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VIII. FAMILY NURSIN CARE &LAN A. "rioriti)ing Healt$ "ro le! B. #ursing Care "lan "ro le! no.

* Coug$ and Colds as Healt$ Deficit INTRODUCTION "ro le! no. + "oor Dental Healt$ as Healt$ TA"LE OFT$reat CONTENTS I. FAMILY "ro DATA le! no. , &os-uito Breeding Site as Healt$ T$reat II.FAMILY STRUCTURE, CHARACTERISTICS and DYNAMICS I$. A&&ENDICES III. MONTHLY Co!putation INCOME for. IV.HOME AND ENVIRONMENT Total floor Area A. Housing 'ig$t B. Ventilation Total Windo/ 0pening C. Water facility and storage Ventilation D. Food Storage Facility &ont$ly %nco!e and and Cooking Budget Allocation E. Type of Gar age Disposal Healt$ teac$ing &aterials F. Waste disposal and Drainage syste! %!ple!entation docu!entation G. "ets $. RESOURCES H. #eig$ or$ood %. Co!!unication and Transportation V. AWARENESS OF COMMUNITY OR ANI!ATION VI. HEALTH STATUS OF EACH FAMILY MEM"ERS A. "resent Healt$ History B. "ast &edical History VII.. O"STETRIC # YNECOLO ICAL HISTORY VIII. HEREDO # FAMILIAL HISTORY A. Eco!ap I$. ORDON%S FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT $. REVIEW OF SYSTEM AND &HYSICAL ASSESSMENT $I. DATA ANALYSIS A. First 'e(el Assess!ent B. Second 'e(el Assess!ent C. Typology of Fa!ily "ro le!

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