e you1 'air Lord God 5e mortify oursel6es al5ays" a!d 5e be reputed as sheep that be brou ht to death" because that 5ithout plai!i! 5e mortify our bodies1 I! such patie!ce 5as she u!to the death" a!d suffered humbly the e!6y of them that 5ere e6il1 She had i! her mi!d the holy Scriptures" a!d she held her more to the spiritual u!dersta!di! tha! to the histories of the Scripture1 She could perfectly +ebre5" Gree4" Lati!" a!d 're!ch" a!d read coursably the Scriptures i! these four la! ua es1 ,ho may recou!t 5ithout 5eepi! the death of this 5oma!E She fell i! a malady mortal a!d sa5 5ell that she should die" for all her body became cold" a!d she felt that her spirit held her i! her breast1 The! said she 5ithout plai!i! " a!d 5ithout ha6i! a!y char e sa6e to GodD 'air s5eet Lord" I ha6e co6eted the beauty of thy house for to be i! thy habitatio! that is so fair" my soul hath desired to be i! thy realm1 A!d 5he! I dema!ded her 5herefore she spa4e !o more" a!d she 5ould !ot a!s5er me" a!d I as4ed if she suffered reat pai!" she said to me i! Gree4 to! ue that she 5as 5ell a!d i! ood peace1 A!d a!o! she left spea4i! to me" a!d closed her eyes i! sayi! to GodD Lord" li4e as the hart desireth to come to the fou!tai!" so desireth my soul to come to thee7 alasI 5he! shall I come to thee fair Lord GodE A!d i! sayi! these 5ords" she made a cross upo! her mouth1 There 5ere bishops" priests" cler4s" ca!o!s" a!d mo!4s 5ithout !umber" a!d at the last" 5he! she heard her spouse" Jesu Christ" 5hich called her sayi! D Arise a!d come to me my s5eet lo6e a!d fair espouse" for the 5i!ter is passed1 She a!s5ered ladlyD The flo5ers be sho5ed i! our cou!try" a!d I belie6e that I shall see the oods i! the realm of hea6e! of my Lord Jesu Christ" a!d thus she re!dered her soul a!d passed out of this 5orld1 A!d a!o! all the co! re atio! of 6ir i!s made !o cry i! 5eepi! as do the people of the 5orld" but read de6outly their psalter !ot o!ly u!to the time that she 5as buried" but all the day a!d all the !i ht1 A!d 5ith reat pai! could !ot Eustochium" her 6e!erable dau hter" the 6ir i!" be 5ithdra5! from her" but she 4issed her a!d embraced her piteously i! 5eepi! the death of her mother1 A!d Jesus 5it!esseth that S1 (auli!e left !ot o!e pe!!y to her dau hter" she had so i6e! alms of all her reat riches1 -a!y i6e lar ely for GodPs sa4e" but they i6e !ot so much but some abideth1












,he! she 5as passed as said is" her lips !e her face 5ere !ot pale" but 5as as re6ere!t to loo4 o! as she had bee! yet ali6e1 She 5as buried i! a sepulchre i! 9ethlehem 5ith ri ht reat ho!our by the bishops" priests" cler4s" mo!4s" 6ir i!s" a!d all the poor people of the cou!try" 5hich plai!ed that they had lost their ood mother that had !ourished them1 She li6ed i! 3ome holily thirty:three years" a!d i! 9ethlehem t5e!ty years" a!d all her a e 5as fifty three years se6e! mo!ths a!d t5e!ty days" from the time of +o!orius" emperor of 3ome1 The! let us pray to this holy 5oma! that she pray for us1 Here followeth of *" Julia#. the )i ho&. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"

Julia! is as much to say as =ubilus" si! i! " a!d a!a" that is o! hi h" a!d thereof Julia! as oi! to hi h thi! s i! si! i! 1 Or it is saidD Julius" that is as much to say as !ot 5ise" a!d a!us" that is old" for he 5as old i! the ser6ice of God" a!d !ot 5ise i! reputatio! of himself1

The Life of *" Julia#"



S1 Julia! 5as bishop of Ce!oma!e!ce1 It is said that it 5as he that 5as said Simo! the leper" 5hom our Lord healed of his measelry" a!d bade Jesu Christ to di!!er" a!d after the Asce!sio! of our Lord" he 5as ordai!ed of the apostles bishop of Emmaus" full of reat 6irtues1 +e appeared to the 5orld" he raised three dead me!" a!d after he e!ded his days i! reat praisi! of God1 Of this S1 Julia! some say that this is he that pil rims a!d 5ayfari! me! call a!d re<uire for ood harboura e because our Lord 5as lod ed i! his house" but it seemeth better that it is he that sle5 his father a!d mother i !ora!tly" of 5hom the history is here after1 There 5as a!other Julia! bor! i! Al6er!ia" 5hich 5as of !oble li!ea e" a!d yet more !oble i! faith a!d i! 6irtue" 5hich for the reat desire that he had to be martyred" he offered himself to the tyra!ts 5here he had !ot forfeited1 No5 it happed that Crispi!us" 5hich 5as o!e of the o6er!ors of 3ome" se!t to him o!e of his mi!isters for to put him to death1 A!o! as the mi!ister came to him" he issued out of his place a!d came tofore him" a!d offered to him to suffer death" a!d his head 5as smitte! off1 A!d they too4 the head" a!d sho5ed it to S1 'eriol that 5as his fello5" a!d said they 5ould so do of him if he sacrificed !ot" a!d because he 5ould !ot obey to them they sle5 him" a!d too4 the head of S1 Julia!" a!d the body of S1 'eriol" a!d buried them both i! o!e pit" a!d a reat 5hile after S1 -amerti!e" bishop of Vie!!e" fou!d the head of S1 Julia! bet5ee! the ha!ds of S1 'eriol" all so 5hole as it had bee! buried that same day1 Amo! the other miracles of S1 Julia! it is said that a deaco! too4 all the 5hite sheep that 5ere of the church of S1 Julia!" a!d the shepherds defe!ded them" but he said to them that S1 Julia! ate !e6er !o mutto!" a!d a!o! after a fe6er too4 him" so reat a!d hot that he 4!o5led ed that he 5as of the martyr so bur!t" a!d he did 5ater to be cast o! him for to cool him1 A!d a!o! issued out of his body such a fume a!d smo4e" a!d there5ith so reat a ste!ch" that all they that 5ere prese!t 5ere co!strai!ed to flee" a!d a!o! after he died1 A!other miracle happed of a ma! of a 6illa e that o! a Su!day 5ould ear his la!ds" a!d 5he! he too4 the share to ma4e clea! his coulter" it clea6ed to his ha!d1 A!d t5o years after" at the prayer of S1 Julia! i! the church" he 5as healed1 There wa a#other Julia# 5hich 5as brother to o!e !amed Julius1 These t5o brethre! 5e!t to the Emperor Theodosius" 5hich 5as a 6ery christia! ma!" a!d they prayed him that they mi ht destroy all the idols that they mi ht fi!d" a!d that they mi ht edify churches" each 5hich thi! the emperor ra!ted them" a!d 5rote that all me! should obey them a!d help them" upo! pai! to lose their heads1 No5 it happed that they edified a church" a!d all me! by the comma!dme!t of the emperor obeyed a!d helped them1 It happed that there 5ere some me! that led a cart 5hich should pass by" a!d thou ht ho5 they mi ht do a!d pass 5ithout arresti! for to help them" a!d they thou ht that o!e of them should lie o! the cart as he 5ere dead" a!d thereby they 5ould e8cuse them" a!d so they did" a!d bade him that lay i! the cart to hold his eyes closed till they 5ere past the pass1 A!d 5he! they came i! the place 5here they edified the church" Julia! a!d Julius" his brother" said to themD -y so!s" tarry a 5hile a!d come a!d help us to 5or41 They a!s5ered that they mi ht !ot for they carried a dead ma!1 S1 Julia! said to themD ,hy lie ye soE They a!s5eredD Sir" 5e lie !ot" it is so as 5e say to you1 A!d S1 Julia! said to themD So may it








fall to you as ye say1 A!d a!o! they dro6e forth their o8e! a!d passed forth1 A!d 5he! they 5ere passed a little they called their fello5 that he should arise a!d dri6e forth the o8e! for to o the faster" a!d he a!s5ered !ot o!e 5ord1 A!d they called him a ai! o! hi h a!d saidD Art thou out of thy 5itE Arise up a!d dri6e forth the beasts" a!d he mo6ed !e spa4e !ot o!e 5ord1 They 5e!t up a!d disco6ered him a!d fou!d him dead as S1 Julia! had said to them1 The! too4 they such dread a!d fear that after that they !e !o!e other that heard of the miracle durst lie !o more tofore the holy ser6a!t of God1 A#other Julia# there 5as that sle5 his father a!d mother by i !ora!ce1 A!d this ma! 5as !oble a!d you! " a!d ladly 5e!t for to hu!t1 A!d o!e time amo! all other he fou!d a! hart 5hich retur!ed to5ard him" a!d said to him" thou hu!test me that shall slay thy father a!d mother1 +ereof 5as he much abashed a!d afeard" a!d for dread" that it should !ot happe! to him that the hart had said to him" he 5e!t pri6ily a5ay that !o ma! 4!e5 thereof" a!d fou!d a pri!ce !oble a!d reat to 5hom he put him i! ser6ice1 A!d he pro6ed so 5ell i! battle a!d i! ser6ices i! his palace" that he 5as so much i! the pri!cePs race that he made him 4!i ht a!d a6e to him a rich 5ido5 of a castle" a!d for her do5er he recei6ed the castle1 A!d 5he! his father a!d mother 4!e5 that he 5as thus o!e they put them i! the 5ay for to see4 him i! ma!y places1 A!d so lo! they 5e!t till they came to the castle 5here he d5elt" but the! he 5as o!e out" a!d they fou!d his 5ife1 A!d 5he! she sa5 them she i!<uired dili e!tly 5ho they 5ere" a!d 5he! they had said a!d recou!ted 5hat 5as happe!ed of their so!" she 4!e5 6erily that they 5ere the father a!d mother of her husba!d" a!d recei6ed them much charitably" a!d a6e to them her o5! bed" a!d made a!other for herself1 A!d o! the mor! the 5ife of Julia! 5e!t to the church" a!d her husba!d came home 5hiles she 5as at church" a!d e!tered i!to his chamber for to a5a4e his 5ife1 A!d he sa5 t5ai! i! his bed" a!d had 5ee!ed that it had bee! a ma! that had lai! 5ith his 5ife" a!d sle5 them both 5ith his s5ord" a!d after" 5e!t out a!d sa5 his 5ife comi! from church1 The! he 5as much abashed a!d dema!ded of his 5ife 5ho they 5ere that lay i! his bed" the! she said that they 5ere his father a!d his mother" 5hich had lo! sou ht him" a!d she had laid them i! his bed1 The! he s5oo!ed a!d 5as almost dead" a!d be a! to 5eep bitterly a!d cry" alasI caitiff that I am" 5hat shall I do that ha6e slai! my father a!d my motherE No5 it is happe!ed that I supposed to ha6e esche5ed" a!d said to his 5ifeD Adieu a!d fare5ell" my ri ht dear lo6e" I shall !e6er rest till that I shall ha6e 4!o5led e if God 5ill pardo! a!d for i6e me this that I ha6e do!e" a!d that I shall ha6e 5orthy pe!a!ce therefor1 A!d she a!s5eredD 3i ht dear lo6e" God forbid that ye should o 5ithout me" li4e as I ha6e had =oy 5ith you" so 5ill I ha6e pai! a!d hea6i!ess1 The! departed they a!d 5e!t till they came to a reat ri6er o6er 5hich much fol4 passed" 5here they edified a! hospital much reat for to harbour poor people" a!d there do their pe!a!ce i! beari! me! o6er that 5ould pass1 After lo! time S1 Julia! slept about mid!i ht" sore tra6ailed" a!d it 5as froHe! a!d much cold" a!d he heard a 6oice lame!ti! a!d cryi! that saidD Julia! come a!d help us o6er1 A!d a!o! he arose" a!d 5e!t o6er a!d fou!d o!e almost dead for cold" a!d a!o! he too4 him a!d bare him to the fire a!d did reat labour to chauffe a!d 5arm him1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that he could !ot be chauffed !e 5arm" he bare him i! to his bed" a!d co6ered him the best 5ise he mi ht1 A!d a!o! after" he that 5as so sic4 a!d appeared as he had bee! measell" he sa5 all shi!i! asce!di! to hea6e!" a!d said to S1 Julia! his hostD Julia!" our Lord hath se!t me to thee" a!d se!deth thee 5ord that he hath accepted thy pe!a!ce1 A!d a 5hile after S1 Julia! a!d his 5ife re!dered u!to God their souls a!d departed out of this 5orld1 A#other Julia# there 5as" but he 5as !o sai!t but a cursed ma!" a!d 5as called Julia!us Apostata1 This Julia! 5as first a mo!4" a!d sho5i! out5ard si !s of reat reli io! a!d of reat holi!ess" after that that -aster Joh! 9eleth reciteth1 There 5as a 5oma! that had three pots full of old" a!d because the old should !ot be see! she had put i! the mouth of the pots abo6e" ashes" a!d deli6ered them to this Julia! tofore other mo!4s for to 4eep" 5hom she reputed a holy ma!" but she said !ot to him that they 5ere full of old1 ,he! he had these pots he loo4ed 5hat 5as therei!" a!d he fou!d that it 5as old a!d too4 it out all" a!d filled them full of ashes" a!d fled 5ith all to 3ome" a!d did so much that he 5as of the cou!cillors a!d o6er!ors of 3ome1 9ut the 5oma!" 5he! she 5ould ha6e a ai! her pots" she could !ot pro6e that she had deli6ered to him i! 4eepi! old" for she made !o me!tio! thereof tofore the mo!4s" a!d therefore he retai!ed it" a!d procured 5ithal the office of a co!sul of the o6er!a!ce of 3ome1 A!d after that he procured so much that he 5as i!stituted emperor1 ,hiles he 5as you! he 5as tau ht i! the art of e!cha!tme!t a!d of the i!6ocatio!s of fie!ds" a!d ladly he studied" a!d it pleased him much" a!d had 5ith him di6ers masters of that scie!ce1 No5 it happed o! a day that as his master 5as out he be a! alo!e to read the i!6ocatio!s" a!d a reat multitude of fie!ds came about him a!d made him afeard" a!d


















he made the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! they 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d 5he! his master 5as retur!ed he told him 5hat 5as happed to him" but his master said to him that al5ays he had hated a!d feared that si !1 ,he! the! he 5as emperor he remembered thereof" a!d because he 5ould use the craft of the de6il" o6erall 5here he fou!d the si !s of the cross he destroyed them" a!d persecuted christia! me! because that he 4!e5 5ell that other5ise the fie!ds 5ould !ot do for him1 No5 it happed that he desce!ded i!to a re io! that is called (ersia" a!d from the!ce he se!t i!to the occide!t a de6il for to ha6e a!s5er of that he said to him" a!d this de6il 5e!t a!d abode te! days i! o!e place 5ithout mo6i! " because there 5as a mo!4 co!ti!ually i! prayer !i ht a!d day" a!d 5he! he mi ht !ot do he retur!ed1 The! Julia! dema!ded him 5here he had bee! so lo! " he a!s5eredD I ha6e bee! i! a place 5here I fou!d a mo!4 !i ht a!d day prayi! " a!d I supposed to ha6e troubled him that he should !o more pray" a!d all this 5hile I could !e6er tur! him from his prayer" a!d thus I am retur!ed 5ithout doi! a!ythi! 1 The! Julia! the apostate had reat i!di !atio! a!d said 5he! he came thither he 5ould a6e! e him of the mo!4" a!d 5he! he 5e!t i! to (ersia the de6ils promised him that he should ha6e 6ictory of a city1 The master of e!cha!tme!ts" 5hich di6i!ed by the de6il for him" said to a christia! ma!D ,hat doeth the smithPs so!E +e said that he made a sepulchre for Julia! his master1 A!d as it is read i! the history of S1 9asil" he came i! CFsarea of Cappadocia a!d S1 9asil came a ai!st him" a!d prese!ted three loa6es to him" 5hich he se!t to him1 A!d Julia! had reat i!di !atio! of this ift" a!d for the bread" he se!t to S1 9asil hay" sayi! D Thou hast se!t to me meat for dumb beasts" therefore ta4e this that I se!d to thee1 S1 9asil saidD ,e ha6e se!t to thee such as 5e eat" a!d thou se!dest to us of that thou !ourishest thy beasts 5ith1 Of 5hich a!s5er Julia! 5as 5roth a!d saidD ,he! I shall ha6e do!e i! (ersia I shall destroy this city i! such 5ise that it shall be better ordai!ed for to ear a!d so5 tha! people to d5ell i!1 A!d the !i ht e!sui! " S1 9asil sa5 i! a 6isio!" i! the church of our Lady" a reat multitude of a! els" a!d i! the middle of them a 5oma! bei! i! a thro!e" 5hich said to themD Call to me -ercury 5hom Julia! the apostate hath slai!" 5hich blasphemeth me a!d my so!1 -ercury 5as a 4!i ht" that for the faith of God had bee! slai! of Julia!" a!d 5as buried i! the same church1 The! a!o! -ercury 5ith all his arms" that 5ere 4ept" 5as prese!t" a!d at the comma!dme!t of the lady he 5e!t to battle1 S1 9asil a5o4e all affrayed" a!d 5e!t to the tomb 5here the 4!i ht 5as buried i!" a!d ope!ed the sepulchre" but he fou!d !either body !e arms1 The! he dema!ded of the 4eeper 5ho had ta4e! a5ay the body1 A!d he s5are that i! the e6e! tofore it 5as there1 S1 9asil after o! the mor! retur!ed" a!d fou!d the body a!d the armour a!d the spear all bloody1 A!d a!o! came o!e from the battle 5hich said that Julia! the apostate a!d emperor 5as i! the battle" a!d thither came a 4!i ht u!4!o5! all armed 5ith his spear" 5hich hardily smote his horse 5ith his spurs a!d came to Julia! the emperor" a!d bra!dished his s5ord a!d smote him throu h the body" a!d sudde!ly he departed a!d !e6er after 5as see! a ai!1 A!d yet 5he! he should die he too4 his ha!d full of blood a!d cast it i!to the air sayi! D Thou hast 6a!<uished ma! of Galilee I thou hast o6ercomeI A!d i! cryi! thus" miserably he e8pired" a!d died i! reat pai!" a!d 5as left 5ithout sepulture of all his me!1 A!d he 5as flayed of the (ersia!s" a!d of his s4i! 5as made to the 4i! of (ersia a! u!derco6eri! " a!d thus he died cursedly1 Thus end the Lives of four holy saints every each named ulian, and of one that !as a false apostata.

Here followeth the Life of *" 0(#atiu )i ho&. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" I !atius is said as o!e sufferi! fire a!d bur!i! " for he 5as embraced a!d all esprised of the di6i!e a!d bur!i! lo6e of God1

Of *" 0(#atiu " S1 I !atius 5as disciple of S1 Joh! E6a! elist" a!d 5as bishop of A!tioch1 A!d after that" as some say" he se!t a letter u!to our Lady or a! epistle i! this 5iseD ?!to -ary the Vir i!" that bare Jesu Christ i! her body" I" humble I !atius" her ser6a!t" se!d reeti! " I" that am yet a !o6ice i! the faith a!d disciple to Jesu Christ a!d to Joh! thy dear frie!d" desire to ha6e of thee some comfort a!d co!solatio! of some ood e!sei !me!t a!d teachi! 1 'or of Jesus thy So! I ha6e heard say ma!y mar6els" of 5hich I am e!=oyed to hear o!ly of thee" 5hich hast bee! al5ays i! his compa!y1 Thou 4!o5est 5ell the secret desires of him" thou hast bee! plai!ly i!formed" a!d they that be yet you! i! the faith 5ith me trust much to be e!doctri!ed of thee" a!d i!formed i! their crea!ce a!d beliefD Lady" God salute thee1




A!d to this letter a!s5ered the lorious Vir i! -ary i! this ma!!erD I !atius" ood disciple of Jesus a!d his special frie!d" the humble ha!dmaid of Jesu Christ se!deth to thee reeti! 1 I do thee to 5it that all that Joh! hath said to thee of Jesu Christ a!d all that thou hast lear!ed of him is true doctri!e a!d thi! certai!1 Go al5ay i! ood crea!ce" a!d belie6e a!d 4eep firmly the promise of thy christia! faith" a!d do thy 5or4s accordi! to the same1 I shall come 5ith S1 Joh! for to 6isit thee a!d other christia! me! 5ith thee1 +old thee al5ays 5ell i! the faith a!d i! ood 5or4s" a!d let !o persecutio! !e ad6ersity that thou shalt suffer mo6e thee from thy faith !e from thy crea!ce" but ha6e solace a!d affia!ce i! Jesu Christ thy Sa6iour1 This 5as the a!s5er of his letter1 S1 I !atius 5as a ma! ri ht 5ell lear!ed" a!d the third bishop after S1 (eter" the apostle of the church of A!tioch" a!d much desired to be a martyr for the faith of Jesu Christ1 It happed that Tra=a!" 5hich 5as emperor of 3ome" passed by A!tioch" to 5hom I !atius sho5ed to him a!d blamed of this" that he persecuted christia! me!" 5herefor the emperor did him to be ta4e! a!d put i! iro!s" a!d i! that 5ise by te! 4!i hts to be led to 3ome1 There he 5as prese!ted tofore the emperor a!d all the se!ators of 3ome" a!d 5as co!strai!ed by promises" by me!aces" a!d by torme!ts" ma!y a!d reat a! horrible" for to adore the idols1 S1 I !atius sho5ed to them clearly that their ods had bee! thie6es" ribalds" a!d me! of abomi!able a!d e6il life" a!d that they 5ere dam!ed i! hell" a!d that they had bee! i! reat error i! this" that of so cursed me! they made their ods a!d 5orshipped de6ils" a!d had forsa4e! God 5hich had made a!d created all the 5orld" a!d his blessed So! 5hich i! huma! !ature had redeemed a!d sa6ed the 5orld1 'i!ably" after this" that he had bee! torme!ted by fire" a!d by beati! a!d priso!" the emperor did se!d for the 3oma!s i! a place a!d there did do set S1 I !atius" a!d did do bri! thither t5o lio!s for to de6our him1 9ut he had !e6er dread for death !e for other torme!ts" of 5hich he had suffered ma!y" but 5as al5ays comforted for to die for the lo6e of Jesu Christ1 A!d he said at the lastD I am 5heat of Jesu Christ" 5hich ou ht to be rou!de! bet5ee! the teeth of these beasts" by 5hich I may be pure bread for to be prese!ted to my Lord7 a!d a!o! the lio!s came a!d stra! led him 5ithout teari! of his flesh" or a!ythi! hurti! it" 5herefor Tra=a! had reat mar6el a!d departed from the place1 It is read that S1 I !atius i! all his torme!ts a!d all the pai!s of martyrdom that he suffered" that his to! ue !e6er ceased to !ame the !ame of Jesus" a!d 5he! they that torme!ted him dema!ded him 5herefore he !amed this !ame so oft" he a!s5eredD @!o5 ye for certai! that I ha6e i! my heart this !ame 5ritte!" a!d therefore I may !ot lea6e to !ame this !ame oft1 A!d because hereof" 5he! he 5as dead" they that heard these 5ords ope!ed his body a!d dre5 out his heart a!d cut it ope!" a!d they fou!d 5ithi! the !ame of Jesus 5ritte! 5ith fair letters of old" for 5hich miracle ma!y recei6ed the faith of Jesu Christ1 Of this sai!t saith S1 9er!ard upo! the psalm" Gui habitatD S1 I !atius" martyr of God lorious" is of reat merit" 5hich 5as mi!ister to the disciple that Jesus so much lo6ed" a!d i! his epistles" the 5hich he se!t to the lorious Vir i! -ary" he saluted her as mother that had bor!e Jesu Christ a!d she resaluted him a ai!" i! si ! that he 5as a perso! of reat ho!our" of reat di !ity" a!d of reat authority1 The body of 5hom 5as ho!orably buried of christia! me!" to the 5orship of Jesu Christ 5hich is blessed i! secula seculorum1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Purifi$atio# of Our Lady"








(ost<uam impleti su!t dies pur atio!is -arie secu!dum le em -oisi" tuleru!t Jesum i! Jerusalem1 LucF" cap1 ii1 The a!cie!t la5 had his course u!til the time that God hath suffered death for us1 A!d 5he! he died o! the cross he said" Joh1 cap1 8i81 Co!summatum est" that is to sayD All thi! is fi!ished a!d e!ded that hath bee! 5ritte! of me1 ,hich la5 he 4ept duri! his life7 as it is 5ritte!D I am !ot come for to brea4 the la57 i! 5hich he a6e us e8ample of humility a!d of obedie!ce" li4e as S1 (aul saith1 I! li4e 5ise our Lady" for to obey to the la5" bare her s5eet so! Jesu Christ u!to the temple of Jerusalem after the fortieth day of his birth" for to offer him to God" a!d for to i6e offeri! for him such as i! the la5 5as ordai!ed" that is to 5it" a pair of turtles or t5o do6es 5as the offeri! of poor fol4" li4e as it is 5ritte!1








Our Lord" 5hich i! all case came to ma4e our sal6atio!" dei !ed !ot o!ly to humble himself a!d desce!d from his realm" a!d became ma! mortal . semblable to us1 Also he dei !ed to be bor! of a poor 5oma!" a!d 5as poor for to e!rich us" a!d dra5 us out of the misery of this 5orld to the riches perma!able1 A!d 5e that be poor because of our si!s" a!d 5ithout riches of ood 6irtues" so 5orthily should 5e come a!d be at the feast of our Lord7 5e should offer to him that 5hich by the offeri! is si !ified1 The do6e 5hich is of her !ature simple a!d 5ithout all" a!d the turtle !aturally chaste" for 5he! she hath lost her mate she 5ill !e6er ha6e other mate" a!d 5ith that she ta4eth the 5eepi! for her so! 7 5e ou ht to offer to our Lord i!stead of t5o do6es" o!e simple 5ill a!d a ood i!te!tio!" 5ithout retai!i! i! our heart a!y all of a! er or of hate to5ards our !ei hbour7 for as our Lord saith" if thi!e eye be simple all thy 5or4s shall be i! li ht1 A!d hereof saith S1 Joh! the E6a! elist i! the ApocalypseD The city !eedeth !o su! !e moo! to shi!e i! it" for the clear!ess of God shall illumi!e it" a!d his la!ter! is the lamb7 the lamb is the li ht1 9y the lamb" 5hich is simple" is si !ified to us a simple co!scie!ce a!d ri hteous" 5hich ma4eth true =ud me!t of the i!te!tio!" for all 5or4s be ood or e6il1 If they be do!e i! e6il i!te!tio! or by hypocrisy they be e6il a!d 5ithout profit" li4e as saith Jesu ChristD If thi!e eye be e6il" all thy body shall be dar41 9y the eye is u!derstood the i!te!tio!" 5ith ood!ess simple" a!d debo!airty is si !ified by the do6es1 ,e ou ht also to offer a pair of turtles to our Lord" that is to say" a chaste life a!d a 6ery i!te!tio! to lea6e our si!s" the 5hich is si !ified to us by the chastity of the turtle" a!d by her 5eepi! the co!tritio!1 As 9ede saithD Co!tritio! ou ht to be i! i! dread a!d e!d i! lo6e7 for the soul faithful" 5he! she remembereth her si!s i! her co!scie!ce" she 5eepeth for the dread of the pai!s of hell that she hath deser6ed" a!d thus offereth she to God a turtle7 a!d 5he! she hath 5ept" there cometh to her a hope to ha6e mercy a!d pardo! of her si!s" a!d this hope is co!cei6ed of dread i! him a!d lo6e of God" to ser6e a!d to be i! his compa!y7 so that soul that ou ht to si! " 5eepeth for lo6e" 5hich hath deli6ered her so soo! from the perils a!d miseries of this 5orld" a!d for to come to the s5eet compa!y of our Lord1 A!d thus offered she that other turtle" i! 5eepi! 5ith Da6id the prophet the lo! pil rima es that she hath made i! the miseries of this 5orld sayi! D +eu me <uia i!colatus meus prolo! atus est7 for 5he! she be i!!eth to thi!4 after the =oyous compa!y of a! els" a!d of the souls that be i! hea6e!" a!d 5hat =oy a!d deduit that they ha6e i! the o6er desirous si ht of our Lord" the! all the 5orld rie6eth them" a!d they desire to be deli6ered from the faits of the body for to o i!to the compa!y of these holy souls1 A!d also that S1 Simeo!" 5hich by re6elatio! of the +oly Ghost came i!to the temple of Jerusalem i! the same hour that the blessed Vir i! brou ht her dear so! for to offer him" a!d the +oly Ghost had sho5ed to him" that tofore that he should die corporally he should see Jesu Christ come i! to the earth" the 5hich birth he 4!e5 lo! before to be sho5ed by the prophets1 A!d 5he! he sa5 Jesu Christ brou ht i!to the temple" a!o! he 4!e5 him by the +oly Ghost to be 6ery God a!d 6ery ma!" a!d too4 him bet5ee! his arms a!d saidD 'air Lord God let thy ser ea!t a!d ser6a!t from he!ceforth be i! peace" a!d suffer that after this re6elatio! sho5ed to me" I may depart a!d die for to be deli6ered from the e6ils of this 5orld" for mi!e eyes corporal a!d spiritual ha6e see! thy blessed so! Jesu Christ" 5hich shall sa6e the creatures huma! from their si!s7 the 5hich thou hast made ready a!d ordai!ed tofore the face of all creatures huma!" for to be li ht to all people by his doctri!e" to illumi!e a!d ta4e a5ay dar4!esses7 that is to say" of their idolatry" after this that Isaiah the prophet hath prophesied of himD (opulus e!tium <ui ambulabat i! te!ebris" etc1" the people of e!tiles or pay!ims 5hich 5al4ed i! dar4!ess to 5orship idols a!d de6ils for 6ery God" sa5 a reat li ht 5he! they issued from their si!s by the doctri!e of Jesu Christ 5hich came also to the lory of the Je5s" for they recei6ed his si ht bodily" li4e as 5as promised them by the 5it!ess of the prophets" by 5hich they mi ht lorify them of this" that their ri htful @i! 5as bor! amo! them a!d co!6ersed bodily i! their cou!try1 A!d S1 Simeo! saidD Nu!c dimittis ser6um tuum domi!e" etc1 Sire" let thy ser6a!t depart i! peace after thy 5ord" for mi!e eyes ha6e see! thy health" 5hich thou hast made ready tofore the face of all peoples" that is li ht to the re6elatio! of pay!ims a!d to the lory of thy people of Israel1 Jesu Christ is called peace" health" li ht a!d =oy1 (eace" because that he is our moye! a!d our ad6ocate7 health" for he is our redeemer7 li ht" for he is our i!former7 a!d lory" for he is our o6er!or1 This feast is called Ca!dlemas" a!d is made i! remembra!ce of the offeri! that our Lady offered i! the temple as said is" a!d e6ery each beareth this day a ca!dle of 5a8 bur!i! " 5hich represe!teth our Lord Jesu Christ1 Li4e as the ca!dle bur!i! hath three thi! s i! it" that is to 5it" the 5a8" the 5ic4" a!d the fire" ri ht so be three thi! s i! Jesu Christ" that is the body" the soul a!d the odhead1 'or the 5a8 5hich is made of the bee purely" 5ithout compa!y a!d mi8ture of o!e bee 5ith a!other" si !ifieth the body of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d the fire of the ca!dle si !ifieth the di6i!ity of our Lord Jesu Christ" 5hich illumi!eth all creatures1 A!d therefore if 5e 5ill appear i! this feast tofore the face of God" pure a!d clea! a!d acceptable" 5e ou ht to ha6e i! us three thi! s 5hich be si !ified








by the ca!dle bur!i! D that is ood deeds" true faith" 5ith ood 5or4s1 A!d li4e as the ca!dle 5ithout bur!i! is dead" ri ht so faith is dead 5ithout 5or4s as S1 James saith" for to belie6e i! God 5ithout obeyi! his comma!dme!ts profiteth !othi! 1 A!d therefore saith S1 Gre oryD The ood 5or4 ou ht to sho5 5ithoutforth that thy i!te!tio! abide ood 5ithi!forth the heart" 5ithout see4i! 5ithi! a!y 6ai! lory to be allo5ed a!d praised1 A!d by the fire is u!derstood charity" of 5hich God saithD I am come to put fire i! the earth" a!d 5hom I I 5ill" I 5ill bur!1 This feast is called the purificatio! of our Lady" !ot for that she had !eed !e ou ht ma4e her purificatio!" for she 5as pure a!d clea! 5ithout ha6i! of a!y tatche of deadly si! !e 6e!ial" li4e as she that had" 5ithout compa!y of a!y ma!" by the 6irtue of the +oly Ghost" co!cei6ed the So! of God" a!d 5as deli6ered 5ithout losi! of her 6ir i!ity" so she came 5ith her blessed so! at the fortieth day after his !ati6ity for to obey the comma!dme!t of the la5" after the ma!!er of other 5ome! 5hich had !eed of purificatio!" a!d also for to sho5 to us the e8ample of humility1 +e is 6ery humble that is 5orthy to be praised for his 6irtues1 This lorious Lady is <uee! of hea6e! a!d Lady of a! els" !e6ertheless she is pure a!d humble amo! the 5ome! li4e as a poor 5oma!" 5ithout ma4i! a!y sembla!t of her reat humility" !e of the hi h ma=esty of her so!" 5hereof S1 9er!ard saith i! this ma!!erD O 5ho may ma4e us to u!dersta!d" lorious Lady" the thou ht of thi!e heart that thou haddest amo! the ser6ices that thou madest to thy blessed so! i! i6i! him suc4" i! layi! do5! a!d raisi! " 5he! thou sa5est a little child of thee bor! o! that o!e part" a!d of that other side thou 4!e5est him to be God Almi htyE A!d !o5 thou belie6est a!d seest him created that had created all the 5orld" !o5 thou seest him feeble as a child 5hich is Almi hty a!d all puissa!t" !o5 thou feedest him that all the 5orld feedeth" a!d !o5 thou seest him !ot spea4i! " that made ma! a!d speech1 O 5ho should co! sho5 hereupo! the secrets of thi!e heartE +o5 sa6oured thy coura e 5he! thou heldest thy child bet5ee! thi!e arms 5hom thou lo6edest as thy Lord" a!d 4issed him as thy so!1 ,ho should !ot mar6el of this miracle" 5he! a 6ir i! a!d a clea! maid hath e!fa!ted a!d childed her ma4er a!d Lord of all the 5orldE To him let us address our thou hts" a!d embrace 5e this child of o!e 6ery belief" 5hom 5e ou ht to lo6e because he hath humbled himself for us" a!d to doubt him" because he is our =ud e a!d our Lord" to 5hose comma!dme!ts 5e o5e to obey if 5e 5ill be sa6ed1 ,e read a! e8ample of a !oble lady 5hich had reat de6otio! i! the blessed Vir i! -ary" a!d she had a chapel i! 5hich she did do say mass of our Lady daily by her chaplai!1 It happed that the day of the purificatio! of our Lady" her chaplai! 5as out" so that this lady mi ht that day ha6e !o mass" a!d she durst !ot o to a!other church because she had i6e! her ma!tle u!to a poor ma! for the lo6e of our Lady1 She 5as much sorro5ful because she mi ht hear !o mass a!d for to ma4e her de6otio!s she 5e!t i!to the chapel" a!d tofore the altar she 4!eeled do5! for to ma4e her prayers to our Lady1 A!d a!o! she fell asleep" i! 5hich she had a 6isio!" a!d her seemed that she 5as i! a church" a!d sa5 come i!to the church a reat compa!y of 6ir i!s" tofore 5hom she sa5 come a ri ht !oble 6ir i! cro5!ed ri ht preciously1 A!d 5he! they 5ere all set each i! order" came a compa!y of you! me! 5hich sat do5! each after other i! order li4e the other7 after" e!tered o!e that bare a burde! of ca!dles" a!d departed them to them abo6e first" a!d so to each of them by order he a6e o!e" a!d at the last came this ma! to this lady aforesaid a!d a6e to her also a ca!dle of 5a81 The 5hich lady sa5 also come a priest" a deaco! a!d a subdeaco!" all re6ested" oi! to the altar as for to say mass1 A!d her seemed that S1 Laure!ce a!d S1 Vi!ce!t 5ere deaco! a!d sub:deaco!" a!d Jesu Christ the priest" a!d t5o a! els beari! tofore them ca!dles" a!d t5o you! a! els be a! the i!troit of the mass" a!d all the compa!y of the 6ir i!s sa! the mass1 A!d 5he! the mass 5as su! u!to the offeri! " her seemed that thil4 6ir i! so cro5!ed 5e!t tofore" a!d after" all the others follo5ed" a!d offered to the priest" 4!eeli! much de6outly" their ca!dles1 A!d 5he! the priest tarried for this lady that she should also ha6e come to the offeri! " the lorious <uee! of 6ir i!s se!t to her to say that she 5as !ot courteous to ma4e the priest so lo! to tarry for her1 A!d the lady a!s5ered that the priest should proceed i! his mass forth" for she 5ould 4eep her ca!dle a!d !ot offer it1 A!d the lorious 6ir i! se!t yet o!ce to her" a!d she said she 5ould !ot offer her ca!dle1 The third time the <uee! said to the messe! erD Go a!d pray her that she come a!d offer her ca!dle" or else ta4e it from her by force1 The messe! er came to this lady" a!d because i! !o 5ise she 5ould !ot come a!d offer up her ca!dle" he set ha!d o! the ca!dle that this lady held a!d dre5 fast" a!d she held fast" a!d so lo! he dre5 a!d haled that the ca!dle bra4e i! t5o pieces" a!d that o!e half abode still i! the ha!d of the lady aforesaid" 5hich a!o! a5o4e a!d came to herself7 a!d fou!d the piece of the ca!dle i! her ha!d" 5hereof she much mar6elled" a!d tha!4ed our Lord a!d the lorious Vir i! -ary de6outly












5hich had suffered her that day !ot to be 5ithout mass1 A!d all the days of her life after she 4ept that piece of that ca!dle much preciously" li4e a! holy relic" a!d all they that 5ere touched there5ith 5ere uerished a!d healed of their maladies a!d sic4!esses1 Let us pray the! humbly to the lorious Vir i! -ary" 5hich is comfort to them that forsa4e their si!s" that she 5ill ma4e our peace to the blessed So! a!d impetre a!d et of him remissio! of all our si!s" a!d after this life to come to the lory a!d =oy of hea6e!" to the 5hich bri! us the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" /la e. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"

9lase is as much to say as losi! " or it is said as belasius of bela" 5hich is habit"a!d syor" 5hich is to say" little1 A!d thus he is said losi! by the s5eet!ess of his 5ord"mee4 by his habit of 6irtues" a!d little by humility of ma!!ers a!d of co!6ersatio!1



S1 9lase 5as so s5eet" holy a!d humble i! ma!!ers" that the christia! me! of Cappadocia of the city of Sebaste chose him to be a bishop1 The 5hich 5he! he 5as bishop sa5 that Diocletia! the emperor made so ma!y persecutio!s to christia! me! that S1 9lase sou ht a!d 5ould d5ell i! a! hermita e i! a ditch" i! 5hich place the birds of hea6e! brou ht to him meat for to eat1 A!d it seemed to him that they came to ser6e him a!d accompa!y him" a!d 5ould !ot depart from him till he had lift up his ha!ds a!d blessed them1 A!d also sic4 me! came to him a!d a!o! 5ere cured a!d healed1 No5 it happed that the pri!ce of this re io! se!t his 4!i hts to hu!t" a!d they could ta4e !othi! 1 9ut by ad6e!ture they came u!to the desert place 5here S1 9lase 5as" 5here they fou!d reat multitude of beasts 5hich 5ere about him" of 5hom they could ta4e !o!e" 5hereof they 5ere all abashed a!d sho5ed this to their lord" the 5hich a!o! se!t ma!y 4!i hts for him" a!d comma!ded to bri! him a!d all the christia! me! 5ith him1 A!d that !i ht Jesu Christ appeared to him thrice" 5hich said to himD Arise up a!d ma4e to me sacrifice1 LoI here be the 4!i hts that come to fetch thee at the comma!dme!t of the pri!ce1 A!d the 4!i hts said to himD Come out from this place" the preside!t calleth thee1 A!d S1 9lase a!s5eredD -y so!s" ye be 5elcome" I see !o5 5ell that God hath !ot for otte! me1 +e 5e!t 5ith them a!d co!ti!ually preached" a!d did ma!y miracles tofore them1 There 5as a 5oma! that had a so! dyi! " i! 5hose throat 5as a bo!e of a fish ath5art" 5hich estra! led him" a!d she brou ht him tofore his feet" prayi! him that he 5ould ma4e her so! 5hole1 A!d S1 9lase put his ha!d upo! him a!d made his prayer to God that this child" a!d all they that dema!ded be!efits of health i! his !ame" that they should be holpe! a!d obtai! it" a!d a!o! he 5as 5hole a!d uerished1


A!other 5oma! there 5as that 5as poor 5hich had a s5i!e" 5hich the 5olf had bor!e a5ay" a!d she humbly prayed to S1 9lase that she mi ht ha6e a ai! her s5i!e1 A!d he be a! to smile a!d saidD Good 5oma! a! er thee !ot" for thou shalt ha6e a ai! thy s5i!e" a!d a!o! the 5olf brou ht a ai! to the 5oma!" 5hich 5as a 5ido5" her s5i!e1

A!d a!o! after he 5as e!tered i!to the city" the pri!ce comma!ded to put him i! priso!" a!d after a!other day he made him to come tofore him" 5hom he saluted by fair 5ords" sayi! to himD 9e thou =oyful" 9lase" the frie!d of God1 S1 9lase a!s5ered to himD 9e thou =oyous ri ht ood pri!ce" but call !ot them ods 5hom thou 5orshippest" but fie!ds" for they be deli6ered to fire perdurable 5ith them that ser6e a!d 5orship them1 The! 5as the pri!ce much 5roth" a!d made to beat S1 9lase 5ith sta6es" a!d after to put him i! priso!1 The! said S1 9laseD O mad ma!" 5ee!est thou by thy torme!ts a!d pai!s to ta4e a5ay from me the lo6e of my God 5hom I ha6e 5ith me a!d is my helperE A!d 5he! this ood 5ido5" 5hich by S1 9lase had reco6ered her s5i!e" heard thereof" she sle5 it" a!d the head a!d the feet 5ith a little bread a!d a ca!dle" she brou ht to S1 9lase" a!d he tha!4ed God a!d ate thereof" a!d he said to her that e6ery year she should offer i! his church a ca!dle" a!d 4!o5 thou that to thee a!d to all them that so shall do shall 5ell happe! to them" a!d so she did all her life" a!d she had much reat prosperity1 After this that the ri ht cruel pri!ce had brou ht him tofore his ods" a!d i! !o 5ise mi ht ma4e him i!cli!e for to adore to their ods" he made him to be ha! ed o! a ibbet" a!d his body to be tor! 5ith combs of iro!" a!d this do!e he 5as remitted a ai! to priso!1 A!d there 5ere se6e! 5ome! that sie5ed him" 5hich athered up the drops of his blood" 5hich 5ome! a!o! 5ere ta4e!" a!d co!strai!ed to sacrifice to their ods1 The 5hich saidD If thou 5ilt that 5e 5orship thy ods" a!d that 5e do to them re6ere!ce" se!d them to the












5ater for to 5ash a!d ma4e clea! their 6isa es" to the e!d that 5e may more clea!lier 5orship them1 The! the pri!ce 5as ri ht lad a!d =oyous" a!d a!o! se!t them to the 5ater" a!d the 5ome! too4 them a!d thre5 them i! the middle of the sta !e or po!d" a!d saidD No5 shall 5e see if they be ods1 A!d 5he! the pri!ce heard this he 5as out of his 5it for a! er" a!d smote himself all 5roth sayi! D ,herefore retai!ed !ot ye our ods that they should !ot ha6e thro5! them i! the bottom of the 5aterE The mi!isters a!s5eredDThou spa4est shre5dly to the 5ome!" a!d they cast them i!to the 5ater1 To 5hom the 5ome! saidD The 6ery God may !ot suffer i!i<uity !e false!ess" for if they had bee! 6ery ods they had 5ell esche5ed that they had !ot bee! thro5! there" a!d had see! 5hat 5e 5ould ha6e do!e1 The! the tyra!t became 5roth a!d did do ma4e ready lead molte! a!d iro! combs" a!d se6e! coats of iro! bur!i! as hot as fire o! that o!e side" a!d that other he did do bri! smoc4s of li!e! cloth a!d said to them that they should choose 5hich they 5ould1 A!d o!e of them that had t5o small childre! ra! hardily a!d too4 the smoc4s of li!e! cloth a!d thre5 them i! the fur!ace for to o after herself if she had failed1 A!d the childre! said to the mother" lea6e us !ot after thee" but ri ht s5eet mother" li4e as thou hast !ourished us 5ith thy mil4 so reple!ish us 5ith the realm of hea6e!1 The! the tyra!t did do ha! them" a!d 5ith hoo4s a!d crochets of iro! did do tear their flesh a!d all to:re!t it1 Of 5hom the flesh 5as as 5hite as s!o5" a!d for blood they a6e out mil41 A!d as they suffered these reat torme!ts the a! el of God desce!ded from hea6e! a!d comforted them" a!d said to themD +a6e ye !o dread" the 5or4er is ood that 5ell be i!!eth a!d 5ell e!deth" a!d 5ho deser6eth ood re5ard shall ha6e =oy" a!d for his 5or4 complete he shall ha6e his merit" a!d for labour he shall ha6e rest" a!d that shall be the re5ard1 The! the tyra!t did do ta4e them do5! a!d did do thro5 them i!to the bur!i! fur!ace" 5hich 5ome!" by the race of God issued 5ithout ta4i! harm" a!d the fire 5as e8ti!ct a!d <ue!ched1 A!d the tyra!t said to them" !o5 lea6e ye your art of e!cha!tme!t a!d adore ye our ods1 A!d they a!s5eredD Do that thou hast be u!" for 5e be !o5 called to the 4i! dom of hea6e!1 The! he comma!ded that they should be beheaded7 a!d 5he! they should be beheaded they be a! to adore God 4!eeli! o! their 4!ees" sayi! D Lord God 5hich hast departed us from dar4!esses" a!d i! to this ri ht s5eet li ht hast brou ht us" a!d of us hast made thy sacrifice" recei6e our souls" a!d ma4e us to come to the life perdurable" a!d thus had they their heads smitte! off" a!d sith their souls 5e!t to hea6e!1 After this the pri!ce made S1 9lase to be brou ht before him" a!d said to himD +ast thou !o5 5orshipped our ods or !otE S1 9lase a!s5eredD 3i ht cruel ma! I ha6e !o dread of thy me!aces" do 5hat thou 5ilt" I deli6er to thee my body 5hole1 The! he too4 him a!d did him to be cast i! to a po!d" a!d a!o! he blessed the 5ater a!d the 5ater dried all a5ay" a!d so he abode there safe1 A!d the! S1 9lase said to him" If your ods be 6ery a!d true ods" let them !o5 sho5 their 6irtue a!d mi ht a!d e!ter ye hither1 The! there e!tered i!to it si8ty:fi6e perso!s" a!d a!o! they 5ere dro5!ed1 A!d a! a! el desce!ded from hea6e!" a!d said to S1 9laseD 9lase o out of this 5ater a!d recei6e the cro5! that is made ready of God for thee1 A!d 5he! he 5as issued out of the po!d the tyra!t said to himD Thou hast determi!ed i! all ma!!ers !ot for to adore our ods1 To 5hom S1 9lase saidD (oor caitiff" 4!o5 thou that I am ser6a!t of God" a!d I adore !ot the fie!ds as ye do1 A!d a!o! the! the tyra!t did do smite off his head" a!d S1 9lase prayed to our Lord tofore his death that 5hosoe6er desired his help from the i!firmity of the throat" or re<uired aid for a!y other sic4!ess or i!firmity" that he 5ould hear him" a!d mi ht deser6e to be uerished a!d healed1 A!d there came a 6oice from hea6e! to him sayi! that his petitio! 5as ra!ted a!d should be do!e as he had prayed1 A!d so the! 5ith the t5o little childre! he 5as beheaded about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d ei hty se6e!1 Here followeth the Life of *" A(atha. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of her #a%e"



A atha is said of a ios" 5hich is as much to say as holy" a!d theos" that is God" that is to say the sai!t of GodD a!d" as Chrysostom saith" three thi! s ma4e a ma! holy" 5hich three 5ere perfectly i! her7 that is clea!!ess of heart" the prese!ce of the +oly Ghost" a!d ple!ty of ood ma!!ers1 Or she is said of A" 5hich is to say 5ithout" a!d of eos" earth" a!d of theos" God" as a oddess 5ithout earth" that is 5ithout earthly lo6e1 Or she is said of a a" that is to say spea4i! " a!d of thau" that is perfectio!" that is that she 5as spea4i! a!d accomplishi! much perfectly" a!d that appeareth 5ell i! her a!s5ers1 Or she is said of a ath" that is ser6ice" a!d thaas" so6erei !" 5hich is as so6erei ! ser6ice" a!d because she said that ser6a e is so6erei ! !oblesse1 Or she is said of a a" that is solem!" a!d of thau" that is perfectio!" for the perfectio! 5as ri ht solem!" li4e as it appeareth by the a! els that buried her1 Of *" A(atha"









S1 A atha the 6ir i! 5as ri ht fair" !oble body a!d of heart" a!d 5as rich of oods1 This lorious 6ir i! ser6ed God i! the city of Cata!ia" leadi! a pure a!d holy life1 Gui!tia!us the pro6ost of Sicily" bei! of a lo5 li!ea e" 5as lecherous" a6aricious" a!d a miscrea!t a!d pay!im" a!d for to accomplish his e6il desires fleshly" a!d to ha6e riches" did do ta4e S1 A atha to be prese!ted a!d brou ht tofore him" a!d be a! to behold her 5ith a lecherous si ht7 a!d for to ha6e her himself" he 5ould ha6e i!duced her to ma4e sacrifice u!to the idols1 A!d 5he! he sa5 her firm i! her purpose" he put her i! the 4eepi! of a 5oma! !amed Aphrodisia" 5hich had !i!e dau hters" o6er foul" li4e u!to the mother1 This did he for to i!duce S1 A atha to do his 5ill 5ithi! thirty days1 Aphrodisia a!d her dau hters e!treated the holy 6ir i! to co!se!t to the 5ill of the pro6ost" a!d sometime they made to her reat promises of temporal oods a!d of reat eases" a!d sometimes they made to her me!aces of rie6ous torme!ts for to suffer" a!d reat pai!s" to 5hich S1 A atha a!s5ered freelyD -y coura e a!d my thou ht be so firmly fou!ded upo! the firm sto!e of Jesu Christ" that for !o pai! it may !ot be cha! ed7 your 5ords be but 5i!d" your promises be but rai!" a!d your me!aces be as ri6ers that pass" a!d ho5 5ell that all these thi! s hurtle at the fou!deme!t of my coura e" yet for that it shall !ot mo6e1 I! this ma!!er a!s5ered she" a!d al5ay 5ept i! ma4i! her prayers" a!d much reat desire had she to come to Jesu Christ by martyrdom a!d by torme!ts1 ,he! Aphrodisia sa5 5ell that i! !o 5ise she 5ould be mo6ed" she 5e!t to the pro6ost Gui!tia!us" a!d said to himD Soo!er should the sto!es 5a8 soft" a!d iro! tur! to soft lead" tha! tur! the coura e of this maid" or to ta4e from her the christia! faith1 I a!d my dau hters ha6e do!e !o!e other thi! !i ht !e day" o!e after a!other" but to labour ho5 5e mi ht tur! her heart to your co!se!ti! 1 I ha6e promised her i! your !ame your precious ador!me!ts" clothes of old" houses" la!ds" to5!s" ser6a!ts" a!d reat mei!ys" a!d all this she despiseth a!d reputeth them at !o 6alue1 ,he! Gui!tia!us heard this" a!o! he made her to come tofore him i! =ud me!t" a!d dema!ded her of her li!ea e" a!d at the last he 5ould co!strai! her to ma4e sacrifice u!to the idols1 A!d S1 A atha a!s5ered that they 5ere !o ods" but 5ere de6ils that 5ere i! the idols made of marble a!d of 5ood" a!d o6er ilt1 Gui!tia!us saidD Choose o!e of t5o7 or do sacrifice to our ods" or thou shalt suffer pai! a!d torme!ts1 S1 A atha saidD Thou sayst that they be ods because thy 5ife 5as such a! o!e as 5as Ve!us" thy oddess" a!d thou thyself as Jupiter" 5hich 5as a! homicide a!d e6il1 Gui!tia!us saidD It appeareth 5ell that thou 5ilt suffer torme!ts" i! that thou sayst to me 6illai!y1 S1 A atha saidD I mar6el much that so 5ise a ma! is become such a fool" that thou sayest of them to be thy ods" 5hose life thou !e thy 5ife 5ill follo51 If they be ood I 5ould that thy life 5ere li4e u!to theirs7 a!d if thou refusest their life" the! art thou of o!e accord 5ith me1 Say the! that they be e6il a!d so foul" a!d forsa4e their li6i! " a!d be !ot of such life as thy ods 5ere1 Gui!tia!us saidD ,hat oest thou thus 6ai!ly spea4i! E ma4e sacrifice u!to the ods" or if thou do !ot I shall ma4e thee to die by di6ers torme!ts1 S1 A atha abode firm a!d stable i! the faith1 The! Gui!tia!us did do put her i! a dar4 priso!" a!d she 5e!t also ladly" a!d 5ith as ood 5ill as she had bee! prayed to o to a 5eddi! 1 O! the mor!i! Gui!tia!us made her to be brou ht tofore him i! =ud me!t" a!d said to herD A atha" ho5 art thou ad6ised for thy healthE She a!s5eredD Christ is mi!e health1 Gui!tia!us saidD 3e!y Christ thy God" by 5hich thou mayest escape thy torme!ts1 S1 A atha a!s5eredD Nay" but re!y thou thi!e idols 5hich be of sto!es a!d of 5ood" a!d adore thy ma4er" that made hea6e! a!d earth" a!d if thou do !ot thou shalt be torme!ted i! the perpetual fire i! hell1 The! i! reat ire Gui!tia!us did her to be dra5! a!d stretched o! a tree a!d torme!ted" a!d said to herD 3efuse thy 6ai! opi!io! that thou hast" a!d thou shalt be eased of thy pai!7 a!d she a!s5eredD I ha6e as reat dilectio! i! these pai!s as he that sa5 come to him that thi! 5hich he most co6eteth to see" or as he that had fou!d reat treasure1 A!d li4e as the 5heat may !ot be put i! the ar!er u!to the time that the chaff be beate! off" i! li4e 5ise my soul may !ot e!ter i!to the realm of hea6e!" but if thou 5ilt torme!t my body by thy mi!isters1 The! Gui!tia!us did her to be torme!ted i! her breasts a!d paps" a!d comma!ded that her breasts a!d mammels should be dra5! a!d cut off1 ,he! the mi!isters had accomplished his comma!dme!t" the! said S1 A athaD O6er felo! a!d cruel tyra!t" hast thou !o shame to cut off that i! a 5oma! 5hich thou didst suc4 i! thy mother" a!d 5hereof thou 5ert !ourishedE 9ut I ha6e my paps 5hole i! my soul" of 5hich I !ourish all my 5its" the 5hich I ha6e ordai!ed to ser6e our Lord Jesu Christ" sith the be i!!i! of my youth1 After" Gui!tia!us did do put her i! priso!" a!d comma!ded that !o!e should e!ter for to heal her" !e !o!e should i6e to her meat !e dri!41 A!d 5he! she 5as fast closed i! the priso!" there came a! a!cie!t !oble ma!" a!d tofore him a child beari! a li ht" a!d di6ers oi!tme!ts i! his ha!d1 This !oble ma! said that he 5as a sur eo!" a!d i! comforti! her saidD +o5 5ell that the tyra!t hath torme!ted thee bodily" !e6ertheless thou hast more torme!ted him i! his heart by thy a!s5ers1 I 5as there 5he! he made thy paps to be cut off" a!d sa5 ho5 I mi ht 5ell heal them1 The! said sheD I 4!e5 !e6er of medici!e








corporal" a!d it 5ere shame to me to ta4e it !o51 That 5hich I ha6e a6o5ed a!d 4ept to my Lord" sith mi!e i!fa!cy" yet I shall 4eep it if it please him1 The a!cie!t !oblema! a!s5eredD I am also christia!" a!d a ood master a!d leech" be !ot ashamed1 She a!s5eredD ,hereof should I be ashamedE Thou art a!cie!t a!d of reat a e" a!d ho5 5ell that I be a you! maid" !e6ertheless my body is defeated by the torme!ts" that the 5ou!ds suffer !othi! to e!ter i!to my thou ht 5hereof I should be ashamed" a!d !ot for but I tha!4 thee fair father that thou art so dili e!t to heal me" but 4!o5 that my body shall recei6e !o medici!e of !o ma!1 A!d this !oblema! saidD ,herefore sufferest thou !ot me that I may heal a!d uerish theeE She saidD 9ecause I ha6e Jesu Christ" my Sa6iour" 5hich 5ith a 5ord healeth all" a!d if he 5ill he may heal me1 A!d the ood ma! smili! saidD A!d he hath se!t me hither for to heal thee7 I am his apostle" a!d 4!o5 6erily that thou art 5hole i! the !ame of him" a!d a!o! the apostle 6a!ished a5ay1 The! she fell do5! i! prayers a!d saidD Lord Jesu Christ" I yield thee tha!4i! s that thou hast remembered me" a!d hast se!t thi!e apostle S1 (eter to me" 5hich hath comforted me" a!d healed my 5ou!ds1 A!d after the oriso! made" she sa5 that her paps 5ere a ai! restored to her a!d all her 5ou!ds healed1 A!d all that !i ht 5as the priso! fulfilled 5ith reat clear!ess a!d li ht" so that the 4eepers fled for the reat dread that they had" a!d left the priso! all ope!1 The! said to her the other priso!ers that 5ere i! the priso!" that she should o their 5ay" a!d she saidD That shall !e6er happe! that the 4eepers of the priso! shall suffer a!y harm for me" !e that I shall lose my cro5!7 I shall abide i! the faith of Jesu Christ my Lord" 5hich hath comforted a!d healed me1 After four days Gui!tia!us made her to be brou ht tofore him i! =ud me!t" a!d said to her that she should do sacrifice to the idols1 She a!s5eredD These 5ords be 6ai!" a!d thy comma!dme!ts e6il" they ma4e the air to sti!4" he is much mecha!t that belie6eth i! a sto!e 5ithout e!te!dme!t" a!d lea6eth our Lord the 6ery God that hath healed me" a!d hath restored to me a ai! my paps1 Gui!tia!us dema!ded herD ,ho is he that hath healed theeE She saidD Jesu Christ1 Gui!tia!us saidD Namest thou yet Jesu ChristE She a!s5eredD I shall ha6e i! my heart Jesu Christ as lo! as I shall li6e1 Gui!tia!us saidD ;et shalt thou see if he may help a!d heal thee1 A!d the! he made her" all !a4ed" to be rolled upo! bur!i! bra!ds" a!d a!o! the rou!d 5here the holy 6ir i! 5as rolled o!" be a! to tremble li4e a! earth<ua6e" a!d a part of the 5all fell do5! upo! Sil6ai!" cou!sellor of Gui!tia!us" a!d upo! 'astio! his frie!d" by 5hose cou!sel she had bee! so torme!ted1 A!d the! all the city of Cata!ia 5as abashed" a!d the people came ru!!i! u!to the house of Gui!tia!us" sayi! " i! a reat bruit" that the city 5as i! a reat peril for the torme!ts that he did to S1 A atha1 Gui!tia!us redoubled the bruit of the people" a!d 5e!t out behi!d a!d comma!ded that she should be remised i! priso!1 ,he! she came i!to the priso! she =oi!ed her ha!ds" holdi! them up to hea6e!5ard" a!d said i! prayi! D Lord God Jesu Christ 5hich hast created me of !ou ht" a!d sith my youth hast 4ept me a!d hast suffered me to li6e 5ell i! my youth" 5hich hast ta4e! from mi!e heart the lo6e of the 5orld a!d hast made me to o6ercome the torme!ts" a!d hast le!t me patie!ce amo! the pai!s" I pray thee that thou ta4e my spirit" for it is time that thou ma4e me to depart from this 5orld a!d to come to thy mercy1 This oriso! a!d prayer made she o! hi h tofore ma!y perso!s1 A!d a!o! after she a6e up the host" a!d re!dered her soul" the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d fifty: three i! the time of Decius" the emperor of 3ome1 After this the Christia! people too4 the body for to bury it 5orshipfully" a!d 5hiles they arrayed it 5ith oi!tme!ts for to embalm the corpse" a!o! came a you! ma! clad i! sil4" a!d 5ell a! hu!dred that follo5ed him" richly clothed" 5hich 5ere !e6er tofore see! i! the city" !e !e6er after also1 This you! ma!" 5hom follo5ed the fair compa!y" set him o! that o!e side of the tomb i! 5hich the body should be put" a!d 5he! the body 5as embalmed 5ithi! the tomb" this you! ma! set" at the head of the body" a short table of marble sto!e" i! 5hich 5as 5ritte! this scriptureD -e!tem sa!ctam" spo!ta!eam" ho!orem deo dedit et patriF liberatio!em fecit7 5hich is as much to sayD The holy sai!t A atha had al5ays holy thou ht a!d pure" a!d a6e ho!or to God 5ith a free 5ill i! all her 5or4s" a!d purchased by her prayers peace a!d deli6era!ce to all the cou!try1 After that the table co!tai!i! this scripture 5as set at her head" the you! ma! a!d all his compa!y departed from the tomb" bei! closed" 5ithout appeari! a!y more after5ard" 5herefore it is supposed that this you! ma! 5as her ood a! el1 This 5as published o6er all" 5hereof the Je5s a!d Sarace!s be a! to si! a!d 5orship the sepulchre of the tomb of S1 A atha1 Gui!tia!us" the pro6ost" died of a! e6il death i! the 5ay as he 5e!t for to see4 the oods a!d riches of S1 A atha" a!d also for to ha6e ta4e! her pare!ts" a!d !e6er after could be 4!o5! 5here her body became1 A!d for to pro6e that she had prayed for the sal6atio! of the cou!try" at the be i!!i! of 'ebruary" the year after her martyrdom" there arose a reat fire" a!d came from the mou!tai! to5ard the city of Cata!ia a!d bur!t the earth a!d sto!es" it 5as so fer6e!t1 The! ra! the pay!ims to the sepulchre of S1 A atha a!d too4 the cloth that lay upo! her tomb" a!d held it abroad a ai!st the fire" a!d a!o! o! the !i!th day after" 5hich 5as the day of her feast" ceased the fire as soo! as









it came to the cloth that they brou ht from her tomb" sho5i! that our Lord 4ept the city from the said fire by the merits of S1 A atha1 To 5hom pray 5e that she by her prayers may et a!d impetre race of our Lord to be 4ept from all perils of fire i! this 5orld" a!d 5he! 5e shall depart he!ce to esche5 the perpetual fire" a!d to come to the lory a!d =oy i! hea6e!1 Ame!1

Of *" A%a#de. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" Ama!de is as much to say as amiable" for he had i! him three thi! s that ma4e a ma! amiable1 The first is to be courteous a!d racious i! compa!y" as Solomo! saith i! his (ro6erbs the !i!etee!th chapterD Vir amabilis ad societatem1 The seco!d is to be ho!est i! co!6ersatio!" as it is said of Esther" Esther secu!do1 Guod om!ibus oculis amabilis 6idebaturD The third is to be 6irtuous i! faith of pro5esse" as it is said i! the boo4 of (aralipome!o! the seco!d chapterD Saul a!d Jo!athas amabiles et decori1 Of the Life of *" A%a#de"


S1 Ama!de 5as bor! of !oble father a!d mother1 O! a time he e!tered i!to a mo!astery" a!d" as he 5al4ed a!d 5e!t i! the church" he fou!d a reat serpe!t" 5hom by the 6irtue of his prayer a!d 5ith the si ! of the cross" he made him to issue out a!d to e!ter i!to the reat pit out of 5hich he !e6er issued after1 A!d after S1 Ama!de came to the sepulchre of S1 -arti! a!d there abode fiftee! years" 5here he li6ed 5ith barley bread a!d 5ater" a!d 5are al5ays the hair1 After that he 5e!t to 3ome a!d 5e!t i!to the church of S1 (eter" a!d abode there by !i ht1 The 4eeper of the church put him out ri ht rudely7 a!d S1 (eter appeared to him as he lay a!d slept tofore the church door" a!d se!t him i! le atio! i!to 'ra!ce" 5here he fou!d the 4i! of Da obert" the 5hich he repro6ed stro! ly of his si!s1 The 4i! 5as a! ry a!d put him out of his realm1 After" 5he! the 4i! had !o so! he made his prayers to God that he mi ht ha6e o!e" a!d God se!t him o!e" a!d 5he! he 5as bor!" he thou ht much" a!d sorro5ed 5ho should baptiHe him" a!d it came i!to his mi!d that he 5ould that S1 Ama!de should baptiHe him1 S1 Ama!de 5as sou ht a!d brou ht to the 4i! " a!d as soo! as he 5as come" the 4i! fell do5! to his feet a!d prayed him that he 5ould pardo! him of that he bad trespassed to him" a!d that he 5ould baptiHe his so!1 A!d S1 Ama!de ra!ted be!i !ly to the 4i! his re<uest" the first petitio!" but !ot the seco!d re<uest" for he dreaded that he 5ould ha6e desired about some 5orldly occupatio! or secular thi! s" of 5hich he 5ould !ot ladly i!termeddle" a!d 5e!t his 5ay a!d departed7 but at the last" as 6a!<uished by the prayers of the 4i! " he ra!ted him1 A!d thus the! as he baptiHed the child" a!d !o ma! a!s5ered" the child 5ith a clear 6oice said a!d a!s5eredD Ame!1 A!d after this the 4i! promoted him to be bishop of Se!s1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that the 5ord of God i! predicatio! 5as despised a!d !ot set by" he 5e!t i!to Gasco!y" 5here he sa5 a =u ler 5ho moc4ed his 5ords1 The fie!d too4 him" a!d 5ith his o5! teeth he tare him" a!d co!fessed that he had do!e i!=ury to the perso! of God" a!d a!o! died miserably1 No5 it happed o! a time that he 5ashed his ha!ds" a!d a bishop made the 5ater to be 4ept" of 5hich 5ater a bli!d ma! had his si ht a ai!1 It happed that i! that place" by the 5ill of the 4i! " he 5ould edify a mo!astery of mo!4s7 the! a bishop that 5as of the !e8t city too4 it rie6ously a!d 5as much a! ry there5ith" a!d comma!ded his ser6a!ts to cast him out or else they should slay him1 A!d a!o! they came to him a!d said to him" i! uile a!d treaso!" that he should o 5ith them a!d they 5ould sho5 to him a place apt a!d ood" a!d 5ater e!ou h" for to edify upo! a mo!astery for mo!4s1 A!d he that 4!e5 their malice a!d their e6il purpose 5e!t 5ith them u!to the top of a! hi h mou!tai! 5hereas they 5ould ha6e slai! him" a!d he desired much the martyrdom for the lo6e of our Lord" a!d for to come i! his compa!y7 but a!o! sudde!ly desce!ded from hea6e! such a tempest of rai! a!d of ora e" that it co6ered all the mou!tai! so much that that o!e could !ot see that other" a!d supposed to ha6e died sudde!ly1 A!d they fell do5! to the earth upo! their 4!ees" prayi! him to pardo! them" a!d that they mi ht depart the!ce ali6e1 'or 5hom he put himself to prayer" a!d a!o! the storm 5as appeased a!d the 5eather fair1 They 5e!t to their place" a!d S1 Ama!de thus escaped from this peril1 A!d ma!y other miracles he sho5ed a!d did i! the ho!our of our Lord" a!d fi!ished i! holy 6irtues his life" a!d departed out of this 5orld i! the time of Eraclius" the emperor" about the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d fifty:three1 Here #e+t followeth the Life of *" Veda te"











S1 Vedaste 5as ordai!ed 9ishop of Arras by the ha!d of S1 3emi ius1 A!d S1 Vedaste 5as of much reat holi!ess a!d clea!!essD for 5he! he came to the ate of Arras he fou!d there t5o poor me! of 5hom that o!e 5as lame a!d that other bli!d1 These t5o poor me! dema!ded of him some alms1 A!d S1 Vedaste a!s5ered to them a!d saidD I ha6e !either old !or sil6er" but this that I ha6e I i6e to you1 The! he made them both 5hole by 6irtue of his prayer1 It happed o! a time he came i!to a church destroyed" a!d fou!d there a 5olf amo! the bushes7 a!d he comma!ded him that he should o his 5ay" a!d a!o! he obeyed to him a!d fled" so that sith that time he 5as !ot see!1 At the last" 5he! he had co!6erted much people" by his 5ord a!d predicatio!" to the faith of God" a!d also by ood e!samples sho5ed e6ide!tly to the people" i! the fortieth year of his bishopric" he sa5 a do6e of fire that came from hea6e! to his house1 A!d by that he u!derstood 5ell that he should fi!ish a!d pass out of this 5orld" a!d so he did" for he died a!o! after" about the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred a!d fifty1 ,he! his body should be tra!slated" S1 Omer 5hich 5as bli!d for a e" 5as sorry that he mi ht !ot see the body of S1 Vedaste a!d a!o! our Lord e!lumi!ed him" a!d re!dered to him his si ht1 A!d he sa5 the body of S1 Vedaste" but a!o! after" he 5as bli!d a ai! as he had bee! tofore1 Let us pray to him" etc1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Vale#ti#e. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" Vale!ti!e is as much to say as co!tai!i! 6alour that is perse6era!t i! reat holi!ess1 Vale!ti!e is said also as a 6alia!t 4!i ht" for he 5as a ri ht !oble 4!i ht of God" a!d the 4!i ht is said 6alia!t that fleeth !ot" a!d smiteth a!d defe!deth 6alia!tly a!d o6ercometh much puissa!tly1 A!d so S1 Vale!ti!e 5ithdre5 him !ot from his martyrdom i! fleei! " he smote i! destroyi! the idols" he defe!ded the faith" he o6ercame i! sufferi! 1 Of *" Vale#ti#e the Martyr"



S1 Vale!ti!e" frie!d of our Lord a!d priest of reat authority" 5as at 3ome1 It happed that Claudius the emperor made him to come tofore him a!d said to him i! dema!di! D ,hat thi! is that 5hich I ha6e heard of thee" Vale!ti!eE ,hy 5ilt thou !ot abide i! our amity" a!d 5orship the idols a!d re!ou!ce the 6ai! opi!io! of thy crea!ceE S1 Vale!ti!e a!s5ered himD If thou hadst 6ery 4!o5led e of the race of Jesu Christ thou shouldest !ot say this that thou sayest" but shouldest re!y the idols a!d 5orship 6ery God1 The! said to S1 Vale!ti!e a pri!ce 5hich 5as of the cou!cil of the emperorD ,hat 5ilt thou say of our ods a!d of their holy lifeE A!d S1 Vale!ti!e a!s5eredD I say !o!e other thi! of them but that they 5ere me! mortal a!d mecha!t a!d full of all ordure a!d e6il1 The! said Claudius the emperorD If Jesu Christ be God 6erily" 5herefore sayst thou !ot the truthE A!d S1 Vale!ti!e saidD Certai!ly Jesu Christ is o!ly 6ery God" a!d if thou belie6e i! him" 6erily thy soul shall be sa6ed" thy realm shall multiply" a!d he shall i6e to thee al5ay 6ictory of thi!e e!emies1 The! Claudius tur!ed him u!to all them that 5ere there" a!d said to themD Lords" 3oma!s" hear ye ho5 5isely a!d reaso!ably this ma! spea4ethE A!o! the pro6ost of the city saidD The emperor is decei6ed a!d betrayed" ho5 may 5e lea6e that 5hich 5e ha6e holde! a!d bee! accustomed to hold sith our i!fa!cyE ,ith these 5ords the emperor tur!ed a!d cha! ed his coura e" a!d S1 Vale!ti!e 5as deli6ered i! the 4eepi! of the pro6ost1 ,he! S1 Vale!ti!e 5as brou ht i! a! house i! priso!" the! he prayed to God" sayi! D Lord Jesu Christ 6ery God" 5hich art 6ery li ht" e!lumi!e this house i! such 5ise that they that d5ell therei! may 4!o5 thee to be 6ery God1 A!d the pro6ost saidD I mar6el me that thou sayest that thy God is 6ery li ht" a!d !e6ertheless" if he may ma4e my dau hter to hear a!d see" 5hich lo! time hath bee! bli!d" I shall do all that thou comma!dest me" a!d shall belie6e i! thy God1 S1 Vale!ti!e a!o! put him i! prayers" a!d by his prayers the dau hter of the pro6ost recei6ed a ai! her si ht" a!d a!o! all they of the the house 5ere co!6erted1 After" the emperor did do smite off the head of S1 Vale!ti!e" the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty1 The! let us pray to S1 Vale!ti!e that he et us pardo! of our si!s1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Julia#a. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of her #a%e" Julia!a is as much to say as bur!i! plai!ly" for she bur!t herself a ai!st the temptatio! of the de6il 5hich 5ould ha6e decei6ed her" a!d she helped ma!y others to belie6e i! the faith of our Lord Jesu Christ1







Of *" Julia#a" S1 Julia!a 5as i6e! i! marria e to the pro6ost of Nicomedia" 5hich 5as !amed Eulo ius" a!d he 5as a pay!im" a!d therefore she 5ould !ot asse!t to the marria e" !e assemble 5ith him" but if he 5ould first ta4e the faith of Christ a!d be baptiHed1 ,he! her father sa5 this" a!o! he did do her to be !a4ed" a!d made her to be beate! sore" a!d after deli6ered her to the pro6ost1 A!d after 5he! the pro6ost beheld her" a!d sa5 the reat beauty i! her" he said to herD -y most s5eet Julia!a" 5hy hast thou brou ht me i! such co!fusio! that I am moc4ed because thou refusest to ta4e meE She saidD If thou 5ilt adore my God" I shall asse!t a!d a ree to ta4e thee" a!d other5ise shalt thou !e6er be my lord1 To 5hom the pro6ost saidD 'air lady" that may I !ot do" for the emperor should the! smite off my head1 A!d she saidD If thou doubtest so much the emperor" 5hich is mortal" 5hy should !ot I doubt mi!e emperor Jesu Christ" 5hich is immortal7 do 5hat thou 5ilt" for thou mayst !ot decei6e me1 The! the pro6ost did do her to be beat most cruelly 5ith rods" a!d half a day to ha! by the hairs of her head" a!d molte! lead to be cast o! her head1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that all this rie6ed her !ot" he made her to be bou!de! i! chai!s" a!d to be set i! priso!1 To 5hom the de6il came the! i! the li4e!ess of a! a! el" 5hich said to her i! this ma!!erD Julia!a" I am the a! el of God" 5hich hath se!t me to thee to 5ar! thee a!d say that thou ma4e sacrifice to the idols for to escape the torme!ts of e6il death1 The! she be a! to 5eep" a!d made to God this prayerD Lord God" suffer !ot me to be lost" but of thy race sho5 to me 5hat he is that ma4eth to me this mo!itio!1The same time came to her a 6oice that said that she should set ha!d o! him" a!d that she co!strai! him to co!fess 5hat he 5as" a!d a!o! she too4 him a!d dema!ded him" a!d he said that he 5as the de6il" a!d that his father had se!t him thither for to decei6e her1 She dema!ded himD ,ho is thy fatherE A!d he a!s5eredD 9eelHebub" 5hich se!deth us for to do all e6il" a!d ma4eth us rie6ously to be beate! 5he! 5e come 6a!<uished of the christia! people1 A!d therefore I am certai! I shall ha6e much harm because I may !ot o6ercome thee1 She said to himD Of 5hat craft is thy father 9eelHebubE The de6il saidD +e co!tri6eth all e6il" a!d 5he! 5e come i!to hell he se!deth us for to tempt the souls of the people1 She dema!dedD ,hat torme!ts suffereth he that cometh 6a!<uished of a christia! creatureE The de6il saidD ,e suffer the! much rie6ous torme!t" a!d by cause 5he! 5e be 6a!<uished of a ood ma! 5e dare !ot retur!" a!d 5he! 5e be sou ht a!d ca!!ot be fou!d" the! comma!deth our master to other de6ils that they torme!t us 5heresome6er they fi!d us" a!d therefore 5e must obey to him as to our father1 A!d of 5hat craft art thouE I ta4e solace i! the shre5d!ess of the people7 I lo6e homicide" lu8ury" battle" a!d ma4e debate a!d 5ar1 A!d she dema!ded himD Goest thou !e6er to do ood 5or4s a!d profitableE The de6il a!s5eredD -adam" to the e!d that I a!s5er the truth" to my ri ht reat harm a!d e6il am I come hither" for I had 5ell supposed to ha6e decei6ed thee" a!d made thee to ma4e sacrifice to the idols a!d to re!ou!ce thy God1 ,he! 5e come to a ood christia! ma! a!d 5e fi!d him ready to do ser6ice to God" 5e se!d i!to him ma!y thou hts 6ai! a!d e6il" a!d also ma!y e6il desires" a!d tur! his thou ht by this that 5e set tofore him" a!d 5e se!d errors i!to his thou hts" a!d 5e let him !ot perse6ere i! his oriso!s !e i! !o ood 5or4s7 yet if 5e see a!y that 5ill o to the church or i! other place for a!y ood" a!o! 5e be i! their 5ays" a!d cast i!to their hearts di6ers thou hts a!d occasio!s by 5hich they be distor!ed for to do 5ell1 9ut 5hosome6er may u!dersta!d our temptatio!s a!d appercei6e them" to the e!d that he put a5ay from him e6il co itatio!s a!d thou hts" a!d 5ill ma4e his prayers" a!d do his ood 5or4s" a!d hear the 5ords of God a!d the di6i!e ser6ice" of him 5e be cast out" a!d 5he! they recei6e the body of Jesu Christ 5e depart forth5ith from them1 ,e set our i!te!t to !othi! but to decei6e ood perso!s that lead a! holy life" a!d 5he! 5e see them do ood 5or4s" 5e se!d i!to them bitter a!d rie6ous thou hts for to lea6e all a!d do our 5ill1 S1 Julia!a saidD O thou spiritI ho5 art thou so hardy to tempt a!y christia! perso!E A!d the de6il a!s5eredD +o5 darest thou thus hold me" if it 5ere !ot thou affiest i! Jesu ChristE 3i ht so trust I i! my father" 5hich is a malefactor" a!d I do that pleaseth him7 I ha6e pai!ed me to do oft ma!y e6ils" a!d sometime I come to mi!e i!te!t" a!d accomplish my desire" but at this time I ha6e failedD I 5ould I had !ot come hitherI AlasI ho5 u!derstood my father of this that should !ot hap1 -adam" let me o" a!d i6e me lea6e to o i! to some other place" for it is !o !eed that I accuse thee to my father1 At the last she let him o1 O! the mor! the pro6ost comma!ded that S1 Julia!a should be brou ht tofore him i! =ud me!t7 a!d 5he! he sa5 her so 5ell uerished" a!d her 6isa e so fair a!d so shi!i! " the! said the pro6ost to herD Julia!a" 5ho hath tau ht thee" a!d ho5 mayest thou 6a!<uish the torme!tsE A!d she saidD +ear4e! to me a!d I shall say to theeD -y Lord Jesu Christ hath tau ht me to adore the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost" for I ha6e o6ercome a!d 6a!<uished Sata! thy father" a!d all his other de6ils7 for God hath se!t his a! el for to comfort a!d to help me1 -echa!t ma!" 4!o5est thou !ot that the torme!ts be made ready for thee
















e6erlasti! " 5here thou shalt be torme!ted perpetually i! a perpetual dar4!ess a!d obscurity1 A!o! the pro6ost made to be brou ht a 5heel of iro! bet5ee! t5o pillars" a!d four horses to dra5 it forth" a!d four 4!i hts at o!e side" a!d four 4!i hts o! that other to dra5" a!d four for to dra5 forth the 5heel" so that all the body 5as tobro4e! i! such 5ise that the marro5 came out of the bo!es" a!d the 5heel 5as all bloody1 The! came a! a! el of God a!d bra4e the 5heel" a!d healed the 5ou!ds of S1 Julia!a perfectly1 A!d for this miracle 5ere co!6erted all they that 5ere prese!t1 A!d a!o! after" for the faith of Jesu Christ 5ere beheaded me! a!d 5ome! to the !umber of o!e hu!dred a!d thirty perso!s1 After" comma!ded the pro6ost that she should be put i! a reat pot full of boili! lead" a!d 5he! she e!tered i!to the said pot" all the lead became cold" so that she felt !o harm1 A!d the pro6ost cursed his ods because they mi ht !ot pu!ish a maid that so 6a!<uished them1 A!d the! he comma!ded to smite off her head1 A!d 5he! she 5as led to be beheaded" the de6il appeared to the pro6ost i! fi ure of a you! ma!" a!d saidD Spare !ot ood people" a!d of her ha6e !o mercy" for she hath blamed your ods a!d do!e much harm" a!d me she hath beate! this !i ht past" therefore re!der to her that she hath deser6ed1 ,ith these 5ords S1 Julia!a loo4ed behi!d her for to 5it 5ho said such 5ords of her1 A!o! the de6il saidD AlasI alas I caitiff that I am" I doubt me that yet she 5ill ta4e a!d bi!d me" a!d so he 6a!ished a5ay1 After this" that she had admo!ished the people to lo6e a!d ser6e Jesu Christ she prayed them all to pray for her" a!d the! her head 5as smitte! off1 The pro6ost e!tered i!to a ship 5ith thirty:four me! for to pass a! arm of the sea7 a!o! came a reat ora e a!d a tempest" 5hich dro5!ed the pro6ost a!d all his compa!y i! the sea" a!d the sea thre5 their bodies to the ri6a e" a!d 5ild beasts came thither a!d ate them1 Thus this holy 6ir i! S1 Julia!a suffered martyrdom for our Lord the fourtee!th cale!ds of the mo!th of -arch1 Let us pray to her that she pray for us" etc1 Of the !hairi#( of *" Peter the A&o tle"



The chair is said i! three ma!!ers" that is" the chair royal" as it is said i! the boo4 of @i! sD Da6id sitti! i! a chair1 A!d there is a chair of priests" as 3e um primo" Eli" the priest sitti! upo! a chair1 A!d the third is the chair for a master as is said" -att1 88iii1D ?po! the chair of -oses" etc1 The! S1 (eter sat i! a chair royal" for he 5as pri!ce of the apostles" a!d he sat i! the chair of priests" for he 5as lord of all the priests" a!d i! the chair of the master" for he 5as a reat doctor of christia! me!1 The first 5as of e<uity" the seco!d of <ua!tity" a!d the third of truth a!d of 6irtue1 +oly church hallo5eth the feast of S1 (eter the apostle" a!d this day 5as S1 (eter ho!orably e!ha!ced i! the city of A!tioch" a!d set i! the chair as a bishop1 -a!y causes there be 5herefore this feast is hallo5ed a!d established1 Of 5hom the first is" as is said i! a sermo! of this feast" that 5he! S1 (eter 5e!t for to preach the 5ord of God a!d fou!ded holy church by his predicatio!" Niceta a!d A<uila sho5ed u!to the city of A!tioch that (eter the apostle of God came thither" 5herefore the people a!d also the !obles of the city came a ai!st him" a!d 4!o5led ed themsel6es culpable of that they had holde! of the predicatio! of Simo! -a us" 5hich 5as a! e!cha!ter1 After" they did to be brou ht tofore him all such people as 5ere 6e8ed 5ith di6ers maladies a!d sic4!esses" of 5hom there 5ere so ma!y that they mi ht !ot be !umbered1 S1 (eter beheld their repe!ta!ce" a!d also that they belie6ed firmly i! the !ame of God" a!d a!o! lift up his ha!ds u!to hea6e!" a!d made his prayer to God sayi! D O God" 'ather Almi hty" I yield to thee tha!4i! s i! this that thou hast 5orthily fulfilled the promises of thy blessed So!" by 5hich all creatures may 4!o5 that thou art o!e o!ly God i! hea6e! a!d i! earth1 A!d after" he asce!ded up i!to a! hi h place" a!d all the multitude of sic4 me! 5ere brou ht tofore him" a!d he said to them i! this ma!!erD ;e that see me a mortal ma! as ye be" 5ee! !e suppose !ot ye that by me ye may be healed" but by him that is desce!ded from hea6e! to earth" 5hich i6eth to all them that belie6e i! him full health of body a!d of soul1 This ou ht ye to belie6e to the e!d that all may 4!o5 that ye that thus belie6e e!tirely 5ith all your heart i! Jesu Christ may be made 5hole a!d uerished by him1 A!d a!o! all they that 5ere sic4 cried 5ith a hi h 6oiceD ,e belie6e that Jesu Christ is 6ery God1 Sudde!ly a li ht appeared there" a!d all the sic4 people 5ere uerished a!d healed of 5hatsome6er malady they had1 A!d that same day the +oly Ghost sho5ed so reatly his race" that from the least u!to the most" all belie6ed i! our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d there 5ere baptiHed i! se6e! days more tha! te! thousa!d perso!s of me!" 5ome!" a!d childre!" a!d also Theophilus" the lord a!d pro6ost of the city" to 5hom S1 (eter had raised his so! 5hich had bee! fourtee! years dead1 A!d some say that of his palace he made a church i! the 5hich all the people set up a chair for S1 (eter to sit i! more hi her" for to preach the doctri!e of Jesu Christ" a!d the better to be heard a!d see!1 A!d of the e8alti! thus of S1 (eter i!to this chair" this feast ta4eth the !ame of the chairi! of S1 (eter1 A!d i! this church 5as S1 (eter se6e! years" a!d from the!ce













he 5e!t to 3ome a!d o6er!ed the church of 3ome t5e!ty:fi6e years1 That other reaso! 5hy this feast 5as established 5as for the re6ere!ce of the cro5! or to!sure of his head" 5hich yet cler4s bear a!d ha6e" for li4e as some say" at this =our!ey 5as first fou!d the cro5! of the cler4s1 'or 5he! S1 (eter preached at the first time i! the city of A!tioch" the pay!ims sheared him upo! his head abo6e" li4e a fool" i! despisi! christia! la51 A!d because this 5as do!e to S1 (eter to do him despite a!d shame" it 5as sith stablished that the cler y should ha6e his cro5! sha6e! i! si ! of ri ht reat ho!our a!d authority1 A!d it is to 5it that i! the cro5! be three thi! sD first the head is disco6ered a!d bare abo6e a!d the hair cut a5ay" a!d the cro5! is rou!d1 There be three reaso!s 5hy the head is bare" of 5hich S1 De!is assi !eth the t5ai!" a!d saith the rasure a!d cutti! off of the hair si !ifieth pure life a!d clea! 5ithout a!y arrayi! 5ithoutforth7 for li4e as hairs be !aturally for to ador! the head" ri ht so deform they the head 5he! they be cut off by moc4ery or other5ise1 Also ood ma!!ers 5hich ou ht to ador! the clea! life" deform the holy co!6ersatio! 5he! they be left a!d ta4e! a5ay by habits co6etous a!d proud1 Also the rasure or sha6i! 5hich is o! the o6ermost part of the head si !ifieth that bet5ee! God a!d them ou ht to be !othi! !e mea! that should displease God" but their lo6e should be i! God 5ithout a!y letti! a!d empeshme!t a!d should address i! him their thou hts1 The seco!d thi! that is i! the cro5! is that the hairs be sha6e! clea! a5ay1 9y that is si !ified that the cler4s ou ht to ta4e a5ay from their hearts all 6ai! thou hts 5hich mi ht let a!d empesh the ser6ice di6i!e" a!d also ou ht to be 5ithdra5! from all temporal busi!ess" a!d o!ly to ha6e their !ecessities1 The third thi! that is i! the cro5! is that it is rou!d" a!d this fi ure seemeth ood by ma!y reaso!s1 The first is that a rou!d fi ure hath !either be i!!i! !or e!d1 The seco!d is" i! a rou!d cro5! be !o cor!ers" a!d as S1 9er!ard saith 5hereas be cor!ers there is ladly filth" a!d that is to be u!derstood that the cler4s ou ht !ot to ha6e i! their hearts !o cor!ers 5here the filth of si!s mi ht assemble" but ou ht to ha6e a clea! co!scie!ce" a!d also they ou ht to ha6e truth i! their mouths1 'or as saith S1 JeromeD Truth see4eth !o cor!ers1 The third reaso! is" for li4e as the fi ure of a cro5! is most fair amo! all other" so the co!6ersatio! of cler4s or priests ou ht to be best ador!ed of ood ma!!ers amo! all other lay people1 The fourth reaso! is" for li4e as a cro5! hath but o!e 5ay rou!d a!d !o fi ure" li4e as S1 Austi! saithD There is !o!e so simple a fi ure as that 5hich hath but o!e 5ay" also the cler4s ou ht to be simple i! their co!6ersatio!" 5ithout fictio! a!d pride1 A!d it is to 5it that holy church hallo5eth of S1 (eter three feasts i! the year for three ifts that he hath po5er to i6e to the people1 The first is the chair" for he i6eth absolutio! of si!s1 The seco!d feast is called ad6i!cula" that is the first day of the Au ust" for he by his po5er tra!sumeth the pai! perpetual due for si!s mortal i!to pai! temporal1 The third feast is of his martyrdom" for he hath po5er to release some pai!s of pe!a!ce e!=oi!ed for the si!s co!fessed" a!d for these three causes he is di !e a!d 5orthy ho!orably to be ser6ed a!d 5orshipped1 Let us the! pray to him that he may impetre a!d et to us remissio! of all our si!s" a!d after this short tra!sitory life 5e may come to e6erlasti! =oy a!d lory i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Of *" Matthia the A&o tle. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"



-atthias i! +ebre5 is as much to say as i6e! to our Lord" or a ift of our Lord" or else humble or little1 'or he 5as i6e! of our Lord 5he! he 5as chose! from the 5orld" a!d 5as set a!d e!tered amo! the se6e!ty:t5o disciples" he 5as also i6e! of our Lord 5he! he 5as chose! by lot a!d !umbered amo! the apostles1 +e 5as little for he had all 6ery mee4!ess i! him a!d humility1 There be three ma!!ers of humilities" as S1 Ambrose saith thatD The first is of the afflictio! by 5hich a ma! is made humble7 the seco!d is co!sideratio! of himself" a!d the third is of the de6otio! 5hich is of the 4!o5led e of his ma4er1 S1 -atthias had the first i! sufferi! martyrdom" the seco!d 5as i! despisi! himself" a!d he had the third i! amar6elli! the ma=esty of our Lord1 'or -atthias is said as doi! ood for e6il" for he bei! ood 5as set i! the place of Judas the traitor1 A!d his life is read i! holy church" a!d 9ede 5riteth it as ma!y holy me! bear 5it!ess1 Of *" Matthia " S1 -atthias the apostle 5as i! the place of Judas the traitor" a!d therefore first 5e shall rehearse here the birth a!d be i!!i! of Judas1 It is read i! a history" thou h it be !amed apocrypha" that there 5as a ma! i! Jerusalem !amed 3eube!" a!d by a!other !amed Simeo!" of the 4i!dred of Da6id" or" after S1 Jerome" of the tribe of Issachar" 5hich had a 5ife !amed Ciborea" a!d o! the !i ht that Judas 5as co!cei6ed his mother had a mar6ellous dream 5hereof she 5as so sore afeard1 'or her seemed that she had co!cei6ed a







child that should destroy their people" a!d because of the loss of all their people her husba!d blamed her much" a!d said to herD Thou sayest a thi! o6er e6il" or the de6ils 5ill decei6e thee1 She saidD Certai!ly if so be that I shall ha6e a so!" I tro5 it shall be so" as I ha6e had a re6elatio! a!d !o!e illusio!1 ,he! the child 5as bor! the father a!d mother 5ere i! reat doubt" a!d thou ht 5hat 5as best to do" for they durst !ot slay the child for the horror that they should ha6e therei!" !either they 5ist !ot ho5 they mi ht !ourish o!e that should destroy their li!ea e1 The! they put him to a little fiscelle or bas4et 5ell pitched" a!d set it i! the sea" a!d aba!do!ed him to dri6e 5hither it 5ould1 A!d a!o! the floods a!d 5a6es of the sea brou ht a!d made him arri6e i! a! isla!d !amed Scarioth" a!d of this !ame 5as he called Judas Scariotes1 No5 it happed that the <uee! of this cou!try 5e!t for to play o! the ri6a e of the sea" a!d beheld this little !acelle a!d the child therei!" 5hich 5as fair" a!d the! she si hed a!d saidD O Lord God" ho5 should I be eased if I had such a child" the! at the least should !ot my realm be 5ithout heir1 The! comma!ded she that the child should be ta4e! up" a!d be !ourished" a!d she fai!ed herself to be reat 5ith child a!d after published that she had bor!e a fair so!1 ,he! her husba!d heard say hereof he had reat =oy" a!d all the people of the cou!try made reat feast1 The 4i! a!d <uee! did do !ourish a!d 4eep this child li4e the so! of a 4i! 1 A!o! after" it happed that the <uee! co!cei6ed a so!" a!d 5he! it 5as bor! a!d ro5! Judas beat oft that child" for he 5ee!ed that he had bee! his brotber" a!d oft he 5as chastised therefore" but al5ay he made him to 5eep so lo! that the <uee! 5hich 4!e5 5ell that Judas 5as !ot her so!" a!d at the last she said the truth" a!d told ho5 that Judas 5as fou!d i! the sea1 A!d ere this yet 5as 4!o5! Judas sle5 the child that he had supposed to be his brother" a!d 5as so! to the 4i! " a!d i! esche5i! the se!te!ce of death he fled a!o! a!d came i!to Jerusalem" a!d e!tered i!to the court of (ilate 5hich the! 5as pro6ost1 A!d he so pleased him that he 5as reat 5ith him" a!d had i! reat cherety a!d !othi! 5as do!e 5ithout him1 No5 it happed o! a day that (ilate 5e!t for to disport him by a arde! belo! i! to the father of Judas" a!d 5as so desirous to eat of the fruit of the apples that he mi ht !ot forbear them1 A!d the father of Judas 4!e5 !ot Judas his so!" for he supposed that he had bee! dro5!ed i! the sea lo! tofore" !e the so! 4!e5 !ot the father1 ,he! (ilate had told to Judas of his desire" he spra! i!to the arde! of his father a!d athered of the fruit for to bear to his master" but the father of Judas defe!ded him" a!d there be a! bet5ee! them much strife a!d debate" first by 5ords a!d after 5ith fi hti! " so much that Judas smote his father 5ith a sto!e o! the head that he sle5 him" a!d after brou ht the apples u!to (ilate" a!d told to him ho5 that he had slai! him that o5!ed the arde!1 The! se!t (ilate to seiHe all the ood that the father of Judas had" a!d after a6e his 5ife to Judas i! marria e" a!d thus Judas 5edded his o5! mother1 No5 it happed o! a day that the lady 5ept a!d si hed much stro! ly a!d saidD AlasI ho5 u!happy that I amI I ha6e lost my so! a!d my husba!d1 -y so! 5as laid o! the sea" a!d I suppose that he be dro5!ed" a!d my husba!d is dead sudde!ly" a!d yet it is more rie6ous to me that (ilate hath remarried me a ai!st my 5ill1 The! dema!ded Judas of this child" a!d she told him ho5 he 5as set i! the sea" a!d Judas told to her ho5 he had bee! fou!d i! the sea" i! such 5ise that she 5ist that she 5as his mother" a!d that he had slai! his father a!d 5edded his mother1 ,herefore the! he 5e!t to Jesu Christ" 5hich did so ma!y miracles" a!d prayed him of mercy a!d for i6e!ess of his si!s1 Thus far it is read i! the history 5hich is !ot authe!tic1 Our Lord made Judas o!e of his apostles a!d retai!ed him i! his compa!y" a!d 5as so pri6y 5ith him that he 5as made his procurator" a!d bare the purse for all the other" a!d stole of that 5hich 5as i6e! to Christ1 The! it happed that he 5as sorry a!d a! ry for the oi!tme!t that -ary -a dale!e poured o! the head a!d feet of our Lord Jesu Christ a!d said that it 5as 5orth three hu!dred pe!ce" a!d said that so much he had lost" a!d therefore sold he Jesu Christ for thirty pe!ce of that mo!ey usual" of 5hich e6ery pe!!y 5as 5orth te! pe!ce" a!d so he reco6ered three hu!dred pe!ce1 Or after that some say that he ou ht to ha6e of all the ifts that 5as i6e! to Jesu Christ the te!th pe!!y" a!d so he reco6ered thirty pe!ce of that he sold him" a!d !e6ertheless at the last he brou ht them a ai! to the temple" a!d after hu! himself i! despair" a!d his body ope!ed a!d cleft asu!der a!d his bo5els fell out1 A!d so it appertai!ed 5ell that it should so be" for the mouth 5hich God had 4issed ou ht !ot to be defouled i! touchi! " a!d also he ou ht !ot to die o! the earth because all earthly creatures ou ht to hate him" but i! the air 5here de6ils a!d 5ic4ed spirits be" because he had deser6ed to be i! their compa!y1














The! 5he! the time came bet5ee! the Asce!sio! a!d ,hitsu!tide" S1 (eter beheld that the !umber of the apostles 5as mi!ished" he arose up i! the middle of the disciples a!d saidD 'air brethre!" ye 4!o5 ho5 our Lord Jesu Christ had chose! t5el6e me! for to bear 5it!ess of his resurrectio!" a!d Judas 5as o!e the e6il 5ay" it beho6eth to accomplish the !umber of t5el6e of such as ha6e bee! 5ith him1 A!d sith they chose t5o of them that 5ere there" that o!e 5as !amed Joseph sur!amed Justus" a!d that other 5as -atthias1 A!d the! they made their oriso!s a!d saidD Lord God" 5hich 4!o5eth the hearts of all the perso!s" sho5 to us 5hom 5e shall choose of these t5ai! here1 A!d after" they cast lots" a!d the lot fell o! -atthias" 5hich forth5ith 5as e!umbered 5ith the other ele6e!" a!d the! 5ere they t5el6e1 9ut the holy S1 De!is saith that the lot 5as a ray a!d a shi!i! 5hich came a!d sho!e upo! him1 A!d a!o! he be a! to preach" a!d had his predicatio! about Jerusalem" a!d 5as much 6irtuous" a!d did ma!y miracles as is 5ritte! of him" of 5hom the le e!d follo5eth" 5hich le e!d is fou!d at Tre6es i! Almai!e1 S1 -atthias 5hich 5as set i! the place of Judas 5as bor! i! 9ethlehem of the tribe of Judah1 +e 5as set to school a!d i! a little time he lear!ed all the scie!ce of the la5 a!d of the prophets7 he 5as afeard of fleshly lusts" a!d he passed his youth i! ood ma!!ers1 +is coura e 5as i!cli!ed to all 6irtues" for he 5as humble a!d debo!air" a!d al5ay ready to do mercy" a!d 5as !ot proud i! prosperity" !e frail i! ad6ersity1 +e did that 5hich he preached" he made the bli!d to see a!d healed the sic4 me!" he raised the dead me!" a!d did reat miracles i! the !ame of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! he 5as accused hereof tofore the bishop of Jerusalem" it 5as dema!ded him that he should a!s5er thereto a!d he saidD It beho6eth !ot much to a!s5er hereto" because for to be a christia! ma! it is !othi! crimi!al but it is a lorious life1 The! said the bishop that he 5ould spare him a!d i6e him respite to repe!t him" a!d S1 -atthias a!s5eredD God forbid that I should repe!t of the truth that I ha6e truly fou!d" a!d become a! apostate1 +e 5as firm i! the lo6e of God" a!d clea! of his body" a!d 5ise i! spea4i! of all the <uestio!s of scripture" a!d 5he! he preached the 5ord of God ma!y belie6ed i! Jesu Christ by his predicatio!1 The Je5s too4 him a!d brou ht him to =ustice a!d had otte! t5o false 5it!esses a ai!st him a!d for to accuse him" the 5hich cast o! him first sto!es" a!d the other after" a!d so 5as sto!ed" a!d he prayed that the sto!es mi ht be buried that the false 5it!esses had cast upo! him" for to bear 5it!ess a ai!st them that sto!ed him" a!d fi!ally he 5as slai! 5ith a! a8e after the ma!!er of the 3oma!s1 A!d he held up his ha!ds a!d comme!ded his spirit to God1 A!d after it is said that his body 5as brou ht to 3ome" a!d from 3ome it 5as tra!slated to Tre6es1 A!other le e!d saith that his body lieth at 3ome" a!d buried u!der a sto!e of porphyry i! the church of S1 -ary the ma=or1 Of *" Gre(ory the Po&e" Gre ory is said of re8" 5hich is to say a floc47 a!d of ore" 5hich is to say a preacher1 The! Gre ory is to say as a preacher to a! assembly or floc4 of people1 Or it is said as a !oble doctor or preacher1 Or Gre ory is to say i! our la! ua e as a5a4ed" for he a5o4e to himself" to God" a!d to the people" he a5o4e to himself by 4eepi! of clea!!ess" to God by ood co!templatio!" a!d to the people by co!ti!ual predicatio!1 A!d by this is deser6ed the 6isio! of God7 a!d S1 Austi! saith" i! the 9oo4 of Order" that he seeth God that 5ell li6eth" 5ell studieth" a!d 5ell prayeth1 A!d (aul" the historio rapher of the Lombards" 5riteth his history a!d life of him" the 5hich Joh! the deaco! after5ards much dili e!tly compiled a!d ordai!ed1 S1 Gre ory 5as bor! of the pare!ta e of se!ators of 3ome" 5hose father 5as !amed Gordia! a!d his mother Sil6ia1 A!d 5he! he had so much lear!ed that he 5as a master i! philosophy" a!d also 5as rich of patrimo!y" he thou ht that he 5ould lea6e all the riches that he had" a!d 5ould e!ter i!to reli io! for to ser6e God1 9ut i! this" that he put this thou ht i! respite" he co!cei6ed a!other purpose" that 5as that him seemed he should better ser6e God i! a secular habit" i! doi! the office of the pretoria of the pro6ost of 3ome" for to i6e to each ma! duly reaso! after the ! ht of his cause1 9ut he fou!d i! this office so reat secular busi!ess that it be a! to displease him" because by this reat busi!ess he 5ithdre5 him o6er far from God1 I! this mea!5hile his father a!d mother died" i! such 5ise that he 5as rich of patrimo!y a!d puissa!t" that at the be i!!i! he fou!ded a!d e!do5ed 5ith re!ts si8 abbeys i! Sicily" a!d the se6e!th he fou!ded 5ithi! the 5alls of 3ome i! the ho!our of S1 A!dre5 the apostle" i! the 5hich he became a mo!4" a!d the rem!a!t of his patrimo!y he a6e for God>s sa4e so that he that tofore 5e!t clothed i! clothes of old a!d of sil4" a!d ador!ed 5ith precious sto!es i! the city" 5he! he 5as mo!4 ser6ed i! a poor habit the mo!4s1 There 5as at the be i!!i! of his co!6ersatio! of so perfect a life that it mi ht be said 5ell that he 5as all perfect1 +e made reat absti!e!ces i! eati! " i! dri!4i! " i! 5a4i! " a!d i! prayi! " i! so much that he 5as so tra6ailed that u!!ethe he mi ht sustai! himself1 +e had put out of his






heart all secular thi! s so that his co!6ersatio! 5as i! hea6e!" for he had addressed all his desire for to come to the =oy perma!able1 O! a time it happed that" S1 Gre ory i! his cell of the same abbey 5hereas he 5as abbot 5rote somethi! " a!d a! a! el appeared to him i! sembla!ce of a mari!er" 5hich seemed as he had escaped from the tempest of the sea" a!d prayed him 5eepi! to ha6e pity o! him1 The! S1 Gre ory comma!ded that there should be i6e! to him si8 pe!ce" a!d the! he departed1 The same day the a! el came a ai! i! li4e 5ise as he did tofore" a!d said that he had lost all his ood" a!d prayed him that he 5ould yet help him7 o! 5hom S Gre ory had yet pity" a!d did to be i6e! to him si8 pe!ce more" yet at the third time he came a!d made reat cry a!d 5ept" a!d prayed him that he 5ould yet help him to5ard his reat loss" so that S1 Gre ory comma!ded his pro6ost that he should yet i6e to this poor ma! a! alms1 A!d the pro6ost said that there 5as !o more sil6er i! all the abbey" but a dish of sil6er i! 5hich his mother 5as 5o!t to se!d him potta e1 A!d S1 Gre ory comma!ded a!o! that that dish of sil6er should be i6e! to him a!d the a! el too4 it 5ith reat =oy1 A!d little 5hile after" this a! el appeared to S1 Gre ory a!d said to him that God hath se!t him so to him1 It happed after5ard that as S1 Gre ory passed throu h the mar4et of 3ome" a!d sa5 there t5o fair childre! 5hite a!d ruddy of 6isa e" a!d fair yello5 hair 5hich 5ere for to sell1 A!d S1 Gre ory dema!ded from 5he!ce they 5ere" a!d the mercha!t a!s5ered" of E! la!d1 After S1 Gre ory dema!ded if they 5ere christia!" a!d he a!s5eredD Nay" but that they 5ere pay!ims1 The! si hed S1 Gre ory a!d saidD Alas" 5hat fair people hath the de6il i! his doctri!e a!d i! his domi!atio!1 After he dema!ded ho5 these people 5ere calledD he a!s5ered that they 5ere called A! les me!7 the! he said they may 5ell be so called for they ha6e the 6isa e of a! els1 A!d for that S1 Gre ory 5e!t to the pope" a!d by reat prayers he impetred a!d had ra!t that he 5as se!t i! to E! la!d for to co!6ert the people of that same cou!try" but 5he! the 3oma!s heard say that Gre ory 5as se!t i!to E! la!d" a!o! they 5e!t to the pope a!d said to himD Thou hast a! ered S1 (eter" thou hast destroyed all 3ome" a!d hurt all holy church i! this that thou hast let Gre ory o out of 3ome1 Of 5hich 5ord the pope 5as a! ry a!d much abashed" a!d se!t a!o! his messe! ers after S1 Gre ory" a!d comma!ded him to retur! a!d come a ai! to 3ome" 5hich the! 5as o!e o! his =our!ey three days" a!d for his !oble a!d ood re!omee the pope made him cardi!al deaco!1 After" for the corruptio! of the air" the pope (ela ius died" a!d the! S1 Gre ory 5as elect of all the people to be pope" but he refused it a!d said that to that di !ity he 5as !ot 5orthy" a!d for the ri ht reat mortality" ere that he 5as sacred pope he made to the people a sermo! a!d saidD 3i ht dear brethre!" 5ell ou ht 5e to ha6e doubt of the scour e of God ere that 5e feel it" a!d yet 5e ou ht to fear it" a!d to tur! a!d forsa4e our si!s" loI ye may behold the people die ere they be5eep their si!s7 thi!4 ye the! i! 5hat poi!t he cometh i! the prese!ce of the =ud e that hath had !o time to be5ail his si!s1 The houses be 6oid" the childre! die i! the prese!ce of father a!d mother" sudde!ly" so that they ha6e little time to die" 5herefore e6ery ma! ame!d his life 5hile he hath time for to repe!t him of his e6il deeds a!d si!s" ere that the =ud e call him from the mortal body1 +e saith by the prophet" I 5ill !ot the death of a si!!er" but I 5ill that he retur! a!d li6e7 much soo! the =ud e heareth the si!!er 5he! he co!6erteth from his si!s a!d ame!deth his life1 9y such ma!!er admo!ested he to the people their health" a!d he ordai!ed to ma4e processio! i! all the churches much solem!ly for to impetre a!d et mercy for this mortality1 ,he! the processio! 5as do!e he 5ould ha6e o!e pri6ily out of 3ome" for to esche5 the office of the papalty" but a ai!st that the ates 5ere 4ept so that he mi ht !ot issue1 At the last he did do cha! e his habit" a!d so much did 5ith the mercha!ts that they brou ht him out of 3ome i! a tu! upo! a cart1 A!d 5he! he 5as far out of the to5!" he issued out of the tu! a!d hid him i! a ditch" a!d 5he! he had bee! therei! three days the people of 3ome sou ht him all about1 A!o! they sa5 a pillar shi!i! desce!d from hea6e! strai ht upo! the ditch i! 5hich S1 Gre ory 5as7 a!d a recluse" a holy ma! sa5 that by that pillar a! els desce!ded from hea6e! to S1 Gre ory a!d after 5e!t up a ai!1 A!o! the! S1 Gre ory 5as ta4e! of the people a!d after the ordi!a!ce of holy church he 5as ordai!ed a!d sacred pope a ai!st his 5ill" for he 5as much debo!air" humble a!d merciful to rich a!d poor" a!d to reat a!d small1 ,ell may he appercei6e that readeth his 5riti! s ho5 oft he complai!ed of this reat char e that he 5as char ed 5ithal" to 5hich he said he 5as !ot 5orthy thereto" a!d also he mi ht !ot hear that a!y should praise him" !e i! letters !e i! 5ords1 A!d al5ay he 5as i! reat humility a!d accou!ted himself more mee4 a!d lo5 after that he 5as pope tha! tofore" i!somuch that he 5as the first of the popes that 5roteD Ser6us ser6orum Dei" that is" ser6a!t of the ser6a!ts of God1 +e had reat cure a!d 5as busy to co!6ert si!!ers7 he made a!d compiled ma!y fair boo4s" of 5hich the church is reatly illumi!ed1 +e 5as !e6er idle" ho5 5ell that he 5as al5ays sic41 +e co!6erted the E! lish people to the christia! faith by three













holy me! a!d ood cler4s that he se!t thither" that is to 5it Au usti!" -ellitus" a!d Joh!" for to preach the faith1 A!d because the mortality ceased !ot" he ordai!ed a processio!" i! the 5hich he did do bear a! ima e of our Lady" 5hich" as is said" S1 Lu4e the E6a! elist made" 5hich 5as a ood pai!ter" he had car6ed it a!d pai!ted after the li4e!ess of the lorious Vir i! -ary1 A!d a!o! the mortality ceased" a!d the air became pure a!d clear" a!d about the ima e 5as heard a 6oice of a! els that su! this a!themD 3e i!a cFli lFtare" etc1" a!d S1 Gre ory put theretoD Ora pro !obis" deum ro amus" alleluia1 At the same time S1 Gre ory sa5 a! a! el upo! a castle 5hich made clea! a s5ord all bloody" a!d put it i!to the sheath" a!d thereby S1 Gre ory u!derstood that the pestile!ce of this mortality 5as passed" a!d after that it 5as called the Castle A! el1 S1 Gre ory did e6ery day so reat alms that ma!y i! the cou!try about 5ere !ourished by him" 5hom he had by !ame 5ritte!" a!d also the mo!4s that d5elt i! the -ou!t Si!ai had of him their suste!a!ce1 Amo! all other alms that he did he o6er!ed three thousa!d 6ir i!s" to 5hom he se!t e6ery year four score pou!d of old" a!d also he fou!ded to them a! abbey i! Jerusalem" a!d se!t to them that therei! 5ere such thi! s as they lac4ed1 E6ery day had he poor me! to di!!er1 O! a time it happed that he too4 the la6er for to i6e 5ater to a pil rim for to 5ash his ha!ds by reat humility" a!d a!o! the pil rim 6a!ished a5ay" 5hereof S1 Gre ory had mar6el1 The !i ht after our Lord appeared i! a 6isio! a!d said to himD The other days thou hast recei6ed me i! my members" but yesterday thou recei6edst me i! my perso!1 A!other day S1 Gre ory comma!ded to his dispe!ser that he should bri! to di!!er t5el6e poor me!" a!d 5he! S1 Gre ory a!d the poor me! 5ere set at meat" he told at the table sitti! thirtee! poor pil rims" a!d dema!ded of his dispe!ser 5hy he had do!e abo6e his comma!dme!t to bri! i! more tha! t5el6e perso!s1 A!d a!o! the dispe!ser" all abashed" 5e!t a!d told the poor me!" a!d fou!d but t5el6e" a!d said to S1 Gre oryD +oly father" there be !o more but t5el6e" a!d so ma!y shall ye fi!d a!d !o more1 The! co!sidered S1 Gre ory that" o!e of the pil rims that sat !e8t to him oft cha! ed his 6isa e" for oft he seemed you! " a!d after old1 A!d after di!!er S1 Gre ory too4 him by the ha!d a!d brou ht him i!to his chamber" a!d prayed him that he 5ould tell him his !ame1 A!d he a!s5eredD ,herefore dema!dest thou my !ame" 5hich is mar6ellousE Ne6ertheless 4!o5 thou 5ell that I am the same poor mari!er to 5hom thou a6est the dish of sil6er i! 5hich thy mother 5as 5o!t to se!d the potta e" a!d 4!o5 for certai! that sith that day that thou didst to me that alms" God hath desti!ed thee to be pope1 A!d said moreo6erD I am the a! el of God" a!d he hath se!t me hither to thee to be thy defe!der a!d procurer of that 5hich thou 5ouldst dema!d a!d impetre of him" a!d after this the a! el 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d i! that time there 5as a! hermit" a! holy ma!" 5hich had left a!d forsa4e! all the oods of the 5orld for God>s sa4e" a!d had retai!ed !othi! but a cat" 5ith 5hich he played oft" a!d held it i! his lap deliciously1 O! a day it happed that he prayed God de6outly that he 5ould 6ouchsafe to sho5 to him to 5hat sai!t he should be i! li4e =oy i! hea6e!" because for his lo6e he had left all the 5orld a!d re!ou!ced1 ?po! this God sho5ed him i! a 6isio! that S1 Gre ory a!d he should ha6e li4e =oy i! hea6e!1 A!d 5he! he u!derstood this he si hed sore a!d praised little his po6erty" 5hich he had lo! suffered a!d bor!e" if he should ha6e Ii4e merit 5hich abou!ded so reatly i! secular riches1 ?po! this there came a 6oice to him 5hich said thatD The possessio! of riches ma4eth !ot a ma! i! this 5orld rich" but the ardour of co6etise1 The! be still thou" darest thou compare thy po6erty to the riches of S1 Gre ory 5hich lo6est more thy cat" 5ith 5hom thou ceasest !ot to stro4e a!d play" tha! S1 Gre ory doth all his riches" for he ceaseth !e6er to i6e alms for God>s sa4eE The! the hermit tha!4ed Almi hty God" a!d prayed that he mi ht ha6e his merit a!d re5ard 5ith S1 Gre ory i! the lory of paradise1 O! a day it happed that S1 Gre ory sa! mass i! the church of S1 -ary ma=or" a!d 5he! he had saidD (a8 domi!i sit semper 6obiscum" a!o! the a! el saidD Et cum spiritu tuo" a!d from the! fortho! the pope ordai!ed a statio! i! that church e6ery year o! Easter day" a!d 5he! the! he said i! his massD (a8 domi!i" etc1" !o!e shall a!s5er" i! remembra!ce of this miracle1 I! the time that Tra=a! the emperor rei !ed" a!d o! a time as he 5e!t to5ard a battle out of 3ome" it happed that i! his 5ay as he should ride" a 5oma!" a 5ido5" came to him 5eepi! a!d said I pray thee" sire" that thou a6e! e the death of o!e my so! 5hich i!!oce!tly a!d 5ithout cause hath bee! slai!1 The emperor a!s5eredD If I come a ai! from the battle 5hole a!d sou!d the! I shall do =ustice for the death of thy so!1 The! said the 5ido5D Sire" a!d if thou die i! the battle 5ho shall the! a6e! e his deathE A!d

















the emperor saidD +e that shall come after me1 A!d the 5ido5 saidD Is it !ot better that thou do to me =ustice a!d ha6e the merit thereof of God tha! a!other ha6e it for theeE The! had Tra=a! pity a!d desce!ded from his horse a!d did =ustice i! a6e! i! the death of her so!1 O! a time S1 Gre ory 5e!t by the mar4et of 3ome 5hich is called the mar4et of Tra=a!" a!d the! he remembered of the =ustice a!d other ood deeds of Tra=a!" a!d ho5 he had bee! piteous a!d debo!air" a!d 5as much sorro5ful that he had bee! a pay!im" a!d he tur!ed to the church of S1 (eter 5aili! for the horror of the miscrea!ce of Tra=a!1 The! a!s5ered a 6oice from God sayi! D I ha6e !o5 heard thy prayer" a!d ha6e spared Tra=a! from the pai! perpetual1 9y this" as some say" the pai! perpetual due to Tra=a! as a miscrea!t 5as somedeal ta4e! a5ay" but for all that 5as !ot he <uit from the priso! of hell" for the soul may 5ell be i! hell a!d feel there !o pai! by the mercy of God1 A!d after" it is said that the a! el i! his a!s5er said more to thusD 9ecause thou hast prayed for a pay!im" God ra!teth thee to choose of t5o thi! s" that o!e 5hich thou 5ilt" or thou shalt be t5o days i! pur atory i! pai!" or else all the days of thy life thou shalt la! uish i! sic4!ess1 The! a!s5ered S1 Gre ory that he had liefer to ha6e sic4!ess all his life i! this 5orld" tha! to feel by t5o days the pai!s of pur atory1 A!d e6er after he had co!ti!ually the fe6ers" or a8es" or the out i! his feet" a!d hereof himself ma4eth me!tio! i! o!e his epistle" a!d saithD I am so much torme!ted of the out i! my feet" a!d of other sic4!esses that" my life is to me a reat pai!" e6ery day meseemeth that I ou ht to die" a!d al5ays I abide the death1 Some time my pai! is little" a!d some time ri ht reat" but it is !ot so little that it departeth from me" !e so reat that it bri! eth me to death" a!d thus it is that I" that am al5ays ready to die" am 5ithdra5! from death1 lt happed that a 5ido5 that 5as 5o!t e6ery Su!day to bri! hosts to si! mass 5ith" should o! a time be houseled a!d commu!ed" a!d 5he! S1 Gre ory should i6e to her the holy sacrame!t i! sayi! D Corpus domi!i !ostri" etc1" that is to sayD The body of our Lord Jesu Christ 4eep thee i!to e6erlasti! life" a!o! this 5oma! be a! to smile tofore S1 Gre ory" a!d a!o! he 5ithdre5 his ha!d" a!d remised the sacrame!t upo! the altar1 A!d he dema!ded her" tofore the people" 5hy she smiled" a!d she saidD 9ecause that the bread that I ha6e made 5ith my proper ha!ds thou !amest it the body of our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!o! S1 Gre ory put himself to prayer 5ith the people" for to pray to God that hereupo! he 5ould sho5 his race for to co!firm our belief" a!d 5he! they 5ere rise! from prayer" S1 Gre ory sa5 the holy sacrame!t i! fi ure of a piece of flesh as reat as the little fi! er of a! ha!d" a!d a!o! after" by the prayers of S1 Gre ory" the flesh of the sacrame!t tur!ed i!to sembla!ce of bread as it had bee! tofore" a!d there5ith he commu!ed a!d houseled the 5oma!" 5hich after 5as more reli ious" a!d the people more firm i! the faith1 S1 Gre ory made a!d ordai!ed the so! of the office of holy church" a!d established at 3ome t5o schools of so! " that o!e beside the church of S1 (eter" a!d that other by the church of S1 Joh! Latera!" 5here the place is yet" 5here he lay a!d tau ht the scholars" a!d the rod 5ith 5hich he me!aced them" a!d the a!tipho!er o! 5hich he lear!ed them is yet there1 +e put to the ca!o! of the mass these 5ordsD Dies<ue !ostros i! tua pace dispo!as" at<ue ab Fter!a dam!atio!e !os eripi" et i! electorum tuorum =ubeas re e !umerari1 At the last 5he! S1 Gre ory had bee! pope thirtee! years" si8 mo!ths a!d te! days" he bei! full of ood 5or4s" departed out of this 5orld i! the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d si8 years" i! the time 5he! (hocas 5as emperor of 3ome1 Let us the! pray to S1 Gre ory that he et us race that 5e may ame!d so oursel6es here i! this life that 5e may come u!to e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth of *" Lo#(i#u the Life"






Lo! i!us" 5hich 5as a puissa!t 4!i ht" 5as 5ith other 4!i hts" by the comma!dme!t of (ilate" o! the side of the cross of our Lord" a!d pierced the side of our Lord 5ith a spear7 a!d 5he! he sa5 the miracles" ho5 the su! lost his li ht" a!d reat earth<ua6i! of the earth 5as" 5he! our Lord suffered death a!d passio! i! the tree of the cross" the! belie6ed he i! Jesu Christ1 Some say that 5he! he smote our Lord 5ith the spear i! the side" the precious blood a6aled by the shaft of the spear upo! his ha!ds" a!d of ad6e!ture 5ith his ha!ds he touched his eyes" a!d a!o! he that had bee! tofore bli!d sa5 a!o! clearly" 5herefore he refused all chi6alry a!d abode 5ith the apostles" of 5hom he 5as tau ht a!d christe!ed" a!d after" he aba!do!ed him to lead a! holy life i! doi! alms a!d i! 4eepi! the life of a mo!4 about thirty:ei ht years i! CFsarea a!d i! Cappadocia" a!d by his 5ords a!d his e8ample ma!y me! co!6erted he to the faith of Christ1 A!d 5he! this came to the 4!o5led e of Octa6ia! the pro6ost" he too4 him a!d 5ould ha6e co!strai!ed him to do sacrifice to the idols" a!d S1 Lo! i!us saidD There may !o ma! ser6e t5o lords 5hich be co!trary to other7 thi!e idols be lords of thy malices" corrupters of all ood 5or4s a!d e!emies to chastity" humility a!d to bou!ty" a!d frie!ds to all ordure of lu8ury" of




lutto!y" of idle!ess" of pride a!d of a6arice" a!d my Lord is Lord of sober!ess that bri! eth the people to the e6erlasti! life1 The! said the pro6ostD It is !ou ht that thou sayest7 ma4e sacrifice to the idols a!d thy God shall for i6e thee because of the comma!dme!t that is made to thee1 Lo! i!us saidD If thou 5ilt become christia! God shall pardo! thee thy trespasses1 The! the pro6ost 5as a! ry" a!d made the teeth of S1 Lo! i!us to be dra5! out of his mouth" a!d did do cut his mouth ope!1 A!d yet for all that Lo! i!us lost !ot his speech" but too4 a! a8e that he there fou!d" a!d he5ed a!d bra4e there5ith the idols a!d saidD No5 may 5e see if they be 6ery ods or !ot1 A!d a!o! the de6ils issued out a!d e!tered i!to the body of the pro6ost a!d his fello5s" a!d they brayed li4e beasts a!d fell do5! to the feet of S1 Lo! i!us a!d saidD ,e 4!o5 5ell that thou art ser6a!t u!to the so6erei ! God1 A!d S1 Lo! i!us dema!ded of the de6ils 5hy they d5elled i! these idols" a!d they a!s5eredD ,e ha6e fou!d place i! these idols for us" for o6er all 5here Jesu Christ is !ot !amed !e his si ! is !ot sho5ed" there d5ell 5e ladly7 a!d because 5he! these pay!ims come to these idols for to adore a!d ma4e sacrifice i! the !ame of us" the! 5e come a!d d5ell i! these idols" 5herefore 5e pray thee" ma! of God" that thou se!d us !ot i! the abysm of hell1 A!d S1 Lo! i!us said to the people that there 5ereD ,hat say yeD 5ill ye ha6e these de6lls for your ods a!d 5orship them or ha6e ye liefer that I hu!t them out of this 5orld i! the !ame of Jesu ChristE A!d the people said 5ith a hi h 6oiceD -uch reat is the God of christia! people" holy ma!" 5e pray thee that thou suffer !ot the de6ils to d5ell i! this city1 The! comma!ded S1 Lo! i!us to the de6ils that they should issue out of these people" i! such 5ise that the people had reat =oy a!d belie6ed i! our Lord1 A little time after the e6il pro6ost made S1 Lo! i!us to come tofore him" a!d said to him that all the people 5ere departed" a!d by his e!cha!tme!t had refused the idols7 if the 4i! 4!e5 it he should destroy us a!d the city also1 Aphrodisius a!s5eredD +o5 5ilt thou yet torme!t this ood ma!" 5hich hath sa6ed us a!d hath do!e so much ood to the cityE A!d the pro6ost saidD +e hath decei6ed us by e!cha!try1 Aphrodisius saidD +is God is reat a!d hath !o!e e6il i! him1 The! did the pro6ost cut out the to! ue of Aphrodisius" 5herefore S1 Lo! i!us si !ed u!to God" a!d a!o! the pro6ost became bli!d a!d lost all his members1 ,he! Aphrodisius sa5 that" he saidD Lord God" thou art =ust a!d thy =ud me!t is 6eritable1 A!d the pro6ost said to AphrodisiusD 'air brother" pray to S1 Lo! i!us that he pray for me" for I ha6e do!e ill to him" a!d Aphrodisius saidD +a6e !ot I 5ell told it to thee" do !o more so to Lo! i!usD Seest !ot thou me spea4 5ithout to! ueE A!d the pro6ost said" I ha6e !ot o!ly lost mi!e eyes" but also my heart a!d my body is i! reat pai!1 A!d S1 Lo! i!us saidD If thou 5ilt be 5hole a!d uerished put me appertly to death" a!d I shall pray for thee to our Lord" after that I shall be dead" that he heal thee1 A!d a!o! the! the pro6ost did do smite off his head" a!d after" he came a!d fell o! the body of S1 Lo! i!us a!d said all i! 5eepi! " SireD I ha6e si!!ed7 I 4!o5led e a!d co!fess my filth" a!d a!o! came a ai! his si ht" a!d he recei6ed health of his body a!d buried ho!orably the body of S1 Lo! i!us1 A!d the pro6ost belie6ed i! Jesu Christ a!d abode i! the compa!y of christia! me!" a!d tha!4ed God" a!d died i! ood estate1 All this happed i! CFsarea of Cappadocia to the ho!our of our Lord God" to 5hom be i6e! laud a!d lory i! secula seculorum1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Maur"








The year that S1 9e!et died he se!t S1 -aur a!d four fello5s 5ith him i!to 'ra!ce that is to 5it 'usci!ia!" Simplicia!" A!to!i!ia! a!d Co!sta!ti!e" at the prayer of Varicam the bishop of -eau8" for to fou!d a! abbey 5hich the said bishop 5ould ma4e of his o5! ood" a!d a6e to S1 -aur a boo4 i! 5hich he had 5ritte! the rule" of his ha!d1 A!d as they passed the mou!tai!s of -o! us Sour us o!e of their ser6a!ts fell from his horse upo! a reat sto!e" a!d his left foot 5as all tofrushed" but as soo! as S1 -aur had blessed it a!d made his oriso! he 5as uerished a!d all 5hole1 After this he came i!to the church of S1 -aurice" a!d there 5as at the e!try a bli!d ma! be i! " that had sat there ele6e! years" a!d 5as !amed Lie6e!" 5hich" for the lo! usa e that he had bee! there" he 4!e5 all the office of the church by heari! that he had lear!ed thereby 5ithout more1 +e co!=ured S1 -aur by the 6irtue of the martyrs that he 5ould help him" a!d a!o! he 5as uerished a!d had a ai! his si ht by his prayer" a!d the! S1 -aur comma!ded him that he should ser6e all his life i! the church as he had do!e1 O! a !i ht this holy ma! a!d his fello5s harboured i! the house of a 5ido5 5hich 5as !amed Themere" the 5hich had a so! that 5as so sic4 that each ma! said that he 5as dead" a!d this holy ma! healed him" a!d 5he! he 5as 5hole he said to S1 -aurD Thou art he that by thy merits a!d by thy tears hast deli6ered



me from the =ud me!t 5here I 5as i!" co!dem!ed to the fire of hell1 Thus as they held their 5ay o! the Good 'riday i! the abbey of 5hich S1 3omai! 5as abbot" a!d S1 -aur said to S1 3omai!D S1 9e!et shall depart out of this 5orld to:morro51 O! the mor! after the hour of tierce" as S1 -aur 5as i! his prayers" he sa5 the 5ay by 5hich S1 9e!et mou!ted i! to hea6e!" a!d he 5as ador!ed 5ith palls a!d reat foiso! of clear!ess" a!d this 6isio! sa5 t5o other mo!4s1 Also 5he! S1 -aur a!d his fello5 came to Orlea!s" they heard say that the bishop Varicam of -eau8 5as dead" a!d he that 5as i! his place 5ould !ot recei6e them1 The! S1 -aur a!d his fello5 5e!t i!to a place that is called 3estis" a!d there fou!ded he first a house for to adore God there i! the ho!our of S1 -arti!" a!d comma!ded that he should be buried therei!1 A cler4 that 5as there !amed La! iso fell do5! off a! hi h stair upo! a! heap of sto!es a!d 5as all tofrusshed" but S1 -aur healed him a!o!1 A!d after" 'locus" 5hich 5as o!e of the reatest frie!ds of the 4i! " had him i! so reat re6ere!ce that he durst !ot approach but if he bade him1 Three 5or4me! that 5rou ht i! that house be a! to say shre5dly of S1 -aur" a!d say that he co6eted o6ermuch 6ai! lory" but a!o! they became so mad that o!e of them lost forth5ith his life a!d the other t5o to:tare themsel6es 5ith their teeth1 The holy ma! a!o! put his ha!d i! their mouths a!d made the fie!d to o out be!eath" a!d after he raised the third to life 5hich had bee! dead" a!d comma!ded him" if he 5ould li6e" that he should !o more e!ter i!to that house" a!d this comma!ded he for to esche5 the fa6our of the 5orld1 Theodebert" @i! of 'ra!ce" came for to 6isit him" a!d prayed to S1 -aur a!d the brethre! that they 5ould pray for him" a!d he a6e to them of that house the fee royal of that bosca e" a!d all the re!ts thereto belo! i! " a!d the to5!s1 O! the mor! S1 -aur 5e!t to see the ift that the 4i! had i6e!" a!d there he healed o!e ha6i! the palsy 5hich had bee! se6e! years sic41 The seco!d year that this house 5as fou!ded came ma!y !oble me! of the cou!try" 5hich dema!ded that their childre! mi ht be clothed a!d recei6ed i!to the reli io!1 A!d there came so ma!y that the t5e!ty:si8th year of the fou!datio! of the abbey" there 5ere a! hu!dred a!d forty brethre!1 A!d S1 -aur comma!ded that they should abide i! that !umber 5ithout more or less" a!d !ot to i!crease !e mi!ish that !umber1 After this Clothaire" the 4i! " came i! to this abbey" a!d a6e thereto the chief of 9laso! a!d the to5! Lo! champ there5ith1 A!d after this time S1 -aur 5ould !o more issue out of the abbey" but he 5e!t a!d abode i! a side of the church of S1 -arti! 5here he had made a house for him" a!d had 5ith him t5o mo!4s for to ser6e him" but he ordai!ed tofore that 9ercuses should be abbot after him1 ,he! he had bee! i! that house t5o years a!d a! half the de6il appeared to him o! a time" 5hich 5as i! his oriso!s" a!d said to him that there should be reat destructio! of his brethre!" but the a! el of our Lord came after him 5hich recomforted him" a!d the! he came u!to the brethre! a!d said to them that he a!d ma!y of them there5ithi! should pass out of this 5orld1 A!d it happed that 5ithi! a mo!th after" there died o!e hu!dred a!d si8tee! mo!4s of that abbey" a!d of all the !umber there abode !o more ali6e but t5e!ty:four1 A!d the! died A!tho!i! a!d Co!sta!ti!e that 5ere come 5ith him1 A little 5hile after died S1 -aur of the pai! of his side" the forty: first year after he 5as come thither" the ei htee!th cale!ds of 'ebruary" a!d he died tofore the altar of S1 -arti!" 5here he 5as co6ered 5ith a! hair1 The other of his fello5ship retur!ed to -ou!t Cassi!" a!d thus accomplished this blessed sai!t his life i! the time of Louis the emperor the seco!d1 A!d the body of S1 -aur 5as bor!e from the abbey i! A! ers" !amed Gla!feuil" for fear of the Norma!s" u!to the abbey of S1 (eter des 'osses 5here his body is !o5" 5hich abbey fou!ded S1 9a!ola!is disciple to S1 Columbai!1 +is feast is the fiftee!th day of Ja!uary1 Here followeth the Life of S. Patrick, and the interpretation of his name. (atric4 is as much to say as 4!o5led e" for by the 5ill of God he 4!e5 ma!y of the secrets of hea6e! a!d of the =oys there" a!d also he sa5 a part of the pai!s of hell1










Of *" Patri$'"


S1 (atric4 5as bor! i! 9ritai!" 5hich is called E! la!d" a!d 5as lear!ed at 3ome a!d there flourished i! 6irtues7 a!d after departed out of the parts of Italy" 5here he had lo! d5elled" a!d came home i!to his cou!try i! ,ales !amed (e!dyac" a!d e!tered i!to a fair a!d =oyous cou!try called the 6alley 3osi!e1 To 5hom the a! el of God appeared a!d saidD O (atric4" this see !e bishopric God hath !ot pro6ided to thee"


but u!to o!e !ot yet bor!" but shall thirty years hereafter be bor!" a!d so he left that cou!try a!d sailed o6er i!to Irela!d1 A!d as +i de! saith i! (olycro!ico! the fourth boo4" the t5e!ty:fourth chapter" that S1 (atric4>s father 5as !amed Caprum" 5hich 5as a priest a!d a deaco!>s so! 5hich 5as called 'odum1 A!d S1 (atric4>s mother 5as !amed Co!chessa" -arti!>s sister of 'ra!ce1 I! his baptism he 5as !amed Sucate" a!d S1 Germai! called him -a o!ius" a!d Celesti!us the pope !amed him (atric41 That is as much to say as father of the citiHe!s1 S1 (atric4 o! a day as he preached a sermo! of the patie!ce a!d suffera!ce of the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ to the 4i! of the cou!try" he lea!ed upo! his croo4 or cross" a!d it happed by ad6e!ture that he set the e!d of the croo4" or his staff" upo! the 4i! >s foot" a!d pierced his foot 5ith the pi4e" 5hich 5as sharp be!eath1 The 4i! had supposed that S1 (atric4 had do!e it 5itti! ly" for to mo6e him the soo!er to patie!ce a!d to the faith of God" but 5he! S1 (atric4 percei6ed it he 5as much abashed" a!d by his prayers he healed the 4i! 1 A!d furthermore he impetred a!d at race of our Lord that !o 6e!omous beast mi ht li6e i! all the cou!try" a!d yet u!to this day is !o 6e!omous beast i! all Irela!d1 After it happed o! a time that a ma! of that cou!try stole a sheep" 5hich belo! ed to his !ei hbour" 5hereupo! S1 (atric4 admo!ested the people that 5homsoe6er had ta4e! it should deli6er it a ai! 5ithi! se6e! days1 ,he! all the people 5ere assembled 5ithi! the church" a!d the ma! 5hich had stole! it made !o sembla!t to re!der !e deli6er a ai! this sheep" the! S1 (atric4 comma!ded" by the 6irtue of God" that the sheep should bleat a!d cry i! the belly of him that had eate! it" a!d so happed it that" i! the prese!ce of all the people" the sheep cried a!d bleated i! the belly of him that had stole! it1 A!d the ma! that 5as culpable repe!ted him of his trespass" a!d the others from the! fortho! 4ept them from steali! of sheep from a!y other ma!1 Also S1 (atric4 5as 5o!t for to 5orship a!d do re6ere!ce u!to all the crosses de6outly that he mi ht see" but o! a time tofore the sepulchre of a pay!im stood a fair cross" 5hich he passed a!d 5e!t forth by as he had !ot see! it" a!d he 5as dema!ded of his fello5s 5hy he sa5 !ot that cross1 A!d the! he prayed to God he said for to 4!o5 5hose it 5as" a!d he said he heard a 6oice u!der the earth sayi! D Thou sa5est it !ot because I am a pay!im that am buried here" a!d am u!5orthy that the si ! of the cross should sta!d there" 5herefore he made the si ! of the cross to be ta4e! the!ce1 O! a time as S1 (atric4 preached i! Irela!d the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d did but little profit by his predicatio!" for he could !ot co!6ert the e6il" rude a!d 5ild people" he prayed to our Lord Jesu Christ that he 5ould sho5 them some si ! ope!ly" fearful a!d hastful" by 5hich they mi ht be co!6erted a!d be repe!ta!t of their si!s1 The!" by the comma!dme!t of God" S1 (atric4 made i! the earth a reat circle 5ith his staff" a!d a!o! the earth after the <ua!tity of the circle ope!ed a!d there appeared a reat pit a!d a deep" a!d S1 (atric4 by the re6elatio! of God u!derstood that there 5as a place of pur atory" i! to 5hich 5homsoe6er e!tered therei! he should !e6er ha6e other pe!a!ce !e feel !o!e other pai!" a!d there 5as sho5ed to him that ma!y should e!ter 5hich should !e6er retur! !e come a ai!1 A!d they that should retur! should abide but from o!e mor! to a!other" a!d !o more" a!d ma!y e!tered that came !ot a ai!1 As touchi! this pit or hole 5hich is !amed S1 (atric4>s pur atory" some hold opi!io! that the seco!d (atric4" 5hich 5as a! abbot a!d !o bishop" that God sho5ed to him this place of pur atory7 but certai!ly such a place there is i! Irela!d 5herei! ma!y me! ha6e bee!" a!d yet daily o i! a!d come a ai!" a!d some ha6e had there mar6ellous 6isio!s a!d see! risly a!d horrible pai!s" of 5hom there be boo4s made as of Tu!dale a!d others1 The! this holy ma! S1 (atric4" the bishop" li6ed till he 5as o!e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:t5o years old" a!d 5as the first that 5as bishop i! Irela!d" a!d died i! Aurelius Ambrose>s time that 5as 4i! of 9ritai!1 I! his time 5as the Abbot Columba" other5ise !amed Coli!4illus" a!d S1 9ride 5hom S1 (atric4 professed a!d 6eiled" a!d she o6er:li6ed him forty years1 All these three holy sai!ts 5ere buried i! ?lster" i! the city of Du!e!ce" as it 5ere i! a ca6e 5ith three chambers1 Their bodies 5ere fou!d at the first comi! of @i! Joh!" @i! +arry the seco!d>s so!" i!to Irela!d1 ?po! 5hose tombs these 6erses follo5i! 5ere 5ritte!D +ic =ace!t i! Du!o <ui tumulo tumula!tur i! u!o" 9ri ida" (atricius at<ue Columba plus" 5hich is for to say i! E! lishD I! Du!o these three be buried all i! o!e sepulchreD 9ride" (atric4" a!d Columba the mild1 -e! say that this holy bishop" S1 (atric4" did three reat thi! s1 O!e is that he dro6e 5ith his staff all the 6e!omous beasts out of Irela!d1 The seco!d" that he had ra!t of our Lord God that !o!e Irish ma! shall abide the comi! of A!tichrist1 The third 5o!der is read of his pur atory" 5hich is more referred to the less S1 (atric4" the Abbot1 A!d this holy abbot" because he fou!d the people of that la!d rebel" he 5e!t











out of Irela!d a!d came i! to E! la!d i! the Abbey of Glasto!bury" 5here he died o! a S1 9artholome5>s day1 +e flourished about the year of our Lord ei ht hu!dred a!d fifty" a!d the holy bishop died the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d !i!ety i! the o!e hu!dred a!d t5e!tyseco!d year of his a e" to 5hom pray 5e that he pray for us1

Of *" /e#et the A))ot. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" 9e!et is said because he blessed much people" or else because he had ma!y be!edictio!s i! this life1 Or forasmuch as he deser6ed for to ha6e blessi! s or be!edictio!s perpetual1 A!d the holy doctor" S1 Gre ory" 5rote his life1 Of *" /e#et the A))ot S1 9e!et 5as bor! of the pro6i!ce of Nursia" a!d 5as se!t to 3ome for to study" but i! his i!fa!cy he left the schools a!d 5e!t i!to a desert" a!d his !ourice" 5hich te!derly lo6ed him" 5e!t al5ay 5ith him till they came to a place !amed Qside" a!d there she borro5ed a 6essel for to pur e or 5i!!o5 5heat7 but the 6essel fell to the earth for !e li e!ce" a!d 5as bro4e! i! t5o pieces1 A!d 5he! S1 9e!et sa5 his !urse 5eep he had reat pity" a!d made his prayers to Almi hty God" a!d after made it also 5hole as it had bee! tofore" the! they of the cou!try too4 it a!d hu! it o! the fro!t of the church i! 5it!ess of o!e so fair a miracle1 The! left S1 9e!et his !urse a!d fled secretly" a!d came i!to a hermita e 5here he 5as !e6er 4!o5! of !o ma! but of a mo!4 !amed 3omai!" 5hich mi!istered to him meat for to eat1 A!d because that there 5as !o 5ay from the mo!astery of 3omai! u!to the pit 5here S1 9e!et 5as" he 4!it the loaf i! a cord a!d so let it do5! to him" a!d because he should hear 5he! 3omai! should let do5! the bread he bou!d a bell o! the cord" a!d by the sou!d thereof he recei6ed his bread" but the de6il ha6i! " e!6y of the charity of that o!e" a!d of the refectio! of that other" cast a sto!e a!d bra4e the bell" but !e6ertheless 3omai! left !ot to mi!ister to him1 It happed that there 5as a priest o! a! Easter day that had arrayed his di!!er for himself" a!d our Lord appeared to him a!d saidD Thou ordai!est for thyself delicious meats" a!d my ser6a!t dieth for hu! er i! such a pit" a!d !amed him the place1 The! the priest arose a!d bare his meat 5ith him a!d sou ht so lo! that he fou!d S1 9e!et i! reat pai!1 ,he! he had fou!d him he said to himD Arise a!d ta4e thy meat a!d refectio! for it is Easter Day1 +e a!s5ered" I 4!o5 5ell that it is the feast of (as4e" because that I see thee1 The priest said to himD Certai!ly this day is the day of Easter" a!d S1 9e!et 5ist it !ot because he had d5elled there so lo! a!d so far from people1 The! said they races" a!d made the be!edictio!" a!d too4 their refectio!1 It happed after this that a blac4 bird" that is called a merle" came o! a time to S1 9e!et a!d pec4ed 5ith his bill at his 6isa e" a!d rie6ed a!d !oyed him so much that he could ha6e !o rest for it" a!d could !ot put it from him" but as soo! as he had made the si ! of the cross" a!o! the bird 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d after that came to him a reat temptatio! of the flesh" by the 5hich the de6il tempted him i! sho5i! him a 5oma!" a!d he bur!t sore" a!d 5as i!flamed i! his coura e" but a!o! he came a ai! to himself7 a!d after" he despoiled himself all !a4ed a!d 5e!t amo! thor!s a!d 5allo5ed amo! the !ettles" so that his body 5as tor! a!d pai!ed" by 5hich he healed the 5ou!ds of his heart1 The! after that time he felt !o more temptatio! of his flesh1 It happed that the abbot of a mo!astery 5as dead" a!d for the ood re!omee of this holy ma! S1 9e!et" all the mo!4s of the abbey a6e their 6oices a!d elected S1 9e!et for their abbot" but he accorded !ot thereto" !e a reed to them" for he said that his co!ditio!s a!d ma!!ers 5ere !ot accordi! to theirs1 Not5ithsta!di! he 5as 6a!<uished" a!d so i!sta!tly re<uired" that at the last he co!se!ted1 9ut 5he! he sa5 they li6ed !ot !e 5ere !ot ruled accordi! to their reli io! a!d rule" he repro6ed a!d corrected them 6i orously1 A!d 5he! they sa5 that they mi ht !ot do their 5ills u!der him" they a6e him 6e!om meddled 5ith 5i!e for to dri!4" but S1 9e!et made the si ! of the cross o6er it a!d blessed it" a!d a!o! the 6essel bra4e i! pieces" 5hich 5as of lass1 ,he! S1 9e!et the! 4!e5 so that i! that 6essel 5as mortal dri!4" 5hich mi ht !ot abide !e suffer the si ! of the cross" he rose up a!d saidD God ha6e mercy o! you fair brethre!7 I said to you 5ell" at the be i!!i! " that my co!ditio!s a!d ma!!ers appertai! !ot to yours" from he!ceforth et to you a!other father" for I may !o lo! er d5ell here1 The! 5e!t he a ai! to desert" 5here God sho5ed for him ma!y si !s a!d miracles" a!d fou!ded there t5o abbeys1 No5 it happed that i! o!e of these t5o abbeys" 5as a mo!4 that mi ht !ot e!dure lo! i! prayers" a!d 5he! the other of his












fello5s 5ere i! prayer he 5ould o out of the church1 The! the abbot of that abbey sho5ed this to S1 9e!et" a!d a!o! he 5e!t for to see if it 5ere true1 A!d 5he! he came he sa5 that the de6il" i! li4e!ess of a little blac4 child" dre5 him out of the church by his co5l1 The! said S1 9e!et to the abbot a!d to S1 -aurD See ye !ot him that dra5eth him out E They saidD Nay1 The! said heD Let us pray to God that 5e may see him1 ,he! they had made their prayers S1 -aur sa5 him" but the abbot mi ht !ot see him1 The !e8t day S1 9e!et too4 a rod a!d beat the mo!4" a!d the! he abode i! prayer" li4e as the de6il had bee! beate!" a!d durst !o more come a!d dra5 him a5ay" a!d from the! fortho! he abode i! prayer a!d co!ti!ued therei!1 Of the t5el6e abbeys that S1 9e!et had fou!ded" three of them stood o! hi h roc4s" so that they mi ht ha6e !o 5ater but by reat labour1 The! came the mo!4s to him a!d prayed him that he 5ould set these abbeys i! some other place" because they had reat default of 5ater1 The! 5e!t S1 9e!et about the mou!tai!" a!d made his oriso!s a!d prayers much de6outly7 a!d 5he! he had lo! prayed he sa5 three sto!es i! a place for a si !" a!d o! the mor!" 5he! the mo!4s came for to pray" he said to themD Go ye to such a place 5here ye shall fi!d three sto!es" a!d there di a little a!d ye shall fi!d 5ater" our Lord ca! 5ell pro6ide for you 5ater1 A!d they 5e!t a!d fou!d the mou!tai! all s5eati! 5here as the three sto!es 5ere" a!d there they di ed a!d a!o! they fou!d 5ater" so reat abu!da!ce that it sufficed to them" a!d ra! do5! from the top of the hill u!to be!eath i!to the 6alley1 It happed o! a time that a ma! he5ed bushes a!d thor!s about the mo!astery" a!d his a8e or i!strume!t of iro! that he he5ed 5ith" spra! out of the hel6e a!d fell i!to a deep 5ater7 the! the ma! cried a!d sorro5ed for his tool" a!d S1 9e!et sa5 that he 5as o6er a! uished therefor a!d too4 the hel6e a!d thre5 it after i!to the pit" a!d a!o! the iro! came up a!d be a! to s5im till that it e!tered i! to the hel6e1 I! the abbey of S1 9e!et 5as a child !amed (lacidus" 5hich 5e!t to the ri6er for to dra5 5ater" a!d his foot slode so that he fell i!to the ri6er 5hich 5as much deep" a!d a!o! the ri6er bare him forth more tha! a bo5:shot1 A!d 5he! S1 9e!et" 5hich 5as i! his study" 4!e5 it" he called to S1 -aur" a!d said that there 5as a child 5hich 5as a mo!4 that 5as about to be dro5!ed" a!d bade him o to help him1 A!d a!o! S1 -aur ra! upo! the 5ater li4e as it had bee! o! dry rou!d a!d his feet dry a!d too4 up the child by the hair" a!d dre5 him to la!d" a!d after" 5he! he came to S1 9e!et" he said that it 5as !ot by his merit but by 6irtue of his obedie!ce1 There 5as a priest !amed 'lore!ti! 5hich had e!6y o! S1 9e!et" a!d he se!t to him a loaf of bread e!6e!omed1 After" 5he! S1 9e!et had this loaf he 4!e5" by the i!spiratio!" that it 5as e!6e!omed1 +e a6e it to a ra6e! that 5as 5o!t to ta4e his feedi! of S1 9e!et>s ha!d" a!d comma!ded him to bear it u!to such a place that !o ma! should fi!d it1 The! the ra6e! made sembla!t for to obey to the comma!dme!t of S1 9e!et" but he durst !ot touch it for the 6e!om" a!d fled about it ho5li! a!d cryi! 1 S1 9e!et said to himD Ta4e this bread hardily a!d bear it a5ay1 At the last the ra6e! bare it a5ay i!to such a place that there 5as !e6er heard tidi! s thereof after" a!d came a ai! the third day after a!d too4 his refectio! of S1 9e!et>s ha!d as he 5as 5o!t to do tofore1 ,he! this priest 'lore!ti! sa5 that he could !ot slay S1 9e!et" he e!forced him to slay spiritually the souls of his disciples1 +e too4 se6e! maide!s" all !a4ed" a!d se!t them i!to the arde! to da!ce a!d carol for to mo6e the mo!4s to temptatio!1 ,he! S1 9e!et sa5 the malice of 'lore!ti! he had fear of his disciples" a!d se!t them out of that place1 ,he! 'lore!ti! sa5 that S1 9e!et a!d his mo!4s 5e!t out" he deme!ed reat =oy a!d made reat feast" a!d a!o! the solar fell upo! him a!d sle5 him sudde!ly1 ,he! S1 -aur sa5 that 'lore!ti! 5as dead" he ra! after S1 9e!et a!d called him" sayi! D Come a ai!" for 'lore!ti! that hath do!e so much harm to you is dead1 ,he! S1 9e!et heard this he 5as sorry for the perilous death of 'lore!ti!" a!d because S1 -aur 5as lad for the death of his e!emy" as him seemed" he e!=oi!ed him pe!a!ce therefor1 After this he 5e!t to -ou!t Cassi!" 5here he had a!other reat ad6ersary" for i! the place 5here that Apollo 5as adored" he made a! oratory of S1 Joh! 9aptist" a!d co!6erted all the cou!try about to the christia! faith" 5hereof the de6il 5as so torme!ted that he appeared to S1 9e!et all blac4" a!d ra! upo! him 5ith ope! mouth a!d throat" a!d had his eyes all e!flamed a!d said to him" 9e!etI 9e!etI a!d S1 9e!et a!s5ered !ot1 The de6il saidD Cursed a!d !ot blessed" 5hy ha6e I so much persecutio!E It happed o! a time that as the mo!4s should lift a sto!e for a 5or4 of a! edifice" they mi ht !ot mo6e it" the! there assembled a reat multitude of people" a!d yet they all mi ht !ot lift it" but a!o! as S1 9e!et had blessed it" they lifted it a!o!1 The! appercei6ed they that the de6il 5as upo! it a!d caused it to be so












hea6y1 A!d 5he! they had a little made the 5all hi h" the de6il appeared to S1 9e!et a!d bade him o see them that edified" the! S1 9e!et se!t to his mo!4s a!d comma!ded that they should 4eep them 5ell" for the de6il 5e!t to destroy them1 9ut ere the messe! er came to them the de6il had thro5! do5! a part of the 5all" a!d had there5ith slai! a you! mo!41 The! they brou ht the mo!4" all tobruised" i! a sac4 to S1 9e!et" a!d a!o! S1 9e!et made upo! him the si ! of the cross a!d blessed him" a!d raised him to life a!d se!t him to the 5or4 a ai!1 A lay ma!" of ho!est life" had a custom o!ce i! the year to come to S1 9e!et all fasti! " a!d o! a time as he came" there 5as o!e that bare meat accompa!ied 5ith him" a!d desired that he 5ould eat 5ith him" but he refused it1 After" he prayed him the seco!d time" a!d yet he refused it" a!d said he 5ould eat !o meat till he came to S1 9e!et1 At the third time he fou!d a fair fou!tai! a!d a much delitable place" a!d be a! sore to desire him to eat 5ith him" a!d at the last he co!se!ted a!d ate1 A!d 5he! he came to S1 9e!et he said to himD ,here hast thou eate!E 5hich a!s5ered" I ha6e eate! a little1 O fair brother" the de6il hath decei6ed thee" but he could !ot decei6e thee the first !e the seco!d time" but the third time he hath surmou!ted thee1 The! the ood ma! 4!elt do5! to the feet of S1 9e!et a!d co!fessed him of his trespass1 Attila" the 4i! of Goths" 5ould o!ce pro6e if S1 9e!et had the spirit of prophecy" a!d se!t to him his ser6a!t" a!d did do array him 5ith precious robes" a!d deli6ered to him a reat compa!y as he had bee! the 4i! himself1 ,he! S1 9e!et sa5 him come" he said to himD 'air so!" do off that thou 5earest" it is !ot thi!e" a!d the ma! fell do5! a!o! to the rou!d because he moc4ed the holy ma!" a!d died a!o!1 A cler4 that 5as 6e8ed 5ith the de6il 5as brou ht to S1 9e!et for to be healed" a!d S1 9e!et put him out" a!d after" said to the cler4D Go" a!d from he!ceforth eat !o more flesh" a!d o !o more to !o!e order" for 5hat day thou oest a!d ta4est orders" the de6il shall re:e!ter i!to thee1 This cler4 held him lo! time 5ithout ta4i! a!y" till at last he sa5 you! er tha! he that 5e!t to ta4e orders" a!d had for otte! the 5ords of S1 9e!et" a!d too4 orders" a!d a!o! the de6il e!tered i! to his body a!d torme!ted him till he died1 There 5as a ma! that se!t to S1 9e!et t5o fla o!s of 5i!e" but he that bare them hid that o!e" a!d prese!ted that other 5ithout more1 ,he! S1 9e!et had recei6ed the prese!t he tha!4ed him much a!d said to himD 'air brother" ta4e ood heed ho5 thou shalt do 5ith that 5hich thou hast hid" a!d dri!4 !ot thereof for thou 4!o5est !ot 5hat is therei!1 The! he 5as ashamed" a!d so co!fused 5e!t from him" a!d 5he! he came to the place 5here he had hid it" he 5ould 5it 5hat 5as therei! li4e as S1 9e!et had told to him" a!d bo5ed it a little" a!d a!o! a serpe!t issued out1 It happed o! a time that S1 9e!et ate" a!d a you! ma! 5hich 5as so! to a reat lord held to him a ca!dle" a!d be a! to thi!4 i! his heart 5ho is this that I ser6eE I am so! u!to a reat ma!7 it appertai!eth !ot that o!e so e!tle a ma! as I am be ser6a!t to him1 ,he! S1 9e!et sa5 by e8perie!ce the pride that arose i! this mo!4" he called a!other mo!4 a!d made him to hold the ca!dle" a!d after said to himD ,hat is that thou hastE bless thy heart brother" bless it" God for i6e it thee" !o5 thou shalt ser6e me !o more7 o i!to thy cloister a!d rest thee there1 There 5as a ma! of the 4i! of Goths 5hich 5as !amed Gallas" 5hich torme!ted o6er cruelly the christia! me!" because he 5as of the sect of the Aria!s" i! such 5ise that 5here he fou!d cler4s or mo!4s he sle5 them1 The! it happed o! a day that he torme!ted a 6illai! or a carle for the co6etise of his ood7 5he! the carle sa5 that he 5ould ta4e all" he a6e all that e6er he had to S1 9e!et1 The! left Gallas to torme!t him a little" but he bou!d him 5ith the rei!s of his bridle" a!d dro6e him tofore" a!d he rode after till that he came to the abbey of S1 9e!et" a!d bade him that he should sho5 to him this 9e!et1 ,he! he came thither he sa5 S1 9e!et sta!d tofore the ate alo!e a!d studied i! a boo47 the! said the 6illai! to the tyra!tD LoI there is 9e!et that thou dema!dest after1 ,he! Gallas had loo4ed o! him cruelly" li4e he had bee! accustomed" he had supposed to ha6e dealt 5ith him li4e as he had do!e 5ith other christia! me!" a!d said to S1 9e!etD Arise up a!o! a!d deli6er to me the oods of this carle 5hich thou hast by thee1 ,he! S1 9e!et heard" he lift up a little his eyes a!d beheld the carle that 5as tofore him" a!d a!o! by reat mar6el his arms 5ere u!bou!de!" he stood tofore the tyra!t appertly" 5ithout dread1 A!d a!o! Gallas fell do5! to the feet of S1 9e!et a!d recomme!ded him to his prayers1 A!d !e6er











for all this left S1 9e!et to read o! his boo4" but called his mo!4s a!d comma!ded that his meat should be brou ht to him" a!d the mo!4s did so" a!d sith bare it a5ay1 The! admo!ested S1 9e!et the tyra!t" a!d said to him that he should lea6e his cruelty a!d his 5ood!ess" a!d he departed a!d !e6er after that day he dema!ded of 6illai! a!y ood" !e of the ma! that S1 9e!et had u!bou!de! o!ly by his si ht1

It happed o6er all Champa !e" 5hereas he d5elt that so reat a fami!e 5as i! the cou!try that much people died for hu! er1 The! all the bread of the abbey failed" a!d there 5as 5ithi! but fi6e loa6es for all the co!6e!t7 5he! S1 9e!et sa5 that they 5ere abashed he be a! debo!airly to chastise a!d 5ar! them that they should ha6e their hearts o! hi h to God" a!d said to themD ,herefore are ye i! so reat misease for breadE If ye ha6e !o!e this day ye shall ha6e it tomor!1 No5 it happed that o! the mor! they fou!d at their ate t5o hu!dred muddes of meal" 5hich 5ere properly se!t from God" for !e6er ma! 5ist from 5he!ce they came1 ,he! the mo!4s sa5 that they tha!4ed God" a!d lear!ed that they ou ht !ot doubt !e of abu!da!ce !e of po6erty1 It happed o! a time that S1 9e!et se!t his mo!4s for to edify a! abbey" a!d said that at a certai! day he 5ould come see them a!d sho5 them 5hat they should do1 The! the !i ht tofore that he had said to come he appeared to the master a!d to his mo!4s" a!d sho5ed to them all the places that they should build" but they belie6ed !ot this 6isio! a!d supposed it had bee! but a dream1 The! 5he! they sa5 that he came !ot" they retur!ed a!d said to himD 'air father" 5e ha6e abided that thou shouldst ha6e come to us li4e as thou promisedst us1 The! a!s5ered heD ,hat is that ye sayE 3emember ye !ot that I appeared to you that !i ht that I promised you a!d e!sei !ed a!d told ho5 ye should doE Go your 5ay a!d do i! such 5ise as I ha6e de6ised to you i! the 6isio!1 There 5ere t5o !u!s !i h u!to his mo!astery 5hich 5ere of much !oble li!ea e" 5hich 5ere much tal4ati6e" a!d restrai!ed !ot 5ell their to! ues" but torme!ted o6ermuch him that o6er!ed them1 A!d 5he! he had sho5ed this to S1 9e!tt" he se!t them 5ord that they should better 4eep sile!ce a!d rule their to! ues" or he 5ould curse them1 9ut they for all that 5ould !ot lea6e it" a!d so a!o! after" they died a!d 5ere buried i! the church1 A!d 5he! the deaco! cried i! the e!d of the mass that they that 5ere accursed should o out of the church" the !urse that had !ourished them a!d that e6ery day had offered for them" beheld a!d sa5 that" 5he! the deaco! sa! so" they issued out of their sepulchres a!d 5e!t out of the church" a!d 5he! S1 9e!et 4!e5 hereof he offered for them himself a!d assoiled them1 The! after that 5he! the deaco! said so as afore" they !e6er issued out after as their !urse had see! them1 There 5as a mo!4 o!e out for to see his father a!d mother" 5ithout lice!ce a!d blessi! of his abbot" a!d the day after he came thither he died7 a!d 5he! he 5as buried i! the earth the earth cast him out a ai!" a!d so it did t5ice1 The! came the father a!d mother to S1 9e!et a!d told him ho5 the earth thre5 him a!d 5ould !ot recei6e him" a!d prayed that he 5ould bless him1 The! too4 he the blessed sacrame!t a!d made it to be laid o! the breast of the corpse" a!d 5he! they had do!e so they buried him" a!d the earth thre5 him !o more out" but recei6ed the body a!d held it1 There 5as a mo!4 that could !ot abide i! the mo!astery" a!d prayed so much to S1 9e!et that he let him o" a!d 5as all a! ry" a!d a!o! as he 5as out of the abbey he fou!d a dra o! 5ith ope! mouth7 a!d 5he! he sa5 him he had fear that he 5ould ha6e de!ou!ced him" a!d cried loudD Come hither a!d help meI come hither" for this dra o! 5ill de6our meI The! the mo!4s ra!" but they sa5 !o dra o!" a!d brou ht a ai! the mo!4 trembli! a!d si hi! 1 The! the mo!4 promised that he !e6er 5ould depart from the abbey1 I! a time there 5as i! that cou!try a reat fami!e" a!d all that e6er S1 9e!et mi ht et a!d ha6e" he a6e it to the poor people" i! so much that he had !o more i! the abbey but a little oil" a!d he comma!ded yet to the cellarer to i6e it to a poor ma!1 The cellarer u!derstood him 5ell" but he a6e it !ot because there 5as !o more i! the co!6e!t1 A!d 5he! S1 9e!et 4!e5 it he too4 the 6essel a!d cast it out of the 5i!do5" a!d it 5as of lass" a!d it fell o! a sto!e a!d bra4e !ot7 the! he repro6ed the cellarer of i!obedie!ce a!d of the little hope that he had i! God7 a!d after he 5e!t u!to his prayers" a!d a!o! a reat empty tu! that 5as there 5as full of oil" i!somuch that it ra! o6er1













It happed a!other day that S1 9e!et 5e!t to 6isit his sister" !amed Scholastica" a!d as they sat at table she prayed her brother that he 5ould abide there all that !i ht" but he i! !o 5ise 5ould ra!t her" a!d said he mi ht !ot li6e out of his cloister1 A!d 5he! she sa5 that he 5ould !ot ra!t to her to abide" she i!cli!ed her head a!d made her prayers to our Lord" a!d a!o! it be a! to thu!der a!d to li hte!" a!d the air to 5a8 dar4 5hich tofore 5as fair a!d clear" a!d a reat rai! fell do5! so that for !othi! he mi ht depart1 A!d li4e as she 5ept 5ith her eyes" ri ht so forth5ith the rai! a!d storm came" a!d the! she lifted up her head1 The! S1 9e!et said to his sisterD Almi hty God for i6e you that ye ha6e do!e" for ye ha6e letted me that I may !ot depart he!ce1 A!d she saidD 'air brother" God is more courteous tha! ye be" for ye 5ould !ot accept my prayer" but God hath heard me" !o5 o if ye may1 A!d the! S1 9e!et abode there all the !i ht" spea4i! of God bet5ee! him a!d his sister 5ithout sleepi! " till they 5ere both eased1 O! the mor! S1 9e!et 5e!t to his abbey" a!d o! the third day he lift up his eyes to hea6e!" a!d sa5 the soul of his sister mou!t up i!to hea6e! i! the li4e!ess of a do6e" a!d a!o! he did the body of her to be brou ht to his abbey" a!d did it to be buried i! his tomb 5hich he had do made for himself1 O! a !i ht as S1 9e!et 5as i! his prayer at a 5i!do5" he sa5 the soul of S1 Germai!" bishop of Capua" mou!t i!to hea6e!" a!d li4e as a li ht sudde! that e!lumi!eth all the dar4!esses of the 5orld" so the li ht of that soul a6e a reat li ht7 a!d after he 4!e5 that the soul of S1 Germai! passed that same hour1 After this" 5he! time came that S1 9e!et himself should depart out of this 5orld" he sho5ed it to his mo!4s si8 days tofore" a!d did do ma4e his pit1 A!d after that a fe6er too4 him stro! ly" 5hich held him e6ery day" a!d at the si8th day he did himself to be bor!e to the church" a!d there recei6ed the body of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d after" amo! the ha!ds of his disciples" his o5! ha!ds lifti! up to hea6e! i! ma4i! his oriso!" he re!dered his soul u!to his creator1 The same hour 5as a re6elatio! sho5ed to t5o mo!4s" for they sa5 a 5ay to hea6e! all co6ered 5ith palls a!d ma!tles of old" a!d full of torches bur!i! 5hich illumi!ed all the hea6e!" 5hich came from the cell of S1 9e!et u!to hea6e!1 A!d there 5as a ma! i! a fair habit to 5hom these mo!4s dema!ded 5hat 5ay that 5as" a!d he a!s5ered that it 5as the 5ay by 5hich S1 9e!et mou!ted up to hea6e!1 The! the body of S1 9e!et 5as buried i! the oratory that he had made of S1 Joh!" 5here as 5as 5o!t to be the altar of Apollo" the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred a!d ei htee!1 To 5hom let us pray de6outly that he pray to our Lord for us" that 5e may ha6e race after this life to come to e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here #e+t followeth the Life of *" !uth)ert of Durha%" S1 Cuthbert 5as bor! i! E! la!d" a!d 5he! he 5as ei ht years old our Lord sho5ed for him a fair miracle for to dra5 him to his lo6e1 'or o! a time" as he played at the ball 5ith other childre!" sudde!ly there stood amo! them a fair you! child of the a e of three years" 5hich 5as the fairest creature that e6er they beheld" a!d a!o! he said to CuthbertD Good brother" use !o such 6ai! plays" !e set !ot thy heart o! them1 9ut for all that Cuthbert too4 !o!e heed to his 5ords" a!d the! this child fell do5! a!d made reat hea6i!ess" 5ept sore a!d 5ru! his ha!ds" a!d the! Cuthbert a!d the other childre! left their play a!d comforted him" a!d dema!ded of him 5hy he made such sorro51 The! the child said to CuthbertD All mi!e hea6i!ess is o!ly for thee" because thou usest such 6ai! plays" for our Lord hath chose! thee to be a! head of holy church7 a!d the! sudde!ly he 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d the! he 4!e5 6erily that it 5as a! a! el se!t from our Lord to him" a!d from the! fortho! he left all such 6ai! plays a!d !e6er used them more" a!d be a! to li6e holily1 A!d the! he desired of his father that he mi ht be set to school" a!d a!o! he dre5 him to perfect li6i! " for he 5as e6er i! his prayers" !i ht a!d day" a!d most desired of our Lord to do that 5hich mi ht please him a!d esche5 that should displease him1 A!d he li6ed so 6irtuously a!d holily" that all the people had =oy of him" a!d 5ithi! a 5hile after" Aida!us the bishop died1 A!d as Cuthbert 4ept sheep i! the field" loo4ed up5ard a!d sa5 a! els bear the soul Aida!us the bishop to hea6e! 5ith reat melody1 A!d after that S1 Cuthhert 5ould !o more 4eep sheep but 5e!t a!o! to the abbey of Jer6aul8" a!d there he 5as a mo!4" of 5hom all the co!6ert 5ere ri ht lad" a!d tha!4ed our Lord that had se!t him thither1 'or he li6ed there full holily" i! fasti! a!d reat pe!a!ce doi! 1 A!d at last he had the out i! his 4!ees" 5hich he had ta4e! of cold i! 4!eeli! upo! the cold sto!es 5he! he said his prayers" i! such 5ise that his 4!ees be a! to s5ell a!d the si!e5s of his le 5ere shru!4 that he mi ht !either o !or stretch out his le " but e6er he too4 it full patie!tly a!d saidD ,he! it pleaseth our Lord it shall pass a5ay1 A!d 5ithi! a 5hile after" his brethre! for to do him comfort bare him i!to the field" a!d there they met 5ith a 4!i ht 5hich saidD Let me see a!d ha!dle this Cuthbert>s le 7 a!d the! 5he! he had felt it 5ith his











ha!ds" he bade them ta4e the mil4 of a co5 of o!e colour" a!d the =uice of small pla!tai!" a!d fair 5heat flour" a!d seethe them all to ether" a!d ma4e thereof a plaister a!d lay it thereto a!d it 5ill ma4e him 5hole1 A!d as soo! as they had so do!e he 5as perfectly 5hole" a!d the! he tha!4ed our Lord full mee4ly1 A!d after" he 4!e5 by re6elatio! that it 5as a! a! el se!t by our Lord to heal him of his reat sic4!ess a!d disease1 A!d the abbot of that place se!t him to a cell of theirs to be hosteler" for to recei6e their uests a!d do them comfort" a!d soo! after our Lord sho5ed there a fair miracle for his ser6a!t S1 Cuthbert" for a! els came to him oft:times i! li4e!ess of other uests" 5hom he recei6ed a!d ser6ed dili e!tly 5ith meat a!d dri!4 a!d other !ecessaries1 O! a time there came uests to him 5hom he recei6ed" a!d 5e!t i!to the houses of office for to ser6e them" a!d 5he! he came a ai! they 5ere o!e" a!d 5e!t after for to call a!d could !ot espy them" !e 4!o5 the steps of their feet" ho5 5ell that it 5as the! a s!o57 a!d 5he! he retur!ed he fou!d the table laid a!d thereo! three fair 5hite loa6es of bread all hot 5hich 5ere of mar6ellous beauty a!d s5eet!ess" for all the place smelled of the s5eet odour of them1 The! he 4!e5 5ell that the a! els of our Lord had bee! there" a!d re!dered tha!4i! s to our Lord that he had se!t to him his a! els for to comfort him1 A!d e6ery !i ht 5he! his brethre! 5ere abed he 5ould o a!d sta!d i! the cold 5ater all !a4ed up to the chi! till it 5ere mid!i ht" a!d the! he 5ould issue out" a!d 5he! he came to la!d he mi ht !ot sta!d for feeble!ess a!d fai!t!ess" but oft fell do5! to the rou!d1 A!d o! a time as he lay thus" there came t5o otters 5hich lic4ed e6ery place of his body" a!d the! 5e!t a ai! to the 5ater that they came from1 A!d the! S1 Cuthbert arose all 5hole a!d 5e!t to his cell a ai!" a!d 5e!t to mati!s 5ith his brethre!1 9ut his brethre! 4!e5 !othi! of his sta!di! thus e6ery !i ht i! the sea to the chi!" but at the last o!e of his brethre! espied it a!d 4!e5 his doi! " a!d told him thereof" but S1 Cuthbert char ed him to 4eep it secret a!d tell !o ma! thereof duri! his life1 A!d after this 5ithi! a 5hile the bishop of Durham died" a!d S1 Cuthbert 5as elected a!d sacred bishop i! his stead after him" a!d e6er after he li6ed full holily u!to his death" a!d" by his preachi! a!d e!sample i6i! " he brou ht much people to ood li6i! 1 A!d tofore his death he left his bishopric a!d 5e!t i!to the holy isla!d" 5here he li6ed a! holy a!d solitary life" u!to that he bei! full of 6irtues" re!dered his soul u!to Almi hty God a!d 5as buried at Durham" a!d after tra!slated" a!d the body laid i! a fair a!d ho!ourable shri!e" 5here as yet daily our Lord sho5eth for his ser6a!t there ma!y fair a!d reat miracles1 ,herefore let us pray u!to this holy sai!t that he pray for us1 Here followeth the Fea t of The A##u#$iatio# or *alutatio# of the A#(el Ga)riel to our Lady"






The feast of this day is called the A!!u!ciatio! of our Lady" for o! this day the a! el Gabriel sho5ed to the lorious Vir i! -ary the comi! of the 9lessed So! of God1 That is to 5it" ho5 he ou ht to come i!to the lorious Vir i!" a!d ta4e o! her !ature a!d flesh huma! for to sa6e the 5orld1 It 5as 5ell thi! reaso!able that the a! el should come to the lorious Vir i! -ary" for li4e as E6e by the e8horti! of the de6il a6e her co!se!t to do the si! of i!obedie!ce to our perditio!" ri ht so by the reeti! of the a! el Gabriel a!d by e8horti! " the lorious Vir i! -ary a6e her co!se!ti! to his messa e by obedie!ce" to our sal6atio!1 ,herefor li4e as the first 5oma! 5as cause of our dam!atio!" so 5as the blessed Vir i! -ary be i!!i! of our redemptio!1 ,he! that the a! el Gabriel 5as se!t for to sho5 the i!car!atio! of our Sa6iour Jesu Christ" he fou!d her alo!e" e!closed i! her chamber" li4e as S1 9er!ard saith" i! 5hich the maide!s a!d 6ir i!s ou ht to abide i! their houses" 5ithout ru!!i! abroad out ope!ly" a!d they ou ht also to flee the 5ords of me!" of 5hich their ho!our a!d ood re!omee mi ht be lessed or hurt1 A!d the a! el said to the lorious Vir i! -aryD I salute thee" full of race" the Lord is 5ith thee1 There is !ot fou!d i! Scripture i! !o part such a salui! 1 A!d it 5as brou ht from hea6e! u!to the lorious Vir i! -ary" 5hich 5as the first 5oma! that e6er i! the 5orld offered to God first her 6ir i!ity1 A!d the a! el said to her afterD Thou shalt be blessed abo6e all other 5ome!" for thou shalt escape the maledictio! that all other 5ome! ha6e i! childi! i! si! a!d i! sorro57 a!d thou shalt be mother of God" a!d shalt abide a pure 6ir i! a!d clea!1 A!d our blessed Lady 5as much abashed of this salutatio!" a!d thou ht i! herself the ma!!er thereof1 This 5as a ood ma!!er of a 6ir i! that so 5isely held her still a!d spa4e !ot" a!d sho5i! e8ample to 6ir i!s" 5hich ou ht !ot li htly to spea4" !e 5ithout ad6ice !e ma!!er to a!s5er1 A!d 5he! the a! el 4!e5 that for this salutatio! she 5as timorous a!d abashed" a!o! he repeaced her" sayi! D -ary" be !othi! afeared" for thou hast fou!d soothly race at God" for thou art chose! abo6e all 5ome! for to recei6e his blessed So! a!d be mother to God" a!d moye! a!d ad6ocate for to set peace





bet5ee! God a!d ma!" for to destroy the death a!d bri! the life1 O thou that art a 6ir i!" saith S1 Ambrose" lear! of -ary to be ma!!ered a!d fearful to all me!" lear! to be still a!d to esche5 all dissolutio!s1











-ary 5as afeared of the salutatio! of the a! el" the 5hich saidD Thou shalt co!cei6e a!d bri! forth a so!" a!d thou shalt call his !ame Jesus" a!d he shall be called the So! of God1 A!d -ary said to the a! elD I! 5hat ma!!er may this be that thou sayestE 'or I ha6e purposed i! mi!e heart that I shall !e6er 4!o5 ma!" a!d yet I !e6er 4!e5 !o!e" ho5 the! shall I ha6e a child a ai!st the course of !ature" a!d may abide a 6ir i!E The! the a! el i!formed her" a!d be a! to say ho5 her 6ir i!ity should be sa6ed i! the co!cei6i! of the So! of God" a!d a!s5ered to her i! this ma!!er1 The +oly Ghost shall come i! to thee" 5hich shall ma4e thee to co!cei6eD the ma!!er ho5 thou shalt co!cei6e thou shalt 4!o5 better tha! I shall co! say" for that shall be the 5or4 of the +oly Ghost" 5hich of thy blood a!d of thy flesh shall form purely i! the body of the child that thou shalt bear" a!d other 5or4 to this co!ceptio! shalt thou !ot do1 A!d the 6irtue of God so6erei ! shall shado5 thee i! such 5ise that thou shalt !e6er feel i! thee a!y bur!i! !e co6etise car!al" a!d shall pur e thi!e heart from all desires temporal" a!d yet shall the +oly Ghost shado5 thee 5ith the ma!tle corporal" that the blessed So! of God shall be hid i! thee a!d of thee for to co6er the ri ht e8celle!t clarte of his di6i!ity7 so that by this ombre or shado5 may be 4!o5! a!d see! his di !ity7 li4e as +u h of S1 Victor a!d S1 9er!ard say1 After" the a! el saidD A!d for as much as thou shalt co!cei6e of the +oly Ghost a!d !ot of ma!" the child that shall be bor! of thee shall be called the So! of God1 ;et of this co!ceptio! 5hich is abo6e !ature" the a! el said to her this e8ampleD LoI EliHabeth thy cousi!" 5hich is barre!" hath co!cei6ed a child i! her a e" for there is !othi! impossible to God" 5hich is almi hty1 The! said the lorious Vir i! -ary to the a! el the a!s5er for 5hich he 5as comeD LoI the ha!dmaid of God" he do to me that he hath ordai!ed after thy 5ords1 She hath i6e! to us e8ample to be humble 5he! prosperity of hi h riches cometh to us" for the first 5ord that she spa4e or said 5he! she 5as made mother of God a!d <uee! of +ea6e!" that 5as that she called herself a!cille or ha!dmaid" a!d !ot lady1 -uch people is humble i! lo5 estate a!d but fe5 i! hi h estate" that is to 5it i! reat estates" a!d therefore is humility more praised i! them that be reat i! estate" as soo! as she saidD LoI here the ha!dmaid of God" let it be do!e to me after thy 5ords1 Thomas i! compe!dioD I! that same time that she had thus i6e! her asse!t to the a! el" she co!cei6ed i! her Jesu Christ" 5hich i! that same hour 5as i! her" perfect ma! a!d perfect God i! o!e perso!7 a!d as 5ise as he 5as i! hea6e!" or 5he! he 5as thirty years old1 This blessed A!!u!ciatio! happe!ed the t5e!tyfifth day of the mo!th of -arch" o! 5hich day happe!ed also" as 5ell tofore as after" these thi! s that hereafter be !amed1 O! that same day Adam" the first ma!" 5as created a!d fell i!to ori i!al si! by i!obedie!ce" a!d 5as put out of paradise terrestrial1 After" the a! el sho5ed the co!ceptio! of our Lord to the lorious Vir i! -ary1 Also that same day of the mo!th Cai! sle5 Abel his brother1 Also -elchisedech made offeri! to God of bread a!d 5i!e i! the prese!ce of Abraham1 Also o! the same day Abraham offered Isaac his so!1 That same day S1 Joh! 9aptist 5as beheaded" a!d S1 (eter 5as that day deli6ered out of priso!" a!d S1 James the more" that day beheaded of +erod1 A!d our Lord Jesu Christ 5as o! that day crucified" 5herefore that is a day of reat re6ere!ce1 Of the salutatio! that the a! el brou ht to the lorious Vir i!" 5e read a! e8ample of a !oble 4!i ht 5hich for to ame!d his life a6e a!d re!dered himself i!to a! abbey of Citeau8" a!d" forasmuch as he 5as !o cler4" there 5as assi !ed to him a master for to teach him" a!d to be 5ith the brethre! cler4s" but he could !othi! lear! i! lo! time that he 5as there sa6e these t5o 5ordsD A6e -aria" 5hich 5ords he had so sore impri!ted i! his heart that al5ay he had them i! his mouth 5heresome6er he 5as1 At last he died a!d 5as buried i! the churchyard of the brethre!1 It happed after" that upo! the burials re5 a ri ht fair fleur:de:lis" a!d i! e6ery flo5er 5as 5ritte! i! letters of oldD A6e -aria" of 5hich miracle all the brethre! 5ere amar6elled" a!d they did ope! the sepulchre" a!d fou!d that the root of this fleur:de:lis came out of the mouth of the said 4!i ht" a!d a!o! they u!derstood that our Lord 5ould ha6e him ho!oured for the reat de6otio! that he had to say these 5ords1 A6e -aria1 A!other 4!i ht there 5as that had a fair place beside the hi h5ay 5here much people passed" 5hom he robbed as much as he mi ht" a!d so he used his life1 9ut he had a ood custom" for e6ery day he saluted the lorious Vir i! -ary" i! sayi! D A6e -aria7 a!d for !o labour he left !ot to reet our Lady" as said is1 It happed that a! holy ma! passed by his house" 5hom he robbed a!d despoiled" but that holy ma! prayed them that robbed him that they 5ould bri! him to their master for he had to spea4 5ith him i! his house of a secret thi! for his profit1 A!d 5he! the robbers heard that they led him tofore the 4!i ht their lord7 a!d a!o! the holy ma! prayed him that he 5ould do come all his mei!y tofore him1 A!d 5he! his mei!y by the comma!dme!t of the 4!i ht 5ere assembled the holy ma! saidD ;et be they !ot all here7 there is o!e yet to come1 The! o!e of them apercei6ed that the chamberlai! of the lord 5as !ot come7 a!d



a!o! the 4!i ht made him to come1 A!d 5he! the holy ma! sa5 him come a!o! he saidD I co!=ure thee by the 6irtue of Jesu Christ our Lord that thou say to us 5ho thou art" a!d for 5hat cause thou art $ome hither1 A!o! the chamberlai! a!s5eredD Alas" !o5 must I say a!d 4!o5led e myself" I am !o ma! but am a de6il 5hich am i! the form of a ma! a!d ha6e ta4e! it fourtee! years" by 5hich space I ha6e d5elled 5ith this 4!i ht" for my master hath se!t me hither to the e!d that I should ta4e heed !i ht a!d day that if this 4!i ht ceased to say the salutatio!" A6e -aria" for the! I should stra! le him 5ith mi!e o5! ha!d a!d bri! him to hell because of the e6il life that he hath led a!d leadeth1 9ut because he saith e6ery day this salutatio!" A6e -aria" I mi ht !ot ha6e him" a!d therefore I abode here so lo! " for there passeth him !o day but that he salueth our Lady1 ,he! the 4!i ht heard this he 5as much afeard" a!d fell do5! to the feet of this holy ma! a!d dema!ded pardo! of his si!s1 After this the holy ma! said to the de6ilD I comma!d thee i! the !ame of our Lord that thou depart he!ce" a!d o i!to a!other place 5here thou mayst rie6e !e a!!oy !o ma!1 The! let us pray to the lorious Vir i! -ary that she 4eep us from the de6il" a!d that 5e may by her come to the lory of hea6e!" to the 5hich bri! us the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" *e$o#de. 5#i(ht"










S1 Seco!de 5as a !oble a!d 6alia!t 4!i ht a!d lorious martyr of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d suffered his passio! a!d 5as cro5!ed 5ith the palm of martyrdom i! city of Aste!ce1 9y 5hose lorious prese!ce the said city 5as embellished" a!d for a si! ular patro! e!!obled1 A!d this holy ma! Seco!de 5as i!formed i! the faith of the blessed ma! Calocerus" 5hich 5as holde! i! priso! by the pro6ost Saprice i! the said city of Aste!ce1 A!d 5he! -arcia!us 5as holde! i! priso! i! the city of Tredo!e!ce" Saprice the pro6ost 5ould o thither for to ma4e him to sacrifice" a!d S1 Seco!de much desiri! to see S1 -arcia!" 5e!t 5ith him as it had bee! because of solace1 A!d a!o! as they 5ere out of the city of Aste!ce a 5hite do6e desce!ded upo! S1 Seco!de>s head" to 5hom Saprice saidD See" Seco!de" ho5 our ods lo6e thee" 5hich se!d birds from hea6e! to 6isit thee1 A!d 5he! they came to the ri6er of Ta!aro" S1 Seco!de sa5 the a! el of God oi! upo! the flood a!d sayi! to himD Seco!de" see that thou hast firm faith" a!d thus shalt thou o abo6e them that 5orship idols1 The! Saprice saidD 9rother Seco!de" I hear the ods spea4i! to thee" to 5hom Seco!de saidD Let us 5al4 u!to the desires of our heart1 A!d 5he! they came to a!other flood that hi ht 9uri!" that same a! el aforesaid saidD Seco!de belie6est thou i! God or perad6e!ture thou doubtestE To 5hom Seco!de saidD I belie6e 6erily the truth of his passio!1 The! said SapriceD ,hat is that I hearE a!d Seco!de said !othi! 1 ,he! they should e!ter i!to Tredo!e!ce" by the comma!dme!t of the a! el" -arcia!us issued out of priso! a!d appeared to Seco!de" sayi! D Seco!de" e!ter i!to the 5ay of truth a!d recei6e the 6ictory of faith1 Saprice saidD ,ho is he that spea4eth to us as it 5ere i! a dreamE To 5hom Seco!de saidD It may be 5ell to thee a dream" but to me it is admo!itio! a!d a comfort1 After this" Seco!de 5e!t to -ila!" a!d the a! el of God brou ht 'austi! a!d Jo!atha!" 5hich 5ere holde! i! priso!" out of the city to Seco!de" a!d of them he recei6ed baptism a!d a cloud mi!istered 5ater for to baptiHe him 5ith1 A!d sudde!ly a do6e desce!ded from hea6e!" bri! i! u!to 'austi! a!d Jo!atha! the blessed sacrame!t" a!d 'austi! deli6ered it to Seco!de for to bear it to -arcia!1 The! Seco!de retur!ed 5he! it 5as !i ht" a!d 5e!t to the ri6er !amed (ade" a!d the a! el of our Lord too4 the bridle of the horse a!d led him o6er the ri6er" a!d led him u!to Tredo!e!ce" a!d set him i! the priso! 5here -arcia! 5as1 A!d Seco!de deli6ered to -arcia! the ift that 'austi! had se!t to him" a!d recei6i! it saidD The blessed body of our Lord Jesu Christ be 5ith me i!to e6erlasti! life1 The!" by the comma!dme!t of the a! el" Seco!de 5e!t out of priso! a!d 5e!t u!to his lod i! 1 After this -arcia! recei6ed se!te!ce to ha6e his head smitte! off" a!d so it 5as do!e1 A!d the! Seco!de too4 his body a!d buried it1 A!d 5he! Saprice heard thereof he did do call Seco!de to him a!d saidD 9y this that I see thee do" I see 5ell that thou art a christia! ma!1 To 5hom Seco!de saidD Verily I 4!o5led e me to be a christia! ma!7 the! Saprice saidD LoI ho5 desirest thou to die a! e6il deathE To 5hom Seco!de saidD That death is more due to thee tha! to me7 a!d 5he! Seco!de 5ould !ot sacrifice to the idols he comma!ded him to be despoiled all !a4ed" a!d a!o! the a! el of God 5as ready" a!d clad him i! a better clothi! tha! he had tofore1 The! Saprice comma!ded him to be ha! ed o! a! i!strume!t !amed eculeus" of 5hich t5o e!ds sta!d o! the rou!d" a!d t5o up5ard li4e S1 A!dre5>s cross" a!d thereo! he 5as ha! ed till his arms 5ere out of =oi!t" but our Lord restored him a!o! to health1 A!d the! he 5as comma!ded to o i! to priso!" a!d 5he! he 5as there the a! el of our Lord came to him a!d saidD Arise" Seco!de" a!d follo5 me a!d I shall lead thee to thy ma4er1 A!d he led him from the!ce u!to the city of Aste!ce" a!d brou ht him i!to the priso! 5here Calocerus 5as" a!d our blessed Sa6iour 5ith him1 A!d 5he! Seco!de



sa5 him he fell do5! at his feet" a!d our Sa6iour said to himD 9e !ot afeard" Seco!de" for I am thy Lord God that shall 4eep thee from all e6il1 A!d the! he" blessi! him" asce!ded to hea6e!1 O! the mor! Saprice se!t u!to the priso! 5hich they fou!d fast shut" but they fou!d !ot Seco!de1 The! Saprice 5e!t from Tredo!e!ce the city u!to Aste!ce for to pu!ish Calocerus" a!d 5he! he 5as come he se!t for him to be prese!ted tofore him" a!d they said to him that Seco!de 5as 5ith him" a!d a!o! he comma!ded that they should be brou ht tofore him" to 5hom he saidD 9ecause that my ods 4!o5 you to be despisers of them" they 5ill that ye both die to ether1 A!d" because they 5ould !ot do sacrifice to his ods" he did do melt pitch a!d rosi!" a!d comma!ded it to be cast upo! their heads a!d i! their mouths1 They dra!4 it 5ith reat desire" as it had bee! most s5eetest 5ater" a!d said 5ith a clear 6oiceD O Lord ho5 thy 5ords be s5eet i! our mouths1 The! Saprice a6e upo! them se!te!ce" that S1 Seco!de should be beheaded i! the city of Aste!ce a!d Calocerus should be se!t to Albi a!y a!d there to be pu!ished1 ,he! the! S1 Seco!de 5as beheaded" the a! els of our Lord too4 his body a!d buried it 5ith much 5orship a!d praisi! 1 +e suffered his death the third cale!ds of April1 Let us pray the! that he pray for us to our Lord1 Here )e(i##eth the life of Mary of E(y&t"










-ary the E yptia!" 5hich 5as called a si!!er" led a!d li6ed the most strai ht life a!d sharp that mi ht be" forty:se6e! years i! desert1 I! that time 5as a ood" holy a!d reli ious mo!4 !amed Kosimus" a!d 5e!t throu h the desert 5hich lieth beyo!d the flom Jorda! a!d much desired to fi!d some holy fathers1 A!d" 5he! he came far a!d deep i! the desert" he fou!d a creature 5hich 5as all blac4 o6er all her body" of the reat heat a!d bur!i! of the su!" 5hich 5e!t i! that desert" a!d that 5as this -ary E yptiaca aforesaid1 9ut as soo! as she sa5 Kosimus come" she fled" a!d Kosimus after1 A!d she tarried a!d saidD Abbot Kosimus" 5herefore follo5est thou meE +a6e pity a!d mercy o! me" for I dare !ot tur! my face to5ard thee" because I am a 5oma! a!d also !a4ed" but cast thy ma!tle upo! me" by 5hich I may the!" 5ithout shame" loo4 a!d spea4 5ith thee1 A!d 5he! Kosimus heard himself !amed he 5as reatly amar6elled" a!d a!o! he cast to her his ma!tle" a!d humbly prayed her that she 5ould i6e to him her blessi! 7 a!d she a!s5eredD It appertai!eth to thee fair father to i6e the be!edictio!" a!d !othi! to me" for thou hast the di !ity of priesthood1 ,he! he heard that she 4!e5 his !ame a!d his office" he had yet more mar6el" a!d of that she as4ed so mee4ly his blessi! 1 After" she saidD 9lessed be God the Sa6iour of our souls1 The! she lift up her ha!ds u!to hea6e! i! ma4i! her prayer" a!d Kosimus sa5 that i! prayi! to God her body 5as lift up from the earth 5ell !i h a foot a!d a half" a!d be a! to thi!4 that it had bee! some e6il spirit1 The! Kosimus co!=ured her by the 6irtue of God that she should tell to him her estate a!d her co!ditio!" a!d she a!s5eredD 'air father" spare me thereof" for if I should recou!t mi!e estate ye should flee a5ay from me li4e as from a 6e!omous serpe!t" a!d thy holy ears should be made foul of my 5ords" a!d the air should be full a!d foul of corruptio!1 A!d 5he! she sa5 that Kosimus 5ould !ot be satisfied so" the! she saidD 'air father I 5as bor! i! E ypt" a!d 5he! I 5as i! the a e of t5el6e years I 5e!t i!to Ale8a!dria" a!d there I a6e my body ope!ly to si! by the space of se6e!tee! years" a!d aba!do!ed it to lechery a!d refused !o ma!1 After" it happed that me! of that cou!try 5e!t for to adore a!d 5orship the holy cross i! Jerusalem" a!d I prayed to o!e of the mari!ers that he 5ould suffer me to pass 5ith the other people the sea" a!d 5he! he me dema!ded payme!t for my passa e" I a!s5eredD 'air sirs" I ha6e !othi! to pay you 5ith" but I aba!do! my body to do 5ithal your pleasure for my passa e" a!d they too4 me by that co!ditio!7 a!d 5he! I 5as come i!to Jerusalem u!to the e!try of the church for to 5orship the holy cross 5ith the others" I 5as sudde!ly a!d i!6isibly put abac4 ma!y times" i! such 5ise that I mi ht !ot e!ter i!to the church1 A!d the! I retur!ed a!d thou ht i! myself that this came to me for the reat si!s that I had committed i! time past" a!d be a! to smite my breast a!d 5eep te!derly a!d si h rie6ously1 A!d I beheld there the ima e of our Lady" a!d I fell do5! a!d prayed her all 5eepi! that she 5ould impetre a!d et me pardo! of my si!s of her s5eet So!" a!d 5ould suffer me to e!ter i!to the church for to 5orship the holy cross" promisi! to forsa4e the 5orld" a!d a!d from the! fortho! to li6e chaste1 ,he! I had thus prayed" a!d to our blessed Lady thus faithfully promised" I 5e!t a ai! to the doors of the church" a!d 5ithout a!y impedime!t I e!tered i!to the church1 A!d 5he! I had de6outly 5orshipped a!d adored the holy cross" a ma! a6e to me three pe!ce" of 5hich I bou ht three loa6es of bread1 A!d after" I heard a!o! a 6oiceD If thou 5ilt pass a!d o o6er flom Jorda! thou shalt be safe" a!d the! I passed Jorda!" a!d came i!to this desert" 5here I !e6er sa5 ma! by the space of se6e!tee! years1 These three loa6es" that I bare 5ith me" became hard" by the drou ht of the time" as a sto!e" of 5hich I too4 my suste!a!ce" a!d sufliced to me se6e!tee! years" a!d after" I ate herbs1 -y clothes be rotte! lo! sith" a!d these se6e!tee! flrst years I 5as much tempted by the bur!i! of the su!








much asprely" a!d ma!y delectatio!s that I ha6e had i! meat a!d dri!4" the ood 5i!es" a!d doi! the desires of my body" all these came i! my thou ht1 The! I be5ailed them o! the earth" a!d prayed for help to our blessed Lady i! 5hom I had set all my affia!ce" a!d I 5ept much te!derly1 A!d a!o! I sa5 comi! about me a reat li ht" by the 5hich I 5as all recomforted" a!d lost all the thou hts 5hich oft a!d rie6ously tempted me1 A!d sith" I ha6e bee! deli6ered of all temptatio!s a!d am !ourished of spiritual meat of the 5ord of our Lord1 A!d thus ha6e I bee! all my life as I ha6e told to thee" a!d I pray thee by the i!car!atio! of Jesu Christ that thou pray for me" si!ful creature1 The! the old father Kosimus fell do5! u!to rou!d" a!d tha!4ed our Lord God that had thus sa6ed his ser6a!t1 A!d she saidD I pray thee fair father that thou 5ilt come a ai! o! the !e8t Shere:Thursday" a!d bri! 5ith thee the body of our Lord for to housel me" for sith I e!tered i!to this desert I 5as !e6er houseled !e recei6ed the holy sacrame!t" a!d the! I shall come to flom Jorda! a ai!st thee1 KoHimus 5e!t to his abbey" a!d" after the year passed" o! ShereThursday he came a ai! i! to the place li4e as the holy 5oma! had prayed him1 A!d 5he! he 5as come to flom Jorda! he sa5 o! that other side the holy 5oma!" 5hich made the si ! of the cross upo! the 5ater a!d 5e!t o! it" a!d came o6er to him1 ,he! Kosimus sa5 this miracle" a!o! he fell do5! to the feet of the holy 5oma! for to do to her ho!our a!d re6ere!ce" but she forbade a!d defe!ded him a!d saidD Thus ou htest thou !ot to do" for thou art a priest" a!d bearest the holy sacrame!t1 The 5hich she recei6ed i! ri ht reat de6otio!" a!d said i! 5eepi! D Lord God please it to thee to recei6e me i! peace for mi!e eyes ha6e see! my Sa6iour1 +o5 5ell that she had al5ays 5ept a!d shed tears so abu!da!tly that it seemed that she had lost her si ht1 A!d after" she said to KosimusD I pray thee that at the e!d of this year thou 5ilt come hither a ai! to me a!d pray for me" si!ful creature" a!d a!o! after" she made the si ! of the cross upo! the ri6er a!d passed o6er the 5ater 5ith dry feet as she tofore came1 A!d Kosimus 5e!t a ai! to his abbey" but he repe!ted much that he had !ot dema!ded the !ame of the 5oma!1 A!d after the year passed he came a ai! to the desert" li4e as he had promised to this holy 5oma!" a!d he fou!d her dead" a!d the body ordi!ately laid as it should be buried1 Kosimus be a! the! a!o! te!derly to 5eep" a!d durst !ot approach !e touch the body" but said to himselfD I 5ould ladly bury this holy body if I 4!e5 that I should !ot displease her1 A!d 5he! he 5as i! this thou ht he sa5 Iyi! by her head a letter" that said i! this ma!!erD Kosimus" bury ri ht here the body of the poor -ary a!d re!der to the earth his ri ht" a!d pray to God for me" at 5hose comma!dme!t the seco!d day after I recei6ed him" he called me from this 5orld1 The! Kosimus 5as much lad that he 4!e5 the !ame of the sai!t" but he 5as reatly dismayed ho5 he mi ht bury the body" for he had !othi! for to del6e the earth 5ith1 A!d a!o! he sa5 the earth dol6e!" a!d a sepulchre made by a lio! that came thither1 A!d the! Kosimus buried her" a!d the lio! departed debo!airly" a!d Kosimus retur!ed to his abbey a!d recou!ted to his brethre! the co!6ersatio! of this holy 5oma! -ary1 A!d Kosimus li6ed a! hu!dred years i! holy life" a!d a6e laud to God of all his ifts" a!d his ood!ess that he recei6eth si!!ers to mercy" 5hich 5ith ood heart tur! to him" a!d promiseth to them the =oy of hea6e!1 The! let us pray to this holy -ary the E yptia! that 5e may be here so pe!ite!t that 5e may come thither1 Here followeth of *" A%)ro e. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"

Ambrose is said of a sto!e !amed ambra" 5hich is much s5eet" odora!t a!d precious" a!d also it is much precious i! the church" a!d much s5eet smelli! i! deeds a!d i! 5ords1 Or Ambrose may be said of ambra a!d syos 5hich is as much to say as God" for Ambrose is as much to say as amber of God" for Ambrose felt God i! him" a!d God 5as smelled a!d odoured by him o6er all 5here as he 5as1 Or he 5as said of ambor i! Gree4" 5hich is to say as father of li ht" a!d of sior" that is a little child that is a father of ma!y so!s by spiritual e!eratio!" clear a!d full of li ht i! e8positio! of holy Scripture" a!d 5as little i! his humble co!6ersatio!1 Or thus as is said i! the lossary" Ambrose is odour a!d sa6our celestial" he 5as odour of hea6e! by reat re!omee smelli! " sa6our by co!templatio! 5ithi! him" a! ho!eycomb by s5eet e8positio! of scriptures" meat of a! els by his lorious life1 A!d (auli!us" bishop of Volusia!" 5rote his life u!to S1 Austi!1 Of the Life of *" A%)ro e" S1 Ambrose 5as so! of Ambrose" pro6ost of 3ome" of 5hom it happed as he lay i! his cradle i! the hall of the prFtorium" that there came a s5arm of bees 5hich fell o! his 6isa e a!d his mouth" a!d after" they departed a!d fle5 up i! the air so hi h that they mi ht !ot be see!1 ,he! this 5as do!e" the father" 5hich 5as hereof dismayed" saidD If this child li6e" there shall be some reat thi! of him1 After" 5he! he 5as a








little ro5!" he beheld his mother a!d his sister" 5hich 5as a sacred 6ir i!" 4iss the priests> ha!d 5he! they offered" a!d he playi! 5ith his sister put forth his ha!d for to 4iss" a!d said that so beho6ed her to do to him1 A!d she" !ot u!dersta!di! him" refused it1 After" he 5as set to school at 3ome" a!d became to be so ood a cler4 that he determi!ed the causes of the palace" a!d therefore Vale!ti!ia! the emperor deli6ered him to o6er!" t5o pro6i!ces !amed Li uria a!d Qmilia1 The! 5he! he came i!to -ila! it happed that the bishop 5as dead" a!d the people 5ere assembled to pro6ide for a!other" but" bet5ee! the Aria!s a!d the ood christia! me!" for the electio!" fell a reat seditio! a!d discord1 A!d Ambrose for to appease this seditio! 5e!t thither" a!d the 6oice of a child 5as heard sayi! D Ambrose ou ht to be bishopD a!d a!o! all the people accorded thereto 5holly" a!d be a! for to cryD AmbroseI AmbroseI 9ut Ambrose defe!ded as much as he mi ht" a!d al5ay the people criedD AmbroseI The! for to ma4e the people cease" he 5e!t out of the church" a!d 5e!t up o! a scaffold" a!d made the people to be beate!" a ai!st the usa e a!d custom" for to let them" that they should !ame him !o more1 9ut yet they left !ot for all that" but the people saidD Thy si! be upo! us1 The! he bei! sore troubled" 5e!t home" a!d suffered commo! 5ome! to e!ter ope!ly i!to his house" to the e!d that 5he! the people sa5 that" they should re6o4e their electio!7 but for all that they cried as they did tofore a!d saidD Thy si!s be upo! us1 ,he! S1 Ambrose sa5 that he mi ht !ot empesh the electio! he fled a5ay" but the people a5aited upo! him a!d too4 him at the issue of the ate" a!d 4ept him so lo! till they had ra!t of the emperor1 A!d 5he! the emperor 4!e5 hereof he had reat =oy" because that the =ud e that he had se!t for the pro6i!ces 5as chose! to be their bishop" a!d also he 5as lad because his 5ord 5as accomplished" for the emperor said to Ambrose 5he! he se!t him thitherD Go" said he" a!d abide !ot there as a =ud e but as a bishop1 S1 Ambrose i! the mea!5hile that they abode the a!s5er of the emperor fled yet a5ay" but he 5as ta4e! a ai! a!d 5as baptiHed" for he 5as !ot tofore baptiHed" ho5 5ell that he 5as christia! i! 5ill1 A!d the ei hth day after he 5as co!secrate a!d stalled bishop of -ila!1 A!d four years after that he 5e!t to 3ome" a!d there his sister" the 6ir i!" 4issed his ha!d as of a priest" a!d he smili! saidD LoI as I told thee" !o5 thou 4issest my ha!d as of a priest1 It happed after that" 5he! S1 Ambrose 5e!t to a!other city to the electio! of a bishop" Justi!a the empress" a!d others of the sect of the Aria!s 5ould !ot co!se!t to the ood christia! me!" but 5ould ha6e o!e of their sect1 The! o!e of the 6ir i!s of the empress" much fair" too4 S1 Ambrose a!d dre5 him by his 6estme!ts a!d 5ould ha6e made him to be beate! because he 5ould !ot hold the party of the 5ome!1 The! S1 Ambrose said to herD If I be !ot 5orthy to be a bishop" yet thou ou htest !ot to lay ha!d upo! me !e !o!e other bishop" thou hast laid ha!d o! me" thou ou htest much redoubt a!d dread the =ud me!t of God1 A!d therefore God co!firmed his se!te!ce o! her" for the !e8t day she 5as bor!e to her ra6e a!d 5as dead1 Thus 5as she re5arded for the 6illai!y that she had do!e" a!d all the other 5ere thereby sore afraid1 After this" 5he! he 5as retur!ed to -ila! he suffered ma!y assaults a!d persecutio!s of the empress Justi!a" for she mo6ed" by ifts a!d by ho!ours" much people a ai!st S1 Ambrose" a!d ma!y there 5ere that e!forced them to se!d him i! e8ile" a!d amo! all others there 5as o!e mou!ted i! so reat mad!ess a!d fury a ai!st him" that he hired him a! house by the church because he 5ould ha6e therei! a cart for to set S1 Ambrose thereo! a!d lead him i! to e8ile1 9ut that same fell to him" for he himself 5as se!t i! e8ile i! the same cart the same day that he 5ould ha6e led a5ay S1 Ambrose1 To 5hom yet S1 Ambrose did ood for e6il" for he mi!istered to him his costs a!d !ecessaries1 S1 Ambrose also established i! the church" so! a!d offices at -ila! first1 There 5ere at that time i! -ila! ma!y me! 6e8ed a!d beset 5ith de6ils" 5hich cried 5ith hi h 6oice that S1 Ambrose torme!ted them thus" but the empress Justi!a a!d the Aria!s said that S1 Ambrose made them to say so for mo!ey that he a6e to them1 The! it happed that o!e of the Aria!s 5as out of his mi!d a!d said thusD 9e they all torme!ted as I am that co!se!t !ot to S1 Ambrose" a!d therefore the other Aria!s dro5!ed him i! a deep pisci!e or pit1 There 5as a!other heretic a!d a! Aria!" a sharp ma! a!d so hard that he 5as i!co!6ertible" because !o ma! mi ht co!6ert him to the faith1 O! a time he heard S1 Ambrose preach" a!d he sa5 at his ear a! a! el that told him all that he preached" a!d 5he! he had percei6ed this he be a! to sustai! the faith to 5hich he had bee! co!trary1 After this it happed that a! e!cha!ter called de6ils to him a!d se!t them to S1 Ambrose for to a!!oy a!d rie6e him" but the de6ils retur!ed a!d said that they mi ht !ot approach to his ate because there 5as a reat fire all about his house1 A!d this e!cha!ter" after" 5he! he 5as torme!ted of the pro6ost for certai! trespasses" he cried a!d said that he 5as torme!ted of S1 Ambrose1








There 5as a ma! that had a de6il 5ithi! him" a!d after 5e!t to -ila!" a!d a!o!" as he e!tered the city" the de6il left him" a!d as soo! as he 5e!t out of the city the de6il re:e!tered i! him a ai!1 The! he dema!ded him 5hy he did so" a!d he a!s5ered because he 5as afeard of Ambrose1

After" it happed that a ma! bei! co!ducted a!d hired of Justi!a the empress" 5e!t to the bedside of S1 Ambrose a!d 5ould ha6e put a!d ri6e! his s5ord throu h his body" but a!o! his arm 5as dried up1 A!other that 5as 6e8ed 5ith a de6il said that S1 Ambrose torme!ted him" but S1 Ambrose made him to be still" for Ambrose torme!teth !o!e" but that doth the e!6y of thee" for thou seest me! asce!d from 5he!ce thou art falle!" a!d that is it 5hich torme!teth thee" for Ambrose ca!!ot be so blo5! a!d s5olle! as thou art7 the! 5as he still a!d spa4e !ot1 ,he! S1 Ambrose 5e!t i!to the to5! he sa5 a ma! lau h because he sa5 a!other fall" the! said Ambrose to himD Thou that lau hest" be5are that thou fall !ot also" a!d after he fell" a!d thus 5as he tau ht that he should !ot moc4 his fello51 O! a time S1 Ambrose 5e!t u!to the palace for to pray for a poor ma!" but the =ud e made to close the ate that he mi ht !ot e!ter i!7 the! S1 Ambrose saidD Thou shalt come for to e!ter i!to the church" but thou shalt !ot e!ter" a!d yet shall the ates be ope!1 A!d so it happed that after" the =ud e doubted his e!emies a!d 5e!t to the church" but he mi ht !ot e!ter i!" a!d yet the ates 5ere ope!1 S1 Ambrose 5as of so reat absti!e!ce that he fasted e6ery day sa6e the Su!day or a solem! feast1 +e 5as of so reat lar ess that he a6e all to poor people a!d retai!ed !othi! for himself1 +e 5as of so reat compassio! that 5he! a!y co!fessed to him his si!" he 5ept so bitterly that he 5ould ma4e the si!!er to 5eep1 +e 5as of so reat doubt that" 5he! it 5as told to him of the death of a!y bishop" he 5ould 5eep so sore that u!!ethe he mi ht be comforted" a!d 5he! it 5as dema!ded him 5hy he 5ept for the death of ood me!" for he ou ht better to ma4e =oy because they 5e!t to hea6e!" the! he a!s5eredD I 5eep !ot because they o tofore me" but because that u!!ethe a!d 5ith reat pai! may a!y be fou!d for to do 5ell such offices1 +e 5as of so reat steadfast!ess a!d so established i! his purpose that he 5ould !ot lea6e" for dread !e for rief that mi ht be do!e to him" to repro6e the emperor !e the other reat me! 5he! they did thi! s that they ou ht !ot to do" !e he 5ould flatter !o ma!1 There 5as brou ht o!ce tofore him a ma! 5hich 5as rie6ously mismade7 the! said S1 AmbroseD The body must be deli6ered to the de6il a!d that the flesh o to the death" by 5hich the spirit may be sa6ed1 ?!!ethe 5as the 5ord out of his mouth but the de6il be a! to torme!t him1 After" as it is said" o! a time he 5e!t to 3ome" a!d 5he! he 5as o! a time by the 5ay harboured 5ith a rich ma!" S1 Ambrose be a! to dema!d him of his estate1 That rich ma! a!s5eredD Sir" mi!e estate is happy e!ou h a!d lorious" for I ha6e riches e!ou h" ser6a!ts" 6arlets" childre!" !ephe5s" cousi!s" frie!ds" a!d 4i!sme! 5hich ser6e me" a!d all my 5or4s a!d besoi!s come to my 5ill" !e I ha6e !e6er thi! that may a! er !e trouble me1 The! said S1 Ambrose to them that 5ere 5ith himD 'lee 5e he!ce" for our Lord God is !ot here" haste you fair childre!" haste you a!d let us abide here !o lo! er lest the 6e! ea!ce of God ta4e us" a!d that 5e be !ot 5rapped i! the si!s of these people1 They departed a!d fled a!o!" but they 5ere !ot o!e far but that the earth ope!ed a!d s5allo5ed i! all the house of this rich ma!" a!d there abode !ot as much as the step !e of himself !e of all that e6er he had1 The! said S1 AmbroseD behold fair childre! ho5 reat pity a!d ho5 reat mercy God doth to them that ha6e ad6ersity i! this 5orld" a!d ho5 5roth he is to them that ha6e the 5ealth a!d riches of this 5orld1 Of 5hich thi! appeareth yet the pit or foss 5hich e!dureth i!to this day i! 5it!ess of this ad6e!ture1 ,he! S1 Ambrose beheld that a6arice" 5hich is root of all e6ils" re5 more a!d more i! much people" a!d specially i! reat me! a!d i! them that 5ere i! most reat estate" 5hich sold all for mo!ey" a!d 5ith the mi!isters of the church he sa5 simo!y rei !" he be a! to pray to God that he 5ould ta4e him a5ay from the miseries of this 5orld" a!d he impetred that 5hich he desired1 The! he called his fello5ship" a!d said to them" i! =oyi! " that" he should abide 5ith them u!to the resurrectio! of our Lord1 A!d a little tofore that he lay sic4" as he e8pou!ded to his !otary the forty:fourth psalm" sudde!ly" i! the prese!ce a!d si ht of his !otary" a fire i! the ma!!er of a shield co6ered his head a!d e!tered i!to his mouth1 The! became his face as 5hite as a!y s!o5" a!d a!o! after it came a ai! to his first form" a!d that day he left his 5riti! a!d i!diti! 1 The! be a! his malady to rie6e him" a!d the Earl of Italy 5hich 5as the! at













-ila! called the e!tleme! of the cou!try" a!d said to them that if so reat a!d ood a ma! should o from them it should be reat pity a!d reat peril to all Italy" a!d said to them that they all should o 5ith him to this holy ma! a!d pray him that he 5ould et ra!t of our Lord of space a!d lo! er life1 ,he! S1 Ambrose had heard their re<uest he a!s5eredD 'air so!s" I ha6e !ot so li6ed amo! you that I am ashamed to li6e if it please God" !e I ha6e !o fear re dread of death" for 5e ha6e a ood Lord1 I! this time assembled his four deaco!s a!d be a! to treat 5ho should be a ood bishop after him" a!d they !amed secretly amo! themsel6es" that u!!ethe they themsel6es heard it" Simplicia!1 S1 Ambrose 5as far from them" they 5ee!ed that he mi ht !ot ha6e heard them" a!d he cried o! hi h thriceD +e is old a!d he is ood1 ,he! they heard him they 5ere much abashed a!d departed" a!d sith after his death they chose the same Simplicia! for the ood 5it!ess that S1 Ambrose had bor!e of him1 A bishop 5hich 5as !amed +o!orius" that abode the death of S1 Ambrose" slept a!d heard a 6oice that thrice called him a!d saidD Arise thou up for he shall o his 5ay a!o!1 The! he arose a!o! hastily a!d 5e!t to -ila! a!d a6e to him the holy sacrame!t" the precious body of our Lord1 A!d a!o! S1 Ambrose laid his arms i! form of a cross a!d made his prayers" a!d so departed a!d a6e up his host amo! the 5ords of his prayers" about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d ei hty" the 6i il of Easter1 A!d 5he! his body i! the !i ht 5as bor!e i! to the church ma!y childre! that 5ere baptiHed" sa5 him" as they said" sitti! i! a chair ho!orably" a!d others sho5ed him 5ith their fi! ers to their father a!d others" a!d some said that they sa5 a star upo! his body1 There 5as a priest" that sat at meat 5ith others" 5hich said !ot 5ell of him" but mislaid" but a!o! God so chastised him that he 5as bor!e from the table a!d died a!o! after1 I! the city of Cartha e 5ere three bishops to ether at di!!er" a!d o!e of them spa4e e6il by detractio! of S1 Ambrose" a!d there 5as a ma! that told 5hat 5as befalle! for such la! ua e to this aforesaid priest" but he moc4ed a!d =aped so much that he felt a stro4e mortal7 that that same day he died a!d 5as buried1 It is fou!d 5ritte! i! a chro!icle that the emperor Vale!ti!ia! 5as 5roth because that i! the city of Thessalo!ica the people had sto!ed to death his =ud es that 5ere se!t thither i! his !ame" a!d for to a6e! e the same the emperor did do slay fi6e thousa!d perso!s" reat a!d little" ood a!d e6il" a!d as 5ell them that had !ot trespassed as them that had deser6ed it1 A!d 5he! after this occisio! he came to -ila! a!d 5ould e!ter i!to the church" S1 Ambrose came a ai!st him a!d defe!ded him the e!try" a!d said to him that after so reat 5ood!ess thou ou htest !ot to do so reat presumptio!" but perad6e!ture thy po5er suffereth !ot thee to ac4!o5led e thy trespass1 It appertai!eth that reaso! surmou!t po5er1 Thou art emperor" but that is for to pu!ish the e6il people1 +o5 art thou so hardy to e!ter so boldly i!to the house of God 5hom thou hast horribly a! eredE +o5 darest thou 5ith thy feet touch his pa6eme!tE +o5 darest thou stretch thy ha!ds 5hich be all bloody" a!d of 5hom the blood of i!!oce!ts ru! a!d drop off1 9y 5hat presumptio! darest thou put forth thy mouth to recei6e the precious body a!d blood of our Lord" of 5hich mouth thou hast do!e the comma!dme!t of the de6ilE Go he!ceI o he!ceI a!d put !ot si! upo! si!1 Ta4e the bo!d that our Lord hath bou!de! thee 5ith" for it is i6e! to thee i! the 5ay of medici!e1 ,he! the emperor heard these 5ords" he 5as obedie!t a!d be a! to 5ail a!d 5eep" a!d retur!ed i!to his palace a!d abode there lo! 5eepi! 1 The! 3uffi! the master of his 4!i hts dema!ded 5herefore he so sorro5ed a!d 5ept" a!d he a!s5ered 3uff!" thou 4!o5est !ot my sorro5s" for I see that ser6a!ts a!d poor be ars may e!ter i!to the church that I may !ot e!ter" for Ambrose hath e8commu!icated me1 A!d he sayi! this" at e6ery 5ord he si hed1 The! said 3uffi! to him" if thou 5ilt I shall ma4e him a!o! to assoil thee1 +e a!s5eredD Thou mayst !ot" for Ambrose doubteth !ot the force !e the po5er of the emperor" to the e!d that he hold firmly the la5 of God1 A!d 5he! 3uffi! said more a!d more that he should ma4e him i!cli!e to assoil him" the! he se!t him to Ambrose" a!d the emperor follo5ed soo! after much humbly1 ,he! S1 Ambrose sa5 3uffi! come" he said to himD Thou hast !o more shame tha! a! hou!d for to do such occisio!" a!d !o5 comest boldly to me1 ,he! 3uffi! had prayed him lo! for to assoil the emperor" 5hich came follo5i! him" S1 Ambrose said to himD Certai!ly I defe!d to him the e!try i!to the church" a!d if he 5ill be a tyra!t I 5ill much ladly recei6e the death1 The! retur!ed 3uffi! to the emperor" a!d recou!ted to him ho5 he had do!e" a!d the emperor saidD Certai!ly I shall o to him that I may recei6e of him 6illai!y e!ou h" for it is 5ell ri ht1 ,he! he 5as come to him he dema!ded of him absolutio! much de6outly1 S1 Ambrose dema!ded of him 5hat pe!a!ce hast thou do!e for so reat 5ic4ed!essE The emperor alle ed to him that Da6id had si!!ed a!d after had mercy1 S1 Ambrose saidD Thou that hast follo5ed him that si!!ed" follo5 also him repe!ta!t1 The! said the emperorD It appertai!eth to thee to i6e a!d e!=oi! pe!a!ce" a!d I shall do it1 The! he bade him do ope! pe!a!ce a!d commo! tofore all the people" a!d the emperor recei6ed it ladly a!d refused it !ot1











,he! the emperor 5as reco!ciled to the church he stood i! the cha!cel1 The! said to him S1 AmbroseD ,hat see4est thou hereE +e a!s5eredD I am here for to recei6e the sacred mysteries7 a!d Ambrose saidD This place appertai!eth to !o ma! but to priests1 Go out" for ye ou ht to be 5ithout the cha!cel a!d abide there 5ith other1 The! obeyed the emperor humbly a!d 5e!t out1 A!d after" 5he! the emperor came to Co!sta!ti!ople" a!d he stood 5ithout 5ith the lay people" the bishop came a!d said to him that he should come i!to the cha!cel 5ith the cler4s" he a!s5ered that he 5ould !ot" for he had lear!ed of S1 Ambrose 5hat differe!ce there 5as bet5ee! a! emperor a!d a priest1 I ha6e fou!d a ma! of truth" my master Ambrose" a!d such a ma! ou ht to be a bishop1 The live of the *ai#t Ty)urtiu a#d Valeria# )e $o#tai#ed i# the life of !i$ely. Vir(i# a#d Martyr"


The 0ife of *" Al&ha(e /i ho& a#d Martyr"

S1 Alpha e the holy bishop a!d martyr 5as bor! i! E! la!d i! the shire of Gloucester" a!d he came of a !oble 4i!" a!d 5as his father>s heir" but he forsoo4 all for God>s lo6e" a!d became a mo!4 at Deerhurst" fi6e miles from Gloucester7 but after5ard ood @i! Ed5ard a6e that house of Deerhurst to the house of S1 De!is i! 'ra!ce1 A!d 5he! S1 Alpha e had bee! mo!4 there lo! time" li6i! a full holy life" the! he 5e!t from the!ce to the Abbey of 9ath" to be there i! more co!templatio! a!d rest of soul1 A!d he builded there that fair abbey a!d established therei! blac4 mo!4s a!d e!do5ed it" a!d 5as himself therei! the first abbot a!d fou!der1 A!d he led there a full holy life" a!d much 5ell he uided the mo!4s i! holy a!d 6irtuous li6i! 1 A!d that time 5as S1 Du!sta!" bishop of Ca!terbury" a!d S1 Ethel5old" bishop of ,i!chester1 9ut 5ithi! short time after S1 Ethel5old died" a!d the! S1 A!dre5 appeared to S1 Du!sta! i! a !i ht a!d bade him arise a!o! a!d ma4e Alpha e" abbot of 9ath" bishop of ,i!chester" a!d so it 5as do!e 5ith reat solem!ity" li4e as our Lord by his holy apostle S1 A!dre5 had comma!ded" a!d he 5as bishop there t5e!ty:t5o years i! full holy li6i! 1 A!d after that he 5as made archbishop of Ca!terbury" after S1 Du!sta!" a!d thereto he 5as chose! by the pope" a!d by all the cler y of E! la!d" i! the year of our Lord o!e thousa!d a!d si8 years" a!d si8 years he 5as bishop of Ca!terbury1 A!d i! the se6e!th year came a 5ic4ed tyra!t out of De!mar4 i!to this la!d of E! la!d" 5hose !ame 5as Erdrithe" 5ith a reat multitude of Da!es1 A!d they bur!t a!d robbed i! e6ery place 5here they came" a!d sle5 ma!y lords of the la!d" a!d ma!y of the commo! people1 A!d that time 5as Ethelred 4i! of E! la!d" a!d S1 Ed5ard the martyr 5as his brother" a!d S1 Ed5ard the co!fessor his so!" the 5hich lieth at ,estmi!ster1 A!d i! this time the Da!es did do much harm i! this la!d1 The chief pri!ce of them hi ht Thur4ill a!d his brother Erdrithe 5as leader of the host1 They did full reat persecutio!" for there 5as !o!e that mi ht resist !e 5ithsta!d them" for @i! Ethelred 5as a mee4 ma! a!d too4 !o!e heed to help his people1 A!d Erdrithe" 5ith the Da!es 5e!t to Ca!terbury" a!d there he did much 5ic4ed!ess to the people" a!d bur!t a!d destroyed all that he mi ht fi!d" but at the last he 5as slai! by me! of Ca!terbury1 A!d 5he! the (ri!ce Thur4ill 5ist that he 5as slai!" he 5as much a! ry" a!d i! reat haste he came to Ca!terbury a!d besie ed the to5! a!d a!o! he at it" a!d bur!t a!d destroyed all that he mi ht1 A!d this holy bishop S1 Alpha e came to the pri!ce of the Da!es" a!d prayed him to ta4e his body a!d spare the poor people of the to5!" but for all that he sle5 mo!4s" priests a!d all that he mi ht fi!d1 A!d he tithed the mo!4s" he sle5 !i!e mo!4s a!d sa6ed the te!th" a!d yet he thou ht there 5ere o6er ma!y ali6e" a!d be a! to tithe them a ai!. a!d the! S1 Alpha e repro6ed them for their cursed doi! s1 A!d the! a!o! they too4 S1 Alpha e" the holy ma!" a!d bou!d his ha!ds behi!d him" a!d they led him 5ith them from the!ce u!to the to5! of Gree!5ich beside Lo!do!" a!d there they put him i! priso! half a year a!d more1 A!d the 'riday i! the Easter 5ee4 the de6il appeared to this holy ma! i! the priso!" i! li4e!ess of a! a! el" a!d said u!to him that it 5as our Lord>s 5ill that he should o out of priso! a!d follo5 him1 A!d this holy ma! belie6ed him a!d 5e!t out" a!d follo5ed the 5ic4ed a! el by !i ht" a!d he brou ht this holy ma! i!to a dar4 6alley" a!d there he 5aded o6er 5aters a!d ditches" mires a!d hed es" a!d e6er this holy ma! follo5ed him as he mi ht for 5eari!ess" till at the last he had brou ht him i!to a foul mire that 5as set about 5ith reat 5aters" a!d there the de6il left him" a!d 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d the! this holy ma! 5ist 5ell that he 5as decei6ed by his e!emy the fie!d" a!d the! he cried God mercy a!d prayed him of














help1 A!d the! our Lord se!t to him his holy a! el" a!d aided him out of the mire a!d 5ater" a!d said it 5as the 5ill of God that he should retur! a ai! to priso! that he came from" for tomorro5 shalt thou suffer martyrdom for our Lord>s sa4e1 A!d as he 5e!t a ai! to5ards the priso! at Gree!5ich" early by the morro5" his 4eepers that had sou ht him all the !i ht met him" a!d a!o! they cast him do5! to the rou!d a!d there they 5ou!ded him full piteously1 A!d the! they brou ht him a ai! to priso!" a!d they made therei! a reat smoulderi! of smo4e for to disease him1 A!d the! S1 Du!sta! appeared to him a!d bade him be of ood comfort" for our Lord hath ordai!ed for thee a lorious cro5!1 A!d as they spa4e to ether his bo!ds bra4e" a!d all his 5ou!ds 5ere made 5hole a ai! throu h the mercy of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d 5he! his 4eepers sa5 this they dreaded full sore1 A!d a!o! this miracle 5as 4!o5! to the people a!d they 5e!t the! fast to see him1 A!d the =ud es doubted the reat people that came thither" a!d they too4 him out of priso! a!d led him to that place 5here he should be martyred" but the poor people made reat lame!tatio! for him1 9ut a!o! the 5ic4ed torme!tors sto!ed him to death li4e as the Je5s did S1 Stephe!1 A!d 5he! he 5as almost dead" o!e there 5as that 5as his odso!" 5hich 5ith a! a8e smote him o! the head that he fell to the rou!d" a!d the! re!dered up his spirit to our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d the! these 5ic4ed tyra!ts thre5 the holy body i!to a deep 5ater that ood me! should !ot fi!d it" but by the pro6ide!ce of our Lord" 5ithi! short time after he 5as fou!d of the true christia! me!" a!d they repro6ed reatly these 5ic4ed tyra!ts1 A!d they be a! the! to scor! the holy body a!d o!e of them too4 a! old rotte! sta4e or tree" a!d pi ht it i! the earth a!d saidD If this sta4e bear flo5ers by to:morro5 5e 5ill repe!t us a!d belie6e that he is a! holy ma!" or else 5e 5ill !e6er belie6e it1 A!d o! the morro5 they fou!d the sta4e ree! a!d bare lea6es1 A!d 5he! they sa5 this reat miracle they belie6ed i! God" a!d 4issed the feet of this holy Sai!t" a!d repe!ted them full sore of their 5ic4ed deeds" a!d cried full mee4ly God mercy" a!d this holy S1 Alpha e1 A!d after" he 5as brou ht to Lo!do! 5ith reat 5orship a!d buried i! the church of S1 (aul 5ith reat re6ere!ce" a!d there his body lay buried ma!y years7 a!d after5ards it 5as ta4e! up a!d tra!slated to Ca!terbury" a!d his bo!es there laid i! a 5orshipful feretory or shri!e" 5here our Lord sho5ed daily ma!y fair miracles for his holy martyr S1 Alpha e1 A!d the torme!tors that repe!ted them !ot" died a!o! affer i! reat misery i! di6ers 5ises" for to be pu!ished as it pleased our Lord1 The! let us pray to this blessed martyr a!d archbishop" S1 Alpha e" that he be moye! u!to our Lord Jesu Christ that 5e may come to his e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Of *" Geor(e. Martyr. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" Geor e is said of eos" 5hich is as much to say as earth" a!d or e that is tilli! 1 So Geor e is to say as tilli! the earth" that is his flesh1 A!d S1 Austi! saith" i! libro de Tri!itate that" ood earth is i! the hei ht of the mou!tai!s" i! the tempera!ce of the 6alleys" a!d i! the plai! of the fields1 The first is ood for herbs bei! ree!" the seco!d to 6i!es" a!d the third to 5heat a!d cor!1 Thus the blessed Geor e 5as hi h i! despisi! lo5 thi! s" a!d therefore he had 6erdure i! himself" he 5as attemperate by discretio!" a!d therefore he had 5i!e of lad!ess" a!d 5ithi! he 5as pla!e of humility" a!d thereby put he forth 5heat of ood 5or4s1 Or Geor e may be said of erar" that is holy" a!d of yo!" that is a 5restler" that is a! holy 5restler" for he 5restled 5ith the dra o!1 Or Geor e is said of ero" that is a pil rim" a!d ir" that is detre!ched out" a!d ys" that is a cou!cillor1 +e 5as a pil rim i! the si ht of the 5orld" a!d he 5as cut a!d detre!ched by the cro5! of martyrdom" a!d he 5as a ood cou!cillor i! preachi! 1 A!d his le e!d is !umbered amo! other scriptures apocryphal i! the cou!cil of Nice!e" because his martyrdom hath !o certai! relatio!1 'or i! the cale!dar of 9ede it is said that he suffered martyrdom i! (ersia i! the city of Diaspoli!" a!d i! other places it is read that he resteth i! the city of Diaspoli! 5hich tofore 5as called Lidda" 5hich is by the city of Joppa or Japh1 A!d i! a!other place it is said that he suffered death u!der Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" 5hich that time 5ere emperors1 A!d i! a!other place u!der Diocletia! emperor of (ersia" bei! prese!t se6e!ty 4i! s of his empire1 A!d it is said here that he suffered death u!der Dacia! the pro6ost" the! Diocletia! a!d -a8imia! bei! emperors1 Here followeth the Life of *" Geor(e Martyr" S1 Geor e 5as a 4!i ht a!d bor! i! Cappadocia1 O! a time he came i! to the pro6i!ce of Libya" to a city 5hich is said Sile!e1 A!d by this city 5as a sta !e or a po!d li4e a sea" 5herei! 5as a dra o! 5hich e!6e!omed all the cou!try1 A!d o! a time the people 5ere assembled for to slay him" a!d 5he! they sa5 him they fled1 A!d 5he! he came !i h the city he 6e!omed the people 5ith his breath" a!d therefore the people of the city a6e to him e6ery day t5o sheep for to feed him" because he should do !o harm to the people" a!d 5he! the sheep failed there 5as ta4e! a ma! a!d a sheep1 The! 5as a! ordi!a!ce made i! the








to5! that there should be ta4e! the childre! a!d you! people of them of the to5! by lot" a!d e6ery each o!e as it fell" 5ere he e!tle or poor" should be deli6ered 5he! the lot fell o! him or her1 So it happed that ma!y of them of the to5! 5ere the! deli6ered" i!somuch that the lot fell upo! the 4i! >s dau hter" 5hereof the 4i! 5as sorry" a!d said u!to the peopleD 'or the lo6e of the ods ta4e old a!d sil6er a!d all that I ha6e" a!d let me ha6e my dau hter1 They saidD +o5 sirI ye ha6e made a!d ordai!ed the la5" a!d our childre! be !o5 dead" a!d ye 5ould do the co!trary1 ;our dau hter shall be i6e!" or else 5e shall bur! you a!d your house1 ,he! the 4i! sa5 he mi ht !o more do" he be a! to 5eep" a!d said to his dau hterD No5 shall I !e6er see thi!e espousals1 The! retur!ed he to the people a!d dema!ded ei ht days> respite" a!d they ra!ted it to him1 A!d 5he! the ei ht days 5ere passed they came to him a!d saidD Thou seest that the city perishethD The! did the 4i! do array his dau hter li4e as she should be 5edded" a!d embraced her" 4issed her a!d a6e her hls be!edictio!" a!d after" led her to the place 5here the dra o! 5as1 ,he! she 5as there S1 Geor e passed by" a!d 5he! he sa5 the lady he dema!ded the lady 5hat she made there a!d she saidD Go ye your 5ay fair you! ma!" that ye perish !ot also1 The! said heD Tell to me 5hat ha6e ye a!d 5hy 5eep ye" a!d doubt ye of !othi! 1 ,he! she sa5 that he 5ould 4!o5" she said to him ho5 she 5as deli6ered to the dra o!1 The! said S1 Geor eD 'air dau hter" doubt ye !o thi! hereof for I shall help thee i! the !ame of Jesu Christ1 She saidD 'or God>s sa4e" ood 4!i ht" o your 5ay" a!d abide !ot 5ith me" for ye may !ot deli6er me1 Thus as they spa4e to ether the dra o! appeared a!d came ru!!i! to them" a!d S1 Geor e 5as upo! his horse" a!d dre5 out his s5ord a!d ar!ished him 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d rode hardily a ai!st the dra o! 5hich came to5ards him" a!d smote him 5ith his spear a!d hurt him sore a!d thre5 him to the rou!d1 A!d after said to the maidD Deli6er to me your irdle" a!d bi!d it about the !ec4 of the dra o! a!d be !ot afeard1 ,he! she had do!e so the dra o! follo5ed her as it had bee! a mee4 beast a!d debo!air1 The! she led him i!to the city" a!d the people fled by mou!tai!s a!d 6alleys" a!d saidD AlasI alasI 5e shall be all dead1 The! S1 Geor e said to themD Ne doubt ye !o thi! " 5ithout more" belie6e ye i! God" Jesu Christ" a!d do ye to be baptiHed a!d I shall slay the dra o!1 The! the 4i! 5as baptiHed a!d all his people" a!d S1 Geor e sle5 the dra o! a!d smote off his head" a!d comma!ded that he should be thro5! i! the fields" a!d they too4 four carts 5ith o8e! that dre5 him out of the city1 The! 5ere there 5ell fiftee! thousa!d me! baptiHed" 5ithout 5ome! a!d childre!" a!d the 4i! did do ma4e a church there of our Lady a!d of S1 Geor e" i! the 5hich yet sourdeth a fou!tai! of li6i! 5ater" 5hich healeth sic4 people that dri!4 thereof1 After this the 4i! offered to S1 Geor e as much mo!ey as there mi ht be !umbered" but he refused all a!d comma!ded that it should be i6e! to poor people for God>s sa4e7 a!d e!=oi!ed the 4i! four thi! s" that is" that he should ha6e char e of the churches" a!d that he should ho!our the priests a!d hear their ser6ice dili e!tly" a!d that he should ha6e pity o! the poor people" a!d after" 4issed the 4i! a!d departed1 No5 it happed that i! the time of Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" 5hich 5ere emperors" 5as so reat persecutio! of christia! me! that 5ithi! a mo!th 5ere martyred 5ell t5e!ty:t5o thousa!d" a!d therefore they had so reat dread that some re!ied a!d forsoo4 God a!d did sacrifice to the idols1 ,he! S1 Geor e sa5 this" he left the habit of a 4!i ht a!d sold all that he had" a!d a6e it to the poor" a!d too4 the habit of a christia! ma!" a!d 5e!t i!to the middle of the pay!ims a!d be a! to cryD All the ods of the pay!ims a!d e!tiles be de6ils" my God made the hea6e!s a!d is 6ery God1 The! said the pro6ost to himD Of 5hat presumptio! cometh this to thee" that thou sayest that our ods be de6ilsE A!d say to us 5hat thou art a!d 5hat is thy !ame1 +e a!s5ered a!o! a!d saidD I am !amed Geor e" I am a e!tlema!" a 4!i ht of Cappadocia" a!d ha6e left all for to ser6e the God of hea6e!1 The! the pro6ost e!forced himself to dra5 him u!to his faith by fair 5ords" a!d 5he! he mi ht !ot bri! him thereto he did do raise him o! a ibbet7 a!d so much beat him 5ith reat sta6es a!d broches of iro!" that his body 5as all tobro4e! i! pieces1 A!d after he did do ta4e bra!ds of iro! a!d =oi! them to his sides" a!d his bo5els 5hich the! appeared he did do frot 5ith salt" a!d so se!t him i!to priso!" but our Lord appeared to him the of same !i ht 5ith reat li ht a!d comforted him much s5eetly1 A!d by this reat co!solatio! he too4 to him so ood heart that he doubted !o torme!t that they mi ht ma4e him suffer1 The!" 5he! Dacia! the pro6ost sa5 that he mi ht !ot surmou!t him" he called his e!cha!ter a!d said to himD I see that these christia! people doubt !ot our torme!ts1 The e!cha!ter bou!d himself" upo! his head to be smitte! off" if he o6ercame !ot his crafts1 The! he did ta4e stro! 6e!om a!d meddled it 5ith 5i!e" a!d made i!6ocatio!














of the !ames of his false ods" a!d a6e it to S1 Geor e to dri!41 S1 Geor e too4 it a!d made the si ! of the cross o! it" a!d a!o! dra!4 it 5ithout rie6i! him a!y thi! 1 The! the e!cha!ter made it more stro! er tha! it 5as tofore of 6e!om" a!d a6e it him to dri!4" a!d it rie6ed him !othi! 1 ,he! the e!cha!ter sa5 that" he 4!eeled do5! at the feet of S1 Geor e a!d prayed him that he 5ould ma4e him christia!1 A!d 5he! Dacia! 4!e5 that he 5as become christia! he made to smite off his head1 A!d after" o! the mor!" he made S1 Geor e to be set bet5ee! t5o 5heels" 5hich 5ere full of s5ords" sharp a!d cutti! o! both sides" but a!o! the 5heels 5ere bro4e! a!d S1 Geor e escaped 5ithout hurt1 A!d the! comma!ded Dacia! that they should put him i! a caldro! full of molte! lead" a!d 5he! S1 Geor e e!tered therei!" by the 6irtue of our Lord it seemed that he 5as i! a bath 5ell at ease1 The! Dacia! seei! this be a! to assua e his ire" a!d to flatter him by fair 5ords" a!d said to himD Geor e" the patie!ce of our ods is o6er reat u!to thee 5hich hast blasphemed them" a!d do!e to them reat despite" the! fair" a!d ri ht s5eet so!" I pray thee that thou retur! to our la5 a!d ma4e sacrifice to the idols" a!d lea6e thy folly" a!d I shall e!ha!ce thee to reat ho!our a!d 5orship1 The! be a! S1 Geor e to smile" a!d said to himD ,herefore saidst thou !ot to me thus at the be i!!i! E I am ready to do as thou sayest1 The! 5as Dacia! lad a!d made to cry o6er all the to5! that all the people should assemble for to see Geor e ma4e sacrifice 5hich so much had stri6e! there a ai!st1 The! 5as the city arrayed a!d feast 4ept throu hout all the to5!" a!d all came to the temple for to see him1 ,he! S1 Geor e 5as o! his 4!ees" a!d they supposed that he 5ould ha6e 5orshipped the idols" he prayed our Lord God of hea6e! that he 5ould destroy the temple a!d the idol i! the ho!our of his !ame" for to ma4e the people to be co!6erted1 A!d a!o! the fire desce!ded from hea6e! a!d bur!t the temple" a!d the idols" a!d their priests" a!d sith the earth ope!ed a!d s5allo5ed all the ci!ders a!d ashes that 5ere left1 The! Dacia! made him to be brou ht tofore him" a!d said to himD ,hat be the e6il deeds that thou hast do!e a!d also reat u!truthE The! said to him S1 Geor eD Ah" sir" belie6e it !ot" but come 5ith me a!d see ho5 I shall sacrifice1 The! said Dacia! to himD I see 5ell thy fraud a!d thy barat" thou 5ilt ma4e the earth to s5allo5 me" li4e as thou hast the temple a!d my ods1 The! said S1 Geor eD O caitiff" tell me ho5 may thy ods help thee 5he! they may !ot help themsel6esI The! 5as Dacia! so a! ry that he said to his 5ifeD I shall die for a! er if I may !ot surmou!t a!d o6ercome this ma!1 The! said she to himD E6il a!d cruel tyra!tI !e seest thou !ot the reat 6irtue of the christia! peopleE I said to thee 5ell that thou shouldst !ot do to them a!y harm" for their God fi hteth for them" a!d 4!o5 thou 5ell that I 5ill become christia!1 The! 5as Dacia! much abashed a!d said to herD ,ilt thou be christia!E The! he too4 her by the hair" a!d did do beat her cruelly1 The! dema!ded she of S1 Geor eD ,hat may I become because I am !ot christe!edE The! a!s5ered the blessed Geor eD Doubt thee !othi! " fair dau hter" for thou shalt be baptiHed i! thy blood1 The! be a! she to 5orship our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d so she died a!d 5e!t to hea6e!1 O! the mor! Dacia! a6e his se!te!ce that S1 Geor e should be dra5! throu h all the city" a!d after" his head should be smitte! off1 The! made he his prayer to our Lord that all they that desired a!y boo! mi ht et it of our Lord God i! his !ame" a!d a 6oice came from hea6e! 5hich said that it 5hich he had desired 5as ra!ted7 a!d after he had made his oriso! his head 5as smitte! off" about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty:se6e!1 ,he! Dacia! 5e!t home5ard from the place 5here he 5as beheaded to5ards his palace" fire fell do5! from hea6e! upo! him a!d bur!t him a!d all his ser6a!ts1 Gre ory of Tours telleth that there 5ere some that bare certai! relics of S1 Geor e" a!d came i!to a certai! oratory i! a hospital" a!d o! the mor!i! 5he! they should depart they could !ot mo6e the door till they had left there part of their relics1 It is also fou!d i! the history of A!tioch" that 5he! the christia! me! 5e!t o6er sea to co!<uer Jerusalem" that o!e" a ri ht fair you! ma!" appeared to a priest of the host a!d cou!selled him that he should bear 5ith him a little of the relics of S1 Geor e1 for he 5as co!ductor of the battle" a!d so he did so much that he had some1 A!d 5he! it 5as so that they had assie ed Jerusalem a!d durst !ot mou!t !e o up o! the 5alls for the <uarrels a!d defe!ce of the Sarace!s" they sa5 appertly S1 Geor e 5hich had 5hite arms 5ith a red cross" that 5e!t up tofore them o! the 5alls" a!d they follo5ed him" a!d so 5as Jerusalem ta4e! by his help1 A!d bet5ee! Jerusalem a!d port Jaffa" by a to5! called 3amys" is a chapel of S1 Geor e 5hich is !o5 desolate a!d u!co6ered" a!d therei! d5ell christia! Gree4s1 A!d i! the said chapel lieth the body of S1 Geor e" but !ot the head1 A!d there lie his father a!d mother a!d his u!cle" !ot i! the chapel but u!der the 5all of the chapel7 a!d the 4eepers 5ill !ot suffer pil rims to come therei!" but if they pay t5o ducats" a!d therefore come but fe5 therei!" but offer 5ithout the chapel at a! altar1 A!d there is se6e! years a!d se6e! le!ts of pardo!7 a!d the body of S1 Geor e lieth i! the middle of the <uire or choir of the said chapel" a!d i! his tomb is a! hole that a









ma! may put i! his ha!d1 A!d 5he! a Sarace!" bei! mad" is brou ht thither" a!d if he put his head i! the hole he shall a!o! be made perfectly 5hole" a!d ha6e his 5it a ai!1 This blessed a!d holy martyr S1 Geor e is patro! of this realm of E! la!d a!d the cry of me! of 5ar1 I! the 5orship of 5hom is fou!ded the !oble order of the arter" a!d also a !oble colle e i! the castle of ,i!dsor by 4i! s of E! la!d" i! 5hich colle e is the heart of S1 Geor e" 5hich Si ismu!d" the emperor of Almay!e" brou ht a!d a6e for a reat a!d a precious reli<ue to @i! +arry the fifth1 A!d also the said Si ismu!d 5as a brother of the said arter" a!d also there is a piece of his head" 5hich colle e is !obly e!do5ed to the ho!our a!d 5orship of Almi hty God a!d his blessed martyr S1 Geor e1 The! let us pray u!to him that he be special protector a!d defe!der of this realm1 Here followeth of *" Mar' the Eva#(eli t. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"





-ar4 is as much to say as hi h to comma!dme!t" certai!" decli!ed" a!d bitter1 +e 5as hi h of comma!dme!t by reaso! of perfectio! i! his life" for he 4ept !ot o!ly the comma!dme!ts commo!" but also the hi h as be cou!sels1 +e 5as certai! i! the doctri!e of the ospel" li4e as he had recei6ed of S1 (eter his master" he 5as decli!ed by reaso! of perfect a!d reat humility" for because of reat mee4!ess he cut off his thumb" to the e!d that he should !ot be chose! to be a priest1 +e 5as bitter by reaso! of ri ht sharp a!d bitter pai!" for he 5as dra5! throu h the city" a!d amo! those torme!ts he a6e up his spirit1 Or -ar4 is said of a reat mallet or beetle" 5hich 5ith o!e stro4e ma4eth plai! iro! a!d e! e!dereth melody" a!d co!firmeth it1 'or S1 -ar4 by his o!ly doctri!e <ue!cheth the u!steadfast!ess of the heretics" he e! e!dered the reat melody of the praisi! of God" a!d co!firmed the church1 Of *" Mar' the Eva#(eli t" -ar4 the E6a! elist 5as of the 4i!dred of the Le6ites" a!d 5as a priest1 A!d 5he! he 5as christe!ed he 5as odso! of S1 (eter the apostle" a!d therefore he 5e!t 5ith him to 3ome1 ,he! S1 (eter preached there the ospel" the ood people of 3ome prayed S1 -ar4 that he 5ould put the ospel i! 5riti! " li4e as S1 (eter had preached1 The! he at their re<uest 5rote a!d sho5ed it to his master S1 (eter to e8ami!e7 a!d 5he! S1 (eter had e8ami!ed it" a!d sa5 that it co!tai!ed the 6ery truth" he appro6ed it a!d comma!ded that it should be read at 3ome1 A!d the! S1 (eter seei! S1 -ar4 co!sta!t i! the faith" he se!t him i!to A<uile ia for to preach the faith of Jesu Christ" 5here he preached the 5ord of God" a!d did ma!y miracles" a!d co!6erted i!!umerable multitudes of people to the faith of Christ1 A!d 5rote also to them the ospel" li4e as he did to them of 3ome" 5hich is i! to this day 4ept i! the church of A<uile ia" a!d 5ith reat de6otio! 4ept1 After this it happed that S1 -ar4 led 5ith him to 3ome a bur ess of that same city 5hom he had co!6erted to the faith" !amed Erma oras" brou ht him to S1 (eter" a!d prayed him that he 5ould sacre him bishop of A<uile ia" a!d so he did1 The! this Erma oras" 5he! he 5as bishop" he o6er!ed much holily the church" a!d at the last the pay!ims martyred him1 The! S1 (eter se!t S1 -ar4 i!to Ale8a!dria" 5hereas he preached first the 5ord of God" a!d as soo! as he 5as e!tered a reat multitude of people assembled for to come a ai!st him1 There 5as he of so reat perfectio! that by his predicatio! a!d by his ood e8ample" the people mou!ted i! so holy co!6ersatio! a!d i! so reat de6otio! that" at his i!sta!ce they led their life li4e mo!4s1 +e 5as of so reat humility that he did cut off his thumb because he 5ould be !o priest" for he =ud ed himself !ot 5orthy thereto7 but the ordi!a!ce of God a!d of S1 (eter came a ai!st his 5ill" for S1 (eter made a!d sacred him bishop of Ale8a!dria1 A!d a!o!" as he came i!to Ale8a!dria" his shoes 5ere bro4e! a!d tor!7 5he! he sa5 that he saidD Verily I see that my =our!ey is sped" !e the de6il may !ot let me sith that God hath assoiled me of my si!s1 The! 5e!t S1 -ar4 to a shoema4er for to ame!d his shoes" a!d as he 5ould 5or4 he pric4ed a!d sore hurted his left ha!d 5ith his a5l" a!d 5he! he felt him hurt he cried o! hi hD O!e GodI 5he! S1 -ar4 heard that he said to himD No5 4!o5 I 5ell that God hath made my =our!ey prosperous1 The! he too4 a little clay a!d spittle a!d meddled them to ether a!d laid it o! the 5ou!d" a!d a!o! he 5as 5hole1 ,he! the shoema4er sa5 this miracle he brou ht him i!to his house a!d dema!ded him 5hat he 5as" a!d from 5he!ce he came1 The! said S1 -ar4 that he 5as the ser6a!t of









Jesu Christ" a!d he saidD I 5ould fai! see him1 The! said S1 -ar41 I shall sho5 him to thee1 The! he be a! to preach to him the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d after baptiHed him a!d all his mei!y1 ,he! the me! of the to5! heard say that there 5as a ma! come from Galilee" that despised a!d defe!ded the sacrifices of idols" they be a! a5ait ho5 they mi ht deli6er him to death1 ,he! S1 -ar4 espied that" he made his shoema4er" 5hich 5as !amed A!ia!" bishop of Ale8a!dria" a!d he himself 5e!t to (e!tapoli! 5hereas he 5as t5o years" a!d after" came a ai! to Ale8a!dria a!d fou!d the! there the to5! full of christia! me!" a!d the bishops of the idols a5aited for to ta4e him1 No5 it happe!ed o! Easter day" 5he! S1 -ar4 sa! mass" they assembled all a!d put a cord about his !ec4" a!d after" dre5 him throu hout the city" a!d saidD Let us dra5 the bubale to the place of bucale1 A!d the blood ra! upo! the sto!es" a!d his flesh 5as tor! piecemeal that it lay upo! the pa6eme!t all bebled1 After this they put him i! priso!" 5here a! a! el came a!d comforted him" a!d after came our Lord for to 6isit a!d comfort him" sayi! D (a8 tibi -arce e6a! elista meus1 (eace be to thee -ar4" mi!e E6a! elistI be !ot i! doubt" for I am 5ith thee a!d shall deli6er thee1 A!d o! the mor! they put the cord about his !ec4 a!d dre5 him li4e as they had do!e tofore a!d criedD Dra5 the bubale" a!d 5he! they had dra5! he tha!4ed God a!d saidD I!to thy ha!ds Lord" I comme!d my spirit" a!d he thus sayi! died1 The! the pay!ims 5ould ha6e bur!t his body" but the air be a! sudde!ly to cha! e a!d to hail" li hte! a!d thu!der" i! such 5ise that e6ery ma! e!forced him to flee" a!d left there the holy body alo!e1 The! came the christia! me! a!d bare it a5ay" a!d buried it i! the church" 5ith reat =oy" ho!our" a!d re6ere!ce1 This 5as i! the year of our Lord fifty:se6e!" i! the time that Nero 5as emperor1 A!d it happed i! the year of race four hu!dred a!d si8ty:si8 i! the time of Leo the emperor" that the Ve!etia!s tra!slated the body of S1 -ar4 from Ale8a!dria to Ve!ice i! this ma!!er1 There 5ere t5o mercha!ts of Ve!ice did so much" 5hat by prayer a!d by their ifts" to t5o priests that 4ept the body of S1 -ar4" that they suffered it to be bor!e secretly a!d pri6ily u!to their ship1 A!d as they too4 it out of the tomb" there 5as so s5eet a! odour throu hout all the city of Ale8a!dria that all the people mar6elled" !e 4!e5 !ot from 5he!ce it came1 The! the mercha!ts brou ht it to the ship" a!d after" hasted the mari!ers a!d let the other ships ha6e 4!o5led e thereof1 The! there 5as o!e ma! i! a!other ship that =aped" a!d saidD ,ee! ye to carry a5ay the body of S1 -ar4E Nay" ye lead 5ith you a! E yptia!1 The! a!o!" after this 5ord" the ship 5herei! the holy body 5as" tur!ed li htly after him" a!d so rudely boarded the ship of him that had said that 5ord" that he bra4e o!e of the sides of the ship" a!d 5ould !e6er lea6e it i! peace till they had co!fessed that the body of S1 -ar4 5as i! the ship" that do!e" she held her still1 Thus as they sailed fast they too4 !o!e heed" a!d the air be a! to 5a8 dar4 a!d thic4" that they 5ist !ot 5here they 5ere1 The! appeared S1 -ar4 u!to a mo!4" to 5hom the body of S1 -ar4 5as deli6ered to 4eep" a!d bade him a!o! to stri4e their sails for they 5ere !i h la!d" a!d he did so" a!d a!o! they fou!d la!d i! a! isle1 A!d by all the ri6a es 5hereas they passed" it 5as said to them that they 5ere 5ell happy that they led so !oble a treasure as the body of S1 -ar4" a!d prayed them that they 5ould let them 5orship it1 ;et there 5as a mari!er that mi ht !ot belie6e that it 5as the body of S1 -ar4" but the de6il e!tered i!to him" a!d torme!ted him so lo! that he could !ot be deli6ered till he 5as brou ht to the holy body7 a!d as soo! as he co!fessed that it 5as the body of S1 -ar4" he 5as deli6ered of the 5ic4ed spirit" a!d e6er after he had reat de6otio! to S1 -ar41 It happed after" that the body of S1 -ar4 5as closed i! a pillar of marble" a!d ri ht fe5 people 4!e5 thereof because it should be secretly 4ept1 The! it happed that they that 4!e5 thereof died" a!d there 5as !o!e that 4!e5 5here this reat treasure mi ht be" 5herefore the cler4s a!d the lay people 5ere reatly discomforted a!d 5ept for sorro5" a!d doubted much that it had bee! stole! a5ay1 The! made they solem! processio!s a!d lita!ies" a!d the people be a! to fast a!d be i! prayers" a!d all sudde!ly the sto!es ope!ed a!d sho5ed to all the people the place a!d stead 5here the holy body rested1 The! re!dered they tha!4i! s to God of this" that he had relie6ed them of their sorro5 a!d a! uish" a!d ordai!ed that o! that day they shall hold feast al5ay for this de6out re6elatio!1 A you! ma! o! a time had a ca!cer i! his breast" a!d 5orms ate it 5hich 5ere come of rotti! " a!d as he 5as thus torme!ted he prayed 5ith ood heart to S1 -ar4" a!d re<uired him of help a!d aid" a!d after" he slept1 A!d that same time appeared to him S1 -ar4 i! form of a pil rim" tuc4ed a!d made ready for to o hastily o6er sea7 a!d 5he! he dema!ded him 5hat he 5as" he a!s5ered that he 5as S1 -ar4" 5hich 5e!t hastily for to succour a ship 5hich is i! peril7 the! he stretched a!d laid his ha!d o! him" a!d a!o!











as he a5o4e he fou!d himself all 5hole1 A!o! after" this ship came u!to the port of Ve!ice" a!d the mari!ers told the peril 5here they had bee! i!" a!d ho5 S1 -ar4 had holpe! them" the! for that o!e miracle a!d for that other the people re!dered tha!4i! s to our Lord1



The mercha!ts of Ve!ice 5e!t o! a time by the sea i! a ship of Sarace!s to5ards Ale8a!dria7 a!d 5he! they sa5 them i! peril" they he5ed the cords of the ship" a!d a!o! the ship be a! to brea4 by the force of the sea1 A!d all the Sarace!s that 5ere therei! fell i! the sea" a!d died that o!e after the other1 The! o!e of the Sarace!s made his a6o5 to S1 -ar4 a!d promised him that if he deli6ered him from this peril he 5ould be baptiHed1 A!o! a ma! all shi!i! appeared to him" 5hich too4 him out of the 5ater a!d remitted him a ai! i!to the ship" a!d a!o! the tempest ceased1 ,he! he 5as come i!to Ale8a!dria he remembered !o thi! S1 -ar4" 5hich had deli6ered him from peril" he 5e!t !ot to 6isit him" !e he did him !ot do be baptiHed1 The! appeared to him S1 -ar4" a!d said to him that he remembered e6il the bou!ty that he did to him 5he! he deli6ered him from the peril of the sea" a!d a!o! the Sarace! came a ai! to his co!scie!ce" a!d he 5e!t to Ve!ice" a!d 5as there baptiHed a!d !amed -ar4" a!d belie6ed perfectly i! God" a!d e!ded his life i! ood 5or4s1 There 5as a ma! o!e up i! the steeple of S1 -ar4 at Ve!ice7 a!d as he i!te!ded for to do a 5or4" he 5as troubled i! such 5ise that he fell" a!d 5as li4e to ha6e bee! all to:bro4e! i! his members" !e6ertheless i! his falli! he criedD S1 -ar4I a!d a!o! he rested upo! a bra!ch that spra! out" 5hereof he too4 !o!e heed" a!d after" o!e rau ht a!d let him do5! a cord" by 5hich he a6aled do5! a!d 5as sa6ed1 There 5as a e!tlema! of (ro6e!ce 5hich had a ser6a!t that 5ould fai! o o! pil rima e to S1 -ar4" but he could et !o lice!ce of his lord1 At last he doubted !ot to a! er his lord" but 5e!t thither much de6outly1 A!d 5he! his lord 4!e5 it he bare it much rie6ously" a!d as soo! as he 5as come a ai! his lord comma!ded that his eyes should be put out7 a!d the other ser6a!ts that 5ere ready to do the lord>s 5ill made ready sharp brochets of iro!" a!d e!forced them 5ith all their po5er a!d mi ht !ot do it1 The! comma!ded the lord to he5 off his thi hs 5ith a8es" but a!o! the iro! 5as as soft as molte! lead1 The! comma!ded he to brea4 his teeth 5ith iro! hammers" but the iro! thereof 5as so soft that they could do him !o harm1 The! 5he! the lord sa5 the 6irtue of God so ope!ly by the miracles of S1 -ar4" he dema!ded pardo! a!d 5e!t to Ve!ice" to S1 -ar4" 5ith his ser6a!t1 There 5as a 4!i ht o! a time so hurt i! battle that his ha!d hu! o! the arm i! such 5ise that his frie!ds a!d sur eo!s cou!selled him to cut it off" but he" that 5as accustomed to be 5hole" 5as ashamed to be maimed" a!d made it to be bou!d i! his place" a!d after he called much de6outly to S1 -ar4" a!d a!o! his ha!d 5as as 5hole as it had bee! tofore" a!d i! the 5it!ess of this miracle a si ! of the cutti! abode still1 A!other time there 5as a 4!i ht armed 5hich ra! upo! a brid e" a!d his horse a!d he fell i! a deep 5ater" a!d 5he! he sa5 he mi ht !ot escape he cried o! S1 -ar4" a!d a!o! he rau ht him a spear by 5hich he 5as sa6ed" a!d for this cause he came a!o! i! pil rima e to Ve!ice a!d told this miracle1 There 5as a ma! ta4e!" by e!6y of them that hated him" a!d 5as put i! priso!" a!d 5he! he had bee! there forty days" a!d 5as much rie6ed" he cried o! S1 -ar41 A!d 5he! S1 -ar4 had appeared thrice he supposed that it had bee! a fa!tasy1 At the last he felt his iro!s bro4e!" as it had bee! a rotte! thread" a!d passed by the 4eepers of the priso! ope!ly by day" he seei! them all" but !o!e of them sa5 him" a!d after" came to the church of S1 -ar4 a!d tha!4ed God de6outly1 It happed i! Apulia 5as reat fami!e" a!d the la!d 5as barre! that !othi! mi ht ro5 thereo!1 The! 5as it sho5ed by re6elatio! to a holy ma! that it 5as because that they hallo5ed !ot the feast of S1 -ar47 a!d 5he! they 4!e5 this" a!o! they hallo5ed the feast of S1 -ar4" a!d a!o! be a! to ro5 reat ple!ty of oods throu hout all the cou!try1 It happed at (apia" i! the co!6e!t of the friars preachers" i! the year of our Lord o!e thousa!d t5o hu!dred a!d forty:o!e" that a friar" a much reli ious ma!" 5as sic4 u!to the death" !amed Julia!us" 5hich se!t for his prior for to dema!d him i! 5hat state he 5as i!" a!d he told him that he 5as i! peril of death" a!d that it approached fast" a!d a!o! his face 5as all bri ht a!d =oyful" a!d 5ith lad!ess be be a! to











sayD fair brethre!" my soul shall depart a!o!" ma4e room a!d place" for my soul =oyeth i! my body for the ood tidi! s that I ha6e heard1 A!d lift up his eyes u!to hea6e! a!d saidD Lord God" ta4e a5ay my soul out of this priso!7 a!d after he saidD AlasI 5ho shall deli6er me from this corrupt a!d mortal bodyE Amo! these 5ords he fell i! a li ht sleep" a!d sa5 S1 -ar4 come to him a!d sta!di! by his bedside" a!d he heard a 6oice sayi! to himD O -ar4" 5hat ma4est thou hereE +e a!s5ered that he 5as come to 6isit this friar because he should die1 The! he dema!ded him 5herefore he came more tha! a!other sai!t7 he a!s5ered because he had a special de6otio! to me" a!d because he hath oft de6outly 6isited my church" a!d therefore am I come to 6isit him i! the hour of his death1 The! e!tered i!to that place reat ple!ty of people all 5hite" to 5hom S1 -ar4 dema!ded 5herefore they 5ere come1 A!d they said a!d a!s5ered that they 5ere come for to prese!t the soul of this brother tofore God1 A!d 5he! the friar 5as 5a4ed he se!t for the prior a!d told to him ad6isedly all this 6isio!" a!d after" a!o!" i! the prese!ce of the prior" he died 5ith reat =oy1 A!d all this the prior recou!ted to him that 5rote this boo4 !amed Le e!da aurea1 Here followeth of *" Mar$eli# the Po&e"



S1 -arceli! 5as pope of 3ome by the space of !i!e years a!d four mo!ths1 I! his time rei !ed Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" emperors of 3ome1 The 5hich comma!ded that he should be ta4e! a!d brou ht i!to the temple for to do scarifice to the idols7 a!d 5he! he 5ould !ot asse!t" the mi!isters of the emperors me!aced him that they 5ould ma4e him die by di6erse torme!ts1 A!d 5he! he heard that" he had so reat dread that he put i! their sacrifice t5o rams of i!ce!se o!ly" 5hereof the pay!ims had reat =oy" a!d the christia! me! had ri ht reat sorro5" a!d reprehe!ded him reatly of that he had such a thi! do!e a ai!st the christia! faith" a!d a!o! he repe!ted him a!d put himself to the =ud me!t of the bishops1 9ut the bishops a!s5eredD God forbid that it !e6er fall that the pope of the christia! people" 5hich is so6erei !" be =ud ed of a!y ma!" but be he =ud ed of himself" a!d a!o! he deposed himself1 A!d after" the christia! me! chose him a ai! to be pope as he 5as tofore1 A!d 5he! this came to the 4!o5led e of the emperors" the! they did do ta4e him a!d" because that he 5ould i! !o 5ise do sacrifice to the idols" they made to smite off his head1 A!d the! the persecutio! a!d 5ood!ess 5as so reat of the pay!ims a ai!st the christia! people" that 5ithi! a mo!th after 5ere put to death for the !ame of Jesu Christ a!d for to sustai! the christia! faith" 5ell a se6e!tee! thousa!d christia! people1 -arceli!" i! the hour that he should be beheaded" said tofore all the people that he 5as !ot 5orthy to be buried amo! christia! people" a!d therefore he comma!ded upo! pai! of cursi! that !o!e should bury his body1 A!d so the body of him abode abo6e the earth thirty:fi6e days 5ithout buryi! 1 After" S1 (eter the apostle appeared to -arcel" 5hich 5as pope after -arceli!" a!d said to him i! this ma!!erD -arcel" fair father" 5hy buriest thou !ot meE A!d he a!s5eredD Sir" be ye !ot lo! sith buriedE A!d S1 (eter saidD I hold me !ot buried as lo! as I see -arceli! !ot buried" a!d the pope a!s5eredD +o5" sirI 4!o5 ye !ot ho5 he accursed all them that should bury himE A!d S1 (eter saidD Is it !ot 5ritte! that he that mee4eth himself shall be e!ha!cedE This shouldest thou ha6e thou ht7 o the! a!d bury him at my feet1 A!d a!o! the pope did his comma!dme!t a!d buried the body of S1 -arceli! hastily" 5hich 5as martyred the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty1 The! pray 5e to him that he pray for us1 Of *" Vital. Martyr. a#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" Vital is as much to say as such o!e li6i! " for he li6ed 5ithout forth li4e as he 5as i! his heart 5ithi!1 Or Vital is as much to say as life1 Or Vital is to say flyi! 5ith 5i! s" or flyi! himself 5ith 5i! s of 6irtues1 +e 5as as o!e of the beasts that EHechiel sa5" ha6i! i! himself four 5i! s7 the 5i! of hope by 5hich he fle5 i!to hea6e!" the 5i! of lo6e by 5hich he fle5 to God" the 5i! of dread by 5hich he fle5 to hell" a!d the 5i! of 4!o5led e by 5hich he fle5 to himself1 A!d it is supposed that his passio! is fou!d i! the boo4 of Ger6ase a!d (rothase1 Of *" Vital"












S1 Vital 5as a 4!i ht a!d a co!sul" a!d of Valeria his 5ife he at S1 Ger6ase a!d S1 (rothase1 +e 5e!t to 3a6e!!a 5ith (auli! that 5as =ud e of the cou!try" a!d 5he! he came thither he sa5 that this (auli! made a physicia! !amed ?rsia! to suffer ma!y torme!ts because he 5ould !ot re!y his faith" a!d at the last 5he! they 5ould ha6e beheaded him he 5as so afraid that he 5ould ha6e re!ied God1 The! said S1 Vital to himD +aI ?rsia!" do !ot so" thou 5ert 5o!t to heal other a!d !o5 5ilt deli6er thyself to perdurable death1 Thou 5ert come to the 6ictory" !o5 thou art i! peril to lose thy cro5! 5hich 5as ready for thee1 ,he! this physicia! had heard these 5ords" he 5as all recomforted" a!d repe!ted of his e6il purpose" a!d suffered ladly martyrdom1 A!d S1 Vital did do bury him much ho!orably" !e !e6er after 5ould S1 Vital !ot o i! the compa!y of the =ud e (auli!1 The! he had so reat i!di !atio!" of that he had defe!ded ?rsia! to ma4e sacrifice" a!d of this that he dei !ed !ot to come to him" a!d because he sho5ed him a christia! ma! he did him to be ha! ed by the arms o! a ibbet1 The! said to him Vital" thou art o6ermuch a fool if thou 5ee! to decei6e me 5hich ha6e al5ays deli6ered the other1 The! said (auli!D 9ri! him for to do sacrifice" a!d if he do it !ot" ma4e a deep pit u!to the 5ater a!d put his head thereu!der1 A!d so they did" a!d there buried him <uic4" i! the year of our Lord fiftyse6e!1 A!d the priest of the idols that had i6e! this cou!sel 5as a!o! ta4e! of the de6il" a!d cried se6e! days co!ti!ually a!d saidD S1 Vital thou bur!est me" a!d the se6e!th day the de6il thre5 him i! the ri6er a!d there died shamefully1 A!d the 5ife of S1 Vital" 5he! she came to -ila! she fou!d there of her people sacrifici! the idols" 5hich prayed her to eat 5ith them of their sacrifices" to 5hom she a!s5eredD I am a christia! 5oma!" a!d it is !ot la5ful for me to eat of your sacrifices1 The! they" heari! that" beat her so lo! a!d so sore that they left her for dead1 A!d her me! that 5ere 5ith her brou ht her to -ila! half li6i! " a!d there the third day she died holily A!d the body of S1 Vital lieth !o5 at Colo !e i! the church of our Lady1 Here followeth the Life of *" Peter of Mila#. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"

(eter is as much to say as 4!o5i! or u!hosi! " or (eter is said of petros" that is co!sta!t a!d firm" a!d by that be u!derstood three pri6ile es that 5ere i! S1 (eter7 he 5as a much !oble preacher" a!d therefore he is said 4!o5i! " for he had perfect 4!o5led e of scripture" a!d 4!e5 i! his predicatio! 5hat 5as beho6eful to e6er each perso!1 Seco!dly" he 5as pure a!d a 6ir i!" a!d therefore he 5as said u!hosi! " for he u!hosed a!d did off his 5ill from his feet" a!d despoiled all mortal lo6e" i!somuch that he 5as a 6ir i!" a!d !ot o!ly of body but also of mi!d1 Thirdly" he 5as a martyr lorious of our Lord a!d therei! he 5as co!sta!t a!d firm" to the e!d that he should suffer steadfastly martyrdom for the defe!ce of the faith1 Of *" Peter of Mila#" S1 (eter the !e5 martyr" of the order of the friars preachers" 5as bor! i! the city of Vero!a i! Lombardy1 +is father a!d mother 5ere of the sect of the Aria!s1 The! he desce!ded of these people li4e as the rose that cometh of the thor!" a!d as the li ht that cometh of the smo4e1 At the a e of se6e! years" 5he! he lear!ed at the school his credo" o!e" his eme" 5hich 5as a heretic" dema!ded of him his lesso!" a!d the child said to himD Credo" till to creatorem cJli et terrF7 his u!cle said to him that he should !o more say so" for God hath !ot made temporal thi! s" the child affirmed that he ou ht to say !o!e other5ise" but so as he had lear!ed" a!d that other be a! to sho5 him by authority his purpose7 but the child" 5hich 5as full of the +oly Ghost" a!s5ered so 5ell a!d 5isely that his u!cle departed all co!fused" a!d all achauffed" said to the father that he should ta4e a5ay his so! from school" for he doubted 5he! he shall be reat that he should tur! a ai!st their la5 a!d faith" a!d that he should co!fou!d them1 A!d so it happed" a!d so he prophesied li4e as Caiaphas did" but God" a ai!st 5hom !o!e may do" 5ould !ot suffer it for the reat profit that he atte!ded of him1 The! after" 5he! he came to more a e" he sa5 that it 5as !o sure thi! to d5ell 5ith the scorpio!s1 +e had i! despite father a!d mother1 a!d left the 5orld 5hiles he 5as a clear a!d a pure 6ir i!1 +e e!tered i!to the order of the friars preachers there" 5hereas he li6ed much holily the space of thirty years or thereabout" full of all 6irtues a!d especial i! defe!di! the faith" for lo6e of 5hich he bur!t1 +e did much absti!e!ce for to bri! his flesh lo5" he fasted" he e!te!ded to 5a4e by !i ht i! studyi! a!d i! prayer 5he! he should ha6e slept a!d rested" a!d by day he e!te!ded to the profit of the souls" i! preachi! " i! co!fessi! " a!d i! cou!selli! " i! disputi! a ai!st the heretics a!d Aria!s" a!d i! that he had a special race of Jesu Christ" for he 5as ri ht sore fou!ded i! humilty1 +e 5as mar6ellously piteous a!d debo!air" full of compassio!" of reat patie!ce" of reat








charity" a!d of steadfast!ess1 So ripe a!d so 5ell ordai!ed i! fair ma!!er that e6ery ma! mi ht behold as i! a mirror" i! his co!ti!e!ce a!d i! his co!6ersatio!1 +e 5as 5ise a!d discreet" a!d so empri!ted i! his heart that all his 5ords 5ere firm a!d stable1 The! he prayed ma!y times to our Lord that he 5ould !ot let him die but by suffera!ce of martyrdom for him a!d for his faith1 A!d thus as he prayed God accomplished i! the e!d1 +e did ma!y miracles i! his life" for i! the city of -ila!" o! a time 5he! he e8ami!ed a bishop of the Aria!s that the christia! me! had ta4e!" a!d ma!y bishops" reli ious" a!d reat ple!ty of other people of the city 5ere there assembled" a!d 5as the! ri ht hot" this Aria! said to S1 (eter tofore them allD O thou (eter per6erse" if thou art so holy as this people holdeth thee for" 5herefore sufferest thou this foolish people to die for heat" a!d prayest !ot God that he 5ould shado5 them1 The! S1 (eter a!s5ered a!d saidD If thou 5ilt promise that thou shalt hold the 6ery faith a!d thou 5ilt lea6e thi!e heresy" I shall pray therefor to our Lord1 The! all they that 5ere o! the party of the Aria!s cried that he should promise him" for they supposed that he should !ot et it specially" because the air 5as so clear a!d !o cloud 5as see!" a!d the christia! me! doubted that their faith mi ht thereby come to co!fusio!" but the bishop" the heretic" 5ould !ot bi!d him thereto1 S1 (eter had ood faith a!d trust i! God" a!d made his prayer ope!ly that he 5ould co!6ey o6er them a cloud" a!d he made the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! the cloud came a!d o6erspread them li4e a pa6ilio! that there 5ere assembled" a!d abode as lo! as the sermo! e!dured" a!d it stretched !o further but there1 There 5as a lame ma! 5hich had bee! so lame fi6e years a!d mi ht !ot o" but 5as dra5! i! a 5heelbarro5" a!d brou ht to S1 (eter at -ila!" a!d as S1 (eter had blessed him 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!o! he 5as 5hole a!d arose1 ;et other miracles God sho5ed for him by his life1 It happed that the so! of a e!tlema! had such a horrible disease i! his throat that he mi ht !either spea4 !e dra5 his breath" but S1 (eter made o! him the si ! of the cross" a!d laid his cope o! the place 5here the sore 5as" a!d a!o! he 5as all 5hole1 The same e!tlema! had after5ards a rie6ous malady a!d supposed to ha6e died" a!d made bri! to him the said cope" 5hich 5ith reat de6otio! laid it o! his breast" a!d a!o! he cast out a 5orm 5ith t5o heads 5hich 5as rou h" a!d after he 5as brou ht i! ood health a!d a!o! all 5hole1 It happed that a you! ma! 5as dumb a!d mi ht !ot spea4 a 5ord" 5herefore he came to S1 (eter" a!d he put his fi! er i! his mouth a!d his speech came to him a ai!1 No5 it happed that time that a! heresy be a! much i! Lombardy" a!d that there 5ere much people that 5ere falle! i! this error" a!d the pope se!t di6ers i!<uisitors thither of the order of the friars preachers" a!d because that at -ila! there 5ere ma!y i! !umber of reat po5er a!d e! i!e" he se!t thither S1 (eter as a ma! 5ise" co!sta!t" a!d reli ious" 5hich doubted !othi! 1 A!d by his 6irtue he repro6ed them" a!d by his 5it he u!derstood their malice" a!d 5he! he had e!terprised the office of I!<uisitio!" the! be a! he" as a lio!" to see4 the heretics o6er all" a!d left them !ot i! peace" but i! all places" times" a!d all the ma!!ers that he mi ht" he o6ercame a!d co!fou!ded them1 ,he! the heretics sa5 that they mi ht !ot 5ithsta!d the +oly Ghost that spa4e i! him" they be a! to treat ho5 they mi ht bri! him to death1 The! it happed o! a time" as he 5e!t from Cumea to -ila! for to see4 the heretics" he said ope!ly i! a predicatio! that the mo!ey 5as deli6ered for to slay him1 A!d 5he! he approached !i h the city a ma! of the heretics" 5hich 5as hired thereto" ra! upo! him a!d smote him 5ith his falchio! o! the head" a!d a6e a!d made to him ma!y cruel 5ou!ds" a!d he that murmured !ot !e rud ed !ot" suffered patie!tly the cruelty of the tyra!ts" a!d aba!do!ed or a6e himself o6er to suffer the martyrdom" a!d said his credo" a!d i! ma!us tuas" comme!di! his spirit u!to the ha!ds of our Lord1 A!d so the tyra!t left him i! the place for dead" a!d thus told the tyra!t that sle5 him" a!d friar Domi!ic 5hich 5as his fello5 5as slai! 5ith him1 A!d after" 5he! the tyra!t sa5 that he remo6ed yet his lips" the cursed a!d cruel tyra!t came a ai! a!d smote him 5ith his 4!ife to the heart" a!d a!o! his spirit mou!ted i! to hea6e!1 The! 5as it 5ell 4!o5! that he 5as a 6ery prophet" for the prophecy of his death that he had pro!ou!ced 5as accomplished1 After" he had the cro5! of 6ir i!ity" for as his co!fessors 5it!ess that i! all his life he had !e6er do!e deadly si!1 After" he had the cro5! of a doctor" because he had bee! a ood fast firm preacher a!d doctor of holy church1 After" he had the cro5! of martyrdom" as it appeared 5he! he 5as slai!1 The re!o5! thereof came i!to the city of -ila!" a!d the friars" the cler y" a!d the people" came 5ith processio! 5ith so reat compa!y of people" that the press 5as so reat that they mi ht !ot e!ter i!to the to5!" a!d therefore they left the body i! the abbey of S1 Simplicia!" a!d there it abode all that !i ht a!d so he said the day tofore to his fello51 The passio! of S1 (eter e!sued much li4e the passio! of our Lord i! ma!y ma!!ers" for li4e as our Lord suffered for the truth of the faith that he preached" so S1 (eter suffered for the truth of the faith that he defe!ded7 a!d li4e as Christ suffered of the Je5s" so S1 (eter suffered of the people of his o5!













cou!try" a!d of the heretics7 Christ suffered i! the time of Easter" so did S1 (eter1 Jesu Christ 5as sold for thirty pe!ce" a!d S1 (eter 5as sold for forty pou!ds1 Jesu Christ sho5ed his death to his disciples" a!d S1 (eter sho5ed it i! plai! predicatio!1 Jesu Christ said at his deathD Lord God" i!to thy ha!ds I comme!d my spirit7 ri ht so S1 (eter did the same1 There 5as a !u! of Almai!e" of the abbey of Oete!bach" 5hich had a rie6ous out i! her 4!ee" 5hich had holde! her a year lo! a!d more" a!d there 5as !o master !e physicia! that mi ht ma4e her 5hole1 She had reat de6otio! to S1 (eter" but she mi ht !ot o thither because of her obedie!ce" a!d because her malady 5as so rie6ous1 The! dema!ded she ho5 ma!y days> =our!ey 5as from the!ce to -ila!" a!d she fou!d that there 5ere fourtee! =our!eys1 The! purposed she to ma4e these =our!eys by her heart a!d ood thou hts" a!d she said for e6ery =our!ey o!e hu!dred pater!osters1 A!d al5ays as she 5e!t forth by her mi!d i! her =our!eys" she felt herself more eased" a!d 5he! she came to the last =our!ey i! her mi!d she fou!d herself all uerished1 The! she said that day all the (salter" a!d after retur!ed all the =our!eys li4e as she had o!e by her thou hts i! her heart" a!d after that day she felt !e6er the out1 There 5as a ma! that had a 6illai!ous malady be!eath" i! such 5ise that he 6oided blood si8 days co!ti!ually7 he cried to S1 (eter de6outly" a!d as he had e!ded his prayer he felt himself all 5hole7 a!d after he fell asleep" a!d he sa5 i! his sleep a friar preacher 5hich had a face reat a!d bro5!" a!d him seemed that he had bee! fello5 to S1 (eter" a!d 6erily he 5as of the same form1 This friar a6e to him a bo8 of oi!tme!t a!d said to himD +a6e ood hope i! S1 (eter 5hich late hath shed his blood for the faith" for he hath healed thee of the blood that ra! from thee" a!d 5he! he a5o4e he purposed to 6isit the sepulchre of S1 (eter1 There 5as a cou!tess of the castle -assi!o" 5hich had special de6otio! to S1 (eter a!d fasted al5ay his 6i il7 !o5 it happed that she offered a ca!dle to the altar of S1 (eter" a!d a!o! the priest for his co6etise <ue!ched the ca!dle" but a!o! after the ca!dle 5as li ht a ai! by himself" a!d he <ue!ched it a ai! o!ce or t5ice" a!d al5ays as soo! as he 5as o!e" it li hted a!o! a ai!7 the! he left that a!d put out a!other ca!dle 5hich a 4!i ht had offered i! the ho!our of S1 (eter" 5hich 4!i ht fasted also his e6e!" a!d the priest assayed t5o times if he mi ht put it out" but he mi ht !ot1 The! said the 4!i ht u!to the priestD ,hat" de6il" seest thou !ot 5ell the miracle" that S1 (eter 5ill !ot that they be <ue!chedE The! 5as the priest abashed a!d all the cler4s that 5ere there 5ith him" i! so much that they fled out of the church a!d told the miracle o6erall1 There 5as a ma! called 3oba 5hich had lost at play his o5! a!d all the mo!ey that he had1 ,he! he came i!to his house a!d sa5 himself i! so reat po6erty" he called the de6ils a!d a6e himself to them7 the! came to him three de6ils 5hich cast do5! 3oba upo! the soler a!d after too4 him by the !ec4" a!d it seemed that they 5ould ha6e estra! led him" i! such 5ise that he u!!ethe mi ht spea41 ,he! they that 5ere i! the house be!eath heard him cry" they 5e!t to him" but the de6ils said to them that they should retur!" a!d they had supposed that 3oba had said so" a!d retur!ed" a!d after a!o! he be a! to cry a ai!7 the! appercei6ed they 5ell that they 5ere the de6ils" a!d fetched the priest" 5hich co!=ured i! the !ame of S1 (eter" the de6ils" that they should o their 5ay1 The! t5o of them 5e!t a5ay a!d the third abode" a!d his frie!ds brou ht him o! the mor! to the church of the friars1 The! there came a friar !amed Guillaume of Vercelli" a!d this friar Guiliaume dema!ded 5hat 5as his !ame" a!d the fie!d a!s5eredD I am called 9alcefas7 the! the friar comma!ded that he should o out" a!d a!o! the fie!d called him by his !ame as he had 4!o5! him" a!d saidD Guillaume" Guillaume" I shall !ot o out for thee" for he is ours a!d hath i6e! himself to us1 The! he co!=ured him i! the !ame of S1 (eter the martyr" a!d the! a!o! he 5e!t his 5ay a!d the ma! 5as all 5hole" a!d too4 pe!a!ce for his trespass" a!d 5as after a ood ma!1 S1 (eter 5hiles he li6ed" it happed that he disputed 5ith a heretic" but this heretic 5as sharp" ai re" a!d so full of 5ords that S1 (eter mi ht ha6e of him !o!e audie!ce1 ,he! he sa5 that" he departed from the disputatio! a!d 5e!t a!d prayed our Lord that he 5ould i6e to him place a!d time to sustai! the faith" a!d that the other mi ht be still a!d spea4 !ot7 a!d 5he! he came a ai! he fou!d this heretic i! such case that he mi ht !ot spea41 The! the other heretics fled all co!fused" a!d the ood christia! me! tha!4ed our Lord1 The day that S1 (eter 5as martyred" a !u! that 5as of the city of 'lore!ce sa5 i! a 6isio! our Lady that styed up to hea6e!" a!d 5ith her t5o perso!s" o!e o! the ri ht side a!d that other o! the left" i! the habit of friars" 5hich 5ere by her" a!d 5he! she dema!ded 5ho it 5as" a 6oice said to her that it 5as the soul










of S1 (eter" a!d 5as fou!d certai!ly that same day he suffered death" a!d therefore this !u!" 5hich 5as rie6ously sic4" prayed to S1 (eter for to reco6er her health" a!d he at it for her e!tirely1 There 5as a scholar that 5e!t from -aloi !e u!to -o!tpellier" a!d i! leapi! he 5as bro4e! that he mi ht !ot o1 The! he remembered of a 5oma! that 5as healed of a ca!cer by a little of the earth of the sepulchre of S1 (eter" a!d a!o! he had trust i! God" a!d cried to S1 (eter i! such ma!!er as she had do!e" a!d a!o! he 5as 5hole1 I! the city of Compostella there 5as a ma! that had reat le s s5olle! li4e a barrel" a!d his 5omb li4e a 5oma! 5ith child" a!d his face foul a!d horrible" so that he seemed a mo!ster to loo4 o!1 A!d it happed that he 5e!t 5ith a staff be i! his bread" a!d i! a place 5here he dema!ded o! a time alms of a ood 5oma!" she sa5 him so s5olle! that she said that it 5ere better for him to ha6e a pit to be buried i! tha! a!y other thi! " for he 5as !o better tha! dead" yet !e6ertheless" said she" I cou!sel thee that thou o i!to the church of the friars preachers" a!d pray S1 (eter that he ma4e thee 5hole" a!d ha6e i! him 6ery faith a!d I hope he shall ma4e thee all 5hole1 This sic4 ma! 5e!t i! the mor! to the church" but he fou!d it shut a!d closed1 The! he slept at the door" a!d he sa5 i! his sleep that a ma! i! the habit of a friar brou ht him i!to the church" a!d co6ered him 5ith his cope" a!d 5he! he a5o4e he fou!d himself i! the church a!d 5as perfectly 5hole" 5hereof much people mar6elled because they had see! so short time tofore" him li4e as he should ha6e died forth5ith1 There be ma!y more miracles 5hich 5ere o6er reat a labour to 5rite all" for they 5ould occupy a reat boo41 The! let us pray to this holy martyr S1 (eter that he pray for us1 Here followeth of *" Phili& the A&o tle. fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"





(hilip is as much to say as the mouth of a lamp" or the mouth of ha!ds1 Or it is said of philos" that is as much to say as lo6e" a!d of yper" that is to say so6erei !" so (hilip is as much to say as lo6e of so6erei ! thi! s1 The! is it said" mouth of a lamp for his clear preachi! " a!d mouth of the ha!ds for his busy 5or4" a!d lo6e of thi! s so6erei ! for his celestial lo6e a!d co!templatio!1

Of the Life of *" Phili&"




S1 (hilip" 5he! he had preached i! Scythia by the space of t5e!ty years" he 5as ta4e! of the pay!ims" 5hich 5ould co!strai! him to ma4e sacrifice to a! idol 5hich 5as called -ars" their God" a!d a!o! u!der the idol issued out a ri ht reat dra o!" 5hich forth5ith sle5 the bishop>s so! that appoi!ted the fire for to ma4e the sacrifice" a!d the t5o pro6osts also" 5hose ser6a!ts heed S1 (hilip i! iro! bo!ds7 a!d the dra o! corrupted the people 5ith his breath that they all 5ere sic4" a!d S1 (hilip saidD 9elie6e ye me a!d brea4 this idol a!d set i! his place the cross of Jesu Christ a!d after" 5orship ye it" a!d they that be here dead shall re6i6e" a!d all the sic4 people shall be made 5hole1 A!d they that 5ere sic4 cried to S1 (hilip" a!d saidD If thou mayst do so much that 5e may be uerished a!d 5hole" 5e shall ladly do it1 A!d a!o! S1 (hilip comma!ded the dra o! that he should o i! to desert 5ithout rie6i! or doi! a!y harm to a!y perso!" a!d a!o! he departed 5ithout appeari! after7 a!d forth5ith S1 (hilip healed all them that 5ere sic4" a!d raised the three that 5ere dead" a!d 5ere all baptiHed" a!d preached to them the space of a year the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! he had ordai!ed priests a!d deaco!s" after" he departed a!d came i!to the city of +ierapoli! i! Asia" 5here he destroyed the heresy of the +ebro!ites" 5hich said a!d preached that Jesu Christ had !ot ta4e! 6ery flesh huma!" but o!ly the sembla!ce of the body huma!1 I! this city 5ere his t5o dau hters" by 5hom our Lord had co!6erted much people to the christia! faith1 S1 (hilip tofore his death made to come tofore him all the bishops" se6e! days tofore his death" a!d also all the priests" a!d said to themD These se6e! days hath our Lord i6e! to me respite for to 5ar! you to do 5ell1 A!d he 5as of the a e of ei hty:se6e! years1 A!d after this the pay!ims too4 a!d held him" a!d faste!ed him to the cross" li4e u!to his master" a!d so he yielded up his soul a!d died1 A!d his body 5as 5orshipfully buried there" a!d his t5o dau hters died lo! after him a!d 5ere also buried" that o!e o! the ri ht side" a!d that other o! the left side of the body of their father1





Isidore 5riteth i! the boo4 of the life a!d death of sai!ts" a!d saith that (hilip preached to the 're!chme!" a!d to me! that 5ere i! dar4!ess" he e!li hte!ed them i! the faith1 After" he 5as ta4e! i! the city of +ierapoli! of the pay!ims" a!d of them sto!ed a!d crucified" of 5hom the martyrolo y of holy church spea4eth !ot1 9ut of a!other (hilip" 5hich 5as o!e of the se6e! deaco!s" S1 Jerome saith i! the martyrolo y that he 5as buried i! the city of CFsarea" 5here God sho5ed ma!y fair miracles for him" beside 5hom three of his dau hters be buried" a!d the fourth dau hter lieth at Ephesus1 The first (hilip differe!ceth from this (hilip" for he 5as a! apostle a!d this 5as a deaco!1 The apostle resteth at +ierapoli!" a!d the deaco! at CFsarea7 he had t5o dau hters" a!d this four1 Thou h +istoria Ecclesiastica saith that (hilip the apostle had four dau hters prophetesses" but it is herei! more to belie6e S1 Jerome1 The! let us pray to the holy Life of apostle S1 (hilip that he pray for us to our Lord S1 James that 5e may come to his bliss1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" Ja%e the Le "

James is as much to say as suppla!ter or suppla!ti! a feast" or ma4i! ready1 Or James is said of =a a!d of cobar" 5hich is as much to say as the burde! or 5ei ht of God1 Or James may be said of =aculum" a dart a!d copis smiti! " 5hich is to say smitte! 5ith a dart" or smitte! 5ith lai6es1 +e 5as said a suppla!ter of the 5orld" for he despised it i! suppla!ti! hastily the de6il1 A!d he is said ma4i! ready" for al5ays he made ready his body to do 5ell1 'or as Gre ory of Nysse! saithD ,e ha6e i! us three e6il passio!s 5hich come of e6il !ourishi! " or of ri ht false co!6ersatio!" or of e6il custom of the body" or of the 6ice of i !ora!ce" a!d they be cured by ood co!6ersatio!" a!d for to hau!t studies of ood e8ercitatio! of doctri!e1 So the! the blessed James is escried" for he 5as al5ays ready i! his body to all ood1 +e is said the burde! or 5ei ht of ood or odly ma!!ers" that he used by e8ercitatio! of 6irtues1 +e 5as smitte! 5ith lai6es by martyrdom1 Of *" Ja%e the Le " James the apostle is said the Less" ho5 5ell that he 5as elder of a e tha! 5as S1 James the -ore" because li4e as is i! reli io! he that e!tered first is called ai!e a!d reat" a!d he that cometh after shall be called less" thou h he be the older" a!d i! this 5ise 5as this S1 James called the less1 +e 5as called also the brother of our Lord" because he resembled much 5ell our Lord i! body" i! 6isa e" a!d of ma!!er1 +e 5as called James the Just for his ri ht reat holi!ess" for S1 Jerome recordeth that he 5as so holy that the people stro6e ho5 they mi ht touch the hem of his robe or ma!tle1 +e 5as also called James the so! of Alpheus1 This James 5as e6er holy after that he issued out of his mother>s 5omb1 +e !e6er dra!4 5i!e" mead" !e cider" !e !e6er ate flesh" !e !e6er rasor touched his head" !e he !e6er bathed1 +e 4!elt so oft i! prayers that his 4!ees 5ere as hard as the hor! of a camel1 +e sa! i! Jerusalem the first mass that e6er 5as su! therei!" a!d he 5as first bishop of Jerusalem1 Josephus recordeth that he had a6o5ed at the death of our Lord that he 5ould !e6er eat till our Lord 5ere rise! from death to life7 the! o! Easter day our Lord appeared to him a!d saidD Lay the table" fair brother" a!d eat" for the so! of the Vir i! is rise! from death to life1 The! too4 he the bread a!d made the be!edictio! a!d a6e it to him1 The se6e!th year after" the apostles assembled i! Jerusalem o! Easter day" there S1 James dema!di! 5hat God had do!e by them tofore the people" that they should tell1 A!d 5he! S1 James had preached se6e! days i! the temple 5ith the other apostles" Caiaphas a!d some other 5ould ha6e bee! baptiHed" a!d the! e!tered i! a ma! sudde!ly i! to the temple a!d said cryi! D O ye sirs" 5hat 5ill ye doE 5hy suffer ye thus to be decei6ed of these e!cha!tersE 9e ye 5are a!d 4eep you" that they decei6e you !ot1 +e mo6ed so much the people that they 5ould ha6e sto!ed the apostles1 The! this fello5 5e!t up to the lecter! 5hereas S1 James preached" a!d thre5 him do5! bac45ard" a!d from the! fortho! e6er after he halted1 A!d this 5as do!e the se6e!th year after the asce!sio! of our Lord" a!d he 5as bishop there by the space of thirty years1 A!d i! his thirtieth year" 5he! the Je5s sa5 that they mi ht !ot slay S1 (aul because he had appealed to the emperor to 3ome" a!d 5as se!t forth to 3ome" they tur!ed all their persecutio! a ai!st S1 James" a!d said to himD The people is decei6ed" for they supposed that your Jesus 5ere -essias1 The! for as much as thou art much belie6ed" 5e pray thee that thou assemble the people" a!d that thou sta!d up o! hi h" a!d sho5 to them that it is !ot he" for thou art so =ust that 5e all shall belie6e i! thee1 The! S1 James 5e!t up o! the fro!t of the




















temple o! Easter day" a!d all the people 5ere assembled be!eath1 The! said the Je5s to him" 5ith a! hi h 6oiceD 3i ht =ust a!d true ma!" 5e 4!o5 5ell that thou shalt !ot lie" sho5 to us of Jesus that 5as ha! ed upo! the cross that 5hich thou 4!o5est" for all the 5orld is decei6ed1 The! a!s5ered he 5ith a! hi h 6oiceD ,herefore dema!d ye me of the so! of the 6ir i!E I say to you that he is !o5 i! hea6e!" a!d sitteth o! the ri ht side of God the 'ather" a!d shall come to deem the li6i! a!d the dead1 ,he! the christia! me! had heard him they 5ere much lad" but the (harisees a!d the masters of the la5 repe!ted them of this that they had made him to say" a!d bear this 5it!ess tofore the people" a!d too4 cou!sel to ether for to cast him do5!" for to ma4e the people afeard" because they should !ot belie6e him" a!d they criedD O the =ust ma! hath erred at this time1 a!d after they thre5 him do5! a!d the people be a! to sto!e him" 9ut he 5as o! his 4!ees" a!d saidD 'air Lord God" pardo! them" for they 5ot !ot 5hat they do1 The! cried out o!e of the so!s of the priest !amed JacobD Sirs" lea6e this =ust ma! i! peace1 9ut there 5as a ma! i! that compa!y too4 a fuller>s staff a!d smote him o! the head" that his brai! fell all abroad" a!d thus by martyrdom he fi!ished his life a!d 5as there buried" !i h u!to the temple1 A!d the people 5ould ha6e slai! these malefactors because they had slai! him" but they fled1 This 5as do!e i! the time of Nero the year of our Lord fifty:se6e!1 Josephus saith that for this reat si! of the death of S1 James 5as Jerusalem after5ard destroyed" for tofore that the destructio! came" God sho5ed mar6ellous si !s1 'or there 5as a star" ri ht clear a!d shi!i! " 5hich had the form of a s5ord" that hu! o6er Jerusalem7 but this to4e!" !e the to4e!s hereafter follo5i! " came !ot o!ly for the death of S1 James" but for the death of our Lord Jesu Christ pri!cipally" for he saidD There shall !ot i! thee be left a sto!e upo! a sto!e1 9ut because our Lord 5ould !ot the death of si!!ers" but that he 5ould they should do pe!a!ce a!d repe!t them" he abode forty years" a!d called them u!to pe!a!ce by his apostles" a!d most by S1 James" brother of our Lord" 5hich co!ti!ually preached to them1 'or i! this forty years 5ere ma!y si !s a!d prodi ies sho5ed to them as Josephus rehearseth" of 5hich the star" li4e the s5ord" 5as o!e" 5hich 5as see! o6er the city a 5hole year duri! " a!d bur!i! 5ith reat bri ht flames1 The !e8t year after" i! a feast of Easter" there 5as a clear!ess a!d li ht about the temple i! the !i ht" that it 5as li4e u!to clear day1 I! that same time there 5as a co5 brou ht forth to be sacrificed" 5hich a!o! cal6ed or brou ht forth a lamb" a ai!st 4i!d1 After this a little time" about oi! do5! of the su!" there 5as see! i! the air carts a!d 5ai!s" a!d reat compa!y of me! of arms that e!6iro!ed the city sudde!ly1 I! a feast of ,hitsu!tide" 5hich is called (e!tecost" the priests 5e!t i! to the temple by !i ht for to do their mysteries" a!d they heard a 6oice sayi! D Let us o he!ce from this place1 A!d four years after" tofore that the destructio! came" a ma! 5hose !ame 5as Jesus" the so! of A!a!ias" be a! to cry sudde!lyD The 6oice of the orie!tI the 6oice of the occide!tI the 6oice of four 5i!ds upo! JerusalemI ,oe o! the husba!dsI 5oe upo! the 5i6es I a!d 5oe upo! all the peopleI The said ma! 5as ta4e!" smitte!" a!d beate!" torme!ted" a!d brou ht tofore the =ud e" a!d he !e6er 5ept !e cried mercy" but e6er perse6ered" a!d cried ho5li! the same 5ords" addi! theretoD ,oe I 5oeI to Jerusalem1 All this saith Josephus" a!d yet for all these to4e!s" 5ar!i! s" a!d prodi ies the Je5s 5ere !e6er afeard1 The!" forty years after the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" came Titus a!d Vespasia! a ai!st Jerusalem" a!d destroyed it1 The cause" a!d by 5hom it 5as destroyed" is recorded i! a! history" thou h it be !ot authe!tic1 'or (ilate" 5hich doubted the fury a!d a! er of the emperor Tiberius" because he had 5ro! fully =ud ed a!d co!dem!ed Jesu Christ the i!!oce!t" se!t o!e of his ser6a!ts for to e8cuse him" a!d the ser6a!t>s !ame 5as Alba!1 I! this time Vespasia! 5as o6er!or of Galatia for the emperor" a!d the messe! er of (ilate 5hich 5ould ha6e o!e to 3ome" 5as co!strai!ed by a co!trary 5i!d to arri6e i! Galatia" a!d 5as brou ht to Vespasia!1 'or the custom of the cou!try 5as that 5ho 5as ta4e! o! the sea" a!d brou ht so i! a ai!st his 5ill" should be at the 5ill of the lord" body a!d oods1 A!d 5he! Vespasia! sa5 him he dema!ded him 5hat he 5as a!d from 5he!ce he came7 he said that he 5as of Jerusalem1 The! said Vespasia!D Ah Lord GodI i! that cou!try 5ere 5o!t to be ood masters a!d much ood sur eo!s7 my frie!d" said he" ca!st thou a!ythi! of sur eryE This said he because he had i! his !ose a botch full of 5orms from his youth" a!d !e6er mi ht ma! be fou!d that mi ht heal him of it1 The messe! er of (ilate a!s5ered a!d said that he could !othi! thereof1 Vespasia! saidD If thou heal me !ot I shall slay thee1 The messe! er saidD +e that e!lumi!ed the bli!d" a!d chased de6ils out of me!" a!d raised dead me! to life i! our cou!try" 4!o5eth 5ell that I ca!!ot heal thee but he ca! 5ell heal thee if he 5ill1 The! dema!ded Vespasia! 5hat he 5as1 +e said to him that it 5as Jesus of NaHareth" 5hom they of Jerusalem had slai! 5ro! fully for e!6y" a!d if thou 5ilt belie6e i! him he shall heal thee1 The! said Vespasia!D I belie6e 5ell that he that raised dead me! may 5ell heal a!d ma4e me all 5hole7 a!d sayi! these 5ords the 5asps fell from his !ose 5ith the botch 5ithi! 5hich they 5ere" a!d forth5ith he 5as made perfectly 5hole" 5hereof he had much reat =oy a!d saidD I am certai! that he that hath thus made me 5hole 5as the 6ery so! of God1 I shall dema!d lice!ce of the emperor Tiberius" a!d I shall o destroy the cursed traitors that ha6e slai! this ma!7 a!d the! he let Alba!" the messe! er of (ilate" o 5here he 5ould1


After this Vespasia! 5e!t to 3ome" a!d at lice!ce of the emperor for to destroy this people a!d the city of Jerusalem" a!d assembled his host i! the time of Nero the emperor" a!d came sudde!ly" the Je5s the! bei! the most part i! Jerusalem o! Easter day" a!d besie ed the to5!" for o! that day all the Je5s of the cou!try 5ere come to the feast" so that they 5ere sudde!ly e!closed1 No5 5as it so that tofore that Vespasia! came" the ood me! of the city 5ere 5ar!ed by the holy Ghost that they should o out of the city" a!d they 5e!t to a place called (ella" because that the 6e! ea!ce should !ot fall o! them" but o! the 5ic4ed people of the Je5s1 There 5as a!other city of the Je5ry !amed Jo!apatam" i! 5hich Josephus 5as du4e" 5hich Vespasia! first assailed" but Josephus" 5ith such me! as he had" resisted them ma!ly" but at the last" 5he! Josephus sa5 the destructio! of it a!d mi ht !o lo! er 4eep it" he too4 5ith him t5el6e Je5s a!d hid him i! a ca6e or a! house u!der the earth" 5here they 5ere four days 5ithout meat a!d dri!4 i! reat a! uish a!d afflictio!1 The! the Je5s" bei! there 5ithout co!se!t of Josephus" had liefer die tha! be sub=ect or put themsel6es i! ser6itude to Vespasia!" a!d 5ould slay themsel6es" a!d offer their blood i! sacrifice to God1 A!d because Josephus 5as the most 5orthy a!d !oble of them" they 5ould slay him first" by 5hose blood God mi ht best be pleased" or else" as it is said i! the chro!icle" that each of them should slay other rather tha! they should come i!to the ha!ds of the 3oma!s1 The! Josephus" a prude!t ma!" a!d !ot 5illi! to die" co!stituted a!d ordai!ed himself =ud e of the death a!d sacrifice" a!d 5ho that first should be slai!7 he ordai!ed that bet5ee! t5o a!d t5o should be dra5! lots" a!d so" the lot i6e!" !o5 o!e 5as slai!" !o5 a!other" till at the last all 5ere dead sa6e Josephus a!d o!e other1 The! Josephus" bei! a stro! ma! a!d a li ht" cau ht the s5ord to him a!d as4ed his fello5 5hether he had liefer li6e or die" a!d comma!ded him shortly 5ithout delay to tell him7 a!d he sore dreadi! saidD I forsa4e !ot to li6e if I may by thy race et a!d 4eep my life1 The! Josephus spa4e to a ser6a!t of Vespasia!" a!d did so much that he at his life of Vespasia!" a!d the! he 5as brou ht to Vespasia!" a!d Vespasia! said to himD Thou shouldst ha6e died if thou hadst !ot otte! race by the prayer a!d re<uest of this ma!7 a!d Josephus a!s5eredD If a!y thi! be do!e amiss it may tur! to better7 a!d Vespasia! saidD ,ho that is bou!d" 5hat may he doE Josephus a!s5eredD Some5hat may I do if thou 5ilt i6e me audie!ce1 Vespasia! saidD I 5ill 5ell that thou say" a!d if thou say a!y ood thou shalt be peaceably heard1 A!d Josephus saidD The emperor of 3ome is dead" a!d the se!ate hath made thee emperor7 a!d Vespasia! a!s5eredD If thou be a prophet" 5hy hast thou !ot prophesied to the people of this city that they shall be ta4e! by my ha!dE A!d Josephus saidD I ha6e 5ell forty days 5ar!ed them1 A!d i! the mea!5hile came the messe! ers from 3ome a!d affirmed that Vespasia! 5as made emperor" a!d led him to 3ome1 All this recou!teth Eusebius i! his chro!icle1 Josephus said tofore to Vespasia! as 5ell of the death of the emperor as of his electio! to be emperor1 A!d Vespasia! left his so! Titus at the sie e of Jerusalem1 It is read also i! the same history" thou h it be apocrypha" that 5he! Titus heard that his father 5as e!ha!ced i!to the empire" he 5as so lad a!d had so much =oy" that all his si!e5s 5ere shru!4e! a!d 5ere so feeble that he 5as sore torme!ted 5ith the palsy1 A!d Josephus heari! thereof dili e!tly e!<uired the cause of the sic4!ess" the time thereof a!d the ma!!er1 The cause !e the sic4!ess 5ere !ot 4!o5!" but the time 5as 5he! he heard of the electio! of his father to the empire1 Josephus" a 5ise a!d a prude!t ma!" co!sidered the time of the comi! of the sic4!ess" a!d co!=ectured that it came of o6ermuch =oy a!d abou!di! lad!ess" a!d rememberi! that co!traries be cured by their co!traries" for that 5hich cometh of lo6e is cured by hate ofttimes" a!d be a! to e!<uire if there 5ere a!y ma! that the pri!ce hated much1 A!d it 5as that he had a ser6a!t 5hom he held i! priso!" a!d hated him so much that i! !o 5ise he mi ht loo4 o! him !e hear him !amed1 The! he saidD Titus" if thou desire to be 5hole" 5ho that e6er come i! my fello5ship must be here sure a!d safe1 The! Josephus made the di!!er to be ready a!d set himself a ai!st him" a!d the ser6a!t that Titus most hated sat o! his ri ht side" 5hom as soo! as Titus had beholde! he be a! to chauffe a!d to be mar6ellous a! ry for a! uish1 The! he 5hich 5as i!fri idate a!d cold for =oy" stretched out his si!e5s" a!d 5as made all 5hole by the bur!i! heat of a! er a!d 5as all 5hole1 All this foresaid of Josephus" I remit it to the reader>s =ud me!t 5hether he 5ill belie6e it or !ot" but Titus lay at the sie e t5o years tofore the city" a!d so lo! that the fami!e oppressed so sore" that the fathers from the childre!" a!d the childre! from the fathers" a!d husba!ds from the 5i6es" a!d 5i6es from the husba!ds" pluc4ed the meat out of others> mouths7 a!d you! me! that had bee! ri ht stro! fell do5! dead i! the streets a!d 5ays1 They that should bury the dead fell do5! ofttimes dead upo! them

















that 5ere dead" a!d because they 5ere !ot bor!e a5ay !or they mi ht !ot suffer the ste!ch of the dead bodies" they ordai!ed that the commo!s of the to5! should cast them o6er the 5alls i!to the ditches because they mi ht !ot e!dure the ste!ch to bury them1 A!d 5he! Titus" 5hich 5e!t about the city" sa5 the ditches so full of carrio!s 5hich corrupted all the cou!try 5ith the ste!ch" he held up his ha!ds to hea6e! 5eepi! " a!d saidD Lord God" !o5 see I 5ell that this is !ot by me but by thee 5hich herei! ta4est 6e! ea!ce7 for the! they of the to5! 5ithi! had so reat default that they ate their shoes a!d ratchets1 There 5as a e!tle5oma! i! the to5! 5hich had a child to 5hom she a6e suc4" a!d for hu! er that she had she stra! led a!d sle5 this child" a!d roasted that o!e half a!d 4ept that other for to eat1 It happed that the o6er!ors of the to5! 5hich 5e!t to search" smelled the sa6our of this roast" a!d bra4e up the door a!d threate!ed to slay the 5oma! if she a6e to them !ot of her meat1 The! she sho5ed to them that other deal of her child that she had 4ept" a!d saidD If ye 5ill" I shall ladly i6e you part1 The! had they so reat horror thereof that they mi ht !ot spea41 The! said sheD This 5as my so!" the si! is mi!e a!d cometh o! me" eat o! hardily for I ha6e eate! part tofore" for ye lo6ed him !ot so 5ell as I did that 5as his mother1 A!d if pity mo6e you that ye lea6e to eat of him" I that ha6e eate! that o!e half" 4!o5 ye for certai! that I shall 5ell eat that other half1 They the!" bei! abhorred of this i!huma!ity" 5e!t their 5ay1 After this the!" 5he! Vespasia! had bee! emperor t5o years" Titus too4 Jerusalem a!d destroyed all" a!d the temple also7 a!d li4e as the Je5s had bou ht our Lord for thirty pe!ce" so a6e he thirty Je5s for o!e pe!!y1 A!d li4e as Josephus recordeth" he sold so four score a!d se6e!tee! thousa!d" a!d ele6e! hu!dred thousa!d 5ere perished by fami!e a!d by s5ord1 It is read that 5he! Titus e!tered Jerusalem he sa5 a thic4 5all 5hich he did do perish a!d brea4" a!d 5he! a hole 5as made therei! they sa5 there a fair old ma!" hoar a!d 6e!erable of cheer" 5hom they dema!ded lo! 5hat he 5as1 At the last he a!s5ered a!d said he 5as Joseph of Arimathea" a city of Judea" a!d that the Je5s had mured him therei! because he had buried Christ" a!d sayi! more" that from that time u!til this !o5 I ha6e bee! fed 5ith hea6e!ly bread a!d dri!4" a!d comforted 5ith di6i!e li ht1 Ne6ertheless" i! the ospel of Nicodemus it is said that 5he! the Je5s had shut him up" Christ i! his resurrectio! too4 him the!ce a!d led him i! to Arimathea1 It may 5ell be after" 5he! he ceased !ot to preach of Christ" that the Je5s so mured him up1 After this" 5he! Vespasia! 5as dead" Titus his so! 5as made emperor after him" a!d 5as so debo!air" so liberal a!d of so reat bou!ty" that there had !o!e bee! li4e him" for as Jerome saithD That day that he had !ot i6e! a ift" !e had do!e !o ood" at e6e! he said to his frie!ds" O my frie!ds" this day ha6e I lost1 After this" lo! time" it happed that some Je5s 5ould re:edify Jerusalem1 A!d o! the first mor!i! that they 5e!t to 5or4 they fou!d crosses o! the de5" a!d the! they fled7 a!d after they came a ai! a!d be a! to re:edify a ai!" a!d the! they fou!d bloody crosses" a!d the! they fled a5ay a ai!7 a!d the third time they came a ai!" a!d out of the earth issued a fire a!d bur!t a!d 5asted them all1 Of the i#ve#tio# of the Holy !ro . a#d fir t of thi word i#ve#tio#"



The i!6e!tio! of the holy cross is said because that this day the holy cross 5as fou!d1 'or tofore it 5as fou!d of Seth i! (aradise terrestrial" li4e as it shall be said hereafter" a!d also it 5as fou!d of Solomo! i! the -ou!t of Leba!o!" a!d of the Guee! of Sheba i! the temple of Solomo!" a!d of the Je5s i! the 5ater of (isci!e" a!d o! this day it 5as fou!d of +ele!a i! the -ou!t of Cal6ary1 Of the Holy !ro "

The holy cross 5as fou!d t5o hu!dred years after the resurrectio! of our Lord1 It is read i! the ospel of Nicodemus that" 5he! Adam 5a8ed sic4" Seth his so! 5e!t to the ate of (aradise terrestrial for to et the oil of mercy for to a!oi!t 5ithal his father>s body1 The! appeared to him S1 -ichael the a! el" a!d said to himD Tra6ail !ot thou i! 6ai! for this oil" for thou mayst !ot ha6e it till fi6e thousa!d a!d fi6e hu!dred years be past" ho5 be it that from Adam u!to the passio! of our Lord 5ere but fi6e thousa!d o!e hu!dred a!d thirtythree years1 I! a!other place it is read that the a! el brou ht him a bra!ch" a!d comma!ded him to pla!t it the -ou!t of Leba!o!1 ;et fi!d 5e i! a!other place that he a6e to him of the tree that Adam ate of" a!d said to him that 5he! that bare fruit he should be uerished a!d all 5hole1 ,he! Seth came a ai! he fou!d his father dead a!d pla!ted this tree upo! his ra6e" a!d it e!dured there u!to the time of Solomo!1 A!d because he sa5 that it 5as fair" he did do he5 it do5! a!d set it i! his house !amed Saltus1 A!d 5he! the Guee! of Sheba came to 6isit Solomo!" she 5orshipped this tree" because she said the Sa6iour of all the 5orld should be ha! ed thereo!" by 5hom the realm of the Je5s













shall be defaced a!d cease1 Solomo! for this cause made it to be ta4e! up a!d dol6e! deep i! the rou!d1 No5 it happed after" that they of Jerusalem did do ma4e a reat pit for a pisci!e" 5hereas the mi!isters of the temple should 5ash their beasts that they should sacrifice" a!d there fou!d this tree" a!d this pisci!e had such 6irtue that the a! els desce!ded a!d mo6ed the 5ater" a!d the first sic4 ma! that desce!ded i!to the 5ater" after the mo6i! " 5as made 5hole of 5hatsoe6er sic4!ess he 5as sic4 of1 A!d 5he! the time approached of the passio! of our Lord" this tree arose out of the 5ater" a!d floated abo6e the 5ater" a!d of this piece of timber made the Je5s the cross of our Lord1 The!" after this history" the cross by 5hich 5e be sa6ed came of the tree by 5hich 5e 5ere dam!ed" a!d the 5ater of that pisci!e had !ot his 6irtue o!ly of the a! el but of the tree1 ,ith this tree" 5hereof the cross 5as made" there 5as a tree that 5e!t o6erth5art" o! 5hich the arms of our Lord 5ere !ailed" a!d a!other piece abo6e" 5hich 5as the table 5herei! the title 5as 5ritte!" a!d a!other piece 5herei! the soc4et or mortice 5as made" 5herei! the body of the cross stood i!" so that there 5ere four ma!!er of trees" that is of palm" of cypress" of cedar" a!d of oli6e1 So each of these four pieces 5as of o!e of these trees1 This blessed cross 5as put i! the earth" a!d hid by the space of a hu!dred years a!d more" but the mother of the emperor" 5hich 5as !amed +ele!a" fou!d it i! this ma!!er1 'or Co!sta!ti!e came 5ith a reat multitude of barbaria!s !i h u!to the ri6er of the Da!ube" 5hich 5ould ha6e o!e o6er for to ha6e destroyed all the cou!try1 A!d 5he! Co!sta!ti!e had assembled his host he 5e!t a!d set them a ai!st that other party" but as soo! as he be a! to pass the ri6er he 5as much afeard because he should o! the mor! ha6e battle1 A!d i! the !i ht" as he slept i! his bed" a! a! el a5o4e him" a!d sho5ed to him the si ! of the cross i! hea6e!" a!d said to himD 9ehold o! hi h i! hea6e!1 The! sa5 he the cross made of ri ht clear li ht" a!d 5as 5ritte! thereupo! 5ith letters of oldD I! this si ! thou shalt o6ercome the battle1 The! 5as he all comforted of this 6isio! a!d o! the mor! he put i! his ba!!er the cross a!d made it to be bor!e tofore him a!d his host" a!d after" smote i! the host of his e!emies a!d sle5 a!d chased reat ple!ty1 After this he did do call the bishops of the idols" a!d dema!ded them to 5hat God the si ! of the cross appertai!ed1 A!d 5he! they could !ot a!s5er" some christia! me! that 5ere there told to him the mystery of the cross" a!d i!formed him i! the faith of the Tri!ity1 The! a!o! he belie6ed perfectly i! God a!d did do baptiHe him" a!d after it happed that Co!sta!ti!e his so! remembered the 6ictory of his father" a!d se!t to +ele!a his mother for to fi!d the holy cross1 The! +ele!a 5e!t i! to Jerusalem a!d did do assemble all the 5ise me! of the cou!try" a!d 5he! they 5ere assembled they 5ould fai! 4!o5 5herefore they 5ere called1 The! o!e Judas said to themD I 5ot 5ell that she 5ill 4!o5 of us 5here the cross of Jesu Christ 5as laid" but be5are you all that !o!e of you tell her" for I 5ot 5ell" the! shall our la5 be destroyed1 'or Kacheus" mi!e old father" said to Simo! my father" a!d my father said to me at his deathD 9e 5ell 5are that for !o torme!t that ye may suffer" tell !ot 5here the cross of Jesu Christ 5as laid" for after that it shall be fou!d the Je5s shall rei ! !o more" but the christia! me! that 5orshipped the cross shall the! rei !7 a!d 6erily this Jesus 5as the so! of God1 The! dema!ded I my father 5herefore had they ha! ed him o! the cross sith it 5as 4!o5! that he 5as the so! of God1 The! he said to meD 'air so!" I !e6er accorded thereto" but ai!said it al5ays" but the (harisees did it because he repro6ed their 6ices7 but he arose o! the third day a!d" his disciples seei! " he asce!ded i!to hea6e!7 the! because that Stephe!" thy brother" belie6ed i! him the Je5s sto!ed him to death1 The!" 5he! Judas had said these 5ords to his fello5s" they a!s5eredD ,e !e6er heard of such thi! s" !e6ertheless 4eep thee 5ell" if the <uee! dema!d thee thereof" that thou say !o thi! to her1 ,he! the <uee! had called them a!d dema!ded them the place 5here our Lord Jesu Christ had bee! crucified" they 5ould !e6er tell !e e!sei ! her1 The! comma!ded she to bur! them all" but the! they doubted a!d 5ere afraid" a!d deli6ered Judas to her a!d saidD Lady" this ma! is the so! of a prophet a!d of a =ust ma!" a!d 4!o5eth ri ht 5ell the la5" a!d ca! tell to you all thi! s that ye shall dema!d him1 The! the <uee! let all the others o a!d retai!ed Judas 5ithout more1 The! she sho5ed to him his life a!d death" a!d bade him choose 5hich he 5ould1 Sho5 to me" said she" the place !amed Gol otha 5here our Lord 5as crucified" because a!d to the e!d that 5e may fi!d the cross1 The! said JudasD It is t5o hu!dred years passed a!d more" a!d I 5as !ot the! yet bor!1 The! said to him the ladyD 9y him that 5as crucified" I shall ma4e thee perish for hu! er if thou tell !ot to me the truth1 The! made she him to be cast i!to a dry pit a!d there torme!ted him by hu! er a!d e6il rest1 ,he! he had bee! se6e! days i! that pit" the! said heD If I mi ht be dra5! out" I should say the truth1 The! he 5as dra5! out" a!d 5he! he came to the place" a!o! the earth mo6ed" a!d a fume of reat s5eet!ess 5as felt" i! such 5ise that Judas smote his ha!ds to ether for =oy" a!d saidD I! truth" Jesu Christ" thou art the Sa6iour of the 5orld1 It 5as so that Adria! the emperor had do ma4e" i! the same place 5here the cross lay" a temple of a oddess" because that all they that came i! that place should adore that oddess" but the <uee! did do



destroy the temple1 The! Judas made him ready a!d be a! to di " a!d 5he! he came to t5e!ty paces deep he fou!d three crosses a!d brou ht them to the <uee!" a!d because he 4!e5 !ot 5hich 5as the cross of our Lord" he laid them i! the middle of the city a!d abode the demo!stra!ce of God7 a!d about the hour of !oo! there 5as the corps of a you! ma! brou ht to be buried1 Judas retai!ed the bier" a!d laid upo! it o!e of the crosses" a!d after the seco!d" a!d 5he! he laid o! it the third" a!o! the body that 5as dead came a ai! to life1 The! cried the de6il i! the airD Judas" 5hat hast thou do!eE Thou hast do!e the co!trary that the other Judas did" for by him I ha6e 5o! !a!y souls" a!d by thee I shall lose ma!y" by him I rei !ed o! the people" a!d by thee I ha6e lost my realm" !e6ertheless I shall yield to thee this bou!ty" for I shall se!d o!e that shall pu!ish thee1 A!d that 5as accomplished by Julia! the apostate" 5hich torme!ted him after5ard" 5he! he 5as bishop of Jerusalem1 A!d 5he! Judas heard him" he cursed the de6il a!d said to himD Jesu Christ dam! thee i! fire perdurable1 After this Judas 5as baptiHed a!d 5as !amed Guiriacus" a!d after 5as made bishop of Jerusalem1 ,he! +ele!a had the cross of Jesu Christ" a!d sa5 that she had !ot the !ails" the! she se!t to the bishop Guiriacus that he should o to the place a!d see4 the !ails1 The! he did di i! the earth so lo! that he fou!d them shi!i! as old7 the! bare he them to the <uee!" a!d a!o! as she sa5 them she 5orshipped them 5ith reat re6ere!ce1 The! a6e S1 +ele!a a part of the cross to her so! a!d that other part she left i! Jerusalem" closed i! old" sil6er" a!d precious sto!es1 A!d her so! bare the !ails to the emperor" a!d the emperor did do set them i! his bridle a!d i! his helm 5he! he 5e!t to battle1 This rehearseth Eusebius" 5hich" 5as bishop of CFsarea" ho5 be it that others say other5ise1 No5 it happed that Julia! the apostate did do slay Guiriacus" that 5as bishop of Jerusalem" because he had fou!d the cross" for he hated it so much that 5heresome6er he fou!d the cross he did it to be destroyed1 'or 5he! he 5e!t i! battle a ai!st them of (ersia" he se!t a!d comma!ded Guiriacus to ma4e sacrifice to the idols" a!d 5he! he 5ould !ot do it" he did do smite off his ri ht ha!d" a!d saidD ,ith this ha!d hast thou 5ritte! ma!y letters by 5hich thou repelled much fol4 from doi! sacrifice to our ods1 Guiriacus saidD Thou 5ood hou!d" thou hast do!e to me reat profit" for thou hast cut off the ha!d 5ith 5hich I ha6e ma!y times 5ritte! to the sy!a o ues that they should !ot belie6e i! Jesu Christ" a!d !o5 sith I am christia! thou hast ta4e! from me that 5hich !oyed me1 The! did Julia! do melt lead a!d cast it i! his mouth" a!d after did do bri! a bed of iro! a!d made Guiriacus to be laid a!d stretched thereo!" a!d after laid u!der bur!i! coals a!d thre5 therei! rease a!d salt for to torme!t him the more7 a!d 5he! Guiriacus mo6ed !ot" Julia! the emperor said to himD Either thou shalt sacrifice to our ods" or thou shalt say at the least thou art !ot christia!1 A!d 5he! he sa5 he 5ould do !e6er !either" he did do ma4e a deep pit full of serpe!ts a!d 6e!omous beasts" a!d cast him therei!1 A!d 5he! he e!tered" a!o! the serpe!ts 5ere all dead1 The! Julia! put him i! a caldro! of boili! oil" a!d 5he! he should e!ter i!to it he blessed it" a!d saidD 'air Lord" tur! this bath to baptism of martyrdom1 The! 5as Julia! much a! ry" a!d comma!ded that he should be ri6e! throu h his heart 5ith a s5ord" a!d i! this ma!!er fi!ished his life1 The 6irtue of the cross is declared to us by ma!y miracles7 for it happed o! a time that o!e e!cha!ter had decei6ed a !otary a!d brou ht him i!to a place 5here he had assembled a reat compa!y of de6ils" a!d promised to him that he 5ould ma4e him to ha6e much riches7 a!d 5he! he came there he sa5 o!e perso! blac4" sitti! o! a reat chair" a!d all about him all full of horrible people a!d blac4 5hich had spears a!d s5ords1 The! dema!ded this reat de6il of the e!cha!ter 5ho 5as that cler41 The e!cha!ter said to himD Sir" he is ours1 The! said the de6il to himD If thou 5ilt 5orship me a!d be my ser6a!t a!d re!y Jesu Christ" thou shalt sit o! my ri ht side1 The cler4 a!o! blessed him 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d said that he 5as the ser6a!t of Jesu Christ his Sa6iour" a!d a!o!" as he had made the cross" that reat multitude of de6ils 6a!ished a5ay1 It happed that this !otary" after this" o! a time e!tered 5ith his lord i!to the church of S1 Sophia a!d 4!eeled do5! o! his 4!ees tofore the ima e of the crucifi8" the 5hich crucifi8" as it seemed" loo4ed much ope!ly a!d sharply o! him1 The! his lord made him to o apart o! a!other side" a!d al5ays the crucifi8 tur!ed his eyes to5ards him7 the! he made him o o! the left side" a!d yet the crucifi8 loo4ed o! him" the! 5as the lord much amar6elled" a!d char ed him a!d comma!ded him that he should tell him 5hereof he had so deser6ed that the crucifi8 so beheld a!d loo4ed o! him1 The! said the !otary that he could !ot remember him of !o ood thi! that he had do!e" sa6e that o!e time he 5ould !ot re!y !e forsa4e the crucifi8











tofore the de6il1 The! let us so bless us 5ith the si ! of the blessed cross that 5e may thereby be 4ept from the po5er of our hostly a!d deadly e!emy the de6il" a!d by the merits of the lorious passio! that our Sa6iour Jesu Christ suffered o! the cross" after this life 5e may come to his e6erlasti! bliss1 Ame!1

Here followeth the Hi tory of *" Joh# Port Lati#"






,he! S1 Joh! the apostle a!d e6a! elist preached i! a city of Greece !amed Ephesus" he 5as ta4e! of the =ud e" 5hich comma!ded him that he should ma4e sacrifice to the false idols" a!d 5he! he 5ould !ot do it he put him i! priso!1 A!d after" he se!t a letter to Domitia! the emperor 5hich said that he held a! e!cha!ter i! priso! 5hich had despised their ods a!d 5orshipped him that 5as crucified1 The! comma!ded Domitia! that he should be brou ht to 3ome" a!d 5he! he 5as there they did do sha6e off all the hairs of his head i! derisio!" a!d after" they brou ht him tofore the ate called (ort Lati!" a!d put him i! a to! full of bur!i! oil1 9ut he !e6er felt harm !e pai!" a!d 5ithout sufferi! a!y harm he issued out1 I! that place christia! me! did do ma4e a fair church" a!d this day made a solem! feast" as it 5ere the day of his martyrdom1 A!d 5he! the emperor sa5 that he ceased !ot of preachi! for the comma!dme!t that he had made" he se!t him i! e8ile i!to a! isle !amed (atmos1 It ou ht !ot to be belie6ed that the emperor did these persecutio!s u!to christia! people because they belie6ed i! God" for they refused !o!e" but it 5as a displeasure to them that they 5orshipped God 5ithout authority of the se!ators1 A!other reaso! there 5as" a!d that 5as that the ser6ice of their other ods 5as lessed a!d mi!ished thereby1 The third reaso! 5as that he preached to despise the 5orship" the ho!our" a!d the a6oir of the 5orld" a!d that 5as the thi! pri!cipal that the 3oma!s lo6ed1 9ut Jesu Christ 5ould !o thi! permit it lest they held that it 5as do!e by puissa!ce huma!1 A!other cause there 5as" as -aster Joh! 9eleth saith" 5hy that the emperor a!d the se!ate pursued Christ a!d his apostles" a!d that 5as that them seemed that God 5as o6er proud a!d e!6ious" because he des !ed !ot to ha6e a fello51 A!other cause alle eth Orosius" a!d saith that the se!ate had despite of this" that (ilate had 5ritte! the miracles of Jesu Christ to the emperor o!ly" a!d !ot to the se!ators" 5herefore they 5ould !ot accord that he should be admitted to be 5orshipped amo! the ods1 Therefore Tiberius the emperor did do slay some of the se!ators a!d some he se!t i! e8ile1 The mother of S1 Joh! heari! that her so! 5as priso!er" mo6ed 5ith motherly compassio!" came to 3ome7 a!d 5he! she came she fou!d that he 5as se!t i! e8ile" she 5e!t the! i!to the champai! to a city !amed Vorula!a" a!d there died a!d yielded her soul to Christ1 ,hose body 5as buried i! a ca6e 5here it lo! rested" but after" by S1 James her other so!" it 5as sho5ed" 5hich the! 5as ta4e! up a!d fou!d s5eet smelli! " a!d ma!y miracles sho5ed i! her tra!slatio! i! the said city1 The! let us pray to S1 Joh! that he pray for us1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Gordia#" Gordia!" that 5as 6icar u!to Julia! the emperor" co!strai!ed a christia! ma! !amed Ja!uary for to do sacrifice" but by the race of God he 5as co!6erted by the preachi! of the same Ja!uary u!to the christia! faith" 5ith his 5ife a!d fifty:three me!1 A!d 5he! this came to the 4!o5led e of the emperor" he comma!ded that Ja!uary should be put a!d se!t i! e8ile7 a!d if so 5ere that Gordia! 5ould !ot do sacrifice to the ods he should be beheaded" a!d so his head 5as smitte! off a!d the body cast u!to the hou!ds" 5hich lay so by the space of se6e! days u!touched1 A!d at the last his ser6a!ts too4 a!d stole it a5ay" a!d 5ith it the body of the blessed Epimachus" 5hom the said Julia! had slai! a little tofore1 They buried it !ot far from the city of 3ome" about a mile" a!d this 5as do!e about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d si8ty1 Here follow the Live of Nereu a#d A$hilleu . a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of their #a%e "




Nereus is as much to say as cou!cil of li ht1 Or Nereus is said of !ereth" that is a la!ter!" a!d us" that is hasti! 1 Or Nereus is said of !e a!d reus" 5hich is to say !o thi! uilty1 +e 5as the! cou!cil of li ht i! preachi! of 6ir i!ity" a la!ter! i! ho!est co!6ersatio!" hasty i! fer6our of lo6e to et hea6e!" a!d !e6er uilty i! his co!scie!ce1 Achilleus is said of achi" that is to say my brother" a!d lesa" that is health" as 5ho saith" the health of brethre!1 The passio! of these t5ai! 5rote Eutichius" Victori!e" a!d -aro" ser6a!ts of Christ" dili e!tly1


Of the *ai#t Nereu a#d A$hilleu "





Nereus a!d Achilleus 5ere elded" a!d chamberlai!s of o!e Domicella" !iece of Domitia! the emperor" 5hom S1 (eter the apostle baptiHed1 A!d this Domicella had to husba!d a ma! that 5as called Aurelia!" a!d 5as so! of o!e of the cou!cillors of the emperor1 A!d 5he! she 5as curiously clad a!d arrayed i! robes of purple a!d precious sto!es" these t5o lorious sai!ts preached to her the faith of Christ a!d the 6irtue of 6ir i!ity7 they praised it much i! sho5i! that it 5as !i h !ei hbour u!to God" sister u!to a! els" cousi! u!to sai!ts" a!d of !ature bor! 5ith creature huma!1 A!d the 5oma! that is married is sub=ect to ma!1 a!d is beate! 5ith sta6es a!d fists i! such 5ise that they be deli6ered of their childre! ere their time" deformed a!d lame" a!d 5here i! her youth she mi ht u!!ethe suffer teachi! s a!d admo!estme!ts of her mother" 5hich 5as but soft a!d amiable" she should !o5 by the co!trary suffer of her husba!d reat shames" reproofs" a!d 6illai!ies1 A!d she amo! all other thi! s a!s5eredD I 4!o5 5ell that my father 5as =ealous o6er my mother" a!d much sorro5 suffered my mother" a!d my husba!d shall be such a! o!e hereafter1 Thereto they a!s5eredD ,he! they be !e5 5edded they seem much debo!air" but after" 5he! they feel themsel6es married" they rei ! much cruelly" a!d sometimes they ma4e their maide!s mistresses reater tha! their 5i6es" a!d thus all holi!ess may be lost" but by pe!a!ce may it be reco6ered" a!d 6ir i!ity may !ot come a ai! to his perfectio!" ho5 5ell that the culpe of si! may 5ell be defaced" a!d the 6ir i!ity may !ot be had a ai!1 The! this damsel" 5hich 5as !amed 'la6ia" belie6ed i! God a!d a6o5ed to him her 6ir i!ity" a!d recei6ed the 6eil at the ha!d of S1 Cleme!t1 A!d 5he! her husba!d heard this he at lice!ce of the emperor that he mi ht do 5hat he 5ould 5ith his 5ife" a!d also of them that had co!6erted her1 A!d he se!t them all three i!to a! isle called (o!tia!a" a!d by this he supposed to do that the foresaid sai!ts" that is to say S1 Nereus a!d S1 Achilleus" should tur! the purpose of his 5ife" touchi! the a6o5 of the 6ir i!ity that she had made1 A!d after that" a little time" he 5e!t to the 6ir i! a!d also to the sai!ts" to the e!d that they should cha! e their purpose" a!d they i! !o 5ise 5ould !ot" but yet more stro! ly tha! tofore 5ere they co!firmed a!d comforted" a!d said plai!ly they 5ould i! !o 5ise do" !e ma4e sacrifice to the idols" for they had bee! baptiHed of S1 (eter the apostle" 5hich so had co!firmed them i! the la5 a!d faith" that they mi ht ma4e !o sacrifice but o!ly to God7 a!d therefore their heads 5ere smitte! off" a!d so suffered martyrdom about the year of our Lord four score1 Of 5hom the bodies 5ere buried by the sepulchre of S1 (er!elle1 A!d the other sai!ts" that is to say" S1 Victori!e" Eutichius" a!d -aro" 5hich 5ere about them as ser6a!ts" 5ere put to labour all day i! the arde!s" a!d at e6e! 5as i6e! to them bro5! bread" blac4 a!d rou h" 5hich 5as made of reat meal a!d bra!1 'i!ally he made Eutichius to die by force of fami!e a!d to i6e up his spirit1 +e did do cast S1 Victori!e i!to foul a!d sti!4i! 5ater" a!d there 5as dro5!ed" a!d he made S1 -aro to be laid u!der a sto!e the 5hich se6e!ty of his ser6a!ts mi ht u!!ethe mo6e" a!d the lorious sai!t cast the sto!e upo! his shoulders as li htly as it had bee! a little stra5" a!d bare it t5o miles farther from the!ce" for 5hich cause ma!y 5ere co!6erted a!d belie6ed i! God" for 5hich cause the master>s cou!cillors did him to be slai!1 A!d after this Aurelia! did do bri! the damsel from the place of e8ile" a!d se!t to her t5o 6ir i!s !amed Euphrosy!e a!d Theodora" 5hich had bee! !ourished 5ith her" to the e!d that they should tur! a!d cha! e her 6o5" but she co!6erted these t5o 6ir i!s to the faith by her e8hortatio!1 The! Aurelia! too4 the husba!ds of the t5o maide!s a!d three e!cha!ters 5ith him" a!d came to Domicella for to 5ed a!d accomplish the marria e by force a ai!st her 5ill7 but Domicella" as God 5ould" co!6erted the you! me! to the faith of Jesu Christ1 9ut 5he! Aurelia! sa5 that she had co!6erted the t5o you! me! a!d the t5o 6ir i!s aforesaid" he led her i!to his chamber a!d made of e!cha!ters to si! " a!d comma!ded the others to da!ce 5ith him as he that 5ould defoul Domicella" but the =u lers left si! i! " a!d the others da!ci! " a!d he himself ceased !ot to da!ce t5o days co!ti!ually" u!to the time that he e8pired a!d died tofore them all1 The! Lu8urius" 5hich 5as his brother" at lea6e to slay all them that belie6ed i! Jesu Christ1 A!d he did so much that i! the place 5here they d5elled he did do set a fire" a!d they" bei! i! their prayers" re!dered their souls u!to God" 5hose bodies S1 CFsarius" upo! the mor! fi!di! !o thi! hurt" buried1 The! let us pray to them that 5e may come to e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" Pa#$ra$e. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"









(a!crace is said of pa!" that is as much to say as all" a!d ratus a!d citius" 5hich is as much to say as courteous i! his you! a e1 Or other5ise" as it is said i! the boo4 called lossarium" pa!cras is said rapi!e" or pa!cras is" sub=ect to beati! s a!d torme!ts1 (a!crace is also said of di6ers colours7 a!d so it appeared by himD he used rapi!e i! ra6ishi! by his e8hortatio! the prey of caitiffs misbelie6i! " i! bri! i! them to the faith1 +e 5as also sub=ect to beati! s a!d torme!ts i! sufferi! them" also i! di6ers colours a!d full of all 6irtues1 Of *" Pa#$ra$e"

(a!crace 5as of ri ht !oble li!ea e a!d 5as bor! of the cou!try of (hry ia1 ,he! his father a!d mother 5ere dead he 5as put to be o6er!ed i! the ha!d of De!is his u!cle" 5hich 5as brother of his father" a!d they both came to 3ome" 5here they had of their patrimo!y reat re!ts1 I! their street the pope Cor!elius held him pri6ily" of 5hich pope" (a!crace a!d De!is had recei6ed the christia! faith1 'i!ally De!is died i! the cou!try" a!d (a!crace 5as ta4e! a!d prese!ted to CFsar1 A!d the! 5as (a!crace about fourtee! years of a e1 To 5hom the emperor Diocletia! saidD -y little child" I 5ar! a!d cou!sel thee that thou ad6ise thee 5ell" to the e!d that thou die !ot a! e6il death" for as a child thou art li htly decei6ed7 a!d because thou art !oble of blood a!d of li!ea e" a!d so! of o!e my ri ht dear frie!d" I pray thee that thou lea6e this mad!ess that thou hast emprised" a!d that I may ha6e thee 5ith me as my so!1 To 5hom (a!crace a!s5eredD If I be a child of body yet mi!e heart is old" a!d by the 6irtue of my lord Jesu Christ your threate!i! a!d me!aces ma4e me !o more to mo6e tha! doth the pai!ti! that I see upo! the 5all7 a!d these ods that thou 5ouldest that I should 5orship be but decei6ers of creatures a!d ha6e bee! as ermai!s i! for!icatio!s made a ai!st God their creator" a!d ha6e !ot spared 4i! !e other1 A!d if thou hadst 4!o5led e that thy ser6a!ts 5ere such" thou shouldst comma!d that they should be slai!" a!d I much mar6el that ye adore such ods1 ,he! the emperor heard this child thus spea4 he doubted to be o6ercome of him" a!d comma!ded that his head should be smitte! off" a!d so he 5as martyred about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty:fi6e" 5hose body a 5orshipful lady !amed Coco6illa" 5hich 5as of the se!ate" 5ith reat dili e!ce buried ho!orably1 A!d of him said Gre ory of Tours" doctorD That if there be a ma! that 5ill ma4e a false oath i! the place of his sepulchre" tofore or he come to the cha!cel of the <uire he shall be tra6ailed 5ith a! e6il spirit a!d out of his mi!d" or he shall fall o! the pa6eme!t all dead1 It happed o! a time that there 5as a reat altercatio! bet5ee! t5o me!" a!d the =ud e 5ist !ot 5ho had 5ro! 1 A!d for the =ealousy of =ustice that he had" he brou ht them both u!to the altar of S1 (eter for to s5ear" prayi! the apostle that he 5ould declare 5ho had ri ht1 A!d 5he! he that had 5ro! had s5or! a!d had !o!e harm" the =ud e" that 4!e5 the malice of him" said all o! hi hD This old (eter here is either o6er merciful or he is propitious to this you! ma!" but let us o to (a!crace a!d dema!d 5e of him the truth7 a!d 5he! they came to the sepulchre" he that 5as culpable s5are" a!d stretched forth his ha!d" but he mi ht !ot 5ithdra5 his ha!d a ai! to him" a!d a!o! after he died there" a!d therefore u!to this day of much people it is used that for reat a!d !otable causes me! ma4e their oaths upo! the relics of S1 (a!crace1 Here followeth of *" Ur)a#. a#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"







?rba!us is said of urba!ity" that is courtesy" or it is said of ur" that is to say fire or li ht a!d ba!al" that is to say respo!se or a!s5er1 +e 5as li ht by ho!est co!6ersatio!" fire by charity" a!d a!s5er by doctri!e1 Or he 5as li ht" for the li ht is ood to behold" a!d it is immaterial i! esse!ce" i! setti! celestial" a!d profitable i! 5or4i! 1 A!d thus this sai!t 5as amiable i! co!6ersatio!" celestial i! lo6e of God" a!d profitable i! predicatio!1 Of *" Ur)a#" S1 ?rba! 5as pope after S1 Cali8tus" a!d the christia! people 5ere i! his time i! o6er reat persecutio!" but the mother of the emperor" 5hom Ori e! had co!6erted" prayed so much her so! that he left the christia! people i! peace1 Ne6ertheless there 5as o!e" Almachius" pro6ost of 3ome" a!d 5as their pri!cipal o6er!our of the city" a!d he had cruelly smitte! off the head of S1 Cecilia1 This ma! 5as







mar6ellously cruel a ai!st christia! me!" a!d did dili e!tly e!<uire 5here S1 ?rba! 5as" a!d by o!e of his ser6a!ts" !amed Carpasius" he 5as fou!d i! a dar4 place a!d a secret 5ith three priests a!d three deaco!s1 +e comma!ded to put him i! priso!" a!d after" he did him to be brou ht tofore him a!d accused him that he had decei6ed fi6e thousa!d people 5ith S1 Cecilia" a!d the !oble me! Tiburtius a!d Valeria!" a!d made all them do sacrile e" a!d abo6e this he dema!ded him the treasure of S1 Cecilia a!d of the church1 To 5hom ?rba! saidD I see !o5 that co6etise mo6eth thee more to persecute the christia! me! tha! doth the sacrifice of thy ods7 the treasure of S1 Cecilia is asce!ded i!to hea6e! by the ha!ds of poor people1 The! did he do beat S1 ?rba! 5ith plummets a!d also his fello5s 5ith him" a!d he praised the !ame of od Elyo!" a!d the tyra!t smili! saidD This old fello5 5ould be reputed 5ise" for he spea4eth a!d saith 5ords that he u!dersta!deth !ot1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that he mi ht !ot o6ercome him" he comma!ded him a!d se!t him to priso! a ai!" 5hereas S1 ?rba! co!6erted three captai!s of the to5! 5ith the 4eeper of the priso!" 5hich 5as !amed A!oli!us" a!d baptiHed them1 ,he! the tyra!t heard that A!oli!us 5as become christia!" he did do bri! him tofore him" a!d because he 5ould do !o sacrifice to his ods he did do smite off his head1 A!d 5he! S1 ?rba! a!d his fello5s 5ere brou ht tofore the idols" to the e!d that they should sacrifice a!d ce!se tofore the ods" S1 ?rba! be a! to ma4e his oriso! to God7 a!d a!o! the idol fell do5! a!d sle5 t5e!ty:t5o priests of the la5 that held fire for to ma4e sacrifice1 The! 5ere they beate! cruelly" a!d after brou ht for to ma4e sacrifice" a!d the! they spit i! the idol a!d after made the si ! of the cross i! their foreheads" a!d 4issed each other" a!d recei6ed capital se!te!ce" that is to say they 5ere beheaded" a!d so suffered death u!der Ale8a!der the emperor" 5hich be a! to rei ! the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d t5e!ty1 A!d a!o! after Carpasius 5as ta4e! of the fie!d i! blasphemi! his ods a!d i! ma !ifyi! the christia! me! a ai!st his 5ill" he 5as stra! led of the fie!d" 5hich thi! his 5ife seei! " called Arme!ia" 5ith her dau hter Luci!a a!d all her household recei6ed baptism of S1 'ortu!atus" priest1 A!d after that the bodies of the sai!ts 5ere ri ht ho!orably buried1 Here followeth the Life of *" Per#elle. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of her #a%e"


(etro!illa is said of pete!s" that is dema!di! " a!d of tro!us" that is a thro!e or a seat" as 5ho saith she 5as dema!di! the thro!e or seat of 6ir i!s1

Of *" Per#elle" S1 (er!elle" 5hose life S1 -arcel 5riteth" 5as dau hter of S1 (eter the apostle" 5hich 5as ri ht fair a!d beauteous" a!d by the 5ill of her father she 5as 6e8ed 5ith the fe6ers a!d a8es1 It happed o! a time that the disciples di!ed 5ith S1 (eter" a!d o!e" Titus" said to himD (eter" ho5 is it that all sic4 people be healed of thee a!d thou sufferest (er!elle" thy dau hter" to lie sic4E To 5hom S1 (eter saidD 'or it is e8pedie!t to her to be sic47 !e6ertheless because it shall !ot be imputed impossibility of her health for to be e8cused by my 5ords" he said to herD Arise" (er!elle" hastily" a!d ser6e us7 5hich a!o! arose all 5hole a!d mi!istered a!d ser6ed them1 A!d 5he! the ser6ice 5as all do!e a!d complished" (eter said to herD (er!elle" o a ai! to thy bed7 5ho a!o! 5e!t a ai! to her bed" a!d the fe6ers 6e8ed her as they did tofore" a!d 5hereas she be a! to be perfect i! the lo6e of God so he healed her perfectly1 The! 5as there a! earl called 'laccus 5hich came to her" a!d for her beauty 5ould ha6e her u!to his 5ife1 To 5hom she a!s5eredD If thou desirest me to ha6e u!to thy 5ife" comma!d thou certai! 6ir i!s to come to me for to accompa!y me u!to thi!e house1 A!d 5hiles he 5as busy to ma4e ready the said maide!s" S1 (er!elle set herself i! fasti! s a!d prayers" a!d recei6ed the holy body of our Lord a!d recli!ed i! to her bed" a!d after the third day she died" a!d she passed out of this 5orld re!deri! her soul u!to our Lord1 The! 'laccus" seei! himself disappoi!ted a!d moc4ed" tur!ed himself u!to 'elicula" fello5 of S1 (er!elle" a!d said that she should 5ed him or offer u!to the idols" 5hich both t5o she refused1 The! the prefect set her i! priso! a!d there 4ept her se6e! days a!d se6e! !i hts 5ithout a! meat a!d dri!4" a!d after he did do ha! her body o! a ibbet" a!d there sle5 her a!d thre5 her body i!to a foul pri6y" 5hich holy Nicodemus too4 up a!d buried1 ,herefore Nicodemus 5as called of 'laccus" a!d because he 5ould !ot sacrifice to the idols he 5as beate! 5ith plummets a!d his body cast i!to the Tiber" but it 5as ta4e! up of Justi! his cler4 a!d ho!orably buried1 Here followeth the Life of *" Du# ta#"







S1 Du!sta! 5as bor! i! E! la!d" a!d our Lord sho5ed miracles for him ere he 5as bor!1 It 5as so that o! a Ca!dlemas day" as all the people 5ere i! the church 5ith tapers i! their ha!ds" sudde!ly all the li hts i! the church 5ere <ue!ched at o!ce" sa6e o!ly the taper 5hich S1 Du!sta!>s mother bare" for that bur!ed still fair1 ,hereof all the people mar6elled reatly7 ho5beit her taper 5as out" but by the po5er of our Lord it li hted a ai! by itself" a!d bur!ed full bri ht" so that all the others came a!d li hted their tapers at the taper of S1 Du!sta!>s mother1 ,herefore all the people a6e laud a!d tha!4i! s u!to our Lord God for this reat miracle1 A!d the! there 5as a holy ma! that said that the child that she the! bare should i6e li ht to all E! la!d by his holy li6i! 1 This holy child Du!sta! 5as bor! i! the year of our Lord !i!e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:fi6e" that time rei !i! i! this la!d 4i! Athelsta!1 A!d S1 Du!sta!>s father hi ht +ersto!" a!d his mother hi ht Gue!dred" a!d they set their so! Du!sta! to school i! the abbey of Glasto!bury" 5hereafter he 5as abbot for his holy li6i! 1 A!d 5ithi! a short time after he 5e!t to his u!cle Ethel5old" that the! 5as bishop of Ca!terbury" to 5hom he 5as 5elcome a!d 5as lad of his co!6ersatio! of holy li6i! 1 A!d the! he brou ht him to @i! Athelsta!" the 5hich made full much of him also for his ood li6i! " a!d the! he 5as made abbot of Glasto!bury by co!se!t of the 4i! a!d his brother Edmo!d" a!d i! that place ruled full 5ell a!d reli iously the mo!4s his brethre!" a!d dre5 them to holy li6i! by ood e!sample i6i! 1 S1 Du!sta! a!d S1 Ethel5old 5ere both made priests i! o!e day" a!d he 5as holy i! co!templatio!1 A!d 5he!so 5as that S1 Du!sta! 5as 5eary of prayer" the! used he to 5or4 i! oldsmith>s 5or4 5ith his o5! ha!ds for to esche5 idle!ess" a!d he a6e al5ay alms to poor people for the lo6e of God1 A!d o! a time as he sat at his 5or4 his heart 5as o! Jesu Christ" his mouth occupied 5ith holy prayers" a!d his ha!ds busy o! his 5or41 9ut the de6il" 5hich e6er had reat e!6y at him" came to him i! a! e6e!tide i! the li4e!ess of a 5oma!" as he 5as busy to ma4e a chalice" a!d 5ith smili! said that she had reat thi! s to tell him" a!d the! he bade her say 5hat she 5ould" a!d the! she be a! to tell him ma!y !ice trifles" a!d !o ma!!er 6irtue therei!" a!d the! he supposed that she 5as a 5ic4ed spirit" a!d a!o! cau ht her by the !ose 5ith a pair of to! s of iro!" bur!i! hot" a!d the! the de6il be a! to roar a!d cry" a!d fast dre5 a5ay" but S1 Du!sta! held fast till it 5as far 5ithi! the !i ht" a!d the! let her o" a!d the fie!d departed 5ith a horrible !oise a!d cry" a!d said" that all the people mi ht hearD AlasI 5hat shame hath this carle do!e to me" ho5 may I best <uit him a ai!E 9ut !e6er after the de6il had lust to tempt him i! that craft1 A!d i! short time after died 4i! Athelsta!" a!d Edmo!d his brother rei !ed 4i! after him" to 5hom S1 Du!sta! 5as chief of cou!sel" for he a6e to him ri ht ood cou!sel to his life>s e!d7 a!d the! died Edmo!d the 4i! " a!d after him rei !ed his so! Ed5i!" a!d soo! after S1 Du!sta! a!d he fell at strife for his si!ful li6i! 1 'or S1 Du!sta! rebu4ed the 4i! sharply therefor" but there 5as !o!e ame!dme!t" but al5ays 5orse a!d 5orse1 ,herefore S1 Du!sta! 5as ri ht sorry" a!d did all that pai! he mi ht to bri! the 4i! to ame!dme!t" but it 5ould !ot be1 9ut the 4i! " 5ithi! a 5hile after" e8iled S1 Du!sta! out of this la!d" a!d the! he sailed o6er the sea a!d came to the abbey of S1 Ama!d i! 'ra!ce" a!d there he d5elled lo! time i! full holy life till 4i! Ed5i! 5as dead1 A!d after him rei !ed Ed ar 4i! " a full holy ma!1 A!d the! he heard of the holi!ess of S1 Du!sta!" a!d se!t for him to be of his cou!cil" a!d recei6ed him 5ith reat re6ere!ce" a!d made him a ai! abbot of Glasto!bury1 A!d soo! after the bishop of ,orcester died" a!d the! S1 Du!sta! 5as made bishop there by the 5ill of 4i! Ed ar1 A!d 5ithi! a little 5hile after the see of Lo!do! 5as 6oid" to 5hich 4i! Ed ar promoted S1 Du!sta! also" a!d so he held both bishoprics i! his ha!d" that is to 5it both the bishopric of ,orcester a!d the bishopric of Lo!do!1 A!d after this died the archbishop of Ca!terbury" a!d the! 4i! Ed ar made S1 Du!sta! archbishop of Ca!terbury" 5hich he uided 5ell a!d holily to the pleasure of God" so that i! that time of 4i! Ed ar" a!d Du!sta! archbishop" 5as =oy a!d mirth throu h the realm of E! la!d" a!d e6ery ma! praised reatly S1 Du!sta! for his holy life" ood rule" a!d uidi! 1 A!d i! di6ers places" 5hereas he 6isited a!d sa5 curates that 5ere !ot ood" !e propice for the 5eal of the souls that they had cure of" he 5ould dischar e them a!d put them out of their be!efices" a!d set i! such as 5ould e!te!d a!d 5ere ood me!" as ye shall fi!d more plai!ly of this matter i! the life of S1 Os5ald1 A!d o! a time as he sat at a pri!ce>s table" he loo4ed up a!d sa5 his father a!d mother abo6e i! hea6e!" a!d the! he tha!4ed our Lord God of his reat mercy a!d ood!ess that it pleased him to sho5 him that si ht1 A!d a!other time as he lay i! his bed he sa5 the bri ht!ess of hea6e!" a!d heard a! els si! i! @yrie eleiso! after the !ote of @yrie re8 sple!de!s" 5hich 5as to him a full reat comfort1 A!d a!other time he 5as i! his meditatio!s" he had ha! i! o! the 5all i! his chamber a! harp" o! 5hich other5hile













he 5ould harp a!thems of our Lady" a!d of other sai!ts" a!d holy hym!s" a!d it 5as so that the harp sou!ded full melodiously 5ithout touchi! of a!y ha!d that he could see" this a!them 5as" Gaude!t i! celis a!imF sa!ctorum" 5herei! this holy sai!t Du!sta! had reat =oy1 +e had a special race of our Lord that such hea6e!ly =oys a!d thi! s 5ere sho5ed to him i! this 5retched 5orld for his reat comfort1 A!d after this he became all sic4 a!d feeble" a!d upo! holy Thursday he se!t for all his brethre! a!d as4ed of them for i6e!ess" a!d also for a6e them all trespasses a!d assoiled them of all their si!s" a!d the third day after he passed out of this 5orld to God" full of 6irtues" the year of our Lord !i!e hu!dred a!d ei hty:ei ht1 A!d hls soul 5as bor!e up to hea6e! 5ith merry so! of a! els" all the people heari! that 5ere at his death1 A!d his body lieth at Ca!terbury i! a 5orshipful shri!e" 5hereas our Lord sho5eth for his ser6a!t S1 Du!sta! ma!y fair a!d reat miracles" 5herefore our Lord be praised" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 Here followeth the life of *" Aldhel%"






S1 Aldhelm the co!fessor 5as bor! i! E! la!d1 +is father hi hs @e!to!7 he 5as brother u!to I!a" 4i! of this la!d" a!d 5he! 4i! I!a 5as dead" @e!to! 5as made 4i! after him" a!d the! this holy child Aldhelm 5as set to school i! the house of -almesbury" 5here after5ard he 5as made abbot1 A!d the! he did there reat cost i! buildi! a!d did do ma4e there a full royal abbey1 A!d 5he! the pope heard of his reat holi!ess" he se!t for him to come to 3ome" a!d 5he! he 5as there the pope 5elcomed him a!d 5as much lad of his ood li6i! " a!d there he abode lo! time 5ith the pope" a!d at full reat pri6ile es a!d liberties to the house of -almesbury" i! such 5ise that !o bishop i! E! la!d should 6isit !e ha6e to do there" !e the 4i! to let them of their free electio!" but chose their abbot amo! the co!6e!t themsel6es1 A!d 5he! he had otte! all this of the pope he 5as full lad a!d =oyful" a!d li6ed there holily a lo! time1 A!d o! a day he said mass i! the church of S1 Joh! Latera!" a!d 5he! mass 5as do!e" there 5as !o ma! that 5ould ta4e his chasuble from him at the e!d of the mass" a!d the! he sa5 the su!beam shi!e throu h the lass 5i!do5" a!d hu! his chasuble thereo!" 5hereof all the people mar6elled reatly of that miracle" a!d the same chasuble is yet at -almesbury" the colour thereof is purple1 A!d 5ithi! short time after" he came a ai! i!to E! la!d" a!d brou ht 5ith him ma!y pri6ile es u!der the pope>s seal" 5hich after" 4i! I!a co!firmed all that the pope had ra!ted to the house of -almesbury1 This 5as about the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d si81 A!d that time there fell a reat 6aria!ce amo! the bishops of this la!d for the holdi! of Easter day" but S1 Aldhelm made a boo4 that all me! should 4!o5 for e6er 5he! Easter day should fall" the 5hich boo4 is yet at -almesbury1 A!d that abbey he did do ma4e i! the 5orship of our blessed Lady1 A!d 9ri ht5old that 5as archbishop of Ca!terbury heard of Aldhelm>s holy li6i! " a!d he se!t for him to be his cha!cellor" a!d they li6ed to ether full holily lo! time" a!d each 5as full lad a!d =oyful of the other1 A!d o! a day as they stood at the seaside by Do6er Castle" they sa5 a ship lade! 5ith mercha!dise !ot far from them" a!d S1 Aldhelm called to them to 5it if they had a!y or!ame!ts lo! i! to holy church 5ithi! their ship to sell1 9ut the mercha!ts had disdai! of him" a!d thou ht he 5as !ot of po5er to buy such thi! s as they had to sell" a!d departed from the holy ma!1 9ut a!o! fell o! them so reat a tempest that they 5ere i! peril for to perish" a!d the! o!e of them saidD ,e suffer this trouble because 5e had disdai! of the 5ords of yo!der holy ma!" a!d therefore let us all mee4ly desire him to pray for us to our Lord Jesu Christ1 They did so" a!d a!o! the tempest ceased" a!d the! they came to this holy ma! a!d brou ht to him a full fair 9ible" the 5hich is yet at -almesbury u!to this day1 A!d four years before his death he 5as made bishop of Dorset by the archbishop of Ca!terbury a!d by other bishops" but 5ithi! short time after he died" a!d lieth buried at -almesbury thereas he 5as abbot1 A!d after that S1 E e5i! came to offer at his tomb" fettered 5ith chai!s of iro! fast loc4ed" a!d from the!ce he 5e!t so to 3ome to the pope" al5ay 5eari! those fetters 5hich 5as to him reat pai!" God re5ard him his meed1 A!d S1 Aldhelm" ere he died" cursed all them that did a!y 5ro! i! brea4i! of the pri6ile es of the said abbey of -almesbury" a!d them that help the house to mai!tai! God>s ser6ice shall ha6e God>s blessi! a!d his1 A!d 5he! he had lai! lo! i! the earth he 5as tra!slated" a!d laid i! a full rich shri!e" 5hereas our Lord sho5eth daily for his holy ser6a!t ma!y fair miracles1 The! let us pray S1 Aldhelm to pray for us u!to our Lord God" that 5e may i! this 5retched 6ale of this 5orld so be5ail our si!s a!d ame!d our li6i! that 5e may come to e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Of *" Au ti# that )rou(ht !hri te#do% to E#(la#d.









