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Griselle Arrieta-Rose 2200 Noche Buena St. Seaside, California 93955 Phone (123) 5!"#$90 %arrieta"rose&csu'(.edu %)arose&%'ail.' *ece'(er 20, 2013 Colgate University 13 +a, *ri-e .a'ilton, Ne/ 0or, 133 ! 1o 2ho' 3t 4a5 Concern, 1he 3nstructional 1echnolo%ist 6osition at Col%ate 7ni-ersit5 is a uni8ue and e9citin% o66ortunit5 for utili:in% the s,ills and techni8ues that 3 ha-e %ained throu%h '5 education and e96erience in the field. ;s (oth a (ilin%ual educator and instructional technolo%ist, 3 ha-e 'ulti6le 5ears of e96erience in (oth lesson desi%n and /or,in% /ith students fro' a%es !"1$. ;s an educator for the 4ontere5 Peninsula School *istrict, 3 ha-e tau%ht a -ariet5 of curricula in (oth S6anish and <n%lish, there(5 6ro-idin% 'e /ith hands"on e96erience a(out the challen%es and successes of /or,in% /ith students in t/o lan%ua%es. ;s an instructional technolo%ist and educator, 3 ha-e created instructional desi%n 6lans usin% the *ic, and Care5 'odel as /ell as the ;**3< a66roach, in /hich 3 stri-e to 'eet the differentiated needs of '5 students. 3 inte%rate S*;3< teachin% strate%ies for /or,in% /ith <n%lish =an%ua%e =earners as /ell as s6ecificall5 desi%ned scaffolds that su66ort hi%her"le-el thin,in% and different learnin% 'odalities. 45 lessons desi%ns include a -ariet5 of hands"on acti-ities, 1hin,"3n,"Pair"Share, si%nalin%, 1otal Ph5sical >es6onse, technolo%5 and 6ositi-e hi%h e96ectations, and therefore 6ro-ide a'6le o66ortunities for students to learn the 'aterial in /a5s that fit their learnin% st5les. 3 also ha-e -ast e96erience /or,in% /ith '5 on"site Professional =earnin% Co''unit5 (P=C). 2ith '5 co''unit5 of collea%ues and 6rofessional instructional desi%ners, 3 ha-e e96erience for'ulatin% S4;>1 instructional %oals and co''on for'ati-e assess'ents that allo/ the tea' to anal5:e student data and (est infor' classroo' instruction. 3n addition, 3 ha-e trainin% in the latest technolo%5 soft/are includin% ?in%, ;do(e Creati-e Suite, ;do(e *rea'/ea-er, @inal Cut Pro A, Ca'tasia, and Ca6ti-ate. 4oreo-er, '5 (ilin%ual ca6a(ilities /ill (e a further asset to 5our tea'. @or all the reasons 'entioned a(o-e, 3 (elie-e 3 a' an e9cellent candidate for the 6osition of instructional technolo%ist at 5our institution. 3 /ill contri(ute to the ener%5 and co''it'ent necessar5 to create and i'6le'ent effecti-e instructional desi%n 6ro)ects. Please contact 'e at the tele6hone nu'(ers or e'ail address listed a(o-e if 5ou ha-e an5 8uestions or re8uire 'ore /ritten infor'ation. 1han, 5ou in ad-ance for considerin% '5 a66lication. Colle%iall5, Briselle ;rrieta">ose

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