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DISCO#INFO FOR PUBSUB FEATURES: <iq type='get' to=''> <query xmlns=''/> </iq> -------------------<iq xmlns='jabber:client' type='result' from='' to='admin@web.vlivetech.

com/ee0dcd06'> <query xmlns=''> <identity category='pubsub' name='Publish-Subscribe service' type='service'/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> </query> </iq> CREATE NAMED OR INSTANT NODE: <iq type='set' to=''> <pubsub xmlns=''> <create node='Canned Responses'/> </pubsub> </iq> -------------------<iq xmlns='jabber:client' type='result'

from='' to=''/> ================================================================================ ========= <iq type='set' to=''> <pubsub xmlns=''> <create/> </pubsub> </iq> -------------------<iq xmlns='jabber:client' type='result' from='' to=''> <pubsub xmlns=''> <create node='22nDd9g0Um6UL34'/> </pubsub> </iq> PUBLISH AN ITEM TO A NODE: <iq type='set' to=''> <pubsub xmlns=''> <publish node='Canned Responses'> <item> <entry xmlns=''> <title>Soliloquy</title> <summary> To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? </summary> <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http://denmark.lit/2003/12/13/atom03'/> <id>tag:denmark.lit,2003:entry-32397</id> <published>2003-12-13T18:30:02Z</published> <updated>2003-12-13T18:30:02Z</updated> </entry> </item> </publish> </pubsub> </iq> -------------------<iq xmlns='jabber:client' type='result' from='' to=''/> SUBSCRIBE TO A NODE:

<iq type='set' to=''> <pubsub xmlns=''> <subscribe node='Canned Responses' jid='' /> </pubsub> </iq> -------------------<iq type='result' xmlns='jabber:client' to='' from=''> <pubsub xmlns=''> <subscription jid='' node='Canned Responses' subscription='subscribed' subid='D8v6qPJ029673RO01cwvOLMA469GrK04Yx103csR'> <subscribe-options/> </subscription> </pubsub> </iq> QUERY INFO OF A NODE: <iq type='get' to=''> <query xmlns='' node='Canned Responses'/> </iq> -------------------<iq type='result' xmlns='jabber:client' to='' from=''> <query xmlns='' node='Canned Responses'> <identity type='leaf' category='pubsub'/> <feature var=''/> <feature var=''/> <x type='result' xmlns='jabber:x:data'> <field type='hidden' var='FORM_TYPE'> <value> </value> </field> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#title' label='Short name for the node'> <value/> </field> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#description' label='Description of the node'>

<value/> </field> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#node_type' label='Whether the node is a leaf (default) or a collection'> <value> leaf </value> </field> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#collection' label='The collection with which a node is affiliated.'/> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#subscribe' label='Allow subscriptions to node'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#subscription_required' label='New subscriptions require configuration'> <value> 0 </value> </field> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#deliver_payloads' label='Deliver payloads with event notifications'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#notify_config' label='Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#notify_delete' label='Notify subscribers when the node is deleted'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#notify_retract' label='Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#presence_based_delivery' label='Only deliver notifications to available users'> <value> 0 </value>

</field> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#type' label='Type of payload data to be provided at this node'> <value/> </field> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#body_xslt' label='Message body XSLT'> <value/> </field> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#dataform_xslt' label='Payload XSLT'> <value/> </field> <field type='list-single' var='pubsub#access_model' label='Specify who may subscribe and retrieve items'> <option> <value> authorize </value> </option> <option> <value> open </value> </option> <option> <value> presence </value> </option> <option> <value> roster </value> </option> <option> <value> whitelist </value> </option> <value> open </value> </field> <field type='list-single' var='pubsub#publish_model' label='Publisher model'> <option> <value> publishers </value> </option> <option> <value> subscribers </value>

</option> <option> <value> open </value> </option> <value> publishers </value> </field> <field type='list-multi' var='pubsub#roster_groups_allowed' label='Roster groups allowed to subscribe'/> <field type='jid-multi' var='pubsub#contact' label='People to contact with questions'/> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#language' label='Default language'> <value> English </value> </field> <field type='jid-multi' var='pubsub#owner' label='Node owners'> <value> </value> </field> <field type='jid-multi' var='pubsub#publisher' label='Node publishers'/> <field type='list-single' var='pubsub#itemreply' label='Select entity that should receive replies to items'> <value> owner </value> </field> <field type='jid-multi' var='pubsub#replyroom' label='Multi-user chat room to which replies should be sent'/> <field type='jid-multi' var='pubsub#replyto' label='Users to which replies should be sent'/> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#send_item_subscribe' label='Send items to new subscribers'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field type='boolean' var='pubsub#persist_items' label='Persist items to storage'> <value> 0 </value> </field>