S1 Austi! 5as a holy mo!4 a!d se!t i! to E! la!d" to preach the faith of our Lord Jesu Christ" by S1 Gre ory" the! bei! pope of 3ome1 The 5hich had a reat Heal a!d lo6e u!to E! la!d" as is rehearsed all alo! i! his le e!d" ho5 that he sa5 childre! of E! la!d i! the mar4et of 3ome for to be sold" 5hich 5ere fair of 6isa e" for 5hich cause he dema!ded lice!ce a!d obtai!ed to o i!to E! la!d for to co!6ert the people thereof to christia! faith1 A!d he bei! o! the 5ay the pope died a!d he 5as chose! pope" a!d 5as cou!terma!ded a!d came a ai! to 3ome1 A!d after" 5he! he 5as sacred i!to the papacy" he remembered the realm of E! la!d" a!d se!t S1 Austi!" as head a!d chief" a!d other holy mo!4s a!d priests 5ith him" to the !umber of forty perso!s" u!to the realm of E! la!d1 A!d as they came to5ard E! la!d they came i! the pro6i!ce of A!=ou" purposi! to ha6e rested all !i ht at a place called (ou!te" say a mile from the city a!d ri6er of Li erim" but the 5ome! scor!ed a!d 5ere so !oyous to them that they dro6e them out of the to5!" a!d they came u!to a fair broad elm" a!d purposed to ha6e rested there that !i ht" but o!e of the 5ome! 5hich 5as more cruel tha! the other purposed to dri6e them the!ce" a!d came so !i h them that they mi ht !ot rest there that !i ht1 A!d the! S1 Austi! too4 his staff for to remo6e from that place" a!d sudde!ly his staff spra! out of his ha!d 5ith a reat 6iole!ce" the space of three furlo! s the!ce" a!d there stic4ed fast i! the earth1 A!d 5he! S1 Austi! came to his staff a!d pulled it out of the earth" i!co!ti!e!t by the mi ht of our Lord" sourded a!d spra! there a fair 5ell or fou!tai! of clear 5ater 5hich refreshed him 5ell a!d all his fello5ship1 A!d about that 5ell they rested all that !i ht" a!d they that d5elled thereby sa5 all that !i ht o6er that place a reat li ht comi! from hea6e! 5hich co6ered all that place 5here these holy me! lay1 A!d o! the mor! S1 Austi! 5rote i! the earth 5ith his staff beside the 5ell these 5ords follo5i! D +ere had Austi!" the ser6a!t of the ser6a!ts of God" hospitality" 5hom S1 Gre ory the pope hath se!t to co!6ert E! la!d1 O! the mor! 5he! the holy me! 5ere departed" the d5ellers of the coasts thereby 5hich sa5 the li ht i! the !i ht tofore" came thither a!d fou!d there a fair 5ell" of the 5hich they mar6elled reatly1 A!d 5he! they sa5 the scripture 5ritte! i! the earth the! they 5ere reatly abashed because of their u!4i!d!ess" a!d repe!ted them full sore of that they had moc4ed them the day before1 A!d after" they edified there a fair church i! the same place i! the 5orship of S1 Austi!" the 5hich the bishop of A!=ou hallo5ed1 A!d to the hallo5i! thereof came so reat multitude of people that they trod the cor! i! the fields do5! all plai!" li4e u!to a floor clea! s5ept" for there 5as !o spari! of it1 Not5ithsta!di! " at the time of reapi! " that rou!d so trodde! bare more cor! a!d better tha! a!y other fields beside" !ot trodde!" did1 A!d the hi h altar of that church sta!deth o6er the place 5here S1 Austi! 5rote 5ith his staff by the 5ell" a!d yet u!to this day may !o 5oma! come i! to that church1 9ut there 5as a !oble 5oma! that said that she 5as !ot uilty i! offe!di! S1 Austi!" a!d too4 a taper i! her ha!d a!d 5e!t for to offer it i! the said church7 but the se!te!ce of almi hty God may !ot be re6o4ed" for as soo! as she e!tered the church her bo5els a!d si!e5s be a! to shri!4 a!d she fell do5! dead i! e!sample of all other 5ome!7 5hereby 5e may u!dersta!d that i!=ury do!e a ai!st a sai!t displeaseth reatly almi hty God1 A!d from the!ce S1 Austi! a!d his fello5ship came i!to E! la!d a!d arri6ed i! the isle of Tha!et i! East @e!t" a!d 4i! Ethelbert rei !ed that time i! @e!t" 5hich 5as a !oble ma! a!d a mi hty1 To 5hom S1 Austi! se!t" sho5i! the i!te!t of his comi! from the court of 3ome" a!d said that he had brou ht to him ri ht =oyful a!d pleasa!t tidi! s" a!d said that if he 5ould obey a!d do after his preachi! that he should ha6e e6erlasti! =oy i! the bliss of hea6e!" a!d should rei ! 5ith almi hty God i! his 4i! dom1 A!d the! 4i! Ethelbert heari! this" comma!ded that they should abide a!d tarry i! the same isle" a!d that all thi! s should be mi!istered to them that 5ere !ecessary" u!to the time that he 5ere other5ise ad6ised1 A!d soo! after" the 4i! came to them i! the same isle" a!d he bei! i! the field" S1 Austi! 5ith his fello5ship came a!d spa4e 5ith him" ha6i! tofore them the si ! of the cross" si! i! by the 5ay the lita!y" beseechi! God de6outly to stre! the! them a!d help1 A!d the 4i! recei6ed him a!d his fello5ship" a!d i! the same place S1 Austi! preached a lorious sermo!" a!d declared to the 4i! the christia! faith ope!ly a!d the reat merit a!d a6ail that should come thereof i! time comi! 1 A!d 5he! he had e!ded his sermo! the 4i! said to himD ;our promises be full fair that ye bri! " but because they be !e5 a!d ha6e !ot bee! heard here before" 5e may !ot yet i6e co!se!t thereto7 !e6ertheless" because ye be come as pil rims from far cou!tries" 5e 5ill !ot be rie6ous !e hard to you" but 5e 5ill recei6e you mee4ly a!d mi!ister to you such thi! s as be !ecessary" !either 5e 5ill forbid you" but as ma!y as ye ca! co!6ert to your faith a!d reli io! by your preachi! ye shall ha6e lice!ce to baptiHe them" a!d to accompa!y them to your la51 A!d the! the 4i! a6e to them a ma!sio! i! the city of Dorober!e!ce" 5hich !o5 is called Ca!terbury1 A!d 5he! they dre5 !i h the city they came i! 5ith a cross of sil6er"













a!d 5ith processio! si! i! the lita!y" prayi! almi hty God of succour a!d help that he 5ould ta4e a5ay his 5rath from the city a!d to i!flame the hearts of the people to recei6e his doctri!e1 A!d the! S1 Austi! a!d his fello5ship be a! to preach there the 5ord of God" a!d about there i! the pro6i!ce" a!d such people as 5ere 5ell disposed a!o! 5ere co!6erted" a!d follo5ed this holy ma!1 A!d by the holy co!6ersatio! a!d miracles that they did much people 5ere co!6erted a!d reat fame arose i! the cou!try1 A!d 5he! it came to the 4i! >s ear" a!o! he came to the prese!ce of S1 Austi! a!d desired him to preach a ai!" a!d the! the 5ord of God so i!flamed him" that i!co!ti!e!t" as soo! as the sermo! 5as e!ded" the 4i! fell do5! to the feet of S1 Austi! a!d said sorro5fullyD AlasI 5oe is me" that I ha6e erred so lo! a!d 4!o5 !ot of him that thou spea4est of" thy promises be so delectable that I thi!4 it all too lo! till I be christe!ed" 5herefore" holy father" I re<uire thee to mi!ister to me the sacrame!t of baptism1 A!d the! S1 Austi!" seei! the reat mee4!ess a!d obedie!ce of the 4i! that he had to be christe!ed" he too4 him up 5ith 5eepi! tears a!d baptiHed him 5ith all his household a!d mei!y" a!d e!formed them dili e!tly i! the christia! faith 5ith reat =oy a!d lad!ess1 A!d 5he! all this 5as do!e S1 Austi!" desiri! the health of the people of E! la!d" 5e!t forth o! foot to ;or47 a!d 5he! he came !i h to the city there met him a bli!d ma! 5hich said to himD O thou holy Austi!" help me that am full !eedy1 To 5hom S1 Austi! saidD I ha6e !o sil6er" but such as I ha6e I i6e thee7 i! the !ame of Jesu Christ arise a!d be all 5hole" a!d 5ith that 5ord he recei6ed his si ht a!d belie6ed i! our Lord a!d 5as baptiHed1 A!d upo! Christmas day he baptiHed" i! the ri6er !amed S5ale . te! thousa!d me! 5ithout 5ome! a!d childre!" a!d there 5as a reat multitude of people resorti! to the said ri6er" 5hich 5as so deep that !o ma! mi ht pass o6er o! foot" a!d yet by miracle of our Lord there 5as !either ma!" 5oma!" !e child dro5!ed" but they that 5ere sic4 5ere made 5hole both i! body a!d i! soul1 A!d i! the same place they builded a church i! the 5orship of God a!d S1 Austi!1 A!d 5he! S1 Austi! had preached the faith to the people a!d had co!firmed them steadfastly therei!" he retur!ed a ai! from ;or4" a!d by the 5ay he met a leper as4i! help" a!d 5he! S1 Austi! had said these 5ords to himD I! the !ame of Jesu Christ be thou clea!sed from all thy leprosy" a!o! all his filth fell a5ay" a!d a fair !e5 s4i! appeared o! his body so that he seemed all a !e5 ma!1 Also as S1 Austi! came i! to O8fordshire to a to5! that is called Compto! to preach the 5ord of God" to 5hom the curate saidD +oly father" the lord of this lordship hath bee! ofttimes 5ar!ed of me to pay his tithes to God" a!d yet he 5ithholdeth them" a!d therefore I ha6e cursed him" a!d I fi!d him the more obsti!ate1 To 5hom S1 Austi! saidD So!" 5hy payest thou !ot thy tithes to God a!d to the churchE @!o5est thou !ot that the tithes be !ot thi!e but belo! to GodE A!d the! the 4!i ht said to himD I 4!o5 5ell that I till the rou!d" 5herefore I ou ht as 5ell to ha6e the te!th sheaf as the !i!th" a!d 5he! S1 Austi! could !ot tur! the 4!i ht>s e!te!t" the! he departed from him a!d 5e!t to mass1 A!d ere he be a! he char ed that all they that 5ere accursed should o out of the church" a!d the! rose a dead body a!d 5e!t out i! to the churchyard 5ith a 5hite cloth o! his head" a!d stood still there till the mass 5as do!e1 A!d the! S1 Austi! 5e!t to him a!d dema!ded him 5hat be 5as" a!d he a!s5ered a!d saidD I 5as sometime lord of this to5!" a!d because I 5ould !ot pay my tithes to my curate he accursed me" a!d so I died a!d 5e!t to hell1 A!d the! S1 Austi! bade bri! him to the place 5here his curate 5as buried" a!d the! the carrio! brou ht him thither to the ra6e" a!d because that all me! should 4!o5 that life a!d death be i! the po5er of God" S1 Austi! saidD I comma!d thee i! the !ame of God to arise" for 5e ha6e !eed of thee" a!d the! he arose a!o!" a!d stood before all the people1 To 5hom S1 Austi! saidD Thou 4!o5est 5ell that our Lord is merciful" a!d I dema!d thee" brother" if thou 4!o5est this ma!E a!d he saidD ;ea" 5ould God that I had !e6er 4!o5! him" for he 5as a 5ithholder of his tithes" a!d i! all his life a! e6il doer" thou 4!o5est that our Lord is merciful" a!d as lo! as the pai!s of hell e!dure let us also be merciful to all christia!s1 A!d the! S1 Austi! deli6ered to the curate a rod" a!d there the 4!i ht 4!eeli! o! his 4!ees 5as assoiled" a!d the! he comma!ded him to o a ai! to his ra6e" a!d there to abide till the day of doom7 a!d he e!tered a!o! i!to his ra6e a!d forth5ith fell to ashes a!d po5der1 A!d the! S1 Austi! said to the priestD +o5 lo! hast thou lai! hereE a!d he said a hu!dred a!d fifty years7 a!d the! he as4ed ho5 it stood 5ith him" a!d he saidD ,ell" holy father" for I am i! e6erlasti! bliss7 a!d the! said S1 Austi!D ,ilt thou that I pray to almi hty God that thou abide here 5ith us to co!firm the hearts of me! i! 6ery beliefE A!d the! he saidD Nay" holy father" for I am i! a place of rest7 a!d the! said S1 Austi!D Go i! peace" a!d pray for me a!d for all holy church" a!d he the! e!tered a ai! i!to his ra6e" a!d a!o! the body 5as tur!ed to earth1 Of this si ht the lord 5as sore afeard" a!d came all <ua4i! to S1 Austi! a!d to his curate" a!d dema!ded for i6e!ess of his trespass" a!d promised to ma4e ame!ds a!d e6er after to pay his tithes a!d to follo5 the doctri!e of S1 Austi!1












After this S1 Austi! e!tered i!to Dorsetshire" a!d came i! to a to5! 5hereas 5ere 5ic4ed people 5ho refused his doctri!e a!d preachi! utterly a!d dro6e him out of the to5!" casti! o! him the tails of thor!bac4s" or li4e fishes" 5herefore he besou ht almi hty God to sho5 his =ud eme!t o! them" a!d God se!t to them a shameful to4e!" for the childre! that 5ere bor! after i! that place had tails" as it is said" till they had repe!ted them1 It is said commo!ly that this fell at Strood i! @e!t" but blessed be God at this day is !o such deformity1 Item i! a!other place there 5ere certai! people 5hich 5ould i! !o 5ise i6e faith to his preachi! !e his doctri!e" but scor!ed a!d moc4ed him" 5herefore God too4 such 6e! ea!ce that they bur!ed 5ith fire i!6isible" so that their s4i! 5as red as blood" a!d suffered so reat pai! that they 5ere co!strai!ed to come a!d as4 for i6e!ess of S1 Austi!" a!d the! he prayed God for them that they mi ht be acceptable to him a!d recei6e baptism a!d that he 5ould release their pai!" a!d the! he christe!ed them a!d that bur!i! heat 5as <ue!ched a!d they 5ere made perfectly 5hole" a!d felt !e6er after more thereof1 O! a time" as S1 Austi! 5as i! his prayers" our Lord appeared to him" a!d comforti! him 5ith a e!tle a!d familiar speech" saidD O thou my ood ser6a!t a!d true" be thou comforted a!d do ma!ly" for I thy Lord God am 5ith thee i! all thi!e affectio!" a!d mi!e ears be ope! to thy prayers" a!d for 5hom thou dema!dest a!y petitio! thou shalt ha6e thy desire" a!d the ate of e6erlasti! life is ope! to thee" 5here thou shalt =oy 5ith me 5ithout e!d1 A!d i! that same place 5here our Lord said these 5ords he fi8ed his staff i!to the rou!d" a!d a 5ell of clear 5ater sourded a!d spra! up i! that same place" the 5hich 5ell is called Cer!e" a!d it is i! the cou!try of Dorset" 5hereas !o5 is builded a fair abbey" a!d is !amed Cer!e after the 5ell1 A!d the church is builded i! the same place 5hereas our Lord appeared to S1 Austi!1 Also i! the same cou!try 5as a you! ma! that 5as lame" dumb" a!d deaf" a!d by the prayers of S1 Austi! he 5as made 5hole" a!d the! soo! after he 5as dissolute a!d 5a!to!" a!d !oyed a!d rie6ed the people 5ith =a! li! a!d tal4i! i! the church1 A!d the! God se!t to him his old i!firmity a ai!" because of his mis uidi! " a!d at the last he fell to repe!ta!ce" a!d as4ed God for i6e!ess a!d S1 Austi!1 A!d S1 Austi! prayed for him a!d he 5as made 5hole a ai! the seco!d time" a!d after that he co!ti!ued i! ood a!d 6irtuous li6i! to his life>s e!d1 A!d after this S1 Austi!" full of 6irtues" departed out of this 5orld u!to our Lord God" a!d lieth buried at Ca!terbury i! the abbey that he fou!ded there i! the 5orship a!d rule" 5hereas our Lord God sho5eth yet daily ma!y miracles1 A!d the third day before the !ati6ity of our Lady is hallo5ed the tra!slatio! of S1 Austi!1 I! 5hich !i ht a citiHe! of Ca!terbury" bei! that time at ,i!chester" sa5 hea6e! ope! o6er the church of S1 Austi!" a!d a bur!i! ladder shi!i! full bri ht" a!d a! els comi! do5! to the same church1 A!d the! him thou ht that the church had bur!ed of the reat li ht a!d bri ht!ess that came do5! o! the ladder" a!d mar6elled reatly 5hat this should mea!" for he 4!e5 !othi! of the tra!slatio! of S1 Austi!7 a!d 5he! he 4!e5 the truth" that o! that time the body of the lorious sai!t 5as tra!slated" he a6e laud a!d tha!4i! s to almi hty God" a!d 5e may 6erily 4!o5 by that e6ide!t 6isio! that it is a! holy a!d de6out place7 a!d as it is said that of old time" a!cie!t holy me! that used to come thither 5ould at the e!try of it do off their hose! a!d shoes a!d durst !ot presume to o i!to that holy mo!astery but barefoot" because so ma!y holy sai!ts be there shri!ed a!d buried1 A!d God hath sho5ed so ma!y miracles i! that holy place for his blessed sai!t" S1 Austi!" that if I should 5rite them here it should occupy a reat boo41 The! let us pray u!to S1 Austi!" father a!d apostle of E! la!d" by 5hom this la!d 5as co!6erted u!to the christia! faith" a!d by his ordi!a!ce bishops 5ere ordai!ed to mi!ister the sacrame!ts" that he be moye! u!to our Lord Jesu Christ" that 5e may here so li6e accordi! to his doctri!e that after this life 5e may come to e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here #e+t followeth the life of *" Ger%ai# a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"






Germai! is said of erm a!d of a!a that is hi h" that is that there 5ere fou!d i! the seed of Germai! three so6erei ! thi! s" that is heat !atural" humour" a!d !ourishi! " a!d reaso! of seme!ce or seed1 Germai! is said seed bur eo!i! " for he had i! him heat by ardour of reat dilectio!" humour by ea er!ess of de6otio!" a!d seed by 6irtue of his predicatio! by 5hich he e! e!dered much people to the faith1 A!d Co!sta!ti!us the priest 5rote his life to S1 Ce!surius" bishop of Au8erre1 Of *" Ger%ai#"









S1 Germai! 5as of much !oble li!ea e bor! i! the city of Au8erre a!d 5as 5ell lear!ed i! the arts liberal1 A!d after" he 5e!t to 3ome for to lear! the scie!ces of droit a!d of the la5" a!d there recei6ed he so much di !ity that the se!ate se!t him to the 're!chme! for to ha6e the rule a!d di !ity of 9ur u!dy1 A!d thus as he o6er!ed the city of Au8erre more dili e!tly tha! the other" there 5as i! the middle of the city a tree called a pi!eapple tree" o! 5hich 5ere ha! ed o! the bra!ches of this tree" for the mar6el of chase a!d hu!ti! " the heads of 5ild beasts that had bee! slai!1 9ut 5he! S1 Amadour" 5hich 5as bishop of this city" repro6ed them of such 6a!ities" a!d 5ar!ed them to he5 do5! this tree" they 5ould !ot co!se!t thereto i! a!y ma!!er1 A!d o! a time" 5he! Germai! 5as !ot i! the city" the bishop did do he5 do5! this tree" a!d did do bur! it1 A!d 5he! Germai! 4!e5 it he 5as much a! ry" a!d for ot christia! reli io!" a!d came 5ith a reat multitude of 4!i hts for to ha6e slai! the bishop1 A!d the! the bishop 4!e5 by re6elatio! di6i!e that S1 Germai! should be his successor" a!d forbare a!d a6e place to his hasti!ess" a!d 5e!t to Autu!" a!d after" 5he! he 5as come a ai! to Au8erre" he e!closed much subtilly Germai! 5ithi! the church a!d sacred him there" a!d said to him that he should be his successor i! the bishopric" a!d so he 5as7 for a little after S1 Amadour died a!d all the people re<uired S1 Germai! to be bishop" a!d the! he a6e all his riches to poor people" a!d cha! ed his 5ife i!to his sister" a!d torme!ted his body by the space of thirty years" that he !e6er ate bread of 5heat" !e dra!4 5i!e" !e used !o potta e" a!d 5ould ha6e !e6er salt to ma4e his meat sa6oury1 A!d t5o times i! the year he 5ould dri!4 5i!e" that 5as at Easter a!d Christmas" a!d yet for to ta4e a5ay the sa6our of the 5i!e he 5ould put therei! ple!ty of 5ater" a!d i! his refectio! he 5ould ta4e barley bread 5ith ashes" a!d fasted e6ery day" a!d !e6er ate but i! the e6e!1 I! 5i!ter !e summer he had but o!e clothi! " a!d that 5as the hair !e8t his body" a coat a!d a o5!" a!d if it happed so that he a6e !ot his 6esture to some poor body" he 5ould 5ear it till it 5ere bro4e! a!d tor!1 +is bed 5as e!6iro!ed 5ith ashes" hair" a!d sac4cloth" a!d his head lay !o hi her tha! his shoulders" but all day 5ept" a!d bare about his !ec4 di6ers relics of sai!ts1 +e 5are !o!e other clothi! " a!d he 5e!t oft barefoot a!d seldom 5are a!y irdle1 The life that he led 5as abo6e ma!>s po5er1 +is life 5as so strai ht a!d hard that it 5as mar6el a!d pity to see his flesh" a!d 5as li4e a thi! !ot credible" a!d he did so ma!y miracles that" if his merits had !ot o!e before" they should ha6e bee! tro5ed pha!tasms1 I! a time he 5as harboured i! a place 5here al5ays after supper the tables 5ere co6ered 5he! all me! had supped" 5hereof he mar6elled" a!d dema!ded the host 5herefore they co6ered the tables a ai! after supper" a!d the host said it 5as for his !ei hbours that came to dri!4 each 5ith other1 A!d that !i ht S1 Germai! co!cluded to 5atch for to see 5hat it should be1 It 5as !ot lo! after that there came i! there a reat multitude of de6ils" a!d sat at the table i! li4e!ess of me! a!d 5ome!7 a!d 5he! the holy ma! sa5 them he comma!ded them that they should !ot depart" a!d the! se!t to a5a4e the host" a!d all the !ei hbours a!d uests o! all sides" i! such 5ise that e6ery ma! a!d 5oma! 5ere fou!d i! their houses" a!d he made all them to come a!d see if they 4!e5 a!y of them1 A!d they said !ay7 a!d the! he sho5ed them that they 5ere de6ils7 of 5hom the people 5as much abashed because the de6ils moc4ed them so1 A!d the! S1 Germai! co!=ured them" a!d they 5e!t their 5ay" a!d !e6er after retur!ed1 I! a time S1 Lupus bishop of Troyes 5as besie ed by the 4i! Attila" a!d S1 Lupus 5e!t upo! the ate" a!d dema!ded 5ho he 5as that assie ed a!d assailed them" a!d the 4i! said to himD I am he" Attila" the scour e a!d rod of God1 A!d the! the mee4 bishop said to him" sore 5eepi! D I am Lupus that ha6e 5asted the floc4 of God a!d ha6e !eed of the scour i! of God7 a!d the! S1 Lupus comma!ded to ope! the ates" a!d all the people of Attila 5ere so" by the 5ill of God" bli!ded" a!d they passed throu h the to5!" a!d sa5 !o me! of the city" !e did !o hurt to !obody1 A!d the! the blessed S1 Lupus too4 S1 Germai! 5ith him a!d 5e!t i!to 9ritai!" 5hereas there 5ere heresies1 9ut 5he! they 5ere o! the sea there arose a ri ht reat tempest" 5hich by the merits of S1 Germai! 5as a!o! appeased1 The! they 5ere ho!estly recei6ed of the people of the cou!try" 5hose comi! the de6ils that S1 Germai! had dri6e! out of such bodies as 5ere beset had told their comi! 1 A!d 5he! they had bee! a 5hile i! E! la!d a!d had co!6a!<uished the heretics" they retur!ed i!to their cou!tries a!d proper places1 O! a time it happed that S1 Germai! lay sic4 of a malady i! a street" a!d the street 5as ta4e! 5ith fire" a!d me! cou!selled him to be bor!e the!ce for peril of the fire" a!d the! he put himself a ai!st the fire" a!d the flame bur!t all about" a!d touched !othi! that Germai! lay i!1





A!other time he retur!ed i! to 9ritai! for the heresies" a!d o!e of his disciples follo5ed him hastily" a!d fell sic4 a!d lay do5! i! a to5!" a!d there died7 a!d 5he! S1 Germai! retur!ed thereby he dema!ded to see the sepulchre of his disciple 5hich there 5as dead" a!d did do ope! his sepulchre" a!d he called him

by his !ame" a!d dema!ded him 5hat he did" a!d if he 5ould !o lo! er o 5ith him" a!d that other a!s5ered a!d said that he 5as 5ell" a!d all thi! s 5ere to him soft a!d s5eet" a!d 5ould !o more come here7 a!d the holy ma! ra!ted it him that he should abide i! rest" a!d he remised himself i! his ra6e a!d slept i! our Lord1

+e preached o! a time i! the cou!try of 9ritai! i! such 5ise that the 4i! of 9ritai! forbade him his house" a!d his people also1 The! it happed that the 4i! >s co5herd 5e!t to the pasture 5ith his 4i!e" a!d recei6ed his portio! at the 4i! >s palace" a!d bare it to his little house1 The! 5e!t S1 Germai! a!d his fello5ship for to see 5here they mi ht be lod ed" a!d the co5herd brou ht them to his house" a!d he sa5 that they had reat hu! er" but he had !ot meat for them a!d him1 This co5herd had but o!e calf7 he sle5 it a!d a6e it to them" a!d they too4 it debo!airly of the little ood that he had" a!d 5he! they had supped a!d said races" S1 Germai! did do ather to ether all the bo!es of the calf a!d laid them u!der the s4i!" a!d after" made his prayers to God" a!d a!o! the! the calf arose all ali6e a!d 5hole as he 5as tofore1 A!d the !e8t day after" S1 Germai! dema!ded the 4i! 5hy he had forbidde! him his house" a!d the 4i! 5as much abashed a!d could !ot a!s5er1 The! said S1 Germai! to himD Thou shalt !o more rei !" but thou shalt lea6e thy realm to o!e better tha! thee1 A!d as they of Sa8o!y should fi ht a ai!st the 9rito!s" a!d they sa5 that they 5ere but fe5" a!d sa5 the holy ma! pass by" they called him1 A!d the! S1 Germai! a!d his fello5s preached so lo! to them that they came to race of baptism1 A!d o! Easter day they cast off their armours" a!d by reat desire of faith purposed them to fi ht1 A!d 5he! the other heard that" they purposed to o a ai!st them hardily for they 5ere disse6ered" a!d S Germai! hid him a5ay 5ith his people" a!d 5ar!ed them 5he! he criedD AlleluiaI they should a!s5er 5ith o!e 6oice" a!d 5he! the sai!ts had cried" alleluiaI a!d the other had a!s5ered" their e!emies had so reat dread that they thre5 all their har!ess a!d armours a5ay" a!d 5ee!ed certai!ly that all the mou!tai!s should fall o! them a!d also hea6e!" a!d so they fled all afraid1 O! a time as S1 Germai! passed by Autu! a!d 5e!t to the tomb of S1 Cassia!" he e!<uired ho5 it stood 5ith him7 he a!s5ered to him out of the tomb 5herei! he day" a!d saidD I am i! s5eet rest a!d abide the comi! of the 3edeemer1 A!d he said to himD 3est i! peace i! the !ame of our Lord" a!d pray for us de6outly that 5e may deser6e the holy =oys of the resurrectio!1 A!d 5he! S1 Germai! came i! 3a6e!!a he 5as recei6ed much ho!orably of (lacida the <uee!" a!d of Vale!ti!ia! her so!" a!d at the supper she se!t to him a reat 6essel of sil6er full of delicious meat" the 5hich he recei6ed" a!d a6e the meat to his ser6a!ts" a!d retai!ed the 6essel of sil6er for to i6e to the poor1 A!d i!stead of this ift he se!t to the <uee! a dish of 5ood or of tree a!d a barley loaf" the 5hich she recei6ed ladly" a!d after" did do co6er that dish 5ith sil6er a!d 4ept it lo! i! reat de6otio!1 O! a time that the said <uee! had desired him to di!e 5ith her" he accorded thereto ladly" a!d because he 5as 5eary of tra6ail" of fasti! a!d 5atchi! " he came upo! a! ass from his house u!to the palace" a!d a!o! as he 5as at di!!er his ass died1 A!d 5he! the <uee! 4!e5 that his ass 5as dead" she 5as much sorro5ful" a!d did do prese!t him a ri ht fair a!d ood horse1 A!d 5he! the sai!t sa5 him so richly ador!ed a!d apparelled he 5ould i! !o 5ise ta4e it" but saidD Sho5 to me 5here mi!e ass is" for he that brou ht me hither shall bri! me home a ai!1 A!d the! he 5e!t to his ass" that lay dead" a!d said to himD Let us retur! home a ai!" a!d a!o! the ass arose a!d shoo4 him as he had rise! from sleep a!d that he had !o harm" a!d the! Germai! remou!ted o! his ass a!d rode home1 9ut tofore ere he departed from 3a6e!!a he said that he should !ot be lo! i! this 5orld" a!d a!o! after he became sic4 of the fe6ers" a!d the se6e!th day after" he passed u!to our Lord a!d his body 5as bor!e i!to 'ra!ce" as he had re<uired to the <uee!1 A!d he died about the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d t5e!ty1 S1 Germai! had promised" by his life" to S1 Eusebius bishop of Versailles" that 5he! he retur!ed he should hallo5 his church that he had fou!ded a!d 5he! S1 Eusebius" bishop of Versailles u!derstood that he 5as dead" he 5ould himself hallo5 his church" a!d made to li ht the ca!dles a!d tapers" but the more they li hted them the more 5ere they e8ti!ct a!d put out1 A!d 5he! Eusebius sa5 that" he percei6ed that the dedicatio! 5as made ere he 5ould come a!d do it" or else of some other bishop1 A!d 5he! the body of S1 Germai! 5as brou ht to Versailles" as soo! as it 5as e!tered i! to the church all the tapers 5ere lit di6i!ely1 The! S1 Eusebius remembered the promises of S1 Germai!" a!d that 5hich he promised" li6i! " he 5ould do it bei! dead1 9ut it is !ot to be u!derstood of the reat Eusebius of Versailles" that this 5as do!e i! his time" for he died u!der Vale!s the emperor" a!d from the death of him u!to the death of S1











Germai! 5as more tha! fifty years from that o!e to that other" but this 5as a!other Eusebius u!der 5hom this said thi! 5as do!e1 Here followeth the Life of *" Peter the E+or$i t or Dea$o#"

S1 (eter the deaco! 5as bou!d 5ith chai!s of iro! i! priso! of o!e Archemius 5hose dau hter 5as 6e8ed of a fie!d" 5herefore he 5as much sorro5ful1 The! said S1 (eter to him that Jesu Christ should 5ell heal her if he 5ould belie6e i! him1 To 5hom Archemius a!s5eredD I mar6el much of thee because thou sufferest so much for thy God a!d I see that he may !ot deli6er thee1 S1 (eter saidD +e 5ill 5ell that I suffer for to deser6e the lory that al5ay shall e!dure" but he ca! 5ell deli6er me if he 5ould" a!d heal also thy dau hter1 To 5hom Archemius saidD I shall double thy chai!s" a!d if the! thy God may deli6er thee" a!d also ma4e my dau hter 5hole" I shall belie6e i! him1 A!d 5he! that 5as do!e" S1 (eter" clad i! 5hite clothes" holdi! the si ! of the cross" appeared to him" a!d the! a!o! Archemius fell do5! to his feet a!d his dau hter 5as made all 5hole1 +e the! 5ith all his house recei6ed baptism a!d he let out of priso! all the christia! me! a!d all them that 5ould be christia!" a!d he 5ith ma!y other that belie6ed 5ere baptiHed of S1 -arcelli! priest1 ,he! the pro6ost of 3ome heard this he made all the christia! me! come tofore him" 5hom Archemius athered to ether" 4issi! their ha!ds" a!d said that 5ho 5ould come to be martyred should come hardily 5ithout dread" a!d he that dare !ot come" let him o i! peace 5here he 5ill1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost 4!e5 for certai! that S1 (eter a!d S1 -arcelli! had baptiHed them" he made them come tofore him" a!d departed that o!e from that other" a!d put them so i! priso!1 A!d S1 -arcelli! 5as laid !a4ed upo! bro4e! lass" 5ithout li ht or 5ater a!d S1 (eter 5as impriso!ed i! a strait place 5herei! he 5as strai!ed1 The! came a! a! el from hea6e! a!d u!bou!d S1 -arcelli!" a!d clad him" a!d brou ht him 5ith (eter i!to the house of Archemius" because they should se6e! days comfort the people busily1 After" 5he! he fou!d !ot -arcelli! i! priso! 5hereas he had set him" he se!t for Archemius a!d comma!ded him a!d his household to do sacrifice" a!d they 5ould !ot obey to him1 +e put the! him a!d his 5ife i!to a pit i! the earth1 The! 5he! S1 -arcelli! a!d S1 (eter heard tell the ad6e!ture of Archemius" they came to him a!d su! mass i! the same pit 5ith se6e! christia! me! that defe!ded them" a!d after" they said to the pay!imsD ,e mi ht 5ell" if 5e 5ould" deli6er Archemius a!d hide oursel6es" but 5e 5ill do !either1 The! the pay!ims smote Archemius 5ith a s5ord throu h the body a!d 4illed him" a!d after" sto!ed to death his 5ife a!d his dau hter1 The! brou ht they S1 -arcelli! a!d S1 (eter to the blac4 isle a!d there beheaded them" 5hich place is called !o5 Ca!dia" for their martyrdom" a!d thus they suffered martyrdom the year of race se6e! hu!dred a!d ei hty:se6e!" a!d they that smote off their heads sa5 their souls" ador!ed 5ith roses a!d precious sto!es" bor!e up to hea6e! by a! els1 O!e Dorotheus" that 5as o!e of them that beheaded them" sa5 it" 5herefore he became christia! a!d li6ed after a holy life a!d after rested i! our Lord1 Here followeth of **" Pri%e a#d Feli$ia#. a#d of the i#ter&retatio# fir t of their #a%e "








(rimus is as much to say as so6erei ! a!d reat" a!d 'elicia! is as much to say as a blessed or happy old ma!1 (rimus is said so6erei ! a!d reat i! di !ity" for sufferi! of his martyrdom" a!d puissa!t for the operatio! of miracles" holy for the perfectio! of his life" a!d blessed for his lorious fruitio!1 'elicia! is said happy old ma!" !ot o!ly for the a!cie!t of time" but for the re6ere!ce of di !ity" for the ripe!ess of 5isdom" a!d for the 5ei ht of his ma!!ers1 Of *ai#t Pri%e a#d Feli$ia#"




(rime a!d 'elicia! 5ere accused to the emperors Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" of the priests a!d bishops of the idols" to the e!d that they should do sacrifice" a!d they said but if they so did their ods 5ould do !othi! for them1 The!" by the comma!dme!t of the emperors" they 5ere shut i! priso! a!d bou!d 5ith chai!s of iro!" but a!o! after" the a! el u!bou!d them a!d prese!ted them tofore the emperor" a!d 5he! he fou!d them fast a!d firm i! the faith he did do beat them" a!d after that departed o!e of them from that other" a!d the! said the pro6ost to S1 'elicia! that he should ha6e pity o! his old a e" a!d that he should sacrifice to their ods1 The! a!s5ered heD LoI I am four score years old" a!d it is thirty years si!ce I 4!e5 the truth" a!d that I ha6e purposed to ser6e God" 5hich may 5ell deli6er me from thy ha!ds1




The! the pro6ost did him be bou!de!" a!d made !ails to be dri6e! i!to his feet a!d ha!ds" a!d said to himD Thou shalt be i! this poi!t so lo! till thou co!se!t to us a!d shalt do our 5ills1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost sa5 that he suffered his martyrdom so ladly a!d so =oyously" he did him to be torme!ted a ai!" a!d comma!ded that !othi! should be mi!istered to him to eat1 After this he made S1 (rime to come tofore him a!d said to himD LoI thy brother hath co!se!ted to the sayi! of the emperor a!d therefore he is 5orshipped reatly i! his palace" do thou the same 5ise1 To 5hom he saidD Thou h thou be the so! of the de6il yet i! part thou sayest the truth that my brother hath co!se!ted to the decree of my hea6e!ly emperor1 The! the pro6ost 5as a! ry" a!d comma!ded to set fire a!d bur! his sides" a!d to pour boili! lead i! to his mouth i! the prese!ce of 'elicia!" to fear him 5ithal" a!d he dra!4 it as s5eetly as it had bee! cold 5ater1 The! the pro6ost" bei! all a! ry a!d e!ra ed" comma!ded t5o lio!s to be put to them" 5hich a!o! as they 5ere put to them fell do5! to their feet a!d stood afore them li4e mee4 lambs1 The! after" he se!t t5o cruel bears 5hich a!o! became as mild a!d debo!air as the lio!s1 There 5ere i! the place that sa5 this 5ell t5el6e thousa!d me!" of 5hom fi6e hu!dred belie6ed i! Jesu Christ1 The! the pro6ost did the sai!ts to be beheaded" a!d thre5 their bodies to do s a!d to birds" but they !e6er touched them" a!d after this christia! me! buried them1 A!d these blessed sai!ts 5ere thus martyred the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei htyse6e!1 The! let us pray to these sai!ts that 5e may come to e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" /ar#a)a the A&o tle. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"

9ar!abas is as much to say as the so! of him that cometh" or the so! of co!solatio!" or the so! of a prophet" or a so! co!cludi! 1 +e is four times said a so! by four ma!!ers of e8positio!s" he is said so! i! scripture by reaso! of e!eratio!" of eruditio!" of imitatio!" a!d of adoptio!1 +e 5as re e!erate of Jesu Christ by baptism" a!d he 5as tau ht by the ospel a!d follo5ed him by martyrdom" a!d adopted by hea6e!ly re5ard" a!d this 5as touchi! himself1 As touchi! others he 5as comi! " comforti! " prophesyi! a!d co!cludi! 1 Comi! " i! ru!!i! a!d preachi! o6er all" a!d that appeareth for he 5as fello5 of S1 (aul1 Comforti! poor people a!d desolate" to poor people i! i6i! alms" to desolate i! se!di! epistles i! the !ame of the apostles1 (rophesyi! for he flo5ered by the spirit of prophecy1 I! co!cludi! " for he co!cluded a reat multitude of people a!d co!6erted them to the faith" as it appeareth 5he! he 5as se!t to A!tioch1 A!d that saith the boo4 called the Acts of the Apostles1 As to the first he 5as a ma! a!d ma!ly" to the seco!d ood7 as to the third" full of the +oly Ghost" a!d as to the fourth" true1 +is passio! 9ede compiled out of Gree4 i!to Lati!1 Of *" /ar#a)a the A&o tle" S1 9ar!abas 5as a deaco!" a!d 5as bor! i! Cyprus" a!d 5as o!e of the se6e!ty:t5o disciples of our Lord" a!d is reatly praised i! the history of the Acts of the Apostles of ma!y ood thi! s that 5ere i! him" for he 5as ri ht 5ell i!formed a!d ordi!ate" as 5ell to himself as to God a!d to his !ei hbour1 +e 5as 5ell ordi!ate i! himself after three 6irtues that be i! the soul" that is to say reaso!" desire" a!d stre! th7 he had reaso! illumi!ed 5ith the clear!ess of 6ery 4!o5led e" hereof is said i! the Acts of the Apostles" the thirtee!th chapter1 It is said that there 5ere i! the church of A!tioch doctors" prophets a!d reat masters i! holy scripture amo! 5hom 5ere 9ar!abas" Simo!" a!d ma!y other reat cler4s" yet had he desire 5ell ordi!ate a!d e8pur ed them from the dust of all 5orldly affectio!" a!d thereof is fou!d i! the Acts of Apostles the fourth chapter" that he sold a field that he had" a!d the 6alue a!d price thereof he laid at the feet of the apostles1 A!d the loss saithD S1 9ar!abas sho5ed to us herei! that 5e ou ht lea6e the thi! s that me! should !ot put thereo! their desire !e their heart" a!d tau ht us to despise old a!d sil6er" by that that he laid the sil6er at the feet of the apostles" yet had he the 6irtue of the soul 5hich is called stre! th" 5ell affrmed 5ith pro5ess of patie!ce" a!d that may 5e see o! the reat thi! s a!d hi h that he emprised" a!d o! the reat pe!a!ces that he did" a!d o! the reat torme!ts a!d pai!s that he suffered1 Great thi! s the! he emprised" a!d that may 5e see 5he! he too4 upo! him to co!6ert so reat a city as 5as A!tioch1 'or 5he! S1 (aul came i!to Jerusalem a!o! after his co!6ersio!" a!d 5ould accompa!y him 5ith the disciples" they fled all a5ay" li4e sheep do from 5ol6es" but 9ar!abas 5e!t a!o! to him" a!d too4 a!d brou ht him i! to the compa!y of the apostles1 After" he e!forced his body 5ith reat pe!a!ces that he did" for he torme!ted it 5ith aspre a!d hard fasti! s" yet 5as S1 9ar!abas a ma! e!forced to suffer pai!s a!d torme!ts7 for he a!d S1 (aul aba!do!ed their li6es o6erall for the lo6e of our Lord Jesu Christ1 Seco!dly" he 5as ordai!ed as touchi! to God i! beari! " authority" ma=esty" a!d

















bou!ty1 +e bare ho!our a!d re6ere!ce u!to the reat authority of God" after that 5e fi!d i! the Acts of the Apostles the thirtee!th chapter" 5he! the +oly Ghost saidD Ta4e ye to me apart" 9ar!abas a!d (aul" for to do the office that I ha6e chose! them to1 ;et S1 9ar!abas bare ho!our to the reat ma=esty of God" for 5he! there should be do!e re6ere!ce to him a!d sacrifice as to a God" a!d 5as called Jupiter as he that 5e!t before" a!d they called (aul" -ercury" as a fair a!d 5ise spea4er1 A!o! 9ar!abas a!d (aul re!t a!d tare their coats" a!d cried all o! hi hD ;e people" 5hat do yeE ,e be mortal as ye be" 5hich 5ar! you to tur! a!d co!6ert to the 6ery God li6i! " Jesu Christ1 After" S1 9ar!abas bare re6ere!ce to the bou!ty of God" after that is fou!d i! the Acts of Apostles the fiftee!th chapter1 Some co!6erts of the Je5s 5ould mi!ish the bou!ty of the race of God" a!d said that this race that our Lord had do!e i! his passio! sufficed !ot to sa6e us 5ithout circumcisio!1 A ai!st this error S1 (aul a!d 9ar!abas 5ithstood 6i orously" a!d sho5ed to them appertly that the race a!d bou!ty that God hath do!e is sufficie!t" 5ithout the la5" to our sal6atio!1 After they se!t to the apostles this <uestio!" the 5hich they se!t a!o! throu h the 5orld i! epistles a ai!st this foolish error1 After" S1 9ar!abas 5as ri ht stro! ly 5ell ordai!ed a ai!st his !ei hbours" for all them that 5ere committed to his cure he !ourished a!d fed" i! 5ord" i! e8ample a!d i! be!efits1 I! 5ord" for he pro!ou!ced to them the holy 5ord of God a!d the ospel1 +ereof is said i! the Acts of the Apostles" that (aul a!d 9ar!abas abode i! A!tioch preachi! the 5ord of God1 That may be see! by the reat multitude of people that he co!6erted i! the city of A!tioch" for they co!6erted so much people there" that the disciples lost their special !ame a!d 5ere called christia! me! as the other1 ;et !ourished he them that he had char e of by ood e!sample" for his life 5as to all them that sa5 him as a mirror of holi!ess a!d the e8emplar of all reli io!1 'or he 5as i! all his 5or4s !oble a!d hardy" a!d 5ell embellished of all ood 5or4s" a!d 5as full of the +oly Ghost" a!d e!lumi!ed a!d li ht i! the faith of our Lord1 All these four thi! s be touched of him i! the Acts of the Apostles" a!d yet !ourisheth he them by be!efits i! t5o ma!!ers" that is i! alms temporal" is admi!isteri! to the poor their !ecessity" a!d i! other alms spiritual" i! for i6i! all ra!cour a!d e6il 5ill1 The first alms did S1 9ar!abas" for he bare to such as 5ere i! ri ht reat po6erty a!d misery" that as 5as !eedful for them to li6e" for after that 5e fi!d i! the Acts of the Apostles" there 5as a reat fami!e i! the time of Claudius the emperor" 5hich fami!e had A abus prophesied" a!d because the disciples that 5ould retur! to their brethre! i!to Judea" se!t u!to the most a!cie!t their alms by the ha!ds of 9ar!abas a!d (aul1 The seco!d alms did S1 9ar!abas 5he! he pardo!ed his a! er to Joh!" sur!amed -ar41 'or 5he! the said Joh!" 5hich 5as o!e of the disciples" 5as departed from the compa!y of 9ar!abas a!d of (aul" he repe!ted him" a!d 5ould retur! to them" a!d 9ar!abas for a6e it him a!d too4 him a ai! to his disciple" but (aul 5ould !ot recei6e him 5ith him7 !e6ertheless that 5hich 5as do!e bet5ee! them both 5as by ood i!te!tio!" for i! this that 9ar!abas too4 him a ai!" 5e may see the s5eet!ess of his pity" a!d i! this that S1 (aul 5ould !ot recei6e him" is sho5ed the reat sa6our of ri ht that 5as i! him" after that the loss saith" Acts 861" because this Joh! had bee! tofore the master of the la5 to defe!d the la5 of Jesu Christ" a!d had !ot co!tai!ed him 6i orously for to repress them" but had bee! !e li e!t1 'or this reaso! S1 (aul 5ould !ot accord to recei6e him i! to the compa!y of the other1 Ne6ertheless this departi! that Joh! 5as thus departed from the compa!y of S1 (aul a!d from the other" 5as for !o 6ice that 5as i! him" but for the sharp!ess a!d i!spiri! of the +oly Ghost" to the e!d that they mi ht preach i! di6ers places7 after that it happed after1 'or 5he! 9ar!abas 5as o! a time i! the city of Ico!ium" a ma! 5ith a clear shi!i! 6isa e appeared by !i ht to this Joh! aforesaid" his cousi!" a!d said to him thusD Joh!" ha6e i! thee !o doubta!ce" but be stro! a!d 6i orous" for from he!ceforth thou shalt !o more be called Joh!" but thou shalt be called ri ht hi h e!ha!ced1 A!d 5he! he had told this to his cousi! S1 9ar!abas" he a!s5ered a!d said to himD @eep thee 5ell that thou tell this 6isio! to !o ma!" for i! the same form he appeared to me that !i ht after1 ,he! S1 9ar!abas a!d S1 (aul had lo! preached i! the city of A!tioch" the a! el of God appeared to S1 (aul a!d said to himD Go hastily i! to Jerusalem" for thou shalt fi!d there some of the brethre! that abide thee1 The! 9ar!abas 5ould o i! to Cyprus to 6isit his frie!ds a!d 4i! that 5ere there" a!d S1 (aul 5ould o to Jerusalem7 thus departed that o!e from that other by e!ticeme!t of the +oly Ghost" that so had ordai!ed it1 A!d 5he! S1 (aul had sho5ed to S1 9ar!abas this that the a! el said" S1 9ar!abas a!s5ered to himD The 5ill of God be do!e li4e as he hath ordai!ed it1 I o !o5 i!to Cyprus" a!d more hereafter shall I !ot see thee" for there shall I e!d my life1 The! he humbly 4!eeled do5! a!d fell to his feet 5eepi! " a!d S1 (aul" 5hich had compassio! of him" said u!to him these 5ords by co!solatio!D 9ar!abas" 5eep !o more" for our Lord 5ill that it be so" our Lord hath appeared to me this !i ht" a!d hath said to meD Let !ot !e i6e !o!e empeshme!t to 9ar!abas for to o i!to Cyprus" for he shall there e!lumi!e ma!y fol4 a!d shall suffer there martyrdom1 O! a time that 9ar!abas a!d Joh! issued out of






Cyprus a!d fou!d a! e!cha!ter !amed Elymas" 5hich by his e!cha!tme!t had ta4e! a5ay the si ht from some a!d after i6e! it to them a ai!" he 5as much co!trary to them a!d 5ould !ot suffer them e!ter i!to the temple1 After this" 9ar!abas sa5 o! a day me! a!d 5ome!" bei! all !a4ed" ru!!i! throu h the to5!" a!d made the! reat feast" 5hereof he 5as much a! ry a!d a6e his maledictio! a!d curse to the temple" a!d sudde!ly a reat part thereof fell do5! a!d sle5 a reat part of the people1 At the last S1 9ar!abas came i!to the city of Salome" but this e!cha!ter aforesaid mo6ed the people reatly a ai!st him" so much that the Je5s came a!d too4 him a!d led him throu h the city 5ith reat shame" a!d 5ould ha6e deli6ered him to the =ud e of the city for to pu!ish him a!d to put him to death1 9ut 5he! they heard say that a reat a!d a puissa!t ma! 5as come i! to the city" 5hich 5as !amed Euseblus" a!d 5as of the li!ea e of the emperor Nero" the Je5s had doubt that he 5ould ta4e him out of their ha!ds a!d let him o" a!d therefore a!o! they bou!d a cord about his !ec4" a!d dre5 him out of the city" a!d there a!o! bur!t him" but yet the felo! Je5s 5ere !ot satisfied to martyr him so" for they too4 the bo!es of him a!d put them i! a 6essel of lead" a!d 5ould ha6e cast them i!to the sea" but Joh!" his disciple" 5ith t5o other of his disciples 5e!t by !i ht i!to the place a!d too4 the holy bo!es a!d buried them i! a! holy place1 The!" after that Si bert saith" they abode i! that place u!to the time of the emperor Ke!o a!d Gelasius the pope" that 5as the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred1 After that the!" as S1 Dorotheus said" they 5ere fou!d by the re6elatio! of S1 9ar!abas himself" a!d 5ere from the!ce tra!slated i! to a!other place" a!d S1 Dorotheus saith thusD 9ar!abas preached first at 3ome of Christ1 a!d 5as made bishop of -ila!1 Here follow the Live of **" Vitu a#d Mode tu . a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of their #a%e "




-odestus is as much to say as attemperate 5hich is o!e of the cardi!al 6irtues" a!d t5o e8tremities o rou!d about e6ery 6irtue" a!d the 6irtue abideth i! the midst1 A!d the e8tremities of 5isdom be treachery a!d folly7 the e8tremities of attempera!ce be the accomplishme!t of all fleshly desires" a!d to do after his 5ill7 the e8tremities of stre! th be feeble coura e a!d folly7 a!d the e8tremities of =ustice be cruelty a!d default1 A!d therefore -odestus 5as attemperate by mea!s of 6irtues that 5ere i! him1 Vitus is said of 6ita" that is" life1 S1 Austi!" i! libro de Tri!itate de6iseth of three ma!!ers of life" that is the life doi! " that appertai!eth to acti6e life7 a life idle that appertai!eth to idle!ess7 a!d a life spiritual 5hich appertai!eth to life co!templati6e" a!d this reat ma!!er of li6i! 5as i! him1 Or Vitus is as much to say as 6irtue or ri ht 6irtuous1 Of *" Vitu a#d *" Mode tu "






S1 Vitus 5as a child much !oble that suffered martyrdom i! the a e of t5el6e years1 +is father beat him oft" because he despised the idols" but !either for beati! !e smiti! he 5ould !e6er 5orship them1 ,he! Valeria! the pro6ost of Lucca heard say hereof" he made him to come tofore him" a!d 5he! S1 Vitus 5ould !ot do sacrifice for him !e for his 5ords" he did do beat him 5ith reat sta6es1 9ut the ha!ds of them that beat him became dry a!d the ha!ds of the pro6ost also" i! such 5ise that they mi ht !ot be5ield them1 The! said the pro6ostD AlasI alasI I ha6e lost mi!e ha!ds1 The! said to him the child VitusD Call thy ods a!d pray them that they help thee if they may1 The! said the pro6ostD -ayst thou heal meE The child a!s5eredD I may 5ell heal thee i! the !ame of my Lord Jesu Christ" a!d a!o! he made his prayer a!d healed him1 The! said the pro6ost to his fatherD Chastise thy so!" to the e!d that he die !ot a! e6il death1 The! his father brou ht him a ai! to his o5! house" a!d made come to him harps" pipes a!d all ma!!er i!strume!ts that he mi ht ha6e" a!d after did do come maide!s for to play 5ith him" a!d made him to ha6e all ma!!er of deli hts that he mi ht et" to mollify a!d cha! e his heart1 A!d 5he! he had bee! shut a!d e!closed i! a chamber o!e day" there issued a mar6ellous odour a!d s5eet sa6our" 5hereof his father a!d the mei!y mar6elled" a!d 5he! the father loo4ed i! to the chamber" he sa5 t5o a! els sitti! by his so!" a!d the! said heD The ods be come i!to mi!e house" a!d a!o! after these 5ords he 5as bli!d1 The! assembled all the city of Lucca at the cry of the father" a!d the pro6ost Valeria! came also" a!d dema!ded 5hat it 5as that 5as happed to him1 A!d he said to himD I ha6e see! i! my house the ods all so shi!i! a!d bri ht as fire" a!d because I mi ht !ot suffer the clear!ess" I am become bli!d1 The! led they him to the temple of Jo6e a!d promised u!to him a bull" 5ith hor!s of old" for to ha6e a ai! his si ht1 9ut 5he! he sa5 it a6ailed him !othi! " he re<uired his so! that he 5ould pray for him" a!d a!o! he made his prayer u!to God" a!d a!o! he 5as all 5hole1 ;et for all that he 5ould !ot belie6e i! God" but thou ht ho5 he mi ht put his so! to death1 The! appeared the a! el to a ser6a!t that 4ept him" 5hose !ame 5as -odestus" a!d said to himD Ta4e this child a!d lead him u!to a stra! e la!d1 A!d

a!o! he fou!d a ship ready a!d e!tered therei!" a!d so 5e!t out of the cou!try1 A! a! el brou ht meat to them" a!d he did ma!y miracles i! the cou!try 5here he 5as1 No5 it happed that Diocletia!" so! of the emperor" had a 5ic4ed spirit i! his body" a!d said ope!ly that he 5ould !ot o out till the child of Lucca !amed Vitus 5as come1 A!o! he sou ht all about the cou!try" a!d after" 5he! he 5as fou!d" he 5as brou ht to the emperor1 The! he dema!ded if he mi ht heal his so!7 he a!s5eredD I shall !ot heal him" but our Lord shall1 A!d a!o! he laid his ha!d o! him a!d he 5as all 5hole" so that the de6il left him1 The! said Diocletia!D -y child" ta4e cou!sel i! thy 5or4s a!d do sacrifice u!to our ods to the e!d that thou die !ot a! e6il death1 A!d Vitus a!s5ered that he 5ould !e6er do sacrifice to their ods" a!d a!o! he 5as ta4e! a!d put i!to priso! 5ith -odestus his ser6a!t" a!d they laid mill:sto!es upo! their bodies1 A!d a!o! the mill:sto!es fell off" a!d the priso! be a! to shi!e of reat li ht1 A!d 5he! it 5as told to the emperor they 5ere ta4e! out of priso!" a!d after" S1 Vitus 5as cast i! to a fire bur!i! " but by the mi ht of God he issued out 5hole a!d safe 5ithout sufferi! of a!y harm1 The! 5as there brou ht a terrible lio! for to de6our him" but a!o! by the 6irtue of the faith he became mee4 a!d debo!air1 After" the emperor made him to be ha! ed o! a ibbet 5ith -odestus a!d Cresce!tia his !urse" 5hich al5ays follo5ed him1 The! a!o! the air be a! to trouble a!d thu!der" the earth to tremble" the temples of the idols to fall do5! a!d sle5 ma!y1 The emperor 5as afeard a!d smote himself o! the breast 5ith his fist sayi! D Alas I alas I a child hath o6ercome me1 The! came a! a! el that u!bou!d them a!d they fou!d themsel6es by a ri6er" a!d there resti! a!d prayi! re!dered their souls u!to our Lord God" 5hose bodies 5ere 4ept of ea les" a!d after5ard" by the re6elatio! of S1 Vitus" a !oble lady !amed 'lore!tia too4 the bodies a!d buried them 5orshipfully1 They suffered martyrdom u!der Diocletia! about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty:se6e!1 It happed after5ard that a e!tlema! of 'ra!ce bare a5ay the heads a!d put them i! a church 5hich is a mile from Lusarches" !amed 'osses" a!d closed them i! a 5all u!to the time that he mi ht set them more ho!ourably1 9ut he died ere he mi ht perform it" so that the heads 5ere there 5hereas !o ma! li6i! 4!e5 5here they 5ere1 It happed so after" that there 5as certai! 5or4 i! that church" a!d 5he! the 5all 5as bro4e! 5here the heads lay a!d 5ere disco6ered" the bells of that church be a! to sou!d by themsel6es1 The! assembled the people to the church a!d fou!d a 5riti! 5hich de6ised ho5 they had bee! brou ht thither" a!d the! they 5ere laid more ho!ourably a!d set" tha! they 5ere tofore7 a!d there the! 5ere sho5ed ma!y miracles1 The! let us pray to these lorious sai!ts that it may please them to pray to God for us i! such 5ise that 5e may by their merits a!d prayers come to the lory of hea6e!" to 5hich bri! us the 'ather a!d So! a!d +oly Ghost1 Ame!1 Here follow the Live of **" ,uiri#e a#d Juliet" Guiri!e 5as so! of a !oble lady of Ico!ium" 5hich lady 5ould flee the persecutio!" a!d she 5e!t 5ith her so! Guiri!e" 5hich the! 5as but three years old" i!to the city of Tarsus i! Cilicia1 A!d she 5as there prese!ted to Ale8a!der the pro6ost" a!d bare her child i! her arms" 5hich 5he! her t5o chamberers sa5 that" a!o! they fled a!d left her alo!e1 The! the pro6ost too4 the child i! his arms" a!d Juliet his mother refusi! to do sacrifice" he made her to be scour ed 5ith ra5 si!e5s1 A!d 5he! the child sa5 his mother beate! he 5ept bitterly a!d made a lame!table !oise" but the pro6ost too4 it i! his arms a!d da!ced it upo! his 4!ees" a!d 5ould fai! please the child 5ith 4issi! s a!d fair 5ords1 The child" al5ay beholdi! his mother" abhorred the 4issi! s of the pro6ost" a!d tur!ed his head a5ay from him 5ith reat i!di !atio! a!d scratched his face 5ith his !ails" a!d a6e his cries co!so!a!t i!to his mother" as he should ha6e saidD A!d I am also christia!1 The! he bit the pro6ost" a!d 5restli! 5ith him all to: scratched him1 The! the pro6ost" ha6i! i!di !atio! hereof a!d i! a reat a! er" thre5 do5! the child off the steps 5hereas he sat i! =ud me!t" that the te!der brai! fell abroad out of his head upo! the steps1 The! Juliet seei! her so! o to hea6e! tofore her" a6e tha!4i! s u!to God" a!d she 5as thereof ri ht lad1 The! it 5as comma!ded that Juliet should be flayed" a!d bur!i! pitch cast o! her" a!d at the last her head to be smitte! off1 A!d it is fou!d i! a!other le e!d that Guiri!e despised the tyra!t as 5ell 5he! he losed him as 5he! he blamed him" a!d co!fessed him to be christia!" ho5beit that he 5as o6er: you! to spea4 but the +oly Ghost spa4e i! him1 ,he! the! the pro6ost dema!ded of him 5ho had so tau ht him" he a!s5ered a!d saidD O thou pro6ost I mar6el much thy folly 5hich seest me so you! of a e" !ot bei! yet three years old" a!d dema!dest 5ho hath tau ht me this di6i!e 5isdom7 thou mayst clearly see that it cometh from God1 ,he! the child 5as beate! he criedD I am christia!7 a!d the more that he cried" the more stre! th amo! the torme!ts he recei6ed1 A!d the =ud e did do dismember the













mother 5ith the child" a!d all to:he5 them i! pieces" a!d because their members should !ot be buried of the christia! people" he comma!ded that they should be cast a!d disperpled abroad1 9ut !ot 5ithsta!di! they 5ere of a! a! el athered to ether" a!d i! the !i ht buried by the christia! people7 5hose bodies 5ere sho5ed i! the time of Co!sta!ti!e the Great 5he! peace 5as i! the Church" by a maid 5hich had bee! o!e of her chamberers" that the! yet li6ed" a!d 5ere had of all the people i! reat de6otio!1 They suffered martyrdom about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d thirty u!der Ale8a!der1 Here followeth the Life #e+t of *" Mari#e"





-ari!e 5as a !oble 6ir i! a!d 5as o!e o!ly dau hter to her father 5ithout brother or sister" a!d after the death of her mother" her father e!tered i!to a mo!astery of reli io!" a!d cha! ed the habit of his dau hter so that she seemed a!d 5as ta4e! for his so! a!d !ot a 5oma!1 The! the father prayed the abbot a!d his brethre! that they 5ould recei6e his o!ly so!" 5hom at his i!sta!ce they recei6ed for to be a mo!4 a!d 5as called of them all brother -ari!e1 +e be a! to li6e ri ht reli iously" a!d to be much obedie!t1 ,he! she 5as t5e!ty:se6e! years a!d her father approached to5ards the death" he called his dau hter to him" co!firmi! her i! her ood purpose a!d comma!di! her that i! !o 5ise she should sho5 !e do be 4!o5! that she 5as a 5oma!" a!d the! her father died1 She 5e!t ofttimes to the 5ood 5ith the cart to fetch home 5ood" a!d because it 5as far from the mo!astery other5hile she lod ed i! a oodma!>s house 5hose dau hter had co!cei6ed a child by a 4!i ht1 A!d 5he! it 5as percei6ed" she 5as thereof e8ami!ed" 5ho had be otte! that child" a!d she said that it 5as the mo!4 -ari!e had lai! by her a!d otte! it1 A!d the! a!o! the father a!d mother 5e!t to the abbey a!d made a reat complai!t a!d a reat clamour to the abbot for his mo!4 -ari!e1 The! the abbot" bei! hereof sore abashed" se!t for -ari!e a!d dema!ded of him 5hy he had do!e so horrible a si!1 A!d he mee4ly a!s5ered a!d saidD +oly father" I as4 of our Lord mercy" for I ha6e si!!ed1 The! the abbot heari! this 5as much a! ry for the sorro5 a!d shame" a!d comma!ded a!o! that he should be put out of the house1 A!d the! this -ari!e full patie!tly 5e!t out of the mo!astery" a!d d5elled at the ate three years" a!d li6ed straitly 5ith a morsel of bread a day1 A!d 5he! the child 5as 5ea!ed from the mother>s pap" it 5as se!t to the abbot" a!d he se!t it to -ari!e" a!d bade him 4eep such treasure as he had brou ht forth1 A!d the! he too4 mee4ly a!d patie!tly the child a!d 4ept it 5ith him there t5o years1 All these thi! s he too4 i! reat patie!ce" a!d i! all thi! s a6e to our Lord tha!4i! s7 a!d at the last the brethre! had pity o! him a!d co!sidered his humility a!d patie!ce" a!d did so much to the abbot that he 5as ta4e! i!to the mo!astery" a!d all the offices that 5ere most foul 5ere e!=oi!ed for him for to do1 +e too4 it all ladly" a!d all thi! s he did patie!tly a!d de6outly" a!d at the last" bei! full of 6irtuous life" she died a!d departed out of this 5orld1 ,he! they should ta4e up the body a!d 5ash it for to dispose it to be buried they sa5 that she 5as a 5oma!1 All they 5ere asto!ied a!d feared" a!d 4!o5led ed that they had trespassed reatly i! the ser6a!t of God1 The! they ra! all for to see the si ht" a!d as4ed for i6e!ess of their i !ora!ce a!d trespass1 The! bare they the body of her i!to the church a!d there ho!ourably they buried it1 The! she that i!famed the ser6a!t of God 5as ta4e! a!d 6e8ed 5ith a de6il" a!d 4!o5led i! her si! came to the sepulchre of the blessed 6ir i!" a!d there 5as deli6ered a!d made all 5hole1 To 5hose tomb the people o6er all there about came a!d assembled" a!d there our Lord sho5ed ma!y miracles for his blessed 6ir i! -ari!e1 She died the fourtee!th 4ale!ds of July1 Here follow the live of **" Gerva e a#d Protha e. a#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of their #a%e "




Ger6ase is said of erar" 5hich is as much to say as a 6essel" or holy" or of e!a" that is to say stra! e" a!d of syor" that is little" for he 5as holy by merit of his life7 a 6essel for to recei6e 6irtues i! himself7 stra! e by despisi! of the 5orld" a!d he 5as little by despisi! of himself1 (rothase is said of prothos" 5hich is as much to say as first" a!d of syos" that is" di6i!e1 Or (rothase may be said of procul" that is" far" a!d of stasis" that is" set" that is to say he 5as first by di !ity" he 5as di6i!e by dilectio!" a!d far set from 5orldly affectio!1 A!d S1 Ambrose fou!d their passio! 5ritte! i! a boo4 fou!d i! the sepulchre at their head1 Of **" Gerva e a#d Protha e"





S1 Ger6ase a!d S1 (rothase 5ere brethre! of o!e burde! of father a!d mother1 Their father 5as S1 Vital" a!d their mother the blessed Valery" 5hich a6e all their oods u!to the poor for the lo6e of God" a!d d5elled 5ith S1 NaHari!e 5hich made a ri ht fair oratory i! the city of +ebredu!e1 A!d a child !amed Celsus bare to him the sto!es" a!d if NaHari!e had the! the child Celsus or !ot" I 5ot !e6er" for the history of NaHari!e rehearseth that Celsus 5as offered to him lo! after1 A!d 5he! they 5ere offered a!d led to Nero the emperor" this child Celsus follo5ed them much sore 5eepi! " a!d o!e of the 4!i hts buffeted a!d smote him" a!d NaHari!e the! blamed him1 The! the 4!i hts i! their reat a! er beat a!d defouled NaHari!e u!der their feet" a!d after" they put this Celsus 5ith the other i! priso!" a!d after that they thre5 him i!to the sea" a!d led Ger6ase a!d (rothase to -ila!1 A!d NaHari!e 5as deli6ered by miracle" a!d came to -ila!1 I! that time there came thither the earl Astasius 5hich 5e!t i! battle a ai!st them of -arcoma!!os 5hich came a ai!st him1 The! the 4eepers of the idols came to him a!d said that their ods 5ould i6e !o!e a!s5er but if Ger6ase a!d (rothase should first offer to them a!d do sacrifice1 The! a!o! 5ere they brou ht a!d led forth for to sacrifice7 a!d the! Ger6ase said that all the idols 5ere deaf a!d dumb" a!d that he should re<uire help of Almi hty God1 The! the earl 5as 5roth a!d comma!ded him to be beate! 5ith scour es of lead so lo! till he a6e up his spirit" a!d so suffered death1 The! he comma!ded (rothase to be brou ht to him" to 5hom he saidD Thou cursed 5retch" !o5 thi!4 to sa6e thy life a!d die !ot a! e6il death 5ith thy brother1 To 5hom (rothase saidD ,ho is a 5retchE I that dread thee !ot" or thou that dreadest meE To 5hom Astacius saidD +o5 should I dread thee" 5retchE To 5hom (rothase saidD I! that thou dreadest me" that thou shouldest be hurt by me if I ma4e !ot sacrifice to thy ods7 if thou dreaded !ot to be hurt of me thou 5ouldest !e6er compel me to the sacrifice of idols1 The! the pro6ost comma!ded him to be ha! ed o! a ibbet1 The! said (rothase to himD I am !ot a! ry 5ith thee" for I see thi!e eyes of thi!e heart bli!ded" a!d I ha6e reat pity of thee because thou seest !ot 5hat thou doest" but do that thou hast be u!" that this day the be!i !ity of our Sa6iour may bri! me to my brother1 The! the earl comma!ded him that his head should be smitte! off" a!d thus he suffered martyrdom for our Lord1 (hilip" a ser6a!t of Jesu Christ" 5ith his so!" too4 the bodies a!d buried them secretly i! his house i! a tomb of sto!e" a!d laid a boo4 at their heads co!tai!i! their !ati6ity" their life" a!d their e!d1 A!d they suffered death u!der Nero about the year of our Lord fifty:si81 These bodies 5ere hid there ma!y years" but i! the time of S1 Ambrose they 5ere fou!d i! this ma!!er1 S1 Ambrose 5as i! prayer i! the church of S1 'eli8 a!d S1 Nabor i! such 5ise that he !either slept !e 5o4e 5holly" there appeared to him t5o you! me! clad i! 5hite 6estme!ts 5ith o!e coat a!d ma!tel" a!d hosed" a!d they appeared prayi! 5ith him 5ith their ha!ds holde! up1 The! S1 Ambrose prayed that if it 5ere illusio! that it 5ould appear !o more" a!d if it 5ere truth that it should be sho5ed him1 The! 5he! the coc4 cre5" the you! li! s appeared to him" adori! 5ith him i! semblable ma!!er" a!d at the third time they appeared the third !i ht 5he! he had fasted a!d slept !ot1 A!d 5ith them appeared S1 (eter the apostle" after that he had see! him i! pai!ture1 The! the you! li! s said !othi! " but the apostle spa4eD These be they that desire !o!e earthly thi! " but ha6e follo5ed mi!e admo!ishme!ts" a!d these be they of 5hom thou shalt fi!d the bodies i! such a place" a!d there thou shalt fi!d a! arch of sto!es co6ered 5ith t5el6e feet of earth" a!d thou shalt fi!d at their heads a little boo4" 5herei! is co!tai!ed their birth a!d their e!d1 The! S1 Ambrose called all his !ei hbours a!d be a! first to di the earth" a!d fou!d li4e as the apostle had said to him" a!d they had lai! i! that place 5ell a three hu!dred years" a!d they 5ere as fresh as they had bee! laid there that same hour7 a!d a ri ht s5eet sa6our issued out of their tomb7 a!d i!co!ti!e!t a bli!d ma! touched the bier" a!d a!o! he had his si ht a ai!" a!d ma!y other sic4 people 5ere healed by the merits of them" a!d i! their solem!ity peace 5as reformed bet5ee! the Lombards a!d the emperor of 3ome1 A!d the! S1 Gre ory" the pope" established for the i!troit of the mass of themD Lo<uitur domi!us pacem" a!d this office appertai!ed i! part to the sai!ts" a!d i! part to the reat ad6e!tures that 5ere i! that time1 A!d S1 Austi! rehearseth i! the boo4 of the City of God that he 5as prese!t" a!d the emperor a!d much reat compa!y" 5he! that a bli!d ma! recei6ed his si ht at -ila! at the bodies of Ger6ase a!d (rothase" but it is !ot 4!o5! 5hether it 5as the same bli!d ma! or !o1 Also he telleth i! the same boo4 that there 5as a you! ma! i! a to5! !amed Victoria!a rode his horse i!to a ri6er that lay thereby" a!d as soo! as he 5as therei! the de6il stra! led him a!d thre5 him i! the 5ater all dead" a!d 5hiles they sa! e6e!so! i! a church of S1 Ger6ase a!d (rothase" 5hich 5as thereby" he 5as so smitte! 5ith the 6oices of them that sa! that he started up ali6e" a!d i! a reat haste











he e!tered i!to the church i! a reat dread" a!d held fast by the altar li4e as he had bee! bou!de! thereto7 the! the de6il me!aced him" a!d said if he 5ould !ot come the!ce he 5ould brea4 all his members" a!d a little 5hile after" by the merits of the holy martyrs he 5as plai!ly healed1 A!d S1 Ambrose saith i! his prefaceD These be they that by the hea6e!ly ba!!er too4 the arms of the apostles a!d 6a!<uished a!d ha6e the 6ictory" a!d be assoiled from the s!ares of the 5orld" they destroyed the feilo5ship of the fie!d a!d follo5ed freely 5ithout a!y empeshme!t our Lord Jesu Christ" li4e u!to a debo!air frater!ity that so lear!ed the holy 5ords that !o filth 5as meddled amo! them1 O ho5 lorious a strife 5as this that causeth them both to be cro5!ed i! hea6e! li4e as they issued out of o!e belly1 Here followeth the life of *" Edward. 5i#( a#d Martyr" S1 Ed5ard" the you! 4i! a!d martyr" 5as the so! of @i! Ed ar" a!d he 5as 4i! but three years a!d se6e! mo!ths" a!d 5he! his o5! mother 5as dead" his father" the 4i! " 5edded a!other 5ife" 5hich 5as full 5ic4ed" a!d by her he had a so! !amed Ethelred1 This <uee! laboured sore for to destroy this you! @i! Ed5ard for to ma4e her o5! so!" Ethelred" 4i! " a!d little lo6ed the @i! Ed5ard1 'or the! @i! Ed ar 5as dead 5hich had bee! a ood =usticer i! chastisi! rebels a!d cherishi! ood a!d 5elldisposed people1 'or he had a blessed a!d a! holy ma!" S1 Du!sta!" 5hich 5as chief of his cou!cil a!d 5as much ruled by him" a!d i! that time 5as =oy a!d mirth i! all E! la!d1 A!d the <uee!" throu h e!tici! of the fie!d our e!emy" laboured e6er a!d a5aited for to destroy this you! @i! Ed5ard1 A!d so it happed that this said you! 4i! " Ed5ard" rode o! hu!ti! 5ith his 4!i hts i! the 5ood of Dorset beside the to5! of ,arham" a!d there i! the chase it happed the 4i! to depart a5ay from his me!" a!d rode forth alo!e to see his brother Ethelred 5hich 5as thereby" 5ith the <uee!" his mother" i! the castle !amed Corfe1 9ut 5he! the <uee! sa5 him there bei! alo!e" she 5as =oyful a!d lad i! her heart" hopi! the! to accomplish that 5hich she sore had laboured for" a!d 5e!t to the 4i! a!d 5elcomed him 5ith fair a!d bla!dishi! 5ords" a!d comma!ded to fetch bread a!d 5i!e to the 4i! " a!d 5hiles the 4i! dra!4" the butler too4 a 4!ife a!d roof the 4i! throu h the body to the heart" i! such 5ise that the 4i! fell do5! dead1 A!d a!o! the! the <uee!>s ser6a!ts buried the body i! a desolate place of the 5ood" to the e!d that !o ma! should 4!o5 5here he 5as become1 A!d 5he! S1 Du!sta! 4!e5 that the 4i! 5as so murdered" he made much reat sorro5" a!d i! short time after" yet a part a ai!st his 5ill" he cro5!ed her so! Ethelred 4i! 1 A!d the! he said to the 4i! D 'orasmuch as by ma!slau hter a!d 5ro! thou art come to be 4i! " thou shalt therefore ha6e reat sorro5 a!d trouble to thy life>s e!d" a!d all shall fall for the death of thy brother Ed5ard1 ,ho that 5ill 4!o5 the sorro5 that fell may see it i! the life of S1 Alpha e" a!d there he shall see 5hat sorro5 there fell" a!d all 5as for the death of this S1 Ed5ard1 A!d all the poor people of this la!d sorro5ed reatly for this ood 4i! >s death" a!d i! especial because they could !ot 4!o5 5here he 5as buried1 'or they 5ould bury him much 5orshipfully if they mi ht fi!d him1 A!d i! a time" as God 5ould" me! of ,arham a!d of the cou!try be o!e for to see4 this holy body of S1 Ed5ard 5ith reat de6otio!" prayi! our Lord that they mi ht ha6e 4!o5led e 5here the holy body 5as" a!d soo! after" o!e of them that so sou ht sa5 a reat li ht i! a desolate place of the 5ood i! li4e!ess of a pillar of fire" stretchi! from hea6e! e6e! u!to the ra6e 5here the holy body lay i!1 A!d the! the people full re6ere!tly di ed up the body a!d brou ht it 5ith solem! processio! to the church of ,arham" a!d they buried this holy body i! the churchyard at the east e!d of the church" for they durst !ot do other5ise for displeasure of the <uee!1 9ut !o5 o6er that ra6e is builded a fair chapel of our Lady" a!d i! the place 5here he 5as first buried is !o5 a ri ht fair 5ell" 5hich is called S1 Ed5ard>s 5ell" 5here our Lord sho5eth ma!y miracles for his holy martyr S1 Ed5ard1 A!d i! li4e5ise i! the chapel at ,arham" 5hereas his holy body lay lo! " our Lord sho5eth also miracles1 9ut lo! time after" by the labour of the earl Alphere 5hich much lo6ed S1 Ed5ard" the bishops a!d cler y" by the cou!sel of S1 ,ilfrida a!d S1 Edith" sisters of S1 Ed5ard a!d !u!s at ,ilto!" the holy body 5as too4 out of the chapel of ,arham" a!d brou ht 5ith reat solem!ity u!to the !u!!ery of Shaftesbury1 A!d by the 5ay" as me! bare this holy body" t5o cripples 5ere made all 5hole" a!d follo5ed the holy body 5ith reat =oy a!d mirth" tha!4i! God a!d the holy sai!t of their health1 A!d 5he! they came to Shaftesbury they laid this holy body i! the 5all by the hi h altar ri ht 5orshipfully" 5here our Lord sho5ed miracles for him1 A!d 5he! the <uee!" his stepmother" heard tell 5hat miracles God sho5ed for him" the! she repe!ted her full sore" a!d cried God mercy" a!d the holy sai!t" for her trespass" a!d purposed to ride thither to do 5orship to the holy body" a!d there to as4















for i6e!ess of the death that she had committed to be do!e i! him1 9ut" 5he! she 5ould ha6e ridde! thither5ard" her horse 5ould !ot o forth i! !o 5ise for beati! !e dra5i! 7 a!d the! she li hted do5! a!d 5e!t thither full mee4ly o! her feet7 a!d oft i! her =our!ey she repe!ted her of that cursed deed that she had caused to be do!e to this holy S1 Ed5ard1 A!d 5he! she came to Shaftesbury" 5here as this holy body 5as buried" she did full reat re6ere!ce thereto" a!d cried God mercy" a!d the holy sai!t" for her reat offe!ce1 A!d after this she became a full ood 5oma!" a!d had reat repe!ta!ce thereof u!to her life>s e!d1 A!d after" 5he! the holy body had rested i! the 5all certai! years" S1 Ed5ard appeared to a! holy reli ious ma!" a!d bade him o to Dame Ethelreda" abbess of that place" a!d say to her that she pur6ey that his body should be laid i! a more 5orshipful place1 A!d the! she 5e!t to S1 Du!sta! to pray him of his help i! this matter" a!d soo! after S1 Du!sta! came 5ith a multitude of bishops" abbots" priors a!d of the cler y" a!d too4 up this holy body a!d laid it i! a 5orshipful shri!e" 5hich the abbess a!d other 5ell:disposed people had ordai!ed for it1 A!d 5he! his body 5as ta4e! out of the 5all" there came out of the ra6e a sa6our li4e a smo4e of fra!4i!ce!se" smelli! so s5eet that all the people 5ere reatly comforted thereby1 A!d thus this holy 4i! a!d martyr 5as tra!slated i! the year of our Lord o!e thousa!d" a!d some5hat more1 A!d 5he! 4i! Ethelred 5as dead" Ed5ard his so! rei !ed after him" 5hich 5as a holy a!d lorious 4i! a!d co!fessor" a!d lieth buried at ,estmi!ster" a!d 5orshipfully shri!ed" 5hereas our Lord hath sho5ed ma!y a reat miracle for him1 The! let us pray to this holy martyr S1 Ed5ard" 4i! " a!d to S1 Ed5ard" 4i! a!d co!fessor that they pray to our Lord for us" that 5e may i! this 5retched 5orld so ame!d a!d repe!t us of our 5retched life" that" 5he! 5e shall depart he!ce 5e may come to his e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Al)a# a#d of *" A%&hia)el After that Julius CFsar" the first emperor of 3ome" had di6ided the la!d of 'ra!ce" he made a shippi! i! to Great 9ritai!" 5hich !o5 is called E! la!d" i! the time of Cassibelau!" 4i! of the 9rito!s1 A!d t5ice he 5as dri6e! out" a!d the third time by the help of o!e A!dro eus" du4e of @e!t" he had 6ictory a!d co!<uered the realm a!d subdued it to 3ome" a!d made it to pay yearly tribute" a!d ordai!ed a!d stablished certai! statutes i! this la!d 5hich 5ere lo! obser6ed a!d 4ept1 Amo! 5hich he ordai!ed that !o!e of this la!d should recei6e the order of 4!i hthood" but o!ly at 3ome by the ha!ds of the emperor" lest perad6e!ture the rude people a!d u!5orthy 5ould ta4e upo! them that order u!5orthily" 5hich is of reat di !ity" a!d also they should ma4e a! oath !e6er to rebel !e bear arms a ai!st the emperor" 5hich statutes 5ere used i! all places obedie!t to 3ome a!d u!der their sub=ectio!1 The! rei !ed i! the la!d of 9ritai!" 5hich is !o5 called E! la!d" a 4i! !amed Se6erus" 5hich for to please the emperor Diocletia!" 5ho se!t his so! that hi ht 9assia!us 5ith ma!y other lords> so!s" of Cor!5all" ,ales" Scotla!d a!d Irela!d" u!to the !umber of a thousa!d fi6e hu!dred a!d forty" amo! 5hich 5as a pri!ce>s so! of ,ales i! reat array 5hich hi ht Amphiabel" a oodly you! ma!" a!d 5ell lear!ed i! Lati!" 're!ch" Gree4" a!d +ebre51 Also there 5as i! his fello5ship a lord>s so! of the city of Verulam !amed Alba!" 5hich 5as a 5ell disposed a!d seemly you! ma!" a!d discreet i! his o6er!a!ce1 A!d all this fello5ship came prosperously to 3ome i! the time 5he! Kephyrus 5as pope of 3ome" 5hich sa5 the reat beauty of this you! compa!y" a!d had compassio! that they 5ere !ot christia!" a!d laboured as much as he mi ht to co!6ert them to the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d amo! all other he co!6erted the pri!ce>s so! of ,ales" Amphiabel" a!d baptiHed him" a!d i!formed him secretly i! the faith1 A!d the! this holy Amphiabel forsoo4 the pomp a!d lory of the 5orld" a!d too4 o! him 5ilful po6erty for the lo6e of Jesu Christ" a!d e6er after co!ti!ued his life i! perfectio!1 Also there 5ere ma!y other co!6erted at that time 5hom Diocletia! did do see4" but !o!e could he fi!d1 The! he ordai!ed a day i! 5hich these you! me! should recei6e the order of 4!i hthood of the emperor>s ha!d7 a!d he himself irded their s5ords about them a!d i!formed them the rule a!d estate of the order1 A!d 5he! all the ceremo!ies 5ere do!e lo! i! to the order" a!d the oath s5or!" 9assa!ius" so! of 4i! Se6erus" desired of the emperor that he mi ht pro6e the feats of 4!i hthood there i! =ousti! a!d tour!eyi! " 5hich 5as ra!ted to him a!d reatly allo5ed for his ma!ly desire a!d !oble re<uest1 I! 5hich tour!ey a!d =ousts 9assa!ius a!d his fello5ship had the priHe a!d 6ictory1 A!d amo! all other" Alba! 5as the best 4!i ht" a!d most best pro6ed i! stre! th" 5herefore he had a so6erei ! !ame tofore all other" 5hose arms 5ere of aHure 5ith a saltire of old" 5hich arms after5ard bare the !oble 4i! Offa" first fou!der of the mo!astery called S1 Alba!s" a!d he beari! those arms had e6er lorious 6ictory" a!d after his death he left those arms i! the mo!astery of S1 Alba!1 The!" 5he! 9assa!ius a!d his fello5ship had lo! so=our!ed i! 3ome" they as4ed lice!ce of the emperor to retur! home i!to 9ritai!" 5hich the



















emperor ra!ted to them all" sa6e to Alba!" 5hom for his ma!li!ess a!d pro5ess he 5ould retai! for to be i! his ser6ice about his perso!" a!d so he abode 5ith him there se6e! years1 A!d after" for di6ers causes" -a8imia!" 5hich 5as fello5 to Diocletia! 5as se!t i! to 9ritai! 5ith a reat army for to subdue the rebels" 5ith 5hom Alba! came a!d 5as ordai!ed pri!ce of his 4!i hts" a!d so e!tered i!to 9ritai! a ai!1 I! that time S1 (o!tia! sat i! the see at 3ome" 5hich by himself a!d 6irtuous me! that preached" a!d by sho5i! of miracles" co!6erted u!to the faith of Jesu Christ a!d christe!ed i! the city of 3ome si8tysi8 thousa!d me!1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard hereof he assembled all the se!ators a!d 4i! s" pri!ces a!d lords" of e6ery la!d bei! u!der the obeisa!ce of 3ome" to ha6e ad6ice ho5 he mi ht destroy the christia! faith" a!d the! it 5as co!cluded that the pope should be dam!ed 5ith all his christia! people" a!d be pu!ished 5ith di6ers torme!ts" a!d that all the boo4s of christia! la5 should be bur!t a!d churches thro5! do5!" a!d all me! of holy church to be slai! i! e6ery place1 ,hich ordi!a!ce 5he! it 5as 4!o5! amo! the christia! people of 3ome of di6ers parts of the 5orld" the! they 5e!t a!d departed i!to their o5! cou!try" amo! 5hom S1 Amphiabel" 5hich lo! had d5elt at 3ome" departed a!d came home i! to 9ritai! a ai! 5here he 5as bor!" a!d so came u!to Verulam 5hereas !o!e 5ould recei6e him i!to his house" a!d !e 5al4ed about i! the streets abidi! the comfort of God1 A!d the! it happed he met 5ith Alba!" 5hich 5as lord of that city a!d pri!ce of the 4!i hts" a!d ste5ard of the la!d" ha6i! about him a reat multitude of ser6a!ts" a!d at that time Alba! 5as richly arrayed 5ith clothes fri! ed 5ith old" to 5hom all the people did reat 5orship1 The! Amphiabel" 5hich had left the arms of a 4!i ht a!d 5as arrayed li4e a cler4" 4!e5 5ell Alba!" but Alba! 4!e5 him !ot" ho5 be it they had bee! tofore both i! o!e fello5ship" a!d desired a!d prayed Alba! of harbour for the lo6e of God" 5hich Alba! 5ithout fei !i! " as he that al5ays lo6ed to do hospitality" ra!ted him harbour a!d 5ell recei6ed him" a!d a6e to him meat a!d dri!4 !ecessary for him1 A!d after" 5he! his ser6a!ts 5ere departed" he 5e!t u!to this pil rim secretly" a!d said to him i! this 5iseD +o5 is it" said he" that thou art a christia! ma! a!d comest i! to these parts u!hurt of the e!tilesE To 5hom S1 Amphiabel saidD -y Lord Jesu Christ" the so! of the li6i! God" hath surely co!ducted me a!d hath 4ept me by his po5er from all perils1 A!d that same Lord hath se!t me i! to this la!d to preach a!d de!ou!ce to the people the faith of Jesu Christ" to the e!d that they should be made people acceptable to him1 To 5hom Alba! saidD ,hat is he that is the so! of God 5hom ye affirm to be Jesu Christ a!d so! of the 6ir i!E These be !e5 thi! s to me" for I ha6e !ot heard of them7 I 5ould fai! 4!o5 5hat christia! me! feel thereof1 The! Amphiabel e8pou!ded to him a!d declared our faith a!d belief" i! 5hich a!o! Alba! disputed a ai! a!d said that by reaso! it mi ht !ot be" a!d so departed from him1 A!d the !e8t !i ht after" S1 Alba! sa5 i! his dream all the mystery of our faith" as 5ell ho5 the seco!d perso! of the Tri!ity came do5! a!d too4 our !ature a!d became ma! a!d suffered death" a!d of his resurrectio! a!d asce!sio!" 5hereof he 5as reatly troubled" a!d came o! the mor! to Amphiabel a!d told him 5hat he had dreamed1 A!d the! S1 Amphiabel tha!4ed our Lord" a!d so i!formed him i! the faith that S1 Alba! 5as steadfast i! the belief of Jesu Christ a!d thus 4ept his master Amphiabel i! his house si8 5ee4s a!d more" a!d al5ays i! a place !amed Ti urium" they held their holy commu!icatio!" so lo! till at the last they 5ere espied a!d complai!ed o! u!to the =ud e1 ,herefore the =ud e se!t for Alba! a!d for the cler4" a!d because the cler4 should o i! to ,ales" S1 Alba! did do clothe him li4e a 4!i ht" a!d led him out of the to5!" a!d departed 5ith ma!y tears" a!d comme!ded each other to our Lord1 A!d after" S1 Alba! 5as se!t for" 5hich came ha6i! o! him the cler4>s array a!d clothi! " beari! a cross a!d a! ima e of our Lord ha! i! thereo!" to the e!d that they should 4!o5 6erily that he 5as a christia! ma!1 A!d the me! that came for him dre5 him cruelly to the =ud e As4epodot" a!d 5he! the pay!ims sa5 him bear the si ! of the cross" 5hich 5as u!4!o5!" to them" they 5ere sore troubled a!d afraid1 The! the cruel =ud e dema!ded him 5hose ser6a!t he had bee!" a!d of 5hat 4i!dred" a!d because he 5ould !ot tell he 5as much 5roth" but amo! ma!y <uestio!s he told him that his !ame 5as Alba! a!d that he 5as a 6ery christia! ma!1 The! the =ud e dema!ded him 5here the cler4 5as that e!tered i! to the city" !o5 late spea4i! of ChristD +e is come for to be uile a!d decei6e our citiHe!s" 4!o5 ye 5ell he 5ould ha6e come u!to our prese!ce but that his co!scie!ce hath remo6ed him" a!d hath mistrust i! his cause" a!d uile a!d false!ess is hid u!der his doctri!e1 Thou mayest 5ell 4!o5 a!d e6ide!tly u!dersta!d that thou hast i6e! thy co!se!t to a foolish ma!" 5herefore forsa4e his doctri!e a!d repe!t thee" a!d ma4e satisfactio! for thy trespass i! doi! sacrifice to our ods" a!d that do!e thou shalt !ot o!ly ha6e for i6e!ess of thy si!s" but thou shalt ha6e to5!s a!d pro6i!ces" me!" old a!d po5er1 The! said Alba! to the =ud eD O thou =ud eI the 5ords a!d me!aces that thou hast spo4e! be but 6ai! a!d superfluous1 It is ope!ly 4!o5! that this cler4" if it had thou ht him ood a!d profitable" a!d also if our both hearts had accorded thereto" he had come to thi!e audie!ce" but I 5ould !ot asse!t thereto" 4!o5i! that this people is e6er ready to do e6il1 I ac4!o5led e that I ha6e recei6ed his doctri!e a!d repe!t me !othi! thereof" for the faith that I ha6e recei6ed restoreth the feeble a!d sic4 to their health" for the deed pro6eth it1 This faith is more dear to me tha! all the riches that thou promisest me"





a!d more precious tha! all the 5orship that thou purposest to i6e me" for shortly" your ods be false a!d faili! " for they that most basely ser6e them be most 5retchedly decei6ed1 The! came a!o! forth a reat multitude of pay!ims" a!d 5ith force a!d stre! th 5ould compel him to do sacrifice" a!d comma!ded him to offer to the ods" but i! !o 5ise he 5ould !ot co!se!t to their cursed rites1 A!d by the comma!dme!t of the =ud e he 5as ta4e! a!d stretched abroad to be scour ed" a!d as he 5as rie6ously beate! he tur!ed him to our Lord 5ith a lad 6isa e" a!d saidD -y Lord Jesu Christ" I beseech thee 4eep my mi!d that it mo6e !ot !e that it fall from the estate that thou hast set it i!" for" Lord" 5ith all my heart I offer my soul to thee i! 6ery sacrifice" a!d I desire to be made thy 5it!ess by sheddi! of my blood1 These 5ords sou!ded he amo! his beati! s" a!d the torme!tors beat him so lo! that their ha!ds 5a8ed 5eary7 a!d the people hoped that S1 Alba! 5ould cha! e his purpose" a!d therefore he 5as 4ept u!der the o6er!a!ce of the =ud e si8 5ee4s a!d more" a!d all that time the eleme!ts bare 5it!ess of the i!=ury do!e to holy Alha!" for from the time of his ta4i! u!to the time that he 5as deli6ered from the bo!ds of his flesh there came !e6er de5 !or rai! upo! the earth" but bur!i! heat of the su!" a!d also i! the !i hts all that time 5as i!sufferable heat" so that !either trees !e fields brou ht forth !o fruit" a!d thus the eleme!ts fou ht for this holy ma! a ai!st the 5ic4ed me!1 A!d the =ud e As4epodot dreaded for to slay him because of the reat lo6e that the emperor had to him" a!d for re6ere!ce of his di !ity" a!d po5er of his 4i!dred" u!to the time that he had i!formed Diocletia! of his co!6ersatio!1 A!d 5he! the emperor had see! the letters" a!o! -a8imia! came i!to 9ritai! for to destroy the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d 5as comma!ded that !o christia! ma! should be spared" sa6e o!ly Alba!" 5hom they should e!treat to per6ert him by fair promises a!d to fear him by me!aces" a!d so to compel him to tur! a ai! to their sect1 A!d if he 5ould i! !o 5ise lea6e the christia! faith" the! he to ha6e capital se!te!ce" a!d be beheaded by some 4!i ht for the 5orship of the order of 4!i hthood" a!d the cler4 that co!6erted him to suffer the foulest death that could be ima i!ed" that the beholders thereof may ha6e dread a!d horror of semblable pai!s1 A!d 5he! -a8imia! came i!to 9ritai!" he too4 5ith him the 4i! As4epodot a!d 5e!t strai ht to the city of Verulam for to fulfil the comma!dme!t of the emperor1 A!d the! S1 Alba! 5as brou ht forth tofore them out of priso!" a!d" by all the 5ays that they could ima i!e" they attempted to per6ert him" but the holy ma! 5as co!sta!t a!d firm i! the faith" 5hereof they" ha6i! i!di !atio!" ordai!ed a day of =ustice" 5hich day come" they a6e se!te!ce" first o! Amphiabel" that 5here6er he 5as fou!d he should be scour ed" a!d after bou!de! to a sta4e all !a4ed" a!d the! his !a6el be ope!ed a!d his bo5els to be faste!ed by that o!e e!d to the sta4e" a!d he the! to be dri6e! to o rou!d about the sta4e till all his bo5els 5ere 5ou!de! out about the sta4e" a!d after to ha6e his head smitte! off" a!d" as touchi! S1 Alba!" they a6e se!te!ce that he should be beheaded" 5hich se!te!ces 5ere i6e! u!der 5riti! 1 The! all the bur esses of Verulam" of Lo!do!" a!d other to5!s about" 5ere summo!ed to come the !e8t Thursday follo5i! for to hear the =ud me!t" a!d see the e8ecutio! upo! Alba!" pri!ce of 4!i hts" a!d ste5ard of 9ritai!1 At 5hich day came people 5ithout !umber for to see this said e8ecutio!1 A!d the! 5as Alba! brou ht out of priso!" 5hom they desired to ma4e sacrifice to Jupiter a!d Apollo" 5hich utterly refused it but preached the faith of Christ" that he co!6erted much people to be christe!ed1 The! -a8imia! a!d As4epodot a6e fi!al se!te!ce o! him" thus sayi! D I! the time of the emperor Diocletia!" Alba!" lord of Verulam" pri!ce of 4!i hts" a!d ste5ard of all 9ritai! duri! his life" hath despised Jupiter a!d Apollo" our ods" a!d to them hath do!e dero atio! a!d dis5orship" 5herefor by the la5 he is =ud ed to be dead by the ha!d of some 4!i ht" a!d the body to be buried i! the same place 5here his head shall be smitte! off" a!d his sepulchre to be made 5orshipfully for the ho!our of 4!i hthood" 5hereof he 5as pri!ce" a!d also the cross that he bare a!d s4la6i! that he 5are should be buried 5ith him" a!d his body to be closed i! a chest of lead a!d so laid i! his sepulchre1 This se!te!ce hath the la5 ordai!ed because he hath re!ied our pri!cipal ods1 The! arose a reat murmur amo! the people" a!d said that they ou ht !ot to suffer such i!=ury do!e to so !oble a!d so ood a ma!" a!d specially his 4i!dred a!d frie!ds" 5hich laboured full sore for his deli6era!ce" 5hereof Alba! 5as afeard to be deli6ered from his passio! at their re<uest a!d i!sta!ce" a!d stood up holdi! the cross" loo4i! to5ards hea6e! a!d sayi! D Lord Jesu Christ" I beseech thee that thou suffer !ot the fie!d to pre6ail a ai!st me by his deceits" a!d that the people let !ot my martyrdom1 A!d the! he tur!ed to the people sayi! D ,herefore tarry ye a!d lose the time" a!d 5hy e8ecute ye !ot o! me the se!te!ceE 'or I let you 5it I am a reat e!emy to your ods" 5hich ha6e !o po5er !e may do !o thi! " !e hear" !e see" !e u!dersta!d" to 5hom !o!e of you 5ould be li4e1 O 5hat 6a!ity" a!d 5hat bli!d!ess is amo! you to 5orship such idols" a!d 5ill !ot 4!o5 Jesu Christ the o!ly so! of God a!d his 6ery true la51 The! the pay!ims spa4e to ether a!d asse!ted that he should be put to death" a!d they chose a place 5here he should be e8ecuted !amed +olmeshurst1 9ut











the! arose a co!te!tio! amo! the people 5hat death he should suffer1 Some 5ould ha6e him crucified li4e as Christ 5as" a!d others 5ould ha6e him buried <uic4" but the =ud e a!d the people of the city 5ould ha6e him beheaded accordi! to the comma!dme!t of the emperor" a!d so he 5as led forth to5ards his martyrdom" a!d all the people to the place follo5i! this holy ma! 5ith despitous 5ords a!d rebu4es" 5hereto the blessed ma! Alba! a!s5ered !o 5ord" but mee4ly a!d patie!tly suffered all their reproofs" a!d the people 5ere so reat a multitude that they occupied all the place" 5hich 5as lar e a!d reat1 A!d the heat of the su! 5as so reat that it bur!t a!d scalded their feet as they 5e!t" a!d so they led him till they came to a s5ift ru!!i! ri6er" 5here they mi ht !ot li htly pass for press of people" for ma!y 5ere shifted o6er the brid e i!to the 5ater a!d 5ere dro5!ed" a!d ma!y" because they mi ht !ot o o6er the brid e for press" u!clothed them for to s5im o6er the ri6er" a!d some that could !ot s5im presumed to do the same" a!d 5ere 5retchedly dro5!ed" 5hereof 5as a reat rumour a!d !oise piteously amo! the people1 A!d 5he! S1 Alba! percei6ed this thi! he be5ailed a!d 5ept for the harm a!d death of his e!emies that so 5ere perished" a!d 4!eeled do5! holdi! his ha!ds up to God beseechi! that the 5ater mi ht be lessed a!d the flood 5ithdra5! that the people mi ht be 5ith him at his passio!" a!d forth5ith God sho5ed at the re<uest of S1 Alba! a fair miracle" for the 5ater 5ithdre5" a!d the ri6er dried up i! such 5ise that the people mi ht safely o dry foot o6er the ri6er" a!d also by the prayer of this holy ma!" they that tofore had bee! dro5!ed 5ere restored a ai! to life" a!d 5ere fou!d ali6e i! the deep!ess of the ri6er1 A!d the! o!e of the 4!i hts that dre5 S1 Alba! to5ard his martyrdom" sa5 these miracles that God sho5ed for him" a!d a!o! thre5 a5ay his s5ord a!d fell do5! at the feet of S1 Alba!" sayi! D I 4!o5led e to God mi!e error a!d dema!d for i6e!ess" a!d 5ept sore a!d saidD O Alba!" ser6a!t of God" for 6erily thy God is almi hty a!d there is !o!e God but he" a!d therefore I 4!o5led e me to be his ser6a!t duri! my life" for this ri6er by thy prayers is made dry" 5herefore I bear 5it!ess that there is !o od but thy God 5hich doeth such miracles1 A!d 5he! he had said thus" their fury a!d 5ood!ess i!creased a!d said to himD Thou art false for it is !ot as thou sayest !or as thou affirmest" for this ri6er is thus dried by the be!i !ity of our ods" a!d therefore 5e 5orship Jupiter a!d Apollo 5hich for our ease ha6e ta4e! up this 5ater by this reat heat7 a!d because thou ta4est a5ay the 5orship of our ods a!d re5ardest it to other by e6il i!terpretatio!" thou hast deser6ed the pai! 5hich lo! eth to a blasphemer1 A!d the! forth5ith they dre5 out his teeth of his head" a!d the holy mouth that had bor!e 5it!ess of truth 5as rie6ously beate! 5ith so ma!y of them that" ere they left they tare all the members of his body a!d to:bra4e all his bo!es" a!d all to:re!t his body" a!d left him Iyi! upo! the sa!d1 9ut 5ho mi ht 5ithout 5eepi! of tears e8press ho5 this holy ma! Alba! 5as dra5! a!d led throu h briars a!d thor!s a!d sharp sto!es" that the blood i! his feet coloured the 5ay as they 5e!t i! a!d the sto!es 5ere bloodyE The! at the last they came to the hill 5here this holy Alba! should fi!ish a!d e!d his life" i! 5hich place lay a reat multitude of people !i h dead for heat of the su! a!d for thirst" a!d 5he! they sa5 Alba! they ri!ded 5ith their teeth o! him for a! er" sayi! D O thou most 5ic4ed ma!" ho5 reat is thy 5ic4ed!ess that ma4est us to die 5ith thy sorcery a!d 5itchcraft i! this reat misery a!d heat1 The! Alba!" ha6i! pity o! them" sorro5ed by reat affectio! for them a!d saidD Lord" that madest ma!>s body of earth" a!d his soul u!to thy li4e!ess" suffer !ot these creatures to perish for a!y cause committed i! me" a!d blessed Lord ma4e the air attemperate a!d se!d them 5ater to refresh them1 A!d the! a!o! the 5i!d ble5 afresh cool" a!d also at the feet of this holy ma! Alba!" spra! up a fair 5ell" 5hereof all the people mar6elled" to see the cold 5ater spri! up i! the hot sa!dy rou!d" a!d so hi h o! the top of a! hill" 5hich 5ater flo5ed all about" a!d i! lar e streams ru!!i! do5! the hill1 A!d the! the people ra! to the 5ater a!d dra!4" so that they 5ere 5ell refreshed" a!d thus by the merits of S1 Alba! their thirst 5as clea! <ue!ched1 9ut yet" for all the reat ood!ess that 5as sho5ed" they thirsted stro! ly the blood of this holy ma! a!d his death" a!d a6e the praisi! a!d laud to their ods" a!d too4 this holy ma!" a!d bou!d him first to a sta4e" a!d after" hu! him o! a bou h by the hair of his head" a!d sou ht amo! the people o!e to smite off his head7 a!d the! a cruel ma! 5as ready" a!d i! a! a! er too4 his s5ord a!d smote off the head of this holy ma! at o!e stro4e" that the body fell to rou!d a!d the head hu! still o! the bou h" a!d the torme!tor" as he had smitte! off his head" both his eyes started out of his head" a!d the 5retch mi ht i! !o 5ise be restored a ai! to his si ht1 The! ma!y of the pay!ims said that this 6e! ea!ce came of reat ri hteous!ess1 The! the 4!i ht 5hich 5as left for dead upo! the sa!d a little before" e!forced himself as much as he mi ht" a!d crept upo! his ha!ds u!to the top of the hill 5hereas S1 Alba! 5as beheaded1 A!d the =ud e seei! him be a! to scor! him" a!d all the miracles that had bee! sho5! by S1 Alba!" a!d said to himD O thou lame a!d croo4ed" !o5 pray to thi!e Alba! that he restore thee to thy first health" ru! a!d hie thee a!d ta4e the head by 5hich thou mayst recei6e thi!e heal" 5hy tarriest thou so lo! E Go a!d bury his body a!d do him ser6ice1 The! this 4!i ht" bur!i! i! charity"
















saidD I belie6e firmly that this blessed Alba! by his merits may et to me perfect health" a!d et to me of our Lord that 5hich ye say i! scor!1 A!d 5he! he had thus said he too4 a!d embraced the holy head i! his arms" a!d re6ere!tly loosed it from the bou h" a!d set it fair to the body a!d by the miracle of our Lord he 5as forth5ith restored to his first health a!d forth5ith be a! to preach the reat po5er of our Lord Jesus Christ a!d of the merits of S1 Alba!" a!d the! he 5as stro! er to labour tha! e6er he 5as tofore" 5hereof he a6e tha!4i! s a!d laud to God a!d to this holy martyr S1 Alba!1 A!d there i! the same place he buried the holy body" a!d laid a fair tomb o6er him" a!d after5ards the pay!ims too4 this 4!i ht a!d bou!d him to a sta4e" a!d after smote off his head that same day" a!d after" the =ud e a6e lice!ce to the people to depart a!d o home1 A!d the !i ht after 5as see! a clear beam comi! do5! from hea6e! to the sepulchre of S1 Alba!" by 5hich a! els desce!ded a!d asce!ded all the !i ht duri! " si! i! hea6e!ly so! s" amo! 5hich this so! 5as heardD Alba! the lorious ma! is a !oble martyr of Jesu Christ1 A!d the people came to behold this si ht" 5herefore ma!y 5ere tur!ed from their false belief a!d belie6ed i! Jesu Christ" a!d ma!y of them soo! after 5e!t i!to ,ales for to see4 Amphiabel for to be baptiHed a!d i!formed i! the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d there they fou!d him preachi! the 5ord of God1 A!d the! they told him ho5 that Alba! 5as martyred" a!d for a to4e! they brou ht the cross 5hich he held i! his ha!d" a!d 5as yet bloody of his blood" 5hereby he mi ht e6ide!tly 4!o5 that he had suffered death" 5hereof this holy ma! a6e laud a!d tha!4i! s to our Lord" a!d made the! u!to them a !oble sermo! i! such 5ise as all that people that came from Verulam 5ere baptiHed a!d recei6ed the faith1 A!d soo! after" the =ud e had 4!o5led e of the departi! of this people from the city" a!d 5ere o!e i!to ,ales to recei6e the faith of Amphiabel" S1 Alba!>s master" 5hereof he 5as much a! ry a!d sore mo6ed a!d e!<uired of the !umber of them that 5ere o!e" a!d he fou!d a thousa!d a!d more 5hose !ames 5ere 5ritte!" a!d the! he ordai!ed a multitude of people 5ell armed a!d i! defe!ce for to see4 Amphiabel a!d those people that 5ere o!e to him7 5hich 5e!t i! to ,ales" a!d there fou!d all these people a5aiti! o! Amphiabel a!d heari! him preach the 5ord of God7 to 5hom o!e of them that 5ere so se!t" said to AmphiabelD O thou decei6er a!d most 5ic4ed of all me!" 5hy hast thou decei6ed this people 5ith thy decei6able preachi! " stirri! them to forsa4e our true la5s a!d odsE Comma!d them to lea6e their error a!d to retur! home a ai! to our city" a!d if thou do !ot 5e shall slay all of them a!d bri! thee to our city there to be torme!ted to the death1 To 5hom o!e of the christia! me! saidD Certai!ly this ma! is the 6ery true ser6a!t of God" for 5hom God doeth a!d sho5eth daily miracles" a!d 5e all 4!o5led e us all to be 6ery true christia! me!" a!d be ready for the lo6e of the faith of our Lord Jesu Christ to suffer death" for to ha6e therefor our re5ard i! hea6e!" e6erlasti! =oy a!d bliss" a!d cou!sel you to be baptiHed a!d to recei6e the faith of Christ1 A!d 5he! the pay!ims heard this" they i! a reat fury ra! upo! all that blessed compa!y a!d cruelly sle5" 5hich ladly offered themsel6es to suffer death for our Lord1 There the father sle5 the so! a!d the so! the father" brother sle5 brother" a!d cousi!s their cousi!s1 The! the holy ma! Amphiabel" seei! this blessed compa!y thus cruelly put to death" recomme!ded their souls to almi hty God" a!d the! the torme!tors too4 Amphiabel" a!d s5are by their ods that they 5ould bri! him to Verulam <uic4 or dead" a!d bou!d his ha!ds behi!d him fast" a!d dre5 him forth oi! afoot" a!d they ridi! " that his feet bled rie6ously" till they came to the place 5here S1 Alba! 5as buried1 A!d by the 5ay there 5as a sic4 ma! 5hich 5as oi! from Verulam to5ard Amphiabel for to recei6e the faith" a!d he cried to Amphiabel for to be relie6ed of his sic4!ess" 5hom the pay!ims scor!ed" a!d Amphiabel" by the !ame of our Lord" made him all 5hole7 a!d his bo!ds that his ha!ds 5ere bou!d 5ith 5ere loosed" 5hereof some of the pay!ims lorified our Lord1 They said that Amphiabel 5as brou ht a!d should come" 5hereof they of the city 5ere lad" a!d supposed he should ha6e forsa4e! his faith" but the torme!tors too4 a!d bou!d him7 !ot5ithsta!di! that" he al5ays preached the 5ord of God1 A!d o!e of them told to them ho5 that their frie!ds 5ere slai!" a!d 5hat miracles God sho5ed for them at their death" i! such 5ise that ma!y 5ere co!6erted to the faith1 A!d the people ra! out of the city to the place 5hereas this holy ma! 5as a!d stood" 5hich 5as at that tomb of S1 Alba!1 A!d o!e of those torme!tors" i! a reat fury too4 this holy ma! a!d bou!d him fast" a!d after" ope!ed his !a6el a!d too4 out o!e e!d of his bo5els" a!d faste!ed it to a sta4e 5hich he pi ht i! the rou!d" a!d made the holy ma! to o rou!d about the sta4e" a!d dro6e him 5ith 5hips" a!d beat him till that his bo5els 5ere 5ou!de! out of his body1 A!d i! all this pai! the holy ma! a6e !o to4e! of sorro5 !e of disease1 A!d the! i! their 5ood!ess they ra! upo! him 5ith spears a!d s5ords to compel him to ru! about till all 5ere dra5! out" 5hich 5as a mar6el to the people that he so patie!tly mi ht e!dure such rie6ous torme!ts so lo! " 5herefore ma!y of them forsoo4 their idols a!d became christia!1 A!d 5he! the =ud e sa5 a!d 4!e5 that the people 5ere become christia!" he comma!ded to slay them i!co!ti!e!t" a!d so there 5ere slai!







to the !umber of a thousa!d people" 5hich Amphiabel sa5" a!d tha!4ed God" recomme!di! to him their souls1 A!d the! the torme!tors" seei! yet the life i! this holy ma!" cast sto!es at him a!d sto!ed him7 a!d he al5ays perse6ered i! preachi! to them" a!d cou!selled them to be baptiHed" a!d they should ha6e for i6e!ess of all their si!s7 a!d the ates of hea6e! should be ope!ed to them" but they ceased !ot of their cruel casti! of sto!es1 The! at last this holy ma! Amphiabel lifted up his eyes u!to hea6e!" beseechi! our Lord to recei6e his spirit1 A!d the! he sa5 S1 Alba! sta!di! amo! the a! els" to 5hom he saidD O holy S1 Alba!" I beseech thee that thou pray to our Lord for me that it please him to se!d his a! el to lead me surely" that I be !ot let i! my 5ay by the cursed e!emy the fie!d1 A!d u!!ethe he had said the 5ord" but t5o a! els desce!ded from hea6e!" a!d said to himD This day shalt thou be i! hea6e! 5ith Alba!7 a!d 5he! the pay!ims heard this hea6e!ly 6oice they 5ere sore afeard a!d abashed1 A!d the a! els too4 his soul 5ith hea6e!ly so! a!d mirth a!d bare it u!to hea6e!" a!d so departed this holy soul from the body1 A!d the pay!ims" perse6eri! i! their malice" thre5 al5ay sto!es at the dead bodyD a!d a!o! after" fell a debate amo! of the pay!ims" that each fou ht 5ith other" a!d i! the mea!5hile a christia! ma! stole a5ay the body a!d hid it1 A!d a!o! after" our Lord sho5ed a reat miracle" a!d that 5as that" the 6isa es of the torme!tors 5ere disfi ured" their ha!ds" arms a!d other members dried up" a!d the =ud e lost his mi!d a!d 5as mad" because they stro6e a ai!st the 5ill of God" a!d suffered reat pai! after5ard1 A!d thus suffered these t5o holy martyrs" S1 Alba! a!d S1 Amphiabel" martyrdom a!d death for the faith of Jesu Christ" 5hich by their merits bri! us u!to his e6erlasti! life1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Nativity of *" Joh# /a&ti t" S1 Joh! 9aptist is !amed i! ma!y ma!!ers1 +e 5as !amed a prophet7 frie!d of the spouse7 la!ter!e7 a! a! el 6oice7 Elias7 baptist of the Sa6iour7 messe! er of the =ud e7 a!d fore oer of the @i! 1 9y prophet is si !ified prero ati6e of 4!o5led e7 i! the frie!d of the spouse" !oblesse of lo6e7 i! the la!ter! bur!i! " !oblesse of holi!ess7 i! a! a! el" prero ati6e of 6ir i!ity7 i! 6oice" !oble!ess of mee4!ess7 i! Elias" !oblesse of bur!i! lo6e7 i! baptist" prero ati6e of mar6ellous ho!our7 i! messe! er" prero ati6e of preachi! 7 a!d i! fore oi! " prero ati6e of preparatio! or ma4i! ready1 All these 6irtuous thi! s 5ere i! him1 Of *" Joh# /a&ti t










The !ati6ity of S1 Joh! 9aptist 5as a!cie!t" a!d sho5ed by the Archa! el Gabriel i! this ma!!er1 It is said i! the +istory Scholastic that Da6id the 4i! " 5illi! to i!crease a!d ma4e more the ser6ice of God" i!stituted t5e!ty:four bishops or hi h priests" of 5hom o!e 5as o6erest a!d reatest" a!d 5as !amed pri!ce of the priests" a!d he ordai!ed that each priest should ser6e a 5ee41 Abias 5as o!e" a!d had the ei hth 5ee4" of 5hose 4i!dred Kacharias 5as desce!ded" father of S1 Joh! 9aptist1 This Kacharias had to 5ife o!e of the dau hters of the 4i!dred of Aaro!" 5hose !ame 5as EliHabeth" dau hter of Esmeria" 5hich 5as sister of S1 A!!e" mother of our Lady1 The! this EliHabeth a!d our Lady 5ere cousi!s: erma!" dau hters of t5o sisters1 These t5o" Kacharias a!d his 5ife EliHabeth" 5ere =ust tofore our Lord" li6i! i! all the =ustificatio!s" a!d holdi! all the comma!dme!ts of the la5 5ithout murmur !e complai!t" praisi! a!d tha!4i! our Lord God1They had !o childre!" for the holy 5oma! 5as barre!1 They had reat desire to ha6e a so! that mi ht be bishop of the la5 by successio! of li!ea e after Kacharias" a!d hereof had they i! their youth prayed much to our Lord" but 5he! it pleased !ot u!to our Lord" they too4 it a 5orth a!d tha!4ed God of all1 They ser6ed the more de6outly our Lord God" for they had !o char e but o!ly to ser6e a!d e!te!d u!to him1 -a!y there be that 5ithdra5 them from the ser6ice a!d lo6e of our Lord for the lo6e of their childre!1 They 5ere both old" he a!d his 5ife EliHabeth1 It happed" at a solem!ity that the Je5s had after Au ust" that the bishop did holy sacrifice i! doi! the office that appertai!ed to him a!d to his 5ee47 he 5e!t for to i!ce!se" a!d e!tered i!to the temple" a!d the people abode 5ithout" ma4i! their prayers a!d a5aiti! the comi! a ai! to them of the holy bishop1 Thus" as he 5as alo!e" a!d i!ce!sed the altar" the a! el Gabriel appeared to him sta!di! o! the ri ht side of the altar" a!d 5he! the holy bishop sa5 him he 5as abashed a!d had reat dread1 The a! el said to himD 9e !othi! afeard" Kacharias" thy prayers be heard a!d thou hast fou!d race tofore of 5hom our Lord1 EliHabeth thy 5ife shall co!cei6e a!d bear a so!" 5hom thou shalt call Joh!" of 5hom thou shalt ha6e








reat lad!ess" a!d much people shall ma4e reat feast a!d =oy of his !ati6ity" for he shall be reat" a!d of reat merit tofore our Lord1 +e shall !ot dri!4 5i!e !e cider" !e thi! 5hereof he mi ht be dru!4e!" a!d i! his mother>s 5omb he shall be sa!ctified a!d fulfilled 5ith the +oly Ghost1 +e shall co!6ert ma!y of the so!s of Israel" that is to say" of the Je5s" to our Lord" a!d shall o tofore him i! the spirit a!d 6irtue of Elias the prophet for to co!6ert father a!d so!s" old a!d miscrea!ts" to the se!se of ri hteous!ess a!d to the ser6ice of God1 ,he! the a! el had thus said to Kacharias" he a!s5eredD +o5 may I belie6e a!d 4!o5 that this is truth that thou sayestE I am !o5 all old a!d a!cie!t" a!d my 5ife old a!d barre!1 The a! el a!s5ered a!d saidD I am Gabriel" the a! el a!d ser6a!t tofore God" 5hich i! his !ame am se!t to spea4 to thee a!d to sho5 to thee these thi! s aforesaid" a!d because thou hast !ot belie6ed me thou shalt lose thy speech" a!d shalt !ot spea4 till the day that this 5hich I ha6e said shall be accomplished" each thi! i! his time1 The people 5ere abidi! a!d a5aiti! 5he! Kacharias the bishop should come out" a!d mar6elled 5here he tarried so lo! 1 +e came out of the temple" but he mi ht !ot spea4" but the holy ma! made to them si !s by 5hich they thou ht 5ell that he had see! some 6isio! of our Lord" but more 4!e5 they !ot1 +e abode i! the temple all that 5ee4" a!d after" 5e!t home to his house1 +is 5ife co!cei6ed a!d 5a8ed reat" a!d 5he! she percei6ed it she 5as shamefaced a!d 4ept her i! her house 5ell fi6e mo!ths1 I! the si8th mo!th the same a! el Gabriel 5as se!t from our Lord u!to the blessed Vir i! -ary" !e5ly espoused to Joseph" 5hich she5ed the co!ceptio! of Jesu Christ" so! of God our Lord" a!d the a! el told to her that she should co!cei6e of the +oly Ghost 5ithout 4!o5led e of ma!1 'or our Lord may do all that it pleaseth him" li4e as it appeareth" said he" of EliHabeth thy cousi!" the 5hich" she bei! old of a e" a!d barre! by !ature of her body" hath co!cei6ed by the pleasure of our Lord" a!d hath !o5 bor!e about si8 mo!ths1 ,he! our Lady heard that S1 EliHabeth her cousi! 5as reat" she 5e!t to 6isit a!d accompa!y her i! the mou!tai!s 5here she d5elt" ri ht far" hard" a!d e6il 5ay1 ,he! she came thither she saluted her much courteously1 Our Lady 5as the! reat 5ith the blessed So! of God" our Lord Jesu Christ" 5hom she had co!cei6ed 5he! she said to the a! elD Ecce a!cilla domi!i7 a!d the! she 5as reple!ished 5ith the deity a!d huma!ity of our Lord Jesu Christ1 The!" 5he! the salutatio! issued out of the body of our Lady" the reeti! e!tered i!to the ears of the body of S1 EliHabeth" a!d i!to her child that she had 5ithi! her" 5hich child 5as a!oi!t of the blessed +oly Ghost" a!d" by the prese!ce of our Lord" sa!ctified i! the 5omb of his mother a!d reple!ished 5ith race" 5hereof he remo6ed him for =oy i! his mother>s 5omb" i! ma4i! to our Lord re6ere!ce such as he mi ht ma4e !ot of himself" but by the race that he had recei6ed of the +oly Ghost1 Of 5hich by the merits a!d race do!e to the blessed child" S1 EliHabeth 5as reple!ished" a!d a!o! prophesied i! sayi! a!d cryi! 5ith a hi h 6oiceD Thou art blessed amo! a!d abo6e all 5ome!" a!d blessed be the fruit of thy 5omb1 'rom 5he!ce cometh to me such race" so reat that the mother of my Lord cometh to 6isit meE I 4!o5 5ell that thou hast co!cei6ed the So! ot God" for as soo! as thy salutatio! e!tered i!to mi!e ears" the child that is i! my belly made =oy a!d feast" a!d remo6ed1 Thou art 5ell blessed a!d happy that thou hast i6e! faith a!d belie6ed the 5ords of the a! el 5hich he said to thee" for all thi! s shall be performed that he hath said to thee1 Of all these thi! s S1 EliHabeth 4!e5 !othi! 5he! our Lady came" !e yet our Lady had !othi! said to her" but the +oly Ghost" by the merits of her holy child that she bare" reple!ished her a!d made her to prophesy1 The! a!s5ered our Lady a!d made the holy psalm sayi! D -a !ificat a!ima mea domi!um" a!d all the rem!a!t1 Our Lady abode 5ith S1 EliHabeth three mo!ths or thereabouts till she 5as deli6ered a!d laid abed" a!d it is said that she did the office a!d ser6ice to recei6e S1 Joh! 9aptist 5he! he 5as bor!1 ,he! the! he 5as bor!" a!d the !ei hbours a!d cousi!s a!d frie!ds 4!e5 the race that our Lord had do!e to these holy fol4" !oble of li!ea e" rich of oods a!d of reat di !ity" to 5hom i! the e!d of their a e he had i6e! a! heir male a ai!st double or treble !ature" they made reat =oy a!d feast 5ith them1 ,he! the ei hth day came" a!d the child should be circumcised" they called him after his father>s !ame" Kacharias1 The mother said that he should !amed Joh!1 a!d !ot Kacharias1 a!d they 5e!t u!to the father a!d said that there 5as !o!e i! that 4i!dred that so 5as called1 A!d the! the father dema!ded pe! a!d i!4" a!d 5roteD Joha!!es est !ome! e=us" Joh! is his !ame" a!d all they mar6elled1 A!o! after" by the merit of S1 Joh!" his father>s mouth 5as ope!ed" a!d had a ai! his speech" a!d spa4e" lorifyi! our Lord God1 A!d these tidi! s of this holy child thus bor!" 5ere a!o! spread all about the cou!try" a!d each ma! said i! his heart" a!d 5ithout forth o!e to a!otherD ,hat suppose ye shall be of this childE +e shall be reat a!d a ma! of our Lord" for he is already !o5 5ith him" a!d the ha!d" the 5or4" a!d the 6irtue of our Lord is 5ith him1 The father" holy Kacharias" reple!ished 5ith the +oly Ghost" said a!d prophesied"





a!d made the! the holy psalmD 9e!edictus Domi!us Deus Israel" 5hich psalm is al5ays su! i! the e!d of mati!s1 It is said that holy Kacharias d5elled upo! the mou!tai!s t5o miles !i h to Jerusalem" a!d there S1 Joh! 9aptist 5as bor!" a!d after that S1 Joh! 5as circumcised" he 5as !ourished as a child of a !oble a!d rich ma! a!d so! of reat di !ity" but 5he! he had u!dersta!di! a!d stre! th of body" God our Lord a!d the heart performed the 5or41 +e issued out of his father>s house" a!d left riches" ho!ours" di !ities" !oblesse" a!d all the 5orld" a!d 5e!t i!to desert o! flom Jorda!1 Some say he 5e!t i! the a e of fiftee! years accomplished" a!d others say he departed at t5el6e years of a e for to ser6e our Lord 5ithout empeshme!t" by 5hich he 4ept sile!ce" a!d byd5o! e his life a!d his soul from idle 5ords1 This holy S1 Joh!" d5elli! i! desert" 5are a! hair made of the hair of camels1 Some say that he 5are the s4i! of a camel" i! 5hich he had made a! hole to put his head i! a!d irded it 5ith a irdle of 5ool" or of leather" cut out of a! hide or a beast>s s4i!1 +e ate locusts" !ot such as 5e ha6e here that 5e call ho!eysuc4les7 some say that it is flesh of some beasts that abou!d i! the desert of Judea 5here he baptiHed7 5ith 5ild ho!ey he ate it1 That it 5as flesh" the le e!d of S1 Austi! doth us to u!dersta!d" 5hich saith that S1 Austi! ate flesh by the e8ample of Elias the prophet" 5hich ate the flesh that a cro5 brou ht to him" a!d so S1 Joh! ate locusts" some say that there be roots so called1 There ser6ed he our Lord solitarily upo! the flom Jorda! till that he 5as about t5e!ty:!i!e years old1 The a! el of our Lord came to him a!d said that he should sho5 the comi! of our Lord a!d preach pe!a!ce" for to pur e them that 5ere baptiHed" i! accustomi! the baptism of our Lord Jesu Christ1 This a! el said to S1 Joh! 9aptist that" Jesu Christ" Sa6iour of the 5orld" should come to him for to be baptiHed" a!d it should be he o! 5hom the +oly Ghost should desce!d i! sembla!ce of a do6e1 S1 Joh! dre5 him to5ards 9etha!y" upo! the ri6er or desert" !ot far from Jerusalem7 there preached he" a!d tau ht a!d baptiHed them that 5ould ame!d their life" a!d said to them that the Sa6iour a!d health of the 5orld 5as !i h1 The! came to him ma!y" a!d he said to some reli ious me! of e6il lifeD ;e childre! of serpe!ts" 5ho hath i6e! to you cou!sel to esche5 the ire of our LordE If ye 5ill be baptiHed i! si ! of pe!a!ce" do ye the 5or4s of pe!ite!ce1 Lea6e the e6il" humble you" do the 5or4 of mercy7 5ee! ye" because ye be circumcised a!d be the childre! of Abraham" that ye shall be sa6edE Our Lord shall ma4e of these sto!es if it please him the child of Abraham 5hich 5ith Abraham shall be sa6ed1 S1 Joh! preached about a year tofore that our Lord came to him for to be baptiHed1 ,he! the (harisees heard say that he baptiHed" they se!t to 4!o5 5hat he 5as" a!d they dema!ded if he 5ere Christ the reat prophet that 5as promised i! their la5" a!d he saidD Nay1 They dema!ded him if he 5ere Elias" a!d come from (aradise terrestrial" he saidD Nay1 They dema!ded him if he 5as a prophet" he saidD Nay1 They dema!ded him 5hereof he meddled the! to baptiHe" si!ce he 5as !either Christ" !e Elias" !e prophet1 Say to us" said they" 5ho that thou art" that 5e may a!s5er to them that ha6e se!t us hither1 +e a!s5eredD I am he of 5hom Isaiah prophesiedD I am the 6oice of the crier i! desertD Address ye a!d ma4e ready the 5ays to God" a!d ma4e ye ri ht the paths of our Lord1 They said to himD ,herefore baptiHest thou the!E I baptiHe a!d 5ash the body 5ith 5ater i! si ! of pe!a!ce" but amo! you is he that ye 4!o5 !ot" 5hich 5as tofore me" a!d came after me" of 5hom I am !ot 5orthy to loose the latchet of his shoe1 +e shall i6e you baptism i! the 6irtue of the +oly Ghost" i! 5ater a!d fire of pe!a!ce1 ,he! S1 Joh! alo! the flom Jorda! had preached a!d baptiHed about a year" our Lord came u!to him a!d 5ould be baptiHed of him1 S1 Joh!" e!lumi!ed of the +oly Ghost" 4!e5 him" a!d did to him re6ere!ce as to his God" his -a4er" a!d Lord1 +e 5as so espired that huma! !ature 5hich 5as pure i! him mi ht !ot sustai! so reat 4!o5led e" a!d he said ri ht humblyD Sir" thou comest to me" 5hich art pure a!d clea!" to be baptiHed a!d 5ashed of me that am foul a!d 5asted" 5hich ou ht to be baptiHed of thee a!d 5ashed" ho5 dare I lay o! thee my ha!dsE Our Lord said to himD Do this that I say !o5" for thus beho6eth it to fulfil all =ustice a!d to humble a!d i6e e!sample of baptism to all people1 A!d the! i! humility a!d patie!ce he baptiHed our Lord" a!d 5ashed him 5here he had !e6er filth" a!d all by holy mystery7 o! 5hom the +oly Ghost desce!ded 6isibly i! li4e!ess of a do6e" a!d the 6oice of the 'ather 5as heard sayi! D +ere is my 5ell:belo6ed so! i! 5hom I am 5ell pleased1 The! our Lord 5as thirty years old from his !ati6ity a!d thirtee! days be i!!i! of the thirtyfirst year1 O! that same day our Lord cha! ed 5ater i!to 5i!e i! Ca!a of Galilee1 A!d this sufficeth for the !ati6ity of S1 Joh! 9aptist" a!d the residue of his life a!d of his death shall be said at the feast of his decollatio!" by the race of God" 5ho bri! eth us to his bliss1 Ame!1












The Life of *" Loye" S1 Loye 5as bor! i! the cou!try of Limo es1 +is father 5as !amed Eucherius a!d his mother Terri ia1 ,hat time his mother 5as co!cei6ed 5ith him" she sa5 i! her sleep" a! ea le fly o6er her bed" a!d thrice bo5ed a!d i!cli!ed to her" a!d promised to her somethi! 1 A!d 5ith the 6oice of the ea le she a5o4e a!d 5as much abashed" a!d be a! to thi!4 5hat her dream mi ht si !ify1 A!d 5he! the time came of childi! " a!d that she should be deli6ered" she 5as i! reat peril" a!d a!o! she se!t for a! holy ma! to come a!d pray for her1 ,he! the ood ma! 5as come" a!o! he said to herD +a6e !o doubt dame !e dread" for this child shall be holy a!d much reat i! the church1 A!d after that he 5as bor!" this child re5 i! 6irtue" a!d his father set him to oldsmith>s craft7 a!d 5he! he 4!e5 5ell the craft a!d art of oldsmithery he came i!to 'ra!ce a!d d5elt 5ith a oldsmith that made 5or4 for the 4i! 1 It happed that time that the 4i! sou ht for o!e that could ma4e for him a saddle of old a!d of precious sto!es1 The! the master of S1 Loye said to the 4i! that he had fou!d a 5or4ma! that should ri ht 5ell ma4e 5hatsome6er he 5ould1 The 4i! deli6ered to him a reat mass of old" 5hich mass the master deli6ered to S1 Loye" 5hereof he made t5o ri ht fair saddles a!d prese!ted that o!e to the 4i! a!d that other he retai!ed himself1 ,he! the 4i! sa5 this saddle so fair he a!d all his people mar6elled much thereof a!d the 4i! re5arded him much lar ely1 The! after this" S1 Loye prese!ted to the 4i! that other saddle" sayi! to him that" of the rem!a!t of the old he had made the same" a!d the! 5as the 4i! more amar6elled tha! he 5as tofore a!d dema!ded ho5 he mi ht ma4e these t5o saddles of that 5ei ht that 5as deli6ered to him7 S1 Loye saidD ,ell by the pleasure of God1 The! re5 the !ame a!d fame of him i! the 4i! >s court1 S1 Loye lo6ed 5ell poor people" for all that he 5o! a!d mi ht 5i! he distributed it to them" i! so much that oft he 5as almost !a4ed1 The poor people also lo6ed him" that 5here he 5e!t they follo5ed him" a!d that they that 5ould spea4 5ith him must as4 a!d e!<uire of the poor people 5here he 5as1 O! a time it happed that as he dealed alms 5ith his o5! ha!d" there 5as a poor ma! that had his ha!d stiff a!d lame" a!d put forth the better ha!d to recei6e the alms1 The! S1 Loye said to him that he should put forth that other ha!d" 5hich as 5ell as he mi ht he put forth1 S1 Loye too4 a!d ha!dled it a!d a!oi!ted it 5ith a little oil" a!d a!o! it 5as uerished a!d 5hole1






A!other time 5he! he had i6e! to the poor people all the old a!d sil6er that he had" ma!y other poor me! came a!d dema!ded of him almsD a!d beholdi! himself that he had !o more to i6e" a!o! he departed amo! them a mar4 of old that he had borro5ed of his !ei hbour" a!d a!o! after" came more poor fol4 to dema!d alms" he put his ha!d a!o! to his purse" for he remembered !ot that it 5as 6oid" a!d by the 5ill of God he fou!d therei! a mar4 of old" a!d 5he! he had fou!d that he be a! reatly to tha!4 our Lord God thereof" a!d distributed it a!d departed it to the poor people for the lo6e of God1 +e 5as of hi h stature" red of 6isa e a!d a! elic" of simple a!d prude!t re ard a!d cheer1 At the be i!!i! he 5as clad 5ith precious 6estme!ts of old ador!ed 5ith ems a!d ouches" a!d 5are ilt irdles 5ith precious sto!es" but u!der that" o! his bare flesh" he 5ore al5ays the hair1 After this he a6e all his precious 6esture to the poor people for to succour them i! their !ecessities" a!d from the! fortho! he used al5ays simple a!d poor clothi! " a!d oft despoiled himself for to clothe the poor people1 A!d 5he! the 4i! sa5 him i! such 5ise he a6e to him his o5! 6estme!ts a!d irdles" for he lo6ed him as his proper soul" a!d aba!do!ed to him all his house" a!d comma!ded to all his fol4 that all that S1 Loye 5ould ha6e should be deli6ered to him 5ithout delay" a!d all he a6e a!d distributed to poor fol4" priso!ers a!d to sic41 'rom the time of 9ru!ehilde <uee!" u!to the time of Da obert" the pestile!ce of simo!y rei !ed stro! ly" 5hich" for to ta4e a5ay a!d destroy" S1 Loye a!d S1 Oue! laboured sore1 The! 5as S1 Loye chose! bishop of Noyo!" after Achaire bishop of the said city" a!d 5ith him 5as chose! S1 Oue! archbishop of 3oue!1 S1 Loye 5as pastor spiritual of Tour!ay" city royal" of Noyo!" of Ghe!t" a!d of all 'la!ders" a!d of Courtrai1 +e had a certai! place i! 5hich" by certai! days" he called to him poor a!d sic4 me! a!d ser6ed them de6outly" a!d made clea! their heads a!d 5ashed them" a!d them that 5ere lousy a!d full of 6ermi! he himself 5ould pic4 a!d ma4e them clea!" a!d a6e them meat a!d dri!4" a!d clothed them7 a!d 5he! they departed a!o! came other to 5hom he did i! li4e 5ise1 A!d 5he! reat compa!y came" sometime he made them to sit do5! a!d refreshed them all" but e6ery day" at the least he a!d t5el6e" the 5hich he made sit do5!" a!d at certai! hour ate a!d dra!4 5ith them" but first he 5ashed their ha!ds a!d






ser6ed them1 O! a time he impetred a!d at of the 4i! that all the bodies that 5ere co!dem!ed to death" that he could fi!d i! to5!s a!d cities ha! ed a!d ratted" that he mi ht ta4e them do5! a!d bury them" a!d ordai!ed me! of his colle e to do it1



It happed o! a time that i! the compa!y of the 4i! i! the parties of Arastria" i! a to5! !amed Strabor" he fou!d a ma! that 5as ha! ed that same day a!d 5as the! dead" a!d me! made the sepulture for to bury him i!1 A!d S1 Loye approached him a!d be a! to ta4e him do5!" a!d appercei6ed that the soul 5as i! the body1 +e 5ould !ot appropriate the miracle to him but 4ept him from 6ai! lory a!d said full s5eetlyD O" 5hat e6il ha6e 5e do!e for to let this ma! to be ta4e! off if God Almi hty had !ot holpe! us7 the soul is yet i! his body1 ,he! he 5as raised" he 5as clad" a!d he did him to ta4e his rest1 ,he! they that had made him to die 4!e5 it" they 5ould ha6e made him recei6e death a ai!" a!d 5ith reat pai! S1 Loye deli6ered him from their ha!ds" yet he at letters of race for him" to be more sure1 There 5as a priest i! his diocese 5hich 5as i!famed" a!d oft he reprored him a!d e8horted him to be co!fessed" but the priest al5ay heled his si!1 ,he! S1 Loye sa5 that his fair admo!itio! a6ailed !ot" he e8commu!icated a!d accursed him" a!d defe!ded him that he should !o more si! mass u!to the time he had do!e ope! pe!a!ce1 The priest set !ou ht by his comma!dme!t !e defe!ce" i! despiti! his se!te!ce1 A little after this the said priest 5ould o si! mass" a!d as he approached u!to the altar" he fell do5! to rou!d a!d died1 -a!y other miracles did he by his life a!d doeth yet1 +e edified at Noyo! the a!celles of Jesu Christ1 9y him" God sho5ed the body of S1 Gui!ti!1 +e fou!d at Soisso!s the bodies of t5o brethre! erma!es" martyrs" S1 Crispi! a!d Crispi!ia!" a!d ordai!ed a precious 6essel to put them i!1 +e fou!d also at 9eau6ais the body of S1 Lucia!" 5hich 5as of the compa!y of S1 Gui!ti!" 5hich he put i! a precious 6essel1 At (aris" upo! the reat brid e" he made a bli!d ma! to see1 The se8to! of the church of S1 Colomba at (aris" came to S1 Loye a!d said to him that thie6es had bor!e a5ay by !i ht all the =e5els a!d pareme!ts of the said church1 The! S1 Loye 5e!t i!to the oratory of S1 Colomba" a!d said to himD +ar4 thou" Colomba" 5hat I say to thee7 my 3edeemer 5ill that a!o! thou bri! a ai! the or!ame!ts of this church that ha6e bee! ta4e! a5ay" or I shall i! such 5ise close the doors 5ith thor!s" that !e6er hereafter thou shalt" i! this place" be ser6ed !e 5orshipped1 ,he! he had said thus he departed1 O! the mor! the se8to! of the said church" that 5as called -aturi!" rose up a!d fou!d all the pareme!ts a!d =e5els that had bee! bor!e a5ay" a!d 5ere set i! the place as they had bee! tofore1 S1 Loye did do ordai! much richly the body of S1 Germai! a!d the bodies of S1 Se6eri!" S1 (lato" S1 Gui!ti!" S1 Lucia!" S1 Ge!e6ie6e" S1 Colomba" S1 -a8ime" S1 Julia!" a!d specially of S1 -arti! at Tours" by Da obert the 4i! " a!d the tomb of S1 9rice" a!d a!other tomb 5here the body of S1 -arti! had bee! lo! i!" a!d the house of S1 De!is the martyr at (aris" a!d the ti urio! of marble 5hich is upo! him" of mar6ellous 5or4 of old a!d of ems1 ,he! S1 Loye died he 5as se6e!ty years old1 At the e!d of the year he 5as tra!sported i!to a!other place" a!d 5as fou!d also fresh a!d 5ithout rotti! as he had bee! ali6e i! his sepulchre1 No5 hear ye yet a more reat miracleD his beard a!d his hairs 5ere sha6e! 5he! he died" but i! his tomb" 5he! he 5as tra!slated" they 5ere fou!d as reat a!d lo! as they had al5ays ro5! i! his tomb1 Thus endeth the Life of S. Loye and beginneth the







Life of *" 4illia%" S1 ,illiam 5as dra5! out of !oble li!ea e1 I! his childhood he 5as made ca!o! of (aris a!d of Soisso!s" a!d 5he! he came to perfect a e a!d 5as a ma! ripe a!d attempered" he mi ht !o more suffer the pestile!ces a!d the perils of this decei6able 5orld" but bra4e all the bo!ds of the 5orld a!d 5e!t i!to a desert !amed Gra!mo!te" a!d li6ed there a reat 5hile i! pure co!scie!ce a!d i! holy co!templatio!" but" as he led this life" there re5 o! him a reat tribulatio! that he had reat fear that the tra!<uillity of his co!templatio! mi ht be troubled" a!d 5e!t i!to a! abbey of Citeau8 a!d there he 5as professed" a!d profited much i! 6irtues from the! fortho!" a!d after" he 5as there made prior1 After5ard he 5as tra!slated from the!ce i!to a!other abbey that is called @arolose!ce" a!d there by electio! he 5as chose! abbot1 A!d there i! all humility he treated debo!airly his disciples a!d sub=ects" i! sho5i! to them e8amples of ood 6irtues a!d ood ma!!ers1 After" he 5as chose! to be archbishop of 9our es" a!d ho5




5ell it 5as a ai!st his 5ill" he accepted it" !e6ertheless 5he! he had accepted a!d ta4e! it" yet therefore cha! ed he !ot the habit of the order 5hich he had tofore ta4e!" !e the obser6a!ce also1 A!d ho5 5ell that he had meats delicious e!ou h" as to such a prelate be ordai!ed a!d arrayed" !e6ertheless he left !ot the sober!ess that he had mai!tai!ed tofore" i! humility" i! holy meditatio!" a!d i! de6out prayers" i! 5hich ladly al5ays he occupied his time1 A!d he 5as much busy for the health of the souls that 5ere committed to him a!d char ed to 4eep7 ladly a!d dili e!tly be heard their co!fessio!s" he !ourished them s5eetly" oft a!d dili e!tly he preached to them or did do preach1 +e deser6ed so much race of our Lord that by his de6out prayers a!d merits i! his li6i! life God sho5ed ma!y miracles1 O! a day it happed that a priest !amed Gerald had lost the health of o!e of his ha!ds" that he mi ht si! !o mass" 5hich came to S1 ,illiam" a!d S1 ,illiam bade him that he should co!fess him a!d 5ithout doubt he should be 5hole" a!d so he did" a!d at the e!d of three days he sa! mass 5hole a!d sou!d1 A!other time there 5as a you! child that had his brai! sore troubled" i! such 5ise that his eyes tur!ed i! his head7 his frie!ds brou ht him tofore this holy ma!" o! 5hom he had reat pity a!d be a! humbly to ha!dle him a!d laid his ha!d o! his head" a!d a!o! the pai! ceased a!d he 5as a!o! all 5hole1 +e 5as al5ays lad a!d =oyous" a!d that displeased much to some that 5ere of hard a!d rude li6i! 1 Abo6e all thi! s the si! of detractio! displeased him much" a!d he lo6ed !o detractors" a!d to his po5er" 5ith reat dili e!ce" he made them to esche5 this si!" a!d 5here they 5ould !ot he 5ithdre5 him from their compa!y1 'i!ally he too4 the cross for to o o6er sea a ai!st heretics a!d heathe! me!" a!d as he made his pur6eya!ce for to ma4e the said 6oya e" he re!dered a!d a6e up his soul to Almi hty God" the fifth ides of the mo!th of Ja!uary" a!d 5as buried i! the church of 9our es" the 5hich a!o! after" be a! to do miracles1 ,he! the pope +o!orius the third heard his life" a!d ho5 God sho5ed miracles for him" after that he by reat dili e!ce had made i!<uisitio!" he ca!o!ised him to the ho!our a!d praisi! of God" 5hich by the prayers of the said S1 ,illiam bri! us to his e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Eutro&e1 S1 Eutrope 5as bor! a!d came of the most e8celle!t li!ea e of all the 5orld" a!d 5as bor! i! the realm of (ersia" a!d 5as so! of the admiral of 9abylo!" 5hich 5as !amed E8erces" 5hom the said E8erces e! e!dered o! a <uee! 5hich 5as called G5y!e1 A!d S1 Eutrope 5as e!doctri!ed i! his youth i! letters of Chaldee a!d of Gree4" sofarforth that he 5as compared to the most reatest cler4 of the realm1 After" he 5e!t to Galilee i!to the court of 4i! +erod" for to see some curiosity or some !o6elty of the barbaria!s that 5ere 5ith the 4i! +erod1 ,he! he had d5elt there certai! days i! the court he heard the fame a!d re!omee of the miracles of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d be a! to e!<uire a!d search so much that he heard say that our Lord 5ould o o6er the sea of Galilee" a!d he put himself i! the multitude of the people that follo5ed him1 It happed that this day" our Lord" by his i!fi!ite lar esse" refreshed a!d fed fi6e thousa!d me! 5ith fi6e loa6es of barley bread a!d t5o fishes" i! the prese!ce of S1 Eutrope1 ,he! S1 Eutrope had see! this miracle a!d heard say of his other miracles" from the! fortho! he be a! to belie6e a little i! him" but he durst !ot for his peda o ue or his o6er!or 5hich 5as 5ith him" for the admiral" his father" had committed him i! his uard1 ,he! he had fed him 5ith the other" he 5e!t to Jerusalem i!to the temple for to pray a!d adore his creator i! his la5" a!d after this 5e!t home to his father" a!d told him all that he had see! i! the cou!try from 5he!ce he came1 I ha6e see! a ma!" said he" that is called Christ" but i! all the 5orld is !ot his pareil !e li4e" for he raiseth dead me!" he healeth the laHars" he ma4eth bli!d me! to see" the deaf to hear" the lame to o ri ht . a!d healeth all ma!!er sic4!esses" a!d yet more" tofore me he hath fed" 5ith fi6e loa6es of barley a!d t5o fishes" fi6e thousa!d me!1 ,herefore if it pleased him that hath made hea6e! a!d earth to se!d him i!to this cou!try" I shall be lad a!d =oyous" if it pleased you" to do him ho!our a!d re6ere!ce1 ,he! the admiral heard the 5ords of the child he 5e!t thi!4i! ho5 he mi ht see him1 A little 5hile after" the child" that had reat desire to see yet Jesu Christ" too4 lea6e of his father" 5hich he at 5ith reat pai!" a!d came sith 5ith reat compa!y for to 5orship a!d adore i! the temple" 5here he sa5 o! a day ho5 the childre! of Jerusalem came 5ith a reat compa!y of people tofore our Lord Jesu Christ u!to 9etha!y" ma4i! to him reat re6ere!ce" a!d too4 the bou hs of palm" a!d of oli6es" a!d of other trees" a!d ma!y other flo5ers" 5hich they thre5 i! the 5ay 5here he should pass" a!d sa! 5ith hi h 6oiceD +osa!!aI The! S1 Eutrope himself be a! to cast flo5ers i! the 5ay" but he 5as much a! ry because he mi ht !ot see Jesu Christ for the multitude of the people that 5as there" a!d" after that is co!tai!ed i! the ospel" he 5as i! the compa!y of them that 5ere come for to adore a!d 5orship i! Jerusalem at the feast that 5as there" 5hich said to S1 (hilipD Sir" 5e 5ould see Jesu Christ1 The! S1 (hilip" accompa!ied 5ith S1 A!dre5" told it to Jesu Christ1 A!d a!o!













after" S1 Eutrope a!d his compa!y sa5 him sitti! upo! a! ass" 5hereof he 5as ri ht lad" a!d from the! fortho! he belie6ed secretly a!d accompa!ied 5ith him" but he doubted his fello5ship" forasmuch as his father had comma!ded them to 4eep him 5ell" a!d that they should bri! him a ai! 5ith them1 The! he heard say that the Je5s should shortly bri! Jesu Christ to death" a!d because he 5ould !ot see so reat cruelty do!e to so true a!d =ust a ma!" he departed o! the mor! a!d 5e!t i! to his cou!try" a!d recou!ted all that he had see! of our Lord1 A little 5hile after he retur!ed" a!d heard say ho5 he 5as put to death" 5herefore he 5as sorry" for he lo6ed him much1 9ut 5he! he heard say that he 5as rise! from death to life" a!d asce!ded i! to hea6e!" he 5as much =oyous" a!d retur!ed i!to 9abylo!" fulfilled 5ith the +oly Ghost1 A!d all the Je5s that he fou!d i! his cou!try" for a! er he destroyed" because they of Jerusalem had put our Lord to death1 After this" a certai! time" 5he! the apostles 5ere departed throu h the 5orld" t5o shi!i! ca!dlestic4s of old 5ere se!t i!to (ersia 5hich 5ere of 6ery faith" that is to say Simo! a!d Thaddeus the apostles of God" a!d e!tered i!to 9abylo! a!d had chased out of the cou!try t5o e!cha!ters" Karoe! a!d Arpha8at" 5hich had per6erted the people by false a!d decei6able spea4i! 1 A!d i! this city these t5o apostles be a! to so5 the 5ord of God" a!d to do ma!y miracles" a!d heal sic4 people of di6ers maladies1 ,he! this holy you! ma! 4!e5 of their comi! he 5as ri ht lad" a!d admo!ished his father to lea6e his errors a!d his idols" a!d that he should recei6e the christia! faith to the e!d that he mi ht et thereby hea6e!1 A!d 5hat by the predicatio! of the apostles" a!d by the cou!sel a!d e8horti! of his so!" his father a!d ma!y others 5ere co!6erted a!d re e!erate i! the holy fo!t of baptism by the ha!ds of the apostles" a!d after" all the city 5as co!6erted to the faith" a!d did do ma4e a much !otable church there" a!d ordai!ed there a prelate" a! holy ma! a!d true" 5hom they had brou ht 5ith them from Jerusalem" !amed Abdias" e!doctri!ed i! the doctri!e of the ospels" a!d they ordai!ed S1 Eutrope archdeaco!1 A!d 5he! they had all thus ordai!ed" they departed a!d 5e!t i! to other cities for to preach the faith of God" a!d a!o! after" they recei6ed the palm of martyrdom1 After" S1 Eutrope 5rote their passio! i! letters of Chaldee a!d of Gree41 A little 5hile after" S1 Eutrope heard spea4 of the miracles that S1 (eter pri!ce of the apostles did" 5hich that time 5as pope of 3ome7 he too4 lea6e of the bishops pri6ily" 5ithout 5itti! of his father" a!d came to 3ome1 ,he! S1 (eter sa5 him" he recei6ed him much a reeably" a!d e!doctri!ed a!d tau ht him the la5 of God much dili e!tly1 ,he! he had d5elled 5ith S1 (eter a lo! 5hile" by the ordi!a!ce a!d comma!dme!t of S1 (eter" he 5e!t i! to 'ra!ce 5ith ma!y others for to preach the christia! faith" a!d thus as he e!tered i!to the city of .ai!tes7 he 5e!t throu h the streets a!d places preachi! the faith of Christ1 A!o!" as they of the city sa5 him" they 4!e5 5ell that he 5as a barbaria! by his speech" a!d 5he! they heard him preach thi! s that they !e6er heard tofore" they bur!ed him 5ith bur!i! fa ots" a!d beat him 5ith poles 6illai!ously" a!d 5he! they had so 6illai!ously beate! him" they put him out of the city1 9ut the lorious frie!d of God bare full patie!tly this persecutio!" a!d made i! a mou!tai!" ri ht !i h the city" a little lod e of bou hs" 5herei! he d5elled a reat 5hile" a!d by daytime he came a!d preached i! the city" a!d at !i ht he retur!ed u!to his little lod e" 5here he abode i! fasti! s a!d prayers a!d i! oriso!s1 The! 5he! he had bee! lo! there a!d had co!6erted but fe5 of the people" he 5e!t a ai! to S1 (eter to 3ome" a!d 5he! be came thither he fou!d that he had suffered passio! o! the cross" a!d fou!d there S1 Cleme!t i! his stead" 5hich comma!ded a!d cou!selled him to retur! i!to the said city of .ai!tes" a!d that i! preachi! the comma!dme!ts of God be!i !ly he should abide the palm of 6ictory for the lo6e of our Lord" that is to 5it passio! a!d martyrdom1 The! S1 Cleme!t ordai!ed him a bishop" a!d also S1 De!is 5hich 5as come out of Greece to 3ome" a!d ma!y other brethre! 5hich S1 Cleme!t se!t i!to 'ra!ce" a!d thus departed they from 3ome a!d arri6ed i! the city of Au8erre" a!d there" i! reat lo6e" they 4issed a!d embraced each other i! ta4i! lea6e for to depart o!e from a!other a!d te!derly 5ept1 S1 De!is a!d his fello5s came to (aris a!d S1 Eutrope 5e!t to .ai!tes" stro! ly co!firmed a!d firm i! the lo6e of God" all prest a!d ready to suffer all torme!ts" a!d much co!sta!tly preached the faith i! such 5ise that ma!y 5ere baptiHed1 Amo! 5hom the dau hter of the 4i! of the said city" 5hich 5as !amed Euscelle" 5as baptiHed1 ,he! her father 4!e5 it" he had thereof so reat i!di !atio! that he put her out of the city" a!d a!o! as she 5as out" for the lo6e of God she 5e!t strai ht u!to the lod e of the holy ma! a!d abode there1 Al5ays the father for lo6e that he had to his dau hter 5as sorry that he had put her out" a!d se!t ofttimes to her messe! ers for to come a ai! home to him1 To 5hom she a!s5ered that she had liefer for the faith of Jesu Christ d5ell out of the city" tha! to retur! i! a ai! to sacrifice to the idols1 'or 5hich a!s5er the father 5as so a! ry a!d 5roth that he 5ist !ot 5hat to do" a!d did do assemble of all the butchers of the to5!" a!d a6e to them a! hu!dred a!d fifty shilli! s for to put to death S1 Eutrope" a!d that they should bri! a ai! his dau hter to his house1 The!" the day tofore the cale!ds of -ay" they assembled 5ith them ma!y Sarace!s a!d came to the












lod e of S1 Eutrope" a!d first they sto!ed him" a!d after they beat this holy ma! 5ith sta6es a!d scour es leaded" all !a4ed" a!d after they clea6ed his head 5ith a butcher>s a8e" a!d sa5ed him 5ith a sa51 The maid 5ith ma!y others buried him by !i ht i! his ti urio! or lod e" a!d 4ept him i! 6i ils 5ith li hts" a!d i! di6i!e obse<uies" as lo! as she li6ed1 A little 5hile after" she departed out of this 5orld ri ht holily" a!d 5as buried beside her master as she had re<uired by her life1 After this" a certai! space of time" they of .ai!tes edified o6er this holy corpse a much !otable church" i! 5hich all sic4 fol4 of di6ers maladies a!d sic4!esses ha6e bee! healed" a!d yet daily be" a!d also ma!y priso!ers be also" by the prayer of this holy sai!t" deli6ered of their iro!s" as y6es" bolts" a!d other" 5hich be ha! ed i! the said church i! remembra!ce that they ha6e bee! loosed a!d u!bou!d by the prayers of S1 Eutrope1 S1 De!is 5rote the passio! a!d martyrdom of S1 Eutrope i! Gree4 a!d se!t it i!to Greece" to his frie!ds that belie6ed there i! God" by the ha!ds of S1 Cleme!t that the! 5as pope of 3ome" i! e8alti! a!d lorifyi! the !ame of God 5hich 5ithout e!d rei !eth a!d shall rei !1 Ame!1 Thus endeth the Life of S. "utrope and

/e(i##eth of *" Mar$ial" I! the time that our Lord Jesu Christ preached i! Je5ry" i! the li!ea e of 9e!=ami!" much people came to him for to ha6e that 5as !ecessary to them" as 5ell of dri!4 as of meat" a!d i! especial for to hear a!d u!dersta!d such thi! s as touched the sal6atio! of the soul1 O! a day" i! the midst of all the compa!y" came a ma! that 5as of the said li!ea e of 9e!=ami!" the most !oble of all the Je5s" !amed by his ri ht !ame -arcial" a!d his 5ife 5as called EliHabeth" 5hich had bet5ee! them both a child of the a e of fiftee! years" that 5as !amed also -arcial1 ,he! they heard our Lord Jesu Christ preach" 5hich said i! his predicatio!D Do ye pe!a!ce" the realm of hea6e! is !i h to them that do pe!a!ce" a!d 5ho that is !ot re e!erate i! 5ater by the sacrame!t of baptism he may !ot e!ter i!to the realm of hea6e!" the! by the comma!dme!t of our Lord Jesu Christ -arcial" his 5ife" a!d their so! -arcial" 5hich 5as a child reple!ished i! holy doctri!e" 5ere baptiHed of S1 (eter1 The! Kaccheus a!d Joseph" the 5hich buried our Lord" 5ere baptiHed also" a!d ma!y other of the people of the Je5s" 5hich 5ere o6er lo! to tell here all their !ames1 ,he! all this 5as accomplished" a!d that e6ery each tur!ed home5ard to his house" the child -arcial retur!ed !ot 5ith his father a!d mother" but a6e himself all o6er to our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d put him i! the compa!y as o!e of his disciples" a!d held him al5ays by S1 (eter" 5hich 5as ri ht !i h of his 4i!" a!d from the! fortho! he 5as so e!lumi!ed a!d e!doctri!ed of our Lord a!d of S1 (eter that he !othi! desired so much as for to accomplish comma!dme!ts solitaries1 After this S1 (eter came to 3ome" a!d prayed to -arcial that he 5ould o 5ith him" a!d thus as they had bee! to ether e!doctri!ed 5ith o!e holy doctri!e" a!d of o!e meritorious dilectio!" i! li4e 5ise that to ether they recei6e the commo! re5ard of the =oy perdurable1 A!d thus as they 5e!t they 5ere accompa!ied of some disciples of A!tioch" amo! 5hom 5ere Alphi!ia! a!d Austridima!" a!d ma!y other1 ,he! they 5ere e!tered 5ithi! 3ome" they 5ere recei6ed of a ma! !amed -arcel" at that time co!sul of the 3oma!s1 Thus as they d5elled there God appeared to S1 (eter" a!d comma!ded him that he should se!d S1 -arcial i!to the pro6i!ces of Gaul for to preach the faith a!d the belief to the people 5hich 5ere i! the bo!ds ot the de6il of hell1 The! S1 (eter called to him S1 -arcial a!d told him all by order that our Lord had said a!d comma!ded him1 ,he! S1 -arcial heard that" he be a! stro! ly to 5eep" because he doubted the far re io!" a!d the people 5hich had !o 4!o5led e of God1 ,he! S1 (eter sa5 him thus 5eep he be a! much s5eetly to comfort him i! sayi! to himD -y holy brother" be !ot hea6y !e sorro5ful" for God shall be al5ays 5ith thee li4e as he hath promised to us sayi! D LoI I am al5ays a!d shall be 5ith you u!to the co!summatio! of the 5orld1 Thus" my s5eet brother" he comma!ded us after his resurrectio! sayi! D Go ye u!to a!d throu h the u!i6ersal 5orld a!d preach the ospel to all creatures" that 5ho shall belie6e a!d shall be baptiHed he shall be sa6ed" a!d they that 5ill !ot do so shall be dam!ed1 ,hich thi! s" my blessed brother" beho6eth us to 4eep a!d put i! effect" to the e!d that 5e for et !ot the comma!dme!ts of God1 A!o! after these blessed 5ords S1 -arcial too4 lea6e of S1 (eter" a!d brou ht 5ith him the t5o disciples aforesaid7 that is to 5it Alphi!ia! a!d Austridi!ia! a!d departed li4e as God had comma!ded to S1 (eter1 Thus the! as they 5e!t" a!d that they 5ere 5eary a!d sore tra6elled by the 5ay" 5hich 5as lo! a!d rie6ous" S1 Austridi!ia! departed out of this 5orld a!d died1 ,he! S1 -arcial sa5 that he 5as dead he retur!ed i! reat haste to 3ome" a!d told to S1 (eter that 5hich 5as befalle! i! their 5ay1 ,he! S1 (eter had heard him he saidD 3etur! as hastily as thou mayest" a!d ta4e my bourdo! i! thy ha!d" a!d thou shalt









come 5here thou hast left thy brother" touch his body 5ith this bourdo! a!d a!o! he shall arise a!d o i! thy compa!y as he did tofore1 ,he! S1 -arcial came a ai! to the corpse he touched it 5ith the bourdo! li4e as S1 (eter bade him" a!d a!o! he 5as raised from death to life1



After" 5he! S1 -arcial had =our!eyed lo! by di6ers cou!tries i! lo! preachi! a!d so5i! the 5ord of God" they came i! to Guie!!e u!to a castle called Tulle a!d there 5ere recei6ed of a rich a!d a mi hty ma! !amed Ar!old" 5hich had a dau hter that daily 5as torme!ted 5ith the e!emy1 Thus as S1 -arcial e!tered i!to the house the fie!d be a! to cry" sayi! D I 4!o5 5ell !o5 that I must issue out of the body of this maid" for the a! els of paradise that be 5ith thee" -arcial" torme!t me ri ht rie6ously7 but I pray thee by the !ame of him that 5as crucified" 5hom thou preachest of" that thou se!d me !ot i!to the abysm of hell1 The! S1 -arcial said to himD I co!=ure thee i! the !ame of Jesu Christ that 5as crucified for us" that thou issue out of the body of this maid" a!d !e6er retur! a ai!" but that thou o u!to a place desert 5here bird" !e fo5l" !e perso! d5elleth1 ,ith this comma!dme!t the maid cast out the e!emy a!d she fell do5! as dead1 The! S1 -arcial too4 her by the ha!d a!d raised her up a!d deli6ered her to her father" 5hole a!d safe1 +oli!ess a!d be!i !ity" 5ith all humility" sho!e i! S1 -arcial" a!d he 5as al5ays i! prayers1 A!other miracle also our Lord sho5ed by the prayers of S1 -arcial i! the same place1 The pri!ce of the said castle" 5hich 5as called Ner6a" a!d 5as cousi! to the emperor Nero" had a dau hter 5hich 5as suffocated a!d murdered by the fie!d" a!d 5as dead1 The! the father a!d mother of the child" that 5ere much sorro5ful a!d hea6y" 5ith a reat part of the people" brou ht the body of the child tofore S1 -arcial" te!derly 5eepi! " a!d sayi! to himD O ma! of God" help us at this time" thou seest ho5 it is 5ith us1 ,he! S1 -arcial sa5 the lame!tatio! a!d the sorro5 that they made" he had pity o! them" a!d said 5ith a! hi h 6oiceD I pray you all" as 5ell christia!s as pay!ims" that ye 5ill de6outly pray God Almi hty that by his be!i ! race it please him to i6e a ai! the life to this child1 The t5o disciples of S1 -arcial" a!d a fe5 of christia! people that 5ere there" put them to prayers" a!d sith S1 -arcial himself made his prayer" sayi! D Sire" I pray thee i! the !ame of thy blessed dear So! a!d of thy ood frie!d S1 (eter" by the ordi!a!ce a!d comma!dme!t of 5hom I am come hither" that it please thee to raise this child hereD to the e!d that 5he! she shall be raised ma!y may belie6e i! thi!e holy a!d precious !ame1 The! S1 -arcial" trusti! i! the help of God" too4 the child by the ha!d sayi! to herD I! the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ" that of the Je5s for us 5as crucified" a!d the third day rose from death to life" arise up a!d sta!d ri ht o! thy feet1 A!o! the child arose ri ht upo! her feet" a!d sith 4!eeled do5! to the feet of the holy ma!" sayi! to himD O ma! of God" I re<uire thee to baptiHe me to the e!d that I may be sa6ed" a!d mar4 me 5ith the si ! of the holy cross" for other5ise may !o!e be sa6ed but if he be baptiHed1 A!o!" S1 -arcial baptiHed him a!d 5ith him i! the same place 5ere 5ell christe!ed also" as 5ell me! as 5ome! three thousa!d a!d si8 hu!dred1 A!d after this" S1 -arcial 5e!t a!d destroyed the idols a!d brou ht them to !ou ht1 'rom the!ce 5e!t S1 -arcial a!d his t5o disciples" a!d departed a!d came to Limo es" 5here they 5ere be!i uly recei6ed of a matro! that 5as !amed Susa!!a" i! 5hose prese!ce -arcial healed o!e that 5as fre!atic1 ,he! the ood 5oma! Susa!!a sa5 the miracle that so 5as made i! her prese!ce" a!o! she a!d her mei!y 5ere baptiHed1 After this S1 -arcial 5e!t i!to the temple 5here the priests of the idols 5ere" the 5hich beat him rie6ously" a!d sith put him i! priso!1 O! the mor!" as he made his prayer" there desce!ded a li ht so reat upo! him that me! mi ht !ot behold him" the chai!s of iro! burst" a!d the doors of the priso! ope!ed" the 4eepers a!d they that 5ere there re<uired to be baptiHed" a!d the priests that had so beate! him 5ere smitte! to death by thu!der a!d li ht!i! 1 The! the others that 5ere there came to S1 -arcial" i! to the priso!" a!d prayed him that he 5ould raise them that so 5ere smitte! to death by the thu!der" promisi! to him that if he so did they all 5ould be baptiHed1 The! our Lord by his prayer raised them a ai! from death to life1 The! that same time 5ere tur!ed to christia! faith a!d baptiHed t5el6e thousa!d creatures" as 5ell me! as 5ome!1 A!d after this" o! a time died the holy 5oma! Susa!!a" a!d totore her death she recomme!ded to S1 -arcial her dau hter" that 5as called Valerie!!e" 5hich had promised a!d a6o5ed to our Lord chastity as lo! as she li6ed1 After" 5he! the holy maid 4!e5 that there should come to Limo es a lord !amed Ste6e!" 5hich 5as lord of all the pro6i!ce from the ri6er of 3ho!e u!to the sea" she 5as sore afraid lest he 5ould do to her a!y rief or !oya!ce a ai!st her 6o5" a!d a6e a5ay all her riches to poor fol4 for the lo6e of God1 ,he! the said Ste6e! 5as come to Limo es" he made to do come tofore him the holy maid" to the e!d to ha6e his 5ill of her7 but 5he! she 5as come a!d he sa5 that she 5ould !ot co!se!t to do his 5ill" a!o! he made her head to be smitte! off1 The! the s<uire that beheaded











her heard the a! els si! " that bare the soul of the holy 6ir i! i!to hea6e!" 5ith much reat =oy a!d solem!ity" a!d a!o! he retur!ed u!to his master a!d told him all that he had see! a!d heard" a!d sith fell do5! dead at his feet1 The! the du4e a!d all his compa!y had much reat dread" a!d the du4e himself clad him !e8t his flesh i! a sharp hair a!d hard" for reat repe!ta!ce" a!d prayed S1 -arcial that he 5ould pray God that it mi ht please him to raise his s<uire from death to life" a!d he 5ould belie6e i! the faith of Jesu Christ a!d be christe!ed1 A!o! after that S1 -arcial had prayed" our Lord raised the s<uire7 the! the du4e a!d 5ell fiftee! thousa!d perso!s i! his compa!y 5ere baptiHed1 I! this time the same du4e by the comma!dme!t of the emperor Nero 5e!t i! to Italy 5ith a reat compa!y of me! of arms1 ,he! he had accomplished the comma!dme!t of Nero" they 5e!t to 3ome for to see S1 (eter" 5hom they fou!d preachi! to the people" 5hich people 5ere barefoot a!d had clothed them 5ith the hair" Iyi! o! the rou!d tofore S1 (eter i! dema!di! him pardo! of their si!s1 ,he! S1 (eter sa5 the du4e a!d so much fair people i! his compa!y" he dema!ded them 5hat they 5ere" a!d of 5hat cou!try1 The! the du4e told him by order ho5 he a!d his compa!y had bee! co!6erted a!d baptiHed of S1 -arcial1 After" 5he! they 5ere departed from 3ome" they thou ht that they 5ould o see S1 -arcial tofore ere they retur!ed i! to their cou!try1 Thus the! as they 5ere lod ed !i h by a ri6er" a!d the so! of the earl of (oictiers bai!ed him i! the said ri6er" the e!emy the de6il dro5!ed a!d smothered him to the death1 ,he! his father 4!e5 it he 5e!t 5eepi! te!derly to S1 -arcial" a!d prayed him to raise his so! from death to life1 The! S1 -arcial 5e!t to the place 5here he 5as dro5!ed a!d comma!ded to the fie!d to bri! the body out of the 5ater" a!d that he should appear i! a li4e!ess 6isible tofore them all1 A!o!" issued out of the 5ater three fie!ds" li4e Ethiopia!s" more blac4 tha! coals" a!d had terrible feet a!d eyes" a!d reat hair that co6ered all the body" a!d cast out at their mouths a!d !ostrils fire li4e sulphur" a!d cried li4e ra6e!s1 ,he! they had told to S1 -arcial the harms a!d e6ils that they had do!e" he comma!ded them that they should depart a!d o i!to places desert" 5hereas they mi ht !e6er !oy !e rie6e perso!s li6i! 1 S1 -arcial" 5hich had pity a!d compassio! o! them that 5ept for the dead child raised him from death to life" a!d the! the child told" tofore them all that 5ere there" ho5 the fie!d had dro5!ed a!d smothered him" a!d ho5 they 5ould ha6e bou!de! him 5ith chai!s of iro! bur!i! " but a! a! el of hea6e! deli6ered him" a!d sho5ed him the fire of pur atory" a!d from the!ce led him to the ate of (aradise" a!d as the fie!ds re<uired to ha6e him" a 6oice came from hea6e! a!d comma!ded that he should arise a ai!" a!d that he should li6e yet t5e!ty:si8 years1 ,he! he had told him all this he a6e himself all o6er to S1 -arcial" a!d from the! fortho! li6ed i! reat absti!e!ce a!d holy life" li4e as the a! el had tau ht him1 S1 -arcial did ma!y miracles a!d 6irtues1 There 5as i! that time a 5oma! that had a! husba!d sic4 of the palsy" to 5hich 5oma! S1 -arcial deli6ered his bourdo!" 5ith 5hich she touched a little her husba!d" a!d i!co!ti!e!t he 5as 5hole1 A!other time the fire 5as so reat i! the city of 9ordeau8 that all 5as o! a flame1 S1 -arcial held up his bourdo! a ai!st the fire a!d a!o! it 5as <ue!ched1 A!other time" as he 5ould ha6e hallo5ed a church at Limo es" the pri!ce aforesaid co!6eyed a!d summo!ed all the people" poor a!d rich" to come to the dedicatio! of this church" a!d 5he! they 5ere all assembled" S1 -arcial admo!ished a!d 5ar!ed them to be i! 6ery chastity1 It happed amo! them 5hilst the mass 5as o! sayi! that there 5as a 4!i ht" 5hich he a!d his 5ife 5ere sore 6e8ed a!d troubled 5ith fie!ds" a!d as they 5ere brou ht tofore S1 -arcial" he dema!ded of the fie!ds 5hy they 6e8ed them so" a!d they a!s5ered to himD Thou hast comma!ded them that the people mai!tai! chastity" a!d these t5o ha6e all !i ht e8posed them i! lechery" a!d this is the cause that 5herefore 5e be e!tered i!to them1 S1 -arcial" at the re<uest of the pri!ce a!d people" healed them1 This same year" that is to say the fortieth year after the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" the same" our Lord Jesu Christ" appeared to him a!d sho5ed ho5 that hastily he should depart from this 5orld" a!d be 5ith his other frie!ds i! the realm of hea6e!1 The! he did do assemble all the christia! people that he had co!6erted" a!d to them made a much s5eet sermo! i! ta4i! lea6e of them1 Soo! after he 5as sic4 of the fe6ers" a!d the! our Lord appeared to him 5ith a reat <ua!tity of a! els" 5hich 5ith much =oy a!d lad!ess bare the soul of S1 -arcial i!to hea6e!D ?bi est ho!or et loria i! secula seculorum" Ame!1 This S1 -arcial of 5hom 5e spea4 here 5as the same child" as some say" o! 5hom our Lord laid his ha!d upo! his head" 5he! the co!te!tio! a!d strife 5as amo! the apostles 5hich of them should be reatest i! the realm of hea6e!" a!d the! our Lord set the child -arcial i! the midst of them" layi! his ha!d upo! his head" as said is" a!d said to themD If ye be !ot little a!d humble as this child is" ye shall !ot e!ter i!to hea6e!7 he that shall be least amo! you he shall be reatest i! my realm" as the ospel ma4eth more










plai! me!tio!1 The 5hich lorious S1 -arcial let us pray u!to" that he procure u!to our Lord Jesu Christ" that all 5e may ha6e part 5ith him i! the =oy a!d lory perdurable1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Ge#evieve"

The !oble S1 Ge!e6ie6e 5as bor! at Na!terre" beside (aris" i! the time of the emperor +o!orius a!d Theodosius the less" a!d 5as 5ith her father a!d mother u!to the time of the emperor Vale!ti!ia!1 A!o! after her !ati6ity" the +oly Ghost sho5ed u!to S1 Germai! of Au8erre ho5 she should ser6e God holily a!d 6ir i!ly" the 5hich thi! he told to ma!y1 After" she 5as sacred of the bishop of Chartres" Vili<ues" a!d came to d5ell at (aris full of 6irtues a!d of miracles" i! the time of S1 Nicasius the martyr" 5hom the +u! aria!s martyred" a!d after" i! the time of S1 3emi ius u!der Childeric" 4i! of 'ra!ce" a!d after" u!der Clo6is his so!" first christia! 4i! of 'ra!ce" a!d 5as !amed Louis i! his baptism" 5hom S1 3emi ius christe!ed1 A!d a! a! el of paradise brou ht to him a! ampul full of chrism of 5hich he 5as a!oi!ted" a!d also his successors" 4i! s of 'ra!ce" be a!oi!ted a!d sacred at their coro!atio!1 A!d after" he 5as of ood life" a!d fou!ded the church that is !o5 called S1 Ge!e6ie6e" o! the mou!t of (aris" i! the ho!our of S1 (eter a!d S1 (aul" at the re<uest of S1 Clotilde his 5ife" of 5hom the body resteth i! the said church" at the i!citatio! of S1 Ge!e6ie6e" a!d S1 3emi ius did hallo5 a!d dedifie it1 The said 4i! did i!crease much the realm of 'ra!ce" a!d fra!chised it by his puissa!ce from the 3oma!s1 +e co!<uered -elu!" a!d the la!d Iyi! by Sei!e a!d Loire" Tourai!e" Toulouse" a!d all Guie!!e" a!d at his comi! to A! ouleme the 5alls of the city fell do5!1 +e made Almai!e a!d 9our o !e his tributaries" he ordai!ed a!d i!stituted (aris to be the chief sie e of the realm" a!d he rei !ed thirty years" a!d after" he 5as i!terred i! the said church" the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred a!d fourtee!1 I! the time of the said 4i! li6ed the said 6ir i!" u!to the time of 4i! Clothaire his so!" of 5hich 6ir i! the soul fle5 i!to hea6e! a!d the body abode i! earth" i! the said church" i! 5hich she is yet 5hole a!d ho!orably i!terred" a!d de6outly 5orshipped by the ood a!d de6out christia! people1 I! the time that the said 6ir i! S1 Ge!e6ie6e 5as a child" S1 Germai! of Au8erre a!d S1 Le5 of Troyes" elect of the prelates of 'ra!ce" for to o <ue!ch a! heresy that 5as i! Great 9ritai!" !o5 called E! la!d" came to Na!terre for to be lod ed a!d harboured" the people came a ai!st them for to ha6e their be!iso!1 Amo! the people" S1 Germai!" by the e!sei !eme!ts of the +oly Ghost" espied out the little maid S1 Ge!e6ie6e" a!d made her to come to him" a!d 4issed her head a!d dema!ded her !ame" a!d 5hose dau hter she 5as" a!d the people about her said that her !ame 5as Ge!e6ie6e" a!d her father Se6ere" a!d her mother Gero!ce" 5hich came u!to him" a!d the holy ma! saidD Is this child yoursE They a!s5eredD ;ea1 9lessed be ye" said the holy ma!" 5he! God hath i6e! to you so !oble li!ea e" 4!o5 ye for certai! that the day of her !ati6ity" the a! els sa! a!d hallo5ed reat mystery i! hea6e! 5ith reat =oy a!d lad!ess7 she shall be of so reat merit a ai!st God1 A!d of her ood life a!d co!6ersatio! ma!y shall ta4e e!sample" that they shall lea6e their si! a!d shall co!6ert them to God" a!d shall li6e reli iously" by 5hich they shall ha6e pardo! a!d =oy perdurable1 The! he said to Ge!e6ie6eD -y dau hter tell to me" a!d be !ot ashamed" if ye 5ill be sacred a!d li6e i! 6ir i!ity u!to the death" as espouse of Jesu ChristE The maid a!s5eredD +oly father" ye dema!d that I desire7 there lac4eth !o more but that by your prayers our Lord 5ill accomplish my de6otio!1 The holy ma! saidD +a6e firm belief i! God" a!d pro6e by 5or4s the ood thi! s that ye belie6e i! your heart a!d say 5ith your mouth" a!d our Lord shall i6e you force a!d 6irtue1 S1Germai! held his ha!d o! her head till he came u!to the mi!ster" there he a6e to the people the be!iso!1 S1 Germai! said to the father a!d mother of the maid that they should bri! her a ai! o! the mor! to him1 ,he! she 5as brou ht a ai! o! the mor!" S1 Germai! sa5 i! her a si ! celestial" I 5ot !ot 5hat" a!d said to herD God thee saluteth" Ge!e6ie6e1 Dau hter" rememberest thou 5hat thou promisedst to me yesterday of the 6ir i!ity of thy bodyE +oly father" said the maid" I remember 5ell that" a!d by the help of God I desire a!d thi!4 to accomplish my purpose1 The! the hoNy ma! loo4ed o! the rou!d a!d sa5 a pe!!y si !ed 5ith the cross" 5hich came by the race a!d 5ill of God7 he too4 it up a!d a6e it her a!d saidD 'air dau hter ta4e this a!d bear it i! mi!d of Jesu Christ your espouse" a!d suffer !ot about you !o!e other arrayme!t of old !e sil6er" !e of precious sto!es" for if the beauty of this 5orld surmou!t a little your thou ht" ye shall lose the oods of hea6e!1 +e comme!ded her to God" a!d prayed her that she 5ould remember him i! her oriso!s a!d prayers" a!d recomme!ded her to father a!d mother1 The t5o holy bishops 5e!t from the!ce i!to E! la!d" 5here 5ere heretics a ai!st the faith" 5hich said that childre! bor! of father a!d mother baptiHed had !o !eed to be christe!ed" 5hich is !ot truth" for our Lord Jesu Christ saith clearly" i! the ospel" that !o!e may e!ter i!to the 4i! dom of hea6e! if he be !ot re e!erate of 5ater a!d of the +oly Ghost" that is to say" re e!erate by the sacrame!t











of baptism1 9y this scripture" a!d by semblable" the holy prelates destroyed their false crea!ce a!d belief" a!d by 6irtue also a!d by miracles" for i! a solem!ity of Easter" by ma!y that 5ere !e5 baptiHed" i! si! i! Alleluia they chased a!d dro6e a5ay their e!emies of Scotla!d" a!d stra! ers of other places" that 5ere come for to rie6e them1

It happed o! a day that Gero!ce" the mother of the holy maid Ge!e6ie6e" 5e!t o! a! holy a!d festal day to5ard the mi!ster" a!d her dau hter 5e!t after" sayi! that the faith that she had promised to S1 Germai! she should 4eep by the help of God a!d that she should oft o to the mi!ster to the e!d that she mi ht desire to be the espouse of Jesu Christ" a!d that she mi ht be 5orthy of his lo6e1 The mother 5as a! ry a!d smote her o! the chee41 God a6e! ed the child that the mother became bli!d" a!d that i! t5e!ty:o!e mo!ths she sa5 !ot1 ,he! the mother had bee! lo! i! this pai!" 5hich much a!!oyed her" she remembered of the ood!ess that S1 Germai! had said of her dau hter" a!d called her a!d saidD -y dau hter" o to the pit a!d fetch me 5ater7 the maid 5e!t hastily7 5he! she 5as at the pit she be a! to 5eep because her mother had lost her si ht for her sa4e" a!d too4 up 5ater a!d bare it to her mother1 The mother stretched her ha!ds to hea6e!" a!d too4 the 5ater 5ith reat faith a!d re6ere!ce" a!d made her dau hter to si ! her 5ith the si ! of the holy cross a!d 5ash her eyes" a!d a!o! she bepa! for to see a little1 ,he! she had t5ice or thrice 5ashed" her si ht came 5hole to her a ai! as it had bee! tofore1 After this it happed that the holy maid 5as offered to the bishop of Chartres" Vili<ues" for to be sacred 5ith t5o other elder maide!s7 for me! offered them after their a e1 9ut the holy bishop 4!e5 by the +oly Ghost that Ge!e6ie6e 5as the most 5orthy a!d di !e" a!d said to her" that 5as behi!d" that she should come before" for God had the! sa!ctified her1 After the death of her father a!d her mother the holy damsel came a!d d5elt at (aris for to assay a!d pro6e her there" a!d for to a6ail the more she 5as sic4 of the palsy" so much that it seemed that her members 5ere dis=oi!ed a!d departed that o!e from that other" 5hereof she 5as so sore torme!ted that duri! three days she 5as 4ept as for dead" for there appeared o! her !o si ! of life sa6e that her =o5es 5ere a little red1 I! this space a!d time" as she co!fessed after" a! a! el led her i! spirit 5hereas the rest 5as of ood fol4" a!d 5here the torme!t 5as of e6il people1 After5ard she sho5ed to ma!y the secrets of their co!scie!ces" as she that 5as tau ht a!d e!sei !ed of the +oly Ghost1 The seco!d time S1 Germai! retur!ed from E! la!d a!d came to (aris the people almost all 5e!t a ai!st him 5ith reat =oy" a!d tofore all other thi! s S1 Germai! dema!ded ho5 Ge!e6ie6e did" but the people" 5hich more is i!cli!ed to say e6il of ood people tha! 5ell" a!s5ered that of her 5as !othi! " i! blami! her" 5hich 5as to her a praisi! 1 Of other me!>s praisi! is !o!e the better" !e of others blami! is !o!e the 5orse" therefore the holy ma! set !ou ht of their =a! li! " but as soo! as he e!tered i!to the city he 5e!t strai ht to the house of the holy 6ir i! 5hom he saluted i! so reat humility that all they mar6elled" a!d sho5ed to them that dispraised her" the rou!d 5et of her tears" a!d recited to them the be i!!i! of her life" a!d ho5 he fou!d at Na!terre that she 5as chose! of God" a!d recomme!ded her to the people1 Tidi! s came to (aris that Attila" the felo! 4i! of +u! ary" had e!terprised to destroy a!d 5aste the parts of 'ra!ce" a!d to subdue them to his domi!atio!1 The bur esses of (aris" for reat dread that they had" se!t their oods i!to other cities more sure1 S1 Ge!e6ie6e 5ar!ed a!d admo!ished the ood 5ome! of the to5! that they should 5a4e i! fasti! s a!d i! oriso!s" by 5hich they mi ht assua e the ire of our Lord a!d esche5 the tyra!!y of their e!emies" li4e as did sometime the t5o holy 5ome! Judith a!d Esther1 They obeyed her" a!d 5ere lo! a!d ma!y days i! the church i! 5a4i! s" fasti! s a!d i! oriso!s1 She said to the bur esses that they should !ot remo6e their oods" !e se!d them out of the to5! of (aris" for the other cities that they supposed should be more sure" should be destroyed a!d 5asted" but by the race of God" (aris should ha6e !o!e harm1 A!d" some had i!di !atio! at her" a!d said that a false prophet 5as rise! a!d appeared i! their time" a! be a! amo! them to as4 a!d treat 5hether they should dro5! her or sto!e her1 ,hilst they 5ere thus treati! " as God 5ould" came to (aris" after the decease of S1 Germai!" the archdeaco! of Au8erre" a!d 5he! he u!derstood that they treated to ether of her death" he came to them" a! saidD 'air sirs" for God>s sa4e do !ot this mischief" for she of 5hom ye treat" S1 Germai! 5it!esseth that she 5as chose! of God i! her mother>s belly" a!d loI here be the letters that he hath se!t to her i! 5hich he recomme!deth him to her prayers1 ,he! the bur esses heard these 5ords recited by him of S1 Germai!" a!d sa5 the letters" they mar6elled a!d feared God" a!d left their e6il cou!sel a!d did !o more thereto1 Thus our Lord 4ept her from harm" 5hich 4eepeth al5ay them that be his" a!d defe!deth" after that the apostle saith" a!d for her lo6e did so much that the tyra!ts approached !ot (aris" tha!4 a!d lory to God a!d ho!our to the 6ir i!1 This holy maid did reat pe!a!ce i! torme!ti! her body all her life" a!d became lea! for to i6e ood e8ample1 'or sith she 5as of the a e of













fiftee! years u!to fifty" she fasted e6ery day sa6e Su!day a!d Thursday1 I! her refectio! she had !othi! but barley bread" a!d sometime bea!s" the 5hich" sodde! after fourtee! days or three 5ee4s" she ate for all delices1 Al5ays she 5as i! prayers i! 5a4i! s a!d i! pe!a!ces" she dra!4 !e6er 5i!e !e other li<uor" that mi ht ma4e her dru!4" i! all her life1 ,he! she had li6ed a!d used this life fifty years" the bishops that 5ere that time" sa5 a!d beheld that she 5as o6er feeble by absti!e!ce as for her a e" a!d 5ar!ed her to i!crease a little her fare1 The holy 5oma! durst !ot ai!say them" for our Lord saith of the prelatesD ,ho heareth you heareth me" a!d 5ho despiseth you" despiseth me" a!d so she be a! by obedie!ce to eat 5ith her bread" fish a!d mil4" a!d ho5 5ell that" she so did" she beheld the hea6e! a!d 5ept" 5hereof it is to belie6e that she sa5 appertly our Lord Jesu Christ after the promise of the ospel that saith that" 9lessed be they that be clea! of heart for they shall see God7 she had her heart a!d body pure a!d clea!1 There be t5el6e 6irtues 6ir i!al" saith +ermes (astor" 5ithout 5hich !o 6ir i! may be a reeable to God" that is to 5itD 'aith" absti!e!ce" patie!ce" ma !a!imity" simplesse" i!!oce!ce" co!cord" charity" discipli!e" chastity" truth" a!d prude!ce1 These 6irtues accomplished the holy 6ir i! by 5or4" she tau ht a!d e!sei !ed by 5ord" a!d sho5ed oft by e!sample1 Oft a!d tofore all other holy places" she 6isited the place 5hereas rested S1 De!is a!d his fello5s" a!d had reat de6otio! to edify upo! the said holy bodies a church" but she had !ot 5hereof1 O! a time came to her the priests" as oft they had do!e tofore" to 5hom she saidD 3e6ere!d 'athers i! God" I pray a!d re<uire that each of you do his po5er a!d his de6oir to assemble matter 5hereof mi ht be made a!d edified a church i! the ho!our of the lorious martyrs S1 De!is a!d his fello5s" for the place 5here they rest ou ht much to be 5orshipped a!d doubted" 5hich first tau ht to our a!cestors the faith1 Dame" a!s5ered the priests" 5e 5ould fai!" a!d ha6e reat 5ill thereto" but 5e ca! et !o chal4 !e lime1 The! said the holy 6ir i! 5ith a lad cheer i! prophesyi! as she that 5as reple!ished by the +oly GhostD Go ye I pray you to (aris upo! the reat brid e" a!d bri! that ye shall fi!d there1 They 5e!t thither a!d abode there a 5hile" mar6elled a!d abashed1 A!d a!o! came by them t5o s5i!eherds spea4i! to ether" of 5hich that o!e saidD As I 5e!t yesterday after o!e of my so5s" I fou!d a four!il of lime mar6ellously reat" that other a!s5eredD A!d I fou!d i! the 5ood u!der the root of a tree that the 5i!d had thro5! do5! a four!il of lime of 5hich I tro5 5as !e6er !o!e ta4e! a5ay1 ,he! the priests heard this they had reat admiratio!" a!d blessed our Lord that had i6e! such race to Ge!e6ie6e his ha!dmaid1 They dema!ded 5here the four!ils 5ere" a!d after retur!ed a!d told to the 6ir i! 5hat they had fou!d1 She be a! to 5eep for =oy" a!d as soo! as the priests 5ere o!e a!d departed" she set o! her 4!ees a!d 5as all the !i ht i! oriso!s a!d i! tears" i! re<uiri! help of God to perform this 5or4" a!d o! the mor! early" all mat a!d tra6ailed of 5a4i! " she 5e!t to Ge!ese" a ood priest" a!d prayed him that he 5ould do his pai! a!d labour that the church mi ht be edified" a!d told him tidi! s of the lime1 ,he! Ge!ese heard this he 5as all amar6elled" a!d fell do5! to her feet a!d promised to her that !i ht a!d day he 5ould do his labour to accomplish her comma!dme!t1 9y the help of God a!d of S1 Ge!e6ie6e" a!d of the people of (aris" the said church 5as be u! i! the ho!our of the blessed martyrs S1 De!is" S1 3usti<ue" a!d S1 Eleuthere 5hich !o5 is called S1 De!is de Lestree1 There be yet the holy bodies 5here our Lord sho5eth fair miracles" for as the 5or4me! e!te!ded to ma4e the edificee each after his craft" it happed that their dri!4 failed a!d 5as do!e" a!d Ge!ese the priest said to Ge!e6ie6e" 5hich 4!e5 !ot hereof" that she should tal4 5ith the 5or4me! so lo! that he mi ht o to (aris a!d fetch dri!41 ,he! she heard this she dema!ded for the 6essel that they had emptied" a!d it 5as brou ht to her7 she made them to depart from her1 The! she 4!eeled do5! o! her 4!ees a!d prayed God 5ith 5arm tears to help her" a!d 5he! she felt that our Lord had heard her prayer" she arose up" a!d made the si ! of the cross upo! the said 6essel" a!d a mar6ellous thi! happed" for the 6essel 5as full1 The 5or4me! dra!4 their bellyful" a!d as oft as they 5ould" u!to the time the church 5as perfectly made" 5hereof they tha!4ed our Lord1 The holy 6ir i! had de6otio! to 5a4e the !i ht that our Lord rose from death to life" after the custom a!d statutes of a!cie!t fathers1 It happed o! a time that she put her o! the 5ay" tofore day" to o to the said church of S1 De!is" a!d made to bear a ca!dle bur!i! tofore her1 The !i ht 5as dar4" the 5i!d reat" a!d it rai!ed fast" 5hich <ue!ched the li ht of the ca!dle1The maide!s that 5ere i! her compa!y 5ere sore troubled7 she as4ed after the ca!dle" a!d as soo! as she had it i! her ha!d it 5as li hted by God>s 5ill a ai!" a!d so she bare it bur!i! u!to the church1











A!other time 5he! she had e!ded her prayer" a ca!dle that she held" li hted i! her ha!d by the race of God1 Semblably i! her cell" o! a time 5as a ca!dle li hted i! her ha!d 5ithout a!y fire of this 5orld" of 5hich ca!dle ma!y sic4 fol4 by their faith a!d re6ere!ce ha6e bee! healed1 That taper is 4ept yet at Notre Dame de (aris1 A 5oma! 5hich by the temptatio! of the de6il" 5hich to his po5er al5ays decei6eth the ood" stole a5ay her shoes" but as soo! as she 5as at home she lost her si ht1 ,he! she sa5 that our Lord had a6e! ed the 5ro! that she had do!e to the 6ir i!" she did her to be led to her 5ith the theft1 ,he! she came tofore the holy 6ir i! she fell do5! to her feet" a!d re<uired her of for i6e!ess a!d restori! of her si ht1 Ge!e6ie6e" that 5as ri ht debo!air" too4 her up from the rou!d" a!d i! smili! " a6e to her the si ht a ai! of her eyes1 The holy 6ir i! o! a time 5e!t to Lao!" a!d the people of the to5! 5e!t out a ai!st her" amo! 5hom 5ere the father a!d mother of a maid that had bee! !i!e years so paralytic that !o!e mi ht sho5 the =oi!ture of her members1 They besou ht a!d re<uired S1 Ge!e6ie6e that she 5ould 6isit the sic4 maid1 She 5e!t a!d sa5 her" a!d sith made her prayer as she 5as accustomed" a!d after" ha!dled the members of the maid" a!d comma!ded her to do o! her clothes a!d hose! a!d shoes1 I!co!ti!e!t she arose i! ood health i! such 5ise that she 5e!t u!to the church 5ith the people1 The fol4 that sa5 this" blest our Lord" that had i6e! such race to his damsel Ge!e6ie6e" a!d 5he! she retur!ed they co!6eyed her" si! i! 5ith reat =oy1 The 4i! of 'ra!ce" Childeric" ho5 be it he 5as a pay!im" held her i! reat re6ere!ce" so did also the baro!s of 'ra!ce" for the fair miracles that she did i! the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ1 ,hereof It happed o! a time that the said 4i! held certai! priso!ers =ud ed to death" but because Ge!e6ie6e should !ot dema!d them" he issued out of (aris" a!d made to shut the ates after him1 The holy 6ir i! 4!e5 it a!o!" a!d 5e!t hastily after him for to help to deli6er them1 As soo! as she came to the ates" they ope!ed 5ithout 4ey" all the people seei! 5hich" thou ht it a reat 5o!der1 She pursued the 4i! a!d obtai!ed race for the priso!ers1 I! the parts of the Orie!t beyo!d A!tioch" 5as a ood ma! !amed Simeo!" 5hich had despised this 5orld" a!d 5as of mar6ellous holy life" 5hich dema!ded of S1 Ge!e6ie6e of the mercha!ts that 5e!t i! to those parts" a!d by them he saluted her much ho!ourably" a!d recomme!ded him u!to her prayers1 It 5as a reat mar6el that the holy ma! 5hich had !e6er see! !e heard spea4 of her did do reet her by her !ame1 Verily the frie!ds of God that 4!o5 his 5ill a!d do thereafter" ha6e tidi! s that o!e from that other by admi!istratio! of the +oly Ghost" they shall !e6er be separate !e departed" as S1 Ambrose bei! at -ila! 4!e5 of the death of S1 -arti! at Tours1 At -eau8 5as a !oble damsel 5hich 5as !amed by her proper !ame Celi!e" 5hich" 5he! she had heard of the race that God had i6e! to S1 Ge!e6ie6e" she re<uired her to cha! e her habit1 A you! ma! had fia!ced a!d trothed her" 5hich had reat i!di !atio! 5he! he heard of those tidi! s" a!d came to -eau8 i! a reat ire" 5here the t5o 6ir i!s d5elt7 a!d 5he! they 4!e5 of his comi! they fled u!to the church1 There happed a fair miracle" for as they came to the church door" 5hich 5as loc4ed a!d fast shut" the door that 5as so loc4ed ope!ed by his ree by himself7 thus S1 Ge!e6ie6e deli6ered S1 Celi!e from peril a!d from the co!ta io! of the 5orld" the 5hich perse6ered i! absti!e!ce" a!d i! chastity to her e!d1 I! this time the said Celi!e offered to S1 Ge!e6ie6e o!e" her chamberer" 5hich had lai! sic4 t5o years a!d mi ht !ot o7 the holy 6ir i! ha!dled her members 5ith her 5orthy ha!ds a!d a!o! she 5as 5hole a!d i! ood poi!t1 There 5ere brou ht to her t5el6e me! that 5ere 5ood a!d beset 5ith de6ils" u!to (aris" 5hich 5ere o6er hard bestead a!d torme!ted of the e!emy" the 6ir i! had reat pity" a!d 5e!t to prayer a!d oriso!s i! re<uiri! our Lord" 5ith salt tears" that by his race a!d ood!ess he 5ould deli6er them of this pestile!ce7 a!d as she perse6ered i! her prayers" they 5ere ha! ed i! the air i! such ma!!er as they touched !othi! 1 She arose from her prayer" a!d said that they should o to S1 De!is" the 5ood me! a!s5ered that they mi ht !ot but she u!bou!d them7 the 6ir i! 5hich 5as for them i! reat sorro5 comma!ded that they should o7 the! a!o! they suffered them to be led secretly" their ha!ds bou!d behi!d their bac4s1 She 5e!t after them" a!d 5he! she 5as i! the church of S1 De!is" she stretched herself o! the rou!d i! oriso!s a!d i! 5eepi! s1 Thus as she perse6ered i! prayers a!d 5eepi! s" the 5ood me! cried 5ith a hi h 6oice that they approached 5hom the 6ir i! called i! to their help1 No!e ou ht to doubt that the e!emy" that sa5 that he must !eeds issue a!d o out" si !ified by the mouth of the demo!iacs" that the apostles" martyrs a!d other sai!ts" that the holy 6ir i! called" came u!to her help by











the ift of God" 5hich is ready to do the 5ill of them that dread him a!d call him i! truth1 ,he! the holy 6ir i! heard this that they said" she arose up a!d blessed each after other 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! they 5ere deli6ered of the e!emies1 They that 5ere prese!t felt so reat ste!ch that they doubted !othi! but the souls 5ere deli6ered from the 6e8atio! of the de6il" a!d blessed our Lord for this miracle1

There 5as at 9our es a damsel" 5hich heard spea4 of the reat re!omee of this holy sai!t" a!d came to (aris for to spea4 to her1 She had bee! sacred" but after the co!secratio! she had lost her 6ir i!ity1 The holy Ge!e6ie6e dema!ded of her if she 5as a 6ir i! !u!" or 5ife" or a 5ido51 She a!s5ered that she 5as a 6ir i! sacred7 Ge!e6ie6e said !ay" telli! to her the place a!d time of her defloratio! a!d the ma! that had do!e the fait1 ,he! she sa5 that it 5as for !ou ht that she said she 5as a 6ir i!" her co!scie!ce remorsed her" a!d fell do5! to her feet i! re<uiri! pardo!1 I! semblable 5ise the holy Ge!e6ie6e disco6ered to ma!y the secrets of their co!scie!ces" 5hich be !ot here 5ritte! because it 5ere o6er !oyous a!d lo! to 5rite1 A 5oma! 5hom the holy 6ir i! had healed" had a child of the a e of four years 5hich felI i! a pit" he 5as therei! the space of three hours1 The mother came a!d dre5 it out" a!d bare it all dead u!to the sai!t" i! re!di! her hair a!d beati! her breast a!d paps" a!d 5eepi! bitterly" a!d laid the child dead at her feet1 The holy 6ir i! co6ered it 5ith her ma!tle" a!d after" she fell do5! i! her prayers a!d 5ept" a!d a!o! after" 5he! she ceased of her 5eepi! " our Lord sho5ed a fair miracle" for the child that 5as dead re6i6ed" the 5hich 5as baptiHed at Easter after" a!d 5as !amed Celo!ier because she 5as raised i! the cell of S1 Ge!e6ie6e1 There came from -eau8 a ma! to this holy 6ir i! 5hich had his ha!d dried u!to the 5rist" a!d she ha!dled his =oi!ts a!d fi! ers" a!d made thereo! the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! the ha!d became all 5hole1 Ge!e6ie6e that 4!e5 5ell" that our Lord Jesu Christ 5as baptiHed the day of Epipha!y" a!d after" 5e!t i!to desert i! i6i! e!sei !eme!t to them that be re e!erate i! the sacrame!t of baptism" to fast" 5a4e a!d adore busily" a!d to accomplish by 5or4 the race that they ha6e ta4e! i! the baptism" by the e!sample of s5eet Jesu Christ1 The! e!tered the holy 6ir i! i! to her cell the Su!day tofore the said feast" a!d abode there as recluse u!to the Thursday" absolute i! 5a4i! " i! prayers" i! tasti! s a!d oriso!s1 Thither came a 5oma! to see her" more for curiosity tha! for ood faith" a!d therefore God pu!ished her" for as soo! as she approached the door of the cell she lost her si ht a!d became bli!d" but the holy maid by her debo!airty" a!d by her prayer at her si ht a ai!" a!d by the si ! of the holy cross" 5he! she issued out of her cell i! the e!d of Le!t1 I! the time that the city of (aris 5as assie ed by the term of te! years" li4e as the a!cie!t histories rehearse" there follo5ed so reat fami!e a!d hu! er that ma!y died for hu! er1 The holy 6ir i!" that pity co!strai!ed her" 5e!t to the Sei!e for to o fetch by ship some 6ictuals1 ,he! she came u!to a place of Sei!e" 5hereas of custom ships 5ere 5o!t to perish" she made the ship to be dra5! to the ri6a e a!d comma!ded to cut do5! a tree that 5as i! the 5ater" a!d she set lier to prayer1 The!" as the ship should ha6e smitte! upo! the tree it fell do5!" a!d t5o 5ild heads" rey a!d horrible" issued thereout" 5hich sta!4 so sore that the people there 5ere e!6e!omed by the space of t5o hours" a!d !e6er after perished ship there" tha!4 be to God a!d to his holy sai!t1 ?!to Arcy" the castle" 5e!t this holy 6ir i!" a!d there came a ai!st her a reat lord 5hich re<uired her that she should 6isit his 5ife" 5hich had had lo! time the palsy1 The holy 6ir i! 5e!t a!d 6isited her 5hich had bee! lo! sic4" 5ith prayers a!d oriso!s" a!d after" blessed her 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d comma!ded her that she should arise1 She the!" that had bee! four years sic4 a!d mi ht !ot help herself" arose" 5hich seei! " all the people tha!4ed our Lord1 'rom Arcy she 5e!t to Troyes i! Champa !e1 The people came to meet 5ith her" a!d offered to her reat multitude of sic4 people 5ithout !umber1 She blessed them a!d si !ed them 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d i!co!ti!e!t they 5ere healed i! the si ht of all the people" 5hich mar6elled much a!d re!dered tha!4i! s to our Lord1 There 5as brou ht to her a ma!" 5hich by the pu!itio! of God 5as made bli!d" because he 5rou ht o! the Su!day7 a!d a bli!d maid also1 The holy 6ir i! blessed them i! the !ame of the 'ather" a!d So!" a!d of the +oly Ghost" a!d a!o! their si ht 5as restored to them1 There 5as a sub: deaco! prese!t a!d sa5 this7 he 5e!t a!d fetched a child 5hich had bee! sic4 te! years of the fe6ers











ri ht sore" the holy 6ir i! did do bri! holy 5ater a!d blessed it a!d a6e him dri!4 . a!d that do!e" by the race of God" the child 5as i! ood health1 I! this time ma!y too4 of the cutti! s of her 6esture by de6otio!" 5hereof ma!y sic4 5ere healed" a!d ma!y 6e8ed by spirits 5ere deli6ered a!d remised i! to their ood mi!d1

'rom Arcy retur!ed the holy 6ir i! to (aris 5ith ele6e! ships char ed 5ith 6ictual1 ,i!d" tempest" a!d ora e assailed them so stro! ly that they 5ee!ed to ha6e perished 5ithout remedy" the holy 6ir i! lift up her ha!ds to hea6e! re<uiri! help of our Lord" a!d a!o! the tempest ceased1 The! 9essus" a priest that 5as prese!t a!d sa5 it" 5hich tofore had trembled for fear" be a! to si! for =oyD Ca!temus domi!o loriose1 All that there 5ere tha!4ed our Lord that had sa6ed them by the prayer of the damsel Ge!e6ie6e1 ,he! the oods came to (aris that she had brou ht" she departed them a!d a6e for the lo6e of God to some poor" 5ool" a!d to others 5hole loa6es of bread" a!d sometimes she so hasted for pity that she too4 the loa6es hot out of the o6e! secretly a!d a6e it to the poor1 The 5ome! mar6elled 5hy she too4 their loa6es" but they spa4e !e said !othi!" a!d they much doubted that they should !ot fi!d their cou!t !e tale1 9ut !ot5ithsta!di! that she had so ta4e!" by the race of God they fou!d all their loa6es a!d lac4ed !o!e" by the merits of the holy sai!t1 +er hope 5as !othi! i! 5orldly thi! s" but i! hea6e!ly" for i! the holy scriptures that saithD ,ho so i6eth to the poor le!deth for a 6aile1 The re5ard 5hich they recei6e that i6e to poor people" the +oly Ghost had sho5ed to her lo! tofore" a!d therefore she ceased !ot to 5eep" to adore" a!d to do 5or4s of pity" for she 4!e5 5ell that she 5as !o!e other i! this 5orld but a pil rim passi! 1 There 5as at -eau8 a bur ess that by the space of four years he mi ht !ot hear !e o" he did him be brou ht to the holy 6ir i! 5hich d5elt at (aris" a!d re<uired her that she 5ould restore to him his health a!d heari! 1 She touched his ears a!d blessed him" a!d a!o! he 5as 5hole" a!d 5e!t a!d heard as he did before" tha!4i! our Lord1 O! a time the holy 6ir i! 5e!t to Orlea!s1 A 5oma! !amed 'rater!e 5as i! reat sorro5 for her dau hter that lay dyi! 1 A!o!" as she 5ist the comi! of the holy 6ir i!" she 5e!t to her to S1 Ai ue! 5here she fou!d her i! prayer1 'rater!e fell do5! to her feet sayi! D Dame Ge!e6ie6e i6e me a ai! Claude my dau hter1 ,he! Ge!e6ie6e sa5 the ood faith of her" she saidD Discomfort thee !othi! " thy dau hter is i! health" the 5hich by the mar6ellous puissa!ce of God" at the 5ord of the holy 6ir i!" 5as brou ht from the 5ic4et of death" a!d came all 5hole a ai!st her mother" a!d met 5ith her at the portal of the house1 The people tha!4ed our Lord for this fair miracle1 I! the said city there 5as a ser6a!t culpable a ai!st his master7 the holy maid prayed his master that he 5ould for i6e him his trespass1 The master" as felo!ous a!d proud" dei !ed !ot to do it at her re<uest1 The! said the holy 6ir i!D Thou h ye despise me" our Lord 5ill !ot ha6e me i! despite1 As soo! as he 5as at home he 5as ta4e! 5ith a hot fe6er a ue" 5hich 6e8ed him i! such 5ise that he mi ht !ot sleep of all the !i ht1 O! the mor! he came to the holy 6ir ri!" ru!!i! 5ith ope! mouth" li4e a bear of Almai!e" the to! ue ha! i! out" a!d foami! li4e a boar" re<uiri! pardo!" 5hich 5ould i6e !o pardo!1 The sai!t had pity o! him a!d blessed him" a!d the fe6er left him" thus made she the master 5hole a!d the ser6a!t e8cused1 'rom Orlea!s the holy 5oma! 5e!t to Tours by the 5ater of Loire" 5here she suffered ma!y perils1 ,he! she arri6ed at Tours reat foiso! of demo!iacs came a ai!st her out of the church of S1 -arti!" a!d the spirits cried by the mouth of them that 5ere mad a!d 6e8ed" 5hich 5ere bur!t by the merits of S1 -arti! a!d S1 Ge!e6ie6e" a!d the perils that the 6ir i! had i! the 5ater of Loire" they had do!e it by e!6y1 The holy 6ir i! 5e!t i!to the church of S1 -arti! 5hereas she healed r!a!y demo!iacs by prayers a!d by the si ! of the cross" a!d the demo!iacs said at the hour of the torme!t that" the fi! ers of the sai!t bur!t about them as tapers i!flamed 5ith fire of hea6e!1 +ereof heard three me! 5hich 4ept their 5i6es mad7 they 5e!t to the church a!d prayed her that she 5ould 6isit their 5i6es1 The blessed 6ir i!" 5hich 5as debo!air" 5e!t a!d 6isited them a!d deli6ered them from the e!emy by u!ctio! of holy oil a!d by prayer1 A!o! after" it happed as she 5as i! oriso!s i! a cor!er i! the church of S1 -arti! that" o!e of the si! ers 5as so sore 6e8ed 5ith the e!emy that he ate his members" 5hich 5e!t out of the cha!cel a!d came strai ht to the holy 6ir i!1 The blessed 6ir i! comma!ded the spirit to issue out1 +e a!s5eredD If he issued" he 5ould issue by the eye1 She comma!ded that he should !o lo! er abide !e d5ell there" a!d the! he issued out a!o! 5old he" !old he" by the flu8 of the 5omb" a!d left foul e!sei !s a!d to4e!s"












a!d the sic4 ma! 5as all 5hole a!d i! ood mi!d" 5hereof he tha!4ed our Lord1 They of Tours ho!oured much this blessed 6ir i!" ho5 5ell it 5as a ai!st her 5ill1 O! a time as she 5as at her door she sa5 a maid pass by beari! a burette of oil7 she called her a!d as4ed 5hat she bare" she a!s5ered a!d said" oil 5hich she had bou ht1 The holy maid 5hich sa5 the e!emy sit o! the mouth of the burette" ble5 o! it" a!d the burette bra4e7 she blessed the oil a!d bade the maid bear it forth safely1 The people that sa5 this had reat mar6el that the e!emy could !ot hide him" but that she percei6ed him" a!d tha!4ed our Lord1 There 5as brou ht to her a child by his frie!ds 5hich 5as dumb" bli!d" a!d lame7 the blessed 6ir i! a!oi!ted him 5ith the holy oil" a!d the same hour he sa5 clearly" spa4e a!d 5e!t" a!d recei6ed health e!tirely1 I! the territory of -eau8 the holy maid did do labour a field that she had" a!d a storm a!d tempest of 5i!d a!d rai! arose 5hich troubled much the 5or4me!1 She lay do5! stretchi! o! the earth" i! oriso! a!d prayer" a!d our Lord sho5ed there a fair miracle" for the rai! fell o! all the cor! i! the fields thereabout" a!d i! her field fell !ot o!e drop1 A!other time as she 5as o! the Sei!e there 5as a reat tempest" a!d she besou ht God of help" a!d a!o! it ceased i! such 5ise that they that 5ere prese!t sa5 5ell that our Lord at her re<uest a!d for her lo6e made 5i!d a!d rai! to cease1 All sic4 me! that she a!oi!ted 5ith holy oil de6outly" 5ere healed a!d made 5hole1 It happed so that o! a time 5he! she 5ould ha6e a!oi!ted a demo!iac she fou!d !o oil i! her ampul" 5hereof she 5as so sorry that she 5ist !ot 5hat to do" for there 5as !o bishop prese!t for to bless it1 She lay do5! i! oriso!s a!d prayers" beseechi! God that he 5ould deli6er the ma! from the e!emy1 Our Lord sho5ed there t5o fair 6irtues" for as soo! as she arose her ampul 5as full of oil" bei! i! her ha!ds" of 5hich she a!oi!ted the madma!" a!d a!o! he 5as deli6ered of the 5ic4ed spirit" 5hich ampul" 5ith the oil" sa5 the same ma! that 5rote her life ei htee! years after her decease1 -a!y other miracles 5ithout !umber sho5ed our Lord for the lo6e of the holy a!d blessed sai!t" S1 Ge!e6ie6e" the 5hich li6ed i! this 5orld full of 6irtues a!d miracles more tha! four score years" a!d departed out of this 5orld a!d died 5orthily the third day of Ja!uary" a!d 5as buried i! the mou!t of (aris called -ou!t (arlouer" a!d is !o5 called the -ou!t of S Ge!e6ie6e" i! the church of S1 (eter a!d (aul" the 5hich" as said is at the be i!!i! " the @i! Louis" sometimes called Clo6is" did do ma4e by the e8horteme!t of this holy 6ir i!" for the lo6e of 5hom he a6e race to ma!y priso!ers at her departi! 1 A!d after" there 5ere ma!y fair miracles 5hich by !e li e!ce" by e!6y" a!d !ot rec4i! " 5ere !ot 5ritte!" as he co!fessed that put her life i! Lati!" e8cept t5o 5hich he set i! the e!d of his boo4 as here follo5eth1 ?!to the sepulchre of the holy 6ir i! 5as brou ht a you! ma! that 5as so sic4 of the sto!e that his frie!ds had !o hope of life1 I! reat 5eepi! a!d sorro5 they brou ht him thither re<uiri! aid of the holy 6ir i!1 A!o! after their prayer" the sto!e issued" a!d he 5as forth5ith all 5hole as he had !e6er bee! sic41 A!other ma! came thither that ladly 5rou ht o! the Su!day" 5herefor our Lord pu!ished him" for his ha!ds 5ere so be!umbed a!d lame that he mi ht !ot 5or4 o! other days1 +e repe!ted him a!d co!fessed his si!" a!d came to the tomb of the said 6ir i!" a!d there ho!oured a!d prayed de6outly" a!d o! the mor! he retur!ed all 5hole" praisi! a!d tha!4i! our Lord" that by the 5orthy merits a!d prayers of the holy 6ir i!" ra!t a!d i6e us pardo!" race" a!d =oy perdurable1 After the death of the blessed 6ir i! S1 Ge!e6ie6e 5as assi !ed a lamp at her sepulchre i! 5hich the oil sourded a!d spra! li4e 5ater i! a 5ell or fou!tai!1 Three fair thi! s sho5ed our Lord by this lamp" for the fire a!d li ht bur!ed co!ti!ually" the oil lessed !ot !e mi!ished" a!d the sic4 people 5ere healed there1 Thus 5rou ht our Lord by the merits of the blessed 6ir i! corporally" 5hich much more abu!da!tly 5or4eth by her merits to the souls spiritually1 -a!y more miracles hath our Lord sho5ed at her sepulchre 5hich be !ot here 5ritte!" for it 5ould be o6er lo! to remember them all" a!d yet daily be sho5ed" 5herefore i! e6ery !ecessity a!d !eed let us call o! this lorious sai!t" the blessed Ge!e6ie6e" that she be mediatri8 u!to God for us 5retched si!!ers" that 5e may so li6e a!d ame!d us i! this prese!t life that 5e may come 5he! 5e shall depart he!ce by her merits u!to the life perdurable i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 GLO**AR3 achauffed, pp., a! ry1











ampul, n., a 6essel for holy oil1

ancelles, n., ha!dmaids1 appertly, adv., ope!ly1


asprely, adv., e8tremely1 avaled, v., desce!ded1 avoir, n., oods1

a!ait, n., a s!are1 a#es, n., a ue1

barat, n., treachery1 besoins, n. A'r B" !eeds1 bourdon, n., a staff1

brochets, n., spi4es1 bubale, n., a 5ild o81

bucale, n., shambles1 burette, n., cruse or bottle for oil.


byd!ong, v., to refrai! or 4eep strictly1 cellarer, n., ste5ard1 champaine, n., campa !a1

cherety, n., affectio!1 clarte, ad$., lory1

con, v., to be able1 deal, v., to di6ide1 deduit, n., pleasure1

did do ma4eLcaused to made1 doubt, v., to fear1

eme, n., u!cle1 empesh, v., 'r1 empecher, to hi!der1

engine, n., !it. enseigned, v., 'r1 enseigner, tau ht1

faits" n1" doi! s1 flom" n., ri6er1

fournil, n., lime4il!1 frushed, pp., bruised7 'r1 froisser, to crush gree, n., ood5ill1

guerished, pp., 'r1 guerir, healed1 heled, v., co!cealed1

honeysuc%le, n., a re!deri! of locusta as the !ame of a pla!t1 hosteler, n., o!e 5ho recei6ed uests1 impetre, v., to beseech1

$aped, v., moc4ed1 $o!es, n., 'r1 $oues. chee4s1

lessed, pp., dimi!ished1 mat, ad$., 5or! out1 mechant, ad$., 'r1 mechant, 5ic4ed1

more, ad$., elder1 moyen, n., mediator1

muddes, n., 'r1 muids, a measure of about fi6e <uarters1 occision, n., slau hter1 orage n. A'r1B" a storm1

parements, n., ador!me!ts1 &uarrels, n., crossbo5 bolts1

ratted, pp., tor!1 raught, v., reached1

renomee, n., re!o5!1 repeased, v., reassured1

sacred, v., co!secrated1 sie!ed, v., follo5ed1

soler, n., a! upper chamber1 styed, v., asce!ded1 tatche, n., 'r1 tache, a stai!1

tigurion, n., a cotta e" used also for a shri!e or chapel1 transumeth, v., co!6erteth1

unnethe, adv., scarcely1 !ood. add., mad1 END OF VOL" 000


Here followeth the Life of *" Maturi#" S1 -AT?3IN 5as bor! of the diocese of Se!s" a!d his father 5as called -ari!" 5hich by the comma!dme!t of the Emperor -a8imia!" persecuted much stro! ly christia! me!" but his so! -aturi!" from the time of his i!fa!cy" pri6ily i! his heart a!d i! 5ill" 5as disciple of Jesu Christ" a!d 5as much sorro5ful of the predicatio! of his father a!d mother" forasmuch as they 5ere pay!ims a!d miscrea!ts1 ,herefore he prayed ma!y times our Lord Jesu Christ that by his be!i ! race he 5ould co!6ert them1 So it happed o! a !i ht" as he slept" a 6oice said to himD -aturi!" thy petitio! is heard a!d ra!ted" 5ho a!o! arose a!d a6e a!d re!dered reat tha!4i! s to our Lord1 The mother of S1 -aturi!" bei! i!spired 5ith the +oly Ghost" came to him a!d saidD O my so! 5hat re5ard a!d 5hat merit shall 5e ha6e if 5e belie6e i! Jesu Christ as by ma!y times thou hast desired us1 The! S1 -aturi! said to herD -other" I let you 5it that after the e!eral resurrectio!" body a!d soul shall ha6e =oy 5ithout e!d" a!d that so much" that heart huma! may !ot thi!4" !e to! ue spea4 !e pro!ou!ce1 A!o! the! the mother of S1 -aturi! 5e!t to her husba!d" his father" for to tell to him 5hat her so! had saidD to 5hom the father said thusD I ha6e this !i ht see! i! a 6isio! that our so! -aturi! of S 5as e!tered i!to a sheepcote" a!d that there 5as deli6ered to him a reat multitude of sheep7 a!d the! they both t5o recei6ed the holy sacrame!t of baptism of a holy bishop !amed (olycarp" 5hich ordai!ed a!d made S1 -aturi! priest 5he! he 5as but t5e!ty years old1 After that S1 -aurice a!d his fello5s 5ere martyred" a!d that the people of the 3oma!s had suffered ma!y di6ers tribulatio!s" the emperor -a8imia! had a dau hter 5hich had a 5ic4ed spirit i! her body" 5hich torme!ted her much a!d persecuted" for 5hom her father the emperor did do ma4e ma!y crafts of e!cha!tme!ts for to uerish a!d heal" but it a6ailed !othi! 1 The! the fie!d that 5as 5ithi! her cried a!d said by the mouth of the maidD O emperor" it a6aileth thee !othi! that thou doest" for I 5ill !ot depart








from he!ce till thou hast brou ht hither out of 'ra!ce -aturi! the ser6a!t of God" 5hich by his prayers shall et health to thy dau hter a!d u!to the people1 A!d a!o! the emperor 5ith a reat multitude of people 5e!t to see him" a!d brou ht him to 3ome upo! this co!ditio!" that they should s5ear a!d promise that" if it happed that he died by the 5ay" they should bri! or se!d him to the place to be buried 5hereas they had ta4e! him1 A!d 5he! they came !i h to 3ome the people came a ai!st him a!d recei6ed him much re6ere!tly1 A!d a!o! as he 5as come to 3ome he healed a!d deli6ered the dau hter of the emperor from the ha!ds of the fie!d1 Semblably all the other sic4 me! that 5ere prese!ted to him" he healed them1 Ne6ertheless it happed so that the day of the cale!ds of No6ember he re!dered a!d a6e up his soul to God much holily1 The! too4 they the precious body a!d a!oi!ted it 5ith !oble oi!tme!ts" a!d buried it 5ith much re6ere!ce1 Life of A!d 5he! they had laid it i! the earth" S1 Victor o! the mor! they came u!to the sepulchre a!d fou!d the holy body abo6e the earth !i h u!to the same sepulchre" a!d the! 5ere they all abashed a!d 5ist !ot 5hat to do1 +o5 be it 5he! o!e of the 4!i hts" that had brou ht him out of 'ra!ce" had remembered of the promise that they had made" a!o! he said to the people the cause 5herefore it 5as1 A!d a!o! after" by the comma!dme!t of the emperor" the 4!i hts brou ht the body a ai! much solem!ly i!to his cou!try" i! a place 5here our Lord by the merits of the holy body hath sho5ed ma!y miracles a!d 6irtues" of 5hich by the blessed prayers a!d his i!tercessio!s 5e may ha6e part1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" Vi$tor. Martyr"

S1 Victor" the lorious 4!i ht a!d martyr i! the time of A!to!i! a!d Aurelia!" emperors" 5as prese!ted as a christia! ma! u!to a du4e called Sebastia!" 5hich 5ould ha6e made S1 Victor do sacrifice to the idols" to 5hom S1 Victor a!s5ered that he 5as a true 4!i ht to Jesu Christ a!d that he 5ould !ot do sacrifice1 ,he! the du4e u!derstood that" he comma!ded that his bac4 should be all to:bro4e! a!d his si!e5s to be dra5! out" a!d this holy ma! a6e reat tha!4i! s to God for the torme!ts that 5ere do!e to him" a!d also of that" that he abode al5ays i! 6ery faith1 The du4e 5as much mo6ed a!d a! ry" a!d comma!ded that he should be put i! a bur!i! fur!ace1 ,he! S1 Victor 5as therei! he made his prayers u!to our Lord" a!d he 5as therei! three days 5hole 5ithout rie6i! of a!y fire or flame or fume a!d 5ithout a!y dama e" a!d o! the third day he 5as fou!d 5hole a!d sou!d1 After" the du4e did do ta4e 6e!om" a!d to ma4e by a! e!cha!ter mortal meat" a!d made him to eat it" 5hich meat this holy ma! ate 5ithout a!y rie6a!ce or hurt1 A!d yet he did do ma4e by the e!cha!ter more stro! er 6e!om tha! he did tofore" a!d a6e it to S1 Victor" 5hich ate it 5ithout a!y hurt li4e as he did that other1 ,he! the e!cha!ter sa5 that the 6e!om mi ht i! !o 5ise rie6e the holy ma!" he bur!t all his boo4s a!d re!ou!ced all 5orldly oods" a!d co!6erted him to the faith of God1 After all these thi! s the du4e yet admo!ished S1 Victor that he should do sacrifice to his ods" 5hich thi! S1 Victor refused as he did tofore1 The! the du4e comma!ded that all the si!e5s of his body should be all dra5! out a!d after put him i! boili! oil" a!d after did do ha! him by chai!s" a!d set u!to his sides" pots all bur!i! D but !e6ertheless he 5as al5ays i! such 5ise recomforted of our Lord that he felt !o pai!1 The! the =ud e 5as much abashed" a!d comma!ded to ta4e <uic4 lime a!d 6i!e ar meddled to ether" a!d made it to a6ale i!to his throat" a!d after did do put out his eyes1 The! S1 Victor said to himD Spare me !ot for I am all press a!d ready to suffer all torme!ts1 A!d the! the tyra!t comma!ded that his feet hu! up5ard" a!d so hu! three days lo! " i! such 5ise that the most part of the blood of his body ra! out at his !ostrils1 A!d at the e!d of three days the other 4!i hts came for to see if he 5ere dead" a!d they that 5ere bli!d came a!d 5ere !i h him1 9y the prayers of this lorious sai!t they 5ere e!lumi!ed a ai! a!d had their si ht1 The 5hich 4!i hts 5he! they 5ere retur!ed to the du4e" they told to him their ad6e!ture" ho5 by the prayers of this holy ma! they had recei6ed their si ht" a!d that they left him ali6e a!d 5hole1 The! the du4e comma!ded that he should be flayed" a!d i! the mea!5hile the 5ife of a 4!i ht !amed Coro!e cried 5ith a hi h 6oiceD Victor" thou 5ert bor! i! a ood time" a!d thy 5or4s be blessed for the acceptable sacrifice of the holi!ess of thy thou ht" the 5hich our Lord hath recei6ed i! ree as he did the sacrifice of Abel1 ,he! this 5oma!" 5hich 5as but si8tee! years old" had said this a!d other ood thi! s a!d 5ords" she put more to" a!d saidD LoI see ye !ot the a! els of paradise that bri! t5o cro5!s" of 5hich thou shalt ha6e the reater" a!d I the less" a!d ho5 5ell that I be a feeble 6essel" !e6ertheless I ha6e firm hope i! our Lord Jesu Christ" that he shall i6e to me his herita e1 A!d 5he! the du4e u!derstood the 5ords that she had said" he comma!ded that she should do sacrifice to the ods" a!d she a!s5ered a!d said I am !amed Coro!e a!d thou re<uiresC me to lose my coro!et ,he! the du4e had heard her a!s5er" he comma!ded his 4!i hts that by force they should ma4e t5o trees to i!cli!e a!d bo5 do5!" that o!e a ai!st that other" a!d thereo! they hu! Coro!e a!d sudde!ly let the trees o" a!d so they did" 5he! by the radour a!d force of the trees i!









spri! i! she re!dered her soul to our Lord i! firm faith a!d affia!ce of the life eter!al1 A!d as the t5o said trees addressed" her lorious body abode i! t5o pieces o! the rou!d1 After that the du4e comma!ded that S1 Victor should be beheaded" 5ho" at the smiti! off of his head" bled mil4 a!d blood to ether" 5hich miracle much people sa5" 5hich the! belie6ed i! our Lord Jesu Christ" <ui cum (atre et Spiritu Sa!cto 6i6it et re !at Deus per om!ia secula seculorum1 Ame!1 Of *" Joh# a#d *" Paul" Co!sta!ce" the dau hter of Co!sta!ti!e the emperor" had t5o pro6osts" that o!e 5as !amed Joh! a!d that other (aul1 It happed i! that time that Gallica!" 5hich 5as du4e a!d co!ductor of the host of the 3oma!s" should o i! battle a ai!st the barbaria!s 5hich had ta4e! Dacia a!d the cou!try about" a!d he dema!ded that Co!sta!ce" dau hter of the emperor" should be i6e! to him i! marria e for a re5ard1 The emperor 5ould 5ell" as for him" but he thou ht it mi ht !ot be" because Co!sta!ce" after that S1 A !es had healed her" 5ould !e6er co!se!t to be married" for she had a6o5ed 6ir i!ity7 5herefore she 5ould rather suffer death tha! i!cli!e thereto" but !e6ertheless the maid" that trusted i! God" said to her father that" at his retur!i! from the battle" if he had 6ictory" mi ht 5ell be spo4e! of the marria e" a!d i! hope thereof she desired to ha6e t5o dau hters of Gallica! for to d5ell 5ith her" that by them she mi ht 4!o5 the better the ma!!ers of their father" a!d she deli6ered to him her t5o pro6osts Joh! a!d (aul to o 5ith him to battle" 5hich 5as so do!e1 The! this du4e 5e!t to battle a!d 5as discomfited" a!d fled i!to a city of Tarsus" a!d a!o! the barbaria!s assie ed him1 The! said S1 Joh! a!d S1 (aulD -a4e shi!e a6o5 to God of hea6e! that thou shalt !e6er 5ed 5ife" a!d thou shalt 6a!<uish shi!e e!emies better tha! thou hast 7 a!d the! he did after their cou!sel7 a!d o! the mor! a you! li! that bare a cross o! his shoulder appeared to him a!d saidD Ta4e thy s5ord a!d come after me1 ,he! Gallica! the du4e had ta4e! his s5ord he led him throu h all his e!emies to the 4i! " 5hom he sle5" a!d all the host 5as so afeard that they yielded them all to him" 5hom the! he subdued a!d made them sub=ects a!d tributaries to 3ome1 A!d 5he! he 5e!t by his e!emies" t5o 4!i hts appeared a!d co!firmed him i! the faith" a!d after" he became christia!" a!d retur!ed a ai! to 3ome" a!d 5as recei6ed 5ith reat ho!our1 A!d the! he prayed the emperor to pardo! him of ta4i! of his dau hter" for he purposed !e6er to ha6e 5ife" but 4eep him co!ti!e!t a!d chaste" a!d that pleased 5ell to the emperor1 The! 5ere his t5o dau hters also co!6erted" a!d he left his duchy a!d a6e all to poor people" a!d himself ser6ed God" a!d did after ma!y miracles" i!somuch that de6ils a!d 5ic4ed spirits 5e!t out of the bodies of creatures by his simple re ard a!d si ht1 A!d hereof the re!omee a!d fame 5e!t from the east u!to the 5est" a!d the people came from far for to see the reat ma! ho5 he 5as cha! ed1 'or he 5ashed the feet of poor me!" a!d set them at the table" a!d a6e them to eat" he ser6ed the sic4 me!" a!d did the office of ser6itude much busily1 It happed that 5he! Co!sta!ti!e 5as dead" a! emperor" so! of the reat Co!sta!ti!e 5as emperor" all of the heresy of the Aria!s" a!d held the empire1 +e had t5o !ephe5s" of 5hom that o!e 5as called Gallus" a!d that other Julia!1 This Gallus 5as so bad that he did do slay him1 The! Julia! doubti! a!d bei! afeard e!tered i!to reli io!" a!d dissembled a!d seemed to be holy" a!d 5as made rector1 +e 5as a ma icia! a!d cou!selled 5ith fie!ds" of 5hom he had a!s5er that he should yet be emperor" a!d so it happed after5ard" for such !eeds came to Co!sta!ti!e that" he created Julia! o6er!or of his host a!d !amed him CFsar1 +e 5as a reat battler a!d ma! of 5ar1 The! 5he! Co!sta!ti!e 5as dead he became emperor1 The! comma!ded he that Gallica!" the du4e" 5hich 5as become so blessed ma!" should ma4e sacrifice to the idols or else o out of the cou!try" for the emperor durst !ot slay so reat a ma!1 The! he 5e!t to Ale8a!dria" a!d there the miscrea!ts made o!e to ru! him throu h 5ith a s5ord" a!d so deser6ed he the cro5! of martyrdom1 The! sho5ed Julia! the emperor the co6etise of his heart" a!d he co!firmed it by 5it!ess of the ospel sayi! D Our Lord Jesus saidD 5ho that re!ou!ceth !ot all that he hath may !ot be my disciple" a!d therefore 5he! he heard that the blessed SS1 Joh! a!d (aul had the riches that Co!sta!ce their lady had left to them" a!d they sustai!ed the poor christia! people of our Lord Jesu Christ" he dema!ded them that li4e as they had bee! 5ith Co!sta!ti!e so 5ould he that they should be 5ith him1 The! they said to himD ,he! the lorious Co!sta!ti!e a!d Co!sta!t his so! lorified them to be christia!" 5e 5ould 5ell ser6e them" but sith that thou hast forsa4e! thy reli io! full of 6irtues" 5e be departed from thee" !e 5e 5ill !o more obey to thee1 Julia! the! said to themD I had the estate of a cler4 i! the church" a!d if I 5ould ha6e abided I had had the most 5orshipful" but because it is 6a!ity a!d folly to ser6e parishes a!d to be idle" I ha6e set my heart i! chi6alry" a!d therefore I ha6e made sacrifice to the ods" a!d they ha6e i6e! to me the empire7 a!d thus ye that ha6e bee! brou ht forth a!d !ourished i! palaces ou ht to be by my side" a!d if ye ha6e me i! despite" I shall do so much that I shall !ot be













despised1 The! a!s5ered they D ,e lo6e better God tha! thee" a!d 5e doubt !othi! thy me!aces because that 5e 5ill !ot a! er our God1 The! said Julia!D If ye do !ot my 5ill 5ithi! te! days 5ith your a reeme!t" ye shall do it after a ai!st your 5ill1 The sai!ts said to himD Thi!4 ye as thou h !o5 the te! days 5ere o!e" a!d do this day that 5hich thou purposesC to do the!1 To 5hom Julia!D ,ee! ye that christia! me! shall ma4e you martyrsE 9ut if ye co!se!t to me I shall pu!ish you !ot as martyrs but as commo! e!emies1 The! Joh! a!d (aul duri! these te! days eme!ded to prayer a!d to alms" a!d after" o! the te!th day" Tere!tia! 5as se!t to them" 5hich said to themD Our lord Julia! hath se!t me to you" that ye should ho!our the ima e of Jo6e" 5hich 5e to you" or else ye must die1 The! they said to himD If Julia! be thy lord ha6e thou peace 5ith him" 5e ha6e !o!e other Lord but Jesu Christ1 ,he! Julia! heard these 5ords he made their heads to be smitte! off secretly" a!d to be buried i! their house" a!d after" made to be said that they 5ere se!t i!to e8ile1 The! a!o! after" the fie!d e!tered i!to the so! of Tere!tia! a!d be a! to cry i! that house that he 5as bur!t of the de6il ,he! Tere!tia! sa5 this he 4!o5led ed his trespass" a!d after became christia! a!d put i! 5riti! the passio! of these t5o holy sai!ts" a!d his so! 5as deli6ered of the de6il1 This 5as do!e i! the year of race four hu!dred a!d si8ty:four1 S1 Gre ory recordeth that a lady 6isited oft a!d ladly the church of these t5o sai!ts7 a!d 5he! she came o! a time" she fou!d t5o mo!4s i! stra! e habit" a!d she supposed that they had bee! mo!4s1 She comma!ded to i6e them her alms" but 5hilst her dispe!ser approached to them" they approached to her a!d saidD Thou 6isitest !o5 us" but 5e shall 6isit thee at the day of =ud me!t" a!d shall i6e that 5e may1 A!d 5he! they had so said" a!o! they 6a!ished a5ay1 The! let us pray u!to God that by their merits he i6e to us i! this 5orld his race" a!d i! that other his lory1 (er Christum Domi!um !ostrum1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" Leo the Po&e"







Leo the pope" as it is read i! the miracles of our blessed Lady" i! the church of S1 -ary the -ore" as he sa! there mass" a!d much people by order 5ere commu!ed a!d houseled" a!d a matro!" a certai! 5oma!" 4issed his ha!d" 5hereof he 5as tempted 6eheme!tly i! his flesh1 A!d this holy ma! 5as a reat 5rea4er a!d a6e! er o! himself" a!d cut off his ha!d that same day pri6ily" a!d thre5 it from him1 After5ard the people murmured amo! them because the pope sa! !o mass" a!d did !ot di6i!e ser6ice solem!ly as he 5as 5o!t to do1 The! Leo tur!ed him u!to the 9lessed Vir i!" our Lady" a!d committed himself 5holly to her pro6ide!ce1 The! she a!o! appeared to him a!d restored to him his ha!d a!d reformed it 5ith her holy ha!ds" comma!di! that he should o forth a!d offer sacrifice u!to her so!1 The! this holy ma! Leo preached u!to all the people that came thither" a!d sho5ed e6ide!tly ho5 his ha!d 5as restored to him a ai!1 This Leo the pope held the cou!cil at Chalcedo!" a!d ordai!ed 6ir i!s to be 6eiled1 It 5as also made there a statute that the Vir i! -ary should be called the mother of God1 That same time Attila destroyed Italy1 The! Leo 5a4i! " prayed i! the church of the apostles three days a!d three !i hts" a!d after said to his me!D ,ho that 5ill follo5 me" let him follo51 ,he! the! he approached to Attila" a!o! as he sa5 S1 Leo he desce!ded from his horse" a!d fell do5! plats to his feet" a!d prayed him that he should as4 5hat he 5ould1 A!d he desired that he should o out of Italy a!d release the christia! people that he had i! capti6ity1 A!d his ser6a!ts repro6ed him that the triumphi! pri!ce of the 5orld should be o6ercome of a priest1 +e a!s5eredD I ha6e pro6ided for myself a!d to you1 I sa5 o! his ri ht side a 4!i ht sta!di! 5ith a s5ord dra5! a!d sayi! to meD 9ut if thou spare this ma! thou shalt be slai!" a!d all thy me!1 The! S1 Leo 5rote a! epistle to 'abia!" bishop of Co!sta!ti!ople" a ai!st Eutichius a!d Nestorius" 5hich he laid upo! the sepulchre of S1 (eter" a!d 5as i! co!ti!ual fasti! s a!d prayers" sayi! D O holy (eter" 5hat that I ha6e erred i! this epistle as ma!" thou to 5hom the cure of the Church i/ committed" correct a!d ame!d1 A!d after forty days (eter appeared to him prayi! " a!d saidD I ha6e read it a!d ame!ded it1 The! Leo too4 the epistle" a!d fou!d it corrected a!d ame!ded 5ith the ha!ds of the apostle1 Other forty days also he 5as co!ti!ually i! fasti! s a!d prayers at the sepulchre of S1 (eter" beseechi! to et him for i6e!ess of his si!s1 To 5hom (eter appeared a!d saidD I ha6e prayed our Lord for thee" a!d he hath for i6e! thee all thy si!s" sa6e o!ly of the impositio! of thy ha!d thou shalt be e8ami!ed1 +e died about the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d si8ty Here followeth of *" Peter the A&o tle. a#d Fir t of hi #a%e"








(eter had a reat !ame" for he 5as called Simo! 9ar=o!a1 A!d Simo! is as much to say as ri ht obedie!t or committi! reat hea6i!ess1 9ar=o!a is as much to say as so! of a do6e" or of a cul6ert +e 5as obedie!t 5he! our Lord called him" for at the 6oice of o!e o!ly calli! " he obeyed to our Lord1 +e 5as committi! hea6i!ess a!d sorro5 5he! he re!ted Jesu Christ" for he 5e!t out a!d 5ept bitterly1 +e 5as so! of the do6e" for he ser6ed God 5ith simple i!te!tio!1 Seco!dly" he 5as called Cephas 5hich is as much to say as chief" or sto!e" or blami! 5ith the mouth1 +e 5as said chief by reaso! of the pri!cipality i! prelatio!7 a sto!e by reaso! of his steadfast!ess i! his passio!7 blami! 5ith his mouth by reaso! of co!sta!cy i! his preachi! 1 Thirdly" he 5as called (eter" 5hich is as much to say as 4!o5i! or u!hosi! " a!d shoei! or u!bi!di! 4!o5i! " for he 4!e5 the di !ity of Christ 5he! he saidD Thou art Christ" so! of the li6i! God1 I! u!hosi! a!d shoei! " 5he! he u!shod his feet from the affectio! of all deadly a!d earthly 5or4" sayi! D LoI 5e ha6e left all thi! s" etc1 ?!bi!di! " for he hath u!bou!de! the bo!ds of si!" a!d that 5as by the 4eys that he recei6ed of our Lord1 A!d he had three sur!ames1 +e 5as said Simo! Joha!!a" 5hich is as much to say as the beauty of our Lord1 Seco!dly" he 5as said Simo! Joha!!is" that is to say" to 5hom it is i6e!1 A!d thirdly" he is said 9ar=o!a" that is to say" so! of the do6e" by 5hich is i6e! to u!der: sta!d that he had beauty of ma!!ers" ift of 6irtues" a!d abu!da!ce of tears" for the do6e hath 5aili! for her so! 1 This !ame (eter" Jesus promised to put to himD Joha!!is primo Thou shalt be called Cephas" that is to say" (eter1 Seco!dly" he did that he promised" as it is said" -athei <uartoD A!d he !amed Simo! (eter" etc1 Thirdly" he co!firmed it" -athei .VI1D A!d I say to thee that thou art (eter" a!d upo! this sto!e" etc1 +is martyrdom 5rote -arcellus" Li!us pope" +e esippus" a!d Leo the pope1 Of *ai#t Peter" S1 (eter the apostle amo! all other" a!d abo6e all other" 5as of most fer6e!t a!d bur!i! lo6e" for he 5ould ha6e 4!o5! the traitor that should betray our Lord Jesu Christ" as S1 Austi! saithD If he had 4!o5! him he 5ould ha6e tor! him 5ith his teeth" a!d therefore our Lord 5ould !ot !ame him to him" for as Chrysostom saithD If he had !amed him" (eter had arise! a!d all to:tor! him1 (eter 5e!t upo! the sea7 he 5as chose! of God to be at his tra!sfi uratio!" a!d raised a maid from death to life7 he fou!d the stater or piece of mo!ey i! the fish>s mouth7 he recei6ed of our Lord the 4eys of the 4i! dom of hea6e!7 he too4 the char e to feed the sheep of Jesu Christ1 +e co!6erted at a ,hitsu!tide three thousa!d me!" he healed Claude 5ith Joh!" a!d the! co!6erted fi6e thousa!d me!7 he said to A!a!ias a!d Saphira their death before7 he healed Q!eas of the palsy7 he raised Tabitha 7 he baptiHed Cor!elia7 5ith the shado5 of his body he healed sic4 me!7 he 5as put i! priso! by +erod" but by the a! el of our Lord he 5as deli6ered1 ,hat his meat 5as a!d his clothi! " the boo4 of S1 Cleme!t 5it!esseth" for he saidD 9read o!ly 5ith oli6es" a!d seldom 5ith 5orts" is mi!e usa e" a!d I ha6e such clothi! as thou seest" a coat a!d a ma!tle" a!d 5he! I ha6e that" I dema!d !o more1 It is said for certai! that he bare al5ays a sudary i! his bosom 5ith 5hich he 5iped the tears that ra! from his eyes7 for 5he! he remembered the s5eet prese!ce of our Lord" for the reat lo6e that he had to him he mi ht !ot forbear 5eepi! 1 A!d also 5he! he remembered that he had re!ted him" he 5ept abu!da!tly reat ple!ty of tears" i! such 5ise that he 5as so accustomed to 5eep that his face 5as bur!t 5ith tears as it seemed" li4e as Cleme!t saith1 A!d saith also that i! the !i ht 5he! he heard the coc4 cro5 he 5ould 5eep customably1 A!d after that it is read i! +istoria Ecclesiastica that" 5he! S1 (eter>s 5ife 5as led to her passio!" he had reat =oy a!d called her by her proper !ame" a!d said to herD -y 5ife" remember thee of our Lord1 O! a time 5he! S1 (eter had se!t t5o of his disciples for to preach the faith ot Jesu Christ" a!d 5he! they had o!e t5e!ty days> =our!ey" o!e of them died" a!d that other the! retur!ed to S1 (eter a!d told him 5hat had happe!ed" some say that it 5as S1 -arcial that so died" a!d some say it 5as S1 -ater!us" a!d others say that it 5as S1 'ra!41 The! S1 (eter a6e to him his staff a!d comma!ded that he should retur! to his fello5" a!d lay it upo! him" 5hich he so did" the! he 5hich had bee! forty days dead" a!o! arose all li6i! 1 That time Simo! the e!cha!ter 5as i! Jerusalem" a!d he said he 5as first truth" a!d affirmed that 5ho that 5ould belie6e i! him he 5ould ma4e them perpetual1 A!d he also said that !othi! to him 5as impossible1 It is read i! the boo4 of S Cleme!t that he said that he should be 5orshipped of all me! as God" a!d that he mi ht do all that he 5ould1 A!d he said yet moreD ,he! my mother 3achel comma!ded me that I should o reap cor! i! the field" a!d sa5 the sic4le ready to reap 5ith" I comma!ded the sic4le to reap by itself alo!e" a!d it reaped te! times more tha! a!y other1 A!d yet he added hereto more" after












Jerome" a!d saidD I am the ,ord of God" I am the +oly Ghost" I am Almi hty" I am all that is of God1 +e made serpe!ts of brass to mo6e" a!d made the ima es of iro! a!d of sto!e to lau h" a!d do s to si! " a!d as S1 Li!us saith" he 5ould dispute 5ith S1 (eter a!d sho5" at a day assi !ed" that he 5as God1 A!d (eter came to the place 5here the strife should be" a!d said to them that 5ere thereD (eace to you brethre! that do6e truth1 To 5hom Simo! saidD ,e ha6e !o!e !eed of thy peace" for If peace a!d co!cord 5ere made" 5e should !ot profit to fi!d the truth" for thie6es ha6e peace amo! them1 A!d therefore desire !o peace but battle" for 5he! t5o me! fi ht a!d o!e is o6ercome the! is it peace1 The! said (eterD ,hy dreadest thou to hear of peaceE Of si!s ro5 battles" 5here is !o si! there is peace7 i! disputi! is truth fou!d" a!d i! 5or4s ri hteous!ess1 The! said Simo!D It is !ot as thou sayest but I shall sho5 to thee the po5er of my di !ity" that a!o! thou shalt adore me7 I am first truth a!d may flee by the air7 I ca! ma4e !e5 trees a!d tur! sto!es i!to bread7 e!dure i! the fire 5ithout hurti! 7 a!d all that I 5ill I may do1 S1 (eter disputed a ai!st all these" a!d disclosed all his malefices1 The! Simo! -a us" seei! that he mi ht !ot resist (eter" cast all his boo4s i!to the sea" lest S1 (eter should pro6e him a ma icia!" by his boo4s" a!d 5e!t to 3ome 5here he 5as had a!d reputed as a od1 A!d 5he! (eter 4!e5 that" he follo5ed a!d came to 3ome1 The fourth year of Claudius the emperor" (eter came to 3ome" a!d sat there t5e!ty:fi6e years" a!d ordai!ed t5o bishops as his helpers" Li!us a!d Cletus" o!e 5ithi! the 5alls" a!d that other 5ithout1 +e eme!ded much to preachi! of the ,ord of God" by 5hich he co!6erted much people to the faith of Christ" a!d healed ma!y sic4 me!" a!d i! his preachi! al5ays he praised a!d preferred chastity1 +e co!6erted four co!cubi!es of A rippa the pro6ost" so that they 5ould !o more come to him" 5herefore the pro6ost sou ht occasio! a ai!st (eter1 After this" our Lord appeared to S1 (eter" sayi! to himD Simo! -a us a!d Nero purpose a ai!st thee" dread thee !ot" for I am 5ith thee" a!d shall i6e to thee the solace of my ser6a!t (aul" 5hich to:mor! shall come i! to 3ome1 The! (eter" 4!o5i! that he should !ot lo! abide here" assembled all his brethre! a!d too4 Cleme!t by the ha!d a!d ordai!ed him a bishop" a!d made him to sit i! his o5! seat1 After this" as our Lord had said tofore" (aul came to 3ome" a!d 5ith (eter be a! to preach the faith of Christ1 Simo! -a us 5as so much belo6ed of Nero that he 5ee!ed that he had bee! the 4eeper of his life" of his health" a!d of all the city1 O! a day" as Leo the pope saith" as he stood tofore Nero" sudde!ly his 6isa e cha! ed" !o5 old a!d !o5 you! " 5hich" 5he! Nero sa5" he supposed that he had bee! the so! of God1 The! said Simo! -a us to NeroD 9ecause that thou shalt 4!o5 me to be the 6ery so! of God" comma!d my head to be smitte! off a!d I shall arise a ai! the third day1 The! Nero comma!ded to his brother to smite off his head" a!d 5he! he supposed to ha6e beheaded Simo!" he beheaded a ram1 Simo!" by his art ma ic 5e!t a5ay u!hurt" athered to ether the members of the ram" a!d hid him three days1 The blood of the ram abode a!d co! ealed1 The third day he came a!d sho5ed him to Nero" sayi! D Comma!d my blood to be 5ashed a5ay" for lo I am he that 5as beheaded" a!d as I promised I ha6e rise! a ai! the third day1 ,hom Nero seei! " 5as abashed a!d bo5ed 6erily that he had bee! the so! of God1 All this saith Leo1 Sometime also" 5he! he 5as 5ith Nero secretly 5ithi! his co!cla6e" the de6il i! his li4e!ess spa4e 5ithout to the people1 The! the 3oma!s had him i! such 5orship that they made to him a! ima e" a!d 5rote abo6e" this titleD To Simo! the holy God1 (eter a!d (aul e!tered to Nero a!d disco6ered all the e!cha!tme!ts a!d malefices of Simo! -a us" a!d (eter added thereto" seei! that li4e as i! Christ be t5o substa!ces that is of God a!d ma!" so are i! this ma icia! t5o substa!ces" that is of ma! a!d of the de6il1 The! said Simo! -a us" as S1 -arcelle a!d Leo 5it!ess" lest I should suffer a!y lo! er this e!emy" I shall comma!d my a! els that they shall a6e! e me o! him1 To 5hom (eter saidD I dread !othi! shi!e a! els" but they dread me1 Nero saidD Dreadest thou !ot Simo!" that by certai! thi! s affirmeth his odheadE To 5hom (eter saidD If di !ity or odhead be i! him let him tell !o5 5hat I thi!4 or 5hat I do" 5hich thou ht I shall first tell to thee" that he shall !ot mo5 lie 5hat I thi!41 To 5hom Nero saidD Come hither a!d say 5hat thou thi!4est1 The! (eter 5e!t to him a!d said to him secretlyD Comma!d some ma! to bri! to me a barley:loaf" a!d deli6er it to me pri6ily1 ,he! it 5as ta4e! to him" he blessed it" a!d hid it u!der his slee6e" a!d the! said heD No5 Simo! say 5hat I thi!4" a!d ha6e said a!d do!e1 Simo! a!s5eredD Let (eter say 5hat I thi!41 (eter a!s5eredD ,hat Simo! thi!4eth that I 4!o5" I shall do it 5he! he hath thou ht1 The! Simo! ha6i! i!di !atio!" cried aloudD I comma!d that do s come a!d de6our him1 A!d sudde!ly there appeared reat do s a!d made a! assault a ai!st (eter1 +e a6e to them of the bread that he had blessed" a!d sudde!ly he made them to flee1 The! said (eter to NeroD LoI I ha6e sho5ed you 5hat he thou ht a ai!st me" !ot i! 5ords but i! deeds" for 5here he promised a! els to come a ai!st me he brou ht do s" thereby he sho5eth that he hath !o!e a! els but










do s1 The! said Simo!D +ear ye" (eter a!d (aul7 if I may !ot rie6e you here" ye shall come 5here me it shall beho6e to =ud e you1 I shall spare you here1 +Fc Leo1 The! Simo! -a us" as +e esippus a!d Li!us say" elate i! pride a6au!ted him that he ca! raise dead me! to life1 A!d it happed that there 5as a you! ma! dead" a!d the! Nero let call (eter a!d Simo!" a!d all a6e se!te!ce by the 5ill of Simo! that he should be slai! that mi ht !ot arise the dead ma! to life1 Simo! the!" as he made his i!ca!tatio!s upo! the dead body" he 5as see! mo6e his head of them that stood by7 the! all they cried for to sto!e (eter1 (eter u!!ethe etti! sile!ce saidD If the dead body li6e" let him arise" 5al4 a!d spea4" else 4!o5 ye that it is a fa!tasy that the head of the dead ma! mo6eth1 Let Simo! be ta4e! from the bed1 A!d the body abode immo6able1 (eter sta!di! afar ma4i! his prayer cried to the dead body" sayi! D ;ou! ma!" arise i! the !ame of Jesu Christ of NaHareth crucified" a!d a!o!" he arose li6i! " a!d 5al4ed1 The!" 5he! the people 5ould ha6e sto!ed Simo! -a us" (eter saidD +e is i! pai! e!ou h" 4!o5i! him to be o6ercome i! his heart7 our master hath tau ht us for to do ood for e6il1 The! said Simo! to (eter a!d (aulD ;et is it !ot co! e to you that ye desire" for ye be !ot 5orthy to ha6e martyrdom" the 5hich a!s5eredD That is" that 5e desire to ha6e" to thee shall !e6er be 5ell" for thou liest all that thou sayest1 The! as -arcel saithD Simo! 5e!t to the house of -arcel a!d bou!d there a reat blac4 do at the door of the house" a!d saidD No5 I shall see if (eter" 5hich is accustomed to come hither" shall come" a!d if he come this do shall stra! le him1 A!d a little after that" (eter a!d (aul 5e!t thither" a!d a!o! (eter made the si ! of the cross a!d u!bou!d the hou!d" a!d the hou!d 5as as tame a!d mee4 as a lamb" a!d pursued !o!e but Simo!" a!d 5e!t to him a!d too4 a!d cast him to the rou!d u!der him" a!d 5ould ha6e stra! led him1 A!d the! ra! (eter to him a!d cried upo! the hou!d that he should !ot do him a!y harm1 A!d a!o! the hou!d left a!d touched !ot his body" but he all tore!t a!d tare his o5! i! such 5ise that he 5as almost !a4ed1 The! all the people" a!d especially childre!" ra! 5ith the hou!d upo! him a!d hu!ted a!d chased him out of the to5! as he had bee! a 5olf1 The! for the reproof a!d shame he durst !ot come i! to the to5! of all a 5hole year after1 The! -arcel that 5as disciple of Simo! -a us" seei! these reat miracles" came to (eter" a!d 5as from the! fortho! his disciple1 A!d after" at the e!d of the year" Simo! retur!ed a!d 5as recei6ed a ai! i!to the amity of Nero1 A!d the!" as Leo saith" this Simo! -a us assembled the people a!d sho5ed to them ho5 he had bee! a! ered of the Galilea!s" a!d therefore he said that he 5ould lea6e the city 5hich he 5as 5o!t to defe!d a!d 4eep" a!d set a day i! 5hich he 5ould asce!d i!to hea6e!" for he dei !ed !o more to d5ell i! the earth1 The! o! the day that he had stablished" li4e as he had said" he 5e!t up to a! hi h to5er" 5hich 5as o! the capitol" a!d there bei! cro5!ed 5ith laurel" thre5 himself out from place to place" a!d be a! to fly i! the air1 The! said S1 (aul to S1 (eterD It appertai!eth to me to pray" a!d to thee for to comma!d1 The! said NeroD This ma! is 6ery God" a!d ye be t5o traitors1 The! said S1 (eter to S1 (aulD (aul" brother" lift up shi!e head a!d see ho5 Simo! flyeth1 The! S1 (aul said to S1 (eter 5he! he sa5 him fly so hi hD (eter" 5hy tarriest thouE perform that thou hast be u!" God !o5 calleth us1 The! said (eterD I char e a!d co!=ure you a! els of Satha!as" 5hich bear him i! the air" by the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ" that ye bear !e sustai! him !o more" but let him fall to the earth1 A!d a!o! they let him fall to the rou!d a!d bra4e his !ec4 a!d head" a!d he died there forth5ith1 A!d 5he! Nero heard say that Simo! 5as dead" a!d that he had lost such a ma!" he 5as sorro5ful" a!d said to the apostlesD ;e ha6e do!e this i! despite of me" a!d therefore I shall destroy you by ri ht e6il e8ample1 +Fc Leo1 The! he deli6ered them to (auli!" 5hich 5as a much !oble ma!" a!d (auli! deli6ered them to -amerti! u!der the 4eepi! of t5o 4!i hts" (rocesse a!d -arti!ia!" 5hom S1 (eter co!6erted to the faith1 A!d they the! ope!ed the priso! a!d let them all o out that 5ould o" 5herefore" after the passio! of the apostles" (auli!" 5he! he 4!e5 that they 5ere christia!" beheaded both (rocesse a!d -arti!ia!1 The brethre! the!" 5he! the priso! 5as ope!ed" prayed (eter to o the!ce" a!d he 5ould !ot" but at the last he bei! o6ercome by their prayers 5e!t a5ay1 A!d 5he! he came to the ate" as" Leo 5it!esseth" 5hich is called Sa!cta -aria ad passus" he met Jesu Christ comi! a ai!st him" a!d (eter said to himD Lord" 5hither oest thouE A!d he said to himD I o to 3ome for to be crucified a ai!" a!d (eter dema!ded himD Lord" shalt thou be crucified a ai!" A!d he saidD ;ea" a!d (eter said the!D Lord" I shall retur! a ai! the! for to be crucified 5ith thee1 This said" our Lord asce!ded i!to hea6e!" (eter beholdi! it" 5hich 5ept sore1 A!d 5he! (eter u!derstood that our Lord had said to him of his passio!" he retur!ed" a!d 5he! he came to his brethre!" he told to them 5hat our Lord had said1 A!d a!o! he 5as ta4e! of the mi!isters of Nero a!d 5as deli6ered to the pro6ost A rippa" the! 5as his face as clear as the su!" as it is said1 The! A rippa said to himD Thou art he that lorifiest i! the people" a!d i! 5ome!" that thou

















departest from the bed of their husba!ds1 ,hom the apostle blamed" a!d said to him that he lorified i! the cross of our Lord Jesu Christ1 The! (eter 5as comma!ded to be crucified as a stra! er" a!d because that (aul 5as a citiHe! of 3ome it 5as comma!ded that his head should be smitte! off1 A!d of this se!te!ce i6e! a ai!st them" S1 Dio!ysius i! a! epistle to Timothy saith i! this 5iseD O my brother Timothy" if thou hadst see! the a o!ies of the e!d of them thou shouldst ha6e failed for hea6i!ess a!d sorro51 ,ho should !ot 5eep that hour 5he! the comma!dme!t of the se!te!ce 5as i6e! a ai!st them" that (eter should be crucified a!d (aul be beheadedE Thou shouldst the! ha6e see! the turbes ot the Je5s a!d of the pay!ims that smote them a!d spit i! their 6isa es1 A!d 5he! the horrible time came of their e!d that they 5ere departed that o!e from that other" they bou!d the pillars of the 5orld" but that 5as !ot 5ithout 5aili! a!d 5eepi! of the brethre!1 The! said S1 (aul to S1 (eterD (eace be 5ith thee that art fou!deme!t of the church a!d pastor of the sheep a!d lambs of our Lord1 (eter the! said to (aulD Go thou i! peace" preacher of ood ma!!ers" mediator" leader" a!d solace of ri htful people1 A!d 5he! they 5ere 5ithdra5! far from other I follo5ed my master1 They 5ere !ot both slai! i! o!e street1 This saith S1 Dio!ysius" a!d as Leo the pope a!d -arcel 5it!ess" 5he! (eter came to the cross" he saidD ,he! my Lord desce!ded from hea6e! to the earth he 5as put o! the cross ri ht up" but me 5hom it pleaseth him to call from the earth to hea6e!" my cross shall sho5 my head to the earth a!d address my feet to hea6e!" for I am !ot 5orthy to be put o! the cross li4e as my Lord 5as" therefore tur! my cross a!d crucify me my head do5!5ard1 The! they tur!ed the cross" a!d faste!ed his feet up5ard a!d the head do5!5ard1 The! the people 5ere a! ry a ai!st Nero a!d the pro6ost" a!d 5ould ha6e slai! them because they made S1 (eter so to die7 but he re<uired them that they should !ot let his passio!" a!d as Leo 5it!esseth" our Lord ope!ed the eyes of them that 5ere there" a!d 5ept so that" they sa5 the a! els 5ith cro5!s of roses a!d of lilies sta!di! by (eter that 5as o! the cross 5ith the a! els1 A!d the! (eter recei6ed a boo4 of our Lord" 5herei! he lear!ed the 5ords that he said1 The! as +e esippus saithD (eter said thusD Lord" I ha6e desired much to follo5 thee" but to be crucified upri ht I ha6e !ot usurped" thou art al5ays ri htful" hi h a!d so6erei !" a!d 5e be so!s of the first ma! 5hich ha6e the head i!cli!ed to the earth" of 5hom the fall si !ifieth the form of the e!eratio! huma!1 Also 5e be bor! that 5e be see! i!cli!ed to the earth by effect" a!d the co!ditio! is cha! ed for the 5orld 5ee!eth that such thi! is ood" 5hich is e6il a!d bad1 Lord" thou art all thi! s to me" a!d !othi! is to me but thou o!ly" I yield to thee tha!4i! s 5ith all the spirit of 5hich I li6e" by 5hich I u!dersta!d" a!d by 5hom I call thee1 A!d 5he! S1 (eter sa5 that the ood christia! me! sa5 his lory" i! yieldi! tha!4i! s to God a!d comme!di! ood people to him" he re!dered up his spirit1 The! -arcel a!d Apuleius his brother" that 5ere his disciples" too4 off the body from the cross 5he! he 5as dead" a!d a!oi!ted it 5ith much precious oi!tme!t" a!d buried him ho!ourably1 Isidore saith i! the boo4 of the !ati6ity a!d death of sai!ts thusD (eter" after that he had o6er!ed A!tioch" he fou!ded a church u!der Claudius the emperor" he 5e!t to 3ome a ai!st Simo! -a us" there he preached the ospel t5e!ty:fi6e years a!d held the bishopric" a!d thirty:si8 years after the passio! of our Lord he 5as crucified by Nero tur!ed the head do5!5ard" for he 5ould be so crucifiedD +Fc Isidorus1 That same day (eter a!d (aul appeared to S1 Dio!ysius" as he saith i! his foresaid epistle i! these 5ordsD ?!dersta!d the miracle a!d see the prodi y" my brother Timothy" of the day of the martyrdom ot them" for I 5as ready i! the time of departi! of them1 After their death I sa5 them to ether" ha!d i! ha!d" e!teri! the ates of the city" a!d clad 5ith clothes of li ht" a!d arrayed 5ith cro5!s of clear!ess a!d li ht1 +Fc Dio!ysius1 Nero 5as !ot u!pu!ished for their death a!d other reat si!s a!d tyra!!ies that he committed" for he sle5 himself 5ith his o5! ha!d" 5hich tyra!!ies 5ere o6erlo! to tell" but shortly I shall rehearse here some1 +e sle5 his master Se!eca because he 5as afraid of him 5he! he 5e!t to school1 Also Nero sle5 his mother a!d slit her belly for to see the place 5here he lay i!1 The physicia!s a!d masters blamed him" a!d said the so! should !ot slay his mother that had bor!e him 5ith sorro5 a!d pai!1 The! said heD -a4e me 5ith child" a!d after to be deli6ered" that I may 4!o5 5hat pai! my mother suffered1 ,hich by craft they a6e to him a you! fro to dri!4" a!d re5 i! his belly" a!d the! he saidD 9ut if ye ma4e me to be deli6ered I shall slay you all7 a!d so they a6e him such a dri!4 that he had a 6omit a!d cast out the fro " a!d bare him o! ha!d that because that he abode !ot his time it 5as misshape!" 5hich yet he made to be 4ept1 The! for his pleasure he set 3ome afire" 5hich bur!ed se6e! days a!d se6e! si hts" a!d 5as i! a hi h to5er a!d e!=oyed him to see so reat a flame of fire" a!d sa! merrily1 +e sle5 the se!ators of 3ome to see 5hat sorro5 a!d lame!tatio! their 5i6es 5ould ma4e1 +e 5edded a ma! for his 5ife1 +e fished 5ith !ets of old thread" a!d the arme!t that he had 5or! o!e day he 5ould !e6er 5ear it !e see





it after1 The! the 3oma!s seei! his 5ood!ess" assailed him a!d pursued him u!to 5ithout the city" a!d 5he! he sa5 he mi ht !ot escape them" he too4 a sta4e a!d sharped it 5ith his teeth" a!d there5ith stuc4 himself throu h the body a!d so sle5 himself1 I! a!other place it is read that he 5as de6oured of 5ol6es1 The! the 3oma!s retur!ed a!d fou!d the fro " a!d thre5 it out of the city a!d there bur!t it1

I! the time of S1 Cor!elius the pope" Gree4s stole a5ay the bodies of the apostles (eter a!d (aul" but the de6ils that 5ere i! the idols 5ere co!strai!ed by the di6i!e 6irtue of God" a!d cried a!d saidD ;e me! of 3ome" succour hastily your ods 5hich be stole! from you7 for 5hich thi! the ood christia! people u!derstood that they 5ere the bodies of (eter a!d (aul1 A!d the pay!ims had supposed that it had bee! their ods1 The! assembled reat !umber of christia! me! a!d of pay!ims also" a!d pursued so lo! the Gree4s that they doubted to ha6e bee! slai!" a!d thre5 the bodies i! a pit at the catacombs" but after5ard they 5ere dra5! out by christia! me!1 S1 Gre ory saith that the reat force of thu!der a!d li ht!i! that came from hea6e! made them so afraid that they departed each from other" a!d so left the bodies of the apostles at the catacombs i! a pit" but they doubted 5hich bo!es 5ere (eter>s a!d 5hich (aul>s" 5herefore the ood christia! me! put them to prayers a!d fasti! s" a!d it 5as a!s5ered them from hea6e! that the reat bo!es lo! ed to the preacher" a!d the less to the fisher" a!d so 5ere departed" a!d the bo!es 5ere put i! the church of him that it 5as dedicate of1 A!d others say that Sil6ester the pope 5ould hallo5 the churches a!d too4 all the bo!es to ether" a!d departed them by 5ei ht" reat a!d small" a!d put that o!e: half i! o!e church" a!d that other half i! that other1 A!d S1 Gre ory recou!teth i! his dialo ues that" i! the church of S1 (eter" 5here his bo!es rest" 5as a ma! of reat holi!ess a!d of mee4!ess !amed Ge!tia!" a!d there came a maid i!to the church 5hich 5as cripple" a!d dre5 her body a!d le s after her 5ith her ha!ds" a!d 5he! she had lo! re<uired a!d prayed S1 (eter for health" he appeared to her i! a 6isio!" a!d said to herD Go to Ge!tia!" my ser6a!t" a!d he shall restore thy health1 The! be a! she to creep here a!d there throu h the church" a!d e!<uired 5ho 5as Ge!tia!" a!d sudde!ly it happed that he came to her that him sou ht" a!d she said to himD The holy apostle S1 (eter se!t me to thee that thou shouldest ma4e me 5hole a!d deli6er me from my disease" a!d he a!s5eredD If thou be se!t to me from him" arise thou a!o! a!d o o! thy feet1 A!d he too4 her by the ha!d a!d a!o! she 5as all 5hole" i! such 5ise as she felt !othi! of her rief !or malady" a!d the! she tha!4ed God a!d S1 (eter1 A!d i! the same boo4 S1 Gre ory saith 5he! that a holy priest 5as come to the e!d of his life" he be a! to cry i! reat lad!essD ;e be 5elcome" my lords" ye be 5elcome that ye 6ouchsafe to come to so little a!d poor a ser6a!t" a!d he saidD I shall come a!d tha!4 you1 The! they that stood by dema!ded 5ho they 5ere that he spa4e to" a!d he said to them 5o!deri! D +a6e ye !ot see! the blessed apostles (eter a!d (aul a!d as he cried a ai!" his blessed soul departed from the flesh1 Some ha6e doubt 5hether (eter a!d (aul suffered death i! o!e day" for some say it 5as the same o!e day" but o!e a year after the other1 A!d Jerome a!d all the Sai!ts that treat of this matter accord that it 5as o! o!e day a!d o!e year" a!d so is it co!tai!ed i! a! epistle of De!is" a!d Leo the pope saith the same i! a sermo!" sayi! D ,e suppose but that it 5as !ot do!e 5ithout cause that they suffered i! o!e day a!d i! o!e place the se!te!ce of the tyra!t" a!d they suffered death i! o!e time" to the e!d that they should o to ether to Jesu Christ" a!d both u!der o!e persecutor to the e!d that e<ual cruelty should strai! that o!e a!d that other1 The day for their merit" the place for their lory" a!d the persecutio! o6ercome by 6irtue1 +Fc Leo1 Thou h they suffered both death i! o!e day a!d i! o!e hour" yet it 5as !ot i! o!e place but i! di6erse 5ithi! 3ome" a!d hereof saith a 6ersifier i! this 5iseD E!se coro!atus (aulus" cruce (etrus" eodem:Sub duce" luce" loco" du8 Nero" 3oma locus1 That is to say" (aul cro5!ed 5ith the s5ord" a!d (eter had the cross re6ersed" the place 5as the city of 3ome1 A!d ho5beit that they suffered death i! o!e day" yet S1 Gre ory ordai!ed that that day specially should be the solem!ity of S1 (eter" a!d the !e8t day commemoratio! of S1 (aul" for the church of S1 (eter 5as hallo5ed that same day" a!d also forasmuch as he 5as more i! di !ity" a!d first i! co!6ersio!" a!d held the pri!cipality at 3ome1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Paul the A&o tle a#d Do$tor"














(aul is as much to say as the mouth of a trumpet or of se!se7 or mar6ellously chose!" or a miracle of electio!1 Or (aul is said of pause" that is rest" i! +ebre5" or it is said little" i! Lati!1 A!d by this be u!derstood si8 prero ati6es 5hich (aul had before the other apostles1 The first is a fruitful to! ue" for he reple!ished the ospel from Jerusalem to Jericho" a!d therefore he is said the mouth of a trump1 The seco!d 5as 6irtuous charity" for he saidD ,ho is sic4" a!d I am !ot sic4E a!d therefore he is said mouth of se!se or u!dersta!di! 1 The third is co!6ersio! much mar6ellous" a!d therefore he is said mar6ellously chose!" for he 5as mar6ellously chose! a!d co!6erted1 The fourth is the ha!d 5or4i! " a!d therefore he is said mar6ellous of electio!" for it 5as a reat miracle 5he! he chose to et his dispe!ses 5ith the labour of his ha!ds" a!d to preach 5ithout ceasi! 1 The fifth 5as co!templatio! delicious" for rest of thou ht is re<uired i! co!templatio!" for he 5as ra6ished u!to the third hea6e!1 The si8th 5as humility 6irtuous" a!d therefore he is said little1 Of this !ame" (aul" be three opi!io!s1 Ori e! saith that he hath al5ays t5o !ames" a!d 5as called (aulus a!d Saulus1 A!d 3aba!us saith that he 5as called Saulus" a!d that 5as after Saul the proud 4i! " but after his co!6ersio! he 5as called (aul" as it 5ere little a!d humble of spirit" a!d therefore he saidD I am least of all the apostles1 A!d 9ede said that he 5as called (aul of Ser ius (aulus proco!sul" 5hom he co!6erted to the faith1 A!d Li!us the pope 5riteth his passio!1 Of *" Paul. Do$tor a#d A&o tle"







S1 (aul the apostle" after his co!6ersio!" suffered ma!y persecutio!s" the 5hich the blessed +ilary rehearseth shortly" sayi! D (aul the apostle 5as beate! 5ith rods at (hilippi" he 5as put i! priso!" a!d by the feet fast set i! stoc4s" he 5as sto!ed i! Lystra1 I! Ico!ia a!d Thessalo!ica he 5as pursued of 5ic4ed people1 I! Ephesus he 5as deli6ered to 5ild beasts1 I! Damascus he 5as let by a lepe do5! of the 5all1 I! Jerusalem he 5as arrested" beate!" bou!d" a!d a5aited to be slai!1 I! CFsarea he 5as e!closed a!d defamed1 Saili! to5ards Italy he 5as i! peril of death" a!d from the!ce he came to 3ome a!d 5as =ud ed u!der Nero" a!d there fi!ished his life1 This saith S1 +ilaryD (aul too4 upo! him to be apostle amo! the e!tiles1 I! Lystra 5as a co!tract 5hich he lost a!d redressed1 A you! ma! that fell out of a 5i!do5 a!d died" he raised to life" a!d did ma!y other miracles1 At the Isle of -elita a serpe!t bit his ha!d" a!d hurted him !ot" a!d he thre5 it i!to the fire1 It is said that all they that came of the pro e!y a!d li!ea e of that ma! that the! harboured (aul may i! !o 5ise be hurt of !o 6e!omous beasts" 5herefore 5he! their childre! be bor! they put serpe!ts i! their cradles for to pro6e if they be 6erily their childre! or !o1 I! some place it is said that (aul is less tha! (eter" other5hile more" a!d sometimes e<ual a!d li4e" for i! di !ity he is less" i! preachi! reater" a!d i! holi!ess they be e<ual1 +aymo saith that (aul" from the coc4:cro5 u!to the hour of fi6e" he laboured 5ith his ha!ds" a!d after eme!ded to preachi! " a!d that e!dured almost to !i ht" the residue of the time 5as for to eat" sleep" a!d for prayer" 5hich 5as !ecessary1 +e came to 3ome 5he! Nero 5as !ot fully co!firmed i! the empire" a!d Nero heari! that there 5as disputi! a!d <uestio!s made bet5ee! (aul a!d the Je5s" he" rec4i! !ot much thereof" suffered (aul to o 5here he 5ould" a!d preach freely1 Jero!imus i! his boo4" De 6iris illustribus" that the thirty:si8th year after the (assio! of our Lord" seco!d year of Nero" S1 (aul 5as se!t to 3ome bou!d" a!d t5o years he 5as i! free 4eepi! a!d disputed a ai!st the Je5s" a!d after" he 5as let o by Nero" a!d preached the ospel i! the 5est parts1 A!d the fourtee!th year of Nero" the same year a!d day that (eter 5as crucified" his head 5as smitte! off1 +Fc Jero!imus1 The 5isdom a!d reli io! of him 5as published o6er all" a!d 5as reputed mar6ellous1 +e et to him ma!y frie!ds i! the emperor>s house a!d co!6erted them to the faith of Christ" a!d some of his 5riti! s 5ere recited a!d read tofore the emperor" a!d of all me! mar6ellously comme!ded" a!d the se!ate u!derstood of him by thi! s of authority1 It happed o! a day that (aul preached about e6e!so! time i! a loft" a you! ma! !amed (atroclus" butler of Nero" a!d 5ith him 5ell:belo6ed" 5e!t for to see the multitude of people" a!d the better for to hear (aul he 5e!t up i!to a 5i!do5" a!d there sleepi! " fell do5! a!d died" 5hich 5he! Nero heard he 5as much sorry a!d hea6y therefor" a!d a!o! ordered a!other i! his office1 (aul 4!o5i! hereof by the +oly Ghost" said to them sta!di! by him that they should o a!d bri! to him (atroclus" 5hich 5as dead" a!d that the emperor lo6ed so much1 ,hom 5he! he 5as brou ht" he raised to life a!d se!t him 5ith his fello5s to the emperor" 5hom the emperor 4!e5 for dead" a!d" 5hiles he made lame!tatio! for him" it 5as old to the emperor that (atroclus 5as come to the ate1 A!d 5he! he heard that (atroclus 5as ali6e he much mar6elled" a!d comma!ded that he should come i!1 To 5hom Nero saidD (atroclus" li6est thouE A!d he saidD ;ea" emperor" I li6e7 a!d Nero saidD ,ho hath made thee to li6e a ai! E A!d he saidD The Lord Jesu Christ" 4i! of all 5orlds1 The! Nero bei! 5roth saidD The! shall he rei ! e6er a!d













resol6e all the royaumes of the 5orldE To 5hom (atroclus saidD ;ea" certai!ly" emperor7 the! Nero a6e to him a buffet" sayi! D Therefore thou ser6est him" a!d he saidD ;ea" 6erily" I ser6e him that hath raised me from death to life1 The! fi6e of the mi!isters of Nero" that assisted him" said to himD O emperor" 5hy smitest thou this you! ma!" truly a!d 5isely a!s5eri! to theeE Trust 6erily 5e ser6e that same @i! Almi hty1 A!d 5he! Nero heard that he put them i! priso!" for stro! ly to torme!t them" 5hom he much had lo6ed1 The! he made to e!<uire a!d to ta4e all christia! me!" a!d 5ithout e8ami!atio! made them to be torme!ted 5ith o6er reat torme!ts1 The! 5as (aul amo! others bou!d a!d brou ht tofore Nero" to 5hom Nero saidD O thou ma!" ser6a!t of the reat @i! " bou!d tofore me" 5hy 5ithdra5est thou my 4!i hts a!d dra5est them to theeE To 5hom (aul saidD Not o!ly from thy cor!er I ha6e athered 4!i hts" but also I ather from the u!i6ersal 5orld to my Lord" to 5hom our 4i! i6eth such ifts that !e6er shall fail" a!d ra!teth that they shall be e8cluded from all i!di e!ce a!d !eed7 a!d if thou 5ilt be to him sub=ect" thou shalt be safe" for he is of so reat po5er that he shall come a!d =ud e all the 5orld" a!d destroy the fi ure thereof by fire1 A!d 5he! Nero heard that he should destroy the fi ure of the 5orld by fire" he comma!ded that all the christia! me! should be bur!t by fire" a!d (aul to be beheaded" as he that is uilty a ai!st his ma=esty1 A!d so reat a multitude of christia! people 5ere slai! the!" that the people of 3ome bra4e up his palace a!d cried a!d mo6ed seditio! a ai!st him" sayi! D CFsar" ame!d thy ma!!ers a!d attemper thy comma!dme!ts" for these be our people that thou destroyest" a!d defe!d the empire of 3ome1 The emperor the! dreadi! the !oise of the people" cha! ed his decree a!d edict that !o ma! should touch !e hurt !o christia! ma! till the emperor had other5ise ordai!ed" 5herefore (aul 5as brou ht a ai! tofore Nero" 5hom as soo! as Nero sa5" he cried a!d saidD Ta4e a5ay this 5ic4ed ma! a!d behead him" a!d suffer him !o Io! er to li6e upo! the earth1 To 5hom (aul saidD Nero" I shall suffer a little 5hile" but I shall li6e eter!ally 5ith my Lord Jesu Christ1 Nero saidD Smite off his head" that he may u!dersta!d me stro! er tha! his 4i! " that 5he! he is o6ercome 5e may see 5hether he may li6e after1 To 5hom (aul saidD To the e!d that thou 4!o5 me to li6e e6erlasti! ly" 5he! my head shall be smitte! off" I shall appear to thee li6i! " a!d the! thou mayest 4!o5 that Christ is God of life a!d of death1 A!d 5he! he had said this he 5as led to the place of his martyrdom" a!d as he 5as led" the three 4!i hts that led him said to himD Tell to us" (aul" 5ho is he your 4i! that ye lo6e so much that for his lo6e ye had liefer die tha! li6e" a!d 5hat re5ard shall ye ha6e thereforE The! (aul preached to them of the 4i! dom of hea6e! a!d of the pai! of hell" i! such 5ise that he co!6erted them to the faith" a!d they prayed him to o freely 5hither he 5ould1 God forbid" brethre!" said he" that I should flee" I am !ot fu iti6e" but the la5ful 4!i ht of Christ1 I 4!o5 5ell that from this tra!sitory life I shall o to e6erlasti! life1 As soo! as I shall be beheaded" true me! shall ta4e a5ay my body7 mar4 ye 5ell the place" a!d come thither to: morro5" a!d ye shall fi!d by my sepulchre t5o me!" Lu4e a!d Titus" prayi! 1 To 5hom 5he! ye shall tell for 5hat cause I ha6e se!t you to them" they shall baptiHe you a!d ma4e you heirs of the 4i! dom of hea6e!1 A!d 5hiles they thus spa4e to ether" Nero se!t t5o 4!i hts to loo4 if he 5ere slai! a!d beheaded or !o" a!d 5he! thus S1 (aul 5ould ha6e co!6erted them" they saidD ,he! thou art dead a!d risest a ai!" the! 5e shall belie6e" !o5 come forth a!d recei6e that thou hast deser6ed1 A!d as he 5as led to the place of his passio! i! the ate of +oste!ce" a !oble 5oma! !amed (lautilla" a disciple of (aul" 5ho after a!other !ame 5as called Lemobia" for haply she had t5o !ames" met there 5ith (aul" 5hich 5eepi! " comme!ded her to his prayers1 To 5hom (aul saidD 'are5ell" (lautilla" dau hter of e6erlasti! health" le!d to me thy 6eil or 4e6erchief 5ith 5hich thou co6erest thy head" that I may bi!d mi!e eyes there5ith" a!d after5ards I shall restore it to thee a ai!1 A!d 5he! she had deli6ered it to him" the butchers scor!ed her" sayi! D ,hy hast thou deli6ered to this e!cha!ter so precious a cloth for to lose it E The!" 5he! he came to the place of his passio!" he tur!ed him to5ard the east" holdi! his ha!ds up to hea6e! ri ht lo! " 5ith tears prayi! i! his o5! la! ua e a!d tha!4i! our Lord" a!d after that bade his brethre! fare5ell" a!d bou!d his eyes himself 5ith the 4e6erchief of (lautilla" a!d 4!eeli! do5! o! both 4!ees" stretched forth his !ec4" a!d so 5as beheaded1 A!d as soo! as the head 5as from the body" it saidD Jesus ChristusI 5hich had bee! to Jesus or Christus" or both" fifty times1 'rom his 5ou!d spra! out mil4 i!to the clothes of the 4!i ht" a!d after5ard flo5ed out blood1 I! the air 5as a reat shi!i! li ht" a!d from the body came a much s5eet odour1 Dio!ysius" i! a! epistle to Timothy" saith ot the death of (aul thusD I! that hour full of hea6i!ess" my 5ellbelo6ed brother" the butcher" sayi! D (aul" ma4e ready thy !ec47 the! blessed (aul loo4ed up i!to hea6e! mar4i! his forehead a!d his breast 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d the! said a!o!D -y Lord Jesu Christ" i!to thy ha!ds I comme!d my spirit" etc1 A!d the! 5ithout hea6i!ess a!d compulsio! he stretched forth his !ec4 a!d recei6ed the cro5! of martyrdom" the butcher so smiti! off his head1 The blessed martyr (aul too4 the 4e6erchief" a!d u!bou!d his eyes" a!d athered up his o5! blood" a!d put it therei!




a!d deli6ered to the 5oma!1 The! the butcher retur!ed" a!d (lautilla met him a!d dema!ded him" sayi! D ,here hast thou left my masterE The 4!i ht a!s5eredD +e lieth 5ithout the to5! 5ith o!e of his fello5s" a!d his 6isa e is co6ered 5ith thy 4e6erchief" a!d she a!s5ered a!d saidD I ha6e !o5 see! (eter a!d (aul e!ter i!to the city clad 5ith ri ht !oble 6estme!ts" a!d also they had ri ht fair cro5!s upo! their heads" more clear a!d more shi!i! tha! the su!" a!d hath brou ht a ai! my 4e6erchief all bloody 5hich he hath deli6ered me1 'or 5hich thi! a!d 5or4 ma!y belie6ed i! our Lord a!d 5ere baptiHed1 A!d this is that S1 Dio!ysius saith1 A!d 5he! Nero heard say this thi! he doubted him" a!d be a! to spea4 of all these thi! s 5ith his philosophers a!d 5ith his frie!ds7 a!d as they spa4e to ether of this matter" (aul came i!" a!d the ates shut" a!d stood tofore CFsar a!d saidD CFsar" here is tofore thee (aul the 4!i ht of the 4i! perdurable" a!d !ot 6a!<uished1 No5 belie6e the! certai!ly that I am !ot dead but ali6e" but thou" caitiff" thou shalt die of a! e6il death" because thou hast slai! the ser6a!ts of God1 A!d 5he! he had said thus he 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d Nero" 5hat for dread a!d 5hat for a! er" he 5as !i h out of his 5it" a!d 5ist !ot 5hat to do1 The! by the cou!sel of his frie!ds he u!bou!d (atroclus a!d 9ar!abas a!d let them o 5here they 5ould1 A!d the other 4!i hts" Lo! i!us" master of the 4!i hts" a!d Accestus" came o! the mor! to the sepulchre of (aul" a!d there they fou!d t5o me! prayi! " that 5ere Lu4e a!d Titus" a!d bet5ee! them 5as (aul1 A!d 5he! Lu4e a!d Titus sa5 them they 5ere abashed a!d be a! to flee" a!d a!o! (aul 6a!ished a5ay" a!d the 4!i hts cried after them a!d saidD ,e come !ot to rie6e you" but 4!o5 ye for truth that 5e come for to be baptiHed of you" li4e as (aul hath said 5hom 5e sa5 !o5 prayi! 5ith you1 ,he! they heard that they retur!ed a!d baptiHed them 5ith reat =oy1 The head of S1 (aul 5as cast i! a 6alley" a!d for the multitude of other heads of me! that 5ere there slai! a!d thro5! there" it could !ot be 4!o5! 5hich it 5as1 It is read i! the epistle of S1 Dio!ysius that o! a time the 6alley should be made clea!" a!d the head of S1 (aul 5as cast out 5ith the other heads1 A!d a shepherd that 4ept sheep too4 it 5ith his staff" a!d set it up by the place 5here his sheep raHed7 he sa5 by three !i hts co!ti!ually" a!d his lord also" a ri ht reat li ht shi!e upo! the said head1 The! they 5e!t a!d told it to the bishop a!d to other ood christia! me!" 5hich a!o! saidD Truly that is the head of S1 (aul1 A!d the! the bishop 5ith a reat multitude of christia! me! too4 that head 5ith reat re6ere!ce" a!d set it i! a tablet of old" a!d put it to the body for to =oi! it thereto1 The! the patriarch a!s5eredD ,e 4!o5 5ell that ma!y holy me! be slai! a!d their heads be disperpled i! that place" yet I doubt 5hether this be the head of (aul or !o" but let us set this head at the feet of the body" a!d pray 5e u!to Almi hty God that if it be his head that the body may tur! a!d =oi! it to the head" 5hich pleased 5ell to them all" a!d they set the head at the feet of the body of (aul" a!d the! all they prayed" a!d the body tur!ed him" a!d i! his place =oi!ed him to the head" a!d the! all they blessed God" a!d thus 4!e5 6erily that that 5as the head of S1 (aul1 This saith S1 Dio!ysius1 A!d S1 Gre ory telleth that there 5as a ma! that fell i! despair i! the time of Justi! the emperor" a!d made ready a cord to ha! himself" a!d al5ays he cried o! S1 (aul" sayi! D S1 (aul" help me1 The! came there a blac4 shado5" sayi! to himD +ie thee" ood ma!" ma4e a! e!d of that thou hast be u!1 A!d he al5ay made ready the cord" sayi! D -ost blessed (aul" help me1 A!d 5he! all 5as ready there came a!other shado5" as it had bee! of a ma! that said to him that stirred himD 'lee he!ce" thou most 5retched" for (aul the ad6ocate is come1 The! the foul shado5 6a!ished a5ay" a!d the ma! comi! a ai! to himself" a!d casti! a5ay the cord" too4 co!di ! pe!a!ce for his offe!ce a!d trespass1 I! the same epistle aforesaid" S1 De!ys be5ailed the death of his master (aul 5ith mild 5ords" sayi! D ,ho shall i6e tears to mi!e eyes" a!d to my bro5s a fou!tai! of 5ater" that I may 5eep day a!d !i ht that the li ht of the church is e8ti!ct1 A!d 5ho is he that shall !ot 5eep a!d 5ail a!d clothe him 5ith clothes of mour!i! a!d sorro5" a!d i! his mi!d be reatly abashedE LoI (eter the fou!deme!t of the church a!d lory of sai!ts a!d holy apostles is o!e from us" a!d hath left us orpha!s1 (aul also" the teacher a!d comforter of the people" is failed to us" a!d shall !o more be fou!d" 5hich 5as father of fathers" doctor of doctors" pastor of pastors" profou!d!ess of 5isdom" a trump sou!di! hi h thi! s" a!d a preacher of truth1 I say 6erily" (aul to be most !oble of the apostles" a!d !e6er 5eary of preachi! of the ,ord of God7 he 5as a! earthly a! el" a! hea6e!ly ma!" ima e a!d similitude of di6i!ity" a!d hath us all forsa4e!" !eedy a!d u!5orthy i! this despised 5orld" a!d is o!e u!to Christ his God" his Lord a!d frie!d1 Also my brother Timothy" best belo6ed of my soul" 5here is thy master" thy father a!d lo6erE 'rom 5he!ce shall he reet thee a!y moreE Lo" thou art made a! orpha! a!d remai!est alo!e1 No5 he shall !o more 5rite to thee 5ith his o5! ha!d" my dearest so!1 ,oe to me" my brother Timothy> 5hat is happed to us of hea6i!ess" of dar4!ess" a!d harm1 9ecause 5e be made orpha!s" !o5 come !ot his epistles to thee" i! 5hich he 5rote














(aul the little ser6a!t of Jesu Christ1 No5 he shall !o more 5rite to the cities sayi! D 3ecei6e ye my 5ell:belo6ed so!1 Shut" my brother" the boo4s of the prophets a!d clasp them" for 5e !o5 ha6e !o!e i!terpreter of the parables !e paradi mes" !e their dictes1 Da6id the prophet be5ailed his so! a!d saidD ,oe to meI 5ho shall ra!t me to die for thee my so!E A!d I may say 5oe to me" master mi!e" 6erily 5oe to me1 No5 the co!course of thy disciples comi! to 3ome a!d see4i! " ceaseth a!d faileth1 No5 !o ma! saithD Let us o a!d see our doctors" a!d as4 5e them ho5 us beho6eth to rule the churches to us committed" a!d shall i!terpret a!d e8pou!d to us the sayi! s of our Lord Jesu Christ a!d of the prophets1 Verily" 5oe to these so!s" my brother Timothy" that be depri6ed of their spiritual father1 A!d also to us that be depri6ed of our spiritual masters 5hich athered to ether u!dersta!di! a!d scie!ce of the old a!d !e5 la5 a!d put them i! their epistles1 ,here is !o5 the re!e5i! of (aul a!d the labour of his holy feetE ,here is the mouth spea4i! " a!d the to! ue cou!selli! " a!d the spirit 5ell pleasi! his GodE ,ho shall !ot 5eep a!d 5ailE 'or they that ha6e deser6ed lory a!d ho!our to5ards God be put to death as malefactors a!d 5ic4ed me!1 ,oe to me that beheld i! that hour his blessed body all be5rapped i! his i!!oce!t blood1 AlasI my father a!d doctor" thou 5ert !ot uilty of such a death1 No5 5hither shall I o for to see4 thee" the lory of christia! me! a!d praisi! of ood" true me!E ,ho shall sti!t thy 6oice that sou!ded so hi h i! the church i! preachi! the ,ord of GodE LoI thou hast e!tered i! to thy Lord a!d thy God" 5hom thou hast desired 5ith all shi!e affectio!1 Jerusalem a!d 3ome be e6il frie!ds" for they be e<ual i! ill1 Jerusalem hath crucified our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d 3ome hath slai! his apostles" Jerusalem ser6eth him that they crucified" a!d 3ome i! solem!isi! " lorifieth them that it hath slai!1 A!d !o5" my brother Timothy" these be they 5hom thou lo6edst a!d desiredst 5ith all shi!e heart" li4e as Saul a!d Jo!atha! that 5ere !ot departed i! life !e i! death" a!d so I am !ot departed from my lord a!d master" but 5he! ill a!d 5ic4ed me! depart us1 A!d the separatio! of o!e hour shall !ot be al5ays" for his soul 4!o5eth them that lo6e him thou h they spea4 !ot to him 5hich !o5 be far from him1 A!d at the day of the reat resurrectio! they shall !ot be departed from him1 +Fc Dio!ysius1 S1 Joh! Chrysostom saith i! the boo4 of praisi! of S1 (aul" a!d comme!deth this lorious apostle much" sayi! D ,hat is fou!der sufficie!t i! comme!datio! of him" sith all the ood!ess that is i! ma! the soul possesseth it o!ly" a!d hath it i! him" a!d !ot o!ly of a ma!" but also of the a! els E A!d i! 5hat ma!!er 5e shall say to you hereafter" Abel offered sacrifice" a!d of that he 5as praised" but 5e shall sho5 thee the sacrifice of (aul" a!d it shall appear reater" i!asmuch as hea6e! is hi her tha! the earth1 'or (aul sacrificed himself e6ery day" a!d offered double sacrifice i! heart a!d i! body" 5hich he mortified1 +e offered !ot sheep !e meat" but he sacrificed himself i! double 5ise" a!d yet that sufficed him !ot" but he studied to offer to God" all the 5orld1 'or he e!6iro!ed all the 5orld that is u!der hea6e! a!d made a! els of me!1 A!d moreo6er me! that 5ere li4e fie!ds he cha! ed them to a! els1 ,ho is he that is fou!d pareil or li4e to this sacrifice" 5hich (aul 5ith the s5ord of the +oly Ghost offered up to the altar 5hich is abo6e hea6e!E Abel 5as slai! by treaso! of his brother" but (aul 5as slai! of them 5hom he desired to 5ithdra5 a!d sa6e from i!!umerable e6ils1 +is deaths 5ere so ma!y that they may !ot 5ell be !umbered1 +e had as ma!y as he li6ed days1 Noah" as it is read" 4ept himself7 his 5ife" a!d his childre! i! the ar4" but (aul i! a more perilous a!d older flood" i! a! ar4 !ot made 5ith boards" 5ith pitch a!d lue" but 5ith epistles made for boards" deli6ered a!d sa6ed the u!i6ersal 5orld from the floods of error a!d of si!1 This ar4 or ship 5as !ot bor!e to o!e place" but it 5as se!t throu h the u!i6ersal 5orld" !e limed 5ith pitch !e lue" but the boards thereof 5ere a!oi!ted 5ith the +oly Ghost1 +e too4 them that 5ere 5orshippers of reaso!able beasts" almost more fools tha! u!reaso!able beasts" for to be the follo5ers of a! els1 +e o6ercame that ar4 i! 5hich 5as recei6ed the cro5" a!d se!t him out a ai!" a!d closi! a 5olf therei! 5hose 5ood!ess he could !ot cha! e1 9ut this (aul too4 falco!s a!d 4ites" a!d made of them do6es" a!d e8cluded all 5ood!ess a!d ferocity from them" a!d brou ht to them the spirit of mee4!ess1 Some mar6el of Abraham that at the comma!dme!t of God left his cou!try a!d 4i!dred" but ho5 may he be compared to (aul" 5hich !ot o!ly left his cou!try a!d 4i!dred" but also himself a!d the 5orld also1 +e forsoo4 a!d despised all thi! s a!d re<uired to ha6e but o!e thi! " a!d that 5as the charity a!d lo6e of Jesu Christ1 Ne he desired thi! s:prese!t" !e thi! s to come" etc1 9ut Abraham put himself i! peril for to sa6e his brother>s so!" but (aul sustai!ed ma!y perils for to bri! the u!i6ersal 5orld from perils of the de6il" a!d brou ht others to reat surety 5ith his o5! death1 Abraham 5ould ha6e offered his so! Isaac to God" but (aul brou ht !either frie!d !or !ei hbour" but offered himself to God a thousa!d times1 Some mar6el of the patie!ce of Isaac" for he suffered the pits that he made to be stopped" but (aul !ot beholdi! the pits stopped 5ith sto!es" !e his o5! body beate! o!ly" but them of 5hom he suffered reat pai!s he studied to bri! to hea6e!" a!d the more this 5ell 5as stopped" so much the more it flo5ed out streams i! sheddi! of 5ater of scripture" of mee4!ess a!d of patie!ce1 Of the
















patie!ce of Jacob scripture mar6elleth" 5hich abode se6e! years for his spouse" but 5ho hath that soul of a! adama!t that may follo5 the patie!ce of (aul E 'or he abode !ot o!ly se6e! years for Christ his spouse" but all his lifetime1 +e 5as !ot o!ly bur!t 5ith the heat of the day" !e suffered o!ly the frost of the !i ht" but sufferi! temptatio!s" !o5 5ith beati! s" !o5 sto!ed 5ith sto!es" a!d al5ays amo! his torme!ts cau ht the sheep a!d dre5 them to the faith from the mouth of the de6il1 A!d also he 5as made decorate a!d made fair 5ith the chastity of Joseph1 A!d here I doubt lest some 5ould ta4e it for a leasi! for to praise here (aul" 5hich crucifyi! himself" !ot o!ly the beauty of me!>s bodies" but all such thi! s that 5ere see! to be fair a!d clear that he beheld" set !o more by them tha! 5e do by a little ashes or filth" a!d abode u!mo6able as a dead ma! to a dead ma!1 All me! 5o!der at Job" for he 5as a mar6ellous champio!" but (aul 5as !ot o!ly troubled by mo!ths" but ma!y years e!duri! i! a o!y" a!d al5ays appeared clear1 +e put !ot a5ay the 5ood!ess of his flesh 5ith a shard or shell" but he ra! daily" as the u!dersta!di! mouth of a lio!" a!d fou ht a ai!st i!!umerable temptatio!s" 5hich 5ere more tolerable tha! a sto!e1 ,hich !ot of three or four frie!ds" but of all me! a!d of his brethre! he suffered opprobrium" a!d 5as co!fused a!d cursed of them all" a!d he too4 e6erythi! mee4ly a!d patie!tly1 Job 5as a ma! of reat hospitality" a!d had care of poor people" a!d that he did 5as to sustai! the filth of the flesh1 9ut S1 (aul laboured to help the sic4!ess of the souls1 Job ope!ed his house to e6ery ma! that came" but the soul of (aul sho5ed him to the u!i6ersal 5orld1 Job had sheep a!d o8e! i!!umerable" a!d of them he 5as liberal to poor me!1 (aul had !o possessio! sa6e his body" a!d 5ith that he mi!istered suflicie!tNy to them that had !eed" 5hich i! a place saithD ?!to my !ecessities" a!d to them that 5ere 5ith me" these ha!ds ha6e mi!istered1 A!d to holy Job 5ere i6e! 5orms" 5ou!ds" a!d sores" 5hich did to him much pai! a!d sorro57 but a! thou 5ilt co!sider (aul" thou shalt see betimes hu! er" chai!s" a!d perils that he suffered of his 4!o5! me! a!d of stra! ers1 +e suffered of all the 5orld" busi!ess for the churches" a!d bur!i! for sla!ders1 Thou mayst see that he 5as harder tha! a!y sto!e" a!d his soul o6ercame 5ith i!firmity" iro!" a!d adama!t1 ,hat Job suffered 5ith his body" that (aul sustai!ed 5ith his mi!d" 5hich is more rie6ous tha! a!y 5orm1 A!d oft his eyes flo5ed of tears" !ot o!ly o! days" but also o! !i hts1 +e 5as more torme!ted tha! a 5oma! i! the birth of her child" 5herefore he saidD -y little childre!" 5hom yet I bri! forth1 -oses chose to be defaced out of the boo4 of life for the health of the Je5s" a!d offered himself to perish 5ith others7 but (aul 5ould !ot o!ly perish 5ith his 4i!dred" but" that all other should be sa6ed" 5ould be cast do5! from e6erlasti! =oy1 A!d -oses repu !ed a ai!st (haraoh" a!d (aul a ai!st the de6il e6ery day1 +e for o!e people of the Je5s" a!d (aul fou ht for all the u!i6ersal 5orld" !ot by s5eat" but by blood1 S1 Joh! the 9aptist ate locusts a!d 5ild ho!ey" but (aul i! the middle of the 5orld 5as as strai ht i! his co!6ersatio! as S1 Joh! 5as i! desert1 Not o!ly he 5as fed 5ith locusts a!d 5ild ho!ey" but 5ith much fouler meat he 5as co!te!t1 'or oft he left his !ecessary meat for the fer6e!t study that he had to preach the ,ord of God1 Truly there appeared i! S1 Joh! reat co!sta!cy i! preachi! a ai!st +erodias7 but (aul" !ot o!e" !e t5o" !e three" but he corrected i!!umerable me! set up i! hi h po5er" a!d also older tyra!ts1 It resteth !o5 that 5e compare (aul to a! els" i! 5hich 5e shall preach a reat thi! " for 5ith all char e" they obey u!to God" 5hich Da6id saith" mar6elli! that they be mi hty i! 6irtue" a!d e6er do the comma!dme!ts of God1 A!d also the prophet saith that he ma4eth his a! els spirits" a!d his mi!isters fire bur!i! 1 A!d all this 5e may fi!d i! (aul" that li4e to fire a!d a spirit he hath ru! throu hout all the 5orld" a!d 5ith his preachi! hath pur ed it1 A!d yet he hath !ot sorted hea6e!" a!d that is 5o!derful" for he co!6ersed such as i! hea6e!" a!d 5as yet e!6iro!ed 5ith his mortal flesh1 Ah I Lord" ho5 much be 5e 5orthy dam!atio!" 5he! 5e see all ood thi! s to be assembled i! o!e ma!" a!d 5e study !ot to follo5 the least part of them1 Ne he had i! this 5orld !o!e other thi! " !e !o!e other !ature" !e !o!e other soul dissemblable to us" !e d5elli! i! !o!e other 5orld" but i! the same earth" a!d the same re io!" also u!der the same la5s !ourished" a!d ma!!ers7 a!d he surmou!teth all me!" that !o5 be or ha6e bee!" by 6irtue of his coura e1 Ne this thi! is !ot to be mar6elled i! him o!ly" that for the abu!da!ce of de6otio! he felt !o pai!" but he recompe!sed i! him the 6irtue for his re5ard1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that his death approached" he called others to the deli ht of his =oy" sayi! D -a4e ye =oy a!d re=oice ye 5ith me1 A!d certai!ly he hasted more to 5ro! s a!d i!=uries 5hich he suffered for his true preachi! " a!d 5as ladder thereof tha! he 5ere bidde! to a feast of reat =oy1 'or he desired more death tha! bodily life" a!d he desired more po6erty tha! riches" a!d tra6ail tha! rest" for i! his rest he chose rather 5eepi! tha! rest1 +e used to pray more for his e!emies tha! others do for their frie!ds1 A!d abo6e all other thi! he dreaded the 5rath of God" a!d had !o!e other desire" but o!ly to please God1 A!d he forsoo4 !ot o!ly all prese!t thi! s" but all thi! s that be for to come1 +e refused all prosperities that e6er 5ere or e6er shall be o! earth" a!d if 5e shall spea4 of hea6e!ly thi! s" thou shalt see the lo6e












of him i! Jesu Christ1 A!d 5ith this lo6e he thou ht himself blessed1 +e co6eted !ot to be fello5 5ith a! els !e archa! els" !e 5ith !o!e order of a! els" but he co6eted more 5ith the lo6e of God to be least of them that be pu!ished" tha! 5ithout his lo6e to be amo! so6erei ! ho!ours" a!d that 5as to him most reatest torme!t" for to depart from his lo6e" for that departi! should be to him a hell a!d pai! 5ithout e!d1 A!d o! that other side" for to use the charity of Christ 5as to him life" 5orld" a!d promissio! a!d all oods 5ithout !umber1 A!d so he despised all that 5e dread" li4e as 5e despise a herb putrified a!d rotte!1 +e reputed the tyra!ts co!spiri! their fury i!to the apostles" li4e as biti! s of fleas" a!d he reputed death" cruel!ess" a!d a thousa!d torme!ts" but as a play or ame of childre! 5hilst he suffered them for Christ>s sa4e1 +e thou ht he 5as made more fair 5ith bi!di! of chai!s tha! he had bee! cro5!ed 5ith a diadem1 'or 5he! he 5as co!strai!ed to be i! priso!" he thou ht he 5as i! hea6e!" a!d he recei6ed more ladlier beati! s a!d 5ou!ds" tha! others 6ictories1 +e lo6ed !o less sorro5s tha! meeds" for he reputed those sorro5s i!stead of re5ards1 A!d such thi! s that be to us cause of sorro5s7 5ere u!to him reat deli ht" a!d 5as e6er embraced 5ith reat 5eepi! s1 ,herefore he saidD ,ho is sla!dered a!d I bur! !otE a!d 5ho ca! sayD I deli ht i! sorro5i! E -a!y be 5ou!ded 5ith the death of their childre!" a!d ta4e comfort 5he! they may 5eep e!ou h" a!d it is most rie6a!ce to them 5he! they be restrai!ed from their 5eepi! 1 I! li4e 5ise (aul !i ht a!d day had co!solatio! of his tears a!d 5eepi! 1 There could !o ma! 5eep !e be5ail his o5! defaults as he be5ailed other me!>s defaults" for li4e as thou 5ee!est him to be i! torme!t that 5eepeth the perishi! for his si!s" the 5hich desired to be e8cluded from the =oy of hea6e!" to the e!d that they mi ht be sa6ed" for he felt as much the perishi! of other souls as he felt or tro5ed himself to perish1 To 5hat thi! may he the! be li4e!ed" to 5hat iro!" or to 5hat adama!tE 'or he 5as stro! er tha! a!y adama!t" a!d more precious tha! old or ems1 That o!e matter he o6ercame 5ith stre! th" a!d that other 5ith precious!ess1 The! 5e may say that (aul is more precious tha! all the 5orld a!d all that is therei!" for he fle5" as he had 5i! s" throu h all the 5orld i! preachi! " a!d he despised all labours a!d perils as thou h he had bee! 5ithout body1 A!d li4e as he possessed hea6e!" so he despised all earthly thi! s7 a!d li4e as iro! that is laid i! the fire is made all fire" ri ht so (aul" embraced 5ith charity" 5as made all charity1 A!d ri ht as it had bee! a commo! father of all the 5orld" so he lo6ed all me!" a!d surmou!ted all other fathers" bodily a!d hostly" by curiosity a!d pity" a!d desired a!d hasted him to yield all me! to God a!d to his 4i! dom" as thou h he had e! e!dered them1 all1 This holy (aul that 5as so simple" a!d used the craft to ma4e bas4ets" came to so reat 6irtue" that i! the space of thirty years he co!6erted to the christia! faith the (ersia!s a!d (arthia!s" them of -edia" the I!dia!s" the Scythia!s" the Ethiopia!s" a!d the Saromates a!d the Sarace!s" a!d moreo6er all ma!!er me!1 A!d li4e as fire put i! stra5 or i! to5 5asteth it" ri ht so 5asted (aul all the 5or4s of the fie!d1 A!d 5he! he 5as led throu h the reat sea" he =oyed him as reatly as thou h he had bee! led to see a! empire1 A!d 5he! he 5as e!tered i!to 3ome" it sufficed him !ot to abide there" but he 5e!t i!to Spai!" a!d 5as !e6er idle !e i! rest" but 5as al5ays more bur!i! tha! fire i! the lo6e to preach the ,ord ot God" !e dreaded !o perils" !e had !o shame of despites" but 5as e6er ready u!to battle" a!d a!o! sho5ed himself peaceable a!d amiable1 A!d 5he! his disciples sa5 him bou!d i! chai!s" for all that he ceased !ot to preach 5hilst he 5as i! priso!1 ,herefore some of the brethre! co!sideri! his teachi! " too4 the more stre! th to them" a!d 5ere more co!sta!t a ai!st the e!emies of Christ>s faith1 A!d all this" a!d much more saith S1 Joh! Chrysostom" 5hich 5ere o6ermuch to 5rite here" but this shall suflfice1 The! let us pray u!to Almi hty God" that by the merits of S1 (aul 5e may ha6e for i6e!ess of our si!s a!d trespasses i! this prese!t life" that after the same 5e may come to e6erlasti! =oy i! hea6e!1 Here follow the Live of the *eve# /rethre#" The se6e! brethre! 5ere the so!s of S1 'elicitas" 5hose !ames be Ja!uarius" 'eli8" (hilip" Sil6a!us" Ale8a!der" Vital" a!d -arcial1 All these 5ere called by the comma!dme!t of the emperor A!tho!y" tofore (ublius the pro6ost1 A!d the! the pro6ost cou!selled the mother that she should ha6e pity upo! herself a!d o! her so!s" 5ho a!s5ered a!d saidD Neither for thy flatteri! !e thy bla!dishi! 5ords thou mayst !ot dra5 me to thy desire" !e 5ith thy threate!i! s thou mayst !ot brea4 me1 I am assured of the +oly Ghost" 5hom I ha6e" that I shall ali6e o6ercome thee" a!d better shall 6a!<uish thee 5he! I am dead1 A!d the! she tur!ed her to her so!s" a!d saidD -y so!s" see the hea6e! a!d loo4 up5ard my dearest childre!" for Christ abideth you there1 'i ht ye stro! ly for Christ" a!d sho5 you faithful a!d true i! the lo6e of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost heard that" he comma!ded that she should be smitte! a!d buffeted1 A!d as the mother a!d her so!s abode most co!sta!tly i! the faith" the mother seei! a!d comforti! them" they 5ere slai! 5ith di6ers torme!ts1 A!d S1 Gre ory calleth this blessed 'elicitas






more tha! a martyr" for she suffered se6e! times death i! her se6e! so!s" a!d the ei hth time i! her proper body" a!d he saith i! his homily that S1 'elicitas i! belie6i! 5as the ha!dmaid of Christ" a!d i! preachi! 5as made the martyr of Christ1 A!d she dreaded to lea6e after her" for to li6e" her se6e! so!s i! priso!" li4e as 5orldly frie!ds dread lest they should die i! priso!1 She childed a!d bare them by the +oly Ghost" 5hom she had bor!e to the 5orld of her flesh7 a!d them 5hom she 4!e5 5ell of her o5! flesh" she mi ht !ot see die 5ithout sorro51 9ut it 5as the force of the lo6e 5ithi!forth" that o6ercame the sorro5 of the flesh1 A!d I ha6e said by ri ht this 5oma! to be more tha! a martyr" that so oft hath bee! e8ti!ct i! her so!s" i! 5hich she hath therei! multiplied martyrdom1 She o6ercame the 6ictory of martyrdom" 5he! for the lo6e of God her o!ly death sufficed her !ot1 A!d they suffered death about the year of our Lord o!e hu!dred a!d te!" u!der Decius the emperor1 The Life of *" Theodora" Theodora 5as a !oble 5oma! a!d a fair" i! Ale8a!dria i! the time of Ke!o the emperor" a!d had a rich ma! to her husba!d" a!d dreadi! God1 The de6il ha6i! e!6y to the holi!ess of Theodora" e!ticed a rich ma! of the to5! i!to the co!cupisce!ce of her7 5hich se!t her di6ers messe! ers a!d ifts" re<uiri! that she 5ould asse!t to his desire1 9ut she refused their messa e a!d despised the ifts1 +e 5as so busy o! her" a!d so much rie6ous" that she could ha6e !o rest" a!d 5as almost o6ercome1 At the last he se!t a 5itch a!d promised her ma!y thi! s if she could bri! about that she should co!se!t to his desire1 A!d she 5e!t a!d e8horted her to do this si! 5ith that ma!" a!d to ha6e pity o! him1 To 5hom she said that" tofore God all thi! s 5ere 4!o5!" 5herefor she 5ould i! !o 5ise do so reat a si!1 A!d this false e!cha!tress saidD 5hatsoe6er is do!e i! the daytime God seeth a!d 4!o5eth" but 5hat is do!e after the su! is do5! i! the 5est a!d is dar4" God 4!o5eth !othi! thereof1 To 5hom Theodora saidD Sayst thou the truthE ;ea" 6erily I tell you the truth1 A!d so the 5oma! bei! decei6ed" bade the ma! he should come at !i ht" a!d she should accomplish his 5ill a!d desire1 A!d 5he! this ill 5oma! had told this to the ma!" he 5as lad a!d =oyful" a!d 4ept his hour" a!d had his 5ill of her a!d departed1 Theodora" retur!i! to herself" be a! to 5eep most bitterly" a!d smote her 6isa e a!d breast" sayi! D AlasI alasI I ha6e lost my soul" a!d ha6e destroyed the beauty of my !ame1 +er husba!d came from 5ithout" a!d fou!d his 5ife so sorro5i! a!d desolate" desired to 4!o5 the cause for to comfort her" but she 5ould recei6e !o co!solatio!1 I! the mor! early she 5e!t to a mo!astery of !u!s" a!d dema!ded of the abbess if God could 4!o5 a!y si! do!e a!d committed by !i ht" after the day 5as passed1 To 5hom she saidD Nothi! may be hid from God" for God seeth a!d 4!o5eth all that is do!e i! 5hat hour it be committed by !i ht or day1 A!d the! she 5ept bitterly sayi! D Gi6e me the boo4 of the Gospels that some lot may fall to me1 A!d she ope!i! the boo4 fou!d 5ritte!D Guod scripsi scripsi1 The! she retur!ed home to her house1 A!d o! a day 5he! her husba!d 5as out" she cut off her hair" a!d clad her 5ith the clothes of her husba!d" a!d 5e!t to a mo!astery of mo!4s 5hich 5as ei htee! miles the!ce" a!d hied her" a!d there re<uired that she mi ht be recei6ed 5ith the mo!4s1 She 5as dema!ded of her !ame" a!d she said she 5as !amed Theodorus1 A!d there she 5as recei6ed" a!d mee4ly did all the offces" a!d her ser6ices 5ere acceptable to e6erybody1 After certai! years the abbot called brother Theodorus for to yo4e the o8e!" a!d comma!ded her that she should o to the city a!d fetch oil1 +er husba!d 5ept much for sorro5 a!d dread lest she 5ere o!e a5ay 5ith a!other ma!1 A!d the a! el of God appeared to him a!d saidD Arise early a!d sta!d i! the 5ay of the martyrs (eter a!d (aul" a!d she that shall meet thee is thy 5ife1 ,hich do!e" Theodora 5ith her camels came" a!d" seei! her husba!d" 4!e5 him 5ell" a!d said 5ithi! herselfD AlasI ood husba!d" ho5 much labour do I that I may ha6e for i6e!ess of the si! that I ha6e do!e to theeE A!d 5he! she approached him she saluted him sayi! D Our Lord i6e thee =oy" my lord1 +e !othi! 4!e5 her" a!d 5he! he had lo! abided he held him decei6ed1 A!d a 6oice said to himD +e that yesterday saluted thee 5as thy 5ife1 Theodora 5as of so reat holi!ess" that she did ma!y miracles1 She sa6ed a ma! all to:tor! 5ith a 5ild beast by her prayers" a!d she cursed that beast" a!d sudde!ly it died a!d fell do5!1 The de6il could !ot suffer her holi!ess" a!d appeared to her sayi! D Thou strumpet abo6e all other" a!d adulterer" thou hast forsa4e! thy husba!d for to come hither a!d despise me1 9y my mi ht a!d po5er I shall raise a battle a ai!st thee" a!d but I ma4e thee re!y the crucified God" say it am !ot I1 She made the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! the de6il 6a!ished a5ay1 O! a time as she retur!ed from the city" a!d i! a certai! place 5as harboured" a 5e!ch came to her i! the !i ht" sayi! D Sleep 5ith me this !i ht" 5hom she refused1 A!d












the! this 5e!ch 5e!t to a!other that lay i! the same hostelry1 ,he! her belly be a! to s5ell" she 5as dema!ded of 5hom she had co!cei6ed1 A!d she saidD That mo!4 hath lai! by me1 ,he! the child 5as bor! they se!t it to the abbot of the mo!astery" 5hich blamed sore Theodorus" a!d he mee4ly dema!ded that it mi ht be for i6e! him1 9ut he 5as cast out of the mo!astery" a!d too4 the child upo! his shoulder" a!d so she abode out of the mo!astery se6e! years" a!d !ourished the child 5ith the mil4 of the beasts1 The de6il ha6i! e!6y of her much patie!ce" i! the li4e!ess of her husba!d he tra!sfi ured him" a!d came a!d said to herD Come !o5 thou" my 5ife" for if thou hast lai! 5ith a!other ma! I for i6e it thee1 A!d she had supposed it had bee! her husba!d" a!d saidD I shall !o more d5ell 5ith thee" for the so! of Joh! the 4!i ht hath lai! by me" a!d I 5ill do pe!a!ce for that I ha6e si!!ed a ai!st thee1 A!d she made her prayer" a!d a!o! the de6il 6a!ished a5ay" a!d she 4!e5 that it 5as the de6il1 A!other time the de6il 5ould ma4e her afraid" for de6ils came to her i! the li4e!ess of terrible 5ild beasts" a!d a certai! ma! said to themD Eat ye this strumpet7 she the! prayed" a!d a!o! they 6a!ished a5ay1 A!other time a multitude of 4!i hts came" 5ith 5hom 5as a pri!ce tofore" a!d the others 5orshipped him1 ,hich 4!i hts said to Theodora" Arise a!d 5orship our pri!ce1 ,hich a!s5eredD I 5orship a!d adore my Lord God1 A!d 5he! it 5as told to the pri!ce" he comma!ded that she should be brou ht tofore him" a!d to be torme!ted 5ith so ma!y torme!ts that she should be esteemed for dead1 A!d the! she made her prayers" a!d all the multitude 6a!ished a5ay1 A!other time she sa5 there much old" a!d she blessed her a!d comme!ded her to God" a!d it 6a!ished a5ay1 A!other time she sa5 a bas4et bor!e full of all ma!!er of ood meat" a!d he that bare it said to herD The pri!ce that beat thee saith that thou shouldest ta4e this a!d eat" for he did it u!5itti! ly1 She blessed her" a!d a!o! he 6a!ished a5ay1 ,he! the se6e! years 5ere complete that she had bee! out of the mo!astery" the abbot co!sideri! her patie!ce too4 her i! a ai! 5ith her child1 A!d u!!ethe t5o years after" 5he! she had laudably accomplished her obser6a!ce" she too4 the child a!d closed it 5ith her i! her cell1 A!d 5he! the abbot 4!e5 thereof he se!t certai! of his mo!4s to ta4e heed 5hat she did a!d said1 A!d she embraci! the child a!d 4issi! saidD -y s5eet so!" the time of my death cometh" I lea6e a!d comme!d thee to God7 ta4e him for thy father a!d helper1 A!d my s5eet so!" see that thou fast a!d pray" a!d ser6e my brethre! de6outly1 A!d she thus sayi! a6e up her spirit" a!d slept i! our Lord" about the year of race four hu!dred" si8ty a!d te!" 5hich the child be holdi! be a! to 5eep bitterly1 I! that same !i ht 5as a 6isio! sho5ed to the abbot i! this 5ise1 +im seemed that a reat marria e 5as made" a!d thereto came a! els" prophets" martyrs" a!d all sai!ts" a!d i! the middle of them 5as a 5oma! beset about 5ith reat lory" a!d they that assisted her" 5orshipped her1 A!d a 6oice 5as heard sayi! D This is Theodora the mo!4 that 5as falsely accused of a child1 A!d se6e! times be cha! ed o! her1 She is chastised" because she defouled the bed of her husba!d1 A!d the! the abbot a5o4e" a!d asto!ished" 5e!t 5ith his brethre! to her cell" a!d fou!d her there dead1 A!d they e!tered i! a!d u!co6ered her" a!d fou!d that she 5as a 5oma!1 The abbot se!t for the father of the 5e!ch that sla!dered her" a!d said to himD The ma! that hath lai! by thy dau hter is !o5 dead" a!d too4 a5ay the cloth a!d so 4!e5 that she 5as a 5oma!1 A!d all that heard thereof 5ere i! reat dread1 The a! el of God spa4e to the abbot" sayi! D Arise hastily a!d ta4e thy horse" a!d ride i!to the city" a!d him that thou meet" ta4e a!d bri! him 5ith thee1 A!d forth he rode" a!d met 5ith a ma! ru!!i! " 5hom the abbot dema!ded 5hither he ra!!e" a!d he saidD -y 5ife is !o5 dead" a!d I o to see her1 A!d the abbot too4 a!d set the husba!d of Theodora o! his horse" a!d came to ether 5eepi! much sore" a!d 5ith reat re6ere!ce a!d solem!ity buried her1 The husba!d of Theodora e!tered i!to the cell of his 5ife" a!d abode therei! till that he died i! our Lord1 The child" follo5i! his !urse" Theodora" flourished i! all ho!esty" a!d 5he! the abbot of the mo!astery 5as dead" he 5as elected 5ith o!e 6oice of the co!6e!t for to be abbot1 The! let us pray to this holy sai!t Theodora" to pray Almi hty God for us1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" *withi#. /i ho&" S1 S5ithi!" the holy co!fessor" 5as bor! beside ,i!chester i! the time of St1 E bert" 4i! 1 +e 5as the se6e!th 4i! after @e!ulf that S1 9iri!us christe!ed1 'or S1 Austi! christe!ed !ot all E! la!d i! S1 Ethelbert>s days" but S1 9iri!us christe!ed the 5est part of E! la!d i! the days of @e!ulf the 4i! 1 A!d at that time this holy S1 S5ithi! ser6ed our Lady so de6outly that all people that 4!e5 him had reat =oy of his holi!ess" a!d Elmesto!" that 5as i! that time 9ishop of ,i!chester" made him priest1 A!d the! he li6ed a strai hter li6i! tha! he did before" a!d he became the! so holy i! li6i! that @i! E bert made












him his cha!cellor a!d chief of his cou!cil" a!d set Ethulf his so! a!d his heir u!der his rule a!d uidi! " a!d prayed him to ta4e heed to him that he mi ht be brou ht up 6irtuously1 A!d 5ithi! short time after the 4i! died" a!d the! his so! Ethult 5as made 4i! after him1 A!d he uided this la!d full 5ell a!d 5isely" that it i!creased reatly i! ood li6i! " throu h the cou!sel of S1 S5ithi!1 A!d 5he! Elmesto! the 9ishop of ,i!chester 5as dead" S5ithi! 5as made 9ishop there after him" 5hereof the people 5ere full lad" a!d by his holy li6i! he caused the people to li6e 6irtuously" a!d to pay their tithes to God a!d holy church1 A!d if a!y church fell do5!" or 5as i! decay" S1 S5ithi! 5ould a!o! ame!d it at his o5! cost1 Or if a!y church 5ere !ot hallo5ed" he 5ould o thither afoot a!d hallo5 it1 'or he lo6ed !o pride" !e to ride o! ay horses" !e to be praised !e flattered of the people" 5hich i! these days such thi! s be used o6er much1 God cease it1 S1 S5ithi! uided full 5ell his bishopric" a!d did much ood to the to5! of ,i!chester i! his time1 +e did do ma4e 5ithout the 5est ate of the to5! a fair brid e of sto!e at his proper cost1 A!d o! a time there came a 5oma! o6er the brid e 5ith her lap full of e s" a!d a rec4less fello5 stru led a!d 5restled 5ith her" a!d bra4e all her e s1 A!d it happed that this holy bishop came that 5ay the same time" a!d bade the 5oma! let him see her e s" a!d a!o! he lift up his ha!d a!d blessed the e s" a!d they 5ere made 5hole a!d sou!d" e6er each o!e" by the merits of this holy bishop" a!d bei! the! lad she tha!4ed God a!d this holy ma! for the miracle that 5as do!e to her1 A!d soo! after died @i! Ethulf" a!d his so! E bert rei !ed after him1 A!d after him 5as Ethelbert 4i! 7 a!d i! the third year of his rei ! died this blessed bishop S1 S5ithi!1 A!d 5he! he should die" he char ed his me! to bury him i! the churchyard" for the people should !ot 5orship him after his death1 'or he lo6ed !o pomp by his life" !e !o!e 5ould ha6e after his death1 +e passed to our Lord the year of race ei ht hu!dred a!d si81 A!d he lay i! the churchyard" ere he 5as tra!slated" a hu!dred a!d !i!e years a!d odd days1 9ut i! the time of holy 4i! Ed ar his body 5as tra!slated a!d put i! a shri!e i! the abbey of ,i!chester by S1 Du!sta! a!d Ethel5old1 A!d the same year 5as S1 Ed5ard" 4i! a!d martyr shri!ed at Shaftesbury1 These t5o bishops" Du!sta! a!d Ethel5old" 5ere 5ar!ed by our Lord to see that these t5o holy Sai!ts" S5ithi! a!d Ed5ard" should be 5orshipfully shri!ed" a!d so they 5ere 5ithi! short time after1 A!d a holy ma! 5ar!ed Ethel5old 5hilst he lay sic4" to help that these t5o holy bodies mi ht be shri!ed" a!d the! he should be perfectly 5hole" a!d so e!dure to his life>s e!d7 a!d the to4e! is that" ye shall fi!d o! S1 S5ithi!>s ra6e t5o ri! s of iro! !ailed fast thereo!1 A!d as soo! as he set ha!d o! the ri! s they came off of the sto!e" a!d !o to4e! 5as see! i! the sto!e" 5here they 5ere faste!ed i!1 A!d 5he! they had ta4e! up the sto!e from the ra6e" they set the ri! s to the sto!e a ai!" a!d a!o! they faste!ed to it by themsel6es1 A!d the! this holy bishop a6e laud a!d praisi! to our Lord for this miracle1 A!d at the ope!i! of the ra6e of S1 S5ithi!" such a s5eet odour a!d sa6our issued out that 4i! Ed ar a!d all the multitude of people 5ere fulfilled 5ith hea6e!ly s5eet!ess" a!d a bli!d ma! recei6ed there his si ht a ai!" a!d ma!y 5ere healed of di6ers sic4!ess a!d maladies by the merits of this holy sai!t" S1 S5ithi!" to 5hom let us pray that he be our ad6ocate to the ood Lord for us" etc1 Here followeth the Tra# latio# of *" Tho%a of !a#ter)ury" The tra!slatio! of the lorious martyr" S1 Thomas of Ca!terbury" 5e shall shortly rehearse u!to the laud a!d praisi! of Almi hty God" the! i! the fiftieth year after his passio!" 5hich 5as the year of =ubilee" that is of remissio!1 'or" of a!cie!t time" the fiftieth year 5as called the year of the =ubilee of pardo! a!d remissio!" a!d is yet used amo! reli ious me!1 'or 5he! a reli ious ma! hath co!ti!ued i! his order fifty years" the! he shall be admitted to ma4e his =ubilee" a!d that made" he is pardo!ed a!d hath remissio! of ma!y obser6a!ces that tofore he 5as bou!de! u!to1 The! i! this year of =ubilee from his passio!" 5as the solem!ity of his tra!slatio! accomplished" i! the time of +o!orius" the third pope of that !ame1 The 5hich ra!ted yearly remissio!s a!d i!dul e!ces so reat a!d lar e" that tofore i! !o time of mi!d hath bee! see! a!y popes to ha6e ra!ted a!d i6e! li4e1 The! let us call to mi!d that o! a Tuesday his tra!slatio! 5as accomplished1 O! the Tuesday happed to him ma!y thi! s1 O! a Tuesday he 5as bor!" o! a Tuesday he 5as e8iled" o! a Tuesday our Lord appeared to him at (ou!t!ey i! 'ra!ce" sayi! D Thomas" my church shall be lorified i! thy blood1 O! a Tuesday he retur!ed from his e8ile" a!d o! a Tuesday he suffered martyrdom1 The! ho5 this holy tra!slatio! 5as fulfilled !o5 ye shall hear1 The re6ere!d father i! God" Stephe!" Archbishop of Ca!terbury" 3ichard" bishop of Salisbury" ,alter" the prior of the same place" 5ith the












co!6e!t" 5ith spiritual so! s a!d de6out hym!s" 5he! it 5as !i ht" 5e!t to the sepulchre of this holy martyr" a!d all that !i ht a!d day of his tra!slatio!" they perse6ered i! prayers a!d fasti! s1 A!d after mid!i ht" four priests" elected a!d thereto chose!" approachi! to his body" too4 up the holy head 5ith reat de6otio! a!d re6ere!ce" a!d u!to them all offered it for to 4iss it1 The! the archbishop" a!d all the others" made reat ho!our to it" a!d too4 all the relics of the precious body" a!d laid them i! a chest" a!d shut it fast 5ith iro! loc4s" a!d set it i! a place for to be 4ept u!to the day that the tra!slatio! should be solem!ised1 The day the! of this holy tra!slatio! bei! come" there 5ere prese!t a reat i!!umerable multitude of people" as 5ell of rich as of poor1 There 5as (a!dulphus" a le ate of our holy father the pope" a!d t5o archbishops of 'ra!ce" of 3heims a!d Arles" 5ith ma!y other bishops a!d abbots" a!d also 4i! +arry the Third 5ith earls a!d baro!s" 5hich 4i! himself too4 the chest upo! his shoulders" a!d 5ith the other prelates a!d lords" brou ht it 5ith reat =oy a!d ho!our i! to the place 5here it is !o5 5orshipped" a!d 5as laid i! a fair a!d much rich shri!e1 At 5hose holy tra!slatio! 5ere sho5ed" by the merits of this holy martyr" S1 Thomas" ma!y miracles1 To bli!d me! 5as i6e! their si ht" to deaf me! their heari! " to dumb me! their speech" a!d to dead me! 5as restored life1 Amo! all others there 5as a ma!" because of reat de6otio! that he had to be at this holy tra!slatio! a!d 6isit the holy martyr" 5hich came to the brid e at 9re!tford by Lo!do!7 a!d 5he! he 5as i! the middle of the brid e" meeti! there o!e" 5as cast i!to the 5ater1 This ma!" !ot for etti! himself" called S1 Thomas u!to his help" a!d besou ht him !ot to suffer his pil rim to perish" !e to be there dro5!ed1 A!d fi6e times he sa!4 do5! to the rou!d" a!d fi6e times arose abo6e the 5ater" a!d the! he 5as cast to the dry rou!d1 The! he affirmed that he recei6ed !o 5ater i!to his mouth" !e i!to his ears that did to him rie6a!ce !e hurt that he felt" sa6e i! his falli! he felt i! his mouth a little salt 5ater7 a!d added more thereto" sayi! that" 5he! he sa!4" a bishop held him up that he mi ht !ot si!41 This holy tra!slatio! 5as do!e a!d accomplished the year of our Lord t5el6e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty" i! the !o!es of July" at three o>cloc4" i! the fiftieth year after his passio!1 'or this lorious sai!t our Lord hath sho5ed ma!y reat miracles" as 5ell by his life" as after his death a!d martyrdom1 'or a little tofore his death a you! ma! died a!d 5as raised a ai! by miracle1 A!d he said that he 5as led to see the holy order of sai!ts i! hea6e!" a!d there he sa5 a seat 6oid" a!d he as4ed for 5hom it 5as" a!d it 5as a!s5ered to him that" it 5as 4ept for the reat bishop of E! la!d" S1 Thomas of Ca!terbury1 There 5as also a simple priest that daily sa! !o other mass but of our Lady" 5hereof he 5as put to S1 Thomas his ordi!ary" 5hom accused" he opposed" a!d fou!d him full simple of co!!i! " 5herefore he suspe!ded him" a!d i!hibited him his mass1 ,herefore this priest 5as full sorry" a!d prayed humbly to our blessed Lady that he mi ht be restored a ai! to say his mass1 A!d the! our blessed Lady appeared to this priest" a!d bade him o to S1 Thomas" a!d bid him by the to4e! that the lady 5hom thou ser6est hath se5ed his shirt of hair 5ith red sil4" 5hich he shall fi!d there as he laid it" that he i6e thee lea6e to si! mass" a!d assoil thee of his suspe!di! a!d thi!e i!hibiti! " a!d restore thee a ai! to thy ser6ice1 A!d 5he! S1 Thomas heard this he 5as reatly abashed" a!d 5e!t a!d fou!d li4e as the priest had said" a!d the! assoiled him to say mass as he did before" comma!di! him to 4eep this thi! secret as lo! as he li6ed1 There 5as a lady i! E! la!d that desired reatly to ha6e rey eyes" for she had a co!ceit that she should be the more beauteous i! the si ht of the people7 a!d o!ly for that cause she made a ro5 to 6isit S1 Thomas upo! her bare feet1 A!d 5he! she came thither" a!d had de6outly made her prayers to ha6e her desire" sudde!ly she 5a8 star4 bli!d" a!d the! she percei6ed that she had offe!ded a!d displeased our Lord i! that re<uest" a!d cried God mercy of that offe!ce" a!d besou ht him full mee4ly to be restored of her si ht a ai!1 A!d by the merits of the blessed S1 Thomas she 5as restored to her si ht a ai!" a!d 5as lad to ha6e her old eyes" a!d retur!ed home a ai!" a!d li6ed holy to her life>s e!d1 Also there 5as a lord>s car6er that brou ht 5ater to him at his table" to 5hom the lord saidD If thou hast e6er stole! a!ythi! of mi!e" I pray God a!d S1 Thomas that thou ha6e !o 5ater i! the baso!" a!d sudde!ly it 5as all 6oid of the 5ater a!d dry" a!d there 5as he pro6ed a thief1 There 5as a tame bird 4ept i! a ca e 5hicb 5as lear!ed to spea41 A!d o! a time he fled out of the ca e a!d fle5 i!to the field7 a!d there came a sparro5ha54" a!d 5ould ha6e ta4e! this bird a!d pursued after1 A!d the bird bei! i! reat dread criedD S1 ThomasI helpI li4e as he had heard others spea4" a!d the sparro5ha54 fell do5! dead1 a!d the bird escaped harmless1












