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Breath, Hips, Emotion, & The Origins of Creativity

Breath, Hips, Emotion, & The Origins of Creativity It is an ambitious title for a post, but my hunch is that these four points of contact are as intimately connected as the song of our souls. When one begins to study the breath, one realizes that it is its own jazz instrument with a wide range of improvisation and expression. There is the breath that binds us to the root and ground of being; there is the breath that is shared as we dance; there is the breath that balances giving and receiving; there is the breath that teaches infinite reciprocity; and there is even the breath that becomes suspended to deliver a taste of self realization in the embodiment of the endless witness. Today, I was leaning into the shared breath as it animates the hips. Have you ever noticed how the breath and heart rate of living beings tend to synchronize? Sometimes this happens right below the level of conscious awareness, but in a sense we are all continuously participating in its kind, intelligent choreography. The rhythmic engagement of our bodies, which finds its locus in the hips, is also the stage for that which collectively moves us as emotion. The mystery and power of emotion is linked for me with the creative energy that inspires; as we form relationships, we form art, and there is a beautiful, circular logic in observing the oneness of these seemingly disparate phenomenon. By Sofiya Hyder!

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