<field type='text-single' var='pubsub#max_items' label='Max number of items to persist'> <value> -1 </value> </field> <field type='text-single' var='pubsub#max_payload_size' label='Max payload size in bytes'> <value> 5120 </value> </field> </x> </query> </iq> CONFIGURE A NODE: <iq type='get' to=''> <pubsub xmlns=''> <configure node='Canned Responses'/> </pubsub> </iq> -------------------<iq xmlns='jabber:client' type='result' from='' to=''> <pubsub xmlns=''> <configure node='Canned Responses'> <x xmlns='jabber:x:data' type='form'> <title> Node configuration </title> <instructions> Please provide the configuration for node "Canned Responses". </instructions> <field var='FORM_TYPE' type='hidden'> <value> </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#title' type='text-single' label='Short name for the node'> <value/> </field> <field var='pubsub#description' type='text-single' label='Description of the node'> <value/> </field>

<field var='pubsub#node_type' type='text-single' label='Whether the node is a leaf (default) or a collection'> <value> leaf </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#collection' type='text-single' label='The collection with which a node is affiliated.'/> <field var='pubsub#subscribe' type='boolean' label='Allow subscriptions to node'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#subscription_required' type='boolean' label='New subscriptions require configuration'> <value> 0 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#deliver_payloads' type='boolean' label='Deliver payloads with event notifications'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#notify_config' type='boolean' label='Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#notify_delete' type='boolean' label='Notify subscribers when the node is deleted'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#notify_retract' type='boolean' label='Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#presence_based_delivery' type='boolean' label='Only deliver notifications to available users'> <value> 0 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#type'

type='text-single' label='Type of payload data to be provided at this node'> <value/> </field> <field var='pubsub#body_xslt' type='text-single' label='Message body XSLT'> <value/> </field> <field var='pubsub#dataform_xslt' type='text-single' label='Payload XSLT'> <value/> </field> <field var='pubsub#access_model' type='list-single' label='Specify who may subscribe and retrieve items'> <option> <value> authorize </value> </option> <option> <value> open </value> </option> <option> <value> presence </value> </option> <option> <value> roster </value> </option> <option> <value> whitelist </value> </option> <value> open </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#publish_model' type='list-single' label='Publisher model'> <option> <value> publishers </value> </option> <option> <value> subscribers </value> </option> <option>

<value> open </value> </option> <value> publishers </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#roster_groups_allowed' type='list-multi' label='Roster groups allowed to subscribe'/> <field var='pubsub#contact' type='jid-multi' label='People to contact with questions'/> <field var='pubsub#language' type='text-single' label='Default language'> <value> English </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#owner' type='jid-multi' label='Node owners'> <value> </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#publisher' type='jid-multi' label='Node publishers'/> <field var='pubsub#itemreply' type='list-single' label='Select entity that should receive replies to items'> <value> owner </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#replyroom' type='jid-multi' label='Multi-user chat room to which replies should be sent'/> <field var='pubsub#replyto' type='jid-multi' label='Users to which replies should be sent'/> <field var='pubsub#send_item_subscribe' type='boolean' label='Send items to new subscribers'> <value> 1 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#persist_items' type='boolean' label='Persist items to storage'> <value> 0 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#max_items' type='text-single'

label='Max number of items to persist'> <value> -1 </value> </field> <field var='pubsub#max_payload_size' type='text-single' label='Max payload size in bytes'> <value> 5120 </value> </field> </x> </configure> </pubsub> </iq>

RECEIVED ON SENDING PRESENCE: <message xmlns='jabber:client' to='' id='Canned Responses__khubaib@web.vlivetech.com__sJi5T' from=''> <event xmlns=''> <items node='Canned Responses'> <item id='26202f04-293a-45b1-9fff-1effaadc29630'> <entry xmlns=''> <title> Soliloquy </title> <summary> To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to su ffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? </summary> <link type='text/html' href='http://denmark.lit/2003/12/13/atom03' rel='alternate'/> <id> tag:denmark.lit,2003:entry-32397 </id> <published> 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z </published> <updated> 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z </updated> </entry> </item> </items> </event> <delay xmlns='urn:xmpp:delay' stamp='2013-09-28T07:43:23.150Z'/> <delay xmlns='urn:xmpp:delay' from='' stamp='2013-09-28T07:56:17.477Z'/> <x xmlns='jabber:x:delay' from=''

stamp='20130928T07:56:17'/> </message>

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