Also there 5as a ma! that S1 Thomas lo6ed much i! his days" a!d he fell i! a rie6ous sic4!ess" 5herefore he 5e!t to the tomb of S1 Thomas to pray for his health" a!d a!o! he had his desire a!d 5as all 5hole1 A!d as he tur!ed home5ard" bei! all 5hole" the! he be a! to dread lest this health should !ot be most profitable for his soul1 The! he retur!ed a ai! to the tomb of S1 Thomas" a!d prayed if his health 5ere !ot profitable to his soul" that his old sic4!ess mi ht come a ai! to him1 A!d it came a!o! a ai! to him" a!d e!dured u!to his life>s e!d1 A!d i! li4e 5ise there 5as a de6out bli!d ma! 5hich had his si ht restored to him a ai! by the merit of S1 Thomas7 but after" he repe!ted him for he could !ot be so <uiet i! his mi!d as he 5as before" he had the! so much letti! by seei! the 6a!ities of the 5orld1 ,herefore he prayed to our Lord that by the merits of S1 Thomas" he mi ht be bli!d a ai! to the 5orld as he 5as before" a!d a!o! he had his desire" a!d li6ed after full holily to his life>s e!d1 ,ho should tell all the miracles that our blessed Lord hath sho5ed for this holy martyr" it should o6ermuch e!dure" for e6er sith his passio! u!to this day" God hath sho5ed co!ti!ually for him ma!y reat miracles1 The! let us pray this holy sai!t to be a special ad6ocate for us 5retched si!!ers u!to our Lord God" 5ho bri! us u!to his e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Here followeth the Life of *" 5e#el%. 5#( a#d Martyr" S1 @e!elm" martyr" 5as 4i! of a part of E! la!d by ,ales1 +is father 5as 4i! tofore him" a!d 5as !amed @e!ulf" a!d fou!ded the abbey of ,i!chcombe" a!d set therei! mo!4s1 A!d 5he! he 5as dead he 5as buried i! the same abbey1 A!d that time ,i!chcombe 5as the best to5! of that cou!try1 I! E! la!d are three pri!cipal ri6ers" a!d they be Thames" Se6er!" a!d +umber1 This 4i! @e!elm 5as 4i! of ,orcestershire" ,ar5ic4shire a!d Gloucestershire" a!d the bishop of ,orcester 5as bishop of those three shires" a!d he 5as 4i! also of Derbyshire" Cheshire" Shropshire" Staffordshire" +erefo rdshire" Notti! hamshire" 9uc4i! hamshire" O8fordshire" Leicestershire" a!d Li!col!shire1 All this 5as called the -arch of ,ales" a!d of all those cou!tries S1 @e!elm 5as 4i! " a!d ,i!chcombe" that time" 5as chief city of all these shires1 A!d i! that time 5ere i! E! la!d si8 4i! s" a!d before that" Os5ald had bee! 4i! of all E! la!d1 A!d after him it 5as departed" i! S1 @e!elm>s days1 @e!ulf" his father" 5as a full holy ma!" a!d Dor!emilde a!d Gue!dred 5ere sisters of S1 @e!elm1 A!d @e!ulf" his father" died the year of our Lord ei ht hu!dred a!d !i!etee!1 The! 5as @e!elm made 4i! 5he! he 5as se6e! years of a e" a!d his sister Dor!emilde lo6ed him much" a!d they li6ed holily to ether to their li6es> e!d1 9ut Gue!dred" that other sister" tur!ed her to 5ic4ed!ess" a!d had reat e!6y of her brother @e!elm" because he 5as so rich abo6e her" a!d laboured 5ith all her po5er to destroy him" because she 5ould be <uee! a!d rei ! after him" a!d let ma4e a stro! poiso!" a!d a6e it to her brother1 9ut God 4ept him that it !e6er rie6ed him1 A!d 5he! she sa5 that she could !ot pre6ail a ai!st the 4i! i! that ma!!er" she laboured to As4eberd" 5hich 5as chief ruler about the 4i! " a!d promised to him a reat sum of mo!ey" a!d also her body at his 5ill" if he 5ould slay this you! 4i! her brother" a!d a!o! they accorded i! this treaso!1 A!d i! this 5hile" a!d at that same time" this you! holy 4i! 5as asleep" a!d dreamed a mar6ellous dream1 'or him seemed that he sa5 a tree sta!d by his bedside" a!d that the hei ht thereof touched hea6e!" a!d it shi!ed as bri ht as old" a!d had fair bra!ches full of blossoms a!d fruit1 A!d o! e6ery bra!ch of this tree 5ere tapers of 5a8 bur!i! a!d lamps ali ht" 5hich 5as a lorious si ht to behold1 A!d him thou ht that he climbed upo! this tree a!d As4eberd his o6er!or stood be!eath a!d he5ed do5! this tree that he stood o!1 A!d 5he! this tree 5as falle! do5!" this holy you! 4i! 5as hea6y a!d sorro5ful" a!d him thou ht there came a fair bird 5hich fle5 up to hea6e! 5ith reat =oy1 A!d a!o! after this dream he a5o4e" a!d 5as all abashed of this dreme" 5hich a!o! after" he told to his !urse !amed ,ol5eli!e1 A!d 5he! he had told to her all his dream" she 5as full hea6y" a!d told to him 5hat it mea!t" a!d said his sister a!d the traitor As4eberd had falsely co!spired his death1 'or she said to him that he had promised to Gue!dred to slay thee" a!d that si !ifieth that he smiteth do5! the tree that stood by thy bedside1 A!d the bird that thou sa5est flee up to hea6e!" si !ifieth thy soul" that a! els shall bear up to hea6e! after thy martyrdom1 A!d a!o! after this" As4eberd desired the 4i! that he should o a!d disport him by the 5ood>s side !amed Cle!t7 a!d as he 5al4ed" the you! 4i! 5as all hea6y a!d laid him do5! to sleep" a!d the! this false traitor purposed to ha6e slai! the 4i! " a!d be a! to ma4e the pit to bury him i!1 9ut a!o!" as God 5ould" the 4i! a5o4e" a!d said to this As4eberd that he laboured i! 6ai!" for God 5ill !ot that I die i! this place1 9ut ta4e this small rod" a!d thereas thou shalt set it i! the earth" there shall I be martyred1 A!d the! they 5e!t forth to ether" a ood 5ay the!ce" till they came to a ha5thor!" a!d there he pi ht the rod i! the earth" a!d forth5ith i!co!ti!e!t it bare ree! lea6es" a!d sudde!ly it












5a8ed to a reat ash tree" the 5hich sta!deth there yet u!to this day" a!d is called @e!elm>s ash1 A!d there this As4eberd smote off this holy you! 4i! >s head1 A!d a!o!" his soule 5as bor!e up i!to hea6e! i! li4e!ess of a 5hite do6e1 A!d the! the 5ic4ed traitor dre5 the body i!to a reat 6alley bet5ee! t5o hills" a!d there he made a deep pit a!d cast the body therei!" a!d laid the head upo! it1 A!d 5hilst he 5as about to smite off the head" the holy 4i! " 4!eeli! o! his 4!ees" said this holy ca!ticleD Te Deum laudamus" till he came to this 6erseD Te martyrum ca!didatus" a!d there5ith he a6e up his spirit to our Lord Jesu Christ i! li4e!ess of a do6e" as afore is said1 The! a!o! this 5ic4ed ma! As4eberd 5e!t to Gue!dred" a!d told to her all alo! ho5 he had do!e" 5hereof she 5as full lad" a!d a!o! after" too4 o! her to be <uee!" a!d char ed" o! pai! of death" that !o ma! should spea4 of @e!elm1 A!d after that she aba!do!ed her body to 5retched li6i! of her flesh i! lechery" a!d brou ht her o5! me! to 5retched li6i! 1 A!d this holy body lay lo! time after i! that 5ood called Cle!t" for !o ma! durst fetch him the!ce to bury him i! hallo5ed place for fear of the <uee! Gue!dred1 A!d it 5as so that a poor 5ido5 li6ed thereby" 5hich had a 5hite co5" 5hich 5as dri6e! i! to the 5ood of Cle!t1 A!d a!o! as she 5as there she 5ould depart a!d o i!to the 6alley 5here @e!elm 5as buried" a!d there rest all the day sitti! by the corpse 5ithout meat1 A!d e6ery !i ht came home 5ith other beasts" fatter" a!d a6e more mil4 tha! a!y of the other 4i!e" a!d so co!ti!ued certai! years" 5hereof the people mar6elled that she e6er 5as i! so ood poi!t a!d ate !o meat1 That 6alley 5hereas S1 @e!elm>s body lay is called Co5ba e1 After" o! a time" as the pope sa! mass at 3ome i! S1 (eter>s church" sudde!ly there came a 5hite do6e" a!d let fall a scroll o! the altar 5hereo! the pope said his mass1 A!d these 5ords 5ere 5ritte! therei! i! letters of oldD




'n (lent in (o!bage, )enelm, %ing born, Lieth under a thorn, His head off shorn. A!d 5he! the pope had said his mass" he sho5ed the scroll to all the people" but there 5as !o!e that could tell 5hat it mea!t" till at last there came a! E! lishma!" a!d he told it ope!ly tofore all the people 5hat it mea!t1 A!d the! the pope 5ith all the people a6e laud a!d praisi! to our Lord" a!d 4ept that scroll for a relic1 A!d the feast of S1 @e!elm 5as hallo5ed that day solem!ly throu h all 3ome1 A!d a!o! after" the pope se!t his messe! ers i!to E! la!d to the archbishop of Ca!terbury" !amed ,ilfrid" a!d bade him" 5ith his bishops" o a!d see4 the place 5here the holy body lieth" 5hich is !amed Co5ba e" i! the 5ood of Cle!t1 A!d the! this place 5as soo! 4!o5!" because of the miracle that 5as sho5ed by the 5hite co51 A!d 5he! the archbishop" 5ith other bishops" a!d ma!y other people came thither a!d fou!d the place" a!o! they Iet di up the body" a!d too4 it up 5ith reat solem!ity1 A!d forth5ith spra! up i! the same place" 5hereas the body had lai!" a fair 5ell" 5hich is called S1 @e!elm>s 5ell u!to this day" 5here much people ha6e bee! healed of di6ers sic4!esses a!d maladies1 A!d 5he! the body 5as abo6e the earth" there fell a strife bet5ee! them of ,orcestershire a!d of Gloucestershire" 5ho should ha6e this body1 A!d the! a full ood ma! that 5as there amo! them a6e cou!sel that all the people should lie do5! a!d sleep a!d rest them" for the 5eather 5as the! ri ht hot1 A!d 5hich of the t5o shires that God 5ould first a5a4e" they to ta4e this holy body a!d o their 5ay1 A!d all the people a reed thereto a!d lay them do5! to sleep1 A!d it happed that the abbot of ,i!chcombe a!d all his me! a5o4e first" a!d they too4 up the holy body" a!d bare it forth to5ard ,i!chcombe till they came upo! a! hill a mile from the abbey1 A!d for heat a!d labour they 5ere !i h dead for thirst" a!d a!o! they prayed to God" a!d to this holy sai!t to be their comfort1 A!d the! the abbot pi ht his cross i!to the earth" a!d forth5ith spra! up there a fair 5ell" 5hereof they dra!4 a!d refreshed them much1 A!d the! too4 up this holy body 5ith reat solem!ity1 A!d the mo!4s recei6ed it 5ith processio! solem!ly" a!d brou ht it i!to the abbey 5ith reat re6ere!ce" =oy a!d mirth" a!d the bells sou!ded a!d 5ere ru! 5ithout ma!>s ha!d1 A!d the! the <uee! Gue!dred dema!ded 5hat all this ri! i! mea!t1 A!d they told her ho5 her brother @e!elm 5as brou ht 5ith processio! i!to the abbey" a!d that the bells ru! 5ithout ma!> s help1 A!d the! she said" i! secret scor!D That is as true" said she" as both my eyes fall upo! this boo4" a!d a!o! both her eyes fell out of her head upo! the boo41 A!d yet it is see! o! this day 5here they fell upo! the psalter she read that same time1 Deum laudemus1 A!d soo! after she died 5retchedly" a!d 5as cast out i!to a foul mire" a!d the! after" 5as this holy body of S1 @e!elm laid i! a! ho!ourable shri!e" 5hereas our Lord sho5eth daily ma!y a miracle1 To 5hom be i6e! laud a!d praisi! " 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1







Here followeth the (loriou Life a#d &a io# of the /le ed Vir(i# a#d Martyr *" Mar(aret. a#d fir t of her #a%e" -ar aret is said of a precious em" or ouche" that is !amed a mar aret1 ,hich em is 5hite" little a!d 6irtuous1 So the blessed -ar aret 5as 5hite by 6ir i!ity" little by humility" a!d 6irtuous by operatio! of miracles1 The 6irtue of this sto!e is said to be a ai!st effusio! of blood" a ai!st passio! of the heart" a!d to co!fortatio! of the spirit1 I! li4e 5ise the blessed -ar aret had 6irtue a ai!st sheddi! of her blood by co!sta!cy" for i! her martyrdom she 5as most co!sta!t" a!d also a ai!st the passio! of the heare" that is to say" temptatio! of the de6il1 'or she o6ercame the de6il by 6ictory" a!d to the co!fortatio! of the spirit by doctri!e" for by her doctri!e she comforted much people" a!d co!6erted to the faith of Christ1 Theotei!us" a lear!ed ma!" 5rote her le e!d1 The holy S1 -ar aret 5as of the city of A!tioch" dau hter of Theodosius" patriarch a!d pri!ce of the idols of pay!ims1 A!d she 5as deli6ered to a !urse for to be 4ept1 A!d 5he! she came to perfect a e she 5as baptiHed" 5herefor she 5as i! reat hate of her father1 O! a certai! day" 5he! she 5as fiftee! years of a e" a!d 4ept the sheep of her !urse 5ith other maide!s" the pro6ost Olybrius passed by the 5ay 5hereas she 5as" a!d co!sidered i! her so reat beauty a!d fair!ess" that a!o! he bur!ed i! her lo6e" a!d se!t his ser6a!ts a!d bade them ta4e her a!d bri! her to him1 'or if she be free I shall ta4e her to my 5ife" a!d if she be bo!d" I shall ma4e her my co!cubi!e1 A!d 5he! she 5as prese!ted tofore him he dema!ded her of her li!ea e" !ame a!d reli io!1 A!d she a!s5ered that she 5as of !oble li!ea e" a!d for her !ame -ar aret" a!d christia! i! reli io!1 To 5hom the pro6ost saidD The t5o first thi! s be co!6e!ie!t to thee" that is that thou art !oble" a!d art called -ar aret 5hich is a most fair !ame" but the third appertai!eth !othi! to thee" that so fair a maid a!d so !oble should ha6e a God crucified1 To 5hom she saidD +o5 4!o5est thou that Christ 5as crucifiedE +e a!s5eredD 9y the boo4s of christia! me!1 To 5hom -ar aret saidD O 5hat shame is it to you" 5he! you read the pai! of Christ a!d the lory" a!d belie6e o!e thi! a!d de!y a!other1 A!d she said a!d affirmed him to be crucified by his 5ill for our redemptio!" a!d !o5 li6eth e6er i! bliss1 A!d the! the pro6ost" bei! 5roth" comma!ded her to be put i! priso!1 A!d the !e8t day follo5i! comma!ded that she should be brou ht to him" a!d the! said to herD O ood maid" ha6e pity o! thy beauty" a!d 5orship our ods" that thou mayest be 5ell1 To 5hom she saidD I 5orship him that ma4eth the earth to tremble" 5hom the sea dreadeth a!d the 5i!ds a!d creatures obey1 To 5hom the pro6ost saidD 9ut if thou co!se!t to me I shall ma4e thy body to be all to:tor!1 To 5hom -ar aret saidD Christ a6e himself o6er to the death for me" a!d I desire ladly to die for Christ1 The! the pro6ost comma!ded her to be ha! ed i! a! i!strume!t to torme!t the people" a!d to be cruelly first beate! 5ith rods" a!d 5ith iro! combs to re!d a!d dra5 her flesh to the bo!es" i!somuch that the blood ra! about out of her body" li4e as a stream ru!!eth out of a fresh spri! i! 5ell1 They that 5ere there 5ept" a!d saidD O -ar aret" 6erily 5e be sorry for thee" 5hich see thy body so foul" a!d so cruelly tor! a!d re!t1 O ho5 thy most beauty hast thou lost for thy i!credulity a!d misbelief1 No5 belie6e" a!d thou shalt li6e1 The! said she to themD * e6il cou!sellors" depart ye" a!d o from me" this cruel torme!t of my flesh is sal6atio! of my soul1 The! she said to the pro6ostD Thou shameless hou!d a!d i!satiable lio!" thou hast po5er o6er my flesh" but Christ reser6eth my soul1 The pro6ost co6ered his face 5ith his ma!tle" for he mi ht !ot see so much effusio! of blood" a!d the! comma!ded that she should be ta4e! do5!" a!d to shut her fast i! priso!" a!d there 5as see! a mar6ellous bri ht!ess i! the priso!" of the 4eepers1 A!d 5hilst she 5as i! priso!" she prayed our Lord that the fie!d that had fou ht 5ith her" he 5ould 6isibly sho5 him u!to her1 A!d the! appeared a horrible dra o! a!d assailed her" a!d 5ould ha6e de6oured her" but she made the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! he 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d i! a!other place it is said that he s5allo5ed her i!to his belly" she ma4i! the si ! of the cross1 A!d the belly bra4e asu!der" a!d so she issued out all 5hole a!d sou!d1 This s!allo!ing and brea%ing of the belly of the dragon is said that it is apocryphal. After this the de6il appeared to her i! li4e!ess of a ma! for to decei6e her1 A!d 5he! she sa5 him" she 5e!t to prayer a!d after arose" a!d the fie!d came to her" a!d too4 her by the ha!d a!d saidD It sufficeth to thee that thou hast do!e" but !o5 cease as to my perso!1 She cau ht him by the head a!d thre5 him to















the rou!d" a!d set her ri ht foot o! his !ec4 sayi! D Lie still" thou fie!d" u!der the feet of a 5oma!1 The de6il the! criedD O blessed -ar aret" I am o6ercome1 If a you! ma! had o6ercome me I had !ot rec4ed" but alasI I am o6ercome of a te!der 6ir i!7 5herefore I ma4e the more sorro5" for thy father a!d mother ha6e bee! my ood frie!ds1 She the! co!strai!ed him to tell 5hy he came to her" a!d he a!s5ered" that he came to her to cou!sel her for to obey the desire a!d re<uest of the pro6ost1 The! she co!strai!ed him to say 5herefore he tempted so much a!d so ofte! christia! people1 To 5hom he a!s5ered that !aturally he hated 6irtuous me!" a!d thou h 5e be oft put abac4 from them" yet our desire is much to e8clude them from the felicity that they fell from" for 5e may !e6er obtai! !e reco6er our bliss that 5e ha6e lost1 A!d she the! dema!ded 5hat he 5as" a!d he a!s5eredD I am Veltis" o!e of them 5hom Solomo! closed i! a 6essel of brass1 A!d after his death it happed that they of 9abylo! fou!d this 6essel7 a!d supposed to ha6e fou!de! reat treasure therei!" a!d bra4e the 6essel" a!d the! a reat multitude of us de6ils fle5 out a!d filled full the air al5ay" a5aiti! a!d espyi! 5here 5e may assail ri htful me!1 A!d 5he! he had said thus" she too4 off her foot a!d said to himD 'lee he!ce" thou 5retched fie!d1 A!d a!o! the earth ope!ed" a!d the fie!d sa!4 i!1 The! she 5as sure" for 5he! she had o6ercome the master" she mi ht li htly o6ercome the mi!ister1 The! the !e8t day follo5i! " 5he! all the people 5as assembled" she 5as prese!ted tofore the =ud e1 A!d she !ot doi! sacrifice to their false ods" 5as cast i!to the fire" a!d her body broiled 5ith bur!i! bra!ds" i! such 5ise that the people mar6elled that so te!der a maid mi ht suffer so ma!y torme!ts1 A!d after that" they put her i! a reat 6essel full of 5ater" fast bou!de!" that by cha! i! of the torme!ts" the sorro5 a!d feeli! of the pai! should be the more1 9ut sudde!ly the earth trembled" a!d the air 5as hideous" a!d the blessed 6ir i! 5ithout a!y hurt issued out of the 5ater" sayi! to our LordD I beseech thee" my Lord" that this 5ater may be to me the fo!t of baptism to e6erlasti! life1 A!d a!o! there 5as heard reat thu!der" a!d a do6e desce!ded from hea6e!" a!d set a olde! cro5! o! her head1 The! fi6e thousa!d me! belie6ed i! our Lord" a!d for Christ>s lo6e they all 5ere beheaded by the comma!dme!t of the pro6ost Olybrius" that time i! Campolymeath the city of Aurelia1 The! Olybrius" seei! the faith of the holy -ar aret immo6eable" a!d also feari! that others should be co!6erted to the christia! faith by her" a6e se!te!ce a!d comma!ded that she should be beheaded1 The! she prayed to o!e -alchus that should behead her" that she mi ht ha6e space to pray1 A!d that ot" she prayed to our Lord" sayi! D 'ather Almi hty" I yield to thee tha!4i! s that thou hast suffered me to come to this lory" beseechi! thee to pardo! them that pursue me1 A!d I beseech thee" ood Lord" that of thy abu!da!t race" thou 5ilt ra!t u!to all them that 5rite my passio!" read it or hear" a!d to them that remember me" that they may deser6e to ha6e plai! remissio! a!d for i6e!ess of all their si!s1 A!d also" ood Lord" if a!y 5oma! 5ith child tra6aili! i! a!y place" call o! me that thou 5ilt 4eep her from peril" a!d that the child may be deli6ered from her belly 5ithout a!y hurt of his members1 A!d 5he! she had fi!ished her prayer there 5as a 6oice heard from hea6e! sayi! " that her prayers 5ere heard a!d ra!ted" a!d that the ates of hea6e! 5ere ope! a!d abode for her" a!d bade her come i!to the cou!try of e6erlasti! rest1 The! she" tha!4i! our Lord" arose up" a!d bade the ha! ma! accomplish the comma!dme!t of the pro6ost1 To 5hom the ha! ma! saidD God forbid that I should slay thee" 6ir i! of Christ1 To 5hom she saidD If thou do it !ot thou mayest ha6e !o part 5ith me1 The! he bei! afraid a!d trembli! smote off her head" a!d he" falli! do5! at her feet" a6e up the host1 The! Theoti!us too4 up the holy body" a!d bare it i!to A!tioch" a!d buried it i! the house of a !oble 5oma! a!d 5ido5 !amed Si!cletia1 A!d thus this blessed a!d holy 6ir i!" S1 -ar aret" suffered death" a!d recei6ed the cro5! of martyrdom the thirtee!th 4ale!ds of Au ust" as is fou!de! i! her story7 a!d it is read i! a!other place that it 5as the third ides of July1 Of this 6ir i! 5riteth a! holy ma! a!d saithD The holy a!d blessed -ar aret 5as full of the dread of God" sad" stable" a!d 5orshipful i! reli io!" arrayed 5ith compu!ctio!" laudable i! ho!esty" a!d si! ular i! patie!ce" a!d !othi! 5as fou!d i! her co!trary to christia! reli io!" hateful to her father" a!d belo6ed of our Lord Jesu Christ1 The! let us remember this holy 6ir i! that she pray for us i! our !eeds" etc1 Here followeth of *" Pra+ede. Vir(i#" S1 (ra8ede 5as sister of S1 (ote!tia! 5hich 5ere the sisters of the SS1 Do!atus a!d Timothy" 5hich 5ere i!formed i! the faith of the apostles1 A!d 5he! the cruel persecutio! 5as of ma!y christia! me!" that 5ere martyred a!d slai!" they buried the bodies of the holy martyrs" a!d a6e all their oods a!d faculties









to poor people for God>s lo6e1 A!d at last they slept i! our Lord" a!d died about the year of our Lord" O!e hu!dred a!d si8ty" u!der -ar4 A!to!y the pro6ost1 Here followeth the life of *" Mary Ma(dale#e. a#d fir t of her #a%e"

-ary is as much to say as bitter" or a li hter" or li hted1 9y this be u!derstood three thi! s that be three" the best parts that she chose1 That is to say" part of pe!a!ce" part of co!templatio! 5ithi! forth" a!d part of hea6e!ly lory1 A!d of this treble part is u!derstood that is said by our LordD -ary hath chose! the best part" 5hich shall !ot be ta4e! from her1 The first part shall !ot be ta4e! from her because of the e!d" 5hich is the follo5i! of blessed!ess7 the seco!d because of co!ti!ua!ce" for the co!ti!ua!ce of her life is co!ti!ued 5ith the co!templatio! of her cou!try1 The third by reaso! of perdurable!ess7 a!d forasmuch as she chose the best part of pe!a!ce" she is saidD a bitter sea" for therei! she had much bitter!ess1 A!d that appeared i! that she 5ept so ma!y tears that she 5ashed there5ith the feet of our Lord1 A!d for so much as she chose the part of co!templatio! 5ithi!forth" she is a li hter" for there she too4 so lar ely that she spread it abu!da!tly1 She too4 the li ht there" 5ith 5hich after she e!lumi!ed other" a!d i! that she chose the best part of the hea6e!ly lory" she is called the li ht1 'or the! she 5as e!lumi!ed of perfect 4!o5led e i! thou ht" a!d 5ith the li ht i! clear!ess of body1 -a dale!e is as much as to say as abidi! culpable1 Or -a dale!e is i!terpreted as closed or shut" or !ot to be o6ercome1 Or full of ma !ifice!ce" by 5hich is sho5ed 5hat she 5as tofore her co!6ersio!" a!d 5hat i! her co!6ersio!" a!d 5hat after her co!6ersio!1 'or tofore her co!6ersio! she 5as abidi! uilty by obli atio! to e6erlasti! pai!1 I! the co!6ersio! she 5as ar!ished by armour of pe!a!ce1 She 5as i! the best 5ise ar!ished 5ith pe!a!ce1 'or as ma!y delices as she had i! her" so ma!y sacrifices 5ere fou!d i! her1 A!d after her co!6ersio! she 5as praised by o6erabu!da!ce of race1 'or 5hereas si! abou!ded" race o6erabou!ded" a!d 5as more" etc1 Of Mary Ma(dale#e" -ary -a dale!e had her sur!ame of -a dalo" a castle" a!d 5as bor! of ri ht !oble li!ea e a!d pare!ts" 5hich 5ere desce!ded of the li!ea e of 4i! s1 A!d her father 5as !amed Cyrus" a!d her mother Eucharis1 She 5ith her brother LaHarus" a!d her sister -artha" possessed the castle of -a dalo" 5hich is t5o miles from NaHareth" a!d 9etha!y" the castle 5hich is !i h to Jerusalem" a!d also a reat part of Jerusalem" 5hich" all these thi! s they departed amo! them1 I! such 5ise that -ary had the castle -a dalo" 5hereof she had her !ame -a dale!e1 A!d LaHarus had the part of the city of Jerusalem" a!d -artha had to her part 9etha!y1 A!d 5he! -ary a6e herself to all deli hts of the body" a!d LaHarus e!te!ded all to 4!i hthood" -artha" 5hich 5as 5ise" o6er!ed !obly her brother>s part a!d also her sister>s" a!d also her o5!" a!d admi!istered to 4!i hts" a!d her ser6a!ts" a!d to poor me!" such !ecessities as they !eeded1 Ne6ertheless" after the asce!sio! of our Lord" they sold all these thi! s" a!d brou ht the 6alue thereof" a!d laid it at the feet of the apostles1 The! 5he! -a dale!e abou!ded i! riches" a!d because deli ht is fello5 to riches a!d abu!da!ce of thi! s7 a!d for so much as she sho!e i! beauty reatly" a!d i! riches" so much the more she submitted her body to deli ht" a!d therefore she lost her ri ht !ame" a!d 5as called customably a si!!er1 A!d 5he! our Lord Jesu Christ preached there a!d i! other places" she 5as i!spired 5ith the +oly Ghost" a!d 5e!t i!to the house of Simo! leprous" 5hereas our Lord di!ed1 The! she durst !ot" because she 5as a si!!er" appear tofore the =ust a!d ood people" but remai!ed behi!d at the feet of our Lord" a!d 5ashed his feet 5ith the tears of her eyes a!d dryed them 5ith the hair of her head" a!d a!oi!ted them 5ith precious oi!tme!ts1 'or the i!habita!ts of that re io! used baths a!d oi!tme!ts for the o6er reat bur!i! a!d heat of the su!1 A!d because that Simo! the (harisee thou ht i! himself that" if our Lord had bee! a 6ery prophet" he 5ould !ot ha6e suffered a si!ful 5oma! to ha6e touched him" the! our Lord repro6ed him of his presumptio!" a!d for a6e the 5oma! all her si!s1 A!d this is she" that same -ary -a dale!e to 5hom our Lord a6e so ma!y reat ifts1 A!d sho5ed so reat si !s of lo6e" that he too4 from her se6e! de6ils1 +e embraced her all i! his lo6e" a!d made her ri ht familiar 5ith him1 +e 5ould that she should be his hostess" a!d his procuress o! his =our!ey" a!d he ofttimes e8cused her s5eetly7 for he e8cused her a ai!st the (harisee 5hich said that she 5as !ot clea!" a!d u!to her sister that said she 5as idle" u!to Judas" 5ho said that she 5as a 5astresse of oods1 A!d 5he! he sa5 her 5eep he could !ot 5ithhold his tears1 A!d for the lo6e of her he raised LaHarus 5hich had bee! four days dead" a!d healed her sister from the flu8 of blood 5hich had held her se6e! years1 A!d by the merits of her he made -artelle" chamberer of her sister -artha" to say that s5eet 5ordD 9lessed be the 5omb that bare thee" a!d the paps that a6e thee suc41 9ut" after S1 Ambrose" it 5as


















-artha that said so" a!d this 5as her chamberer1 This -ary -a dale!e is she that 5ashed the feet of our Lord a!d dried them 5ith the hair of her head" a!d a!oi!ted them 5ith precious oi!tme!t" a!d did solem! pe!a!ce i! the time of race" a!d 5as the first that chose the best part" 5hich 5as at the feet of our Lord" a!d heard his preachi! 1 ,hich a!oi!ted his head7 at his passio! 5as !i h u!to the cross7 5hich made ready oi!tme!ts" a!d 5ould a!oi!t his body" a!d 5ould !ot depart from the mo!ume!t 5he! his disciples departed1 To 5hom Jesu Christ appeared first after his resurrectio!" a!d 5as fello5 to the apostles" a!d made of our Lord apostolesse of the apostles" the! after the asce!sio! of our Lord" the fourtee!th year from his passio!" lo! after that the Je5s had slai! S1 Stephe!" a!d had cast out the other disciples out of the Je5ry" 5hich 5e!t i!to di6ers cou!tries" a!d preached the 5ord of God1 There 5as that time 5ith the apostles S1 -a8imi!" 5hich 5as o!e of the se6e!ty:t5o disciples of our Lord" to 5hom the blessed -ary -a dale!e 5as committed by S1 (eter" a!d the!" 5he! the disciples 5ere departed" S1 -a8imi!" -ary -a dale!e" a!d LaHarus her brother" -artha her sister" -arcelle" chamberer of -artha" a!d S1 Cedo!y 5hich 5as bor! bli!d" a!d after e!lumi!ed of our Lord7 all these to ether" a!d ma!y other christia! me! 5ere ta4e! of the miscrea!ts a!d put i! a ship i! the sea" 5ithout a!y tac4le or rudder" for to be dro5!ed1 9ut by the pur6eya!ce of Almi hty God they came all to -arseilles" 5here" as !o!e 5ould recei6e them to be lod ed" they d5elled a!d abode u!der a porch tofore a temple of the people of that cou!try1 A!d 5he! the blessed -ary -a dale!e sa5 the people assembled at this temple for to do sacrifice to the idols" she arose up peaceably 5ith a lad 6isa e" a discreet to! ue a!d 5ell spea4i! " a!d be a! to preach the faith a!d la5 of Jesu Christ" a!d 5ithdre5 from the 5orshippi! of the idols1 The! 5ere they amar6elled of the beauty" of the reaso!" a!d of the fair spea4i! of her1 A!d it 5as !o mar6el that the mouth that had 4issed the feet of our Lord so debo!airly a!d so oodly" should be i!spired 5ith the 5ord of God more tha! the other1 A!d after that" it happed that the pri!ce of the pro6i!ce a!d his 5ife made sacrifice to the idols for to ha6e a child1 A!d -ary -a dale!e preached to them Jesu Christ a!d forbade them those sacrifices1 A!d after that a little 5hile" -ary -a dale!e appeared i! a 6isio! to that lady" sayi! D ,herefore hast thou so much riches a!d sufferest the poor people our Lord to die for hu! er a!d for coldE A!d she doubted" a!d 5as afraid to sho5 this 6isio! to her lord1 A!d the! the seco!d !i ht she appeared to her a ai! a!d said i! li4e5ise a!d ad=ousted thereto me!aces" if she 5ar!ed !ot her husba!d for to comfort the poor a!d !eedy" a!d yet she said !othi! thereof to her husba!d1 A!d the! she appeared to her the third !i ht" 5he! it 5as dar4" a!d to her husba!d also" 5ith a fro5!i! a!d a! ry 6isa e li4e fire" li4e as all the house had bur!ed" a!d saidD Thou tyra!t a!d member of thy father the de6il" 5ith that serpe!t thy 5ife" that 5ill !ot say to thee my 5ords" thou restest !o5 e!emy of the cross" 5hich hast filled thy belly by lutto!y" 5ith di6ers ma!!er of meats a!d sufferest to perish for hu! er the holy sai!ts of our Lord1 Liest thou !ot i! a palace 5rapped 5ith clothes of sil41 A!d thou seest them 5ithout harbour" discomforted" a!d oest forth a!d ta4est !o re ard to them1 Thou shalt !ot escape so !e depart 5ithout pu!ishme!t" thou tyra!t a!d felo! because thou hast so lo! tarried1 A!d 5he! -ary -a dale!e had said thus she departed a5ay1 The! the lady a5o4e a!d si hed1 A!d the husba!d si hed stro! ly also for the same cause" a!d trembled1 A!d the! she saidD Sir" hast thou see! the s5e6e! that I ha6e see!E I ha6e see!" said he" that I am reatly amar6elled of" a!d am sore afraid 5hat 5e shall do1 A!d his 5ife saidD It is more profitable for us to obey her" tha! to ru! i!to the ire of her God" 5hom she preacheth1 'or 5hich cause they recei6ed them i!to their house" a!d mi!istered to them all that 5as !ecessary a!d !eedful to them1 The! as -ary -a dale!e preached o! a time" the said pri!ce said to herD ,ee!est thou that thou mayst defe!d the la5 that thou preachestE A!d she a!s5eredD Certai!ly" I am ready to defe!d it" as she that is co!firmed e6ery day by miracles" a!d by the predicatio! of our master" S1 (eter" 5hich !o5 sitteth i! the see at 3ome1 To 5hom the! the pri!ce saidD I a!d my 5ife be ready to obey thee i! all thi! s" if thou mayst et of thy od 5hom thou preachest" that 5e mi ht ha6e a child1 A!d the! -ary -a dale!e said that it should !ot be left" a!d the! prayed u!to our Lord that he 5ould 6ouchsafe of his race to i6e to them a so!1 A!d our Lord heard her prayers" a!d the lady co!cei6ed1 The! her husba!d 5ould o to S1 (eter for to 5it if it 5ere true that -ary -a dale!e had preached of Jesu Christ1 The! his 5ife said to himD ,hat 5ill ye do sir" 5ee! ye to o 5ithout meE Nay" 5he! thou shalt depart" I shall depart 5ith thee" a!d 5he! thou shalt retur! a ai! I shall retur!" a!d 5he! thou shalt rest a!d tarry" I shall rest a!d tarry1 To 5hom her husba!d a!s5ered" a!d saidD Dame" it shall !ot be so" for thou art reat" a!d the perils of the sea be 5ithout !umber1 Thou mi htest li htly perish" thou shalt abide at home a!d ta4e heed to our possessio!s1 A!d this lady for !othi! 5ould !ot cha! e her purpose" but fell do5! o! her 4!ees at his feet sore 5eepi! " re<uiri! him to ta4e her 5ith him1 A!d so at last he co!se!ted" a!d ra!ted her re<uest1 The! -ary -a dale!e set the si ! of the cross o! their shoulders" to the e!d that the fie!d mi ht !ot empesh !e let
















them i! their =our!ey1 The! char ed they a ship abu!da!tly of all that 5as !ecessary to them" a!d left all their thi! s i! the 4eepi! of -ary -a dale!e" a!d 5e!t forth o! their pil rima e1 A!d 5he! they had made their course" a!d sailed a day a!d a !i ht" there arose a reat tempest a!d ora e1 A!d the 5i!d i!creased a!d re5 o6er hideous" i! such 5ise that this lady" 5hich 5as reat" a!d !i h the time of her childi! " be a! to 5a8 feeble" a!d had reat a! uishes for the reat 5a6es a!d troubli! of the sea" a!d soo! after be a! to tra6ail" a!d 5as deli6ered of a fair so!" by occasio! of the storm a!d tempest" a!d i! her childi! died1 A!d 5he! the child 5as bor! he cried for to ha6e comfort of the teats of his mother" a!d made a piteous !oise1 AlasI 5hat sorro5 5as this to the father" to ha6e a so! bor! 5hich 5as the cause of the death of his mother" a!d he mi ht !ot li6e" for there 5as !o!e to !ourish him1 AlasI 5hat shall this pil rim do" that seeth his 5ife dead" a!d his so! cryi! after the breast of his motherE A!d the pil rim 5ept stro! ly a!d saidD AlasI caitiff" alasI ,hat shall I doE I desired to ha6e a so!" a!d I ha6e lost both the mother a!d the so!1 A!d the mari!ers the! saidD This dead body must be cast mto the sea" or else 5e all shall perish" for as lo! as she shall abide 5ith us" this tempest shall !ot cease1 A!d 5he! they had ta4e! the body for to cast it i!to the sea" the husba!d saidD Abide a!d suffer a little" a!d if ye 5ill !ot spare to me my 5ife" yet at least spare the little child that cryeth" I pray you to tarry a 5hile" for to 4!o5 if the mother be as5oo! of the pai!" a!d that she mi ht re6i6e1 A!d 5hilst he thus spa4e to them" the shipme! espied a mou!tai! !ot far from the ship1 A!d the! they said that it 5as best to set the ship to5ard the la!d a!d to bury it there" a!d so to sa6e it from de6ouri! of the fishes of the sea1 A!d the ood ma! did so much 5ith the mari!ers" 5hat for prayers a!d for mo!ey" that they brou ht the body to the mou!tai!1 A!d 5he! they should ha6e di ed for to ma4e a pit to lay the body i!" they fou!d it so hard a roc4 that they mi ht !ot e!ter for hard!ess of the sto!e1 A!d they left the body there Iyi! " a!d co6ered it 5ith a ma!tle7 a!d the father laid his little so! at the breast of the dead mother a!d said 5eepi! D O -ary -a dale!e" 5hy camest thou to -arseilles to my reat loss a!d e6il ad6e!tureE ,hy ha6e I at thi!e i!sta!ce e!terprised this =our!eyE +ast thou re<uired of God that my 5ife should co!cei6e a!d should die at the childi! of her so!E 'or !o5 it beho6eth that the child that she hath co!cei6ed a!d bor!e" perish because it hath !o !urse1 This ha6e I had by thy prayer" a!d to thee I comme!d them" to 5hom I ha6e comme!ded all my oods1 A!d also I comme!d to thy God" if he be mi hty" that he remember the soul of the mother" that he by thy prayer ha6e pity o! the child that he perish !ot1 The! co6ered he the body all about 5ith the ma!tle" a!d the child also" a!d the! retur!ed to the ship" a!d held forth his =our!ey1 A!d 5he! he came to S1 (eter" S1 (eter came a ai!st him" a!d 5he! he sa5 the si ! of the cross upo! his shoulder" he dema!ded him 5hat he 5as" a!d 5herefore he came" a!d he told to him all by order1 To 5hom (eter saidD (eace be to thee" thou art 5elcome" a!d hast belie6ed ood cou!sel1 A!d be thou !ot hea6y if thy 5ife sleep" a!d the little child rest 5ith her" for our Lord is almi hty for to i6e to 5hom he 5ill" a!d to ta4e a5ay that he hath i6e!" a!d to reestablish a!d i6e a ai! that he hath ta4e!" a!d to tur! all hea6i!ess a!d 5eepi! i!to =oy1 The! (eter led him i!to Jerusalem" a!d sho5ed to him all the places 5here Jesu Christ preached a!d did miracles" a!d the place 5here he suffered death" a!d 5here he asce!ded i!to hea6e!1 A!d 5he! he 5as 5ell:i!formed of S1 (eter i! the faith" a!d that t5o years 5ere passed sith he departed from -arseilles" he too4 his ship for to retur! a ai! i!to his cou!try1 A!d as they sailed by the sea" they came" by the ordi!a!ce of God" by the roc4 5here the body of his 5ife 5as left" a!d his so!1 The! by prayers a!d ifts he did so much that they arri6ed thereo!1 A!d the little child" 5hom -ary -a dale!e had 4ept" 5e!t oft sithes to the seaside" a!d" li4e small childre!" too4 small sto!es a!d thre5 them i!to the sea1 A!d 5he! they came they sa5 the little child playi! 5ith sto!es o! the seaside" as he 5as 5o!t to do1 A!d the! they mar6elled much 5hat he 5as1 A!d 5he! the child sa5 them" 5hich !e6er had see! people tofore" he 5as afraid" a!d ra! secretly to his mother>s breast a!d hid him u!der the ma!tle1 A!d the! the father of the child 5e!t for to see more appertly" a!d too4 the ma!tle" a!d fou!d the child" 5hich 5as ri ht fair" suc4i! his mother>s breast1 The! he too4 the child i! his arms a!d saidD O blessed -ary -a dale!e" I 5ere 5ell happy a!d blessed if my 5ife 5ere !o5 ali6e" a!d mi ht li6e" a!d come a ai! 5ith me i!to my cou!try1 I 4!o5 6erily a!d belie6e that thou 5ho hast i6e! to me my so!" a!d hast fed a!d 4ept him t5o years i! this roc4" mayst 5ell re:establish his mother to her first health1 A!d 5ith these 5ords the 5oma! respired" a!d too4 life" a!d said" li4e as she had bee! 5a4ed of her sleepD O blessed -ary -a dale!e thou art of reat merit a!d lorious" for i! the pai!s of my deli6era!ce thou 5ert my mid5ife" a!d i! all my !ecessities thou hast accomplished to me the ser6ice of a chamberer1 A!d 5he! her husba!d heard that thi! he amar6elled much" a!d saidD Li6est thou my ri ht dear a!d best belo6ed 5ifeE To 5hom she saidD ;ea" certai!ly I li6e" a!d am !o5 first come from the pil rima e from 5he!ce thou art come" a!d all i! li4e 5ise as S1 (eter led thee i! Jerusalem" a!d sho5ed to thee all the places 5here our Lord suffered death" 5as buried a!d asce!ded to hea6e!" a!d ma!y other places" I 5as 5ith you" 5ith -ary -a dale!e" 5hich led a!d accompa!ied me" a!d sho5ed to me all the places 5hich I 5ell remember a!d ha6e i! mi!d1 A!d there recou!ted to him all the miracles












that her husba!d had see!" a!d !e6er failed of o!e article" !e 5e!t out of the 5ay from the sooth1 A!d the! the ood pil rim recei6ed his 5ife a!d his child a!d 5e!t to ship1 A!d soo! after they came to the port of -arseilles1 A!d they fou!d the blessed -ary -a dale!e preachi! 5ith her disciples1 A!d the! they 4!eeled do5! to her feet" a!d recou!ted to her all that had happe!ed to them" a!d recei6ed baptism of S1 -a8imi!1 A!d the! they destroyed all the temples of the idols i! the city of -arseilles" a!d made churches of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5ith o!e accord they chose the blessed S1 LaHarus for to be bishop of that city1 A!d after5ard they came to the city of Ai8" a!d by reat miracles a!d preachi! they brou ht the people there to the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d there S1 -a8imi! 5as ordai!ed to be bishop1 I! this mea!5hile the blessed -ary -a dale!e" desirous of so6erei ! co!templatio!" sou ht a ri ht sharp desert" a!d too4 a place 5hich 5as ordai!ed by the a! el of God" a!d abode there by the space of thirty years 5ithout 4!o5led e of a!ybody1 I! 5hich place she had !o comfort of ru!!i! 5ater" !e solace of trees" !e of herbs1 A!d that 5as because our 3edeemer did do sho5 it ope!ly" that he had ordai!ed for her refectio! celestial" a!d !o bodily meats1 A!d e6ery day at e6ery hour ca!o!ical she 5as lifted up i! the air of a! els" a!d heard the lorious so! of the hea6e!ly compa!ies 5ith her bodily ears1 Of 5hich she 5as fed a!d filled 5ith ri ht s5eet meats" a!d the! 5as brou ht a ai! by the a! els u!to her proper place" i! such 5ise as she had !o !eed of corporal !ourishi! 1 It happed that a priest" 5hich desired to lead a solitary life" too4 a cell for himself a t5el6e:furlo! from the place of -ary -a dale!e1 O! a day our Lord ope!ed the eyes of that priest" a!d he sa5 5ith his bodily eyes i! 5hat ma!!er the a! els desce!ded i!to the place 5here the blessed -a dale!e d5elt" a!d ho5 they lifted her i! the air" a!d after by the space of a! hour brou ht her a ai! 5ith di6i!e praisi! s to the same place1 A!d the! the priest desired reatly to 4!o5 the truth of this mar6ellous 6isio!" a!d made his prayers to Almi hty God" a!d 5e!t 5ith reat de6otio! u!to the place1 A!d 5he! he approached !i h to it a sto!e>s cast" his thi hs be a! to s5ell a!d 5a8 feeble" a!d his e!trails be a! 5ithi! him to lac4 breath a!d si h for fear1 A!d as soo! as he retur!ed he had his thi hs all 5hole" a!d ready for to o1 A!d 5he! he e!forced him to o to the place" all his body 5as i! la! uor" a!d mi ht !ot mo6e1 A!d the! he u!derstood that it 5as a secret celestial place 5here !o ma! huma! mi ht come" a!d the! he called the !ame of Jesu" a!d saidD I co!=ure thee by our Lord" that if thou be a ma! or other creature reaso!able" that d5ellest i! this ca6e" that thou a!s5er me" a!d tell me the truth of thee1 A!d 5he! he had said this three times" the blessed -ary -a dale!e a!s5eredD Come more !ear" a!d thou shalt 4!o5 that thou desirest1 A!d the! he came trembli! u!to the half 5ay" a!d she said to himD 3ememberest thou !ot of the ospel of -ary -a dale!e" the re!o5!ed si!ful 5oma!" 5hich 5ashed the feet of our Sa6iour 5ith her tears" a!d dried them 5ith the hair of her head" a!d desired to ha6e for i6e!ess of her si!sE A!d the priest said to herD I remember it 5ell" that is more tha! thirty years that holy church belie6eth a!d co!fesseth that it 5as do!e1 A!d the! she saidD I am she that by the space of thirty years ha6e bee! here 5ithout 5itti! of a!y perso!" a!d li4e as it 5as suffered to thee yesterday to see me" i! li4e 5ise I am e6ery day lift up by the ha!ds of the a! els i!to the air" a!d ha6e deser6ed to hear 5ith my bodily ears the ri ht s5eet so! of the compa!y celestial1 A!d because it is sho5ed to me of our Lord that I shall depart out of this 5orld" o to -a8imi!" a!d say to him that the !e8t day after the resurrectio! of our lord" i! the same time that he is accustomed to arise a!d o to mati!s" that he alo!e e!ter i!to his oratory" a!d that by the mi!istry a!d ser6ice of a! els he shall fi!d me there1 A!d the priest heard the 6oice of her" li4e as it had bee! the 6oice of a! a! el" but he sa5 !othi! 7 a!d the! a!o! he 5e!t to S1 -a8imi!" a!d told to him all by order1 The! S1 -a8imi! 5as reple!ished of reat =oy" a!d tha!4ed reatly our Lord1 A!d o! the said day a!d hour" as is aforesaid" he e!tered i!to his oratory" a!d sa5 the blessed -ary -a dale!e sta!di! i! the <uire or choir yet amo! the a! els that brou ht her" a!d 5as lift up from the earth the space of t5o or three cubits1 A!d prayi! to our Lord she held up her ha!ds" a!d 5he! S1 -a8imi! sa5 her" he 5as afraid to approach to her1 A!d she retur!ed to him" a!d saidD Come hither mi!e o5! father" a!d flee !ot thy dau hter1 A!d 5he! he approached a!d came to her" as it is read i! the boo4s of the said S1 -a8imi!" for the customable 6isio! that she had of a! els e6ery day" the cheer a!d 6isa e of her sho!e as clear as it had bee! the rays of the su!1 A!d the! all the cler4s a!d the priests aforesaid 5ere called" a!d -ary -a dale!e recei6ed the body a!d blood of our Lord of the ha!ds of the bishop 5ith reat abu!da!ce of tears" a!d after" she stretched her body tofore the altar" a!d her ri ht blessed soul departed from the body a!d 5e!t to our Lord1 A!d after it 5as departed" there issued out of the body a! odour so s5eet:smelli! that it remai!ed there by the space of se6e! days to all them that e!tered i!1 A!d the blessed -a8imi! a!oi!ted the body of her 5ith di6ers precious oi!tme!ts" a!d buried it ho!ourably" a!d after comma!ded that his body should be buried by hers after his death1


+e esippus" 5ith other boo4s of Josephus accord e!ou h 5ith the said story" a!d Josephus saith i! his treatise that the blessed -ary -a dale!e" after the asce!sio! of our Lord" for the bur!i! lo6e that she had to Jesu Christ a!d for the rief a!d discomfort that she had for the abse!ce of her master our Lord" she 5ould !e6er see ma!1 9ut after 5he! she came i!to the cou!try of Ai8" she 5e!t i!to desert" a!d d5elt there thirty years 5ithout 4!o5i! of a!y ma! or 5oma!1 A!d he saith that" e6ery day at the se6e! hours ca!o!ical she 5as lifted i! the air of the a! els1 9ut he saith that" 5he! the priest came to her" he fou!d her e!closed i! her cell7 a!d she re<uired of him a 6estme!t" a!d he deli6ered to her o!e" 5hich she clothed a!d co6ered her 5ith1 A!d she 5e!t 5ith him to the church a!d recei6ed the commu!io!" a!d the! made her prayers 5ith =oi!ed ha!ds" a!d rested i! peace1 I! the time of Charles the reat" i! the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d se6e!ty:o!e" Gerard" du4e of 9ur u!dy mi ht ha6e !o child by his 5ife" 5herefore he a6e lar ely alms to the poor people" a!d fou!ded ma!y churches" a!d ma!y mo!asteries1 A!d 5he! he had made the abbey of Vesoul" he a!d the abbot of the mo!astery se!t a mo!4 5ith a ood reaso!able fello5ship i!to Ai8" for to bri! thither if they mi ht of the relics of S1 -ary -a dale!e1 A!d 5he! the mo!4 came to the said city" he fou!d it all destroyed of pay!ims1 The! by ad6e!ture he fou!d the sepulchre" for the 5riti! upo! the sepulchre of marble sho5ed 5ell that the blessed lady -ary -a dale!e rested a!d lay there" a!d the history of her 5as mar6ellously e!tailed a!d car6ed i! the sepulchre1 A!d the! this mo!4 ope!ed it by !i ht a!d too4 the relics" a!d bare them to his lod i! 1 A!d that same !i ht -ary -a dale!e appeared to that mo!4" sayi! D Doubt thee !othi! " ma4e a! e!d of the 5or41 The! he retur!ed home5ard u!til he came half a mile from the mo!astery1 9ut he mi ht i! !o 5ise remo6e the relics from the!ce" till that the abbot a!d mo!4s came 5ith processio!" a!d recei6ed them ho!estly1 A!d soo! after the du4e had a child by his 5ife1 There 5as a 4!i ht that had a custom e6ery year to o a pil rima e u!to the body of S1 -ary -a dale!e" 5hich 4!i ht 5as slai! i! battle1 A!d as his frie!ds 5ept for him Iyi! o! his bier" they said 5ith s5eet a!d de6out <uarrels" 5hy she suffered her de6out ser6a!t to die 5ithout co!fessio! a!d pe!a!ce1 The! sudde!ly he that 5as dead arose" all they bei! sore abashed" a!d made o!e to call a priest to him" a!d co!fessed him 5ith reat de6otio!" a!d recei6ed the blessed sacrame!t" a!d the! rested i! peace1 There 5as a ship char ed 5ith me! a!d 5ome! that 5as perished a!d all to:bra4e" a!d there 5as amo! them a 5oma! 5ith child" 5hich sa5 herself i! peril to be dro5!ed" a!d cried fast o! -ary -a dale!e for succour a!d help" ma4i! her a6o5 that if she mi ht be sa6ed by her merits" a!d escape that peril" if she had a so! she should i6e him to the mo!astery1 A!d a!o! as she had so a6o5ed" a 5oma! of ho!ourable habit a!d beauty appeared to her" a!d too4 her by the chi! a!d brou ht her to the ri6a e all safe" a!d the other perished a!d 5ere dro5!ed1 A!d after" she 5as deli6ered a!d had a so!" a!d accomplished her a6o5 li4e as she had promised1 Some say that S1 -ary -a dale!e 5as 5edded to S1 Joh! the E6a! elist 5he! Christ called him from the 5eddi! " a!d 5he! he 5as called from her" she had thereof i!di !atio! that her husba!d 5as ta4e! from her" a!d 5e!t a!d a6e herself to all deli ht" but because it 5as !ot co!6e!able that the calli! of S1 Joh! should be occasio! of her dam!atio!" therefore our Lord co!6erted her mercifully to pe!a!ce" a!d because he had ta4e! from her so6erei ! deli ht of the flesh" he reple!ished her 5ith so6erei ! deli ht spiritual tofore all other" that is the lo6e of God1 A!d it is said that he e!!obled S1 Joh! tofore all other 5ith the s5eet!ess of his familiarity" because he had ta4e! him from the deli ht aforesaid1 There 5as a ma! 5hich 5as bli!d o! both his eyes" a!d did him to be led to the mo!astery of the blessed -ary -a dale!e for to 6isit her body1 +is leader said to him that he sa5 the church1 A!d the! the bli!d ma! escried a!d said 5ith a hi h 6oiceD O blessed -ary -a dale!e" help me that I may deser6e o!ce to see thy church1 A!d a!o! his eyes 5ere ope!ed" a!d sa5 clearly all thi! s about him1









There 5as a!other ma! that 5rote his si!s i! a schedule a!d laid it u!der the co6erture of the altar of -ary -a dale!e" mee4ly prayi! her that she should et for him pardo! a!d for i6e!ess" a!d a 5hile after" he too4 the schedule a ai!" a!d fou!d all his si!s effaced a!d struc4 out1 A!other ma! 5as holde! i! priso! for debt of mo!ey" i! iro!s1 A!d he called u!to his help ofttimes -ary -a dale!e1 A!d o! a !i ht a fair 5oma! appeared to him a!d bra4e all his iro!s" a!d ope!ed the door" a!d comma!ded him to o his 5ay7 a!d 5he! he sa5 himself loose he fled a5ay a!o!1





There 5as a cler4 of 'la!ders !amed Stephe! 3yse!" a!d mou!ted i! so reat a!d disordi!ate felo!y" that he hau!ted all ma!!er si!s1 A!d such thi! as appertai!ed to his health he 5ould !ot hear1 Ne6ertheless he had reat de6otio! i! the blessed -ary -a dale!e a!d fasted her 6i il" a!d ho!oured her feast1 A!d o! a time as he 6isited her tomb" he 5as !ot all asleep !or 5ell a5a4ed" 5he! -ary -a dale!e appeared to him Ii4e a much fair 5oma!" sustai!ed 5ith t5o a! els" o!e o! the ri ht side" a!d a!other o! the left side" a!d said to him" loo4i! o! him despitouslyD Stephe!" 5hy reputest thou the deeds of my merits to be u!5orthyE ,herefore mayst !ot thou at the i!sta!ce of my merits a!d prayers be mo6ed to pe!a!ceE 'or sith the time that thou be a!!est to ha6e de6otio! i! me" I ha6e al5ay prayed God for thee firmly1 Arise up therefore a!d repe!t thee" a!d I shall !ot lea6e thee till thou be reco!ciled to God1 A!d the! forth5ith he felt so reat race shed i! him" that he forsoo4 a!d re!ou!ced the 5orld a!d e!tered i!to reli io!" a!d 5as after of ri ht perfect life1 A!d at the death of him 5as see! -ary -a dale!e" sta!di! beside the bier 5ith a! els 5hich bare the soul up to hea6e! 5ith hea6e!ly so! i! li4e!ess of a 5hite do6e1 The! let us pray to this blessed -ary -a dale!e that she et us race to do pe!a!ce here for our si!s" that after this life 5e may come to her i! e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the life of *" A&&olli#ari . a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" Appolli!aris is said of polle!s" that is" shi!i! " a!d ares" that is 6irtue1 That is to say" shi!i! i! 6irtues1 Or it is said of pollo" 5hich is as much to say as mar6ellous" a!d !aris" that is" by discretio!" as 5ho saith" he 5as a ma! of mar6ellous discretio!1 Or he is said of A" that is" 5ithout" a!d polluo a!d ares" that is to say" 6irtuous 5ithout pollutio! of 6ices1 Of *" A&&olli#ari "


Appolli!aris 5as disciple of S1 (eter the apostle" a!d of him he 5as se!t to 3a6e!!a from 3ome" a!d there he healed the 5ife of the tribu!e a!d =ud e of the to5!" a!d baptiHed her 5ith her husba!d a!d household7 5hich thi! 5as told a!d sho5ed to the pro6ost" a!d a!o! he did do arrest Appolli!aris a!d led him to the temple of Jupiter for to do sacrifice to him1 A!d he said to the priests of the idols that the old a!d sil6er that 5as set about the idols had bee! better to ha6e bee! i6e! to poor me! tha! to be i6e! to de6ils1 A!d the! he 5as a!o! ta4e! a!d beate! sore 5ith sta6es that he 5as left half dead" but he 5as ta4e! up of his disciples a!d brou ht i!to the house of a 5ido5" a!d there 5as 4ept a!d refreshed se6e! mo!ths1 'rom the!ce he came to the city of Clace!se" a!d there he healed a !oblema! 5hich 5as dumb1 A!d as he e!tered i!to a house" there 5as a maid 5hich had a! u!clea! spirit 5ithi! her" 5hich cryi! saidD Go from he!ce" thou ser6a!t of God" or I shall ma4e thee to be bou!de!" ha!ds a!d feet" a!d to be dra5! out of the city7 5hom a!o! Appolli!aris rebu4ed" a!d co!strai!ed the spirit to o out a!d depart from the maid1 The!" 5he! he had thus called the !ame of our Lord upo! the dumb ma!" a!d had so cured him" a!d deli6ered the maid of the 5ic4ed spirit" more tha! fi6e hu!dred me! belie6ed i! our Lord Jesu Christ1 The pay!ims the! beat him 5ith sta6es a!d forbade him that he should !ot !ame the !ame of Jesu Christ1 +e the! Iyi! o! the earth cried" a!d sayi! that Jesus 5as 6ery God1 The! they made him to sta!d barefoot upo! bur!i! coals" a!d yet al5ays he preached co!sta!tly the la5 of Christ1 A!d the! they seei! that he 5ould !ot cease" dro6e him out of the city1 That time 3ufus (atricius" du4e of the city of 3a6e!!a" had a dau hter sic4" a!d did call Appolli!aris to heal her1 A!d as soo! as Appolli!aris e!tered i!to the house his dau hter died1 To 5hom 3ufus saidD ,ould God thou hadst !ot e!tered i!to my house" for the reat ods be 5roth therefore" a!d 5ould !ot heal my dau hter" 5hat mayst thou do to herE To 5hom Appolli!aris saidD 9e thou !ot afraid" but promise to me that if the maid arise thou shalt !ot forbid her to follo5 her -a4er1 ,hich 5he! he had promised he made his prayer" a!d a!o! the maid arose" a!d ac4!o5led ed the !ame of Christ" a!d 5as baptiHed" 5ith her mother a!d a reat multitude of people1 A!d she abode a 6ir i!1 A!d 5he! CFsar heard hereof he 5rote to the pro6ost of the prFtorium that he should ma4e Appolli!aris to do sacrifice" or to put him i! e8ile1 The pro6ost the! seei! that he 5ould do !o sacrifice" comma!ded that he should be beate! 5ith sta6es a!d to be torme!ted o! the allo5s" 5hereas he al5ays most co!sta!tly preached the !ame of our Lord1 The! he comma!ded to cast hot scaldi! 5ater i! his fresh 5ou!ds" a!d he" sore bou!de! 5ith reat 5ei ht of iro!" should ha6e bee! se!t i!to e8ile1 That seei! the christia!s" a!d so reat felo!y do!e to him" 5ere mo6ed i! their coura e" a!d ra! upo! the pay!ims" a!d of them sle5 more tha! t5o hu!dred1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost sa5 that" he hid himself" a!d comma!ded Appolli!aris i!to a strai ht a!d hard priso!" a!d after" bou!d him sore 5ith chai!s" a!d set him i! a ship 5ith three cler4s follo5i! him" a!d so se!t him







forth i! e8ile" 5here o!ly he" 5ith t5o cler4s a!d t5o 4!i hts escaped the peril of the tempest" a!d those 4!i hts he baptiHed1 After this he retur!ed a ai! to 3a6e!!a" a!d 5as ta4e! of the pay!ims" a!d led to the temple of Jupiter" 5hose simulachre" 5he! he sa5 it" he cursed it1 A!d sudde!ly it fell do5!" a!d 5he! the bishops sa5 that" they prese!ted him to Thaurus the =ud e" 5hose so!" 5hich 5as bli!d" S1 Appolli!aris made to see1 A!d 5he! the =ud e sa5 that he belie6ed o! him" a!d made him to d5ell four years 5ith him i! his house1 After this" 5he! the bishops had accused him to Vespasia!" Vespasia! comma!ded 5hosoe6er did a!y 5ro! to the ods" he should do satisfactio! or to be dri6e! from the city1 It is !ot ri htful" said he" that 5e should a6e! e the ods" but they themsel6es may a6e! e them of their e!emies if they be 5roth1 The! Demosthe!es (atricius" seei! that he 5ould do !o sacrifice" deli6ered him u!to a ce!turio!" the! bei! christia!" by 5hose prayer he 5e!t i!to the street of lepers" a!d that he should do there hide him from the 5ood!ess of the pay!ims1 9ut the people follo5ed him a!d beat him u!to the death" 5here he abode a!d li6ed by the space after of ei ht days" a!d preached to his disciples" a!d the! a6e up his spirit u!to our Lord a!d died" a!d there 5as ho!ourably buried" about the year of our Lord se6e!ty" u!der Vespasia!1 Of this martyr saith S1 Ambrose i! his prefaceD Appolli!aris" most 5orthy bishop" 5as se!t from (eter" pri!ce of the apostles" to 3a6e!!a" for to sho5 the !ame of Jesu u!to the pay!ims" 5ho did mar6ellous si !s of 6irtues to them that belie6e i! Christ" a!d 5as all to:re!t a!d tor! 5ith 5ood beati! s of the 5ic4ed pay!ims1 A!d because the christia! me! should !ot doubt" he did a!d performed mar6els li4e to the apostles1 After his torme!ts he raised a maid from death to life1 To bli!d me! he a6e si ht" a!d to a dumb ma! he restored his speech7 o!e that 5as 6e8ed 5ith a de6il he deli6ered7 he clea!sed a leper" he healed the members bro4e! 5ith a pestile!t sic4!ess of a!other1 The simulachre of the od Jupiter" 5ith the temple" he o6erthre51 O most 5orthy bishop of mar6ellous praisi! " thou deser6edst the po5er a!d di !ity of the apostle1 O most stro! champio! of our Lord" 5hich i! thi!e old a e co!sta!tly preachedst our Lord Jesu Christ redeemer of the 5orld1 Here followeth the life of *" !hri ti#e. a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of her #a%e" Christi!e is as much to say as a!oi!ted 5ith chrism1 She had soothly the balm of ood odour a!d sa6our i! co!6ersatio!1 A!d oil of de6otio! i! mi!d" a!d also the be!edictio! of race1 Christi!e 5as bor! i! Tyre i! Italy" a!d 5as come of !oble 4i!dred of father a!d mother1 A!d because of her beauty her father e!closed her i! a certai! to5er" 5ith t5el6e chamberers to ser6e a!d a5ait o! her1 A!d ordai!ed there" 5ith her" ods of sil6er a!d old1 A!d because of her reat beauty she 5as desired of ma!y !oble me! for to ha6e 5edded her7 but her father i! !o 5ise 5ould i6e her to !o ma!" but 5ould ha6e her co!ti!ue i! her 6ir i!ity to do 5orship a!d sacrifice to the ods1 9ut she bei! i!spired of the +oly Ghost" abhorred the sacrifice of the idols" a!d the i!ce!se that 5as deli6ered to her to do sacrifice 5ith" she hid it i! a 5i!do5" a!d 5he! her father came" the maide!s a!d chamberers said to himD Thy dau hter despiseth to offer to our ods" a!d saith that she is christia!1 The! her father pro6o4ed her 5ith s5eet a!d fair 5ords for to do sacrifice to their ods1 To 5hom she saidD Call me !ot thy dau hter" but this to 5hom sacrifice belo! eth1 I 5ill !ot offer to !o dead ods1 9ut to God of hea6e! I offer sacrifice of laud a!d praisi! 1 The! said her father to herD O my dau hter" thou ou htest !ot to offer to o!e God" lest the others be 5roth to thee1 To 5hom she saidD Thou hast said 5ell" !ot 4!o5i! the truth1 I offer truly sacrifice to the 'ather a!d to the So!" a!d to the +oly Ghost1 The! said the fatherD If thou 5orshippest three" 5hy 5ilt thou !ot adore the othersE To 5hom she saidD They three be but o!e God1 After this Christi!e bra4e all the ods" a!d the old a!d sil6er she a6e to poor people1 +er father the! came a ai! for to 5orship his ods7 a!d he !ot fi!di! them dema!ded of the maide!s 5hat Christi!e had do!e to themD a!d 5he! he had 4!o5led e 5hat she had do!e" comma!ded her to be despoiled" a!d to be beate! 5ith t5el6e me! u!to the time that they be a! to fail" a!d 5ere so 5eary that they mi ht !o more1 The! Christi!e said to her fatherD O thou that 5ithout ho!our a!d 5ith shame art abomi!able to God" for they that beat me fail a!d be fai!t" re<uire thy ods that they i6e to them stre! th if they may1 The! he did do bi!d her 5ith chai!s of iro!" a!d did do set her i! priso!1 A!d 5he! her mother heard that" she re!t her clothes" a!d came to the priso!" a!d fell do5! at her dau hter>s feet a!d saidD -y dau hter Christi!e" the li ht of my eyes" ha6e pity o! me1 To 5hom she saidD ,hy callest thou me thy dau hterE 5ottest thou !ot 5ell that I ha6e the !ame of my GodE A!d 5he! she mi ht !othi! ma4e her to tur! from her faith" she retur!ed to her husba!d" a!d told to him 5hat she had a!s5ered to her1 The! the father comma!ded that she should be brou ht tofore him i! =ud me!t" a!d said to herD Do sacrifice to our od" or else thou



















shalt suffer ma!y torme!ts" a!d shalt !o more be called my dau hter1 To 5hom she saidD Thou hast otte! to me reat race" for !o5 thou callest !ot me dau hter of the de6il1 ,hat is bor! of the de6il is a de6il1 Thou art the so! of the same Satha!as1 The! he comma!ded that her flesh should be all tore!t" a!d dra5! 5ith hoo4s of iro!" a!d her te!der members to be all tobro4e! a!d departed from other1 Christi!e the! too4 part of her flesh a!d thre5 it i! the 6isa e of her father sayi! D O tyra!t" ta4e the flesh" 5hich thou hast otte!" a!d eat it1 The! her father set her upo! a 5heel" a!d put u!der fire a!d oil" a!d the flame issued out so reat that it sle5 a!d bur!t fi6e hu!dred me!1 The father ascribed all this 5or4 to !ecroma!cy" a!d said she had do!e that by 5itchcraft" a!d comma!ded her a ai! to priso!" a!d bade her ser6a!ts 5he! it 5as !i ht" that they should bi!d a reat sto!e to her !ec4 a!d cast her i!to the sea1 A!d a!o!" as they had so do!e" the a! els too4 her up" a!d Christ desce!ded" a!d baptiHed her i! the sea" sayi! D I baptiHe thee i! the !ame of God my father a!d i! me Jesu Christ his so!" a!d i! the +oly Ghost" a!d committed her to -ichael the archa! el" 5hich led her to the la!d1 A!d 5he! her father heard that she 5as come a ai! to la!d" he smote his forehead a!d said to herD 9y 5hat 5itchcraft dost thou these thi! s" that i! the sea thou e8ercisest thy cursed 5or4sE To 5hom Christi!e saidD O thou fool a!d u!happyI I ha6e recei6ed this race of Christ1 The! he comma!ded that she should be put i! priso!" a!d o! the mor! to be beheaded1 A!d that same !i ht ?rba! her father 5as fou!d dead1 The! after him follo5ed a!d succeeded a 5ic4ed a!d e6il =ud e" !amed Dio!" 5hich did do ma4e a tub of iro!" a!d did do put therei! pitch" oil a!d rosi!" a!d set them afire1 A!d 5he! it 5as ready" he made Christi!e to be cast therei!" a!d made four me! mo6e the tub that she should be the soo!er co!sumed1 The! Christi!e praised God" a!d tha!4ed him that she 5as so re!e5ed" a!d roc4ed as a child i! a cradle1 The! the =ud e bei! 5roth made her head to be sha6e!" a!d !a4ed to be led throu h the city u!to the temple of Apollo" 5hom she comma!ded to o6erthro5" a!d a!o! fell do5! i!to po5der1 A!d 5he! the =ud e heard thereof" he died a!d a6e up his spirit1 After him Julia!us succeeded" 5hich did do set afire a reat fur!ace" a!d Christi!e to be cast therei!1 ,herei! she abode fi6e days 5ith a! els" si! i! a!d 5al4i! u!hurt" a!d after issued out thereof safely 5ithout harm1 A!d 5he! Julia!us heard thereof" he said that she did all this by art ma ic a!d 5itchcraft" a!d did do be put to her t5o adders" t5o ser6e!ts a!d t5o asps1 The serpe!ts lic4ed her feet" the t5o asps hu! at her breasts" a!d did her !o harm" a!d the t5o adders 5ou!d them about her !ec4 a!d lic4ed up her s5eat1 Julia!us the! said to his e!cha!terD Art thou !ot a! e!cha!terE -o6e the beasts1 A!d 5he! he be a! to mo6e them they made assault to him a!d sle5 him forth5ith1 The! Christi!e comma!ded that they should o to a desert place" a!d she raised the e!cha!ter that 5as dead to life a ai!" the! Julia!us comma!ded that her breasts should be cut off" out of 5hom flo5ed mil4 5ith blood1 The! he made her to! ue to be cut out of her head" but Christi!e lost !ot her speech for cutti! out of her to! ue" but too4 it a!d thre5 it i! the 6isa e of the =ud e a!d smote out there5ith o!e of his eyes1 The! 5as Julia!us 5roth a!d made to shoot at her1 A!d she 5as smitte! 5ith o!e arro5 i! the side" a!d 5ith a!other u!to the heart" a!d she so smitte! yielded up her soul u!to God" a!d thus suffered martyrdom about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred four score a!d se6e!1 +er body 5as buried i! a castle 9olse!a bet5ee! the old to5! a!d Viterbo a!d Tirus" 5hich 5as !ot far from that castle 5hich is !o5 destroyed1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Ja%e the More. a#d A&o tle. a#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e" This James the apostle is said James the so! of Kebedee" brother of S1 Joh! the E6a! elist a!d 9oa!er es" that is the so! of thu!der" a!d James the -ore1 +e 5as said James" so! of Kebedee" !ot o!ly i! flesh but i! the e8positio! of the !ame" for Kebedee is i!terpreted i6i! or i6e!" a!d James a6e himself to God by martyrdom of death" a!d he is i6e! to us of God for a special patro!1 +e is said James" brother of Joh!" !ot o!ly by flesh but by sembla!ce of ma!!ers1 'or they both 5ere of o!e lo6e a!d of o!e study a!d of o!e 5ill1 They 5ere of o!e lo6e for to a6e! e our Lord" for 5he! the Samarita!s 5ould !ot recei6e Jesu Christ" James a!d Joh! saidD If it please thee Lord let fire desce!d from hea6e! a!d destroy them1 They 5ere of li4e study for to lear!" for these t5o 5ere they that dema!ded of our Lord of the day of =ud me!t" a!d of other thi! s to come1 A!d they as4ed that o!e of them mi ht sit at the ri ht side of him a!d that other o! his left side1 +e 5as said the so! of thu!der" because of the sou!d of his predicatio!" for he feared the e6il a!d e8cited the slothful" a!d by the hi h!ess of his preachi! he did mar6els i! co!6erti! them to the faith7 5hereof 9ede saith of S1 Joh!" that he thu!dered so hi h" that if he had thu!dered a little hi her" all the 5orld mi ht !ot ha6e comprised him1 +e is said James the -ore" li4e as that other James is said James the Less1 'irst by reaso! of his calli! " for he 5as first called of Jesu Christ" seco!dly by reaso! of familiarity" for Jesu Christ 5as see! to ha6e reater familiarity 5ith





him tha! 5ith the Less James1 Li4e as it appeareth at the raisi! of the maid" a!d at his holy tra!sfi uratio!1 Thirdly" by reaso! of his passio!1 'or amo! all the apostles he 5as the first that suffered death" a!d he may be said -ore because he 5as first called to be a! apostle" so he 5as first called to the lory perdurable1

Of *" Ja%e the More. a#d A&o tle" James the apostle" so! of Kebedee" preached after the asce!sio! of our Lord i! the Je5ry a!d Samaria" a!d after" he 5as se!t i!to Spai! for to so5 there the 5ord of Jesu Christ1 9ut 5he! he 5as there he profited but little" for he had co!6erted u!to Christ>s la5 but !i!e disciples" of 5hom he left t5o there" for to preach the 5ord of God" a!d too4 the other se6e! 5ith him a!d retur!ed a ai! i!to Judea1 -aster Joh! 9eleth saith that he co!6erted there but o!e ma! o!ly" a!d 5he! after he preached the 5ord of God i! Judea" there 5as a! e!cha!ter !amed +ermo e!es 5ith the (harisees" 5hich se!t (hiletus his disciple to S1 James for to o6ercome him tofore all me!" a!d to pro6e his preachi! false1 9ut the apostle o6ercame him tofore all me! reaso!ably" a!d did ma!y miracles tofore him1 (hiletus the! retur!ed to +ermo e!es" a!d appro6ed the doctri!e of James to be true" a!d recited to him his miracles" a!d said that he 5ould be his disciple" a!d desired a!d cou!selled +ermo e!es i! li4e 5ise to be his disciple1 The! +ermo e!es 5as 5roth" a!d by his craft a!d e!cha!tme!ts he made (hiletus i! such 5ise that he mi ht !ot mo6e" a!d saidD No5 5e shall see if thy James may sa6e thee1 The! (hiletus se!t his child to S1 James a!d let him ha6e 4!o5led e hereof1 The! S1 James se!t to him his sudary or 4e6erchief a!d saidD Say to him that our Lord redresseth them that be hurt" a!d u!bi!deth them that be empeshed7 a!d as soo! as he said so" a!d touched the sudary" he 5as u!bou!d a!d loosed from all the e!cha!ti! of +ermo e!es" a!d arose up a!d 5e!t =oyfully to S1 James1 The! +ermo e!es 5as a! ry" a!d called ma!y de6ils" a!d comma!ded them that they bri! to him S1 James bou!d" a!d (hiletus 5ith him" for to a6e! e him o! them" lest his disciples after5ards address them a ai!st him1 The! 5he! the de6ils came to5ards S1 James" they cried" ho5li! i! the air" sayi! D James the apostle of God ha6e pity o! us" for 5e bur! tofore our time come1 To 5hom James saidD ,herefore come ye to meE A!d they saidD +ermo e!es hath se!t us to thee a!d to (hiletus for to bri! you to him" a!d the a! el of God hath bou!d us 5ith chai!s of fire a!d torme!teth us1 A!d James saidD The a! el of God shall u!bi!d you a!d bri! him to me bou!de!" but hurt him !ot1 The! they 5e!t a!d too4 +ermo e!es a!d bou!d his ha!ds" a!d brou ht him so bou!d to S1 James" a!d they said to +ermo e!esD Thou hast se!t us thither 5here 5e 5ere stro! ly torme!ted a!d rie6ously bou!d1 A!d the! said they to S1 JamesD Gi6e to us po5er a ai!st him that 5e may a6e! e the 5ro! s a!d our embraceme!ts1 A!d James said to themD LoI here is (hiletus tofore you" 5hy ta4e ye him !otE They a!s5eredD ,e may !ot touch him" !e as much as a flea that is i! thy couch1 The! said James to (hiletusD To the e!d that thou do ood for e6il" li4e as Christ bade us" u!bi!d him1 A!d the! +ermo e!es 5as all co!fused1 A!d James said to himD Go thy 5ay freely 5here thou 5ilt" for it appertai!eth !ot to our discipli!e that a!y be co!6erted a ai!st his 5ill" a!d +ermo e!es said to himD I 4!o5 5ell the ire of the de6ils" but if thou i6e to me some5hat of thi!e that I may ha6e 5ith me" they shall slay me1 The! S1 James a6e to him his staff1 The! he 5e!t a!d brou ht to the apostle all his boo4s of his false craft a!d e!cha!ti! for to be bur!t1 9ut S1 James" because that the odour of the bur!i! mi ht do e6il or harm to some fools" he made them to be cast i!to the sea1 A!d after he had cast his boo4s i!to the sea he retur!ed" a!d holdi! his feet saidD O thou deli6erer of souls" recei6e me pe!ite!t" a!d him that hath sustai!ed till !o5 missayi! of thee1 A!d the! be a! he to be perfect i! the dread of God our Lord" so that ma!y 6irtues 5ere do!e by him after5ard1 A!d 5he! the Je5s sa5 +ermo e!es co!6erted they 5ere all mo6ed of e!6y" a!d 5e!t u!to S1 James a!d blamed him because that he preached Christ crucified1 A!d he appro6ed clearly the comi! a!d passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ i! such 5ise that ma!y belie6ed i! our Lord1 Abiathar" 5hich 5as bishop that year" mo6ed the people a ai!st him" a!d the! they put a cord about his !ec4 a!d brou ht him to +erod A rippa1 A!d 5he! he 5as led to be beheaded by the comma!dme!t of +erod" a ma! ha6i! the palsy cried to him1 A!d he a6e him health a!d saidD I! the !ame of Jesu Christ" for 5hom I am led to be beheaded" arise thou a!d be all 5hole" a!d bless our Lord thy -a4er1 A!d a!o! he arose a!d 5as all 5hole1 A scribe !amed Josias" 5hich put the cord about his !ec4 a!d dre5 him" seei! this miracle fell do5! to his feet a!d dema!ded of him for i6e!ess a!d that he mi ht be christe!ed7 a!d 5he! Abiathar sa5 that" he made him to be ta4e!" a!d said to himD 9ut if thou curse the !ame of Christ thou shalt be beheaded 5ith him1 To 5hom Josias saidD 9e thou accursed" a!d accursed be all thy Gods" a!d the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ be blessed 5orld 5ithout e!d1 The! Abiathar comma!ded to smite him o! the



















mouth 5ith fists" a!d se!t a messa e to +erod" a!d at co!se!t that he should be beheaded 5ith James1 A!d 5he! they should be beheaded both" S1 James desired a potful of 5ater of him that should smite off their heads" a!d there5ith he baptiHed Josias" a!d the! a!o! they 5ere both beheaded a!d suffered martyrdom1 S1 James 5as beheaded the ei hth 4ale!ds of April o! our Lady>s day of the A!!u!ciatio!" a!d the ei hth 4ale!ds of Au ust he 5as tra!slated to Compostella1 A!d the third 4ale!ds of Ja!uary he 5as buried" for the ma4i! of his sepulchre 5as from Au ust u!to Ja!uary" a!d therefore the church hath established that his feast shall be hallo5ed i! the ei hth 4ale!ds of Au ust" 5hereas is most co!6e!able time1 A!d as -aster Joh! 9eleth saith" 5hich made this tra!slatio! dili e!tlyD ,he! the blessed S1 James 5as beheaded" his disciples too4 the body a5ay by !i ht for fear of the Je5s" a!d brou ht it i!to a ship" a!d committed u!to the 5ill of our Lord the sepulture of it" a!d 5e!t 5ithal i!to the ship 5ithout sail or rudder1 A!d by the co!duct of the a! el of our Lord they arri6ed i! Galicia i! the realm of Lupa1 There 5as i! Spai! a <uee! that had to !ame" a!d also by deser6i! of her life" Lupa" 5hich is as much to say i! E! lish as a she:5olf1 A!d the! the disciples of S1 James too4 out his body a!d laid it upo! a reat sto!e1 A!d a!o! the sto!e recei6ed the body i!to it as it had bee! soft 5a8" a!d made to the body a sto!e as it 5ere a sepulchre1 The! the disciples 5e!t to Lupa the <uee!" a!d said to herD Our Lord Jesu Christ hath se!t to thee the body of his disciple" so that him that thou 5ouldest !ot recei6e ali6e thou shalt recei6e dead" a!d the! they recited to her the miracle by order7 ho5 they 5ere come 5ithout a!y o6er!aile of the ship a!d re<uired of her place co!6e!able for his holy sepulture1 A!d 5he! the <uee! heard this" she se!t them u!to a ri ht cruel ma!" by treachery a!d by uile" as -aster 9eleth saith" a!d some say it 5as to the 4i! of Spai!" for to ha6e his co!se!t of this matter" a!d he too4 them a!d put them i! priso!1 A!d 5he! he 5as at di!!er the a! el of our Lord ope!ed the priso! a!d let them escape a5ay all free1 A!d 5he! he 4!e5 it" he se!t hastily 4!i hts after" for to ta4e them" a!d as these 4!i hts passed to o o6er a brid e" the brid e bra4e a!d o6erthre5" a!d they fell i! the 5ater a!d 5ere dro5!ed1 A!d 5he! he heard that he repe!ted him a!d doubted for himself a!d for his people" a!d se!t after them" prayi! them for to retur!" a!d that he 5ould do li4e as they 5ould themsel6es1 A!d the! they retur!ed a!d co!6erted the people of that city u!to the faith of God1 A!d 5he! Lupa the <uee! heard this" she 5as much sorro5ful" a!d 5he! they came a ai! to her they told to her the a reeme!t of the 4i! 1 She a!s5eredD Ta4e the o8e! that I ha6e i! yo!der mou!tai!" a!d =oi! ye a!d yo4e them to my cart or chariot" a!d bri! ye the! the body of your master" a!d build ye for him such a place as ye 5ill" a!d this she said to them i! uile a!d moc4a e" for she 4!e5 5ell that there 5ere !o o8e! but 5ild bulls" a!d supposed that they should !e6er =oi! them to her chariot" a!d if they 5ere so =oi!ed a!d yo4ed to the chariot" they 5ould ru! hither a!d thither" a!d should brea4 the chariot" a!d thro5 do5! the body a!d slay them1 9ut there is !o 5isdom a ai!st God1 A!d the! they" that 4!e5 !othi! the e6il coura e of the <uee!" 5e!t up o! the mou!tai!" a!d fou!d there a dra o! casti! fire at them" a!d ra! o! them1 A!d they made the si ! of the cross a!d he bra4e it o! t5o pieces1 A!d the! they made the si ! of the cross upo! the bulls" a!d a!o! they 5ere mee4 as lambs1 The! they too4 them a!d yo4ed them to the chariot" a!d too4 the body of S1 James 5ith the sto!e that they had laid it o!" a!d laid o! the chariot" a!d the 5ild bulls 5ithout o6er!i! or dri6i! of a!y body dre5 it forth u!to the middle of the palace of the <uee! Lupa1 A!d 5he! she sa5 this she 5as abashed a!d belie6ed a!d 5as christe!ed" a!d deli6ered to them all that they dema!ded" a!d dedicated her palace i!to a church a!d e!do5ed it reatly" a!d after e!ded her life i! ood 5or4s1 9er!ard" a ma! of the bishopric of -uti!a" as Cali8tus the pope saith" 5as ta4e! a!d e!chai!ed a!d put i!to a deep to5er" a!d called al5ays the blessed S1 James" so that S1 James appeared to him a!d saidD Come a!d follo5 me i!to Galicia" a!d the! his bo!ds bra4e a!d S1 James 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d he 5e!t up i!to the hi h to5er" a!d his bo!ds i! his !ec4" a!d spra! do5! 5ithout hurti! " a!d it 5as 5ell si8ty cubits of hei ht1 A!d as 9ede saithD There 5as a ma! that had do!e a foul si!" of 5hich the bishop doubted to assoil him" a!d se!t him to S1 James 5ith a schedule i! 5hich the si! 5as 5ritte!7 a!d 5he! he had laid the schedule upo! the altar" o! the day of S1 James he prayed S1 James" that by his merits his si! mi ht be for i6e! a!d defaced1 A!d after" he ope!ed the schedule a!d fou!d the si! effaced a!d struc4 out1 A!d the! he tha!4ed God a!d S1 James1 Thirty me! of Lorrai!e 5e!t to ether o! pil rima e to S1 James about the year of our Lord a thousa!d a!d si8ty:three" a!d all made faith to other that e6ery ma! should abide a!d ser6e other i! all estates that shall happe! by the 5ay" e8cept o!e" that 5ould ma4e !o co6e!a!t1 It happed that o!e of them 5as sic4 a!d his fello5s abode a!d a5aited o! him fiftee! days" a!d at last they all left him" sa6e he that promised !ot" 5hich abode by him a!d 4ept him at the foot of the -ou!t St1 -ichael1 A!d 5he! it dre5 to !i ht






the sic4 ma! died" a!d 5he! it 5as !i ht" the ma! that 5as ali6e 5as sore afraid for the place 5hich 5as solitary" a!d for the prese!ce of the dead body" a!d for the cruelty of the stra! e people" a!d for the dar4!ess of the !i ht that came o!1 9ut a!o! S1 James appeared to him i! li4e!ess of a ma! o! horsebac4 a!d comforted him a!d said7 Gi6e me that dead body tofore me" a!d leap thou up behi!d me o! my horse1 A!d so they rode all that !i ht fiftee! days =our!ey that they 5ere o! the mor! to see the su! risi! at -o!toia" 5hich is but half a lea ue from S1 James1 The! S1 James left them both" comma!di! him that 5as ali6e" that he should assemble the ca!o!s of S1 James to bury this pil rim" a!d that he should say to his fello5s" because they had bro4e! their faith their pil rima e a6ailed them !ot1 A!d he did his comma!dme!t" a!d 5he! his fello5s came they mar6elled ho5 he had so fast o!e" a!d he told to them all that S1 James had said a!d do!e1 A!d as Cali8tus the pope rehearseth" there 5as a ma! of Almai!e" a!d he 5e!t to S1 James about the year o!e thousa!d four score a!d three" a!d came to Toulouse for to be lod ed" a!d their host made them dru!41 The! the host too4 a cup of sil6er a!d put it i! their malle1 A!d o! the mor!" 5he! they 5ere o!e" he follo5ed them as thie6es" a!d bare them o! ha!d that they had stole! his cup" a!d said that they should be pu!ished if the cup 5ere fou!d o! them1 A!d he fou!d it i! the malle" a!d a!o! they 5ere brou ht to =ud me!t1 A!d the! the se!te!ce 5as i6e!" that all that they had should be i6e! to the host" a!d that o!e of them should be ha! ed1 A!d the! the father 5ould ha6e died for his so! a!d the so! for the father1 At last the so! 5as ha! ed" a!d the father 5e!t forth 5eepi! o! his pil rima e to S1 James" a!d came a ai! thirty:si8 days after" a!d the! 5e!t for to see his so!" a!d cried a!d 5ept" but the so! 5hich 5as ha! ed" be a! to comfort a!d said to his fatherD 3i ht s5eet father" 5eep !o more" for I 5as !e6er so 5ell at ease" for the blessed S1 James hath al5ay sustai!ed me a!d held me up" a!d hath fed me 5ith s5eet!ess of hea6e!7 a!d 5he! the father heard him spea4" he ra! a!o! to the city a!d did so much that the people came" a!d his so! 5as ta4e! do5! all 5hole" as thou h he had !e6er had harm" a!d the host 5as ha! ed 5hich had put the cup i! the malle1 +u o de S1 Victor rehearseth that the de6il appeared i! li4e!ess of S1 James to a pil rim" a!d told to him ma!y thi! s of the u!happi!ess of the 5orld" a!d said to him that he should be 5ell blessed if he sle5 himself i! the ho!our of him1 A!d a!o! he too4 a 4!ife a!d sle5 himself7 a!d the! the host i! 5hose house he 5as lod ed 5as held suspect" a!d 5as sore afraid to be put therefor to death1 The! he that 5as dead re6i6ed a ai!" a!d said that the de6il had caused him to slay himself" a!d brou ht him i!to reat torme!ts1 A!d S1 James ra!" a!d brou ht him tofore the thro!e of the =ud e" a!d 5he! the de6ils accused him" he at that he should be restored to his life1 There 5as a you! ma! of the cou!try of Lyo!s" as +u h the abbot of Clu!y 5it!esseth" that 5as accustomed to o oft to S1 James" a!d the !i ht tofore he should o thither5ard he fell i! for!icatio!1 A!d the !e8t day he 5e!t forth1 O! a !i ht it happed that the de6il appeared to him i! li4e!ess of S1 James" a!d said to himD @!o5est thou 5ho I amE A!d he a!s5eredD Nay1 A!d the de6il said to himD I am James the apostle" 5hom thou hast used to 6isit e6ery year" a!d I am lad for thy de6otio!1 9ut it is !ot lo! sith that thou" i! oi! out of thy house" fellest i! for!icatio!" a!d hast presumed to come" !ot co!fessed thereof" 5herefore thy pil rima e may !either please God !e me1 It appertai!eth !ot to do so" for 5ho that 5ill come to me i! pil rima e" he must first sho5 his si!s by co!tritio! a!d by co!fessio!" a!d after" by oi! o! pil rima e" pu!ish them a!d ma4e satisfactio!1 A!d this said" the de6il 6a!ished a5ay1 The! the you! ma! 5as i! reat a! uish" a!d disposed him to retur! home a ai! to his house a!d co!fess him of his si!s" a!d the! to be i! a ai! his =our!ey1 A!d the! the de6il appeared to him a ai! i! li4e!ess of the apostle" a!d 5ar!ed him i! !o 5ise to do so" but said to himD This si! may i! !o 5ise be for i6e! but if he cut off his members e!erati6e1 9ut yet he should be more blessed if he 4illed himself" a!d be a martyr for the sa4e of him1 A!d he" that same !i ht" 5he! his fello5s slept" too4 a 4!ife a!d cut off his e!itals" a!d 5ith the same 4!ife smote himself i!to the belly1 A!d his fello5s a5o4e" a!d 5he! they sa5 this thi! they 5ere sore afraid" a!d a!o! fled a5ay lest they should be ta4e! as suspect of the homicide1 A!d after" as they made ready his pit" to bury him i!" he re6i6ed a ai!" a!d the! all they 5ere abashed a!d fled a5ay1 A!d he called them a ai!" a!d told all that 5as befalle! to him" sayi! D ,he! I at the su estio! of the de6il had slai! myself" the de6ils too4 me a!d led me to5ards 3ome" a!d a!o! S1 James came after us" a!d blamed stro! ly the de6ils of their fallacy1 A!d 5he! they had lo! stri6ed to ether" S1 James co!strai!ed them to come i!to a meado5" 5here the 9lessed Vir i! sat spea4i! 5ith ma!y sai!ts1 A!d the blessed S1 James complai!ed for me" a!d the! she blamed stro! ly the de6ils" a!d comma!ded that I should be restored a ai! to my life1 A!d the! S1 James too4 me" a!d re!dered to me










my life a ai!" li4e as you see1 A!d three days after his 5ou!ds 5ere 5hole" a!d there appeared !othi! but the traces 5here the 5ou!ds 5ere" a!d the! he reprised a ai! his =our!ey" a!d fou!d his fello5s" a!d recited to them all this by order1



A!d as Cali8tus the pope rehearseth" there 5as a 're!chma!" about the year of our Lord ele6e! hu!dred" 5ould esche5e the mortality that 5as i! 'ra!ce" a!d 5ould 6isit S1 James" a!d he too4 his 5ife a!d childre! a!d 5e!t thither1 A!d 5he! they came to (ampelo!a his 5ife died" a!d his host too4 from him all his mo!ey a!d his =ume!t" upo! 5hich his childre! 5ere bor!e1 A!d this ma!" that thus 5e!t all discomforted" a!d bare his childre! o! his shoulders" a!d led o!e after him" 5as i! reat a! uish a!d sorro51 The! came a ma! to him" upo! a! ass" 5hich had pity o! him" a!d le!t to him his ass for to bear his childre!1 A!d 5he! he came to S1 James" a!d had do!e 5hat he 5ould" a!d prayed" S1 James appeared to him" a!d dema!ded if he 4!e5 him" a!d he said !ay1 A!d S1 James said to himD I am James the apostle" 5hich ha6e le!t to thee mi!e ass" a!d yet I shall le!d him to thee for to retur!1 A!d I let thee 5it that thi!e host is falle! from a soler a!d is dead1 A!d thou shalt ha6e a ai! all that he hath ta4e! from thee1 A!d 5he! all this 5as do!e" he retur!ed =oyous" 5ith his childre! to his house1 A!d as soo! as his childre! 5ere ta4e! off from the ass" it 5as !ot 4!o5! 5here it became1 A mercha!t 5as detai!ed of a tyra!t" a!d all despoiled" 5as 5ro! fully put i! priso!1 A!d he called much de6outly S1 James i!to his help1 A!d S1 James appeared to him tofore them that 4ept him" a!d they a5o4e" a!d he brou ht him i!to the hi hest of the to5er" a!d a!o! the to5er bo5ed do5! so lo5 that the top 5as e6e! 5ith the rou!d1 A!d he 5e!t" 5ithout leapi! " a!d u!bou!d of his iro!s1 The! his 4eepers follo5ed after" but they had !o po5er to see him1 Three 4!i hts of the diocese of Lyo!s 5e!t to S1 James" a!d that o!e 5as re<uired of a poor 5oma! for the lo6e of S1 James to bear her sac4 upo! his horse7 a!d he bare it1 After" he fou!d a ma! sic4" a!d set him o! his horse" a!d too4 the burde! off the ma!" a!d the sac4 off the said 5oma!" a!d follo5ed his horse afoot1 9ut he 5as bro4e! 5ith the heat of the su!" a!d 5ith labour to o afoot" that 5he! he came to S1 James i! Galicia" he 5as stro! ly sic41 A!d his fello5s prayed three days for the health of his soul" 5hich three days he lay speechless" a!d his fello5s abidi! his death1 The fourth he si hed reatly" a!d saidD I tha!4 God a!d S1 James" for I am deli6ered by his merits 5he! I 5ould ha6e do!e that 5hich ye 5ar!ed a!d admo!ished me1 9ut the de6ils came to me a!d strai!ed me so sore that I mi ht !ot do !othi! that appertai!ed to the health of my soul1 A!d I heard you 5ell but I mi ht !ot a!s5er1 A!d the! the blessed S1 James came" a!d brou ht i! his left ha!d the sac4 of the 5oma!" a!d i! the ri ht ha!d the bourdo! of the poor pil rim that I helped by the 5ay" a!d held the bourdo! for a spear" a!d the sac4 for a shield" a!d so assailed the de6ils as all a! ry" a!d lift up the bourdo!" a!d feared the de6ils that they fled a5ay7 a!d thus the blessed S1 James hath deli6ered me by his holy race" a!d hath re!dered to me my speech a ai!1 Call me the priest" for I may !ot be lo! i! this life" it is time to ame!d our trespasses to5ard our Lord1 A!d the! he tur!ed him to o!e of his fello5s" a!d said to himD 'rie!d" ride !o more 5ith thy lord" for certai!ly he is dam!ed" a!d shall perish shortly by e6il death" a!d therefore lea6e his compa!y" a!d the! he died1 A!d 5he! he 5as buried" his t5o fello5s" 4!i hts" retur!ed" a!d that other said to his master this that he had said to him" a!d he set !ot thereby" a!d had despite to ame!d him1 A!d a!o! after he 5as smitte! 5ith a spear i! battle a!d died1 A!d as Cali8tus the pope saith" that there 5as a ma! of Viriliac 5e!t to S1 James" a!d his mo!ey failed him by the 5ay1 A!d he had shame for to be a!d as4 alms" a!d he laid him u!der a tree" a!d dreamed that S1 James fed him1 A!d 5he! he a5o4e he fou!d a loaf" ba4ed u!der ashes" at his head" a!d 5ith that loaf he li6ed fiftee! days till that he came a ai! to his o5! place" a!d ate sufficie!tly t5ice a day of the same loaf" a!d al5ays o! the mor! he fou!d it 5hole i! his satchel1 Also the same Cali8tus rehearseth that a bur ess of the city of 9arcelo!a 5e!t to S1 James about the year of our Lord ele6e! hu!dred" a!d re<uired o!ly that he should !e6er be ta4e! of a!y e!emies" a!d as he retur!ed by Sicily he 5as ta4e! i! the sea of Sarace!s" a!d led ofttimes to fairs for to be sold" but al5ay the chai!s 5ith 5hich he 5as bou!de! loosed1 A!d 5he! he had bee! sold fourtee! times he 5as bou!d 5ith double chai!s1 The! he called S1 James to his help" a!d S1 James appeared to him a!d saidD 9ecause thou 5ert i! my church" a!d thou settest !othi! by the health of thy soul" but dema!dedst o!ly the deli6era!ce of thy body" therefor thou hast falle! i! this peril1 9ut because that our Lord is merciful" he hath se!t me for to buy thee1 A!d a!o! his chai!s bra4e" a!d he" beari! a part of the chai!s" passed by









the cou!tries a!d castles of the Sarace!s" a!d came home i!to his o5! cou!try i! the si ht of all me!" 5hich 5ere abashed of the miracle1 'or 5he! a!y ma! 5ould ha6e ta4e! him" as soo! as they sa5 the chai! they 5ere afeard a!d fled1 A!d 5he! the lio!s a!d other beasts 5ould ha6e ra! o! him" i! the deserts 5hereo! he 5e!t" 5he! they sa5 the chai! they 5ere afeard that they fled a5ay1

It happed i! the year t5el6e hu!dred a!d thirtyei ht i! a castle !amed (rato" bet5ee! 'lore!ce a!d (istoia" a you! ma! decei6ed of simplesse by cou!sel of a! old ma!" set fire i! the cor! of his tutor" 5hich had char e to 4eep him" because that he 5ould usurp to himself his herita e1 The! he 5as ta4e!" a!d co!fessed his trespass" a!d 5as =ud ed to be dra5! a!d bur!t1 The! he co!fessed him" a!d a6o5ed to S1 James1 A!d 5he! he had bee! lo! dra5! i! his shirt upo! a sto!y 5ay" he 5as !either hurt i! his body !e i! his shirt1 The! he 5as bou!d to a sta4e" a!d fa ots a!d bushes 5ere set about him" a!d fire put thereto" 5hich fire bur!t at5o his bo!ds" a!d he al5ays called o! S1 James" a!d there 5as !o hurt of bur!i! fou!d i! his shirt !or i! his body" a!d 5he! they 5ould ha6e cast him a ai! i!to the fire" he 5as ta4e! a5ay from them by S1 James" the apostle of God" to 5hom be i6e! laud a!d praisi! 1 Here followeth of *" !hri to&her a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Christopher tofore his baptism 5as !amed 3eprobus" but after5ards he 5as !amed Christopher" 5hich is as much to say as beari! Christ" of that that he bare Christ i! four ma!!ers1 +e bare him o! his shoulders by co!6eyi! a!d leadi! " i! his body by ma4i! it lea!" i! mi!d by de6otio!" a!d i! his mouth by co!fessio! a!d predicatio!1 Of *" !hri to&her"










Christopher 5as of the li!ea e of the Ca!aa!ites" a!d he 5as of a ri ht reat stature" a!d had a terrible a!d fearful cheer a!d cou!te!a!ce1 A!d he 5as t5el6e cubits of le! th" a!d as it is read i! some histories that" 5he! he ser6ed a!d d5elled 5ith the 4i! of Ca!aa!" it came i! his mi!d that he 5ould see4 the reatest pri!ce that 5as i! the 5orld" a!d him 5ould he ser6e a!d obey1 A!d so far he 5e!t that he came to a ri ht reat 4i! " of 5hom the re!omee e!erally 5as that he 5as the reatest of the 5orld1 A!d 5he! the 4i! sa5 him" he recei6ed him i!to his ser6ice" a!d made him to d5ell i! his court1 ?po! a time a mi!strel sa! tofore him a so! i! 5hich he !amed oft the de6il" a!d the 4i! " 5hich 5as a christia! ma!" 5he! he heard him !ame the de6il" made a!o! the si ! of the cross i! his 6isa e1 A!d 5he! Christopher sa5 that" he had reat mar6el 5hat si ! it 5as" a!d 5herefore the 4i! made it" a!d he dema!ded of him1 A!d because the 4i! 5ould !ot say" he saidD If thou tell me !ot" I shall !o lo! er d5ell 5ith thee" a!d the! the 4i! told to him" sayi! D Al5ay 5he! I hear the de6il !amed" I fear that he should ha6e po5er o6er me" a!d I ar!ish me 5ith this si ! that he rie6e !ot !e a!!oy me1 The! Christopher said to himD Doubtest thou the de6il that he hurt thee !otE The! is the de6il more mi hty a!d reater tha! thou art1 I am the! decei6ed of my hope a!d purpose" for I had supposed I had fou!d the most mi hty a!d the most reatest Lord of the 5orld" but I comme!d thee to God" for I 5ill o see4 him for to be my Lord" a!d I his ser6a!t1 A!d the! departed from this 4i! " a!d hasted him for to see4 the de6il1 A!d as he 5e!t by a reat desert" he sa5 a reat compa!y of 4!i hts" of 5hich a 4!i ht cruel a!d horrible came to him a!d dema!ded 5hither he 5e!t" a!d Christopher a!s5ered to him a!d saidD I o see4 the de6il for to be my master1 A!d he saidD I am he that thou see4est1 A!d the! Christopher 5as lad" a!d bou!d him to be his ser6a!t perpetual" a!d too4 him for his master a!d Lord1 A!d as they 5e!t to ether by a commo! 5ay" they fou!d there a cross" erect a!d sta!di! 1 A!d a!o! as the de6il sa5 the cross he 5as afeard a!d fled" a!d left the ri ht 5ay" a!d brou ht Christopher about by a sharp desert1 A!d after" 5he! they 5ere past the cross" he brou ht him to the hi h5ay that they had left1 A!d 5he! Christopher sa5 that" he mar6elled" a!d dema!ded 5hereof he doubted" a!d had left the hi h a!d fair 5ay" a!d had o!e so far about by so aspre a desert1 A!d the de6il 5ould !ot tell him i! !o 5ise1 The! Christopher said to himD If thou 5ilt !ot tell me" I shall a!o! depart from thee" a!d shall ser6e thee !o more1 ,herefor the de6il 5as co!strai!ed to tell him" a!d saidD There 5as a ma! called Christ 5hich 5as ha! ed o! the cross" a!d 5he! I see his si ! I am sore afraid" a!d flee from it 5heresoe6er I see it1 To 5hom Christopher saidD The! he is reater" a!d more mi htier tha! thou" 5he! thou art afraid of his si !" a!d I see 5ell that I ha6e laboured i! 6ai!" 5he! I ha6e !ot fou!de! the reatest Lord of the 5orld1 A!d I 5ill ser6e thee !o lo! er" o thy 5ay the!" for I 5ill o see4 Christ1 A!d 5he! he had lo! sou ht a!d dema!ded 5here he should fi!d Christ" at last he came i!to a reat desert" to a! hermit that d5elt there" a!d this hermit preached to him of Jesu Christ a!d i!formed him i! the faith dili e!tly" a!d said to himD This 4i! 5hom






thou desirest to ser6e" re<uireth the ser6ice that thou must oft fast1 A!d Christopher said to himD 3e<uire of me some other thi! " a!d I shall do it" for that 5hich thou re<uirest I may !ot do1 A!d the hermit saidD Thou must the! 5a4e a!d ma4e ma!y prayers1 A!d Christopher said to himD I 5ot !ot 5hat it is7 I may do !o such thi! 1 A!d the! the hermit said to himD @!o5est thou such a ri6er" i! 5hich ma!y be perished a!d lostE To 5hom Christopher saidD I 4!o5 it 5ell1 The! said the hermit" 9ecause thou art !oble a!d hi h of stature a!d stro! i! thy members" thou shalt be reside!t by that ri6er" a!d thou shalt bear o6er all them that shall pass there" 5hich shall be a thi! ri ht co!6e!able to our Lord Jesu Christ 5hom thou desirest to ser6e" a!d I hope he shall sho5 himself to thee1 The! said ChristopherD Certes" this ser6ice may I 5ell do" a!d I promise to him for to do it1 The! 5e!t Christopher to this ri6er" a!d made there his habitacle for him" a!d bare a reat pole i! his ha!d i!stead of a staff" by 5hich he sustai!ed him i! the 5ater" a!d bare o6er all ma!!er of people 5ithout ceasi! 1 A!d there he abode" thus doi! " ma!y days1 A!d i! a time" as he slept i! his lod e" he heard the 6oice of a child 5hich called him a!d saidD Christopher" come out a!d bear me o6er1 The! he a5o4e a!d 5e!t out" but he fou!d !o ma!1 A!d 5he! he 5as a ai! i! his house" he heard the same 6oice a!d he ra! out a!d fou!d !obody1 The third time he 5as called a!d came thither" a!d fou!d a child beside the ri6a e of the ri6er" 5hich prayed him oodly to bear him o6er the 5ater1 A!d the! Christopher lift up the child o! his shoulders" a!d too4 his staff" a!d e!tered i!to the ri6er for to pass1 A!d the 5ater of the ri6er arose a!d s5elled more a!d moreD a!d the child 5as hea6y as lead" a!d al5ay as he 5e!t farther the 5ater i!creased a!d re5 more" a!d the child more a!d more 5a8ed hea6y" i!somuch that Christopher had reat a! uish a!d 5as afeard to be dro5!ed1 A!d 5he! he 5as escaped 5ith reat pai!" a!d passed the 5ater" a!d set the child a rou!d" he said to the childD Child" thou hast put me i! reat peril7 thou 5ei hest almost as I had all the 5orld upo! me" I mi ht bear !o reater burde!1 A!d the child a!s5eredD Christopher" mar6el thee !othi! " for thou hast !ot o!ly bor!e all the 5orld upo! thee" but thou hast bor!e him that created a!d made all the 5orld" upo! thy shoulders1 I am Jesu Christ the 4i! " to 5hom thou ser6est i! this 5or41 A!d because that thou 4!o5 that I say to be the truth" set thy staff i! the earth by thy house" a!d thou shalt see to:mor! that it shall bear flo5ers a!d fruit" a!d a!o! he 6a!ished from his eyes1 A!d the! Christopher set his staff i! the earth" a!d 5he! he arose o! the mor!" he fou!d his staff li4e a palmier beari! flo5ers" lea6es a!d dates1 A!d the! Christopher 5e!t i!to the city of Lycia" a!d u!derstood !ot their la! ua e1 The! he prayed our Lord that he mi ht u!dersta!d them" a!d so he did1 A!d as he 5as i! this prayer" the =ud es supposed that he had bee! a fool" a!d left him there1 A!d the! 5he! Christopher u!derstood the la! ua e" he co6ered his 6isa e a!d 5e!t to the place 5here they martyred christia! me!" a!d comforted them i! our Lord1 A!d the! the =ud es smote him i! the face" a!d Christopher said to themD If I 5ere !ot christia! I should a6e! e mi!e i!=ury1 A!d the! Christopher pitched his rod i! the earth" a!d prayed to our Lord that for to co!6ert the people it mi ht bear flo5ers a!d fruit" a!d a!o! it did so1 A!d the! he co!6erted ei ht thousa!d me!1 A!d the! the 4i! se!t t5o 4!i hts for to fetch him to the 4i! " a!d they fou!d him prayi! " a!d durst !ot tell to him so1 A!d a!o! after" the 4i! se!t as ma!y more" a!d they a!o! set them do5! for to pray 5ith him1 A!d 5he! Christopher arose" he said to themD ,hat see4 yeE A!d 5he! they sa5 him i! the 6isa e they said to himD The 4i! hath se!t us" that 5e should lead thee bou!d u!to him1 A!d Christopher said to themD If I 5ould" ye should !ot lead me to him" bou!d !e u!bou!d1 A!d they said to himD If thou 5ilt o thy 5ay" o <uit" 5here thou 5ilt1 A!d 5e shall say to the 4i! that 5e ha6e !ot fou!d thee1 It shall !ot be so" said he" but I shall o 5ith you1 A!d the! he co!6erted them i! the fatth" a!d comma!ded them that they should bi!d his ha!ds behi!d his bac4" a!d lead him so bou!d to the 4i! 1 A!d 5he! the 4i! sa5 him he 5as afeard a!d fell do5! off the seat" a!d his ser6a!ts lifted him up a!d rele6ed him a ai!1 A!d the! the 4i! i!<uired his !ame a!d his cou!try7 a!d Christopher said to himD Tofore or I 5as baptiHed I 5as !amed 3eprobus" a!d after" I am Christopher7 tofore baptism" a Ca!aa!ite" !o5" a christia! ma!1 To 5hom the 4i! saidD Thou hast a foolish !ame" that is to 5it of Christ crucified" 5hich could !ot help himself" !e may !ot profit to thee1 +o5 therefore" thou cursed Ca!aa!ite" 5hy 5ilt thou !ot do sacrifice to our odsE To 5hom Christopher saidD Thou art ri htfully called Da !us" for thou art the death of the 5orld" a!d fello5 of the de6il" a!d thy ods be made 5ith the ha!ds of me!1 A!d the 4i! said to himD Thou 5ert !ourished amo! 5ild beasts" a!d therefore thou mayst !ot say but 5ild la! ua e" a!d 5ords u!4!o5! to me!1 A!d if thou 5ilt !o5 do sacrifice to the ods I shall i6e to thee reat ifts a!d reat ho!ours" a!d if !ot" I shall destroy thee a!d co!sume thee by reat pai!s a!d torme!ts1 9ut" for all this" he 5ould i! !o 5ise do sacrifice" 5herefore he 5as se!t i! to priso!" a!d the 4i! did do behead the other 4!i hts that he had se!t for him" 5hom he had co!6erted1 A!d after this he se!t i! to the priso! to S1 Christopher t5o fair 5ome!" of 5hom that o!e 5as !amed NicFa a!d that other A<uili!a" a!d promised to them ma!y reat ifts if they could dra5 Christopher to si! 5ith them1 A!d









5he! Christopher sa5 that" he set him do5! i! prayer" a!d 5he! he 5as co!strai!ed by them that embraced him to mo6e" he arose a!d saidD ,hat see4 yeE 'or 5hat cause be ye come hitherE A!d they" 5hich 5ere afraid of his cheer a!d clear!ess of his 6isa e" saidD +oly sai!t of God" ha6e pity of us so that 5e may belie6e i! that God that thou preachest1 A!d 5he! the 4i! heard that" he comma!ded that they should be let out a!d brou ht tofore him1 To 5hom he saidD ;e be decei6ed" but I s5ear to you by my ods that" if ye do !o sacrifice to my ods" ye shall a!o! perish by e6il death1 A!d they said to himD If thou 5ilt that 5e shall do sacrifice" comma!d that the places may be made clea!" a!d that all the people may assemble at the temple1 A!d 5he! this 5as do!e they e!tered i! to the temple" a!d too4 their irdles" a!d put them about the !ec4s of their ods" a!d dre5 them to the earth" a!d bra4e them all i! pieces" a!d said to them that 5ere thereD Go a!d call physicia!s a!d leeches for to heal your ods1 A!d the!" by the comma!dme!t of the 4i! " A<uili!a 5as ha! ed" a!d a ri ht reat a!d hea6y sto!e 5as ha! ed at her feet" so that her members 5ere much despitously bro4e!1 A!d 5he! she 5as dead" a!d passed to our Lord" her sister NicFa 5as cast i!to a reat fire" but she issued out 5ithout harm all 5hole" a!d the! he made to smite off her head" a!d so suffered death1 After this Christopher 5as brou ht tofore the 4i! " a!d the 4i! comma!ded that he should be beate! 5ith rods of iro!" a!d that there should be set upo! his head a cross of iro! red hot a!d bur!i! " a!d the! after" he did do ma4e a sie e or a stool of iro!" a!d made Christopher to be bou!de! thereo!" a!d after" to set fire u!der it" a!d cast therei! pitch1 9ut the sie e or settle melted li4e 5a8" a!d Christopher issued out 5ithout a!y harm or hurt1 A!d 5he! the 4i! sa5 that" he comma!ded that he should be bou!d to a stro! sta4e" a!d that he should be throu h:shotte! 5ith arro5s 5ith forty 4!i hts archers1 9ut !o!e of the 4!i hts mi ht attai! him" for the arro5s hu! i! the air about" !i h him" 5ithout touchi! 1 The! the 4i! 5ee!ed that he had bee! throu hshotte! 5ith the arro5s of the 4!i hts" a!d addressed him for to o to him1 A!d o!e of the arro5s retur!ed sudde!ly from the air a!d smote him i! the eye" a!d bli!ded him1 To 5hom Christopher saidD Tyra!t" I shall die to:mor!" ma4e a little clay" 5ith my blood tempered" a!d a!oi!t there5ith thi!e eye" a!d thou shalt recei6e health1 The! by the comma!dme!t of the 4i! he 5as led for to be beheaded" a!d the!" there made he his oriso!" a!d his head 5as smitte! off" a!d so suffered martyrdom1 A!d the 4i! the! too4 a little of his blood a!d laid it o! his eye" a!d saidD I! the !ame of God a!d of S1 ChristopherI a!d 5as a!o! healed1 The! the 4i! belie6ed i! God" a!d a6e comma!dme!t that if a!y perso! blamed God or S1 Christopher" he should a!o! be slai! 5ith the s5ord1 Ambrose saith i! his preface thus" of this holy martyrD Lord" thou hast i6e! to Christopher so reat ple!ty of 6irtues" a!d such race of doctri!e" that he called from the error of pay!ims forty:ei ht thousa!d me!" to the ho!our of christia! faith" by his shi!i! miracles1 A!d NicFa a!d A<uili!a" 5hich lo! had bee! commo! at the bordel" u!der the ste!ch of lechery" he called a!d made them ser6e i! the habit of chastity" a!d e!sei !ed them to a li4e cro5! of martyrdom1 A!d 5ith this" he bei! strai!ed a!d bou!de! i! a seat of iro!" a!d reat fire put u!der" doubted !othi! the heat1 A!d all a 5hole day duri! " stood bou!de! to a sta4e" yet mi ht !ot be throu h:pierced 5ith arro5s of all the 4!i hts1 A!d 5ith that" o!e of the arro5s smote out the eye of the tyra!t" to 5hom the blood of the holy martyr re:established his si ht" a!d e!lumi!ed him i! ta4i! a5ay the bli!d!ess of his body" a!d at of the christia! mi!d a!d pardo!" a!d he also at of thee by prayer po5er to put a5ay sic4!ess a!d sores from them that remember his passio! a!d fi ure1 The! let us pray to S1 Christopher that he pray for us" etc1 Live of Of the *eve# *lee&er "







The se6e! sleepers 5ere bor! i! the city of Ephesus1 A!d 5he! Decius the emperor came i!to Ephesus for the persecutio! of christia! me!" he comma!ded to edify the temples i! the middle of the city" so that all should come 5ith him to do sacrifice to the idols" a!d did do see4 all the christia! people" a!d bi!d them for to ma4e them to do sacrifice" or else to put them to death7 i! such 5ise that e6ery ma! 5as afeard of the pai!s that he promised" that the frie!d forsoo4 his frie!d" a!d the so! re!ied his father" a!d the father the so!1 A!d the! i! this city 5ere fou!de! se6e! christia! me!" that is to 5it" -a8imia!" -alchus" -arcia!us" De!is" Joh!" Serapio!" a!d Co!sta!ti!e1 A!d 5he! they sa5 this" they had much sorro5" a!d because they 5ere the first i! the palace that despised the sacrifices" they hid them i! their houses" a!d 5ere i! fasti! s a!d i! prayers1 A!d the! they 5ere accused tofore Decius" a!d came thither" a!d 5ere fou!d 6ery christia! me!1 The! 5as i6e! to them space for to repe!t them" u!to the comi! a ai! of Decius1 A!d i! the mea!5hile they dispe!ded their patrimo!y i! alms to the poor people7 a!d assembled them to ether" a!d too4 cou!sel" a!d 5e!t to the mou!t of Celio!" a!d there ordai!ed to be



more secretly" a!d there hid them lo! time1 A!d o!e of them admi!istered a!d ser6ed them al5ays1 A!d 5he! he 5e!t i!to the city" he clothed him i! the habit of a be ar1 ,he! Decius 5as come a ai!" he comma!ded that they should be fetched" a!d the! -alchus" 5hich 5as their ser6a!t a!d mi!istered to them meat a!d dri!4" retur!ed i! reat dread to his fello5s" a!d told a!d sho5ed to them the reat fury a!d 5ood!ess of them" a!d the! 5ere they sore afraid1 A!d -alchus set tofore them the loa6es of bread that he had brou ht" so that they 5ere comforted of the meat" a!d 5ere more stro! for to suffer torme!ts1 A!d 5he! they had ta4e! their refectio! a!d sat i! 5eepi! a!d 5aili! s" sudde!ly" as God 5ould" they slept" a!d 5he! it came o! the mor! they 5ere sou ht a!d could !ot be fou!d1 ,herefore Decius 5as sorro5ful because he had lost such you! me!1 A!d the! they 5ere accused that they 5ere hid i! the mou!t of Celio!" a!d had i6e! their oods to poor me!" a!d yet abode i! their purpose1 A!d the! comma!ded Decius that their 4i!dred should come to him" a!d me!aced them to the death if they said !ot of them all that they 4!e51 A!d they accused them" a!d complai!ed that they had dispe!ded all their riches1 The! Decius thou ht 5hat he should do 5ith them" a!d" as our Lord 5ould" he e!closed the mouth of the ca6e 5herei! they 5ere 5ith sto!es" to the e!d that they should die therei! for hu! er a!d fault of meat1 The! the mi!isters a!d t5o christia! me!" Theodorus a!d 3ufi!us" 5rote their martyrdom a!d laid it subtlely amo! the sto!es1 A!d 5he! Decius 5as dead" a!d all that e!eratio!" three hu!dred a!d si8ty:t5o years after" a!d the thirtieth year of Theodosius the emperor" 5he! the heresy 5as of them that de!ied the resurrectio! of dead bodies" a!d be a! to ro57 Theodosius" the! the most christia! emperor" bei! sorro5ful that the faith of our Lord 5as so felo!ously deme!ed" for a! er a!d hea6i!ess he clad him i! hair a!d 5ept e6ery day i! a secret place" a!d led a full holy life" 5hich God" merciful a!d piteous" seei! " 5ould comfort them that 5ere sorro5ful a!d 5eepi! " a!d i6e to them espera!ce a!d hope of the resurrectio! of dead me!" a!d ope!ed the precious treasure of his pity" a!d raised the foresaid martyrs i! this ma!!er follo5i! 1 +e put i! the 5ill of a bur ess of Ephesus that he 5ould ma4e i! that mou!tai!" 5hich 5as desert a!d aspre" a stable for his pasturers a!d herdme!1 A!d it happed that of ad6e!ture the maso!s" that made the said stable" ope!ed this ca6e1 A!d the! these holy sai!ts" that 5ere 5ithi!" a5o4e a!d 5ere raised a!d i!tersalued each other" a!d had supposed 6erily that they had slept but o!e !i ht o!ly" a!d remembered of the hea6i!ess that they had the day tofore1 A!d the! -alchus" 5hich mi!istered to them" said 5hat Decius had ordai!ed of them" for he saidD ,e ha6e bee! sou ht" li4e as I said to you yesterday" for to do sacrifice to the idols" that is it that the emperor desireth of us1 A!d the! -a8imia! a!s5eredD God our Lord 4!o5eth that 5e shall !e6er sacrifice" a!d comforted his fello5s1 +e comma!ded to -alchus to o a!d buy bread i! the city" a!d bade him bri! more tha! he did yesterday" a!d also to e!<uire a!d dema!d 5hat the emperor had comma!ded to do1 A!d the! -alchus too4 fi6e shilli! s" a!d issued out of the ca6e" a!d 5he! he sa5 the maso!s a!d the sto!es tofore the ca6e" he be a! to bless him" a!d 5as much amar6elled1 9ut he thou ht little o! the sto!es" for he thou ht o! other thi! s1 The! came he all doubtful to the ates of the city" a!d 5as all amar6elled1 'or he sa5 the si ! of the cross about the ate" a!d the!" 5ithout tarryi! " he 5e!t to that other ate of the city" a!d fou!d there also the si ! of the cross thereo!" a!d the! he had reat mar6el" for upo! e6ery ate he sa5 set up the si ! of the cross7 a!d there5ith the city 5as ar!ished1 A!d the! he blessed him a!d retur!ed to the first ate" a!d 5ee!ed he had dreamed7 a!d after he ad6ised a!d comforted himself a!d co6ered his 6isa e a!d e!tered i!to the city1 A!d 5he! he came to the sellers of bread" a!d heard the me! spea4 of God" yet the! 5as he more abashed" a!d saidD ,hat is this" that !o ma! yesterday durst !ame Jesu Christ" a!d !o5 e6ery ma! co!fesseth him to be christia!E I tro5 this is !ot the city of Ephesus" for it is all other5ise builded1 It is some other city" I 5ot !ot 5hat1 A!d 5he! he dema!ded a!d heard 6erily that it 5as Ephesus" he supposed that he had erred" a!d thou ht 6erily to o a ai! to his fello5s" a!d the! 5e!t to them that sold bread1 A!d 5he! he sho5ed his mo!ey the sellers mar6elled" a!d said that o!e to that other" that this you! ma! had fou!d some old treasure1 A!d 5he! -alchus sa5 them tal4 to ether" he doubted !ot that they 5ould lead him to the emperor" a!d 5as sore afeard" a!d prayed them to let him o" a!d 4eep both mo!ey a!d bread" but they held him" a!d said to himD Of 5he!ce art thouE 'or thou hast fou!d treasure of old emperors" sho5 it to us" a!d 5e shall be fello5s 5ith thee a!d 4eep it secret1 A!d -alchus 5as so afeard that he 5ist !ot 5hat to say to them for dread1 A!d 5he! they sa5 that he spa4e !ot they put a cord about his !ec4" a!d dre5 him throu h the city u!to the middle thereof1 A!d tidi! s 5ere had all about i! the city that a you! ma! had fou!d a!cie!t treasure" i! such 5ise that all they of the city assembled about him" a!d he co!fessed there that he had fou!d !o treasure1 A!d he beheld them all" but he could 4!o5 !o ma! there of his 4i!dred !e li!ea e" 5hich he had 6erily supposed that they had li6ed"


















but fou!d !o!e" 5herefore he stood as he had bee! from himself" i! the middle of the city1 A!d 5he! S1 -arti! the bishop" a!d A!tipater the co!sul" 5hich 5ere !e5 come i!to this city" heard of this thi! they se!t for him" that they should bri! him 5isely to them" a!d his mo!ey 5ith him1 A!d 5he! he 5as brou ht to the church he 5ee!ed 5ell he should ha6e bee! led to the Emperor Decius1 A!d the! the bishop a!d the co!sul mar6elled of the mo!ey" a!d they dema!ded him 5here he had fou!d this treasure u!4!o5!1 A!d he a!s5ered that he had !othi! fou!de!" but it 5as come to him of his 4i!dred a!d patrimo!y" a!d they dema!ded of him of 5hat city he 5as1 I 5ot 5ell that I am of this city" if this be the city of Ephesus1 A!d the =ud e said to himD Let thy 4i!dred come a!d 5it!ess for thee1 A!d he !amed them" but !o!e 4!e5 them1 A!d they said that he fei !ed" for to escape from them i! some ma!!er1 A!d the! said the =ud eD +o5 may 5e belie6e thee that this mo!ey is come to thee of thy frie!ds" 5he! it appeareth i! the scripture that it is more tha! three hu!dred a!d se6e!ty:t5o years sith it 5as made a!d for ed" a!d is of the first days of Decius the emperor" a!d it resembleth !othi! to our mo!ey7 a!d ho5 may it come from thy li!ea e so lo! si!ce" a!d thou art you! a!d 5ouldst decei6e the 5ise a!d a!cie!t me! of this city of EphesusE A!d therefore I comma!d that thou be deme!ed after the la5 till thou hast co!fessed 5here thou hast fou!d this mo!ey1 The! -alchus 4!eeled do5! tofore them a!d saidD 'or God>s sa4e" lords" say ye to me that I shall dema!d you" a!d I shall tell to you all that I ha6e i! my heart1 Decius the emperor that 5as i! this city" 5here is heE A!d the bishop said to him there is !o such at this day i! the 5orld that is !amed Decius" he 5as emperor ma!y years si!ce1 A!d -alchus saidD Sire" hereof I am reatly abashed a!d !o ma! belie6eth me" for I 5ot 5ell that 5e fled for fear of Decius the emperor" a!d I sa5 him" that yesterday he e!tered i!to this city" if this be the city of Ephesus1 The! the bishop thou ht i! himself" a!d said to the =ud e that" this is a 6isio! that our Lord 5ill ha6e sho5ed by this you! ma!1 The! said the you! ma!D 'ollo5 ye me" a!d I shall sho5 to you my fello5s 5hich be i! the mou!t of Celio!" a!d belie6e ye them1 This 4!o5 I 5ell" that 5e fled from the face of the Emperor Decius1 A!d the! they 5e!t 5ith him" a!d a reat multitude of the people of the city 5ith them1 A!d -alchus e!tered first i!to the ca6e to his fello5s" a!d the bishop !e8t after him1 A!d there fou!d they amo! the sto!es the letters sealed 5ith t5o seals of sil6er1 A!d the! the bishop called them that 5ere come thither" a!d read them tofore them all" so that they that heard it 5ere all abashed a!d amar6elled1 A!d they sa5 the sai!ts sitti! i! the ca6e" a!d their 6isa es li4e u!to roses flo5eri! " a!d they" 4!eeli! do5!" lorified God1 A!d a!o! the bishop a!d the =ud e se!t to Theodosius the emperor" prayi! him that he 5ould come a!o! for to see the mar6els of our Lord that he had late sho5ed1 A!d a!o! he arose up from the rou!d" a!d too4 off the sac4 i! 5hich he 5ept" a!d lorified our Lord1 A!d came from Co!sta!ti!ople to Ephesus" a!d all they came a ai!st him" a!d asce!ded i! to the mou!tai! 5ith him to ether" u!to the sai!ts i! to the ca6e1 A!d as soo! as the blessed sai!ts of our Lord sa5 the emperor come" their 6isa es sho!e li4e to the su!1 A!d the emperor e!tered the!" a!d lorified our Lord a!d embraced them" 5eepi! upo! each of them" a!d saidD I see you !o5 li4e as I should see our Lord raisi! LaHarus1 A!d the! -a8imia! said to himD 9elie6e us" for forsooth our Lord hath raised us tofore the day of the reat resurrectio!1 A!d to the e!d that thou belie6e firmly the resurrectio! of the dead people" 6erily 5e be raised as ye here see" a!d li6e1 A!d i! li4e 5ise as the child is i! the 5omb of his mother 5ithout feeli! harm or hurt" i! the same 5ise 5e ha6e bee! li6i! a!d sleepi! i! Iyi! here 5ithout feeli! of a!ythi! 1 A!d 5he! they had said all this" they i!cli!ed their heads to the earth" a!d re!dered their spirits at the comma!d of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d so died1 The! the emperor arose" a!d fell o! them" 5eepi! stro! ly" a!d embraced them" a!d 4issed them debo!airly1 A!d the! he comma!ded to ma4e precious sepulchres of old a!d sil6er" a!d to bury their bodies therei!1 A!d i! the same !i ht they appeared to the emperor" a!d said to him that he should suffer them to lie o! the earth li4e as they bad lai! tofore till that time that our Lord had raised them" u!to the time that they should rise a ai!1 The! comma!ded the emperor that the place should be ador!ed !obly a!d richly 5ith precious sto!es" a!d all the bishops that 5ould co!fess the resurrectio! should be assoiled1 It is i! doubt of that 5hich is said that they slept three hu!dred a!d si8ty:t5o years" for they 5ere raised the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d se6e!ty:ei ht" a!d Decius rei !ed but o!e year a!d three mo!ths" a!d that 5as i! the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d se6e!ty" a!d so they slept but t5o hu!dred a!d ei ht years1 Here followeth the Live of **" Na6arie# a#d !el u . a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of their #a%e "





NaHarie! is said of NaHareus" that is as much to say as co!secrate or clea!" or departed or flo5ered" or 4eepi! 1 I! a ma! be fou!d these fi6eD Co itatio!" affectio!" i!te!tio!" actio!" a!d locutio! or speech1



Co itatio! or thou ht ou ht to be holy" affectio! clea!" i!te!tio! ri ht" actio! =ust" a!d locutio! or speech moderate1 All these thi! s 5ere i! S1 NaHarie!1 +e had a! holy co itatio! or thou ht" a!d thereof he is said co!secrate1 +e had affectio! clea!" a!d thereof he is said clea!1 +e had i!te!tio! ri ht" a!d thereof he is said departed1 I!te!tio! is that departeth 5or4s" for of a simple eye cometh a bri ht body1 Of a shre5d eye is made a dar4 body1 +e had actio! =ust" a!d thereof he is said flo5ered" for a =ust ma! shall flo5er li4e a lily1 Spea4i! or locutio! moderate" a!d thereof he is said 4eepi! " for he hath 4ept his 5ays i! such 5ise that he had !ot trespassed i! his to! ue1 Celsus is as much to say as hi h" for he e!ha!ced him abo6e himself" 5he! he o6ercame his childish a e by 6irtue of his coura e1 It is said that Ambrose" i! the 9oo4 of Ger6ase a!d (rothase" hath rehearsed the life a!d passio! of them1 I! some boo4s it is read that there 5as a philosopher ha6i! de6otio! to NaHarie! that 5rote his passio!" 5hich Ceracius" 5hich buried the bodies of the sai!ts" laid it at the head of them1 Of *" Na6arie# a#d *" !el u "



NaHarie! 5as so! of a !oblema! !amed Africa!us" but he 5as a Je5" a!d of S1 (erpetua" a most christia! 5oma!" a!d come of the !oblest of the 3oma!s" a!d had bee! baptiHed of S1 (eter the apostle1 ,he! he 5as !i!e years old he mar6elled reatly seei! his father a!d mother so reatly to 6ary i! the obser6atio! of their reli io!7 for his mother 4ept the la5 of baptism" a!d his father follo5ed the la5 of the Sabbath" 5herefore to 5hom he mi ht follo5 of them he doubted much" for they both laboured to dra5 him to their faith1 At last by the 5ill of God he follo5ed the la5 of his mother" a!d recei6ed the holy baptism of S1 Li!us the pope1 ,hich" 5he! the father 4!e5" he be a! to e8hort a!d dra5 him from his holy purpose" a!d rehearsed to him by order all the ma!!er of torme!ts that 5ere ordai!ed for christia! me!" but he mi ht !ot 5ithdra5 him from his holy purpose1 That 5hich is said" that he 5as baptiHed of Li!us the pope" it is to u!dersta!d that Li!us 5as !ot the! pope" but after5ards he 5as pope1 NaHarie! li6ed after his baptism ma!y years" as it shall appear hereafter" 5hich suffered martyrdom u!der Nero" 5hich crucified (eter the last year of his rei !1 The! 5he! NaHarie! 5ould i! !o 5ise asse!t to his father" but preached Christ most co!sta!tly" his 4i!dred dreaded lest he should be slai!" a!d at their re<uest a!d prayer he departed out of 3ome" a!d too4 5ith him se6e! sumpters char ed a!d lade! 5ith riches a!d oods" 5hich all he a6e to poor people i! the parts of Italy to 5hich he came1 A!d the te!th year that he departed from 3ome he came to (lace!tia" a!d from the!ce to -ila!" a!d fou!d there Ger6ase a!d (rothase holde! i! priso!" 5hom he comforted1 A!d 5he! it 5as 4!o5! that NaHarie! had comforted a!d e!coura ed the said martyrs" he 5as a!o! ta4e! a!d brou ht to the prefect1 A!d he" al5ays abidi! steadfastly i! the faith a!d 4!o5led i! of Christ" 5as beate! 5ith sta6es" a!d so cast out of the city7 a!d as he 5e!t from place to place" his mother" 5hich the! 5as dead" appeared to him" a!d comforted him" a!d 5ar!ed him that he should o i!to 'ra!ce" a!d so he did1 A!d 5he! he came i!to a to5! of 'ra!ce" 5hich that hi ht Gemellus" a!d had co!6erted much people to the faith of Jesu Christ" there 5as a !oble 5oma! 5hich offered to him her so! !amed Celsus" 5hich 5as a! ele a!t a!d fair child" prayi! him that he 5ould baptiHe him a!d ta4e him 5ith him1 A!d 5he! the prefect of 'ra!ce heard thereof" he too4 him a!d the child Celsus" 5ith their ha!ds bou!de! behi!d them" a!d a chai! o! their !ec4s" a!d put them i! priso! for to torme!t them o! the mor!1 The! the 5ife of the prefect se!t to him" affirmi! that it 5as !ot ri htfully do!e that he should slay the i!!oce!ts" but the ods almi hty should presume to a6e! e them1 9y 5hich 5ords the prefect 5as corrected" a!d deli6ered the i!!oce!ts" but char ed a!d 5ar!ed them that they should !o more preach there1 The! he came to the city of Tre6es a!d he 5as the first that preached Christ a!d co!6erted ma!y to the faith" a!d there edified a church1 A!d 5he! Cor!elius" lieute!a!t of Nero" heard thereof" he se!t thither a! hu!dred 4!i hts for to ta4e him1 A!d they fou!d him i! a! oratory that he had made" a!d too4 him a!d bou!d his ha!ds" sayi! D The reat Nero hath se!t for thee7 to 5hom NaHarie! a!s5eredD The 4i! all out of order" hath also 4!i hts out of order1 ,hy came ye !ot ho!estly a!d saidD Nero calleth theeE a!d I 5ould ha6e come1 The! they led him bou!de! so to Nero7 a!d Celsus the child 5eepi! " they smote a!d buffeted him a!d co!strai!ed him to follo5" a!d 5he! Nero sa5 them he comma!ded to put them i! priso! till they there died by torme!ts1 A!d o! a day 5he! Nero se!t his hu!ters to ta4e 5ild beasts" sudde!ly a reat multitude of 5ild beasts bra4e their ordi!a!ce" a!d e!tered the arde! of Nero" 5here they sle5 a!d all tore!t ma!y me!" that Nero" all troubled" fled" a!d hurt his foot that u!!ethe he mi ht come to his place" a!d after lay ma!y a day" a!d mi ht !ot remo6e for the pai! of the 5ou!d1 At the last he remembered of NaHarie! a!d Celsus" a!d supposed his ods 5ere 5roth 5ith him because he









suffered them to li6e so lo! 1 The!" by the comma!dme!t of the emperor" 4!i hts beat them both a!d brou ht them tofore the emperor1 Nero sa5 their 6isa es shi!e li4e the su!" a!d he supposed that they had do!e it fa!tastically" to moc4 him by ma ic" a!d comma!ded them to put a5ay their e!cha!tme!ts" a!d offer to the ods1 The! 5as NaHarie! led to the temple" a!d prayed that all me! should o out1 A!d the! he made his prayers to God" a!d all the idols fell do5! a!d 5ere bro4e!1 A!d 5he! Nero heard that" he comma!ded to cast him i!to the sea1 A!d if it happed that he escaped" they should follo5 a!d ta4e him a!d bur! him" a!d should ta4e the ashes of him" a!d cast it i!to the sea1 NaHarie! the!" a!d the child Celsus" 5ere put i! a ship a!d brou ht i!to the middle of the sea" a!d 5ere both cast i!" a!d a!o! about the ship arose a reat tempest" a!d about them 5as reat calm a!d tra!<uillity1 ,he! they the! that 5ere i! the ship 5ere afraid to be perished" a!d repe!ted them of the harm a!d 5ic4ed!ess that they had committed o! the sai!ts" NaHarie! 5ith the child Celsus" 5al4ed upo! the sea a!d appeared to them 5ith a lad cheer a!d e!tered i!to the ship to them" a!d the!" they belie6i! " by his prayer the sea 5as appeased1 A!d from the!ce they sailed a!d came to a place si8 hu!dred paces beside Ge!oa" 5here they lo! preached" a!d after came to -ila! 5here they fou!d Ger6ase a!d (rothase i! the place 5here they had left them1 A!d 5he! A!oli!us the pro6ost heard that" he se!t him i! e8ile" a!d Celsus the child abode i! the house 5ith a !oble 5oma!1 NaHarie! the! came to 3ome a!d fou!d his father" the! old a!d christia!" a!d e!<uired of him ho5 he 5as christe!ed" 5hich said that (eter the apostle had appeared to him a!d bade him belie6e as his 5ife a!d so! did1 The! from the!ce he 5as e8iled of the bishops u!to -ila! a ai!" from 5he!ce tofore he 5as e8iled to 3ome" a!d 5as !o5 compelled a ai! 5ith 5ro! to o to 3ome" 5here he 5as prese!ted to the pro6ost 5ith the child Celsus" 5hich the! 5as led out of the ate of 3ome" 5hich is !amed three 5alls" 5ith the child Celsus" a!d there 5as beheaded1 ,hose bodies christia! me! too4 up a!d by !i ht buried them i! a arde!1 A!d the !e8t !i ht they appeared to a holy sai!t !amed Ceracius" sayi! that he should bury their bodies i! his house more deeper for dread of Nero1 To 5hom he saidD I pray you first my lords that ye ma4e my dau hter 5hole of the palsy" 5hich a!o!" 5he! she 5as 5hole" he too4 the bodies" a!d as they comma!ded he did1 Lo! time after this" God sho5ed their bodies to S1 Ambrose" a!d he left Celsus Iyi! i! his place" a!d too4 up the body of NaHarie! 5ith as fresh blood as he had bee! buried the same day" smelli! a mar6ellous s5eet odour" i!corrupt" 5ith his hair a!d his beard" a!d brou ht it to the church of the apostles" a!d there buried it ho!orably" a!d after too4 up the body of Celsus a!d buried it i! the same church1 They suffered death about the year of our Lord fifty:se6e!1 Of this martyr saith Ambrose i! his prefaceD O thou holy !oble champio! a!d blessed martyr" shi!i! by the sheddi! of thy blood" thou hast deser6ed to ha6e the 4i! dom of hea6e!" 5hich by the i!!umerable assaults of torme!ts hast o6ercome the 5ood!ess of the tyra!t by the co!sta!cy of faith" a!d hast athered to ether a multitude of people to e6erlasti! life1 O thou martyr" of 5hose health the church =oyeth more tha! the 5orld =oyed i! his pu!ishi! D O thou blessed mother of her childre! lorified 5ith torme!ts" 5hich led them !ot 5ith 5aili! !e sorro5i! to hell" but departi! he!ce follo5ed her 5ith perpetual laud u!to the hea6e!ly 4i! doms1 All this a!d more saith S1 Ambrose1 Here followeth the Life of *" Feli+. a#d fir t of hi #a%e" 'eli8 is said of felicitas" that is blessed!ess7 or else 'eli8 as beari! strifes a!d tribulatio!s of this 5orld for e6erlasti! life1 Or 'eli8" beari! li ht or 5ater to faith" 5hich is to say" leadi! people to the faith1 Of *" Feli+ 'eli8 5as chose! pope i!stead of Liberius" a!d 5as ordai!ed a!d sacred" for because Liberius the pope 5ould !ot co!se!t to the heresy of the Aria!s" he 5as se!t i!to e8ile of Co!sta!tius" so! of Co!sta!ti!e" a!d there abode three years" 5herefore all the cler y of 3ome ordai!ed 'eli8 to be pope by the 5ill a!d co!se!t of Liberius1 A!d the! this 'eli8 assembled a cou!cil of forty:ei ht bishops a!d co!dem!ed Co!sta!tius as Aria! a!d heretic" a!d t5o priests" 5hich fa6oured a!d sustai!ed him i! his heresy1 'or 5hich thi! Co!sta!tius 5as 5roth a!d chased 'eli8 out of his bishopric" a!d called a ai! Liberius by this co6e!a!t" that he should be part!er 5ith him a!d the other 5hom 'eli8 had co!dem!ed1 A!d Liberius" 5hich 5as torme!ted by the rie6ous!ess of his e8ile" submitted him u!to the e6il heresy" a!d











thus the persecutio! re5 more" i! so much that ma!y priests a!d cler4s 5ere slai! 5ithi! the church" 5ithout that Liberius defe!ded them1 A!d 'eli8" 5hich 5as cast out of his bishopric" d5elled i! his o5! herita e" of 5hich he 5as put out" a!d martyred by smiti! off his head" about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d forty1

Here followeth of the *ai#t *i%&li$ie#. Fau ti#. a#d /eatri$e. a#d fir t of their #a%e " Simplicie! is as much to say as simple" or 5ithout a!y pleat of falsehood1 +e 5as simple by mee4!ess a!d humility" for he humbled himself to recei6e martyrdom7 he 5as 4!o5i! " for he 4!e5 the christia! faith" a!d for the faith he suffered martyrdom1 'austi! is as much to say as fortu!ate1 9eatrice is to say holdi! blessed!ess" or it is said of beata" that is blessed" a!d of ares" that is 6irtue" 5hich is a blessed 6irtue1 A!d 9eatrice is said" sorro5ful or hea6y" for she 5as sorro5ful of the passio! of her brethre!" a!d she 5as blessed by her martyrdom1 Of the *ai#t *i%&li$ie#. Fau ti#. a#d /eatri$e" Simplicie! a!d 'austi!" brethre!" 5he! they 5ould !ot by !o co!strai!t do sacrifice to the idols" a!d refused it utterly" they suffered ma!y torme!ts at 3ome u!der Diocletia!" a!d at last se!te!ce 5as i6e! a ai!st them" a!d they 5ere beheaded a!d their bodies cast i!to Tiber" the ri6er1 A!d 9eatrice" their sister" too4 up the bodies of them a!d buried them ho!ourably1 Lucretius" 5hich 5as pro6ost of 3ome" 5e!t o! a time playi! about the herita e of 9eatrice" a!d sa5 her" a!d made her to be ta4e!" a!d comma!ded her that she should ma4e sacrifice to his ods" a!d she refused it1 A!d Lucretius made his ser6a!ts to stra! le her i! a !i ht a!d let her lie1 A!d Lucia" the 6ir i!" too4 a5ay the body a!d buried it 5ith her brethre!" a!d after that Lucretius e!tered i!to their herita e1 A!d thus as he assailed the martyrs" a!d did do ma4e a reat feast to his frie!ds" a!d as he sat at di!!er" a you! child that lay 5ou!d i! small clouts i! his mother>s lap" 5hich yet suc4ed" spra! out of the lap of his mother that held him" a!d all me! seei! " escried a!d saidD O thou Lucretius" hear a!d u!dersta!d" thou hast slai! a!d assailed the martyrs of God" a!d therefore thou art i6e! i!to the possessio! of the fie!d1 A!d the! a!o! Lucretius trembled a!d feared" a!d 5as forth5ith ra6ished of the de6il" a!d 5as so torme!ted by three hours of the de6il that he died at that same di!!er1 A!d 5he! they that 5ere there sa5 that" they 5ere co!6erted to the faith" a!d recou!ted to all me! ho5 the passio! of S 9eatrice 5as a6e! ed at the same di!!er1 A!d they suffered death about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty:se6e!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Martha"






S1 -artha" hostess of our Lord Jesu Christ" 5as bor! of a royal 4i!dred1 +er father 5as !amed Syro a!d her mother E!charia1 The father of her 5as du4e of Syria a!d places maritime" a!d -artha 5ith her sister possessed by the herita e of their mother three places" that 5as" the castle -a dale!" a!d 9etha!y a!d a part of Jerusalem1 It is !o5here read that -artha had e6er a!y husba!d !e fello5ship of ma!" but she as a !oble hostess mi!istered a!d ser6ed our Lord" a!d 5ould also that her sister should ser6e him a!d help her" for she thou ht that all the 5orld 5as !ot sufficie!t to ser6e such a uest1 After the asce!sio! of our Lord" 5he! the disciples 5ere departed" she 5ith her brother LaHarus a!d her sister -ary" also S1 -a8imi! 5hich baptiHed them" a!d to 5hom they 5ere committed of the +oly Ghost" a!d ma!y others" 5ere put i!to a ship 5ithout sail" oars" or rudder o6er!ail" of the pay!ims" 5hich by the co!duct of our Lord they came all to -arseilles" a!d after came to the territory of A<ue!se or Ai8" a!d there co!6erted the people to the faith1 -artha 5as ri ht facou!d of speech" a!d courteous a!d racious to the si ht of the people1 There 5as that time upo! the ri6er of 3ho!e" i! a certai! 5ood bet5ee! Arles a!d A6i !o!" a reat dra o!" half beast a!d half fish" reater tha! a! o8" lo! er tha! a! horse" ha6i! teeth sharp as a s5ord" a!d hor!ed o! either side" head li4e a lio!" tail li4e a serpe!t" a!d defe!ded him 5ith t5o 5i! s o! either side" a!d could !ot be beate! 5ith cast of sto!es !e 5ith other armour" a!d 5as as stro! as t5el6e lio!s or bears7 5hich dra o! lay hidi! a!d lur4i! i! the ri6er" a!d perished them that passed by a!d dro5!ed ships1 +e came thither by sea from Galicia" a!d 5as e! e!dered of Le6iatha!" 5hich is a serpe!t of the 5ater a!d is much 5ood" a!d of a beast called 9o!acho" that is e! e!dered i! Galicia1 A!d 5he! he is pursued he casts out of his belly behi!d" his ordure" the space of a! acre of la!d o! them that







follo5 him" a!d it is bri ht as lass" a!d 5hat it toucheth it bur!eth as fire1 To 5hom -artha" at the prayer of the people" came i!to the 5ood" a!d fou!d him eati! a ma!1 A!d she cast o! him holy 5ater" a!d sho5ed to him the cross" 5hich a!o! 5as o6ercome" a!d sta!di! still as a sheep" she bou!d him 5ith her o5! irdle" a!d the! 5as slai! 5ith spears a!d lai6es of the people1 The dra o! 5as called of them that d5elled i! the cou!try Tarasco!us" 5hereof" i! remembra!ce of him that place is called Tarasco!us" 5hich tofore 5as called Nerluc" a!d the 9lac4 La4e" because there be 5oods shado5ous a!d blac41 A!d there the blessed -artha" by lice!ce of -a8imi! her master" a!d of her sister" d5elled a!d abode i! the same place after" a!d daily occupied i! prayers a!d i! fasti! s" a!d thereafter assembled a!d 5ere athered to ether a reat co!6e!t of sisters" a!d builded a fair church at the ho!our of the blessed -ary 6ir i!" 5here she led a hard a!d a sharp life1 She esche5ed flesh a!d all fat meat" e s" cheese a!d 5i!e7 she ate but o!ce a day1 A! hu!dred times a day a!d a! hu!dred times a !i ht she 4!eeled do5! a!d bo5ed her 4!ees1 O! a time" at A6i !o!" 5he! she preached bet5ee! the to5! a!d the ri6er of 3ho!e" there 5as a you! ma! o! that other side of the ri6er desiri! to hear her 5ords" a!d had !o boat to pass o6er1 +e be a! to s5im !a4ed" but he 5as sudde!ly ta4e! by the stre! th of the 5ater" a!d a!o! suffocate a!d dro5!ed" 5hose body u!!ethe 5as fou!d the !e8t day1 A!d 5he! it 5as ta4e! up" it 5as prese!ted at the feet of -artha for to be raised to life1 She the!" i! ma!!er of a cross" fell do5! to the rou!d a!d prayed i! this ma!!erD O Ado!ay" Lord Jesu Christ" 5hich raisedst sometime my 5ell:belo6ed brother" behold my most dear uest to the faith of them that sta!d here" a!d raise this child1 A!d she too4 him by the ha!d" a!d forth5ith he arose li6i! a!d recei6ed the holy baptism1 Eusebius telleth i! the boo4 of the +istoria Ecclesiastica that a 5oma! !amed Emorissa" after that she 5as healed of our Lord" she made i! her court a! ima e li4e u!to Jesu Christ" 5ith cloth a!d hem" li4e as she sa5 him 5he! she 5as healed" a!d 5orshipped him much de6outly1 The herbs that re5 u!der the ima e tofore that she had touched the hem" 5ere of !o 6irtue" but" after that she had touched it" they 5ere of so much 6irtue that ma!y sic4 people by them 5ere healed1 That 5oma! Emorissa" 5hom our Lord healed" Ambrose saith that it 5as -artha1 S1 Jerome saith" a!d it is had i! +istoria Tripartita" that Julia!us Apostata too4 a5ay that ima e that Emorissa made" a!d set his o5! there" 5hich" 5ith the stro4e of thu!der" 5as all tobro4e!1 Our Lord came to her a year tofore her death" a!d sho5ed to her that she should depart out of this 5orld" a!d all that year she 5as sic4 a!d laboured i! the fe6ers" a!d ei ht days tofore her death she heard the hea6e!ly fello5ship of a! els beari! her sister>s soul i!to hea6e!" a!d a!o! did do come all the co!6e!t of brethre! a!d of sisters" a!d said to themD -y frie!ds a!d most s5eet fello5s" I pray you to re=oice a!d e!=oy 5ith me" for I see the fello5ship of a! els bear the soul of my sister -ary u!to hea6e!1 O most fair a!d s5eet sister" thou li6est !o5 5ith thy master a!d my uest i! the blessed seat i! hea6e!1 A!d the! a!o! -artha said to them that 5ere prese!t" that her death 5as !i h" a!d bade to li ht the tapers about her" a!d that they should 5a4e u!to her death1 A!d about mid!i ht tofore the day of her death" they that should 5atch her 5ere hea6y of sleep a!d slept" a!d there came a reat 5i!d a!d e8ti! uished a!d did out the li hts1 She the!" seei! a reat tourbe of 5ic4ed spirits" be a! to pray a!d saidD -y father Eli" my dear uest" these decei6ers be athered for to de6our me" bri! i! 5ritte!" all the e6il deeds that e6er I did1 O blessed Eli be !ot 5ithdra5! from me" but i!te!d i! to mi!e help7 a!d forth5ith she sa5 her sister comi! to her" holdi! a bra!d i! her ha!d" a!d li hted the tapers a!d lamps" a!d as each of them called other by their !ame" Christ came to them sayi! D Come" my 5ell:belo6ed hostess" for 5here I am thou shalt be 5ith me1 Thou hast recei6ed me i! thi!e harbour a!d I shall recei6e thee i! mi!e hea6e!" a!d all them that call upo! thee" I shall hear them for thy lo6e1 The! the hour of her death approachi! " she comma!ded that she should be bor!e out of the house that she mi ht behold a!d loo4 up i!to hea6e!" a!d to lay her o! the earth" a!d to hold the si ! of the cross tofore her" a!d sayi! these 5ords" she prayedD -y s5eet uest" I beseech thee to 4eep me" thy poor creature" a!d li4e as thou hast 6ouchsafed to be lod ed 5ith me" so I beseech thee to recei6e me i!to thi!e hea6e!ly harbour1 A!d the! she bade that the passio! after Lu4e should be read tofore her" a!d 5he! this 5as saidD (ater" i! ma!us tuas comme!do spiritum meum" she a6e up her spirit a!d died i! our Lord1 The !e8t day follo5i! " that 5as the Su!day" 5hiles they said lauds about her body" a!d did her obse<uies" a!d about the hour of tierce" at (etro oric4e" our Lord appeared to the blessed 'ro!to!ius si! i! mass" 5hich after the epistle slept i! his chair" a!d said to himD -y 5ellbelo6ed 'ro!to!ius" if thou 5ilt fulfil that thou behi htest lo! sith to my hostess -artha" arise a!o! a!d follo5 me1 ,hose comma!dme!t he obeyed" a!d sudde!ly both came to Tarasco!a" a!d si! i! the office about the body a!d the other a!s5eri! " they 5ith their o5! ha!ds laid the body i!to the sepulchre1 A!d troth it 5as that














at (etro oric4e" 5he! they had su! i! the choir a!d the deaco! should o read the ospel a!d recei6e the be!edictio!" they a5o4e the bishop" dema!di! the be!edictio!1 The! the bishop a5o4e a!d saidD ,hy ha6e ye a5a4e!ed me" my brethre!E Our Lord Jesu Christ hath led me to his hostess -artha" a!d 5e ha6e laid her i! her sepulchre1 No5 se!d thither messe! ers for to fetch our ri! of old a!d our lo6es" 5hich 5hiles I made me ready to bury her" I deli6ered them to the se8to!" a!d I ha6e for otte! them there because ye a5o4e me so soo!1 The! 5ere messe! ers se!t forth" a!d as the bishop said" they fou!d his ri! a!d o!e lo6e 5hich they brou ht a ai!" a!d that other the se8to! retai!ed for a 5it!ess a!d memory1 A!d the blessed 'ro!to!ius added thereto" sayi! that after her sepulture" a brother of the same place" a lear!ed ma! i! the la5" dema!ded of our Lord 5hat 5as his !ameETo 5hom he a!s5ered !ot" but sho5ed a boo4 ope! i! his ha!d i! 5hich 5as 5ritte! this 6ersicleD I! e6erlasti! memory shall be my ri htful hostess" a!d she shall dread !o!e e6il i! the last day7 a!d 5he! he should tur! the lea6es of the boo4" i! e6ery leaf he fou!d that same 5ritte!" 5here after5ard ma!y miracles 5ere sho5ed a!d do!e at her tomb1 The! Clo6is" 4i! of 'ra!ce" 5as after this made a christia! ma!" a!d baptiHed of S1 3emi ius" a!d sufferi! reat pai! i! his rei!s" came to her tomb a!d there recei6ed 6ery health1 'or 5hich cause he e!riched that place" a!d the space of three miles 5ay about o! both sides of the ri6er of 3ho!e" as 5ell to5!s as castles" he a6e to the same place" a!d that place he made free1 -artilla" her ser6a!t" 5rote her life" 5hich after5ard 5e!t i!to Scla6o!ia" a!d there preached the ospel of Christ" a!d after te! years" from the death of -artha" she rested i! our Lord1 The! let us pray to this blessed -artha" hostess of our Lord" that after this short life 5e may be harboured i! hea6e! 5ith our blessed Lord Jesu Christ" to 5hom be i6e! =oy" laud a!d praisi! " 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 Here follow the Live of A)do# a#d *e##e#" Abdo! is said of absci! i! Gree4" 5hich is as much to say as cutte i! Lati!" a!d dolos" 5hich is to say" as seei! 1 +e 5as cut a!d he5! i! his body a!d sa5 God by martyrdom1 Se!!e! is said of se!os i! Gree4" 5hich is as much to say as 5it" a!d e!" that is" i!" a!d thereof is Se!!e! as i! 5it" or se!e8 as old" as 5ho says he 5as old i! 5it1 Of **" A)do# a#d *e##e#"


Abdo! a!d Se!!e! suffered martyrdom u!der Decius the emperor1 ,he! Decius the emperor had surmou!ted 9abylo! a!d the other pro6i!ces" he fou!d some christia! me! 5ithi! the city" a!d brou ht them 5ith him bou!de! to the city of Corduba1 A!d made them there to die by di6ers torme!ts1 A!d the! Abdo! a!d Se!!e!" 5hich 5ere as o6er!ors of the cou!try" too4 the bodies a!d buried them1 The! 5ere they accused a!d brou ht to Decius" a!d he did do lead them 5ith him bou!de! i! chai!s to 3ome1 The! 5ere they brou ht tofore Decius" a!d tofore the se!ators1 The! 5as it comma!ded that they should do sacrifice" a!d they should ha6e all their thi! s freely" or else they should be de6oured by biti! s of 5ild beasts1 9ut they despised to ma4e sacrifice" a!d spit a ai!st the false idols a!d statues7 a!d the! 5ere they dra5! to the place of martyrdom" a!d made to be brou ht to them t5o lio!s a!d t5o bears" 5hich did to them !o!e harm !e touched them !ot" but rather 4ept them from harm1 The! be a! they to cast spears a!d s5ords at them" a!d at last they 5ere all tohe5e! 5ith s5ords" a!d the! they 5ere bou!d by the feet a!d dra5! throu h the to5! u!to the idol of the su!" a!d 5he! they had lai! there three days" Guiri!us" sub:deaco!" too4 the bodies up a!d buried them i! his house1 A!d they suffered death about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d fifty:three1 Here followeth the Life of *" Ger%ai#. a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Germai! is said of erm a!d a!a that is" hi h1 This is to say" so6erei ! erm1 Three thi! s be fou!d i! seed ermi!i! " that is to 5it" !atural heat" humour !utrime!tal" a!d reaso! of seed1 The! the holy S1 Germai! is said as seed ermi!i! 1 'or i! him 5as heat by bur!i! of lo6e" humour by fat!ess of de6otio!" a!d reaso! of the seed by 6irtue of predicatio!" by 5hich he e! e!dered much people to the faith a!d i! ood ma!!ers1 A!d Co!sta!ce the priest 5rote his life to S1 Se6eri!" bishop of Au8erre1 Of *" Ger%ai#"











Germai! 5as of much !oble li!ea e" bor! i! the city of Au8erre" a!d 5as tau ht a!d i!formed 5ell i! the arts liberal1 A!d after" he 5e!t to 3ome for to lear! the scie!ce of the decretals" droits a!d la51 A!d there recei6ed he so much of di !ity that the se!ate se!t him u!to 'ra!ce for to ha6e a!d obtai! the di !ity of the duchy of all 9ur u!dy1 A!d thus as he o6er!ed the city more dili e!tly tha! all the others" there 5as i! the midst of the city a tree" 5hich 5as a pi!e" o! 5hich me! hu! o! the bra!ches" for the reat mar6el of their hu!ti! " the heads of 5ild beasts1 9ut S1 Amadour" 5hich 5as bishop of that city" repro6ed them of such 6a!ities" a!d 5ar!ed them" a!d desired that they should he5 do5! that tree to the e!d that !o!e ill occasio! mi ht come to the christia! me!7 but they 5ould !ot co!se!t thereto i! !o ma!!er1 A!d o! a time 5he! Germai! 5as !ot i! the to5!" the bishop did do cut do5! this tree a!d made it to be bur!t1 A!d 5he! Germai! 4!e5 it" he 5as much a! ry a!d for at the christia! reli io!" a!d came 5ith a reat multitude of 4!i hts a!d assayed if he mi ht slay the bishop1 A!d the! the bishop 4!e5" by re6elatio! di6i!e" that Germai! should be his successor" a!d a6e place to his 5ood!ess" a!d 5e!t to the city of Autu!" a!d after he came a ai! to Au8erre1 A!d the! he shut a!d e!closed subtilly Germai! 5ithi! the church" a!d there sacred him" a!d said that he should be his successor i! the bishopric" a!d so he 5as1 'or a!o! after S1 Amadour died" a!d all the people re<uired Germai! to be bishop" a!d the! he a6e all his riches to poor people" a!d cha! ed his 5ife i!to his sister" a!d torme!ted so his body by the space of thirty years that he !e6er ate bread of 5heat" !e dra!4 5i!e" !e he used !o potta e" a!d 5ould ha6e !o salt to sa6our his meat" a!d t5ice i! the year he dra!4 5i!e" a!d that 5as at Christmas a!d at Easter" a!d to <ue!ch a!d to ta4e a5ay the sa6our of the 5i!e" he put i! ple!ty of 5ater" a!d i! his refectio!" he too4 of the ashes after his barley bread" a!d fasted e6ery day" a!d ate !e6er till !i ht1 I! 5i!ter !e i! summer he had but o!e clothi! " that 5as the hair" his coat a!d his o5!" a!d if it so happed that he a6e !ot his 6estme!t to a!y poor ma! he 5ore it so lo! that it 5as bro4e! a!d u!pieced1 +is bed 5as all e!6iro!ed 5ith ashes" a!d hair" a!d 5ith a sac4" a!d had !ot his head addressed upo! a pillo5 more hi her tha! his shoulders1 9ut e6ery day he 5ept" a!d bare about his !ec4 relics of sai!ts1 +e 5are !o!e other clothi! 1 +e 5ore seldom hose! or shoo!" a!d seldom 5as ird7 a!d the life that he li6ed 5as abo6e ma!>s po5er" his life 5as such that it 5as reat miracle a!d pity to see his flesh7 a!d 5as as a thi! !ot credible7 a!d he did so ma!y miracles that but if his merits had o!e before" they should ha6e bee! tro5ed fa!tastic1 O! a time he 5as harboured i! a place 5here e6ery !i ht the table 5as made ready for to eat after supper" 5he! me! had supped" a!d he 5as much amar6elled thereof" a!d dema!ded of the host of the house 5herefore they made ready for to eat after supper1 A!d the host said to him" that it 5as for his !ei hbours" 5hich 5ould come a!d dri!4 o!e after the other1 A!d that !i ht S1 Germai! established him to 5a4e for to see 5hat it 5as1 It 5as !ot lo! after that there came thither a reat multitude of de6ils" a!d came to the table i! uise of me! a!d 5ome!1 A!d 5he! the holy ma! sa5 them" he comma!ded them that they should !ot o a5ay" a!d after he se!t for to 5a4e the !ei hbours o! all sides" i! such 5ise that e6ery body 5as fou!d i! his bed" a!d i! their houses" a!d made the people to come a!d see if they 4!e5 a!y of them" but they said !ay1 A!d the! he sho5ed them that they 5ere de6ils" 5hereof the people 5ere much abashed because the de6ils had moc4ed them so1 A!d the! S1 Germai! co!=ured that they !e6er after retur!ed thither !e came more there1 That same time S1 Lupus flourished 5hich 5as bishop of Troyes7 the city 5as assie ed of the 4i! Attila" a!d S1 Lupus 5e!t upo! the ate" a!d cried a!d dema!ded 5hat he 5as that so letted them1 To 5hom he saidD I am Attila" the scour e of God1 A!d the! the mee4 bishop a!s5ered a!d saidD I am Lupus" alas" the 5aster of the floc4 of God" a!d ha6e !eed of the scour e of God" a!d comma!ded the! to ope! the ates1 A!d the people of the 4i! Attila 5ere all made bli!d by the 5ill of God" so that they passed throu h the to5!" a!d sa5 !o ma! of the city !e did !o harm to a!y body1 The! the blessed Germai! too4 5ith him S1 Lupus" a!d they both 5e!t i!to 9ritai! 5hereas the heresies the! 5ere7 but 5he! they 5ere o! the sea a reat tempest came a!d arose" 5hich by the prayer of S1 Germai! a!o! ceased" a!d the! they 5ere recei6ed ho!estly of the people of the cou!try" 5hose comi! de6ils had said tofore" 5hich S1 Germai! had cast out of bodies that they had 6e8ed" a!d 5he! they had o6ercome the heresies they retur!ed a ai! u!to their o5! places1 O! a time it happed that S1 Germai! lay sic4 i! a street" 5hich street 5as afire1 To 5hom the people came a!d desired to bear him out of the street for dread of the fire" but he 5ould !ot be bor!e the!ce" but put himself a ai!st the fire" 5hich bur!t all about him" a!d touched !ot him !e the house that he 5as i!1








A!other time he retur!ed i!to 9ritai! for the heresies1 O!e of his disciples follo5ed him hastily" a!d fell sic4 by the 5ay" a!d died there1 A!d 5he! S1 Germai! retur!ed" he dema!ded to see the sepulchre of his disciple that 5as dead" a!d it 5as ope!ed to him1 A!d he called him by his !ame" a!d dema!ded him 5hat he did a!d made" a!d if he 5ould d5ell a!y more 5ith him" a!d a!o! the body spa4e" a!d said that he 5as 5ell" a!d all thi! s 5ere s5eet to him" a!d 5ould !o more be called a ai! i!to this 5orld he said1 A!d the sai!t ra!ted him that he should be i! rest" a!d he laid do5! his head a!d slept i! our Lord1 +e preached o! a time i! 9ritai! so much" that the 4i! de!ied him lod i! " a!d his people1 The! it happed that the 4i! >s co5herd 5e!t 5ith his portio! that he fetched at the palace" a!d bare it to his little house1 A!d he sa5 the blessed Germai! a!d his me! see4 their lod i! 5here they mi ht be harboured that !i ht1 A!d the co5herd brou ht them i!to his house" a!d sa5 that they had much hu! er1 9ut he had !ot meat e!ou h for him a!d for his uests1 This co5herd had but o!e calf" 5hich he did do slay for to i6e to them" a!d he recei6ed them debo!airly 5ith the little ood that he had1 A!d 5he! they had supped a!d had said races" S1 Germai! bade him bri! to him the bo!es of the calf a!d to lay them upo! the s4i!1 A!d after made his prayer to God" a!d a!o! the calf arose to life 5ithout tarryi! 1 A!d o! the mor! S1 Germai! came hastily to the 4i! " a!d dema!ded him 5hy he had de!ied him lod i! 1 The! the 4i! " bei! sore abashed" could !ot a!s5er1 The! he said to the 4i! D Go out" a!d lea6e thy realm to o!e better tha! thou art1 A!d the! S1 Germai! ordai!ed the co5herd to be o6er!or of the realm1 The! as the Sa8o!s fou ht a ai!st the 9rito!s a!d sa5 that they 5ere but a fe5 me!" a!d sa5 the holy me! pass by them" they called them" a!d the sai!ts preached so much to them that they came to the race of baptism1 A!d o! Easter day they cast off their armour1 a!d throu h bur!i! charity of faith purposed to fi ht1 A!d 5he! that other party heard that" they purposed to o a ai!st them hardily1 A!d S1 Germai! hid himself apart 5ith his people" a!d 5ar!ed them" 5he! he should cry Alleluia I that they should a!s5er AlleluiaI A!d 5he! the said S1 Germai! had criedD AlleluiaI a!d the other had a!s5ered" their e!emies had so reat fear" that they cast a5ay all their armours" a!d had 5ee!ed 6erily that all the mou!tai!s had falle! o! them" a!d hea6e! also" a!d so all afraid fled a5ay1 O! a time as S1 Germai! passed by Autu!" he 5e!t to the tomb of S1 Cassia! a!d e!<uired of him ho5 it 5as 5ith him1 A!d he a!s5ered him out of the tomb a!d saidD I am i! s5eet rest" a!d abide the comi! of our 3edeemer7 a!d he said a ai!D 3est thou the! still i! the !ame of our Lord" a!d pray for us de6outly" that 5e may deser6e the holy =oys of the resurrectio!1 A!d 5he! S1 Germai! came i! to 3a6e!!a" he 5as recei6ed much ho!orably of the Guee! (lacida" a!d of Vale!ti!ia! her so!1 A!d at the hour of supper she se!t to him a ri ht reat 6essel of sil6er full of delicious meat" the 5hich he retai!ed for to i6e to poor me!1 A!d i!stead hereof" he se!t to the <uee! a dish of tree a!d a barley loaf" the 5hich she recei6ed ladly" a!d after did do co6er the dish 5ith sil6er" a!d 4ept it lo! " 5ith reat de6otio!1 O! a time 5he! the lady had bidde! him for to di!e 5ith her" he ra!ted it debo!airly" a!d because he 5as 5eary of tra6ail a!d fasti! s" he rode from his hostel u!to the palace upo! a! ass" a!d 5hiles he di!ed his ass died1 A!d 5he! the <uee! 4!e5 that his ass 5as dead" she 5as much sorro5ful" a!d did do prese!t to him a ri ht ood horse of ri ht reat beauty" a!d reat1 A!d 5he! he sa5 him so richly ador!ed a!d arrayed" he 5ould !ot ta4e it" but saidD Sho5 me mi!e ass" for he that brou ht me hither shall bri! me home1 A!d 5e!t to the dead ass" a!d saidD Arise" a!d let us retur! home" a!d a!o! he arose a!d a5o4e" as he had slept" a!d as he had had !o harm1 A!d the! S1 Germai! mou!ted o! his ass a!d rode to his lod i! " but ere he departed from 3a6e!!a" he said that he should !ot be lo! i! this 5orld7 a!d a 5hile after he fell sic4 of the fe6ers or a8es" a!d the se6e!th day after passed out of this 5orld u!to our Lord" a!d his body 5as bor!e i!to 'ra!ce" li4e as he had desired of the <uee!" a!d he died about the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:o!e1 S1 Germai! had promised to S1 Eusebius" 5hich 5as bishop of Vercelli" that 5he! he retur!ed he 5ould hallo5 him his church that he had fou!ded1 A!d 5he! S1 Eusebius u!derstood that he 5as dead" he 5ould himself hallo5 his church" a!d did do li ht the tapers1 9ut the ofter they li hted them" so oft they 5e!t out" a!d 5ere <ue!ched" a!d 5he! S1 Eusebius sa5 this" he appercei6ed 5ell that the hallo5i! 5as do!e" or else it should be do!e a!other time" or it should be reser6ed to a!other bishop1 A!d 5he! the body of S1 Germai! 5as brou ht to Vercelli" as soo! as his body 5as brou ht i!to the church" all the tapers 5ere li hted by themsel6es by God>s race1 The! S1 Eusebius remembered of the promise of S1 Germai!" a!d that 5hich he had promised" li6i! " he accomplished it bei! dead1 9ut it is !ot to be u!derstood that this











5as the reat Eusebius" bishop of Vercelli" that this 5as do!e i! his time1 'or he died u!der Vale!s the emperor" a!d from the death of him u!to the death of S1 Gerr!ai! 5as more tha! fifty years1 9ut this 5as a!other Eusebius u!der 5hom this thi! 5as do!e1 The! let us pray u!to this holy Germai!" that he pray for us to God Almi hty" that after this life 5e may come to e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1

Here #e+t followeth the Life of *" Eu e)iu . a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Eusebius is said of eu" 5hich is as much to say as ood" a!d sebe" that is" elo<ue!ce or statio!1 Or Eusebius is as much to say as 5orship7 he had bou!ty i! sa!ctificatio!" elo<ue!ce i! defe!ce of the faith" statio! i! the steadfast!ess of martyrdom" a!d ood 5orshippi! i! the re6ere!ce of God1 Of *" Eu e)iu " Eusebius 5as al5ays a 6ir i!" a!d 5hilst he 5as yet you! i! the faith he recei6ed baptism a!d !ame of Eusebius the pope" i! 5hich baptism the ha!ds of a! els 5ere see! that lifted him out of the fo!t1 O! a day a certai! lady 5as esprised of his beauty" a!d 5ould ha6e o!e to his chamber" a!d the a! els 4ept the door i! such 5ise that she mi ht !ot e!ter" a!d o! the mor! she 5e!t to him a!d 4!eeled do5! at his feet" a!d re<uired of him mercy a!d for i6e!ess of that she had bee! i! 5ill to ha6e made him si!" a!d he pardo!ed her debo!airly1 A!d 5he! he 5as ordai!ed to be a priest" he sho!e i! so reat holi!ess" that 5he! he sa! the solem!ities of the masses the a! els ser6ed him1 After this" 5he! the heresy of the Aria!s had i!fected all Italy" a!d Co!sta!ti!e the emperor fa6ouri! them" Julius the pope sacred Eusebius i!to bishop of Vercelli the city" the 5hich held the pri!cipate of the other cities i! Italy1 A!d 5he! the heretics heard say that" they shut fast the doors of the church" 5hich 5as of our 9lessed Lady a!d 9lessed Vir i! S1 -ary1 The! the blessed sai!t 4!eeled do5!" a!d a!o! the doors ope!ed by his prayer1 The! put he out Eu e!ius" bishop of -ila!" 5hich 5as corrupted of this e6il heresy" a!d ordai!ed i! his place De!is" a ma! ri ht catholic1 A!d thus Eusebius pur ed all the church of the occide!t" a!d A!astasius pur ed the orie!t of the heresy Aria!1 Arius 5as a priest of Ale8a!dria" 5hich said a!d affirmed that Christ 5as a pure creature" a!d said that he 5as !ot God" a!d for us 5as made" that 5e by him as by a! i!strume!t 5ere made of God1 A!d therefore Co!sta!ti!e ordai!ed a cou!cil at Nice 5hereas this error 5as co!dem!ed1 A!d after this Arius died of a miserable death" for he 6oided all his e!trails be!eath at his fu!dame!t1 A!d Co!sta!tius" so! of Co!sta!ti!e" 5as corrupt 5ith this heresy" for 5hich cause this Co!sta!tius had reat hate a ai!st Eusebius" a!d assembled a cou!cil of ma!y bishops" a!d called De!is" a!d se!t ma!y letters to Eusebius" a!d he 4!e5 5ell that the malice of him 5as so reat that he dei !ed !ot come to him1 ,herefore the emperor established a ai!st the e8cusatio! of him that the cou!cil should be solem!ised at -ila! 5hich 5as !i h to him1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that Eusebius 5as !ot there" he comma!ded to the Aria!s that they should 5rite their faith a!d se!d it to De!is" bishop of -ila!" a!d t5e!ty:!i!e bishops he made subscribe the same faith1 A!d 5he! Eusebius heard that" he issued out of his city for to o to -ila!" a!d said 5ell tofore that he should sufler much1 A!d thus as he came to a flood for to o to -ila!" the ship tarried lo! o! that other side of the ri6er" but the ship came at his comma!dme!t a!d bare him o6er a!d his fello5ship" 5ithout o6er!or1 The! the foresaid De!is came a ai!st him a!d 4!eeled do5! to his feet a!d re<uired pardo!1 A!d 5he! Eusebius could !ot be tur!ed by ifts !e by me!aces of this emperor" he said tofore them allD ;e say that the So! is less tha! the 'ather" 5herefore ha6e ye the! made my so! a!d my disciple reater tha! meE for the disciple is !ot abo6e the master" !or the so! abo6e the father1 The! 5ere they mo6ed by this reaso!" a!d sho5ed to him the 5riti! that they had made a!d De!is had 5ritte!" a!d they said that he had 5ritte!" a!d he saidD Nay" I shall !ot subscribe after my so!" to 5hom I am so6erei ! by authority" but bur! this 5riti! " a!d after 5rite a!other" if ye 5ill" ere I shall 5rite1 A!d thus by the 5ill of God that schedule 5as bur!t" 5hich De!is a!d the t5e!ty:!i!e bishops had subscribed" a!d the! the Aria!s 5rote a ai! a!other schedule a!d deli6ered it to Eusebius a!d to the other bishops for to subscribe" but the bishops" e!harde!ed of Eusebius" 5ould i! !o 5ise co!se!t to subscribe" but they 5ere lad that thil4e schedule" 5hich by co!strai!t they had subscribed" 5as bur!t1 The! 5as Co!sta!tius a! ry" a!d deli6ered Eusebius to the 5ill of the Aria!s" a!d a!o! they dre5 him from the middle of the bishops a!d beat him cruelly" a!d dre5 him from the hi hest of the palace by the steps do5! to the lo5est" a!d from the lo5est to the hi hest" u!to the time that his head 5as all tobruised a!d bled much blood" a!d yet he 5ould !ot co!se!t to them1 A!d the! they bou!d his ha!ds behi!d him" a!d after" dre5 him 5ith a cord about his !ec4" a!d he tha!4ed God" a!d said that he 5as all ready for to die for the defe!ce of the faith of holy Church1 The! Co!sta!tius e8iled Liberius the pope" De!is" (auli!us" a!d all the other bishops that Eusebius had













e!harde!ed1 A!d the! the Aria!s led Eusebius i!to Jerapoli!" a city of (alesti!e" a!d e!closed him i! a strait place" i! so much that it 5as strait a!d short that he mi ht !ot stretch out his feet" !e tur! him from o!e side to a!other" a!d he had his head so strait that he mi ht !ot mo6e it" !e tur! hither !e thither his members i! !o ma!!er" sa6e o!ly his shoulders a!d arms" the place 5as so strait i! Ie! th a!d i! breadth1 A!d 5he! Co!sta!tius 5as dead" Julia! succeeded him" a!d 5ould please e6ery ma!" a!d comma!ded that all the bishops 5hich had bee! e8iled should be repealed" a!d the temples of the ods to be ope!ed" a!d 5ould that all me! should use peace u!der 5hat la5 he 5ere1 A!d by this occasio! Eusebius issued out of priso! a!d came to Atha!asius" a!d told to him 5hat he had suffered1 The! Julia! died" a!d Jo6i!ia! rei !ed" a!d the Aria!s ceased1 S1 Eusebius retur!ed to the to5! of Vercelli" 5here the people recei6ed him 5ith reat =oy1 A!d after" 5he! Vale!s rei !ed" the Aria!s came a ai! i! their forces" a!d e!tered i!to the house of Eusebius" a!d sto!ed him 5ith sto!es" a!d so put him to death" a!d he died debo!airly i! our Lord" a!d 5as buried i! tbe church that he had made1 A!d it is said that he impetred a!d at race of our Lord that !o Aria! mi ht li6e i! that city1 A!d after the chro!icles he li6ed ei hty:ei ht years1 +e flourished about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d fifty1 Here followeth the *eve# Ma$$a)ee " There 5ere se6e! -accabees 5ith their 5orshipful mother" a!d a priest !amed EleaHar 5hich 5ould eat !o s5i!e>s flesh because it 5as defe!ded i! their la51 A!d after that it is co!tai!ed i! the first boo4 of the -accabees" they suffered reat torme!ts" a!d such as !e6er 5ere heard tofore" a!d it is to u!dersta!d that the church of the orie!t ma4eth the solem!ities of the sai!ts of that o!e a!d of that other Testame!t1 A!d the church of the occide!t ma4eth !o feast of them of the Old Testame!t" sa6e of the I!!oce!ts" because that the souls of the sai!ts of that time desce!ded i!to hell" but she ma4eth feast of the I!!oce!ts because Jesu Christ 5as slai! i! e6ery each of them" a!d also of the -accabees1 A!d there be four reaso!s 5herefore the church ma4eth solem!ities of the -accabees" ho5beit that they desce!ded i!to hell1 The first reaso! is because they had prero ati6e of martyrdom !ot tofore li4e heard" a!d abo6e that a!y other of the Old Testame!t ha6e suffered1 A!d therefore be they pri6ile ed that their passio! be solem!ised by their merit1 A!d this reaso! is set i! Scholastica +istoria1 The seco!d reaso! is for the represe!tatio! of the mystery" the !umber of se6e! is u!i6ersal a!d e!eral1 A!d by them be u!derstood a!d si !ified all the fathers of the Old Testame!t 5orthy to be solem!ised1 A!d ho5beit that the church ma4eth !ot solem!ity of them because they desce!ded i!to hell" a!d also because that there came such a multitude of !e5 sai!ts" !e6ertheless i! these se6e! is do!e re6ere!ce to them all1 'or as it is said by the !umber of se6e! is assi !ed a! u!i6ersity1 The third is because of the e!sample of sufferi! 1 A!d there be purposed i! e8ample of ood christia! me! for t5o thi! s" that is to say the co!sta!cy7 after the co!sta!cy of them they be e!harde!ed i! the lo6e of the faith" a!d also for to suflfer for the la5 of the ospel" li4e as they did for the la5 of -oses1 The fourth reaso! is for because of their torme!ts1 'or they suffered such torme!ts for their la5 that they held for to defe!d li4e as christia! me! do for the la5 of the ospel1 A!d -aster Joh! 9eleth assi !eth these three last reaso!s i! his sum of the office1 Here followeth the fea t of *" Peter ad Vi#$ula. at La%%a " The feast of S1 (eter the apostle that is called ad Vi!cula 5as established for four causes1 That is to 5it" i! remembra!ce of the deli6era!ce of S1 (eter" a!d i! mi!d of deli6era!ce of Ale8a!der" for to destroy the customs of the pay!ims a!d for to et absolutio! of spiritual bo!ds1 A!d the first cause 5hich is i! remembra!ce of S1 (eter1 'or as it is said i! the +istory Scholastic that +erod A rippa 5e!t to 3ome" a!d 5as ri ht familiar 5ith Gaius" !ephe5 of Tiberius emperor1 A!d o! a day as +erod 5as i! a chariot brou ht 5ith Gaius" he lifted up his ha!ds u!to hea6e! a!d saidD I 5ould ladly see the death of this old fello5 (eter" a!d the Lord of all the 5orld1 A!d the chariot ma! heard this 5ord said of +erod" a!d a!o! told it to Tiberius1 ,herefore Tiberius set +erod i! priso!1 A!d as he 5as there he beheld o! a day by him a tree" a!d sa5 upo! the bra!ches of this tree a! o5l 5hich sat thereo!" a!d a!other priso!er 5hich 5as 5ith him" that u!derstood 5ell di6i!atio!s1 said to himD Thou shalt be a!o! deli6ered" a!d shalt be e!ha!ced to be a 4i! " i! such 5ise that thy frie!ds shall ha6e e!6y at thee" a!d thou die i! that prosperity1 A!d 4!o5 thou for truth" that 5he! thou shalt see the o5l o6er thee" at the e!d of fi6e days after thou shalt die for certai!1 A!d a!o! after Tiberius died" a!d Gaius 5as emperor1 ,hich deli6ered +erod out of priso! a!d e!ha!ced him loriously" a!d se!t him as 4i! i!to Judea" a!d a!o! as he came he se!t his puissa!ce" a!d set ha!d to for to put some of the church to afflictio!" a!d did do slay James" brother of S1 Joh! the E6a! elist" 5ith a s5ord" before the day of Easter1 A!d because it 5as a thi!














a reeable" a!d pleased the Je5s" he too4 (eter o! Easter:day" a!d e!closed him fast i! priso!" a!d 5ould after Easter bri! him forth a!d sho5 him to the people a!d slay him" but the a! el came mar6ellously" a!d u!bou!d him a!d loosed his chai!s" a!d se!t him forth all <uit to the ser6ice of preachi! the ,ord of God1 A!d the felo!y of this 4i! suffered !ot to abide a!y dilatio! of 6e! ea!ce" for the !e8t day follo5i! " he made to come the 4eepers for to be i! to torme!t them 5ith di6ers pai!s for the fleei! of (eter" but he 5as let to do that" that the deli6era!ce rie6ed them !ot1 'or he 5e!t hastily to CFsarea a!d there 5as smitte! of a! a! el a!d died1 Thus rehearseth Josephus i! the 9oo4 of A!ti<uity1 'or 5he! he came i!to CFsarea" all the me! a!d 5ome! of that pro6i!ce came to him" a!d 5he! the day came that he should o i! =ud me!t a!d ta4e possessio! of the cou!try" he 5e!t a!d clad him 5ith a 6estme!t of tissue mar6ellously shi!i! of old a!d sil6er" a!d 5he! the su! smote a!d sho!e o! it" it 5as more shi!i! tha! the su!1 'or it 5as so bri ht that !o ma! mi ht behold it" a!d the bri ht!ess 5as li4e red metal" a!d a6e fear a!d dread to them that loo4ed thereo!" a!d therefore the pride of him 5as so reat that" he better seemed a ma! made by craft tha! by !ature huma!1 A!d the! the people be a! to cry a!d sayD ,e ha6e see! thee till !o5 li4e a ma!" but !o5 5e co!fess that thou art abo6e !ature huma!1 A!d thus as he 5as flattered 5ith ho!ours" a!d refused !ot di6i!e 5orship" he bei! there set" he sa5 abo6e his head a! o5l sitti! " 5hich 5as messe! er of his hasty death1 A!d 5he! he had appercei6ed the o5l" a!d beheld the people that 5ere there assembled a!d come at his comma!dme!t" he said to themD Certai!ly" I that am your lord shall die 5ithi! fi6e days1 'or he 4!e5 it 5ell" because the di6i!er had told him that he should die 5ithi! fire days that he had see! the o5l sitti! abo6e him1 A!d i!co!ti!e!t" after this thi! thus accomplished" he 5as smitte! sudde!ly i! such 5ise that 5orms ate his bo5els" a!d o! the fifth day he died1 A!d this saith Josephus1 A!d because the! i! remembra!ce of the deli6era!ce of S1 (eter pri!ce of the apostles from the cruel 6e! ea!ce of the cruel tyra!t" 5hich as soo! as he 5as e!ha!ced to be 4i! 5e!t to pursue a!d destroy the church" therefore the church hallo5eth the feast of S1 (eter ad 6i!cula1 A!d the epistle is su! i! the mass i! 5hich this deli6era!ce is 5it!essed here to be do!e1 The seco!d cause of the establishi! of this feast 5as because Ale8a!der the pope" 5hich 5as the si8th after (eter" a!d +ermes" pro6ost of 3ome" 5hich 5as co!6erted to the faith by the same Ale8a!der" 5ere holde! i! di6ers places i! the priso! of Guiri!us the =ud e1 ,hich =ud e said to +ermes the pro6ostD I mar6el of thee that art so 5ise a ma!" that thou 5ilt lea6e the reat 5orldly ho!ours that thou hast" a!d the reat riches that thou recei6est of thy pro6ostry" a!d 5ilt thou lea6e all these thi! s for dreami! of a!other life1 To 5hom +ermes saidD Tofore this time I despised a!d scor!ed" a!d 5ee!ed there had bee! !o!e other life tha! this1 Guiri!us a!s5eredD -a4e proof to me that there is a!other life" a!d a!o! I shall apply me to thy faith1 To 5hom +ermes saidD Ale8a!der" 5hom thou holdest i! thy priso!" shall i!form thee better tha! I1 The! Guiri!us cursed Ale8a!der" a!d said to himD I 5ill that thou shalt ma4e proof of this thi! to me" a!d thou se!dest me to Ale8a!der" 5hom I hold bou!de! i! chai!s for his e6il deeds1 Truly I shall double the priso! upo! thee a!d Ale8a!der" a!d I shall set 5atch upo! you1 A!d if I fi!d thee 5ith him or him 5ith thee" I shall 6erily i6e faith to thi!e a!d his 5ords1 A!d the! he doubled their 4eepers a!d sho5ed this to Ale8a!der" a!d the! Ale8a!der prayed to God" a!d a! a! el came to him a!d brou ht him i!to the priso! to +ermes1 A!d 5he! Guiri!us came to the priso! he fou!d them both to ether" 5hereof he 5as much amar6elled1 A!d the! +ermes recou!ted to Guiri!us ho5 Ale8a!der had healed his so! a!d raised him from death1 A!d Guiri!us the! said to Ale8a!derD I ha6e a dau hter !amed 9albi!a 5hich is sic4 of the out" if thou mayst heal her" I promise thee that I shall recei6e thy faith if thou mayst et for her health1 To 5hom Ale8a!der saidD Go a!o!" a!d bri! her to me i!to my priso!1 A!d Guiri!us said to himD +o5 may I fi!d thee i! thy priso! a!d art hereE A!d Ale8a!der saidD Go thy 5ay a!o!" for he that brou ht me hither shall soo! bri! me thither1 A!d Guiri!us 5e!t the! a!d fetched his dau hter" a!d brou ht her i!to the priso! 5here Ale8a!der 5as a!d fou!d him there" a!d the! 4!eeled do5! to his feet1 A!d his dau hter be a! to 4iss the chai!s 5ith 5hich S1 Ale8a!der 5as bou!de!" hopi! thereby to recei6e her health1 A!d S1 Ale8a!der said to herD Dau hter" 4iss !ot my chai!s" but see4 the chai!s of S1 (eter a!d 4iss them 5ith de6otio!" a!d thou shalt recei6e thy health1 A!d a!o!" Guiri!us did do see4 the chai!s of (eter a!d they 5ere fou!d1 A!d Ale8a!der did the dau hter do 4iss them" a!d a!o! as she had 4issed them she recei6ed her health a!d 5as all 5hole1 The! Guiri!us dema!ded pardo! a!d for i6e!ess" a!d deli6ered Ale8a!der out of priso!" a!d recei6ed the holy baptism" he a!d all his mei!y a!d ma!y others1 The! Ale8a!der established this feast to be hallo5ed al5ay the first day of Au ust" a!d did do ma4e a church i! the ho!our of S1 (eter" 5hereas he set the chai!s a!d !amed it S1 (eter ad 6i!cula1 A!d to that church come much people at that solem!ity" a!d the people 4iss there the bo!ds a!d chai!s of S1 (eter1 The third cause of this establishme!t" after 9ede" is thisD A!to!y a!d Octa6ius 5ere so co!=oi!ed to ether by affi!ity" that they departed bet5ee! them t5o the empire of















the 5orld1 Octa6ius had i! the occide!t Italy" 'ra!ce" a!d Spai!" a!d A!to!y had i! the east" Asia" (o!tus" a!d Africa1 A!to!y 5as 5ild" =olly" a!d ribald" a!d had the sister of Octa6ius to his 5ife" a!d left her" a!d too4 Cleopatra" 5hich 5as Guee! of E ypt7 a!d for this cause Octa6ius had him i! reat despite" a!d 5e!t 5ith force of arms a ai!st A!to!y i! Asia" a!d o6ercame him i! all thi! s1 The! A!to!y a!d Cleopatra fled as 6a!<uished" a!d sle5 themsel6es by reat sorro5" a!d Octa6ius destroyed e!tirely the realm of E ypt" a!d made it to be u!der the 3oma!s1 A!d from the!ce he 5e!t i! all the haste he mi ht i!to Ale8a!dria" a!d despoiled it of all riches a!d brou ht them to 3ome" a!d i!creased so the commo! profit of 3ome that there 5as i6e! for o!e pe!!y that 5hich tofore 5as sold for four1 A!d because the battles of the people had 5asted a!d destroyed the city of 3ome" he re!e5ed it" sayi! D I fou!d it co6ered 5ith tiles" a!d I shall lea6e it !o5 co6ered 5ith marble1 A!d for these causes he 5as made emperor" a!d the first that e6er 5as called Au ustus1 A!d of him bee! all other that come after him called Au ustus1 Li4e as after his u!cle Julius CFsar they be called CFsaria!s1 Also this mo!th of Au ust 5hich tofore 5as called Se8tilis" the people e!titled it to his !ame a!d called it Au ustus" i! the ho!our a!d remembra!ce of the 6ictory of the emperor that he had the first day of this mo!th1 I! so much that all the 3oma!s made that day reat solem!ity u!to the time of Theodosius the emperor" 5hich be a! to rei ! the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:si81 The! Eudosia" dau hter of the said Theodosius the emperor" a!d 5ife of Vale!s" 5e!t by a 6o5 to Jerusalem" a!d there a Je5 a6e to her for reat lo6e a reat ift1 A!d they 5ere the bo!ds" that is to 5it the t5o chai!s" 5ith 5hich S1 (eter u!der +erod 5as bou!de! 5ith1 ,hereof she 5as much =oyous" a!d 5he! she retur!ed to 3ome she sa5 that the 3oma!s hallo5ed the first day of Au ust i! the ho!our of a! emperor pay!im 5hich 5as dead1 The! 5as she much sorro5ful because they did so much ho!our to a ma! dam!ed" a!d thou ht that they mi ht !ot li htly be 5ithdra5! from this custom1 9ut if she mi ht so much do" she 5ould !ot lea6e it thus" but that it should be made i! the ho!our of S1 (eter" a!d that all the people should !ame that day the day of S1 (eter ad 6i!cula1 A!d hereof she had collatio! 5ith S1 (ela ius the pope" a!d brou ht them 5ith fair 5ords to that" that the remembra!ce of the pri!ce of pay!ims 5as for otte!" a!d the memory of the pri!ce of the apostles 5as hallo5ed1 A!d it pleased ri ht 5ell to all the people1 The! she brou ht forth the chai!s 5hich she had brou ht from Jerusalem" a!d sho5ed them to all the people1 A!d the pope brou ht forth the chai! 5ith 5hich he had bee! bou!d u!der Nero" a!d as soo! as that chai! touched that other" all three by miracle 5ere but o!e" li4e as they had bee! !e6er but o!e1 The! the pope a!d the <uee! established that the foolish reli io! of the people" ma4i! solem!ity of a pay!im" 5ere cha! ed i!to better" a!d 5as made of S1 (eter" pri!ce of the apostles1 A!d the pope a!d the <uee! set the chai!s i! the church of S1 (eter ad 6i!cula1 A!d 5ere i6e! of the <uee! to the said church ri ht reat ifts a!d ri ht fair pri6ile es" a!d it 5as established that day to be hallo5ed o6er all1 A!d this is that 9ede saith" a!d Si bert also saith the same of this thi! 1 A!d of 5hat reat 6irtue this chai! is" it appeareth 5ell i! the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d fortyfourD There 5as a! earl 5hich 5as !i h to the emperor Otto" that 5as so cruelly 6e8ed a!d torme!ted 5ith the de6il tofore all the people that" 5ith his o5! teeth he bit a!d tare himself1 A!d by the comma!dme!t of the emperor he 5as led to pope Joh!" for to put the chai! about his !ec4" a!d there 5as a!other put about the !ec4 of this 5ood ma! a!d demo!iac1 A!d it did him !o!e alle eme!t because it had !o 6irtue1 A!d at last the 6ery chai! of S1 (eter 5as brou ht a!d put about the !ec4 of the said ma! demo!iac1 9ut it 5as of such 6irtue that the de6il mi ht !ot bear it" but departed a!d 5e!t out cryi! " tofore them all1 The! Theodoric" bishop of -etH" too4 that chai!" a!d said he 5ould !ot depart from it i! !o ma!!er but if his ha!d 5ere cut off" a!d for this cause 5as reat discord bet5ee! the pope a!d the bishop a!d the other cler4s1 A!d at the last the emperor appeased the !oise a!d at of the pope that he had a li!4 of the chai!1 A!d he 4ept it much 5orthily i! reat de6otio!1 -iletus also recou!teth i! his chro!icle" a!d it is 5ritte! i! the +istory Tripertite" that i! that time there 5as a reat horrible dra o! 5hich appeared at Epirus1 A!d the bishop Do!atus spit i! his mouth a!d 4illed him forth5ith1 9ut that bishop made tofore the si ! of the cross 5ith his fi! ers upo! the dra o!" for he 5as so reat that there beho6ed se6e! couple o8e! to dra5 him the!ce out of the to5! i! to a place 5here he 5as bur!t" for because the ste!ch of him should !ot corrupt the air1 ;et saith the same -iietus" a!d also it is said i! the +istory Tripertite" that the de6il appeared i! a to5! !amed Crete i! the sembla!ce of -oses" a!d this Crete is !i h to a mou!tai! 5hich is !i h to the sea" a!d assembled a reat multitude of Je5s of all places a!d brou ht them to the top a!d hi hest of all the mou!tai!" a!d promised them to lead them a!d to o dry foot 5ith them upo! the sea i! to the la!d of promise1 A!d there he assembled people 5ithout !umber1 A!d some belie6e that the de6il had despite of








the Je5 that had i6e! this chai! to the <uee! by 5hich the feast of Octa6ius ceased to be made1 A!d 5he! the de6il sa5 that he had there of the Je5s 5ithout !umber" about that reat mou!tai!" he made ma!y fall do5! from the top to the rou!d be!eath" a!d made of them 5ithout !umber to be dro5!ed i! the sea7 a!d thus the de6il a6e! ed him o! them1 A!d ma!y of them that escaped became christia!1 'or 5he! they 5ould ha6e o!e up o! the mou!tai! 5ith the others" they mi ht !ot o up so sharp roc4s" i! such 5ise that they that 5e!t up 5ere all tocut 5ith the sto!es" a!d the others 5ere dro5!ed i! the sea" a!d 5ere all dead1 A!d 5he! the others 5ould ha6e do!e the same" a!d tarried because they 5ist !ot 5hat 5as happed of the others" certai! fishers oi! by them told 5hat 5as falle! of the others" a!d thus they that mi ht escape retur!ed" a!d 5e!t !ot after the others1 A!d all these thi! s be co!tai!ed i! the said +istory1 The fourth cause of the i!stitutio! of this feast may be assi !ed here i! this 5ise1 'or our Lord deli6ered S1 (eter out of his chai!s by miracle" a!d a6e him po5er to bi!d a!d to u!bi!d1 'or 5e be holde! a!d bou!de! u!to the bo!d of si! a!d ha6e !eed to be assoiled1 Therefore 5e 5orship the solem!ity of the chai!s aforesaid1 'or as he deser6ed to be u!bou!d of the bo!ds of his chai!s" so recei6ed he po5er of our Lord Jesu Christ to assoil us1 A!d this last reaso! may be li htly appercei6ed" for thou seest that the epistle accordeth the absolutio! a!d loosi! of the chai!s made to the apostle1 A!d the ospel recordeth the po5er that 5as i6e! to him for to assoil1 a!d the oriso! of the death re<uireth that absolutio! be made to us" a!d this" that sometime he i6eth absolutio!" a!d assoileth the dam!ed other5hile" by the po5er of the 4eys 5hich he recei6ed7 it appeareth i! a miracle of the blessed Vir i! -aryD O! a time there 5as a mo!4" a scholar" 5hich 5as i! the city of Colo !e i! the mo!astery of S1 (eter" 5hich mo!4 5as si!ful7 a!d 5he! this mo!4 5as surprised 5ith sudde! death" the de6ils accused him a!d cried o! him that he had do!e all ma!!er si!s1 That o!e saidD I am Co6etise" 5hich so oft thou hast co6eted a ai!st the comma!dme!t of God1 A!d a!other saidD I am Vai! Glory" of 5hich thou hast e!=oyed thee" i! ma4i! a 6au!t amo! me!1 A!d a!other saidD I am thy Leasi! " i! 5hich thou oft si!!edst i! Iyi! " a!d other i! li4e 5ise1 A!d co!trary to them" some ood 5or4s that he had do!e e8cused him" sayi! D I am Obedie!ce" 5hich thou didst to thi!e elders a!d so6erei !s1 A!other saidD I am the So! of psalms" 5hich thou hast su! to God much arde!tly1 A!d S1 (eter" to 5hom he 5as a mo!4" 5e!t to God for to pray for him1 A!d our Lord a!s5ered to himD +ath !ot the prophet said" by my i!spiratio!" Domi!e" <uis habitabit i! taber!aculo tuoE Lord" 5ho shall d5ell i! thy taber!acle" or 5ho shall rest i! thy holy mou!tai!E +e that shall be 5ithout spot of si!1 +o5 may this ma! the! be sa6ed 5hich is !ot e!tered 5ithout syot" !e hath do!e !o ri hteous!essE A!d yet (eter prayed for him 5ith the blessed Vir i!" mother of God1 The! our Lord a6e upo! him this se!te!ceD that the soul should retur! a ai! to the body a!d that he should do pe!a!ce1 A!d the! S1 (eter" 5ith the 4ey that he held i! his ha!d" feared the de6ils a!d made them to flee" a!d after deli6ered the soul to a mo!4 of the same mo!astery" a!d comma!ded him that he should bri! it to the body1 A!d he bare it to him a!d re<uired of him for his re5ard that he had brou ht it a ai!" that he should say e6ery day for him the psalmD -iserere mei deus" a!d that he should oft s5eep his sepulture a!d 4eep it clea!1 A!d thus he re6i6ed from the death a!d came a ai! to the 5orld" a!d did his pe!a!ce" a!d recou!ted to all the people this that had happed to him1 The! let us pray this lorious apostle S1 (eter to be our ad6ocate to our Lord Jesu Christ" that 5e may by the po5er of the 4eys i6e! to him ha6e 6ery absolutio! of our si!s" that after the accomplishme!t of this short a!d tra!sitory life 5e may come to e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" *te&he# the Po&e"






,he! S1 Stephe! the pope had co!6erted ma!y of the pay!ims u!to the christia! faith" both by 5ord a!d by e8ample" a!d had also buried ma!y bodies of the martyrs" i! the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d si8ty he 5as sou ht by reat study of Valeria! a!d of Galie!" the! emperors" for because that he a!d his cler4s should do sacrifice u!to their idols or else to be slai! by di6ers torme!ts1 A!d the said emperors made ordi!a!ce that 5homsome6er brou ht them" he should ha6e all their substa!ce" a!d for that cause te! of his cler4s 5ere ta4e! a!d brou ht forth" a!d a!o! 5ithout audie!ce 5ere beheaded1 A!d the day follo5i! S1 Stephe! the pope 5as ta4e! a!d brou ht to the temple of -ars their od" to the e!d that he should adore a!d do ho!our to the idol" or else he should ha6e se!te!ce to be beheaded1 9ut 5he! he 5as e!tered i!to the temple he prayed to our Lord Jesu Christ that he 5ould destroy the temple1 A!d a!o! a reat part of the temple fell" a!d all they that 5ere there fled for dread that they had1 A!d the! he 5e!t to the cemetery of S1 Lu4e" a!d 5he! Valeria! heard that he se!t to him more 4!i hts tha! he did tofore1



A!d 5he! they came they fou!d him si! i! mass" a!d a!o! he fi!ished de6outly that 5hich he had be u!1 A!d that do!e they beheaded him i! his seat1 Here followeth the 0#ve#tio# of *" *te&he#. Pro%artyr"

The i!6e!tio! of the holy body of S1 Stephe!" promartyr" 5as made i! the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d se6e!tee!" i! the se6e!tee!th year of +o!orius the emperor1 The i!6e!tio! of him" the tra!slatio!" a!d the co!=u!ctio!" 5ere made to order1 'or a priest !amed Lucia! of the cou!try of Jerusalem" of 5hom Ge!!adius recou!teth amo! the !oble me! a!d 5riteth thus" that o! a 'riday 5he! he 5as i! his bed a!d rested a!d u!!ethe a5o4e" he sa5 a! a!cie!t ma! of !oble stature 5ith a lo! beard" 5ith a seemly 6isa e e!6iro!ed i! a 5hite ma!tle i! 5hich there 5ere little ouches or crosses of old tissued1 +e 5as hosed 5ith hose! broidered 5ith old abo6e" 5hich held i! his ha!d a rod of old 5ith 5hich he touched him" a!d saidD Go a!d 5ith reat dili e!ce ope! our tombs" for 5e be laid i! a place disho!est a!d of despite1 Go thou therefore u!to Joh! the bishop of Jerusalem a!d say to him that he lay us i! a more ho!ourable place1 A!d because that drou ht a!d tribulatio! is throu h the 5orld" God hath ordai!ed to be debo!air a!d merciful to the 5orld by our suffra es a!d prayers1 A!d Lucia! said to himD Sir" 5ho art thouE I am" said he" Gamaliel" 5hich !ourished the apostle (aul a!d e!sei !ed him the la5 of my fathers" a!d he that lieth 5ith me is S1 Stephe!" 5hich 5as sto!ed of the Je5s a!d cast out of the city for to be de6oured of the beasts a!d birds" but he 4ept him" to 5hom he 4ept his faith" 5ithout hurti! " a!d I 5ith reat dili e!ce too4 up the body a!d 5ith reat re6ere!ce buried it i! my !e5 tomb1 A!d that other that lieth 5ith me is Nicodemus" my !ephe5" 5hich 5e!t by !i ht to Jesu Christ a!d recei6ed baptism of (eter a!d Joh!" a!d therefore the pri!ces of priests 5ere a! ry 5ith him a!d 5ould ha6e slai! him" but that they left at re6ere!ce of us1 Ne6ertheless they too4 a5ay all his substa!ce a!d deposed him from his pri!cipate" a!d beat him stro! ly a!d let him lie for dead1 A!d the! I led him i!to my house" 5here he li6ed after but a fe5 days" a!d 5he! he 5as dead I buried him at the feet of S1 Stephe!1 A!d the third that is 5ith me is Abibas" my so!" 5hich i! the t5e!tieth year of his a e recei6ed baptism 5ith me a!d 5as a clea! 6ir i!" a!d lear!ed the la5 of God 5ith my disciple (aul1 A!d Ethea my 5ife a!d Selimus my so!" 5hich 5ould !ot recei6e the faith of Jesu Christ" 5ere !ot 5orthy to be i! our sepulture" thou shalt fi!d them buried i! a!other place" a!d shalt fi!d their tombs 6oid a!d idle1 A!d 5he! he had said all this S1 Gamaliel 6a!ished a5ay" a!d the! Lucia! a5o4e a!d prayed to God if this 6isio! 5ere true that it mi ht be sho5ed yet the seco!d time a!d the third time1 A!d the !e8t 'riday after follo5i! " he appeared li4e as he did tofore" a!d said to himD ,herefore hast thou disdai!ed to do that 5hich I ha6e re<uired theeE A!d he said to himD Sir" I ha6e !o disdai!" but I ha6e prayed God if it be i! his !ame that it appear to me yet o!ce a ai!7 a!d Gamaliel said to himD 9ecause thou hast thou ht i! thy coura e that if martyr thou fi!d us ho5 thou mi htest de6ise the relics of each of us" I shall e!sei ! thee of e6ery each by similitude to 4!o5 the tombs a!d relics of each of us1 A!d the! he sho5ed three pa!iers of old" a!d the fourth of sil6er" of the 5hich that o!e 5as full of red roses" the other t5ai! of 5hite roses" a!d the fourth" 5hich 5as of sil6er" 5as full of saffro!1 A!d Gamaliel said to himD These pa!iers be our tombs" a!d these roses be our relics" a!d the first full of red roses is the tomb of S1 Stephe!" 5hich o!ly of us all deser6ed the cro5! of martyrdom1 The other t5ai!" full of 5hite roses" be the tombs of me a!d Nicodemus 5hich perse6ered 5ith a clea! heart i! the co!fessio! of Jesu Christ" a!d the fourth of sil6er" 5hich is full of saffro!" is of Abibas my so!" 5hich shi!eth by 5hite!ess of 6ir i!ity" a!d issued out of this 5orld pure a!d !et1 A!d this said he 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d the 'riday after that 5ee4 follo5i! " he appeared to him a ai! all a! ry" a!d blamed him rie6ously of his delayme!t a!d !e li e!ce1 A!d a!o! Lucia! 5e!t to Jerusalem a!d recou!ted all by order to Joh! the bishop" a!d called the other bishops" a!d 5e!t to the place that 5as sho5ed to Lucia!" a!d 5he! they had be u! to del6e" a!d mo6ed the earth" a ri ht s5eet sa6our 5as felt1 A!d by the mar6ellous fla6our a!d s5eet!ess7 a!d by the merits of the sai!ts" se6e!ty sic4 me! 5ere healed of their i!firmities1 A!d thus the relics of these sai!ts 5ere tra!sported i!to the church of Sio! 5hich is i! Jerusalem" i! the 5hich S1 Stephe! used the office of the archdeaco!1 A!d there 5ere they ordai!ed for ri ht ho!ourably1 I! the same hour desce!ded from hea6e! much rai!" a!d of this 6isio! a!d i!6e!tio! 9ede ma4eth me!tio! i! his chro!icle1 A!d this i!6e!tio!" saith S1 9ede" 5as i! the same day that his passio! is hallo5ed" a!d his passio! as it is said 5as the same day also1 9ut the feasts ha6e bee! cha! ed by double reaso!1 The first reaso! is because that Jesu Christ 5as bor! i! earth that ma! should be bor! i! hea6e!" therefore it appertai!eth that the feast of S1 Stephe! should follo5 the !ati6ity of Christ1 'or he 5as first martyred for Christ for to be bor! i! hea6e!" a!d so it si !ifieth that the o!e follo5 that other" a!d therefore it is su! i! the churchD ;esterday Christ 5as bor! i! earth" that this day Stephe! should be bor! i! hea6e!1 The seco!d reaso! is that" the feast of the i!6e!tio! is more















solem!ly made tha! the feast of his passio!" a!d that is o!ly for the !ati6ity of our Lord Jesu Christ1 Ne6ertheless our Lord hath sho5ed ma!y miracles i! the i!6e!tio! of him1 A!d because his passio! is more 5orthy tha! his i!6e!tio!" therefore ou ht it to be more solem!" a!d therefore the church hath tra!sported his passio! to the time i! 5hich it is had i! reater re6ere!ce1 A!d as S1 Austi! saithD The tra!slatio! of him 5as i! this ma!!er1 Ale8a!der" se!ator of Co!sta!ti!ople" 5e!t 5ith his 5ife to Jerusalem a!d made there a fair oratory to S1 Stephe! the first martyr" a!d after his death he did him to be buried by hls body1 A!d se6e! years after" Julia!a his 5ife 5ould retur! i!to her cou!try because that the pri!ces did to her 5ro! " a!d 5ould carry 5ith her the body of her husba!d1 A!d 5he! she had made lo! re<uest to the bishop 5ith ma!y prayers" the bishop sho5ed to her t5o tombs of sil6er a!d said to herD I 5ot !ot 5hich of these t5ai! is thy husba!d1 A!d she said to himD I 5ot 5ell" a!d 5e!t hastily a!d embraced the body of Stephe!" a!d thus by case of fortu!e" 5he! she 5ee!ed to ha6e ta4e! the body of her husba!d" she too4 the body of the promartyr" a!d 5he! she 5as 5ithi! the ship 5ith the body" there 5ere heard hym!s a!d so! s of a! els" a!d a ri ht s5eet odour" a!d the de6ils cried a!d mo6ed reat tempest sayi! D AlasI alasI for the first martyr Stephe! passeth here by" 5hich beateth us cruelly 5ith fire1 A!d the mari!ers 5ere i! reat doubt a!d cried o! S1 Stephe!" a!d a!o! he appeared to them a!d saidD I am here" doubt ye !othi! " a!d a!o! reat peace 5as" a!d fair 5eather i! the sea1 The! 5ere there heard the 6oice of de6ils cryi! D 'elo! pri!ce" bur! this ship" for Stephe! our ad6ersary is 5ithi! it1 ,ith that" the pri!ce of de6ils se!t fi6e de6ils for to bur! the ship" but the a! el of our Lord plu! ed them do5! i! the rou!d of the sea1 A!d 5he! they came to Chalcedo! the de6ils cried" sayi! D The ser6a!t of God cometh 5hich 5as sto!ed to death of the felo! Je5s1 The! came they i! safety i! to Co!sta!ti!ople" a!d the body of S1 Stephe! 5as brou ht 5ith reat re6ere!ce i! to a church1 A!d this saith S1 Austi!D The co!=u!ctio! of the body of S1 Stephe! 5ith the body of S1 Laure!ce 5as made by this ordi!a!ce1 It happed that Eudo8ia" dau hter of Theodosius the emperor" 5as reatly torme!ted 5ith a de6il" a!d 5he! it 5as told to her father" 5hich 5as at Co!sta!ti!ople" he comma!ded that his dau hter should be brou ht thither" a!d that she should touch the relics of S1 Stephe! the first martyr1 A!d the de6il cried 5ithi! herD If Stephe! come !ot to 3ome I shall !ot issue out of her" for it is the 5ill of the apostles1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard that" he impetred a!d at of the cler y a!d people of Co!sta!ti!ople that they a6e to the 3oma!s the body of S1 Stephe!" a!d they should ha6e therefore the body of S1 Laure!ce1 A!d the emperor 5rote to S1 (ela ius the pope" upo! 5hich the pope" by the cou!cil of the cardi!als" co!se!ted to the re<uest of the emperor" a!d the! 5e!t the cardi!als to Co!sta!ti!ople a!d brou ht to 3ome the body of S1 Stephe!1 A!d the Gree4s came for to ha6e the body of S1 Laure!ce1 The body of S1 Stephe! 5as recei6ed i!to Capua" 5hich at by their de6out prayers the ri ht arm" a!d builded their church metropolita!" that is to say the archbishop>s see" i! the ho!our of him1 A!d 5he! the 3oma!s 5ere come to 3ome" they 5ould ha6e bor!e the body of S1 Stephe! u!to the church of S1 (eter ad 6i!cula1 They that bare it stood still a!d mi ht o !o further" a!d the de6il 5hich 5as i! the maid criedD ;e tra6ail you for !au ht" for he shall !ot be here" but 5ith Laure!ce his brother" 5hereas he is1 A!d for this cause 5as the body bor!e thither" a!d the maid touched the body a!d 5as all 5hole1 A!d S1 Laure!ce" as e!=oyi! him of the comi! of his brother a!d smili! " tur!ed him i!to that other part of the sepulchre" a!d made place a!d left half the place 6oid1 A!d 5he! the Gree4s set their ha!ds for to ha6e bor!e a5ay Laure!ce" they fell do5! to the earth as they had bee! dead1 9ut the pope a!d the cler4s prayed for them a!d all the people" a!d yet u!!ethe 5ith reat pai! came they to life a ai! at e6e!so! time1 Ne6ertheless they 5ere all dead 5ithi! te! days after" a!d the Lati!s" a!d all they that so co!se!ted" e!tered i!to fre!Hy a!d mi ht !ot be 5hole u!to the time that the t5o bodies 5ere e!tombed to ether" a!d the! 5as there a 6oice heard from hea6e! that saidD O blessed 3ome 5hich hast e!closed i! o!e tomb the lorious =e5els" the bodies of S1 Laure!ce of Spai! a!d of S1 Stephe! of Jerusalem1 This co!=u!ctio! 5as made about the year of our Lord !i!e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty: fi6e1 S1 Austi! recou!teth i! the t5e!ty:seco!d boo4 of the City of God" that si8 dead bodies 5ere raised by the i!6ocatio! a!d prayers of S1 Stephe!" that is to 5it" that there 5as o!e that lay dead a!d the !ame of S1 Stephe! 5as called o6er him a!d he 5as a!o! raised to life1 Also there 5as a child 5hich 5as slai! 5ith a cart" 5hom his mother bare to the church of S1 Stephe! a!d 5as a!o! raised to life1 A!d there 5as a !u! 5hich 5as at her last e!d" a!d 5as bor!e to the church of S1 Stephe!" a!d there died i! the si ht of all the people" a!d aher she arose all 5hole1 Also a maid of +ippo" of 5hom her father bare her coat to the church of S1 Stephe!" a!d after laid it o! the body of the dead











maid" a!d a!o! she arose1 A!d a you! ma! of +ippo died" a!d a!o! as the body of him 5as a!oi!ted 5ith the oil of S1 Stephe! he arose to life1 A!other child 5as bor!e dead to the church of S1 Stephe!" a!d by the merits of S1 Stephe! 5as a!o! re:established to life1 A!d of this precious martyr" saith S1 Austi!D Gamaliel" master of the school" a!d 5ith a stole about his !ec4" made re6elatio! of him1 Saul despoiled a!d sto!ed him" Jesu Christ" 5rapped i! poor clothes" e!riched him" a!d cro5!ed him 5ith his precious blood a!d sto!es1 A!d S1 Stephe! sho!e i! beauty of body" i! flo5er of a e" i! fair speech of reaso!" 5isdom of holy thou ht" i! 5or4s of di6i!ity1 +e 5as a stro! pillar of the faith of God" for 5he! he 5as ta4e! a!d holde! 5ith to! s amo! the ha!ds of them that sto!ed him" i! the fur!ace of the fire of faith" he 5as distrai!ed" smitte!" demea!ed" a!d beate!" the faith i!creased a!d 5as !ot 6a!<uished1 A!d S1 Au usti!e saith i! a!other place upo! this authorityD +ard brai!" etc1:he 5as !ot flattered but put out" he 5as !ot tasted but hurt" he feared !e trembled !ot" but 5as chauffed1 A!d i! a!other place he saith thusD 9ehold Stephe! thy fello5" he 5as a ma! as thou art" a!d of the mass of si! as thou art" a!d bou ht 5ith the same price that thou 5ert" he 5as deaco! a!d read the ospel that thou readest or hearest1 There he fou!d 5ritte!D Lo6e your e!emies1 A!d this blessed promartyr S1 Stephe!" lear!ed i! readi! " a!d profited a!d accomplished i! obeyi! 1 The! let us pray de6outly to him that he pray for us to that blessed Lord for 5hom he suffered death" a!d prayed for them that pursued him" that he pray for us" a!d that 5e may feel the effect of his prayer li4e as Saul did" 5hich after 5as called (aul" the holy doctor a!d apostle1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" Do%i#i$. a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Domi!ic is said as a 4eeper of our Lord" or else as 4ept of God1 Or it is said of domi!icus as to the etymolo y of this !ame" that is domi!us1 It is said 4eeper of our Lord i! three ma!!ers" that is to 5it" 4eeper of the ho!our of our Lord" as touchi! to God" 4eeper of the 6i!eyard or the floc4 of our Lord" u!to his !ei hbour" 4eeper of the 5ill of our Lord" or of his comma!dme!ts as touchi! himself1 Seco!dly" he is said domi!icus" as 4ept of our Lord1 Our Lord 4ept him i! his threefold state1 Of 5hom the first is that he 5as a layma!1 I! the seco!d he 5as a ca!o! re ular" a!d the third as apostle1 'or i! the first state he 4ept himself i! ma4i! himself to be i! laudably a!d 5ell" i! the seco!d to perform 5ell" a!d i! the third to accomplish 5ell1 I! the third he may be said Domi!ic by the etymolo y of this !ame Domi!us1 Domi!us is said as i6i! me!aces" i6i! a ift or i6i! less1 So S1 Domi!ic 5as i6i! " that is to u!dersta!d" i6i! threate!i! by relie6i! of i!=uries" i6i! ifts by lar ess of fra!chise1 'or he a6e !ot o!ly to poor me!" but he 5ould oft sell himself for to relie6e a!d buy poor me!" a!d i! i6i! less" that 5as by ma4i! his body lea!" for he a6e al5ay less to his body tha! it desired or appetited1 Of *" Do%i#i$. Friar a#d Prea$her" Domi!ic 5as du4e of the order of the friars preachers" a!d a !oble father of the parts of Spai!" of a to5! called Calaro a" of the diocese of Osma" a!d his father 5as !amed 'eli8 a!d his mother Joa!!a" of 5hom he came as of the flesh1 A!d his mother" tofore that he 5as bor!" sa5 i! her sleep that she bare a little 5help i! her belly 5hich bare a bur!i! bra!d i! his mouth" a!d" 5he! he 5as issued out of her 5omb" he bur!t all the 5orld1 A!d also it seemed to a 5oma! that 5as odmother to him at the fo!t a!d held him" that the child Domi!ic had a star ri ht clear i! his forehead" 5hich e!lumi!ed all the 5orld1 A!d as he 5as yet a child a!d i! the 4eepi! of his !ourice" he 5as oft fou!d lea6i! his bed a!d Iyi! o! the bare rou!d1 A!d after" 5he! he 5as se!t to (ale!tia for to lear!" he tasted !e dra!4 !e6er 5i!e i! te! years1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that reat fami!e 5as there" he sold his boo4s" a!d all his substa!ce" a!d a6e the price of them to poor people1 A!d 5he! his ood re!o5! re5" he 5as made ca!o! re ular" of the bishop of Osma" i! his church1 A!d after" he 5as mirror of life u!to the people a!d 5as ordai!ed sub: prior of the ca!o!s1 A!d day a!d !i ht he e!te!ded to readi! a!d i! prayi! to God co!ti!ually that he 5ould i6e him race that he mi ht e8te!d to the health of his !ei hbours1 I! the boo4 of collatio!s of fathers he read curiously" a!d too4 the thirtee!th reat perfectio!1 +e 5e!t 5ith the said bishop to Toulouse" a!d there he reprehe!ded his host of heresy" a!d co!6erted him to the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d prese!ted him to our Lord as a! ha!dful of the first fruit of the tocomi! har6est1 It is read i! the ests of the Earl of -o!tfort" that o!e day as S1 Domi!ic preached a ai!st the heresies" that he put i! 5riti! the authorities that he purposed" a!d deli6ered the schedule to a heretic for to ar ue a ai!st his ob=ectio!s1 A!d that !i ht the heretics assembled at the fire" a!d he sho5ed to them that schedule" a!d they bade him to cast it i! the fire" a!d if the schedule bur!ed" their faith 5as !ot but treachery" a!d if it bur!ed !ot" the! he preached the 6ery faith of the church of 3ome1 A!d the! 5as the schedule cast i! the fire" a!d 5he! it















had bee! i! the fire a 5hile" it spra! out all safe1 A!d the! o!e of them that 5as more hard tha! the others saidD Cast it i! a ai!" a!d ye shall pro6e better a!d more plai!ly the truth1 The! it 5as thro5! i! a ai!" a!d it issued out a ai! 5ithout bur!i! 1 The! said heD Let it be cast i! the third time" a!d the! shall 5e 4!o5 5ithout doubt the issue of this thi! 7 a!d it 5as cast i! a ai!" a!d it came out the third time 5ithout lesio! or hurt1 A!d yet the heretics" abidi! i! their hard!ess" s5are amo! them firmly that !o!e of them should publish this thi! 1 Ne6ertheless" a 4!i ht that 5as there" 5hich 5as some5hat accordi! to our faith" disclosed this miracle" a!d it is said a semblable thi! happed at the -ou!t Victorial i! the temple Jupiter1 That a disputatio! 5as ordai!ed a ai!st the heretics" li4e as the malady of the heresy re5 i! the parties of Albi e!ses" that disputatio! solem! 5as at the temple of Jupiter" a!d 5ere ordai!ed =ud es o! both parties1 To 5hom the affrmatio! of the faith that e6ery each should e!sei !" should be 5ritte! i! a boo41 A!d the boo4 of S1 Domi!ic 5as chose! a!d prese!ted amo! the others" upo! the 5hich the =ud es stro6e a ai!st them" ho5beit" it 5as ordai!ed that the boo4s of o!e part a!d that other should be cast i!to the fire1 A!d they that bur!ed !ot should be holde! 5ithout doubt for the 6ery faith1 A!d so the boo4s 5ere thro5! i!to a reat fire bur!i! " a!d a!o! the boo4 of the heresies 5as bur!t" a!d the boo4 of S1 Domi!ic 5as sa6ed a!d !ot bur!t" but spra! out of the fire 5ithout hurti! " a!d it 5as cast i! the seco!d time" a!d it leapt out 5ithout bur!i! 1 A!d after this" the other christia! me! 5e!t home a ai! to their proper places" a!d the bishop of Osma died" a!d S1 Domi!ic abode there alo!e 5ith a fe5 christia! me! a!d catholic" a ai!st the heretics" a!d de!ou!ced a!d preached the 5ord of God firmly1 A!d the ad6ersaries of truth moc4ed him" a!d spit at him" a!d thre5 at him filth of the streets" a!d other ri ht foul thi! s" a!d bou!d behi!d him 5isps of stra5 i! reat despite1 A!d 5he! they threate!ed a!d me!aced him" he a!s5ered" 5ithout fear or dreadD I am !ot 5orthy to be martyred" !e I ha6e !ot yet deser6ed that death by lory1 A!d therefore he passed hardily by the 5ay 5here they despised him" a!d sa! " a!d 5e!t =oyously1 A!d they mar6elled a!d said to himD +ast thou !o dread of deathE ,hat 5ouldst thou ha6e do!e if 5e had ta4e! theeE I had prayed you" said he" that ye should !ot ha6e slai! me sudde!ly" but little a!d little ye should ha6e he5! member from member" o!e after a!other" a!d the! that ye had sho5ed tofore mi!e eyes my members so detre!ched" a!d the! that ye had left my body so lyi! " a!d fouled i! my blood" 5ithout to ha6e slai! me at your 5ill1 +e fou!d a ma! that for the reat po6erty that he suffered 5as =oi!ed to the heretics" a!d S1 Domi!ic" seei! this" ordai!ed himself to be sold" a!d that the price of him should be i6e! to the poor ma! to bri! him out of his po6erty1 A!d this did he for to bri! him of the foul error he 5as i!1 A!d so he 5ould ha6e bee! sold if the di6i!e mercy had !ot other5ise pur6eyed1 A!other time a 5oma! came to complai! to him that her brother 5as i! the ha!ds of the Sarace!s i! reat capti6ity" a!d that she 4!e5 !o 5ay ho5 to deli6er him1 A!d he 5as mo6ed of pity i! his heart" a!d offered himself to be sold for the redemptio! of that other1 9ut God" that 4!e5 him more !ecessary for the redemptio! spiritual of ma!y capti6es" suffered it !ot" a!d yet he i!te!ded to be his pled e a!d to lie for him" his charity 5as so reat1 I! a time he 5as lod ed 5ith certai! ladies 5hich" by occasio! of reli io!" they had to be decei6ed of the heretics" a!d the! he fasted a!d his fello5 5ith him" all the Le!t" 5ith bread a!d 5ater" so that by the shado5 of reli io! he too4 from them that error" a!d i! the !i ht he 5o4e" sa6e 5he! !ecessity 5as" he lay do5! u!der a table 5ithout other thi! 1 A!d thus these 5ome! 5ere brou ht to the 4!o5led e of truth1 A!d the! be a! he to thi!4 of the establishme!t of his order" a!d of 5hat office it mi ht be for to o a!d preach throu h the 5orld" a!d for to e!hau!ce the christia! faith a ai!st the heretics1 A!d 5he! he had d5elled te! years i! the parts of Toulouse" after the death of the bishop of Osma" u!to the time that the cou!cil should be solem!ised at Latera!" the! he 5e!t to 3ome 5ith 'ulco" bishop of Toulouse" to the cou!cil e!eral" for to et of I!!oce!t the pope" that the order" 5hich is said the order of the preachers" mi ht be co!firmed to him a!d to his successors" a!d the pope 5ould !ot li htly accord to this thi! 1 A!d the! it happed o! a !i ht that the pope sa5 i! a 6isio! that the church of Latera! 5as sudde!ly me!aced for to fall a!d o6erthro5" a!d as he beheld it" all afeard" he sa5 o! that side S1 Domi!ic ru!!i! a ai!st it" a!d sustai!ed a!d bare it up" a!d 4ept it from falli! 1 A!d the! a5o4e the pope" a!d u!derstood the 6isio!" a!d recei6ed =oyously the petitio! of the ma! of God" a!d bade that he a!d his brethre! should see4 some rule appro6ed" a!d he 5ould co!firm it at his 5ill1 A!d the! S1 Domi!ic came to his brethre!" a!d sho5ed to them 5hat the pope had said" a!d they 5ere of !umber about si8tee! or se6e!tee! friars" 5hich a!o! called cou!sel of the +oly Ghost" a!d chose the rule of S1 Austi!" preacher a!d holy doctor" a!d 5ould of o!e 5ill be i! deed a!d !ame preachers1 A!d established there5ith some customs more straiter i! their li6i! " 5hich they too4 abo6e a!d promised to 4eep them truly1 I! this time I!!oce!t the







pope died" a!d +o!orius 5as made pope a!d so6erei ! bishop of the church1 A!d he at of the same +o!orius the co!firmatio! of his order" i! the year of our Lord o!e thousa!d t5o hu!dred a!d si8tee!1 A!d o! a time as he prayed at 3ome i! the church of S1 (eter for the i!creasi! of his order" he sa5 comi! to him the lorious pri!ces of the apostles" (eter a!d (aul" a!d him seemed that (eter a6e to him the staff first" a!d S1 (aul deli6ered to him the boo4" a!d they said to himD Go a!d preach" for thou art chose! of God to do that occupatio! a!d mi!istry" a!d i! a little mome!t him seemed that he sa5 his so!s spread throu hout the 5orld" t5o a!d t5o" preachi! to the people the 5ord of God1 'or 5hich cause he came a ai! to Toulouse" a!d departed his brethre!" some to (aris" some i!to Spai!" a!d others to 9olo !a" a!d he retur!ed a ai! to 3ome1 There 5as a mo!4" before the establishme!t of this order" 5hich 5as ra6ished i! spirit a!d sa5 the 9lessed Vir i! our Lady S1 -ary 4!eeli! " 5ith her ha!ds =oi!ed" prayi! her so! for the huma! li!ea e1 A!d he oft 5ithstood her re<uest" a!d at the last he said to her that so busily re<uired himD -other" 5hat may I do more for themE I ha6e se!t to them patriarchs a!d prophets" a!d little ha6e they ame!ded them1 After" I came to them myself" a!d after that I ha6e se!t to them apostles" a!d they ha6e slai! them1 I se!t to them also martyrs" co!fessors" a!d doctors" a!d they accorded !ot to them" !e to their doctri!e" but because it appertai!eth !ot to me to 5ithsay thy re<uest" I shall i6e to them my preachers" by 5hom they may be e!lumi!ed a!d made clea!" or else I shall come a ai!st them myself if they 5ill !ot ame!d them1 A!d a!other sa5 a li4e 6isio! that same time 5he! the t5el6e abbots of the order of Citeau8 5ere se!t to Toulouse a ai!st the heretics1 'or 5he! the so! had a!s5ered to his mother as is abo6e said" the mother said to himD 'air so!" thou ou htest !ot to do to them after their malice" but after thy mercy1 To 5hom the so!" 6a!<uished by her prayers" saidD I shall yet do to them mercy at thy re<uest" for I shall se!d to them my preachers that shall 5ar! a!d i!form them1 A!d if the! they correct them !ot" I shall spare them !o more1 A friar mi!or" that lo! time had bee! fello5 5ith S1 'ra!cis" recou!ted to ma!y of the friars of the order of the preachers that 5he! S1 Domi!ic 5as at 3ome for the co!firmatio! of his order of the pope" he sa5 o! a !i ht Jesu Christ i! the air" holdi! three spears i! his ha!d" a!d bra!dishi! them a ai!st the 5orld" a!d his mother ra! hastily a ai!st him" a!d dema!ded him 5hat he 5ould do1 A!d he said to herD All the 5orld is full of 6ices" of pride" of lu8ury" a!d of a6arice" a!d therefore I 5ill destroy them 5ith these three spears1 The! the 9lessed Vir i! fell do5! at his feet a!d saidD Dear so!" ha6e pity" a!d tarry thy =ustice by thy mercy1 A!d Jesu Christ said to herD Seest thou !ot ho5 ma!y 5ro! s a!d i!=uries they do to meE A!d she a!s5eredD So!" attemper thy 5rath a!d tarry a little" I ha6e a true ser6a!t a!d a !oble fi hter a ai!st the 6ices" 5hich shall ru! o6er all a!d 6a!<uish the 5orld" a!d subdue them u!der thy si !ory" a!d I shall i6e to them a!other ser6a!t i!to his help that shall fi ht as he doth1 A!d our Lord" her so!" saidD I am appeased a!d recei6e thy prayer" but I 5ould see 5hom thou 5ouldst se!d i! so reat a! office1 A!d the! she prese!ted to him S1 Domi!ic" a!d Jesu Christ saidD Truly this is a ood a!d !oble fi hter" a!d shall do dili e!tly that thou hast said1 A!d the! she sho5ed to him a!d offered to him S1 'ra!cis" a!d he praised him as he did the first1 A!d S1 Domi!ic co!sidered dili e!tly his fello5 i! that 6isio!" for he had !e6er see! him before" a!d he fou!d him o! the mor! i! the church" a!d 4!e5 him by that he had see! him i! the 6isio! 5ithout other sho5er" a!d be a! to 4iss him" a!d saidD Thou art my fello5" thou shalt ru! 5ith me" a!d 5e shall be to ether" a!d !o!e ad6ersary shall surmou!t us1 A!d the! he recou!ted to him all by order the said 6isio!" a!d from the! fortho! they 5ere o!e heart a!d o!e soul i! our Lord" a!d comma!ded that this lo6e should be 4ept to them that should come after perdurably1 A!d 5he! o! a time S1 Domi!ic had recei6ed a !o6ice i!to the order" some that had bee! his fello5s per6erted him i! such 5ise that he 5ould retur! to the 5orld" a!d dema!ded after his o5!7 a!d 5he! S1 Domi!ic heard that" he 5e!t to prayer" a!d as the you! ma! had despoiled him of his reli ious clothi! " a!d they had do!e o! him his shirt" he be a! to cry 5ith a hi h 6oice a!d sayD I chauffe" I bur!" certai!ly I am all bur!t" do off" do off this cursed shirt 5hich bur!eth all my body7 a!d mi ht !ot e!dure i! !o 5ise till he 5as despoiled of this shirt a!d clothed a ai! 5ith his reli ious clothes" a!d brou ht a ai! i!to the cloister of the reli ious1 A!d 5he! S1 Domi!ic 5as at 9olo !a" 5hat time the friars 5ere o!e to sleep" a friar co!6erse be a! to be torme!ted of the de6il" a!d 5he! friar 3ai!er of Lausa!!e 4!e5 it he said it to S1 Domi!ic" a!d S1 Domi!ic comma!ded that he should be brou ht i!to the church tofore the altar of our Lady" a!d te! friars mi ht u!!ethe bri! him1 A!d the! said S1 Domi!icD I co!=ure thee" 5ic4ed spirit" that thou tell to me 5herefore thou 6e8est thus the creature of God" a!d 5herefore a!d ho5 thou e!teredst hereE A!d he a!s5eredD I 6e8 him for he hath deser6ed it1 +e dra!4 yesterday i! the city












5ithout lice!ce of the prior" a!d made !ot the si ! of the cross thereo!" a!d I e!tered the! i! si ! of a bubble" to the e!d that he should dri!4 me 5ith the 5i!e the soo!er1 The! it 5as fou!de! that he had dru!4 i! the to5!1 A!d i! the mea!5hile he made the si ! of the cross" a!d they ru! to mati!s" a!d 5he! the de6il heard that he saidD I may !o lo! er abide here" sith they 5ith the reat hoods arise1 A!d thus he 5as co!strai!ed by the prayer of S1 Domi!ic to issue a!d o his 5ay" a!d the friar 5as deli6ered a!d 5hole" a!d 5as 5ell 5are e6er after to do a ai!st the 5ill of the prior1 A!d as S1 Domi!ic o! a time came to a ri6er to5ard the parts of Toulouse" his boo4s" 5hich had !o custody" fell i! the 5ater" a!d he could !ot fi!d them" but must lea6e them behi!d him1 A!d the third day after a fisher cast his hoo4 i!to the 5ater" a!d supposed to ha6e ta4e! up some reat fish" a!d dre5 up the boo4s of S1 Domi!ic 5ithout a!y 5etti! " li4e as they had bee! 4ept dili e!tly i! a! almary1 A!d o! a time 5he! he came to a mo!astery" a!d all the brethre! 5ere at rest" a!d he 5ould !ot distrouble !e a5a4e them" he put him to prayer" a!d e!tered i! 5ith his fello5" the ates bei! shut a!d closed7 also i! li4e 5ise i! the co!flict of the heretics" as he 5as 5ith a co!6erse of the Cistercia!s of a! e6e!tide" a!d came to a certai! church" a!d fou!d it shut a!d closed" he made his prayers a!d sudde!ly they 5ere i! the church" a!d abode there all that !i ht i! prayer1 A!d 5he! he had prayed" he had al5ays a custom to sta!ch his thirst at some 5ell or fou!tai!" lest he should ha6e a!y desire to dri!4 i! the house of his host1 There 5as a scholar i! the house of the friars at 9olo !a for to hear mass" a!d it happed that S1 Domi!ic sa! the mass" a!d 5he! it came to the offeri! " the scholar 5e!t a!d 4issed the ha!d of S1 Domi!ic 5ith reat de6otio!" a!d 5he! he had 4issed it" he felt come out of his ha!d so reat s5eet!ess" a!d so s5eet a! odour as he e6er had felt tofore i! his life7 a!d from the! fortho! the ardour a!d bur!i! of lechery be a! to 5a8 cold i! him" so that he 5hich tofore had bee! 6ai! a!d lecherous" 5as after so co!ti!e!t that his flesh sho!e all of clear!ess a!d chastity" a!d the flesh of S1 Domi!ic sho!e much of reat chastity a!d purity" of 5hom the odour cured the filths of the thou ht1 There 5as a priest 5hich sa5 S1 Domi!ic so arde!tly i! his predicatio! 5ith his fello5s" a!d he co!cluded i! himself that he 5ould =oi! him to them if he mi ht ha6e a boo4 of the Ne5 Testame!t !ecessary to him for to preach" a!d as he thou ht of this there came a you! ma! beari! a boo4 of the Ne5 Testame!t to sell u!der his 6estme!t7 a!d a!o! the priest bou ht it 5ith reat =oy" but as he doubted yet a little he made his prayer to Almi hty God a!d made the cross upo! the boo4 5ithout forth" a!d sith ope!ed the boo4 a!d loo4ed 5ithi! forth5ith" a!d the first chapter that he fou!d 5as i! the Acts of the Apostles" that 5hich is said to (eter 5he! he came first to his si ht" 5hich 5as thisD Arise up" desce!d a!d o 5ith them !othi! doubti! " for I ha6e se!t them1 The! he 5e!t a!d =oi!ed him to them1 O! a time 5he! a !oble master i! scie!ce a!d i! fame 5as re e!t i! Toulouse i! theolo y" o! a mor!i! " tofore the day" 5hile he pur6eyed his lesso!s" he 5as surprised 5ith sleep" a!d i!cli!ed him o! his chair a little" a!d him seemed that se6e! stars stood tofore him7 a!d as he mar6elled of the !o6elty of this" the said stars re5 sudde!ly i!to so reat li ht that they e!lumi!ed all the 5orld7 a!d 5he! he a5o4e he 5as stro! ly amar6elled" a!d 5he! he e!tered i!to the schools" a!d as he read" S1 Domi!ic 5ith si8 friars of the same habit e!tered a!d came amiably to him" a!d sho5ed their purpose" a!d said that they co6eted to hau!t his schools1 The! this master remembered his 6isio! a!d doubted !ot but these 5ere the se6e! stars that he had see!1 ,he! S1 Domi!ic 5as o! a time at 3ome" master 3ey!old of S1 Amia!" dea! of Orlea!s" 5hich 5as 5ise i! the la5 ca!o!" a!d had bee! fi6e years doctor" 5as come 5ith the bishop of Orlea!s to the sea for to pass to 3ome" a!d had bee! lo! i! purpose for to ha6e left the 5orld" a!d to e!te!d to preachi! " but he 5as !ot a6ised ho5 he mi ht accomplish it7 a!d 5he! he had heard the i!stitutio! of the order of the preachers of a cardi!al to 5hom he had told his 5ill" he called S1 Domi!ic a!d e8posed to him his purpose1 A!d the! he had cou!sel to e!ter i! to the order1 9ut 5ithout tarryi! " he 5as ta4e! 5ith so rie6ous sic4!ess that he 5as i! despair of his health1 A!d the! S1 Domi!ic prayed heartily to our 9lessed Lady the Vir i!" to 5hom he had committed all the order" that she 5ould i6e to that dea! health for a little time1 A!d sudde!ly the <uee! of mercy came 5ith three maide!s" a!d 3ey!old 5a4i! " a!d abidi! the death" sa5 her come to him" a!d our Lady said to himD 9e of ood cheer" re<uire of me 5hat thou 5ilt a!d I shall i6e it to thee1 A!d as he thou ht 5hat he should re<uire" o!e of the maide!s said to him softly that he should re<uire !othi! but to commit him all to her 5ill1 A!d 5he! he had so do!e" the! she put forth her 6ir i!al ha!d a!d touched his ears" his !ostrils" mouth" ha!ds" feet" a!d rei!s" a!d













a!oi!ted them 5ith the oi!tme!t of health" 5hich she had brou ht 5ith her" i! sayi! properly the form of the 5ords 5hich appertai! to the members1 A!d she said to the rei!sD These rei!s be restrai!ed 5ith the irdle of chastity7 a!d the! she tur!ed to the feet a!d saidD I a!oi!t these feet i! preparatio! of the e6a! el of peace1 A!d she saidD I shall se!d to thee a! ampul for to reestablish thee to full health1 A!d the! she sho5ed to him the habit of the order" a!d said to himD This is the habit of thi!e order1 A!d S1 Domi!ic" bei! i! prayer" sa5 all this 6isio!1 A!d o! the mor! S1 Domi!ic came to him a!d fou!d him all 5hole" a!d heard of him all the ordi!a!ce of the 6isio!1 A!d he too4 the habit that the 6ir i! sho5ed to him" for tofore the friars used surplices1 A!d the third day the mother of God 5as there" a!d a!oi!ted the body of 3ey!old" that she too4 !ot o!ly a5ay the heat of fe6ers" but also e8ti!cted a!d <ue!ched the ardour of lu8ury" li4e as he co!fessed after" that o!e o!ly mo6i! of lu8ury 5as !ot after i! him1 A!d this 6isio! sa5 a ai! a reli ious ma! of the hospital 5ith his o5! eyes" bei! prese!t S1 Domi!ic" a!d 5as asto!ished thereofD A!d this 6isio! S1 Domi!ic published to ma!y brethre! after his death1 The! 5as 3ey!old se!t to 9olo !a a!d e!te!ded much arde!tly to preachi! " a!d i!creased the !umber of the friars1 A!d after that" he 5as se!t to (aris" a!d a 5hile after he died i! our Lord1 There 5as a you! ma!" !ephe5 of the cardi!al Stephe!" fell 5ith his horse i!to a ditch" a!d 5as dra5! out thereof all dead" a!d offered to S1 Domi!ic" a!d he made his prayers" a!d the you! ma! reestablished to life1 I! the church of S1 Si8tus a maso! had bee! hired of the friars for to repair the bro4e! 5alls" a!d a piece of the 5all fell upo! the ma! a!d sle5 him" but S1 Domi!ic comma!ded that the body should be brou ht to him" a!d a!o!" by the help of his prayers" he 5as reestablished to life a!d to health1 I! the same church at 3ome o!e time there 5ere forty friars" a!d they had but little bread1 The! S1 Domi!ic comma!ded to di6ide the bread i! as ma!y parts as there 5ere friars" a!d as soo! as each of them had bro4e! a morsel of bread 5ith =oy" there came t5o you! me! of the same habit a!d form" 5hich e!tered i!to the refectory or fraitour" a!d the laps of their ma!tles" that hu! o! their !ec4s" 5ere full of bread7 a!d 5he! they had i6e! it all stilly to S1 Domi!ic" they departed so sudde!ly that !o!e of them 5ist 5he!ce they came" !e 5hither they 5e!t7 a!d the! S1 Domi!ic a6e forth 5ith his ha!d here a!d there to the friars" a!d saidD No5 eat" my brethre!1 ,he! S1 Domi!ic o! a time 5as i! his =our!ey rie6ously troubled 5ith reat floods of rai!" he made the si ! of the cross a!d chased a5ay the rai! from him a!d from his fello5 li4e as he had a pa6ilio! upo! him" a!d the rou!d 5as all 5et about him" a!d !o drop came !i h him the space of three cubits1







O! a time as he passed by ship to5ards the parts of Toulouse" the shipma! dema!ded of him a pe!!y for his passa e" a!d the holy ma! of God promised to him the 4i! dom of hea6e! for his labour" sayi! that he 5as the disciple of Jesu Christ a!d that he bare !either old" !e sil6er" !e mo!ey" a!d he dre5 him forcibly by the cope a!d saidD Thou shalt lea6e here thy cope or thou shalt pay me a pe!!y1 The ood ma! of God lift up his eyes to hea6e! a!d prayed a little" a!d as he had a little thou ht he loo4ed upo! the rou!d a!d sa5 a pe!!y" 5hich 5ithout doubt 5as procured by the 5ill of God1 The! said heD LoI my brother" ta4e it there a!d let me o i! peace1 It happed o! a time that 5he! this holy ma! S1 Domi!ic 5as i! his 6oya e" a reli ious ma!" 5hich 5as of ood co!6ersatio! a!d holy" accompa!ied 5ith him" but he 5as of a stra! e la! ua e" a!d they 5ere sorry that they could !ot u!dersta!d each other for to comfort each other1 A!d they prayed a!d at race of our Lord that i! three days that they 5e!t to ether" 5hat by si !s a!d 5hat by 5ords" each of them u!derstood 5hat the other mea!t1 There 5as a ma! 5hich 5as 6e8ed 5ith ma!y de6ils a!d 5as offered a!d brou ht to him1 A!d he too4 a stole a!d put it about his o5! !ec4" a!d after bou!d it about the !ec4 of the demo!iac" a!d comma!ded them that 5ere i! him that from the!ce fortho! they should torme!t !o more that ma!1 A!d a!o! they 5ere torme!ted 5ithi! him" a!d be a! to cryD Let us oI 5herefore co!strai!est thou for to be so torme!tedE A!d he saidD I shall !ot let ye o till ye ha6e i6e! to me pled e that ye shall !ot retur! a ai!1 A!d they saidD ,hat pled e may 5e i6e to youE A!d he saidD The holy martyrs that rest i! yo!der church1 A!d they saidD ,e may !ot" for our merits re<uire it !ot1 A!d he saidD ;e must !eeds i6e them" or I shall !ot suffer you to o <uit1 A!d they a!s5ered that they 5ould do their pai!s1 A!d a little 5hile




after they saidD +o5 be it that 5e be !ot 5orthy" 5e ha6e otte! that the holy martyrs shall be our pled es1 A!d he re<uired them to ha6e a si ! a!d to4e! of this thi! 1 A!d they saidD Go to the shri!e 5here the heads of the martyrs be" a!d ye shall fi!d them re6ersed a!d tur!ed1 A!d the! he 5e!t a!d fou!d li4e as they had said1

A!d as he preached o! a time" some ladies that had bee! decei6ed of heretics" 4!eeled at his feet a!d said to himD Ser6a!t of God" help us if it be true that thou preachest7 the spirit of error hath bli!ded our mi!ds1 A!d he saidD 9e ye firm a!d tarry a little" a!d ye shall see 5hat Lord ye ha6e ser6ed1 A!d a!o! they sa5 spri! out of the middle of them a cat ri ht horrible" 5hich 5as more tha! a reat do " a!d had reat eyes a!d flami! " her to! ue lo! " broad a!d bloody" a!d lo! u!to the !a6el1 +e had the tail short a!d raised up o! hi h" a!d sho5ed the after e!d 5hich 5ay he tur!ed him" out of 5hich there issued a terrible ste!ch1 A!d 5he! he had tur!ed hither a!d thither amo! the ladies lo! " at the last he mou!ted up by the bell rope i!to the steeple" a!d 6a!ished a5ay" lea6i! a reat ste!ch after him1 A!d the ladies tha!4ed God a!d 5ere co!6erted to the faith catholic1 ,he! he had o6ercome some heretics i! the parts of Toulouse" a!d they 5ere co!dem!ed to be bur!t" he sa5 o!e amo! them 5hich 5as !amed 3aymo!d1 A!d he said to the mi!istersD @eep ye this ma! that he be !ot bur!t i! !o ma!!er 5ith the others1 A!d the! he said to him" spea4i! s5eetly to himD I 4!o5 5ell" so!" that thou shalt yet be a ood ma!1 A!d he 5as left" a!d abode t5e!ty years i! his e6il heresy" a!d i! the e!d he 5as co!6erted a!d 5as a friar preacher i! that order" a!d fi!ished his life 5ell a!d laudably1 A!d as he 5as o! a time i! Spai! accompa!ied 5ith some friars" he sa5 i! a 6isio! a ri ht reat dra o! 5hich s5allo5ed i! to him the brethre! that 5ere 5ith him1 A!d 5he! he u!derstood this 6isio!" he 5ar!ed his brethre! to resist stro! ly the fie!d their e!emy1 A!d a little 5hile after" all those friars e8cept friar Adam a!d t5o co!6erts departed from him1 A!d he dema!ded o!e of them if he 5ould o also1 A!d he saidD Nay" father" I shall !ot lea6e the head for to follo5 the feet1 A!d a!o! he a6e himself to prayer a!d co!6erted almost all by his prayer1 +e 5as at S1 Si8tus" o! a time" at 3ome" a!d sudde!ly the +oly Ghost li hted o! him1 A!d he called his brethre! i!to the chapter" a!d said apertly tofore them all" that four of his brethre! should die shortly" t5o i! body a!d t5ai! i! soul" a!d a!o! t5o friars died i! our Lord" a!d t5ai! departed out of the order1 +e 5as o! a time at 9olo !a a!d a friar" a! Almai!e bor!" !amed Co!rad 5ith him" 5hom the friars desired much to ha6e i!to the order1 A!d as S1 Domi!ic spa4e to the prior of Cassamary of the Cistercia!s i! the 6i il of the assumptio! of our Lady" of certai! matter" a!d he said to him by amiable affia!ceD I tell to thee prior a thi! 5hich I !e6er yet said to !o ma!" !e thou shalt !e6er tell it as lo! as I shall li6e" a!d that is thisD I !e6er yet re<uired thi! of God i! this life" but that I had my desire1 A!d the said prior said to him that perad6e!ture he should die before1 A!d S1 Domi!ic by the spirit of prophecy said to him that he should li6e lo! after him1 A!d the prior said to himD 'ather" re<uire master Co!rad that he i6e himself i!to the order" for the friars desire him much1 A!d he saidD 9rother" thou re<uirest a much hard thi! 1 The! 5he! compli!e 5as said" the other friars 5e!t to rest" a!d he abode i! the church" a!d did as he had bee! accustomed all the !i ht to be" i! oriso! a!d prayer1 A!d 5he! the friars assembled at prime" a!d the cha!ter be a!D Jam lucis orto" master Co!rad came sudde!ly" 5hich desired to be stirred 5ith !e5 li ht" a!d fell do5! at the feet of S1 Domi!ic a!d re<uired the habit of the order" a!d recei6ed it perse6era!tly1 A!d he 5as ri ht reli ious" a!d a racious lector oft i! the order" 5hich" as he lay i! dyi! a!d had closed his eyes" the friars 5ee!ed that he had bee! dead" a!d he ope!ed his eyes" a!d loo4i! about saidD Domi!us 6obiscum" 5hich is to say" Our Lord be 5ith you1 A!d they a!s5ered D Thy spirit be 5ith God1 A!d the! said heD All christia! souls by the mercy of God may rest i! peace1 A!d forth5ith he died" a!d rested i! our Lord1 S1 Domi!ic 5as of much steadfast e<uality of thou ht" but if he had bee! mo6ed by pity a!d by mercy" for he had a =oyous heart" a peacable 6isa e of a ma! 5ithi! forth" the compu!ctio! appeared out5ard" a!d that sho5ed debo!airty1 I! the daytime there 5as !o!e more commo! to his fello5s a!d brethre! i! all ho!esty" a!d at hours i! the !i ht a!d i! his prayers there 5as !o!e more steadfast1 The day he departed to his !ei hbours" a!d the !i ht to God1 +is eyes 5ere li4e a 5ell of tears" a!d oft 5he! our Lord>s body 5as lifted up at the mass" he 5as so ra6ished i! his mi!d" as he had see! Jesu Christ i! his flesh" for 5hich cause he 5ould !ot much hear mass 5ith the other1 +e had a custom" ri ht commo!" for to 5a4e all the !i ht i! the church" i! such 5ise that seldom he rested i! his bed for to sleep7 a!d 5he! he 5as 5eary a!d !ecessity of sleep co!strai!ed him" he rested him tofore a! altar i!cli!ed" or had a sto!e u!der his head1 +e recei6ed 5ith his proper ha!d" three times i! the !i ht" discipli!e 5ith a chai! of iro!" that o!e for himself" that other for the si!!ers that be i! the 5orld" a!d the third for them that be torme!ted i! pur atory1

















+e 5as o! a time chose! to be bishop i! Cotora!e!se" but he refused utterly" affirmi! to lea6e rather the earth tha! to co!se!t to the electio! that 5as made to him1 It 5as as4ed of him o! a time 5herefore he d5elled !ot more ladly i! the diocese of Toulouse tha! i! the diocese of Carcasso!!e" a!d he said that i! the diocese of Toulouse I fi!d much people 5hich ho!our me" a!d i! Carcasso!!e it is all the co!trary" for there all me! assail me1 It 5as dema!ded of him by a ma! i! 5hat boo4 he most studied" a!d he a!s5eredD I! the boo4 of charity1 O! a time the holy ma! Domi!ic 5o4e i! the church of 9olo !a" a!d the de6il appeared to him i! the form of a friar" a!d S1 Domi!ic supposed that he had bee! a friar" a!d made him a si ! that he should o to rest 5ith the other friars1 A!d he made to him si !s a ai! i! moc4i! him1 The! S1 Domi!ic 5ould 4!o5 5hat he 5as that so despised his comma!dme!t" a!d li hted a ca!dle at the lamp" a!d beheld him i! his face1 A!d he co!fessed that he 5as the de6il" a!d 5he! he had blamed him stro! ly" a!o! the de6il e!=oyed him that he had made him brea4 his sile!ce" a!d S1 Domi!ic said that he mi ht 5ell spea4" as prior a!d master of the friars" a!d co!strai!ed him to say 5hereof he tempted the friars i! the <uire1 +e saidD I ma4e them to come late" a!d to o out early1 The! he brou ht him i!to the dortour" a!d as4ed him 5hereof he tempted the friars there" a!d he saidD I ma4e them sleep lo! a!d arise late" a!d thus I 4eep them from di6i!e ser6ice" a!d i! the mea!5hile to ha6e u!clea! thou hts1 A!d after he led him i! the refectory or fraitour" a!d dema!ded him 5hereof he tempted them there1 A!d the! the de6il spra! upo! the tables a!d said ofttimesD No5 more" !o5 less1 A!d 5he! the sai!t as4ed him 5hat he mea!t thereby" he saidD I tempt some friars to ta4e much meat by 5hich they be let to do God>s ser6ice" a!d some that they ta4e less tha! they should do" for to ma4e them o6er feeble to 4eep the obser6a!ces of their order1 After" he brou ht him i!to the parlour or locutory" a!d dema!ded him 5hereof he tempted the brethre! there1 The! he put out his to! ue oft" a!d made a mar6ellous sou!d of co!fusio!1 A!d the sai!t dema!ded him 5hat he mea!t thereby1 A!d he saidD This place is all mi!e" for 5he! the friars be assembled to spea4" I tempt them that they spea4 co!fusedly" a!d that they meddle 5ords 5ithout profit" a!d that o!e tarry !e abide !ot till the other ha6e spo4e!1 A!d at the last he brou ht him to the chapter1 9ut 5he! he 5as tofore the door of the chapter he 5ould i! !o 5ise e!ter i!" a!d saidD I shall !ot come i! there" !e6er" for this is a cursed house a!d is hell to me" for 5hatsome6er I 5i! i! other places I lose all here" for 5he! I ha6e made a!y friar to si! by a!y !e li e!ce he pur eth him a!o! of that !e li e!ce i! this place of maledictio!" a!d accuseth him tofore all the brethre!" for they be here 5ar!ed" co!fessed" accused" beate! a!d assoiled" a!d I here lose all" 5hereof I sorro5 for losi! of that I =oyed to ha6e 5o! i! other places1 A!d 5he! he had said all this he 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d i! the e!d 5he! the term of his pil rima e approached" he 5as at 9olo !a" a!d be a! to la! uish by rie6ous i!firmity of his body1 A!d the dissolutio! of his body 5as sho5! to him by a 6isio!" for he sa5 a ri ht fair you! li! 5hich called him a!d said thusD Come my frie!d" come to =oys" come1 A!d the! he assembled t5el6e friars of the co!6e!t of 9olo !a" a!d to the e!d that he 5ould !ot lea6e them both disherited a!d orpha!s" he made his testame!t a!d saidD These be the thi! s that I lea6e to you" possessi! by ri htful herita e" as to my so!s1 'irst" to ha6e charity" to 4eep humility" to possess 6olu!tary po6erty7 a!d e8horted as much as he mi ht strai htly that there should be !o!e temporal possessio!s i! his order1 A!d that he that should presume to touch a!d foul the order of friar:preachers 5ith earthly riches" he prayed fearfully that he should ha6e the maledictio! a!d curse of God Almi hty a!d of him1 A!d the friars made much sorro5 of his departi! 1 A!d he i! recomforti! them s5eetly saidD -y brethre!" let !ot my departi! trouble you" a!d doubt ye !othi! " for ye shall ha6e me more profitable dead tha! li6i! 1 A!d he came to his last hour i! the year of our Lord o!e thousa!d t5o hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:o!e a!d so slept i! our Lord Jesu Christ" 5hose departi! out of this 5orld 5as sho5ed the same day a!d the same hour to the friar e!eral" the! prior of the preachers of 9rescia" a!d after5ard to the bishop of the same city i! this ma!!er1 'or as he slept a li ht sleep" the head i!cli!ed to a 5all" he sa5 the hea6e! ope!" a!d put do5! to the earth t5o 5hite ladders" of 5hich Jesu Christ a!d his mother held the e!d o! hi h" a!d the a! els desce!ded a!d asce!ded by the ladders" si! i! 1 I! the midst of the ladders there 5as a seat set" a!d upo! the seat sat S1 Domi!ic 5ith his head co6ered li4e a friar1 A!d Jesu Christ a!d his mother dre5 up the ladders i!to hea6e! so hi h" that he that sat 5as lifted up i!to hea6e!" a!d the! the ope!i! of hea6e! 5as shut a!d closed1 A!d the! the same friar came to 9olo !a" a!d fou!d tbat the same day a!d the same hour S1 Domi!ic died1








There 5as a friar !amed 3aoul" 5hich 5as that time that he died at Tybur" a!d 5e!t to the altar to si! mass" a!d 5he! he came to the ca!o!" i! 5hich is remembered the li6i! me!" he thou ht to pray the health of S1 Domi!ic" a!d sudde!ly he 5as ra6ished i! his mi!d" a!d sa5 the holy ma! S1 Domi!ic cro5!ed 5ith a cro5! of old laureate" a!d oi! out of 9olo !a by the 5ay royal1 A!d the! he mar4ed the day a!d hour" a!d fou!d that S1 Domi!ic 5as the! dead1 A!d 5he! the body of him had lai! lo! u!der earth" a!d miracles sho5ed 5ithout ceasi! " a!d that his holi!ess mi ht !ot be hid" there issued a!d came out the place 5here he lay a ri ht reat odour" the same time 5he! his tomb 5as ope!ed" 5hich 5as bou!de! 5ith iro! bo!ds a!d i!strume!ts a!d ceme!t" a!d the sto!e ta4e! a5ay a!d the body tra!slated to a! hi her place1 A!d the odour surmou!ted all aromatics" !e there 5as !o!e odour li4e to that1 A!d that 5as !ot o!ly i! the bo!es of the holy body" but i! the po5der a!d chest" a!d i! all the earth about 5as li4e sa6our1 I! such 5ise as the earth 5as bor!e i!to far re io!s a!d retai!ed lo! the same odour1 A!d this odour also abode i! the ha!ds of the friars that had touched some thi! s of the holy relics" that ho5 5ell that they 5ere 5ashe! a!d frotte! yet retai!ed they lo! a!d ma!y days the s5eet odour" a!d bare 5it!ess of the s5eet fla6our a!d air1 I! the pro6i!ce of +u! ary a !oblema!" his 5ife a!d his so!" 5e!t to 6isit i! a church the relics of S1 Domi!ic1 A!d the so! 5as sic4 a!d came to his last e!d a!d died" a!d the father laid the corpse of the child tofore the altar of S1 Domi!ic a!d be a! to 5eep a!d sayD 9lessed Domi!ic" I came to thee all lad a!d =oyful" but alas I o home sorro5fully" I came 5ith my so! but I retur! 5ithout him" yield to me a ai! my so!" i6e to me a ai! the lad!ess of my heart1 A!d about mid!i ht the child re6i6ed a!d 5e!t about i! the church1 There 5as a you! ma! 5hich 5as serf a!d bo!d to a you! lady" a!d 5e!t to fish i! a 5ater" a!d he fell therei!" a!d 5as dro5!ed" a!d he 5as a lo! 5hile i! the 5ater a!d 5as dra5! out all dead1 A!d the lady prayed S1 Domi!ic for the raisi! of him" a!d promised that she should o barefoot u!to his relics" a!d if he 5ere raised she 5ould ma4e him a friar a!d <uit him his bo!da e" a!d he arose up tofore them all" a!d she accomplished her a6o51 I! that same pro6i!ce of +u! ary there 5as a ma! that 5ept because that his so! 5as dead" a!d prayed S1 Domi!ic for his raisi! to life" a!d about the coc4:cro5i! the dead body arose a!d ope!ed his eyes" sayi! to his fatherD ,herefore" father" ha6e ye your face so 5etE A!d he saidD So!" they be the tears of thy father for thou 5ert dead" a!d I remai!ed alo!e a!d sorro5ful1 A!d he saidD 'ather" ye 5ept much" but S1 Domi!ic had pity of your 5eepi! a!d at by his merits to re!der me to you all 5hole1 A sic4 ma! there 5as 5hich had bee! ei htee! years bli!d" a!d desired to 6isit the relics of S1 Domi!ic1 As pro6i! a!d assayi! " he arose out of his bed a!d a!o! he felt so reat 6irtue i! himself that he be a! hastily to o" a!d the more he 5e!t" the more he 5as stro! er to o a!d the more clearlier he sa5" a!d 5he! he came he recei6ed perfect health1 I! that pro6i!ce a lady ordai!ed to do si! a mass i! the ho!our of S1 Domi!ic" a!d she fou!d !ot the priest at the hour due1 A!d she 5rapped three ca!dles" that she had made ready" i! a to5el" a!d laid them i! a 6essel" a!d the! she tur!ed her a little" a!d after came a ai! a!d fou!d her ca!dles e!lumi!ed a!d bur!i! apertly" a!d each body ra! for to see this reat mar6el" a!d abode there so lo! till the ca!dles 5ere bur!t 5ithout impairi! of the to5el1 There 5as a scholar at 9olo !a 5hich 5as !amed Nicholas" 5hich suffered reat pai! i! his rei!s a!d i! his 4!ees" so that he had !o!e hope of hearth" a!d a6o5ed to S1 Domi!ic" a!d too4 a thread to ma4e a ca!dle of his le! th" a!d measured him i! le! th a!d breadth" a!d 5he! the thread attai!ed to his 4!ees he called at e6ery measure the !ame of Jesu Christ a!d of S1 Domi!ic" a!o! he felt alle ea!ce a!d saidD I am deli6eredD a!d a!o! he stood up a!d 5ept for =oy a!d came to the church" 5ithout a!y aid" 5here the body of S1 Domi!ic rested1 A!d God sho5ed for him miracles 5ithout !umber i! that city1 I! Au usta" the city of Sicily" 5as a maid 5hich 5as sic4 of the sto!e a!d should ha6e bee! cut" a!d for this peril her mother comme!ded her to S1 Domi!ic" a!d the !i ht follo5i! " S1 Domi!ic came to the maid sleepi! " a!d laid i! her ha!d the sto!e 5ith 5hich she had bee! torme!ted1 A!d the! she a5o4e a!d fou!d herself deli6ered of the pai!" a!d deli6ered to her mother the sto!e a!d told her 6isio! by










order1 A!d the mother bare the sto!e to the friars" a!d they hu! it tofore the ima e i! mi!d a!d remembra!ce of this fair miracle that S1 Domi!ic had do!e1 I! (alatium i! Sicily" there 5as a poor 5oma! that had a so! that 5as reatly torme!ted 5ith scrofula" 5hich childre! be 5o!t to ha6e i! their !ec4" a!d could fi!d !o remedy1 She a6o5ed to God a!d to S1 Domi!ic that" if he mi ht be deli6ered she 5ould ma4e him to labour i! the 5or4s of the church of friars for !o hire" but ladly for !au ht" a!d the !i ht follo5i! a ma! appeared to her i! the habit of a friar a!d saidD ,oma!" 4!o5est thou these thi! sE a!d !amed to her four thi! s" that 5asD arai !" 6ert" pelletre" lapacium a!d the =uice of porret7 a!d she said she 4!e5 them 5ell" a!d he saidD Go a!d ta4e these thi! s a!d co!fite them 5ith the =uice of porret" a!d lay them o! the sore of the !ec4 of thy so! a!d he shall be all 5hole1 The! she a5o4e a!d did so" a!d he 5as all 5hole" a!d the mother accomplished her 6o51 There 5as a ma! of (iedmo!t" s5olle! li4e a mo!ster" a6o5ed him to S1 Domi!ic a!d he appeared to him i! his sleep" a!d ope!ed his belly 5ithout pai!" a!d too4 out all the ordures" a!d a!oi!ted him 5ith his holy ha!d a!d healed him perfectly1 I! the city of Au usta" 5he! i! the feast of the tra!slatio! of S1 Domi!ic certai! 5ome! 5ere at the solem!ities of the masses" a!d 5he! they retur!ed home5ard to their houses" they sa5 5ithout" a 5oma! that spi!!ed i! the feast of so reat a sai!t" a!d they too4 a!d repro6ed her charitably 5hy she spa! at the feast of o!e so reat a sai!t" a!d she 5as a! ry a!d a!s5eredD ;e that be 5ome! of the friars" 4eep ye their feasts1 A!d a!o! the eyes of that 5oma! s5elled a!d there came out rotte! matter" a!d there issued 5orms" so that o!e of the !ei hbours too4 ei htee! 5orms out of her eyes1 A!d the! she repe!ted her a!d came to the church of the friars" a!d co!fessed her si!s a!d a6o5ed that from that fortho! she 5ould !e6er missay to the ser6a!t of God" Domi!ic" but should de6outly hold his feast" a!d a!o! she 5as made 5hole1 There 5as a !u! !amed -ary 5hich 5as sic4 at Tripoli!" i! the mo!astery of -ary -a dale!e" a!d 5as smitte! i! the thi h so rie6ously that fi6e mo!ths duri! they doubted that she 5ould ha6e died" a!d the! she bethou ht her a!d prayed thus i! herselfD Lord God" I am !ot 5orthy to pray to thee !e to be heard of thee" but I pray my lord" S1 Domi!ic" that he be mediator bet5ee! thee a!d me" that he may et to me the be!efit of health1 A!d 5he! she had lo! prayed i! tears she slept" a!d sa5 S1 Domi!ic 5ith t5o friars" that ope!ed the curtai! that hu! afore her bed" a!d e!tered a!d said to herD ,herefore desirest thou so sore to be healedE A!d she saidD Sir" that I mi ht more de6outly ser6e God1 A!d the! he dre5 out his oi!tme!t" 5hich 5as of s5eet odour" from u!der his cope a!d a!oi!ted her thi h" a!d she 5as a!o! all 5hole a!d saidD This oi!tme!t is much precious" s5eet a!d li ht1 A!d 5he! she dema!ded ho5 it 5as made" he said to herD This oi!tme!t is the oi!tme!t of lo6e" a!d is so precious that it may !ot be bou ht for !o price1 'or i! the ifts of God is !o!e better tha! lo6e" for there is !othi! more precious tha! charity" but it is soo! lost if it be !ot 5ell 4ept1 The! he appeared to her sister that !i ht" that slept i! the dortour" sayi! D I ha6e healed thy sister7 5hich a!o! arose a!d ra! thither a!d fou!d her 5hole1 A!d 5he! she felt her a!oi!ted 5ith se!sible u!ctio! she 5iped it 5ith reat re6ere!ce 5ith a bu!dle of sil41 A!d 5he! she had told all this to the abbess" to her sister" a!d to her co!fessor" a!d had sho5ed the u!ctio! a!d bu!dle" they 5ere smitte! 5ith the !o6elty of the sa6our" so s5eet:smelli! that it mi ht !ot be compared to !o!e other aromatic" a!d they 4ept that u!ctio! 5ith reat re6ere!ce1 +o5 a reeable the place is u!to God 5here the body of S1 Domi!ic resteth" ho5beit that ma!y miracles be sho5ed there1 ;et o!e shall I say to you here a!d that shall suffice1 -aster Ale8a!der" bishop of Ve!dome" rehearseth i! his postils upo! this 5ordD -ercy a!d truth ha6e met to ether" that a scholar d5elli! at 9olo !a 5hich 5as all i6e! to 5ic4ed 6a!ities of the 5orld sa5 a 6isio!1 That him seemed he 5as i! a reat field" a!d that a reat tempest of thu!der a!d li ht!i! desce!ded from hea6e! upo! him" a!d the! he fled the tempest" a!d came tofore a! house a!d fou!d it shut" a!d 4!oc4ed at the door for to e!ter i!" a!d the hostess a!s5eredD I am 3i hteous!ess that am i!habited here" a!d this house is mi!e a!d thou art !ot ri hteous" therefore thou mayst !ot i!habit here1 A!d the! he 5ept bitterly for these 5ords" a!d 5e!t to a!other house that he sa5 beyo!d that" a!d 4!oc4ed at the door for to come i!" but the hostess 5hich 5as 5ithi! a!s5eredD I am Truth" a!d thou art !ot true" therefore I may !ot recei6e thee1 A!d from the!ce he 5e!t to the third house beyo!d that" a!d re<uired that he mi ht come i! for the tempest" a!d he that 5as 5ithi! saidD I am (eace that d5ell here" a!d peace is !ot 5ith felo!s but o!ly 5ith me! of ood5ill1 A!d because I thi!4 the thou hts of peace" I













shall i6e to thee ood cou!sel1 -y sister d5elleth abo6e me 5hich al5ays helpeth caitiffs7 o to her a!d do that she shall cou!sel thee1 A!d the! he 5e!t to that house" a!d she that 5as 5ithi! saidD I am -ercy that d5ell here" if thou 5ilt be sa6ed from this tempest" o to the house of the friars preachers at 9olo !a a!d there thou shalt fi!d the stable of doctri!e" the rac4 of scripture" the ass of simple!ess" the o8 of discretio!" a!d -ary illumi!i! " Joseph profiti! " a!d the child Jesu sa6i! 1 A!d 5he! this scholar a5o4e he came to the house of friars" a!d recou!ted his 6isio! by order" a!d re<uired to ha6e the habit" a!d he recei6ed it a!d abode i! the order1 S1 Domi!ic" tofore the i!stitutio! of the order" sa5 Jesu Christ holdi! three darts i! his ha!d" a!d me!aced the 5orld1 The! I" friar Joh! of Vi !y" tra!slator of this boo4" 5ill !o more rehearse this 6isio!" for i! this prese!t chapter it is rehearsed tofore" a!d 5as sho5ed also to a mo!4" 5herefore I here ma4e a! e!d1 The! let us co!sider the holy life" the holy co!6ersatio!" a!d the holy miracles" that God hath sho5ed for this blessed ma! S1 Domi!ic" a!d let us pray him to be mediator bet5ee! God a!d us" that 5e may deser6e to be a!oi!ted 5ith the oi!tme!t of charity a!d of mercy" that after this short life 5e may come to e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" *i+tu . a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Si8tus is said of sios" that is God7 a!d of status" that is to say" state" so Si8tus is as much to say as odly state1 Or sistus is said of sisto" sistis" as it 5ere steadfast a!d firm" a!d fi8us" that is fi8ed1 'or he 5as steadfast a!d fi8ed i! the faith7 i! passio!" a!d i! ood 5or4s a!d operatio!1 Of *" *i+tu . Po&e a#d Martyr"









Si8tus" the pope" 5as of Athe!s" a!d 5as first a philosopher" a!d after" 5as disciple of Jesu Christ" a!d 5as the so6erei ! bishop1 A!d after 5as prese!ted to Decius a!d Valeria!" emperors" 5ith t5o of his disciples a!d deaco!s 'elicissimus a!d A apitus1 A!d 5he! Decius mi ht !ot i!cli!e them i! !o ma!!er" he made them to be brou ht to the temple of -ars for to sacrifice to him" or for to be put i! priso! of -amerti!e" a!d 5he! he had refused to do sacrifice a!d 5as brou ht i!to priso! of -amerti!e" the blessed S1 Laure!ce cried after him sayi! D 'ather" 5hither oest thou 5ithout thy so!E (riest" 5hither oest thou 5ithout thy mi!isterE To 5hom Si8tus saidD So!" I lea6e thee !ot" but reater battles be due to thee" after three days" thou deaco! shalt follo5 me priest" but i! the mea!5hile ta4e the treasures of the church a!d depart them 5here thou 5ilt1 A!d 5he! he had distributed them to poor christia! me!" Valeria! the pro6ost ordai!ed that Si8tus should be brou ht a ai! for to do sacrifice i! the temple of -ars" a!d if he refused it he should ha6e his head smitte! off1 A!d 5he! he 5as led" the blessed Laure!ce cried after him sayi! D 'ather" lea6e me !ot" for I ha6e dispe!ded all thy treasures" a!d the! the 4!i hts heard spea4 of the treasures" a!d held Laure!ce" a!d the! they beheaded Si8tus" 'elicissimus a!d A apitus" a!d so they three suffered death to ether1 I! this same day is the feast of the tra!sfi uratio! of our Lord" a!d the blood of Christ is re!e5ed of !e5 5i!e if it may be fou!de! of a ripe rape" i! some churches" a!d this day be the rapes blessed i! some places" a!d the people ta4e thereof a!d eat it i!stead of holy bread1 A!d the reaso! 5hy is" of this that our Lord said i! his supper to his disciplesD I shall !ot dri!4 of this e!eratio! of the 6i!e tofore I shall dri!4 it !e5 5ith you i! the realm of my 'ather1 A!d this tra!sfi uratio! i! that 5hich he said !e5" represe!teth the lorious i!6ocatio! that Jesu Christ had after his resurrectio!" a!d therefore" o! this day of the tra!sfi uratio!" 5hich represe!teth the resurrectio!" me! see4 !e5 5i!e1 A!d it is to 5it that some say that the tra!sfi uratio! 5as made i! 6eer" but the disciples disclosed it !ot" but 4ept it secret" because our Lord comma!ded that they should !ot disclose it till he 5as rise! from death to life1 9ut after they ma!ifested a!d disclosed it o! this day1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Do#atu . a#d fir t of hi #a%e"

Do!atus is as much to say as bor! of God" a!d that is by re e!eratio! of race" i!fusio!" a!d lorificatio!1 'or there is treble e!eratio! spiritual of God" that is to sayD Of !ati6ity" reli iosity" a!d of body mortality1 'or 5he! sai!ts die that is said that they be bor!" for the passi! out of this 5orld of sai!ts" is !ot said death of sai!ts" but !atality1 The child appetiteth to be bor! to ha6e lar er place to d5ell i!" more meat for to eat" better air to respire" a!d to see li ht1 A!d 5he! the sai!ts issue out of the belly


of holy church their mother" by death" the four thi! s they recei6e aforesaid after their ma!!er" a!d therefore they be said bor! or i6i! " or i6e! of God1 Of *" Do#atu "

Do!atus 5as !ourished a!d tau ht of the emperor Julia!1 The! this Julia! 5as ordai!ed to be sub:deaco!" but 5he! he 5as e!ha!ced to be emperor he sle5 the father a!d mother of Do!atus1 A!d Do!atus fled i!to the city of Areti!o a!d d5elled there 5ith +ilary" mo!4" a!d did there ma!y miracles1 'or the pro6ost of the city had a so! demo!iac" a!d 5he! he 5as brou ht tofore S1 Do!atus" the 5ic4ed spirit be a! to cry a!d sayD I! the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ" do me !o harm" !e be rie6ous to me" !e that I o out of my house1 O Do!atus" 5herefore co!strai!est thou me to issue out 5ith torme!tsE 9ut he 5as a!o! deli6ered 5he! Do!atus prayed1 There 5as a ma! !amed Eustace 5hich recei6ed i! Tusca!y the re!ts of the pri!ce" a!d left the mo!ey i! the 4eepi! of his 5ife Eufro!ia1 9ut for sorro5 that she had of the e!emies that destroyed the cou!try" she hid the mo!ey a!d died for sorro51 A!d 5he! her husba!d came a ai!" he could !ot fi!d the mo!ey" a!d 5he! he 5ith his childre! should be brou ht to torme!t" he fled to S1 Do!atus1 A!d Do!atus 5e!t 5ith him to the sepulchre of his 5ife" a!d said 5ith a clear 6oiceD Eufro!ia" I co!=ure thee by the 6irtue of the +oly Ghost that thou say 5here thou hast laid this mo!ey1 A!d she a!s5ered out of the sepulchre a!d saidD At the e!tra!ce of the house 5here I dal6e it1 A!d the! they 5e!t thither a!d fou!d it li4e as she had said1 A!d a little 5hile after Satirus the bishop died i! our Lord" a!d all the cler y chose Do!atus to be bishop i! his place" a!d so he 5as1 O! a day" as S1 Gre ory recou!teth" i! his dialo ues" 5he! S1 Do!atus houseled the people after mass" a!d the deaco! mi!istered the blood of our Lord to the people" sudde!ly the deaco! fell 5ith the chalice by the impulsio! a!d thrusti! of the pay!ims that came thither" a!d the chalice bra4e" 5hereof he 5as sorry a!d so 5as all the people1 A!d S1 Do!atus athered to ether the pieces of the chalice a!d made his prayer" a!d remised it i! his first form1 A!d a little piece the de6il too4 a5ay a!d hid it" 5hich piece lac4eth yet i! the chalice1 A!d that chalice is 4ept yet i! the said church i! 5it!ess of this miracle1 A!d the pay!ims that sa5 this 5ere co!6erted to the faith" i!somuch that ei hty of them recei6ed baptism1 There 5as a 5ell or a fou!tai! i!fected" that 5ho that dru!4 of it 5as a!o! dead1 A!d S1 Do!atus 5e!t a!o! thither upo! his ass for to pray a!d ma4e the 5ater 5hole" a!d a!o!" a horrible dra o! issued out of the fou!tai!" a!d 5ou!d his tail about the le s of the ass" a!d addressed him a ai!st Do!atus" a!d Do!atus smote him 5ith his staff" or as some say he spit i! his mouth" a!d he died1 A!d the! he prayed to our Lord" a!d chased a5ay all the 6ermi! out of the fou!tai!1 A!other time" 5he! he a!d his fello5s had reat thirst" he made a fou!tai! to sourde tofore them1 The dau hter of the emperor Theodosius 5as torme!ted 5ith a de6il" a!d 5as brou ht to S1 Do!atus" a!d he saidD Thou foul spirit" o out a!d d5ell !o more i! this creature" 5hich is the form of God1 To 5hom the de6il saidD Gi6e me place 5here I shall issue out" a!d tell me 5hither I shall o1 S1 Do!atus said to himD from 5he!ce camest thou hitherE a!d he saidD 'rom desert1 A!d Do!atus a!s5eredD 3etur! thou thither7 a!d the de6il saidD I see i! thee the si ! of the cross" out of 5hich the fire spri! eth a ai!st me" a!d for dread of the fire I doubt for to o" i6e me place a!d I shall issue out1 A!d Do!at saidD LoI here is place that thou mayst o thy 5ay" a!d retur! thither that thou camest from1 A!d the! he made all the house to tremble a!d 5e!t his 5ay1 There 5as a ma! bor!e to be buried" a!d there came a ma! that brou ht a! obli atio!" a!d said that he o5ed to him t5o hu!dred shilli! s" a!d therefore he 5ould !ot suffer him to be buried i! !o 5ise" 5herefore his 5ife" 5hich 5as 5ido5" came to S1 Do!at a!d sho5ed to him that matter" a!d said that thil4e ma! had recei6ed all that mo!ey1 The! 5e!t S1 Do!atus to the corpse" a!d touched the dead ma! 5ith his ha!d" a!d saidD Arise thou up" a!d see 5hat thou shalt do to this ma! that suffereth !ot to bury thee7 the 5hich the! sat up a!d pro6ed that he had paid it a!d 6a!<uished him tofore all me!" a!d too4 the obli atio! i! his ha!d a!d re!t it i! pieces" a!d after" said to S1 Do!atusD 'ather" comma!d me to sleep a ai!1 A!d he saidD So!" o !o5 i!to rest fortho!1 A!d i! that time it had !ot rai!ed 5ell i! the year" a!d that the earth had bee! barre! a!d brou ht forth !o fruit1 The miscrea!ts came to the emperor Theodosius" re<uiri! that he should deli6er to them Do!atus












5hich had made that by his art ma ic1 9ut" at the re<uest of the emperor" Do!atus came a!d prayed our Lord that he 5ould se!d them rai!" a!d he se!t to them so reat abu!da!ce that all the other 5ere 5et" a!d he 5e!t home alo!e dry1 I! that time that the Goths destroyed Italy" a!d that much people departed from the faith of God" E6adria! the pro6ost 5as repro6ed of apostasy" a!d S1 Do!atus a!d S1 +ilary repro6ed him" a!d the! he too4 them a!d 5ould ha6e co!strai!ed them to do sacrifice to Jupiter" but they refused it" a!d he did do beat +ilary so much" all despoiled" that he a6e up his spirit to God" a!d he laid Do!atus i! priso!" a!d after" did do smite off his head" the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d ei hty1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" !iria$u . Martyr"

Ciriacus 5as ordai!ed deaco! of -arcellus" the pope" a!d 5as ta4e! a!d brou ht to -a8imia! the emperor" a!d 5as comma!ded that he a!d his fello5s should del6e the earth a!d should bear it o! their shoulders u!to the place that he made1 A!d there 5as S1 Satur!i!us 5hom Ciriacus a!d Sisi!!ius helped for to bear1 A!d after" Ciriacus 5as put a!d e!closed i! priso!" a!d at the last 5as prese!ted tofore the pro6ost1 A!d as Apro!ia!us led him" sudde!ly came a 6oice 5ith li ht from hea6e! 5hich saidD Come ye blessed of my 'ather" etc1 A!d the! Apro!ia!us belie6ed" a!d made himself to be baptiHed" a!d came to the pro6ost co!fessi! Jesu Christ1 To 5hom the pro6ost saidD Art !ot thou made christia!E ,hich a!s5eredD AlasI for I ha6e lost my days1 The pro6ost a!s5eredD Truly !o5 thou losest thy days" a!d comma!ded to smite off his head1 A!d 5he! Satur!i!us a!d Sisi!!ius 5ould !ot ma4e sacrifice" they 5ere torme!ted 5ith di6ers torme!ts a!d at the last 5ere beheaded1 A!d the dau hter of Diocletia!" !amed Arthemia" 5as torme!ted of the de6il" a!d the de6il cried 5ithi! her a!d saidD I shall !ot o out tofore that Ciriacus the deaco! come7 a!d the! 5as Ciriacus brou ht to her" a!d the! said the de6ilD If thou 5ilt that I issue a!d o out" i6e me a 6essel 5here I may e!ter i!" a!d the! a!s5ered CiriacusD LoI here is my body" e!ter therei! if thou mayst" a!d he saidD I!to thy 6essel I may !ot e!ter" for it is si !ed a!d closed o! all sides" but if thou cast me out here I shall ma4e thee soo! come i!to 9abylo!1 A!d 5he! he 5as co!strai!ed to o out" Arthemia cried a!d saidD I see the God that Ciriacus preacheth" a!d 5he! he had baptiHed her" a!d had race of Diocletia! a!d of Sere!a his 5ife" he d5elled a!d li6ed surely i! a house that he a6e him1 The! came there a messa e from the 4i! of (ersia to Diocletia!" prayi! him that he 5ould se!d him Ciriacus" for his dau hter 5as torme!ted of a de6il1 A!d the!" by the prayers of Diocletia!" Ciriacus 5e!t ladly 5ith lar o a!d smara do" 5ith all thi! s !ecessary i! the ship" i! to 9abylo!1 A!d 5he! they came to the dau hter" the de6il cried to him throu h the mouth of the maide!D O Ciriacus" thou art 5eary of tra6el" a!d he saidD I am !ot 5eary" but am o6er!ed o6erall by the help of God1 A!d the de6il saidD Ne6ertheless" I ha6e brou ht thee thereas I 5ould ha6e thee1 A!d Ciriacus saidD Jesu Christ comma!deth thee that thou o out1 A!d the! the de6il issued out a!d saidD O !ame terrible that co!strai!eth me7 a!d the maid 5as the! made 5hole" a!d 5as baptiHed 5ith father a!d mother" a!d much other people1 A!d they offered to him ma!y ifts" but he 5ould ta4e !o!e" a!d abode there forty: fi6e days" fasti! o! bread a!d 5ater" a!d at the last he came to 3ome1 A!d after t5o mo!ths Diocletia! 5as dead" a!d -a8imia! succeeded to the empire" a!d 5as 5roth 5ith Arthemia his sister" a!d too4 Ciriacus a!d bou!d him 5ith chai!s" a!d comma!ded to dra5 him tofore his chair1 This -a8imia! may be called a!d said the so! of Diocletia!" because he succeeded him" a!d had his dau hter to 5ife" 5hich 5as called Valeria!a7 a!d after" he comma!ded to Carpasius his 6icar" to co!strai! Ciriacus a!d his fello5s to do sacrifice" or else slay them b6 di6ers torme!ts1 A!d he too4 Ciriacus a!d thre5 pitch molte! a!d bur!i! hot o! his head" a!d hu! him i! the torme!t !amed eculee" a!d after" he did do smite off the head of Ciriacus" a!d also beheaded his fello5s" about the year of our Lord three hu!dred1 A!d Carpasius at the house of S1 Ciriacus" a!d i! despite of christia! me! he made a bath i! the same place 5here Ciriacus baptiHed" a!d there bathed" a!d made ba!<uets i! eati! a!d dri!4i! 1 A!d sudde!ly he 5ith !i!etee! fello5s died there" a!d therefore the bath 5as closed up1 A!d the pay!ims be a! to dread a!d ho!our christia! me!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Laure#$e. a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Laure!ce is said as holdi! a cro5! made of laurel1 'or sometimes they that 6a!<uished i! battle 5ere cro5!ed 5ith laurier bou hs a!d bra!ches" sho5i! 6ictory" a!d it is al5ays of co!6e!able 6erdure" of odour a reeable" a!d 6irtuous of stre! th7 a!d the blessed Laure!ce is said of laurier" for he had 6ictory i! his passio!" 5hereof Decius" co!fused" saidD I 5ee! !o5 that 5e be 6a!<uished1 +e had 6erdure i! clea!!ess of heart a!d purity" for he saidD -y 6oice hath !o dar4!ess1 +e had odour of perpetual memory" 5hereof it is saidD +e departed all a!d a6e to poor people" a!d therefore remai!eth his droiture










perdurably" 5hich he fulfilled 5ith holy 5or4s" a!d hallo5ed it by his lorious martyrdom1 +e had stre! th by his 6irtuous preachi! " by 5hich he co!6erted Lucillus the 3oma! pro6ost1 This is that tree of such 6irtue that the leaf bra4e the sto!e" healed the deaf" a!d doubted !o thu!der1 A!d thus Laure!ce bra4e the hard heart" a6e spiritual re5ard" a!d defe!ded the se!te!ce from the thu!der of e6il people1

Of *" Laure#$e the (loriou Martyr" Laure!ce" martyr a!d subdeaco!" 5as of the li!ea e of Spai!" a!d S1 Si8tus brou ht him the!ce1 A!d as -aster Joh! 9eleth saithD ,he! the blessed Si8tus 5e!t i!to Spai!" he fou!d there t5o you! me!" Laure!ce" a!d Vi!ce!t his cousi!" ri ht ordi!ate by ho!esty of ma!!ers" a!d !oble i! all their 5or4s" a!d brou ht them 5ith him to 3ome1 Of 5hom that o!e" that 5as Laure!ce" abode 5ith him" a!d Vi!ce!t his cousi! retur!ed i!to Spai!" a!d there fi!ished his life by lorious martyrdom1 9ut i! this reaso! -aster 9eleth repu !eth the time of martyrdom of that o!e a!d of that other1 'or it is said that Laure!ce suffered death u!der Decius" a!d Vi!ce!t u!der Diocletia!" a!d bet5ee! Decius a!d Diocletia! 5ere about forty years1 A!d there 5ere se6e! emperors bet5ee! them" so that the blessed Vi!ce!t mi ht !ot be you! " a!d the blessed Si8tus ordai!ed Laure!ce his archdeaco!1 A!d i! his time (hilip the emperor" a!d (hilip his so!" recei6ed the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! they 5ere christe!ed" they e!te!ded reatly to e!ha!ce the church1 A!d this emperor 5as the first that recei6ed the faith of Jesu Christ" 5hom" as it is said" Ori e! co!6erted to the faith1 +o5 be it that it is read i! a!other place other5ise" a!d that S1 (o!tius had do!e it1 A!d he rei !ed the year o!e thousa!d from the buildi! of 3ome" so that the year o!e thousa!d should rather be i6e! to Christ tha! to the idols1 A!d that year 5as hallo5ed of the 3oma!s 5ith ri ht reat apparel of ames a!d reat esbateme!ts1 A!d there 5as a 4!i ht 5ith (hilip the emperor !amed Decius" 5hich 5as !oble" a!d much re!o5!ed i! arms a!d i! battles1 A!d 5he! i! that time 'ra!ce rebelled a ai!st this emperor" he se!t thither Decius for to ta4e a5ay the co!te!tious a!d subdue them to 3ome1 A!d Decius" so se!t thither" made all thi! s 5ell" a!d subdued them all to 3ome" a!d had 6ictory1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard his comi! " a!d 5ould ho!our him more hi hly" a!d 5e!t a ai!st him u!to Vero!a" but for as much as e6il people feel them more ho!oured" so much more they are s5olle! i! pride" the! Decius" elate i! pride" be a! to co6et the empire" a!d o! a time 5he! Decius 4!e5 that the emperor slept i! his pa6ilio!" he e!tered i! secretly a!d cut the throat of his lord sleepi! 1 A!d the! he dre5 to him by ifts a!d prayers" a!d also by promises" all them of the host that the emperor had brou ht" a!d 5e!t a!o! to the city of 3ome1 A!d 5he! (hilip the you! er heard this thi! " he 5as sore afraid a!d doubted stro! ly1 A!d as Sicardus saith i! his chro!icle" he deli6ered all his father>s treasure a!d his" to S1 Si8tus a!d to S1 Laure!ce" to the e!d that if it happed to him to be slai! of Decius that they should i6e this treasure to poor people a!d to the churches1 A!d 5o!der !ot that the treasures that Laure!ce a6e be !ot !amed the treasures of the emperor" but of the church" or perad6e!ture they 5ere said treasures of the church1 'or (hilip had left them to be dispe!ded to the church" a!d after" (hilip fled a!d hid him for fear of Decius1 A!d the! the se!ate 5e!t a ai!st Decius a!d co!firmed him i! the empire1 A!d because he 5as !ot see! to ha6e slai! his lord by treaso!" but o!ly for he had re!ied the idols" therefore he be a! ri ht cruelly to persecute the church a!d christia! me!" a!d comma!ded that they should be destroyed 5ithout mercy1 A!d ma!y thousa!d martyrs 5ere slai!" amo! 5hom (hilip 5as cro5!ed 5ith martyrdom1 A!d after that Decius made a search of the treasures of his lord1 The! 5as Si8tus brou ht to him as he that adored Jesu Christ" a!d had the treasures of the empire1 A!d the! comma!ded Decius that he should be put i! priso! so lo! that" by torme!ts he should re!y God" a!d tell 5here the treasures 5ere1 A!d the blessed Laure!ce follo5ed him" a!d cried after himD ,hither oest thou" father 5ithout a mi!isterE ,hat thi! is i! me that hath displeased thy fatherhood" or 5hat thi! hast thou see! i! meE +ast thou see! me forsa4e my li!ea e" or o out of 4i!dE (ro6e me 5hether thou hast chose! a co!6e!able mi!ister to 5hom thou hast committed the dispe!satio! of the body a!d blood of our Lord1 To 5hom S1 Si8tus saidD I shall !ot lea6e thee" my so!" but reater strifes a!d battles be due to thee for the faith of Jesu Christ1 ,e" as old me!" ha6e ta4e! more li hter battle" a!d to thee as to a you! ma! shall remai! a more lorious battle of 5hich thou shalt triumph a!d ha6e 6ictory of the tyra!t" a!d shalt follo5 me 5ithi! three days1 The! he deli6ered to him all the treasures" comma!di! him that he should i6e them to churches a!d poor people1 A!d the blessed ma! sou ht the poor people !i ht a!d day" a!d a6e to each of them that as 5as !eedful" a!d came to the house of a! old 5oma!" 5hich had hid i! her house ma!y christia! me! a!d 5ome!" a!d lo! she had had the headache" a!d S1 Laure!ce laid his ha!d opo! her head" a!d a!o! she 5as healed of the ache a!d pai!1






















A!d he 5ashed the feet of the poor people a!d a6e to each of them alms1 The same !i ht he 5e!t to the house of a christia! ma! a!d fou!d therei! a bli!d ma!" a!d a6e to him his si ht by the si ! of the cross1 A!d 5he! the blessed Si8tus 5ould !ot co!se!t to Decius" !e offer to the idols" he comma!ded that he should be led forth a!d beheaded1 A!d the blessed Laure!ce ra! after him a!d saidD 'orsa4e me !ot" holy father" for I ha6e dispe!ded the treasures that thou deli6eredst to me1 A!d 5he! the 4!i hts heard spea4 of the treasures" they too4 Laure!ce a!d brou ht him to the pro6ost" a!d the pro6ost deli6ered him to Decius1 A!d Decius CFsar said to himD ,here be the treasures of the church" 5hich 5e 4!o5 5ell that thou hast hidE A!d he a!s5ered !ot1 ,herefore he deli6ered him to Valeria!us the pro6ost to the e!d that he should sho5 the treasures a!d do sacrifice to the idols" or to put him to death by di6ers torme!ts1 A!d Valeria!us deli6ered him to a pro6ost !amed +ippolitus for to be i! priso!1 A!d he e!closed him i! priso! 5ith ma!y others1 A!d there 5as i! priso! a pay!im !amed Lucillus" 5hich had lost the si ht of his eyes 5ith o6ermuch 5eepi! 1 A!d S1 Laure!ce promised to him to re:establish his si ht if he 5ould belie6e i! Jesu Christ a!d recei6e baptism" a!d he re<uired a!o! to be baptiHed1 The! S1 Laure!ce too4 5ater a!d said to himD All thi! s i! co!fessio! be 5ashed1 A!d 5he! he had dili e!tly i!formed him i! the articles of the faith" a!d he co!fessed that he belie6ed all" he shed 5ater o! his head" a!d baptiHed him i! the !ame of Jesu Christ1 A!d a!o!" he that had bee! bli!d recei6ed his si ht a ai!1 A!d therefore came to him ma!y bli!d me!" a!d 5e!t a ai! e!lumi!ed from him" a!d ha6i! their si ht1 A!d the! a ai! +ippolitus said to himD Sho5 to me the treasures7 to 5hom Laure!ce saidD +ippolitus" if thou 5ilt belie6e i! our Lord Jesu Christ" I shall sho5 to thee the treasures" a!d promise to thee the life perdurable1 A!d +ippolitus saidD If thou dost this that thou sayest" I shall do that thou re<uirest1 A!d i! that same hour +ippolitus belie6ed a!d recei6ed the holy baptism" he a!d all his mei!y1 A!d 5he! he 5as baptiHed he saidD I ha6e see! the souls of the i!!oce!ts =oyous a!d lad1 A!d after this" Valeria!us se!t to +ippolitus that he should bri! him Laure!ce1 A!d Laure!ce said to himD Let us o to ether" for the lory is made ready to me a!d to thee1 A!d the! they came to =ud me!t1 A!d he 5as i!<uired a ai! of the treasures" a!d Laure!ce dema!ded dilatio! of three days" a!d Valeria!us ra!ted him o! pled e of +ippolitus1 A!d S1 Laure!ce i! these three days athered to ether poor people" bli!d a!d lame" a!d prese!ted them tofore Decius" i! the palace of Salusti!e" a!d saidD These here be the treasures perdurable" 5hich shall !ot be mi!ished" but i!crease" 5hich he departed to each of them1 The ha!ds of these me! ha6e bor!e the treasures i!to hea6e!1 The! Valeria!us i! the prese!ce of Decius saidD ,hat 6ariest thou i! ma!y thi! sE Sacrifice a!o!" a!d put from thee thi!e art ma ic1 A!d Laure!ce said to himD ,hether ou ht he to be adored that ma4eth" or he that is madeE A!d the! Decius 5as a! ry" a!d comma!ded that he should be beate! 5ith scorpio!s" a!d that all ma!!er of torme!ts should be brou ht tofore him1 A!d the! comma!ded he him that he should do sacrifice for to esche5 these torme!ts" a!d S1 Laure!ce a!s5eredD Thou cursed ma!" I ha6e al5ays co6eted these meats1 To 5hom Decius saidD If these be meats for thee" sho5 to me them that be li4e to thee" that they may eat 5ith thee1 To 5hom Laure!ce saidD They ha6e i6e! their !ames i! to hea6e!" a!d thou art !ot 5orthy to see them1 A!d the!" by the co!mma!dme!t of Decius" he 5as beate! all !a4ed 5ith rods a!d sta6es" a!d pieces of iro! bur!i! 5ere laid to his sides1 A!d Laure!ce saidD Lord Jesu Christ" GodI So! of God" ha6e mercy upo! me" thy ser6a!t" 5hich am accused" a!d I ha6e !ot re!ied thee" a!d they ha6e dema!ded me" a!d I ha6e co!fessed thee to be my Lord1 A!d the! Decius said to himD I 4!o5 5ell that thou despisest the torme!ts by thi!e art ma ic" but me thou mayst !ot despise1 I s5ear by my ods a!d oddesses but that thou 5ilt do sacrifice to them" thou shalt be pu!ished by di6ers torme!ts1 The! he comma!ded that he should be lo! beate! 5ith plummets" a!d the! he prayed" sayi! D Lord Jesu Christ" recei6e my spirit1 A!d the! came a 6oice from hea6e!" Decius heari! " 5hich saidD ;et ma!y torme!ts be due to thee1 A!d the! Decius said" reple!ished 5ith felo!yD ;e me! of 3ome" ha6e ye heard the de6ils comforti! this cursed ma!" 5hich adored !ot the ods" !e doubted !ot the torme!ts" !e dreaded !ot the pri!ce>s 5rathE A!d the! comma!ded he a ai! that he should be beate! 5ith scorpio!s1 A!d the! Laure!ce smili! re!dered tha!4i! s to God" a!d prayed for them that 5ere there1 A!d i! that same hour a 4!i ht !amed 3omai!e belie6ed i! God" a!d said to S1 Laure!ceD I see tofore thee a ri ht fair you! li! sta!di! " a!d 5ith a li!e! cloth clea!si! thy 5ou!ds1 I ad=ure thee by the li6i! Lord God that thou lea6e !ot" but haste thee to baptiHe me1 A!d the! said Decius to Valeria!usD I 5ee! that 5e shall !o5 be o6ercome by art ma ic1 A!d the! he comma!ded that he should be u!bou!de! a!d e!closed i! the priso! of +ippolitus1 A!d the! 3omai!e brou ht a! urcelle or a cruse 5ith 5ater" a!d fell do5! at the feet of S1 Laure!ce" a!d recei6ed baptism of him1 A!d 5he! Decius 4!e5 it" he comma!ded that 3omai!e should be beate! 5ith rods" a!d he 5as so much beate! that he mi ht !ot hold him upo! his le s" but i! !o ma!!er mi ht !o ma! ma4e him say but that he 5as a ood christia! a!d freely baptiHed1 A!d the! Decius did do smite off his head1 A!d that !i ht 5as Laure!ce led to Decius" a!d 5he! +ippolitus" 5hich 5as there" sa5 that" he be a! to 5eep" a!d 5ould ha6e said that he 5as christe!ed1 A!d Laure!ce said to himD +ide Jesu Christ








5ithi! thee" a!d 5he! I shall cry" hear a!d come thither1 A!d the! all ma!!er of torme!ts that could be de6ised or thou ht 5ere brou ht tofore Decius1 A!d the! said Decius to Laure!ceD Or thou shalt ma4e sacrifice to the ods" or this !i ht shall all these torme!ts be dispe!ded o! thee1 A!d the! Laure!ce said to himD -y !i ht hath !o dar4!ess" but all thi! s shi!e i! my si ht1 A!d the! said DeciusD 9ri! hither a bed of iro!" that Laure!ce co!tuma8 may lie thereo!1 A!d the mi!isters despoiled him" a!d laid him stretched out upo! a ridiro! of iro!" a!d laid bur!i! coals u!der" a!d held him 5ith for4s of iro!1 The! said Laure!ee to Valeria!usD Lear!" thou cursed 5retch" that thy coals i6e to me refreshi! of cold!ess" a!d ma4e ready to thee torme!t perdurable" a!d our Lord 4!o5eth that I" bei! accused" ha6e !ot forsa4e! him" a!d 5he! I 5as dema!ded I co!fessed him Christ" a!d I bei! roasted i6e tha!4i! s u!to God1 A!d after this he said 5ith a lad cheer u!to Decius" Thou cursed 5retch" thou hast roasted that o!e side" tur! that other" a!d eat1 A!d the! he" re!deri! tha!4i! s to our Lord" saidD I tha!4 thee" Lord Jesu Christ" for I ha6e deser6ed to e!ter i!to thy ates1 A!d so a6e up his spirit1 A!d the! Decius" bei! all co!fused" 5al4ed i!to the palace of Tiberius 5ith Valeria!us" a!d left the body Iyi! upo! the fire" 5hich +ippolitus i! the mor!i! too4 a5ay" 5ith Justi! the priest" a!d buried it 5ith precious oi!tme!ts i! the field Vera!us1 A!d the christia! me! that buried him" fasted three days a!d three !i hts" a!d hallo5ed the 6i ils" 5eepi! there a!d 5aili! 1 9ut ma!y doubt if he suffered u!der this Decius" for it is read i! the chro!icle that Si8tus 5as lo! after Decius1 Eutropius !e6ertheless affirmeth a!d saith that" Decius mo6i! persecutio! a ai!st christia! me!" amo! other he sle5 the blessed Laure!ce" deaco! a!d martyr1 A!d it is said i! a chro!icle authe!tic e!ou h" that it 5as !ot u!der this Decius" the emperor that succeeded to (hilip" but u!der a!other Decius you! er" 5hich 5as CFsar a!d !ot emperor" that he suffered martyrdom1 'or bet5ee! Decius the emperor a!d this Decius the you! er" u!der 5hom it is said that Laure!ce 5as martyred" there 5ere ma!y emperors a!d popes1 Also" it is said that Gallus" a!d Volusia!us his so!" succeeded Decius1 A!d after them"Valeria!us" 5ith Gallia!us his so!" held the empire" a!d they made Decius the you! er" CFsar" a!d !ot emperor1 'or" a!cie!tly" 5he! a!y 5as made CFsar" !e6erthemore he 5as Au ustus !e emperor" as it is read i! the chro!icles" that Diocletia! made -a8imia! CFsar" a!d after from CFsar he 5as made Au ustus a!d emperor1 I! the time of these emperors" Valeria!us a!d Gallia!us" Si8tus held the see of 3ome" a!d this Decius 5as called CFsar" a!d !ot emperor but Decius CFsar o!ly1 A!d he martyred the blessed 'abia!" a!d Cor!elius succeeded after 'abia! 5hich 5as martyred u!der Valeria!us a!d Gallia!us" 5hich rei !ed fiftee! years1 A!d Lucia! succeeded Cor!elius" a!d Stephe! the pope succeeded Lucia!" a!d De!ys succeeded Stephe!" a!d Si8tus succeeded De!ys1 A!d this is co!tai!ed i! that chro!icle" a!d if this be true" that 5hich -aster Joh! 9eleth putteth may be true1 A!d it is read i! a!other chro!icle that the said Gallia!us had t5o !ames" a!d 5as called Gallia!us a!d Decius" a!d u!der him Si8tus a!d Laure!ce suffered martyrdom" about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d si8ty1 Godfrey" i! his boo4 that is called (a!theo!ides" affirmeth that Gallia!us 5as called by a!other !ame" Decius1 S1 Gre ory saith i! his dialo ues that there 5as a !u! Sabi!a 5hich held her co!ti!e!t of her flesh" but she esche5ed !ot the =a! lery of her to! ue" a!d she 5as buried i! the church of S1 Laure!ce the holy martyr" a!d 5as laid tofore the altar of the martyr" a!d 5as ta4e! of the de6ils a!d departed a!d sa5! asu!der" a!d that o!e part 5as bur!t" a!d that other part remai!ed 5hole" so that o! the mor!i! the bur!i! appeared 6isibly1 Gre ory of Tours saith that 5he! a certai! priest repaired the church of S1 Laure!ce" a!d o!e of the beams 5as o6er short" a!d re<uired S1 Laure!ce that he 5hich had !ourished poor me! 5ould help his po6erty" a!d the beam re5 so sudde!ly that there remai!ed a reat part" a!d the priest cut that part i!to small pieces" a!d cured a!d healed there5ith ma!y maladies1 A!d this 5it!esseth S1 'ortu!atusD It happed at (rioras" a castle i! Italy" that a ma! 5as sore 6e8ed 5ith toothache" a!d he attouched this 5ood" a!d a!o! the ache 5as o!e1 S1 Gre ory telleth i! his boo4 of dialo ues that a priest !amed Sa!ctulus repaired a church of S1 Laure!ce" 5hich had bee! bur!t of Lombards" a!d hired ma!y 5or4me!7 a!d o!e time he had !othi! to set tofore them" a!d the! he made his prayers" a!d after loo4ed i! his pa!ier" a!d there he fou!d a much 5hite loaf of bread" but him seemed that it sufficed !ot for o!e di!!er for three perso!s1 S1 Laure!ce" 5hich 5ould !ot fail his 5or4me!" did do multiply it" that his 5or4me! 5ere sustai!ed thereby te! days1 I! the church of S1 Laure!ce at -ila! 5as a chalice of crystal" mar6ellously clear" a!d as the deaco! bare it o! a day sudde!ly to the altar" it fell out of his ha!ds to the rou!d" a!d 5as all tobro4e!1 A!d the! the deaco!" 5eepi! " athered to ether the pieces a!d laid them o! the altar" a!d prayed the holy martyr S1











Laure!ce that the chalice bro4e! mi ht be made 5hole a ai!" a!d the! a!o! it 5as fou!de! all 5hole1 It is read i! the boo4 of the miracles of our 9lessed Lady S1 -ary" that a =ud e !amed Stephe! 5as at 3ome a!d too4 ladly ifts" a!d per6erted the =ud me!ts1 A!d this =ud e too4 a5ay by force three houses that 5ere lo! i! to the church of S1 Laure!ce" a!d a arde! of S1 A !es" a!d possessed them 5ro! fully1 It happed that the =ud e died a!d 5as brou ht to =ud me!t tofore God1 A!d 5he! S1 Laure!ce sa5 him" he 5e!t to him i! reat despite" a!d strai!ed him three times by the arm ri ht hard" a!d torme!ted him by reat pai!1 A!d S1 A !es a!d other 6ir i!s dei !ed !ot to loo4 o! him" but tur!ed their 6isa es a5ay from him" a!d the! the =ud e i6i! se!te!ce a ai!st him" saidD 9ecause he hath 5ithdra5! other me!>s thi! s" a!d hath ta4e! ifts a!d sold truth1 that he should be put i! the place of Judas the traitor1 A!d S1 (ro=ecte" 5hom the said Stephe! had much lo6ed i! his life" came to the blessed Laure!ce a!d to S1 A !es" a!d cried them mercy for him1 The! the 9lessed Vir i! -ary" a!d they" prayed to God for him" a!d the! it 5as ra!ted to them that the soul of him should o a ai! to the body" a!d there should do his pe!a!ce thirty days7 a!d our 9lessed Lady comma!ded him that as lo! as he li6ed he should say the psalmD 9eati immaculati1 A!d 5he! the soul came to the body a ai!" his arm 5as li4e as it had bee! bur!t" li4e as he had suffered that hurt i! his body" a!d that to4e! a!d si ! 5as i! him as lo! as he li6ed1 The! re!dered he that 5hich he had ta4e! a!d did his pe!a!ce1 A!d at the thirtieth day he passed out of this 5orld to our Lord1 It is read i! the life of +e!ry the emperor" that he a!d Cu!e o!de his 5ife 5ere 6ir i!s to ether1 9y the atiseme!t of the de6il he had his 5ife suspected of a 4!i ht" a!d he made his 5ife o barefoot upo! bur!i! ashes fiftee! paces" a!d 5he! she asce!ded upo! them she said thisD As I am !ot corrupted !e defouled of +arry !e of all other" so Jesu Christ help me1 The! +e!ry the emperor 5as ashamed" a!d a6e her a buffet o! the chee4" a!d a 6oice saidD The Vir i! -ary hath deli6ered thee" 6ir i!" a!d she 5e!t 5ithout a!y hurt upo! the bur!i! ashes1 A!d 5he! the emperor 5as dead" there 5e!t a reat multitude of de6ils tofore the cell of a! hermit" a!d he ope!ed the 5i!do5 a!d dema!ded at the last 5hat they 5ere" a!d o!e a!s5eredD A le io! of de6ils 5e be that o to the death of the emperor" if perad6e!ture 5e may fi!d a!ythi! i! him1 +e ad=ured him that he should come a ai! to him" 5hich retur!i! saidD ,e ha6e profited !othi! " for 5he! this false suspicio! of his 5ife a!d all the ood thi! s a!d e6il thi! s 5ere laid i! a bala!ce" this bur!t a!d bruled Laure!ce brou ht forth a pot of old of much reat 5ei ht1 A!d 5he! 5e supposed to ha6e surmou!ted" he cast that pot i! the bala!ce o! that other side" so that it 5ei hed more a!d 5as hea6ier1 A!d the! I 5as a! ry a!d bra4e a! ear of the pot" a!d he called that pot a chalice" 5hich the emperor had i6e! to the church of Eichstadt" 5hich he had i! special de6otio!" a!d had do made it i! the ho!our of S1 Laure!ce1 A!d for the reat!ess of it" it had t5o ears1 A!d it 5as fou!de! the! that the emperor died that time" a!d o!e ear 5as bro4e! off the chalice1 Gre ory rehearseth i! his re ister that his predecessor co6eted to ma4e better some thi! s about the body of S1 Laure!ce" but he 5ist !ot 5here it lay1 Ne6ertheless" the body of S1 Laure!ce 5as disco6ered a!d u!heled by i !ora!ce" but all they that 5ere there prese!t" as 5ell mo!4s as others" 5ere dead i! fiftee! days after1 It is to 5it that the passio! of S1 Laure!ce 5as most e8celle!t i! four thi! s" li4e as it is fou!de! by the sayi! s of S1 -a8imi! bishop" a!d of S1 Austi!1 'irst" i! the sour!ess of his passio! or bitter!ess7 seco!dly" i! profit or effect7 thirdly" i! co!sta!cy or stre! th7 a!d fourthly" i! the mar6ellous battle a!d ma!!er of his 6ictory1 'irst" it 5as ri ht e8celle!t i! the bitter!ess of the pai!7 this saith S1 -a8imi!7 a!d after some boo4s of S1 AmbroseD 9rethre!" S1 Laure!ce 5as !ot slai! by short a!d simple passio!" for 5ho that is smitte! by a s5ord he dieth but o!ce" a!d 5ho that is cast i! a fire is deli6ered at o!ce" but this holy ma! 5as torme!ted by lo! a!d multiplied pai!s" so that the death should !ot fail him at torme!t !e fail him at the e!d1 ,e read that the blessed childre! 5e!t throu h the flames" a!d ha6e o!e upo! the coals bur!i! bare foot" 5hereof S1 Laure!ce is !ot to be preferred of lesser lory" for as they 5e!t i! their pai!s throu h the flames" this" i! his torme!t" lay upo! the fire1 They defouled a!d trod upo! the fire 5ith their feet" a!d this 5as restrai!ed for to lay his sides therei!1 They prayed i! their pai!s holdi! up their ha!ds to our Lord God" but he 5as stretched i! his pai!" a!d prayed our Lord 5ith all his body1 A!d it is to 5it that the blessed Laure!ce is he that" after S1 Stephe!" ou ht to hold the primacy1 Not o!ly for that he suffered reater pai! tha! other martyrs" as is 5ell fou!d a!d read that ma!y ha6e suffered as much pai!" but it is said for si8 causes1 'irst" for the place of the passio!" for it 5as at 3ome" 5hich is head of the 5orld" a!d sie e of the apostles1 Seco!dly" for the office of the predicatio!" for he accomplished dili e!tly the office of preachi! 1 Thirdly" for the laudable distributio! of the treasures" that he a6e all to poor me! 5isely1 A!d these three reaso!s putteth master ,illiam of Au8erre1 'ourthly" for the a!ti<uity a!d pro6ed martyrdom1 'or if it be said that some other ha6e had reater pai!" al5ays it is !ot so authe!tic" a!d also some time i! doubt" but the passio! of S1 Laure!ce is much solem! a!d

















appro6ed i! the church1 A!d therefore ma!y sai!ts appro6e his passio! i! their sermo!s a!d affirm it1 'ifthly" for the de ree of di !ity1 'or he 5as archdeaco! of the sie e of 3ome" a!d as it is said" there 5as !e6er sith archdeaco! i! 3ome1 Si8thly" for the cruelty of torme!ts" for he suffered them ri ht rie6ous" as he that 5as roasted upo! a ridiro! of iro!1 ,hereof S Austi! saithD Sith that the members 5ere bro4e! by ma!y di6erse beati! s" he 5as comma!ded to be torme!ted upo! a riddle of iro!" a!d 5as laid thereupo!" 5hich by co!ti!ual heat that 5as thereu!der" the riddle had the force to bur!" so that he 5as torme!ted by the tur!i! of his members more forcibly for the pai! 5as the more lo! 1 Seco!dly" he 5as ri ht e8celle!t i! effect or profit" for after this that Austi! a!d -a8imi! say" this bitter!ess of pai! made him hi h by lorificatio!" a!d ho!ourable by opi!io!" a!d laudable by de6otio!" a!d !oble by co!te!tio!1 'irst" it made him hi h by lorifcatio!" 5hereof S1 Austi! saithD (ersecutor" thou 5ert 5ood a ai!st the martyr a!d more tha! 5ood" for 5he! thou assembledst pai! thou i!creasedst his lory" thi!e e! i!e fou!d !ot lory of the aid 5he! the i!strume!ts of the torme!ts tra!sported him i! the ho!our of 6ictory1 A!d after -a8imi!" a!d i! some boo4s of Ambrose" it is saidD +o5 be it that the members 5ere bou!de! i! the heat of the sparcles" the force of the faith 5as !ot corrupt1 The body suffered impairi! " but he at the ai! of health" a!d S1 Austi! saith trulyD +is body is blessed" for torme!t !e6er cha! eth him out of the faith of God" but his reli io! cro5!ed him i! holy rest1 Seco!dly" he 5as ho!ourable by opi!io!" a!d re!omee after -a8imi! a!d Ambrose" that sayD ,e may li4e! the blessed Laure!ce to mustard seed 5hich is bro4e! by ma!y ma!!ers" 5he! by the race of his mystery he reple!ished the 5orld of ood odour" for tofore that he 5as co!stitute i! his body" he 5as humble" u!4!o5!" a!d ser6iceable7 a!d after that he 5as all tobro4e! a!d bur!t" he shed i! all the churches of the 5orld the odour of his !oble!ess1 Also this is a holy thi! a!d pleasa!t" that the solem!ity of S1 Laure!ce be !obly ho!oured" 5hose shi!i! flames" he as 6a!<uisher" holy church hallo5eth this day i! all the 5orld" i! so much that his lorious passio! e!lumi!eth all the 5orld by the lory of his martyrdom1 Thirdly" he 5as louable by de6otio!1 ,herefore 5as he so louable" a!d so 5ith de6otio! to be reputed" S1 Austi! sho5eth it by three reaso!s" a!d saith thusD ,e ou ht to recei6e the blessed ma! 5ith de6otio!7 first" for he a6e his precious blood for the lo6e of our Lord" a!d after" for because he had u!to our Lord reat affi!ity" sho5i! that the faith of christia! me! ou ht to deser6e to be of the compa!y of martyrs7 thirdly" because he 5as so holy of co!6ersatio! that i! the time of peace he deser6ed the cro5! of martyrdom1 'ourthly" he made himself !oble by follo5i! " 5hereof S1 Austi! saith that the cause of all his passio! 5as because he e8horted others to be li4e to him1 I! three thi! s he sho5ed him to us follo5i! D 'irst" i! stro! sufferi! of ad6ersities" 5hereof S1 Austi! saithD The most profitable form for to i!form the people to God is the fair speech of martyrs1 It is li ht to pray" a!d it is profitable to admo!ish a!d 5ar!" the thi! s a!d the e8amples be better tha! the 5ords1 A!d it is more to teach by 5or4 tha! by 6oice1 A!d i! this ri ht e8celle!t ma!!er of teachi! the persecutors mi ht feel of Laure!ce ho5 he sho!e by reat di !ity1 A!d ho5 the mar6ellous stre! th of his coura e a6e !ot o!ly place of belief" but also comforted a!d stre! the!ed others by e!sample of his sufferi! 1 Seco!dly" by reat!ess of the faith a!d fer6our of lo6e1 ,hereof -a8imi! saith" a!d Ambrose also" 5he! he 6a!<uished by faith the flames of the persecutors" he sho5ed to us by the fire of faith that he o6ercame the embraceme!ts of the fire of hell" a!d by the lo6e of Christ !ot to fear the day of doom1 Thirdly" i! bur!i! lo6e1 -a8imi! a!d Ambrose say that" S1 Laure!ce e!lumi!ed the 5orld plai!ly of the same li ht that he 5as embraced 5ith" a!d chauffed the hearts of all christia! people by the flames that he suffered1 9y these three thi! s saith S1 -a8imi!" after the boo4s of S1 Ambrose" that 5e be called to the faith by the e8ample of S1 Laure!ce" a!d embraced to martyrdom" a!d chauffed to de6otio!1 Thirdly" he 5as ri ht e8celle!t i! co!sta!cy a!d i! stre! th1 A!d hereof saith S1 Austi!D The blessed Laure!ce d5elled i! Jesu Christ u!to the temptatio!" u!to the dema!d of the tyra!t" a!d u!to the death" i! 5hom the occisio! 5as lo! " a!d because that he had 5ell eate! a!d 5ell dru!4e!" he 5as fat of this meat" a!d dru!4e! of the chalice" so that he felt !ot the torme!ts !e esche5ed them" but succeeded to the realm of hea6e!1 +e 5as so co!sta!t that he set !ot by the torme!ts7 but after that S1 -a8imi! saithD +e 5as made more perfect i! dread" more arde!t i! lo6e" a!d more =oyous i! bur!i! 1 'or the first it is said thusD +e 5as stretched upo! the flames of the reat bra!ds of fire" a!d tur!ed oft from that o!e side to that other1 A!d ho5 much more he suffered of pai!s" so much more he dreaded God1 A!d of the seco!d he saith thusD ,he! the rai! of the mustard is rou!d it chauffeth" a!d 5he! Laure!ce suffered torme!ts he 5as i!flamed a ai!" a!d torme!ted of a !e5 ma!!er of mar6ellous torme!ts" a!d the reater torme!ts that the 5ood persecutors did" the more de6out 5as Laure!ce to our Sa6iour1 A!d as to the third" he saith thusD +e 5as chauffed i! the la5 of Jesu Christ" that by reat hi h!ess of coura e he despised the torme!ts of his o5! body" that i! ha6i! 6ictory of his 5ood torme!tor" he 5as =oyous for to despise it by the fire1 'ourthly" he 5as ri ht e8celle!t i! the mar6ellous battle" a!d i! the ma!!er of his 6ictory" a!d as it appeareth ope!ly by the 5ords of S1 -a8imi! a!d of S1 Austi!" the blessed Laure!ce had fi6e bur!i! s 5ithout forth" 5hich he all o6ercame






ma!ly a!d e8ti!cted them1 The first 5as the fire of hell" the seco!d material flame" the third car!al co!cupisce!ce" the fourth of bur!i! co6etise" a!d the fifth of a mad 5ood!ess1 The <ue!chi! of the first fire" that is of hell" -a8imi! saithD It mi ht i6e !o place of bur!i! to the 5orldly fire7 for to bur! his body 5hich <ue!ched the fire perdurable of hell" he 5e!t throu h the fire earthly a!d material of this 5orld" but he escaped a!d esche5ed the! the horrible flame of the fire perdurable of hell1 The <ue!chi! of the seco!d fire" he saith also" he tra6ailed by bodily bur!i! but the di6i!e ardour <ue!ched the material bur!i! 1 A!d yet saith heD +o5 be it the e6il people put u!der the fa ots a!d 5ood for to i!crease a!d ma4e reat flame" S1 Laure!ce esprised by the heat of the faith felt !ot the flames1 A!d S1 Austi! saithD The charity of Jesu Christ may !ot be surmou!ted 5ith flames" for the fire that bur!t 5ithout forth 5as more feeble tha! that 5hich he embraced 5ithi! forth1 A!d of the <ue!chi! of the third fire of car!al co!cupisce!ce" saith S1 -a8imi!D S1 Laure!ce passed throu h the fire 5hich he abhorred bei! !ot bur!t" but he e!lumi!ed sho!e7 he bur!ed lest he should bur!" a!d because he should !ot bur! he 5as bur!t1 Of the <ue!chi! of the fourth fire" that is of a6arice7 of them that co6et the treasures of 5hich they be decei6ed" said S1 Austi! thusD A ma! co6etous is armed by double ardour of mo!ey" a!d is e!emy of truth7 his a6arice is for to steal old" a!d by his felo!y he loseth our Lord1 +e hath !othi! " he profiteth !othi! " huma! cruelty is 5ithdra5! by his 5i!ds a!d corporal matter" a!d Laure!ce oeth to hea6e!" a!d he faileth i! his flames1 Of the <ue!chi! of the fifth fire" that is of the furious 5ood!ess" ho5" that is to say" furious 5ood!ess of the persecutors 5as decei6ed a!d brou ht to !ou ht" saith -a8imi! thusD ,he! the 5ood!ess of the mi!isters of the flames 5as surmou!ted" he restrai!ed the bur!i! of the 5orldly 5ood!ess" a!d till that time the de6il>s e!te!t profited till that the true ma! asce!ded a!d mou!ted i!to hea6e! loriously u!to his Lord God1 A!d he made to cool the cruelty of the persecutors" co!fused all 5ith their fires" a!d sho5eth that the 5ood!ess of the persecutors 5as fire" 5he! he saidD The 5ood!ess of the pay!ims made ready a riddle of iro! upo! the fire stro! ly bur!i! " a!d that 5as do!e to the e!d that he should a6e! e the fires a!d reat heats of i!di !atio!1 A!d it 5as !o 5o!der thou h he surmou!ted these three reat fires 5ithout forth1 'or as it is had of the 5ords of the said -a8imi!D +e had 5ithi! forth three refroidours or colds" a!d bare i! his heart three fires by 5hich he assua ed by cold!ess all the fire 5ithout forth" a!d surmou!ted 5ith the embraci! of more fire1 A!d the first cold!ess 5as the desire of celestial lory" the seco!d 5as the remembra!ce of the la5 of God" a!d the third 5as the clea!!ess of his co!scie!ce1 9y this treble cold!ess he <ue!ched all the fire 5ithout forth" a!d he 5as cold of the first refroidour" 5hich is desire of hea6e!ly lory1 As S1 Ambrose saithD The blessed Laure!ce mi ht !ot feel the torme!ts of fire i! his e!trails" 5hich 5ithi! him possessed the refroidour of paradise1 Thou h the bur!t flesh lay tofore the tyra!t" a!d the body bur!t" !e6ertheless the body suffered !o pai! i! earth 5hose soul a!d coura e 5as i! hea6e!1 Of the seco!d cold!ess or refroidure that is the remembra!ce of the la5 of God" he saith thusD ,he! he remembered tofore the comma!dme!ts of Jesu Christ" all 5as cold that he suffered1 Of the third" 5hich is purity a!d clea!!ess of co!scie!ce" he saith thusD The ri ht stro! martyr truly is bur!t i! his e!trails" but he" see4i! the 4i! dom of hea6e!" e!=oyeth as a 6a!<uisher by the refroidure of the clea!!ess of his co!scie!ce1 A!d as S1 -a8imi! saithD +e had three fires 5ithi! forth" by the 5hich he surmou!ted by embraci! all the fires 5ithout forth1 The first 5as the reat!ess of the faith7 the seco!d the arde!t dilectio!7 the third the 6ery 4!o5led e of God" 5hich embraced him as fire1 Of the first fire saith S1 AmbroseD As much as the bur!i! of the faith chauffed him" so much cooled him the flame of the torme!t1 ,e read i! the ospel that the fire of the faith is the fire of the Sa6iour1 The e6a! elist saidD I came i!to the earth to put fire therei!" a!d 5ith this fire 5as S1 Laure!ce embraced" a!d felt !ot the bur!i! of the flames1 A!d of the seco!d fire he saith thusD The martyr Laure!ce bur!ed 5ithoutforth of the embraceme!ts of the tyra!ts" but the reater flame of the lo6e of God bur!eth him 5ithi!forth1 Of the third fire he saith thusD The ri ht cruel flame of the persecutor mi ht !ot surmou!t the martyr" for he 5as o6ermuch more arde!tly chauffed i! his thou ht by the rays of truth" that he felt !ot the flame 5ithoutforth" 5hich he 6a!<uished a!d o6ercame1 Laure!ce" amo! the other martyrs" hath three pri6ile es as to5ards office1 The first" he hath o!ly a 6i il amo! all the other martyrs1 9ut at this day the 6i ils of sai!ts be cha! ed i!to fasti! s by ma!y" a!d as -aster Joh! 9eleth rehearsethD It 5as sometime the custom that me! 5e!t 5ith their 5i6es a!d childre! at the solem!ity of feasts" a!d 5o4e there all the !i ht 5ith tapers a!d li ht7 but because ma!y ad6e!tures 5ere made i! these 6i ils" it 5as established that the 6i ils should be tur!ed i!to fasti! s" a!d !e6ertheless the a!cie!t !ame is retai!ed" a!d is yet retai!ed" a!d is called 6i il1 The seco!d pri6ile e is i! the octa6es or utas7 for he o!ly 5ith S1 Stephe! ha6e their octa6es amo! all other martyrs" li4e as S1 -arti! hath amo! the co!fessors1 The







third is i! the reprisi! of the a!thems" for he o!ly a!d S1 (aul ha6e that o!ly1 9ut (aul hath that for the e8celle!ce of his preachi! " a!d Laure!ce for the e8celle!ce of his passio!1 Here followeth of *" Hy&&olitu . Martyr. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"

+yppolitus is said of hyper" that is as much to say as upo!" a!d litos" that is a sto!e" as 5ho saith upo! a sto!e" that is to u!dersta!d" fou!ded upo! Christ1 Or of i! a!d polis" that is a city1 Or +yppolitus is as much to say as polished1 +e 5as 5ell fou!ded upo! the sto!e Christ by co!sta!cy a!d steadfast!ess7 he 5as i! the city abo6e by desire a!d co6eti! " he 5as polished by the bitter!ess of his torme!ts1

Of *" Hy&&olitu " +yppolitus buried the body of S1 Laure!ce" a!d after" he came i!to his house" a!d a6e the peace to his ser6a!ts a!d to his chamberers" a!d commu!ed them 5ith the sacrame!t of the altar" 5hich Justi! the priest had sacred1 A!d the table 5as co6ered" but ere he too4 a!y meat" the 4!i hts came a!d haled him a5ay" a!d brou ht him to the emperor1 A!d 5he! Decius the emperor sa5 him" he smili! said to himD Art thou !o5 made a! e!cha!ter" 5hich hast bor!e a5ay the body of Laure!ceE A!d +yppolitus saidD That ha6e I do!e" !ot as a! e!cha!ter" but as a christia! ma!1 The! Decius" bei! reple!ished 5ith reat fury" comma!ded that he should be despoiled of his habit that he 5are as a christia! ma!" a!d that his mouth should be beate! 5ith sto!es1 To 5hom +yppolitus saidD Thou hast !ot despoiled me but rather clothed1 To 5hom Decius saidD +o5 is it that thou art !o5 so foolish" that art !ot ashamed of thy !a4ed!essE No5 therefore ma4e thou sacrifice" a!d thou shalt li6e" or else thou shalt perish 5ith Laure!ce1 To 5hom +yppolitus saidD I 5ould I mi ht be made the e8ample of S1 Laure!ce" 5hom thou presumest to !ame 5ith thy foul mouth a!d pollute1 The! Decius made him to be beate! 5ith sta6es" a!d all to:re!t 5ith combs of iro!1 A!d he co!fessed 5ith a clear 6oice that he 5as christia!1 A!d 5he! he had despised these torme!ts" he did him to be clothed 5ith the 6esture of a 4!i ht that he tofore used" i! e8horti! him to recei6e his amity a!d his first chi6alry1 A!d +yppolitus saidD I am the 4!i ht of Jesu Christ1 A!d the! Decius" reple!ished 5ith reat 5rath" deli6ered him to Valeria! the pro6ost" that he should ta4e all his faculties" a!d slay him by di6ers torme!ts1 A!d the! he fou!d that all the mei!y of +yppolitus> house 5ere christia!" a!d all 5ere brou ht tofore him" a!d 5he! he 5ould ha6e co!strai!ed them to do sacrifice" o!e !amed Co!cordia" !urse of +yppolitus" a!s5ered for them allD ,e had liefer die 5ith our Lord chastely tha! li6e si!fully7 a!d the! Decius" bei! prese!t" comma!ded that she should be beate! 5ith plummets of lead u!to the time that she a6e o6er her spirit" a!d +yppolitus saidD Lord" I tha!4 thee that thou hast se!t my !urse tofore the si ht of thy sai!ts1 A!d after that Valeria! did do lead +yppolitus 5ith his mei!y to the ate Tyburti!e" a!d +yppolitus comforted them all a!d saidD 9rethre!" dread ye !ot" for ye a!d I ha6e o!e o!ly God1 A!d the! Valeria! comma!ded that all they should be beheaded before +yppolitus" a!d the! he made +yppolitus to be bou!d by the feet u!to the !ec4s of 5ild horses" a!d made him to be dra5! amo! thor!s" briars" a!d roc4s" till he re!dered a!d a6e to God his spirit1 +e died about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d si8ty:si81 A!d the! Justi! the priest too4 the bodies of them" a!d buried them by the body of S1 Laure!ce" but he could !ot fi!d the body of S1 Co!cordia" for it 5as cast i!to a pri6y1 A 4!i ht" that 5as !amed (orphyry" 5ee!ed that the blessed Co!cordia had old a!d precious sto!es i! her clothes" a!d came to a ma! !amed Ire!Fus" 5hich 5as secretly a christia! ma!" a!d said to himD @eep my cou!sel secret" a!d dra5 Co!cordia out of the pri6y" for I tro5 that there be i! her 6estme!ts old a!d precious sto!es1 A!d he saidD Sho5 to me the place 5here she lieth a!d I shall 4eep thy cou!sel" a!d shall tell to thee 5hat I shall fi!d1 A!d the! he dre5 her out of the pri6y chamber" a!d fou!d !othi! " a!d the! the 4!i ht fled a5ay a!o!1 A!d Ire!Fus called to him a christia! ma! !amed Abu!di!us" a!d bare the body to S1 Justi!" a!d he too4 it de6outly a!d buried it by the body of S1 +yppolitus 5ith the others1 A!d 5he! Valeria! heard hereof he did do ta4e Ire!Fus a!d Abu!di!us" a!d thre5 them all <uic4 i!to the pri6y7 a!d Justi! too4 out their bodies a!d buried them 5ith the other1 A!d after these thi! s do!e" Decius a!d Valeria! asce!ded i!to a olde! chariot for to o a!d torme!t christia! me!" a!d Decius 5as ra6ished of a de6il a!d criedD O +yppolitus thou hast bou!de! me 5ith sharp chai!s a!d leadest me a5ay1 A!d Valeria! cried alsoD O Laure!ce" thou dra5est me 5ith fiery chai!s7 a!d the same hour Valeria! died7 a!d Decius retur!ed home a!d died the third day" torme!ted of












the de6il" a!d criedD Laure!ce" cease thou a little" I co!=ure thee to cease thy torme!ts" a!d so died1 A!d 5he! Trypho!ia his 5ife" 5hich 5as much cruel" sa5 this thi! " she left all a!d too4 Cyrilla her dau hter" a!d 5e!t to S1 Justi! a!d did do baptiHe her 5ith ma!y others1 A!d that other day after" that as Trypho!ia prayed" she a6e up her spirit a!d died" a!d Justi! the priest buried her body by S1 +yppolitus1 A!d forty:se6e! 4!i hts heari! that the <uee! a!d her dau hter 5ere become christia!" came 5ith their 5i6es to Justi! the priest for to recei6e baptism1 Claudius the emperor" 5he! Cyrilla 5ould !ot do sacrifice" did do cut her throat" a!d did do behead the other 4!i hts1 A!d the bodies 5ere bor!e 5ith the others i!to the field Vera!us a!d there buried1 A!d it is to be !oted here e8pressly that Claudius succeeded Decius" 5hich martyred S1 Laure!ce a!d S1 +yppolitus" but he succeeded !ot Decius the emperor" for after the chro!icles" Volusia!us succeeded Decius" a!d Gallia!us succeeded Volusia!us" a!d Claudius succeeded Gallia!us" so it beho6eth that Gallia!us had t5o !ames" that is to 5it" Gallia!us a!d Decius" a!d so saith Vi!ce!t i! his chro!icle a!d Godfrey i! his boo41 Gallia!us called o!e u!to his help that 5as !amed Decius" 5hom he made CFsar" but !ot emperor" so saith 3ichard i! his chro!icle1 Of this martyr" saith Ambrose i! his prefaceD The blessed martyr +yppolitus co!sidered that Jesu Christ 5as 6ery du4e" a!d he 5ould be his 4!i ht" a!d had liefer be his 4!i ht tha! du4e of 4!i hts" a!d he pursued !ot S1 Laure!ce 5hich 5as put u!der his 4eepi! " but follo5ed him" so that i! sufferi! martyrdom he left the la5 of the tyra!t" a!d came a!d possessed the treasure of 6ery riches" 5hich is the lory of the 4i! perdurable a!d perpetual1 There 5as a carter !amed (eter 5hich yo4ed his o8e! i! the cart i! the feast of -ary -a dale!e" a!d follo5ed his o8e! a!d be a! to curse them" a!d a!o! the o8e! a!d the cart 5ere smitte! 5ith thu!der1 A!d that same (eter 5hich had so cursed 5as torme!ted of cruel torme!ts" for fire too4 him so that he bur!t the si!e5s a!d the flesh from his thi h" a!d the bo!e appeared" a!d that the thi h a!d le fell off1 The! he 5e!t to a church of our Lady a!d hid his le i! a hole of the church" a!d prayed our Lady 5ith tears de6outly for his deli6era!ce1 A!d o! a !i ht the blessed Vir i! 5ith S1 +yppolitus came tofore him i! a 6isio!" a!d she prayed to +yppolitus that he 5ould re:establish (eter i! his first health" a!d a!o! S1 +yppolitus too4 his le i! the hole" a!d too4 a!d set it i! his place" li4e as o!e rafteth i! a tree1 A!d he felt so much pai! i! that 6isio! that he a5o4e a!d cried so loud that he a5o4e all the mei!y1 A!d they arose a!d too4 li ht" a!d sa5 that (eter had t5o le s a!d t5o thi hs" but they had supposed that it had bee! illusio!" a!d they touched yet a!d yet eft a ai!" a!d sa5 that he had 6erily his members" a!d the! they a5o4e him a!d dema!ded of him ho5 it happed1 A!d he 5ee!ed that they had moc4ed him1 A!d 5he! he sa5 it" he 5as all abashed" yet !e6ertheless the !e5 thi h 5as softer tha! the old" a!d he mi ht !ot 5ell sustai! his body there5ith1 A!d because this miracle should be published" he halted a 5hole year" a!d the! the blessed Vir i! appeared to him a!d said to S1 +yppolitus that he should perform that 5hich appertai!ed to that cure" a!d the! he a5o4e a!d felt himself all 5hole1 A!d the! he e!tered i!to a reclua e1 To 5hom the de6il appeared oft:time i! the li4e!ess of a 5oma! !a4ed" a!d =oi!ed to him !a4ed" a!d the more he defe!ded him the more the de6il approached !ear" i! tempti! him shamefully" a!d 5he! he had bee! shamefully tra6ailed of her" he too4 the stole off a priest>s !ec4 a!d irt him 5ith it" a!d a!o! the de6il departed a!d left Iyi! there a sti!4i! a!d rotte! carrio!1 A!d so reat ste!ch issued that there 5as !o!e that sa5 it but said that it 5as the body of some dead 5oma! 5hich the de6il had ta4e!1 Here followeth the A u%&tio# of the Gloriou Vir(i# our Lady *" Mary" ,e fi!d i! a boo4 se!t to S1 Joh! the E6a! elist" or else the boo4" 5hich is said to be apocryphal" is ascribed to him" i! 5hat ma!!er the Assumptio! of the blessed Vir i! -ary 5as made1 The apostles 5ere departed a!d o!e i! to di6ers cou!tries of the 5orld for cause of preachi! " a!d the blessed Lady a!d Vir i! 5as i! a house by the -ou!t of Sio!" a!d as lo! as she li6ed she 6isited all the places of her so! 5ith reat de6otio!" that is to say the place of his baptism" of his fasti! " of his passio!" of his sepulture" of his resurrectio!" a!d of his asce!sio!1 A!d after that Epipha!ius saith" she li6ed four:a!d:t5e!ty years after the asce!sio! of her so!" a!d he saith alsoD ,he! our Lady had co!cei6ed Jesu Christ she 5as of the a e of fourtee! years" a!d she 5as deli6ered i! her fiftee!th year" a!d li6ed a!d abode 5ith him three a!d thirty years1 A!d after his death she li6ed four:a!d:t5e!ty years" a!d by this accou!t 5he! she departed out of this 5orld she 5as se6e!ty:t5o years old7 but it is more probable that 5hich is read i! a!other place" that she li6ed after the asce!sio! of her so! t5el6e years" a!d so the! she 5as si8ty years old1 A!d o! a day" 5he! all the apostles 5ere spread throu h the 5orld i! preachi! " the lorious Vir i! 5as reatly esprised a!d embraced 5ith desire to be 5ith her so! Jesu Christ" a!d her coura e 5as eschaufed a!d mo6ed" a!d reat abu!da!ce of tears ra! 5ithoutforth" because she had !ot e<ually the comforts of



















her so!" 5hich 5ere 5ithdra5! from her for the time1 A!d a! a! el came tofore her" 5ith reat li ht" a!d saluted her ho!ourably as the mother of his Lord" sayi! D All hailI blessed -ary" recei6i! the blessi! of him that se!t his blessi! to Jacob" loI here a bou h of palm of paradise" Lady" 5hich I ha6e brou ht to thee" 5hich thou shalt comma!d to be bor!e tofore thy bier1 'or thy soul shall be ta4e! from thy body the third day !e8t follo5i! " a!d thy so! abideth thee" his ho!ourable mother1 To 5hom she a!s5eredD If I ha6e fou!d race tofore thi!e eyes" I pray thee that thou 6ouchsafe to sho5 to me thy !ame" a!d yet I pray thee more heartily that my so!s a!d my brethre! the apostles may be assembled 5ith me" so that tofore I die I may see them 5ith my bodily eyes" a!d after" to be buried of them" a!d they bei! here" I may yield up my host to God1 A!d also yet I pray a!d re<uire that my spirit" issui! out of the body" see !ot the horrible !e 5ic4ed spirit !e fie!d" a!d that !o mi ht of the de6il come a ai!st me1 A!d the! the a! el saidD Lady" 5herefore desirest thou to 4!o5 my !ameE 5hich is reat a!d mar6ellous1 All the apostles shall assemble this day to thee a!d shall ma4e to thee !oble e8e<uies at thy passi! " a!d i! the prese!ce of them thou shalt i6e up thy spirit1 'or he that brou ht the prophet by his hair from Judea to 9abylo!" may 5ithout doubt sudde!ly i! a! hour bri! the apostles to thee1 A!d 5herefore doubtest thou to see the 5ic4ed spirit" sith thou hast bro4e! utterly his head" a!d hast despoiled him from the empire of his po5erE Ne6ertheless thy 5ill be do!e" that thou see !ot the fie!d1 A!d this said" the a! el mou!ted i!to hea6e! 5ith reat li ht" a!d the palm sho!e by ri ht reat clear!ess" a!d 5as li4e to a ree! rod 5hose lea6es sho!e li4e to the morro5 star1 A!d it happed as S1 Joh! the E6a! elist preached i! Ephesus" the hea6e! sudde!ly thu!dered" a!d a 5hite cloud too4 him up a!d brou ht him tofore the ate of the blessed Vir i! -ary1 A!d he 4!oc4ed at the door a!d e!tered a!d saluted the Vir i! ho!ourably1 ,hom the blessed Vir i! beheld" a!d 5as reatly abashed for =oy" a!d mi ht !ot abstai! her from 5eepi! " a!d said to himD Joh!" my so!" remember thee of the 5ord of thy master" by 5hich he made me mother u!to thee" a!d thee a so! u!to me1 LoI I am called of thy master a!d my God1 I pay !o5 the debt of co!ditio! huma!" a!d recomme!d my body u!to thy busy cure1 I ha6e heard say that the Je5s ha6e made a cou!cil" a!d saidD Let us abide brethre! u!to the time that she that bare Jesus be dead" a!d the! i!co!ti!e!t 5e shall ta4e her body a!d shall cast it i!to the fire a!d bur! it1 Thou therefore ta4e this palm" a!d bear it tofore the bier 5he! ye shall bear my body to the sepulchre1 The! said Joh!D O 5ould God that all my brethre! the apostles 5ere here" that 5e mi ht ma4e thi!e e8e<uies co!6e!ably as it beho6eth a!d is di !e a!d 5orthy1 A!d as he said that" all the apostles 5ere ra6ished 5ith clouds from the places 5here they preached" a!d 5ere brou ht tofore the door of the blessed Vir i! -ary1 A!d 5he! they sa5 them assembled" they mar6elled" a!d saidD 'or 5hat cause hath our Lord assembled us hereE The! S1 Joh! 5e!t out a!d said to them that our Lady should pass a!d depart out of this 5orld" a!d added more thereto" sayi! D 9rethre!" be5are a!d 4eep you from 5eepi! 5he! she shall depart" because that the people that shall see it be !ot troubled" a!d sayD LoI there" ho5 they dread the death 5hich preach to others the resurrectio!1 A!d De!is" disciple of (aul" affirmeth this same i! the boo4 of di6i!e !ames" that is to 5it that all the apostles 5ere assembled at the assumptio! a!d death of our Lady -ary a!d 5ere to ether there" a!d that each of them made a sermo! u!to the praisir a!d laud of Jesu Christ a!d the blessed Vir i! his mother1 +e said thus" spea4i! to TimothyD Thus 5e a!d thou" as thou 5ell 4!o5est" a!d ma!y of our holy brethre!" did assemble at the 6isio! of the mother that recei6ed God1 A!d James" brother of God" 5as there1 A!d (eter the apostle" most !oble a!d so6erei ! of the theolo ia!s1 A!d after that me seemed that all the +ierarchies lifted her up" after a!d accordi! to her 6irtue 5ithout e!d1 This saith S1 De!is1 A!d 5he! the blessed Vir i! -ary sa5 all the apostles assembled" she blessed our Lord" a!d sat i! the midst of them 5here the lamps" tapers" a!d li hts bur!ed1 A!d about the third hour of the !i ht Jesu Christ came 5ith s5eet melody a!d so! " 5ith the orders of the a! els" the compa!ies of patriarchs" the assembly of martyrs" the co!6e!ts of co!fessors" the carols of 6ir i!s1 A!d tofore the bed of our blessed Lady the compa!ies of all these sai!ts 5ere set i! order a!d made s5eet so! a!d melody1 A!d 5hat e8e<uies 5ere do!e of our blessed Lady" a!d there hallo5ed it is all said a!d e!sei !ed i! the foresaid boo4 5hich is attributed to S1 Joh!1 'or first" Jesu Christ be a! to sayD Come my chose! a!d I shall set thee i! my seat" for I ha6e co6eted the beauty of thee1 A!d our Lady a!s5eredD Sir" my heart is ready" a!d all they that 5ere come 5ith Jesu Christ e!tu!ed s5eetly sayi! D This is she that !e6er touched the bed of marria e i! deli ht" a!d she shall ha6e fruit i! refectio! of holy souls1 The! she sa! of herself" sayi! D All the e!eratio!s shall say that I am blessed" for he that is mi hty hath do!e reat thi! s to me" a!d the !ame of him is holy1 A!d the cha!ter of cha!ters e!tu!ed more e8celle!tly abo6e all others" sayi! D Come from Leba!o!" my spouse" come from Leba!o!" come" thou shalt be cro5!ed1 A!d she saidD I come" for i! the be i!!i! of the boo4 it is 5ritte! of me that I should do thy 5ill" for my spirit hath =oyed i! thee" God my health1 A!d thus i!









the mor!i! the soul issued out of the body a!d fled up i! the arms of her so!1 A!d she 5as as far estra! ed from the pai! of the flesh as she 5as from corruptio! of her body1 The! said our Lord to the apostlesD 9ear ye the body of this 6ir i!" my mother" i!to the 6ale of Jehosaphat a!d lay ye her i! a !e5 sepulchre that ye shall fi!d there" a!d abide me there three days till that I retur! to you1 A!d a!o! she 5as e!6iro!ed 5ith flo5ers of roses" that 5as the compa!y of martyrs" a!d 5ith lilies of the 6alley" that 5as the compa!y of a! els" of co!fessors a!d 6ir i!s1 A!d the apostles cried after her sayi! D 3i ht 5ise 6ir i!" 5hither oest thouE Lady" remember thee of us1 A!d the! the compa!y of sai!ts that 5ere abide! there 5ere a5a4ed 5ith the sou!d of the so! of them that mou!ted" a!d came a ai!st her" a!d sa5 their 4i! bear i! his proper arms the soul of a 5oma!" a!d sa5 that this soul 5as =oi!ed to him" a!d 5ere abashed a!d be a! to cry" sayi! D ,ho is this that asce!deth from the desert" full of delices" =oi!ed to her frie!d E A!d they that accompa!ied her saidD This is the ri ht fair amo! the dau hters of Jerusalem" a!d li4e as ye ha6e see! her full of charity a!d dilectio!" so is she =oyously recei6ed" a!d set i! the seat of lory o! the ri ht side of her so!1 A!d the apostles sa5 the soul of her bei! so 5hite that !o mortal to! ue mi ht e8press it1 A!d the! three maide!s that 5ere there too4 off the clothes from the body for to 5ash it1 The body a!o! sho!e by so reat clear!ess that they mi ht 5ell feel it i! touchi! a!d 5ashi! but they mi ht !ot see it1 A!d that li ht sho!e as lo! as they 5ere about the 5ashi! of it1 A!d the! the apostles too4 the body ho!ourably a!d laid it o! the bier" a!d Joh! said to (eterD 9ear this palm tofore the bier" for our Lord hath ordai!ed thee abo6e us" a!d hath made thee pastor a!d pri!ce of his sheep1 To 5hom (eter saidD It appertai!eth better to thee to bear it" for thou art chose! 6ir i! of our Lord" a!d thou ou htest to bear this palm of li ht at the e8e<uies of chastity a!d holi!ess" thou that dra!4est at the fou!tai! of perdurable clear!ess1 A!d I shall bear the holy body 5ith the bier" a!d these other apostles our brethre! shall o rou!d about the body yieldi! tha!4i! s to God1 A!d the! S1 (aul said to himD I" that am least of the apostles a!d of you all" shall bear 5ith thee1 A!d the! (eter a!d (aul lifted up the bier" a!d (eter be a! to si! a!d sayD Israel is issued out of E ypt" a!d the other apostles follo5ed him i! the same so! 1 A!d our Lord co6ered the bier a!d the apostles 5ith a cloud" so that they 5ere !ot see!" but the 6oice of them 5as heard o!ly1 A!d the a! els 5ere 5ith the apostles si! i! " a!d reple!ished all the la!d 5ith mar6ellous s5eet!ess1 A!d the! all the people 5as mo6ed 5ith that s5eet melody" a!d issued hastily out of the city a!d e!<uired 5hat it 5as" a!d the! there 5ere some that said to them that -ary such a 5oma! is dead" a!d the disciples of her so! Jesu bear her a!d ma4e such melody as ye hear about her1 A!d the! ra! they to arms" a!d they 5ar!ed each other sayi! D Come a!d let us slay all the disciples" a!d let us bur! the body of her that bare this traitor1 A!d 5he! the pri!ce of priests sa5 that" he 5as all abashed a!d full of a! er" a!d saidD LoI here the taber!acle of him that troubled us a!d our li!ea e1 9ehold 5hat lory he !o5 recei6eth" a!d i! sayi! so" he laid his ha!ds o! the bier 5illi! to tur! it" a!d o6erthre5 it to the rou!d1 The! sudde!ly both his ha!ds 5a8ed dry a!d clea6ed to the bier" so that he hu! by the ha!ds o! the bier" a!d 5as sore torme!ted a!d 5ept a!d brayed1 A!d the a! els that 5ere there i! the clouds bli!ded all the other people that they sa5 !othi! 1 A!d the pri!ce of priests saidD S1 (eter" despise me !ot i! this tribulatio!" a!d I pray thee to pray for me to our Lord1 Thou ou htest to remember 5he! the chamberer" that 5as usher" accused thee" a!d I e8cused thee1 A!d S1 (eter said to himD ,e be !o5 empeshed i! the ser6ice of our Lady" a!d may !ot !o5 e!te!d to heal thee" but a!d if thou belie6est i! our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d i! this that bare him" I 5ee! a!d hope that thou soo! shalt ha6e health a!d be all 5hole1 A!d he a!s5eredD I belie6e our Lord Jesu Christ to be the So! of God" a!d that this is his ri ht holy mother" a!d a!o! his ha!ds 5ere loosed from the bier" but yet the dry!ess a!d the pai! ceased !ot i! him1 A!d the! S1 (eter said to himD 4iss the bier a!d sayD I belie6e i! God Jesu Christ that this 5oma! bare i! her belly" a!d remai!ed 6ir i! after the childi! 1 A!d 5he! he had so said" he 5as a!o! all 5hole perfectly1 A!d the! said (eter to himD Ta4e that palm of the ha!d of our brother Joh!" a!d lay it o! the people that be bli!d" a!d 5ho that 5ill belie6e shall recei6e his si ht a ai!1 A!d they that 5ill !ot belie6e shall !e6er see1 A!d the! the apostles bare -ary u!to the mo!ume!t a!d sat by it" li4e as our Lord had comma!ded" a!d at the third day Jesu Christ came 5ith a reat multitude of a! els a!d saluted them" a!d saidD (eace be 5ith you1 A!d they a!s5eredD God" lory be to thee 5hich o!ly ma4est the reat miracles a!d mar6els1 A!d our Lord said to the apostlesD ,hat is !o5 your ad6ice that I ou ht !o5 to do to my mother of ho!our a!d of raceE Sire" it seemeth to us thy ser6a!ts that li4e as thou hast 6a!<uished the death a!d rei !est 5orld 5ithout e!d" that thou raise also the body of thy mother a!d set it o! thy ri ht side i! perdurability1 A!d he ra!ted it1 A!d the! -ichael the a! el came a!d prese!ted the soul of -ary to our Lord1 A!d the Sa6iour spa4e a!d saidD Arise up" haste thee" my cul6er or do6e" taber!acle of lory" 6essel of life" temple celestial" a!d li4e as thou !e6er feltest co!cei6i! by !o!e atouchme!t" thou shalt !ot










suffer i! the sepulchre !o corruptio! of body1 A!d a!o! the soul came a ai! to the body of -ary" a!d issued loriously out of the tomb" a!d thus 5as recei6ed i! the hea6e!ly chamber" a!d a reat compa!y of a! els 5ith her1 A!d S1 Thomas 5as !ot there" a!d 5he! he came he 5ould !ot belie6e this1 A!d a!o! the irdle 5ith 5hich her body 5as irt came to him from the air" 5hich he recei6ed" a!d thereby he u!derstood that she 5as assumpt i!to hea6e!1 A!d all this heretofore is said a!d called apocryphum1 ,hereof S1 Jerome saith i! a sermo! to (aula a!d Eustochia her dau hterD That boo4 is said to be apocryphum" sa6e that some 5ords 5hich be 5orthy of faith a!d be appro6ed of sai!ts as touchi! !i!e thi! s" that is to 5it" that the comfort of the apostles 5as promised a!d i6e! to the 6ir i!" a!d that all the sai!ts assembled there" a!d that she died 5ithout pai!" a!d 5as buried i! the 6ale of Jehosaphat1 A!d there 5ere made ready the obse<uies a!d the de6otio! ot Jesu Christ" a!d the comi! of the celestial compa!y" a!d the persecutio! of the Je5s" a!d the shi!i! of the miracles" a!d that she 5as assumpt i!to hea6e!" body a!d soul1 9ut ma!y other thi! s be put there more at fa!tasy a!d simulatio! tha! at truth1 As that" that Thomas 5as !ot there" a!d 5he! he came he doubted" a!d other thi! s semblable" 5hich be better !ot to belie6e them tha! !ot to belie6e her clothes a!d 6estme!ts 5ere left i! her tomb" to the comfort of ood christia! me!1 A!d of o!e part of her 6estme!ts it is said there happed such a reat miracle as follo5eth1 ,he! the Du4e of Norma!dy had assie ed the city of Chartres" the bishop of the city too4 the coat of our Lady a!d set it o! the head of a spear li4e a ba!!er a!d 5e!t out a ai!st the e!emy surely" a!d the people follo5ed him1 A!d a!o! all the host of the e!emies 5ere tur!ed i!to fre!Hy" a!d 5ere bli!d a!d trembled" a!d all 5ere abashed1 A!d 5he! they of the city sa5 this thi! " abo6e the di6i!e demo!stra!ce they 5e!t o! ea erly a!d sle5 their e!emies" the 5hich thi! displeased much the 6ir i! S1 -ary" as it 5as pro6ed by that that her coat 6a!ished a5ay" a!d the du4e" their e!emy" fou!d it i! his lap1 It is read i! the re6elatio!s of S1 EliHabeth that" o! a time as she 5as ra6ished i! spirit" she sa5 i! a place much far from fol4 a tomb or a sepulchre e!6iro!ed 5ith much li ht" a!d 5as li4e the form of a 5oma! 5ithi!forth" a!d there 5as about it a reat multitude of a! els" a!d a little 5hile after she 5as ta4e! out of the sepulchre a!d bor!e up o! hi h 5ith that multitude1 A!d the! came a ai!st her a ma! beari! i! his ri ht arm the si ! of the cross" a!d had 5ith him ma!y a! els 5ithout !umber" 5hich recei6ed her much =oyously a!d led her 5ith reat melody i!to hea6e!1 A!d a little 5hile after" EliHabeth dema!ded of a! a! el to 5hom she spa4e oft" of that 6isio! that she sa51 It is sho5ed to thee" said the a! el" i! that 6isio! that" the Vir i! our Lady is assumpt i!to hea6e! as 5ell i! her body as i! her soul1 It is said i! the same re6elatio!s that it 5as sho5ed to her that the fortieth day after the soul departed from her body she 5as so assumpt i!to hea6e!" a!d also that 5he! our blessed Lady spa4e to her" she saidD After the Asce!sio! of our Lord a 5hole year" a!d as ma!y days more as be from the Asce!sio! u!to her assumptio!" she o6erli6ed1 A!d also she saidD All the apostles 5ere at my departi! " a!d buried my body ho!ourably" a!d forty days after 5as raised1 A!d the! S1 EliHabeth dema!ded of her 5hether she should hide this thi! " or that she should ma!ifest it a!d sho5 it1 A!d she saidD It is !ot to be sho5ed to fleshly !e u!belie6i! people" !e it is !ot to be hid to de6out a!d christia! people1 It is to be !oted that the lorious Vir i! -ary 5as assumpt a!d lifted up i!to hea6e! e!tirely =oyously a!d loriously1 She 5as recei6ed e!tirely" that is" 5holly" as the church belie6eth debo!airly" a!d that aflirm ma!y sai!ts" a!d e!force them to pro6e it by ma!y reaso!s1 A!d the reaso! of S1 9er!ard is such1 +e saith that God hath made the body of S1 (eter a!d S1 James so loriously to be ho!oured that he hath e!ha!ced them by mar6ellous ho!our" that to them is deputed place co!6e!able for to be 5orshipped1 a!d all the 5orld oeth to see4 a!d offer to them1 The! if the body of his blessed mother 5ere o! the earth" a!d !ot hau!ted by de6out 6isitatio! of christia! me!" it should be mar6el to hear that God 5ould !ot ha6e do!e as much 5orship to his mother" a!d ho!oured as much her body as the bodies of other sai!ts upo! the earth1 Jerome saith thus" that the Vir i! -ary mou!ted i!to hea6e! the ei htee!th cale!ds of September1 That 5hich he saith of the assumptio! of the body of -ary" the church 5ill rather debo!airly belie6e it" tha! rashly to e8plai! it" a!d he pro6ed it after5ard that it is to be belie6ed that they that arose 5ith our Lord ha6e accomplished their perdurable resurrectio!1 ,herefore should !ot 5e say the! that it is do!e i! the 9lessed Vir i! -ary1 A!d also ma!y belie6e that S1 Joh! the E6a! elist is lorified i! his flesh 5ith Jesu Christ7 a!d the! much more our Lady ou ht to be lorified i! hea6e!" both body a!d soul" 5hich saithD ,orship thy father a!d mother" a!d he came !ot to brea4 the la5 but to fulfil it" a!d therefore he ho!oureth his mother abo6e all other1 S1 Austi! affirmeth !ot this o!ly" but he pro6eth it by three reaso!s1 A!d the first reaso! is the u!ity a!d assembly of the flesh of our Lord a!d of our Lady" a!d saith thusD (utrefactio! a!d 5orms is the reproach of co!ditio! huma!" 5hich Jesus !e6er touched" a!d the flesh of Jesu is out of this reproof" the !ature of -ary is out thereof" for it is pro6ed that Jesu Christ
















hath ta4e! his flesh of her1 The seco!d reaso! is the di !ity of the body of her of 5hom himself saithD This is the sie e of God" the chamber of our Lord of hea6e!" a!d the taber!acle of Christ1 She is 5orthy to be 5here he is" so precious a treasure is more 5orthy to be 4ept i! hea6e! tha! i! earth1 The third reaso! is perfect e!tire!ess of her 6ir i!al flesh" a!d saith thusD E!=oy thou -ary of ho!ourable lad!ess i! body a!d i! soul1 I! thy proper so!" a!d by thy proper so!" thou ou htest to ha6e !o harm of corruptio!7 5here thou haddest !o corruptio! of 6ir i!ity i! childi! so reat a so!" so thou 5hom he e!dued 5ith so reat lory shouldst be al5ay 5ithout corruptio!" a!d li6e e!tirely" 5hich barest e!tire him that is perfect of all" a!d that she be 5ith him 5hom she bare i! her 5omb" a!d that she be at him 5hom she childed" a6e suc4 a!d !ourished1 -ary" mother of Jesu Christ" admi!istress a!d ser6a!t1 A!d because I may !o!e other thi! feel" I dare !o!e other5ise say !e presume1 A!d hereof saith a !oble 6ersifierD Tra!sit ad Fthera" 6ir o puerpera" 6ir ula Jesse" No! si!e corpore" sed si!e tempore" te!dit adesse1 The 6ir i! that childed mou!ted i!to hea6e!" the little rod of Jesse" !ot 5ithout body" but 5ithout time" she e!te!deth to be there" 6ir i! pure a!d !et1 Seco!dly" she 5as assumpt a!d ta4e! up ladly1 A!d hereof saith Gerard" bishop a!d martyr" i! his homilyD The hea6e!s recei6ed this day the 9lessed Vir i!" the a! els 5ere lad" the archa! els e!=oyed" the thro!es sa! " the domi!a!atio!s made melody" the pri!cipalities harmo!ised" the potestates harped" cherubim a!d seraphim sa! laudi! s a!d praisi! s" a!d bri! i! her 5ith tha!4i! s a!d lauds u!to the sie e of the di6i!e a!d so6erei ! ma=esty1 Thirdly" she 5as lifted up i! hea6e! so ho!ourably that" Jesu Christ himself" 5ith all the stre! th of the hea6e!ly compa!y" came a ai!st her1 Of 5hom S1 Jerome saithD ,ho is he that is sufficie!t to thi!4 ho5 the lorious <uee! of the 5orld 5e!t up this day" a!d ho5 the multitude of the celestial le io!s came a ai!st her 5ith reat tale!t of de6otio!" a!d 5ith 5hat so! s she 5as brou ht u!to her seat" a!d ho5 she 5as recei6ed of her so! a!d embraced 5ith peaceable cheer a!d clear face" a!d ho5 she 5as e!ha!ced abo6e all other creaturesE A!d yet he saithD It is o! this day that the chi6alry of hea6e! came hastily for to meet 5ith the mother of God" a!d e!6iro!ed her 5ith reat li ht" a!d brou ht her to her seat 5ith praisi! s a!d so! s spiritual1 A!d the! e!=oyed them the celestial compa!y of Jerusalem 5ith so reat lad!ess that !o ma! may recou!t !e tell" a!d made =oy a!d so! " all e!=oyi! i! charity because that this feast is e6ery year hallo5ed of us" a!d made co!ti!uous 5ith all others1 A!d it is to belie6e that the Sa6iour himself came a!d met 5ith her hastily" a!d brou ht her 5ith him" a!d set her i! her seat 5ith reat =oy1 A!d ho5 had he accomplished other5ise that 5hich he comma!ded i! the la5" sayi! D +o!our thy father a!d mother1 'ourthly" she 5as recei6ed e8celle!tly1 S1 Jerome saithD This is the day i! 5hich the Vir i! -ary" !ot corrupt" 5e!t u!to the hi h!ess of the thro!e" a!d she 5as there e!ha!ced i! the hea6e!ly 4i! dom a!d ho!oured loriously" sitti! !e8t u!to Christ1 A!d ho5 she is e!ha!ced i! the hea6e!ly lory" Gerard the bishop rehearseth i! his homilies" sayi! D Our Lord Jesu Christ alo!e may praise this blessed Vir i! his mother as he did" a!d ma !ify" so that she be co!ti!ually praised of that ma=esty" a!d ho!oured a!d e!6iro!ed of the compa!y of a! els" e!closed 5ith the turmes of archa! els" possessed of the thro!es a!d irt about of the domi!atio!s" e!6iro!ed 5ith the ser6ice of the potestates" beclipped 5ith the embraceme!ts of the pri!cipates" e!=oyed 5ith the ho!ours of the 6irtues" obeyed 5ith lauds a!d praisi! s of the cherubi!s" a!d possessed o! all parts 5ith !ot recou!table so! s of the seraphi!s1 A!d the o6er reat a!d i!effable Tri!ity e!=oyeth i! her perdurable lad!ess" a!d his race redou!deth all i! her a!d ma4eth all other to e!te!d a!d a5ait o! her1 The o6ershi!i! order of the apostles ho!our her 5ith i!effable laud1 The ho!ourable multitude of martyrs beseech her i! all ma!!er as o!e so reat a lady1 The fello5ship of co!fessors i!!umerable co!ti!ue their so! to her" the ri ht !oble a!d 5hite compa!y of 6ir i!s ma4e !oble carolli! of the lory of her1 +ell" full of malice" ho5leth" a!d the cursed de6ils cry u!to her a!d dread her1 There 5as a cler4" de6out u!to the 6ir i! -ary" 5hich studied e6ery day ho5 he mi ht comfort her a ai!st the pai! of the fi6e 5ou!ds of Jesu Christ" sayi! thusD 3e=oice thee 6ir i! a!d mother u!defouled" 5hich recei6es the =oy of the a! els" e!=oy that thou co!cei6edst" e!=oy thee that childedst the li ht of clear!ess" e!=oy thee mother 5hich !e6er 5ert touched" all features a!d all creatures praise thee mother of li ht" be thou for us al5ays prayi! to our Lord1 A!d as this cler4 had lai! lo! 5ith a! o6er reat sic4!ess" a!d came to5ard his e!d" he be a! to dread" a!d 5as troubled" a!d our blessed Lady appeared to him a!d saidD So!" 5herefore tremblest thou by so reat fear" 5hich hast so oft sho5ed to me =oyE 9e thou =oyful !o5 thyself" a!d that thou mayest e!=oy perdurably" come 5ith me1 There 5as a mo!4 much =olly a!d li ht of his li6i! but de6out to our Lady" 5hich o! a !i ht 5e!t to do his folly accustomed" but 5he! he passed before the altar of our Lady" he saluted the 6ir i!" a!d so 5e!t forth out of the church1 A!d as he should pass a ri6er he fell i!to the 5ater a!d dro5!ed" a!d the de6ils






too4 the soul1 The! came a! els for to deli6er it" a!d the de6ils said to themD ,herefore come ye hitherE ;e ha6e !othi! i! this soul1 A!d a!o! the 9lessed Vir i! came" a!d blamed them because they had ta4e! the soul 5hich 5as hers1 A!d they said that they had fou!d him fi!ishi! his life i! e6il 5or4s1 A!d she saidD It is false that ye say" I 4!o5 5ell that 5he! he 5e!t i!to a!y place he saluted me first" a!d 5he! he retur!ed a!d came a ai! also7 a!d if ye say that I do you 5ro! " let us put it a ai! i! =ud me!t of the so6erei ! 4i! 1 A!d 5he! they stro6e tofore our Lord of this matter" it pleased him that the soul should retur! a ai! to the body a!d repe!t him of his si!s a!d trespasses1 A!d the! the brethre! sa5 that the mati!s 5ere o6er lo! deferred" a!d sou ht the se8to!" a!d 5e!t to the ri6er a!d fou!d him there dro5!ed1 A!d 5he! they had dra5! the body out of the 5ater 5hat they should do they 5ist !ot" a!d mar6elled 5hat he had do!e7 a!d sudde!ly he came a ai! to life" a!d told 5hat he had do!e" a!d after fi!ished his life i! ood 5or4s1 There 5as a 4!i ht 5hich 5as mi hty a!d rich" that dispe!ded follily his oods" a!d came to so reat a po6erty that he 5hich had bee! accustomed to i6e lar ely reat thi! s" had !eed to dema!d a!d as4 the small1 A!d he had a ri ht chaste 5ife" a!d much de6out to the blessed Vir i! -ary1 A!d a reat solem!ity approached" at 5hich the 4!i ht 5as accustomed to i6e ma!y ifts1 A!d he had !othi! to i6e" 5hereof he 5as reatly ashamed1 A!d he 5e!t i!to place desert" full of hea6i!ess" a!d of 5eepi! " so lo! that the feast 5as passed" for to 5ail there his e6il fortu!e a!d for to esche5 shame1 A!d a!o! a 4!i ht" much horrible" came" sitti! o! a! horse" 5hich arreaso!ed the 4!i ht a!d e!<uired of him the cause of his reat hea6i!ess1 A!d he told him all by order that as 5as happed to him1 A!d this foul 4!i ht said to himD If thou 5ilt a little obey to me" thou shalt abou!d i! lory a!d i! riches more tha! thou 5ert tofore1 A!d he promised to the de6il that he 5ould do so ladly if he accomplished that he promised1 A!d the! he said to himD Go home i!to thi!e house" a!d thou shalt fi!d i! such a place there" so much old a!d so much sil6er1 A!d thou shalt fi!d there also precious sto!es" a!d do so much that such a day thou bri! me hither thy 5ife1 A!d the 4!i ht retur!ed home i!to his house" a!d fou!d all thi! s li4e as the de6il had promised1 A!d a!o! he bou ht a palace a!d a6e reat ifts" a!d bou ht a ai! his herita e" a!d too4 his me! a ai! to him1 A!d the day approached 5hich he had promised to lead his 5ife to the fie!d" a!d called her" sayi! D Let us o to horsebac4" for ye must come 5ith me u!to a place far he!ce1 A!d she trembled a!d 5as afeard" a!d durst !ot ai!say the comma!dme!t of her husba!d1 A!d she comme!ded herself de6outly to the 9lessed Vir i!" a!d be a! to ride after her husba!d1 A!d 5he! they had ridde! a ood 5hile they sa5 i! the 5ay a church" a!d she desce!ded from the horse a!d e!tered i!to the church1 +er husba!d abode 5ithout1 A!d as she comme!ded herself de6outly to the 9lessed Vir i! -ary i! reat de6otio! a!d co!templatio!" she sudde!ly slept" a!d the lorious 6ir i! did o! semblable habit of this lady a!d departed from the altar a!d issued out a!d mou!ted upo! the horse1 A!d the lady abode sleepi! i! the church" a!d the 4!i ht 5ee!ed that she had bee! his 5ife that 5as 5ith him" a!d 5e!t al5ays forth1 A!d 5he! he 5as come to the place assi !ed" the de6il came 5ith a reat rese to the place" a!d 5he! he approached a!d came !ear" he <ua4ed a!d trembled a!o! a!d durst o !o !earer1 The! said he to the 4!i htD Thou most traitor of all me!" 5herefore hast thou decei6ed me" a!d hast re!dered to me harm for such reat ood as I ha6e i6e! to theeE I said to thee that thou shouldst bri! thy 5ife to me" a!d thou hast brou ht the mother of God1 I 5ould ha6e thy 5ife" a!d thou hast brou ht to me -ary1 'or thy 5ife hath do!e to me ma!y i!=uries" 5herefore I 5ould ta4e o! her 6e! ea!ce1 A!d thou hast brou ht to me this for to torme!t me" a!d for to se!d me to hell1 A!d 5he! the 4!i ht heard this he 5as sore abashed" a!d mi ht !ot hold him from 5eepi! " !e durst !ot spea4 for dread a!d mar6el1 A!d the! the 9lessed -ary saidD Thou felo! spirit" by 5hat folly dost thou 5ill to rie6e a!d a!!oy my de6out ser6a!tE This shall !ot be left i! thee u!pu!ished1 I bi!d thee i! this se!te!ce" that thou desce!d i!to hell" a!d that thou he!ceforth ha6e !o presumptio! to rie6e !o!e that call upo! me1 A!d the! he 5e!t a5ay 5ith reat ho5li! 1 A!d the ma! spra! do5! from his horse a!d 4!eeled do5! o! his 4!ees to her feet1 A!d the Vir i! our Lady blamed him" a!d comma!ded him to retur! a ai! to his 5ife" 5hich yet slept i! the church" a!d bade him that he should cast a5ay all the riches of the de6il1 A!d 5he! he came a ai! he fou!d his 5ife yet sleepi! " a!d a5o4e her" a!d told to her all that 5as befalle!1 A!d 5he! they 5ere come home they thre5 a5ay all the riches of the de6il" a!d d5elled al5ay i! the loui! s of our Lady" a!d recei6ed after5ard ma!y riches that our Lady a6e to them1 There 5as a ma! 5hich 5as ra6ished i! =ud me!t tofore God" for he had much si!!ed" a!d the de6il 5as there a!d saidD ;e ha6e !othi! o! this soul" but it ou ht to be mi!e" for I ha6e thereof a! i!strume!t public1 To 5hom our Lord saidD ,here is thi!e i!strume!tE I ha6e" he said" a! i!strume!t that thou saidest 5ith thy proper mouth a!d hast ordai!ed it for to e!dure perpetually1 'or thou saidest i! 5hat hour















that ye eat of it ye shall die" a!d this is of the li!ea e of them that too4 of the meat forbidde!1 A!d by ri ht of this i!strume!t public he ou ht to be =ud ed to me1 A!d the! our Lord saidD Let the ma! spea4" but the ma! spa4e !ot1 A!d the de6il said yet a ai!D The soul is mi!e" for if he hath do!e a!y ood deeds" the 5ic4ed deeds pass the ood 5ithout compariso!1 A!d the! our Lord 5ould !ot a!o! i6e se!te!ce a ai!st him" so that he a6e him term of ei ht days" so that at the e!d of ei ht days he should appear a ai! tofore him" a!d i6e accou!t of all these thi! s1 A!d as he 5e!t from the 6isa e of our Lord" sorro5i! a!d trembli! " he met 5ith a ma! 5hich as4ed the cause of his hea6i!ess1 A!d he told to him all by order" a!d he said to himD Doubt thee !othi! " !e be !ot afeard" for I shall help thee ma!ly from the first1 A!d he dema!ded of him his !ame" a!d he saidD Verity1 A!d after he fou!d a!other 5hich pro!ou!ced to help him for the seco!d1 A!d 5he! he had as4ed his !ame" he said his !ame 5as 3i hteous!ess1 At the ei hth day he came to the doom tofore the =ud e" a!d the de6il opposed to him the first case" a!d Truth a!s5ered a!d saidD ,e 4!o5 5ell that there is double death" corporal a!d i!fer!al" a!d this i!strume!t that the de6il alle eth a ai!st thee spea4eth !o 5ord of the death of hell" but of the death of the body" a!d of that it is clear that all me! be e!closed i! that se!te!ce" that is to 5it that he dieth i! his body" a!d that is !ot the death of hell1 A!d as touchi! the death of the body" the se!te!ce e!dureth al5ays" but as to the death of the soul" it is repealed by the death of Jesu Christ1 The! the de6il sa5 that he 5as dischar ed of the first1 The! he opposed a!d alle ed the seco!d" but 3i hteous!ess came a!d a!s5ered thusD +o5beit that he hath bee! thy ser6a!t ma!y years" !e6ertheless reaso! ai!sayeth it1 'or reaso! murmured al5ays because he ser6ed so cruel a lord1 9ut at the third ob=ectio!" he had !o!e help" a!d our Lord saidD 9ri! forth the bala!ce" a!d let all the ood a!d e6il be 5ei hed7 a!d the! Truth a!d 3i hteous!ess said to the si!!er" 3u! 5ith all thy thou ht u!to the Lady of mercy 5hich sitteth by the =ud e" a!d study to call her to thi!e help1 A!d 5he! he had so do!e" the 9lessed Vir i! -ary came i! to his help a!d laid her ha!d upo! the bala!ce 5hereas 5ere but fe5 ood deeds1 A!d the de6il e!forced him to dra5 o! that other side" but the mother of mercy 5o! a!d obtai!ed a!d deli6ered the si!!er1 A!d the! he came a ai! to himself a!d ame!ded his life1 It happed i! the city of 9our es" about the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:se6e!" that 5he! the christia! me! 5ere commu!ed a!d houseled o! a! Easter day" a child of a Je5 5e!t to the altar 5ith the other childre!" a!d recei6ed our Lord>s body 5ith the others1 A!d 5he! he came home" his father dema!ded him 5he!ce he came" a!d he a!s5ered that he came from school" a!d that he had bee! houseled 5ith them at mass1 A!d the! the father full of 5ood!ess too4 the child a!d thre5 him i!to a bur!i! fur!ace that 5as there1 A!d a!o! the mother of God came i! the form of a! ima e" 5hich the child had see! sta!di! o! the altar" a!d 4ept him from the fire 5ithout ta4i! a!y harm1 A!d the mother of the child" 5ith her reat cryi! " made to assemble ma!y christia! me! a!d Je5s" the 5hich sa5 the child i! the fur!ace 5ithout a!y harm or hurt" a!d dre5 him out" a!d dema!ded him ho5 he escaped" a!d he a!s5ered a!d saidD That re6ere!d lady 5hich stood upo! the altar came a!d helped me" a!d put a5ay all the fire from me1 The! the christia! me!" u!dersta!di! this to be the ima e of our Lady" too4 the father of the child a!d thre5 him i!to the fur!ace" 5hich i!co!ti!e!t 5as bur!t a!d co!sumed1 There 5ere certai! mo!4s tofore day sta!di! by a ri6er" a!d tal4ed a!d =a! led there of fables a!d idle 5ords1 A!d they heard a reat ro5i! a!d oars beati! the 5ater comi! hastily1 A!d the mo!4s as4ed" ,ho be yeE A!d they saidD ,e be de6ils that bear to hell the soul of Ebro!ie!" pro6ost of the house of the 4i! of 'ra!ce" 5hich 5as apostate i! the mo!astery of S1 Gall1 A!d 5he! the mo!4s heard that they doubted stro! ly" a!d cried hi hD S1 -ary" pray for usI A!d the de6ils saidD ,ell ha6e ye called -ary" for 5e 5ould ha6e dis=oi!ed you a!d ha6e dro5!ed you because of your dissolute a!d out of time =a! li! 1 A!d the! the mo!4s retur!ed to their co!6e!t" a!d the de6ils 5e!t i! to hell1 There 5as a 5oma! that suffered ma!y riefs a!d i!=uries of a de6il 5hich appeared 6isibly to her i! the form of a ma!" a!d she sou ht ma!y remedies" !o5 holy 5ater" !o5 o!e thi! " !o5 a!other" but he ceased !ot1 A!d the! a holy ma! cou!selled her that" 5he! he came to her that she should lift up her ha!ds to hea6e! a!d cryD S1 -ary" help meI A!d 5he! she had so do!e" the de6il fled all afraid as he had bee! smitte! 5ith a sto!e" a!d after stood a!d saidD The cursed de6il e!ter i!to his mouth that tau ht thee that" a!d a!o! 6a!ished a5ay a!d !e6er came a ai!1 Here followeth yet of the A u%&tio# of our /le ed Lady"







The ma!!er of the assumptio! of the ri ht holy Vir i! -ary" is sho5ed i! a sermo! made a!d ordai!ed of di6ers sayi! s of sai!ts" the 5hich is read solem!ly i! ma!y churches" a!d therei! is co!tai!ed all that I ca! fi!d i! the 5orld" i! !arratio!s of holy fathers" of the departi! out of this life of the lorious 6ir i!












