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RESOURCE FILE ACTIVITY: 2D and 3D Art Activity Title: Spin Art A##r$#riate A%e $r A%e Ran%e: 4-6 Re!

$urce: EDU151a O'(ECTIVES )ive are re*uired" Physical/m t r! "hil#ren $ill #e%el p &ine m t r s'ills $hen they squeeze the paint ( ttle) Physical/m t r! "hil#ren $ill #e%el p *r ss m t r s'ills $hen they pic' up the paint ( ttle) " *niti%e/lan*ua*e! "hil#ren $ill learn $hat happens t paint $hen it is spun ar un#) S cial! "hil#ren $ill learn s cial s'ills $hen they tal' a( ut each ther+s art $ r') Em ti nal! "hil#ren $ill *ain sel& c ncept $hen they &inish a picture, an# &eel * acc mplishment) +ATERIALS -eusa(le/.asha(le ta(le cl th / ist Sp n*e 0 z plastic ( ttles 11 & r each c l r2 Primary c l r paint &RE&ARATIO, 1Descri(e in #etail $hat the teacher $ill # t prepare & r the acti%ity)2 1) " %er sur&ace area $ith the reusa(le ta(le cl th 2) 5a%e precut paper ne6t t each stati n 0) "hec' t ma'e sure (atteries are $ r'in* in the spinner 4) 7ill ( ttles $ith primary tempera paint 5) 5a%e m ist sp n*e in a l cati n easily accessi(le (y the chil#ren &ROCEDURE "hil#ren $ill place the paper in the spinner 8e6t the chil# $ill turn n the spinner 4hen they $ill squeeze the paint nt the spinnin* paper) .hen they are # ne a##in* the paint an# lettin* it spin the chil# $ill turn & the spinner 2 Spin Art /achines 3atteries 14hat $ r'2 .hite paper cut t size & the spinner paper h l#er 1%aries (y machine2 # a( ut their Curriculum Area !": 2D Art &re#ared 'y: Sheila Vazquez

VOCA'ULARY Splatter Spin Squeeze Vertical E-TE,SIO,S 1) Use a han# cran' spinner instea# & a electric) 2) / n chr matic c l r e6pl rati n) 0) 9 ' at pictures (y P llic) +ODIFICATIO,S FOR C.ILDRE, /IT. E-CE&TIO,ALITIES Devel$#mental Delay!! Use #em nstrati n, tas' (rea'# $n an# han#- %er-han# assistance as nee#e#) Dem nstrate the acti%ity y # in* it &irst, $hile the chil# $atches) 5elp the chil# c mplete ne step (e& re * in* n t the ne6t) Ort0$#edic Im#airment!! /a'e certain that all necessary materials are place# $ithin reachin* #istance) S me chil#ren ha%e p r trun' c ntr l an# lac' the a(ility t &ully e6ten# their arms an# s are a(le t reach nly sh rt #istances) &erva!ive Devel$#mental Di!$rder &DD" and Auti!m: /a'e picture car#s #escri(in* each step that is nee#e# t # the spin art) Sh $ the car# ne at a time) DOCU+E,TATIO, 4a'e ph t s & the chil#ren $hile they are #ra$in* Put the art$ r' in the chil#ren+s p rt& li .rite the #ate n the (ac' & the paper As' chil#ren a( ut their e6perience #ra$in* $ith the chal' n the #i&&erent te6ture# material) .rite # $n their resp nses) O&E,1E,DED 2UESTIO,S .hat happene# $hen y u put a l t & paint n the paper (e& re it spins: .hat #i# y u #isc %er: .hat # y u thin' $ ul# happen i& $e put the paint n the paper (e& re $e spun the paper: Spinner 5 riz ntal Sprea# Vel city Spee# Spin Art

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