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7. Has your use of marijuana caused problems with your memory, concentration, or motivation? 8.

Have you tried to cut back or quit smoking pot before and failed? 9. Have your friends or family expressed concern about your lifestyle or pot use? 10. Do you ever substitute another substance, like alcohol, when weed is not around? If you answer yes to even a single of the preceding, you may have a problem with marijuana, and you may want to consider whether marijuana in your life takes more than it gives. None of us plan on addiction when we begin experimenting with marijuana, but for 10% of us, addicted is where we end up. Once addicted, when you try to quit there is a syndrome of withdrawal, and some people find it tough to get past the discomfort and cravings.

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These questions will help you determine whether or not you or those around you, have a problem with marijuana abuse
1. Do smoke marijuana for pleasure? Do you ever smoke for reasons other than fun? 2. Does your life revolve around marijuana use? 3. Do you smoke alone? 4. Do you worry about running out of pot and get anxious when you can't get more? 5. Do you avoid dealing with your emotions, problems and or responsibilities by smoking weed? 6. Do you find it hard to imagine living without marijuana?

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f o n o i t c fact or fi t o p g n i smok
Myths about weed

MYTH: Marijuana isn't as popular as other drugs like ecstasy among teens today.
FACT: Kids use marijuana far more than any other illegal drug. Among kids who use drugs, 60 percent use only marijuana.

MYTH: Marijuana is harmless.

FACT: Marijuana is more potent than ever and can lead to a variety of health, social, learning, and behavioral problems during development. Getting high also impairs your judgment, which can lead to risky decision making on issues like sex, criminal activity, or riding with someone who is under the influence. Getting high also contributes to general apathy, irresponsible behavior, and risky choices.

MYTH: Marijuana is a natural product so it must be ok.

FACT: Many plants are poisonous. Heroin and cocaine are natural products but people dont go around saying that because there are natural they are ok to use. Also, many natural products have negative side effects especially when they are used incorrectly or mixed with other products. Just because it is natural doesnt mean it is safe.

MYTH: Pot isnt addictive.

FACT: Dont be fooled by popular beliefs. You can get hooked on pot. Each year, more kids enter treatment with marijuana addiction than for all other illegal drugs combined.

MYTH: Its not as harmful as alcohol or tobacco.

FACT: More people use alcohol and tobacco and typically more often and for longer periods of time. These substances have also been better researched so we know more about their side effects. However, many of the carcinogens found in tobacco are also in marijuana and marijuana impairs people just as much as alcohol does making it a risky substance to use.
Alcohol-Drug Education Service (ADES). (2006). Marijuana myths. Retrieved from's/Marijuana_Myths.pdf. Partnership for a Drug-free Canada (PDFC). (2013). Marijuana myths. Retrieved from

MYTH: Theres no long-term risks.

FACT: Research shows that kids who smoke marijuana can jeopardize their futures, like having sex, getting in trouble with the law, or losing scholarship money. Marijuana can also hurt academic achievement and puts kids at risk for depression and anxiety.

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