-ary" mother of God" that I ha6e set here to the loui! a!d praisi! of her1 S1 Cosmo" 5hich had to sur!ame Vestitor" saith he hath lear!ed of his fore oers 5hich did that ou ht !ot to be for otte!" a!d saith that Jesu Christ ordai!ed a!d disposed the life of his mother to be fi!ished1 +e se!t a! a! el accustomed" 5hich sho5ed to her tofore the demo!stra!ce of her departi! " that the death should !ot come sudde!ly a!d i6e to her tribulatio!1 A!d she had prayed him" her so!" face to face" 5he! he 5as here i! earth" that she should !ot see a!y 5ic4ed spirit1 +e se!t the! to her the a! el tofore 5ith these 5ordsD It is time to ta4e my mother 5ith me" a!d thus as thou hast reple!ished the earth 5ith =oy" so ma4e hea6e! to e!=oy1 Thou shalt re!der the ma!sio!s of my father =oyous1 A!d thou shalt comfort the spirits of my sai!ts1 9e !ot thou 5roth to lea6e the 5orld corruptible 5ith his co6etises" but ta4e the celestial palace1 -other" be !ot afeard to be ta4e! from thy flesh" thou that art called to the life perdurable" to =oy 5ithout faili! " to the rest of peace" to sure co!6ersatio!" to refectio! !ot recordable" to li ht !ot <ue!chable" to day !ot e6e!i! " to lory !ot recou!table" to myself" thy so!" ma4er of all thi! s" for I am life perdurable" lo6e !ot corruptible" habitatio! !ot recordable" li ht 5ithout dar4!ess" bou!ty !ot estimable1 Gi6e to the earth 5ithout trembli! that 5hich is his1 No!e shall ra6ish thee out of mi!e ha!ds" for i! my ha!ds be all the e!ds of the 5orld7 deli6er to me thy body" for I ha6e put i! thee my deity or odhead1 The death shall !e6er ha6e =oy o! thee" for thou hast bor!e the 6ery li ht7 brea4i! !e destructio! shall !ot e!6iro! thee" for thou hast deser6ed to be my 6essel1 Come thou a!o! to him 5hich is bor! of thee for to recei6e the uerdo!s of the 5omb of the mother" a!d the re5ard of thy mil4 for my meat1 Come !o5 fast" a!d haste thee to =oi! thee to me" thi!e o!ly so!1 I 4!o5 5ell thou shalt !ot be co!strai!ed for the lo6e of a!other so! rather tha! of me that sho5eth thee 6ir i! a!d mother1 I sho5 thee a 5all of steadfast faith" thou art a! arch of sal6atio!" a brid e to them that fleet" a staff to the feeble" a ladder to them that o up a!d mou!t to hea6e!" the most debo!air ad6ocate for si!!ers1 I shall bri! the apostles to thee" of 5hom thou shalt be buried ri ht of their ha!ds" for it appertai!eth to my spiritual childre! of li ht" to 5hom I ha6e i6e! the +oly Ghost to bury thy body" a!d that they accomplish i! thy perso! the ser6ice of thy mar6ellous departi! out of the earth1 A!d after that the a! el had recou!ted these thi! s" he a6e to our Lady a bou h of palm" se!t from the pla!t of paradise" i! to4e! of the 6ictory a ai!st the corruptio! of death a!d clothes of immortality" a!d 5he! he had said" he styed up i!to hea6e! from 5he!ce he came from1 The! the 9lessed Vir i! -ary assembled her !ei hbours a!d said to themD I let you 5it certai!ly that I am at the e!d of my temporal life" a!d shall hastily depart7 5herefore it beho6eth that ye 5a4e" for to e6ery each that shall pass out of this 5orld" come ladly ood a! els a!d 5ic4ed spirits1 A!d 5he! they heard this they be a! to 5eep a!d sayD Thou doubtest the si ht of the spirits" 5hich hast deser6ed to be mother of the ma4er of all thi! s" a!d barest him that robbed hell" 5hich hast deser6ed to ha6e the seat abo6e Cherubi! a!d Seraphi!" ho5 shall 5e do the!E A!d 5hither shall 5e fleeE A!d there 5ere a reat multitude of 5ome! 5eepi! " a!d said that she should !ot lea6e them orpha!s1 A!d the 9lessed Vir i!" our Lady" said i! comforti! themD ;e that be mothers of so!s corruptible" may !ot 5ell suffer to be a little 5hile the!ce from your childre!" ho5 the! ou ht !ot I to desire to o to my so!" 5hich am mother a!d 6ir i!" a!d he is o!ly so! of God the 'ather1 A!d if ye or a!y of ye had but o!e so!" ye 5ould desire to see him a!d be comforted i! the li!ea e of him" a!d I the!" that am !ot corrupt" 5herefore should !ot I be desirous to see him 5hich is life of all creaturesE A!d 5hilst they spa4e these thi! s" the blessed S1 Joh!" the E6a! elist" came a!d i!<uired ho5 the matter 5e!t" a!d the! 5he! our Lady had told to him of her hasty departi! " he fell do5! stretched to the earth" a!d said" 5ith 5eepi! tearsD O Lord" 5hat be 5eE ,herefore se!dest thou to us so ma!y tribulatio!sE ,hy hast thou !ot erst ta4e! a5ay the soul from my body" a!d that I had bee! better 6isited of thy blessed mother" tha! I should come to her departi! E A!d the! the 9lessed Vir i! led him 5eepi! i!to her chamber" a!d sho5ed to him the palm a!d the 6estme!ts 5hich the a! el had brou ht" a!d after" laid her do5! i! her bed for to be there till her passi! 1 A!d a!o! after came a reat !oise of thu!der" a!d a 5hirl5i!d brou ht a cloud 5hiter tha! s!o5" i! 5hich the apostles 5ere brou ht tofore the ate of our 9lessed Lady" li4e as it had rai!ed" so fell they do5! o!e after a!other1 A!d as they mar6elled of this thi! " Joh! came to them a!d told to them 5hat the a! el had sho5ed to our Lady1 A!d the! they all 5ept a!d S1 Joh! comforted them" a!d the! they dried their eyes a!d e!tered i! to the 9lessed Vir i!" a!d saluted her ho!ourably a!d adored" a!d she said to themD -y dear childre!" God" my so!" 4eep you all1 A!d 5he! they had told to her of their comi! " she said to them all their estate" a!d the apostles saidD 3i ht ho!ourable Lady a!d Vir i!" 5e" i! beholdi! thee" be reatly comforted" li4e as 5e should be i! our Lord a!d master" a!d 5e ha6e o!ly comfort i! oursel6es because 5e hope that thou shalt be mediatri8 for us u!to God1 A!d the! she saluted (aul by !ameD God sa6e thee" e8positor of my comfort" ho5beit that thou hast !ot see! Jesu Christ i! his flesh1 Ne6ertheless I am comforted" said S1 (aul" that I may see thee i! the flesh1 A!d u!to this day I ha6e preached to the people that thou hast bor!e Jesu Christ1 A!d !o5 I shall preach that thou art bor!e up to hea6e! to him1 A!d after" the Vir i! sho5ed to

him that 5hich the a! el had brou ht" a!d 5ar!ed them that the li hts should !ot be put out till that she 5ere departed" a!d there 5ere t5o hu!dred a!d t5e!ty tapers1 A!d the! she clad her 5ith the cloth of mortality a!d saluted them all" a!d ordai!ed her body to abide i! her bed u!to her issue a!d departi! 1 A!d (eter stood at the head" a!d Joh! at the feet" a!d the other apostles 5ere about the bed" a!d a6e laud to the 6ir i! mother of God1 A!d the! (eter be a! the so! a!d saidD E!=oy thou spouse of God i! the chambers celestial" thou ca!dlestic4 of li ht 5ithout dar4!ess" by thee is sho5ed the e6erlasti! li ht a!d clear!ess1 The blessed archbishop of Co!sta!ti!ople 5it!esseth that all the apostles 5ere assembled at the passi! of the blessed Vir i! -ary" the ri ht s5eet mother of God" sayi! thusD 9lessed Lady" mother of God" thou that hast recei6ed of the !ature huma! the death 5hich may !ot be esche5ed" yet shalt thou !ot sleep" !e the eye shall !ot slumber that 4eepeth thee1 Thy departi! he!ce !e thy dormitio! shall !ot be 5ithout 5it!ess1 The hea6e!s recou!t the lory of them that sa! o6er thee i! earth" a!d of them shall the truth be sho5ed1 The clouds cry to thee ho!our" a!d to him that mi!istereth to thee1 The a! els shall preach the ser6ice of life do!e i! thee by the apostles 5hich 5ere assembled 5ith thee i! Jerusalem1 A!d S1 De!is" Areopa ite" 5it!esseth the same" sayi! D ,e" as I 4!o5 5ell" a!d they a!d ma!y of our brethre!" 5ere assembled for to see the body of her that bare God1 A!d James" the brother of God" a!d (eter" the ri ht !oble a!d so6erei ! of theolo ia!s" 5ere prese!t1 A!d after" it pleased them that" after this 6isio!" all the so6erei ! priests sa! loui! s after that each of them had co!cei6ed i! his thou ht of the bou!ty of her1 A!d S1 Cosmo" i! follo5i! the !arratio!" saithD A!d after this a reat thu!der 4!oc4ed at the house 5ith so reat a! odour of s5eet!ess" that 5ith the s5eet spirit the house 5as reple!ished" i! such 5ise that all they that 5ere there sa6e the apostles" a!d three 6ir i!s 5hich held the li hts" slept1 The! our Lord came 5ith a reat multitude of a! els a!d too4 the soul of his mother" a!d the soul of her sho!e by so reat li ht that !o!e of the apostles mi ht behold it1 A!d our Lord said to S1 (eterD 9ury the corpse of my mother 5ith reat re6ere!ce" a!d 4eep it there three days dili e!tly" a!d I shall the! come a ai!" a!d tra!sport her u!to hea6e! 5ithout corruptio!" a!d shall clothe her of the semblable clear!ess of myself7 that 5hich I ha6e ta4e! of her" a!d that 5hich she hath ta4e! of me" shall be assembled to ether a!d accord1 That same S1 Cosmo rehearseth a dreadful a!d mar6ellous mystery of disse!sio! !atural a!d of curious i!<uisitio!1 'or all thi! s that be said of the lorious 6ir i!" mother of God" be mar6ellous abo6e !ature a!d be more to doubt tha! to e!<uire1 'or 5he! the soul 5as issued out of the body" the body said these 5ordsD Sire" I tha!4 thee that I am 5orthy of thy race7 remember thee of me" for I !e am but a thi! fai!t" a!d ha6e 4ept that 5hich thou deli6eredst me1 A!d the! the other a5o4e a!d sa5 the body of the 6ir i! 5ithout soul" a!d the! be a! stro! ly to 5eep a!d 5ere hea6y a!d sorro5ful1 A!d the! the apostles too4 up the body of the 9lessed Vir i! a!d bare it to the mo!ume!t" a!d 1S1 (eter be a! the psalmD I! e8itu Israel de E ypto" a!d the! the compa!ies of a! els a6e loui! s a!d praisi! s to the 6ir i! i! such 5ise that all Jerusalem 5as mo6ed for that reat =oy" so that the so6erei ! priests se!t reat multitude of people 5ith lai6es a!d sta6es" a!d o!e of them" i! a reat fury" came to the bier a!d 5ould ha6e thro5! it do5! 5ith the body of the blessed mother of God1 A!d because that he e!forced him so maliciously to touch a!d dra5 do5! the corpse" he lost his ha!ds by his deser6i! " for both his ha!ds 5ere cut off by the 5rists a!d hu! o! the bier" a!d he 5as torme!ted by horrible sorro5" a!d he re<uired pardo! a!d promised ame!ds1 A!d S1 (eter said to himD Thou mayst i! !o 5ise ha6e pardo! if thou 4iss !ot the bier of the 9lessed Vir i!" a!d that thou co!fess also Jesu Christ the So! of God to be formed i! her1 A!d the!" 5he! he had so do!e his ha!ds 5ere =oi!ed a ai! to his 5rists" a!d 5as all 5hole1 The! S1 (eter too4 a leaf of the palm a!d a6e it to him a!d saidD Go i! to the city a!d lay it o! them that be sic4" a!d they that 5ill belie6e shall recei6e health1 A!d the! 5he! the apostles came to the Vale of Jehosaphat" they fou!d a sepulchre li4e u!to the sepulchre of our Lord" a!d laid therei! the body 5ith reat re6ere!ce" but they durst !ot touch it" 5hich 5as the ri ht holy 6essel of God" but the sudary i! 5hich she 5as 5rapped" a!d laid it i! the sepulchre1 A!d as the apostles 5ere about the sepulchre after the comma!dme!t of our Lord" at the third day" a cloud much bri ht e!6iro!ed the sepulchre" a!d the 6oice of a! els 5as heard sou!d s5eetly a!d a mar6ellous odour 5as felt s5eet smelli! 1 A!d 5he! our Lord 5as come a!d see! desce!ded there1 all 5ere mar6ellously abashed" a!d he bare the body 5ith him of the 9lessed Vir i! 5ith much reat lory1 A!d the! the apostles 4issed the sepulchre a!d retur!ed i!to the house of S1 Joh! E6a! elist i! praisi! him as 4eeper a!d uard of so !oble a 6ir i!1 A!d !ot5ithsta!di! " o!e of the apostles failed at this reat solem!ity" a!d 5he! he heard so reat miracles" he mar6elled a!d re<uired 5ith reat desire that her sepulchre mi ht be ope!ed for to 4!o5 the truth of all these thi! s1 A!d the apostles de!ied it to him1 All said that it ou ht e!ou h to suffice the 5it!ess of so reat perso!s" to the e!d that lest perad6e!ture the misbelie6ed me! should say that the body 5ere stole! a5ay or dra5! by















theft1 A!d he the!" 5hich 5as a! ry" saidD ,hy defe!d ye to me that 5hich am semblable to you i! your commo! treasuresE A!d at the last they ope!ed the sepulchre a!d fou!d !ot the body" but they fou!d o!ly but the 6estme!ts" a!d the sudary1 S1 Germai!" Archbishop of Co!sta!ti!ople" saith that he fou!d 5ritte! i! the +istory Euthimiata i! the third boo4 of the fortieth chapter" a!d the same 5it!esseth the reat Damasce!e" that as the !oble empress +ele! i! mi!d of holy church had made ma!y churches i! Co!sta!ti!ople" amo! all other she edified i! the time of -arcia! the emperor at 9alther!as a mar6ellous church i! the ho!our of the Vir i! -ary" a!d called Ju6e!al archbishop of Jerusalem a!d all the other bishops of (alesti!e 5hich d5elled the! i! the city royal for the ce!e 5hich had bee! holde! i! Chalcedo!" a!d she said to themD ,e ha6e heard say that the body of the ri ht holy 6ir i! our Lady is i! such a place" i! such a tomb i! the Vale of Jehosaphat7 5e 5ill the! that for the uard of this city" that the body of that 9lessed Vir i! be tra!sported hither 5ith due ho!our a!d re6ere!ce1 A!d Ju6e!al a!s5ered to her" li4e as he had fou!d i! a!cie!t histories" that the body 5as bor!e i!to lory" a!d 5as !ot i! the mo!ume!t" for there 5as !othi! left but the 6estme!ts a!d the sudary o!ly1 A!d those 6estme!ts Ju6e!al se!t the! i!to Co!sta!ti!ople" a!d 5ere there laid ho!ourably1 A!d let !o ma! 5ee! that I ha6e made this of my proper head a!d e! i!e" but I ha6e set it here 5hich I ha6e by doctri!e a!d study lear!ed of the lesso! of them" 5hich by traditio! a!d lear!i! of their fore oers ha6e recei6ed it1 A!d hitherto e!dure the 5ords of the said sermo!1 3et of the A u%&tio# of our /le ed Lady"

Verily Joh! Damasce!e" 5hich for the time 5as a Gree4" saith ma!y mar6ellous thi! s of the assumptio! of the ri ht holy a!d lorious Vir i! -ary1 'or he saith i! his sermo!s that" this day the ri ht holy a!d sumptuous ar4 5hich bare 5ithi! her her ma4er 5as brou ht a!d set i! the temple 5hich 5as !ot made of ha!ds1 O! this day the ri ht holy cul6er or do6e" i!!oce!t a!d simple" fled from the ar4" that is to say from the body i! 5hich God recei6ed a!d fou!d rest1 O! this day the 6ir i! that co!cei6ed" !ot 4!o5i! the passio!s earthly" but i!duced by the e!te!deme!ts celestial shall !ot fail" but shall be called 6ery hea6e!" soul d5elli! i! the celestial taber!acles1 A!d ho5beit that the ri ht holy soul be separate from her blessed body" a!d that her body 5as laid i! sepulchre" !e6ertheless it is !ot dead" !e shall !ot be corrupt by rotti! " that is to 5it" the body of 5hom" childi! " the 6ir i!ity remai!ed 5ithout a!y hurti! or dissolutio!" a!d is tra!sported to better a!d more holy life 5ithout corruptio! of death for to remai! i! the taber!acles perdurable1 A!d li4e as the su! shi!i! clear other 5hile" is hid a!d appeareth faili! a short time" yet she hath !othi! lost of her li ht" but i! herself is the fou!tai! of li ht perdurable1 A!d thou art the fou!tai! of li ht 5ithout 5asti! " the treasure of life" ho5beit that by short i!ter6al or space of time thou shalt be brou ht to corporal death" !e6ertheless thou i6est to us" abu!da!tly" clear!ess of li ht 5ithout default" a!d thy holy dormitio! or sleepi! is !ot called death" but a passi! or departi! " or more properly a comi! " for thou departi! from the body camest to hea6e!" a!d Jesu Christ" a! els a!d archa! els" a!d all the hea6e!ly compa!y came to meet thee1 The foul a!d dam!ed spirits doubt much thy !oble a!d e8celle!t comi! " a!d thou" blessed a!d lorious 6ir i! thou 5e!test !ot to hea6e! as did Eli=ah" a!d thou mou!tedst !ot as (aul did u!to the third hea6e! o!ly" but thou camest a!d touchedst the sie e royal of thy so!1 The death of other sai!ts may 5ell be said death" for that death ma4eth them blessed" but he hath !o place i! thee1 'or thy death !e thy tra!smi ratio! or thy perfectio!" or thy departi! " ma4eth thee !ot !e i6eth thee surety to be blessed" for thou art be i!!i! " middle a!d e!d of all 5eals a!d oods" 5hich e8ceed thou ht huma!1 Thy surety" thy 6ery perfectio!" a!d thy co!ceptio! 5ithout seed" a!d thy di6i!e habitatio! ha6e made thee blessed7 5hereof thou saidest thyself that" thou art !ot made blessed by thy death" but of thy co!ceptio! i! all e!eratio!s1 A!d death hath !ot made thee blessed" but thou hast e!!oblished the death i! ta4i! a5ay the hea6i!ess a!d sorro5 thereof" co!6erti! it i!to =oy1 'or God saidD Lest perad6e!ture the first form of ma!" that is to 5it Adam" put forth his ha!d" a!d ta4e of the tree of life" a!d li6e perdurably" ho5 the! shall !ot she li6e i! hea6e! perdurably that bare this life 5hich is perdurable a!d 5ithout e!dE Sometime God putteth out of (aradise the first pare!ts 5hich slept i! the death of si!" buried from the be i!!i! of i!obedie!ce a!d lutto!y" a!d !o5 she that hath bor!e life to all huma! li!ea e" a!d 5as obedie!t to God the 'ather" a!d put a5ay from her all ordure of si!" ho5 shall !ot she be i! hea6e!E ,herefore should !ot she e!=oy the ates of hea6e!E E6e stretched her ear to the serpe!t" of 5hom she too4 the 6e!om mortal" a!d because she did it for deli ht" she 5as subdued to beari! a!d bri! i! forth childre! i! sorro5 a!d pai!" a!d 5as co!dem!ed 5ith Adam1 9ut this 9lessed Vir i! that i!cli!ed her ear to the 5ord of God" 5hom the +oly Ghost reple!ished" 5hich bare i! her 5omb the mercy of the 'ather7 5hich co!cei6ed 5ithout 4!o5led e of ma!" a!d childed 5ithout pai! a!d sorro5" ho5 durst death s5allo5 herE +o5 mi ht

















a!ythi! ha6e corruptio! that bare lifeE A!d yet saith the said Damasce!e i! his sermo!sD Verily the apostles 5ere departed throu h the 5orld i! all cou!tries a!d e!te!ded to preachi! to me!" a!d to dra5 them out of the deep dar4!ess by o!e holy 5ord" a!d brou ht them to the table celestial a!d to the solem! espousals of God1 A!d the! the di6i!e comma!dme!t" 5hich is a !et or cloud" brou ht them from all the parts of the 5orld i!to Jerusalem" i! assembli! them bet5ee! his 5i! s1 A!d the! Adam a!d E6e our first pare!ts criedD Come to us" ri ht holy a!d 5holesome celyer" 5hich fulfillest our desire1 A!d the compa!y of sai!ts 5hich 5as there" said a ai!D 3emai! 5ith us our comfort a!d lea6e us !ot orpheli!s" thou art the comfort of our tra6ails" refreshi! of our s5eati! s" that if thou li6e it is to us a lorious thi! to li6e 5ith thee" a!d if thou die" it is lorious to us to die 5ith thee1 +o5 should 5e be i! this life" a!d shall be destitute of the prese!ce of thy life1 A!d" as I suppose" such thi! s a!d semblable said the apostles 5ith reat ple!ty of them of the church" 5ith reat 5aili! s a!d si hs i! complai!i! them from the departi! 1 A!d she" retur!i! to5ards her so!" saidD Sire" I pray thee to be 6ery comforter to my so!s 5hom it pleased thee to call brethre!" 5hich be hea6y a!d sorro5ful of my departi! 1 A!d 5ith that I shall bless them 5ith my ha!d" i6e to them thy blessi! upo! my blessi! 1 A!d the! she stretched out her ha!d" a!d blessed all the colle e of ood christia! me!" a!d the! said afterD Lord" I comme!d my spirit i!to thy ha!ds" recei6e my soul" thy lo6e" 5hich thou hast 4ept 5ithout blame of si! to thyself1 A!d I comme!d my body to the earth for to 4eep it 5hole" or 5here it shall please thee to e!habit it" tra!sport me to thee" so 5here thou art the i!fa!tme!t or fruit of my 5omb that I be d5elli! 5ith thee1 All these 5ords heard the apostles1 The! said our LordD Arise up" my belo6ed" a!d come to me1 O thou most fair amo! 5ome!" my lo6e" thou art fair" a!d !o spot of filth is i! thee1 A!d 5he! the ri ht 9lessed Vir i! heard that" she comme!ded her spirit i!to the ha!ds of her so!1 The! the apostles 5ere bede5ed 5ith tears" a!d 4issed the taber!acle1 A!d by the blessi! a!d holi!ess of the holy body" 5hosoe6er touched the bier de6outly 5ere healed of 5hatsoe6er sic4!ess they had1 De6ils 5ere chased from demo!iacs" the air a!d the hea6e! 5ere purified by the assumptio! of the soul" a!d the earth by the depositio! of the body1 A!d the 5ater 5as sa!ctified by the 5ashi! of the body1 'or the body 5as 5ashed 5ith ri ht holy 5ater a!d clea!1 A!d the holy body 5as !ot made clea! by the 5ater" but the 5ater 5as hallo5ed of her1 A!d after" the holy body 5as 5ou!de! a!d 5rapped i! a clea! sudary" a!d 5as laid upo! the bed" a!d lamps bur!t full bri ht about her1 Oi!tme!ts a6e a reat a!d fra ra!t odour" the loui! s a!d praisi! s of a! els resou!ded1 A!d the apostles a!d other that 5ere there sa! di6i!e so! s1 A!d the ar4 of our Lord 5as bor!e i! to -ou!t of Sio!" u!to the Vale of Jehosaphat" upo! the heads of the apostles1 A!d the a! els 5e!t tofore some" a!d some follo5ed the body" a!d other co!6eyed her1 A!d she 5as accompa!ied of all the ple!ty of the church1 A!d some of the Je5s 5ho heard it" i! their e6il malice desce!ded do5! from the -ou!t of Sio!" a!d o!e of them" 5hich 5as a member of the de6il" ra! follily u!to the holy body" a!d assailed it for to ha6e cast it to the earth" dra5i! it 5ith both his ha!ds" a!d both his ha!ds clea6ed to the bier" a!d 5ere departed from the body" li4e as t5o sta6es had bee! sa5ed off" a!d so he 5as li4e a tru!4 till that faith cha! ed his thou ht1 A!d he 5aili! so ruefully repe!ted him" a!d they that bare the bier tarried" a!d made that Je5 5orship a!d touch the holy body" a!d the! came his ha!ds a ai! i!to their first estate" a!d the! 5as the body bor!e u!to the Vale of Jehosaphat" a!d there it 5as embraced a!d 4issed" a!d so! s su! of holy loui! s a!d praisi! s" a!d there 5ere 5ept ma!y tears" a!d the! the holy body 5as laid i! the tomb ho!ourably" but her soul 5as !ot left i! hell" !or her flesh felt !e6er corruptio!1 A!d they that she 5as the 5ell 5hich !e6er 5as di ed" the field !ot eared" the 6i!e !ot cut" the oli6e beari! fruit 5hich shall !ot be holde! i! the bosom of the earth1 'or it appertai!eth that the mother be e!ha!ced 5ith the so!1 A!d that she mou!t to him" li4e as he desce!ded i! to her1 A!d that she that hath 4ept her 6ir i!ity i! her childi! ou ht to see !o corruptio!1 A!d she that bare the creator of all the 5orld i! her belly ou ht to d5ell i! di6i!e taber!acles1 A!d that she 5hom the 'ather had ta4e! to espouse" 5ere 4ept i! the chambers celestial1 A!d those thi! s that lo! to the so!" ou ht to be possessed of the mother1 A!d all this saith Joh! Damasce!e1 3et of the A u%&tio# of our Lady. after *" Au ti#" S1 Austi! sho5eth authe!tically i! a sermo! of the ri ht holy Assumptio! of our 9lessed Lady" sayi! D ,e that ha6e be u! to spea4 of the body of the 6ir i! perdurable" a!d of the Assumptio! of her blessed soul" 5e say thusD first" that 5e fi!d !othi! of her 5ritte! sith that our Lord ha! i! o! the cross comme!ded her to his disciple" sa6e that Lu4e recordeth i! his 5riti! s" sayi! that all they 5ere by o!e coura e perse6eri! 5ith the Vir i! -ary" mother of our Lord Jesu Christ1 ,hat is the! to say of her death" a!d of her Assumptio!E ,hereof the scripture remembereth !othi! " it is the! as meseemeth to be














e!<uired" 5hat thi! 5hich is accordi! to truth" 5ithout 5hich authority is !othi! 1 ,e remember the co!ditio! huma!D 5e doubt !ot to say that surely she 5e!t to temporal death1 A!d if 5e say that she is resol6ed i!to commo! putrefactio! i! 5orms a!d i!to ashes or dust7 it beho6eth us to 5ei h a!d thi!4 such thi! as appertai!eth to so reat holi!ess" a!d to the sei !ory of such a chamber of God1 ,e 4!o5 5ell that it 5as said to the first fatherD Thou art po5der" a!d i!to po5der thou shalt retur!7 but the flesh of Jesu Christ escaped from this co!ditio!" for his flesh suffered !e6er corruptio!1 The! is e8cept from this e!eral se!te!ce the !ature ta4e! of the 6ir i!1 A!d God said to the 5oma! E6eD I shall multiply thy diseases a!d thou shalt bri! forth childre! 5ith pai! a!d sorro51 9ut -ary suffered !e6er such diseases" of 5hom the s5ord of sorro5 pierced the soul1 9ut -ary childed 5ithout sorro51 A!d the! if she 5ere <uit" a!d had !o part of sorro5 i! childi! " the! ou ht she !ot to ha6e part of diseases" !e of corruptio!1 9ut she is e8cept of some other e!eralities" because that the di !ity a6e to her such sei !ory1 A!d thou h 5e say that she suffered death" yet is she !ot retai!ed 5ith the bo!ds of death1 If our Lord 5ould 4eep his mother e!tire a!d 5hole" a!d the chastity of her 6ir i!ity" 5herefore may he !ot 4eep 5ithout corruptio!" of ste!ch" of rotte!!essE It appertai!eth the! to the debo!airty of our Lord" to 4eep the ho!our of his mother 5hich 5as !ot come to brea4 the la5" but to accomplish it" a!d i! his life had 5orshipped her tofore all others by the race of her co!cei6i! 1 A!d therefore 5e ou ht 5ell to belie6e that he ho!oureth her at her death 5ith si! ular sal6atio!" a!d of special race1 A!d rotte!!ess a!d 5orms be but reproach of huma! co!ditio!1 A!d 5he! Jesu Christ is out of that reproach" the !ature of -ary is e8cepted" the 5hich is the !ature that he too4 of her1 'or the flesh of Jesu Christ is the flesh of -ary" the 5hich he bare abo6e the stars i! 5orshippi! ma! abo6e !ature" a!d i! 5orshippi! more his mother1 ;et if he be so! of the 6ery mother" the! it is a co!6e!able thi! that she be mother of the same so!1 Not as to the u!ity of the perso!" but to the u!ity of bodily !ature1 If race 5ithout property of especial a!d temporal !ature may ma4e u!ity" ho5 much more the! may the race of corporal a!d especial !ati6ity ma4e u!ity of raceE Li4e as the disciples i! Jesu Christ of 5hom he saith himself that" they be o!e" as 5e be1 A!d after he saithD 'ather" I 5ill that 5here I am they be 5ith me1 A!d the! if he 5ill ha6e 5ith him them that be =oi!ed so 5ith him i! the faith" a!d that they be =ud es 5ith him" 5hat shall the! be =ud ed of his motherE ,here is she 5orthy to be but i! the prese!ce of her so!E Therefore I u!dersta!d a!d belie6e that the soul of -ary be ho!oured of her so! by a ri ht e8celle!t prero ati6e" possessi! her body lorified i! Jesu Christ" 5hom she co!cei6ed1 A!d 5hy should !ot she possess her body lorified by 5hich she co!cei6edE 'or so reat a hallo5i! is more 5orthy to be i! hea6e! tha! i! earth1 The seat of God" the chamber of our Lord" a!d the 5orthy taber!acle of Jesu Christ" ou ht a!d appertai!eth better to be there as he is" tha! else5here" a!d so ri ht precious treasure is more 5orthy to be i! hea6e! tha! i! earth1 A!d by ri ht" !o resolutio! of rotte!!ess may !ot follo5 so reat e!tire!ess of thi! !ot corruptible1 A!d because I feel !ot that the ri ht holy body be !ot deli6ered i!to meat of 5orms" I doubt to say it1 A!d because that the ift of race i!comparable surmou!teth reatly this estimatio! that I feel that" the co!sideratio! of ma!y scriptures admo!ish me to say truth1 God saith sometime to his mi!istersD ,hereas I am there shall be my mi!ister1 If this se!te!ce be e!eral to all them that ha6e mi!istered Jesu Christ by faith a!d by 5or4" ho5 is there a!y more special tha! -aryE 'or 5ithout doubt she 5as admi!istress i! all 5or41 'or she bare him i! her belly" she childed him" she !ourished him a!d laid him i! the crib" she 5e!t 5ith him i!to E ypt" a!d 4ept him all her life u!to the death of the cross" a!d departed !ot from him" but follo5ed him1 +is di6i!ity mi ht !ot be to her i!credible" for she 4!e5 5ell that she had !ot co!cei6ed of the seed of ma! but by di6i!e i!spiratio!1 The! she ha6i! faith i! the puissa!ce of her so!" as of the 6irtue of God !ot cha! eable" said" 5he! the 5i!e failedD So!" they ha6e !o 5i!e1 She 5ist that he mi ht do all thi! s1 A!d he accomplished a!o! that miracle1 A!d the! seest thou that -ary 5as admi!istress of Jesu Christ by faith a!d 5or41 The! if she be !ot 5hereas Jesu Christ 5ill that his mi!isters be" 5here shall she be the!E A!d if she be there" is it !ot by race pareil a!d li4eE A!d if it be !ot e<ual" 5here is the e<ual measure of God that re!dereth to e6ery each after his desertE If by the desert of -ary is i6e! to li6i! me! much race" shall the! the race be lessed to her bei! deadE Nay" !ay" for if the death of all sai!ts be precious" certes" I =ud e the death of -ary to be ri ht precious" 5hich is recei6ed to the =oys perdurable by the debo!airty of her so! Jesu Christ" more ho!ourably tha! the others" 5hom he had ho!oured by race tofore his other sai!ts1 A!d I say that she ou ht !ot to be put" !e is !ot set to the commo! huma!ity after the death" that is to 5it of 5orms" of rotte!!ess" a!d of po5der" she that bare i! her belly the Sa6iour of all me!1 If the di6i!e 6olu!ty 6ouchsafed to 4eep the 6estme!ts of the childre! from hurti! amo! the flames of fire" 5hy should !ot he the! 4eep i! his mother that 5hich he 4ept i! a stra! e 6estureE It pleased him to 4eep Jo!as i! the belly of the 5hale 5ithout corruptio!1 Should !ot he the! 4eep his mother !ot corruptE +e 4ept Da!iel ali6e i! the pit of lio!s from their distempered hu! er1 Ou ht he !ot to 4eep -ary for so ma!y ifts of merits a!d di !itiesE A!d 5e 4!o5 5ell that all these di !ities that 5e ha6e said ha6e !ot 4ept !ature" for 5e doubt


!ot but race hath 4ept more the e!tire!ess of -ary tha! !ature1 A!d the! our Lord ma4eth -ary to e!=oy i! her proper so!" both i! soul a!d i! body" as she that !e6er had tatche !e spot of corruptio! i! bri! i! forth so reat a so!1 'or she is al5ays 5ithout corruptio! that 5as full of so much race1 She is li6i! e!tirely" she that childed the life of all1 A!d the!" if I ha6e said as I ou ht to say" Jesu Christ appro6e it" thou a!d thi!e7 a!d if I ha6e !ot said as I ou ht to say" I pray thee to pardo! me" thou a!d thi!e1 GLO**AR3


addressed" 61 !"" stood erect1 ad=ousted" 61" 'r1 a=outer" added1 alle ea!ce" !1" alle6iatio!1

ampul" !1" a 6essel for holy oil1 arai !" !1" a cob5eb" 6itriol may be mea!t1

aspre" ad=1" rude or u!couth1 attiseme!t" !1" i!sti atio!1 a6ale" 61" ru! do5!1

a8es" !" a ues1 celyer" !1" refu e or hidi! place1

ce!e" !1" cou!cil1 chauffed" 61" 'r1 chauffer" 5armed or comforted1 co!=ured" 61" 'r1 co!=urer" e8orcised1

dal6e" 61" buried1 defe!ded" pp1" forbidde!1

detre!ched" p1 a1" O1 'r1 destra!cher" he5ed i! pieces1 did do ma4eLcaused to be made1 disperpled" pp1" scattered1 droiture" !1 A'r1B" i!te rity1 eculee" !1" the rac41

empeshed" 61" 'r1 empeche" hi!dered1 e! i!e" !1" ima i!atio!1

e!sei !ed" 61" 'r1 e!sei !er" i!structed1 e!tailed" pp1" 'r1 e!tailler" e! ra6ed1

esbateme!ts" !1 A'r1B" pa ea!ts1 esprised" pp1" 'r1 epris" smitte!1


facou!d" ad=1" elo<ue!t1 frote!" pp" 'r1 frotter" rubbed1 o6er!or" !1" helm or rudder1

ree" !1" fa6our1 =ume!t" !1" a mare1

Iapacium" !1" sorrel1 Iar o" !1" treasure1 aurier" !1" laurel1

Iepe" !1" a bas4et1 letted" 61" attac4ed i!=ured1

loui! s" !1" pres1 part1" tha!4s i6i! s1 more" ad=1" bi er1 mo5" 61" to be able1

occisio!" !1" slau hter1 orpheli!s" !1 A'r1B" orpha!s1

pelletre" !"" pyrethrum offici!arum" or pellitory of Spai!1 porret" !1" a lee41

prelatio!" !1" prefere!ce1 prest" ad=1" prepared1 radour" ad=1" 6iole!ce1

reclua e" !1" hermita e1 rele6ed" 61" 'r1" rele6er" set upri ht1

rese" !1" disturba!ce1 sacred" 61" co!secrated1 smara dos" !1" emeralds or =e5els1

soler" !1" a! upper chamber1 sourde" 61" spri! up1

styed" 61" asce!ded1 s!dary" !1" a !ap4i!1

sumpters" !1" pac4:horses or mules1 tatche" 'r1 tache" stai!1

turbes or tourbes" !1" cro5ds1 turmes1 !1" assemblies1 u!heled" !1" laid bare1

u!!ethe" ad61" scarcely1 6eer" !1" spri! 1

5ood" ady1" mad1 END OF VOL" 0V



Here followeth the Life of *" Ro$'e






S1 3OC@E 5as bor! i! -o!tpelier" 5hich is a to5! of reat !ame upo! the border of 'ra!ce" a!d 5as bor! of !oble pro e!y1 +is father 5as lord of -o!tpelier" a!d 5as !amed Joh!" a!d 5as come of the !oble house of 'ra!ce1 A!d thou h he 5as !oble of birth" a!d rich of lordship" he 5as also 6irtuous i! all huma!ity1 +e had a 5ife of !oble 4i!dred a!d fair of 6isa e !amed Libera" 5hich both de6outly ser6ed our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d li6ed i! di6i!e lo6e a!d holy 5or4s1 A!d ho5 5ell that they thus had li6ed lo! " yet had they !o child !e heir" 5herefore they oft made their prayers" a!d 6o5ed pil rima es1 A!d o! a day most specially" the 5ife made her prayers to our 9lessed Lady" prayi! de6outly for to ha6e a child" a!d 5as i! 6ery co!templatio!" i! 5hich she heard the 6oice of a! a! el sayi! D O Libera" God hath heard thy prayer" a!d thou shalt recei6e of him race of thy petitio!1 A!d a!o! she 5e!t to her husba!d a!d told him as she had heard of the a! el1 A!d the! they" hereof =oyful" accomplished the act of matrimo!y" a!d she co!cei6ed" a!d at time 5as deli6ered of a so!" 5hich i! his baptism 5as !amed 3ochus or 3oc4e1 A!d this 3oc4e had impressed i! the shoulder o! his left side a cross" 5hich 5as a to4e! that he should be acceptable a!d belo6ed of God" 5hich thi! 5he! his father a!d mother sa5 they blessed God" a!d his mother herself !ourished a!d a6e suc4 to the child" a!d fed it a!d committed a!d did ladly the other busi!ess of a !urse1 ,hich de6out mother fasted t5ice i! the 5ee4" a!d the blessed child 3oc4e abstai!ed him t5ice also" 5he! his mother fasted i! the 5ee4" a!d 5ould suc4 his mother but o!ce that day" 5hich 5as to all a reat 5o!der" a!d that day he 5as ladder" merrier" a!d s5eeter tha! the other1 A!d after" 5he! he came to fi6e years of a e" he disposed him to the 5or4s of pe!a!ce" a!d 5as much obedie!t to father a!d mother1 A!d i! the t5elfth year of his a e he fasted ma!y a!d di6ers fasti! s for Christ>s lo6e1 A!d the more his members re5" the more the cross" that tofore 5as spo4e! of" appeared lar er a!d more appare!t1 I! that time the father of S1 3oc4e 5as sic4 a!d sa5 his last e!d approach" a!d called to him his so! 3oc4e" a!d saidD O mi!e o!ly so! 3oc4e" thou seest 5ell that I shall shortly fi!ish my life7 al5ay the 5ill of God be fulfilled" a!d four thi! s" 5ith my lordship a!d herita e" I lea6e to thee" a!d comma!d thee to



accomplish1 'irst" li4e as thou hast be u! that thou ser6e busily God1 Seco!dly" that thou remember poor people" 5ido5s a!d orpha!s1 Thirdly" I co!stitute a!d ordai! thee o6er!or a!d dispe!ser of all my treasures" that thou dispe!d them i! charitable a!d mee4 5or4s1 A!d fourthly that" 5ith all dili e!ce thou hau!t a!d fre<ue!t the hospitals of sic4 a!d poor me!1 These foresaid thi! s 3oc4e promised to his father to fulfil them to his po5er1 A!d a!o! after his father died" 5hom 3oc4e buried ho!ourably" a!d laid i! a sepulture" a!d i! the t5e!tieth year of his a e he buried also his de6out mother1 A!d i! fe5 days he e8ecuted the testame!t of his father effectually" a!d 6isited reli ious places of poor people7 5retches oppressed" a!d sic4 me!" he cured by cou!sel a!d 5or4s7 5ido5s a!d orpha!s he comforted7 a!d poor maide!s to marry he relie6ed1 A!d i! these ood offices a!d 5or4s he dispe!ded his father>s oods1 A!d 5he! he had fi!ished his father>s comma!dme!ts he decreed to lea6e the cou!try of -o!tpelier a!d to ma4e a!d see4 other di6ers pil rima es" a!d clad him 5ith the habit of a pil rim" a!d co6ered his head 5ith a bo!!et" a scrip o! his shoulder" a!d a pil rim>s staff i! his ri ht ha!d" a!d so departed1 A!d after ma!y desert places he came to 3ome" but tofore he came i!to a to5! called i! Lati! A<uape!de!s" 5here as 5as a commo! a!d hard pestile!ce" 5hich" 5he! 3oc4e 4!e5 of ma!y by the 5ay" he desirously 5e!t u!to the hospital of that to5!" called ,ater:ha! i! " a!d at 5ith reat prayers a!d labour of o!e Vi!ce!t" 5hich had the rule of the hospital" that he mi ht there" day a!d !i ht" ser6e the sic4 people1 Vi!ce!t 5as afeard a!d dreaded lest 3oc4e" 5hich 5as a you! flo5eri! ma! should be smitte! 5ith pestile!ce1 9ut after that he came" them that 5ere sic4 he blessed i! the !ame of Christ" a!d as soo! he had touched the sic4 me! they 5ere all 5hole1 A!d they said a!d co!fessed as soo! as a!d this holy ma! 3oc4e 5as come i!1 All they that 5ere 6e8ed a!d sic4" a!d the fire of pestile!ce had i!fected" he e8ti!cted it a!d deli6ered all the hospital of that sic4!ess1 A!d after he 5e!t throu h the to5!" a!d each house that 5as 6e8ed 5ith pestile!ce he e!tered" a!d 5ith the si ! of the cross a!d mi!d of the passio! of Jesu Christ he deli6ered them all from the pestile!ce1 'or 5homsoe6er 3oc4etouched" a!o! the pestile!ce left him1 A!d 5he! the to5! of ,ater:falli! 5as deli6ered from the co!ta io! of the pestile!ce" 3oc4e 5e!t to the city of Cese!a 5hich is a reat city of Italy" 5hich !o less pestile!ce 6e8ed" a!d he i! a short space deli6ered it from the pestile!ce1 A!d from the!ce he came to 3ome" 5hich 5as the! so full of pestile!ce that u!!ethe i! all the to5! could !ot be fou!d o!e house 6oid thereof1 I! those days there 5as at 3ome a cardi!al of the title of A! leria" 5hich is a pro6i!ce of Lombardy" a!d the blessed 3oc4e came i!to this cardi!al>s place1 A!d as he stood tofore him a little" sudde!ly a mar6ellous comfort a!d hope e!tered i!to the coura e of the cardi!al1 +e u!derstood the you! ma! 3oc4e to be ri ht dear 5ith God" for his cheer" his ma!!ers" a!d his attempera!ce sho5ed it" 5herefore he comme!ded him to 3oc4e that he should deli6er him from the pestile!ce a!d co!ser6e him1 A!d the! 3oc4e did si ! i! the cardi!al>s forehead a!d made 5ith his fi! er a cross1 A!d a!o! a! appare!t si ! a!d a 6ery cross 5as see! impressed i! his forehead" a!d so the cardi!al 5as preser6ed from the pestile!ce1 Ne6ertheless" for the !o6elty of the thi! " he prayed S1 3oc4e that the to4e! of the cross should be ta4e! a5ay" lest thereby it should be to the people a !e5 spectacle1 The! 3oc4e e8horted the cardi!al that he should bear the si ! of the cross of our 3edeemer" i! memory of his passio!" i! his forehead perpetually" a!d 5orship it re6ere!tly" by 5hich si ! he 5as deli6ered from the hard pestile!ce1 The cardi!al the! brou ht S1 3oc4e to the pope" 5hich a!o! sa5 that is odly" a bri ht ray a!d hea6e!ly" shi!i! out of the forehead of 3oc4e1 A!d after" 5he! his di6i!e 6irtue 5as 4!o5! to the pope" 3oc4e obtai!ed of him full remissio! of si!1 The! the cardi!al be a! to i!<uire of 3oc4e of his li!ea e a!d of his cou!try" but 3oc4e affecti! !o mortal lory" hid his li!ea e a!d recei6ed a ai! of the pope his blessi! a!d departed from him1 A!d abode at 3ome 5ith the same cardi!al three years co!ti!ually" a!d laboured i! 6isiti! a!d helpi! the poor people a!d them that 5ere sic4 of the pestile!ce1 A!d after three years the cardi!al" bei! old" died" a!d 3oc4e forsoo4 3ome a!d came to the to5! of Armi!e" a !oble city of Italy" 5hich also he deli6ered from the said pestile!ce1 A!d 5he! that to5! 5as deli6ered" he 5e!t to the city of -a!asem i! Lombardy" 5hich 5as also sore oppressed 5ith sic4 me! of the pestile!ce" 5hom 5ith all his heart he ser6ed dili e!tly" a!d by the help of God made that to5! <uit of the pestile!ce1 A!d from the!ce 5e!t to (iace!Ha" for he u!derstood that there 5as reat pestile!ce1 3oc4e 5as e6er of reat study ho5 he mi ht" i! the !ame of Jesu a!d of his passio!" deli6er mortal me! from the hurt of pestile!ce1 A!d so a! 5hole year he 6isited the houses of poor me!" a!d they that had most !eed" to them he did most help" a!d 5as al5ays i! the hospital1 A!d 5he! he had bee! lo! i! the hospital of (iace!Ha" a!d had helped almost all the sic4 me! therei!" about mid!i ht he heard i! his sleep a! a! el thus sayi! D













O 3oc4e" most de6out to Christ" a5a4e a!d 4!o5 that thou art smitte! 5ith the pestile!ce" study !o5 ho5 thou mayst be cured1 A!d a!o! he felt him sore ta4e! 5ith the pestile!ce u!der his both arms" a!d he thereof a6e tha! 4i! s to our Lord1 A!d he 5as so sore 6e8ed 5ith the pai!" that they that 5ere i! the hospital 5ere depri6ed of their sleep a!d rest of the !i ht" 5herefore S1 3oc4e arose from his bed a!d 5e!t to the utterest place of the hospital" a!d lay do5! there abidi! the li ht of the day1 A!d 5he! it 5as day the people oi! by sa5 him" a!d accused the master of the hospital of offe!ce" that he suffered the pil rim to lie 5ithout the hospital" but he pur ed him of that default" sayi! thatD The pil rim 5as smitte! 5ith the pestile!ce as ye see" a!d u!5itti! to us he 5e!t out1 The! the citiHe!s i!co!ti!e!t put out S1 3oc4e from the city a!d suburbs" lest by him the city mi ht be the more i!fected1 The! S1 3oc4e" sore oppressed 5ith fer6e!t pai! of the pestile!ce" suffered patie!tly himself to be e=ected out of (iace!Ha" a!d 5e!t i!to a certai! 5ood" a desert 6alley !ot far from (iace!Ha" al5ays blessi! God1 A!d there as he mi ht he made him a lod e of bou hs a!d lea6es" al5ays i6i! tha!4i! s to our Lord" sayi! D O Jesu" my Sa6iour" I tha!4 thee that thou puttest me to afflictio! li4e to thi!e other ser6a!ts" by this odious ardour of pestile!ce" a!d most mee4 Lord" I beseech thee to this desert place" i6e the refri ery a!d comfort of thy race1A!d his prayer fi!ished" a!o! there came a cloud from hea6e! by the lod e that S1 3oc4e had made 5ithi! bou hs" 5hereas spra! a fair a!d bri ht 5ell" 5hich is there yet u!to this day1 ,hose 5ater S1 3oc4e dra!4" bei! sore athirst" a!d thereof had reat refreshi! of the reat heat that he suffered of the pestile!ce fe6er1 There 5as !i h u!to that 5ood a little 6illa e i! 5hich some !obleme! d5elled7 amo! 5hom there 5as o!e 5ell belo6ed to God !amed Gotard"5hich had reat husba!dry" a!d had a reat family a!d household1 This Gotard held ma!y hou!ds for hu!ti! " amo! 5hom he had o!e much familiar" 5hich boldly 5ould ta4e bread from the board1 A!d 5he! 3oc4e lac4ed bread" that hou!d" by the pur6eya!ce of God" brou ht from the lord>s board bread u!to 3oc4e1 ,hich thi! 5he! Gotard had ad6ertised oft that he bare so a5ay the bread" but he 5ist !ot to 5hom !e 5hither" 5hereof he mar6elled" a!d so did all his household1 A!d the !e8t di!!er he set a delicate loaf o! the board" 5hich a!o! the hou!d by his !e5 ma!!er too4 a5ay a!d bare it to 3oc4e1 A!d Gotard follo5ed after a!d came to the lod e of S1 3oc4e" a!d there beheld ho5 familiarly the hou!d deli6ered the bread to S1 3oc4e1 The! Gotard re6ere!tly saluted the holy ma! a!d approached to him" but S1 3oc4e" dreadi! lest the co!ta ious air of the pestile!ce mi ht i!fect him" said to himD 'rie!d" o from me i! ood peace" for the most 6iole!t pestile!ce holdeth me1 The! Gotard 5e!t his 5ay a!d left him" a!d retur!ed home" 5here" by God>s race" he said thus to himself all stillD This poor ma! 5hom I ha6e left i! the 5ood a!d desert" certai!ly is the ma! of God" sith this hou!d 5ithout reaso! bri! eth to him bread1 I therefore" that ha6e see! him do it" so ou ht soo!er to do it" 5hich am a Christia! ma!1 9y this holy meditatio! Gotard retur!ed to 3oc4e a!d saidD +oly pil rim" I desire to do to thee that thou !eedest" a!d am ad6ised !e6er to lea6e thee1 The! 3oc4e tha!4ed God 5hich had se!t to him Gotard" a!d he i!formed Gotard busily i! the la5 of Christ1 A!d 5he! they had bee! a5hile to ether the hou!d brou ht !o more bread1 Gotard as4ed cou!sel ho5 he mi ht ha6e bread" for more a!d more he hu! ered a!d as4ed remedy of S1 3oc4e1 S1 3oc4e e8horted him after the te8t" sayi! D I! the s5eat of thy 6isa e thou shalt eat thy bread" a!d that he should retur! to the to5!" a!d lea6e all his oods to his heirs" a!d follo5 the 5ay of Christ a!d dema!d bread i! the !ame of Jesu1 The! Gotard 5as ashamed to do so 5here he 5as 4!o5!" but at the last by the busy admo!itio! of S1 3oc4e" Gotard 5e!t to (iace!Ha" 5hereas he had reat 4!o5led e" a!d be ed bread a!d alms at the door of o!e of his ossips1 That same ossip threate!ed sharply Gotard" a!d said he shamed his li!ea e a!d frie!ds by this foul a!d i!dece!t be i! " a!d put him a5ay" bei! 5roth a!d scor!i! him1 'or 5hich cause Gotard 5as co!strai!ed to be busily at the doors of other me! of the city1 A!d the same day the ossip that so had said to Gotard 5as ta4e! sore 5ith the pestile!ce" a!d ma!y others that de!ied alms to Gotard1 A!d the! a!o! the city of (iace!Ha 5as i!fect 5ith co!ta ious pestile!ce" a!d Gotard retur!ed to the 5ood a!d told to S1 3oc4e all that 5as happed1 A!d S1 3oc4e told to Gotard tofore" that his ossip should hastily die" 5hich 5as do!e i!deed1 A!d S1 3oc4e" mo6ed 5ith pity a!d mercy" bei! full sic4" 5e!t i!to (iace!Ha" bei! full of pestile!ce" a!d left Gotard i! the 5ood1 A!d thou h S1 3oc4e 5ere sore 6e8ed 5ith the pestile!ce" yet he 5ith reat labour 5e!t to (iace!Ha a!d 5ith touchi! a!d blessi! he helped a!d healed them all" a!d also cured the hospital of the same city1 A!d he bei! sore sic4 a!d almost lame retur!ed a ai! to Gotard i!to the 5ood1 A!d ma!y that heard that he a!d Gotard 5ere i! the place of the desert 6alley"came to them 5hom they fou!d all 5ith 3oc4e" a!d tofore them all he did these miracles1 The 5ild beasts 5hich 5a!dered i! the 5ood" 5hat hurt" sic4!ess or s5elli! they had" they ra! a!o! to S1 3oc4e" a!d 5he! they 5ere healed













they 5ould i!cli!e their heads re6ere!tly a!d o their 5ay1 A!d a little 5hile after Gotard" a!d his fello5s" for certai! !ecessities a!d erra!ds" retur!ed i!to (iace!Ha a!d left that time S1 3oc4e alo!e i! the 6alley1 A!d S1 3oc4e made his prayers to Almi hty God that he mi ht be deli6ered from the 5ou!ds of pestile!ce" a!d i! this prayer he fell asleep1 A!d i! the mea!5hile retur!ed Gotard from the city" a!d 5he! he came a!d =oi!ed him to 3oc4e sleepi! " he heard the 6oice of a! a! el sayi! D O 3oc4e" frie!d of God" our Lord hath heard thy prayers" lo" thou art deli6ered from the pestile!ce" a!d art made all 5hole" a!d our Lord comma!deth that thou ta4e the 5ay to5ard thy cou!try1 ,ith this sudde! 6oice Gotard 5as asto!ished 5hich !e6er tofore 4!e5 the !ame of 3oc4e1 A!d a!o! 3oc4e a5o4e" a!d felt himself all 5hole by the race of God li4e as the a! el said1 A!d Gotard told u!to 3oc4e ho5 he had heard the a! el a!d 5hat he had said1 The! S1 3oc4e prayed Gotard that he should 4eep his !ame secret a!d to tell it to !o ma!" for he desired !o 5orldly lory1 The! after a fe5 days S1 3oc4e 5ith Gotard a!d his fello5s abode i! the desert" a!d i!formed them all i! odly 5or4s" a!d they the! be a! to 5a8 holy" 5herei! he e8horted them a!d co!firmed" a!d left them i! that desert 6alley1 A!d S1 3oc4e" as a pil rim doi! pe!a!ce" e!te!ded" bur!i! i! the lo6e of God" to5ard his cou!try a!d came to a pro6i!ce of Lombardy called A! leria" a!d applied him to5ard Almai!e" 5here the lord of his pro6i!ce made 5ar 5ith his e!emy" 5hose 4!i hts too4 S1 3oc4e as a spy" a!d deli6ered him to their lord as a traitor1 This blessed sai!t" al5ays co!fessi! Jesu Christ" 5as deputed u!to a hard a!d strait priso!" a!d the blessed 3oc4e patie!tly 5e!t i!to priso! a!d suffered it ladly1 ,here day a!d !i ht rememberi! the !ame of Jesu" he comme!ded him to God" prayi! that the priso! should !ot disprofit him" but that he mi ht ha6e it for 5ilder!ess a!d pe!a!ce1 A!d there he abode fi6e years i! prayers1 I! the e!d of the fifth year" 5he! God 5ould that his soul should be brou ht i!to the fello5ship of his sai!ts" a!d be al5ays i! the si ht of God" he that bare meat to S1 3oc4e i!to the priso!" as he 5as accustomed e6ery day" he sa5 a reat li ht a!d shi!i! i! the priso!" a!d S1 3oc4e 4!eeli! o! his 4!ees prayi! " 5hich all these thi! s he told to his lord1 A!d the fame hereof ra! all about the city" so that ma!y of the citiHe!s ra! to the priso! because of the !o6elty of this thi! 1 A!d there sa5 a!d beheld it a!d a6e laud thereof to Almi hty God" a!d accused the lord of cruelty a!d 5ood!ess1 The! at the last" 5he! S1 3oc4e 4!e5 by the 5ill of God that he should fi!ish his mortal life" he called to him the 4eeper of the priso!" a!d prayed him that he 5ould o to his lord" a!d to e8hort him i! the !ame of God a!d of the lorious Vir i! -ary" that he 5ould se!d to him a priest" of 5hom ere he died he 5ould be co!fessed" 5hich thi! 5as a!o! do!e1 A!d 5he! he had co!fessed him to the priest a!d de6outly ta4e! his blessi! " he prayed him that he mi ht abide alo!e three days !e8t follo5i! for to be i! his co!templatio!" by 5hich he mi ht the better ha6e mi!d of the most holy passio! of our Lord1 'or 3oc4e felt 5ell the! that the citiHe!s prayed the lord for his deli6era!ce" 5hich thi! s the priest told to the lord1 A!d so it 5as ra!ted to S1 3oc4e to abide there alo!e three days1 A!d i! the e!d of the third day the a! el of God came to S1 3oc4e" sayi! thusD O 3oc4e" God se!deth me for thy soul" of 5hom i! this last part of thy life that 5hat thou !o5 desirest thou shouldest !o5 as4 a!d dema!d1 The! S1 3oc4e prayed u!to Almi hty God 5ith his most de6out prayer" that all ood christia! me! 5hich re6ere!tly prayed i! the !ame of Jesu to the blessed 3oc4e mi ht be deli6ered surely from the stro4e of pestile!ce1 A!d this prayer so made" he e8pired a!d a6e up the host1 A!o! a! a! el brou ht from hea6e! a table di6i!ely 5ritte! 5ith letters of old i!to the priso!" 5hich he laid u!der the head of S1 3oc4e1 A!d i! that table 5as 5ritte! that God had ra!ted to him his prayer" that is to 5it" that 5ho that calleth mee4ly to S1 3oc4e he shall !ot be hurt 5ith a!y hurt of pestile!ce1 A!d the! after the third day the lord of the city se!t to the priso! that S1 3oc4e should be deli6ered out of it1 A!d they that came to the priso! fou!d S1 3oc4e departed from this life" a!d sa5 throu h all the priso! a mar6ellous li ht" i! such 5ise that 5ithout doubt they belie6ed him to be the frie!d of God1 A!d there 5as at his head a reat taper bur!i! " a!d a!other at his feet" by 5hich tapers all his body 5as li ht1 'urthermore" they fou!d u!der his head the foresaid table" by 5hich they 4!e5 the !ame of the blessed 3oc4e by authority" 5hich !ame 4!o5!" the mother of the lord of that city 4!e5 ma!y years tofore S1 3oc4e to be the so! of the lord Joh! of -o!tpelier" 5hich 5as brother ermai! to this lord of 5hom 5e ha6e said" 5hich thi! " a!d all that 5as do!e" 5as because they 4!e5 !ot his !ame1 The! they 4!e5 him to be !ephe5 to the lord" a!d also by the si ! of the cross 5hich S1 3oc4e bare" as tofore is said that he had it 5he! he 5as bor! out of his mother>s belly1 The! they bei! thereof pe!ite!t" a!d i! reat 5aili! a!d sorro5" at the last 5ith all the people of the city they buried S1 3oc4e solem!ly a!d reli iously" 5hich soo! after the holy sai!t 5as ca!o!ised by the pope loriously1 A!d i! his lorious !ame a!d ho!our they builded a reat a!d lar e church1 The! let us re6ere!tly 5ith de6otio! pray u!to this lorious









sai!t S1 3oc4e" that by his i!tercessio! a!d prayer 5e may be deli6ered from the hard death of pestile!ce a!d epidemic" a!d that 5e may so li6e i! this life a!d be pe!ite!t for our si!s" that after this short life 5e may come u!to e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 The feast of S1 3oc4e is al5ays holde! o! the mor! after the day of the Assumptio! of our Lady" 5hich life is tra!slated out of Lati! i!to E! lish by me" ,illiam Ca8to!1 Here followeth the Life of *" /er#ard. the %ellifluou do$tor. a#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"





9er!ard is said of ber" that is" a pit or 5ell" a!d !ardus" 5hich" as the loss saith upo! Ca!tica" is a! humble herb a!d of hot !ature a!d 5ell smelli! 1 +e 5as hot i!bur!i! lo6e" humble i! co!6ersatio!" a 5ell i! flo5i! doctri!e" a pit i! deep!ess of scie!ce" a!d 5ell smelli! i! s5eet!ess of fame1 +is life hath 5ritte! Abbot ,illiam of S1 Theodoric" a!d the fello5 of S1 9er!ard" a!d +er!aldus the abbot of 9o!e6alle1 S1 9er!ard 5as bor! i! 9ur u!dy i! the castle of 'o!tai!e of !oble li!ea e a!d much reli ious1 ,hose father hi ht Celesti!" a!d 5as a !oble 4!i ht i! the 5orld a!d much reli ious to God1 A!d his mother 5as !amed Aleth1 She had se6e! childre!" si8 males a!d o!e female1 The me! childre! she !ourished all for to be mo!4s" a!d the dau hter for to be a !u!1 A!d a!o!" as she had a child she offered it to God 5ith her o5! ha!ds1 She 5ould refuse stra! e breasts" for li4e as she fed them 5ith her motherly mil4" so fed she them 5ith !ature of ood!ess1A!d as lo! as they re5 a!d 5ere u!der her ha!d she !ourished them more for desert tha! for the court1 'or she fed them 5ith more commo! a!d rosser meats" li4e as she 5ould ha6e se!t them ri ht forth i!to desert1 A!d as she bare the third so!" 5hich 5as 9er!ard" i! her belly" she sa5 i! her sleep a dream 5hich 5as a demo!stra!ce of thi! s to come1 +er seemed that she had i! her belly a 5help" all 5hite a!d red upo! the bac4" bar4i! i! her belly1 A!d 5he! she had told her dream to a holy ma!" he a!s5ered to her" prophesyi! D Thou art mother of a ri ht !oble 5help" 5hich shall be a 5arde! of the house of God" a!d shall i6e reat bar4i! s a ai!st the e!emies1 'or he shall be a !oble preacher" a!d shall uerish much people by the race of his to! ue1 A!d as 9er!ard 5as yet a little child he 5as sic4 of the headache" a!d there came a 5oma! to him for to charm him" a!d thereby to assua e the rie6ous ache of his head" but he put her from him" cryi! by ri ht reat i!di !atio!" a!d the mercy of God failed !ot to his i!fa!cy i! ood lo6e" for he arose a!d felt that he 5as deli6ered hereof1 I! the blessed !i ht of the !ati6ity of our Lord" 5he! the child 9er!ard abode i! the church the office of mati!s" a!d co6eted to 4!o5 5hat hour Jesu Christ 5as bor!" the child Jesus appeared to him as he had bee! bor! a ai! out of his mother>s belly" 5herefore" as lo! as he li6ed" he supposed that hour to be the hour of the !ati6ity of our Lord1 A!d e6er after as lo! as he li6ed 5as i6e! to him i! that hour more perfect 5it" a!d speech more abu!da!t i! such thi! s as appertai! to the sacrame!t1 A!d after that he made a !oble 5or4" amo! all his other 5or4s" of the laud a!d praisi! of God a!d his blessed mother1 I! the 5hich 5or4 he e8pou!ded the lesso! e6a! elic" ho5 the a! el Gabriel 5as se!t to the Vir i! -ary1 A!d 5he! the a!cie!t e!emy sa5 the purpose of the child full of health he be!t a ai!st him ma!y i!s of temptatio!1 A!d o! a time 5he! he had holde! his eyes a!d fi8ed them upo! a 5oma!" he had a!o! shame i! himself a!d 5as a cruel 6e! er of himself1 'or he leapt a!o! i!to a po!d full of 5ater" a!d froHe!" a!d 5as therei! so lo! that almost he 5as froHe!1 A!d by the race of God he 5as cooled from the heat of car!al co!cupisce!ce1 About that time" by the i!sti atio! of the de6il" a maid laid her i! his bed by him all !a4ed there 5here he slept" a!d 5he! he felt her" he let her lie i! that side of the bed she had ta4e!" a!d tur!ed him to that other side a!d slept1 A!d she tarried a space of time" a!d felt him a!d 4ittled him" a!d 5ould ha6e dra5! him to her i!te!t1 A!d at the last" 5he! she felt him immo6eable" thou h she 5ere u!shamefaced" yet she 5as ashamed" a!d all co!fused" arose a!d 5e!t her 5ay1 A!other time as he 5as harboured i! the house of a lady" she co!sidered the beauty of this you! ma! a!d 5as reatly achauffed a!d stro! ly desired his compa!y1 A!d the! she ordai!ed a bed out from the others1 A!d i! the !i ht she arose 5ithout shame a!d came secretly to him1 A!d 5he! he felt her he criedD Thie6esI thie6esI A!d she fled" a!d li hted a ca!dle herself a!d sou ht the thief" a!d !o!e 5as fou!d" a!d the! each ma! 5e!t to his bed a ai!1 9ut this u!happy 5oma! rested !ot" but arose a ai! a!d 5e!t to the bed of 9er!ard" as she did tofore" a!d he criedD Thie6esI thie6es I A!d the thief 5as sou ht but 5as !ot fou!d" !e published of him that 4!e5 her 5ell1 A!d yet 5as she chased the third time" a!d the! 5ith reat pai! she ceased 5hat for dread a!d despair1 A!d o! the mor! as they 5e!t by the 5ay" his fello5s repro6ed him of that he had so dreamed of thie6es" a!d e!<uired of him 5hat it 5as1 A!d he a!s5eredD Verily" I ha6e suffered this !i ht the








assaili! s of a thief" for mi!e hostess e!forced to ta4e a5ay from me treasure !ot reco6erable1 A!d the! he bethou ht himself that it 5as !ot sure thi! to d5ell 5ith the serpe!t" a!d thou ht for to flee it1 A!d the! he ordai!ed him to e!ter i!to the order of Cistercia!s1 A!d 5he! his brethre! 4!e5 it they 5ould ha6e ta4e! him from that purpose" a!d our Lord a6e to him so reat race that they mi ht !ot tur! him from his co!6ersio!" but he brou ht all his brethre! a!d ma!y others to reli io!1 Ne6ertheless" Gerard" his brother" a !oble 4!i ht" supposed al5ays that they 5ere 6ai! 5ords a!d refused al5ays his mo!esteme!ts a!d treachi! s1 A!d the! ber!ard" bur!i! i! the faith a!d i! the spirit of brotherly lo6e of charity" saidD -y brother" I 4!o5 5ell that o!e sharp tra6ail shall i6e u!dersta!di! to thi!e ears1 A!d after that he put his fi! er o! his side" a!d said to himD O!e day shall come" a!d that soo!" that a spear shall pierce thy side" a!d shall ma4e 5ay to thi!e heart" for to ta4e the cou!sel that thou !o5 refusest1 A!d a short time after Gerard 5as ta4e! of his e!emies" a!d 5as hurt o! the side i! the place 5here his brother had set his fi! er" a!d 5as put i! priso! fast bou!de!1 A!d the! came to him 9er!ard" a!d they 5ould !ot suffer him to spea4 to him1 A!d he cried o! hi hD Gerard" brother" 4!o5 thou that 5e shall o shortly a!d e!ter i!to the mo!astery1 A!d that same !i ht the bo!ds of Gerard bra4e a!d fell off" a!d the door ope!ed by himself" a!d he fled out" a!d said to his brother that he had cha! ed his purpose a!d 5ould be a mo!41 A!d this 5as i! the year of the i!car!atio! of our Lord ele6e! hu!dred a!d t5el6e" i! the fiftee!th year of the order of Citeau81 The ser6a!t of God" 9er!ard" at the a e of t5e!ty:t5o years e!tered i!to the order of Citeau8 5ith more tha! thirty fello5s1 A!d as 9er!ard issued 5ith his brethre! out of his father>s house" Guy" that 5as the eldest" sa5 Ni6ard" his you! er brother" 5hich 5as a little child a!d played 5ith the childre!" a!d said to himD Ni6ard" brother" all the possessio! of our herita e shall appertai! to thee1 A!d the child a!s5ered !ot as a child" a!d saidD ;e shall the! ha6e hea6e!" a!d lea6e to me o!ly the earth" this part is !ot e6e!ly !e ri hteously di6ided1 A!d after" the child abode a little 5hile 5ith his father" but after5ard he follo5ed his brethre!1 ,he! the ser6a!t of God" 9er!ard" 5as e!tered i! to the order" he 5as so esprised a!d i! all thi! s occupied i! God that he used !o bodily 5its1 +e had bee! a year i! the cell of !o6ices" a!d yet he 5ist !ot 5hether there 5ere a!y 5i!do5s i! the house or !o" a!d oft:times he had e!tered a!d o!e out of the church 5hereas i! the head 5ere three 5i!do5s" a!d he supposed there had bee! but o!e1 A!d the abbot of Citeau8 se!t of his brethre! for to edify the house of Clere6au8" a!d made 9er!ard there abbot" 5hich 5as there lo! i! reat po6erty" 5hich oft made his potta e 5ith lea6es of holm1 A!d the ser6a!t of God 5a4ed o6er ma!>s po5er" a!d said that he lost !o time but 5he! he slept" a!d said that the compariso! of sleep a!d of death 5ere li4e semblable" so they that sleep be li4e as death 5ere 5ith me!" a!d li4e as dead me! be see! sleepi! to God1 +e 5as u!!ethe dra5! to a!y meat for deli ht of appetite" but o!ly for dread of faili! " a!d he 5e!t to ta4e his meat li4e as he should ha6e o!e to a torme!t1 A!d he 5as al5ays accustomed" 5he! he had eate!" to 5eet if he had eate! too much or more tha! he 5as accustomed" a!d if he had so do!e he 5ould pu!ish himself so that he refrai!ed his mouth" that he lost a reat part of the sa6our a!d tasti! of his meat1 'or sometimes he dra!4 oil 5he! it 5as i6e! him by error i!stead of dri!41 +e said that the 5ater 5as ood alo!e a!d refreshed him 5ell" a!d he percei6ed !ot that he dra!4 oil" but 5he! his lips 5ere a!oi!ted some told him thereof1 A!d some time a!d other 5hile he ate the fat of ra5 flesh i!stead of butter1 +e said that all that he had lear!ed of holy scripture he had lear!ed it i! 5oods" i! fields" most by meditatio! a!d prayi! " a!d co!fessed that he had !o!e other masters but oa4s a!d holm:trees" this co!fessed he amo! his frie!ds1 At the last he co!fessed that sometime" 5he! he 5as i! meditatio! or prayi! " him thou ht that all holy scriptures appeared to him e8pou!ded1 O! a time" as he rehearseth i! Ca!ticis" that he 5ould put amo! the 5ords such as the +oly Ghost cou!selled him" a!d 5hiles he made that treatise he 5ould thi!4" of ood coura e" 5hat he should do 5he! that 5ere made1 A!d the! a 6oice came to him" sayi! D Till thou hast accomplished this 5or4 thou shalt do !o!e other1 +e had !e6er pleasure i! clothi! 7 he said that filths 5ere i! demo!stra!ce of !e li e!ce" a!d outra eous clothi! 5as folly" a ma! but lorifyi! himself i! respect of out5ard 6ai! lory1 +e had i! his heart al5ays this pro6erb" a!d oft said itD ,ho doth that !o other ma! cloth" all me! 5o!der o! him1 +e 5are ma!y years the hair" a!d as lo! as he mi ht hide it he 5are it1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that it 5as 4!o5!" he left it a!o! a!d too4 him to commo! 6esture1 +e lau hed !e6er but if he made reater force to lau h tha! to refrai! him1 +e 5as 5o!t to say that the ma!!er of patie!ce 5as i! three ma!!ers" of i!=uries of 5ords" of dama e of thi! s" a!d of misdoi! of the body1 O! a time he 5rote a letter to a bishop" frie!dly" a!d admo!ished him amiably" a!d he 5as much 5roth" a!d 5rote to him a letter sayi! thus at the be i!!i! D Greeti! to thee that hast the spirit of blasphemy1 To 5hom he a!s5eredD I suppose !ot to ha6e the spirit of blasphemy" !e ha6e said e6il to a!y ma!" but o!ly to the













pri!ce the de6il1 A! abbot se!t to him si8 hu!dred mar4s of sil6er for to ma4e a co!6e!t" but all the mo!ey 5as robbed by thie6es by the 5ay1 A!d 5he! S1 9er!ard heard thereof he said !o!e other thi! butD 9lessed be God that hath spared me from this char e1 A ca!o! re ular came to him a!d prayed him much that he 9er!ard 5ould recei6e him to be a mo!4" a!d he 5ould !ot accord it to him" but cou!selled him to retur! to his church1 +e said to himD ,hy hast thou so much i! thy boo4s praised perfectio! if thou 5ilt !ot sho5 it" a!d deli6er it to him that co6eteth itE If I had thy boo4s I 5ould all tore!d them1 A!d 9er!ard said to himD Thou hast !ot read i! a!y of them but that thou mi htest be perfect i! thy cloister7 I praise i! all my boo4s the correctio! of ma!!ers a!d !ot the mutatio! of places1 A!d the ca!o! bei! all ara ed leapt to him a!d smote him o! the chee4" that it 5as red a!d s5olle!1 A!d they that 5ere by arose a ai!st this cursed ma! for to ha6e smitte! this cursed ma!" but 9er!ard came bet5ee!" cryi! a!d co!=uri! by the !ame of Jesu Christ that they should !ot touch him" !e do him !o!e harm1 +e had a custom to say to the !o6ices that 5ould e!ter i!to reli io!D Lea6e there 5ithout your body" ye that 5ill e!ter i!to reli io!" lea6e the body 5ithout that ye ha6e ta4e! from the 5orld" a!d =oi! you to them that be here 5ithi!" let the spirit e!ter o!ly" for the flesh profiteth !o thi! 1 S1 9er!ard>s father 5e!t i!to the mo!astery a!d d5elled there a certai! time" a!d after died i! ood a e1 The sister 5as married i! to the 5orld" a!d o! a time she arrayed a!d apparelled her i! riches a!d deli hts of the 5orld" a!d 5e!t i!to the mo!astery for to 6isit her brethre! i! a proud estate a!d reat apparel1 A!d he dreaded her as she had bee! the de6il" or his !et for to ta4e souls" !e 5ould !ot o out for to see her1 A!d 5he! she sa5 that !o!e of her brethre! came a ai!st her" o!e of her brethre!" that 5as porter" said to her that she 5as a foul ordure sti!4i! " 5raped i! ay array1 A!d the! she melted all i! tears" a!d saidD If I be a si!!er" God died for si!!ers" a!d because I am a si!ful 5oma! I come to as4 cou!sel of them that be ood1 If my brother despise my flesh" he that is ser6a!t of God ou ht !ot to despise my soul7 let my brother come" a!d 5hat he shall comma!d me I shall do1 A!d she held that promise1 A!d he came 5ith his brethre!" a!d because she mi ht !ot depart from her husba!d" he tau ht her to despise the lory of the 5orld" a!d sho5ed to her ho5 she should e!sie5 the steps of her mother1 A!d the! 5he! she came home a ai! she 5as so sore cha! ed" that i! the middle of the 5orld she led the life of a hermit" a!d all estra! ed from the 5orld1 I! the e!d she 6a!<uished her husba!d by prayers" a!d 5as assoilled by the bishop of her 6o5 a!d e!tered i!to a mo!astery1 O! a time S1 9er!ard 5as sore sic4" so that him seemed he should i6e up his spirit" a!d 5as at his e!d as him seemed i! a tra!ce" a!d him thou ht that he 5as tofore God i! =ud me!t a!d there 5as the de6il o! that other side" 5hich put o! him ma!y accusatio!s a!d reproaches" a!d 5he! he had all said" 9er!ard said 5ithout fear" dread" or 5rathD I co!fess me that I am !ot 5orthy to ha6e the 4i! dom of hea6e! by mi!e o5! merits" but our Lord 5hich holdeth me by double ri ht as his herita e a!d by the merits of his passio!1 9y that o!e he is co!te!t" a!d that other he i6eth to me" by 5hich ift I ou ht !ot to be co!fou!ded" but it appertai!eth to me by ri ht1 A!d thus he 5as co!fused a!d the 6isio! failed" a!d the ma! of God came to himself a!d destrai!ed his body by so reat tra6ail of fasti! s a!d 5a4i! s" that he la! uished i! co!ti!ual malady" that he mi ht !ot follo5 the co!6e!t but 5ith pai!1 O! a time he 5as so rie6ously sic4 that all the brethre! prayed for him" so that he felt him a little alle ed a!d eased of his pai!1 The! he did do assemble all his brethre!" a!d saidD ,herefore hold ye so 5retched a ma!E ;e be stro! er a!d ha6e 6a!<uished" I pray you" spare me a!d let me o1 This holy ma! 5as elect of ma!y cities for to be a bishop" specially of the city of -ila!" a!d refused it !ot follily" !e ra!ted thereto" but said to them that re<uired that he 5as !ot his o5!" but deputed to other1 A!d by the cou!sel of this holy ma!" the brethre! so pro6ided by the authority of the pope" that !o!e mi ht ta4e him from them 5hich 5as their =oy to ha6e him1 O! a time 5he! he 6isited the order of Charterhouse" a!d 5he! the brethre! 5ere 5ell edified by him" o!e thi! there 5as that mo6ed a little the prior of the place" a!d that 5as" the saddle that S1 9er!ard rode o! 5as o6er precious a!d sho5ed little po6erty of the brethre!" a!d the prior told it to o!e of the brethre!1 A!d the brother said it to S1 9er!ard" a!d he mar6elled a!d as4ed 5hat saddle it 5as" a!d se!t for it1 'or he 5ist !ot 5hat saddle it 5as" ho5 5ell he had ridde! upo! it from Clere6au8 to the Charterhouse1 +e 5e!t all a lo! day by the la4e of Lausa!!e a!d sa5 !ot the la4e !e too4 heed of it" a!d at e6e! as his fello5s spa4e of that la4e" he dema!ded 5here 5as that la4e1 A!d 5he! they heard that" they mar6elled stro! ly" for certai!ly the humble!ess of his heart 6a!<uished i! him the hei ht of !ame1 'or the 5orld could !e6er e!ha!ce him so hi h" but be alo!e humbled himself the more7 he 5as reputed












so6erei ! of all" a!d he accou!ted himself Ieast a!d most lo51 A!d at the last he co!fessed that 5he! he 5as amo! his so6erei ! ho!ours a!d fa6ours ot the people" him seemed that there 5as a!other ma! cha! ed i! him" or as he had bee! i! a dream1 A!d there 5here he 5as amo! the most simple brethre! he used most amiable humility" there he =oyed" there fou!d he himself" a!d that he 5as retur!ed i! to his o5! perso!1 +e 5as al5ays fou!d tofore the hours" or readi! " or 5riti! " or i! meditatio!" or i! edifyi! his brethre! by 5ord1 O! a time as he preached to the people" a!d that they all u!derstood de6outly his 5ords" such a temptatio! arose i! his heartD Verily" !o5 preachest thou 5ell" !o5 art thou 5ell heard of the people" a!d art reputed 5ise of them all1 A!d the holy ma! feeli! him to be put i! this temptatio!" rested a!d tarried a 5hile" a!d thou ht 5hether he mi ht say more or ma4e a! e!d1 A!d a!o! he 5as comforted by di6i!e aid" a!d a!s5ered softly to him that tempted himD I !either be a! by thee" !e shall I e!d by thee7 a!d so performed surely all his sermo!1 A mo!4 that had bee! a ribald i! the 5orld a!d a player" tempted by a 5ic4ed spirit" 5ould retur! a ai! to the 5orld1 A!d as S1 9er!ard retai!ed him" he dema!ded him 5hereof he should li6e1 A!d he a!s5ered to him that he could 5ell play at the dice" a!d should 5ell li6e thereby1 A!d S1 9er!ard said to himD If I deli6er to thee a!y ood" 5ilt thou come a ai! e6ery year that I may part half ai! 5ith thee E A!d he had reat =oy thereof" a!d promised him so to do1 A!d the! S1 9er!ard said that there should be deli6ered to him t5e!ty shilli! s" a!d he 5e!t 5ithal1 A!d this holy ma! did this for to dra5 him a ai! to the reli io!" as he did after1 A!d he 5e!t forth" a!d lost all" a!d came a ai! all co!fused tofore the ate1 A!d 5he! S1 9er!ard 4!e5 him there" he 5e!t to him =oyously a!d ope!ed his lap for to part the ai!1 A!d he saidD 'ather" I ha6e 5o! !othi! " but ha6e lost your chattel7 recei6e me" if it please you" to be your chattel1 A!d S1 9er!ard a!s5ered to him s5eetlyD If it be so" it is better that I recei6e thee" tha! lose both thee a!d that other1 O! a time S1 9er!ard rode upo! a! horse by the 5ay" a!d met a 6illei! by the 5ay" 5hich said to him that he had !ot his heart firm a!d stable i! prayi! 1 A!d the 6illei! or upla!dish ma! had reat despite thereof" a!d said that he had his heart firm a!d stable i! all his prayers1 A!d S1 9er!ard" 5hich 5ould 6a!<uish him a!d she5 his folly" said to himD Depart a little from me" a!d be i! thy pater!oster i! the best e!te!t thou ca!st1 A!d if thou ca!st fi!ish it 5ithout thi!4i! o! a!y other thi! " 5ithout doubt I shall i6e to thee the horse that I am o!1 A!d thou shalt promise to me by thy faith that if thou thi!4 o! a!y other thi! thou shalt !ot hide it from me1 A!d the ma! 5as lad a!d reputed the horse his" a!d ra!ted it him" a!d 5e!t apart a!d be a! his pater!oster1 A!d he had !ot said the half 5he! he remembered if he should ha6e the saddle 5ithal1 A!d there5ith he retur!ed to S1 9er!ard a!d said that he had thou ht i! prayi! " a!d after that he had !o more 5ill to ad6a!ce him1 There 5as mo!4 of his !amed brother 3obert" !i h to himself as to the 5orld" had bee! decei6ed i! his childhood by the e!ticeme!t of some perso!s" a!d 5as se!t to the abbey of Clu!y" a!d the ho!ourable ma! left him a5hile there1 A!d he 5ould call him a ai! by letters7 a!d as he i!dited the letter by clear day" a!d a!other mo!4 5rote it" a rai! came sudde!ly upo! them1 A!d he that 5rote 5ould ha6e hid the parchme!t from the rai!" a!d S1 9er!ard saidD This 5or4 is the 5or4 of God" 5rite o! hardily a!d doubt thee !othi! 1 A!d the! he 5rote the letter i! the midst of the rai! 5ithout bei! 5et" a!d yet it rai!ed all about them7 for the 6irtue of charity too4 a5ay the moisture of the rai! from them1 A reat multitude of flies had ta4e! a church that he had do ma4e" so that they did much harm to all them that came thither1 A!d he saidD I curse a!d e8commu!icate them" a!d o! the mor! they 5ere fou!d all dead1 +e 5as o! a time se!t from the pope to -ila! for to reco!cile the church" a!d 5he! he had so do!e a!d 5as retur!ed" a ma! of -ila! brou ht to him his 5ife 5hich 5as demo!iac1 A!d a!o! the de6il be a! to missay him throu h the mouth of the 5retched 5oma!" a!d saidD Thou eater of porret" 5ee! thou to ta4e me out of mi!e houseE Nay" thou shalt !otI A!d the holy ma!" S1 9er!ard" se!t him to S1 Syrus i! his church" a!d the said S1 Syrus a6e the ho!our to his host a!d healed her !ot" a!d thus 5as she brou ht a ai! to S1 9er!ard1 A!d the! the de6il be a! to cry" a!d saidD Neither Syrus !e 9er!ard shall put me out1 A!d S1 9er!ard saidD Syrus !e 9er!ard shall !ot put thee out" but our Lord shall put thee out1 A!d as soo! as he made his prayer the 5ic4ed spirit saidD +a I haI ho5 ladly 5ould I issue from he!ce" for I am here torme!ted rie6ously1 9ut I may !ot" for the reat Lord 5ills it !ot1 A!d the holy ma! saidD ,ho is that LordE a!d he said" Jesus of NaHareth1 A!d S1 9er!ard saidD Sa5est thou him e6erE A!d he a!s5eredD ;ea1 S1 9er!ard saidD ,here sa5est thou himE A!d he saidD I! his lory1 A!d S1 9er!ard as4ed himD A!d 5ert thou i! loryE A!d he saidD ;ea1 +o5 5e!test thou from the!ceE A!d he











saidD ,ith Lucifer ma!y of us fell1 All these he said by the mouth of the 5oma!" that e6ery ma! heard1 The! said to him the holy ma!D ,ouldst !ot thou o a ai! i!to that loryE A!d he said" mo5i! mar6ellouslyD It is too late1 The! the holy ma! prayed" a!d the 5ic4ed spirit issued out of that 5oma!" but 5he! the ma! of God 5as departed the!ce" the 5ic4ed spirit e!tered a ai!1 A!d her husba!d came after the holy ma! a!d told him 5hat 5as happed1 A!d he made to bi!d a 5riti! about her !ec4 co!tai!i! these 5ordsD I comma!d thee i! the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ that thou be !ot so hardy to touch more this 5oma!" a!d he durst !e6er after touch her1 There 5as a piteous 5oma! i! Guie!!e" 5hich 5as 6e8ed 5ith a de6il that d5elled i! her a!d 6e8ed her mar6ellously si8 years duri! " i! usi! her to his lechery1 A!d the holy ma!" S1 9er!ard" came i! to the parts1 A!d the de6il me!aced her" if she 5e!t to him that it should !ot profit her1 A!d if she 5e!t" he that 5as her lo6e should be to her a cruel persecutor1 9ut she 5e!t surely to the holy ma!" a!d told to him" 5eepi! stro! ly" 5hat she suffered1 A!d he saidD Ta4e this staff 5hich is mi!e" a!d lay it i! thy bed" a!d if he may do a!ythi! let him do it" a!d she did so a!d laid it i! her bed1 A!d he came a!o!" but he durst !ot o to his 5or4 accustomed" !e presumed to approach her bed" but he threate!ed her ri ht ea erly that" 5he! he 5as o!e" he 5ould a6e! e him ri ht cruelly o! her1 A!d 5he! she had said this to 9er!ard" he assembled the people that e6ery each should hold a ca!dle bur!i! i! his ha!d" a!d came to this de6il" a!d 5ith all them that 5ere there he cursed him a!d e8commu!icated him" a!d defe!ded that !e6er after he should so do to her !e to !o!e other1 A!d thus 5as she all deli6ered of that illusio!1 A!d 5he! o! a time as this holy ma! 5e!t as a le ate i! to that pro6i!ce for to reco!cile the du4e of Guie!!e to the church" a!d he refused to be reco!ciled i! all ma!!ers" the holy ma! 5e!t to the altar for to si! mass" a!d the du4e abode 5ithout the church as e8commu!icate1 A!d 5he! he had said (a8 domi!i" he laid the body of our Lord upo! the pate!" a!d bare it 5ithout the church" a!d 5e!t out 5ith a face flami! a!d bur!i! " a!d assailed the du4e by fearful 5ords" sayi! D ,e ha6e prayed thee a!d thou hast despised us" loI here is the so! of the Vir i! 5hich is come to thee" 5hich is Lord of the church 5hom thou persecutest1 This is thy =ud e" i! the !ame of 5hom all 4!ees bo5" i! the ha!ds of 5hom thy soul shall come" despise him !ot as thou hast his ser6a!ts" resist him if thou mayst1 The! a!o! the du4e 5a8ed all stiff a!d 5as impote!t i! all his members" a!d the! he fell do5! at his feet1 A!d the holy ma! put his foot at him" a!d comma!ded him to arise a!d to hear the se!te!ce of God1 +e the! trembli! arose" a!d accomplished a!o! that the holy ma! comma!ded1 O! a time as this holy S1 9er!ard e!tered i!to Almai!e for to appease a reat discord" there 5as a! archbishop that se!t a! ho!orable cler4 a ai!st him1 A!d 5he! the cler4 said to him that he had bee! se!t from his master a ai!st him" the holy ma! a!s5ered to him a!d saidD A!other lord hath se!t thee1 A!d he mar6elled a!d said that he 5as se!t of !o!e other" but of his lord the archbishop1 A!d S1 9er!ard saidD So!" thou art decei6ed" our Lord Jesu Christ" 5hich hath se!t thee" is a reater master1 A!d 5he! the cler4 u!derstood him he saidD Sire" 5ee!est thou that I 5ill be a mo!4E Nay" I thou ht it !e6er" !e it came !e6er i! my heart" yet after i! the same 6oya e he forsoo4 the 5orld a!d recei6ed the habit of this holy ma!" S1 9er!ard1 +e too4 also o! a time i!to the order a !oble 4!i ht" a!d 5he! he had follo5ed S1 9er!ard a little time he be a! to be rie6ously tempted" a!d 5he! a brother sa5 him so hea6y" he i!<uired the cause of his hea6i!ess1 A!d he a!s5ered himD I 5ot 5ell that I shall !e6er be lad1 A!d the brother told it to S1 9er!ard" a!d he prayed to God much e!te!ti6ely for him" a!d a!o! that brother that 5as so pe!si6e a!d so hea6y" seemed more =oyous tha! the other" a!d more lad tha! he had bee! tofore hea6y1 A!d the brother blamed him because he had said that he should !e6er be =oyous1 A!d he a!s5ered a!d saidD I 5ot 5ell I said I should !e6er be lad" but I say !o5 that I !e6er shall be sorro5ful1 ,he! S1 -alachi" bishop of Irela!d" of 5hom he 5rote the life" full of 6irtues" passed out of this 5orld out of his mo!astery blessedly to our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d S1 9er!ard offered to God for him sacrifice of health" he sa5 the lory of him by re6elatio! of our Lord" a!d by the i!spiratio! of God he cha! ed the














form of prayer after the commu!io!" sayi! thus 5ith =oyous 6oiceD God" that hast accompa!ied S1 -alachi by his merits 5ith thy sai!ts" 5e pray thee to i6e to us that 5e that ma4e the feast of his precious death" may follo5 the e8amples of his life1 A!d 5he! the cha!ter heard him"he said to him" a!d sho5ed that he erred1 A!d he saidD I err !ot" but I 4!o5 5ell 5hat I say" a!d the! 5e!t to the body a!d 4issed his feet1 A!d i! a time that the Le!t approached he 5as 6isited of di6ers 4!i hts1 A!d he prayed them that at the least i! these holy days they should abstai! them from their 6a!ities" their =ollities" a!d doi! outra es" a!d they i! !o 5ise 5ould a ree thereto1 A!d the! he bade ma4e ready 5i!e" a!d said to themD Dri!4 ye the health of your souls" a!d 5he! they had dru!4 the 5i!e they 5ere sudde!ly cha! ed a!d 5e!t to their houses" a!d they that had de!ied to do a little time" they a6e to God after" all the time of their life" a!d led a ri ht holy life1 At the last the holy S1 9er!ard" approachi! to the death" said blessedly to his brethre!D I re<uire a!d comma!d you to 4eep three thi! s" the 5hich I remember to ha6e 4ept to my po5er as lo! as I ha6e bee! i! this prese!t life1 I ha6e !ot 5illed to sla!der a!y perso!" a!d if a!y ha6e falle! I ha6e hid it as much as I mi ht1 I ha6e e6er trusted less mi!e o5! 5it tha! a!y others1 If I 5ere hurt" I !e6er re<uired 6e! ea!ce of the hurter1 I lea6e to you charity" humility" a!d patie!ce1 A!d after that he had do!e ma!y miracles" a!d had made o!e hu!dred a!d se6e!ty:o!e mo!asteries" a!d had ordai!ed ma!y boo4s a!d treatises" he accomplished the days of his life the si8ty:third year of his a e" i! the year of our Lord ele6e! hu!dred a!d fifty si81 +e slept i! our Lord amo! the ha!ds of his so!s" a!d his lory sho5ed his departi! he!ce to much people1 +e appeared to a! abbot i! a mo!astery a!d admo!ished him that he should follo5 him" a!d he so did1 A!d the! S1 9er!ard saidD ,e be come to the mou!t of Leba!o!" thou shalt abide here" a!d I shall asce!d up o! hi h1 A!d he as4ed him 5herefore he 5ould o up" a!d he saidD 'or to lear!" I 5ill o up1 A!d he bei! reatly admar6elled" saidD ,hat 5ilt thou lear!" father" of 5hom 5e belie6e that there is !o!e to thee li4e" !e holde! so 5ise i! scie!ce as thou artE A!d he saidD +ere is !o scie!ce" !e here is !o 4!o5led e of truth" but there abo6e is ple!ty of scie!ce" a!d o! hi h is the 6ery 4!o5led e of truth1 A!d 5ith that 5ord he 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d the! that abbot mar4ed that day" a!d fou!d that S1 9er!ard 5as the! passed to our Lord" 5hich sho5ed for him ma!y miracles a!d i!!umerable1 To 5hom be i6e! laud a!d praisi! e6erlasti! 1 Ame!1 Of *" Ti%othy. a#d i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"




Timothy is as much to say as holdi! dread1 Or of timor" that is dread" a!d theos" a 5ord of Gree4" 5hich is deus i! Lati! a!d God i! E! lish" as the dread of God1

Of *" Ti%othy" S1 Timothy 5as ta4e! u!der Nero of the pro6ost of 3ome" a!d 5as rie6ously beate!" a!d had <uic4lime put i! his throat a!d upo! his 5ou!ds1 A!d he re!dered tha!4i! s to God 5ith all his heart1 A!d the! t5o a! els came to him" sayi! D Lift up thi!e head to hea6e!1 A!d the! he beheld a!d sa5 the hea6e! ope!" a!d Jesu Christ" 5hich held a double cro5!" a!d said t! him1 Thou shalt recei6e this of my ha!d1 A!da ma! !amed Apolli!arius sa5 this thi! a!d did him to be baptiHed1 A!d therefore the pro6ost comma!ded that they t5ai! to ether" perse6eri! i! the co!fessio! of our Lord" should be beheaded about the year of our Lord fifty:si81 Here followeth of *" *y%&horie#"





Symphorie! 5as bor! i! the city of Au ustidi!e!se1 A!d he bei! a you! child sho!e i! so reat abu!da!ce of 6irtues" that he surmou!ted the life of the a!cie!ts1 A!d as the pay!ims hallo5ed the feast of Ve!us" Symphorie! 5as there a!d 5ould !ot 5orship the ima e tofore +eraclius the pro6ost1 A!d the! he 5as lo! beate!" a!d after set i! priso!1 A!d they 5ould ha6e co!strai!ed him to do sacrifice" a!d promised to him ma!y ifts1 +e a!s5ered a!d saidD Our Lord ca! 5ell re5ard the merits" a!d also he ca! 5ell pu!ish the si!s1 The! the life that 5e o5e to God of debt" let us pay 5ith ood5ill1 Slo5 pe!a!ce is to u!dersta!d" si!!ers e!harde!ed be a!oi!ted 5ith the s5eet!ess of ho!ey 5hich e! e!dereth 6e!om a!d thou hts e6il belie6i! 1 ;our co6etise tofore all thi! s possesseth !othi! " for it is bou!de! to the


arts of the de6il" a!d shall be 5ithholde! i! the bou!ds of the cursed a!d e6il 5i!!i! 1 A!d your =oys" 5he! they be i! to shi!e" shall be bro4e! li4e lass1 A!d the! the =ud e" fulfilled 5ith 5rath" a6e se!te!ce" a!d comma!ded that Symphorie! should be slai!1 A!d as he 5as led to the place of his martyrdom" his mother cried from the 5all of her house" a!d saidD So!I so! I remember thee of the life perdurable" loo4 up5ard a!d behold him that rei !eth i! hea6e!1 The life shall !ot be ta4e! a5ay from thee" but it shall be cha! ed i!to a better1 A!d the! he 5as a!o! beheaded" a!d his body ta4e! of christia! me! a!d 5as ho!ourably buried1 A!d so ma!y miracles 5ere sho5ed at his tomb that it 5as held i! reat ho!our of the pay!ims1 Gre ory of Tours rehearseth of the place 5here his blood 5as shedD A christia! ma! bare a5ay three sto!es 5hich 5ere bespre!t 5ith his blood" a!d put them i! a case of sil6er" a!d tables of tree e!closed about it" a!d bare them i!to a castle" 5hich castle 5as all bur!t 5ith fire1 A!d that case 5as fou!d 5hole a!d safe i! the middle of the fire1 A!d he suffered death about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d se6e!ty1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" /artholo%ew the A&o tle. a#d fir t the e+&o itio# of hi #a%e"





9artholome5 is e8pou!ded the so! of abo6eha! i! the 5aters" or so! of o6erha! i! the sea1 +e is said of bar" that is as much to say as so!" a!d tholos" 5hich is as much to say as so6erei !ty" a!d of moys" that is to say 5ater1 A!d hereof is said 9artholome5" as a so! ha! i! o6er the 5aters1 That is of God" 5hich e!ha!ceth the mi!ds of doctors o! hi h" for to shed a!d bespri! be!eath the 5aters of doctri!e1 A!d it is a !ame of Syriac a!d !ot of +ebre51 A!d the first three suspe!di! s that he had" ou ht to be !otedD +e 5as suspe!ded or ta4e! up from the lo6e of the 5orld" a!d he 5as suspe!ded" that is to say e!te!ti6e" i! hea6e!ly lo6e" a!d he 5as suspe!ded" that is to say 5rapped" i! the race a!d i! the aid of God1 Not by his merits his life sho!e" but by the aid of God1 Of the seco!d came the deep!ess of his 5isdom" of 5hich deep!ess of 5isdom De!is saith" i! his mystical theolo yD The di6i!e 9artholome5" of 5hom is much di6i!ity a!d ri ht little" a!d that the ospel is broad a!d reat" a!d also it is short1 A!d after the e!te!t of S1 De!is" 9artholome5 5ill sho5 that all thi! s may be affirmed a!d sho5ed of God u!der o!e co!sideratio!" a!d by a!other co!sideratio! may be more properly de!ied1 Of *" /artholo%ew the A&o tle" S1 9artholome5" the apostle" 5e!t i!to I!dia" 5hich is i! the e!d of the 5orld1 A!d therei! he e!tered i!to a temple 5here a! idol 5as 5hich 5as !amed Astaroth" a!d he" as a pil rim" abode there1 I! that idol d5elt a fie!d that said that he could heal all ma!!er sic4!esses" but he lied" for he could !ot ma4e them 5hole" but mi ht better them but for a 5hile1 A!d the temple 5as full of sic4 people" a!d could ha6e !o a!s5er of that idol" 5herefore they 5e!t i! to a!other city 5hereas a!other idol 5as 5orshipped !amed 9erith" a!d they dema!ded him 5herefore Astaroth a6e to them !o a!s5er1 A!d 9erith saidD ;our od is bou!d 5ith chai!s of fire that he !either dare dra5 breath !e spea4 after that 9artholome5" the apostle of God" e!tered i!to the temple1 A!d they said to himD ,ho is that 9artholome5E A!d the de6il saidD +e is the frie!d of God Almi hty" a!d he is come i!to this pro6i!ce for to a6oid all the ods of I!dia1 A!d the! they saidD Tell us some to4e!s a!d si !s that 5e may 4!o5 him a!d fi!d him1 A!d the de6il said to themD +e hath his hairs blac4 a!d crisp" his s4i! 5hite" eyes reat" his !ostrils e6e! a!d straipht" his beard lo! a!d hoar a little" a!d of a strai ht a!d seemly stature1 +e is clad i! a 5hite coat" a!d a 5hite ma!tle" 5hich i! e6ery cor!er hath ems of purple a!d precious sto!es therei!1 A!d it is sith t5e!ty:si8 years that his clothes !e6er 5a8ed old !e foul1 +e prayeth a!d 5orshippeth God o! his 4!ees a hu!dred times a day" a!d a hu!dred times by !i ht1 The a! els o 5ith him" 5hich !e6er suffer him to be 5eary !e to be a! hu! ered" he is al5ays of li4e sembla!t" lad a!d =oyous1 +e seeth all thi! s tofore" he 4!o5eth all thi! s" he spea4eth all ma!!er la! ua es" a!d u!dersta!deth them" a!d he 4!o5eth 5ell 5hat I say to you1 A!d 5he! ye see4 him" if he 5ill he may sho5 himself to you" a!d if him list !ot" !ot shall ye fi!d him1 A!d I pray you" 5he! ye fi!d him" that ye pray him that he come !ot hither" that his a! els do !ot to me as they ha6e do!e to my fello51 The! they 5e!t a!d sou ht him dili e!tly a!d busily t5o days" a!d fou!d him !ot1 O! a day" o!e that 5as beset 5ith a de6il cried" a!d saidD Apostle of God" 9artholome5" thy prayers bur! me1 A!d the apostle saidD +old thou thy peace a!d come the!ce1 A!d a!o! he 5as deli6ered1 A!d 5he!









(olemius" 4i! of that re io!" heard this thi! " 5hich had a dau hter lu!atic" he se!t to the apostle" prayi! that he 5ould come to him a!d heal his dau hter1 A!d 5he! the apostle 5as come to him a!d sa5 that she 5as bou!d 5ith chai!s" a!d bit all them that 5e!t to her" he comma!ded to u!bi!d her1 A!d the mi!isters durst !ot o to her1 A!d he saidD I hold the de6il fast bou!d that 5as i! her" a!d therefore be !ot afeard7 a!d the! a!o! she 5as u!bou!d a!d deli6ered1 A!d the! 5ould ha6e prese!ted to the apostle camels char ed 5ith old a!d sil6er a!d precious sto!es" but he could !ot be fou!d i! !o ma!!er1 A!d o! the morro5 follo5i! " the apostle appeared to the 4i! " alo!e i! his chamber" a!d said to himD ,herefore sou htest thou me yesterday 5ith old a!d sil6er a!d precious sto!esE Those thi! s be !ecessary to them that co6et thi! s 5orldly" but I desire !o thi! s terrie! !e car!al1 The! S1 9artholome5 be a! to say ma!y thi! s" a!d i!form the 4i! of our redemptio!" a!d amo! other thi! s ho5 Jesu Christ 6a!<uished the de6il by mar6ellous a!d co!6e!able puissa!ce" =ustice" a!d 5isdom1 'or it 5as co!6e!able that he that o6ercame the so! made of the earth" that 5as Adam" 5hile he 5as yet a 6ir i!" should be o6ercome of the so! of the 6ir i!1 +e o6ercame him the! mi htily" 5he! he thre5 him puissa!tly out of his lordship 5hich had thro5! out by force our forefather1 A!d thus" as he that o6ercometh some tyra!t" se!deth his fello5s tofore for to set up his si ! o6er all" a!d to cast out tyra!ts" i! li4e 5ise Jesu Christ se!t his messe! ers o6er all for to ta4e a5ay the ho!our a!d the 5orshippi! of the de6il ri hteously1 'or it is ri ht that he that 6a!<uished ma! by eati! " a!d held him" that he should be o6ercome by a ma! fasti! " a!d hold ma! !o lo! er1 'or it is ri htful that he 5hich by the art of the de6il 5as despised" that by the art of Jesu Christ he should be 6a!<uished1 A!d li4e as the falco! ta4eth the bird" ri ht so too4 he Jesu Christ i! desert because he fasted" a!d 5ould assay if he had hu! er7 a!d if he had hu! er" that he mi ht ha6e decei6ed him by meat" a!d if he had !o hu! er" the! 4!e5 he 5ell 5ithout doubt that he 5as God1 9ut he mi ht !ot 4!o5 him" for he had hu! er" a!d co!se!ted !othi! to him !e to his temptatio!s1 A!d 5he! he had preached the sacrame!ts of the faith" he said to the 4i! that" if he 5ould recei6e baptism" he 5ould sho5 him his od bou!de! 5ith chai!s1 A!d the day follo5i! " 5he! the bishops sacrificed 5ithi! the palace of the 4i! " the de6ils be a! to cry a!d sayD Cease" ye cursed 5retches" to do sacrifice to us" lest ye suffer 5orse tha! I that am bou!de! 5ith chai!s of fire by the a! els of Jesu Christ" 5hom the Je5s crucified a!d supposed to ha6e brou ht to death1 ,hich death" that is our <uee!" he hath impriso!ed" a!d hath bou!d our pri!ce i! chai!s of fire1 A!d a!o! the! they set cords o! the ima e for to pull do5! a!d o6erthro5 the idol" but they mi ht !ot1 The apostle the! comma!ded the de6il that he should issue a!d o out a!d brea4 the idol all to pieces" a!d he issued out a!d destroyed a!d bra4e all the idols of the temple1 A!d a!o! the apostle made his prayer" sayi! D O God of Abraham" God of Isaac" a!d God of Jacob" 5hich hast i6e! to us such po5er that 5e e!lumi!e the bli!d" a!d clea!se the lepers" I desire a!d re<uire that this multitude mi ht be healed" a!d they all a!s5ered" Ame!1 A!d forth5ith all the sic4 people 5ere cured a!d healed1 A!d the! the apostle did do hallo5 a!d dedicate that temple" a!d comma!ded the de6il to o i! to the desert1 The! the a! el of our Lord appeared there" a!d fle5 rou!d about the temple" a!d e!si !ed a!d ra6ed 5ith his fi! er the si ! of the cross i! four cor!ers of the temple" sayi! D Our Lord saith thisD Li4e as I ha6e you cured a!d made you clea! of all your sic4!ess" so let this temple be made clea! of all filth a!d ordure1 but I shall sho5 him of all filth a!d ordure1 9ut I shall sho5 him to you that d5elleth therei! tofore" to 5hom the apostle hath comma!ded to o i! to desert1 A!d doubt ye !ot to see him" but ma4e i! your forehead such a si ! as I ha6e ra6e! i! these sto!es1 A!d the! he sho5ed to them a! Ethiopia! more blac4 tha! thu!der" the face sharp" the beard lo! " his hairs ha! i! u!to his feet" his eyes flami! as hot fire" a!d cast out spar4les of fire" a!d casti! out of his mouth flames of sulphur" a!d his ha!ds bou!d 5ith chai!s of fire behi!d his bac41 A!d the! the a! el said to himD 9ecause that thou hast heard that the apostle hath comma!ded" a!d hast bro4e! all the idols of the temple" I shall u!bi!d thee7 o i! to such a place 5hereas d5elleth !o ma!" a!d be thou there u!to the day of =ud me!t1 A!d 5he! he 5as u!bou!d he 5e!t his 5ay 5ith a reat brayi! a!d ho5li! " a!d the a! el of our Lord mou!ted up to hea6e! i! the si ht of them all1 A!d the! 5as the 4i! baptiHed" 5ith his 5ife a!d his childre! a!d all his people" a!d left his realm a!d 5as made disciple of the apostle1 The! all the bishops of the idols assembled them to ether a!d 5e!t to Astra es the 4i! " a!d brother to (olemius" a!d complai!ed of the loss of their ods a!d of the destructio! of their temples" a!d of the co!6ersio! of his brother made by art ma ic1 Astra es 5as 5roth a!d se!t a thousa!d me! armed to ta4e the apostle" a!d 5he! he 5as brou ht tofore him" the 4i! said to himD Art thou !ot he that hast per6erted my brotherE A!d the apostle a!s5ered to himD I ha6e !ot per6erted him" but I ha6e co!6erted him7 a!d












the 4i! said to himD Li4e as thou hast made my brother forsa4e his od a!d belie6e i! thy God" so shall I ma4e thee forsa4e thy God" a!d thou shalt sacrifice to my od1 A!d the apostle said D I ha6e bou!d the od that thy brother adored" a!d sho5ed him bou!d" a!d co!strai!ed him to brea4 his false ima e" a!d if thou mayst do so to my God" thou mayst 5ell dra5 me to thi!e idol" a!d if !ot" I shall all to:brea4 thy ods" a!d the! belie6e thou i! my God1 A!d as he said these 5ords" it 5as told the 4i! that his od 9aldach 5as o6erthro5! a!d all to:bro4e!" a!d 5he! the 4i! heard that" he bra4e a!d all to:re!t his purple i! 5hich he 5as clad" a!d comma!ded that the apostle should be beate! 5ith sta6es" a!d that he should be flayed <uic4" a!d so it 5as do!e1 The! the christia!s too4 a5ay the body a!d buried it ho!ourably1 The! the 4i! Astra es a!d the bishops of the temples 5ere ra6ished 5ith fie!ds a!d died" a!d the 4i! (olemius 5as ordai!ed bishop" a!d accomplished the oflfice of a bishop t5e!ty:t5o years much louably" a!d after that rested i! peace full of 6irtues1 There be di6ers opi!io!s of the ma!!er of his passio!1 'or the blessed Dorotheus saith that he 5as crucified" a!d saith alsoD 9artholome5 preached to me! of I!dia" a!d deli6ered to them the ospel after -atthe5 i! their proper to! ue1 +e died i! Alba!" a city of reat Arme!ia" crucified the head do5!5ard1 S1 Theoderus saith that he 5as flayed" a!d it is read i! ma!y boo4s that he 5as beheaded o!ly1 A!d this co!trariety may be assoiled i! this ma!!er" that some say that he 5as crucified a!d 5as ta4e! do5! ere he died" a!d for to ha6e reater torme!t he 5as flayed a!d at the last beheaded1 I! the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d thirty:o!e" Sarace!s assailed Sicily" a!d destroyed the isle of Lipari 5hereas the body of S1 9artholome5 lieth" a!d bra4e up the sepulchre a!d thre5 the bo!es hither a!d thither1 A!d it is said that his body came i! such 5ise from I!dia thither i!to that isle1 ,he! the pay!ims sa5 that this body a!d his sepulchre 5ere reatly ho!oured for the miracles that befell" they had thereof reat despite" a!d laid them i! a tomb of lead" a!d thre5 them i!to the sea" a!d by the 5ill of God they came i!to this isle1 A!d 5he! the Sarace!s had departed a!d thro5! the bo!es here a!d there" a!d 5ere departed the!ce" the apostle appeared to a mo!4 a!d said to himD Arise up" a!d o a!d ather to ether my bo!es that be departed1 A!d he said to himD 9y 5hat reaso! shall I ather to ether thy bo!es" a!d 5hat ho!our ou ht 5e to do to them" 5he! thou sufferest us to be destroyedE A!d the apostle said to himD Our Lord hath spared this people here a lo! 5hile by my merits" but for their si!s that they ha6e si!!ed" 5hich cry 6e! ea!ce u!to hea6e!" I ha6e !ot co! et pardo! !e for i6e!ess for them1 A!d the! the mo!4 saidD +o5 shall I amo! so ma!y bo!es fi!d thi!eE A!d the apostle said to himD Thou shalt ather them by !i ht" a!d them that thou shalt fi!d shi!i! thou shalt ta4e up1 A!d the mo!4 5e!t" a!d fou!d them all as he had said" a!d too4 them up" a!d brou ht them 5ith him i! to a ship" a!d sailed 5ith them to 9e!e6e!to" 5hich is chief city of Apulia" a!d thus 5ere they tra!sported thither1 A!d it is said !o5 that they be at 3ome" ho5beit they of 9e!e6e!to say they ha6e the body1 There 5as a 5oma! that brou ht a 6essel full of oil for to put i! the lamp of S1 9artholome5" a!d ho5 5ell she i!cli!ed the 6essel for to pour out the oil" there 5ould !o!e issue out" ho5 5ell she touched 5ith her fi! er the oil clear1 A!d the! o!e cried a!d saidD I tro5 this oil be !ot a reeable to the apostle that it should be i! his lamp" 5herefore they put it i! a!other lamp a!d it issued a!o!1 ,he! that the emperor 'rederic4 destroyed 9e!e6e!to" a!d he had comma!ded that all the churches that there should be destroyed" a!d e!forced them to bear a5ay the oods from that city i!to a!other place" there 5as a ma! 5hich fou!d me! all 5hite shi!i! " a!d him seemed that they spa4e to ether of some secret thi! " a!d he mar6elled stro! ly 5ho they 5ere a!d dema!ded them" a!d the! o!e of them a!s5ered a!d saidD This is 9artholome5" the apostle" 5ith the other sai!ts 5hich had churches i! this city" that spea4 a!d ordai! to ether i! 5hat ma!!er a!d by 5hat pai! this emperor should be =ustified" that hath cast them out of their taber!acles1 A!d they ha6e !o5 co!firmed amo! them by firm se!te!ce that he" 5ithout tarryi! " shall o to the =ud me!t of God for to a!s5er thereupo!1 A!d a!o! the emperor died a! e6il death1 It is i! a boo4 read of the miracles of sai!ts that" a certai! master hallo5ed solem!ly the feast of S1 9artholome5" a!d the de6il i! the form of a maid appeared to this master that preached1 A!d 5he! he sa5 her" he bade her to come a!d di!e 5ith him" a!d 5he! they 5ere set at the table she e!forced her much for to dra5 him to her lo6e1 A!d the! S1 9artholome5 came to the ate a!d prayed that he mi ht come i! for the lo6e of S1 9artholome5" a!d she 5ould !ot" but se!t him bread" a!d he 5ould !o!e ta4e" but prayed the master by his messa e that he should say 5hat thi! that he supposed 5as most proper i!












a ma!1 A!d he a!s5eredD To lau h1 A!d the maid saidD Nay" it is si! i! 5hich a ma! is co!cei6ed" bor! a!d li6eth i! si!1 A!d S1 9artholome5 a!s5ered that he had 5ell said" but she had more profou!dly a!s5ered1 A!d the pil rim dema!ded after at the master" 5here the place 5as co!taim! the space of a foot 5here had God made reatest miracle1 A!d he said" the si ! of the cross" i! 5hich God had made ma!y miracles1 A!d she saidD Nay" it is the head of a ma!" i! 5hich the little 5orld is1 A!d the apostle allo5ed the se!te!ce of that o!e a!d of that other" a!d the! he dema!ded the third timeD +o5 far it 5as from the so6erei ! sie e or seat i! hea6e! u!to the lo5est a!d deepest place of hell1 A!d the master said that he 5ist !ot7 a!d she saidD I 4!o5 it 5ell" for I fell do5! from that o!e to that other" a!d it beho6eth that I sho5 it to thee1 A!d the de6il fell do5! i!to hell 5ith a reat bruit a!d ho5li! " a!d the! they se!t for the pil rim" a!d he 5as 6a!ished a!d o!e a!d a5ay a!d they could !ot fi!d him1 A!d i! li4e 5ise !i h accordi! to this is read of S1 A!dre51 The blessed Ambrose saith thus i! the preface that he made of this apostle i! abrid i! his le e!dD Jesu Christ" thou hast 6ouchsafed to sho5 to thy disciples" preachi! " ma!y thi! s of thy di6i!e Tri!ity i! mar6ellous ma!!er" a!d thy ma=esty" amo! 5hom thou hast se!t the blessed 9artholome5 ho!our by ri ht reat prero ati6e i! to a far cou!try1 A!d ho5 be it that he 5as all far from huma! co!6ersatio!" !e6ertheless he deser6ed by the i!creasi! of his predicatio!s to mar4 a!d thi!4 i! thy si ! the be i!!i! of that people1 AhI by 5hat loui! s is the mar6ellous apostle to be ho!oured1 A!d 5he! the hearts of the people of his !ei hbours sufficed !ot to him to recei6e his seed" he throu h:pierced li4e i! fleei! i! to the last cou!tries of the la!ds of I!dia" a!d e!tered i! to the temple 5here there 5as reat compa!y of sic4 people 5ithout !umber" a!d made the de6il so mute that he at !o remembra!ce to them that adored him" a!d the maid that 5as lu!atic by torme!t of the de6il he did u!bi!d a!d deli6ered her all 5hole to her father1 Oh" ho5 reat 5as this miracle of holi!ess" 5he! he made the fie!d" e!emy to the li!ea e huma!" to brea4 a!d destroy his o5! idol" a!d to bri! it to !ou ht1 Oh" ho5 5orthy is he to be !umbered to the hea6e!ly compa!y to 5hom the a! el appeared" to praise the faith of him by his miracles" a!d came from the so6erei ! hall a!d sho5ed to all the people the de6il chai!ed" a!d ri ht foul" a!d the si ! of the cross impressed i! the sto!e beari! health1 A!d the 4i! a!d the <uee! 5ere baptiHed" 5ith the people of their cities1 A!d at the last the tyra!t brother of (olemius" !e5 i! faith by the relatio! of the bishops of the temple" made the blessed apostle" co!sta!t i! the faith" to be beate!" flayed" a!d recei6e ri ht foul death1 A!d as he de!ou!ced the mischief of death" he had a!d bare 5ith him" i! to the lory of hea6e!" 6ictory of his lorious strife1 A!d the blessed Theodore" abbot a!d !oble doctor" saith of this apostle i! this ma!!er amo! other thi! s1 The blessed apostle 9artholome5 preached first i! Licao!ia" a!d after i! I!dia" a!d at the last i! Alba!" a city of reat Arme!ia" a!d there he 5as first flayed a!d after5ard his head smitte! off" a!d there he 5as buried1 A!d 5he! he 5as se!t of our Lord to preach" as I suppose" he heard ho5 our Lord said to himD Go" my disciple" to preach" 6oid out of this cou!try" a!d o fi ht a!d be capa8 of perils1 I ha6e first accomplished a!d fi!ished the 5or4s of my father" a!d am first 5it!ess" fill thou the 6essel that is !ecessary a!d follo5 thy master" lo6e thy lord" i6e thy blood for his blood" a!d thy flesh for his flesh" a!d suffer that 5hich he had suffered" let thi!e armour be debo!airty i! thy s5eati! s" a!d suffer s5eetly amo! 5ic4ed people a!d be patie!t amo! them that perish thee1 A!d the apostle recoiled !ot" but as a true ser6a!t a!d obeissa!t to his master 5e!t forth =oyi! " a!d as a li ht of God illumi!i! i! dar4!ess the 5or4 of holy church" li4e as the blessed S1 Austi! 5it!esseth i! his boo4" that" li4e a tiller of Jesu Christ" he profiteth i! spiritual tilli! 1 S1 (eter the apostle tau ht the !atio!s" but S1 9artholome5 did reat miracles1 (eter 5as crucified the head do5!5ard" a!d 9artholome5 5as flayed <uic4" a!d had his head smitte! off1 A!d they t5ai! i!creased reatly the church by the ifts of the +oly Ghost1 A!d ri ht as a harp i6eth a ri ht s5eet sou!d of ma!y stri! s" i! li4e 5ise all the apostles a6e s5eet melody of the u!ity di6i!e" a!d 5ere established by the 4i! of 4i! s1 A!d they departed amo! them all the 5orld" a!d the place of Arme!ia 5as the place of 9artholome5" that is from E=ulath u!to Gabaoth1 There thou mayst see him" 5ith the plou h of his to! ue" ear the fields u!reaso!able" so5i! i! the deep!ess of the heart the 5ord of the faith" a!d i! pla!ti! the 6i!es of our Lord a!d trees of paradise1 A!d to e6ery each setti! medici!ally the remedies of the passio!s" rooti! out per!icious thor!s" cutti! do5! trees of felo!y" a!d setti! about hed es of doctri!e1 9ut 5hat re5ard yielded the tyra!ts to their curateE They a6e to him disho!our for ho!our" cursi! for be!edictio!" pai!s for ifts" tribulatio! for rest" a!d ri ht bitter death for restful life1 A!d sith that he had suffered ma!y torme!ts" he 5as of them discoriate a!d flayed <uic4" a!d died !ot" a!d yet for all that he had them !ot i! despite that sle5 him" but admo!ished them by miracles" a!d tau ht them by demo!stra!ces" that did him harm1 9ut there 5as !othi! that















mi ht refrai! their bestial thou hts" !e 5ithdra5 them from harm1 ,hat did they after5ardsE They e!forced them a ai!st the holy body" a!d the malades a!d sic4 me! refused their medici!er a!d healer" the city refused him that e!lumi!ed their bli!d!ess" o6er!ed them that 5ere i! peril" a!d a6e life to them that 5ere dead1 A!d ho5 cast they him outE Certai!ly" they thre5 the body i!to the sea i! a chest of lead" a!d that chest came from the re io! of Arme!ia 5ith the chests of four other martyrs" for they did also miracles a!d 5ere thro5! 5ith him i!to the sea1 A!d the four 5e!t before a reat space of the sea" a!d did ser6ice to the apostles li4e as ser6a!ts i! a ma!!er" so far that they came i!to the parts of Sicily i! a! isle that is !amed Lipari" li4e as it 5as sho5ed to a bishop of Ostia 5hich the! 5as prese!t1 A!d these ri ht rich treasures came to a ri ht poor 5oma!1 A!d these ri ht precious mar arets came to o!e !ot !oble" the bri ht shi!i! li ht came to o!e ri ht hea6y1 A!d the! the other four came i! to other la!ds" a!d left the holy apostle i! that isle" a!d he left the other behi!d him1 A!d that o!e 5hich 5as !amed (apia! 5e!t i!to a city of Sicily" a!d he se!t a!other" !amed Lucia!" i!to the city of -essi!a1 A!d the other t5ai! 5ere se!t i!to the la!d of Calabria" S1 Gre ory i!to the city of Colum!a" a!d Achate i!to a city !amed Chale" 5here yet at this day they shi!e by their merits1 A!d the! 5as the body of the apostle recei6ed 5ith hym!s" loui! s" a!d ca!dles ho!ourably" a!d there 5as made a!d builded a fair church i! the ho!our of him1 A!d the mou!tai! of Vulca! is !i h to that isle" a!d 5as to it much rie6ous because it recei6ed fire" the 5hich mou!tai! 5as 5ithdra5! by the merits of this holy sai!t from that isle se6e! miles" 5ithout to be see! of a!y body" a!d 5as suspe!ded to5ard the sea1 A!d yet appeareth it at this day to them that see it" as it 5ere a fi ure of fire fleei! a5ay1 No5 the!" therefore" I salute thee" 9artholome5" blessed of blessed sai!ts" 5hich art the shi!i! li ht of holy church" fisher of fishes reaso!able" hurter of the de6il 5hich hurted the 5orld by his theft1 E!=oy thee" su! of the 5orld" e!lumi!i! all earthly thi! s" mouth of God" fiery to! ue pro!ou!ci! 5isdom" fou!tai! spri! i! oodly" full of health" 5hich hallo5est the sea by thy oi! s a!d 5ays !ot remo6able" 5hich ma4est the earth red 5ith thy blood" 5hich repairest i! hea6i!ess" shi!i! i! the middle of the di6i!e compa!y clear i! the resple!dishour of lory1 A!d e!=oy thee i! the lad!ess of =oy i!satiable1 Ame!1 A!d this is that Theodore saith of him1 Here followeth the Life of *" Au ti#. or Au(u ti#e. Do$tor. a#d fir t the e+&o itio# of hi #a%e"

Austi!" this !ame 5as sorted to him for the e8celle!ce of his di !ity" or for the fer6e!t lo6e that he had" or for the e8positio! of his !ame1 'or the e8celle!ce of his di !ity7 for li4e as the emperor Au ustus precelled all other 4i! s" ri ht so he e8celled all other doctors" after that 3emi ius saithD The other doctors be compared to stars a!d this to the su!1 As it appeareth i! the epistle that is su! of himD +e shi!eth i! the temple of God li4e to the su! shi!i! 1 Seco!dly" for the fer6e!t lo6e" for li4e as the mo!th of Au ust is hot by heat" so is he e!chauffed of the fire of the di6i!e lo6e" 5herefore he saith himself i! the boo4 of Co!fessio!sD Thou hast throu hpierced my heart 5ith thy charity1 Also i! the sameD Thou hast brou ht me i! to a desirous affectio! 5ithi!forth 5hich ca!!ot be assua ed1 A!d I 5ot !ot to 5hat s5eet!ess it is made i! me7 I 5ot !ot to 5hat it shall be" I 5ot 5ell it shall !ot be i! this life1 Thirdly" for the e8positio! of the !ame1 Au us is as much to say as ro5i! " a!d sti! is a city" a!d a!a is as much to say as so6erei !" a!d the! Au usti! is as much to say as" i!creasi! the city so6erei !1 A!d it is su! of himD This is he that may 5ell i!crease the city of God1 Or it is said i! the lossaryD Austi! is said reat" blessed" a!d clear7 he 5as reat i! his life" clear i! his doctri!e" a!d blessed i! lory1 (ossido!ius" bishop of Calame!te" compiled his life" as Cassiodore saith i! the boo4 of !oble me!1 Of *" Au ti#. Do$tor a#d /i ho&"






S1 Austi! the !oble doctor 5as bor! i! Africa i! the city of Cartha e" a!d 5as come of !oble 4i!dred1 A!d his father 5as !amed (atric4 a!d his mother -o!ica1 +e 5as sufficie!tly i!structed i! the arts liberal" so that he 5as reputed for a sufficie!t philosopher a!d a ri ht !oble doctor" for he lear!ed all by himself" 5ithout master" i! readi! the boo4s of Aristotle a!d all other that he mi ht fi!d of arts liberal1 A!d he u!derstood them" as he himself 5it!esseth i! the boo4 of Co!fessio!s" sayi! D All the boo4s that be called of the arts liberal" the!" I" most 5retched ser6a!t of all co6etises" read them all by myself alo!e" a!d u!derstood all them that I mi ht read" a!d all them of the craft of spea4i! a!d of de6isi! " all them of di6isio!s of fi ures" of music a!d of !umbers1 I read a!d u!derstood them 5ithout reat difficulty" a!d



5ithout teachi! of a!y ma!" this 4!o5est thou" my Lord God1 'or the hasti!ess of mi!e u!dersta!di! a!d the ift of lear!i! is of thee o!ly" a!d cometh of thy !ame" but I ha6e !ot sacrificed to thee therefore" a!d therefore scie!ce 5ithout charity edifieth !ot" but s5elleth i! the error of -a!ichea!s" 5hich affirm that Jesu Christ 5as fa!tastic" a!d re!y the resurrectio! of the flesh1 A!d i! the same error Austi! fell" a!d abode therei! !i!e years" 5hiles he 5as a! adolesce!t" a!d 5as brou ht to belie6e the truffes a!d =apes t!at say that the fi tree 5eepeth 5he! his fi s or lea6es be ta4e! a5ay1 A!d 5he! he 5as !i!etee! years of a e" he be a! to read i! the boo4 of philosophy" i! 5hich he 5as tau ht to despise the 6a!ities of the 5orld1 A!d because that boo4 pleased him 5ell" he be a! to be sorry that the !ame of Jesu Christ" 5hich he had lear!ed of his mother" 5as !ot therei!1 A!d his mother 5ept oft" a!d e!forced her much to bri! him to the 6erity of the faith1 A!d as it is read i! the boo4 of Co!fessio!s" she 5as i! a place much hea6y" a!d her thou ht that a fair you! ma! 5as tofore her" that e!<uired of her the cause of her hea6i!ess" a!d she saidD I 5eep here the loss of my so! Austi!" a!d he a!s5eredD 9e thou sure" for 5here thou art he is1 A!d she sa5 her so! beside her" a!d 5he! she had told this to Austi!" he said to his motherD Thou art decei6ed mother" it 5as !ot said so butD ,here that I am thou art7 a!d she said co!traryD So!" it 5as !ot said so to me" but 5here I am thou art1 A!d the! the mother e!te!ti6ely prayed a!d re<uired a bishop i!sta!tly that he 5ould pray for her so! Au usti!1 A!d he" bei! o6ercome" said to her by the 6oice of a prophetD Go thy 5ay surely" for a so! of so ma!y tears may !ot by possibility perish1 A!d 5he! he had certai! years tau ht rhetoric i! Cartha e he came to 3ome secretly" 5ithout the 4!o5led e of his mother" a!d assembled there ma!y disciples1 A!d his mother had follo5ed him u!to the ate to ma4e him abide" or else that she should o 5ith him" a!d he abode that !i ht" but he departed secretly o! the mor!1 A!d 5he! she appercei6ed it" she reple!ished the ears of our Lord 5ith clamour" a!d 5e!t i! the mor!i! a!d at e6e! to the church" a!d prayed God for her so!1 I! that time" they of -ila! re<uired a doctor of rhetoric of Symmachus the prefect of 3ome" that he mi ht read rhetoric at -ila!1 A!d that time Ambrose" ser6a!t of God" 5as bishop of that city" a!d Au usti! 5as se!t at the prayer of them of -ila!1 A!d his mother mi ht !ot rest" but did much pai! to come to him" a!d fou!d him that he !either 5as 6ery -a!ichea!" !e 6ery catholic1 A!d the! it happed that Au usti! be a! to hau!t 5ith S1 Ambrose" a!d oft heard his predicatio!s" a!d 5as much e!te!ti6e to hear if a!ythi! 5ere said a ai!st the -a!ichea!s or other heresies1 O! a time it happed that S1 Ambrose disputed lo! a ai!st the error -a!ichea!" a!d co!dem!ed it by ope! a!d e6ide!t reaso!s a!d by authorities" so that this error 5as all put out of the heart of Au usti!1 A!d 5hat befell to him after5ard he rehearseth i! the boo4 of his Co!fessio!s" a!d saith ,he! I 4!e5 thee first thou beatedst a5ay the i!firmity of my si ht" shi!i! i! me forcibly1 A!d I trembled for dread of ood lo6e" a!d I fou!d myself ri ht far from thee i! a re io! of u!li4elihood" li4e as I heard thy 6oice from hea6e! o! hi h" sayi! D I am meat of reat!ess i!creased a!d thou shalt eat me" thou shalt !ot cha! e me i! thee as meat of thy flesh" but thou shalt be cha! ed i! me1 A!d as he rehearseth there" the life of Jesu Christ pleased him much 5ell" but he doubted yet to o i! such distresses" but our Lord a!o! put i! his mi!d that he should o to Simplicia!" i! 5hom all di6i!e race sho!e" for to refrai! his desires" a!d for to say to him 5hat ma!!er 5as co!6e!able to li6e" for to o i! the 5ay of God i! 5hich that other 5e!t1 'or all that 5as do!e displeased him sa6e the s5eet!ess of God a!d the beauty of the house of God" 5hich he lo6ed1 A!d Simplicia! be a! to e8hort him" a!d S1 Au usti! e8horted himself a!d saidD +o5 ma!y childre! a!d maide!s ser6e i! the church of God to our LordD a!d mayst !ot thou do that they do i! themsel6es a!d !ot i! their GodE ,herefore tarryest thouE Cast thyself o! him a!d he shall recei6e thee a!d re5ard thee1 A!d amo! these 5ords Victori! came to his mi!d1 The! Simplicia! 5as much lad" a!d told to him ho5 Victori! 5as yet a pay!im" a!d deser6ed to ha6e a reat ima e to his li4e!ess i! the mar4et of 3ome" a!d ho5 he ofttimes said that he 5as a christia! ma!1 To 5hom Simplicia! saidD I shall !ot belie6e it but if I see thee i! the church1 A!d he a!s5ered merrilyD The 5alls ma4e !ot a ma! christia!1 At the last" 5he! he came i!to the church" he brou ht to him secretly a boo4 5herei! the credo of the mass 5as" a!d bade him read1 A!d he asce!ded upo! hi h" a!d 5ith 6oice o! hi h propou!ced it" 5hereof 3ome mar6elled" a!d the church 5as =oyful" a!d all cried sudde!lyD Victori!I Victori!I A!d a!o! they held their peace for =oy1 A!d after that there came from Africa a frie!d of Au usti! 5hich 5as !amed (o!cia!" a!d recou!ted to him the life a!d miracles of the reat A!tho!y" that had died lately u!der Co!sta!ti!e the emperor1 A!d by the e!samples Austi! e!forced him stro! ly"













so that he assailed his fello5 Alipius as 5ell 5ith cheer as mi!d" a!d cried stro! lyD ,hat suffer 5eE 5hat hear 5eE ?!tau ht people a!d foolish" ra6ish a!d ta4e hea6e!" a!d 5e 5ith our co!!i! a!d doctri!es plu! e a!d si!4 i!to hell" a!d because they o tofore 5e be ashamed to follo5 them1 A!d the! he ra! i!to a arde!" a!d" as he saith himself" he cast himself do5! u!der a fi :tree a!d 5ept ri ht bitterly" a!d a6e out 5eepi! 6oice because he had tarried so lo! from day to day" a!d from time to time1 A!d 5as reatly torme!ted" so that he had !o ma!!er i! himself for sorro5 of his lo! tarryi! " li4e as he 5riteth i! the boo4 of his Co!fessio!s a!d saidD AlasI Lord" ho5 thou art hi h i! hi h thi! s a!d deep i! deep!ess" a!d departest !ot !e oest out of the 5ay" a!d u!!ethe 5e come to thee1 AhI Lord" he said" call me" mo6e me" cha! e me" a!d e!lumi!e me" ra6ish me a!d ma4e s5eet a!d soft all mi!e empeshme!ts a!d letti! s" as it appertai!eth" for I dread them sore" I ha6e lo6ed thee o6er late" thou beauty so old a!d so !e5" I o6er late ha6e lo6ed thee1 Thou 5ert 5ithi! a!d I 5as 5ithout" a!d there I sou ht thee a!d i! the beauty a!d fair!ess that thou hast made I fell all deformed a!d foul1 Thou 5ert 5ith me" but I 5as !ot 5ith thee1 Thou hast called a!d cried a!d hast bro4e! my deaf!ess1 Thou hast e!lumi!ed" cleared" a!d hast put a5ay my bli!d!ess1 Thou hast reple!ished me 5ith fra ra!t odours a!d I haste me to come to thee1 I ha6e tasted thee" a!d am hu! ry a!d desire thee1 Thou hast touched me" a!d I am bur!t i! the 6oice of loui! thy peace1 A!d as he 5ept thus bitterly" he heard a 6oice sayi! D Ta4e a!d read" a!d a!o! he ope!ed the boo4 of the apostle" a!d cast his eyes o! the first chapter a!d readD Clothe ye you i! our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d a!o! all the doubts of dar4!ess 5ere e8ti!ct i! him1 A!d i! the mea!time he be a! to be so reatly torme!ted 5ith toothache" that almost" he saith" he 5as brou ht to belie6e the opi!io! of Cor!elius the philosopher" 5hich putteth that the so6erei ! 5eal of the soul is i! 5isdom" a!d the so6erei ! 5eal of the body is i! sufferi! !o pai! !e sorro51 A!d his pai! 5as so reat a!d 6eheme!t that he had lost his speech" 5herefore as he 5riteth i! the boo4 of his Co!fessio!s" he 5rote i! tables of 5a8 that all me! should pray for him that our Lord should assua e his pai!" a!d he himself 4!eeled do5! 5ith the other" a!d sudde!ly he felt himself 5hole1 A!d the! he si !ified by letters to the holy ma!" S1 Ambrose" that he 5ould se!d to him 5ord" 5hich of the boo4s of holy 5rit appertai!eth best to read i!" for to be made most co!6e!able to the christia! faith1 A!d he se!t to him a!s5erD Isaiah the prophet" because that he 5as see! to be the sho5er a!d pro!ou!cer of the ospel a!d of calli! of me!1 A!d 5he! Au usti! u!derstood !ot all the be i!!i! " a!d supposed all the rem!a!t to be other5ise tha! it 5as to read" he deferred to read them till he 5ere more co!!i! i! holy 5rit1 A!d 5he! the day of Easter came a!d Austi! 5as thirty years old" he a!d his so! 5hich 5as !amed Adeodatus" a child of !oble 5it a!d u!dersta!di! " 5hom he had otte! i! his youth 5he! he 5as a pay!im a!d a philosopher" 5ith Alipius his frie!d" by the merits of his mother" a!d by the preachi! of S1 Ambrose recei6ed baptism of S1 Ambrose1 A!d the!" as it is read" S1 Ambrose saidD Te deum laudamus" a!d S1 Austi! a!s5eredD Te domi!um co!fitemur" a!d so they t5o to ether ordai!ed a!d made this hym! a!d su! it u!to the e!d1 A!d so 5it!esseth it +o!orius i! his boo4 5hich is !amed" The -irror of the Church1 A!d i! some other old boo4s" the title of this hym! or psalm is e!titledD The ca!ticle of Ambrose a!d of Au usti!1 A!d a!o! he 5as mar6ellously co!firmed i! the faith catholic" a!d forsoo4 all the hope that he had i! the 5orld" a!d re!ou!ced the schools that he ruled1 A!d he sho5eth i! his boo4 of Co!fessio!s ho5 he 5as from the!ceforth achauffed i! the lo6e of God" sayi! D Lord" thou hast throu hpierced my heart 5ith thy charity" a!d I ha6e bor!e thy 5ords fi8ed i! mi!e e!trails" a!d the e!samples of thy ma!!ers 5hich thou hast made of blac4" 5hite a!d shi!i! " a!d of dead" li6i! " a!d of corrupt thou hts thou ma4est fair a!d hi h u!dersta!di! i! hea6e!ly thi! s1 I mou!ted up i!to the hill of 5eepi! " a!d thou a6est to me" si! i! the ca!ticle of rees" sharp arro5s a!d coals 5asti! " !e I 5as !ot i! the days fulfilled i! thy mar6ellous s5eet!ess" for to co!sider the hei ht of the di6i!e cou!sel upo! the health of the li!ea e huma!1 +o5 much ha6e I 5ept i! thy hym!s a!d ca!ticles s5eetly sou!di! " a!d by the 6oice of thy church I ha6e bee! mo6ed ea erly1 The 6oices ha6e ru! i! mi!e ears" a!d thy truth hath dropped i! mi!e heart" a!d the! tears ha6e ru! do5! a!d I 5as 5ell eased 5ith them1 The! these hym!s 5ere established to be su! i! the church of -ila!1 A!d I cried 5ith a! hi h cry of mi!e heartD O i! pace" O i! id ipsum" O thou that sayst I shall sleep i! that same a!d ta4e rest" thou art the same" for thou art !ot cha! ed" a!d i! thee is rest" for etti! all labours1 I read all that psalm" a!d I bur!ed" 5hich sometime had bee! a bar4er bitter a!d bli!d" a ai!st the letters ho!ied 5ith the s5eet!ess of hea6e! a!d e!lumi!ed 5ith thy li ht1 A!d upo! such scriptures I held my peace a!d spa4e !ot1 O Jesu Christ my helper" ho5 s5eet is it sudde!ly made to me to lac4 the s5eet!esses of truffes a!d =apes" 5hich 5ere far from me to lea6e a!d forsa4e" a!d !o5 to lea6e a!d forsa4e them is to me reat =oy1 Thou









hast cast them out from me" a!d thou 5hich art so6erei ! s5eet!ess hast e!tered i!to me for them" 5hich art s5eeter tha! a!y s5eet!ess or delices" more clear tha! a!y li ht" a!d more secret tha! a!y secret cou!sels" a!d more hi h tha! all ho!our" a!d there is !o!e more hi h tha! thou1 A!d after this he too4 Nebridius a!d E6odius" a!d his mother" a!d retur!ed a ai! i!to Africa1

9ut 5he! they came to Tiberi!a" his s5eet mother died" a!d after her death Austi! retur!ed u!to his proper herita e" a!d there e!te!ded 5ith them that bode 5ith him i! fasti! s a!d i! prayers1 +e 5rote boo4s" a!d tau ht them that 5ere !ot 5ise" a!d the fame a!d re!o5! of him spread o6er all1 A!d i! all his boo4s a!d 5or4s he 5as holde! mar6ellous1 +e refused to come to a!y city 5hereas 5as !o bishop lest he should be let by that office1 A!d i! that time 5as i! +ippo a ma! full of reat 6irtues" 5hich se!t to Au usti!" that if he 5ould come to him that he mi ht hear the ood of his mouth" he 5ould re!ou!ce the 5orld1 A!d 5he! S1 Au usti! 4!e5 it he 5e!t hastily thither1 A!d 5he! Valeria!" bishop of +ippo" heard his re!omee a!d fame" he ordai!ed him a priest i! his church" ho5beit that he refused it much a!d 5ept1 A!d some reputed his tears to be made by pride" a!d said to him" i! comforti! him" that it 5as time that he 5ere a priest" thou h he 5ere 5orthy to a reater office" !e6ertheless he approached to the bishopric1 A!d a!o! he established a mo!astery of cler4s" a!d be a! to li6e u!der the rule of the apostles" out of 5hich mo!astery 5ere te! chose! to be bishops1 A!d because the said bishop 5as a Gree4 a!d but little lettered i! Lati! to! ue a!d tau ht" he a6e po5er to Au usti! for to preach a ai!st the ma!!er of the church orie!tal1 A!d therefore ma!y bishops despised him" but he rau ht !ot if he did it to be do!e by the said Au usti!" that 5hich he could !ot do himself1 I! that time he co!:6a!<uished 'ortu!atus the priest" a -a!ichea!" 5hich 5as a heretic" a!d ma!y other heretics" 5hich !amely 5ere rebaptiHed Do!atists a!d -a!ichea!s7 all these he co!fou!ded a!d o6ercame1 The! the blessed Valeria! doubted lest Au usti! should be ta4e! a5ay from him" for to be made a!d re<uired to be a bishop i! a!other city1 A!d he 5ould ha6e ladly offered to him his bishopric" but he supposed that he 5ould ha6e fled i!to some secret place" thereas he should !ot ha6e bee! fou!d1 A!d the! he impetred of the archbishop of Cartha e that he mi ht cease a!d lea6e his bishopric" a!d that he 5ould promise Au usti! to be bishop of the church of +ippo" but 5he! Au usti! heard that" he refused it utterly i! all ma!!ers1 Ne6ertheless he 5as co!strai!ed a!d so co:acted that he too4 at the last the cure of the bishopric" 5hich thi! " he said" that he ou ht !ot to be ordai!ed" the bishop li6i! " a!d said" a!d 5rote" for the i!hibitio! of the e!eral cou!cil" the 5hich he lear!ed after" that it 5as ordai!ed i! the cou!cil of the bishops" that all the statutes of the fathers ou ht to be said to ordai! of them that ordai!ed them1 A!d it is read that he said after of himselfD I !e feel our Lord so a! ry 5ith me i! !o thi! as that I am !ot 5orthy to be set i! the di !ity of the o6er!a!ce of the church1 +is clothi! " a!d hosi! " a!d shoei! " a!d all his other ador!me!ts a!d array" 5ere !ot o6er foul !e o6er fair" but they 5ere of sufficie!t" moderate" a!d compete!t habit1 A!d he said of himselfD I am ashamed of precious clothi! " a!d therefore" 5he! a!y is i6e! to me I sell it" for clothi! may !ot be commo!" the price is commo!1 +e used al5ays his table spari! 7 he used al5ays potta e a!d 5ortes for sic4 fol4" a!d oftimes he had flesh for uests a!d sic4 people" a!d he lo6ed better at his table lesso!s a!d disputatio!s tha! meat" a!d had these 6erses 5ritte! at his tableD *uis&uis amat dictis absentum rodere vitam, Hanc mensam indignam noverit esse sibi+








that is to sayD ,hosoe6er lo6es to missay a!y creature that is abse!t" it may be said that this table is de!ied to him at all1 'or" o! a time1 as a ma! had loosed his to! ue to missay of a bishop familiar 5ith him" he rebu4ed him cruelly" a!d said that" he should lea6e off or raHe a5ay these 6erses" or o from the table1

O! a time 5he! he had bidde! to di!!er some of his frie!ds" o!e of them e!tered i!to the 4itche!" a!d fou!d yet all the meat cold that they should ha6e at di!!er7 a!d a!o! he retur!ed to Austi! a!d saidD ,hat ha6e ye for our di!!erE A!d Austi! a!s5ered to himD I !oot !e ca! !o s4ill of such meats7 a!d the! he saidD I shall !ot the! di!e 5ith you1 A!d the! Au usti! said that three thi! s he had lear!ed of S1 AmbroseD the first is that" he should !e6er dema!d 5ife for a!other ma!" the seco!d that" he should !e6er !ot le!d his horse to him that 5ould ride" a!d the third" that he should o to !o feast1 The cause of the


first" lest they accord !ot a!d be !ot of o!e 5ill" a!d curse him that brou ht them to ether1 The cause of the seco!d" lest the rider ta4e harm i! his ridi! a!d blame him that le!t him the horse1 The cause of the third" lest at the feast he lose the ma!!er of tempera!ce1







+e 5as of so reat purity a!d humility" that the ri ht little si!s 5hich 5e repute for !o!e he co!fessed them to God" as it appeareth i! the boo4 of his Co!fessio!s" a!d accused himself mee4ly to our Lord1 'or he accused himself there" that 5he! he 5as a child" ho5 he played at the ball 5he! he should o to school1 Also of that he 5ould !ot lear! of his father a!d mother a!d of his masters" but by co!strai!t1 Also" 5he! he 5as a child" of that he read ladly the fables of Q!eas a!d complai!ed Dido 5hich died for lo6e1 Also of that he had stole! meat from the table out of the celyer of his father a!d mother that he had i6e! to childre! that played 5ith him" a!d of that" that the plays a!d ames he had 6ictory by fraud1 Also he co!fessed him of steali! of pears off a pear tree sta!di! !i h his 6i!eyard 5he! he 5as si8tee! years old1 I! the same boo4 he accused him of that little delectatio! 5hich sometime he felt i! eati! " a!d saidD Thou hast tau ht me that I should ta4e !ourishi! of meat li4e a medici!e" but 5he! I o to rest 5ith full belly" the! I o i! the 5ay i! 5hich the s!are of co!cupisce!ce assaileth me1 A!d ho5 5ell that the cause of eati! a!d dri!4i! be cause of health" she ad=oi!eth 5ith her a perilous chamberer" that is =oyousty" 5hich e!forceth her oft to perish" so that by the cause it is oft cause of that I 5ould do for health1 Dru!4e!!ess is far from me7 I beseech thee" Lord" ha6e mercy o! me" that it approach !ot me1 A!d" Lord" 5ho is he" but sometime he is ra6ished out of his meatsE ,ho that it be that is !ot" certai!ly is much perfect" it am !ot I" for I am a si!ful ma!1 Also he held himself suspect of smelli! " sayi! D Of u!la5ful smelli! I i!termit me !ot o6ermuch" but 5he! they be prese!t" I re<uire them !ot" a!d if I ha6e them I refuse them !ot" !or I co6et them !ot as me seemeth" 5he! I lac4 them I shall !ot be decei6ed1 No ma!" saith he" ou ht to be sure i! this life" for it is called all temptatio!" that is to 5it" that he may be made of the 5orse the better" a!d !ot of the better the 5orse1 A!d he co!fessed him also of heari! " sayi! D The deli hts a!d 6oluptuosities of mi!e ears ha6e bo5ed a!d subdued me" but thou hast u!bou!d a!d deli6ered me" for 5he! it happed me that the so! more mo6ed me tha! the thi! su! " I co!fess me sore to ha6e si!!ed" a!d the! I 5ould that I had !ot heard him that so sa! 1 A!d the! he accused him of seei! 7 of that he sa5 sometime ladly the hou!d ru!!i! " a!d 5he! he 5e!t sometime by ad6e!ture by the fields" he beheld ladly hu!ti! " a!d 5he! he 5as at home he beheld oftimes the spi!coppes or spiders ta4i! flies by the !ets of their cob5ebs1 +ereof he co!fessed him to our Lord" for sometime they too4 from him ood thou hts" a!d letted him of some ood 5or4s1 A!d he accused him of the appetite of praisi! a!d of the mo6i! of 6ai! lory" sayi! that he 5ould be praised of me!1 A!d thou blamest him" he shall !ot be defe!ded of me! 5he! thou =ud est him" !or be 5ithdra5! 5he! thou shalt dam! him1 'or ma! is praised for some ift that thou hast i6e! to him7 !e6ertheless he e!=oyeth more of that he is praised" tha! he doth of the ift that thou hast i6e!1 ,e be tempted e6ery day 5ith these temptatio!s 5ithout ceasi! " for <uotidia! fur!ace is our to! ue huma!1 Ne6ertheless I 5ould 5ell that the !ame of e6ery ood deed should i!crease by the help of a stra! e mouth1 9ut the to! ue i!creaseth it !ot" but blame mi!isheth it1 I am sorry sometime of my praisi! s" 5he! they be praised i! me i! 5hich they displease me" for so some ma!!ers be esteemed better tha! they be1 This holy ma! co!fou!ded ri ht 6alia!tly the heretics" i!somuch that they preached ope!ly that it 5ere !o si! to slay Au usti!" a!d said that he ou ht to be slai! li4e a 5olf" a!d they affirmed that God pardo!ed all the si!s to them that sle5 him" a!d he 5as oftimes a5aited of them" a!d 5he! he 5e!t i! to a!y places" they set spies" but" by the race of God" they 5ere decei6ed of their 6oya e a!d mi ht !ot fi!d him1 +e remembered al5ays the poor people" a!d succoured them freely of that he mi ht ha6e" a!d sometimes he comma!ded to brea4 the 6essels of the church for to i6e to the poor people" a!d dispe!d it amo! the !eedy1 +e 5ould !e6er buy house" !or field" !or to5!" a!d refused ma!y herita es that 5ere falle! to him" 5herefore" he said" that they appertai!ed to the childre! of the dead people" a!d to them that 5ere !e8t of their1 4i!" a!d it sufficed him e!ou h that 5hich fell to him by the church1 A!d yet he 5as !ot e!te!ti6e for the lo6e of such oods" but day a!d !i ht he thou ht i! di6i!e scriptures1 +e had !e6er study i! !e5 fabrics !or buildi! s" but esche5ed to set thereo! his coura e" 5hich e6er he 5ould ha6e free from all bodily riefs" so that he mi ht more freely e!te!de" a!d more co!ti!ually" to the lesso!1 Ne6ertheless he 5ould !ot forbid them that 5ould edify" if that he sa5 them !ot do it disattemperately1






+e praised them stro! ly that had desire to die" a!d remembered much oft thereupo! the e!samples of three bishops1 'or 5he! Ambrose 5as at his e!d" he 5as prayed that he should et lo! er space of his life by his prayers1 +e a!s5eredD I ha6e !ot li6ed so that I am ashamed to li6e amo! you" a!d I am !ot afraid to die" for I ha6e a ood Lord7 5hich a!s5er Au usti! praised mar6ellously" a!d also he said of a!other bishop" that it 5as said to him that he 5as yet much !ecessary to the church" a!d that he should pray to God for the deli6era!ce of his sic4!ess1 A!d he saidD If I did !e6er 5ell but seldom" 5herefore should he deli6er me !o5E A!d of a!other bishop" that he said that Cypria! told 5he! he 5as i! rie6ous sic4!ess a!d prayed that God 5ould se!d him health" a you! li! appeared to him" a!d loo4ed ster!ly o! him" a!d said to him by disdai!D Thou doubtest to suffer" thou 5iliest !ot to die" 5hat shall I do to theeE +e 5ould !e6er ha6e that a!y 5oma! should d5ell 5ith him" !either his o5! sisters" !or the dau hters of his brother" 5hich ser6ed God to ether1 'or he said" thou h of his sister !or of his !ieces mi ht !o!e e6il suspicio! ro57 !e6ertheless because that such perso!s mi ht !ot be 5ithout other that ser6ed them" a!d also other mi ht come to them" a!d of such mi ht the thou hts be mo6ed to temptatio!s" or mi ht be defamed by e6il suspicio! of me!1 +e 5ould !e6er spea4 alo!e 5ith a!y 5ome! but if some o!e 5ere prese!t i! secret1 +e a6e !e6er !o oods to his 4i!" !or to his cousi!s" !or he rec4ed 5hether they abou!ded or 5ere !eedy1 +e 5ould !e6er" or seldom" pray for a!y" !either by letters !or by 5ords" rememberi! a certai! philosopher to 5hom his frie!ds had !ot i6e! much to i! the time of his fame7 a!d oft he saidD Oft the puissa!t that is re<uired i6eth 6erily1 ,he! he spa4e for his frie!d he attempered so the ma!!er of his duty" that he 5as !ot o6erhasti! himself" but the courtesy of the sayer deser6ed to be heard1 +e 5ould ladlier hear causes of u!4!o5! me! tha! of his frie!ds" for bet5ee! them he mi ht freely 4!o5 the default" a!d of them to ma4e o!e his frie!d for 5hom by ri ht he mi ht i6e se!te!ce" a!d of his frie!ds he 5as sure to lose o!e" that 5as" him a ai!st 5hom he a6e the se!te!ce1 +e 5as desired to preach the 5ord of God i! ma!y churches" a!d there he preached a!d co!6erted ma!y from errors1 ,he! he preached he had a custom sometime to depart him from his purpose" a!d the! he said that God had ordai!ed that for the profit of some perso!7 as it appeared to a -a!ichea!" 5hich i! a sermo! of Au usti! 5hereas he departed from his matter a!d preached a ai!st the same error" a!d thereby he 5as co!6erted to the faith1 I! that time that the Goths had ta4e! 3ome" a!d that the idolaters a!d false christia! me! e!=oyed them thereof" the! made S1 Au usti! therefore the boo4 of the City of God" i! 5hich he sho5ed first that ri hteous me! 5ere destroyed i! this life" a!d the e6il me! flourished1 A!d the treatise of the t5o cities is Jerusalem a!d 9abylo! a!d of the 4i! s of them1 'or the 4i! of Jerusalem is Jesu Christ" a!d he of 9abylo! is the de6il" the 5hich t5o cities ma4e t5o lo6es i! them1 'or the city of the de6il ma4eth a lo6e to himself" ro5i! the same u!to despite of God1 A!d the city of God made a lo6e ro5i! u!to the despite of him1 I! that time the Va!dals about the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d forty too4 all the pro6i!ce of Africa" a!d 5asted all" a!d spared !either ma! !or 5oma! !or for order !or for a e" a!d after came to the city of +ippo a!d assie ed it 5ith reat po5er1 A!d u!der that tribulatio!" Au usti! before all other led a bitter a!d ri ht holy life" for the tears of his eyes 5ere to him bread day a!d !i ht" 5he! he sa5 some slai!" others chased a5ay" the churches 5ithout priests" a!d the city 5asted 5ith the i!habita!ts1 A!d amo! these ma!y e6ils" by the se!te!ce of a certai! 5ise ma! he comforted himself" sayi! D Thou shalt !ot be reat i! 5ee!i! reat thi! s because that the 5oods a!d sto!es fall" a!d they that be mortal die1 +e called them his brethre!" a!d saidD I ha6e prayed our Lord that either he ta4e a5ay from us these perils or se!d to us patie!ce" or ta4e me out of this life that I be !o more co!strai!ed to ha6e so ma!y cursed!esses or ill:haps1 A!d the third thi! that he re<uired he had1 'or i! the third mo!th of the sie e he tra6ailed i! the fe6ers" a!d lay do5! o! his bed1 A!d 5he! he u!derstood his departi! he did do 5rite the se6e! psalms of pe!a!ce i! a place a ai!st the 5all" a!d read them Iyi! i! his bed a!d 5ept abu!da!tly1 A!d because he should e!te!d to God the more dili e!tly" a!d that his e!te!t should !ot be letted by !obody" te! days tofore his death he suffered !obody to e!ter i! to him but if it 5ere his physicia!" or else 5he! his refectio! 5as brou ht him1 A certai! sic4 ma! came because he should lay his ha!d o! him a!d thereby to heal him of his i!firmityD a!d S1 Au usti! a!s5ered to himD So!" that 5hich thou re<uirest of me 5ee!est thou that I may do such thi! that I !e !e6er didE If I mi ht do it" I 5ould the! heal myself1 A!d the ma! re<uired of him al5ays"













affirmi! that he 5as so comma!ded i! a 6isio! to come to him1 A!d the! he prayed for him" a!d he recei6ed health1 +e healed ma!y sic4 people a!d did ma!y other miracles1 +e cou!ted i! the boo4 of the City of God a!other miracle of t5ai! fools" of 5hich that o!e saidD I ha6e see! a 6ir i! of +ippo 5hich a!oi!teth her 5ith oil" a!d a!o! the de6il ra6ished a!d 6e8ed her" a!d a priest prayed for her 5eepi! " a!d she 5as a!o! made all 5hole a!d the fie!d issued from her" a!d of that other miracle he saith i! the same boo4D I 4!o5 5ell that a bishop o! a time prayed for a child that he had !e6er see!" a!d he 5as a!o! deli6ered of the de6il1 A!d it is !o doubt but that he said it of himself but he 5ould !ot !ame himself because of humility1 +e saith i! the same boo4 that a ma! should ha6e bee! cut of the sto!e a!d me! doubted that he should die" a!d the! the sic4 ma! prayed God 5eepi! " a!d Austi! prayed for him" a!d he 5as healed 5ithout cutti! or i!cisio!1 The!" 5he! his departi! approached" he e!sei !ed his brethre! that they should retai! i! mi!d that !o ma!" of 5hat e8celle!ce that he 5ere" ou ht !ot to die 5ithout co!fessio!" !e 5ithout to recei6e his Sa6iour1 A!d 5he! he came to the last hour he felt him 5hole i! all his members" of ood e!te!dme!t" clear seei! a!d heari! " a!d i! the year of his a e three score a!d si8" a!d of his bishopric forty" he put himself i! prayers 5ith his brethre!" 5hich prayi! he departed out of this life a!d 5e!t u!to our Lord1 A!d he made !o testame!t" for he 5as poor i! Jesu Christ a!d had !ot 5hereof1 A!d he flourished about the year of our Lord four hu!dred1 A!d thus S1 Au usti! ri ht clear by li ht of 5isdom" fi hti! i! defe!ce of truth" of faith a!d of arriso! of the church" surmou!ted all the other doctors of the church" as 5ell by e! i!e" as by co!!i! " flourishi! 5ithout compariso! as 5ell by e8ample of 6irtues as by abu!da!ce of doctri!e1 Of 5hom the blessed 3emi ius i! recordi! of Jerome a!d other doctors saith thusD S1 Au usti! co!cluded all the others by e! i!e a!d by scie!ce1 'or ho5beit that the blessed Jerome saith that he had see! si8 thousa!d 6olumes of Ori e!" this same 5rote so ma!y that !o ma! by day !or !i ht mi ht !ot 5rite his boo4s !e yet read them1 Volusia!" to 5hom S1 Au usti! 5rote" saith of him" thusD It lac4eth i! the la5 of God all that Au usti! 4!e5 !ot1 S1 Jerome saith thus i! a! epistle that he 5rote to the lorious S1 Au usti!D I ha6e !o co!!i! to a!s5er to thy t5o reat boo4s" shi!i! by all clear!ess of fair spea4i! " a!d certai!ly this that I ha6e said a!d ha6e lear!ed by e! i!e a!d co!!i! " a!d dra5! out of the fou!tai! of scripture" is by thee declared a!d set forth" but I pray thy re6ere!ce thou suffer me a little to praise thy e! i!e1 The blessed Isidore 5rote thus of him i! the boo4 of t5el6e doctorsD The lorious S1 Au usti!" bishop" flyi! by the hi h mou!tai!s as a! ea le" hath pro!ou!ced by clear 5ords ma!y of the spaces of hea6e!" the bou!ds of the la!ds" a!d the circle of the 5aters1 A!d after it appeareth 5hat re6ere!ce a!d lo6e S1 Jerome had to him i! the epistles that he se!t to the holy father S1 Au usti!D I" Jerome" ho!our al5ay thy blessed!ess by such ho!our as it appertai!eth to lo6e our Lord Jesu Christ d5elli! i! thee1 9ut a!d if it may be" let us !o5 ather of thy praisi! s somethi! 1 The blessed S1 Gre ory saith thus of his boo4s i! a! epistle that he se!t u!to I!!oce!t" pro6ost of AfricaD 9ecause it hath li4ed to thee to se!d to us for the e8positio! of holy Job" 5e re=oice us i! thy study1 9ut if thou 5ilt be made fat i! scie!ce" read the s5eet epistles of thy patro! a!d head S1 Au usti! our fello5" but thi!4 !ot that our 5heat may be compared to his rye1 A!d the blessed (rosper saith of himD S1 Au usti! 5as <uic4 i! e! i!e" s5eet i! speech" 5ise i! letters" a!d a !oble 5or4er i! the labours of the church7 clear i! daily disputatio!s" i! all his doi! s 5ell ordered" sharp i! assoili! <uestio!s" ri ht appert i! co!fou!di! heretics" a!d ri ht catholic i! e8pou!di! of our faith" a!d subtle i! e8pou!di! the ca!o! of scripture1 A!d after that the stra! e people had occupied that cou!try lo! " a!d had corrupted the holy places" the ood christia! me! too4 the body of S1 Au usti! a!d brou ht it i!to Sardi!ia1 A!d after that" t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty years" o!e Lipra!d" a de6out 4i! of the Lombards" se!t solem! messe! ers thither for to bri! the relics of S1 Au usti! to (a6ia" 5hich a6e reat ood for it" a!d brou ht the body u!to Ge!oa1 A!d 5he! the de6out 4i! heard thereof he had reat =oy" a!d 5e!t for to meet 5ith it at the said city" a!d recei6ed it ho!ourably1 A!d o! the mor! 5he! they 5ould ha6e led the body a5ay" they mi ht !ot remo6e it i! !o ma!!er till that the 4i! had a6o5ed that" if he 5ould let him be bor!e the!ce" he 5ould ma4e there a church i! the ho!our of him7 a!d 5he! he had do!e so" a!o! 5ithout a!y difficulty it 5as led a!d ta4e! from the!ce1 A!d o! that day follo5i! there fell a miracle i! a to5! !amed Cassel" i! the bishopric of Tyrdo!e" i! the same 5ise7 a!d there he builded a!other church i! the ho!our of him1 A!d the same to5! 5ith all the appurte!a!ces he a6e to them that ser6ed i! the same church" to possess for e6ermore1 A!d because the 4i! 5ould please the sai!t" a!d doubted that he 5ould be i! some other place tha! the 4i! 5ould ha6e"











5here6er the 4i! harboured by !i ht 5ith the body" he made there a church i! the ho!our of him" a!d thus 5as brou ht to (a6ia 5ith reat =oy7 a!d 5as laid ho!ourably i! the church of S1 (eter 5hich is called Cieldore" or hea6e! of old i! E! lish1 S1 9er!ard" o! a !i ht as he 5as at mati!s" he slumbered a little" a!d the lesso!s of S1 Au usti! 5ere read1 A!d the! he sa5 a ri ht fair you! ma! sta!di! before him" a!d so reat abu!da!ce of 5ater comi! out of his mouth that him seemed all the church 5as full thereof1 A!d the! he a5o4e" a!d 5ist 5ell that it 5as S1 Au usti!" 5hich had fulfilled that church 5ith his docti!e1 There 5as a ma!" 5hich had reat de6otio! to S1 Au usti!" a6e reat ood to a mo!4 that 4ept the body of S1 Au usti! for to ha6e a fi! er of the lorious sai!t1 A!d this mo!4 too4 this mo!ey a!d deli6ered to him the fi! er of a!other dead ma!" 5rapped i! sil4" a!d fei !ed that it 5as the fi! er of the lorious S1 Austi!1 A!d the ood ma! recei6ed it much ho!ourably a!d i! reat re6ere!ce" a!d ho!oured it e6ery day de6outly a!d touched 5ithal his eyes a!d his mouth" a!d oft embraced it a ai!st his breast1 A!d God by his mercy" that beholdeth all thi! s" a!d the faith of this ma!" a6e to him for that fi! er the 6ery proper fi! er of S1 Au usti!" a!d 5he! he came i!to his cou!try" there 5ere ma!y miracles sho5ed thereby1 The re!o5! a!d fame thereof came to (a6ia of this fi! er" a!d the mo!4 aforesaid affirmed al5ays that it 5as the fi! er of a!other dead ma!1 The sepulchre 5as ope!ed for to 4!o5 the truth" a!d it 5as fou!d that there lac4ed o!e of the fi! ers of the lorious sai!t1 A!d 5he! the abbot had 4!o5led e of this thi! " he put out the mo!4 of that office" a!d torme!ted a!d pu!ished him sore1 -a!y other miracles hath God sho5ed by his life" a!d also after his death" 5hich 5ere o6erlo! to 5rite i! this boo4" for they 5ould" I suppose" co!tai! a boo4 as much as all this a!d more" but amo! other correctio!s" I 5ill set herei! o!e miracle" 5hich I ha6e see! pai!ted o! a! altar of S1 Austi! at the blac4 frirs at A!t5erp" ho5beit I fi!d it !ot i! the le e!d" mi!e e8emplar" !either i! E! lish" 're!ch" !e i! Lati!1 It 5as so that this lorious doctor made a!d compiled ma!y 6olumes" as afore is said" amo! 5hom he made a boo4 of the Tri!ity" i! 5hich he studied a!d mused sore i! his mi!d" so far forth that o! a time as he 5e!t by tbe sea:side i! Africa" studyi! o! theTri!ity" he fou!d by the sea:side a little child 5hich had made a little pit i! the sa!d" a!d i! his ha!d a little spoo!1 A!d 5ith the spoo! he too4 out 5ater of the lar e sea a!d poured it i!to the pit1 A!d 5he! S1 Au usti! beheld him he mar6elled" a!d dema!ded him 5hat he did1 A!d he a!s5ered a!d saidD I 5ill lade out a!d bri! all this 5ater of the sea i!to this pit1 ,hatE said he" it is impossible" ho5 may it be do!e" sith the sea is so reat a!d lar e" a!d thy pit a!d spoo! so littleE ;es" forsooth" said he" I shall li htlier a!d soo!er dra5 all the 5ater of the sea a!d bri! it i!to this pit tha! thou shalt bri! the mystery of the Tri!ity a!d his di6i!ity i!to thy little u!dersta!di! as to the re ard thereof7 for the mystery of the Tri!ity is reater a!d lar er to the compariso! of thy 5it a!d brai! tha! is this reat sea u!to this little pit1 A!d there5ith the child 6a!ished a5ay1 The! here may e6ery ma! ta4e e!sample that !o ma!" a!d especially simple lettered me!" !e u!lear!ed" presume to i!termit !e to muse o! hi h thi! s of the odhead" farther tha! 5e be i!formed by our faith" for our o!ly faith shall suffice us1 The! here5ith I ma4e a! e!d of the life of this lorious doctor S1 Austi!" to 5hom let us de6outly pray that he be a mediator a!d ad6ocate u!to the blessed Tri!ity" that 5e may ame!d our si!ful life i! this tra!sitory 5orld" that 5he! 5e shall depart 5e may come to e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the De$ollatio# of *" Joh# /a&ti t" It is read that the decollatio! of S1 Joh! 9aptist 5as established for four causes" li4e as it is fou!d i! the 9oo4 of Office1 'irst" for his decollatio!7 seco!dly" for the bur!i! a!d atheri! to ether of his bo!es7 thirdly" for the i!6e!tio! a!d fi!di! of his head7 a!d fourthly" for the tra!slatio! of his fi! er a!d dedicatio! of the Church1 A!d after some people this feast is !amed di6ersely" that is to say" decollatio!" collectio!" i!6e!tio!" a!d dedicatio!1 'irst" this feast is hallo5ed for his decollatio! 5hich 5as made i! this ma!!er1 'or" as it is had i! +istoria Scholastica" +erod A!tipas" so! of the reat +erod" 5e!t to 3ome a!d passed by the house of (hilip his brother" a!d be a! to lo6e the 5ife of his brother" 5hich 5as !amed +erodias" 5ife of the same (hilip" his brother1 After that Josephus saith" she 5as sister of +erod A rippa1 A!d 5he! he retur!ed" he refused a!d repudiated his o5! 5ife" a!d secretly 5edded her to his 5ife" the 5hich thi! his 5ife 4!e5 5ell" that he had 5edded his brother>s 5ife1 A!d this first 5ife of +erod 5as dau hter of Areth" 4i! of Damascus" a!d therefore she abode !ot the comi! home of her husba!d" but 5e!t to her father as soo! as she mi ht1 A!d 5he! +erod retur!ed" he too4 a5ay the 5ife of (hilip his brother" a!d 5edded her" a!d left his o5!1 A!d there mo6ed a ai!st him therefore +erod A rippa" a!d the 4i! Areth a!d (hilip became his e!emies1 A!d S1 Joh! said to him that he had !ot do!e 5ell to do so" because after the la5 it appertai!ed !ot to him to ha6e a!d hold the 5ife of his brother


















li6i! 1 A!d +erod sa5 that Joh! repro6ed him of this thi! so cruelly" as Josephus saith" because he repro6ed him of blame1 +e assembled reat people for to please his 5ife" a!d did do bi!d a!d put S1 Joh! i! priso!" but he 5ould !ot slay him for doubt of the people" 5hich much lo6ed Joh!" a!d follo5ed him for his predicatio!1 A!d +erod a!d +erodias" co6eti! occasio! a ai!st S1 Joh! ho5 they mi ht ma4e him die" ordai!ed bet5ee! them secretly that" 5he! +erod should ma4e the feast of his !ati6ity the dau hter of +erodias should dema!d a ift of +erod for da!ci! a!d spri! i! at the feast tofore the pri!cipal pri!ces of his realm" a!d he should s5ear to her by his oath that he shall ra!t it her1 A!d she should as4 the head of S1 Joh!" a!d he 5ould i6e it to her for 4eepi! of his oath" but he should fei ! as he 5ere a! ry because of ma4i! of the oath1 A!d it is read i! the +istory Scholastic that he had this treachery a!d reat fa!tasy i! him 5here it is said thusD It is to be belie6ed that +erod treated first secretly 5ith his 5ife of the death of S1 Joh!1 A!d u!der this occasio! saith Jerome i! the lossD A!d therefore he s5are for to fi!d occasio! to slay him" for if she had re<uired the death of his father or mother" he had !ot i6e! it to her !e co!se!ted it1 A!d 5he! the feast 5as assembled" the maid 5as there spri! i! a!d da!ci! tofore them all" i! such 5ise that it pleased much to all1 A!d the! s5are the 4i! that he 5ould i6e to her 5hatsome6er she re<uired" thou h she dema!ded half his 4i! dom1 A!d the! she" 5ar!ed by her mother" dema!ded the head of S1 Joh! 9aptist1 Ne6ertheless" +erod by e6il coura e fei !ed that he 5as a! ry because of his oath" a!d as 3aba!us saithD That he had s5or! follily" that he must !eeds do1 9ut he made !o si ! of sorro5 sa6e i! the 6isa e" for he 5as =oyous i! his heart7 he e8cused the felo!y of his oath" sho5i! that he did it u!der the occasio! of pity1 The! the ha! ma! came a!d smote off his head a!d deli6ered it to the maid" the 5hich she laid i! a platter a!d prese!ted it at the di!!er to her mischie6ous mother1 A!d the! +erod 5as much abashed 5he! he sa5 it1 A!d S1 Austi! rehearseth i! a sermo! that he made o! the occasio! of the decollatio!" by 5ay of e8ample" that there 5as a! i!!oce!t ma! a!d a true 5hich had le!t certai! mo!ey to a!other ma! 5hich de!ied it him 5he! he as4ed it1 A!d the ood ma! 5as mo6ed" a!d co!strai!ed him by his oath to s5ear 5hether he o5ed him or !o" a!d he s5are that he o5ed him !ou ht" a!d so the creditor lost that he had le!t1 A!d the! he saith that" i! the !e8t day follo5i! the creditor 5as ra6ished a!d brou ht tofore the =ud me!t" a!d it 5as as4ed himD ,hy calledst thou that ma! for to be belie6ed by his oathE A!d he saidD 9ecause he de!ied my debt1 A!d the =ud e saidD It had bee! better to thee to lose thy debt tha! he should lose his soul by ma4i! of a false oath as he did1 A!d the! this ma! 5as ta4e! a!d rie6ously beate!" so that 5he! he a5o4e the to4e!s of his 5ou!ds appeared o! his bac4" but he 5as pardo!ed a!d for i6e!1 A!d after this Austi! saith that S1 Joh! 5as !ot beheaded o! this day 5he! the feast of his decollatio! is hallo5ed" but the year tofore" about the feast of Easter" a!d because of the passio! of Jesu Christ a!d of the sacrame!t of our Lord it is deferred u!to this day" for the less ou ht to i6e place to the more a!d reater1 A!d of that" S1 Joh! Chrysostom saithD Joh! the 9aptist beheaded is become master of the school of 6irtues a!d of life" the form of holi!ess" the rule of =ustice" the mirror of 6ir i!ity" the e!sample of chastity" the 5ay of pe!a!ce" pardo! of si!" a!d discipli!e of faith1 Joh! is reater tha! ma!" peer u!to the a! els" so6erei ! holi!ess of the la5 of the ospel" the 6oice of the apostles" the sile!ce of the prophets" the la!ter! of the 5orld" the fore oer of the Jud e" a!d moye! of all the Tri!ity1 A!d this so reat a ma! 5as put to martyrdom" a!d a6e his head to the adulterer" a!d 5as deli6ered to the spri! i! maid1 +erod the! 5e!t !ot a5ay all u!pu!ished" but he 5as dam!ed i!to e8ile1 'or as it is co!tai!ed i! the +istory Scholastic" +erod A rippa 5as a !oble ma! but he 5as poor" a!d for his o6ermuch po6erty he 5as i! despair" a!d e!tered i!to a certai! to5er for to suffer death there by fami!e a!d hu! er1 9ut 5he! +erodias" his sister" heard thereof" she prayed +erod Tetrarch that he 5ould bri! him the!ce a!d mi!ister to him1 A!d 5he! he had do!e so they di!ed to ether" a!d +erod Tetrarch be a! to chauffe him by the 5i!e 5hich he had dru!4" a!d be a! to repro6e +erod A rippa of the be!efits that he had do!e to him1 A!d that other sorro5ed sore" a!d 5e!t to 3ome a!d 5as recei6ed i!to the race of Gaius the emperor" a!d he a6e to him t5o lordships" that is to say of Lisa!ia a!d Abili!a" a!d cro5!ed him" a!d se!t him 4i! i!to the Je5ry1 A!d 5he! +erodias sa5 her brother ha6e the !ame of a 4i! " she prayed her husba!d 5ith reat 5eepi! s that he should o to 3ome a!d buy him the !ame of a 4i! 1 +e abou!ded reatly i! riches" a!d e!te!ded !ot to her desire" for he had liefer be idle i! rest tha! to ha6e ho!our laborious1 9ut at the last he 5as o6ercome by her busy prayers" 9aptist a!d 5e!t to 3ome 5ith her1 A!d 5he! +erod A rippa 4!e5 it" he se!t letters to the CFsar" that +erod A!tipas" or the Tetrarch" had made frie!dship 5ith the 4i! of (ersia a!d allia!ce" a!d that he 5ould rebel a ai!st the empire of 3ome1 A!d i! to4e! of this thi! he si !ified to him that he had i! his arriso!s armours e!ou h for to ar!ish 5ith se6e! thousa!d me!1 A!d 5he! the emperor had read these letters he 5as much lad" a!d be a! to spea4 of other thi! s first" afar from his purpose" a!d amo! other thi! s he dema!ded him if






he had i! his cities reat abu!da!ce of armours as he heard say" a!d he de!ied it !ot to him1 The! the emperor belie6ed 5ell that 5hich +erod had se!t him i! 5riti! " a!d 5as a! ry to5ard him" a!d se!t him i!to e8ile1 A!d because his 5ife 5as sister to +erod A rippa" 5hom he much lo6ed" he a6e to her lea6e to retur! to her cou!try" but she 5ould o 5ith her husba!d i!to e8ile" a!d said that he that had bee! i! reat prosperity" she should !ot lea6e him i! his ad6ersity1 A!d the! 5ere they brou ht to Lyo!s" a!d there e!ded their li6es miserably1 This is i! the +istory Scholastic1 Seco!dly" this feast 5as established a!d hallo5ed for the bur!i! of his bo!es a!d atheri! to ether o! this day" li4e as some say they 5ere bur!t" a!d 5ere athered up of ood christia! me!1 A!d the! suffered he the seco!d martyrdom 5he! his bo!es 5ere bur!t" a!d therefore the church hallo5eth this feast also as his seco!d martyrdom" as it is read i! the +istory Scholastic1 'or 5he! his disciples had bor!e his body i! to the city Sebaste! of (alesti!e" they buried it bet5ee! ElisFum a!d Abdias" a!d at his tomb ma!y miracles 5ere sho5ed1 The! Julia! the apostate comma!ded that his bo!es should be bur!t" a!d they ceased !ot to do their 5ood!ess the!7 they too4 them a!d bur!t them i!to po5der a!d 5i!!o5ed them i! the fields1 A!d 9ede saith i! his Chro!icles that 5he! they had athered his bo!es they dre5 them afar that o!e from that other" a!d by this 5ise he suffered the seco!d martyrdom1 9ut they say that 4!o5 it !ot" that the day of his !ati6ity his bo!es 5ere athered all about a!d 5ere bur!t1 A!d 5hiles they 5ere i! atheri! " as it is said i! Scholastica +istoria" there came mo!4s from Jerusalem 5hich co6ertly put them amo! the atherers" a!d too4 a reat part of them a!d bare them to (hilip" bishop of Jerusalem1 A!d he se!t them after5ards to Atha!asius" bishop of Ale8a!dria" a!d lo! time after Theophilus" bishop of the same city" laid them i! the temple of Serapis" 5he! he had hallo5ed a!d pur ed it from filth" a!d sacred it a church i! the ho!our of S1 Joh! 9aptist" a!d this is that the +istory Scholastic saith1 9ut !o5 they be 5orshipped de6outly at Ge!oa" li4e as Ale8a!der the third" a!d I!!oce!t the fourth" 5it!esseth for truth" a!d appro6e it by their pri6ile es1 A!d li4e as +erod 5hich beheaded him 5as pu!ished for his trespass" so Julia! the apostate 5as smitte! 5ith di6i!e 6e! ea!ce of God" 5hose persecutio! is co!tai!ed i! the history of S1 Julia! tofore rehearsed after the Co!6ersio! of S1 (aul1 Of this Julia! the apostate" of his !ati6ity" of his empire" of his cruelty a!d of his death" is said plai!ly i! +istoria Tripartita1 Thirdly" this feast is hallo5ed for the i!6e!tio! of his head or fi!di! thereof1 'or" as some say" his head 5as fou!d o! this day1 A!d" as it is read i! the +istory ScholasticD Joh! 5as bou!d a!d impriso!ed" a!d had his head smitte! off 5ithi! the castle of Arabia that is !amed -achero!ta1 A!d +erodias did do bear the head i! to Jerusalem" a!d did do bury it secretly thereby 5hereas +erod d5elled" for she doubted that the prophet should rise a ai! if his head 5ere buried 5ith the body1 A!d as it is had i! the +istory ScholasticD I! the time of -arcia! the pri!ce" 5hich 5as the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d fifty: three" Joh! sho5ed his head to t5o mo!4s that 5ere come to Jerusalem1 A!d the! they 5e!t to the palace 5hich 5as lo! i! to +erod a!d fou!d the head of S1 Joh! 5rapped i! a! hair" a!d as I suppose" they 5ere of the 6estme!ts that he 5are i! desert1 A!d the! they 5e!t 5ith the head to5ard their proper places1 A!d as they 5e!t o! their 5ay a poor ma! 5hich 5as of the city of Emisse!e came a!d fello5shipped 5ith them" a!d they deli6ered him the ba i! 5hich 5as the holy head1 The! this ma! 5as 5ar!ed i! the !i ht that he should o his 5ay a!d flee from them 5ith the head" a!d so he 5e!t 5ith the head" a!d brou ht it i!to the city of Emisse!e1 A!d there as lo! as he li6ed he 5orshipped the head i! a ca6e" a!d had al5ays ood prosperity1 A!d 5he! he should die he told a!d sho5ed it to his sister" char i! her to tell it to !obody by her faith" a!d she 4ept it all her life" as he had do!e tofore lo! time1 After that" lo! time" the blessed Joh! 9aptist made re6elatio! of his head to S1 -arcellus" mo!4" that d5elled i! that ca6e" i! this ma!!er1 +im seemed" i! his sleepi! " that ma!y compa!ies si! i! 5e!t thither" a!d saidD LoI here is S1 Joh! 9aptist1 ,hom o!e led o! the ri ht side a!d a!other o! the left side" a!d blessed all them that 5e!t 5ith him1 To 5hom 5he! -arcellus came" he raised him up a!d too4 him by the chi!" a!d 4issed him1 A!d -arcellus dema!ded him a!d saidD -y lord" from 5he!ce art thou come to usE A!d he saidD I am come from Sebaste!1 A!d the! 5he! -arcell 5as a5a4ed" he mar6elled much of this 6isio!1 A!d the !i ht follo5i! " as he slept" there came a ma! to him 5hich a5o4e him" a!d 5he! he 5as a5a4ed he sa5 a ri ht fair star 5hich sho!e amidst of the cell throu h the house1 A!d he arose a!d 5ould ha6e touched it" a!d it tur!ed sudde!ly o! that other side1 A!d he be a! to ru! after it till that the star abode i! the place 5here the head of S1 Joh! 5as" a!d there he dalf a!d fou!d a pot" a!d the holy head therei!1 A!d a mo!4 that 5ould !ot belie6e that it 5as the head of S1 Joh!" laid his ha!d upo! the pot" a!d forth5ith his ha!d bur!ed a!d clea6ed so to the pot" that he could !ot 5ithdra5 it there from i! !o ma!!er" a!d his fello5s prayed for him1 A!d the! he dre5 off his ha!d" but it 5as !ot 5hole1













A!d S1 Joh! appeared to him a!d saidD ,he! my head shall be set i! the church" touch thou the! the pot a!d thou shalt be 5hole" a!d so he did a!d recei6ed his health" a!d 5as 5hole as it 5as before1 The! -arcellus sho5ed this to Julia!" bishop of the same city" a!d they bare it re6ere!tly i!to the city a!d sho5ed it ho!ourably1 A!d from that time forth the feast of his decollatio! 5as there hallo5ed" for it 5as fou!d the same day1 A!d after this it 5as tra!sported i!to the city of Co!sta!ti!ople1 A!d as it is said i! the +istory Tripartita" that Vale!s the emperor comme!ded that it should be laid i! a chariot for to be brou ht to Co!sta!ti!ople1 A!d 5he! it came to Chalcedo!" the chariot 5ould o !o farther" ho5 5ell that they set i! more beasts to dra5 it" 5herefore they must lea6e it there1 9ut after5ards Theodosius 5ould bri! it the!ce" a!d fou!d a !oble 5oma! set for to 4eep it" a!d he prayed her that she 5ould suffer him to bear a5ay the head1 A!d she co!se!ted because that she supposed that li4e as Vale!s mi ht !ot ha6e it the!ce" that i! li4e 5ise he should !ot co!!e ha6e it the!ce1 The! the emperor too4 it a!d embraced i! his arms much s5eetly the holy head" a!d laid it 5ithi! his purple" a!d bare it i! to the city of Co!sta!ti!ople a!d edified there a ri ht fair church a!d set it therei!1 This saith the +istory Tripartita1 After this" i! the time that 4i! (epi! rei !ed" it 5as tra!sported i! 'ra!ce i! (oictou" a!d there by his merits ma!y dead me! 5ere raised to life1 A!d i! li4e 5ise as +erod 5as pu!ished that beheaded S1 Joh!" a!d Julia! the apostate that bur!t his bo!es" so 5as +erodias 5hich cou!selled her dau hter to dema!d the head of S1 Joh!1 A!d the maid that re<uired it died ri ht u! raciously a!d e6il" a!d some say that +erodias 5as co!dem!ed i! e8ile" but she 5as !ot" !e she died !ot there" but 5he! she held the head bet5ee! her ha!ds she 5as much =oyful" but by the 5ill of God the head ble5 i! her 6isa e" a!d she died forth5ith1 This is said of some" but that 5hich is said tofore" that she 5as se!t i! e8ile 5ith +erod" a!d miserably e!ded her life" thus say sai!ts i! their chro!icles a!d it is to be holde!1 A!d as her dau hter 5e!t upo! the 5ater she 5as dro5!ed a!o!" a!d it is said i! a!other chro!icle that the earth s5allo5ed her i!" all <uic4" a!d may be u!derstood as of the E yptia!s that 5ere dro5!ed i! the 3ed Sea" so the earth de6oured her1 'ourthly" this feast 5as hallo5ed for the tra!slatio! of his fi! er a!d the dedicatio! of his church1 'or his fi! er 5ith 5hich he sho5ed our Lord" as it is said" mi ht !ot be bur!t1 A!d this said fi! er 5as fou!d of the said mo!4s" 5hich after5ards as it is had i! +istoria Scholastica" S1 Thecla brou ht it o6er the mou!tai!s" a!d set it i! the church of S1 -arti!" a!d this 5it!esseth -aster Joh! 9eleth" sayi! that the said S1 Thecla brou ht the same fi! er from beyo!d the sea i!to Norma!dy a!d there builded a church i! the ho!our of S1 Joh!" 5hich church" as it is said" 5as dedicated a!d hallo5ed this same day" 5herefore it 5as stablished of our holy father the pope" that this day should be hallo5ed throu h the 5orld1 A!d Gobert saith that a much de6out lady to5ards S1 Joh! 5as i! 'ra!ce" 5hich much prayed to our Lord that he should i6e to her some relics of the said S1 Joh!" a!d 5he! she sa5 that it profited !ot i! prayi! to God" she be a! to ta4e affia!ce i! God" a!d a6o5ed that she 5ould fast a!d !e6er eat meat till she had of him some relic1 A!d 5he! she had fasted certai! days she sa5 upo! the table tofore her a fi! er of mar6ellous 5hite!ess" a!d she recei6ed 5ith reat =oy that ift of God1 The! after" came thither three bishops" a!d each of them 5ould ha6e part of the fi! er1 The! by the race of God the fi! er dropped three drops of blood upo! a cloth by 5hich they 4!e5 that each of them had deser6ed to ha6e a drop1 A!d the! Theodoli!a" <uee! of the Lombards" fou!ded at -ode!a" beside -ila!" a !oble church i! the ho!our of S1 Joh! 9aptist1 A!d li4e as (aul 5it!esseth i! the history of LombardsD A!d the time passed u!to Co!sta!ce the emperor 5hich 5ould ha6e ta4e! Italy from the Lombards" a!d he dema!ded of a holy ma! 5hich had a spirit of prophecy" ho5 he should do 5ith the battle 5hich he had e!terprised1 A!d that ma! 5as all !i ht i! prayer a!d came to the emperor a!d a!s5ered to him a!d saidD The <uee! hath do made a church of S1 Joh! 9aptist a!d prayeth co!ti!ually for the Lombards" a!d therefore thou mayst !ot surmou!t them" but the time shall come that that place shall be despised" a!d the! they shall be o6ercome1 ,hich 5as accomplished i! the time of Charlema !e1 O! a time came a ma! of reat 6irtue" as S1 Gre ory saith i! his dialo ue" 5hose !ame 5as Sa!ctilus a!d had recei6ed i! his 4eepi! a deaco! that 5as ta4e! of the Lombards by such a co!ditio! that if he fled he should ha6e his head smitte! off1 The said Sa!ctilus co!strai!ed the deaco! to flee" a!d deli6ered him" a!d 5he! the deaco! 5as o!e they too4 the same Sa!ctilus a!d led him forth to be beheaded1 A!d they chose a stro! tyra!t to do it" a!d he had !o doubt to smite off his head at o!e stro4e1 A!d the! the said Sa!ctilus stretched forth his !ec4" a!d the stro! butcher lifted up his arm 5ith the s5ord" a!d Sa!ctilus











criedD S1 Joh! recei6e my soul" a!d the! a!o! the arm of the butcher 5as so stiff that he could !ot bri! it do5! a ai!" !e bo5 it i! !o ma!!er1 A!d the! that butcher made his oath that he 5ould !e6er after i! his life smite !o christia! ma!1 A!d the ood ma! Sa!ctilus prayed for him a!d a!o! the arm came do5! a!d 5as all 5hole1 The! let us pray u!to this holy sai!t Joh! 9aptist" to be a moye! bet5ee! God a!d us" that 5e may so li6e 6irtuously i! this life that 5he! 5e shall depart" 5e may come to e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" Feli+. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"

'eli8 is said of fero" fers" that is to say as to bear" a!d of this 5ord lis" litis" 5hich is as much to say as strife1 'or he bare strife for the faith of our Lord Jesu Christ a ai!st all the miscrea!ts a!d the idols" a!d destroyed them all by his blo5i! 1

Of *" Feli+" S1 'eli8 5as a priest a!d so 5as his brother" a!d 5as !amed also 'eli81 A!d they 5ere prese!ted to -a8imia! a!d to Diocletia!" 5hich 5ere emperors" for to sacrifice u!to the ods" of 5hom the oldest of them" as soo! as he 5as brou ht i!to the temple of Serapis for to do sacrifice u!to the idols" he ble5 i! his 6isa e" a!d as soo! as he had do!e so the idol fell to the earth a!d all tobra4e1 A!d the! he 5as led to the idol of -ercury" o! 5hich he ble5 also" a!d it fell do5! the! to the earth1 A!d after he 5as led to the third ima e" 5hich 5as of Dia!a" a!d did li4e as he had to that other1 A!d the! he 5as torme!ted 5ith the reat torme!t of eculeus" that is a torme!t 5hich is made li4e a cross1 The! he 5as brou ht" after" to the tree of sacrifice" for to sacrifice there1 A!d the holy ma! 4!eeled do5! a!d prayed" a!d ble5 a ai!st the tree" a!d i! co!ti!e!t the tree tur!ed the root up5ard a!d fell do5!" a!d i! the falli! destroyed the simulachre 5ith the altar a!d temple1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost heard that" he comma!ded that he should there be beheaded" a!d that the body should be left to hou!ds a!d beasts1 A!d there spra! a ma! i! the middle amo! them co!fessi! him freely to be a christia! ma!" a!d both of them 4issi! other 5ere there beheaded to ether1 The christia! me! !ot 4!o5i! his !ame called him Adauctum" because he 5e!t so hardily to S1 'eli8" a!d said he 5as a christia! ma!" 5he! he suffered martyrdom1 A!d there 5ere they beheaded both t5ai! to ether1 The! christia! me! too4 the bodies a!d buried them i! the pit 5here the tree fell1 A!d after" the pay!ims 5ould ha6e ta4e! them out" a!d a!o! they 5ere ta4e! of the de6il1 A!d they suffered death about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty:se6e!1 Here followeth of *" *avie#. a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Sa6ie! may be said of sale" 5hich is as much to say as bitter" for he 5as bitter to5ard God" for he 5as a pay!im1 A!d sith he 5as peaceable to him 5he! he 5as co!6erted to him by the peace of christia! faith" a!d 5as bitter to himself1 'or he had liefer ha6e died tha! !ot to u!dersta!d the letter" for he mi ht !ot u!dersta!d pay!im speech1 A!d he 5as ri ht bitter to his father for he 5ould !e6er obey him !e adore his ods1 Of *" *avie#"









S1 Sa6ie! a!d Sa6i!a his sister 5ere childre! of Sa6i!i!us" a ri ht !oble pay!im1 a!d 5as t5ice married1 +e had Sa6ie! of his first 5ife" a!d of the seco!d he had Sa6i!a" his dau hter" a!d a6e to them both that !ame1 O! a time Sa6ie! read this 6erseD Asper es me" domi!e" a!d a!o! he dema!ded 5hat it 5as to say" but he mi ht !ot u!dersta!d 5hat it 5as to say" a!d he e!tered i!to his chamber a!d 5are the hair" a!d 4!eeled 5ithi! his chamber" a!d said to himself that he had liefer die tha! that he should !ot u!dersta!d the se!se of that 6erse1 The! the a! el appeared a!d said to himD Torme!t thee !ot" for thou hast fou!d race a!e!st our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d to the e!d that thou be more 5hite" ma4e thee clea!" it beho6eth thee to be baptiHed" a!d the! thou shalt u!dersta!d a!d 4!o5 that 5hich thou re<uirest to 4!o5 !o51 A!d the! he 5as =oyous a!d lad by the 5ord of the race of God1 A!d the! he had i! despite the idols a!d 5ould !ot adore them1 The! he 5as repro6ed a!d stro! ly chidde! of his father" 5ho said him oftD ,hy ho!ourest thou !ot our odsE It is better that thou die alo!e tha! 5e all be 5rapped i! the death1 A!d the! Sa6ie! fled secretly a5ay" a!d 5e!t u!to the city of Trecassi!a" a!d as he 5e!t o6er the ri6er of Seca!a

he prayed our Lord that he mi ht be baptiHed there" a!d so he 5as" a!d the! our Lord said to himD Thou hast fou!d !o5 that 5hich thou hast sou ht so lo! 5ith reat labour1 A!d a!o! he pi ht his staflf i! the earth a!d made his prayer to God7 a!d his staff flourished a!d brou ht forth lea6es tofore them all that 5ere there" i! so much that a thousa!d o!e hu!dred a!d ei ht me! belie6ed i! our Lord God1 A!d 5he! Aurelia! the emperor heard hereof he se!t ma!y 4!i hts to ta4e him" 5hom they fou!d prayi! " a!d dreaded for to approach him1 A!d 5he! the emperor sa5 that they retur!ed !ot" he se!t more after tha! he did before" a!d 5he! they came they fou!d the others prayi! 5ith him1 A!d 5he! he arose from prayer they said to himD The emperor desireth to see thee" a!d se!deth for thee by us that thou shouldest come to him1 A!d this holy ood ma! 5e!t much humbly to him" a!d 5he! he 5as tofore the emperor he re<uired of him if he 5ere christia! or !ot1 A!d he saidD ;es1 The! the emperor" bei! full of 5ood!ess" bade him to sacrifice to his ods" or else he 5ould ma4e him to die a! e6il death1 Sa6ie! refused it1 A!d a!o! he comma!ded to bi!d him by the ha!ds a!d by the feet" a!d to beat him 5ith sta6es of iro!1 A!d the! Sa6ie! said to himD I!crease the torme!ts if thou mayst hardily" for I doubt !ot" !e fear !ot thee" !e the torme!ts that thou dost to me1 A!d the! the emperor bei! all 5roth comma!ded that he should be brou ht i!to the middle of the city" a!d there be bou!de! upo! a be!ch" a!d ma4e a reat fire thereu!der" a!d cast oil therei!" that he mi ht be bur!t a!d broiled1 A!d he bei! 5ithi! the flame" the emperor beheld him" a!d sa5 that he 5as =oyous therei! as he had bee! i! a bai!" 5hereof he 5as much abashed" a!d said to himD E6il beast" sufficeth it !ot e!ou h to thee the souls that thou hast decei6ed" thou h thou !ot essay to decei6e by thy art ma icE To 5hom Sa6ie! saidD There be ma!y souls yet" a!d also thyself" 5hich shall by me belie6e i! our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d the! the emperor blamed the !ame of Jesu Christ" a!d comma!ded that he should be bou!d o! the mor! at a sta4e a!d be shot at 5ith arro5s1 The arro5s abode ha! i! i! the air o! the ri ht side a!d o! the left" a!d !o!e of them hurt him1 A!d 5he! the emperor 4!e5 that he had !o!e harm" he 5ee!ed to ha6e bee! e!ra ed" a!d comma!ded that the !e8t day follo5i! he should be brou ht to him" a!d after" he dema!ded himD ,here is thy GodE No5 let him come hither a!d deli6er thee from these arro5s1 A!d as soo! as he had said so" o!e of the arro5s spra! i!to the eye of the emperor" a!d smote out his eye" a!d the emperor 5as a! ry" a!d comma!ded to put him i! priso!" a!d that o! the !e8t mor!i! early he should be beheaded1 A!d the! Sa6ie! prayed our Lord that he mi ht be brou ht i!to the place 5hereas he 5as baptiHed" a!d the! the chai!s 5ith 5hich he 5as bou!d all to:bra4e a!d the doors of the priso! 5ere ope!ed1 A!d he 5e!t out of the priso! a!d 5e!t tofore all the 4!i hts that 4ept him" a!d they i! !o ma!!er appercei6ed him" a!d 5e!t i!to the same place1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard say that he 5as escaped" he comma!ded that he should be pursued a!d that his head should be smitte! off1 A!d 5he! S1 Sa6ie! appercei6ed that the 4!i hts follo5ed" a!d that he approached the 5ater" he made the si ! of the cross a!d 5e!t upo! the 5ater li4e as he should ha6e o!e upo! the earth dry" a!d 5e!t u!to the place 5hereas he 5as baptiHed1 The! the 4!i hts follo5ed him" a!d 5ere much abashed of that they had see! him o o! the 5ater1 A!d 5he! they 5ere !i h him" they doubted much to smite at him" a!d he said to themD Smite me 5he! ye 5ill all surely" a!d bear of my blood to your emperor" a!d let him rub his eye there5ith" a!d he shall be 5hole" to the e!d that he 4!o5 the 6irtue of God1 A!d after this they smote his head off" a!d he rose up a!d bare it the!ce !i!e a!d:forty paces" a!d there 5as buried1 A!d after that the 4!i hts bare of his blood to the emperor" 5here5ith he a!oi!ted his eyes" a!d a!o! he had his si ht a!d 5as all 5hole" a!d the! he saidD +is God is ood a!d mi hty1 A!d there 5as by" a 5oma! that heard 5hat the emperor said 5hich 5oma! had bee! bli!d by the space of forty years1 A!d the! she made her to be bor!e thither" a!d as soo! as she had touched his sepulchre a!d made her prayer" a!o! she recei6ed health a!d her si ht a ai!1 A!d he suffered death about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d se6e!ty" i! the cale!ds of 'ebruary" a!d the history of his sister is here set i! because that the feast of her is o! the same day1 A!d *avi#a" his sister" 5ept e6ery day for her brother a!d sacrificed for him to the idols1 A!d i! the e!d the a! el appeared to her i! her sleep a!d saidD Sa6i!a" 5eep !o more" but lea6e all that thou hast" a!d thou shalt fi!d thy brother i! reat ho!our1 The! she a5o4e a!d said to her fello5D -y s5eet lo6e" hast thou heard !othi! E a!d she saidD ;es" lady" for I ha6e see! a ma! that spa4e to thee" but I 5ot !ot 5hat he said1 A!d the! she said to herD ,ilt thou !ot accuse meE A!d she saidD No" lady" but do 5hat thou 5ilt so that thou slay !ot thyself1 A!d thus they both 5e!t a5ay that mor!i! a!d 5he! her father 5ist it that she 5as o!e" he 5as much sorro5ful" a!d did do see4 her lo! 1 A!d the! he lift up his eyes to hea6e!" a!d said If thou art 6ery God of hea6e!" I pray thee destroy mi!e idols 5hich may !ot sa6e me !e my childre!1 A!d a!o! our Lord made it for to thu!der a!d brea4 all the idols" a!d much people sa5 it"

















5hich belie6ed i! our Lord1 The! the blessed Sa6i!a 5e!t to 3ome" a!d there she 5as baptiHed of the blessed Eusebius the pope" a!d d5elled there fi6e years a!d healed t5o lame me! a!d t5o bli!d me!1 A!d the! the a! el appeared to her i! her sleep a!d said to herD ,hat is this that thou dost" that hast left thy riches a!d li6est here i! delicesE Arise a!d di!e" a!d after o i!to the city of Treca!e that thou mayst fi!d there thy brother1 A!d the! she said to her chambererD It beho6eth us !o lo! er to abide here7 a!d she saidD Lady" 5hither 5ill ye oE All the people here lo6e you 5ell" a!d 5ill ye o die i! a place 5hereas the people 4!o5 you !otE A!d she saidD God shall pur6ey for us7 a!d the! she too4 a loaf of barley bread a!d 5e!t u!to the city of 3a6e!!a" a!d e!tered i!to the house of a rich ma! 5hose dau hter 5as be5ailed as dead1 A!d she re<uired the maid of the house that she mi ht be lod ed there" a!d she saidD +o5 mayst thou be lod ed here 5he! the dau hter of herei! is dead" a!d all be sorro5fulE A!d she said to herD 'or me she shall !ot die7 a!d the! she e!tered i!" a!d too4 the ha!d of the maid a!d raised her up all 5hole1 A!d the mother 5ould ha6e retai!ed her there" but she i! !o 5ise 5ould a ree thereto" but departed1 A!d the dau hter li6ed" a!d arose o! the mor!1 A!d 5he! Sa6i!a 5ith her chamberer arri6ed a mile !i h u!to Treca!e" she said to her chamberer that she 5ould there rest a little1 A!d there came a !oble ma! from the city !amed Licerius" a!d dema!ded them" sayi! D Of 5he!ce be yeE To 5hom Sa6i!a saidD I am of this city1 A!d he saidD ,hy liest thou 5he! thy speech she5eth thee to be a pil rimE A!d she saidD Verily I am a pil rim" a!d see4 Sa6ie! my brother 5hom I ha6e lo! lost1 A!d he said to herD That ma! for 5hom thou dema!dest 5as but late slai! for the !ame of Jesu Christ" a!d is buried i! such a place1 A!d the! she put her i! prayi! " a!d saidD Lord" 5hich hast al5ays 4ept me i! chastity" suffer me the! !o more to tra6ail by these hard a!d 5eary =our!eys" !e my body to be remo6ed out of this place" a!d" Lord" I recomme!d to thee my chamberer" 5hich hath suffered so much pai! for me1 A!d for my brother 5hom I may !ot here see" I beseech thee to ma4e me 5orthy to see him i! thy rei !1 A!d 5he! she had fi!ished her prayer she passed out of this 5orld" a!d 5e!t to our Lord1 ,he! her chamberer sa5 that her mistress 5as dead" she be a! to 5eep because she had !othi! !ecessary to bury her 5ith1 The said ma! the! se!t a crier throu h the city" that all" reat a!d small" should come to see the stra! e 5oma! that 5as there dead7 a!d i!co!ti!e!t all the people ra!" a!d she 5as buried ho!ourably1 A!d this same day is the feast of S1 Sa6i!a that 5as 5ife of S1 Vale!ti!e" 4!i ht" 5hich 5as beheaded u!der Adria! the Emperor" because he 5ould !ot sacrifice to the idols1 +ere follo5eth the Life of S1 Lo!e" a!d first of the i!terpretatio! of his !ame1



Lo5e or lupe is some sic4!ess i! the le " 5hich beho6eth a medici!e" for it is a malady that ro !eth a!d useth the flesh1 A!d also it is said a ma!!er of fish that is o! the 5ater a!d o! the la!d" a!d it may !ot dro5! by !o force of 5ater1 A!d thus may be e8pou!ded S1 Lo5e" for he used a!d strai!ed his proper flesh by pe!a!ce1 'or he 5as li4e the lupe of the 5ater a!d of the earth" for he d5elled i! the 5aters of delices" of riches" a!d of temptatio!s" a!d mi ht !ot dro5! amo! these 5aters i! !o 5ise1 Of *" Lu&e or Lowe"

S1 Lupe or Lo5e 5as bor! at Orlea!s" a!d 5as of the royal li!ea e" a!d by the sple!dour of his reat a!d ma!y miracles a!d 6irtues" he 5as made Archbishop of Se!s1 A!d he a6e all that he had to poor people" a!d o! a day 5he! all 5as i6e!" it happed that he had bidde! ma!y me! to di!e 5ith him1 A!d the! his mi!isters said that there 5as !ot 5i!e half e!ou h for the di!!er1 A!d he a!s5ered to themD +e that feedeth the birds of hea6e! shall perform his charity of 5i!e1 A!d a!o! after came a messe! er to the ate" that said to them" that there 5ere arri6ed tofore the ate a! hu!dred mues of 5i!e1 O! a time" they of the court said e6il of him" because that he had 5ith him a 6ir i! of our Lord" 5hich 5as dau hter of his predecessor1 A!d as they said" he lo6ed paramours" a!d spa4e much despitously a!d o6er disattemperately1 A!d 5he! he had heard these thi! s" he too4 the 6ir i!" a!d 4issed her tofore all the detractors a!d e6il sayers" a!d said that" !e stra! e !e e6il 5ords a!!oy !e hurt !o ma! 5he! his o5! co!scie!ce defileth him !ot1 A!d because he 4!e5 5ell that she lo6ed 5ell Jesu Christ" a!d purely" therefore this holy ma! lo6ed her 5ith a ri ht pure thou ht1 O! a time 5he! the @i! Clothair 5as @i! of 'ra!ce" a!d e!tered i! to 9ur u!dy" he se!t his ste5ard a ai!st them of Se!s for to assie e the city1 The! Lupe e!tered i! to the church a!d be a! to ri! the





cloc4" a!d 5he! the e!emies heard it" they had so reat dread that they supposed !e6er to ha6e escaped from the!ce" but that they should ha6e died all" but if they fled" a!d at the last the ste5ard of 9ur u!dy 5as ta4e!1 A!d 5he! he 5as ta4e!" there 5as a!other ste5ard se!t i! to 9ur u!dy" a!d came to Se!s1 A!d because S1 Lupe had i6e! to him !o ifts he had reat despite" a!d defamed him to the 4i! " so that the 4i! se!t him i!to e8ile" a!d there he sho!e by miracles a!d 6irtues1 A!d i! the mea!5hile" they of Se!s sle5 a bishop 5hich had ta4e! the place of S1 Lupe" a!d after" they impetred of the 4i! that S1 Lupe retur!ed from e8ile1 A!d 5he! the 4i! sa5 that he 5as 5ro! ly do!e to" he 5as cha! ed by the race of God that" he 4!eeled tofore the sai!t a!d re<uired pardo!" a!d re:established him a ai! i! his church" a!d a6e to him ma!y fair ifts1 O! a time as he came to (aris" a reat compa!y of priso!ers came a ai!st him" their bo!ds bro4e! a!d all the doors of the priso! ope!1 O! a Su!day as he sa! mass" a precious sto!e fell do5! from hea6e! i!to his chalice" the 5hich he a6e to the 4i! " 5hich he held for a !oble relic1




O! a time the @i! Clothair heard say that the cloc4s of S1 Stephe! of Se!s had a mar6ellous s5eet!ess i! their sou!d" a!d se!t for them a!d too4 them from the!ce" a!d did do bri! them to (aris" because he 5ould hear the sou!d of them1 9ut it displeased much to S1 Lupe" a!d as soo! as they 5ere out of the city they lost all the s5eet!ess of their sou!d" a!d 5he! the 4i! heard that" he comma!ded that they should be brou ht a ai! i!to their place1 A!d as soo! as they 5ere se6e! miles !i h u!to the to5!" they be a! to reprise the sou!d li4e as they had tofore1 A!d S1 Lupe 5e!t a ai!st them a!d recei6ed them 5ith reat =oy a!d ho!our" for he had lost them 5ith reat sorro5 tofore1 O! a !i ht as he prayed" he had o6er reat thirst by the false mo6i! s of the de6il1 A!d he dema!ded cold 5ater for to dri!4" a!d he 4!e5 5ell the treachery of the e!emy" a!d 5he! he held the 6essel i! 5hich he should dri!4" he set a platter upo! it a!d shut the de6il fast therei!" a!d he be a! all the !i ht to ho5l a!d bray1 A!d i! the mor!i! the holy ma! co!=ured him that" he that 5as come! by !i ht to tempt him" by day he let him o all co!fused1 O! a time" as he by !i ht 6isited the churches" as he 5as accustomed" as he retur!ed home he heard his cler4s bra5li! a!d chidi! because they 5ould do for!icatio! 5ith 5ome!" 5hich a!o! e!tered i!to the church a!d prayed for them" a!d a!o! all the pric4i! of temptatio! 5e!t from them" a!d they came tofore him a!d dema!ded pardo! a!d for i6e!ess1 At the last" he bei! e!!obled i! ma!y 6irtues" slept i! peace i! our Lord1 +e flourished about the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d te!1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Ma%%erti#. a#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"





-ammerti! is said of mamma" 5hich is as much to say as a pap" a!d of ti!e" that is to say taste" for li4e as taste that falleth from the pap i!to the mouth of the child" a!d is first !ature of blood" a!d after it is co!6erted i!to the s5eet!ess of mil4" i! li4e 5ise 5as he !ourished" first i! blood" that is to say i! si!" a!d after" he co!6erted himself a!o! i!to the pap of his heart i! the s5eet!ess of God1 Of *" Ma%%erti#"

-ammerti! 5as first a pay!im a!d 5orshipped idols" a!d it happed o! a time he lost his o!e eye a!d his ha!d 5as dried up1 A!d he supposed that he had a! ered his ods" a!d 5e!t to5ards the temple for to adore the idols7 a!d there met him o! the 5ay a reli ious ma! !amed Sa6ie!" 5hich dema!ded of him ho5 this i!firmity happed to come to him" a!d he saidD I ha6e a! ered my ods" a!d therefore I o adore them" to the e!d that if they be a! ry they may become debo!air to me1 To 5hom he a!s5eredD 9rother" thou errest" for thou 5ee!est that the de6ils be ods" but o u!to S1 Germai!" bishop of Au8erre" a!d if thou 5ilt belie6e his cou!sel thou shalt be 5hole a!o!1 The! a!o! he too4 his 5ay to o thither" a!d 5e!t to the sepulture of S1 Amadour" bishop" a!d of moo other sai!ts7 a!d because of the reat rai! that fell that !i ht" he 5e!t i!to the cell 5hich 5as set o! the tomb of S1 Co!cord1 A!d as he slept he sa5 a mar6ellous 6isio!1 +im thou ht there came a ma! to the door of the cell a!d called S1 Co!cord" a!d said that he should come to the feast that S1 Amadour a!d S1 (ere ri!e a!d other sai!ts made" a!d he





a!s5ered a ai! out of the tomb that he mi ht !ot !o5 come" for his uest 5hom he must 4eep" for the serpe!ts that 5ere there 5ould else slay him1 A!d he 5e!t a!d told to the others 5hat he had said" a!d a!o! he retur!ed a ai!" a!d saidD +oly S1 Co!cord" arise a!d come" a!d bri! 5ith thee Vi6ia! the deaco! a!d Vi6ia! the sub:deaco! for to do their office" a!d Ale8a!der shall 4eep thy uest1 The! it seemed to -ammerti! that S1 Co!cord too4 him by the ha!d a!d led him 5ith him1 A!d 5he! S1 Amadour sa5 him he dema!ded of himD ,ho is this that is come 5ith theeE A!d he saidD It is my uest1 A!d he saidD (ut him out" for he is all foul a!d may !ot be here 5ith us1 A!d 5he! he should be put out" he 4!eeled tofore them" a!d at race of S1 Amadour" 5hich comma!ded him to o to S1 Germai!1 The! he a5o4e a!d came to S1 Germai!" a!d 4!eeled tofore him a!d re<uired pardo!" a!d told to him all that 5as happed1 A!d they 5e!t the! to ether to the tomb of S1 Co!cord" a!d lifted up the sto!e a!d sa5 ma!y serpe!ts" 5hich 5ere te! foot lo! " a!d 5ould ha6e flo5! a5ay" but S1 Germai! comma!ded that they should o i!to such a place there as they should !either rie6e !e hurt ma!1 A!d the! -ammerti! 5as baptiHed" a!d 5as made all 5hole" a!d 5as made a mo!4 i! the mo!astery of the blessed S1 Germai!" a!d 5as abbot after S1 Elodie!1 A!d i! his time S1 -ari!e 5as there" a mo!4 5hose obedie!ce S1 -ammerti! 5ould pro6e" a!d committed him to 4eep the foulest office of the mo!astery" a!d made him herdma! of the o8e! a!d 4i!e i! a! isle that 5as there" but he 5as of so reat holi!ess that 5ild birds came to him a!d 5ere !ourished of his ha!ds" a!d he deli6ered a 5ild boar from the hou!ds a!d let him o his 5ay1 There came thie6es a!d robbed him" o! a time" of all that he had" a!d too4 a5ay all his clothes sa6e a ma!tle1 A!d 5he! they 5ere o!e he called them a ai! a!d saidD 3etur! a!d come a ai! for I ha6e fou!de! here a pe!!y i! my ma!tle" perad6e!ture it is !ecessary to you" 5hich a!o! retur!ed a!d too4 a5ay the ma!tle 5ith the pe!!y a!d left him !a4ed1 A!d the! as they 5e!t hastily to5ards their 5ithdrau ht a!d secret places" they 5e!t all that !i ht" a!d i! the mor!i! they fou!d them at his cell" 5hom he saluted a!d recei6ed them be!i !ly" a!d 5ashed their feet" a!d mi!istered to them such as he had7 the! they 5ere asto!ished a!d repe!ted them" a!d each of them 5as co!6erted to the faith1 O! a time you! mo!4s that d5elled 5ith S1-ammerti! had set s!ares for to ta4e a bear 5hich 5as accustomed to eat their sheep1 A!d the bear fell i! the s!are a!d 5as ta4e!" 5hich S1 -ammerti! Iyi! i! his bed 4!e5" a!d arose out of his bed" a!d fi!di! him i! the s!are" saidD ,hat dost thou here" thou 5retchE flee he!ce lest thou be ta4e!" a!d loosed him a!d let him o1 A!d 5he! this holy ma! 5as dead a!d his body 5as bor!e to A! iers" as they came by a to5!" they mi ht !ot remo6e him the!ce i! !o ma!!er" u!to the time that a ma! that 5as there i! priso! came out sudde!ly a!d bra4e his t5o bo!ds" a!d ra! freely to the corpse a!d helped to bear it i!to the city" 5here it is buried ho!ourably i! the church of S1 Germai! i! much reat re6ere!ce1 Here followeth the Life of *" Gile . a#d fir t the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"






Giles i! E! lish" a!d E idius i! Lati!1 A!d it is said of E" that is 5ithout" a!d eos" that is the earth" a!d dya" that is clear or odly1 +e 5as 5ithout earth" by despisi! of earthly thi! s" clear by e!lumi!i! of scie!ce" di6i!e or odly by lo6e"5hich assembleth the lo6er to him that is lo6ed1

Of *" Gile "



S1 Giles 5as bor! i! Athe!s" a!d 5as of !oble li!ea e a!d royal 4i!dred1 A!d i! his childhood he 5as i!formed i! holy lettrure1 A!d o! a day as he 5e!t to the church" he fou!d a sic4 ma! 5hich lay all sic4 i! the 5ay a!d dema!ded alms of S1 Giles" 5hich a6e him his coat1 A!d as soo! as he clad him 5ithal he recei6ed full a!d e!tire health1 A!d after that" a!o! his father a!d his mother died" a!d rested i! our Lord" a!d the! S1 Giles made Jesu Christ heir of his herita e1 O! a time as he 5e!t to the church a ma! 5as smitte! 5ith a serpe!t a!d died" a!d Giles came a ai!st this serpe!t" a!d made his oriso!" a!d chased out of him all the 6e!om1 There 5as a ma! 5hich 5as demo!iac i! the mo!astery 5ith other people" a!d troubled them that heard the ser6ice of God1 The! Giles co!=ured the de6il that 5as i! his body" a!d a!o! he issued out" a!d a!o! he 5as all 5hole1



The! Giles doubted the peril of the 5orld" a!d 5e!t secretly to the ri6a e of the sea" a!d sa5 there mari!ers i! reat peril a!d li4e to perish i! the sea1 A!d he made his prayer" a!d a!o! the tempest ceased" a!d a!o! the mari!ers came to la!d a!d tha!4ed God1 A!d he u!derstood by them that they 5e!t to 3ome" a!d he desired to o 5ith them" 5hom they recei6ed i!to their ship ladly" a!d said they 5ould bri! him thither 5ithout a!y frei ht or hire1 A!d the! he came to Arles" a!d abode there t5o years 5ith S1 CeHarie!" bishop of that city" a!d there he healed a ma! that had bee! sic4 of the fe6ers three years1 A!d after" he desired to o i!to desert" a!d departed co6ertly" a!d d5elled there lo! 5ith a hermit that 5as a holy ma!1 A!d there by his merits he chased a5ay the sterility a!d barre!!ess that 5as i! that cou!try" a!d caused reat ple!ty of oods1 A!d 5he! he had do!e this miracle he doubted the peril of the lory huma!" a!d left that place" a!d e!tered farther i!to desert a!d there fou!d a pit" a!d a little 5ell" a!d a fair hi!d" 5hich 5ithout doubt 5as pur6eyed of God for to !ourish him" a!d at certai! hours mi!istered her mil4 to him1 A!d o! a time ser6a!ts of the 4i! rode o! hu!ti! " a!d much people a!d ma!y hou!ds 5ith them1 It happed that they espied this hi!d" a!d they thou ht that she 5as so fair that they follo5ed her 5ith hou!ds" a!d 5he! she 5as sore co!strai!ed she fled for succour to the feet of S1 Giles" 5hom she !ourished" a!d the! he 5as much abashed 5he! he sa5 her so chauffed" a!d more tha! she 5as 5o!t to be1 A!d the! he spra! up a!d espied the hu!ters1 The! he prayed to our Lord Jesu Christ that li4e as he se!t her to him" to be !ourished by her" that he 5ould sa6e her1 The! the hou!ds durst !ot approach her by the space of a sto!e cast" but they ho5led to ether" a!d retur!ed to the hu!ters" a!d the! the !i ht came" a!d they retur!ed home a ai! a!d too4 !othi! 1 A!d 5he! the 4i! heard say of this thi! he had suspicio! 5hat it mi ht be" a!d 5e!t a!d 5ar!ed the bishop" a!d both 5e!t thither 5ith reat multitude of hu!ters" a!d 5he! the hou!ds 5ere o! the place 5hereas the hi!d 5as" they durst !ot o forth as they did before" but the! they all e!6iro!ed the bush for to see 5hat there 5as" but that bush 5as so thic4 that !o ma! !e beast mi ht e!ter therei! for the brambles a!d thor!s that 5ere there1 A!d the! o!e of the 4!i hts dre5 up a! arro5 follily for to ma4e it afeard a!d spri! out" but he 5ou!ded a!d hurt the holy ma!" 5hich ceased !ot to pray for the fair hi!d1 A!d after this the hu!ters made 5ay 5ith their s5ords a!d 5e!t i!to the pit" a!d sa5 there this a!cie!t ma!" 5hich 5as clothed i! the habit of a mo!4" of a ri ht ho!ourable fi ure a!d parure" a!d the hi!d Iyi! by him1 A!d the 4i! a!d the bishop 5e!t alo!e to him" a!d dema!ded him from 5he!ce he 5as" a!d 5hat he 5as" a!d 5hy he had ta4e! so reat a thic4!ess of desert" a!d of 5hom he 5as so hurt7 a!d he a!s5ered ri ht ho!estly to e6ery dema!d7 a!d 5he! they had heard him spea4 they thou ht that he 5as a holy ma!" a!d re<uired him humbly pardo!1 A!d they se!t to him masters a!d sur eo!s to heal his 5ou!d" a!d offered him ma!y ifts" but he 5ould !e6er lay medici!e to his 5ou!d" !e recei6e their ifts" but refused them1 A!d he prayed our Lord that he mi ht !e6er be 5hole thereof i! his life" for he 4!e5 5ell that 6irtue should profit to him i! i!firmity1 A!d the 4i! 6isited him oft" a!d recei6ed of him the pasture of health1 A!d the 4i! offered to him ma!y reat riches" but he refused all1 A!d after" he admo!ished the 4i! that he should do ma4e a mo!astery" 5hereas the discipli!e of the order of mo!4s should be" a!d 5he! he had do ma4e it" Giles refused ma!y times to ta4e the char e a!d the crosier1 A!d at the last he 5as 6a!<uished by prayers of the 4i! a!d too4 it1 A!d the! 4i! Charles heard spea4 of the re!o5! of him" a!d impetred that he mi ht see him" a!d he recei6ed him much ho!ourably" a!d he prayed him to pray for him7 amo! other thi! s because he had do!e a si! so foul a!d 6illai!ous that he durst !ot be shri6e! thereof to him !e to !o!e other1 A!d o! the Su!day after" as S1 Giles said mass a!d prayed for the 4i! " the a! el of our Lord appeared to him" a!d laid a schedule upo! the altar 5here the si! of the 4i! 5as 5ritte! i! by order" a!d that 5as pardo!ed him by the prayers of S1 Giles" so that he 5ere thereof repe!ta!t a!d abstai!ed him from doi! it a!y more" a!d it 5as ad=oi!ed to the e!d that" 5ho that re<uired S1 Giles for a!y si! that he had do!e" if he left it that it should be pardo!ed to him1 A!d after the holy ma! deli6ered the schedule to the 4i! " a!d he co!fessed his si! a!d re<uired pardo! humbly1 The! S1 Giles retur!ed the!ce 5ith ho!our" a!d 5he! he came to the city of Nemause!se" he raised the so! of a pri!ce that 5as dead1 A!d a little 5hile after he de!ou!ced that his mo!astery should be destroyed of e!emies of the faith1 A!d after he 5e!t to 3ome a!d at pri6ile es of the pope to his church" a!d t5o doors of cypress" i! 5hich 5ere the ima es of SS1 (eter a!d (aul" a!d he thre5 them i!to the Tiber at 3ome" a!d recomme!ded them to God for to o6er!1 A!d 5he! he retur!ed to his mo!astery he











made a lame ma! to o" a!d fou!d the t5o doors of cypress at the ate of his mo!astery" 5hereof he tha!4ed God that had 4ept them 5ithout brea4i! i! so ma!y ad6e!tures as they had bee!" a!d sith he set them at the ates of the church for the beauty of them" a!d for the race that the church of 3ome had do!e thereto1 A!d at the last our Lord sho5ed to him his departi! out of this 5orld" a!d he said it to his brethre!" a!d admo!ished them to pray for him" a!d so he slept a!d died oodly i! our Lord1 A!d ma!y 5it!ess that they heard the compa!y of a! els beari! the soul of him i!to hea6e!1 A!d he flourished about the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred1 Here followeth the Nativity of our /le ed Lady"

The !ati6ity of the blessed a!d lorious Vir i! -ary" of the li!ea e of Judah a!d of the royal 4i!dred of Da6id too4 her ori i!al be i!!i! 1 -atthe5 a!d Lu4e describe !ot the e!eratio! of -ary but of Joseph" 5hich 5as far from the co!ceptio! of Christ1 9ut the custom of 5riti! 5as of such ordi!a!ce that the e!eratio! of 5ome! is !ot sho5ed but of the me!1 A!d 6erily the blessed Vir i! desce!ded of the li!ea e of Da6id" a!d it is certai! that Jesu Christ 5as bor! of this o!ly Vir i!1 It is certai! that he came of the li!ea e of Da6id a!d of Natha!" for Da6id had t5o so!s" Natha! a!d Solomo! amo! all his other so!s1 A!d as Joh! Damasce!e 5it!esseth that of Natha! desce!ded Le6y" a!d Le6y e! e!dered -elchio! a!d (a!thar" (a!thar e! e!dered 9arpa!thar" 9arpa!thar e! e!dered Joachim" Joachim e! e!dered the Vir i! -ary" 5hich 5as of the li!ea e of Solomo!1 'or Natha! had a 5ife" of 5hom he e! e!dered Jacob" a!d 5he! Natha! 5as dead -elchio!" 5hich 5as so! of Le6y a!d brother of (a!thar" 5edded the 5ife of Natha!" mother of Jacob" a!d o! her he e! e!dered Eli" a!d so Jacob a!d Eli 5ere brethre! of o!e mother but !ot of o!e father1 'or Jacob 5as of the li!e of Solomo! a!d Eli of the li!e of Natha!" a!d the! Eli of the li!e of Natha! died 5ithout childre!" a!d Jacob his brother" 5hich 5as of the li!e of Solomo!" too4 a 5ife a!d e! e!dered a!d raised the seed of his brother a!d e! e!dered Joseph1 Joseph the! by !ature is so! of Jacob by desce!t of Solomo!1 That is to 5it" Joseph is the so! of Jacob" a!d after the la5 he is so! of Eli 5hich desce!ded of Natha!1 for the so! that 5as bor!" 5as by !ature his that e! e!dered him" a!d by the la5 he 5as so! of him that 5as dead" li4e as it is said i! the +istory Scholastic1 A!d 9ede 5it!esseth i! his chro!icle that" 5he! all the e!eratio!s of the +ebre5s a!d other stra! ers 5ere 4ept i! the most secret chests of the temple" +erod comma!ded them to be bur!t" 5ee!i! thereby to ma4e himself !oble amo! the others1 If the proofs of the li!ea es 5ere failed" he should ma4e them belie6e that his li!ea e appertai!ed to them of Israel1 A!d there 5ere some that 5ere called domi!ics" for because they 5ere so !i h to Jesu Christ a!d 5ere of NaHareth" a!d they had lear!ed the order of e!eratio! of our Lord" a part of their ra!dsires> fathers" a!d a part by some boo4s that they had i! their houses a!d tau ht them forth as much as they mi ht1 Joachim spoused A!!e" 5hich had a sister !amed +ismeria" a!d +ismeria had t5o dau hters" !amed EliHabeth" a!d Eli!d1 EliHabeth 5as mother to Joh! 9aptist" a!d Eliud e! e!dered Emi!e!1 A!d of Emi!e! came S1 Ser6atius" 5hose body lieth i! -aestricht" upo! the ri6er of the -euse" i! the bishopric of LiR e1 A!d A!!e had three husba!ds" Joachim" Cleophas" a!d Salome7 a!d of the first she had a dau hter !amed -ary" the -other of God" the 5hich 5as i6e! to Joseph i! marria e" a!d she childed our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! Joachim 5as dead" she too4 Cleophas" the brother of Joseph" a!d had by him a!other dau hter !amed -ary also" a!d she 5as married to Alpheus1 A!d Alpheus her husba!d had by her four so!s" that 5as James the Less" Joseph the Just" other5ise !amed 9arsabee" Simo!" a!d Jude1 The! the seco!d husba!d bei! dead" A!!e married the third !amed Salome" a!d had by him a!other dau hter 5hich yet also 5as called -ary" a!d she 5as married to Kebedee1 A!d this -ary had of Kebedee t5o so!s" that is to 5it" James the -ore" a!d Joh! the E6a! elist1 A!d hereof be made these 6ersesD ,nna soles dici tres concepisse Marias, *uas genuere viri oachim, (leophas Salome&ue. Has du#ere viri oseph, ,lpheus, -ebedeus. .rima parit (hristum, acobum secunda minorem, "t oseph $ustum peperit cum Simone udam, Tertia ma$orem acobum volucrem&ue ohannem. 9ut it is mar6ellous for to see ho5 the blessed Vir i! -ary mi ht be cousi! of EliHabeth as it is tofore said1 It is certai! that EliHabeth 5as Kachary>s 5ife" 5hich 5as of the li!ea e of Le6i" a!d after the la5 each ou ht to 5ed a 5ife of his o5! li!ea e1 A!d she 5as of the dau hters of Aaro!" as S1 Lu4e




















5it!esseth" a!d A!!e 5as of 9ethlehem" as S1 Jerome saith" a!d 5as of the tribe of Judah1 A!d the! they of the li!e of Le6i 5edded 5i6es of the li!e of Judah" so that the li!e royal a!d the li!e of the priests 5ere al5ays =oi!ed to ether by cousi!a e1 So that as 9ede saithD This cousi!a e mi ht be made sith the first time" a!d thus to be !ourished from li!ea e to li!ea e" a!d thus should it be certai! that the blessed Vir i! -ary desce!ded of the Ioyal li!e" a!d had cousi!a e of the priests1 A!d our blessed Lady 5as of both li!ea es" a!d so our Lord 5ould that these t5o li!ea es should e!tresemble to ether for reat mystery1 'or it appertai!eth that he should be bor! a!d offered for us" 6ery God" a!d 6ery 4i! " a!d 6ery priest" a!d should o6er! his true christia! me! fi hti! i! chi6alry of this life" a!d to cro5! them after their 6ictory" the 5hich thi! appeareth of the !ame of Christ" for Christ is as much to say as a!oi!ted1 'or i! the old la5 there 5as !o!e a!oi!ted but priests a!d 4i! s" a!d 5e be said christia! me! of Christ" a!d be called the li!ea e chose! of 4i! s a!d priests1 9ut because it is said that the me! too4 5i6es of their li!ea e o!ly" that 5as because the distributio! of the sorts should !ot be co!fou!ded1 'or the tribe of Le6y had !ot his sort 5ith the other" a!d therefore mi ht they 5ell marry them 5ith the 5ome! of that tribe or 5here they 5ould" li4e as S1 Jerome rehearseth i! his prolo ue1 ,he! he 5as a child he had a little boo4 of the history of the !ati6ity of the Vir i! -ary" but as he remembered a lo! time after" he tra!slated it by the prayer of some perso!s" a!d fou!d that Joachim" 5hich 5as of Galilee of the city of NaHareth" espoused S1 A!!e of 9ethlehem" a!d they 5ere both =ust a!d 5ithout reproach or reprehe!sio! i! the comma!dme!ts of our Lord" a!d di6ided all their substa!ce i! three partsD that o!e part 5as for the temple" that other they a6e to the poor a!d pil rims" a!d the third 5as for themsel6es a!d their mei!y to li6e 5ith" a!d thus li6ed t5e!ty years i! marria e 5ithout ha6i! a!y li!ea e1 A!d the! they a6o5ed to our Lord that if he se!t to them a!y li!ea e they should i6e it to him" for to ser6e him1 'or 5hich thi! they 5e!t e6ery year i!to Jerusalem i! three pri!cipal feasts" so that i! the feast of E!ce!ia" that 5as the dedicatio! of the temple" the! Joachim 5e!t u!to Jerusalem 5ith his 4i!dred" a!d came to the altar 5ith the others a!d 5ould ha6e offered his offeri! 1 A!d 5he! the priest sa5 him" he put him apart by reat despite" a!d repro6ed him because he came to the altar of God" a!d said to him that it 5as co!6e!able that a ma! cursed i! the faith should !ot offer to our Lord" !e he that 5as barre! should be amo! them that had fruit" as he that had !o!e to the i!crease of the people of God1 A!d the! Joachim" all co!fused for this thi! " durst !ot o home for shame" because they of his li!ea e a!d his !ei hbours 5hich had heard it should !ot repro6e him1 A!d the! he 5e!t to his herdme!" a!d 5as there lo! " a!d the! the a! el appeared to him o!ly" a!d comforted him 5ith reat clear!ess" a!d said to him that he should !ot doubt !e be afraid of his 6isio!" a!d saidD I am the a! el of our Lord se!t to thee for to de!ou!ce to thee that thy prayers ha6e a6ailed thee a!d bee! heard" a!d thy alms be mou!ted tofore our Lord1 I ha6e see! thy shame a!d heard the reproach1 That thou art barre! is to thee !o reproach by ri ht" a!d God is 6e! er of si! a!d !ot of !ature1 A!d 5he! he closeth the belly or 5omb" he 5or4eth so that he ope!eth it after" more mar6ellously1 A!d the fruit that shall be bor! shall !ot be see! to come forth by lechery" but that it be 4!o5! that it is of the ift of God1 The first mother of your people 5as Sara" a!d she 5as barre! u!to the !i!etieth year" a!d had o!ly Isaac" to 5hom the be!edictio! of all people 5as promised1 A!d 5as !ot 3achel lo! barre!E A!d yet had she !ot after Joseph" that held all the sei !iory of E yptE 5hich 5as more stro! tha! Samso!" a!d more holy tha! SamuelE A!d yet 5ere their mothers barre!1 Thus mayst thou belie6e by reaso! a!d by e!sample that the childi! s lo! abide! be 5o!t to be more mar6ellous1 A!d therefore A!!e thy 5ife shall ha6e a dau hter" a!d thou shalt call her -ary" a!d she" as ye ha6e a6o5ed" shall be from her i!fa!cy sacred u!to our Lord" a!d shall be full of the +oly Ghost sith the time that she shall depart from the 5omb of her mother" a!d she shall d5ell i! the temple of our Lord" a!d !ot 5ithout" amo! the other people" because that !o!e e6il thi! shall be had i! suspicio! of her" a!d ri ht as she shall be bor! of a barre! mother" so shall be bor! of her mar6ellously the so! of a ri ht hi h Lord1 Of 5hom the !ame shall be Jesus" a!d by him shall health be i6e! to all the people1 A!d I i6e to thee the si !" that 5he! thou shalt come to the olde! ate at Jerusalem" thou shalt meet there A!!e thy 5ife" 5hich is much amo6ed of thy lo! tarryi! " a!d shall ha6e =oy of thy comi! 1 A!d the! the a! el" 5he! he had said this" he departed from him1 A!d as 5he! A!!e 5ept bitterly a!d 5ist !ot 5hither her husba!d 5as o!e" the same a! el appeared to her" a!d said all that he had said to her husba!d" a!d a6e to her for a si ! that she should o i!to Jerusalem" to the olde! ate" a!d there she should meet 5ith her husba!d 5hich 5as retur!ed1 A!d thus by the comma!dme!t of the a! el they met" a!d 5ere firm of the li!ea e promised" a!d lad for to see each other" a!d ho!oured our Lord a!d retur!ed home" abidi! =oyously the promise di6i!e1 A!d A!!e co!cei6ed a!d brou ht forth a dau hter" a!d !amed her -ary1 A!d the! 5he! she had accomplished the time of three years" a!d had left suc4i! " they brou h her to the temple 5ith offeri! s1 A!d there 5as about the temple" after the fiftee! psalms of de rees" fiftee! steps or



rees to asce!d up to the temple" because the temple 5as hi h set1 A!d !o body mi ht o to the altar of sacrifices that 5as 5ithout" but by the de rees1 A!d the! our Lady 5as set o! the lo5est step" a!d mou!ted up 5ithout a!y help as she had bee! of perfect a e" a!d 5he! they had performed their offeri! " they left their dau hter i! the temple 5ith the other 6ir i!s" a!d they retur!ed i!to their place1 A!d the Vir i! -ary profited e6ery day i! all holi!ess" a!d 5as 6isited daily of a! els" a!d had e6ery day di6i!e 6isio!s1 Jerome saith i! a! epistle to Chromatius a!d to +eliodorus that the blessed Vir i! -ary had ordai!ed this custom to herself that" from the mor!i! u!to the hour of tierce" she 5as i! oriso! a!d prayer" a!d from tierce u!to !o!es she e!te!ded to her 5or4" a!d from !o!es she ceased !ot to pray" till that the a! el came a!d a6e to her meat1 A!d i! the fourtee!th year of her a e" the bishop comma!ded i! commo! that the 6ir i!s that 5ere i!stituted i! the temple" a!d had accomplished the time of a e" should retur! to their houses a!d should after the la5 be married1 All the others obeyed his comma!dme!t" but -ary a!s5ered that she mi ht !ot do so because her father a!d mother had i6e! her all to the ser6ice of our Lord1 A!d the! the bishop 5as much a! ry because he durst !ot ma4e her to brea4 her a6o5 a ai!st the scripture" that saithD A6o5 ye 6o5s a!d yield them to God1 A!d he durst !ot brea4 the custom of the people1 A!d the! came a feast of the Je5s" a!d he called all the a!cie!t Je5s to cou!cil" a!d sho5ed to them this thi! 1 A!d this 5as all their se!te!ceD That i! a thi! so doubtable" that cou!sel shall be as4ed of our Lord1 A!d the! 5e!t they all to prayer" a!d the bishop" that 5as o!e to as4 cou!sel of our Lord1 A!o! came a 6oice out of the oracle a!d said that" all they that 5ere of the house of Da6id that 5ere co!6e!able to be married a!d had !o 5ife" that each of them should bri! a rod to the altar" a!d his rod that flourished" a!d" after the sayi! of Isaiah" the +oly Ghost sit i! the form of a do6e o! it" he should be the ma! that should be despo!sate a!d married to the Vir i! -ary1 A!d Joseph" of the house of Da6id" 5as there amo! the others" a!d him seemed to be a thi! u!co!6e!able" a ma! of so old a e as he 5as to ha6e so te!der a maid" a!d 5hereas others brou ht forth their rods he hid his1 A!d 5he! !othi! appeared accordi! to the 6oice of God" the bishop ordai!ed for to as4 cou!sel a ai! of our Lord1 A!d he a!s5ered that" he o!ly that should espouse the 6ir i! had !ot brou ht forth his rod1 A!d the! Joseph by the comma!dme!t of the bishop brou ht forth his rod" a!d a!o! it flo5ered" a!d a do6e desce!ded from hea6e! thereupo!" so that it 5as clearly the ad6ice of e6ery ma! that he should ha6e the 6ir i!1 A!d the! he espoused the Vir i! -ary" a!d retur!ed i!to his city of 9ethlehem for to ordai! his mei!y a!d his house" a!d for to fetch such thi! s as 5ere !ecessary1 A!d the Vir i! -ary retur!ed u!to the house of her father 5ith se6e! 6ir i!s" her fello5s of her a e" 5hich had see! the demo!stra!ce of the miracle1 A!d i! those days the a! el of our Lord appeared to the Vir i! prayi! " a!d sho5ed to her ho5 the So! of God should be bor! of her1 A!d the day of the !ati6ity 5as !ot 4!o5! i! lo! time of ood christia! me!" a!d as master Joh! 9eleth saith that" it happed that a ma! of ood co!templatio! e6ery year i! the si8th ides of September 5as i! prayer" a!d he heard a compa!y of a! els that made reat solem!ity1 A!d the! he re<uired de6outly that he mi ht ha6e 4!o5led e 5herefore e6ery year o!ly o! that day he heard such solem!ity a!d !ot o! other days1 A!d the! he had a di6i!e a!s5er that" o! that day the blessed Vir i! -ary 5as bor! i!to this 5orld" a!d that he should do it to be 4!o5! to the me! of holy church" so that they should be co!cordable to the hea6e!ly court i! hallo5i! this solem!ity1 A!d 5he! he had told this to the so6erei ! bishop the pope" a!d to the others" a!d had bee! i! fasti! s" i! prayers" a!d sou ht i! scriptures a!d 5it!esses of old 5riti! s" they established this day of the !ati6ity of the lorious Vir i! to be hallo5ed e!erally of all christia! me!" but the utas sometime 5as !ot hallo5ed !e 4ept1 9ut I!!oce!t the fourth" of the !atio! of Ge!oa" ordai!ed a!d i!stituted the said utas to be obser6ed1 A!d the cause 5as thisD After the death of (ope Gre ory" a!o! the citiHe!s of 3ome e!closed all the cardi!als i! the co!cla6e because they should pur6ey li htly for the church" but they mi ht !ot accord i! ma!y days" but suffered of the 3oma!s much sorro51 The! a6o5ed they to the Guee! of +ea6e! that if they mi ht o <uiet from the!ce they should establish to hallo5 the octa6es of the !ati6ity 5hich they had lo! !e li e!tly left1 A!d they the! by o!e accord chose Celesti!" a!d 5ere deli6ered" a!d accomplished the! their a6o5 by I!!oce!t" for Celesti! li6ed but a little time" a!d therefore it mi ht !ot be accomplished by him1 A!d it is to 5it that the church hallo5eth three !ati6ities" the !ati6ity of our Lord" the !ati6ity of the blessed Vir i! -ary" a!d the !ati6ity of S1 Joh! 9aptist1 A!d these three si !ify three !ati6ities spiritual" for 5e be bor! a ai! 5ith S1 Joh! 9aptist i! the 5ater of baptism" a!d 5ith -ary i! pe!a!ce" a!d 5ith our Lord Jesu Christ i! lory1 A!d it beho6eth that !ati6ity of baptism o tofore co!tritio!" a!d that of =oy also1 'or











the t5o by reaso! ha6e 6i ils" but because that pe!a!ce is accou!ted for 6i il" therefore that of our Lady beho6eth !o 6i il" but they ha6e all utas" for all haste them u!to the ei hth resurrectio!1 There 5as a 4!i ht much !oble a!d de6out u!to our Lady 5hich 5e!t to a tour!eyi! " a!d he fou!d a mo!astery i! his 5ay 5hich 5as of the Vir i! -ary" a!d e!tered i!to it for to hear mass" a!d there 5ere masses o!e after a!other" a!d for the ho!our of our Lady he 5ould lea6e !o!e but that he heard them all1 A!d 5he! he issued out of the mo!astery he hasted him appertly1 A!d they that retur!ed from the tour!ey met him" a!d said to him that he had ridde! ri ht !obly1 A!d they that hated him affirmed the same" a!d all they to ether cried that he had ri ht !obly tour!eyed" a!d some 5e!t to him a!d said that he had ta4e! them1 The! he" that 5as 5ise" a6ised him that the courteous Vir i! a!d Guee! had so courteously ho!oured him" a!d recou!ted all that 5as happe!ed" a!d the! retur!ed he to the mo!astery" a!d e6er after abode i! the ser6ice of our Lord" the so! of the blessed Vir i!1



There 5as a bishop 5hich had the blessed Vir i! -ary i! so6erei ! ho!our a!d de6otio!" a!d there he sa5 the 6ir i! of all 6ir i!s" 5hich came to meet him" a!d be a! to lead him by so6erei ! ho!our to the church that he 5e!t to" a!d t5o maide!s of the compa!y 5e!t tofore si! i! a!d sayi! these 6ersesD

(antemus domino, soci, cantemus honorem, Dulcis amor (hristi resonet ore pio. That is to sayD Si! 5e fello5s to our Lord" si! 5e ho!our1 Si! 5e 5ith a 6oice debo!air that s5eet lo6e 5hich ou ht to please him1 A!d that other compa!y of 6ir i!s sa! a!d rehearsed a ai! the same1 The! the t5o first si! ers be a! to si! this that follo5ethD .rimus ad ima ruit magna de luce superbus, Sic homo cum tumult, primus ad ima ruit.



That is to sayD The first pride fell lo5 from reat li ht1 So the first ma!" for his eati! of the apple" fell lo5 also1 A!d so brou ht they to the church 5ith processio! the said bishop" a!d the t5o tofore be a! al5ay" a!d the others follo5ed1 There 5as a 5ido5 5hose husba!d 5as dead" a!d had a so! 5hom she lo6ed te!derly" a!d that so! 5as ta4e! 5ith e!emies a!d put i! priso! fast bou!d1 A!d 5he! she heard thereof" she 5ept 5ithout comfort" a!d prayed u!to our blessed Lady 5ith ri ht de6out prayers that she 5ould deli6er her so!" a!d at the last she sa5 that her prayers a6ailed her !ot" a!d e!tered the! i!to the church 5hereas the ima e of our Lady 5as car6ed" a!d stood tofore the ima e a!d areaso!ed it i! this ma!!er" sayi! D O blessed Vir i!" I ha6e prayed oft thee for my so! that thou shouldst deli6er him" a!d thou hast !ot helped me his 5retched mother" a!d I pray also thy so! to help me a!d yet I feel !o fruit1 A!d therefore li4e as my so! is ta4e! from me so shall I ta4e a5ay thi!e" a!d set him i! priso! i! hosta e for mi!e1 A!d i! this sayi! she approached !ear a!d too4 a5ay from the ima e the child that she held i! her lap" a!d 5rapped it i! clea! clothes a!d shut it i! her chest" a!d loc4ed it fast ri ht dili e!tly" a!d 5as ri ht =oyful that she had so ood hosta e for her so!" a!d 4ept it much dili e!tly1 A!d the !i ht follo5i! " the blessed Vir i! -ary came to the so! of the same 5ido5" a!d ope!ed to him the door of the priso!" a!d comma!ded him to o the!ce" a!d said to himD So!" say to thy mother that she yield to me a ai! my so! sith I ha6e deli6ered her so!1 A!d he issued a!d came to his mother" a!d told to her ho5 our blessed Lady had deli6ered him" a!d she 5as =oyful" a!d too4 the child a!d came to the church a!d deli6ered him to our Lady" sayi! D Lady I tha!4 you" for ye ha6e deli6ered to me my so!" a!d here I deli6er to you yours a ai!" for I co!fess that I ha6e mi!e1 There 5as a thief that ofte! stole" but he had al5ays reat de6otio! to the Vir i! -ary" a!d saluted her oft1 It 5as so that o! a time he 5as ta4e! a!d =ud ed to be ha! ed1 A!d 5he! he 5as ha! ed the blessed Vir i! sustai!ed a!d ha! ed him up 5ith her ha!ds three days that he died !ot !e had !o hurt" a!d they that ha! ed him passed by ad6e!ture thereby" a!d fou!d him li6i! a!d of lad cheer1 A!d the! they supposed that the cord had !ot bee! 5ell strai!ed" a!d 5ould ha6e slai! him 5ith a s5ord" a!d ha6e cut






his throat" but our blessed Lady set o! her ha!d tofore the stro4es so that they mi ht !ot slay him !e rie6e him" a!d the! 4!e5 they by that he told to them that the blessed -other of God helped him" a!d the! they mar6elled" a!d too4 him off a!d let him o" i! the ho!our of the Vir i! -ary" a!d the! he 5e!t a!d e!tered i!to a mo!astery" a!d 5as i! the ser6ice of the -other of God as lo! as he li6ed1

There 5as a cler4 that lo6ed much the blessed Nati6ity Vir i!" a!d said his hours e6ery day e!te!ti6ely1 A!d 5he! his father a!d mother 5ere dead" they had !o!e other heir so that he had all the herita e" a!d the! he 5as co!strai!ed of his frie!ds that he should ta4e a 5ife a!d o6er! his o5! herita e1 A!d o! a day it happed that they e!te!ded to hold the feast of his marria e" a!d as he 5as oi! to the 5eddi! he came to a church" a!d he remembered of the ser6ice of our blessed Lady" a!d e!tered i! a!d be a! to say his hours1 A!d the blessed Vir i! -ary appeared to him a!d spa4e to him a little cruellyD O fool a!d u!happy" 5hy hast thou left me that am thy spouse a!d thy frie!d" a!d lo6est a!other 5oma! tofore meE The! he" bei! mo6ed" retur!ed to his fello5s a!d fei !ed all" a!d left to accomplish the sacrame!t of marria e1 A!d 5he! mid!i ht came he left all a!d fled out of the house" a!d e!tered i!to a mo!astery a!d there ser6ed the -other of God1 There 5as a priest of a parish" 5hich 5as of ho!est a!d ood life" a!d could say !o mass but mass of our Lady" the 5hich he sa! de6outly i! the ho!our of her" 5herefore he 5as accused tofore the bishop" a!d 5as a!o! called tofore him1 A!d the priest co!fessed that he could say !o!e other mass" 5herefore the bishop repro6ed him sore as u!co!!i! a!d a! idiot" a!d suspe!ded him of his mass" that he should !o more si! !o!e from the! fortho!1 A!d the! our blessed Lady appeared to the bishop a!d blamed him much because he had so e!treated her chaplai!" a!d said to him that he should die 5ithi! thirty days if he re:established him !ot a ai! to his office accustomed1 The! the bishop 5as afeard" a!d se!t for the priest a!d prayed him of for i6e!ess" a!d bade him that he should !ot si! but of our Lady1 There 5as a cler4 5hich 5as 6ai! a!d riotous" but al5ays he lo6ed much our Lady" the -other of God" a!d said e6ery day his hours1 A!d he sa5 o! a !i ht a 6isio! that" he 5as i! =ud me!t tofore our Lord" a!d our Lord said to them that 5ere thereD ,hat =ud me!t shall 5e do of this cler4E de6ise ye it for I ha6e lo! suffered him" a!d see !o si ! yet of ame!dme!t1 The! our Lord a6e upo! him se!te!ce of dam!atio!" a!d all they appro6ed it1 The! arose the blessed Vir i! a!d said to her so!D I pray thee" debo!air so!" of thy mercy for this ma!" so that thou assua e upo! him the se!te!ce of dam!atio!" a!d that he may li6e yet" by the race of me" 5hich is co!dem!ed to death by his merits1 A!d our Lord said to herD I deli6er him at thy re<uest for to 4!o5 if I shall see his correctio!1 The! our Lady tur!ed her to5ard him a!d saidD Go" a!d si! !o more lest it happe! 5orse to thee1 The! he a5o4e" a!d cha! ed his life" a!d e!tered i!to reli io!" a!d fi!ished his life i! ood 5or4s1 I! the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred a!d thirty:se6e!" there 5as a ma! !amed Theophilus 5hich 5as 6icar of a bishop" as 'ulbert saith" that 5as bishop of Chartres1 A!d this Theophilus dispe!ded all 5isely the oods of the church u!der the bishop7 a!d 5he! the bishop 5as dead" all the people said that this 6icar should be bishop1 9ut he said the office of 6icar sufficed him" a!d had liefer that tha! to be made bishop" so there 5as there a!other bishop made" a!d Theophilus 5as a ai!st his 5ill put out of his office1 The! he fell i! despair" i! such 5ise that he cou!selled 5ith a Je5 ho5 he should ha6e his oflice a ai!" 5hich Je5 5as a ma icia!" a!d called the de6il" a!d he came a!o!1 The! Theophilus" by comma!dme!t of the de6il" re!ied God a!d his -other" a!d re!ou!ced his christia! professio!" a!d 5rote a! obli atio! 5ith his blood a!d sealed it 5ith his ri! " a!d deli6ered it to the de6il" a!d thus he 5as brou ht i!to his office a ai!1 A!d o! the mor! Theophilus 5as recei6ed i!to the race of the bishop by the procuratio! of the de6il" a!d 5as re:established i! the di !ity of his office1 A!d after5ards" 5he! he ad6ised himself" he repe!ted a!d sorro5ed sore of this that he had do!e" a!d ra! 5ith reat de6otio! u!to the Vir i! -ary" 5ith all de6otio! of his thou ht" prayi! her to be his aid a!d help1 A!d the! o! a time our blessed Lady appeared to him i! 6isio!" a!d rebu4ed him of his felo!y" a!d comma!ded him to forsa4e the de6il" a!d made him to co!fess Jesu Christ to be so! of God" a!d to 4!o5led e himself to be i! purpose to be a christia! ma!" a!d thus he reco6ered the race of her a!d of her so!1 A!d i! si ! of pardo! that she had otte! him" she deli6ered to him a ai! his obli atio! that he had i6e! to the de6il" a!d laid it upo! his breast so that he should !e6er doubt to be ser6a!t of the de6il" but he e!=oyed that he 5as so deli6ered by our blessed Lady1 A!d 5he! Theophilus had heard all this he 5as much =oyful" a!d told it to the bishop a!d tofore all the people that 5as befalle! him" a!d all mar6elled reatly" a!d a6e laud a!d praisi! u!to the lorious Vir i!" our Lady" S1 -ary1 A!d three days after he rested i! peace1 There be ma!y other














miracles 5hich our blessed Lady hath sho5ed for them that call upo! her" 5hich 5ere o6er lo! to 5rite here" but as touchi! her !ati6ity this sufficeth1 The! let us co!ti!ually i6e laud a!d praisi! to her as much as 5e may" a!d let us say 5ith S1 Jerome this respo!seD Sa!cta et immaculate 6ir i!itas1 A!d ho5 this holy respo!se 5as made" I purpose" u!der correctio!" to 5rite here1 It is so that I 5as at Colo !e" a!d heard rehearsed there by a !oble doctor that" the holy a!d de6out S1 Jerome had a custom to 6isit the churches at 3ome1 A!d so he came i!to a church 5here a! ima e of our blessed Lady stood i! a chapel by tbe door as he e!tered" a!d passed forthby 5ithout a!y salutatio! to our Lady" a!d 5e!t forth to e6ery altar a!d made his prayers to all the sai!ts i! the church" each after other" a!d retur!ed a ai! by the same ima e 5ithout a!y saluti! to her1 The! our blessed Lady called him a!d spa4e to him by the said ima e" a!d dema!ded of him the cause 5hy he made !o salutatio! to her" seei! that he had do!e ho!our a!d 5orship to all the other sai!ts of 5hom the ima es 5ere i! that church1 A!d the! S1 Jerome 4!eeled do5! a!d said thusD Sa!cta et immaculate 6ir i!itas" <uibus te laudibus referam !escio1 Guia <uem celi capere !o! potera!t" tuo remio co!tulisti1 ,hich is to sayD +oly a!d u!defiled 6ir i!ity" I 5ot !e6er 5hat laud a!d praisi! s I shall i6e to thee1 'or him that all the hea6e!s mi ht !ot ta4e !e co!tai!" thou hast bor!e i! thy 5omb1 So sith this holy ma! thou ht himself i!sufficie!t to i6e to her laud" the! 5hat shall 5e si!ful 5retches do but put us 5holly i! her mercy" ac4!o5Ied i! us i!sufficie!t to i6e to her due laud a!d praisi! E 9ut let us mee4ly beseech her to accept our ood i!te!t a!d 5ill" a!d that by her merits 5e may attai! after this life to come to her i! e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Of *" Adria#. Martyr. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"



Adria! is said of A" 5hich is as much to say as 5ithout" a!d of ydros" that is 5ater1 'or after that he co!fessed to be christia!" he 5as 5ithout 5ater of si!1 Or he may be said of a!dor" that is to say li ht" a!d dia!" that is to say God1 'or he 5as illumi!ed 5ith li ht di6i!e by passio! of martyrdom1 Of *" Adria#. Martyr" Adria! suffered death u!der -a8imia!" emperor1 'or 5he! the said -a8imia! 5as i! the city of Nicodemia" 5hereas he sacrificed to the idols" a!d by his comma!dme!t they sou ht all christia! me!" some sou ht them for dread" a!d some for lo6e" a!d some for promise of sll6er" so that !ei hbour brou ht his !ei hbour to martyrdom" a!d cousi! his cousi!1 Amo! 5hom three a!d thirty 5ere ta4e! of them that they sou ht" a!d brou ht tofore the 4i! 1 A!d the 4i! said to themD +a6e ye !ot heard 5hat pai! is ordai!ed a ai!st the christia! me!E A!d they said to himD ,e ha6e heard the comma!dme!t of thy folly1 The! the 4i! 5as a! ry a!d comma!ded that they should be beate! 5ith ra5 si!e5s" a!d their mouths beate! 5ith sto!es" a!d that each of their to! ues should be pierced 5ith iro!" a!d that they should be bou!d a!d closed i! priso!1 A!d the! Adria!" 5hich 5as first i! the office of 4!i hthood" said to themD I co!=ure you by your God that ye tell to me the re5ard that ye e!te!d to ha6e for these torme!ts1 A!d the holy ma! said that !e6er eye sa5" !or ear heard" !e heart of ma! mi ht thi!4" those thi! s that our Lord ma4eth ready for them that lo6e him perfectly1 A!d Adria! leapt i! the middle amo! them a!d saidD Accou!t ye me 5ith them here" for I am a christia! ma!1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard that" a!d that he 5ould do !o sacrifice" he did do bi!d him a!d thre5 him i! priso!1 A!d 5he! Natalie his 5ife 4!e5 that her husba!d 5as i! priso! for the faith of Jesu Christ she 5as lad" a!d ra! to the priso!" a!d 4issed the chai!s that her husba!d 5as bou!d 5ith" a!d also of the others" for she 5as christia! secretly" but she durst !ot publish it for dread of the persecutio!1 A!d she said to her husba!dD 9lessed art thou" my lord Adria!" for thou hast fou!d the riches 5hich thy father a!d mother !e6er left to thee" 5hich ha6e !eed of them that possess ma!y thi! s" a!d shall ha6e thereof reat !eed 5he! they shall ha6e !o time to borro5 !e to ta4e7 5he! that o!e shall !ot deli6er that other from pai!" !e the father the so!" !e the mother the dau hter" !e the ser6a!t the master" !e o!e frie!d a!other frie!d" !e riches them that o5! them1 A!d 5he! she had admo!ished him that he should despise all 5orldly lory a!d frie!ds a!d 4i!dred" a!d that al5ays he should ha6e his heart u!to celestial thi! s" Adria! said to herD Go !o5" my sister" the time of our passio! hasteth" of 5hich thou shalt see our e!d1 The! she recomme!ded her husba!d u!to the other sai!ts that they should comfort him" a!d the! she retur!ed u!to her house1 A!d after" Adria! heari! 5he! the day of his passio! should be" a6e ifts to the 4eepers of the priso!" a!d deli6ered to them the other sai!ts i! pled e" a!d 5e!t to his house for to call Natalie" li4e as he had promised by oath that she should be prese!t at their passio!1 A!d a ma! that sa5 him come" ra! tofore him" a!d said to NatalieD Adria! is deli6ered" see" loI 5here he cometh1 A!d 5he! she heard it she


















belie6ed it !ot" a!d saidD A!d 5ho may deli6er him from his bo!dsE God forbid that he be loosed of his bo!ds" a!d departed from the sai!ts1 A!d as she said these 5ords" a child of the mei!y came" that saidD Certes" my Lord is let o1 A!d she supposed that he had fled from his martyrdom" a!d 5ept bitterly" a!d 5he! she sa5 him she shut hastily the door a ai!st him1 Let him be far from me" said she" that is falle! a5ay from God" a!d God forbid that I spea4 to the mouth of him that re!ied his Lord1 A!d the! she tur!ed to him a!d saidD O thou 5retch 5ithout God" 5ho co!strai!ed thee to emprise a!d ta4e 5hich thou mayst !ot performE ,ho hath ta4e! thee from the sai!ts" or 5ho hath decei6ed thee for to depart from themE Say to me" 5herefore art thou fled tofore thou sa5est the battlesE +o5 art thou hurtE Certai! it is of !o!e arro5 that 5as shot to thee1 Certes" I should ha6e mar6elled if a!y of the people of the felo!s" a!d 5ithout God" had bee! offered to God" a!d ho5 u!happy a!d ho5 caitiff am I I ,hat shall I do that am =oi!ed to him that is of the li!ea e of felo!sE It is !ot ra!ted to me to be the 5ife of a martyr but for a time" but !o5 I shall be called the 5ife of a re!e ade a!d tra!s ressor" my =oy certai!ly hath little e!dured" a!d it shall be to me a reproach lo! time1 A!d i! heari! this thi! the blessed Adria! e!=oyed him stro! ly" a!d mar6elled much of his 5ife that 5as so you! a!d ri ht fair" !oble" a!d married but fourtee! mo!ths 5ithout more" ho5 she mi ht say this" a!d therefore he 5as the more arde!t to martyrdom" a!d heard ladly these 5ords1 9ut 5he! he sa5 her o6ermuch torme!ted" he said to herD Ope! the door to me" Natalie" my lo6e a!d lady" for I ha6e !ot fled the martyrdom as thou 5ee!est" but I am come to call thee" as I promised to thee1 A!d she belie6ed it !ot" but said to himD See ho5 this traitor re!e ade decei6eth me" 5hy liest thouE that other JudasI 'lee" thou u!happy" from me or I shall slay myself7 a!d the! thou shalt be full sorry1 A!d 5hile she tarried to ope! the door" he saidD Ope! a!o!" for I must o" a!d the! thou shalt see me !o more" a!d the! shalt thou 5eep that thou hast !ot see! me tofore my death1 I ha6e laid to pled e for me the holy martyrs" a!d if the mi!isters see4 me a!d they fi!d me !ot" they shall cause the sai!ts to suffer their martyrdom a!d mi!e also1 A!d 5he! she heard that" she ope!ed the door" a!d they the! embraced a!d 4issed each other" a!d 5e!t to ether to the priso!" a!d there Natalie clea!sed" se6e! days duri! " the 5ou!ds of the sai!ts 5ith precious cloths1 A!d the! the emperor comma!ded them to be brou ht to him" a!d they 5ere so bro4e! 5ith the pai!s that they mi ht !ot o" but 5ere bor!e as beasts1 A!d Adria! certai!ly 5as bou!d" his ha!ds behi!d him" a!d spa4e to Natalie" a!d 5as bor!e upo! the torme!t of eculee a!d prese!ted to CFsar1 A!d Natalie =oi!ed her to him" a!d said to himD -y lord" be5are that thou tremble !ot for !o!e ad6e!ture 5he! thou shalt see the torme!ts" thou shalt !ot suffer here but a little" but thou shalt be a!o! e!ha!ced 5ith the a! els1 A!d the! Adria! 5ould !ot sacrifice" a!d 5as beate! ri ht rie6ously1 A!d the! Natalie ra! to the sai!ts that 5ere i! the priso!" a!d saidD -y lord hath be u! his martyrdom1 A!d the 4i! 5ar!ed him that he should !ot blame his ods7 a!d he a!s5eredD If I be thus torme!ted that blame them that be !o ods" ho5 shalt thou be torme!ted that blasphemest him that is 6ery GodI A!d the 4i! said to himD These other traitors ha6e tau ht thee these 5ords1 To 5hom Adria! saidD ,hy callest thou them traitors" 5hich be doctors a!d e!sei ! the life perdurableE A!d Natalie ra! to the others 5ith reat =oy" a!d told the 5ords that her husba!d had said1 A!d the! the 4i! did him to be beate! 5ith four stro! me!1 A!d Natalie a!o! reported to the other martyrs that 5ere i! the priso! all the martyrdom" the a!s5ers" a!d the pai!s of her husba!d" a!d he 5as so sore beate! that his e!trails spra! out of his belly" a!d the! he 5as bou!d 5ith iro!" a!d put i! priso! 5ith the other1 A!d Adria! 5as a you! ma!" lusty a!d much fair" of ei ht:a!d: t5e!ty years of a e1 A!d 5he! Natalie sa5 her husba!d lie ro6elli! upo! the earth" a!d all to:bro4e!" she laid her ha!d o! his head i! comforti! him" a!d saidD Thou art blessed" my lord" for thou art made 5orthy to be of the !umber of sai!ts7 thou art blessed" my li ht" 5he! thou sufferest for him that suffered death for theeD o the! forth" my s5eet lo6e" that thou mayst see his lory1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard that ma!y 5ome! mi!istered to the sai!ts i! priso!" he comma!ded that they should !o more be suffered to e!ter1 A!d 5he! Natalie heard that" she sha6ed her head a!d too4 the habit of ma!" a!d ser6ed the sai!ts i! the priso! a!d made the other 5ome! do so by the e!sample of her1 A!d she prayed her husba!d 5he! he should be i! lory that he 5ould pray for her" that she mi ht 4eep her u!defiled i! this 5orld" or rather to be ta4e! out thereof1 A!d 5he! the 4i! heard 5hat the 5ome! had do!e" he comme!ded to bri! forth a! a!6il or a stithie" so that the holy martyrs should ha6e their le s a!d arms all to:frusshed a!d bro4e! thereo!" a!d die the soo!er1 A!d the! Natalie doubted that her husba!d should be afeard for the torme!ts of the others" a!d prayed the mi!isters that they 5ould be i! 5ith him1 The! they he5ed off his le s a!d thi hs" a!d Natalie prayed them that they 5ould smite off his ha!ds" a!d that he should be li4e to the other sai!ts that had suffered more tha! he" a!d 5he! they had he5! them off he a6e up his spirit to God1 The other sai!ts held forth their feet 5ith their free 5ill" a!d passed to our Lord1 A!d the 4i! comma!ded that the bodies should be bur!t1 A!d Natalie hid i! her bosom the ha!d of S1 Adria!1 A!d 5he! the bodies of the sai!ts 5ere thro5! i!to the fire" Natalie 5ould ha6e 5ith them spru! i!to the fire a!d be bur!t" a!d sudde!ly a!o! there came a reat rai! a!d

<ue!ched the fire" so that the bodies of the sai!ts had !o!e harm1 A!d the christia! me! too4 cou!sel to ether" a!d did do bear the bodies to Co!sta!ti!ople till that the peace 5as i6e! to the church" that they 5ere fetched a ai! 5ith ho!our1 A!d they suffered death about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d four score1

Natalie the! abode a!d d5elled i! her house" a!d retai!ed the ha!d of S1 Adria!" a!d for to ha6e comfort thereof she 4ept it al5ays at her bed>s head1 A!d after the =ud e sa5 Natalie so fair" so rich" a!d so !oble" by lea6e of the emperor he se!t 5ome! to her because she should co!se!t to him by marria e1 To 5hom Natalie a!s5eredD ,ho is he that may do me so much ho!our that I may be =oi!ed to him by marria eE but I re<uire you that I may ha6e term of three days to array a!d ma4e me ready1 A!d this she said to the e!d that she mi ht flee a5ay1 The! be a! she to pray our Lord that he 5ould 4eep her from touchi! of ma!1 A!d the! sudde!ly she fell asleep" a!d o!e of the martyrs appeared to her a!d comforted her s5eetly" a!d comma!ded her that she should o to the place 5here the holy bodies 5ere1 A!d 5he! she a5o4e she too4 the ha!d of Adria! o!ly 5ith her" a!d e!tered i!to a ship 5ith ma!y christia! me!" a!d 5he! the =ud e heard it he follo5ed after 5ith ma!y 4!i hts" a!d the! the 5i!d came co!trary to them" a!d dro5!ed ma!y" a!d co!strai!ed the others to retur!1 A!d the! i! the !i ht the de6il appeared to them i! uise of a mari!er i! a ship of pha!tasm" a!d said to themD 'rom 5he!ce come ye" a!d 5hither o yeE A!d the christia! me! saidD ,e come from Nicomedia a!d o u!to Co!sta!ti!ople1 A!d he saidD ;e err" o to5ards the left side a!d ye shall sail more ri ht1 A!d he said so because he 5ould ha6e dro5!ed them i! the sea1 A!d as they follo5ed the stars" a!o! sudde!ly Adria! appeared to them i! a boat" a!d bade them sail as they did before" a!d told to them that it 5as a 5ic4ed spirit that had spo4e! to them" a!d the! he 5e!t tofore them a!d sho5ed them the 5ay7 a!d 5he! Natalie sa5 him o tofore them she 5as reple!ished 5ith =oy" so that tofore day they came to Co!sta!ti!ople1 A!d 5he! Natalie e!tered i!to the house 5here the martyrs 5ere" she put the ha!d of Adria! to the body1 A!d 5he! she had made her prayers she slept1 A!d S1 Adria! appeared to her a!d saluted her" a!d comma!ded her that she should come 5ith him to =oy perdurable1 A!d 5he! she a5o4e she told to them that 5ere there her 6isio!" a!d too4 her lea6e" a!d after a6e up her spirit to Almi hty God1 A!d the! the ood christia! me! too4 her body a!d laid it 5ith the bodies of the martyrs1 Here followeth the Life of *" Gor(o#e" SS1 Gor o!e a!d Dorothy 5ere i! Nicomedia" chief i! the palace of Diocletia!" a!d re!ou!ced their chi6alry for to follo5 their e6erlasti! 4i! 1 A!d co!fessed 5ith a hi h 6oice that they 5ere christia!7 a!d 5he! the emperor heard that" he 5as stro! ly a! ry" a!d it did him much displeasure a!d rie6a!ce for to lose such me!" 5hich he had !ourished i! his palace" a!d 5ere !oble of ma!!er a!d of li!ea e1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that he mi ht !ot tur! them by me!aces !e by fair 5ords" he did do strai! a!d pai! them i! the torme!t of eculee a!d did all to:re!d a!d brea4 them 5ith scour es a!d hoo4s of iro!" a!d to cast i! their 5ou!ds salt a!d 6i!e ar" 5hich e!tered i! to their e!trails1 A!d they suffered it =oyously1 The! he made them to be roasted upo! a ridiro!" a!d they lay thereupo! as they had lai! upo! a bed full of flo5ers a!d suffered !o!e harm1 A!d after this the emperor comma!ded that they should be ha! ed 5ith cords" a!d their bodies to be i6e! to hou!ds a!d 5ol6es to be de6oured1 A!d so they yielded up their spirits to Almi hty God" but their bodies abode u!touched" a!d 5ere ta4e! up a!d buried by ood christia! me!1 A!d they suffered death the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty1 The! ma!y years after" the body of S1 Gor o!e 5as tra!sported to 3ome" a!d the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d se6e!ty four the bishop of -etH" !ephe5 of 4i! (epi!" tra!sported the same body to 'ra!ce a!d laid it ho!ourably i! the mo!astery of Gor ocie!se1 Here )e(i# the Live of **" Prothu a#d Ja$i#$tu a#d Eu(e#ia. a#d fir t of their #a%e "









(rothus is said of prothos" that is to say first" a!d of pa!thos" 5hich is as much to say as prese!tatio!1 'or he 5as of the first of his li!ea e prese!ted to God by ood 5or4s" a!d by martyrdom1 Jaci!ctus is as much to say as lyi! 5ithi!" or a precious sto!e !amed Jaci!cte7 for he played i! the torme!ts a!d therefore he is i! =oy abo6e" as a precious Jaci!cte1 Eu e!ia is said of eu" 5hich is as much to say as ood" a!d i !o i !is" that is to e! e!der" a!d so Eu e!ia is as much to say as 5ell e! e!deri! 1 'or


she e! e!dered to Jesu Christ ood li!ea e" that 5as father a!d mother" a!d ma!y others" 5hich by her 5ere e! e!dered to the christia! faith1 Of **" Prothu a#d Ja$i#$tu "

(rothus a!d Jaci!ctus 5ere e!tleme! of !oble li!ea e a!d 5ere fello5s i! the study of philosophy 5ith Eu e!ia" dau hter of (hilip" of the most !oble li!ea e of the 3oma!s1 ,hich (hilip had ta4e! of the se!ate the pro6ostry of Ale8a!dria" a!d had led 5ith him Claudia his 5ife" his so!s A6itus a!d Ser ius" a!d his dau hter Eu e!ia1 A!d Eu e!ia 5as perfect i! all the liberal arts a!d letters1 (rothus a!d Jaci!ctus had studied 5ith her" a!d 5ere come to perfectio! of those scie!ces1 A!d Eu e!ia" i! the fiftee!th year of her a e" 5as re<uired to be married of o!e A<uili!us" so! of the co!sul A<uili!us" a!d she a!s5ered that her beho6ed to be married a!d choose a husba!d full of ood ma!!ers a!d !ot of hi h li!ea e1 A!d the! came to her ha!d the doctri!e of S1 (aul" a!d she be a! i! her coura e to be made christia! by ood ma!!ers1 A!d the! at that time the christia! me! 5ere 5ell suffered to d5ell beside the city of Ale8a!dria1 A!d as she 5e!t playi! a!d 5al4i! by the to5!" she heard christia! me! si! a 6erse of the psalter 5hich saithD All the ods of the miscrea!ts be de6ils" our Lord certai!ly made the hea6e!s1 The! said she to (rothus a!d Jaci!ctus" that had studied 5ith her i! the arts liberalD ,e ha6e o6erpassed the ar ume!ts a!d syllo isms of the philosophers by study corruptible" the ar ume!ts of Aristotle" a!d ideas of (lato" a!d the e!sei !me!ts of Socrates" a!d shortly all that the poet sa! a!d made" or the philosopher thou ht" it is all closed by his se!te!ce7 let us the! be brethre! a!d follo5 5e our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d this cou!sel pleased them1 A!d the! she too4 the habit of a ma!" a!d came to the mo!astery 5here +ele!us 5as abbot" 5hich 5ould i! !o 5ise suffer that a!y 5oma! should come to him1 A!d this +ele!us had o! a time disputed a ai!st a heresy" a!d 5he! that he sa5 that he mi ht !ot sustai! the force of the ar ume!ts" he did do bur! a reat fire for to pro6e his faith" a!d saidD ,e shall see !o5 5hich is the ri ht faith" a!d he himself e!tered first i!to the fire a!d came out a ai! 5ithout hurt or rief" but the heretic 5ould !ot e!ter i!to the fire" a!d 5as co!fused a!d put a5ay1 A!d 5he! Eu e!ia 5as o!e to him" a!d had said that she 5as a ma!" he said to herD Thou sayest truly a!d 5ell that thou art a ma!" for thou 5or4est 6irtuously1 A!d the co!ditio! of her 5as sho5ed to him the! of God" a!d she recei6ed the habit 5ith (rothus a!d Jaci!ctus" a!d did her to be called of all brother Eu e!e1 A!d 5he! her father a!d mother sa5 her chair come home empty a!d 6oid" the! they did do see4 their dau hter o6er all but she mi ht !ot be fou!d" a!d the! 5e!t they to di6i!ers a!d soothsayers a!d dema!ded them 5here their dau hter 5as become1 A!d they a!s5ered that she 5as ra6ished of the ods amo! the stars" a!d therefore her father made a! ima e of his dau hter a!d comma!ded that all the people should 5orship her1 A!d she d5elled amo! the compa!y of brethre! i! the dread of God7 a!d 5he! the pro6ost of the church 5as dead" she 5as made pro6ost1 A!d the! i! Ale8a!dria 5as a lady !oble a!d rich 5hich 5as !amed -ela!cia" 5hom S1 Eu e!ia a!oi!ted 5ith oil a!d deli6ered her of a <uarta!" i! the !ame of God" a!d she se!t to her ma!y ifts 5hich she 5ould !ot recei6e1 A!d the said lady supposed that Eu e!ia had bee! a ma!" a!d 6isited her oft a!d beheld the reat!ess a!d beauty of her body" i! such 5ise that she 5as stro! ly esprised a!d chauffed i! her lo6e" a!d 5as reatly troubled ho5 she mi ht do to ma4e Eu e!e to ha6e to do 5ith her1 A!d the! she fei !ed her to be sic4 a!d se!t for this brother Eu e!e to come a!d ha6e pity o! her" a!d 5he! she 5as come she told to her i! 5hat ma!!er she 5as ta4e! i! his lo6e" a!d ho5 she bur!ed i! desiri! him" a!d prayed her that she 5ould lie thy her a!d ha6e to do car!ally" a!d embraced her a!d 4issed her a!d e8horted her to do si!1 A!d Eu e!ia had reat horror a!d abomi!atio! of her" a!d saidD Thou art by ri ht called -ela!cia" for it is a! e6il !ame a!d fulfilled of treaso!" thou art said blac4 a!d dar4" dau hter of dar4!ess" frie!d of the de6il" li ht of pollutio!" !ourishi! of lechery" a! uishi! dau hter of sempiter!al death1 A!d 5he! she sa5 her decei6ed of that she co6eted" she doubted that Eu e!ia should disco6er her felo!y" a!d be a! first to cry that Eu e!ia 5ould there ha6e e!forced her" a!d the! she 5e!t to the pro6ost (hilip a!d complai!ed" sayi! that a you! ma!" a false christia!" 5as come to me because of medici!e" a!d too4 me a!d 5ould ha6e e!forced me by stre! th for to ha6e si!!ed 5ith him" if I had !ot bee! holpe! a!d deli6ered by a chamberer 5hich 5as i! my chamber1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost heard this he 5as reatly mo6ed" a!d se!t for a multitude of people" a!d made Eu e!ia to be brou ht 5ith the other ser6a!ts of Jesu Christ bou!d i! iro!" a!d established a day 5he! they all should be deli6ered to beasts for to be de6oured" a!d the! 5ere they called tofore the pro6ost" 5hich said to Eu e!iaD Say to me" thou ri ht cursed 5retch" if your God hath tau ht you to do such 5or4s as for to corrupt a!d defile the 5ome! forcibly a ai!st their 5illE A!d the! Eu e!ia" 5hich had the head i!cli!ed because she 5ould !ot be 4!o5!" said that our Lord had tau ht a!d e!sei !ed chastity e!tirely" a!d promised to them that 4ept it the life perdurable1 A!d 5e may
















5ell sho5 that -ela!cia is false a!d lieth" but it is better to us to suffer tha! she should be 6a!<uished a!d pu!ished" a!d that the fruit of our patie!ce perish !ot1 9ut !ot5ithsta!di! " let her chamberer be brou ht forth here" she is the 5it!ess of our felo!y" so that the leasi! s of her may be repro6ed1 A!d 5he! she 5as come" she bei! lear!ed of her lady" opposed a ai!st Eu e!ia" a!d said that he 5ould ha6e ta4e! her by force" a!d also all the other of the mei!y" corrupted by the lady" 5it!essed that it 5as so1 A!d Eu e!ia saidD The time is passed of sile!ce" a!d the time to spea4 is !o51 I 5ill !o lo! er suffer that this shameless creature put more blame uiltless o! the ser6a!t of Jesu Christ" !e that she lorify !ot i! her malice !e i! her falsity1 A!d because that truth surmou!teth her leasi! " a!d that 5isdom surmou!teth her malice" I shall sho5 the truth for !o!e ad6a!ta e" but for the lory of our Lord1 A!d the! she too4 her coat a!d re!t it u!to her irdle abo6e" a!d said that she 5as a 5oma!" as it appeared" a!d also said to the pro6ostD Thou art my father a!d Claudia is my mother" a!d the t5ai! that sit 5ith thee" A6itus a!d Ser ius" be my brethre!" a!d I am Eu e!ia" thy dau hter" a!d these t5ai! be (rothus a!d Jaci!ctus1 A!d 5he! the father heard that" he 4!e5 5ell his dau hter" a!d the! he a!d her mother embraced her a!d 5ept te!derly for =oy1 A!d the! they clothed Eu e!ia 5ith clothes of old a!d e!ha!ced her o! hi h1 A!d after this came a fire from hea6e! a!d bur!t -ela!cia a!d all her mei!y1 The! Eu e!ia co!6erted to the faith her father" mother" brethre!" a!d all the mei!y" a!d therefore left the father the pro6ostry" a!d 5as ordai!ed bishop of the christia! people1 A!d as he 5as i! prayer a!d oriso! he 5as slai! of the miscrea!ts a!d pay!ims1 The! Claudia" 5ith her so!s a!d Eu e!ia" retur!ed to 3ome" a!d there co!6erted much people u!to the faith of Jesu Christ1 The! by the comma!dme!t of the emperor there 5as a reat sto!e bou!d to the !ec4 of Eu e!ia" a!d she 5as thro5! i!to Tiber" but the sto!e bra4e a!d she 5e!t 5ithout harm upo! the 5ater1 The! she 5as thro5! i!to a bur!i! fur!ace" but the fur!ace 5as <ue!ched by miracle a!d became cold1 A!d the! she 5as put i!to a dar4 priso!" but a reat shi!i! li ht made it all clear a!d li ht1 A!d 5he! she had bee! there te! days 5ithout meat" our Lord Jesu Christ appeared to her" a!d brou ht to her a ri ht 5hite loaf a!d said to herD Ta4e this meat of my ha!d" I am thy sa6iour 5hom thou hast lo6ed 5ith all thy thou ht1 A!d o! that day that I desce!d i!to the earth I shall recei6e thee1 The! o! the day of the !ati6ity of our Lord" the torme!tor 5as se!t to her a!d he smote off her head1 A!d after that she appeared to her mother" a!d said to her that she should follo5 her o! the Su!day after1 A!d 5he! the Su!day came Claudia put herself to prayer a!d a6e her spirit to God" a!d the! (rothus a!d Jaci!ctus 5ere dra5! to the temple for to do sacrifice" a!d they by their prayers all to:bra4e the idol7 a!d 5he! they 5ould i! !o 5ise do sacrifice" they accomplished their martyrdom i! sufferi! their heads to be smitte! off1 A!d suffered death u!der Valeria!us a!d Gallus about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d fifty:se6e!" by 5hose merits let us pray Almi hty God to ha6e mercy o! us a!d bri! us to his bliss1 Ame!1 Here followeth the E+altatio# of the Holy !ro " The e8altatio! of the +oly Cross is said" because that o! this day the +oly Cross a!d faith 5ere reatly e!ha!ced1 A!d it is to be u!derstood that" tofore the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" the tree of the cross 5as a tree of filth" for the crosses 5ere made of 6ile trees a!d of trees 5ithout fruit" for all that 5as pla!ted o! the mou!t of Cal6ary bare !o fruit1 It 5as a foul place" for it 5as the place of the torme!t of thie6es" it 5as dar4" for it 5as i! a dar4 place a!d 5ithout a!y beauty1 It 5as the tree of death" for me! 5ere put there to death" It 5as also the tree of ste!ch" for it 5as pla!ted amo! the carrio!s1 A!d after the passio! the cross 5as much e!ha!ced" for the 6ilety 5as tra!sported i!to precious!ess1 Of the 5hich the blessed S1 A!dre5 saithD O precious +oly Cross" God sa5 thee1 +is barre!!ess 5as tur!ed i!to fruit" as it is said i! the Ca!ticlesD I shall asce!d up i!to palm tree" et cetera1 +is i !obility or u!5orthi!ess 5as tur!ed i!to sublimity a!d hei ht1 The cross" that 5as torme!t of thie6es" is !o5 bor!e i! fro!t of the emperors" his dar4!ess is tur!ed i!to li ht a!d clear!ess7 5hereof Chrysostom saithD The cross a!d the 5ou!ds shall be more shi!i! tha! the rays of the su! at the =ud me!t1 +is death is co!6erted i!to perdurability of life" 5hereof it is said i! the preface that" from 5he!ce that the death re5" from the!ce the life resourded" a!d the ste!ch is tur!ed i!to s5eet!ess" Ca!ticorum I1 This e8altatio! of the +oly Cross is solem!ised a!d hallo5ed solem!ly of the church" for the faith is i! it much e!ha!ced1 'or the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d fiftee!" our Lord suffered his people much to be torme!ted by the cruelty of the pay!ims1 A!d Cosdroe" 4i! of the (ersia!s" subdued to his empire all the realms of the 5orld7 a!d he came i!to Jerusalem a!d 5as afeard a!d adrad of the sepulchre of our


















Lord" a!d retur!ed" but he bare 5ith him the part of the +oly Cross that S1 +ele!a had left there1 A!d the! he 5ould be 5orshipped of all the people as a od" a!d did do ma4e a to5er of old a!d of sil6er" 5herei! precious sto!es sho!e" a!d made therei! the ima es of the su! a!d of the moo! a!d of the stars" a!d made that by subtle co!duits 5ater to be hid" a!d to come do5! i! ma!!er of rai!1 A!d i! the last sta e he made horses to dra5 chariots rou!d about" Ii4e as they had mo6ed the to5er" a!d made it to seem as it had thu!dered1 A!d thus this cursed ma! abode i! this temple" a!d deli6ered his realm to his so!" a!d did do set the cross of our Lord by him" a!d comma!ded that he should be called od" of all the people1 A!d as it is read i! libro de mitrali officioD The said Cosdroe" reside!t i! his thro!e as a father" set the tree of the cross o! his ri ht side i!stead of the su!" a!d a coc4 o! the left side i!stead of the +oly Ghost" a!d comma!ded that he should be called father1 A!d the! Eraclius the emperor assembled a reat host a!d came for to fi ht 5ith the so! of Cosdroe by the ri6er of Da!ube7 a!d the! it pleased to either pri!ce that each of them should fi ht o!e a ai!st that other upo! the brid e" a!d he that should 6a!<uish a!d o6ercome his ad6ersary should be pri!ce of the empire 5ithout hurti! either of both hosts" a!d so it 5as ordai!ed a!d s5or!" a!d that 5hosome6er should help his pri!ce should ha6e forth5ith his le s a!d arms cut off a!d to be plu! ed a!d cast i!to the ri6er1 A!d the! Eraclius comme!ded him all to God a!d to the +oly Cross 5ith all the de6otio! that he mi ht" a!d the! they fou ht lo! 1 A!d at the last our Lord a6e the 6ictory to Eraclius a!d subdued to him his empire1 The host that 5as co!trary" a!d all the people of Cosdroe" obeyed them to the christia! faith" a!d recei6ed the holy baptism1 A!d Cosdroe 4!e5 !ot the e!d of the battle" for he 5as adored a!d 5orshipped of all the people as a od" so that !o ma! durst say !ay to him1 A!d the! Eraclius came to him" a!d fou!d him sitti! i! his sie e of old" a!d said to himD 'or as much as after the ma!!er thou hast ho!oured the tree of the cross" if thou 5ilt recei6e baptism a!d the faith of Jesu Christ" I shall et it to thee" a!d yet shalt thou hold thy cro5! a!d realm 5ith little hosta es" a!d I shall let thee ha6e thy life1 A!d if thou 5ilt !ot" I shall slay thee 5ith my s5ord" a!d shall smite off thy head1 A!d 5he! he 5ould !ot accord thereto" he did a!o! do smite off his head" a!d comma!ded that he should be buried because he had bee! a 4i! 1 A!d he fou!d 5ith him o!e" his so!" of the a e of te! years" 5hom he did do baptiHe" a!d lifted him from the fo!t" a!d left to him the realm of his father7 a!d the! did do brea4 that to5er" a!d a6e the sil6er to them of his host" a!d a6e the old a!d precious sto!es for to repair the churches that the tyra!t had destroyed" a!d too4 the +oly Cross a!d brou ht it a ai! to Jerusalem1 A!d as he desce!ded from the -ou!t of Oli6es a!d 5ould ha6e e!tered by the ate by 5hich our Sa6iour 5e!t to his passio!" o! horsebac4" ador!ed as a 4i! " sudde!ly the sto!es of the ates desce!ded a!d =oi!ed them to ether i! the ate li4e a 5all" a!d all the people 5as abashed1 A!d the! the a! el of our Lord appeared upo! the ate" holdi! the si ! of the cross i! his ha!d" a!d saidD ,he! the 4i! of hea6e! 5e!t to his passio! by this ate" he 5as !ot arrayed li4e a 4i! " !e o! horsebac4" but came humbly upo! a! ass" i! sho5i! the e8ample of humility" 5hich he left to them that ho!our him1 A!d 5he! this 5as said" he departed a!d 6a!ished a5ay1 The! the emperor too4 off his hose! a!d shoes himself" i! 5eepi! " a!d despoiled him of all his clothes i! to his shirt" a!d too4 the cross of our Lord a!d bare it much humbly u!to the ate1 A!d a!o! the hard!ess of the sto!es felt the celestial comma!dme!t a!d remo6ed a!o!" a!d ope!ed a!d a6e e!try u!to them that e!tered1 The! the s5eet odour that 5as felt that day 5he! the +oly Cross 5as ta4e! from the to5er of Cosdroe a!d 5as brou ht a ai! to Jerusalem from so far cou!try a!d so reat space of la!d" retur!ed i! to Jerusalem i! that mome!t a!d reple!ished it 5ith all s5eet!ess1 The! the ri ht de6out 4i! be a! to say the praisi! s of the cross i! this 5iseD O cru8 sple!didior" et cetera1 O cross more shi!i! tha! all the stars" ho!oured of the 5orld" ri ht holy a!d much amiable to all me!" 5hich o!ly 5ert 5orthy to bear the ra!som of the 5orld" s5eet tree" s5eet !ails" s5eet iro!" s5eet spear" beari! the s5eet burde!s" sa6e thou this prese!t compa!y that is this day assembled i! thy laud a!d praisi! s1 A!d thus 5as the precious tree of the cross re:established i! his place" a!d the a!cie!t miracles re!e5ed1 'or a dead ma! 5as raised to life" a!d four me! ta4e! 5ith the palsy 5ere cured a!d healed" te! lepers 5ere made clea!" a!d fiftee! bli!d recei6ed their si ht a ai!1 De6ils 5ere put out of me!" a!d much people a!d ma!y 5ere deli6ered of di6ers sic4!ess a!d maladies1 The! the emperor did do repair the churches" a!d a6e to them reat ifts" a!d after retur!ed home to his empire1 A!d it is said i! the Chro!icles that this 5as do!e other5ise1 'or they say that 5he! Cosdroe had ta4e! ma!y realms" he too4 Jerusalem a!d Kacharias the patriarch" a!d bare a5ay the tree of the cross1 A!d as Eraclius 5ould ma4e peace 5ith him" the 4i! Cosdroe s5are a reat oath that he 5ould !e6er ma4e peace 5ith christia! me! a!d 3oma!s if they re!ied !ot him that 5as crucified" a!d adored the su!1 A!d the! Eraclius" 5hich 5as armed 5ith faith" brou ht his host a ai!st him" a!d destroyed a!d 5asted the (ersia!s 5ith ma!y battles that he made to them" a!d made Cosdroe to flee u!to the city of Ctesipho!t1 A!d at the last Cosdroe had the flu8 i! his belly" a!d 5ould therefore cro5! his so! 4i! " 5hich 5as !amed -edasa!" a!d 5he! Syrois" his oldest so!" heard hereof he made allia!ce 5ith Eraclius" a!d pursued his father 5ith his !oble people" a!d set him i! bo!ds" a!d sustai!ed


him 5ith bread of tribulatio! a!d 5ith 5ater of a! uish" a!d at last he made to shoot arro5s at him because he 5ould !ot belie6e i! God" a!d so died1 A!d after this thi! he se!t to Eraclius" the patriarch" the tree of the cross" a!d all the priso!ers1 A!d Eraclius bare i!to Jerusalem the precious tree of the cross" a!d thus it is read i! ma!y chro!icles7 also Siby saith thus of the tree of the crossD That the blessed tree of the cross 5as three times 5ith the pay!ims" as it is said i! the +istory TripartiteD O thrice blessed tree o! 5hich God 5as stretched1 This perad6e!ture is said for the life of !ature" of race" a!d of lory" 5hich came of the cross1 At Co!sta!ti!ople a Je5 e!tered i!to the church of S1 Sophia a!d co!sidered that he 5as there alo!e" a!d sa5 a! ima e of Jesu Christ" a!d too4 his s5ord a!d smote the ima e i! the throat" a!d a!o! the blood ushed out a!d spra! i! the face a!d o! the head of the Je51 A!d he the! 5as afeard" a!d too4 the ima e a!d cast it i!to a pit" a!d a!o! fled a5ay1 A!d it happed that a christia! ma! met him a!d sa5 him all bloody" a!d said to himD 'rom 5he!ce comest thouE Thou hast slai! some ma!1 A!d he saidD I ha6e !ot1 The christia! ma! saidD Verily" thou hast committed some homicide" for thou art all bespro! e! 5ith the blood1 A!d the Je5 saidD Verily" the God of christia! me! is reat" a!d the faith of him is firm a!d appro6ed i! all thi! s7 I ha6e smitte! !o ma!" but I ha6e smitte! the ima e of Jesu Christ" a!d a!o! issued blood of his throat7 a!d the! the Je5 brou ht the christia! ma! to the pit a!d there they dre5 out that holy ima e1 A!d yet is see! o! this day the 5ou!d i! the throat of the ima e7 a!d the Je5 a!o! became a ood christia! ma! a!d 5as baptiHed1 I! Syria" i! the city of 9eirout" there 5as a christia! ma! 5hich had hired a! house for a year a!d he had set the ima e of the crucifi8 by his bed" to 5hich he made daily his prayers" a!d said his de6otio!s" a!d at the year>s e!d he remo6ed a!d too4 a! other house" a!d for at a!d left the ima e behi!d him1 A!d it happed that a Je5 hired that same house" a!d o! a day he bade a!other Je5" o!e of his !ei hbours" to di!!er" a!d as they 5ere at meat" it happed to him that 5as bidde!" i! loo4i! o! the 5all" to espy this ima e 5hich 5as fi8ed to the 5all" a!d be a! to ri! at it for despite" a!d a ai!st him that bade him" a!d also threate!ed a!d me!aced him because he durst 4eep i! his house the ima e of Jesus of NaHareth7 a!d that other Je5 s5are as much as he mi ht that he had !e6er see! it" !e 4!e5 !ot that it 5as there" a!d the! the Je5 fei !ed as he had bee! appeased" a!d after" 5e!t strai ht to the pri!ce of the Je5s a!d accused that Je5 of that 5hich he had see! i! his house1 The! the Je5s assembled a!d came to the house of him a!d sa5 the ima e of Jesu Christ" a!d they too4 that Je5 a!d beat him a!d did to him ma!y i!=uries" a!d cast him out half dead of their sy!a o ue7 a!d a!o! they defiled the ima e 5ith their feet" a!d re!e5ed i! it all the torme!ts of the passio! of our Lord" a!d 5he! they pierced his side 5ith the spear" blood a!d 5ater issued abu!da!tly" i!somuch that they filled a 6essel 5hich they set thereu!der1 A!d the! the Je5s 5ere abashed a!d bare this blood i!to their sy!a o ue" a!d all the sic4 me! a!d malades that 5ere uerished a!d made 5hole1 A!d the! the Je5s told a!d recou!ted thi! s by order to the bishop of the cou!try" a!d all they 5ith o!e 5ill recei6ed baptism i! the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d the bishop put this blood i! ampuls of crystal a!d of lass for to be 4ept" a!d the! he called the christia! ma! that had left it i! the house" a!d e!<uired of him 5ho had so fair a! ima e1 A!d he said that Nicodemus had made it" a!d 5he! he died he left it to Gamaliel" a!d Gamaliel to Kaccheus" a!d Kaccheus to James" a!d James to Simo!" a!d had bee! thus i! Jerusalem u!to the destructio! of the city1 A!d from the!ce it 5as bor!e i!to the realm of A rippa" of christia! me!" a!d from the!ce it 5as brou ht a ai! i!to my cou!try" a!d it 5as left to me by my pare!ts by ri htful herita e1 A!d this 5as do!e i! the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d fifty1 A!d the! all the Je5s hallo5ed their sy!a o ues i!to churches" a!d thereof cometh the custom that churches be hallo5ed" for tofore that time the altars 5ere but hallo5ed o!ly1 A!d for this miracle the church hath ordai!ed that the fifth 4ale!ds of December" or as it is read i! a!other place the fifth ides of No6ember" should be the memory of the passio! of our Lord" 5herefore at 3ome the church is hallo5ed i! the ho!our of our Sa6iour" 5hereas is 4ept a! ampul 5ith the same blood1 A!d there a solem! feast is 4ept a!d do!e" a!d there is pro6ed the ri ht reat 6irtue of the cross" u!to the pay!ims" a!d to the misbeha6ed me! i! all thi! s1 A!d S1 Gre ory recordeth i! the third boo4 of his dialo ues that 5he! A!dre5" bishop of the city of 'u!da!a" suffered a holy !u! to d5ell 5ith him" the fie!d the e!emy be a! to impri!t i! his heart the beauty of her i! such 5ise that he thou ht i! his bed 5ic4ed a!d cursed thi! s1 A!d o! a day a Je5 came to 3ome" a!d 5he! he sa5 that the day failed a!d he mi ht fi!d lo lod i! " he 5e!t that !i ht a!d abode i! the temple of Apollo1 A!d because he doubted of he sacrile e of the place" ho5beit that he had !o faith i! the cross" yet he mar4ed a!d ar!ished him 5ith the si ! of the cross1 The! at mid!i ht 5he! he a5o4e" he sa5 a compa!y of e6il spirits" 5hich 5e!t tofore o!e li4e as he had some authority of puissa!ce abo6e the others by sub=ectio!" a!d the! he sa5











him sit i! the midst amo! the others" a!d be a! to e!<uire the causes a!d deeds of e6ery each of these e6il spirits 5hich obeyed him" a!d he 5ould 4!o5 5hat e6il e6ery each had do!e1 9ut Gre ory passeth the ma!!er of this 6isio! because of short!ess" but 5e fi!d semblably i! the li6es of 'athers that1 as a ma! e!tered i! a temple of the idols" he sa5 the de6il sitti! a!d all his mei!y about him1 A!d o!e of these 5ic4ed spirits came a!d adored him" a!d he dema!ded of himD 'rom 5he!ce comest thouE A!d he saidD I ha6e bee! i! such a pro6i!ce" a!d ha6e mo6ed reat 5ars" a!d made ma!y tribulatio!s" a!d ha6e shed much blood" a!d am come to tell it to thee1 A!d Sata! said to himD I! 5hat time hast thou do!e thisE A!d he saidD I! thirty days1 A!d Sata! saidD ,hy hast thou bee! so lo! thereaboutE a!d said to them that stood by himD Go ye a!d beat him all to:lash him1 The! came the seco!d a!d 5orshipped him" a!d saidD Sire" I ha6e bee! i! the sea" a!d ha6e mo6ed reat 5i!ds a!d torme!ts" a!d dro5!ed ma!y ships a!d slai! ma!y me!1 A!d Sata! saidD +o5 lo! hast thou bee! about thisE A!d he saidD T5e!ty:t5o days1 A!d Sata! saidD +o5I hast thou do!e !o more i! this timeE A!d he comma!ded that he should be beate!1 A!d the third came a!d saidD I ha6e bee! i! a city" a!d ha6e mo6ed strifes a!d debates i! a 5eddi! " a!d ha6e shed much blood" a!d ha6e slai! the husba!d" a!d am come to tell thee1 A!d Sata! as4edD I! 5hat time hast thou do!e thisE A!d he saidD I! te! days1 A!d he saidD +ast thou do!e !o more i! that timeE A!d comma!ded them that 5ere about him to beat him also1 The! came the fourth a!d saidD I ha6e bee! i! the 5ilder!ess forty years" a!d ha6e laboured about a mo!4" a!d u!!ethe at the last I ha6e thri6e!" a!d made him fall i! the si! of the flesh1 A!d 5he! Sata! heard that" he arose from his seat a!d 4issed him" a!d too4 his cro5! off his head a!d set it o! his head" a!d made him to sit 5ith him" a!d saidD Thou hast do!e a reat thi! " a!d hast laboured more tha! all the others1 A!d this may be the ma!!er of the 6isio! that S1 Gre ory lea6eth1 ,he! each had said" o!e started up i! the middle of them all" a!d said he had mo6ed A!dre5 a ai!st the !u!" a!d had mo6ed the fourth part of his flesh a ai!st her i! temptatio!" a!d thereto that yesterday he dre5 so much his mi!d o! her that" i! the hour of e6e!so! he a6e to her i! =api! a buff" a!d said plai!ly" that she mi ht hear it" that he 5ould si! 5ith her1 The! the master comma!ded him that he should perform that he had be u!" a!d for to ma4e him to si! he should ha6e a si! ular 6ictory a!d re5ard amo! all the others1 A!d the! comma!ded he that they should o loo4 5ho that 5as that lay i! the temple7 a!d they 5e!t a!d loo4ed" a!d a!o! they 5ere 5are that he 5as mar4ed 5ith the si ! of the cross1 A!d they bei! afeard" cried a!d saidD Verily" this is a! empty 6essel" alas I alasI he is mar4ed1 A!d 5ith this 6oice all the compa!y of the 5ic4ed spirits 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d the! the Je5" all amo6ed" came to the bishop a!d told to him all by order 5hat 5as happe!ed1 A!d 5he! the bishop heard this he 5ept stro! ly" a!d made to 6oid all the 5ome! out of his house1 A!d the! he baptiHed the Je51 S1 Gre ory rehearseth i! his dialo ues that a !u! e!tered i!to a arde! a!d sa5 a lettuce" a!d co6eted that" a!d for at to ma4e the si ! of the cross" a!d bit it lutto!ously" a!d a!o! fell do5! a!d 5as ra6ished of a de6il1 A!d there came to her S1 E<uicius" a!d the de6il be a! to cry a!d to sayD ,hat ha6e I do!eE I sat upo! a lettuce a!d she came a!d bit me1 A!d a!o! the de6il issued out by the comma!dme!t of the holy ma! of God1 It is read i! the +istory Scholastic that the pay!ims had pai!ted o! a 5all the arms of Serapis" a!d Theodosius did do put them out" a!d made to be pai!ted i! the same place the si ! of the cross1 A!d 5he! the pay!ims a!d priests of the idols sa5 that" a!o! they did them to be baptiHed" sayi! that it 5as i6e! them to u!dersta!d of their elders that" those arms should e!dure till that such a si ! 5ere made there i! 5hich 5ere life1 A!d they ha6e a letter of 5hich they use that they call holy" a!d had a form that they said it e8posed" a!d si !ified life perdurable1 Here followeth the Life of *" Joh# !hry o to%"











Joh! Chrysostom 5as of A!tioch" a!d 5as bor! of !oble 4i!dred" of 5hom the life" the li!ea e" the co!6ersatio!" a!d the persecutio!" is more plai!ly co!tai!ed i! the +istory Tripartite1 ,he! he had bee! i! the study of philosophy" he left it a!d a6e himself to the ser6ice of God" a!d 5as made a priest1 A!d for the lo6e of chastity he 5as reputed old" for he e!te!ded more to the bur!i! lo6e of God tha! to the outer5ard debo!airty" a!d for the ri hteous!ess of his life he e!te!ded most to the thi! s to come" a!d 5as deemed proud of them that 4!e5 him !ot1 +e 5as !oble i! teachi! " he 5as 5ise i! e8pou!di! " a!d ri ht ood i! refrai!i! of 6ai! ma!!ers1 Arcadius a!d +o!orius rei !ed the! i! the empire" a!d Damasus sat the! i! the see of 3ome1 A!d 5he! Chrysostom 5as made bishop of Co!sta!ti!ople" he






be a! to correct hastily the life of cler4s" a!d therefore all they 5ere mo6ed a!d stirred to hate him" a!d esche5ed him as he had bee! a madma!" a!d spa4e e6il of him1 A!d because he 5ould !ot bid them to di!e a!d eat 5ith him" !e 5ould !ot eat 5ith them" they said that he did it because he ate his meat so foul" a!d the other said that he did it for the e8celle!ce a!d !oblesse of his meats1 A!d the truth 5as because that his stomach 5as oft sore a!d rie6ed" 5herefore he esche5ed the reat di!!ers a!d the feasts1 A!d the people lo6ed him much for the ood sermo!s that he made to them" a!d set little by that his e!emies said1 The! Chrysostom be a! to repro6e some of the baro!s" a!d therefore the e!6y 5as the more a ai!st him1 A!d yet he did other thi! s that mo6ed yet more1 'or Eutropius" pro6ost of the empire" 5hich had the di !ity of co!sul" 5ould ha6e a6e! ed him o! some that fled to the church for succour" a!d studied that a la5 should be ordai!ed by the emperor that !o!e should flee to the church" a!d that they that had bee! therei! tofore should be dra5! out1 A!d a little 5hile after" Eutropius had trespassed to the emperor" a!d fled a!o! to the church" a!d 5he! the bishop heard thereof" he came to him" 5hich 5as hid u!der the altar" a!d made a homily a ai!st him" i! the 5hich he repro6ed him ri ht sharply1 A!d therefore ma!y 5ere 5roth" because he 5ould do !o mercy to that cursed ma!" a!d yet he did !othi! but chide1 A!d 5he! the emperor sa5 his 5ill" he made Eutropius to be bor!e out of the church" a!d did do smite off his head1 A!d he repro6ed sharply ma!y me! for di6ers causes" a!d therefore he 5as hateful to ma!y1 A!d Theophilus" bishop of Ale8a!dria" 5ould ha6e deposed Joh! Chrysostom" a!d 5ould ha6e set i! his see Isidore the priest" a!d therefore he sou ht dili e!tly cause to depose him1 A!d the people" that 5ere fed mar6ellously 5ith the doctri!e of S1 Joh!" defe!ded him stro! ly1 A!d Joh! Chrysostom co!strai!ed the priests to li6e after the holy ordi!a!ces of +oly Church" a!d said that they should !ot use the ho!our of priesthood" for they despised the life of a priest a!d 5ould !ot follo5 it1 A!d Joh! o6er!ed !ot o!ly the bishopric of Co!sta!ti!ople" but he ordai!ed to the other pro6i!ces by authority of the emperor such la5s 5ere much profitable1 A!d the! 5he! he 4!e5 that yet the people sacrificed about the other pro6i!ces to the de6ils" he se!t thither mo!4s a!d cler4s" a!d made them destroy all the temples of the idols1 I! that same time 5as a ma! 5hich 5as made master of the chi6alry" a!d 5as !amed Gaimas" of the li!ea e of Celtic barbaria!s" 5hich stro! ly 5as lifted up" a!d by study of tyra!!y 5as corrupt of the heresy Aria!1 A!d that same Gaimas prayed the emperor that he 5ould i6e to him a church 5ithi! the city for him a!d his to ma4e i! their prayers1 A!d 5he! the emperor had ra!ted him" he came to Joh! Chrysostom for to ha6e a church as 5as ra!ted to him by the emperor" but Joh!" 5hich 5as stro! i! 6irtue a!d all embraced i! the lo6e of God" said to the emperorD (romise !ot" !e i6e !o such thi! " !e holy thi! u!to do s1 A!d dread thee !othi! of this barbaria!" but comma!d that 5e both t5o be called tofore thee" a!d ta4e heed 5hat shall be said bet5ee! us both softly" for I shall so refrai! him that he shall !o more dare dema!d such thi! 1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard this he 5as lad" a!d the !e8t day he did do call that o!e a!d that other1 A!d as a! orator re<uired for him" Joh! saidD The house of God is ope! i! e6ery place to thee" 5hereas !o ma! is 5ar!ed to adore a!d pray1 A!d he saidD I am of a!other la5" a!d ma4e re<uest that I may ha6e a temple for myself7 for I ha6e emprised ma!y tra6ails for the commo! profit of 3ome" a!d therefore I ou ht !ot to be 5ar!ed of my petitio!1 A!d Joh! said to himD Thou hast recei6ed ma!y re5ards 5hich amou!t to more tha! thy pai!s" a!d hast bee! made master of the 4!i hts" a!d clad 5ith the ador!me!ts of co!sul" a!d it beho6eth thee to co!sider 5hat thou 5ert late a!d 5hat thou art !o5" a!d thy rather po6erty" a!d thy riches !o5" a!d 5hat clothi! thou usedest tofore" a!d 5hat array thou 5earest !o51 A!d because that a little labour hath i6e! to thee so reat re5ards" be !ot !o5 disa reeable to him that hath so much ho!oured thee1 A!d by such ma!!er 5ords he stopped his mouth a!d co!strai!ed him to be still1 A!d as S1 Joh! o6er!ed !obly the city of Co!sta!ti!ople" this same Gaimas co6eted the empire" a!d because he mi ht do !othi! by day he se!t by !i ht his barbaria!s for to bur! the palace1 A!d the! it 5as 5ell sho5ed ho5 S1 Joh! 4ept the city" for a reat compa!y of a! els" 5hich had reat bodies a!d 5ere armed" appeared to the barbaria!s a!d chased them a5ay a!o!1 A!d 5he! they had told to their lord that 5hich 5as happed" he mar6elled stro! ly" for he 4!e5 5ell that the host of the other 4!i hts 5ere spread i! other cities1 A!d the! he se!t them the seco!d time" a!d they 5ere rechased a ai! by the 6isio! of the a! els1 A!d at the last he issued himself 5ith them a!d sa5 the miracle a!d fled" a!d supposed they had bee! 4!i hts that had by day:time bee! 5ithi!" a!d had 5atched by !i ht1 A!d the! he 5e!t to Tarsus 5ith reat stre! th" a!d 5asted a!d destroyed all the cou!try" so that all the people dreaded the cruelty of the barbaria!s1 A!d the! the emperor committed to S1 Joh! the char e of his le atio!" a!d he" !ot rememberi! the e!mity bet5ee! them" 5e!t forth =oyously1 A!d Gaimas" 5hich 4!e5 the truth of him" came to meet him o! the 5ay" for he 4!e5 5ell that he came for pity" a!d too4 him by the ha!d" a!d 4issed his mouth a!d his eyes" a!d comma!ded his so!s that they







should 4iss his holy 4!ees1 A!d he 5as of such 6irtue a!d so holy that he co!strai!ed the most cruel me! to dread him1 I! this time 5he! these thi! s 5ere do!e S1 Joh! flourished i! Co!sta!ti!ople by doctri!e" a!d 5as holde! mar6ellous of all them of the sect of the Aria!s" 5hich the! i!creased reatly1 A!d they had a church 5ithout the city" a!d o! the Saturday a!d Su!day they 5ould si! 5ithi! the ates" by !i ht" hym!s a!d a!thems" a!d o! the mor! they 5ould o throu h the city si! i! a!thems" a!d issued by the ates a!d e!tered i!to their church" a!d ceased !ot to do thus i! despite of christia! me!" a!d su! oft this so! D ,here be they that say o!e o!ly to be three thi! s by his 6irtueE A!d the! Joh! doubted that by this so! simple me! mi ht be decei6ed" a!d ordai!ed that the ood christia! people should o by !i ht 5ith tapers" torches" a!d la!ter!s" si! i! lorious hym!s of the church that" the e6il 5or4s of the others mi ht be destroyed" a!d the faith of the ood me! mi ht be aflirmed1 A!d did do ma4e crosses of old a!d of sil6er 5hich 5ere bor!e" 5ith tapers bur!i! 1 A!d the! the sect of the Aria!s" embraced 5ith e!6y rebelled u!to the death" so that 9riso!" o! a !i ht" 5hich 5as chamberlai! of the emperor" 5as smitte! 5ith a sto!e" 5ho 5as ordai!ed by S1 Joh! Chrysostom for to o 5ith the hym!s" a!d of the people 5ere ma!y slai! o! that o!e party a!d o! that other1 The! the emperor mo6ed by these thi! s" defe!ded that the Aria!s should si! !o more hym!s i! commo!1 A!d after" this holy ma! suffered reat persecutio! for ri hteous!ess a!d true doctri!e" a!d 5as e8iled a!d after repealed a ai!1 A!d yet after" for e!6y he 5as e8iled a ai!1 A!d so" after ma!y a reat labour a!d !oble doctri!e he e!ded his life" bei! i! e8ile" the fourtee!th day of September1 A!d 5he! he 5as passed" a stro! hail fell i! Co!sta!ti!ople upo! the city a!d upo! the suburbs" 5hich did much harm" a!d the! all the people said it 5as do!e by 5rath of God for the 5ro! ful e8ili! a!d co!dem!i! of the holy ma! S1 Joh! Chrysostom" a!d that 5as sho5ed 5ell by the death of the empress" his reatest e!emy" 5hich died the fourth day after the hail1 A!d 5he! this !oble doctor of the church 5as passed out of this 5orld" the bishops of the 5est 5ould i! !o 5ise commu!e !e ha6e to do 5ith the bishops of the east till that" the !ame of that holy ma! S1 Joh! 5as set amo! the bishops his predecessors1 A!d the! Theodosius" a ri ht ood christia! ma!" so! of the said emperor" 5hich held the !ame a!d party of his ra!dsire" did do bri! the holy relics of this doctor i! to the royal city 5ith tapers a!d li hts1 The! Theodosius did do put a!d bury the said body of S1 Joh! Chrysostom i! the church of S1 Sophia i! the mo!th of Ja!uary1 A!d all the people 5e!t to meet 5ith it" a!d accompa!ied it 5ith torches a!d li hts1 A!d the! Theodosius 5orshipped de6outly the holy relics" a!d 6isited oft his sepulchre" prayi! to the holy sai!t to pardo! Arcadius his father" a!d Eudo8ia his mother" a!d to for i6e them that they had do!e i !ora!tly a ai!st him1 A!d they 5ere dead lo! tofore1 This emperor 5as of so reat debo!airty that he =ud ed !o ma! to death that had offe!ded him" a!d said that his 5ill 5as to call the dead to life a ai! if he mi ht1 It seemed that his court 5as a mo!astery" for therei! 5ere said co!ti!ually mati!s a!d lauds" a!d he read the boo4s di6i!e1 A!d his 5ife 5as called Eudo8ia" he had also a dau hter !amed Eudo8ia 5hom he are to 5ife to Vale!ti!ia!" 5hom he made emperor1 A!d all these thi! s be 5ritte! more plai!ly i! the +istory Tripartite1 A!d this holy holy ma! S1 Joh! Chrysostom passed about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d !i!ety1 Here followeth of *" !or#eliu the Po&e a#d Martyr. a#d fir t the e+&o itio# of hi #a%e" A#d of *" !y&ria#" Cor!elius is e8pou!ded" a!d is as much to say as" e!te!di! i! prayer" a!d the ard" i! abidi! thi! s outra eous1 Or Cor!elius is said of cor!u" 5hich is as much to say as stro! " a!d of leos" that is people" that is the stre! th of people1 Cypria! is said of cypress" that ti!cture" a!d a!a" that is hi h1 The! Cypria! is as much to say as ti!cture of hei ht" for he had ti!cture of the race" so6erei !" a!d of 6irtues1 Or Cypria! is said of cypress" that is to say hea6i!ess or herita e" for he had hea6i!ess of his si!s a!d herita e of the hea6e!ly =oys1 Of *" !or#eliu a#d *" !y&ria#" S1 Cor!elius succeeded to 'abia! i! the papacy" a!d 5as se!t i! e8ile of Decius CFsar" a!d his cler4s 5ith him1 A!d there recei6ed letters of comfort from Cypria!" bishop of Cartha e1 A!d at the last he 5as brou ht a ai! from e8ile a!d prese!ted to Decius1 A!d 5he! he sa5 him fast i! the faith" he comma!ded that he should be beate! 5ith plummets of lead" a!d that he should be brou ht to the temple of -ars for to do sacrifice" or else to ha6e his head smitte! off1 A!d as he 5as led" a 4!i ht prayed him that he 5ould














retur! to his house because of Sallustia his 5ife" 5hich had lai! sic4 fi6e years of the palsy1 A!d she 5as healed by his prayers" a!d o!e a!d t5e!ty 4!i hts 5ith her belie6ed i! God" a!d 5ere all brou ht to the temple of -ars by the comma!dme!t of Decius1 A!d all they spit a ai!st it a!d 5ere all martyred 5ith Cor!elius1 A!d they suffered death about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d fifty:three1 A!d Cypria!" bishop of Cartha e" 5as prese!t i! the same city a!d 5as brou ht tofore (atro!us the co!sul" a!d 5he! he could !ot tur! him i! !o 5ise from the faith of Christ" he se!t him i! e8ile1 A!d from the!ce he 5as called a ai! of A! liricus proco!sul" 5hich came after (atro!us" a!d recei6ed martyrdom by smiti! off his head1 A!d 5he! the se!te!ce 5as i6e! o! him" he saidD Graces a!d tha!4i! s be i6e! to God1 A!d 5he! he came to the place of his martyrdom he comma!ded his ser6a!ts to i6e to him that should smite off his head t5e!ty:fi6e pieces of old1 A!d the! he too4 a li!e! cloth a!d bou!d his eyes 5ith his o5! ha!ds" a!d thus he recei6ed the cro5! of martyrdom" the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d fifty:si81 Here followeth the Life of *" Eufe%ia. a#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of her #a%e"

Eufemia is said of eu" that is ood" a!d of femme that is a 5oma!" that is to 5it a profitable" ho!est a!d delectable" for i! this treble ma!!er she is said ood1 She 5as profitable to others by co!6ersatio!" ho!est by ordi!a!ce of ma!!ers" a!d delectable to God1 Or Eufemia is said of euphoria as s5eet!ess of sou!d1 S5eet sou!d is made i! three ma!!ers" that is to 5it" by 6oice" as i! si! i! " by touchi! " as i! a harp" a!d by blo5i! as i! pipes a!d or a!s1 Thus 5as the blessed s5eet sou!d to God i! 6oice of predicatio!" i! touchi! of ood 5or4s" a!d i! blo5i! of de6otio!1 Of *" Eufe%ia"








Eufemia 5as dau hter of a se!ator" a!d sa5 christia! me! i! the time of Diocletia! so sore torme!ted a!d all to:re!t by di6ers torme!ts" that she came to the =ud e a!d co!fessed her to be christia!1 A!d she comforted by e8ample the coura es of other me!" a!d by her co!sta!cy1 A!d 5he! the =ud e sle5 the christia! me!" the o!e tofore a!other" a!d made others to be prese!t because they should be afeard of that they sa5 the others so cruelly torme!ted a!d bro4e!" a!d that they should sacrifice for dread a!d fear" a!d 5he! Eufemia sa5 e6e! thus tofore her the holy sai!ts" she 5as the more co!sta!t by the steadfast!ess of the martyrs" a!d spo4e to the =ud e" a!d said that she suffered 5ro! of him1 The! the =ud e 5as lad" 5ee!i! that she 5ould ha6e co!se!ted to do sacrifice" a!d 5he! he dema!ded of her 5hat 5ro! he had do!e to her" she said to himD 'or sith I am of !oble li!ea e" 5hy puttest thou tofore me the stra! ers a!d u!4!o5!" a!d ma4est them o to Christ tofore meE 'or it 5ere my pleasure to o thither by martyrdom tofore them1 A!d the =ud e said to herD I had supposed thou 5ouldst ha6e retur!ed i! thy thou ht" a!d I 5as lad that thou haddest remembered thy !oblesse1 A!d the! she 5as i!closed i! the priso!" a!d the day follo5i! " 5ithout bo!ds" 5as brou ht tofore the =ud e1 A!d the! she complai!ed ri ht rie6ously 5hy a ai!st the la5s of the emperors she 5as alo!e spared for to be out of bo!ds1 A!d the! she 5as lo! beate! 5ith fists" a!d after" se!t a ai! to priso!" a!d the =ud e follo5ed her" a!d 5ould ha6e ta4e! her by force for to ha6e accomplished his foul lust" but she defe!ded her forcibly" a!d the 6irtue di6i!e made the ha!ds of the Jud e to be lame1 A!d the! the =ud e 5ee!ed to ha6e bee! e!cha!ted" a!d se!t to her the pro6ost of his house for to promise to her ma!y thi! s for to ma4e her co!se!t to him" but he mi ht !e6er ope! the priso! 5hich 5as shut" !either 5ith 4ey !e 5ith a8es" till he 5as ra6ished 5ith a de6il" cryi! a!d treati! himself" that u!!ethe he escaped1 A!d the! she 5as dra5! out a!d set upo! a 5heel full of bur!i! coals1 A!d the artillour" that 5as master of the torme!t" had i6e! a to4e! to them to tur! it" that 5he! he should ma4e a sou!d" that they all should tur! it" a!d the fire should spri! out a!d all to:brea4 a!d re!d the body of the 6ir i!7 but by the ordi!a!ce of God the iro! that the artillour a!d master had i! his ha!d" fell to the earth" a!d made the sou!d1 A!d they tur!ed hastily so that the 5heel bur!t the master of the 5or4 a!d 4ept E!femia 5ithout hurt" sitti! upo! the 5heel1 A!d the pare!ts of the artillour 5ept a!d put the fire u!der the 5heel a!d 5ould ha6e bur!t Eufemia 5ith the 5heel" but the 5heel 5as bur!t" a!d Eufemia 5as u!bou!de! by the a! el of God" a!d 5as see! to sta!d all 5hole" u!hurt" i! a hi h place1 A!d the! Apulius said to the =ud eD The 6irtue of christia! people may !ot be o6ercome but by iro!" therefore I cou!sel thee to do smite off her head1 The! they set up ladders" a!d as o!e 5ould ha6e set ha!d o! her" he 5as a!o! smitte! 5ith a palsy" a!d 5as bor!e the!ce half dead1 A!d a!other !amed Sosthe!es 5e!t up o! hi h" but a!o! he 5as cha! ed i! his coura e a!d repe!ted him a!d re<uired her humbly pardo!" a!d 5he! he had his s5ord dra5! he cried to the =ud e that he had liefer slay himself tha! touch her 5hom the a! els defe!ded1 At the last" 5he! she






5as ta4e! the!ce" the =ud e said to his cha!cellor that he should se!d to her all the you! me! that 5ere =olly" for to e!force a!d to ma4e her do their 5ill till she should fail a!d die1 A!d the! he e!tered i! a!d sa5 5ith her ma!y fair 6ir i!s prayi! 5ith her" a!d she made him to be christe!ed 5ith her admo!ishme!ts1 A!d the! the pro6ost did do ta4e the 6ir i! by the hair a!d hu! her thereby" a!d she e6er abode co!sta!t a!d immo6able1 A!d the! he did do shut her i! priso! 5ithout meat se6e! days" a!d pressed her there bet5ee! four reat sto!es as 5ho should press oli6es" but she 5as e6ery day fed 5ith a! a! el1 A!d 5he! she 5as bet5ee! those t5o hard sto!es she made her prayers" a!d the sto!es 5ere co!6erted i!to ri ht soft ashes1 The! the pro6ost 5as ashamed for to be 6a!<uished of a maid7 a!d the! he made her to be thro5! i!to a pit 5hereas cruel beasts 5ere" 5hich de6oured e6ery ma! that came therei! a!d s5allo5ed them i!1 A!d a!o! they ra! to this holy 6ir i! i! fa5!i! her" a!d =oi!ed their tails to ether" a!d made of them a chair for her to sit o!1 A!d 5he! the =ud e sa5 that" he 5as much co!fou!ded" so that almost he died for a! uish a!d sorro51 The! the butcher came for to a6e! e the i!=ury of his lord a!d smote his s5ord i!to her side" a!d all to:he5ed her a!d made her there the martyr of Jesu Christ our Lord1 A!d the =ud e clad him 5ith clothes of sil4" a!d hu! o! him ouches a!d brooches of old" but 5he! he should ha6e issued out of the pit" he 5as ra6ished of the beasts" a!d all de6oured a!o!1 A!d the! his people sou ht him lo! " a!d u!!ethe fou!d they a little of his bo!es 5ith his clothes of sil4 a!d his ouches of old1 A!d the! the =ud e ate himself for mad!ess" a!d so 5as fou!d dead 5retchedly1 A!d Eusemia 5as buried i! Chalcedo!ia" a!d by her merits all the Je5s a!d pay!ims of Chalcedo!ia belie6ed i! Jesu Christ1 A!d she suffered death about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty1 A!d S1 Ambrose saith of this 6ir i! thusD The holy 6ir i!" triumpha!t i! 6ir i!ity" retai!i! the mitre" deser6ed to be clad 5ith the cro5!" by 5hose merits the 5ic4ed e!emy is 6a!<uished" a!d (riscus" her ad6ersary a!d =ud e" is o6ercome1 The 6ir i! is sa6ed from the fur!ace of fire" hard sto!es be co!6erted i!to po5der" 5ild beasts be made mee4 a!d tame" a!d i!cli!e do5! their !ec4s" a!d all ma!!er of pai!s a!d torme!ts by her oratio!s a!d prayers be o6ercome1 A!d at the last" smitte! 5ith a s5ord" she left the cloister of her flesh" a!d is =oi!ed to the celestial compa!y" lad a!d =oyous1 A!d" blessed Lord" this blessed 6ir i! comme!deth to thee thy church" a!d" ood Lord" let her pray to thee for us si!!ers" a!d this 6ir i!" 5ithout corruptio! flourishi! " et u!to us that our desires may be ra!ted of thee1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" La%)ert. a#d fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"



Lambertus is said of lampos i! Gree4" 5hich is as much to say as bur!i! " a!d of thus" that is i!ce!se1 That is to say i!ce!se bur!i! to God1 Or he may be said of lampas" a lamp" 5hich i6eth li ht i! the church1 +e 5as i!ce!se bur!i! to God by distress of co!scie!ce" a!d for to 4eep obedie!ce1 A!d he 5as li ht i! the church by !oble predicatio!" a!d by e!sample of ood operatio!1 Of *" La%)ert"




Lambert 5as of a !oble li!ea e" but he 5as more !oble by holi!ess" a!d 5as i!formed i! lettrure i! his first a e1 So" for his holi!ess" he 5as lo6ed of all the people i! such 5ise that after his master Theodardus" he deser6ed to be promoted to be bishop of ?trecht1 ,hom Childeric" 4i! of 'ra!ce" lo6ed much a!d had him al5ays dear before other bishops1 9ut 5he! the malice of the Je5s re5" the felo!s put him out of his ho!our 5ithout cause" a!d set 'erramu!d i! his chair1 A!d L ambert e!tered i!to a mo!astery" a!d 5as there a!d co!6ersed se6e! years oodly1 O! a !i ht 5he! he arose from prayer" he let 5i!d o behi!d by i !ora!ce" a!d 5he! the abbot heard it he saidD +e that hath do!e that" let him o out to the cross barefoot1 A!d a!o! Lambert 5e!t out to the cross barefoot i! his hair" a!d 5as there a!d 5e!t i! the s!o5 a!d i! the frost 5he! the brethre! chauffed them after mati!s1 A!d the abbot dema!ded 5here Lambert 5as" a!d a brother said that he 5as o!e to the cross by his comma!dme!t1 +e did do call him" a!d the! the abbot a!d his mo!4s re<uired him to pardo! them" but he !ot o!ly pardo!ed them" but also preached to them the 6irtue of patie!ce1 A!d after se6e! years 'erramu!d 5as put out" a!d S1 Lambert 5as brou ht a ai! by the comma!dme!t of (epi! to his first see" a!d there he sho!e by 5ord a!d by e!sample i! all 6irtue1 The! t5o 5ic4ed me! addressed them a ai!st him a!d be a! to rebu4e a!d blame him stro! ly" a!d the frie!ds of the same bishop sle5 them1




I! that time Lambert be a! to blame stro! ly (epi!" for a commo! 5oma! that he held1 A!d Dodo" a cousi! of them that had bee! slai!" a!d brother of the same commo! 5oma!" a!d officer of the 4i! >s hall" assembled a reat fello5ship a!d assie ed all about the bishop>s place" a!d 5ould a6e! e the death of his cousi!s o! S1 Lambert1 A!d 5he! a child came to S1 Lambert" 5hich 5as i! his prayers" a!d told him thereof" he" trusti! 5ell i! our Lord" thou ht he should 5ell 6a!<uish them" a!d too4 a s5ord1 A!d 5he! he had remembered himself he thre5 a5ay his s5ord" a!d =ud ed himself better to 6a!<uish i! sufferi! of death" tha! to leye his holy ha!ds i! the blood of the felo!s1 A!d this holy ma! 5ar!ed his people that they should co!fess their si!s" a!d suffer patie!tly death1 A!d a!o! the felo!s came upo! them" a!d sle5 forth5ith S1 Lambert 5hom they fou!d i! oriso! a!d prayer1 A!d 5he! they 5ere o!e" some of his me! that escaped" bare the body to the cathedral church secretly by 5ater i! a boat" a!d buried it 5ith reat hea6i!ess of them of the city" i! the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d te!1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Matthew. a#d. fir t of the i#ter&retatio# of hi #a%e"

-atthe5 5as !amed by t5ai! !ames" that 5as -atthe5 a!d Le6y1 -atthe5 is e8pou!ded a hasty ift" or a i6er of cou!sel" or it is said -atthe5 of ma !us" a!d theos" that is God" as it 5ere a reat God1 Or of ma!us" that is a ha!d" a!d theos" that is God" as it 5ere the ha!d of God1 +e 5as a ift of hasti!ess by hasty co!6ersio!" a i6er of cou!sel by 5holesome predicatio!" reat to God by perfectio! of life" a!d the ha!d of God by 5riti! of the ospel of God1 Le6y is i!terpreted assumyt" or applied" or put to" or set1 +e 5as assumpt a!d ta4e! a5ay from atheri! of tolls" he 5as applied to the !umber of the apostles" he 5as put to the compa!y of the e6a! elists" a!d set to the catalo ue of martyrs1 Of *" Matthew"


-atthe5 the apostle" preachi! i! Ethiopia" i! the city that is said Nadaber" fou!d there t5o e!cha!ters !amed Karoes a!d Arpha8at" 5hich e!cha!ted the me! by their art" so that 5hom that they 5ould" should seem that thy 5ere pri6ed of the health a!d office of their members1 ,hich 5ere so ele6ated i! pride that they made them to be ho!oured as ods1 The! -atthe5 the apostle e!tered i!to that city a!d 5as lod ed 5ith the eu!uch of Ca!dace" the <uee!" 5hom (hilip baptiHed1 The! he disco6ered the faits a!d deeds of the e!cha!ters i! this ma!!er" that all that they did to me! i!to hurt" that tur!ed -atthe5 i!to health1 The! this eu!uch dema!ded of S1 -atthe5 ho5 he spa4e a!d u!derstood so ma!y to! ues1 A!d the! -atthe5 told him ho5 the +oly Ghost desce!ded a!d had i6e! to the apostles all scie!ce of to! ues1 That li4e as they had emprised by their pride to ma4e the to5er u!to hea6e! 5hich ceased by co!fusio! of to! ues that 5ere cha! ed" all i! li4e 5ise the apostles made a to5er of scie!ces of to! ues" a!d !othi! of sto!es but of 6irtues" by the 5hich all that belie6e shall mou!t up i!to hea6e!1 The! came before them a ma! that said that the e!cha!ters 5ere come 5ith t5o dra o!s" 5hich cast fire a!d sulphur by their mouths a!d !ostrils" a!d sle5 all the me!1 The! the apostle ar!ished him 5ith the si ! of the cross a!d 5e!t out surely to them" a!d a!o! as these dra o!s sa5 him" a!o! they came a!d slept at his feet1 The! said -atthe5 to the e!cha!tersD ,here is your craftE A5a4e ye them if ye may7 a!d if I 5ould pray our Lord" that 5hich ye 5ould ha6e committed i! me" I should soo! e8ecute o! you1 A!d 5he! the people 5ere assembled" he comma!ded the dra o!s that they should depart 5ithout hurti! of a!y" a!d they 5e!t a!o!1 A!d the apostle there made a reat sermo! of the lory of paradise terrestrial" sayi! that it appeared abo6e all the mou!tai!s a!d 5as !i h u!to hea6e!" a!d that there 5ere !either thor!s !e roc4s" a!d that the lilies a!d roses flourished al5ays a!d 5a8ed !e6er old7 but the people 5ere there al5ays you! " a!d the sou!d of a! els sou!ded there al5ays" a!d the birds came a!o! as they 5ere called1 A!d said that out of this paradise 5as a ma! cast" but he 5as called to the paradise of hea6e! by the !ati6ity of our Lord1 A!d as he said these 5ords to the people" a!o! a reat !oise arose" a!d a reat 5eepi! 5as made for the so! of the 4i! 5hich 5as dead" a!d 5he! these e!cha!ters mi ht !ot raise him" they made the 4i! belie6e that he 5as ra6ished i!to the compa!y of the ods" a!d that he should ma4e to him a temple a!d a! ima e1 A!d the! the foresaid eu!uch" 4eeper of the <uee! Ca!dace" made the e!cha!ters to be 4ept" a!d se!t for the apostle1 A!d 5he! the apostle 5as come he made his prayer a!d raised the 4i! >s so! a!o!1 A!d the! the 4i! " 5hich 5as !amed E ippus" se!t for all the me! i! his pro6i!ces sayi! to themD








Come a!d see ye God i! the li4e!ess of a ma!1 A!d the! the people came 5ith cro5!s of old a!d di6ers ma!!er of sacrifices" a!d 5ould ha6e sacrificed to him" a!d the! S1 -atthe5 beheld them a!d saidD ,hat do ye me!E I am !ot God" but I am ser6a!t of our Lord1 A!d by the comma!dme!t of him they made a reat church of the old a!d sil6er that they had brou ht" 5hich i! thirty days space 5as edified a!d achie6ed1 I! 5hich church the apostle sat three a!d thirty years" a!d co!6erted all Ethiopia to the faith of Christ1 A!d the! the 4i! E ippus" 5ith his 5ife a!d his dau hter" a!d all the people" 5ere baptiHed1 A!d the! the apostle hallo5ed to God Ephi e!ia the 4i! >s dau hter" a!d made her mistress a!d o6er!ess of more tha! t5o hu!dred 6ir i!s1 A!d after this" +irtacus succeeded to the 4i! " a!d co6eted the said 6ir i! Ephi e!ia" a!d promised to the apostle half his realm if he 5ould ma4e her co!se!t to be his 5ife7 a!d the apostle said to him that after the custom of his predecessor he should come o! the Su!day to the church" a!d Ephi e!ia bei! prese!t 5ith the other 6ir i!s" he should hear 5hat he should say of the ood!ess of la5ful marria e1 A!d the! he departed 5ith reat =oy" a!d supposed that he 5ould ha6e stirred Ephi e!ia to his marria e1 A!d 5he! the 6ir i!s a!d all the people 5ere assembled" he spa4e lo! of ood a!d la5ful matrimo!y" a!d 5as much allo5ed of the 4i! " 5hich supposed that he had said for to ha6e =oi!ed the 6ir i! to him for to co!se!t the marria e1 The! 5he! sile!ce 5as made" he made rehearsal of his sermo! sayi! that marria e is ood if it be truly held by ood allia!ce1 9ut ye that be here" 4!o5 ye 5ell that if a!y ser6a!t 5ould ta4e the 5ife of a 4i! 5edded he should !ot o!ly ru! to the offe!ce of the 4i! " but abo6e that he should deser6e death" a!d !ot for to 5ed her" but for that he i! so ta4i! the spouse of his lord should corrupt the marria e =oi!ed1 A!d thou the 4i! that 4!e5 that Ephi e!ia is made the spouse of the 4i! perdurable" a!d is sacred 5ith the holy 6eil" ho5 mayst thou ta4e the 5ife of a more puissa!t 4i! a!d couple her to thee by marria eE A!d 5he! the 4i! heard this he be a! to e!ra e a!d departed all 5ood a!d fra!tic1 A!d the apostle 5ithout dread co!firmed all the others to patie!ce1 A!d Ephi e!ia" Iyi! tofore him for dread" he blessed" a!d all the other 6ir i!s also1 A!d after the solem!ities of the mass" the 4i! se!t a torme!tor 5hich sle5 -atthe5 5ith a s5ord behi!d him" 5hich 5as sta!di! by the altar holdi! up his ha!ds i!to hea6e!" a!d so 5as co!secrate a martyr1 A!d the! all the people 5ould ha6e o!e i!to the palace for to ha6e slai! the 4i! " a!d 5ith reat pai! 5ere they holde! of the priests a!d deaco!s" a!d hallo5ed 5ith reat =oy the martyrdom of the apostle1 A!d the 4i! the! se!t to Ephi e!ia matro!s a!d e!cha!tresses" but for all them" 5he! he sa5 that he mi ht !ot tur! her coura e !e dra5 her to him i! !o ma!!er" he e!6iro!ed a!d beset the house of her 5ith a ri ht reat fire" for to bur! her a!d all the other 6ir i!s1 A!d the! the holy apostle appeared at the fire a!d put out the fire about the house" a!d it too4 the palace of the 4i! " so that it bur!t a!d co!sumed all that 5as therei!" that !o!e escaped sa6e the 4i! a!d his so! o!ly1 A!d the so! 5as ra6ished of the de6il a!d be a! to cry a!d co!fess his father>s si!s" a!d 5e!t to the sepulchre of the apostle1 A!d the father 5as made a foul mesel" a!d 5he! he sa5 that he mi ht !ot be cured" he sle5 himself 5ith his o5! ha!d 5ith a s5ord1 A!d the people the! established for to be 4i! " the brother of Ephi e!ia 5hom the apostle had baptiHed" a!d rei !ed se6e!ty years" a!d established his so! for to be 4i! after him" a!d i!creased much the ho!our of christia! me!" a!d reple!ished all Ethiopia 5ith !oble churches of our Lord1 A!d the! Karoes a!d Arpha8at fled i!to (ersia from the day that the apostle raised the so! of the 4i! " but S1 Simo! a!d S1 Jude 6a!<uished them there1 A!d 4!o5 ye that four thi! s be pri!cipally co!sidered i! the blessed S1 -atthe51 The first is the hasti!ess of obedie!ce" for as soo! as our Lord called him" he left all a!d doubted !othi! of the Lord" a!d left the rec4o!i! s of his receipts imperfect" a!d =oi!ed him perfectly to our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d for this hasty obedie!ce some too4 occasio! of error i! themsel6es" li4e as S1 Jerome recordeth i! the ori i!al upo! the foresaid place" sayi! i! that placeD (orphyry a!d Julia! Au ustus repro6eth i! the same place the folly of the story Iyi! " sayi! that as the story saith" li4e as they follo5ed sudde!ly the Sa6iour" that they 5ould as hastily follo5 a!other ma! that had called them1 'or there 5ere sho5ed so ma!y 6irtues a!d so ma!y to4e!s tofore" that the apostles of our Lord belie6ed 6erily 5ithout doubt1 A!d certai!ly this reple!isher of the pri6y ma=esty sho!e i! his blessed face at the first to them that sa5 him" a!d he mi ht by that si ht a!d 5ill dra5 them to him1 If such 6irtue" as me! say" is i! a precious sto!e 5hich is !amed ma !et" 5hich dra5eth to him festues a!d stra5s" ho5 much more the creator of all thi! s may dra5 to him 5hom he 5ill1 This said Jerome1 The seco!d is his lar ess or his liberality1 'or a!o! he made to him a reat feast i! his house" the 5hich 5as !ot reat by apparel of meats" but it 5as much reat o!ly by reaso! of reat desire" for he recei6ed 5ith ri ht reat 5ill a!d ri ht reat desire1 A!d also it 5as reat by reaso! of ser6ice" for this feast 5as demo!stra!ce of reat mystery" 5hich mystery the loss e8pou!deth upo! S1 Lu4e sayi! D +e that recei6eth our Lord Jesu Christ i! his house 5as fed 5ithi!forth ple!teously of reater thi! s tha! the other" that is to 5it of delectatio!s" of ood ma!!ers"




















a!d of ood deli hts1 A!d after he 5as reat by reaso! of his e!sei !me!ts" for he sho5ed reat teachi! s a!d doctri!es1 A!d this 5as of reat mercy by desire" a!d !ot by sacrifice" as he saidD -isericordiam 6olo et !o! sacrificium" etcetera1 A!d also they that be 5hole !eed !o leech" a!d so it 5as reat" for there 5as Jesu Christ a!d his disciples1 The third is humility 5hich appeared to him i! t5o thi! s" first he sho5ed him a publica!1 The other e6a! elists" as saith the loss" because of shame" a!d for the ho!our of the e6a! elist" they set !ot their commo! !ame" but as it is 5ritte!D The =ust is first accuser of himself1 A!d -atthe5 !amed himself publica!" first because that he sho5ed that !o!e co!6erted ou ht !ot mistrust of health" li4e as he 5as made of a publica!" a! apostle a!d e6a! elist1 Seco!dly" because he 5as patie!t i! his i!=uries1 'or 5he! the pharisees murmured that Jesu Christ 5as desce!ded to a ma!" si!!er" -atthe5 mi ht ha6e a!s5eredD ;e be more 5ic4ed a!d more si!ful that 5ee! ye be =ust a!d refuse the leech" for I may !o more be said si!!er that am o!e to the leech of health a!d hide !ot my si! !e 5ou!d1 The fourth is the reat solem!ity of him i! the church of his ospels1 +is ospels be offer a!d more used i! the church tha! the other e6a! elists" li4e as the psalms of Da6id a!d the epistles of (aul be rehearsed before other scriptures" 5hich be more offer recited i! the church1 A!d this is the reaso! that James 5it!esseth that there be three ma!!er of si!s" that is to 5itD the si! of pride" of lechery" a!d of a6arice1 I! the si! of pride si!!ed Saul" for Saul by the si! of pride persecuted the church o6er proudly1 Da6id si!!ed i! the si! of lechery" for he made adultery" a!d for the adultery he sle5 ?riah" his true 4!i ht1 A!d -atthe5 si!!ed i! the si! of a6arice" for for co6etous!ess he meddled him of 6illai!ous ai!1 'or he 5as i! a port of the sea 5here he recei6ed the toll a!d custom of ships a!d mercha!dise1 A!d ho5beit that they 5ere si!!ers" yet al5ays our Lord too4 their pe!a!ce i! ree a!d 5as pleased there5ith" so that he pardo!ed them !ot o!ly their si!s" but multiplied i! them his ifts of race1 'or him that 5as a ri ht cruel persecutor" he made a ri ht true preacher" a!d him that had bee! adulterer a!d homicide" he made a prophet" a!d him that co6eted so 6illai!ous ai!" he made apostle a!d e6a! elist1 A!d therefore these foresaid three be oft recited that !o ma! that 5ould be co!6erted should ha6e despair of pardo! 5he! such that 5ere i! so reat si!" he beholdeth to ha6e bee! i! so reat race1 A!d it is to be co!sidered that" after S1 Ambrose" some thi! s ou ht to be !oted i! the co!6ersio! of S1 -atthe5" that is to 5it some5hat of the party of the leech" a!d some of the party of the sic4 to be healed1 I! the leech 5ere three thi! s" that is to 5it" 5isdom by 5hich he 4!e5 the root of the malady" a!d the bou!ty by 5hich he mi!istered the medici!e" a!d the po5er by 5hich he healed him so soo!1 Of these three saith S1 Ambrose i! the perso! of the said -atthe5D This master may ta4e a5ay the sorro5 from my heart" a!d the dread of the soul 5hich 4!o5eth the thi! s hid a!d pri6y1 A!d this is as touchi! to the first1 A!d as to the seco!dD I ha6e fou!d a leech that d5elleth i! hea6e! a!d sheddeth i! earth his medici!e1 A!d as to the third he saidD +e may 5ell heal my 5ou!ds that 4!o5eth !ot his o5!1 I! this blessed sic4 ma! that 5as healed" that is to say S1 -atthe5" three thi! s be to be co!sidered" after S1 Ambrose1 +e too4 a5ay first his malady" he 5as al5ays a reeable to his leech" a!d he 5as al5ays clea! a!d 5hole after he had recei6ed his health1 The! he saidD -atthe5" follo5 !o5 thy leech merrily a!d ladly" a!d he =oyi! saidD No5 I am !o publica!" !e am !ot Le6i" I ha6e put a5ay Le6i sith I ha6e recei6ed Christ a!d follo5 him" a!d this is to the first1 A!d as to the seco!d" I hate my li!ea e a!d flee my life a!d follo5 o!ly the Lord1 A!d as to the third he saidD ,ho shall depart me from the charity of our Lord God 5hich is i! meE Tribulatio! or a! uish or hu! erE As 5ho saithD Nothi! 1 A!d the ma!!er of heali! " as Ambrose saith" 5as treble1 'irst" Jesu Christ bou!d him 5ith bo!ds7 seco!dly" he impressed i! him charity7 a!d thirdly" he clea!sed him from all rotte!!ess1 A!d Ambrose saith i! the perso! of -atthe5D I am bou!de! 5ith the !ails of faith" a!d ood life of charity1 Seco!dly" I shall 4eep thy comma!dme!t as impri!ted i! me by charity1 A!d as to the thirdD Good Lord" come soo! a!d ope! my 5ou!ds lest a!y !oieful humour corrupt !e rot the hid passio!s" a!d 5ash them that be foul a!d clea!se them1 +is ospel that he had 5ritte! 5ith his o5! ha!d" 5as fou!d 5ith the bo!es of S1 9ar!abas" the 5hich ospel 9ar!abas bare 5ith him" a!d laid them upo! them that 5ere sic4" a!d a!o! they 5ere healed by the merits of the martyr" a!d 5ere fou!de! i! the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred1 Here followeth the Life of *" Mauri$e. a#d fir t of hi #a%e" -aurice is said of amarus" that is bitter" a!d cis" that is to say" 6omiti! odour" or hard" or of us" that is to say" cou!sellor or hasty1 Or it is said of mauro!" 5hich" after Isidore" i! Gree4 is said blac41 +e had bitter!ess for his e6il idolatry a!d dilatio! of his cou!try7 he 5as 6omiti! by co6etise of thi! s superfluous7 hard a!d firm to suffer torme!ts7 cou!sellor by the admo!ishme!t of 4!i hts his fello5s7 hasty by ardour a!d multiplyi! of ood 5or4s7 blac4 by despisi! himself1 A!d the blessed Eucherius 5rote a!d ordai!ed his passio! 5he! he 5as Archbishop of Lyo!s1



Of *" Mauri$e or Mori " -oris or -aurice 5as du4e of the ri ht holy le io! of Theba!s1 They 5ere !amed Theba!s" of Thebes their city1 A!d that re io! is i! the parts of the East beyo!d the parts of Arabia" a!d it is full of richesses" ple!teous of fruit" delectable of trees1 The i!d5ellers of that re io! be of reat bodies a!d !oble i! arms" stro! i! battle" subtle i! e! i!e" a!d ri ht abu!da!t i! 5isdom1 A!d this city had a hu!dred ates" of 5hich is said this 6erseD Ecce 6etus Thebea ce!tum =acet obruta portis7 that is to sayD The to5! of Thebes 5ith a hu!dred ates ri ht stro! is !o5 o6erthro5!1 To them James the brother of our Lord preached the ospel of our Lord1 I! that time Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" emperors" 5ould ha6e utterly destroyed the faith of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d se!t such epistles u!to all the pro6i!ces 5here christia! me! d5elt1 If a!ythi! beho6ed to be determi!ed or to be 4!o5!" a!d all the 5orld 5ere assembled o! that o!e party" a!d 3ome alo!e 5ere of that o!e party" all the 5orld should be as 6a!<uished a!d o6ercome" a!d 3ome o!ly should abide i! the hi h!ess of scie!ce1 A!d 5herefore the!" ye that be !ot but a little people" a!d co!trary to the comma!dme!t of her" refuse ye so follily the establishme!ts of the city of 3omeE ,herefore recei6e ye the faith of the ods immortal" or else se!te!ce irre6ocable of dam!atio! shall be pro!ou!ced a ai!st you1 A!d the! the christia! people recei6ed these letters" a!d se!t a ai! their messe! ers all 6oid 5ithout a!s5er1 A!d the! Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" mo6ed by reat ire a!d 5rath" se!t u!to all the pro6i!ces a!d comma!ded that they should come to 3ome ready i! arms of battle for to discomfit all the rebels of the empire of 3ome1 The! the letters of the emperors 5ere se!t a!d directed to the Theba!s" 5hich people after the comma!dme!t of God" they re!dered to God that 5as due to him" a!d to the CFsar that 5as lo! i! to him1 The! assembled this chose! le io! of 4!i hts" that is to 5it si8 thousa!d si8 hu!dred a!d si8ty:si8 4!i hts" a!d 5ere se!t to the emperor for to help i! their =ust a!d la5ful battles" a!d !ot to bear arms a ai!st christia! me!" but rather to defe!d them1 A!d the !oble ma!" -aurice" 5as du4e of this holy le io!7 a!d they that o6er!ed u!der him" 5hich bare the ba!!ers" 5ere !amed S1 Ca!didus" S1 I!!oce!t" S1 E8superius" S1 Victor" a!d S1 Co!sta!ti!e" all these 5ere captai!s1 Diocletia! the! se!t a ai!st the 're!chme!" -a8imia!" 5hich he had made fello5 5ith him i! the empire" a!d deli6ered to him reat stre! th 5ithout !umber" a!d ad=oi!ed to him the le io! of Theba!s1 A!d they had bee! e8horted of -arcel" the pope" that they should rather suffer death tha! to corrupt the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! this reat host 5ithout !umber had passed the mou!tai!s a!d came be!eath" the emperor comma!ded that all they that 5ere 5ith him should sacrifice to the idols" a!d o! them that 5ould !ot" they should s5ear to ru! upo! them as rebels" to be destroyed" a!d specially o! christia! me!1 A!d 5he! the holy 4!i hts heard that" they departed from the host ei ht miles farther" a!d too4 there a certai! place delectable" by the ri6er of 3ho!e" 5hich 5as !amed A a!um1 A!d 5he! -a8imia! 4!e5 it" he se!t 4!i hts to them" a!d comma!ded that they should come hastily u!to the sacrifices of the ods 5ith the other7 a!d they a!s5ered that they mi ht !ot so do because they held the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d the! the emperor" embraised 5ith ire" saidD The i!=ury celestial is meddled 5ith my despite" a!d the reli io! 3oma! is despised 5ith me1 No5 shall each co!tumacious 4!i ht feel !ot o!ly for me" but to a6e! e my ods1 The! CFsar comme!ded his 4!i hts that they should o a!d co!strai! them to do sacrifice to the ods" or else they should slay al5ays the te!th ma!1 The! the holy sai!ts stretched their heads 5ith =oy" a!d hasted that o!e tofore that other to come to the death1 A!d after" S1 -aurice arose up a!d said to his fello5s amo! other thi! sD E!=oy ye 5ith us" a!d I tha!4 you" for 5e be all ready for to die for the faith of Jesu Christ1 ,e ha6e suffered our fello5 4!i hts to be slai!" a!d I ha6e suffered your fello5s to suffer death for Jesu Christ" a!d I ha6e 4ept the comma!dme!t of God 5hich said to (eterD (ut thy s5ord i!to the sheath1 9ut !o5" because that 5e be e!closed 5ith the bodies of the 4!i hts our fello5s" a!d ha6e our clothes red of their blood" let us the! follo5 them by martyrdom1 A!d if it please you" let us se!d this a!s5er u!to CFsarD ,e be thy 4!i hts" sir emperor" a!d ha6e ta4e! arms to the defe!ce of the commo! 5eal7 i! us is !o treaso! !e dread" but i! !o 5ise 5e 5ill forsa4e the la5 !e faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard that" he comma!ded to behead yet the te!th ma! of them1 A!d 5he! that 5as do!e" o!e of the ba!!erers" !amed E8superius" too4 the ba!!er a!d stood amo! them a!d saidD Our lorious du4e -aurice hath spo4e! of the lory of our fello5 4!i hts7 !e thi!4 !ot that I ta4e arms for to resist such thi! s" but let our ri ht ha!ds cast a5ay such fleshly arms" a!d let us arm us 5ith 6irtues1 A!d if it please you" let us rema!d u!to the emperor such 5ordsD ,e be 4!i hts of thi!e empire" but 5e co!fess us to be ser6a!ts of Jesu Christ7 5e o5e u!to thee chi6alry" a!d u!to him i!!oce!ce" a!d of thee 5e atte!d the re5ard of our labour" a!d of him 5e ha6e the be i!!i! of life1 A!d 5e be ready to recei6e for him all torme!ts" a!d 5e shall !ot depart from his faith1 The! CFsar comma!ded that his host should e!6iro! all that le io! of 4!i hts" so that !o!e should escape1 The! 5ere














e!6iro!ed the 4!i hts of Jesu Christ 5ith 4!i hts of the de6il" that o!e of them should !ot escape" a!d 5ere all to:he5!" a!d smitte! off heads a!d ha!ds" a!d trodde! u!der the feet of the horses" a!d 5ere sacred martyrs of Christ1 A!d they suffered death i! the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty1 Ne6ertheless there escaped some by the 5ill of our Lord" a!d came i!to other re io!s" a!d preached the !ame of Jesu Christ" a!d had i! other places 6ictory of martyrdom1 A!d it is said that Solutor a!d Ad6e!tor a!d Octa6ius 5e!t u!to Turi!" a!d Ale8a!der to (er amos" Secu!dus u!to Ve!timi lia" a!d Victor" Co!sta!ti!e" a!d ?rsi! a!d others escaped1 A!d 5he! the butchers di6ided the prey amo! st them" a!d ate to ether" they sa5 a! old ma! !amed Victor pass forth by" a!d they bade him come a!d eat 5ith them" a!d he be a! to dema!d them ho5 they mi ht eat 5ith =oy amo! so ma!y me! slai! a!d dead1 A!d 5he! he had heard that they 5ere christia! me!" si hi! he 5ailed reatly" a!d said he had bee! 5ell blessed if he had bee! slai! 5ith them1 A!d 5he! they appercei6ed that he 5as a christia! ma!" they a!o! ra! upo! him a!d sle5 him1 After this" -a8imia! at -ila! a!d Diocletia! at Nicomedia i! o!e day forsoo4 their purple clothi! a!d laid it do5! for to lead a more simple life" a!d they that 5ere you! er" as Co!sta!ti!e" -a8imia!" a!d Galeria!" 5hom they had ordai!ed CFsaria!s" should o6er! the empire1 A!d as -a8imia! 5ould a ai! rei ! a!d comma!d as a tyra!t" he 5as pursued of Co!sta!tius" his step:so!" a!d fi!ished his life by ha! i! 1 A!d after this the holy body of I!!oce!t" o!e of that le io! 5hich had bee! cast i! the ri6er of 3ho!e" 5as fou!d" a!d by Domitia! of Ge!a!e!ce a!d Gratus of Autu! a!d (rothase" of the same bishops" i! their church is ho!ourably buried1 A!d there 5as a pay!im" a 5or4ma! that 5rou ht to ma4e the church 5ith others" but he 5rou ht !ot but o! the Su!days i! the time 5he! me! sa! a!d made solem!ity of masses i! the said church7 a!d there came to him a compa!y of sai!ts 5hich ra6ished him" a!d beat him" a!d also repro6ed him" because he 5rou ht i! maso!ry 5he! others did the di6i!e ser6ice a!d office i! the church" a!d the!" he so corrected" ra! to the church" to the bishop" a!d re<uired to be christe!ed1 A!d Ambrose saith thus of these martyrs i! his prefaceD The compa!y of these true christia! me! e!lumi!ed 5ith di6i!e li ht" comi! from the farther e!ds of the 5orld" 5hich 5ere armed 5ith spiritual arms" a!d hied to their martyrdom 5ith stable faith a!d dili e!t co!sta!cy" 5hom the cruel tyra!t for to fear them tithed t5o times by the slau hter of the s5ord" a!d after" he seei! them co!sta!t i! the faith" comma!ded them all to ha6e their heads smitte! off1 9ut they bur!ed i! so reat charity that they cast a!d thre5 a5ay their arms a!d har!ess" a!d 4!eeli! o! their 4!ees recei6ed sufferably 5ith a =oyous heart the s5ords of them that martyred them" amo! 5hom -aurice" embraced i! the lo6e a!d faith of Jesu Christ" recei6ed the cro5! of martyrdom1 +Fc Ambrosius1 There 5as a 5oma! 5hich deli6ered her so!" to lear!" u!to the abbot of the church i! 5hich the holy sai!ts lie i!1 A!d the so! died i! short time after" 5herefore the mother 5ept 5ithout remedy1 The! S1 -aurice appeared to her a!d i!<uired 5hy she 5ept so for her so!1 A!d she a!s5ered that as lo! as she should li6e she should 5eep for him1 A!d he said to herD ,eep !o more for him as he 5ere dead" for 4!o5 thou for certai! he is 5ith us" a!d if thou 5ilt pro6e it" arise tomor! a!d e6ery day of thy life" a!d come to mati!s" a!d thou shalt hear his 6oice amo! the mo!4s si! i! 1 A!d e6er after" duri! her life" she came e6ery day" a!d heard the 6oice of her so! si! i! amo! the mo!4s1 ,he! the 4i! Gatura!icus had i6e! all that he had to poor me! a!d to churches" he se!t a priest for to fetch to him of the relics of this holy compa!y1 A!d as he retur!ed 5ith the relics" the tempest arose i! the la4e of Lausa!!e i! such 5ise that the ship 5as i! peril7 he set the chasse 5ith the relics a ai!st the 5a6es of 5ater" a!d a!o! the tempest ceased a!d the 5a6es of the 5ater 5ere appeased1 It happed i! the year of our Lord !i!e hu!dred a!d si8ty:three" that some mo!4s" by the accord of Charles" had impetred a!d otte! of Nicholas the pope" the body of S1 ?rba!" pope" a!d of S1 Tiburtius" martyr1 A!d retur!i! " they 6isited the church of the holy martyrs" a!d impetred a!d at of the abbot a!d mo!4s that they tra!sported the body of S1 -aurice a!d the head of S1 I!!oce!t u!to Au8erre" i!to the church that S1 Germai! had dedicated i! the !ame of these martyrs" a!d brou ht it thither1 (eter of Amie!s rehearseth that i! 9ur u!dy 5as a proud cler4 a!d ambitious 5hich had otte! a church of S1 -aurice" a!d usurped it by force a ai!st a mi hty 4!i ht 5hich 5as co!trary a!d a ai!st him1 A!d o! a time 5as su! a mass i! the e!d of the ospel" that they that e!ha!ce them shall be mee4ed" a!d they that mee4 them shall be e!ha!ced1 This said malerous a!d cursed cler4 lau hed a!d saidD That is false" for if I











had humbled a!d mee4ed myself I had !ot had this day so much riches as I ha6e i! the church1 A!d as soo! as he had said that" a!o! came thu!der a!d li ht!i! from hea6e! i! ma!!er of a s5ord" a!d e!tered i!to his mouth out of 5hich issued the blasphemies" a!d a!o! he 5as e8ti!ct a!d died sudde!ly1 The! let us de6outly beseech Almi hty God that by the merits of this holy martyr S1 -aurice a!d his holy fello5ship the le io!" 5hich is si8 thousa!d si8 hu!dred a!d si8ty:si8" that suffered martyrdom" as heretofore is rehearsed" 5e may after this tra!sitory life come u!to the e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!" 5here he rei !eth" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Ju ti#a. a#d fir t of her #a%e"

Justi!a is said of =ustice" for by =ustice she re!dered to e6ery each that 5as hisD that is to 5it" to God obedie!ce7 u!to her superior prelate" re6ere!ce7 to her li4e a!d semblable" co!cord7 to them that 5ere be!eath a!d i!ferior" discipli!e7 to her e!emies" patie!ce7 u!to 5retches a!d to them i! distress" compassio! a!d 5or4s of pity7 a!d to herself" holi!ess1 Of *" Ju ti#a" Justi!a the 6ir i! 5as of the city of A!tioch" dau hter of a priest of the idols1 A!d e6ery day she sat at a 5i!do5 by a priest 5hich read the ospel" of 5hom at the last she 5as co!6erted1 A!d 5he! the mother of her had told it u!to her father i! his bed" Jesu Christ appeared to them 5ith his a! els" sayi! D Come to me" I shall i6e to you the 4i! dom of hea6e!1 A!d 5he! he a5o4e" a!o! they did them to be baptiHed 5ith their dau hter1 A!d this 6ir i! 5as stro! ly rie6ed a!d 6e8ed of Cypria!" a!d at the last she co!6erted him to the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d Cypria! from his childhood had bee! a! e!cha!ter" for from the time that he 5as se6e! years old he 5as co!secrated by his pare!ts to the de6il1 A!d he used the craft of !ecroma!cy" a!d made 5ome! to tur! i!to =ume!ts a!d beasts as them seemed" a!d ma!y other thi! s semblable1 A!d he 5as co6etous of the lo6e of Justi!a" a!d bur!t i! the co!cupisce!ce of her" a!d resorted to his art ma ic that he mi ht ha6e her for himself" or for a ma! !amed Acladius" 5hich also bur!t i! her lo6e1 The! he called a de6il to him" to the e!d that he mi ht by him ha6e Justi!a" a!d 5he! the de6il came he said to himD ,hy hast thou called meE A!d Cypria! said to himD I lo6e a 6ir i!" ca!st thou !ot so much that I may ha6e my pleasure of herE A!d the de6il a!s5eredD I that mi ht cast ma! out of (aradise" a!d procured that Cai! sle5 his brother" a!d made the Je5s to slay Christ" a!d ha6e troubled the me!" tro5est thou I may !ot do that thou ha6e a maid 5ith thee" a!d use her at thy pleasureE Ta4e this oi!tme!t a!d a!oi!t 5ithal her house 5ithoutforth" a!d I shall come a!d 4i!dle her heart i! thy lo6e" that I shall compel her to asse!t to thee1 A!d the !e8t !i ht follo5i! the de6il 5e!t a!d e!forced him to mo6e her heart u!to u!la5ful lo6e1 A!d 5he! she felt it" she recomme!ded herself de6outly to God" a!d ar!ished her 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d the de6il" all afraid of the si ! of the cross" fled a5ay from her" a!d came a ai! to Cypria! a!d stood before him1 A!d Cypria! said to himD ,hy hast thou !ot brou ht to me this 6ir i!E A!d the de6il saidD I see i! her a si ! 5hich feared me" that all stre! th is failed i! me1 The! Cypria! left him" a!d called a!other de6il more stro! er tha! he 5as1 A!d he saidD I ha6e heard thy comma!dme!t a!d ha6e see! the !o!:po5er of him" but I shall ame!d it a!d accomplish thy 5ill1 The! the de6il 5e!t to her" a!d e!forced to mo6e her heart i! lo6e" a!d i!flame her coura e i! thi! s !ot ho!est1 A!d she recomme!ded her to God de6outly" a!d put from her that temptatio! by the si ! of the cross" a!d ble5 o! the de6il" a!d thre5 him a!o! a5ay from her1 A!d he fled all co!fused a!d came tofore Cypria!" a!d Cypria! said to himD ,here is the maid that I se!t thee forE a!d the de6il saidD I ac4!o5led e that I am o6ercome a!d am rebutted" a!d I shall say ho5" for I sa5 i! her a si ! horrible" a!d lost a!o! all my 6irtue1 The! Cypria! left him" a!d blamed him" a!d called the pri!ce of the de6ils1 A!d 5he! he 5as come he saidD ,herefore is your stre! th so little" 5hich is o6ercome of a maid E The! the pri!ce said to himD I shall o a!d 6e8 her 5ith reat fe6ers" a!d I shall i!flame more arde!tly her heart" a!d I shall arouse a!d bede5 her body 5ith so arde!t desire of thee that she shall be all fra!ticD a!d I shall offer to her so ma!y thi! s that I shall bri! her to thee at mid!i ht1 The! the de6il tra!sfi ured himself i! the li4e!ess of a maid" a!d came to this holy 6ir i!" a!d saidD I am come to thee for to li6e 5ith thee i! chastity" a!d I pray thee that thou say 5hat re5ard shall 5e ha6e for to 4eep us so1 A!d the 6ir i! a!s5eredD The re5ard is reat" a!d the labour is small1 A!d the de6il said to herD ,hat is that the! that God comma!ded 5he! he saidD Gro5 a!d multiply a!d reple!ish the earthE The!" fair sister" I doubt that if 5e abide i! 6ir i!ity that 5e shall ma4e the 5ord of God 6ai!" a!d be also despisi! a!d i!obedie!t" by 5hich 5e shall fall i!to a rie6ous =ud me!t" 5here 5e shall ha6e !o hope of re5ard" but



















shall ru! i! reat torme!t a!d pai!1 The! by the e!ticeme!t of the de6il the heart of the 6ir i! 5as smitte! 5ith e6il thou hts" a!d 5as reatly i!flamed i! desire of the si! of the flesh" so that she 5ould ha6e o!e thereto" but the! the 6ir i! came to herself" a!d co!sidered 5ho that it 5as that spa4e to her1 A!d a!o! she blessed her 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d ble5 a ai!st the de6il" a!d a!o! he 6a!ished a5ay a!d melted li4e 5a8" a!d i!co!ti!e!t she 5as deli6ered from all temptatio!1 A little 5hile after" the de6il tra!sfi ured him i! the li4e!ess of a fair you! ma!" a!d e!tered i!to her chamber" a!d fou!d her alo!e i! her bed" a!d 5ithout shame spra! i!to her bed a!d embraced her" a!d 5ould ha6e had a do!e 5ith her1 A!d 5he! she sa5 this she 4!e5 5ell that it 5as a 5ic4ed spirit" a!d blessed her as she had do!e tofore" a!d he melted a5ay li4e 5a81 A!d the! by the suffera!ce of God she 5as 6e8ed 5ith a8es a!d fe6ers1 A!d the de6il sle5 ma!y me! a!d beasts" a!d made to be said by them that 5ere demo!iacs that" a ri ht reat mortality should be throu hout all A!tioch" but if Justi!a 5ould co!se!t u!to 5edloc4 a!d ha6e Cypria!1 ,herefore all they that 5ere sic4 a!d la! uishi! i! maladies lay at the ate of Justi!a>s father a!d frie!ds" cryi! that they should marry her a!d deli6er the city of that ri ht reat peril1 Justi!a the! 5ould !ot co!se!t i! !o 5ise" a!d therefore e6erybody me!aced her1 A!d i! the si8th year of that mortality she prayed for them" a!d chased a!d dro6e the!ce all that pestile!ce1 A!d 5he! the de6il sa5 that he profited !othi! " he tra!sumed a!d tra!sfi ured him i! the form of Justi!a for to defoul the fame of Justi!a" a!d i! moc4i! Cypria! he ad6a!ced him that he had brou ht to him Justi!a1 A!d came to him i! li4e!ess of her" a!d 5ould ha6e 4issed him as if she had la! uished for his lo6e1 A!d 5he! Cypria! sa5 him a!d supposed that it had bee! Justi!a" he 5as all reple!ished 5ith =oy" a!d saidD Thou art 5elcome" Justi!a" the fairest of all 5ome!7 a!d a!o! as Cypria! !amed Justi!a" the de6il mi ht !ot suffer the !ame" but as soo! as he heard it he 6a!ished a5ay as a fume or smo4e1 A!d 5he! Cypria! sa5 him decei6ed" he 5as all hea6y a!d sorro5ful" a!d 5as the! more bur!i! a!d desirous i! the lo6e of Justi!a" a!d 5o4e lo! at the door of the 6ir i!" a!d as him seemed he cha! ed him sometimes i!to a bird by his art ma ic" a!d sometimes i!to a 5oma!" but 5he! he came to the door of the 6ir i! he 5as !either li4e 5oma! !or bird" but appeared Cypria! as he 5as1 Acladius" by the de6il>s craft" 5as a!o! tur!ed i!to a sparro5" a!d 5he! he came to the 5i!do5 of Justi!a" as soo! as the 6ir i! beheld him" he 5as !ot a sparro5" but sho5ed himself as Acladius" a!d be a! to ha6e a! uish a!d dread" for he mi ht !either fly !e leap" a!d Justi!a dreadi! lest he should fall a!d brea4 himself" did do set a ladder by 5hich he 5e!t do5!" 5ar!i! him to cease of his 5ood!ess" lest he should be pu!ished as a malefactor by the la51 The! the de6il" bei! 6a!<uished i! all thi! s" retur!ed to Cypria!" a!d held him all co!fused tofore him" a!d Cypria! said to himD A!d ho5 art !ot thou o6ercome" 5hat u!happy is your 6irtue that ye may !ot o6ercome a maid" ha6e ye !o mi ht o6er her" but she o6ercometh you a!d brea4eth you all to piecesE Tell me" I pray thee" i! 5hom she hath all this reat mi ht a!d stre! th1 A!d the de6il saidD If thou 5ilt s5ear to me that thou 5ilt !ot depart from me !e forsa4e me" I shall sho5 to thee her stre! th a!d her 6ictory7 to 5hom Cypria! saidD 9y 5hat oath shall I s5earE A!d the de6il saidD S5ear thou by my reat 6irtues that thou shalt !e6er depart from me1 A!d Cypria! saidD I s5ear to thee by thy reat 6irtues that I shall !e6er depart from thee1 The! the de6il said to him" 5eepi! to be sure of himD This maid ma4eth the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! the! 5e 5a8 feeble a!d lose all our mi ht a!d 6irtue" a!d flee from her" li4e as 5a8 fleeth from the face of the fire1 A!d Cypria! said the! to himD The crucified God is the! reater tha! thouE A!d the de6il saidD ;ea" certai!ly he is reater tha! all others" a!d all them that 5e here decei6e" he =ud eth them to be torme!ted 5ith fire i!e8ti! uishable1 A!d Cypria! saidD The! ou ht I to be made frie!d of him that 5as crucified" lest I fall hereafter i!to such pai!s1 To 5hom the de6il saidD Thou hast s5or! by the mi ht a!d 6irtues of my stre! ths" the 5hich !o ma! may fors5ear" that thou shalt !e6er depart from me1 To 5hom Cypria! saidD I despise thee" a!d forsa4e thee a!d all thy po5er" a!d re!ou!ce thee a!d all thy de6ils" a!d ar!ish a!d mar4 me 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! the de6il departed all co!fused1 The! Cypria! 5e!t to the bishop" a!d 5he! the bishop sa5 him he 5ee!ed that he 5ere come to put the christia! me! i! error" a!d saidD Let it suffice u!to thee" Cypria!" them that be 5ithout forth" for thou mayst !othi! pre6ail a ai!st the church of God" for the 6irtue of Jesu Christ is =oi!ed thereto" a!d is !ot o6ercome1 A!d Cypria! saidD I am certai! that the 6irtue of our Lord Jesu Christ is !ot o6ercome" a!d the! he recou!ted all that 5as happe!ed" a!d did him to be baptiHed of him1 A!d after" he profited much" as 5ell i! scie!ce as i! life1 A!d 5he! the bishop 5as dead" Cypria! 5as ordai!ed bishop" a!d placed the blessed 6ir i! Justi!a 5ith ma!y 6ir i!s i! a mo!astery" a!d made her abbess o6er ma!y holy 6ir i!s1 S1 Cypria! se!t the! epistles to martyrs a!d comforted them i! their martyrdom1





The earl of that cou!try heard of the fame a!d re!omee of Cypria! a!d Justi!a" a!d he made them to be prese!ted tofore him a!d dema!ded them if they 5ould do sacrifice1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that they abode steadfastly i! the faith of Jesu Christ" he comma!ded that he should be put i! a caldro! full of 5a8" pitch" a!d rease" bur!i! a!d boili! 1 A!d all this a6e to them mar6ellous refreshi! " a!d did to them !o rief !e pai!1 A!d the priest of the idols said to the pro6ost of that placeD Comma!d me" sire" to sta!d a!d to be tofore the caldro!" a!d I shall a!o! o6ercome all their 6irtue1 A!d the! he came tofore the caldro! a!d saidD Great is the od +ercules" a!d Jupiter the father of ods1 A!d a!o! the reat fire issued from u!der the caldro! a!d a!o! co!sumed a!d bur!t him1 The! Cypria! a!d Justi!a 5ere ta4e! out of the caldro! a!d se!te!ce 5as i6e! a ai!st them" a!d they 5ere both beheaded to ether1 A!d their bodies 5ere thro5! to hou!ds a!d 5ere there se6e! days" a!d after they 5ere ta4e! up a!d tra!slated to 3ome" a!d as it is said" !o5 they rest at (lace!tia1 A!d they suffered death i! the se6e!th cale!ds of October" about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty" u!der Diocletia!1 Here follow the Live of **" !o %o a#d Da%ia#. a#d fir t of their #a%e "

Cosmo is said of cosmos" 5hich is to say a form" shape" or or!atio!1 Or" after Isidore" cosmos i! Gree4 is said clea! i! Lati!1 +e 5as a form to others i! e8ample" he 5as or!ate i! ood 6irtues" a!d clea! from all 6ices1 Damia! is said of dama" 5hich is a beast humble a!d mee41 Or damia!us is said of do ma" 5hich is doctri!e" a!d a!a" that is abo6e" or of damum" that is sacrifice1 Or Damia!us is said as it 5ere the ha!d of our Lord1 +e had mee4!ess i! co!6ersatio!" super!al doctri!e i! predicatio!" his sacrifice 5as i! mortificatio! of his flesh" a!d he 5as the ha!d of our Lord i! medici!al curatio! a!d heali! 1 Of the *ai#t !o %o a#d Da%ia#"








Cosmo a!d Damia! 5ere brethre! erma!e" that is of o!e father a!d of o!e mother" a!d 5ere of the city E ea" a!d bor! of a reli ious mother !amed Theodora1 They 5ere lear!ed i! the art of medici!e" a!d of leechcraft" a!d recei6ed so reat race of God that they healed all maladies a!d la! uors" !ot o!ly of me! but also cured a!d healed beasts1 A!d did all for the lo6e of God 5ithout ta4i! of a!y re5ard1 There 5as a lady 5hich had spe!t all her oods i! medici!es" a!d came to these sai!ts" a!d a!o! 5as healed of her sic4!ess" a!d the! she offered a little ift to S1 Damia!" but he 5ould !ot recei6e it1 A!d she s5are a!d co!=ured him by horrible oaths that he ra!ted to recei6e it" a!d !ot for co6etise of the ift" but for to obey to the de6otio! of her that offered it" a!d that he 5ould !ot be see! to despise the !ame of our Lord of 5hich he had bee! co!=ured1 A!d 5he! S1 Cosmo 4!e5 it" he comma!ded that his body should !ot be laid after his death 5ith his brother>s1 A!d the !i ht follo5i! our Lord appeared to S1 Cosmo a!d e8cused his brother1 A!d 5he! Lysias heard their re!omee he made them to be called tofore him" a!d dema!ded their !ames a!d their cou!try1 A!d the! the holy martyrs saidD Our !ames be Cosmo a!d Damia!" a!d 5e ha6e three other brethre! 5hich be !amed A!timas" Leo!tius" a!d Euprepius" our cou!try is Arabia" but christia! me! 4!o5 !ot fortu!e1 The! the proco!sul or =ud e comma!ded them that they should bri! forth their brethre!" a!d that they should all to ether do sacrifice to the idols1 A!d 5he! i! !o 5ise they 5ould do sacrifice" but despised the idols" he comma!ded they should be sore torme!ted i! the ha!ds a!d feet1 A!d 5he! they despised his torme!ts" he comma!ded them to be bou!d 5ith a chai! a!d thro5! i!to the sea" but they 5ere a!o! deli6ered by the a! el of our Lord" a!d ta4e! out of the sea" a!d came a ai! tofore the =ud e1 A!d 5he! the =ud e sa5 them" he saidD ;e o6ercome our reat ods by your e!cha!tme!ts7 ye despise the torme!ts a!d ma4e the sea peaceable1 Teach ye me your 5itchcraft" a!d i! the !ame of the od Adria!" I shall follo5 you1 A!d a!o! as he had said this t5o de6ils came a!d beat him reatly i! the 6isa e" a!d he cryi! saidD O ye ood me!" I pray you that ye pray for me to our Lord" a!d they the! prayed for him a!d a!o! the de6ils departed1 The! the =ud e saidD LoI ye may see ho5 the ods had i!di !atio! a ai!st me" because I thou ht to ha6e forsa4e! them" but I shall !ot suffer my ods to be blasphemed1 A!d the! he comma!ded them to be cast i!to a reat fire" but a!o! the flame spra! far from them a!d sle5 ma!y of them that stood by1 A!d the! they 5ere comma!ded to be put o! a torme!t !amed eculee" but they 5ere 4ept by the a! el of our Lord" a!d the torme!tors torme!ted them abo6e all me!" a!d yet 5ere they ta4e! off 5ithout hurt or rief" a!d so came all 5hole tofore the =ud e1 The! the =ud e comma!ded the three to be put i! priso!" a!d made Cosmo a!d Damia! to be crucified" a!d to be sto!ed of the people" but the sto!es retur!ed to them that thre5 them" a!d hurt a!d 5ou!ded ma!y of them1 The! the =ud e" reple!ished 5ith 5ood!ess" made the three brethre! to sta!d by the cross" a!d comma!ded that four 4!i hts should shoot arro5s to Cosmo a!d Damia!" but the

arro5s retur!ed a!d hurt ma!y" a!d did !o harm to the martyrs1 A!d 5he! the =ud e sa5 that" he 5as co!fused i! all thi! s" he 5as a! uishous u!to the death" a!d did do behead all fi6e brethre! to ether1 The! the christia! me! doubted of the 5ord that S1 Cosmo had said" that his brother should !ot be buried 5ith him" a!d as they thou ht thereo! there came a 6oice 5hich cried a!d saidD They be all of o!e substa!ce" bury them all to ether i! o!e place1 A!d they suffered death u!der Diocletia! about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty:se6e!1 It happe!ed that a husba!dma! after that he had laboured i! the field about reapi! of his cor!" he slept 5ith ope! mouth i! the field" a!d a serpe!t e!tered by his mouth i!to his body1 The! he a5o4e a!d felt !othi! " a!d after retur!ed i!to his house1 A!d at e6e! he be a! to be torme!ted a!d cried piteously" a!d called u!to his help the holy sai!ts of God" Cosmo a!d Damia!" a!d 5he! the pai! a!d a! uish i!creased he 5e!t to the church of the sai!ts" a!d fell sudde!ly asleep" a!d the! the serpe!t issued out of his mouth li4e as it had e!tered1 There 5as a ma! that should ha6e o!e a lo! 6oya e" a!d recomme!ded his 5ife to Cosmo a!d Damia!" a!d left a to4e! 5ith her that" if he se!t for her by that to4e! she should come to him1 A!d the de6il 4!e5 5ell the to4e!" a!d tra!sfi ured himself i! the form of a ma!" a!d brou ht to the 5oma! the si ! of her husba!d a!d saidD Thi!e husba!d hath se!t me from that city to thee for to lead thee to him1 A!d yet she doubted for to o 5ith him a!d saidD I 4!o5 5ell the to4e!" but because he left me i! the 4eepi! of the sai!ts Cosmo a!d Damia!" s5ear to me upo! their altar that thou shalt bri! me to him surely" a!d the! I shall o 5ith thee" a!d he s5are li4e as she had said1 The! she follo5ed him1 A!d 5he! she came i! a secret place the de6il 5ould ha6e thro5! her do5! off her horse for to ha6e slai! her1 A!d 5he! she felt that" she cried to God a!d to the sai!ts Cosmo a!d Damia! for help" a!d a!o! these sai!ts 5ere there 5ith a reat multitude clothed i! 5hite" a!d deli6ered her" a!d the de6il 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d they said to herD ,e be Cosmo a!d Damia!" to 5hose oath thou belie6edest" therefore 5e ha6e hied us to come to thi!e help1 'eli8" the ei hth pope after S1 Gre ory" did do ma4e a !oble church at 3ome of the sai!ts Cosmo a!d Damia!" a!d there 5as a ma! 5hich ser6ed de6outly the holy martyrs i! that church" 5ho a ca!4er had co!sumed all his thi h1 A!d as he slept" the holy martyrs Cosmo a!d Damia!" appeared to him their de6out ser6a!t" bri! i! 5ith them a! i!strume!t a!d oi!tme!t of 5hom that o!e said to that otherD ,here shall 5e ha6e flesh 5he! 5e ha6e cut a5ay the rotte! flesh to fill the 6oid placeE The! that other said to himD There is a! Ethiopia! that this day is buried i! the churchyard of S1 (eter ad Vi!cula" 5hich is yet fresh" let us bear this thither" a!d ta4e 5e out of that moria!>s flesh a!d fill this place 5ithal1 A!d so they fetched the thi h of the sic4 ma! a!d so cha! ed that o!e for that other1 A!d 5he! the sic4 ma! a5o4e a!d felt !o pai!" he put forth his ha!d a!d felt his le 5ithout hurt" a!d the! too4 a ca!dle" a!d sa5 5ell that it 5as !ot his thi h" but that it 5as a!other1 A!d 5he! he 5as 5ell come to himself" he spra! out of his bed for =oy" a!d recou!ted to all the people ho5 it 5as happed to him" a!d that 5hich he had see! i! his sleep" a!d ho5 he 5as healed1 A!d they se!t hastily to the tomb of the dead ma!" a!d fou!d the thi h of him cut off" a!d that other thi h i! the tomb i!stead of his1 The! let us pray u!to these holy martyrs to be our succour a!d help i! all our hurts" blechures a!d sores" a!d that by their merits after this life 5e may come to e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" For ey. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"











'orsey is said of forma" that is the rule of 6ertu to others by e8ample1 Or he may be said 'orsey" li4e as sitti! out of paradise as lo! as the battle of a! els a!d of de6ils dured for him1 Or he is said of tors" 5hich is clarte" a!d of sedio sedis to sit" for he sitteth i! the clear!ess perdurable1 Of *" For ey" 'orsey 5as a bishop" a!d 9ede 5riteth the history of him1 A!d li4e as he sho!e i! all bou!ty a!d 6irtue" so at his last e!d he yielded up his spirit1 A!d 5he! he passed" he sa5 t5o a! els comi! to him 5hich bare his soul up to hea6e!7 a!d the third a! el came 5ith a 5hite shield shi!i! " a!d he 5e!t before1 A!d












after that he sa5 de6ils cryi! " a!d heard ho5 they saidD Let us o tofore a!d ma4e a battle tofore him1 A!d 5he! they 5ere o!e tofore him they retur!ed a ai!st him" a!d thre5 to him bur!i! darts" but the a! el that 5e!t before recei6ed them 5ith his shield1 A!d the! the de6ils set them a ai!st the a! els" a!d said that he had al5ays said idle 5ords" a!d therefore he ou ht !ot 5ithout pai! use the blessed life1 A!d the a! el said to themD If ye purpose !ot a ai!st him the pri!cipal 6ices" he shall !ot perish for the small1 A!d the! the de6il saidD If God be ri hteous this ma! shall !ot be sa6ed" for it is 5ritte!D If ye be !ot co!6erted a!d made li4e as o!e of my little childre!" ye shall !ot e!ter i!to the 4i! dom of hea6e!1 To 5hom the a! el" e8cusi! him" said1 +e had i!dul e!ce i! his heart" but he obtai!ed the custom a!d usa e1 A!d the de6il saidD Li4e as he hath ta4e! e6il custom" so let him recei6e 6e! ea!ce by the so6erei ! =ud e1 A!d the holy a! el saidD ,e shall be =ud ed tofore God1 The! the de6il 5as still7 yet he arose a ai!" a!d saidD ?!to !o5 5e tro5ed that God had bee! true" for all those si!s that be !ot pur ed i! earth" he promised that they should e6erlasti! ly be pu!ished1 This ma! recei6ed a 6esture of a usurer a!d 5as !ot thereof pu!ished" 5here is the! the ri hteous!ess of GodE To 5hom the a! el saidD +old your peace" for ye 4!o5 !ot the secret =ud me!ts of God1 As lo! as a ma! hopeth to do his pe!a!ce" so lo! the mercy of God is ready to the ma!1 The de6il a!s5eredD +ere is !o place of pe!a!ce1 To 5hom the a! el saidD ;e 4!o5 !ot the profou!d!ess of the =ud me!ts of God1 The! the de6il smote him so rie6ously that" after" 5he! he 5as re:established to life" the to4e! a!d trace of the stro4e abode e6er after1 The! the de6ils too4 o!e that 5as torme!ted i! the fire a!d thre5 him o! 'orsey so that he bur!t his shoulder" a!d the! 'orsey sa5 5ell that it 5as the usurer of 5hom he had recei6ed the 6estme!t1 A!d the a! el said to himD 9ecause thou recei6edst it" he hath bur!t thee" if thou hadst !ot recei6ed the ift of him that is dead i! si!s" this pai! should !ot ha6e bur!t thee" a!d thou hast this pai! of bur!i! because thou recei6edst of the 6estme!t of him1 A!d that other de6il the! saidD ;et must he pass by the strait ate 5hereas 5e may surmou!t a!d o6ercome him1 A!d said to the a! el1 God comma!ded to lo6e his !ei hbour as himself1 A!d the a! el saidD This ma! hath do!e ood 5or4s to his !ei hbours1 A!d the ad6ersary saidD It sufficeth !ot but if he hath lo6ed them as himself1 To 5hom the a! el said1 The fruit of lo6e is to do 5ell" for God shall re5ard e6er ma! after his 5or4s1 A!d the e!emy saidD 9ecause he hath !ot fulfilled the 5ords of lo6e he shall be dam!ed1 The! the de6ils fi hti! 5ere o6ercome of the a! els" a!d yet the de6il saidD If God be !ot 5ic4ed" this ma! shall !ot escape 5ithout pai!" for he promised to re!ou!ce a!d forsa4e the 5orld" a!d he hath !ot do!e it1 The! the a! el a!s5eredD +e lo6ed !ot those thi! s that be of the 5orld" but he lo6ed 5ell to dispe!d them u!to them that had !eed1 A!d the de6il a!s5eredD I! 5hatsome6er ma!!er he lo6ed them it 5as a ai!st the comma!dme!t of God1 A!d these ad6ersaries thus 6a!<uished" yet the de6il be a! a ai! malicious accusatio!s" sayi! D It is 5ritte!D If thou sho5 !ot to the 5ic4ed ma! his 5ic4ed!ess" I shall re<uire his blood of thi!e ha!d a!d this ma! hath !ot sho5ed 5orthily pe!a!ce to the si!!ers1 A!d the a! el said1 ,he! the si!!ers despise the 5ord that they hear" the! the to! ue of the doctor is letted to spea41 ,he! he seeth that his predicatio! is heard a!d despised" the! it appertai!eth 5ell to a 5ise ma! to be still" 5he! it is !o time to spea41 A!d this battle 5as ri ht stro! " so much that they came tofore the a! el of God" a!d that the ood had o6ercome the ad6ersaries1 The! this holy ma! 5as e!6iro!ed 5ith reat clear!ess" a!d as 9ede saith o!e of the a! els said to himD 9ehold the 5orld1 The! he tur!ed him" a!d sa5 a 6alley dar4 a!d te!ebrous" a!d four fires i! the air abo6e" 5hich 5ere far that o!e from that other1 A!d the a! el said to himD These be four fires that bur!" that o!e is the fire of leasi! s" for i! baptism all promise to re!ou!ce the de6il a!d all his 5or4s" a!d they accomplish it !ot1 The seco!d is of co6etise" that is 5he! the richesse of the 5orld is set tofore hea6e!ly thi! s1 The third is of disse!sio!" that is 5he! me! dare !ot offe!d their !ei hbours for 6illai!ous a!d 6icious thi! s1 The fourth is of 5ic4ed!ess a!d felo!y" 5he! they despoil them that be feeble a!d poor" by fraud a!d deceit" as by e8tortio! a!d tyra!!y for !ou ht1 A!d after" these fires assembled to ether i! o!e" a!d he approached to it a!d doubted a!d 5as afeard" a!d said to the a! elD Sir" this fire approacheth to me1 A!d the a! el a!s5eredD This that thou hast !ot set afire shall !ot bur! thee" for this fire here e8ami!eth the people after their merits" a!d li4e as the bodies bur! by 5ill !ot co!6e!able" ri ht so bur!eth the fire by pai! due1 A!d at the last the soul 5as brou ht a ai! to his proper body" a!d his !ei hbours 5ept" 5hich had supposed that he had bee! dead1 A!d after this he li6ed a certai! time" a!d fi!ished his life laudably i! ood 5or4s1 Here followeth the fea t of *" Mi$hael the ar$ha#(el. a#d fir t the e+&o itio# of hi #a%e"

-ichael is e8pou!ded sometimes as God1 A!d oft:times" as S1 Gre ory saith" 5he! a thi! of mar6ellous 6irtue is do!e" -ichael is se!t forth" so that he" by the deed a!d the !ame" be i6e! to u!dersta!d that



!o!e may do that God may do" a!d therefore be attributed to him ma!y thi! s of mar6ellous 6irtue1 'or li4e as Da!iel 5it!esseth" he shall arise a!d address i! the time of A!tichrist a ai!st him" a!d shall sta!d as a defe!der a!d 4eeper for them that be chose!1 +e also fou ht 5ith the dra o! a!d his a! els" a!d casti! them out of hea6e!" had a reat 6ictory1 +e also had a reat plea a!d altercatio! 5ith the de6il for the body of -oses" because he 5ould !ot sho5 it7 for the childre! of Israel should ha6e adored a!d 5orshipped it1 +e recei6ed the souls of sai!ts a!d brou ht them i!to the paradise of e8ultatio! a!d =oy1 +e 5as pri!ce of the sy!a o ue of the Je5s" but !o5 he is established of our Lord" pri!ce of the church of Jesu Christ1 A!d as it is said" he made the pla ues of E ypt" he departed a!d di6ided the 3ed Sea" he led the people of Israel by the desert a!d set them i! the la!d of promissio!" he is had amo! the compa!y of holy a! els as ba!!erer" a!d beari! the si ! of our Lord" he shall slay by the comma!dme!t of God" ri ht puissa!tly" A!tichrist that shall be i! the -ou!t of Oli6et1 A!d dead me! shall arise at the 6oice of this same archa! el1 A!d he shall sho5 at the day of =ud me!t the cross" the spear" the !ails a!d the cro5! of thor!s of Jesu Christ1 Of *" Mi$hael" The holy solem!ity of S1 -ichael is said" appeari! " dedicatio!" 6ictory a!d memory1 The apparitio! of this a! el is ma!ifold1 The first is 5he! he appeared i! the -ou!t of Gar a!1 This mou!tai! is i! Naples" 5hich is !amed Gar a! a!d is by the city !amed Sypo!te1 A!d i! the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d !i!ety" 5as i! the same city of Sypo!te a ma! 5hich 5as !amed Gar a!us" 5hich" after some boo4s" had ta4e! that !ame of the mou!tai!" or else the mou!tai! too4 the !ame of the ma!1 A!d he 5as ri ht rich" a!d had a reat multitude of sheep a!d beasts" a!d as they pastured about the sides of the mou!tai!s it happed that a bull left the other beasts" a!d 5e!t upo! hi h o! the mou!tai! a!d retur!ed !ot home a ai! 5ith the other beasts1 The! this rich ma!" the o5!er" too4 a reat multitude of ser6a!ts" a!d did do see4 this bull all about" a!d at the last he 5as fou!de! o! hi h o! the mou!tai! by the e!try of a hole or a ca6e1 A!d the! the master 5as 5roth because he had strayed alo!e from other beasts" a!d made o!e of his ser6a!ts to shoot a! arro5 at him1 A!d a!o! the arro5 retur!ed 5ith the 5i!d a!d smote him that had shot it" 5here5ith they of the city 5ere troubled 5ith this thi! " a!d 5e!t to the bishop a!d i!<uired of him 5hat 5as to be do!e i! this thi! " that 5as so 5o!derful1 A!d the! he comma!ded them to fast three days a!d to pray u!to God1 A!d 5he! this 5as do!e S1 -ichael appeared to the bishop" sayi! D @!o5 ye that this ma! is so hurt by my 5ill1 I am -ichael the archa! el" 5hich 5ill that this place be 5orshipped i! earth" a!d 5ill ha6e it surely 4ept1 A!d therefore I ha6e pro6ed that I am 4eeper of this place by the demo!stra!ce a!d sho5i! of this thi! 1 A!d the! a!o! the bishop a!d they of the city 5e!t 5ith processio! u!to that place" a!d durst !ot e!ter i!to it" but made their prayers 5ithoutforth1 The seco!d apparitio! 5as i! the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d te!" i! a place 5hich 5as !amed Tumba" by the seaside" si8 miles from the city of Aprice!s1 S1 -ichael appeared to the bishop of that city a!d comma!ded him to do ma4e a church i! the foresaid place" li4e as it 5as made i! the mou!t of Gar a!" a!d i! li4e 5ise should hallo5 the memory of S1 -ichael there1 A!d the bishop doubted i! 5hat place it should be made1 A!d S1 -ichael said to him i! the place 5here he should fi!d a bull hid of thie6es1 A!d yet he doubted of the lar e!ess of the place" a!d S1 -ichael appeared to him" a!d said that he should ma4e it of the brede that he should fi!d that the bull had trodde! a!d traced 5ith his feet1 A!d there 5ere t5o roc4s 5hich !o ma!>s po5er mi ht remo6e1 The! S1 -ichael appeared to a ma! a!d comma!ded him that he should o to that same place a!d ta4e a5ay the t5o roc4s1 A!d 5he! he came" he remo6ed the t5o roc4s as li htly as they had 5ei hed !othi! 1 A!d 5he! the church 5as edified there" -ichael set a piece of sto!e of marble there" upo! 5hich he stood" a!d a part of the pall that he had laid o! the altar of that other church he brou ht thither to this church1 A!d because they had reat pe!ury a!d !eed of 5ater" they made" by the admo!ishme!t of the a! el" a hole i! a sto!e of marble" a!d a!o! there flo5ed out so much 5ater that u!to this day they be sustai!ed by the be!efit thereof1 A!d this apparitio! is solem!ly hallo5ed the se6e!tee!th 4ale!ds of No6ember i! that place1 A!d there happed i! the same place a miracle 5orthy to be put i! remembra!ce1 This mou!tai! is e!6iro!ed about 5ith the sea:ocea!" but o! S1 -ichael>s day it a6oideth t5ice a!d i6eth 5ay to the people1 A!d as a reat compa!y of people 5e!t to the church" it happed that a 5oma! reat 5ith child" !i h her time of deli6era!ce" 5as i! the compa!y" a!d 5he! they retur!ed" the 5a6es a!d 5ater came 5ith reat force" so that the compa!y for dread fled to the ri6a e1 A!d the 5oma! reat 5ith child mi ht !ot flee" but 5as ta4e! a!d 5rapped i! the floods of the sea" but S1 -ichael 4ept the 5ife all 5hole" a!d










she 5as deli6ered a!d childed amo! the 5a6es i! the middle of the sea1 A!d she too4 the child bet5ee! her arms a!d a6e it suc4" a!d after" 5he! the sea 5as 5ithdra5!" she 5e!t a:la!d all 5hole 5ith her child1


The third apparitio! happed i! the time of Gre ory the pope1 'or 5he! the said pope had established the lita!ies for the pestile!ce that 5as that time" a!d prayed de6outly for the people" he sa5 upo! the castle 5hich 5as said sometimeD The memory of Adria!" the a! el of God" 5hich 5iped a!d made clea! a bloody s5ord" a!d put it i!to a sheath1 A!d thereby he u!derstood that his prayers 5ere heard1 The! he did do ma4e there a church i! the ho!our of S1 -ichael" a!d that castle is yet !amed the Castle A! el1 A!d yet a!other apparitio! 5as i! the -ou!t of Gar a! 5he! he appeared a!d a6e 6ictory to them of Sypo!te" 5hich is hallo5ed the ei hth ides of July1 The fourth apparitio! is that 5hich is i! the Gerarchy of the same a! els1 'or the first apparitio! is said Epipha!y" that is" the apparitio! of so6erei !s" the seco!d is said +yperpha!ia" that is" the mea! apparitio!" a!d that other is said +ypopha!ia" that is" the most lo5 apparitio!1 A!d Gerarchia is said of erar" that is" holy" a!d of archos" that is" a pri!ce" a!d so Gerarchia is to say a holy pri!cipate" a!d e6ery Gerarchia co!tai!eth three orders of a! els1 'or the so6erei ! Gerarchia after the assi !atio! of S1 De!is co!tai!eth Cherubim" Seraphim" a!d the thro!esD the middle co!tai!eth the domi!atio!s" the 6irtues" a!d the potestates7 a!d the last co!tai!eth the pri!cipates" a! els" a!d archa! els1 A!d the ordi!a!ce a!d dispositio! of them may be see! by semblable a!d li4e i! earthly pri!cipates1 'or of the mi!isters that be about a 4i! " some 5or4 immediately about the perso! of the 4i! " as cubiculers" cou!sellors" a!d the assista!ts" a!d they be li4e u!to the order of the first Gerarchia1 Some there be that ha6e the rule of the realm" some i! o!e pro6i!ce" some i! a!other" as be lieute!a!ts" captai!s of chi6alry" a!d =ud es" a!d they be li4e u!to the seco!d Gerarchia1 A!d others be assi !ed to particular offices i! the di6ers parts of the realm" as mayors" sheriffs" bailiffs" a!d such other less offices" a!d these be li4e to the orders of the third Gerarchia1 The three orders of the first Gerarchia be ta4e! i!asmuch as they assist God a!d be co!6erted to him1 A!d thereto be three thi! s !ecessary" that is to 5it" so6erei ! lo6e" a!d that is as touchi! the order of seraphim" 5hich be said fiery7 perfect 4!o5led e" that is touchi! cherubim" 5hich is as much to say as ple!itude of scie!ce a!d perpetual fruitio! or usa!ce7 as touchi! the thro!es 5hich be said sitti! " for God sitteth a!d resteth i! them1 The three orders of the middle Gerarchia be ta4e! a!d had i!asmuch as they domi!ate a!d o6er! the u!i6ersity of people i! commo!1 This sei !iory a!d this o6er!i! is i! three thi! sD the first i! sei !iory a!d comma!di! " a!d that appertai!eth to the order of domi!atio!" 5hich sei !ioreth abo6e others that be lo5er" a!d addresseth them i! all the mi!istries di6i!e" a!d comma!deth to them all thi! s1 A!d that saith Kechariah" i! the fifth chapter" that o!e a! el saith to a!otherD 3u! a!d spea4 to the child1 Seco!dly" i! doi! " a!d this appertai!eth to the order of 6irtues1 To 5hom !othi! !e is impossible to e8ecute 5hich that is comma!ded to them" for to them is i6e! po5er to do all thi! s difficult 5hich be pertai!i! to di6i!e mystery" a!d therefore it is attributed to them to do miracles1 Thirdly" i! co!strai!i! " for to co!strai! the impedime!ts a!d destourbles" a!d this appertai!eth to the order of the potestates1 A!d this is si !ified i! Tobit" 5here 3aphael bou!d the de6il i! the o6erest desert1 The three orders of the last Gerarchia be ta4e! after that they ha6e o6er!me!t a!d limited1 Some of them sei !iory a!d o6er! i! o!e pro6i!ce" a!d that be they of the order of the pri!cipates" li4e as the pri!ce of (ersia sei !ioreth upo! the (ersia!s" li4e as it is read i! Da!iel i! the te!th chapter1 A!d some be deputed to the o6er!a!ce of a multitude of a city" a!d they be said archa! els" a!d the other be committed to the o6er!a!ce of o!e perso!" a!d they be said a! els" a!d be said to sho5 the small thi! s a!d little" because that their ser6ice a!d mi!istry is limited u!to o!e ma!1 Archa! els be said more a!d reater" for the 5eal of a multitude is better a!d more 5orthy tha! the 5eal of o!e ma!1 I! the assi !atio! of the orders of the first Gerarchia" Gre ory accordeth 5ith Dio!ysius" a!d 9er!ard also" 5hich is ta4e! about their fruitio!" 5hich is i! bur!i! lo6e as touchi! to Seraphim" i! profou!d co !itio! as to Cherubim" a!d i! perpetual rete!tio! as touchi! the thro!es1 9ut they discord i! the assi !atio! of the middle a!d last t5o orders" that is" pri!cipates a!d 6irtues1 Gre ory a!d 9er!ard ha6e a!other co!sideratio!" that is to 5it1 that the middle Gerarchia is i! his sei !iory or prelacy" a!d the last is ta4e! i! his pity or mi!istratio!1 The prelacy i! a! els is treble1 'or a! els domi!ate o6er spirits a! elic" a!d they be said domi!atio!s" a!d they domi!ate also o6er ood 5or4s" a!d they be said pri!cipates" a!d they domi!ate o6er de6ils" a!d they be said potestates" a!d the order a!d the de rees of their di !ity appeareth i! these thi! s1 The mi!istry of them is threefold1 Some sta!deth i! 5or4i! " some i! teachi! " a!d i! teachi! " some more a!d some less1 The first appertai!eth to 6irtues" the seco!d to archa! els" a!d the third to a! els1 The fifth apparitio! is it 5hich is read i! the












+istory Tripartite1 There is a place beside Co!sta!ti!ople 5hereas sometime the oddess Vesta 5as 5orshipped" but !o5 there is builded a church i! the ho!our of S1 -ichael" a!d is !amed -ichael>s place1 There a ma! that 5as !amed A<uili!e 5as ta4e! 5ith a ri ht reat fe6er" mo6ed of red colour" a!d the physicia!s a6e to him" so bur!i! i! a! a ue" a dri!4" 5hich a!o! he 6omited out at his mouth" a!d 5hat he ate or dra!4 al5ays he 6omited a!d casted out" so that he 5as !i h dead" a!d did him to be bor!e to that place" a!d supposed 5ell there to be soo! dead or healed1 A!d the! S1 -ichael appeared to him a!d said to him that he should ma4e a co!fectio! of ho!ey a!d 5i!e a!d pepper" a!d 5hatsome6er he ate he should 5et therei!" a!d so should he ha6e plei! health1 ,hich thi! he did" a!d a!o! he 5as deli6ered from his malady" ho5 5ell that after the =ud me!t of the physicia!s that dri!4 or medici!e 5as co!trary to them that be choleric1 This is had i! the +istory Tripartite1 Seco!dly" this solem!ity of S1 -ichael is said 6ictory" a!d the 6ictory of S1 -ichael is ma!ifold1 A!d also of other a! els" the first is that S1 -ichael a6e to them of Sypo!te i! this ma!!er1 After a certai! time that the place 5as fou!d" they of Naples 5ere yet pay!ims" a!d ordai!ed their host for to fi ht a ai!st them of Sypo!te a!d 9e!e6e!to1 A!d by the cou!sel of the bishop" the christia! me! too4 truce for three days that they mi ht fast those three days a!d re<uire their patro! S1 -ichael u!to their aid a!d help1 I! the third !i ht the holy S1 -ichael appeared to the said bishop a!d said that their prayers 5ere heard" a!d promised them to ha6e 6ictory" a!d comma!ded them to ru! o! their e!emies at the fourth hour of the day 5ithout more tarryi! 1 A!d 5he! they ra! a ai!st them the mou!tai! of Gar a! be a! stro! ly to tremble a!d a reat tempest arose" so that li ht!i! fle5 about a!d a dar4 cloud co6ered the mou!tai!" so that si8 hu!dred of their ad6ersaries died of the fiery arro5s 5hich came from the air1 A!d all the residue of them" that 5ere !ot slai!" left their idolatry a!d submitted them a!o! to the christia! faith1 The seco!d 6ictory of S1 -ichael 5as 5he! he put out of hea6e! the dra o! Lucifer 5ith all his follo5ers1 Of 5hich is said i! the ApocalypseD 'actum est prelium ma !um" Apocalypsis duodecimo1 'or 5he! Lucifer co6eted to be li4e to God" the archa! el 5hich bare the ba!!er of the celestial host" came a!d chased Lucifer out of hea6e! 5ith all them that follo5ed him" a!d hath i!closed them i! dar4 air u!to the day of doom1 'or they be !ot suffered to d5ell i! hea6e!" !either i! the upper part of the air" because that place is clear a!d delectable" !e yet to be i! earth 5ith us" to the e!d that they should !ot o6ermuch tempt !e torme!t us1 9ut they be i! the air bet5ee! hea6e! a!d earth" so that 5he! they loo4 up5ard they may behold the =oy that they ha6e lost" a!d ha6e thereof reat sorro5" a!d 5he! they loo4 do5!5ard they may see the me! mou!t up to hea6e! from 5he!ce they fell1 Not5ithsta!di! " by the di6i!e dispe!satio! they desce!d oft u!to us i! earth" as li4e it hath bee! sho5ed to some holy me!1 They fly about us as flies" they be i!!umerable" a!d li4e flies they fill the air 5ithout !umber1 ,hereof saith +aymoD As the philosophers said" a!d doctors ha6e opi!io!" this air is also full of de6ils a!d of 5ic4ed spirits as the su!beams be full of small motes" 5hich is small dust or po5der1 A!d ho5 5ell that they be so ma!y" !e6ertheless after the se!te!ce of Ori e!" their po5er !e stre! th is but ri ht little" a!d that 5e may o6ercome them here1 A!d if a!y of them be o6ercome of a!y holy ma!" he may !e6er after tempt a ma! of that 6ice of 5hich he is o6ercome1 The third 6ictory is that a! els ha6e e6ery day of the de6ils 5he! they fi ht for us a ai!st them" a!d deli6er us from their temptatio!s1 A!d they deli6er us i! three ma!!ers1 'irst" i! refrai!i! the po5er of the de6il" li4e as it is said AApocalypsis 6icesimoB" of the a! el that bou!d the de6il a!d se!t him i!to abysm" that is the pit of hell7 a!d Tobit" 5hich saith that the a! el 3aphael bou!d the de6il i! the outerest desert1 A!d this bi!di! is !o!e other thi! but the refrai!i! of his puissa!ce a!d mi ht1 Seco!dly" he deli6ereth us i! refrai!i! our co6etise" the 5hich thi! is i! Ge!esis 888ii1 chap1D there 5here he saith that" the a! el too4 the si!e5 of Jacob" a!d a!o! it dried up1 Thirdly" i! impressi! i! our hearts the memory of the passio! of our Lord" this is si !ified Apocalypsis 6ii1" 5here it is saidD Ne 5ill ye !ot rie6e !e !oye i! the earth !e i! the sea" !e the trees" till 5e ha6e mar4ed them1 EHechiel saithD The si ! of Thau be i! the foreheads of the people1 Thau is made li4e a headless cross" a!d they that be mar4ed there5ith dread !ot the a! el smiti! " 5hereof is saidD ?po! 5hom ye see Thau" slay them !ot1 The fourth 6ictory is that the archa! el -ichael shall ha6e of A!tichrist 5he! he shall slay him1 The! -ichael" the reat pri!ce" shall arise" as it is said Da!ielis 8ii1D +e shall arise for them that be chose! as a helper a!d a protector" a!d shall stro! ly sta!d a ai!st A!tichrist1 A!d after" as the loss saithD A!tichrist shall fei ! him to be dead" a!d shall hide him three days" a!d after" he shall appear sayi! that he is rise! from death to life" a!d the de6ils shall bear him by art ma ic" a!d shall mou!t up i!to the air" a!d all the people shall mar6el a!d 5orship him1 A!d at the last he shall mou!t up o! the -ou!t of Oli6et" a!d 5he! he shall be i! a pa6ilio!" i! his sie e" e!tered i!to that place 5here our Lord asce!ded" -ichael shall come a!d shall slay him1 Of 5hich 6ictory is u!derstood" after S1 Gre ory" that 5hich is said i! the Apocalypse1 The battle is made i! hea6e!1 This





















5ord of the treble battle i! hea6e! is e8pou!ded of the battle that he had 5ith Lucifer 5he! he e8pulsed him out of hea6e!" a!d of the battle that he had 5ith the de6ils that torme!t us1 A!d of this last solem!ity is said dedicatio!" because o! this day the said place i! the -ou!t Gar a! 5as dedicate a!d hallo5ed of him by re6elatio!1 'or 5he! they of Sypo!te 5ere retur!ed from the occisio! of their ad6ersaries" a!d had so !oble 6ictory" yet doubted they to e!ter i!to the said place a!d hallo5 it to the archa! el1 The! the bishop 5e!t a!d as4ed cou!sel of (ope (ela ius" a!d he a!s5eredD If the church ou ht to be dedicated" that ou ht to be o! that day that the 6ictory 5as do!e" a!d if it please other5ise to S1 -ichael" me! ou ht to re<uire his 5ill thereof1 A!d the! the pope" the bishop" a!d the me! of the city" fasted three days" a!d S1 -ichael appeared to the bishop a!d saidD It is !o !eed to you to dedicate a!d hallo5 that I ha6e hallo5ed" a!d comma!ded that he should e!ter i!to that place the !e8t day 5ith the people" a!d should fre<ue!t it 5ith prayers" a!d they should feel that he should be a special patro! to them1 A!d he a6e to them a si ! of co!secratio!" that 5as that they should o up thereto by a poster! to5ards the east" a!d they should fi!d there the steps of a ma! impressed i! a marble sto!e1 The! the bishop o! the mor!" a!d much reat people" came to the place a!d e!tered i!" a!d fou!d a reat ca6e a!d three altars of 5hich t5o 5ere set to5ard the south" a!d the third to5ard the east much ho!ourably" a!d 5as co6ered all about 5ith a red ma!tle1 A!d 5he! the solem!ities of the masses 5ere do!e" a!d the people had ta4e! holy commu!io!" all retur!ed to their proper places" a!d the bishop left there priests a!d cler4s for to si! a!d say oodly the di6i!e office1 A!d 5ithi! the said church sourdeth clear 5ater a!d s5eet" 5hich the commo! people dri!4eth a!d be healed thereby of ma!y di6erse maladies1 A!d 5he! the pope heard these thi! s he established to hallo5 this day i! the ho!our of S1 -ichael a!d of all the holy a! els" a!d to be 4ept holy throu h all the 5orld1 'ourthly" this solem!ity is said the -emory of S1 -ichael" ho5 5ell that 5e all solem!ise this feast i! the ho!our of all the archa! els of our Lord1 ,e do the memory a!d the ho!ours e!erally" a!d it appertai!eth" a!d is beho6eful to us" to i6e to them laud" praisi! " a!d ho!our" by ma!ifold reaso!s e8pert" that is to 5it" for they be our 4eepers" our mi!isters" our brethre!" our !ei hbours" the bearers of our souls i!to hea6e!" a!d represe!ters of our prayers u!to God" ri ht !oble 4!i hts of the 4i! of hea6e!" a!d perdurable comforters of them that be i! hea6i!ess a!d tribulatio!s1 A!d first 5e ou ht to ho!our them for they be our 4eepers" 5herefore 5e ou ht to 5orship them1 To e6ery ma! be i6e! t5o a! els" o!e e6il" or to stir him to ill" a!d o!e ood" to 4eep him1 The ood a! els be deputed to the 4eepi! of me! i! their birth" a!d after the !ati6ity also" a!d be al5ays 5ith them 5he! they be full ro5!1 A!d i! these three estates is a! a! el !ecessary to a ma!1 'or 5he! he is yet little i! the 5omb he may be dead a!d be dam!ed1 ,he! he is out of the 5omb before he be ro5!" he may be let from baptism" a!d 5he! he is ro5! he may be dra5! to di6ers si!s1 The de6il decei6eth them that be ro5!" by fallacy a!d by hear4e!i! " he flattereth them by delices a!d bla!dishes" a!d oppresseth 6irtue by 6iole!ce1 Therefore it is !eed that a ood a! el be deputed to the 4eepi! of a ma! to the e!d that he address a!d i!duce ma! a ai!st the fallacy" that he e8hort" a!d summo! him to do ood a ai!st fiatteri! a!d bla!dishes" a!d that he defe!d him from oppressio! a ai!st 6iole!ce1 A!d the profit of the 4eepi! of the a! el to a ma! may be assi !ed i! four ma!!ers1 The first" that the soul may profit i! the 5eal a!d ood of race" a!d this doth the a! el to the soul i! three ma!!ers1 A!d the first is i! to remo6i! all letti! to do 5ell a!d ood" a!d that is si !ified i! E8odi duodecimo" 5here the a! el smote all the first be otte! of E ypt Seco!dly" i! a5a4i! or e8citi! from sloth a!d that is si !ified KachariF <uartoD The a! el of the Lord hath aroused me as a ma! that is 5a4ed out of his sleep1 Thirdly" i! leadi! a ma! i! the 5ay of pe!a!ce a!d bri! i! a ai! a!d this is si !ified i! Tobit" i! the fifth chapter i! the a! el that led him a!d brou ht him a ai!1 The seco!d profit that the a! el doth" is that he fall !ot i!to si!" a!d this doth the a! el i! three ma!!ers1 'irst" i! letti! the e6il to be do!e that it be !ot do!e" a!d this is si !ified i! the boo4 of Numbers i! the t5e!ty:seco!d chapter1 'or 9alaam" 5hich 5e!t for to curse Israel" 5as let of the a! el1 Seco!dly" i! blami! the si! past" that ma! depart from it" a!d that is si !ified i! the boo4 of Jud es i! the seco!d chapter" ho5 the a! els blamed the childre! of Israel for brea4i! of the la5" 5herefor they 5ept1 Thirdly i! bri! i! stre! th for to ta4e a5ay the si! prese!t" a!d this is si !ified i! Lot" 5he! he 5as led out by force" he" his 5ife" a!d his dau hters from the city of Sodom" that is to 5it" from the customa!ce of si!1 The third effect a!d profit is that if he fall" that he arise a!o! a ai!" a!d this doth the a! el i! three ma!!ers1 'irst" i! mo6i! a ma! to co!tritio!" a!d this is si !ified i! Tobit" i! the t5elfth chapter" 5here" as he tau ht Tobias to a!oi!t the eyes of his father 5ith all" that is to u!dersta!d" co!tritio! of the heart a!oi!teth the eyes of the heart1 Seco!dly" i! pur i! lips by co!fessio!" a!d that this is si !ified i! Isaiah" the fifth chapter" 5here the a! el pur ed the lips of Isaiah1 Thirdly" i! e!=oyi! to satisfactio!" a!d that is si !ified i! Lu4e" fiftee!th chapter" that saith that reater =oy is i! hea6e! of a si!!er doi! pe!a!ce tha! of !i!ety:!i!e ri htful me! 5hich !eed !o pe!a!ce1 The fourth profit is that ma! fall !ot so oft i!to si! as the de6il i!citeth him thereto" a!d this doth he i! three ma!!ers" that is to 5it" i! refrai!i! the puissa!ce a!d mi ht of the de6il" i! affeebli!












the co6etise a!d desire of si!" a!d i! impri!ti! i! our mi!ds the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" of 5hich thi! s it is said tofore1 ,e ou ht to ho!our them" seco!dly" for they be our admi!istrators" li4e as the apostle saith" ad +ebreos 81 They be spirits of admi!istratio!" all spirits be se!t for us1 The superiors be se!t to the moye!s" the moye!s be se!t to the lo5est" a!d the lo5est be se!t to us" a!d this se!di! cometh of the di6i!e bou!ty1 A!d i! this se!di! appeareth ho5 much the di6i!e bou!ty appertai!eth to the lo6e of our health1 Seco!dly" of the charity of the a! el7 for this se!di! appertai!eth that it be of arde!t charity specially to desire the health of others" 5herefore Isaiah saithD LoI I am here Lord" se!d me forth1 A!d the a! els may help us because they see that 5e ha6e !eed of them" a!d may 5ell o6ercome the e6il spirits a!d a! els" a!d therefore the la5 of charity a! elic re<uireth that they be se!t to us1 Thirdly" this se!di! is !eedful to the !eed of ma!" for they be se!t to i!flame our affectio! to lo6e" 5herefore" i! si ! hereof" it is read that they 5ere se!t i! a fiery chair1 Seco!dly" they be se!t to e!lumi!e to u!dersta!di! u!to 4!o5led e" a!d this is si !ified Apocalypsis 81 i! the a! el 5hich had a boo4 ope! i! his ha!d1 Thirdly" they be se!t for to stre! the! i! us all our perfectio! u!to the e!d" a!d that is si !ified I 3e um 8i81" 5here the a! el brou ht to Eli=ah a loaf of bread ba4ed u!der ashes a!d a 6essel of 5ater" a!d he ate a!d 5al4ed i! the stre! th of that meat u!to the mou!t of God" Oreb1 Thirdly" they ou ht to be ho!oured for they be our brethre! a!d our !ei hbours" for all they that be chose! be ta4e! to the orders of a! els" the some u!to the o6ereat" a!d some to the lo5est" a!d some to the middle" for the di6ersity of their merits1 A!d ho5beit that the 9lessed Vir i! be abo6e all" li4e as S1 Gre ory sho5eth i! his homily1 'or he saithD There be some that ta4e the small thi! s" but yet they lea6e !ot to sho5 it to the brethre!" a!d they ru! i! the !umber of a! els1 A!d there be they that may ta4e the so6erei !ties of the secrets celestial a!d sho5 it to others" a!d these be the archa! els celestial1 A!d these be the archa! els" a!d be they that ma4e mar6ellous si !s a!d 5or4s puissa!tly" a!d these be they that 5ith 6irtues 5or41 A!d some there be that chase a5ay the 5ic4ed spirits by the 6irtue of prayer a!d by stre! th of their po5er recei6ed of God" a!d these ha6e their merits 5ith the potestates1 A!d there be some that by their 6irtues mou!t abo6e the merits of them that be chose!" a!d domi!ate o6er the brethre!" a!d sort their merit 5ith the pri!cipates1 A!d there be some that o6ercome a!d domi!ate o6er all 6ices i! themsel6es" a!d they by ri ht be called of the 5orld" ods amo! me!1 Li4e as God said to -osesD LoI I ha6e established the od of (haraoh" a!d these be 5ith the domi!atio!s1 A!d there be some that sit i! the thro!es li4e preside!ts a!d e8ami!e the 5or4s a!d deeds of others" by 5hom 5he! holy church is o6er!ed" all they that be chose! be =ud ed" a!d these be 5ith the thro!es" a!d be they that 5ith the charity a!d lo6e of God a!d their !ei hbour before others be full" a!d these by their merits ha6e ta4e! their sort i! the !umber of cherubim" for cherubim is said the ple!itude of scie!ce" a!d as (aul saith" the ple!itude of the la5 is lo6e a!d charity1 A!d these be they that" embraced i! the bur!i! lo6e of super!al co!templatio!" 5ish o!ly to be i! the desire of their ma4er1 They desire !othi! of this 5orld" but o!ly be fed i! the lo6e of the Lord perdurable" they esche5 all earthly thi! s" a!d o6erpass by thou ht all temporal thi! s1 They lo6e" they bur!" a!d rest i! that bur!i! lo6e" they bur! i! lo6i! a!d be i!flamed i! spea4i! " a!d all that e6er they touch i! a!y ma!!er by 5ord" they ma4e them a!o! to bur! i! the lo6e of God1 A!d 5here shall these ta4e their sort but amo! the !umber of SeraphimE +Fc Gre orius7 this saith S1 Gre ory1 'ourthly" they ou ht to be ho!oured because that they be bearers of our souls i!to (aradise" a!d this do they i! three ma!!ers1 The first" i! ma4i! ready the 5ay" as -alachi saith i! the third chapterD LoI here I se!d mi!e a! el 5hich shall ma4e ready thy 5ay tofore thy face1 Seco!dly" i! beari! them to hea6e! by the 5ay made ready" li4e as it is said i! E8odus the four a!d t5e!tieth chapterD I se!d to thee mi!e a! el 5hich shall 4eep thee i! thy 5ay" a!d shall bri! thee to the la!d 5hich I ha6e promised to thy fathers1 Thirdly" i! setti! them i! hea6e!" a!d hereof saith Lu4e" cap1 86i1 It 5as do!e 5he! the be ar died" his soul 5as bor!e of a! els i!to Abraham>s bosom1 'ifthly" they ou ht to be ho!oured because they be represe!ters of our souls tofore God" a!d this represe!tatio! is i! three ma!!ers1 'irst" they represe!t our prayers tofore God" a!d this saith Tobit the 8ii1 chapter1 ,he! thou prayedest 5ith tears a!d buryedest the dead me!" I offered thy prayer to our Lord1 Seco!dly" they alle e for us tofore our Lord" a!d hereof saith Job the 888iii1 chapter1 If there 5ere a! a! el spea4i! for him a!d said o!e of a thousa!d" that he sho5 the e<uity of the ma!" our Lord should ha6e mercy a!d pity o! him1 Also Kechariah primo1 A!d the a! el of our Lord a!s5ered a!d saidD O Lord of all stre! ths" shalt !ot thou ha6e pity of Jerusalem a!d of the cities of Judah to 5hom thou art 5rothE This is the se6e!tieth year1 Thirdly" they sho5 the se!te!ce of God" as it is said i! Da!iel that the a! el Gabriel flyi! saidD Sith the be i!!i! of the prayers the 5ord issued out" that is to 5it" the se!te!ce of God" a!d I am come for to sho5 it to thee" for thou art a ma! of desires1 Of these three thi! s saith 9er!ard upo! the Ca!ticles1 The a! el see4eth moye! bet5ee! the lo6e a!d the lo6er i! offeri! the desires a!d bri! i! ifts" a!d mo6eth her a!d pleaseth him1 Si8thly" they ou ht to be ho!oured" for they be the ri ht !oble 4!i hts of the 4i! perdurable" after that Job saith i! the t5e!ty:fifth chapterD Is !ot this the !oble





!umber of his 4!i htsE 'or as 5e see i! the 4!i hts of some 4i! " that some of them d5ell al5ays i! the hall of the 4i! " a!d accompa!y the 4i! " a!d si! ho!our a!d solace to the 4i! " a!d some others 4eep the cities a!d castles of the 4i! " a!d others fi ht a ai!st the e!emies of the 4i! " thus is it of the 4!i hts of Christ1 Some be i! the hall royal" that is to say i! the hea6e! imperial" a!d accompa!y al5ays the 4i! of 4i! s" a!d si! al5ays so! s a!d lad!ess to his ho!our a!d lory" sayi! D Sa!ctus" sa!ctus" sa!ctus" blessi! " a!d clear!ess" a!d 5isdom1 A!d the others 4eep the cities" the to5!s" the castles" a!d the faubour s" they be deputed to the 4eepi! of us" 4eepi! the state of 6ir i!s" of co!ti!e!ts" of married people" a!d the castles of reli io!" 5hereof Isaiah saithD ?po! the 5alls of Jerusalem I ha6e established 4eepers1 Others there be that fi ht a!d 6a!<uish the e!emies of God" of 5hom it is said i! the ApocalypseD There is a battle made i! hea6e!" that is" after some e8positio! i! the church milita!t" -ichael a!d his a! els fou ht 5ith the dra o!1 The se6e!th a!d the last they ou ht to be ho!oured" because they be comforters of them that be i! tribulatio!" a!d hereof saith Kechariah i! the first chapterD The a! el that spa4e to me ood 5ords 5ere 5ords of comfort1 A!d this do they i! three ma!!ers1 'irst" i! comforti! a!d stre! the!i! " Da!ielis decimo1 'or 5hereas Da!iel fell" the a! el of our Lord touched him a!d saidD 9e !ot afeard !e dread thee !othi! " peace be to thee" comfort thyself a!d be boystous1 Seco!dly" i! 4eepi! from impatie!ce" a!d this saith Da6idD +e hath comma!ded his a! els to 4eep thee i! all thy 5ays1 Thirdly" i! refreshi! a!d lessi! that tribulatio!" a!d that is si !ified i! Da!iel" the third chapter" there 5hereas the a! el of our Lord desce!ded i! the fur!ace 5ith three childre!" a!d made the middle of the fur!ace as it had bee! a 5i!d blo5i! 5ith a soft de51 9y these e!samples 5e may u!dersta!d that 5e ou ht to i6e ho!our to the holy compa!y of a! els" a!d to pray them to 4eep us i! this 5retched life from our e!emies the de6il" the 5orld" a!d the flesh" that after" 5he! 5e shall depart" they prese!t our souls u!to Almi hty God i! hea6e!" there to d5ell a!d abide sempiternally !ith them, &uod ipse prestatur, &ui sine fine vivit et regnat in secula seculorum. ,men. Here followeth the Life of Jero%e. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"






Jero!imus is said of erar" that is holy" a!d of !emus" that is to say a 5ood1 A!d so Jerome is as much to say as a holy 5ood1 Or it is said of !orma" that is to say la5" 5hereof is said i! his le e!d that Jerome is i!terpreted a holy la51 +e 5as farforth holy" that is to say firm or clea! or dyed of blood" or deputed to holy usa e" li4e as 6essels of the temple be said holy for they be ordai!ed to holy usa e1 +e 5as holy" that is to say steadfast" i! holy 5or4 by lo! perse6era!ce" he 5as clea! i! mi!d by purity" he 5as dyed i! blood by thi!4i! of the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" he 5as deputed to holy usa e by the e8positio! of holy Scripture" he 5as said a holy 5ood by the co!6ersatio! that he sometimes did a!d abode i! the 5ood1 A!d he 5as said la5 for the rules of his discipli!e 5hich he tau ht to his mo!4s" or because he e8pou!ded a!d i!terpreted the holy la5 a!d Scripture1 Jerome also is i!terpreted the 6isio! of beauty or =ud i! 5ords1 There is beauty ma!ifold1 'irst is spiritual" 5hich is i! the soul1 Seco!d" moral" 5hich is i! ho!esty of ma!!ers1 The third is i!tellectual" 5hich is i! the a! els1 The fourth is substa!tial" 5hich is di6i!e1 The fifth is hea6e!ly" 5hich is i! the cou!try of sai!ts1 This fi6e:fold beauty had S1 Jerome i! himself1 'or he had spiritual i! di6ersity of 6irtues7 the moral had he i! the ho!esty of his life7 he had i!tellectual i! the e8celle!ce of purity7 he had the substa!tial i! bur!i! charity7 he had the celestial i! the perdurable a!d e8celle!t clear!ess or clarte1 +e =ud ed the speeches a!d 5ords" his o5! 5ell e8ami!ed i! clearly pro!ou!ci! " the others bei! true i! co!firmi! " the false co!dem!i! a!d co!fusi! " a!d the doubtful i! e8pou!di! 1 Of *" Jero%e"



Jerome 5as the so! of a !oble ma! !amed Eusebius" bor! of the to5! Strido!" 5hich is i! the utter e!d of Dalmatia a!d of (a!!o!ia1 +e" bei! yet a child" 5e!t to 3ome a!d 5as there tau ht i! letters of Gree4" Lati!" a!d +ebre51 +e had for his teacher i! rammar Do!atus" i! rhetoric Victori!us" the orator" a!d he 5as day a!d !i ht occupied" a!d e8ercised himself i! di6i!e Scriptures" 5hich he dre5 co6etously" a!d after shed it out abu!da!tly1 A!d as he 5riteth i! a! epistle to Eustochius" that o! a time as he read o! a day (lato" a!d i! the !i ht Tully desirously" because that the boo4 of the prophets pleased him !ot" he 5as about mid:Le!t ta4e! 5ith a sudde! a!d bur!i! fe6er" that all his body 5as cold" i!








such 5ise that there 5as !o 6ital heat sa6e a little 5hich he felt i! his breast1 A!d as the e8e<uies for his death 5ere ma4i! ready" he 5as sudde!ly brou ht to the =ud me!t of God" a!d there he 5as dema!ded of 5hat co!ditio! he 5as" a!d he a!s5ered boldly that he 5as a christia! ma!1 A!d the =ud e saidD Thou liest" thou art a Cicero!ia!" a!d !o christia! ma!" 5hereas thy treasure is" there is thy heart1 The! S1 Jerome 5as still a!d said !othi! " a!d a!o! the! the =ud e comme!ded that he should be sore beate!1 The! he cried a!d saidD +a6e mercy o! me" Lord" ha6e mercy o! me1 The! they that 5ere assisti! our Lord prayed him that he 5ould for i6e this you! ma! his trespass1 A!d he the! be a! to s5ear a!d sayD Lord" if e6er I read or hear more secular boo4s" I shall forsa4e thee1 A!d 5ith the 5ords of this promise a!d oath he 5as let o" a!d a!o! he re6i6ed1 A!d the! he sa5 himself all be5ept1 A!d of the stro4es of the beati! s that he recei6ed tofore the thro!e of our Lord" the to4e!s of the stro4es a!d lashes 5ere see! o! his shoulders ri ht horrible a!d reat1 A!d from the! fortho! he became ood" a!d read di6i!e boo4s 5ith as reat study as e6er he had read the boo4s of poetry a!d of pay!ims1 A!d 5he! he 5as !i!e:a!d: t5e!ty years old he 5as ordai!ed cardi!al priest i! the church of 3ome1 A!d 5he! Liberius 5as dead all the people cried to ha6e S1 Jerome so6erei ! priest1 A!d 5he! he be a! to blame the =ollity a!d la6ish life of some cler4s a!d mo!4s" they had i!di !atio! a!d despite of him" a!d lay i! a 5ait to hurt a!d sla!der him1 A!d as Joh! 9eleth saithD They scor!ed a!d moc4ed him by the clothi! of a 5oma!1 'or o! a !i ht 5he! he arose to mati!s" as he 5as accustomed" he fou!d a 5oma!>s clothi! Iyi! by his bed 5hich his e!emies had laid there1 A!d he 5eepi! that they had bee! his o5!" did them o!" a!d so clothed came i! to the church" a!d this did they that had e!6y at him because others should 5ee! that he had a 5oma! i! his chamber1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that" he esche5ed their 5ood!ess a!d 5e!t u!to Gre ory NaHia!He!" bishop of Co!sta!ti!ople1 A!d 5he! he had lear!ed of him the holy Scripture a!d holy letters" he 5e!t i!to desert" 5here" 5hat" a!d ho5 much he suffered for Christ>s sa4e" he recou!ted to Eustochium" a!d said that 5he! he 5as i! that reat desert a!d 5aste 5ilder!ess" 5hich is so bur!t by the su! that it a6e to the mo!4s a ri ht dry habitacle" I supposed me the! to be at 3ome amo! the delices" a!d my members scalded" bur!t" made dry a!d blac4 li4e to the s4i! of a -oria! or a! Ethiopia!" a!d I 5as al5ays i! tears a!d 5eepi! s1 A!d 5he! the 6ery sleep came a!d oppressed me a ai!st 5hich I oft repu !ed" the! I laid my dried bo!es o! the bare earth1 Of meats a!d dri!4 I spea4 !ot" for they that 5ere sic4 used o!ly cold 5ater" a!d for to ta4e a!y thi! boiled or roasted" it 5as to them lechery1 A!d yet !e6ertheless I 5as oft fello5 u!to scorpio!s a!d 5ild beasts" a!d yet the carols of maide!s a!d the embraceme!ts of lechery re5 i! my cold body a!d i! my flesh" 5herefore I 5ept co!ti!ually" a!d for to adau!t a!d subdue my proud flesh I rose at mid!i ht all the 5ee4 lo! " =oi!i! oft the !i ht 5ith the day" a!d I ceased !ot to beat my breast" prayi! our Lord to re!der to me the peaceable peace of my flesh1 A!d I also doubted my proper cell as feari! my co!ceits a!d thou hts" 5herefore I 5e!t a!d departed 5roth" a!d re6e! i! myself" passed alo!e throu h the sharp a!d thic4 deserts1 A!d as our Lord is 5it!ess" after ma!y 5eepi! s a!d tears" it seemed to me that I 5as amo! the compa!y of a! els" this duri! four years1 The! his pe!a!ce thus do!e" he retur!ed to the to5! of 9ethlehem" 5here as a 5ise a!d a prude!t beast he offered himself to abide by the crib of our Lord1 A!d the! his holy 9ible" 5hich 5ith study he had tra!slated" a!d other boo4s he read" a!d led the day forth 5ith fasti! u!to e6e!1 A!d there he assembled ma!y disciples u!to him for to Iabour there i! his holy purpose" a!d abode there i! the tra!slatio! of holy Scripture fifty:fi6e years a!d si8 mo!ths" a!d remai!ed a pure 6ir i! u!to the e!d of his life1 A!d ho5 5ell that it be said i! his le e!d that he 5as e6er a 6ir i!" yet !e6ertheless he 5rote of himself to (almatia!D I bear 6ir i!ity i!to hea6e!" !ot for that I ha6e 6ir i!ity" but for I mar6el more that I ha6e it !ot1 The! at the last he bei! 5eary for to tra6ail" lay do5! i! his bed 5hero6er hu! a cord o! a beam" 5hereo! he laid a!d held his ha!ds for to lift up himself that he mi ht do the ser6ice of God as much as he mi ht1 O! a day to5ards e6e! Jerome sat 5ith his brethre! for to hear the holy lesso!" a!d a lio! came halti! sudde!ly i! to the mo!astery" a!d 5he! the brethre! sa5 him" a!o! they fled" a!d Jerome came a ai!st him as he should come a ai!st his uest" a!d the! the lio! sho5ed to him his foot bei! hurt1 The! he called his brethre!" a!d comma!ded them to 5ash his feet a!d dili e!tly to see4 a!d search for the 5ou!d1 A!d that do!e" the pla!t of the foot of the lio! 5as sore hurt a!d pric4ed 5ith a thor!1 The! this holy ma! put thereto dili e!t cure" a!d healed him" a!d he abode e6er after as a tame beast 5ith them1 The! S1 Jerome sa5 that God had se!t him to them" !ot o!ly for the health of his foot" but also for their profit" a!d =oi!ed to the lio! a! office" by the accord of his brethre!" a!d that 5as that he should co!duct a!d lead a! ass to his pasture 5hich brou ht home 5ood" a!d should 4eep him oi! a!d comi! " a!d so





he did1 'or he did that 5hich he 5as comma!ded" a!d led the ass thus as a herdsma!" a!d 4ept him 5isely oi! a!d comi! " a!d 5as to him a ri ht sure 4eeper a!d defe!der" a!d al5ays at the hour accustomed he a!d the ass came for to ha6e their refectio! a!d for to ma4e the ass to do the 5or4 accustomed1

O! a time it happed that the ass 5as i! his pasture" a!d the lio! slept fast" a!d certai! mercha!ts passed by 5ith camels a!d sa5 the ass alo!e" a!d stole him a!d led him a5ay1 A!d a!o! after" the lio! a5o4e a!d 5he! he fou!d !ot his fello5" he ra! roa!i! hither a!d thither" a!d 5he! he sa5 that he could !ot fi!d him he 5as much sorro5ful a!d durst !ot come i!" but abode at the ate of the church of the mo!astery" a!d 5as ashamed that he came 5ithout the ass1 A!d 5he! the brethre! sa5 that he 5as come more late tha! he 5as 5o!t" a!d 5ithout the ass" they supposed that by co!strai!t of hu! er he had eate! the ass" a!d 5ould !ot i6e to him his portio! accustomed" a!d said to himD Go a!d eat that other part of the ass that thou hast de6oured" a!d fill thy lutto!y1 A!d because they doubted" a!d they 5ould 5it if he had so eate!" they 5e!t to the pastures of the to5! to see if they could ha6e a!y demo!stra!ce of the death of the ass" a!d they fou!d !othi! " a!d retur!ed a!d told it to Jerome" a!d the! he comma!ded them to e!=oi! him to do the office of the ass1 The! they he5ed do5! bushes a!d bou hs a!d laid upo! him" a!d he suffered it peaceably1 A!d o! a day 5he! he had do!e his office" he 5e!t out to the fields a!d be a! to ru! hither a!d thither desiri! to 4!o5 5hat 5as do!e to his fello5" a!d sa5 from far mercha!ts that came 5ith camels char ed a!d lade!" a!d the ass oi! tofore them1 It 5as the ma!!er of that re io! that 5he! the people 5e!t far 5ith camels" they had a! ass or a horse oi! tofore 5ith a cord about his !ec4 for to co!duct the better the camels1 A!d 5he! the lio! 4!e5 the ass" 5ith a reat roari! he ra! o! them so terribly that all the mercha!ts fled" a!d he so feared the camels 5ith beati! the earth 5ith his tail that" he co!strai!ed them to o strai ht u!to the cell 5ith all their char e a!d ladi! 1 A!d 5he! the brethre! sa5 this they told it to Jerome" a!d he saidD 9rethre!" 5ash the feet of our uests a!d i6e them meat" abide ye the 5ill of our Lord hereupo!1 A!d the! the lio! be a! to ru! =oyously throu hout all the mo!astery" as he 5as 5o!t to do" a!d 4!eeled do5! to e6ery brother a!d fa5!ed them 5ith his tail" li4e as he had dema!ded pardo! of the trespass that he had do!e1 A!d S1 Jerome" 5hich 4!e5 5ell 5hat 5as to come" said to his brethre!D Go a!d ma4e ye ready all thi! s !ecessary for uests that be comi! to us1 A!d as he thus said" there came to him a messe! er" sayi! to him that there 5ere uests at the ate that 5ould spea4 5ith the abbot1 A!d as soo! as they 5ere come they 4!eeled to the abbot" a!d re<uired of him pardo!1 A!d he raised a!d made them to sta!d up oodly" a!d comma!ded them to ta4e their o5! ood" a!d !ot to ta4e a5ay other me!>s1 A!d the! they prayed the holy sai!t that he 5ould ta4e the half of their oil" a!d he refused it1 A!d at the last he comma!ded to ta4e a measure of oil" a!d the! they promised that they should bri! e6ery year a measure of oil to that church" a!d their heirs after them1 It 5as a!cie!tly the custom that 5hosome6er 5ould mi ht si! i! the church" so that Theodosius the emperor" as Joh! 9eleth saith" re<uired a!d prayed Damasus the pope that he 5ould commit to some 5ise ma! of the church to ordai! the office a!d ordi!al of the church1 A!d the! he 4!e5 5ell that Jerome 5as a ma! that 4!e5 the la! ua es of Gree4" Lati!" a!d +ebre5" a!d i! all scie!ce" a!d committed to him the said so6erei ! office1 A!d the! Jerome di6ided the psalter by ferias" a!d to e6ery feria a !octur! proper be assi !ed" a!d established i! the e!d of e6ery psalm to be saidD Gloria petri1 A!d after" he ordai!ed reaso!ably to be su! the epistles a!d ospels" a!d all other thi! s appertai!i! " sa6e the so! 5hich he se!t from 9ethlehem u!to the pope1 ,hich all 5as appro6ed a!d ratified of him a!d of the cardi!als for to be used perpetually a!d so co!firmed1 After this" i! the mouth of the spelu!4e or ca6e i! 5hich our Lord lay" he did do ma4e his mo!ume!t or sepulture1 A!d 5he! he had accomplished ei hty:ei ht years a!d si8 mo!ths he 5as there buried1 I! 5hat re6ere!ce S1 Austi! had him i!" it appeareth i! his epistles that he se!t to him" i! o!e of the 5hich he 5rote i! this ma!!erD To his ri ht dear frie!d7 most best belo6ed a!d most clea! i! obser6i! a!d embraci! of chastity" u!to Jerome" Austi!" etc1 A!d i! a!other place he 5riteth thus of himD S1 Jerome" priest" lear!ed i! letters of Gree4" Lati!" a!d +ebre5" a!d i! holy 5riti! s appro6ed u!to his last a e" of 5hom the !oble!ess of his fair elo<ue!ce hath resple!ded from the east u!to the 5est" li4e u!to the clear!ess of the su!1 (rosper saith also of him i! his Chro!iclesD Jerome" priest" 5as i! 9ethlehem sometime" clear to all the 5orld" of !oble e! i!e" a!d li6ed i! tra!slati! a!d 5riti! of holy Scripture" a!d 5ith hi h a!d !oble study ser6ed the u!i6ersal church1 +e said also of himself to Albi e!D I !e6er e!forced me so much from mi!e i!fa!cy as for to esche5 a s5elli! coura e a!d e!ha!ced head" a!d















calli! a ai!st him the hate of God1 A!d e6er I ha6e dreaded the sure thi! s" a!d ha6e e!te!ded 5ith all my heart to the mo!astery a!d to hospitality a!d ha6e recei6ed ladly all comers sa6e heretics" a!d ha6e 5ashed their feet1 Isidore saith thus i! the boo4 of Etymolo yD Jerome 5as 5ise i! three la! ua es" 5hose i!terpretatio! is ta4e! tofore other" for it is more holdi! a!d clear by 5ords a!d it is i!terpreted of a 6ery christia!1 It is 5ritte! also of Jerome i! the dialo ue of Se6erus" disciple of S1 -arti!" 5hich 5as i! his timeD Jerome 5ithout the merit of the faith a!d do5ry of 6irtues is !ot o!ly i!struct i! letters of Lati!" but i! Gree4 a!d +ebre5" so that !o!e ou ht to be compared to him i! e6ery scie!ce" the 5hich had 5ar perpetual a ai!st the 5ic4ed me!1 The heretics hated him for he left !e6er to impu ! a ai!st them" the cler4s hated him" for he repro6ed their si!s a!d their life1 9ut plai!ly ood me! lo6ed him a!d mar6elled of him" for they that deemed him a heretic 5ere mad1 +e 5as all i! lesso!s" all i! boo4s" he !e6er rested day !e !i ht but al5ays read or 5rote1 +Fc Se6erus1 A!d li4e as it appeareth by these 5ords" a!d also he 5it!esseth himself" he suffered ma!y persecutors a!d detractors" 5hich persecutio!s he suffered patie!tly a!d oodly" as it appeared i! a! epistle that he se!t to AsselaD I i6e tha!4i! s to our Lord God that I am 5orthy that the 5orld hate me" a!d that 5ic4ed me! a!d =a! lers hold me for e6il1 'or I 4!o5 5ell that me! come to hea6e! by the defami! of 5ic4ed me! more tha! by ood re!omee" a!d I 5ould that the compa!y of miscrea!ts should pursue a!d persecute me for the !ame a!d ri ht of our Lord1 -y 5ill is that the reproof of the 5orld arise more fer6e!tly a ai!st me so that I mi ht deser6e to be praised of our Lord" a!d that I may hope the re5ard of his promise1 Temptatio! is desirous a!d a reeable 5hose merit i! resisti! is to be hoped re5ard of Christ i! hea6e!1 Ne the cursi! !e maledictio! is !ot rie6ous 5hich is cha! ed i!to di6i!e laud a!d praisi! 1 +e died about the year of our Lord three hu!dred a!d ei hty:ei ht1 Here followeth the Life of *" Re%i(iu "

3emi ius is said of remi e that is a boatma! or a ro5er1 Or it is said of remis" 5hich be i!strume!ts by 5hich the ship is ro5ed a!d co!ducted" a!d of yo!" that is to say 5restli! 1 +e o6er!ed the church a!d 4ept it from peril of 5rec4" a!d brou ht it to the port of hea6e!1 A!d for the church he 5restled a ai!st the assaults of the de6il1

Of *" Re%i(iu 1 S1 3emi ius co!6erted to the faith the 4i! a!d the people of 'ra!ce1 The 4i! had a 5ife !amed Clotilde" 5hich 5as christia!" a!d she e!forced her much to co!6ert her husba!d to the christia! faith" but she mi ht !ot1 A!d 5he! she had a child she 5ould ha6e christe!ed him" but the 4i! defe!ded it to her1 A!d she rested !ot till at the last the 4i! ra!ted that it should be christia!" a!d after that it 5as christe!ed" it died a!o!1 The! said the 4i! D No5 it appeareth 5ell that Christ is a 6ile God" for because he may !ot 4eep him 5hich i! his faith should ha6e bee! e!ha!ced i! my 4i! dom after me1 A!d she said to himD No5 feel I 5ell that I am lo6ed of my God because he hath recei6ed the first fruit of my 5omb7 he hath e!ha!ced to a better 4i! dom my so!" a!d to rei ! perpetually 5ithout e!d" 5hich is much better tha! thy 4i! dom is1 A!d soo! after she co!cei6ed a ai!" a!d had a fair so!" 5hom 5ith reat prayers she baptiHed as she did the first" but a!o! after" he 5as sic4" so that they had !o hope of his life1 A!d the! the 4i! said to his 5ifeD Certai!ly this is a feeble od 5hich may !ot co!ser6e" !e 4eep !o!e that is baptiHed i! his !ame" a!d if thou hadst a thousa!d a!d didst them to be baptiHed" all should perish1 ;et !e6ertheless the child re6i6ed a!d 5as 5hole" so that he rei !ed after his father" a!d the faithful <uee! e!forced her to bri! her husba!d to the faith" but he refused it i! all ma!!ers1 It is said i! that other feast 5hich is after the Epipha!y" ho5 the 4i! 5as co!6erted to the faith1 A!d the foresaid 4i! Clo6is" 5he! he 5as christe!ed" said that he 5ould i6e to S1 3emi ius" for to e!do5 his church" as much la!d as he mi ht o about 5hilst he slept at mid:day" a!d so it 5as do!e1 9ut there 5as a ma! 5hich had a mill 5ithi! the circuit 5hich S1 3emi ius had closed1 A!d as S1 3emi ius 5e!t about it the mil!er put him out 5ith reat i!di !atio! a!d reat despite1 A!d S1 3emi ius said to him 'rie!d" ha6e !o disdai! a!d let it !ot be too hard if 5e ha6e also this mill 5ith that other1 Ne6ertheless the mil!er put him out" a!d a!o! the 5heel of the mill be a! to tur! co!trary" a!d the! the mil!er cried






after S1 3emi ius a!d saidD Ser6a!t of God" come a!d let us ha6e the mill to ether1 A!d S1 3emi ius saidD Nay" it shall !either be mi!e !or thi!e" a!d a!o! the earth ope!ed a!d s5allo5ed i! all the mill1 A!d S1 3emi ius 4!e5 by the spirit of prophecy a!d by the 5ill of God" that a reat fami!e should come" a!d assembled i! a to5! reat ple!ty of 5heat1 A!d the dru!4e! 6illai!s of the to5! moc4ed a!d scor!ed him of his pro6ide!ce" a!d set the ar!ers afire1 A!d 5he! he 4!e5 it he came thither" a!d because he 5as cold for a e a!d his last time approached fast" he sat do5! by the fire a!d 5armed him" a!d said 5ith a peaceable heartD The fire is al5ays ood1 Ne6ertheless they that made that fire" a!d all the me! of their li!ea e" 5ere bro4e! i! their members a!d the 5ome! outy1 A!d this e!dured i! the same to5! u!to the time of Charles" 5hich chased a!d made them o their 5ay" a!d so disperpled them1 A!d it is to be 4!o5! that the feast of S1 3emi ius that is hallo5ed i! Ja!uary" is the feast of his blessed death a!d dispositio!" a!d this is the feast of the tra!slatio! of his blessed body1 'or 5he!" after his death" the holy body should ha6e bee! brou ht to the church of S1 Timothy a!d Apolli!arius 5ith the shri!e" a!d came !i h u!to the church of S1 Christopher" it be a! to 5ei h so much that they mi ht !ot mo6e it from the!ce i! !o ma!!er1 At the last they prayed our Lord that he 5ould 6ouchsafe to sho5 them if it 5ere his 5ill that the body should be buried i! that church" 5hereas !o relics rest1 A!d the! a!o! they too4 up the body li htly e!ou h a!d buried him there ho!ourably1 A!d ma!y miracles 5ere there sho5ed" so that they e!lar ed a!d made the church more ample a!d lar e1 A!d the! they made a! oratory behi!d the altar" a!d 5ould ha6e dol6e! for to ha6e laid the body i! that oratory" but they could !ot mo6e it i! !o ma!!er1 The! they 5atched" a!d prayed u!to our Lord" a!d at mid!i ht they fell all asleep" a!d o! the mor! they fou!d the sepulchre 5ith the body i! the place" 5hich a! els had bor!e thither 5hile they slept1 A!d this 5as the 4ale!ds of October 5hich after5ards by lo! time o! the same day" it 5as tra!slated i!to a feretre or shri!e of sil6er1 +e flourished about the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d !i!ety1 Here followeth the Life of * Lo(ier. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"






Leode arius or Lo ier is said of leos" that is to say" people" a!d of a!os" that is to say" a! el1 Lo ier 5as a! el of the people1 'or a! a! el is properly li ht" a!d is a messe! er for to sho5 the people ood 5or4s1 A!d so he sho5ed to the people tofore the deed ho5 he a!d Ebroi!us should fi!ish their li6es1

Of *" Lo(ier" Lo ier 5he! he sho!e a!d resple!ded i! all 6irtue he deser6ed to be bishop of Autu!1 Clotaire 5as dead1 +e 5as much rie6ed for the cure a!d char e of the realm" a!d by the 5ill of God a!d cou!sel of the pri!ces he cro5!ed Childeric" yet you! " to be 4i! 1 9ut Ebroi!us 5ould ha6e made Theodoric" brother of Childeric" 4i! " !ot for the profit of the realm" but because he 5as put out of his po5er a!d 5as hated of all the people" a!d doubted the ire of the 4i! a!d of the pri!ces" a!d therefore he re<uired of the 4i! lice!ce for to e!ter i!to reli io!" a!d the 4i! ra!ted it to him1 The! the 4i! did hold his brother Theodoric i! uard that he should machi!e !othi! a ai!st the realm1 A!d by the holi!ess a!d pro6ide!ce of the ood bishop Lo ier all the people 5ere i! =oy a!d i! peace1 A!d soo! after" the 4i! bei! impaired by e6il cou!sel 5as mo6ed i! 5rath a ai!st this holy bishop" ser6a!t of God" a!d sou ht mea!s e!te!ti6ely ho5 he mi ht co!6e!ably put him to death1 9ut Lo ier suffered all oodly" a!d reputed his e!emies li4e as his frie!ds" a!d did so much to5ard the 4i! " that o! Easter:day he should si! mass i! the city" 5hereof he 5as bishop1 A!d that day it 5as told to him that the 4i! should perform that !i ht all that he had treated for his death" but he !e doubted !othi! " but di!ed that day 5ith the 4i! at his o5! table1 A!d the! he fled his persecutor i! such ma!!er that he 5e!t to the mo!astery of Lu8e!" there" ser6i! our Lord" i! 5hich Ebroi!us there 5as hid i! the habit of a mo!4" a!d also ser6ed him i! reat charity1 A!d a 5hile after the 4i! died" a!d Theodoric 5as e!ha!ced i!to the rei !1 'or 5hich thi! the blessed S1 Lo ier" mo6ed by the 5eepi! a!d tears of the people" a!d co!strai!ed by the comma!dme!t of his abbot" retur!ed u!to his see i! his city1 9ut Ebroi!us a!o! re!ou!ced his reli io!" a!d 5as ordai!ed ste5ard of the 4i! 1 A!d ho5beit that he 5as e6il tofore" yet he








5as 5orse after" a!d studied ho5 he mi ht bri! Lo ier to death" a!d se!t 4!i hts for to ta4e him1 A!d 5he! the blessed Lo ier 4!e5 it he 5ould ha6e escaped from the 5ood!ess a!d malice1 A!d as he issued out of the to5! i! the habit of a bishop" he 5as ta4e! of the 4!i hts" 5hich a!o! put out his eyes1 A!d the! t5o years after" S1 Lo ier 5ith Gueri! his brother" 5hom Ebroi!us had e8iled" 5ere brou ht u!to the palace of the 4i! 1 A!d as Ebroi!us moc4ed the bishop" they a!s5ered 5isely a!d peaceably1 Not5ithsta!di! " that 5ic4ed ma! Ebroi!us se!t Gueri! for to be sto!ed to death 5ith sto!es" a!d made the bishop to be led all the !i ht barefoot upo! sharp sto!es" o! 5hich the 5ater ra! fast1 A!d 5he! he heard that he prayed God i! his torme!ts" he made to cut out the to! ue of his head" a!d after to 4eep i! priso!" for to ma4e him suffer !e5 torme!ts1 9ut for all that he lost !e6er his speech" but e!te!ded to preach a!d e8hortatio! as 5ell as he mi ht" a!d said tofore ho5 he a!d Ebroi!us should die" a!d 5he!1 The! a reat li ht i! ma!!er of a cro5! e!6iro!ed his head" 5hich much people sa5" a!d some dema!ded him 5hat thi! it 5as" a!d he 4!eeled do5! a!d made his prayers" yieldi! races to God" a!d admo!ished all them that 5ere there that they should cha! e their life i!to a better1 A!d 5he! Ebroi!us heard that" he had reat e!6y at him" a!d se!t four me! for to smite off his head1 A!d 5he! they led him forth" he said to themD It is !o !eed to you to labour a!y more" but fulfil ye here the desire of him that se!t you1 A!d the! three of them had so reat pity of him that they 4!eeled do5! a!d re<uired pardo!" a!d the fourth smote off his head" 5hich a!o! 5as ra6ished of the de6il" a!d bei! thro5! i! the fire" e!ded his life miserably1 The! t5o years after Ebroi!us heard that God sho5ed ma!y miracles for his blessed sai!t" a!d the re!omee of it sho!e o6er all" a!d he 5as torme!ted 5ith cursed e!6y" a!d se!t thither a 4!i ht to 5eet the truth" a!d to retur! a!d tell to him1 A!d 5he! the 4!i ht came thither" he proudly smote the tomb 5ith his foot" a!d saidD A! e6il death may he ha6e that saith a!d belie6eth that this dead body may do miracles1 A!d a!o! he 5as ra6ished of the de6il a!d died sudde!ly" a!d the sai!t 5as the more 5orshipped by his death1 A!d 5he! Ebroi!us heard this" he 5as the! more torme!ted 5ith malice of e!6y" a!d e!forced to <ue!ch the fame of the holy sai!t1 9ut after the sayi! tofore of the sai!t he felo!iously sle5 himself 5ith a s5ord1 A!d this holy bishop S1 Lo ier suffered death about the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d ei hty" i! the time of Co!sta!ti!e the fourth1 Here followeth the Life of *" Fra#$i . fir t )e(i##er of the friar %i#or. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"







'ra!cis 5as first !amed Joh!" but after his !ame 5as cha! ed a!d 5as called 'ra!cis1 The cause of cha! i! of his !ame 5as ma!ifold1 'irst" for the reaso! of his mar6ellous cha! i! " for it is 4!o5! that he recei6ed of God by miracle the 're!ch to! ue" a!d it is said i! his le e!d that 5he! he 5as reple!ished of the race of God" a!d of the ardour of the +oly Ghost he pro!ou!ced out bur!i! 5ords i! 're!ch1 Seco!dly" by the reaso! to publish his office" 5hereof is said i! his le e!d that" the di6i!e pro6ide!ce a6e to him that !ame" because of his si! ular a!d i!accustomed !ame" the opi!io! of his mystery mi ht be 4!o5! throu hout all the 5orld1 Thirdly" by reaso! of his office i! effect" 5hereupo! 5as i6e! to u!dersta!d that by him a!d by his so!s he should ma4e ma!y ser6a!ts of the de6il a!d bo!d to si!" free1 'ourthly" by reaso! of reat coura e a!d ma !a!imity of heart1 'or 're!chme! be said of fierce!ess" for i! them is !atural fierce!ess a!d reat coura e of heart1 'ifthly" by reaso! of 6irtuosity i! spea4i! " for his 5ord car6ed a5ay the 6ices li4e a! a8e1 Si8thly" by reaso! that he chased a5ay commo!ly the de6ils1 Se6e!thly" by reaso! of ho!esty i! his co!6ersatio!" a!d of perfectio! of 5or41 A!d it is said that some si !s that 5ere bor!e i! 3ome tofore the co!suls" 5hich 5ere i! terror of the people a!d i! 5orship" 5ere called 'ra!ciscas1 Of *" Fra#$i "



'ra!cis" ser6a!t a!d frie!d of Almi hty God" 5as bor! i! the city of Assisi" a!d 5as made a mercha!t u!to the t5e!ty:fifth year of his a e" a!d 5asted his time by li6i! 6ai!ly" 5hom our Lord corrected by the scour e of sic4!ess" a!d sudde!ly cha! ed him i!to a!other ma!" so that he be a! to shi!e by the spirit of prophecy1 'or o! a time he 5ith other me! of (eru ia 5as ta4e! priso!er" a!d 5ere put i! a cruel priso!" 5here all the others 5ailed a!d sorro5ed" a!d he o!ly 5as lad a!d e!=oyed1 A!d 5he! they had repro6ed him thereof" he a!s5eredD @!o5 ye" said he" that I am =oyful" for I shall be 5orshipped as a sai!t throu h all the 5orld1


O! a time he 5e!t to 3ome because of de6otio!" a!d he too4 off all his clothes a!d clad him 5ith the clothes of a be ar" a!d sat amo! the poor me! tofore the church of S1 (eter" a!d as o!e of them" be ed a!d ate ea erly 5ith them" a!d much ofte!er 5ould ha6e do!e" but the shame of bei! 4!o5! of people letted him1 The old e!emy the de6il e!forced him to let him of his holy purpose" a!d sho5ed to him a 5oma! mo!strous a!d horribly disfi ured" croo4bac4ed a!d lame" 5hich 5as i! that city" a!d he said to him if he left !ot that he had e!terprised" he 5ould ma4e him semblable a!d li4e u!to her1 9ut he 5as comforted of our Lord" 5hich heard a 6oice sayi! to himD 'ra!cis" ta4e these bitter thi! s for the s5eet" a!d despise thyself if thou desire to 4!o5 me1 O! a time he met a leper 5hom !aturally me! abhor" but he remembered him of the 5ord that 5as said of God" a!d ra! to him a!d 4issed him" a!d a!o! the laHar 6a!ished a5ay" 5herefore he 5e!t to the habitatio! of the laHars a!d 4issed de6outly their ha!ds" a!d a6e to them mo!ey" a!d let them ha6e !o !eed of such as he mi ht do1


O! a time he e!tered i!to the church of S1 Damia! for to ma4e his prayers" a!d the ima e of Jesu Christ spa4e u!to him a!d saidD 'ra!cis" o a!d repair my house 5hich is all destroyed as thou seest1 A!d from that hour the soul of him li<uefied" a!d the passio! of Jesu Christ 5as mar6ellously i!fi8ed i! his heart1 A!d the! he did reat pai!" a!d 5as busy i! repairi! the church" a!d sold all that he had" a!d a6e the mo!ey thereof to a priest" a!d he durst !ot recei6e it for fear of his pare!ts a!d 4i!1 The! he" casti! it a5ay tofore the priest as dust" setti! !ot thereby" 5herefore he 5as ta4e! of his father a!d bou!d" a!d he restored to him his mo!ey" a!d resi !ed also his clothes" a!d so !a4ed he fled to our Lord" a!d clad him 5ith hair1 A!d the! the blessed 'ra!cis 5e!t u!to a simple ma!" 5hom he too4 i!stead of his father" a!d prayed him that li4e as his father doubled o! him his curses" that i! co!trary he should bless him1 +is o5! brother erma!e seei! him i! a 5i!ter time ha6e o! him but foul a!d fe5 clothes" a!d that he trembled for cold a!d 5as e!te!di! to his prayers" said to his fello5D Go to 'ra!cis a!d say to him that he sell to thee a pe!!y5orth of his s5eat1 A!d 5he! he heard it he a!s5ered 5ith a lad cheerD I 5ill sell it u!to my Lord God1 O! a day he heard i! the church that 5hich our Lord said to his disciples 5he! he se!t them to preach" a!d a!o! he addressed him 5ith all his mi ht to do a!d 4eep all those thi! s7 he did off his hose! a!d shoo! from his feet a!d clad him 5ith a foul coat" a!d too4 a cord for his irdle1 +e 5e!t o! a time i! a s!o5 by a 5ood" a!d 5as ta4e! by thie6es" a!d they dema!ded him 5hat he 5as" a!d he said that he 5as the messe! er of God" a!d a!o! they too4 him a!d cast him i! the s!o5" sayi! to himD Lie there" thou 6illai! messe! er of God1 -a!y !oble a!d u!!oble cler4s a!d layme! had despised the 5orld a!d be u! to follo5 him" a!d the holy father e!sei !ed a!d tau ht them the perfectio! of the ospel" 5hich 5as for to be i! po6erty" a!d that they should o by the 5ay of simple!ess1 +e 5rote the! a rule" after the ospel" to himself a!d his brethre!" had a!d to be had" 5hich (ope I!!oce!t co!firmed1 A!d from the! fortho! he be a! to spread more arde!tly the seeds of the ,ord of God" a!d 5e!t about cities a!d castles by a fer6e!t a!d mar6ellous desire1 There 5as a friar 5hich seemed out5ard of mar6ellous holi!ess" a!d 4ept sile!ce so straitly that he 5ould !ot be shri6e! by 5ords but by si !s" a!d e6ery ma! praised him as a sai!t1 This holy ma! 'ra!cis came thither a!d saidD Lea6e ye brethre! to praise him" for I shall !ot yet praise him lest it be by fei !tise of the de6il" let him be 5ar!ed to be shri6e! t5ice i! the 5ee4 by 5ord a!d spea4i! " a!d if he do it !ot" this is but temptatio! of the de6il a!d fraudulous deceit1 A!d the! the friars 5ar!ed him so to do" a!d he put his fi! er to his mouth" a!d shoo4 his head" a!d sho5ed that i! !o 5ise he 5ould co!fess him1 A!d a!o! after he retur!ed a ai! to 5orldly life as a hou!d to his 6omit" a!d 5e!t out of his order" a!d fi!ished his life i! si!ful acts a!d 5or4s1 O! a time S1 'ra!cis 5as 5eary of oi! " a!d rode upo! a! ass" a!d his fello5" o!e Leo!ard of Assisi" 5as also 5eary of oi! " a!d S1 'ra!cis be a! to thi!4 thus a!d to say i! himselfD +is 4i! a!d my 4i! 5ere !ot li4e" a!d i!co!ti!e!t he ali hted do5!" a!d said to the friarD It appertai!eth !ot to me to ride a!d thee to o afoot" for thou art more !oble tha! I am1 A!d the friar 5as abashed" a!d 4!eeled do5! a!d re<uired pardo!1 O! a time" as he passed by a place" a !oble lady ra! so hastily a ai!st him that she mi ht !ot spea4 for 5eari!ess" a!d he as4ed of her 5hat she 5ould1 A!d she saidD (ray for me" father" for I may !ot perform










the purpose of health 5hich I ha6e be u!" for my husba!d" 5hich letteth me" doth to me ma!y ad6ersities i! the ser6ice of God1 A!d he said to herD Go thy 5ay" dau hter" for thou shalt ha6e a!o! comfort of him" a!d say to thi!e husba!d" i! God>s !ame a!d mi!e" that !o5 is the time of health" a!d hereafter shall be time of e<uity a!d ri ht1 A!d 5he! she had said so to her husba!d" the ma! 5as sudde!ly cha! ed a!d a6o5ed to God co!ti!e!ce a!d chastity1 O! a time a poor labourer 5as almost lost i! a 5ood for thirst1 a!d this holy sai!t impetred a fou!tai! by his prayers1 +e said o! a time to a friar" that 5as familiar 5ith him" this secret 5hich 5as sho5ed to him by the +oly Ghost1 There is a ser6a!t of God li6i! i! the 5orld o! this day" for 5hose sa4e" as lo! as he shall li6e" our Lord shall suffer !o fami!e amo! the people1 9ut 5ithout doubt it is said that" 5he! he 5as dead all that co!ditio! 5as cha! ed to the co!trary" for after his blessed death he appeared to the same friar a!d said to himD LoI !o5 is the fami!e come" 5hich as lo! as I li6ed upo! earth" our Lord 5ould !ot suffer to come1 O! a! Easter day the friars Gree4 that 5ere i! desert had laid their table more curiously tha! i! a!other time" a!d had made ready the lasses a!d set them o! the board1 A!d 5he! S1 'ra!cis sa5 that he a!o! 5ithdre5 him" a!d set o! his head the hat of a poor ma! 5hich 5as there" a!d bare his staff i! his ha!d" a!d 5e!t out a!d abode at the ate1 A!d 5he! the friars ate at di!!er" he cried at the door that they should i6e for the lo6e of God a! alms to a poor sic4 ma!1 The! the poor ma! 5as called i! a!d e!tered a!d sat do5! alo!e upo! the earth" a!d set his dish i! the dust" 5hich 5he! the friars sa5 they 5ere abashed a!d 5ere sore a hast1 A!d he said to themD I see the table arrayed a!d ador!ed" a!d I 4!o5 5ell that it is !ot for poor me! that see4 their meat from door to door1 +e lo6ed po6erty i! himself a!d i! all others" so that he al5ays called po6erty his lady" but 5he! he sa5 o!e more poor tha! himself he had thereof e!6y" a!d doubted to be o6ercome of him1 O! a day he sa5 a poor 5oma! a!d he sho5ed her to his fello5 a!d saidD The po6erty of this 5oma! doth to us shame" a!d repro6eth stro! ly our po6erty" for" for my riches I ha6e chose! my lady po6erty" a!d she shi!eth more i! this 5oma! tha! i! me1 ,he! o! a time a poor ma! passed tofore him" a!d the holy ma! 5as mo6ed 5ith i!5ard compassio!" his fello5 said to himD Thou h this ma! be poor" perad6e!ture there is !ot a richer of his 5ill i! all the pro6i!ce1 The! S1 'ra!cis said to him a!o!D Despoil thee of thy coat a!d i6e it to the poor ma!" a!d 4!o5led e thyself culpable a!d 4!eel do5! to his feet" to 5hom a!o! he obeyed a!d did so1 O! a time three 5ome! li4e of 6isa e a!d all thi! s" a!d of habit" e!tered a!d met him" a!d saluted i! this ma!!erD ,elcome my lady po6erty" a!d a!o! they 6a!ished a5ay a!d 5ere !o more see!1 O! a time as he came to the city of AreHHo" a!d a mortal battle 5as mo6ed i! the city" this holy ma! sa5 5ithi! the bur h" o! the rou!d" the de6ils ma4i! =oy a!d 5ere lad1 The! he called his fello5 !amed Sil6ester" a!d said to himD Go to the ate of the city a!d comma!d to these de6ils i! God>s !ame" that is Almi hty" that they o out of the city1 The! he 5e!t hastily a!d cried stro! lyD All ye de6ils depart from he!ce i! the !ame of God a!d by the comma!dme!t of 'ra!cis our 'ather1 A!d they 5e!t a5ay" a!d the! the citiHe!s a!o! became to accord1 The foresaid Syl6ester 5he! he 5as yet a secular priest sa5 i! his sleep a olde! cross issue out of the mouth of S1 'ra!cis" of the 5hich the o6er e!d touched hea6e! a!d the arms of the cross stretched forth from that o!e to that other part of the 5orld1 The! this priest had compu!ctio! a!d left the 5orld" a!d follo5ed perfectly this holy ma! 'ra!cis1 A!d o! a time as this holy ma! 5as i! prayer" the de6il called him thrice by his o5! !ame" a!d 5he! the holy ma! had a!s5ered him" he saidD No!e i! this 5orld is so reat a si!!er" but if he co!6ert him our Lord 5ould pardo! him" but 5ho that slayeth himself by hard pe!a!ce shall !e6er fi!d mercy1 A!d a!o! this holy ma! 4!e5 by the re6elatio! the fallacy a!d deceit of the fie!d" ho5 he 5ould ha6e 5ithdra5! him for to do 5ell1 A!d 5he! the de6il sa5 that he mi ht !ot pre6ail a ai!st him" he tempted him by rie6ous temptatio! of the flesh" a!d 5he! this holy ser6a!t of God felt that" he despoiled him of his clothes a!d beat himself ri ht hard 5ith a hard cord" sayi! D Thus" brother ass" it beho6eth thee to remai! a!d to be beate!7 a!d 5he! the temptatio! departed !ot" he 5e!t out a!d plu! ed himself i! the s!o5 all !a4ed" a!d made se6e! reat balls of s!o5 a!d purposed to ha6e












ta4e! them i!to his body a!d saidD This reatest is thy 5ife" a!d of these four" t5o be thy dau hters" a!d t5o thy so!s" a!d the other t5ai!" that o!e thy chamberer" a!d that other thy 6arlet or yeoma!7 haste thee a!d clothe them" for they all die for cold" a!d if thy busi!ess that thou hast about them rie6e thee sore" the! ser6e our Lord perfectly1 A!d a!o! the de6il departed from them all co!fused" a!d S1 'ra!cis retur!ed a ai! i!to his cell lorifyi! God1 A!d as he d5elled o! a time 5ith Leo the cardi!al of S1 Cross" i! a !i ht the de6ils came to him a!d beat him ri ht rie6ously1 The! he called his fello5 a!d said to himD These be de6ils" =ailers of our Lord" 5hom he se!deth to pu!ish the e8cesses" but I ca! remember me of !o!e offe!ces that I ha6e do!e" but by the mercy of God I ha6e 5ashed them a5ay by satisfactio!1 9ut perad6e!ture he hath se!t me them because he 5ill !ot suffer me to fall" because I d5ell i! the courts of reat lords" 5hich thi! perad6e!ture e! e!dereth !ot ood suspectio! to my ri ht poor brethre!" 5hich suppose I abou!d i! delices1 A!d early i! the mor!i! he arose a!d departed the!ce1 O! a time" as he 5as i! his prayers" he sa5 upo! the co6eri! of the house assemblies a!d compa!ies of de6ils 5hich ra! hither a!d thither 5ith reat !oise" a!d he 5e!t out" a!d si !ed him 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d saidD I say to you i! the !ame of Almi hty God that ye de6ils do to my body all that is suffered to you to do" a!d I shall suffer it patie!tly1 'or I ha6e !o reater e!emy tha! my body" a!d ye shall a6e! e me of mi!e ad6ersary" 5hiles ye ta4e o! it 6e! ea!ce by my life1 The! they 6a!ished a5ay all co!fused1 There 5as a friar 5hich 5as fello5 of S1 'ra!cis 5as o! a time ra6ished" a!d sa5 i! spirit the lorious place i! hea6e!" 5herei! he sa5" amo! other seats" a ri ht !oble seat" shi!i! of more !oble lory tha! all the others1 A!d as he mar6elled for 5hom this !oble seat 5as 4ept" he heard that it 5as said that this seat belo! ed sometime to o!e of the pri!ces that fell" a!d is !o5 made ready to the mee4 a!d humble 'ra!cis1 A!d 5he! S1 'ra!cis issued from his prayers" that friar dema!ded himD 'ather" 5hat 5ee!est thou of thyselfE A!d he saidD I 5ee! that I am reatest of all si!!ers1 A!d a!o! the spirit came i!to the heart of the friar a!d saidD 9ehold 5hat 5as the 6isio! that thou sa5est" for humility shall lift up the most mee4 ma! u!to the seat lost by pride1 This holy ma! S1 'ra!cis sa5 i! a 6isio! abo6e him" Seraphi! crucified" the 5hich empri!ted i! him the si !s of his crucifyi! " that him seemed that he 5as crucified" a!d that i! his ha!ds" his feet" a!d i! his side" him seemed 5ere the si ! of the 5ou!ds of the crucifyi! " but he did hide these to4e!s as much as he mi ht" that !o ma! should see them1 A!d yet !e6ertheless some sa5 them i! his life" a!d at his death they 5ere see! of ma!y" a!d 5ere sho5ed by ma!y miracles that those si !s 5ere true1 Of 5hich miracles t5ai! shall suffice for to be set here1 There 5as a ma! !amed 3o ier" a!d 5as i! Apulia tofore the ima e of S1 'ra!cis" a!d be a! to thi!4 a!d sayD -ay this be true that this ma! 5as so e!!obled by such miracle" or 5as this a! illusio! or a! i!6e!tio! dissimuled of his brethre! the friarsE A!d as he thou ht this" he heard sudde!ly a sou!d li4e as a <uarel had bee! shot out of a! arbalaste or a crossbo5" a!d he felt him rie6ously hurt i! his left ha!d" but there appeared !o hurt i! his lo6e" a!d the! he too4 off his lo6e" a!d sa5 i! the palm of his ha!d a 5ou!d as it had bee! of a! arro5" out of 5hich 5ou!d there issued so reat pai! of ache a!d bur!i! " that almost he died for sorro5 a!d pai!1 A!d the! he repe!ted him" a!d said that he belie6ed ri ht 6erily the si !s a!d to4e!s of S1 'ra!cis7 a!d 5he! he had prayed by t5o days S1 'ra!cis by his holy si !s a!d sti mata" he 5as a!o! deli6ered of his pai! a!d made all 5hole1 I! the realm of Castile there 5as a ma! de6out to S1 'ra!cis 5hich 5e!t o! a time to compli!e to the church of S1 'ra!cis1 A!d me! lay i! a5ait for to slay him" a!d i!stead of a!other ma! he 5as ta4e! by error a!d i !ora!ce" a!d 5as 5ou!ded a!d left as half dead7 a!d after" the cruel murderer stuc4 his s5ord i! his throat" a!d left it therei!" a!d mi ht !ot dra5 it out" but 5e!t his 5ay1 A!d the! me! cried a!d ra! hither a!d thither" a!d the ma! 5as be5ailed li4e as he had bee! dead1 A!d 5he! they ra! to mati!s at mid!i ht at the church of the friars" the 5ife of the ma! be a! to cryD Arise up" sire" a!d o to mati!s" for the bell calleth thee1 A!d a!o! he lifted up his ha!d to sho5 that some ma! should ta4e a5ay the s5ord from his throat" a!d a!o! i! the si ht of them all the s5ord spra! out afar as it had bee! thro5! of a












stro! champio!" a!d a!o! the ma! arose perfectly 5hole" a!d said that S1 'ra!cis came to him a!d =oi!ed his sti matas to my 5ou!ds" a!d a!oi!ted them 5ith the s5eet!ess of his si !s a!d se5ed them to ether mar6ellously by his touchi! 1 A!d 5he! he 5ould ha6e o!e" I sho5ed him that he should ta4e a5ay the s5ord for else I should !ot co! spea4" a!d a!o! he too4 it out" a!d thre5 it a5ay far from him" a!d healed me 5ith touchi! my throat 5ith his si !s1 The t5o cler4s" reat lumi!aries of the 5orld" that is to say S1 Domi!ic a!d S1 'ra!cis" 5ere i! the city of 3ome tofore the Lord +ostie!ce" 5hich after5ard 5as pope of 3ome1 A!d this bishop said to themD ,herefore ma4e ye !ot of your friars bishops a!d prelates" 5hich should pre6ail more by teachi! a!d e8ample i6i! E A!d there 5as lo! co!te!tio! bet5ee! them 5ho should first a!s5er" a!d humility o6ercame 'ra!cis that he 5ould !ot spea4 tofore that other" a!d the! S1 Domi!ic humbly obeyed a!d saidD Sire" our brethre! be lifted up i! ood de ree if they 4!o5 it" a!d I shall !e6er suffer to my po5er that e6er they shall hope to ha6e a!y hi her di !ity1 After that a!s5ered S1 'ra!cisD Sire" my brethre! be called mi!ors" because they 5ould !ot be made reater1 A!d the blessed S1 'ra!cis full of ri ht reat simplicity admo!ished a!d 5ar!ed all creatures to lo6e their creator1 +e preached to birds a!d 5as heard of them" they suffered him to touch them" a!d 5ithout lice!ce they 5ould !ot retur! !e flee from him1 A!d o! a time 5he! he preached" the s5allo5s chittered a!d sa! " a!d a!o! by his comma!dme!t they 5ere still1 There 5as also" o! a time" a bird o! a fi :tree beside his cell 5hich sa! oft full s5eetly1 A!d S1 'ra!cis put forth his ha!d a!d called that bird" a!d a!o! the bird obeyed a!d came upo! his ha!d1 A!d he said to her" Si! my sister a!d praise thy Lord" a!d the! a!o! she sa! " a!d departed !ot till she had lice!ce1 +e spared to touch li hts" lamps" a!d ca!dles" because he 5ould !ot defile them 5ith his ha!ds1 +e 5e!t ho!ourably upo! the sto!es for the 5orship of him that 5as called Sto!e1 +e athered the small 5orms out of the 5ay because they should !ot be trodde! 5ith the feet of them that passed by1 +e comma!ded i! 5i!ter to i6e ho!ey u!to bees" that they should !ot perish for hu! er1 +e called all beasts his brethre!1 +e 5as reple!ished of mar6ellous =oy for the lo6e of his Creator1 +e beheld the su!" the moo!" a!d the stars" a!d summo!ed them to the lo6e of their -a4er1 +e defe!ded for to ma4e him a reat cro5!" sayi! D I 5ill that my simple brethre! ha6e part i! my head1 There 5as a secular ma! 5hich sa5 S1 'ra!cis" the ser6a!t of God" preachi! at S1 Se6eri!>s" a!d sa5 by re6elatio! of God" that S1 'ra!cis 5as stretched o! a cross made of t5o clear s5ords" of 5hich that o!e came from his head to his feet" a!d that other stretched from that o!e ha!d to that other" so that he !e6er had see! such a demo!stra!ce1 The! he 5as mo6ed i! his heart" a!d e!tered i!to the order" a!d fi!ished oodly his life1 O! a time" as S1 'ra!cis 5as sic4 o! his eyes for co!ti!ual 5eepi! " his brethre! said to him that he should refrai! him from 5eepi! " a!d he a!s5eredD The 6isitatio! of the li ht perdurable is !ot to be put a5ay for the li ht that 5e ha6e here 5ith the flies1 A!d 5he! his brethre! co!strai!ed him to ta4e a medici!e for his eyes" a!d the sur eo! held a bur!i! iro! i! his ha!d" the blessed 'ra!cis saidD -y brother fire" be thou to me i! this hour debo!air a!d curableD I pray to our Lord that made thee" that thou attemper my heat1 A!d the! he made the si ! of the cross a ai!st the fire" a!d the fiery iro! 5as put i! his te!der flesh from his ear u!to his eyelids" a!d he felt !o pai!1 +e 5as stro! ly sic4 i! the desert of S1 ?rba!" a!d 5he! he felt that !ature failed i! him he as4ed for to dri!4 5i!e" a!d there 5as !o!e1 A!d they brou ht to him 5ater" a!d he blessed it a!d made the si ! of the cross thereo!" a!d it 5as co!6erted a!d tur!ed i!to ri ht ood 5i!e1 A!d the holy ma! at of our Lord that 5hich the po6erty of the desert mi ht !ot et1 A!d as soo! as he had tasted it" he became stro! a!d 5as all 5hole1 +e had liefer hear blame of himself tha! praisi! " a!d for because that the people praised i! him a!ythi! of merit of holi!ess" he comma!ded to some brother to say to him i! his ear some 6illai!y i! blami! him a!d defouli! 1 A!d 5he! such a brother" so co!strai!ed a ai!st his 5ill" called him 6illai! mercha!t" a!d u!profitable fool" the! 5as he lad a!d blessed him" a!d saidD God bless thee" for thou sayest ri ht 6ery true 5ords" a!d this thi! appertai!eth to me for to hear1












A!d this holy S1 'ra!cis 5ould !e6er be more master !e o6er!or" but he 5ould be more sub=ect" !e so 5illi! ly comma!d as obey1 A!d therefore he left for to be e!eral" a!d dema!ded to be u!der the 5arde!" to 5hose 5ill he al5ays submitted himself i! all thi! s1 +e promised al5ays obedie!ce to the friar 5ith 5hom he 5e!t" a!d 4ept it1 ,he! a friar had do!e somethi! a ai!st the rule of obedie!ce" a!d had si ! of pe!a!ce" yet this holy S1 'ra!cis" for to fear others" comma!ded to cast the hood of him i!to the fire" a!d 5he! it had bee! a 5hile i! the fire" he comma!ded to ta4e it out a!d i6e it a ai! to the friar" a!d the hood " 5as ta4e! out of the fire 5ithout hurt1 +e 5e!t o! a time by the morass of Ve!ice a!d fou!d there a reat multitude of birds si! i! a!d he said to his fello5sD Our sisters" these birds" i6e laud to their -a4er" let us o i! the middle of them" a!d si! 5e our hours ca!o!ical to our Lord1 A!d they e!tered i! amo! them a!d they mo6ed !ot" but because they mi ht !ot hear each other for the chitteri! a!d !oise of birds he saidD -y sister birds" cease your so! s till 5e ha6e yielded u!to our Lord due praisi! s1 A!d the! they held them still" a!d 5he! they had fi!ished their lauds" he a6e to them lice!ce to si! a ai!" a!d a!o! they reprised their so! after their custom1 +e 5as o! a time harboured 5ith a 4!i ht" a!d S1 'ra!cis said to himD 9rother" fair host" a ree to that I shall say to thee" co!fess thy si!s" for thou shalt soo! eat i! a!other place1 A!d a!o! he ra!ted that to him" a!d ordai!ed for his mei!y" a!d too4 pe!a!ce of health1 A!d also soo! as they 5e!t to the table the host died sudde!ly1 O! a time he fou!d a reat multitude of birds" a!d the! he said to themD -y brethre!" ye ou ht stro! ly to praise a!d i6e laud to your -a4er 5hich hath clad you 5ith feathers a!d hath i6e! to you pe!s for to fly a!d hath ra!ted you the purity of the air a!d o6er!ed you 5ithout char e or busi!ess1 A!d the birds tur!ed their bea4s or bills to him a!d spread their 5i! s" a!d stretched their !ec4s a!d addressed their heads a!d beheld him i!te!tly1 A!d he passed forth by the middle of them so !i h that he touched them 5ith his coat" a!d !o!e of them arose out from his place till he a6e to them lea6e that they fle5 to ether1 O! a time 5he! he preached at the castle Almarye" a!d he mi ht !ot be heard for the s5allo5s 5hich made their !ests" to 5hom he saidD -y sister s5allo5s" it is time that I spea4" for ye ha6e said e!ou h" be ye !o5 still till the 5ord of God be accomplished1 A!d they obeyed a!d 5ere still a!o!1 A!d as this holy ma! S1 'ra!cis passed throu h Apulia" he fou!d i! his 5ay a purse full of mo!ey" a!d 5he! his fello5 sa5 it" they 5ould ha6e ta4e! it for to ha6e i6e! it to the poor people" but he 5ould !ot suffer him i! !o ma!!er" a!d said to himD So!" it appertai!eth !ot to thee to ta4e the oods of others1 A!d 5he! his fello5 hasted to ta4e it S1 'ra!cis prayed a little" a!d after" comma!ded him to ta4e the purse" 5hich the! fou!d therei! a reat adder" i!stead of mo!ey1 A!d 5he! the friar sa5 that he be a! to doubt" but he 5ould obey a!d too4 the purse i! his ha!ds" a!d there spra! out a!o! a serpe!t 6e!omous1 A!d the! S1 'ra!cis said to himD -o!ey is !o!e other thi! to the ser6a!t of God but the de6il" 5hich is a serpe!t 6e!omous1 There 5as a friar rie6ously tempted" a!d he be a! to thi!4 that if he had a!ythi! 5ritte! 5ith the ha!d of their father S1 'ra!cis" that that temptatio! should be chased a5ay a!o!" but he durst i! !o 5ise disco6er this thi! 1 O! a time S1 'ra!cis called him a!d saidD So!" bri! to me parchme!t a!d i!4" for I 5ill 5rite somethi! praisi! to God1 A!d 5he! he had 5ritte! he saidD Ta4e this charter a!d 4eep it u!to the day of thy death dili e!tly" a!d a!o! all his temptatio! 5e!t a5ay1 A!d the same friar" 5he! S1 'ra!cis lay sic4" be a! to thi!4D Our 'ather approacheth the death" a!d if I mi ht ha6e" after his death" his coat I should be reatly comforted1 A!d after this the sai!t called him a!d saidD I i6e to thee this my coat7 if thou ha6e thereto" after my death" plai! ri ht1 +e 5as lod ed o! a time i! Ale8a!dria" i! Lombardy" 5ith a! ho!est ma!" 5hich dema!ded him" if for the obser6a!ce of the ospel he should eat of all that 5hich 5as set tofore him" a!d he co!se!ted to the de6otio! of the host7 a!d the! the host did do ma4e ready a capo! of se6e! years old" a!d as they ate there came a! u!true ma! 5hich dema!ded












alms for the lo6e of God" a!d a!o! 5he! this blessed ma! heard that blessed !ame" he se!t to him a member of the capo!" a!d the cursed ma! 4ept it1 A!d o! the mor! 5he! the holy ma! preached" he sho5ed that piece of the capo!" a!d said" LoI see here 5hat flesh this friar eateth 5hom ye ho!our as a sai!t" for he a6e it to me yester e6e!" but this piece of the capo! 5as see! of all the people as it 5ere fish" a!d that ma! 5as blamed of all the people" a!d said that he 5as mad" a!d 5he! he u!derstood it" he 5as ashamed a!d dema!ded pardo!7 a!d 5he! this ma! came a ai! to his ood thou ht" the flesh retur!ed a ai! to his o5! 4i!d a!d form1 O! a time as he sat at the table" a!d collatio! 5as made of the po6erty of the 9lessed Vir i! our Lady" a!o! S1 'ra!cis arose a!d be a! to 5eep a!d sob sorro5fully" so that his 6isa e 5as all 5et of tears" a!d be a! to eat the rem!a!t of his bread upo! the rou!d1 +e 5ould also that ri ht reat re6ere!ce should be do!e to the ha!ds of priests" to 5hom 5as i6e! po5er to sacre the blessed sacrame!t of our Lord1 A!d the! he said oftD If it happed me to meet a!y sai!t comi! from hea6e!" a!d also a poor priest" I 5ould first o 4iss the priest>s ha!ds" a!d 5ould say to the sai!tD +oly sai!t" abide a 5hile" for the ha!ds of this priest ha6e ha!dled the so! of life" a!d hath performed a thi! abo6e huma!ity1 +e 5as e!!obled i! his life by ma!y miracles" for the bread that 5as brou ht to him to bless a6e health to ma!y sic4 me!1 +e co!6erted the 5ater i!to 5i!e" of 5hich a sic4 ma! a!o! tasted a!d recei6ed a!o! health" a!d also did ma!y other miracles1 A!d 5he! his last days approached" a!d he 5as rie6ed by lo! i!firmity7 the! he made himself to be laid upo! the bare rou!d" a!d did do call all the friars that 5ere there" a!d 5he! they 5ere all prese!t he blessed them1 A!d li4e as our Lord fed his disciples at supper o! Shere:thursday" he a6e to each of them a morsel of bread" a!d 5ar!ed them" as he 5as 5o!t to do" to i6e laud to their -a4er1 A!d the 6ery death 5hich is to all me! horrible a!d hateful" he admo!ished them to praise it" a!d also he 5ar!ed a!d admo!ished death to come to him" a!d saidD Death" my sister" 5elcome be thou7 a!d 5he! he came at the last hour" he slept i! our Lord1 Of 5hom a friar sa5 the soul i! the ma!!er of a star" li4e to the moo! i! <ua!tity" a!d to the su! i! clear!ess1 There 5as a friar !amed Au usti!" 5hich 5as mi!ister a!d ser6a!t i! the labour of the earth" a!d as he 5as i! his last e!d" a!d had lost his speech" he escried sudde!ly a!d saidD Abide me" father" abide" I shall o 5ith thee1 The! the friars dema!ded him 5hat he said" a!d he saidD See ye !ot our father 'ra!cis that oeth u!to hea6e!" a!d a!o! he slept i! peace" a!d follo5ed his holy father1 A lady 5hich had bee! de6out to the blessed 'ra!cis died" a!d the cler4s a!d priests 5ere at the bier for to si! the e8e<uies of her1 She arose up sudde!ly off the bier" a!d called o!e of the priests that 5ere there a!d saidD 'ather" I 5ould co!fess me7 I 5as dead" a!d should ha6e bee! put i! a cruel priso!" because I had !ot shri6e! me of a si! that I shall say" but S1 'ra!cis prayed for me" that this co!fessed a!d sho5ed I shall ha6e for i6e!ess" a!d a!o! as I shall ha6e said a!d co!fessed it to thee I shall rest i! peace tofore you all1 A!d the! she 5as co!fessed a!d assoiled" a!d rested a!o! i! our Lord1 The friars of Viterbo 5ould ha6e borro5ed a cart of a ma!" a!d he a!s5ered i! despiteD I had liefer see t5o of you flayed 5ith S1 'ra!cis tha! I should le!d you my cart" but he came a ai! to himself a!d repro6ed himself" a!d repe!ted him of the blame that he had said" a!d doubted the ire of God1 A!d a!o! his so! 5as sic4 a!d died" a!d 5he! he sa5 his so! dead he slept o! the earth 5eepi! " a!d called S1 'ra!cis a!d saidD I am he that si!!ed" thou shouldest ha6e beate! me" i6e a ai! to me" holy sai!t" prayi! de6outly to thee" 5hom thou hast ta4e! a5ay from me" blami! thee a!d blasphemi! 5ic4edly1 A!d a!o! his so! re6i6ed a!d saidD ,he! I 5as dead S1 'ra!cis led me by a lo! 5ay a!d dar4" a!d at the last he brou ht me u!to a ri ht fair ree!" a!d after said to meD 3etur! to thy father" I 5ill !o lo! er hold thee1 There 5as a poor ma! 5hich o5ed u!to a certai! rich ma! a <ua!tity of mo!ey" a!d prayed him" for the lo6e of S1 'ra!cis" he 5ould prolo! the term of payme!t1 To 5hom he a!s5ered proudlyD I shall set thee i! such a place that !either 'ra!cis !e !o!e other shall help thee1 A!d a!o! he too4 a!d bou!d him" a!d set him i! a dar4 priso!" a!d a!o! after" S1 'ra!cis came thither a!d bra4e up the priso!" a!d loosed his bo!ds a!d brou ht the ma! all safely to his o5! house1 There 5as a 4!i ht 5hich detracted the 5or4s a!d miracles of S1 'ra!cis" a!d o! a time as he played at the dice" he bei! all e!ra ed" a!d full of 5ood!ess a!d cruel!ess" said to them that stood by himD lf S1 'ra!cis be a sai!t" let come ei htee! o! the dice" a!d a!o! came i! three dice i! each of them si8" a!d so it appeared !i!e times" at e6ery time three si8es at each cast" a!d the! he ad=ousti! 5ood!ess to 5ood!ess" he saidD If it be true that 'ra!cis be a sai!t" let a s5ord ri6e me throu h my body this day" a!d if he be !o sai!t" that it escape safely1 A!d 5he! the playi! at dice 5as e!ded" because he had made that prayer i! si!" he said i!=ury to his !ephe5" a!d he too4 his s5ord a!d stac4 it throu h his belly a!d sle5 him a!o!1












There 5as a ma! that had lost his thi h that he could !ot mo6e it" a!d cried to S1 'ra!cis thus" sayi! D +elp me" S1 'ra!cis" remember thee of the de6otio! a!d of the ser6ice that I ha6e do!e to thee" for I carried thee upo! mi!e ass" a!d 4issed thy feet" a!d thy ha!ds" a!d !o5 I die for pai! of this ri ht hard torme!t1 The! the holy ma! appeared to him 5ith a little staff that he held" 5hich had the si ! of Thau" a!d touched there5ith the place of his pai!" a!d the postume bra4e" a!d he recei6ed a!o! full health" but the si ! of Thau abode al5ay i! the same place1 ,ith that si ! S1 'ra!cis 5as 5o!t al5ays to si ! his letters1 There 5as a maid 5hich d5elled i! the mou!tai!s of Apulia i! a castle" a!d her father a!d mother !e had but o!ly this dau hter" a!d she died" a!d her mother 5as much de6out to5ard S1 'ra!cis" but the! she 5as full of hea6i!ess" a!d S1 'ra!cis appeared to her a!d saidD ,eep !o more" for the li ht of thy la!ter! is <ue!ched" a!d it appertai!eth !ot that I yield her a ai! to thee by thy prayer1 9ut yet the mother had affia!ce a!d trust i! the sai!t" a!d 5ould !ot suffer to bear a5ay the body" but i! calli! S1 'ra!cis" she too4 her dau hter that 5as dead a!d raised her up ali6e a!d 5hole1 There 5as a little child i! 3ome falle! out of a 5i!do5 to the rou!d a!d died forth5ith" a!d they called to S1 'ra!cis for help" a!d he 5as a!o! restored to life1 I! the city of Suessa" it happed that a house fell a!d sle5 a child" a!d 5he! they had put the corpse i! a chest for to bury" the mother called o! S1 'ra!cis 5ith all her de6otio!" a!d about mid!i ht the child cou hed a!d arose all 5hole" a!d be a! to praise God1 'riar James of 3eate! had passed a flood i! a 6essel 5ith other friars 5hich 5ere set ala!d" a!d he hasted so sore after to o out because he 5as last" a!d the ship recoiled bac45ard i!to the 5ater" so that he fell do5! i!to the deepest of the flood" a!d the! all the friars prayed S1 'ra!cis for him" a!d he himself" as he mi ht" 5ith li4e de6otio!" called the holy sai!t u!to his aid a!d help" i! his heart" a!d that same friar be a! to o i! the bottom of the 5ater" as dry as he had o!e o! the earth" a!d cau ht the boat" 5hich 5as dro5!ed" a!d brou ht it to the ba!4" a!d came up 5ithout 5etti! of his clothes that he 5are" !e !e6er drop of 5ater touched his coat !e 5et !othi! o! him1 The! let us de6outly pray this holy father" S1 'ra!cis" to be our succour a!d aid i! our ad6ersities a!d perils" a!d help" that by his merits 5e may after this short life come i!to e6erlasti! life i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Pela(ie##e. a#d fir t of her #a%e"







(ela ie!!e is said of pela us" 5hich is as much to say as the sea" for as i! the sea all 5aters abou!d" i! li4e 5ise abou!ded she i! the sea of this 5orld of all riches" a!d of delices1 She 5as the sea of i!i<uity a!d the flood of si!s" but she plu! ed after i!to the sea of tears" a!d 5ashed her i! the flood of baptism1 Of *" Pela(ie##e"





(ela ie!!e 5as the foremost a!d !oblest of the 5ome! of A!tioch" full of riches i! all thi! s1 She 5as ri ht fair of body" !oble of habit" 6ai! a!d 6ariable of coura e" a!d !ot chaste of body1 O! a time as she 5e!t throu h the city 5ith reat pride a!d ambitio!" that there 5as !othi! see! o! her but old a!d sil6er a!d precious sto!es" a!d o6er all 5hereas she 5e!t she filled the air 5ith di6ers odours a!d s5eet smells" a!d tofore a!d after her 5e!t a reat multitude of you! me! a!d maide!s" 5hich 5ere also clad 5ith ri ht !oble 6esture a!d rich1 A!d a holy father 5hich 5as !amed No!!o!" bishop of +eliopolis" 5hich !o5 is called Damietta" passed throu h the city a!d sa5 her1 The! he be a! to 5eep ri ht bitterly because she had more care to please the 5orld tha! she had to please God7 a!d the! fell do5! upo! the pa6eme!t a!d smote the earth 5ith his 6isa e" a!d 5et it 5ith his tears" a!d saidD O most hi h God" ha6e pity o! me" si!!er" the adorm!e!ts a!d array of o!e commo! 5oma! hath surmou!ted i! o!e day all the 5isdom of all my life1 O Lord" let !ot the array of o!e 5oma! of folly co!fou!d me tofore the si ht of thy dreadful ma=esty1 She hath arrayed herself 5ith hi h study" a!d all her mi ht for earthly thi! s" a!d I had purposed" Lord" to ha6e pleased thee" but I ha6e !ot accomplished it because of my !e li e!ce1 The! he said to them that 5ere 5ith himD I! truth I say to you that God shall set this 5oma! i! 5it!ess a ai!st us i! the doom" because that she so busily pai!teth her for to please 5orldly frie!ds a!d lo6ers" 5he! 5e be !e li e!t for to please the hea6e!ly spouse" our Lord God1 A!d 5he! he had said these" or semblable 5ords" he fell sudde!ly asleep" a!d him seemed that a foul do6e or blac4 cul6er fle5 about

him 5hilst he 5as at mass at the altar1 A!d 5he! he comma!ded that they that 5ere !ot baptiHed should depart a!d o their 5ay" this do6e departed a!o! a!d came a ai! after the mass" a!d 5as plu! ed i! a 6essel full of 5ater" a!d 5e!t out all clea! a!d 5hite" a!d fle5 up so hi h that she mi ht !ot be see!" a!d the! he a5o4e1

O! a time 5he! he preached i! a church (ela ie!!e 5as prese!t1 She the! became so repe!ta!t that she se!t him a lettter by a messe! er thus sayi! D To the holy bishop of Jesu Christ" (ela ie!!e" disciple of the de6il" etc1 If thou art 6erily the disciple of Jesu Christ" the 5hich" as I ha6e heard said" desce!ded from hea6e! for the si!!ers" 6ouchsafe to recei6e me" repe!ta!t si!ful 5oma!1 To 5hom the bishop se!t a ai!D I pray thee !ot to tempt my humility" for I am a si!ful ma!1 If thou desirest to be sa6ed" thou mayst !ot see me alo!e" but amo! other me! thou shalt see me1 The! she came to him tofore ma!y" a!d too4 his feet" a!d most bitterly 5eepi! " she saidD I am (ela ie!!e" the sea of i!i<uity" flood of si!s" the s5allo5 of perditio!" a!d the de6ourer of souls1 I ha6e decei6ed ma!y by deceits 5hich !o5 all I abhor1 The! the bishop dema!ded her" sayi! D ,hat is thy !ameE She saidD I ha6e bee! called from my birth (ela ie!!e" but for the pomp of my clothi! me! call me -ar aret1 The! the bishop recei6ed her be!i !ly" a!d e!=oi!ed to her healthful pe!a!ce" a!d i!formed her i! the dread of God dili e!tly" a!d re e!erated her by holy baptism1 The de6il the! cried there" sayi! D O 5hat 6iole!ce I suffer of this old ser6a!t of God1 O 6iole!ce" O e6il old a e" accursed be the day i! 5hich thou 5ert bor! co!trary to me" for thou hast ta4e! a5ay my reatest hope1 O! a !i ht" 5hilst (ela ie!!e slept" the de6il came to her a!d a5o4e her" a!d saidD Lady -ar aret" 5hat harm did I e6er to theeE +a6e I !ot ador!ed thee i! all riches a!d i! all loryE I pray thee tell me 5herei! I ha6e a! ered thee" a!d I shall ame!d it a!o!1 I re<uire thee" lea6e me !ot lest I be made reproach u!to the christia! people1 A!d the! she blessed her a!d ble5 o! him" a!d the de6il 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d the third day after" she assembled all the oods that she had a!d a6e it to the poor people for the lo6e of God1 A!d a little 5hile after she fled a5ay by !i ht" 5ithout 4!o5led e of a!y perso!" a!d too4 the habit of a hermit a!d set herself i! a little cell" a!d there ser6ed our Lord i! much reat absti!e!ce1 A!d 5as of much reat a!d ood re!omee u!to all the people" a!d led a ri ht holy life a!d ood" a!d 5as called brother (ela ie!1 After" a deaco! of the same bishop that had baptiHed her" 5e!t to Jerusalem for to 6isit there the holy places1 The! that bishop said to him that" after the 6isitatio! of the holy places he should see4 a mo!4 that 5as !amed (ela ie!" a!d that he should 6isit him" for he should fi!d there the true ser6a!t of our Lord" a!d so he did1 A!d a!o! she 4!e5 him" but he 4!e5 her !ot for the reat lea!!ess that she had1 A!d (ela ie! dema!ded himD +a6e ye a bishopE A!d he saidD ;ea" lady1 A!d she said to himD Say to him that he pray for me" for truly he is the apostle of Jesu Christ1 A!d the! the priest departed a!d came a ai! the third day" but 5he! he came he 4!oc4ed at the door of the cell a!d !o!e a!s5ered" he ope!ed the 5i!do5 a!d sa5 that she 5as dead1 The! he came a!d told it to the bishop1 The! the bishop a!d the cler y a!d all the mo!4s assembled for to do the e8e<uies for this holy ma!" a!d 5he! they had ta4e! the body out of the cell" they fou!d that she 5as a 5oma!1 A!d the! they mar6elled reatly" a!d a6e tha!4i! s u!to God" a!d buried the body much ho!ourably the ei hth day of October" the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d four score1 Here followeth of *" Mar(aret. aid Pela(ie#. a#d fir t of her #a%e"









This 6ir i! -ar aret had t5ai! !ames7 she 5as called -ar aret a!d (ela ie!1 I!somuch as she 5as !amed -ar aret" she is al5ays li4e!ed to a flo5er" for she had i! her" flo5er of her 6ir i!ity1 A!d i! that she 5as called (ela ie!" she mi ht be said of pe!a" pai!" a!d le o" le is" to ather1 'or she athered pai! i! ma!y ma!!ers i! the reli io! 5here she put herself as a ma! for to 4eep to God her 6lr i!ity1 Of *" Mar(aret. otherwi e Pela(ie#" -ar aret" other5ise called (ela ie! 5as a ri ht !oble 6ir i!" ri ht rich a!d ri ht fair" a!d 5as much !obly 4ept by the dili e!ce of her frie!ds1 'or she 5as i!structed i! ood ma!!ers" a!d she 5as e!te!ti6e to 4eep chastity" a!d ho!est i! such 5ise that she refused to be see! of all me! i! a!y ma!!er1 A!d at the last she 5as re<uired to marria e of a !oble you! ma!" a!d by the accord of o!e a!d other of each other>s frie!ds" all thi! s !ecessary to the 5eddi! 5ere made ready a!d had 5ith much reat lory of









riches a!d delices1 A!d 5he! the day of 5eddi! came" that the you! li! s a!d maide!s 5ere assembled i! ri ht reat !oblesse tofore the chamber" a!d the fathers a!d the mothers made reat feast for the marria e 5ith reat =oy" the 6ir i! 5as i!spired of God that the dama e of her 6ir i!ity 5as brou ht by so reat harmful e!=oyi! " a!d stretched her to the earth sore 5eepi! " a!d be a! to thi!4 i! her heart the recompe!se of her 6ir i!ity" a!d the sorro5s that follo5 of marria e" a!d reputed all the =oys of the 5orld as ordure a!d filth1 A!d that !i ht she 4ept her from the compa!y of her husba!d" a!d at mid!i ht she comme!ded her to God" a!d cut off her hair" a!d clad her i! the habit of a ma!" a!d fled from the!ce to a mo!astery of mo!4s" a!d did do call her brother (ela ie!1 A!d there 5as recei6ed of the abbot" a!d dili e!tly i!structed a!d tau ht" a!d she held herself there holily a!d reli iously1 A!d 5he! the prior" 5hich 5as thereby" of !u!s 5as dead" by co!se!t of the abbot a!d of the a!cie!t me!" she 5as set to be master of the abbey of !u!s" ho5beit that she refused it stro! ly1 A!d as she admi!istered !ot o!ly their !ecessaries but also food to the soul co!ti!ually 5ithout blame" the de6il had e!6y of her" a!d thou ht he mi ht occupy her ood time by some ob=ectio! of si!1 A!d a 6ir i! 5hich 5as d5elli! 5ithout the ates had si!!ed i! lechery by the i!timatio! of the de6il" a!d 5he! her belly arose so that she mi ht !ot hide it" all the 6ir i!s 5ere so afraid a!d so shamefaced" a!d also the mo!4s of either mo!astery" that they 5ist !ot 5hat to do" a!d supposed 6erily that (ela ie!" 5hich 5as pro6ost" a!d also familiar 5ith the 5oma!" had do!e this deed" a!d so co!dem!ed him 5ithout =ud me!t1 A!d the! he 5as put out a!d 5ist !ot 5hy" a!d 5as closed i! a pit 5ithi! a roc41 A!d the! he that 5as most cruel of all the mo!4s" 5as ordai!ed for to mi!ister him" 5hich ser6ed him 5ith barley bread a!d 5ater" a!d that i! ri ht little <ua!tity1 A!d 5he! the mo!4s had e!closed him they departed a!d left (ela ie! there alo!e1 A!d she 5as !ot troubled i! a!y ma!!er" but e6er tha!4ed God" a!d comforted herself i! her co!ti!e!ce by the e!sample of holy sai!ts1 At the last 5he! she 4!e5 that her e!d approached" she 5rote letters u!to the abbot a!d to the mo!4s i! this 5ise1 I" of !oble li!ea e" 5as called -ar aret i! the 5orld" but for I 5ould esche5 the temptatio!s of the 5orld" I called myself (ela ie!1 I am a ma!1 I ha6e !ot li6ed for to decei6e" but I ha6e sho5ed that I ha6e the 6irtue of a ma!" a!d ha6e 6irtue of the si! 5hich 5as put o! me" a!d I i!!oce!t thereof ha6e do!e the pe!a!ce" therefore I re<uire you" forasmuch as I am !ot 4!o5! for a 5oma!" that the holy sisters may bury me" so that the demo!stra!ce of me dyi! may be the clea!si! of my li6i! " a!d that the 5ome! may 4!o5 that I am a 6ir i! 5hom they =ud ed for adulterer1 A!d 5he! they heard hereof the mo!4s a!d the !u!s ra! u!to the pit i! 5hich she 5as e!closed" a!d the 5ome! the! had 4!o5led e that she 5as a 5oma!" a!d 6ir i! 5ithout touchi! of ma!1 A!d the! they 5ere pe!ite!t" a!d had reat repe!ta!ce of that 5hich they had do!e" a!d buried her i! the church amo! the 6ir i!s ho!ourably1 Here followeth of *" Thai or Thai i . a#d fir t of her #a%e"

Thais is said of taphos" that is to say death" for she 5as cause of the death of ma!y that died for her i! si!1 Or she is said of thalos" that is to say deli ht" for she 5as delicious to me!" a!d accomplished all 5orldly deli hts" or she is said of thalamo" that is 5ill or affectio! of martia e" for at the last she had 5ill to be married to God by reat pe!a!ce1 Of *" Thai i " Thaisis" as it is read i! Vitas (atrum" 5as a commo! 5oma!" a!d of so reat beauty that ma!y follo5ed her" a!d sold all their substa!ce" that they came u!to the utterest po6erty1 A!d they that 5ere her lo6ers fou ht for her" a!d stro6e for =ealousy" so that they other5hile sle5 each other" a!d thereof her house 5as oft full of blood of you! me! that dre5 to her1 ,hich thi! came to the 4!o5led e of a holy abbot !amed (afu!tius" a!d he too4 o! him secular habit" a!d a shilli! i! his purse" a!d 5e!t to her i! a city of E ypt" a!d a6e to her a shilli! " that is to say t5el6e pe!ce" as it had bee! cause for to si! 5ith her1 A!d 5he! she had ta4e! this mo!ey" she said to himD Let us e!ter i!to the chamber here 5ithi!1 A!d 5he! they 5ere both e!tered i!to the chamber" she said to him that he should o i!to the bed" 5hich 5as preciously ador!ed 5ith clothes7 the! said he to herD If there be a!y more secret place here" let us o thereto7 a!d the! she led him i!to di6ers secret places7 a!d he said al5ays he doubted to be see!1 A!d she said to himD There is 5ithi! a place 5here !o ma! e!tereth" a!d there shall !o ma! see us but God" a!d if thou dread him there is !o place that may be hid from him1 A!d 5he! the old ma! heard that" he said to herD A!d 4!o5est thou that there is a GodE A!d she a!s5eredD I 4!o5 that there is a God" a!d a realm of a to:comi! 5orld" for them that shall be sa6ed" a!d also torme!ts i! hell for si!!ers1 A!d he said to herD












If thou 4!o5est this" 5herefore hast thou lost so ma!y soulsE A!d thou shalt !ot o!ly i6e accou!ts for thi!e o5! si!" but thou must rec4o! them that by thee ha6e si!!ed1 A!d 5he! she heard this" she 4!eeled do5! to the feet of the abbot (afu!tius" a!d sore 5eepi! " she prayed him to recei6e her to pe!a!ce" sayi! D 'ather" I ac4!o5led e me pe!ite!t a!d co!trite" a!d trust 6erily by thy prayer that I shall ha6e remissio! a!d for i6e!ess of my si!s1 I as4 of thee but the space of three hours" a!d after that I shall o 5hithersome6er thou 5ilt" a!d shall do that 5hich thou shalt comma!d me1 A!d 5he! he had i6e! to her that term a!d assi !ed her 5hither she should come" the! she too4 all those oods that she had 5o! 5ith si!" a!d brou ht them i!to the middle of the city tofore the people" a!d bur!t them i! the fire" sayi! D Come ye forth all that ha6e si!!ed 5ith me" a!d see ye ho5 I bur! that 5hich ye ha6e i6e! to me1 A!d the 6alue of the oods that she bur!t 5as of fi6e hu!dred pou!ds of old1 A!d 5he! she had all bur!t it" she 5e!t to the place 5hich the abbot had assi !ed to her1 A!d there 5as a mo!astery of 6ir i!s" a!d there he closed her i! a cell" a!d sealed the door 5ith lead1 A!d the cell 5as little a!d strai ht" a!d but o!e little 5i!do5 ope!" by 5hich 5as mi!istered of her poor li6i! 1 'or the abbot comma!ded that they should i6e to her a little bread a!d 5ater1 A!d 5he! the abbot should depart" Thaisis said to himD 'ather" 5here shall I shed the 5ater" a!d that 5hich shall come from the co!duits of !atureE A!d he said to herD I! thy cell" as thou art 5orthy1 A!d the! she dema!ded ho5 she should pray" a!d he a!s5eredD Thou art !ot 5orthy to !ame God" !e that the !ame of the Tri!ity be i! thy mouth" !e stretch thy ha!ds to hea6e!" because thy lips be full of i!i<uities" a!d thi!e ha!ds full of e6il attouchi! s" a!d foul ordures" but loo4 o!ly to5ards the east a!d say oft of these 5ordsD Gui plasmasti me" miserere mei" Lord that hast formed me" ha6e mercy o! me1 A!d 5he! she had bee! there three years closed" the abbot (afu!tius remembered a!d sorro5ed" a!d 5e!t to the abbot A!tho!y for to re<uire of him if God had for i6e! her her si!s1 A!d the cause told" S1 A!tho!y called his disciples a!d comma!ded them that they should all 5a4e that !i ht a!d be i! prayer so that God should declare to some of them the cause 5hy the abbot (afu!tius 5as come1 A!d the! as they prayed 5ithout ceasi! " the abbot (aul" the reatest disciple of S1 A!tho!y" sa5 sudde!ly i! hea6e! a bed arrayed 5ith precious 6estme!ts" 5hich three 6ir i!s arrayed" 5ith clear 6isa es1 A!d these three 6ir i!s 5ere !amed" the first 5as Dread 5hich dre5 Thaisis from e6il" a!d the seco!d Shame of the si!s that she committed" a!d that made her to deser6e pardo!" a!d the third 5as Lo6e of 3i hteous!ess" 5hich brou ht her to hi h so6erei ! place1 A!d 5he! (aul had said to him that the race of this 6isio! 5as o!ly by the merits of S1 A!tho!y" a oodly 6oice a!s5ered that it 5as !ot o!ly by the merits of A!tho!y" his father" but by the merit of Thaisis" the si!!er1 A!d o! the mor! 5he! the abbot (aul recou!ted his 6isio!" a!d they had 4!o5! the 5ill of God" the abbot (afu!tius departed 5ith reat =oy a!d 5e!t a!o! to the mo!astery 5here she 5as" a!d ope!ed the door of the cell1 A!d she prayed him that she mi ht yet abide there e!closed i!" a!d the abbot said to her" Issue a!d o out" for God hath for i6e! to thee thy si!s1 A!d she a!s5eredD I ta4e God to 5it!ess that sith I e!tered herei! I ha6e made of all my si!s a sum" a!d ha6e set them tofore mi!e eyes" a!d li4e as the breath departeth !ot from the mouth a!d the !ostrils" so the si!s departed !e6er from mi!e eyes" but al5ays ha6e be5ept them1 To 5hom the abbot (afu!tius saidD God hath !ot pardo!ed thee thy si!s for thy pe!a!ce" but because that thou hast had al5ays dread i! thy coura e1 A!d he too4 her out from the!ce" a!d she li6ed after" fiftee! days" a!d the! she rested i! our Lord1 The abbot Effrem co!6erted i! li4e 5ise a!other commo! 5oma!" for 5he! that commo! 5oma! 5ould ha6e dra5! S1 Effrem for to ha6e si!!ed disho!estly" he said to herD 'ollo5 me" a!d she follo5ed1 A!d 5he! they came i! a place 5here a reat multitude of me! 5ere" he said to her" Sit do5! here" that I may ha6e to do 5ith thee7 a!d she saidD +o5 may I do this amo! so reat multitude of people here sta!di! E A!d he said" If thou be ashamed of the people" thou ou htest to ha6e reater shame of God 5hich seeth all thi! s hid" a!d she 5e!t a5ay all ashamed1 Here followeth the Life of *" De#i . a#d fir t of hi #a%e"



De!is is as much to say as hastily fleei! " or De!is is said of dia" 5hich is as much to say as t5o" a!d !ysus" 5hich is to say lift up" for he 5as lifted up after t5o thi! s" that is" after the body a!d after the soul1 Or De!is may be said of Dia!a" that is Ve!us" the oddess of beauty" a!d of sios" that is to say God" as 5ho saith" he is fair to God7 or as some say he is said of Dio!isia" that is" after Isidore" a precious sto!e blac4" 5hich is ood a ai!st dru!4e!!ess1 +e 5as hasty i! fleei! the 5orld by perfect re!u!ciatio!1 +e 5as lift up by co!templatio! of thi! s 5ithi! forth" he 5as fair to God by beauty of 6irtues1 +e profited to si!!ers a ai!st dru!4e!!ess of 6ices" a!d he had ma!y !ames tofore his co!6ersio!" for he 5as called




Areopa ita" for the street that he d5elled i!1 +e 5as called Theosophus" that is to say 5ise to God1 Also of the 5ise me! of Greece" he is said u!to this day (teri io!tu6ra!i" that is to say" the 5i! of hea6e!" for he fle5 mar6ellously 5ith the 5i! of spiritual u!dersta!di! i!to hea6e!1 Also he 5as said -acarius" that is" blessed1 Also he 5as said of his cou!try lo!icus1 Io!ica" as saith (apias" is o!e of the la! ua es of Gree4s1 Or Io!ices be said a ma!!er of rou!d pillars1 Or Io!icum is said a foot of 6ersifyi! 5hich hath t5o syllables short a!d t5ai! lo! 1 9y 5hich he is sho5ed that he 5as 5ise a!d 4!o5i! God by i!<uisitio! of thi! s pri6y a!d hid" 5i! of hea6e! by lo6e of thi! s celestial" a!d blessed by possessio! of e6erlasti! oods1 9y other thi! s it is sho5ed that he 5as a mar6ellous rhetoricia! by elo<ue!ce" a sustai!er a!d a bearer up of the church by doctri!e" short to himself by humility" a!d lo! to others by charity1 S1 Austi! saith i! the ei hth boo4 of the City of God that Io!i<ue is a 4i!d of philosophers" Italia!" 5hich be to5ards Italy" a!d lo!ia! 5hich be of the parts of Greece" a!d because that De!is 5as a so6erei ! philosopher he 5as !amed Io!icus1 A!d -ethodius of Co!sta!ti!opIe i!dited his life a!d his passio! i! Gree4ish to! ue" a!d A!astasius i! Lati!" 5hich 5as a 5riter of the 9ible of the church of 3ome" as +i!cmar" bishop of 3heims" saith1 Of *" De#i " S1 De!is Areopa ite 5as co!6erted to the faith of Jesu Christ of S1 (aul the apostle1 A!d he 5as called Areopa ite of the street that he d5elled i!1 A!d i! that street called Areopa e 5as the temple of -ars" for they of Athe!s !amed e6ery street of the ods that they 5orshipped i! the same" a!d that street that they 5orshipped i! the od -ars" they called Areopa e" for Areo is to say -ars" a!d pa us is a street" a!d 5here they 5orshipped (a!" they !amed (a!opa e" a!d so of all other streets1 Areopa e 5as the most e8celle!t street" because that the !oble me! hau!ted it" a!d therei! 5ere the scholars of the arts liberal" a!d De!is d5elled i! that street" 5hich 5as a ri ht reat philosopher1 A!d forasmuch as the pla!t of 5isdom of the deity 5as i! him he 5as called Theosophus" that is to say" 4!o5i! God1 A!d o!e Apollopha!es 5as his fello5 i! philosophy1 There 5ere also Epicurea!s" 5hich said that all felicity of ma! 5as i! o!ly deli ht of the body1 A!d Stoics" 5hich held opi!io! that it 5as i! the o!ly 6irtue of coura e1 A!d the! o! the day of the passio! of our Lord 5he! dar4!ess 5as upo! the u!i6ersal 5orld" the philosophers that 5ere at Athe!s could !ot fi!d i! causes !atural the cause of that dar4!ess1 A!d it 5as !o !atural eclipse" for the moo! 5as the! from the su!" a!d 5as fiftee! days old" a!d so 5as i! a perfect dista!ce from the su!" a!d !e6ertheless a! eclipse ta4eth !ot a5ay the li ht i! the u!i6ersal parts of the 5orld" a!d it may !ot e!dure three hours lo! 1 A!d it appeareth that this eclipse too4 a5ay all the li ht" by that 5hich S1 Lu4e saith that" our Lord suffered i! all his members7 a!d because that the eclipse 5as i! +eliopolis" i! E ypt" a!d 3ome a!d i! Greece1 A!d Orosius saith that it 5as i! Greece" a!d i! the e!d of Asia the less" a!d saith that 5he! our Lord 5as !ailed to the cross there 5as a ri ht reat trembli! a!d earth<ua6e throu h the 5orld1 The roc4s 5ere cut asu!der" a!d the mou!tai!s clo6e!" ri ht reat floods fell i! ma!y parts" more tha! they 5ere 5o!t to do" a!d that day" from the si8th hour u!to the !i!th hour" the su! lost his si ht throu hout all the la!ds of the u!i6ersal 5orld1 A!d i! that !i ht there 5as !o star see! i! all E ypt" a!d this remembereth De!is to Apollopha!es" sayi! i! his epistleD The 5orld 5as dar4 commo!ly of obscurity of dar4!ess" a!d after the o!ly diameter retur!ed pur ed" a!d 5he! he had fou!d that the su! mi ht !ot suffer such hea6i!ess" a!d that 5e may !ot ha6e 4!o5led e i! our coura e" !e u!dersta!d yet the mystery of this thi! by our co!!i! a!d 5isdom1 A!d" O Apollopha!es" mirror of doctri!e" 5hat shall I say of these secrets a!d hid thi! sE I attribute a!d put them to thee as to a mouth di6i!e" a!d !ot as to u!dersta!di! !e speech huma!1 To 5hom he saidD O ood De!is" these be the mutatio!s of di6i!e thi! s" a!d i! the e!d it is si !ified all alo! " the day a!d the year of the a!!u!ciatio! that (aul our Doctor said to our deaf ears" a!d by the si !s that all me! cried" 5hich I remembered" I ha6e fou!d the 6ery truth a!d am deli6ered from the leash of false!ess1 These be the 5ords of De!is that he 5rote i! his epistle to (olycarp" a!d to Apollopha!es" sayi! D ,e 5ere" 5e t5ai!" at +eliopolis" a!d 5e sa5 the moo! of hea6e! o disordi!ately" a!d the time 5as !ot co!6e!able1 A!d yet a ai! from the !i!th hour u!to e6e!so! time" at the diameter of the su! established abo6e all !atural ordi!a!ce" that eclipse 5e sa5 be i! i! the east a!d comi! u!to the term of the su!1 After that retur!i! a ai!" a!d !ot pur ed of that default" but 5as made co!trary after the diameter1 The! De!is a!d Apollopha!es 5e!t to +eliopolis i! E ypt by desire to lear! astro!omy1 A!d after" De!is retur!ed a ai!1 That the said eclipse too4 a5ay the li ht from the u!i6ersal parts of the 5orld" it appeareth that Eusebius 5it!esseth i! his chro!icles" 5hich saith that he hath read i! the dictes of the Eth!icia!s that there 5as i! 9ithy!ia" 5hich is a pro6i!ce of Asia the less" a reat earth sha4i! " a!d also the reatest dar4!ess that mi ht be" a!d also saith that i! Nice!e" 5hich is a city of 9ithy!ia" that the














earth trembli! thre5 do5! houses1 A!d it is read i! Scholastica +istoria that the philosophers 5ere brou ht to this" that they said thatD The God of !ature suffered death" or else the ordi!a!ce of !ature i! this 5orld 5as dissol6ed" or that the eleme!ts li6ed" or the God of !ature suffered" a!d the eleme!ts had pity o! him1 A!d it is said i! a!other place" that De!is saithD This !i ht si !ified that the !e5 6ery li ht of the 5orld should come1 A!d they of Athe!s made u!to this God a! altar" a!d set this title thereupo!D This is the altar of the God u!4!o5!1 A!d o! e6ery altar of their ods the title 5as set abo6e i! sho5i! to 5hom that altar 5as dedicated" a!d 5he! the Athe!ia!s 5ould ma4e their sacrifice u!to this u!4!o5! God" the philosophers saidD This God hath !o !eed of !o!e of our ods" but let us 4!eel do5! tofore him a!d pray u!to him de6outly" for he re<uireth !ot the oblatio!s of beasts but the de6otio!s of our coura es1 A!d after" 5he! the blessed S1 (aul came to Athe!s" the Epicurea! philosophers a!d Stoics disputed 5ith him1 Some of them saidD ,hat 5ill this so5er of 5ords sayE A!d others said that he seemed a sho5er of !e5 ods that be de6ils1 A!d the! they brou ht him i!to the street of the philosophers" for to e8ami!e their !e5 doctri!e" a!d they said to himD 9ri! est thou a!y !e5 tidi! sE ,e 5ould 4!o5 5hat thou hast brou ht to us1 'or the Athe!ia!s e!te!ded to !o!e other thi! but to hear some !e5 thi! s1 A!d the! 5he! S1 (aul had beholde! all their altars he sa5 amo! them the altar of God u!4!o5!" a!d (aul saidD ,hom ho!our ye that ye 4!o5 !ot" him sho5 I to you to be 6ery God that made hea6e! a!d earth1 A!d after" he said to De!is" 5hom he sa5 best lear!ed i! di6i!e thi! sD De!is" 5hat is he" that u!4!o5! GodE A!d De!is saidD +e is 6erily a God 5hich amo! ods is !ot sho5ed" but to us he is u!4!o5!" a!d to come i!to the 5orld a!d to rei ! 5ithout e!d1 A!d (aul saidD Is he a ma! o!ly" or spiritE A!d De!is saidD +e is God a!d ma! but he is u!4!o5!" because his co!6ersatio! is i! hea6e!1 The! said S1 (aulD This is he that I preach" 5hich desce!ded from hea6e!" a!d too4 our !ature huma!" a!d suffered death a!d arose a ai! the third day1 A!d as S1 De!is disputed yet 5ith S1 (aul" there passed by ad6e!ture by that 5ay a bli!d ma! tofore them" a!d a!o! De!is said to (aulD If thou say to this bli!d ma! i! the !ame of thy GodD See" a!d the! he seeth" I shall a!o! belie6e i! him" but thou shalt use !o 5ords of e!cha!tme!t" for thou mayst haply 4!o5 some 5ords that ha6e such mi ht a!d 6irtue1 A!d S1 (aul saidD I shall 5rite tofore the form of the 5ords" 5hich be theseD I! the !ame of Jesu Christ" bor! of the 6ir i!" crucified a!d dead" 5hich arose a ai! a!d asce!ded i!to hea6e!" a!d from the!ce shall come for to =ud e the 5orldD See1 A!d because that all suspicio! be ta4e! a5ay" (aul said to De!is that he himself should pro!ou!ce the 5ords1 A!d 5he! De!is had said those 5ords i! the same ma!!er to the bli!d ma!" a!o! the bli!d ma! reco6ered his si ht1 A!d the! De!is 5as baptiHed a!d Damaris his 5ife a!d all his mei!y" a!d 5as a true christia! ma! a!d 5as i!structed a!d tau ht by S1 (aul three years" a!d 5as ordai!ed bishop of Athe!s" a!d there 5as i! predicatio!" a!d co!6erted that city" a!d reat part of the re io!" to christia! faith1 A!d it is said that S1 (aul sho5ed to him that he sa5 5he! he 5as ra6ished i!to the third hea6e!" li4e as S1 De!is saith a!d sho5eth i! di6ers places" 5hereof he spea4eth so clearly of the hierarchies of a! els" a!d of the orders a!d of the dispositio!s a!d offices of them" so that it is !ot supposed that he lear!ed of a!y other" but o!ly of him that 5as ra6ished i!to the third hea6e!" a!d had see! all thi! s1 +e flourished by the spirit of prophecy li4e as it appeareth i! a! epistle that he se!t to Joh! the E6a! elist" i! the isle of (atmos" to 5hich he 5as se!t i! e8ile" 5hereas he prophesied that he should come a ai!" sayi! thusD E!=oy thou 6erily belo6ed" 6ery 5o!derful a!d to be desired" ri ht 5ell belo6ed" thou shalt be let out from the 4eepi! tbat thou hast i! (atmos" a!d shalt retur! u!to the la!d of Asia" a!d thou shalt ma4e there the follo5i! of thy ood God"a!d the ood 5or4s of him" a!d shalt deli6er them to them that shall come after thee1 A!d" as it is see! a!d sho5ed i! the boo4 of the !ames di6i!e" he 5as at the dyi! of the blessed Vir i! -ary1 A!d 5he! he heard that (eter a!d (aul 5ere impriso!ed at 3ome u!der Nero" he ordai!ed a bishop u!der him" a!d came for to 6isit them1 A!d 5he! they 5ere martyred a!d passed to God" a!d Cleme!t 5as set i! the see of 3ome" after a certai! time he 5as se!t of the said Cleme!t i!to 'ra!ce" a!d he had i! his compa!y 3usticus a!d Eleutherius" a!d the! he came 5ith them to (aris a!d co!6erted there much people to the faith" a!d did do ma4e ma!y churches" a!d set i! them cler4s of di6ers orders1 A!d the! he sho!e by so reat hea6e!ly race that" 5he! the bishops of the idols mo6ed by strife the people a ai!st him" a!d the people came for to destroy him" a!o! as they had see! him they left all their cruelty" a!d 4!eeled do5! at his feet" 5here they had so reat dread that they fled a5ay from him for fear1 9ut the de6il 5hich had e!6y" a!d sa5 e6ery day his po5er mi!ished a!d destroyed" a!d that the church i!creased a!d had 6ictory of him" mo6ed Domitia! the emperor i! so reat cruelty that he made a comma!dme!t that 5hosome6er mi ht fi!d a!y christia! ma!" that he should co!strai! them to do













sacrifice or torme!t them by di6ers torme!ts1 A!d the! he se!t the pro6ost 'esce!!ius of 3ome to (aris a ai!st the christia! me!1 A!d fou!d there the blessed De!is preachi! " a!d made him cruelly to be beate!" bespit a!d despised" a!d fast to be bou!de! 5ith 3usticus a!d Eleutherius" a!d to be brou ht tofore himD A!d 5he! he sa5 that the sai!ts 5ere co!sta!t a!d firm i! the ac4!o5led i! of our Lord" he 5as much hea6y a!d sorro5ful1 The! came thither a !oble matro!" 5hich said that her husba!d 5as foully decei6ed of these e!cha!ters" a!d the! a!o! the husba!d 5as se!t for" a!d he abidi! i! the co!fessio! of our Lord" 5as a!o! put to death1 A!d the sai!ts 5ere beate! cruelly of t5el6e 4!i hts" a!d 5ere strai htly bou!de! 5ith chai!s of iro!" a!d put i! priso!1 The day follo5i! " De!is 5as laid upo! a ridiro!" a!d stretched all !a4ed upo! the coals of fire" a!d there he sa! to our Lord sayi! D Lord thy 5ord is 6eheme!tly fiery" a!d thy ser6a!t is embraced i! the lo6e thereof1 A!d after that he 5as put amo! cruel beasts" 5hich 5ere e8cited by reat hu! er a!d fami!e by lo! fasti! " a!d as soo! as they came ru!!i! upo! him he made the si ! of the cross a ai!st them" a!d a!o! they 5ere made most mee4 a!d tame1 A!d after that he 5as cast i!to a fur!ace of fire" a!d the fire a!o! <ue!ched" a!d he had !either pai! !e harm1 A!d after that he 5as put o! the cross" a!d thereo! he 5as lo! torme!ted" a!d after" he 5as ta4e! do5! a!d put i!to a dar4 priso! 5ith his fello5s a!d ma!y other christia! me!1 A!d as he sa! there the mass a!d commu!ed the people" our Lord appeared to him 5ith reat li ht" a!d deli6ered to him bread" sayi! D Ta4e this" my dear frie!d" for thy re5ard is most reat 5ith me1 After this they 5ere prese!ted to the =ud e a!d 5ere put a ai! to !e5 torme!ts" a!d the! he did do smite off the heads of the three fello5s" that is to say" De!is" 3usticus" a!d Eleutherius" i! co!fessi! the !ame of the holy Tri!ity1 A!d this 5as do!e by the temple of -ercury" a!d they 5ere beheaded 5ith three a8es1 A!d a!o! the body of S1 De!is raised himself up" a!d bare his head bet5ee! his arms" as the a! el led him t5o lea ues from the place" 5hich is said the hill of the martyrs" u!to the place 5here he !o5 resteth" by his electio!" a!d by the pur6eya!ce of God1 A!d there 5as heard so reat a!d s5eet a melody of a! els that ma!y of them that heard it belie6ed i! our Lord1 A!d Laertia" 5ife of the foresaid pro6ost Lubrius" said that she 5as christia!" a!d a!o! she 5as beheaded of the 5ic4ed felo!s" a!d 5as baptiHed i! her blood" a!d so died1 A!d Virbius his so!" 5hich 5as a 4!i ht at 3ome u!der three emperors" came after5ard to (aris a!d 5as baptiHed" a!d put himself i! the !umber of the reli ious1 A!d the 5ic4ed pay!ims doubted that the ood christia! me! 5ould bury the body of 3usticus a!d Eleutherius" a!d comma!ded that they should be cast i!to the ri6er Sei!e1 A!d a !oble 5oma! bade them to di!e that bare them" a!d 5hilst they di!ed" this lady too4 a5ay the bodies a!d buried them secretly i! a field of hers" a!d after" 5he! the persecutio! 5as ceased" she too4 them the!ce" a!d laid them ho!ourably 5ith the body of S1 De!is1 A!d they suffered death about the year of our Lord four score a!d si8tee!" u!der Domitia!1 The years of the a e of S1 De!is four score a!d te!1 O! a time 5he! 3e ulus the holy bishop sa! mass at Arles" a!d rehearsed the !ames of the apostles i! the ca!o!" he added a!d =oi!ed thereto the blessed martyrs De!is" 3usticus" a!d Eleutherius" 5hich so said" ma!y supposed that they yet li6ed" a!d mar6elled 5hy he so rehearsed their !ames i! the ca!o!1 A!d they so 5o!deri! " there appeared upo! the cross of the altar three do6es sitti! " 5hich had the !ames of the sai!ts mar4ed a!d 5ritte! o! their breasts 5ith blood" 5hich dili e!tly beholdi! " they u!derstood 5ell that the sai!ts 5ere departed out of this 5orld1 A!d +i!cmar" bishop of 3heims" saith i! a! epistle 5hich he se!t to Charles that" this De!is that 5as se!t i!to 'ra!ce 5as De!is Areopa ite as afore is said" a!d the same saith Joha!!es Scotus i! a! epistle to Charles" lest by the reaso! of the cou!ti! of the time should be said a ai!st" as some 5ould ob=ect1 About the year of our Lord ei ht hu!dred a!d thirty:t5o" i! the time of Louis" 4i! of 'ra!ce" the messe! ers of -ichael" emperor of Co!sta!ti!ople" amo! other thi! s" brou ht to Louis" so! of Charles le Gra!d" the boo4s of S1 De!is of the hierarchy of the a! els" tra!slated out of Gree4 i!to Lati!" a!d 5ere recei6ed 5ith reat =oy" a!d that same !i ht 5ere !i!etee! sic4 me! healed i! his church1 About the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d forty:three" li4e as it is co!tai!ed i! a chro!icle" Da obert" 4i! of 'ra!ce" 5hich rei !ed lo! tofore (epi!" be a! to ha6e from his childhood reat re6ere!ce to S1 De!is" for 5he! he doubted i! that time the ire of his father Clothair" he fled a!o! to the church of S1 De!is1 A!d 5he! this holy 4i! 5as dead" it 5as sho5ed i! a 6isio! u!to a holy ma! that" the soul of him 5as ra6ished to =ud me!t" a!d that ma!y sai!ts accused him that he had despoiled their churches1 A!d as the 5ic4ed a! els 5ould ha6e had him to the pai!s" the blessed De!is came thither" a!d by him he 5as deli6ered at his comi! " a!d escaped from the pai!s" a!d perad6e!ture the soul retur!ed to the body a!d







did pe!a!ce1 @i! Clo6is disco6ered the body of S1 De!is !ot duly" a!d bra4e the bo!e of his arm a!d ra6ished it a5ay co6etously" a!d a!o! he became out of his mi!d1 The! let us 5orship Almi hty God i! his sai!ts" that 5e" by their merits" may ame!d oursel6es i! this 5retched life" that 5e may after this life come i!to his sempiter!al bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1

Here followeth of *" !ali+tu . a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Cali8tus is said of caleo" cales" that is to say" eschauffe or ma4e 5arm1 'or he 5as hot a!d bur!i! " first i! the lo6e of God" a!d after" he 5as hot a!d bur!i! i! etti! a!d purchasi! souls" a!d thirdly" he 5as hot i! destroyi! the false idols" a!d also i! sho5i! the pai!s for si!1 Of *" !ali+tu " Cali8tus the pope 5as martyred the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:t5o" u!der Ale8a!der the emperor1 A!d by the 5or4s of the said emperor the most appare!t part of 3ome 5as the! bur!t by 6e! ea!ce of God" a!d the left arm of the idol Jupiter" 5hich 5as of fi!e old" 5as molte!1 A!d the! all the priests of the idols 5e!t to the emperor Ale8a!der" a!d re<uired him that the ods that 5ere a! ry mi ht be appeased by sacrifices1 A!d as they sacrificed o! a Thursday by the mor!" the air bei! all clear" four of the priests of the idols 5ere smitte! to death 5ith o!e stro4e of thu!der1 A!d the altar of Jupiter 5as bur!t" so that all the people fled out of the 5alls of 3ome1 A!d 5he! (almatius" co!sul" 4!e5 that Cali8tus 5ith his cler4s1 hid him o6er the 5ater of Tiber" he re<uired that the christia! me!" by 5hom this e6il 5as happed a!d come" should be put out for to pur e a!d clea!se the city1 A!d 5he! he had recei6ed po5er for to do so" he hasted him i!co!ti!e!t 5ith his 4!i hts for to accomplish it" a!d a!o! they 5ere all made bli!d1 A!d the! (almatius 5as afeard" a!d sho5ed this u!to Ale8a!der1 A!d the! the emperor comma!ded that the ,ed!esday all the people should assemble a!d sacrifice to -ercury" that they mi ht ha6e a!s5er upo! these thi! s1 A!d as they sacrificed" a maid of the temple" 5hich 5as !amed Julia!a" 5as ra6ished of the de6il" a!d be a! to cryD The od of Cali8tus is 6ery true a!d li6i! " 5hich is 5roth a!d hath i!di !atio! of our ordures1 A!d 5he! (almatius heard that" he 5e!t o6er Tiber u!to the city of 3a6e!!a u!to S1 Cali8tus" a!d 5as baptiHed of him" he" his 5ife" a!d all his mei!y1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard that" he did do call him" a!d deli6ered him to Simplicia!" se!ator" for to 5ar! a!d treat him by fair 5ords" because he 5as much profitable for the commu!e1 A!d (almatius perse6ered i! fasti! s a!d i! prayers1 The! came to him a ma! 5hich promised to him that if he healed his 5ife" 5hich had the palsy" that he 5ould belie6e i! God a!o!1 A!d 5he! (almatius had adored a!d prayed" the 5oma! that 5as sic4 arose" a!d 5as all 5hole" a!d ra! to (almatius sayi! D 9aptiHe me i! the !ame of Jesu Christ" 5hich hath ta4e! me by the ha!d a!d lifted me up1 The! came Cali8tus a!d baptiHed her a!d her husba!d" a!d Simplicia! a!d ma!y others1 A!d 5he! the emperor heard hereof" he se!t to smite off the heads of all them that 5ere baptiHed" a!d made Cali8tus to li6e fi6e days i! the priso! 5ithout meat a!d dri!4" a!d after" he sa5 that Cali8tus 5as the more comforted a!d lad" a!d comma!ded that he should e6ery day be beate! 5ith sta6es1 A!d after" he made a reat sto!e to be bou!de! to his !ec4" a!d to be thro5! do5! from a! hei ht out of a 5i!do5 i!to a pit1 A!d Asterius" his priest" too4 up the body out of the pit" a!d after" buried the body i! the cemetery of Calipodium1 GLO**AR3 achaufed, pp1" 4i!dled1 ad$ousting, pr1 p1"'r1 a$outer" addi! 1









alleged, v1" 'r1 alleger" miti ated1 ampulles, n1" flas4s or phials1

anenst, adv1" i! the si ht of1

artillour, n1" e! i!eer" avoid, v1" to destroy1

bain, n." A'r1B a bath1 blechures, n1" 'r. blessures" 5ou!ds1

boystous, ad$1" stro! 1 brede, n1" the siHe" canticis, n1" the So! of Solomo!1

capa#, ad$1" able to meet or 5ithsta!d1 celyer, n1" cupboard or store place1

chasse, n1" bo8 or shri!e1 cloc%, n." 'r" cloche" bell" complained, v1" pitied1

con, v1" be able to1 con$ured, v1" e8orcised1

courage, n1" mi!d1 defended, v., forbade1 do ma%e, did do ma%e Lcaused to be made1

eculee, n1" the rac41 empeshment, n1" 'r. emp/cheme!t" hi!dra!ce1

enseign, v1" 'r1 e!sei !er" to teach1 feria, n1" day of the 5ee41 gins, n1" s!ares1

holm, n1" elm tree1 $apes, n1" ibes1

$uments, n1" mares1 %ittled, v1" tic4led" e8cited1

'easings, n1" Iies1 lettrure, n1" lear!i! 1

'eye, v1" stai! or pollute1 malerous, ad$1" 'r1 malheureu#" e6il disposed1

meiny. n11 reti!ue1 noot, v., 4!o5 !ot1 porret, n1" lee41

&uarel, n1" arro51 rather, ad$1" former1

refrigery, n1" refreshme!t1 renoinee, n1" re!o5!1 rogneth, v11 to eat a5ay1

sacred, pp." co!secrated1 sort, v1" adapt or place1

sourd, v1" issue" spri! 1 terrien, ad$1" earthly" thau, n1" the Gree4 t " a headless cross1

truffes, n1" flouts1 utas, n1" octa6e1

!ood, ad$1" mad1 END OF VOL" V




I! old time the realm of E! la!d 5as reatly troubled 5ith the Da!es" so that i! ma!y 4i! s> days there could !o peace be made" but co!ti!ually 5ar1 A!d the Da!es pre6ailed a ai!st E! la!d" a!d they brou ht it u!der their sub=ectio!" for their cruelty a!d tyra!!y 5as so reat that" 5ithout spari! of a!ythi! " they bur!t a!d destroyed1





9ut at the last it pleased Almi hty God that this tyra!!y should cease" a!d se!t of his race u!to this realm of E! la!d a peaceable 4i! !amed Ed ar" i! 5hose birth a! els sa! that peace should be i! his time" a!d so i! his days 5as !o 5ar i! E! la!d1 S1 Ed5ard" 4i! a!d martyr" his so!" rei !ed !ot lo! after him" for his stepmother did do slay him i! his you! a e" because her so! Ethelred should rei !" a!d S1 Du!sta! baptiHed Ethelred" a!d said because he defiled the fo!tsto!e that" he should li6e i! reat trouble" a!d so he did" for the Da!es 5arred all his time1 A!d this Ethelred 5edded Earl God5i!>s dau hter" o! 5hom he at Edmo!d Iro!side1 A!d after the death of that <uee!" he 5edded the dau hter of 3ichard" du4e of Norma!dy" 5hich hi ht Emma" by 5hom he had t5o so!s" Alfred a!d Ed5ard" 5hich 5as a sai!t a!d co!fessor" of 5hom 5e purpose to spea41 ,he! 4i! Ethelred 5as falle! i! a e" he made a parliame!t 5hich of his t5o so!s should be 4i! s after him1 A!d the! by the pro6isio! of God it 5as co!cluded that Ed5ard" 5hich 5as !ot the! bor! i! his mother>s belly" should be 4i! " a!d e8cluded Edmo!d Iro!side a!d Alfred" 5hich 5ere the 4i! >s older so!s1 A!d 5he! the 4i! had co!se!ted thereto" a e!eral oath 5as made to perform the same i! time comi! 1 A!d after" 5he! this child 5as bor!" all the la!d e!=oyed i! his birth" hopi! to be reatly relie6ed by him1 ;et al5ays the cruelty of the Da!es 5as so reat" 5hich the 4i! so much doubted" that he se!t the <uee! a!d his t5o so!s Alfred a!d Ed5ard" i!to Norma!dy" a!d too4 his oldest so! Edmo!d 5ith him to battle" to fi ht a ai!st the Da!es1 The sorro5 5as the! reat i! E! la!d" for much people tur!ed to the Da!es a ai!st their o5! 4i! " a!d 5ithout pity did bur! a!d slay their o5! cou!try 5ith the Da!es" amo! 5hom 5as slai! Alpha e" archbishop of Ca!terbury at Gree!5ich" a!d ma!y other ood me!1 A!d some bishops" priests" a!d me! of reli io!" fled i!to secret places a!d deserts" 5here they de6outly prayed u!to Almi hty God for to ha6e 6ery peace i! this la!d" but this 5ar co!ti!ued all the life of Ethelred" accordi! to the prophecy of S1 Du!sta!1 A!d after Ethelred" rei !ed Edmo!d Iro!side his so!" i! full reat trouble" for i! his days !o ma! durst trust other" !e ope! his coura e to his !ei hbour" for that time each ma! appeached other of treaso!" to the i!te!t that he mi ht ha6e his ood1 A!d they that 5ere !ot of po5er to o6ercome their !ei hbours" tur!ed u!to the Da!es a ai!st their o5! !ei hbours" a!d so" by the help of the Da!es" they fulfilled their cursed purpose" a!d so there 5as much e8tortio!" a!d much people slai! i! di6ers places" i! houses" fields a!d 5ays" that the people u!!ethe durst bury them1 Also i! that time 5as reat tyra!!y" murder" oppressi! of 5ome!" as 5i6es" 5ido5s" a!d maide!s a ai!st their 5ills1 A!d i! this persecutio! E! lishme! 5ere !i h destroyed" a!d reat desolatio! 5as i! holy church" for mo!asteries" churches" a!d houses of reli io! 5ere bur!t a!d destroyed" 5hich caused ma!y to flee i!to 5ilder!ess" amo! 5hom the ood bishop of ,i!chester" 9ri ht5old" fled i!to the abbey of Glasto!bury" 5here he daily prayed u!to Almi hty God for peace of this realm of E! la!d1 Our blessed Lord" seei! his mee4!ess" sho5ed to him a 6isio! by 5hich he 5as reatly comforted1 'or i! a !i ht" as he 5as i! his oratory" he fell i! a s5eet slumber" a!d sa5 the lorious apostle S1 (eter 5ith bri ht shi!i! clothes appeari! i! a hi h place of di !ity" a!d 5ith him a seemly you! ma! richly arrayed i! clothi! of a 4i! " 5hom S1 (eter did co!secrate a!d a!oi!t i!to a 4i! " a!d comme!di! his chastity reatly" a!d his clea! li6i! 1 A!d it 5as sho5ed to this bishop ma!y years tofore" that this Ed5ard should rei ! i! this la!d" a!d the bishop" bei! abashed of this 6isio!" desired of S1 (eter to 4!o5 the 6isio! thereof" to 5hom S1 (eter said the estate of this realm" a!d told that the fury a!d 5ood!ess of the Da!es should cease soo! after" a!d said that all this pu!ishme!t 5as for the si!s of the people" a!d God should pur6ey for a peaceable 4i! " 5hich shall fi!ish all the 5ood!ess of his e!emies the Da!es1 I! 5hose time shall be ple!ty of peace" both to the church a!d to the la!d" a!d reat abu!da!ce of cor! a!d fruit1 A!d this realm shall be prosperous i! all thi! s" a!d the people shall be of such co!ditio!s that other la!ds shall both lo6e a!d dread them1 The 4i! >s !ame shall be Ed5ard" 5hich shall rule all ma!!er thi! s to the pleasi! of God" a!d shall e!d his life i! the lo6e of our Lord raciously1 A!d 5he! this holy bishop a5o4e" he 4!eeled do5! a!d made his prayers 5ith sheddi! of tears" a!d thou h that peace 5as !ot yet reformed" !e6ertheless he tha!4ed Almi hty God that he 5as certai! that" by God>s race" he should see it i! his days" 5herefore he 5e!t about a!d preached to the people for to do pe!a!ce" a!d our Lord should sho5 to us mercy" a!d i6e to us peace a!d all thi! s ple!teous1 A!d i! this 5ar 5as the 4i! slai! by treaso!" a!d he 5as buried at Glasto!bury1 The! both his so!s 5ere brou ht to @i! Ca!ute the Da!e" to do 5ith them 5hat he 5ould" a!d 5he! he sa5 them he mi ht !ot for pity slay them" but se!t them o6er the sea to be slai! there" so that he mi ht rei ! i! E! la!d peaceably 5he! the ri htful blood 5as destroyed1 Not5ithsta!di! " they 5ere preser6ed a!d 4ept ali6e" a!d 5ere co!6eyed to the emperor of 3ome" the 5hich 4ept them till S1 Ed5ard 5as made












4i! of E! la!d" a!d the! he married the oldest of them to a cousi! of his" because of the lo6e that they had to @i! Ed5ard" 5hich 5as u!cle to them1 The! had @i! Ca!ute the rule of E! la!d by stro! ha!d" all la5 a!d ood rule set aside1 'or i! his days 5as full much trouble a!d robbery 5ith other reat oppressio!s a!d importable char es amo! the commo!alty1 'or he dreaded !o ma! e8cept the t5o so!s of the 4i! " that 5ere the! 5ith the emperor" 5herefor his cou!cil 5ould that he should 5ed the mother of them !amed Emma" to ma4e the more allia!ce bet5ee! them1 A!d soo! after" Alfred came to E! la!d for to spea4 5ith his mother" a!d a!o! as he 5as come o6er the sea i!to this la!d Earl God5i! came a!d 5elcomed him" a!d a!o! after sle5 him by treaso!" ere he came to the prese!ce of his mother1 'or 5hose death S1 Ed5ard made reat sorro51 A!d 5hile this holy child S1 Ed5ard 5as i! Norma!dy" he used a full ood life" hau!ti! ofttimes holy church" a!d lo6ed a!d co!6ersed ma!y times 5ith the compa!y of holy reli ious me!" a!d especially amo! holy mo!4s1 A!d used to pray a!d say i! this ma!!erD O ood Lord" I ha6e !o!e help but thee o!ly" my frie!ds be o!e from me" a!d they be become mi!e ad6ersaries1 -y father is dead a!d my brethre! be slai!" my mother is 5edded to my most e!emy" a!d I am left alo!e" a!d daily they see4 the mea!s to slay me" but to thee" Lord" I am left poor1 I beseech thee" Lord" to help me that am a fatherless child" for thou sometime helpedst mar6ellously Ed5i! a!d Os5ald" 5hich 5ere e8iled a!d ordai!ed for to die1 Thou defe!dedst them !ot o!ly from death" but also thou" Lord" restoredst them a ai! to their o5! 4i! doms1 O ood Lord" I beseech thee a!d pray thee to 4eep me safe" a!d bri! me i!to the 4i! dom of my father1 Thou shalt be my God" a!d S1 (eter the apostle my patro!" the relics of 5hom" by the race of God" I purpose to 6isit a!d to ho!our i! the same place 5here they !o5 rest" if thou" Lord" se!d to me life" health" opportu!ity a!d space1 A!d 5he! @i! Ca!ute had rei !ed i! E! la!d t5e!ty years" ha6i! t5o so!s by the said Emma" that is to 5it" +arold a!d +ardica!ute" he died" a!d 5he! his first so! had rei !ed four years" he e8iled his o5! mother" a!d died soo! after1 A!d after him rei !ed his brother a little time" a!d died also" as our Lord had ordai!ed" a!d the! 5as E! la!d deli6ered from the rie6ous tribute a!d thraldom of the Da!es1 A!d the! the lords a!d the commo!s of E! la!d remembered the oath that they made i! the parliame!t" 5hich s5are that Ed5ard" 5hich 5as the! i! his mother>s 5omb" should be their 4i! " a!d a!o! se!t i!to Norma!dy for this holy child Ed5ard1 A!d the lords a!d the commo!s recei6ed him 5ith reat lad!ess" a!d the! the archbishop of Ca!terbury a!d the archbishop of ;or4" 5ith other bishops" did co!secrate him" a!oi!ted a!d cro5!ed him 4i! of E! la!d1 O ood LordI 5hat =oy a!d lad!ess 5as the! i! E! la!d1 'or 5he! the old felicity of this la!d 5as almost despaired" the! it 5as 4i!dled a ai! by the comi! of this blessed 4i! S1 Ed5ard1 The! had the commo!s rest a!d peace" a!d the lords a!d e!tleme! rest a!d ho!our" a!d the! holy church recei6ed all her liberties a ai!1 The! 5as the su! lifted up" a!d the moo! set i! his order" that is to say" priests shi!ed i! 5isdom a!d i! holi!ess1 The mo!asteries flourished i! de6otio! by holy reli io!1 The cler4s a6e li ht a!d prospered i! their offices to the pleasure of God1 The commo! people 5ere co!te!t a!d 5ere =oyful i! their de ree" a!d i! this 4i! >s days there 5as !o 6e!om that mi ht the! corrupt the earth 5ith pestile!ce" a!d i! the sea !o!e outra eous tempests" a!d the la!d ple!teous of all ma!!er of fruits7 a!d i! the cler y !othi! i!ordi!ate7 a!d amo! the commo! people 5as !o rud i! 1 A!d the re!omee a!d fame of this holy 4i! S1 Ed5ard spra! so mar6ellously about to other !atio!s" i! such 5ise that all christia! 4i! s desired to ha6e peace 5ith him1 The 4i! of 'ra!ce" 5hich 5as !i h of his 4i!" made 5ith him a e!eral peace" so that it mi ht be said of him as it 5as said of Solomo!D All the 4i! s of the earth desired to see his face" a!d to hear his 5isdom7 e8cept o!ly De!mar4" 5hich yet co!spired a ai!st this realm of E! la!d1 A!d 5hat fell thereof" it shall be declared hereafter more ope!ly" for this holy 4i! Ed5ard 5as e6er full of mee4!ess a!d of 6irtue" a!d !e6er lifted up by 6ai! lory" but e6er he remembered the 5ords of our Lord that saithD I ha6e set thee pri!ce of the people" but be !ot therefore lifted up i! 6ai! lory" but be thou amo! them as o!e of them1 +e 5as amo! his household me! e<ual a!d familiar" amo! priests mee4 a!d debo!air" to his people amiable a!d cheerful" to 5retches a!d !eedy me! full of compassio! a!d lar e of alms i6i! 1 +e 5as also much de6out i! the ser6ice of God" a!d dili e!t to repair a!d re:edify churches that 5ere destroyed by the Da!es1 A!d i! =ud me!t full discreet" co!sideri! !o ma!>s perso!" but o!ly the 5ei ht of his cause" as 5ell to the rich as to the poor" a!d he had riches e!ou h" a!d his treasure seemed commo! to all poor me!1 +is 5ords 5ere sad a!d discreet a!d meddled 5ith mirth" spea4i! oft of Jesu Christ the seco!d perso! i! the Tri!ity" a!d of our blessed Lady his mother1 A!d sometime he spa4e sharply" as he sa5 !eed" correcti! trespassers" e!tle a!d s5eet to ood me!1 +e 5as !e6er elate" !e e!ha!ced i! pride" !e disho!est by lutto!y1 +e 5ould !ot be compelled by 5rath" !e i!cli!e for ift1












+e despised riches" a!d 5as !e6er sorry for loss of 5orldly oods a!d riches" !e the more lad for 5i!!i! thereof" i! such 5ise that all me! mar6elled of the sad!ess of him1 A!d about the 4i! 5ere di6ers co6etous me!" 5hich said to the 4i! ho5 his treasure 5asted fast" a!d if the Da!es came a ai! he had !ot 5here5ith to defe!d him1 ,herefore they cou!selled him to raise a! aid amo! his commo!s" li4e as @i! Ca!ute had do!e di6ers times1 A! aid 5as the! e8cept the da!e eld" a!d they cou!selled to do i! li4e 5ise1 A!d he saidD Nay" a!d he 5ould !ot a ree thereto" !ot5ithsta!di! they daily cried upo! him1 A!d 5he! he sa5 them so importu!ate a!d sho5ed so reat perils" the! at the last he said to them to pro6e them" Let us see ho5 ye 5ill do1 A!d 5he! they heard that of his o5! mouth they 5ere ri ht lad" a!d se!t out commissio!s for to ather it" a!d spared !o cou!try" but made them pay i! the lar est 5ise1 A!d 5he! this mo!ey 5as le6ied a!d brou ht i! to the 4i! >s treasury" the! they brou ht the 4i! thither for to see it1 The 4i! the! sta!di! afar from it" sa5 the de6il i! li4e!ess of a! ape" sitti! upo! the treasure" a!d saidD ,hat ha6e ye do!eE a!d 5hat mo!ey ha6e ye brou ht to meE 'orsooth" there shall !ot o!e pe!!y be spe!t to my use" but I char e you for to deli6er to each ma! his mo!ey a ai!" but thereto they 5ere much loth" a!d said that they mi ht spe!d it i! deeds of charity1 The! the 4i! saidD God forbid that I should spe!d the oods of other me!" for 5hat alms should I ma4e 5ith the oods of poor commo!s a!d labourers E See ye !ot ho5 the de6il sitteth upo! the heap of mo!ey" a!d ma4eth reat =oy that he hath ta4e! us i! his s!areE ,herefore I char e you o! pai! of death that ye deli6er this mo!ey a ai! there as ye had it" e6ery pe!!y1 The! they obeyed the 4i! " a!d repaid it u!to them of 5hom they had recei6ed it" a!d durst !e6er after mo6e the 4i! to such matters" !e i! !o!e other li4e" so that all the days of S1 Ed5ard 5as !either tas4 !e tailla e le6ied amo! his commo!s" 5hich 5as a reat =oy to the realm1 I! a time the 4i! 5as sic4" lyi! i! his bed" a!d there stood i! his chamber a chest ope!" full of old a!d sil6er" a!d a cler4 came i!" supposi! the 4i! had slept" a!d too4 out of it a certai! sum of mo!ey" a!d 5e!t his 5ay1 A!d soo! after he came a ai! a!d 5ould ha6e ta4e! more7 the! the 4i! saidD 'orsooth" !o5 thou art u!5ise to come a ai!" for thou hadst sufficie!tly e!ou h tofore" therefore be5are" for if the treasurer come a!d fi!d thee thou art li4e to die therefor" 5herefore if thou lo6e thy life flee fast a5ay 5ith that thou hast1 A!d a!o! after came the treasurer a!d fou!d ho5 of the treasure 5as bor!e a5ay a reat part" a!d sou ht a!d e!<uired dili e!tly for the thief that stole it1 A!d the 4i! seei! the reat trouble a!d sorro5 of the treasurer dema!ded him the cause of his hea6i!ess1 A!d 5he! he had told it to the 4i! " the 4i! said to himD Sorro5 !o more" for perad6e!ture he that hath it hath more !eed to it tha! 5e" a!d so the thief escaped a!d 5as !ot pursued1 After" 5he! all thi! s 5ere <uiet i! the realm" the cou!cil of the la!d assembled for to treat for a marria e for the 4i! " at 5hich thi! " 5he! it 5as mo6ed" he 5as reatly abashed" dreadi! to lose the treasure of his 6ir i!ity" 5hich 5as 4ept i! a frail a!d brittle 6essel7 a!d 5hat he should do or say he 5ist !ot1 'or" if he should obsti!ately de!y it" he dreaded lest his 6o5 of chastity should be ope!ly 4!o5!" a!d if he co!se!ted thereto he dreaded to lose his chastity" 5herefore he comme!ded himself o!ly to God" sayi! these 5ordsD O ood Lord" thou deli6eredst sometime three childre! from the flame of fire i! the chim!ey a!d fur!ace of the Chaldees" a!d" by the Lord" Joseph escaped 5ith his chastity from the 5ife of (otiphar" she holdi! his ma!tle" a!d yet by thy mercy he escaped" a!d" ood Lord" by thy 6irtue Susa!!a 5as deli6ered from the death to the 5hich the old u!chaste priests had dam!ed her to7 a!d by thy mi ht" Lord" Judith escaped 5he! she had slai! +olofer!es" a!d reser6ed her from defouli! " a!d escaped 5ithout hurt7 a!d abo6e all other thou hast preser6ed thy blessed mother" most best a!d s5eetest lady" she bei! both 5ife a!d 6ir i!7 the! behold o! me thy ser6a!t" a!d so! of thi!e ha!dmaid" that I am i! reat dread1 I lift up my heart to thee" beseechi! thee that art my Lord" a!d thy mother" my s5eetest Lady" to help me !o5 i! this most !eed" that I may so recei6e the sacrame!t of 5edloc4 that I fall !ot i! peril of my chastity1 A!d 5ith this co!ditio! i! his heart" he co!se!ted to matrimo!y1 The! 5as all the cou!cil ri ht lad" a!d searched for a 6ir i! that 5ere accordi! to his estate1 A!d amo! all the 6ir i!s of the la!d Edith" dau hter of Earl God5i!" 5as fou!d most accordi! to him by her 6irtuous co!ditio!s1 A!d her father made reat mea!s to the 4i! >s cou!cil for to accomplish this marria e" by 5hich he mi ht come i! the 4i! >s co!ceit1 A!d by his 5isdom" for his reat mi ht a!d po5er" he had his i!te!t1 A!d 5he! the marria e 5as solem!ised a!d accomplished by the holy sacrame!t" he a!d the <uee! 6o5ed to li6e to ether chaste secretly" that !o ma! 4!e5 it but God alo!e1 There 5as bet5ee! them a lo6i! spousehood 5ithout bodily 4!o5i! of deed" chaste embraci!









5ithout defloratio! of 6ir i!ity1 There 5as bet5ee! them 6erily chaste lo6e" 5ithout fleshly touchi! a!d 4!o5i! 1 After5ard" some of the realm rud ed" sayi! he had ta4e! a 5ife by compulsio! a ai!st his 5ill of a! u!4i!d li!ea e" a!d 5ould !ot 4!o5 his 5ife because he 5ould !ot bri! forth more tyra!ts1 A!d thus !o!e 4!e5 the 6ery truth of his chaste life 5hilst he li6ed" but the 6ery clea!!ess of his mi!d 5as sufficie!t 5it!ess of his chastity1 It happe!ed o! a ,hitsu!day" as the 4i! 5as cro5!ed at ,estmi!ster i! his estate" a!d 4!eeli! " made his prayers de6outly for the tra!<uillity a!d peace of his la!d before the altar of the blessed Tri!ity" at the ele6atio! of the blessed sacrame!t he fell i! a soft a!d demure lau hi! " so that the lords that 5ere there prese!t a5aiti! o! him mar6elled reatly" but durst say !othi! to him till the ser6ice 5as do!e1 The! o!e" that 5as hardier tha! a!other" dema!ded of him the cause of his lau hi! " a!d the! he told to him ho5 the Da!es had assembled i! reat po5er of people a ai!st the realm of E! la!d" a!d 5ere e!teri! i!to their ships7 a!d as the 4i! of De!mar4 5ould ha6e e!tered i!to the ship" sudde!ly his stre! th 5as ta4e! from him" a!d so fell i!to the sea bet5ee! t5o ships a!d 5as dro5!ed" by 5hose death the people of De!mar4" a!d also of E! la!d" 5ere deli6ered from si! a!d peril1 They" heari! this" mar6elled reatly" a!d se!t i!to De!mar4 to 4!o5 the truth1 A!d 5he! the messe! ers retur!ed" they reported that it 5as true as the 4i! had said" a!d that the 4i! of De!mar4 5as dro5!ed that same time that S1 Ed5ard lau hed1 After this" the !oble S1 Ed5ard remembered his 6o5 a!d promise to 6isit S1 (eter at 3ome" 5hich he made i! Norma!dy" 5herefore he let call his commo!s a!d his lords to a cou!cil tofore him" 5hereof he commu!ed 5ith them ho5 a!d i! 5hat ma!!er he mi ht depart" a!d of the o6er!a!ce of the realm i! his abse!ce" 5hat people should be co!6e!ie!t for to accompa!y him" a!d 5hat mo!ey should suffice him a!d his mei!y1 A!d 5he! the lords a!d commo!s heard this" they 5ere full hea6y a!d sorro5ful that he should depart from them" a!d he seei! their hea6i!ess comforted them" a!d said ho5 that our Lord had se!t to them peace" a!d by his ood race should co!ti!ue the same i! his abse!ce1 ;et" !ot5ithsta!di! " the people re<uired him to se!d u!to the pope to be assoiled of his 6o5" or else delay it till a!other time1 A!d the 4i! " seei! the sorro5 a!d lame!tatio! of his people" 5hich 5ept a!d 5ru! their ha!ds" a!d as people amaHed 5ithout a defe!der a!d 4eeper" comforted them a!d ra!ted to abide still 5ith them" a!d ordai!ed certai! bishops for to o to 3ome a!d to as4 of our holy father cou!sel" ho5 he mi ht be assoiled of this a6o5 that he had made to 6isit S1 (eter1 A!d the archbishop of ;or4" a!d bishop of ,i!chester" a!d t5o abbots" 5ith di6ers cler4s a!d layme!" 5e!t to 3ome" a!d 5he! they came to 3ome" the pope had made that time a reat co! re atio! of cler4s of di6ers reat matters belo! i! to holy church" a!d 5he! the pope 5ist of their comi! " he 5as ri ht lad a!d se!t for them" a!d the pope bade them tell the cause of their comi! 1 A!d a!o!" sile!ce 5as made" a!d they e8posed the cause of their comi! " a!d recited the a6o5 a!d the desire of @i! Ed5ard" the peril of the realm" the trouble" the dread of the people" the brea4i! of the peace" the clamour of the poor commo!s" the =eopardy of the 4i! i! his abse!ce" a!d the piteous destructio! 5hich the Da!es had late made by their cruelty7 a!d also declared the reat de6otio! he had to 6isit the holy apostles (eter a!d (aul1 The! the pope a!d the cler y mar6elled reatly" a!d a6e laud a!d praisi! u!to Almi hty God that he had se!t so de6out a!d 6irtuous a pri!ce i! the a! le of the 5orld to mai!tai! by his 5isdom the christia! faith" a!d ho5 dreadful he 5as to offe!d a ai!st the holy church1 A!d 5he! the pope u!derstood ho5 his people lo6ed him" a!d ho5 sorro5ful they 5ould be of his departi! " he mar6elled reatly" a!d thou ht 6erily that he 5as reatly belo6ed of God a!d 5as 5ith him i! all his 5or4s" for he sa5 i! him the mee4!ess of Da6id" the chastity of Joseph" a!d the riches of Solomo!" a!d yet he set !ou ht thereby1 The! the pope" co!sideri! the reat perils that mi ht e!sue by his departi! " dispe!sed 5ith him" a!d assoiled him of his a6o5" of 5hich he se!t to him a bull u!der lead" a!d e!=oi!ed him i! pe!a!ce to i6e the oods that he should ha6e spe!t i! his pil rima e" to deeds of charity" a!d to re:edify some church of S1 (eter" a!d e!do5 it 5ith sufficie!t li6elihood1 A!d the! the messe! ers recei6ed the pope>s blessi! " a!d retur!ed i!to E! la!d" a!d came u!to the 4i! at ,estmi!ster1 A!d 5he! the 4i! u!derstood ho5 he 5as assoiled of his a6o5" a!d ho5 they had sped" he 5as lad" a!d tha!4ed Almi hty God a!d our holy father the pope1 There 5as a holy ma!" a recluse i! the diocese of ,orcester" 5hich 4!e5 !othi! of the cou!cil assembled upo! the o6er!a!ce of the la!d" !e of the a6o5 of the 4i! " !e of the messa e se!t to 3ome" to 5hom S1 (eter appeared i! a !i ht" a!d said to him ho5 @i! Ed5ard had se!t to 3ome to be assoiled of the a6o5 that he made 5he! he 5as beyo!d the sea" a!d he hath reat co!scie!ce because his cou!cil 5ould !ot suffer him to accompa!y it i! oi! i! his proper perso! to 3ome" 5herefore thou shalt 5rite














to him i! my !ame a!d i6e him 4!o5led e that he is assoiled by mi!e authority from the bo!d of his a6o5" a!d ho5 he shall ha6e" i! comma!dme!t of the pope for his pe!a!ce" to i6e such oods as he hath ordai!ed for his e8pe!ses" to poor me!" a!d to ma4e a !e5 abbey i! the ho!our of S1 (eter" or to repair a! old o!e" a!d to e!do5 it sufficie!tly" a!d 5rite to him that" by the same to4e! that he chose me sometime to be his patro! i! Norma!dy" that he repair the abbey called Thor!ey i! the 5est of the city of Lo!do!" 5hich sometime I hallo5ed myself1 A!d let him set therei! mo!4s of ood co!6ersatio!" for from that place shall be a ladder stretchi! i! to hea6e!" a!d a! els desce!di! a!d asce!di! " beari! up to hea6e! to our Lord the prayers of mee4 a!d de6out me!1 A!d to him that asce!deth by that ladder" I shall ope! the ates of hea6e!" li4e as our Lord hath e!=oi!ed me by mi!e office" a!d I shall loose them that be bou!d" a!d recei6e them that be u!bou!d1 All this that thou hast herd of me" thou shalt 5rite it" a!d se!d it to @i! Ed5ard" 5hich the! 5as ma!y a mile the!ce1 A!d the messe! er that came from this a!4er or recluse came to the prese!ce of the 4i! the same time that the bishops came from 3ome1 A!d 5he! the 4i! had recei6ed the letters that came from 3ome 5ith reat re6ere!ce a!d read them" he tha!4ed God that he 5as so clearly released of the bo!d of his a6o51 A!d the! he comma!ded the letters of the recluse to be read1 A!d 5he! they 5ere read" a!d he sa5 they 5ere accordi! to the letters that came from 3ome" he humbly tha!4ed God a!d S1 (eter his patro!" a!d i!co!ti!e!t disposed him to fulfil his pe!a!ce" a!d be a! to repair the abbey that he 5as assi !ed to repair by the lorious apostle S1 (eter" a!d a6e lar ely alms to poor people" a!d fra!chised all E! la!d of the tribute that 5as used yearly to be paid to the Da!es for e6ermore1 O! a time 5he! @i! Ed5ard 5as at ,estmi!ster" there came to him a cripple" bor! i! Irela!d" 5hich 5as !amed Giles -ichell1 A!d this cripple had !o feet" but 5e!t upo! his ha!ds a!d 4!ees" ha6i! i! either ha!d a little stool to o 5ith1 +is le s 5ere both be!t bac45ard a!d clea6ed to his thi hs" a!d his toes re5 fast to his buttoc4s1 This cripple e!tered boldly i!to the 4i! >s palace" a!d came to the 4i! >s chamber door1 A!d o!e +uli!" the 4i! >s chamberlai!" dema!ded him sharply 5hat he did there1 To 5hom the cripple saidD Let me !ot" I pray you" for I must !eeds spea4 to the 4i! " for I ha6e bee! out of this la!d si8 times to 6isit the holy relics of the holy apostle S1 (eter" to the i!te!t to be healed" a!d S1 (eter de!ied me !ot" but bade me o i!to E! la!d a!d let the 4i! bear me o! his bac4 i!to the church of S1 (eter" a!d the! I shall be made perfectly 5hole1 ,hich thi! 5as told to the 4i! by the same +uli!" a!d a!o! the 4i! had pity o! the poor ma!" a!d disdai!ed !ot" but too4 him o! his shoulders a!d bare him" 5hom the cripple beclipped 5ith his foul a!d scabby ha!ds a!d arms" a!d so" i! the beari! " his si!e5s loosed a!d 5ere reached out1 A!d of 4er!els a!d botches of his face" a!d of scur6ies" there ra! reat ple!ty of blood a!d matter o! the 4i! >s clothes" 5hich 5as told to the 4i! " a!d also that he 5as all 5hole" but the 4i! too4 !o!e heed thereto" but bare him to the hi h altar" a!d there he 5as set do5! o! his feet" a!d 5as made perfectly 5hole to ride or o 5hither he 5ould" but the 4i! 5ould i! !o 5ise ha6e this miracle ascribed to him" but a6e to him a re5ard a!d bade him to o to 3ome a!d tha!4 God a!d his holy apostle S1 (eter1 I! that time @i! Ethelbert" 5hich rei !ed i! @e!t" a!d Si bert i! -iddlese8" 5ere co!6erted to the faith of Christ by S1 Austi!1 ,hich Ethelbert made i! Lo!do!" 5ithi! the city" a !oble a!d royal church i! the ho!our of S1 (aul" i! 5hich S1 Austi! ordai!ed S1 -ellitus to be bishop of that city1 ,hich 4i! 5as !ot satisfied 5ith that ood deed" but thou ht a!d also did do ma4e a!other church i! the 5est e!d of the city" 5hich the! 5as called Thor!ey" a!d !o5 is !amed ,estmi!ster" 5hich church he prayed -ellitus for to hailo5 i! the ho!our of S1 (eter" a!d the !i ht before that he had purposed to hallo5 it" S1 (eter appeared to a fisher i! Thames" a!d bade him set him o6er from Sta! ate to ,estmi!ster" a!d he prayed the fisher to abide him there till he came a ai!" a!d he 5ould 5ell re5ard him for his labour1 A!d soo! after the fisher sa5 S1 (eter e!ter i!to the church 5ith a reat li ht" 5hich li ht e!dured as lo! as he 5as i! the church1 A!d a certai! space after" he retur!ed to the fisher as4i! him if he had a!y meat to eat" a!d the fisher 5as so reatly abashed of the li ht that issued out of the church 5ith him" that he durst !ot spea4 to him1 To 5hom S1 (eter saidD 9rotber" dread thee !ot" I am a ma! as thou art7 hast thou a!y fishE A!d he saidD Nay" for I ha6e a5aited o! you all this !i ht 5hile ye ha6e bee! i! the church1 A!d the! they e!tered i!to the boat" a!d S1 (eter comma!ded him to cast out his !et1 A!d 5he! he had so do!e" there came so reat a multitude of reat fishes i!to his !et" that u!!ethe they mi ht dra5 up the !et for brea4i! 1 A!d 5he! they 5ere come to la!d S1 (eter di6ided the fishes" a!d bade the fisher bear the reatest u!to -ellitus" bishop of Lo!do!" a!d deli6er it to him" a!d tell to him that I ha6e hallo5ed the church of ,estmi!ster this !i ht" a!d say to him that he say mass therei! to:morro5" a!d if he 5ill !ot belie6e it" say to him" 5he! he cometh he shall fi!d there to4e!s sufficie!t" a!d I shall be patro! of that















church" a!d 6isit it ofttimes" a!d bear i! the si ht of Almi hty God the prayers a!d de6otio!s of true christia! people that pray i! that place" a!d ta4e thou the rem!a!t of the fish for thy labour1 A!d this said" S1 (eter 6a!ished a5ay1 The! the fisher mar6elled reatly of the si ht that he had see!" a!d early by the morro5 he 5e!t to the bishop -ellitus" of Lo!do!" a!d deli6ered to him the fish that S1 (eter had se!t to him" a!d told to him" by order" li4e as S1 (eter had i6e! him char e" a!d as ye ha6e heard tofore1 9ut the bishop 5ould !ot belie6e him till he came to ,estmi!ster a!d sa5 the to4e!s for to put him out of doubt1 A!d 5he! he had ope!ed the church door he fou!d a cross made of sa!d from that o!e side of the church u!to that other" 5ith a1 b1 c1 Ietters of re5e" a!d he fou!d also t5el6e crosses made o! the 5alls i! di6ers places of the church" a!d the e!ds of t5el6e ca!dles almost bur!t out" a!d also he sa5 the places that 5ere a!oi!ted 5ith holy oil" 5hich 5ere yet moist a!d appeared !e5ly do!e1 The! the bishop belie6ed this thi! 6erily" a!d said mass that same day i! the church" a!d there preached to the people a lorious sermo!" a!d declared the reat miracle ope!ly1 ,herefore the people a6e laud a!d praisi! s to God a!d to his lorious apostle S1 (eter1 A!d the! S1 Ed5ard u!derstood that this church 5as of old time hallo5ed by S1 (eter" a!d ho5 S1 (eter had comma!ded him to repair the same church" as the letter of the recluse ma4eth me!tio!1 So the! e6er after he had full reat de6otio! to the same place1 A!d he did do cast do5! the old 5or4" a!d did do build it up !e5" a!d e!do5ed that mo!astery 5orshipfully 5ith li6elihood a!d =e5els1 A!d at that time pope Leo 5as dead a!d pope Nicholas 5as after him1 A!d the! the 4i! " to i6e relatio! to him of his pe!a!ce" e!=oi!ed by Leo his predecessor" to re:edify a mo!astery of the lorious apostle S1 (eter" a!d se!t Alfred" the archbishop of ;or4" to 3ome 5ith other cler4s to i!form the pope that he had accomplished his pe!a!ce" that is to 5it" both distributed his oods to poor me!" a!d also repaired a mo!astery of S1 (eter" a!d ho5 he had by re6elatio! 5hat place he should repair" prayi! him to ratify a!d co!firm the same" 5hich pope Leo had do!e tofore him1 The! pope Nicholas" co!sideri! the reat de6otio! a!d true i!te!t of this christia! 4i! " S1 Ed5ard" co!firmed the bull of absolutio!" a!d ratified the fou!datio! a!d the statutes of the mo!astery" a!d a6e thereto reat a!d lar e pri6ile es" that 5hosoe6er presumed to ta4e a5ay a!y mo6able or immo6able oods" or 5ould ta4e a!y ma! by force or stre! th out of that church or of the preci!ct of the same" should be accursed by the authority of (eter a!d (aul to be dam!ed 5ith Judas" i! hell e6erlasti! ly to lie i! pai!1 The! the messe! ers retur!ed a ai! from 3ome 5ith letters of co!firmatio!1 A!d 5he! the 4i! sa5 the reat be!e6ole!ce of our holy father the pope" a!d his fa6our a!d e!tle!ess" i6i! to him" by 5riti! " more pri6ile es a!d freedom tha! he desired" the! he 5as full of lad!ess a!d =oy" a!d tha!4ed Almi hty God of all his ifts1 O! a time 5he! the 4i! 5as i! the church of S1 (eter at ,estmi!ster" a!d 5as disposed i! reat de6otio!" as his custom 5as" to hear mass" Earl Leofric 4!eeled behi!d the 4i! a!d sa5 5ith his bodily eyes our Lord Jesu Christ bet5ee! the priest>s ha!ds" appeari! i! the li4e!ess of a lorious child or beauteous perso!" 5hich blessed the 4i! 5ith his ri ht ha!d1 A!d the 4i! " 5hich 5as reatly comforted 5ith the si ht" bo5ed do5! his head" a!d 5ith reat de6otio! a!d mee4!ess recei6ed the blessi! of our Lord1 The! the earl arose to tell the 4i! " supposi! that the 4i! had !ot see! it" but he 4!e5 the earl>s i!te!t a!d bade him sta!d still" for that thou seest I see" a!d him I ho!our1 A!d 5he! mass 5as do!e they tal4ed to ether of their 6isio!" a!d they 5ere mar6ellously refreshed 5ith the ifts of the +oly Ghost" a!d mi ht !ot 5ell spea4 for =oy a!d 5eepi! 1 The! the 4i! comma!ded Leofric that this 6isio! should !e6er be uttered !e ope!ly 4!o5! till the time that they should die1 A!d 5he! Leofric should depart he!ce" he told it i! co!fessio! to his hostly father" a!d made it to be 5ritte!" a!d that 5riti! 5as laid i! a chest amo! other relics1 A!d ma!y years after" 5he! they 5ere both dead" the 5riti! 5as fou!d a!d read1 A!d the! the holi!ess of the 4i! 5as 4!o5!" a!d his mee4!ess sho5ed" 5hich 5ould !ot it should be sho5ed by their life for 6ai! lory1 There 5as a you! 5oma! i6e! i! marria e to a !oble ma!" a!d !ot lo! after she had t5ai! misfortu!es1 'irst she 5as barre!" a!d also there arose u!der her chee4 ma!y foul botches a!d 4er!els full of corrupt humours" 5hich e! e!dered foul 5orms" a!d made her flesh to sti!4" so that she 5as abomi!able a!d hateful to her husba!d" a!d to all her frie!ds1 A!d 5he! she could !ot be healed by !o medici!e" the! she put all her hope a!d trust i! Almi hty God" a!d 5ith ma!y a bitter tear" both day a!d !i ht besou ht a!d prayed him to deli6er her from that reproof a!d disease" or else to ta4e her out of this 5orld1 A!d 5he! she had thus lo! co!ti!ued i! prayer" she 5as comma!ded by a 6oice i! her sleep that she should o to the holy @i! Ed5ard" a!d if he 5ould 5ash her face 5ith his ha!ds" she should be all 5hole1 A!d 5he! she a5o4e she a6o5ed to see4 the 4i! i! his palace" a!d the! she came thither" a!d made mea!s that the 4i! mi ht ha6e 4!o5led e of her dream1 A!d 5he! the 4i! u!derstood it" he








called her to him a!d saidD If God 5ill that I should 5ash thy face" I 5ill !ot refuse it" a!d called after 5ater" a!d 5ith his o5! ha!ds he 5ashed her face" a!d 5ru! out the 5orms a!d all the foul blood out of her face" a!d bade her tarry there three or four days till the s4i! mi ht co6er a ai! her 6isa e" a!d tha!4 thou God for thy deli6era!ce1 A!d 5he! she 5as made perfectly 5hole" a!d her 6isa e fair a!d beauteous" the! she fell do5! at the 4i! >s feet1 a!d tha!4ed him humbly of her deli6era!ce" but he forbade her for to i6e a!y praisi! to him therefor" but bade her to i6e laud a!d praisi! to God therefor" for he is the doer" !ot I1 The! she prayed the 4i! that he 5ould pray to God for her that she mi ht ha6e a child by her husba!d" for she had bee! lo! barre!1 A!d the 4i! promised her so to do1 A!d the! she retur!ed =oyously home to her husba!d" a!d soo! after co!cei6ed a!d had a child" 5hereof she tha!4ed God that she 5as healed of both her diseases1 S1 (aul 5riteth that the +oly Ghost i6eth races di6ersely7 to some he i6eth 5isdom" to some co!!i! " a!d to some race to heal a!d to cure sic4 people1 9ut this blessed 4i! S1 Ed5ard had a special race abo6e others i! i6i! si ht to bli!d me!1 There 5as a bli!d ma! 5ell 4!o5!" 5hich heard a 6oice i! his sleep" that if he mi ht ha6e of the 5ater that the 4i! 5ashed his ha!ds i!" a!d 5ash his eyes there5ith" he should ha6e his si ht a ai!1 The! the !e8t day after" this bli!d ma! 5e!t i! to the 4i! >s palace" a!d told his 6isio! to the 4i! >s chamberlai!" a!d the chamberlai! told it to the 4i! 1 The! the 4i! said that it mi ht be 5ell a! illusio! or a dream 5hich is !ot al5ays true" for it hath !ot bee! see! that foul 5ater of a si!!er>s ha!ds should i6e si ht to bli!d me!1 The! said the chamberlai! that ma!y times dreams ha6e bee! fou!d true" as the dreams of Joseph" (haraoh" Da!iel" a!d ma!y others1 The! the 4i! i! reat humility 5e!t i!to the church o! a solem! day 5ith a basi! of 5ater" a!d comma!ded the bli!d ma! to be brou ht to him1 A!d as the 4i! 5ashed the face of the bli!d ma!" his eyes 5ere ope!ed a!d he had his si ht" a!d stood all abashed loo4i! o! the people" as he had !e5ly come i!to this 5orld1 A!d the! the people 5ept for =oy to see the holi!ess of the 4i! 1 A!d the! he 5as dema!ded if he mi ht see clearly" a!d he saidD ;ea" forsooth" a!d the 4i! 4!eeled do5! before the altar sayi! this 6erse 5ith reat dread a!d mee4!essD No! !obis domi!e" !o! !obis" sed !omi!i tuo da loriam" that is to sayD Not to us" Lord" !ot to us" but u!to thy !ame be i6e! lory1 After this" the holi!ess a!d fame of S1 Ed5ard spra! about so that" a citiHe! of Li!col!" 5hich had bee! bli!d three years" came to the 4i! >s palace to ha6e of the 5ater that the 4i! had 5ashed his ha!ds i!" for he belie6ed that it 5ould heal him1 A!d as he had otte! of that 5ater by o!e of the 4i! >s officers" he 5ashed his face a!d eyes there5ith" a!d a!o! he 5as restored to his si ht a!d 5as perfectly made 5hole" a!d so =oyfully retur!ed home" ma !ifyi! God a!d S1 Ed5ard that he had his si ht a ai!1 I! a time there 5ere athered to ether certai! 5or4ma! to he5 do5! trees to the @i! >s palace at 9ruham1 A!d after their labour" they laid them do5! to sleep i! the shado5" a!d a you! ma! of that fello5ship that hi ht ,il5i!" 5he! he should rise" he ope!ed his eyes a!d mi ht !ot see1 +e 5ashed his face a!d rubbed his eyes" but he mi ht !othi! see" 5herefore he 5as full of hea6i!ess1 The! o!e of his fello5s led him home to his house a!d he abode so bli!d ei htee! years1 A!d at the last" a 5orshipful 5oma! came to 6isit a!d comfort him1 A!d 5he! she 4!e5 ho5 he 5as made bli!d" she bade him be of ood cheer" a!d said if he 5ould 6isit si8ty churches 5ith ood de6otio!" a!d the! to ha6e the 5ater that the 4i! had 5ashed his ha!ds i! a!d 5ash his eyes 5ithal" he should ha6e his si ht a ai!1 The! he 5as reatly comforted" a!d at him a uide" a!d 5e!t a!d 6isited three score churches 5ith reat de6otio!" a!d came to the 4i! >s palace a!d cried for help" a!d they that heard him bade him cease of his cryi! " but for all that he cried more a!d more1 A!d 5he! the 4i! u!derstood it" he called him to him a!d saidD ,hy should I !ot set my ha!ds to help this poor ma!" thou h I be u!5orthy" if it please God to relie6e him a!d to i6e to him his si htE A!d because he 5ould !ot be fou!d disobedie!t to God !e presumptuous" he too4 5ater a!d 5ashed his eyes full mee4ly" a!d a!o! he 5as restored to his si ht" a!d sa5 as clearly as e6er he did1 Also there 5as a fair miracle of three bli!d me!" a!d the fourth had but o!e eye" 5hich came to the 4i! >s palace" a!d the! came o!e of the 4i! >s ser6a!ts" 5hich had pity o! them" a!d he at of the 5ater that the 4i! had 5ashed his ha!ds i! 5he! he had healed that other bli!d ma!" a!d he brou ht this 5ater to the ate" a!d told these four me! ho5 the 4i! a little before had healed a bli!d ma! 5ith the same 5ater" a!d said to them" if they 5ould 5ash their eyes 5ith ood de6otio!" they mi ht be healed by God>s race 5ith the same 5ater1 A!d the! they 4!eeled do5! 5ith reat de6otio! a!d prayed this ma! to 5ash their eyes there5ith1 A!d the! he made a cross 5ith the 5ater upo! each of their eyes" a!d besou ht Almi hty God










to ope! their eyes" a!d they all there recei6ed their perfect si ht" a!d retur!ed i! i6i! laud a!d praisi! God of their si ht i6e! to them by the merits of S1 Ed5ard1 As the 4i! o! a time sat at the table 5ith the <uee! a!d her father Earl God5i!" a!d sa5 ho5 +arold a!d Tosti" the t5o so!s of God5i!" played tofore the 4i! " but at the last the ame tur!ed i!to ear!est" a!d they be a! to fi ht1 A!d +arold too4 his brother by the hair" a!d thre5 him to the earth a!d fell upo! him i! reat a! er" a!d 5ould ha6e stra! led him but if he had bee! let1 The! the 4i! dema!ded God5i! if he u!derstood a!ythi! thereby" a!d he saidD Nay" forsooth1 The! the 4i! saidD ;e shall see 5he! they come to ma!>s a e that" o!e of them shall slay that other if he ca!1 A!d +arold" 5hich is the stro! er" shall put that other out of his la!d1 The! shall his brother Tosti come a ai! 5ith the 4i! of Nor5ay" a!d hold a battle a ai!st +arold his brother i! E! la!d" i! the 5hich both the 4i! of Nor5ay a!d Tosti shall be slai!" a!d all their host sa6e a fe5 that shall escape1 A!d the same +arold shall i6e himself to pe!a!ce for the death of his brother a!d so escape" or else he shall be put out of his 4i! dom a!d die 5retchedly1 The 4i! 5as ma!y time mo6ed a!d displeased 5ith God5i!" for he misused the 4i! >s po5er" a!d attempted the 4i! i! ma!y thi! s that 5ere u!la5ful1 A!d i! all that he mi ht" he laboured to bri! out of co!ceit" the 4i! >s cousi!s a!d frie!ds that came to him out of Norma!dy" to the i!te!t that he mi ht ha6e all the rule about the 4i! as 5ell secretly as out5ard1 A!d the 4i! " u!dersta!di! his false!ess" said but little1 9ut i! a time" as the 4i! sat at his di!!er 5ith di6ers lords a!d e!tles about him" o!e of his ser6a!ts 5as almost o6erthro5! as he smote that o!e foot 5ith that other" a!d yet the sadder foot sa6ed all" a!d 4ept him o! his feet7 5hich thi! a6e occasio! to the 4i! to tal4 to his lords" a!d the t5o feet 5ere li4e!ed to t5o brethre!" that if o!e 5ere o6erchar ed that other should help a!d succour him1 The! said the 4i! D So mi ht my brother ha6e bee! a help to me" a!d a supporter i! time of !eed" if he had !ot bee! betrayed of God5i!1 The! God5i!" heari! these 5ords of the 4i! >s mouth" 5as sore afeard" a!d saidD Sire" ye deem that I should betray your brotherE I pray God that this morsel of bread may cho4e me if I co!se!ted to his death1 The! the 4i! blessed the bread" a!d bade him eat it" a!d the morsel abode i! his throat a!d cho4ed him" so that his breath 5as stopped" a!d so died 5retchedly1 The! the 4i! saidD Dra5 the traitor out of my prese!ce" for !o5 his treaso! a!d falsehood appeareth1 O! Easter:day 5he! he had recei6ed our Lord" a!d 5as set at his di!!er" i! the middle of it" 5he! all 5as sile!ce" he fell i!to a smili! " a!d after i!to a sad!ess" 5herefore all that 5ere there mar6elled reatly" but !o!e durst as4 of him 5hat he mea!t1 9ut after di!!er du4e +arold follo5ed him i!to his chamber 5ith a bishop a!d a! abbot that 5ere of his pri6y cou!cil" a!d dema!ded of him the cause of that thi! 1 The! the 4i! saidD ,he! I remembered at my di!!er the reat be!efits of 5orship a!d di !ity of meats" of dri!4s" of ser6a!ts" of array" a!d of all riches a!d royalty that I stood i! at that time" a!d I referred all that 5orship to Almi hty God" as my custom is" the! our Lord ope!ed mi!e eyes" a!d I sa5 the se6e! sleepers Iyi! i! a ca6e i! the -ou!t Celio! beside the city of Ephesus" i! the same form a!d ma!!er as thou h I had bee! by them1 A!d I smiled 5he! I sa5 them tur! them from the ri ht side to the left side" but 5he! I u!derstood 5hat is si !ified by the said tur!i! " I had !o cause to lau h but rather to mour!1 The tur!i! si !ifieth that the prophecy be fulfilled that saithD Surget gens contra gentem" that is to say" people shall arise a ai!st people" a!d a 4i! dom a ai!st a!other1 They ha6e lai! ma!y years upo! their ri ht side" a!d they shall lie yet o! their left side se6e!ty years" i! 5hich times 5ill be reat battles" reat pestile!ce" a!d reat murrai!" reat earth<ua6es" reat hu! er a!d reat dearth throu h all the 5orld1 Of 5hich sayi! of the 4i! they reatly mar6elled" a!d a!o! they se!t to the emperor to 4!o5 if there 5ere a!y such city or hill i! his la!d i! 5hich such se6e! me! should sleep1 The! the emperor" mar6elli! " se!t to the same hill a!d there fou!d the ca6e a!d the se6e! martyrs sleepi! as they had bee! dead" Iyi! o! the left side e6ery o!e1 A!d the! the emperor 5as reatly abashed of that si ht" a!d comme!ded reatly the holi!ess of S1 Ed5ard" the 4i! of E! la!d" 5hich had the spirit of prophecy1 'or after his death be a! reat i!surrectio!s throu h all the 5orld1 'or the pay!ims destroyed a reat part of Syria" a!d thre5 do5! both mo!asteries a!d churches" a!d 5hat by pestile!ce a!d stro4e of s5ord" streets" fields" a!d to5!s lay full of dead me!1 The pri!ce of Greece 5as slai!" the emperor of 3ome 5as slai!" the 4i! of E! la!d a!d the 4i! of 'ra!ce 5ere slai!" a!d all the other realms of the 5orld 5ere reatly troubled 5ith di6ers diseases1 ,he! the blessed @i! Ed5ard had li6ed ma!y years" a!d 5as falle! i!to reat a e" it happed he came ridi! by a church i! Esse8 called +a6eri! 5hich 5as at that time i! hallo5i! a!d should be dedicated i! the ho!our of our Lord a!d S1 Joh! the E6a! elist7 5herefore the 4i! for reat de6otio! li hted do5!
















a!d tarried 5hile the church 5as i! hallo5i! 1 A!d i! the time of processio!" a fair old ma! came to the 4i! a!d dema!ded of him alms i! the 5orship of God a!d S1 Joh! the E6a! elist1 The! the 4i! fou!d !othi! ready to i6e" !e his almo!er 5as !ot prese!t" but he too4 off the ri! from his fi! er a!d a6e it to the poor ma!" 5hom the poor ma! tha!4ed a!d departed1 A!d 5ithi! certai! years after" t5o pil rims of E! la!d 5e!t i!to the holy la!d to 6isit holy places there" a!d as they had lost their 5ay a!d 5ere o!e from their fello5ship" a!d the !i ht approached" a!d they sorro5ed reatly as they that 5ist !ot 5hither to o" a!d dreaded sore to be perished amo! 5ild beasts7 at the last they sa5 a fair compa!y of me! arrayed i! 5hite clothi! " 5ith t5o li hts bor!e afore them" a!d behi!d them there came a fair a!cie!t ma! 5ith 5hite hair for a e1 The! these pil rims thou ht to follo5 the li ht a!d dre5 !i h1 The! the old ma! as4ed them 5hat they 5ere" a!d of 5hat re io!" a!d they a!s5ered that they 5ere pil rims of E! la!d" a!d had lost their fello5ship a!d 5ay also1 The! this old ma! comforted them oodly" a!d brou ht them i!to a fair city 5here 5as a fair ce!acle ho!estly arrayed 5ith all ma!!er of dai!ties" a!d 5he! they had 5ell refreshed them a!d rested there all !i ht" o! the mor! this fair old ma! 5e!t 5ith them" a!d brou ht them i! the ri ht 5ay a ai!1 A!d he 5as lad to hear them tal4 of the 5elfare a!d holi!ess of their 4i! S1 Ed5ard1 A!d 5he! he should depart from them" the! he told them 5hat he 5as" a!d saidD I am Joh! the E6a! elist" a!d say ye u!to Ed5ard your 4i! that I reet him ri ht 5ell" by the to4e! that he a6e to me this ri! 5ith his o5! ha!ds at the hallo5i! of my church" 5hich ri! ye shall deli6er to him a ai!1 A!d say ye to him that he dispose his oods" for 5ithi! si8 mo!ths he shall be i! the =oy of hea6e! 5ith me" 5here he shall ha6e his re5ard for his chastity a!d for his ood li6i! 1 A!d dread ye !ot" for ye shall speed ri ht 5ell i! your =our!ey" a!d ye shall come home i! short time safe a!d sou!d1 A!d 5he! he had deli6ered to them the ri! he departed from them sudde!ly1 A!d soo! after they came home a!d did their messa e to the 4i! " a!d deli6ered to him the ri! " a!d said that S1 Joh! E6a! elist se!t it to him1 A!d as soo! as he heard that !ame he 5as full of =oy" a!d for lad!ess let fall tears from his eyes" i6i! laud a!d tha!4s i6i! to Almi hty God" a!d to S1 Joh! his a6o5ry that he 5ould 6ouchsafe to let him ha6e 4!o5led e of his departi! out of this 5orld1 Also he had a!other to4e! of S1 Joh!" a!d that 5as that the t5o pil rims should die tofore him" 5hich thi! 5as pro6ed true" for they li6ed !ot lo! after1 A!d at the feast of Christmas the 4i! 5as sic4" a!d o! the day of the I!!oce!ts he heard mass i! the !e5 church of ,estmi!ster" 5hich he had re:edified" a!d the! he" i6i! tha!4i! s u!to Almi hty God" retur!ed i!to his chamber sore sic4" there abidi! the mercy of our Lord1 A!d all the lords" e!tles" a!d commo!s 5ere i! reat hea6i!ess 5he! they u!derstood that the 4i! mi ht !ot li6e" rememberi! 5hat 5ealth a!d prosperity the la!d had bee! i! duri! his days" a!d 5hat =eopardy it 5as li4e to sta!d i! after his decease1 The! all thi! s 5ere committed to the <uee! 5hom he lo6ed specially" a!d she full dili e!tly mi!istered to him all thi! s !ecessary1 A!d 5he! he 5as so feeble by sic4!ess that his !atural heat 5as almost o!e" he lay !i h t5o days i! a tra!ce" as a ma! that had bee! ra6ished" a!d 5he! he came to himself a ai! they that 5ere about him mar6elled reatly" for they 5ee!ed 6erily that he should !o more ha6e spo4e!1 Not5ithsta!di! " after" he spa4e 5ith a !oble spirit these 5ordsD O thou merciful Lord God" that art i!fi!ite Almi hty" i! 5hose po5er all thi! s be put" 5hich cha! est realms a!d empires" if those thi! s be true that thou hast sho5ed to me" so ra!t me space a!d stre! th to declare them to my people" that if perad6e!ture they i6e them to pe!a!ce" they may ha6e race a!d for i6e!ess1 The! Almi hty God a6e to him a !e5 stre! th that passeth all ma!>s reaso!" a!d that mi ht !ot be 5ithout miracle" for before that time he spa4e so soft that for feeble!ess he mi ht !ot 5ell be heard" a!d at that time he spa4e 5ith a 5hole breast" these 5ords follo5i! D ,he! I 5as you! a!d d5elled i! Norma!dy" I lo6ed 5ell the fello5ship of ood me!" for he that spa4e most reli iously a!d oodly" 5ith him 5as I most co!6ersa!t1 A!d amo! all others there 5ere t5ai! to 5hom I dre5 much for their ho!est co!6ersatio!" a!d for the holi!ess of their life" s5eet!ess of their ma!!ers a!d their comfortable 5ords" 5hom I sa5 tra!slated i!to hea6e!7 for ma!y years o!e they died" a!d !o5 they ha6e appeared to me by the suffera!ce of God a!d ha6e sho5ed to me the state of my people" a!d 5hat si!s rei ! amo! them" a!d 5hat 6e! ea!ce shall be ta4e! o! them for their si!s1 (riests ha6e offe!ded" for they mi!ister the holy sacrame!ts 5ith u!clea! thou hts a!d polluted ha!ds" a!d as a! hired ma! a!d !ot as a 6ery shepherd" defe!d !ot their sheep !e feed them1 A!d as for pri!ces a!d e!tles" they be fou!d false a!d u!true" a!d fello5s to fie!ds" thie6es" a!d robbers of the cou!try" 5hich ha6e !o dread of God !e ho!our him1 A!d true la5 is a burde! to them" a!d had i! despite" a!d cruel!ess much used1 A!d the prelates 4eep !ot ri hteous!ess" they correct !ot their sub=ects" !e teach !e i!form them as they should do1 A!d therefore our Lord hath !o5 dra5! out his s5ord of 6e! ea!ce to smite his people1 This pu!ishme!t shall be i! 5ithi! this year both by s5ord a!d 5asti! this realm piteously1 A!d the! I be a! to si h a!d mour! for









the trouble that 5as comi! to my people" a!d saidD If they 5ould be tur!ed a!d do pe!a!ce" shall !ot they ha6e for i6e!ess a!d God shall bless them a ai! E A!d it 5as a!s5ered to meD The hearts of the people be so i!durate a!d so bli!ded" a!d their ears so stopped" that they 5ill !ot hear of !o correctio!" !e they be !ot mo6ed !e pro6o4ed by !o be!efits that our Lord i6eth them1 The! I as4ed if there 5ere a!y remedy that mi ht attemper the 5rath of our Lord1 To 5hom it 5as a!s5ered i! these 5ordsD A ree! tree cut from his stoc4 shall be di6ided from his proper root the space of three furlo! s" a!d 5ithout ma!>s ha!d shall tur! a ai! to his old root" a!d ta4e a ai! his sap a!d flourisheth a!d bri! eth forth fruit" a!d 5he! this is do!e there may come remedy1 A!d 5he! this 5as said they 5ere sudde!ly o!e out of my si ht1 There 5as about the 4i! that time" the <uee!" du4e +arold her brother" 3obert" 4eeper of the palace" a!d Sti a!d" 5hich had defiled his father>s bed1 'or 5hiles 3obert" the archbishop of Ca!terbury li6ed" the said Sti a!d put him do5! a!d came i! by simo!y" 5herefore he 5as suspe!ded by the pope1 A!d after5ard God too4 6e! ea!ce upo! him" so that his belly bra4e a!d his bo5els fell out" a!d so he died 5retchedly1 This Sti a!d a6e !o crede!ce to the 4i! >s 5ords" but ascribed it to his a e" a!d to the feeble!ess of the 4i! " a!d made it but a fa!tasy" but others that 5ere better ad6ised" 5ept a!d sorro5ed a!d 5ru! their ha!ds" a!d se!t to our holy father the pope" i6i! him i!formatio! of the same 6isio!1 A!d our holy father 5rote epistles to E! la!d e8horti! the people to do pe!a!ce" but his 5riti! profited !ot1 9ut 5he! 4i! +arold had bro4e! the oath that he had made to du4e ,illiam" therefor he 5as slai! i! battle" the! they 4!e5 5ell that the prophecy af S1 Ed5ard 5as come1 'or the! the liberty of E! la!d made a! e!d" a!d the! came i! bo!dship a!d thraldom1 That time E! la!d 5as all cha! ed" a!d I u!dersta!d S1 Du!sta! prophesied the same trouble comi! " a!d after a certai! time he promised comfort also1 ,herefore this foresaid 6isio! may be co!6e!ie!tly e8pou!ded as here follo5eth1 The tree si !ifieth the realm of E! la!d" 5hose reat!ess a!d fair!ess beto4e!eth riches ple!teous" a!d ho!our of E! la!d" of 5hom all 5orship proceedeth 5hich 5orship hath proceeded of the true blood of the la!d" a!d of the true li!ea e 5hich desce!ded from Alfred" 5hich our holy father the pope cro5!ed a!d a!oi!ted 4i! " as for the first 4i! of the true li!e of E! la!d" u!to this holy 4i! Ed5ard" by successio!1 The tree is cut do5! from the stoc4 5he! the realm is di6ided a!d tra!slated from o!e seed or li!ea e to a!other1 The space of three furlo! s is the time of three 4i! s" that is to say +arold" ,illiam Co!<ueror" a!d ,illiam his so!1 The comi! a ai! of the tree to the stoc4 5ithout ma!>s help 5as 5he! 4i! +e!ry the first came i!to the realm" !ot by ma!>s stre! th but by the 6ery true lo6e of his commo!s1 +e too4 his sap a!d his 6ery stre! th 5he! he 5edded -aud the dau hter of the !iece of S1 Ed5ard" =oi!i! to ether the seed of E! la!d a!d of Norma!dy" a!d by the tree flourished" 5hom -aud the empress spra! of their seed" a!d it brou ht forth fruit 5he! of her came +e!ry the seco!d" a!d thus these t5o people 5ere =oi!ed to ether1 If this e8positio! displease a!y ma!" let him e8pou!d it better" or else let him abide a time till it be fulfilled" so that the prophecy of 4i! Ed5ard accord to the prophecy of S1 Du!sta!1 This holy 4i! S1 Ed5ard" 4!o5i! that his hour dre5 !i h" spa4e to them that stood 5eepi! about him a!d i! comforti! them saidD 'orsooth if ye lo6ed me ye 5ould pray that I should pass from this 5orld to the father of hea6e!" there to recei6e the =oy 5hich is promised to all true christia! me!1 (ut ye a5ay your 5eepi! a!d speed forth my =our!ey 5ith prayers" 5ith holy psalms a!d 5ith almsdeeds1 'or thou h mi!e e!emy the fie!d may !ot o6ercome me i! my faith" yet there is !o!e fou!d so perfect but he 5ill assay a!d tempt to let or to fear him1 A!d the! he comme!ded the <uee! to her brother i! comme!di! her 6irtues u!to his lords" a!d declared to them their pure chastity1 'or she 5as to him i! ope! places as his 5ife" a!d i! secret places as his sister1 A!d he comma!ded also that her do5ry should be made sure to her" a!d they that came 5ith him out of Norma!dy should be put to their choice" 5hether they should abide still i! E! la!d a!d to be e!do5ed 5ith li6elihood after their de ree" or else to retur! a ai! i!to Norma!dy 5ith a sufficie!t re5ard1 A!d he chose his place for his sepulture i! the church of S1 (eter" 5hich he had !e5 builded" a!d said he should !ot lo! abide i! this 5orld1 A!d 5he! he beheld the <uee! a!d sa5 her 5eep a!d si h amo! " he said to her ofttimesD -y dau hter" 5eep !ot" for I shall !ot die" but I shall li6e" a!d shall depart from the la!d of death" a!d belie6e to see the ood!ess of God i! the la!d of life1 A!d the! he set his mi!d all i! God" a!d a6e himself 5holly to the faith of the church" i! the hope a!d promises of Christ u!der the sacrame!ts of the church1 A!d amo! these 5ords of praisi! " he yielded up his spirit u!to God" i! the year of our Lord o!e thousa!d a!d si8ty:si8" 5he! he had rei !ed i! this la!d t5e!ty:three years a!d si8 mo!ths a!d t5e!ty:se6e! days" the fourth day of Ja!uary1 A!d as his cousi!s a!d his lo6ers stood about this holy body 5he! the spirit 5as passed" they sa5 a mar6ellous beauty" a!d a hea6e!ly si ht i! his face1 A!d 5he! they loo4ed o! his !a4ed body" they sa5 it shi!e 5ith












a mar6ellous bri ht!ess for the clear!ess of his 6ir i!ity1 A!d the! they 5rapped the holy body i! palls a!d buried it 5ith reat re6ere!ce a!d 5orship" a!d lar ely alms 5ere i6e! for him1 A!d all the lords" spiritual a!d temporal" 5ere prese!t at the buryi! of him" tha!4i! God of the reat be!efits that he sho5ed i! this la!d duri! the life of the holy sai!t a!d 4i! " S1 Ed5ard1 ,herefore laud" lory a!d ho!our be i6e! to Almi hty God" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 The ei hth day after his buryi! there came a cripple to his tomb to be holpe! of his reat disease" 5hich ma!y times afore had recei6ed alms of the 4i! >s ha!d" a!d he had bee! 5ashe! of the 4i! >s ha!d o! Ce!e:Thursday1 Not5ithsta!di! " the miracle of his curi! 5as prolo! ed by the pro6isio! of God" a!d !ot sho5ed i! his lifetime" because that ma!y miracles God sho5ed for him" i! li4e 5ise he 5ould sho5 after his death1 This cripple 5as called 3alph" a!d 5as a Norma! bor!" a!d the si!e5s of his arms 5ere shru!4e! to ether" a!d his feet 5ere dra5! up to his buttoc4s that he mi ht !ot o" !either o! his feet !e o! his 4!ees" but sat o! a hollo5 6essel i! ma!!er of a basi!" dra5i! his body after him 5ith his ha!ds1 A!d 5he! he came to the tomb" he besou ht Almi hty God a!d S1 Ed5ard de6outly that he mi ht be cured a!d healed of his disease" 5hich i! his lifetime had most li6ed by his alms1 A!d 5he! he had co!ti!ued a5hile i! his prayers other people that had compassio! of him" prayed for him also" a!d at the last he lifted himself up" a!d felt his si!e5s loosed" a!d the! he arose up a!d stood o! his feet" a!d felt himself made perfectly 5hole for to do 5hat he should1 ,e ha6e read of the 6irtues that S1 Ed5ard had i! heali! bli!d me! i! his li6i! " 5hich our Lord hath !ot 5ithdra5! from him after his death1 It happed that thirty days after his buryi! " there came to his tomb a ma! 5hich had but o!e eye" leadi! after him si8 bli!d me!" a!d each of them held other by the s4irt1 A!d all they de6outly prayed to God a!d to S1 Ed5ard that they mi ht ha6e their si ht" a!d to be deli6ered of the reat misery that they stood i!" a!d much people came thither for to see 5hat should befall of this thi! 1 A!d 5he! they sa5 ho5 heartily these bli!d me! prayed" the! all the people bei! mo6ed 5ith pity" 4!eeled do5! de6outly" a!d prayed for them to God" a!d to this holy sai!t1 A!d a!o! as they had e!ded their prayers all they recei6ed perfectly their si ht1 A!d the! each of them that had bee! bli!d loo4ed fast o! each other" a!d thou ht it a !e5 5orld 5ith them1 A!d each e!<uired of other" if they mi ht see" a!d they said yea1 A!d all 4!eeled do5!" tha!4i! God full heartily that" by the merits of S1 Ed5ard he had restored to them their si ht perfectly" a!d also to their leader" 5hich had but o!e eye at his comi! " a!d had si ht of the bli!d eye also" a!d so all had their perfect si ht1 A!d after" they retur!ed home each i!to his cou!try" i6i! laud a!d tha!4i! s to God a!d to this holy 4i! 1 After this +arold +arfa er" 4i! of Nor5ay" a!d Tosti" brother of 4i! +arold of E! la!d" came 5ith a reat !a6y a!d a reat host" a!d arri6ed i! +umber" a!d there made 5ar" i!te!di! to co!<uer this la!d1 +o5beit" the people be a! to resist them" but they 5ere !ot of po5er to o6ercome them1 A!d 5he! +arold u!derstood this" he raised a reat multitude of people to 5ithsta!d them1 The! S1 Ed5ard o! a !i ht appeared to a holy mo!4" 5hich 5as abbot of 3umsey" a!d bade him o a!d tell to +arold that he should o6ercome his e!emies" the 5hich i!te!ded to destroy a!d co!sume this realm of E! la!d" a!d say to him that he dread !ot" for I shall so co!duct him a!d his host" that he shall ha6e 6ictory" for I may !ot see !e suffer this realm of E! la!d to be destroyed1 A!d 5he! thou hast told to him this" he 5ill !ot belie6e thee" 5herefore thou shalt pro6e thy 6isio! i! this ma!!er1 Let him thi!4 a!d set his mi!d o! 5hat thi! he 5ill" a!d thou shalt tell him 5hat he thi!4eth" for God shall sho5 that to thee" a!d the! he shall i6e crede!ce to thy 5ords1 O! the mor! the abbot of 3umsey" !amed Ale8is" 5e!t to 4i! +arold a!d told to him this 6isio!" a!d ho5 he should by the aid of S1 Ed5ard o6ercome his e!emies1 A!d 5he! he heard it first" he supposed it had bee! a fa!tasy" a!d 5he! he sho5ed to him his pri6y thou ht" the! he a6e faith thereto a!d 5e!t to the battle" ho5beit that he 5as the! sic4 i! his roi! of a pestile!ce botch" a!d sle5 Tosti" his brother" a!d +arold +arfa er" a!d ri ht fe5 or !o!e escaped ali6e" from the battle1 ,herefore the E! lishma! tha!4ed God a!d S1 Ed5ard of their 6ictory1 I! the mo!astery of ,estmi!ster there 5as a fair you! ma! 5hich 5as bli!d" 5hom the mo!4s had ordai!ed to ri! the bells" a!d he had a custom daily to 6isit the tomb of S1 Ed5ard 5ith certai! prayers1 A!d o! a time as he prayed there" he fell asleep" a!d he heard a 6oice that bade him o a!d ri! to the last hour1 A!d 5he! he a5o4e he sa5 S1 Ed5ard oi! tofore him li4e a 4i! 5ith a cro5! o! his head" a!d had mar6ellous li ht about him1 A!d he beheld him till he came to the hi h altar" a!d the! he sa5 him !o more" !e the li ht" but he had his si ht e6er after till his life>s e!d" a!d the! he told u!to the mo!4s ho5 he 5as healed" a!d had his si ht a ai! by this miracle1











0f the Deposition of S. 1ulstan, and ho! he !as restored again. ,he! ,illiam Co!<ueror had otte! all E! la!d" a!d had it u!der his po5er" the! he be a! to meddle 5ith the church" a!d by the ad6ice of La!fra!c" the holy bishop S1 ,ulsta!" 5as challe! ed that he 5as !ot able of letters" !e of co!!i! for to occupy the realm a!d office of a bishop" a!d 5as called tofore La!fra!c" a!d 5illed him to resi ! by the co!se!t of the 4i! to the said La!fra!c" archbishop" that a ma! of reater co!!i! mi ht occupy the di !ity1 To 5hom ,ulsta! saidD 'orsooth father" I 4!o5 5ell that I am !ot 5orthy to ha6e this di !ity" !e am !ot sufficie!t to occupy so reat a char e" for I 4!e5 5ell mi!e u!co!!i! at such time 5he! I 5as elect thereto" but I 5as compelled by our holy father the pope" a!d by ood 4i! Ed5ard" a!d sith it pleaseth the cou!cil that I shall resi !" I shall ladly resi !" but !ot to you" but to him that compelled me to ta4e it1 A!d he departed i!co!ti!e!t from the archbishop La!fra!c" a!d 5e!t strai ht to the tomb of S1 Ed5ard 5ith his cross i! his ha!d" a!d he said to S1 Ed5ard" as he had the! bee! ali6eD O thou holy a!d blessed 4i! " thou 4!o5est 5ell that I too4 this char e o! me a ai!st my 5ill" but by co!strai!t of the pope a!d thee I obeyed to ta4e it" a!d it !o5 so is that 5e ha6e a !e5 4i! " !e5 la5s" a!d i6eth !e5 se!te!ces" i! repro6i! thee of thi!e error for so much as thou a6est it to me" simple a!d u!co!!i! ma!" a!d me" for the presumptio! that I 5ould co!se!t to ta4e it1 That time thou mi htest 5ell ha6e bee! be uiled" for thou 5ert a frail ma!" but !o5 thou art =oi!ed to God" 5hereas thou mayst !ot be decei6ed1 Thou a6est to me the char e" a!d to thee I here resi ! it a ai!1 A!d 5ith that he fi8ed his staff i!to the hard sto!e of his tomb" sayi! D Ta4e this a!d i6e it to 5hom it pleaseth thee1 A!d the hard sto!e that lay upo! his tomb resol6ed by miracle" a!d recei6ed his cross or pastoral staff" a!d held it so fast that it mi ht !ot be ta4e! out by ma!>s ha!d1 A!d a!o! he did off the habit of a bishop" a!d did o! a co5l" a!d stood amo! the mo!4s i! such de ree as he did tofore ere he 5as bishop1 A!d 5he! 5ord came" a!d 5as reported to them that had co!se!ted to his resi !atio!" they mar6elled reatly a!d 5ere all abashed" a!d some of them 5e!t to the tomb a!d 5ould ha6e pulled out the staff" but they could !ot mo6e it1 A!d 5he! the archbishop La!fra!c heard thereof he comma!ded to Gu!dulf" bishop of 3ochester" to o a!d fetch to him the pastoral staff" but 5he! he came he set ha!d o! it a!d pulled at it" but the sto!e held it so fast that he mi ht !ot mo6e it" 5herefore he 5as sore abashed" a!d came to La!fra!c" a!d told to him of this miracle1 The! the 4i! a!d La!fra!c 5ere abashed a!d came both i! their perso!s to see this thi! " a!d there made their prayers1 A!d after" 5ith reat re6ere!ce La!fra!c assayed a!d set ha!d o! the staff for to ha6e pulled it out" but it 5ould !ot mo6e1 The! the 4i! a!d the archbishop 5ere sore afraid" a!d repe!ted them" a!d se!t for to see4 ,ulsta!" 5hom they fou!d amo! the mo!4s a!d brou ht him tofore the 4i! a!d the archbishop" 5ho a!o! 4!eeled do5! a!d as4ed for i6e!ess1 A!d ,ulsta! mee4ly 4!eeled do5! a!d prayed them !ot so to do to him" a!d humbly a!d mee4ly pardo!ed them a!d prayed the archbishop humbly to bless him1 The! La!fra!c 5e!t to this holy ma! ,ulsta! a!d saidD 9rother" thy ri htful simplicity hath bee! but little set by amo! us" but our Lord hath made thy ri hteous!ess to shi!e li4e as a day:star1 9ut" brother" 5e ha6e trespassed a!d erred i! =ud i! the ood to be e6il a!d the e6il ood" but our Lord God hath araised the spirit of S1 Ed5ard 5hich hath made 6oid all our se!te!ces" a!d thy simple!ess is allo5ed tofore God1 ,herefore come hither to thy 4i! a!d ours" S1 Ed5ard" a!d recei6e a ai! thy staff 5hich he hath de!ied to us" for 5e suppose he 5ill deli6er it to you1 The! ,ulsta! the ser6a!t of God mee4ly obeyed 5ith reat re6ere!ce u!to the archbishop" a!d 5e!t u!to the tomb 5hereas the staff stood fast fi8ed i! the sto!e" a!d 4!eeli! do5! sayi! D O blessed sai!t of God" I here mee4ly submit me to thy se!te!ce to 5hom sometime thou a6est a!d char edst me u!5orthy 5ith this staff1 If it so please thee that thi!e old se!te!ce abide" the! restore to me a ai! this pastoral staff" a!d if it please to thee to cha! e it" so sho5 to us 5hom thou 5ilt shall ta4e it1 A!d this said he set his ha!d humbly a!d 5ith reat re6ere!ce o! the staff" a!d a!o! the hard sto!e resol6ed" a!d let the staff to o out" as it had bee! soft earth or clay1 A!d 5he! they that stood about him sa5 this reat miracle they 5ept for =oy i! i6i! out lar ely tears" a!d as4ed him for i6e!ess" i6i! laud a!d praisi! u!to Almi hty God a!d to this holy sai!t 4i! Ed5ard1 A!d e6er after" 4i! ,illiam had reat de6otio! to 6isit the tomb of his cousi!" S1 Ed5ard" a!d did reat cost to5ard the ma4i! of his shri!e1 Ho! his holy body !as found incorrupt many years after.












After this miracle 5as sho5ed" there 5as much tal4i! of his holi!ess" a!d the de6otio! of the people i!creased daily more a!d more" so there 5ere ma!y di6erse 5orshipful perso!s that desired to see this holy body1 'or some said that it lay i!corrupt" a!d some said !ay7 a!d i! this mee4 strife they at lice!ce




of the abbot Gilbert to see it1 A!d 5he! the day 5as set that this holy body should be sho5ed" there came thither ma!y 5orshipful me! a!d 5ome! of reli io!" amo! 5hom came Gu!dulf" bishop of 3ochester" a!d this 5as si8:a!d:thirty years after his buryi! that they ope!ed his tomb1 A!d 5he! the sto!e 5as remo6ed they felt a mar6ellous s5eet sa6our" that all the church 5as replete thereof as thou h a! odour aromatic had flo5ed out of the tomb1 A!d they fou!d the pall that lay !e8t his body as 5hole a!d as fair as it 5as 5he! he 5as buried7 a!d 5he! the pall 5as ta4e! off they dre5 forth his arms" they mo6ed his fi! ers a!d his toes" a!d they 5ere bo5i! a!d 5hole as they had bee! !e5ly buried1 A!d i! his flesh 5as fou!d !o corruptio!" but it 5as fair a!d fresh of colour" pure" a!d bri hter tha! lass" 5hiter tha! s!o5" a!d it seemed a body lorified1 A!d they feared to disco6er his 6isa e" but Gu!dulf 5hich 5as hardier tha! a!other" 5ith de6otio! u!bou!d his head" a!d the first that appeared 5as the fair hoar hair of his head" a!d the! he thou ht to ta4e some thereof for a relic" a!d 5ith re6ere!ce a!d dread pluc4ed thereat" but he could !o!e ha6e out" for they 5ere as fast as they 5ere 5he! he 5as ali6e1 The! said the abbotD 'ather" suffer him to lie i! rest" a!d attempt !ot to mi!ish that our Lord hath so lo! preser6ed a!d 4ept 5hole1 The! the pall i! 5hich the holy body 5as 5rapt 5as ta4e! a5ay" a!d a!other of the same 6alue 5as fetched" a!d the holy body laid therei!" a!d co6ered a ai! his tomb 5ith full reat re6ere!ce" abidi! the reat resurrectio!1 Ho! vengeance !as sho!ed to a damoiselle that blasphemed S. "d!ard.

I! the city of Lo!do! there 5as a !oble 5oma! 5hich 5as ri ht co!!i! i! sil4 5or4" 5hich 5as desired to embroider certai! arme!ts to the cou!tess of Gloucester" 5hich the! 5as you! " Iusty" fresh" a!d !e5ly 5edded" a!d 5ould ha6e them made i! short space1 A!d 5he! the festal day of S1 Ed5ard approached" this !oble 5oma! 5as sore troubled i! her mi!d for she dreaded the i!di !atio! of the reat lady if her arme!ts 5ere !ot ready at time set" a!d also she dreaded to 5or4 o! the day of S1 Ed5ard" for it 5as both si!ful a!d perilous1 The! she said to a you! damoiselle that 5as fello5 5ith her" a!d 5rou ht i! the same 5or4D ,hat thi!4 ye best !o5" either to displease this lady or else this ood S1 Ed5ardE A!d she a!s5eredD Is this !ot that Ed5ard 5hom the churls of the cou!try 5orship as he 5ere a odE A!d she said yet moreD ,hat ha6e I to do 5ith himE I 5ill !o more 5orship him tha! if he 5ere a churl1 The! this !oble 5oma! 5as sore abashed a!d mo6ed 5ith her" that she said such 5ords of blasphemy to this holy sai!t" a!d she all to:beat her for to be i! peace" a!d she of fro5ard!ess blasphemed him more a!d more" a!d the! sudde!ly 5as smitte! 5ith a palsy" so that her mouth 5as dra5! to her ear" a!d also she had lost her speech" a!d foamed at the mouth li4e a boar" a!d ri!ded her teeth to ether mar6ellously" a!d 5as sore pu!ished i! all her members1 A!d 5he! this !oble 5oma! sa5 this" she 5as full hea6y that she had beate! her" because Almi hty God had so pu!ished her" a!d 5ept full bitterly1 A!d 5he! it 5as 4!o5! i! the city" her !ei hbours came" some for to comfort her a!d some to 5o!der upo! her so Iyi! 1 A!d the! there came a 5orshipful ma! to 6isit her" a!d cou!selled that she should be carried by 5ater u!to the shri!e of S1 Ed5ard" a!d to pray to God there" that by the merits of the holy S1 Ed5ard he 5ould sho5 some miracle for her1 A!d 5he! she 5as so brou ht thither" much people prayed for her" but they had !ot their i!te!t a!o!" but abode i! their prayers till mid!i ht that mati!s be a!" a!d the! they prayed the mo!4s to pray for her1 A!d 5he! they had do!e mati!s they came to the shri!e also a!d prayed for this damoiselle 5hich lay there i! full reat pai! a!d torme!t1 A!d 5he! the holy mo!4s had prayed for her a ood 5hile" the! this damoiselle arose up all 5hole" a!d dema!ded 5hy they 5ept a!d made so much sorro51 A!d 5he! they sa5 her mouth i! his ri ht place a!d all her members restored a ai!" they 5ere full of =oy" a!d a6e laud a!d tha!4i! s u!to Almi hty God a!d to his holy 4i! a!d co!fessor S1 Ed5ard1 Ho! a mon% !as healed of a fever &uartan.






I! the abbey of ,estmi!ster there 5as a 6irtuous mo!4 a!d co!!i! !amed Gilbert" 5hich 5as sore 6e8ed 5ith a fe6er <uarta! from the mo!th of July to Christmas" a!d co!sumed li4e a dry ima e" 5hereof he prayed God to release his pai! or ta4e him out of this 5orld1 A!d o! Christmas !i ht he too4 heart to him a!d 5e!t to mati!s 5ith his brethre!1 A!d 5he! he heard the ospel" ho5 a little child 5as bor! a!d i6e! to us from the father of hea6e!" 5hose mother 5as a pure 6ir i!" he had so reat de6otio! that his mi!d 5as ra6ished 5ith so reat =oy that he felt !o disease t5o days after1 After those t5o days the fe6er





came a ai!" a!d 6e8ed him co!ti!ually u!to the feast of S1 Ed5ard 5hich is al5ays i! the 6i il of the Epipha!y1 A!d that day i! the hi h mass time he came to the tomb of S1 Ed5ard a!d fell do5! plat i! reat de6otio!" a!d 5eepi! " a!d said thusD O thou" my lord a!d 4i! " ho5 lo! 5ilt thou for et meE +o5 lo! shall I suffer this pai!E +o5 lo! shalt thou tur! thy face from meE ,here be all the reat miracles that our fathers ha6e told to us" do!e i! their daysE Thou hast holpe! ma!y stra! ers" but me that am i! thi!e o5! church thou for ettest a!d closest to me the ate of thy pity1 ,ould God that I mi ht die" I am !ourished i! pai! a!d may !ot die" my life is sorro5 to me" but it ca! ha6e !o!e e!d" a!d I desire death a!d dare !ot ha6e it1 ,hat shall I stri6e 5ith theeE 9ut I beseech thee" ood 4i! " laudable pri!ce" a!d s5eet patro!" mo6e thy bo5els of mercy o! me" if it please thee i6e me health" or else let me die a!o!1 A!d amo! these 5ords the tears bra4e out of his eyes" a!d sobbi! s from his heart" that he could !ot spea4 5ith his mouth but 5ith his affectio!1 A!d 5he! mass 5as do!e" he arose up from prayer all 5hole" a!d felt all his members mar6ellously refreshed 5ith a !e5 stre! th a!d e!tered i! a!d as4ed after meat a!d dri!4" a!d a!o! he felt himself that he had recei6ed a ai! his stre! th1 A!d e6er after he 5as mo6ed 5ith reat de6otio! u!to the lorious S1 Ed5ard" by 5hose merits he 5as deli6ered from his sic4!ess a!d disease1 A!d i! li4e 5ise a 4!i ht !amed Geri! 5as healed that same day" a year after" of the fe6er <uarta!" 5hich came that day u!to the shri!e a!d heard the same mo!4 that had so bee! healed" 5hich the! 5as prior" ma4e a sermo! i! 5hich he told of the miracle" ho5 he 5as 5hole1 A!d after the sermo! this 4!i ht thou ht he 5ould !ot cease1 but de6outly prayed this holy sai!t till he 5ere 5hole" a!d abode there prayi! all that day a!d !i ht follo5i! till the mo!4s came to mati!s" 5hom he prayed to pray for him1 A!d 5he! they had prayed a ood 5hile he felt himself made perfectly 5hole" a!d the! he 5ith all the people a6e tha!4i! s to our Lord" Almi hty God" a!d S1 Ed5ard" for his deli6era!ce1 Also a !u! of 9ar4i! " that had bee! sic4 t5el6e mo!ths" a!d !i h co!sumed a5ay" had a 6isio! o! a !i ht by 5hich she u!derstood that she should o to S1 Ed5ard a!d be 5hole7 a!d she ma4i! her prayers to S1 Ed5ard1 A!d at such time as her sic4!ess came" she e!tered i!to her oratory a!d said the se6e! (salms a!d Lita!y" a!d 5he! she did so t5ice all her pai! 5as o!e" a!d she 5as made perfectly 5hole" a!d tha!4ed Almi hty God" 5hich by the merits of S1 Ed5ard had healed her" a!d soo! after came to ,estmi!ster i! pil rima e" a!d there did sho5 this miracle" a!d told ho5 she 5as made 5hole1 Also there 5as a mo!4 of ,estmi!ster 5hich 5as accustomed to say e6ery day fi6e (salms i! the 5orship of God a!d S1 Ed5ard" 5hich mo!4 5as rie6ed 5ith three ma!!er sic4!esses1 'or he had o! his arm a co! elatio! of blood i! ma!!er of a posthume" he had also i! his breast a strait!ess that u!!ethe he mi ht dra5 his breath" also he had i! his foot a mar6ellous s5elli! a!d a reat" that he mi ht !ot o but 5ith reat pai!1 A!d 5he! the yearly feast 5as hallo5ed" he sa5 his brethre! o to the church at mid!i ht for to ri! the bells" a!d he 5as ri ht sorry that he mi ht !ot do the same1 Not5ithsta!di! he pai!ed himself a!d 5e!t thither" a!d said the se6e! psalms1 A!d 5he! he had do!e" a!d sa5 his brethre! ri! merrily" he said i! his prayer to S1 Ed5ardD O thou my ood 4i! " I beseech thee to pray for me that I may ha6e stre! th to do as I see my brethre! do" for I commit me fully to thy mi ht" a!d I belie6e 6erily that thou 5ilt suffer me !o lo! er i! this reat disease1 A!d 5he! he had made a! e!d of his prayers he arose up" a!d 5e!t to the bells for to ri! them" a!d a!o! the posthume of his arm bra4e" a!d 5he! the foul matter 5as out" he felt himself 5hole of that disease1 The! his most pai! 5as i! his breast" a!d he 5e!t a ai! to pray a!d to i6e tha!4i! s to God a!d to S1 Ed5ard of the deli6era!ce of his posthume1 A!d there he prayed full de6outly that he mi ht be deli6ered of the disease of his breast" a!d 5he! he arose from prayer he felt his heart all 5hole from the sic4!ess that he had i! his breast1 The! he felt !o disease but o! his foot" a!d 5he! he came amo! his brethre! i! the fraitour" he told them ho5 he 5as deli6ered from t5ai! of his sic4!esses" a!d 5he! they sa5 him they mar6elled reatly" a!d besou ht Almi hty God a!d S1 Ed5ard that he mi ht be deli6ered of that disease i! his foot1 A!d at !i ht" 5he! he 5e!t to his bed" he put himself 5holly i! the merits of S1 Ed5ard" a!d 5he! he arose he felt !o pai!" but put do5! his ha!d to his foot to feel ho5 it 5as" a!d he felt that the s5elli! 5as o!e1 +e leapt out of his bed a!d told to his brethre!" 5ith full reat =oy" ho5 he 5as made perfectly 5hole as e6er he 5as1 The! they 5ere all full lad" a!d 5e!t 5ith him to the church to i6e tha!4i! s a!d praisi! s to Almi hty God" a!d to his holy co!fessor S1 Ed5ard for these miracles" a!d for his deli6era!ce from the three sic4!esses" 5herefore God be praised i! his ser6a!t 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1









Here followeth of *" Lu'e the Eva#(eli t. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"




Lu4e is as much to say as arisi! or e!ha!ci! himself1 Or Lu4e is said of li ht" he 5as raisi! himself from the lo6e of the 5orld" a!d e!ha!ci! i!to the lo6e of God1 A!d he 5as also li ht of the 5orld" for he e!lumi!ed the u!i6ersal 5orld by holy predicatio!" a!d hereof saith S1 -atthe5" -athei <ui!toD ;e be the li ht of the 5orld1 The li ht of the 5orld is the su!" a!d that li ht hath hei ht i! his seat or sie e1 A!d hereof saith Ecclesiasticus the t5e!ty:si8th chapterD The su! risi! i! the 5orld is i! the ri ht hi h thi! s of God" he hath deli ht i! beholdi! 1 A!d as it is said Ecclesiastes u!decimoD The li ht of the su! is s5eet" a!d it is deli htable to the eyes to see the su!1 +e hath s5ift!ess i! his mo6i! as it is said i! the Seco!d 9oo4 of Esdras the fourth chapter1 The earth is reat a!d the hea6e! is hi h a!d the course of the su! is s5ift" a!d hath profit i! effect" for after the philosopher" ma! e! e!dereth ma!" a!d the su!1 A!d thus Lu4e had hi h!ess by the lo6e of thi! s celestial" delectable by s5eet co!6ersatio!" s5ift!ess by fer6e!t predicatio! a!d utility" a!d profit by co!scriptio! a!d 5riti! of his doctri!e1 Of *" Lu'e Eva#(eli t" Lu4e 5as of the !atio! of Syria" a!d A!tiochia! by art of medici!e" a!d after some he 5as o!e of se6e!ty:t5o disciples of our Lord1 S1 Jerome saith that he 5as disciple of the apostles a!d !ot of our Lord" a!d the loss upo! the t5e!ty:fifth chapter of the 9oo4 of E8odus si !ifieth that he =oi!ed !ot to our Lord 5he! he preached" but he came to the faith after his resurrectio!1 9ut it is more to be holde! that he 5as !o!e of the se6e!ty:t5o disciples" thou h some hold opi!io! that he 5as o!e1 9ut he 5as of ri ht reat perfectio! of life" a!d much 5ell ordai!ed as to5ard God" a!d as touchi! his !ei hbour" as touchi! himself" a!d as touchi! his office1 A!d i! si ! of these four ma!!ers of ordi!a!ces he 5as described to ha6e four faces" that is to 5it" the face of a ma!" the face of a lio!" the face of a! o8 a!d the face of a! ea le" a!d each of these beasts had four faces a!d four 5i! s" as it is said i! EHechiel the first chapter1 A!d because it may the better be see!" let us ima i!e some beast that hath his head four s<uare" a!d i! e6ery s<uare a face" so that the face of a ma! be tofore" a!d o! the ri ht side the face of the lio!" a!d o! the left side the face of the o8" a!d behi!d the face of the ea le" a!d because that the face of the ea le appeared abo6e the other for the le! th of the !ec4" therefore it is said that this face 5as abo6e" a!d each of these four had four pe!s1 'or 5he! e6ery beast 5as <uadrate as 5e may ima i!e" i! a <uadrate be four cor!ers" a!d e6ery cor!er 5as a pe!1 9y these four beasts" after that sai!ts say" be si !ified the four e6a! elists" of 5hom each of them had four faces i! 5riti! " that is to 5it" of huma!ity" of the passio!" of the resurrectio!" a!d of the di6i!ity1 +o5 be it these thi! s be si! ularly to si! ular" for after S1 Jerome" -atthe5 is si !ified i! the ma!" for he 5as si! ularly mo6ed to spea4 of the huma!ity of our Lord1 Lu4e 5as fi ured i! the o8" for he de6ised about the priesthood of 1Jesu Christ1 -ar4 5as fi ured i! the lio!" for he 5rote more clearly of the resurrectio!1 'or as some say" the fa5!s of the lio! be as they 5ere dead u!to the third day" but by the brayi! of the lio! they bee! raised at the third day" a!d therefore he be a! i! the cry of predicatio!1 Joh! is fi ured as a! ea le" 5hich fleeth hi hest of the four" for he 5rote of the di6i!ity of Jesu Christ1 'or i! him be 5ritte! four thi! s1 +e 5as a ma! bor! of the 6ir i!" he 5as a! o8 i! his passio!" a lio! i! his resurrectio!" a!d a! ea le i! his asce!sio!1 A!d by these four faces it is 5ell sho5ed that Lu4e 5as ri htfully ordai!ed i! these four ma!!ers1 'or by the face of a ma! it is sho5ed that he 5as ri htfully ordai!ed as touchi! his !ei hbour" ho5 he ou ht by reaso! teach him" dra5 him by debo!airly" a!d !ourish him by liberality" for a ma! is a beast reaso!able" debo!air" a!d liberal1 9y the face of a! ea le it is sho5ed that he 5as ri htfully ordai!ed as touchi! God" for i! him the eye of u!dersta!di! beheld God by co!templatio!" a!d the eye of his desire 5as to him by thou ht or effect" a!d old a e 5as put a5ay by !e5 co!6ersatio!1 The ea le is of sharp si ht" so that he beholdeth 5ell" 5ithout mo6i! of his eye" the ray of the su!" a!d 5he! he is mar6ellous hi h i! the air he seeth 5ell the small fishes i! the sea1 +e hath also his bea4 much croo4ed" so that he is let to ta4e his meat" he sharpeth it a!d 5hetteth it a ai!st a sto!e" a!d ma4eth it co!6e!able to the usa e of his feedi! 1 A!d 5he! he is roasted by the hot su!" he thro5eth himself do5! by reat force i!to a fou!tai!" a!d ta4eth a5ay his old a e by the heat of the su!" a!d cha! eth his feathers" a!d ta4eth a5ay the dar4!ess of his eyes1 9y the face of the lio! it is sho5ed ho5 he 5as ordai!ed as touchi! himself1 'or he had !oblesse by ho!esty of ma!!ers a!d holy co!6ersatio!" he had subtlety for to esche5 the Iyi! i! 5ait for his e!emies" a!d he had suffera!ce for to ha6e pity o! them that 5ere torme!ted by afflictio!1 The lio! is a !oble beast" for he is 4i! of beasts1 +e is subtle" he defaceth his traces a!d steps 5ith his tail 5he! he fleeth" so that he




















shall !ot be fou!d7 he is sufferi! " for he suffereth the <uarta!1 9y the face of a! o8 it is sho5ed ho5 he 5as ordai!ed as touchi! his office" that 5as to 5rite the ospel1 'or he proceeded morally" that is to say by morality" that he be a! from the !ati6ity a!d childhood of Jesu Christ" a!d so proceeded little a!d little u!to his last co!summatio!1 +e be a! discreetly" a!d that 5as after other t5o e6a! elists" that if they had left a!y thi! he should 5rite it" a!d that 5hich they had suffcie!tly said he should lea6e1 +e 5as 5ell ma!!ered" that is to say 5ell lear!ed a!d i!duced i! the sacrifices a!d 5or4s of the temple" as it appeareth i! the be i!!i! " i! the middle" a!d i! the e!d1 The o8 is a moral beast a!d hath his foot clo6e!" by 5hich is discretio! u!derstood" a!d it is a beast sacrificeable1 A!d truly" ho5 that Lu4e 5as ordai!ed i! the four thi! s" it is better sho5ed i! the ordi!a!ce of his life1 'irst" as touchi! his ordi!a!ce u!to God1 After S1 9er!ard" he 5as ordai!ed i! three ma!!ers" that is by affectio! a!d desire" by thou ht a!d i!te!tio!1 The affectio! ou ht to be holy" the thou ht clea!" a!d i!te!tio! ri htful1 +e had the affectio! holy" for he 5as full of the +oly Ghost" li4e as Jerome saith i! his prolo ue upo! Lu4eD +e 5e!t i!to 9etha!y full of the +oly Ghost1 Seco!dly" he had a clea! thou ht" for he 5as a 6ir i! both i! body a!d mi!d" i! 5hich is !oted clea!!ess of thou ht1 Thirdly" he had ri htful i!te!tio!" for i! all thi! s that he did he sou ht the ho!our of God1 A!d of these t5o last thi! s it is said i! the prolo ue upo! the Acts of the ApostlesD +e 5as 5ithout si! a!d abode i! 6ir i!ity" a!d this is touchi! the clea!!ess of thou ht1 +e lo6ed best to ser6e our Lord" that is to the ho!our of our Lord" this is as touchi! the ri htful i!te!tio!1 'ourthly" he 5as ordai!ed as touchi! his !ei hbour1 ,e be ordai!ed to our !ei hbour 5he! 5e do that 5e ou ht to do1 After 3ichard of S1Victor" there be three thi! s that 5e o5e to our !ei hbour" that is our po5er" our 4!o5led e" a!d our 5ild" a!d let the fourth be put to" that is all that 5e may do1 Our po5er i! helpi! him" our 4!o5led e i! cou!selli! him" our 5ill i! his desires" a!d our deeds i! ser6ices1 As touchi! to these four" S1 Lu4e 5as ordai!ed" for he a6e first to his !ei hbour his po5er i! aidi! a!d obse<uies" a!d that appeareth by that he 5as =oi!ed to (aul i! his tribulatio!s a!d 5ould !ot depart from him" but 5as helpi! him i! his preachi! s" li4e as it is 5ritte! i! the seco!d epistle of (aul i! the fourth chapter to Timothy" sayi! D Lu4e is o!ly 5ith me1 I! that he saith" o!ly 5ith me" it si !ifieth that he 5as a helper" as that he a6e to him comfort a!d aid" a!d i! that he said o!ly" it si !ifieth that he =oi!ed to him firmly1 A!d he said i! the ei hth chapter to the II Cori!thia!sD +e is !ot alo!e" but he is ordai!ed of the churches to be fello5 of our pil rima e1 Seco!dly" he a6e his 4!o5led e to his !ei hbour i! cou!sels1 +e a6e the! his 4!o5led e to his !ei hbour 5he! he 5rote to his !ei hbours the doctri!e of the apostles" a!d of the ospel that he 4!e51 A!d hereof he beareth himself 5it!ess i! his prolo ue7 sayi! D It is mi!e ad6ice" a!d I asse!t" ood Theophilus" to 5rite to thee" ri ht 5ell of the be i!!i! by order" so that thou 4!o5 the truth of the 5ords of 5hich thou art tau ht1 A!d it appeareth 5ell that he a6e his 4!o5led e i! cou!sels to his !ei hbours" by the 5ords that Jerome saith i! his prolo ue" that is to 5it" that his 5ords be medici!e u!to a sic4 soul1 Thirdly" he a6e his 5ill u!to the desires of his !ei hbour" a!d that appeareth by that" that he desireth that they should ha6e health perdurable" li4e as (aul saith to the Colossia!sD Lu4e the leech saluteth you7 that is to say" Thi!4 ye to ha6e health perdurable" for he desireth it to you1 'ourthly" he a6e to his !ei hbour his deed i! their ser6ices1 A!d it appeareth by that that he supposed that our Lord had bee! a stra! e ma!" a!d he recei6ed him i!to his house a!d did to him all the ser6ice of charity" for he 5as fello5 to Cleophas 5he! they 5e!t to Emmaus" as some say1 A!d Gre ory saith i! his -orals" that Ambrose saith it 5as a!other" of 5hom he !ameth the !ame1 Thirdly" he 5as 5ell ordai!ed as touchi! himself1 A!d after S1 9er!ard" three thi! s there be that ordai! a ma! ri ht 5ell as touchi! himself" a!d ma4eth him holy" that is to li6e soberly" a!d ri htful labour" a!d a debo!air 5it1 A!d after S1 9er!ard each of these three is di6ided i!to three" that is" to li6e soberly" if 5e li6e compa!io!ably" co!ti!e!tly" a!d humbly1 3i htful 5or4 is" if he be ri htful" discreet" a!d fruitful1 3i htful by ood i!te!tio!" discreet by measure" a!d fruitful by edificatio!1 The 5it is debo!air" 5he! our faith feeleth God to be so6erei ! ood" so that by his puissa!ce 5e belie6e that our i!firmity be holpe! by his po5er" our i !ora!ce be corrected by his 5isdom" a!d that our 5ic4ed!ess be defaced by his bou!ty1 A!d thus saith 9er!ardD I! all these thi! s 5as S1 Lu4e 5ell ordai!ed1 +e had" first" sober li6i! i! treble ma!!er" for he li6ed co!ti!e!tly1 'or as S1 Jerome 5it!esseth of him i! the prolo ue upo! Lu4e" he had !e6er 5ife !e childre!1 +e li6ed compa!io!ably" a!d that is si !ified of him" 5here it is said of him a!d Cleophas i! the opi!io! aforesaidD T5o disciples 5e!t that same day" etc1 'ello5ship is si !ified i! that he saith" t5o disciples" that is to say" 5ell ma!!ered1 Thirdly he li6ed humbly" of 5hich humility is sho5ed of that he e8pressed the !ame of his fello5 Cleophas a!d spa4e !ot of his o5! !ame1 A!d after the opi!io! of some" Lu4e !amed !ot his !ame for mee4!ess1 Seco!dly" he had ri htful 5or4 a!d deed" a!d his 5or4 5as ri htful by i!te!tio!" a!d that is si !ified i! his collect 5here it is saidD Gui crucis mortificatio!em =u iter i! corpore suo pro tui !omi!is amore porta6itD he bare i! his body mortificatio! of his flesh for the lo6e of thy !ame1 +e 5as discreet by tempera!ce" a!d therefore he 5as fi ured i! the form of a! o8" 5hich hath the foot clo6e!" by












5hich the 6irtue of discretio! is e8pressed7 he 5as also fruitful by edificatio!7 he 5as so fruitful to his !ei hbours that he 5as holde! most dear of all me!" 5herefore" Ad Colosse!ses <uarto" he 5as called of the apostle most dearestD Lu4e the leech saluteth you1 Thirdly" he had a mee4 5it" for he belie6ed a!d co!fessed i! his ospel" God to be so6erei !ly mi hty" so6erei !ly 5ise" a!d so6erei !ly ood1 Of the t5o first" it is said i! the fourth chapterD They all 5ere abashed i! his doctri!e" for the 5ord of him 5as i! his po5er1 A!d of the third" it appeareth i! the ei htee!th chapter" 5here he saithD There is !o!e ood but God alo!e1 'ourthly" a!d last" he 5as ri ht 5ell ordai!ed as touchi! his office" the 5hich 5as to 5rite the ospel" a!d i! this appeareth that he 5as ordai!ed because that the said ospel is e!!oblished 5ith much truth" it is full of much profit" it is embellished 5ith much ho!esty a!d authorised by reat authority1 It is first e!!oblished 5ith much truth1 'or there be three truths" that is of life" of ri hteous!ess" a!d of doctri!e1 Truth of life is co!corda!ce of the ha!d to the to! ue" truth of ri hteous!ess is co!corda!ce of the se!te!ce to the cause" a!d truth of doctri!e is co!corda!ce of the thi! to the u!dersta!di! " a!d the ospel is e!!oblished by this treble 6erity a!d this treble 6erity is sho5ed i! the ospel1 'or Lu4e sho5eth that Jesu Christ had i! him this treble 6erity" a!d that he tau ht it to others" a!d sho5eth that God had this truth by the 5it!ess of his ad6ersaries1 A!d that saith he i! the t5e!ty se6e!th chapterD -aster" 5e 4!o5 5ell that thou art true" a!d teachest a!d sayest ri htfully that is the 6erity of the doctri!e" but thou teachest i! truth the 5ay of God" that is the truth of life" for ood life is the 5ay of God1 Seco!dly" he sho5eth i! his ospel that Jesu Christ tau ht this treble truth1 'irst" he tau ht the truth of life" the 5hich is i! 4eepi! the comma!dme!ts of God" 5hereof it is saidD Thou shalt lo6e thy Lord God" do that a!d thou shalt li6e1 A!d 5he! a (harisee dema!ded our LordD ,hat shall I do for to possess the e6erlasti! lifeE +e saidD @!o5est thou !ot the comma!dme!tsE Thou shalt !ot slay" thou shalt do !o theft" !e thou shalt do !o adulteryE Seco!dly" there is tau ht the 6erity of doctri!e" 5herefore he said to some that per6erted this truth" the ele6e!th chapterD ,oe be to you (harisees" that tithe the people" et cetera" a!d pass o6er the =ud me!t a!d charity of God1 Also i! the sameD ,oe be to you 5ise me! of la5" 5hich ha6e ta4e! the 4ey of scie!ce1 Thirdly" is tau ht the truth of ri hteous!ess" 5here it is saidD ;ield ye that lo! eth to the emperor" a!d that ye o5e to God" to God1 A!d he saith the !i!etee!th chapterD They that be my e!emies a!d 5ill !ot that I rei ! upo! them" bri! them hither a!d slay them tofore me1 A!d he saith i! the thirtee!th chapter" 5here he spea4eth of the doom" that he shall say to them that be repro6edD Depart from me" ye that ha6e do!e 5ic4ed!ess1 Seco!dly" his ospel is full of much profit" 5hereof (aul a!d himself 5rite that he 5as a leech or a physicia!" 5herefore i! his ospel it is si !ified that he made ready for us medici!e most profitable1 There is treble medici!e" curi! " preser6i! " a!d ame!di! 1 A!d this treble medici!e sho5eth S1 Lu4e i! his ospel that" the leech celestial hath made ready1 The medici!e curi! is that 5hich cureth the malady" a!d that is pe!a!ce" 5hich ta4eth a5ay all maladies spiritual1 A!d this medici!e saith he that the celestial leech hath made ready for us 5he! he saithD +eal ye them that be co!trite of heart" a!d preach ye to the caitiffs the remissio! of si!s1 A!d i! the fifth chapter he saithD I am !ot come to call the =ust a!d true me!" but the si!!ers to pe!a!ce1 The medici!e ame!di! is that 5hich e!creaseth health" a!d that is the obser6atio! of cou!sel" for ood cou!sel ma4eth a ma! better a!d more perfect1 This medici!e sho5eth us the hea6e!ly leech 5he! he saith i! the ei htee!th chapterD Sell all that e6er thou hast a!d i6e to poor me!1 The medici!e preser6ati6e is that 5hich preser6eth from falli! " a!d this is the esche5i! of the occasio!s to si!" a!d from e6il compa!y1 A!d this medici!e sho5eth to us the hea6e!ly leech 5he! he saith i! the t5elfth chapterD @eep you from the meat of the (harisees" a!d there he teacheth us to esche5 the compa!y of shre5s a!d e6il me!1 Or it may be said that the said ospel is reple!ished 5ith much profit" because that all 6irtue is co!tai!ed therei!1 A!d hereof saith S1 AmbroseD Lu4e compriseth i! his ospel all the 6irtues of 5isdom i! history" he e!sei !ed the !ati6ity 5he! he sho5ed the i!car!atio! of our Lord to ha6e bee! made of the +oly Ghost1 9ut Da6id e!sei !ed !atural 5isdom 5he! he saidD Se!d out the +oly Ghost" a!d they shall be created" a!d 5he! he e!sei !ed dar4!ess made i! the time of the passio! of Jesu Christ" a!d trembli! of the earth" a!d the su! had 5ithdra5! her li ht a!d rays1 A!d he tau ht morality 5he! he tau ht ma!!ers i! his blessed!ess1 +e tau ht reaso!able thi! s 5he! he saidD +e that is true i! little thi! s" he is true i! reat thi! s1 A!d 5ithout this treble 5isdom" the mystery of the Tri!ity" !e of our faith" may !ot be" that is to 5it" 5isdom !atural" reaso!able" a!d moral1 A!d this is that S1 Ambrose saith1 Thirdly" his ospel is embellished a!d made fair 5ith much ho!esty" so that the style a!d ma!!er of spea4i! is much ho!est a!d fair1 A!d three thi! s be co!6e!ie!t to this" that some me! hold i! his dictes ho!esty a!d beauty" the 5hich S1 Austi! teacheth" that is to 5it" that it please" that it appear a!d mo6e1 That it please" he ou ht to spea4 or!ately7 that it appear" that he ou ht to spea4 appertly7 that it mo6e" that he spea4 fer6e!tly1 A!d this ma!!er had Lucas i! 5riti! a!d i! preachi! 1 Of the t5o first it is said i! the ei hth chapter of the II Cori!thia!sD ,e se!t 5ith him a brother" the loss 9ar!abas or Lu4e" of 5hom the praisi! is i! all churches of the ospel1 I! this that he said the praisi! of him" is si !ified that












he spa4e or!ately7 i! this that he said i! all churches" it is si !ified that he spa4e appertly1 A!d that he spa4e fer6e!tly it appeared 5he! he saidD ,as !ot the! our heart bur!i! 5ithi! us i! the lo6e of Jesu 5he! he spa4e 5ith us i! the 5ayE 'ourthly" his ospel is authorised by authority of ma!y sai!ts1 ,hat mar6el 5as it thou h it 5ere authorised of ma!y" 5he! it 5as authorised first of the 'atherE 5hereof S1 Jerome saith i! the thirty:first chapterD Lo" the days shall come" our Lord saithD I shall ma4e a !e5 co6e!a!t 5ith the house of Israel a!d of Judah" !ot after the co6e!a!t that I made 5ith their fathers" but this shall be the co6e!a!t" saith our LordD I shall i6e my la5 i!to the bo5els of them1 A!d he spea4eth plai!ly to the letter of doctri!e of the Gospel1 Seco!dly" it is e!forced of the So!" for he saith i! the same ospel" the o!e:a!d:t5e!tieth chapterD +ea6e! a!d earth shall pass a!d my 5ord shall !ot perish1 Thirdly" he is i!spired of the +oly Ghost" 5hereof S1 Jerome saith i! his prolo ue upo! Lu4eD +e 5rote this ospel i! the parts of Achaia by the admo!ishme!t of the +oly Ghost1 'ourthly" he 5as tofore fi ured of the a! els" for he 5as prefi ured of the same a! el of 5hom the apostle saith i! the fourtee!th chapter of the ApocalypseD I sa5 the a! el flyi! by the midst of hea6e!" a!d had the ospel perdurable1 This is said perdurable" for it is made perdurable" that is" of Jesu Christ1 'ifthly" the ospel 5as pro!ou!ced of the prophets" that EHechiel the prophet pro!ou!ced tofore this ospel" 5he! he said that o!e of these beasts should ha6e the face of a! o8" 5herefore the ospel of S1 Lu4e is si !ified as it is said tofore1 A!d 5he! EHechiel said i! the seco!d chapter that he had see! the boo4 that 5as 5ritte! 5ithout a!d 5ithi!" i! 5hich 5as 5ritte! the lame!tatio! so! " by this boo4 is u!derstood the ospel of Lu4e that is 5ritte! 5ithi! for to hide the mystery of profou!d!ess" a!d 5ithout for the sho5i! of the history1 I! 5hich also be co!tai!ed the lame!tatio! of the passio!" the =oy of the resurrectio!" a!d the 5oe of the eter!al dam!atio! as it appeareth the ele6e!th chapter" 5here ma!y 5oes be put1 Si8thly" the ospel 5as sho5ed of the 6ir i!1 'or the blessed Vir i! -ary 4ept a!d heled dili e!tly all these thi! s i! her heart" as it is said" Luce secu!do" to the e!d that she should after5ard sho5 them to the 5riters" as the loss saith" that all thi! s that 5ere do!e a!d said of our Lord Jesu Christ she 4!e5 a!d retai!ed them i! her mi!d1 So that 5he! she 5as re<uired of the 5riters or of thee preachers of the i!car!atio a!d of all other thi! s" she mi ht e8press the sufficie!tly" li4e as it 5as do!e a!d 5ere i! deed1 ,herefore S1 9er!ard assi !ed the reaso! 5hy the a! el of our Lord sho5ed to the blessed Vir i! the co!cei6i! of EliHabeth1 The co!cei6i! of EliHabeth 5as sho5ed to -ary because of the comi! " !o5 of our Sa6iour" a!d !o5 of his messe! er that came tofore him1 The cause 5hy she retai!ed the ordi!a!ce of these thi! s 5as because that she mi ht the better sho5 to 5riters a!d preachers the truth of the ospel1 This is she that fully from the be i!!i! 5as i!structed of the celestial mysteries" a!d it is to be belie6ed that the e6a! elists e!<uired of her ma!y thi! s" a!d she certified them truly1 A!d specially that the blessed Lu4e had recourse to her li4e as to the ar4 of the Testame!t" a!d 5as certified of her ma!y thi! s" a!d especially of such thi! s as appertai!ed to her" as of the salutatio! of the a! el Gabriel" of the !ati6ity of Jesu Christ" a!d of such other thi! s as Lu4e spea4eth o!ly1 Se6e!thly" the ospel 5as sho5ed of the apostles1 'or Lu4e had !ot bee! 5ith Christ i! all his acts a!d miracles" therefore he 5rote his ospel after that the apostles that had bee! prese!t sho5ed a!d reported to him" li4e as he sho5eth i! his prolo ue" sayi! D Li4e as they that had see! him from the be i!!i! " a!d had bee! mi!isters 5ith him a!d heard his 5ords" i!formed a!d told to me1 A!d because it is accustomed i! double ma!!er to bear 5it!ess" it is of thi! s see! a!d of thi! s heard Therefore saith S1 Austi!D Our Lord 5ould ha6e t5o 5it!esses of thi! s see!" they 5ere Joh! a!d -atthe5" a!d t5o of thi! s heard" a!d they 5ere -ar4 a!d Lu4e1 A!d because that the 5it!ess of thi! s see! be more firm a!d more certai! tha! of thi! s heard" therefore saith S1 Austi!D The t5o ospels that be of thi! s see! be set first a!d last" a!d the others" that be of heari! " be set i! the middle" li4e as they 5ere the stro! er a!d more certai! of" a!d by the other t5ai!1 Ei hthly" this ospel is mar6ellously appro6ed of S1 (aul" 5he! he bri! eth the ospel of Lu4e to the co!firmatio! of his sayi! s a!d dictes" 5hereof S1 Jerome saith i! the 9oo4 of Noble -e!" that some me! ha6e suspicio! that al5ays 5he! S1 (aul saith i! his epistlesD Secu!dum E6a! elium meum" that is" after my ospel" that is si !ified the 6olume of Lu4e1 A!d he appro6ed his ospel 5he! he 5rote of him ASecu!do ad Cori!theos octa6oBD Of 5hom the laud a!d praisi! is i! the ospel i! all the church1 It is read i! the history of A!tioch that the christia! me! 5ere besie ed of a reat multitude of Tur4s" a!d did to them ma!y mischiefs" a!d 5ere torme!ted 5ith hu! er a!d ill hap1 9ut 5he! they 5ere plai!ly co!6erted to our Lord by pe!a!ce" a ma! full of clear!ess i! 5hite 6estme!t appeared to a ma! that 5o4e t! the church of our Lady at Tripoli" a!d 5he! he dema!ded him 5ho he 5as" he said that he 5as Lu4e that came from A!tioch" 5here our Lord had assembled the chi6alry of hea6e! a!d his apostles for to fi ht for his pil rims a ai!st the Tur4s1 The! the christia! me! e!harde!ed themsel6es a!d discomfited all the host of the Tur4s1

Here followeth the Life of *" !ri au#t. a#d fir t of hi #a%e. a#d of *" Daria. a#d of her #a%e" Crisau!t is said as ro5! a!d multiplied of God1 'or 5he! his father !atural 5ould ha6e made him to sacrifice u!to the idols" God a6e to him force a!d po5er to co!trary a!d ai!say his father" a!d yield himself to God1 Daria is said of dare" to i6e" a!d of dia" 5hich is as much to say as t5ai!1 'or she a6e her to t5o thi! s" first" 5ill to do e6il" 5he! she had 5ill to dra5 Crisau!t to sacrifice to the idols" a!d after" she a6e her to ood 5ill 5he! Crisau!t had co!6erted her to God1 Of *" !ri au#t a#d *" Daria"


Crisau!t 5as so! of a ri ht !oble ma! that 5as !amed (olimius1 ,he! the father sa5 that his so! 5as tau ht i! the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d that he could !ot 5ithdra5 him therefrom a!d ma4e him do sacrifice u!to the idols" he comma!ded that he should be closed i! a stro! hold" a!d put to him fi6e maide!s for to 5ithdra5 him 5ith bla!dishi! a!d fair 5ords1 A!d the! he prayed God that he should !ot be surmou!ted 5ith !o fleshly desire of these e6il beasts" a!d a!o! these maide!s 5ere so o6ercome 5ith sleep that they mi ht !ot ta4e !either meat !or dri!4 as lo! as they 5ere there" but as soo! as they 5ere out they too4 both meat a!d dri!41 A!d o!e" Daria" a !oble a!d 5ise 6ir i! of the oddess Vesta" arrayed her !obly 5ith clothes as she had bee! a oddess" a!d prayed that she mi ht be let e!ter i! to Crisau!t" a!d that she 5ould restore him to the idols a!d to his father1 A!d 5he! she 5as come i!" Crisau!t repro6ed her of the pride of her 6esture" a!d she a!s5ered that she had !ot do!e it for pride" but for to dra5 him to do sacrifice to the idols" a!d restore him to his father1 A!d the! Crisau!t repro6ed her because she 5orshipped them as ods" for they had bee! i! their time e6il a!d si!!ers" a!d hau!ted commo! 5ome!1 A!d Daria a!s5eredD The philosophers felt the eleme!ts by the !ames of me!1 A!d Crisau!t said to herD If o!e 5orship the earth as a oddess" a!d a!other ear a!d labour the earth as a churl or a plou hma!" to 5hom i6eth the earth mostE It is pro6ed that it i6eth more to the plou hma! tha! to him that 5orshippeth it1 A!d i! li4e 5ise he said of the sea" a!d of other eleme!ts1 A!d the! Crisau!t a!d Daria" co!6erted of him" coupled them to ether by the race of the +oly Ghost" a!d fei !ed to be =oi!ed by car!al marria e" a!d co!6erted ma!y others to our Lord1 'or Claudius" 5hich had bee! torme!tor of them" they co!6erted to the faith of our Lord" 5ith his 5ife a!d childre!" a!d ma!y other 4!i hts1 After this" Crisau!t 5as e!closed i! a sti!4i! priso! by the comma!dme!t of Numeria!us" but the ste!ch 5as a!o! tur!ed i!to a ri ht s5eet odour a!d sa6our1 A!d Daria 5as brou ht to the bordel" but a lio! that 5as i! the amphitheatre came a!d 4ept the door of the bordel1 A!d the! there 5as se!t thither a ma! to deflo5er a!d corrupt the 6ir i!" but a!o! he 5as ta4e! of the lio!" a!d the lio! be a! to loo4 o! the 6ir i! li4e as he dema!ded 5hat he should do 5ith the caitiff1 A!d the 6ir i! comma!ded that he should !ot misdo him" but let him o" a!d a!o! he 5as co!6erted" a!d ra! throu h the city" a!d be a! to cry that Daria 5as a oddess1 A!d the! hu!ters 5ere se!t thither for to ta4e the lio!" a!d they a!o! fell do5! to the feet of the 6ir i! a!d 5ere co!6erted by her1 A!d the! the pro6ost comma!ded to ma4e a reat fire 5ithi! the e!try of the bordel" so that the lio! should be bur!t 5ith Daria" a!d the lio! co!sideri! 5ell this thi! " dread" a!d roari! too4 lice!ce of the 6ir i! a!d 5e!t 5hither he 5ould 5ithout hurti! of a!ybody1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost had do!e to Crisau!t a!d Daria ma!y di6erse torme!ts" a!d mi ht !ot rie6e them" at the last" they bei! married 5ithout corruptio!" 5ere put i! a deep pit" a!d thro5! o! them earth a!d sto!es" a!d so 5ere co!secrated martyrs of Christ1 Here followeth the Pa io# of Eleve# Thou a#d Vir(i# "







The passio! of ele6e! thousa!d 6ir i!s 5as hallo5ed i! this ma!!er1 I! 9ritai! 5as a christia! 4i! !amed Notus or -aurus" 5hich e! e!dered a dau hter !amed ?rsula1 This dau hter sho!e full of mar6ellous ho!esty" 5isdom" a!d beauty" a!d her fame a!d re!omee 5as bor!e all about1 A!d the 4i! of E! la!d 5hich the! 5as ri ht mi hty" a!d subdued ma!y !atio!s to his empire" heard the re!omee of her" a!d said that he 5ould be 5ell happy if this 6ir i! mi ht be coupled to his so! by marria e1 A!d the you! ma! had reat desire a!d 5ill to ha6e her1 A!d there 5as a solem! embassy to the father of ?rsula" a!d promised reat promises" a!d said ma!y fair 5ords for to ha6e her7 a!d also made ma!y me!aces if they retur!ed 6ai!ly to their lord1 A!d the! the 4i! of 9ritai! be a! to be much a!8ious" because that she that 5as e!!obled i! the faith of Jesu Christ should be 5edded to him that adored idols" because that he 5ist 5ell she 5ould !ot co!se!t i! !o ma!!er" a!d also because he doubted much the




cruelty of the 4i! 1 A!d she" that 5as di6i!ely i!spired" did so much to her father that she co!se!ted to the marria e by such a co!ditio!" that for to solace her he should se!d to her father te! 6ir i!s" a!d to herself" a!d to those te! other 6ir i!s" he should se!d to each a thousa!d 6ir i!s" a!d should i6e to her space of three years for to dedicate her 6ir i!ity" a!d the you! ma! should be baptiHed" a!d i! these three years he should be i!formed i! the faith sufficie!tly" so that by 5ise cou!sel" a!d by 6irtue of the co!ditio! made" he should 5ithdra5 from her his coura e1 9ut this you! li! recei6ed this co!ditio! ladly" a!d hasted his father a!d 5as baptiHed a!d comma!ded all that ?rsula had re<uired should be do!e1 A!d the father of the 6ir i! ordai!ed that his dau hter" 5hom he most lo6ed" a!d the others that had !eed of the comfort of me! a!d ser6ice" ordai!ed i! their compa!y ood me! for to ser6e them1 The! 6ir i!s came from all parts" a!d me! came for to see this reat compa!y" a!d ma!y bishops came for to o 5ith them i! their pil rima e" amo! 5hom 5as (a!tulus" bishop of 9asle" 5hich 5e!t 5ith them to 3ome" a!d retur!ed from the!ce 5ith them a!d recei6ed martyrdom1 S1 Gerasi!e" <uee! of Sicily" 5hich had made of her husba!d that 5as a cruel tyra!t a mee4 lamb" a!d 5as sister of -aurice the bishop" a!d of Daria" mother of S1 ?rsula" to 5hom the father of S1 ?rsula had si !ified by secret letters1 She" by the i!spiratio! of God" put herself i! the 5ay 5ith her four dau hters" 9abilla" Julia!a" Victoria a!d Aurea" a!d her little so! Adria!" 5hich" for lo6e of his sisters" 5e!t i! the same pil rima e" a!d left all i! the ha!ds of his o5! so!" a!d came i!to 9ritai!" a!d sailed o6er sea i!to E! la!d1 A!d by the cou!sel of this <uee! the 6ir i!s 5ere athered to ether from di6ers realms" a!d she 5as leader of them" a!d at the last she suffered martyrdom 5ith them1 A!d the!" the co!ditio! made" all thi! s 5ere made ready1 The! the <uee! sho5ed her cou!sel to the 4!i hts of her compa!y" a!d made them all to s5ear this !e5 chi6alry7 a!d the! be a! they to ma4e di6ers plays a!d ames of battle" as to ru! here a!d there" a!d fei !ed ma!y ma!!er of plays1 A!d for all that they left !ot their purpose" a!d sometimes they retur!ed from this play at midday a!d sometimes u!!ethe at e6e!so! time1 A!d the baro!s a!d reat lords assembled them to see the fair ames a!d disports" a!d all had =oy a!d pleasure i! beholdi! them" a!d also mar6el1 A!d at the last" 5he! ?rsula had co!6erted all these 6ir i!s u!to the faith of Christ" they 5e!t all to the sea" a!d i! the space of a day" they sailed o6er the sea" ha6i! so ood 5i!d that they arri6ed at a port of Gaul" !amed Tielle" a!d from the!ce came to Colo !e" 5here a! a! el of our Lord appeared to ?rsula" a!d told her that they should retur! a ai!" the 5hole !umber to that place" a!d there recei6e the cro5! of martyrdom1 A!d from the!ce" by the mo!itio! of the a! el" they 5e!t to5ards 3ome1 A!d 5he! they came to 9asle they left there their ships a!d 5e!t to 3ome afoot1 At the comi! of 5hom the pope Ciriacus 5as much lad" because he 5as bor! i! 9ritai! a!d had ma!y cousi!s amo! them" a!d he 5ith his cler4s recei6ed them 5ith all ho!our1 A!d that same !i ht it 5as sho5ed to the pope that he should recei6e 5ith them the cro5! of martyrdom" 5hich thi! he hid i! himself" a!d baptiHed ma!y of them that 5ere !ot the! baptiHed1 A!d 5he! he sa5 time co!6e!able" 5he! he had o6er!ed the church o!e year a!d ele6e! 5ee4s" a!d 5as the !i!etee!th pope after (eter" he purposed tofore all the people" a!d sho5ed to them his purpose" a!d resi !ed his office a!d his di !ity1 9ut all me! ai!said it" a!d especially the cardi!als" 5hich supposed that he trespassed" lea6i! the lory of the papacy a!d 5ould o after these foolish 6ir i!s" but he 5ould !ot a ree to abide" but ordai!ed a! holy ma! to occupy i! his place" 5hich 5as !amed Ametus1 A!d because he left the see apostolic a ai!st the 5ill of the cler y" the cler4s put out his !ame of the catalo ue of popes1 A!d all the race that he had otte! i! his time" this holy compa!y of 5ome! made him for to lea6e it1 A!d the! t5o felo! pri!ces of the chi6alry of 3ome" -a8imus a!d Africa!us" sa5 this reat compa!y of 6ir i!s" a!d that ma!y me! a!d 5ome! assembled to them" doubted that christia! reli io! should much be i!creased by them" 5herefore they re<uired dili e!tly of their 6oya e1 A!d the! se!t they messe! ers to Julia!" their cousi!" pri!ce of the li!ea e of the +u!s" that he should bri! his host a ai!st them" a!d should assemble at Colo !e" a!d there behead them because they 5ere christia!1 A!d the blessed Ciriacus issued out of the city of 3ome 5ith this blessed compa!y of 6ir i!s" a!d Vi!ce!t" priest cardi!al" a!d Jacobus that 5as come from 9ritai! i!to A!tioch" a!d had held there se6e! years the di !ity of the bishop" 5hich the! had 6isited the pope" a!d 5as o!e out of his city a!d held compa!y 5ith these 6ir i!s" 5he! he heard of their comi! " a!d suffered martyrdom 5ith them1 A!d -aurice" bishop of Le6ica!a" the city" u!cle of 9abilla a!d Julia!a" a!d 'ollarius" bishop of Lucca" 5ith Sulpitius" bishop of 3a6e!!a" 5hich the! 5ere come to 3ome" put them i! the compa!y of these 6ir i!s1













Ethereus" the husba!d of ?rsula" abidi! i! 9ritai!" 5as 5ar!ed of our Lord by a 6isio! of a! a! el that he should e8hort his mother to be christia!1 'or his father died the first year that he 5as christe!ed" a!d Ethereus" his so!" succeeded after him i! his rei !1 A!d the! 5he! these holy 6ir i!s retur!ed from 3ome 5ith the bishops" Ethereus 5as 5ar!ed of our Lord that he should a!o! arise a!d o to meet his 5ife at Colo !e" a!d there recei6e 5ith her the cro5! of martyrdom" the 5hich a!o! obeyed to admo!ishme!ts di6i!e" a!d did do baptiHe his mother a!d came 5ith her a!d his little sister 'lore!ce" the! also baptiHed" a!d 5ith the bishop Cleme!t" meeti! the holy 6ir i!s" a!d accompa!ied them u!to martyrdom1 A!d -arculus" bishop of Greece" a!d his !iece Co!sta!ce" dau hter of Dorotheus" 4i! of Co!sta!ti!ople" 5hich 5as married to the so! of a 4i! " but he died tofore the 5eddi! " a!d she a6o5ed to our Lord her 6ir i!ity7 they 5ere also 5ar!ed by a 6isio!" a!d came to 3ome a!d =oi!ed them to these 6ir i!s u!to the martyrdom1 A!d the! all these 6ir i!s came 5ith the bishops to Colo !e" a!d fou!d that it 5as besie ed 5ith the +u!s1 A!d 5he! the +u!s sa5 them they be a! to ru! upo! them 5ith a reat cry" a!d ara ed li4e 5ol6es o! sheep" a!d sle5 all this reat multitude1 A!d 5he! they 5ere all beheaded" they came to the blessed ?rsula" a!d the pri!ce of them" seei! her beauty so mar6ellous" 5as abashed" a!d be a! to comfort her upo! the death of the 6ir i!s" a!d promised to her to ta4e her to his 5ife1 A!d 5he! she had refused him a!d despised him at all" he shot at her a! arro5" a!d pierced her throu h the body" a!d so accomplished her martyrdom1 A!d o!e of the 6ir i!s" 5hich 5as !amed Cordula" 5as sore afeared" a!d hid herself all that !i ht i! a ship" but o! the mor! she suffered death by her free 5ill" a!d too4 the cro5! of martyrdom1 A!d because her feast 5as !ot held 5ith the other 6ir i!s" she appeared lo! after to a recluse" a!d comma!ded him that the !e8t day follo5i! the feast of the 6ir i!s" her feast should be remembered1 They suffered death the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d thirty:ei ht1 9ut some hold opi!io! that the reaso! of the time sho5eth that they suffered !ot death i! that time" for Sicily !e Co!sta!ti!ople 5ere the! !o realms" but it is supposed that they suffered death lo! time after" 5he! Co!sta!s 5as emperor" a!d that the +u!s a!d Goths e!forced them a ai!st christia! me! i! the time of the emperor -arcia!" that rei !ed i! the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d fifty:t5o1 It is to be remembered that amo! these ele6e! thousa!d 6ir i!s 5ere ma!y me!" for the pope Cyriacus a!d other bishops" a!d Ethereus 4i! " 5ith other lords a!d 4!i hts" had much people to ser6e them1 A!d as I ha6e bee! i!formed i! Colo !e that there 5ere me! besides 5ome! that thil4e time suffered martyrdom" fiftee! thousa!d1 So the !umber of this holy multitude" as of the holy 6ir i!s a!d me!" 5ere t5e!ty:si8 thousa!d" to 5hom let us pray to our Lord that he ha6e mercy o! us1 There 5as a! abbot that impetred of the abbess of the place 5here these holy 6ir i!s rest i! Colo !e" a body of o!e of these 6ir i!s" a!d promised that he 5ould set it i! his church i! a fair shri!e of sil6er" but 5he! he had it" he 4ept it a year upo! the altar i! a chest of tree1 A!d i! a !i ht as the abbot sa! mati!s" the said 6ir i! desce!ded from the altar bodily" a!d i!cli!ed ho!ourably tofore the altar" a!d 5e!t throu h the choir" seei! all the mo!4s 5hich" 5ere thereof sore abashed" a!d the! the abbot ra! a!d fou!d it all 6oid a!d !othi! therei!1 The! the abbot 5e!t to Colo !e a!d told to the abbess all the thi! by order1 The! 5e!t they to the place 5here they had ta4e! the body" a!d fou!d the same there a ai!1 A!d the! the abbot re<uired pardo!" a!d prayed the abbess that he mi ht ha6e a ai! the same body or a!other" promisi! ri ht certai!ly to ma4e hastily a precious shri!e" but he could !o!e ha6e i! !o ma!!er1 There 5as a reli ious mo!4 5hich had reat de6otio! to these holy 6ir i!s" a!d it happed that he 5as o! a day sic4" a!d sa5 a ri ht fair a!d !oble 6ir i! appear to him" a!d dema!ded him if he 4!e5 her1 A!d he 5as amar6elled of this 6isio!" a!d said he 4!e5 her !ot1 A!d she saidD I am o!e of the 6ir i!s to 5hom thou hast such reat de6otio!" a!d thereof thou shalt ha6e a re5ard1 If thou say ele6e! thousa!d pater!osters for the lo6e a!d ho!our of us" 5e shall come u!to thi!e aid a!d comfort at the hour of thy death" a!d the! she 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d he accomplished her re<uest as soo! as he mi ht" a!d a!o! after he did do call his abbot" a!d did him to be a!!ealed or a!oi!ted1 A!d as they a!oi!ted him he cried sudde!lyD -a4e ye place to the holy 6ir i!s" a!d o out of the 5ay that they may come to me1 A!d 5he! the abbot dema!ded him 5hat it 5as" a!d 5hat he mea!t" he told to him by order the promise of the 6ir i!1 The! all they 5ithdre5 them a little after" a!d soo! came a ai! a!d fou!d him departed out of this 5orld u!to our Lord1 The! let us de6outly i6e laud a!d praisi! u!to the blessed Tri!ity a!d pray him that by the merits of this reat multitude of martyrs he 5ill for i6e a!d pardo! us of our si!s" that after this life 5e may come u!to this holy compa!y i! hea6e! Ame!1










Here followeth of the **" !ri &i# a#d !ri &i#ia#" I! the time 5he! the furious persecutio! of christia! me! 5as made u!der Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" to ether ru!!i! " Crispi! a!d Crispi!ia!" bor! at 3ome of !oble li!ea e" came 5ith the blessed SS1 Gui!ti!" 'ustia!" a!d Victori! u!to (aris" i! 'ra!ce" a!d they there chose di6ers places for to preach the faith of Christ1 Crispi! a!d Crispi!ia! came to the city of Soisso!s a!d chose that city for the place of their pil rima e" 5here they follo5ed the steps of S1 (aul the apostle" that is to say to labour 5ith their ha!ds for to pro6ide to them !ecessarily to li6e" a!d e8ercised the craft of ma4i! of shoes1 I! 5hich craft they passed others a!d too4 by co!strai!t !o re5ard of !o body" 5herefore the e!tiles a!d pay!ims" o6ercome by the lo6e of them" !ot o!ly for !eed of the craft" but also for the lo6e of God" came oft to them" a!d left the error of the idols" a!d belie6ed i! 6ery God1 At the last these holy me! bei! sou ht of 3ictius Varius 5ere fou!de! ame!di! a!d clouti! poor me!>s shoes" 5hich 5ere ta4e! a!d bou!de! 5ith chai!s a!d brou ht u!to him1 A!d after ma!y i!terro atio!s a!d <uestio!s" they" refusi! to sacrifice to the idols" 5ere stretched a!d bou!de! u!to a tree" a!d 5ere comma!ded to be beate! 5ith sta6es" a!d after" a5ls such as shoes be se5ed 5ith" 5ere threade! a!d put u!der the o! les or !ails of their fi! ers" a!d lai!ers or latchets of their s4i! 5ere cut out of their bac41 ,ho amo! these sharp a!d stro! pai!s prayi! " the a5ls spra! from their o! les a!d !ails" a!d smote the mi!isters that pai!ed them a!d 5ou!ded them cruelly1 The! 3ictius Varius comma!ded to ha! o! their !ec4s millsto!es" a!d i! the 5i!ter time" u!der the ice i! the ri6er of A!8io! to be dro5!ed" but the 5ater mi ht !ot dro5! them !e the sto!es ma4e them to si!4" !e the cold co!strai! !e hurt them" but as they had bai!ed a!d 5ashe! them i! summer time" they thro5i! a5ay the burthe! of sto!es" arri6ed a!d came to that other bri!4 of the ri6er1 ,hich thi! 3ictius Varius beholdi! a!d seei! this miracle" by the i!sti atio! of the de6il 5as all ara ed" a!d comma!ded to melt lead i! the fire" a!d the holy martyrs to be cast i!to it" therei! to be dro5!ed a!d co!sumed1 9ut these holy me! prayi! a!d sayi! D 9lessed art thou" Lord God of our fathers" et cetera" a drop of the fer6e!t oil spra! i!to the eye of 3ictius Varius a!d bli!ded it cruelly" pai!i! him by rie6ous torme!t1 9ut he" yet for all that bei! 5ood for a! er" comma!ded to boil pitch" oil" a!d rease" a!d to thro5 the holy me! therei! for to be dro5!ed a!d co!sumed1 9ut the sai!ts" immo6able of their hope" a!d busy i! their prayers saidD O Lord thou art stro! a!d mi hty e!ou h to deli6er us from these torme!ts to us sho5ed a!d do!e" to the co!fusio! of the de6il a!d of all his ser6a!ts1 A!d as soo! as their prayer 5as fi!ished a! a! el led them out 5ithout hurt or scathe" 5hich thi! 5he! 3ictius sa5" he spra! a!d fell do5! himself i! the fire" a!d there perished by the ri hteous =ud me!t of God" 5hich had put to death by fire ma!y martyrs of Christ" a!d desce!ded do5! to e6erlasti! fire1 These holy me! seei! this" the !e8t !i ht follo5i! they prayed our Lord that he 5ould comma!d them" so deli6ered by the torme!ts" to come u!to him1 To 5hom it 5as sho5ed that same !i ht that" the !e8t day follo5i! they should recei6e the meed of their re5ard1 a!d so it 5as do!e1 'or -a8imia! heari! the death of 3ictius" comma!ded that their heads should be smitte! off" a!d thus they suffered a!d recei6ed the cro5! of martyrdom the te!th 4ale!ds of No6ember1 A!d their bodies 5ere left to be de6oured of beasts a!d fo5ls" but God suffered them to be 4ept u!defouled" a!d !ot to be touched of a!y beast1 After this the a! el of our Lord appeared to a certai! old ma!" comma!di! him to ta4e up the bodies a!d bury them i! his house" 5hich old ma! too4 a cousi! of his" a! old 5oma! 5hich d5elled 5ith him i! his cell" a!d 5e!t to the place 5here they had bee! beheaded1 A!d because it 5as !i h to the ri6er" they mi ht li htly be brou ht to the cell by 5ater" but they had !o ship !e boat ready" !e they couth !ot the craft of ro5i! " !e had the stre! th to bri! them a ai!st the stream of the ri6er1 A!d 5he! they came to the place" they fou!d the bodies of the sai!ts a!d a boat ready i! the ri6er" ordai!ed by our Lord1 The!" they ha6i! hope a!d trust i! our Lord" each of them too4 up a body of the martyrs" a!d 5e!t freely 5ithout burthe!" i! such 5ise that it seemed to them that they bare !o burthe!" but that they 5ere bor!e of the burthe!s1 A!d they e!teri! 5ith the holy bodies i!to the little boat" 5ithout oars a!d o6er!ail that mi ht be see!" a ai!st the stro! stream of the flood 5ere brou ht u!to the ri6a e of his cell" a!d there buried them i! his oratory1 A!d 5he! the persecutio! of them ceased the ho!our of them 5as sho5ed to the people by miracles1 I! such 5ise that a reat church 5as after5ards made i! the ho!our of the holy sai!ts" of true christia! people1 The! let us pray to them that they pray for us" et cetera1 Here followeth of the Holy A&o tle *i%o# a#d Jude. a#d fir t of their #a%e "















Simo! is as much to say as obedie!t" or bei! i! hea6i!ess1 A!d he had a double !ame7 he 5as said Simo! Kelotes" a!d Simo! Ca!a!ea! of Ca!a a street that is i! Galilee" there 5hereas our Lord co!6erted the 5ater i!to 5i!e1 A!d Kelotes is as much to say as Ca!a!ea!1 This holy ma! had i! him obedie!ce of the comma!dme!ts by e8ecutio!" hea6i!ess by pity of torme!t" a!d had lo6e of souls by firm ardour of lo6e1 Judas is as much to say as co!fessi! or lorious7 or Judas is as much to say as i6i! =oy1 'or he had co!fessio! of faith" lory of rei !" a!d lory of the e6erlasti! =oy1 This Judas 5as called by ma!y !ames1 +e 5as said Judas James" for he 5as brother to James the Less" a!d he 5as called Thaddeus" 5hich is as much to say as ta4i! a pri!ce7 or Thadee is said of Thadea" that is a 6esture" a!d of Deus" that is God" for he 5as 6esture royal of God by or!ame!t of 6irtues" by 5hich he too4 Christ the pri!ce1 +e is said also i! the +istory Ecclesiastic" LebbFus" 5hich is as much to say as heart" or 5orshipper of heart1 Or he is said LebbFus of lebes" that is a 6essel of heart by reat hardi!ess" or a 5orshipper of heart by purity" a 6essel by ple!itude of race" for he deser6ed to be a 6essel of 6irtues a!d a caldro! of race1 A!d Abdias" bishop of 9abylo!" by the apostles ordai!ed" 5rote their passio! a!d le e!d i! Gree4" a!d TropFus the disciple of Abdias tra!slated it out of Gree4 i!to Lati!1 A!d he 5as !amed Africa!us1 Of the Holy **" *i%o# a#d Jude"






Simo! Ca!a!ea! a!d Judas Thaddeus 5ere brethre! of James the Less a!d so!s of -ary Cleophas" 5hich 5as married to Alpheus1 A!d Jude 5as se!t of Thomas to the 4i! Ab arus of Edessa after the asce!sio! of our Lord1 A!d it is read i! the +istory Scholastic that the said Ab arus se!t a! epistle u!to our Lord Jesu Christ i! this ma!!er1 Ab arus the so! of Eucha!ia to Jesus" blessed Sa6iour" 5hich appeareth i! the places of Jerusalem" se!deth salutatio!1 I ha6e heard of thee" a!d that the healths a!d reco6eri! s that thou ma4est a!d dost" be 5ithout medici!es a!d herbs" a!d that thou ma4est the bli!d to see by thi!e o!ly 5ord" a!d the lame to o" the mesels to be cured a!d made 5hole" a!d the dead bodies to li6e a ai!1 ,hich thi! s heard of thee" I 5ee! i! my coura e that thou art o!e of t5o" that is that thou art God that art desce!ded from hea6e! for to do this" or that thou art the so! of God that dost such thi! s1 ,herefore I pray thee by 5riti! that thou 5ilt tra6ail so much as to come to me a!d heal me of my malady" of 5hich I ha6e lo! bee! 6e8ed1 A!d I ha6e heard say that the Je5s murmur a ai!st thee a!d lie i! a5ait a ai!st thee1 Come therefore to me" for I ha6e a little city" but it is ho!est" a!d shall shall 5ell suffice to us both1 Our Lord Jesus a!s5ered him by 5riti! i! these 5ordsD 9lessed art thou that hast belie6ed i! me 5he! thou hast !ot see! me1 It is 5ritte! of me" that they that see me !ot shall belie6e i! me" a!d they that see me shall !ot belie6e1 Of that thou hast 5ritte! to me that I shall come to thee" me beho6eth to accomplish that 5hich I am se!t for" a!d after to be recei6ed of him from 5hom I am se!t1 ,he! I am asce!ded" I shall se!d to thee o!e of my disciples to heal thee a!d <uic4e! thee1 This is 5ritte! i! +istoria Ecclesiastica1 A!d 5he! Ab arus sa5 that he mi ht !ot see God prese!tly" after that it is said i! a! a!cie!t history" as Joh! Damasce!e 5it!esseth i! his fourth boo4" he se!t a pai!ter u!to Jesu Christ for to fi ure the ima e of our Lord" to the e!d that at least that he mi ht see him by his ima e" 5hom he mi ht !ot see i! his 6isa e1 A!d 5he! the pai!ter came" because of the reat sple!dour a!d li ht that sho!e i! the 6isa e of our Lord Jesu Christ" he could !ot behold it" !e could !ot cou!terfeit it by !o fi ure1 A!d 5he! our Lord sa5 this thi! he too4 from the pai!ter a li!e! cloth a!d set it upo! his 6isa e" a!d empri!ted the 6ery phisio !omy of his 6isa e therei!" a!d se!t it u!to the 4i! Ab arus 5hich so much desired it1 A!d i! the same history is co!tai!ed ho5 this ima e 5as fi ured1 It 5as 5ell:eyed" 5ell:bro5ed" a lo! 6isa e or cheer" a!d i!cli!ed" 5hich is a si ! of maturity or ripe sad!ess1 That epistle of our Lord Jesu Christ is of such 6irtue" that i! the city of Edessa !o heretic !e !o pay!im may li6e therei!" !e !o!e tyra!t may rie6e it1 'or if a!y people come a ai!st that city by force of arms" a child shall sta!d upo! the ate" a!d shall read that epistle" a!d that same day either the e!emies shall flee a!d be afraid" or they shall ma4e peace 5ith them of the to5!1 A!d as is saidD This hath bee! do!e1 9ut this city hath bee! sith ta4e! of the Sarace!s a!d touched i! such 5ise" that for the multiplyi! of si!s this be!efit is lost1 Also it is read i! the +istory Ecclesiastic that 5he! our Lord 5as asce!ded i!to hea6e!" Thomas the apostle se!t Thaddeus" that 5as Jude" u!to the 4i! Ab arus accordi! to the promise of our Lord1 A!d 5he! he 5as come to him" a!d had told to him that he 5as messe! er of our Lord Jesu Christ" 5hich had





promised to se!d him o!e" the! Ab arus sa5 i! the 6isa e of Thaddeus a mar6ellous a!d odly bri ht!ess1 A!d 5he! he had see! it he 5as all abashed a!d afeared" a!d 5orshipped our Lord sayi! D Verily" thou art the disciple of Jesu Christ" So! of God" 5hich se!t to me 5ord that he 5ould se!d to me some o!e of his disciples that should heal me a!d i6e to me life1 To 5hom Thaddeus saidD If thou belie6est i! the So! of God thou shalt ha6e all the desires of thi!e heart1 A!d Ab arus saidD I belie6e o! him" 6erily" a!d those Je5s that sle5 him" I 5ould ladly slay them if it 5ere possible to me" a!d had po5er" ho5beit that the authority letteth it1 A!d as it is read i! some places a!d boo4s" that Ab arus 5as leper" a!d Thaddeus too4 the epistle of our Sa6iour" a!d rubbed a!d frotted there5ith the 6isa e of Ab arus" a!d a!o! he recei6ed full health1 Judas preached first i! -esopotamia a!d i! (o!tus" a!d Simo! preached i! E ypt" a!d from the!ce came they i!to (ersia" a!d fou!d there t5o e!cha!ters" Karoes a!d Arpha8at" 5hom S1 -atthe5 had dri6e! out of Ethiopia1 A!d fou!d there also 9aradach" a du4e of the 4i! s of 9abylo!" 5hich should o i! battle a ai!st them of I!dia" a!d could ha6e !o!e a!s5er of his ods1 A!d the! they 5e!t to a tempNe !i h to the city" a!d there they had a!s5er that because that the apostles that 5ere come they mi ht !ot a!s5er1 The! the du4e did e!<uire for them" a!d fou!d them" a!d dema!ded them 5herefore they 5ere come" a!d 5hat they 5ere1 ,hich a!s5eredD If thou dema!d of our li!ea e" 5e be +ebre5s" a!d if thou dema!d of our co!ditio!" 5e be ser6a!ts of Jesu Christ" a!d if thou dema!d 5herefore 5e be come" 5e be for your health1 To 5hom the du4e a!s5eredD ,he! I shall retur! =oyously from the battle I shall hear you1 To 5hom the apostles saidD It is more co!6e!able to thee to 4!o5 him !o5" by 5hom thou mayst o6ercome a!d appease them that be rebel to thee1 A!d the du4e a!s5eredD I see you more mi hty tha! our ods7 I pray you to say to us tofore the e!d of the battle1 A!d the apostles saidD 9ecause that thou 4!o5est thy ods to be liars" 5e comma!d them that they i6e a!s5er to that thou dema!dest" because that 5he! they ha6e 5e shall pro6e that they ha6e lied1 The! the idols said that the battle should be reat" a!d much people should be o6erthro5! o! both sides1 A!d the! the apostles be a! to lau h a!d the du4e said to themD I am afeard a!d ye lau h1 A!d the apostles saidD Doubt ye !othi! " for peace shall be made amo! you" a!d tomor! at the hour of tierce the messe! ers of the -edes shall come" a!d shall submit them to thy puissa!ce 5ith peace1 A!d the! the bishops of the idols made a reat lau hter" a!d said to the du4eD These me! here 5ould assure thee here" to the e!d that thou shouldst belie6e foolishly" a!d that thou shouldst be beta4e! of thi!e ad6ersaries1 A!d the apostles saidD ,e say !ot abide a mo!th" but o!e day o!ly" a!d thou shalt be 6a!<uisher all i! peace1 The! the du4e made to be 4ept that o!e a!d that other" that they that said the truth should be ho!oured" a!d the liars pu!ished1 The! o! the mor!" li4e as the apostles had said" it happed" a!d the! the du4e 5ould ha6e bur!t the bishops of the idols" but the apostles letted him that he should !ot slay them" for they 5ere !ot come for to slay but for to <uic4e! the dead1 A!d the! the du4e much mar6elled that they 5ould !ot that they should be slai! !e recei6e !o!e of their oods" a!d brou ht them to the 4i! a!d saidD These be ods hid i! form of me!1 A!d 5he! he had told all to him i! the prese!ce of his e!cha!ters" the e!cha!ters" bei! mo6ed of e!6y" said that they 5ere malicious a!d 5ic4ed me!" a!d purposed some malice a ai!st the realm subtly1 The! the du4e said to themD No5 if ye dare" assay ye a!d dispute 5ith them1 A!d the e!cha!ters saidD If thou 5ilt" thou shalt see that they shall !ot !o5 spea41 ,e bei! prese!t" ma4e me! to come hither that be elo<ue!t a!d ca! 5ell spea41 A!d if they dare spea4 tofore us despise ye us" a!d say 5e be fools1 A!d the! 5ere brou ht tofore them ma!y ad6ocates" a!d a!o! they 5ere made dumb tofore the e!cha!ters" so that by si !s they mi ht !ot sho5 that they mi ht !ot spea41 The! said the e!cha!ters to the 4i! D To the e!d that thou 4!o5 that 5e be ods" 5e shall suffer them to spea4" but they shall !ot mo5 o" a!d the! 5e shall i6e to them their oi! a!d shall ta4e a5ay their si ht" a!d yet shall their eyes be ope!1 A!d 5he! they had do!e all these thi! s" the du4e brou ht the ad6ocates all co!fused u!to the apostles" a!d 5he! the ad6ocates sa5 the apostles so e6il clothed" they had of them reat despite i! their coura e1 To 5hom Simo! saidD Ofttimes it happeth that amo! coffers of old 5rou ht 5ith precious sto!es be ri ht e6il thi! s e!closed" a!d 5ithi! coffers of tree be laid old ri! s a!d precious sto!es1 (romise ye that ye 5ill forsa4e the idols a!d 5ill 5orship o!e o!ly God i!6isible" a!d 5e shall ma4e the si ! of the cross i! your foreheads" a!d ye shall the! mo5 co!fou!d these e!cha!ters1 A!d 5he! these ad6ocates had re!ou!ced the idols a!d 5ere mar4ed i! the foreheads 5ith the si ! of the cross" they e!tered a ai! to the 4i! tofore the e!cha!ters1 The! mi ht they !ot be o6ercome of the e!cha!ters" but co!fou!ded them ope!ly before the 4i! a!d all the people1 The e!cha!ters 5ere the! a! ry" a!d made to come a reat multitude of serpe!ts1 The! the apostles came a!o! by the comma!dme!t of the 4i! " a!d filled their ma!tles 5ith the serpe!ts" a!d thre5 them a ai!st the e!cha!ters" sayi! D -o6e ye !ot i! the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ but be ye to:tor! a!d beate!" so that ye cry a!d bray i! sho5i! 5hat sorro5 a!d pai!













ye suffer1 A!d the! 5he! the serpe!ts bit a!d eat the flesh of the e!cha!ters" they cried a!d ho5led li4e 5ol6es" a!d the 4i! a!d the others prayed the apostles that they 5ould suffer them to die 5ith the serpe!ts1 A!d the apostles a!s5ered that they 5ere se!t for to bri! me! from death to life" a!d !ot from life to death1 The! made they their prayers a!d comma!ded the serpe!ts that they should ta4e from them a ai! the 6e!om that they had shed" a!d retur! a ai! to the places that they came from1 A!d the e!cha!ters felt reater pai! 5he! they dre5 out their 6e!om a ai!" tha! they did the first time 5he! they bit them1 A!d the apostles said to themD ;e shall feel this pai! three days" a!d at the third day ye shall be 5hole" so that ye depart from your malice1 A!d 5he! they had bee! torme!ted three days 5ithout meat a!d dri!4 a!d 5ithout sleep" the apostles came to them a!d saidD God dei !eth !ot to ha6e ser6ice by force" a!d therefore arise ye all 5hole a!d o your 5ay" ye ha6e po5er to do 5hat ye 5ill1 A!d they" abidi! i! their malice" arose up a!d fled from the apostles a!d mo6ed almost a ai!st them all 9abylo!1 After" the dau hter of a du4e co!cei6ed a so! by for!icatio!" a!d at her deli6era!ce thereof she defamed a! holy deaco!" a!d said that he had defouled her a!d she had co!cei6ed of him1 A!d 5he! the frie!ds of her 5ould ha6e slai! the deaco!" the apostles came a!d dema!ded 5he! the child had bee! bor!1 A!d they saidD ;esterday" the first hour of the day1 A!d the apostles saidD 9ri! hither the child to us" a!d also the deaco! that ye accuse1 A!d 5he! that 5as do!e" the apostles said to the childD Say to us i! the !ame of our Lord if this deaco! hath do!e this deed" a!d the child a!s5eredD This deaco! is chaste a!d a! holy ma!" !e he !e6er defouled his flesh1 A!d the! the pare!ts a!d frie!ds re<uired that the apostle should dema!d 5ho had do!e that felo!y1 They a!s5eredD It appertai!eth to us for to e8cuse the i!!oce!ts" a!d !ot betray !e hurt them that be culpable1 That time it happed that t5o cruel ti ers" 5hich 5ere e!closed i! a pit" bra4e out a!d de6oured all them that they met a!d e!cou!tered" a!d the! the apostles came to them a!d made them as mee4 a!d debo!air" i! the !ame of our Lord" as they had bee! sheep or lambs1 A!d the! the apostles 5ould ha6e departed the!ce" but they 5ere holde! by prayers so that they abode there a year a!d three mo!ths" a!d i! that espace of time the 4i! a!d more tha! si8ty thousa!d me! 5ere baptiHed" 5ithout childre!1 A!d the foresaid e!cha!ters 5e!t i!to a city called Suamar" 5hereas 5ere se6e!ty bishops of idols" 5hom they mo6ed a ai!st the apostles" so that 5he! they came thither" either they should do sacrifice to the idols or they should be slai!1 A!d 5he! the apostles had o!e rou!d about the pro6i!ce" they came to said city" a!d a!o! all the bishops a!d the people too4 them a!d brou ht them to the temple of the su!1 A!d the de6ils be a! to cry i! the simulachresD ,hat 5ill these apostles of the li6i! God do to usE LoI ho5 5e be bur!t by flames i! their e!teri! i!to this city1 A!d the! the a! el of our Lord appeared u!to the apostles" a!d said to themD Choose ye of t5o thi! s that o!e" that is" either that this people be sudde!ly dead or slai!" or that ye be martyred1 To 5hom they saidD ,e 5ill that thou co!6ert them here" a!d lead us to the pai! of martyrdom1 A!d they the! comma!ded sile!ce" a!d the apostles saidD 9ecause that ye shall 4!o5 that these idols be full of de6ils" 5e com!ma!d them for to come out" a!d that each of them brea4 a!d destroy his false ima e1 A!d a!o! t5o Ethiopia!s" blac4 a!d !a4ed" issued out of the idols" all the people seei! 5hich 5ere abashed" a!d all tobra4e their idols" a!d 5e!t their 5ay" cryi! cruelly1 A!d 5he! the bishops sa5 this" they ra! upo! the apostles a!d he5ed them to death a!o!1 A!d that same hour" 5hich 5as ri ht fair 5eather" came so reat thu!der a!d li ht!i! that the temple 5as smitte! i! three" a!d the t5o e!cha!ters 5ere tur!ed i!to coals by the stro4e of thu!der1 A!d the 4i! bare the bodies of the apostles i!to his city" a!d did do ma4e a church of mar6ellous reat!ess i! the ho!our of them1 A!d it is fou!de! i! di6ers places" of S1 Simo!" that he 5as !ailed to the cross" 5hich thi! Isidore saith i! the boo4 of the Death of the Apostles" a!d Eusebius i! the +istory Ecclesiastic" a!d 9ede upo! the Acts of the Apostles" a!d -aster Joh! 9eleth i! his Summa 5it!esseth the same1 A!d as they say" 5he! he had preached i! E ypt" he came a ai! a!d 5as made bishop i! Jerusalem after the death of James the Less" a!d 5as chose! of the court of the apostles" a!d it is said that he raised thirty dead me! to life1 ,he! he had o6er!ed the church of Jerusalem ma!y years" u!to the time of Tra=a! the emperor" i! the time that Atticus 5as co!sul i! Jerusalem" of 5hom he 5as ta4e! a!d torme!ted a!d do!e to much 5ro! 1 A!d at the last he 5as torme!ted a!d fi8ed to the cross" a!d the =ud e a!d all they that 5ere there mar6elled that the ma! 5hich 5as si8 score years old mi ht suffer the torme!t of the cross1 A!d some say 6erily that it 5as !ot this Simo! that suffered the martyrdom of the cross" but it 5as a!other" the so! of Cleophas" brother of Joseph" a!d Eusebius" bishop of CFsarea" 5it!esseth it i! his chro!icle1 'or Isidore a!d Eusebius corrected their chro!icles of that they said tofore" 5hich appeareth by 9ede" that 5he! he felt this he re6o4ed it i! his retractio!s1 A!d the same 5it!esseth ?suard i! his -artyrolo y1 The! let us de6outly pray these apostles to be our special ad6ocates u!to our blessed Lord Jesu Christ their master" to ha6e pity a!d mercy o! us1 Ame!1










Here followeth the Life of *" ,ui#ti#. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"


Gui!ti! is said of <ui!" that be fi6e" a!d of te!eo" te!es" that is to hold" a!d is as much to say as holdi! fi6e thi! s1 +e held first i! himself ho!esty of life" faith catholic" purity a!d clea!!ess of co!scie!ce" true preachi! a!d cro5! of martyrdom Of *" ,ui#ti#"



Gui!ti! 5as of !oble li!ea e of the city of 3ome" a!d came i!to the city of Amie!s" sho5i! ma!y miracles1 A!d 5as ta4e! there of the pro6ost of the city by comma!dme!t of -a8imia!" a!d 5as beate! u!til they that beat him 5ere 5eary" a!d after 5as put i! priso!" but he 5as u!bou!d of a! a! el" a!d he 5e!t i!to the city a!d there preached to the people1 The! he 5as ta4e! a ai!" a!d 5as strai!ed o! the eculee" a! i!strume!t to torme!t sai!ts o!" u!to the brea4i! of his 6ei!s" a!d beate! 5ith ra5 si!e5s ri ht lo! " a!d after5ards he 5as boiled i! bur!i! pitch a!d oil" a!d yet for all that he moc4ed the =ud e1 The! the =ud e did do put i!to his mouth <uic4lime" 6i!e ar" a!d mustard" a!d yet al5ays he abode co!sta!t a!d u!mo6able1 A!d the! he 5as brou ht i!to Verma!dos" a!d fi8ed i! him t5o !ails from his head u!to his 4!ees" a!d te! !ails bet5ee! his !ails a!d the flesh of his !ails a!d the flesh o! his ha!ds1 A!d at the last the pro6ost made him to be beheaded" a!d thre5 the body i!to the 5ater1 ,hich body 5as hid there fifty:fi6e years" a!d the! fou!de! there by a !oble 5oma! of 3ome1 'or as she 5as co!ti!ually i! prayer" she 5as i! a !i ht 5ar!ed by a! a! el that she should o hastily u!to the castle of Verma!dos" a!d it 5as comma!ded to her that she should fetch the body of S1 Gui!ti! i! such a place a!d bury it ho!ourably1 A!d 5he! she came to the said place 5ith a reat compa!y" a!d as she made her prayers" the body of S1 Gui!ti! appeared abo6e the 5ater" s5eetly smelli! a!d 5ithout corruptio!" 5hich body she too4 a!d buried it 5orshipfully1 A!d for the sepulture that she made ho!ourably" she that tofore 5as bli!d" recei6ed her si ht a ai! for a re5ard1 A!d the! there she edified a fair church" a!d retur!ed home to her o5! place a ai!1 I! 5hich church !o5 is a fair mo!astery of mo!4s a!d a ood to5! called S1 Gui!ti!s i! Verma!dos" 5here daily be sho5ed ma!y reat miracles" especially for the dropsy" etc1" a!d s5elli! of reat bellies for o6er reat superfluity of 5ater1 'or this sic4!ess i! especial he is sou ht" a!d ma!y me! ha6e bee! cured a!d made 5hole by the merits of this blessed sai!t a!d martyr S1 Gui!ti!1 To 5hom pray 5e that 5e may be deli6ered from all i!firmities" as far as it shall please God" a!d !ecessary for us1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Eu ta$e. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"






Eustace 5as !amed tofore his baptism (lacidus" 5hich is as much as to say as pleasa!t to God1 A!d Eustace is said of eu" that is to say" ood" a!d statics" that is" fortu!e" therefore Eustace is" as it 5ere" ood fortu!e1 +e 5as pleasa!t to God i! his co!6ersatio!" a!d after" he held him i! ood 5or4s1 Of *" Eu ta$e" Eustace" 5hich first 5as !amed (lacidus" 5as master of the chi6alry of Tra=a!" the emperor" a!d 5as ri ht busy i! the 5or4s of mercy" but he 5as a 5orshipper of idols1 A!d he had a 5ife of the same rite" a!d also of the deeds of mercy" of 5hom he had t5o so!s" 5hich he did do !ourish after his estate1 A!d because he 5as e!te!ti6e to the 5or4s of mercy" he deser6ed to be e!lumi!ed to the 5ay of truth1 So o! a day" as he 5as o! hu!ti! " he fou!d a! herd of harts" amo! 5hom he sa5 o!e more fair a!d reater tha! the other" 5hich departed from the compa!y a!d spra! i!to the thic4est of the forest1 A!d the other 4!i hts ra! after the other harts" but (lacidus sie5ed him 5ith all his mi ht" a!d e!forced to ta4e him1 A!d 5he! the hart sa5 that he follo5ed 5ith all his po5er" at the last he 5e!t up o! a hi h roc4" a!d (lacidus approachi! !i h" thou ht i! his mi!d ho5 he mi ht ta4e him1 A!d as he beheld a!d co!sidered the hart dili e!tly" he sa5 bet5ee! his hor!s the form of the holy cross shi!i! more clear tha! the su!" a!d the ima e of Christ" 5hich by the mouth of the hart" li4e as sometime 9alaam by the ass" spa4e to him" sayi! D (lacidus" 5herefore follo5est me hitherE I am appeared to thee i! this beast for







the race of thee1 I am Jesu Christ" 5hom thou ho!ourest i !ora!tly" thy alms be asce!ded up tofore me" a!d therefore I come hither so that by this hart that thou hu!test I may hu!t thee1 A!d some other say that this ima e of Jesu Christ 5hich appeared bet5ee! the hor!s of the hart said these 5ords1 A!d 5he! (lacidus heard that" he had reat dread" a!d desce!ded from his horse to the rou!d1 A!d a! hour after he came to himself" a!d arose from the rou!d" a!d saidD 3ehearse a ai! this that thou hast said" a!d I shall belie6e thee1 A!d the! our Lord saidD I am Jesu Christ that formed hea6e! a!d earth" 5hich made the li ht to i!crease" a!d di6ided it from dar4!ess" a!d established time" days" a!d hours1 ,hich formed me! of the slime of the earth" 5hich appeared o! earth i! flesh for the health of the li!ea e huma!" 5hich 5as crucified" dead" buried" a!d arose the third day1 A!d 5he! (lacidus heard this" he fell do5! a ai! to the earth" a!d saidD I belie6e" Lord" that thou art he that made all thi! s" a!d co!6ertest them that err1 A!d our Lord said to himD If thou belie6est" o to the bishop of the city a!d do thee be baptiHed1 A!d (lacidus said to himD Lord" 5ilt thou that I hide this thi! from my 5ife a!d my so!sE A!d our Lord said to himD Tell to them that they also ma4e them clea! 5ith thee1 A!d see that thou come a ai! to:morro5 hither that I appear a ai! to thee" a!d may sho5 to thee that 5hich shall come hereafter to thee1 A!d 5he! he 5as come home to his house" a!d had told this thi! to his 5ife i! their bed" she criedD -y LordI a!d saidD A!d I sa5 him this !i ht that is passed" a!d he said to meD To:mor! thou" thy husba!d" a!d thy so!s" shall come to me1 A!d !o5 I 4!o5 that it 5as Christ1 The! they 5e!t to the bishop of 3ome at mid!i ht" 5hich baptiHed them 5ith reat =oy" a!d !amed (lacidus" Eustace" a!d his 5ife" Theospis1 A!d o! the mor! Eustace 5e!t to hu!t as he did tofore" a!d 5he! he came !i h to the place he departed his 4!i hts as for to fi!d 6e!iso!1 A!d a!o! he sa5 i! the place the form of the first 6isio!" a!d a!o! he fell to the rou!d tofore the fi ure" a!d saidD Lord" I pray thee to sho5 to me that 5hich thou hast promised to me thy ser6a!t" to 5hom our Lord saidD Eustace" thou that art blessed" 5hich hast ta4e! the 5ashi! of race" for !o5 thou hast surmou!ted the de6il" 5hich had decei6ed thee" a!d trodde! him u!der foot" !o5 thy faith shall appear1 The de6il !o5" because thou hast forsa4e! him" is armed cruelly a ai!st thee" a!d it beho6eth thee to suffer ma!y thi! s a!d pai!s1 'or to ha6e the cro5! of 6ictory thou must suffer much" because to humble thee from the hi h 6a!ity of the 5orld" a!d shalt after5ard be e!ha!ced i! spiritual riches" thou therefore fail !ot" !e loo4 !ot u!to thy first lory1 'or thee beho6eth that by temptatio!s thou be a!other Job" a!d 5he! thou shalt so be humbled" I shall come to thee" a!d shall restore thee u!to thy first =oy1 Say to me !o5 5hether thou 5ilt !o5 suffer a!d ta4e temptatio!s" or i! the e!d of thy lifeE A!d Eustace said to himD Lord" if it so beho6eth1 comma!d that temptatio! to come !o5" but I beseech thee to ra!t to me the 6irtue of patie!ce1 To 5hom our Lord saidD 9e thou co!sta!t" for my race shall 4eep your souls1 The! our Lord asce!ded i!to hea6e!" a!d Eustace retur!ed home a!d sho5ed all this to his 5ife1 After this" a fe5 days" the pestile!ce assailed his ser6a!ts a!d his 4!i hts" a!d sle5 them all" a!d i! a little 5hile after" all his horses a!d his beasts died sudde!ly" a!d after this" some that had bee! his fello5s" seei! his depredatio!" e!tered i!to his house by !i ht a!d robbed him" a!d bare a5ay old a!d sil6er" a!d despoiled him of all other thi! s1 A!d he" his 5ife" a!d childre! tha!4ed God" a!d fled a5ay by !i ht all !a4ed" a!d because they doubted shame" they fled i!to E ypt1 A!d all his reat possessio!s came to !ou ht by ra6i! of 5ic4ed people1 The! the 4i! a!d all the se!ators sorro5ed much for the master of the chi6alry" 5hich 5as so !oble" because they mi ht hear !o tidi! s of him1 A!d as they 5e!t they approached the sea" a!d fou!d a ship" a!d e!tered i!to it for to pass" a!d the master of the ship sa5 the 5ife of Eustace 5as ri ht fair" a!d desired much for to ha6e her1 A!d 5he! they 5ere passed o6er" he dema!ded his re5ard for their frei ht" a!d they had !ot 5hereof to pay" so that the master of the ship comma!ded that the 5ife should be holde! a!d retai!ed for his hire" a!d 5ould ha6e her 5ith him1 A!d 5he! Eustace heard that" he ai!said it lo! 1 The! the master of the ship comma!ded his mari!ers to cast him i! the sea" so that he mi ht ha6e his 5ife" a!d 5he! Eustace sa5 that" he left his 5ife much sorro5fully" a!d too4 his t5o childre! a!d 5e!t 5eepi! " a!d saidD AlasI 5oe am I for you" for your mother is deli6ered to a stra! e husba!d1 A!d thus sorro5i! he a!d his childre! came to a ri6er" a!d for the reat abu!da!ce of 5ater he durst !ot pass that ri6er 5ith his both so!s at o!ce" 5hich 5ere the! you! 1 9ut at the last he left o!e of them o! the bri!4 of the ri6er" a!d bare o6er that other o! his shoulders" a!d 5he! he had passed the ri6er" he set do5! o! the rou!d the child that he had bor!e o6er" a!d hasted him for to fetch that other that he had left o! that other side of the ri6er1 A!d 5he! he 5as i! the midst of the 5ater" there came a 5olf a!d too4 the child that he had bor!e o6er" a!d fled 5ithal to the 5oods1 A!d he the!" all despaired of him" 5e!t for to fetch that other" a!d as he 5e!t" there came a reat lio! a!d bare a5ay that other child" so that he mi ht !ot retai! him" for he 5as i! the middle of the ri6er1












A!d the! he be a! to 5eep a!d dra5 his hair" a!d 5ould ha6e dro5!ed himself i! the 5ater if the di6i!e pur6eya!ce had !ot letted him1 A!d the herdme! a!d plou hme! sa5 the lio! beari! the child all ali6e" a!d they follo5ed him 5ith their do s" so that by di6i!e race the lio! left the child all safe 5ithout hurt1 A!d other plou hme! cried a!d follo5ed the 5olf" a!d 5ith their sta6es a!d falchio!s deli6ered the child 5hole a!d sou!d from his teeth 5ithout hurt1 A!d so both the herdme! a!d plou hme! 5ere of o!e 6illa e" a!d !ourished these childre! amo! them1 A!d Eustace 4!e5 !othi! thereof" but 5eepi! a!d sorro5i! " sayi! to himselfD AlasI 5oe is meI for tofore this mishap I sho!e i! reat 5ealth li4e a tree" but !o5 I am !a4ed of all thi! s1 AlasI I 5as accustomed to be accompa!ied 5ith a reat multitude of 4!i hts" a!d I am !o5 alo!e" a!d am !ot suffered to ha6e my so!s1 O Lord" I remember me that thou saddest to meD Thee beho6eth to be tempted as Job 5as" but I see that i! me is more do!e to tha! 5as to Job1 'or he lost all his possessio!s" but he had a du! hill to sit o!" but to me is !othi! left" he had frie!ds 5hich had pity o! him" a!d I ha6e !o!e but 5ild beasts" 5hich ha6e bor!e a5ay my so!s1 To him 5as his 5ife left" a!d my 5ife is ta4e! from me a!d deli6ered to a!other1 O ood Lord" i6e thou rest to my tribulatio!s" a!d 4eep thou so my mouth that mi!e heart decli!e !ot i!to 5ords of malice" a!d be cast from thy 6isa e1 A!d thus sayi! a!d 5aili! " i! reat 5eepi! " 5e!t i!to a street of the to5!" a!d there 5as hired for to 4eep the fields of the me! of that to5!" a!d so 4ept them fiftee! years1 +is so!s 5ere !ourished i! a!other to5!" a!d 4!e5 !ot that they 5ere brethre!7 a!d our Lord 4ept the 5ife of Eustace" so that the stra! e ma! had !ot to do 5ith her !e touched her" but died a!d e!ded his life1 I! that time the emperor a!d the people 5ere much torme!ted of their e!emies" a!d the! they remembered of (lacidus" ho5 he ma!y times had fou ht !obly a ai!st them" for 5hom the emperor 5as much sorro5ful" a!d se!t out" i!to di6ers parts" ma!y 4!i hts to see4 him" a!d promised to them that fou!d him much riches a!d reat ho!our1 A!d t5o 4!i hts" 5hich had bee! u!der him i! chi6alry" came i!to the same street 5here he d5elled" a!d a!o! as (lacidus sa5 them" he 4!e5 them" a!d the! he remembered his first di !ity a!d be a! to be hea6y" a!d saidD Lord" I beseech thee to ra!t to me that I may sometime see my 5ife" for as for my so!s I 4!o5 5ell that they be de6oured of 5ild beasts1 A!d the! a 6oice came to him a!d saidD Eustace" ha6e thou ood affia!ce" for a!o! thou shalt reco6er thi!e ho!our" a!d shalt ha6e thy 5ife a!d thy childre!1 A!d a!o! he met 5ith these 4!i hts" a!d they 4!e5 him !ot" but dema!ded of him if he 4!e5 a!y stra! e ma! !amed (lacidus" a!d had a 5ife a!d t5o childre!1 A!d he saidD Nay" yet he had these home to his hostel" a!d he ser6ed them1 A!d 5he! he remembered of his first estate he mi ht !ot hold him from 5eepi! 1 The! he 5e!t out a!d 5ashed his face a!d retur!ed for to ser6e them1 A!d they co!sidered a!d said that o!e to that other" ho5 that this ma! resembleth much u!to him that 5e see4" a!d that other a!s5eredD Certai!ly he is li4e u!to him7 !o5 let us see if he ha6e a 5ou!d i! his head that he at i! a battle1 The! they beheld" a!d sa5 the si ! of the 5ou!d" a!d the! they 5ist 5ell it 5as he that they sou ht1 The! they arose a!d 4issed him a!d dema!ded of his 5ife a!d childre!" a!d he said that his so!s 5ere dead" a!d his 5ife 5as ta4e! a5ay from him1 A!d the! the !ei hbours ra! for to hear this thi! " because the 4!i hts told a!d recou!ted his first lory a!d his 6irtue1 A!d they said to him the comma!dme!t of the emperor" a!d clad him 5ith !oble 6estme!ts1 The! after the =our!ey of fiftee! days they brou ht him to the emperor1 A!d 5he! he heard of his comi! he ra! a!o! a ai!st him" a!d 5he! he sa5 him he 4issed him1 The! Eustace recou!ted tofore them all by order that 5hich had happe!ed to him1 A!d he 5as re:established u!to the office to be a ai! master of the chi6alry" a!d 5as co!strai!ed to do the office as he did tofore1 A!d the! he cou!ted ho5 ma!y 4!i hts there 5ere" a!d sa5 there 5ere but fe5 as to the re ard of their e!emies" a!d comma!ded that all the you! me! should be athered i! the cities a!d to5!s" a!d it happed that the cou!try 5here his so!s 5ere !ourished should ma4e a!d se!d t5o me! of arms1 The! all the i!habita!ts of that cou!try ordai!ed these t5o you! me!" his so!s" most co!6e!able abo6e all others for to o 5ith the master of the chi6alry7 a!d the! 5he! the master sa5 these you! me! of !oble form a!d ador!ed ho!estly 5ith ood ma!!ers" they pleased him much a!d ordai!ed that they should be 5ith the first of his table1 The! he 5e!t thus to the battle" a!d 5he! he had subdued his e!emies to him" he made his host to rest three days i! a to5!" 5here his 5ife d5elt a!d 4ept a poor hostelry1 A!d these t5o you! me!" by the pur6eya!ce of God 5ere lod ed i! the habitatio! of their mother" 5ithout 4!o5i! 5hat she 5as1 A!d o! a time about midday" as they spa4e that o!e to that other of their i!fa!cy" a!d their mother" 5hich 5as there" hear4e!ed 5hat they said much atte!ti6ely" so that the reatest said to the lessD ,he! I 5as a child" I remember !o!e other thi! " sa6e that my father 5hich 5as master of the 4!i hts" a!d my mother" 5hich











5as ri ht fair" had t5o so!s" that is to say" me a!d a!other" you! er tha! I" a!d 5as much fair1 A!d they too4 us a!d 5e!t out of their house by !i ht" a!d e!tered i!to a ship for to o I 5ot !ot 5hither1 A!d 5he! 5e 5e!t out of the ship our mother 5as left i! the ship" I 5ot !ot i! 5hat ma!!er" but my father bare me a!d my brother" a!d sore 5eepi! 1 A!d 5he! he came to a 5ater he passed o6er 5ith my you! er brother" a!d left me o! he ba!4 of the 5ater" a!d 5he! he retur!ed a 5olf came a!d bare a5ay my brother1 A!d ere my father mi ht come to me" a reat lio! issued out of the forest" a!d too4 me up a!d bare me" to the 5ood" but the herdme! that sa5 him too4 me from the mouth of the lio!" a!d 5as !ourished i! such a to5! as ye 4!o5 5ell" !e I could !e6er 4!o5 5hat happe!ed to my brother" !or 5here he is1 A!d 5he! the you! er heard this he be a! to 5eep a!d sayD 'orsooth" li4e as I hear" I am thy brother" for they that !ourished me said that they had ta4e! me from a 5olf1 A!d the! they be a! to embrace a!d 4iss each other" a!d 5eep1 A!d 5he! their mother had heard all this tbi! " she co!sidered lo! i! herself if they 5ere her t5o so!s" because they had said by order 5hat 5as befalle! them1 A!d the !e8t day follo5i! she 5e!t to the master of the chi6alry a!d re<uired him" sayi! D Sir" I pray thee comma!d that I may be brou ht a ai! to my cou!try" for I am of the cou!try of the 3oma!s" a!d here I am a stra! er1 A!d i! sayi! these 5ords she sa5 ! him si !s" a!d 4!e5 by them that he 5as her husba!d" a!d the! she mi ht !o lo! er forbear" but fell do5! at his feet a!d said to himD Sir" I pray thee to tell of thy first estate" for I 5ee! that thou art (lacidus" master of the 4!i hts" 5hich other5ise art called Eustace" 5hom the Sa6iour of the 5orld hath co!6erted" a!d hast suffered such temptatio! a!d such" a!d I that am thy 5ife 5as ta4e! from thee i! the sea" 5hich !e6ertheless ha6e bee! 4ept from all corruptio!" a!d haddest of me t5o so!s A apitus a!d Theospitus1 A!d Eustace heari! this" a!d dili e!tly co!sidered a!d beheld her" a!o! 4!e5 that she 5as his 5ife" a!d 5ept for =oy a!d 4issed her7 a!d lorified much our Lord God" 5hich comforteth the discomforted1 A!d the! said his 5ifeD Sir" 5here be our so!sE A!d he said that they 5ere slai! of 5ild beasts" a!d recou!ted to her ho5 he had lost them1 A!d she saidD Let us i6e tha!4i! s to God" for I suppose that li4e as God hath i6e! to us race each to fi!d other" so shall he i6e us race to reco6er our so!s1 A!d he saidD I ha6e told thee that they be de6oured of 5ild beasts7 a!d she the! saidD I sat yesterday i! a arde! a!d heard t5o you! li! s thus a!d thus e8pou!di! their i!fa!cy" a!d I belie6e that they be our so!s" dema!d them a!d they shall tell to thee the truth1 The! Eustace called them" a!d heard their i!fa!cy a!d 4!e5 that they 5ere his so!s1 The! he embraced them a!d the mother also" a!d 4issed them also1 The! all the host e!=oyed stro! ly of the fi!di! of his 5ife a!d childre!" a!d for the 6ictory of the barbaria!s1 A!d 5he! he 5as retur!ed" Tra=a! 5as the! dead" a!d Adria! succeeded i! the empire" 5hich 5as 5orst i! all felo!ies1 A!d as 5ell for the 6ictory as for the fi!di! of his 5ife a!d childre!" he recei6ed them much ho!ourably a!d did do ma4e a reat di!!er a!d feast1 A!d o! the !e8t day after" he 5e!t to the temple of the idols" for to sacrifice for the 6ictory of the barbaria!s1 A!d the! the emperor seei! that Eustace 5ould !ot do sacrifice" !either for the 6ictory" !e for that he had fou!d his 5ife a!d childre!" 5ar!ed a!d comma!ded him that he should do sacrifice1 To 5hom Eustace saidD I adore a!d do sacrifice to our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d o!ly ser6e him1 A!d the! the emperor" reple!ished 5ith ire" put him his 5ife a!d his so!s i! a certai! place" a!d did to o to them a ri ht cruel lio!" a!d the lio! ra! to them a!d i!cli!ed his head to them" li4e as he had 5orshipped them" a!d departed1 The! the emperor did do ma4e a fire u!der a! o8 of brass or copper" a!d 5he! it 5as fire:hot he comma!ded that they should be put therei! all <uic4 a!d ali6e1 A!d the! the sai!ts prayed a!d comme!ded them u!to our Lord" a!d e!tered i!to the o8" a!d there yielded up their spirits u!to Jesu Christ1 A!d the third day after" they 5ere dra5! out tofore the emperor" a!d 5ere fou!d all 5hole a!d !ot touched of the fire" !e as much as a! hair of them 5as bur!t" !e !o!e other thi! o! them1 A!d the! the christia! me! too4 the bodies of them" a!d laid them i! a ri ht !oble place ho!ourably" a!d made o6er them a! oratory1 A!d they suffered death u!der Adria! the emperor" 5hich be a! about the year o!e hu!dred a!d t5e!ty i! the cale!ds of No6ember1 Here followeth the *ole%#ity of All Hallow " The feast of all the sai!ts 5as established for four causes1 'irst" for the dedicatio! of the temple7 seco!dly" for suppleme!t of offe!ces do!e7 thirdly" for to ta4e a5ay !e li e!ce7 a!d fourthly" for to et more li htly that thi! 5hich 5e pray for1 This feast 5as established pri!cipally for the dedicatio! of the temple1 'or the 3oma!s sa5 that they 5ere sei !iored all o6er the 5orld" a!d therefore they made a ri ht reat temple a!d set their idol i! the middle" a!d all about this idol they set the false ima es of all the pro6i!ces7 so that all the ima es beheld ri ht the idol of 3ome1 A!d it 5as ordai!ed by art of the de6il





















that" 5he! a pro6i!ce 5ould rebel a ai!st the 3oma!s" the ima e of that pro6i!ce should tur! his bac4 to the idol of 3ome" li4e as i! sho5i! that it departed from the sei !iory of 3ome1 A!d the! a!o! the 3oma!s 5ould bri! reat puissa!ce i!to that pro6i!ce" a!d there subdued it to their sei !iory1 A!d yet it sufficed !ot to the 3oma!s that they had i! their sei !iory all the false ima es of the pro6i!ces" but made to each of those false ods a temple" li4e as those ods had made them lords a!d 6a!<uishers of all the pro6i!ces1 A!d because that all the idols mi ht !ot be i! that temple" they made a reater temple" more mar6ellous a!d hi h tha! all the others" a!d for to sho5 the more their 5ood!ess" they dedicated this temple i! the ho!our of all their ods1 A!d more for to decei6e the people" fei !ed that it had bee! comma!ded to them of Cybele" a oddess" that is called mother of the ods1 A!d they called this temple" (a!theo!" 5hich is as much to say as all ods7 of pa!" that is all" a!d theos" that is od1 A!d because they 5ould ha6e 6ictory of all the people" therefore they made a reat temple to all the so!s of Cybele1 A!d the fou!dame!t of this temple 5as cast rou!d by a sphere" that by this form the perdurability of their ods should be sho5ed1 A!d for as much as the reat <ua!tity of the earth 5hich 5as 5ithi! seemed !ot sustai!able to be 6oided" a!d that the 5or4 5as a little see! abo6e the earth" they filled the cre6ices 5ithi! the earth" a!d meddled pe!!ies 5ith the earth" a!d did al5ays so till the said temple 5as fully accomplished1 A!d the! they a6e lice!ce that 5hosoe6er 5ould ta4e a5ay the earth" that all the mo!ey that he fou!d 5ith the earth should be his1 The! came hastily reat compa!y of people a!d 6oided a!o! the temple1 A!d at the last the 3oma!s made a pi!!acle of copper a!d ilt" a!d set it i! a ri ht hi h place" a!d it is said all the pro6i!ces 5ere e!tailed a!d ra6e! mar6ellously 5ithi! that pi!!acle" so that all they that came to 3ome mi ht see i! that pi!!acle i! 5hat part his pro6i!ce 5as1 A!d this pi!!acle after lo! time fell" a!d remai!ed i! the o6erest part of the temple1 A!d i! the time of (hocas the emperor" 5hat time 3ome had recei6ed the faith" 9o!iface" the fourth pope from S1 Gre ory" about the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d fi6e" at of (hocas the said temple" a!d did do ta4e a5ay a!d efface all the ordure of all these idols1 A!d the fourth 4ale!ds of -ay he hallo5ed it i! the ho!our of our Lady S1 -ary a!d of all the martyrs1 A!d called it S1 -ary at martyrs" 5hich is !o5 called Sa!cta -aria 3otu!da" that is S1 -ary the rou!d1 'or the! 5as made !o solem!ity of the co!fessors1 A!d because there assembled reat multitude of people at this feast" a!d there mi ht !ot be fou!d abu!da!ce of 6ictual for the people that came" (ope Gre ory established this feast to be i! the 4ale!ds of No6ember" for the! ou ht to be reater abu!da!ce of 6ictual" 5he! the cor! is had i!" a!d 5i!e made" a!d he established this day to be hallo5ed throu h the 5orld i! the ho!our of all sai!ts1 A!d thus the temple that had bee! made for all the idols is !o5 dedicate a!d hallo5ed to all the sai!ts" a!d 5hereas the 5orshippi! of idols 5as used" there is !o5 the praisi! of all sai!ts1 Seco!dly" it is ordai!ed for the suppleme!t of thi! s offe!ded a!d trespassed" that is to say" for to accomplish such as 5e ha6e o6erpassed" for 5e ha6e left a!d o6erpassed ma!y sai!ts of 5hom 5e ha6e made !o feast1 ,e may !ot hallo5 the feast of e6ery sai!t by himself" as 5ell for the reat multitude" 5hich be i!fi!ity" as for our i!firmity1 'or 5e be feeble a!d 5ea4" a!d may !ot suffice for the short!ess of time" for the time may !ot suffice thereto1 A!d as S1 Jerome saith i! a! epistle 5hich is i! the be i!!i! of his 4ale!darD There is !o day" e8cept the first day of Ja!uary" but that there may be fou!d e6ery day more tha! fi6e thousa!d martyrs1 A!d therefore" because 5e may !ot si! ularly ma4e feast of e6ery sai!t" S1 Gre ory the pope hath ordai!ed a!d established that 5e shall o! o!e day ho!our them e!erally a!d to ether1 A!d -aster ,illiam of Au8erre putteth si8 reaso!s" i! the sum of the office" 5herefore it 5as established that 5e should here i! this 5orld ma4e solem!ity of the sai!ts1 The first is" for the ho!our of the di6i!e ma=esty" for 5he! 5e do 5orship the sai!t or sai!ts" 5e 5orship God i! his sai!ts" a!d say that he is mar6ellous i! them1 'or 5ho that doth ho!our to sai!ts" he ho!oureth him specially 5hich hath sa!ctified them1 The seco!d is to ha6e aid i! our i!firmity" for by oursel6es 5e may ha6e !o!e health" therefore ha6e 5e !eed of the prayers of sai!ts" a!d therefore 5e ou ht to ho!our them" that 5e may deser6e that they aid a!d help us1 It is read i! the Third 9oo4 of @i! s" of the first chapter" that 9eersheba is as much to say as the pit of filli! " 5hich is to say the church triumpha!t sayi! to her so!" that is to say that to the church triumpha!t he had obtai!ed the rei ! by his prayers1 The third cause is for the au me!tatio! of our surety" that is to say for the lory that is purposed i! us7 i! their solem!ity our hope a!d surety be au me!ted a!d i!creased1 A!d if mortal me! a!d dead mi ht thus be e!ha!ced by their merits" it is truth that the mi ht a!d puissa!ce shall !othi! thereby be mi!ished !e lessed1 The fourth for the e8ample of us follo5i! 1 'or 5he! the feast is remembered" 5e be called to e!sue a!d follo5 them1 So that by the e8ample of them 5e despise all earthly thi! s" a!d desire celestial thi! s1 The fifth is for the debt of i!tercha! i! !ei hbourhood" for the sai!ts ma4e of us feast i! hea6e!1 'or the a! els of God a!d the holy souls ha6e =oy a!d ma4e feast i! hea6e! of a si!!er that doth pe!a!ce" a!d therefore it is ri ht 5he! they ma4e of us feast i! hea6e!" that 5e ma4e feast of them i! earth1 The si8th is for the procuratio! of our ho!our" for 5he! 5e ho!our the sai!ts 5e procure our ho!our" for their solem!ity is our di !ity" for 5he! 5e 5orship our brethre! 5e 5orship oursel6es" for












charity ma4eth all to be commo!" a!d our thi! s be celestial" earthly a!d perdurable1 A!d abo6e these reaso!s" Joh! Damasce!e putteth three reaso!s i! his fourth boo4 the se6e!th chapter" 5hy a!d 5herefore the sai!ts a!d their relics ou ht to be ho!oured" of 5hich some be praised for their di !ities a!d some for the precious!ess of their bodies1 A!d the di !ity of them is i! four ma!!ers1 'or they be frie!ds of God" so!s of God" heirs of God" a!d our du4es a!d leaders1 A!d S1 Joh! putteth these authoritiesD Joha!!is decimo <ui!to1 'or the firstD Jam !o! dicam 6os ser6os et cetera" I say you !ot !o5 ser6a!ts but frie!ds1 'or the seco!d" Joha!!is primoD Dedit eis potestatem filios Dei fieri" he a6e to them po5er to be made the so!s of God1 Of the thirdD Ad 3oma!os octa6o" if ye be so!s ye be heirs" et cetera1 Of the fourth he saith thusD +o5 much shouldst thou labour to fi!d a leader to bri! thee to the 4i! a!d spea4 for thee" that is to 5it" that they be leaders of race a!d of all huma! li!ea e" a!d spea4 a!d pray for us to God" 5herefore they ou ht to be 5orshipped1 Others be ta4e! as touchi! the preciosity of their bodies1 A!d the said Joh! Damasce!e putteth four reaso!s" a!d S1 Au usti!e putteth thereto the fifth" by 5hich is sho5ed the preciosity of the bodies or of the relics1 'or the holy bodies 5ere the celiers of God" temple of Jesu Christ7 they 5ere the alabaster or bo8 of the precious oi!tme!t" a!d the fou!tai! of the di6i!e life" members of the +oly Ghost1 'irst" they 5ere the celiers of God" for the sai!ts be celiers of God a!d pure ador!me!ts1 Seco!dly" they 5ere the temple of Jesu Christ" for it follo5eth because that God d5elled i! them by e!te!dme!t" 5hereof the apostle saithD Ne 4!o5 ye !ot that your bodies be the temple of the +oly Ghost d5elli! i! youE +ereof saith ChrysostomD -a! deli hteth him i! edificatio! of 5alls" a!d God deli hteth him i! the co!6ersatio! of sai!ts1 ,hereof Da6id saithD Sire" I ha6e lo6ed the beauty of thy house1 9ut that beauty is !ot made by di6ersity of marble" but it is i6e! to li6i! me! by di6ersity of races1 The beauty of marble the flesh deli hteth" the beauty of race <uic4e!eth the soul" the first decei6eth the eyes" a!d that other edifieth by double e!te!dme!t1 Thirdly" they be the alabaster or bo8 of spiritual oi!tme!t" 5herefore it is saidD Oi!tme!t of ood odour cometh of himself" a!d this i6e the relics of sai!ts1 If the 5ater ra! from the roc4 a!d out of the sto!e" i! desert" a!d also 5ater ra! out of the =a5 of the ass to Samso! 5hich had thirst" the! it is !ot i!credible that there ru!!eth from the relics of sai!ts oi!tme!ts 5ell:smelli! to them that 4!o5 the ift of God a!d the ho!our of sai!ts 5hich cometh from him1 'ourthly" they be fou!tai!s of di6i!ity1 Of 5hom it is saidD They that li6e i! 6erity 5ith free patie!ce be assista!t to God" a!d be to us 5ells of health1 Our Lord Jesu Christ i6eth u!to relics of his sai!ts ma!y be!efits i! di6ers ma!!ers1 'ifthly" they be members of the +oly Ghost1 This reaso! assi !eth S1 Au usti!e i! the boo4" De Ci6itate Dei" a!d saithD They be !ot to be despised but to be ho!oured reatly" a!d to 5orship the bodies of the sai!ts" of 5hom" 5he! they li6ed" the +oly Ghost used as his o5! member i! all ood 5or4s1 A!d the apostle saithD ;e see4 e8perie!ce of him that spea4eth i! me" Christ1 A!d of S1 Stephe! it is saidD They mi ht !ot resist his 5isdom" !e to the +oly Ghost that spa4e i! him1 A!d Ambrose saith i! the +e8ametro!D It is a ri ht precious thi! that a ma! is made the member of di6i!e 6oice" a!d 5ith his bodily lips e8presseth the 5ords celestial1 Thirdly" the feast of all the sai!ts is established for the clea!si! of our !e li e!ces1 'or ho5beit that 5e hallo5 the feasts of a fe5 sai!ts" yet 5e 4eep them !e li e!tly ofttimes" a!d lea6e ma!y thi! s u!do!e by i !ora!ce a!d by !e li e!ce1 A!d if 5e ha6e !ot solem!ised a!y feasts as 5e ou ht to do" but !e li e!tly" !o5 i! this e!eral feast 5e ou ht to fulfil a!d ame!d it" a!d pur e us of our !e li e!ce1 A!d this reaso! is touched i! a sermo! that is recited this day i! the church1 A!d it is ordai!ed that at this day memory is made of all sai!ts" that 5hatsome6er fra ility huma! hath do!e less tha! he ou ht by i !ora!ce" by !e li e!ce" or by occupatio! of secular thi! s i! the solem!ity of sai!ts" that it be appeased i! the obser6atio! of this holy feast1 It is to be !oted that there be four differe!ces of the sai!ts that 5e ho!our by the course of the year" 5hich be of the Ne5 Testame!t" of 5hom o! this day 5e ather to ether for to accomplish that 5hich 5e ha6e !e li e!tly do!e" that be apostles" martyrs" co!fessors" a!d 6ir i!s1 A!d after 3aba!us" these four be si !ified by the four parts of the 5orld" by the orie!t" that is east" the apostles7 by the south" the martyrs7 by the !orth" the co!fessors7 a!d by the 5est" the 6ir i!s1 The first differe!ce is of the apostles" of 5hom the e8celle!ce is ma!ifested because they surmou!t all the other sai!ts i! four thi! s1 'irst" i! so6erei !ty of di !ity" for they be the 5ise pri!ces of the church milita!t" they be the puissa!t assessors of the =ud e perdurable" they be s5eet pastors of the sheep a!d floc4 of our Lord" a!d they be s5eet =ud es1 As 9er!ard saithD It beseemeth 5ell to establish such pastors a!d such doctors of the huma! li!ea e that be s5eet or soft" puissa!t a!d 5ise1 S5eet or soft" that they recei6e us oodly by mercy" mi hty" for to defe!d us puissa!tly" 5ise" for to bri! us to the 5ay of truth1 After" they surmou!t the other sai!ts i! so6erei !ty of puissa!ce" 5hereof S1 Au usti!e saith thusD God a6e po5er to the apostles o6er the de6ils" for to destroy them" abo6e the eleme!ts" to cha! e them" abo6e !ature" to cure it" abo6e the souls for to assoil them of their si!s" abo6e the death" for to despise it" abo6e the a! els" for to sacre the precious body of our Lord Jesu Christ1 Thirdly" they e8ceed other sai!ts i! prero ati6e of holi!ess" so that by their reat holi!ess a!d ple!itude of races" the life a!d co!6ersatio! of Jesu Christ sho!e i! them












as i! a mirror" a!d 5as 4!o5! i! them as the su! i! his sple!dour" as a rose i! his odour" a!d as fire i! his heat1 A!d hereof saith Chrysostom upo! -atthe5D Jesu Christ se!t his apostles as the su! his rays" a!d as the rose is felt by his odour a!d as the fire is see! i! his spar4les" so by the 6irtues of them is 4!o5! the puissa!ce of Jesu Christ1 'ourthly" the apostles e8ceed other sai!ts i! the effect of profit1 Of 5hich utility S1 Au usti!e" spea4i! of the apostles" saithD Of the most 6ile" of the most idiotic" a!d of the least" be e!!obled" e!lumi!ed" a!d multiplied the most elo<ue!t a!d fair spea4ers" the clearest 5its a!d cu!!i! " a!d most ple!teous 5isdom" of facou!d a!d spea4i! of authors a!d doctors1 The seco!d diflfere!ce is of martyrs" of 5hom the e8celle!ce is sho5ed" by that they suffered i! ma!y ma!!ers profitably" co!sta!tly a!d multiplyi! ly1 'or abo6e the martyrdom of blood:sheddi! they suffered three other martyrdoms 5ithout effusio! of blood" that is scarce!ess i! ple!ty" 5hich Da6id had" lar esse i! po6erty" 5hich Tobit sho5ed" a!d chastity of 5ido5hood i! youth" of 5hich Joseph used i! E ypt1 A!d after Gre ory also" this is treble martyrdom 5ithout sheddi! of blood" that is patie!ce i! ad6ersity" 5hereof it is saidD ,e may be martyrs 5ithout iro! if 5e 4eep 6erily patie!ce i! our coura e1 Compassio! of them that be i! afflictio! a!d torme!ts" 5hereof it is saidD ,ho that hath compassio! of a!y that is i! !ecessity" he beareth the cross i! his thou ht1 A!d he that suffered 6illai!y a!d lo6eth his e!emy is a martyr secretly i! his mi!d1 Seco!dly" they suffered martyrdom profitably" 5hich profit o! the part of the martyrs is remissio! of all si!s" heapi! a!d ha6i! ple!ty of merits a!d recei6i! of =oy perdurable1 A!d these thi! s ha6e they bou ht 5ith their precious blood" a!d therefore it is saidD Their blood is precious" that is to say" full of price1 A!d of the first a!d seco!d" Au usti!e saith" i! the City of GodD ,hat thi! is more precious tha! death" by 5hich si!s be pardo!ed a!d merits i!creasedE A!d the same upo! Joh!" saithD The blood of Jesu Christ is precious 5ithout si!" a!d yet made he the blood of his sai!ts precious" for 5hom he a6e his precious blood1 'or if he had !ot made the blood of his sai!ts precious" it should !ot be said that the death of sai!ts is precious i! the si ht of our Lord1 A!d Cypria! saith that martyrdom is the e!d of si!" term of peril" leader of health" master of patie!ce a!d house of life1 Of the third" S1 9er!ard saithD Three thi! s there be that ma4e the death of sai!ts precious" rest of tra6ail" =oy of !o6elty" surety of perdurability1 A!d as touchi! to us the profit is double7 for they be i6e! to us for a! e8ample to fi ht" 5hereof S1 Joh! Chrysostom saith to usD Thou" christia! ma!" art a 4!i ht delicate if thou 5ee! to ha6e 6ictory 5ithout fi hti! a!d triumph 5ithout battle1 E8ercise thy stre! th mi htily" a!d fi ht thou cruelly i! this battle1 Co!sider the co6e!a!t" u!dersta!d the co!ditio!" 4!o5 the !oble chi6alry" 4!o5 the co6e!a!t that thou hast made a!d promised" the co!ditio! that thou hast ta4e!" the chi6alry to 5hom thou hast i6e! the !ame1 'or by that co6e!a!t all me! fi ht" a!d by that co!ditio! all ha6e 6a!<uished a!d by that chi6alry1 This saith Chrysostom1 Seco!dly" they be i6e! to us" patro!s for to aid a!d help us" they aid us by their merits a!d their oriso!s1 Of the first" saith S1 Au usti!eD O the immeasured pity of our Lord" 5hich 5ill that the merits of the martyrs be our aids a!d suffra es1 +e e8ami!eth them for to e!sei ! a!d teach us1 +e brea4eth them for to ather us" a!d he 5ill that their torme!ts be our profits1 Of the seco!d" saith S1 Jerome a ai!st Vi ila!tiusD If the apostles a!d martyrs" 5he! they 5ere yet i! their bodies ali6e" mi ht pray for others" a!d 5ere therei! dili e!t" ho5 much more the! ou ht they to do after their cro5!s" 6ictory a!d triumphsE Of 5hom -oses" o!e o!ly ma!" et pardo! for si8 thousa!d me! armed" a!d S1 Stephe! prayed for his e!emies" a!d sith they be !o5 5ith God should they do lessE Thirdly" the martyrs ha6e suffered co!sta!tly1 S1 Au usti!e saith that the soul of a martyr is the lai6e resple!de!t by charity" sharp by 6erity" bra!dished by the 6irtue of> God fi hti! " the 5hich hath surmou!ted the compa!y of ai!sayi! them i! repro6i! them1 She hath smitte! the 5ic4ed" a!d thro5! do5! them that 5ere co!trary to her1 A!d Chrysostom saith that the martyrs torme!ted 5ere stro! er tha! the torme!tors" a!d the tor! members 6a!<uished the re!ti! iro!s1 The third differe!ce is of the co!fessors" of 5hom the di !ity a!d e8celle!ce is ma!ifested because they co!fessed God i! three ma!!ers" by heart" by mouth" a!d by 5or41 The co!fessio! of heart sufficeth !ot 5ithout co!fessio! of mouth7 li4e as Joh! Chrysostom saith a!d pro6eth it i! four ma!!ers1 A!d as to the first he saith thusD The root of co!fessio! is faith of the heart" a!d as lo! as the root is ali6e a!d <uic4 i! the earth it is !ecessary that she bri! forth bou hs a!d lea6es" a!d if it bri! !o!e forth it is to u!dersta!d that it is dried i! the earth1 A!d all i! li4e 5ise 5he! to the root of faith is 5hole i! the heart" she bri! eth forth al5ays co!fessio! i! the mouth" a!d if the co!fessio! of the heart appeareth !ot i! the mouth" u!dersta!d 5ithout doubt that the faith of the heart is dried up1 As to the seco!d" he saithD If it sufficeth to belie6e i! the heart a!d !ot to co!fess it tofore me!" the! thou art u!true a!d a hypocrite1 'or ho5 be it that he belie6eth !ot at the heart" yet it profiteth him to co!fess 5ith his mouth1 A!d if it profiteth !ot him that co!fesseth 5ithout belief" it profiteth !ot to him that belie6eth 5ithout co!fessio!1 A!d as to the third" he saithD If it suffice to Jesu Christ that thou 4!o5 him" ho5 be it that thou co!fess him !ot tofore me!" the! it sufficeth to thee also that thou 4!o5 him" a!d if thou co!fess Jesu Christ tofore God a!d if his co !isa!ce sufficeth !ot to thee" !o more sufficeth to thee thy faith1 As to the fourth" he saithD If o!ly












the faith of thy heart should suffice to thee" God 5ould the! ha6e created to thee but o!ly the heart" but God hath created both the heart a!d the mouth" for to belie6e 5ith thy heart" a!d to co!fess it 5ith thy mouth1 Thirdly" they co!fessed God by 5or4" a!d S1 Jerome sho5eth ho5 God is co!fessed by 5or4 or re!ied" a!d saithD Jesu Christ is sapie!ce" ri hteous!ess" truth" holi!ess" a!d stre! th1 Sapie!ce is de!ied by folly" ri hteous!ess by i!i<uity" truth by leasi! s" holi!ess by filth" a!d stre! th by feeble coura e1 A!d as oft as 5e be o6ercome by 6ices a!d by si!s" 5e re!y God1 Also i! the co!trary" as oft as 5e do a!y ood" 5e co!fess God1 The fourth differe!ce is of the 6ir i!s" of 5hom the e8celle!ce a!d di !ity is sho5ed a!d ma!ifested1 'irst" i! that they be the spouses of the eter!al 4i! " a!d hereof saith S1 AmbroseD ,ho may esteem more reater beauty tha! the beauty of her that is lo6ed of the 4i! " appro6ed of the =ud e" dedicated of God" al5ays a! espouse" a!d al5ays 5ithout corruptio!E Seco!dly" because she is compared to a! els7 6ir i!ity surmou!teth all co!ditio!s of !ature huma!" by 5hich me! be associate to a! els" a!d the 6ictory of 6ir i!s is more tha! of a! els1 The a! els li6e 5ithout flesh" a!d 6ir i!s li6i! i! their flesh triumph1 Thirdly" for because they be more !oble tha! other christia! people" 5hereof Cypria! saithD Vir i!ity is the flo5er of the seed of the church" beauty a!d ador!me!t of spiritual race" a lad =oy of laud a!d ho!our" 5or4 e!tire a!d i!corrupt" ima e of God" a!d yet more !oble as to the holi!ess of God a!d portio! of the floc4 of Jesu Christ1 'ourthly" because they be put to their husba!ds7 a!d this e8celle!ce that 6ir i!ity had as to the respect of the accoupleme!t of marria e appeareth by ma!ifold comparatio!1 'or marria e filleth a!d s5elleth the belly" a!d 6ir i!ity the mi!d" 5hereof Au usti!e saithD Vir i!ity chooseth to follo5 the life of a! els i! their flesh" tha! to i!crease the !umber of mortal people i! their flesh1 'or it is more blessed a!d more ple!teous to i!crease their mi!d tha! to be reat 5ith child1 'or some ha6e childre! of sorro5" a!d 6ir i!ity bri! eth forth childre! of =oy" 6ir i!ity reple!isheth hea6e! of childre!" a!d they that be married reple!ish the earth1 A!d Jerome saithD The 5eddi! s fill the earth" a!d 6ir i!ity filleth hea6e!7 that o!e is of reat busi!ess" a!d this is of reat rest7 6ir i!ity is sile!ce of char e" peace of the flesh" redemptio! of 6ices a!d pri!cess of 6irtues1 -arria e is ood" but 6ir i!ity is better1 S1 Jerome saith to (almatius the differe!ce bet5ee! marria e a!d 6ir i!ity" a!d saithD The differe!ce is as much as is bet5ee! !ot to si! a!d to do 5ell" or as I may clearlier say" as is bet5ee! ood a!d better1 'or marria e is compared to thor!s" a!d 6ir i!ity to roses1 A!d he saith to EustochiusD I praise marria e" for they e! e!der 6ir i!s1 I ather from the thor!s roses" old from the earth" a!d out of the shell a precious mar aret or sto!e1 'ifthly is sho5ed the di !ity a!d e8celle!ce of 6ir i!s" for they e!=oy ma!y pri6ile es1 'or the 6ir i!s shall ha6e the cro5! that is called aureole" they o!ly shall si! the !e5 so! " they shall be clad 5ith 6estme!ts of the same 5ith Jesu Christ" a!d =oy al5ays 5ith him" a!d they shall follo5 al5ays the Lamb1 The fourth a!d the lastD This feast is established for to impetre a!d et the soo!er that thi! that 5e pray for" because that 5e ho!our this day all the sai!ts e!erally 5hich also pray for us all to ether" a!d so they may the li htlier et the mercy of our Lord for us1 'or if it be impossible that the prayers of some sai!ts be !ot heard" it is much more impossible that the prayers of all should !ot be heard1 A!d this reaso! is touched 5he! it is said i! the collectD Desideratam !obis tuF propitiatio!is abu!da!tiam multiplicatis i!tercessoribus lar iarisD Lord" i6e to us by the multiplied prayers of all thy sai!ts the desired abu!da!ce of thy debo!airly1 A!d the sai!ts pray for us by merit a!d by effect" by merit 5he! their merit helpeth us" by effect 5he! they desire our desires to be accomplished" a!d this do they !ot but thereas they accomplish the 5ill of our Lord1 A!d that o! this day all the sai!ts assemble them for to pray for us" it is sho5ed i! a 6isio! that happe!ed i! the seco!d year after this feast 5as stablished1 O! a time 5he! the se8to! of S1 (eter had by de6otio! 6isited all the altars of the church" a!d had re<uired suffra es of all the sai!ts" at the last he came a ai! to the altar of S1 (eter" a!d there rested a little" a!d sa5 there a 6isio!1 'or he sa5 the @i! of @i! s i! a hi h thro!e sit" a!d all the a! els rou!d about him" a!d the 9lessed Vir i! of 6ir i!s came cro5!ed 5ith a ri ht resple!dishi! cro5!" a!d there follo5ed her a reat multitude of 6ir i!s 5ithout !umber" a!d co!ti!e!ts also1 A!d a!o! the 4i! arose a ai!st her a!d made her to sit o! a seat by him1 A!d after came a ma! clad 5ith the s4i! of a camel" a!d a reat multitude of a!cie!t a!d ho!ourable fathers follo5i! him" a!d after came a ma! i! the habit of a bishop" a!d a reat multitude i! semblable habit follo5i! him1 A!d after came a multitude of 4!i hts 5ithout !umber" 5hom follo5ed a reat compa!y of di6ers people1 The! came they all tofore the thro!e of the 4i! " a!d adored him upo! their 4!ees1 A!d the! he that 5as i! the habit of a bishop be a! mati!s" a!d the others follo5ed1 A!d a! a! el 5hich led this se8to! thus i! the 6isio!" e8pou!ded this 6isio! to him a!d said that our 9lessed Lady the Vir i! 5as she that 5as i! the first compa!y" a!d he that 5as clad i! the hair of camels 5as S1 Joh! 9aptist 5ith the patriarchs a!d prophets" a!d he that 5as ador!ed i! the habit of a bishop 5as (eter 5ith the apostles7 the 4!i hts 5ere the martyrs a!d the others the co!fessors7 the 5hich all came tofore our Lord sitti! i! his thro!e" for to i6e to him laud a!d tha!4i! s of the ho!our that 5as do!e to them i! this 5orld of the mortal people" a!d prayed to him for all the u!i6ersal 5orld1 A!d after" the a! el


brou ht him i!to a!other place" a!d sho5ed to him me! a!d 5ome!" some i! beds of old" others e!=oyi! i! di6ers deli hts" others !a4ed a!d poor" a!d others be i! " a!d said to him that this 5as the place of pur atory" they that d5elled there 5ere the souls1 They that abou!ded i! 5ealth 5ere the souls of them 5hich 5ere succoured by their frie!ds by ma!y aids" the poor 5ere the souls of 5hom their e8ecutors a!d frie!ds set !ot by them" !e did !othi! for them1 A!d the! he comma!ded him that he should sho5 this to the pope" that after the feast of All +allo5s he should establish the commemoratio! of all souls" a!d that e!eral suffra es temporal mi ht be do!e for them o! the !e8t day" 5here they may ha6e !o!e i! special1 Here followeth the !o%%e%oratio# of All *oul " The memory of the departi! of all christia! souls is stablished to be solem!ised i! the church o! this day" to the e!d that they may ha6e e!eral aid a!d comfort" 5hereas they may ha6e !o!e special" li4e as it is sho5ed i! the foresaid re6elatio!1 A!d (eter Damia! saith that i! Sicily" i! the isle of Vulca!" S1 Odille heard the 6oices a!d the ho5li! s of de6ils" 5hich complai!ed stro! ly because that the souls of them that 5ere dead 5ere ta4e! a5ay from their ha!ds by alms a!d by prayers" a!d therefore he ordai!ed that the feast a!d remembra!ce of them that be departed out of this 5orld should be made a!d holde! i! all mo!asteries the day after the feast of All +allo5s" the 5hich thi! 5as appro6ed after of all holy church1 A!d thereof 5e may specially touch t5o thi! s7 first" of the pur atio! of those souls" a!d seco!dly" of their suffra es1 Of the first is to be co!sidered three thi! s" first" 5ho be they that be pur ed" seco!dly" by 5hom they be pur ed" thirdly" 5here they be pur ed1 The first be they that die tofore e6er they ha6e do!e satisfactio! of the pe!a!ce that hath bee! e!=oi!ed to them1 Ne6ertheless if they had so much co!tritio! i! the heart that it had sufficed to efface the si!" they should ha6e freely passed to the life perdurable" ho5beit that they had !ot accomplished their 5ill !e satisfactio!" for co!tritio! is ri ht reat satisfactio! of their si!s" a!d putti! a5ay of si!1 A!d hereof saith S1 JeromeD The le! th of time a6aileth !ot so much as of sorro5" !e the absti!e!ce of meats a6aileth !ot so much as the mortificatio! of 6ices" but !o5 they that die 5ithout this co!tritio! tofore to accomplishi! of their pe!a!ce be rie6ously pu!ished i! pur atory" but if it happe! that the satisfactio! of them be do!e of some of their frie!ds1 9ut to this" that such mutatio! of the satisfactio! may a6ail" four thi! s be re<uired1 The first is of the authority of the cha! er" for it ou ht to be do!e of the authority of the priest1 The seco!d is of his part for 5hom this mutatio! is of the satisfactio!" that is the !ecessity of him1 'or he may be i! such estate that he may !ot 5ell do satisfactio! for that other" that is to say i! charity" for he ou ht to be i! charity1 The third is o! his side o! 5hom the commutatio! is made of satisfactio! for that other" that is to say of charity1 'or it is re<uisite that he be i! charity" by 5hich he ma4eth satisfactio! to be meritorious a!d sufficie!t1 The fourth thi! is proportio!" that is to 5it" that the lesser pai! be proportio!ed i! to reater" for the proper pai! of the si!!er satisfieth more to God tha! of a stra! er" a!d al5ays is he torme!ted i! pur atory" but for the pai! that he suffereth a!d that other payeth for him" he is the soo!er deli6ered" for God accou!teth his pai! a!d the pai! of that other1 'or if he 5ere co!dem!ed to suffer the pai! of t5o mo!ths i! pur atory" he mi ht so be holpe! that he should be deli6ered i! a mo!th" but he shall !e6er be ta4e! the!ce till the debt be paid1 A!d 5he! it is paid that ou ht to be paid" after" it is co!6erted i!to the 5eal of him that had do!e it" a!d if he ha6e !o !eed" it is tur!ed i!to the 5eal of others that be i! pur atory1 The seco!d that be i! pur atory be they that ha6e accomplished their pe!a!ce" but al5ays by the !e li e!ce or i !ora!ce of the priest 5hich co!fessed them it 5as !ot sufficie!t1 A!d if they ha6e !ot ri ht co!tritio! that may suffice for their si!" they shall accomplish all that there" because of the little pe!a!ce doi! i! this life" for our Lord that 4!o5eth the ma!!er a!d the measure of pai!s a!d of si!s" he i6eth pai! sufficie!t i! such 5ise that there remai!eth !ot o!e si! u!pu!ished1 The! the pe!a!ce that is e!=oi!ed" either it is reater" or e<ual" or less1 If it be reater" they that ha6e do!e more it shall tur! to the i!creasi! of lory7 if it be e<ual" the! it shall suffice to the remissio! of his si!7 if it be less" the! that 5hich lac4eth shall be fulfilled by the 6irtue of the di6i!e puissa!ce a!d =ustice1 Of them that repe!t them at the last" hear4e! 5hat Au usti!e saithD +e that is baptiHed" a!d at that hour oeth out of this 5orld" he oeth surely1 A ma! 5ell li6i! a!d so dieth" oeth surely1 A ma! doi! pe!a!ce at the last a!d reco!ciled" if he o surely" I am !ot sure" therefore hold the certai! 5ay a!d lea6e the u!certai! 5ay1 This saith S1 Austi!" for such do pe!a!ce more for !eed tha! of 5ill" a!d rather for dread of pai!" tha! for lo6e of lory1 The third that o i!to pur atory be they that bear 5ood" hay" a!d stubble1 These be they that" !ot5ithsta!di! they lo6e God" yet they ha6e car!al affectio! to their riches" their 5i6es" a!d possessio!s" yet they lo6e !othi! tofore God1 A!d these be torme!ted i! pur atory after the ma!!er of their lo! or short bei! therei!" as the 5ood i! lo! bur!i! " as the hay less" or the stubble least a!d















shortest1 A!d S1 Au usti!e saithD Thou h this fire be !ot perdurable yet it is rie6ous mar6ellously" so that it surmou!teth all the pai! that a!y ma! suffered e6er i! this 5orld1 'or so rie6ous pai! 5as !e6er fou!d i! the flesh" ho5beit that martyrs ha6e suffered reat pai!s1 The seco!d is to 5it by 5hom they be pur ed" or by 5hom pu!itio! is made1 It is do!e by the e6il a! els a!d !ot by the ood1 'or the ood a! els torme!t !ot the ood souls" but the ood a! els torme!t the e6il a! els" a!d the e6il a! els torme!t the e6il christia! souls1 A!d it is 5ell to belie6e that the ood a! els 6isit oft a!d comfort their brethre! a!d their fello5s" a!d 5ar! them to suffer i! patie!ce1 A!d yet ha6e they a!other remedy of comfort of this that atte!d certai!ly the lory to come" for they be certai! to ha6e =oy" less tha! they that be i! their cou!try" a!d more certai!ly tha! they that be i! their life1 'or the certai!ty of them that be i! their cou!try is 5ithout abidi! a!d dread" for they abide !ot that is for to come 5he! they ha6e it prese!t a!d doubt !othi! to lose it1 9ut the certai!ty of them that be i! the life is co!trary" but the certai!ty of them that be i! pur atory is moye!!e" for they abide to ha6e it a!d 5ithout dread" for they ha6e free 5ill 5ithout dread co!firmed" that they may !o more si!1 A!d yet ha6e they a!other comfort" that they 5ee! al5ays that there be made prayers a!d do!e alms for them7 a!d perad6e!ture it is more true that this pu!itio! is !ot made by e6il a! els" but by comma!dme!t of the di6i!e =ustice" a!d by the force thereof succeedi! 1 As to the third" it is to 5it 5here they be pur ed1 I! a place by hell 5hich is called pur atory" after the opi!io! of di6ers 5ise me!" ho5 be it that it seemeth to some other that it is i! the air" i! a place bur!i! a!d rou!d1 9ut !e6ertheless there be ordai!ed di6erse places to di6erse souls" a!d for ma!y causes" a!d that is for li ht pu!itio! or for hasty deli6era!ce" or for the si! committed i! that place" or for the prayer of some sai!t1 'irst" for the li ht pu!itio!" as it is sho5ed to some" after that S1 Gre ory saithD That some souls be pur ed i! the shado51 Seco!dly" for their hasty deli6era!ce" that they may sho5 u!to others ho5 that they !eed to re<uire aid" a!d thereby mi ht hastily issue out of the pai!1 Li4e as it is read that some fishers of S1 Thibault that fished o! a time i! har6est" a!d too4 a reat piece of ice i!stead of a fish1 A!d they 5ere ladder thereof tha! of a fish" because the bishop had a reat bur!i! of heat i! his le " a!d they laid that ice thereto a!d it refreshed him much1 A!d o! a time the bishop heard the 6oice of a ma! i! the ice" a!d he co!=ured him to tell him 5hat he 5as1 A!d the 6oice said to himD I am a soul 5hich for my si!s am torme!ted i! this ice" a!d may be deli6ered if thou say for me thirty masses co!ti!ually to ether i! thirty days1 A!d the bishop emprised to say them" a!d 5he! he had said half of them he made him ready to co!ti!ue forth a!d say the other1 A!d the de6il made a disse!sio! i! thc city" that the people of the city fou ht each a ai!st other" a!d the! the bishop 5as called for to appease this discord" a!d did off his 6estme!ts a!d left to say the mass1 A!d o! the mor! he be a! all !e5 a ai!1 A!d 5he! he had said the t5o parts" him seemed that a reat host had besie ed the city" so that he 5as co!strai!ed by dread" a!d left to say the office of the mass1 A!d after" yet he be a! a ai! ser6ice" a!d 5he! he had all accomplished e8cept the last mass" 5hich he 5ould ha6e be u!" all the to5! a!d the bishop>s house 5ere ta4e! by fire1 A!d 5he! his ser6a!ts came to him" a!d bade him lea6e his mass" he saidD Thou h all the city should be bur!t" I shall !ot Iea6e to say the mass1 A!d 5he! the mass 5as do!e the ice 5as molte!" a!d the fire that they had supposed to ha6e see! 5as but a pha!tom a!d did !o harm1 Thirdly" for our i!firmity that is" that 5e 4!o5 5hat reat pai! is made ready to si!!ers after this mortal life1 Also di6ers places be deputed to di6ers souls for our i!structio!" as it happed at (aris1 There 5as a master 5hich 5as cha!cellor at (aris !amed Silo" 5hich had a scholar sic4" a!d he prayed him that after his death he should come a ai! to him a!d say to him of his estate1 A!d he promised him so to do" a!d after died1 A!d a 5hile after he appeared to him clad i! a cope 5ritte! full of ar ume!ts fallacious" a!d sophisms" a!d 5as of parchme!t" a!d 5ithi!forth all full of flame of fire1 A!d the cha!cellor dema!ded him 5hat he 5as1 A!d he told to himD I am such o!e that am come a ai! to thee1 A!d the cha!cellor dema!ded him of his estate" a!d he saidD This cope 5ei heth o! me more tha! a mill: sto!e or a to5er" a!d it is i6e! me for to bear" for the lory that I had i! my sophisms a!d sophistical ar ume!ts" that is to say" decei6able a!d fallacious1 The s4i!s be li ht" but the flame of fire 5ithi!forth torme!teth a!d all to:bur!eth me1 A!d 5he! the master =ud ed the pai! to be li ht" the dead scholar said to him" that he should put forth his ha!d a!d feel the li ht!ess of his pai!1 A!d he put forth his ha!d" a!d that other let fall a drop of his s5eat o! it" a!d the drop pierced throu h his ha!d soo!er tha! a! arro5 could be shot throu h" 5hereby he felt a mar6ellous torme!t1 A!d the dead ma! saidD I am all i! such pai!1 A!d the! the cha!cellor 5as all afeard of the cruel a!d terrible pai! that he had felt" a!d co!cluded to forsa4e the 5orld" a!d e!tered i!to reli io! 5ith reat de6otio!1 'ourthly" for the si! that hath bee! committed i! the place1 As S1 Au ustme saithD Sometimes souls be pu!ished i! the places 5here they











ha6e si!!ed" as appeareth by a! e!sample that S1 Gre ory reciteth i! the fourth boo4 of his Dialo ues" a!d saith that there 5as a priest 5hich used ladly a bath" a!d 5he! he came i! to the bath he fou!d a ma! 5hom he 4!e5 al5ays ready for to ser6e him1 A!d it happed o! a day" that for his dili e!t ser6ice a!d his re5ard" the priest a6e to him a holy loaf1 A!d he 5eepi! " a!s5eredD 'ather" 5herefore i6est thou me this thi! E I may !ot eat it for it is holy1 I 5as sometime lord of this place" but after my death" I 5as deputed for to ser6e here for my si!s" but I pray thee that thou 5ilt offer this bread u!to Almi hty God for my si!s" a!d 4!o5 thou for certai! that thy prayer shall be heard" a!d 5he! the! thou shalt come to 5ash thee" thou shalt !ot fi!d me1 A!d the! this priest offered a 5ee4 e!tire sacrifice to God for him" a!d 5he! he came a ai! he fou!d him !ot1 'ifthly" di6erse places are deputed to di6erse souls for the prayers of some sai!t" as it is read of S1 (atric4 that he impetred a place of pur atory i! Irela!d for some" of 5hich the history is 5ritte! tofore i! his life1 A!d as to the third" that is suffra es" three thi! s ou ht to be co!sidered1 'irst" the suffra es that be do!e1 Seco!dly" of them for 5hom they be do!e1 Thirdly" of them by 5hom they be do!e1 About the suffra es that be do!e" it is to be !oted that there be do!e four ma!!er of suffra es" 5hich profit u!to them that be dead" that is to 5it" prayers of ood frie!ds" i6i! of alms" si! i! of masses" a!d obser6atio! of fasti! s1 As touchi! to that that the prayers of frie!ds profit to them" it appeareth by e!sample of (aschasius" of 5hom Gre ory telleth i! the fourth boo4 of his Dialo ues" a!d saith that there 5as a ma! of reat holi!ess a!d 6irtue" a!d t5o 5ere chose! for to ha6e bee! popes" but !e6ertheless at the last the church accorded u!to o!e of them" a!d this (aschasius al5ays by error suflered that other" a!d abode i! this error u!to the death1 A!d 5he! he 5as dead the bier 5as co6ered 5ith a cloth !amed a dalmatic" a!d o!e that 5as 6e8ed 5ith a de6il 5as brou ht thither a!d touched the cloth" a!d a!o! he 5as made 5hole1 A!d a lo! time after" as S1 Germai!" bishop of Capua" 5e!t to 5ash him i! a bath for his health" he fou!d (aschasius deaco! there a!d ser6ed1 A!d 5he! he sa5 him he 5as afeard" a!d e!<uired dili e!tly 5hat thi! so reat a!d so holy a ma! made there1 A!d he said to him that he 5as there for !o!e other cause but for that he held a!d sustai!ed more tha! ri ht re<uired i! the cause aforesaid" a!d saidD I re<uire thee that thou pray our Lord for me1 A!d 4!o5 that thou shalt be heard" for 5he! thou shalt come a ai!" thou shalt !ot fi!d me here1 A!d the! the bishop prayed for him" a!d 5he! he came a ai! he fou!d him !ot1 A!d (eter" abbot of Clu!y" saith that there 5as a priest that su! e6ery day mass of re<uiem for all christia! souls" a!d hereof he 5as accused to the bishop" a!d 5as suspe!ded therefor of his oflice1 A!d as the bishop 5e!t o! a day of reat solem!ity i! the churchyard" all the dead arose up a ai!st him" sayi! D This bishop i6eth to us !o mass" a!d yet he hath ta4e! a5ay our priest from us" !o5 he shall be certai! but if he ame!d he shall die1 A!d the! the bishop assoiled the priest" a!d sa! himself ladly for them that 5ere passed out of this 5orld1 A!d so it appeareth that the prayers of li6i! people be profitable to them that be departed" by this that the cha!ter of (aris rehearseth1 There 5as a ma! that al5ays as he passed throu h the churchyard he said De profu!dis for all christia! souls1 A!d o! a time he 5as beset 5ith his e!emies" so that for succour he leapt i!to the churchyard1 A!d they follo5ed for to ha6e slai! him" a!d a!o! all the dead bodies arose" a!d each held such a! i!strume!t i! his ha!d that they defe!ded him that prayed for them" a!d chased a5ay his e!emies" putti! them i! reat fear1 A!d the seco!d ma!!er of suffra es is for to i6e alms" a!d that helpeth them that be i! pur atory" as it appeareth i! the boo4 of -accabees" 5here it is read that Judas" the most stro! ma!" made a collectio! a!d se!t to Jerusalem t5el6e thousa!d drachmas of sil6er" there to be offered for the si!s of dead me!" rememberi! ri htfully a!d reli iously of the resurrectio!1 A!d ho5 much to i6e alms a6aileth for them that be departed" it appeareth by e!sample" that S1 Gre ory putteth i! his fourth boo4 of Dialo ues1 There 5as a 4!i ht that lay dead a!d his spirit ta4e! from him" a!d a 5hile after the soul retur!ed to the body a ai!1 A!d 5hat he had see! do!e he told" a!d said there 5as a brid e" a!d u!der that brid e 5as a flood" foul" horrible" a!d full of ste!ch" a!d o! that other side of the brid e 5as a meado5" s5eet" odorous" a!d ador!ed full of all ma!!er of flo5ers1 A!d there o! that side of the brid e 5ere people assembled" clad all i! 5hite" that 5ere filled 5ith the s5eet odour of the flo5ers1 A!d the brid e 5as such that if a!y of the u!=ust 5ould pass o6er the brid e" he should slide a!d fall i!to that sti!4i! ri6er" a!d the ri hteous people passed o6er li htly a!d surely i!to that delectable place1 A!d this 4!i ht sa5











there a ma! !amed (eter" 5hich lay bou!d a!d reat 5ei ht of iro! upo! him" 5hich 5he! he as4ed 5hy he lay so there" it 5as said to him of a!otherD +e suffereth because if a!y ma! 5ere deli6ered to him to do 6e! ea!ce" he desired it more to do it by cruelty tha! by obedie!ce1 Also he said he sa5 there a pil rim that" 5he! he came to the brid e" he passed o6er 5ith reat li ht!ess a!d shortly" because he had 5ell: li6ed here a!d purely i! the 5orld" a!d 5ithout si!1 A!d he sa5 there a!other !amed Stephe!" 5hich 5he! he 5ould ha6e passed" his foot slid that he fell half o6er the brid e" a!d the! there came some horrible blac4 me! a!d did all that they mi ht to dra5 him do5! by the le s" a!d the! came other ri ht fair creatures a!d 5hite" a!d too4 him by the arms a!d dre5 him up1 A!d as this strife e!dured" this 4!i ht that sa5 these thi! s retur!ed to his body a!d 4!e5 !ot 5hich of them 6a!<uished1 9ut this 5ay 5e u!dersta!d that the 5ic4ed deeds that he had do!e stro6e a ai!st the 5or4s of alms" for by them that dre5 him by the arms up5ard it appeared that he lo6ed alms" a!d by the other that he had !ot perfectly li6ed a ai!st the si!s of the flesh1 The third ma!!er of suffra es is the oblatio! a!d offeri! of the holy sacrame!t of the altar" 5hich profiteth much to them that be departed" as it appeareth by ma!y e8amples1 Li4e as S1 Gre ory recou!teth" i! the fourth boo4 of his Dialo ues" that o!e of his mo!4s !amed Justus 5he! he came to his last e!d" he sho5ed that he had hid three pieces of old" a!d thereof sorro5ed sore" a!d a!o! after he died1 A!d the! S1 Gre ory comma!ded his brethre! that they should bury his body i! a du! hill" a!d the three pieces of old 5ith him" sayi! D Thy mo!ey be to thee i! perditio!1 Ne6ertheless" S1 Gre ory comma!ded o!e of his brethre! to say for him e6ery day mass" thirty days lo! " a!d so he did1 A!d 5he! he had accomplished his term" the mo!4 that 5as dead appeared o! the thirtieth day to o!e 5hich dema!ded ho5 it 5as 5ith him" a!d he a!s5ered to himD I ha6e bee! e6il at ease u!to this day" but !o5 I am 5ell1 I ha6e this day recei6ed commu!io!" a!d thie sacrifice of the altar profiteth !ot o!ly to them that be dead" but also to them that be li6i! i! this 5orld1 It happed there 5as a ma! 5hich 5as 5ith others" laboured i! a roc4 for to di for sil6er" a!d sudde!ly the roc4 fell o! them a!d sle5 them all sa6e this o!e ma!" 5hich 5as sa6ed i! a cre6ice of the roc4" but for all that he mi ht !ot issue !e o out" a!d his 5ife supposed that he had bee! dead" a!d did do si! e6ery day a mass for him" a!d bare e6ery day to the offeri! a loaf a!d a pot of 5i!e a!d a ca!dle1 A!d the de6il 5hich had e!6y thereat appeared three days co!ti!ually to this 5oma! i! form of a ma!" a!d dema!ded her 5hither she 5e!t" a!d 5he! she had said to him" he said to herD Thou oest i! 6ai!" for the mass is do!e1 A!d thus she left the mass three days that she did !ot si! for him1 A!d after this a!other ma! di ed i! the same roc4 for sil6er" a!d heard u!der this the 6oice of this ma!" 5hich said to himD Smite softly a!d spare thi!e ha!d" for I ha6e a reat sto!e ha! i! o6er my head1 A!d he 5as afeard" a!d called more me! to him for to hear this 6oice" a!d be a! to di a ai!" a!d the! they heard semblably that 6oice" a!d the! they 5e!t more !ear a!d saidD ,ho art thouE A!d he saidD I pray you to spare your smiti! " for a reat sto!e ha! eth o6er my head1 A!d the! they 5e!t a!d di ed o! that o!e side till that they came to him a!d dre5 him out all 5hole1 A!d they e!<uired of him i! 5hat ma!!er he had so lo! li6ed there1 A!d he said that e6ery day 5as brou ht to him a loaf" a pot of 5i!e" a ca!dle" sa6e these three days1 A!d 5he! his 5ife heard that" she had reat =oy" a!d 4!e5 5ell that he had bee! sustai!ed of her offeri! " a!d that the de6il had decei6ed her that she had do si! !o mass those three days1 A!d as (eter" the abbot of Clu!y" 5it!esseth a!d saith that" i! the to5! of 'errara i! the diocese of Gratio!opolita!a" that a mari!er 5as falle! i!to the sea by a tempest" a!d a!o! a priest sa! mass for him" a!d at the last he came out of the sea all safe1 A!d 5he! he 5as dema!ded ho5 he escaped" he said that 5he! he 5as i! the sea a!d almost dead" there came to him a ma! 5hich a6e to him bread" a!d 5he! he had eate! he 5as 5ell comforted" a!d reco6ered his stre! th" a!d 5as ta4e! up of a ship that passed by1 A!d that 5as fou!d that it 5as the same time that the priest offered to God the blessed sacrame!t for him1 A!d the fourth ma!!er of suffra es that profiteth to them that be dead is fasti! 1 S1 Gre ory" i! spea4i! of this matter a!d of three others" 5it!esseth it a!d saithD The souls of them that be departed be assoiled i! four ma!!ers" by the oblatio! of priests" by the prayers of sai!ts" by the alms of frie!ds" a!d by the fasti! s of their 4i!sme!1 That the pe!a!ce do!e for them by their frie!ds is a6ailable to them" is sho5ed by a solem! doctor 5hich rehearseth that" there 5as a 5oma! 5hich had her husba!d dead" a!d she 5as i! reat despair for po6erty1 A!d the de6il appeared to her" a!d said that he 5ould ma4e her rich if she 5ould do as he 5ould say to her" a!d she promised to do it1 A!d he e!=oi!ed her that the me! of the church that she should recei6e i!to her house" that she should ma4e them do for!icatio!1 Seco!dly" that she should ta4e i!to her house by daytime poor me!" a!d i! the !i ht dri6e them out 6oid" a!d ha6i! !othi! 1 Thirdly" that she should i!











the church let prayers by her =a! li! " a!d that she should !ot co!fess her of !o!e of all these thi! s1 A!d at the last" as she approached to5ards her death" her so! 5ar!ed her to be co!fessed" a!d she disco6ered to him 5hat she had promised" a!d said that she mi ht !ot be shri6e!" a!d that her co!fessio! should a6ail her !othi! 1 9ut her so! hasted her" a!d said he 5ould do pe!a!ce for her1 She repe!ted her" a!d se!t for to fetch the priest" but tofore ere the priest came" the de6ils ra! to her a!d she died by the horrible!ess of them1 The! the so! co!fessed the si! of the mother a!d did for her se6e! years pe!a!ce" a!d that accomplished he sa5 his mother" a!d she tha!4ed him of her deli6era!ce1 A!d i! li4e5ise a6ail the i!dul e!ces of the church1 It happed that a le ate of the pope prayed a !oble 4!i ht" that he 5ould ma4e 5ar i! the ser6ice of the church a!d ride to the Albi eois" a!d he 5ould therefor i6e pardo! to his father 5hich 5as dead1 A!d the 4!i ht rode forth" a!d abode there a 5hole Le!t" a!d that do!e his father appeared to him more clear tha! the day" a!d tha!4ed him for his deli6era!ce1 A!d as to the third" that is to say for 5hom the suffra es be do!e" there be four thi! s to be co!sidered1 'irst" 5ho be they to 5hom it may profit7 seco!dly" 5herefore it ou ht to profit them7 thirdly" it must be 4!o5! if it profit to all e<ually7 fourthly" ho5 they may 4!o5 the suffra es that be do!e for them1 As to the first" 5ho be they to 5hom the suffra es may profit E It is to be 4!o5!" as S1 Austi! saithD That all they that depart out of this 5orld" or they be ri ht ood or ri ht e6il" or bet5ee! both1 The! the suffra es that be do!e for the ood" be for to yield tha!4i! s for them1 A!d they that be do!e for the e6il" be some comfort to them that li6e1 A!d they that be do!e for them that be middle a!d bet5ee! both" they be clea!si! s to them1 A!d they that be ri ht ood be they that a! a!o! fly to hea6e!" a!d be <uit of the fire of pur atory a!d of hell also1 A!d there be three ma!!ers of this people7 that be" childre! baptiHed" martyrs" a!d perfect me!" these be they that perfectly mai!tai!ed the lo6e of God" the lo6e of his !ei hbour" a!d ood 5or4s" a!d thou ht !e6er to please the 5orld but to God o!ly1 A!d if they had do!e a!y 6e!ial si!" it 5as a!o! put a5ay by the lo6e of charity" li4e as a drop of 5ater i! a fur!ace" a!d therefore they bear !othi! 5ith them that ou ht to be bur!t1 A!d 5ho that prayeth for a!y of these three ma!!er people" or doth a!y suffra es for them" he doth to them 5ro! 1 'or S1 Au usti!e saithD +e doth 5ro! that prayeth for a martyr" but if o!e pray for o!e that is ri ht ood" of 5hom he doubteth that he be i! hea6e!" the! of his oriso!s be i6e! tha!4i! s" a!d they come to the profit of him that prayeth" li4e as Da6id saithD -y prayer shall be tur!ed i!to my bosom1 A!d to these ma!!er of people is the hea6e! a!o! ope! 5he! they depart" !e they feel !o fire of pur atory" a!d this is si !fied to us by the three to 5hom the hea6e! 5as ope!ed1 It 5as first ope!ed to Jesu Christ 5he! he 5as baptiHed a!d prayi! " by 5hich is si !ified that the hea6e! is ope! to them that be baptiHed" be they you! or a ed" if they die" a!o! they flee i!to hea6e!1 'or baptism is clea!si! of all ori i!al si! a!d mortal" by the 6irtue of the passio! of Jesu Christ1 Seco!dly" it 5as ope!ed to S1 Stephe! 5he! he 5as sto!ed" 5hereof it is said i! the Acts of the ApostlesD I see the hea6e!s ope!1 A!d i! this is si !ified that it is ope! to all martyrs" a!d they flee a!o! to hea6e! as soo! as they depart1 Thirdly" it 5as ope! to S1 Joh! the E6a! elist" 5hich 5as ri ht perfect" 5hereof is said i! the ApocalypseD I beheld" a!d loI the door 5as ope! i! hea6e!1 9y 5hich it appeared that it is ope! to perfect me! that ha6e all accomplished their pe!a!ce" a!d ha6e i! them !o 6e!ial si!s" or if a!y happe! to be committed" a!o! it is co!sumed a!d e8ti!ct by the ardour of charity1 A!d thus hea6e! is ope! to these three ma!!er of people 5hich e!ter li htly i! for to rei ! perpetually1 The ri ht e6il a!d 5ic4ed me! be they that a!o! be plu! ed i!to the fire of hell" for 5hom if their dam!atio! be 4!o5! there ou ht !o suffra es to be do!e for them" after that S1 Au usti!e saithD If I 4!e5 my father to be i! hell I 5ould !o more pray for him tha! for the de6il" but if a!y suffra es 5ere do!e for a dam!ed ma!" of 5hom 5ere doubt that he so 5ere" !e6ertheless they should !ot profit him to his deli6era!ce" !e that is to say from the pai!s" !e to the miti atio! of them" !e lessi! of it" !e shorti! of time1 'or as Job saithD I! hell is !o redemptio!1 They that be middle ood" be they that ha6e 5ith them somethi! to be bur!t a!d pur ed" that is to say 5ood" hay" a!d stubble" or else they that be surprised 5ith death before they mi ht ha6e accomplished their pe!a!ce i! their life" !or they be !ot so ood but that they !eed ha6e suffra es of their frie!ds" !e they be !ot so e6il but that suffra es mi ht profit a!d ease them1 A!d the suffra es that be do!e for them be clea!si! s for them" a!d these be they to 5hom suffra es o!ly may profit1 A!d i! doi! such ma!!er suffra es" the church is accustomed to obser6e three ma!!er days" that is the se6e!th day" the thirtieth day" a!d the a!!i6ersary1 A!d the reaso! of these three days is assi !ed i! the boo4 of office1 The se6e!th day is 4ept a!d obser6ed that the souls should come to the Sabbath of e6erlasti! rest" or because that all the si!s that they ha6e committed i! their life be for i6e!" 5hich they ha6e do!e by se6e! days" or that all the si!s that they ha6e committed i! their body" 5hich is made of four comple8io!s" a!d i! their soul" i! 5hich be three po5ers" may be for i6e!1 The tre!tal is 4ept" 5hich is i! three diHai!s" that


















they may be pur ed of all such thi! s as they ha6e si!!ed i! the Tri!ity a!d brea4i! of the te! comma!dme!ts1 The a!!i6ersary is obser6ed" that they come from the years of calamity a!d maleurty u!to the years of perdurability1 A!d li4e as 5e solem!ise e6ery year the feast of a sai!t to their ho!our a!d our profit" ri ht so 5e obser6e the a!!i6ersary of them that be dead u!to their profit a!d our de6otio!1 Of the seco!d" that is 5herefore the suffra es ou ht to profit to them" it is to 5it that it ou ht to profit for three reaso!s1 'irst" by reaso! of u!ity" for they be o!e body 5ith them of the church milita!t" a!d therefore their oods ou ht to be commo!7 seco!dly" by reaso! of di !ity" by 5hich they deser6ed 5he! they li6ed that these suffra es should profit them1 'or they help other" a!d it is reaso! that they be holpe! that ha6e holpe! other1 Thirdly" by reaso! of !ecessity" for they be i! the state i! 5hich they may !ot help themsel6es1 As to the third" it is to 5it if it profit to all e<ually1 It is to 5it that the suffra es" if they be do!e for some i! special" they profit more to them for 5hom they be made tha! for others7 a!d if they be do!e for the commo!" they profit more to them that ha6e deser6ed most i! this life7 a!d if they be made e<ual" it profiteth them that ha6e most !eed1 'ourthly" that is to 5it" if they 4!o5 the suffra es that be do!e for them1 After S1 Au usti!e they may 4!o5 it by three ma!!ersD first" by di6i!e re6elatio!" that is 5he! our Lord sho5eth to them such thi! 7 seco!dly" by ma!ifestatio! of ood a! els" 5hich be al5ays here 5ith us" a!d co!sider all that 5e do" a!d may i!co!ti!e!t desce!d to them a!d a!o! sho5 it to them1 Thirdly" by i!timatio! of souls that o he!ce a!d o thither" for the souls that o from he!ce out of this 5orld may 5ell tell such thi! s a!d others1 'ourthly" !e6ertheless they may 4!o5 it by e8perie!ce a!d by re6elatio!" for 5he! they feel themsel6es alle ed a!d relie6ed of their pai!" they 4!o5 5ell that some suffra es ha6e bee! do!e for them1 Thirdly" it is to 5it by 5hom these suffra es be made1 That is to 5it" that if these suffra es should profit" it beho6eth that they be do!e by them that be i! charity" for if they be do!e by e6il a!d si!ful perso!s" they may !ot profit to them1 ,hereof is read that 5he! a 4!i ht lay i! his bed 5ith his 5ife" a!d the moo! sho!e ri ht clear 5hich e!tered i! by the cre6ices" he mar6elled much 5herefore ma! 5hich 5as reaso!able obeyed !ot to his -a4er" 5he! the creatures !ot reaso!able obeyed to him1 A!d the! be a! to say e6il of a 4!i ht 5hich 5as dead" a!d had bee! familiar 5ith him7 a!d the! this 4!i ht" ot 5hom they so tal4ed" e!tered i!to the chamber a!d said to himD 'rie!d" ha6e !o!e e6il suspicio! of a!y ma!" but pardo! me if I ha6e trespassed to thee1 A!d 5he! he had dema!ded him of his state" he a!s5eredD I am torme!ted of di6ers torme!ts a!d pai!s" a!d especially because I defouled the churchyard a!d hurt a ma! therei!" a!d despoiled him of his ma!tle 5hich he 5are" 5hich ma!tle I bear o! me a!d is hea6ier tha! a mou!tai!1 A!d the! he prayed the 4!i ht that he 5ould do pray for him1 A!d the! he dema!ded if he 5ould that such a priest should pray for him" or such o!e" a!d the dead ma! 5a ed his head" a!d a!s5ered !ot" as he 5ould !ot ha6e him1 The! he as4ed of him if he 5ould that such a hermit should pray for him" a!d the! the dead ma! a!s5eredD ,ould God that he 5ould pray for me1 A!d the li6i! 4!i ht promised that he should pray for him" a!d the! the dead ma! saidD A!d I say to thee that this day t5o years thou shalt die" a!d so 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d this 4!i ht cha! ed his life i!to better a!d at the day slept i! our Lord1 That 5hich is said" that suffra es do!e by e6il me! may !ot profit but if they be 5or4s sacrame!tal" as is the celebratio! of the mass" for that may !ot be defouled of a! e6il mi!ister1 Or else if he that is dead left a!y oods to dispose by some e6il ma!" a!d should a!o! ha6e disposed them a!d did !ot" li4e as it is read that it happedD As Turpi! the archbishop of 3heims saith" that there 5as a !oble 4!i ht that 5as i! the battle 5ith Charles the Great for to fi ht a ai!st the -oors" a!d prayed o!e that 5as his cousi! that if he died i! battle" that he should sell his horse a!d i6e the price thereof to poor people1 A!d he died" a!d that other desired the horse a!d retai!ed it for himself1 A!d a little 5hile after" he that 5as dead appeared to that other 4!i ht" shi!i! as the su!" a!d said to himD Cousi!" thou hast made me to suffer pai! ei ht days i! pur atory" because thou a6est !ot the price of my horse to poor people" but thou shalt !ot escape a5ay u!pu!ished1 This day de6ils shall bear thy soul i!to hell" a!d I bei! pur ed o i!to the 4i! dom of hea6e!1 A!d sudde!ly 5as a reat cry heard i! the air" as of bears" lio!s" a!d 5ol6es" 5hich bare him a5ay1 The! let e6ery e8ecutor be5are that he e8ecute 5ell the oods of them that they ha6e char e of" a!d to be5are by this e!sample heretofore 5ritte!" for he is blessed that ca! be5are by other me!>s harms1 A!d let us also pray dili e!tly for all christia! souls" that by the moye! of our prayers" alms" a!d fasti! s" they may be eased a!d lessed of their pai!s1 Ame!1 Here followeth the life of *" 4i#ifred. Vir(i# a#d Martyr"











After that the holy ma! 9eu!o had do ma4e ma!y churches" a!d had ordai!ed the ser6ice of God de6outly to be said i! them" he came to a place of a 5orshipful ma! !amed Te!ythe" the 5hich 5as the so! of a !oble se!ator called Eli!de" a!d desired that he 5ould i6e to him as much rou!d as he mi ht build a church o! i! the ho!our of God1 The! he ra!ted him his as4i! 5ith ood 5ill" a!d the! did do build thereo! a fair church" to the 5hich this 5orshipful ma!" his 5ife" a!d his dau hter ,i!ifred" resorted daily for to hear therei! di6i!e ser6ice1 A!d the! ,i!ifred 5as set to school to this holy ma! 9eu!o" a!d he tau ht her full dili e!tly a!d i!formed her perfectly i! the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d this holy maid ,i!ifred a6e crede!ce to his 5ords" a!d 5as so i!flamed 5ith his holy doctri!e that she purposed to forsa4e all 5orldly pleasa!cies a!d to ser6e Almi hty God i! mee4!ess a!d i! chastity1 A!d the! it fortu!ed upo! a Su!day she 5as diseased" a!d she abode at home a!d 4ept her father>s house 5hile they 5ere at church1 To 5hom there came a you! ma! for to defoul her" 5ho 5as !amed Crado4" the so! of a 4i! !amed Ala!e" 5hich you! ma! bur!ed i! the co!cupisce!ce of her by the e!tici! of the fie!d" 5hich had e!6y at this holy 6ir i!" ,i!ifred1 A!d she dema!ded the cause of his comi! 1 A!d 5he! she u!derstood his corrupt i!te!t" she e8cused her a!d put him off all she mi ht1 A!d he" al5ay abidi! i! his foul purpose" 5ould i! !o 5ise be a!s5ered1 The! she" co!sideri! his foul desire" a!d feari! lest he 5ould oppress her" fei !ed her as she 5ould ha6e co!se!ted" a!d said she 5ould o i!to her chamber for to array herself for to please him the better1 A!d 5he! he had a reed to her" she closed fast the chamber door" a!d fled pri6ily by a!other door to5ard the church1 A!d 5he! this you! ma! had espied her" he follo5ed her 5ith his s5ord dra5! li4e a 5ood ma!" a!d 5he! he had o6erta4e! her he said to her these 5ordsD Sometime I lo6ed thee a!d desired to ha6e thee to my 5ife" but o!e thi! tell !o5 to me shortly" either co!se!t to me to accomplish my pleasure or else I shall slay thee 5ith this s5ord1 The! this blessed 6ir i! ,i!ifred thou ht firmly that she 5ould !ot forsa4e the so! of the e6erlasti! 4i! for to please the so! of a temporal 4i! " a!d said to him i! this ma!!erD I 5ill i! !o 5ise co!se!t to thy foul a!d corrupt desire" for I am =oi!ed to my spouse Jesu Christ 5hich preser6eth a!d 4eepeth my 6ir i!ity1 A!d trust thou 6erily" that I 5ill !ot forsa4e him for all thy me!aces a!d threate!i! s1 A!d 5he! she had said thus" this cursed tyra!t full of malice" smote off her head1 A!d i! the same place 5hereas the head fell to the rou!d" there spra! up a fair 5ell i6i! out abu!da!tly fair clear 5ater" 5here our Lord God yet daily sho5eth ma!y miracles1 A!d ma!y sic4 people ha6i! di6ers diseases ha6e bee! there cured a!d healed by the merits of this blessed 6ir i!" S1 ,i!ifred1 A!d i! the said 5ell appear yet sto!es bespri!4led a!d spec4led as it 5ere 5ith blood" 5hich ca!!ot be had a5ay by !o mea!s" a!d the moss that ro5eth o! these sto!es is of a mar6ellous s5eet odour" a!d that e!dureth u!to this day1 A!d 5he! the father a!d mother 4!e5 of their dau hter" they made reat lame!tatio! for her death because they had !o more childre! but her o!ly1 A!d 5he! this holy ma! 9eu!o u!derstood the death of ,i!ifred" a!d sa5 the hea6i!ess of her father a!d mother" he comforted them oodly" a!d brou ht them to the place 5hereas she lay dead1 A!d there he made a sermo! to the people" declari! her 6ir i!ity" a!d ho5 she had a6o5ed to be a reli ious 5oma!1 A!d after" too4 up the head i! his ha!ds" a!d set it to the place 5here it 5as cut off" a!d desired all the people that 5ere there prese!t to 4!eel do5! a!d pray de6outly to Almi hty God that it mi ht please him to raise her a ai! u!to life" a!d !ot o!ly for the comfort of father a!d mother" but for to accomplish the 6o5 of reli io!1 A!d 5he! they arose from prayer" this holy 6ir i! arose 5ith them also7 made by a miracle ali6e a ai! by the po5er of Almi hty God1 ,herefore all the people a6e laud a!d praisi! u!to his holy !ame for this reat miracle1 A!d e6er" as lo! as she li6ed after" there appeared about her !ec4 a red!ess rou!d about" li4e to a red thread of sil4" i! si ! a!d to4e! of her martyrdom1 A!d this you! ma! that had thus slai! her had 5iped his s5ord o! the rass" a!d stood still there beside" a!d had !o po5er to remo6e a5ay" !e to repe!t him of that cursed deed1 A!d the! this holy ma! 9eu!o" repro6ed him" !ot o!ly of the homicide" but also because he re6ere!ced !ot the Su!day a!d dreaded !ot the reat po5er of God" there sho5ed upo! this holy 6ir i!" a!d said to himD ,hy hast thou !o co!tritio! for thy misdeedE 9ut sith thou repe!test !ot" I beseech Almi hty God to re5ard thee after thy deser6i! 1 A!d the! he fell do5! dead to the rou!d" a!d his body 5as all blac4" a!d sudde!ly bor!e a5ay 5ith fie!ds1 The! after" this holy maid ,i!ifred 5as 6eiled a!d co!secrate i!to reli io! by the ha!ds of this holy ma! 9eu!o1 A!d he comma!ded her to abide i! the same church that he had do ma4e there by the space of se6e! years" a!d there to assemble to her 6ir i!s of ho!est a!d holy co!6ersatio! 5hom she should i!form i! the la5s of God1 A!d after the se6e! years to o to some holy place of reli io!" a!d there to abide the residue of her life1 A!d 5he! this holy ma! should depart from her a!d o i!to Irela!d" she follo5ed him" till she came to the foresaid 5ell" 5here they stood tal4i! a lo! 5hile of hea6e!ly









thi! s1 A!d 5he! they should depart" this holy ma! saidD It is the 5ill of our Lord that thou se!d to me e6ery year some to4e!" 5hich thou shalt put i!to the stream of this 5ell" a!d from he!ce it shall by the stream be brou ht i!to the sea" a!d so by the pur6eya!ce of God it shall be brou ht o6er the sea the space of fifty miles" to the place 5here I shall d5ell1 A!d after they 5ere departed" she 5ith her 6ir i!s made a chasuble of sil4 5or4" a!d the !e8t year follo5i! she 5rapt it i! a 5hite ma!tle a!d laid it upo! the stream of the said 5ell" a!d from the!ce it 5as brou ht u!to this holy ma! 9eu!o" throu h the 5a6es of the sea" by the pur6eya!ce of God1 After this" the blessed 6ir i! ,i!ifred i!creased from day to day i! reat 6irtue a!d ood!ess" a!d specially i! holy co!templatio! 5ith her sisters" mo6i! them i!to reat de6otio! a!d lo6e of Almi hty God1 A!d 5he! she had abode there se6e! years" she departed the!ce a!d 5e!t to the mo!astery called ,ytheriachus" i! 5hich 5ere both me! a!d 5ome! of 6irtuous a!d holy co!6ersatio!1 A!d 5he! she had co!fessed a!d told her life u!to the holy abbot Elerius" he recei6ed her ho!ourably a!d brou ht her to his mother" Theo!ia" a blessed 5oma! 5hich had the rule a!d char e of all the sisters of that place" a!d 5he! Theo!ia 5as deceased out of this 5orld" this holy abbot Elerius deli6ered to this holy 6ir i! ,i!ifred" the char e of the sisters" but she refused it as lo! as she mi ht1 9ut by co!strai!t she too4 the char e a!d li6ed after5ard a 6irtuous life" a!d more straiter a!d harder tha! she did tofore i! i6i! ood e!sample to all her sisters1 A!d 5he! she had co!ti!ued there i! the ser6ice of God ei ht years" she yielded up her spirit to her ma4er" to 5hom let us pray to be a special i!tercessor for us1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Leo#ard. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"





Leo!ard is as much to say as the odour of the people1 A!d it is said of leos" that is" people" a!d of !ardus" that is" a herb s5eet smelli! " for by the odour of ood fame he dre5 the people to him" a!d by the odour of ood re!omee1 Or Leo!ard may be said as atheri! hi h thi! s1 Or it is said of lio!1 The lio! hath i! himself four thi! s1 The first is force or stre! th" a!d as Isidore saith" it is i! the breast a!d i! the head1 A!d so the blessed Leo!ard had stre! th i! his breast by the refrai!i! of e6il thou hts" i! the head by the co!templatio! of so6erei ! thi! s1 Seco!dly" the lio! hath subtlety i! t5o thi! s" for he hath his eyes ope! 5he! he sleepeth" a!d defaceth his traces 5he! he fleeth1 A!d thus Leo!ard 5a4ed by labour of ood 5or4s" a!d i! 5a4i! he sleepeth by rest of co!templatio!" a!d defaceth i! himself the trace of all 5orldly affectio!1 Thirdly" the lio! hath mi ht i! his 6oice" for by his 6oice he raiseth the third day his 5help that is dead bor!" a!d ma4eth all other beasts by him to be i! peace a!d rest1 A!d i! li4e 5ise Leo!ard raiseth ma!y that 5ere dead i! si!" a!d ma!y that lied bestially he fi8ed them i! ood 5or4s a!d profitable1 'ourthly" the lio! hath dread i! his heart after that Isidore saithD +e doubteth t5o thi! s" that is" the !oise of 5heels of chariots or carts" a!d fire bur!i! 1 I! li4e 5ise Leo!ard doubted" a!d i! doubti! he esche5ed all the !oise of the 5orld" a!d therefore he fled i!to the desert1 A!d he esche5ed the fire of co6etise" a!d therefore he refused the treasures that 5ere offered him Of *" Leo#ard"

It is said that Leo!ard 5as about the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred1 A!d he 5as baptiHed i! the holy fo!t of S1 3emi ius" archbishop of 3heims" a!d 5as i!structed of him a!d i!duced i! holy discipli!e of health1 A!d the pare!ts a!d 4i!sme! of S1 Leo!ard 5ere chief a!d hi hest i! the palace of the 4i! of 'ra!ce1 This Leo!ard at so much race of the 4i! " that all the priso!ers that he 6isited 5ere a!o! deli6ered1 A!d 5he! the re!omee of his holi!ess re5 a!d i!creased" the 4i! co!strai!ed him for to d5ell 5ith him lo! time" till that he had time co!6e!able" a!d a6e to him a bishopric1 A!d he refused it a!d left all" desiri! to be i! desert" a!d 5e!t to Orlea!s" preachi! there 5ith his brother Lifardus" a!d there li6ed a little 5hile i! a co!6e!t1 A!d the! Lifardus had desire to d5ell alo!e i! a desert upo! the ri6er of Loire" a!d Leo!ard 5as 5ar!ed by the +oly Ghost to preach i! Guie!!e" a!d the! they 4issed to ether a!d departed1 The! Leo!ard preached there a!d did ma!y miracles" a!d d5elled i! a forest !i h to the city of Limo es1 I! 5hich forest the 4i! had do ma4e a hall or a lod e" 5hich 5as ordai!ed for him 5he! he should o hu!t1 A!d it happed o! a day that the 4i! 5e!t for to hu!t i! that forest" a!d the <uee!" 5hich 5as o!e thither 5ith him for her recreatio!" 5hich the! 5as reat 5ith child" be a! to tra6ail of child1 A!d the tra6ail e!dured lo! " a!d she 5as i! poi!t to perish" so that the 4i! a!d all the mei!y 5ept for the peril of the <uee!1 A!d the! Leo!ard passed throu h the forest a!d heard the 6oice of them that 5ept" a!d 5as mo6ed 5ith pity a!d 5e!t thither1 A!d the 4i! called him" a!d dema!ded him 5hat he 5as" a!d he said that he 5as a disciple of S1 3emi ius1 A!d the! the 4i! had ood hope because







he had bee! i!formed of a ood master" a!d brou ht him to the <uee!" a!d prayed him that he 5ould pray for her" a!d for the fruit that she bare" that she mi ht et of God double =oy1 A!d a!o! as he had made his prayer" he at of God that he re<uired1 The! the 4i! offered to him much old a!d sil6er" but he refused all" a!d desired him to i6e it to poor me!" a!d saidD I ha6e !o !eed of such thi! s" it sufficeth me to despise the riches of the 5orld a!d to ser6e God i! this 5ood" a!d that is that I desire1 A!d the! the 4i! 5ould ha6e i6e! to him all the 5ood1 I 5ill !ot ha6e all" but as much as I may o about 5ith mi!e ass i! a !i ht" I desire" 5hich the 4i! ladly ra!ted to him1 A!d there 5as made a mo!astery i! 5hich he li6ed lo! i! absti!e!ce" a!d t5o mo!4s 5ith him1 A!d their 5ater 5as a mile from them" 5herefore he did do ma4e a pit all dry" the 5hich he filled 5ith 5ater by his prayers" a!d called that place !oble" because he had recei6ed it of a !oble 4i! 1 A!d he sho!e there by so reat miracles" that 5ho that 5as i! priso! a!d called his !ame i! aid" a!o! his bo!ds a!d fetters 5ere bro4e!" a!d 5e!t a5ay 5ithout a!y ai!sayi! freely" a!d came prese!ti! to him their chai!s or iro!s1 A!d ma!y of them that 5ere so deli6ered" d5elled still 5ith him a!d ser6ed there our Lord1 A!d there 5ere se6e! of his !oble li!ea e 5hich sold a5ay all their oods a!d d5elled 5ith him" a!d he deli6ered to each of them a part of that 5ood1 A!d by his holy e8ample he dre5 ma!y to him1 A!d at the last this holy ma!" bei! e!do5ed 5ith ma!y 6irtues" the ei hth ides of No6ember departed out of this 5orld" a!d slept i! our Lord" 5hereafter5ard for the ma!y miracles that God sho5ed there" it 5as sho5ed to the cler4s of the church that because that place 5as o6er little for the reat multitude of people that came thither" that they should do ma4e i! a!other place a!other church" a!d bear therei! the body of S1 Leo!ard ho!ourably1 A!d the! the cler4s a!d the people 5ere all three days i! fasti! s a!d i! prayers1 A!d o! the third day they sa5 all the cou!try co6ered 5ith s!o5" sa6e o!ly the place 5herei! S1 Leo!ard 5ould rest" 5hich 5as all 6oid1 A!d thither 5as the body tra!sported" a!d the church made1 A!d the reat multitude of iro!s of di6erse ma!!ers 5it!ess 5ell ho5 ma!y miracles our Lord hath sho5ed for him" a!d specially to priso!ers" of 5hom the fetters a!d iro!s ha! tofore his tomb1 The 6iscou!t of Limo es had do ma4e a reat chai! for to fear 5ithal the malefactors" a!d comma!ded that it should be faste!ed u!to a tru!4 i! his to5er1 A!d 5hosome6er 5as bou!de! 5ith this chai! to that tru!4 thereas it 5as set" he mi ht see !o li ht1 A!d it 5as a place ri ht dar4" a!d 5hoso died there" died !ot of o!e death o!ly" but more tha! of a thousa!d torme!ts1 A!d it happed that o!e of the ser6a!ts of S1 Leo!ard 5as bou!de! 5ith this chai! 5ithout deser6i! " so that almost he a6e o6er his spirit1 A!d the! as he mi ht" i! his coura e he a6o5ed to S1 Leo!ard" a!d prayed him that sith he deli6ered other that he 5ould ha6e pity o! his ser6a!t1 A!d a!o! S1 Leo!ard appeared to him i! a 5hite 6esture a!d saidD 'ear thee !othi! " for thou shalt !ot die1 Arise up" a!d bear thou this chai! 5ith thee to my church7 follo5 me" for I o tofore1 The! he arose a!d too4 the chai! a!d follo5ed S1 Leo!ard" 5hich 5e!t tofore him till he came to the church1 A!d a!o!" as he 5as tofore the ates" S1 Leo!ard left him there" a!d he the! e!tered i!to the church a!d recou!ted to all the people 5hat S1 Leo!ard had do!e1 A!d he hu! that reat chai! tofore his tomb1 There 5as a certai! ma! 5hich d5elled i! the place of S1 Leo!ard" a!d 5as much faithful a!d de6out to S1 Leo!ard1 A!d it happed that this ood ma! 5as ta4e! of a tyra!t" 5hich be a! to thi!4 i! himself that S1 Leo!ard u!bi!deth a!d looseth all them that be bou!de! i! iro!s" a!d the mi ht of iro! hath !o more mi ht a ai!st him tha! 5a8 hath a ai!st the fire1 If I set this ma! i! iro!s Leo!ard shall a!o! deli6er him" a!d if I may 4eep him I shall ma4e him pay for his ra!som a thousa!d shilli! s1 I 5ot 5ell 5hat I shall do1 I shall o ma4e a ri ht reat a!d deep pit u!der the earth i! my to5er" a!d I shall cast him therei! bou!de! 5ith ma!y bo!ds1 A!d after I shall do ma4e a chest of tree upo! the mouth of the pit" a!d shall ma4e my 4!i hts to lie therei! all armed1 A!d ho5 be it that if Leo!ard brea4 the iro!s" yet shall he !ot e!ter i!to it u!der the earth1 A!d 5he! he had made all this that he thou ht" this ma! 5hich 5as e!closed therei! cried oft to S1 Leo!ard" so that o! a !i ht S1 Leo!ard came a!d tur!ed the chest 5herei! the 4!i hts lay armed" a!d closed them therei! li4e as dead me! be i! a tomb1 A!d after e!tered i!to the fosse or pit 5ith reat li ht" a!d too4 the ha!d of his true ser6a!t" a!d said to himD Sleepest thou or 5a4est1 LoI here is Leo!ard 5hom thou so much desirest1 A!d he" sore mar6elli! " saidD Lord help meI A!d a!o! his chai!s 5ere bro4e!" a!d too4 him i! his arms a!d bare him out of the to5er" a!d the! spa4e to him as a frie!d doth to a frie!d" a!d set him at home i! his house1 There 5as a pil rim 5hich retur!ed from the 6isiti! of S1 Leo!ard" a!d 5as ta4e! i! Almai!e a!d put i! a pit or fosse" a!d fast closed therei!1 A!d this pil rim prayed stro! ly S1 Leo!ard a!d also them that too4 him" that they 5ould for the lo6e of S1 Leo!ard let him o" for he had !e6er trespassed to them1 A!d they a!s5ered" but if he 5ould pay much mo!ey he










should !ot depart1 A!d he saidD 9e it bet5ee! you a!d S1 Leo!ard" to 5hom I remit the matter1 A!d the !i ht follo5i! S1 Leo!ard appeared to the lord of the castle a!d comma!ded him that he should deli6er his pil rim" a!d o! the mor! he supposed he had dreamed" a!d 5ould !ot deli6er him1 The !e8t !i ht he appeared to him a ai!" a!d comma!ded him to let him o" but yet he 5ould !ot obey1 The third !i ht S1 Leo!ard too4 this pil rim a!d brou ht him out of the castle" a!d a!o! the to5er a!d half the castle fell" a!d oppressed ma!y of them that 5ere therei!" a!d the pri!ce o!ly 5as left" to his co!fusio!" ali6e" a!d had his thi hs bro4e!1 et cetera1 There 5as a 4!i ht i! priso! i! 9ritta!y 5hich oft called o! S1 Leo!ard" 5hich a!o! appeared to him i! the si ht of all me!" a!d 4!o5i! him" a!d they bei! sore abashed" e!tered i!to the priso! a!d bra4e his bo!ds a!d put them i! the ma!>s ha!d" a!d brou ht him forth before them all" bei! sore afeard1 There 5as a!other Leo!ard" 5hich 5as of the same professio! a!d of o!e 6irtue" of 5hom the body resteth at Corbi !y1 A!d 5he! this Leo!ard 5as prelate i! a mo!astery he 5as of so reat humility that he 5as see! to be lo5est of all1 A!d much people came to him" so fast a!d so ma!y" that they that 5ere e!6ious said to the 4i! Clothair that" if he too4 !ot ood heed to the realm of 'ra!ce he should suffer dama e" a!d that reat by Leo!ard" 5hich athered to him much people u!der the shado5 of reli io!1 A!d the! this cruel 4i! comma!ded that he should be chased a5ay" but the 4!i hts that came for to chase him 5ere so co!6erted by his 5ords that" they 5ere compu!ct" a!d promised to be his disciples1 A!d the! the 4i! repe!ted him" a!d re<uired pardo! of him" a!d put them from him that had so missaid of him" a!d from their oods a!d ho!ours" a!d lo6ed much S1 Leo!ard" so that u!!ethe the 4i! 5ould !ot re:establish them a ai! to their estate at the prayers of the holy sai!t1 A!d this holy sai!t impetred a!d had ra!t of God" that 5hosome6er 5ere holde! i! priso! a!d prayed i! his !ame that he should a!o! be deli6ered1 A!d o! a day" as he 5as i! his prayers" a ri ht reat serpe!t stretched him from the foot of S1 Leo!ard alo! up5ard u!to his breast" a!d he !e6er therefore left his oriso!1 A!d 5he! he had accomplished his oriso!s" he said to the serpe!tD I 4!o5 5ell that sith the be i!!i! of thy creatio! thou torme!test me! as much as thou mayst" but thy mi ht is i6e! to me !o5" do to me !o5 that 5hich I ha6e deser6ed1 A!d 5he! he had said thus the serpe!t spra! out of his hood a!d fell do5! dead at his feet1 After this" o! a time 5he! he had appeased t5o bishops that had bee! i! discord" he said that he should o! the mor! fi!ish his life1 A!d so he did" a!d that 5as about the year of our Lord fi6e hu!dred a!d se6e!ty1 Here followeth of the Four !row#ed Martyr "









The four cro5!ed martyrs 5ere Se6erus" Se6eria!us" Carpoforus" a!d Victori!us" 5hich by the comma!dme!t of Diocletia! 5ere beate! 5ith plummets of lead u!to the death1 The !ames of 5hom could !ot be fou!d" but after lo! time they 5ere sho5ed by di6i!e re6elatio!" a!d it 5as established that their memory should be 5orshipped u!der the !ames of fi6e other martyrs" that is to 5it Claudia!" Castor" Symphoria!" Nicostratus" a!d Simplicia!" 5hich 5ere martyred t5o years after the four cro5!ed martyrs1 A!d these martyrs 4!e5 all the craft of sculpture or of car6i! " a!d Diocletia! 5ould ha6e co!strai!ed them to car6e a! idol" but they 5ould !ot e!tail !e car6e it" !e co!se!t to do sacrifice to the idols1 A!d the! by the comma!dme!t of DiocNetia! they 5ere put i!to tu!s of lead all li6i! " a!d cast i!to the sea about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred four score a!d se6e!1 A!d -elchiades" the pope" ordai!ed these four sai!ts to be ho!oured a!d to be called the four cro5!ed martyrs before that their !ames 5ere fou!d1 A!d thou h their !ames 5ere after5ard fou!d a!d 4!o5!" yet for the usa e they be al5ays called the four cro5!ed martyrs1 Here followeth of *" Theodore. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"

Theodore is said of theos" that is as much to say as God" a!d of das" that is to say" i6e1 A!d of rus" ruris" that is" a field1 A!d thus Theodorus is as much to say as a field i6e! of God1 'or he a6e him to God a!d re!ou!ced the field of the chi6alry of the emperor1

Of *" Theodore"




Theodore suffered death u!der Diocletia! a!d -a8imia! i! the city of -ari!e1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost said to him that he should do sacrifice a!d retur! to his first chi6alry" Theodore a!s5eredD I ser6e my God a!d his so! Jesu Christ1 To 5hom the pro6ost saidD The! thy God hath a so!E A!d Theodore saidD ;ea" certai!ly1 To 5hom the pro6ost saidD Of 5hom may 5e 4!o5 himE A!d Theodore saidD 'orsooth ye may 5ell 4!o5 him a!d o to him1 A!d the! there 5as term i6e! to S1 Theodore for to do sacrifice u!to the idols1 A!d he e!tered i!to the temple of -ars by !i ht a!d put fire i! it u!der" a!d bur!t all the temple1 A!d the! he 5as accused of a ma! that had see! him" a!d 5as e!closed i! the priso! for to die there for hu! er" a!d the! our Lord appeared to him a!d saidD Theodore my ser6a!t" ha6e thou ood hope" for I am 5ith thee1 The! came to him a reat compa!y of me! clad i! 5hite" the door bei! closed a!d be a! to si! 5ith him1 A!d 5he! the 4eepers sa5 that they 5ere afeard a!d fled1 The! he 5as ta4e! out a!d 5ar!ed to do sacrifice1 +e saidD If thou bur! my flesh by fire a!d co!sumest it by di6ers torme!ts" I shall !e6er re!y my God as lo! as my spirit is i! me1 The! he 5as ha! ed o! a tree by comma!dme!t of the emperor" a!d cruelly his body 5as re!t a!d tor! 5ith hoo4s of iro!" that his bare ribs appeared1 The! the pro6ost dema!ded of himD Theodore" 5ilt thou be 5ith us or 5ith thy God ChristE A!d Theodore a!s5eredD I ha6e bee! 5ith my Jesu Christ" a!d am" a!d shall be1 The! the pro6ost comma!ded that he should be bur!t i! a fire1 I! 5hich fire he a6e up his spirit" but the body abode therei! 5ithout hurt about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d se6e!ty:se6e!1 A!d all the people 5ere reple!ished 5ith ri ht s5eet odour" a!d a 6oice 5as heard 5hich saidD Come to me" my frie!d" a!d e!ter i!to the =oy of thy Lord" a!d ma!y of the people sa5 the hea6e! ope!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Marti#. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"




-arti! is as much to say as holdi! -ars" that is the God of battle" a ai!st 6ices a!d si!s1 Or -arti! is said as o!e of the martyrs" for he 5as a martyr by his 5ill" a!d by mortifyi! of his flesh1 Or -arti! is e8pou!ded thusD As despisi! " pro6o4i! " or sei !iori! 1 +e despised the de6il his e!emy" he pro6o4ed the !ame of our Lord to mercy" a!d he sei !iored o6er his flesh by co!ti!ual absti!e!ce i! ma4i! it lea!1 O6er 5hich flesh reaso! or coura e should domi!ate" as S1 De!is saith i! a! epistle to DemophileD Li4e as a lord domi!eth o6er his ser6a!t" or a father his so!" or a! old ma! a you! 5a!to!" so should reaso! domi!ate the flesh1 Se6erus 5hich other5ise 5as called Sulpicius" disciple of S1 -arti!" 5rote his life" 5hich Se6erus" Gera!dius remembereth" a!d !umbereth amo! the !oble me!1 Of *" Marti#"



-arti! 5as bor! i! the castle of Sabaria i! the cou!try of (a!!o!ia" but he 5as !ourished i! Italy at (a6ia 5ith his father" 5hich 5as master a!d tribu!e of the 4!i hts u!der Co!sta!tia! a!d Julia! CFsar1 A!d -arti! rode 5ith him" but !ot 5ith his 5ill1 'or from his you! i!fa!cy he 5as i!spired di6i!ely of God" a!d 5he! he 5as t5el6e years old he fled to the church a ai!st the 5ill of all his 4i!" a!d re<uired to be made !e5 i! the faith1 A!d from the!ce he 5ould ha6e e!tered i!to desert" if i!firmity of malady had !ot let him1 A!d as the emperors had ordai!ed that the so!s of a!cie!t 4!i hts should ride i!stead of their fathers" a!d -arti!" 5hich 5as fiftee! years old" 5as comma!ded to do the same" a!d 5as made 4!i ht" a!d 5as co!te!t 5ith o!e ser6a!t" a!d yet ofttimes -arti! 5ould ser6e him a!d dra5 off his boots1 I! a 5i!ter time as -arti! passed by the ate of Amie!s" he met a poor ma! all !a4ed" to 5hom !o ma! a6e a!y alms1 The! -arti! dre5 out his s5ord a!d car6ed his ma!tle there5ith i! t5o pieces i! the middle" a!d a6e that o!e half to the poor ma!" for he had !othi! else to i6e to him" a!d he clad himself 5ith that other half1 The !e8t !i ht follo5i! " he sa5 our Lord Jesu Christ i! hea6e! clothed 5ith that part that he had i6e! to the poor ma!" a!d said to the a! els that 5ere about himD -arti!" yet !e5 i! the faith" hath co6ered me 5ith this 6esture1 Of 5hich thi! this holy ma! 5as !ot e!ha!ced i! 6ai! lory" but he 4!e5 thereby the bou!ty of God1 A!d 5he! he 5as ei htee! years of a e he did do baptiHe himself" a!d promised that he should re!ou!ce the di !ity to be =ud e of the 4!i hts" a!d also the 5orld" if his time of his pro6ostry 5ere accomplished1 The! held he yet chi6alry t5o years1 A!d i! the mea!5hile the barbaria!s e!tered amo! the 're!chme!" a!d Julia! CFsar" 5hich should ha6e fou ht a ai!st them" a6e reat mo!ey u!to the 4!i hts1 A!d







-arti! 5illi! !o more to fi ht" refused his ift" but said to CFsarD I am a 4!i ht of Jesu Christ" it appertai!eth !ot to me for to fi ht1 The! Julia! 5as 5roth" a!d said that it 5as !ot for the race of reli io! that he re!ou!ced chi6alry" but for fear a!d dread of the prese!t battle follo5i! 1 To 5hom -arti!" !ot bei! afeard" said to himD 9ecause that thou holdest it for co5ardice" a!d that I ha6e !ot do!e it for ood faith" I shall be to:mor! all u!armed tofore the battle" a!d shall be protected a!d 4ept by the si ! of the cross" a!d !ot by shield !e by helm" a!d shall pass throu h the battles of the e!emies surely1 A!d the! he 5as comma!ded to be 4ept for to be o! the mor! all u!armed a ai!st the e!emies1 9ut o! the mor! the e!emies se!t messe! ers that they 5ould yield them a!d their oods" 5hereof it is !o doubt but that by the merits of this holy ma! that this 6ictory 5as had 5ithout sheddi! of blood1 A!d the! fortho! he left chi6alry a!d 5e!t to S1 +ilary" bishop of (oictiers a!d he made him acolyte1 A!d he 5as 5ar!ed of our Lord i! his sleep that he should yet 6isit his father a!d mother 5hich yet 5ere pay!ims" a!d also that he should suffer ma!y tribulatio!s1 'or as he 5e!t o6er the mou!tai!s he fell amo! thie6es1 A!d 5he! o!e of the thie6es had lifted up a! a8e for to ha6e smitte! him i! the head" he bare the stro4e 5ith his ri ht ha!d" a!d the! that other too4 his ha!ds a!d bou!d them behi!d him at his bac4" a!d deli6ered him to a!other to hold him1 A!d it 5as as4ed of him if he 5ere afraid or doubted1 To 5hom -arti! a!s5ered that he 5as !e6er tofore so sure" for he 4!e5 5ell that the mercy of God 5as ready a!d 5ould come i! temptatio!s" a!d the! be a! to preach to the thief a!d co!6erted him to the faith of Jesu Christ7 a!d the! the thief brou ht -arti! forth o! his 5ay" a!d after5ard li6ed a ood life1 A!d 5he! he 5as past -ila!" the de6il appeared to him i! a ma!>s li4e!ess" a!d dema!ded him 5hither he 5e!t1 A!d he saidD Thither 5hereas our Lord 5ould that he should o1 A!d the de6il said to himD ,heresoe6er thou oest the de6il shall al5ays be a ai!st thee7 a!d -arti! a!s5ered to himD Our Lord is mi!e helper" a!d therefore I doubt !othi! that may be do!e to me" a!d the! a!o! the fie!d 6a!ished a5ay1 The! he 5e!t home a!d co!6erted his mother" but his father abode still i! his error1 A!d 5he! the heresy Aria! re5 i! the 5orld" he 5as beate! ope!ly a!d put out of the city" a!d came to -ila!" a!d did do ma4e there a mo!astery" but he 5as cast out of the Aria!s" a!d 5e!t 5ith o!e priest o!ly i!to the isle of Galli!aria a!d there too4 for his meat" herbs1 A!d amo! others he too4 a herb e!6e!omed" 5hich 5as !amed hellebore1 A!d 5he! he felt that he should die a!d 5as i! peril" he chased a5ay the pai! a!d peril of the 6e!om by the 6irtue of prayer1 A!d the! he heard that the blessed +ilary retur!ed from his e8ile" a!d 5e!t to meet him" a!d ordai!ed a mo!astery by (oictiers1 A!d there 5as o!e re!e5ed i! the faith 5hich he had i! 4eepi! 1 A!d 5he! he 5e!t a little out a!d came a ai!" he fou!d him dead 5ithout baptism1 A!d the! he 5e!t i!to his cell a!d brou ht the corpse thither" a!d there 4!eeled by the corpse" a!d by his oriso!s he remised him i! his life a ai!1 A!d as that same rehearseth oft" that 5he! the se!te!ce 5as i6e! a ai!st him" he 5as put i! a dar4 place" a!d t5o a! els said to the =ud eD This is he for 5hom -arti! is pled e" a!d the! he comma!ded that he should be remo6ed u!to his body" a!d so 5as yielded ali6e to -arti!1 A!d also he re: established the life to a!other that 5as ha! ed1 A!d truly" 5he! the people of Tours had !o bishop" they re<uired stro! ly him to be their bishop" a!d he refused it1 9ut there 5as o!e 5hich 5as to him co!trary because he 5as of e6il habit a!d despicable of cheer" a!d o!e there 5as amo! the other 5hich 5as !amed defe!sor1 A!d 5he! the lector 5as !ot prese!t" a!other too4 the psalter a!d read the first psalm that he fou!d" i! 5hich psalm 5as 5ritte! this 6erseD E8 ore i!fa!tium" God" thou hast performed the laud by the mouth of childre! a!d you! suc4ers" a!d for thi!e e!emies thou shalt destroy the e!emy defe!sor1 A!d thus that defe!sor 5as chased out of the to5! by all the people1 A!d the! he 5as ordai!ed bishop1 A!d because he mi ht !ot suffer the tumult !e !oise of the people" he established a mo!astery at t5o lea ues from the city" a!d there li6ed i! reat absti!e!ce 5ith four score disciples" of 5hom di6ers cities chose of them to be their bishops1 A!d there 5as a corpse i! a chapel 5hich 5as 5orshipped as a martyr" a!d S1 -arti! could fi!d !othi! of his life !e of his merits1 +e came o! a day o! the sepulchre of him" a!d prayed u!to our Lord that he 5ould sho5 to him 5hat he 5as" a!d of 5hat merit1 A!d the! he tur!ed him o! the left side a!d sa5 there a ri ht obscure a!d a dar4 shado51 The! S1 -arti! co!=ured him" a!d dema!ded him 5hat he 5as1 A!d he said to him that he 5as a thief" a!d that for his 5ic4ed!ess 5as slai!1 A!o! the! S1 -arti! comma!ded that the altar should be destroyed1 It is read i! the Dialo ue of Se6erus a!d Gallus" disciples











of S1 -arti!" that there be ma!y thi! s left out i! the life of S1 -arti! 5hich be accomplished i! the said Dialo ue1 So o! a time S1 -arti! 5e!t to Vale!ti!ia! the emperor for a certai! !ecessity" a!d the emperor 4!e5 5ell that he 5ould re<uire such thi! as he 5ould !ot i6e to him" a!d -arti! came t5ice to ha6e e!tered" but he mi ht !ot e!ter1 The! he 5rapped him i! hair a!d cast ashes o! him" a!d made his flesh lea! of a 5hole 5ee4 by fasti! s" a!d did reat absti!e!ce" a!d the! the a! el 5ar!ed him to o to the palace a!d !o ma! should ai!say him1 A!d the! he 5e!t to the emperor" a!d 5he! he sa5 him he 5as a! ry because he 5as let come i!" a!d 5ould !ot arise a ai!st him till that the fire e!tered i!to his chamber" a!d felt the fire behi!d him1 The! he arose all a! ry a!d co!fessed that he had felt the 6irtue di6i!e" a!d be a! to embrace S1 -arti!" a!d ra!ted to him all that he desired" a!d offered to him ma!y ifts" but he refused a!d too4 !o!e1 A!d i! this Dialo ue it is read ho5 he raised the third dead perso!1 'or 5he! a you! li! 5as dead" his mother prayed S1 -arti!" 5ith 5eepi! tears" for to raise him to life1 A!d he 4!eeled do5! a!d made his prayer" a!d the child arose tofore them all1 A!d all the pay!ims that sa5 this co!6erted them to the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d all thi! s obeyed to this holy ma!" as 5ell thi! s !ot se!sible as 6e etati6e" a!d !ot reaso!able" as thi! s i!se!sible" as the fire a!d 5ater1 'or 5he! he had comma!ded to set fire i! a temple" the flame 5as brou ht 5ith the 5i!d upo! a house that 5as =oi!i! 1 A!d he mou!ted upo! the house a!d set himself a ai!st the fire" a!d a!o! the flame retur!ed a ai!st the mi ht of the 5i!d" so that there 5as see! the fi hti! of the eleme!ts1 A!d 5he! a ship should ha6e perished i! the sea" there 5as therei! a mercha!t 5hich 5as !ot christia!" a!d escried a!d saidD God of S1 -arti! help us1 A!d a!o! the tempest ceased" a!d the sea became all still a!d e6e!1 A!d also to him obeyed thi! s 6e etati6e as trees" for he destroyed i! a place ri ht old trees1 A!d there 5as a tree of a pi!e" 5hich 5as dedicated to the de6il" he 5ould ha6e raHed do5! that tree" a!d the 6illai!s a!d pay!ims 5ithsaid him so that o!e of them said to himD If thou hast affia!ce i! thy God" 5e shall he5 do5! this tree" a!d thou shalt recei6e it1 A!d if thy God be 5ith thee as thou sayest" thou shalt escape1 A!d he ra!ted it" a!d the! the tree 5as he5! a!d bou!de! for to fall upo! him1 A!d 5he! it should fall he made the si ! of the cross a ai!st it" a!d it fell o! that other side a!d sle5 almost all the 6illai!s that 5ere there" a!d the! the others 5ere co!6erted to the faith 5he! they had see! this miracle1 A!d ma!y beasts !ot reaso!able obeyed to him" li4e as it is said i! the Dialo ueD +ou!ds follo5ed a hare" a!d he comma!ded them to lea6e to follo5 him" a!d a!o! they tarried" a!d abode still" li4e as they had bee! o6ercome1 A serpe!t passed o6er a ri6er" a!d S1 -arti! said to the serpe!tD I comma!d thee i! the !ame of God that thou retur! a!o!1 A!d the serpe!t retur!ed by the 5ords of S1 -arti!" a!d 5e!t to that other side" a!d the! S1 -arti! said" all 5eepi! D The serpe!ts u!dersta!d me 5ell" a!d the me! 5ill !ot hear me1 O! a time as a hou!d bar4ed o! o!e of the disciples of S1 -arti!" the disciple retur!ed a!d said to the hou!dD I comma!d thee i! the !ame of S1 -arti! that thou hold thy peace" a!d a!o! the hou!d 5as all still as his to! ue had bee! cut off1 The blessed S1 -arti! 5as of reat humility7 for he met at (aris a foul leper" horrible to all me!" a!d he 4issed him a!d blessed him" a!d a!o! he 5as all 5hole1 ,he! he 5as secretly i! the re6estiary he had !o chair" !e !o ma! !e6er sa5 him i! the church sit" but i! his cell he sat upo! a threefoot stool1 +e 5as of much reat di !ity" for he 5as li4e u!to the apostles" a!d that 5as by the race of the +oly Ghost that desce!ded i! him i! the li4e!ess of fire" li4e as he desce!ded i! the apostles" a!d the apostles 6isited him" as he had bee! see! o!e of them1 A!d as it is read i! the Dialo ue that" he sat o! a time alo!e i! his cell" a!d Se6erus a!d Gallus abode him 5ithout the ates" the 5hich 5ere smitte! sudde!ly 5ith reat fear" for they heard di6ers people spea4 to ether 5ithi! the cell" a!d the! they told it to S1 -arti!1 A!d S1 -arti! saidD I 5ill tell it to you" but I pray you to tell it to !obody" A !es" Thecla a!d -ary came to me7 a!d he co!fessed that they had oft 6isited him" a!d also (eter a!d (aul 5ere come oft a!d 6isited him1 A!d he 5as of reat humility" for 5he! the emperor -a8imia! had o! a time bidde! him to a feast" the dri!4 5as brou ht to -arti! for to dri!4" a!d each ma! 5ee!ed that he 5ould ha6e i6e! after to the 4i! " but he a6e it to his priest" for he 5ist 5ell that there 5as !o!e 5orthy to dri!4 tofore the priest" a!d =ud ed i! himself that it 5as !ot a











thi! 5orthy if he had i6e! it to the 4i! or his !ei hbours tofore the priest1 +e 5as of much reat patie!ce" for he 4ept so reat patie!ce that he that 5as so6erei ! priest 5as oft:time hurt of his cler4s 5ithout pu!ishi! them" !e therefore put he them !ot out of charity1 Ne6er ma! sa5 him a! ry" !e !e6er ma! sa5 him 5eep" !e lau h" !e !e6er 5as i! his mouth but Jesu Christ" !e i! his heart but pity" peace a!d mercy1 It is read i! the same Dialo ue that S1 -arti! 5as clad 5ith a sharp clothi! " blue" a!d 5ith a reat coarse ma!tle ha! i! here a!d there upo! him" a!d rode upo! his ass1 A!d horses that came a ai!st him 5ere afeard of him i! such 5ise that they that rode o! them fell do5! to the earth1 A!d the! they too4 -arti! a!d beat him rie6ously" a!d he" sayi! !othi! " suffered ladly the stro4es1 A!d they e!forced them to beat him the more" a!d him seemed that he felt !o harm" !e set !ot by the stro4es" !e 5as !ot mo6ed !e a! ry 5ith them1 A!d the! they retur!ed to their horses" 5hom they fou!d Iyi! fast to the rou!d" a!d they mi ht !o more mo6e them tha! a roc4 till they retur!ed to S1 -arti!" a!d co!fessed their si! a!d trespass that they had so do!e by i !ora!ce" a!d prayed him to pardo! them a!d to i6e them lice!ce to depart1 A!d so he did" a!d the! the beasts arose a!d 5e!t forth their 5ay a ood pace1 +e 5as of reat busi!ess i! prayers" for there 5as !e6er hour !e mome!t" as it is said i! his le e!d" but that he prayed or else 5e!t to his lesso!1 'or he !e6er ceased but he read or prayed i! his coura e1 'or li4e as it is custom to the smiths that 5or4 i! iro!" that other5hile 5he! they smite the iro!" for to alle e a!d ease them of their labour" they smite o! the stithie or a!6il" i! li4e 5ise S1 -arti! al5ays 5he! he laboured or did a!ythi! he prayed co!ti!ually1 +e 5as al5ay of reat cruelty to5ard himself" a!d hard a!d sharp1 Se6erus saith i! a! epistle u!to Eusebius" that o! a time 5he! he came i!to a place of his diocese" the cler4s had made ready for him a bed full of stra51 A!d 5he! he lay thereo!" he doubted that it 5as softer tha! it 5as 5hich he 5as 5o!ed to lie o!" for he 5as accustomed to lie o! the bare rou!d" a!d but o!e co6erlet of hair upo! his bed1 A!d the! he" bei! a! ry" arose a!d thre5 a5ay the stra5" a!d laid him do5! o! the bare rou!d1 A!d about mid:!i ht all that stra5 5as set afire1 -arti! arose a!d supposed to ha6e escaped a!d mi ht !ot" for he 5as so e!6iro!ed 5ith fire that his clothes bur!ed1 A!d the! he retur!ed to his prayers accustomed" a!d made the si ! of the cross" a!d abode i! the middle of the fire 5ithout a!y touchi! of it" a!d felt the flames 5ell:smelli! a!d s5eetly" 5hich he had tofore fou!d e6il bur!i! 1 A!d the! the mo!4s 5ere all mo6ed" a!d ra! thither" a!d fou!d S1 -arti! i! the middle of the flames 5ithout hurt1 A!d they had supposed that he had bee! all destroyed a!d bur!t 5ith the fire1 +e 5as much piteous a ai!st them that 5ould be repe!ta!t a!d be pe!ite!t7 them 5ould he recei6e i!to the bosom of pity1 A!d 5he! the de6il repro6ed this holy ma! S1 -arti! because he recei6ed to pe!a!ce them that had o!ce falle!" a!d S1 -arti! a!s5ered to himD If thou" most cursed 5retch" 5ouldst lea6e to torme!t the people a!d repe!t thee of thy cursed deeds" I 5ould trust so much i! our Lord that he 5ould i6e to thee his mercy1 +e 5as much piteous u!to the poor people1 It is read i! the said Dialo ue that the blessed S1 -arti! 5e!t o! a time to the church" a!d a poor ma! follo5ed him" a!d S1 -arti! comma!ded his archdeaco! that he should o clothe this poor ma!1 A!d 5he! he sa5 he tarried o6er lo! to clothe him" he e!tered i!to the sacristy a!d did off his o5! coat" a!d a6e it to the poor ma!" a!d comma!ded that he should o his 5ay a!o!1 A!d 5he! the archdeaco! 5ar!ed him to o to do the ser6ice" -arti! said that he mi ht !ot o till the poor ma! 5ere clothed" a!d mea!t himself" but he u!derstood him !ot1 'or he sa5 him clothed a!d co6ered 5ith his cope" a!d 5ist !ot that he 5as !a4ed u!der" a!d therefore he rou ht !ot of the poor ma!1 A!d the! he said to himD ,hy bri! ye !othi! for the poor ma!E 9ri! ye me the! a 6esture a!d let me be clothed for the poor ma!1 A!d the! he bei! co!strai!ed 5e!t to the mar4et a!d bou ht a 6ile coat a!d a short for fi6e pe!ce" 5hich 5as 5orth !ou ht" a!d came a!d a! rily thre5 it do5! at his feet1 A!d S1 -arti! too4 it up" a!d clad him 5ithal secretly" a!d the slee6es came to his elbo5s a!d the le! th 5as but to his 4!ees" a!d so 5e!t to si! the mass1 A!d as he sa! mass a reat li ht of fire desce!ded upo! his head" a!d 5as see! of ma!y that 5ere there" a!d therefore he is said li4e a!d e<ual to the apostles1 A!d to this miracle addeth -aster Joh! 9eleth that" 5he! he lifted up his ha!ds at the mass" as it is of custom" the slee6es of the alb slid do5! u!to his elbo5s1 'or his arms 5ere !ot reat !e fleshly" a!d the slee6es of his coat came but to his elbo5s" so that his arms abode all !a4ed1 The! 5ere brou ht to him by miracle slee6es of old a!d full of precious sto!es" of a! els" 5hich co6ered his arms co!6e!ably1 +e











sa5 o! a time a sheep shor! a!d saidD This hath accomplished the comma!dme!t of the had t5o coats" a!d hath i6e! to him that had !o!e" a!d thus" said he" ye ou ht to do1

ospel" for he





+e 5as of reat po5er to chase a5ay the de6ils" for he put them out ofttimes from di6ers people1 It is read i! the same Dialo ue that" a co5 5as torme!ted of the de6il a!d 5as 5ood" a!d co!fou!ded much people1 A!d as S1 -arti! a!d his fello5ship should ma4e a 6oya e this 5ood co5 ra! a ai!st them1 A!d S1 -arti! lifted up his ha!d a!d comma!ded her to tarry" a!d she abode still 5ithout mo6i! 1 The! S1 -arti! sa5 the de6il 5hich sat upo! the bac4 of the co5" a!d blamed him" a!d said to himD Depart thou from this mortal beast" a!d lea6e to torme!t this beast that !oyeth !othi! " a!d a!o! he departed1 A!d the co5 4!eeled do5! to the feet of this holy ma!" a!d at his comma!dme!t she retur!ed to her compa!y full mee4ly1 +e 5as of much reat subtlety for to 4!o5 the de6ils" they could !ot be hid from him" for i! 5hat place they put themsel6es i!" he sa5 them1 'or sometime they sho5ed them to him i! the form of Juplter or of -ercury" a!d other5hile they tra!sfi ured them i! li4e!ess of Ve!us or of -i!er6a" 5hom e6ery each he 4!e5" a!d blamed them by !ame1 It happed o! a day that the de6il appeared to him i! the form of a 4i! " i! purple" a!d a cro5! o! his head" 5ith hose! a!d shoes ilt" 5ith a! amiable mouth a!d lad cheer a!d 6isa e1 A!d 5he! they 5ere both still a 5hile" the de6il saidD -arti!" 4!o5 thou 5hom thou 5orshippestE I am Christ that am desce!ded i!to earth" a!d 5ill first sho5 me to thee1 A!d as S1 -arti! all admar6elled" said !othi! " yet the de6il said to himD ,herefore doubtest thou" -arti!" to belie6e me 5he! thou seest that I am ChristE A!d the! -arti!" blessed of the +oly Ghost" saidD Our Lord Jesu Christ saith !ot that he shall come i! purple !e 5ith a cro5! resple!de!t1 I shall !e6er belie6e that Jesu Christ shall come but if it be i! habit a!d form such as he suffered death i!" a!d that the si ! of the cross be bor!e tofore him1 A!d 5ith that 5ord he 6a!ished a5ay" a!d all the hall 5as filled 5ith ste!ch1 S1 -arti! 4!e5 his death lo! time tofore his departi! " the 5hich he sho5ed to his brethre!1 A!d 5hiles he 6isited the diocese of Toul for cause to appease discord that 5as there1 A!d as he 5e!t he sa5 i! a 5ater birds that plu! ed i! the 5ater" 5hich a5aited a!d espied fishes a!d ate them" a!d the! he saidD I! this ma!!er de6ils espy fools" they espy them that be !ot 5are" they ta4e them that 4!o5 !ot" but be i !ora!t" a!d de6our them that be ta4e!" a!d they may !ot be fulfilled !e satiate 5ith them that they de6our1 A!d the! he comma!ded them to lea6e the 5ater" a!d that they should o i!to desert cou!tries" a!d they assembled them a!d 5e!t i!to the 5oods a!d mou!tai!s1 A!d the! he abode a little i! that diocese" a!d be a! to 5a8 feeble i! his body a!d said to his disciples that he should depart a!d be dissol6ed1 The! they all 5eepi! saidD 'ather" 5herefore lea6est thou us" or to 5hom shalt thou lea6e us all desolate a!d discomfortedE The ra6ishi! 5ol6es shall assail thy floc4" a!d beasts1 A!d he the!" mo6ed 5ith their 5eepi! s" 5ept also" a!d prayed" sayi! D Lord if I be yet !ecessary to thy people I refuse !othi! the labour" thy 5ill be fulfilled1 +e doubted 5hat he mi ht best do" for he 5ould !ot ladly lea6e them" !e he 5ould !ot lo! be departed from Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! he had a little 5hile bee! torme!ted 5ith the fe6ers a!d his disciples prayed him" 5hereas he lay i! the ashes" dust a!d hair" that they mi ht lay some stra5 i! his couch 5here he lay" he saidD It appertai!eth !ot but that a christia! ma! should die i! hair a!d i! ashes" a!d if I should i6e to you a!other e!sample I myself should si!1 A!d he had his ha!ds a!d his eyes to5ards the hea6e!" a!d his spirit 5as !ot loosed from prayer1 A!d as he lay to5ards his brethre!" he prayed that they 5ould remo6e a little his body" a!d he saidD 9rethre!" let me behold more the hea6e! tha! the earth" so that the spirit may address him to our Lord1 A!d this sayi! he sa5 the de6il that 5as there" a!d S1 -arti! said to himD ,herefore sta!dest thou here" thou cruel beastE Thou shalt fi!d i! me !othi! si!ful !e mortal" the bosom of Abraham shall recei6e me1 A!d 5ith this 5ord he re!dered a!d a6e up u!to our Lord his spirit" i! the year of our Lord three hu!dred four score a!d ei htee!" a!d the year of his life ei hty:o!e1 A!d his cheer sho!e as it had bee! lorified" a!d the 6oice of a! els 5as heard si! i! of ma!y that 5ere there1 A!d they of (oictiers assembled at his death as 5ell as they of Tours a!d there 5as reat altercatio!1 'or the (oicte6i!s saidD +e is our mo!4" 5e re<uire to ha6e him" a!d the others saidD +e 5as ta4e! from you a!d i6e! to us1 A!d at mid!i ht all the (oicte6i!s slept" a!d they of Tours put him out of the 5i!do5" a!d 5as bor!e 5ith reat =oy a!d had o6er the 5ater of Loire by a boat u!to the city of Tours1 A!d as Se6erus" bishop of Colo !e" o! a Su!day after -ati!s" 6isited a!d 5e!t about the holy places" the same hour that S1 -arti! departed out of this 5orld" he heard the a! els si! i! i! hea6e!1 The! he called his archdeaco! a!d dema!ded him if he heard a!ythi! " a!d he saidD Nay1 A!d the bishop bade him to hear4e! dili e!tly" a!d he be a! to stretch forth his !ec4 a!d address his ears a!d lea!ed upo! his staff1 The! the bishop put himself to prayer for him1 The! he said that he heard 6oices i! hea6e!" to 5hom the bishop saidD It is my Lord" S1 -arti!" 5hich is departed out of the 5orld" a!d the a! els bear him !o5 i!to hea6e!1 A!d the de6ils 5ere at his









passi! " but they fou!d !othi! i! him a!d 5e!t a5ay all co!fused1 A!d the archdeaco! mar4ed the day a!d the hour" a!d 4!e5 6erily after" that S1 -arti! passed out of this 5orld that same time1 A!d Se6erus" the mo!4 5hich 5rote his life" as he slept a little after -ati!s" li4e as he 5it!esseth i! his epistle" S1 -arti! appeared to him clad i! a! alb" his cheer clear" the eyes spar4li! " his hair purple" holdi! a boo4 i! his ri ht ha!d" 5hich the said Se6erus had 5ritte! of his life" a!d 5he! he had i6e! him his blessi! " he sa5 him mou!t up i!to hea6e!1 A!d as he co6eted for to ha6e o!e 5ith him" he a5o4e" a!d a!o! the messe! ers came" 5hich said that that same time S1 -arti! departed out of this 5orld1 A!d i! the same day S1 Ambrose" bishop of -ila!" sa! mass" a!d slept upo! the altar bet5ee! the lesso! of the prophecy a!d the epistle" a!d !o!e durst 5a4e him" a!d the subdeaco! durst !ot read the epistle 5ithout his lea6e1 A!d 5he! he had slept the space of three hours they a5o4e him" a!d saidD Sire" the hour is passed a!d the people be 5eary for to abide" 5herefore comma!d that the cler4 read the epistle1 A!d he said to themD 9e !ot a! ry1 -arti! my brother is passed u!to God" a!d I ha6e do!e the oflice of his departi! a!d buryi! " a!d I could !o soo!er accomplish !e ma4e a! e!d of the last oriso! because ye hasted me so sore1 The! they mar4ed the day a!d the hour" a!d they fou!d that S1 -arti! 5as the! passed out of this 5orld a!d o!e to hea6e!1 -aster Joh! 9eleth saith that 4i! s of 'ra!ce 5ere 5o!t to bear his cope i! battle" a!d because they 4ept this cope they 5ere called chaplai!s1 A!d after his death three score a!d four years" 5he! S1 (erpetua had e!lar ed his church" a!d 5ould tra!sport the body of S1 -arti! therei!" they 5ere i! fasti! s a!d 6i ils o!ce" t5ice" thrice" a!d they mi ht !ot mo6e the sepulchre1 A!d as they 5ould ha6e lifted it" a ri ht fair old ma! appeared to them a!d saidD ,herefore tarry ye" see ye !ot that S1 -arti! is all ready to help you if ye set to your ha!ds 5ith himE A!d the! a!o! they lifted up the sepulchre a!d brou ht it to the place 5hereas he is !o5 5orshipped" a!d the! a!o! this old ma! 6a!ished a5ay1 This tra!slatio! 5as made i! the mo!th of July1 A!d it is said that there 5ere the! t5o fello5s" o!e lame a!d that other 5as bli!d" the lame tau ht the bli!d ma! the 5ay" a!d the bli!d bare the lame ma!" a!d thus at they much mo!ey by trua!dise" a!d they heard say that ma!y sic4 me! 5ere healed 5he! the body of S1 -arti! 5as bor!e out of the church o! processio!1 A!d they 5ere afraid lest the body should be brou ht tofore their house" a!d that perad6e!ture they mi ht be healed" 5hich i! !o 5ise they 5ould !ot be" for if they 5ere healed" they should !ot et so much mo!ey by trua!dise as they did1 A!d therefore they fled from that place a!d 5e!t to a!other church 5hereas they supposed that the body should !ot come1 A!d as they fled they e!cou!tered a!d met the holy body sudde!ly" u!pur6eyed1 A!d because God i6eth ma!y be!efits to me! !ot desired" a!d that 5ould !ot ha6e them" they 5ere both healed a ai!st their 5ill" a!d 5ere ri ht sorry therefor1 A!d S1 Ambrose saith thus of S1 -arti!D +e destroyed the temple of the cursed error" he raised the ba!!ers of pity" he raised dead me!" he cast de6ils out of bodies i! 5hich they 5ere" a!d alle ed by remedy of health them that tra6ailed i! di6ers maladies a!d sic4!esses1 A!d he 5as fou!d so perfect that he clad Jesu Christ i!stead of a poor ma!" a!d the 6esture that the poor ma! had ta4e!" the Lord of all the 5orld clad him 5ithal1 That 5as a ood lar ess that di6i!ity co6ered1 O lorious 6esture a!d i!estimable ift" that clothed a!d co6ered both the 4!i ht a!d the 4i! 1 This 5as a ift that !o ma! may praise" of 5hich he deser6ed to clothe the deity1 Lord" thou a6est to him 5orthily the the re5ard of thy co!fessio!" thou puttedst u!der him 5orthily the cruelty of the Aria!s" a!d he 5orthily for the lo6e of martyrdom !e6er dreaded the torme!ts of the persecutors1 ,hat shall he recei6e for the oblatio! of his body" that for the <ua!tity of a little 6esture" 5hich 5as but half a ma!tle" deser6ed to clothe a!d co6er God a!d also to see himE A!d he a6e such reat medici!e to them that trusted i! God that some he healed by his prayers a!d others by his comma!dme!ts1 The! let us pray to S1 -arti!" et cetera1 Here followeth the Life of *" /ri$e. a#d fir t of hl #a%e"










9rice is said of breos" that is to say i! Gree4 as measure" a!d of scio" scis" that is" to 4!o51 A!d thus the e8positio! of this !ame 9rictius or 9rice is as much to say as 4!o5i! measure1 'or at the be i!!i! of his i!fa!cy 5he! he 5as you! he 5as full of ma!y sottises a!d follies" but he could 5ell after the measure of himself dema!d a!d cou!sel a!d o6er! 5ell other" a!d to e8cuse him self by measure1 Of *" /ri$e"









9rice 5as Archdeaco! of S1 -arti!" a!d 5as much rie6ous to him" a!d said of him ma!y thi! s u!reaso!able1 A!d o! a time a poor ma! came to 9rice a!d dema!ded of him 5here the bishop 5as" a!d ho5 he should 4!o5 him1 A!d he bade him o i!to the church" a!d him that thou shalt see there loo4i! up5ard to hea6e! as a mad ma! or o!e from himself" that same is -arti!1 A!d the poor ma! 5e!t a!d fou!d S1 -arti!" a!d 5he! he had recei6ed that he as4ed" S1 -arti! called S1 9rice" a!d said to himD 9rice" seemeth it to thee that I am a fool or fra!ticE A!d he forsoo4 it a!d de!ied it for shame" a!d said he had !ot said so1 A!d S1 -arti! saidD I ha6e heard it" for mi!e ears 5ere at thy mouth 5he! thou saidst it to the poor ma! ope!ly1 I tell a!d say to thee forsooth that I ha6e obtai!ed a!d ha6e ra!t of God that thou shalt succeed me i! this bishopric" but 4!o5 thou for certai! that thou shalt suffer therei! ma!y ad6ersities1 A!d 5he! 9rice heard him say so" he scor!ed him" sayi! D Said I !ot true 5he! I said he 5as a foolE A!d after the death of S1 -arti!" 9rice 5as elected a!d made bishop of Tours" 5hich from the!ce fortho! he e!te!ded all to prayer" a!d ho5beit that he had bee! proud" yet he 5as al5ays chaste1 A!d i! the thirtieth year of his bishopric" a 5oma! 5hich 5as reli iously clad" 5hich 5as his la6e!der a!d had 5ashe! his clothes" had co!cei6ed a!d bor!e a child 5hich all the people said that the bishop had otte!" a!d they assembled at his ates 5ith sto!es" a!d saidD ,e ha6e lo! suffered thy lechery for the lo6e of S1 -arti! a!d for his pity" but !o5 5e 5ill !o more 4iss thy ha!ds 5hich be accursed1 9ut he de!ied the fait a!d deed ma!ly" a!d saidD 9ri! to me the child1 A!d 5he! he 5as brou ht he 5as but thirty days old1 A!d S1 9rice said to himD I co!=ure thee by the So! of God that thou say to me tofore all this people if I ha6e e! e!dered thee1 A!d the child saidD Thou art !ot my father1 A!d the people" yet !ot co!te!t" bade him to dema!d the child 5ho 5as his father1 A!d he saidD That appertai!eth !ot to me to do1 I ha6e do!e that 5hich appertai!eth to me for mi!e e8cuse1 A!d the people said that this 5as do!e by the art of e!cha!tme!t" a!d said plai!lyD +e should !ot sei !iory o6er us thus falsely u!der the shado5 of a pastor1 A!d the! yet for to pur e him he bare" i! his lap or his 6estme!t" coals all bur!i! u!to the tomb of S1 -arti!" a!d his 6estme!ts !e6er bur!ed" !e had !o!e harm" a!d the! he saidD Li4e as my 6estme!t is u!hurt a!d !ot bur!t of these coals" but is 5hole a!d !ot corrupt of the fire" i! li4e 5ise is my body clea! of touchi! a!y 5oma!1 A!d yet the people belie6ed him !ot" but beat him a!d did to him ma!y i!=uries" a!d put him out of the bishopric" because the 5ord of S1 -arti! should be accomplished1 A!d the! S 9rice 5e!t his 5ay 5eepi! " a!d came to the pope" a!d abode there se6e! years" a!d pur ed him of that he had trespassed to S1 -arti!1 A!d the people made a !e5 bishop !amed Justi!ia! a!d se!t him to 3ome for to defe!d the cause a ai!st 9rice1 A!d as he 5e!t thither5ard he died is the city of Vercelle!ce1 The! the people made o!e Arme!ius bishop i! his stead" a!d i! the se6e!th year 9rice retur!ed 5ith authority of the pope" a!d too4 his lod i! si8 miles 5ithout the city1 A!d that same !i ht Arme!ius the bishop died1 A!d 9rice 4!e5 it by di6i!e re6elatio!" a!d said to his people that they should arise a! haste them for to o a!d bury the bishop of Tour 5hich 5as dead1 A!d as 9rice e!tered at o! ate" the dead bishop 5as brou ht i! at a!other ate7 a!d 5he! he 5as buried S1 9rice too4 his see or sie e" a!d 5as bishop after that se6e! year a!d led a holy a!d laudable life1 A!d i! the se6e! a!d fortieth year of his bishopric he passe u!to our Lord" to 5hom be i6e! laud a!d lory1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth the life of the Holy Vir(i# *" !lare"

There 5as a mar6ellous holy 5oma! i! the city of Assisi" 5hich 5as !amed Clare1 'irst ye shall u!dersta!d that her !ati6ity 5as much 5orthy a!d !oble1 It is read that as touchi! the 5orld she 5as of ri ht !oble li!ea e" a!d as touchi! the spirit to the re ard of the estate of 6irtues a!d !oble ma!!ers to5ards God" she 5as of ri ht !oble reputatio!1 The! for to sho5 that after her !ati6ity she 5as a de6out espouse of God" she is 5orthy to be of reat recomme!datio!1 It is read that 5he! her mother 5as e!cei!ted or reat 5ith child of her" o! a time as she 5as before the crucifi8" 5eepi! a!d prayi! that of his race he 5ould ra!t to her the deli6era!ce of her fruit 5ith =oy a!d lad!ess" she heard a 6oice sudde!ly sayi! to herD ,oma!" ha6e thou !o doubt" for 5ithout peril thou shalt be deli6ered of a dau hter 5hich shall by her doctri!e e!lumi!e all the 5orld1 A!d therefore" as soo! as she 5as bor!" she did do !ame her at the fo!t" Clare1 Seco!dly" is fou!d i! her life a!d 4!o5!" reat ple!ty of 6irtues1 It is read that this holy 6ir i!" after the time of her i!fa!cy" 5as so composed i! all ood ma!!ers" i! port" i! mai!te!a!ce" a!d i! co!ti!ua!ce" that all others mi ht ta4e of her fair a!d ood e!sample for to !sai!tai! a!d o6er! them1 A!d i! especial she had so reat pity of the poor people" that ofttimes she spared her o5! mouth a!d se!t by secret messe! ers such as she should herself ha6e bee! sustai!ed by1 Also i! ma4i! de6out prayer she had so reat pleasure that ofttimes it seemed to her" bei! i! oriso!s" that her spirit 5as refreshed 5ith the s5eet!ess of hea6e!1 She 5as i! her array li4e others" but by pe!a!ce she chastised her body" for ho5 5ell that for the ho!our of her frie!ds she 5as !obly apparelled" yet















!e6ertheless she 5are al5ays the hair o! her bare body" a!d from her i!fa!cy her heart had determi!ed that for to die she 5ould !e6er ha6e other espouse tha! Jesu Christ1 A!d ma!y other a!d ple!ty of 6irtues sho!e i! her" the 5hich 5ere o6erlo! to recou!t1 Thirdly" ho5 S1 'ra!cis sho5ed to her the 5ay of truth7 it is read that as soo! as S1 Clare heard the re!omee of S1 'ra!cis" it 5as spread o6er all the 5orld as it 5ere a !e5 ma! se!t i!to the 5orld" sho5i! ho5 5e ou ht to follo5 the !e5 5ay of Jesu Christ" she !e6er mi ht ha6e rest i! her heart till she 5as come to him" a!d that to him she had ope!ed her heart1 The! after she had s5eetly u!derstood him" a!d had recei6ed of him ma!y a holy" s5eet" a!d a! elic 5ord" S1 'ra!cis e8horted her abo6e all other thi! s to flee the 5orld both 5ith heart a!d her body1 A!d to this he e!=oi!ed her that o! (alm Su!day she should hallo5 the feast 5ith the other people" but the !i ht follo5i! " i! remembra!ce of the passio! of Jesu Christ" she should tur! her =oy i!to 5eepi! a!d afflictio!s" for i! such 5ise to 5eep the passio! of Jesu Christ" fi!ally she mi ht come to hea6e! as 6ir i! a!d espouse of God" 5ell eurous a!d happy1 'ourthly" ho5 she had !o <uiet!ess i! her heart till she had accomplished her thou ht a!d purpose7 it is read that S1 Clare" thus i!formed of S1 'ra!cis" could ha6e !o rest i! her heart till that" the !i ht assi !ed a!d the hour" she issued out of the city of Assisi" i! 5hich she d5elled" a!d came to the church of our Lady of (ortiu!cula1 A!d the! the friars recei6ed her" 5hich a5o4e i! the said church" a!d abode for her tofore the altar of the 9lessed Vir i! -ary1 A!d there her hair 5as cut off" a!d after" they led her i!to a! abbey of !u!s a!d there left her1 'ifthly" ho5 her frie!ds despised this 5or4 ordai!ed by our Lord7 it is read 5he! this lady 5as thus ordai!ed" she laboured a!d did so much that she dre5 her sister !amed A !es i!to her compa!y" 5herefore as 5ell for that o!e as for that other" the car!al frie!ds of S1 Clare had her i! i!di !atio! out of measure" 5herefore S1 'ra!cis tra!slated them i!to the church of S1 Damia!" 5hich church by the comma!dme!t of the crucifi8 he had repaired1 A!d there this lady be a! the reli io! that 5as called of poor sisters" a!d there she 5as i!closed i! a little cell 5hich S1 'ra!cis had edified1 Si8thly" ho5 she had humility i! her heart7 it is read that S1 Clare lorified herself so6erei !ly i! humility" li4e as the 5ise ma! saithD Of so much that a creature is promoted" of so much ou ht he to be the more humble1 Therefore" after that she had assembled a reat co!6e!t of holy 6ir i!s" u!!ethe a!d 5ith reat pai!" if it had !ot bee! for the obedie!ce of S1 'ra!cis" she had !e6er recei6ed the so6erei !ty of them1 A!d after that she had recei6ed the domi!atio! o6er them a!d o6er!a!ce" she 5as tofore all other ready to ser6e them that 5ere sic4" as she had bee! a ha!dmaid or ser6a!t" a!d 5as so humble that she 5ould 5ash the feet of her ha!d: maide!s a!d ser6a!ts 5he! they came from 5ithout from their 5or4" a!d dried them a!d 4issed them1 Se6e!thly" ho5 S1 Clare 4ept po6erty7 it is read that for to 4eep a!d to follo5 po6erty after the ospel of Jesu Christ" S1 Clare put thereto all her e!te!t" 5herefore sith the be i!!i! of her holy life" all that e6er that came to her of father a!d mother" she sold a!d a6e it for God>s sa4e" i!somuch that for her !e for her sisters she had but simple feedi! a!d clothi! " !e 5ould ha6e !o!e other1 A!d !ot5ithsta!di! that she 5as assoiled of the pope of the 6o5 of po6erty" a!d thereupo! had recei6ed letters of the pope" much sudde!ly 5eepi! " she 5rote a ai! sayi! 1 I 5ill 5ell be assoiled of my si!s" but the 6o5 of po6erty I shall 4eep u!to the death1 The ei hth" ho5 i! !ecessity Jesu Christ 6isited her7 it is read that" o! a time that at the hour of di!!er i! the colle e of S1 Clare 5as but o!e loaf of bread" !e there mi ht !o more be had1 The! S1 Clare too4 this loaf of the ha!d of the dispe!ser" a!d made the! her prayer" a!d after" of that loaf made as ma!y loa6es a!d parts as there 5ere sisters1 A!d as soo! as e6ery each had recei6ed her part" ho5 5ell it 5as but little" the di6i!e race multiplied it so much that e6ery each left some a!d had e!ou h1 Item semblably it is read that that God did for her 5he! i! her colle e the pots 5ere failed1 Ni!thly" ho5 i! strait!ess S1 Clare 5as ruled7 this holy lady 5as co!te!t 5ith o!e poor coat li!ed 5ith a ma!tlet7 she used !e6er pe!da!ts !e furs of s4i!s" but dispe!sed all her time i! 4eepi! her body i! ser6a e of the spirit1 A!d here5ith thrice i! the 5ee4 she fasted i! this ma!!er that she !e6er tasted thi! that 5as sodde!1 Item" e6ery year she fasted t5o le!te!s to bread a!d 5ater o!ly" sa6e the Su!day she too4 a little 5i!e1 A!d shortly" she li6ed so straitly that she became so feeble that S1 'ra!cis comma!ded her by 6irtue of obedie!ce that she should fail !o day but that she should ta4e for her refectio! a! ou!ce a!d a half of bread1 She 5as !e6er 5ithout hair !e8t her flesh" a!d for a pillo5" she too4 a bloc4 or a reat sto!e7 she lay al5ays o! the bare rou!d" or for to ta4e the better her rest she lay other5hile upo! the cutti! s of 6i!es" u!to the time that S1 'ra!cis had comma!ded her" because that it 5as o6er foul" that she should use to lie o! a sac4 full of stra51 Te!thly" ho5 she hath despised the i!i<uity of the fie!d our e!emy7 it is read that i! especial she had a custom that from midday she 5as i! prayers a!d rememberi! the passio! a!d suffera!ce of Jesu Christ" t5o hours duri! " a!d after the e6e!tide she 5as al5ays a lo! 5hile i! oriso!s1 A!d it is read that ofttimes the fie!d appeared to her by !i ht sayi! D If so be that ye abstai! you !ot from 5a4i! a!d 5eepi! " ye shall for certai! be bli!d1 A!d she a!s5eredD +e shall !ot be bli!d that shall see our Lord i! his lory1 A!d 5he! the fie!d heard this a!s5er" a!o! he departed all co!fused" !e durst !e6er after tempt her !e let her of her prayers1 Ele6e!thly" God of his race had











pierced her heart" it is read that S1 Clare for to dispe!d amorously the time that God had le!t her" i! especial she 5as determi!ed that from the hour of mid:day u!to e6e!so! time" she 5ould dispe!d all that time i! thi!4i! a!d be5eepi! the passio! of Jesu Christ" a!d say prayers a!d oriso!s accordi! thereto" after u!to the fi6e 5ou!ds of the precious body of Jesu Christ" as smitte! a!d pierced to the heart 5ith the dart of the lo6e di6i!e1 It is read that from the time o! a shere thursday" the hour of the mau!dy" u!to Easter e6e! the Saturday" she 5as rememberi! a!d thi!4i! o! the suffera!ce of our Lord Jesu Christ so bur!i! ly" that she 5as ra6ished as all dru!4e! i! the lo6e of God" that she 4!e5 !ot 5hat 5as said !e do!e about her" but as u!mo6able or as all i!se!sible" i! sta!di! she held her eyes fi8ed i! o!e place1 T5elfthly" ho5 i! her disease a!d pai! she 5as of God comforted7 it is said that she 5as by the space of ei ht a!d t5e!ty days i! co!ti!ual la! uor a!d sic4!ess" !e6ertheless 5as !e6er see! i! her si ! of impatie!ce" but al5ays s5eet 5ords a!d amiable i! praisi! a!d tha!4i! God of all1 A!d i! especial it is read that" i! the sic4!ess i! 5hich she passed to5ard the e!d of her life she 5as se6e!tee! days 5ithout meat or dri!41 A!d !e6ertheless she 5as so s5eetly 6isited of God that it seemed u!to all them that sa5 her that she had !o pai! !e disease" but yet more e6ery creature that came to her 5as comforted i! God1 A!d i! especial it is read that" 5he! the hour of death approached" she" 5hich lo! time had lost her speech" be a! to spea4 a!d sayD Go out surely" thou hast a ood safeco!duct1 A!d 5he! o!e of her sisters" bei! there prese!t" heard that" she dema!ded her to 5hom she spa4e1 A!d she a!s5eredD To my soul" 5hom I see abashed to depart from my body" for he ou ht !ot for to doubt" for I see the holy Vir i! -ary 5hich abideth for me1 A!d this said" our 9lessed Lady e!tered i!to the chamber 5here S1 Clare lay1 A!d she 5as cro5!ed 5ith a cro5! ri ht clear shi!i! " that the obscurity of the !i ht 5as cha! ed i!to clear!ess of mid:day1 A!d she brou ht 5ith her a ri ht reat multitude of other 6ir i!s all !obly cro5!ed" amo! 5hom there 5as o!e that bare a rich ma!tle" to 5hom she saidD Gi6e hither the ma!tle1 A!d 5he! she had s5eetly embraced her she clad her 5ith the ma!tle1 A!d at that same time 5as 5eepi! about her the colle e of sisters" a!d i! especial A !es the sister of S1 Clare" ma4i! reat moa! a!d sorro51 The! S1 Clare said s5eetlyD -y sisters" discomfort you !ot" for ye shall ha6e u!to God of me a ood a!d a true ad6ocate1 A!d thou A !es shalt soo! after follo5 me i!to lory1 No5 it is 5ell reaso! a!d ri ht that 5e say a!d sho5 of the reat mar6els that God sho5ed for S1 Clare by her holy prayers" for she 5as 6eritable" true" a!d 5orthy of all ho!our1 That reat tempest that 5as i! the time of 'rederic4 the emperor" 5hereof holy church had so much to suffer" that i! di6ers parts of the 5orld 5as much 5ar" so that by the comma!dme!t of the emperor 5ere battles established of 4!i hts" a!d 5ith that so ma!y archers of Sarace!s as they had bee! hills of >dies for to destroy the people" castles a!d cities1 The Sarace!s ra! as 5ood me! till they came to the ates of Assisi1 A!d the felo! Sarace!s" that be full of all cruelty a!d falsehood" a!d see4 !othi! but for to slay a!d destroy christia! me!>s blood" a!d they came u!to the cloister of the poor ladies of S1 Damia!" a!d the holy ladies had so reat fear that their hearts melted i! their bodies" a!d ra! 5eepi! to their mother S1 Clare1 A!d she that 5as sic4" 5ithout fear of heart" made her to be led tofore her e!emies u!to the door" a!d did do bear tofore the body of our Lord" the 5hich 5as i! a pi8 much richly ar!ished a!d de6outly1 A!d this holy lady 5as o! her 4!ees" sayi! 5ith 5eepi! tears u!to our LordD AhI fair Lord God" please it you the! that they that ser6e you" a!d be disarmed" 5hom I !ourish for your lo6e" be brou ht i!to the ha!ds a!d po5er of the pay!imsE 'air s5eet Lord" I beseech thee that thou 4eep thy ha!dmaide!s a!d ser6a!ts" for I may !ot 4eep them i! this poi!t1 A!d our Lord a!o! se!t of his special race a 6oice as it had bee! a child" 5hich said to herD I shall 4eep you al5ays1 O s5eet fair Lord" 4eep this city if it please you" 5hich hath i6e! to us such thi! s as hath bee! !eedful to us" for the lo6e of you1 A!d he a!s5eredD The city shall ha6e some rie6a!ce" but !e6ertheless I shall 4eep a!d defe!d it1 The! this holy 6ir i! S1 Clare arose from her prayer" 5hich had yet her 6isa e all be5ept" a!d comforted much s5eetly her sisters that 5ept" a!d said to themD I comma!d you fair dau hters that ye comfort you i! ood faith" a!d trust ye o!ly i! our Lord" for the Sarace!s shall !e6er do you harm1 A!o! the! the Sarace!s had so reat dread a!d fear" that o6er the 5alls" a!d by those places that they had e!tered" they fled hastily" a!d 5ere i! this 5ise by the oriso! a!d prayer of S1 Clare destroubled a!d put from their emprise1 The! comma!ded she to all them that heard the 6oice that i! !o ma!!er they should disco6er !e tell it to a!y that li6ed1 O! a!other time it happed that a! old s<uire" full of 6ai! lory" the 5hich 5as much hardy i! battle a!d 5as captai! of a reat host" 5hich 'rederic4 had deli6ered to him" a!d came 5ith all his host for to ta4e the city of Assisi" he did do he5 do5! the trees" a!d destroy the cou!try all about" a!d besie ed the city" a!d s5are that he 5ould !ot depart the!ce till he had ta4e! the city" a!d thus 5as the city besie ed for to ha6e bee! ta4e!1 A!d 5he! S1 Clare" the ha!dmaid of Jesu Christ" heard the tidi! s" she had reat pity a!d did do call her sisters a!d said to themD 3i ht s5eet dau hters" 5e recei6e daily ma!y be!efits of this



city" a!d it should be a reat u!4i!d!ess i! us if 5e succoured it !ot i! this reat !eed as much as 5e may1 The! comma!ded she to bri! ashes" a!d said to her sisters that they should disco6er their heads" a!d she herself first cast reat ple!ty of ashes upo! her head" a!d after" upo! the heads of all the others" a!d said to themD No5 o" fair dau hters" a!d 5ith all your hearts re<uire a!d pray ye to our Lord that he 5ill deli6er this city1 A!d the! e6ery each by themsel6es" i! reat 5eepi! s a!d tears" made their oriso!s a!d prayers de6outly to our Lord" i! such 5ise that he 4ept a!d defe!ded the city" that o! the mor! the host departed out of the cou!try" a!d it 5as !ot lo! after that they all 5ere dead a!d slai!1 It should !ot be accordi! that 5e should hele a!d 4eep secret the mar6ellous 6irtue of her prayer" by the 5hich at the be i!!i! of her co!6ersio! she co!6erted a soul to God1 'or she had a sister you! er tha! herself 5as" 5hose co!6ersatio! she much desired" a!d i! all her prayers that she made" she prayed at the be i!!i! 5ith all her heart to our Lord that li4e as she a!d her sister had bee! i! the 5orld of o!e heart a!d of o!e 5ill" that it mi ht please the 'ather of mercy that A !es" her sister" 5hom she had left i! the 5orld" mi ht despise the 5orld" a!d sa6our the s5eet!ess of God" so that she mi ht ha6e !o 5ill to marry her" sa6e o!ly to God her true frie!d" i! such 5ise that bet5ee! them both they mi ht espouse their 6ir i!ity to our Lord1 These t5o sisters lo6ed mar6ellously to ether" a!d 5ere much sorro5ful of their departi! " a!d that o!e more tha! that other1 9ut our Lord ra!ted u!to S1 Clare the first ift that she dema!ded" for it 5as a thi! that much pleased him1 After the se6e!th day that S1 Clare 5as co!6erted" A !es" her sister" came to her a!d disco6ered her secret!ess to her a!d 5ill" a!d said utterly that she 5ould ser6e God1 A!d 5he! S1 Clare heard that" a!o! she embraced her" a!d said for =oy that she hadD -y sister" ye be ri ht 5elcome" I tha!4 God that hath heard me for thee" for 5hom I 5as i! reat sorro51 +o5beit that this co!6ersio! 5as mar6ellous" a!d yet more to be 5o!dered ho5 Clare defe!ded her sister by her prayers1 At that time 5ere the ood blessed sisters at S1 -ichael of (ambo" 5hich 5ere =oi!ed to God" a!d they follo5ed the life a!d 5or4s of Jesu Christ1 A!d there 5as S1 Clare" 5hich felt more of God tha! the other" a!d she i!formed her sister" her !urse" ho5 she should rule her1 A!d the pare!ts a!d 4i!sme! of S1 Clare be a! a !e5 battle a!d strife a ai!st the 6ir i!s1 'or 5he! they heard say that A !es 5as o!e to d5ell 5ith her sister S1 Clare" there came o! the mor! to the place 5here S1 Clare d5elled" t5el6e of her 4i!sme! a!d frie!ds all from themsel6es" all ara ed" a!d sho5ed !ot 5ithoutforth the malice that they had i! their hearts" but a6e them to u!dersta!d that they came for ood1 A!d 5he! they came 5ithi! they made !o force of S1 Clare for to dra5 her out" for they 4!e5 5ell that they should !othi! e8ploit of their i!te!t" but they tur!ed to A !es a!d said to herD ,hat ma4est thou hereE Come out 5ith us home to thy house1 A!d she a!s5ered" that she 5ould !e6er depart from the compa!y of S1 Clare1 A!d a tyra!t" a 4!i ht" too4 a!d dre5 her by the hair" a!d the other too4 her by the arms" a!d carried her forth afar1 A!d she" 5hich seemed that she 5as amo! the ha!ds of a lio!" a!d ta4e! from the ha!ds of God" be a! to cry a!d saidD 'air dear sisterI help me" a!d suffer !ot that I be ta4e! from the holy compa!y of Jesu Christ1 9ut the felo!s dre5 this 6ir i! a ai!st her 5ill o6er the mou!tai!" a!d re!t her clothes a!d dre5 a!d rased out her hair1 A!d the holy s5eet 6ir i! S1 Clare 4!eeled do5!" a!d put herself to prayer" a!d prayed our Lord to i6e her sister a stro! heart a!d a stable" a!d that she mi ht by the puissa!ce of God o6ercome a!d surmou!t the puissa!ce of the people1 A!d a!o! the +oly Ghost made her so pesa!t a!d hea6y" that it seemed that her body 5ere fi8ed to the rou!d" i! such 5ise that for all the force a!d po5er that they could do they mi ht !ot bear her o6er a little broo41 A!d the me! that 5ere i! the fields a!d ri6er came for to help them" but they mi ht !e6er remo6e her from the earth1 A!d the! o!e of them said i! moc4i! D It is !o 5o!der thou h she be hea6y" for she hath eate! much lead1 The! the lord -ou6alt" her u!cle" lift up his arm for to beat her cruelly" but a! ache a!d pai! too4 him sudde!ly" a!d torme!ted him a lo! time ri ht cruelly1 After that this said S1 A !es had suffered this lo! 5restli! of her 4i!sme! a!d frie!ds" came S1 Clare a!d prayed them for God>s sa4e they should lea6e this battle 5ith her sister" a!d o their 5ay a!d ta4e heed of themsel6es1 A!d she recei6ed the cure a!d char e of A !es" her sister" 5hich lay there o! the rou!d i! reat disease" a!d fi!ally her 4i!sme! departed i! reat a! uish a!d sorro5 of heart1 A!d the! a!o! after" she arose up much ladly" a!d had much reat =oy of that first battle that she had suffered for the lo6e of Jesu Christ" a!d from this time for5ard she ordai!ed herself to ser6e God perdurably1 A!d S1 'ra!cis cut off her hair 5ith his o5! ha!ds" a!d i!duced a!d tau ht her to ser6e God" a!d so did S1 Clare her sister1 A!d because 5e may !ot shortly accou!t 5ith fe5 5ords the reat perfectio! of the life of A !es" therefore 5e shall e!te!d u!to the life of S1 Clare the 6ir i!1 ,as it !ot reat mar6el of the oriso!s a!d prayers of S1 Clare" 5hich 5ere so stro! " a!d so much a6ailed a ai!st the malice of the people" 5he! they fled a!d 5ere puissa!t to bur! the de6ilsE It happed o! a time














that a much de6out 5oma! of the bishopric of (isa" came to o!e of the ladies for to yield tha!4i! s to God a!d S1 Clare 5hich had deli6ered her from the ha!ds of fi6e de6ils1 'or they fled" a!d 5ailed that the oriso!s of S1 Clare bur!t them all" a!d therefore they mi ht !o lo! er d5ell i! that place1 The pope Gre ory had much reat faith a!d reat de6otio! i! the prayers of that holy 6ir i!" a!d !ot 5ithout cause" for he had pro6ed a!d felt certai! 6irtue thereof" 5hich had holpe! ma!y a!d di6ers that had !ecessity a!d !eed1 A!d 5he! he 5as bishop of +oste!ce a!d after 5he! he 5as pope" he se!t his letters to her by 5hich he re<uired her to pray for him" a!d a!o! he felt eased a!d alle ed by her prayers1 The! certai!ly if he 5hich 5as 6icar of Jesu Christ" by his humility" as 5e may see" had so reat de6otio! to S1 Clare" of 5hom he re<uired her aid" a!d recomme!ded him to the 6irtue of her oriso!s" as 5ell ou ht 5e the! to e!sue 5ith all our po5er the de6otio! of such a ma!1 'or he 4!e5 5ell ho5 much lo6e is mi hty a!d ho5 the pure 6ir i!s ha6e deli6ered e!try i!to the door of the heart of our Lord1 A!d if our s5eet Lord i6e himself to them that lo6e him firmly" 5ho may he de!y to them for 5hom they re<uire him de6outlyE Al5ays see! that they re<uire of him that is !eedful a!d beho6eful1 The holy 5or4 sho5eth 5ell the reat faith a!d the reat de6otio! that she had i! the holy sacrame!t of the altar1 'or i! that reat malady 5hich had so 6e8ed her that she lay i! her bed" she arose a!d did her to be bor!e from o!e place to a!other" a!d did spi! a fi!e small cloth of 5hich she made more tha! fifty corporas" a!d se!t them i! fair to5els of sil4 i!to di6ers churches i! di6ers places of Assisi1 ,he! she should recei6e the body of our Lord" it 5as mar6el to see the tears that she 5ept" of 5hich she 5as all 5et1 A!d she had so reat fear 5he! she approached !i h u!to her Sa6iour" that she !e doubted him !o less 5hich is i! sembla!ce 6ery God i! the form of bread" the sacrame!t" tha! him that o6er!eth hea6e! a!d earth" 5hich is all o!e1 Thus as she had al5ays sou6e!a!ce a!d mi!d of Jesu Christ i! her malady" so God comforted her a!d 6isited her i! her i!firmity a!d la! uor1 I! the hour of the !ati6ity of Jesu Christ at Christmas" 5he! the a! els a!d the 5orld made feast a!d su! a!d e!=oyed of little Jesus that 5as bor!" all the poor ladies 5e!t to mati!s i!to their mo!astery" a!d left alo!e their poor mother sore rie6ed i! her malady1 The! she be a! to thi!4 o! little Jesus" a!d 5as sorro5ful that she mi ht !ot be at the ser6ice" a!d praise our Lord" a!d said i! si hi! D 'air Lord God" I 5a4e here alo!e1 A!d a!o! she be a! to hear the friars that sa! " a!d S1 'ra!cis" a!d heard 5ell the =ubilatio!" the psalmody" a!d the reat melody of the so! " ho5beit her bed 5as !ot so !i h that the 6oice of a ma! !e of a 5oma! mi ht !ot be heard" !e u!derstood if God did it !ot by his courtesy" or if God had !ot i6e! to her" abo6e all !ature of ma!" force a!d po5er to hear it" but this passed all" for she 5as 5orthy to see i! her oratory the =oy of our Lord1 O! the mor!i! " 5he! the ladies" her dau hters" came to her" she said to themD 9lessed be our Lord Jesu Christ" for 5he! ye left me" he left me !ot truly" a!d I say to you that I ha6e heard this !i ht all the ser6ice a!d solem!ity that hath bee! do!e i! the church by S1 'ra!cis" throu h the race of Jesu Christ1 At the pai!s of her death our Lord comforted her al5ays1 'or she dre5 out of the holy 5ou!ds of Jesu Christ a bitter!ess" of 5hich her heart" her 5ill" a!d her thou ht 5ere full of a! uish" mar6ellously bitter" a!d ofte! as she had bee! dru!4e! of the sorro5 a!d tears that she 5ept for the lo6e of Jesu Christ1 'or ofttimes the lo6e of God 5hich she had impri!ted i! her heart 5ithi!forth she made to appear by si !s out5ard1 She i!formed a!d tau ht the !o6ices" a!d admo!ished them that they ha6e i! their mi!d the sorro5 a!d pai! of the death of Jesu Christ1 A!d that she said 5ith her mouth" she did it i! her heart" a!d a6e e!sample1 ,he! she 5as secretly alo!e" tofore she mi ht say a!ythi! she 5as all bede5ed 5ith tears1 She 5as most de6out a!d had more fer6our of de6otio! bet5ee! u!der! a!d !oo! tha! a!y other time" because she 5ould that i! the hour that Jesu Christ 5as crucified i! the altar of the cross" that her heart should be sacrificed to God our Lord1 O! a time it happed at the hour of !oo! that she prayed to God i! her cell" a!d the de6il a6e to her such a stro4e u!der the ear" that her eyes a!d her 6isa e 5ere all co6ered 5ith blood1 She had lear!ed a! oriso! of the fi6e 5ou!ds of Jesu Christ" 5hich she oft recorded a!d remembered because her heart a!d thou ht 5ere !ourished therei!" a!d mi ht feel the deli hts that be i! Jesu Christ1 She lear!ed the office of the Cross of S1 'ra!cis" 5hich lo6ed her truly" a!d she said it as ladly" to her po5er" as he did1 She irded to her flesh a cord 5hereo! 5ere thirtee! 4!ots 5hich 5ere full of brochets of small !eedles" a!d thereo! small ri! s" a!d this did she i! remembra!ce of the 5ou!ds of our Lord1 It happed o! a time o! the holy Sherethursday" 5hich is the day 5he! our Lord made his mau!dy or supper" 5hereas is remembered ho5 God lo6ed u!to the e!d his disciples" about the hour of e6e!" 5he!


















God be a! the 5restli! of his passio!" the! S1 Clare bei! hea6y a!d sorro5ful" e!closed her i! the chamber of her cell1 A!d it happed that she prayed God lo! " a!d 5as sorro5ful u!to the death" a!d i! that sorro5 a!d hea6i!ess she dre5 a fer6e!t lo6e full of desire" for she remembered ho5 Jesus i! that hour 5as ta4e!" estrai!ed" haled forth a!d moc4ed" i!somuch that of this remembra!ce she 5as all dru!4e!" a!d sat i! her bed1 All that !i ht she 5as so ra6ished a!d o! the mor!" that she 5ist !ot 5here her body 5as1 The eyes of her head loo4ed steadfastly i! o!e place" 5ithout mo6i! or loo4i! aside" a!d the eye of her heart 5as so fi8ed i! Jesu Christ that she felt !othi! 1 O!e of her dau hters" more familiar a!d secret 5ith her tha! other" 5e!t oft to her for to see her" a!d al5ays she fou!d her i! o!e poi!t1 The !i ht of the Saturday" this ood de6out dau hter brou ht a ca!dle bur!i! " a!d 5ithout spea4i! made a si ! to her blessed mother Clare that she should remember the comma!dme!ts of S1 'ra!cis" for he had comma!ded that e6ery day she should eat some5hat1 The! as she stood tofore her 5ith a ca!dle bur!i! " S1 Clare came a ai! to her estate" a!d her seemed she 5as come from a!other 5orld1 A!d she saidD 'air dau hter" 5hat !eed is of a ca!dle" is it !ot yet dayE A!d she a!s5eredD 3i ht" dear fair mother" the !i ht is passed a!d the day is o!e" a!d that other !i ht is come1 'air dau hter" said S1 Clare" this sleep that I ha6e made be blessed" for I ha6e much desired it" a!d God hath i6e! it to me" but be5are that thou say it !e6er to creature as lo! as I li6e1 ,he! our Lord 4!e5 a!d appercei6ed ho5 5ell a!d ho5 much this holy Clare lo6ed him" a!d the ri ht reat lo6e that she had to the 6ery cross for the lo6e of him" he so illumi!ed a!d pri6ile ed her i! such ma!!er that she had po5er to ma4e to4e!s a!d miracles by the cross1 'or 5he! she made the si ! of the 6ery cross upo! them that 5ere sic4" a!o! the malady fled a5ay1 A!d so ma!y miracles God sho5ed for her of 5hich I shall tell you some1 'irst" of a friar that 5as out of his 5it1 O! a time it happed that S1 'ra!cis se!t to S1 Clare a friar !amed Ste6e!" a!d 5as all mad from himself" that she should ma4e upo! him the si ! of the cross1 'or he 4!e5 5ell that she 5as a 5oma! of reat perfectio!" a!d he ho!oured her much for the 6irtue that 5as i! her1 A!d she" that 5as obeissa!t a!d ood dau hter of obedie!ce" blessed the friar by the comma!dme!t of S1 'ra!cis" a!d made him to sleep a little" a!d after" she too4 him by the ha!d a!d he arose all 5hole" a!d 5e!t to S1 'ra!cis clea! deli6ered of all his malady1 This blessed S1 Clare 5as a ood mistress a!d true for to i!form you! people that 4!e5 but little of reli io!" a!d she 5as preside!t a!d upperest of the maide!s of our Lord" a!d i!formed them i! ood customs a!d tau ht them ri ht 5ell to do pe!a!ce1 She !ourished them by so reat lo6e that u!!ethe a!y to! ue may e8press" she tau ht them pri6ily to flee all !oise of the 5orld" because they should =oi! to our Lord" a!d also she e8horted them that they should put from them all car!al affectio! a!d fleshly lo6e of their frie!ds" a!d that they should !ot be o6er te!der o6er them !e lo6e them o6er much" !e houses" !e la!d" but ma4e them stro! to please a!d ser6e God1 She cou!selled them a!d 5ar!ed them that they should hate to do the 5ill of the body" a!d that the deli hts a!d fleshly desires of the flesh they should 5ith all their heart a!d ood reaso! o therea ai!st1 She said to them the fie!d of hell lieth i! a5ait a!d layeth his hoo4s a!d ri!!es subtilly for to ta4e a!d bi!d the holy souls" a!d yet they tempt more the ood people tha! them of the 5orld1 She 5ould that they should 5or4 a!d labour 5ith their proper ha!ds i! such 5or4s as she had established to them1 She 5ould that 5he! they had do!e their bodily tra6ail they should o to prayer" for prayer is a thi! that pleaseth much God1 A!d she 5ould that i! prayi! they should rechaufe their bodies" a!d that they should lea6e a!d depress !e li e!ce a!d all cold!ess of heart" a!d be 4i!dled a!d li hted i! the holy lo6e of God" so that i!stead of cold!ess they should be hot i! de6otio!1 I! !o place !e i! !o cloister 5as sile!ce better 4ept !e holde!" there 5as !o la6as i! their speech !e e6il" but they 5ere sober a!d so ood that they sho5ed 5ell that i! their hearts 5as !o!e e6il but all ood!ess1 The ood mistress S1 Clare herself spa4e so little that she restrai!ed them a!d thou ht mar6ellously o! their 5ords" ho5beit that i! her heart !e i! her thou ht 5as but all holi!ess1 This ood lady pur6eyed to her dau hters the ,ord of God by de6out preachi! s" a!d had so much =oy a!d lad!ess profou!dly i! her heart i! heari! the 5ords of the holy predicatio!" that all her deli ht 5as i! our Lord Jesu Christ her spouse1 'or o! a time as friar (hilip Adria! preached" a ri ht fair child 5as tofore S1 Clare a!d abode there a reat part of the sermo!" a!d beheld mar6ellously a!d raciously S1 Clare" 5hereof it happed that he 5as 5orthy to 4!o5 a!d see so hi h thi! s" of S1 Clare recei6ed i! that si ht" a!d beholdi! so reat a s5eet!ess i! his heart a!d so reat comfort" that it mi ht !ot be said !e e8pressed1 A!d ho5beit that she 5as !ot lettered" yet heard she more ladly the sermo!s i! Lati! tha! i! her 6ul ar to! ue1 She 4!e5 5ell that 5ithi! the shell 5as the 4er!el" she heard the sermo!s e!te!ti6ely a!d assa6oured them more s5eetly1 She could much 5ell dra5 to her that 5as most profitable for her soul1 A!d 5ell 4!e5 she that it 5as !o less cu!!i! to ather fair flo5ers amo! the sharp thor!s" tha! to eat the fruit of a fair tree" that is to say that she lo6ed better a rude sermo! 5ell edifyi! tha! a fair polished" little profiti! 1








O! a time it happed that the pope Gre ory defe!ded that !o friar should o to the house of the ladies 5ithout his lea6e1 A!d 5he! the holy mother S1 Clare 4!e5 that" she had much sorro5 i! her heart" because she sa5 5ell she mi ht !ot ha6e that 5hich 5as !eedful" 5hich 5as the !urture of +oly Scripture" a!d said to her sisters 5ith a sorro5ful heart7 No5 fortho! 5ell may the pope Gre ory ta4e from us all the friars" 5he! he hath ta4e! from us them that !ourished our souls 5ith the ,ord of God1 A!d a!o! she se!t a ai! all the friars of her house to the master or mi!ister" for she said she had !othi! to do to ha6e friars to et them bodily bread" 5he! they failed them that !ourished her a!d her sisters 5ith the ,ord of God1 A!o! as the pope Gre ory heard this tidi! he repealed that 5hich he had defe!ded" a!d set all at the 5ill of God1 This holy a!d ood abbess lo6ed !ot o!ly the souls of her ood dau hters" but thou ht 5ell i! her heart oft:times ho5 she mi ht ser6e their bodies most charitably1 'or 5he! it 5as ri ht cold she co6ered by !i ht them that 5ere feeble" a!d 6isited them much s5eetly1 A!d if she sa5 a!y trouble by a!y temptatio! or a!y a! er" 5hich happeth sometimes" she 5ould call them secretly a!d comforted them" all 5eepi! 1 A!d other 5hile she 5ould fall do5! to the feet of her dau hters that 5ere mat a!d hea6y" a!d 4!eeled tofore them" so that by the s5eet!ess a!d debo!airly that the ladies sa5 i! their ood mother" that she alle ed a!d too4 a5ay their sorro5" 5hereof the ladies" her dau hters" couthe her much tha!4s1 A!d thus lear!ed they to do 5ell by de6otio! a!d to lo6e their ood mother more s5eetly" a!d follo5ed by the ri ht 5ay the 5or4s of their ood abbess1 A!d they mar6elled much of the reat abu!da!ce of holi!ess that God had i6e! to his spouse1 ,he! she had bee! forty years i! the state of ri ht holy po6erty it pleased to our Lord to call her to be re5arded i! hea6e!" a!d se!t to her a reat malady" a!d multiplied her la! uor a!d sic4!ess1 She had sometime do!e so sharp pe!a!ce that her body !e her flesh had !o stre! th1 A!d at the last she 5as o6er sic4 a!d much more tha! she 5as 5o!t to be" for as our Lord had i6e! to her i! her health" riches of merits" of ood 6irtues a!d of ood are 5or4s" ri ht so 5ould God e!rich her i! her sic4!ess" to the e!d that she should suffer for him ri ht reat pai! a!d torme!ts" for i! sufferi! of sic4!ess is 6irtue perfect1 +o5 a!d i! 5hat 5ise she 5as 6irtuous i! her malady a!d perfect" ye may hear1 'or ho5beit that she had bee! ei ht a!d t5e!ty years i! la! uor a!d malady" yet !e6er she rud ed" !e murmured" !e plai!ed" but al5ays said holy 5ords a!d re!dered tha!4i! s to our Lord" ho5beit that she 5as mar6ellously a rie6ed a!d sic4" so that it seemed that she hasted much to dra5 to her e!d1 It pleased !e6ertheless to our Lord that he respited her from the death u!to the time that her e!d mi ht be ho!oured" a!d e!ha!ced her by the prese!ce of the pope a!d of the cardi!als" to 5hom she 5as especial dau hter1 'or 5he! the pope a!d the cardi!als had abode a reat 5hile at Lyo!s" S1 Clare 5as the! mar6ellously destrai!ed by sic4!ess" so that her dau hters had reat sorro5 at their hearts that them seemed that a lai6e had pierced them" or that they had bee! ri6e! 5ith a s5ord1 9ut our Lord sho5ed a!o! a 6isio! to o!e" his ha!dmaid" 5hich d5elled at S1 (aul>s" for it seemed to her that she a!d her sisters 5ere at S1 Damia!>s tofore S1 Clare" 5hich 5as ri ht sic41 A!d her seemed that this Clare lay i! a much fair bed a!d much precious" a!d her seemed that her dau hters 5ept 5he! the soul should pass out of the body1 A!d a!o! she sa5 a ri ht fair lady at the head of the bed" a!d said to them that 5eptD 'air dau hters" 5eep !o more" for this lady shall o6ercome all1 A!d 4!o5 ye that she shall !ot die till that our Lord a!d his disciples shall come1 A!d she shall !ot abide lo! after that the pope a!d the court of 3ome shall come to (eru ia1 A!d a!o! as the 9ishop of +oste!ce heard say that this holy 5oma! 5as sic4" a!o! i! reat haste he 5e!t to see a!d 6isit the spouse of Jesu Christ" for he 5as her hostly father" a!d had the cure of her soul" a!d !ourished her 5ith pure heart a!d 5ill" for he had al5ays de6outly lo6ed the holy 6ir i!1 A!d the! he a6e to her i! her malady the body of our Lord" for that is the 6ery feedi! of the soul" a!d he comforted the other dau hters by his sermo!s a!d holy 5ords1 The! the holy ood mother" 5eepi! " prayed him much s5eetly that he 5ould ta4e heed of her dau hters there bei! " a!d of all the others" a!d that for the lo6e of our Lord he 5ould remember her1 A!d abo6e all other thi! s she prayed him that he 5ould do so much that her pri6ile e of po6erty mi ht be co!firmed of the pope a!d of the cardi!als1 A!d he that lo6ed 6erily her a!d the reli io!" a!d that had al5ays truly aided her" promised that he should do" a!d did it1 I! the year after came the pope a!d the cardi!als to Assisi for to see the departi! of the holy 6ir i!" a!d to put to effect the 6isio! that had bee! see! a!d si !ified of her1 'or the pope is the hi hest ma! i! earth u!der God" a!d that best represe!teth the perso! of Jesu Christ" for li4e as our Lord had his disciples 5hich 5ere =oi!ed to him i! earth" i! li4e 5ise the pope hath his cardi!als" the 5hich be =oi!ed to him i! the holy church1 Our Lord God hasted him as he that 4!e5 the firm purpose of his spouse S1 Clare" a!d hasted for to ho!our her" a!d to set i! the palace of the 4i! of paradise his poor pil rim" a!d the ood lady also co6eted a!d 5ished 5ith all her heart that she mi ht be


















deli6ered of her mortal body" a!d that she mi ht see i! hea6e! Jesu Christ as she that had e!sued him i! the earth 5ith all her heart i! 6ery po6erty1 +er members 5ere bruised a!d troubled by reat sic4!ess that the body mi ht !ot e!dure" for it 5as o6er much e!feebled" so that our Lord called her from this 5orld" a!d ordai!ed for her health perdurable1 The! pope I!!oce!t the fourth a!d the cardi!als came 5ith him for to 6isit the ha!dmaid of God" of 5hom he had better pro6ed the holy life tha! of a!y 5oma! that 5as i! his time1 A!d therefore he 4!e5 certai!ly that it 5as reaso! that he should come a!d ho!our her 5ith his prese!ce1 A!d 5he! he came i!to the house of the ladies" he 5e!t thither 5hereas this holy sai!t lay" a!d too4 to her his ha!d for to 4iss1 A!d the pope" 5hich 5as courteous" stood upo! a tree a!d too4 to her his foot to 4iss by reat humility1 A!d she too4 it a!d 4issed it much s5eetly" a!d after i!cli!ed herself to the pope much humbly" a!d re<uired him 5ith a s5eet cheer that he 5ould assoil her of all her si!s1 To 5hom he saidD ,ould God that 5e had !o more !eed of absolutio! of si!s that 5e ha6e do!e tha! ye ha6e1 A!d the! he assoiled her of all her si!s a!d a6e to her lar ely his be!edictio!1 A!d 5he! they 5ere all departed" forasmuch as she had recei6ed that day" by the ha!ds of the mi!ister pro6i!cial" the 6ery body of our Lord" she lift up her eyes to our Lord to hea6e!" a!d =oi!ed her ha!ds to ether a!d said the!D AhI my ri ht s5eet a!d fair dau hters" our Lord Jesu Christ by his debo!airly hath do!e to me so reat ood" a!d i6e! to me so reat a ift that hea6e! !e earth may !ot 4!o5" for I ha6e recei6ed this day a much hi h Lord a!d also ha6e see! his 6icar1 The ood dau hters 5ere about the bed" 5hich 5ept a!d abode for the orpha!s 5hereof they had reat sorro5 i! their hearts" for the death of their mother pierced their hearts li4e as it 5ere a s5ord1 ,hich dau hters departed !ot from her !e for hu! er" !e for thirst" !e for !o sleep" !e they thou ht !either of bed !e of table1 All the deli hts that they had 5as for to cry" to 5eep a!d to ma4e sorro51 A!d amo! all the others her sister" 5hich 5as a much de6out 6ir i!" 5ept ma!y tears a!d said to S1 Clare her sisterD 'air a!d ri ht s5eet sister" depart !ot a5ay from me a!d lea6e me !ot here alo!e1 A!d S1 Clare a!s5ered to her much s5eetlyD 'air s5eet sister" it pleaseth to God that I depart from this 5orld" but 5eep !o more" fair sister" for ye shall come hastily to our Lord after me1 A!d also I say u!to you that our Lord shall do to you reat comfort a!d co!solatio! tofore or ye die1 After" this holy a!d ood Clare dre5 fast to her e!d1 A!d the fol4 a!d people had to her reat de6otio! a!d the prelates a!d cardi!als came oft to see her" a!d ho!oured her as a 6ery sai!t1 9ut there 5as a mar6ellous thi! to hear" for she 5as by the space of t5el6e days that !e6er e!tered i!to her body !o corporal meat" a!d she 5as so stro! by the suffra!ce a!d race of God that she comforted i! the ser6ice of God all them that came tofore her" a!d desired a!d char ed them to do 5ell1 A!d 5he! 'riar 3ey!ald" 5hich 5as debo!air" came for to see her a!d beheld the reat sic4!ess that she had lo! time suffered" he preached to her" a!d prayed her much to ha6e patie!ce1 A!d a!o! she a!s5ered to him freely a!d debo!airlyD Sith that the holy ma! S1 'ra!cis" the ser6a!t of Jesu Christ hath sho5ed to me the 5ay of truth" a!d that I ha6e felt a!d 4!o5! the 5ill a!d race of Jesu Christ by the ad6ertiseme!t of S1 'ra!cis" 4!o5 ye" ri ht dear brother" that !o pai!s displease me" !e !o pe!a!ce rie6eth me" !e !o sic4!esses be to me hard !e displeasi! 1 A!d the! a!s5ered she to the friar" 5he! she felt our Lord 4!oc4 at her ate for to ta4e her soul out of this 5orld" a!d re<uired that ood fol4 a!d spiritual should be 5ith her" that she mi ht hear of them the holy 5ords of God" a!d specially the 5ords of the death a!d passio! of Jesu Christ1 A!d amo! all others came a friar !amed Vi!beres" 5hich 5as o!e of the !oblest preachers that 5as i! earth" a!d that ofttimes spa4e a!d said !oble a!d holy 5ords" arde!t a!d ood1 Of 5hose comi! she 5as much lad" a!d prayed him that if he had made ready a!y !e5 thi! that he should say it1 A!d the! the friar ope!ed his mouth a!d be a! to say so s5eet 5ords that they 5ere li4e spar4les of fire a!d of arde!t fer6our" or heat" 5hereof the holy 6ir i! had much reat co!solatio!1 The! she tur!ed her a!d said to her dau htersD S5eet dau hters" I recomme!d to you the holy po6erty of our Lord" a!d i6e ye to him tha!4i! s for that he hath do!e to you1 The! she blessed all them that had de6otio! to her a!d to her order" a!d a6e lar ely a!d 5isely her blessi! to all the poor ladies of her order that 5ere tofore her there1 The t5o fello5s of S1 'ra!cis that 5ere there" of 5hom that o!e 5as !amed A! el" comforted them that 5ere full of sorro5" a!d that other friar 4issed de6outly a!d holily the bed of her that should pass to our Lord1 The holy ladies sorro5ed much the loss of their mother" a!d as much more as they cried a!d 5ept 5ithoutforth" so much more 5ere they arde!tly rie6ed 5ithi! forth1 The! S1 Clare be a! to spea4 to her soul all softlyD Go" said she" o surely" for thou hast a ood uide a!d co!ductor i! the 5ay 5hereas thou shalt o" 5hich shall lead thee 5ell the ri ht 5ay1 Go" said she hardily" for he that made thee a!d sa!ctified thee shall 4eep thee" for he lo6eth thee also te!derly as the mother doth her child1 Lord God" said she" blessed be thou that madest me1 A!d the! o!e of her sisters dema!ded her to 5hom she spa4e1 I ha6e" said she" spo4e! to my blessed soul" a!d 5ithout fail her lorious co!ductor is !ot far from her1 The! she called o!e of her dau hters a!d said to herD 'air dau hter" seest thou the 4i! of lory 5hom I seeE 9ut the dau hter sa5 him !ot" for the 5ill of God 5as that o!e should see that a!other sa5 !ot" for there 5as a happy 5ido5 a!d comfortable" 5hich sa5 him 5ith the eyes of her head amo! the









tears that she 5ept" a!d yet !e6ertheless she 5as 5ou!ded to the heart 5ith a dart full of s5eet!ess a!d of sorro51 The! she tur!ed her si ht to5ard the door of the house a!d sa5 a reat compa!y of 6ir i!s e!ter i!to the house all clad 5ith 5hite clothes" a!d each of them bare a cro5! of old o! her head1 A!d amo! all other" there 5as o!e much more clear a!d fairer tha! the others 5hich bare a cro5! of old 5i!do5ed" out 5hereof issued a ri ht reat clear!ess" that all the house 5as so clearly li ht" that it seemed the !i ht to be clear day1 A!d this lady that 5as so clear" approached to the bed 5hereas the spouse of her so! lay" a!d she i!cli!ed upo! her a!d embraced her much s5eetly1 The! the 6ir i!s brou ht a ma!tle of ri ht reat beauty" a!d the 6ir i!s e!forced them to ser6e a!d to co6er the body of S1 Clare a!d 5ell to ma4e ready the house1 A!d o! the mor! 5as the feast of S1 Laure!ce" a!d the! died a!d departed out of this mortal life the holy lady a!d frie!d of our Lord" a!d a!o! the soul of her 5as cro5!ed i! e6erlasti! =oy1 The spirit of her 5as much be!i !ly a!d =oyously loosed a!d deli6ered from the flesh" a!d 5he! the body abode i! the earth the soul 5e!t 5ith God 5hich 5as her life1 A!d blessed be the holy compa!y of God that from the 6alley of this 5orld co!ducted the holy soul of this lady i!to the mou!tai! of hea6e! 5here the blessed life is1 No5 is the blessed 6ir i! i! the compa!y of them that be i! the court of hea6e!" !o5 hath she cha! ed her poor little life" 5hich hath brou ht her for to sit at the table 5here the reat deli hts be1 No5 hath she" for the little life of humility a!d of sharp!ess" the blessed rei ! of hea6e!" 5hereas she is clad a!d arrayed 5ith the robe of perdurable lory1 A!o! the tidi! s 5ere spread abroad that the blessed 6ir i! 5as departed" a!d 5he! the people of Assisi heard thereof" they came to the place" both me! a!d 5ome!" by so reat compa!ies" that it seemed that i! the city abode !either ma! !e 5oma!1 A!d all cryi! D O" dear lady" a!d frie!d of God" a!d there5ith they praised her" a!d 5ept much te!derly1 The potestate a!d the pro6ost of the city ra! much hastily thither" a!d 5ith them ma!y compa!ies of 4!i hts a!d of people armed" 5hich all that day a!d all !i ht 4ept the body of the holy 6ir i! much ho!ourably1 'or they 5ould i! !o 5ise that the to5! should !ot ha6e" by a!y ad6e!ture" dama e or hurt i! ta4i! a5ay the treasure that lay there1 O! the mor! came the 6icar of Jesu Christ a!d all the cardi!als 5ith him" 5ith all the city of Assisi" u!to the church of S1 Damia!1 A!d 5he! it came there to that they should be i! the mass for the blessed S1 Clare" it happed that he that be a! 5ould ha6e be u! the office of them that 5ere dead1 A!d a!o! the pope said that they ou ht better do the office of 6ir i!s tha! the office of dead fol4" so that it seemed that he 5ould ca!o!ise her tofore ere she 5as buried1 The! a!s5ered the 5ise ma!" the bishop of +oste!ce" a!d said it 5as more accustomed to say of them that be dead i! this case" a!d the! they said the mass of re<uiem" a!d all the prelates a!d the bishop of +oste!ce be a! to preach" a!d too4 their matter ho5 all the 5orld is 6a!ity" a!d be a! to praise much reatly this s5eet sai!t" S1 Clare" a!d ho5 she had despised the 5orld a!d all that 5as therei!1 The! the cardi!als that 5ere there 5e!t first a!d did holily the ser6ice about the holy body" a!d the office" li4e as it is accustomed1 A!d because that them seemed !either ri ht !e reaso! that the precious body should !ot be far from the city" they bare it to S1 Geor e>s 5ith so ri ht reat feast" si! i! a!d praisi! God i! hym!s a!d lauds" a!d i! so reat melody" that there 5as ho!our e!ou h1 A!d i! the same place 5as first buried the body of S1 'ra!cis1 A!d from this time fortho! came much people e6ery day to the tomb of S1 Clare" a!d i6i! praisi! s a!d laud to our Lord God1 A!d 6eritably this is a ri ht 6ery sai!t a!d lorious 6ir i!" rei !i! 5ith the compa!y of a! els to 5hom God hath i6e! so much ho!our i! earth1 AhI s5eet 6ir i!" pray thou to Jesu Christ for us" for thou 5ert the first flo5er of the holy poor ladies 5hich hast dra5! to pe!a!ce 5ithout !umber" a!d that thou mayst co!duct us to the life perma!able1 Ame!1 It 5as !ot lo! after reatly" that A !es" sister of S1 Clare" 5as summo!ed a!d called to 5eddi! of the 6ery lamb Jesu Christ" a!d also S1 Clare led her sister u!to the =oy perdurable" full of delices1 There be !o5 the t5o dau hters of Sio! 5hich 5ere sisters erma!e of race a!d of !ature a!d be !o5 heritors of the =oy of hea6e!" there 5here they feel the s5eet!ess of God a!d e!=oy 5ith him1 No5 is A !es i! the =oy a!d i! the co!solatio! that Clare" her sister" had promised to her tofore that she died" for li4e as Clare brou ht her out of the 5orld" so brou ht she herself i! the cross of pe!a!ce by 5hich she is shi!i! i! hea6e!1 Thus 5e!t A !es after her sister ri ht soo! out of this mortal life full of 5eepi! a!d of sorro5 u!to our Lord" 5hich is lite of the soul i! hea6e!" 5hich rei !eth 5ith the 'ather a!d the +oly Ghost1 Ame!1 Here follo! miracles !hich !ere sho!ed after her death.



The to4e!s a!d miracles of sai!ts ou ht to be sho5ed" praised" a!d ho!oured a!d also 5it!essed" 5he! the 5or4s i! the life 5ere holy a!d full of perfectio!1 ,e fi!d !ot ma!y si !s !e miracles that S1 Joh! the


9aptist did" !e6ertheless he is a much holy sai!t" a!d reater tha! such o!es as ha6e bee! sho5ed for ma!y miracles1 A!d therefore I say that the ri ht holy life a!d the reat perfectio! of S1 Clare" 5hich she used a!d deme!ed here i! earth" ou ht 5ell to suffice a!d 5it!ess that she is a 6ery sai!t" if it 5ere !ot for the people" 5hich ha6e the more reat de6otio! a!d more reater faith u!to the sai!ts 5he! they see the si !s a!d miracles that God sho5eth for them1 I 4!o5 5ell that S1 Clare 5as i! the 5ay full of merits" a!d that she 5as ra6ished i! the profou!d!ess of the reat clear!ess a!d li ht of hea6e!" !e6ertheless thou h she 5ere resple!dissa!t" 5ell sa6orous" a!d ri ht full of reat miracles as is 5ell declared by the cardi!als of 3ome" mi!e oath of truth that I ha6e made a!d my co!scie!ce" co!strai!eth me that I 5rite to my po5er the life truly a!d the miracles of her" ho5 5ell I pass o6er ma!y fair thi! s1 0f one that !as delivered of the fiend. There 5as a child !amed Ja<uemi! of (eru ia" 5hich had i! his body the de6il" i! such 5ise that this Ja<uemi! fell i! the fire as he that could !ot 4eep him1 Sometime he hurtled stro! ly a ai!st the rou!d" sometime he bit the sto!es so that he bra4e his teeth" a!d other5hile bra4e his head" that all his body 5as bloody" a!d fouled his mouth a!d put out his to! ue1 A!d sometimes he lay a!d 5allo5ed" a!d 5as rou!d" so that oft he laid his thi h i! his !ec41 A!d e6ery day t5ice this malady came to him" a!d t5o perso!s mi ht !ot 4eep him !e hold him but that he 5ould despoil a!d u!clothe him mau re them both1 There could !o physicia! !e 5ise ma! that 5as i! all the cou!try fi!d a!y remedy !e i6e cou!sel to ease him1 9ut the father" 5hich 5as !amed Gui!delor" 5he! he sa5 that he could fi!d !o cou!sel !or remedy for this malady" be a! to cry a!d call o! S1 Clare the holy 6ir i!" a!d saidD To thee that art 5orthy of all ho!ours" I a6o5 my child 5hich is mescha!t a!d caitiff" a!d pray thee" ri ht s5eet sai!t" that thou 5ilt se!d to my child health1 A!d forth5ith 5e!t to her tomb full of belief to ha6e his re<uest" a!d laid the child upo! the tomb of the 6ir i! a!d made his prayers1 A!d a!o! he 5as deli6ered of the malady" !e !e6er 5as sic4 after of that sic4!ess" !e !e6er hurt him after by reaso! of that malady1 ,nother miracle. Ale8a!dri!e of (eru ia had i! her body a ri ht felo!ous de6il" 5hich had so utterly po5er o6er her that he made her desce!d from a roc4 that stood upo! a ri6er of 5ater" a!d made her to flee o6er the 5ater as she had bee! a bird" a!d made her to li ht upo! a little bou h of a tree 5hich hu! o6er the ri6er" a!d ceased !ot to play there1 AIso for her si! it happed that she lost her left side" a!d 5as lame of that o!e ha!d1 A!d she assayed much if she mi ht be healed by a!y medici!e" but alI the medici!es that she too4 a6ailed her !ot1 A!d the! she came to the tomb of S1 Clare 5ith reat repe!ta!ce of heart" a!d be a! to re<uire S1 Clare that she 5ould help her" a!d a!o! she 5as healed a!d redressed i! all health1 A!d her side 5as 5hole" a!d ha!d also" a!d deli6ered of the possessio! of the de6il 5hich 5as i! her" a!d of ma!y other sic4!esses a!d maladies tofore the sepulchre of S1 Clare1 0f one being mad that she healed.







A ma! bor! i! 'ra!ce came o! a time from the court a!d fell i! a malady" that he 5as out of his 5it a!d mi ht !ot spea4" a!d so demea!ed his body that he mi ht ha6e !o rest" a!d 5as much o6er stra! e a!d hideous to loo4 o!1 No ma! mi ht so hold him but that he bra4e from them mau re them that held him" a!d bro4e asu!der cords or a!y thi! that they bou!d him 5ith" a!d they of his cou!try brou ht him to S1 Clare a!d a!o! he 5as healed a!d 5ell deli6ered of his malady1 ,nother Miracle. There 5as a ma! !amed Vale!ti!e Despole" 5hich had a horrible malady" that he fell of the foul e6il 5ell si8 times i! a day1 A!d there5ith he 5as lame of o!e thi h so that he mi ht !ot o" but 5as set upo! a! ass" 5hich brou ht him 5hereas S1 Clare lieth" a!d he 5as set tofore her tomb three !i hts a!d t5o days" a!d o! the third day" 5ithout touchi! of a!ybody" his thi h be a! rumble" a!d made so reat a !oise that it seemed that the bo!e bra4e" a!d forth5ith he 5as 5hole of both diseases 0f a blind man that had his sight again.








Jacob" the so! of Spoleti!e" had bee! t5o years bli!d" so that he must be led" for 5he! he had !o leader he 5e!t here a!d there1 A!d o! a time the child that led him let him o alo!e" a!d he fell so that he bra4e his arm" a!d a reat 5ou!d i! his head1 A!d it happed o! a !i ht as he slept by the brid e of -ar ue" there appeared to him i! his sleep a lady" a!d said to himD Jacobel" 5herefore comest thou !ot to me for to be 5holeE A!d o! the mor! he recou!ted his dream u!to t5o other bli!d me!" all trembli! 1 A!d the bli!d me! told to him that there 5as !e5ly dead a lady" i! the city of Assisi" for 5hom God sho5ed ma!y miracles to them that came to her tomb sic4 a!d diseased" a!d 5he! they should depart 5ere all 5hole1 A!d a!o! as he heard that he 5as !ot slo5" but hasted him a!d came first to Spoleto" a!d that !i ht he sa5 the same 6isio! that he had first see! that other !i ht tofore1 O! a time he 5e!t a!d ra! by the 5ay" a!d for the desire to ha6e his si ht he 5e!t that !i ht to Assisi1 A!d 5he! he came thither he fou!d so much people i! the mo!astery" a!d Iyi! tofore the tomb of the holy 6ir i!" that he mi ht !ot e!ter !e come i!to the mo!astery !e to the tomb 5here the 6ir i! lay1 A!d the! he laid a sto!e u!der his head" a!d abode there 5ith reat de6otio!" sorro5i! a!d a! ry that he mi ht !ot e!ter1 A!d the same !i ht" as he slept" he heard a 6oice that said to himD Jacobel" if thou mayst come a!d e!ter herei!" God shall do 5ell to thee1 A!d o! the mor!" 5he! he 5as a5a4ed" he be a! to pray 5ith reat tears that the people 5ould i6e a!d ma4e to him 5ay for the lo6e of God" a!d besou ht the people" cryi! them mercy" that they 5ould bri! him i!1 A!d the people be a! to ma4e him 5ay1 A!d a!o! he did off his hose! a!d shoo! a!d despoiled him by reat de6otio!" a!d he put his irdle about his !ec4" a!d so 5e!t to the tomb" a!d there bei! i! reat de6otio!" fell asleep a little1 A!d S1 Clare appeared to him a!d said to himD Arise up" for thou art all 5hole" a!d a!o! he arose a!d sa5 clearly1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that he 5as e!lumi!ed" a!d sa5 the clear!ess of the day by the merit of S1 Clare" he praised a!d lorified our Lord that had do!e to him so much bou!ty" a!d prayed the ood people to i6e praisi! s a!d tha!4i! s to God1 0f a man that !as healed of his hand There 5as a ma! of (eru ia 5hich 5as !amed Good Joh!1 the so! of -arti!1 a!d 5e!t for to fi ht a ai!st them of 'oli !o" a!d that o!e part a!d that other be a! the strife" a!d be a! to cast sto!es so reat a!d fast that this Joh! had his o!e ha!d all to:frushed a!d bro4e! of a sto!e1 A!d because he had reat desire to be healed" he dispe!sed much mo!ey o! masters a!d sur eo!s" but he could fi!d !o!e that could heal him" but that he abode al5ays lame o! his ha!d" !e mi ht do !othi! !e 5or4 there5ith" 5hereof he had so reat sorro5 that he hasted him for to ha6e it smitte! off ma!y times1 9ut 5he! he heard the reat mar6els that our Lord had do!e for S1 Clare" he a6o5ed that he should 6isit her1 A!d the! came to the sepulchre of S1 Clare" the holy 6ir i!" a!d bare thither a! ima e of 5a8 i! his ha!d" a!d laid him do5! upo! the tomb" a!d a!o! he 5as perfectly healed of his ha!d1 ,nother miracle. There 5as a ma! !amed (etrius of the castle of 9yco!!e 5hich had bee! three years sic4" a!d 5as so e!feebled that by the stre! th of his malady that he 5as all dried up" a!d had so much pai! i! his rei!s that he 5as become so croo4ed that he 5e!t li4e a beast1 'or 5hich cause his father led him to the best masters a!d medici!es that he mi ht fi!d a!d 4!o5" a!d also to such as e!tremeted of bro4e! bo!es" a!d the father 5ould 5ell ha6e spe!t all his oods o! the co!ditio! to ha6e his so! 5hole1 A!d 5he! he heard say of the masters that !o physic !or !o ma! mi ht heal him of his malady" the! he thou ht to o to S1 Clare" a!d led his so! thither1 A!d so he did" a!d laid him tofore the sepulchre of the holy 6ir i!1 A!d he had !ot bee! lo! there" but by the race of God" a!d by the merits of the holy 6ir i! he 5as all 5hole" a!d arose up uerished of all his malady" a!d a6e laud" tha!4i! s" a!d praisi! s to our Lord God" a!d to S1 Clare" a!d prayed the people to do i! li4e 5ise because of his health1 ,nother miracle. There 5as also a child of the a e of t5o years i! the to5! of S1 Guirito i! the bishopric of Assisi" 5hich 5as bor! croo4ed i! the bac4 a!d lame" 5hich his thi hs a!d feet tur!ed ath5art" a!d 5e!t i! such 5ise that it 5as all out of order" a!d 5he! he 5as falle! he could !ot arise1 +is mother had ofttimes 6o5ed him to S1 'ra!cis" a!d 5as !ot thereby holpe!" a!d 5he! she heard that God sho5ed !e5 miracles for S1 Clare" she bare her child to her sepulchre a!d abode there certai! days1 9ut 5ithi! a fe5 days his le s








be a! to ro5" a!d his thi hs 5ithi! the s4i! 5ere redressed !aturally" a!d he 5e!t upri ht a!d 5as all uerished a!d made 5hole1 A!d thus he that had bee! di6ers times at S1 'ra!cis 5as healed by the merits of his ood disciple S1 Clare" by the 6irtue of our Lord Jesu1

0f a lame child that never had gone. A bur ess of Au ulum !amed Jac<ues de 'ra!<ue had a child of fi6e years of a e 5hich had !o feet for to bear him" !e had !e6er o!e !e mi ht o1 ,herefore his father oft 5ept a!d sorro5ed much at his heart for his deformity" a!d thou ht it a reproach to him to ha6e such o!e disfi ured bor! of his blood1 'or he lay o! the earth a!d i! the ashes" 5allo5i! a!d addressi! him a ai!st the 5all" desiri! by !ature to help him" but mi ht a!d po5er failed him1 The! his father a!d mother 6o5ed him to S Clare that he should be her ser6a!t if by her prayers a!d merits he mi ht be healed1 A!d as soo! as the father a!d mother had made their 6o5" the holy 6ir i! healed her ser6a!t" so that he had his ri ht limbs a!d 5e!t upri ht1 A!d a!o! the father a!d mother led him to S1 Clare" 5hich 5e!t leapi! a!d ru!!i! " praisi! our Lord a!d tha!4i! him" a!d the! the father a!d mother offered him to our Lord1 ,nother miracle. There 5as a 5oma! of the castle of 9rua!e !amed (le!iere 5hich had bee! lo! sic4 i! her rei!s" i! such 5ise that she mi ht !ot o 5ithout help" !e address her but 5ith reat pai!" a!d 5as all croo4ed1 It happed that o! a 'riday she did her to be bor!e to the tomb of S1 Clare a!d prayed her ri ht de6outly that she 5ould help her1 A!d it happed as she prayed she 5as sudde!ly made all 5hole1 A!d o! the mor! that 5as Saturday" she 5e!t upri ht all 5hole o! her feet home to her house" 5hereas the day tofore she 5as bor!e for feeble!ess1 0f her that !as healed of the escroceles. There 5as a maid of the la!d of (eru ia 5hich had her throat reatly s5olle! of a malady called escroceles" 5hich she had lo! " a!d had about her !ec4 a!d throat a t5e!ty botches called la!ders" so that her !ec4 seemed reater tha! her head1 A!d oft she had bee! led to S1 Clare" a!d the father a!d mother of the maid had prayed her de6outly to heal their dau hter1 A!d it happed o! a !i ht as the maid lay tofore the tomb she be a! to s5eat" a!d the escroceles a!d the malady be a! to mollify" a!d to remo6e" a!d a!o! after" the malady 6a!ished a5ay all clea!" a!d so !et that" by the merits of S1 Clare there !as see! si ! !e to4e! thereof1 0f a sister of the order. O!e of the sisters of the order of S1 Clare" i! the time that she li6ed" had such a malady i! her throat" 5hich sister 5as !amed A!drea" but it 5as of o!e thi! mar6el" ho5 that amo! the sisters 5hich 5ere as precious sto!es" all full of the fer6e!t lo6e of the +oly Ghost" that such o!e that 5as so cold mi ht d5ell amo! them as 5as this A!drea" so foolish" that disho!oureth the other 6ir i!s1 The! it happed o! a !i ht that she distrai!ed herself by the throat that she 5as almost estra! led" 5hich thi! S1 Clare sa5 a!d 4!e5 by the +oly Ghost" a!d said to o!e of her sistersD No5 o hastily a!d ta4e a soft e a!d bear it to sister A!drea of 'errara for to rume her throat" a!d come a ai! a!d bri! her 5ith thee hither to me1 A!d the! she hasted her a!d fou!d the same A!drea" that she mi ht !ot spea4" for she had almost stra! led her 5ith her o5! ha!ds1 A!d she relie6ed her as 5ell as she mi ht" a!d brou ht her to her ood mother1 The! S1 Clare said to herD Thou caitiff" o a!d co!fess thee of thi!e e6il thou hts" a!d I 5ot 5ell that our Lord 5ill heal thee" but ame!d thy life that thou mayest die of some other malady tha! this 5hich thou hast suffered so lo! 1 A!d a!o! as S1 Clare had said these 5ords she be a! to repe!t her 5ith ood heart" a!d ame!ded her life mar6ellously" a!d 5as all healed of the escroceles" by the race of God" but she died a!o! after of a!other malady1 0f a !olf that bare a!ay a child.











I! the la!d of Assisi there 5as a 5olf o6er sore cruel" 5hich torme!ted the cou!try a!d the people a!d ra! upo! them a!d sle5 a!d ate them1 So there 5as a 5oma! !amed Galla!e of the -ou!t of Gallum




5hich had childre!" a!d the 5olf had ra6ished a!d bor!e a5ay o!e of them" a!d had eate! him" 5herefore she 5ept oft1 A!d o! a time the 5olf came for his prey as he had do!e tofore for to de6our some child1 A!d it happed that this 5oma! 5as busy i! her 5or4 5hich she had i! ha!d" a!d o!e of her so!s 5e!t out" a!d a!o!" the 5olf cau ht him by the head a!d ra! 5ith him to5ards the 5ood1 A!d a ma! that 5as amo! the 6i!es labouri! " heard the child bray other5ise tha! he had heard a!y" a!d came ru!!i! to the mother of the child" a!d bade her see if she had all her childre!" for he said that he had heard the cry of a child other5ise tha! they be 5o!ed to cry1 A!d a!o! the mother loo4ed a!d sa5 that the 5olf had ra6ished her child" a!d 5e!t to5ards the 5ood 5ith him li4e as he did 5ith that other" a!d cried also hi h as she mi ht cryD AhI lorious 6ir i! S1 Clare" sa6e my child a!d 4eep him" a!d if thou do !ot I shall o dro5! myself1 A!d there5ith the !ei hbours came out a!d ra! after the 5olf" a!d fou!d the child" 5hom the 5olf had left" a!d a hou!d beside him lic4i! his 5ou!ds1 'or the 5olf had first ta4e! him by the head" a!d after too4 him by the rei!s" for the more easilier to bear him1 a!d the biti! of his teeth appeared both i! the head a!d rei!s1 A!d the! the mother 5e!t 5ith him to S1 Clare that had so 5ell holpe! her" a!d brou ht 5ith her her !ei hbours" a!d sho5ed the 5ou!ds of the child to all them that 5ould see them" a!d tha!4ed God a!d S1 Clare that she had her child a ai! re!dered to her1 There 5as a maid of the castle Co!6ary 5hich sat o! a time i! a field" a!d a!other 5oma! had laid her head i! her lap1 A!d i! the mea! 5hile there came a 5olf 5hich 5as accustomed to ru! o! the people" a!d came to this maid a!d s5allo5ed the 6isa e a!d all the mouth a!d so ra! 5ith her to5ard the 5ood1 A!d the ood 5oma! that rested i! her lap 5he! she sa5 it" 5as much abashed a!d be a! to call o! S1 Clare a!d saidD +elpI helpI S1 Clare" a!d succour us" I recomme!d to thee at this time this maid1 A!d she 5hom the 5olf bare" said u!to the 5olfD Art !ot thou afeard to bear me a!y farther that am recomme!ded to so reat a!d 5orthy ladyE A!d 5ith that 5ord that the maid said" the 5olf" all co!fused a!d shamed" set softly the maid do5!" a!d fled a5ay li4e a thief" a!d so she 5as deli6ered1 The! let us pray u!to this lorious 6ir i! S1 Clare to be our ad6ocate i! all our !eeds7 a!d by the merits of her 5e may so ame!d our life i! this 5orld that 5e may come u!to e6erlasti! life a!d bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame! Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" /ar)ara"



I! the time that -a8imia! rei !ed there 5as a rich ma!" a pay!im" 5hich adored a!d 5orshipped the idols" 5hich ma! 5as !amed Dioscorus1 This Dioscorus had a you! dau hter 5hich 5as !amed 9arbara" for 5hom he did do ma4e a hi h a!d stro! to5er i! 5hich he did do 4eep a!d close this 9arbara" to the e!d that !o ma! should see her because of her reat beauty1 The! came ma!y pri!ces u!to the said Dioscorus for to treat 5ith him for the marria e of his dau hter" 5hich 5e!t a!o! u!to her a!d saidD -y dau hter" certai! pri!ces be come to me 5hich re<uire me for to ha6e thee i! marria e" 5herefore tell to me thi!e e!te!t a!d 5hat 5ill ye ha6e to do1 The! S1 9arbara retur!ed all a! ry to5ards her father a!d saidD -y father" I pray you that ye 5ill !ot co!strai! me to marry" for thereto I ha6e !o 5ill !e thou ht1 After this he departed from her a!d 5e!t i!to the to5! 5here there 5as o!e ma4i! a cister! or a pisci!e" for he had ma!y 5or4me! to perform this 5or4" a!d also he had tofore ordai!ed ho5 he should pay u!to each of them their salary" a!d after this he departed the!ce a!d 5e!t i!to a far cou!try 5here he lo! so=our!ed1 The! S1 9arbara" the a!cille of our Lord Jesu Christ" desce!ded from the to5er for to come see the 5or4 of her father" a!d a!o! she percei6ed that there 5ere but t5o 5i!do5s o!ly" that o!e a ai!st the south" a!d that other a ai!st the !orth" 5hereof she 5as much abashed a!d amar6elled" a!d dema!ded of the 5or4me! 5hy they had !ot made !o more 5i!do5s" a!d they a!s5ered that her father had so comma!ded a!d ordai!ed1 The! S1 9arbara said to themD -a4e me here a!other 5i!do57 they a!s5eredD Dame" 5e fear a!d dread to a! er your father" 5hich comma!ded us to ma4e !o more !e 5e dare !ot therefore ma4e !o more1 The blessed maid saidD Do a!d ma4e that I comma!d you" a!d I shall co!te!t my father" a!d shall e8cuse you a ai!st him1 The! did they that she comma!ded to them" by of the ma!!er that she e!sei !ed a!d sho5ed them1 ,he! the holy S1 9arbara 5al4ed a!d came u!to the cister!" she made 5ith her fi! er to5ard the orie!t" a cross 5ith her thumb i! the sto!e of marble" the 5hich cross is there yet u!to this day" 5hich e6ery ma! may see that cometh thither by de6otio!1 A!d 5he! she came u!to the side 5hereas the 5ater desce!ded







i!to the said cister!" she blessed it" a!d made the si ! of the cross" a!d i!co!ti!e!t the 5ater 5as hallo5ed" i! 5hich all they that 5ere sic4 recei6ed health" if they had perfect belief i! God a!d i! the blessed maid1 I! this same cister! 5as this holy maid baptiHed of a holy ma!" a!d li6ed there a certai! space of time" i! ta4i! o!ly for her refectio! ho!eysuc4les a!d locusts" follo5i! the holy precursor of our Lord" S1 Joh! 9aptist1 This cister! or pisci!e is semblable to the fou!tai! of Siloe i! 5hich he that 5as bor! bli!d reco6ered there his si ht1 It is also li4e to the pisci!e !amed 3obatyoa" i! 5hich the impote!t by the 5ord of God 5as made 5hole1 These pisci!es or peci!es be fou!tai!s perpetual i! 5hich all ma!!er sic4 me!" i! 5hatsome6er malady they 5ere rie6ed or torme!ted" that 5e!t therei! recei6ed fully their health1 I! this fou!tai! is li6i! 5ater" a!d it is the 5ater that the Samarita! re<uired of our Lord to ha6e of the holy pisci!e1 O! a time this blessed maid 5e!t upo! the to5er" a!d there she beheld the idols to 5hich her father sacrificed a!d 5orshipped" a!d sudde!ly she recei6ed the +oly Ghost a!d became mar6ellously subtle a!d clear i! the lo6e of Jesu Christ" for she 5as e!6iro!ed 5ith the race of God Almi hty" of so6erei ! lory a!d pure chastity1 This holy maid 9arbara" ador!ed 5ith faith" surmou!ted the de6il" for 5he! she beheld the idols she scratched them i! their 6isa es i! despisi! them all" a!d sayi! D All they be made li4e u!to you 5hich ha6e made you to err" a!d all them that ha6e affia!ce i! you" a!d the! she 5e!t i!to the to5er a!d 5orshipped our Lord1 A!d 5he! the 5or4 5as full performed" her father retur!ed from his 6oya e" a!d 5he! he sa5 there three 5i!do5s" he dema!ded of the 5or4me!D ,herefore ha6e ye made three 5i!do5sE A!d they a!s5eredD ;our dau hter hath comma!ded so1 The! he made his dau hter to come afore him" a!d dema!ded her 5hy she had do ma4e three 5i!do5s" a!d she a!s5ered to him" a!d saidD I ha6e do!e them to be made because three 5i!do5s li hte! all the 5orld a!d all creatures" but t5o ma4e dar4!ess1 The! her father too4 her a!d 5e!t do5! i!to the pisci!e" dema!di! her ho5 three 5i!do5s i6e more li ht tha! t5o1 A!d S1 9arbara a!s5eredD These three fe!estres or 5i!do5s beto4e! clearly the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost" the 5hich be three perso!s a!d o!e 6ery God" o! 5hom 5e ou ht to belie6e a!d 5orship1 The! he bei! reple!ished 5ith furor" i!co!ti!e!t dre5 his s5ord to ha6e slai! her" but the holy 6ir i! made her prayer a!d the! mar6ellously she 5as ta4e! i! a sto!e a!d bor!e i!to a mou!tai! o! 5hich t5o shepherds 4ept their sheep" the 5hich sa5 her fly1 A!d the! her father" 5hich pursued after her" 5e!t u!to the shepherds a!d dema!ded after her1 A!d that o!e" 5hich 5ould ha6e preser6ed her" said that he had !ot see! her" but that other" 5hich 5as a! e6il ma!" sho5ed a!d poi!ted her 5ith his fi! er" 5hom the holy S1 9arbara cursed" a!d a!o! his sheep became locusts" a!d he co!sumed i!to a sto!e1 A!d the! her father too4 her by the hair a!d dre5 her do5! from the mou!tai! a!d shut her fast i! priso!" a!d made her to be 4ept there by his ser6a!ts u!to the time that he had se!t to the =ud e for to deli6er her to the torme!ts1 A!d 5he! the =ud e 5as ad6ertised of the faith a!d belief of the maid he did her to be brou ht tofore him1 +er father 5e!t 5ith her" accompa!ied 5ith his ser6a!ts threate!i! her 5ith his s5ord" a!d deli6ered her u!to the =ud e" a!d co!=ured him" by the puissa!ce of his ods that" he should torme!t her 5ith horrible torme!ts1 The! sat the =ud e i! =ud me!t" a!d 5he! he sa5 the reat beauty of S1 9arbara" he said to herD No5 choose 5hether ye 5ill spare yourself a!d offer to the ods" or else die by cruel torme!ts1 S1 9arbara a!s5ered to himD I offer myself to my God" Jesu Christ" the 5hich hath created hea6e! a!d earth a!d all other thi! s" a!d fie o! your de6ils" 5hich ha6e mouths a!d ca!!ot spea4" they ha6e eyes" a!d ca!!ot see" they ha6e ears" a!d hear !ot" they ha6e !oses" a!d smell !ot" they ha6e ha!ds" a!d may !ot feel" a!d they ha6e feet" a!d may !ot o" they that ma4e them" be they made semblable to them" a!d all they that ha6e fia!ce a!d belief i! them1 The! became the =ud e all 5ood a!d a! ry" a!d comma!ded to u!clothe her a!d beat her 5ith si!e5s of bulls" a!d frot her flesh 5ith salt" a!d 5he! she had lo! e!dured this" that her body 5as all bloody" the =ud e did do close her i! a priso! u!to the time that he had deliberated of 5hat torme!ts he mi ht ma4e her die1 A!d the! at mid!i ht desce!ded a reat li ht a!d clear!ess i!to the priso! i! 5hich our Lord sho5ed him to her" sayi! D 9arbara" ha6e co!fide!ce1 a!d be firm a!d steadfast1 for i! hea6e! a!d i! the earth thou shalt ha6e reat =oy for thy passio!" therefore" doubt !ot the =ud e" for I shall be 5ith thee" a!d I shall deli6er thee from all thy pai!s that a!y shall ma4e thee suffer" a!d i!co!ti!e!t she 5as all 5hole1 A!d the!" 5he! our Lord had said thus" he blessed her a!d remou!ted i!to hea6e!1 The! S1 9arbara 5as reatly re=oiced by the reat comfort of our Lord1 A!d o! the mor!" the =ud e comma!ded that she should be brou ht tofore him" a!d 5he! she 5as come he sa5 that her 5ou!ds appeared !ot but she 5as all 5hole" a!d he said to herD 9ehold" 9arbara" the bou!ty of our ods" a!d ho5 much they lo6e thee" for they ha6e healed thy 5ou!ds1 The! the blessed 9arbara" martyr of Jesu Christ" a!s5ered to the =ud eD













Thy ods be semblable to thee" 5ithout e!te!dme!t ho5 may they heal my 5ou!ds1 They may !ot help themsel6es1 +e that healed me is Jesu Christ" the So! of God" the 5hich 5ill !ot ha6e thee because thy heart is so i!durate a!d hard 5ith the de6ils1 The! the =ud e" reple!ished of ire" comma!ded that she should be ha! ed bet5ee! t5o for4ed trees" a!d that they should brea4 her rei!s 5ith sta6es" a!d bur! her sides 5ith bur!i! lamps" a!d after he made her stro! ly to be beate!" a!d hurted her head 5ith a mallet1 The! S1 9arbara beheld a!d loo4ed up5ard to hea6e!" sayi! D Jesu Christ" that 4!o5est the hearts of me!" a!d 4!o5est my thou ht" I beseech thee to Iea6e me !ot1 The! comma!ded the =ud e to the ha! ma! that he should cut off 5ith his s5ord her paps" a!d 5he! they 5ere cut off" the holy sai!t loo4ed a ai! to5ards hea6e!" sayi! D Jesu Christ" tur! !ot thy 6isa e from me1 A!d 5he! she had lo! e!dured this pai!" the =ud e com!!a!ded that she should be led 5ith beati! throu h the streets" a!d the holy 6ir i! the third time beheld the hea6e!" a!d saidD Lord God" that co6erest hea6e! 5ith clouds" I pray thee to co6er my body" to the e!d that it be !ot see! of the e6il people1 A!d 5he! she had made her prayer" our Lord came o6er her" a!d se!t to her a! a! el 5hich clad her 5ith a 5hite 6estme!t" a!d the 4!i hts led her u!to a to5! called Dallasio!" a!d there the =ud e comma!ded to slay her 5ith the s5ord1 A!d the! her father all ara ed too4 her out of the ha!ds of the =ud e a!d led her up o! a mou!tai!" a!d S1 9arbara re=oiced her i! hasti! to recei6e the salary of her 6ictory1 A!d the! 5he! she 5as dra5! thither she made her oriso!" sayi! D Lord Jesu Christ" 5hich hast formed hea6e! a!d earth" I beseech thee to ra!t me thy race a!d hear my prayer" that all they that ha6e memory of thy !ame a!d my passio!" I pray thee that thou 5ilt !ot remember their si!s" for thou 4!o5est our fra ility1 The! came there a 6oice do5! from hea6e! sayi! u!to herD Come" my spouse 9arbara" a!d rest i! the chamber of God my 'ather" 5hich is i! hea6e!" a!d I ra!t to thee that thou hast re<uired of me1 A!d 5he! this 5as said" she came to her father a!d recei6ed the e!d of her martyrdom 5ith S1 Julia!1 9ut 5he! her father desce!ded from the mou!tai!" a fire from hea6e! desce!ded o! him" a!d co!sumed him i! such 5ise ehat there could !ot be fou!d o!ly ashes of all his body1 This blessed 6ir i! S1 9arbara recei6ed martyrdom 5ith S1 Julia! the seco!d !o!es of December1 A !oble ma! called Vale!ti!e buried the bodies of these t5o martyrs" a!d laid them i! a little to5! i! 5hich ma!y miracles 5ere sho5ed i! the loui! a!d lory of God Almi hty1 A!d S1 9arbara" the holy martyr suffered passio! i! the time of -a8imia!" emperor of 3ome" a!d -arcia! the =ud e1 ,hom 5e pray a!d beseech to be our ad6ocatri8 u!to Almi hty God" that by her merits he bri! us after this short a!d tra!sitory life i!to his lory perdurable1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth the Life of *" Ale+i "






Ale8is is as much to say as oi! out of the la5 of marria e for to 4eep 6ir i!ity for God>s sa4e" a!d to re!ou!ce all the pomp a!d riches of the 5orld for to li6e i! po6erty1 Of *" Ale+i "




I! the time that Arcadius a!d +o!orius 5ere emperors of 3ome" there 5as i! 3ome a ri ht !oble lord !amed Euphemius 5hich 5as chief a!d abo6e all other lords about the emperors" a!d had u!der his po5er a thousa!d 4!i hts1 +e 5as a much =ust ma! u!to all me!" a!d also he 5as piteous a!d merciful u!to the poor" for he had daily three tables set a!d co6ered for to feed the orpha!s" poor 5ido5s" a!d pil rims" a!d he ate at the hour of !oo! 5ith ood a!d reli ious perso!s1 +is 5ife" that 5as !amed A laia" led a reli ious life" but because they had !o child" they prayed u!to God to se!d them a so! that mi ht be their heir after them of their ha6oir a!d oods1 It 5as so that God heard their prayers a!d beheld their bou!ty a!d ood li6i! " a!d a6e u!to them a so!" 5hich 5as !amed Ale8is" 5hom they did to be tau ht a!d e!formed i! all scie!ces a!d ho!ours1 After this they married him u!to a fair damoisel 5hich 5as of the li!ea e of the emperor of 3ome1 ,he! the day of the espousals 5as come to e6e!" Ale8is" bei! i! the chamber 5ith his 5ife alo!e" be a! to i!form a!d i!duce her to dread God a!d ser6e him" a!d 5ere all that !i ht to ether i! ri ht ood doctri!e1 A!d fi!ally" he a6e to his 5ife his ri! a!d the buc4le of old of his irdle" both bou!d i! a little cloth of purple" a!d said to herD 'air sister" ta4e this a!d 4eep it as lo! as it shall please our Lord God" a!d it shall be a to4e! bet5ee! us" a!d he i6e you race to 4eep truly your 6ir i!ity1





After this he too4 of old a!d sil6er a reat sum a!d departed alo!e from 3ome" a!d fou!d a ship i! 5hich he sailed i!to Greece" a!d from the!ce 5e!t i!to Syria" a!d came to a city called Edessa" a!d a6e there all his mo!ey for the lo6e of God" a!d clad him i! a coat" a!d dema!ded alms for God>s sa4e" li4e a poor ma!" tofore the church of our Lady" a!d 5hat he had left of the alms abo6e his !ecessity" he a6e it u!to others for God>s sa4e1 A!d e6ery Su!day he 5as houseled a!d recei6ed the sacrame!t7 such a life he led lo! 1 Some of the messe! ers that his father had se!t to see4 him throu h all the parts of the 5orld" came to see4 him i! the said city of Edessa" a!d a6e u!to him their alms" he sitti! tofore the church 5ith other poor people" but they 4!e5 !ot him1 A!d he 4!e5 5ell them a!d tha!4ed our Lord sayi! D I tha!4 thee" fair Lord Jesu Christ" that 6ouchest safe to call me a!d to ta4e alms i! thy !ame of my ser6a!ts" I pray thee to perform i! me that 5hich thou hast be u!1 ,he! the messe! ers 5ere retur!ed to 3ome" a!d Euphemius" his father" sa5 that they had !ot fou!d his so!" he laid him do5! upo! a mattress" stretchi! o! the earth" 5aili! " a!d said thusD I shall hold me here a!d abide till that I ha6e tidi! s of my so!1 A!d the 5ife of his so! Ale8is said" 5eepi! " to EuphemiusD I shall !ot depart out of your house" but shall ma4e me semblable a!d li4e to the turtle" 5hich after that she hath lost her fello5 5ill ta4e !o!e other but all her life after li6eth chaste1 I! li4e 5ise I shall refuse all fello5ship u!to the time that I shall 4!o5 5here my ri ht s5eet frie!d is become1 After that Ale8is had do!e his pe!a!ce by ri ht reat po6erty i! the said city a!d led a ri ht holy life by the space of se6e!tee! years" there 5as a 6oice heard that came from God u!to the church of our Lady" a!d said to the porterD -a4e the ma! of God to e!ter i!" for he is 5orthy to ha6e the 4i! dom of hea6e!" a!d the spirit of God resteth o! him1 ,he! the cler4 could !ot fi!d !e 4!o5 him amo! other poor me!" he prayed to God to sho5 to him 5ho it 5as" a!d a 6oice came from God a!d saidD +e sitteth 5ithout" tofore the e!try of the church7 a!d so the cler4 fou!d him" a!d prayed him humbly that he 5ould come i! to the church1 ,he! this miracle came to the 4!o5led e of the people" a!d Ale8is sa5 that ma! did to him ho!our a!d 5orship" a!o! for to esche5 6ai! lory" he departed from the!ce a!d came i!to Greece" 5here he too4 ship a!d e!tered for to o i!to Sicily1 9ut" as God 5ould" there arose a reat 5i!d 5hich made the ship to arri6e at the port of 3ome1 ,he! Ale8is sa5 this" a!o! he said to himselfD 9y the race of God I 5ill char e !o ma! of 3ome" I shall o to my father>s house i! such 5ise as I shall !ot be 4!o5! of a!y perso!1 A!d 5he! he 5as 5ithi! 3ome he met Euphemius" his father" 5hich came from the palace of the emperor 5ith a reat mei!y follo5i! him1 A!d Ale8is" his so!" li4e a poor ma! ra! cryi! a!d saidD Ser ea!t of of God" ha6e pity o! me that am a poor pil rim" a!d recei6e me i!to thi!e house for to ha6e my suste!a!ce of the reliefs that shall come from thy board" that God bless thee a!d ha6e pity o! thy so!" 5hich is also a pil rim1 ,he! Euphemius heard spea4 of his so!" a!o! his heart be a! to melt" a!d said to his ser6a!tsD ,hich of you 5ill ha6e pity of this ma! a!d ta4e the cure a!d char e of him" I shall deli6er him from his ser6a e a!d ma4e him free" a!d shall i6e him of mi!e herita e1 A!d a!o! he committed him u!to o!e of his ser6a!ts" a!d comma!ded that his bed should be made i! a cor!er of the hall 5hereas comers a!d oers mi ht see him1 A!d the ser6a!t to 5hom Ale8is 5as comma!ded to 4eep" made a!o! his bed u!der the stair a!d steps of the hall" a!d there he lay ri ht li4e a poor 5retch" a!d suffered ma!y 6illai!ies a!d despises of the ser6a!ts of his father" 5hich oft:times cast a!d thre5 o! him the 5ashi! of dishes a!d other filth" a!d did to him ma!y e6il tur!s a!d moc4ed him" but he !e6er complai!ed" but suffered all patie!tly for the lo6e of God1 'i!ally" 5he! he had led this ri ht holy life 5ithi! his father>s house" i! fasti! " i! prayi! a!d i! doi! pe!a!ce" by the space of se6e!tee! years> a!d 4!e5 that he should soo! die" he prayed the ser6a!t that 4ept him to i6e him a piece of parchme!t a!d i!4" a!d therei! he 5rote by order all his life" a!d ho5 he 5as married by the comma!dme!t of his father" a!d 5hat he had said to his 5ife" a!d of the to4e!s of his ri! a!d buc4le of his irdle that he had i6e! to her at his departi! " a!d 5hat he had suffered for God>s sa4e" a!d all this did he for to ma4e his father to u!dersta!d that he 5as his so!1 After this" 5he! it pleased God for to sho5 a!d ma!ifest the 6ictory of our Lord Jesu Christ i! his ser6a!t Ale8is" o! a time o! a Su!day after mass" heari! all the people i! the church" there 5as a 6oice heard from God cryi! a!d sayi! as is said" -atthe5" ele6e!th chap1D Come u!to me ye that labour a!d be tra6ailed" I shall comfort you1 Of 5hich 6oice all the people 5ere abashed" 5hich a!o! fell do5! u!to the earth1 A!d the 6oice said a ai!D See4 ye the ser6a!t of God" for he prayeth for all 3ome1 A!d they sou ht him" but he 5as !ot fou!d1




















Ale8is i! a mor!i! " o! a Good 'riday" a6e his soul u!to God" a!d departed out this 5orld" a!d that same day all the people assembled at S1 (eter>s church a!d prayed God that he 5ould sho5 to them 5here the ma! of God mi ht be fou!d that prayed for 3ome1 A!d a 6oice 5as heard that came from God that saidD ;e shall fi!d him i! the house of Euphemius1 A!d the people said u!to EuphemiusD ,hy hast thou hid from us that thou hast such race i! thi!e houseE A!d Euphemius a!s5eredD God 4!o5eth that I 4!o5 !o thi! thereof1 Arcadius a!d +o!orius that the! 5ere emperors of 3ome" a!d also the pope I!!oce!t" comma!ded that me! should o u!to Euphemius>s house for to e!<uire dili e!tly tidi! s of the ma! of God1 Euphemius 5e!t tofore 5ith his ser6a!ts for to ma4e ready his house a ai!st the comi! of the pope a!d emperors" a!d 5he! Ale8is> 5ife had u!derstood the cause a!d ho5 a 6oice 5as heard that came from God sayi! D See4 the ma! of God i! Euphemius>s house" a!o! she said to EuphemiusD Sire" see if this poor ma! that ye ha6e so lo! 4ept a!d harboured be the same ma! of God1 I ha6e 5ell mar4ed that he hath li6ed a ri ht fair a!d holy life1 +e hath e6ery Su!day recei6ed the sacrame!t of the altar" he hath bee! ri ht reli ious" i! fasti! " i! 5a4i! " a!d i! prayer" a!d hath suffered patie!tly a!d debo!airly of our ser6a!ts ma!y 6illai!ies1 A!d 5he! Euphemius had heard all this" he ra! to5ards Ale8is a!d fou!d him dead1 +e disco6ered his 6isa e" 5hich sho!e a!d 5as bri ht as the face of a! a! el1 A!d a!o! he retur!ed to5ard the emperors a!d saidD ,e ha6e fou!d the ma! of God that 5e sou ht" a!d told u!to them ho5 he had harboured him" a!d ho5 the holy ma! had li6ed" a!d also ho5 he 5as dead" a!d that he held a bill or letter i! his ha!d 5hich they mi ht !ot dra5 out1 A!o! the emperor 5ith the pope 5e!t to Euphemius>s house a!d came tofore the bed 5here Ale8is lay dead" a!d saidD +o5 5ell the 5e be si!!ers" yet !e6ertheless 5e o6er! the 5orld" a!d lo here is the pope the e!eral father of all the church" i6e us the letter that thou holdest i! thi!e ha!d for to 4!o5 5hat is the 5riti! of it1 A!d the pope 5e!t tofore a!d too4 the letter a!d too4 it to his !otary for to read" a!d the !otary read it tofore the pope" the emperors a!d all the people" a!d 5he! he came to the poi!t that made me!tio! of his father" a!d of his mother" a!d also of his 5ife" a!d that by the e!si !s that he had i6e! to his 5ife at his departi! " his ri! a!d buc4le of his irdle 5rapped i! a little purple cloth" a!o! Euphemius fell do5! as5oo!" a!d 5he! he came a ai! to himself he be a! to dra5 his hair a!d beat his breast" a!d fell do5! o! the corpse of Ale8is his so!" a!d 4issed it" 5eepi! a!d cryi! i! ri ht reat sorro5 of heart" sayi! D AlasI ri ht s5eet so!" 5herefore hast thou made me to suffer such sorro5E Thou sa5est 5hat sorro5 a!d hea6i!ess 5e had for thee7 alasI 5hy hadst thou !o pity o! us i! so lo! timeE +o5 mi htest thou suffer thy mother a!d thy father to 5eep so much for thee a!d thou sa5est it 5ell 5ithout ta4i! pity o! usE I supposed to ha6e heard some time tidi! s of thee" a!d !o5 I see thee lie dead i! thy bed" 5hich shouldst be my solace i! mi!e a e7 alasI 5hat solace may I ha6e that see my ri ht dear so! dead E -e 5ere better die tha! li6e1 ,he! the mother of Ale8is sa5 a!d heard this" she came ru!!i! li4e a lio!ess a!d criedD AlasI alas I dra5i! her hair i! reat sorro5" scratchi! her paps 5ith her !ails" sayi! D These paps ha6e i6e! thee suc41 A!d 5he! she mi ht !ot come to the corpse for the foiso! of people that 5as come thither" she cried a!d saidD -a4e room a!d 5ay to me" sorro5ful mother" that I may see my desire a!d my dear so! that I ha6e e! e!dered a!d !ourished1 A!d as soo! as she came to the body of her so! she fell do5! o! it piteously a!d 4issed it" sayi! thusD Alas for sorro5I my dear so!" the li ht of mi!e a e" 5hy hast thou made us suffer so much sorro5E Thou sa5est thy father" a!d me thy sorro5ful mother so oft 5eep for thee" a!d 5ouldst !e6er ma4e to us sembla!ce of so!1 O all ye that ha6e the heart of a mother" 5eep ye 5ith me upo! my dear so!" 5hom I ha6e had i! my house se6e!tee! years as a poor ma!1 To 5hom my ser6a!ts ha6e do!e much 6illai!y1 AhI fair so!" thou hast suffered them ri ht s5eetly a!d debo!airly1 AlasI thou that 5ert my trust" my comfort a!d solace i! mi!e old a e ho5 mi htest thou hide thee from me that am thy sorro5ful motherE 5ho shall i6e to mi!e eyes from he!ceforth a fou!tai! of tears for to ma4e pai! u!to the sorro5 of mi!e heartE A!d after this came the 5ife of Ale8is i! 5eepi! " thro5i! herself upo! the body" a!d 5ith reat si hs a!d hea6i!ess saidD 3i ht s5eet frie!d a!d spouse" 5hom lo! I ha6e desired to see" a!d chastely I ha6e to thee 4ept myself li4e a turtle that alo!e" 5ithout ma4e" 5aileth a!d 5eepeth1 A!d lo I here is my ri ht s5eet husba!d 5hom I ha6e desired to see ali6e" a!d !o5 I see him dead7 from he!ceforth I 5ot !ot i! 5hom I shall ha6e fia!ce !e hope1 Certes my solace is dead" a!d i! sorro5 I shall be u!to the death" for !o5 fortho! I am the most u!happy amo! all 5ome!" a!d rec4o!ed amo! the sorro5ful 5ido5s1 A!d after these piteous complai!ts the people 5ept for the death of Ale8is1 The pope made the body to be ta4e! up a!d to be put i!to a fere:tree a!d bor!e i!to the church1 A!d 5he! it 5as bor!e throu h the city" ri ht reat foiso! of people came a ai!st it" a!d saidD The ma! of God is fou!d that the city sou ht1 ,hatsome6er sic4 body mi ht touch the fere:tree he 5as a!o! healed of his malady1 There 5as a bli!d ma! that reco6ered his si ht" a!d lame me! a!d others 5ere healed1 The emperor made reat foiso! of old a!d sil6er to be thro5! amo! the people" for to ma4e 5ay that the fere:tree mi ht pass" a!d thus by reat labour a!d re6ere!ce 5as bor!e the body of S1 Ale8is u!to the church of S1 9o!iface the lorious martyr1 A!d there 5as the body put i!to a shri!e much

ho!ourably" made of old a!d sil6er" the se6e!tee!th day of July" a!d all the people re!dered tha!4i! s a!d laud to our Lord God for his reat miracles" u!to 5hom be i6e! ho!our" laud" a!d lory i! secula secuIorum1 Ame!1

Here followeth the Life of *" Eli6a)eth. a#d fir t of her #a%e"



EliHabeth is e8pou!ded a!d as much to say asD -y God 4!o5eth her" or she is said the se6e!th of my God" or the filli! of my God1 'irst" God 4!o5eth her" for he 4!e5 her ood 5ill a!d pro6ed it" a!d he a6e to her 4!o5led e of himself1 Seco!dly" she is said se6e!th of God" for she had se6e! thi! s i! her7 she had the se6e! 5or4s of mercy" or because she is !o5 i! the se6e!th a e of them that rest" a!d to come to the ei hth of the e!eral resurrectio!1 Or for the se6e! estates that 5ere i! her1 She 5as i! the estate of 6ir i!ity" i! the estate of marria e" i! estate of 5ido5hood" i! estate of actio!" i! estate of co!templatio!" i! estate of reli io!" a!d she is !o5 i! estate lorious1 A!d these se6e! estates be appertly co!tai!ed i! her le e!d1 So that it may be said of her li4e as it is said of Nebuchad!eHHar" that is to 5it se6e! times be cha! ed i! her1 A!d also she is said the filli! of my God" for God hath filled a!d reple!ished her 5ith the resple!dour of truth" of s5eet sa6our" a!d of the 6i our of the Tri!ity" 5hereof S1 Austi! saithD She 5o4e i! the perdurability of God" she sho!e i! the 6erity of God" a!d she e!=oyed i! the bou!ty of God1 Of *" Eli6a)eth" EliHabeth 5as dau hter of the !oble 4i! of +u! ary" a!d 5as of !oble li!ea e" but she 5as more !oble by her faith a!d reli io! tha! by her ri ht !oble li!ea e1 She 5as ri ht !oble by e8ample" she sho!e by miracle" a!d she 5as fair by race of holi!ess" for the author of !ature e!ha!ced her i! a ma!!er abo6e !ature1 ,he! this holy maid 5as !ourished i! delices royal she re!ou!ced all childish!ess" a!d set herself all i! the ser6ice of God1 The! it appeared clearly as her te!der i!fa!cy e!forced i! simpless" a!d be a! to use ood customs from the! fortho!" a!d to despise the plays of the 5orld" a!d of 6a!ities" a!d flee the prosperities of the 5orld" a!d al5ays to profit i! the ho!our of God1 'or 5he! she 5as yet but fi6e years old she abode so e!te!ti6ely i! the church for to pray" that her fello5s or her chamberers mi ht u!!ethe bri! her the!ce" a!d 5he! she met a!y of her chamberers or fello5s" she 5ould follo5 them to5ard the chapel as it 5ere for to play" for to ha6e cause to e!ter i!to the church1 A!d 5he! she 5as e!tered" a!o! she 4!eeled do5! a!d lay do5! to the earth" ho5beit that she 4!e5 !ot yet a!y letters7 a!d she ope!ed oft the psalter tofore her i! the church for to fei ! that she read" because she should !ot be let" a!d that she should be see! occupied1 A!d 5he! she 5as 5ith other maide!s for to play" she co!sidered 5ell the ma!!er of the ame for to i6e al5ays ho!our to God u!der occasio!" a!d i! play of ri! s a!d other ames she set all her hope i! God1 A!d of all that she 5o! a!d had of a!y part profit 5he! she 5as a you! maid" she a6e the te!th to poor maide!s" a!d led them ofttimes 5ith her for to say pater!oster or for to salute our Lady1 A!d li4e as she re5 i! a e by time so re5 she by de6otio!" for she choose the blessed Vir i! to be her lady a!d her ad6ocate" a!d S1 Joh! the E6a! elist to be 5arde! of her 6ir i!ity1 A!d o! a time there 5ere schedules laid o! the altar" a!d i! e6ery schedule 5as 5ritte! the !ame of a! apostle" a!d each of the other maide!s too4" at all ad6e!ture" such a schedule as happed to her1 A!d she made her oriso!" a!d thrice she too4 the same that she desired" i! 5hich 5as 5ritte! the !ame of S1 (eter" to 5hom she had so reat de6otio! that she !e6er 5ar!ed thi! to them that dema!ded it i! his !ame1 A!d because that the ood ad6e!tures of the 5orld should !ot flatter her o6er much" she 5ithdre5 e6ery day somethi! of her prosperities" a!d 5he! she too4 i! a!y ame a!y pleasure" a!o! she left it" a!d said she 5ould play !o more" but she 5ould sayD I lea6e you the rem!a!t for God>s sa4e1 She 5e!t !ot ladly to 4arols" but 5ithdre5 other maide!s from them1 She doubted al5ays to 5ear =olly clothi! " but she used al5ays to ha6e them ho!est1 She had ordai!ed to say e6ery day a certai! !umber of oriso!s a!d prayers" a!d if she 5ere occupied i! a!y ma!!er that she mi ht !ot perform them" but that she 5as co!strai!ed of her chamberers to o to her bed" she 5ould there say them" 5a4i! 1 This holy 6ir i! ho!oured all the solem! feasts of the year 5ith so reat re6ere!ce that she 5ould !ot suffer her slee6es to be laced till the solem!ity of the mass 5as accomplished" a!d she heard the office of the mass 5ith so reat re6ere!ce that 5he! the ospel 5as read or the sacrame!t 5as lifted up" she 5ould ta4e off the brooches of old a!d the ador!me!ts of her head" as circles or chaplets" a!d lay them do5!1


















A!d 5he! she had 4ept i! i!!oce!ce the de ree of 6ir i!ity" she 5as co!strai!ed to e!ter i!to the de ree of marria e" for her father co!strai!ed her thereto" because she should bri! forth fruit1 A!d ho5beit that she 5ould !ot ha6e bee! married" yet she durst !ot ai!say the comma!dme!t of her father1 The! she a6o5ed i! the ha!ds of -aster Co!rad" 5hich 5as a ood ma! a!d her co!fessor" a!d promised that if her husba!d died a!d she o6erli6ed him" that she 5ould 4eep perpetual co!ti!e!ce1 The! 5as she married to the la!d ra6e of Thuri! ia" li4e as the di6i!e pur6eya!ce had ordai!ed because she should bri! much people to the lo6e of our Lord" a!d teach the rude people1 A!d ho5beit she cha! ed her estate" yet she cha! ed !ot her 5ill i! her thou ht" a!d she 5as of reat humility a!d of reat de6otio! to God" a!d 5as to5ards herself of reat absti!e!ce a!d of reat mercy1 She 5as of so ri ht arde!t desire of prayer that she oft 5e!t soo!er to the church tha! her mei!y" to the e!d that by her prayers secret she mi ht impetre a!d et race of God1 She arose oft by !i ht for to ma4e her prayers" a!d her husba!d 5ould pray her that she 5ould lie a!d rest her a little1 She had ordai!ed that o!e of her 5ome!" 5hich 5as more familiar 5ith her tha! a!other" that if perad6e!ture she 5ere o6erta4e! 5ith sleep" that she should ta4e her by the foot" for to a5a4e her" a!d o! a time she supposed to ha6e ta4e! her lady by the foot" a!d too4 her husba!d>s foot" 5hich sudde!ly a5o4e" a!d 5ould 4!o5 5herefore she did so" a!d the! she told to him all the case" a!d 5he! he 4!e5 it" he let it pass a!d suffered it peaceably1 A!d because she 5ould re!der ood sacrifice to God of her prayers" she 5etted oft her body 5ith abu!da!ce of tears" a!d let them flo5 out of her eyes ladly 5ithout cha! i! of sembla!ce" so that oft she 5ept 5ith reat sorro5" a!d she yet e!=oyed i! God1 She 5as of so reat humility that" for the lo6e of God" she laid i! her lap a ma! horribly sic4" 5hich had his 6isa e sti!4i! li4e carrio!" a!d she share off the ordure a!d filth of his head" a!d 5ashed it" 5hereof her chamberers loathed a!d lau hed her to scor!1 A!d she 5ould i! ro atio! time follo5 the processio! barefoot a!d 5ithout li!e! smoc4" a!d at the preachi! she 5ould sit amo! the poor people1 She 5ould !ot array her 5ith precious sto!es" as others" o! the day of (urificatio! of our Lady" !e 5ear rich 6esture of old" but after the e!sample of the 9lessed Vir i! -ary" she bare her so! i! her arms a!d a lamb a!d a ca!dle" a!d offered it up humbly1 A!d by that she sho5ed that the pomp a!d boba!ce of the 5orld should be esche5ed" a!d that she co!formed her u!to the Vir i! -ary7 a!d 5he! she came home she a6e to some poor 5ome! the clothes i! 5hich she 5e!t to church1 She 5as of so reat humility that by the co!se!ti! of her husba!d she submitted herself i! the obedie!ce of -aster Co!rad" a poor ma! a!d a small" but he 5as of !oble scie!ce a!d perfect reli io!" a!d she did 5ith =oy a!d re6ere!ce that 5hich he comma!ded" for to ha6e the merit of obedie!ce" li4e as God 5as obedie!t u!to the death1 O! a time it happed that she 5as called for to o to his preachi! " a!d the mar<uis of -esse!ce came upo! her by 5hom she 5as let" a!d mi ht !ot o thither1 ,herefore he held him e6il apaid" a!d 5ould !ot release her obedie!ce till that she 5as despoiled to her smoc4" 5ith some of her chamberers 5hich 5ere culpable" a!d that he had stro! ly beate! them1 She did so reat absti!e!ce" that at the table of her husba!d" amo! the di6ers meats that 5ere there" she 5ould !ot eat but bread1 She too4 so reat ri our o! herself that she 5a8ed lea!1 'or -aster Co!rad defe!ded her that she should !ot touch the meats of her husba!d of 5hich she should !ot ha6e a 5hole co!scie!ce1 A!d she 4ept this comma!dme!t 5ith so reat dili e!ce" that 5he! others abou!ded i! delices she ate 5ith her chamberers ross meats1 O! a time 5he! she had sore tra6elled i! oi! " there 5ere brou ht to her a!d to her husba!d di6ers meats" a!d 5ere supposed !ot 5ell otte! of ood a!d =ust labour" 5herefore she refused them a!d too4 her refectio! of a hard bro5! loaf tempered 5ith 5ater" a!d for this cause her husba!d assi !ed a pe!sio! to her" by 5hich she a!d her chamberers co!se!ted for to li6e by" a!d her husba!d suffered all i! patie!ce" a!d said he 5ould ladly do so if he doubted !ot to a! er his mei!y1 A!d she" that 5as i! so6erei ! lory" desired the estate of so6erei ! po6erty" to the e!d that the 5orld should ha6e !othi! i! her" a!d that she should be poor li4e as Jesu Christ had bee!1 A!d 5he! she 5as alo!e 5ith her chamberers" she 5ould clothe her 5ith poor 6estme!ts a!d 6ile" a!d set a poor 6eil upo! her head a!d saidD Thus shall I o 5he! I shall come to the estate of po6erty1 A!d thou h she did absti!e!ce" yet 5as she liberal to the poor" so that she mi ht !ot suffer that a!y had misease" but a6e to them all lar ely1 She e!te!ded 5ith all her po5er to the se6e! 5or4s of mercy1 She a6e o! a time to a poor 5oma! a ri ht ood 6esture" a!d 5he! this poor 5oma! sa5 that she had so !oble a ift" she had so reat =oy that she fell do5! as dead" a!d 5he! the blessed EliHabeth sa5 that" she 5as sorry that she had i6e! to her so !oble a ift" a!d doubted that she 5as the cause of her death" a!d prayed for her" a!d a!o! she arose all 5hole1 A!d she spa! oft 5ool 5ith her chamberers a!d made thereof cloth" so that of her proper labour that she a6e to the church" she recei6ed lorious fruit" a!d a6e ood e!sample u!to others1





O! a time 5he! her husba!d the la!d ra6e 5as o!e to the court of the emperor" 5hich 5as the! at Cremo!a" she assembled i! a ar!er all the 5heat of the year" a!d admi!istered part to e6ery each that came from all parts" a!d that time 5as reat dearth i! the cou!try" a!d oft 5he! she lac4ed mo!ey she sold off her ador!me!ts for to i6e to the poor people" but for all that she a6e" the ar!ers mi!ished !ot !e lessed1 She did do ma4e a reat house u!der the castle" 5here she recei6ed a!d !ourished reat multitude of poor people" a!d 6isited them e6ery day" a!d she left !ot to 6isit them for a!y sic4!ess !e malady that they had" but she 5ashed a!d 5iped them 5ith her o5! ha!ds" ho5beit that her chamberers 5ould !ot suffer it1 A!d yet moreo6er the! she did do !ourish i! her house poor 5ome!>s childre! so s5eetly" that they all called her mother1 She did do ma4e sepultures for poor people" a!d 5e!t de6outly u!to the death of them" a!d 5ould bury them 5ith her o5! ha!ds i! the clothes that she had made" a!d ofttimes brou ht the sheet 5herei! she lay for to 5i!d the dead bodies therei!" a!d 5as at the death of them much de6outly1 A!d amo! these thi! s the de6otio! of her husba!d 5as much to be praised" for ho5 5ell he 5as occupied i! his other thi! s" !e6ertheless he 5as de6out i! the ser6ice of God" a!d because he mi ht !ot himself e!te!d perso!ally u!to his thi! s" he a6e full po5er to his 5ife i! all that should be to the ho!our or to the health of their souls1 A!d the blessed S1 EliHabeth had reat desire that her husba!d should employ his puissa!ce to defe!d the faith of God" a!d ad6ised him" by debo!air admo!ishme!ts" that he should o 6isit the holy la!d a!d thither he 5e!t" a!d 5he! he 5as there" this de6out a!d !oble pri!ce" full of faith a!d of de6otio! re!dered his spirit u!to Almi hty God" a!d so died" recei6i! the lorious fruit of his 5or4s" a!d the! she recei6ed 5ith de6otio! the state of 5ido5hood1 A!d 5he! the death of her husba!d 5as published a!d 4!o5! throu h all Thuri! ia" some of the 6assals of her husba!d held her for a fool a!d 5astrels of her oods" a!d thre5 her out of her herita e1 A!d because her patie!ce 5ere more clear a!d that she had the po6erty that she lo! desired" she 5e!t the! by !i ht i!to the house of a ta6er!er i! the place 5here the pots lay" a!d a6e reat tha!4i! s to God1 A!d at the hour of mati!s she came i!to the house of the friars mi!or" a!d prayed them that they 5ould i6e laud a!d tha!4i! s to God for her tribulatio!1 A!d the day follo5i! " she came 5ith her little childre! to a place a!d i!to the house of o!e her e!emy" a!d the! 5as deli6ered to her a strait place for to d5ell i!1 A!d 5he! she sa5 that she 5as much rie6ed of the host a!d hostess" the! she saluted the 5alls a!d saidD I should ladly salute the me!" but I fi!d them !ot1 A!d thus she bei! co!strai!ed by !ecessity" she se!t her small childre! here a!d there for to be !ourished i! di6ers places" a!d retur!ed herself i!to the first place1 A!d as she 5e!t" there 5as a strait 5ay upo! sto!es a!d a deep mire u!der" a!d full of filth7 a!d as she passed she met a! old 5oma! to 5hom she had do!e much ood tofore" a!d this old 5oma! 5ould i6e her !o 5ay" so that she fell i! the deep mire a!d filth" a!d the! she arose a!d scraped her 6esture a!d lau hed1 A!d after this" o!e" her au!t" had reat pity of her" a!d se!t her 5isely to her u!cle" bishop of 9amber " 5hich recei6ed her much ho!estly" a!d retai!ed her i! e!te!t to marry her a ai!1 A!d 5he! her chamberers heard thereof7 5hich had 6o5ed co!ti!e!ce 5ith her" they 5ere passi! 5rath a!d 5ept" a!d she comforted them a!d saidD I trust i! our Lord" for the lo6e of 5hom I ha6e 6o5ed co!ti!e!ce perdurable" that he shall 4eep me i! my purpose a!d shall ta4e a5ay all 6iole!ce a!d shall corrupt all cou!sel huma!7 a!d if mi!e u!cle 5ould marry me to a!y ma! I shall 5ithsta!d it to my po5er a!d shall ai!say it 5ith 5ords1 A!d if I may !ot so escape I shall cut off my !ose so that e6ery ma! shall hate me for my loathli!ess1 A!d the! the bishop did do lead her i! a castle a ai!st her 5ill" for to abide there till that some ma! should dema!d to ha6e her i! marria e1 A!d she comme!ded to our Lord her chastity" all 5eepi! 1 A!d the! our Lord ordai!ed that the bo!es of her husba!d should be brou ht from o6er sea" a!d the! the bishop made her to come a!d o de6outly to meet the bo!es of her husba!d1 A!d the! the bo!es 5ere recei6ed of the bishop 5ith ri ht reat ho!our" a!d of her 5ith reat de6otio!" a!d 5eepi! s of tears1 A!d the! she said to our LordD Sire" I re!der to thee races a!d tha!4i! s of this" that I may recei6e the bo!es of my s5eet husba!d" a!d that thou hast 6ouchsaufed to comfort me" poor caitiff1 Sire" I lo6ed him much 5hich lo6ed thee" a!d Lord" for the lo6e of thee I suffered 5ell his prese!ce1 A!d I se!t him u!to the help of the holy la!d" a!d I call thee to 5it!ess that ho5beit that it 5ere a delectable thi! to me to li6e yet 5ith him" so that he 5ere poor a!d I also a poor be ar throu h the 5orld7 but that a ai!st thy 5ill I 5ould !ot buy him a ai! 5ith a hair" a!d I 5ould !ot retur! a ai! to temporal life1 Lord" I comme!d me a!d him i!to thy race1 A!d the! she clad her 5ith habit reli ious a!d 4ept perpetual










co!ti!e!ce after the death of her husba!d" a!d obedie!ce performed1 She too4 5ilful po6erty" a!d her clothi! 5as coarse a!d 6ile1 She 5ore a russet ma!tle" her o5! of a!other foul colour" the slee6es of her coat 5ere bro4e!" a!d ame!ded 5ith pieces of other colour1






+er father" 4i! of +u! ary" 5he! he heard that his dau hter 5as come to the estate of po6erty" he se!t a! earl to her for to bri! her to her father" a!d 5he! the earl sa5 her sit i! such a habit a!d spi!!i! " he cried for sorro5" a!d said there 5as !e6er 4i! >s dau hter that 5are such a habit !e see! spi!!i! 5ool1 A!d 5he! he had do!e his messa e a!d desired to ha6e brou ht her to her father" she i! !o 5ise 5ould accord to it" but had liefer to be !eedy amo! the poor people tha! to abou!d i! reat riches 5ith rich people" to the e!d that she should !ot be empeshed" but that her 5ill a!d mi!d should be al5ays i! our Lord1 A!d she prayed our Lord that he 5ould i6e to her race to despise all earthly thi! s a!d ta4e a5ay from her heart the lo6e of her childre!" a!d to be firm a!d co!sta!t a ai!st the persecutio!s1 A!d 5he! she had accomplished her prayer she heard our Lord sayi! D Thy prayer is heard1 A!d said she to her chamberersD Our Lord hath heard my 6oice" for I repute all earthly thi! s as du! a!d filth" a!d set !o more by mi!e o5! childre! tha! I do by other me!>s a!d my !ei hbours" !e I lo6e !o!e other thi! but our Lord1 -aster Co!rad did to her oft thi! s co!trary a!d rie6ous" a!d such thi! s as he sa5 that she lo6ed" that remo6ed he a!d too4 a5ay from her compa!y1 A!d too4 from her t5o maide!s" her chamberers" belo6ed amo! all others" a!d had bee! !ourished 5ith her from her childhood1 A!d this holy ma! did this for to brea4 her 5ill" so that she should set all lo6e i! our Lord" a!d to the e!d that she should !ot remember her first lory1 I! all these thi! s she 5as hasty for to obey" a!d co!sta!t to suffer" that by patie!ce she mi ht possess her soul" a!d by obedie!ce to be made fair a!d e!!obled1 She saidD If I" o!ly for God>s sa4e" dread so much a ma! mortal" ho5 much more ou ht I to dread a!d doubt the hea6e!ly =ud e1 Therefore I ma4e obedie!ce to -aster Co!rad" a poor ma! a!d a be ar" a!d !ot to a rich bishop" because I 5ould put a5ay from me all occasio! of temporal comfort1 O! a time because she 5e!t i!to a cloister of !u!s" 5hich prayed her dili e!tly for to 6isit them" 5ithout lice!ce of her master" he beat her so sore therefor that the stro4es appeared i! her three 5ee4s after" by 5hich she sho5ed to our Lord that her obedie!ce 5as more pleasi! tha! the offeri! of a thousa!d hosties1 9etter is obedie!ce tha! sacrifice1 She 5as of so reat humility that she 5ould suffer i! !o 5ise that her chamberers should call her lady" but that they should spea4 a!d say to her as to the lo5est a!d least of them1 She 5ashed other5hile the dishes a!d the 6essel of the 4itche!" a!d she hid her other5hile that the chamberers should !ot let her" a!d she 5ould sayD If I could fi!d a!other life more despised I 5ould ha6e ta4e! it7 she chose the best1 She had a special race to 5eep abu!da!tly tears" for to see celestial 6isio!s" a!d for to i!flame the hearts of others to the lo6e of God1 O! a day of the holy Le!t she 5as i! the church a!d she beheld e!te!ti6ely the altar li4e as she had bee! i! the prese!ce di6i!e" a!d there she 5as comforted by re6elatio! di6i!e1 A!d the! she retur!ed to her house a!d prophesied of herself that she should see Jesu Christ i! hea6e!D a!d a!o! as she lay do5! for feeble!ess i! the lap of her chamberer" she be a! to loo4 up i!to hea6e!" a!d she 5as so lad that she be a! debo!airly to lau h" a!d 5he! she had bee! lo! =oyful she 5as sudde!ly tur!ed i!to 5eepi! " a!d the! she loo4ed up to hea6e!5ard a ai!" a!d a!o! she retur!ed i!to her first =oy7 a!d 5he! she closed her eyes she be a! to 5eep" a!d i! this ma!!er she abode till compli!e" a!d had di6i!e 6isio!s" a!d the! she 5as still a 5hile" a!d said thus afterD Lord" 5ilt thou be 5ith me" a!d I 5ith thee" !e I 5ill !ot depart from thee1 After these thi! s the chamberers desired her to tell to them 5hy she had so lau hed a!d 5ept" a!d she saidD I ha6e see! hea6e! ope! a!d Jesu Christ 5hich i!cli!ed him debo!airly to me" a!d I 5as lad of the 6isio! a!d 5ept for to depart from it" a!d he said to meD If thou 5ilt be 5ith me" I shall be 5ith thee" a!d I a!s5ered li4e as ye heard1 +er prayer 5as of so reat ardour that she dre5 others to ood li6i! 1 O! a time she sa5 a you! ma!" a!d she called him to her" a!d said to himD Thou li6est dissoIutely" a!d thou ou htest to ser6e God" 5ilt thou that I pray for theeE +e saidD I 5ill 5ell a!d re<uire it of you desirously1 A!d the! she prayed for him" a!d the you! ma! also prayed for himself" a!d a!o! the you! ma! be a! to cryD Cease ye" lady" a!d lea6e off" but she prayed al5ays more e!te!ti6ely" a!d he be a! to cryD CeaseI lady" ceaseI for I be i! to fail a!d am all bur!t" a!d he 5as esprised 5ith so reat heat that he s5eat a!d fled" as he had bee! from himself" so that ma!y ra!" 5hich despoiled him for his reat heat" a!d they themsel6es mi ht u!!ethe suffer the heat of him1 A!d 5he! she had accomplished her prayer the you! ma! left his heat" a!d came a ai! to himself" a!d by the race that 5as i6e! to him he e!tered i!to the order of the friars mi!or" a!d 5he! he had ta4e! the habit of reli io! she prayed for him so










affectuously that by her fer6e!t prayers she made him that so bur!ed to be cold" a!d left his dissolute life a!d too4 upo! him a hostly a!d spiritual life1 A!d the! this blessed EliHabeth recei6ed the habit of reli io! a!d put herself dili e!tly to the 5or4s of mercy" for she recei6ed for her do5er t5o hu!dred mar4s" 5hereof she a6e a part to poor people" a!d of that other part she made a hospital" a!d therefore she 5as called a 5asteress a!d a fool" 5hich all she suffered =oyously1 A!d 5he! she had made this hospital she became herself as a! humble chamberer i! the ser6ice of the poor people" a!d she bare her so humbly i! that ser6ice" that by !i ht she bare the sic4 me! bet5ee! her arms for to let them do their !ecessities" a!d brou ht them a ai!" a!d made clea! their clothes a!d sheets that 5ere foul1 She brou ht the mesels abed" a!d 5ashed their sores a!d did all that lo! ed to a hospitaller1 A!d 5he! she had !o poor ma! she 5ould spi! 5ool 5hich 5as se!t to her from a! abbey" a!d such as she at 5hereof she a6e to the poor people" a!d 5he! she had bee! i! much po6erty she recei6ed fi6e hu!dred mar4s of her do5ry" 5hich she a6e u!to the poor much ordi!ately1 A!d the! she made a! ordi!a!ce that 5hosome6er remo6ed his place i! pre=udice of a!other 5he! she a6e her alms" should ha6e his hair cut off or shor!1 The! came a maid !amed 3ade o!de" 5hich sho!e by the beauty of her hair" a!d passed by" !ot for to ha6e alms" but for to 6isit her sister 5hich 5as sic4" a!d she comma!ded a!o! that her hair should be cut off" a!d she 5ept a!d ai!said it1 A!d there 5as a ma! 5hich said that she 5as i!!oce!t1 The! S1 EliHabeth saidD The! at the least" said she" she shall s5ear that she shall !o more" because of her hair" o to da!ces !e 4arols" !e hau!t such 6a!ities1 A!d S1 EliHabeth dema!ded of her if e6er she 5as disposed or 5ere i! purpose to use the 5ay of health" a!d she a!s5ered that if she had !ot had that fair hair" she had lo! si!ce ta4e! the habit of reli io!1 A!d she saidD I had liefer that thou shouldest lose thi!e hair tha! my so! 5ere made emperor1 A!d the! a!o! the maid too4 habit of reli io! 5ith S1 EliHabeth" a!d fi!ished her life laudably1 ,he! the time approached that God had ordai!ed" that she 5hich had despised the rei ! mortal should ha6e the rei ! of a! els" she lay sic4 of the fe6ers a!d tur!ed her to the 5all" a!d they that 5ere there heard her put out a s5eet melody7 a!d 5he! o!e of the chamberers had e!<uired of her 5hat it 5as" she a!s5ered a!d saidD A bird came bet5ee! me a!d the 5all a!d sa! so s5eetly that it pro6o4ed me to si! 5ith it1 She 5as al5ays i! her malady lad a!d =ocu!d" a!d !e ceased of prayer1 The last day tofore her departi! " she said to her chamberersD ,hat 5ill ye do if the de6il come to youE A!d after a little 5hile she cried 5ith a hi h 6oiceD 'lee I fleeI flee I li4e as she had chased a5ay the de6il" a!d after" she saidD The mid!i ht approacheth i! 5hich Jesu Christ 5as bor!7 it is !o5 time that God call his frie!ds to his hea6e!ly 5eddi! s1 A!d thus" the year of our Lord t5el6e hu!dred a!d thirty:o!e" she a6e up her spirit a!d slept i! our Lord" a!d thou h the body lay four days u!buried" yet came there !o ste!ch from it" but a s5eet odour aromatic came" 5hich refreshed all them that 5ere there1 The! there 5as heard a!d see! a multitude of birds" so ma!y that there hath !ot bee! see! the li4e tofore" o6er the church" a!d be a! a so! of ri ht reat melody" li4e as it had bee! the obse<uies of her" a!d their so! 5asD 3e !um mu!di" 5hich is su! i! the praisi! of 6ir i!s1 There 5as a reat cry of poor people for her a!d much de6otio! of people" so that some too4 a hair of her head" a!d some a part of her clothes" 5hich they 4ept for reat relics1 A!d the! her body 5as put i! a mo!ume!t" 5hich after 5as fou!d to redou!d i! oil" a!d ma!y fair miracles 5ere sho5ed at her tomb after her death1 It 5as 5ell sho5ed i! the dyi! of S1 EliHabeth of 5hat holi!ess she 5as" as 5ell i! the modulatio! of the bird as i! the e8pulsio! of the de6il1 That bird that 5as bet5ee! her a!d the 5all" a!d pro6o4ed her to si! " is supposed to be her ood a! el" 5hich 5as deputed to her" a!d brou ht her tidi! s that she should o to the e6erlasti! =oy" a!d i! li4e 5ise is sho5ed to cursed me! other5hile their e6erlasti! dam!atio!1 I! the parts of Sa8o!y there 5as a mo!4 that hi ht +e!ry" 5hich 5as falle! i! so reat a sic4!ess that he cried a!d 5ould suffer !o creature to ha6e rest about him i! the house1 O! a !i ht appeared to him a! ho!ourable lady clad i! 5hite" 5hich ad6ised him that he should 6o5 him to S1 EliHabeth if he 5ould ha6e his health" a!d the !e8t !i ht she appeared to him i! li4e 5ise" a!d the! by the cou!sel of his abbot he made the 6o51 The third !i ht she appeared to him a ai! a!d made the si ! of the cross upo! him" a!d he the! recei6ed a!o! full health a!d 5as perfectly 5hole1 A!d 5he! the abbot a!d the prior came to him" they 5ere reatly amar6elled a!d doubted much the accomplishme!t of the a6o5" a!d the prior said that" ofttimes u!der the li4e!ess of ood cometh illusio! of the fie!d" a!d cou!selled him to be co!fessed of his a6o51 A!d the !i ht follo5i! the same perso! appeared u!to him a!d saidD Thou shalt be al5ays sic4 till thou hast accomplished a!d fulfilled thi!e a6o5" a!d a!o! his i!firmity too4 him a ai! a!d 5ould !ot lea6e him1 A!d after5ards" by the lice!ce i6e! of his abbot" he accomplished his a6o5 a!d 5as made all 5hole1









There 5as a maid dema!ded dri!4 of a ser6a!t of her father>s" a!d she a6e her dri!4 a!d saidD The de6il mayst thou dri!4" a!d she dra!4" a!d her seemed that fire e!tered i!to her body1 The! be a! she to cry a!d her belly to s5ell li4e to a barrel" so that each ma! sa5 that she 5as demo!iac" a!d she 5as t5o years i! that estate" a!d after 5as brou ht i!to the tomb of S1 EliHabeth" a!d 5as made perfectly 5hole a!d 5as deli6ered of the fie!d1 There 5as o!e +erma!" a ma! of the diocese of Colo !e" 5hich 5as holde! i! priso!" a!d he called 5ith reat de6otio! S1 EliHabeth u!to his help" a!d the !i ht follo5i! she appeared to him a!d comforted him1 A!d o! the mor! se!te!ce 5as i6e! a ai!st him that he should be ha! ed" a!d the =ud e a6e lice!ce to his frie!ds to ta4e him do5! off the allo5s" a!d they bare him a5ay all dead a!d be a! to pray S1 EliHabeth for hir!" a!d a!o! he arose from death to life tofore them all1 A child of four years old 5as falle! i!to a pit a!d dro5!ed" a!d a ma! came for to ta4e 5ater a!d espied the dead child" a!d he 5as dra5! out" a!d the! they 6o5ed him to S1 EliHabeth" a!d he 5as a!o! re: established to his first life a!d health1 There 5as o!e 'rederic4" a mari!er" 5hich 5as co!!i! i! s5immi! " a!d o! a time bai !ed him i! a 5ater" a!d he moc4ed a poor ma! 5hich S1 EliHabeth had e!lumi!ed" a!d i6e! a ai! to him his si ht1 A!d the poor ma! saidD This holy lady 5hich hath healed me 5ill a6e! e me o! thee" so that thou shalt !e6er come out of the 5ater but dead" a!d a!o! the s5immer lost all his stre! th a!d mi ht !ot help himself but sa!4 do5! to the bottom li4e a sto!e" a!d 5as dro5!ed" a!d the! 5as dra5! out of the 5ater" a!d forth5ith some of his frie!ds a6o5ed him to S1 EliHabeth a!d she a6e to him his life a ai!1 There 5as a ma! !amed Dietrich 5hich 5as rie6ously 6e8ed i! his 4!ees a!d i! his thi hs" so that he mi ht !ot o" a!d he a6o5ed that he should o to the tomb of S1 EliHabeth" a!d 5as ei ht days o! oi! thither" a!d abode there a mo!th" a!d had !o remedy" a!d 5e!t a ai! to his house" a!d the! he sa5 i! his sleep a 5oma! spri! 5ater o! him" a!d a5o4e 5ithal a!d 5as a! ry" a!d said to herD ,herefore hast thou a5a4ed me a!d cast 5ater o! meE A!d the! she saidD I ha6e 5et thee" a!d this 5etti! shall do to thee profit a!d ease" a!d the! a!o! he arose all 5hole a!d a6e tha!4i! s to God a!d to S1 EliHabeth1 The! let us pray to her that she pray for us" for such thi! s as shall be for the most profit of our souls1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Ed%u#d. !o#fe or"






S1 Edmu!d the co!fessor a!d bishop" 5hich resteth at (ou!te!ey i! 'ra!ce" 5as bor! i! E! la!d i! the to5! of Abi! do!1 +is mother 5as -abel the rich" a!d she 5as ri ht holy" both 5ife a!d 5ido51 A!d this said S1 Edmu!d" her so!" 5as bor! o! S1 Edmu!d>s day" the 4i! a!d martyr" a!d i! his birth !o cloth 5as fouled by him1 A!d he 5as bor! i! the first spri! i! of the day" a!d lay all that day till !i ht as he had bee! dead" so that the mid5ife 5ould ha6e had him buried1 9ut his mother saidD Nay7 a!d soo! after he re6i6ed a!d 5as bor!e to church a!d christe!ed a!d !amed Edmu!d" because he 5as bor! o! S Edmu!d>s day" a!d as he re5 i! a e so i!creased he i! 6irtues1 +e had a brother !amed 3obert" a!d the mother set them both to school7 also she had t5o dau hters" that o!e 5as !amed -ary" a!d that other Alice" 5hich 5ere both made !u!s at Catesby i! Northampto!shire by the labour of their brother Edmu!d1 A!d the mother a6e to them ifts to fast the 'riday" a!d dre5 them to 6irtuous a!d holy li6i! by ifts a!d fair behests" so that 5he! they came to more perfect a e it rie6ed them !ot1 Their mother 5are hard hair for our Lady>s lo6e" a!d led her life i! reat pe!a!ce a!d daily laboured1 A!d o! a time as she put out 5ool for to spi!" she deli6ered so much for the pou!d that the spi!!ers mi ht !ot li6e thereby" 5hich complai!ed thereof to her so! Edmu!d" a!d he too4 the yar! that 5as spu! for a pou!d a!d ra4ed it i! the fire" a!d a certai! time after he too4 it out of the fire" a!d the =ust pou!d 5as !ot hurt !e lessed" but as much as 5as more tha! a pou!d 5as 5asted a!d bur!t by the fire1 A!d 5he! she sa5 this she repe!ted her reatly a!d did so !e6er more after1 After this she se!t her t5o so!s to (aris to school" a!d deli6ered to them mo!ey for their costs a!d school hire" a!d also t5o shirts of hair" a!d prayed them for God>s lo6e a!d hers that they 5ould 5ear those shirts o!ce or t5ice i! the 5ee4" a!d they should lac4 !othi! !eedful to them" a!d they ra!ted ladly to do after their mother>s desire" i!somuch that 5ithi! a









5hile" of custom they 5are the hair e6ery day" a!d lay therei! e6ery !i ht1 This 5as a blessed mother that so 6irtuously brou ht forth her childre!" a!d i! short time S1 Edmu!d i!creased so reatly i! 6irtue that e6ery ma! had =oy of him" i6i! laud to God thereof1 A!d o! a day as his fello5s a!d he 5e!t to play" he left their fello5ships a!d 5e!t alo!e i!to a meado5" a!d u!der a hed e he said his de6otio!s1 A!d sudde!ly there appeared tofore him a fair child i! 5hite clothi! 5hich saidD +ailI fello5" that oest alo!e1 A!d S1 Edmu!d" bei! abashed" mar6elled from 5he!ce this child came" to 5hom the child saidD Edmu!d" 4!o5est thou !ot meE A!d he saidD Nay" I am thy fello5 i! the school" a!d i! all 5here thou oest I am e6er o! thy ri ht side" a!d yet thou 4!o5est me !ot" but loo4 i! my forehead a!d there thou shalt fi!d my !ame 5ritte!1 A!d the! Edmu!d loo4ed i! his forehead a!d sa5 5ritte! therei! 5ith letters of old" Jesus NaHare!us re8 Judeorum1 A!d the! the child saidD Dread thee !ot" Edmu!d" for I am Jesu Christ thy Lord" a!d I shall be thy defe!der here 5hilst thou li6est1 A!d the! Edmu!d fell do5!" mee4ly tha!4i! God of his reat mercy a!d ood!ess1 A!d the! our Lord tau ht him to say 5he! he shall o to his bed" or arise" a!d bless him 5ith this prayerD Jesus NaHare!us re8 Judeorum" 'ilius Dei miserere mei" i! remembra!ce of my passio!" a!d the de6il shall !e6er ha6e po5er to o6ercome thee1 A!d the! a!o! this child 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d S1 Edmu!d tha!4ed humbly our Lord that it pleased to him to sho5 him i! this ma!!er" a!d e6er after both e6e!i! a!d mor!i! " he used co!ti!ually to bless him 5ith that holy prayer to his life>s e!d" a!d did much pe!a!ce e6er after for God>s sa4e1 A!d 5he! he had co!ti!ued at school a lo! time at (aris" he came home a!d 5e!t to O8e!ford to school1 A!d al5ays i! this time he 5as chaste i! his li6i! a!d a clea! 6ir i!" i! 5ill a!d deed" a!d !e6er co!se!ted to the si! of the flesh1 A!d o! a day he made his prayers de6outly before a! ima e of our Lady" a!d he put a ri! upo! her fi! er" a!d promised to her faithfully !e6er to ha6e other 5ife but o!ly her duri! his life" a!d humbly reeted our Lady 5ith these four 5ordsD A6e -aria ratia ple!a" 5hich 5ords 5ere 5ritte! o! the said ri! 1 A!d his host had a dau hter that laboured reatly to ma4e S1 Edmu!d to si! 5ith her fleshly" a!d lo! time he put her off" a!d she laboured so sore that at the last he ra!ted her to come to his bed" a!d the! she 5as ri ht lad" a!d she espied her time a!d came to his chamber" a!d a!o! made her ready to come to his bed" a!d she stood !a4ed tofore him1 A!d the! he too4 a sharp rod a!d beat the maid" that the blood ra! do5! o! e6ery side of her body" a!d said to herD Thus thou shalt lear! to release thy soul from the foul lusts of thy flesh1 A!d so 5ith beati! he put a5ay all her foul lust" a!d e6er after she li6ed a clea! 6ir i! u!to her life>s e!d1 A!d soo! after" the ood mother se!t for Edmu!d a!d her other childre!" for she 4!e5 that she should shortly pass out of this 5orld" a!d char ed Edmu!d to see that his brother a!d sisters should be 5ell uided" a!d after she a6e to them her blessi! a!d departed out of this 5orld" a!d is buried at Abi! do! i! S1 Nicholas> Church i! a tomb of marble before the rood" 5here is 5ritte!D +ere lieth -abel" flo5er of 5ido5s1 A!d after" S1 Edmu!d did do ma4e a chapel at Catesby" i! 5hich both his sisters 5ere buried" a!d o!e of them 5as prioress of the place ere she died" a!d 5as a holy 5oma! for 5hom God sho5ed ma!y miracles1 A!d S1 Edmu!d d5elled lo! after at O8e!ford" li6i! a holy life a!d 5are a shirt of hair full of hard 4!ots" a!d a breech of the same" a!d the 4!ots stuc4 i! the flesh that it made his body to bleed" a!d he bou!d the shirt to his body 5ith a cord so strait that u!!ethe he mi ht bo5 his body1 A!d o! a time 5he! his shirt of hair 5as ri ht foul he too4 it to his ser6a!t for to bur! i! the fire" but the fire mi ht !ot perish !e hurt it1 The! his ser6a!t too4 it out of the fire" a!d bou!d a sto!e thereto a!d thre5 it i!to a po!d" a!d told his master that he had bur!t it1 S1 Edmu!d a!d his fello5s" o! a day as they came from Le54e!or to Abi! do!" sa5 i! a 6alley ma!y blac4 fo5ls li4e cro5s or ra6e!s" amo! 5hor! 5as o!e 5hich 5as all to:re!t a!d tor! 5ith the other blac4 birds" a!d thre5 him from o!e to a!other that it 5as a piteous si ht to see" a!d they that accompa!ied S1 Edmu!d 5ere almost from themsel6es for fear of the si ht1 9ut the! S1 Edmu!d comforted them a!d said to them 5hat it mea!t" he said that these be 5ic4ed fie!ds of hell that bear 5ith them a ma!>s soul" 5hich died ri ht !o5 at Chal ro6e" 5hich soul is dam!ed for his 5ic4ed li6i! " a!d the! he a!d his fello5s 5e!t to Chal ro6e a!d fou!d all thi! s as he had said1 S1 Edmu!d 5as accustomed to say e6ery day u!to our Lady a!d S1 Joh! the E6a! elist the prayerD O i!temerata" a!d o! day" for certai! busi!ess that he had" he for at it a!d said it !ot1 ,herefore S1 Joh! appeared to him i! a hastful ma!!er" blami! him reatly for that he had !ot said it" a!d after that he said it e6ery day u!to his life>s e!d1 A!d after this as he sat i! a !i ht i! his study" labouri! i! di6ers of the se6e! scie!ces" the spirit of his mother appeared to him i! a 6isio!" a!d char ed him to lea6e to study i! particular scie!ces" but that he














should from the! fortho! labour i! di6i!ity o!ly" for that 5as the 5ill of God" a!d he hath se!t to thee 5ord by me" a!d this said" she 6a!ished a5ay1 A!d e6er after he laboured i! di6i!ity so that he profited therei! mar6ellously" so that me! 5o!dered of his co!!i! 7 a!d 5he! he read di6i!ity i! schools" his scholars a!d hearers profited more i! o!e day tha! they did of other me!>s teachi! a 5hole 5ee41 A!d ma!y of his scholars by his teachi! a!d e!sample of li6i! " forsoo4 the 5orld a!d became reli ious me!1 A!d o! a day he came to the school for to dispute of the blessed Tri!ity" a!d 5as there ere a!y of his scholars came" a!d fell i! slumberi! " sitti! i! his chair" a!d a 5hite do6e brou ht him the body of our Lord a!d put it i!to his mouth" a!d the do6e asce!ded up i!to hea6e! a ai!" a!d e6er after S1 Edmu!d thou ht that the s5eet sa6our of our Lord>s flesh 5as i! his mouth" by 5hich he 4!e5 reat pri6ities of our Lord i! hea6e!" for he passed all the doctors i! O8e!ford i! co!!i! " for he spa4e more li4e a! a! el tha! a ma!" a!d i! all his lesso!s he remembered e6er our Lord>s passio!1 A!d i! a !i ht as he studied lo! i! his boo4s" sudde!ly he fell asleep a!d for at to bless him a!d to thi!4 o! the passio! of our Lord" a!d a!o! the de6il lay so hea6y o! him that he mi ht !ot bless him 5ith !either ha!d" a!d 5ist !ot 5hat to do" but throu h the race of God he remembered his blessed passio!" a!d the! the fie!d had !o more po5er" but fell do5! from him a!o!1 A!d S1 Edmu!d the! char ed the fie!d by the 6irtue of our Lord>s passio!" to tell to him ho5 he should best defe!d him" that he should ha6e !o po5er o6er him" a!d the! the fie!d a!s5ered a!d saidD The remembra!ce of the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" for 5he! a!y ma! remembreth the passio! of Jesu Christ" I ha6e !o po5er o6er them1 A!d e6er after S1 Edmu!d had full reat de6otio! to the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d 5as co!ti!ually i! holy prayers a!d meditatio!s" for all the deli hts of the 5orld 5ere but hea6i!ess to him1 +e 5as a ma! of reat alms" a!d ofte! preached a!d edified the people" a!d all the people had reat de6otio! to hear him1 I! that time the pope se!t out a crusade a ai!st the Tur4s a!d miscrea!ts i!to E! la!d" a!d this holy ma!" Edmu!d" 5as chose! to publish it throu h the realm" a!d he stirred much people to recei6e the crusade" a!d to o to the +oly La!d to fi ht a amst the e!emies of God1 A!d as a you! ma! came 5ith others for to recei6e the cross" a 5oma! that lo6ed him letted him of his purpose" a!d dre5 him a5ay from the!ce 5ith her ha!ds" a!d a!o! her ha!ds 5ere made stiff a!d hard as a board" a!d also croo4ed1 A!d the! she made reat sorro5" a!d cried God mercy full mee4ly" a!d prayed S1 Edmu!d to pray for her to our Lord" a!d he said to herD ,oma!" 5ilt thou ta4e the crossE A!d she saidD ;ea" sir" full fai!" a!d the! she recei6ed it a!d a!o! 5as made perfectly 5hole" a!d she tha!4ed God a!d S1 Edmu!d7 a!d for this miracle much the more people too4 the cross1 I! a time as this holy ma! preached at O8e!ford i! the churchyard of All +allo5s" a!d much people bei! there to hear him" sudde!ly the 5eather cha! ed" a!d 5a8ed all dar4 i! such 5ise that the people 5ere a hast a!d afeard" a!d be a! fast to flee a5ay from the sermo!1 A!d this holy ma! said to the peopleD Abide ye still here" for the po5er of God is stro! er tha! the fie!d>s po5er" for this he doeth for e!6y to distrouble God>s 5ords1 A!d the! S1 Edmu!d lift up his ha!ds a!d his mi!d to Almi hty God" a!d besou ht him of his mercy a!d race7 a!d 5he! he had e!ded his oriso! a!d his prayer" the 5eather be a! to 5ithdra5 by that other side of the churchyard" a!d all they that abode still a!d mo6ed !ot" but heard the preachi! " had !ot o!e drop of rai!" a!d they that 5e!t a5ay from the preachi! 5ere throu h 5et" for there fell so much rai! i! the hi h street that me! mi ht !ot o !e ride therei!" 5herefore the people tha!4ed God a!d his holy sai!t for this miracle1 A!d at ,i!chester a!other time" as he preached" there 5as sho5ed a li4e miracle" for there he chased a5ay such a dar4 5eather by his holy prayer1 After" for his blessed li6i! he 5as chose! to be a hi h ca!o! of Salisbury" a!d by the chapter 5as made commo! treasurer" 5here he li6ed full blessedly i! i6i! alms lar ely u!to the poor people" i!somuch that u!!ethe he 4ept a!ythi! for himself" for 5hich cause he 5e!t to the abbey of Sta!ley" a!d so=our!ed there till his re!ts came i!1 A!d the abbot" !amed -aster Stephe! Le8i! to!"5as sometime his scholar i! O8e!ford1 +e 5as a ma! of reat absti!e!ce" a!d ate so little meat that me! 5o!dered 5hereby he li6ed1 +e ate but seldom flesh1 'rom Shro6etide till Easter he 5ould eat !othi! that suffered death" !e i! Ad6e!t he ate !e6er but Le!t meat" a!d 5he! the archbishop of Ca!terbury 5as dead" he 5as elected a!d chose! by all the co!6e!t to be their bishop" 5hich electio! 5as se!t to him by three messe! ers to Salisbury1 9ut the! he 5as at Cal!e" 5hich 5as a prebe!d of his" a!d 5as solitary i! his chamber" alo!e i! his prayers" a!d o!e of his chaplai!s came to him a!d told to him that he 5as chose! to be archbishop of Ca!terbury a!d that the messe! ers 5ere come to him for the same cause1 9ut S1 Edmu!d 5as !othi! lad of the tidi! s" a!d the! the messe! ers came a!d did their messa e a!d deli6ered to him letters 5hich he read a!d u!derstood" a!d after" said to the messe! ersD I tha!4 you of your labour a!d ood








5ill" but I am !othi! lad of these tidi! s7 !ot5ithsta!di! I 5ill o to Sahsbury a!d ta4e cou!sel of my fello5s i! this matter1 A!d a!o! as he 5as come he laid tofore the 5hole chapter this matter a!d sho5ed to them7 his letters" a!d all the chapter ad6ised him to ta4e it upo! him1 A!d he" al5ays e8cusi! him" refused it to his po5er7 but at last the bishop of Salisbury" 5ith the chapter" comma!ded him by 6irtue of obedie!ce that he should ta4e it o! him" a!d the! he humbly" sore 5eepi! " a reed to recei6e it1 A!d forth5ith they led him to the hi h altar a!d sa! de6outlyD Te Deum laudamus" a!d all the 5hile this holy ma! 5ept full bitterly a!d shed ma!y a tear" a!d prayed de6outly to our Lord to ha6e mercy o! him" a!d besou ht our blessed Lady a!d S1 Joh! E6a! elist to pray for him a!d to help him i! his !eed1 A!d the! after he 5as brou ht to Ca!terbury a!d there i! time a!d space 5as co!secrated" a!d stalled i!to the see of the archbishop" a!d so ruled the church of E! la!d that all me! spa4e ood of him1 A!d he did reat pe!a!ce a!d a6e reat alms to poor people1 A!d o! a time a poor te!a!t of his died" a!d the bailiff too4 his best beast for a mortuary" a!d the! the poor 5ido5 5hich had lost her husba!d" a!d also her best beast" came to this holy ma!" S1 Edmu!d" a!d complai!ed to him of her reat po6erty a!d prayed him for the lo6e of God that he 5ould i6e her a ai! her beast1 A!d he saidD ;e 4!o5 5ell that the chief lord must ha6e the best beast" but if so be that I deli6er to thee a ai! this beast" 5ilt thou 4eep him 5ell to my behoof till I as4 him a ai! a!other time E To 5hom she saidD ;ea" sir" 5ith a ood 5ill to your pleasure" or else God defe!d" a!d pray for you also that ye 6ouchsafe to do so much race to me a poor 5retch1 A!d the! he comma!ded his bailiff to deli6er it to her a!d she 4ept it after to her life>s e!d1 This holy ma! 5as merciful to poor people a!d full truly to his po5er mai!tai!ed all the ri ht of holy church1 A!d the de6il" ha6i! e6er e!6y o! ood 5or4s" set a debate bet5ee! the 4i! a!d him" 5hich 5as +e!ry III1 so! of 4i! Joh!" 5hich desired certai! poi!ts a ai!st the liberties of holy church1 9ut this ood archbishop 5ithstood him to his po5er" a!d prayed the 4i! to spare holy church for the lo6e of God" a!d mai!tai! them as he 5as bou!de! a!d had promised1 9ut the 4i! 5ould !ot hear him" but e8pressly did certai! thi! s a ai!st the ri ht of the church a!d me!aced reatly S1 Edmu!d1 A!d 5he! S1 Edmu!d sa5 the 4i! so cruel a ai!st the church he spa4e sharply u!to the 4i! " a!d at the last e8ecuted the ce!sures a ai!st them that 6e8ed it" a!d cursed them that too4 a5ay the liberties of it1 A!d 5he! the 4i! heard of this cursi! he 5as reatly mo6ed a ai!st S1 Edmu!d" ho5beit this holy ma! 5as firm a!d co!sta!t i! his holy purpose" 5hich 5as ready to put his life i! =eopardy for the ri ht of the church1 A!d S1 Thomas of Ca!terbury appeared to him" a!d bade him to mai!tai! a!d hold the ri ht of the church to his po5er" a!d rather to suffer death tha! to lese a!y of the liberties a!d fra!chises of holy church" li4e as he did1 A!d after that S1 Edmu!d 5as more bold to abide a!d mai!tai! the liberties of the church1 A!d he ta4i! e!sample of S1 Thomas" ho5 he 5e!t i!to 'ra!ce to the e!d that the 4i! should be better disposed" a!d i! li4e5ise did S1 Edmu!d" a!d 5e!t o6er sea" trusti! to God that the 4i! 5ould better be disposed a!d forsa4e his opi!io!s7 a!d 5as i! the abbey of (ou!te!ey i! hi h 'ra!ce si8 years" prayi! for the ood state of the church of E! la!d a!d li6ed there so holy a!d perfect a life that e6ery ma! had =oy of him1 A!d i! short time after" he became sic4 a!d feeble" a!d his frie!ds cou!selled him to remo6e the!ce" a!d the! he departed a!d 5e!t to a place called Soly" 5hich is t5e!ty miles the!ce" but the mo!4s of (ou!te!ey made reat sorro5 for his departi! 1 9ut he comforted them a!d saidD I promise you to be 5ith you at S1 Edmu!d>s day" 4i! a!d martyr1 A!d as he came i!to Soly he 5a8ed so sic4 that he 4!e5 5ell that he should hastily depart out of this 5orld" a!d the! he desired to recei6e the sacrame!ts of the church" 5hich" 5he! he had recei6ed 5ith reat re6ere!ce" he passed out of this life u!to our Lord" full of 6irtues" i! the year of our Lord t5el6e hu!dred a!d forty1 A!d from the to5! of Soly he 5as brou ht a ai! to (ou!te!ey upo! S1 Edmu!d>s day" 4i! a!d martyr" a!d 5here he mi ht !ot 4eep his promise ali6e" he performed it 5he! he 5as dead1 A!d the mo!4s of (ou!te!ey recei6ed him 5orshipfully a!d buried him solem!ly" a!d after5ards" for the reat miracles that God sho5ed for him there" his bo!es 5ere ta4e! up a!d laid i! a 5orshipful shri!e tofore the hi h altar i! the said abbey" 5here our Lord hath sho5ed ma!y a fair miracle for his holy ser6a!t S1 Edmu!d1 The! let us de6outly pray to Almi hty God that by the merits of this holy ma! S1 Edmu!d he ha6e mercy o! us a!d pardo! us our si!s1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Hu(h. /i ho& a#d !o#fe or" S1 +u h" of holy remembra!ce" 5as sometime bishop of Li!col!1 +e 5as bor! of the utterest parts of 9ur u!dy" !ot far from the Alps" other5ise called the mou!tai!s" a!d 5as of !oble pare!ta e a!d li!ea e" for he came of the 4!i hts1 A!d this holy ma! 5he! he 5as you! a!d te!der of a e he 5as set to school" a!d 5he! he 5as te! years old he 5as put i!to a mo!astery for to lear! the rules of discipli!e" a!d there

















5as made a!d professed a ca!o!:re ular" 5herei! he li6ed so de6outly that 5he! he 5as fiftee! years old he 5as deputed for to be prior of a certai! cell a!d he ruled it i! such 5ise that all thi! that 5as u!der his o6er!a!ce prospered as 5ell i! spiritual thi! s as i! temporal thi! s1 After this he thou ht adau!t a!d put his flesh to more pe!a!ce" a!d by the dispositio! of our Lord he e!tered i!to the order of Charterhouse" 5here he 5as recei6ed" a!d 5as there so 6irtuous i! his li6i! " that amo! the stra! ers he 5as so frie!dly a!d so 5ell belo6ed that after a little 5hile he 5as made procurator of the house1 I! that time +e!ry" 4i! of E! la!d" did do build a!d fou!ded a house of Charterhouse i! E! la!d" 5herefore he se!t i!to 9ur u!dy to the Charterhouse for to ha6e o!e of them to ha6e the o6er!a!ce a!d rule of it" a!d at the reat i!sta!ce a!d the prayer of the 4i! u!!ethe could he et this said S1 +u h" but at the last by the comma!dme!t of his o6erest" a!d re<uest of the 4i! " he 5as se!t i!to the realm of E! la!d" a!d there made procurator of the same house" a!d there li6ed a holy a!d de6out life as he did tofore1 that he stood so i! the 4i! >s race that the 4i! !amed him to be bishop of Li!col!" a!d 5as elected by the chapter of the ca!o!s of Li!col!" 5hich bishopric the 4i! had holde! lo! i! his ha!ds1 A!d 5as called thereto by the said chapter" a!d the bishopric to him prese!ted" 5hich di !ity he utterly refused a!d said plai!ly that i! !o 5ise that he 5ould !ot recei6e a!y po!tifical di !ity 5ithout asse!t a!d also comma!dme!t of the prior of the Charterhouse" 5hich 5as co!se!ted1 A!d also" the 5hole electio! of the chapter of Li!col! to him declared" he too4 upo! him the office a!d 5as sacred bishop of Li!col!1 A!d the !e8t !i ht after" he heard a 6oice sayi! to himD Thou art o!e out i!to the health of thy people1 A!d after this he 5ithstood mi htily the po5er of 5ood people that e!te!ded to hurt the pri6ile e of the church" a!d put his body i! peril" li4e as he had despised it" for to bri! the church from ser6itude" a!d reco6ered ma!y droits a!d ri hts 5hich had bee! ta4e! a5ay from the church1 This holy ma! made ma!y ood statutes a!d ordi!a!ces i! his diocese" a!d 5e!t a!d 6isited the churches a!d places of his cure a!d char e" a!d li6ed a holy life1 A!d he 5ould 6isit the houses of lepers a!d laHars" a!d 5as 5o!t oft to e!ter i!to their houses" a!d by his comma!dme!t the 5ome! 5ere departed from the me!1 A!d all the me! that 5ere foul a!d deformed i! their 6isa e" he 5ould 4iss of humility1 A!d there 5as at that time i! the church of Li!col!" a! ho!ourable ma!" a ca!o! !amed ,illiam" 5hich 5as cha!cellor of the church" a ood ma! a!d 5ell lettered" a!d he 5ould pro6e a!d essay if there 5ere a!y elatio! or pride i! his coura e" a!d said to this holy ma!D S1 -arti! by 4issi! of a ma! that 5as a foul laHar healed him" a!d ye heal !ot the lepers !e laHars that ye 4iss1 ,ho a!o! a!s5ered to the cha!cellorD S1 -arti! certai!ly healed a leprous ma! by 4issi! " a!d this 4issi! that I 4iss the lepers healeth my soul1 This 5as a humble a!d a mee4 a!s5er1 This holy ma! S1 +u h i! all his life 5as much dili e!t i! buryi! of dead me!" a!d of his huma!ity 5ould ladly do the office about their sepulture" 5herefore our Lord a6e a!d re!dered to him by retributio! co!di !" ho!ourable sepulture7 for 5hat time he departed out of this 5orld" a!d the same day that his body 5as brou ht to the church of Li!col!" it happed that the 4i! of E! la!d" the 4i! of Scotla!d" 5ith three archbishops" baro!s" a!d reat multitude of people 5ere athered at Li!col!" a!d 5ere prese!t at his ho!ourable sepulture" 5here God hath sho5ed for him di6ers miracles1 The! let us pray u!to this holy ma! S1 +u h of Li!col! to pray for us1 Here followeth the Life of *" Ed%u#d. 5i#( a#d Martyr"

I! the pro6i!ce of E! la!d of old time 5ere di6ers 4i! s" for the la!d 5as departed7 amo! 5hom there 5as S1 Edmu!d" 4i! of Norfol4 a!d Suffol4" 5hich too4 his birth of the !oble a!d a!cie!t li!ea e of the Sa8o!s" a!d 5as from the be i!!i! of his first a e a blessed ma!" soft" 6irtuous" a!d full of mee4!ess" a!d 4ept truly the 6ery reli io! of christia! faith" a!d o6er!ed his 4i! dom full 5ell to the pleasure of Almi hty God1 I! his time it happed that t5o 5ic4ed tyra!ts" that o!e !amed +i! 6ar" a!d that other +ubba" came out of De!mar4 a!d arri6ed i! the cou!try of Northumberla!d" a!d robbed a!d destroyed the cou!try a!d sle5 the people 5ithout mercy i! e6ery place 5here they came1 The! the o!e of them !amed +i! 6ar came i!to the cou!try 5here this most christia! S1 Edmu!d rei !ed" a!d u!derstood that he 5as i! his flo5eri! a e" stro! a!d mi hty i! battle" a!d dema!ded of the people 5here their 4i! 5as reside!t a!d d5elled" 5hich that 5as most abidi! i! a to5! !amed the! E lesdo!" a!d !o5 is called 9ury1 No5 the Da!es had al5ays custom that they 5ould !e6er fi ht battle set !e appoi!ted" but e6er lie i! 5ait ho5 they mi ht by slei ht a!d deceit pre6e!ted" fall o! ood christia! me!" a!d so slay a!d destroy them" li4e as thie6es lie i! a5ait to rob a!d slay ood true me!1 ,herefore" 5he! he 4!e5 5here this holy 4i! 5as" he addressed o!e of his 4!i hts to him for to espy 5hat stre! th he had" a!d 5hat people about him1 A!d +i! 6ar himself follo5ed 5ith all his host to the e!d that sudde!ly he should fall upo! this 4i! u!ad6ised" a!d that he mi ht subdue him u!to his la5s a!d comma!dme!ts1 The! this said 4!i ht came to this holy 4i! S1 Edmu!d" a!d made his le atio! a!d messa e i! this 5iseD








Our most dread lord by la!d a!d by sea" +i! 6ar" 5hich hath subdued di6ers cou!tries a!d la!ds i! this pro6i!ce u!to his sei !iory by stre! th of arms" a!d purposeth 5ith all his ships a!d army to 5i!ter him i! these marches" se!deth to thee his comma!dme!t that thou i!co!ti!e!t come a!d ma4e allia!ce a!d frie!dship 5ith him1 A!d that thou depart to him thy pater!al treasures a!d riches i! such 5ise that thou mayst rei ! u!der him" or certai!ly thou shalt die by cruel death1 A!d 5he! the blessed 4i! " S1 Edmu!d" had heard this messa e" a!o! he si hed a!d called to him o!e of his bishops a!d dema!ded cou!sel of him" 5hat a!d ho5 he should a!s5er upo! this dema!d that 5as as4ed of him1 ,hich bishop" sore dreadi! for the 4i! >s life" e8horted him by ma!y e8amples for to co!se!t a!d a ree to this tyra!t +i! 6ar" a!d the 4i! a 5hile said !othi! but remembered him 5ell" a!d after ma!y de6out 5ords at the last" he a!s5ered to the messe! er i! this 5ise a!d saidD This shalt thou say to thy lordD 4!o5 thou for truth" that for the lo6e of temporal life" the christia! 4i! Edmu!d shall !o subdue him to a pay!im du4e1 The! u!!ethe 5as the messe! er o!e out" but +i! 6ar met him a!d bade him use short 5ords a!d tell him his a!s5er" 5hich messa e told u!to +i! 6ar" a!o! the cruel tyra!t comma!ded to slay all the people that 5ere 5ith S1 Edmu!d a!d destroy them" but they should hold a!d 4eep o!ly the 4i! " 5hom he 4!e5 rebel u!to his 5ic4ed la5s1 The! this holy 4i! 5as ta4e! a!d bou!de!" his ha!ds behi!d him" a!d is brou ht tofore the du4e" a!d after ma!y opprobrious 5ords" at the last they led him forth u!to a tree 5hich 5as thereby1 To 5hich tree his ad6ersaries bou!d him" a!d the! shot arro5s at him" so thic4 a!d ma!y that he 5as throu h 5ou!ded" a!d that o!e arro5 smote out a!other" a!d al5ays this blessed 4i! ceased !ot" for all his 5ou!ds" to i6e laud a!d praisi! u!to Almi hty God1 The! this 5ic4ed tyra!t comma!ded that they should smite off his head" 5hich they so did" he al5ays prayi! " a!d sayi! his oriso!s to our Lord God1 The! the Da!es left the body there Iyi! " a!d too4 the head a!d bare it i!to the thic4 of the 5ood" a!d hid it i! the thic4est place amo! thor!s a!d briars" to the e!d that it should !ot be fou!d of the christia! me!1 9ut by the pur6eya!ce of Almi hty God there came a 5olf 5hich dili e!tly 4ept the holy head from de6ouri! of beasts a!d fo5ls1 A!d after" 5he! the Da!es 5ere departed" the christia! me! fou!d the body" but they could !ot fi!d the head" 5herefore they sou ht it i! the 5ood1 A!d as o!e of them spa4e to a!otherD ,here art thouE ,hich 5ere i! the thic4 of the 5ood" a!d criedD ,here art thouE the head a!s5ered a!d saidD +ereI hereI here I a!d a!o! the! all they came thither a!d sa5 it a!d also a reat 5olf sitti! a!d embraci! the head bet5ee! his forele s" 4eepi! it from all other beasts1 A!d the! a!o! they too4 the head a!d brou ht it u!to the body a!d set it to the place 5here it 5as smitte! off" a!d a!o! they =oi!ed to ether" a!d the! they bare this holy body u!to the place 5here it is !o5 buried1 A!d the 5olf follo5ed humbly the body till it 5as buried" a!d the! he" hurti! !o body" retur!ed a ai! to the 5ood1 A!d the blessed body a!d head be so =oi!ed to ether that there appeareth !othi! that it had bee! smitte! off" sa6e as it 5ere a red shi!i! thread i! the place of the departi! 5here the head 5as smitte! off1 A!d i! that place 5here he !o5 lieth so buried is a !oble mo!astery made" a!d therei! mo!4s of the order of S1 9e!et" 5hich be richly e!do5ed1 I! 5hich place Almi hty God hath sho5ed ma!y miracles for the holy 4i! a!d martyr1 Here followeth of *" !e$ilia. vir(i# a#d %artyr. a#d fr t of her #a%e"







Cecilia is as much to say as the lily of hea6e!" or a 5ay to bli!d me!1 Or she is said of celo a!d lie" or else cecilia" as lac4i! bli!d!ess1 Or she is said of celo" that is hea6e!" a!d le s" that is people1 She 5as a hea6e!ly lily by clea!!ess of 6ir i!ity" a 5ay to bli!d me! by i!formatio! of e8ample" hea6e! by de6out co!templatio!" lia by busy operatio!" lac4i! bli!d!ess by shi!i! of 5isdom" a!d hea6e! of the people1 'or the people beheld i! her as i! follo5i! the spiritual hea6e!" the su!" the moo!" a!d the stars" that is to say" shi!i! of 5isdom" ma !a!imity of faith" a!d di6ersity of 6irtues1 Or she is said a lily" for she had the 5hite!ess of clea!!ess" a ood co!scie!ce" a!d odour of ood fame1 Or she is said hea6e!" for Isidore saith that the philosophers say that hea6e! is mo6able" rou!d" a!d bur!i! 1 I! li4e 5ise 5as she mo6i! by busy operatio!" rou!d by perse6era!ce" a!d bur!i! by fiery charity1 Of *" !e$ilia"


S1 Cecilia" the holy 6ir i!" 5as come of the !oble li!ea e of the 3oma!s" a!d from the time that she lay i! her cradle she 5as fostered a!d !ourished i! the faith of Christ" a!d al5ays bare i! her breast the








ospel hid" a!d !e6er ceased day !e !i ht from holy prayers" but recomme!ded to God al5ays her 6ir i!ity1 A!d 5he! this blessed 6ir i! should be espoused to a you! ma! !amed Valeria!" a!d the day of the 5eddi! 5as come" she 5as clad i! royal clothes of old" but u!der she 5are the hair1 A!d she heari! the or a!s ma4i! melody" she sa! i! her heart" o!ly to God" sayi! D O Lord" I beseech thee that mi!e heart a!d body may be u!defouled so that I be !ot co!fou!ded1 A!d e6ery seco!d a!d third day she fasted" comme!di! herself u!to our Lord 5hom she dreaded1 The !i ht came that she should o to bed 5ith her husba!d as the custom is" a!d 5he! they 5ere both i! their chamber alo!e" she said to him i! this ma!!erD O" my best belo6ed a!d s5eet husba!d" I ha6e a cou!sel to tell thee" if so be that thou 5ilt 4eep it secret a!d s5ear that ye shall be5ray it to !o ma!1 To 5hom Valeria! said that he 5ould ladly promise a!d s5ear !e6er to be5ray it" a!d the! she said to himD I ha6e a! a! el that lo6eth me" 5hich e6er 4eepeth my body 5hether I sleep or 5a4e" a!d if he may fi!d that ye touch my body by 6illai!y" or foul a!d polluted lo6e" certai!ly he shall a!o! slay you" a!d so should ye lose the flo5er of your youth1 A!d if so be that thou lo6e me i! holy lo6e a!d clea!!ess" he shall lo6e thee as he lo6eth me a!d shall sho5 to thee his race1 The! Valeria!" corrected by the 5ill of God" ha6i! dread" said to herD If thou 5ilt that I belie6e that thou sayest to me" sho5 to me that a! el that thou spea4est of" a!d if I fi!d 6eritable that he be the a! el of God" I shall do that thou sayest" a!d if so be that thou lo6e a!other ma! tha! me" I shall slay both him a!d thee 5ith my s5ord1 Cecilia a!s5ered to himD If thou 5ilt belie6e a!d baptiHe thee" thou shalt 5ell !o5 see him1 Go the! forth to Via Appia" 5hich is three miles out of this to5!" a!d there thou shalt fi!d (ope ?rba! 5ith poor fol4s" a!d tell him these 5ords that I ha6e said" a!d 5he! he hath pur ed you from si! by baptism" the! 5he! ye come a ai! ye shall see the a! el1 A!d forth 5e!t Valeria! a!d fou!d this holy ma! ?rba! Iouti! amo! the burials7 to 5hom he reported the 5ords that Cecilia had said" a!d S1 ?rba! for =oy a! hold up his ha!ds a!d let the tears fall out of his eyes" a!d saidD O Almi hty God Jesu Christ" so5er of chaste cou!sel a!d 4eeper of us all" recei6e the fruit of the seed that thou hast so5! i! Cecilia" for" li4e a busy bee she ser6eth thee7 for the spouse 5hom she hath ta4e! 5hich 5as li4e a 5ood lio!" she hath se!t hither li4e as a mee4 lamb1 A!d 5ith that 5ord appeared sudde!ly a! old ma! clad i! 5hite clothes" holdi! a boo4 5ritte! 5ith letters of old" 5hom Valeria! seei! " for fear fell do5! to the rou!d as he had bee! dead1 ,hom the old ma! raised a!d too4 up" a!d read i! this 5ise1 O!e God" o!e faith" o!e baptism" o!e God a!d father of all" abo6e all" a!d i! us all" e6ery5here1 A!d 5he! this old ma! had read this" he saidD 9elie6est thou this or doubtest thou itE Say yea or !ay1 The! Valeria! cried sayi! D There is !othi! truer u!der hea6e!1 The! 6a!ished this old ma! a5ay1 The! Valeria! recei6ed baptism of S1 ?rba! a!d retur!ed home to S1 Cecilia" 5hom he fou!d 5ithi! her chamber spea4i! 5ith a! a! el1 A!d this a! el had t5o cro5!s of roses a!d lilies 5hich he held i! his ha!ds" of 5hich he a6e o!e to Cecilia" a!d that other to Valeria!" sayi! D @eep ye these cro5!s 5ith a! u!defouled a!d clea! body" for I ha6e brou ht them to you from (aradise" a!d they shall !e6er fade" !e 5ither" !e lose their sa6our" !e they may !ot be see! but of them to 5hom chastity pleaseth1 A!d thou Valeria! because thou hast used profitable cou!sel" dema!d 5hat thou 5ilt1 To 5hom Valeria! saidD There is !othi! i! this 5orld to me liefer tha! my brother" 5hom I 5ould fai! that he mi ht 4!o5 this 6ery truth 5ith me1To 5hom the a! el saidD Thy petitio! pleaseth our Lord" a!d ye both shall come to him by the palm of martyrdom1 A!d a!o! Tyburtius" his brother" came a!d e!tered i!to this chamber" a!d a!o! he felt the s5eet odour of the roses a!d lilies" a!d mar6elled from 5he!ce it came1 The! Valeria! saidD ,e ha6e cro5!s 5hich thi!e eyes may !ot see" a!d li4e as by my prayers thou hast felt the odour of them" so if thou 5ilt belie6e thou shalt see the cro5!s of roses a!d lilies that 5e ha6e1 The! Cecilia a!d Valeria! be a! to preach to Tyburtius of the =oy of hea6e! a!d of the foul crea!ce of pay!ims" the abuse of idols" a!d of the pai!s of hell 5hich the dam!ed suffer" a!d also they preached to him of the i!car!atio! of our Lord" a!d of his passio!" a!d did so much that Tyburtius 5as co!6erted a!d baptiHed of S1 ?rba!1 A!d from the! fortho! he had so much race of God that e6ery day he sa5 a! els" a!d all that e6er he re<uired of our Lord he obtai!ed1 After" Almachius" pro6ost of 3ome" 5hich put to death ma!y christia! me!" heard say that Tyburtius a!d Valeria! buried christia! me! that 5ere martyred" a!d a6e all their oods to poor people1 +e called them tofore him" a!d after lo! disputatio! he comma!ded that they should o to the statue or ima e of Jupiter for to do sacrifice" or else they should be beheaded1 A!d as they 5ere led" they so preached the faith of our Lord to o!e called -a8imus that they co!6erted him to the christia! faith" a!d they promised to him that if he had 6ery repe!ta!ce" a!d firm crea!ce that he should see the lory of hea6e! 5hich their souls should recei6e at the hour of their passio!s" a!d that he himself should ha6e the same if he 5ould belie6e1 The! -a8imus at lea6e of the torme!tors for to ha6e them home to his house" a!d the said -a8imus" 5ith all his household a!d all the torme!tors" 5ere tur!ed to the faith1 The! came S1 Cecilia thither 5ith priests" a!d baptiHed them" a!d













after5ards"5he! the mor!i! came" S1 Cecilia said to themD No5" ye 4!i hts of Christ" cast a5ay from you the 5or4s of dar4!ess a!d clothe you 5ith the arms of li ht1 A!d the! they 5ere led four miles out of the to5!" a!d brou ht tofore the ima e of Jupiter" but i! !o 5ise they 5ould do sacrifice !e i!ce!se to the idol" but humbly 5ith reat de6otio! 4!eeled do5! a!d there 5ere beheaded" a!d S1 Cecilia too4 their bodies a!d buried them1 The! -a8imus" that sa5 this thi! " said that he sa5 i! the hour of their passio! a! els clear shi!i! a!d their souls asce!d i!to hea6e!" 5hich the a! els bare up" 5herefore ma!y 5ere co!6erted to the christia! faith1 A!d 5he! Almachius heard that -a8imus 5as christe!ed" he did do beat him 5ith plummets of lead so lo! till he a6e up his spirit a!d died 5hose body S1 Cecilia buried by Valeria! a!d Tyburtius1 A!d after" Almachius comma!ded that Cecilia should be brou ht i!to his prese!ce for to do sacrifice to Jupiter" a!d she so preached to them that came for her that she co!6erted them to the faith" 5hich 5ept sore that so fair a maid a!d so !oble should be put to death1 The! she said to themD O ye ood you! me!" it is !othi! to lose the youth" but to cha! e it" that is" to i6e clay" a!d ta4e therefor old" to i6e a foul habitatio!" a!d to ta4e a precious" to i6e a little cor!er" a!d to ta4e a ri ht reat place1 God re5ardeth for o!e simple" a hu!dredfold1 9elie6e ye this that I ha6e saidE A!d they saidD ,e belie6e Christ to be 6ery God 5hich hath such a ser6a!t1 The! S1 ?rba! 5as called" a!d four hu!dred a!d more 5ere baptiHed1 The! Almachius" calli! tofore him S1 Cecilia" said to herD Of 5hat co!ditio! art thouE A!d she said that she 5as of a !oble 4i!dred1 To 5hom Almachius saidD I dema!d thee of 5hat reli io! art thouE The! Cecilia saidD The! be a!!est thou thy dema!d foolishly" that 5ouldst ha6e t5o a!s5ers i! o!e dema!d1 To 5hom Almachius saidD 'rom 5he!ce cometh thy rude a!s5erE A!d she saidD Of ood co!scie!ce a!d faith !ot fei !ed1 To 5hom Almachius saidD @!o5est thou !ot of 5hat po5er I amE A!d she saidD Thy po5er is little to dread" for it is li4e a bladder full of 5i!d" 5hich 5ith the pric4i! of a !eedle is a!o! o!e a5ay a!d come to !ou ht1 To 5hom Almachius saidD I! 5ro! be a!!est thou" a!d i! 5ro! thou perse6erest7 4!o5est thou !ot ho5 our pri!ces hare i6e! me po5er to i6e life a!d to slayE A!d she saidD No5 shall I pro6e thee a liar a ai!st the 6ery truth1 Thou mayst 5ell ta4e the life from them that li6e" but to them that be dead" thou mayst i6e !o life" therefore thou art a mi!ister !ot of life" but of death1 To 5hom Almachius saidD No5 lay apart thy mad!ess a!d do sacrifice to the ods1 To 5hom Cecilia saidD I 5ot !e6er 5here thou hast lost thy si ht" for them that thou sayest be ods 5e see them sto!es" put thi!e ha!d" a!d by touchi! thou shalt lear! that 5hich thou mayst !ot see 5ith thi!e eyes1 The! Almachius 5as 5roth" a!d comma!ded her to be led i!to her house" a!d there to be bur!t i! a bur!i! bai!" 5hich her seemed a place cold a!d 5ell attempered1 The! Almachius" heari! that" comma!ded that she should be beheaded i! the same bath1 The! the torme!tor smote at her three stro4es" a!d could !ot smite off her head" a!d the fourth stro4e he mi ht !ot by the la5 smite" a!d so left her there Iyi! half ali6e a!d half dead" a!d she li6ed three days after i! that ma!!er" a!d a6e all that she had to poor people" a!d co!ti!ually preached the faith all that 5hile7 a!d all them that she co!6erted she se!t to ?rba! for to be baptiHed" a!d saidD I ha6e as4ed respite three days" that I mi ht comme!d to you these souls" a!d that ye should hallo5 of mi!e house a church1 A!d the! at the e!d of three days she slept i! our Lord" a!d S1 ?rba! 5ith his deaco!s buried her body amo! the bishops" a!d hallo5ed her house i!to a church" i! 5hich u!to this day is said the ser6ice u!to our Lord1 She suffered her passio! about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d t5e!ty three" i! the time of Ale8a!der the emperor" a!d it is read i! a!other place that she suffered i! the time of -arcus Aurelius" 5hich rei !ed about the year of our Lord o!e hu!dred a!d se6e!ty1 The! let us de6outly pray u!to our Lord that by the merits of this holy 6ir i! a!d martyr" S1 Cecilia" 5e may come to his e6erlasti! bliss i! hea6e!1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" !le%e#t. Po&e a#d Martyr. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"

Cleme!t is said of cleos" that is" lory" a!d me!s" that is" mi!d" as it 5ere a lorious mi!d1 +e had a lorious mi!d pur ed from all filth" or!ate 5ith all 6irtue" a!d decorate 5ith all felicity1 Or he is said of cleme!tia" 5hich is merciful1 It is said i! the lossary that cleme!t is said ri hteous" s5eet" ripe" a!d mee4" ri hteous i! deed" s5eet i! speech" ripe i! co!6ersatio!" a!d mee4 i! i!te!tio!1 +is life he himself set i! his boo4 !amed Iti!erary" specially u!to that place 5hich he succeeded to S1 (eter i! the papacy1 The rem!a!t of his acts that commo!ly be had" be ta4e! i! di6ers places1 Of *" !le%e#t. Po&e"


Cleme!t the bishop 5as bor! of the li!ea e of the 3oma!s" a!d his father 5as !amed 'austi!ia!us" a!d his mother -acidia!a1 +e had t5o brethre!" of 5hom that o!e 5as !amed 'austi!us a!d that other









'austus" a!d -acidia!a 5as of mar6ellous beauty1 +er husba!d>s brother bur!ed i! the lo6e of her by the disordi!ate co!cupisce!ce of lu8ury" a!d daily he 6e8ed her i! desiri! her to accord to his foul lust" but she i! !o 5ise 5ould co!se!t to him1 A!d she doubted to sho5 it to her husba!d because there should !o debate !e e!mity fall bet5ee! the brethre!1 The! she thou ht to abse!t her by some mea!s from him so lo! that he should for et this disordi!ate lo6e" for the si ht of her prese!ce set him afire1 A!d because she mi ht ha6e lice!ce of her husba!d" she fei !ed a dream subtly" 5hich she told to her husba!d i! this 5ise" sayi! D There is a 6isio! come to me this !i ht by 5hich I am comma!ded to depart out of this city of 3ome 5ith my t5o so!s 'austi!us a!d 'austus" a!d that I should abide out so lo! till I 5ere comma!ded to retur!" a!d if I did !ot I should die a!d my childre! also1 A!d 5he! her husba!d heard this he 5as sore abashed a!d afeared" a!d se!t his 5ife a!d his t5o so!s to Athe!s 5ith much other mei!y" a!d that she should abide there a!d set her so!s to school" a!d the father held Cleme!t at home 5ith him" 5hich 5as the least" a!d 5as but fi6e years old" for his solace1 A!d as the mother sailed o! the sea 5ith her so!s" there rose a reat tempest a!d brou ht the ship to 5rac4 a!d 5as all to:bro4e!" a!d the mother 5as thro5! by the 5a6es of the sea upo! a roc4 a!d escaped" 5eepi! that her t5o so!s had bee! perished" a!d for sorro5 a!d discomfort 5ould ha6e dro5!ed herself i! the sea if she had !ot had hope to fi!d her so!s1 A!d 5he! she sa5 that she could !ot fi!d them ali6e !e dead" she cried a!d brayed stro! ly" a!d bit her ha!ds" a!d 5ould !ot be comforted of !obody" a!d the! came to her ma!y 5ome!" 5hich told to her the fortu!es that they had had" but she 5as comforted by !o!e1 A!d amo! the other there came o!e that said she had lost her husba!d" a you! ma!" i! the sea" a!d that she 5ould !e6er after be married for the lo6e of him" a!d she comforted her ho5 it 5as" a!d d5elled 5ith her" a!d at daily their li6i! 5ith their ha!ds1 9ut a!o! after" her ha!ds that she had bitte!" became so sore a!d bro4e! out" that she mi ht !ot 5or4" a!d she that harboured her had the palsy a!d mi ht !ot rise out of her bed1 A!d thus 5as -acidia!a co!strai!ed to be a!d as4 her li6i! from door to door" a!d of such as she could et she fed herself a!d her hostess1 A!d 5he! the year 5as passed that she 5as departed 5ith her childre!" her husba!d se!t messe! ers to Athe!s for to 4!o5 ho5 they did" but them that he se!t retur!ed !ot" a!d he se!t other messe! ers after" 5hich retur!ed a!d said that they had fou!d !o!e1 A!d the! he left Cleme!t his so! u!der the 4eepi! of certai! tutors" a!d 5e!t for to see4 his 5ife a!d his childre!" a!d too4 his shippi! " but he came !ot a ai!1 A!d thus Cleme!t 5as t5e!ty years orpha!" a!d !e6er had tidi! s of father !e mother" !e of his brothers" a!d he 5e!t to study a!d became a so6erei ! philosopher" a!d desired a!d e!<uired dili e!tly i! 5hat ma!!er he mi ht 4!o5 the immortality of the soul" a!d therefore hau!ted he oft the schools of philosophy7 a!d 5he! he heard that it 5as co!cluded i! the disputatio! that the soul 5as immortal" he 5as lad a!d =oyous7 a!d 5he! they said that it 5as mortal he 5e!t all hea6y a!d co!fused1 A!d at the last 5he! 9ar!abas came to 3ome preachi! the faith of Jesu Christ" the philosophers moc4ed him as he had bee! mad or out of his 5its" a!d" as some say" Cleme!t 5as the first philosopher that moc4ed him a!d despised his predicatio!" a!d i! scor! put to him this <uestio!" sayi! D ,hat is the cause that cule8" 5hich is a little beast" hath si8 feet a!d t5o 5i! s" a!d a! elepha!t 5hich is a reat beast hath but four feet a!d !o 5i! sE To 5hom 9ar!abas saidD 'ool" I mi ht li htly a!s5er to thy <uestio! if thou dema!dedst it to 4!o5 the truth" but it should be a rude a!d a deaf thi! to say to you a!ythi! of creatures" 5he! ye 4!o5 !ot the ma4er of the creatures" a!d because ye 4!o5 !ot the creator of all" it is ri ht that ye err i! the creatures1 This 5ord 5e!t much to the heart of Cleme!t the philosopher" i! such 5ise that he 5as i!formed of 9ar!abas i! the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d 5e!t a!o! i!to Judea to S1 (eter" 5hich tau ht him the faith" a!d sho5ed to him the immortality of the soul all clearly1 A!d i! that time Simo! the e!cha!ter had t5o disciples" that is to 5it A<uila a!d Nicetas" a!d 5he! they u!derstood a!d 4!e5 his fallacies they forsoo4 a!d left him a!d fled to S1 (eter a!d 5ere his disciples1 The! S1 (eter dema!ded of Cleme!t of 5hat li!ea e he 5as" a!d he told to him all by order 5hat 5as happed to his father" a!d to his mother" a!d to his brethre!" a!d said that he supposed that his mother 5ith his brethre! 5as dro5!ed i! the sea a!d that his father 5as dead for sorro5 or dro5!ed also i! the sea1 A!d 5he! S1 (eter heard this he mi ht !ot 4eep him from 5eepi! 1 O! a time (eter came i!to the isle 5here -acidia!a" the mother of Cleme!t d5elled" i! 5hich isle 5ere pillars of lass of mar6ellous le! th" a!d as S1 (eter beheld these pillars he sa5 -acidia!a be i! " 5hom he blamed because she laboured !ot 5ith her ha!ds" a!d she a!s5ered a!d saidD Sir" I ha6e !othi! but the form a!d li4e!ess of my ha!ds" for they be so feebled by my biti! that I feel them !ot" a!d me repe!teth that I dro5!ed !ot myself i! the sea that I should !o lo! er ha6e li6ed1 The! (eter saidD ,hat sayst thou" 5oma!E @!o5est thou !ot that the the souls of them that slay themsel6es be most rie6ously pu!ishedE To 5hom she saidD ,ould God that I 5ere certai! that souls should li6e after the death" for the! 5ould I slay myself to the










e!d that I mi ht but o!e hour see my s5eet childre!1 A!d 5he! (eter had dema!ded of her the cause" a!d that she had told to him all the order of the thi! s do!e" the! (eter saidD There is a you! ma! 5ith us !amed Cleme!t 5hich saith li4e as thou sayest" that it so happed to his father a!d mother a!d to his brethre!1 A!d 5he! she heard that" she 5as smitte! 5ith so reat 5o!der that she fell" a!d 5he! she 5as come to herself" she said 5eepi! to S1 (eterD I am certai!ly mother of that you! ma!" a!d 4!eeli! do5! tofore S1 (eter" she prayed him that he 5ould hastily sho5 to her her so!" a!d (eter said to herD Abide a 5hile till 5e be out of this isle" a!d 5he! they 5ere out of the isle" (eter too4 her by the ha!d a!d brou ht her to the ship 5here Cleme!t 5as i!1 A!d 5he! Cleme!t sa5 (eter holdi! the 5oma! by the ha!d he be a! to lau h7 a!d a!o! as this 5oma! 5as !i h by Cleme!t she mi ht abstai! her !o lo! er" but embraced him about the !ec4 a!d 4issed him1 A!d he put her abac4 li4e as she had bee! fra!tic" a!d 5as much a! ry a ai!st (eter1 A!d (eter said to himD ,hatsome6er thou doest" put thou !ot a5ay thy mother1 A!d 5he! Cleme!t heard that" a!o! he be a! to 5eep" a!d ad6ised him" a!d too4 up his mother 5hich 5as falle! do5! as5oo! a!d be a! to 4!o5 her1 A!d the hostess that lay sic4 of the palsy 5as brou ht forth by the comma!dme!t of (eter" a!d he healed her a!o!1 A!d the! the mother dema!ded Cleme!t of his father" a!d he said to her that he 5e!t to see4 her" a!d that he sith !e6er sa5 him" a!d 5he! she heard that" she si hed a!d comforted her other sorro5s by the reat =oy that she had of her so!1 I! the mea!5hile Nicetas a!d A<uila came" 5hich 5ere !ot there 5he! she came" a!d 5he! they sa5 this 5oma! they e!<uired 5hat she 5as1 The! Cleme!t saidD She is my mother 5hom God hath i6e! to me by my lord (eter1 The! (eter told to them all by order" a!d 5he! Nicetas a!d A<uila heard that" they arose a!d 5ere all abashed a!d saidD Lord" ma4er of all thi! s" is this true that 5e ha6e heard" or is it a dreamE The! (eter said to themD If ye be !ot out of your mi!d these thi! s be all true1 The! said theyD ,e be 'austus a!d 'austi!ia!" 5hom our mother had supposed had bee! perished i! the sea1 A!d the! the mother ra! a!d embraced them about the !ec4 a!d saidD ,hat may this beE A!d (eter saidD These be thy so!s" 'austus a!d 'austi!ia!" 5hom thou supposedst had bee! perished i! the sea1 A!d 5he! she heard that" she fell do5! as5oo! for =oy1 A!d 5he! she 5as come a ai! to herself" she said to themD Say ye to me ho5 ye escaped1 A!d they saidD ,he! our ship 5as bro4e! 5e 5ere bor!e upo! a table" a!d other mari!ers fou!d us a!d too4 us i!to their ship" a!d cha! ed our !ames" a!d sold us to a 5oma! !amed Justi!e 5hich hath holde! us as her so!s" a!d hath made us to lear! the arts liberal" a!d after" 5e lear!ed philosophy a!d sith 5e =oi!ed us u!to Simo!" a! e!cha!ter" 5hich hath bee! !ourished 5ith us" a!d 5he! 5e 4!e5 his fallacies" 5e left him all" a!d 5ere made disciples of (eter1 A!d the !e8t day follo5i! " (eter" 5ith his three disciples" Cleme!t" Nicetas" a!d A<uila 5e!t i!to a more secret place for to pray" a!d a much a!cie!t a!d ho!ourable ma!" but ri ht poor" 5as there" a!d be a! to reaso! a!d say to themD I ha6e pity o! you" brethre!" for u!der the li4e!ess of pity I co!sider you reatly to err1 'or there is !o God !e !o!e 5orshippi! here" !e !o pro6ide!ce i! the 5orld" but fortu!e o!ly" of e! e!drure a!d hap" doth all" li4e as I ha6e fou!d e8pertly of myself" 5hich 5as i!formed i! the discipli!e of mathesis more tha! ma!y others1 The! pray ye !o more" for 5hether ye pray or pray !ot" that 5hich is ordai!ed to you by desti!y shall fall1 A!d Cleme!t beheld him" a!d his heart =ud ed that he had see! him tofore time" a!d 5he! Cleme!t" A<uila" a!d Nicetas had lo! disputed 5ith him by the comma!dme!t of (eter" a!d they had sho5ed to him 5hat pro6ide!ce 5as" by ope! reaso!s" a!d for re6ere!ce called him ofte! father" A<uila saidD ,hat !eed ha6e 5e to call him father 5he! 5e ha6e i! comma!dme!t that 5e ou ht to call !o ma! father upo! earthE A!d he beheld this a!cie!t ma! a!d saidD Thou holdest thee i!=ured father" because I blamed my brother that called thee father1 ,e ha6e i! comma!dme!t that 5e should call !o ma! by such !ame" a!d 5he! he had said so" all they of the compa!y lau hed" a!d he as4ed them 5hy they lau hed" a!d Cleme!t saidD Thou dost that for 5hich thou blamest others i! calli! this old ma! father1 A!d 5he! they had e!ou h disputed of pro6ide!ce" the old ma! saidD I had 5ell belie6ed pro6ide!ce" but mi!e o5! co!scie!ce de!ieth me it" that I may !ot belie6e it1 I 4!o5 my desti!y a!d my 5ife>s" a!d that 5hich fortu!e hath desti!ed is ordai!ed to each body1 No5 hear4e! ye 5hat fortu!e happed to my 5ife1 She had i! her !ati6ity" -ars 5ith Ve!us upo! the ce!tre" a!d the moo! 5a!i! i! the house of -ars a!d e!ds of Satur!1 A!d this ad6e!ture ma4eth the adulterers to brea4 their 5edloc4" a!d to lo6e their ser6a!ts" a!d to o 5ith them i!to stra! e cou!tries" a!d to be dro5!ed i! 5aters" a!d so is it falle! by my 5ife1 'or she fell i! the lo6e of her ser6a!t a!d fled 5ith him a!d perished i! the sea" for as my brother hath recou!ted to me" she lo6ed him first" a!d he 5ould !ot co!se!t to her" a!d the! she tur!ed her lecherous lo6e i! her ser6a!t" a!d it ou ht !ot to be laid a!y blame i! her" for her desti!y hath made her to do so1 A!d the! he told ho5 she fei !ed a dream" a!d ho5 i! saili! to5ards Athe!s she perished1 A!d the! his so!s 5ould ha6e ru! to him a!d ha6e disco6ered the matter1 9ut (eter defe!ded them a!d saidD Suffer ye till it please me7 a!d













the! (eter said to himD If I sho5 to thee this day thy 5ife" ri ht chaste" 5ith thy three so!s" 5ilt thou belie6e that desti!y is !othi! E A!d he saidD Li4e as it is a thi! impossible to sho5 that thou hast promised" so impossible is it to do a!ythi! abo6e desti!y1 A!d the! said (eterD This is Cleme!t thy so!" a!d these t5o be thy t5o so!s" 'austus a!d 'austi!ia!1 The! the old ma! fell do5! for =oy as he had bee! 5ithout soul1 The! his so!s came u!to him a!d 4issed him" a!d 5ere afeard that he should !ot ha6e come to himself a ai!" a!d 5he! his s5oo!i! 5as o!e" he heard of them all by order" ho5 all thi! s had happe!ed1 The! his 5ife came sudde!ly a!d be a! to cry a!d 5eep stro! ly" sayi! 7 O my husba!d a!d my lord" 5here is heE A!d this said she as she had bee! all from herself" a!d the old ma!" that heari! " ra! to her a!d embraced her strai!i! 5ith reat 5eepi! " a!d the! as they thus 5ere d5elli! to ether" there came a messe! er that told ho5 Apio! a!d Ambio!" 5hich 5ere reat frie!ds u!to this old ma! 'austi!ia!" 5ere lod ed 5ith Simo! -a us" of 5hom this old ma! 5as much lad" a!d 5e!t to 6isit them1 A!d forth5ith came a messe! er 5hich said that there 5as come a mi!ister of the emperor>s u!to A!tioch" a!d sou ht all the e!cha!ters for to pu!ish them to death1 The! Simo! -a us" because he hated the so!s of 'austi!ia!" because they forsoo4 him" he impri!ted his similitude a!d li4e!ess i! this old ma! 'austi!ia!" i! such 5ise that of e6ery ma! he 5as supposed to be Simo! -a us1 A!d this did Simo! -a us because he should be ta4e! of the mi!isters of the emperor" a!d be slai! i!stead of him" a!d Simo! the! departed from those parts1 A!d 5he! this old 'austi!ia! came a ai! to S1 (eter a!d to his so!s" the so!s 5ere abashed" 5hich sa5 i! him the similitude a!d li4e!ess of Simo! -a us" a!d u!derstood the 6oice of their father" but S1 (eter sa5 the !atural li4e!ess of him1 A!d his 5ife a!d his so!s blamed a!d repro6ed him" a!d he saidD ,herefore blame ye me a!d flee from me that am your father E A!d they saidD ,e flee from thee because the li4e!ess of Simo! -a us appeareth i! thee1 No5 this Simo! had composed a! oi!tme!t a!d a!oi!ted him 5ithal" a!d had impri!ted the form of himself by art ma ic i! this old ma!" 5hich 5ept a!d saidD ,hat mishap" alas" is falle! to meI I ha6e but o!e day bee! 4!o5! of my 5ife a!d of my childre!" a!d may !ot be =oyful 5ith them1 A!d his 5ife a!d his childre! 5ept sore" a!d tore their hair1 A!d Simo! -a us 5he! he 5as i! A!tioch defamed stro! ly S1 (eter" a!d said he 5as a cursed e!cha!ter a!d a homicide" a!d had so mo6ed the people a ai!st (eter that they purposed so slay him if they mi ht o!ce hold him1 A!d the! said S1 (eter to this old 'austi!ia!D 9ecause thou art li4e a!d seemest Simo! -a us" o forth i!to A!tioch a!d e8cuse me tofore all the people of such thi! s as Simo! himself hath said of me" a!d after I shall come i!to A!tioch a!d shall ta4e from thee this stra! e li4e!ess" a!d shall i6e to thee a ai! thy proper a!d !atural similitude tofore all the people1 9ut it is !ot to suppose that S1 (eter bade him to lie" for God hath !o !eed of leasi! s1 A!d the! should the boo4 of Cleme!t" called Iti!erarium" !ot be apocryphum" as 5ho saith" of !o!e authority" i! 5hich these thi! s be 5ritte!" a!d ou ht !ot to be ta4e! i! such thi! s" but as it pleaseth to some me!1 Ne6ertheless it may be said" if these 5ords be dili e!tly co!sidered" that he should !ot say that he 5ere Simo! -a us" but that he should sho5 to the people the sembla!ce of Simo! -a us> 6isa e" sho5i! S1 (eter i! the perso! of Simo!" a!d should re6o4e the 5ords that he had said" a!d if he said that he 5as Simo!" that 5as !ot as touchi! the truth" but u!to the appeara!ce a!d li4e!ess1 The! 'austi!ia! saidD I am Simo!" as 5ho saith" I am li4e u!to Simo!" a!d 5as supposed to be Simo! of the people1 The! this old ma!" 'austi!ia!" 5e!t i!to A!tioch" a!d assembled the people a!d saidD I Simo! sho5 to you a!d co!fess that I ha6e decci6ed you of all that I ha6e said of (eter the apostle" for he is !o traitor !e e!cha!ter" but is se!t for the health of the 5orld1 ,herefore if e6er I hereafter shall say a!ythi! a ai!st him" that ye ta4e me as a traitor a!d 5ic4ed" a!d put me a5ay from you" for I do !o5 pe!a!ce for that I ac4!o5led e me to ha6e said falsely a!d e6il of him1 I 5ar! you therefore that ye belie6e i! him that ye !e your city perish !ot1 A!d 5he! he had said this that (eter had comma!ded him" a!d had stirred the people i!to lo6e of (eter" S1 (eter came to him a!d made his prayer" a!d after too4 a5ay from him the li4e!ess of Simo!" a!d became i! his !atural li4e!ess1 The! all the people of A!tioch recei6ed debo!airly S1 (eter" a!d 5ith reat ho!our e!ha!ced him a!d set him i! a chair as a bishop1 A!d 5he! Simo! -a us heard this he came a!d athered the people to ether a!d saidD I mar6el 5he! I ha6e e!sei !ed a!d tau ht you the comma!dme!ts of health" a!d ha6e 5ar!ed you that ye should 4eep you from the traitor (eter" a!d ye ha6e !ot o!ly heard him but ye ha6e e!ha!ced him" a!d ha6e set him i! the chair of a bishop1 The! all the people arose i! a reat fury a ai!st him a!d saidD Thou art !othi! but a mo!ster" thou saidest that other day that thou repe!tedst of that thou hadst said a ai!st S1 (eter" a!d !o5 thou 5ouldst o6erthro5 us a!d thyself1 A!d all at o!ce they rose a ai!st him a!d cast him out of the to5!1 All these thi! s S1 Cleme!t telleth of himself i! his boo4" a!d hath set it i! this history1 After this 5he! S1 (eter came to 3ome a!d sa5 that his passio! approached" he ordai!ed Cleme!t to be bishop after him1 A!d 5he! S1 (eter" pri!ce of the apostles" 5as dead" Cleme!t" 5hich 5as a ma! pur6eyed" a!d too4 heed of






the time to come" so that lest by his e!sample e6ery bishop 5ould choose a successor after him i! the church of our Lord" a!d so possess the see of God by herita e" he a6e it o6er to Li!us a!d after5ards to Cletus" a!d after them Cleme!t 5as chose! a!d compelled to ta4e it upo! him" 5herei! he sho!e by 6irtuous li6ii! a!d ood ma!!ers that he pleased 5ell u!to the Je5s" christia! me! a!d pay!ims1 +e had the poor people 5ritte! by !ame of e6ery each reli io! for to i6e to them accordi! to their !ecessity" he lo6ed much poor people" a!d them that he sa!ctified by baptism he suffered them !ot to be commo!ly1 A!d 5he! he had sacred a damoisel 5ith a 6eil 5hich 5as a 6ir i!" a!d !iece of Domitia! the emperor" a!d had co!6erted to the faith Theodora" 5ife of Sisi!!ius" frie!d of the emperor" a!d she had promised to be i! purpose of chastity" Sisi!!ius had doubt of his 5ife" a!d e!tered after her i!to the church pri6ily for to 4!o5 5hat she used to do there7 a!d 5he! S1 Cleme!t had said the oriso! a!d the people had a!s5ered" Ame!" Sisi!!ius 5as made deaf a!d bli!d a!d he said to his ser6a!tsD 9ri! me he!ce a!d lead me out" a!d they led him rou!d about the church a!d could !ot come to the doors !e ates1 A!d 5he! Theodora sa5 them erri! so" she 5e!t to the first door" 5ee!i! that her husba!d had 4!o5! her" a!d after" she as4ed of the ser6a!ts 5hat they did" a!d they said to herD Our master 5ould hear a!d see that 5as !ot la5ful" a!d therefore he is made both bli!d a!d deaf1 A!d the! she a6e herself to prayer" a!d prayed God that her husba!d mi ht o out from the!ce" a!d after her prayers she said to the ser6a!tsD Go ye he!ce a!d bri! my lord home to his house" a!d they 5e!t a!d brou ht him thither1 A!d Theodora 5e!t u!to S1 Cleme!t a!d told to him 5hat 5as happe!ed" a!d the! this holy ma! came to him a!d fou!d his eyes ope!" but he sa5 !e heard !othi! 1 The! S1 Cleme!t prayed for him" a!d a!o! he recei6ed his si ht a!d his heari! " a!d 5he! he sa5 Cleme!t sta!di! by his 5ife" he 5as 5ood" a!d supposed that he had bee! illuded by art ma ic" a!d comma!ded his ser6a!ts to hold fast Cleme!t" sayi! D +e hath made me bli!d by art ma ic for to come to my 5ife7 a!d he comma!ded to his mi!isters that they should bi!d Cleme!t a!d so dra5 him" a!d they bou!d the pillars a!d sto!es" 5ee!i! to Sisi!!ius" that they had bou!d S1 Cleme!t a!d his cler4s a!d dra5! them forth1 The! Cleme!t said to Sisi!!iusD 9ecause thou 5orshippest sto!es for ods a!d trees" therefore hast thou deser6ed to dra5 sto!es a!d trees1 A!d he 5hich supposed him to be bou!d 6erily" saidD I shall do slay thee1 A!d the! Cleme!t departed" a!d he prayed Theodora that she should !ot cease to pray till that our Lord had 6isited her husba!d1 The! S1 (eter appeared to Theodora prayi! " a!d said to herD Thy husba!d shall be sa6ed by thee for to accomplish that that (aul my brother saithD The ma! miscrea!t shall be sa6ed by his true 5ife1 A!d this sayi! " he 6a!ished a5ay7 a!d a!o! Sisi!!ius called his 5ife to him a!d prayed her to pray for him" a!d that she should call to him S1 Cleme!t1 A!d 5he! he 5as come he 5as i!structed i! the faith" a!d 5as baptiHed 5ith three hu!dred a!d thirtee! of his mei!y" a!d ma!y !oble me! a!d frie!ds of the emperor belie6ed i! our Lord by this Sisi!!ius1 The! the earl of the sacrifices a6e much mo!ey" a!d mo6ed reat treaso! a!d discord a ai!st S1 Cleme!t1 The! -amerti!" pro6ost of the city of 3ome mi ht !ot suffer this discord" but made S1 Cleme!t to be brou ht tofore him" a!d as he repro6ed a!d essayed to dra5 him to his la5" Cleme!t said to himD I 5ould 5ell rather that thou 5ouldst come to reaso!1 'or if ma!y do s ha6e bar4ed a ai!st us a!d ha6e bitte! us" yet they may !ot ta4e from us but that 5e be me! reaso!able" a!d they be hou!ds disreaso!able1 This disse!sio! 5hich is mo6ed" it sho5eth that it hath !o certai!ty !e truth1 A!d the! -amerti! 5rote u!to Tra=a! the emperor" of Cleme!t" a!d he had a!s5er that he should do sacrifice or to be e8iled i!to the desert that 5as beyo!d the city o6er the sea1 The! the pro6ost said to him 5eepi! D Thy God 5hom thou 5orshippest purely" may he help thee1 The! the pro6ost deli6ered to him a ship a!d all thi! s !ecessary to him" a!d ma!y cler4s a!d lay people follo5ed him i! e8ile1 A!d the pro6ost fou!d i! that isle more tha! t5o thousa!d people christia!" 5hich had bee! lo! there co!dem!ed for to he5 the marble i! the roc4s1 A!d a!o! 5he! they sa5 S1 Cleme!t they be a! to 5eep" a!d he comforted them a!d saidD Our Lord hath !ot se!t me hither by my merits" but he hath made me part!er of your cro5!1 A!d 5he! he u!derstood of them that they fetched 5ater si8 miles the!ce" a!d bare it upo! their shoulders" he said to themD Let us all pray u!to our Lord that he ope! to us" his co!fessors i! this place here" the 6ei!s of a fou!tai! or of a 5ell" a!d that he that smote the sto!e i! desert of Si!ai a!d 5ater flo5ed abu!da!tly" he i6e to us ru!!i! 5ater so that 5e may be e!=oyed of his be!efits1 A!d 5he! he had made his prayer" he loo4ed here a!d there" a!d sa5 a lamb sta!di! 5hich lifted up his ri ht foot a!d sho5ed a place to the bishop" a!d he u!dersta!di! that it 5as our Lord Jesu Christ" 5hom he o!ly sa5" 5e!t to the place a!d saidD I! the !ame of the 'ather a!d of the So! a!d of the +oly Ghost" smite i! this place1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that !o ma! 5ould smite i! the place 5here the lamb stood" he too4 a little












pic4a8e" a!d smote o!e stro4e li htly i! the place u!der the foot of the lamb" a!d a!o! a 5ell or a fou!tai! spra! up a!d re5 i!to a reat flood1 The!" u!to all them =oyi! " S1 Cleme!t saidD The comi! of the flood laddeth the city of God1 A!d for the fame of this miracle much people came thither" a!d fi6e hu!dred a!d more recei6ed baptism of him i! o!e day" a!d they destroyed the temples of the idols throu h all that pro6i!ce" a!d 5ithi! o!e year they edified se6e!ty:fi6e churches to the ho!our of our Lord A!d three years after" Tra=a! the emperor" u!dersta!di! this 5hich 5as the year of our Lord o!e hu!dred a!d si8" se!t thither a du4e" a!d 5he! this du4e sa5 that all they 5ould ladly die for God>s lo6e" he left the multitude a!d too4 o!ly Cleme!t" a!d bou!d a! a!chor rou!d his !ec4 a!d thre5 him i!to the sea" a!d saidD No5 they may !ot 5orship him for a od1 A!d all that reat multitude of the people 5e!t to the ri6a e of the sea a!d beheld the cruelty of the tyra!t1 A!d the! Cor!elius a!d (hoebus" disciples of S1 Cleme!t" comma!ded to all the others to pray to our Lord that he 5ould sho5 to them the body of his martyr7 a!d a!o! the sea departed three miles a5ay far" so that all they mi ht o dry foot thither" a!d there they fou!d a habitacle i! a temple of marble 5hich God had made a!d ordai!ed" a!d fou!d the body of S1 Cleme!t laid i! a! ar4 or a chest" a!d the a!chor thereby" a!d it 5as sho5ed to his disciples that they should !ot ta4e a5ay the body from the!ce1 E6ery year" i! the time of his passio!" the sea departed by se6e! days duri! " four miles far" 5hich a6e dry 5ay to them that came thither1 I! o!e of the solem!ities there 5as a 5oma! 5e!t thither 5ith a little child" a!d 5he! the solem!ity of the feast 5as accomplished" the child slept" a!d the !oise a!d sou!d of the 5ater 5as heard 5hich came a!d approached fast" a!d the 5oma! 5as abashed a!d for at her child" a!d fled u!to the ri6a e 5ith the reat multitude of people" a!d after5ards she remembered her so! a!d be a! stro! ly to cry a!d 5eep" a!d ra! hither a!d thither brayi! by the ri6a e for to 4!o5 if by ad6e!ture the body of her so! mi ht be cast up o! the ri6a e7 a!d 5he! she sa5 !o succour !e !o hope" she retur!ed home" a!d 5as all that year i! 5eepi! a!d i! hea6i!ess1 A!d the year after follo5i! " 5he! the sea 5as departed a!d the 5ay ope!" she ra! tofore all the others a!d came to the place for to 4!o5 if by ad6e!ture she mi ht ha6e a!y 4!o5led e or fi!d a!ythi! of her so!" a!d 5he! she 4!eeled do5! tofore the tomb of S1 Cleme!t a!d had made her prayers" she arose up a!d sa5 her so! i! the place 5here she had left him sleepi! 1 The! she supposed he had bee! dead" a!d 5e!t !ear for to ha6e ta4e! the body as it had bee! 5ithout life" but 5he! she sa5 him sleepi! " she a5o4e him a!d too4 him i! her arms tofore all the people all 5hole a!d safe" a!d e!<uired of him 5here he had bee! all that year1 A!d he said that he 5ist !ot" but that he had slept there but o!e !i ht s5eetly1 S1 Ambrose saith i! his preface i! this 5iseD ,he! the most 5ic4ed persecutor 5as co!strai!ed of the de6il for to torme!t by pai!s the blessed Cleme!t" he a6e to him !o pai!" but 6ictory1 The martyr 5as cast i!to the flood for to be dro5!ed" a!d therefore came he to a ood re5ard by 5hich (eter his master came i!to hea6e!1 Christ appro6i! the mi!ds of them both i! the floods" he called Cleme!t from the bottom of the sea to the palm of 6ictory" a!d he rele6ed S1 (eter i! the same eleme!t" that he should !ot be dro5!ed" u!to the hea6e!ly realm1 Leo" the bishop of Ostia" recou!teth that i! the time that -ichael the emperor o6er!ed the Empire of 3ome" a priest" !amed (hilosophus" came to Terso!a a!d dema!ded of them that d5elled i! the cou!try of the thi! s that be rehearsed i! the history of S1 Cleme!t" a!d because they had !ot bee! of that time" but 5ere stra! e" they said that they 4!e5 !othi! thereof1 'or" for the si! of them of the cou!try that d5elled i! that place" the 5ater had lo! ceased for to 5ithdra5 as it 5as 5o!t to do1 I! the time of -arti! the emperor the church had bee! destroyed of the barbaria!s" a!d the ar4 5ith the body of the martyr 5as 5rapped i! the floods of the sea for the si! of them that d5elled there" a!d the! the priest 5as all amar6elled of these thi! s a!d came u!to a little city !amed Geor ia" a!d 5e!t 5ith the bishop a!d the cler4s 5ith the people for to see4 the holy relics i! the isle 5hereas they supposed that the body of the holy martyr had bee!1 A!d there they di ed a!d sa! hym!s a!d ca!ticles" a!d the! by re6elatio! di6i!e they fou!d the body of the holy sai!t a!d the a!chor by it 5hich 5as cast i!to the sea 5ith him" a!d the! they bare it to Terso!a1 A!d after" this same priest came to 3ome 5ith the body of S1 Cleme!t" a!d there sho5ed God ma!y miracles for this holy sai!t" a!d the body 5as laid i! the church" 5hich is !o5 called S1 Cleme!t1 A!d it is read i! a chro!icle that the sea 5a8ed dry i! that place" a!d that the blessed Cyril" bishop of -oria!!e" brou ht the holy body u!to 3ome1 The! let us de6outly pray u!to this blessed sai!t" S1 Cleme!t" that by his merits 5e may deser6e to come to the bliss of hea6e!1 Ame!1











Here followeth the Life of *" Gry o(o#e. a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Gryso o!e may be said of o!os i! Gree4" 5hich is as much to say as a! el" for he 5as 5ithout a! el of 5orldly malice1 Or he is said of o!os" 5hich is as much to say as a leader" for he led much people to the 5ay of truth by his e!sample1 Gryso o!e 5as ta4e! a!d set i! priso! by the comma!dme!t of Diocletia!" a!d S1 A!astasia fed him a!d a6e to him meat a!d dri!4 to li6e by" 5herefore by her husba!d she 5as put i!to a strait priso!" a!d she se!t to Gryso o!e" 5hich had i!formed her i! the faith of Jesu Christ" i! 5riti! this that follo5ethD To the holy co!fessor of Christ" Gryso o!eD I" A!astasia ha6e ta4e! the yo4e of a 5ic4ed husba!d7 by the mercy of God I ha6e esche5ed his bed by fei !ed a!d dissembled i!firmity" a!d ha6e !i ht a!d day embraced the steps of our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d my husba!d hath ta4e! a5ay my patrimo!y" of 5hich he is e!!obled" a!d setteth it o! foul idols" a!d hath put me i! priso! as a cursed e!cha!tress for to ma4e me to lose my life temporal1 So there ble6eth !o more" but I that am ser6a!t to the spirit" may lie do5! a!d die1 I! 5hich death I lorify myself" but I am reatly troubled i! my mi!d" that my riches 5hich I had ordai!ed to God be 5asted a!d spe!t i! foul thi! s1 'are5ell" ser6a!t of God" a!d remember me1 To 5hom S1 Gryso o!e a!s5ered a ai! by 5riti! D See that thou be !ot a! ered !e troubled for a!y thi! that is do!e to thee felo!iously i! thy life" thou h it be co!trary u!to thee" thou mayst !ot be decei6ed if thou be pro6ed1 A time peaceable shall come to thee a!o!" for after this dar4!ess thou shalt see a!o! the flourished li ht of God" a!d after this cold time of frost a!d ice there shall come to thee soft a!d s5eet time1 'are5ell" be 5ith God a!d pray for me1 A!d as this blessed A!astasia 5as thus co!strai!ed i! such 5ise that u!!ethe a!y bread 5as i6e! to her i! four days" a!d that she supposed she should ha6e died" she 5rote a! epistle to him i! this 5iseD To the co!fessor of Christ" Gryso o!e" A!astasia1 The e!d of my time is come" remember me so that 5he! the soul shall depart from me" that he recei6e it for 5hose lo6e I suffer these thi! s" 5hich thou shalt hear by the mouth of this old 5oma!1 To 5hom he 5rote a ai!D It appertai!eth al5ays that dar4!ess o tofore the li ht" i! li4e 5ise after sic4!ess a!d i!firmity" health shall retur!" a!d life is promised after death1 All ad6ersities a!d prosperities of this 5orld be e!closed by o!e e!d7 because desperatio! should ha6e !o domi!io! o! the sorro5ful" !e elatio! !e pride should !ot domi!ate o! them that be lad a!d =oyful1 There is but o!e sea i! 5hich the ship of our Lady saileth" a!d our souls use the office of mari!ers u!der the o6er!a!ce of the body" a!d the ships 5hich be faste!ed a!d bou!de! 5ith stro! chai!s pass 5ell 5ithout a!y brea4i! throu h the stro! 5a6es of the sea1 A!d some ships there be that ha6e brittle a!d feeble =oi!tures of trees" a!d fall oft i! peril to be dro5!ed" but thou ha!dmaid of Jesu Christ" ha6e i! thy mi!d the 6ictory of the cross" a!d ma4e thee ready to the 5or4 of God1 A!d the! Diocletia!" 5hich 5as i! the parts of A<uila" a!d sle5 other christia! me!" comma!ded that Gryso o!e should be brou ht tofore him7 to 5hom he saidD Ta4e the po5er of the pro6ost" a!d the co!sulate of thy li!ea e" a!d do sacrifice to the ods1 A!d he a!s5eredD I adore a!d 5orship o!e o!ly God of hea6e!" a!d I despise thy di !ities as filth or mire1 A!d the! se!te!ce 5as i6e! upo! him" a!d he 5as brou ht i!to a place 5here he 5as beheaded" about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty: se6e!" 5hoose body S1 Kelus" the priest buried" a!d the head also1 GLO**AR3 adaunt, v. tr1" to subdue or tame1









alleged" pp., 'r1 alleger"1 comforted or eased1 among" adv1" !o5 a!d a ai!1 ancille, n1 A'r1 B" a ha!dmaid1

an%er, n1" a! a!chorite or hermit1 bleveth, n. v1" remai!eth1

bobance, n., oste!tatiom1

brochets. n11 spi4es1 celyers, n., secret abodes1


cenacle, n1" uest room1 cene2thursday, comp. n1" mau!dy Thursday1 couthe, v1 A4ythe!B a6e1

cule#. n.. a !at1 defe!ded" 61" forbade1

did do ma%eLcaused to be made1 di3aines, n1" di6isio!s of te! each1 entremeted, v1" dealt 5ith

escroceles, n1" scrofula1 eurous, ad$1 'r1 heureu#" happy1

facound, ad$1" flue!t1 feretre, n1" a shri!e1 governail, n1" 'r1 ou6er!ail tame1 a rudder1

gre!e, n., ree41 grinnes n1 s!ares or traps1

guerished, pp1" 'r1 guerir" healed1 havoir, n1" property or oods1 hele, v1" to hide1

impetre, v1" beseech1 %arols, n1" ri! da!ces accompa!ied by so! 1

lavas, n1" la6ish!ess or freedom1 leasings, n1" lies1 'outing, pr. p1" bo5i! " here used for lur4i! 1

ma%e, n1" mate or compa!io!1 maleurty, n., 'r1 malheur, u!happi!ess1

mat, ad$., sad1 mathesis, n., mathematical scie!ce1

meiny, n., reti!ue1 mesels, n., lepers1

mortuary, n., a! ecclesiastical heriot or death:fee1 moyenne, ad$., medium1 pens, n., 5i! s1

rechauf, n. tr1" 4i!dle spiritually1 reliefs, n., A'r1B" fra me!ts of bro4e! meat1

rought, v., i., heeded1 rume, v., to ease AEB1 sacre, v., co!secrate1

sadder, ad$., firmer1 simulachres, n., 'r1 simulacare, ima es1

suffrance, n., help1 taillage, n., toll or impost1 to2frushed. ad$1" much bruised1

trental, n., a series of thirty masses for the dead1 truandise, n., imposture1

undern, n., from su!rise to !oo!1 unnethe, ad$., scarcely1 unpurveyed, adv., u!a5ares1

!arned, v., refused1 !indo!ed, p.p., pierced or fretted1

!ood, ad$., mad1 END OF VOL" V0



Here followeth the Life of *" 5atheri#e. vir(i# a#d %artyr. a#d fir t of her #a%e"


@AT+E3INE is said of catha" that is all" a!d rui!a that is falli! " for all the edifice of the de6il fell all from her1 'or the edifice of pride fell from her by humility that she had" a!d the edifice of fleshly desire fell from her by her 6ir i!ity" a!d 5orldly co6etise" for that she despised all 5orldly thi! s1 Or @atheri!e may be said as" a little chai!" for she made a chai! of ood 5or4s by 5hich she mou!ted i!to hea6e!" a!d this chai! or ladder had four rees or steps 5hich beD i!!oce!ce of 5or4" clea!!ess of body" despisi! of 6a!ity a!d sayi! of truth" 5hich the prophet putteth by order 5here he saithD Guis asce!det i! mo!tem domi!iE I!!oce!s ma!ibus1 ,ho shall asce!d i!to the mou!tai! of our LordE that is hea6e!" a!d he a!s5erethD The i!!oce!t of his ha!ds" he that is clea! i! his heart" he that hath !ot ta4e! i! 6ai! his soul" a!d he that hath !ot s5or! i! fraud a!d deceit to his !ei hbour1 A!d it appeareth i! her le e!d ho5 these four de rees 5ere i! her1 @atheri!e" by desce!t of li!e" 5as of the !oble li!ea e of the emperors of 3ome as it shall be declared more plai!ly hereafter by a !otable chro!icle" 5hose most blessed life a!d co!6ersatio! 5rote the solem! doctor Atha!asius" 5hich 4!e5 her li!ea e a!d her life" for he 5as o!e of her masters i! her te!der a e ere she 5as co!6erted to the christia! faith1 A!d after" the said Atha!asius" by her preachi! a!d mar6ellous 5or4 of our Lord" 5as co!6erted also" 5hich" after her martyrdom" 5as made bishop of Ale8a!dria" a!d a lorious pillar of the church by the race of God a!d merits of S1 @atheri!e1 A!d as 5e fi!d by credible chro!icles" i! the time of Diocletia! a!d -a8imia! 5as reat a!d cruel tyra!!y sho5ed i! all the 5orld" as 5ell to christia! me! as to pay!ims" so that ma!y that 5ere sub=ect to 3ome put a5ay the yo4e of ser6a e a!d rebelled ope!ly a ai!st the empire1 Amo! 5hom the realm of Arme!ia 5as o!e that 5ithstood most the tribute of the 3oma!s" 5herefore they of 3ome deputed a !oble ma! of di !ity !amed Co!sta!tius" 5hich 5as tofore others a 6alia!t ma! i! arms" discreet a!d 6irtuous1 The 5hich lord" after he came i! to Arme!ia" a!o! subdued them by his discreet prude!ce" a!d deser6ed to ha6e the lo6e a!d fa6our of his e!emies" i! so much that he 5as desired to marry the dau hter of the 4i! 5hich 5as sole heir of the realm" a!d he co!se!ted a!d married her1 A!d soo! after the 4i! her father died" a!d the! Co!sta!tius 5as e!ha!ced a!d cro5!ed 4i! " 5hich soo! after had a so! by his 5ife !amed Costus" at the birth of 5hom his mother died1 After the death of 5hom Co!sta!tius retur!ed to 3ome to see the emperor" a!d to 4!o5 ho5 his lordships 5ere o6er!ed i! those parts" a!d i! the mea!time tidi! s came to 3ome ho5 that Great 9ritai!" 5hich !o5 is called E! la!d" rebelled a ai!st the empire1 ,herefore" by the ad6ice of the co!sulate" it 5as co!cluded that Co!sta!tius" 4i! of Arme!ia" should o i!to 9ritai! to subdue them7 5hich addressed him thither" a!d i! short time after he e!tered i!to the la!d" by his pro5ess a!d 5isdom he appeased the realm a!d subdued it a ai! to the empire of 3ome1 A!d also he 5as so acceptable to the 4i! of 9ritai!" !amed Coel" that he married his dau hter +ele!" 5hich after5ard fou!d the holy cross" a!d i! short time he at o! her Co!sta!ti!e" 5hich after 5as emperor1 A!d the! soo! after died Co!sta!tius1 A!d Co!sta!ti!e" after the death of @i! Coel" by his mother 5as cro5!ed 4i! of 9ritai!1 A!d Costus" the first so! of Co!sta!tius" 5edded the 4i! >s dau hter of Cyprus" 5hich 5as heir" of 5hom" as shall be hereafter said" 5as e! e!dered S1 @atheri!e" 5hich came of the li!ea e of Co!sta!tius1 Now followeth the Life of *" 5atheri#e" I! the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred" rei !ed i! Cyprus a !oble a!d prude!t 4i! !amed Costus" 5hich 5as a !oble a!d seemly ma!" rich a!d of ood co!ditio!s" a!d had to his 5ife a <uee! li4e to himself i! 6irtuous o6er!a!ce" 5hich li6ed to ether prosperously" but after the la5 of pay!ims" a!d 5orshipped idols1 This 4i! " because he lo6ed re!omee a!d 5ould ha6e his !ame spread throu h the 5orld" he fou!ded a city i! 5hich he edified a temple of his false ods" a!d !amed that city after his !ame Costi"











5hich after" to i!crease his fame" the people !amed it 'ama Costi" a!d yet u!to this day is called 'ama osta7 i! 5hich city he a!d the <uee! li6ed i! reat 5ealth a!d prosperity1 A!d li4e as the fair rose spri! eth amo! the briars a!d thor!s" ri ht so bet5ee! these t5o pay!ims 5as brou ht forth this blessed S1 @atheri!e1 A!d 5he! this holy 6ir i! 5as bor! she 5as so fair of 6isa e a!d so 5ell formed @atheri!e i! her members that all the people e!=oyed i! her beauty" a!d 5he! she came to se6e! years of a e"a!o! after she 5as set to school" 5here she profited much more tha! a!y other of her a e" a!d 5as i!formed i! the arts liberal" 5herei! she dra!4 ple!teously of the 5ell of 5isdom" for she 5as chose! to be a teacher a!d i!former of e6erlasti! 5isdom1 The 4i! Costus her father had so reat =oy of the reat to5ard!ess a!d 5isdom of his dau hter" that he let ordai! a to5er i! his palace" 5ith di6ers studies a!d chambers" i! 5hich she mi ht be at her pleasure a!d also at her 5ill" a!d also he ordai!ed for to 5ait o! her se6e! the best masters a!d 5isest i! co!!i! that mi ht be otte! i! those parts1 A!d 5ithi! a 5hile they that came to teach her" they after that" lear!ed of her a!d became her disciples1 A!d 5he! this 6ir i! came to the a e of fourtee! years" her father 4I! Costus died" a!d the! she 5as left as <uee! a!d heir after him" a!d the! the estates of the la!d came to this you! lady" @atheri!e" a!d desired her to ma4e a parliame!t i! 5hich she mi ht be cro5!ed a!d recei6e the homa e of her sub=ects" a!d that such rule mi ht be set i! her be i!!i! " that peace a!d prospe!ty mi ht e!sue i! her realm1 A!d this you! maid ra!ted to them their as4i! 1 A!d 5he! the parliame!t 5as assembled a!d the you! <uee! cro5!ed 5ith reat solem!ity" a!d she sitti! o! a day i! her parliame!t" a!d her mother by her" 5ith all the lords each i! his place" a lord arose by the asse!t of her mother" the other lords" a!d the commo!s" a!d 4!eeled do5! tofore her" sayi! these 5ordsD 3i ht hi h a!d mi hty pri!cess" a!d our most so6erei ! lady" please if you to 5it that I am comma!ded by the <uee! your mother" by all the lords a!d commo!s of this your realm" to re<uire your hi h!ess that it may please you to ra!t to them that they mi ht pro6ide some !oble 4!i ht or pri!ce to marry you" to the e!d that he mi ht rule a!d defe!d your realm a!d sub=ects" li4e as your father did before you" a!d also that of you mi ht proceed !oble li!ea e 5hich after you may rei ! upo! us" 5hich thi! 5e most desire" a!d hereof 5e desire your ood a!s5er1 This you! <uee! @atheri!e" heari! this re<uest" 5as abashed a!d troubled i! her coura e ho5 she mi ht a!s5er to co!te!t her mother" the lords" a!d her sub=ects" a!d to 4eep herself chaste" for she had co!cluded to 4eep her 6ir i!ity" a!d rather to suffer death tha! to defile it1 A!d the! 5ith a sad cheer a!d mee4 loo4 she a!s5ered i! this 5iseD Cousi!" I ha6e 5ell u!derstood your re<uest" a!d tha!4 my mother" the lords" a!d my sub=ects of the reat lo6e that they all ha6e to me a!d to my realm" a!d as touchi! my marria e" I trust 6erily there may be !o peril" co!sideri! the reat 5isdom of my lady my mother" a!d of the lords" 5ith the ood obeisa!ce of the commo!s" trusti! i! their ood co!ti!ua!ce1 ,herefore 5e !eed !ot to see4 a stra! er for to rule us a!d our realm" for 5ith your ood assista!ce a!d aid 5e hope to rule" o6er!" a!d 4eep this our realm i! ood =ustice" peace" a!d rest" i! li4e 5ise as the 4i! my father held you i!1 ,herefore at this time I pray you to be co!te!t a!d to cease of this matter" a!d let us proceed to such matters as be re<uisite for the rule" o6er!a!ce a!d u!i6ersal 5eal of this realm1 A!d 5he! this you! <uee! @atheri!e had achie6ed her a!s5er" the <uee! her mother" a!d all the lords" 5ere abashed of her of 5ords a!d 5ist !ot 5hat to say" for they co!sidered 5ell by her 5ords that she had !o 5ill to be married1 A!d the! there arose a!d stood up a du4e" 5hich 5as her u!cle" a!d 5ith due re6ere!ce said to her i! this 5iseD -y so6erei ! lady" sa6i! your hi h a!d !oble discretio!" this a!s5er is full hea6y to my lady your mother" a!d to us all your humble lie eme!" 5ithout ye ta4e better ad6ice to your !oble coura e1 ,herefore I shall mo6e to you of four !otable thi! s that the reat God hath e!do5ed you 5ith before all other creatures that 5e 4!o5" 5hich thi! s ou ht to cause you to ta4e a lord to your husba!d" to the e!d that the ple!teous ifts of !ature a!d race may spri! of you by e!eratio!" 5hich may succeed by ri ht li!e to rei ! upo! us" to the reat comfort a!d =oy of all your people a!d sub=ects" a!d the co!trary should tur! to reat sorro5 a!d hea6i!ess1 No5" ood u!cle" said she" 5hat be these four !otable thi! s that so ye repute i! usE -adame" said he" the first is this" that 5e be ascertai!ed that ye be come of the most !oble blood i! the 5orld1 The seco!d" that ye be a reat i!heritor" a!d the reatest that li6eth of 5oma! to our 4!o5led e1 The third is" that ye i! scie!ce" co!!i! " a!d 5isdom pass all other" a!d the fourth is" i! bodily shape a!d beauty there is !o!e li4e to you1 ,herefore" madame" us thi!4 that these four !otable thi! s must !eeds co!strai! you to i!cli!e to our re<uest1 The! said this you! Guee! @atheri!e 5ith a sad cou!te!a!ceD No5" u!cle" sith God a!d !ature ha6e 5rou ht so reat 6irtues i! us" 5e be so much more bou!d to lo6e a!d to please him" a!d 5e tha!4 him humbly of his reat a!d lar e ifts1 9ut sith ye desire so much that 5e should co!se!t to be married" 5e let you plai!ly 5it that li4e as ye ha6e described us" so 5ill 5e describe him that 5e 5ill ha6e to @atheri!e our lord a!d husba!d" a!d if ye ca! et such a! o!e 5e 5ill a ree to ta4e him 5ith all
















our heart1 'or he that shall be lord of mi!e heart a!d mi!e husba!d shall ha6e the four !otable thi! s i! him o6er all measure7 so farforthly that all creatures shall ha6e !eed of him" a!d he !eedeth of !o!e1 A!d he that shall be my lord must be of so !oble blood that all me! shall do to him 5orship" a!d there5ith so reat a lord that I shall !e6er thi!4 that I made him a 4i! " a!d so rich that he pass all others i! riches1 A!d so full of beauty that a! els ha6e =oy to behold him" a!d so pure that his mother be a 6ir i!1 A!d so mee4 a!d be!i ! that he ca! ladly for i6e all offe!ces do!e u!to him1 No5 I ha6e described to you him that I 5ill ha6e a!d desire to my lord a!d to my husba!d" o ye a!d see4 him" a!d if ye ca! fi!d such a! o!e" I 5ill be his 5ife 5ith all mi!e heart" if he 6ouchsafe to ha6e me1 A!d fi!ally" but if ye fi!d such a! o!e I shall !e6er ta4e !o!e" a!d ta4e this for a fi!al a!s5er1 A!d 5ith this she cast do5! her eyes mee4ly a!d held her still1 A!d 5he! the <uee! her mother a!d the lords heard this" they made reat sorro5 a!d hea6i!ess" for they sa5 5ell that there 5as !o remedy i! that matter1 The! said her mother to her 5ith a! a! ry 6oiceD Alas" dau hter" is this your reat 5isdom that is tal4ed so farE -uch sorro5 be ye li4e to do me a!d all yours1 AlasI 5ho sa5 e6er 5oma! for e to her such a husba!d 5ith such 6irtues as ye doE 'or such o!e as ye ha6e de6ised" there 5as !e6er !o!e" !e !e6er shall be" a!d therefore" dau hter" Iea6e this folly" a!d do as your !oble elders ha6e do!e tofore you1 A!d the! said this you! Guee! @atheri!e u!to her mother" 5ith a piteous si hi! D -adam" I 5ot 5ell by 6ery reaso! that there is o!e much better tha! I ca! de6ise him" a!d but be by his race fi!d me" I shall !e6er ha6e =oy1 'or I feel by reat reaso! that there is a 5ay that 5e be clea! out of" a!d 5e be i! dar4!ess" a!d till the li ht of race come 5e may !ot see the clear 5ay" a!d 5he! it pleaseth him to come he shall a6oid all dar4!ess of the clouds of i !ora!ce" a!d sho5 him clearly to me 5hom my heart so fer6e!tly desireth a!d lo6eth1 A!d if it so be that he list !ot that I fi!d him" yet reaso! comma!deth me to 4eep 5hole that is u!hurt" 5herefore I beseech you mee4ly" my lady mother" that ye !e !o!e other mo6e me more of this matter" for I promise you plai!ly that for to die therefore I shall !e6er ha6e other husba!d but o!ly him that I ha6e described" to 5hom I shall truly 4eep me 5ith all the pure lo6e of mi!e heart1 A!d 5ith this she arose" a!d her mother a!d all the lords of the parliame!t" 5ith reat sorro5 a!d lame!tatio!" a!d ta4i! their lea6e" departed1 A!d this !oble you! @atheri!e 5e!t to her palace" 5hose heart 5as set afire upo! this husba!d that she had de6ised" that she could do !othi! " but all her mi!d a!d i!te!t 5as set o! him" a!d co!ti!ually mused ho5 she mi ht fi!d him" but she could !ot fi!d the mea!s" ho5 5ell he 5as !i h to her heart that she sou ht1 'or he had 4i!dled a bur!i! lo6e 5hich could !e6er after be <ue!ched for !o pai! !e tribulatio!" as it appeared i! her passio!1 9ut !o5 I lea6e this you! <uee! i! her co!templatio!" a!d shall say you as far as God 5ill i6e me race" ho5 that our Lord by his special miracle" called her u!to baptism i! a special ma!!er" such as hath !ot bee! heard of before !e sith" a!d also ho5 she 5as 6isibly married to our Lord" i! sho5i! to her so6erei ! to4e!s of si! ular lo6e1 The!" beside Ale8a!dria" a certai! space of miles" d5elled a holy father" a hermit i! desert !amed Adria!" 5hich had ser6ed our Lord co!ti!ually by the space of thirty years i! reat pe!a!ce1 A!d o! a day as he 5al4ed before his cell bei! i! his holy meditatio!s" there came a ai!st him the most re6ere!t lady that e6er a!y earthly creature mi ht behold" a!d 5he! this holy ma! beheld her hi h estate a!d e8celle!t beauty" 5hich 5as abo6e !ature" he 5as sore abashed a!d so much asto!ished" that he fell do5! as he had bee! dead1 The! this blessed lady" seei! this" called him by his !ame oodly a!d saidD 9rother Adria!" dread ye !othi! " for I am come to you for your ood ho!our a!d profit1 A!d 5ith that she too4 him up mee4ly" comforti! him" a!d said i! this 5iseD Adria!" ye must o i! a messa e for me i!to the city of Ale8a!dria" a!d to the palace of the <uee! @atheri!e" a!d say to her that the lady saluteth her 5hose so! she hath chose! to her lord a!d husba!d" sitti! i! her parliame!t 5ith her mother a!d lords about her" 5here she had a reat co!fiict a!d battle to 4eep her 6ir i!ity" a!d say to her that this same lord 5hom she chose is my so!" that am a pure 6ir i!" a!d he desireth her beauty a!d lo6eth her chastity amo! all the 6ir i!s o! the earth1 I comma!d her" 5ithout tarryi! " that she come 5ith thee alo!e u!to this palace" 5hereas she shall be !e5 clothed" a!d the! shall she see him" a!d ha6e him to her e6erlasti! spouse1 The! Adria! heari! this said dreadfully i! this 5iseD AhI blessed lady" ho5 shall I do this messa eE for I 4!o5 !ot the city !e the 5ay thither" a!d 5ho am I" thou h I 4!e5 it" to do such a messa e to the <uee!E 'or her mei!y 5ill !ot suffer me to come to her prese!ce" a!d thou h I come to her she 5ill !ot belie6e me" but put me i! duresse as I 5ere a faitour1 Adria!" said this blessed lady" dread ye !ot" for that my so! hath be u! i! her must be performed" for she is a chose! 6essel of special race before all 5ome! that li6e" but o forth a!d ye shall fi!d !o letti! " a!d e!ter i!to her chamber" for the a! el of my lord shall lead you thither" a!d bri! you both hither safely1 The! he" mee4ly obeyi! " 5e!t forth i!to Ale8a!dria a!d e!tered i!to the palace" a!d fou!d doors a!d closures ope!i! a ai!st him" a!d so passed from chamber to chamber till he came i!to her secret







study" 5hereas !o!e came but herself alo!e1 A!d there he fou!d her i! her holy co!templatio!" a!d did to her his messa e li4e as ye ha6e heard" accordi! to his char e1 A!d 5he! this blessed 6ir i! @atheri!e had heard his messa e a!d u!derstood by certai! to4e!s that he came for to fetch her to him 5hom she so fer6e!tly desired" a!o! she arose for etti! her estate a!d mei!y" a!d follo5ed this old ma! throu h her palace a!d the city of Ale8a!dria" u!4!o5! of a!y perso!" a!d so i!to desert1 I! 5hich 5ay as they 5al4ed she dema!ded of him ma!y a hi h <uestio!" a!d he a!s5ered to her sufficie!tly i! all her dema!ds a!d i!formed her i! the faith" a!d she be!i !ly recei6ed his doctri!e1 A!d as they thus 5e!t i! the desert this holy ma! !ad lost his 5ay" a!d 5ist !ot 5here he 5as a!d 5as all co!fused i! himself" a!d said secretlyD Alas I fear me I am decei6ed" a!d that this be a! illusio!1 AlasI shall this 6ir i! here be perished amo! these 5ild beastsE No5 blessed Iady" help me that almost am i! despair" a!d sa6e this maide! that hath forsa>De! for your lo6e all that she had" a!d hath obeyed your comma!dme!t1 A!d as he thus sorro5ed" the blessed 6ir i! @atheri!e appercei6ed a!d dema!ded him 5hat him ailed" a!d 5hy he sorro5ed" a!d he saidD 'or you" because I ca!!ot fi!d my cell" !e 5ot !ot 5here I am1 'ather" said she" dread ye !ot" for trust ye 6erily" that that ood lady 5hich se!t you for me" shall !ot suffer us to perish i! this 5ilder!ess" a!d the! she said to himD ,hat mo!astery is yo!der that I see" 5hich is so rich a!d fair to beholdE A!d he dema!ded of her 5here she sa5 it" a!d she saidD ;o!der i! the east" a!d the! he 5iped his eyes a!d sa5 the most lorious mo!astery that e6er he sa5" 5hereof he 5as full of =oy" a!d said to herD No5 blessed be God that hath e!do5ed you 5ith so perfect faith" for there is that place 5herei! ye shall recei6e so reat 5orship a!d =oy" that there 5as !e6er !o!e li4e" sa6e o!ly our blessed Lady" Christ>s o5! mother" <uee! of all <uee!s1 No5" ood 'ather Adria!" hie you fast that 5e 5ere there" for there is all my desire a!d =oy1 A!d soo! after they approached that lorious place" a!d 5he! they came to the ate" there met them a lorious compa!y" all clothed i! 5hite a!d 5ith chaplets of 5hite lilies o! their heads" 5hose beauty 5as so reat a!d bri ht that the 6ir i! @atheri!e !e the old ma! mi ht !ot behold them" but all ra6ished fell do5! i! reat dread1 The! o!e more e8celle!t tha! a!other spa4e first" a!d said to this 6ir i!D @atheri!e" sta!d up our dear sister" for ye be ri ht 5elcome" a!d led her farther i! till they came to the seco!d ate 5here a!other more lorious compa!y they came to the seco!d ate 5here a!other more lorious compa!y met her" all clothed i! purple" 5ith fresh chaplets of red roses o! their heads1 A!d the holy 6ir i! seei! them" fell do5! for re6ere!ce a!d dread" a!d they" be!i !ly comforti! her" too4 her up a!d said to herD Dread ye !othi! " our dear sister" for there 5as !e6er !o!e more heartily 5elcome to our so6erei ! lord tha! ye be" a!d to us all" for ye shall recei6e our clothi! ard our cro5! 5ith so reat ho!our" that all sai!ts shall =oy i! you7 Come forth" for the Lord abideth desiri! you1 A!d the! this blessed 6ir i! @atheri!e 5ith trembli! =oy passed forth 5ith them" li4e as she that 5as ra6ished 5ith so mar6ellous =oy that she could !ot spea4" a!d 5he! she 5as e!tered i!to the body of the church she heard a melody of mar6ellous s5eet!ess" 5hich passed all hearts to thi!4 it" a!d there they beheld a royal <uee! sta!di! i! her estate 5ith a reat multitude of a! els a!d sai!ts" 5hose beauty a!d riches mi ht !o heart thi!4" !e !o pe! 5rite" for it e8ceedeth e6ery ma!>s mi!d1 The! the !oble compa!y of martyrs 5ith the fello5ship of 6ir i!s" 5hich led the 6ir i! @atheri!e" fell do5! flat tofore this royal empress 5ith so6erei ! re6ere!ce" sayi! i! this 5iseD Our most so6erei ! Lady Guee! of hea6e!" Lady of all the 5orld" Empress of hell" -other of Almi hty God" @i! of bliss" to 5hose comma!dme!t obey all hea6e!ly creatures a!d earthly" li4eth it you that 5e here prese!t to you our dear sister" 5hose !ame is 5ritte! i! the 9oo4 of Life" beseechi! your be!i ! race to recei6e her as your dau hter chose! a!d humble ha!dmaid" for to accomplish the 5or4 5hich our blessed Lord hath be u! i! her1 A!d 5ith that our blessed Lady saidD 9ri! ye my dau hter a!d 5he! the holy 6ir i! heard our Lady spea4" she 5as so much reple!ished 5ith hea6e!ly =oy that she lay as she had bee! dead1 The! the holy compa!y too4 her up a!d brou ht her tofore our blessed Lady" to 5hom she saidD -y dear dau hter ye be 5elcome to me" a!d ye be stro! a!d of ood comfort" for ye be specially chose! of my so! to be ho!oured1 3emember ye !ot ho5 sitti! i! your parliame!t ye described to you a husba!d" 5hereas ye had a reat co!flict a!d battle i! defe!di! your chastityE A!d the! this holy @atheri!e 4!eeli! 5ith most humble re6ere!ce a!d dread saidD O most blessed Lady7 blessed be ye amo! all 5ome!7 I remember ho5 I chose that Lord 5hich the! 5as full far from my 4!o5led e" but !o5 blessed Lady" by his mi hty mercy a!d your special race he hath ope!ed the eyes of my bli!d co!scie!ce a!d i !ora!ce" so that !o5 I see the clear 5ay of truth" a!d humbly beseech you most blessed Lady" that I may ha6e him 5hom my heart lo6eth a!d desireth abo6e all thi! s" 5ithout 5hom I may !ot li6e1 A!d 5ith these 5ords her spirits 5ere so fast closed that she lay as she had bee! dead" a!d the! our Lady i! co!forti! her saidD -y dear dau hter" it shall be as ye desire" but yet ye lac4 o!e thi! that ye must recei6e ere ye come to the prese!ce of my so!7 ye must be clothed 5ith the











sacrame!t of baptism" 5herefore come o! my dau hter for all thi! s are pro6ided1 'or there 5as a fo!t solem!ly apparelled 5ith all thi! s re<uisite u!to baptism1 A!d the! our blessed Lady called Adria! the old father to her a!d saidD 9rother" this office lo! eth to you for ye be a priest" therefore baptiHe ye my dau hter but cha! e !ot her !ame" for @atheri!e shall she be !amed a!d I shall be her odmother1 A!d the! this holy ma! Adria! baptiHed her" a!d after" our Lady said to herD No5 mi!e o5! dau hter be lad a!d =oyful" for ye lac4 !o thi! that lo! eth to the 5ife of a hea6e!ly spouse" a!d !o5 I shall bri! you to my Lord my so! 5hich abideth for you1 A!d so our Lady led her forth u!to the <uire door 5hereas she sa5 our Sa6iour Jesu Christ 5ith a reat multitude of a! els" 5hose beauty is impossible to be thou ht or 5ritte! of earthly creature" of 5hose si ht this blessed 6ir i! 5as I fulfilled 5ith so reat s5eet!ess that it ca!!ot be e8pressed1 To 5hom our blessed Lady be!i !ly saidD -ost so6erei ! ho!our" =oy a!d lory be to you" @i! of bliss" my Lord" my God a!d my so!" LoI I ha6e brou ht here u!to your blessed prese!ce your humble ser6a!t a!d a!cille @atheri!e" 5hich for your lo6e hath refused all earthly thi! s" a!d hath at my se!di! obeyed to come hither" hopi! a!d trusti! to recei6e that I promised to her1 The! our 9lessed Lord too4 up" his mother a!d saidD -other" that 5hich pleaseth you" pleaseth me" a!d your desire is mi!e" for I desire that she be 4!it to me by marria e amo! all the 6ir i!s of the earth1 A!d said to her @atheri!e" come hither to me1 A!d as soo! as she heard him !ame her !ame" so reat a s5eet!ess e!tered i!to her soul that she 5as all ra6ished" a!d there5ith our Lord a6e to her a !e5 stre! th 5hich passed !ature" a!d said to herD Come my spouse" a!d i6e to me your ha!d1 A!d there our Lord espoused her i! =oi!i! himself to her by spiritual marria e" promisi! e6er to 4eep her i! all her life i! this 5orld" a!d after this life to rei ! perpetually i! his bliss" a!d i! to4e! of this set a ri! o! her fi! er" 5hich he comma!ded her to 4eep i! remembra!ce of this" a!d saidD Dread ye !ot" my dear spouse" I shall !ot depart from you" but al5ays comfort a!d stre! the! you1 The! said this !e5 spouseD O blessed Lord" I tha!4 you 5ith all mi!e heart of all your reat mercies" beseechi! you to ma4e me di !e a!d 5orthy to be thy ser6a!t a!d ha!dmaid" a!d to please you 5hom my heart lo6eth a!d desireth abo6e all thi! s1 A!d thus this lorious marria e 5as made" 5hereof all the celestial court =oyed a!d sa! this 6erse i! hea6e!D Spo!sus amat spo!sam" sal6ator 6isitat illam" 5ith so reat melody that !o heart may e8press !e thi!4 it1 This 5as a lorious a!d si! ular marria e to 5hich 5as !e6er !o!e li4e before i! earth" 5herefore this lorious 6ir i!" @atheri!e" ou ht to be ho!oured" lauded" a!d praised amo! all the 6ir i!s that e6er 5ere i! earth1 A!d the! our blessed Lord" after this marria e" said u!to the blessed @atheri!eD No5 the time is come that I must depart i!to the place that I came from" 5herefore 5hat that ye 5ill desire I am ready to ra!t to you" a!d after my departi! ye must abide here 5ith old Adria! te! days" till ye be perfectly i!formed i! all my la5s a!d 5ill1 A!d 5he! ye shall be come home ye shall fi!d your mother dead" but dread ye !ot" for ye 5ere !e6er missed there i! all this time" for I ha6e ordai!ed there o!e i! your stead" that all me! 5ee! it 5ere yourself" a!d 5he! ye come home" she that is there i! your stead shall 6oid1 No5 fare 5ell" my dear spouse1 A!d the! she cried 5ith a full piteous 6oiceD AhI my so6erei ! Lord God a!d all the =oy of my soul" ha6e ye e6er mi!e o! me1 A!d 5ith that he blessed her a!d 6a!ished a5ay from her si ht1 A!d the! for sorro5 of his departi! she fell i! a s5oo! so that she lay still a lar e hour 5ithout a!y life" a!d the! 5as Adria! a sorry ma!" a!d cried upo! her so lo! that at the last she came to herself a!d re6i6ed a!d lift up her eyes a!d sa5 !othi! about her sa6e a! old cell" a!d the old ma! Adria! by her" 5eepi! 1 'or all the royalty 5as 6oided" both mo!astery a!d palace" a!d all the comfortable si hts that she had see!" a!d specially he 5hich 5as cause of all her =oy a!d comfort7 a!d the! she sorro5ed" l mour!ed" a!d 5ept u!to the time that she sa5 the ri! o! her fi! er" a!d for =oy thereof yet she s5oo!ed" a!d after she 4issed it a thousa!d sithes 5ith ma!y a piteous tear" a!d the! Adria! comforted her the best 5ise he could 5ith ma!y a blessed e8hortatio!1 A!d the blessed 6ir i! @atheri!e too4 all his comforts a!d obeyed him as to her father" a!d d5elled 5ith him the time that our Lord had assi !ed her till she 5as sufficie!tly tau ht all that 5as !eedful to her1 A!d the! she 5e!t home to her palace a!d o6er!ed her holily i! co!6erti! ma!y creatures to the christia! faith of Jesu Christ" o! 5hom all her =oy 5as 5holly set" a!d e6er he 5as i! her mi!d" a!d so d5elled still i! her palace" !e6er idle" but e6er co!ti!ued i! the ser6ice of our Lord" full of charity" 5here a5hile I let her d5ell fulfilled of 6irtues a!d race" as the dear a!d si! ular spouse of Almi hty God1 A!d the! i! this mea!time -a8e!tius" that 5as the! emperor" a!d 6icious to God>s la5 a!d cruel tyra!t" co!sidered the !oble a!d royal city of Ale8a!dria" a!d came thither a!d assembled all the people" rich a!d poor" for to ma4e sacrifice to the idols" a!d the christia! me! that 5ould !ot ma4e sacrifice he let




















slay1 A!d this holy 6ir i! 5as at that time ei htee! years of a e" d5elli! i! her palace full of riches a!d of ser6a!ts" alo!e" 5ithout pare!ts a!d 4i!" a!d heard the brayi! a!d !oise of beasts" a!d the =oy that they made a!d su! " a!d mar6elled 5hat it mi ht be" a!d se!t o!e of her ser6a!ts hastily to i!<uire 5hat it 5as1 A!d 5he! she 4!e5 it" she too4 some of the people of her palace a!d ar!ished her 5ith the si ! oi the cross a!d 5e!t thither" a!d fou!d there ma!y christia! me! to be led to do sacrifice for fear of death1 The! 5as she stro! ly troubled for sorro5" a!d 5e!t forth hardily to the emperor" a!d said i! this 5iseD The di !ity of thi!e order a!d the 5ay of reaso! ha6e mo6ed me to salute thee" if thou 4!o5 the creator a!d ma4er of hea6e!" a!d 5ouldst re6o4e thy coura e from the 5orshippi! of false ods1 A!d the! she disputed of ma!y thi! s 5ith CFsar tofore the ates of the temple1 A!d the! she be a! to sayD I ha6e set my cure to say these thi! s to thee as to a 5ise ma!" 5herefore hast thou !o5 assembled this multitude of people thus i! 6ai! for to adore the folly of the idols1 +ast thou mar6el of this temple that is made 5ith ma!>s ha!dsE ,o!derest thou o! the precious or!ame!ts 5hich be as dust tofore the 5i!dE Thou shouldst rather mar6el thee of hea6e!" a!d of the earth" a!d of all the thi! s that be therei!" a!d of the su!" the moo!" the stars" a!d of the pla!ets that ha6e bee! si!ce the be i!!i! of the 5orld" a!d shall be as lo! as it shall please God7 a!d mar6el thee of the or!ame!ts of hea6e!" that is to say" the su!" moo!" stars" a!d pla!ets" ho5 they mo6e from the orie!t to the occide!t a!d !e6er be 5eary" a!d 5he! thou shalt ha6e 4!o5led e of all these thi! s" a!d hast appercei6ed it" dema!d after" 5ho is most mi htyof all" a!d 5he! thou 4!o5est him that is so6erei ! a!d ma4er of all thi! s" to 5hom !o!e is semblable !e li4e" the! adore him a!d lorify" for he is God of ods" a!d Lord of lords1 A!d 5he! she had disputed of ma!y thi! s of the I!car!atio! of the So! of God much 5isely" the emperor 5as much abashed a!d could !ot a!s5er to her" but at the last 5he! he 5as come to himself" he said to herD O thou 5oma!" suffer us to fi!ish our sacrifice" a!d after" 5e shall i6e thee a! a!s5er1 The! comma!ded he that she should be led to his palace a!d to be 4ept 5ith reat dili e!ce" a!d mar6elled much of her reat prude!ce a!d of her reat beauty" for she 5as ri ht fair to behold" u!to the people1 A!d after this the emperor came to the palace" a!d said to @atheri!eD ,e ha6e heard thy fair speech a!d be mar6ellously abashed of thy 5isdom" but 5e be so occupied i! the sacrifices that 5e may !ot e!te!d to u!dersta!d all thi! s1 A!d 5e dema!d thee" first" of 5hat li!ea e art thouE A!d the holy 6ir i! @atheri!e saidD (raise !ot thyself o6er much" !e blame thyself also" for so do fools that tra6ail i! 6ai! lory1 Ne6ertheless" I shall ac4!o5led e to thee my li!ea e" !ot for a!y a6au!ti! but by humility1 I am @atheri!e" dau hter of Costus the 4i! " a!d ho5beit that I 5as bor! i! purple" a!d am i!formed i! the arts liberal" yet ha6e I despised all thi! s a!d ha6e i6e! me 5holly to our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d the ods that thou 5orshippest may !ot help thee !e !o!e other1 O ye cursed adorers of such ods" for 5he! they be called i! !eed they help !ot" i! tribulatio! they succour !ot" a!d i! perils they defe!d !ot1 A!d the 4i! saidD If it be so as thou sayest" all the earth erreth a!d thou o!ly sayest truth" a!d e6ery 5ord ou ht to be co!firmed by the mouth of t5o or three 5it!esses1 If thou 5ert a! a! el or a celestial 6irtue" yet thou ou htest !ot to be belie6ed 5he! thou art but o!e frail 5oma!1 To 5hom she saidD O emperor" I beseech thee be !ot o6ercome 5ith 5ood!ess" for i! the coura e of a 5ise ma! is !o trouble" for the 5ise ma! saithD If thou o6er!est thyself by ood coura e thou shalt be a 4i! " a!d if thou o6er!est thee other5ise thou shalt be a ser6a!t1 A!d thou" as I see" ordai!est to embrace us i! thy mortal subtlety 5he! thou labourest to dra5 us by the e!samples of the philosophers1 A!d 5he! the emperor sa5 that i! !o ma!!er he could resist her 5isdom" he se!t secretly by letters for all the reat rammaria!s a!d rhetoricia!s that they should come hastily to his pretorium to Ale8a!dria" a!d he should i6e to them reat ifts if they mi ht surmou!t a maide! 5ell bespo4e!1 A!d the! 5ere there brou ht from di6ers pro6i!ces fifty masters 5hich surmou!ted all mortal me! i! 5orldly 5isdom1 A!d the! dema!ded they for 5hat cause they 5ere called from so far parts" a!d the emperor a!s5ered a!d saidD ,e ha6e a maide!" !o!e comparable to her i! 5it a!d 5isdom" 5hich co!fou!deth all 5ise me!" a!d she saith that our ods be de6ils" a!d if ye surmou!t them by ho!our I shall se!d you a ai! i!to your cou!try 5ith =oy1 A!d o!e of them had hereof despite" a!d said by disdai!D This is a 5orthy cou!sel of a! emperor" that for o!e maid" you! a!d frail" he hath do!e assemble so ma!y sa es" a!d from so far cou!tries" a!d o!e of our cler4s or scholars may o6ercome her1 A!d the 4i! said to themD I may 5ell by stre! th co!strai! her to sacrifice" but I had liefer that she 5ere o6ercome by your ar ume!ts1 The! said theyD Let her be brou ht tofore us" a!d 5he! she shall be o6ercome by folly she may 4!o5 that she !e6er sa5 5ise ma!1 A!d 5he! the 6ir i! 4!e5 the strife of the disputatio! that she abode" she comme!ded her all u!to our Lord" a!d a! a! el came to her a!d said that she should 4eep her firmly for she should !ot be 6a!<uished" but she should surmou!t them a!d se!d them to martyrdom1 A!d 5he! she








5as brou ht tofore the masters a!d orators she said to the emperorD ,hat =ud me!t is this to set fifty orators a!d masters a ai!st o!e maid" a!d to promise to them reat re5ards for their 6ictory" a!d compellest me to dispute 5ith them 5ithout hope of a!y re5ardE A!d God Jesu Christ" 5hich is 6ery uerdo! of them that stri6e for him" shall be o!ly 5ith me" a!d he shall be my re5ard" for he is the hope a!d cro5! of them that fi ht for him1 A!d 5he! the masters had said that it 5as impossible that God 5as made ma!" !e that he had suffered death" the 6ir i! sho5ed to them that the pay!ims had said it tofore that he 5as made1 'or (lato said God to be all rou!d a!d to be slai!" a!d Sibyl said thus" that the il4e God should be blessed a!d happy that should ha! o! the cross1 A!d 5he! the 6ir i! ri ht 5isely disputed 5ith the masters" a!d that she had co!fou!ded their ods by ope! reaso!s" they 5ere abashed a!d 5ist !ot 5hat to say" but 5ere all still1 A!d the emperor 5as reple!ished 5ith felo!y a ai!st them" a!d be a! to blame them because they 5ere o6ercome so foully of o!e maid1 A!d the! o!e that 5as master abo6e all the others said to the emperorD @!o5 thou" sir emperor" that !e6er 5as there a!y that mi ht sta!d a ai!st us but that a!o! he 5as o6ercome1 9ut this maid i! 5hom the spirit of God spea4eth hath so co!6erted us that 5e ca!!ot say a!ythi! a ai!st Jesu Christ" !e 5e may !ot" !e dare !ot1 ,herefore" sir emperor" 5e ac4!o5led e that but if thou mayest bri! forth a more pro6able se!te!ce of them that 5e ha6e 5orshipped hitherto" that all 5e be co!6erted to Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! the tyra!t heard this thi! he 5as esprised 5ith reat 5ood!ess" a!d comma!ded that they all should be bur!t i! the midst of the city1 A!d the holy 6ir i! comforted them a!d made them co!sta!t to martyrdom" a!d i!formed them dili e!tly i! the faith" a!d because they doubted that they should die 5ithout baptism" the 6ir i! said to themD Doubt ye !othi! " for the effusio! of your blood shall be reputed to you for baptism" a!d ar!ish you 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d ye shall be cro5!ed i! hea6e!1 A!d 5he! they 5ere cast i!to the flames of fire they re!dered their souls u!to God" a!d !either hair !e clothes of them had !o!e harm !e 5ere hurt by the fire1 A!d 5he! the christia! me! had buried them" the tyra!t spa4e u!to the 6ir i! a!d saidD AhI ri ht !oble lady 6ir i!" ha6e pity of thy youth" a!d thou shalt be chief i! my palace !e8t the <uee!" a!d thi!e ima e shall be set up i! the midst of the city" a!d shall be adored of all the people as a oddess1 To 5hom the 6ir i! saidD Lea6e to say such thi! s" for it is e6il to thi!4 it1 I am i6e! a!d married to Jesu Christ" he is my spouse" he is my lory" he is my lo6e" a!d he is my s5eet!ess" there may !o fair 5ords !e !o torme!ts call me from him1 A!d the! he bei! full of 5ood!ess" comma!ded that she should be despoiled !a4ed a!d beate! 5ith scorpio!s" a!d so beate! to be put i! a dar4 priso!" a!d there 5as torme!ted by hu! er by the space of t5el6e days1 A!d the emperor 5e!t out of the cou!try for certai! causes" a!d the <uee! 5as esprised 5ith reat lo6e of the 6ir i!" a!d 5e!t by !i ht to the priso! 5ith (orphyry" the pri!ce of 4!i hts" a!d 5he! the <uee! e!tered" she sa5 the priso! shi!i! by reat clear!ess" a!d a! els a!oi!ti! the 5ou!ds of the holy 6ir i! @atheri!e1 A!d the! S1 @atheri!e be a! to preach to the <uee! the =oys of (aradise a!d co!6erted her to the faith" a!d said to her that she 5ould recei6e the cro5! of martyrdom" a!d thus spa4e they to ether till mid!i ht1 A!d 5he! (orphyry had heard all that she had said" he fell do5! to her feet a!d recei6ed the faith of Jesu Christ" 5ith t5o hu!dred 4!i hts1 A!d because the tyra!t had comma!ded that she should be t5el6e days 5ithout meat a!d dri!4" Jesu Christ se!t to her a 5hite do6e 5hich fed her 5ith meat celestial1 A!d after this" Jesu Christ appeared to her 5ith a reat multitude of a! els a!d 6ir i!s" a!d said to herD Dau hter" 4!o5 thy ma4er" for 5hom thou hast emprised this tra6ailous battle7 be thou co!sta!t" for I am 5ith thee1 A!d 5he! the emperor 5as retur!ed" he comma!ded her to be brou ht tofore him" a!d 5he! he sa5 her so shi!i! " 5hom he supposed to ha6e bee! torme!ted b6 reat fami!e a!d fasti! " a!d supposed that some had fed her i! priso!" he 5as fulfilled 5ith fury a!d comma!ded to torme!t the 4eepers of the priso!" a!d she said to himD Verily" I too4 !e6er sith meat of ma!" but Jesu Christ hath fed me by his a! el1 I pray thee" said the emperor" set at thi!e heart this that I admo!ish thee" a!d a!s5er !ot by doubtable 5ords1 ,e 5ill !ot hold thee as a chamberer" but thou shalt triumph as a <uee! i! my realm" i! beauty e!ha!ced1 To 5hom the blessed 6ir i! @atheri!e saidD ?!dersta!d" I pray thee" a!d =ud e truly" 5hom ou ht I better to choose of these t5o" or the 4i! puissa!t" perdurable" lorious a!d fair" or o!e sic4" u!steadfast" !ot !oble" a!d foulE A!d the! the emperor ha6i! disdai!" a!d a! ry by felo!y" spa4eD Of these t5o choose thee o!e" or do sacrifice a!d li6e" or suffer di6ers torme!ts a!d perish1 A!d she saidD Tarry !ot to do 5hat torme!ts thou 5ilt" for I desire to offer to God my blood a!d my flesh li4e as he offered for me7 he is my God" my father" my frie!d a!d mi!e o!ly spouse1 A!d the! a master 5ar!ed a!d ad6ised the 4i! " bei! 5ood for a! er" that he should ma4e four 5heels of iro!" e!6iro!ed 5ith sharp









raHors" cutti! so that she mi ht be horribly all detre!ched a!d cut i! that torme!t" so that he mi ht fear the other christia! people by e!sample of that cruel torme!t1 A!d the! 5as ordai!ed that t5o 5heels should tur! a ai!st the other t5o by reat force" so that they should brea4 all that should be bet5ee! the 5heels" a!d the! the blessed 6ir i! prayed our Lord that he 5ould brea4 these e! i!es to the praisi! of his !ame" a!d for to co!6ert the people that 5ere there1 A!d a!o! as this blessed 6ir i! 5as set i! this torme!t" the a! el of our Lord bra4e the 5heels by so reat force that it sle5 four thousa!d pay!ims1 A!d the <uee!" that beheld these thi! s" came from abo6e a!d had hid herself till the!" desce!di! a!o! a!d be a! to blame the emperor of so reat cruelty" a!d the! the 4i! 5as reple!ished 5ith 5ood!ess 5he! he sa5 that the <uee! despised to do sacrifice" a!d did do first re!d off her paps" a!d after smite off her head1 A!d as she 5asled u!to martyrdom" she prayed @atheri!e to pray God for her" a!d she said to herD Ne doubt thee !othi! " 5ell:belo6ed of God7 for this day thou shalt ha6e the realm perdurable for this tra!sitory realm" a!d a! immortal spouse for a mortal1 A!d she 5as co!sta!t a!d firm i! the faith" a!d bade the torme!tors do as 5as to them comma!ded1 A!d the! the ser ea!ts brou ht her out of the city a!d erased off her paps 5ith to! s of iro!" a!d after smote off her head" 5hose body (orphyry too4 a5ay a!d buried it1 The !e8t day follo5i! 5as dema!ded 5here the holy body of the <uee! 5as" a!d the emperor bade that ma!y should be put to torme!t for to 4!o5 5here the body 5as1 (orphyry came the! tofore them all" a!d cried" sayi! D I am he that buried the body of the a!cille a!d ser6a!t of Jesu Christ" a!d ha6e recei6ed the faith of God1 A!d the! -a8e!tius be a! to roar a!d bray as a mad ma!" a!d cried" sayi! D OI 5retched a!d caitiff" loI (orphyry" 5hich 5as the o!ly 4eeper of my soul a!d comfort of all mi!e e6ils" is decei6ed7 5hich thi! he told to his 4!i hts" to 5hom they saidD A!d 5e also be christia! a!d be ready for to suffer death for Jesu Christ1 A!d the! the emperor" dru!4e! i! 5ood!ess" comma!ded that all should be beheaded a!d that their bodies should be cast to do s" a!d the! called he @atheri!e a!d said to herD +o5beit that thou hast made the <uee! for to die by thi!e art ma ic" if thou repe!t thee thou shalt be first a!d chief i! my palace" for thou shalt this day do sacrifice or thou shalt lose thi!e head1 A!d she said to himD Do all that thou hast thou ht7 I am ready to suffer all1 A!d the! he a6e se!te!ce a ai!st her" a!d comma!ded to smite off her head1 A!d 5he! she 5as brou ht to the place ordai!ed thereto" she lift up her eyes to hea6e! prayi! " a!d saidD O I Jesu Christ" hope of a!d help of them that belie6e i! theeI O beauty a!d lory of 6ir i!sI Good 4i! " I beseech a!d pray thee that 5hosome6er shall remember my passio!" be it at his death or i! a!y other !ecessity" a!d call me" that he may ha6e by thy mercy the effect of his re<uest a!d prayer1 A!d the! came a 6oice to her" sayi! D Come u!to me" my fair lo6e a!d my spouse7 loI behold the ate of hea6e! is ope! to thee" a!d also to them that shall hallo5 thy passio!" I promise the comfort of hea6e! of that they re<uire1 A!d 5he! she 5as beheaded there issued out of her body mil4 i!stead of blood" a!d a! els too4 the body a!d bare it u!to the -ou!t of Si!ai" more tha! t5e!ty =our!eys from the!ce" a!d buried it there ho!ourably" a!d co!ti!ually oil ru!!eth out of her bo!es 5hich healeth all maladies a!d sic4!esses" a!d she suffered death u!der -a8e!tius the tyra!t" about the year of our Lord three hu!dred1 +o5 -a8e!tius 5as pu!ished for this felo!y a!d for others" it is co!tai!ed i! the history of the i!6e!tio! of the holy cross" but forasmuch as it 5as !ot 4!o5! lo! after 5here this holy body 5as become" there 5as reat sorro5 a!d lame!tatio! amo! christia! me!" sayi! D Alas I the most clear li ht of our faith" of 5isdom" a!d the temple of the +oly Ghost" is o!e from us" a!d besou ht God de6outly that it mi ht please him to sho5 to them this holy relic" 5hich after came to 4!o5led e i! this ma!!er1 I! the desert about the -ou!t of Si!ai there 5ere ma!y christia! hermits 5hich 5ere i!flamed 5ith reat de6otio! to5ard this holy 6ir i! S1 @atheri!e" 5herefore by commo! asse!t they ordai!ed a chapel i! 5hich this holy 6ir i! should specially remembered" 5hich chapel 5as by the -ou!t of Si!ai" !ot far from the hill" fast by the place 5hereas our Lord appeared i! the bush to -oses1 I! 5hich place the holy hermits li6ed i! reat absti!e!ce a!d de6otio! a lorious life1 To 5hom o! a time the a! el of God appeared a!d saidD God hath beholde! your effectual de6otio! from hea6e!" therefore he hath ra!ted to you this race that by you shall be fou!d a!d 4!o5! the holy body of the lorious 6ir i! S1 @atheri!e" to his so6erei ! ho!our a!d lory1 A!d therefore arise ye up a!d follo5 me" a!d thou h it so be that ye see me !ot" yet the shado5 of the palm that I bear i! mi!e ha!d shall !e6er depart from your si ht1 A!d the! these hermits 5e!t forth a!d follo5ed the a! el till they came to the place 5here u!!ethe a!y creature mi ht e!ter for strait!ess of the 5ay a!d sharp!ess of the roc4s7 a!d 5he! they came to the top of the hill they sa5 !ot the a! el" but they sa5 e6ide!tly the shado5 of the palm" that it seemed all the place had bee! shado5ed by the lea6es of the palm" by 5hich they came u!to the place 5here the body had






















lai! o!e hu!dred a!d thirty years i! a sto!e1 A!d her flesh 5as dried up for le! th of time" but the bo!es 5ere so compact a!d pure that they seemed to be 4ept by the cure of a! els1 The! they too4 up 5ith reat =oy a!d re6ere!ce this holy body a!d bare it do5! i!to the chapel 5hich they had made" a!d this 5as do!e by reat miracle" for the place 5here she lay i! 5as so steep" thic4" strait" a!d so da! erous" that it seemed to ma!>s reaso! impossible to come thereto1 A!d these holy me!" after they had brou ht this body 5ith solem!ity" ordai!ed the feast of the i!6e!tio! of this holy body should be solem!ised" 5hich is yet there 4ept a!d is about the time of the I!6e!tio! of the +oly Cross1 ,hich place is reatly ho!oured" a!d our Lord sho5eth there ma!y miracles" a!d out of the bo!es flo5eth out oil lar ely" by 5hich ma!y maladies be uerished1 A!d it is said that tofore the body 5as fou!d that a mo!4 5e!t to the -ou!t of Si!ai a!d d5elled there by the space of se6e! years much de6outly i! the ser6ice of S1 @atheri!e" a!d o! a time as he prayed 5ith reat de6otio! that he mi ht ha6e somethi! of her body" sudde!ly there came a =oi!t of o!e of her fi! ers of her ha!d" 5hich ift he too4 =oyfully of our Lord1 It is read also that there 5as a ma! much de6out to S1 @atheri!e a!d oft called o! her to his a!d" a!d by le! th of time he fell i! foul thou ht" a!d lost the de6otio! that he had to the sai!t" a!d ceased to pray to her7 a!d as he 5as o! a time i! prayer he sa5 a reat multitude of 6ir i!s passi! by him" amo! 5hom there 5as o!e more resple!disse!t tha! the other" a!d 5he! she approached him she co6ered her 6isa e a!d passed tofore him" her face co6ered1 A!d he mar6elled much of the beauty of her" a!d dema!ded 5hat she 5as" a!d o!e of the 6ir i!s said that it 5as @atheri!e 5hom thou 5ert 5o!t for to 4!o5" a!d because thou 4!o5est !e rememberest her !ot" she passed tofore thee 5ith face co6ered a!d 5ithout 4!o5led e1 It is to be !oted that this blessed 6ir i! S1 @atheri!e seemeth a!d appeareth mar6ellous i! fi6e thi! sD first" i! 5isdom" seco!dly" i! elo<ue!ce" thirdly" i! co!sta!cy" fourthly" i! clea!!ess of chastity" a!d fifthly" i! pri6ile e of di !ity1 'irst she appeared mar6ellous i! 5isdom" i! her 5as all ma!!er of philosophy1 (hilosophy is di6ided i! three" i! theory" i! practice" a!d i! lo ic1 Theory is di6ided i! three" that is i!tellectual" !atural" a!d mathematical1 The blessed @atheri!e had scie!ce i!tellectual i! 4!o5led e of thi! s di6i!e" of 5hich she used a ai!st the masters" to 5hom she pro6ed to be but o!e 6ery God o!ly" a!d co!6a!<uished all the false ods1 Seco!dly" she had scie!ce !atural of 5hich she used i! disputi! a ai!st the emperor1 Thirdly" she had scie!ce mathematical" that is a scie!ce that be holdeth the forms a!d the ma!!er of thi! s" a!d this scie!ce had she i! despisi! the earthly thi! s" for she 5ithdre5 her heart from all earthly matter1 She sho5ed to ha6e this scie!ce 5he! she a!s5ered to the emperor" 5he! he dema!ded 5ho she 5as" a!d saidD I am @atheri!e" dau hter of 4i! Costus" a!d ho5 she had bee! !ourished i! purple1 A!d hereof used she 5he! she e!harded the <uee! to despise the 5orld a!d herself" a!d to desire the rei ! perdurable1 The practice is di6ided i! three ma!!ers" i! ethic" eco!omic" a!d politic1 The first teacheth to i!form ma!!ers a!d ador! him 5ith 6irtues" a!d that appertai!eth to all me!1 The seco!d teacheth to rule a!d o6er! 5ell his mei!y" a!d that appertai!eth to them that ha6e me! to o6er!1 The third appertai!eth to the o6er!ors of cities" for she teacheth to o6er! the peoples" the cities" a!d the commo!s1 A!d these three scie!ces had the blessed @atheri!e1 'irst" she had i! herself all ho!esty of ma!!ers7 seco!dly" she ruled her mei!y laudably" 5hich 5as left to her" thirdly" she i!formed 5isely the emperor1 Lo ic is di6ided i! three" i! demo!strati6e" i! probable" a!d i! sophistical1 The first pertai!eth to philosophers" the seco!d to rhetors a!d lo icia!s" a!d the third to sophisters" a!d these three scie!ces had @atheri!e i! her" for she disputed 5ith the emperor1 Seco!dly" she 5as mar6ellous i! elo<ue!ce" for she had fair speech i! @atheri!e preachi! as it appeared i! her predicatio!s" she 5as ri ht sharp i! re!deri! reaso!" as 5he! she a!s5ered to the emperor" she had s5eet 5ords i! dra5i! the people to the faith" as it appeared i! (orphyry a!d the <uee!" 5hom she dre5 to the christia! faith by s5eet!ess of her fair speech1 She had ri ht 6irtuous 5ord i! o6ercomi! " as it appeared i! the masters 5hom she 6a!<uished so puissa!tly1 Thirdly" she 5as mar6ellous i! co!sta!cy" for she 5as most co!sta!t a ai!st the threate!i! s a!d me!aces" for she despised them all a!d a!s5ered to the emperorD Tarry !ot to do the torme!ts that thou hast purposed" for I desire to offer to God my blood" a!d ma4e a! e!d of that thou hast co!cei6ed i! thy coura e" I am ready to suffer all1 Seco!dly" she 5as firm 5he! reat ifts 5ere offered to her" for she refused all" a!d said to the emperor 5he! he promised to hold her as seco!d lady i! his palace" a!d she saidD I1ea6e to say such thi! s" it is felo!ous to thi!4 it1 Thirdly" she 5as co!sta!t i! the torme!ts that 5ere do!e to her1 'ourthly" she 5as co!sta!t i! clea!!ess of chastity" for she 4ept chastity amo! those thi! s that chastity is 5o!t to perish1 'or there be fi6e thi! s i! 5hich chastity may perish" that is i! pleasa!ce of riches" co!6e!able opportu!ity" flo5eri! youth" freedom 5ithout co!strai!t" a!d so6erei ! beauty1 A!d amo! all these thi! s the blessed @atheri!e 4ept her chastity" for she had reat ple!ty of riches as she that 5as heir of rich pare!ts7 she had co!6e!able leisure to do her 5ill" as she that 5as lady of herself" a!d co!6ersed all day amo! her ser6a!ts 5hich 5ere you! of a e7 she had freedom 5ithout a!y that o6er!ed her i! her palace" a!d of these four it is said before" a!d she had beauty" so much that e6ery ma! mar6elled of her beauty1 'ifthly" she 5as mar6ellous


i! pri6ile e of di !ity" for certai! special pri6ile es 5ere i! some sai!ts 5he! they died" li4e as the 6isitatio! of Jesu Christ 5as i! S1 Joh! the E6a! elist" the flo5i! of oil i! S1 Nicholas" the effusio! of mil4 for blood that 5as i! S1 (aul" the preparatio! of the sepulchre that 5as i! S1 Cleme!t" a!d the heari! a!d ra!ti! of the petitio!s that 5as i! S1 -ar aret" 5he! she prayed for them rememberi! her memory1 All these thi! s to ether 5ere i! this blessed 6ir i! S1 @atheri!e as it appeareth i! her le e!d1 The! let us de6outly 5orship this holy 6ir i! a!d humbly pray her to be our ad6ocatrice i! all our !eeds bodily a!d hostly" that by the merits of her prayers 5e may after this short a!d tra!sitory life come u!to the e6erlasti! bliss a!d =oy i! hea6e! 5hereas is life perdurable1 Guod ipse prFstare di !etur <ui cum patre et spiritu sa!cto 6i6it et re !at deus per om!ia secula seculorum1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" *atur#i#e. a#d fir t of hi #a%e" Satur!i!e is said of saturare" that is to be filled" a!d of !u8" that is a !ut" for the pay!ims 5ere filled for to martyr him" li4e as the s<uirrel that eateth the !ut1 'or 5he! the s<uirrel ta4eth the !ut for to ha6e it out of the hull" it seemeth to him bitter" the! he oeth up o! hi h o! the tree a!d letteth it fall" a!d the! the hull brea4eth a!d the !ut spri! eth out1 A!d thus 5ere the pay!ims filled i! S1 Satur!i!e" for he 5as bitter to them because he 5ould !ot do sacrifice" a!d the! they brou ht him up o! hi h of the Capitol" a!d cast him do5! the steps or rees so that he bra4e his head" a!d the brai! spra! out of it1 Of *" *atur#i#e"






Satur!i!e 5as ordai!ed bishop of the disciples of the apostles" a!d 5as se!t i!to the city of Toulouse" a!d 5he! he e!tered i!to the city" the de6ils ceased to i6e a!s5ers" a!d the! o!e of the pay!ims said but if they sle5 Satur!i!e they should ha6e !o!e a!s5er of their ods1 A!d they too4 Satur!i!e 5hich 5ould !ot do sacrifice" a!d bou!d him to the feet of a bull a!d dre5 him u!to the hi hest place of the capitol a!d cast him do5! the de rees a!d steps to the rou!d" so that his head 5as all to:bro4e! a!d the brai! spra! out" a!d so he accomplished his martyrdom1 A!d t5o 5ome! too4 his body a!d buried it i! a deep place for fear of the pay!ims" a!d after5ards his successors too4 up the body a!d tra!sported it i!to a more ho!ourable place1 There 5as a!other Satur!i!e 5hom the pro6ost of 3ome held lo! i! priso!" a!d after" he raised him i! the torme!t !amed Eculee" a!d did do beat him 5ith si!e5s" rods" a!d scorpio!s" a!d after" did do bur! his sides" a!d the! too4 him do5! a!d smote off his head" about the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d !i!ety u!der -a8imia!1 A!d yet there 5as a!other Satur!i!e i! Africa 5hich 5as brother of S1 Satyra" S1 3e6ocata" a!d S1 'elicity his sister" a!d S1 (erpetua" 5hich 5as of !oble li!ea e" 5hich all suffered death to ether" of 5hom the passio! is holde! a!other time1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost said to them that they should do sacrifice to the idols" they refused it utterly" a!d he the! put them i! priso!1 A!d 5he! the father of S1 (erpetua heard that" he came to the priso! 5eepi! " a!d saidD Dau hter" thou hast disho!oured all thy li!ea e" for till !o5 5as !e6er !o!e of thy li!ea e put i! to priso!1 A!d 5he! he 4!e5 that she 5as christia!" he ra! upo! her a!d 5ould ha6e scratched out her eyes 5ith his fi! ers" a!d cryi! loud a!d issued out1 A!d the blessed (erpetua sa5 a 6isio! 5hich i! the mor!i! she said to her fello5sD I sa5" said she" a ladder of old of a mar6ellous hei ht erect to hea6e!" a!d 5as so strait that !o ma! mi ht o but o!e alo!e" a!d coulters a!d s5ords of sharp iro! 5ere fi8ed o! the ri ht side a!d left side" so that he that 5e!t up mi ht !either loo4 here !or there" but beho6ed al5ays to behold ri ht up to hea6e!1 A!d a dra o! of horrible reat form lay u!der the ladder" 5hich made e6ery ma! to dread a!d fear to mou!t up" a!d she sa5 Satyra asce!di! by the same u!to abo6e a!d loo4i! to us5ard" a!d saidD Doubt ye !othi! this dra o!" but come up surely that ye may be 5ith me1 A!d 5he! they heard this 6isio!" they all a6e tha!4i! s to our Lord God" for they 4!e5 the! that they 5ere called to martyrdom" a!d o! the mor! they 5ere all prese!ted to the =ud e" a!d after" he said to themD It beho6eth you to be prese!ted to the ods a!d do sacrifice to them1 9ut 5he! they 5ould do !o sacrifice" he made S1 Satur!i!e to be ta4e! from the 5ome!" a!d to be put amo! the other me!" a!d he said to S1 'elicityD +ast thou a husba!dE She saidD I ha6e o!e" but I set !ot by him" a!d the! he said to herD +a6e mercy o! thyself" 5oma!" a!d li6e" specially sith thou hast a child i! thy belly1 To 5hom she saidD Do to me 5hat thou 5ilt" for thou









mayst !e6er dra5 me to thy 5ill1 The father a!d mother of S1 (erpetua" a!d her husba!d" ra! to her a!d brou ht her child to her" 5hich yet suc4ed1 A!d 5he! her father sa5 her sta!di! tofore the pro6ost" he fell do5! a!d said to herD -y most s5eet dau hter" ha6e mercy o! me" a!d o! thy sorro5ful mother" a!d also of this most 5retch thy husba!d" 5hich may !ot li6e after thee" a!d she stood still 5ithout mo6i! " a!d the! her father cast his arms about her !ec4" a!d he" her mother" a!d her husba!d" 4issed her" sayi! D Dau hter" ha6e pity of us" a!d li6e 5ith us1 A!d the! she put the little child from her" a!d them also" sayi! D Depart ye" a!d o ye from me" mi!e e!emies" for I 4!o5 you !ot" a!d the! 5he! the pro6ost sa5 her co!sta!cy he made her lo! to be beate!" a!d after5ards to be put i! priso!1 A!d the! the other sai!ts 5ere sorro5ful for S1 'elicity" 5hich had yet mo!ths to come of her childi! " a!d prayed to God for her" a!d a!o! she be a! to tra6ail a!d 5as deli6ered of a child ali6e a!d <uic41 The! o!e of her 4eepers said to herD ,hat 5ilt thou do 5he! thou comest tofore the pro6ost" 5hich art yet so rie6ously torme!tedE A!d 'elicity a!s5eredD I shall here suffer pai! for myself" a!d God shall suffer there for me1 A!d the! 5ere these sai!ts dra5! out of priso!" a!d 5ere despoiled a!d led by the streets" a!d to them 5ere let o beasts" a!d Satyra a!d (erpetua 5ere de6oured of lio!s" a!d 3e6ocata a!d 'elicity 5ere slai! of leopards" a!d S1 Satur!i!e had his head smitte! off1 A!d this 5as about the 6ear of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d fifty:si8" u!der Valeria! a!d Galie!" emperors1 Thus endeth the life of S. Saturnine.


This feast is the last feast of the year for to be i! at the feast of S1 A!dre5" a!d hereafter shall follo5 di6ers feasts 5hich be added a!d set i! the said boo4 called the Golde! Le e!d1 Of *" Ja%e the Martyr.








James the martyr had to sur!ame I!tercisus" a!d 5as of !oble li!ea e" but more !oble by his faith1 +e 5as bor! i! the re io! of (ersia i! the city of Elapis" he 5as come of christia! people a!d had a ood christia! 5ife" a!d 5as 5ell 4!o5! 5ith the 4i! of (ersia a!d 5as chief amo! the pri!ces1 A!d it happed" for the reat lo6e that he had to the 4i! " he 5as decei6ed a!d brou ht to adore the idols" to 5hom he 4!eeled" a!d 5he! his mother a!d his 5ife heard that" a!o! they 5rote to him a letter i! this 5iseD Thou hast forsa4e! him that is life i! obeyi! to him that is mortal" a!d i! pleasi! him that is but dust" thou hast left the odour perdurable" thou hast cha! ed truth i!to leasi! i! obeyi! him that is mortal" a!d hast forsa4e! the =ud e of them that be dead a!d of them ali6e" a!d 4!o5 thou that from he!ceforth 5e shall be to thee stra! e" !e 5e shall !ot d5ell 5ith thee i! !o ma!!er hereafter1 A!d 5he! James had heard this letter he 5ept bitterly" a!d saidD If my mother that bare me" a!d my 5ife" be made so stra! e to me" the! ho5 much more shall I be estra! ed from God1 Aud 5he! he had sore torme!ted himself for this error" there came a messe! er to the pri!ce that said that James 5as christia!" a!d the! the pri!ce called him a!d saidD Say to me if thou be NaHare!e1 A!d James saidD ;ea" 6erily" I am NaHare!e1 A!d the pri!ce saidD The! art thou a! e!cha!ter7 a!d James saidD I am !o!e1 A!d 5he! the pri!ce me!aced him 5ith ma!y torme!ts" James said to himD Thy me!aces trouble me !othi! " for it !e is but 5i!d blo5i! upo! a sto!e" thy 5ood!ess passeth li htly throu h mi!e ears1 To 5hom the pri!ce saidD Demea! thee !ot disordi!ately" lest thou perish by rie6ous death1 To 5hom James saidD This ou ht !ot to be called a death" but a sleep" for a!o! after 5e shall rise a ai!1 A!d the pri!ce saidD Let !ot the NaHare!e decei6e thee sayi! death is !othi! but a sleep" for the reat emperors doubt it1 A!d James saidD ,e doubt !othi! the death" for 5e hope to o from death to life1 A!d the! the pri!ce" by cou!sel of his frie!ds" a6e this se!te!ce upo! James" that he should be cut e6ery member from other" for to fear the others1 A!d the! some had pity o! him a!d 5ept" a!d he said to themD ,eep !ot for me" for I o to life" but 5eep o! yoursel6es" 5hom torme!ts perdurable be due u!to1 A!d the butchers cut off the thumb of his ri ht ha!d" a!d he cried a!d saidD O thou deli6erer of NaHare!es" recei6e the bra!ch of the tree of thy mercy" for the o6erplus is cut off" of him that tilleth the 6i!e" for to bur eo! a!d bri! forth fruit more ple!teously1 A!d the butcher said to himD If thou 5ilt co!se!t to the pri!ce" I shall spare thee a!d i6e to thee medici!e1 To 5hom James saidD +ast !ot thou see! the stoc4 of the 6i!e" that 5he! the bra!ches be cut off" the 4!ot that remai!eth" i! his time 5he! the earth achauffeth it" ermeth a!d bri! eth forth !e5 buds i! all the places of the cutti! E The! if the 6i!e be cut because he should bur eo! a!d bri! forth fruit i! his time" ho5 much more ou ht a ma! bur eo! more ple!teously i! the faith that he suffereth for the lo6e of Jesu Christ 5hich is the 6ery 6i!eE A!d the! the butcher cut of the forefi! er1 The! said S1 JamesD Lord" recei6e t5o bra!ches 5hich thy ri ht ha!d hath pla!ted" he cut off the third" a!d James saidD I am deli6ered from three temptatio!sD I shall bless the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost" a!d"












Lord" I shall co!fess thee 5ith the three childre! that thou sa6edst from the chim!ey of fire" a!d Jesu Christ" I shall si! to thy !ame i! the <uire of martyrs1 A!d the! the fourth 5as cut off" a!d S1 James saidD O protector of the childre! of Israel" 5hich i! the fourth blessi! 5ere pro!ou!ced" recei6e of thy ser6a!t the co!fessio! of the fourth fi! er" li4e as the be!edictio! 5as Judah1 A!d the! the fifth fi! er 5as cut off" a!d he saidD -y =oy is accomplished1 A!d the! the butchers said to himD Spare thy life that thou perish !ot" a!d a! er thee !ot thou h thou hast lost o!e ha!d" for there be ma!y that ha6e but o!e ha!d that ha6e much ho!our a!d riches1 A!d the blessed James said to themD ,he! the shepherds shear their sheep" they ta4e !ot o!ly the ri ht side" but also the left side" the! if the lamb" 5hich is but a brute beast" 5ill lose his fleece for his master" ho5 much more the! I" that am a ma! reaso!able" ou ht to be smitte! i! pieces for the lo6e of God1 A!d the! the felo! butchers 5e!t to that other ha!d" a!d cut off first the little fi! er" a!d S1 James saidD Lord" 5he! thou 5ert reat thou 5ouldst be made little for us" a!d therefore I yield to thee body a!d soul" 5hich thou madest" a!d redeemedst 5ith thy proper blood1 The! the se6e!th fi! er 5as cut off" a!d he saidD Lord" I ha6e said to thee se6e! times i! the day praisi! s1 The! they cut the ei hth fi! er" a!d he saidD Jesu Christ 5as circumcised the ei hth day for to accomplish the comma!dme!ts ceremo!ial of the faith" a!d" Lord" let the mi!d of thy ser6a!t o from these u!circumcised" a!d that I may ha6e the prepuce u!defiled that I may come a!d behold thy face Lord1 The! the !i!th fi! er 5as cut off" a!d he saidD The !i!th hour Jesu Christ re!dered his spirit i! the cross to his father" a!d therefore" Lord" I co!fess me to thee i! the sorro5 of the !i!th fi! er" a!d tha!4 thee1 The! the te!th fi! er 5as cut off" a!d he saidD The te!th !umber is i! the comma!dme!ts of the la51 The! some of them that 5ere there saidD 3i ht dear frie!d" co!fess thou our ods tofore our pri!ce so that thou mayst li6e" ho5beit that thy ha!ds be cut off" there be ri ht 5ise leeches that shall 5ell heal thee a!d ease thee of thy pai!1 To 5hom S1 James saidD God forbid that i! me should be a!y false dissimulatio!7 !o ma! that put his ha!d to the plou h a!d loo4eth bac45ard" is !ot co!6e!able to come to the 4i! dom of hea6e!1 The! the butchers ha6i! despite" cut off the reat toe of the ri ht foot" a!d S1 1James saidD The foot of Jesu Christ 5as pierced a!d blood issued out1 The seco!d 5as cut off" a!d he saidD This day is reat to me tofore all other days7 this day I co!6erted" shall o soothly to the stro! God1 The! they cut the third a!d thre5 it tofore him" a!d S1 James said" smili! D Go" thou third toe1 to thy fello5s" for li4e as the rai! of 5heat re!dereth much fruit so shalt thou do 5ith thy fello5s" a!d shalt rest i! the last day1 The fourth 5as the! cut off" a!d he saidD -y soul" 5herefore art thou sorro5ful" a!d 5hy troublest meE +ope i! God" for I shall co!fess to him that is the health of my cheer" a!d my God1 The fifth 5as cut off" a!d he saidD I shall !o5 be i! to say to our Lord di !e praisi! " for he hath made me 5orthy fello5 to his ser6a!ts1 The! they came to his left foot a!d cut off the little toe" a!d S1 James saidD Little toe be comforted" for the reat a!d little shall ha6e o!e resurrectio!" a hair of the head shall !ot perish" a!d thou shalt !ot depart from thy fello5s1 A!d after they cut off the seco!d toe" a!d he saidD Destroy ye the old house for a more !oble is made ready1 The third 5as cut off" a!d he saidD 9y such cutti! s shall I be pur ed from 6ices1 A!d they cut off the fourth toe" a!d he saidD Comfort me" God of truth" for my soul trusteth i! thee1 The! the fifth 5as cut off" a!d he saidD O Lord" LoI I offer a!d sacrifice to thee t5e!ty times1 A!d the! they cut off his ri ht foot" a!d S1 James saidD No5 I shall offer a ift to God for 5hose lo6e I suffer this1 The! they cut off the left foot" a!d he saidD Thou art he" Lord" that ma4est mar6els7 hear thou me" Lord" a!d sa6e me1 They cut off" after" his ri ht ha!d" a!d he saidD Lord" thy mercies help me1 They cut off his left ha!d" a!d he saidD Lord" thou art he that lo6est the ri htful1 A!d they cut off the ri ht arm" a!d he saidD -y soul" praise thee our LordD I shall i6e laud to our Lord i! my life" a!d shall si! to him as lo! as I shall li6e1 A!d the! they cut off the left arm" a!d he saidD The sorro5s of death ha6e e!6iro!ed me" a!d I shall thi!4 a ai!st them1 The! they cut off the ri ht le to the thi h" the! S1 James 5as rie6ed i! reat pai!" a!d saidD Lord Jesu Christ help me" for the 5aili! s of death come about me" a!d he said to the butchersD Our Lord shall clothe me 5ith !e5 flesh so that your 5ou!ds shall !e6er appear i! me1 A!d the! the butchers be a! to fail a!d 5ere 5eary1 'rom the first hour of the day u!to the !i!th they had s5eated i! cutti! his members1 A!d after they came to themsel6es" a!d cut off the left le u!to the thi h" a!d the! the blessed James cried a!d saidD O ood Lord" hear me half ali6e" thou Lord of li6i! me! a!d dead7 Lord" I ha6e !o fi! ers to lift up to thee" !e ha!ds that I may e!ha!ce to thee7 my feet be cut off" a!d my 4!ees so that I may !ot 4!eel to thee" a!d am li4e to a house falle!" of 5hom the pillars be ta4e! a5ay by 5hich the house 5as bor!e up a!d sustai!ed7 hear me" Lord Jesu Christ" a!d ta4e out my soul from this priso!1 A!d 5he! he had said this" o!e of the butchers smote off his head1 The! the christia! me! came pri6ily a!d too4 a5ay the body a!d buried it ho!ourably1 A!d he suffered death the fifth 4ale!ds of December1 Here followeth the Life of the holy a#d ve#era)le &rie t /ede"




The holy a!d 6e!erable 9ede 5as bor! i! E! la!d" a!d 5he! he 5as se6e! years of his a e he 5as deli6ered to 9e!et 9iscop of Jarro5" for to lear!" a!d after his death he 5as put to Ceolfrith" abbot of the same place" a!d lear!ed a!d profited much i! holy life a!d co!!i! 1 A!d the !i!etee!th year of his a e he 5as made deaco!" of Joh!" bishop of ;or4" a!d i! the thirtieth year of his a e he 5as made priest1 The! be a! he to 5rite a!d to study a!d to e8pou!d holy 5rit" 5hereupo! he made ma!y !oble homilies" a!d !ot5ithsta!di! his reat busi!ess" 5as daily i! the ser6ice of reli io!" as i! si! i! a!d prayi! i! the church1 +e had reat s5eet!ess a!d li4i! to lear!" to teach a!d to 5rite7 he 5rote se6e!ty ei ht boo4s7 he accou!ted the boo4s a!d years from the be i!!i! of the 5orld i! +istoria A! lica!a1 I! the boo4 of (olycro!ico! is rehearsed that is 5o!der" that a ma! that is 5ithout use of school made so ma!y !oble 6olumes i! so sober 5ords i! so little space of his life time1 It is said he 5e!t to 3ome for to sho5 there his boo4s" for to see them accordi! to holy 5rit a!d to the lore of holy church" but hereof some doubt" a!d say that he !e6er 5e!t to 3ome1 Also it is said that 5he! he 5as bli!d he 5e!t about for to preach" a!d his ser6a!t that led him brou ht him 5hereas 5ere ma!y hopples of sto!es" to 5hom he made a !oble sermo!" a!d 5he! he had all fi!ished his sermo! the sto!es a!s5ered a!d said" Ame!1 Also it is said that he fou!d a 5riti! of three 3>s a!d three '>s o6er the ate of 3ome" 5hich he e8pou!ded thusD The first 3 beto4e!ed re !a" the seco!d rue!t" the third 3ome" that isD 3e !a rue!t 3ome1 A!d the first ' beto4e!ed ferro" the seco!d flamma" the third fame" that isD 'erro" flamma" famF<ue1 Also pope Ser ius 5rote a letter to the abbot Ceolfrith a!d prayed for to ha6e 9ede come to 3ome for to assoil certai! <uestio!s that 5ere there mo6ed1 +ere is to be !oted" that ho5 !oble a!d 5orthy the court of 3ome held him" 5he! so !oble a court had !eed to ha6e him for to declare a!d assoil the <uestio!s that 5ere there mo6ed1 Also 5e ou ht to hold him !oble a!d holy by the ma!!er of his li6i! a!d his teachi! 1 +e must !eeds be 6irtuous a!d esche5 6ices that 5as so 5ell occupied i! spe!di! his 5it a!d thou ht i! e8pou!di! of holy 5rit" a!d his clea!!ess 5as much see! at his last e!d1 'or his stomach had i!di !atio! of meat se6e! 5ee4s co!ti!ually" a!d of dri!4" so that u!!ethe he mi ht retai! a!y meat" a!d 5as strait a!d short:breathed" but for all that he spared !ot the tra6ail of lecture a!d of boo4s" a!d e6ery day amo! the detty tra6ail of ser6ice a!d of psalms" he tau ht his disciples i! lesso!s a!d i! <uestio!s1 +e tra!siated S1 Joh!>s Gospel i!to E! lish" a!d said to his scholarsD Lear! ye" my small childre!" 5hiles I am ali6e a!d 5ith you7 I 5ot !ot ho5 lo! I shall abide 5ith you" a!d al5ay amo! he said that sa5 of S1 AmbroseD I ha6e !ot so li6ed amo! you that me shameth to li6e" !either me dreadeth to die" for 5e ha6e a ood Lord1 O! !i ht>s time 5he! he had !o ma! to teach the! 5ould he de6outly be i! prayers a!d tha!4i! our Lord of all his ifts1 The Tuesday tofore Asce!sio!:day his death approached" a!d his feet be a! to s5ell7 he 5as houseled" a!oi!ted a!d 4issed his brethre!" a!d prayed them all to remember him" a!d he a6e to di6ers of his ser6a!ts thi! s that he had i! pri6ity1 O! the Asce!sio!:day the hair 5as spread" a!d he laid him do5! thereo!" a!d prayed for the race of the +oly Ghost" a!d saidD O 4i! of bliss" a!d Lord of 6irtues" that hast the priHe a!d art this day styed up abo6e all hea6e!s" lea6e thou us !ot fatherless" but se!d thou i! to us that behest of the 'ather" the host of soothfast!ess1 A!d 5he! he had e!ded that" he a6e up the last breath 5ith a s5eet dour a!d sa6our" a!d there he 5as the! buried" but the commo! fame telleth that he !o5 lieth at Durham 5ith S1 Cuthbert1 There 5as a de6out cler4" 5hich laboured i! his mi!d for to ma4e his epitaph" a!d i! !o 5ise he could ma4e true metre" 5herefore o! a time he 5e!t to the church a!d prayed God to i6e him co!!i! to ma4e a true 6erse1 A!d after came u!to his tomb a!d sa5 there 5ritte! by a! a! elD +ic su!t i! fossa 9edF 6e!erabilis ossa1







The! let us pray to this holy ma! that he pray for us" that after this life 5e may come to e6erlasti! life1 Here followeth the Life of *" Dorothy"

The lorious 6ir i! a!d martyr S1 Dorothy 5as bor! of the !oble li!ea e of the se!ators of 3ome" her father hi ht Theodore1 I! that time the persecutio! of the christia! people 5as reat about 3ome"






5herefore this holy 6ir i! S1 Dorothy" despisi! the 5orshippi! of idols" cou!t selled her father" her mother" a!d her t5o sisters" Christi!e a!d Celesti!e" to forsa4e their possessio!s" a!d so they did" a!d fled i!to the realm ol Cappadocia" a!d came i!to the city of Caesarea 5herei! they set S1 Dorothy to school" a!d soo! after she 5as christe!ed of the holy bishop S1 Appolli!arius" a!d he !amed her Dorothy" a!d she 5as fulfilled 5ith the +oly Ghost" a!d i! reat beauty abo6e all the maide!s of that realm1 A!d she despised all 5orldly 6a!ities" a!d bur!ed i! the lo6e of Almi hty God" a!d lo6ed po6erty" a!d 5as full of mee4!ess a!d chastity" 5hereof the fie!d ha6i! e!6y at her blessed li6i! " pro6o4ed a!d set afire i! her lo6e the pro6ost" so that he 5ould ha6e her to his 5ife" a!d a!o! se!t for her i! all haste" a!d 5he! she came he desired to ha6e her to his 5ife" a!d promised to her riches of 5orldly oods 5ithout !umber1 A!d 5he! this holy 6ir i! u!derstood his desire a!d re<uest she refused it" a!d de!ied it utterly" a!d all his riches setti! at !ou ht7 a!d moreo6er she ac4!o5led ed herself to be christia!" a!d that she had 6o5ed her 6ir i!ity u!to Jesu Christ" 5hom she had chose! to her spouse" a!d 5ould !e6er ha6e other1 A!d 5he! the pro6ost 'abricius heard this he 5as !i h from himself for a! er" a!d comma!ded that she should be put i! a tu! of bur!i! oil" 5herei! she 5as preser6ed by the po5er of her spouse Jesu Christ that she felt !o!e disease !e harm" but a precious oi!tme!t of balm1 A!d 5he! the pay!ims sa5 this reat miracle" ma!y of them 5ere thereby co!6erted to the faith of Jesu Christ1 A!d the tyra!t said that she did all this by e!cha!tme!t" a!d did do put her i! a deep priso! !i!e days lo! 5ithout meat or dri!4" but she 5as that 5hile fed by a! els> food of our Lord" so that at the e!d of !i!e days she 5as !othi! appaired1 The! the =ud e se!t for her" supposi! that she had bee! !i h dead a!d feeble" but 5he! she came she 5as fairer a!d bri hter to loo4 o! tha! e6er she 5as before" 5hereof all the people mar6elled reatly1 The! the =ud e said to herD 9ut if thou 5ilt 5orship a!d do sacrifice to the idols thou shalt !ot escape the torme!t of the ibbet1 The! she a!s5ered to the =ud eD I 5orship Almi hty God that made all thi! s" a!d despise thy ods that be fie!ds1 A!d the! she fell do5! pat to the earth a!d lifted up her eyes to Almi hty God" beseechi! him that he 5ould sho5 his po5er tofore the people that he 5as o!ly Almi hty God a!d !o!e other1 The! 'abricius the =ud e let set up a pillar o! hi h" a!d thereo! he set his od" a! idol" a!d a!o! there came a multitude of a! els from hea6e! a!d cast do5! this idol" a!d all to:bra4e it" a!d a!o! the people heard a reat !oise of fie!ds cryi! i! the air" sayi! D O Dorothy" 5hy cost thou destroy us a!d torme!test us so soreE A!d for this reat miracle ma!y thousa!ds of pay!ims 5ere tur!ed to the faith of Jesu Christ a!d 5ere baptiHed" a!d after recei6ed the cro5! of martyrdom for the ac4!o5led i! of the !ame of Jesu Christ1 The! the =ud e comma!ded that this holy 6ir i! should be ha! ed o! the ibbet" her feet up5ard a!d the head do5!5ard" a!d the! her body 5as all to:re!t 5ith hoo4s of iro!" a!d beate! 5ith rods a!d scour es" a!d bur!t her breasts 5ith hot fiery bra!ds" a!d as half dead she 5as set a ai! i!to priso!" a!d after" 5he! she 5as brou ht a ai!" she 5as all 5hole a!d stro! " 5ithout a!y disease or hurt1 ,hereof the =ud e had reat mar6el" a!d said to herD O fair maid" forsa4e thy God a!d belie6e o! our ods" for thou mayst see ho5 merciful they be u!to thee" a!d preser6e thee" therefore ha6e pity of thy te!der body" for thou hast bee! torme!ted e!ou h1 A!d the! the pro6ost se!t for her t5o sisters 5hich 5ere !amed Christi!e a!d Celesti!e" 5hich for fear of death forsoo4 the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d 5e!t to S1 Dorothy a!d cou!selled her to obey to the pro6ost>s desire a!d forsa4e her faith1 9ut this holy 6ir i! rebu4ed her sisters1 a!d after i!formed them by so fair a!d s5eet la! ua e" that she 5ithdre5 them from their bli!d errors a!d established them i! the faith of Jesu Christ7 i! such 5ise that 5he! they 5ere come to the =ud e they said they 5ere christia! a!d belie6ed o! Jesu Christ1 A!d 5he! 'abricius heard that" he 5as mad for a! er" a!d comma!ded that the torme!tor should bi!d their ha!ds" a!d bi!d them both to ether bac4 to bac4" a!d cast them i! the fire so bou!d" a!d bur!t them1 A!d the! he said to the 6ir i! DorothyD +o5 lo! 5ilt thou trouble us 5ith thy 5itchcraftE Or do sacrifice to our ods or else a!o! thy head shall be smitte! off1 A!d the! said the holy 6ir i! 5ith a lad sembla!tD Do to me 5hat torme!t thou 5ilt" for I am all ready to suffer it for the lo6e of my spouse Jesu Christ" i! 5hose arde! full of delices I ha6e athered roses" spices" a!d apples1 A!d 5he! the tyra!t heard that he trembled for a! er" a!d comma!ded that her fair 6isa e should be beate! 5ith sto!es so that there should appear !o beauty i! her 6isa e" but all disfi ured" a!d so to be put i! priso! till the !e8t day1 A!d o! the !e8t day she came forth all so 5hole a!d sou!d as thou h she had suffered !o disease" a!d 5as more fairer for to loo4 o! tha! e6er she 5as tofore" by the race of her blessed spouse Jesu Christ" for 5hose lo6e she too4 o! her these reat a!d sharp torme!ts1 A!d the! this cursed =ud e comma!ded to smite off her head7 a!d as she 5as led to the place assi !ed 5here it should be do!e" a scribe of the realm" !amed Theophilus" said to her i!









scor!D I pray thee to se!d me some of thy roses a!d apples that thou hast athered i! the arde! of thy spouse that thou praisest so much" a!d she ra!ted to him his desire1 A!d this 5as i! the cold 5i!ter time 5he! there 5as both frost a!d s!o51 A!d 5he! she came to the place 5here she should be beheaded" she 4!eeled do5! o! her 4!ees a!d made her prayers to our Lord Jesu Christ" beseechi! him that all they that 5orship her passio! that they mi ht be 4ept steadfast i! the faith" a!d to ta4e their tribulatio! patie!tly" a!d specially to be deli6ered from all shame" reat po6erty" a!d false sla!der" a!d at their last e!d to ha6e 6ery co!tritio!" co!fessio!" a!d remissio! of all their si!s1 A!d also 5ome! 5ith child that call to her for help to ha6e ood deli6era!ce" the childre! to be christe!ed a!d the mothers to be purified1 Also she prayed to God that 5here her life 5as 5ritte! or read i! a!y house" that it should be 4ept from all peril of li ht!i! a!d thu!der" a!d from all perils of fire" from perils of thie6es" a!d from sudde! death" a!d to recei6e the sacrame!ts of holy church at their last e!d for their most so6erei ! defe!ce a ai!st their hostly e!emy the fie!d1 A!d 5he! she had e!ded her prayer there 5as a 6oice heard from hea6e! that saidD Come to me" my dear spouse a!d true 6ir i!" for all thy lo6e is ra!ted to thee that hast prayed for" a!d also 5hom thou prayest for shall be sa6ed7 a!d 5he! thou hast recei6ed the cro5! of martyrdom thou shalt come to the bliss of hea6e! 5ithout e!d" for thy labour1 A!d this holy 6ir i! bo5ed do5! her head" a!d the cruel tyra!t smote it off1 9ut a little before this appeared before her a fair child barefoot" clothed i! purple" 5ith crisp hairs" 5hose arme!t 5as set full of bri ht stars" beari! i! his ha!d a little bas4et shi!i! as old" 5ith roses a!d apples" to 5hom the 6ir i! saidD I pray thee" bear this bas4et to Theophilus the scribe1 A!d thus she suffered death a!d passed a!d Lord full of 6irtues" the si8th day of 'ebruary" the year of our Lord t5o hu!dred a!d ei hty:ei ht" by 'abricius" pro6ost u!der Diocletia! a!d -a8imia!" emperors of 3ome1 A!d as this said Theophilus stood i! the palace of the emperor" this child came to him a!d prese!ted to him the bas4et" sayi! D These be the roses a!d apples that my sister Dorothy hath se!t to thee from (aradise" the arde! of her spouse" a!d the! this child 6a!ished a5ay1 The! he" co!sideri! the mar6ellous 5or4 of God i! this holy 6ir i!" said a!o! 5ith a ster! 6oice" praisi! the God of Dorothy for that reat miracle 5hich 5as sho5ed to him of roses a!d apples that time" that he that se!t to me these thi! s is of reat po5er" a!d therefore his !ame be blessed 5orld 5ithout e!d" Ame!1 A!d the! he 5as co!6erted to the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d the most part of the people of the city1 A!d 5he! 'abricius 4!e5 this" a!o!" 5ith reat malice" he torme!ted Theophilus the scribe 5ith ma!y di6ers torme!ts" a!d at the last he5ed him i!to small pieces" a!d the pieces 5ere cast to birds a!d beasts to be de6oured1 9ut he 5as first baptiHed a!d recei6ed the holy sacrame!t" a!d follo5ed the holy 6ir i! Dorothy i!to the bliss of hea6e!1 The! let us de6outly pray to this blessed sai!t Dorothy that she be our special protectress a ai!st all perils of fire" of li ht!i! " of thu!deri! " a!d all other perils" a!d that at our e!d 5e may recei6e the sacrame!ts of the church" that after this short life may come u!to bliss i! hea6e! 5hereas is life a!d =oy perdurable" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame! Here followeth the Life of *" /ra#do#" S1 9ra!do!" the holy ma!" 5as a mo!4" a!d bor! i! Irela!d" a!d there he 5as abbot of a house 5herei! 5ere a thousa!d mo!4s" a!d there he had a full strait a!d holy life i! reat pe!a!ce a!d absti!e!ce" a!d he o6er!ed his mo!4s full 6irtuously1 A!d the! 5ithi! short time after" there came to him a holy abbot that hi ht 9iri!us to 6isit him" a!d each of them 5as =oyful of other1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! be a! to tell to the abbot 9iri!us of ma!y 5o!ders that he had see! i! di6ers la!ds" a!d 5he! 9iri!us heard that of S1 9ra!do!" he be a! to si h a!d sore 5eep" a!d S1 9ra!do! comforted him the best 5ise he could" sayi! D ;e come hither for to be =oyful 5ith me" a!d therefore for God>s lo6e lea6e your mour!i! a!d tell me 5hat mar6els ye ha6e see! i! the reat sea:ocea! that compasseth all the 5orld about" a!d all other 5aters come out of him 5hich ru!!eth i! all parts of the earth1 A!d the! 9iri!us be a! to tell to S1 9ra!do! a!d to his mo!4s the mar6els that he had see!" full sore 5eepi! " a!d saidD I ha6e a so!" his !ame is -er6o4" a!d he 5as a mo!4 of reat fame" 5hich had reat desire to see4 about by ship i! di6ers cou!tries to fi!d a solitary place 5herei! he mi ht d5ell secretly" out of the busi!ess of the 5orld" for to ser6e God <uietly 5ith more de6otio!" a!d I cou!selled him to sail i!to a! isla!d far i! the sea" beside the mou!tai! of sto!es 5hich is full 5ell 4!o5!" a!d the! he made him ready a!d sailed thither 5ith his mo!4s1 A!d 5he! he came thither he li4ed that place full 5ell" 5here he a!d his mo!4s ser6ed our Lord full de6outly1














A!d the! 9iri!us sa5 i! a 6isio! that this mo!4 -er6o4 5as sailed ri ht far east5ard i! the sea" more tha! three days> saili! " a!d sudde!ly to his seemi! there came a dar4 cloud a!d o6erco6ered them" that a reat part of the day they sa5 !o li ht" a!d as our Lord 5ould" the cloud passed a5ay a!d they sa5 a full fair isla!d" a!d thither5ard they dre51 I! that isla!d 5as =oy a!d mirth e!ou h" a!d the earth of that isla!d shi!ed as bri ht as the su!" a!d there 5ere the fairest trees a!d herbs that e6er a!y ma! sa5" a!d there 5ere ma!y precious sto!es shi!i! bri ht" a!d e6ery herb there 5as full of flo5ers" a!d e6ery tree full of fruit" so that it 5as a lorious si ht a!d a hea6e!ly =oy to abide there1 A!d there" there came to them a fair you! ma!" a!d full courteously he 5elcomed them all" a!d called e6ery mo!4 by his !ame" a!d said that they 5ere much bou!d to praise the !ame of our Lord Jesu" that 5ould of his race sho5 to them that lorious place 5here is e6er day a!d !e6er !i ht" a!d this place is called (aradise terrestrial1 9y this isla!d is a!other isla!d 5herei! !o ma! may come" a!d this you! ma! said to themD ;e ha6e bee! here half a year 5ithout meat" dri!4" or sleep" a!d they supposed that they had !ot bee! there the space of half a! hour" so merry a!d =oyful they 5ere there1 A!d the you! ma! told them that this is the place that Adam a!d E6e d5elt i! first a!d e6er should ha6e d5elled here" if that they had !ot bro4e! the comma!dme!t of God1 A!d the! the you! ma! brou ht them to their ship a ai!" a!d said they mi ht !o lo! er abide there" a!d 5he! they 5ere all shipped" sudde!ly this you! ma! 6a!ished a5ay out of their si ht1 A!d the! 5ithi! short time after" by the pur6eya!ce of our Lord Jesu Christ" they came to the abbey 5here S1 9ra!do! d5elled" a!d the! he 5ith his brethre! recei6ed them oodly a!d dema!ded them 5here they had bee! so lo! " a!d they saidD ,e ha6e bee! i! the la!d of 9ehest tofore the ates of (aradise" 5hereas is e6er day a!d !e6er !i ht" a!d they said all that the place is full delectable" for yet all their clothes smelled of that s5eet a!d =oyful place1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! purposed soo! after for to see4 that place by God>s help" a!d a!o! be a! to pur6ey for a ood ship a!d a stro! " a!d 6ictualled it for se6e! years1 A!d the! he too4 his lea6e of all his brethre! a!d too4 t5el6e mo!4s 5ith him" but ere they e!tered i!to the ship they fasted forty days a!d li6ed de6outly" a!d each of them recei6ed the sacrame!t1 A!d 5he! S1 9ra!do! 5ith his t5el6e mo!4s 5ere e!tered i! to the ship" there came other t5o of his mo!4s a!d prayed him that they mi ht sail 5ith him" a!d the! he saidD ;e may sail 5ith me" but o!e of you shall o to hell ere ye come a ai!" but !ot for that they 5ould o 5ith him1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! bade the shipme! to 5i!d up the sail a!d forth they sailed i! God>s !ame" so that o! the morro5 they 5ere out of si ht of a!y la!d1 A!d forty days a!d forty !i hts after they sailed plat east" a!d the! they sa5 a! isla!d far from them" a!d they sailed thither5ard as fast as they could" a!d they sa5 a reat roc4 of sto!e appear abo6e all the 5ater" a!d three days they sailed about it ere they could et i!to the place" but at the last by the pur6eya!ce of God they fou!d a little ha6e! a!d there 5e!t ala!d e6ery each o!e1 A!d the! sudde!ly came a fair hou!d" a!d fell do5! at the feet of S1 9ra!do! a!d made him ood cheer i! his ma!!er" a!d the! he bade his brethre! be of ood cheer" for our Lord hath se!t to us his messe! er to lead us i!to some ood place1 A!d the hou!d brou ht them i!to a fair hall 5here they fou!d the tables spread" ready set full of ood meat a!d dri!41 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! said races" a!d the! he a!d his brethre! sat do5! a!d ate a!d dra!4 of such as they fou!d" a!d there 5ere beds ready for them" 5herei! they too4 their rest after their lo! labour1 A!d o! the mor! they retur!ed a ai! to their ship" a!d sailed a lo! time i! the sea after" ere they could fi!d a!y la!d" till at last by the pur6eya!ce of God" they sa5 far from them a full fair isla!d" full of ree! pasture" 5herei! 5ere the 5hitest a!d reatest sheep that e6er they sa51 'or e6ery sheep 5as as reat as a! o8" a!d soo! after came to them a oodly old ma!" 5hich 5elcomed them a!d made them ood cheer" a!d saidD This is the isla!d of sheep" a!d here is !e6er cold 5eather" but e6er summer" a!d that causeth the sheep to be so reat a!d 5hite7 they eat of the best rass a!d herbs that is a!y5here1 A!d the! this old ma! too4 his lea6e of them a!d bade them sail forth ri ht east" a!d 5ithi! short time by God>s race" they should come i! to a place li4e (aradise" 5herei! they should 4eep their Eastertide1 A!d the! they sailed forth" a!d came soo! after to that la!d" but because of little depth i! some places" a!d i! some places 5ere reat roc4s" but at the last they 5e!t upo! a! isla!d 5eepi! to them that they had bee! safe" a!d made thereo! a fire for to dress their di!!er" but S1 9ra!do! abode still i! the ship" a!d 5he! the fire 5as ri ht hot a!d the meat !i h sodde!" the! this isla!d be a! to mo6e" 5hereof the mo!4s 5ere afeard" a!d fled a!o! to ship a!d left the fire a!d meat behi!d them" a!d mar6elled sore of the mo6i! 1 A!d S1 9ra!do! comforted them a!d said that it 5as a reat fish !amed Jasco!ye" 5hich laboureth !i ht a!d day to put his tail i! his mouth" but for reat!ess he may !ot1 A!d the! a!o! they









sailed 5est three days a!d three !i hts ere they sa5 a!y la!d" 5herefore they 5ere ri ht hea6y" but soo! after" as God 5ould" they sa5 a fair isla!d full of flo5ers" herbs" a!d trees" 5hereof they tha!4ed God of his ood race" a!d a!o! they 5e!t o! la!d" a!d 5he! they had o!e lo! i! this they fou!d a full fair 5ell" a!d thereby stood a fair tree full of bou hs" a!d o! e6ery bou h sat a fair bird" a!d they sat so thic4 o! the tree that u!!ethe a!y leaf of the tree mi ht be see!1 The !umber of them 5as so reat" a!d they sa! so merrily that it 5as a hea6e!ly !oise to hear" 5herefore S1 9ra!do! 4!eeled do5! o! his 4!ees a!d 5ept for =oy" a!d made his prayers de6outly to our Lord God to 4!o5 5hat these birds mea!t1 A!d the! a!o! o!e of the birds fled from the tree to S1 9ra!do!" a!d he 5ith flic4eri! of his 5i! s made a full merry !oise li4e a fiddle" that him seemed he heard !e6er so =oyful a melody1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! comma!ded the bird to tell him the cause 5hy they sat so thic4 o! the tree a!d sa! so merrily 7 a!d the! the bird saidD Sometime 5e 5ere a! els i! hea6e!" but 5he! our master Lucifer fell do5! i!to hell for his hi h pride" 5e fell 5ith him for our offe!ces" some hi her a!d some lo5er after the <uality of the trespass" a!d because our trespass is but little" therefore our Lord hath set us here out of all pai!" i! full reat =oy a!d mirth after his pleasi! " here to ser6e him o! this tree i! the best ma!!er 5e ca!1 The Su!day is a day of rest from all 5orldly occupatio!" a!d therefore that day all 5e be made as 5hite as a!y s!o5 for to praise our Lord i! the best 5ise 5e may1 A!d the! this bird said to S1 9ra!do!D That it is t5el6e mo!ths passed that ye departed from your abbey" a!d i! the se6e!th year hereafter" ye shall see the place that ye desire to come to" a!d all these se6e! years ye shall 4eep your Easter here 5ith us e6ery year" a!d i! the e!d of the se6e!th year ye shall come i!to the la!d of 9ehest1 A!d this 5as o! Easter day that the bird said these 5ords to S1 9ra!do!" a!d the! this fo5l fle5 a ai! to his fello5s that sat o! the tree" a!d the! all the birds be a! to si! e6e!so! so merrily that it 5as a hea6e!ly !oise to hear1 A!d after supper S1 9ra!do! a!d his fello5s 5e!t to bed a!d slept 5ell" a!d o! the mor! they arose betimes" a!d the! these birds be a! mati!s" prime" a!d hours" a!d all such ser6ice as christia! me! use to si! 1 A!d S1 9ra!do! 5ith his fello5s abode there ei ht 5ee4s" till Tri!ity Su!day 5as passed" a!d they sailed a ai! to the isla!d of sheep a!d there they 6ictualled them 5ell" a!d sith too4 their lea6e of that old ma!" a!d retur!ed a ai! to ship1 A!d the! the bird of the tree came a ai! to S1 9ra!do! a!d saidD I am come to tell you that ye shall sail from he!ce i!to a! isla!d 5herei! is a! abbey of t5e!ty:four mo!4s" 5hich is from this place ma!y a mile" a!d there ye shall hold your Christmas" a!d your Easter 5ith us" li4e as I told you" a!d the! this bird fle5 to his fello5s a ai!1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! a!d his fello5s sailed forth i! the ocea!" a!d soo! after fell a reat tempest o! them i! 5hich they 5ere reatly troubled lo! time" a!d sore forlaboured" a!d after that they fou!d by the time" a!d sore forlaboured" a!d after that they fou!d by pur6eya!ce of God a! isla!d 5hich 5as far from them" a!d the! they full mee4ly prayed our Lord to se!d them thither i! safety" but it 5as forty days after ere they came thither" 5herefore all the mo!4s 5ere so 5eary of that trouble that they set little price by their li6es" a!d cried co!ti!ually to our Lord to ha6e mercy o! them" a!d bri! them to that isla!d i! safety1 A!d by the pur6eya!ce of God they came at the last i!to a little ha6e!" but it 5as so strait that u!!ethe the ship mi ht come i!" a!d after they came to a! a!chor" a!d a!o! the mo!4s 5e!t to la!d1 A!d 5he! they had lo! 5al4ed about" at the last they fou!d t5o fair 5ells" that o!e 5as fair a!d clear 5ater" a!d that other 5as some5hat troubly a!d thic41 A!d the! they tha!4ed our Lord full humbly that had brou ht them thither i! safety" a!d they 5ould fai! ha6e dru!4 of that 5ater" but S1 9ra!do! char ed them they should !ot ta4e 5ithout lice!ce1 'or if 5e abstai! us a 5hile our Lord 5ill pur6ey for us i! the best 5ise1 A!d a!o! after came to them a fair old ma! 5ith hoar hair" a!d 5elcomed them full mee4ly a!d 4issed S1 9ra!do!" a!d led them by ma!y a fair 5ell till they came to a fair abbey" 5here they 5ere recei6ed 5ith reat ho!our a!d solem! processio! 5ith t5e!ty:four mo!4s" all i! royal copes of cloth of old a!d a royal cross 5as before them1 A!d the! the abbot 5elcomed S1 9ra!do! a!d his fello5ship" a!d 4issed them full mee4ly" a!d too4 S1 9ra!do! by the ha!d a!d led him 5ith his mo!4s i!to a fair hall" a!d set them do5! aro5 upo! the be!ch" a!d the abbot of the place 5ashed all their feet 5ith fair 5ater of the 5ell that they sa5 before" a!d after" led them i!to the fraitour a!d there set them amo! his co!6e!t1 A!d a!o! there came o!e by the pur6eya!ce of God 5hich ser6ed them 5ell of meat a!d dri!4" for e6ery mo!4 had set before him a fair 5hite loaf" a!d 5hite roots a!d herbs" 5hich 5as ri ht delicious" but they 5ist !ot 5hat roots they 5ere1 A!d they dra!4 of the 5ater of the fair clear 5ell that they sa5 before 5he! they came first ala!d" 5hich S1 9ra!do! forbade them1 A!d the! the abbot came a!d cheered S1 9ra!do! a!d his mo!4s" a!d prayed them eat a!d dri!4 for charity7 for e6ery day our Lord se!deth a oodly old ma! that co6ereth this table a!d setteth our meat a!d dri!4 tofore us" but 5e 4!o5 !ot ho5 it cometh" !e 5e ordai! !e6er !o meat !e dri!4 for us" a!d yet 5e ha6e bee! ei hty years here" a!d e6er our Lord" 5orshipped may he be" feedeth us1 ,e be t5e!ty:four mo!4s i! !umber" a!d e6ery ferial day of the 5ee4 he se!deth to us t5el6e loa6es" a!d e6ery
















Su!day a!d feast:day t5e!ty:four loa6es" a!d the bread that 5e lea6e at di!!er 5e eat at supper" a!d !o5 at your comi! our Lord hath se!t to us forty:ei ht loa6es" for to ma4e you a!d us merry to ether as brethre!1 A!d al5ays t5el6e of us o to di!!er 5hiles other t5el6e 4eep the <uire" a!d thus ha6e 5e do!e these ei hty years" for so lo! ha6e 5e d5elled here io this abbey1 A!d 5e came hither out of the abbey of S1 (atric4 i! Irela!d" a!d thus as ye see our Lord hath pur6eyed for us" but !o!e of us 4!o5eth ho5 it cometh" but God alo!e" to 5hom be i6e! ho!our a!d laud 5orld 5ithout e!d1 A!d here i! this la!d is e6er fair 5eather" a!d !o!e of us hath bee! sic4 sith 5e came hither1 A!d 5he! 5e o to mass" or to a!y other ser6ice of our Lord i! the church" a!o! se6e! tapers of 5a8 be set i! the <uire a!d be li hted at e6ery time 5ithout ma!>s ha!d" a!d so bur! day a!d !i ht at e6ery hour of ser6ice" a!d !e6er 5aste !e mi!ish as lo! as 5e ha6e bee! here" 5hich is ei hty years1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! 5e!t to the church 5ith the abbot of the place" a!d there they said e6e!so! to ether full de6outly" a!d the! S1 9ra!do! loo4ed up5ard to5ard the crucifi8" a!d sa5 our Lord ha! i! o! the cross" 5hich 5as made of fi!e crystal a!d curiously 5rou ht1 A!d i! the <uire 5ere t5e!ty:four seats for t5e!ty:four mo!4s" a!d the se6e! tapers bur!i! " a!d the abbot>s seat 5as made i! the midst of the <uire" a!d the! S1 9ra!do! dema!ded of the abbot ho5 lo! they had 4ept that sile!ce" that !o!e of them spa4e to other" a!d he saidD These t5e!ty:four years 5e spa4e !e6er o!e to a!other1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! 5ept for =oy of their holy co!6ersatio!1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! desired of the abbot that he a!d his mo!4s mi ht d5ell there still 5ith him1 To 5hom the abbot saidD Sir" that may ye !ot do i! !o 5ise" for our Lord hath sho5ed to you i! 5hat ma!!er ye shall be uided till the se6e! years be fulfilled" a!d after that term thou shalt 5ith thy mo!4s retur! i!to Irela!d i! safety" but o!e of the t5o mo!4s that came last to you shall d5ell i! the isla!d of a!4ers" a!d that other shall o <uic4 to hell1 A!d as S1 9ra!do! 4!eeled i! the church he sa5 a bri ht shi!i! a! el come i! at the 5i!do5" a!d li hted all the li hts i! the church" a!d the! he fle5 out a ai! at the 5i!do5 u!to hea6e!" a!d the! S1 9ra!do! mar6elled reatly ho5 the li ht bur!ed so fair a!d 5asted !ot1 A!d the! the abbot said that it is 5ritte! that -oses sa5 a bush all o! afire a!d yet it bur!ed !ot" a!d therefore mar6el !ot hereof for the mi ht of our Lord is !o5 as reat as it e6er 5as1 A!d 5he! S1 9ra!do! had d5elled there from Chrisu!as e6e! till the t5elfth day 5as passed" the! he too4 his lea6e of the abbot a!d co!6e!t a!d retur!ed 5ith his mo!4s to his ship" a!d sailed from the!ce 5ith his mo!4s to5ard the abbey of S1 Illaries" but they had reat tempests i! the sea from that time till (alm:Su!day" a!d the! they came to the isla!d of sheep" a!d there 5ere recei6ed of the old ma!" 5hich brou ht them to a fair hall a!d ser6ed them1 A!d o! ShereThursday after supper he 5ashed their feet a!d 4issed them" li4e as our Lord did to his disciples" a!d there abode till Saturday" Easter:e6e!" a!d they departed a!d sailed to the place 5here the reat fish lay" a!d a!o! they sa5 their caldro! upo! the fishes bac4" 5hich they had left there t5el6e mo!ths tofore" a!d there they 4ept the ser6ice of the resurrectio! o! the fishes bac4" a!d after" they sailed that same day by the mor!i! to the isla!d 5hereas the tree of birds 5as" a!d the! the said bird 5elcomed S1 9ra!do! a!d all his fello5ship" a!d 5e!t a ai! to the tree a!d sa! full merrily" a!d there he a!d his mo!4s d5elled from Easter till Tri!ity Su!day as they did the year before" i! full reat =oy a!d mirth1 A!d daily they heard the merry ser6ice of the birds sitti! o! the tree1 A!d the! the bird told to S1 9ra!do! that he should retur! a ai! at Christmas to the abbey of mo!4s" a!d at Easter thither a ai!" a!d the other deal of the year labour i! the ocea! i! full reat perils" a!d from year to year till the se6e! years be accomplished1 A!rl the! shall ye come to the =oyful place of (aradise a!d d5ell there forty days i! full reat =oy a!d mirth" a!d after" ye shall retur! home i!to your o5! abbey i! safety" a!d there e!d your life" a!d come to the bliss of hea6e!" to 5hich our Lord bou ht you 5ith his precious blood1 A!d the! the a! el of our Lord ordai!ed all thi! that 5as !eedful to S1 9ra!do! a!d to his mo!4s i! 6ictuals a!d all other thi! s !ecessary" a!d the! they tha!4ed our Lord of his reat ood!ess that he had sho5ed to them oft i! their reat !eed" a!d the! sailed forth i!to the reat sea ocea!" abidi! the mercy of our Lord i! reat trouble a!d tempests1 A!d soo! after came to them a! horrible fish 5hich follo5ed the ship lo! time" casti! so much 5ater out of his mouth i!to the ship that they supposed to ha6e bee! dro5!ed" 5herefore they de6outly prayed God to deli6er them of that reat peril1 A!d a!o! after" came a!other fish reater tha! he" out of the 5est sea" a!d fou ht 5ith him" a!d at the last cra6e him i!to three pieces" a!d the! retur!ed a ai!1 A!d the! they tha!4ed mee4ly our Lord of their deli6era!ce from this reat peril" but they 5ere i! reat hea6i!ess because their 6ictuals 5ere !i h spe!t7 but by the ordi!a!ce of our Lord there came a bird a!d brou ht to them a reat bra!ch of a 6i!e full of red rapes" by 5hich they li6ed fourtee! days" a!d the! they came to a little isla!d" 5herei! 5ere ma!y 6i!es full of rapes" a!d they there la!ded a!d tha!4ed God" a!d athered as ma!y rapes as they li6ed by forty days after" al5ays saili! i! the sea i! ma!y storms a!d









tempests" a!d as they thus sailed" sudde!ly came flyi! to5ards them a reat rip 5hich assailed them a!d 5as li4e to ha6e destroyed them1 ,herefore they de6outly prayed for help a!d aid of our Lord Jesu Christ1 A!d the! the bird of the tree of the isla!d 5here they had holde! their Easter tofore" came to the rip a!d smote out both his eyes" a!d after sle5 him" 5hereof they tha!4ed our Lord" a!d the! sailed forth co!ti!ually till S1 (eter>s day" a!d the! sa! they solem!ly their ser6ice i! the ho!our of the feast1 A!d i! that place the 5ater 5as so clear that they mi ht see all the fishes that 5ere about them" 5hereof they 5ere full sore a hast" a!d the mo!4s cou!selled S1 9ra!do! to si! !o more" for all the fishes lay the! as they had slept1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! saidD Dread ye !ot" for ye ha6e 4ept by t5o Easters the feast of the 3esurrectio! upo! the reat fishes bac4" a!d therefore dread ye !ot of these little fishes1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! made him ready a!d 5e!t to mass" a!d bade his mo!4s to si! the best 5ay they could" a!d the! a!o! all the fishes a5o4e" a!d came about the ship so thic4 that u!!ethe they mi ht see the 5ater for the fishes" a!d 5he! the mass 5as do!e all the fishes departed so as they 5ere !o more see!1 A!d se6e! days they sailed al5ays i! that clear 5ater1 A!d the! there came a south 5i!d a!d dro6e the ship !orth5ard" 5hereas they sa5 a! isla!d full dar4 a!d full of ste!ch a!d smo4e" a!d there they heard reat blo5i! a!d blasti! of bello5s" but they mi ht see !othi! " but heard reat thu!deri! " 5hereof they 5ere sore afeard" a!d blessed them oft1 A!d soo! after there came o!e starti! out all bur!i! i! fire" a!d stared full hastly o! them 5ith reat stari! eyes" of 5hom the mo!4s 5ere a hast" a!d at his departi! from them he made the horriblest cry that mi ht be heard" a!d soo! there came a reat !umber of fie!ds a!d assailed them 5ith hoo4s a!d bur!i! iro! malles" 5hich ra! o! the 5ater" follo5i! their ship fast" i! such 5ise that it seemed all the sea to be o! fire1 9ut by the pleasure of our Lord they had !o po5er to hurt !e rie6e them !e their ship" 5herefore the fie!ds be a! to roar a!d cry" a!d thre5 their hoo4s a!d malles at them1 A!d they the! 5ere sore afraid" a!d prayed to God for comfort a!d help" for they sa5 the fie!ds all about the ship" a!d them seemed the! all the isla!d a!d the sea to be o! fire1 A!d 5ith a sorro5ful cry all those fie!ds departed from them a!d retur!ed to the place that they came from1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! told to them that this 5as a part of hell" a!d therefore he char ed them to be steadfast i! the faith" for they should yet see ma!y a dreadful place ere they came home a ai!1 A!d the! came the south 5i!d" a!d dro6e them farther i!to the !orth" 5here they sa5 a hill all of fire" a!d a foul smo4e a!d ste!ch comi! from the!ce" a!d the fire stood o! each side of the hill li4e a 5all all bur!i! 1 A!d the! o!e of his mo!4s be a! to cry a!d 5eep full sore" a!d said that his e!d 5as come" a!d that he mi ht abide !o lo! er i! the ship" a!d a!o! he leapt out of the ship i!to the sea" a!d the! he cried a!d roared full piteously" cursi! the time that he 5as bor!" a!d also father a!d mother that be at him" because they sa5 !o better to his correctio! i! his you! a e" for !o5 I must o to perpetual pai!1 A!d the! the sayi! of S1 9ra!do! 5as 6erified that he said to him 5he! he e!tered7 therefore it is ood a ma! to do pe!a!ce a!d forsa4e si!" for the hour of death is u!certai!1 A!d the! a!o! the 5i!d tur!ed i!to the !orth a!d dro6e the ship i!to the south" 5hich sailed se6e! days co!ti!ually" a!d they came to a reat roc4 sta!di! i! the sea" a!d thereo! sat a !a4ed ma! i! full reat misery a!d pai!" for the 5a6es of the sea had so beate! his body that all the flesh 5as o!e off" a!d !othi! Ieft but si!e5s a!d bare bo!es1 A!d 5he! the 5a6es 5ere o!e" there 5as a ca!6as that hu! o6er his head 5hich beat his body full sore 5ith the blo5i! of the 5i!d" a!d also there 5ere t5o o8 to! ues a!d a reat sto!e that he sat o!" 5hich did him full reat ease1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! char ed him to tell him 5hat he 5as" a!d he saidD -y !ame is Judas that sold our Lord Jesu Christ for thirty pe!ce" 5hich sitteth here thus 5retchedly" ho5beit I am 5orthy to be i! the reatest pai! that is" but our Lord is so merciful that he hath re5arded me better tha! I ha6e deser6ed" for of ri ht my place is i! the bur!i! hell" but I am here but certai! times of the year" that is" from Christmas to t5elfth day" a!d from Easter till ,hitsu!tide be past" a!d e6ery feastful day of our Lady" a!d e6ery Saturday !oo! till Su!day" that e6e!so! be do!e" but all other times I lie still i! hell i! full bur!i! fire" 5ith (ilate" +erod" a!d Caiaphas" therefore accursed be the time that e6er I 4!e5 them1 A!d the! Judas prayed S1 9ra!do! to abide still there all that !i ht" a!d that he 5ould 4eep him there still" that the fie!ds should !ot fetch him to hell1 A!d he saidD ,ith God>s help thou shalt abide here all this !i ht7 a!d the! he as4ed Judas 5hat cloth that 5as that hu! o6er his head" a!d he said it 5as a cloth that he a6e to a leper" 5hich 5as bou ht 5ith the mo!ey that he stole from our Lord 5he! I bare his purse" 5herefore it doth to me full reat pai! !o5" i! beati! my face 5ith the blo5i! of the 5i!d" a!d these t5o o8:to! ues rhat ha! here abo6e me I a6e them sometime to t5o priests to pray for me" them I bou ht 5ith mi!e o5! mo!ey" a!d therefore they ease me because the fishes of the sea !a5 o! them a!d spare me" a!d this sto!e that I sit o!" lay sometime i! a desolate place 5here it eased !o ma!" a!d I too4 it the!ce a!d laid it i! a foul 5ay 5here it did much ease to them that 5e!t by that 5ay" a!d therefore it easeth me !o5" for


















e6ery ood deed shall be re5arded a!d e6ery e6il deed shall be pu!ished1 A!d the Su!day" a ai!st e6e!" there came a reat multitude of fie!ds" blasti! a!d roari! a!d bade S1 9ra!do! o the!ce that they mi ht ha6e their ser6a!t Judas" for 5e dare !ot come i!to the prese!ce of our master but if 5e bri! him to hell 5ith us1 A!d the! said S1 9ra!do!D I let !ot you to do your master>s comma!dme!t" but by the po5er of our Lord Jesu Christ I char e you to lea6e him this !i ht till to:morro51 They saidD ho5 darest thou help him that so sold his master for thirty pe!ce to the Je5s" a!d caused him also to die the most shameful death upo! the crossE A!d the! S1 9ra!do! char ed the fie!ds by his passio! that they should !ot !oy him that !i ht1 A!d the! the fie!ds 5e!t their 5ay roari! a!d cryi! to5ards hell" to their master the reat de6il" a!d the! Judas tha!4ed S1 9ra!do! so ruthfully" that it 5as pity to see" a!d o! the mor! the fie!ds came 5ith a horrible !oise" sayi! that they had that !i ht suffered reat pai! because they brou ht !ot Judas a!d said that he should sufler double pai! the si8 days follo5i! " a!d they too4 the! Judas" trembli! for fear" 5ith them to pai!1 A!d after" S1 9ra!do! sailed south5ard three days a!d three !i hts" a!d o! the 'riday they sa5 a! isla!d" a!d the! S1 9ra!do! be a! to si h" a!d saidD I see the isla!d 5herei! S1 (aul the hermit d5elleth" a!d hath d5elled there forty years 5ithout meat a!d dri!4 ordai!ed by ma!>s ha!d1 A!d 5he! they came to the la!d" S1 (aul came a!d 5elcomed them humbly1 +e 5as old a!d fore ro5!" so that !o ma! mi ht see his body" of 5hom S1 9ra!do! said 5eepi! D No5 I see a ma! that li6eth more li4e a! a! el tha! a ma!" 5herefore 5e 5retches may be ashamed that 5e li6e !ot better1 The! S1 (aul said to S1 9ra!do!D Thou art better tha! I" for our Lord hath sho5ed to thee more of his pri6ities tha! he hath do!e to me" 5herefore thou ou htest to be more praised tha! I1 To 5hom S1 9ra!do! saidD ,e be mo!4s" a!d must labour for our meat" but God hath pro6ided for thee such meat as thou holdest thee pleased" 5herefore thou art much better tha! I1 To 5hom S1 (aul saidD Sometime I 5as a mo!4 of S1 (atric4>s Abbey i! Irela!d" a!d 5as 5arde! of the place 5hereas me! e!ter i!to S1 (atric4>s pur atory" a!d o! a day there came o!e to me" a!d I as4ed him 5hat he 5as" a!d he saidD I am your abbot (atric4" a!d char e thee that thou depart from he!ce to:mor! early to the seaside" a!d there thou shalt fi!d a ship i!to 5hich thou must e!ter" 5hich God hath ordai!ed for thee" 5hose 5ill thou must accomplish1 A!d so the !e8t day I arose a!d 5e!t forth a!d fou!d the ship" i! 5hich I e!tered" a!d by the pur6eya!ce of God 5as I brou ht i!to this isla!d the se6e!th day after1 A!d the! I left the ship a!d 5e!t to la!d" a!d there I 5al4ed up a!d do5! a ood 5hile" a!d the!" by the pur6eya!ce of God" there came a! otter" oi! o! his hi!der feet" a!d brou ht me a fli!t sto!e a!d a! iro! to smite fire 5ith" i! his t5o forecla5s of his feet" a!d also he had about his !ec4 reat ple!ty of fish" 5hich he cast do5! before me a!d 5e!t his 5ay" a!d I smote fire" a!d made a fire of stic4s" a!d did seethe the fish by 5hich I li6ed three days" a!d the! the otter came a ai! a!d brou ht to me fish for other three days" a!d thus he hath do!e these fifty:o!e years" throu h the race of God1 A!d there 5as a reat sto!e" out of 5hich our Lord made to spri! fair 5ater" clear a!d s5eet" 5hereof I dri!4 daily" a!d thus ha6e I li6ed o!e a!d fifty years1 A!d I 5as forty years old 5he! I came hither" a!d am !o5 o!e hu!dred a!d ele6e! years old" a!d abide till it please our Lord to se!d for me" a!d if it pleased him I 5ould fai! be dischar ed of this 5retched life1 A!d the! he bade S1 9ra!do! to ta4e of the 5ater of the 5ell" a!d to carry i!to his shipD 'or it is time that thou depart" for thou hast a reat =our!ey to do" for thou shalt sail to a! isla!d 5hich is forty days saili! he!ce" 5here thou shalt hold thi!e Easter li4e as thou hast do!e tofore" 5hereas the tree of birds is" a!d from the!ce thou shalt sail i!to the la!d of 9ehest" a!d shalt abide there forty days" a!d after retur! home i!to thy cou!try i! safety1 A!d the! these holy me! too4 lea6e each of other" a!d they 5ept both full sore" a!d 4issed each other7 a!d the! S1 9ra!do! e!tered i!to his ship a!d sailed forty days e6e! south i! full reat tempest" a!d o! Easter e6e! came to their procurator" 5hich made to them ood cheer as he had beforetime" a!d from the!ce they came to the reat fish" 5hereo! they said mati!s a!d mass o! Easter day" a!d 5he! the mass 5as do!e the fish be a! to mo6e a!d s5am forth fast i!to the sea" 5hereof the mo!4s 5ere sore a hast 5hich stood upo! him" for it 5as a reat mar6el to see such a fish" so reat as all a cou!try" for to s5im so fast i! the 5ater" but by the 5ill of our Lord this fish set all the mo!4s ala!d i! the paradise of birds" all 5hole a!d sou!d" a!d the! retur!ed to the place he came from1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! a!d his mo!4s tha!4ed our Lord of their deli6era!ce of the reat fish" a!d 4ept their Easter:tide till Tri!ity Su!day" li4e as they had do!e beforetime" a!d after this they too4 their ship a!d sailed east forty days1 A!d at the forty days e!d it be a! to hail ri ht fast" a!d there5ith came a dar4 mist 5hich lasted lo! after" 5hich feared S1 9ra!do! a!d his mo!4s" a!d they prayed to our Lord to 4eep a!d help them1 A!d the! a!o! came their procurator a!d bade them to be of ood cheer" for they 5ere come i!to the la!d of 9ehest1 A!d soo! after that mist passed a5ay" a!d a!o! they sa5 the fairest cou!try east5ard that a!y








ma! mi ht see" a!d it 5as so clear a!d bri ht that it 5as a hea6e!ly si ht to behold" a!d all the trees 5ere char ed 5ith ripe fruit" a!d herb full of flo5ers1 I! 5hich la!d they 5al4ed forty days" but they could see !o!e e!d of that la!d" a!d there 5as al5ays day a!d !e6er !i ht" a!d the la!d temperate" !e too hot !e too cold1 A!d at the last they came to a fair ri6er" but they durst !ot o o6er" a!d there came to them a fair you! ma! a!d 5elcomed them courteously" a!d called each of them by his !ame" a!d did reat re6ere!ce to S1 9ra!do!" a!d said to themD 9e ye !o5 =oyful" for this is the la!d that ye ha6e sou ht" but our Lord 5ill that ye depart he!ce hastily a!d he 5ill sho5 to you more of his secrets 5he! ye come a ai! i!to the sea" a!d our Lord 5ill that you lade your ship 5ith the fruit of this la!d" a!d hie you he!ce for ye may !o lo! er abide here" but thou shalt sail a ai! i!to thi!e o5! cou!try" a!d soo! after thou comest home thou shalt die1 A!d this 5ater that thou seest here departeth the 5orld asu!der" for o! that other side of this 5ater may !o ma! come that is i! this life" a!d the fruit that ye see here is al5ay thus ripe e6ery time of the year" a!d al5ays it is here li ht as ye !o5 see" a!d he that 4eepeth our Lord>s hests at all times shall see this la!d ere he pass out of this 5orld1 A!d the! S1 9ra!do! a!d his mo!4s too4 of that fruit as much as they 5ould" a!d also too4 5ith them reat ple!ty of precious sto!es" a!d the! too4 their lea6e" a!d 5e!t to ship 5eepi! sore because they mi ht !o lo! er abide there1 A!d the! they too4 their ship a!d came home i!to Irela!d i! safety" 5hom their brethre! recei6ed 5ith reat =oy" i6i! tha!4i! s to our Lord 5hich had 4ept them all those se6e! years from ma!y a peril a!d brou ht them home i! safety" to 5hom be i6e! ho!our a!d lory" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 A!d soo! after" this holy ma! S1 9ra!do! 5a8ed feeble a!d sic4" a!d had but little =oy of this 5orld" but e6er after his =oy a!d mi!d 5as i! the =oys of hea6e!1 A!d i! a sbort time after he bei! full of 6irtues" departed out of this life to e6erlasti! life" a!d 5as 5orshipfully buried i! a fair abbey 5hich he himself fou!ded" 5here our Lord sho5eth for this holy sai!t ma!y fair miracles1 ,herefore let us de6outly pray to this holy sai!t that he pray for us to our Lord that he ha6e mercy o! us" to 5hom be i6e! laud a!d ho!our a!d empire" 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Er'e#wold. /i ho&" S1 Er4e!5old 5as bor! of !oble li!ea e1 +is father 5as !amed Offa" a!d 5as 4i! of east E! la!d" a!d he had also a sister !amed Albur h1 ,hich Er4e!5old a!d Albur h 5ere of ri ht perfect life" a!d ho5beit that their father 5as a pay!im" yet 5ere these t5o childre! christia!1 A!d 5he! Er4e!5old 5as i! perfect a e he 5e!t i!to reli io!" a!d 5as made first abbot of Chertsey 5here he li6ed a holy life" a!d after" he 5as made bishop of Lo!do!" a!d his sister Albur h 5as his true follo5er i! ood 5or4s" a!d 5as a 5oma! of reli io!" a!d for her holy life she 5as made abbess of 9ar4i! 1 This holy ma!" by the i!formatio! of S1 Austi! a!d S1 -elitus" 5as i!formed i! the faith i! such 5ise that he utterly forsoo4 the 5orld" a!d ordai!ed a!d builded t5o mo!asteries" o!e for himself at Chertsey" a!d a!other for his sister at 9ar4i! " 5hich" after her baptism" 5as !amed Ethelbur a1 A!d S1 Er4e!5old cou!selled his sister to flee 5orldly 6a!ities" a!d so he did himself" a!d a6e him i!to di6i!e co!templatio!" a!d a6e such oods as he had" besides them that he spe!t i! the fou!datio! a!d buildi! of the said mo!asteries" to poor people1 A!d he cha! ed his earthly herita e" his 5orldly di !ity a!d his reat patrimo!y i!to the herita e a!d li6elihood of holy church for to ha6e his herita e i! hea6e!1 A!d he did all these e8pe!ses ere he 5as called to be bishop of Lo!do!1 A!d the holy Theodore" archbishop of Ca!terbury" did do co!secrate him bishop of Lo!do!" a!d his sister 5as set i! 9ar4i! 5ith other 6ir i!s for to be al5ays occupied i! the ser6ice of our Lord1 A!d it happed o! a time" as the artificers that builded the mo!astery at 9ar4i! 5ere o6ersee! i! ta4i! the measure of a pri!cipal beam" for it 5as too short" a!d 5ould !ot accord to the place that it 5as ordai!ed for" 5herefore they made much sorro51 The! this holy ma!" S1 Er4e!5old" a!d his sister" seei! this misfortu!e" too4 the same beam bet5ee! their ha!ds a!d dre5 it out i! such 5ise that it had sufficie!t le! th a!d accorded u!to the proper place that it 5as ordai!ed to" 5hich miracle 5as a!o! 4!o5! ope!ly to the people1 A!d at that time 5ere !o !u!s i! E! la!d" 5herefore S1 Er4e!5old se!t o6er sea for a de6out reli ious 5oma! !amed +ildelith" to 5hom he betoo4 his sister for to be i!formed i! the reli io!" as 5ell i! co!!i! as i! ood ma!!ers a!d 6irtuous doctri!e" i! 5hich she profited i! such 5ise that she passed all her fello5s i! co!!i! " a!d soo! after she 5as made abbess a!d chief of all the mo!astery1 A!d it happed soo! after that the bishop of Lo!do! died" 5hose !ame 5as Cedda" a!d by co!se!t of the 4i! a!d all the people" this holy ma! of God" Er4e!5old 5as bishop of Lo!do!" a!d 5hatsome6er he tau ht i! 5ord" he fulfilled it i! deed" for he 5as perfect i! 5isdom" soft a!d discreet i! 5ord" busy i! prayer" chaste of body" a!d 5holly i6e! to God>s lore" a!d 5as pla!ted i! the root of charity1 A!d after5ards" 5he! he had suffered much tribulatio! 5ith ma!y hostly battles" he be a! to 5a8 ri ht sic47 a!d the! he comma!ded to ma4e ready his chair that he mi ht








o a!d preach i! the city the 5ord of God7 5herefore it 5as 4ept i! custom lo! time after of his disciples" a!d ma!y others" to touch him a!d 4iss him" a!d 5hatsome6er sic4!ess that they had" they 5ere a!o! deli6ered thereof" a!d 5ere made perfectly 5hole1


I! a day of summer as this blessed sai!t Er4e!5old rode i! his chair for to preach the 5ord of God" it fortu!ed that the o!e 5heel of the chair fell off from the a8letree" a!d that !ot5ithsta!di! the chair 5e!t forthri ht 5ithout falli! " 5hich 5as a ai!st !ature a!d reaso!" a!d a fair miracle" for God uided the chair a!d it 5as a mar6el to all them that sa5 it1 O merciful God a!d mar6ellous abo6e all thi! s" to 5hom all brute beasts be made mee4" a!d 5ild thi! s be obedie!t" 5ho 6ouchsafest to call to thy mercy thy blessed ser6a!t" to ma4e him partable of thy e8celle!t =oy" i6e thou us race by his prayer" 5hich 4!e5 by re6elatio! that his soul should be loosed from the body by temporal death" to be preser6ed from all ma!!er e6il a!d e6erlasti! death1 ,he! this blessed S1 Er4e!5old" as God 5ould" came to 9ar4i! " he fell i!to a reat sic4!ess" i! 5hich he e!ded his temporal life7 a!d forsomuch as he 4!e5 it before" he se!t for his ser6a!ts a!d such as 5ere dra5i! to him" a!d a6e to them 5holesome a!d s5eet lesso!s" a!d blessed them 5ith reat de6otio!" a!d amo! them he yielded up his spirit to Almi hty God" i! 5hose passi! 5as felt a mar6ellous s5eet odour" as the house had bee! full of s5eet balm1 A!d 5he! the hi h ca!o!s of S1 (aul>s at Lo!do! heard this" a!d the mo!4s of Chertsey" so a!o! they came to this holy body for to ha6e it1 A!d the !u!s said they ou ht to ha6e the body because he died there" a!d also because he 5as their fou!der" a!d the mo!4s said they ou ht rather to ha6e him" because he 5as both their abbot a!d fou!der1 The! the chapter of (aul>s a!d the people said they stro6e i! 6ai!" for he should be brou ht to Lo!do! i!to his o5! church1 thus there 5as reat strife" a!d at the last they of Lo!do! too4 up the holy body" a!d bare it to5ards Lo!do!" a!d as they 5e!t" there fell a reat tempest" a!d so much 5ater that they mi ht !ot pass" but 5ere co!strai!ed to set do5! the corpse" a!d i! all the storm the tapers that 5ere bor!e about the body 5ere al5ays bri ht bur!i! 7 a!d the! the !u!s said that God sho5ed 5ell that they of Lo!do! ou ht !ot to ha6e him because of the tempest1 A!d at the last" after ma!y 5ords" there 5as a cler4 5hich had bee! lo! i! to S1 Er4e!5old" a!d sa5 this strife" a!d stood up a!d comma!ded sile!ce" a!d told to the people a reat comme!datio! of the 6irtuous life of this holy sai!t" a!d said it 5as !ot ho!est" !e accordi! " to mise!treat the holy body by 6iole!t ha!ds" but let us beseech Almi hty God" 5ith ood de6otio! a!d mee4!ess of heart" for to sho5 to us some to4e! by re6elatio! i! 5hat place this holy body shall rest1 A!d all the people co!se!ted thereto" a!d 4!eeled do5! a!d prayed de6outly7 a!d 5hiles they 5ere i! prayer they sa5 that the 5ater di6ided as it did to -oses i! the 3ed Sea" a!d the childre! oi! throu h i!to desert1 I! li4e 5ise God a6e a dry path to the people of Lo!do! for to co!6ey this holy body throu h the 5ater to the city7 a!d a!o! they too4 up the body 5ith reat ho!our a!d re6ere!ce" a!d by o!e asse!t they bare it throu h the path" the 5ater sta!di! up o! e6ery side" a!d the people !ot 5etti! their feet1 A!d so they came to Stratford" a!d set do5! the bier i! a fair mead full of flo5ers" a!d a!o! after" the 5eather be a! to 5a8 fair a!d clear after the tempest" a!d the tapers 5ere made to bur! 5ithout putti! to fire of a!y ma!>s ha!d" a!d thus pleased our Lord for to multiply miracles to the ho!our a!d 5orship of this holy sai!t" 5herefore the people 5ere full of =oy a!d lad!ess" a!d a6e laud to Almi hty God1 A!d the! they too4 up the body a!d brou ht it to (aul>s" a!d as ma!y sic4 fol4s as touched his bier 5ere made 5hole" a!o! as they touched the bier" of all their sic4!esses by the merits of the holy bishop S1 Er4e!5old1 A!d after they laid a!d buried the body ho!orably i! S1 (aul>s church" 5hereas our Lord hath sho5ed ma!y a fair miracle" as i! the deli6eri! of priso!ers out of their iro!s" sic4 fol4 to their health" bli!d to their si ht" a!d lame me! to their bodily stre! thD a!d amo! all others he hath bee! a special protector to the said church a ai!st fire" 5hereas o! a time the church 5as bur!t" a!d his shri!e" 5hich 5as the! but tree" 5as sa6ed throu h his bodily merits" i! so much that the cloth 5hich lay upo! it 5as !ot perished1 A!other time 5he! a reat fire had bur!t a reat part of the city" a!d should ha6e e!tered upo! the church" S1 Er4e!5old 5as see! o! the church 5ith a ba!!er fi hti! a ai!st the fire" a!d so sa6ed a!d 4ept his church from bur!i! 1 The! let us pray u!to this holy sai!t that he be a special ad6ocate for us to Almi hty God that 5e may be preser6ed from all perils of fire a!d 5ater" a!d that he so o6er! us bet5ee! 5ealth a!d ad6ersity i! this prese!t life" that 5e bei! assoiled from si! a!d 6ices" may be brou ht u!to hea6e!ly =oy 5here laud" ho!our" a!d lory be i6e! to the 9lessed Tri!ity 5orld 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 Here followeth of the holy A))ot Pa tor. a#d fir t of hi #a%e"










(astor is said of feedi! " because that he feedeth his sheep" a!d this holy ma! (astor fed his sheep spiritually" a!d they 5ere his brethre! by spiritual of 5ords of doctri!e a!d of ma!!ers of holy reli io!1 Of the holy A))ot Pa tor"

The Abbot (astor 5as ma!y years i! reat absti!e!ce i! desert" a!d torme!ed his flesh lo! time" a!d he shi!ed i! reat holi!ess of reli io!1 A!d his mother desired muchto see him a!d his brethre!" a!d sa5 o! a day that he a!d his brethre! 5e!t to the church7 they sa5 her" a!d a!o! they fled from her a!d e!tered i!to their cell" a!d shut the door a ai!st her" a!d she came to the door a!d sat there sore cryi! a!d 5eepi! 1 A!d the! (astor came to the door a!d saidD ,hat criest thou there" thou old 5oma!E A!d the! she u!derstood the 6oice of him" a!d she cried louder a!d saidD I 5ould see you my so!s" 5hy should I !ot see you" am I !ot your mother that bare you a!d a6e you suc4" a!d !o5 am all hoar for a eE To 5hom her so! saidD ,hether 5ilt thou see us i! this 5orld or i! a!otherE A!d the! she saidD If I see you !ot here shall I see you thereE A!d he said to herD If thou mayst suffer !ot for to see us here" 5ithout doubt thou shalt see us there" 5hich the! departed =oyfully" sayi! D If I shall see you there I 5ill !ot see you here1 A!d the! the =ud e 5ould !eeds see the abbot (astor" but he mi ht !ot" a!d the! he too4 his sister>s so!" as thou h he had bee! a malefactor" a!d put him i! priso!" a!d saidD If (astor 5ill come a!d pray for him" I shall deli6er him a!d let him o1 A!d the! the mother of the child came 5eepi! to the door of (astor" a!d prayed him to help her so!7 a!d 5he! she could et !o!e a!s5er of hir!" the! she said to him by reat 6iole!ceD If thi!e e!trails be hard as iro!" a!d hast !o pity of !othi! yet at the least ou htest thou to be mo6ed a!d ha6e pity of thi!e o5! blood" 5hich is my so!1 A!d the! (astor se!t to her a!d said that he had e! e!dered !o child1 A!d the! a!o! she departed for a! er" a!d the! said the =ud eD At the least let him comma!d by mouth" a!d I shall let him o1 A!d the! the abbot (astor se!t him 5ord that he should e8ami!e the cause accordi! to the la5" a!d if he 5ere 5orthy to die" let him die" a!d if !ot do as it shall please thee1 +e tau ht his brethre! a!d saidD 'or to 4eep himself" to co!sider a!d ha6e discretio!" be 5or4s of the soul" po6erty" tribulatio! a!d discretio! be 5or4s of solitary life1 It is 5ritte! that these three me! 5ere so" Noah" Job" a!d Da!iel1 Noah represe!teth the perso! that possesseth" Job them that be troubled" a!d Da!iel them that be discreet" a!d if a mo!4 hateth t5o thi! s" he may be free of this 5orld1 A!d o!e of his brethre! as4ed him 5hat they 5ere" a!d he saidD 'leshly co6etise" a!d 6ai! lory7 a!d he saidD lf thou 5ilt fi!d rest i! this 5orld a!d i! that 5hich is to come" say i! e6ery caseD ,ho am IE a!d deem !o ma!1 O! a time 5he! a brother had offe!ded" of their co! re atio!" the abbot by cou!sel of o!e that 5as solitary put him out" 5hich 5ept as he had bee! i! despair1 The! the abbot (astor made him to be brou ht tofore him" 5hom he comforti! be!i !ly" se!t him to him that 5as solitary" sayi! D I heari! of thee" desire to see thee" labour therefore a!d come to me1 A!d 5he! he 5as come" (astor said to himD There 5ere t5o me! 5hich their t5o ser6a!ts 5ere dead" a!d that o!e of them left his o5! a!d 5e!t for to be5ail the dead ser6a!t of that other1 A!d 5he! the solitary ma! heard him" a!o! he u!derstood him" a!d 5ist by his 5ords 5hat he mea!t" a!d had compu!ctio!1 There 5as a brother 5hich 5as sore troubled" a!d 5ould lea6e his place because he had heard certai! 5ords of a!other brother that they profited !ot7 a!d (astor said he should !ot belie6e those 5ords" for they 5ere !ot true7 he affirmed a ai! to him that they 5ere true" for a true brother had told him so1 To 5hom (astor saidD +e is !ot true that said so to thee" a!d he saidD I ha6e see! it 5ith mi!e eyes1 The! he dema!ded him of the festue a!d of the beam" a!d he a!s5eredD A festue is a festue" a!d a beam is a beam1 A!d (astor saidD (ut i! thi!e heart all that be thy si!s a!d thou shalt fi!d them li4e a beam" a!d the small si!s of him be li4e a festue1 There 5as a brother 5hich had do!e a reat si!" bei! i! 5ill to do pe!a!ce three years" a!d as4ed him if it 5ere much" 5hich saidD It is much7 a!d the! he as4ed if he 5ould comma!d him a year" a!d he said it 5as much1 They that stood by dema!ded of forty days1 +e said it 5as much1 A!d he said to themD I tro5 that if a ma! repe!t him 5ith all his heart" a!d 5ill retur! !o more to his si! a!d doth pe!a!ce three days" our Lord shall recei6e him to mercy1 A!d the! he 5as dema!ded of that 5ordD That a! ered his brother 5ithout a cause7 a!d he saidD Of all that e6er thy brother rie6eth thee" be !ot a! ry 5ith him till that he put out thy ri ht eye" a!d if thou be 5roth to him other5ise thou art a! ry 5ithout cause" but if a!y 5ould depart thee from God" the! be 5roth 5ith him1 A!d yet he said furthermoreD ,ho so complai!eth is !o mo!4" 5ho that holdeth malice i! his heart is !o mo!4" 5ho that is 5roth is !o mo!4" 5ho doeth












e6il for e6il is !o mo!4" 5ho that is proud a!d full of 5ords is !o mo!41 ,hosome6er is 6erily a mo!4 is al5ays humble" mee4" full of charity" a!d al5ays to ha6e before his eyes the dread of God i! e6ery place" that he si! !ot1 A!d also he saidD If there be three to ether of 5hom that o!e resteth 5ell a!d that other is sic4" a!d the third ser6eth a!d admi!istereth 5ith pure 5ill" these three be semblable as it 5ere of o!e 5or41 There 5as o!e of his brethre! 5hich complai!ed him that he had ma!y thou hts a!d perished i! them" a!d he brou ht him i! the air" a!d bade him hold up his lap a!d ta4e the 5i!d" a!d he saidD I may !ot7 a!d that other saidD I! li4e 5ise mayst thou !ot forbid thou hts to e!ter i!to thee" but it is thy part to 5ithsta!d them1 There 5as a brother that dema!ded of him 5hat he should do 5ith the herita e that 5as left him" a!d he bade him he should come a ai! 5ithi! three days7 a!d 5he! he came he said to himD If I said to theeD Gi6e them to thy pare!ts or frie!ds thou shouldst ha6e !o meed thereof" a!d if I said i6e them to poor me!" thou shalt be sure1 Do 5hat thou 5ilt" I ha6e !o part thereof1 This is i! Vitae (atrum1 Here )e(i##eth of the A))ot Joh#" Joh!" abbot" 5he! he had d5elled forty years i! desert 5ith Episius" the! Episius dema!ded ho5 much he had profited" a!d the! he saidD As lo! as I ha6e bee! solitary there 5as !e6er su! that sa5 me eati! 1 A!d Joh! saidD Ne me" bei! 5roth1 I! li4e ma!!er it is read that" 5he! Epipha!ius the bishop a6e flesh to the abbot +ilary" he saidD (ardo! me" for sith I too4 this habit I !e6er eat flesh !e fo5l1 To 5hom the bishop saidD A!d sith I too4 mi!e habit" I suffered !e6er !o!e to sleep that had a!ythi! a ai!st me" !e I !e slept also as lo! as I 5as co!trary to a!y other1 To 5hom +ilary saidD 'ather" for i6e it me" for thou art better tha! I1 Joh! 5ould ha6e li6ed li4e u!to a! els" a!d e!te!ded al5ays to ser6e God 5ithout a!y other thi! doi! " a!d he despoiled him" a!d 5as a 5hole 5ee4 i! desert1 A!d 5he! he 5as almost dead for hu! er" a!d all stu! 5ith bees a!d 5asps" he retur!ed to the door of his brother a!d 4!oc4ed" a!d he as4edD ,ho art thouE a!d he saidD I am Joh!1 A!d that other saidD Thou art !ot he" for Joh! ic made a! a! el a!d is !ot amo! me!1 A!d Joh! saidD Truly I am he7 but for all that he left him there till o! the mor!1 A!d the! he ope!ed the door to him" a!d said to himD If thou be a ma! it is !eed that thou labour a ai! for to be fed" a!d if thou be a! a! el" 5herefore desiresC thou to e!ter herei!E A!d Joh! saidD O brother" for i6e it me" for I ha6e si!!ed1 A!d 5he! he should die his brethre! prayed him that he 5ould lea6e to them" i!stead of herita e" a 5ord of health" a!d that short" a!d the! he si hed a!d saidD I did !e6er yet mi!e o5! 5ill !e I !e6er did thi! to a!y other but I did it first myself1 +Fc i! Vitis (atrum1 Here followeth of the A))ot Mo e "






-oses" the abbot" said to a brother of his 5hich dema!ded of him a sermo!" to 5hom he saidD Sit still i! thy cell a!d it shall teach thee all thi! s1 There 5as a! old ma! bei! sic4 5hich 5ould o i!to E ypt because he 5ould !ot rie6e his brethre!1 The abbot -oses said to himD Go !ot thither" for if thou o out thou shalt fall i!to for!icatio!" a!d he 5as a! ry" a!d saidD -y body is dead" 5hy sayest thou soE A!d 5he! he 5as o!e" it happed that a maid ser6ed him for de6otio!" a!d 4ept him i! his malady" a!d 5he! he 5as 5hole he defiled her" a!d at o! her a child1 A!d 5he! the child 5as bor! the old ma! too4 the child i! his arms" a!d came o! a day of reat feast i!to the church of Si8tus to a reat multitude of people" a!d 5he! his brethre! 5ept" he saidD LoI see ye this child" this is the so! of i!obedie!ce" therefore be5are ye" brethre!" for I ha6e do!e this i! mi!e old a e" I pray you pray ye for me1 A!d the! he retur!ed i!to his cell" a!d came a ai! to his first estate1 A!d i! li4e 5ise as a!other old ma! said to a!otherD I am a dead ma!" a!d that other said to himD Trust !e6er to thyself till thy soul issue of thy body" for if thou say that thou art dead" !e6ertheless thi!e e!emy the fie!d is !ot dead1 There 5as a brother 5hich had si!!ed" a!d 5as se!t by his brethre! to the abbot -oses1 A!d he too4 a bas4etful of ra6el a!d came to them" a!d they dema!ded him 5hat it 5as" a!d he saidD These be my si!s that ru! after me" a!d I see them !ot" a!d I am this day come to deem the si!s of a stra! er1 They" heari! this" spared their brother1 A li4e thi! is read of the abbot tofore him" for 5he! the brethre! spa4e of a brother that 5as culpable" he held him still a!d spa4e !ot1 A!d after too4 a sac4ful of ra6el a!d bare it behi!d him the most part" a!d a little tofore him" a!d they dema!ded him 5hat it 5as" a!d he saidD The most part be my si!s 5hich I bear behi!d me" them I co!sider !ot" !e sorro5 for them1 A!d this little that I ha6e before me be the si!s of my brethre!" 5hich I co!sider all day a!d =ud e them" ho5beit I should al5ays bear mi!e o5! si!s tofore me" a!d thi!4 o! them" a!d pray to God for them that he 5ould for i6e me them1 ,he! the abbot -oses 5as made cler4" a!d the bishop had ordai!ed the oflice" he said to himD No5" thou






art made all 5hite" a!d -oses saidD ,ithi!forth or 5ithoutforthE The! the bishop 5ould pro6e him" a!d said to his cler4s that 5he! he should come to the altar they should 5ro! fully put him from it" a!d follo5 him" a!d hear 5hat he 5ould say1 A!d a!o! they put him a5ay" a!d said to himD Go out thou Ethiopia!" a!d as he 5e!t out he saidD They ha6e do!e 5ell to the foul 5retch for to defile a!d do despite to thee" for sith thou art !o ma!" 5hat presumest thou to be amo! the me!1 This said he to himself1 +Fc i! Vitis (atrum1 Here followeth of *" Ar e#iu "




,he! Arse!ius 5as yet master i! the palace of a pri!ce" he prayed u!to God that he 5ould address him u!to the 5ay of health" so that i! a time he heard a 6oice that said to himD Arse!ius" flee the compa!y of me! a!d thou shalt be sa6ed1 The! he 5e!t a!d too4 upo! him the life of a mo!4" a!d as he prayed there" he heard a 6oice sayi! D Arse!ius" flee he!ce" spea4 !ot a!d rest thee1 It is read i! the same place as to co6eti! this rest" that there 5ere three mo!4s !e5 made" a!d the first of them chose for to bri! me! that 5ere at debate a!d i! discord to rest a!d peace" the seco!d for to 6isit sic4 me!" a!d the third for to rest i! 5ilder!ess a!d i! desert1 The first ma!" that laboured to set them at accord that 5ere at debate" could !ot please all me!" a!d 5as 5eary a!d rie6ed a!d half o6ercome" a!d he came to the seco!d a!d fou!d him all mat a!d faili! for 5eari!ess" a!d mi ht !ot perform that he had emprised" a!d the! by asse!t they t5o came to the third that 5as i! desert" a!d 5he! they had told their tribulatio!s to him he put 5ater i! a cup a!d saidD Loo4" a!d behold this 5ater" a!d they sa5 that it 5as thic4 a!d troubled" a!d soo! after he saidD See it !o5" ho5 it is !o5 fair a!d clear1 A!d 5he! they loo4ed therei! they sa5 their 6isa es therei!" a!d the! he saidD ,hosome6er d5elleth amo! the me!" he may !ot" for the multitude of people see his si!s" but 5he! he resteth" the! he may see his si!s1 A!d o! a time there 5as a ma! fou!d a!other i! desert eati! herbs a!d rass" all !a4ed as a beast" a!d he ra! after him" a!d that other fled" a!d he that follo5ed saidD Abide a!d tarry" for I follo5 thee for the lo6e of God" a!d that other saidD I flee from thee for God>s sa4e" a!d that other cast a5ay his ma!tle from him" a!d the! he tarried a!d saidD 9ecause thou hast thro5! the matter of the 5orld from thee I ha6e abide! thee1 A!d the! he as4ed of himD +o5 shall I be sa6edE A!d he a!s5ered a!d saidD 'lee from the compa!y of me!" a!d say !othi! 1 There 5as a !oble lady" 5hich 5as old" came for to see the abbot Arse!ius by de6otio!" a!d Theophilus the archbishop prayed him that he 5ould suffer that she mi ht see him" but he 5ould !ot ra!t him i! !o 5ise1 A!d at the last she 5e!t i!to his cell" a!d fou!d him 5ithout tofore his door" a!d she fell do5! to his feet" a!d he too4 her up 5ith reat i!di !atio!" sayi! to herD If thou 5ilt see my face" see" a!d she for reat shame a!d co!fusio! co!sidered !ot his 6isa e1 To 5hom he saidD +o5 durst thou presume upo! thee that art a 5oma! to ma4e such a 6oya eE Thou shalt !o5 o to 3ome a!d say to other 5ome! that thou hast see! Arse!ius" a!d they shall also come for to see me1 A!d she said to himD If God 5ill that I retur! to 3ome I shall !e6er stir 5oma! to come to thee" but o!ly I pray thee that thou pray for me a!d al5ays remember me1 A!d he said to herD I pray to God that he put out of my heart the remembra!ce of thee1 A!d 5he! she heard that" she 5as much a! ry" a!d came i!to the city a!d be a! to tremble a!d sha4e for sorro5 i! the fe6ers or a8es7 a!d 5he! the archbishop 4!e5 it" he 5e!t for to comfort her" a!d she saidD I die for sorro5 a!d hea6i!ess" a!d the archbishop said to herD @!o5est thou !ot that thou art a 5oma!" a!d the fie!d o6ercometh holy me! ofttimes by 5ome!" a!d therefore the old ma! said to thee those 5ords" ho5beit he prayed al5ays for thy soulE A!d the! the 5oma! 5as comforted a!d 5as all 5hole" a!d retur!ed home to her o5! house1 Also it is read of a!other old father" that 5he! his disciple said to himD Thou art 5a8e! all old" father" let us !o5 o d5ell !ear to the 5orld" a!d he saidD Let us o thither 5hereas !o 5oma! is" a!d his disciple saidD ,here is a!y place but that 5ome! be therei!" sa6e i! desertE To 5hom he saidD The! bri! me i!to that desert1 There 5as a!other brother 5hich" 5he! he bare his mother o6er the 5ater" he 5ou!d his ha!ds i! his ma!tle" to 5hom she saidD ,herefore hast thou co6ered thy ha!ds so" my so!E To 5hom he a!s5eredD The body of a 5oma! is as fire that bur!eth" a!d because the mi!d of other 5ome! should !ot come i! my remembra!ce" therefore I do it1 A!d Arse!ius all the days of his life" 5he! he sat at the 5or4 of his ha!ds" he had a li!e! cloth i! his bosom for to dry the tears 5ith" that ra! fast from his eyes" a!d all the !i ht he 5ould !ot sleep" a!d i! the mor!i! " 5he! he must sleep for 5eari!ess of !ature" he 5ould








say to sleepD Come" 5ic4ed ser6a!t" a!d the! 5ould ta4e a little sleep sitti! " a!d 5ould arise a!o!" a!d saidD It sufficeth to a mo!4 if he sleep a! hour" if he be a fi hter a ai!st 6ices1 ,he! the father of S1 Arse!ius" 5hich 5as a reat se!ator a!d a ri ht !oble ma!" should fi!ish his life" he left to Arse!ius by his testame!t much herita e" a!d o!e" -a istria!us" brou ht u!to him the said testame!t" a!d 5he! he had recei6ed it he 5ould ha6e bro4e! it1 The! -a istria!us fell do5! at his feet prayi! him that he 5ould !ot do so" for his head the! should he lose" for it should be smitte! off1 To 5hom Arse!ius saidD I 5as dead tofore him" he therefore that is but !o5 dead" ho5 may he ma4e me his heirE A!d se!t a ai! the testame!t" a!d 5ould !othi! ha6e1 O! a time there 5as a 6oice came to him a!d saidD Come" a!d I shall sho5 to thee the 5or4s of the me!" a!d led him i!to a certai! place a!d sho5ed to him a ma! of Ethiopia" that is a blac4 ma!" that he5ed 5ood a!d made a reat fardel" so reat that he mi ht !ot bear it" a!d al5ays he he5ed a!d put to the fardel" a!d thus he did lo! " a!d after he sho5ed to him a ma! that dre5 5ater out of a la4e a!d cast it i!to a cister! pierced" by 5hich the 5ater ra! a ai! i!to the la4e" a!d he 5ould fill the cister! a!d mi ht !ot1 A!d after" he sho5ed to him a temple a!d a ma! o! horsebac4 5hich bare a lo! tree ath5art" a!d 5ould e!ter i!to the temple" a!d he mi ht !ot because the tree lay ath5art1 The! he e8pou!ded him this thi! " a!d saidD +e that beareth the tree is li4e the burde! of =ustice 5ith pride" a!d 5ill !ot mee4 him" therefore he abideth 5ithout the realm of hea6e!1 A!d he that he5eth the 5ood is li4e a ma! that is i! si!" a!d putteth !o!e a5ay by pe!a!ce" but putteth al5ays 5ic4ed!ess to 5ic4ed!ess1 A!d he that dra5eth the 5ater is a ma! that doeth ood 5or4s here i! this prese!t 5orld" but because that his e6il 5or4s be meddled 5ith them" he loseth his ood 5or4s1 A!d 5he! the e6e!so! time of the Saturday came" o! the Su!day" he left all his 5or4s behi!d him" a!d held up his ha!ds to hea6e! till the su! arose i! the mor!i! of the Su!day tofore his face" a!d so abode all the !i ht i! prayers a!d i! oriso!s1 A!d hFc i! Vitis (atrum1 Here followeth of the A))ot A(atho#" A atho! the abbot bare three years a sto!e i! his mouth till that he had lear!ed to 4eep sile!ce" a!d there 5as a!other 5hich e!tered i!to the co! re atio! that said 5ithi! himselfD Thou a!d a! ass be of o!e 4i!d" for li4e as a! ass is beate! a!d spea4eth !ot" a!d suffereth 5ro! 5ithout a!s5eri! " ri ht so doest thou1 A!d a!other brother 5as put from the table" a!d he a!s5ered !othi! " a!d after5ards he 5as as4ed" a!d he saidD I ha6e put i! my heart that I am li4e to a hou!d" 5he! he is chastised he oeth his 5ay out1 A!d it 5as dema!ded of A atho! 5hat 6irtue 5as more tha! labour" a!d he a!s5eredD I tro5 there be !o labour so reat as to pray to God" for the fie!d laboureth al5ays to brea4 his prayer" a!d i! other labours a ma! hath some rest" a!d he that prayeth hath al5ays !eed of reat strife1 A brother dema!ded of A atho! ho5 he ou ht to d5ell 5ith his brethre!" to 5hom he saidD Li4e as the first day" a!d ta4e o! thee !o trust but suffera!ce" for suffera!ce is !ot 5orse tha! trust" for suffera!ce is mother of all passio!s7 a!d the! 4eep thee from ire" for if the irous raised dead me! it should !ot please God !e !o!e other for his ire1 There 5as a brother that 5as a! ry said to himselfD If I 5ere alo!e" I should !ot be so soo! a! ry1 O! a time he filled a pot 5ith 5ater a!d poured it out a ai!" a!d he filled it the seco!d time a!d poured it out al5ays" a!d the! he 5as so mo6ed for a! er that he bra4e the pot1 A!d the! he ad6ised himself" a!d 4!e5 that he 5as decei6ed of the de6il of 5rath a!d of ire" a!d saidD I am alo!e a!d yet I am o6ercome by 5rath" a!d therefore I shall retur! to my co! re atio!" for o6er all is labour" a!d o6er all is patie!ce" a!d !eed of the help of God1 A!d t5o other brethre! 5ere co!trary 5hich had lo! co!6ersed to ether a!d mi ht !ot be mo6ed to 5rath1 A!d o! a time that o!e said to that otherD Let us ma4e co!te!tio!s to ether li4e as me! of the 5orld do" a!d that other saidD I 5ot !ot ho5 co!te!tio! is made1 A!d that other saidD I shall lay this sac4 i! the middle bet5ee! us" a!d I shall sayD It is mi!e7 a!d thou shalt sayD It is !ot so" but it is mi!e" a!d thus shall the strife be made1 A!d the! that o!e laid the sac4 so a!d saidD It is mi!e" a!d that other saidD Nay" but it is mi!e" a!d that other saidD The! thi!e be it" ta4e it a!d o thy 5ay" a!d thus they departed a!d could !ot stri6e to ether1 The abbot A atho! 5as 5ise to u!dersta!d" !ot slo5 to labour" scarce i! meat a!d clothi! " a!d said he had !e6er slept" at his 5ill" ha6i! i! his heart a!y sorro5 a ai!st a!y other" or a!y other a ai!st him1 ,he! A atho! should die" he held him three days 5ithout mo6i! " holdi! al5ays his eyes ope! to hea6e!1 A!d 5he! his brethre! roused or stirred him he saidD I am tofore the =ud me!t of God1 A!d they saidD ,hy doubtest thou E A!d he saidD I ha6e laboured 5ith all the 6irtue that I mi ht to 4eep the













comma!dme!ts of God" but I am a ma!" a!d I 5ot !ot if my 5or4s shall please our Lord1 A!d they saidD Trustest !ot thou i! thy 5or4s 5hich thou hast do!e for God E A!d he saidD I shall !ot presume till I come tofore him" for the =ud me!ts of God be other tha! the =ud me!ta of me!1 A!d 5he! they 5ould yet ha6e as4ed him somethi! " he saidD Sho5 to me charity" a!d spea4 !o more to me" for I am occupied" a!d 5he! he had said this" he yielded up his spirit 5ith =oy" a!d they sa5 our Lord a!d his a! els recei6i! his spirit a!d saluti! " li4e as a ma! saluteth his frie!ds1 All this is 5ritte! i! Vitis (atrum1 Here followeth of /arlaa% the Her%it"








9arlaam" of 5hom S1 Joh! Damasce!e made the history 5ith reat dili e!ce" i! 5hom di6i!e race so 5rou ht that he co!6erted to the faith S1 Josaphat1 A!d the! as all I!dia 5as full of christia! people a!d of mo!4s" there arose a puissa!t 4i! 5hich 5as !amed A6e!!ir" 5hich made reat persecutio! to christia! me! a!d specially to mo!4s1 A!d it happed so that o!e" 5hich 5as frie!d of the 4i! a!d chief i! his palace" by the i!spiratio! of di6i!e race left the hall royal for to e!ter i!to the order of mo!4s A!d 5he! the 4i! heard say that he 5as christia! he 5as 5ood for a! er" a!d did do see4 him throu h e6ery desert till that he 5as fou!d 5ith reat pai!" a!d the! he 5as brou ht tofore him1 A!d 5he! he sa5 him i! a 6ile coat a!d much lea! for hu! er" 5hich 5as 5o!t to be co6ered 5ith precious clothi! a!d abou!ded i! much riches" he said to himD O thou fool a!d out of thy mi!d" 5hy hast thou cha! ed thi!e ho!our i!to 6illai!y a!d art made the player of childre!E A!d he said to himD If thou 5ilt hear of me reaso!" put from thee thi!e e!emies1 The! the 4i! dema!ded him 5ho 5ere his e!emies" a!d he said to him" ire a!d co6etise" for they empesh a!d let" that truth may !ot be see!" !e to assay prude!ce a!d e<uity1 To 5hom the 4i! saidD Let it be as thou sayst" a!d that other saidD The fools despise the thi! s that be" li4e as they 5ere !ot" a!d he that hath !ot the taste of the thi! s that be" he shall !ot use the s5eet!ess of them" a!d may !ot lear! the truth of them that be !ot1 A!d 5he! he had sho5ed ma!y thi! s of the mystery of the i!car!atio!" the 4i! said to himD If I had !ot promised thee at the be i!!i! that I should put a5ay ire from my cou!sel I should cast thy body i!to the flre1 Go thy 5ay a!d flee from mi!e eyes that I see thee !o more" a!d that I !o5 distress thee !ot1 A!d a!o! the ma! of God 5e!t his 5ay all hea6ily because he had !ot suffered martyrdom1 Thus the!" i! this mea!5hile" it happed that to the 4i! 5hich had !o child" that there 5as a fair so! bor! of his 5ife" a!d 5as called Josaphat1 A!d the! the 4i! assembled a ri ht reat compa!y of people for to sacrifice to his ods for the !ati6ity of his so!" a!d also assembled fifty:fi6e astro!omers" of 5hom he e!<uired 5hat should befall of his so!1 A!d they said to him that he should be reat i! po5er a!d i! riches1 A!d o!e" more 5ise tha! a!other" saidD Sire" this child that is bor! shall !ot be i! thy realm" but he shall be i! a!other" much better 5ithout compariso!" a!d 4!o5 thou that I suppose that he shall be of christia! reli io! 5hich thou persecutest1 A!d that said !ot he of himself" but he said it by i!spiratio! of God1 A!d 5he! the 4i! heard that" he doubted much" a!d did do ma4e 5ithout the city a ri ht !oble palace" a!d therei! set he his so! for to d5ell a!d abide" a!d set there ri ht fair you! li! s" a!d comma!ded them that they should !ot spea4 to him of death !e of old a e" !e of sic4!ess" !e of po6erty" !e of !o thi! that may i6e him cause of hea6i!ess" but say to him all thi! s that be =oyous" so that his mi!d may be esprised 5ith lad!ess" a!d that he thi!4 o! !othi! to come1 A!d a!o! as a!y of his ser6a!ts 5ere sic4 the 4i! comma!ded for to ta4e them a5ay" a!d set a!other" 5hole" i! his stead" a!d comma!ded that !o me!tio! should be made to him of Jesu Christ1 I! that time 5as 5ith the 4i! a ma! 5hich 5as secretly christia!" a!d 5as chief amo! all the !oble pri!ces of the 4i! 1 A!d as he 5e!t o! a time to hu!t 5ith the 4i! " he fou!d a poor ma! lyi! o! the rou!d" 5hich 5as hurt o! the foot by a beast" 5hich prayed that he 5ould recei6e him" a!d that he mi ht of him be holpe! by some mea!s1 A!d the 4!i ht saidD I shall recei6e thee ladly" but I 5ot !ot ho5 thou mayst do a!y profit1 A!d he said to himD I am a leech of 5ords" a!d if a!y be hurt by 5ords I ca! 5ell i6e him a medici!e1 A!d the 4!i ht set it at ou ht" all that he said" but he recei6ed him o!ly for God>s sa4e a!d healed him1 A!d the! some pri!ces" e!6ious a!d malicious" sa5 that this pri!ce 5as so reat a!d racious 5ith the 4i! " a!d accused him to the 4i! a!d said that he 5as !ot o!ly tur!ed to the christia! faith" but e!forced to 5ithdra5 from him his realm" a!d that he mo6ed a!d solicited the compa!y" a!d cou!selled them thereto1 A!d if thou 5ilt 4!o5 it" said they" the! call him secretly a!d say to him that this life is soo! do!e" a!d therefore thou 5ilt lea6e the lory of the 5orld a!d of thy realm" a!d affirm that thou 5ilt ta4e the habit of mo!4s" 5hom thou hast so persecuted by i !ora!ce" a!d after" thou shalt see 5hat he shall a!s5er1 A!d 5he! the @i! had do!e all li4e as they had said" the 4!i ht" that 4!e5 !othi! of the treaso!" be a! to 5eep" a!d praised much the cou!sel of the 4i! " a!d






remembered him of the 6a!ity of the 5orld" a!d cou!selled him to do it as soo! as he mi ht1 A!d 5he! the 4i! heard him say so" he supposed it had bee! true that the other had said to him" ho5beit he said !othi! 1 A!d the! he u!derstood a!d appercei6ed that the 4i! had ta4e! his 5ords i! e6il" a!d 5e!t a!d told all this u!to the leech of 5ords all by order1 A!d he said to himD @!o5 thou for truth that the 4i! feareth that thou 5ilt assail his realm1 Arise thou to:morro5 a!d sha6e off thi!e hair a!d do off thy 6estme!ts" a!d clothe thee i! hair i! the ma!!er of a mo!4" a!d o early to the 4i! 1 ,he! he shall dema!d thee 5hat thou mea!est" thou shalt a!s5erD -y lord" 4i! " I am ready to follo5 thee7 for if the 5ay by 5hich thou desirest to o be hard" if I be 5ith thee it shall be the li hter u!to thee" a!d li4e as thou hast had me i! prosperity so shalt thou ha6e me i! ad6ersity7 I am all ready" 5herefore tarriest thouE A!d 5he! he had this do!e a!d said by order" the 4i! 5as abashed" a!d repro6ed the false me! a!d did to him more ho!our tha! he did before1 A!d after this the 4i! >s so!" that 5as !ourished i! the palace" came to a e a!d re5 a!d 5as plai!ly tau ht i! all 5isdom1 A!d he mar6elled 5herefore his father had so e!closed him" a!d called o!e of his ser6a!ts" 5hich 5as most familiar 5ith him" secretly" a!d dema!ded him of this thi! " a!d said to him that he 5as i! reat hea6i!ess that he mi ht !ot o out" a!d that his meat !e dri!4 sa6oured him !ot !e did him !o ood1 A!d 5he! his father heard this he 5as full of sorro51 A!d a!o! he let do ma4e ready horses a!d =oyful fello5ship to accompa!y him i! such 5ise that !o thi! disho!est should happe! to him1 A!d o! a time thus as the 4i! >s so! 5e!t" he met a mesel a!d a bli!d ma!" a!d 5he! he sa5 them he 5as abashed" a!d e!<uired 5hat them ailed" a!d his ser6a!ts saidD These be passio!s that come to me!1 A!d he dema!ded if those passio!s come to all me!" a!d they saidD Nay The! said heD 9e they 4!o5! 5hich me! shall suffer these passio!s 5ithout defi!itio!E A!d they a!s5eredD ,ho is he that may 4!o5 the ad6e!tures of me!E A!d he be a! to be much a! uishous for the i!customable thi! thereof1 A!d a!other time he fou!d a ma! much a ed 5hich had his cheer frou!ced" his teeth falle!" a!d 5as all croo4ed for a e1 ,hereof he 5as abashed" a!d he desired to 4!o5 the miracle of this 6isio!1 A!d 5he! he 4!e5 that this 5as because he had li6ed ma!y years" the! he dema!ded 5hat should be the e!d" a!d they saidD Death7 a!d he saidD Is the! death the e!d of all me! or of someE A!d they said for certai! that all me! must die1 A!d 5he! he 4!e5 that all should die" he dema!ded them i! ho5 ma!y years that should happe!" a!d they saidD I! old a e of four score years or a hu!dred" a!d after that a e the death follo5eth1 A!d this you! ma! remembered oft i! his heart these thi! s" a!d 5as i! reat discomfort" but he sho5ed him much lad tofore his father" a!d he desired much to be i!formed a!d tau ht i! these thi! s1 A!d the! there 5as a mo!4 of perfect life a!d ood opi!io! that d5elled i! the desert of the la!d of Se!aar !amed 9arlaam1 A!d this mo!4 4!e5 by the +oly Ghost 5hat 5as do!e about this 4i! >s so!" a!d too4 the habit of a mercha!t" a!d came u!to the city a!d spa4e to the reatest o6er!or of the 4i! >s so!" a!d said to himD I am a mercha!t a!d ha6e a precious sto!e to sell" 5hich i6eth si ht to bli!d me!" a!d heari! to deaf me!1 It ma4eth the dumb to spea4 a!d i6eth 5isdom to fools" a!d therefore bri! me to the 4i! >s so! a!d I shall deli6er it to him1 To 5hom he saidD Thou seemest a ma! of prude!t !ature" but thy 5ords accord !othi! to 5isdom" !e6ertheless if I had 4!o5led e of that sto!e" sho5 it me" a!d if it be such as thou sayst" a!d so pro6ed" thou shalt ha6e ri ht reat ho!ours of the 4i! >s so!1 To 5hom 9arlaam saidD -y sto!e hath yet such 6irtue that he that seeth it a!d hath !o!e 5hole si ht a!d 4eepeth !ot e!tire chastity if he haply sa5 it" the 6irtue 6isible that it hath" he should lose it" a!d I that am a physicia! see 5ell that thou hast !ot thy si ht 5hole" but I u!dersta!d that the 4i! >s so! is chaste" a!d hath ri ht fair eyes a!d 5hole1 A!d the! the ma! saidD If it be so" sho5 it !ot to me" for mi!e eyes be !ot 5hole" a!d am foul of si!1 A!d 9arlaam saidD This thi! appertai!eth to the 4i! >s so!" a!d therefore bri! me to him a!o!" a!d he a!o! told this to the 4i! >s so!" a!d brou ht him a!o! i!1 A!d he recei6ed him ho!orably" a!d the! 9arlaam said to himD Thou hast do!e 5ell" for thou hast !ot ta4e! heed of my little!ess that appeareth 5ithoutforth" but thou hast do!e li4e u!to a !oble 4i! " 5hich 5he! he rode i! his chair" clad 5ith clothes of old" a!d met 5ith poor me! 5hich 5ere clad 5ith tor! clothes" a!d a!o! he spra! out of his chair a!d fell do5! to their feet a!d 5orshipped them" a!d after arose a!d 4issed them" a!d his baro!s too4 this e6il" a!d 5ere afraid to repro6e him thereof" but they said to his brother" ho5 the 4i! had do!e thi! s a ai!st his royal ma=esty" a!d his brother repro6ed him thereof1 A!d the 4i! had such a custom that 5he! o!e should be deli6ered to death" the 4i! should se!d his crier 5ith his trump that 5as ordai!ed thereto1 A!d o! the e6e! he se!t the crier 5ith trump tofore his brother>s ate" a!d made to sou!d the trump" a!d 5he! the 4i! >s brother heard this" he 5as i! despair of sa6i! of his life" a!d could !ot sleep of all the !i ht" a!d made his testame!t1 A!d o! the mor! early he clad him i! blac4 a!d came 5eepi! 5ith his 5ife a!d childre! to the 4i! >s palace" a!d the 4i! made him come tofore him" a!d said to himD O fool that thou art" if thou hast heard the messe! er of thy brother" to 5hom













thou 4!o5est 5ell thou hast !ot trespassed" a!d doubtest so much" ho5 ou ht !ot I the! doubt the messe! ers of our Lord" a ai!st 5hom I ha6e so ofte! si!!ed" 5hich si !ified u!to me more clearly the death tha! the trump" a!d sho5ed to me horrible comi! of the =ud e1 A!d after this he did do ma4e four chests" a!d did do co6er t5o of them 5ith old 5ithoutforth" a!d did do fill them 5ith bo!es of dead me! a!d of filth1 A!d the other t5o he did do pitch a!d did do fill them 5ith precious sto!es a!d rich ems1 A!d after this the 4i! did do call his reat baro!s" because he 4!e5 5ell that they complai!ed of him to his brother" a!d did do set these four chests tofore them" a!d dema!ded of them 5hich 5ere most precious" a!d they said that the t5o that 5ere ilt 5ere most of 6alue1 The! the 4i! comma!ded that they should be ope!ed" a!d a!o! a reat ste!ch issued out of them1 A!d the 4i! saidD They be li4e them that be clothed 5ith precious 6estme!ts a!d be full 5ithi!forth of ordure a!d of si!1 A!d after" he made ope! the other a!d there issued a mar6ellous s5eet odour1 A!d after" the 4i! saidD These be semblable to the poor me! that I met a!d ho!oured" for thou h they be clad of foul 6estme!ts" yet shi!e they 5ithi!forth 5ith ood odour of ood 6irtues" a!d ye ta4e !o!e heed but to that 5ithoutforth" a!d co!sider !ot 5hat is 5ithi!1 A!d thou hast do!e to me li4e as that 4i! did" for thou hast 5ell recei6ed me1 A!d after this 9arlaam be a! to tell to him a lo! sermo! of the creatio! of the 5orld" a!d of the day of =ud me!t" a!d of the re5ard of ood a!d e6il7 a!d be a! stro! ly to blame them that 5orship idols" a!d told to him of their folly such a! e8ample as follo5eth" sayi! thatD A! archer too4 a little bird called a !i hti! ale" a!d 5he! he 5ould ha6e slai! this !i hti! ale there 5as a 6oice i6e! to the !i hti! ale 5hich saidD O thou ma!" 5hat should it a6ail thee if thou slay meE Thou mayst !ot fill thy belly 5ith me" but a!d if thou 5ilt let me o" I shall teach thee three 5isdoms" that if thou 4eep them dili e!tly thou mayst ha6e reat profit thereby1 The! he 5as abashed of his 5ords a!d promised that he 5ould let him o if he 5ould tell him his 5isdoms1 The! the bird saidD Study !e6er to ta4e that thi! that thou mayst !ot ta4e1 A!d of thi! s lost 5hich may !ot be reco6ered" sorro5 !e6er therefor1 Ne belie6e !e6er thi! that is i!credible1 @eep 5ell these three thi! s" a!d thou shalt do 5ell1 A!d the! he let the bird o as he had promised1 A!d the! the !i hti! ale flyi! i! the air said to himD AlasI thou 5retched ma!" thou hast had e6il cou!sel" for thou hast lost this day reat treasure1 'or I ha6e i! my bo5els a precious mar aret 5hich is reater tha! the e of a! ostrich1 A!d 5he! he heard that" he 5as much 5roth a!d sorro5ed sore because he had let her o" a!d e!forced him all that he could to ta4e her a ai!" sayi! D Come a ai! to my house a!d I shall sho5 to thee all huma!ity" a!d i6e to thee all that shall !eed thee" a!d after shall let thee o ho!ourably 5hereas thou 5ilt1 The! said the !i hti! ale to himD No5 I 4!o5 5ell that thou art a fool" for thou hast !o profit i! the 5isdoms that I ha6e said to thee1 'or thou art ri ht sorro5ful for me 5hom thou hast lost 5hich am irrecuperable" a!d yet thou 5ee!est to ta4e me 5here thou mayst !ot come so hi h as I am7 a!d furthermore 5here thou belie6est to be i! me a precious sto!e more bi tha! the e of a! ostrich" 5he! all my body may of !ot attai! to the reat!ess of such a! e 1 A!d i! li4e 5ise be they fools that adore a!d trust i! idols" for they 5orship that 5hich they ha6e made" a!d call them 5hom they ha6e made 4eepers of them1 A!d after he be a! to dispute a ai!st the fallacies of the 5orld a!d deli hts a!d 6a!itiee thereof" a!d brou ht forth ma!y e!samples a!d saidD They that desire the deli hts corporal" a!d suffer their souls to die for hu! er" be li4e to a ma! that fled tofore a! u!icor! that he should !ot de6our him" a!d i! fleei! he fell i!to a reat pit" a!d as he fell he cau ht a bra!ch of a tree 5ith his ha!ds a!d set his feet upo! a slidi! place" a!d the! sa5 t5o mice that o!e 5hite a!d that other blac4" 5hich 5ithout ceasi! !a5ed the root of the tree" a!d had almost !a5ed it asu!der1 A!d he sa5 i! the bottom of this pit a horrible dra o! casti! fire" a!d had his mouth ope! a!d desired to de6our him1 ?po! the slidi! place o! 5hich his feet stood he sa5 the heads of four serpe!ts 5hich issued there" a!d the! he lifted up his eyes a!d sa5 a little ho!ey that hu! i! the bou hs of the trees" a!d for at the peril that he 5as i! a!d a6e him all to the s5eet!ess of that little ho!ey1 The u!icor! is the fi ure of death 5hich co!ti!ually follo5eth ma! a!d desireth to ta4e him1 The pit is the 5orld 5hich is full of 5ic4ed!ess1 The tree is the life of e6ery ma!" 5hich by the t5o mice" that the day a!d !i ht a!d the hours thereof" i!cessa!tly be 5asted a!d approached to the cutti! or !a5i! asu!der1 The place 5here the four serpe!ts 5ere" is the body ordai!ed by the four eleme!ts" by 5hich the =oi!ture of the members is corrupt i! bodies disordi!ate1 The horrible dra o! is the mouth of hell 5hich desireth to de6our all creatures1 The s5eet!ess of the ho!ey i! the bou hs of the tree is the false decei6able delectatio! of the 5orld" by 5hich ma! is decei6ed so that he ta4eth !o heed of the peril that he is i!1 A!d yet he saidD That they that lo6e the 5orld be semblable to a ma! that had three frie!ds" of 5hich" he lo6ed the first as much as himself" a!d he lo6ed the seco!d less tha! himself" a!d lo6ed the third a little












or !au ht1 A!d it happed so that this ma! 5as i! reat peril of his life a!d 5as summo!ed tofore the 4i! 1 The! he ra! to his first frie!d a!d dema!ded of him his help a!d told to him ho5 he had al5ays lo6ed him" to 5hom he saidD I ha6e other frie!ds 5ith 5hom I must be this day" a!d I 5ot !ot 5ho thou art" therefore I may !ot help thee" yet !e6ertheless I shall i6e to thee t5o slops 5ith 5hich thou mayst co6er thee1 A!d the! he 5e!t a5ay much sorro5ful" a!d 5e!t to that other frie!d a!d re<uired also his aid" a!d he said to himD I may !ot atte!d to o 5ith thee to this debate for I ha6e reat char e" but I shall yet fello5ship thee u!to the ate of the palace" a!d the! I shall retur! a ai! a!d do mi!e o5! !eeds1 A!d the! he bei! hea6y a!d as despaired" 5e!t to the third frie!d" a!d said to himD I ha6e !o reaso! to spea4 to thee" !e I ha6e !ot lo6ed thee as I ou ht" but I am i! tribulatio! a!d 5ithout frie!ds" a!d pray thee that thou help me1 A!d that other said" 5ith lad cheerD Certes" I co!fess to be thy dear frie!d a!d ha6e !ot for otte! the little be!efit that thou hast do!e to me" a!d I shall o ri ht ladly 5ith thee tofore the 4i! " for to see 5hat shall be dema!ded of thee" a!d I shall pray the 4i! for thee1 The first frie!d is possessio! of riches" for 5hich ma! putteth him i! ma!y perils" a!d 5he! the death cometh he hath !o more of it but a cloth for to 5i!d him for to be buried1 The seco!d frie!d is his so!s" his 5ife" a!d 4i!" 5hich o 5ith him to his ra6e a!d a!o! retur! for to e!te!d to their o5! !eeds1 The third frie!d is faith" hope" a!d charity" a!d other ood 5or4s 5hich 5e ha6e do!e" that 5he! 5e issue out of our bodies they may 5ell o tofore us a!d pray God for us" a!d they may 5ell deli6er us from the de6ils our e!emies1 A!d yet he said accordi! to this" that i! a certai! city is a custom that they of the city shall choose e6ery year a stra! e ma! a!d u!4!o5! for to be their pri!ce" a!d they shall i6e him puissa!ce to do 5hatsome6er he 5ill a!d o6er! the cou!try 5ithout a!y other co!stitutio!1 A!d he bei! thus i! reat delices a!d 5eepi! e6er to co!ti!ue" sudde!ly they of the city should arise a ai!st him a!d lead him !a4ed throu h the city" a!d after se!d him i!to a! isle i! e8ile" a!d there he should fi!d !either meat !e clothes" but should be co!strai!ed to be perished for hu! er a!d cold1 A!d after that" they 5ould e!ha!ce a!other to the 4i! dom" a!d thus they did lo! 1 At the last they too4 o!e 5hich 4!e5 their custom" a!d he se!t tofore him i!to that isle reat treasure 5ithout !umber duri! all his year1 A!d 5he! his year 5as accomplished a!d passed" he 5as put out a!d put to e8ile li4e the other" a!d 5hereas the other that had bee! tofore him perished for cold a!d hu! er" he abou!ded i! reat riches a!d delices1 A!d this city is the 5orld" a!d the citiHe!s be the pri!ces of dar4!ess 5hich feed us 5ith false delectatio! of the 5orld" a!d the! the death cometh 5he! 5e ta4e !o!e heed" a!d that 5e be se!t i! e8ile to the place of dar4!ess" a!d the riches that be tofore se!t" be do!e by the ha!d of poor me!1 A!d 5he! 9arlaam had perfectly tau ht the 4i! >s so!" a!d he 5ould lea6e his father for to follo5 him" 9arlaam said to himD If thou 5ilt do thus" thou shalt be semblable to a you! ma! that 5he! he 5ould ha6e 5edded a !oble 5ife he forsoo4 her a!d fled a5ay a!d came i!to a place 5hereas he sa5 a 6ir i!" dau hter of a! old poor ma!" that laboured" a!d praised God 5ith her mouth1 To 5hom he saidD ,hat is that thou doest" dau hter" that art so poor a!d al5ays thou tha!4est God li4e as thou hadst recei6ed reat thi! s of himE To 5hom she saidD Li4e as a little medici!e oft deli6ereth a reat la! uor a!d pai!" ri ht so for to i6e to God tha!4i! s" al5ays of a little ift is made a i6er of reat ifts" for the thi! s that be 5ithoutforth be !ot ours" but they that be 5ithi! us be ours" a!d therefore I ha6e recei6ed reat thi! s of God" for he hath made me li4e to his ima e1 +e hath i6e! to me u!dersta!di! " he hath called me to his lory" a!d hath ope!ed to me the ate of his 4i! dom" a!d therefore for these ifts it is fitti! to me to i6e him praisi! 1 This you! ma! seei! her prude!ce as4ed of her father to ha6e her to 5ife" to 5hom the father saidD Thou mayst !ot ha6e my dau hter" for thou art the so! of rich a!d !oble 4i!" a!d I am but a poor ma!1 9ut 5he! he sore desired her" the old ma! said to himD I may !ot i6e her to thee" sith thou 5ilt lead her home i!to the house of thy father" for she is mi!e o!ly dau hter" a!d I ha6e !o more1 A!d he saidD I shall d5ell 5ith thee" a!d shall accord 5ith thee i! all thi! s1 A!d the! he did off his precious 6estme!ts a!d did o! him the habit of a! old ma!" a!d so d5elli! 5ith him too4 her u!to his 5ife" a!d 5he! the old ma! had lo! pro6ed him he led him i!to his chamber a!d sho5ed to him reat ple!ty of riches" more tha! e6er he had" a!d a6e to him all1 A!d the! Josaphat said to himD This !arratio! toucheth me co!6e!ably" a!d I tro5 thou hast said this for me1 No5 say to me" father" ho5 ma!y years art thou old" a!d 5here co!6ersest thou" for from thee I 5ill !e6er depart1 To 5hom 9arlaam saidD I ha6e d5elled forty:fi6e years i! the desert of the la!d of Se!aar7 to 5hom Josaphat saidD Thou seemest better to be se6e!ty years" a!d he saidD If thou dema!dest all the years of my !ati6ity" thou hast 5ell esteemed them" but I accou!t !ot of the !umber of my life them specially that I ha6e dispe!ded i! the 6a!ity of the 5orld" for I 5as the! dead to5ard God" a!d I !umber !ot the years of death 5ith the years of life1 A!d 5he! Josaphat 5ould ha6e follo5ed him i!to desert 9arlaam said to himD If thou do so I shall !ot ha6e









thy compa!y" a!d I shall be the! the author of persecutio! to my brethre!" but 5he! thou seest time co!6e!able thou shalt come to me1 A!d the! 9arlaam baptiHed the 4i! >s so! a!d i!formed him 5ell i! the faith" a!d after" retur!ed i!to his cell1




A!d a little 5hile after" the 4i! heard say that his so! 5as christe!ed" 5herefore he 5as much sorro5ful1 A!d o!e that 5as his frie!d" !amed Arachis" recomforti! him saidD Sir @i! " I 4!o5 ri ht 5ell a! old hermit that resembleth much 9arlaam" a!d he is of our sect1 +e shall fei ! him as he 5ere 9arlaam a!d shall defe!d first the faith of christia! me!" a!d after" shall lea6e a!d retur! from it" a!d thus your so! shall retur! to you1 A!d the! the 4i! 5e!t i!to desert as it 5ere to see4 9arlaam" a!d too4 this hermit a!d fei !ed that he had ta4e! 9arlaam1 A!d 5he! the 4i! >s so! heard that 9arlaam 5as ta4e! he 5ept bitterly" but after5ards he 4!e5 by re6elatio! di6i!e that it 5as !ot he1 The! the 4i! 5e!t to his so! a!d said to himD Thou hast put me i! reat hea6i!ess" thou hast disho!oured mi!e old a e" thou hast dar4e!ed the li ht of mi!e eyes" so!" 5hy hast thou do!e soE Thou hast forsa4e! the ho!our of my ods1 A!d he a!s5ered to himD I ha6e fled the dar4!ess a!d am come to the li ht" I ha6e fled error a!d 4!o5 truth" a!d therefore tra6ailest thou for !ou ht" for thou mayst !e6er 5ithdra5 me f>rom Jesu Christ1 'or li4e as it is impossible for thee to touch the hea6e! 5ith thy ha!d" or for to dry the reat sea" so is it to thee for to cha! e me1 The! the father saidD ,ho is cause hereof but I myself that so loriously ha6e do !ourished thee" that !e6er father !ourished more his so!E 'or 5hich cause thi!e e6il 5ill hath made thee 5ood a ai!st me" a!d it is 5ell ri ht" for the astro!omers i! thy !ati6ity said that thou shouldst be proud a!d disobedie!t to thy pare!ts" but a!d thou !o5 5ilt !ot obey me thou shalt !o more be my so!" a!d I shall be thi!e e!emy for a father" a!d shall do to thee that I !e6er did to mi!e e!emies1 To 5hom Josaphat saidD 'ather" 5herefore art thou a! ry because I am made a part!er of ood thi! sE ,hat father 5as e6er sorro5ful i! the prosperity of his so!E I shall !o more call thee father but a!d if thou be co!trary to me" I shall flee thee as a serpe!t1 The! the 4i! departed from him i! reat a! er" a!d said to Arachis his frie!d all the hard!ess of his so!1 A!d he cou!selled the 4i! that he should i6e him !o sharp 5ords" for a child is better reformed by fair a!d s5eet 5ords1 The day follo5i! the 4i! came to his so! a!d be a! to clip" embrace" a!d 4iss him" a!d said to himD -y ri ht s5eet so!" ho!our thou mi!e old a e" so!" dread thy father1 @!o5est thou !ot 5ell that it is ood to obey thy father a!d ma4e him lad" a!d for to do co!trary it is si!" a!d they that a! er them si! e6ilE To 5hom Josaphat saidD There is time to lo6e a!d time to hate" time of peace a!d time of battle" a!d 5e ou ht i! !o 5ise lo6e them !e obey to them that 5ould put us a5ay from God" be it father or mother1 A!d 5he! his father sa5 his steadfast!ess he said to himD Sith I see thy folly a!d that thou 5ilt !ot obey me" come a!d 5e shall 4!o5 the truth" for 9arlaam 5hich hath deli6ered thee" is bou!de! i! my priso!" a!d let us assemble our people 5ith 9arlaam" a!d I shall se!d for all the Galilea!s that they may safely come 5ithout dread a!d dispute" a!d if that ye 5ith your 9arlaam o6ercome us" 5e shall belie6e a!d obey you" a!d if 5e o6ercome you" ye shall co!se!t to us1 A!d this pleased 5ell to the 4i! a!d to Josaphat" a!d 5he! they had ordai!ed that he that !amed him 9arlaam should first defe!d the faith of Christ" a!d suffer him after to be o6ercome" a!d so 5ere all assembled1 The! Josaphat tur!ed him to5ards Nachor" 5hich fei !ed him to be 9arlaam a!d saidD 9arlaam" thou 4!o5est 5ell ho5 thou hast tau ht me" a!d if thou defe!d the faith that I ha6e lear!ed of thee" I shall abide i! thy doctri!e to the e!d of my life" a!d if thou be o6ercome I shall a6e! e me a!o! o! thee my i!=ury" a!d shall pluc4 out the to! ue out of thi!e head 5ith mi!e ha!ds" a!d i6e it to do s" to the e!d that thou be !ot so hardy to put a 4i! >s so! i! error1 A!d 5he! Nachor heard that" he 5as i! reat fear" a!d sa5 5ell that if he said co!trary" he 5ere but dead" a!d that he 5as ta4e! i! his o5! s!are1 A!d the! he ad6ised that it 5ere better to ta4e a!d hold 5ith the so! tha! 5ith the father" for to esche5 the peril of death1 'or the 4i! had said to him" tofore them all" that he should defe!d the faith hardily a!d 5ithout dread1 The! o!e of the masters said to himD Thou art 9arlaam 5hich hast decei6ed the so! of the 4i! " a!d he saidD I am 9arlaam 5hich ha6e !ot put the 4i! >s so! i! a!y error" but I ha6e brou ht him out of error1 A!d the! the master said to himD 3i ht !oble a!d mar6ellous me! ha6e 5orshipped our ods" ho5 darest thou the! address thee a ai!st themE A!d he a!s5eredD They of Chaldee" of E ypt" a!d of Greece" ha6e erred a!d said that the creatures 5ere ods" a!d the Chaldees supposed that the eleme!ts had bee! ods 5hich 5ere created to the profit of me!" a!d the Gree4s supposed that cursed me! a!d tyra!ts had bee! ods" as Satur!" 5hom they said ate his so!" a!d Jupiter 5hich as they say elded his father a!d thre5 his members i!to the sea" 5hereof re5 Ve!us" a!d Jupiter to be 4i! of the other ods because he tra!sformed oft himself i! li4e!ess of a beast for to accomplish his adultery1 A!d also they say that Ve!us is oddess of adultery" a!d sometime -ars is her husba!d a!d sometime Ado!ides1 The E yptia!s










5orship the beasts" that is to 5it a sheep" a calf" a s5i!e" or such other" a!d the christia! me! 5orship the so! of the ri ht hi h 4i! that desce!ded from hea6e! a!d too4 !ature huma!1 A!d the! Nachor be a! clearly to defe!d the la5 of christia! me!" a!d ar!ished him 5ith ma!y reaso!s" so that the masters 5ere all abashed a!d 5ist !ot 5hat to a!s5er1 A!d the! Josaphat had reat =oy of that" 5hich our Lord had defe!ded the truth by him that 5as e!emy of truth1 A!d the! the 4i! 5as full of 5ood!ess" a!d comma!ded that the cou!cil should depart" li4e as he 5ould ha6e treated a ai! o! the mor! of the same fait1 The! Josaphat said to his fatherD Let my master be 5ith me this !i ht" to the e!d that 5e may ma4e our collatio! to ether for to ma4e to:morro5 our a!s5ers" a!d thou shalt lead thy masters 5ith thee" a!d shalt ta4e cou!sel 5ith them" a!d if thou Iead my master 5ith thee thou doest me !o ri ht1 ,herefore he ra!ted to him Nachor" because he hoped that he should decei6e him1 A!d 5he! the 4i! >s so! 5as come to his chamber a!d Nachor 5ith him" Josaphat said to NachorD Ne 5ee!est thou !ot that I 4!o5 theeE I 5ot 5ell thou art !ot 9arlaam" but thou art Nachor" the astro!omer1 A!d Josaphat preached the! to him the 5ay of health" a!d co!6erted him to the faith" a!d o! the mor! se!t him i!to desert" a!d there 5as baptiHed" a!d led the life of a hermit1 The! there 5as a! e!cha!ter !amed Theodosius1 ,he! he heard of this thi! " he came to the 4i! a!d said that he should ma4e his so! retur! a!d belie6e i! his ods1 A!d the 4i! said to himD If thou do so I shall ma4e to thee a! ima e of old a!d offer sacrifices thereto" li4e as to my ods1 A!d he saidD Ta4e a5ay all them that be about thy so! a!d put to him fair 5ome! a!d 5ell ador!ed" a!d comma!d them al5ays to abide by him" a!d after I shall se!d a 5ic4ed spirit that shall i!flame him to lu8ury" a!d there is !othi! that may so soo! decei6e the you! me! as the beauty of 5ome!1 A!d he said yet moreD There 5as a 4i! 5hich had 5ith reat pai! a so!" a!d the 5ise masters said that if he sa5 su! or moo! 5ithi! te! years he should lose the si ht of his eyes1 The! it 5as ordai!ed that this child should be !ourished 5ithi! a pit made i! a reat roc41 A!d 5he! the te! years 5ere passed" the 4i! comma!ded that his so! should be brou ht tofore him because he should 4!o5 the !ames of all thi! s" a!d the! they brou ht tofore him =e5els" horses" a!d beasts of all ma!!ers" a!d also old" sil6er" precious sto!es" a!d all other thi! s" a!d 5he! he had dema!ded the !ames of e6erythi! " a!d that the mi!isters had told him" he set !ou ht thereby1 A!d 5he! his father sa5 that he rec4ed !ot of such thi! s" the! the 4i! made to be brou ht tofore him 5ome! <uai!tly arrayed" a!d he dema!ded 5hat they 5ere" for they 5ould !ot so li htly tell him" 5hereof he 5as a!!oyed" a!d after the master s<uire of the 4i! said" =api! " that they 5ere de6ils that decei6e me!1 The! the 4i! dema!ded him 5hat he liefest had of all that he had see!" a!d he a!s5eredD 'ather" my soul co6eteth !othi! so much as the de6ils that decei6e me!1 A!d therefore I suppose that !o!e other thi! shall surmou!t thy so! but 5ome!" 5hich mo6e me! al5ays to lechery1 The! the 4i! put out all his mi!isters" a!d set therei! to be about his so! ri ht !oble a!d fair maide!s" 5hich al5ays him admo!ished to play" a!d there 5ere !o!e others that mi ht spea4 !e ser6e him1 A!d a!o! the e!cha!ter se!t to him the de6il for to i!flame him" 5hich bur!ed the you! ma! 5ithi!forth" a!d the maide!s 5ithoutforth1 A!d 5he! he felt him so stro! ly tra6ailed" he 5as much a! ry a!d recomme!ded himself all to God" a!d he recei6ed di6i!e comfort i! such 5ise that all temptatio! departed from him1 A!d after this that the 4i! sa5 that the de6il had do!e !othi! " he se!t to him a fair maide!" a 4i! >s dau hter" 5hich 5as fatherless1 To 5hom this ma! of God preached" a!d she a!s5eredD If thou 5ilt sa6e me a!d ta4e me a5ay from 5orshippi! the idols" co!=oi! thee u!to me by coupli! of marria e" for the patriarchs" prophets" a!d (eter the Apostle had 5i6es1 A!d he said to herD ,oma!" these 5ords sayest thou !o5 for !au ht1 It appertai!eth 5ell to christia! me! to 5ed 5i6es" but !ot to them that ha6e promised to our Lord to 4eep 6ir i!ity1 A!d she said to himD No5 be it as thou 5ilt" but if thou 5ilt sa6e my soul ra!t to me a little re<uest" lie 5ith me o!ly this !i ht a!d I promise to thee that to:mor! I shall be made christia!" for as ye say the a! els ha6e more =oy i! hea6e! of o!e si!!er doi! pe!a!ce" tha! o! ma!y others1 There is reat uerdo! due to him that doth pe!a!ce" a!d co!6erteth him1 Therefore ra!t to me o!ly this re<uest" a!d so thou shalt sa6e me1 A!d the! she be a! stro! ly to assail the to5er of his co!scie!ce1 The! the de6il said to his fello5sD LoI see ho5 this maid hath stro! ly put forth that 5e mi ht !ot mo6e1 Come the! a!d let us 4!oc4 stro! ly a ai!st him sith 5e fi!d !o5 time co!6e!able1 A!d 5he! the holy you! ma! sa5 this thi! " a!d that he 5as i! that caitif!ess that the co6etise of his flesh admo!ished him to si!" a!d also that he desired the sal6atio! of the maid by e!tici! of the de6il that mo6ed him" he the! put himself to prayer i! 5eepi! " a!d there fell asleep" a!d sa5 by a 6isio! that he 5as brou ht i!to a meado5 arrayed 5ith fair flo5ers" there 5here the lea6es of the trees deme!ed a s5eet sou!d 5hich came by a 5i!d a reeable" a!d thereout issued a mar6ellous odour" a!d the fruit 5as ri ht fair to see" a!d ri ht delectable of taste" a!d there 5ere seats of old a!d sil6er a!d















precious sto!es" a!d the beds 5ere !oble a!d preciously ador!ed" a!d ri ht clear 5ater ra! thereby1 A!d after that" he e!tered i!to a city of 5hich the 5alls 5ere of fi!e old" a!d sho!e by mar6ellous clear!ess" a!d sa5 i! the air some that sa! a so! that !e6er ear of mortal ma! heard li4e1 A!d it 5as saidD This is the place of blessed sai!ts1 A!d as they 5ould ha6e had him the!ce" he prayed them that they 5ould let him d5ell there1 A!d they said to himD Thou shalt yet hereafter come hither 5ith reat tra6ail if thou mayst suffer1 A!d after they led him i!to a ri ht horrible place" full of all filth a!d ste!ch" a!d said to himD This is the place of 5ic4ed people1 A!d 5he! he a5o4e" him seemed that the beauty of that damosel 5as more foul a!d sti!4i! tha! all the other ordure1 A!d the! the 5ic4ed spirits came a ai! to Theodosius a!d he the! blamed them" to 5hom they saidD ,e ra! upo! him tofore he mar4ed him 5ith the si ! of the cross" a!d troubled him stro! ly" a!d 5he! he 5as ar!ished 5ith the si ! of the cross he persecuted us by reat force1 The! Theodosius came to him 5ith the 4i! a!d had hoped that he should ha6e per6erted him" but this e!cha!ter 5as ta4e! of him 5hom he supposed to ha6e ta4e!" a!d 5as co!6erted a!d recei6ed baptism a!d li6ed after a holy life1 A!d the! the 4i! 5as all despaired a!d by cou!sel of his frie!ds he deli6ered to him half his realm" a!d ho5beit that Josaphat desired 5ith all his thou ht the desert" yet for to i!crease the faith he recei6ed the realm for a certai! time" a!d made churches" a!d raised crosses" a!d co!6erted much people of his realm to the faith of Jesu Christ" a!d at the last the father co!se!ted to the reaso!s a!d predicatio!s of his so!" a!d belie6ed o! the faith of Jesu Christ a!d recei6ed baptism" a!d left his realm 5holly to his so!" a!d e!te!ded to 5or4s of pe!a!ce" a!d after" fi!ished his life laudably1 A!d Josaphat oft 5ar!ed the 4i! 9arachius that he 5ould o i! to desert" but he 5as retai!ed of the people lo! time" but at the last he fled a5ay i! to desert" a!d as he 5e!t i! a desert he a6e to a poor ma! his habit royal a!d abode i! a ri ht poor o5!1 A!d the de6il made to him ma!y assaults" for sometimes he ra! upo! him 5ith a s5ord dra5! a!d me!aced to smite if he left !ot the desert7 a!d a!other time he appeared to him i! the form of a 5ild beast a!d foamed a!d ra! o! him as he 5ould ha6e de6oured him" a!d the! Josaphat saidD Our Lord is mi!e helper1 I doubt !o thi! that ma! may do to me1 A!d thus Josaphat 5as t5o years 6a ra!t a!d erred i! desert" a!d could !ot fi!d 9arlaam1 A!d at the last he fou!d a ca6e i! the earth" a!d 4!oc4ed at the door" a!d saidD 'ather" bless me" a!d a!o! 9arlaam heard the 6oice of him" a!d rose up a!d 5e!t out" a!d the! each 4issed other a!d embraced straitly a!d 5ere lad of their assembli! 1 A!d after Josaphat recou!ted to 9arlaam all these thi! s that 5ere happe!ed" a!d he re!dered a!d a6e tha!4i! s to God therefor1 A!d Josaphat d5elled there ma!y years i! reat a!d mar6ellous pe!a!ce" full of 6irtues1 A!d 5he! 9arlaam had accomplished his days" he rested i! peace about the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d ei hty1 Josaphat left his realm the t5e!ty:fifth year of his a e" a!d led the life of a hermit thirty:fi6e years> a!d the! rested i! peace" full of 6irtues" a!d 5as buried by the body of 9arlaam1 A!d 5he! the 4i! 9arachius heard of this thi! " he came u!to that same place 5ith a reat compa!y" a!d too4 the bodies a!d bare them 5ith much reat ho!our i!to his city" 5here God hath sho5ed ma!y fair miracles at the tomb of these t5o precious bodies1 Here followeth the hi tory of *" Pela(iu the Po&e. with %a#y other hi torie a#d (e te of the Lo%)ard . a#d of Maho%et. with other $hro#i$le " (ela ius the (ope 5as of much reat holi!ess" a!d demea!ed him laudably i! the See of 3ome" a!d i! his last e!d he e!ded i! our Lord full of 6irtues7 but this 5as !ot that (ela ius the predecessor of S1 Gre ory but a!other tofore him1 To this (ela ius succeeded Joh! the Third" a!d to Joh!" 9e!edict" to 9e!edict" (ela ius" to (ela ius" Gre ory1 I! the time of this (ela ius came the Lombards i!to Italy" a!d because ma!y 4!o5 !ot this history I ha6e ordai!ed it to be set here li4e as it is set i! the history of the Lombards 5hich (aul" the historio rapher of Lombards" hath compiled a!d e8pou!ded i! di6ers chro!icles1 +e saith that there 5as a multitude of people of Germa!y issued from the ri6a e of the sea ocea!" a!d sailed to5ards the !orth from the isle of Sca!di!a6ia" a!d e!6iro!ed ma!y cou!tries a!d made ma!y battles" a!d at the last they came i!to (a!!o!ia" a!d durst !ot o farther" a!d there established to hold their perpetual habitatio!1 These me! 5ere called +u!s" a!d after5ards they 5ere called Lombards1 A!d yet as they 5ere i! Germa!y" A ilmud" 4i! of the Lombards" fou!d se6e! childre! cast i!to a pisci!e for to be dro5!ed" 5hich 5ere bor! at o!e burde! of a commo! 5oma!1 A!d 5he! the 4i! had fou!d them by case of ad6e!ture" he mar6elled much" a!d 5ith his spear he be a! to tur! a!d mo6e them" a!d o!e of the childre! too4 a!d held the spear 5ith his ha!d" a!d 5he! the 4i! sa5 that he 5as








abashed" a!d made him to be ta4e! a!d !ourished" a!d called him reat Lamissio" a!d said that he should be of so reat puissa!ce that after the death of the 4i! of the Lombards he should be made 4i! of them1 About that same time" i! the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d ei hty" there 5as a bishop of the heresy Aria!" as saith Eutropius" 5hich 5ould ha6e baptiHed o!e !amed 9ar!abas" a!d 5he! he said 9ar!abas" I baptiHe thee i! the !ame of the 'ather" by the So! 5ith the +oly Ghost" by 5hich he 5ould sho5 the So! a!d the +oly Ghost to be less tha! the 'ather" a!d a!o! the 5ater 6a!ished a5ay" a!d he" that should ha6e bee! baptiHed" fled to the church for to be baptiHed1 I! that time flourished -edard a!d Gildard brethre!" both of o!e burde! a!d bor! i! o!e day" a!d both made bishops i! o!e day" a!d i! o!e day both they died i! our Lord1 A!d tofore this time it is said i! a chro!icle about the year of our Lord four hu!dred a!d o!e" as the heresy Aria! re5 i! 'ra!ce" the u!ity of the substa!ce of three perso!s 5as sho5ed by ope! miracle li4e as (hilibert rehearseth1 'or as the bishop sa! mass i! the city of Vasace!ce he sa5 three drops ri ht clear" all of o!e reat!ess" 5hich 5ere upo! the altar" a!d all three ra! to ether i!to a precious em" a!d 5he! they had set this em i! a cross of old all the other precious sto!es that 5ere there fell out1 A!d this em 5as clear to them that 5ere clea! out of si!" a!d it 5as obscure a!d dar4 to si!!ers" a!d it a6e health to them that 5ere sic4" a!d i!creased them that 5orshipped the cross1 After this rei !ed a 4i! upo! the Lombards 5hich 5as !amed Alboi!" a stro! ma! a!d a !oble" 5hich had a battle 5ith the 4i! of the Gebidai!s" a!d destroyed their host a!d sle5 their 4i! " 5herefore the so! of the 4i! that 5as slai! succeeded his father" a!d came 5ith a reat puissa!t army a ai!st Alboi! for to a6e! e his father1 A!d Alboi! mo6ed his stre! th a ai!st him a!d surmou!ted him a!d sle5 him" a!d led a5ay 5ith him 3osamo!d his 5ife i! capti6ity" but after he too4 her to his 5ife" a!d he did do ma4e a cup of the s4ull of that 4i! a!d closed it i! fi!e old a!d sil6er" a!d dra!4 out of it1 I! that time Justi!ia! the Less o6er!ed the empire" 5hich had a pri!ce chaste !amed Narses" 5hich 5as a !oble ma! a!d stro! " 5hich 5e!t to battle a ai!st the Goths that the! had ta4e! all Italy1 A!d he surmou!ted them a!d sle5 their 4i! a!d made peace i! all Italy" a!d after" yet for all his reat 6ictory a!d 5eal he suffered reat e!6y of the 3oma!s" for he 5as falsely accused u!to the emperor" a!d the 5ife of the emperor" !amed Sophia" did to him so reat despite that she se!t him 5ord that she should ma4e him to spi! a!d clip 5ool 5ith her chamberers1 To 5hom Narses se!t her a!s5er" sayi! D I shall so purchase to set such a cloth i! thy looms that duri! thy life thou shalt !ot fi!ish it !e ta4e it do5!1 The! Narses 5e!t to Neapoli!" a!d se!t to the Lombards that they should lea6e that poor la!d of (a!!o!ia" a!d that they should pursue the ri ht ple!teous la!d of Italy1 A!d 5he! Alboi! heard this thi! he Ieft (a!!o!ia a!d e!tered 5ith his Lombards i!to Italy the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d si8ty ei ht" a!d they 5ere accustomed to ha6e lo! beards" 5herefore o! a time" as it is said" certai! spies came to espie them" 5hereof Alboi! had 4!o5led e" a!d comma!ded that all the 5ome! should u!bi!d their hair a!d bi!d it u!der their chi!s i! such 5ise that they should seem me!1 A!d therefore 5ere they called Lo! ebards" a!d so after" Lombards" a!d all because of lo! beards1 A!d others say 5he! they ou ht to fi ht 5ith the Va!delia!s or Va!dals" they 5e!t to a ma! that had a spirit of prophecy for to pray for them" a!d that he should bless them" a!d by cou!sel of his 5ife they should put them by the 5i!do5 5hereas he prayed to5ards the orie!t1 A!d the 5ome! put their hair about their chi!s i!stead of beards" a!d 5he! he ope!ed his 5i!do5 a!d sa5 them" he escried a!d saidD ,ho be these lo! beardsE A!d the! his 5ife said to him that he should i6e the 6ictory to them that he had !amed1 The! e!tered they i!to Italy a!d too4 almost all the cities" a!d sle5 all the i!habita!ts a!d assie ed three years (a6ia a!d at the last they too4 it1 A!d the 4i! Alboi! had s5or! that he should slay all the christia! me!1 A!d as he should e!ter i!to (a6ia his horse 4!eeled tofore the ate of the city" a!d could !ot ma4e him to arise 5ith his spurs" !e i! !o!e other ma!!er" till by the 5ar!i! of a christia! ma! he had cha! ed his oath1 A!d from the!ce came the Lombards to -ila!" a!d i! a little time they subdued to them all Italy sa6e 3ome a!d 3oma!iole" 5hich al5ays 5as adhere!t to 3ome" for it held al5ays 5ith 3ome1 A!d 5he! the 4i! Alboi! came to Vero!a a!d had ordai!ed a reat feast" he comma!ded to bri! forth the cup that he had do ma4e of the head of the 4i! " a!d did dri!4 thereof" a!d a6e it to 3osamo!d his 5ife" a!d saidD Dri!4 5ith thy father" a!d 5he! 3osamo!d 4!e5 it" she had reat disdai! a!d hate to5ard the 4i! 1 A!d the 4i! had a du4e 5hich held a!d lay by a damsel of the <uee!" a!d o! a time she 5as out" a!d the <uee! e!tered i!to her chamber a!d se!t for the du4e i! the !ame of the same damsel1 A!d 5he! he 5as come a!d had do!e his 5ill" she said to himD ,otest thou 5ho I amE a!d he saidD ;e are my lo6e" a!d she saidD Nay" I am 3osamo!d the <uee!" 5herefore my husba!d shall be a! ry" but I pray thee that thou 5ilt a6e! e me o! him" for he hath slai! my father" a!d hath do ma4e a cup of his head" a!d hath made me for to dri!4 thereof1 A!d he


















5ould !ot ra!t her" but promised to her that he should fi!d o!e that should do it1 The! 5he! he should come she too4 a5ay the 4i! >s arms" a!d bou!d fast his s5ord i! the sheath so that he mi ht !ot dra5 it out" 5hich hu! at his bed>s head" a!d 5he! the 4i! 5as asleep i! his bed" the homicide e!forced him to e!ter i!to the chamber" a!d 5he! the 4i! felt him he spra! up a!d too4 his s5ord" but he mi ht !ot dra5 it out" a!d be a! stro! ly to defe!d him 5ith a stool1 9ut that other 5hich 5as 5ell armed pre6ailed o! the 4i! a!d sle5 him a!d too4 all his treasure" a!d 5e!t 5ith 3osamo!d to 3a6e!!a1 A!d 5he! 3osamo!d 5as i! 3a6e!!a she sa5 a fair you! ma! 5hich 5as pro6ost of the to5!" a!d desired to ha6e him to her husba!d" a!d she a6e to her husba!d to dri!4" a!d a!o! he felt the bitter!ess of the 6e!om a!d comma!ded to 3osamo!d for to dri!4 the residue7 5hich she refused1 A!d he too4 his s5ord a!d co!strai!ed her to dri!4 it" a!d thus they perished a!d died both to ether1 A!d after this the Lombards made a 4i! !amed Adalaoth 5hich 5as baptiHed" a!d recei6ed the faith of Christ1 A!d Theodoli!a" <uee! of the Lombards" a de6out a!d most christia! lady" ordai!ed at -ode!a a much fair oratory1 To 5hom S1 Gre ory se!t the boo4s of dialo ues" a!d she co!6erted A isulphe" her husba!d" to the faith" 5hich had first bee! Du4e of Turi!" a!d after 5as 4i! of the Lombards1 A!d he made peace to be had 5ith the emperor a!d 5ith the church1 A!d the peace 5as made bet5ee! the 3oma!s a!d the Lombards the day of the feast of S1 Ger6ase a!d S1 (rothase" a!d therefore established S1 Gre ory to si! the office i! the massD Lo<uetur domi!us pacem1 A!d i! the !ati6ity of S1 Joh! 9aptist the peace 5as all co!firmed" a!d this Theodoli!a had a special de6otio! to the blessed S1 Joh!" a!d said that by the merit of him her people 5as co!6erted" a!d to him she made the said oratory at -ode!a" a!d it 5as she5ed by re6elatio!" u!to a holy ma!" that S1 Joh! 5as patro! a!d defe!der of her people1 A!d 5he! Gre ory 5as dead Sabi!e succeeded after him" a!d to him succeeded 9o!iface the third" a!d to him 9o!iface the fourth" at 5hose re<uest (hocas the emperor a6e to the church of Christ the temple of (a!theo!" about the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d te!" a!d he" at the re<uest of the third 9o!iface" established the See of 3ome to be chief a!d head of all the church1 'or tofore" the church of Co!sta!ti!ople 5rote herself reatest of all other churches1 A!d 5he! (hocas 5as dead +eraclius rei !ed1 A!d about the year of our Lord si8 hu!dred a!d te! -ahomet the false prophet" a!d a! e!cha!ter" decei6ed the +a are!es or Ishmaelites" that is to say the Sarace!s" i! this ma!!er as it is read i! a history of him i! a certai! chro!icle1 There 5as a cler4 much re!o5!ed at 3ome 5hich could !ot come to the 5orship that he desired" a!d i! reat disdai! departed the!ce i! to the parts o6er the sea" a!d dre5 to him by his simulatio! much people" a!d fou!d -ahomet" a!d said to him that he 5ould ma4e him lord a!d chief of all the people1 A!d after" he !ourished a do6e" a!d laid 5heat a!d other cor! i! the ears of -ahomet" a!d set the do6e upo! his shoulder" a!d fed him out of his ear" a!d 5as so used a!d accustomed that al5ays 5he! he sa5 -ahomet he fle5 o! his shoulder a!d put his bill or bea4 i! his ear" a!d the! this cler4 called the people a!d said that he 5ould ma4e him lord o6er them all o! 5hom the +oly Ghost should desce!d i! the li4e!ess of a cul6er or a do6e1 A!d the! he let the do6e fly secretly" a!d he fle5 upo! the shoulder of -ahomet 5hich 5as amo! the others" a!d put his bea4 i! his ear1 A!d 5he! the people sa5 this thi! they supposed that the +oly Ghost had desce!ded o! him" a!d had sho5ed u!to him i! his ear the 5ord of God" a!d thus decei6ed -ahomet the Sarace!s" 5hich 5ith his adhere!ts assailed the realm of (ersia a!d all the parts of the Orie!t u!to Ale8a!dria1 Thus it is said commo!ly" but this that shall here follo5 is had from more truer history1 'or the! -ahomet made a!d fei !ed his la5s to be made of the +oly Ghost" 5hich i! the si ht of the people oft came u!to him i! the form of a do6e" a!d i! his la5s he put some thi! s of the Old a!d Ne5 Testame!t1 'or 5he! he 5as i! his first a e he hau!ted E ypt a!d (alesti!e" a!d 5as a mercha!t a!d led camels" a!d co!6ersed oft 5ith Je5s a!d 5ith christia! me!" of 5hom he had ta4e! the Old Testame!t a!d the Ne51 A!d after the custom of the Je5s the Sarace!s be circumcised" a!d eat !o s5i!e>s flesh1 A!d -ahomet told them that the cause 5as that the s5i!e 5as made of the du! of the camel after Noah>s flood" a!d therefore it ou ht to be esche5ed as a! u!clea! beast" of clea! people1 A!d to christia! me! they accord 5hereas they belie6e o! God Almi hty -a4er of all thi! s1 A!d this false prophet" meddled a!d affrmed some true thi! s 5ith the false1 +e said that -oses 5as a reat prophet" but Christ 5as reater a!d most so6erei ! of the prophets" a!d 5as bor! of the Vir i! -ary 5ithout seed of ma!1 A!d he saith i! his boo4" that is called Al4ora!" that 5he! Christ 5as a child he made birds of the slime of the earth1 9ut he meddled 6e!om 5ith his 5ords" for he said that Jesu Christ 5as !ot 6erily dead" !e arose !ot a ai!" but that it 5as a!other i! li4e!ess of him that he had put i! his stead1 There 5as a lady !amed Cady am 5hich 5as lady of a pro6i!ce !amed Coroca!ia" a!d sa5 that this -ahomet 5as 4eeper a!d o6er!or of a reat compa!y of Sarace!s a!d Je5s a!d supposed that di6i!e ma=esty had bee! i! him hid1 A!d she 5as a 5ido5" a!d she too4 -ahomet to her husba!d" a!d thus 5as -ahomet pri!ce of all that pro6i!ce1







A!d after" by false demo!stra!ces" he decei6ed !ot o!ly this lady" but he decei6ed Je5s a!d christia! me!" so that he said to them ope!ly that he 5as -essias that 5as promised i! their la51 A!d after this -ahomet fell oft i! the epileptical passio!" a!d 5he! the lady his 5ife sa5 him oft fall" she 5as much sorro5ful that she had 5edded him1 A!d he thou ht to please her" a!d appeased her i! this 5ise" a!d said that he oft sa5 the a! el Gabriel 5hich spa4e to him" a!d that he mi ht !ot suffer the bri ht!ess of him" 5herefore he must fall because he mi ht !ot sustai! him" a!d his 5ife a!d others supposed a!d belie6ed that it had bee! true1 A!d i! a!other place it is read that it 5as a mo!4 !amed Ser ius" a heretic" that i!troduced -ahomet" 5hich mo!4 because he fell i!to the heresy of Nestorius 5as e8pulsed from his mo!astery" a!d came i!to Arabia" a!d abode 5ith -ahomet1 +o5beit" it is said i! a!other place that he 5as archdeaco! i! A!tioch" a!d as some say he 5as a Jacobite a!d preached the circumcisio!" a!d said that Christ 5as !ot God but he 5as a hoNy ma! co!cei6ed o!ly of the +oly Ghost a!d bor! of a 6ir i!" a!d that belie6e the Sarace!s1 A!d the said Ser ius tau ht to -ahomet ma!y thi! s of the Old a!d Ne5 Testame!t1 A!d 5he! -ahomet 5as orpha! of father a!d mother he 5as u!der the o6er!a!ce of his u!cle" a!d by lo! time adored idols 5ith the people of Arabia" as he 5it!esseth i! his Al4ora! that God should say to himD Thou 5ert a! orpha! a!d I ha6e ta4e! thee1 Thou abodest lo! i! the error of idolatry a!d I brou ht thee out thereof1 Thou 5ert poor a!d I ha6e e!riched thee1 All the people of Arabia" 5ith -ahomet" 5orshipped Ve!us for a oddess" a!d thereof cometh it that the Sarace!s hold the 'riday i! reat ho!our" li4e as the Je5s do the Saturday" a!d christia! me! the Su!day1 A!d 5he! -ahomet 5as e!riched 5ith the riches of this 5ido5 Cady am" he mou!ted i! so reat folly of thou ht that he thou ht to usurp to him the realm of Arabia1 A!d 5he! he sa5 he mi ht !ot do it by 6iole!ce" a!d also that he 5as despised of his fello5s" 5hich had bee! al5ays reat 5ith him" the! he fei !ed him to be a prophet" a!d them that he mi ht !ot dra5 to him by mi ht he dre5 to him by fei !ed holi!ess1 A!d the! he be a! to belie6e the cou!sel of that Ser ius" 5hich 5as a much subtle ma!" a!d i!<uired all that he should do secretly" a!d reported it to the people" a!d called him Gabriel1 A!d thus -ahomet i! fei !i! himself to be a prophet held all the sei !iory of all that people" a!d all belie6ed by their a reeme!t" or for fear" or for doubt of s5ord1 That thi! is more true tha! that 5hich is said of the do6e a!d is more to be holde!1 A!d because that this Ser ius 5as a mo!4" he 5ould that the Sarace!s should use the habit of a mo!4" that is to 5it a o5! 5ithout a hood" a!d i! the uise of mo!4s they should ma4e ma!y 4!eeli! s" a!d that they should adore ordi!ately1 A!d because that the Je5s 5orship to5ards the 5est" a!d the christia! me! to5ards the east" therefore he 5ould that his people should adore to5ards the south" a!d so do yet the Sarace!s1 A!d -ahomet published to them ma!y of the la5s that the said Ser ius tau ht him" a!d too4 ma!y of -oses la5s1 'or the Sarace!s 5ash them oft" a!d specially 5he! they should pray" for the! 5ould they 5ash all the members of their body" because they should pray the more clea!" a!d i! their prayi! they co!fessed o!e o!ly God to 5hom is !o!e li4e" a!d they say that -ahomet is his prophet1 A!d they fast e6ery year a 5hole mo!th" a!d 5he! they fast they eat !othi! but i! the !i ht" a!d fast all the day1 A!d as soo! as the day cometh" as 5he! they may discer! blac4 from 5hite" they be i! to fast" a!d fast till the su! be do5!" a!d !i ht1 A!d i! that 5hile !o!e of them dare eat !e dri!4" !e ha6e to do 5ith his 5ife" but they that be sic4 be !ot co!strai!ed to this1 It is also comma!ded to them that o!ce a year they should come u!to the house of God for to adore" a!d i! 6estme!ts 5ithout seam to o about" a!d cast sto!es bet5ee! their thi hs for to sto!e the de6il there5ith1 ,hich house they say that Adam made it for all his childre! for to pray i!" a!d left it to Abraham a!d Ishmael" a!d at the last it 5as left to -ahomet a!d to all his people1 They mi ht eat all ma!!er of flesh" sa6e s5i!e>s flesh" a!d blood" a!d flesh that had bee! stra! led or fou!d dead1 Each ma! mi ht ha6e four 5i6es 5edded at o!ce" a!d refuse a!d repudiate three times a!d ta4e them a ai!" but !ot the fourth time1 A!d he mi ht ha6e !o more tha! four 5i6es la5fully" but he mi ht ha6e co!cubi!es a!d such 5ome!" as ma!y as he may buy a!d as ma!y as he mi ht 4eep" a!d them he may sell but if she be 5ith child1 A!d it is ra!ted to them that they may ha6e 5i6es of their o5! li!ea e that their 4i!dred may be the stro! er amo! them i! frie!dship1 A!d as to their possessio!s" he that dema!deth must ha6e 5it!ess to pro6e his dema!d" a!d the defe!da!t shall be belie6ed by his oath1 ,he! they be fou!d i! adultery they be sto!ed both to ether" a!d 5he! they do for!icatio! they shall ha6e four score lashes1 -ahomet said that the a! el Gabriel had sho5ed to him that it 5as ra!ted to him of our Lord that he mi ht o to others me!>s 5i6es for to e! e!der me! of 6irtue" a!d prophets1 A!d o!e of his ser6a!ts had a fair 5ife" a!d he defe!ded a!d forbade his 5ife that they should !ot spea4 5ith his lord" -ahomet1 A!d o! a day he fou!d her spea4i! 5ith him" a!d the! a!o! he put her from him" a!d -ahomet recei6ed her















a!d set her amo! his other 5i6es1 A!d the! he doubted the murmur of the people" a!d fei !ed that a 5riti! 5as se!t to him from hea6e!" i! 5hich 5as 5ritte!D If a!y ma! repudiated his 5ife that he that recei6ed her should ha6e her to his 5ife 5hich thi! the Sarace!s 4eep for a la5 to this day1 A thief that is ta4e! amo! them is beate! the first a!d seco!d time" the third time his ha!d is cut off" the fourth time his foot is smitte! off1 It is forbidde! to them to dri!4 5i!e" a!d as they affirm" our Lord hath promised paradise to them that 4eep these la5s a!d others" that is to 5it a arde! or a place of delices e!6iro!ed 5ith ru!!i! 5ater1 I! 5hich paradise they shall ha6e seats perdurable" !e they shall ha6e !either o6ermuch heat !e cold" a!d they shall use a!d eat all ma!!er meats" a!d 5hatsome6er they desire they shall a!o! fi!d ready tofore them1 They shall be clad i! clothes of sil4 of all colours" they shall be co!=oi!ed to ri ht fair 6ir i!s" a!d al5ays they shall be i! delices" a!d the a! els shall come as butlers 5ith 6essels of old a!d sil6er" a!d shall i6e i! them of old" mil4" a!d i! them of sil6er" 5i!e" a!d they shall say to them eat a!d dri!4 i! lad!ess1 A!d -ahomet saith they shall ha6e three floods or ri6ers i! (aradise" that o!e of mil4" that other of ho!ey" a!d the third of ri ht ood 5i!e" 5ith ri ht precious spices1 A!d that they shall see there ri ht fair a! els a!d so reat that from that o!e eye to that other is the space of a day>s =our!ey1 ?!to them that belie6e !ot to God a!d -ahomet" as they affirm" is ordai!ed the pai! of hell 5ithout e!d" a!d to them that i! 5hatsome6er si! ha6e si!!ed a!d bee! bou!de! therei!" if i! the hour of their death they belie6e i! God a!d to -ahomet" i! the day of doom 5he! -ahomet shall come" they shall be sa6ed1 A!d the Sarace!s" e!6eloped i! dar4!ess" affirm that -ahomet" the false prophet" to ha6e had the spirit of prophecy abo6e all other prophets" a!d they say that he had te! a! els obedie!t to him" 5hich 4ept him1 A!d they say yet that" tofore God created hea6e! a!d earth the !ame of -ahomet 5as tofore God" but if -ahomet should !ot ha6e bee!" hea6e!" !e earth" !e paradise" had !e6er bee! made1 Also they lie sayi! that the moo! came to him" 5hom recei6i! i!to his bosom he departed i!to t5o parts" a!d after =oi!ed them a ai! to ether1 A!d they say that there 5as a lamb of flesh offered to him" 5hich spa4e u!to him" a!d saidD 9e5are that thou eat me !ot" for there is 6e!om 5ithi! me1 A!d yet !e6ertheless after certai! years there 5as 6e!om i6e! by 5hich he died1 9ut !o5 let us retur! to the history of the Lombards" for the! the Lombards 5ere much co!trary to the church of 3ome" a!d to the empire" ho5 be it they had recei6ed the faith" a!d the! (epi!" the reatest pri!ce of the house of 'ra!ce" 5as dead" a!d Charles his so! succeeded him" 5hich 5as also !amed Eutides" a!d he did ma!y battles" a!d had ma!y 6ictories" a!d left t5o so!s" pri!ces of the royal hall" Charles a!d (epi!1 9ut Charles" lea6i! the pomp of the 5orld" 5as made a mo!4 of Cassi!e!se a!d (epi! o6er!ed much !obly a!d 5orshipfully the house of 'ra!ce1 A!d forasmuch as Childeric the 4i! 5as !ot profitable" (epi! came u!to the (ope a!d as4ed cou!sel 5hether he should be 4i! that had but o!ly the !ame of the 4i! " or he that o6er!ed the realm1 A!d the! the (ope a!s5ered that he ou ht to ha6e the !ame of the 4i! that o6er!ed 5ell the realm1 A!d the 're!chme! 5ere e!harded 5ith this a!s5er" a!d made (epi! 4i! " a!d closed Childeric i! a mo!astery" about the year se6e! hu!dred a!d fifty1 A!d the! 5he! Astolphus" 4i! of the Lombards" had despoiled the church of 3ome of her possessio!s a!d sei !iory" Stephe! the (ope" 5hich came after Kachary re<uired aid a!d help of (epi! the 4i! of 'ra!ce a ai!st the Lombards" a!d came himself i!to 'ra!ce1 A!d the! (epi! assembled a much reat host" a!d came i!to Italy" a!d besie ed the @i! Astolphus" a!d 6a!<uished him" a!d too4 of him forty hosta es that he should restore a ai! to the church of 3ome all that he had ta4e! a5ay" a!d that he should !o more torme!t it1 9ut 5he! (epi! 5as departed he did !othi! of that he had promised" a!d soo! after as he 5e!t o! hu!ti! he died sudde!ly" a!d Desiderius succeeded him" about the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d fifty:si81 Da obert" 4i! of 'ra!ce" as it is co!tai!ed i! a chro!icle" 5hich had rei !ed lo! time tofore (epi!" be a! from his childhood to ha6e S1 De!is i! reat re6ere!ce" for 5he! he feared the a! er of his father Lothair he fled a!o! to the church of the blessed S1 De!is" a!d after" 5he! he 5as made 4i! " he lo6ed a!d ho!oured him stro! ly" a!d after" 5he! he 5as dead" it 5as sho5ed to a holy ma! i! a 6isio! that his soul 5as brou ht to the =ud me!t" a!d ma!y sai!ts opposed a ai!st him that he had robbed her churches" a!d as the 5ic4ed spirits 5ould ha6e ra6ished a!d led him to pai!" the blessed De!is came a!d deli6ered him" or perad6e!ture the soul of him 5as restored to the body a!d did pe!a!ce1 The @i! Clodo6eus of 'ra!ce u!co6ered De!is more disho!estly tha! he ou ht to do" a!d bra4e the bo!es of his arm a!d bare them a5ay co6etously" a!d a!o! he 5a8ed mad1 I! that time 5as 9ede the ho!ourable cler4 i! E! la!d" a!d ho5 be it that he is accou!ted i! the catalo ue of sai!ts" yet he is !ot called of holy church Sai!t 9ede" but 5orshipful 9ede" a!d this for









double cause1 The first is" for his old a e he 5as bli!d" a!d he had o!e that led him by to5!s a!d castles" 5hereas he preached the 5ord of our Lord i! e6ery place" a!d o! a time he led him by a 6alley full of reat sto!es" a!d his leader moc4i! him said that there 5ere assembled much people that 5ere still for to hear his predicatio!1 A!d the! be a! he to preach much arde!tly" a!d at the last e!d he co!cluded 5ithD (er om!ia secula seculorum" a!d a!o! the sto!es a!s5ered 5ith a hi h 6oiceD Ame!" our ho!ourable father7 a!d because that the sto!es called him ho!ourable so the church may say 5ell that he is ho!ourable1 The seco!d cause is that after his death" a much de6out cler4 desired to ma4e a 6erse to set o! his tomb" a!d be a! i! this 5iseD +ac su!t i! fossa" a!d 5as e!ded 5ith 9edae sa!cti ossa" but it 5as !o true 6erse" a!d 5he! he could !ot bri! it to a true metre he 5as full of thou ht all a !i ht" a!d o! the mor! he fou!d ra6e! o! his tomb by the ha!ds of a! els the 6erse full made i! this ma!!erD +ac su!t i! fossa 9edae 6e!erabilis ossa1


,hose body is 5orshipped by reat de6otio! i! Ge!oa1 I! the time of about the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred" 3achortus" @i! of 'risia" should ha6e bee! baptiHed" a!d had the! o!e foot i! the fo!tsto!e a!d that other 5ithout" a!d dema!ded 5hether the more part of his predecessors 5ere i! hell or i! hea6e!" a!d 5he! he heard that more of them 5ere i! hell tha! i! hea6e!" he saidD It is more holy to follo5 the more part tha! the less" a!d 5ithdre5 his foot that 5as i! the fo!t" a!d so 5as he decei6ed of the de6il" 5hich promised u!to him oods 5ithout !umber" a!d the fourth day he died sudde!ly a!d perished perdurably1 I! the campa !a of Italy 5heat" barley" a!d cor! fell do5! from hea6e! li4e rai!1 It is read that i! the same time" the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d forty" 5he! the body of S1 9e!edict 5as brou ht i!to the mo!astery of 'loriace!ce a!d the body of S1 Scolastica his sister 5as brou ht to Ceroma!e" Charles the mo!4 5ould ha6e bor!e the body to the castle of Cassi!e!se" but by miracles that 5ere sho5ed it 5as forbidde!1 I! that time 5as a reat trembli! of the earth by 5hich cities 5ere tur!ed a!d su!4e!" a!d others" 5ith mou!tai!s a!d hills" 5ere bor!e a!d tra!sported 5hole a!d safe se6e! miles the!ce1 The body of S1 (er!elle" dau hter of S1 (eter the apostle" 5as tra!sported from the!ce 5here it 5as" a!d 5as fou!d 5ritte! i! marble by the ha!d of S1 (eterD This is the tomb of the olde! (etro!elle my dau hter1 A!d as Si ebert saith they of Tyre torme!ted them of Arme!ia" a!d 5he! the pestile!ce had bee! sometime i! their la!d" they of the cou!try" by the admo!ishme!ts of christia! me!" sha6ed their heads i! ma!!er of a cross" a!d because that by that si ! they recei6ed their health they retai!ed that ma!!er of sha6i! 1 At the last (epi! after ma!y 6ictories 5as dead" a!d Charles the Great" his so!" succeeded him i! his rei !1 A!d i! his time Adria! the pope sat i! his See at 3ome a!d se!t messe! ers to Charles the Great a!d re<uired him of help a ai!st Desiderius" 4i! of the Lombards" 5hich torme!ted stro! ly the church li4e as Astolphus his father did1 A!d Charles obeyed to the (ope a!d assembled a reat host a!d e!tered by the mou!tai!s i!to Italy" a!d assie ed puissa!tly the royal city of (a6ia a!d too4 Desiderius" a!d his 5ife" a!d his pri!ces" a!d se!t them i! e8ile i!to 'ra!ce a!d re:established to the church all the droits a!d ri hts that had bee! ta4e! from them1 I! that time 5ere i! the host of Charlema !e" Amys a!d Amelio!" 5hich 5ere t5o ri ht !oble 4!i hts of our Lord Jesu Christ" of 5hom be read mar6ellous acts" 5hich fell a!d died at -ortaria 5hereas Charles o6ercame the Lombards1 A!d there the! failed the rei ! of the Lombards" for after that time they had !e6er 4i! " but such as the emperors a6e to them1 A!d the! 5e!t Charles to 3ome" a!d the pope assembled a sy!od of o!e hu!dred a!d fifty:three bishops" i! 5hich sy!od the pope a6e to Charles po5er to choose the pope a!d to ordai! the See of 3ome" a!d also he ra!ted to him the i!6estiture to i6e to archbishops a!d bishops tofore their co!secratio!1 +is so!s 5ere made 4i! s" a!d 5ere all a!oi!ted at 3ome" that is to 5it" (epi!" @i! of Italy" a!d Louis" @i! of A<uitai!e or Guie!!e7 a!d the! flourished Alcui!us master of Charles1 A!d the! (epi!" so! of Charles" be a! to rebel a ai!st his father" 5hereof he 5as co!6icted" a!d 5as shor! a mo!41 About the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d ei hty:three i! the time of Ire!e" Empress" a!d of her so! Co!sta!ti!e" there 5as a ma! di i! i! a lo! 5all" as it is read i! a certai! chro!icle" a!d he fou!d a chest of sto!e" a!d fou!d therei! a ma! Iyi! a!d letters co!tai!i! this follo5i! D Christ shall be bor! of










-ary the 6ir i!" a!d I belie6e i! him7 u!der Co!sta!ti!e a!d Ire!e the Empress" * so!" thou shalt see me a ai!1 A!d 5he! Adria! 5as dead Leo! 5as set upo! the See of 3ome a!d 5as (ope" a!d a ma! ri ht ho!ourable i! all thi! s1 A!d the 4i!sma! of Adria! had a!d bare hea6y heart to5ards him" a!d o! a time as he read the reater Lita!ies" they mo6ed the people a ai!st him" a!d dre5 out his eyes a!d cut off his to! ue" but God by miracle reestablished a ai! his to! ue a!d his si ht" a!d after" he fled to Charles a!d he remised him i! his seat a!d pu!ished the culpables1 The! the 3oma!s by admo!ishme!ts of the pope" the year of our Lord se6e! hu!dred a!d ei hty:four left the empire of Co!sta!ti!ople" a!d they made Charles emperor" a!d cro5!ed him by the ha!d of Leo the pope" a!d called him CFsar Au ustus1 A!d a!o!" after Co!sta!ti!e the reat" the see imperial 5as i! Co!sta!ti!ople" a!d because the foresaid Co!sta!ti!e had i6e! a!d left 3ome to the 6icars of S1 (eter the apostle" a!d had ordai!ed the same for their see" !e6ertheless for the di !ity they be called Emperors of 3ome" a!d so 5ere they till the Empire of 3ome came to the 4i! s of 'ra!ce a!d after that the others 5ere called Emperors of Co!sta!ti!ople" or Emperors of the Gree4s" a!d the others be called Emperors of 3ome1 A!d it 5as much mar6el of this Emperor Charles" for as lo! as he li6ed he 5ould !e6er marry !o!e of his dau hters" a!d said he mi ht i! !o 5ise forbear their compa!y1 A!d Alcui!" his master" 5rote u!to him upo! this thi! " a!d saidD +o5beit that thou be blest i! other thi! s" yet i! this thou art u!happy i! fortu!e" a!d declared to him 5hat he 5ould say upo! that matter1 A!d !e6ertheless the Emperor did by dissimulatio! so as there should be !o suspicio! thereof" but !e6ertheless it 5as much spo4e! amo! the people" a!d 5heresome6er he 5e!t he led them 5ith him1 I! the time of this Charles" the office of S1 Ambrose 5as much left" a!d the office of S1 Gre ory 5as solem!ly published" a!d the authority of the emperor helped much thereto1 'or as S1 Austi! rehearseth" i! his boo4 of Co!fessio!s" S1 Ambrose had ma!y persecutio!s of Justi!a the Empress" 5hich 5as of the heresy Aria!" a!d 5as a5aited i! the church" both he a!d his fol4 catholic" a!d therefore established he to si! the hym!s a!d the psalms after the custom of them of the Orie!t" lest the people should abide i! the slou h of error" a!d after5ards it 5as ordai!ed throu h all the church1 A!d the! Gre ory came for5ard a!d cha! ed ma!y thi! s a!d added some thereto" a!d some he too4 a5ay1 The holy fathers mi ht !ot see all that lo! ed at the be i!!i! to the beauty of the office" but di6ers fathers ordai!ed di6ers thi! s1 'or the mass hath three be i!!io s1 'or it be a! sometime at the lesso!" as it is do!e o! the holy Saturday o! Easter E6e!1 Celesti!e the pope ordai!ed to si! a psalm at the i!troit of the mass" a!d S1 Gre ory ordai!ed the i!troit of the mass to be su! " a!d a 6erse of the psalm that 5as su! 1 A!d sometimes they sa! psalms about the altar" a!d 5as e!6iro!ed of cler4s i! ma!!er of a cro5!" a!d sa! by accord to ether" a!d thereof 5as said chorus" a <uire or compa!y1 9ut 'la6ia!us a!d Theodorus established that there should be su! o! o!e side o!e 6erse" a!d a!other o! that other side" a!d this held they of I !atius 5hich 5as di6i!ely tau ht1 S1 Jerome ordai!ed psalms" epistles a!d ospels" a!d for the more part the daily ser6ice a!d office a!d !i htly" sa6e the so! 1 Ambrose" Gelasius" a!d Gre ory added thereto collects a!d so! s to the lesso!s a!d ospels1 Grails" tracts a!d Alleluia" Ambrose" Gelasius" a!d Gre ory" established to be su! at the mass1 +ilarius added to Gloria" I! e8celsis DeoD Laudamus te" a!d so forth as follo5eth1 Nocherius" Abbot of S1 Gall" made the se<ue!ces psalms i!stead of p!euma of Alleluias" a!d (ope Nicholas ordai!ed that they should be su! at mass1 +erma!us of Almai!e madeD 3e8 om!ipote!s" Sa!cti Spiritus assit !obis ratia" A6e -aria" et a!tipho!amD Alma redemptoris mater et Simo! 9ario!a1 (eter" 9ishop of Compostella made Sal6e 3e i!a" a!d as Si ebert saith" 3obert 4i! of 'ra!ce made the se<ue!ce of Sa!cti Spiritus !obis assit racia" etc1 A!d as Turpi! rehearseth" Charles 5as fair of body" cruel of si ht" ei ht foot lo! of his stature" his face a palm a!d a half lo! " his beard a palm lo! " his forehead a foot lar e" he smote 5ith o!e stro4e a ma! armed o! horsebac4 from the top of his head u!to the se! les or irths of the horse1 +e dre5" a!d stretched out of le! th li htly" four horses shoes of iro!1 +e 5ould lift up from the earth" 5ith his o!e ha!d" a! armed ma! ri ht up to his head1 +e 5ould eat a hare all 5hole" or t5o he!s" or a 5hole oose" he dra!4 little or !othi! " a!d that 5as 5i!e 5ith 5ater1 +e dra!4 so little at his di!!er that he 5ould dri!4 but three times1 +e fou!ded ma!y abbeys a!d mo!asteries" a!d at the last he made Jesu Christ heir of all his oods" a!d fi!ished his life laudably1 A!d Louis his so! succeeded him i! the empire" 5hich 5as a ma! ri ht debo!air" about the year of our Lord ei ht hu!dred a!d fiftee!1 I! 5hose time the bishops a!d the cler4s left their irdles tissued 5ith old" a!d their outra eous a!d dis uised clothi! a!d












array they put off" a!d laid it apart1 A!d Theodulphus" 9ishop of Orlea!s" 5as falsely accused to the emperor a!d 5as se!t to A! iers to priso!" a!d" as it is co!tai!ed i! a chro!icle" o! (alm Su!day as the processio! passed tofore the house 5here he 5as i! priso!" he ope!ed the 5i!do5" a!d 5he! he heard that they 5ere i! peace a!d sa! !ot" he be a! to si! the fair 6erses that he had made" that is to 5itD Gloria" laus et ho!or tibi sit re8 Christe1 A!d the Emperor 5as prese!t" a!d it pleased so much to the Emperor that he too4 him out of priso! a!d re:established him i!to his see1 The messe! ers of -ichael the Emperor of Co!sta!ti!ople brou ht ifts to Louis the so! of Charles" a!d amo! all others they brou ht the boo4s of S1 De!is of the +ierarchy of A! els" tra!slated out of Gree4 i!to Lati!" a!d he recei6ed them 5ith reat =oy1 A!d the! 5ere there about t5e!ty sic4 me! of di6ers maladies" 5hich all 5ere healed that !i ht i! the church of S1 De!is1 A!d 5he! Louis 5as dead" Lothair held the empire1 A!d Louis a!d Charles his brethre! made a battle a ai!st him" 5here there 5as so reat occisio! of o!e a!d other that there had !e6er tofore bee! such i! !o time i! 'ra!ce1 A!d at last it 5as accorded that Charles should rei ! i! 'ra!ce" a!d Louis i! Almai!" a!d Lothair i! Italy" a!d i! the part of 'ra!ce 5hich is !amed Lorrai!e1 A!d after that he left the empire to Louis his so!" 5hich 5as emperor after him" a!d he too4 the habit of a mo!41 A!d it is said i! a chro!icle that Ser ius 5as the! pope 5hich tofore 5as !amed Osporci" that is to say the mouth of a s5i!e" but his !ame 5as cha! ed" a!d 5as called Ser ius" a!d from the! fortho! it 5as ordai!ed that all the popes should cha! e their !ames because our Lord cha! ed the !ame of him that he chose to be pri!ce of the apostles1 'or as they be cha! ed i! !ame" so should they be cha! ed i! perfectio! of life" a!d because that this ma! 5as chose! i!to a !oble office" he should !ot be defouled by a disho!est !ame1 I! the time of this Louis" i! the year of our Lord ei ht hu!dred a!d fifty:si8" as it is said i! a chro!icle" i! the parish of -a o!ce a 5ic4ed spirit smote o! the 5alls of the houses as it had bee! 5ith hammers" a!d spa4e ope!ly i! so5i! discords" a!d torme!ted so the people that i! 5hat house he e!tered" a!o! the house bur!ed1 A!d 5he! the priests said the lita!ies" he cast at them sto!es a!d rie6ed them cruelly" a!d at the last he co!fessed that" 5he! holy 5ater 5as cast" he hid him u!der the cope of a certai! priest as his familiar" accusi! him that he had si!!ed 5ith the dau hter of the procurour1 I! that time the 4i! of 9ul aria 5as co!6erted u!to the faith" a!d 5as of so reat perfectio! that he made his oldest so! 4i! " a!d he himself too4 the habit of a mo!4" but his so! o6er!ed him so you! ly that he too4 a ai! the rite a!d la5 of the pay!ims1 A!d the! his father reprised his 4!i hthood a!d pursued his so!" a!d too4 him a!d put him i! priso!" a!d the! he ordai!ed his other so! to be 4i! " a!d reprised his habit a ai!1 It 5as said that i! Italy that time i! the city of 9rescia it rai!ed blood three days" a!d that same time came i!to 'ra!ce" breeHes or locusts i!!umerable 5hich had si8 5i! s" si8 lo! feet" a!d t5o teeth harder tha! a!y sto!e" a!d fled by compa!ies" as armed me!" by the space of a day>s =our!ey" stretchi! a four or fi6e miles broad" a!d they de6oured all thi! that 5as ree! i! trees a!d i! herbs" a!d came u!to the sea of 9ritta!y" but i! the e!d they 5ere dro5!ed i! the sea by force of the 5i!d" but the heat of the ocea! sea thre5 them o! to the ri6a e" a!d the air 5as corrupted of their rotti! " a!d thereof e!sued a reat fami!e a!d reat mortality" that almost the third part of the people perished a!d died1 A!d after this" the first Otto 5as emperor" i! the year of our Lord !i!e hu!dred a!d thirty:ei ht1 A!d as this Otto" o! a! Easter day" had ordai!ed a reat feast to his pri!ces" tofore they 5ere set" a so! of o!e of the pri!ces" i! the ma!!er of a child" too4 o!e of the messes of the meat from the board" a!d the car6er smote the child 5ith his fist a!d sle5 him1 A!d he that had the child i! 4eepi! sa5 that" a!d sle5 him a!o! that had slai! the child1 A!d 5he! the emperor 5ould ha6e co!dem!ed him 5ithout audie!ce" he too4 the emperor a!d thre5 him to the rou!d" a!d 5ould ha6e stra! led him" a!d 5ith reat pai! he 5as ta4e! from his ha!ds1 A!d after" the emperor made him to be 4ept" a!d said that he himself 5as culpable a!d to blame" a!d for the ho!our of the feast he let the ma! o freely his 5ay1












A!d after this first Otto" the seco!d Otto succeeded" a!d 5he! the Italia!s had oft:times bro4e! the peace bet5ee! them a!d the 3oma!s" he came a!d made a reat commo! feast to all the baro!s" bishops" a!d reat lords1 A!d 5he! they 5ere all set at di!!er he e!6iro!ed them all 5ith me! of arms" a!d the! he made his complai!t a!d did do !ame them that 5ere culpable by 5riti! " a!d a!o! did do smite off their heads there" a!d u!to all the others he made ood cheer" a!d much ho!oured them1 A!d Otto the third came after him" the year of our Lord !i!e hu!dred a!d !i!ety" a!d he had to sur!ameD The -ar6el of the ,orld1 A!d" as it is said i! a chro!icle" he had a 5ife 5hich 5ould ha6e bee! lo6e or lema! u!to a! earl" a!d he 5ould !ot co!se!t to her1 ,herefore she had so reat malice u!to him that she defamed him i! such 5ise u!to her husba!d the emperor that he comma!ded to smite off his head 5ithout ha6i! a!y audie!ce1 9ut tofore he 5as beheaded he prayed his ood 5ife that she should sho5 him i!!oce!t a!d !ot uilty by the proof of hot iro!1 A!d the! after" came a day that the emperor should do ri ht to 5ido5s a!d to orpha!s1 A!d the! this 5ido5 came a!d brou ht the head of her husba!d bet5ee! her arms" a!d dema!ded of 5hat death he ou ht to ha6e that had slai! a ma! 5ro! fully1 A!d he said that he ou ht to ha6e his head smitte! off" a!d the! she saidD Thou art he that hast slai! my husba!d by the false e!ticeme!ts of thy 5ife" i!!oce!tly" a!d that I shall pro6e that I say truth by the beari! of this bur!i! iro!1 A!d 5he! the emperor sa5 that" he 5as all abashed a!d a6e himself to be pu!ished i!to the ha!ds of the 5oma!1 Ne6ertheless by the prayer of the bishops a!d of the baro!s" the emperor too4 term of te! days" a!d after of ei ht" a!d after of se6e!" a!d after of si8" till the cause 5as e8ami!ed a!d the truth 4!o5!1 The! the emperor the cause e8ami!ed a!d the truth 4!o5!" did do bur! his 5ife all <uic4" a!d a6e to the 5ido5 four castles for his redemptio!" 5hich castles be i! the bishoprics of Lu!e!sis" a!d be called the terms of the days" te!" ei ht" se6e!" si81 After this emperor rei !ed +e!ry" 5hich 5as du4e of 9a6aria i! the year te! hu!dred a!d t5o" a!d a6e his sister !amed Ghisela to the 4i! of +u! ary i! marria e1 A!d that same 4i! a!d all his people she co!6erted to the faith" a!d the 4i! 5as !amed Stephe!" 5hich 5as of so reat holi!ess that God e!!obled him by ma!y miracles1 A!d this +e!ry the emperor a!d his 5ife Cu!e o!de 5ere both clea! 6ir i!s" a!d li6ed a holy life" a!d rested after i! peace1 A!d him succeeded Co!rad" a du4e of 'ra!ce" 5hich had 5edded the !iece of S1 +e!ry1 I! that time 5as see! a beam i! hea6e! full of fire bur!i! " a!d 5as much reat" a!d 5as abo6e the su!" 5hich 5as see! falli! to the earth1 This emperor put some of the bishops i! priso!" a!d bur!t the suburbs of -ila! because that the archbishop of -ila! fled out of priso!1 A!d o! ,hitsu!day" as the emperor 5as cro5!ed i! a little church" there 5as so reat thu!der a!d so horrible" that some issued out of their 5it" a!d others died for fear" a!d 9ru!o" the bishop" that sa! the mass" a!d the secretary of the emperor" said that they had see! S1 Ambrose ri ht i! the secret of the mass" 5hich me!aced a!d threate!ed the emperor1 I! the time of this Co!rad" the year te! hu!dred a!d t5e!ty:fi6e" as it is said i! a chro!icle" that the Earl Leopold a!d his 5ife fled i!to a forest dreadi! the ire of the 4i! " a!d there hid them i! a little house1 A!d as the emperor 5e!t for to hu!t i! the same forest the !i ht came upo! him" a!d he must !eeds abide there i! that little house all !i ht1 A!d the lady" bei! reat 5ith child" as 5ell as she mi ht admi!istered such thi! as 5as !ecessary" the best 5ise that she mi ht1 A!d that !i ht she 5as deli6ered of a so!" a!d a 6oice came to the emperor" 5hich said to him three timesD Co!rad" the child that is !o5 bor! shall be shi!e heir a!d e!dre" that is so!:i!:la51 A!d 5he! he arose i! the mor!i! " he called to him t5o of his s<uires a!d said to themD Go ye a!d ta4e a5ay this child from the mother by force a!d he5 it i! pieces a!d bri! them to me7 a!d a!o! they 5e!t hastily" a!d too4 a5ay the child from the mother>s lap1 A!d 5he! they sa5 the child of so fair a form" they had pity a!d 5ere mo6ed 5ith mercy" a!d laid him upo! a tree that he should !ot be de6oured of 5ild beasts1 A!d they too4 a hare a!d slit him" a!d too4 out his heart" a!d brou ht it to the emperor1 A!d the same day a du4e passed by the forest a!d heard the child cry" a!d did it to be brou ht to him" a!d because he had !o so! he made it to be bor!e to his 5ife" a!d made it to be !ourished" a!d fei !ed that he had e! e!dered it" a!d !amed him +e!ry1 A!d after" 5he! he 5as !ourished" he re5 a!d 5as of ri ht fair form a!d 5ell bespo4e!" a!d racious a!d courteous to e6erybody1 A!d 5he! the emperor sa5 him that he 5as so fair a!d 5ise" he re<uired him of his father" a!d made him to d5ell i! his court1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that this child 5as so racious a!d courteous that he 5as praised of e6ery ma!" he doubted that he should rei ! after him" a!d it 5ere he 5hom he had comma!ded to ha6e bee! slai!" a!d 5rote letters to his 5ife 5ith his o5! ha!d" a!d they co!tai!ed these 5ords follo5i! D As much as thou lo6est thy life" as soo! as thou hast recei6ed this letter" that thou slay this child1 A!d as he 5e!t he 5as lod ed i! a church" a!d he bei! 5eary rested him upo!













a be!ch" a!d his purse hu! do5! i! 5hich his letters 5ere1 The! there 5as a priest there 5hich desired much to see 5hat 5as i! his purse" a!d ope!ed it a!d sa5 the letters sealed 5ith the 4i! >s seal" a!d 5ithout brea4i! off the seal he ope!ed them" a!d readi! the felo!y" he abhorred it" a!d subtly he erased it1 A!d 5hereas it saidD Thou shalt slay him" he 5roteD Thou shalt i6e our dau hter to this child for to be his 5ife1 A!d 5he! the <uee! sa5 these letters" sealed 5ith the 4i! >s seal" a!d that they 5ere 5ritte! 5ith his o5! ha!d" she called the pri!ces a!d solem!ised the matrimo!y" a!d a6e her dau hter to him to be his 5ife1 A!d the marria e 5as do!e at Ai8:la:Chapelle1 A!d 5he! it 5as told to the emperor that the marria e of his dau hter had bee! solem!ly made" he 5as much abashed" a!d 5he! he 4!e5 the truth of the t5o es<uires a!d of the du4e that fou!d the child" a!d of the priest that had set i! the letter the thi! s abo6e said" he appercei6ed 5ell that the ordi!a!ce of God ou ht !ot to be co!traried1 A!d a!o! he se!t for the child" a!d retai!ed him as his so!" a!d established him for to be his heir a!d to rei ! after him1 A!d i! the place 5here this child 5as bor! he fou!ded a !oble !!o!astery" 5hich is at this day !amed ?rsi!e1 This +e!ry put out of his court all the =o! leurs" a!d a6e to poor me! all that 5as 5o!t to be i6e! to mi!strels1 I! that time 5as so reat discord i! the church that there 5ere three chose! to be pope" a!d a priest !amed Gratia! a6e to the others much mo!ey" a!d they left the See to him a!d he 5as pope1 A!d as +e!ry the emperor came to 3ome for to appease the strifes" Gratia! came a ai!st him a!d offered to him a cro5! of old for to be to him debo!air1 A!d he passed forth by a!d fei !ed all these thi! s" a!d did do hold a ce!e i! 5hich he co!dem!ed Gratia! of simo!y" a!d set a!other i! his place1 +o5beit" it is said i! a!other place" i! a letter that he se!t to -atilda the cou!tess" that the said priest 5as much simple" a!d that he had by mo!ey otte! to him the papacy" a!d that after" he 4!e5 his error" a!d by the mea!s of the emperor" he deposed himself1 A!d after this +e!ry" 5as emperor the third +e!ry" a!d i! his time 9ru!o 5as chose! to be pope a!d 5as called Leo" a!d as he 5e!t to 3ome for to ta4e the See" he heard the 6oice of a! els si! i! D Our Lord saithD I am he that 4!o5eth the thou hts of peace1 This pope made the life of ma!y sai!ts1 I! that time the church 5as troubled by 9ere! arius" 5hich affrmed the body a!d blood of our Lord !ot to be 6erily i! the altar" but fi urati6ely" a ai!st 5hom 5rote La!fra!c" prior of 9ecca!se1 A!d A!selm came to him out of 9ur u!dy for his doctri!e" 5hich 5as much ador!ed 5ith 6irtue a!d 5isdom" a!d 5as there prior after him1 I! this time 5as Jerusalem ta4e! of the Sarace!s" a!d after 5as reco6ered by christia! me!" a!d the bo!es of S1 Nicholas 5ere brou ht i!to 9ari1 Thereof it is saidD ,he! there should be su! a !e5 history of S1 Nicholas" i! a church 5hich 5as of the holy cross" a!d 5as sub=ect to the church of our Lady of Tare!ti!o" the brethre! prayed much i!sta!tly their prior that they mi ht si! this !e5 history" 5hich he i! !o 5ise 5ould ra!t to them" a!d said they ou ht !ot cha! e their old for !o !e51 A!d yet the brethre! prayed him more i!sta!tly" a!d he i! despite saidD Go your 5ay" for i! !o ma!!er shall ye !e6er ha6e lice!ce of me that this !e5 so! shall be su! 1 A!d 5he! the feast of S1 Nicholas came" the brethre! said their mati!s all i! hea6i!ess" a!d their 6i ils1 A!d 5he! they 5ere all i! their beds" S1 Nicholas appeared 6isibly a!d much fearfully to the prior" a!d dre5 him out by the hair" a!d smote him do5! o! the pa6eme!t of the dortour" a!d be a! to si! the historyD O pastor eter!e7 a!d at e6ery !ote he smote him 5ith a rod that he held i! his ha!d ri ht rie6ously o! his bac4" a!d sa! melodiously this a!them u!to the e!d" a!d the! the prior cried so loud that he a5o4e all his brethre!" a!d 5as bor!e to his bed as halt dead" a!d 5he! he came to himself" he saidD Go ye a!d si! the !e5 history of S1 Nicholas from he!ceforth1 I! that same time the abbot of the co!6e!t of -olesi!e" a!d t5e!ty:o!e mo!4s 5ith him" 5e!t for to d5ell i! desert for to 4eep more straitly the professio! of their pale" a!d there established a !e5 order out of the old1 +ildebra!d" prior of Clu!y" 5as made pope a!d called Gre ory" a!d 5he! he 5as i! the lesser orders" a!d 5as se!t as a le ate" he co!6a!<uished mar6ellously at Lyo!s the archbishop of Ebro!yce!ce of simo!y1 'or this archbishop had corrupted all his accusers so that he mi ht !ot be co!6a!<uished1 A!d the! the le ate comma!ded him that he should sayD I! !omi!e (atris et 'ilii" a!d he mi ht !ot sayD et Spiritus











Sa!cti" because he had si!!ed i! the +oly Ghost1 A!d the! he co!fessed his si! a!d 5as deposed" a!d !amed the! the +oly Ghost 5ith clear 6oice1 A!d this miracle rehearseth 9ru!o i! his boo4" that he made to -atthe5 the emperor1 A!d 5he! this +e!ry 5as dead it 5as 5ritte! o! his tomb 5hereas he 5as buried 5ith other 4i! sD +ere lieth +e!ry" the so! of +e!ry the father" +e!ry the belfather" +e!ry the old belfather1 A!d after this +e!ry" rei !ed +e!ry the fifth" i! the year of our Lord ele6e! hu!dred a!d se6e!" 5hich too4 the pope 5ith the cardi!als" a!d let them o 5he! he had of them ri ht of i!6estiture of bishops a!d of abbots 5ith the ri! a!d the staff pastoral1 I! that time 9er!ard a!d his brethre! too4 the reli io! of Citeau81 I! the parish of Lie e a so5 bare a pi ha6i! the 6isa e of a ma!" a!d a he! had a chic4e! 5ith four feet1 A!d after this +e!ry" succeeded Lothair" i! 5hose time a 5oma! i! Spai! childed a mo!ster 5hich had a double body a!d that o!e =oi!ed to that other by the bac4s" a!d tofore had the sembla!ce of a ma! 5hole of body a!d members ordi!ately" a!d behi!d 5as the sembla!ce of a 5oma! 5hole i! all properties1




After Lothair rei !ed Co!rad1 the year ele6e! hu!dred a!d thirty:ei ht1 That time died +u h of S1 Victor" 5hich 5as a ri ht e8celle!t doctor i! all scie!ce a!d de6out i! reli io!" of 5hom it is said that 5he! he 5as i! his last i!firmity" a!d that he mi ht retai! !o meat" yet he re<uired al5ays to ha6e the body of our Lord 5ith reat de6otio!1 A!d the! his brethre! 5ould please him a!d brou ht to him a simple host u!sacred i! ma!!er of the body of our Lord" a!d he 4!e5 it 5ell i! spirit" a!d saidD God for i6e you" brethre!" 5herefore 5ould ye decei6e meE This is !ot my Lord that ye bri! to me1 A!d a!o! they 5ere abashed" a!d ra! a!d fetched to him the body of our Lord" a!d the! he sa5 him 5hom he mi ht !ot recei6e" a!d lifted up his ha!ds to hea6e! a!d saidD No5 I see the So! asce!d to the 'ather" a!d the spirit to God that made him" a!d 5ith these 5ords he a6e up his spirit a!d the body of our Lord 6a!ished a5ay from them that held him1 Eu e!e" Abbot of S1 A!astasius" 5as established pope" but he 5as put out of the city because the se!ators had made a!other pope1 A!d the! he came i!to 'ra!ce a!d se!t S1 9er!ard tofore him 5hich preached the 5ay of our Lord" a!d did ma!y miracles1 A!d the! flourished Gilbert (orreta!us1 'rederic4" !ephe5 of Co!rad" 5as emperor i! the year of our Lord ele6e! hu!dred a!d fifty:four" a!d at that time flourished -aster (eter Lombard" 9ishop of (aris" 5hich compiled the boo4 of se!te!ces" the loss of the psalter" a!d of the epistles of (aul" much profitably1 A!d i! that time 5ere see! three moo!s i! hea6e!" a!d i! the midst of the three 5as the si ! of the cross" a!d it 5as !ot lo! after that three su!s 5ere see! also1 A!d the! 5as Ale8a!der chose! ri htfully for to be pope" a!d a ai!st him 5ere chose! Octa6ia!" Joha!!es Creme!sis of the title of S1 Cali8tus" a!d Joha!!is Strumete!sis" successi6ely to the papacy" a!d 5ere e!!oblished" by the fa6our of the emperor" to the See" a!d this discord a!d schism e!dured ei htee! years" 5ithi! 5hich time the Almai!s" 5hich d5elled i! Tusculum for the emperor" assailed the 3oma!s" 5hich 5ere at -ou!tport" a!d sle5 from !oo! to e6e!so! so much people that there 5ere !e6er so ma!y 3oma!s slai!" ho5beit that i! the time of +a!!ibal there 5ere so ma!y slai! that three bushels 5ere filled 5ith old ri! s that 5ere ta4e! off their fi! ers" 5hich +a!!ibal did do se!d to Cartha e1 A!d ma!y of them 5ere buried at S1 Stephe!>s a!d S1 Laure!ce>s1 A!d it 5as 5ritte! upo! their sepulchre that they 5ere te! times a thousa!d a!d te! thousa!d" a!d te! times si8tee! hu!dred a!d a half1 A!d 5he! the emperor 'rederic4 6isited the +oly La!d a!d 5ashed him i! a ri6er" there he perished a!d died" a!d as others say he 5atered his horse" a!d his horse fell do5! i! the 5ater a!d so he died1 +e!ry 5as emperor after him i! the year ele6e! hu!dred a!d !i!ety1 I! that time 5as so reat rai!s" thu!ders" a!d li ht!i! s" a!d tempests" that !e6er had bee! so reat that a!y ma! mi ht remember1 'or sto!es fell as reat as e s a!d 5ere s<uare" 5hich 5ere meddled 5ith the rai!" a!d destroyed the 6i!es" trees" a!d the cor!" a!d sle5 me!" beasts" cro5s" a!d other birds" a!d some fo5ls 5ere see! flyi! by the air i! that tempest" 5hich bare coals bur!i! i! their bills a!d bea4s" a!d set fire o! houses1 A!d this +e!ry 5as al5ays a tyra!t a ai!st the Church of 3ome" a!d therefore 5he! he 5as dead" I!!oce!t the (ope" opposed a ai!st (hilip his so! that he should !ot be emperor" a!d held 5ith the party of Otto" so! of the Du4e of Sa8o!y" a!d ma4e him to be cro5!ed @i! of Almai! at Ai8:la:Chapelle1 I! that time ma!y baro!s of 'ra!ce 5e!t o6er the sea for the deli6era!ce of the +oly La!d" a!d they too4 Co!sta!ti!ople1 I! that time be a! the order of friars preachers a!d of the mi!ors1 I!!oce!t the Third se!t messe! ers to (hilip" @i! of 'ra!ce" for to assail the la!d of the Albi eois for to ta4e from them the heresies" a!d he too4 them all a!d did do bur! them1 A!d after this" I!!oce!t the








Third cro5!ed Otto emperor a!d too4 of him a! oath that he should 4eep the ri hts of holy church" a!d a!o! he did a ai!st his oath that same day" a!d did do rob a!d despoil them that came to 3ome o! pil rima e" 5herefore the pope cursed him a!d deposed him from the empire1

I! that time 5as S1 Elisabeth" dau hter of the @i! of +u! ary" 5hich 5as 5ife to the La!d ra6e of Thuri! ia a!d +esse" 5hich" amo! other i!!umerable miracles" she raised si8tee! dead me! a!d a6e si ht to o!e that 5as bor! bli!d" out of 5hose body oil flo5eth u!to this day1 ,he! Otto 5as deposed" 'rederic4" so! of +e!ry" 5as chose!" a!d 5as cro5!ed of +o!orius the (ope1 A!d this ma! made ri ht !oble la5s for the liberty of the church a!d a ai!st heretics" a!d this emperor abou!ded abo6e all others i! lory a!d i! riches" but he abused them e6illy by pride" a!d 5as a tyra!t a ai!st the church" a!d set t5o cardi!als i! priso!" a!d such prelates as (ope Gre ory had do be assembled at the cou!cil" he too4 them" a!d therefore he 5as accursed of the same pope1 A!d after Gre ory died" 5hich 5as oppressed 5ith ma!y rie6ous tribulatio!s1 A!d the! 5as I!!oce!t the 'ourth made pope" 5hich 5as of the !atio! of Ge!oa" a!d he assembled a cou!cil at Lyo!s 5here he deposed the emperor" a!d the! 5as the empire 6oid1 Here followeth of *" *i%eo#"











S1 Simeo! 5as bor! i! A!tioch a!d 5as much 6irtuous" a!d from the time that he 5as i! his mother>s belly he 5as chose! of God" a!d 5he! he 5as t5el6e years old he 4ept his father>s sheep1 A!d o! a time he beheld the church" a!d a!o!" as he that 5as reple!ished 5ith the +oly Ghost" left his sheep a!d 5e!t to the church1 A!d he accompa!ied him 5ith a ood a!cie!t ma!" a!d said to him i! this ma!!erD 'air father" 5hat thi! is that that is here readE I pray you e!sei ! a!d teach it me for I am simple a!d i !ora!t1 The! the ood a!cie!t ma! be a! to spea4 of the 6irtues of the soul" a!d ho5 this poor prese!t life ou ht to be despised" a!d !o5ithsta!di! that the 6irtues be accomplished of ma!y truly a!d laudably" a!d by the help of God i! reli io! they be accomplished more li htly1 The! S1 Simeo! fell to the feet of this ood old ma! a!d said to himD Verily from he!ce fortho! thou shalt be my father a!d my mother" for thou art master of ood 5or4s" a!d after this ood cou!sel I shall o i!to the church 5hereas God shall ordai! for me1 A!d the! he e8pou!ded to him the rule a!d order of reli io! a!d told him ho5 he must ha6e much pai! a!d afflictio!" a!d him beho6ed to ha6e much patie!ce a!d perse6era!ce1 The! a!o! he too4 lea6e of him" a!d 5e!t to the church of S1 Timothy" a!d Iaid him tofore the ate a!d abode there three days a!d three !i hts 5ithout meat or dri!41 The! the abbot came a!d lifted him up a!d dema!ded Therefore he 5as come thither1 The! S1 Simeo! a!s5ered to him a!d saidD I desire much to be ser6a!t of our Lord" I pray thee that thou recei6e me i!to thy mo!astery" a!d that thou comma!d me to ser6e all thy brethre!1 +e 5as recei6ed of the abbot" a!d 5as there si8 mo!ths obeyi! to the brethre! humbly1 ,he! the others fasted from mor! to e6e!so! time" he after se6e! days too4 his refectio!" a!d the other days he a6e his pro6e!der to poor people1 O! a time he came to the pit of the place" a!d fou!d there a cord" 5hich he too4 a!d bou!d fast about his body from his rei!s to his shoulders7 he strai!ed so sore a!d fast that his flesh rotted u!der the cord so much that the cords 5e!t to the bo!es" a!d u!!ethe mi ht the cord be see!1 O! a day o!e of the brethre! appercei6ed that he a6e his meat u!to the poor people1 +e a!d the others told it to the abbot" a!d also they said that so reat a ste!ch issued out of his body that !o!e mi ht abide by him" a!d that the 6ermi! that came out of it had filled all his bed1 The abbot 5as much a! ry a!d bade him despoil him !a4ed" a!d 5he! he sa5 the cord he escried" sayi! D O ma!" from 5he!ce comest thouE -e seemeth that thou 5ilt destroy the rule of our reli io!" 5he! thou 5ilt !ot ser6e God by discretio! as others do1 I pray thee depart he!ce a!d o 5here thou 5ilt1 ,ith reat pai! they too4 off the cord 5ith 5hich he 5as bou!de! a!d healed him1 After" he departed from the place 5ithout 5itti! of a!y of them" a!d e!tered i!to a pit i! desert 5ithout 5ater" 5hereas 5ic4ed spirits d5elled1 That !i ht the abbot had a re6elatio! that a reat multitude of me! of arms had e!6iro!ed the abbey a!d said 5ith a hi h 6oiceD Gi6e to us the ma! of God or else 5e shall bur! thee a!d all the abbey" for thou hast dri6e! a5ay the ma! =ust a!d debo!air1 The abbot told this to his brethre!" a!d the !e8t !i ht came the semblable 6isio!1 +e 5as all abashed a!d se!t his mo!4s for to search a!d fetch him" a!d they fou!d him !ot1 The! the abbot 5e!t 5ith them a!d they came to the pit a!d there made their prayers" a!d desce!ded therei!" a!d brou ht him a ai! by force to the abbey1 The brethre! of the abbey 4!eeled tofore him" a!d as4ed him for i6e!ess1 A!d after" he abode a 5hole year" a!d after" secretly he departed a ai! a!d 5e!t u!to a mou!tai! of sto!es fast by a cloister a!d d5elled so three years1 The! his !ei hbours came thither by de6otio! a!d e!ha!ced his pillar four cubits of hei ht" a!d there he d5elled


se6e! years after" a!d after" they made to him a!other of t5el6e cubits of hei ht" i! 5hich he d5elled" a!d after that they made a!other of t5e!ty cubits" a!d after that a!other of thirty" a!d there he abode four years" a!d beside him he did do ma4e t5o chapels" a!d ma!y sic4 me! 5ere healed by his 6irtue" a!d he co!6erted ma!y Sarace!s to the faith1 After this" his thi h rotted a 5hole year" a!d all that year he held him o! that other foot" but the 6ermi! fell to the rou!d from his thi h1 +e had a fello5 5hich 5as called A!tho!y" 5hich 5rote his life a!d held him compa!y" 5hich athered up the 6ermi! a!d deli6ered them to him" a!d he too4 them a!d laid them upo! his sore" sayi! D Eat ye this that God hath i6e! you1 There 5as a 4i! " a Sarace!" !amed 9asili4e that heard the fame a!d re!o5! of him" a!d came to him i! 6ery faith" a!d 5hiles the holy ma! prayed" o!e of the 6ermi! fell out of his thi h" a!d the heathe! 4i! too4 it up" a!d 5he! he loo4ed o! it" it 5as a precious sto!e1 The! said to him this holy ma!D O ma! this is !ot happe!ed !e made by my merit" but it is made by thy faith" a!d the! he tha!4ed God a!d departed1 Se6e! years after" his mother came a!d 5ould 6isit him" but it 5as forbidde! her" for !o 5oma! mi ht e!ter i!to that place1 The! the holy ma! said to his motherD Abide a little a!d 5e shall see you if it please God" a!d she 5eepi! three days a!d four !i hts recei6ed her so!" a!d the! it happed that she slept" a!d the holy ma! prayed for her a!d she died1 After this there 5as made to him a!other pillar of forty cubits" 5hereo! he d5elled se6e! years after" that is to 5it u!to his death1 I! 5hich time there 5as a dra o! ri ht 6e!omous 5hich 5as i! a ca6e !i h to him" 5hich i!fected so the place that !othi! re5 about him1 I! 5hose ri ht eye it happed that a sta4e e!tered" a!d he came all bli!d to the door of the mo!astery a!d lay there as to as4 help1 +e set his ri ht eye by the pillar" a!d 5as there three days 5ithout doi! a!y harm to a!ybody1 The! comma!ded S1 Simeo! that they should ta4e earth a!d lay 5ater o! it" a!d lay it thereupo!1 A!d 5he! they had so do!e" a!o! issued out of his eyes a sta4e of a cubit lo! " a!d 5he! the people sa5 this miracle they lorified God1 9ut !ot5ithsta!di! they fled for dread that they had of the dra o!" a!d the dra o! abode there till all the people 5ere o!e1 The! he arose a!d adored at the ate of the mo!astery almost t5o hours" a!d after 5e!t i! to his ca6e 5ithout doi! harm to a!ybody1 A!other time a 5oma! dra!4 out of a cruse by !i ht 5herei! 5as a little serpe!t" a!d it a6aled do5! i!to her body" 5herefore she 5e!t to di6ers medici!e a!d physicia!s" but it a6ailed to her !othi! 1 -a!y years after" she 5as brou ht to this holy ma!" the 5hich comma!ded to ta4e of the earth a!d 5ater a!d lay it o! the mouth of the 5oma!" a!d a!o! the serpe!t issued out" 5hich 5as three cubits lo! " a!d a!o! cleft asu!der" 5hich 5as ha! ed up there the space of se6e! days" ma!y me! seei! it1 O! a!other time ma!y fol4 a!d beasts died for default of 5ater" a!d at his prayer sudde!ly the earth ope!ed" a!d there 5as fou!d a pit of ri ht ood 5ater for to dri!4" 5hich e!dureth u!to this day1 A!other time other people abode lo! 5hile he 5as i! his prayer" a!d 5e!t a little abac4 u!der the shado5 of a tree" a!d they sa5 a hart pass by" 5hom they comma!ded thus" sayi! D ,e co!=ure thee by the prayers of S1 Simeo! that thou tarry a 5hile" a!d so he did" a!d they too4 him a!d sle5 him" a!d as they ate of him they became lepers a!d mesels1 The! they 5e!t 5ith the s4i! u!to S1 Simeo! a!d 5ere there t5o years" a!d u!!ethe mi ht they be healed" a!d for 5it!ess thereof they hu! up the s4i! of the hart1 There 5as a leopard there about" 5hich destroyed the people of the cou!try1 The! this holy ma! comma!ded to ta4e of the 5ater of that mo!astery a!d to spri!4le it o! the rou!d all about 5hereas he 5e!t" a!d 5he! they had so do!e" a!o! after they fou!d the leopard dead1 +e e8horted all them that he 4!e5 that they should !ot s5ear by him" humble si!!er" !e6ertheless all they of the Orie!t" a!d the barbaria!s of that cou!try s5are by him1 There 5as a thief !amed Jo!athas" 5hich 5as chased of ma!y 4!i hts" a!d he e!tered i!to the mo!astery a!d embraced the pillar" a!d be a! to 5eep1 The! S1 Simeo! dema!ded 5hat he 5as" a!d he a!s5eredD I am Jo!athas the thief" that am come hither to do pe!a!ce7 a!d a!o! came thither the officers of A!tioch" a!d said to this holy ma!D Gi6e us this e6il ma!" for the beasts be ready to de6our him1 The! S1 Simeo! a!s5eredD I may !ot" for I doubt that he that se!t him to me" 5hich is reater tha! ye" 5ill be 5roth1 A!d











se6e! days lo! he embraced the pillar" a!d after" said to the holy ma!D If thou 5ilt I 5ill o my 5ay1 The! he said to himD ,ilt thou o yet for to do harmE +e a!s5eredD Nay sir" but my time is accomplished1 A!d so sayi! he a6e up his soul a!d died1





A!d S1 Simeo! i!cli!ed do5! to ma4e his prayer li4e as he had bee! accustomed" a!d the people abode him three days for to ha6e his blessi! 1 The! A!tho!y came to him sayi! D Arise up" sir" a!d i6e us thy blessi! 7 a!d he 5e!t" a!d heard him !ot dra5i! his breath" but a! odour as of a precious oi!tme!t issued out of his body1 The! he be a! to 5eep stro! ly" 4issi! his eyes a!d his beard" a!d saidD Alas" sirI 5hy hast thou forsa4e! meE I !e6er heard thy doctri!e a! elic" 5hat a!s5er shall I i6e to the sic4 people that shall re<uire theeE Ne of 5hat co6eri! shall I co6er thy bodyE A!d there by force of hea6i!ess fell asleep1 The! appeared to him this holy ma!" sayi! D I shall !ot lea6e this house !e this holy mou!tai! i! 5hich I ha6e bee! e!lumi!ed" but o do5! a!d sa!ctify a!d appease the people" a!d sho5 i! A!tioch that I am i! rest1 A!d cease !ot thou to ser6e God i! this place here" a!d God shall re!der a!d i6e to thee a ood re5ard1 The! he a5o4e" a!d be a! stro! ly to 5eep a ai!" i! sayi! D ,hat relics shall I ta4e of thee" sir" i! remembra!ce of theeE The! he remo6ed the body much stro! ly" a!d the! had A!tho!y much more dread" a!d durst !ot touch him" but 5e!t do5! a!o!" a!d 5e!t u!to A!tioch to the bishop" a!d told him of the death of this holy ma!" a!d a!o! he came 5ith three other bishops a!d the master of the 4!i hts of the to5!" a!d hu! curtai!s about the pillar" a!d bare his body by the altar tofore the pillar1 A!d a!o! the birds assembled about the pillar a!d 3e5 li4e as they 5ould ha6e as4ed their meat" a!d cried so stro! ly that me! a!d beasts e!forced them to cry a!d 5eep at the 6oice of the birds1 The mou!tai!s a!d the fields sho5ed si !s of hea6i!ess" so that the complai!t 5as heard se6e! miles" a!d there came thereabout a cloud blac4 a!d dar4" a!d A!tho!y sa5 a! a! el come from hea6e! for to 6isit" 5hich had his face clear as fire" a!d his 6estme!ts 5hite as s!o51 A!d about te! of the cloc4 he sa5 se6e! a!cie!t me! that spa4e to him" but he 4!e5 !ot the mystery that they said1 The prelate of A!tioch 5ould ha6e had his beard to put i! his relics" a!d as soo! as he put his ha!d for to ta4e it" a!o! his ha!d 5as dry" but they made there so ma!y prayers for him that he 5as healed1 The! bare they the body i!to A!tioch" a!d the bishop s5are that !e6er perso! should ha6e !othi! of his body1 ,he! they 5ere come i!to a street" that 5as called -erce" fi6e miles from A!tioch" the body abode there" so that !o ma! mi ht mo6e it1 A ma! that had bee! deaf a!d dumb the space of forty years because he had defiled a 5oma! i! his house" 5hich 5oma! lo6ed him !ot" he came a!d fell do5! tofore the bier sudde!ly" a!d be a! to cry a!d sayD AhI ma! a!d ser6a!t of God" thou art 5elcome to poi!t for me" for thy comi! hath uerished me a!d i6e! to me health1 The! he arose a!d too4 o!e of the sta6es that bare the bier a!d a!o! 5as all 5hole" a!d ser6ed him all the days of his life1 A!o! issued out of the to5! all the people of A!tioch" a!d recei6ed the body much solem!ly i! si! i! " psalmo!isi! a!d lorifyi! God" a!d 5ith reat ple!ty of li hts bur!i! " bare the body i!to the reat church" 5hich is called the church of pe!a!ce1 -a!y other miracles hath our Lord sho5ed at his sepulchre" a!d more 5ere sho5ed after tha! tofore by his life1 The! let us pray to this holy S1 Simeo! that he pray for us u!to our Lord that he ha6e mercy o! us1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Poly$ar&. Martyr" S1 (olycarp 5as disciple of S1 Joh! the E6a! elist" a!d S1 Joh! ordai!ed him bishop of Smyr!a1 A!d there 5ere at 3ome the! t5o heretics" that o!e 5as called -arcia! a!d that other Vale!ti!e" the 5hich had decei6ed much people by their false doctri!e1 The! S1 (olycarp 5e!t to 3ome o! Easter:day" a!d there by his predicatio! he brou ht a ai! to the faith them that they had decei6ed1 +e 5rote to the (hilippia!s a much fair epistle" a!d much profitable" the 5hich is yet read i! Asia u!to this day1 It happe!ed that i! the time that -arcus A!to!i!us a!d -arcus Aurelius rei !ed" 5hich 5as the year of race o!e hu!dred a!d si8ty:t5o" 5as made the fourth persecutio! o! christia! people" after the Emperor Nero" throu h all Asia1 S1 (olycarp heard ho5 the people cried a!d 5as mo6ed" he therefore 5as !e6er mo6ed" but abode 5ithout dread1 A!d he 5as racious a!d courteous i! ma!!ers a!d pleasa!t i! re ard" a!d tarried al5ays i! the city as a! hardy champio! of God1 +e 5as so much re<uired of the people that he departed from the city 5ith their familiar frie!ds" that he 5e!t to the field !i h u!to the city" a!d there he prayed all the !i ht for the peace of all holy church1 A!d thereof had he a custom all the days of his life1 It happed that three days before that he 5as ta4e!" as he prayed i! a !i ht he had a 6isio!" that seemed that his hair 5as








bur!t" a!d 5he! he a5o4e he told to them that 5ere 5ith him the 6isio!" a!d e8pou!ded it to them" sayi! thatD 'or certai! he should be bur!t for lo6e of God1 ,he! he sa5 that they approached him that 5ould ha6e ta4e! him" he 5e!t to meet them a!d ri ht ladly recei6ed them" 5hereof they 5ere much abashed that they 5ere comma!ded to ta4e so ood a ma!1 A!d a!o! he laid the table to his e!emies" a!d made to them as ood cheer as they had bee! his frie!ds" a!d a6e to them lar ely 5i!e a!d meat" a!d et of them lea6e to pray a! hour" a!d all that hour he prayed much de6outly for all the state of holy church1 ,he! the hour 5as passed he mou!ted upo! a! ass" a!d 5as brou ht i!to the city" a!d as they led him" +erod came" 5hich 55as pro6ost of the cou!try" a!d his father 5ith him" a!d they too4 him i!to a chariot 5ith them" a!d said to him much s5eetlyD ,herefore do ye !ot sacrifice as the others doE ,hat harm is it to call CFsar his lord" a!d to do sacrifice to the ods for to li6e surelyE A!d 5he! they sa5 that it a6ailed !ot" a!d that al5ays he 5as firm a!d co!sta!t i! the la5 of God" they 5ere much 5roth 5ith him a!d did to him much harm i! the chariot" a!d as he approached the city a reat multitude of people be a! to murmur a ai!st him1 A!o! a 6oice desce!ded from hea6e! sayi! u!to himD (olycarp be stro! a!d co!sta!t1 That 6oice 5as heard of ma!y but !o!e sa5 it1 The! a!o! it 5as told to the pro6ost all ope!ly" that (olycarp had three times co!fessed to be christia!1 ,he! these tidi! s 5ere heard all the people of the city of Smyr!a" pay!ims a!d Je5s" be a! to cry i! reat ireD This is the master a!d doctor of all the christia! people that be i! Asia" a!d hath destroyed all our ods" 5e re<uire that he be bur!t all <uic41 The! the people assembled much 5ood a!d brou ht him to a sta4e1 A!d 5he! they brou ht him to the sta4e they 5ould ha6e bou!d him thereto" a!d !ailed the bo!ds 5ith reat !ails1 The! he said to themD Let me alo!e" for he that hath ordai!ed me to suffer this torme!t of fire shall i6e to me 6irtue of patie!ce" 5ithout mo6i! me from this place" for to e!dure a!d suffer the flame of the fire1 The! the tyra!ts left the !ails" a!d bou!d him 5ith cords to the sta4e" a!d his ha!ds bou!d behi!d him1 A!d as i! his passio! he praised a!d blessed our Lord" a!d the fire 5as bur!i! a!d a reat flame shi!i! " a much !otable miracle 5as sho5ed ri ht there to much people" 5hich God sho5ed to the e!d that it should be sho5ed u!to all other1 A!d the miracle 5as this" that the flame departed all about him i! ma!!er of a chamber by 6irtue of a s5eet 5i!d that came from hea6e!" a!d the body of the martyr 5as !ot as flesh bur!t i! the flame" but as fair as it had bee! purified i! a fur!ace" a!d they that 5ere about him felt a! odour so s5eet as it had bee! i!ce!se or precious oi!tme!t1 ,he! the tyra!ts sa5 that the fire mi ht !ot co!sume the body of the lorious martyr" they made the mi!isters to approach a!d did them to smite him throu h the body 5ith a spear" a!d the! issued out of his lorious body so reat abu!da!ce of blood that it <ue!ched the fire1 A!d 5he! the people sa5 the miracle they departed" ha6i! much mar6el that they did so much cruelty to the frie!ds of God1 A!d 5ith this lorious martyr 5ere t5el6e other martyrs martyred" for to et the =oy of hea6e!1 The 5hich ra!t us the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Pa io# of *" ,uiria$u "







I! the time that Julia! the apostate 5e!t for to fi ht a ai!st them of (ersia" he came i!to Jerusalem a!d did do see4 S1 Guiriacus the bishop" 5hich of his frie!ds 5as called Judas" but the Guee!" S1 +ele!" after he 5as baptiHed did do call him Guiriacus1 A!d 5he! he 5as brou ht tofore Julia!" he promised to him ma!y riches a!d ho!ours so that he 5ould do sacrifice u!to the idol of Jupiter" a!d because Guiriacus 5ould !ot do it" Julia! comma!ded to strai! him o! a ba!4" a!d 5ith a for4 of iro! he made to ope! his mouth a!d put i! molte! lead bur!i! " for to bur! his e!trails1 Guiriacus suffered it much patie!tly 5ithout ma4i! of a!y cry" loo4i! al5ays up to5ard hea6e!1 A!d about t5o hours after" 5he! they that 5ere there supposed he had bee! dead" he lifted up his 6oice sayi! D Jesus" 'ather eter!al" resple!de!t li ht 5hich !e6er may be e8ti!ct" I bless thee" for thou hast made me 5orthy to ha6e participatio! 5ith thy frie!ds1 Therefore I re<uire thee that the pride a!d elatio! of this e6il tyra!t may !ot o6ercome me" but that thy puissa!ce al5ays co!firm me i! steadfast co!sta!cy of faith1 A!d 5he! he had accomplished his oriso!" Julia! said to himD Guiriacus" lo I ho5 I let thee =a! leI I ha6e heard oft such 5ords7 do sacrifice to our lord Jupiter a!d the! thou shalt do 5isely1 The! Guiriacus a!s5ered to himD I belie6e a!d ha6e belie6ed him that is 6ery God that shall destroy thee a!d thy pride1 The! Julia! did do bri! a rabat of copper" a!d did do lay a!d stretch out the body thereo!" a!d put u!der it bur!i! coals" a!d did do stre5 salt o! the body" a!d abo6e that did do beat him 5ith rods" to the e!d that his belly a!d e!trails should ha6e the more pai! a!d tra6ail1 A!d after" they tur!ed his belly to5ards the fire a!d beat his bac4















5ith rods" a!d the! he 5ith a hi h 6oice be a! to pray i! +ebre51 The tyra!t 5as much amar6elled of the reat patie!ce that he had" a!d did do shut him i! a little house u!to the time that he had de6ised of 5hat death he mi ht ma4e him to die1 A!d about t5o years after" S1 A!!e" the mother of S1 Guiriacus" came to him a!d e8horted him to suffer patie!tly for the lo6e of God1 A!o! the mi!isters of the de6il 5e!t a!d told to the tyra!t" the 5hich comma!ded that she should be brou ht to him1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that she 5ould i! !o 5ise do sacrifice to the idols" he comma!ded that she should be ha! ed by the hair" a!d as she hu! " he made to tear off all her !ails or o! les" a!d i! this torme!t she 5as four hours 5ithout spea4i! 1 The! Julia! said to herD ,hat is this that they do to thi!e o! lesE A!d the! she a!s5ered to himD O hou!d out of thy 5it" 5or4er of all i!i<uity" if thou ha6e a!y reater torme!ts i6e them to me" for I am all ready to fi ht a ai!st thy father the de6il" o6er 5hom I ha6e hope to ha6e 6ictory" moye!a!t o! him the !ame of Jesu Christ1 The! the tyra!t comma!ded to ta4e reat lamps bur!i! a!d setti! them to her sides7 the holy 5oma! cried u!to God" a!d ma4i! her prayers she re!dered up her spirit u!to our Lord1 The christia! people that 5ere there buried her1 After this Julia! comma!ded that Guiriacus should be brou ht tofore him" a!d said to himD Guiriacus" say to me of 5hat e!cha!tme!ts a!d 5hat e6il craft hast thou used by 5hich it seemeth that thou feelest !o torme!t" a!d therefore thou 5ilt !ot sacrifice to the idolsE The! Guiriacus a!s5ered to himD O cursed fool a!d i!di !e hou!d that per6ertest the mi ht of God to e!cha!tme!ts a!d e6il 5or4s" 5herefore thou shalt be beate! by 5ou!d celestial1 The! comma!ded Julia! to ma4e a reat pit" a!d by e!cha!ters did do assemble all ma!!er of serpe!ts a!d 6e!omous beasts" a!d did do put them i!to the pit1 A!d after" he made to cast the holy ma! i! the midst of them" a!d as they thre5 him therei! he be a! to sayD 3i ht s5eet Jesus" I yield to thee race a!d tha!4i! s for !ot o!ly i! thee 5ouldst thou 6erify a!d apply the prophecy of Da6id" but i! us that be thy little creatures 5hich thou hast created a!d hast 5illed to ha6e thy race" for loI here it pleaseth thee" that 5e o upo! the serpe!ts" a!d that 5e march a!d tread o! the lio! a!d o! the dra o!1 A!d as he said so" Julia! comma!ded to bur! all the beasts1 The! a 4!i ht called Amo! said to the Emperor Julia!D O 4i! out of thy 5it a!d 5ood" ho5 hast thou the 5ill to put this ma! to deathE Thi!e e!cha!ters a!d thy ods 5hich be decei6able may !ot ma4e the mar6els that he doth" a!d i! truth !o5 fortho! I am certai! that the God of christia! me! is much mi hty1 'or 5hich 5ords" Julia! comma!ded to smite off his head7 a!d as he 5as led u!to the place for to be beheaded" he be a! to sayD Jesu Christ" 5hich art the God of Guiriacus" recei6e my soul i! peace" a!d so sayi! he stretched forth his !ec4 a!d 5as beheaded a!d thus fi!ished his martyrdom1 Julia! called Guiriacus" a!d prayed him a!d e8horted him that he should re!y the crucifi81 The! Guiriacus a!s5ered trimD O heart per6erted" e6il a!d 5ithout pity" that seest !othi! " that 5ouldst that I should lea6e my God 5hich i6eth to me a!d to other creatures so ma!y oods" a!d that I should become mecha!t a!d semblable to thee1 The! Julia! 5as much a! ry" a!d comma!ded to ha! a reat caldro! of oil upo! the fire 5hich oil 5as so hot that they 5ere there about u!!ethe mi ht e!dure the fume that issued1 A!d he comma!ded to set S1 Guiriacus therei!" 5hich e!tered therei! i! ma4i! the si ! of the cross" a!d saidD Lord Jesu Christ 5hich hast sa!ctified the flom Jorda! a!d hast i6e! to me the holy sacrame!t of baptism by 5ater" see !o5 5here I shall be yet baptiHed i! oil1 ;et ha6e I the third martyrdom to do by the 5ashi! of effusio! of blood" 5hich I ha6e lo! tarried for1 The! the tyra!t" reple!ished of 5rath a!d of ire more tha! tofore" comma!ded that he should be smitte! 5ith a sharp dart i!to the breast1 A!d as he 5as so smitte! he prayed God that he mi ht depart out of the 5orld" a!d the! a6e up his soul u!to our Lord" 5hich 5as the fourth !o!es of -ay1 This S1 Guiriacus of 5hom 5e spea4" 5as the same Judas properly by 5hom S1 +ele! fou!d the 6ery holy cross1 A!d after that he 5as baptiHed S1 +ele! recomme!ded him u!to the bishopric of Jerusalem" 5hich 5as at that time 5he! the said bishop 5as dead1 +ele! that the! 5as i! Jerusalem 5e!t to 3ome to the pope Eusebius" 5hich ordai!ed Judas to be bishop of Jerusalem i! cha! i! his !ame a!d called him Guiriacus1 To 5hom God a6e so much race that he e!chased a5ay the fie!ds by his prayer1 S1 +ele! deli6ered to him ma!y fair ifts for to distribute a!d depart to the poor1 A!d at the prayer a!d re<uest also of her 5as made a fair feast of the I!6e!tio! of the holy cross1 A!d ye ou ht to 4!o5 that 5he! the 6ery cross 5as fou!d" a!d by 6irtue thereof a dead ma! 5as raised" the de6il" 5hich is of all ood e!6ious" 5as heard cryi! i! the airD O JudasI by thee I am chased out a!d dimi!ished" but I 4!o5 5ell that I shall be a6e! ed a ai!st thee1 I shall raise a!other 4i! that shall re!y the crucifi8" the 5hich by my cou!sel a!d by my e8hortme!t shall ma4e thee to suffer so ma!y torme!ts that thou thyself shalt re!y the crucifi81 The! said Judas to himD +e that properly hath po5er to raise dead me!" put thee i! the deep bottom of hell i! fire perdurable1 S1 Guiriacus suffered martyrdom" as said is" for the lo6e of our Lord" by 5hich he hath otte! the lory perdurable" the 5hich he ra!t to us that for us suffered death a!d passio!1 Ame!1

Here followeth the life of *" Tho%a A-ui#a " S1 Thomas A<ui!as" of the order of the friars preachers" 5as a ri ht so6erei ! doctor" hi h a!d of !oble li!ea e" 5hich 5as bor! i! the realm of Sicily" a!d tofore that he 5as bor! he 5as she5ed by di6i!e pur6eya!ce1 'or i! those parts there 5as a holy ma! i! 5or4 a!d i! re!omee 5hich 5ith ma!y other hermits led a ri ht holy life" a!d all the people had him i! reat re6ere!ce1 This holy ma!" reple!ished of the +oly Ghost" came to the lady a!d mother of this holy child" !ot yet bor!" a!d 5ith reat =oy said to her that she had co!cei6ed a so!" a!d she supposed that she had !ot co!cei6ed1 The! the holy ma! said to herD Lady" be thou lad" for thou shalt bri! forth a child 5hich shall be called Thomas" a!d shall ha6e reat !ame a!d re!omee throu h all the 5orld i! scie!ce a!d i! holy life" a!d he shall be of the order of the friar" preachers1 All the 5hich thi! s li4e as the holy hermit has said 5ere accomplished i! the !ame of the Sa6iour of the 5orld" a!d to the lory of his lorious sai!t1 ,he! the child 5as bor! he 5as called Thomas by his ri ht !ame1 +e had the 5orld a!d the 6a!ity thereof i! despite" a!d for to li6e i! the more holy a!d clea! life he e!tered i!to the order of the friars preachers" a!d after" he 5as dra5! out thereof by his brethre!" a!d 5as closed up i! a chamber i! a to5er t5o years1 A!d because that by me!aces !e fair 5ords his brethre! mi ht !ot cha! e his ood purpose !e re6o4e it i! !o ma!!er" they put i! to his chamber a you! damsel to the i!!oce!t child" for to sub6ert his ood coura e" a!d a!o! he too4 a bra!d of fire" a!d dro6e the damsel out of the chamber" 5hich 5as come for to decei6e him1 A!d after that" he put him i! humble prayers" de6outly beseechi! our Lord that by his be!i ! race he 5ould al5ays mai!tai! his chastity1 A!o! as he had made his prayers t5o a! els i! mar6ellous habit appeared to him" sayi! that his prayer 5as heard of God" a!d they distrai!ed him by the rei!s" sayi! D Thomas" 5e be se!t to thee by the comma!dme!t of God" a!d i! his !ame 5e ird thee 5ith the irdle of chastity" 5hich shall !e6er depart from thee" !e shall be bro4e!1 The 5hich ift 5as i6e! to him of special race" a!d 5as i! him so fast a!d firm that he !e6er after felt pric4i! of his flesh" a!d so 4ept him as lo! as he li6ed" as it appeared hereafter i! his life1 ,he! he surmou!ted o!e of his ad6ersaries 5ith his mi!isters" his ood mother co!sideri! a!d ha6i! mi!d of that 5hich the ood ma! had told to her" a!d she5ed ho5 he should be of the order of the friars preachers" a!d let him to be led to them peaceably" !ot5ithsta!di! that tofore his brethre! 5ould ha6e empeshed him of the e!teri! i! to the order" a!d of his study1 'or 5he! he 5as retur!ed i! to the order by co!se!t of his ood mother he be a! to study" 5hich 5as as s5eet to him as it is to the bee to ma4e the ho!ey" a!d li4e as of the bee the ho!ey is multiplied" ri ht so i! li4e 5ise 5as by this lorious doctor the ho!ey of holy scripture1 ,hereof he made mar6ellous boo4s i! theolo y" lo ic" philosophy" !atural a!d moral" upo! the e6a! iles" i! so much that the holy church throu hout all the 5orld of his holy scie!ce is reple!ished1 A!d as he thus profited he 5as se!t to (aris1 The! his brethre!" heard that he should depart" a!o! came after him" sayi! that it appertai!ed !ot that a child of so reat li!ea e as he 5as" should be i! the order of me!dica!ts !e of trua!ts" a!d all to:re!t his coat a!d cope" a!d 5ould ha6e ta4e! him a5ay from his ood purpose1 A!d 5he! he 5as restored to the order to ser6e a!d i6e praisi! to our Lord" he set all his i!te!t to study" i! thi!4i! o! God 5he! he 5as i! co!templatio! that his thou ht 5as reple!ished 5ith reat =oy1 'or ma!y times 5ere" as he 5as i! a secret place a!d set all his i!te!t i! prayer" he 5as see! lifted up ma!y times 5ithout aid of a!ythi! corporal1 This the! is 5ell a holy doctor" for thus as he set !ot his thou ht i! this 5orld" he set all his heart a!d his thou ht to5ard God" a!d 5as e!ha!ced as he that had !ot had !o flesh !e bo!e" !e a!y 5ei ht1 ,e read that the blessed doctor desputed" read" or 5rote" or ar ued" or did some other 6irtuous thi! " a!d after 5he! his prayer 5as past" a!o! he had i! his mouth that 5hich he should dispute or 5rite as if he had tofore lo! studied i! ma!y boo4s1 All 5hich thi! s he she5ed secretly to his fello5" !amed friar 3ey!old1 To 5hom pri6ily he she5ed all his other secrets as lo! as he li6ed" a!d 5ould that !o!e other should 4!o5 it" to the e!d that the 6ai! lory of the 5orld should !ot surprise him1 'or the scie!ce that he had 5as !ot of huma! study" but 5as of the admi!istratio! di6i!e by the prayers a!d ser6ice that he did to our Lord1 This holy ma! is the! as -oses 5as" 5hich 5as i6e! to the dau hter of (haraoh1 'or li4e as he 5as ta4e! out of the sea a!d sa6ed a!d re!dered u!to the said dau hter" ri ht so the blessed doctor" !ot 5ithsta!di! that he 5as bor! of the reat li!ea e of the Earl of Al<ui! 5as by the pur6eya!ce of God re!dered to his mother holy church" a!d cast out of the flood of this 5orld" a!d e!ha!ced a!d !ourished by the paps a!d mammels of the scripture of holy church1 A!d li4e as -oses made ma!y mar6ellous si !s tofore the childre! of Israel" i! Ii4e 5ise hath this blessed doctor a!d his scie!ce a!d blessed doctri!e i! destroyi! errors al5ays preached 6erity a!d truth" as his holy life 5it!esseth1













As o! a !i ht this lorious doctor 5as i! his oriso!s a!d prayers" the blessed apostles (eter a!d (aul appeared to him a!d i!duced him i! holy scripture" a!d especially of the prophecy of prophets all e!tirely a!d holy1 This the! is a holy doctor to 5hom the cha!cellor of hea6e! a!d the doctor of di6i!e scripture ha6e ope!ed the ate7 a!d he that 5as ra6ished to hea6e! hath she5ed to him the secret of all the 6erity1 A!d thus this blessed doctor is ta4e! from the 5orld a!d made bur ess of hea6e! he bei! yet i! the earth1 O! a!other time as he 5as i! the co!6e!t of his order at Naples" bei! i! the church i! de6out prayers he 5as e!ha!ced a!d lifted up from the rou!d the hei ht of t5o cubits a!d more1 The! a friar that sa5 him 5as much abashed a!d amar6elled" a!d after" 5as heard a clear 6oice of the ima e of the crucifi8 tofore 5hom the holy ma! 5as tur!ed a!d made his prayer" the 5hich 6oice said u!to himD O Thomas" thou hast 5ritte! of me" 5hat re5ard 5ilt thou ha6e for thy labourE S1 Thomas a!s5ered to himD Lord" I 5ill !o!e other re5ard but thyself7 for he himself 5rote i! his time a!d made the ser6ice a!d office of the precious sacrame!t of the altar1 A!d for as much as o! a time a <uestio! 5as mo6ed amo! the scholars of (aris ho5 the accide!ts mi ht by ri ht be 5ithout sub=ect" a!d hereof made they doubt" a!d determi!ed all 5holly u!to that 5hich the lorious doctor should say" 5hich thi! he clearly she5ed to them1 A!d for so much as said is that the dema!d or <uestio! 5as mo6ed of our Lord" it 5as i6e! to u!dersta!d of the e!d of his life 5hich 5as !i h1 A!d as he 5as se!t for of the (ope Gre ory the te!th" he 5e!t by Champa !e i!to the realm of Sicily" he be a! to be sic4 i! such 5ise that he lost e!tirely his appetite1 A!d i! passi! by the abbey called 'osse!e5 of the order of the Cistercia!s" he 5as prayed reatly of the mo!4s that it 5ould please him to come to their abbey1 +is sic4!ess be a! for to i!crease from day to day" a!d yet !ot5ithsta!di! his malady" he ceased !ot to so5 a!d spread his holy doctri!e of di6i!e scripture a!d sapie!ce" a!d the! he 5as prayed of the mo!4s for to e8pou!d to them the ca!ticles1 A!d that time it happed that i! that mo!astery 5as see! a star three days tofore his death i! ma!!er of a su!" 5hereof they 5ere abashed 5hat it mi ht si !ify" but certai!ly it si !ified that the holy ma! should depart out of this 5orld 5ithi! three days" a!d that appeared 5ell" for 5he! the holy ma! 5as dead the star 5as !o more see!" a!d it 5as i! the year of our Lord t5el6e hu!dred a!d fifty:four1 A!d a!o! brother 3ey!old" his fello5" 5it!essed i! truth" part sayi! a!d ope!ly preachi! i! this 5ise7 I" friar 3ey!old" ha6e heard ma!y times a!d !o5" the co!fessio! of this lorious doctor" a!d ha6e al5ays fou!d him clea! a!d !et as a child of fi6e years of a e" for he !e6er co!se!ted !e had 5ill i! mortal !e deadly si!1 A!d it is !ot to be for otte! 5hat mar6ellous to4e!s 5ere she5ed 5he! the blessed doctor should depart out of this 5orld a!d of the e!try of the perdurable felicity 5hich 5as ra!ted to him1 'or a friar" much de6out" sa5 i! the hour of his death the holy doctor readi! i! the school" a!d S1 (aul e!teri! i!to him1 A!d S1 Thomas dema!ded him if he had had ood a!d true u!dersta!di! i! his epistles1 The! S1 (aul a!s5ered to himD ;ea" as ood as a!y creature li6i! mi ht ha6e1 A!d abo6e that S1 (aul said to himD I 5ill that thou come 5ith me a!d I shall lead thee to a place 5here thou shalt ha6e of all thi! s more clear u!dersta!di! 1 A!d it seemed to the friar that S1 (aul dre5 S1 Thomas out of the school by his cope1 The! this friar be a! to cry" sayi! D +elp brethre!" for friar Thomas is ta4e! from us" a!d by the 6oice of this friar the other friars a5o4e a!d dema!ded that friar 5hat he had1 The! he told to them a!d e8pou!ded this said 6isio!" a!d the friars made i!<uisitio! of the truth" a!d fou!d that it 5as so as the friar had said" for i! the same hour that the friar had so cried" the holy doctor departed out of this 5orld1 A!d li4e as he had had i! di6i!e sapie!ce a!d scie!ce a doctor a!d teacher" ri ht so i! his passi! he had a leader u!to the lory perdurable1 A!d lo! after that he 5as put i! his sepulchre" the mo!4s doubted that the holy corpse should ha6e bee! ta4e! a5ay a ai!st their 5ill" for the lorious doctor had comma!ded that his body should be bor!e to Naples" forasmuch as he 5as of that place1 ,herefore the mo!4s tra!slated his body from o!e place to a!other" 5herefore the prior of the abbey 5as i! the !i ht rie6ously repro6ed i! a 6isio! of S1 Thomas1 The prior" 5hich doubted the =ud me!t a!d se!te!ce di6i!e" comma!ded that the body of the Sai!t should be remised i! the place that they had ta4e! it from" a!d as soo! as the sepulchre 5as ope!ed there issued so reat a!d s5eet a! odour that all the cloister 5as reple!ished there5ith" a!d it seemed !ot that a!ybody had bee! buried there" but it seemed that there had bee! all ma!!er of spices" 5hich body they fou!d all 5hole i! all his members1 The habit of his order" his cope" his scapulary a!d coat" 5ere all 5ithout a!y e6il corruptio!" a!d the odour of his precious body a!d his habit 5ere s5eet smelli! by e6ide!t 5it!esses se6e! years after that he 5as tra!slated" a!d the body 5as tra!slated all 5hole1 Our blessed Lord hath ho!oured his blessed sai!t 5ith ma!y mar6ellous si !s a!d miracles1 9y his be!efits a!d merits he hath raised some from death a!d some from 5ic4ed











spirits" a!d from the puissa!ce of the fie!d" a!d ma!y from di6ers maladies" 5hich ha6e bee! brou ht to health by the race of God a!d the merits of this lorious sai!t1 ,e read also that there 5as a friar much de6out" called brother Albert" 5hich o! a day 5as much de6outly i! prayers tofore the altar of the Vir i! -ary" a!d t5o re6ere!d perso!s" mar6ellously shi!i! " appeared to him1 That o!e of those t5ai! 5as i! the habit of a bishop a!d the other i! the habit of friars preachers" 5hich had a cro5! o! his head rou!d beset 5ith precious sto!es" a!d about his !ec4 t5o collars" o!e of sil6er" the other of old" a!d o! his breast he had a reat sto!e 5hich of his bri ht!ess cast out ma!y rays of clear!ess a!d illumi!ed all the church" his cope that he had o! 5as full of precious sto!es" his coat a!d scapulary 5ere all shi!i! of 5hite!ess1 ,he! the friar sa5 this si ht he mar6elled much1 The! he" that 5as i! the habit of a bishop" said to himD I am Austi!" that am se!t to thee to the e!d that I may sho5 the lory of brother Thomas A<ui!as 5hich is i! hea6e! i! lory li4e u!to me" but he precedeth me i! the order of 6ir i!ity" a!d I him i! di !ity po!tifical1 -a!y other si !s a!d miracles hath our Lord sho5ed u!to the ho!our a!d lory of his lorious sai!t" S1 Thomas" 5hose merits be u!to us aida!t a!d helpi! 1 Ame!1 Here followeth the life of *" Gaiu " That time 5he! Diocletia! a!d -a8imia! rei !ed emperors" Gaius" that 5as pope of 3ome" called a!d made to assemble all the christia! people to ether" a!d said to themD Our Lord hath ordai!ed t5o de rees or states to them that belie6e o! him" that is to 5it" co!fessors a!d martyrs1 A!d therefore if some of you be fearful a!d i! doubt that they shall !ot mo5e suffer martyrdom" let them e6er ha6e true a!d 6ery co!fessio! a!d be steadfast i! the faith" a!d o must they 5ith Cromatius a!d Tiburtius for to sa6e themsel6es1 A!d they that are 5illi! for to abide 5ith me 5ithi! this city" i! the !ame of God let them abide" for the separatio! of the perso!s i! far cou!tries may !ot separate that the di6i!e charity hath assembled1 The! escried to him Tiburtius sayi! D +oly father" I beseech thee that thou lea6e me !ot to tur! my bac4" feari! the persecutors1 'or to me it shall be reat =oy a!d comfort to suffer bodily death" for to et a!d e!=oy life eter!al1 ,he! S1 Gaius sa5 the faith of Tiburtius a!d his co!sta!t coura e he be a! to 5eep for =oy1 There abode 5ith him -arcellius" -ar4 their father" Tra!<uili!us" Sebastia!" Tiburtius a!d S1 Nicostratus" 5ith him his brother Castor a!d his 5ife Koe" also Claudia! a!d Victoria! hii brother" 5ith them his so! Symphoria!1 The bishop ordai!ed u!to deaco!s S1 -ar4 a!d -arcellius a!d made priest Tra!<uili!us1 +e did ordai! S1 Sebastia! defe!sor of the Church" a!d the others he ordai!ed a!d made subdeaco!s1 Ni ht a!d day they 5ere co!ti!ually i! reat de6otio!" fasti! " 5eepi! a!d sayi! their prayers a!d oriso!s" a!d de6outly prayed our Lord that of his be!i ! race he 5ould ma4e them able a!d 5orthy to be accompa!ied 5ith the martyrs by 6ery patie!ce" a!d there by their prayers ma!y o!e 5ere healed of their sic4!ess1 -a!y a bli!d perso! 5as restored of si ht" a!d ma!y e!emies or de6ils 5ere put out from ma!y a creature1 So as Tiburtius 5e!t throu h the to5! he sa5 a ma! that 5as falle! from hi h u!to lo5" i!somuch that he 5as all to:burst a!d bro4e! of all his members" a!d me! 5ould ha6e made his ra6e for to bury him1 Soo! Tiburtius approached a!d be a! to say (ater !oster o6er him" fair a!d soft" a!d i!co!ti!e!t after" he 5as 5hole" a!d re!dered him i! to ood health to his pare!ts1 A!d soo! after" he had him aside from the people a!d co!6erted a!d baptiHed him1 So as Koe 5as de6outly i! oriso! a!d at her prayers she 5as ta4e! a!d led by the pay!ims u!to a statue of -ars" for to ha6e co!strai!ed her to sacrifice to the idols1 She the! a!s5eredD ;e 5ill co!strai! a 5oma! for to sacrifice u!to the statue of -ars for to sho5 that your -ars deli hteth a!d ta4eth his pleasure i! 5ome!" a!d ho5beit that he may do his 5ill of the shameful Ve!us" !e6erthelatter he shall !ot ha6e the 6ictory of me" for I bear the 6ictory of me at my forehead1 The! she 5as ta4e! a!d led i!to a priso! ri ht dar4 a!d much obscure7 a!d there she 5as fi6e days 5ithout si ht of a!y li ht" 5ithout dri!4" a!d 5ithout meat" a!d 5ithout the si ht a!d heari! of a!y body" but o!ly of him that had closed or shut her therei!" 5ho ofte! said to herD 9y fami!e" or by fault a!d lac4 of meat" thou shalt die here i! te!ebres or dar4!ess if thou sacrifice !ot u!to our mi hty ods1 The si8th day she 5as had out of priso!" a!d ha! ed she 5as by her hairs to a hi h tree" a!d u!der her they made a smo4e of du! a!d of ordure or filth" 5hich re!dered a horrible ste!ch1 A!d by this torme!t of martyrdom she e8pired a!d re!dered her soul u!to our Lord" co!fessi! e6er his ri ht holy !ame1 After" the tyra!ts too4 the holy corpse a!d at the !ec4 of it they hu! a reat sto!e" a!d cast it 5ithi! the ri6er of Tiber" to the e!d that the christia!s should !ot ta4e it to ma4e of it a oddess1 A!d after that she












thus had recei6ed her martyrdom" she appeared before S1 Sebastia! a!d recou!ted to him ho5 she had suffered martyrdom for the lo6e of our Lord1 The 5hich thi! " as S1 Sebastia! rehearsed it to his fello5s" Tra!<uili!us escried a!d saidD The 5ome! precede us to the cro5! of lory" 5hy li6e 5e so lo! E



O! the se6e!th day after this" Tra!<uili!us alo!e" hi h a!d public" be a! to de!ou!ce the !ame of God" a!d a!o! he 5as ta4e! a!d cast 5ith sto!es" a!d 5he! he had re!dered his soul to God he 5as cast i!to the 5ater of Tiber1 A!d as Nicostratus a!d Claudia!" 5ith them Castor" Victoria! a!d Symphoria! 5ere about to ha6e out of the ri6er of Tiber the bodies of the martyrs" they 5ere ta4e! a!d led u!to the prefect or =ud e 'abia!" 5hich i!6ited them to sacrifice u!to the idols by the space of te! days" o!e time by me!aces" that other time by fair 5ords" 5ee!i! to ha6e brou ht them to this idolatry1 9ut e6er they 5ere steadfast a!d co!sta!t i! the faith" 5hich 'abia!" 5he! he sa5 them so co!sta!t" he 5e!t a!d told it to the emperor" a!d the emperor comma!ded that they should be forth5ith torme!ted by di6ers torme!ts1 9ut 5he! he sa5 their steadfast belief" he comma!ded that 5ithout delay they should be cast i!to the midst of the sea1 A!o! 'abia!" for to accomplish the comma!dme!t of the emperor" made to be ha! ed at the !ec4 of each o!e of them a reat sto!e" a!d thro5! they 5ere u!to the bottom of the sea1 Thus 5ere co!sumed or e!ded their martyrdoms" flourishi! as lilies before God" i! sempiter!a secula" 5here 5e all may ha6e part1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Ar#old"

S1 Ar!old 5as father of (epi! a!d ra!dfather of Charles the reat" as a doctor recou!teth" !amed (eter Damia!" a!d held a duchy i! Lorrai!e" 5hich did put from him all 5orldly affectio!s" as riches" 5ife a!d childre!" a!d hau!ted the deserts for to lead best solitary life1 O! a day" so as he passed o6er the ri6er of -euse" a!d that he 5as about the midst of the brid e 5here the 5ater 5as more deeper tha! i! a!y other place" he too4 a ri! that he had a!d cast it 5ithi! the 5ater sayi! D ,he!some6er I shall recei6e a!d ha6e a ai! this ri! " the! shall I belie6e that I shall be assoiled of all my si!s1 A!d after" from the!ce he departed a!d 5e!t i!to a desert" 5here he 5as lo! time as dead to the 5orld a!d li6i! 5ith God1 I! that time died the bishop of -etH" a!d happed that S1 Ar!old 5as chose! for to be bishop there1 So the! o! a time as he abstai!ed him from eati! of a!y flesh" as he e6er did 5hile that he 5as i! the desert or 5ood" 5as prese!ted u!to him a fish" a!d as his coo4 dressed a!d slit it" he fou!d 5ithi! his belly the said ri! " a!d 5e!t a!d sho5ed it to the holy bishop" 5hereof he 5as ri ht =oyful a!d lad1 A!d ye ou ht to 5it that from the place 5here the holy ma! had cast the said ri! i!to the 5ater" u!to the place 5here the said fish 5as prese!ted to him" 5as four a!d t5e!ty miles by 5ater1 A!d 5he! the holy ma! ad6ised him" a!d that 5ell he 4!e5 for certai! the said ri! " he tha!4ed God of it" that he a6e to him 4!o5led e of the remissio! of his si!s1 'rom the!ce fortho!" e6er from better u!to better" de6outly a!d by holy perse6era!ce he i!te!ded to ser6e our Lord" a!d yet as !o5 is the said ri! 5ithi! the palace of -etH1 -e! may be mar6elled a!d mar6elli! to ma !ify a!d praise God" ho5 i! this prese!t life they may !ot li6e 5ithout perils" but he is bor! i! a ood hour that ac<uireth races of God" a!d that ma4eth =ustice o! his o5! flesh as lo! as he is li6i! i! it1 I say this because of this holy ma! that 5as at so ood a! hour bor!" that so much of races he at a!d ac<uired to5ard our Lord" that he 5as certified a!d e!sured of the remissio! a!d pardo! of all his si!s" as tofore ye heard say1 Soo!" 5he! he 5as possessi! his bishopric" he did distribute a!d departed to the poor so much a!d so lar ely of his o5! oods that" the poor fol4 came thither from far cou!tries a!d cities for to be cou!selled a!d helped by alms1 +e 5as also busily te!di! to all ood 5or4s" a!d i! especial to recei6e reli ious fol4" mo!4s" a!d poor pil rims1 +e himself 5ashed their feet" he clothed them of !e5" a!d to them a6e sil6er e!ou h to pass o! their 5ay" a!d as soo! as others of !e5 came" he 5as as ready for to help them as he tofore 5as" for the ho!our a!d re6ere!ce of God1 I! 5atchi! " i! fasti! " i! de6out prayers a!d i! oriso!s he employed e6er the time1 No!e mi ht !ot duly rehearse !e tell the reat absti!e!ces that he made" for 5he! he had fasted the space of three days" he 5as co!te!t to ha6e a little bread made of barley a!d a little 5ater" a!d e6er most secretly that he could he 5are u!der his clothes the hair" i! so much that by force of absti!e!ce he ri ht reatly had made lea! his flesh1 O! a time" duri! the three days 5hich he fasted" he did do ma4e a processio! 5hereat ma!y creatures 5ere" 5hich much de6outly prayed1 A!d so as the processio! 5as i! doi! " there 5as a 5oma! torme!ted a!d sore 6e8ed by the de6il" that be a! to cry loud a!d hi h1 ,he! the holy ma! sa5 this








5oma!" he made the si ! of the cross o6er her" a!d soo! after she 5as deli6ered from the e!emy that so torme!ted her1 I! the time of Da obert 4i! of 'ra!ce" so as he 5as 5ithi! his palace" a leper came there that be a! to cry after the holy ma! a!d dema!ded meat a!d clothi! 1 Soo! comma!ded the holy ma! that he should be led home" a!d so as he mi!istered a!d too4 to him that 5as !eedful a!d !ecessary to him he did dema!d of him if he 5ere baptiHed" for he 5as of 9arbary1 The! a!s5ered the leper to the holy ma!D Alas" sir" !ay" for I that am a poor creature ha6e !ot fou!d !o!e that hath i6e! to me the precious ift of baptism" a!d a!o! the holy ma! baptiHed him" a!d i!co!ti!e!t after" his sic4!ess left him a!d departed from his body" a!d so he that tofore had bee! a si!!er a!d sore sic4" by the merit of the holy ma! 5as left a!d made 5hole both of body a!d of soul1 O! a!other time a ma!" !amed Noddo" 5hich 5as dru!4 a!d full of 5i!e" be a! to moc4" a!d dispraised the holy ma!" sayi! that he 5as !ot the ma! of God" but that he 5as full lusty a!d ready to all delices1 ,herefore it happed that so as he a!d his so! 5e!t to bed" sudde!ly" by the 5ill of God" their clothi! 5ere all about o! fire a!d be a! to bur!1 The! they cried a!d called for 5ater" but the 5ater did !ou ht to it" so that the fire too4 o! their shirts to5ards the e!itories" a!d from them they mi ht !ot ha6e off their clothes7 a!d 5he! they sa5 that !o remedy they mi ht put to it" they 5e!t out of their chamber a!d be a! to lay themsel6es as s5i!e do5! i!to the ordure or filth" a!d i!to foul or sti!4i! 5aters" but all this a6ailed them !au ht" for from more i!to more their e!itories did bur!1 A!d so as I belie6e at that same hour 5as 6erified that that our Lord said by the mouth of Da6id the prophet" sayi! D Detrahe!tem secreto pro8imo suo hu!c perse<uebar7 that is to say i! E! lishD Those that secretly blame a!d dispraise their !ei hbours them I shall persecute1 That same Noddo died i! this estate a!d ac4!o5led ed his si!" a!d so died his so! by the said se!te!ce1 So as the holy ma! 5as perse6eri! i! 6irtues for to 4eep a!d esche5 the 6ai! lory of this 5orld" he departed from the city a!d 5e!t u!to a place !ot far from it" 5here he did do ma4e a little house" a!d made himself to be closed a!d shut therei! a!d there he 5as co!ti!ually i! prayers of a!d oriso!s lifti! his ha!ds to5ards hea6e!1 It happed by ad6e!ture that the fire too4 the house of the 4i! " a!d so much it re5 that the houses there about be a! to bur! fast1 Sudde!ly the people 5ere mo6ed 5he! they sa5 that all the city 5as esprised o! a fire a!d flame" a!d they 5e!t forth5ith to the cell of the said holy ma! 5here he 5as de6outly i! his oriso!s a!d prayers thus as he 5as accustomed to be1 A!o! o!e that 5as called 3oma!cius too4 him by the ha!d a!d saidD 3ise thou from he!ce" ma! of God" to the e!d that this fire co!sume !e dama e thee !ot 5ith the city1 The! the holy ma! a!s5eredD I 5ill !ot depart" but lead me !i h the fire" a!d if God 5ill that I shall be bur!t I am i! his ha!ds" here as I am1 The! they of the city came 5ith him ha!d i! ha!d u!to the fire" a!d after comma!ded that each o!e of them should fall i! prayers1 A!d 5he! the holy ma! had made his prayers they rose up all a!d the! he lift up his ha!ds a!d made the si ! of the cross" a!d the! a!o! the fire <ue!ched" a!d made after !o ma!!er of dama e1 A!d after that hour" o!e of his brethre! sa5 i! a 6isio! to5ards hea6e!" the si ! of the 6ery cross i! a ma!!er as flame" a!d at the other side he heard a 6oice that saidD Seest thou this crossE 9y that hath the bishop Ar!old deli6ered the city from fire this !i ht1 After this S1 Ar!old reli!<uished a!d left the 5orld all e!tirely" a!d 5e!t i!to a desert amo! the 5ild beasts" 5here he made a little house 5ith some mo!4s that 5ere d5elli! there" 5here he held him e6er i! holy meditatio! a!d di6i!e praisi! s" a!d 5he! a!y poor people came there" he frie!dly recei6ed a!d ser6ed them" their hose! he did pull off" their feet he 5ashed" a!d made clea! their shoo!" a!d also much be!i !ly he made their beds" a!d made their meat ready" a!d so he 5as both coo4 a!d bishop to ether1 +u! er a!d thirst suffered he ma!y times so that he mi ht of his o5! meat feed his fello5s1 +e set apart all precious raime!t" a!d much dear he held the hair that 5as rou h a!d hard1 I! these t5o deeds doi! " the ood ma! re!dered his soul to God" a!d after his obse<uies do!e" the bishop his successor that had to !ame Goericus" assembled to ether a reat compa!y of people" t5o bishops a!d ma!y cler4s also" a!d alto ether they 5e!t i!to the desert1 A!d 5he! they came u!to the place thereas the corpse 5as" sayi! 6i ils much solem!ly7 a!d after" they too4 the corpse a!d bare it a5ay 5ith reat ho!our a!d re6ere!ce u!to the city1 A!d as they came to a ruisel or cha!!el a!d 5ould ha6e passed it" it happe!ed that they 5hich bare the corpse behi!d fell do5!" but as I suppose the a! els sustai!ed the corpse i! the air" for they that bare it before 5e!t e6er a!d letted !ot" a!d they that 5ere falle! had !o harm" but stood up a!o! a!d bare the corpse a ai! as they did before1 I! the time that this holy ma! 5as o! life" there 5as a ma!












that li6ed much lecherously7 the holy ma! repro6ed him ma!y times thereof a!d prayed him that he 5ould lea6e that life a!d do pe!ite!ce" or that he should die i! that state1 It so happed that as the holy corpse 5as bor!e to the city" a!d as they passed throu h the said ma!>s rou!d" the same holy corpse at the e!tra!ce of the said ma!>s rou!d stood still" i!somuch that they that bare it could !ot mo6e it from the!ce" 5herefore the bishops" the priests" the cler4s" a!d all the people that 5ere there" 5ere much mar6eled a!d sore troubled" also because that the !i ht 5as !i h" a!d they 5ist !ot 5here they mi ht be lod ed1 The! a du4e that 5as i! the compa!y" !amed Noddo" said thus to themD ;e see ho5 he refuseth to e!ter 5ithi! the rou!d of this si!!er" my to5! is here !i h" I cou!sel that 5e retur! thither for to abide a!d rest us there all !i ht1 'or also 5e !e ha6e here 5hat to feed this people 5ithal" for of all pro6isio!s or store I !e ha6e but a little beer 5ithi! a little 6essel a!d a little bread" if it please to God a!d to the holy corpse that 5e mi ht be there ere the !i ht come1 A!d ho5beit that far a5ay as it 5as the!ce" !e6ertheless by the 5ill of God they 5ere there ri ht soo!" a!d them seemed that the holy corpse bare himself" a!d !amely that they 5ere bor!e thither 5here they came by dayli ht1 A!d the! said Noddo to themD I pray to S1 Ar!old that by his race he 5ill feed us all this !i ht" for 5ell I 5ot that at his prayer 5e shall ha6e all that to us !eedeth1 A!d soo!" 5ith that little dri!4 a!d bread that they had" by the race of God a!d of the sai!t they 5ere all fed a!d rassassied that !i ht" a!d yet much remai!ed of it both of dri!4 a!d of bread1 O! the mor! !e8t" 5ith reat =oy they 5al4ed a!d bare the holy corpse i!to the city1 They of the city also came to meet the corpse i! processio!" 5ith reat re6ere!ce" as he that had bee! their pastor or uide of their souls" 5hich of lo! time they had !ot see!" a!d much re6ere!tly they buried the holy corpse i! the church of the apostles1 A 5oma! that Julia had to !ame" 5hich of lo! time had lost her si ht" came to the sepulchre of S1 Ar!old" a!d fre<ue!tly her prayer there made" by him reco6ered her si ht1 A!other 5oma! o! a Su!day 5rou ht1 God pu!ished her" for her t5o ha!ds 5ere stiff a!d cou!terfeit1 She came i!to the church 5here the holy corpse lay" besou ht the sai!t 5ith faithful heart" sore 5eepi! " a!d a!o! reco6ered health1 The solem!ity of this lorious sai!t is celebrated the se6e!tee!th day of the 4ale!ds of Au ust i! the ho!our of God" that li6eth a!d 5ithout e!d rei !eth1 I! seculorum secula1 Ame!1 Here followeth the life of *" Tuie#" S1 Turie! 5as Archbishop of Dole i! little 9reta !e" a!d 5as bor! i! a to5! !i h to the said city" 5here 5as a church1 +is father a!d his mother 5ere issued of !oble li!ea e1 I! that time a ma! of holy life" co!fessor a!d frie!d of God" 5as archbishop of the said city" a!d 5as !amed Sampso!1 So the! as the 6essel of holi!ess" that is to 5it Turie!" that yet 5as but a child of a e" but he 5as by 6irtue of the +oly Ghost filled 5ith race" reli!<uished a!d left for lo6e of our Lord all his pare!ts" 5hich 5ere of reat estate" a!d the fair li6elihood also that he should ha6e" a!d came i!to the city of Dole to5ards S1 Sampso!1 ,he! S1 Sampso! sa5 him" he ordai!ed a!d set him to 4eep his 4i!e a!d his other beasts1 This prefi ured he to him ladly" si !ifyi! that he should be" i! time to come" pastor or uide of the sheep of our Lord" 5he! he should recei6e the di !ity of archbishop1 A!d i! this estate" 4eepi! the beasts" esprised of the lo6e of God a!d !ot of !othi! huma!" he did call e6ery cler4 that passed before him a!d prayed him that he 5ould 5rite some letters 5ithi! a little pair of tables that he had1 for to lear! a!d 4!o5 them1 ,he! he be a! to 4!o5 5ell e!ou h his letters" it pleased our Lord that he should lear! a!d 4!o5 the art of rammar" a!d so much of race a6e God to him that he had a melodious a!d fair 6oice at church" more tha! a!y of his other fello5s" a!d so as by ma!y a time his 6oice pleased much to the archbishop" he retai!ed a!d too4 him still 5ith him" a!d of him he made as of his o5! adopted so!" a!d much e!dea6oured him to ma4e him to lear! the di6i!e scripture" a!d s5eetly o6er!ed him1 So much re5 a!d fructified the child i! resple!dour or li ht of all ood 6irtues" by ood doctri!es a!d e8amples" that the said archbishop ordai!ed him master of the cler4s of his chapel1 The 5eal of this child Turie! multiplied e6er from better to better i! the lo6e a!d race of our Lord1 The Archbishop S1 Sampso!" that as the! 5as old" co!sideri! the holy life that Turie! led" the ood 6irtues of 5hich he 5as filled" a!d that he 5as i! a e perfect" ordai!ed him archbishop i! his place" a!d !amely" he yet li6i! " 5ould see him to be possessor of the di !ity of the archbishop1 A!d so 5he! by the co!secratio! di6i!e he 5as chose! to the said di !ity" all the people made =oy thereof" for 5ell they percei6ed that he 5as full of the race of God1













O! a time" as he lifted up his eyes to5ards hea6e!" he sa5 a 5i!do5 5ide ope! a!d the a! els i! paradise that bare the ar4 of the testame!t of God1 A!d the! he said to all the peopleD I see hea6e! ope! a!d the a! els beari! the ar4 of God" a!d yet I see our Lord Jesu Christ sitti! o! his tribu!al1 A!d 5he! the people had heard him" they all to ether" to the more a!d less" be a! of o!e 6oice" of o!e heart" a!d of o!e mouth to praise" to lorify" a!d to ma !ify the !ame of our Lord" a!d from that time fortho! they ho!oured more the holy ma! tha! they had do!e before1 The holy ma! the! comma!ded that a cross should be made of 5ood" dressed a!d set i! the same place 5here he sa5 the foresaid 6isio!1 O! a!other time as he preached !i h to a church called Car!ifrut before a cross made of sto!e" 5hereas much people 5ere assembled to hear his predicatio!" the 5hich cross had bee! sometime made i! the ho!our a!d re6ere!ce of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d of the lorious archa! el S1 -ichael" o! 5hich cross sometime he desce!ded from the shoulders of the said archbishop" it happed that a you! maid dead 5as brou ht thither for to be buried" the 5hich by his prayer at the re<uest of the people 5as raised to life1 Of the history of this lorious sai!t" I !e may fi!d more of it" but 5e shall all pray to him that to5ard our Lord he 5ill be our ood i!tercessor a!d frie!d1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Fia$re" S1 'iacre" the lorious hermit" made ma!y 6irtuous deeds i! the territory or cou!try of -eau8 i! the protectio! of S1 (haro!" that time bishop of the city of -eau81 -a!y miracles !eedful a!d !ecessary as the! he made i! this 5orld" as the le e!d of the lesso!s of his faits sho5 clearly e!ou h" a!d to the e!d that this prese!t !arratio! that ma4eth of it me!tio!" be !ot too much prolo! ed" a!d that the life of S1 'iacre a!d of S1 (haro! assembled to ether may appear to them that shall read it" it is ood as to me seemeth" that at this be i!!i! I ma4e me!tio! of the e8celle!ce of S1 'iacre" ho5 for the lo6e of our Lord he left his cou!try" both father a!d mother" a!d all his oods" a!d came i!to the parts of 'ra!ce1 O! that time that the lorious S1 (haro! left a!d reli!<uished the 5orldly 4!i hthood" a!d that he 5as ordai!ed a!d made bishop of -eau8" the same mo!4 !amed 'iacre" of the !atio! of Scots" bei! i! his cou!try" a!d mo6ed by de6otio! to ser6e our Lord more straitly" departed 5ith such fello5ship as fortu!e a6e to him" a!d came u!to -eau8 i! 'ra!ce" 5here he prayed the holy bishop there that he mi ht d5ell u!der his protectio!1 ,he! (haro! had heard his dema!d" ri ht ladly he accorded to it" a!d as a piteous pastor" ra!ted that 'iacre should d5ell 5ith him after his o5! pleasure as lo! as he 5ould1 ,he! the hermit 'iacre had impetred his petitio! or dema!d" he 5e!t a!d cast his si ht lo5 to5ards the earth" a!d o!ely" 5ith all his heart a!d thou ht" a!d 5ithout spea4i! " made his prayer to God that of his race he 5ould ha6e pity o! him1 A!d so fer6e!tly he besou ht a!d prayed that his face re!dered reat drops of 5ater" a!d 5as o6er red a!d sore chauffed1 A!d 5he! the blessed S1 (haro! sa5 him i! such estate" he be a! to be mar6elled" a!d 5ee!ed that he 5as a rie6ed of somethi! " a!d a!o! he called to him o!e of his ser6a!ts a!d said to himD Go to yo!der ma! a!d ma4e him come secretly to spea4 5ith me1 The messe! er did as to him 5as comma!ded" a!d led S1 'iacre u!to the bishop1 ,he! he 5as before his prese!ce" the holy ma! (haro!" full of 6irtuous thou hts" to the e!d that better he mi ht declare his i!te!tio!" said to 'iacre i! this ma!!erD -y brother" I re<uire thee that thou 5ilt put from thee this sorro5 a!d hea6i!ess 5hich is i! thi!e heart" to the e!d that thou mayst better recei6e my 5ords1 The! said S1 'iacre to him7 'air father re6ere!d" if thou 5ilt ha6e pity a!d compassio! o! me" thou shalt mo5e ma4e me to cease this hea6i!ess at thy comma!dme!t" but to the e!d that thou mayst the better u!dersta!d my a!s5er" proceed forth o! thy dema!d1 The! the ri ht re6ere!d bishop (haro!" beholdi! o! 'iacre said to himD 'irst" my ri ht dear brother" I re<uire of thee to tell me i! 5hat la!d thou 5ert bor!" a!d the cause 5hy thou departedst from thy cou!try" also 5here thou art bou!d for to o" a!d 5hat thy !ame is1 'urthermore if thou ha6e !eed of cou!sel" of 5ords" or of other thi! s that I may do" I call God to my record that ri ht ladly I shall e!dea6our me to fulfil it1 S1 'lacre the!" 4!eeli! " re!dered to him tha!4s a!d mercies" a!d after said to himD -y father a!d my mother e! e!dered or be at me i! a! isle of Scotla!d !amed Irela!d" a!d forasmuch that I desire to lead my life solitary" I ha6e reli!<uished a!d left my la!d a!d my pare!ts" a!d I do see4 a place for to lead my life hermitic a!d solitarily" a!d by my ri ht !ame I am called 'iacre" a!d therefore mee4ly I beseech thi!e hi h a!d i!effable pater!ity that" if there be i! some part of thy bishopric a little place 5ithi! a 5ood 5here I mi ht use a!d employ my life i! prayers a!d i! oriso!s" that thou 5ilt !ot defer to me the ra!t of it1 ,he! S1 (haro! heard this" he 5as thereof =oyful a!d lad" a!d said to S1 'iacreD I ha6e a 5ood far e!ou h from he!ce 5hich is 5ithi! our o5! herita e" a!d is called by the fol4 of the cou!try 9rodile" the 5hich 5ood" as I suppose" is co!6e!able for to lead life solitary" a!d if it be so that thy desire is to see it" let us t5o o thither to ether


















for to behold a!d see the place1 The! a!s5ered S1 'iacreD So as thy pater!ity comma!deth" I desire that it be do!e a!o!1 The! the piteous a!d holy bishop" as soo! as he mi ht" led 'iacre u!to the ri ht desired place1 A!d 5he! they 5ere come thither S1 (haro! said to S1 'iacreD -y brother" this place is belo! i! to me by mi!e o5! herita e" comi! from mi!e a!cestry" a!d if it seem to thee ood a!d pleasa!t for to d5ell a!d abide i!" as much of it as beho6eth to thee" de6outly a!d 5ith ood heart I prese!t it to thee" a!d full ladly I i6e it to thee for to do 5ithal thy ood pleasure1 A!d 5he! thus he had ra!ted a!d said" 'iacre fell to his feet" a!d for reat =oy 5eepi! " re!dered to him races a!d tha!4i! s" sayi! D O ri ht blessed father" the same place o!ly of ri ht pleaseth me a!d deli hteth ri ht reatly" for it is a holy place a!d far from abidi! of a!y fol41 After these 5ords they too4 their refectio! or food of !ouriture di6i!e" a!d soo! after retur!ed to ether u!to the city of -eau81 A!d o! the mor! !e8t" S1 'iacre too4 his lea6e of S1 (haro!" 5hich a6e to him his blessi! " a!d 5he! S1 'iacre had recei6ed it" he departed a!d 5e!t to the place beforesaid" 5here he fou!ded a church i! the ho!our a!d re6ere!ce of our 9lessed Lady" a!d beyo!d it" a little 5ay the!ce" he builded a little house 5herei! he d5elled" a!d there harboured he the poor that passed foreby1 ,he! the! he had do!e a!d accomplished all that to him seemed !ecessary for the time" this 6ery frie!d of God" 'iacre" co!ti!ually 5ithout cease laboured a!d 5atched i!to the ser6ice of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d e6er i! ood 6irtues from better to better multiplied" a!d much 6ictoriously a ai!st his ad6ersary the e!emy resisted" a!d a ai!st his flesh" a!d that that he had" ri ht heartily to the poor a6e a!d distributed1 If some there 5ere that time that had lost their stre! th" or that 5ere dumb" deaf" cou!terfaited" bli!d or 6e8ed 5ith the e!emy" or of 5hatsome6er sic4!ess that it had bee!" they all came" or made them to be bor!e" to this holy ma!" a!d a!o! after that he had laid his ha!ds o! them" by the race of our Lord" a!d by his prayers" they retur!ed home5ards as 5hole as e6er they 5ere7 a!d i! such 5ise flourished the odour of the re!omee of the miracles that our Lord sho5ed by him throu h all the bishopric of -eau8" that they be a! all to ha6e reat hope i! his suffra es a!d prayers1 Amo! all other thi! s it happed that a holy ma! !amed @ille!us" bor! i! Scotla!d" that 5as come from 3ome as a pil rim" a!d 5as arri6ed 5ithi! the territory or cou!try of -eau8" 5he! he heard spea4 of the ood re!omee of the holy ma! 'iacre" he a!o! 5e!t to5ards him" a!d S1 'iacre much be!i !ly recei6ed him" a!d 5he! he u!derstood that they 5ere both of o!e la!d" a!d by affi!ity of blood !i h pare!ts" i!sta!tly prayed him that he 5ould abide 5ith him certai! days" 5hich @ille!us accorded to it" a!d as they 5ere to ether" a!d that they had rehearsed the e8tractio! of their pare!ts" a!d spa4e of the s5eet se!te!ces of the holy scriptures 5here5ith they !ourished a!d fed themsel6es by the reat =oy that they too4 5he! they spa4e of it" they recomme!ded each other to our Lord" a!d too4 lea6e to depart o!e from the other1 A!d for certai!" the re!omee of him re5 so much" a!d fle5 so far that" from far cou!tries much people came daily to him for to reco6er their health i! so much that the holy ma! sa5 that of !eeds he must ma4e his habitatio! or housi! more spacious a!d reater tha! it 5as" a!d thou ht to him ood a!d !ecessary to ma4e a reat arde!" 5herei! he should ha6e all ma!!er of herbs ood for to ma4e potta e 5ith" for to feed the poor 5he! they should retur! to5ards him" a!d so he did1 A!d ho5beit that S1 (haro! before that time a6e to him lea6e to ta4e as much of his 5ood as to him !eeded" !e6ertheless he durst !ot ta4e o! him the hardi!ess for to ma4e his house reater !e more tha! it 5as tofore till he had spo4e! a ai! 5ith S1 (haro!" for to dema!d lea6e of him to thro5 do5! the trees a!d other thi! s ro5i! about his house" to 5hom the 6e!erable a!d courteous bishop a6e of his 5ood as much as he mi ht pic4 a!d del6e" a!d thro5 do5! 5ith his o5! ha!ds" to do 5ithal as of his o5! li6elihood1 S1 'iacre the! i!cli!ed his head a!d re!dered tha!4s to S1 (haro! a!d too4 his lea6e of him" a!d retur!ed i!to his hermita e1 A!d 5he! he had made his prayer he dre5 his staff o6er the earth1 No5 may ye u!dersta!d thi! much mar6ellous a!d of reat miracle" for" by the 5ill of our Lord" 5heresoe6er the holy hermit 'iacre dre5 his staff" the trees fell do5! both o! o!e side a!d o! other" a!d rou!d about 5here he dre5 his staff 5as a ditch sudde!ly made1 A!d i! the mea!5hile that he dre5 so his staff" there came a 5oma! 5hich mar6elled much ho5 the earth cla6e a!d ditched by itself o!ly by the touchi! of the holy ma!>s staff" a!d 5ith reat haste she ra! to5ards -eau8" a!d de!ou!ced this thi! to the bishop (haro!" testifyi! a!d i!suri! that the holy ma! 'iacre 5as full of 5ic4ed a!d e6il art" a!d !ot ser6a!t of the so6erei ! God7 a!d 5he! she thus had said she retur!ed forth5ith to5ards the holy ma!" a!d 5ith a! e6il presumptio! 5e!t a!d said ma!y i!=uries a!d 6illai!ies to 'iacre" co!tumelyi! a!d blasphemi! him" a!d comma!ded him by the bishop that he should cease of his 5or4" a!d that he 5ere !ot so hardy to be a!y more about it" a!d that for the same cause the bishop should come there1








,he! the holy ma! sa5 that he 5as thus accused to the bishop by a 5oma!" he ceased his 5or4 that he had be u!" a!d made !o more of it" a!d sat o! a sto!e much thou htful a!d 5roth1 ,herefore if our Lord had before sho5ed reat miracles by him" yet reater a!d more mar6ellous miracle 5as made for him" for the sto!e 5hereo! he sat" by the 5ill of God 5a8ed a!d became soft as a pillo5 to the e!d that it should be more able a!d easy for him to sit o!" a!d it 5as ca6ed some5hat as a pit thereas he sat o!" a!d for testificatio! a!d proof of this miracle" the said sto!e is as yet 4ept 5ithi! his church" a!d ma!y sic4 fol4 ha6e bee! a!d are daily healed there of di6ers sic4!esses o!ly to touch a!d to ha6e touched the said sto!e1 The bishop the! by the pro6ocatio! of the said 5oma!>s 5ords came to5ards the holy ma! 'iacre" a!d 5he! he sa5 the mar6els that God sho5ed by him" as 5ell of the trees that by themsel6es 5ere thro5! do5! to the earth of either part" also ho5 the earth o!ly by frayi! of his staff 5as ditched about" as of the sto!e that 5as thus ca6ed a!d made soft li4e a pillo5" he 4!e5 5ell that he 5as a ma! of reat merit to5ards our Lord7 a!d from the!ce fortho! he lo6ed the hermit S1 'iacre more tha! before" a!d ho!oured him much1 The ditches" beforesaid" be yet as !o5 sho5ed to them that o to 6isit his church1 ,he! the! 'iacre" as is abo6e said" sat o! the sto!e" full sorry a!d 5roth that the 5oma! had so accused a!d blasphemed him to the bishop" also for the i!=uries a!d 6illai!ies that she had said to him" he made his prayer to our Lord that !o 5oma! should !e6er e!ter i!to his church" 5ithout she be pu!ished by some ma!!er of sic4!ess1 ,herefore it happed o! a time that a 5oma!" of much !oble a!d rich estate" desired to 4!o5 5hat thereof should befall if a 5oma! had e!tered i!to his church1 The 5hich 5oma! too4 her maide! or ser6a!t a!d sho6ed her sudde!ly 5ithi! the chapel1 A!d a!o!" seei! all they that 5ere there" the said 5oma! lost o!e of her eyes" a!d the maid i!!oce!t as to the deed" came out a ai! 5ith her plei! health1 O! a!other time" a!other 5oma! of Lati!i!a4 put o!e of her feet 5ithi! the said chapel or church" but her foot s5elled by such ma!!er that all the le " 4!ee" a!d thi h of it 5as rie6ed 5ith sic4!ess1 A!d ma!y other miracles ha6e bee! thereof sho5ed" 5herefore the 5ome! shall !e ou ht !ot e!ter i!to it1 The ood a!d holy S1 'iacre i! his lifetime resple!dished by miracles a!d 6irtues" a!d after" re!dered ri ht loriously his soul u!to our Lord" a!d sith after his temporal death" at his o5! ra6e by his merits a!d prayers" our Lord sho5ed" a!d as yet !o5 sho5eth" ma!y miracles" as to restore i! ood health the poor sic4 fol4 la! uishi! of their members of 5hatsoe6er sic4!ess or la! uor that it be" 5ho 5ith ood a!d co!trited heart cometh to the church 5here the said ra6e or tomb is" a!d de6outly beseecheth a!d prayeth God" a!d the ood a!d holy S1 'iacre" the 5hich by his lorious merits may be u!to us ood frie!d to5ard our said Lord a!d God1 Ame! Here followeth the Life of *" Ju ti#" S1 Justi! 5as bor! i! the city of Naples" a!d his father 5as called Cryspobachia" a!d 5as a ri ht reat philosopher" 5hich laboured stro! ly for the christia! reli io!" i!somuch that he composed ma!y fair boo4s" much profitable" as recou!teth S1 Jerome a!d +u o1 +e betoo4 to the emperor A!to!i!us a boo4 5hich he composed of the christia! reli io!" a!d so much he laboured to5ard the said emperor that he had pity a!d compassio! of the christia! people" a!d !ot o!ly the emperor himself" but also all his childre!" a!d all the se!ators of 3ome1 A!d the said emperor made sithe a comma!dme!t that !o pay!im should !ot be so hardy as ha6e i! despite the si ! of the 6ery cross1 Item (ompey the Tro a!" 5hich 5as of the Spa!ish !atio!" composed i!to forty:four boo4s all the histories that 5ere throu h all the 5orld from the time a!d rei ! of -i!im that 5as 4i! of Assyria" u!to the time a!d rei ! of the Emperor Caesar" a!d 5rote them i! Lati!" the 5hich history S1 Justi! abbre6iated or shorted" a!d also composed ma!y other boo4s 5hich 5ere too lo! to rehearse1 To him 5as di6i!ely re6ealed or told that much he should suffer before his death" for to mai!tai! truth" as it appeareth by a 5rit or letter" 5hich he se!t to the emperor A!to!i!us" 5here he saith thusD I shall ha6e e!ou h of persecutio!s of sta6es of iro!" by them a ai!st 5hom I battle or fi ht for to mai!tai! the estate of truth" but 5he! that shall be" I the! shall ha6e 4!o5led e that they be !ot philosophers" that is to 5it" lo6i! art a!d scie!ce" but that they may be lo6ers of all 6a!ities" for he is !ot 5orthy to be called a philosopher 5hich publicly affirmeth a!d attesteth that 5hich he 4!o5eth !ot" a!d that saith that the christia!s are 5ithout a od" a!d put i! reater error those that already are i! error1 All the 5hich thi! 5as thus accomplished" so as S1 Jerome recou!teth a!d Eusebius also1 'or 5he! the said emperor 5as passed to God from this 5orld" after him rei !ed t5o other emperors" the 5hich 5ere !amed A!to!i! a!d Aurelia!" that 5ere reat persecutors of christia! people" a!d so as Justi! perse6ered i! holy li6i! a!d i! holy doctri!e he composed the seco!d










boo4 for to defe!d there5ith the reli io! christia!1 It happed so that ma!y other philosophers 5ere" that reat e!6y had at Justi! as much for his holy life a!d ho!est co!ditio!s 5hereof he 5as filled" as for his reat scie!ce" accused him to the emperor" sayi! he 5as christia!" a!d that he 5ould destroy their la51 The! 5as Justi! ta4e!" a!d made to suffer ma!y torme!ts a!d di6ers pai!s" i! 5hich because that he co!sta!tly reclaimed e6er the !ame of God" they spri!4led a!d shed his blood by such ma!!er that he re!dered a!d a6e his soul to our Lord Jesu Christ 5ith 5hom he resteth i! peace" a!d shall rest 5ithout e!d i! seculorum secula1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" De%etriu "

,hile that the Emperor -a8imia! had the lordship of Thessalo!ica" he made all the auditors of the christia! faith to be put to death" amo! 5hich 5as Demetrius that made himself to be ma!ifested a!d 4!o5! of all 5ithout a!y fear or dread1 'or sith the time of his youth he had e6er bee! steadfast a!d co!sta!t i! all ood operatio!s or 5or4s" a!d e6er e!doctri!ed a!d tau ht the others ho5 the di6i!e Sapie!ce 5as desce!ded i! the earth" 5ho by his o5! blood had <uic4e!ed or raised from death the ma!" 5hich by his si! 5as put to death1 A!d as he preached" some of the mi!isters a!d ser ea!ts of the emperor that 5ere committed a!d ordai!ed for to ta4e the christia! me!" too4 S1 Demetrius" a!d 5ould ha6e prese!ted him u!to the emperor -a8imia!" but it happed so that the emperor 5as o!e to see a battle that should be do!e" for much he deli hted him to see sheddi! of huma! blood1 I! the same battle 5as a ma! !amed Li!eus" 5hich because of the 6ictories that he i! his days had had" 5as much lo6ed of the emperor" but as fortu!e cha! eth oft" it happed that this Li!eus 5as there 5ou!ded to death1 A!d 5he! the emperor 5as retur!ed i!to his palace" sorro5ful a!d a! ry at the death of the same Li!eus" me!tio! of Demetrius 5as made u!to him1 The! 5as the emperor sore mo6ed a ai!st him" i!somuch that i! the same priso! 5here he 5as" sore fettered a!d hard holde!" he made him to be stic4ed throu h a!d throu h his body 5ith sharp spears1 The 5hich S1 Demetrius thus e6er 5it!essi! the !ame of Jesu" co!summated there his martyrdom1 -a!y miracles 5ere made by his merits a!d by his ood 6irtues o! all them that 5ith ood faith de6outly reclaimed him1 A ma! that 5as called Lemicius" 5ho heartily lo6ed a!d ser6ed God" a6e much of his oods to the house 5here the holy corpse of S1 Demetrius 5as buried" a!d made the place more reater tha! it 5as tofore" a!d builded there a! oratory or chapel i! the ho!our of the said martyr Demetrius1 O!e of the prefects or =ud es of Thessalo!ica that !amed 5as -a!am" 5as much a reeable to God" a!d to the 5orld" o! 5hich the e!emy had reat e!6y for his ood 5or4s" a!d be a! to tempt him sore a!d stro! 1 A!d first he tempted him of the se6e! deadly si!s" but God 5ould that he !e6er should o6ercome him1 ,he! the de6il sa5 that he mi ht !ot decei6e him" he too4 from him all his temporal oods a!d fi!ally smote him 5ith such a sic4!ess that he had !o member 5here5ith he mi ht help him" sa6e o!ly his to! ue" 5ith 5hich he praised a!d tha!4ed e6er our Lord1 After this" the e!emy appeared to o!e of his ser6a!ts i! li4e!ess of a ma!" a!d sho5ed to him a schedule sayi! thus to himD If thy master did put o!ce this schedule or scroll o! him he should be a!o! all 5hole of his sic4!ess" for it co!tai!eth 5ithi! 5ritte! the !ames both of the ods a!d of the a! els1 A!o! 5e!t forth the ser6a!t a!d told it to his master" 5hich a!s5ered to himD God that made me may sa6e me if it please him" a!d 5ithout his pleasure !othi! may be do!e" all is his" a!d all thi! lieth i! his ha!ds" he may 5ell ta4e that is his" therefore let his 5ill be do!e1 Soo! after these 5ords he fell i! a sleep" a!d as he 5ould sleep he heard the 6oice of S1 Demetrius" that comma!ded him that he should ma4e himself to be bor!e 5ithi! his church" a!d that he should there reco6er his health1 A!d 5he! he 5as bor!e thither he fell yet a ai! o! sleep" a!d heard S1 Demetrius that saidD God that created thee a!d that restoreth to the fol4 their health" 5he! he 5ill" se!d to thee comfort a!d help1 ,he! he 5as a5a4ed from sleep he rehearsed ho5 Demetrius told him i! his sleepD God that healeth sic4 fol4 se!d to thee comfort a!d help" a!d ho5 at those 5ords our Lord se!t to him health a!d re!dered to him the force a!d stre! th of all his members a!d stood upo! his feet" a!d forth5ith 4!eeled a!d tha!4ed our Lord a!d the lorious martyr also1 The solem!ity of this lorious martyr S1 Demetrius" that ma!y 6irtues hath made" is celebrated the ei hth ides of the mo!th of October" a!d his life 5as tra!slated out of Gree4 i!to Lati! by S1 A!astasius" a!d se!t it to Charles the Emperor" to the praisi! a!d re6ere!ce of God" 5ho by the merits of the said lorious martyr S1 Demetrius healeth us of all our si!s1 Ame! Here followeth the Life of *" Ri(o)ert"

















S1 3i obert 5as Archbishop of 3heims" e6er filled 5ith holi!ess" a!d rei !ed i! that time i! 5hich t5o !oble 4i! s did rei ! i! 'ra!ce" that is to 5it Childebert a!d Da obert" a!d 5as e8tract or come out of the most e8celle!t li!ea e that 5as i! all the re io!1 +is father had tu !ame Co!sta!ti!e" a!d his mother 5as called 'ra!ci e!e 5hich 5as of the cou!try of (orcie!1 S1 3i obert from the time of his youth a6e a!d aba!do!ed himself to hea6e!ly a!d celestial discipli!e1 +e lo6ed chastity" he 5as ready i! 5atchi! s a!d prayers" true both i! 5ord a!d i! deed1 Charitable" full of absti!e!ce" fou!ded i! humility" ador!ed of sapie!ce" i! =ustice true a!d =ust" prude!t a!d 5ise i! cou!sel" a!d ho!est i! all co!ditio!s a!d i! all ood 6irtues1 +e proceeded thus as he re5 a!d perse6ered e6er from better to better i! spiritual deeds" a!d that he 5as of a e perfect" by electio! celestial he 5as chose! a!d e!ha!ced i!to the di !ity of Archbishop of 3heims" i! 5hich di !ity by the race of our Lord he mai!tai!ed a!d o6er!ed him so that he 5as both lo6ed a!d dreaded of all fol41 It 5as !o mar6el if the ood people lo6ed him" for much they desired to hear his ood doctri!es a!d mo!itio!s spiritual" a!d humbly to ser6e him1 Ne !o mar6el it 5as if the e6il fol4 doubted him" 5hich for their si!s doubted much to be repro6ed of him1 S1 3emy 5riteth that by him 5as as it 5as by S1 (eter" that did appear to them that thou ht to do 5ell much debo!airly" a!d as S1 (aul" that to the si!!ers sho5ed him i!crepati6ely" for he promised misericord to them that 5ere i! si!" to the e!d that they should ame!d themsel6es" a!d to the ood fol4 he promised pai! 5ithout e!d if they fell from their ood 5or4s1 +e feared the ood fol4 to the e!d that they should ta4e !o 6ai! lory 5ithi! themsel6es for their ood deeds" a!d the si!!ers he recomforted to the e!d that for their si!s a!d malice they should !ot be despaired" but that they should be dili e!t to put from them their si!s" a!d to fall i! pe!a!ce1 Therefore by his ood a!d dili e!t predicatio! he i!6ited ma!y a o!e to do ood 5or4s1 9y the multiplicatio! also of his ood doctri!es ma!y a o!e led a life of holy co!6ersatio!1 9y his ood e!samples ma!y a o!e he 5ithdre5 u!to his holy compa!y1 Thus he a6e himself to all fol4" tra6aili! al5ays for their sal6atio!1 +e 5as Archbishop of 3heims" after a ma! that 5as full of reat 6irtues" that me! called 3eole" 5hich 5as !i h cousi! to him as some fol4 say1 ,he! the foresaid 3eole 5as dead" the sie e of 3heims 5as reca!t a!d 6oid by ma!y years" for cause of ma!y thi! s that 5ere destroyed" 5hich by lo! process of time had bee! otte!" a!d 5ith reat de6otio! a!d dili e!ce fou!ded1 All the 5hich thi! s the same lorious S1 3i obert repaired a!d restored i!to their first estate" for he ordai!ed a reli io! o! ca!o!s a!d cler4s after the !umber that they had bee! i! time before passed" a!d sufficie!tly ordai!ed for their li6i! " to the e!d that they should te!d a!d 5ait busily a!d dili e!tly to the di6i!e ser6ice1 They too4 !ot the ca!o!ic breed" for the ca!o!s that 5ere at that time 5ere !ot of such rule as the ca!o!s be i! time prese!t" but they o6er!ed themsel6es after the rule of S1 Austi!1 Ne6ertheless he a6e to them ma!y thi! s 5hich they 4ept as their o5! ood to the e!d that perpetually they mi ht help them 5ith at their !eed1 +e 5as also the first Archbishop of 3heims that first ordai!ed a commo! treasure i! their church" a!d e!eral to all their usa es !ecessary i! time to come1 These 5or4s he made a!d ma!y more i!!umerable 6irtues a!d miracles" a!d he" filled 5ith be!e5red a!cie!ty of days" by holy perse6eratio! re!dered his soul u!to our Lord" cui ho!or et imperium1 Here followeth the Life of *" La#dry"




S1 La!dry" of 5hom hereafter 5e =oyfully shall ma4e memory a!d solem!ity" 5as ri ht lorious bishop of (aris1 ,e read i! the catalo ue that is made a!d 5ritte! of the successio!" a!d of the !umber of bishops i! (aris" ho5 S1 De!is 5as recei6ed by S1 Cleme!t" the 5hich S1 De!is 5aited e6er for to o thereas he 5ist the error of the pay!ims rei !ed most1 God that uided him brou ht him to (aris a!d there he 5as the first bishop" a!d there he ordai!ed cler4s a!d officers for to ser6e the church1 After S1 De!is 5as the !i!th bishop S1 -arcel" after S1 -arcel the !i!th 5as S1 Germai!" a!d S1 La!dry 5as the !i!th bishop after S1 Germai! a!d thus it appeareth that he 5as the t5e!ty:se6e!th bishop after S1 De!is1 +e sat i! the chair of the church cathedral of (aris i! that time that the !oble Clo6is rei !ed 4i! i! 'ra!ce" 5hich by the reat a!d fer6e!t lo6e that he had to the church of S De!is a6e to the same ma!y ifts" a!d made the said church much rich" as the pri6ile es of the reli ious there testify to this day" t5e!ty:si8 bishops 5ere i! the chair of the church of (aris before S1 La!dry as abo6e is said" of 5hom the !ames be 5ritte! i! the pri6ile es of the said church" a!d !e6ertheless !o!e of them all 5as made archbishop1 All the i!te!tio! of S1 La!dry 5hiles that he li6ed i! this 5orld 5as to accomplish misericord" a!d he himself departed or dealt the alms to the poor at all times1 ,e ha6e see! a!d 4!o5! that a ma! 5hich me! call 3aoul Gracard 5as smitte! sudde!ly" a!d had the head much reat a!d s5olle!" a!d 5as so red i! the face of him that all fol4 that sa5 him deemed a!d held him for a leper ,hich ma! 5ith reat haste came to the prese!ce of S1 La!dry" a!d there he



co!fessed him much de6outly" recei6i! much be!i !ly his pe!a!ce" a!d after he came to the sudary of the sai!t a!d 5ith reat de6otio! 4issed it" a!d 5he! he had do!e his offeri! a!d 6o5 5ith much reat faith a!d hope he retur!ed" a!d u!!ethe he 5as come to his house 5he! he became as 5hole as e6er he 5as1 9e therefore the !ame of God praised" 5ho for his ood frie!d S1 La!dry he healed so promptly the foresaid patie!t1 ?po! a!other time a s<uire fell of palsy so much that he could !ot help himself 5ith foot !e 5ith ha!ds1 +is frie!ds seei! him so oppressed of this sic4!ess made a bar ai! 5ith a physicia! for to help him1 It happed so that o! a day as this poor ma! sa5 himself so oppressed 5ith the said sic4!ess a!d !o remedy mi ht be fou!d to it" he be a! for to 5eep a!d to reclaim S1 La!dry sayi! D O blessed S1 La!dry" 6ouchsafe to behold o! my misery" a!d the! he prayed that they 5ould bear him u!to the sepulchre of S1 La!dry" 5hich did as he prayed them1 The! the bishop of (aris !amed -aurice" that 5as there" seei! the de6otio! of the said sic4 ma!" prayed to S1 La!dry that health he 5ould impetre u!to God for him by his lorious merits" a!d 5ith o!e of the teeth of the sai!t touched the places o! his body that most rie6ed him" ma4i! the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! he became all 5hole1 Item" it is read of a 4!i ht !amed Gilbert that had a thor! 5ithi! his 4!ee" 5hereto he fou!d !o remedy by !o ma!!er of medici!e a!d 5as as desperate" !ot o!ly for the dolour a!d pai! that he suffered" but also for fault of hope to be healed" the 5hich 4!i ht made him to be bor!e i!to the church of S1 La!dry" a!d 5ith his sudary did to be made o6er him the si ! of the cross" a!d a!o! after" the thor! issued out from his 4!ee" a!d 5as all 5hole" healed by the merits of the sai!t" 5hom 5e beseech to pray God for us1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Mello#i#"




I! the time of the emperor Valeria!" S1 -ello!i!" 5hich 5as bor! i! the Great 9ritai!" came to 3ome to pay the tribute of his la!d" a!d for to ser6e the emperor1 ,he! he came thither" so as of custom 5as" he 5e!t i!to the temple of -ars for to sacrifice 5ith his fello5s1 +e the! heard the pope Stephe! 5ith a fe5 christia! fol4" to 5hom he preached the faith of Christ a!d the E6a! ile1 +e te!ded a!d ope!ed his ears to u!dersta!d his 5ords" a!d a!o! he belie6ed o! God a!d re<uired to be baptiHed1 This -ello!i! the! 5as baptiHed by the pope Stephe!" a!d also tau ht i! the Catholic faith" a!d a!o! he sold a5ay all such ood as he had" a!d a6e all to the poor for the lo6e of God1 The pope promoted him i!to all the de rees of the order of priesthood" i!somuch that he himself made S1 -ello!i! priest" a!d so as i! prayers" i! 5atchi! " a!d i! fasti! s he perse6ered1 O! a time as he said his mass" both the pope a!d he to ether sa5 at the ri ht side of the altar a! a! el that too4 to him a staff pastoral" sayi! i! this ma!!erD -ello!i! ta4e this staff" u!der the 5hich thou shalt rule a!d o6er! the city of 3oue!" for all the people there is of God" a!d all ready to thy ser6ice a!d comma!dme!t" a!d" !ot5ithsta!di! that it is far from he!ce" a!d that the 5ay is to thee ri ht rie6able" because thou 4!o5est !ot the cou!try" !e6ertheless thou ou htest !ot to doubt !o thi! " for Jesu Christ shall e6er 4eep thee u!der the shado5 of his 5i! s1 A!d the! after these 5ords he too4 a!d recei6ed the pope>s blessi! a!d 5e!t o! his 5ay1 A!d 5he! the e6e! came" a!d he held the said staff i! his ha!d" he met 5ith a ma! that 5as hurt i! his foot" 5hich 5as slit asu!der1 This holy ma! made his prayer" a!d a!o! he healed him1 'rom the!ce he came to 3oue!" 5here he accomplished 5ell a!d holily his office" a!d made there ma!y 6irtues a!d miracles1 The 5hich lorious sai!t rested i! peace the ele6e!th day of the 4ale!ds of the mo!th of No6ember to the ho!our of God that li6eth a!d rei !eth i! fi!ita secula1 Ame!1 Here followeth of *" 0ve "






S1 I6es 5as bor! i! little 9ritai! i! the diocese of Try 6ier" e! e!dered or be otte! of pare!ts !oble a!d catholic" a!d it 5as re6ealed to his mother i! her sleep that he should be sa!ctified1 I! his first a e he 5as of ri ht ood co!ditio!s" a!d ri ht humbly a!d de6outly fre<ue!ted the churches" heari! e!te!ti6ely the masses a!d the sermo!s1 -uch of his time he employed to study busily the holy letters" a!d read much curiously the li6es of the sai!ts" a!d pai!ed himself much 5ith all his po5er for to e!sue them" the 5hich by process of time 5as ador!ed of ri ht reat 5isdom a!d re!o5!ed full of reat scie!ce both i! ri ht ci6il a!d i! ca!o! la5" a!d also i! theolo y 5ell lettered as it appeared sith" as 5ell i!












co!templatio! a!d =ud me!t" as i6i! cou!sel to the souls upo! the fait of their co!scie!ce1 'or after that he had occupied a!d e8ercised much holily a!d de6outly the fait of ad6ocacy i! the bishop>s court of Try 6ier" e6er pleadi! 5ithout ta4i! a!y salary the causes of the miserable a!d poor perso!s" e8posi! himself to it 5ith his ood ree" a!d !ot re<uired by them for to defe!d their <uestio!s a!d differe!ces" he 5as chose! i!to the office of the official" first i! the court of the archdeaco! of 3e!!es" a!d after5ards i! the said court of the bishop of Try 6ier" 5hich la5fully" =ustly" a!d dili e!tly accomplished all such thi! s that be pertai!i! to the said office1 +e succoured them that 5ere oppressed a!d that had had 5ro! " a!d to e6ery each o!e re!dered his o5! by ri ht" 5ithout a!y acceptio! or ta4i! of mo!ey" !or !o!e other ood1 The 5hich the!" called to the o6er!me!t a!d uidi! of souls" bare e6er 5ith him the 9ible a!d his bre6iary or portos" a!d so he" made a!d ordai!ed i! the order of priesthood" celebrated as e6ery day" a!d heard much humbly" de6outly" a!d dil e!tly the co!fessio!s of his parishio!ers1 +e 6isited the sic4 fol4 5ithout differe!ce" a!d recomforted them ri ht 5isely" a!d tau ht to them the 5ay of their sal6atio!" a!d de6outly admi!istered u!to them the precious a!d blessed body of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d for certai! i! all thi! s appertai!i! to the cure of the people of our Lord Jesu Christ committed to him" he i! all a!d o6er all accomplished duly a!d ri ht 5orthily his mystery1 +e profited e6er" oi! busily from 6irtue i!to 6irtue" a!d 5as pleasa!t both to God a!d to the 5orld" i!somuch that the fol4 5ere full loth to depart from his 5ords" a!d from his fello5ship" a!d much abashed 5ere they that sa5 him for cause of his frie!dly ma!!er a!d for 5o!derful holi!ess1 ,hat mar6el he 5as of admirable or 5o!derful humility 5hich he sho5ed o6er all i! habit or clothi! " i! deed" i! 5ords" oi! " comi! " a!d bei! i! di6ers compa!ies1 +e spa4e e6er to the fol4 both more a!d less s5eetly" a!d full mee4ly loo4i! o! the earth" his hood before his face" that he should !ot be praised of the fol4 a!d to esche5 all 6a!ities1 A!d by the space of fiftee! years before his death he !e 5are but coarse cloth" russet or 5hite" such as poor fol4 of the cou!try be accustomed to 5ear1 +e held the e5er a!d also the to5el 5hile the poor 5ashed their ha!ds" a!d after 5ith his o5! ha!ds admi!istered to them the meat that they should eat" a!d setti! himself o! the rou!d ate 5ith them of the said meat" that is to 5it bro5! bread" a!d sometimes a little potta e1 A!d amo! them that ate 5ith him he had !o prero ati6e" but the most deformed a!d most miserable he set !i h him1 +e lay all !i ht o! the rou!d a!d had for his beddi! " for sheets" for co6erlet" a!d for ha! i! " o!ly a little stra51 E6er before the celebratio! of his mass" ere he re6ested him" he 4!eeled do5! before the altar" a!d de6outly made his prayer" 5eepi! a!d piteously si hi! " a!d oft:times as he celebrated his mass ple!ty of tears fell from his eyes alo! his face1 The humility of 5hom pleased much u!to our Lord as o!ce it appeared by a columbe or do6e of mar6ellous sple!dour 5hich ope!ly 5as see! flyi! 5ithi! the church of Try 6ier about the altar" 5here this holy S1 I6es said mass1 A!d certai!ly full patie!tly he suffered all i!=uries a!d blasphemies" for 5he! me! did moc4 him or said e6il to him" he a!s5ered !othi! " but ha6i! his thou ht o! God sustai!ed their e6il 5ords patie!tly a!d 5ith reat =oy1 A ma! he 5as of tra!<uillity" for he lo6ed peace" a!d !e6er he 5as mo6ed to !o strife" i!di !atio!" or ire for !othi! that e6er 5as do!e to him1 +e said !o 5ords tumelous or co!tumelious" !e other disordi!ate 5ords1 +e 5as defe!sor" 5ithout dread" of the liberties of the church" 5hereof it happed that as a ser ea!t of the 4i! >s had ta4e! a!d led 5ith him the bishop>s horse of Try 6ier for the e!cheso! of the ce!time of the oods of the foresaid bishop" S1 I6es the! bei! i! the office of official" 6irtuously too4 the said horse =oi! the said ser ea!t a!d led him a ai! u!to the bishop>s place1 A!d ho5 be it that me! deemed a!d 5ee!ed that reat e6il or dama e should fall therefor" as 5ell to S1 I6es as to the church" seei! that the ser ea!t 5as about to ha6e procured it" !e6ertheless !o ma!!er of dama e came !e6er thereof" !either to the sai!t !or to the church1 ,hich thi! 5as holde! a!d reputed for a miracle" a!d !ot 5ithout cause attributed to the merits of the said S1 I6es" for it is belie6ed a!d testified that he 5as chaste both of flesh a!d i! thou ht all the time of his life" a!d also chaste both i! 5ords a!d of eyes" a!d li6ed al5ays so ho!estly a!d so chastely that !e6er !o to4e!s of 5orldly ma!!ers appeared o! him" but certai!ly e6er he abhorred a!d cursed the si! of lechery" a!d he bei! accustomed to preach a ai!st the said si!" made ma!y a perso! to flee from it1 +e 5as !e6er fou!d slothful !e !e li e!t" but e6er ready to oriso! or predicatio!" or else he 5as studyi! i! the holy scriptures or doi! 5or4s of charity a!d pity1 E6er he occupied himself i! 5eal after the doctri!e of the apostles1 +e profited him to God i! all thi! s pri6able a!d 5ithout co!fusio! i! his 5or4s1 +e treated to ri ht the 5ord of 6irtue a!d of truth" a!d e6er esche5i! all 6ai! 5ords" spa4e but little a!d 5ith pai!" sa6e the 5ords of God a!d of sal6atio! perdurable1 A!d he" preachi! the 5ord of God ri ht 5ell a!d boldly" brou ht oft them that heard him to compu!ctio! of heart a!d e6ermore u!to tears" a!d he e8ercisi! a!d occupyi! him i! this holy operatio! or 5or4 thereas he mi ht be heard by the lea6e of the bishops a!d diocesa!s" e6er oi! o! foot" preached sometimes upo! a day i! four churches" much far from o!e a!other1 A!d to the e!d that he should !ot lea6e the custom of his absti!e!ce" he after this reat labour retur!ed fasti! u!to his house" a!d 5ould !e6er accord 5ith !o ma! to di!e 5ith him1 +e had the spirit


of prophecy" for he prophesied that a recluse should be see! amo! me! by the 6ice of co6etise1 The 5hich thi! happed !ot lo! after" for the mescha!t recluse lea6i! the 5ay of sal6atio! a!d of pe!ite!ce" 5e!t out from his cell" a!d too4 a 5orldly a!d dam!able 5ay1 This holy S1 I6es laboured e6er to appease all discorda!ce a!d strife after his po5er" a!d the fol4 5hich mi ht !ot accord by his persuasio! a!d admo!ishi! s" 5ere called soo! to co!cord after his oriso! by him made to God1 It may !ot be recou!ted" !e !e6er it 5as see! i! our time" the reat charity" pity" a!d misericorde that he had to5ards the poor i!di e!t a!d suffretous" to5ards the 5ido5s a!d to the poor childre! both father: a!d motherless all the time of his life1 All that he recei6ed or mi ht ha6e" as 5ell of the church as of his patrimo!y" he a6e to them before said 5ithout a!y differe!ce" 5he! he 5as d5elli! at 3e!!es" a!d promoted to the office of official there at the court of the archdeaco!1 Also ere he cha! ed his ma!!er of li6i! " he made upo! the reat a!d solem! holidays ple!ty of meat to be dressed a!d ready for to eat" a!d at di!!er:time he called a!d made to be called the poor fol4 to di!!er" a!d to them admi!istered meat 5ith his o5! ha!ds" a!d after" he ate 5ith t5o poor childre! 5hich for the lo6e of our Lord Jesu Christ he sustai!ed at school" for e6er he 5as ri ht courteous to help childre!" both father: a!d motherless" a!d as their father se!t them to school" a!d 5ith his o5! sustai!ed them a!d paid also the salary to their masters1 +e re6ested ri ht courteously the poor !a4ed of our Lord1 It happed o!ce that a o5! a!d a hood both of li4e cloth 5hich he had do ma4e for himself to 5ear" a!d so he ta4i! reater care of the poor !a4ed tha! of his o5! body" a6e the said o5! a!d hood to a poor ma!1 +e held hospitality i!differe!tly for the poor pil rims i! a house 5hich he did ma4e for the !o!ce" to the 5hich he admi!istered both meat a!d dri!4" bed a!d fire for to 5arm them i! 5i!ter1 I! 5heresoe6er a place that he 5e!t the suffretous a!d poor" that ra! to him from all sides" follo5ed him" for all that he had 5as ready to their behoof as their o5!1 +e a6e sudaries for to bury 5ith the dead bodies" a!d 5ith his o5! ha!ds helped to bury them1 A poor ma! o!ce came a ai!st him" a!d he ha6i! as the! !othi! ready to i6e him" too4 his hood a!d a6e it to the said poor ma!" a!d 5e!t home barehead1 +e chastised his flesh much sharply" for he 5as so accustomed to be i! oriso!s a!d i! prayers a!d to study" that the most part of the time he passed 5ithout sleep both day a!d !i ht1 If he 5ere sore tra6ailled by study" oriso!s" or oi! " that he as co!strai!ed must sleep" a!d 5he! he must sleep" he slept o! the earth" a!d i!stead of a pillo5 he laid u!der his head sometimes his boo4" a!d sometimes a sto!e1 +e 5are e6er the hair u!der his shirt" 5hiles that yet he 5as i! the office of the official i! the city of Try 6ier1 +e used bro5! bread a!d porrid e such as commo!ly use poor labourers" a!d !o!e other meat he !e had" a!d to his dri!4 used cold 5ater" a!d there li6ed 5ith such meat a!d dri!4 by the space of ele6e! years" till he came to his death1 +e fasted ele6e! Le!ts a!d all the Ad6e!ts of our Lord" a!d from the Asce!sio! u!to (e!tecost" all ember days" all 6i ils of our Lady" a!d of the apostles" a!d all other days stablished by holy church for to fast" he fasted 5ith bread a!d 5ater1 A!d abo6e all this duri! the ele6e! years aforesaid" he fasted three days i! the 5ee4 5ith bread a!d 5ater" that is to 5it ,ed!esday" 'riday" a!d Saturday" a!d o! the other days he ate also but o!ce a day" a!d used bread a!d potta e" such as follo5eth e8cept" the Su!days" Christmasday" Easterday" ,hitsu!day" a!d All +allo5s> day" o! 5hich days he ate t5ice1 +is bread 5as rustical bro5!" made of barley or oats" his potta e 5as of reat coles or of other herbs or bea!s" or of radish root sa6oured o!ly 5ith salt 5ithout a!y other li<uor" sauf that sometimes he put i! it a little flour a!d a little butter" a!d o! Easterday abo6e his accustomed pitta!ce he ate t5o e s1 +e !e6er 5ithi! the space of fourtee! years before his death tasted of !o 5i!e" sa6e o!ly at mass after that he had ta4e! the body a!d blood of our Lord" or else sometime 5he! he di!ed 5ith the bishop" for the! 5ithi! his 5ater he put a little 5i!e o!ly for to cha! e the colour1 +e fasted o!ce by the space of se6e! days 5ithout a!y meat or dri!4" e6er bei! i! ood health1 The foresaid S1 I6es li6ed fifty years or thereabout" a!d i! his last sic4!ess he ceased !ot to teach them that 5ere about him" a!d he preached u!to them of their sal6atio!" a!d comi! be!eurely u!to his last days" too4 humbly the sacrame!ts of the body of our Lord a!d last u!ctio!" Iyi! o! his !oble bed beforesaid" ad=ousted al5ays to the same 5ith reat i!sta!ce of his frie!ds" a little stra51 Three days before his death he had o! his hood i!stead of 4erchief about his head" a!d had o! his o5!" a!d refusi! all other thi! s" he 5as co6ered 5ith a little a!d bad co6erlet" sayi! that he 5as !ot 5orthy to ha6e a!y other pareme!ts o! him1 The pure a!d clea! sai!t the!" ha6i! the hair o! his flesh" co6ered 5ith his shirt a!d issui! out of this 5orld i! the year of race thirtee! hu!dred a!d three" the !i!etee!th day of -ay" that 5as o! the Su!day after the Asce!sio! of our Lord Jesu Christ 5e!t up u!to hea6e!" a!d li4e as he had bee! asleep 5ithout a!y si ! or to4e! of 5hatsoe6er dolour he too4 the ri ht be!eurous rest of death1 A!d 5ho that could recou!t all the miracles do!e by him" ho5beit that to !o!e !e is possible but alo!e












to him 5hich ca! !umber or tell the multitude of stars" a!d imposeth to each o!e their !ames" but because that" to o!e ri ht reat i!co!6e!ie!ce a!d disho!our 5ere" if by sloth he refrai!ed himself from utteri! " a!d 4ept still such thi! s that are a!d appertai! to the praisi! a!d laud of our Lord" a!d !amely thereas ple!ty a!d abu!da!ce of his praisi! is or should be" that the said miracles are i!fi!ite or 5ithout e!d" !e6ertheless 5e shall rehearse some of them1 The! as it is recorded i! the boo4 lo! si!ce made a!d accomplished of his life a!d of his 6irtues" that at his i!6ocatio! by 6o5s a!d prayers" by some de6outly made u!to God" a!d to the Sai!t i! di6ers places 5ere fourtee! dead raised" rec4o!ed al5ays i! the said !umber t5o childre! li6i! 5ithi! their mother>s 5omb a!d dead before their baptism 5hich sithe recei6ed life1 A!d at the i!6ocatio! of the said S1 I6es te! demo!iacs" mad fol4" or filled 5ith 5ic4ed spirits" 5ere deli6ered from their forse!ery or mad!ess" a!d from all 5ic4ed spirits1 Thirtee! co!tracts" or filled 5ith paralysis" 5ere by the same restored i! ood health1 Three bli!d 5ere by him illumi!ed1 Di6ers fol4" i! te! places" all 5ith their oods 5ere 4ept a!d sa6ed from dro5!i! i! the sea1 O!e perfectly hydropic or filled 5ith dropsy 5as e!tirely cured1 A!other that had the sto!e reat as a! e " a!d the e!itors as reat as a ma!>s head" 5as restituted u!to health1 O!e co!dem!ed to be ha! ed fell three times from the allo5s" a!d all 5hole 5as deli6ered a!d let o1 A 5oma! to 5hom the mil4 5a!ted 5ithi! her paps 5ere filled full of it1 Thi! s lost by di6ers perso!s a!d i! di6ers places 5ere fou!d a!d reco6ered by miracles1 T5o dumb childie! a!d di6ers others that had lost the use of the to! ue 5ere restituted of their spea4i! 1 Three or four 5ome!" 5ith all their birth" 5ere deli6ered from the peril of death1 The fire ta4e! i! three di6ers places 5as <ue!ched a!d put out" a!d both me!" 5ome!" a!d childre!" a!d oods 4ept from bur!i! 5ithout to be hurted" !e i! !o ma!!er of 5ise dama ed1 A 5oma! sore a rie6ed 5ith a! a8es too4 a little bread that before had bee! 5et i! 5ater by the ha!ds of the sai!t" ate it a!d reco6ered health1 The sai!t himself i6i! foiso! alms" the cor! multiplied i! his arret" a!d the bread i! his ha!d sometimes1 -a!y sic4 fol4 5ere healed of di6ers sic4!esses a!d dolours o!ly to ha6e touched his hood1 A ma! dressi! the 5heel of his 5ater:mill" o! 5hom sudde!ly the 5ater came from hi h rushi! " a!d he besou ht the holy S1 I6es" a!d a!o! he 5as sa6ed from dro5!i! 1 O! a time" as the said sai!t said mass" 5hile he celebrated a!d held up the body of our Lord" a reat resple!dor appeared about it" 5hich soo! after the ele6atio! 5as do!e" disappeared a!d 6a!ished a5ay1 A post ordai!ed to the 5or4 or ma4i! of a brid e" !ot co!6e!able to the said 5or4 for fault of half a foot of le! th" after the prayer of the carpe!ters do!e u!to the sai!t" 5as the said post fou!d lo! e!ou h a!d co!6e!able to the foresaid 5or41 I! time of a reat i!u!datio! or flo5i! " 5hich co6ered the 5ays a!d places" the si ! of the cross made 5ith the said holy ma!>s ha!d o! the 5ater it ceased a!d ebbed a5ay1 The hood 5hich he a6e to a poor ma!" as abo6e is said" a!d 5e!t barehead home5ard" God that had himself i! form or li4e!ess of a poor ma! recei6ed the said hood" as it may be belie6ed" se!t to him a ai! the said hood" 5hereof 5as reat a!d mar6ellous miracle1 O! a time 5he! he had i6e! all his bread to poor fol4s" loa6es of bread 5ere brou ht to him e!ou h to suffice him a!d the poor people i! his fello5ship 5ithal" by a 5oma! u!4!o5!" the 5hich after her prese!t deli6ered" 6a!ished a5ay a!d !e6er 5as see! after1 O! a!other time" as he had recei6ed a poor ma! appeari! ri ht foul a!d disformed" a!d o6er foul i! clothi! " a!d had made him to eat a!d set ha!d at his o5! dish 5ith him" this poor ma! departi! a!d sayi! D God be 5ith you a!d at your help" his o5! that before 5as 5o!der foul" as it is said became so 5hite" a!d of so reat resple!dor a!d shi!i! " a!d his face so fair appeared a!d so bri ht" that all the house 5as reple!ished a!d filled 5ith reat li ht1 The archbishop of Narbo!!e 5as 6e8ed 5ith a stro! a8es" a!d by the feeble!ess of his !ature 5as reputed a!d holde! as for dead of all them 5hich about him 5ere" for his eyes 5ere shut i! ma!!er of a dead ma!1 At the i!6ocatio! or calli! to S1 I6es made for the salue of the said archbishop by his pare!ts a!d frie!ds" 5ith 5eepi! s" 6o5s" de6otio!s" 5as the foresaid archbishop throu h the merits of the sai!t restored u!to life" si ht a!d ood health" by the race a!d 6irtue of him of 5hom it is 5ritte! that he e!lumi!eth the eyes" i6eth life" health a!d blessi! " li ht" sapie!ce" the 5hich God" creator" e!lumi!ator" a!d sa6iour be tha!4ed" praised a!d 5orshipped by all the siecle a!d siecles1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Mora#t" The 4i! Theodoric comma!ded to S1 -ora!t of Douay" 5hich 5as i! (aris" so! of Aldebaulte a !oble 're!chma!" a!d of S1 3otrud of -archie!!es" the 5hich had three dau hters" 6ir i!s a!d sai!ts" that is to 5it Clote!de" Eusebe" a!d Ellyse!te1 S1 3otrud d5elled at -archie!!es i! a !u!!ery 5ith Clote!de a!d Ellyse!te her dau hters" by the ordi!a!ce of S1 Ama!d" a!d 5ith ma!y others" a!d there she passed from this 5orld1 A!d Eusebe her other dau hter d5elled i! a! abbey of !u!s i! +a!e au 5ith the ra!dmother











of S1 Aldebault her father" the 5hich 5as called Gertrude" a!d the abbey Ni6elle" of the ift a!d fou!datio! of S1 Ama!d1 A!d i! the same cou!try 5ere ma!y abbeys of mo!4s" 5hereof" as to come to our purpose" S1 -ora!t a!d 3otrud his mother did build a!d ma4e a! abbey o! their o5! rou!d a!d put mo!4s therei!" a!d a6e to them re!ts a!d possessio!s for to li6e o!" a!d called the place 9ruell1

The 4i! Theodoric that 5ell 5ist of it" comma!ded to S1 -ora!t that he should ma4e S1 Omer to be led as priso!er from (ero!!e u!to the said !e5 abbey" a!d to do him to be 4ept that he should !ot escape from the!ce a!d o some5here i! other place1 S1 -ora!t came to (ero!!e" a!d from the!ce brou ht 5ith him S1 Omer throu h Cambray1 A!d S1 Omer 5hiles that they made the di!!er ready there" he 5e!t to our Lady of Cambray a!d made there his prayers 4!eeli! 1 +e too4 off both his lo6es a!d his habit" a!d cast them !i h to a lass 5i!do5" but the rays or beams of the su! sustai!ed them from the rou!d as they had ha! ed upo! a staff1 A!d the holy ma! 5hich e6er loo4ed humbly do5!5ard perceired it !ot1 S1 -ora!t follo5ed him soo! after to the church" a!d 5he! he came there" a!d sa5 the miracle he 5as all abashed" a!d prayed him mercy of that he had brou ht him thither li4e as a priso!er" a!d besou ht him that from the!ce fortho! he 5ould become his father i! God" a!d that to his comma!dme!ts he 5ould obey1 S1 Omer the!" 5hich rec4ed !ot for that" lifted himself up a!d re6ested o! him his habit a!d lo6es" a!d tha!4ed much S1 -ora!t" a!d said to him that he should obey the 4i! " for thereto he 5as holde!" a!d that as for him he should obey to our Lord a!d should bear i! all patie!ce his ad6ersities" a!d that ladly he 5ould o 5ith him thereas he 5as ordai!ed for to o1 S1 -ora!t the! led S1 Omer at 9ruell i! +a!e au" 5here ma!y holy mi!sters or abbeys 5ere separated a!d o6er!ed by the disciples of S1 Ama!d" 5hich 5ere all sai!ts1 There 5as S1 Omer li4e as he 5ere i! paradise terrestrial7 all the cou!try thereabout reple!ished 5ith sai!ts both me! a!d 5ome! i! reat pe!a!ces" ser6a!ts a!d frie!ds of God1 E6ery o!e forced himself to pass his fello5 i! 5eal" 5ithout e6il a!d 5ic4ed e!6y" a!d 5ith reat charity" a!d a6e e8ample to a!other for to do 5ell1 ,he! S1 -ora!t a!d S1 3otrud his mother 4!e5 a!d e!ou h 5ist the de6otio!" humility" patie!ce" a!d doctri!e of S1 Omer" they prayed him that he 5ould emprise or u!derta4e the cure or o6er!me!t of the abbey of 9ruell" 5hich they had fou!ded o! their patrimo!y1 They a6e their o5! sel6es" their abbey" a!d all their oods to him" a!d S1 Omer recei6ed them mee4ly a!d d5elled there to ether peaceably1 All the other holy me! there desired much to hear his doctri!e1 S1 Omer e8horted a!d tau ht so much S1 -ora!t that he made him cler4" a!d ordai!ed him u!to deaco!" a!d made him abbot of his o5! house" fou!ded i! the ho!our of God our Lord a!d of S1 (eter1 S1 Omer did do ma4e a chamber =oi!i! to the church for his oratory" 5herei! he rested him 5ith our Lord" !ot sleepi! but 5atchi! " fasti! a!d co!ti!ually prayi! 1 There made the holy ma! his holy pe!ite!ce as lo! as he li6ed" a!d 5he! our Lord 5ould call him u!to his compa!y" he recei6ed his ri hts" a!d too4 lea6e of S1 -ora!t a!d of the other friars" a!d so died there a!d 5as buried 5ithi! the church of S1 (eter of Douay" a!d re!dered a!d a6e his soul to our Lord about the year of race se6e! hu!dred1 I ha6e said before that 5hich I !o5 say" the li6es of sai!ts 5ere !i h lost a!d all their le e!ds" by the Norma!s" 5hich 5asted a!d spilt the la!d 5ith t5o hu!dred a!d fifty:t5o ships of me! of arms" 5hich arri6ed a!d came i! that same la!d" a!d 5al4ed throu h 'ra!ce u!to 3oma!ia" oi! a!d comi! by the space of forty years" a!d be a! about the year ei ht hu!dred a!d fiftyo!e1 If o!e escaped there 5ere t5ai! lost" a!d yet o6er all other di6ers 5ars 5ere" that mar6el it is ho5 5e 4!o5 of !o!e1 Therefore 5e shall pray to our Lord Jesu Christ1 Here followeth the Life of *" Loui . 5i#( of Fra#$e"








S1 Louis" sometime the !oble 4i! of 'ra!ce" had to his father a 4i! ri ht christia!" !amed Louis1 This Louis father battled a!d fou ht a ai!st the heretics a!d Albi e!ses a!d of the cou!try of Toulouse" a!d e8tirpated their heresy" a!d as he retur!ed i!to 'ra!ce he passed u!to our Lord1 The! the child of holy childhood fatherless" abode a!d d5elled u!der the 4eepi! of the <uee! 9la!che his mother" sometime dau hter to the 4i! of Castile" a!d as she that lo6ed him te!derly betoo4 him for to be lear!ed a!d tau ht u!der the cure a!d o6er!a!ce of a special master i! co!ditio!s a!d i! letters" a!d he also" as the you! Solomo! child" 5ise a!d disposed to ha6e a ood soul" profited ri ht reatly i! all thi! s" more tha! a!y child of his a e1 Of 5hich ood life a!d childhood his debo!air mother e!=oyi! herself" said ofttimes to him i! this ma!!erD 3i ht dear so!" rather I 5ould see the death comi! o! thee tha! to see thee fall i!to a deadly si! a ai!st thy creator1 The 5hich 5ord the de6out child too4 a!d shut it so 5ithi! his coura e" that" by the race of God 5hich defe!ded a!d 4ept him" it is !ot fou!d that e6er he felt a!y atouchme!t" tache or spot of mortal crime1 I! the e!d" by the pur6eya!ce of his mother" a!d of the baro!s












of the la!d" to the e!d that so !oble a realm should !ot fail of successio! royal" the holy ma! too4 a 5ife" of the 5hich he recei6ed a!d at o! her fair childre!" 5hich by so6erei ! cure he made to be !ourished" e!doctri!ed" a!d tau ht to the lo6e of God a!d despite of the 5orld" a!d to 4!o5 themsel6es by holy admo!ishi! a!d e!samples1 A!d 5he! he mi ht te!d secretly to them" 6isiti! them a!d re<uiri! of their profit as the a!cie!t Tobias" a6e to them admo!ishi! of salute" teachi! them o6er all thi! s to dread God a!d to 4eep a!d abstai! them assiduously from all si!1 Garla!ds made of roses a!d of other flo5ers he forbade a!d defe!ded them to 5ear o! the 'riday" for the cro5! of thor!s that 5as o! such a day put o! the head of our Lord1 A!d because that he 5ist 5ell a!d 4!e5 that chastity i! delices" pity i! riches" a!d humility i! ho!our ofte! perish" he too4 a!d a6e his coura e to sobriety a!d ood diet" to humility a!d misericorde" 4eepi! himself ri ht curiously from the pric4i! sautes a!d 5atch of the 5orld" the flesh a!d the de6il" a!d chastised his body a!d brou ht it to ser6itude by the e!sample of the apostles1 +e forced himself to ser6e his spirit by di6erse casti atio! or chastisi! " he used the hair ma!y times !e8t his flesh" a!d 5he! he left it for cause of o6er feeble!ess of his body" at the i!sta!ce of his o5! co!fessor" he ordai!ed the said co!fessor to i6e to the poor fol4" as for recompe!satio! of e6ery day that he failed of it" forty shilli! s1 +e fasted al5ays the 'riday" a!d !amely i! time of le!t a!d ad6e!t he abstai!ed him i! those days from all ma!!er of fish a!d from fruits" a!d co!ti!ually tra6ailed a!d pai!ed his body by 5atchi! s" oriso!s" a!d other secret absti!e!ces a!d discipli!es1 +umility" beauty of all 6irtues" reple!ished so stro! i! him" that the more better he 5a8ed" so" as Da6id" the more he sho5ed himself mee4 a!d humble" a!d more foul he reputed him before God1 'or he 5as accustomed o! e6ery Saturday to 5ash 5ith his o5! ha!ds" i! a secret place" the feet of some poor fol4" a!d after dried them 5ith a fair to5el" a!d 4issed much humbly a!d semblably their ha!ds" distributi! or deali! to e6ery o!e of them a certai! sum of sil6er" also to se6e! score poor me! 5hich daily came to his court" he admi!istered meat a!d dri!4 5ith his o5! ha!ds" a!d 5ere fed abu!da!tly o! the 6i ils solem!1 A!d o! some certai! days i! the year to t5o hu!dred poor" before that he ate or dra!4" he 5ith his o5! ha!ds admi!istered a!d cer6ed them both of meat a!d dri!41 +e e6er had" both at his di!!er a!d supper" three a!cie!t poor" 5hich ate !i h to him" to 5hom he charitably se!t of such meats as 5ere brou ht before him" a!d sometimes the dishes a!d meats that the poor of our Lord had touched 5ith their ha!ds" a!d special the sops of 5hich he fai! ate" made their rem!a!t or relief to be brou ht before him" to the e!d that he should eat it7 a!d yet a ai! to ho!our a!d 5orship the !ame of our Lord o! the poor fol4" he 5as !ot ashamed to eat their relief1 Also he 5ould !ot use scarlet" !e o5!s of rich cloth" !e also furri! of o6er reat price a!d cost" a!d !amely sith he came from the parts of beyo!d sea the first time a ai!" he co6eted by reat desire the ro5i! up of the faith1 ,herefore he" as 6ery lo6er of the faith a!d co6etous for to e!ha!ce it" as he yet that of late co!6alesced a!d issued out of a rie6ous sic4!ess" Iyi! at (o!toise" too4 the cross 5ith reat de6otio! from the ha!ds of the bishop of (aris" led 5ith him three of his brethre! 5ith the reatest lords a!d baro!s i! his realm" a!d ma!y a 4!i ht a!d other people 5ith him" appli4ed o! his 5ay" a!d 5ith ri ht reat host arri6ed i!to E ypt" the 5hich" setti! foot o! rou!d" occupied a!d too4 by force of me! of arms that same city re!o5!ed 5hich is called Damietta" a!d all the re io! about1 The! after" the christia! host" esprised a!d beat 5ith a much reat a!d 5o!derful sic4!ess by the =ust =ud me!t of God" ma!y christia! me! died there" i!somuch that of the !umber of t5o a!d thirty thousa!d fi hti! me!" !e 5as there left o! li6e but si8 thousa!d me!1 A!d God" father of misericorde" 5illi! himself sho5ed 5o!derful a!d mar6ellous o! his sai!t" a6e a!d betoo4 the same 4i! " champio!" or defe!sor of the faith" i!to the ha!ds of the e6il paymms" to the e!d that he should appear more mar6ellous1 A!d as the debo!air 4i! mi ht ha6e escaped by the !e8t ship !i h the!ce" al5ays he yielded himself 5ith his ood ree" to the e!d that he mi ht deli6er his people throu h the e!cheso! of him1 +e 5as put to reat ra!som" 5hich paid" he 5ould yet abide priso!er for the payme!t or ra!som of other his lords a!d baro!s" a!d the! after" he put a!d left so as Joseph out of the chartre or priso! of E ypt" !ot as fleei! or dreadful retur!ed a!o! u!to the proper or o5! parts" but first abode co!ti!ually by the space of fi6e years i! Syria" 5here he co!6erted ma!y pay!ims to the faith" a!d he bei! there" the christia!s out of the pay!im ha!ds ditched a!d fortified ma!y to5!s a!d castles 5ith stro! 5alls1 +e fou!d the! about Sido! ma!y dead bodies of christia! me!" of 5hich ma!y o!e 5as dismembered a!d eate! 5ith beasts a!d sta!4 o6er much7 the 5hich he athered a!d assembled 5ith his o5! ha!ds" 5ith the aid a!d help of his mei!y" 5hich u!!ethe mi ht e!dure !e sufler the ste!ch of them" a!d humbly a!d de6outly betoo4 them to the buryi! of holy church1





A!d after this" u!dersta!di! the sic4!ess of the <uee! his mother" by the cousel of his baro!s he asse!ted to retur! i!to 'ra!ce1 A!d as he 5as upo! the sea" o! the third !i ht after" !i h the risi! of Aurora" the ship 5here the 4i! 5as i!" hurted a!d smote t5ice a ai!st the roc4 so stro! ly that the mari!ers a!d other there 5ee!ed that the ship should ha6e bro4e! a!d bee! plu! ed i! the sea1 A!d the! the priests" cler4s" a!d the other fol4 there" abashed 5ith so reat hurti! of the said ship" fou!d the holy 4i! de6outly prayi! before the body of our Lord" 5herefore they firmly belie6ed that God Almi hty" by the merits a!d prayers of this holy 4i! " had sa6ed them from the foresaid peril of death1 The! the said sai!t" so retur!ed i!to 'ra!ce" 5as recei6ed of all there 5ith reat =oy" a!d the more arde!tly or bur!i! ly profiti! from 6irtue i!to 6irtue" became to all ma!!er perfectio! of life1 A!d ho5beit that miseratio! a!d pity 5as ro5i! i! him from his youth" !e6ertheless he sho5ed the! more e6ide!tly his charitable deeds o! the poor fol4" succouri! them profitably" so as he mi ht at their !eed1 +e be a! the! to build a!d fou!d hospitals or houses for poor people to lie i!" edified mi!sters of reli io!" a!d a6e yearly to other poor sufferers i! di6ers places i! the realm much mo!ey" pecu!ies or sil6er1 +e fou!ded ma!y co!6e!ts of the order of friars preachers" a!d to ma!y other poor reli ious builded churches" cloisters" dortoirs" a!d other edifices co!6e!able" a6e for God lar ely alms to the bli!d" be ui!es" dau hters of God" a!d rele6ed the mi!ster of ma!y a poor !u!!ery1 +e e!riched ma!y a church fou!ded by him 5ith reat re6e!ues a!d re!te" i! 5hich he ma!y times e8ercised the office of charity a!d of mar6ellous humility" humbly a!d de6outly ser6i! the poor The 5ith his o5! ha!ds by reat misericorde1 ,he! he came i! (aris" or i! other cities" he 6isited the hospitals a!d other small houses 5here poor people lay i!" a!d 5ithout abomi!atio! of deformity !e of ordure or filth of some patie!t or sic4" admi!istered" ma!y times 4!eeli! " i6i! meat to the poor 5ith his o5! ha!ds1 I! the abbey of 3oyalmo!t" 5hich he fou!ded a!d e!do5ed 5ith reat re6e!ue a!d re!ts" is sho5ed !otorily that such a!d semblable alms he made there ma!y times1 A!d yet reater mar6el" a mo!4 of the said abbey" a leper" a! abomi!able" a!d as the! depri6ed both of !ose a!d eyes by corruptio! of the said sic4!ess" the blessed S1 Louis admi!istered" humbly putti! " 4!eeli! " 5ith his o5! ha!ds both meat a!d dri!4 5ithi! the mouth of the said leper 5ithout a!y abomi!atio!1 The abbot there prese!t 5hich u!!ethe mi ht see that" 5ept a!d si hed piteously1 A!d ho5beit that to all i!di e!t he ope!ed the bosom of misericorde" !e6ertheless to them that 5atched i! di6i!e ser6ices" a!d that prayed for souls" he made reater alms a!d ofter1 A!d by the reat alms that he dealt e6ery year to the co!6e!ts i! (aris" both of the friars predicators a!d mi!ors" said sometime to his familiarsD O God" ho5 this alms is 5ell set or besto5ed o! so much a!d so reat !umber of friars afflui! a!d comi! to (aris out from all la!ds for to lear! the di6i!e scriptures" a!d to the e!d they mi ht sho5 a!d utter them throu h all the 5orld to the cure a!d sal6atio! of souls1 Other alms that he did throu h the year" !o to! ue should suffice for to rehearse it1 +e 5orshipped the holy relics 5ith much reat de6otio!" a!d assiduously re5 the culti6i! of God a!d the ho!our of the sai!ts1 +e builded i! (aris a fair chapel 5ithi! the palace royal" i! 5hich he purposed a!d put ri ht dili e!tly the holy cro5! of thor!s of our Lord" 5ith a reat part of the holy cross1 Also the iro! or head of the spear 5here5ith the side of our Lord 5as ope!ed" 5ith ma!y other relics 5hich he recei6ed of the emperor of Co!sta!ti!ople1 +e 5ould spea4 to !obody 5hile that he 5as at church heari! the di6i!e ser6ice" 5ithout it 5ere for reat !eed or reat utility of the commo!5eal" a!d the! 5ith short a!d substa!tious 5ords uttered that he 5ould say" to the e!d that his de6otio! should !ot be letted1 +e mi ht !ot hear" !e forbear the reproaches or blasphemies do!e to the christia! faith" but he" e!amoured of the lo6e of God" as (hi!eas" pu!ished them ri ht rie6ously1 ,hereof it befell that a citiHe! of (aris 5ho loathly s5eari! had blasphemed Jesu Christ" a ai!st the act or statute royal" 5hich S1 Louis by the cou!sel of the prelates a!d pri!ces had ordai!ed a!d made for the s5earers a!d blasphemers" at the comma!dme!t of the said sai!t he 5as mar4ed or to4e!ed" at the lips of him 5ith a hot a!d bur!i! iro!" i! si ! of pu!itio! of his si!" a!d terror a!d dreadful!ess to all others1 A!d ho5 for cause of that" he heari! some say a!d cast i! o! him ma!y cursi! s" saidD I 5ould fai! sustai! o! my lips such laidure or shame as lo! as I shall li6e" so that all the e6il 6ice of s5eari! 5ere left a!d cast out from all our realm1











+e had the si !acle or fi ure of the holy cross i! so reat re6ere!ce that he esche5ed to tread o! it" a!d re<uired of ma!y reli ious that" 5ithi! their churchyard a!d tombs they !e should from the!ce fortho! portray !e depict the form or fi ure of the cross a!d that the crosses so portrayed a!d fi ured" they should ma4e to be pla!ed1 O ho5 reat re6ere!ce he hadI +e also 5e!t e6ery year o! the ood 'riday to the chapel 5ithi! the palace royal for to 5orship there the holy cross" 4!eeli! " both feet a!d head bare1 Of dili e!t discussi! of causes a!d matters he re!dered or yielded =ust =ud me!t1 Of 6ery dilectio! or lo6e" he doubti! that the strife" actio!s a!d pleadi! s of the poor should come o!ly to the prese!ce a!d 4!o5led e of his cou!cillors" he 5e!t a!d presided amo! them at the least t5ice i! a 5ee4 for to hear the plai!ts 5hich li htly he made to be discussed a!d soo! after =ustly ur ed1 +e stablished also" for to ha6e a5ay the bur!i! co6etise of the usurers" that !o =usticer should compel !e co!strai! them that 5ere bou!de! to the Je5s or to other public usurers by letters" !e by !o!e other ma!!er" to pay or yield to them their usury or ro5i! 1 I! the e!d" after the course or ru!!i! of ma!y years" u!dersta!di! that by true report 4!o5i! the desolatio! a!d perple8ity a!d perils of the holy la!d" as a!other -accabeus 5ith his so!s" !ot 5illi! that the christia! fol4 a!d holy perso!s should sustai! !e bear a!y lo! er e6il or pai!" i!spired 5ith the +oly Ghost" he passed a!d sailed a ai! o6er the hi h sea u!to the +oly La!d accompa!ied 5ith the !obles a!d much commo!alty of his realm7 a!d 5he! the ships 5ere ready for to sail" S1 Louis" beholdi! his three so!s a!d specially dressi! his 5ords to5ards the eldest" saidD So!" co!sider thou must" ho5 as !o5 I am farforth i! a e" a!d that o!ce I ha6e passed o6er the sea" also ho5 that the Guee! thy mother is of reat a e" proceedi! !i h her last days" ho5 !o5" blessed be God" 5e possess peaceably our realm" 5ithout a!y 5ar" i! delices" riches a!d ho!ours" as much as pleaseth to us or appertai!eth" loo4 the! that for the lo6e of Jesu Christ a!d his church I !e spare mi!e old a e" a!d ha6e !o pity of thy discomforted a!d 5oeful mother" but I lea6e both delices a!d ho!ours" a!d e8pose mi!e o5! self to peril for Jesu Christ1 ,hich thi! s I 5ill thou hear a!d 4!o5" to the e!d that 5he! thou comest to the successio! of the realm thou do so1 The ships the! ready" sailed o! the sea so lo! that the host arri6ed at the ha6e! of Cartha e i! Africa" 5here by force of arms the christia! me! too4 the castle" a!d e!=oyed the la!d thereabout1 A!d bet5i8t Tu!is a!d Cartha e they dressed their te!ts for to d5ell there a little time1 A!d i! this mea!5hile S1 Louis after so ma!y 6irtuous 5or4s" after so ma!y pai!s a!d labours 5hich he had suffered for the faith of Jesu Christ" God" that 5ould be!e5rely co!sume his life for to yield to him fruit lorious for his labours a!d be!efits" se!t to him a! a8es co!ti!ual" a!d the! the holy e!sei !me!ts or teachi! s" 5hich before he had 5ritte! i! 're!ch" e8posed dili e!tly to (hilip his eldest so! a!d comma!ded that soo! they should be accomplished1 A!d the!" he bei! thou ht of si ht a!d heari! 5hole" sayi! his se6e! psalms a!d calli! o! all the sai!ts de6outly" too4 all the sacrame!ts of the church" a!d at the last" he comi! to the last hour" stretchi! his arms i! ma!!er of a cross" a!d profferi! the last 5ordsD I comme!d my soul i!to thi!e ha!ds" died a!d passed u!to our Lord" the year t5el6e hu!dred a!d se6e!ty1 The corpse of the lorious S1 Louis 5as tra!sporte u!to the sepulchre of his fathers a!d predecessors at S1 De!is i! 'ra!ce" there to be buried1 I! 5hich place" also i! di6ers others" this lorious sai!t resple!disseth of ma!y miracles1 O! that day that S1 Louis 5as buried" a 5oma! of the diocese of Se!s reco6ered her si ht" 5hich she had lost a!d sa5 !othi! " by the merits a!d prayers of the said debo!air a!d meedful 4i! 1 Not lo! after" a you! child of 9ur u!dy both dumb a!d deaf of 4i!d" comi! 5ith others to the sepulchre or ra6e of the sai!t" beseechi! him of help" 4!eeli! as he sa5 that the others did" a!d after a little 5hile that he thus 4!eeled 5ere his ears ope!ed a!d heard" a!d his to! ue redressed a!d spa4e 5ell1 I! the same year a 5oma! bli!d 5as led to the said sepulchre" a!d by the merits of the sai!t reco6ered her si ht1 Also that same year t5o me! a!d fi6e 5ome!" beseechi! S1 Louis of help" reco6ered the use of oi! " 5hich they had lost by di6ers sic4!ess a!d la! uors1 I! the year that S1 Louis 5as put or 5ritte! i! the catalo ue of the holy co!fessors" ma!y miracles 5orthy to be prised" befell i! di6ers parts of the 5orld at the i!6ocatio! of him" by his merits a!d by his prayers1 A!other time at E6reu8 a child fell u!der the 5heel of a 5ater:mill1 Great multitude of people came thither" a!d supposi! to ha6e 4ept him from dro5!i! " i!6o4ed God" our Lady a!d his sai!ts to help the said child" but our Lord 5illi! his sai!t to be e!ha!ced amo! so reat multitude of people" 5as there heard a 6oice sayi! that the said child" !amed Joh!" should be 6o5ed u!to S1 Louis1 +e the!" ta4e! out













of the 5ater" 5as by his mother bor!e to the ra6e of the sai!t" a!d after her prayer do!e to S1 Louis" her so! be a! to si h a!d 5as raised o! life1 It befell the same time i! the diocese of 9eau6ais that te! me! 5ere bro4e! 5ithi! a <uarry there" as they did fetch out reat sto!es for to build 5ithal" for o! them fell a reat <ua!tity of earth i!somuch that they 5ere co6ered 5ith it1 A cler4 the! that passed there foreby" heard their si hi! " a!d ha6i! pity o! them that 5ere !i h dead" 4!eeled do5! to the earth" a!d rememberi! the !e5 ca!o!isatio! of the blessed S1 Louis" sore 5eepi! " made for the foresaid me! his prayer to him" a!d after his prayer 5as do!e he sa5 fol4 comi! that 5ay1 +e called them" a!d forth5ith they del6ed 5ith such sta6es as they had" so much that by the merits of the sai!t to 5hom they trusted much" they had out of the <uarry the foresaid te! me!" the 5hich 5ere fou!d u!hurt" a!d as 5hole as e6er they 5ere before" ho5beit that i! certai! they 5ere dead1 It happed o! a!other time that a reat 5all fell o! a child 5hich 5as reputed as dead by all the fol4" his mother 6o5ed him to the said sai!t" made the sto!es that co6ered him to be had a5ay" a!d fou!d her child lau hi! " a!d 5hole of all his members1 A 5oma! a rie6ed 5ith a sic4!ess 5hich me! call the fire of S1 A!tho!y came to (oissy" thereas S1 Louis 5as bor!" a!d before the fo!t 5herei! the said sai!t 5as baptiHed" she 4!eeled" a!d sore 5eepi! made her prayer there to God a!d to the sai!t" by the merits of 5hom her body 5as clea! deli6ered from the foresaid sic4!ess1 Item t5o days after this" a 5orshipful ma! 5hich of lo! time had bee! oppressed a!d beate! 5ith sic4!ess of feet" that he could !ot o !e sta!d 5ithout he had t5o crutches or sta6es u!der his arms" came u!to the said fo!t" made there his prayer" left his sta6es there" a!d home he retur!ed as 5hole as e6er he 5as1 A!d yet sithe 5ere there" a!d are as !o5 do!e" ma!y other miracles throu h the prayers a!d merits of S1 Louis to the lory a!d praisi! of our redeemer1 Here followeth the Life of *" Loui of Mar eille "



S1 Louis of -arseilles 5as bor! of royal li!ea e" a!d had to his father Charles" @i! of Sicily" a!d to mother -arie" Guee! of Sicily1 A!d lo6i! humility" he refused a!d forsoo4 the hi h!ess of re ality a!d his !oble li!ea e" a!d ho5beit that all the 5orthy faits of his holy life 5ith fe5 5ords may !ot be recou!ted" !e6ertheless some 5e shall rehearse" to the profit a!d teachi! of them that shall read or hear them1 This lorious sai!t the!" as testified it is of ma!y" di !e of faith or 5orthy to be belie6ed" bei! of you! a e" 5as 5ith his brethre! bolde! a!d 4ept u!der the cure a!d reli ious dili e!ce of his master" a!d ho5beit that he 5as te!der a!d you! of a e" yet seemed to be a!cie!t i! ma!!ers" co!ditio!s a!d coura e" a!d 5he! he 5as led i!to Catalo!ia" a pro6i!ce of the realm of Arra o! 5ith his t5o brethre! i! hosta e or pled e for the deli6era!ce of the said 4i! their father" he a6e himself so firmly to the study" that i! se6e! years 5hile he 5as pled e" he profited so much i! the se6e! scie!ces a!d i! holy scripture that the same God>s ma!" resple!dishi! i! 5it mi ht !ot o!ly dispute subtly i! public" a!d a part of the said scie!ces" but also durst a!d could propose the 5ord of God solem!ly u!to the people a!d before cler4s" i!somuch that me! supposed a!d belie6ed better that God had se!t a!d i!spired him 5ith such scie!ce tha! it had bee! otte! by him huma!ly1 +e co!fessed him oft a!d dili e!tly" a!d heard the di6i!e ser6ice de6outly" a!d o! the solem! a!d hi h holy days" 5ith reat preparatio! he recei6ed the body of our Lord" a!d 5he! he 5as priest he celebrated as daily a!d hear4e!ed much e!te!ti6ely the 5ord of God" a!d for the !ourishi! of his soul he ladly a!d oft studied the holy a!d de6out scriptures1 'rom the time of his childhood he lo6ed chastity" so that for the most sure 4eepi! of himself he fled a!d esche5ed the compa!y of all 5ome!" i!somuch that he spa4e to !o!e sa6e o!ly to his mother a!d 5ith his sisters a!d that seldom1 +e chastised his body by absti!e!ce of meat a!d dri!4 a!d made it lea! a!d discipli!ed it" as a!other S1 (aul" 5ith chai!s of iro! ri ht oft 5ith his o5! ha!ds" a!d he putti! his flesh u!der the ser6itude of the spirit" 5are for a shirt a stami! or strai!er>s cloth" a!d for irdle he irded him o! his bare flesh 5ith a cord1 This holy ma! the! rememberi! his 6o5 to e!ter i! to the order of the friars mi!or" by him made bei! i! hosta e as it is said i! the pro6i!ce of Catalo!ia" purposed to accomplish it" but he seei! that" for fear of the said 4i! his father" the friars durst !ot recei6e him" he solem!ly re!e5ed the said 6o5" a!d by !o ma!!er of persuasio! a!d admo!ishi! !e for a!y pro6isio! that pope 9o!iface had made a!d i6e! to him" he 5ould !ot asse!t to forsa4e it1 ,hich de6otio! co!sidered" by the asse!t of the said pope" this holy S1 Louis too4 the habit of reli io! of the said friars mi!or" a!d 4!eeli! " made e8press professio! i! the prese!ce of Joh! 9ishop of (ortue!ce 5hich as the! 5as mi!ister e!eral of the said order1 -ar6ellous a!d much 5o!derful thi! it is" a!d !ot accustomed to be see!" for the same holy sai!t" filled 5ith 6irtues re!ou!ced to the ri ht of the first:bor!" a!d despised







the pomp a!d 5orship of the sie e royal" a!d for the realm temporal a!d corruptible cha! ed a!d at the realm perdurable" a!d full of all ma!!er delices1 +e had mar6ellous compassio! o! the poor people" to 5hom lar ely he dealt his alms1 This holy S1 Louis" as God>s pleasure 5as" the pope 9o!iface promoted him to the di !ity of bishop1 A!d !ot5ithsta!di! he !e6er cha! ed his habit" but dili e!ely e8ercised the office of a bishop1 +e celebrated de6outly" the orders e8ami!ed dili e!tly i! life" i! co!ditio!s" a!d i! the articles of the faith" 5illi! a!d e6er ready to e!ha!ce it" persuaded a!d admo!ished e!te!ti6ely the Je5s a!d pay!ims to baptism1 A!d at the last" this lorious sai!t" te!di! to God" fou!tai! <uic4 a!d li6i! " !i h the term of his days" Iyi! o! his bed" sic4 5ith his last sic4!ess" too4 a!d de6outly recei6ed the precious body of our Lord" a!d ho5beit that he 5as ri ht feeble" he issued from his bed a ai!st his creator" a!d a!o! after he passed ri ht loriously out of this 5orld to the lory of paradise1 ,herefore it 5as 5ell beho6eful a!d reaso!able thi! that he" i! 5hose life duri! God ador!ed 5ith so ma!y 6irtues a!d ood co!ditio!s" should be e!!obled a!d ho!oured of ma!y miracles after his death1 The 5hich miracles are appro6ed a!d testified by the 5orthy people of the faith" a!d are declared hereafter to the ho!our a!d lory of the said sai!t1 A maide! of t5o years of a e" the 5hich 5as a rie6ed 5ith a stro! a8es 5hich she had suffered by the space of t5o years" died a!d passed from this 5orld1 +er father besou ht the sai!t for her life a!d a!o! by the merits of the sai!t she 5as raised a!d restored o! life1




A child of fi6e years of a e by o6er reat force of a! a8es died" but by a 6o5 his father made for him to the sai!t 5as restored a ai! u!to life1 A maide! of se6e! years of a e" 5hich had suffered a! a8es co!ti!ual" died" a!d 6o5 made u!to the same sai!t by her pare!ts" reco6ered the spirit of life a!d li6ed lo! after1 A 5oma! co!cei6i! t5o dau hters o!e of the 5hich for cause of a fall that her mother recei6ed a ai!st her belly" died 5ithi! the 5omb of her mother" time came that the mother should be deli6ered of her birth1 This child dead" a!d as the! all rotte!" by help a!d mystery of mid5ifery 5as had out o!e piece after a!other" a!d" 6o5 made by the father to the sai!t" the child so dismembered 5as restored to life a!d li6ed after se6e! mo!ths1 A!other child 5hich u!der a bed 5as fou!d dead" 6o5 made to the same sai!t" 5as the child restored tolife1 A 5oma! 5hich by reat sic4!ess 5as passed out of this 5orld" 6o5 made for her by her pare!ts u!to the sai!t" reco6ered the spirit of life a!d sithe!ce li6ed lo! 1 ,ith these miracles a!d ma!y others 5ould God his sai!t to be ma !ified a!d re!dered ho!ourable to all the 5orld1 Therefore let us pray the holy sai!t Louis of -arseilles that he 5ill pray God for us1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Alde(o#de Vir(i#" I! the time of Da obert 4i! of 'ra!ce" 5hich rei !ed about the year si8 hu!dred" 5as bor! S1 Alde o!de of li!ea e royal1 This holy Alde o!de 5as !ourished i! the ser6ice of God" a!d yet I may say that our Lord himself !ourished her i! his ser6ice a!d e!doctri!ed her as 5ell himself prese!t by !oble 6isio!s a!d 5o!derful" as by his a! els" me! a!d 5ome! reli ious a!d holy" as 5ell by her o5! holy sister as by others" as it appeareth i! her le e!d1 No!e ou ht !ot the! to be mar6elled if she li6ed holily that 5as scholar of such a school1 ,he! the! this holy Alde o!de 5as of a e compete!t" her father a!d mother 5ould ha6e married her to a !oble ma! rich a!d mi hty" but i! co!clusio! she a!s5ered that !o!e other she 5ould ta4e to her lord a!d spouse but our Lord Jesu Christ" to 5hom of bou!ty" beauty" !oblesse" puissa!ce" riches a!d 5it may !o!e be compared1 S1 ,autrud of -o!s 5hich" after the decease of her husba!d S1 Vi!ce!t of Lo! uys" made her professio! i! the Abbey of !u!s at -o!s 5hich she had fou!ded" 5rote a!d prayed to her mother that she mi ht ha6e Alde o!de her sister 5ith her for her disport" comfort a!d compa!y i! 6ery lo6e a!d charity1 Alde o!de the holy 6ir i! 5as se!t thither" a!d 5as tau ht a!d e!doctri!ed by her sister i! the ma!!er of holdi! reli io!1 Te! days after" her mother" yet supposi! to ha6e married her" 5e!t there 5here both her dau hters 5ere" a!d to Alde o!de a6e a piece of li!e! cloth" such as pri!ces 5ear" a!d comma!ded to her that there5ith she should ma4e shirts" sheets a!d 4erchiefs for her paramours1 The ood 6ir i!" 5eepi! that her mother had mea!t her spouse Jesu Christ" too4 the said cloth a!d thereof she made chrisms 5hich are put o! !e5:bor! childre!>s heads 5he! they be bor!e to the fo!ts" there to be baptiHed" to 5hom the priest saithD Ta4e thou this 5hite clothi! " 5hich thou shalt bear tofore the sie e tribu!al of our Lord1 ,herefore the said holy 6ir i!" to the e!d that the shirts of her o5! shapi! a!d ma4i! should be bor!e to her spouse Jesu Christ" she made chrisms 5ith her mother>s cloth" a!d 5he! she had made them much fair a!d rich" as for 4i! >s








so!s" she 5ith a merry cou!te!a!ce a6e them to her mother" sayi! that she had do!e it i! the best 5ise that she could1 ,he! her mother sa5 the chrisms a!d her li!e! cloth thus employed" she 5as much 5roth a!d e6il apaid" a!d fette a rod for to beat her dau hter 5ithal1 9ut the blessed sai!t fled u!to the forest of -aubeu e" that 5as there !i h" a!d there she made her pe!ite!ce 5ith the comfort a!d help of our Lord1

It is said that he" 5hich by the asse!t a!d ra!t of her mother should ha6e had her to his 5ife" came i! to the said forest for to ha6e ra6ished her by force" but he could !e6er fi!d !e see her" all 5e!t he !i h her1 There she abode u!to the time that her mother 5as dead" a!d after" she 5e!t to -o!s" 5here she 5as sacred u!to a !u! by the ha!ds of S1 Obier a!d of S1 Ama!d" a!d a!o! after she builded a!d fou!ded her abbey of -aubeu e1 There 5as o!ce brou ht to this holy 6ir i! a reat fish 5hich she put i!to a fou!tai! for to be 4ept there1 It happed" as such reat fishes be accustomed to do" that he leapt so hi h from the 5ater that he fell o! the rou!d a!d could !ot retur! i! to the fou!tai!1 O! him came a reat ra6e! 5hich 5ould ha6e eate! of it" but there came a lamb that 4ept the fish from harm" a!d fou ht a ai!st the ra6e! so lo! that this lady>s !u!s of the place" percei6ed the battle1 Some of them came to the fou!tai! a!d too4 the fish a!d brou ht it 5ith them1 The said lamb e6er follo5ed them u!to the time the fish 5as before the prese!ce of S1 Alde o!de" a!d !e6er 5ould depart till the holy 6ir i! said to himD ;e ha6e do!e ri ht 5ell" o to your herd a ai!1 O! a !i ht as S1 Alde o!de" 5ith her sister" to ether spea4i! secretly of their spouse our Lord Jesu Christ" their ca!dle fell from the ca!dlestic4 a!d 5as put out1 S1 Alde o!de too4 it" a!d as God 5ould" it li hted by itself a ai!1 Item" o! a time they t5o 5e!t to ether to5ards the Church of S1 (eter about the hour of si8te" the ates" that as the! 5ere shut" sudde!ly ope!ed before them at the i!sta!ce of their oriso!s a!d prayers1 Item" o!ce as she had thirst" 5as 5ater brou ht to her 5hich 5as tur!ed i!to 5i!e by the race of him that i! Galilee did tur! the 5ater i!to 5i!e1 S1 ,autrud sa5 i! a 6isio!" fi6e daya before the death of the holy Alde o!de her sister" the blessed Vir i! -ary" both S1 (eter" a!d S1 (aul" pri!ces of the apostles" accompa!ied 5ith ma!y sai!ts a!d a reat le io! of a! els" 5hich led her sister Alde o!de i!to paradise1 She therefore came to the place 5here her sister lay sic4" a!d 5as prese!t 5he! she re!dered her soul to her spouse" our Lord Jesu Christ" to 5hom 5e shall pray that throu h the merits of the blessed 6ir i! Alde o!de" of 5hich the miracles both i! her life a!d after her death be 5ithout !umber" 5e may come there as she is" i! lory 5ithout e!d1 Ame!1 Here followeth the Life of *" Al)i#e"






Sai!t Albi!e 5as bor! of !oble li!ea e i! the parts of Italy1 I! his childhood he lo6ed a!d ser6ed God e!te!ti6ely a!d 5ith so reat 5ill that he left both his father a!d his mother" his pare!ts a!d frie!ds" la!d" a!d all 5orldly riches" a!d became a mo!4 i! a! abbey" called i! Lati! Ti!cillace!sis -o!asterium" 5here he !e did sho5 of his !oblesse" but o!ly the ood co!ditio!s1 +e 5as humble a!d ser6iceable u!to all" a!d 5as e6er i! co!ti!ual prayers a!d reple!ished 5ith all 6irtues" ready a!d apparelled to flee a!d esche5 all 6ices1 ,he! S1 Albi!e came to the a e of thirty years he 5as made abbot of the same abbey" 5hich he o6er!ed both temporally a!d spiritually by the space of fi6e:a!d:t5e!ty years" so that our Lord 5as at all times 5ell a!d de6outly ser6ed" a!d all oods temporal daily re5 there1 The bishop of A! ers died that time" a!d the! this holy S1 Albi!e" by the race a!d 5ill of our Lord" a!d by the commo! a!d co!cordable asse!t of all the chapter" 5as promoted to the di !ity of bishop there" 5hereas he 5as after5ards 4!o5! so perfect a!d so charitable that doubtless his promotio! 5as cause of the sal6atio! of ma!y souls1 A 5oma! there 5as i! the city of A! iers 5hich had her ha!ds as lame a!d cou!terfeited for cause of a sic4!ess that me! called the out" 5here5ith she 5as sore 6e8ed1 A!d she made her prayer a!d dema!ded help of the sai!t" a!d soo! she 5as holpe! a!d relie6ed from that sic4!ess o!ly by that he ha!dled three times her ha!ds1 A!d o! a time as S1 Albi!e 5e!t throu h a to5! 5ithi! his diocese" he sa5 the father a!d mother 5eepi! o6er their child dead" too4 o! them pity" made his prayer u!to our Lord" a!d sudde!ly their child 5as raised to life1 Item a bli!d ma! dema!ded help of S1 Albi!e" a!d the Albi!e holy bishop made the






si ! of the cross o6er him" a!d a!o! he 5as e!lumi!ed a ai!1 Item as S1 Albi!e did pass o! a time before the priso! house at A! ers" the priso!ers cried a!d besou ht him for help1 The holy bishop ha6i! o! them reat compassio! 5e!t u!to the bailey a!d prayed him for them" but !ou ht a6ailed there his prayer" 5herefore he 5e!t to his church" a!d soo! after" his prayer made to God" 4!eeli! before the hi h altar" a reat part of the priso! 5all fell do5! a!d so escaped e6ery priso!er there1 A 5oma! 6e8ed 5ith a 5ic4ed spirit 5as brou ht before this holy bishop" a!d as soo! as the e!emy percei6ed the holy ma!" he put himself i!to the 5oma!>s eye i! form of a little 5hel4" red as a!y blood" to 5hom S1 Albi!e" ma4i! the si ! of the cross saidD Thou 5ic4ed spirit" thou shalt !ot destroy the eye 5hich thou madest !ot !or ca!st ma4e1 A!d a!o! the same little 5hel4 be a! to bleed as o!e had slimed it1 The e!emy the! 5e!t from her" 5hich i! ood health 5as left a!d of her 5it restored1 After our E! lish to! ue" Albi!us is as much for to say as primoD as he 5as 5hite" <uia albi!us dicitur <uasi albus" a!d thus this holy sai!t 5as all 5hite by purity of clea! li6i! 1 Secu!doD as he that i! himself hath bou!ty or ood!essD sic albi!us dicitur <uasi bo!us" a!d 6erily this holy bishop 5as ood1 TercioD as he that by 6i our or force flyeth to the spirituallyD sic albi!us dicitur alias bi!as habe!s" that is to 5it" hope a!d faith" there5ith this holy sai!t 5as reple!ished1 It is read that S1 Albi!e had t5o 5i6es" that is to 5it t5o !urses" 5hich did !ourish him" 5hereof the process or tale is such1 S1 Albi!e Iyi! i! his cradle 5as left alo!e" doubti! !o!e i!co!6e!ie!ce" i! a arde!" a!d a she:5olf came a!d ra6ished the child a!d bare it i!to the fields1 T66o maide!s the! passed that 5ay" percei6ed the child" a!d came thither as he lay o! the earth" a!d ha6i! pity o! him" o!e of them saidD ,ould to God I had mil4 to foster thee 5ithal" a!d these 5ords thus said" she sa5 her paps that re5" rose up a!d 5ere filled 5ith mil41 She the! too4 the child a!d a6e him suc41 Semblably said a!d prayed the other maid" a!d a!o! she had mil4 as her fello5 had" a!d so they t5o !ourished the holy child Albi!e1 It happed o! a time that the Norma!s i! reat !umber of me! of arms came i!to the cou!try 5here the holy corpse of S1 Albi!e rested" a!d the people there" so sore they tra6ailled that they"!e 5ist 5here to become a!d flee1 A!d a ma! armed all i! 5hite came amo! the said people a!d saidD ,hy doubt you to saute a!d befi ht your e!emy so that ye ha6e S1 Albi!e to your help a!d defe!ceE A!d that said he 6a!ished a5ay1 ,herefore the people too4 coura e a!d armed them a!d 5e!t a ai!st their e!emies a!d discomfited them1 S Albi!e 5as buried at A! ers" a!d 5he! his successor 5ould ha6e tra!slated him i!to a reater chapel i! the prese!ce of S1 Germai! a!d ma!y other more" came thither four me! cou!terfaited a!d lame i! all their members" also t5o bli!d me! 5hich all si8 5ere there by the merits of S Albi!e relie6ed i!to their ood health" that is to 5it" the cou!terfaited redressed of their members" a!d the bli!d e!lumi!ed1 This holy sai!t Albi!e 5as bishop of A! ers by the space of t5e!ty years a!d si8 mo!ths" 5hose soul too4 his sie e i! paradise the year of his !ati6ity four score" thereas by the merits of him may lead us the 'ather the So! a!d the +oly Ghost1 Ame!1 Here )e(i##eth the #o)le Hi tory of the E+&o itio# of the Ma " 'or heart de6out to u!dersta!d 5hat it is to say mass" also to co!scrate the body of our Lord" the precious sacrame!t of the altar" it is to 4!o5 that the mass may be comprised i! four parts pri!cipal1 The first part dureth from the be i!!i! of the mass u!to the offeri! " the seco!d dureth from the offeri! to the (ater Noster said" the third part dureth from the (ater Noster u!to the perceptio!" a!d the fourth part dureth from the perceptio! u!to the e!d of the mass1 As touchi! the first part" that is" the be i!!i! of the mass u!to the offeri! " it is to u!dersta!d that the priest" 5hich is as he that sho5eth the 5ay of God to the people" ere he re6esteth him 5ith the chasuble" he be i!!eth a!d saith a psalm that is i! the third !octur! of the psalter" the 5hich psalm be i!!ethD Judica me deus et diseer!e" a!d i! the same psalm he as4eth four thi! s1 The first is that he may be parted from all e6il compa!y" the seco!d is that he may be deli6ered from all e6il temptatio!" the third is that he may be of the +oly Ghost e!lumi!ed" a!d the fourth is that Jesu Christ i6e himself to be co!secrated by him1 A!d to the e!te!t he may the more surely a!d de6outly co!secrate the said sacrame!t" he co!fesseth himself e!erally of all his si!s" sayi! his co!fiteor" by the 5hich co!fiteor he sho5eth four thi! s1 'irst" he sho5eth himself 5orthy of redar utio! or rebu4e" seco!dly" he sho5eth himself plei! of co!tritio!" thirdly" he re<uireth aid of them that are











about him" that he may ha6e remissio! of his si!s" a!d fourthly" he dema!deth of our Lord 6ery absolutio!1 The priest" after" 4isseth the altar" the 5hich 4issi! si !ifieth u!ity a!d directio! i! sho5i! ho5 our Lord 5ould u!ite or =oi! our huma!ity to his di6i!ity by reat lo6e" a!d ta4e the church for his o5! spouse" 5herefore the holy church may say thusD Guasi spo!sam decora6it me coro!a" et <uasi spo!sam or!a6it me mo!ilibus1 That is to say" that our Lord as his proper spouse" hath ador!ed or clad me 5ith thi! s precious1 The priest" after that" dra5eth him to the ri ht part or side of the altar" si !ifyi! ho5 God 5he! he had ta4e! our huma!ity" after his passio!" by the 6irtue of his resurrectio! he tra!slated him o! the ri ht ha!d of the 'ather" a!d there the priest be i!!eth the i!troit of the mass" the 5hich si !ifieth the comi! of our Lord Jesu Christ" ho5 he 5ould come i!to the 5orld" the 5hich comi! the a!cie!t fathers" prophets" a!d patriarchs" a!d the faithful people of our Lord desired much arde!tly" a!d for that they cried 5ith a hi h 6oice a!d saidD Emitte a !um domi!e domi!atorem terrae7 sayi! thus to God the 'atherD Sir" 5e pray thee that thou 5ilt se!d the s5eet lamb" ha6i! domi!atio! i! all the earth1 A!d to God the So! they said thusD Ve!i domi!e et !oli tardere" that is for to sayD ,e pray thee that thou 5ilt come hastily a!d tarry !ot1 Seco!dly" the said i!troit si !ifieth ho5 the priest o5eth to e!ter the ser6ice of God1 A!d for this follo5eth a 6erse of the psalter after the said i!troit" such as appertai!eth to the day" the 5hich 6erse si !ifieth ho5 5e ou ht to put our ha!ds =oi!tly" prayi! to him de6outly" for he is made as our proper brother i! ta4i! our huma!ity for to sho5 us the 5ay of truth1 After" follo5ethD Gloria (atri" the 5hich si !ifieth praisi! a!d laud to the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost" for after ood 5or4s ou ht to follo5 laudi! a!d praisi! 1 After that the priest repeateth the i!troit of the mass" to the e!d that the desires of the a!cie!t fathers" prophets" a!d patriarchs may the better be sho5ed1 After" the priest be i!!eth a!d saith three timesD @yrie eleiso!" that is to u!dersta!d to the 'ather" a!d three times Christe eleiso!" to the So!" a!d three times @yrie eleiso! to the +oly Ghost" calli! upo! the mercy of God to the e!d that holy church be accompa!ied 5ith !i!e orders of a! els rei !i! i! the compa!y of God" a!d this sho5eth the si !ificatio! of these 5ords before said1 'or 5he! me! say @yrie eleiso!" that isD Lord" ha6e thou mercy o! us" a!d that is to u!dersta!d the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost are called by these 5ords o!ly" @yrie eleiso!" for cause that they be of o!e !ature" a!d the misericorde of God the So! is called by this other 5ord here" Christe eleiso!1 'or ho5beit that the So!" as touchi! the di6i!ity be of o!e !ature 5ith the 'ather a!d the +oly Ghost" a!d !ot that 5ithsta!di! he 5ould ta4e 5ith this !ature a!other !ature" that is our huma!" for us to i6e the life perdurable1 After that" the priest be i!!ethD Gloria i! e8celsis" the 5hich i6eth 5it!ess of the !ati6ity of our Lord1 'or 5he! the a! els of God had 4!o5led e that God 5as bor!" the! they all to ether e!=oyed thereof" cryi! 5ith a hi h 6oiceD Glory a!d laud is i! hea6e! to the Tri!ity" a!d also peace is i! earth to all creatures that are of ood5ill1 'or before that" all creatures 5ere i! !o peace" for this" that the! 5ar 5as bet5i8t God a!d creatures" bet5i8t the a! els a!d creatures" bet5i8t creature a!d creature1 The i!obedie!ce of Adam caused the first 5ar" of that he had offe!ded God" 5hereof follo5ed the t5o other 5ars1 Therefore he that is 6ery peace 5ould be bor! i! the earth for to sho5 a!d set amo! us 6ery peace" a!d therefore all the compa!y of the a! els of paradise sa! 5ith a hi h 6oice" Gloria i! e8celsis sit i!ter a! elos" that is to say" Glory a!d laudi! be amo! the a! els i! hea6e!" peace a!d co!cord be i! earth bet5i8t creatures a!d God1 'or therefore he 5ould ta4e !ature of God a!d ma!" for to re!der us peace a!d to him be reco!ciled1 Therefore creature may" a!d o5eth" to say of ood heart to the e!sample of a! els of paradise these 5ords follo5i! D Laudamus te" be!edicimus te" lorificamus te" that is to sayD ,e laud thee" 5e bless thee" 5e lorify thee" a!d for thy reat lory 5e yield to thee races a!d tha!4s1 Lord God" Lamb of God" So! of God the 'ather" thou that ta4est a5ay the si!s of the 5orld ha6e mercy o! us" thou that ta4est a5ay the si!s from the 5orld 5ilt recei6e our prayers" thou that sittest o! the ri ht ha!d of the 'ather ha6e mercy upo! us" thou that art holy thou alo!e art Lord" thou o!ly art hi hest" Jesu Christ" i! the lory of God the 'ather 5ith the +oly Ghost1 A!d all these laudi! s doth the priest 5ith his prayers i! sayi! D Gloria i! e8celsis" etc1" for all holy church1 After" 5he! the priest hath saidD Gloria i! e8celsis" he tur!eth him to5ard the people a!d saluteth them sayi! D Domi!us 6obiscum" a!d that si !ifieth salut 5hich our Lord a6e to his apostles after his blessed resurrectio!" 5he! he appeared to them a!d saidD (a8 6obiscum" that is to sayD (eace be 5ith you" a!d for












this" i! that represe!ti! " he salueth the people" sayi! D Dommus 6obiscum" to the e!d that the creature ha6e his thou ht to5ards God7 a!d the people a!s5erD Et cum spiritu tuo" si !ifyi! that 5e ou ht for to pray for him that hath to say the oriso!" a!d that prayeth for us" to the e!d that his oriso! may be heard of God a!d e!ha!ced1

The! retur!eth the priest to5ards the altar a!d sayethD Oremus" that si !ifieth ho5 yet a ai! he i!citeth us to pray" for i! such ma!!er did our Lord to his disciples" sayi! D Orate !e i!tritis i! te!tatio!em" that is to sayD +o!our a!d pray to God the 'ather to the e!d that ye e!ter !ot i! e6il temptatio!7 a!d after" the priest oeth a!d prayeth" sayi! the oriso! for all creatures for the 5hich he e!te!deth a!d hath i! memory to pray for" a!d for this that our Lord hath said i! the holy E6a! el" all that ye shall as4 of my 'ather i! my !ame ye shall ha6e1 A!d after" the priest saith at the e!d of his oriso!D (er domi!um !ostrum Jesu Christum" as he 5ould sayD This that 5e pray thee of" 5e pray i! the !ame of our Lord Jesu Christ" rei !i! 5ith the 'ather a!d the +oly Ghost1 A!d it is to 5it that sometimes the priest also saith a! oriso! the 5hich si !ifieth u!ity of faith or u!ity of sacrame!t1 Sometimes the priest saith three oriso!s to si !ify the +oly Tri!ity" or else for this" that our Lord i! his passio! ho!oured a!d prayed to God the 'ather three times1 Sometimes he saith fi6e oriso!s" i! si !ifyi! the fi6e 5ou!ds of our Lord1 Sometimes he saith se6e!" i! si !ifyi! the se6e! ifts of the +oly Ghost1 A!d o5eth e6ery o!e to 5it a!d 4!o5 that as ma!y as the priest saith of oriso!s at the be i!!i! of the mass" as ma!y he saith i! his secret" a!d as ma!y at the e!d of the mass" a!d for this same cause" as it shall appear more plai!ly at the seco!d part1 After these oriso!s the epistle follo5eth" the 5hich is as much 5orth as a messa e se!t to some other by letter" a!d it si !ifieth the doctri!e of the apostles of our Lord" the 5hich 5ere se!t to our Lord for to teach a!d e!doctri!e the people u!to the 5ay of truth1 It may be said also that this epistle si !ifieth the predicatio! of S1 Joh! 9aptist" the 5hich 5as se!t of God for to a!!ou!ce the comi! a!d doctri!e of him1 I! 5hich lore he saith thusD (e!ite!tiam a ite" appropi!<uabit e!im re !um celorum1 That is to sayD Do you pe!ite!ce for the realm of hea6e! shall come !i h to you1 A!d of his s5eet comi! saith yet S1 Joh!D Ecce a !us Dei" etc1" that is to sayD +ere is the Lamb of God" here is he that ta4eth a5ay the si!s from the 5orld1 This same epistle may also i6e us testimo!y that our Lord 5ill desce!d u!to the precious sacrame!t of the altar for to sacrifice" as it shall appear i! the seco!d part of the mass" for after this that S1 Joh! had tau ht i! his predicatio! that 5e should do pe!ite!ce for to ac<uire a!d ha6e the realm of hea6e!" follo5eth the rail that may si !ify lame!tatio! a!d embraceme!t of pe!a!ce1 A!d after that the creature de6out hath heard the predicatio! of God" he o5eth to put the ha!d to the 5or4s a!d to do after his po5er1 'or this rail here came out of Gree4 to! ue" a!d si !ifieth ho5 a creature o5eth to mou!t or o up before God from de ree to de ree" by 6irtue of humility1 A!d it is to 5it that bet5i8t the octa6es of Easter a!d (e!tecost the rail is !ot said" for this that the rail si !ifieth" pe!a!ce a!d lame!tatio! or mour!i! 1 A!d i! this time of (as<ue our mother holy church !e doth but =oy a!d ma4eth solatio! for the resurrectio! of Jesu Christ" a!d therefore is the! saidD Alleluia" 5hich si !ifieth =oy a!d co!solatio!" for after that creature hath do!e pe!a!ce by 6irtue of humility i! 5eepi! s a!d lame!tatio!s he must lead after" =oy a!d 6ery co!solatio!1 'or our Lord saith thusD 9eati <ui lu e!t" <uo!iam ipsi co!solabu!tur" that is to sayD 9lessed be those that 5eep by co!tritio!" for they shall ha6e 6ery co!solatio!1 A!d it is to 5it that this 5ord alleluia is e8pou!ded i! four ma!!ers after four doctors" the first is S1 Austi!" 5hich e8poseth it thusD Alleluia" id est" sal6um me fac domi!e" Sir" sa6e thou me1 S1 Jerome e8poseth it thusD Alle" id est ca!tate" lu" id est laudem" ye" id est deum 6el domi!um" that is to sayD Si! you laudi! to our Lord Jesu Christ1 S1 Gre ory e8poseth it thusD Alle" id est aeter" lu" id est filius" ye" id est spiritus sa!ctus1 That is to sayD The 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost1 Or thus he himself e8poseth itD Alle" id est lu8" lu" id est 6ita" ya" id est salus1 Alleluya the!" by the same e8positio!" is as much for to say as li ht" life" a!d health1 'ourthly" -aster (eter A!tissidore!sis e8pou!deth it much 5ell" a!d saith thusD Alle" id est" altissimus le6atus est i! cruce" lu" id est" lu eba!t apostoli" ya" id est" =am surre8it1 lt is as much for to sayD The ri ht hi h is lift o! the cross" for the 5hich thi! the apostles ha6e 5ept" a!d soo! after he is rise!1 I! the 5hich e8positio! three thi! s are sho5ed to us1 The first is the cruel passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ1 The seco!d is the sorro5 a!d a! uish of the apostles" a!d the third is the mirth a!d =oy of us" for he saith that our Lord is rise!" a!d i! to4e!i! of that me! si! " Alleluia1 After this Alleluia" he saith the 6erse 5hich si !ifieth all s5eet!ess" a!d 6irtuous 5or4" by the 5hich me! retur! to 6ery =ubilatio!" a!d therefore he repeateth the Alleluia after that the 6erse is saidD for by ood 5or4 me! retur! a ai! to 6ery co!solatio!" a!d it is to 5it that from the Septua esima u!to












Easter day" me! o5e !ot to say Alleluia" a!d i!stead of it they say the tract" the 5hich tract si !ifieth 5eepi! a!d lame!tatio!" for the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" that cometh !i h that time" that is to 5it the holy time of Le!t" a!d therefore a creature de6out 5ith all his heart" o5eth to dra5 to thi!4 o! that same holy passio!7 a!d duri! that time me! say !o se<ue!ce" for the se<ue!ce si !ifieth =oy a!d co!solatio!1 A!d that time of Le!t !e si !ifieth but mour!i! s" a!d it is to 5it that the se<ue!ce is said after Alleluia" a!d it is said specially o! holy days a!d solem!" i! si !ifyi! the ple!ty a!d the multitude of mirths a!d co!solatio!s that is si !ified by the said Alleluia a!d se<ue!ce1 'or i!asmuch that the day is more solem! tha! other days" the more o5eth creature to lead a!d ma4e reater =oy i! laudi! the holy Tri!ity1 After all these thi! s" the priest tra!slateth his boo4 to the si!ister part of the altar" for to say the e6a! el" i! si !ifyi! ho5 our Lord 5he! he came do5! i! earth for to e8pose the holy E6a! el to all creatures" he dre5 him to the si!ister part" that 5as to5ard the Je5s" for to a!!ou!ce to them the holy E6a! el" for at that time the Je5s had dra5! themsel6es to the left side" a!d for this the priest i! that place may represe!t our Lord preachi! a!d a!!ou!ci! the la51 A!d to the e!d that he may e8ercise or do that office more perfectly" at the be i!!i! of it he saith softly a! oriso! that be i!!eth thusD -u!da cor meum" etc1" i! the 5hich oriso! he prayeth our Lord that he 5ill ma4e clea! his heart" for to a!!ou!ce his predicatio!1 After that he dema!deth the blessi! of our Lord" sayi! D Jube domi!e be!edicere" that is as much to sayD Lord comma!d thou that I may ha6e thy blessi! " a!d a!o! he" as lieute!a!t of our Lord" a!s5ereth a!d saith thusD Our Lord be i! my heart a!d i! my lips so that I may 5orthily a!d compete!tly a!!ou!ce the holy E6a! el of God i! the !ame of the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost1 A!d after" the priest saluteth the people sayi! D Domi!us 6obiscum" for t5o causes1 The first cause is to the i!te!t that the people be the more i!cited to hear the 5ord of God" a!d therefore the peopNe dra5eth to5ard the E6a! el a!d sta!deth o! their feet after the ordi!a!ce of A!astasius" the! pope" a!d si !ifieth that the people ou ht to be ready a!d apparelled to sustai! the faith of God a!d 6ery lo6e1 After" for this" that yet the people be more i!cited to hear the E6a! el of God the priest represe!teth the place of God a!d saithD Se<ue!tia sa!cti e6a! elii" et cetera" i! ma4i! the si ! of the cross to the e!d that the e!emy may !ot empesh him1 The! the cler4s a!d the people a!s5erD Gloria tibi domi!e" i! lorifyi! God that hath se!t to them the 5ord of salute" sayi! D To the Lord be laudi! i6e! by thy 5ord to us sho5ed1 The! the priest saith the E6a! el" the 5hich si !ifieth" as said is" the predicatio! of our Lord God" the 5hich fi!ished a!d said" the priest 5ar!eth himself 5ith the si ! of the cross" to the i!te!t that the e!emy may !ot ta4e a5ay from the creatures hearts the 5ord of God1 After follo5eth the creed" that is as the testimo!y a!d co!firmatio! of the foresaid E6a! el" the 5hich 5as made a!d composed by the apostles of our Lord Jesu Christ" i! si !ifyi! that this that the apostles said" firmly they belie6ed" a!d belie6i! a!!ou!ced it1 A!d it is to 5it that" the creed is said o! the holy days of them that composed it" that is the apostles of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d o! the holy days of 5hich me!tio! is made 5ithi! the same creed" that is to 5it" all Su!days of the year" Christmas:day" Epipha!y or t5elfth day" Shere:thursday" Easter:day" ,hitsu!day" Tri!ity Su!day" a!d also i! all holy days of our Lady" a!d of ma!y others of 5hich me! ma4e me!tio!1 A!d this may suffice as to the first part of the mass1 Here followeth the *e$o#d Part of the Ma " As for the seco!d part of the mass" that is from the offeri! u!to the (ater!oster" e6ery o!e o5eth to u!dersta!d that after the creature hath heard the 5ord of God" that is the holy E6a! el" a!d he ad=ousteth to it firm or steadfast faith" 5hich is fi ured by the creed" he o5eth the! to offer or i6e his heart to God" for therefore follo5eth the offeri! 1 A!d to the e!d that the people be the more i!cited" the priest retur!eth him to5ard the fol4" a!d saithD Domi!us 6obiscum" that is to sayD Our Lord be 5ith you" e6e! so as he 5ould sayD If our Lord be !ot 5ith you" ye ca! do !o ood 5or4 !e ood offeri! to5ard him" a!d after the priest saith7 Oremus" i!citi! us to ho!our a!d to pray God" the! he saith the offertory1












After" the priest ta4eth the lid of the chalice o! 5hich is the host" 5hich o5eth to be co!6erted to the body of our Lord" a!d offereth it to God the 'ather" sayi! D Suscipe sa!cte (ater" etc1" 'ather 5ilt thou recei6e this hostie 5ithout tache or spot" the 5hich I" thy ser6a!t u!5orthy" offer to thee as to my God" 6ery a!d certai!" for all the si!s that I ha6e do!e 5ithout !umber" a!d also for all them that are here about me" a!d for all the fiables of God that are ali6e" a!d for all them that are passed out of this 5orld to the i!te!t that this oblatio! may be profitable to me a!d to them" to the sal6atio! of our souls i! the life perma!able or e6erlasti! 1 After" the priest ma4eth commi8tio! of 5i!e a!d 5ater to ether" a!d here it is to 5it that" by the said 5ater is u!derstood the people" a!d the 5i!e represe!teth our Lord" i! si !ifyi! that the said 5ater a!d 5i!e sho5 to us humility" a!d also the commi8tio! that the people o5eth to ha6e 5ith God1 It may be said also that this 5ater is meddled 5ith the said 5i!e for this" that both blood a!d 5ater issued out of the side of our Lord" a!d for this he saithD Deus <ui huma!F substa!tiF" etc1" i! the 5hich oriso! he prayeth for all" to the e!d that by the 6irtue of the same mi8io! the people may be u!ited to God by 6ery lo6e a!d directio!1 After" the priest offereth the chalice to God" sayi! D Offerimus tibi" i! si !ifyi! ho5 our Lord Jesu Christ offered himself to God the 'ather crucified o! the altar of the cross for our health1




After" the priest co6ereth the chalice" for this" that !o!e ordure should touch to that holy sacrifice" a!d after ma4eth a cross o6er the hostie" a!d o6er the chalice" sayi! D Ve!i sa!ctificator" etc1" that is at much to say asD @i! Almi hty" I pray thee that thou 5ilt bless or hallo5 this sacrifice i! thy s5eet !ame" for heart de6out to ha6e pardo!1 After" the priest dra5eth himself to the ri ht side of the altar" i! represe!ti! our Lord" a!d there he recei6eth the offeri! s of the creatures1 The! the people by de6otio! come a!d offereth to the e!sample of the people of God" 5hich people offered 5ithi! the temple of Solomo! to God1 O!e offered old" the other sil6er" others offered bread" a!d others offered 5i!e" a!d others di6ers ma!!ers of offeri! s1 After" the priest 5asheth his ha!ds" for it appertai!eth that so precious a sacrame!t be 5orthily a!d clea!ly made1 After" he dra5eth himself e6e!" i! the midst of the altar" a!d there he ma4eth a deep i!cli!atio!" sayi! D Suscipe sa!cta Tri!itas" etc1 A!d the same i!cli!atio! may si !ify the i!cli!atio! of God" 5hich i!cli!ed him after the sacrame!t to the feet or the apostles" a!d prayed to God the 'ather1 After" he 4isseth the altar" i! si !ifyi! that the 6irtue of the passio! peaceth the creatures to him1 After" the priest retur!eth himself to5ard the fol4 a!d saithD Orate pro me fratres" etc1" a!d i! this he prayeth the people that they 5ill pray God for him1 'or that is !o!e other thi! to say butD 3i ht dear brethre!" pray you God that I may ma4e this sacrifice 5orthily" so that I may see God =oyously1 After" the priest retur!eth him to5ards the altar a!d be i!!eth his oriso!s secret" the 5hich are said for the same cause for 5hich the first oriso!s be said" a!d as ma!y i! !umber" a!d it is to 5it that these oriso!s are said softly a!d secretly" for this that the priest is !i h the sacrame!t" a!d therefore he 5ill ha6e !o!e other empeshme!t or letti! " !either by 6oice !e by ma!!er" for our Lord" to the i!te!t he mi ht more secretly ho!our a!d pray" he 5e!t from his disciples as far as a sto!e mi ht be thro5!1 These oriso!s here be also said lo5 or secretly for this" that 5he! our Lord had raised LaHarus" the Je5s 5ould ha6e slai! him" 5herefore he dre5 himself i!to the city of Ephraim" i! a place all alo!e" a!d from that time he ceased his predicatio!" u!to (alm Su!day e6e!1 The! he came to the house of Simo! a!d ope!ly be a! to preach" a!d for this the priest at the e!d of his oriso!s i! dressi! his ha!ds upo! hi h saithD (er om!ia secula seculorum" a!d for this" that he is as messe! er to God for the people1 The people heari! this messa e" a!s5erethD Ame!1 A!d there the priest be i!!eth the (reface" the 5hich is so called" for that it is the preparatio! or first apparel that oeth before the sacrifice pri!cipal" a!d therefore he saluteth i! sayi! D Dommus 6obiscum" i! sayi! that 5e prepare or ma4e us ready so that our Lord may be a!d d5ell 5ith us" a!d the people a!s5erethD Et cum spiritu tuo1 A!d thus the people a!d the priest both pray each for other1








After" the priest i!citi! us saithD Sursum corda" that is to say that the people hea6e their hearts upo! hi h to5ard God1 The! a!s5ereth the peopleD +abemus ad domi!um" that is to sayD ,e hea6e them to God" a!d therefore the people" that there i! such hour or i! that time hath !ot set their hearts to God may of li ht lie1

After" the priest saithD Gratias a amus domi!o deo !ostro" that is to sayD ;ield 5e races a!d tha!4i! s to GodI 'or if the people i! that time hath some de6otio!" they ou ht to laud a!d tha!4 God therefor" a!d for this" the cler4" for all the people" a!s5erethD Di !um et =ustum est" ri ht e6e! so as 5e 5ould sayD ,orthy a!d la5ful thi! is to laud God" =ust thi! is to ho!our him" a!d there the priest ma4eth me!tio! ho5 the a! els a!d archa! els a!d all the court of hea6e! praise a!d laud God1 A!d for this at the e!d he prayeth" that 5ith that foresaid compa!y 5e all may praise a!d laud God" sayi! 5ith firm de6otio!D Sa!ctus" sa!ctus" sa!ctus" the 5hich 5ords follo5 after the preface" for ri ht e6e! there the priest represe!ti! our mother holy church" ha6i! hope to be accompa!ied 5ith both a! els a!d archa! els" co!firmeth himself to them a!d saithD Sa!ctus" etc1 A!d it is to 5it that this sa!ctus is di6ided i! t5o parts" the first part co!tai!eth the laudi! of the a! els" a!d the seco!d co!tai!eth the laudi! of the people1 The priest the!" as to the first part he may represe!t the a! els of hea6e!" of the 5hich it is read i! the boo4 of Isaiah the prophet that the seraphim cried 5ith a hi h 6oice o!e to a!otherD Sa!ctus" sa!ctus" sa!ctus" etc1" i! prayi! to the Tri!ity" sayi! D +oly 'ather" +oly So!" a!d +oly Spirit" all earth is reple!ished 5ith thy lory1 As to the seco!d part" he may represe!t the people of Israel" of the 5hich 5e read that" 5he! our Lord desce!ded from the mou!tai! of Oli6et" a!d he came to the city of Jerusalem" they cried 5ith a hi h 6oiceD 9e!edictus <ui 6e!it i! !omi!e domi!i" etc1" that is as much to sayD 9lessed be he that cometh i! the !ame of God" of him 5e re<uire pardo!" a!d for this be!edictio! or blessi! " 5hich is so s5eet" the priest ma4eth a cross" the 5hich represe!teth to us that it is our Lord that cometh to be sacrificed o! the holy cross" a!d there he desce!deth a!d 5ill be co!secrate" to the e!d that me! may see him prese!tly" a!d therefore 6erily of the de6out people that heareth the mass ri ht there" o5eth to dra5 themsel6es 5ithi! the chamber of their co!scie!ce to the e!d that they may cherish thereo! that s5eet Lamb by de6out oriso!" prayi! that his oodly comi! be co!solatio! a!d =oy u!to e6ery creature1 A!d there also they o5e to thi!4 a!d co!sider o! their e6il deeds a!d offe!ces" to the e!d that they may sho5 a!d declare them by firm a!d steadfast co!tritio! to him that prese!tly cometh there" a!d thus the creature shall mo5e tha!4 a!d re racie God by de6out co!templatio!1 After all these thi! s follo5eth the ca!o!" 5hich is so !amed ca!o! for the mystery of the precious sacrame!t that is made a!d co!secrated" a!d this same ca!o! is said lo5 or secretly for the 6irtue of the 5ords" to the e!d that they be !ot held i! filth1 'or a!cie!tly they 5ere preferred a!d said hi h" 5herefore it 5as 4!o5! of the most part of the fol4" a!d they sa! it throu h the streets1 ,herefore 5e fi!d that sometimes shepherds too4 some bread a!d put it o! a sto!e" a!d o! it they said the 5ords that are 5ritte! i! the ca!o!" a!d that same bread 5as tur!ed a!d co!6erted i!to a piece of flesh" a!d soo! after" by the 5ill of God" fire desce!ded from hea6e! upo! them" a!d they 5ere all combusted a!d bur!t1 A!d therefore the holy fathers stablished these 5ords to be said lo5" also that !o!e should say them 5ithout he 5ere a priest1 That same ca!o! co!tai!eth !i!e parts1 As to the first part" the priest i!cli!eth himself before the altar" the 5hich i!cli!atio! si !ifieth or beto4e!eth the humility of our he i!cli!ed himself at the cross" a!d there thepriest spea4i! to our Lord saith thusD Te i itur cleme!tissime" etc1" that is to sayD 'ather" ri ht debo!air" 5e thee pray thou 5ilt Lord1 5hich he sho5ed 5he! accept a!d bless these s5eet oblatio!s a!d these holy sacrifices 5ithout corruptio!1 A!d there the priest 4isseth the altar" si !ifyi! the compassio! that he hath of the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d after" he ma4eth three times the si ! of the cross" both o6er the bread a!d o6er the 5i!e" a!d these three crosses si !ifieth ho5 our Lord 5as i6e! a!d offered i! three ma!!ersD 'irst of God the 'ather for our redemptio!" seco!dly of Judas to the Je5s by reat treaso!" thirdly of the Je5s to (ilate by reat detractio!1 After" i! the seco!d part" the priest prayeth for all holy church u!i6ersally" sayi! D Offerimus" etc1" that is to sayD ,e offer" a!d therefore the priest spea4eth !ot i! his o5! perso! but i! the perso! of holy church1 There !is !o!e so 5ic4ed a!d e6il" after that he is priest" but he may co!secrate the precious body of our Lord Jesu Christ1 After" i! the third part" the priest hath i! a special mi!d all the sub=ects of holy church" a!d specially i! that passa e he saith =oi!i! his ha!dsD -eme!to etiam domi!e famulorum" etc1 That is to sayD Sir" ha6e thou mi!d o! thy ser6a!ts1 A!d there the priest resteth" a!d hath special memory of all the creatures for











5hom he e!te!deth for to pray" a!d he hath also mi!d particular o! the perso!s 5hom he is bou!d to pray for" a!d it is to 5it that this memory is for the perso!s that be o! li6e1 After" he prayeth for all them that hear his mass 5ith faith a!d de6otio!1

After" i! the fourth part" to the e!d that he himself" a!d they also 5hich he hath had memory of" may ha6e participatio! i! the lory of paradise 5ith the a! els" holy apostles" a!d martyrs" he saith a de6out oriso! that be i!!eth thusD Commu!ica!tes" etc1 I! the 5hich oriso! the priest ma4eth special commemoratio! of the Vir i! -ary" of the t5el6e apostles of Jesu Christ" a!d of ma!y martyrs1 After" i! the fifth part" the priest i!cli!eth him a!d saith a! oriso! that be i!!eth thusD +a!c i itur oblatio!em" etc1 I! 5hich oriso! he doth four thi! sD first he prayeth to God that he 5ill recei6e our ser6ice" the seco!d is that 5e may ha6e 6ery peace i! God" the third is that he from dam!atio! 5ill 4eep us1 The fourth is that 5ith his chose! he 5ill lead us1 A!d after" the priest comi! !i h to the pri!cipal co!secratio!" he saithD Guam oblatio!em" a!d there the priest ma4eth fi6e times the si ! of the cross o6er the bread a!d o6er the 5i!e" i! the remembra!ce a!d to4e!i! of the fi6e 5ou!ds of our Lord" a!d of his prayer the se!te!ce may be suchD Sire" 5ith heart 5e pray that of the same this oblatio! be made a!d co!secrate" appro6ed a!d co!firmed i! a hostie ri ht reaso!able" a!d i! sacrifice acceptable" so that this bread be tra!sferred i!to thy body" a!d this 5i!e tra!slated i!to the blood of thy ri ht dear So! that for us suffered reat torme!t1 A!d therefore he saith after i! the si8th part of the ca!o! of the mass as hereafter follo5eth1 A!d here it is to 5it that all that the priest doth as to the co!secratio!" represe!teth or beto4e!eth all that our Lord did to his disciples the day of the Ce!e" that is o! Sherethursday" 5here he too4 bread" a!d yieldi! races to God the 'ather" bro4e a!d a6e to his disciples" sayi! D Ta4e a!d eat" here is mi!e o5! proper body1 A!d i! the same ma!!er doth the priest i! the si8th part" e8cept that ri ht there he bruiseth !ot the bread" but to that si !ificatio! or to4e!i! the priest i!cli!eth it both to o!e side a!d the other1 The! the priest 5ipeth first these three fi! ers o! the corporal" to the i!te!t that the more clea!ly he may ta4e the precious hostie1 A!d after" he ta4eth it" loo4i! up5ard o! hi h for to re!der races to God" i! teachi! a!d to4e!i! that 5he! 5e e!terprise a ood 5or4 for to do" 5e ou ht to lift up5ard to God the eyes of our heart as to him that is be i!!i! a!d pri!cipal of all ood 5or4s1 After" he blesseth the bread" ma4i! the si ! of the cross" 5hich si !ifieth the blessed passio! of our Lord o! the holy cross1 A!d after" the priest saith the 5ords that our Lord saidD Ta4e you a!d eat" this is mi!e o5! body" sayi! fi6e 5ords sacrame!tal" a!d soo! there5ith is the bread co!6erted i!to the proper a!d o5! body of Jesu Christ" that upo! the cross died for us1 After" our Lord i! his supper too4 the 5i!e before his disciples a!d yieldi! races to God the 'ather" he blessed a!d a6e it to his disciples sayi! D Ta4e you a!d dri!4" for this is the chalice of my proper a!d o5! blood that is the co!firmatio! both of the !e5 a!d old testame!t a!d mystery of faith" 5hich shall be spilt for you a!d for my people i! remissio! of your si!s1 A!d as ma!y times ye shall do this that I sho5 you here" ye shall do it i! the memory of me1 A!d therefore" i! the se6e!th part of the ca!o! of the mass" the priest" 5he! he hath laid do5! the body of our Lord" he ta4eth the chalice" a!d after loo4i! up5ard" he blesseth it" a!d saithD Ta4e you a!d dri!4" for here is the chalice of mi!e o5! proper blood" a!d ri ht soo! after the priest hath said these foresaid 5ords i! Lati!" i! mi!d of our Lord" the 5i!e is co!6erted i!to the proper a!d o5! blood of Jesu Christ" that same ass 5hich he spilt for us o! the rood tree1 A!d here it is to 5it that i! this precious sacrame!t 5e may co!sider !i!e miracles much mar6ellous" the 5hich may be appro6ed by some sembla!ce or li4e!ess of !ature1 The first is that the substa!ce of the bread a!d of the 5i!e is cha! ed i!to the substa!ce of the body a!d precious blood of Christ" a!d this is sho5ed to us by such a similitude or li4e!ess !aturally" that is" that of food of bread a!d 5i!e" both flesh a!d blood are e! e!dered i! creature" much more stro! er our Lord that is so6erei ! !ature" may do by 6irtue of his 5ords that the bread a!d the 5i!e is co!6erted i!to his o5! body a!d i!to his precious blood1 The seco!d miracle is" that e6ery day" oft a!d ma!y times" the bread is co!6erted i!to the proper a!d o5! body of our Lord" a!d !ot5ithsta!di! !o!e au me!tatio! or i!crease is do!e i! God1 E!sample of !ature1 'or if I 5ot a thi! secret" I may utter a!d rehearse i! it
















ma!y a!d di6ers places" a!d !ot5ithsta!di! I !e 5ot it the more !e better tha! I did tofore1 The third is that" e6ery day our Lord is parted a!d eate!" a!d hath !o dimi!ishi! 1 That is to say that God !or the sacrame!t is !ot less therefore1 3easo! !atural1 'or if I ha6e a ca!dleli ht" e6ery o!e may ta4e of the li ht of it 5ithout it be lessed or dimi!ished therefore1 Also" e6ery o!e may ta4e that holy sacrame!t 5ithout dimi!ishi! of it" but 5ho that ta4eth it u!5orthily" he dimi!isheth himself1 The fourth miracle is that" 5he! the hostie is parted" God is i! each part e!tirely1 E!sample of the lass1 'or 5he! the lass is parted or bro4e! i!to pieces" i! e6ery part of it appeareth the fi ure of the thi! that is prese!ted before i! it1 The fifth miracle is that" if this precious sacrame!t be ta4e! of a! e6il a!d si!ful creature" the sacrame!t of itself is !ot fouled therefor1 'or 5e see that the beams of the su! pass throu h a!d o6er ordure or filth" a!d the su! is !othi! foul therefor" but rather the ordure or filth is made clea! thereof1 Thus it is that" sometimes 5he! the creature hath recei6ed the body of our Lord u!5orthily" co!sideri! that he hath misdo!e to ha6e recei6ed his Sa6iour i!to so reat ordure or filth of si!" he co!cei6eth by bitter!ess or smarti! so reat a coutritio! that he therefore retur!eth to race" a!d thus he is pur ed or made clea! of his si!1 The si8th miracle is" that the body of our Lord Jesu Christ is food of death to the si!!ers1 'or S1 (aul the Apostle saith that" he that eateth it u!5orthily" he eateth it to his dam!able =ud me!t" for ri ht e6e! so as stro! 5i!es or stro! meats are u!profitable or letti! to sic4 people" ri ht so is the body of our Lord Jesu Christ !uisable a!d letti! to the si!!ers1 The se6e!th miracle is" that so reat a thi! 5hich all the 5orld may !ot comprehe!d is co!tai!ed i! so little a hostie" for 5e see that a reat hill may be comprised a!d percei6ed 5ith a! eye" much more stra! er it is that the 6irtue di6i!e may be by his puissa!ce comprised a!d co!tai!ed i! a little hostie1 The ei hth miracle is" that our Lord all e!tirely i! di6ers places at o!ce is percei6ed of di6ers perso!s1 I! such ma!!er 5e see a!d percei6e that the 5ord of a creature is 4!o5! a!d percei6ed i! di6ers places at o!ce of ma!y a!d di6ers creatures1 The !i!th miracle is" 5he! the bread is co!6erted i!to the precious body of our Lord" the accide!ts abide" that is to 5it" 5hite!ess" rou!d!ess" a!d sa6our" a!d !ot therefore it is !o bread" but it is the body of Jesu Christ" the 5hich is i6e! u!der the li4e!ess of bread" for this" that that mi ht be reat horror" a priest to eat ra5 flesh" a!d also to dri!4 blood1 After this co!secratio! these miracles are co!tai!ed" a!d saith the priest i! the ei hth part of the ca!o! a! oriso! that be i!!eth thusD ?!de ut memores" etc1 I! the 5hich oriso! the priest i!citeth us to ha6e mi!d of the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" of his resurrectio!" a!d of his lorious asce!sio!" to the e!d that" by his passio! 5e be i!cited to charity" by his holy resurrectio! 5e be i!cited to faith" a!d by his lorious asce!sio! to hope of our health7 for his passio! sho5eth to us charity" for this" that by his charity he 5ould suffer death for us1 A!d therefore the priest" i! that oriso!" he ma4eth fi6e times the si ! of the cross" i! the memory a!d mi!d of the fi6e 5ou!ds that our Lord recei6ed o! the cross" a!d there that time e6ery creature ou ht to set his heart to thi!4 o! the passio! of Christ1 A!d thus doi! " the creature shall ac<uire 6ery faith by the 4!o5led e of the holy resurrectio!" a!d 6ery hope by his lorious asce!sio!1 After" i! this same part the priest prayeth that our Lord 5ill accept the sacrifice i! such ma!!er as he did of Abel" of Abraham" a!d of -elchisedech1 'or especially these three 5ere accepted of God as special frre!ds1 After" i! the !i!th part of the ca!o! of the mass" the priest i!cli!eth him" 5hich i!cli!atio! represe!teth or beto4e!eth this" that our Lord after his supper 5e!t to the mou!tai! of Oli6et" a!d there he i!cli!ed himself prayi! to God the 'ather" sayi! D Sire" I thee pray" if it may be" that thou tra!sfer from me this bitter chalice1 A!d therefore he saith a! oriso! that thus be i!!ethD Supplices te ro amus" i! the 5hich the priest remembereth a!d ma4eth me!tio! of thee for the foresaid prayer" a!d 5he! he cometh to say a 5ord that isD E8 hac altaris participatio!e" etc1" he 4isseth the altar" the 5hich 4issi! beto4e!eth this that Judas made 5he! he betrayed his master our Lord Jesu Christ a!d caused him to be ta4e!1 After" i! this same oriso! the priest ma4eth three times the si ! of the cross" for this" that our Lord prayed i! the said mou!tai! of Oli6et a!d s5eat blood alo! his body" a!d therefore he ma4eth the first cross o6er the body of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d the seco!d cross o6er the blood" for the s5eati! of blood" a!d the third before his o5! face" for this" that our Lord prayi! had his face i!cli!ed" a!d therefore the priest ma4eth it before his face1 This is the! the e!d of the oriso!" 5here he prayeth that 5e be blessed of all blessi! s" a!d that 5e be reple!ished of all race1 After" i! the te!th part" the priest 5ith =oi!ed ha!ds saithD -eme!to etiam domi!e" famulorum"etc1" the 5hich meme!to is pri!cipally ordai!ed for them that are passed out of this 5orld" a!d for that" e6e! there the priest resteth a!d hath a e!eral memory for dead fol4" a!d i! especial for the creatures for 5hom he











is bou!d or e!te!deth to pray for" to the e!d that by the misericorde of God they may ha6e 6ery li ht a!d 6ery peace i! the lory of paradise1 After" i! the ele6e!th part of the ca!o! of the mass the priest beateth his breast sayi! D Nobis <uo<ue peccatoribus" etc1" a!d that si !ifieth the co!tritio! a!d repe!ta!ce that the thief that hu! o! the cross at the ri ht ha!d of God had" 5he! he saidD -eme!to mei domi!e cum 6e!eris i! re !um tuum" that is to sayD Lord I pray thee that thou be remembered of me 5he! thou comest i!to thy realm1 The! a!s5ered God to himD Ame! dico tibiD hodie mecum eris i! paradiso" that is to sayD I tell thee that thou shalt this day be 5ith me i! paradise1 A!d therefore the priest i! this oriso! spea4i! for all si!!ers" ha6i! hope o! the misericorde a!d mercy of God" he prayeth that 5e may ha6e the perdurable or e6erlasti! life 5ith the compa!y of the apostles" of martyrs" a!d 5ith all the holy sai!ts i! hea6e!1 A!d i! this oriso! the priest ma4eth three crosses o6er the bread a!d o6er the 5i!e" the 5hich crosses beto4e! this" that the Je5s cried three times to (ilate" spea4i! of the blessed So! of GodD Crucify" crucify" crucify him" for he is death5orthy1 A!d therefore ma4eth the priest these three first crosses" a!d after" he ta4eth the precious body of our Lord a!d ma4eth fi6e times the si ! of the cross" the three o! the chalice o6er the blood" a!d the other t5ai! bet5i8t the chalice a!d himself1 The three crosses made o6er the chalice may si !ify the three pri!cipal torme!ts or despisi! s that our Lord suffered i! his passio!1 The first is" that before he 5as put o! the cross he had much pai! a!d suffered ma!y spitti! s a!d ma!y other rie6ous martyrdoms a!d torme!ts that the proud a!d fell Je5s did to him1 The seco!d is the despite a!d the torme!t that he for us suffered o! the cross for to buy us from the pai!s a!d torme!ts of hell" a!d the third is that" 5he! he 5as dead o! the cross Lo! i!us thrust the spear: head i!to his precious side" a!d therefore the priest ma4eth the three other crosses o6er the precious blood1 Or else it may be said that these three crosses beto4e! the +oly Tri!ity" sayi! D by the 'ather" by the So!" a!d by the +oly Spirit" all ho!our a!d lory1 The priest ma4eth t5o crosses" a!d these t5o crosses" made bet5i8t the chalice a!d the priest may beto4e! the t5o li<uors that issued out of the side of our Lord" that 5as blood a!d 5ater" that is to 5it" blood of redemptio! a!d 5ater of re e!eratio!1 After" the priest saithD (er om!ia saecula saeculorum" a!d that saith he o! hi h1 That may represe!t or si !ify to us this" that our Lord cryi! 5ith a hi h 6oice" re!dered his soul to God the 'ather1 Or it may be said" that the priest saith that o! hi h to the e!d that the fol4 4!o5 the e!d of the ca!o! a!d a!s5erD Ame!" lame!ti! a!d sorro5i! the death of our Lord" to the e!sample of the 5ome! that !i h the cross lame!tably a!d piteously sorro5ed a!d 5ept sore for Jesu Christ that they lo6ed so much1 After" the priest saithD Oremus1 (raecepti salutaribus mo!iti" etc1" a!d here he i!citeth us to ho!our a!d prayer" after the e!sample of our Lord that tau ht his apostles" a!d therefore he saithD (raecepti" that is to sayD 5e i!cite or admo!ish the comma!dme!ts of salute" a!d i! form of di6i!e i!structio!" 5orship 5e a!d heartily pray 5eD sayi! D (ater !oster" etc1 A!d so e!sueth the (ater !oster" 5hich 5as made a!d i!stituted by our Lord Jesu Christ" for that same he comma!ded his apostles to say" a!d therefore it is called Oratio domi!ica" that is to sayD Oriso! of our Lord1 A!d therefore 6eritably here o5eth the creature to say de6outly this same oriso!D (ater !oster" a!d ho5beit that our Lord 4!o5eth 5ell 5hat is best for us" a!d 5hat 5e 5ill ha6e" !ot5ithsta!di! he 5ill that both 5ith heart a!d mouth 5e pray him for ma!y reaso!s1 'irst for to i!cite us to de6otio! a!d for all e6e! so as the blo5i! embraseth or fryeth the coal" ri ht so the oriso! said 5ith heart a!d mouth e!flameth the de6otio!1 Seco!dly" for to i6e ood e!sample to others" for our Lord saithD Luceat lu8 6estra coram homi!ibus ut 6idea!t" etc1" that is to sayD Let your li ht be shi!i! tofore the me!" so that they may percei6e a!d see your ood 5or4s" !ot by hypocrisy !e simuli! " but by ri ht =ealousy of de6otio!1 Thirdly for this" that all e6e! so as 5e by the to! ue si!" ri ht so the de6out oriso! ou ht to be made a!d said 5ith to! ue" to the e!d 5e may ma4e satisfactio! to the 4i! of hea6e!" for the scripture saithD Sicut e!im e8hibuistis membra 6estra ser6ire immu!ditiae" et i!i<uitati ad i!i<uitatem" ita !u!c e8hibete membra 6estra ser6ire =ustitiae i! sa!ctificatio!em" that is to sayD As ye ha6e i6e! your members to felo!y a!d 5ic4ed!ess or corruptio!" ye must so obey both to =ustice a!d sa!ctificatio!1 'ourthly" that thi! 5hich is dema!ded 5ith ood heart is of li ht ra!ted1 Of this petitio! or as4i! here" spea4eth our s5eet Sa6iour Jesu Christ i! the holy E6a! ile" that saith thusD (etite et dabitur 6obis" etc1" that is to sayD -y frie!ds" as4 you a!d ye shall ha6e1 A!d for this 6eritably e6ery creature ou ht 5ell to pray de6outly 5ith ood heart sayi! this de6out oriso!D (ater !oster" for the reat mystery that it co!tai!eth1 The mystery of this de6out oriso!" (ater !oster" is that it co!tai!eth se6e! petitio!s or as4i! s1 The first is of the eter!al oods" that 5e may ha6e them7 a!d therefore saith heD (ater !oster <ui es i! coelis" sa!ctificetur !ome! tuum" that is as much for to sayD 'ather that art rei !i! i! hea6e! thy s5eet !ame be blessed1 The seco!d petitio! is of the oods spiritual that 5e may recei6e them a!d therefore saith heD Ad6e!iat re !um tuumD That is to say"












-ay thy realm come to us" 5hereas 5e may see thee1 The third petitio! isD 'iat 6olu!tas tua sicut i! coelo et i! terra" that is to sayD O6er all be thy 5ill fulfilled a!d do!e so that i!to hea6e! my soul be led1 The fourth petitio! isD (a!em !ostrum <uotidia!um da !obis hodie" a!d this petitio! here is dema!ded of the !ame of fortu!e" 5hich is a ift of the +oly Ghost1 A!d the as4i! is thisD Lord i6e us this day food" so that of thi!e 5e may ha6e cure" that is to say that our Lord God 5ill i6e us our li6i! " so that for lac4 of it 5e lea6e !ot the ser6ice of God" 5hereof also 5e may part a!d deal to the poor fol4" members of God1 The fifth petitio! isD Et dimitte !obis debita rostra" sicut et !os dimittimus debitoribus !ostril7 that is to say7 (ardo! to us our misdeeds a!d faults" as 5e for i6e others the misdeeds by them do!e to us1 The si8th petitio! isD Et !e !os i!ducas i! te!tatio!em1 That is to say" A!d lead us !ot i!to temptatio!1 A!d here is to be 4!o5! that 5e be tempted pri!cipally of three thi! s" the first is God" for to appro6e our po5er" seco!dly our flesh" for to ha6e our appetite a!d lust" thirdly is the e!emy for to decei6e us1 Of the first saith our LordD 9eatus 6ir <ui suffest te!tatio!em" etc1" 9lessed is he that suffereth temptatio! i! the tribulatio! that God se!deth" for if he be appro6ed" i! hea6e! he shall be cro5!ed1 Of the seco!d temptatio! spea4eth S1 James a!d saithD ?!us<uis<ue 6ero te!tatur a co!cupisce!tia sua" etc1D E6ery o!e is oft tempted for to pursue his desires1 Of the third saith the ScriptureD Satha!as tempta6it cor tuum" etc1" Sata! hath made thee to fall i! 6illai!y1 The se6e!th petitio! isD Sed libera !os a malo" that is as much for to sayD Deli6er us from all e6il that letteth us for to lo6e thee1 After follo5ethD Ame!" hoc est fiat" that is to sayD The petitio!s before dema!ded be co!firmed a!d ra!ted1 A!d here saith the priestD Ame!" alo! " for this" that they that pray 4!o5 !ot that they be heard a!d e!ha!ced" 5hereby they lea6e !ot to pray to God1 'or creatures de6out ou ht e6er to to perse6ere i! their prayers a!d oriso!s" to the e!d that they may ha6e their petitio!s a!d as4i! s" 5hich are co!tai!ed i! the (ater !oster as before is said1 A#d here followeth the Third &art of the Ma "





After follo5eth the third part pri!cipal of the mass1 After that the priest hath said the (ater !oster" 5hereas these petitio!s before said are co!tai!ed" he saith a! oriso! that thus be i!!ethD Libera !os <uaesumus Domi!e ab om!ibus malis" praeteritris" praese!tibus" et futuris" etc1" a!d this oriso! the priest saith alo5" for this si !ifieth that our Lord 5as buried i! the sepulchre at compli!e time" a!d ho5beit that the body rested i! the sepulchre" !ot5ithsta!di! he desce!ded i!to hell" 5hereout he had his frie!ds" a!d deli6ered them of all e6ils" past" prese!t" a!d to come1 A!d therefore i! this si !ificatio! or beto4e!i! " the priest saith this oriso!D Libera !os <uaesumus" etc1 The 5hich oriso! is as the e8positio! of his last petitio! of the (ater !oster" that is" Libera !os a malo" that is as much for to sayD Lord" deli6er thou us from all e6il" a!d i! this oriso! the priest sho5eth from 5hat e6il he 5ill be deli6ered" that is" of the e6il past" !o5 bei! " a!d to come1 A!d therefore he saithD Libera !os <uaesumus Domi!e" ab om!ibus malis" praeteritis" praese!tibus et futurist1 That is to sayD Lord" 5e pray that thou 5ilt deli6er us from all e6il" past" prese!t" a!d to come" a!d by the mea!s of thy blessed mother the Vir i! -ary" a!d of all apostles" S1 (eter" S1 (aul" a!d S1 A!dre5" a!d of all sai!ts i! hea6e!" i6e us peace to the e!d that 5e may be holpe! of thy misericorde a!d mercy from all si!s deli6ered" a!d of all torme!ts e!sured from1 The priest ta4eth the! the chalice lid a!d 4isseth it" a!d that si !ifieth to the i!te!t he may recei6e that precious sacrame!t i! peace a!d i! charity1 A!d after" the priest ta4eth the precious body of our Lord Jesu Christ a!d parteth it o6er the chalice" a!d this may to us be si !ified that our Lord parted himself to his disciples upo! Sherethursday as before is said" a!d is that holy hostie parted i! three" 5hich three parts may beto4e! three ma!!ers of fol41 The first part may si !ify the creatures that are i! paradise1 A!d this first part the priest layeth o! the chalice lid i! beto4e!i! that these be those that are set i! peace 5ith God1 The seco!d part may si !ify the creatures that are i! pur atory" the 5hich are e!sured a!d certai! that o!ce they shall ha6e paradise" therefore is this other part set 5ith the first1 The third part may si !ify the creatures that be i! this life mortal" a!d this third part the priest holdeth o6er the chalice a!d saith o! hi hD (er om!ia saecula saeculorum" a!d that he saith 5ith a hi h 6oice for this" that the people heari! the priest" 5ho as 6icar of God o5eth to a!!ou!ce peace" a!d the people a!s5erethD Ame!1 A!d there the priest e!ha!ci! his 6oice saithD (a8 Domi!i sit semper 6obiscum" that is to sayD The peace of God be e6er 5ith you" for so said our Lord after his holy resurrectio! to his apostlesD (a8 6obis" peace be 5ith you1 A!d there the priest ma4eth three times the si ! of the cross" sayi! D (a8 Domi!i sit semper 6obiscum1 A!d these three crosses may beto4e! the three days that our Lord lay i! the sepulchre1 Or these crosses may si !ify the three -arys see4i! our Lord1 A!d 5he! the priest hath saidD (a8 domi!i sit" etc1" the people a!s5erethD Et cum spiritu tuo" prayi! that i! such ma!!er 5ise as the people desireth peace" the priest may ha6e it1 A!d a!o! the priest saithD +aec






commi8tio" etc1 A!d that commi8tio! beto4e!eth t5o thi! s" that o!e is that" the body of Jesu Christ 5as !ot 5ithout blood" !e the blood 5as !ot 5ithout the body1 The seco!d is that the sacrame!t is co!secrated u!der the li4e!ess of bread a!d of 5i!e1 The third thi! may be that the third part of the hostie si !ifieth the creatures that are i! this 5orld" as said is1 A!d therefore it is la5ful to them ere they come to God that they ha6e mi!d a!d be remembered of the blessed passio! a!d of the precious body of our Lord Jesu Christ" to the e!d that they be meddled a!d Joi!ed u!to his precious suffera!ce" a!d of his precious blood aroused by 6irtue a!d u!ity of soul1 A!d thus creature de6out shall mo5e arouse his heart 5ith that precious blood" 4eepi! himself from e6il thou hts" a!d his fi6e 5its !atural for to 4eep him from all e6il beholdi! " from li ht heari! " from foolish a!d 6ai! spea4i! " from pleasa!t smelli! " his ha!ds from e6il 5or4" a!d his feet from e6il place1 A!d thus doi! creature de6out shall mo5e feel the s5eet da5!i! of this precious blood a!d blessed body meddled to ether1 A!d it appeareth by these 6erses follo5i! that the three parts of the hostie si !ify the three ma!!ers of creatures before said" Tres partes si !a!t de Christi corpore sa!cto1 (rima suam car!em1 Sa!ctos<ue secu!da sepultos1 Tertia 6i6e!tes" haec est i! sa! ui!e ti!cta1 -artirii calicem usta!t i! car!e fideles1 After" follo5eth A !us Dei" a!d here it is to 5it that the p!est saith three times A !us Dei" a!d at the third time at the e!d of it he saithD Do!a !obis pacem" a!d it !is !o!e other thi! to say tha!D Lamb of God" that ta4eth a5ay the si!s of the 5orld" ha6e mercy o! us" a!d this is said t5o times" to the i!te!t that our Lord be u!derstood oi! o! earth for to ha6e us from our si!s" a!d resti! i! the sepulchre for to deli6er us from the pai!s of hell1 A!d therefore i! these t5o first A !us Dei the priest saithD -iserere !obis" a!d the third A !us Dei beto4e!eth this" that our Lord be u!derstood bei! i! hea6e! for to i6e perfect peace" a!d thereforth saith the priest at the e!d of the A !usD Do!a !obis pacem1 Lord" i6e us peace1 Sayi! A !us Dei" the priest i!cli!eth himself" beati! his breast at e6ery time" si !ifyi! that 5ith humility a!d compassio! he saith that same oriso!1 After" it is to 4!o5 that at a mass of re<uiem the priest saith !ot at the t5o first A !us Dei" -iserere !obis" !e at the third A !us Dei he saith !otD Do!a !obis pacem" but the priest saith i!stead of thatD Do!a eis re<uiem" for this" that three ma!!ers of rest be 5orthy for the fiables of God" dead1 'irst" that all pai! be had a5ay from them1 Seco!dly" that lory 5ith God be i6e! to them1 Thirdly" that the soul 5ith the body to ether be cro5!ed1 A!d therefore saith the priest at the last A !us Do!a eis re<uiem sempiter!am1 After this the priest de6outly i!cli!eth him a!d saith a de6out oriso! that be i!!eth thusD Domi!e Jesu Christe" etc1" a!d that is as much for to sayD Lord Jesu Christ that said to thi!e apostlesD I i6e you my peace" I lea6e you my peace" therefore I thee pray i!sta!tly that thou 5ilt !ot co!sider my misdeeds a!d si!s" but co!sider thou the faith of the holy church" a!d 5ilt it u!ite a!d peace after thy 5ill" thou that rei !est 5ith the 'ather i! the realm of hea6e!1 A!d after" the priest ta4eth peace" 4issi! the corporal" or the lid of the chalice" or the body of our Lord Jesu Christ" a!d that is to teach a!d sho5 to us that throu h the holy passio! of our Lord 6ery peace is i6e! to us of God" a!d also to all huma! li !ea e1 A!d the priest i6eth the pa8 to the mi!ister or cler4 that helpeth to say the mass" a!d that same mi!ister or cler4 beareth it throu h the church to the fol4" a!d there the creatures 4iss it" each after other" i! to4e! of lo6e a!d co!cord" to the e!d that e6e! so as flesh =oi!eth itself to flesh" a!d spirit to spirit" ri ht so 5e be allied to ether by 6irtue of lo6e1 A!d here it is to 5it that for this that our Lord said to his disciplesD Ta4e ye all of this bread a!d eat it" it is mi!e o5! body" therefore i! this ma!!er e6ery o!e 5as 5o!t i! time past to be houseled e6ery day1 A!d for this that ma!y o!e too4 it i!discreetly" a!d fe5 re6ere!tly" for that" it seemed to them that it 5as !ot 5ell for to do so" therefore it 5as ordai!ed to be ta4e! but o!e time i! a 5ee4" that is to 5it o! the Su!day" or to ta4e it three times i! the year" or at the least o!e time i! the year a!d i! that place 5here this should be do!e" should be the pa8 i6e! e6ery day i! to4e! of lo6e a!d of 6ery steadfast allia!ce1 A!d it is to 5it that" 5he! me! say mass for the dead" me! bear !ot the pa8 for this that the fiables of God be out from all the tribulatio!s of this 5orld1










Hereafter followeth the fourth &art of the Ma "



After follo5eth the fourth part of the mass pri!cipal" a!d first the perceptio!s1 A!d here is to 5it that after the priest hath ta4e! the pa8" a!d se!t the pa8 to the people" to the i!te!t that he may recei6e the more de6outly the body of our Lord" he saith" bo5i! his 4!ees" t5o oriso!s i!stituted by the a!cie!t fathers1 The first oriso! be i!!ethD Domi!e Jesu Criste" <ui e8 6olu!tate patris" etc1 A!d is as much for to sayD Jesu Christ that by the 5ill of God the 'ather a!d 5it of the +oly Ghost 5ouldst redeem the 5orld by thi!e o5! death" a!d them to ha6e a ai! i! =oy a!d bliss 5ith thee" 5ilt my body deli6er from all e6il" ha6e a5ay all my si!s from me" a!d that I may so 4eep thy comma!dme!ts that I may be a!d d5ell 5ith thee i! hea6e! 5here thou mayst rei ! as God 5ith the 'ather a!d +oly Ghost1 Ame!1 The seco!d oriso! that the priest saith i! his perceptio! is this" (erceptio corporis tui" etc1" a!d may be the u!dersta!di! of this oriso! suchD Jesu Christ that perfect life hast i! hea6e!" 5ith heart I thee pray that the s5eet perceptio! of thy precious body 5hich by =ealousy of lo6e I do ta4e" be to me esche5i! of dam!atio!" a!d that by thy compassio! it may be compu!ctio! to my soul" that i! such place he may come 5here he may be accepted a!d ra!ted1 Ame!1 After" the priest meditati! a!d thi!4i! o! the passio! of our Lord Jesu Christ" saithD (a!em coelestem accipiam" et !ome! domi!i i!6ocabo" etc1 That is to sayD I shall ta4e the hea6e!ly bread a!d I shall call the !ame of our Lord1 After all these foresaid thi! s" the priest holdi! the precious body of our Lord" saith three timesD Domi!e" !o! sum di !us ut i!tres sub tectum meumD sed ta!tum dic 6erbo" et sa!abitur a!ima mea1 It is as much for to sayD Lord" I am !ot 5orthy that thou e!terest my house" but say thou the 5ord a!d my soul shall be healed1 A!d there the priest beateth at e6ery time his breast" beto4e!i! that 5ith ri ht 6ery co!tritio! a!d i! steadfast de6otio! he 5ill recei6e his sal6atio!1 After" the priest ma4i! the si ! of the cross of the body of our Lord" saithD Corpus domi!i !ostri Jesu Christi custodiat a!imam meam i! 6itam aeter!am" etc1 It is !o!e other thi! to say tha!D The precious body of our Lord Jesu Christ 5ill 4eep my soul i! life perdurable or e6erlasti! " that is to 5it" i! the compa!y of our Lord1 A!d sith" the priest 5ith =oi!ed ha!ds ta4eth the body of our Lord a!d useth it the most de6outly he ca!1 After" the priest i!cli!eth himself a!d ta4eth the chalice 5herei! is the precious blood of our Lord a!d saithD Guid retribuam domi!o pro om!ibus <uae retribuit mihiE Calicem salutaris accipiam et !ome! domi!i i!6ocabo" a!d all !is other thi! to say butD ,hat shall I retribue or yield to our Lord of all his be!efits a!d oods by him do!e a!d i6e! to meE After" he ta4eth the chalice sayi! D Calicem1 etc1 I shall ta4e the chalice of my health a!d shall call the !ame of God1 Laudi! him a!d calli! our Lord I shall be deli6ered a!d 4ept from all mi!e e!emies" that is to 5it from all my si!s a!d e6il temptatio!s of the de6il1 After" the priest ma4i! the si ! of the the cross" saith o6er the chaliceD Sa! uis domi!i !ostri Jesu Christi custodiat a!imam meam i! 6itam aeter!am1 Ame!1 That is to sayD The precious body a!d blood of our Lord 5ill 4eep my soul i! e6erlasti! life1 Ame!1 A!d sithe" de6outly a!d re6ere!tly the priest ta4eth the blood of Jesu Christ" a!d after" he dra5eth himself to the cor!er of the altar 5here he ta4eth 5i!e" 5etti! his fi! ers o6er the chalice" to the i!te!t that !othi! !e may remai! of that precious sacrame!t" a!d that doi! " the priest saith t5o oriso!s" the first be i!!eth thusD Guod ore sumpsimus" domi!e" etc1" that is to sayD Lord" this that 5e ha6e ta4e! 5ith mouth" 5it that 5e feel it 5ith heart" to the e!d it may be remedy to us a ai!st all temporal a!d 5ic4ed thou hts1 The seco!d oriso! isD Corpus tuum <uod e o i!di !us" etc1" that is as much for to sayD Lord" I pray thee that the precious body a!d precious blood that I ha6e ta4e! as u!5orthy" me 5ill i! such ma!!er clarify" that !o!e ordure or filth" !e !o fault may remai! or abide 5ithi! me1 After these t5o oriso!s fi!ished that are before said" the priest i!cli!eth him a!d re!dereth races to God sayi! D A imus tibi racias" etc1" that is to say thusD Lord that art rei !i! i! hea6e!" 5e re!der a!d yield to thee races a!d laudi! s of all thy be!efits recei6ed of us1 After" he 5asheth his ha!ds at the pisci!e or la6er" for this" that !othi! of the sacrame!t !e may abide at his ha!ds" a!d therefore that 5ater there ou ht to be cast i! the pisci!e" or i!to some clea! place 5here me! may !ot tread o! it1 A!d it is to 5it that the priest 5asheth his ha!ds three times at mass" that is to 5it at the be i!!i! of it" the seco!d" at midst of the mass that is to 5it at offeri! " a!d the last is after the perceptio! of the mass1 A!d this pur eme!t or 5ashi! may si !ify the purity a!d clea!!ess that the priest ou ht to ha6e7 i! heart by ood thou hts" i! mouth by ood a!d ho!est spea4i! " a!d i! his !eeds or busi!ees to 5or4 truly a!d 5ell1











A!d after" the priest saith the post commu!io!" 5hich is so !amed post commu!io! for this" that it is said after the priest hath recei6ed the precious sacrame!t of the altar7 a!d that si !ifieth the =oy that our Lord a6e to his disciples1 'or the apostles a!d disciples of God had reat =oy of the holy resurrectio!" 5hereof is said i! the holy E6a! ile" Ga6isi su!t er o discipuli" 6iso domi!o" etc1" that is as much to sayD The disciples of God be fai! a!d lad because they ha6e see! our Lord1 After the perceptio! the priest 4isseth the altar" i! beto4e!i! that i! 6ery lo6e he asse!teth a!d co!se!teth to belie6e firmly all the mystery of that precious sacrame!t" a!d ri ht there he retur!eth himself a!d saluteth the people sayi! D Domi!us 6obiscum" to the e!d that the people be i!cited to ma4e de6out oriso!" a!d therefore he saithD Oremus" a!d there the priest saith as ma!y oriso!s as he said at the be i!!i! of the mass" a!d for that same cause" beto4e!i! that i! all ood 5or4 oriso! ou ht to be the be i!!i! " middle" a!d e!d of it1 A!d at the e!d of these oriso!s the priest co!cludeth" sayi! D (er domi!um !ostrum" etc1" a!d i! beto4e!i! that this that 5e as4 is i! the s5eet !ame of our Lord" rei !i! 5ith the 'ather a!d 5ith the +oly Ghost" a!d there the people a!s5erethD Ame!1 After" the priest 4isseth yet a ai! the altar" a!d sithe! retur!eth him a!d saluteth the people" sayi! D Domi!us 6obiscum" a!d these t5o last salutes may represe!t a!d si !ify this" that our Lord after his resurrectio! saluted his apostles t5o times" sayi! thusD (a8 6obis et iterum" (a8 6obis7 (eace be 5ith you by u!ity of reat lo6e" a!d yet a ai!" (eace be 5ith you" s5eet a!d ood" i! the lory a!d bliss of paradise1 After all these oriso!s beforesaid e!sueth" Ite missa est1 A!d here is to 5it that the mass fi!isheth i! three ma!!ers1 'irst" the mass fi!isheth by" Ite missa est" a!d that is at all times that Gloria i! e8celsis is said1 A!d the u!dersta!di! may be such" sayi! D Creature" o after our Lord" a!d e!sue him by ood 5or4s1 It may be said also that Ite missa est beto4e!eth this" that 5he! the a! el had a!!ou!ced the shepherds the =oy a!d mirth of the holy !ati6ity of our Lord Jesu Christ" they 5e!t to the place 5here our Lord Jesu Christ 5as" ri ht e6e! so as they had u!derstoodD Ite" missa est" Go ye for our Lord is se!t for your redemptio!" a!d therefore the shepherds re racied a!d lauded God 5ith all their 6irtue a!d force7 a!d therefore the people a!s5ereth a!d saithD Deo racias" that is to sayD God be lauded a!d re racied of it1 Seco!dly" the mass fi!isheth byD 9e!edicamus domi!o" ri ht so the priest 5ould sayD 9less 5e God of all his oods" a!d 5ith heart laud a!d praise 5e him1 A!d upo! this the people a!s5erethD Deo racias" God be raced a!d tha!4ed1 Thirdly" the mass fi!isheth 5ithD 3e<uiesca!t i! pace" a!d that is at a mass said for the dead" to the e!d that the souls for 5hom the priest hath said the mass may ha6e rest i! life perdurable" a!d therefore the people a!s5ereth Ame!" that is to sayD Thy prayer be heard a!d e!ha!ced1 After that" the priest blesseth the people" the 5hich blessi! may si !ify this" that the +oly Ghost 5as se!t to the Apostles for the promise of God that he had do!e to them" sayi! D Accipietis 6irtutem spiritus sa!cti 6e!ie!tis i! 6os" etc1 That is to sayD ;e shall ta4e the 6irtue of the +oly Ghost comi! i! you" a!d because that the +oly Ghost 5as se!t by the Tri!ity" therefore ma4eth the priest that same blessi! i! the !ame of the 'ather" of the So!" a!d of the +oly Ghost1 Seco!dly" that the blessi! 5hereof our Lord spea4eth to his apostles" a!d saithD Ve!ite be!edicti patris mei" percipite re !um" etc1" that is to sayD Come after me" the blessed of God my 'ather" a!d ta4e the possessio! of my realm1 Thirdly" the said blessi! may si !ify that blessi! that our Lord made 5he! he 5ould asce!d u!to hea6e!" to the e!d that by de6out oriso! he may asce!d after him i!to the bliss of paradise" a!d therefore he soo! i!cli!eth himself" a!d saith a! oriso! that thus be i!!ethD (laceat tibi sa!ctaTri!itas1 That is as much for to say +oly Tri!ity" I pray you that ye 6ouchsafe to ta4e this holy sacrifice acceptable for me" a!d also for them for 5hom I ha6e co!secrated the body of our LordD (er Christum domi!um !ostrum1 Ame!1 A!d here is the e!d of the mass" but some priests 5hile they ta4e from them the 6estme!ts" they say S1 Joh!>s ospel" a!d some say the office of our Lady1 S1 Joh!>s ospel is said for the mystery i! it co!tai!i! " for i! the te!our of it S1 Joh! ma4eth me!tio! ho5 our huma!ity 5as =oi!ed a!d u!ited to the di6i!ity" a!d ho5 he 5as se!t for to be testimo!y or 5it!ess of the di6i!e li ht" of the 5hich li ht all creatures 5ere illumi!ed1 After" the priest saith his races" laudi! a!d tha!4i! God of all his be!efit1 ,hosoe6er 5ill 4!o5 a!d u!dersta!d 5ell a!d perfectly the !oble 6irtue a!d !oble mystery that i! the e8positio! of the mass is" let him 5ell co!sider a!d impri!t ri ht perfectly 5ithi! his heart all those thi! s that herebefore are co!tai!ed" a!d the creature thus doi! shall mo5e ha6e certai! 4!o5led e of God" a!d shall mo5e ordai! a!d dress his co!scie!ce after that before is said1 A!d so 5e pray God that he i6e to us race to do such ser6ice a!d so ood prayers that 5e there5ith may ac<uire a!d et the holy bliss of paradise1 Ame!1











Here follow the Twelve Arti$le of our Faith" These be the t5el6e articles of the christia! faith" that e6ery christia! ma! a!d 5oma! ou ht to belie6e steadfastly a!d firmly" for other5ise they may !ot be sa6ed" sith they ha6e 5it a!d reaso!1 A!d t5el6e articles they be after the !umber of the apostles that made them" a!d stablished to be holde! a!d 4ept1 Of 5hich the first lo! eth to the 'ather" the se6e! to the So!" a!d the other four to the +oly Ghost1 'or it is the fou!datio! of the faith to belie6e o! the Tri!ity" that is the 'ather" the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost" o!e God i! three persoos1 A!d all these articles are co!tai!ed i! the creed1 The first is thisD I belie6e o! God the 'ather Almi hty" Creator of hea6e! a!d earth1 This first article laid S1 (eter i! the creed1 The seco!d appertai!eth to the So! as to his odhead" that is to say i! this" that he is God a!d it is suchD



I belie6e o! Jesus Christ our Lord" o!ly So! of God the 'ather1 A!d this ou ht me! to u!dersta!d a!d belie6e" that he is semblable" li4e" a!d e<ual" to the 'ather i! all thi! s that are belo! i! to the odhead1 A!d he is o!e self a!d li4e thi! 5ith the 'ather" sa6e of perso!" that is !ot li4e the perso! of the 'ather1 This article made a!d laid it i! the creed S1 Joh! the E6a! elist1 The third a!d fourth articles that follo5 after i! the creed appertai! to the So! after his huma!ity" that is to say after that ma! is mortal1 I! 5hich third article is co!tai!ed that he 5as co!cei6ed of the +oly Ghost a!d bor! of the Vir i! -ary by 6irtue a!d 5or4 of the +oly Ghost" a!d !ot by ma!>s 5or4" a!d that the Vir i! -ary abode e6er 6ir i! before a!d after his birth1 A!d this article laid S1 James" brother to S1 Joh! the E6a! elist" i! the creed1



The fourth article belo! eth to his passio!" that is to say" he suffered u!der (o!tius (ilate" that 5as pay!im a!d =ud e at that time i! Jerusalem" i!stituted by the 3oma!s1 ?!der the 5hich 5as Jesu Christ =ud ed 5ro! fully at the re<uest of the felo! Je5s" crucified" dead" a!d put i! the sepulchre1 This article laid S1 A!dre51 The fifth article is that he desce!ded i!to hell after his death" for to ha6e out a!d deli6er the souls of the holy fathers" a!d of all them that from the be i!!i! of the 5orld died i! 6ery co!tritio! a!d repe!ta!ce" i! faith a!d hope that they should be sa6ed by him1 'or because of the first ma!>s si!" all must desce!d i!to hell" there to abide the ood a!d certai! hope of Jesu Christ the so! of God" that should come to deli6er them after that he had promised by his prophets1 A!d for this reaso! he 5ould desce!d i!to hell" that is to u!dersta!d" i!to that part of hell 5here they that 5ere dam!ed 5ere !ot" the 5hich 5ere dead i! their si!s" a!d those same he dre5 !ot out of hell" for they be dam!ed perdurably a!d for e6er1 A!d this article laid i! the creed S1 (hillip1 The si8th article is of his resurrectio!" that is to 5it that o! the third day after his death for to co!sume a!d accomplish the scriptures" he rose from death u!to life a ai! a!d appeared to his disciples" a!d appro6ed to them his resurrectio! i! ma!y ma!!ers by the space of forty days1 A!d this article laid S1 Thomas1 The se6e!th article is this" that o! the fortieth day after his resurrectio!" 5he! he ate 5ith his disciples" before them all appertly he asce!ded abo6e all creatures i!to hea6e!" u!to the ri ht ha!d of the 'ather" 5here he sitteth1 A!d this article laid S1 9artholome5 i! the creed1 The ei hth article is that he shall come o! doomsday to =ud e both li6i! a!d dead" the ood a!d e6il" a!d shall re!der or yield to e6ery o!e this that he shall ha6e deser6ed i! this 5orld1 These be the articles that are lo! i! to the So!1 A!d that last article beforesaid" laid S1 -atthe5 the E6a! elist i! the creed1 The !i!th" a!d the three last articles" belo! to the +oly Ghost1 These articles here re<uire that me! belie6e the +oly Ghost is the ift a!d lo6e of God the 'ather a!d of the So!" from 5hom come to us all 5eal a!d race" a!d that he is o!e same God" a!d o!e same thi! 5ith the 'ather a!d 5ith the So!" sa6e the perso!" that is other tha! the perso!s of the 'ather a!d of the So!1 This article laid i! the creed S1 James" the brother of S1 Simo! a!d S1 Jude1








The te!th article is thisD I belie6e o! the holy church e!eral" a!d i! the commu!io! of sai!ts" that is to say the compa!y of all sai!ts a!d of true me!" that be a!d shall be u!to the co!sumi! or e!d of the 5orld" a!d that 5ere from the be i!!i! of the 5orld to ether 5ith the faith of Jesu Christ1 I! this article are u!derstood the se6e! sacrame!ts of holy church" that is to 5it baptism" co!firmatio!" the sacrame!t of the altar" the sacrame!t of marria e or 5edloc4" pe!a!ce" co!fessio!" a!d the last is the holy u!ctio!1 This article laid S1 Simo!1 The ele6e!th article is to belie6e the remissio! of si!s that God i6eth by 6irtue of the sacrame!ts of holy church1 This article laid S1 Jude" that 5as the brother of S1 Simo!" a!d !ot that Jude that betrayed our Lord Jesu Christ1 The t5elfth article is to belie6e the e!eral resurrectio! of both the souls a!d bodies perdurable or e6erlasti! " that is the lory of paradise that God shall i6e to them that shall deser6e it by ood faith" a!d throu h ood 5or4s1 This article i6eth also to u!dersta!d his co!trary" that is" death a!d the pai! perdurable or 5ithout e!d" that God hath apparelled for them that shall be dam!ed1 This article ou ht to be u!derstood i! such ma!!er that e6ery o!e" be they ood or e6il" shall be =ud ed o! doomsday a!d raised from death to life a ai! i! his o5! proper body" a!d he shall recei6e his re5ard a!d uerdo! both i! body a!d i! soul to ether" after he shall ha6e deser6ed bei! i! this life mortal" a!d therefore at that day the ood creatures shall be lorified both i! body a!d soul i! life that e6er shall last1 This article laid S1 -atthias" apostle a!d frie!d of God1 Thus e!deth the le e!d !amed i! Lati! Le e!da Aurea" that is to say i! E! lish" the Golde! Le e!d1 'or li4e as old passeth i! 6alue all other metals" so this le e!d e8ceedeth all other boo4s" 5herei! be co!tai!ed all the hi h a!d reat feasts of our Lord" the feasts of our 9lessed Lady" the li6es" passio!s" a!d miracles of ma!y other sai!ts" a!d other histories a!d acts" as all alo! here afore is made me!tio!1 ,hich 5or4 I hare accomplished at the comma!dme!t a!d re<uest of the !oble a!d puissa!t earl" a!d my special ood lord" ,illiam" earl of Aru!del" a!d ha6e fi!ished it at ,estmi!ster the t5e!tieth day of No6ember" the year of our Lord fourtee! hu!dred a!d ei htythree" a!d the first year of the rei ! of @i! 3ichard III11 9y me ,illiam Ca8to!1 A((ENDI.






The Life of S. "rasmus does not occur in the first edition of the 4 5olden Legend4 from !hich this reprint !as originally made, but is found in all subse&uent issues till the final blac%2letter edition of 6789. There is a chapel dedicated to S. "rasmus in 1estminster ,bbey. His aid !as specially invo%ed by persons suffering from intestinal disorders, and it !as probably for this reason that seafarers placed themselves under his special protect2 tion, in the hope of avoiding or mitigating sea2sic%ness. The te#t here given is that of 1yn%en de 1orde4s edition of 6789. Here followeth the Life of the holy /i ho& a#d Martyr. *" Era %u "


The holy ma!" S1 Erasmus" 5as come of !oble a!d of reat 4i!dred" a!d he 5as !ot o!ly e!tle by his birth but also i! deed a!d co!ditio!s1


I! the time that Diocletia! the emperor rei !ed" 5hich 5as a reat persecutor of Christ>s people" the! came this holy ma! S1 Erasmus i! the la!d of Campa!ia" 5hich 5as u!der the =urisdictio! of the said Diocletia!" a!d there this holy ma! preached to the people the 5ord of God" a!d tau ht u!to them the christia! faith" a!d he baptiHed them i! the !ame of the 'ather" a!d the So!" a!d the +oly Ghost1 The! 5as this holy ma! chose! a!d made bishop of all the la!d of Campa!ia" a!d preached a!d tau ht the people ho5 they should ser6e God a!d lo6e him" a!d a6oid si!1 The! it came to the 4!o5led e of the












emperor that S1 Erasmus had co!6erted all the la!d of Campa!ia i!to his belief a!d to his God that he called Jesu Christ" that 5as bor! of a pure 6ir i! that hi ht -ary1 The! 5as the emperor sore troubled" a!d se!t forth his 4!i hts for this holy ma!" S1 Erasmus" a!d comma!ded them that they should co!strai! him to forsa4e his God that he called Jesus Christ" a!d if he 5ould !ot do that" the! they should torme!t him 5ith the reatest pai! that they could ima i!e1 So it happe!ed that they fou!d this holy ma!" a!d they bou!d him as thou h he had bee! a thief or a ma!<ueller" a!d brou ht him before the =ud e" a!d 5ith a fell a!d spiteful mood the =ud e said to himD Thou rude a!d u!belie6i! ma!" 5herefore cost thou 5ith thy de6ilish 5or4s co!6ert all the people from their belief to thy belief" a!d to thy GodE ,herefore belie6est thou !ot upo! the same od that Diocletia! a!d 5e belie6e upo!E I tell thee for truth if thou 5ilt !ot forsa4e a!d de!y thy God" that thou !amest Jesus Christ" a!d pray to the 5ise od" 5e 5ill ha! thee so horribly that all the 6ei!s of thy body shall brea41 The! a!s5ered the ood S1 Erasmus mee4ly a!d softly" a!d saidD Almi hty God" that made all thi! s" hath 5rou ht hea6e! a!d hell a!d all that is therei!" him 5ill I !ot forsa4e for !o thhl that ca! or may be do!e to me" for his oodly race hath i6e! to me such race" a!d to other his chose! frie!ds" that he 5as made ma! a!d hath tasted a!d suffered the bitter death for me a!d for all si!!ers1 As the =ud e heard that of this holy ma!" he s5elled upo! him for a! er" a!d made him for to be beate! upo! his head" a!d spitti! upo! his blessed face" a!d bespri!4led o! him 5ith foul!ess that he seemed a leprous ma!1 ,he! this tyra!!ous =ud e sa5 that this ood S1 Erasmus thus patie!tly suffered" a!d that al5ays he tha!4ed our Lord Jesu Christ of all the! 5e!t he i! reat cruel!ess a!d did that holy ma! to be beate! so cruelly 5ith leade! malles" that all his 6ei!s must brea4 a!d burst" of 5hich he cared !othi! " for he suffered it heartily" thi!4i! for Christ>s sa4e1 The! comma!ded the cruel =ud e that this holy ma! should be put i!to a deep pit" that 5as full of s!a4es" adders" paddoc4s" a!d other 5orms" a!d after that he did ta4e brimsto!e a!d oil" a!d did seethe it" a!d did do cast this holy ma! therei!" a!d he lay therei! as he had lai! i! cold 5ater" tha!4i! a!d loui! God1 ,he! this u!merciful =ud e sa5 that this !o thi! him perished" the! 5a8ed he more a! ry" a!d too4 sodde! pitch a!d oil" a!d did put it i! to his holy mouth" sitti! al5ay i! the pit or fur!ace" tha!4i! a!d loui! God1 The! rose there so reat tempest of thu!deri! a!d li ht!i! " that the fumace bur!ed that S1 Erasmus sat o!" a!d he !o thi! rie6ed !or hurt" but all the other cruel people that 5ere by 5ere bur!ed up 5ith the same fell 5eather1 ,he! the emperor heard this he 5as so a! ry that for 5rath he did ma4e reat chai!s a!d bolts of iro!" a!d smote it about his holy !ec4" a!d did him so to be cast i!to the foresaid pit that 5as full of 5orms" for that they should eat this holy ma! Erasmus1 The! came there a! a! el from God a!d did li ht all the pit a!d did slay all the 5orms1 A!d the! 5as this holy Erasmus throu hly 5hole" a!d fulfilled reatly 5ith the race of God" a!d a ai!st the 5ill of the e6il people he came a ai! out of that pit" a!d 5e!t a ai! a!d preached the 5ord of God so lo! " till the cruel emperor Diocletia! died" a!d the! came a!other emperor" that hi ht -a8imia!" a!d he 5as much 5orse tha! 5as Diocletia!7 a!d 5he! this -a8imia! heard of the life of this holy Erasmus" the! he did him to be ta4e! a!d 5ould ha6e made him to forsa4e his God a!d his belief1 A!d 5he! he sa5 that he 5ould !ot cha! e his belief" the! he did do this ood ma! to be put i!to a pa! seethi! 5ith rosi!" pitch" brimsto!e lead" a!d oil" a!d did pour it i!to his mouth" for 5hich he !e6er shri!4ed1 A!d 5he! this cruel emperor sa5 that this pai! hurt him !o thi! " the! made he a cloa4 of metal as brass or copper" a!d made it lo5i! hot" a!d put it upo! his holy body1 A!d as soo! as that cloa4 had touched his holy body the cloa4 bur!ed a!d co!sumed all the e6il a!d 5ic4ed people that 5ere by1 9y 5hich miracle ma!y fol4 5ere tur!ed u!to the christia! faith1 The! appeared to him the a! el of God" a!d comforted him i! his reat tribulatio!" a!d made him 5hole a!d stro! " a!d carried him the!ce" a!d said to himD O Sai!t Erasmus" the most chose! frie!d of God" be stro! i! thy tribulatio!" for throu h thy reat martyrdom shall ma!y come to the eter!al life" therefore belie6e steadfastly i! God a!d forsa4e him !ot1 ,he! S1 Erasmus heard this" he 5e!t a ai! ladly a!d preached a!d co!6erted much people u!to the christia! belief" more tha! e6er he did before1 A!d 5he! the emperor u!derstood this" he pursued the holy ma! still" a!d ordai!ed for him a coat of iro!" a!d he comma!ded that it should be made lo5i! hot" a!d so put it upo! the !a4ed body of the holy ma!1 A!d 5he! they had fou!d S1 Erasmus preachi! " they too4 him a!d saidD If thou 5ilt !ot forsa4e thy God a!d thy false belief" a!d pray a!d 5orship our od" 5e 5ill put o! thy !a4ed body this bur!i! coat1 The! a!s5ered the ood Erasmus a!d saidD -y Lord a!d my God hath for me so much do!e a!d suffered more tha! I ha6e deser6ed1 ,herefore I 5ill suffer all that I may suffer for him" for he hath deser6ed it so hi hly a ai!st me a!d a ai!st all si!!ers" therefore I tell you for certai! that I 5ill !e6er forsa4e him" suffer all that I may suffer for his holy !ame" a!d I commit me 5holly to his holy race1 The! they 5ith reat 5rath put this bur!i! coat upo! his blessed !a4ed body1 The! he 4!eeled do5! a!d called mee4ly upo! God a!d saidD O Almi hty God" ha6e mercy upo! me1 A!d forth5ith burst the bur!i! har!ess from his blessed body a!d bur!ed all them that so 5rathfully 5ould ha6e pu!ished him" by the 5hich miracle ma!y a ma! 5as co!6erted a!d 5as christe!ed of S1 Erasmus1 The! appeared












to him a ai! the a! el of God a!d saidD O Erasmus" God >s champio!" thou shalt o a ai! i!to Campa!ia" a!d there shalt thou suffer passi! reat pai!" a!d God comma!deth thee to co!6ert there much people" a!d 5hat thi! thou desirest of him to thy soul>s health" it shall be ra!ted1 The! 4!eeled S1 Erasmus mee4ly do5! a!d saidD O Almi hty God" 'ather of hea6e!" thy 5ill be fulfilled i! me1 The! 5e!t he a ai! ladly i!to the la!d of Campa!ia a!d there preached he a ai! the 5ord of God" a!d co!6erted ma!y fol4 to the christia! faith1 The! the! this emperor -a8imia! did do ta4e this holy ma!" a!d let him be brou ht before him" a!d he comma!ded him to be led to the false ods" a!d he should 5orship them1 A!d 5he! this holy ma! came before the false ods" the! mi ht they !o lo! er sta!d" but fell do5! a!d bra4e all i! pieces" a!d co!sumed i!to ashes or dust1 A!d 5he! this came to the 4!o5led e of the emperor the! 5as he sore a rie6ed" a!d the! he ordai!ed a tu! to be cast full of iro! !ails" a!d did this holy ma! to be put therei! !a4ed" a!d closed it fast" a!d let it fall do5! from a hi h hill1 A!d the! came the a! el of God a!d comforted this holy ma! a!d holp him out of the tu! a!d made him 5hole" a!d said to himD O Erasmus the 6ery chose! ser6a!t of God" cease !ot" but o a!d preach a ai!" a!d ta4e heed of !o pai!1 ,hich comma!dme!t he mee4ly obeyed1 The! the emperor did do ta4e him a ai!" a!d comma!ded his teeth to be pluc4ed out of his head 5ith iro! pi!cers1 A!d after that they bou!d him to a pillar a!d carded his s4i! 5ith iro! cards" a!d the! they roasted him upo! a ridiro!" a!d as he lay he spa4e to the torme!tors merrilyD I lie here better tha! I am 5orthy" for I lie upo! a bed 5ell stre5ed 5ith s5eet roses" a!d I see the li ht e6erlasti! " the So! of God" sitti! o! the ri ht ha!d of his 'ather1 The! spa4e the cruel emperor1 As this is a 6ery tarrier of time" a!d he moc4eth us a!d our ods" he deser6eth to be brou ht to the most cruel death that 5e ca! for him ima i!e1 The! too4 they this holy ma! a!d did put him i! a deep pit that 5as full of ste!ch1 A!d the! this fell a!d cruel emperor too4 cou!sel 5hat martyrdom a!d pai! that they mi ht do to this holy ma! to bri! him to death1 The! fou!d they i! their mi!ds that they 66ould bri! this holy ma! to death thou h they should martyr a!d pai! him a year lo! " a!d so they did before a!d after e6ery Su!day" 5ith !e5 pai! the hea6iest a!d sharpest that they could for him ima i!e1 ,he! the emperor had thus ta4e! his shre5d cou!sel" the! too4 they this holy Erasmus out of that sti!4i! pit" a!d did smite sharp !ails of iro! i! his fi! ers" a!d after" they put out his eyes of his head 5ith their fi! ers" a!d after that they laid this holy bishop upo! the rou!d !a4ed a!d stretched him 5ith stro! 5ithes bou!d to horses about his blessed !ec4" arms" a!d le s" so that all his 6ei!s a!d si!e5s that he had i! his body burst1 The! let they him lie i! the field that the beasts should eat him1 The! came a 6oice from hea6e!" a!d saidD O Erasmus lift up thi!e eyes" the cro5! of e6erlasti! life is ready for thee1 A!d 5ith that he lift up his holy eyes u!to hea6e!" a!d he sa5 the e6erlasti! =oy ope!" a!d saidD O God" 5here hast thou bee!E blessed be thy !ame1 The! 5as the holy ma! 5hole a!d sou!d" a!d a! a! el brou ht him a purple cloth from hea6e!" a!d comma!ded him that he should o a ai! a!d preach the 5ord of God" 5hich he did more stro! ly tha! he did before1 A!d 5he! the emperor 5ith his false cou!cil u!derstood this" he 5a8ed out of his 5it for a! er" a!d called 5ith a loud 6oice li4e as he had bee! mad" a!d saidD This is the de6il" shall 5e !ot bri! this caitiff to deathE The! fou!d he a cou!sel for to ma4e a 5i!dlass" a!d that 5as upo! the last Su!day of the year" a!d they laid this holy martyr u!der the 5i!dlass all !a4ed upo! a table" a!d cut him upo! his belly" a!d 5ou!d out his uts or bo5els out of his blessed body1 9ut 5he! this cruel emperor sa5 that they could !ot bri! this holy ma! to death 5ith all these pai!s a!d torme!ts" they chai!ed a!d bolted him ha!ds a!d feet 5ith reat iro!s" a!d 5ith reat 5ood!ess cast him i!to a foul sti!4i! pit" a!d let it be shut 5ith reat iro! bolts" so that he 5ould !e6er more see him1 The! appeared to him a! a! el of God 5ith reat clear!ess a!d saidD O Erasmus sta!d up1 A!d forth5ith fell from him all his iro!s a!d ba!ds" a!d he 5as brou ht i!to a to5! called 'remya!a" a!d there he raised a child from death to life 5hich 5as a e!tlema!>s child" the father hi ht A!astasius" by the 5hich miracle ma!y thousa!ds of people 5ere co!6erted to the christia! faith7 i! 5hich to5! this holy ma! abode se6e! days" preachi! the 5ord of God a!d stre! the!ed the people i! the christia! belief1 A!d 5he! the hour 5as come that this holy bishop a!d martyr of God should depart out of this 5orld" the! 5as preferred a Ioud 6oice perfectly" comi! from hea6e! sayi! * Erasmus" my true ser6a!t" thou hast do!e me true ser6ice" 5herefore come 5ith me a!d o a!d e!ter i!to the bliss a!d =oy of thy Lord" a!d I promise thee a!d all people that thi!4 upo! thy reat pai! a!d call upo! thy holy !ame" a!d thee sue a!d 5orship e6ery Su!day" 5hat that they as4 of me i! thy !ame for the 5eal of their souls" I shall ra!t it1 No5 come" my true a!d chose! frie!d" be lad a!d comforted 5ith mi!e asce!sio!1 I 5ill that thou arise 5ith me a!d come sit upo! the ri ht ha!d of my 'ather1 The! 5as this holy ma! ri ht lad a!d =oyful" a!d he cast his eyes up5ard to hea6e!" 5ith lifti! up his ha!ds" a!d there he sa5" a clear shi!i! cro5! come from hea6e! upo! his blessed head1 The! a6e he loui! a!d tha!4i! to Almi hty God 5ith bo5i! his head a!d 4!eeli! " a!d both his ha!ds up5ard to hea6e!" a!d mee4ly saidD O Lord i! thy ha!ds yield I my spirit" a!d this Su!day recei6e my soul i!to thy peace a!d rest1 A!d 5ith sayi! these 5ords he yielded up his host" 5hich 5as see! 5ith ma!y me! s eyes" shi!i! clearer

tha! the su!" a!d ho5 that he 5as recei6ed of the holy a! els" a!d 5as led throu h the hei ht of hea6e! i!to the uppermost pla! of hea6e!D there he sta!deth 5ith God" 5ith all the holy compa!y" a!d is there a true helper to all them that call truly to S1 Erasmus for hostly health" 5hich =oy a!d hostly health let us pray that he for us all of our Lord God may obtai!1

GLO**AR3 ad$usted :'r.a$orter;, added1

among, adv., mea!5hile1 ancille, n., ha!dmaid1 an%ers, n., a!chorites1

avaled, v. intr., 5e!t do5!1 a#es, n., a ues1

bene!rely, adv. :'r1 bienheureu#;, happily1 bene!red, ad$., blessed1 cene, n., cou!cil1

centime, n., te!th1 chartre, n., du! eo!1

cheer, n., face1 coles, n., cabba es1 crisp, ad$., curly1

cruel, ad$., ster!1 detrenched. pp. he5ed i! pieces1

detty, ad$., due1 empesh :<r.emp/cher;, hi!der1 encheson, n., for cause of1

fait, n. busi!ess1 faitour n., malefactor.

fardel n., burde!1 ferial, ad$., ordi!ary1

festue, n., a stra51 fet, v. fetched1


fiables n., the faithf4ul.

flom, n1" ri6er1


foison, n., ple!ty1 fraitour, n., refectory1 frounced, ad$., 5ri!4led1

grabat, n., a ridiro!1 grip, n., a vulture.

guerished, :'r. gu=rir;, healed1 impetred, v. tr., besou ht1 indigne :'r. ;, u!5orthy1

$aping, prep., moc4i! 1 louing, prep." praisi! 1

mat, ad$., e8hausted1 meiny, n., reti!ue.


meschant :<r. ;, 5ic4ed1 mesel, n., a leper. moyenant :<r. ;, by means of.

mo!e, v., to be able.


mystery, 'r. metierr, !or% or busi!ess1 notorily, adv., ope!ly1 paddoc%s, n1" toads1

parement, n., arme!t1

piscine, n., a pool1 plein :'r1B" full1


rassassied, ppl, A'r1 rassassier;, satisfied1 releved, v. tr., built or set up1 renomee, re!o5!1

sacred, v. tr., co!secrated1 Salue or salut, n. :<r.;, health or prosperity1

sautes, n., assaults. scorpions, n., 5hips !ith iron.


slimed, pp., pric4ed1 slops, n., loose breeches1 sudary, n., a 5i!di! :sheet1

tachc :<r.;, a stai!.

unnethe, adv., scarcely1

!hel%, n., a pimple1 !ood, ad$., mad1




9e it !oted that the S placed a ai!st a !ame i!dicates that it is !ot fou!d i! the 're!ch Le e!d 5hich ser6ed as the basis of Ca8to!>s 5or4" but 5as added by him from the Le e!ds" i! Lati! a!d i! E! lish" 5hich he me!tio!s i! his preface" but 5hich ha6e !ot bee! so far ide!tified1 A9DON1 July 0*" i61 #)#1 Abraham" (atriarch" i1 #/%

Achilleus1 -ay #$" iii. l%2 Adam1 i1 #T21

Adria!" September /" 61 II$1 Ad6e!t" i1 #1

A atha1 'ebruary &" iii1 0$1 A atho!1 December %" 6ii1 /$1

A !es1 Ja!uary $#" ii1 $)&1 SAlba!1 Ju!e $$" iii1 $0T1 Albi!e1 -arch #" 6ii1 $$$1

Alde o!de1 Ja!uary 0*" 6ii1 $#/1 SAldhelm1 -ay $&" iii1 I2$1

Ale8is" July #%"6i1 $*&1 All +allo5s1 No6ember l" 6i1 2)1 All Souls1 No6ember $" 6i1 #*21

SAlpha e1 April #2" iii1 #$#1 Ama!de1 'ebruary T" iii1 )*11

Ambrose1 April )" iii1 ##*1 SAmphiabel1 Ju!e $$" iii1 $0T1 A!astasia1 December $&" ii1 #)21

A!dre51 No6ember 0*" ii1 2)1 A!tho!y1 Ja!uary #%" ii1 $$)1

A!!u!ciatio! of our Lady1 -arch $&" iii1 2%1 Appolli!aris1 July $0" i61 /21 Ar!old L Ar!ulph1 Au ust #&" 6ii" #T)1

Arse!ius" July #2" 6ii1 %/1 Articles of the 'aith" 6ii1 $T$1

Asce!sio! of our Lord" i1 #*/1 Assumptio! of our Lady1 Au 1 #&" i61 $0)1 Austi! of +ippo1 Au ust $/" 61 ))1

SAusti!" Apostle of E! la!d" -ay $T" iii1 #2)1 9arbara1 December )" 6i #2/1

9alaam a!d" Josaphat1 No6ember #2" 6ii1 /)1 9ar!abas1 Ju!e ##" iii1 $#)1

9artholome51 Au ust $)" 61 0#1 9asil1 Ju!e #)" ii1 $&/1

9eatrice1 July $2" i61 #001 S9ede1 -ay $T or $%" 6ii1 021 9e!et L 9e!edict1 -arch $#" iii1 /*1

9er!ard" Au ust $*" 61 #$1 9lase1 'ebruary 0" iii1 $%1

S9ra!do!1 -ay #T" 6ii1 )/1 9rice1 No6ember #0" 6i1 #&/1 Cali8tus1 October #)" 61 $&&1

Cecilia1 No6ember $$" 6i1 $)%1 Celsus1 July $/" i61 #$%1

Christi!e1 July $)" i61 201 Christopher1 July $&" i61 ###1 Circumcisio!1 Ja!uary #" i1 $/1

Ciriacus1 Au ust /" i61 $*&1 Clare1 Au ust #$" 6i1 #T#1

Cleme!t1 No6ember $0" 6i1 $&01 Comma!dme!ts" i1 $/#1 Co!cepto! of our Lady1 ii1 #$$11

Cor!elius1 September #)" 61 #)$1 Corpus Christi1 i1 #)#1

Cosmo1 September $%" 61 #%$1 Crisau!t L Cresce!tius1 October 87, 6i1 7>.

SCrispi!1 October $&" 6i1 T21 SCrispi!ia!1 October $&" 6i1 T21

Cro5!ed -artyrs1 No6ember /" 6i1 #021 SCuthbert1 -arch $*" iii1 2)1

Cypria!1 September lT" 61 #)$1 Da!tia!1 September $%" 61 #%$1 Daria1 October $&" 6i1 &21

Da6id1 ii1 $T1 Dedicatio! of a Church1 i1 #)21

Demetrie!1 October /" 6ii1 #/$1 De!is1 October 2" 61 $))1 Domi!ic1 Au ust &" i61 #%$1

Do!atus1 Au ust %" i61 $*$1 SDorothy1 'ebruary T" 6ii1 )$1

SDu!sta!" -ay #2" iii1 #//1 SEdmu!d" @i! a!d -artyr1 No6ember $*" 6i. $)01 SEdmu!d" 9ishop1 No6ember #T" 6i. $0*1

SEd5ard" @i! a!d -artyr1 Tra!s1 Ju!e $*" iii1 $001 S Ed5ard" @i! a!d Co!fessor" October #0" 6i1 #1

EliHabeth1 No6ember #2" 6i1 $#01 Ember Days" i1 T01 Epipha!y1 Ja!uary T" i1 )#1

SErasmus1 Ju!e $" 6ii1 $T%1 SEr4e!5olde1 April 0*" 6ii1 T%1

Eufemia1 September #T" 61 #)01 Eu e!ia1 December $&" ii1 #&# a!d 61 #$*1

Eusebius1 Au ust #" i61 #)21 Eustace1 No6ember $" 6i1 /01

Eutrope of .ai!tes1 April 0*" iii1 $T21 SE8altatio! of the Cross1 September #)" 61 #$&1

'abia!" Ja!uary $*" ii1 $0#1 'austi!1 July $2" i61 #001 'elicia!1 Ju!e 21 iii1 $#$1

'eli8" (ope1 July $2" iii1 #0$1 'eli8" said I!picis1 Ja!uary #)" ii1 $$#1

'eli8" (riest1 Au ust 0*" 61 %/1 'iacre1 Au ust 0*" 6ii1 #%01 'irmi!" I!6e!tio! of1 Ja!uary #)1 ii1 $#T1

'orsey" Ja!uary #T" 61 #%%1 'ra!cis" October )" 61 $l)1

'ulcia!1 December ##" ii1 #$21 Gatus1 April $$" 6ii1 #T#1 Ge!e6iR6e1 Ja!uary 0" iii1 $/)1

Ge!tia!1 December ##" ii" #$21 Geor e1 April $0" iii1 #$&1

Germai! of Au8erre1 July 0#" iii1 $*01 Ger6ase1 Ju!e #2" iii1 $$/1 Gests of the Lombards" 6ii1 #*T1

Giles1 September #" 61 2#1 SGordia!1 -ay #*" iii1 #%/1

Gor o!e1 September 2" 61 ##21 Gre ory1 -arch #$" iii1 T*1

Gryso o!e1 No6ember $)" 6i" $%*1 +ilary1 Ja!uary #0" ii $#01 +ippolitus1 Au ust #0" i61 $$/1

S+u h1 No6ember #%" 6i1 $)#1 I !atius1 'ebruary #" iii1 #T1

I!!oce!ts1 December $/" ii1 #%T1 I!6e!tio! of the Cross1 -ay 0" iii1 #T21 Isaac" i1 $*%1

I6es of 9ritta!y1 -ay #2" 6ii1 #2#1 Jaci!ctus1 September I l" 61 I$*1

Jacob" i1 $*%1 James the -ore1 July $&" i61 2%1 James the Less1 -ay #" iii1 #&/1

James the -artyr1 No6ember $%" 6ii1 0)1 Jerome1 September 0*" 61 #221

Job" ii1 &$1 Joh! the 9aptist1 Ju!e $)" iii1 $&01 Joh! the 9aptist" Decollatio! of1 Au ust $2" 61 T%1

Joh! the E6a! elist1 December $%" ii1 #T#1 Joh! (ort Lati!1 -ay T" iii1 #%T1

Joh! Chrysostom1 Ja!uary $% Atra!sl of September #/B" 61 #0T1 Joh! the Almo!er1 Ja!uary $0" ii1 $T/1 Joh! the Abbot1 'ebruary $/" 6ii1 %&1

Joh! a!d (aul1 Ju!e $T" i61 T1 Josaphat1 No6ember #2" 6ii1 /)1

Joseph" i1 $$/1 Joshua" ii1 #1

Jude1 October $/" 6i1 %$1 Judith" ii1 %%1

Julia! the 9ishop1 Ja!uary $%" iii1 /1 Julia!a the Vir i!1 'ebruary #T" iii1 )&1

SJuliet" or Julitte1 Ju!e #T" iii1 $$&1 Justi!1 April #0" 6ii1 #/#1 Justi!a" September" $T" 61 #T&1

@atheri!e1 No6ember $&" 6ii1 #1 S@e!elm1 July #%" i61 T*1

Lambert1 September #%" 61 #)%1 La!dry1 Ju!e #*" 6ii1 #/%1 La5re!ce1 Au ust #*" i61 $*/1

Leo1 Ju!e $/" i61 #*1 Leo!ard1 No6ember T" 6i1 #0$1

Lita!ies" i1 #*#1 Lo ier L Leode arius1 October $" 61 $##1 Lo! i!us1 -arch #&" iii1 %*1

Louis" 9ishop1 Au ust #2" 6ii1 $#&1 Louis" @i! of 'ra!ce1 Au ust $&" 6ii1 $*)1

Lo5e or Lupe1 September #" 61 /&1 Loye of Noyo! L Eli ius1 December #" iii1 $T#1 Lucy1 December #0" ii1 #0*1

Lu4e1 October #/" 6i1 )T1 -acarius1 Ja!uary $" ii1 $#/1

-accabees1 Au ust #" i61 #&01 -ammerti!1 -arch 0*" 61 //1

-arcel1 Ja!uary #T" ii1 $$01 -arceli!" (ope1 April $T" iii #)01

-arcelli!us a!d (eter1 Ju!e 0" iii1 $#*1 -arcial1 Ju!e 0*" iii1 $%&1

S-ar aret1 July $*" i61 TT1 -ar aret alias (ela ie!" 61 $0/1 S-ari!e1 Ju!e #/" iii1 $$T1

-ar41 April $&" iii1 #0)1 -artha1 July $2" i61 #0&1

-arti!1 No6ember ##" 6i1 #)#1 -ary" the 9lessed Vir i!1 See ,ssumption, (onception, ?ativity, .urification. -ary of E ypt1 April $" iii1 #*T1

-ary -a dale!1 July $$" i61 %$1 -ass" +istory of the" 6ii1 $$&1

-atthe51 September $#" 61 #)21 -atthias1 'ebruary $)" iii1 &)1 -aturi!1 No6ember 2" i61 #1

-aur1 Ja!uary $&" iii1 %01 -aurice1 September $$" 61 #&/1

-ello!i! L -ela!ius of 3oue!1 October $$" 6ii1 #/21 -ichael1 September $2" 61 #/*1 -odestus1 Ju!e #&" iii1 $$#1

-ora!t1 -ay &" 6ii1 $*#1 -oses" i1 $&T1

-oses the Abbot1 'ebruary %" 6ii1 %T1 Nati6ity of our Lady1 September /" 61 2T1

Nati6ity of our Lord1 December $&" i1 $&1 NaHarie!1 July $/" i61 #$%1

Nereus1 -ay #$" iii1 #%21 Nicasius Of 3heims1 December #)" ii1 #0T1

Nicholas1 December T" ii1 #*21 Noah" i1 #/#1 (a!crace1 -ay #$" iii1 #/$1

(assio! of our Lord" i1 TT1 (astor" Ja!uary #$" 6ii1 %#1

(atric41 -arch #%" iii1 %T1 (aul the Apostle1 Ju!e 0*" i61 $%1 (aul" Co!6ersio! of1 Ja!uary $&" ii1 $%21

(aul the +ermit1 Ja!uary #*" ii1 $*)1 (auli!e" or (aula1 Ja!uary $2" iii1 #1

(ela ie!" (ope1 Au ust $%" 6ii1 #*T1 (ela ie!!e1 October #2" 61 $0)1 (e!tecost1 i1 #$$1

(er!elle L (etro!illa1 -ay 0#" iii1 #/T1 (eter the Deaco!1 Ju!e $" iii1 $#*1

(eter of -ila!1 April $2" iii1 #)T1 (eter the Apostle1 Ju!e $2" i61 #$1 (eter the Apostle ad Vi!cula1 Au ust #" i61 #&)1

(eter the Apostle i! Cathedra1 'ebruary $$" iii1 &*1 (hilip the Apostle1 -ay #" iii" #&&1

(olycarp1 Ja!uary $T" 6ii1#)T1 (ra8ede1 July $#" i6" %$1

(rime1 Ju!e 2" iii1 $#$1 (rothase1 Ju!e #2" iii1 $$/1

(rothurs1 September ##" 61 #$*1 (urificatio! of our Lady" iii1 #21

Guadra esima1 i1 T*1 Gui!<ua esima" i1 &/1 Gui!ti!1 October 0#" 6i1 /#1

Guiriacus1 -ay )" 6ii #)21 SGuiri!e1 Ju!e #T" iii1 $$&1

3ehoboam" ii1 &#1 3emi ius1 Ja!uary #0" ii1 $*21 3emi ius" tra!slatio! of1 October #" 61 $*/1

3esurrectio! of our Lord1 -arch $%" i1 /T1 S3i obert1 Ja!uary /" 6ii1#/&1

3oc41 Au ust #T1 61 #1 Sabi!a1 See Sa6i!e1 Satur!i!e1 No6ember $2" 6ii1 0*1

Saul" ii1 $1 Sa6ie!" or Sa6i!ie!1 Au ust $2" 61 %21

Sa6i!a1 Au ust $2" 61 %21 Sebastia!1 Ja!uary $*" ii1 $0$1 Seco!de1 -arch 0#" iii1 #*$1

Se!!e!1 July 0*" i6 #)#1 Septua esima" i1 &$1

Se6e! 9rethre!1 July #*" i61 TT1 Se6e! Sleepers1 July $%" i61 #$*1

Se8a esima1 i1 &T1 Sil6ester1 December 0#" ii1 #2%1

Simeo!1 'ebruary )" 6ii1 #021 Simo! the Apostle1 October $/" 6i1 %$1

Simphorie!1 Au ust $$" 61 0*1 Simplicie!1 July $2" i61 #001 Si8tus the (ope1 Au ust T" i6" $**1

Solomo!" ii1 )*1 Stephe!" December $T" ii1 #&$1

SStephe!" I!6e!tio! of1 Au ust 0" i61 #T&1 SStephe! the (ope1 Au ust $" i61 #T)1 SS5ithi!1 July $ Atra!slatio! Au ust #&B" i61 &01

Thaisis1 October /" 61 $)* Theodora1 July #%" i61 )/1

STheodore1 No6ember 2" 6i1 #)*1 Thomas A<ui!as1 -arch %" 6ii1 #&)1 Thomas of Ca!terbury1 December $2" ii1 #/$1

SThomas" Tra!slatio! of1 July %" i61 &T1 Thomas the Apostle1 December $#" ii1 #0/1

Timothy a!d Appoli!aris1 Au ust $0" 61 $21 Tobit" ii1 &%1 Turia!1 July #0" 6ii1 #%#1

?rba!1 -ay $&" iii1 #/)1 ?rsula1 October $#" 6i1 T$1

Vale!ti!e1 'ebruary #)" iii1 )01 Vedaste1 'ebruary T" iii1 )$1

Victor a!d Coro!a1 -ay #)" i61 01 Victorice1 December ##" ii1 #$21

Vitus1 Ju!e #&" iii1 $$#1 ,hitsu!tide1 See (e!tecost1

,illiam of (aris a!d 9our es1 Ja!uary #*" iii1 $TT1 S,i!ifred1 No6ember 0" 6i1 #$% GENERAL 0NDE7

Ab arus" letter to our Lord" 6i1 %01 Abi! do!" S1 Edmu!d bor! at" 6i1 $0*1

Adalaoth" 4i! of the Lombards" 6ii1 ###1 A atha AS1B" cured Euthicia of a bloody flu8" ii1 #0#1 A ilmud" 4i! of the Lombards" 6ii1 #*%1

A isulphe" 4i! of the Lombards" 6ii" ###1 A !es" Thecla a!d -ary 6isit S1 -arti!" 6i1 #)21

Air" S1 -ary of E ypt suspe!ded i!" iii1 #*T1 Albi e!ses" i61 #%&1 Alboi!" story of" 6ii1 #*/1

Alcui!>s letter to Charlema !e" 6ii1 #$)1 Ale8a!der the (ope" a!d the feast of S1 (eter>s chai!s" i61 I&21

Ale8a!dri!e of (eru ia" 6i1 #2*1 Alms:deeds of S1 Gre ory" iii1 T#1 Ambrose" S1" his 6isio! of S1 -arti!>s death" 6i1 #&T1

Amis a!d Amelio!" 6ii1 #$$1 A!drea of 'errara" miracle of" 6i1 #2T1

A! el e!tertai!ed by S1 Gre ory" iii1 TT1 ::::i!structs S1 Ambrose" iii1 ##)1

A! els appears to S1 Vitus" iii1 $$$1 A! els si! at the death of S -arti!" 6i1 #&&1

A!tichrist" si !s of" i1 #T1 A!t5erp" pai!ti! at" of S1 Austi! a!d the child" 61 TT1

Apollo" destructio! of his temple rese!ted by the de6il" iii1 /T1 Apostles miraculously brou ht to ether i! a cloud" i61 $0T" $&%1 Apulia" fami!e i!" iii1 #)#1

A<uape!de!s" to5! of" 61 01 Ara cJli" church of" i1 $%1

Arcadius" Emperor" 6i1 $*&1 Archemius> dau hter healed" iii1 $##1 Aria!s at -ila!" iii1 ##01

Uco!fou!ded by a miracle of S1 9asil" ii1 $T*1 Uco!fou!ded by S1 (eter -artyr" iii1 #)/1

Uthe doi! s of" ii1 $0*1 Arius a!d his sect" i61 #&*1 Ar4" buildi! of the" i1 #/$1

Arpha8at" ma icia!" iii1 $%#1 Arro5s ha! i! the air" 61 /#1

Aru!del" Earl of" Ca8to!>e patro!" i1 01 As4epodot" persecutes S1 Alba!" iii1 $)01 Ass restored to life by S1 Germai!" iii1 $*21

Assisi" Sarace!s at" 6i1 #T%:/1 Attila a!d S1 Leo" i61 ##1

Ua!d S1 Lupus" iii1 $*T1 Uat (aris" iii1 $/21

Attila tries to decei6e S1 9e!et" iii1 /%1 Austi!" S1" attests the miracles do!e by the body of S1 Stephe!" ii1 #&/1

Austridi!ia!" restored to life" iii1 $%%1 A6arice rebu4ed by S1 Ambrose" iii1 ##%1

A6e -aria" miracle of" iii1 #*#1 A6e!ir" a 4i! i! I!dia" 6ii1 /&1 9ar4i! mo!astery" 6ii1 T/1

9athi! !e6er practiced by S1 James" iii1 #&21 9eams le! the!ed miraculously" i61 $#%" 6ii1 #221

9eard a!d hair ro5! after death" iii1 $TT1 9ede" Ve!erable" story of" 6ii1 #$*1 9ells of Se!s refuse to ri! " 61 /%1

U ri! spo!ta!eously" iii1 $$)1 U5hy ru! for thu!der a!d tempests" i1 #*&1

9ere! arius" heresy of" 6ii1 #001 9er!ard sa5 !ot the La4e of Lausa!!e" 61 $#1 9ird calls o! S1 Thomas of Ca!terbury" i61 &21

:::: si! s to S1 EliHabeth" 6i1 $$T1 9irds a!d S1 'ra!cis" 61 $$%1

::::feed S1 9lase" iii1 $%1 ::::that 5ere a! els" 6ii1 &$1 9iri!us" 6isio! of" 6ii1 )/1

9li!d ma! cured by S1 Clare" 6i1 #2#1 Uhealed by S1 Ama!de" iii1 )#1

U healed by S1 Ed5ard" 6i1 $$1 9li!d me! cured at the tomb of S1 Ed5ard" 6i1 0)1

9li!d restored to si ht" ii1 2T1 9li!d!ess cured by miracle" iii1 #0T1

9lood of Christ" fi6e times shed" i1 0)1 9lo5i! o! idols brea4s them" 61 %/1

9ody of ma! composed of four eleme!ts" i1 T#1 9o!e fires o! S1 Joh! 9aptist>s day" 61 %#1 9o!es of SS1 (eter a!d (aul" ho5 discrimi!ated" i61 $&1

9oo4s of S1 Domi!ic miraculously reco6ered" i61 #/#1 9reeches for Adam a!d E6e" i1 #%)1

9rescia" it rai!s blood at" 6ii1 #$01 9ruill abbey" 6ii1 $*#1 9ul aria co!6erted" 6ii #$/1

Cady am" 5ife of -ahomet" 6ii ##01 Calf restored to life after it had bee! eate!" iii1 $*%1

Cal!e" 6i1 $0%1 Ca!dle" miracle of a" iii1 $&1 Ca!dlemas" iii1 $01

Ca!dles" miraculous" iii" #&0" i61 #2&" 6ii1 $$#1 Ca!ute i! E! la!d" 6i1 )1

Capo! se6e! years old" 61 $$21 Capo!s> ASir Joh!B story of Da6id>s pe!a!ce" ii1 001 Car!ifrut" the cross of" 6ii1 #%01

Carpo" the 6isio! of" i1 2*1 Castle A! elo" 5hy so called" iii1 T&1

Cat" apparitio! of a" i61 #//1 Cata!ia" city of" sa6ed by S1 A atha1 iii1 021

Catesby" Northampto!ahire" 6i1 $0*1 Ca8to! declares himself tra!slator of the life of S1 3oc4" 61 #$1

Ca8to!>s ori i!als for his compilatio!" i1 #1 Cer!e abbey" miracle of" iii1 $*$1

Chal ro6e" O8fordshire" 6i1 $0)1 Chalice of crystal bro4e! a!d made 5hole" i61 $#/1 Charlema !e" his perso!al appeara!ce" 6ii1 #$&1

U5ould !ot marry his dau hters" 6ii1 #$)1 Chartres sa6ed by the coat of our Lady" i61 $)$1

Chastity of S1 Ed5ard" 6i1 #*1 Chertsey" abbot of" 6ii1 T%1 Child o! 5hom our Lord laid his ha!d" iii1 $/01

Urestored to his father o6er sea" ii1 #$#1 Christ desce!ds from a crucifi8" 6ii1 #%01

Uthe !ames of" i1 0#1 Christ>s seamless coat" mar6ellous effect of" i1 /)1 Circumcisio!" 5hy o! the ei hth day" i1 0T1

Cle!t" miracle of S1 @e!elm at" i61 T)1 Cler4 dies throu h disobedie!ce to S1 9e!et" iii1 /%1

:::forbidde! to 5ed by our Lady" 61 #*/1 Clotilde" Guee! of 'ra!ce" 61 $*/1 Clo6is" @i! of 'ra!ce" 61 $*21

Coat of our Lady" i61 $)$1 Colo !e" bodies of the -a i preser6ed there" i1 &$1

Colomba" S1" threate!ed by S Loye" iii1 $T&1 Compto! s<uire" refuses tithes" iii1 #221

Co!rad" co!fessor to S1 EliHabeth" 6i1 $#%1 Co!secratio! of churches" ori i! of" i1 #&$1

Co!sta!ti!e>s co!6ersio!" iii1 #%#1 Co!sta!ti!e>s dau hter cured of leprosy by S1 A !es" ii1 $&#1

Co!sta!ti!e forbids the bath of i!fa!t>s blood" ii1 $*#1 Co!sta!ti!e>s 6isio! of Sai!t Nicholas" ii1 ##&1 Co!6e!t discipli!e" iii1 01

Coo4s" pri!ce of the" i1 #T)1 Cope of S1 -arti! bor!e as a ba!!er" 6i1 #&T1

Uof S1 (eter -artyr" miracle of the" iii1 #)21 Uof sophistry" 6i1 ##)1 Coro!e martyred by t5o trees" i61 &1

Corpse of S1 Ar!old sustai!ed i! the air" 6ii1 #T21 Cosdroe" @i! of (ersia" a!d the Cross" 61 #$T1

Co5 bri! s forth a lamb" iii1 #T$1 Uthou h mad" obeys S1 -arti!" 6i1 #&$1 Crato a!d the precious sto!es" ii1 #T&1

Cripple cured by S1 (eter" i61 $T1 Crusade preached" 6i1 $0&

Cule8 a!d elepha!t" 6i1 $&T1 Cups of sil6er offered to S1 Nicholas" ii1 #$*1 Curse remo6ed by S1 Stephe!" ii1 #&21

Cypria! the e!cha!ter" 61 #TT1 Cypria!>s co!6ersio!" 61 #%#1

Da obert repro6ed by S1 Ama!d" iii1 )*1

Damascus the place of ma!>s creatio!" i1 #%*1 Damsel palsied for desecratio! of S1 Ed5ard>s day" 6i1 )#1

Da!e eld" 6i1 /1 Da!es i! E! la!d" 6i1 $:0" $))1

Dau hter de!ies her father" i61 2&1 Da6id>s pe!a!ce as related by Sir J1 Capo!s" ii1 001 Dead bodies defe!d their orator" 61 ##%1

::::ma! refuses to retur! to life" iii1 $*%1 Deaf a!d dumb ma! cured" 6ii1 #)T1

Deerhurst" S" Alpha e at" iii1 #$#1 Delphic Oracle prophesied Christ>s comi! " i1 $T1 De!is the Areopa ite" his boo4s" 6ii1 #$T1

De6il appeare to S1 Domi!ic" i61 #2#1 Uappears to S Julia!a" iii1 )T1

Uas a herald" ii1 $#21 Ucast out by S1 Appolli!aris" i61 2#1 Ucast out by S1 -aturi!" i61 $1

:::i! a 5oma!>s belly" 6i1 $$/1 :::i! female form co!fou!ded by S1 9artholome5 a!d by S1 A!dre5" 61 )*1

Uo! the lettuce" 61 #0&1 :::tempts a bishop i! the form of a fair 5oma!" ii1 #*&1 De6il>s compact 5ith a ser6a!t" ii1 $T#1

De6il>s compact 5ith a 4!i !t" i61 $)/1 De6ils cast out by S1 9er!ard" 61 $):&1

Uappear i! form of the old Gods" 6i1 #&01 Ui! the li4e!ess of do s" ii1 221

:::appear to S1 Theodora" i61 &*1 Ucast out by S1 Clare" 6i1 #2*1

Ucast out by S1 Ge!e6ie6e" iii1 $2&" 0*#1 Ucast out by S1 -arcial" iii1 $%%" $/#1

Udispersed by S 'ra!cis" 61 $$$1 Ui!habit pa a! idols" iii1 %#1 Ui!6o4ed by a ambler" iii1 #&01

Usupper" iii1 $*&1 Dia!a i! form of the de6il baffled by S1Nicholas" ii1 ##01

:::statue of" spea4s" ii1 2T1 Dia!a>s temple destroyed by the prayer of S1 Joh!" ii1 #T21 Dicer" the" a!d S19er!ard" 61 $$1

Dioscurus> dau hter 9arbara" 6i1 #2/1 Disembo5elli! " iii1 $&#1

Do!atus" S1 Jerome>s master" 61 $**1 Do6e cro5!s S1 -ar aret" i61 %#1 Dra o! at Arles" i61 #0T1

Uat Epirus" i61 #T#1 :::subdued by S1 Sil6ester" ii1 $*)1

:::threate!s a! erri! mo!4" iii1 2#1 :::5hy bor!e i! processio!" i1 #*&:T1 Dromedaries used by the ,ise -e!" i1 )&1

Du!sta!" S1" 6isio! of" 6i1 0#1 :::6isio! of S1 (eter" 6i 01

Ebroi!us" the persecutor" 61 $#$1 Ebro!ie!" the apostate" i61 $&01

Ed ar" 4i! " iii1 #2*1 Ed5ard the Co!fessor>s ri! a!d the pil rims" ii1 #%&1

E s bro4e! a!d made 5hole a ai!" i61 &)1 Emorissa" 5ho touched our Lord" i61 #0%1

E!cha!ters a!d dra o!s" 61 #&#1 E! la!d" heretics i!" iii1 $/T1 E! lish childre! a!d S1 Gre ory" iii1 T$1

U childre! at 3ome" iii1 #2)1 U co!<uered by the Norma!s for their si!s" ii1 #$T1

Ephesus a!d the se6e! sleepers" i61 #$#1 Epileptic cured by S1 Clare" 6i1 #/21 Ethelred" iii1 $001

Euphemius" father of S1 Ale8is" 6i1 $*&1 Eustace" S1" story of u!der !ame of Ale8is" 6i1 $*&1

E6a! elist>s symbols e8plai!ed" 6i1 )%1 'ami!e i! Jerusalem" iii1 #T%1 'asti! " reaso!s for" i1 T$:&1

'i! er of S Joh! 9aptist" 61TT1 'ire obeys S1 -arti!" 6i1 #)%1

'isherma! of ,estmi!ster" 6i1 #T1 'lo5ers from the altar of S1 Stephe! cure sic4!ess a!d bli!d!ess" ii1 #&/1 'o5l made fish miraculously" ii1 #2#1

'rederic4 the emperor" 61 021 'rederic 5ho moc4ed S1 EliHabeth" 6i1 $$21

're!chme! preached to by S1 (hilip" iii1 #&%1 'riars forbidde! to 6isit !u!!eries" 6i1 #%/1

Gaimas the Aria!" 61 #0/1 Gallas rebu4ed by S1 9e!et" iii1 /21

Gar a!" -ou!t" 61 #/#1 Ge!ebald>s so!s !amed Thief a!d 'o85help" ii1 $#$1

Germai! co!secrates S1 Ge!e6ie6e" iii1 $/T1 Gero!ce" mother of S1 Ge!e6ie6e" iii1 $/%1 :::bli!ded a!d restored" iii1 $//1

Giles -ichell the cripple" 6i1 #&1 Gla!ders cured by S1 Clare" 6i1 #2&1

God5i!" Earl" death of" 6i1 $&1 Goldsmithery of S1 Loye" iii1 $T$1 Good Joh! of (eru ia" 6i1 #201

Gotard" frie!d of S1 3oc4e" 61 %1 Gratia! buys the (apacy" 6ii1 #001

Gre ory" S1" his additio!s to the ser6ice of the mass" 6ii1 #$)1 Gu!doferus" 4i! of I!dia" his palace" ii1 #)#1 +ades" Christ>s desce!t i!to" i1 2*1

+air shirts 5or! by S1 Thomas of Ca!terbury" ii1 #/):#2T1 +ead of S1 Nicasius spea4s after it 5as smitte! off" ii1 #0%1

+eat" miracle of" iii1 $)01 +ea6e!" dista!ce of" from earth1 i1 ##$1 +ebre5 maide! a!d S1 Thomas"ii1 #021

+e!ry a!d Cu!e o!de" 6ir i!s" 6ii1 #0*1 Uat Toulouse" i61 #%)1

+erma! deli6ered by S1 EliHabeth" 6i1 $$21 +ermits 6isit S1 A!tho!y" ii1 $$/1

+ermo e!es the E!cha!ter" i6" 221 +erod>s malady a 6e! ea!ce of God" ii1 #/#1

+i! 6ar the Da!e" 6i1 $)01 +oly La!d" E! lish pil rims i!" 6i1 $%1

+o!eysuc4les" iii1 $&21 +o!orius" emperor" 6i1 $*&1 +ou!d obeys S1 -arti!" 6i1 #)/1

+ours of prayer" 5herefore i!stituted" i1 #&&1 +ubba the Da!e" 6i1 $)01

+umility a safe uard a ai!at the de6il" ii1 $#/1 Ice i! har6est time" 6i1 ##01 Idols destroyed by S1 Lo! i!us" iii1 %#1

Ima e of Christ spea4s to S1 'ra!cis" 61 $#T1 I!ce!se" 5hy offered at the Nati6ity" i1 &#1

I!cestuous mother co!fou!ded by S1 A!dre5" ii1 2/1 I!dia" 5or4s of S1 Thomas i!" ii1 #))1 I!<uisitio! searches out heretics" iii1 #&*1

lro! made to s5im" iii1 /)1 Isla!d of sheep" 6ii1 &#1

Ja! li! of mo!4s" i61 $&01 Jasco!ye" a reat fish" 6ii1 &$1 Jehosaphat" last =ud me!t to i! the 6alley of" i1 #/1

Jerusalem" its destructio! prophesied by A!a!ias" iii1 #T$1 U to4e! of its destructio!" iii1 #T#1

Jesus" co!cer!i! the !ame of" i1 001 Je5 beats the ima e of S Nicholas" ii1 ##21

Uthat smote the crucifi8" 61#0*1 Je5els restored at (aris" iii1 $T&1

Je5ish usurer =ustified by S1 Nicholas" ii1 #l%1 Je5s pierce a crucifi8" 61 #0#1

Jo!athas the thief a!d S1 Simo!" 6ii1 #))1 Joseph" a Je5" co!6erted by S1 9asil" ii1 $T%1 Uof Arimathea" miracle of" i1 2T1

::: Udisco6ered by Titus" iii1 #T/1 Josephus at the sie e of Jerusalem" iii1 #T&1

Jubal>s pillars" i1 #%21 Judas Iscariot" the birth a!d pare!ta e of" iii1 0&1 Upu!ishme!t of" 6ii1 T#1

Julia! the Apostate" iii1 #0" i61 %:/1 Uthe harbourer" iii1 #01

:::5ho sle5 his pare!ts throu h i !ora!ce1 iii1 ##1 @!i ht" the" 5ho sold his 5ife to the de6il" i61 $)21 U 5ho had the de6il for chamberlai!" iii1 #*#1

@yr4il the Da!ish leader" iii1 #$$1 Lati! u!derstood by s1 clar4 thou h u!lettered" 6i1 #%/1

Lechery i! marria e pu!ished" iii1 $/01 Le miraculously restored" i61 $001 Leofric" Earl" 6isio! of" 6i1 #21

Leper a!d S1 -arti!" 6i1 #)/1 Ute!ded by S1 Louis" 6ii1 $*21

Leprosy cured by the sudary of S1 La!dry" 6ii1 #//1 Le8i! to!" Stephe!" 6i1 $0%1

Li ht i6e! by miracle" iii1 $201 Lime for buildi! miraculously disco6ered" iii1 $2#1

Lio! of S1 Jerome" 61 $*01 Loa6es multiplied by S1 Clare" 6i1 #T)1

Loa6es" three suffice S1 -ary se6e!tee! years" iii1 #*/1 Locusts" roots so called" iii1 $&21 Lombards" ori i! of their !ame7 6ii1 #*21

Lo!do!ers claim the body of S Er4e!5old" 6ii1 %*1 Lorrai!e pil rims" i61 #*)1

Lupa" Guee! of Spai!" i61 #*$1 Lyi! pu!ished 5ith death" iii1 ##1 -abel" mother of s1 edmu!d" 6i1 $001

-acidia!a" mother of S1 Cleme!t" 6i1 $&&1 -a ot becomes a precious sto!e1 6ii1 #)$1

-ahomet" the history of" 6ii1 ##$1 -alchus of Ephesus" i61 #$$1 -almesbury Abbey" iii1 #2)1

-a! bor! to be 4i! " erm of ,1 -orris> story of the" 6ii1 #0)1 -a!uscripts" car o of" iii1 #201

-ari!ers" superstitio! of" i61 %21 -arria e scor!ed by S1 A !es" ii1 $)T1 Uspiritual" of a priest 5ith S1 A !es" ii1 $&#1

-ary" the blessed Vir i!" types a!d symbols of" ii1 #$)1 :::si!less from the 5omb" ii1 #$&1

:::ho5 she forbade a cler4 to marry" ii1 #$/1 Uabbot of 3ome sa6ed from ship5rec4 o! co!ditio! that he hallo5ed the Co!ceptio! of our Lady" ii1 #$%1

-ass of S1 Gre ory" miracle of the" iii1 T21 -ass" 5hy su! i! three la! ua es" i1 #&*1

-eal miraculously pro6ided" iii1 2*1 -ela!cia a!d Eu e!ia" tale of" 61 #$$1

-ellitus" bishop of Lo!do!" 6i1 #%1 -ice a!d serpe!ts" a parable" 6ii1 201 -il4 flo5s i! place of blood" i61 &" 2%1

-iller" the" a!d S1 3emi ius" 61 $*21 -o!4 of e6il life de6oted to our Lady" i61 $)/1

-o!strous births" 6ii1 #0&1 -ortuary beast" 6i1 $0/1 -oses" apocryphal history of" i1 $&/1

-other de!ied by her so!" 6ii1 %$1 -other of God" statute of S1 Leo" i61 #*1 -usic" i!6e!tio! of" i1 #%21

Nachor" the ma icia!" 6ii1 221 Narses" history of" 6ii1 #*21 Natalie" 5ife of S1 Adria!" 61 ##&1

NebuHar:ada!" pri!ce of the Coo4s" i1 #T)1 Nero" the story of" i61 $)1

Nicholas reco6ered from lechery" by prayer of S1 A!dre5" ii1 2%1 Ni hti! ale a!d archer" story of the" 6ii1 2$1 Noblema!>s dau hters rescued by S1 Nicholas" ii1 ##*1

Noddo" fearful e!d of" 6ii1 #T%1 Octa6es" mea!i! a!d use of" i1 $21

Oil of -ercy" i1 #/*1 Oil i6e! i! a!s5er to prayer" iii1 2$1

Omer" S1" 6ii1 $*$" Otto" the emperors of that !ame" 6ii1 #$/:21

O8e! of !o a6ail a ai!st the stre! th of S1 Luc61 ii1 #0&1 (afu!tius" abbot" a!d S1 Thais" 61 $)01

(a!theo! at 3ome" 6i1 2)1 (aris" 6ictualled by S1 Ge!e6ie6e" iii1 $2/1 (aul the deaco!>s history of the Lombards" 6ii1 #*T1

(epi!" 4i! of 'ra!ce" 6ii1 ##21 (eter co!6erts S1 -arcial" iii1 $%&1

:::of less a6ail tha! S1 (a!crace" iii1 #/)1 (eter the toller" history of ii1 $T21 (etrius of 9yco!!e" 6i1 #201

(haro! of -eau8" 6ii1 #%)1 (hilip the emperor de!ied commu!io! by S1 'abia!" ii1 $0#

(i!e tree of Au8erre" iii1 $*)1 (lacida i6es a sil6er dish to S1 Germai!" iii1 $*21 (lautilla le!ds S1 (aul her 4e6erchief" i61 001

(oiso!ed bread 4!o5! by ra6e!" iii1 /&1 (o!tius (ilate" his pare!ta e a!d history" i1 /*1

U5edded his o5! mother" iii1 &%1 (o6erty" belo6ed of S1 'ra!cis" 61 $#21 (recious sto!e falls from hea6e!" 61 /%1

(recious sto!es" miracle of" ii1 #TT1 (relates" co!dem!atio! of !e li e!t" i1 #&%1

(repuce of our Lord at A!t5erp a!d 3ome" i1 )*1 Umiracles performed by it" i1 )*1

(riests more 5orthy tha! 4i! s" 6i1 #)21 (riso!ers released by prayers of S1 Eutrope" iii1 $%)1

(ro6ost" the" 5ho embraced blac4 pots a!d pa!s" ii1 #)21 (ur atory of S1 (atric4" iii1 %21

Usee! by S1 'orsey" 61 #%/1 3alph the cripple cured" 6i1 0)1 3a6e! uards the body of S1 Vi!ce!t" ii1 $&#1

3eeds i! the desert remo6ed by the De6il" ii1 $$*1 3espo!se >Et cum spiritu tuo"> ho5 i!stituted" iii1 T%1

3ey!old" friar" 6isio! of" i61 #/)1 3i6er dried up miraculously" iii1 $)T1 3obatyoa" miraculous fou!t of" 6i1 $**1

3omai! the mo!4 feeds S1 9e!et" iii1 /#1 3osamo!d" story of" 6ii1 #*/1

3oses i! the tombs of sai!ts" i61 #T%1 Sacrame!t of the altar se!t from hea6e!" iii1 #*)1 Sacraros or Goat:ma!" ii1 $*T1

Sarace!s at Assisi" 6i #T%1 :::<uelled by S Clare" 6i1 #T%1

Sata! a!d his emissaries" 61 #00 Scholastica" S1" a!d S1 9e!et7 iii1 2$1 Scrofula cured by S1 Clare" 6i1 #2&1

Sea:sic4!ess a6erted by S1 Erasmus" 6ii1 $T%1 Seco!d ad6e!t of Christ" si !s of" i1 #$1

Se!s" the bells of" refuse to ri! " 61 /%1 Ser ius the mo!4" 6ii1 ##)1

Serpe!t e8orcised by S1 Leo!ard" 6i1 #021 Ui! a stole! fla o! of 5i!e iii1 //1

Uthree cubits lo! s5allo5ed by a 5oma!" 6ii1 #)01 Serpe!ts e8pelled from Irela!d by S1 (atric4" iii1 /*1

Seth brou ht the oil of mercy from paradise" i1 #/*1 Se6e! sleepers" 6isio! of the" 6i1 $&1 Shaftesbury" S1 Ed5ard at" iii1 $0&1

Sheep stole! by a ma! bleated i! his belly" by comma!d of S1 (atric4" iii1 %/1 Shepherds tur! bread i!to flesh" 6ii1 $021

Shrift" too fre<ue!t" 61 $#/1 Sile!ce comme!ded amo! hermits" ii1 $$/1 Sil6er platter laid i! the desert by the De6il" ii1 $$T1

Simo! -a us" 6i1 $T#1 Uhis strife 5ith S (eter" i61 #&1

Si!ai" hermits of" 6ii1 $&1 S!eeHi! pla ue" the ori i! of >God sa6e you"> i1 #*$1 Spi!!i! o! a feast day" i61 #2%1

Star of the Epipha!y" i1 )/1 Sti a!d" archbishop" Simo!y of" 6i1 0*1

Sti mata of S1 'ra!cis" 61 $$01 Stratford le 9o5" 6ii1 %*1 Strood" !o tailed childre! at" iii1 $O#1

Su!beam" miracle of the" iii1 #2$7 6ii1 $*$1 Su!day" desecratio! of" co!dem!ed" i1 $/)1

Udesecratio! of" pu!ished" iii1 #*1 S5eet sa6our of S1 'irmi!>s body" ii1 $#%1

S5i!e reco6ered by S1 9lase" iii1 $/1 Sybil prophesied of Christ" i1 $%1

Tailed childre! i! Dorsetshire" iii1 $*#1 Tal4ati6e !u!s" miracle of" iii1 2*1

Theodebert>s ift to S1 -aur iii1 %&1 Theodoli!a" <uee! of the Lombards" 6ii1 ###1 Theodosius" the emperor" 61 #)#1

Thief miraculously detected" i61 &21 :::a!d S1 Ed5ard the Co!fessor" i61 21

Thomas doubts the Assumptio!" i61 $)#1 Thou ht readi! by S1 9e!et" iii1 //1 Tithes" result of refusi! " iii1 #221

Tomb of S1 A!dre5" miracle of ma!!a" ii1 #*&1 Uof S1 Nicholas" a fou!tai! of oil" ii1 ##%1

To!sure i!stituted by S1 (eter" iii1 &$1 Toulouse" heresy at" i61 #%)1 Tra=a! spared eter!al pu!ishme!t" iii1 T/1

Upu!ishme!t of S1 Gre ory therefor" iii1 T/1 Tra!ce of S1 Clare" 6i1 #%&1

Tri!ity beto4e!ed by three 5i!do5s" 6i1 $*#1 Uillustrated by three drops of 5ater" 6ii1 #*%1 US1 Austi!>s parable of the" 61 TT1

Trodde! fields fruitful" iii1 #2T1 Try 6ier" 6ii1 #201

Tuesday sacred to S1 Thomas of Ca!terbury" i61 &T1 Vale!ti!e despole" 6i1 #2#1

Vale!ti!ia! rebu4ed by S1 Ambrose" iii1 ##21 Veltis the fie!d" i6" T21

Ve! ea!ce o! si!!ers" i!sta!ces of1 The (ro6ost a!d S1 A!dre5" ii1 #*21 Vero!ica" story of" i1 /01

Versailles" miracle of tapers at" iii1 $#*1 Vespasia!>s belief re5arded1 iii1 #T01 Vie!!a earth<ua4es" ori i! of the lesser lita!y" i1 #*01

Vi uy" J1de" tra!slator of the 5oden Legend, i61 #221 Vi!e cutti! s form S1 Clare>s bed" 6i1 #T&1

Vi!es first pla!ted" i1 #/T1 Vir i!ity preser6ed i! 5edloc4" 6i1 $OT1 Vira o" 5oma! so called" i1 #%$1

Visio! of our Lady" iii1 $1 Vital the mo!4 a!d S1 Joh! the Almo!er" ii1 $%$1

,al4i! o! 5ater" iii1 /&1 ,all pierced by a ray of the su!" ii1 $#T1 ,areham" Dorset" iii1 $0)1

,ater fou!d by a miracle" iii1 /)" $2$1 ::::::5al4ed o! by S1 Ga6ie!" 61 /01

,ater:ha! i! " to5! of" 61 01 ,estmi!ster Abbey co!secrated by S1 (eter" 6i1 #T1 :::: UUrepaired" 6i1 #)" #/1

,heat i!e8haustible by prayers of S1 Nicholas" ii1 ##01 ,ild bulls tamed" i61 #*01

,i!chcomb" S1 @e!elm>s buryi! at" i61 TT1 ,i!chester" miracle of S1 Austi!" iii1 $*$1

,i!do5s" three" beto4e! the Tri!ity" 6i1 $*#1 ,olf obedie!t to S1 Vedaste" iii1 )01

,oma! dis uised as a mo!4" iii1 $$T1 Ui! a mo!4>s habit falsely accused of lechery" ii1 #&$1

Ufalsely accused as a mo!4" 61 $)*1 ,oma!>s clothi! i6e! to S1 Jerome" 61 $O#1

,ome! a6oided by S1 Arse!ius" 6ii1 /*:#1

,ulsta!>s dispositio! a!d restoratio!" 6i1 0T1 .ai!tes" martydom of Eutropius at" iii1 $%)1

Karoe!" ma icia!" iii1 $%#1 NOTE T+E pictorial fro!tispieces" a!d the thor!cro5! border i! 5hich they are set" are from dra5i! s by E-IL; S1 'O3D1 !ORRE!T0ON I A- a!8ious to correct a! error 5hich occurs o! p1 6iii1 of the >I!troductio!> to this boo41 I should ha6e said that 5hate6er disco6eries ha6e bee! made as to the pri!ter of the Legende dor=e are due to the researches of -o!s1 A1 Claudi!" the historia! of early pri!ti! i! 'ra!ce1 9ut I am !o5 i!formed that his later i!6esti atio!s ha6e caused him to mistrust his earlier co!clusio!s" a!d that up to the prese!t time both the typo rapher of the boo4 a!d the place of pri!ti! remai! u!determi!ed1 T+E EDITO3 END OF VOL" V00





*our$e" The 5olden Legend or Lives of the Saints1 Compiled by Jacobus de Vora i!e" Archbishop of Ge!oa" #$%&1 'irst Editio! (ublished #)%*1 E! lished by ,illiam Ca8to!" 'irst Editio! #)/0" Edited by '1S1 Ellis" Temple Classics" #2** A3epri!ted #2$$" #20#1B


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